
1. Wanna improve process mining results? [中英文摘要]

2. A Method to Build and Analyze Scientific Workflows from Provenance through Process Mining [中英文摘要]

3. A decade of business process management conferences: Personal reflections on a developing discipline [中英文摘要]

4. A framework for efficiently deciding language inclusion for sound unlabelled WF-Nets [中英文摘要]

5. A framework for next generation e-health systems and services [中英文摘要]

6. A framework for the systematic comparison and evaluation of compliance monitoring approaches [中英文摘要]

7. A framework to support behavioral design pattern detection from software execution data [中英文摘要]

8. A general framework for correlating business process characteristics [中英文摘要]

9. A general framework to detect behavioral design patterns [中英文摘要]

10. A general framework to identify software components from execution data [中英文摘要]

11. A generic framework for context-aware process performance analysis [中英文摘要]

12. A generic import framework for process event logs [中英文摘要]

13. A genetic algorithm for discovering process trees [中英文摘要]

14. A meta model for process mining data [中英文摘要]

15. A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition [中英文摘要]

16. A model-based framework to automatically generate semi-real data for evaluating data analysis techniques [中英文摘要]

17. A software framework for risk-aware business process management [中英文摘要]

18. A visual approach to spot statistically-significant differences in event logs based on process metrics [中英文摘要]

19. Abstractions in process mining: A taxonomy of patterns [中英文摘要]

20. Accelerating process mining using relational databases [中英文摘要]

21. Advanced synchronization [中英文摘要]

22. Advanced workow patterns [中英文摘要]

23. Aligning event logs and declarative process models for conformance checking [中英文摘要]

24. Aligning event logs and process models for multi-perspective conformance checking: An approach based on integer linear programming [中英文摘要]

25. Alignment based precision checking [中英文摘要]

26. An alternative way to analyze workflow graphs [中英文摘要]

27. An analysis of windows workflows control-flow expressiveness [中英文摘要]

28. An experimental evaluation of passage-based process discovery [中英文摘要]

29. An extensible framework for analysing resource behaviour using event logs [中英文摘要]

30. An infrastructure for cost-effective testing of operational support algorithms based on colored Petri nets [中英文摘要]

31. An operational decision support framework for monitoring business constraints [中英文摘要]

32. Analysis of patient treatment procedures [中英文摘要]

33. Analysis of web services composition languages: The case of BPEL4WS [中英文摘要]

34. Analyzing multi-agent activity logs using process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

35. Analyzing resource behavior using process mining [中英文摘要]

36. Analyzing vessel behavior using process mining [中英文摘要]

37. Application of process mining in healthcare - A case study in a Dutch Hospital [中英文摘要]

38. Applying sequence mining for outlier detection in process mining [中英文摘要]

39. Assessing Process Discovery Scalability in Data Intensive Environments [中英文摘要]

40. Automatic discovery of object-centric behavioral constraint models [中英文摘要]

41. Automatic support for product based workflow design: Generation of process models from a product data model [中英文摘要]

42. BPM-in-the-large-towards a higher level of abstraction in business process management [中英文摘要]

43. BPMNDiffViz: A tool for BPMN Models comparison? [中英文摘要]

44. BPR best practices for the healthcare domain [中英文摘要]

45. Behavioral conformance of artifact-centric process models [中英文摘要]

46. Behavioral service substitution [中英文摘要]

47. Beyond process mining: From the past to present and future [中英文摘要]

48. Beyond workflow management: Product-driven case handling [中英文摘要]

49. Big software on the run: In vivo software analytics based on process mining (Keynote) [中英文摘要]

50. Book Review: Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business Processes [中英文摘要]

51. Business Process Execution Language [中英文摘要]

52. Business Process Management: Models, Techniques, and Empirical Studies [中英文摘要]

53. Business process comparison: A methodology and case study [中英文摘要]

54. Business process compliance checking: Current state and future challenges [中英文摘要]

55. Business process configuration in the cloud: How to support and analyze multi-tenant processes? [中英文摘要]

56. Business process management demystified: A tutorial on models, systems and standards for workflow management [中英文摘要]

57. Business process reporting using process mining, analytic workflows and process cubes: A case study in education [中英文摘要]

58. Business process simulation survival guide [中英文摘要]

59. Business trend analysis by simulation [中英文摘要]

60. Case handling systems as product based workflow design support [中英文摘要]

61. Causal nets: A modeling language tailored towards process discovery [中英文摘要]

62. Change mining in adaptive process management systems [中英文摘要]

63. Change point detection and dealing with gradual and multi-order dynamics in process mining [中英文摘要]

64. Change your history: Learning from event logs to improve processes [中英文摘要]

65. Choreography Conformance Checking : An Approach based on BPEL and Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

66. Comparative process mining in education: An approach based on process cubes [中英文摘要]

67. Comparing business processes to determine the feasibility of configurable models: A case study [中英文摘要]

68. Component behavior discovery from software execution data [中英文摘要]

69. Component interface identification and behavioral model discovery from software execution data [中英文摘要]

70. Composite state machine miner: Discovering and exploring multi-perspective processes [中英文摘要]

71. Compositional service trees [中英文摘要]

72. Conceptual schema transformation in ontology-based data access [中英文摘要]

73. Configurable Event Correlation for Process Discovery from Object-Centric Event Data [中英文摘要]

74. Configurable declare: Designing customisable flexible process models [中英文摘要]

75. Configurable process models as a basis for reference modeling [中英文摘要]

76. Configurable process models: Experiences from a municipality case study [中英文摘要]

77. Configurable services in the cloud: Supporting variability while enabling cross-organizational process mining [中英文摘要]

78. Configuring configurable process models made easier: An automated approach [中英文摘要]

79. Conformance checking in healthcare based on partially ordered event data [中英文摘要]

80. Conformance checking in the large: Partitioning and topology [中英文摘要]

81. Conformance checking of interacting processes with overlapping instances [中英文摘要]

82. Conformance checking of services using the best matching private view [中英文摘要]

83. Conformance checking using cost-based fitness analysis [中英文摘要]

84. Conformance testing: Measuring the fit and appropriateness of event logs and process models [中英文摘要]

85. Connecting databases with process mining: a meta model and toolset [中英文摘要]

86. Constraint-based workflow models: Change made easy [中英文摘要]

87. Context aware trace clustering: Towards improving process mining results [中英文摘要]

88. Context-aware compliance checking [中英文摘要]

89. Correctness ensuring process configuration: An approach based on partner synthesis [中英文摘要]

90. Correctness-preserving configuration of business process models [中英文摘要]

91. Creating sound and reversible configurable process models using CoSeNets [中英文摘要]

92. Cycle time prediction: When will this case finally be finished? [中英文摘要]

93. DB-XES: Enabling process discovery in the large [中英文摘要]

94. DECLARE: Full support for loosely-structured processes [中英文摘要]

95. Data- and resource-aware conformance checking of business processes [中英文摘要]

96. Data-driven usability test scenario creation [中英文摘要]

97. Data-flow anti-patterns: Discovering data-flow errors in workflows [中英文摘要]

98. DecSerFlow: Towards a truly declarative service flow language [中英文摘要]

99. Decision mining revisited - Discovering overlapping rules [中英文摘要]

100. Declarative and procedural approaches for modelling clinical guidelines: Addressing flexibility issues [中英文摘要]

101. Declarative workflow [中英文摘要]

102. Decomposed process mining: The ILP case [中英文摘要]

103. Decomposing process mining problems using passages [中英文摘要]

104. Decomposing replay problems: A case study [中英文摘要]

105. Definition and validation of process mining use cases [中英文摘要]

106. Detecting Behavioral Design Patterns from Software Execution Data [中英文摘要]

107. Detecting change in procebes using comparative trace clustering [中英文摘要]

108. Detecting changes in process behavior using comparative case clustering [中英文摘要]

109. Detection and interactive repair of event ordering imperfection in process logs [中英文摘要]

110. Diagnostic information for compliance checking of temporal compliance requirements [中英文摘要]

111. Discovering and navigating a collection of process models using multiple quality dimensions [中英文摘要]

112. Discovering block-structured process models from event logs containing infrequent behaviour [中英文摘要]

113. Discovering block-structured process models from incomplete event logs [中英文摘要]

114. Discovering causal factors explaining business process performance variation [中英文摘要]

115. Discovering distributed processes in supply chains [中英文摘要]

116. Discovering hierarchical consolidated models from process families [中英文摘要]

117. Discovering hierarchical process models using ProM [中英文摘要]

118. Discovering process models with genetic algorithms using sampling [中英文摘要]

119. Discovering social networks instantly: Moving process mining computations to the database and data entry time [中英文摘要]

120. Discovering stochastic Petri nets with arbitrary delay distributions from event logs [中英文摘要]

121. Discovering the Glue connecting activities: Exploiting monotonicity to learn places faster [中英文摘要]

122. Discovering workflow performance models from timed logs [中英文摘要]

123. Discovering, analyzing and enhancing BPMN models using ProM [中英文摘要]

124. Discovery of frequent episodes in event logs [中英文摘要]

125. Discovery, verification and conformance of workflows with cancellation [中英文摘要]

126. Distributed genetic process mining [中英文摘要]

127. Distributed genetic process mining using sampling [中英文摘要]

128. Do petri nets provide the right representational bias for process mining? (short paper) [中英文摘要]

129. E-government services: Comparing real and expected user behavior [中英文摘要]

130. EMiT: A process mining tool [中英文摘要]

131. Earth movers stochastic conformance checking [中英文摘要]

132. Enabling interactive process analysis with process mining and visual analytics [中英文摘要]

133. Enabling process mining on sensor data from smart products [中英文摘要]

134. Enacting declarative languages using LTL: Avoiding errors and improving performance [中英文摘要]

135. Ensuring confidentiality in process mining [中英文摘要]

136. Evaluating a data removal strategy for grid environments using colored petri nets [中英文摘要]

137. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Petri Nets, but Were Afraid to Ask [中英文摘要]

138. Everything you always wanted to know about your process, but did not know how to ask [中英文摘要]

139. Exspect 6.4 an executable specification tool for hierarchical colored petri nets [中英文摘要]

140. Extracting Event Data from Databases to Unleash Process Mining [中英文摘要]

141. Extracting object-centric event logs to support process mining on databases [中英文摘要]

142. Fast conformance analysis based on activity log abstraction [中英文摘要]

143. Fast incremental conformance analysis for interactive process discovery [中英文摘要]

144. Faulty EPCs in the SAP reference model [中英文摘要]

145. Filtering toolkit: Interactively filter event logs to improve the quality of discovered models [中英文摘要]

146. Finding Complex Process-Structures by Exploiting the Token-Game [中英文摘要]

147. Finding Structure in Unstructured Processes: The Case for Process Mining [中英文摘要]

148. Finding process variants in event logs: (Short Paper) [中英文摘要]

149. Finding suitable activity clusters for decomposed process discovery [中英文摘要]

150. Flexibility as a service [中英文摘要]

151. Flexibility schemes for workflow management systems [中英文摘要]

152. Flexible workflow management systems: An approach based on generic process models [中英文摘要]

153. Formalization and verification of EPCs with OR-joins based on state and context [中英文摘要]

154. From BPMN process models to BPEL Web services [中英文摘要]

155. From conceptual process models to running workflows: A holistic approach for the configuration of Enterprise Systems [中英文摘要]

156. From low-level events to activities - A pattern-based approach [中英文摘要]

157. From public views to private views - Correctness-by-design for services [中英文摘要]

158. Fuzzy mining - Adaptive process simplification based on multi-perspective metrics [中英文摘要]

159. Generating correct EPCs from configured C-EPCs [中英文摘要]

160. Generating event logs with workload-dependent speeds from simulation models [中英文摘要]

161. Generic workflow models: How to handle dynamic change and capture management information? [中英文摘要]

162. Genetic process mining [中英文摘要]

163. Genetic process mining: A basic approach and its challenges [中英文摘要]

164. Getting rid of the OR-join in business process models [中英文摘要]

165. Green data science: Using Big Data in an environmentally friendly manner [中英文摘要]

166. Guided Interaction Exploration and Performance Analysis in Artifact-Centric Process Models [中英文摘要]

167. Handbook of research on business angels [中英文摘要]

168. Handling Big(ger) logs: Connecting ProM 6 to apache hadoop [中英文摘要]

169. Handling duplicated tasks in process discovery by refining event labels [中英文摘要]

170. Heuristics Miners for Streaming Event Data [中英文摘要]

171. Hierarchical conformance checking of process models based on event logs [中英文摘要]

172. Hierarchical performance analysis for process mining [中英文摘要]

173. How people really (like to) work comparative process mining to unravel human behavior [中英文摘要]

174. Identifying commonalities and differences in object life cycles using behavioral inheritance [中英文摘要]

175. Implementation of a YAWL work-list handler based on the resource patterns [中英文摘要]

176. Improving Business Process Models Using Observed Behavior [中英文摘要]

177. Improving Merging Conditions for Recomposing Conformance Checking [中英文摘要]

178. Improving documentation by repairing event logs [中英文摘要]

179. Improving process discovery results by filtering outliers using conditional behavioural probabilities [中英文摘要]

180. Incremental computation of synthesis rules for free-choice Petri nets [中英文摘要]

181. Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior Development of a Groupware Editor [中英文摘要]

182. Inheritance of business processes: A journey visiting four notorious problems [中英文摘要]

183. Integration of EPC-related tools with ProM [中英文摘要]

184. Inter-enterprise system and application integration: A reality check [中英文摘要]

185. Interactive data-driven process model construction [中英文摘要]

186. Interoperability in the ProM framework [中英文摘要]

187. Interval timed coloured petri nets and their analysis [中英文摘要]

188. Intra- and inter-organizational process mining: Discovering processes within and between organizations [中英文摘要]

189. Know What you stream: Generating event streams from CPN models in ProM 6 [中英文摘要]

190. Learning analytics on coursera event data: A proceb mining approach [中英文摘要]

191. Learning hybrid process models from events process discovery without faking confidence [中英文摘要]

192. Lets go all the way: From requirements via colored workflow nets to a BPEL implementation of a new bank system [中英文摘要]

193. Life after BPEL? [中英文摘要]

194. Lifecycle-Based Process Performance Analysis [中英文摘要]

195. Linking domain models and process models for reference model configuration [中英文摘要]

196. Liquid business process model collections [中英文摘要]

197. Local process model discovery: Bringing petri nets to the pattern mining world [中英文摘要]

198. Making work flow: On the application of petri nets to business process management [中英文摘要]

199. Managing process model collections with AProMoRe [中英文摘要]

200. Managing supply chain events to build senseand- respond capability [中英文摘要]

201. Many-to-many: Some observations on interactions in artifact choreographies [中英文摘要]

202. Markings in perpetual free-choice nets are fully characterized by their enabled transitions [中英文摘要]

203. Maximizing synchronization for aligning observed and modelled behaviour [中英文摘要]

204. Measuring the precision of multi-perspective process models [中英文摘要]

205. Mediating between modeled and observed behavior: The quest for the right process: Keynote [中英文摘要]

206. Merging alignments for decomposed replay [中英文摘要]

207. Mining Local Process Models with Constraints Efficiently: Applications to the Analysis of Smart Home Data [中英文摘要]

208. Mining Social Networks: Uncovering Interaction Patterns in Business Processes [中英文摘要]

209. Mining configurable process models from collections of event logs [中英文摘要]

210. Mining context-dependent and interactive business process maps using execution patterns [中英文摘要]

211. Mining declarative models using time intervals [中英文摘要]

212. Mining hybrid business process models: A quest for better precision [中英文摘要]

213. Mining inter-organizational business process models from EDI messages: A case study from the automotive sector [中英文摘要]

214. Mining reference process models and their configurations [中英文摘要]

215. Mining uncertain event data in process mining [中英文摘要]

216. Model-Driven Process Configuration of Enterprise Systems [中英文摘要]

217. Model-driven enterprise systems configuration [中英文摘要]

218. Modeling and Reasoning over Declarative Data-Aware Processes with Object-Centric Behavioral Constraints [中英文摘要]

219. Modeling and analyzing interorganizational work flows [中英文摘要]

220. Modeling and discovering cancelation behavior [中英文摘要]

221. Modern business process automation: YAWL and its support environment [中英文摘要]

222. Monitoring business constraints with linear temporal logic: An approach based on colored automata [中英文摘要]

223. Multi-instance Mining: Discovering Synchronisation in Artifact-Centric Processes [中英文摘要]

224. Multi-phase process mining: Building instance graphs [中英文摘要]

225. My own process: Providing dedicated views on EPCs [中英文摘要]

226. Object-Centric Process Mining: Dealing with Divergence and Convergence in Event Data [中英文摘要]

227. Object-centric behavioral constraint models: A hybrid model for behavioral and data perspectives [中英文摘要]

228. On a quest for good process models: The cross-connectivity metric [中英文摘要]

229. On the Correlation between Process Model Metrics and Errors [中英文摘要]

230. On the Semantics of EPCs: A Framework for Resolving the Vicious Circle [中英文摘要]

231. On the degree of behavioral similarity between business process models [中英文摘要]

232. On the formal generation of process redesigns [中英文摘要]

233. On the notion of coupling in communication middleware [中英文摘要]

234. On the representational bias in process mining [中英文摘要]

235. On the suitability of BPMN for business process modelling [中英文摘要]

236. On the suitability of UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for business process modelling [中英文摘要]

237. On the syntax of reference model configuration - Transforming the C-EPC into lawful EPC models [中英文摘要]

238. Online discovery of cooperative structures in business processes [中英文摘要]

239. Organizational modeling in UML and XML in the context of workflow systems [中英文摘要]

240. PM2: A process mining project methodology [中英文摘要]

241. PM4Py web services: Easy development, integration and deployment of process mining features in any application stack [中英文摘要]

242. Pattern-based analysis of the control-flow perspective of UML activity diagrams [中英文摘要]

243. Patterns of Process Modeling [中英文摘要]

244. Performing business process redesign with best practices: An evolutionary approach [中英文摘要]

245. Perturbing event logs to identify cost reduction opportunities: A genetic algorithm-based approach [中英文摘要]

246. Petra: A tool for analysing a process family [中英文摘要]

247. Petri nets [中英文摘要]

248. Predicting deadline transgressions using event logs [中英文摘要]

249. Predictive performance monitoring of material handling systems using the performance spectrum [中英文摘要]

250. ProM 4.0: Comprehensive support for real process analysis [中英文摘要]

251. Process Mining [中英文摘要]

252. Process Mining as the Superglue Between Data Science and Enterprise Computing [中英文摘要]

253. Process Mining in Healthcare Evaluating and Exploiting Operational Healthcare Processes [中英文摘要]

254. Process cubes: Slicing, dicing, rolling up and drilling down event data for process mining [中英文摘要]

255. Process equivalence: Comparing two process models based on observed behavior [中英文摘要]

256. Process flexibility: A survey of contemporary approaches [中英文摘要]

257. Process mining and monitoring processes and services: Workshop report [中英文摘要]

258. Process mining and simulation [中英文摘要]

259. Process mining and simulation: A match made in heaven! [中英文摘要]

260. Process mining and verification of properties: An approach based on temporal logic [中英文摘要]

261. Process mining applied to the BPI challenge 2012: Divide and conquer while discerning resources [中英文摘要]

262. Process mining based on clustering: A quest for precision [中英文摘要]

263. Process mining can be applied to software too! [中英文摘要]

264. Process mining for electronic data interchange [中英文摘要]

265. Process mining for ubiquitous mobile systems: An overview and a concrete algorithm [中英文摘要]

266. Process mining in healthcare - A case study [中英文摘要]

267. Process mining in healthcare: Data challenges when answering frequently posed questions [中英文摘要]

268. Process mining in software systems: Discovering real-life business transactions and process models from distributed systems [中英文摘要]

269. Process mining manifesto [中英文摘要]

270. Process mining on databases: Unearthing historical data from redo logs [中英文摘要]

271. Process mining online assessment data [中英文摘要]

272. Process mining techniques: An application to stroke care [中英文摘要]

273. Process mining towards semantics [中英文摘要]

274. Process mining using BPMN: relating event logs and process models [中英文摘要]

275. Process mining: Data science in action [中英文摘要]

276. Process mining: Discovering direct successors in process logs [中英文摘要]

277. Process model discovery: A method based on transition system decomposition [中英文摘要]

278. Process model repair by detecting un- Tting fragments? [中英文摘要]

279. Process profiler3D: A tool for visualising performance differences between process cohorts and process instances [中英文摘要]

280. Process-Aware Information System Development for the Healthcare Domain - Consistency, Reliability, and Effectiveness [中英文摘要]

281. Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software through Process Technology [中英文摘要]

282. Product based workflow support: Dynamic workflow execution [中英文摘要]

283. Product-driven workflow design [中英文摘要]

284. Profiling event logs to configure risk indicators for process delays [中英文摘要]

285. Prom: The process mining toolkit [中英文摘要]

286. Recurrent process mining with live event data [中英文摘要]

287. Relating process models and event logs 21 conformance propositions [中英文摘要]

288. Repairing event logs using timed process models [中英文摘要]

289. Repairing outlier behaviour in event logs [中英文摘要]

290. Repairing process models to reflect reality [中英文摘要]

291. Replay using recomposition: Alignment-based conformance checking in the large [中英文摘要]

292. Responsible data science: Using event data in a people friendly manner [中英文摘要]

293. Reusing a declarative specification to check the conformance of different CIGs [中英文摘要]

294. Reviving token-based replay: Increasing speed while improving diagnostics [中英文摘要]

295. Root cause analysis with enriched process logs [中英文摘要]

296. SAP WebFlow made configurable: Unifying workflow templates into a configurable model [中英文摘要]

297. Scalable process discovery and conformance checking [中英文摘要]

298. Scalable process discovery with guarantees [中英文摘要]

299. Semantic process mining for the verification of medical recommendations [中英文摘要]

300. Semantic process mining tools: Core building blocks [中英文摘要]

301. Semantic-Based Conformance Checking of Computer Interpretable Medical Guidelines [中英文摘要]

302. Service discovery from observed behavior while guaranteeing deadlock freedom in collaborations [中英文摘要]

303. Similarity resonance for improving process model matching accuracy [中英文摘要]

304. Simplifying mined process models: An approach based on unfoldings [中英文摘要]

305. Software process analysis methodology-a methodology based on lessons learned in embracing legacy software [中英文摘要]

306. Soundness and niceness as correctness criteria for grid workflows [中英文摘要]

307. Specifying and monitoring service flows: Making Web services process-aware [中英文摘要]

308. StarStar models: Using events at database level for process analysis [中英文摘要]

309. Structuring Behavior or Not, That is the Question [中英文摘要]

310. Supporting domain experts to select and configure precise compliance rules [中英文摘要]

311. Supporting flexible processes with Adaptive Workflow and Case Handling [中英文摘要]

312. Supporting healthcare processes with YAWL4Healthcare [中英文摘要]

313. Supporting process mining workflows with RapidProM [中英文摘要]

314. Supporting risk-informed decisions during business process execution [中英文摘要]

315. Supporting the workflow management system development process with YAWL [中英文摘要]

316. Symbolically aligning observed and modelled behaviour [中英文摘要]

317. Techniques for a posteriori analysis of declarative processes [中英文摘要]

318. The FeaturePrediction package in ProM: Correlating business process characteristics [中英文摘要]

319. The Impact of Event Log Subset Selection on the Performance of Process Discovery Algorithms [中英文摘要]

320. The P2P approach to interorganizational workflows [中英文摘要]

321. The ProM framework: A new era in process mining tool support [中英文摘要]

322. The Statechart Workbench: Enabling scalable software event log analysis using process mining [中英文摘要]

323. The conceptualization of a configurable multi-party multi-message request-reply Conversation [中英文摘要]

324. The declare service [中英文摘要]

325. The need for a process mining evaluation framework in research and practice: Position paper [中英文摘要]

326. The performance spectrum miner: Visual analytics for fine-grained performance analysis of processes [中英文摘要]

327. TomTom for business process management (TomTom4BPM) [中英文摘要]

328. Towards a taxonomy of process flexibility [中英文摘要]

329. Towards an understanding of model-driven process configuration and its support at large [中英文摘要]

330. Towards cross-organizational process mining in collections of process models and their executions [中英文摘要]

331. Towards improving the representational bias of process mining [中英文摘要]

332. Towards robust conformance checking [中英文摘要]

333. Trace alignment in process mining: Opportunities for process diagnostics [中英文摘要]

334. Trace clustering based on conserved patterns: Towards achieving better process models [中英文摘要]

335. Trace clustering in process mining [中英文摘要]

336. Trends in business process analysis from verification to process mining [中英文摘要]

337. Unbiased, fine-grained description of processes performance from event data [中英文摘要]

338. Understanding the occurrence of errors in process models based on metrics [中英文摘要]

339. User-guided discovery of declarative process models [中英文摘要]

340. Using domain knowledge to enhance process mining results [中英文摘要]

341. Using interval timed coloured Petri nets to calculate performance bounds [中英文摘要]

342. Using process mining to analyze and improve process flexibility - Position paper [中英文摘要]

343. Using process mining to generate accurate and interactive business process maps [中英文摘要]

344. Verification of EPCs: Using reduction rules and petri nets [中英文摘要]

345. Verification of XRL: An XML-based workflow language [中英文摘要]

346. Verification of workflow nets [中英文摘要]

347. Verifying workflows with cancellation regions and or-joins: An approach based on relaxed soundness and invariants [中英文摘要]

348. Visual analytics for soundness verification of process models [中英文摘要]

349. Visual support for work assignment in YAWL [中英文摘要]

350. Wanna improve process mining results? [中英文摘要]

351. Web service composition languages: Old wine in New bottles? [中英文摘要]

352. Web service mining and verification of properties: An approach based on event calculus [中英文摘要]

353. What if process predictions are not followed by good recommendations? [中英文摘要]

354. When are two workflows the same? [中英文摘要]

355. Where did I misbehave? Diagnostic information in compliance checking [中英文摘要]

356. Work distribution and resource management in BPEL4People: Capabilities and opportunities [中英文摘要]

357. Workflow Simulation for Operational Decision Support Using Design, Historic and State Information [中英文摘要]

358. Workflow completion patterns [中英文摘要]

359. Workflow data patterns: Identification, representation and tool support [中英文摘要]

360. Workflow exception patterns [中英文摘要]

361. Workflow modeling using proclets [中英文摘要]

362. WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS: A tool for translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL [中英文摘要]

363. Working group report on process production process workflow in cooperative virtual enterprises [中英文摘要]

364. Worklets: A service-oriented implementation of dynamic flexibility in workflows [中英文摘要]

365. XES, XESame, and ProM 6 [中英文摘要]

366. YAWL in the cloud: Supporting process sharing and variability [中英文摘要]

367. A Pattern-based Analysis of Clinical Computer-interpretable Guideline Modeling Languages [中英文摘要]

368. A configurable reference modelling language [中英文摘要]

369. A declarative approach for flexible business processes management [中英文摘要]

370. A formal modeling approach for supply chain event management [中英文摘要]

371. A framework for detecting deviations in complex event logs [中英文摘要]

372. A general divide and conquer approach for process mining [中英文摘要]

373. A general model of opportunistic spectrum sharing with unreliable sensing [中英文摘要]

374. A general process mining framework for correlating, predicting and clustering dynamic behavior based on event logs [中英文摘要]

375. A knowledge-based integrated approach for discovering and repairing declare maps [中英文摘要]

376. A novel approach for process mining based on event types [中英文摘要]

377. A recommendation system for predicting risks across multiple business process instances [中英文摘要]

378. A reference model for grid architectures and its validation [中英文摘要]

379. A reference model for team-enabled workflow management systems [中英文摘要]

380. A rule-based approach for process discovery: Dealing with noise and imbalance in process logs [中英文摘要]

381. A structural model comparison for finding the best performing models in a collection [中英文摘要]

382. A survey of patterns for Service-Oriented Architectures [中英文摘要]

383. APROMORE: An advanced process model repository [中英文摘要]

384. Achieving a general, formal and decidable approach to the OR-join in workflow using Reset nets [中英文摘要]

385. Activity mining by global trace segmentation [中英文摘要]

386. Advanced topics in workflow management: Issues, requirements, and solutions [中英文摘要]

387. Aggregating causal runs intoworkflow nets [中英文摘要]

388. Agile development with software process mining [中英文摘要]

389. An Integrated Framework for Process Discovery Algorithm Evaluation [中英文摘要]

390. An Iterative Algorithm for Applying the Theory of Regions in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

391. An adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning [中英文摘要]

392. An alignment-based framework to check the conformance of declarative process models and to preprocess event-log data [中英文摘要]

393. An evolutionary approach for business process redesign - Towards an intelligent system [中英文摘要]

394. An experimental evaluation of genetic process mining [中英文摘要]

395. An outlook on Semantic business process mining and monitoring [中英文摘要]

396. Analysis of discrete-time stochastic Petri nets [中英文摘要]

397. Analysis of images, social networks and texts : 7th International Conference, AIST 2018, Moscow, Russia, July 5-7, 2018, Revised selected papers [中英文摘要]

398. Analysis of railway stations by means of interval timed coloured Petri nets [中英文摘要]

399. Analysis of resource-constrained processes with Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

400. Analyzing BPEL processes using Petri nets [中英文摘要]

401. Analyzing inter-organizational business processes: Process mining and business performance analysis using electronic data interchange messages [中英文摘要]

402. Assessing state spaces using petri-net synthesis and attribute-based visualization [中英文摘要]

403. Augmenting a Workflow Management System with Planning Facilities using Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

404. Balanced multi-perspective checking of process conformance [中英文摘要]

405. Blockchains for business process management - Challenges and opportunities [中英文摘要]

406. Bridging the gap between business models and workflow specifications [中英文摘要]

407. Building instance graphs for highly variable processes [中英文摘要]

408. Business Process Management [中英文摘要]

409. Business alignment: Using process mining as a tool for Delta analysis and conformance testing [中英文摘要]

410. Business process analytics and big data systems: A roadmap to bridge the gap [中英文摘要]

411. Business process management as the Killer App for Petri nets [中英文摘要]

412. Business process management in the classroom [中英文摘要]

413. Business process mining: An industrial application [中英文摘要]

414. Business process simulation for operational decision support [中英文摘要]

415. Business process simulation revisited [中英文摘要]

416. Business process variability modeling: A survey [中英文摘要]

417. Business process verification - Finally a reality! [中英文摘要]

418. Case handling in construction [中英文摘要]

419. Case handling systems as product based workflow design support [中英文摘要]

420. Case handling: A new paradigm for business process support [中英文摘要]

421. Challenges in business process analysis [中英文摘要]

422. Challenges in business process management: Verification of business processes using Petri nets [中英文摘要]

423. Change visualisation: Analysing the resource and timing differences between two event logs [中英文摘要]

424. Combining workflow and PDM based on the workflow management coalition and STEP standards: The case of axalant [中英文摘要]

425. Communication abstractions for distributed business processes [中英文摘要]

426. Complexity metrics for Workflow nets [中英文摘要]

427. Compliance checking of data-aware and resource-aware compliance requirements [中英文摘要]

428. Compliance monitoring in business processes: Functionalities, application, and tool-support [中英文摘要]

429. Component-based software architectures: A framework based on inheritance of behavior [中英文摘要]

430. Conceptual model for online auditing [中英文摘要]

431. Configurable reference modeling languages [中英文摘要]

432. Configurable workflow models [中英文摘要]

433. Conformance analysis of ASMLs test process [中英文摘要]

434. Conformance checking based on partially ordered event data [中英文摘要]

435. Conformance checking of processes based on monitoring real behavior [中英文摘要]

436. Conformance checking of service behavior [中英文摘要]

437. Control-flow discovery from event streams [中英文摘要]

438. Cost-informed operational process support [中英文摘要]

439. Data-aware process mining: Discovering decisions in processes using alignments [中英文摘要]

440. Deadline-based escalation in process-aware information systems [中英文摘要]

441. Dealing with concept drifts in process mining [中英文摘要]

442. Decision mining in ProM [中英文摘要]

443. Decision mining in business processes [中英文摘要]

444. Declarative process mining in healthcare [中英文摘要]

445. Declarative specification and verification of service choreographiess [中英文摘要]

446. Declarative workflows: Balancing between flexibility and support [中英文摘要]

447. Decomposing Petri nets for process mining: A generic approach [中英文摘要]

448. Decomposing alignment-based conformance checking of data-aware process models [中英文摘要]

449. Design and implementation of the YAWL system [中英文摘要]

450. Designing a workflow system using coloured petri nets [中英文摘要]

451. Detecting deviating behaviors without models [中英文摘要]

452. Detection and prediction of errors in EPCs of the SAP reference model [中英文摘要]

453. Diagnosing workflow processes using Woflan [中英文摘要]

454. Dimensions of coupling in middleware [中英文摘要]

455. Discovering Patterns using Process Mining [中英文摘要]

456. Discovering Petri nets from event logs [中英文摘要]

457. Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs [中英文摘要]

458. Discovering more precise process models from event logs by filtering out chaotic activities [中英文摘要]

459. Discovering queues from event logs with varying levels of information [中英文摘要]

460. Discovering signature patterns from event logs [中英文摘要]

461. Discovering simulation models [中英文摘要]

462. Discovering social networks from event logs [中英文摘要]

463. Discovering work prioritisation patterns from event logs [中英文摘要]

464. Discovering workflow nets using integer linear programming [中英文摘要]

465. Discovery of frequent episodes in event sequences [中英文摘要]

466. Divide and Conquer: A Tool Framework for Supporting Decomposed Discovery in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

467. Dynamic and context-aware process adaptation [中英文摘要]

468. Dynamic work distribution in workflow management systems: How to balance quality and performance [中英文摘要]

469. Dynamic, extensible and context-aware exception handling for workflows [中英文摘要]

470. Dynamical monitoring and evaluation methods to Urban Heat Island Effects based on RS&GIS [中英文摘要]

471. Efficient discovery of understandable declarative process models from event logs [中英文摘要]

472. Efficient event correlation over distributed systems [中英文摘要]

473. Enacting Interorganizational Workflows using Nets in Nets [中英文摘要]

474. Enhancing declare maps based on event correlations [中英文摘要]

475. Ensuring correctness during process configuration via partner synthesis [中英文摘要]

476. Evaluating Conformance Measures in Process Mining Using Conformance Propositions [中英文摘要]

477. Evaluating and predicting overall process risk using event logs [中英文摘要]

478. Evaluating the Quality of Discovered Process Models [中英文摘要]

479. Evaluating workflow process designs using cohesion and coupling metrics [中英文摘要]

480. Event Logs [中英文摘要]

481. Event abstraction for process mining using supervised learning techniques [中英文摘要]

482. Event interval analysis: Why do processes take time? [中英文摘要]

483. Event stream-based process discovery using abstract representations [中英文摘要]

484. Exploring processes and deviations [中英文摘要]

485. Exploring the CSCW spectrum using process mining [中英文摘要]

486. Exterminating the Dynamic Change Bug: A Concrete Approach to Support Workflow Change [中英文摘要]

487. Facilitating flexibility and dynamic exception handling in workflows through worklets [中英文摘要]

488. Flexibility as a problem [中英文摘要]

489. Formal semantics and analysis of control flow in WS-BPEL [中英文摘要]

490. Formalization and verification of event-driven process chains [中英文摘要]

491. Framework for business process redesign [中英文摘要]

492. From Business Process Models to Process-Oriented Software Systems [中英文摘要]

493. From requirements via colored workflow nets to an implementation in several workflow systems [中英文摘要]

494. From task descriptions via colored Petri nets towards an implementation of a new electronic patient record workflow system [中英文摘要]

