1. A closed-loop workflow management technique based on process mining [中英文摘要]
2. A genetic algorithm for discovering process trees [中英文摘要]
3. A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modeling [中英文摘要]
4. A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition [中英文摘要]
5. A study to investigate time durations of a call center customer service using transition systems [中英文摘要]
6. A tool for mining discrete event simulation model [中英文摘要]
7. A vi ...
str1= 'Zhang, Y., Padman, R., & Patel, N. (2015). Paving the COWpath: Learning and visual- izing clinical pathways from electronic health record data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 58 , 186–197. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2015.09.009 . Zhao, W., Liu, H., Dai, W., & Ma, J. (2015). An entropy-based clustering ensemble method to support resource allocation in business process management. Knowl- edge and Information Systems, 48 (2), 305–330. doi: 10.1007/s10115- 015- 0879- 7 . Z ...
1. Discovering block-structured process models from event logs containing infrequent behaviour [中英文摘要]
2. A semantic framework for configurable business process as a service in the cloud [中英文摘要]
3. An Automated Approach for Assisting the Design of Configurable Process Models [中英文摘要]
4. An Automated Approach for Assisting the Design of Configurable Process Models [中英文摘要]
5. Assisting business process design by activity neighborhood context matching [中英文摘要]
6. Assisting business process design ...
1. A data warehouse for workflow logs [中英文摘要]
2. A systematic mapping study of process mining [中英文摘要]
3. Advanced Information Systems Engineering [中英文摘要]
4. Analogize process mining techniques in healthcare: Sepsis case study [中英文摘要]
5. Automated Discovery of Process Models from Event Logs: Review and Benchmark [中英文摘要]
6. Business Process Management [中英文摘要]
7. Determining the number of trace clusters: A Stability-based approach [中英文摘要]
8. Discovering block-structured process models from even ...
Van Der Aalst论文
1. Wanna improve process mining results? [中英文摘要]
2. A Method to Build and Analyze Scientific Workflows from Provenance through Process Mining [中英文摘要]
3. A decade of business process management conferences: Personal reflections on a developing discipline [中英文摘要]
4. A framework for efficiently deciding language inclusion for sound unlabelled WF-Nets [中英文摘要]
5. A framework for next generation e-health systems and services [中英文摘要]
6. A framework for the systematic comparison and evaluation of c ...
1. Behavioral service substitution [中英文摘要]
2. A Dynamic Approach to Estimate Change Impact using Type of Change Propagation [中英文摘要]
3. Achieving high and consistent rendering performance of java AWT/Swing on multiple platforms [中英文摘要]
4. Action patterns in business process model repositories [中英文摘要]
5. Action patterns in business process model repositories [中英文摘要]
6. Aligning business process models [中英文摘要]
7. Behavioral consistency for B2B process integration [中英文摘要]
8. Behavioral similarit ...
1. Active network alignment: A matching-based approach [中英文摘要]
2. An anomaly detection technique for business processes based on extended dynamic Bayesian networks [中英文摘要]
3. Complex mapping discovery for semantic process model alignment [中英文摘要]
4. Discriminative word alignment with conditional random fields [中英文摘要]
5. Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Tabu Search [中英文摘要]
6. Temporal alignment using the incremental unit framework [中英文摘要]
7. Text alignment in the real world [中英文摘要]
8. Using n ...
1. Data- and resource-aware conformance checking of business processes [中英文摘要]
2. Learning hybrid process models from events process discovery without faking confidence [中英文摘要]
3. Scalable process discovery and conformance checking [中英文摘要]
4. A Dynamic Approach to Estimate Change Impact using Type of Change Propagation [中英文摘要]
5. A knowledge-intensive approach to process similarity calculation [中英文摘要]
6. A workflow net similarity measure based on transition adjacency relations [中英文摘要]
7. Act ...
1. A procedural approach for evaluating the performance of business processes based on a model of quantative and qualitative measurements [中英文摘要]
2. Advanced Information Systems Engineering [中英文摘要]
3. An Innovative Online Process Mining Framework for Supporting Incremental GDPR Compliance of Business Processes [中英文摘要]
4. Business Process Deviance Mining [中英文摘要]
5. Efficient pattern matching over event streams [中英文摘要]
6. Event stream processing with out-of-order data arrival [中英文摘要]
7. High-p ...
1. A comparative analysis of business process model similarity measures [中英文摘要]
2. A deep learning approach for predicting process behaviour at runtime [中英文摘要]
3. A descriptive clustering approach to the analysis of quantitative business-process deviances [中英文摘要]
4. A multi-view multi-dimensional ensemble learning approach to mining business process deviances [中英文摘要]
5. BINet: Multivariate business process anomaly detection using deep learning [中英文摘要]
6. Event abstraction for process mining ...