495. Fundamentals of control flow in workflows [中英文摘要]

496. Generating event logs for high-level process models [中英文摘要]

497. Generating time-based label refinements to discover more precise process models [中英文摘要]

498. Getting rid of OR-joins and multiple start events in business process models [中英文摘要]

499. Guided Process Discovery – A pattern-based approach [中英文摘要]

500. Handboek simulatie [中英文摘要]

501. Handling concept drift in process mining [中英文摘要]

502. Heuristic approaches for generating Local Process Models through log projections [中英文摘要]

503. How to handle dynamic change and capture management information? An approach based on generic workflow models [中英文摘要]

504. Human Performance-Aware Scheduling and Routing of a Multi-Skilled Workforce [中英文摘要]

505. ILP-based process discovery using hybrid regions [中英文摘要]

506. Impact-driven process model repair [中英文摘要]

507. Improving product usage monitoring and analysis with semantic concepts [中英文摘要]

508. InAs quantum dots: Artificial atoms for solid-state cavity-quantum electrodynamics [中英文摘要]

509. Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML [中英文摘要]

510. Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows to Enable Business-to-Business E-Commerce [中英文摘要]

511. Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows to Enable Business-to-Business E-commerce [中英文摘要]

512. Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows: How to Agree to Disagree Without Loosing Control? [中英文摘要]

513. Inheritance of behavior [中英文摘要]

514. Inheritance of workflows: An approach to tackling problems related to change [中英文摘要]

515. Interacting agents through a web-based health serviceflow management system [中英文摘要]

516. Interactively exploring logs and mining models with clustering, filtering, and relabeling [中英文摘要]

517. Interest-driven discovery of local process models [中英文摘要]

518. KPI-Based activity planning for people working in flexible processes [中英文摘要]

519. Life-Cycle Support for Staff Assignment Rules in Process-Aware Information Systems [中英文摘要]

520. Lightweight Interacting Patient Treatment Processes [中英文摘要]

521. Linking data and process perspectives for conformance analysis [中英文摘要]

522. Liveness, fairness, and recurrence in Petri nets [中英文摘要]

523. Log-based Evaluation of Label Splits for Process Models [中英文摘要]

524. Loosely coupled interorganizational workflows: Modeling and analyzing workflows crossing organizational boundaries [中英文摘要]

525. Managing process model complexity via abstract syntax modifications [中英文摘要]

526. Matching observed behavior and modeled behavior: An approach based on Petri nets and integer programming [中英文摘要]

527. Measuring precision of modeled behavior [中英文摘要]

528. Merging event-driven process chains [中英文摘要]

529. Mining configurable enterprise information systems [中英文摘要]

530. Mining e-mail messages: Uncovering interaction patterns and processes using e-mail logs [中英文摘要]

531. Mining local process models [中英文摘要]

532. Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog [中英文摘要]

533. Mining process model descriptions of daily life through event abstraction [中英文摘要]

534. Mining process models with non-free-choice constructs [中英文摘要]

535. Mining process models with prime invisible tasks [中英文摘要]

536. Mining resource profiles from event logs [中英文摘要]

537. Model repair - Aligning process models to reality [中英文摘要]

538. Model-based software configuration: Patterns and languages [中英文摘要]

539. Modeling the Case Handling Principles with Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

540. Modelling a product based workflow system in CPN tools [中英文摘要]

541. Modelling work distribution mechanisms using Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

542. Monitoring business constraints with the event calculus [中英文摘要]

543. Multidimensional process mining using process cubes [中英文摘要]

544. Multiparty contracts: Agreeing and implementing interorganizational processes [中英文摘要]

545. Neglected and Unloved: Does the Hinge Party Deserve That? [中英文摘要]

546. Networked human motion capture system based on quaternion navigation [中英文摘要]

547. Object-centric behavioral constraint models [中英文摘要]

548. On the Maturity of Open Source BPM Systems [中英文摘要]

549. On the role of fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity in process discovery [中英文摘要]

550. Ontology-driven extraction of event logs from relational databases [中英文摘要]

551. Parent-delivered early intervention in infants at risk for ASD: Effects on electrophysiological and habituation measures of social attention [中英文摘要]

552. Passages in Graphs [中英文摘要]

553. Pattern-based Analysis of Windows Workflow [中英文摘要]

554. Pattern-based translation of BPMN process models to BPEL Web services [中英文摘要]

555. Patterns-based evaluation of open source BPM systems: The cases of jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark [中英文摘要]

556. Petri net based scheduling [中英文摘要]

557. Preface: 9th International workshop on business process intelligence (BPI 2013) [中英文摘要]

558. Preface [中英文摘要]

559. Preserving correctness during business process model configuration [中英文摘要]

560. Process Mining in Web Services : The WebSphere Case [中英文摘要]

561. Process Mining with the HeuristicsMiner Algorithm [中英文摘要]

562. Process Mining: Making Knowledge Discovery Process Centric [中英文摘要]

563. Process and deviation exploration with inductive visual miner [中英文摘要]

564. Process diagnostics using trace alignment: Opportunities, issues, and challenges [中英文摘要]

565. Process discovery and conformance checking using passages [中英文摘要]

566. Process discovery from event data: Relating models and logs through abstractions [中英文摘要]

567. Process discovery using localized events [中英文摘要]

568. Process discovery: Capturing the invisible [中英文摘要]

569. Process mining and security: Detecting anomalous process executions and checking process conformance [中英文摘要]

570. Process mining applied to the test process of wafer scanners in ASML [中英文摘要]

571. Process mining for python (PM4py): Bridging the gap between process- And data science [中英文摘要]

572. Process mining framework for software processes [中英文摘要]

573. Process mining in CSCW systems [中英文摘要]

574. Process mining put into context [中英文摘要]

575. Process mining with ProM [中英文摘要]

576. Process mining: A research agenda [中英文摘要]

577. Process mining: A two-step approach to balance between underfitting and overfitting [中英文摘要]

578. Process mining: Overview and opportunities [中英文摘要]

579. Process querying: Enabling business intelligence through query-based processxa0analytics [中英文摘要]

580. Process variant comparison: Using event logs to detect differences in behavior and business rules [中英文摘要]

581. Process-aware information systems: Lessons to be learned from process mining [中英文摘要]

582. Process-oriented architectures for electronic commerce and interorganizational workflow [中英文摘要]

583. ProcessProfiler3D: A visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison [中英文摘要]

584. Processes Meet Big Data: Connecting Data Science with Process Science [中英文摘要]

585. Processes driving the networked economy [中英文摘要]

586. Proclets in healthcare [中英文摘要]

587. Proclets: A framework for lightweight interacting workflow processes [中英文摘要]

588. Product-based workflow design [中英文摘要]

589. Product-based workflow support [中英文摘要]

590. Protos2CPN: Using colored Petri nets for configuring and testing business processes [中英文摘要]

591. Quality dimensions in process discovery: The importance of fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity [中英文摘要]

592. Quality metrics for business process modeling [中英文摘要]

593. Quantifying process equivalence based on observed behavior [中英文摘要]

594. Questionnaire-based variability modeling for system configuration [中英文摘要]

595. RapidProM: Mine Your Processes and Not Just Your Data [中英文摘要]

596. Recomposing conformance: Closing the circle on decomposed alignment-based conformance checking in process mining [中英文摘要]

597. Recovery of titanium dioxide and other pigments from waste paint by pyrolysis [中英文摘要]

598. Recursion aware modeling and discovery for hierarchical software event log analysis [中英文摘要]

599. Rediscovering workflow models from event-based data using little thumb [中英文摘要]

600. Reduction rules for YAWL workflows with cancellation regions and OR-joins [中英文摘要]

601. Reduction rules for reset/inhibitor nets [中英文摘要]

602. Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management [中英文摘要]

603. Replaying history on process models for conformance checking and performance analysis [中英文摘要]

604. Representations maternelles au cours dune premire et dune seconde grossesse [中英文摘要]

605. Resource Usage Analysis from a Different Perspective on MOOC Dropout [中英文摘要]

606. Responsible Data Science [中英文摘要]

607. Revising history for cost-informed process improvement [中英文摘要]

608. Runtime verification of LTL-based declarative process models [中英文摘要]

609. Scientific workflows for process mining: building blocks, scenarios, and implementation [中英文摘要]

610. Semi-supervised log pattern detection and exploration using event concurrence and contextual information [中英文摘要]

611. Service mining: Using process mining to discover, check, and improve service behavior [中英文摘要]

612. Seven process modeling guidelines (7PMG) [中英文摘要]

613. Simplifying discovered process models in a controlled manner [中英文摘要]

614. Simulation to analyze the impact of a schedule-aware workflow management system [中英文摘要]

615. Single-Entry Single-Exit decomposed conformance checking [中英文摘要]

616. Soft reliability: An interdisciplinary approach with a user-system focus [中英文摘要]

617. Soundness of workflow nets with reset arcs [中英文摘要]

618. Soundness of workflow nets: Classification, decidability, and analysis [中英文摘要]

619. Soundness-preserving reduction rules for reset workflow nets [中英文摘要]

620. Spreadsheets for business process management: Using process mining to deal with events rather than numbers? [中英文摘要]

621. StarStar Models: Process Analysis on top of Databases [中英文摘要]

622. Strategies for modeling complex processes using colored Petri nets [中英文摘要]

623. Structural patterns for soundness of business process models [中英文摘要]

624. Subgroup discovery in process mining [中英文摘要]

625. Supervisory control service for supporting flexible processes [中英文摘要]

626. Supporting flexible processes through recommendations based on history [中英文摘要]

627. Supporting the BPM life-cycle with FileNet Configuration Design Diagnosis Control Execution [中英文摘要]

628. Synchronization and cancelation in workflows based on reset nets [中英文摘要]

629. The application of Petri nets to workflow management [中英文摘要]

630. The case handling case [中英文摘要]

631. The effectiveness of workflow management systems: A longitudinal study [中英文摘要]

632. The effectiveness of workflow management systems: Predictions and lessons learned [中英文摘要]

633. The imprecisions of precision measures in process mining [中英文摘要]

634. The role of business processes in service oriented architectures (Editorial) [中英文摘要]

635. Time prediction based on process mining [中英文摘要]

636. Towards EPC semantics based on state and context [中英文摘要]

637. Towards Modeling and Simulating a Multi-party Negotiation Protocol with Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

638. Towards a pattern language for colored petri nets [中英文摘要]

639. Towards comprehensive support for organizational mining [中英文摘要]

640. Towards process instances building for spaghetti processes [中英文摘要]

641. Translating Message Sequence Charts to other Process Languages Using Process Mining [中英文摘要]

642. Translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL: Theory and implementation [中英文摘要]

643. Translating workflow nets to BPEL [中英文摘要]

644. Turning event logs into process movies: animating what has really happened [中英文摘要]

645. Using Event Logs for Local Correction of Process Models [中英文摘要]

646. Using life cycle information in process discovery [中英文摘要]

647. Using monotonicity to find optimal process configurations faster [中英文摘要]

648. Using process mining to bridge the gap between BI and BPM [中英文摘要]

649. Using process mining to learn from process changes in evolutionary systems [中英文摘要]

650. Variability Modeling for Questionnaire-based System Configuration [中英文摘要]

651. Verification of the SAP reference models using EPC reduction, state-space analysis, and invariants [中英文摘要]

652. Verification of workflow task structures: a petri-net-based approach [中英文摘要]

653. Verifying workflow processes: A transformation-based approach [中英文摘要]

654. Viewing the internet of events through a process lens [中英文摘要]

655. Visual support for work assignment in process-aware information systems: Framework formalisation and implementation [中英文摘要]

656. WORKFLOW RESOURCE PATTERNS:Identification, Representation and Tool Support (2005) [中英文摘要]

657. What makes a good process model?: Lessons learned from process mining [中英文摘要]

658. When process mining meets bioinformatics [中英文摘要]

659. Workflow Support Using Proclets: Divide, Interact, and Conquer Limitations of Monolithic Workflows [中英文摘要]

660. Workflow mining: A survey of issues and approaches [中英文摘要]

661. Workflow mining: Discovering process models from event logs [中英文摘要]

662. Workflow patterns put into context [中英文摘要]

663. Workflow simulation for operational decision support [中英文摘要]

664. Working with the past: Integrating history in petri nets [中英文摘要]

665. XML-based schema definition for support of interorganizational workflow [中英文摘要]

666. XRL/Woflan: Verification and Extensibility of an XML/Petri-Net-Based Language for Inter-Organizational Workflows [中英文摘要]

667. YAWL in the Cloud [中英文摘要]

668. YAWL: Yet another workflow language [中英文摘要]


[1] Wanna improve process mining results? (2013)

(Jagadeesh, R P and Bose, Chandra and Mans, Ronny S and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The growing interest in process mining is fueled by the in-creasing availability of event data. Process mining techniques use event logs to automatically discover process models, check conformance, iden-tify bottlenecks and deviations, suggest improvements, and predict pro-cessing times. Lions share of process mining research has been devoted to analysis techniques. However, the proper handling of problems and challenges arising in analyzing event logs used as input is critical for the success of any process mining effort. In this paper, we identify four cate-gories of process characteristics issues that may manifest in an event log (e.g. process problems related to event granularity and case heterogene-ity) and 27 classes of event log quality issues (e.g., problems related to timestamps in event logs, imprecise activity names, and missing events). The systematic identification and analysis of these issues calls for a con-solidated effort from the process mining community. Five real-life event logs are analyzed to illustrate the omnipresence of process and event log issues. We hope that these findings will encourage systematic logging approaches (to prevent event log issues), repair techniques (to alleviate event log issues) and analysis techniques (to deal with the manifestation of process characteristics in event logs).

摘要: 事件数据的可用性不断增加,激发了人们对过程挖掘的兴趣。流程挖掘技术使用事件日志来自动发现流程模型,检查一致性,识别瓶颈和偏差,提出改进建议并预测处理时间。 Lions在过程挖掘研究中的份额一直致力于分析技术。但是,正确分析在分析用作输入的事件日志时出现的问题和挑战对于任何流程挖掘工作的成功都是至关重要的。在本文中,我们确定了可能在事件日志中表现出来的四类过程特征问题(例如,与事件粒度和案例异构性有关的过程问题)和27种事件日志质量问题(例如,与时间戳相关的问题)在事件日志中,不正确的活动名称和丢失的事件)。对这些问题的系统识别和分析需要过程挖掘社区的共同努力。分析了五个真实事件日志,以说明过程和事件日志问题的普遍性。我们希望这些发现将鼓励系统的日志记录方法(以防止事件日志问题),修复技术(以减轻事件日志问题)和分析技术(以处理事件日志中过程特征的表现)。

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[2] A Method to Build and Analyze Scientific Workflows from Provenance through Process Mining (2012)

(Zeng, Reng and He, Xudong and Li, Jiafei and Liu, Zheng | )

Abstract: Scientific workflows have recently emerged as a new paradigm for representing and managing complex distributed scientific computations and are used to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. In many disciplines, individual workflows are large due to the large quantities of data used. As scientific workflows scale quickly, they become very hard to build and maintain. Recent efforts from scientific workflow community aiming at large-scale capturing of provenance present a new opportunity for building scientific workflows using provenance. Process mining focusses on extracting information about processes by examining event logs, and has been successfully applied to business workflow management. This paper presents a method using process mining based on provenance to build and analyze scientific workflows, which provides a new direction in using captured provenance.

摘要: 科学工作流最近已成为代表和管理复杂的分布式科学计算的新范例,并用于加快科学发现的步伐。 在许多学科中,由于使用了大量的数据,因此单个工作流很大。 随着科学工作流程的迅速扩展,它们变得很难构建和维护。 科学工作流社区最近针对大规模捕获物源的努力为利用物源构建科学工作流提供了新的机会。 流程挖掘专注于通过检查事件日志来提取有关流程的信息,并且已成功应用于业务工作流管理。 本文提出了一种基于来源的过程挖掘方法来构建和分析科学工作流的方法,这为使用捕获的来源提供了新的方向。

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[3] A decade of business process management conferences: Personal reflections on a developing discipline (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Business Process Management (BPM) conference series celebrates its tenth anniversary. This is a nice opportunity to reflect on a decade of BPM research. This paper describes the history of the conference series, enumerates twenty typical BPM use cases, and identifies six key BPM concerns: process modeling languages, process enactment infrastructures, process model analysis, process mining, process flexibility, and process reuse. Although BPM matured as a research discipline, there are still various important open problems. Moreover, despite the broad interest in BPM, the adoption of state-of-the-art results by software vendors, consultants, and end-users leaves much to be desired. Hence, the BPM discipline should not shy away from the key challenges and set clear targets for the next decade.

摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)会议系列庆祝成立十周年。 这是一个反思十年BPM研究的好机会。 本文描述了会议系列的历史,列举了二十种典型的BPM用例,并确定了六个关键的BPM关注点:流程建模语言,流程制定基础结构,流程模型分析,流程挖掘,流程灵活性和流程重用。 尽管BPM作为研究学科已经成熟,但是仍然存在各种重要的开放问题。 此外,尽管人们对BPM有着广泛的兴趣,但是软件供应商,顾问和最终用户采用最新的结果仍然是很多期望的。 因此,BPM学科不应回避关键挑战,并为下一个十年设定明确的目标。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-32885-5_1]

[4] A framework for efficiently deciding language inclusion for sound unlabelled WF-Nets (2013)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: We present a framework to efficiently check language inclusion between two sound unlabelled WF-nets. That is, to efficiently check whether every successfully terminating transition sequence of one sound unlabelled WF-net also is a successfully terminating transition sequence of a second sound unlabelled WF-net. Existing approaches for checking language inclusion are typically based on the underlying transition systems of both nets, and hence are subject to the well-known stateexplosion problem. As a result, these approaches cannot check language inclusion on sound unlabelled WF-nets in polynomial time. Our framework allows for efficient language inclusion checks even if parallelism is present, by comparing specific net abstractions that can be computed and compared in polynomial time. For sound unlabelled WF-nets that are free-choice and do not contain loops, we prove that our approach is complete.

摘要: 我们提出了一个框架,可以有效地检查两个未标记的WF网络之间的语言融合。即,为了有效地检查一个未标记声音的WF-net的每个成功终止的过渡序列是否也都是第二未标记声音的WF-net的成功终止的过渡序列。用于检查语言包含性的现有方法通常基于两个网络的基础转换系统,因此会遇到众所周知的状态爆炸问题。结果,这些方法无法在多项式时间内检查未标记的WF网络上的语言包含。通过比较可以在多项式时间内计算和比较的特定网络抽象,即使存在并行性,我们的框架也可以进行有效的语言包含检查。对于自由选择且不包含循环的健全的无标签WF网络,我们证明了我们的方法是完整的。

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[5] A framework for next generation e-health systems and services (2015)

(Cardoso, Jorge and Da Cunha | )

Abstract: We propose a framework for the development of next generation e-health systems and services. It results from the joint work of diverse research groups with 20 to 25 years of experience in their respective fields (e.g., business process management, medical informatics, business intelligence), and it articulates five elements: the mining of care workflows; their compliance with medical guidelines; their execution in a specialized engine capable of dealing with the inherent variability that exists in healthcare processes; the use of business intelligence techniques; and the integration with communities of practice that are key for the evolution of socio-technical systems. For each area, we describe its context and objectives, the stateof-the-art and challenges, leading up to the proposed innovation and its implications. The framework demonstrates how multidisciplinary research can enable a reinforcement of leadership in healthcare by supporting novel medical care with more predictive, individualized, effective, and safer solutions.

摘要: 我们提出了用于开发下一代电子医疗系统和服务的框架。它是由不同研究小组在各自领域(例如,业务流程管理,医学信息学,商业智能)具有20至25年经验的联合工作得出的,它阐明了五个要素:护理工作流程的挖掘;他们遵守医学准则;它们在能够处理医疗保健过程中固有的可变性的专用引擎中执行;商业智能技术的使用;以及与实践社区的整合,这对于社会技术系统的发展至关重要。对于每个领域,我们都将描述其背景和目标,最新技术和挑战,从而提出拟议的创新及其含义。该框架展示了多学科研究如何通过提供更具预测性,个性化,有效和安全的解决方案来支持新型医疗保健,从而增强医疗保健领域的领导地位。

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[6] A framework for the systematic comparison and evaluation of compliance monitoring approaches (2013)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: To support the whole business process compliance lifecycle, one also needs to monitor the actual processes and not just check their design. Recently, many approaches have been proposed that utilize a broad range of constraint languages and techniques to realize compliance monitoring solutions. Due to this diversity, the comparison of existing approaches is difficult and consequently hampers the evaluation of which approaches are suitable for which application scenarios. This paper provides a framework to compare and evaluate existing compliance monitoring approaches. The framework is based on ten typical Compliance Monitoring Functionalities (CMFs). These have been derived using a systematic literature review and five case studies from different domains. Existing approaches are evaluated based on the CMF framework, resulting in a list of open questions and a discussion of new challenges in this field.

摘要: 为了支持整个业务流程合规性生命周期,还需要监视实际流程,而不仅仅是检查其设计。 最近,已经提出了许多利用多种约束语言和技术来实现合规性监视解决方案的方法。 由于这种多样性,现有方法的比较很困难,因此妨碍了对哪种方法适合哪种应用场景的评估。 本文提供了一个框架来比较和评估现有的合规性监控方法。 该框架基于十种典型的合规性监视功能(CMF)。 这些都是使用系统的文献综述和来自不同领域的五个案例研究得出的。 现有的方法是基于CMF框架进行评估的,从而产生了一系列悬而未决的问题,并讨论了该领域的新挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2013.11]

[7] A framework to support behavioral design pattern detection from software execution data (2018)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: The detection of design patterns provides useful insights to help understanding not only the code but also the design and architecture of the underlying software system. Most existing design pattern detection approaches and tools rely on source code as input. However, if the source code is not available (e.g., in case of legacy software systems) these approaches are not applicable anymore. During the execution of software, tremendous amounts of data can be recorded. This provides rich information on the runtime behavior analysis of software. This paper presents a general framework to detect behavioral design patterns by analyzing sequences of the method calls and interactions of the objects that are collected in software execution data. To demonstrate the applicability, the framework is instantiated for three well-known behavioral design patterns, i.e., observer, state and strategy patterns. Using the open-source process mining toolkit ProM, we have developed a tool that supports the whole detection process. We applied and validated the framework using software execution data containing around 1000.000 method calls generated from both synthetic and open-source software systems.

摘要: 对设计模式的检测提供了有用的见解,不仅可以帮助理解代码,还可以帮助理解底层软件系统的设计和体系结构。大多数现有的设计模式检测方法和工具都依赖于源代码作为输入。但是,如果源代码不可用(例如,在旧版软件系统的情况下),则这些方法将不再适用。在软件执行期间,可以记录大量数据。这提供了有关软件运行时行为分析的丰富信息。本文提出了一种通过分析方法调用的顺序以及在软件执行数据中收集的对象的交互来检测行为设计模式的通用框架。为了证明其适用性,该框架针对三种众所周知的行为设计模式进行了实例化,即观察者,状态和策略模式。使用开源过程挖掘工具包ProM,我们开发了一种支持整个检测过程的工具。我们使用包含从合成软件和开源软件系统生成的大约1000.000个方法调用的软件执行数据来应用和验证框架。

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[8] A general framework for correlating business process characteristics (2014)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process discovery techniques make it possible to automatically derive process models from event data. However, often one is not only interested in discovering the control-flow but also in answering questions like =What do the cases that are late have in common=, =What characterizes the workers that skip this check activity=, and =Do people work faster if they have more work=, etc. Such questions can be answered by combining process mining with classification (e.g., decision tree analysis). Several authors have proposed ad-hoc solutions for specific questions, e.g., there is work on predicting the remaining processing time and recommending activities to minimize particular risks. However, as shown in this paper, it is possible to unify these ideas and provide a general framework for deriving and correlating process characteristics. First, we show how the desired process characteristics can be derived and linked to events. Then, we show that we can derive the selected dependent characteristic from a set of independent characteristics for a selected set of events. This can be done for any process characteristic one can think of. The approach is highly generic and implemented as plug-in for the ProM framework. Its applicability is demonstrated by using it to answer to a wide range of questions put forward by the UWV (the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency).

摘要: 流程发现技术使从事件数据自动导出流程模型成为可能。但是,通常人们不仅对发现控制流感兴趣,而且还对回答诸如=迟到的案例有什么共同点=,=表征跳过此检查活动的工人的特征=和=人们工作等问题感兴趣如果他们有更多的工作=等,则速度更快。可以通过将过程挖掘与分类(例如决策树分析)相结合来回答此类问题。几位作者提出了针对特定问题的临时解决方案,例如,正在开展有关预测剩余处理时间并建议活动以最大程度降低特定风险的工作。但是,如本文所示,可以统一这些思想,并提供一个用于推导和关联过程特征的通用框架。首先,我们说明如何导出所需的过程特征并将其链接到事件。然后,我们表明我们可以从一组选定事件的独立特征中得出选定的依赖特征。可以针对任何可以想到的过程特征来完成此操作。该方法具有很高的通用性,并作为ProM框架的插件实现。通过回答UWV(荷兰雇员保险局)提出的广泛问题,证明了其适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-10172-9_16]

[9] A general framework to detect behavioral design patterns (2018)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: This paper presents a general framework to detect behavioral design patterns by combining source code and execution data. The framework has been instantiated for the observer, state and strategy patterns to demonstrate its applicability. By experimental evaluation, we show that our combined approach can guarantee a higher precision and recall than purely static approaches. In addition, our approach can discover all missing roles and return complete pattern instances that cannot be supported by existing approaches.

摘要: 本文提出了一种通过组合源代码和执行数据来检测行为设计模式的通用框架。该框架已为观察者,状态和策略模式实例化,以证明其适用性。通过实验评估,我们表明,与纯静态方法相比,我们的组合方法可以保证更高的精度和召回率。另外,我们的方法可以发现所有丢失的角色,并返回现有方法无法支持的完整模式实例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3183440.3194947]

[10] A general framework to identify software components from execution data (2019)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Restructuring an object-oriented software system into a component-based one allows for a better understanding of the software system and facilitates its future maintenance. A component-based architecture structures a software system in terms of components and interactions where each component refers to a set of classes. In reverse engineering, identifying components is crucial and challenging for recovering the component-based architecture. In this paper, we propose a general framework to facilitate the identification of components from software execution data. This framework is instantiated for various community detection algorithms, e.g., the Newmans spectral algorithm, Louvain algorithm, and smart local moving algorithm. The proposed framework has been implemented in the open source (Pro)cess (M)ining toolkit ProM. Using a set of software execution data containing around 1.000.000 method calls generated from four real-life software systems, we evaluated the quality of components identified by different community detection algorithms. The empirical evaluation results demonstrate that our approach can identify components with high quality, and the identified components can be further used to facilitate future software architecture recovery tasks.

摘要: 将面向对象的软件系统重组为基于组件的软件系统,可以更好地理解该软件系统,并有助于其将来的维护。基于组件的体系结构根据组件和交互来构建软件系统,其中每个组件均指代在逆向工程中,识别组件对于恢复基于组件的体系结构至关重要且具有挑战性,在本文中,我们提出了一个通用框架来促进从软件执行数据中识别组件,该框架针对各种社区进行了实例化。检测算法,例如纽曼光谱算法,Louvin算法和智能局部移动算法,该框架已在开源(Pro)cess(M)ining工具包ProM中实现,使用了一组包含约1.000的软件执行数据从四个实际软件系统生成的.000个方法调用,我们评估了组件的质量由不同的社区检测算法识别。经验评估结果表明,我们的方法可以识别高质量的组件,并且所识别的组件可以进一步用于促进将来的软件体系结构恢​​复任务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.5220/0007655902340241]

[11] A generic framework for context-aware process performance analysis (2016)

(Hompes, Bart F.A. and Buijs, Joos C.A.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process mining combines model-based process analysis with data-driven analysis techniques. The role of process mining is to extract knowledge and gain insights from event logs. Most existing techniques focus on process discovery (the automated extraction of process models) and conformance checking (aligning observed and modeled behavior). Relatively little research has been performed on the analysis of business process performance. Cooperative business processes often exhibit a high degree of variability and depend on many factors. Finding root causes for inefficiencies such as delays and long waiting times in such flexible processes remains an interesting challenge. This paper introduces a novel approach to analyze key process performance indicators by considering the process context. A generic context-aware analysis framework is presented that analyzes performance characteristics from multiple perspectives. A statistical approach is then utilized to evaluate and find significant differences in the results. Insights obtained can be used for finding high-impact points for optimization, prediction, and monitoring. The practical relevance of the approach is shown in a case study using real-life data.

摘要: 流程挖掘将基于模型的流程分析与数据驱动的分析技术相结合。流程挖掘的作用是从事件日志中提取知识并获得见解。现有的大多数技术都集中在过程发现(过程模型的自动提取)和一致性检查(对齐观察到的行为和建模行为)上。在业务流程绩效分析方面的研究相对较少。合作业务流程通常表现出高度的可变性,并取决于许多因素。在如此灵活的过程中找到效率低下的根本原因,例如延迟和漫长的等待时间,仍然是一个有趣的挑战。本文介绍了一种通过考虑过程上下文来分析关键过程性能指标的新颖方法。提出了一个通用的上下文感知分析框架,该框架从多个角度分析了性能特征。然后使用统计方法来评估并发现结果之间的显着差异。所获得的见解可用于查找高影响点,以进行优化,预测和监视。使用实际数据的案例研究显示了该方法的实际相关性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-48472-3_17]

[12] A generic import framework for process event logs (2006)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The application of process mining techniques to real-life corporate environments has been of an ad-hoc nature so far, focused on proving the concept. One major reason for this rather slow adoption has been the complicated task of transforming real-life event log data to the MXML format used by advanced process mining tools, such as ProM. In this paper, the ProM Import Framework is presented, which has been designed to bridge this gap and to build a stable foundation for the extraction of event log data from any given PAIS implementation. Its flexible and extensible architecture, adherence to open standards, and open source availability make it a versatile contribution to the general BPI community. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 到目前为止,将过程挖掘技术应用于现实的公司环境一直是临时性的,重点是证明这一概念。如此缓慢采用的主要原因之一是将现实事件日志数据转换为高级过程挖掘工具(例如ProM)所使用的MXML格式的复杂任务。在本文中,将介绍ProM导入框架,该框架旨在弥合这一差距并为从任何给定的PAIS实现中提取事件日志数据奠定稳定的基础。它的灵活和可扩展的体系结构,对开放标准的遵守以及开放源代码的可用性,使其对通用BPI社区做出了多方面的贡献。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11837862_10]

[13] A genetic algorithm for discovering process trees (2012)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Existing process discovery approaches have problems dealing with competing quality dimensions (fitness, simplicity, generalization, and precision) and may produce anomalous process models (e.g., deadlocking models). In this paper we propose a new genetic process mining algorithm that discovers process models from event logs. The tree representation ensures the soundness of the model. Moreover, as experiments show, it is possible to balance the different quality dimensions. Our genetic process mining algorithm is the first algorithm where the search process can be guided by preferences of the user while ensuring correctness. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

摘要: 现有的过程发现方法在处理竞争质量维度(适应性,简单性,泛化性和精度)时会遇到问题,并且可能会产生异常的过程模型(例如,死锁模型)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的遗传过程挖掘算法,该算法从事件日志中发现过程模型。树表示确保模型的健全性。而且,如实验所示,可以平衡不同的质量尺寸。我们的遗传过程挖掘算法是第一个算法,在确保正确性的同时,可以根据用户的偏好来指导搜索过程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2012.6256458]

[14] A meta model for process mining data (2005)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Modern process-aware information systems store detailed information about processes as they are being executed. This kind of information can be used for very different purposes. The term process mining refers to the techniques and tools to extract knowledge (e.g., in the form of models) from this. Several key players in this area have developed sophisticated process mining tools, such as Aris PPM and the HP Business Cockpit, that are capable of using the information available to generate meaningful insights. What most of these commercial process mining tools have in common is that installation and maintenance of the systems requires enormous effort, and deep knowledge of the underlying information system. Moreover, information systems log events in different ways. Therefore, the interface between process-aware information systems and process mining tools is far from trivial. It is vital to correctly map and interpret event logs recorded by the underlying information systems. Therefore, we propose a meta model for event logs. We give the requirements for the data that should be available, both informally and formally. Furthermore, we back our meta model up with an XML format called MXML and a tooling framework that is capable of reading MXML files. Although, the approach presented in this paper is very pragmatic, it can be seen as a first step towards and ontological analysis of process mining data.

摘要: 现代过程感知信息系统在执行过程时会存储有关过程的详细信息。这种信息可以用于非常不同的目的。术语过程挖掘是指从中提取知识(例如,以模型的形式)的技术和工具。该领域的一些主要参与者已经开发了复杂的流程挖掘工具,例如Aris PPM和HP Business Cockpit,它们能够使用可用的信息来生成有意义的见解。这些商业流程挖掘工具中的大多数共同点是,系统的安装和维护需要大量的工作,并且需要对基础信息系统有深入的了解。此外,信息系统以不同的方式记录事件。因此,过程感知信息系统和过程挖掘工具之间的接口绝非易事。正确映射和解释由底层信息系统记录的事件日志至关重要。因此,我们提出了事件日志的元模型。我们给出了非正式和正式可用数据的要求。此外,我们使用称为MXML的XML格式和能够读取MXML文件的工具框架来支持元模型。尽管本文介绍的方法非常实用,但可以视为迈向过程挖掘数据并对其进行本体分析的第一步。

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[15] A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition (2011)

(Zeng, Reng and He, Xudong and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Scientific workflows have recently emerged as a new paradigm for representing and managing complex distributed scientific computations and are used to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. In many disciplines, individual workflows are large and complicated due to the large quantities of data used. As such, the workflow construction is difficult or even impossible when relevant domain knowledge is missing or the workflows require collaboration within multiple domains. Recent efforts from scientific workflow community aiming at largescale capturing of provenance present a new opportunity for using provenance to provide recommendations during building scientific workflows. This paper presents a method based on provenance to mine models for scientific workflows, including data and control dependency. The mining result can either suggest part of others workflows for consideration, or make familiar part of workflow easily accessible, thus provide recommendation support for scientific workflow composition. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: 科学工作流程最近作为代表和管理复杂的分布式科学计算的新范例而出现,并用于加速科学发现的步伐。在许多学科中,由于使用了大量的数据,因此各个工作流程既庞大又复杂。这样,当相关领域知识缺失或工作流需要在多个领域内进行协作时,工作流的构建将变得困难甚至无法实现,科学工作流社区针对大规模捕获物源的最新努力为在构建科学过程中使用物源提供建议提供了新的机会。本文提出了一种基于出处的科学工作流模型挖掘方法,包括数据和控件依赖性,挖掘结果可以建议其他人的工作流以供考虑,也可以使熟悉的工作流易于访问,从而提供推荐支持对于科学ic工作流程组成。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SERVICES.2011.55]

[16] A model-based framework to automatically generate semi-real data for evaluating data analysis techniques (2019)

(Li, Guangming and De Carvalho | )

Abstract: As data analysis techniques progress, the focus shifts from simple tabular data to more complex data at the level of business objects. Therefore, the evaluation of such data analysis techniques is far from trivial. However, due to confidentiality, most researchers are facing problems collecting available real data to evaluate their techniques. One alternative approach is to use synthetic data instead of real data, which leads to unconvincing results. In this paper, we propose a framework to automatically operate information systems (supporting operational processes) to generate semi-real data (i.e., operations related data exclusive of images, sound, video, etc.). This data have the same structure as the real data and are more realistic than traditional simulated data. A plugin is implemented to realize the framework for automatic data generation.

摘要: 随着数据分析技术的发展,在业务对象级别上,重点从简单的表格数据转移到了更复杂的数据。 因此,对这种数据分析技术的评估绝非易事。 但是,由于机密性,大多数研究人员在收集可用的真实数据以评估其技术时面临着难题。 一种替代方法是使用合成数据而不是真实数据,这导致令人信服的结果。 在本文中,我们提出了一个框架来自动操作信息系统(支持操作过程)以生成半真实数据(即与操作相关的数据,不包括图像,声音,视频等)。 该数据与真实数据具有相同的结构,并且比传统的模拟数据更真实。 实现了插件以实现用于自动数据生成的框架。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.5220/0007713702130220]

[17] A software framework for risk-aware business process management (2013)

(Conforti, Raffaele and La Rosa | )

Abstract: With the large diffusion of Business Process Management (BPM) automation suites, the possibility of managing process-related risks arises. This paper introduces an innovative framework for process-related risk management and describes a working implementation realized by extending the YAWL system. The framework covers three aspects of risk management: risk monitoring, risk prevention, and risk mitigation. Risk monitoring functionality is provided using a sensor-based architecture, where sensors are defined at design time and used at run-time for monitoring purposes. Risk prevention functionality is provided in the form of suggestions about what should be executed, by who, and how, through the use of decision trees. Finally, risk mitigation functionality is provided as a sequence of remedial actions (e.g. reallocating, skipping, rolling back of a work item) that should be executed to restore the process to a normal situation.

摘要: 随着业务流程管理(BPM)自动化套件的广泛传播,出现了管理与流程相关的风险的可能性。本文介绍了一个与流程相关的风险管理的创新框架,并描述了通过扩展YAWL系统实现的工作实现。该框架涵盖了风险管理的三个方面:风险监控,风险预防和风险缓解。使用基于传感器的体系结构提供了风险监视功能,其中在设计时定义传感器,并在运行时使用传感器进行监视。风险预防功能以建议的形式提供,该建议涉及通过使用决策树应执行什么操作,由谁执行以及如何执行。最后,降低风险的功能是作为一系列补救措施(例如,重新分配,跳过,回滚工作项)而提供的,这些措施应被执行以使过程恢复到正常状态。

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[18] A visual approach to spot statistically-significant differences in event logs based on process metrics (2016)

(Bolt, Alfredo and De Leoni | )

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of comparing different variants of the same process. We aim to detect relevant differences between processes based on what was recorded in event logs. We use transition systems to model behavior and to highlight differences. Transition systems are annotated with measurements, used to compare the behavior in the variants. The results are visualized as transitions systems, which are colored to pinpoint the significant differences. The approach has been implemented in ProM, and the implementation is publicly available. We validated our approach by performing experiments using real-life event data. The results show how our technique is able to detect relevant differences undetected by previous approaches while it avoids detecting insignificant differences.

摘要: 本文解决了比较同一过程的不同变体的问题。 我们旨在根据事件日志中记录的内容来检测流程之间的相关差异。 我们使用过渡系统来建模行为并突出差异。 过渡系统带有测量注释,用于比较变体中的行为。 将结果可视化为过渡系统,将其着色以指出明显的差异。 该方法已在ProM中实施,并且该实施是公开可用的。 我们通过使用真实事件数据进行实验来验证了我们的方法。 结果显示了我们的技术如何能够检测以前方法未检测到的相关差异,同时又避免了检测无关紧要的差异。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-39696-5.10]

[19] Abstractions in process mining: A taxonomy of patterns (2009)

(Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | )

Abstract: Process mining refers to the extraction of process models from event logs. Real-life processes tend to be less structured and more flexible. Traditional process mining algorithms have problems dealing with such unstructured processes and generate spaghetti-like process models that are hard to comprehend. One reason for such a result can be attributed to constructing process models from raw traces without due pre-processing. In an event log, there can be instances where the system is subjected to similar execution patterns/behavior. Discovery of common patterns of invocation of activities in traces (beyond the immediate succession relation) can help in improving the discovery of process models and can assist in defining the conceptual relationship between the tasks/activities. In this paper, we characterize and explore the manifestation of commonly used process model constructs in the event log and adopt pattern definitions that capture these manifestations, and propose a means to form abstractions over these patterns. We also propose an iterative method of transformation of traces which can be applied as a pre-processing step for most of todays process mining techniques. The proposed approaches are shown to identify promising patterns and conceptually-valid abstractions on a real-life log. The patterns discussed in this paper have multiple applications such as trace clustering, fault diagnosis/anomaly detection besides being an enabler for hierarchical process discovery. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 过程挖掘是指从事件日志中提取过程模型。现实生活中的过程往往结构化程度较低,灵活性更高。传统的过程挖掘算法在处理此类非结构化过程时会遇到问题,并且会生成类似意大利面条的过程模型导致这种结果的一个原因可以归因于从原始跟踪构建过程模型而没有进行适当的预处理。在事件日志中,可能存在实例,其中系统经受类似的执行模式/行为。痕迹中的活动的调用(除了直接继承关系之外)可以帮助改进过程模型的发现,并可以帮助定义任务/活动之间的概念关系,在本文中,我们表征和探索常用过程模型的表现形式在事件日志中进行构造,并采用捕获这些表现形式的模式定义,并提出用于这些模式的抽象。我们还提出了一种轨迹转换的迭代方法,可以将其用作当今大多数过程挖掘技术的预处理步骤。所提出的方法已显示出在现实生活中的日志中识别有前途的模式和概念上有效的抽象。本文讨论的模式除了可以用作分层过程发现的使能器之外,还具有多种应用,例如跟踪群集,故障诊断/异常检测。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03848-8_12]

[20] Accelerating process mining using relational databases (2016)

(Syamsiyah, Alifah and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Given the abundance of event data, the challenge of process mining today is to enable process mining in the large. This research aims to address scalability problem in terms of memory use and time consumption. To this end, we use relational databases as the framework to both store event data and do process mining analysis. We conduct a pre-computation of intermediate structures during insertion time of the data. Finally, we implement the existing process mining algorithms to be compatible with relational database settings.

摘要: 鉴于事件数据的丰富性,当今流程挖掘的挑战是实现大型流程挖掘。这项研究旨在解决内存使用和时间消耗方面的可伸缩性问题。为此,我们使用关系数据库作为框架来存储事件数据和进行过程挖掘分析。我们在数据插入期间进行中间结构的预计算。最后,我们实现了现有的流程挖掘算法以与关系数据库设置兼容。

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[21] Advanced synchronization (2010)

(Wynn, Moe and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The OR-join is one of the three synchronization constructs supported in YAWL and the only one that depends on non-local semantics, that is, not only the current state but also possible future states need to be considered. The other two synchronization constructs are the XOR-join and the AND-join. Both have local semantics, that is, it suffices to consider the current state without extrapolating to possible future states when making a firing decision. An XOR-join requires no synchronization, that is, as soon as there is a token in one of its input conditions, an XOR-join is enabled. An AND-join requires full synchronization, that is, it is enabled when there is at least one token each in all of its input conditions. The drawback of using an AND-join construct is that a workflow can deadlock when all paths leading to the input conditions of the AND-join are not active. On the other hand, an OR-join construct allows more flexibility as it supports only the synchronization of active paths. Hence, the use of an OR-join construct in process models is desirable and necessary in situations where it is not possible to know in advance which paths will be active in a particular workflow instance (e.g., paths coming out of a multi-choice construct). To determine whether an OR-join should be enabled at a particular state of a workflow, we need to look ahead to see if there are other active paths for which we should wait in future states of the workflow. Hence, the OR-join semantics are non-local and the analysis required to decide whether an OR-join should be enabled at a particular workflow state is non-trivial. The decision requires an awareness of the current state as well as possible future states of the workflow. Defining the nonlocal semantics of an OR-join is difficult even when a workflow language does not support complex constructs (e.g., cancelation) and/or puts certain restrictions on the models (e.g., no loops or only allow structures where an OR-join is preceded by an OR-split). This analysis becomes even more complicated when there are multiple OR-joins in the workflow or when other complex constructs such as cancelation and loops are present in the workflow. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: OR-join是YAWL支持的三个同步结构之一,并且是唯一一个依赖于非本地语义的结构,也就是说,不仅需要考虑当前状态,而且还需要考虑将来的可能状态。其他两个同步构造是XOR-join和AND-join。两者都有本地语义,也就是说,在做出解雇决定时,只要考虑当前状态而无需推断可能的将来状态就足够了。 XOR联接不需要同步,也就是说,只要在其输入条件之一中存在令牌,就会启用XOR联接。 AND联接需要完全同步,即,在其所有输入条件中每个都有至少一个令牌时启用。使用AND-join构造的缺点是,当导致AND-join输入条件的所有路径均未激活时,工作流可能会死锁。另一方面,OR-join构造仅支持活动路径的同步,因此具有更大的灵活性。因此,在无法事先知道特定工作流程实例中哪些路径将处于活动状态的情况下(例如,从多选结构中产生的路径),在过程模型中使用OR联接构造是理想且必要的。 )。为了确定是否应在工作流的特定状态下启用OR联接,我们需要提前查看是否还有其他活动路径在工作流的未来状态下需要等待。因此,OR-join语义是非本地的,并且决定是否应在特定工作流状态下启用OR-join所需的分析是不平凡的。该决策要求了解工作流的当前状态以及将来可能的状态。即使工作流语言不支持复杂的构造(例如,取消)和/或对模型施加某些限制(例如,没有循环或仅允许使用OR-join的结构),也很难定义OR-join的非本地语义。前面加上或分割)。当工作流中存在多个或联接或工作流中存在其他复杂的构造(例如取消和循环)时,此分析将变得更加复杂。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03121-2_3]

[22] Advanced workow patterns (2000)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Barros, A. P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Kiepuszewski, B. | )

Abstract: Conventional workow functionality like task sequencing, split parallelism, join synchronization and iteration have proven effective for business process automation and have widespread support in current workow products. However, newer requirements for workows are en- countered in practice, opening grave uncertainties about the extensions for current languages. Different concepts, although outwardly appear- ing to be more or less the same, are based on different paradigms, have fundamentally different semantics and different levels of applicability - more specialized for modeling or more generalized for workow engine posit. By way of developmental insight of new requirements, we define workow patterns which are described imperatively but independently of current workow languages. These patterns provide the basis for an in-depth comparison of 12 workow management systems. As such, the work reported in this paper can be seen as the academic response to evaluations made by prestigious consulting companies. Typically, these evaluations hardly consider the workow modeling language and rout- ing capabilities and focus more on the purely technical and commercial aspects.

摘要: 传统的工作流功能,例如任务排序,拆分并行性,联接同步和迭代,已被证明对业务流程自动化有效,并且在当前的工作流产品中得到了广泛的支持。但是,实践中会遇到对工作流的新要求,这为当前语言的扩展带来了极大的不确定性。尽管在外观上看起来或多或少是相同的,但不同的概念却基于不同的范例,它们具有根本不同的语义和不同的适用性级别-更专门用于建模,或者更通用用于工作引擎。通过对新需求的开发洞察力,我们定义了工作模式,这些工作模式势在必行,但与当前工作语言无关。这些模式为深入比较12个工作流程管理系统提供了基础。因此,本文报道的工作可以看作是对著名咨询公司所做评估的学术回应。通常,这些评估几乎不考虑工作流程建模语言和路由功能,而更侧重于纯粹的技术和商业方面。

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[23] Aligning event logs and declarative process models for conformance checking (2012)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process mining can be seen as the missing link between data mining and business process management. Although nowadays, in the context of process mining, process discovery attracts the lions share of attention, conformance checking is at least as important. Conformance checking techniques verify whether the observed behavior recorded in an event log matches a modeled behavior. This type of analysis is crucial, because often real process executions deviate from the predefined process models. Although there exist solid conformance checking techniques for procedural models, little work has been done to adequately support conformance checking for declarative models. Typically, traces are classified as fitting or non-fitting without providing any detailed diagnostics. This paper aligns event logs and declarative models, i.e., events in the log are related to activities in the model if possible. The alignment provides then sophisticated diagnostics that pinpoint where deviations occur and how severe they are. The approach has been implemented in ProM and has been evaluated using both synthetic logs and real-life logs from Dutch municipalities. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 流程挖掘可以看作是数据挖掘与业务流程管理之间的缺失环节。尽管如今,在过程挖掘的背景下,过程发现吸引了大部分关注,但一致性检查至少同样重要。一致性检查技术可验证事件日志中记录的观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配。这种类型的分析至关重要,因为实际的流程执行通常会偏离预定义的流程模型。尽管存在用于过程模型的可靠的一致性检查技术,但为充分支持声明式模型的一致性检查所做的工作很少。通常,迹线被分类为适合或不适合,而没有提供任何详细的诊断信息。本文调整了事件日志和声明性模型的一致性,即日志中的事件尽可能与模型中的活动相关。然后,对齐可提供复杂的诊断信息,以查明偏差发生的位置和严重程度。该方法已在ProM中实施,并已使用荷兰市政当局的综合测井和实际测井进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-32885-5_6]

[24] Aligning event logs and process models for multi-perspective conformance checking: An approach based on integer linear programming (2013)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: Modern organizations have invested in collections of descriptive and/or normative process models, but these rarely describe the actual processes adequately. Therefore, a variety of techniques for conformance checking have been proposed to pinpoint discrepancies between modeled and observed behavior. However, these techniques typically focus on the control-flow and abstract from data, resources and time. This paper describes an approach that aligns event log and model while taking all perspectives into account (i.e., also data, time and resources). This way it is possible to quantify conformance and analyze differences between model and reality. The approach was implemented using ProM and has been evaluated using both synthetic event logs and a real-life case study. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 现代组织已经投资了描述性和/或规范性过程模型的集合,但是这些模型很少充分描述实际过程。因此,已提出了多种用于一致性检查的技术,以查明建模行为和观察到的行为之间的差异。但是,这些技术通常专注于控制流并从数据,资源和时间中抽象出来。本文介绍了一种在考虑所有角度(即数据,时间和资源)的同时对齐事件日志和模型的方法。这样,可以量化一致性并分析模型与现实之间的差异。该方法是使用ProM实施的,并已使用综合事件日志和实际案例研究进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40176-3_10]

[25] Alignment based precision checking (2013)

(Adriansyah, Arya and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Most organizations have process models describing how cases need to be handled. In fact, legislation and standardization (cf. the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Basel II Accord, and the ISO 9000 family of standards) are forcing organizations to document their processes. These processes are often not enforced by information systems. However, torrents of event data are recorded by todays information systems. These recorded events reflect how processes are really executed. Often reality deviates from the modeled behavior. Therefore, measuring the extent process executions conform to a predefined process model is increasingly important. In this paper, we propose an approach to measure the precision of a process model with respect to an event log. Unlike earlier approaches, we first align model and log thus making our approach more robust, even in case of deviations. The approach has been implemented in the ProM 6 tool and evaluated using both artificial and real life cases.

摘要: 大多数组织都有描述需要如何处理案件的流程模型。实际上,立法和标准化(参见《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》,《巴塞尔协议II》和ISO 9000系列标准)正迫使组织记录其流程。这些过程通常不是由信息系统强制执行的。但是,当今的信息系统记录着大量的事件数据。这些记录的事件反映了流程是如何真正执行的。现实常常偏离建模的行为。因此,测量过程执行符合预定义过程模型的程度越来越重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法来针对事件日志测量流程模型的精度。与以前的方法不同,我们首先对齐模型并进行对数,因此即使在出现偏差的情况下,我们的方法也更可靠。该方法已在ProM 6工具中实现,并已使用人工和现实案例进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9-15]

[26] An alternative way to analyze workflow graphs (2002)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Hirnschall, A. and Verbeek, H. M.W. | )

Abstract: At the CAiSE conference in Heidelberg in 1999, Wasim Sadiq and Maria Orlowska presented an algorithm to verify workflow graphs 19. The algorithm uses a set of reduction rules to detect structural conflicts. This paper shows that the set of reduction rules presented in 19 is not complete and proposes an alternative algorithm. The algorithm translates workflow graphs into so-called WF-nets. WF-nets are a class of Petri nets tailored towards workflow analysis. As a result, Petri-net theory and tools can be used to verify workflow graphs. In particular, our workflow verification tool Woflan 21 can be used to detect design errors. It is shown that the absence of structural conflicts, i.e., deadlocks and lack of synchronization, conforms to soundness of the corresponding WF-net 2. In contrast to the algorithm presented in 19, the algorithm presented in this paper is complete. Moreover, the complexity of this alternative algorithm is given.

摘要: 在1999年海德堡的CAiSE会议上,Wasim Sadiq和Maria Orlowska提出了一种算法来验证工作流图19。该算法使用一组归约规则来检测结构冲突。本文表明19中提出的约简规则集不完整,并提出了一种替代算法。该算法将工作流图转换为所谓的WF网络。 WF网络是为工作流分析量身定制的一类Petri网络。结果,Petri网理论和工具可用于验证工作流图。特别是,我们的工作流验证工具Woflan 21可用于检测设计错误。结果表明,没有结构性冲突,即死锁和缺乏同步,符合相应的WF-net的健全性2。与19中提出的算法相比,本文提出的算法是完整的。而且,给出了该替代算法的复杂性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[27] An analysis of windows workflows control-flow expressiveness (2009)

(Zapletal, Marco and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) has been introduced as part of the .NET framework as a means of creating workflow-centric applications. Its intended field of application is broad, ranging from fat-client applications and web applications to enterprise application integration solutions. Unlike other approaches Windows Workflow supports two distinct approaches to workflow specification - sequential workflows and state machine workflows - which deal with fundamentally different types of business scenarios. To date there has been minimal investigation into its capabilities and limitations, especially with respect to the two different control-flow styles it offers. To remedy this, in this paper we present a rigorous analysis of Windows Workflows ability to deal with common control-flow scenarios. As a framework for this evaluation we use the Workflow Patterns. Our analysis outlines the strength and shortcomings of Windows Workflows control-flow expressiveness and compares it to BPEL and jBPM - two other popular approaches for the design and implementation of business processes in a serviceoriented context. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.

摘要: Windows Workflow Foundation(WF)已作为.NET框架的一部分引入,以创建以工作流为中心的应用程序。它的预期应用范围很广,从胖客户端应用程序和Web应用程序到企业应用程序集成与其他方法不同,Windows Workflow支持两种不同的工作流规范方法-顺序工作流和状态机工作流-可以处理根本不同类型的业务方案,迄今为止,对其功能和局限性的研究很少,尤其是在它提供了两种不同的控制流样式。为此,在本文中,我们对Windows Workflow处理常见控制流方案的能力进行了严格的分析。作为评估的框架,我们使用工作流模式。 Windows Workflow的控制流表现力的强项和不足之处,并将其与BPE进行比较L和jBPM-在面向服务的上下文中设计和实现业务流程的另外两种流行方法。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ECOWS.2009.17]

[28] An experimental evaluation of passage-based process discovery (2013)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the area of process mining, the ILP Miner is known for the fact that it always returns a Petri net that perfectly fits a given event log. Like for most process discovery algorithms, its complexity is linear in the size of the event log and exponential in the number of event classes (i.e., distinct activities). As a result, the potential gain by partitioning the event classes is much higher than the potential gain by partitioning the traces in the event log over multiple event logs. This paper proposes to use the so-called passages to split up the event classes over multiple event logs, and shows the results are for seven large real-life event logs and one artificial event log: The use of passages indeed alleviates the complexity, but much hinges on the size of the largest passage detected. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,ILP Miner总是返回一个Petri网,该Petri网完全适合给定的事件日志,这一事实众所周知。与大多数流程发现算法一样,事件日志的复杂度与事件日志的大小呈线性关系,而事件类别(即不同的活动)的数量呈指数关系。结果,通过划分事件类的潜在收益远高于通过将事件日志中的迹线划分为多个事件日志的潜在收益。本文建议使用所谓的段落在多个事件日志中划分事件类别,并显示结果是针对七个大型现实事件日志和一个人工事件日志:段落的使用确实减轻了复杂性,但是在很大程度上取决于检测到的最大通道的大小。 t​​extcopyright 2013年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9-21]

[29] An extensible framework for analysing resource behaviour using event logs (2014)

(Pika, Anastasiia and Wynn, Moe T. and Fidge, Colin J. and Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: Business processes depend on human resources and managers must regularly evaluate the performance of their employees based on a number of measures, some of which are subjective in nature. As modern organisations use information systems to automate their business processes and record information about processes executions in event logs, it now becomes possible to get objective information about resource behaviours by analysing data recorded in event logs. We present an extensible framework for extracting knowledge from event logs about the behaviour of a human resource and for analysing the dynamics of this behaviour over time. The framework is fully automated and implements a predefined set of behavioural indicators for human resources. It also provides a means for organisations to define their own behavioural indicators, using the conventional Structured Query Language, and a means to analyse the dynamics of these indicators. The frameworks applicability is demonstrated using an event log from a German bank. textcopyright 2014 Springer International Publishing.

摘要: 业务流程取决于人力资源,管理人员必须根据许多措施定期评估员工的绩效,其中一些是主观的。现代组织使用信息系统来自动化其业务流程并记录有关流程的信息。在事件日志中执行,现在可以通过分析事件日志中记录的数据来获取有关资源行为的客观信息,我们提供了一个可扩展的框架,用于从事件日志中提取有关人力资源行为的知识并分析这种行为的动态该框架是完全自动化的,并为人力资源实现了一组预定义的行为指标,还为组织提供了一种使用常规的结构化查询语言定义自己的行为指标的方式,以及一种分析这些行为的动态的方式。指标。框架的适用性通过e来自德国银行的通风口日志。 t​​extcopyright 2014年Springer国际出版。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-07881-6_38]

[30] An infrastructure for cost-effective testing of operational support algorithms based on colored Petri nets (2012)

(Nakatumba, Joyce and Westergaard, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Operational support is a specific type of process mining that assists users while process instances are being executed. Examples are predicting the remaining processing time of a running insurance claim and recommending the action that minimizes the treatment costs of a particular patient. Whereas it is easy to evaluate prediction techniques using cross validation, the evaluation of recommendation techniques is challenging as the recommender influences the execution of the process. It is therefore impossible to simply use historic event data. Therefore, we present an approach where we use a colored Petri net model of user behavior to drive a real workflow system and real implementations of operational support, thereby providing a way of evaluating algorithms for operational support before implementation and a costly test using real users. In this paper, we evaluate algorithms for operational support using different user models. We have implemented our approach using Access/CPN 2.0. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 操作支持是一种特定类型的流程挖掘,可在执行流程实例时为用户提供帮助。例如,预测正在运行的保险索赔的剩余处理时间,并建议采取措施以最大程度地减少特定患者的治疗费用。尽管使用交叉验证很容易评估预测技术,但是推荐技术的评估却极具挑战性,因为推荐技术会影响流程的执行。因此,不可能简单地使用历史事件数据。因此,我们提出了一种方法,其中我们使用彩色的用户行为Petri网模型来驱动真实的工作流系统和运营支持的实际实现,从而提供一种在实施之前评估运营支持算法的方法以及使用真实用户进行的昂贵测试。在本文中,我们评估使用不同用户模型的运营支持算法。我们已经使用Access / CPN 2.0实现了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31131-4_17]

[31] An operational decision support framework for monitoring business constraints (2012)

(Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Only recently, process mining techniques emerged that can be used for Operational decision Support (OS), i.e., knowledge extracted from event logs is used to handle running process instances better. In the process mining tool ProM, a generic OS service has been developed that allows ProM to dynamically interact with an external information system, receiving streams of events and returning meaningful insights on the running process instances. In this paper, we present the implementation of a novel business constraints monitoring framework on top of the ProM OS service. We discuss the foundations of the monitoring framework considering two logic-based approaches, tailored to Linear Temporal Logic on finite traces and the Event Calculus. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 仅在最近,才出现了可用于运营决策支持(OS)的流程挖掘技术,即,从事件日志中提取的知识用于更好地处理正在运行的流程实例。在流程挖掘工具ProM中,已经开发了一种通用的OS服务,该服务允许ProM与外部信息系统动态交互,接收事件流并返回有关正在运行的流程实例的有意义的见解。在本文中,我们介绍了在ProM OS服务之上的新型业务约束监视框架的实现。我们讨论了监视框架的基础,其中考虑了两种基于逻辑的方法,这些方法是针对有限轨迹上的线性时间逻辑和事件演算量身定制的。 t​​extcopyright 2012年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28872-2_11]

[32] Analysis of patient treatment procedures (2012)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: A real-life event log, taken from a Dutch Academic Hospital, provided for the BPI challenge is analyzed using process mining techniques. The log contains events related to treatment and diagnosis steps for patients diagnosed with cancer. Given the heterogeneous nature of these cases, we first demonstrate that it is possible to create more homogeneous subsets of cases (e.g., patients having a particular type of cancer that need to be treated urgently). Such preprocessing is crucial given the variation and variability found in the event log. The discovered homogeneous subsets are analyzed using state-of-the-art process mining approaches. More specifically, we report on the findings discovered using enhanced fuzzy mining and trace alignment. A dedicated preprocessing ProM plug-in was developed for this challenge. The analysis was done using recent, but pre-existing, ProM plug-ins. The high-level view of our approach is depicted in Fig. 1. Using this approach we are able to uncover many interesting findings that could be used to improve the underlying care processes. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 使用BIM挑战提供给荷兰学术医院的真实事件日志,使用过程挖掘技术进行了分析。日志包含与诊断为癌症的患者的治疗和诊断步骤有关的事件。鉴于这些病例的异质性,我们首先证明有可能创建更多同类病例(例如,患有特殊类型癌症的患者需要紧急治疗)。考虑到事件日志中的变化和可变性,这种预处理至关重要。使用最新的过程挖掘方法对发现的同质子集进行分析。更具体地说,我们报告使用增强的模糊挖掘和轨迹对齐发现的发现。为此,开发了专用的ProM预处理插件。使用最近但已存在的ProM插件进行了分析。图1描绘了我们的方法的高级视图。使用这种方法,我们能够发现许多有趣的发现,这些发现可用于改善基础护理流程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28108-2_17]

[33] Analysis of web services composition languages: The case of BPEL4WS (2003)

(Wohed, Petia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Web services composition is an emerging paradigm for application integration within and across organizational boundaries. A landscape of languages and techniques for web services composition has emerged and is continuously being enriched with new proposals from different vendors and coalitions. However, little effort has been dedicated to systematically evaluate the capabilities and limitations of these languages and techniques. The work reported in this paper is a step in this direction. It presents an in-depth analysis of the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) with respect to a framework composed of workflow and communication patterns. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

摘要: Web服务组合是在组织边界内和跨组织边界进行应用程序集成的新兴范例。 Web服务组合的语言和技术领域已经出现,并且不断地被来自不同供应商和联盟的新建议所丰富。但是,很少有人致力于系统地评估这些语言和技术的功能和局限性。本文报道的工作是朝这个方向迈出的一步。它针对由工作流和通信模式组成的框架,对Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL4WS)进行了深入分析。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-39648-2_18]

[34] Analyzing multi-agent activity logs using process mining techniques (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and Zickler, S. and Veloso, M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Distributed autonomous robotic systems exhibit complex behavior that - although programmed, but due to the impact of the environment - only materializes as the process unfolds. Thus, the actual behavior of such a system cannot be known in advance but must be observed to be evaluated or verified. In this paper we propose to use process mining techniques to extract, compare, and enhance models of the actual behavior of a multi-agent robotic system through analyzing collected log data. We use the example of robot soccer as such a multi-agent robotic system, and we demonstrate which types of analysis are currently possible in the context of the process mining tool set ProM.

摘要: 分布式自主机器人系统表现出复杂的行为,尽管已对其进行了编程,但由于环境的影响,该行为仅随着过程的进展而实现。因此,这种系统的实际行为无法事先获知,但必须观察到以进行评估或验证。在本文中,我们建议使用过程挖掘技术通过分析收集到的日志数据来提取,比较和增强多主体机器人系统实际行为的模型。我们以机器人足球为例,说明了这种多智能体机器人系统,并演示了在过程挖掘工具集ProM的背景下当前可以进行哪些类型的分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-00644-9-22]

[35] Analyzing resource behavior using process mining (2010)

(Nakatumba, Joyce and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: It is vital to use accurate models for the analysis, design, and/or control of business processes. Unfortunately, there are often important discrepancies between reality and models. In earlier work, we have shown that simulation models are often based on incorrect assumptions and one example is the speed at which people work. The Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal suggests that a worker that is under time pressure may become more efficient and thus finish tasks faster. However, if the pressure is too high, then the workers performance may degrade. Traditionally, it was difficult to investigate such phenomena and few analysis tools (e.g., simulation packages) support workload-dependent behavior. Fortunately, more and more activities are being recorded and modern process mining techniques provide detailed insights in the way that people really work. This paper uses a new process mining plug-in that has been added to ProM to explore the effect of workload on service times. Based on historic data and by using regression analysis, the relationship between workload and services time is investigated. This information can be used for various types of analysis and decision making, including more realistic forms of simulation. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 使用准确的模型来分析,设计和/或控制业务流程至关重要。不幸的是,现实与模型之间通常存在重要的差异。在较早的工作中,我们已经证明了仿真模型通常基于错误的假设,而一个例子就是人们的工作速度。 《耶克斯-多德森的唤醒法则》建议,处于时间压力之下的工人可能会变得更有效率,从而更快地完成任务。但是,如果压力过高,则工人的表现可能会下降。传统上,很难研究此类现象,并且很少有分析工具(例如,仿真程序包)支持与工作负载有关的行为。幸运的是,越来越多的活动被记录下来,现代过程挖掘技术以人们真正的工作方式提供了详细的见解。本文使用了已添加到ProM中的新流程挖掘插件,以探索工作负载对服务时间的影响。基于历史数据并通过回归分析,研究工作负载与服务时间之间的关系。该信息可用于各种类型的分析和决策,包括更现实的仿真形式。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_8]

[36] Analyzing vessel behavior using process mining (2013)

(Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Mooij, Arjan J. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the maritime domain, electronic sensors such as AIS receivers and radars collect large amounts of data about the vessels in a certain geographical area. We investigate the use of process mining techniques for analyzing the behavior of the vessels based on these data. In the context of maritime safety and security, the goal is to support operators in identifying suspicious behavior that may indicate accidents or undesired activities such as smuggling and piracy. Our approach consists of two phases. In the first phase, process mining is used offline to extract from historical data a reference model of the normal vessel behavior, which can be adapted by experienced operators and domain experts. In the second phase, process mining is used online to verify whether the current vessel behavior is compliant with the reference model, thus allowing for the identification of suspicious behavior.

摘要: 在海洋领域,诸如AIS接收器和雷达之类的电子传感器会收集有关特定地理区域内船只的大量数据。我们调查使用过程挖掘技术基于这些数据来分析船只的行为。在海上安全和保障的背景下,目标是支持运营商识别可能表示事故或走私和盗版等不良活动的可疑行为。我们的方法包括两个阶段。在第一阶段,过程挖掘用于脱机使用以从历史数据中提取正常船舶行为的参考模型,可以由经验丰富的操作员和领域专家进行调整。在第二阶段,在线使用过程挖掘来验证当前船只行为是否符合参考模型,从而可以识别可疑行为。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-1-4614-6230-9_9]

[37] Application of process mining in healthcare - A case study in a Dutch Hospital (2008)

(Mans, R. S. and Schonenberg, M. H. and Song, M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: To gain competitive advantage, hospitals try to streamline their processes. In order to do so, it is essential to have an accurate view of the careflows under consideration. In this paper, we apply process mining techniques to obtain meaningful knowledge about these flows, e.g., to discover typical paths followed by particular groups of patients. This is a non-trivial task given the dynamic nature of healthcare processes. The paper demonstrates the applicability of process mining using a real case of a gynecological oncology process in a Dutch hospital. Using a variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the healthcare process from three different perspectives: (1) the control flow perspective, (2) the organizational perspective and (3) the performance perspective. In order to do so we extracted relevant event logs from the hospitals information system and analyzed these logs using the ProM framework. The results show that process mining can be used to provide new insights that facilitate the improvement of existing careflows. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 为了获得竞争优势,医院试图简化流程。为此,必须对所考虑的护理流程有一个准确的了解。在本文中,我们应用过程挖掘技术来获取有关这些流程的有意义的知识,例如,发现特定患者群体遵循的典型路径。鉴于医疗保健过程的动态性质,这是一项艰巨的任务。本文演示了在荷兰一家医院使用妇科肿瘤学过程的实际案例进行过程挖掘的适用性。我们使用各种过程挖掘技术,从三个不同的角度分析了医疗保健过程:(1)控制流角度,(2)组织角度,以及(3)绩效角度。为此,我们从医院的信息系统中提取了相关的事件日志,并使用ProM框架分析了这些日志。结果表明,过程挖掘可用于提供新见解,以促进现有护理流程的改善。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-92219-3_32]

[38] Applying sequence mining for outlier detection in process mining (2018)

(Fani Sani | )

Abstract: One of the challenges in applying process mining algorithms on real event data, is the presence of outlier behavior. Such behaviour often leads to complex, incomprehensible, and, sometimes, even inaccurate process mining results. As a result, correct and/or important behaviour of the process may be concealed. In this paper, we exploit sequence mining techniques for the purpose of outlier detection in the process mining domain. Using the proposed approach, it is even possible to detect outliers in case of heavy parallelism and/or long-term dependencies between business process activities. Our method has been implemented in both the ProM- and the RapidProM framework. Using these implementations, we conducted a collection of experiments that show that we are able to detect and remove outlier behaviour in event data. Our evaluation clearly demonstrates that the proposed method accurately removes outlier behaviour and, indeed, improves process discovery results.

摘要: 将流程挖掘算法应用于真实事件数据的挑战之一是存在异常行为。这种行为通常会导致复杂,难以理解的,有时甚至是不准确的过程挖掘结果。结果,可以隐藏该过程的正确和/或重要的行为。在本文中,我们利用序列挖掘技术来进行过程挖掘领域中的异常检测。使用所提出的方法,甚至在严重的并行性和/或业务流程活动之间的长期依赖性的情况下,也可以检测到异常值。我们的方法已在ProM-和RapidProM框架中实现。使用这些实现,我们进行了一系列实验,这些实验表明我们能够检测并消除事件数据中的异常行为。我们的评估清楚地表明,所提出的方法可以准确地消除异常行为,并且确实可以改善过程发现结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-02671-4_6]

[39] Assessing Process Discovery Scalability in Data Intensive Environments (2016)

(Hernandez, Sergio and Ezpeleta, Joaquin and Van Zelst | )

Abstract: Tremendous developments in Information Technology (IT) have enabled us to store and process huge amounts of data at unprecedented rates. This phenomenon largely impacts business processes. The field of process discovery, originating from the area of process mining, is concerned with automatically discovering process models from event data related to the execution of business processes. In this paper, we assess the scalability of applying process discovery techniques in data intensive environments. We propose ways to compute the internal data abstractions used by the discovery techniques within the MapReduce framework. The combination of MapReduce and process discovery enables us to tackle much bigger event logs in less time. Our generic approach scales linearly in terms of the data size and the number of computational resources used, and thus, shows great potential for the adoption of process discovery in a Big Data context.

摘要: 信息技术(IT)的巨大发展使我们能够以前所未有的速度存储和处理大量数据。这种现象在很大程度上影响业务流程。源自过程挖掘领域的过程发现领域涉及从与业务流程执行相关的事件数据中自动发现流程模型。在本文中,我们评估了在数据密集型环境中应用过程发现技术的可伸缩性。我们提出了一些方法来计算MapReduce框架内的发现技术所使用的内部数据抽象。 MapReduce和流程发现的结合使我们能够在更短的时间内处理更大的事件日志。我们的通用方法在数据大小和使用的计算资源数量方面呈线性扩展,因此,在大数据上下文中显示出采用流程发现的巨大潜力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BDC.2015.31]

[40] Automatic discovery of object-centric behavioral constraint models (2017)

(Li, Guangming and de Carvalho, Renata Medeiros and Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process discovery techniques have successfully been applied in a range of domains to automatically discover process models from event data. Unfortunately existing discovery techniques only discover a behavioral perspective of processes, where the data perspective is often as a second-class citizen. Besides, these discovery techniques fail to deal with object-centric data with many-to-many relationships. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to discover a novel modeling language which combines data models with declarative models, and the resulting object-centric behavioral constraint model is able to describe processes involving interacting instances and complex data dependencies. Moreover we propose an algorithm to discover such models.

摘要: 流程发现技术已成功应用于一系列领域,可以自动从事件数据中发现流程模型。 不幸的是,现有的发现技术只能发现流程的行为视角,而数据视角通常是二等公民。 此外,这些发现技术无法处理具有多对多关系的以对象为中心的数据。 因此,在本文中,我们旨在发现一种新颖的建模语言,该语言将数据模型与声明性模型相结合,并且由此产生的以对象为中心的行为约束模型能够描述涉及交互实例和复杂数据依赖项的过程。 此外,我们提出了一种发现这种模型的算法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59336-4_4]

[41] Automatic support for product based workflow design: Generation of process models from a product data model (2010)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) is one of the few scientific methodologies for the (re)design of workflow processes. It is based on an analysis of the product that is produced in the workflow process and derives a process model from the product structure. Until now this derivation has been a manual task and is therefore a time-consuming and error-prone exercise. Automatic support would enhance the use of the PBWD methodology. In this paper we propose several algorithms to automatically generate process models from a product structure and we present a software tool (implemented in ProM) to support this. Finally, the properties of the resulting process models are analysed and discussed. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 基于产品的工作流程设计(PBWD)是(重新)设计工作流程的少数科学方法之一。它基于对工作流程过程中产生的产品的分析,并从产品结构中得出过程模型。到目前为止,这种推导一直是一项手动任务,因此是一项耗时且容易出错的练习。自动支持将增强PBWD方法的使用。在本文中,我们提出了几种算法来从产品结构自动生成过程模型,并且我们提出了一种软件工具(在ProM中实现)来支持该算法。最后,分析和讨论了所得过程模型的属性。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-16961-8_91]

[42] BPM-in-the-large-towards a higher level of abstraction in business process management (2010)

(Houy, Constantin and Fettke, Peter and Loos, Peter and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM) has gained tremendous importance in recent years and BPM technologies and techniques are widely applied in practice. Furthermore there is a growing and very active research community looking at process modeling and analysis, reference models, workflow flexibility, process mining and process-centric Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). However, it is clear that existing approaches have problems dealing with the enormous challenges real-life BPM projects are facing. Large organizations have hundreds of processes in place. These processes are often poorly documented and the relationships between them are not made explicit. Conventional BPM research seems to focus on situations with just a few isolated processes while in reality the real challenge is to cope with large collections of interconnected processes. Moreover, new technologies such as ubiquitous computing (sensor technologies, mobile devices, RFID tagging etc.) and pervasive networks (cf. internet of things) generate enormous volumes of event data. Organizations have problems handling and using such data. Event data is scattered over various subsystems and not used well. This paper coins the term BPM-inthe- Large to describe the above situation and describes challenges and opportunities for BPM research.

摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)在最近几年变得非常重要,并且BPM技术已在实践中得到广泛应用。此外,有一个不断发展且非常活跃的研究社区,致力于过程建模和分析,参考模型,工作流灵活性,过程挖掘和以过程为中心的面向服务的体系结构(SOA)。但是,很明显,现有方法在应对现实BPM项目面临的巨大挑战方面存在问题。大型组织有数百个流程。这些过程通常记录不充分,并且它们之间的关系没有明确说明。传统的BPM研究似乎只关注少数几个孤立流程的情况,而实际上,真正的挑战是应对大量相互关联的流程。此外,诸如无处不在的计算(传感器技术,移动设备,RFID标签等)和无处不在的网络(例如物联网)之类的新技术会生成大量的事件数据。组织在处理和使用此类数据时遇到问题。事件数据分散在各个子系统中,使用不充分。本文使用术语大型BPM来描述上述情况,并描述了BPM研究的挑战和机遇。

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[43] BPMNDiffViz: A tool for BPMN Models comparison? (2015)

(Ivanov, Sergey Y. and Kalenkova, Anna A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Automatic comparison of business processes plays an important role in their analysis and optimization. In this paper we present the web-based tool BPMNDiffViz, that finds business processes discrepancies and visualizes them. BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) 2.0 - one of the most commonly used notations for process modeling was chosen as a representation. This tool implements a structural graph-based comparison analysis using an A∗ algorithm.

摘要: 业务流程的自动比较在其分析和优化中起着重要作用。 在本文中,我们介绍了基于Web的工具BPMNDiffViz,该工具可发现业务流程差异并将其可视化。 BPMN(业务流程模型和表示法)2.0-流程建模最常用的表示法之一被选为表示形式。 该工具使用A ∗算法实现基于结构图的比较分析。

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[44] BPR best practices for the healthcare domain (2010)

(Netjes, Mariska and Mans, Ronny S. and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Healthcare providers are under pressure to work more efficiently and in a more patient-focused way. One possible way to achieve this is to launch Business Process Redesign (BPR) initiatives, which focus on changing the structure of the involved processes and using IT as an enabler for such changes. In this paper, we argue that a list of historically successful improvement tactics, the BPR best practices, are a highly suitable ingredient for such efforts in the healthcare domain. Our assessment is based on the analysis of 14 case studies. The insights obtained by the analysis also led to an extension of the original set of best practices. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 医疗保健提供者承受着提高工作效率和以患者为中心的方式的压力。实现此目标的一种可能方法是启动业务流程重新设计(BPR)计划,该计划的重点是更改所涉及流程的结构并使用IT作为此类更改的推动力。在本文中,我们认为,历史上成功的改进策略(BPR最佳实践)列表非常适合在医疗保健领域进行此类工作。我们的评估基于对14个案例研究的分析。通过分析获得的见解还导致了对原始最佳实践的扩展。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_58]

[45] Behavioral conformance of artifact-centric process models (2011)

(Fahland, Dirk and De Leoni | )

Abstract: The use of process models in business information systems for analysis, execution, and improvement of processes assumes that the models describe reality. Conformance checking is a technique to validate how good a given process model describes recorded executions of the actual process. Recently, artifacts have been proposed as a paradigm to capture dynamic, and inter-organizational processes in a more natural way. In artifact-centric processes, several restrictions and assumptions of classical processes are dropped. This renders checking their conformance a more general problem. In this paper, we study the conformance problem of such processes. We show how to partition the problem into behavioral conformance of single artifacts and interaction conformance between artifacts, and solve behavioral conformance by a reduction to existing techniques. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 在业务信息系统中使用流程模型进行分析,执行和改进流程时,假设该模型描述了现实。一致性检查是一种用于验证给定流程模型描述实际流程的记录执行情况的技术。近来,人工制品已被提出为以更自然的方式捕获动态和组织间过程的范例。在以工件为中心的过程中,删除了经典过程的一些限制和假设。这使得检查它们的一致性成为一个更普遍的问题。在本文中,我们研究了此类过程的一致性问题。我们展示了如何将问题划分为单个工件的行为一致性和工件之间的交互一致性,以及如何通过减少现有技术来解决行为一致性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-21863-7_4]

[46] Behavioral service substitution (2014)

(Stahl, Christian and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Service-oriented design supports system evolution and encourages reuse and modularization. A key ingredient of service orientation is the ability to substitute one service by another without reconfiguring the overall system. This chapter aims to give an overview of the state of the art and open challenges in the area of service substitution. Thereby, we restrict ourselves to changes of the service behavior. We present a formal model of service behavior, formalize service substitution, study algorithms to decide service substitution, and provide rules to construct services that are correct by design. Beside analysis at design time, we also investigate analysis at runtime, where we measure the deviation of a running service (or collection of services) from its specification based on recorded event data (e.g., message or transaction logs).

摘要: 面向服务的设计支持系统演进,并鼓励重用和模块化。 面向服务的关键要素是能够在不重新配置整个系统的情况下将一项服务替换为另一项服务。 本章旨在概述服务替代领域的最新技术和未解决的挑战。 因此,我们将自己限制在服务行为的变化上。 我们提出了服务行为的正式模型,正式化了服务替代,研究了决定服务替代的算法,并提供了规则来构造设计正确的服务。 除了在设计时进行分析之外,我们还研究运行时的分析,在该分析中,我们根据记录的事件数据(例如消息或事务日志)来衡量正在运行的服务(或服务集合)与其规格的偏差。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-1-4614-7518-7_9]

[47] Beyond process mining: From the past to present and future (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Traditionally, process mining has been used to extract models from event logs and to check or extend existing models. This has shown to be useful for improving processes and their IT support. Process mining techniques analyze historic information hidden in event logs to provide surprising insights for managers, system developers, auditors, and end users. However, thus far, process mining is mainly used in an offline fashion and not for operational decision support. While existing process mining techniques focus on the process as a whole, this paper focuses on individual process instances (cases) that have not yet completed. For these running cases, process mining can used to check conformance, predict the future, and recommend appropriate actions. This paper presents a framework for operational support using process mining and details a coherent set of approaches that focuses on time information. Time-based operational support can be used to detect deadline violations, predict the remaining processing time, and recommend activities that minimize flow times. All of this has been implemented in ProM and initial experiences using this toolset are reported in this paper. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.

摘要: 传统上,过程挖掘已用于从事件日志中提取模型并检查或扩展现有模型。事实证明,这对于改进流程及其IT支持非常有用。流程挖掘技术分析事件日志中隐藏的历史信息,从而为管理人员,系统开发人员,审计人员和最终用户提供令人惊讶的见解。但是,到目前为止,过程挖掘主要以脱机方式使用,而不是用于操作决策支持。现有的流程挖掘技术着眼于整个流程,而本文重点关注尚未完成的单个流程实例(案例)。对于这些正在运行的情况,可以使用过程挖掘来检查一致性,预测未来并建议适当的操作。本文提供了一个使用流程挖掘的运营支持框架,并详细介绍了一套针对时间信息的连贯方法。基于时间的操作支持可用于检测违反期限的情况,预测剩余的处理时间,并建议可将流动时间减至最少的活动。所有这些都已在ProM中实现,本文报告了使用此工具集的初步经验。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2010。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-13094-6_5]

[48] Beyond workflow management: Product-driven case handling (2001)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the last decade, workflow technology has become one of the building blocks for realizing enterprise information systems. Unfortunately, the application of contemporary workflow management systems is limited to well-defined and well-controlled environments. In practice, workflow technology often fails because of limited flexibility. We advocate a paradigm shift to overcome this problem: Workflows should not be driven by pre-specified control-flows but by the products they generate. This paper presents the software package FLOWer which fully supports this paradigm shift.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,工作流技术已成为实现企业信息系统的基础之一。不幸的是,现代工作流管理系统的应用仅限于定义明确和控制良好的环境。在实践中,工作流技术通常由于灵活性有限而失败。我们提倡进行范式转换以解决此问题:工作流不应由预先指定的控制流驱动,而应由它们生成的产品驱动。本文介绍了完全支持这种范例转换的软件包FLOWer。

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[49] Big software on the run: In vivo software analytics based on process mining (Keynote) (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Software-related problems have an incredible impact on society, organizations, and users that increasingly rely on information technology. Specification, verification and testing techniques aim to avoid such problems. However, the growing complexity, scale, and diversity of software complicate matters. Since software is evolving and operates in a changing environment, one cannot anticipate all problems at design-time. Hence, we propose to analyze software in vivo, i.e., we study systems in their natural habitat rather than through testing or software design. We propose to observe running systems, collect and analyze data on them, generate descriptive models, and use these to respond to failures. We focus on process mining as a tool for in vivo software analytics. Process discovery techniques can be used to capture the real behavior of software. Conformance checking techniques can be used to spot deviations. The alignment of models and real software behavior can be used to predict problems related to performance or conformance. Recent developments in process mining and instrumentation of software make this possible. This keynote paper provides pointers to process mining literature and introduces the Big Software on the Run (BSR) research program that just started.

摘要: 与软件相关的问题对越来越依赖信息技术的社会,组织和用户产生了难以置信的影响。规范,验证和测试技术旨在避免此类问题。但是,软件的复杂性,规模和多样性的增长使问题变得复杂。由于软件在不断发展变化并在不断变化的环境中运行,因此无法在设计时预见所有问题。因此,我们建议对软件进行体内分析,即我们在自然栖息地研究系统,而不是通过测试或软件设计。我们建议观察正在运行的系统,收集和分析有关它们的数据,生成描述性模型,并使用它们来响应故障。我们专注于将流程挖掘作为体内软件分析的工具。流程发现技术可用于捕获软件的实际行为。一致性检查技术可用于发现偏差。模型与实际软件行为的一致性可以用来预测与性能或一致性相关的问题。在过程挖掘和软件检测方面的最新发展使之成为可能。本主题演讲论文提供了处理过程挖掘文献的指南,并介绍了刚刚开始的运行中的大型软件(BSR)研究程序。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2785592.2785593]

[50] Book Review: Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business Processes (2014)

(Kwon, In Ho | )

Abstract: More and more information about business processes is recorded by information systems in the form of so-called event logs. Despite the omnipresence of such data, most organizations diagnose problems based on fiction rather than facts. Process mining is an emerging discipline based on process model-driven approaches and data mining. It not only allows organizations to fully benefit from the information stored in their systems, but it can also be used to check the conformance of processes, detect bottlenecks, and predict execution problems. Wil van der Aalst delivers the first book on process mining. It aims to be self-contained while covering the entire process mining spectrum from process discovery to operational support. In Part I, the author provides the basics of business process modeling and data mining necessary to understand the remainder of the book. Part II focuses on process discovery as the most important process mining task. Part III moves beyond discovering the control flow of processes and highlights conformance checking, and organizational and time perspectives. Part IV guides the reader in successfully applying process mining in practice, including an introduction to the widely used open-source tool ProM. Finally, Part V takes a step back, reflecting on the material presented and the key open challenges. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in process mining. It is intended for business process analysts, business consultants, process managers, graduate students, and BPM researchers.

摘要: 有关业务流程的越来越多的信息由信息系统以所谓的事件日志的形式记录。尽管无处不在,但大多数组织都是根据虚构而非事实来诊断问题。流程挖掘是基于流程模型驱动的方法和数据挖掘的新兴学科。它不仅使组织可以从其系统中存储的信息中充分受益,而且还可以用于检查流程的一致性,检测瓶颈和预测执行问题。 Wil van der Aalst提供了有关过程采矿的第一本书。它旨在自成体系,同时涵盖从过程发现到运营支持的整个过程挖掘范围。在第一部分中,作者提供了理解本书其余部分所必需的业务流程建模和数据挖掘的基础。第二部分重点介绍过程发现,这是最重要的过程挖掘任务。第三部分超越了发现流程的控制流程,重点介绍了一致性检查以及组织和时间方面的观点。第四部分指导读者在实践中成功地应用过程挖掘,包括对广泛使用的开源工具ProM的介绍。最后,第五部分退后一步,对所介绍的材料和关键的开放挑战进行了反思。总体而言,本书全面概述了过程挖掘的最新技术。它适用于业务流程分析师,业务顾问,流程经理,研究生和BPM研究人员。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4258/hir.2014.20.2.157]

[51] Business Process Execution Language (2017)

(van der Aalst, W. M. P. | )

Abstract: Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), short for Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) is an OASIS1 standard executable language for specifying actions within business processes with web services. Processes in BPEL export and import information by using web service interfaces exclusively.

摘要: 业务流程执行语言(BPEL),是Web服务的缩写。业务流程执行语言(WS-BPEL)是OASIS 1标准可执行语言,用于指定具有Web服务的业务流程中的操作。 BPEL中的流程仅通过使用Web服务接口来导出和导入信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_1194-2]

[52] Business Process Management: Models, Techniques, and Empirical Studies (2000)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business processes are among todays hottest topics in the science and practice of information systems. Business processes and workflow management systems attract a lot of attention from R&D professionals in software engineering, information systems, business-oriented computer science, and management sciences. The carefully reviewed chapters contributed to this state-of-the-art survey by internationally leading scientists consolidate work presented at various workshops on the topic organized by the editors of the book in the past few years. The book spans the whole spectrum of business process management ranging from theoretical aspects, conceptual models, and application scenarios to implementation issues. It will become a valuable source of reference and information for R&D professionals active in the fascinating interdisciplinary area of business process management and for ambitious practitioners.

摘要: 业务流程是当今信息系统科学和实践中最热门的主题之一。 业务流程和工作流管理系统吸引了软件工程,信息系统,面向业务的计算机科学和管理科学领域的R&D专业人员的大量关注。 经过认真审阅的各章为国际最新科学家的这项最新调查做出了贡献,巩固了本书作者在过去几年组织的有关该主题的各种研讨会上提出的工作。 本书涵盖了业务流程管理的整个范围,从理论方面,概念模型和应用方案到实施问题。 对于活跃于引人入胜的业务流程管理跨学科领域的研发专业人员以及雄心勃勃的从业人员而言,它将成为宝贵的参考和信息来源。

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[53] Business process comparison: A methodology and case study (2017)

(Syamsiyah, Alifah and Bolt, Alfredo and Cheng, Long and Hompes, Bart F.A. and Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | )

Abstract: Business processes often exhibit a high degree of variability. Process variants may manifest due to the differences in the nature of clients, heterogeneity in the type of cases, etc. Through the use of process mining techniques, one can benefit from historical event data to extract non-trivial knowledge for improving business process performance. Although some research has been performed on supporting process comparison within the process mining context, applying process comparison in practice is far from trivial. Considering all comparable attributes, for example, leads to an exponential number of possible comparisons. In this paper we introduce a novel methodology for applying process comparison in practice. We successfully applied the methodology in a case study within Xerox Services, where a forms handling process was analyzed and actionable insights were obtained by comparing different process variants using event data.

摘要: 业务流程通常表现出高度的可变性。由于客户性质,案例类型的异质性等方面的差异,可能会出现流程变体。通过使用流程挖掘技术,人们可以从历史事件数据中受益,以提取非平凡的知识来改善业务流程绩效。尽管已经进行了一些有关在过程挖掘环境中支持过程比较的研究,但在实践中应用过程比较并非易事。例如,考虑所有可比较的属性,会导致成倍数量的可能比较。在本文中,我们介绍了一种在实践中应用过程比较的新颖方法。我们在Xerox Services的案例研究中成功地应用了该方法,在该案例研究中分析了表单处理流程,并通过使用事件数据比较不同的流程变体来获得可行的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59336-4_18]

[54] Business process compliance checking: Current state and future challenges (2008)

(El Kharbili | )

Abstract: Regulatory compliance sets new requirements for business process management (BPM). Companies seek to enhance their corporate governance processes and are required to put in place measures for ensuring compliance to regulations. In this sense, this position paper (i) reviews the current work in the context of BPM systems and (ii) suggests future directions to improve the current status. During the literature review, techniques are classified as supporting forward or backward compliance. The latter is a post-execution compliance (i.e. based on execution histories of systems) and the former takes place at design- or run-time. In a nutshell, this position paper claims that four main aspects need to be incorporated by current compliance checking techniques: (i) an integrated approach able to cover the full BPM life-cycle, (ii) the support for compliance checks beyond control-flow-related aspects, (iii) intuitive graphical notations for business analysts, and (iv) embedding semantic technologies during the definition, deployment and executions of compliance checks.

摘要: 合规性为业务流程管理(BPM)设置了新要求。公司寻求改善其公司治理流程,并被要求采取措施确保合规。从这个意义上讲,本立场文件(i)在BPM系统的背景下回顾了当前的工作,并且(ii)提出了改善当前状况的未来方向。在文献回顾期间,技术被分类为支持向前或向后顺应性。后者是执行后的合规性(即基于系统的执行历史记录),前者是在设计或运行时发生的。简而言之,该立场文件声称,当前的合规性检查技术需要结合四个主要方面:(i)能够覆盖整个BPM生命周期的集成方法,(ii)对超出控制流程的合规性检查的支持相关方面,(iii)为业务分析人员提供直观的图形符号,以及(iv)在定义,部署和执行合规性检查期间嵌入语义技术。

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[55] Business process configuration in the cloud: How to support and analyze multi-tenant processes? (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Lions share of cloud research has been focusing on performance related problems. However, cloud computing will also change the way in which business processes are managed and supported, e.g., more and more organizations will be sharing common processes. In the classical setting, where product software is used, different organizations can make ad-hoc customizations to let the system fit their needs. This is undesirable, especially when multiple organizations share a cloud infrastructure. Configurable process models enable the sharing of common processes among different organizations in a controlled manner. This paper discusses challenges and opportunities related to business process configuration. Causal nets (C-nets) are proposed as a new formalism to deal with these challenges, e.g., merging variants into a configurable model is supported by a simple union operator. C-nets also provide a good representational bias for process mining, i.e., process discovery and conformance checking based on event logs. In the context of cloud computing, we focus on the application of C-nets to cross-organizational process mining. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: Lion在云研究中的份额一直集中在与性能相关的问题上。但是,云计算也将改变管理和支持业务流程的方式,例如,越来越多的组织将共享通用流程。在使用产品软件的地方,不同的组织可以进行临时自定义以使系统适合他们的需求,这是不希望的,尤其是当多个组织共享云基础架构时。本文讨论了与业务流程配置相关的挑战和机遇,并提出了因果网络(C-nets)作为应对这些挑战的新形式,例如,由一个简单的联合运营商支持将变体合并到可配置模型中。网络还为流程挖掘(即流程发现和一致性检查)提供了良好的代表性偏差基于事件日志。在云计算的背景下,我们专注于C网络在跨组织过程挖掘中的应用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ECOWS.2011.8]

[56] Business process management demystified: A tutorial on models, systems and standards for workflow management (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Over the last decade there has been a shift from data-aware information systems to process-aware information systems. To support business processes an enterprise information system needs to be aware of these processes and their organizational context. Business Process Management (BPM) includes methods, techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of such operational business processes. BPM can be considered as an extension of classical Workflow Management (WFM) systems and approaches. This tutorial introduces models, systems, and standards for the design, analysis, and enactment of workflow processes. Petri nets are used for the modeling and analysis of workflows. Using Petri nets as a formal basis, contemporary systems, languages, and standards for BPM and WFM are discussed. Although it is clear that Petri nets can serve as a solid foundation for BPM/WFM technology, in reality systems, languages, and standards are developed in an ad-hoc fashion. To illustrate this XPDL, the Lingua Franca proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), is analyzed using a set of 20 basic workflow patterns. This analysis exposes some of the typical semantic problems restricting the application of BPMAVFM technology. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,已经从数据感知信息系统转变为过程感知信息系统。为了支持业务流程,企业信息系统需要了解这些流程及其组织环境。业务流程管理(BPM)包括支持此类业务流程的设计,制定,管理和分析的方法,技术和工具。 BPM可被视为经典工作流管理(WFM)系统和方法的扩展。本教程介绍了用于设计,分析和制定工作流程的模型,系统和标准。 Petri网用于工作流的建模和分析。使用Petri网作为正式基础,讨论了BPM和WFM的现代系统,语言和标准。尽管很明显,Petri网可以作为BPM / WFM技术的坚实基础,但实际上,系统,语言和标准是以临时方式开发的。为了说明此XPDL,使用了20种基本工作流程模式对工作流程管理联盟(WfMC)提出的 Lingua Franca进行了分析。该分析揭示了一些限制BPMAVFM技术应用的典型语义问题。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-27755-2_1]

[57] Business process reporting using process mining, analytic workflows and process cubes: A case study in education (2017)

(Bolt, Alfredo and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Gorissen, Pierre | )

Abstract: Business Process Intelligence (BPI) is an emerging topic that has gained popularity in the last decade. It is driven by the need for analysis techniques that allow businesses to understand and improve their processes. One of the most common applications of BPI is reporting, which consists on the structured generation of information (i.e., reports) from raw data. In this article, state-of-the-art process mining techniques are used to periodically produce automated reports that relate the actual performance of students of a Dutch University to their studying behavior. To avoid the tedious manual repetition of the same process mining procedure for each course, we have designed a workflow calling various process mining techniques using RapidProM. To ensure that the actual students behavior is related to their actual performance (i.e., grades for courses), our analytic workflows approach leverages on process cubes, which enable the dataset to be sliced and diced based on courses and grades. The article discusses how the approach has been operationalized and what is the structure and concrete results of the reports that have been automatically generated. Two evaluations were performed with lecturers using the real reports. During the second evaluation round, the reports were restructured based on the feedback from the first evaluation round. Also, we analyzed an example report to show the range of insights that they provide.

摘要: 业务流程智能(BPI)是在最近十年中变得越来越流行的新兴主题。它是由对允许企业理解和改进其流程的分析技术的需求所推动的。BPI的最常见应用之一是报告,它由原始数据构成的结构化信息(即报告)组成,在本文中,我们使用了最新的过程挖掘技术来定期生成自动报告,这些报告与荷兰大学学生的实际表现相关为了避免每门课程重复相同的过程挖掘过程的繁琐的手动重复,我们设计了一个工作流,使用RapidProM调用各种过程挖掘技术。为了确保实际学生的行为与他们的实际表现相关(即,课程的成绩),我们的分析工作流方法利用过程多维数据集,这使数据集可以根据课程和成绩进行切片和切块es。本文讨论了该方法是如何实施的,以及自动生成的报告的结构和具体结果是什么。讲师使用真实报告进行了两次评估。在第二轮评估中,根据第一轮评估的反馈对报告进行了重组。另外,我们分析了一个示例报告,以显示它们提供的见解范围。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-53435-0_2]

[58] Business process simulation survival guide (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Simulation provides a flexible approach to analyzing business processes. Through simulation experiments various what if questions can be answered and redesign alternatives can be compared with respect to key performance indicators. This chapter introduces simulation as an analysis tool for business process management. After describing the characteristics of business simulation models, the phases of a simulation project, the generation of random variables, and the analysis of simulation results, we discuss 15 risks, i.e., potential pitfalls jeopardizing the correctness and value of business process simulation. For example, the behavior of resources is often modeled in a rather naive manner resulting in unreliable simulation models. Whereas traditional simulation approaches rely on hand-made models, we advocate the use of process mining techniques for creating more reliable simulation models based on real event data. Moreover, simulation can be turned into a powerful tool for operational decision making by using real-time process data.

摘要: 模拟提供了一种灵活的方法来分析业务流程。通过模拟实验,可以回答各种问题,并就关键性能指标比较重新设计的替代方案。本章介绍模拟作为业务流程管理的分析工具。在描述了业务仿真模型的特性,仿真项目的阶段,随机变量的生成以及仿真结果的分析之后,我们讨论了15种风险,即潜在的陷阱危及业务流程仿真的正确性和价值。例如,资源的行为通常以相当幼稚的方式建模,从而导致不可靠的仿真模型。传统的仿真方法依赖于手工模型,我们提倡使用过程挖掘技术基于真实事件数据创建更可靠的仿真模型。此外,通过使用实时过程数据,可以将模拟转变为进行操作决策的强大工具。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-45100-3_15]

[59] Business trend analysis by simulation (2010)

(Schonenberg, Helen and Jian, Jingxian and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business processes are constantly affected by the environment in which they execute. The environment can change due to seasonal and financial trends. For organisations it is crucial to understand their processes and to be able to estimate the effects of these trends on the processes. Business process simulation is a way to investigate the performance of a business process and to analyse the process response to injected trends. However, existing simulation approaches assume a steady state situation. Until now correlations and dependencies in the process have not been considered in simulation models, which can lead to wrong estimations of the performance. In this work we define an adaptive simulation model with a history-dependent mechanism that can be used to propagate changes in the environment through the model. In addition we focus on the detection of dependencies in the process based on the executions of the past. We demonstrate the application of adaptive simulation models by means of an experiment. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.

摘要: 业务流程不断受到执行环境的影响。由于季节和财务趋势,环境可能会发生变化。对于组织而言,至关重要的是了解他们的流程并能够估计这些趋势对流程的影响。业务流程模拟是一种调查业务流程的性能并分析流程对注入趋势的响应的方法。但是,现有的模拟方法假定处于稳态状态。到目前为止,仿真模型中尚未考虑过程中的相关性和依赖性,这可能导致对性能的错误估计。在这项工作中,我们定义了具有历史依赖机制的自适应仿真模型,该机制可用于通过模型传播环境中的变化。此外,我们专注于根据过去的执行情况检测流程中的依赖关系。我们通过实验演示了自适应仿真模型的应用。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2010。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-13094-6_39]

[60] Case handling systems as product based workflow design support (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: Case handling systems offer a solution to the lack of flexibility and adaptability in workflow management systems. Because they are data driven they potentially provide good support for Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD). In this paper we investigate to which degree current case handling systems (FLOWer and Activity Manager) are able to support PBWD. This is done by elaborating the design process of a case from industry in both systems. From this evaluation we concluded that current case handling systems are not yet completely ready for supporting PBWD. Therefore, we recognize that better tool support is needed to make PBWD more suitable for practical use.

摘要: 案件处理系统提供了一种解决方案,以解决工作流管理系统中缺乏灵活性和适应性的问题。 由于它们是数据驱动的,因此它们有可能为基于产品的工作流程设计(PBWD)提供良好的支持。 在本文中,我们研究了当前案例处理系统(FLOWer和Activity Manager)在何种程度上能够支持PBWD。 这是通过在两个系统中详细阐述行业案例的设计过程来完成的。 通过此评估,我们得出结论,当前的案件处理系统尚未完全支持PBWD。 因此,我们认识到需要更好的工具支持以使PBWD更适合实际使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_15]

[61] Causal nets: A modeling language tailored towards process discovery (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process discovery-discovering a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log-is one of the most challenging tasks in process mining. The primary reason is that conventional modeling languages (e.g., Petri nets, BPMN, EPCs, and ULM ADs) have difficulties representing the observed behavior properly and/or succinctly. Moreover, discovered process models tend to have deadlocks and livelocks. Therefore, we advocate a new representation more suitable for process discovery: causal nets. Causal nets are related to the representations used by several process discovery techniques (e.g., heuristic mining, fuzzy mining, and genetic mining). However, unlike existing approaches, we provide declarative semantics more suitable for process mining. To clarify these semantics and to illustrate the non-local nature of this new representation, we relate causal nets to Petri nets. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程发现-从事件日志中记录的示例行为中发现过程模型是过程挖掘中最具挑战性的任务之一。主要原因是常规建模语言(例如Petri网,BPMN,EPC和ULM AD)难以正确和/或简洁地表示所观察到的行为。此外,已发现的过程模型往往具有死锁和活动锁。因此,我们提倡一种更适合过程发现的新表示形式:因果网络。因果网络与几种过程发现技术(例如启发式挖掘,模糊挖掘和遗传挖掘)使用的表示形式有关。但是,与现有方法不同,我们提供了更适合于流程挖掘的声明性语义。为了阐明这些语义并说明此新表示形式的非本地性质,我们将因果网络与Petri网络相关联。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23217-6_3]

[62] Change mining in adaptive process management systems (2006)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Rinderle, Stefanie and Reichert, Manfred and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The wide-spread adoption of process-aware information systems has resulted in a bulk of computerized information about real-world processes. This data can be utilized for process performance analysis as well as for process improvement. In this context process mining offers promising perspectives. So far, existing mining techniques have been applied to operational processes, i.e., knowledge is extracted from execution logs (process discovery), or execution logs are compared with some a-priori process model (conformance checking). However, execution logs only constitute one kind of data gathered during process enactment. In particular, adaptive processes provide additional information about process changes (e.g., ad-hoc changes of single process instances) which can be used to enable organizational learning. In this paper we present an approach for mining change logs in adaptive process management systems. The change process discovered through process mining provides an aggregated overview of all changes that happened so far. This, in turn, can serve as basis for all kinds of process improvement actions, e.g., it may trigger process redesign or better control mechanisms. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 广泛采用过程感知信息系统已导致大量有关现实世界过程的计算机化信息。该数据可用于过程性能分析以及过程改进。在这种情况下,过程挖掘提供了有希望的观点。到目前为止,现有的挖掘技术已经应用于操作流程,即从执行日志中提取知识(流程发现),或者将执行日志与某个先验流程模型进行比较(一致性检查)。但是,执行日志仅构成过程制定期间收集的一种数据。特别地,自适应过程提供关于过程改变的附加信息(例如,单个过程实例的临时改变),其可以用于实现组织学习。在本文中,我们提出了一种在自适应过程管理系统中挖掘变更日志的方法。通过流程挖掘发现的变更流程提供了到目前为止发生的所有变更的汇总视图。反过来,这可以用作所有过程改进措施的基础,例如,它可以触发过程重新设计或更好的控制机制。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11914853_19]

[63] Change point detection and dealing with gradual and multi-order dynamics in process mining (2015)

(Martjushev, J. and Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | )

Abstract: In recent years process mining techniques have matured. Provided that the process is stable and enough example traces have been recorded in the event log, it is possible to discover a high-quality process model that can be used for performance analysis, compliance checking, and prediction. Unfortunately, most processes are not in steady-state and process discovery techniques have problems uncovering secondorder dynamics (i.e., the process itself changes while being analyzed). This paper describes an approach to discover a variety of concept drifts in processes. Unlike earlier approaches, we can discover gradual drifts and multi-order dynamics (e.g., recurring seasonal effects mixed with the effects of an economic crisis). We use a novel adaptive windowing approach to robustly localize changes (gradual or sudden). Our extensive evaluation (based on objective criteria) shows that the new approach is able to efficiently uncover a broad range of drifts in processes.

摘要: 近年来,过程采矿技术已经成熟。如果过程是稳定的,并且事件日志中记录了足够的示例跟踪,则可以发现可用于性能分析,合规性检查和预测的高质量过程模型。不幸的是,大多数过程都不处于稳态,并且过程发现技术在发现第二阶动力学方面存在问题(即,过程本身在被分析时会发生变化)。本文介绍了一种发现过程中各种概念偏差的方法。与早期方法不同,我们可以发现渐进式漂移和多阶动态(例如,反复出现的季节性影响与经济危机的影响混合在一起)。我们使用一种新颖的自适应开窗方法来稳健地定位变化(逐渐的或突然的)。我们的广泛评估(基于客观标准)表明,该新方法能够有效地发现流程中的各种偏差。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-21915-8_11]

[64] Change your history: Learning from event logs to improve processes (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The abundance of event data enables new forms of analysis that facilitate process improvement. Process mining provides a novel set of tools to discover the real process, to detect deviations from some normative process, and to analyze bottlenecks and waste. The lions share of process mining focuses on the as-is situation rather than the to-be situation. Clearly, analysis should aim at actionable insights and concrete suggestions for improvement However, state-of-the-art techniques do not allow for this. Techniques like simulation can be used to do what-if analysis but are not driven by event data, and as a result, improvements can be very unrealistic. Techniques for predictive analytics and combinatorial optimization are data-driven but mostly focus on well-structured decision problems. Operational processes within complex organizations cannot be mapped onto a simulation model or simple decision problem. This paper provides a novel approach based on event logs as used by process mining techniques. Instead of trying to create or modify process models, this approach works directly on the event log itself. It aims to improve history rather than speculate about a highly uncertain future. By showing concrete improvements in terms of partly modified event logs, the stakeholders can learn from earlier mistakes and inefficiencies. This is similar to analyzing a soccer match to improve a teams performance in the next game. This paper introduces the idea using event logs in conjunction with flexible compatibility and utility notions. An initial prototype-serving as a proof-of-concept-was realized as a ProM plug-in and tested on real-life event logs.

摘要: 大量的事件数据可实现有助于流程改进的新形式的分析。流程挖掘提供了一套新颖的工具,可以发现实际流程,检测与某些规范流程的差异以及分析瓶颈和浪费。在过程挖掘中占很大比重的重点是现状,而不是将来的情况。显然,分析应以可行的见解和具体的改进建议为目标。但是,最新的技术不允许这样做。诸如仿真之类的技术可用于进行假设分析,但不受事件数据的驱动,因此,改进可能是非常不现实的。预测分析和组合优化的技术是数据驱动的,但主要关注结构良好的决策问题。复杂组织内的操作流程无法映射到仿真模型或简单的决策问题上。本文提供了一种基于事件日志的新颖方法,该方法被流程挖掘技术所使用。这种方法无需尝试创建或修改流程模型,而是直接在事件日志本身上起作用。它旨在改善历史,而不是猜测高度不确定的未来。通过在部分修改的事件日志方面显示具体的改进,涉众可以从早期的错误和效率低下中学习。这类似于分析足球比赛以提高下一场比赛的球队表现。本文介绍了使用事件日志以及灵活的兼容性和实用程序概念的想法。最初的原型(用作概念验证)已实现为ProM插件,并在现实事件日志中进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2015.7230925]

[65] Choreography Conformance Checking : An Approach based on BPEL and Petri Nets (2010)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. and Dumas, Marlon and Ouyang, C. and Rozinat, Anne and H.M.W., Verbeek | )

Abstract: Recently, languages such as BPEL and CDL have been pro- posed to describe the way services can interact from a behavioral per- spective. The emergence of these languages heralds an era where richer service descriptions, going beyond WSDL-like interfaces, will be avail- able. However, what can these richer service descriptions serve for? This paper investigates a possible usage of behavioral service descriptions, namely as input for conformance checking. Conformance checking is the act of verifying whether one or more parties stick to the agreed-upon be- havior by observing the actual behavior, e.g., the exchange of messages between all parties. This paper shows that it is possible to translate BPEL business protocols to Petri nets and to relate SOAP messages to transitions in the Petri net. As a result, Petri net-based conformance checking techniques can be used to quantify fitness (whether the ob- served behavior is possible in the business protocol) and appropriateness (whether the observed behavior overfits or underfits the business protocol). Moreover, non-conformance can be visualized to pinpoint de- viations. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework.

摘要: 最近,有人提出了BPEL和CDL之类的语言来描述服务可以从行为角度进行交互的方式。这些语言的出现预示着一个时代,在这个时代,将可以提供比类似WSDL的界面更多的服务描述。但是,这些更丰富的服务描述可以做什么?本文研究了行为服务描述的一种可能用法,即作为一致性检查的输入。符合性检查是通过观察实际行为(例如,各方之间的消息交换)来验证一个或多个参与方是否遵守约定的行为。本文表明,可以将BPEL业务协议转换为Petri网,并将SOAP消息与Petri网中的转换相关联。结果,基于Petri网的一致性检查技术可用于量化适应性(在业务协议中是否可以观察到行为)和适当性(所观察到的行为是过分还是不足于业务协议)。此外,可以将不合格现象可视化以查明偏差。该方法已在ProM框架中实施。

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[66] Comparative process mining in education: An approach based on process cubes (2015)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Guo, Shengnan and Gorissen, Pierre | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques enable the analysis of a wide variety of processes using event data. For example, event logs can be used to automatically learn a process model (e.g., a Petri net or BPMN model). Next to the automated discovery of the real underlying process, there are process mining techniques to analyze bottlenecks, to uncover hidden inefficiencies, to check compliance, to explain deviations, to predict performance, and to guide users towards better processes. Dozens (if not hundreds) of process mining techniques are available and their value has been proven in many case studies. However, existing techniques focus on the analysis of a single process rather than the comparison of different processes. In this paper, we propose comparative process mining using process cubes. An event has attributes referring to the dimensions of the process cube. Through slicing, dicing, rolling-up, and drilling-down we can view event data from different angles and produce process mining results that can be compared. To illustrate the process cube concept, we focus on educational data. In particular, we analyze data of students watching video lectures given by the first author. The dimensions of the process cube allow us to compare the process of students that passed the course versus the process of students that failed. We can also analyze differences between male and female students, between different parts of the course, and between Dutch students and international students. The initial analysis provided in this paper is used to elicit requirements for better tool support facilitating comparative process mining.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术可以使用事件数据来分析各种过程。例如,事件日志可用于自动学习流程模型(例如Petri网或BPMN模型)。除了自动发现真正的基础流程之外,还有一些流程挖掘技术可以分析瓶颈,发现隐藏的低效率,检查合规性,解释偏差,预测性能并指导用户迈向更好的流程。数十种(甚至数百种)过程挖掘技术可用,并且其价值已在许多案例研究中得到证明。但是,现有技术专注于单个过程的分析,而不是不同过程的比较。在本文中,我们建议使用过程多维数据集进行比较过程挖掘。事件具有引用流程多维数据集维度的属性。通过切片,切块,向上滚动和向下钻取,我们可以从不同角度查看事件数据,并产生可以比较的过程挖掘结果。为了说明过程多维数据集的概念,我们将重点放在教育数据上。特别是,我们分析了第一作者提供的观看视频讲座的学生的数据。流程多维数据集的维度使我们可以比较通过课程的学生的流程与失败的学生的流程。我们还可以分析男女学生之间,课程不同部分之间以及荷兰学生与国际学生之间的差异。本文提供的初步分析用于得出对更好的工具支持的需求,以促进比较过程的挖掘。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-46436-6_6]

[67] Comparing business processes to determine the feasibility of configurable models: A case study (2012)

(Vogelaar, J. J.C.L. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Luka, B. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Organizations are looking for ways to collaborate in the area of process management. Common practice until now is the (partial) standardization of processes. This has the main disadvantage that most organizations are forced to adapt their processes to adhere to the standard. In this paper we analyze and compare the actual processes of ten Dutch municipalities. Configurable process models provide a potential solution for the limitations of classical standardization processes as they contain all the behavior of individual models, while only needing one model. The question rises where the limits are though. It is obvious that one configurable model containing all models that exist is undesirable. But are company-wide configurable models feasible? And how about cross-organizational configurable models, should all partners be considered or just certain ones? In this paper we apply a similarity metric on individual models to determine means of answering questions in this area. This way we propose a new means of determining beforehand whether configurable models are feasible. Using the selected metric we can identify more desirable partners and processes before computing configurable process models. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 各组织正在寻找在流程管理领域进行协作的方法。到目前为止,通常的做法是(部分)流程标准化。这具有主要缺点,即大多数组织被迫调整其流程以符合标准。在本文中,我们分析并比较了荷兰十个市政当局的实际流程。可配置的流程模型为经典标准化流程的局限性提供了一种潜在的解决方案,因为它们包含单个模型的所有行为,而只需要一个模型。问题出现了,尽管极限在哪里。显然,包含所有存在的模型的可配置模型是不可取的。但是公司范围内的可配置模型是否可行?跨组织可配置模型又该如何考虑?应该考虑所有合作伙伴还是仅考虑某些合作伙伴?在本文中,我们将相似性度量应用于各个模型,以确定在此领域回答问题的方式。这样,我们提出了一种预先确定可配置模型是否可行的新方法。使用选定的指标,我们可以在计算可配置过程模型之前确定更理想的合作伙伴和过程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28115-0_6]

[68] Component behavior discovery from software execution data (2017)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Tremendous amounts of data can be recorded during software execution. This provides valuable information on software runtime analysis. Many crashes and exceptions may occur, and it is a real challenge to understand how software is behaving. Software is usually composed of various components. A component is a nearly independent part of software that full-fills a clear function. Process mining aims to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. This paper presents an approach to utilize process mining as a tool to discover the real behavior of software and analyze it. The unstructured software execution data may be too complex, involving multiple interleaved components, etc. Applying existing process mining techniques results in spaghetti-like models with no clear structure and no valuable information that can be easily understood by end. In this paper, we start with the observation that software is composed of components and we use this information to decompose the problem into smaller independent ones by discovering a behavioral model per component. Through experimental analysis, we illustrate that the proposed approach facilitates the discovery of more understandable software models. All proposed approaches have been implemented in the open-source process mining toolkit ProM.

摘要: 可以在软件执行期间记录大量数据。这提供了有关软件运行时分析的有价值的信息。可能会发生许多崩溃和异常,要理解软件的行为是一个真正的挑战。软件通常由各种组件组成。组件是软件的几乎独立部分,可以完全实现清晰的功能。流程挖掘旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来发现,监视和改善实际流程。本文提出了一种利用过程挖掘作为工具来发现软件的实际行为并对其进行分析的方法。非结构化的软件执行数据可能太复杂,涉及多个交错的组件等。应用现有的流程挖掘技术会导致类似意大利面条的模型,没有清晰的结构,也没有易于最终理解的有价值的信息。在本文中,我们首先观察到软件是由组件组成的,然后通过发现每个组件的行为模型,利用这些信息将问题分解为较小的独立组件。通过实验分析,我们说明了所提出的方法有助于发现更易理解的软件模型。所有提议的方法已在开源过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2016.7849947]

[69] Component interface identification and behavioral model discovery from software execution data (2018)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Restructuring an object-oriented software system into a component-based one allows for a better understanding of the system and facilitates its future maintenance. A component-based architecture structures a software system in terms of its components and interactions where each component refers to a set of classes. To represent the architectural interaction, each component provides a set of interfaces. Existing interface identification approaches are mostly structure-oriented rather than function-oriented. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify interfaces of a component according to the functional interaction information that is recorded in the software execution data. In addition, we also discover the contract (represented as a behavioral model) for each identified interface by using process mining techniques to help understand how each interface actually works. All proposed approaches have been implemented in the open source process mining toolkit ProM. Using a set of software execution data containing more than 650.000 method calls generated from three software systems, we evaluate our approach against three existing interface identification approaches. The empirical evaluation demonstrates that our approach can discover more functionally consistent interfaces which facilitate the reconstruction of architectural models with higher quality.

摘要: 将面向对象的软件系统重组为基于组件的软件系统,可以更好地理解系统并促进其将来的维护。基于组件的体系结构根据其组件和交互来构建软件系统,其中每个组件都引用一组类。为了表示架构交互,每个组件都提供了一组接口。现有的接口识别方法主要是面向结构而不是功能。在本文中,我们提出了一种根据记录在软件执行数据中的功能交互信息来识别组件接口的方法。此外,我们还使用流程挖掘技术帮助发现每个接口的实际工作方式,从而发现每个已标识接口的合同(以行为模型表示)。所有提议的方法已在开源过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现。使用包含从三个软件系统生成的65万多个方法调用的一组软件执行数据,我们针对三种现有的接口标识方法评估了我们的方法。经验评估表明,我们的方法可以发现功能上更一致的接口,从而有助于以更高的质量重建建筑模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3196321.3196338]

[70] Composite state machine miner: Discovering and exploring multi-perspective processes (2016)

(Van Eck | )

Abstract: Process mining provides fact-based insights into processes based on behaviour captured in event data. An important aspect of this is the discovery of process models from such data. Traditionally, the focus of process discovery is on learning the ordering of activities. We deviate from this dominating activity view on processes to focus on states and state changes. Specifically, we aim to discover state-based models for processes where different facets, or perspectives, of the process can be identified. In this paper we describe an interactive process discovery tool that can be used to discover and explore state-based models for such multi-perspective processes: the Composite State Machine Miner. It quantifies and visualises the interactions between perspectives to provide additional process insights. This tool has been used to analyse the BPI Challenge 2012 data of a loan application process and product user behaviour data gathered by Philips during the development of a smart baby bottle equipped with various sensors.

摘要: 过程挖掘基于事件数据中捕获的行为,对过程提供基于事实的见解。其中一个重要方面是从此类数据中发现过程模型。传统上,过程发现的重点是学习活动的顺序。我们偏离了流程的主要活动视图,而是专注于状态和状态更改。具体来说,我们旨在发现基于状态的流程模型,从而可以识别流程的不同方面或观点。在本文中,我们描述了一种交互式过程发现工具,该工具可用于发现和探索基于状态的模型以用于此类多视角过程:Composite State Machine Miner。它可以量化和可视化视角之间的交互,以提供更多的过程见解。该工具已用于分析BPI Challenge 2012贷款申请流程数据和飞利浦在开发配备各种传感器的智能奶瓶期间收集的产品用户行为数据。

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[71] Compositional service trees (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the world of Service Oriented Architectures, one deals with networks of cooperating components. A component offers services; to deliver a service it possibly needs services of other components, thus forming a service tree. This tree is built dynamically and not known beforehand. It is hard to verify the behavior of a service tree by using standard verification techniques, because these techniques typically assume a static flattened model. In this paper we model a component by an open Petri net. We give a sufficient condition for proper completion (called soundness) that requires only pairwise checks of the service compositions. We also provide a correctness-by-construction approach for building services trees. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 在面向服务的体系结构的世界中,一个涉及协作组件的网络。组件提供服务;为了交付服务,它可能需要其他组件的服务,从而形成服务树。这棵树是动态构建的,事先未知。使用标准验证技术很难验证服务树的行为,因为这些技术通常采用静态扁平化模型。在本文中,我们通过开放的Petri网对组件进行建模。我们提供了适当的条件(称为健全性),该条件仅要求对服务组合进行成对检查。我们还提供了一种用于构建服务树的按构造正确性方法。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-02424-5_17]

[72] Conceptual schema transformation in ontology-based data access (2018)

(Calvanese, Diego and Kalayci, Tahir Emre and Montali, Marco and Santoso, Ario and van der Aalst, Wil | )

Abstract: Ontology-based Data Access (OBDA) is a by now well-established paradigm that relies on conceptually representing a domain of interest to provide access to relational data sources. The conceptual representation is given in terms of a domain schema (also called an ontol-ogy), which is linked to the data sources by means of declarative mapping specifications, and queries posed over the conceptual schema are automatically rewritten into queries over the sources. We consider the interesting setting where users would like to access the same data sources through a new conceptual schema, which we call the upper schema. This is particularly relevant when the upper schema is a reference model for the domain, or captures the data format used by data analysis tools. We propose a solution to this problem that is based on using transformation rules to map the upper schema to the domain schema, building upon the knowledge contained therein. We show how this enriched framework can be automatically transformed into a standard OBDA specification, which directly links the original relational data sources to the upper schema. This allows us to access data directly from the data sources while leveraging the domain schema and upper schema as a lens. We have realized the framework in a tool-chain that provides modeling of the conceptual schemas, a concrete annotation-based mechanism to specify transformation rules, and the automated generation of the final OBDA specification.

摘要: 基于本体的数据访问(OBDA)是目前已经建立的范例,它依赖于概念上表示感兴趣的域来提供对关系数据源的访问。概念表示是根据域模式(也称为本体系统)给出的,该域模式通过声明性映射规范链接到数据源,并且对概念模式进行的查询会自动重写为对源的查询。我们考虑了一个有趣的设置,用户希望通过新的概念性架构(称为上层架构)访问相同的数据源。当上层架构是域的参考模型或捕获数据分析工具使用的数据格式时,这尤其重要。我们提出了一个针对此问题的解决方案,该解决方案基于在其中包含的知识的基础上,使用转换规则将上层架构映射到域架构。我们展示了如何将这个丰富的框架自动转换为标准的OBDA规范,该规范将原始关系数据源直接链接到上层架构。这使我们可以直接从数据源访问数据,同时充分利用域架构和上层架构。我们已经在工具链中实现了该框架,该工具链提供了概念模式的建模,基于具体注释的机制来指定转换规则以及最终OBDA规范的自动生成。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-03667-6_4]

[73] Configurable Event Correlation for Process Discovery from Object-Centric Event Data (2018)

(Li, Guangming and Medeiros De Carvalho | )

Abstract: Many modern enterprises are employing serviceoriented systems to execute their transactions. These systems generate an abundance of events, which can be analyzed to diagnose and improve business processes. However, the events are distributed over different data sources, as service-oriented systems are often implemented asWeb services involving different departments in an organization. They need to be consolidated in a process view since it makes no sense to analyze individual events. Existing approaches depend on an explicit case notion to correlate events. They work well on data from process-aware systems (e.g., BPM/WFM systems) which record events explicitly and each event is attached with a case id (a global identifier) to indicate its related process instance. However, most serviceoriented systems (e.g., ERP and CRM) produce object-centric data (e.g., database tables), which record events implicitly (e.g., through redo logs) and separately without a common case id. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to correlate events by the data perspective (e.g., by a so-called object path). Besides, we define the concepts of correlation patterns and evaluation metrics, which enable users to evaluate and select the best way to correlate events based on their needs.

摘要: 许多现代企业正在使用面向服务的系统来执行其事务。这些系统会生成大量事件,可以对这些事件进行分析以诊断和改善业务流程。但是,由于面向服务的系统非常复杂,因此事件分布在不同的数据源上。通常以Web服务的形式实现,涉及组织中不同部门的Web服务。由于对单个事件进行分析是没有意义的,因此需要在过程视图中进行合并。现有的方法依赖于明确的案例概念来关联事件。清楚记录事件的感知系统(例如BPM / WFM系统),每个事件都附带一个案例ID(全局标识符)以指示其相关流程实例,但是,大多数面向服务的系统(例如ERP和CRM)会产生对象-中心数据(例如数据库表),它们隐式记录事件(例如,通过重做日志),并分别记录事件(没有常见案例ID)。我们提出了一种新颖的方法,可以通过数据角度(例如,通过所谓的对象路径)关联事件。此外,我们定义了关联模式和评估指标的概念,这些概念使用户可以根据自己的需求评估和选择关联事件的最佳方式。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2018.00033]

[74] Configurable declare: Designing customisable flexible process models (2012)

(Schunselaar, Dennis M.M. and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Declarative languages are becoming more popular for modelling business processes with a high degree of variability. Unlike procedural languages, where the models define what is to be done, a declarative model specifies what behaviour is not allowed, using constraints on process events. In this paper, we study how to support configurability in such a declarative setting. We take Declare as an example of a declarative process modelling language and introduce Configurable Declare. Configurability is achieved by using configuration options for event hiding and constraint omission. We illustrate our approach using a case study, based on process models of ten Dutch municipalities. A Configurable Declare model is constructed supporting the variations within these municipalities.

摘要: 声明性语言在具有高度可变性的业务流程建模中变得越来越流行。 与程序性语言不同,在程序性语言中,模型定义了要执行的操作,而声明性模型则使用对流程事件的约束来指定不允许的行为。 在本文中,我们研究了如何在这样的声明性设置中支持可配置性。 我们以Declare作为声明式流程建模语言的示例,并介绍可配置的Declare。 通过使用用于事件隐藏和约束遗漏的配置选项来实现可配置性。 我们基于10个荷兰城市的过程模型,通过案例研究说明了我们的方法。 构建可配置的声明模型以支持这些城市中的变化。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-33606-5_3]

[75] Configurable process models as a basis for reference modeling (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Off-the-shelf packages such as SAP need to be configured to suit the requirements of an organization. Reference models support the configuration of these systems. Existing reference models use rather traditional languages. For example, the SAP reference model uses Eventdriven Process Chains (EPCs). Unfortunately, traditional languages like EPCs do not capture the configuration-aspects well. Consider for example the concept of choice in the control-flow perspective. Although any process modeling language, including EPCs, offers a choice construct (e.g., the XOR connector in EPCs), a single construct will not be able to capture the time dimension, scope, and impact of a decision. Some decisions are taken at run-time for a single case while other decisions are taken at build-time impacting a whole organization and all current and future cases. This position paper discusses the need for configurable process models as a basic building block for reference modeling. The focus is on the control-flow perspective. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: SAP等现成的软件包需要进行配置以适合组织的要求。参考模型支持这些系统的配置。现有参考模型使用相当传统的语言。例如,SAP参考模型使用事件驱动的流程链(EPC)。不幸的是,诸如EPC之类的传统语言无法很好地捕捉配置方面的信息。例如,从控制流的角度考虑选择的概念。尽管包括EPC在内的任何过程建模语言都提供了选择结构(例如EPC中的XOR连接器),但是单个结构将无法捕获决策的时间维度,范围和影响。一些决策是在运行时针对单个案例做出的,而其他决策是在构建时做出的,影响整个组织以及所有当前和将来的案例。本立场文件讨论了对可配置过程模型的需求,作为参考模型的基本构建块。重点放在控制流方面。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11678564_47]

[76] Configurable process models: Experiences from a municipality case study (2009)

(Gottschalk, Florian and Wagemakers, Teun A.C. and Jansen-Vullers, Monique H. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Configurable process models integrate different variants of a business process into a single model. Through configuration users of such models can then combine the variants to derive a process model optimally fitting their individual needs. While techniques for such models were suggested in previous research, this paper presents a case study in which these techniques were extensively tested on a real-world scenario. We gathered information from four Dutch municipalities on registration processes executed on a daily basis. For each process we identified variations among municipalities and integrated them into a single, configurable process model, which can be executed in the YAWL workflow environment. We then evaluated the approach through interviews with organizations that support municipalities in organizing and executing their processes. The paper reports on both the feedback of the interviewed partners and our own observations during the model creation. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 可配置流程模型将业务流程的不同变体集成到单个模型中。然后,通过配置,此类模型的用户可以结合这些变体,以得出最适合其个人需求的过程模型。尽管在先前的研究中曾建议使用这种模型的技术,但本文还是提供了一个案例研究,其中在实际场景中对这些技术进行了广泛的测试。我们从荷兰的四个市政当局收集了有关每天执行的注册流程的信息。对于每个流程,我们确定了市政当局之间的差异,并将它们集成到一个可配置的流程模型中,该模型可以在YAWL工作流环境中执行。然后,我们通过与支持市政当局组织和执行其流程的组织进行访谈,评估了该方法。本文报告了受访者在模型创建过程中的反馈以及我们自己的观察。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-02144-2_38]

[77] Configurable services in the cloud: Supporting variability while enabling cross-organizational process mining (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Software as a Service (SaaS) paradigm is particularly interesting in situations where many organizations need to support similar processes. For example, municipalities, courts, rental agencies, etc. all need to support highly similar processes. However, despite these similarities, there is also the need to allow for local variations in a controlled manner. Therefore, cloud infrastructures should provide configurable services such that products and processes can be customized while sharing commonalities. Configurable and executable process models are essential for realizing such infrastructures. This will finally transform reference models from paper tigers (reference modeling `a la SAP, ARIS, etc.) into an executable reality. Moreover, configurable services in the cloud enable cross-organizational process mining. This way, organizations can learn from each other and improve their processes. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2010.

摘要: 软件即服务(SaaS)范式在许多组织需要支持类似流程的情况下特别有趣。例如,市政当局,法院,租赁机构等都需要支持高度相似的流程。然而,尽管有这些相似之处,但是也需要以受控的方式允许局部变化。因此,云基础架构应提供可配置的服务,以便可以在共享通用性的同时自定义产品和流程。可配置和可执行的流程模型对于实现此类基础架构至关重要。最终,这会将参考模型从纸老虎(SAP,ARIS等参考模型`a)转变为可执行现实。此外,云中的可配置服务支持跨组织的流程挖掘。这样,组织可以相互学习并改进其流程。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2010。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-16934-2_5]

[78] Configuring configurable process models made easier: An automated approach (2015)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Leopold, Henrik and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Reijers, Hajo A. | )

Abstract: Configurable process models have shown their usefulness for capturing the commonalities and variability within business processes. However, an end user will require an abstraction from the configurable process model, which is a highly technical artifact, to select a suitable configuration. Currently, the creation of such an abstraction requires considerable steps and technical knowledge. We provide an approach to construct such an abstraction automatically on the basis of an understanding of common concepts underlying process models on the one hand and automated analysis techniques on the other. Our approach also guarantees the consistency between the configuration choices of the end user. A positive yet preliminary evaluation with business users has been carried out to test the usability of our approach.

摘要: 可配置流程模型已显示出其在捕获业务流程中的共性和可变性方面的有用性。但是,最终用户将需要从可配置的过程模型中抽象出来,以选择合适的配置,这是一种高度技术性的工件。当前,创建这样的抽象需要大量的步骤和技术知识。我们一方面基于对过程模型基础的通用概念的理解,另一方面基于自动化分析技术,提供了一种自动构造这种抽象的方法。我们的方法还保证了最终用户的配置选择之间的一致性。已与业务用户进行了积极而初步的评估,以测试我们方法的可用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_10]

[79] Conformance checking in healthcare based on partially ordered event data (2014)

(Lu, Xixi and Mans, Ronny S. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: There is a continuous pressure to make healthcare processes more efficient and effective without sacrificing quality. Conformance checking can be used to improve processes by analyzing event data and directly relating observed behavior and modeled behavior. Conformance checking provides diagnostics that go far beyond measuring traditional key performance indicators. However, current conformance checking techniques focus on a rather simplistic setting where executions of process instances are sequential and homogeneous whereas healthcare processes are known to be dynamic, complex, and ad-hoc. In healthcare process instances of patients often follow a unique path through the process with one-of-a-kind deviations. Moreover, timestamps are often rather coarse (the date is known, but not the time) resulting in an unreliable ordering of events. As current techniques are unable to handle concurrent events, and the obtained sequential alignments are unable to provide structural information about deviations, the diagnostics provided are often insufficient and misleading. This paper presents a novel approach using partially ordered traces and partially ordered alignments which aims to incorporate unreliability and concurrency in the input while providing diagnostics about deviations that take causalities into account. The approach has been implemented in ProM and was evaluated using event data from a Dutch hospital.

摘要: 存在不断的压力,要求在不牺牲质量的前提下提高医疗流程的效率和效力。一致性检查可用于通过分析事件数据并将观察到的行为与建模行为直接相关来改善流程。一致性检查所提供的诊断远远超出了衡量传统关键绩效指标的范围。但是,当前的一致性检查技术侧重于一种相当简单的设置,其中流程实例的执行是顺序且同质的,而医疗保健流程是动态,复杂和临时的。在医疗保健过程中,患者通常会以一种唯一的偏差遵循整个过程的独特路径。而且,时间戳通常很粗糙(日期是已知的,但时间不是已知的),从而导致事件的排序不可靠。由于当前的技术无法处理并发事件,并且获得的顺序比对无法提供有关偏差的结构信息,因此提供的诊断通常不够充分且具有误导性。本文提出了一种使用部分有序的迹线和部分有序的对齐方式的新颖方法,该方法旨在在输入中合并不可靠性和并发性,同时提供有关因果关系的偏差诊断。该方法已在ProM中实施,并已使用荷兰医院的事件数据进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ETFA.2014.7005060]

[80] Conformance checking in the large: Partitioning and topology (2013)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The torrents of event data generated by todays systems are an important enabler for process mining. However, at the same time, the size and variability of the resulting event logs are challenging for todays process mining techniques. This paper focuses on conformance checking in the large and presents a novel decomposition technique that partitions larger processes into sets of subprocesses that can be analyzed more easily. The resulting topological representation of the partitioning can be used to localize conformance problems. Moreover, we provide techniques to refine the decomposition such that similar process fragments are not considered twice during conformance analysis. All the techniques have been implemented in ProM, and experimental results are provided. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 今天的系统生成的事件数据激增了流程挖掘的重要推动力。但是,与此同时,所产生的事件日志的大小和可变性对于当今的过程挖掘技术而言是充满挑战的。本文着重于大型一致性检查,并提出了一种新颖的分解技术,该技术将较大的过程划分为子过程集,可以更轻松地对其进行分析。分区的结果拓扑表示可用于定位一致性问题。此外,我们提供了完善分解的技术,以便在一致性分析期间不会两次考虑相似的过程片段。所有技术均已在ProM中实现,并提供了实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40176-3_11]

[81] Conformance checking of interacting processes with overlapping instances (2011)

(Fahland, Dirk and De Leoni | )

Abstract: The usefulness of process models (e.g., for analysis, improvement, or execution) strongly depends on their ability to describe reality. Conformance checking is a technique to validate how good a given process model describes recorded executions of the actual process. Recently, artifacts have been proposed as a paradigm to capture dynamic, and inter-organizational processes in a more natural way. Artifact-centric processes drop several restrictions and assumptions of classical processes. In particular, process instances cannot be considered in isolation as instances in artifact-centric processes may overlap and interact with each other. This significantly complicates conformance checking; the entanglement of different instances complicates the quantification and diagnosis of misalignments. This paper is the first paper to address this problem. We show how conformance checking of artifact-centric processes can be decomposed into a set of smaller problems that can be analyzed using conventional techniques. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程模型的有用性(例如,用于分析,改进或执行)在很大程度上取决于它们描述现实的能力。一致性检查是一种用于验证给定流程模型描述实际流程的记录执行情况的技术。近来,人工制品已被提出为以更自然的方式捕获动态和组织间过程的范例。以工件为中心的过程放弃了经典过程的一些限制和假设。尤其是,不能以孤立的方式考虑流程实例,因为以工件为中心的流程中的实例可能会相互重叠并相互作用。这大大增加了一致性检查的复杂性;不同情况的纠缠使错位的量化和诊断变得复杂。本文是解决此问题的第一篇论文。我们展示了如何将以工件为中心的过程的一致性检查分解为一组较小的问题,可以使用常规技术对其进行分析。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23059-2_26]

[82] Conformance checking of services using the best matching private view (2013)

(Muller, Richard and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: We investigate whether a running implementation of a service conforms to its formal specification in a setting, where only recorded behavior of that implementation is given. Existing conformance checking techniques can be used to measure the degree of conformance of the recorded behavior and its public view but may produce false negatives, because a correct implementation (i.e., private view) may deviate significantly from its specification. Many of such deviations are quite harmless. The private view may, for example, reorder some activities without introducing any problems, yet traditional conformance checking would penalize such changes unjustifiably. To overcome this problem, we present a novel approach that determines a best matching private view. We show that among the infinitely many private views, there is a canonical best matching private view. While the represented theory is general and can be applied to arbitrary service models, the implementation is currently limited to acyclic service models. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 我们调查服务的运行实现是否符合设置中的正式规范,在该设置中,只记录了该实现的行为。现有的一致性检查技术可以用于测量所记录的行为及其公众视野的一致性程度,但是可能会产生假否定,因为正确的实现方式(即私人视野)可能会大大偏离其规范。许多这样的偏差是完全无害的。例如,私人观点可以重新安排某些活动的顺序,而不会引起任何问题,但是传统的一致性检查将不合理地惩罚此类更改。为了克服这个问题,我们提出了一种确定最佳匹配私人视图的新颖方法。我们表明,在无限多个私有视图中,存在一个规范的最佳匹配私有视图。尽管所代表的理论是通用的,并且可以应用于任意服务模型,但当前的实现方式仅限于非循环服务模型。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38230-7_4]

[83] Conformance checking using cost-based fitness analysis (2011)

(Adriansyah, A. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: The growing complexity of processes in many organizations stimulates the adoption of business process analysis techniques. Typically, such techniques are based on process models and assume that the operational processes in reality conform to these models. However, experience shows that reality often deviates from hand-made models. Therefore, the problem of checking to what extent the operational process conforms to the process model is important for process management, process improvement, and compliance. In this paper, we present a robust replay analysis technique that is able to measure the conformance of an event log for a given process model. The approach quantifies conformance and provides intuitive diagnostics (skipped and inserted activities). Our technique has been implemented in the ProM 6 framework. Comparative evaluations show that the approach overcomes many of the limitations of existing conformance checking techniques. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: 许多组织中流程的日益复杂性刺激了业务流程分析技术的采用。通常,此类技术基于过程模型,并假设实际的操作过程符合这些模型。但是,经验表明,现实常常会偏离手工制作的模型。因此,检查操作流程在多大程度上符合流程模型的问题对于流程管理,流程改进和合规性至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种健壮的重放分析技术,该技术能够针对给定的流程模型测量事件日志的一致性。该方法可量化一致性并提供直观的诊断(跳过和插入的活动)。我们的技术已在ProM 6框架中实现。比较评估表明,该方法克服了现有一致性检查技术的许多局限性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2011.12]

[84] Conformance testing: Measuring the fit and appropriateness of event logs and process models (2005)

(Rozinat, A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Most information systems log events (e.g., transaction logs, audit trails) to audit and monitor the processes they support. At the same time, many of these processes have been explicitly modeled. For example, SAP R/3 logs events in transaction logs and there are EPCs (Event-driven Process Chains) describing the so-called reference models. These reference models describe how the system should be used. The coexistence of event logs and process models raises an interesting question: Does the event log conform to the process model and vice versa?. This paper demonstrates that there is not a simple answer to this question. To tackle the problem, we distinguish two dimensions of conformance: fitness (the event log may be the result of the process modeled) and appropriateness (the model is a likely candidate from a structural and behavioral point of view). Different metrics have been defined and a Conformance Checker has been implemented within the ProM Framework. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 大多数信息系统记录事件(例如,交易日志,审计跟踪)以审计和监视其支持的流程。同时,已经对许多这些过程进行了显式建模。例如,SAP R / 3将事件记录在事务日志中,并且有EPC(事件驱动的流程链)描述了所谓的参考模型。这些参考模型描述了如何使用该系统。事件日志和流程模型的共存提出了一个有趣的问题:事件日志是否符合流程模型,反之亦然?。本文证明了这个问题没有简单的答案。为了解决该问题,我们区分了一致性的两个维度:适用性(事件日志可能是建模过程的结果)和适用性(从结构和行为的角度来看,该模型可能是候选者)。已经定义了不同的度量标准,并且已经在ProM框架内实施了一致性检查程序。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11678564_15]

[85] Connecting databases with process mining: a meta model and toolset (2019)

(Gonzalezxa0Lopezxa0dexa0Murillas | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques require event logs which, in many cases, are obtained from databases. Obtaining these event logs is not a trivial task and requires substantial domain knowledge. In addition, an extracted event log provides only a single view on the database. To change our view, e.g., to focus on another business process and generate another event log, it is necessary to go back to the source of data. This paper proposes a meta model to integrate both process and data perspectives, relating one to the other. It can be used to generate different views from the database at any moment in a highly flexible way. This approach decouples the data extraction from the application of analysis techniques, enabling the application of process mining in different contexts.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术需要事件日志,在许多情况下,这些事件日志是从数据库获取的。获得这些事件日志不是一件容易的事,并且需要大量的领域知识。此外,提取的事件日志仅提供数据库的单个视图。为了改变我们的观点,例如,专注于另一个业务流程并生成另一个事件日志,有必要回到数据源。本文提出了一个元模型,该模型将过程和数据角度都集成在一起,彼此相关。它可以随时以高度灵活的方式用于从数据库生成不同的视图。这种方法使数据提取与分析技术的应用脱钩,从而使过程挖掘可以在不同的上下文中应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-018-0664-7]

[86] Constraint-based workflow models: Change made easy (2007)

(Pesic, M. and Schonenberg, M. H. and Sidorova, N. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The degree of flexibility of workflow management systems heavily influences the way business processes are executed. Constraint-based models are considered to be more flexible than traditional models because of their semantics: everything that does not violate constraints is allowed. Although constraint-based models are flexible, changes to process definitions might be needed to comply with evolving business domains and exceptional situations. Flexibility can be increased by run-time support for dynamic changes - transferring instances to a new model - and ad-hoc changes - changing the process definition for one instance. In this paper we propose a general framework for a constraint-based process modeling language and its implementation. Our approach supports both ad-hoc and dynamic change, and the transfer of instances can be done easier than in traditional approaches. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 工作流管理系统的灵活性程度在很大程度上影响了业务流程的执行方式。基于约束的模型由于其语义而被认为比传统模型更灵活:允许所有不违反约束的事物。尽管基于约束的模型非常灵活,但是可能需要更改流程定义,以适应不断发展的业务领域和特殊情况。通过对动态更改的运行时支持(将实例转移到新模型中以及临时更改)来更改一个实例的流程定义,可以提高灵活性。在本文中,我们提出了基于约束的过程建模语言及其实现的通用框架。我们的方法同时支持即席更改和动态更改,并且实例传输比传统方法更容易。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-76848-7_7]

[87] Context aware trace clustering: Towards improving process mining results (2009)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process Mining refers to the extraction of process models from event logs. Real-life processes tend to be less structured and more flexible. Traditional process mining algorithms have problems dealing with such unstructured processes and generate spaghetti-like process models that are hard to comprehend. An approach to overcome this is to cluster process instances (a process instance is manifested as a trace and an event log corresponds to a multi-set of traces) such that each of the resulting clusters correspond to a coherent set of process instances that can be adequately represented by a process model. In this paper, we propose a context aware approach to trace clustering based on generic edit distance. It is well known that the generic edit distance framework is highly sensitive to the costs of edit operations. We define an automated approach to derive the costs of edit operations. The method proposed in this paper outperforms contemporary approaches to trace clustering in process mining. We evaluate the goodness of the formed clusters using established fitness and comprehensibility metrics defined in the context of process mining. The proposed approach is able to generate clusters such that the process models mined from the clustered traces show a high degree of fitness and comprehensibility when compared to contemporary approaches.

摘要: 过程挖掘是指从事件日志中提取过程模型。现实生活中的流程往往结构性较差,灵活性更高。传统的流程​​挖掘算法在处理此类非结构化流程时会遇到问题,并且会生成难以理解的类似意大利面条的流程模型。解决此问题的一种方法是对流程实例进行聚类(一个流程实例显示为一个跟踪,而一个事件日志对应于多个跟踪集),以使每个生成的集群对应于一组可以连贯的流程实例。由流程模型充分代表。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于上下文的基于通用编辑距离的跟踪聚类方法。众所周知,通用编辑距离框架对编辑操作的成本高度敏感。我们定义了一种自动方法来推导编辑操作的成本。本文提出的方法优于现代方法在过程挖掘中的跟踪聚类。我们使用在过程挖掘的上下文中定义的已建立适应性和可理解性指标来评估所形成集群的优劣。所提出的方法能够生成聚类,从而与现代方法相比,从聚类迹线中提取的过程模型显示出高度的适应性和可理解性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1137/1.9781611972795.35]

[88] Context-aware compliance checking (2012)

(Van Der Werf | )

Abstract: Organizations face more and more the burden to show that their business is compliant with respect to many different boundaries. The activity of compliance checking is commonly referred to as auditing. As information systems supporting the organizations business record their usage, process mining techniques such as conformance checking offer the auditor novel tools to automate the auditing activity. However, these techniques tend to look at process instances (i.e., cases) in isolation, whereas many compliance rules can only be evaluated when considering interactions between cases and contextual information. For example, a rule like a paper should not be reviewed by a reviewer that has been a co-author cannot be checked without considering the corresponding context (i.e., other papers, other issues, other journals, etc.). To check such compliance rules, we link event logs to the context. Events modify a pre-existing context and constraints can be checked on the resulting context. The approach has been implemented in ProM. The resulting context is represented as an ontology, and the semantic web rule language is used to formalize constraints.

摘要: 组织面临越来越多的负担来表明他们的业务符合许多不同的边界。合规性检查的活动通常称为审核。随着支持组织业务的信息系统记录其使用情况,诸如一致性检查之类的流程挖掘技术为审计员提供了新颖的工具,以使审计活动自动化。但是,这些技术倾向于孤立地查看流程实例(即案例),而许多合规性规则只能在考虑案例与上下文信息之间的交互时进行评估。例如,诸如论文之类的规则不应由曾经是合著者的审阅者审阅,而没有考虑相应的上下文(例如,其他论文,其他问题,其他期刊等)就无法对其进行检查。为了检查此类合规性规则,我们将事件日志链接到上下文。事件会修改预先存在的上下文,并且可以在结果上下文中检查约束。该方法已在ProM中实施。结果上下文表示为本体,语义Web规则语言用于形式化约束。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-32885-5_7]

[89] Correctness ensuring process configuration: An approach based on partner synthesis (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: A configurable process model describes a family of similar process models in a given domain. Such a model can be configured to obtain a specific process model that is subsequently used to handle individual cases, for instance, to process customer orders. Process configuration is notoriously difficult as there may be all kinds of interdependencies between configuration decisions. In fact, an incorrect configuration may lead to behavioral issues such as deadlocks and livelocks. To address this problem, we present a novel verification approach inspired by the operating guidelines used for partner synthesis. We view the configuration process as an external service, and compute a characterization of all such services which meet particular requirements using the notion of configuration guideline. As a result, we can characterize all feasible configurations (i. e., configurations without behavioral problems) at design time, instead of repeatedly checking each individual configuration while configuring a process model. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 可配置过程模型描述了给定域中的一系列相似过程模型。这样的模型可以配置为获取特定的过程模型,该模型随后用于处理个别情况,例如,处理客户订单。众所周知,流程配置非常困难,因为配置决策之间可能存在各种相互依存关系。实际上,错误的配置可能会导致行为问题,例如死锁和活动锁。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的验证方法,该方法受到合作伙伴综合使用的操作准则的启发。我们将配置过程视为外部服务,并使用配置指南的概念来计算满足特定要求的所有此类服务的特性。结果,我们可以在设计时表征所有可行的配置(即,没有行为问题的配置),而不是在配置过程模型时反复检查每个单独的配置。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-15618-2_9]

[90] Correctness-preserving configuration of business process models (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Reference process models capture recurrent business operations in a given domain such as procurement or logistics. These models are intended to be configured to fit the requirements of specific organizations or projects, leading to individualized process models that are subsequently used for domain analysis or solution design. Although the advantages of reusing reference process models compared to designing process models from scratch are widely accepted, the methods employed to configure reference process models are manual and error-prone. In particular, analysts are left with the burden of ensuring the correctness of the individualized process models and to manually fix errors. This paper proposes a foundation for configuring reference process models incrementally and in a way that ensures the correctness of the individualized process models, both with respect to syntax and behavioral semantics. Specifically, assuming the reference process model is behaviorally sound, the individualized process models are guaranteed to be sound. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 参考流程模型捕获给定领域(例如采购或物流)中的经常性业务运营。这些模型旨在进行配置以满足特定组织或项目的要求,从而生成个性化的流程模型,随后将其用于领域分析或解决方案设计。尽管与从头开始设计过程模型相比,重用参考过程模型的优点已被广泛接受,但是用于配置参考过程模型的方法是手动的,并且容易出错。特别是,分析人员要承担确保个体化流程模型正确性和手动修复错误的负担。本文为增量配置参考流程模型提供了基础,并以此方式确保了个性化流程模型在语法和行为语义方面的正确性。具体而言,假设参考流程模型在行为上是合理的,则可以保证个性化的流程模型是合理的。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78743-3_4]

[91] Creating sound and reversible configurable process models using CoSeNets (2012)

(Schunselaar, Dennis M.M. and Verbeek, Eric and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: All Dutch municipalities offer the same range of services, and the processes delivering these services are quite similar. Therefore, these municipalities can benefit from configurable process models. This requires the merging of existing process variants into configurable models. Unfortunately, existing merging techniques (1) allow for configurable process models which can be instantiated to unsound process models, and (2) are not always reversible, which means that not all original models can be obtained by instantiation of the configurable process model. In this paper, we propose to capture the control-flow of a process by a CoSeNet: a configurable, tree-like representation of the process model, which is sound by construction, and we describe how to merge two CoSeNets into another CoSeNet such that the merge is reversible. Initial experiments show that this approach does not influence complexity significantly, i.e. it results in similar complexities for the configurable process model compared to existing techniques, while it guarantees soundness and reversibility. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 所有荷兰市政当局都提供相同的服务范围,并且提供这些服务的过程非常相似。因此,这些自治市可以从可配置的过程模型中受益。这需要将现有的流程变体合并到可配置的模型中。不幸的是,现有的合并技术(1)允许可实例化为不健全的过程模型的可配置过程模型,以及(2)并非总是可逆的,这意味着无法通过实例化可配置过程模型来获得所有原始模型。在本文中,我们建议通过CoSeNet捕获过程的控制流:过程模型的可配置的,树状表示,这在构造上是合理的,并且我们描述了如何将两个CoSeNet合并到另一个CoSeNet中,从而合并是可逆的。最初的实验表明,这种方法不会显着影响复杂性,即与现有技术相比,它对可配置过程模型的复杂性相似,同时可以保证稳健性和可逆性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-30359-3_3]

[92] Cycle time prediction: When will this case finally be finished? (2008)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: A typical question for people dealing with administrative processes is: When will my case be finished?. In this paper, we show how this question can be answered, using historic information in the form of event logs of the systems supporting these administrative processes. Many information systems record information about activities performed for past cases in logs. Hence, to provide insights into the remaining cycle time of a case, the current case can be compared to all past ones. The most trivial way of estimating the remaining cycle time of a case is by looking at the average cycle time and deducting the already past time of the case under consideration. However, in this paper we show how to compute the remaining cycle time using non-parametric regression on the data recorded in event logs. An experiment is presented that demonstrates that our techniques perform well on logs taken from practice.

摘要: 对于处理行政程序的人来说,一个典型的问题是:我的案件何时结案? 在本文中,我们以支持这些管理过程的系统的事件日志的形式,使用历史信息来说明如何解决此问题。 许多信息系统在日志中记录有关过去案例执行的活动的信息。 因此,为了深入了解案件的剩余周期,可以将当前案件与过去的案件进行比较。 估计案件剩余处理时间的最简单的方法是查看平均处理时间,然后减去考虑中的案件的过去时间。 但是,在本文中,我们展示了如何使用非参数回归对事件日志中记录的数据计算剩余循环时间。 提出了一个实验,该实验证明了我们的技术在从实践中获得的测井结果上表现良好。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88871-0_22]

[93] DB-XES: Enabling process discovery in the large (2018)

(Syamsiyah, Alifah and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Dealing with the abundance of event data is one of the main process discovery challenges. Current process discovery techniques are able to efficiently handle imported event log files that fit in the computers memory. Once data files get bigger, scalability quickly drops since the speed required to access the data becomes a limiting factor. This paper proposes a new technique based on relational database technology as a solution for scalable process discovery. A relational database is used both for storing event data (i.e. we move the location of the data) and for pre-processing the event data (i.e. we move some computations from analysis-time to insertion-time). To this end, we first introduce DB-XES as a database schema which resembles the standard XES structure, we provide a transparent way to access event data stored in DB-XES, and we show how this greatly improves on the memory requirements of the state-of-the-art process discovery techniques. Secondly, we show how to move the computation of intermediate data structures to the database engine, to reduce the time required during process discovery. The work presented in this paper is implemented in ProM tool, and a range of experiments demonstrates the feasibility of our approach.

摘要: 处理大量事件数据是主要的过程发现挑战之一。当前的过程发现技术能够有效地处理适合计算机内存的导入事件日志文件。一旦数据文件变大,可扩展性就会随着速度的提高而迅速下降。访问数据的需求成为限制因素,本文提出了一种基于关系数据库技术的新技术,作为可扩展过程发现的解决方案,关系数据库既用于存储事件数据(即,我们移动数据的位置),又用于存储事件数据。为了对事件数据进行预处理(即,将一些计算从分析时移到插入时)为此,我们首先将DB-XES作为类似于标准XES结构的数据库模式进行介绍,我们提供了一种透明的方法访问存储在DB-XES中的事件数据,我们将展示如何极大地改善现有流程发现技术的内存需求;其次,我们将展示如何移动c将中间数据结构装入数据库引擎,以减少过程发现期间所需的时间。本文介绍的工作是在ProM工具中实现的,一系列实验证明了我们方法的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-74161-1_4]

[94] DECLARE: Full support for loosely-structured processes (2007)

(Pesic, Maja and Schonenberg, Helen and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Traditional Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) are not flexible enough to support loosely-structured processes. Furthermore, flexibility in contemporary WFMSs usually comes at a certain cost, such as lack of support for users, lack of methods for model analysis, lack of methods for analysis of past executions, etc. DECLARE is a prototype of a WFMS that uses a constraint-based process modeling language for the development of declarative models describing loosely-structured processes. In this paper we show how DECLARE can support loosely-structured processes without sacrificing important WFMSs features like user support, model verification, analysis of past executions, changing models at run-time, etc.

摘要: 传统的工作流管理系统(WFMS)不够灵活,无法支持结构松散的流程。 此外,当代WFMS的灵活性通常要付出一定的代价,例如缺乏对用户的支持,缺乏模型分析的方法,缺乏对过去执行情况的分析的方法等。DECLARE是使用约束的WFMS的原型。 基于过程的建模语言,用于开发描述松散结构的过程的声明性模型。 在本文中,我们展示了DECLARE如何在不牺牲重要的WFMS功能(例如用户支持,模型验证,过去执行情况分析,运行时更改模型等)的情况下支持松散结构的流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2007.4384001]

[95] Data- and resource-aware conformance checking of business processes (2012)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process mining is not restricted to process discovery and also includes conformance checking, i.e., checking whether observed behavior recorded in the event log matches modeled behavior. Many organizations have descriptive or normative models that do not adequately describe the actual processes. Therefore, a variety of techniques for conformance checking have been proposed. However, all of these techniques focus on the control-flow and abstract from data and resources. This paper describes an approach that aligns event log and model while taking all perspectives into account (i.e., also data and resources). This way it is possible to quantify conformance and analyze differences between model and reality. The approach has been implemented in ProM and evaluated using a variety of model-log combinations. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘不限于过程发现,还包括一致性检查,即检查事件日志中记录的观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配。许多组织的描述性或规范性模型无法充分描述实际过程。因此,已经提出了多种用于一致性检查的技术。但是,所有这些技术都集中于控制流以及从数据和资源中提取。本文介绍了一种在考虑所有角度(即数据和资源)的同时对齐事件日志和模型的方法。这样,可以量化一致性并分析模型与现实之间的差异。该方法已在ProM中实现,并使用各种模型-日志组合进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-30359-3_5]

[96] Data-driven usability test scenario creation (2019)

(van Eck, Maikel L. and Markslag, Else and Sidorova, Natalia and Brosens-Kessels, Angelique and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In this paper, we present a data-driven approach to enable the creation of evidence-based usability test scenarios. By utilising product usage data to create usability test scenarios, we aim to improve the reliability of the test results and to provide better insights into product usability. The approach consists of four elements: the collection of product usage data, the transformation of these data into logs of user activities, the creation of models of user behaviour, and the guided creation of usability test scenarios based on the models. We discuss the challenges that can be encountered when applying this approach based on our experiences with two case studies in product development. We have created a prototype scenario planning tool and performed a preliminary evaluation of the tool with usability engineers working at Philips Healthcare. The evaluation shows that tool-supported evidence-based usability test creation would be valuable in their daily work.

摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种数据驱动的方法,可以创建基于证据的可用性测试方案。通过利用产品使用情况数据创建可用性测试方案,我们旨在提高测试结果的可靠性,并提供对产品可用性的更好的见解。该方法包括四个要素:产品使用数据的收集,将这些数据转换为用户活动的日志,创建用户行为模型以及基于模型指导创建可用性测试场景。我们将基于我们在产品开发中的两个案例研究的经验,讨论在应用此方法时可能遇到的挑战。我们创建了原型方案规划工具,并与飞利浦医疗保健部门的可用性工程师一起对该工具进行了初步评估。评估表明,工具支持的基于证据的可用性测试的创建对他们的日常工作将是有价值的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-05909-5_6]

[97] Data-flow anti-patterns: Discovering data-flow errors in workflows (2009)

(Trvcka, Nikola and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Despite the abundance of analysis techniques to discover control-flow errors in workflow designs, there is hardly any support for data-flow verification. Most techniques simply abstract from data, while data dependencies can be the source of all kinds of errors. This paper focuses on the discovery of data-flow errors in workflows. We present an analysis approach that uses so-called anti-patterns expressed in terms of a temporal logic. Typical errors include accessing a data element that is not yet available or updating a data element while it may be read in a parallel branch. Since the anti-patterns are expressed in terms of temporal logic, the well-known, stable, adaptable, and effective model-checking techniques can be used to discover data-flow errors. Moreover, our approach enables a seamless integration of control flow and data-flow verification.

摘要: 尽管有大量的分析技术可以发现工作流设计中的控制流错误,但是几乎没有任何对数据流验证的支持。 大多数技术只是从数据中提取数据,而数据依赖性可能是各种错误的根源。 本文着重于发现工作流中的数据流错误。 我们提出了一种分析方法,该方法使用了根据时间逻辑表达的所谓反模式。 典型的错误包括访问尚不可用的数据元素或在并行分支中读取数据元素时对其进行更新。 由于反模式是用时间逻辑表示的,因此可以使用众所周知的,稳定的,可适应的和有效的模型检查技术来发现数据流错误。 此外,我们的方法可实现控制流和数据流验证的无缝集成。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-02144-2_34]

[98] DecSerFlow: Towards a truly declarative service flow language (2006)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The need for process support in the context of web services has triggered the development of many languages, systems, and standards. Industry has been developing software solutions and proposing standards such as BPEL, while researchers have been advocating the use of formal methods such as Petri nets and pipi-calculus. The languages developed for service flows, i.e., process specification languages for web services, have adopted many concepts from classical workflow management systems. As a result, these languages are rather procedural and this does not fit́ well with the autonomous nature of services. Therefore, we propose DecSerFlow as a Declarative Service Flow Language. DecSerFlow can be used to specify, enact, and monitor service flows. The language is extendible (i.e., constructs can be added without changing the engine or semantical basis) and can be used to enforce or to check the conformance of service flows. Although the language has an appealing graphical representation, it is grounded in temporal logic. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 在Web服务的上下文中对流程支持的需求已触发了许多语言,系统和标准的开发。工业界一直在开发软件解决方案并提出诸如BPEL之类的标准,而研究人员一直在提倡使用诸如Petri网和$ pi $演算之类的形式化方法。为服务流程开发的语言,即用于Web服务的流程规范语言,已经采用了经典工作流管理系统中的许多概念。结果,这些语言具有相当的程序性,这与服务的自主性不太吻合。因此,我们建议DecSerFlow作为声明性服务流语言。 DecSerFlow可用于指定,制定和监视服务流。该语言是可扩展的(即,可以在不更改引擎或语义基础的情况下添加结构),并且可以用于强制执行或检查服务流的一致性。尽管该语言具有吸引人的图形表示,但它基于时间逻辑。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11841197_1]

[99] Decision mining revisited - Discovering overlapping rules (2016)

(Mannhardt, Felix and De Leoni | )

Abstract: Decision mining enriches process models with rules underlying decisions in processes using historical process execution data. Choices between multiple activities are specified through rules defined over process data. Existing decision mining methods focus on discovering mutually-exclusive rules, which only allow one out of multiple activities to be performed. These methods assume that decision making is fully deterministic, and all factors influencing decisions are recorded. In case the underlying decision rules are overlapping due to nondeterminism or incomplete information, the rules returned by existing methods do not fit the recorded data well. This paper proposes a new technique to discover overlapping decision rules, which fit the recorded data better at the expense of precision, using decision tree learning techniques. An evaluation of the method on two real-life data sets confirms this trade off. Moreover, it shows that the method returns rules with better fitness and precision in under certain conditions.

摘要: 决策挖掘使用历史流程执行数据,通过流程中决策基础的规则来丰富流程模型。通过在流程数据上定义的规则来指定多个活动之间的选择。现有的决策挖掘方法着重于发现互斥的规则,这些规则仅允许执行多项活动中的一项。这些方法假定决策是完全确定性的,并且记录了影响决策的所有因素。如果基础决策规则由于不确定性或信息不完整而重叠,则现有方法返回的规则将无法很好地适应记录的数据。本文提出了一种新的技术,即使用决策树学习技术来发现重叠的决策规则,该规则可以更好地适合记录数据,但会降低精度。在两个真实数据集上对该方法的评估证实了这一折衷。而且,它表明该方法在某些条件下返回具有更好适应性和精度的规则。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-39696-5_23]

[100] Declarative and procedural approaches for modelling clinical guidelines: Addressing flexibility issues (2008)

(Mulyar, Nataliya and Pesic, Maja and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Recent analysis of clinical Computer-Interpretable Guideline (CIG) modelling languages from the perspective of the control-flow patterns has revealed limited capabilities of these languages to provide flexibility for encoding and executing clinical guidelines. The concept of flexibility is of major importance in the medical-care domain since no guarantee can be given on predicting the state of patients at the point of care. In this paper, we illustrate how the flexibility of CIG modelling languages can be improved by describing clinical guidelines using a declarative approach. We propose a CIGDec language for modelling and enacting clinical guidelines.

摘要: 从控制流模式的角度对临床计算机可解释性指南(CIG)建模语言进行的最新分析显示,这些语言的功能有限,无法为编码和执行临床指南提供灵活性。 灵活性的概念在医疗领域非常重要,因为无法保证在护理时预测患者的状态。 在本文中,我们说明了如何通过使用声明性方法描述临床指南来提高CIG建模语言的灵活性。 我们建议使用CIGDec语言来建模和制定临床指南。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78238-4_35]

[101] Declarative workflow (2010)

(Pesic, Maja and Schonenberg, Helen and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: During the design of any information system, it is important to balance between flexibility and support. This is of particular importance when designing process-aware information systems. On the one hand, userswant to have support from the system to conduct their daily activities in a more efficient and effective manner. On the other hand, the same users want to have flexibility, that is, the freedom to do whatever they want and without being bothered by the system. Sometimes it is impossible to provide both flexibility and support because of conflicting requirements. The continuous struggle between flexibility and support is illustrated by Fig. 6.1. The right-hand-side of Fig. 6.1 shows the part of the spectrum covered by classical workflow management systems. These systems focus on processes that are repeatedly executed in some predefined manner and are driven by procedural languages. Note that in procedural workflow models there may be alternative paths controlled by (X)OR-splits/joins. However, the basic idea is that the completion of one task triggers other tasks. The YAWL nets described in earlier chapters provide such a procedural language. Although the YAWL language is highly expressive, its token-based semantics is most suitable for repetitive processes with tight control. The left-hand-side of Fig. 6.1 shows the other end of the spectrum. Here processes are less repetitive and the emphasis is on flexibility and user empowerment. Here it is difficult to envision all possible paths and the process is driven by user decisions rather than system decisions. Groupware systems (e.g., enhanced electronic mail, group conferencing systems, etc.) support such processes and focus on supporting human collaboration and co-decision. Groupware systems do not offer supportwhen it comes to ordering and coordination of tasks. Instead, the high degree of flexibility of these systems allows users to control the ordering and coordination of tasks while executing the process (i.e., on the fly). textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 在任何信息系统的设计中,重要的是要在灵活性和支持之间取得平衡。在设计过程感知信息系统时,这一点尤为重要。一方面,用户希望获得系统的支持,以更有效的方式进行日常活动。另一方面,相同的用户希望具有灵活性,也就是说,可以自由地做自己想做的事情,而不会受到系统的困扰。有时由于需求冲突而无法同时提供灵活性和支持。图6.1说明了灵活性和支持之间的持续斗争。图6.1的右侧显示了经典工作流管理系统所涵盖的部分频谱。这些系统专注于以某种预定义方式重复执行并由过程语言驱动的过程。请注意,在过程工作流模型中,可能存在由(X)OR拆分/联接控制的替代路径。但是,基本思想是一项任务的完成会触发其他任务。前面各章中介绍的YAWL网络提供了这种过程语言。尽管YAWL语言具有很高的表达能力,但其基于令牌的语义最适合具有严格控制的重复过程。图6.1的左侧显示了频谱的另一端。这里的过程重复性较低,重点是灵活性和用户授权。在这里很难预见所有可能的路径,并且该过程是由用户决定而不是系统决定驱动的。组件软件系统(例如,增强型电子邮件,小组会议系统等)支持此类流程,并专注于支持人工协作和共同决策。当涉及到任务的排序和协调时,群件系统不提供支持。取而代之的是,这些系统的高度灵活性允许用户在执行过程时(即在运行中)控制任务的排序和协调。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03121-2_6]

[102] Decomposed process mining: The ILP case (2015)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Over the last decade process mining techniques have matured and more and more organizations started to use process mining to analyze their operational processes. The current hype around big data illustrates the desire to analyze ever-growing data sets. Process mining starts from event logs—multisets of traces (sequences of events)—and for the widespread application of process mining it is vital to be able to handle big event logs. Some event logs are big because they contain many traces. Others are big in terms of different activities. Most of the more advanced process mining algorithms (both for process discovery and conformance checking) scale very badly in the number of activities. For these algorithms, it could help if we could split the big event log (containing many activities) into a collection of smaller event logs (which each contain fewer activities), run the algorithm on each of these smaller logs, and merge the results into a single result. This paper introduces ageneric framework for doing exactly that, and makes this concrete by implementing algorithms for decomposed process discovery and decomposed conformance checking using Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based algorithms. ILP-based process mining techniques provide precise results and formal guarantees (e.g., perfect fitness), but are known to scale badly in the number of activities. A small case study shows that we can gain orders of magnitude in run-time. However, in some cases there is tradeoff between run-time and quality.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘技术已经成熟,越来越多的组织开始使用过程挖掘来分析其运营过程。当前围绕大数据的炒作说明了对分析不断增长的数据集的渴望。流程挖掘从事件日志(多套跟踪(事件序列))开始,对于流程挖掘的广泛应用,能够处理大事件日志至关重要。一些事件日志是大的,因为它们包含许多跟踪。其他人则在各种活动方面都很重要。大多数更高级的流程挖掘算法(用于流程发现和一致性检查)在活动数量方面的扩展非常差。对于这些算法,如果我们可以将大型事件日志(包含许多活动)拆分为较小的事件日志(每个包含较少的活动),对每个较小的日志运行算法,然后将结果合并为一个结果。本文介绍了一个用于实现此目的的通用框架,并通过使用基于整数线性规划(ILP)的算法实现用于分解过程发现和分解一致性检查的算法来对此进行具体说明。基于ILP的过程挖掘技术可提供精确的结果和形式上的保证(例如,完美的适应性),但是众所周知,活动数量的扩展性很差。一个小案例研究表明,我们可以在运行时获得数量级的提升。但是,在某些情况下,运行时间和质量之间会有折衷。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_23]

[103] Decomposing process mining problems using passages (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process discovery-discovering a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log-is one of the most challenging tasks in process mining. Discovery approaches need to deal with competing quality criteria such as fitness, simplicity, precision, and generalization. Moreover, event logs may contain low frequent behavior and tend to be far from complete (i.e., typically only a fraction of the possible behavior is recorded). At the same time, models need to have formal semantics in order to reason about their quality. These complications explain why dozens of process discovery approaches have been proposed in recent years. Most of these approaches are time-consuming and/or produce poor quality models. In fact, simply checking the quality of a model is already computationally challenging. This paper shows that process mining problems can be decomposed into a set of smaller problems after determining the so-called causal structure. Given a causal structure, we partition the activities over a collection of passages. Conformance checking and discovery can be done per passage. The decomposition of the process mining problems has two advantages. First of all, the problem can be distributed over a network of computers. Second, due to the exponential nature of most process mining algorithms, decomposition can significantly reduce computation time (even on a single computer). As a result, conformance checking and process discovery can be done much more efficiently. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程发现-从事件日志中记录的示例行为中发现过程模型是过程挖掘中最具挑战性的任务之一。发现方法需要处理竞争的质量标准,例如适用性,简单性,精度和泛化。而且,事件日志可能包含低频率的行为,并且往往远未完成(即,通常仅记录了可能行为的一小部分)。同时,模型需要具有形式化的语义才能推断其质量。这些复杂性解释了为什么近年来提出了数十种过程发现方法。这些方法大多数都是耗时的和/或产生质量较差的模型。实际上,仅检查模型的质量已经在计算上具有挑战性。本文表明,在确定了所谓的因果结构之后,过程挖掘问题可以分解为一系列较小的问题。给定因果结构,我们将活动划分为一段段落。合格检查和发现可以按每个段落进行。过程挖掘问题的分解具有两个优点。首先,该问题可以分布在计算机网络上。其次,由于大多数过程挖掘算法的指数性质,分解可以显着减少计算时间(即使是在一台计算机上)。结果,可以更加有效地完成一致性检查和过程发现。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31131-4_5]

[104] Decomposing replay problems: A case study (2013)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Conformance checking is an important field in the process mining area. In brief, conformance checking provides us with insights how well a given process model matches a given event log. To gain these insights, we typically try to replay the event log on the process model. However, this replay problem may be complex and, as a result, may take considerable time. To ease the complexity of the replay, we can decompose the given process model into a collection of (smaller) submodels, and associate a (smaller) sublog to every submodel. Instead of replaying the entire event log on the entire process model, we can then replay the corresponding sublog on every submodel, and combine the results. This paper tests this divide-and-conquer approach on a number of process models and event logs while using existing replay techniques. Results show that the decomposed replay may indeed be faster by orders of magnitude, but that success is not guaranteed, as in some cases a smaller model and a smaller log yield a more complex replay problem.

摘要: 一致性检查是过程采矿领域的重要领域。简而言之,一致性检查为我们提供了有关给定流程模型与给定事件日志匹配程度的见解。为了获得这些见解,我们通常尝试在流程模型上重播事件日志。但是,此重放问题可能很复杂,因此可能要花费大量时间。为了减轻重放的复杂性,我们可以将给定的过程模型分解为(较小)子模型的集合,并将(较小)子日志关联到每个子模型。然后,我们可以在每个子模型上重播相应的子日志,然后合并结果,而不是在整个流程模型上重播整个事件日志。本文在使用现有重放技术的同时,在许多流程模型和事件日志上测试了这种分而治之的方法。结果表明,分解的重放确实确实可以快几个数量级,但不能保证成功,因为在某些情况下,较小的模型和较小的对数会产生更复杂的重放问题。

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[105] Definition and validation of process mining use cases (2012)

(Ailenei, Irina and Rozinat, Anne and Eckert, Albert and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining is an emerging topic in the BPM marketplace. Recently, several (commercial) software solutions have become available. Due to the lack of an evaluation framework, it is very difficult for potential users to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these process mining tools. As the first step towards such an evaluation framework, we developed a set of process mining use cases and validated these use cases by means of expert interviews and a survey. We present the list of use cases and discuss the insights from our empirical validation. These use cases will then form the basis for a detailed evaluation of current process mining tools on the market. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘是BPM市场中一个新兴的主题。最近,几种(商业)软件解决方案已经可用。由于缺乏评估框架,潜在用户很难评估这些过程挖掘工具的优缺点。作为建立这种评估框架的第一步,我们开发了一组流程挖掘用例,并通过专家访谈和调查验证了这些用例。我们提供了用例列表,并讨论了来自经验验证的见解。这些用例将构成详细评估市场上当前流程挖掘工具的基础。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28108-2_7]

[106] Detecting Behavioral Design Patterns from Software Execution Data (2019)

(Liu, Cong and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and Assy, Nour and van^Axa0der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Design pattern detection techniques provide useful insights to help understand the design and architecture of software systems. Existing design pattern detection techniques require as input the source code of software systems. Hence, these techniques may become not applicable in case the source code is not available anymore. Large volumes of data are recorded and stored during software execution, which is very useful for design pattern detection of software systems. This chapter introduces a general framework to support the detection of behavioral design patterns by taking as input the software execution data. To show the effectiveness, the proposed framework is instantiated for the observer, state and strategy patterns. The developed pattern detection techniques are implemented in the open-source process mining toolkit ProM. The applicability of the proposed framework is evaluated using software execution data containing around 1.000.000 method calls that are generated by running both synthetic and real-life software systems.

摘要: Design pattern detection techniques provide useful insights to help understand the design and architecture of software systems. Existing design pattern detection techniques require as input the source code of software systems. Hence, these techniques may become not applicable in case the source code is not available anymore. Large volumes of data are recorded and stored during software execution, which is very useful for design pattern detection of software systems. This chapter introduces a general framework to support the detection of behavioral design patterns by taking as input the software execution data. To show the effectiveness, the proposed framework is instantiated for the observer, state and strategy patterns. The developed pattern detection techniques are implemented in the open-source process mining toolkit ProM. The applicability of the proposed framework is evaluated using software execution data containing around 1.000.000 method calls that are generated by running both synthetic and real-life software systems.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-22559-9_7]

[107] Detecting change in procebes using comparative trace clustering (2015)

(Hompes, B. F.A. and Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Real-life busineb procebes are complex and show a high degree of variability. Additionally, due to changing conditions and circum-stances, these procebes continuously evolve over time. For example, in the healthcare domain, advances in medicine trigger changes in diagnoses and treatment procebes. Besides changes over time, case data (e.g. treating physician, patient age) also inuence how procebes are executed. Existing proceb mining techniques abume procebes to be static and therefore are leb suited for the analysis of contemporary exible busineb procebes. This paper presents a novel comparative trace clustering approach that is able to expose changes in behavior. Valuable insights can be gained and proceb improvements can be made by finding those points in time where behavior changed and the reasons why. Evaluation on real-life event data shows our technique can provide these insights.

摘要: 现实生活中的busineb程序很复杂,并显示出高度的可变性。此外,由于条件和环境的变化,这些程序会随着时间不断发展。例如,在医疗保健领域,医学的进步引发了诊断和治疗方法的改变。除了随时间变化之外,病例数据(例如,主治医师,患者年龄)也会影响程序的执行方式。现有的proceb采矿技术认为探针是静态的,因此适合于分析当代的可利用的探针。本文提出了一种新颖的比较迹线聚类方法,该方法能够揭示行为的变化。通过找到行为发生变化的时间点及其原因,可以获得宝贵的见解,并可以改进流程。对现实事件数据的评估表明,我们的技术可以提供这些见解。

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[108] Detecting changes in process behavior using comparative case clustering (2017)

(Hompes, B. F.A. and Buijs, J. C.A.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Dixit, P. M. and Buurman, J. | )

Abstract: Real-life business processes are complex and often exhibit a high degree of variability. Additionally, due to changing conditions and circumstances, these processes continuously evolve over time. For example, in the healthcare domain, advances in medicine trigger changes in diagnoses and treatment processes. Case data (e.g. treating physician, patient age) also influence how processes are executed. Existing process mining techniques assume processes to be static and therefore are less suited for the analysis of contemporary, flexible business processes. This paper presents a novel comparative case clustering approach that is able to expose changes in behavior. Valuable insights can be gained and process improvements can be made by finding those points in time where behavior changed and the reasons why. Evaluation using both synthetic and real-life event data shows our technique can provide these insights.

摘要: Real-life business processes are complex and often exhibit a high degree of variability. Additionally, due to changing conditions and circumstances, these processes continuously evolve over time. For example, in the healthcare domain, advances in medicine trigger changes in diagnoses and treatment processes. Case data (e.g. treating physician, patient age) also influence how processes are executed. Existing process mining techniques assume processes to be static and therefore are less suited for the analysis of contemporary, flexible business processes. This paper presents a novel comparative case clustering approach that is able to expose changes in behavior. Valuable insights can be gained and process improvements can be made by finding those points in time where behavior changed and the reasons why. Evaluation using both synthetic and real-life event data shows our technique can provide these insights.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-53435-0_3]

[109] Detection and interactive repair of event ordering imperfection in process logs (2018)

(Dixit, Prabhakar M. and Suriadi, Suriadi and Andrews, Robert and Wynn, Moe T. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and Buijs, Joos C.A.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Many forms of data analysis require timestamp information to order the occurrences of events. The process mining discipline uses historical records of process executions, called event logs, to derive insights into business process behaviours and performance. Events in event logs must be ordered, typically achieved using timestamps. The importance of timestamp information means that it needs to be of high quality. To the best of our knowledge, no (semi-)automated support exists for detecting and repairing ordering-related imperfection issues in event logs. We describe a set of timestamp-based indicators for detecting event ordering imperfection issues in a log and our approach to repairing identified issues using domain knowledge. Lastly, we evaluate our approach implemented in the open-source process mining framework, ProM, using two publicly available logs.

摘要: 许多形式的数据分析都需要时间戳信息来对事件的发生进行排序。流程挖掘学科使用流程执行的历史记录(称为事件日志)来获取对业务流程行为和绩效的见解。必须对事件日志中的事件进行排序,通常使用时间戳来实现。时间戳信息的重要性意味着它必须是高质量的。据我们所知,在事件日志中不存在(半)自动支持来检测和修复与订购相关的缺陷问题。我们描述了一组基于时间戳的指标,用于检测日志中的事件顺序不完善问题以及我们使用领域知识修复已确定问题的方法。最后,我们使用两个公开可用的日志来评估在开源过程挖掘框架ProM中实现的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-91563-0_17]

[110] Diagnostic information for compliance checking of temporal compliance requirements (2013)

(Ramezani Taghiabadi | )

Abstract: Compliance checking is gaining importance as todays organizations need to show that operational processes are executed in a controlled manner while satisfying predefined (legal) requirements or service level agreements. Deviations may be costly and expose an organization to severe risks. Compliance checking is of growing importance for the business process management and auditing communities. This paper presents an approach for checking compliance of observed process executions recorded in an event log to temporal compliance requirements, which restrict when particular activities may or may not occur. We show how temporal compliance requirements discussed in literature can be unified and formalized using a generic temporal compliance rule. To check compliance with respect to a temporal rule, the event log describing the observed behavior is aligned with the rule. The alignment then shows which events occurred out of order and which events deviated by which amount of time from the prescribed behavior. This approach integrates with an existing approach for control-flow compliance checking, allowing for multi-perspective diagnostic information in case of compliance violations. We show the feasibility of our technique by checking temporal compliance rules of real life event logs. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 合规性检查变得越来越重要,因为当今的组织需要证明操作流程以受控的方式执行,同时满足预定义的(法律)要求或服务水平协议。偏差可能会造成高昂的成本,并使组织面临严重的风险。本文提出了一种检查事件日志中记录的已观察到的流程执行是否符合时间合规性要求的方法,该方法可以限制特定活动的发生时间,也可以不进行。可以使用通用的时间依从性规则来统一和形式化文献中讨论的内容;要检查对时间规则的依从性,将描述观察到的行为的事件日志与该规则对齐,然后对齐可以显示哪些事件发生顺序不正确,哪些事件发生顺序不正确事件偏离PR的时间量表述的行为。该方法与用于控制流合规性检查的现有方法集成在一起,从而在违反合规性的情况下提供多角度的诊断信息。我们通过检查现实事件日志的时间合规性规则来证明我们技术的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38709-8_20]

[111] Discovering and navigating a collection of process models using multiple quality dimensions (2014)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms typically aim at discovering a process model from an event log that best describes the recorded behavior. However, multiple quality dimensions can be used to evaluate a process model. In previous work we showed that there often is not one single process model that describes the observed behavior best in all quality dimensions. Therefore, we present an extension to our flexible ETM algorithm that does not result in a single best process model but in a collection of mutually non-dominating process models. This is achieved by constructing a Pareto front of process models. We show by applying our approach on a real life event log that the resulting collection of process models indeed contains several good candidates. Furthermore, by presenting a collection of process models, we show that it allows the user to investigate the different trade-offs between different quality dimensions. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

摘要: 过程发现算法通常旨在从事件日志中发现最能描述所记录行为的过程模型。但是,可以使用多个质量维度来评估过程模型。在先前的工作中,我们表明,通常没有一个单一的过程模型可以在所有质量维度上最好地描述观察到的行为。因此,我们提出了对我们灵活的ETM算法的扩展,该扩展不会导致单个最佳流程模型,而是会产生相互非主导的流程模型。这是通过构建过程模型的Pareto前端来实现的。通过在现实生活事件日志中应用我们的方法,我们可以证明过程模型的结果集合确实包含了几个不错的候选对象。此外,通过呈现过程模型的集合,我们表明它允许用户调查不同质量维度之间的不同权衡。 t​​extcopyright瑞士Springer国际出版社,2014年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-06257-0_1]

[112] Discovering block-structured process models from event logs containing infrequent behaviour (2014)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Given an event log describing observed behaviour, process discovery aims to find a process model that best describes this behaviour. A large variety of process discovery algorithms has been proposed. However, no existing algorithm returns a sound model in all cases (free of deadlocks and other anomalies), handles infrequent behaviour well and finishes quickly. We present a technique able to cope with infrequent behaviour and large event logs, while ensuring soundness. The technique has been implemented in ProM and we compare the technique with existing approaches in terms of quality and performance. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

摘要: Given an event log describing observed behaviour, process discovery aims to find a process model that best describes this behaviour. A large variety of process discovery algorithms has been proposed. However, no existing algorithm returns a sound model in all cases (free of deadlocks and other anomalies), handles infrequent behaviour well and finishes quickly. We present a technique able to cope with infrequent behaviour and large event logs, while ensuring soundness. The technique has been implemented in ProM and we compare the technique with existing approaches in terms of quality and performance. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-06257-0_6]

[113] Discovering block-structured process models from incomplete event logs (2014)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: One of the main challenges in process mining is to discover a process model describing observed behaviour in the best possible manner. Since event logs only contain example behaviour and one cannot assume to have seen all possible process executions, process discovery techniques need to be able to handle incompleteness. In this paper, we study the effects of such incomplete logs on process discovery. We analyse the impact of incompleteness of logs on behavioural relations, which are abstractions often used by process discovery techniques. We introduce probabilistic behavioural relations that are less sensitive to incompleteness, and exploit these relations to provide a more robust process discovery algorithm. We prove this algorithm to be able to rediscover a model of the original system. Furthermore, we show in experiments that our approach even rediscovers models from incomplete event logs that are much smaller than required by other process discovery algorithms. textcopyright 2014 Springer International Publishing.

摘要: 过程挖掘中的主要挑战之一是发现一种以最佳方式描述观察到的行为的过程模型。由于事件日志仅包含示例行为,并且不能假设已经看到了所有可能的流程执行,因此流程发现技术需要能够处理不完整性。在本文中,我们研究了这种不完整日志对过程发现的影响。我们分析了日志不完整对行为关系的影响,行为关系是流程发现技术经常使用的抽象概念。我们介绍了对不完整不太敏感的概率行为关系,并利用这些关系提供了更强大的过程发现算法。我们证明了该算法能够重新发现原始系统的模型。此外,我们在实验中表明,我们的方法甚至可以从不完整的事件日志中重新发现模型,而这些事件日志比其他过程发现算法所要求的小得多。 t​​extcopyright 2014年Springer国际出版。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-07734-5_6]

[114] Discovering causal factors explaining business process performance variation (2017)

(Hompes, Bart F.A. and Maaradji, Abderrahmane and La Rosa | )

Abstract: Business process performance may be affected by a range of factors, such as the volume and characteristics of ongoing cases or the performance and availability of individual resources. Event logs collected by modern information systems provide a wealth of data about the execution of business processes. However, extracting root causes for performance issues from these event logs is a major challenge. Processes may change continuously due to internal and external factors. Moreover, there may be many resources and case attributes influencing performance. This paper introduces a novel approach based on time series analysis to detect cause-effect relations between a range of business process characteristics and process performance indicators. The scalability and practical relevance of the approach has been validated by a case study involving a real-life insurance claims handling process.

摘要: 业务流程的绩效可能受到一系列因素的影响,例如,正在进行中的案件的数量和特征,或者单个资源的绩效和可用性。现代信息系统收集的事件日志提供了有关业务流程执行的大量数据。但是,从这些事件日志中提取性能问题的根本原因是一项重大挑战。由于内部和外部因素,过程可能会不断变化。此外,可能有许多资源和案例属性会影响性能。本文介绍一种基于时间序列分析的新颖方法,以检测一系列业务流程特征和流程绩效指标之间的因果关系。该方法的可扩展性和实际相关性已通过涉及真实保险索赔处理流程的案例研究得到验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59536-8_12]

[115] Discovering distributed processes in supply chains (2003)

(Maruster, Laura and Wortmann, J. C.(Hans) and Weijters, A. J.M.M.(Ton) and van der Aalst, W. M.P.(Will) | )

Abstract: Processes such as tendering, ordering, delivery, and paying are executed by several parties in almost all supply chains. However, none of these parties has a proper overview over the whole set of activities executed. Therefore, none of the parties can take the lead in business process redesign. Business processes are often not described in an explicit manner, and therefore they are not available for analysis. However, in the information system of each supply chain party, partial information about the business process are recorded. We claim that the overall distributed process can be induced, by using this partial information of all involved parties. In this paper we present an overview of methods available to discover processes across supply chains, based on the assumption that there is a common point of reference at all involved parties, e.g. an order number. Such an induced or discovered process enables analysis across the supply chain, and can become an important tool to facilitate business process redesign in networked organizations. textcopyright 2003 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.

摘要: 几乎所有供应链中的多个方都执行招标,订购,交付和付款之类的过程。但是,这些参与方都不对所执行的整个活动有适当的了解。因此,任何一方都不能领导业务流程的重新设计。通常不会以明确的方式描述业务流程,因此无法进行分析。但是,在每个供应链方的信息系统中,都会记录有关业务流程的部分信息。我们声称可以通过使用所有相关方的部分信息来诱导整个分布式过程。在本文中,我们假设所有相关方都有共同的参考点,例如:订单号。这种诱发或发现的流程可以对整个供应链进行分析,并且可以成为促进网络组织中业务流程重新设计的重要工具。 t​​extcopyright,2003年,Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-0-387-35698-3]

[116] Discovering hierarchical consolidated models from process families (2017)

(Assy, Nour and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Process families consist of different related variants that represent the same process. This might include, for example, processes executed similarly by different organizations or different versions of a same process with varying features. Motivated by the need to manage variability in process families, recent advances in process mining make it possible to discover, from a collection of event logs, a generic process model that explicitly describes the commonalities and differences across variants. However, existing approaches often result in flat complex models where it is hard to obtain a comparative insight into the common and different parts, especially when the family consists of a large number of process variants. This paper presents a decomposition-driven approach to discover hierarchical consolidated process models from collections of event logs. The discovered hierarchy consists of nested process fragments and allows to browse the variability at different levels of abstraction. The approach has been implemented as a plugin in ProM and was evaluated using synthetic and real-life event logs.

摘要: 过程族由代表相同过程的不同相关变体组成。例如,这可能包括由不同组织类似执行的流程或具有不同功能的同一流程的不同版本。由于需要管理流程族中的可变性,因此流程挖掘的最新进展使从事件日志的集合中发现通用的流程模型成为可能,该流程模型明确描述了变体之间的共性和差异。但是,现有方法通常会导致复杂的平面模型,在该模型中很难获得对通用零件和不同零件的比较了解,尤其是在该系列包含大量工艺变量的情况下。本文提出了一种分解驱动的方法,用于从事件日志的集合中发现分层的合并过程模型。发现的层次结构由嵌套的流程片段组成,并允许浏览不同抽象级别的可变性。该方法已作为ProM中的插件实现,并已使用综合和现实事件日志进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59536-8_20]

[117] Discovering hierarchical process models using ProM (2011)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Verbeek, Eric H.M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process models can be seen as maps describing the operational processes of organizations. Traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with fine-grained event logs and lessstructured processes. The discovered models (i.e., maps) are spaghettilike and are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. One of the reasons for this can be attributed to the fact that the discovered models are at (without any hierarchy). In this paper, we demonstrate the discovery of hierarchical process models using a set of interrelated plugins implemented in ProM.3 The hierarchy is enabled through the automated discovery of abstractions (of activities) with domain significance.

摘要: Process models can be seen as maps describing the operational processes of organizations. Traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with fine-grained event logs and lessstructured processes. The discovered models (i.e., maps) are spaghettilike and are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. One of the reasons for this can be attributed to the fact that the discovered models are at (without any hierarchy). In this paper, we demonstrate the discovery of hierarchical process models using a set of interrelated plugins implemented in ProM.3 The hierarchy is enabled through the automated discovery of abstractions (of activities) with domain significance.

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[118] Discovering process models with genetic algorithms using sampling (2010)

(Bratosin, Carmen and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining, a new business intelligence area, aims at discovering process models from event logs. Complex constructs, noise and infrequent behavior are issues that make process mining a complex problem. A genetic mining algorithm, which applies genetic operators to search in the space of all possible process models, deals with the aforementioned challenges with success. Its drawback is high computation time due to the high time costs of the fitness evaluation. Fitness evaluation time linearly depends on the number of process instances in the log. By using a sampling-based approach, i.e. evaluating fitness on a sample from the log instead of the whole log, we drastically reduce the computation time. When the desired fitness is achieved on the sample, we check the fitness on the whole log; if it is not achieved yet, we increase the sample size and continue the computation iteratively. Our experiments show that sampling works well even for relatively small logs, and the total computation time is reduced by 6 up to 15 times. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘是一个新的商业智能领域,旨在从事件日志中发现过程模型。复杂的构造,噪音和不频繁的行为是使过程挖掘成为复杂问题的问题。一种遗传挖掘算法,将遗传算子应用到所有可能的过程模型空间中进行搜索,成功地应对了上述挑战。由于适应性评估的高时间成本,其缺点是计算时间长。适应性评估时间线性地取决于日志中流程实例的数量。通过使用基于采样的方法,即从日志中而不是整个日志中评估样本的适合度,我们可以大大减少计算时间。当样本达到所需的适合度时,我们会在整个日志中检查适合度;如果尚未实现,则我们将增加样本量,并反复进行计算。我们的实验表明,即使对于相对较小的日志,采样也能很好地工作,并且总的计算时间减少了6到15倍。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-15387-7_8]

[119] Discovering social networks instantly: Moving process mining computations to the database and data entry time (2017)

(Syamsiyah, Alifah and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process mining aims to turn event data into insights and actions in order to improve processes. To improve process performance it is crucial to get insights into the way people work and collaborate. In this paper, we focus on discovering social networks from event data. To be able to deal with large data sets or with an environment which requires repetitive discoveries during the analysis, and still provide results instantly, we use an approach where most of the computation is moved to the database and things are precomputed at data entry time. Differently from traditional process mining where event data is stored in file-based system, we store event data in relational databases. Moreover, the database also has a role as an engine to compute the intermediate structure of social network during insertion data. By moving computation both in location (to database) and time (to recording time), the discovery of social networks in a process context becomes truly scalable. The approach has been implemented using the open source process mining toolkit ProM. The experiments reported in this paper demonstrate scalability while providing results instantly.

摘要: 过程挖掘旨在将事件数据转化为见解和行动,以改进过程。为了提高流程绩效,深入了解人们的工作和协作方式至关重要。在本文中,我们专注于从事件数据中发现社交网络。为了能够处理大型数据集或在分析过程中需要重复发现并仍能立即提供结果的环境,我们使用了一种方法,其中大部分计算都移至数据库,并且在数据输入时预先计算了一切。与将事件数据存储在基于文件的系统中的传统流程挖掘不同,我们将事件数据存储在关系数据库中。此外,数据库还具有在插入数据期间计算社交网络的中间结构的引擎的作用。通过将计算移动到位置(到数据库)和时间(到记录时间),在过程上下文中发现社交网络变得真正可扩展。该方法已使用开源过程挖掘工具包ProM实施。本文报道的实验证明了可伸缩性,同时可以立即提供结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59466-8_4]

[120] Discovering stochastic Petri nets with arbitrary delay distributions from event logs (2014)

(Rogge-Solti, Andreas and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Weske, Mathias | )

Abstract: Capturing the performance of a system or business process as accurately as possible is important, as models enriched with performance information provide valuable input for analysis, operational support, and prediction. Due to their computationally nice properties, memoryless models such as exponentially distributed stochastic Petri nets have earned much attention in research and industry. However, there are cases when the memoryless property is clearly not able to capture process behavior, e.g., when dealing with fixed time-outs. We want to allow models to have generally distributed durations to be able to capture the behavior of the environment and resources as accurately as possible. For these more expressive process models, the execution policy has to be specified in more detail. In this paper, we present and evaluate process discovery algorithms for each of the execution policies. The introduced approach uses raw event execution data to discover various classes of stochastic Petri nets. The algorithms are based on the notion of alignments and have been implemented as a plug-in in the process mining framework ProM. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

摘要: 尽可能准确地捕获系统或业务流程的性能非常重要,因为丰富了性能信息的模型为分析,运营支持和预测提供了宝贵的输入。由于其良好的计算性能,无记忆模型(例如指数分布的随机Petri网)已在研究和工业界引起了广泛关注。但是,在某些情况下,例如在处理固定超时时,无记忆属性显然无法捕获进程行为。我们希望允许模型具有一般分布的持续时间,以便能够尽可能准确地捕获环境和资源的行为。对于这些更具表现力的流程模型,必须更详细地指定执行策略。在本文中,我们提出并评估了每种执行策略的流程发现算法。引入的方法使用原始事件执行数据来发现各种随机Petri网。该算法基于对齐的概念,并已在流程挖掘框架ProM中作为插件实现。 t​​extcopyright瑞士Springer国际出版社,2014年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-06257-0_2]

[121] Discovering the Glue connecting activities: Exploiting monotonicity to learn places faster (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process discovery, one of the key areas within process mining, aims to derive behavioral models from event data. Since event logs are inherently incomplete (containing merely example behaviors) and unbalanced, this is often challenging. Different target languages can be used to capture sequential, conditional, concurrent, and iterative behaviors. In this paper, we assume that a process model is merely a set of places (like in Petri nets). Given a particular behavior, a place can be fitting, underfed (tokens are missing), or overfed (tokens are remaining). We define a partial order on places based on their connections. Then we will show various monotonicity properties that can be exploited during process discovery. If a candidate place is underfed, then all lighter places are also underfed. If a candidate place is overfed, then all heavier places are also overfed. This allows us to prune the search space dramatically. Moreover, we can further reduce the search space by not allowing conflicting or redundant places. These more foundational insights can be used to develop fast process mining algorithms producing places with a guaranteed quality level.

摘要: 过程发现是过程挖掘中的关键领域之一,旨在从事件数据中得出行为模型。由于事件日志本质上是不完整的(仅包含示例行为)且不平衡,因此这通常具有挑战性。可以使用不同的目标语言来捕获顺序,条件,并发和迭代行为。在本文中,我们假设过程模型仅仅是一组位置(如在Petri网中)。给定特定的行为,地点可以是合适,供不应求(缺少令牌)或供过于求(保留令牌)。我们根据地点的联系来定义地点的部分顺序。然后,我们将展示在过程发现过程中可以利用的各种单调性。如果候选地点供餐不足,则所有较轻的地点也供餐不足。如果候选地点供餐过多,那么所有较重的地点也将供餐。这使我们可以大大减少搜索空间。此外,我们可以通过不允许出现冲突或多余的位置来进一步减少搜索空间。这些更基础的见解可用于开发快速过程挖掘算法,以产生具有保证质量水平的场所。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-90089-6_1]

[122] Discovering workflow performance models from timed logs (2002)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and van Dongen, B. F. | )

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we have developed techniques for discovering workflow models. Starting point for such techniques are so-called workflow logs containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. In this paper, we extend our existing mining technique alphaalpha 4 to incorporate time. We assume that events in workflow logs bear timestamps. This information is used to attribute timing such as queue times to the discovered workflow model. The approach is based on Petri nets and timing information is attached to places. This paper also presents our workflow-mining tool EMiT. This tool translates the workflow log of several commercial systems (e.g., Staffware) to an independent XML format. Based on this format the tool mines for causal relations and produces a graphical workflow model expressed in terms of Petri nets.

摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统由明确的流程模型驱动,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要完全指定的工作流程设计。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常实际的工作流程与管理人员认为的流程之间存在差异。因此,我们开发了用于发现工作流模型的技术。此类技术的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际执行的工作流过程的信息。在本文中,我们扩展了现有的挖掘技术$ alpha $ 4以合并时间。我们假设工作流日志中的事件带有时间戳。此信息用于将计时(例如队列时间)归因于发现的工作流模型。该方法基于Petri网,并且时间信息附加到位置。本文还介绍了我们的工作流挖掘工具EMiT。此工具可将多个商业系统(例如,Staffware)的工作流日志转换为独立的XML格式。该工具基于这种格式挖掘因果关系,并生成一个以Petri网表示的图形化工作流模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45785-2_4]

[123] Discovering, analyzing and enhancing BPMN models using ProM (2014)

(Kalenkova, Anna A. and De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques relate observed behavior to modeled behavior, e.g., the automatic discovery of a process model based on an event log. Process mining is not limited to process discovery and also includes conformance checking and model enhancement. Conformance checking techniques are used to diagnose the deviations of the observed behavior as recorded in the event log from some process model. Model enhancement allows to extend process models using additional perspectives, conformance and performance information. In recent years, BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) 2.0 has become a de facto standard for modeling business processes in industry. This paper presents the BPMN support current in ProM. ProM is the most known and used open-source process mining framework. ProMs functionalities of discovering, analyzing and enhancing BPMN models are discussed. Support of the BPMN 2.0 standard will help ProM users to bridge the gap between formal models (such as Petri nets, causal nets and others) and process models used by practitioners.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术将观察到的行为与建模行为相关联,例如,基于事件日志自动发现过程模型。过程挖掘不限于过程发现,还包括一致性检查和模型增强。一致性检查技术用于诊断事件日志中记录的某些流程模型中所观察到的行为的偏差。模型增强允许使用其他角度,一致性和性能信息来扩展流程模型。近年来,BPMN(业务流程模型和表示法)2.0已成为一种行业中用于建模业务流程的事实标准,本文介绍了ProM中当前对BPMN的支持,ProM是最著名和使用最广泛的开源流程挖掘框架,讨论了ProM的发现,分析和增强BPMN模型的功能。 BPMN 2.0标准将帮助ProM用户弥合正式模型(如Petri网,cau工资网等)和从业人员使用的过程模型。

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[124] Discovery of frequent episodes in event logs (2015)

(Leemans, Maikel and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Lions share of process mining research focuses on the discovery of end-to-end process models describing the characteristic behavior of observed cases. The notion of a process instance (i.e., the case) plays an important role in process mining. Pattern mining techniques (such as traditional episode mining, i.e., mining collections of partially ordered events) do not consider process instances. In this paper, we present a new technique (and corresponding implementation) that discovers frequently occurring episodes in event logs, thereby exploiting the fact that events are associated with cases. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between process mining and pattern mining. Episode Discovery has its applications in, amongst others, discovering local patterns in complex processes and conformance checking based on partial orders. We also discover episode rules to predict behavior and discover correlated behaviors in processes, and apply our technique to other perspectives present in event logs. We have developed a ProM plug-in that exploits efficient algorithms for the discovery of frequent episodes and episode rules. Experimental results based on real-life event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach.

摘要: Lion在过程挖掘研究中所占的份额集中于发现描述观察到的案例的特征行为的端到端过程模型。过程实例(即案例)的概念在过程挖掘中起着重要的作用。模式挖掘技术(例如传统的情节挖掘,即挖掘部分有序事件的集合)不考虑流程实例,在本文中,我们提出了一种新技术(和相应的实现),该技术可以发现事件日志中频繁发生的情节,从而利用事实事件是与案例相关的,因此,可以将工作定位在流程挖掘和模式挖掘之间。Episode Discovery在其他方面的应用包括发现复杂流程中的本地模式和基于部分订单的一致性检查。情节规则来预测行为并发现过程中的相关行为,并将我们的技术应用于甚至t日志。我们已经开发了ProM插件,该插件利用有效的算法来发现频繁的情节和情节规则。基于现实生活事件日志的实验结果证明了该方法的可行性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-27243-6_1]

[125] Discovery, verification and conformance of workflows with cancellation (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Petri nets are frequently used for the modeling and analysis of workflows. Their graphical nature, well-defined semantics, and analysis techniques are attractive as information systems become more process-aware. Unfortunately, the classical Petri net has problems modeling cancellation in a succinct and direct manner. Modeling cancellation regions in a classical net is impossible or results in a spaghetti-like net. Cancellation regions are supported by many workflow management systems, but these systems do not support advanced analysis techniques (process mining, verification, performance analysis, etc.). This paper proposes to use reset workflow nets (RWF-nets) and discusses (1) the discovery of RWF-nets (i.e., extracting information from event logs to construct such models), (2) the verification of RWF-nets (i.e., checking whether a workflow process has deadlocks, livelocks, etc.), and (3) the conformance of an event log with respect to a RWF-net (i.e., comparing real with modeled behavior). textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Petri网经常用于工作流的建模和分析。随着信息系统变得更加过程感知,它们的图形性质,定义明确的语义和分析技术吸引了人们的注意。不幸的是,经典的Petri网在以简洁直接的方式对抵消建模方面存在问题。在经典网络中对抵消区域进行建模是不可能的,或者会导致意大利面条状网络。许多工作流管理系统都支持取消区域,但是这些系统不支持高级分析技术(过程挖掘,验证,性能分析等)。本文提出使用重置工作流网(RWF-net),并讨论(1)RWF-net的发现(即从事件日志中提取信息以构建此类模型),(2)RWF-net的验证(即,检查工作流程过程是否具有死锁,活动锁等),以及(3)事件日志相对于RWF网络的一致性(即,将真实行为与建模行为进行比较)。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-87405-8_2]

[126] Distributed genetic process mining (2010)

(Bratosin, Carmen and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining aims at discovering process models from data logs in order to offer insight into the real use of information systems. Most of the existing process mining algorithms fail to discover complex constructs or have problems dealing with noise and infrequent behavior. The genetic process mining algorithm overcomes these issues by using genetic operators to search for the fittest solution in the space of all possible process models. The main disadvantage of genetic process mining is the required computation time. In this paper we present a coarse-grained distributed variant of the genetic miner that reduces the computation time. The degree of the improvement obtained highly depends on the parameter values and event logs characteristics. We perform an empirical evaluation to determine guidelines for setting the parameters of the distributed algorithm. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.

摘要: Process mining aims at discovering process models from data logs in order to offer insight into the real use of information systems. Most of the existing process mining algorithms fail to discover complex constructs or have problems dealing with noise and infrequent behavior. The genetic process mining algorithm overcomes these issues by using genetic operators to search for the fittest solution in the space of all possible process models. The main disadvantage of genetic process mining is the required computation time. In this paper we present a coarse-grained distributed variant of the genetic miner that reduces the computation time. The degree of the improvement obtained highly depends on the parameter values and event logs characteristics. We perform an empirical evaluation to determine guidelines for setting the parameters of the distributed algorithm. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2010.5586250]

[127] Distributed genetic process mining using sampling (2011)

(Bratosin, Carmen and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining aims at discovering process models from event logs. Complex constructs, noise and infrequent behavior are issues that make process mining a complex problem. A genetic mining algorithm, which applies genetic operators to search in the space of all possible process models, can successfully deal with the aforementioned challenges. In this paper, we reduce the computation time by using a distributed setting. The population is distributed between the islands of a computer network (e.g. a grid). To further accelerate the method we use sample-based fitness evaluations, i.e. we evaluate the individuals on a sample of the event log instead of the entire event log, gradually increasing the sample size if necessary. Our experiments show that both sampling and distributing the event log significantly improve the performance. The actual speed-up is highly dependent of the combination of the population size and sample size. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 过程挖掘旨在从事件日志中发现过程模型。复杂的构造,噪音和不频繁的行为是使过程挖掘成为复杂问题的问题。应用遗传算子在所有可能的过程模型空间中进行搜索的遗传挖掘算法可以成功应对上述挑战。在本文中,我们通过使用分布式设置来减少计算时间。人口分布在计算机网络(例如网格)的孤岛之间。为了进一步加速该方法,我们使用了基于样本的适合度评估,即我们根据事件日志的样本而不是整个事件日志对个体进行评估,并在必要时逐渐增加样本量。我们的实验表明,采样和分发事件日志都可以显着提高性能。实际提速高度取决于总体数量和样本数量的组合。 t​​extcopyright 2011年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23178-0_20]

[128] Do petri nets provide the right representational bias for process mining? (short paper) (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process discovery is probably the most challenging process mining task. Given an event log, i.e., a set of example traces, it is difficult to automatically construct a process model explaining the behavior seen in the log. Many process discovery techniques use Petri nets as a language to describe the discovered model. This implies that the search space-often referred to as the representational bias-includes many inconsistent models (e.g., models with deadlocks and livelocks). Moreover, the low-level nature of Petri nets does not help in finding a proper balance between overfitting and underfitting. Therefore, we advocate a new representation more suitable for process discovery: causal nets. Causal nets are related to the representations used by several process discovery techniques (e.g., heuristic mining, fuzzy mining, and genetic mining). However, unlike existing approaches, C-nets use declarative semantics tailored towards process mining.

摘要: 流程发现可能是最具挑战性的流程挖掘任务。 给定一个事件日志,即一组示例跟踪,很难自动构建一个解释该日志中出现的行为的流程模型。 许多过程发现技术使用Petri网作为一种语言来描述发现的模型。 这意味着搜索空间-通常被称为代表性偏差-包括许多不一致的模型(例如,具有死锁和活锁的模型)。 而且,Petri网的低层次性质无助于在过度拟合和欠拟合之间找到适当的平衡。 因此,我们提倡一种更适合过程发现的新表示形式:因果网络。 因果网络与几种过程发现技术(例如启发式挖掘,模糊挖掘和遗传挖掘)使用的表示形式有关。 但是,与现有方法不同,C-net使用针对过程挖掘量身定制的声明性语义。

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[129] E-government services: Comparing real and expected user behavior (2018)

(Kalenkova, A. A. and Ageev, A. A. and Lomazova, I. A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: E-government web services are becoming increasingly popular among citizens of various countries. Usually, to receive a service, the user has to perform a sequence of steps. This sequence of steps forms a service rendering process. Using process mining techniques this process can be discovered from the information systems event logs. A discovered process model of a real user behavior can assist in the analysis of service usability. Thus, for popular and well-designed services this process model will coincide with a reference process model of the expected user behavior. While for other services the observed real behavior and the modeled expected behavior can differ significantly. The main aim of this work is to suggest an approach for the comparison of process models and evaluate its applicability when applied to real-life e-government services.

摘要: 电子政务网络服务在各国公民中越来越受欢迎。 通常,要接收服务,用户必须执行一系列步骤。 这一系列步骤构成了服务提供过程。 使用过程挖掘技术,可以从信息系统事件日志中发现此过程。 发现的真实用户行为的过程模型可以帮助分析服务可用性。 因此,对于流行且设计良好的服务,此过程模型将与预期用户行为的参考过程模型一致。 对于其他服务,观察到的实际行为和建模的预期行为可能会显着不同。 这项工作的主要目的是提出一种比较过程模型的方法,并评估将其应用于实际电子政务服务时的适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-74030-0_38]

[130] EMiT: A process mining tool (2004)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Process mining offers a way to distill process models from event logs originating from transactional systems in logistics, banking, e-business, health-care, etc. The algorithms used for process mining are complex and in practise large logs are needed to derive a high-quality process model. To support these efforts, the process mining tool EMiT has been built. EMiT is a tool that imports event logs using a standard XML format as input. Using an extended version of the alphaalpha-algorithm 3,8 it can discover the underlying process model and represent it in terms of a Petri net. This Petri net is then visualized by the program, automatically generating a smart layout of the model. To support the practical application of the tool, various adapters have been developed that allow for the translation of system-specific logs to the standard XML format. As a running example, we use an event log generated by the workflow management system Staffware. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: 过程挖掘提供了一种从事件日志中提取过程模型的方法,这些事件日志来自物流,银行,电子商务,医疗保健等事务系统。用于过程挖掘的算法很复杂,实际上,需要大日志来导出高质量的流程模型。为了支持这些工作,已构建了流程挖掘工具EMiT。 EMiT是使用标准XML格式作为输入导入事件日志的工具。使用$ alpha $ -algorithm 3,8的扩展版本,它可以发现底层的流程模型并用Petri网表示。然后,该Petri网由程序可视化,自动生成模型的智能布局。为了支持该工具的实际应用,已经开发了各种适配器,这些适配器允许将系统特定的日志转换为标准XML格式。作为运行示例,我们使用由工作流管理系统Staffware生成的事件日志。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-27793-4_26]

[131] Earth movers stochastic conformance checking (2019)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Syring, Anja F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process Mining aims to support Business Process Management (BPM) by extracting information about processes from real-life process executions recorded in event logs. In particular, conformance checking aims to measure the quality of a process model by quantifying differences between the model and an event log or another model. Even though event logs provide insights into the likelihood of observed behaviour, most state-of-the-art conformance checking techniques ignore this point of view. In this paper, we propose a conformance measure that considers the stochastic characteristics of both the event log and the process model. It is based on the earth movers distance and measures the effort to transform the distributions of traces of the event log into the distribution of traces of the model. We formalize this intuitive conformance metric and provide an approximation and a simplified variant. The latter two have been implemented in ProM and we evaluate them using several real-life examples.

摘要: Process Mining旨在通过从事件日志中记录的实际流程执行中提取有关流程的信息来支持业务流程管理(BPM)。特别是,一致性检查旨在通过量化模型与模型之间的差异来衡量流程模型的质量。事件日志或其他模型尽管事件日志提供了观察到的行为可能性的见解,但大多数最新的一致性检查技术都忽略了这一观点。在本文中,我们提出了一种考虑随机性的一致性度量事件日志和过程模型的特征,它基于地球移动者的距离,并测量将事件日志的痕迹分布转换为模型的痕迹分布的工作量,我们将这种直观的一致性形式化度量,并提供一个近似值和一个简化的变体。后两个已在ProM中实现,我们使用几种实际的exa进行评估放大器。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-26643-1_8]

[132] Enabling interactive process analysis with process mining and visual analytics (2017)

(Dixit, P. M. and Garcia Caballero | )

Abstract: In a typical healthcare setting, specific clinical care pathways can be defined by the hospitals. Process mining provides a way of analyzing the care pathways by analyzing the event data extracted from the hospital information systems. Process mining can be used to optimize the overall care pathway, and gain interesting insights into the actual execution of the process, as well as to compare the expectations versus the reality. In this paper, a generic novel tool called InterPretA, is introduced which builds upon pre-existing process mining and visual analytics techniques to enable the user to perform such process oriented analysis. InterPretA contains a set of options to provide high level conformance analysis of a process from different perspectives. Furthermore, InterPretA enables detailed investigative analysis by letting the user interactively analyze, visualize and explore the execution of the processes from the data perspective.

摘要: 在典型的医疗环境中,医院可以定义特定的临床护理途径。过程挖掘提供了一种通过分析从医院信息系统提取的事件数据来分析护理路径的方法。过程挖掘可用于优化总体护理途径,并获得对过程实际执行过程的有趣见解,以及将期望与现实进行比较。在本文中,介绍了一种称为InterPretA的通用新型工具,该工具建立在预先存在的过程挖掘和可视化分析技术的基础上,以使用户能够执行这种面向过程的分析。 InterPretA包含一组选项,可以从不同的角度对流程进行高级一致性分析。此外,InterPretA允许用户从数据角度交互式地分析,可视化和探索过程的执行,从而实现详细的调查分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.5220/0006272605730584]

[133] Enabling process mining on sensor data from smart products (2016)

(Van Eck | )

Abstract: In this paper we address the challenge of applying process mining to discover models of human behaviour from sensor data. This challenge is caused by a gap between sensor data and the event logs that are used as input for process mining techniques, so we provide a transformation approach to bridge this gap. As a result, besides the automatic discovery of process models, the transformed sensor data can also be used by various other process mining techniques, e.g. to identify differences between observed behaviour and expected behaviour. We discuss the transformation approach in the context of the design process of smart products and related services, using a case study performed at Philips where a smart baby bottle has been developed. This case study also demonstrates that the use of process mining can add value to the smart product design process.

摘要: 在本文中,我们解决了应用过程挖掘从传感器数据中发现人类行为模型的挑战。这个挑战是由传感器数据和事件日志之间的差距所引起的,这些事件日志被用作过程挖掘技术的输入,因此我们提供了一种转换方法来弥合这一差距。结果,除了自动发现过程模型外,变换后的传感器数据还可以由各种其他过程挖掘技术使用,例如,以确定观察到的行为与预期行为之间的差异。我们将在飞利浦进行的案例研究中,在智能产品和相关服务的设计过程中讨论转换方法,该案例中飞利浦已经开发了智能奶瓶。该案例研究还表明,使用流程挖掘可以为智能产品设计流程增加价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549355]

[134] Enacting declarative languages using LTL: Avoiding errors and improving performance (2010)

(Pevsic | )

Abstract: In our earlier work we proposed using the declarative language DecSerFlow for modeling, analysis and enactment of processes in autonomous web services. DecSerFlow uses constraints specified with Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) to implicitly define possible executions of a model: any execution that satisfies all constraints is possible. Hence, a finite representation of all possible executions is retrieved as an automaton generated from LTL-based constraints. Standard model-checking algorithms for creating Buchi automata from LTL formulas are not applicable because of the requirements posed by the proper execution of DecSerFlow (and LTL-based process engines). On the one hand, LTL handles infinite words where each element of the word can refer to zero or more propositions. On the other hand, each execution of a DecSerFlow model is a finite sequence of single events. In this paper we adopt an existing approach to finite-word semantics of LTL and propose the modifications of LTL and automata generation algorithm needed to handle occurrences of single events. Besides eliminating errors caused by the multiple properties - single events mismatch, the proposed adjustments also improve the performance of the automata generation algorithms dramatically. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 在我们的早期工作中,我们建议使用声明性语言DecSerFlow来对自主Web服务中的流程进行建模,分析和制定。 DecSerFlow使用线性时间逻辑(LTL)指定的约束来隐式定义模型的可能执行:满足所有约束的任何执行都是可能的。因此,将所有可能执行的有限表示形式检索为从基于LTL的约束生成的自动机。从LTL公式创建B u chi自动机的标准模型检查算法不适用,原因是正确执行DecSerFlow(和基于LTL的流程引擎)提出了要求。处理无限单词,其中单词的每个元素都可以引用零个或多个命题;另一方面,DecSerFlow模型的每次执行都是单个事件的有限序列,本文采用了一种现有的方法来限制单词的语义LTL并提出了对LTL和自动机生成算法的修改,以处理单个事件的发生;除了消除多个属性-单事件不匹配引起的错误外,所提出的调整还极大地提高了自动机生成算法的性能。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-16164-3_11]

[135] Ensuring confidentiality in process mining (2018)

(Rafiei, Majid and Von Waldthausen | )

Abstract: To gain novel and valuable insights into the actual processes executed within a company, process mining provides a variety of powerful data-driven analyses techniques ranging from automatically discovering process models to detecting and predicting bottlenecks, and process deviations. On the one hand, recent breakthroughs in process mining resulted in powerful techniques, encouraging organizations and business owners to improve their processes through process mining. On the other hand, there are great concerns about the use of highly sensitive event data. Within an organization, it often suffices that analysts only see the aggregated process mining results without being able to inspect individual cases, events, and persons. When analysis is outsourced also the results need to be encrypted to avoid confidentiality problems. Surprisingly, little research has been done toward security methods and encryption techniques for process mining. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a novel approach that allows us to hide confidential information in a controlled manner while ensuring that the desired process mining results can still be obtained. We provide a sample solution for process discovery and evaluate it by applying a case study on a real-life event log.

摘要: 为了获得对公司内实际流程的新颖而有价值的见解,流程挖掘提供了各种强大的数据驱动分析技术,从自动发现流程模型到检测和预测瓶颈以及流程偏差,一应俱全。一方面,过程挖掘的最新突破带来了强大的技术,鼓励组织和企业所有者通过过程挖掘来改进其过程。另一方面,对于高度敏感的事件数据的使用存在很大的担忧。在组织内部,通常只需分析师仅查看汇总的流程挖掘结果,而无需检查个别案例,事件和人员即可。当分析外包时,结果也需要加密以避免机密性问题。令人惊讶的是,对于用于过程挖掘的安全方法和加密技术的研究很少。因此,在本文中,我们介绍了一种新颖的方法,该方法允许我们以受控方式隐藏机密信息,同时确保仍可以获得所需的过程挖掘结果。我们提供了用于过程发现的示例解决方案,并通过将案例研究应用于现实事件日志来对其进行评估。

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[136] Evaluating a data removal strategy for grid environments using colored petri nets (2008)

(Trvcka, Nikola and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: We use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) for the modeling and performance analysis of grid architectures. We define a strategy for the optimization of grid storage usage, based on the addition of data removal tasks to grid workflows. We evaluate the strategy by simulating our CPN model of the grid. Experiments show that the strategy significantly reduces the amount of storage space needed to execute a grid application. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 我们使用有色Petri网(CPN)进行网格体系结构的建模和性能分析。 我们基于在网格工作流中添加数据删除任务,定义了一种优化网格存储使用的策略。 我们通过模拟网格的CPN模型来评估该策略。 实验表明,该策略显着减少了执行网格应用程序所需的存储空间量。 textcopyright 2008年施普林格·柏林·海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-92221-6_35]

[137] Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Petri Nets, but Were Afraid to Ask (2019)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM), Process Mining (PM), Workflow Management (WFM), and other approaches aimed at improving processes depend on process models. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), and UML activity diagrams all build on Petri nets and have semantics involving ‘playing the token game. In addition, process analysis approaches ranging from verification and simulation to process discovery and compliance checking often depend on Petri net theory. For the casual user, there is no need to understand the underlying foundations. However, BPM/PM/WFM researchers and ‘process experts working in industry need to understand these foundational results. Unfortunately, the results of 50xa0years of Petri net research are not easy to digest. This tutorial paper provides, therefore, an entry point into the wonderful world of Petri nets.

摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM),流程挖掘(PM),工作流管理(WFM)和其他旨在改进流程的方法取决于流程模型。业务流程模型和表示法(BPMN),事件驱动的流程链(EPC)和UML活动图均建立在Petri网上,并且具有涉及玩令牌游戏的语义;此外,从验证,模拟到过程发现和合规性检查等过程分析方法通常都依赖于Petri网理论。不需要了解基础,但是,BPM / PM / WFM研究人员和从事行业工作的过程专家需要了解这些基础结果。不幸的是,Petri网研究50年xa0年的结果不容易消化。因此,本教程文件提供了进入Petri网奇妙世界的切入点。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-26619-6_1]

[138] Everything you always wanted to know about your process, but did not know how to ask (2017)

(De Murillas | )

Abstract: The size of execution data available for process mining analysis grows several orders of magnitude every couple of years. Extracting and selecting the relevant data to be analyzed on each case represents an open challenge in the field. This paper presents a systematic literature review on different approaches to query process data and establish their provenance. In addition, a new query language is proposed, which overcomes the limitations identified during the review. The proposal is based on a combination of data and process perspectives. It provides simple constructs to intuitively formulate questions. An implementation of the language is provided, together with examples of queries to be applied on different aspects of the process analysis.

摘要: 可用于流程挖掘分析的执行数据的大小每两年增长几个数量级。在每种情况下提取和选择要分析的相关数据代表了该领域的挑战。本文提供了有关查询过程数据并确定其来源的不同方法的系统文献综述。此外,提出了一种新的查询语言,该语言克服了审阅过程中发现的限制。该提案基于数据和流程观点的结合。它提供了简单的结构以直观地表达问题。提供了该语言的实现,以及要在过程分析的不同方面应用的查询示例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-58457-7_22]

[139] Exspect 6.4 an executable specification tool for hierarchical colored petri nets (2000)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and de Crom, Poul J.N. and Goverde, Roy R.H.M.J. and Van Hee | )

Abstract: Ten years ago ExSpect became available on the market. Since then a lot of modeling and simulation projects in logistics, workflow and electronic commerce have been performed using ExSpect. In the past ten years the heart of ExSpect, the simulation engine, has never been changed: it still executes models of hierarchical, timed, colored Petri nets with priorities. Over the years new features have been introduced based on user requests. Three extensions dominate the new functionality of ExSpect. The first is ‘ease of use in simulating and carrying out quantitative analysis of workflows. The second is to view Message Sequence Charts for electronic commerce applications using ExSpect. The last is the integration of ExSpect and applications; i.e., to use ExSpect to handle the flow of control for other applications.

摘要: 十年前,ExSpect进入市场。 从那时起,使用ExSpect在物流,工作流和电子商务中进行了许多建模和仿真项目。 在过去的十年中,仿真引擎ExSpect的心脏从未改变:它仍然执行具有优先级的分层,定时,彩色Petri网模型。 多年来,根据用户要求引入了新功能。 三个扩展主导了ExSpect的新功能。 首先是“易于使用,可以模拟和定量分析工作流程。 第二个是使用ExSpect查看电子商务应用程序的消息序列图。 最后是ExSpect和应用程序的集成。 即使用ExSpect处理其他应用程序的控制流。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-44988-4_26]

[140] Extracting Event Data from Databases to Unleash Process Mining (2015)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: Increasingly organizations are using process mining to under-stand the way that operational processes are executed. Process mining can be used to systematically drive innovation in a digitalized world. Next to the automated discovery of the real underlying process, there are process-mining techniques to analyze bottlenecks, to uncover hidden inefficiencies, to check compliance, to explain deviations, to predict per-formance, and to guide users towards better processes. Dozens (if not hundreds) of process-mining techniques are available and their value has been proven in many case studies. However, process mining stands or falls with the availability of event logs. Existing techniques assume that events are clearly defined and refer to precisely one case (i.e. process instance) and one activity (i.e., step in the process). Although there are systems that directly generate such event logs (e.g., BPM/WFM sys-tems), most information systems do not record events explicitly. Cases and activities only exist implicitly. However, when creating or using pro-cess models raw data need to be linked to cases and activities. This paper uses a novel perspective to conceptualize a database view on event data. Starting from a class model and corresponding object models it is shown that events correspond to the creation, deletion, or modification of objects and relations. The key idea is that events leave footprints by changing the underlying database. Based on this an approach is described that scopes, binds, and classifies data to create flat event logs that can be analyzed using traditional process-mining techniques.

摘要: 越来越多的组织使用流程挖掘来理解操作流程的执行方式。流程挖掘可用于在数字化世界中系统地推动创新。除了自动发现真正的基础流程之外,还有一些流程挖掘技术可以分析瓶颈,发现隐藏的低效率,检查合规性,解释偏差,预测性能并指导用户迈向更好的流程。数十种(甚至数百种)过程挖掘技术可供使用,其价值已在许多案例研究中得到证明。但是,过程挖掘因事件日志的可用性而站不住脚。现有技术假定事件被清楚地定义并且精确地指代一种情况(即流程实例)和一种活动(即流程中的步骤)。尽管存在直接生成此类事件日志的系统(例如BPM / WFM系统),但是大多数信息系统并未明确记录事件。案例和活动仅隐式存在。但是,在创建或使用过程模型时,原始数据需要链接到案例和活动。本文使用新颖的观点来概念化事件数据的数据库视图。从类模型和相应的对象模型开始,显示事件与对象和关系的创建,删除或修改相对应。关键思想是事件通过更改基础数据库而留下足迹。基于此,描述了一种方法,该方法可以对数据进行范围,绑定和分类,以创建可使用传统过程挖掘技术进行分析的平坦事件日志。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-14430-6_8]

[141] Extracting object-centric event logs to support process mining on databases (2018)

(Li, Guangming and de Murillas, Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez and de Carvalho, Renata Medeiros and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process mining helps organizations to investigate how their operational processes are executed and how these can be improved. Process mining requires event logs extracted from information systems supporting these processes. The eXtensible Event Stream (XES) format is the current standard which requires a case notion to correlate events. However, it has problems to deal with object-centric data (e.g., database tables) due to the existence of one-to-many and many-to-many relations. In this paper, we propose an approach to extract, transform and store object-centric data, resulting in eXtensible Object-Centric (XOC) event logs. The XOC format does not require a case notion to avoid flattening multi-dimensional data. Besides, based on so-called object models which represent the states of a database, a XOC log can reveal the evolution of the database along with corresponding events. Dealing with object-centric data enables new process mining techniques that are able to capture the real processes much better.

摘要: 过程挖掘可帮助组织调查其运营过程如何执行以及如何对其进行改进。流程挖掘需要从支持这些流程的信息系统中提取事件日志。可扩展事件流(XES)格式是当前的标准,需要使用案例概念来关联事件。但是,由于存在一对多和多对多关系,因此在处理以对象为中心的数据(例如数据库表)方面存在问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种提取,转换和存储以对象为中心的数据的方法,从而生成了可扩展的以对象为中心的(XOC)事件日志。 XOC格式不需要大小写概念,以避免扁平化多维数据。此外,基于代表数据库状态的所谓对象模型,XOC日志可以揭示数据库的演变以及相应的事件。处理以对象为中心的数据可以启用新的流程挖掘技术,从而能够更好地捕获实际流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-92901-9_16]

[142] Fast conformance analysis based on activity log abstraction (2018)

(Dixit, Prabhakar M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques focus on bridging the gap between activity logs and business process management. Process discovery is a sub-field of process mining which uses activity logs in order to discover process models. Some process discovery techniques, such as interactive process discovery and genetic algorithms, rely on the so-called conformance analysis. In such techniques, process models are discovered in an incremental way, and the quality of the process models is quantified by the results of conformance analysis. State-of-the-art conformance analysis techniques are typically optimized and devised for one-time use. However, in process discovery settings which are incremental in nature, it is imperative to have fast conformance analysis. Moreover, the activity logs used for conformance analysis at each stage remain the same. In this paper, we propose an approach that exploits this fact in order to expedite conformance analysis by approximating the conformance results. We use an abstracted version of an activity log, which can be used to compare with the changing (or new) process models in an incremental process discovery setting. Our results show that the proposed technique is able to outperform traditional conformance techniques in terms of performance by approximating conformance scores.

摘要: 流程挖掘技术专注于弥合活动日志和业务流程管理之间的差距。流程发现是流程挖掘的一个子字段,它使用活动日志来发现流程模型。一些过程发现技术,例如交互式过程发现和遗传算法,都依赖于所谓的一致性分析。在这样的技术中,以递增的方式发现过程模型,并且通过一致性分析的结果来量化过程模型的质量。最先进的一致性分析技术通常经过优化和设计,可以一次性使用。但是,在本质上是增量的过程发现设置中,必须进行快速一致性分析。此外,用于每个阶段的一致性分析的活动日志保持不变。在本文中,我们提出了一种利用这一事实的方法,以通过近似一致性结果来加快一致性分析。我们使用活动日志的抽象版本,该版本可用于与增量过程发现设置中不断变化的(或新的)过程模型进行比较。我们的结果表明,所提出的技术在性能上可以通过近似一致性得分来胜过传统一致性技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2018.00026]

[143] Fast incremental conformance analysis for interactive process discovery (2018)

(Dixit, P. M. and Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Interactive process discovery allows users to specify domain knowledge while discovering process models with the help of event logs. Typically the coherence of an event log and a process model is calculated using conformance analysis. Many state-of-the-art conformance techniques emphasize on the correctness of the results, and hence can be slow, impractical and undesirable in interactive process discovery setting, especially when the process models are complex. In this paper, we present a framework (and its application) to calculate conformance fast enough to guide the user in interactive process discovery. The proposed framework exploits the underlying techniques used for interactive process discovery in order to incrementally update the conformance results. We trade the accuracy of conformance for performance. However, the user is also provided with some diagnostic information, which can be useful for decision making in an interactive process discovery setting. The results show that our approach can be considerably faster than the traditional approaches and hence better suited in an interactive setting.

摘要: 交互过程发现允许用户在事件日志的帮助下发现过程模型时指定领域知识。通常,事件日志和流程模型的一致性是使用一致性分析来计算的。许多最先进的一致性技术都强调结果的正确性,因此在交互过程发现设置中尤其是当过程模型复杂时,可能是缓慢的,不切实际的和不希望的。在本文中,我们提出了一个框架(及其应用程序)来足够快地计算一致性,以指导用户进行交互式过程发现。所提出的框架利用了用于交互过程发现的底层技术,以逐步更新一致性结果。我们以一致性的准确性换取性能。但是,还为用户提供了一些诊断信息,这些信息对于交互式过程发现设置中的决策很有用。结果表明,我们的方法可以比传统方法快得多,因此更适合在交互式环境中使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-93931-5_12]

[144] Faulty EPCs in the SAP reference model (2006)

(Mendling, J. and Moser, M. and Neumann, G. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Little is known about error probability in enterprise models as they are usually kept private. The SAP reference model is a publically available model that contains more than 600 non-trivial process models expressed in terms of Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs). We have automatically translated these EPCs into YAWL models and analyzed these models using WofYAWL, a verification tool based on Petri nets, in order to acquire knowledge about errors in large enterprise models. We discovered that at least 34 of these EPCs contain errors (i.e., at least 5.6% is flawed) and analyzed which parts of the SAP reference model contain most errors. This systematic analysis of the SAP reference model illustrates the need for verification tools such as WofYAWL. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 对于企业模型中的错误概率了解甚少,因为它们通常是私有的。 SAP参考模型是一个公共可用的模型,其中包含600多个以事件驱动的流程链(EPC)表示的非平凡的流程模型。 我们已将这些EPC自动转换为YAWL模型,并使用WofYAWL(一种基于Petri网的验证工具)对这些模型进行了分析,以获取有关大型企业模型中的错误的知识。 我们发现这些EPC中至少有34个包含错误(即,至少有5.6%有缺陷),并分析了SAP参考模型的哪些部分包含最多错误。 对SAP参考模型的这种系统分析说明了对诸如WofYAWL之类的验证工具的需求。 文字版权归Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006年所有。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11841760_38]

[145] Filtering toolkit: Interactively filter event logs to improve the quality of discovered models (2019)

(Sani, Mohammadreza Fani and Berti, Alessandro and Van Zelst | )

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms discover process models on the basis of event data automatically. These techniques tend to consider the entire log to discover a process model. However, real-life event logs usually contain outlier behaviour that lead to incomprehensible, complex and inaccurate process models where correct and/or important behaviour is undetectable. Hence, removing outlier behaviour thanks to filtering techniques is an essential step to retrieve a good quality process model. Manually filtering the event log is tricky and requires a significant amount of time. On the other hand, some work in the past is focused on providing a fully automatic choice of the parameters of the discovery and filtering algorithms; however, the attempts were not completely successful. This demo paper describes an easy-to-use plug-in in the ProM process mining framework, that provides a view where several process discovery and outlier filtering algorithms can be chosen, along with their parameters, in order to find a sweet spot leading to a good process model. The filtered log is easily accessible, and the process model is shown inside the view, in this way the user can immediately evaluate the quality of the chosen combination between process discovery and filtering algorithms, and is effectively assisted in the choice of the preprocessing methodology. Some commonly used metrics (fitness, precision) are reported in the view provided by the plug-in, in order to ease the evaluation of the process model. With the options provided by our plug-in, the difficulties of both fullymanual and automatic choice of the filtering approach are effectively overcome.

摘要: 过程发现算法会根据事件数据自动发现过程模型。这些技术倾向于考虑整个日志来发现过程模型。但是,现实生活中的事件日志通常包含异常行为,从而导致过程难以理解,复杂且不准确不能检测到正确和/或重要行为的模型,因此,通过过滤技术消除异常行为是检索高质量过程模型的重要步骤,手动过滤事件日志非常棘手,需要大量时间。一方面,过去的工作集中在为发现和过滤算法的参数提供全自动选择;但是,这些尝试并未完全成功,该演示文稿描述了ProM中易于使用的插件流程挖掘框架,该视图提供了一个视图,可以在其中选择多个流程发现和异常过滤算法以及它们的参数,以找到导致良好流程模型的最佳位置。过滤后的日志易于访问,并且视图内部显示了过程模型,通过这种方式,用户可以立即评估过程发现和过滤算法之间所选组合的质量,并有效地协助选择预处理方法。在插件提供的视图中报告了一些常用的度量标准(适应性,精度),以简化对过程模型的评估。使用我们的插件提供的选项,可以有效克服手动和自动选择过滤方法的困难。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[146] Finding Complex Process-Structures by Exploiting the Token-Game (2019)

(Mannel, Lisa Luise and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In process discovery, the goal is to find, for a given event log, the model describing the underlying process. While process models can be represented in a variety of ways, in this paper we focus on the representation by Petri nets. Using an approach inspired by language-based regions, we start with a Petri net without any places, and then insert the maximal set of places considered fitting with respect to the behavior described by the log. Traversing and evaluating the whole set of all possible places is not feasible since their number is exponential in the number of activities. Therefore, we propose a strategy to drastically prune this search space to a small number of candidates, while still ensuring that all fitting places are found. This allows us to derive complex model structures that other discovery algorithms fail to discover. In contrast to traditional region-based approaches this new technique can handle infrequent behavior and therefore also noisy real-life event data. The drastic decrease of computation time achieved by our pruning strategy, as well as our noise handling capability, is demonstrated and evaluated by performing various experiments.

摘要: 在过程发现中,目标是为给定的事件日志找到描述基础过程的模型。尽管过程模型可以通过多种方式表示,但在本文中,我们着重于Petri网的表示。使用受基于语言的区域启发的方法,我们从没有任何位置的Petri网开始,然后插入被认为与日志描述的行为相适应的最大位置集。遍历和评估所有可能的地点的整个集合是不可行的,因为它们的数目与活动数目成指数关系。因此,我们提出了一种策略,在不保证找到所有合适位置的情况下,将搜索空间大幅度削减给少量候选人。这使我们能够导出其他发现算法无法发现的复杂模型结构。与传统的基于区域的方法相比,该新技术可以处理不常见的行为,因此也可以处理嘈杂的现实事件数据。通过执行各种实验,可以证明并评估了我们的修剪策略所实现的计算时间的显着减少以及我们的噪声处理能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-21571-2_15]

[147] Finding Structure in Unstructured Processes: The Case for Process Mining (2007)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Today there are many process mining techniques that allow for the automatic construction of process models based on event logs. Unlike synthesis techniques (e.g., based on regions), process mining aims at the discovery of models (e.g., Petri nets) from incomplete information (i.e., only example behavior is given). The more mature process mining techniques perform well on structured processes. However, most of the existing techniques fail miserably when confronted with unstructured processes. This paper attempts to bring structure to the unstructured by using an integrated combination of abstraction and clustering techniques. The ultimate goal is to present process models that are understandable by analysts and that lead to improved system/process redesigns. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.

摘要: 今天,有许多过程挖掘技术可以基于事件日志自动构建过程模型。与综合技术(例如基于区域)不同,过程挖掘的目的是从不完整的信息(即仅给出示例行为)中发现模型(例如Petri网)。比较成熟的过程挖掘技术在结构化过程中表现良好。但是,大多数现有技术在遇到非结构化过程时都会惨遭失败。本文尝试通过将抽象技术和聚类技术结合在一起,将结构带入非结构化。最终目标是提出分析人员可以理解的流程模型,并导致改进的系统/流程重新设计。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2007.50]

[148] Finding process variants in event logs: (Short Paper) (2017)

(Bolt, Alfredo and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and de Leoni, Massimiliano | )

Abstract: The analysis of event data is particularly challenging when there is a lot of variability. Existing approaches can detect variants in very specific settings (e.g., changes of control-flow over time), or do not use statistical testing to decide whether a variant is relevant or not. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised and generic technique to detect significant variants in event logs by applying existing, well-proven data mining techniques for recursive partitioning driven by conditional inference over event attributes. The approach has been fully implemented and is freely available as a ProM plugin. Finally, we validated our approach by applying it to a real-life event log obtained from a multinational Spanish telecommunications and broadband company, obtaining valuable insights directly from the event data.

摘要: 当变化多时,事件数据的分析特别具有挑战性。现有方法可以在非常特定的设置下检测变体(例如,控制流随时间的变化),或者不使用统计测试来确定变体是否相关。在本文中,我们引入了一种无监督的通用技术,通过应用现有的,久经考验的数据挖掘技术来对事件日志中的重要变体进行检测,该技术用于对事件属性进行条件推断来进行递归分区。该方法已经完全实现,可以作为ProM插件免费使用。最后,我们通过将其应用于从一家跨国西班牙电信和宽带公司获得的真实事件日志中验证了我们的方法,直接从事件数据中获得了宝贵的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-69462-7_4]

[149] Finding suitable activity clusters for decomposed process discovery (2015)

(Hompes, B. F.A. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Vanderaalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Event data can be found in any information system and provide the starting point for a range of process mining techniques. The widespread availability of large amounts of event data also creates new challenges. Existing process mining techniques are often unable to handle big event data adequately. Decomposed process mining aims to solve this problem by decomposing the process mining problem into many smaller problems which can be solved in less time, using less resources, or even in parallel. Many decomposed process mining techniques have been proposed in literature. Analysis shows that even though the decomposition step takes a relatively small amount of time, it is of key importance in finding a high-quality process model and for the computation time required to discover the individual parts. Currently there is no way to assess the quality of a decomposition beforehand. We define three quality notions that can be used to assess a decomposition, before using it to discover a model or check conformance with. We then propose a decomposition approach that uses these notions and is able to find a high-quality decomposition in little time.

摘要: 事件数据可以在任何信息系统中找到,并为一系列过程挖掘技术提供了起点。大量事件数据的广泛可用性也带来了新的挑战。现有的流程挖掘技术通常无法充分处理大事件数据。分解的过程挖掘旨在通过将过程挖掘问题分解为许多较小的问题来解决此问题,这些问题可以在更短的时间内,使用更少的资源甚至并行解决。文献中已经提出了许多分解的过程挖掘技术。分析表明,即使分解步骤花费的时间相对较少,这对于找到高质量的过程模型以及发现单个零件所需的计算时间也至关重要。当前,尚无办法预先评估分解的质量。我们定义了三个质量概念,可用于评估分解,然后使用分解来发现模型或检查其符合性。然后,我们提出一种分解方法,该方法使用这些概念并能够在短时间内找到高质量的分解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-27243-6_2]

[150] Flexibility as a service (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The lack of flexibility is often seen as an inhibitor for the successful application of workflow technology. Many researchers have proposed different ways of addressing this problem and some of these ideas have been implemented in commercial systems. However, a one size fits all approach is likely to fail because, depending on the situation (i.e., characteristics of processes and people involved), different types of flexibility are needed. In fact within a single process/organisation varying degrees of flexibility may be required, e.g., the front-office part of the process may require more flexibility while the back-office part requires more control. This triggers the question whether different styles of flexibility can be mixed and integrated into one system. This paper proposes the Flexibility as a Service (FAAS) approach which is inspired by the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and our taxonomy of flexibility. Activities in the process are linked to services. Different services may implement the corresponding activities using different workflow languages. This way different styles of modelling may be mixed and nested in any way appropriate. This paper demonstrates the FAAS approach using the Yawl, Declare, and Worklet services. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 缺乏灵活性通常被视为成功应用工作流技术的障碍。许多研究人员提出了解决此问题的不同方法,其中一些想法已在商业系统中实现。但是,一刀切的方法可能会失败,因为根据情况(即流程和所涉及人员的特征),需要不同类型的灵活性。实际上,在单个过程/组织内可能需要不同程度的灵活性,例如,过程的前台部分可能需要更大的灵活性,而后台部分需要更多的控制。这引发了一个问题,即是否可以将不同样式的灵活性混合在一起并集成到一个系统中。本文提出了即服务性(FAAS)方法,该方法受面向服务的体系结构(SOA)和我们的灵活性分类法的启发。流程中的活动与服务相关联。不同的服务可以使用不同的工作流语言来实现相应的活动。这样,可以以任何适当的方式混合和嵌套不同样式的建模。本文演示了使用Yawl,Declare和Worklet服务的FAAS方法。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-04205-8_27]

[151] Flexibility schemes for workflow management systems (2009)

(Mans, R. S. and Aalst, W M P Van Der and Russell, N. C. and Bakker, P. J.M. M and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Currently, many hospitals are investigating the use of workflow management systems in order to provide support for healthcare processes. However, contemporary workflow management systems fall short in supporting care processes which require flexible execution options. In this paper, we investigate the flexibility requirements that need to be satisfied in order to support various kinds of healthcare processes Our evaluation shows that different systems need to be used in conjunction with each other in order to fully support the various types of care processes. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 当前,许多医院正在研究工作流管理系统的使用,以便为医疗保健过程提供支持。然而,当代的工作流管理系统在支持护理过程方面是不足的,所述护理过程需要灵活的执行选项。在本文中,我们调查了支持各种医疗保健过程所需满足的灵活性要求。我们的评估表明,为了完全支持各种类型的医疗保健过程,需要将不同的系统相互结合使用。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-00328-8_36]

[152] Flexible workflow management systems: An approach based on generic process models (1999)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Todays workflow management systems have problems dealing with change. Since change is a fact of life, this limits the application of these systems. As a result, the workflow management system is not used to support dynamically changing workflow processes or the workflow process is supported in a rigid manner, i.e., changes are not allowed or handled outside of the workflow management system. This paper addresses this problem and tackles it by using generic process models. A generic process model describes a family of variants of the same workflow process. The approach presented in this paper allows for both ad-hoc changes and evolutionary changes. It is a first step in the direction of truly flexible workflow management systems. It turns out that the trade-off between flexibility and support raises challenging questions and that generic processes can answer some of these questions.

摘要: 当今的工作流程管理系统在处理变更方面存在问题。由于变更是生活中的事实,因此限制了这些系统的应用。因此,工作流程管理系统不用于支持动态更改的工作流程,或者以严格的方式支持,即不允许在工作流管理系统外部进行更改或进行更改,本文通过使用通用流程模型解决了该问题并加以解决,通用流程模型描述了同一工作流程的一系列变体。本文提出的方法既可以进行临时更改也可以进行演进式更改,这是朝着真正灵活的工作流管理系统迈出的第一步,事实证明,灵活性和支持之间的权衡提出了具有挑战性的问题,流程可以回答其中一些问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-48309-8_17]

[153] Formalization and verification of EPCs with OR-joins based on state and context (2007)

(Mendling, Jan and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The semantics of the OR-join in business process modeling languages like EPCs or YAWL have been discussed for a while. Still, the existing solutions suffer from at least one of two major problems. First, several formalizations depend upon restrictions of the EPC to a subset. Second, several approaches contradict the modeling intuition since the structuredness of the process does not guarantee soundness. In this paper, we present a novel semantical definition of EPCs that addresses these aspects yielding a formalization that is applicable for all EPCs and for which structuredness is a sufficient condition for soundness. Furthermore, we introduce a set of reduction rules for the verification of an EPC-specific soundness criterion and present a respective implementation. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 已经讨论了业务流程建模语言(例如EPC或YAWL)中OR联接的语义。但是,现有的解决方案仍遭受至少两个主要问题之一的困扰。首先,几种形式化取决于EPC对子集的限制。其次,由于过程的结构性不能保证合理性,因此有几种方法与建模直觉相矛盾。在本文中,我们提出了EPC的一种新颖的语义定义,解决了这些方面,产生了适用于所有EPC的形式化,并且结构化是确保健全性的充分条件。此外,我们介绍了一套简化规则,用于验证EPC特定的稳健性标准,并介绍了各自的实现。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-72988-4_31]

[154] From BPMN process models to BPEL Web services (2006)

(Ouyang, Chun and Dumas, Marlon and Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: The Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a graph-oriented language in which control and action nodes can be connected almost arbitrarily. It is supported by various modelling tools but so far no systems can directly execute BPMN models. The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) on the other hand is a mainly block-structured language supported by several execution platforms. In the current setting, mapping BPMN models to BPEL code is a necessary step towards unified and standards-based business process development environments. It turns out that this mapping is challenging from a scientific viewpoint as BPMN and BPEL represent two fundamentally different classes of languages. Existing methods for mapping BPMN to BPEL impose limitations on the structure of the source model. This paper proposes a technique that overcomes these limitations. Beyond its direct relevance in the context of BPMN and BPEL, this technique addresses difficult problems that arise generally when translating between flow-based languages with parallelism. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.

摘要: 业务流程建模符号(BPMN)是一种面向图形的语言,几乎可以任意连接控制和操作节点。它受各种建模工具的支持,但是到目前为止,还没有系统可以直接执行BPMN模型。另一方面,Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL)是一种主要的块结构语言,受到多个执行平台的支持。在当前设置中,将BPMN模型映射到BPEL代码是朝着统一的,基于标准的业务流程开发环境迈出的必要步骤。事实证明,从BPMN和BPEL代表两种根本不同的语言类别来看,从科学的角度来看,这种映射具有挑战性。将BPMN映射到BPEL的现有方法对源模型的结构施加了限制。本文提出了一种克服这些限制的技术。除了在BPMN和BPEL上下文中的直接相关性之外,该技术还解决了通常在具有并行性的基于流的语言之间进行转换时通常出现的难题。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2006.67]

[155] From conceptual process models to running workflows: A holistic approach for the configuration of Enterprise Systems (2005)

(Dreiling, Alexander and Rosemann, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The configuration of comprehensive Enterprise Systems to meet the specific requirements of an organisation up to today is consuming significant resources. The results of failing implementation projects are severe and may even threaten the organisations existence. This paper proposes a method which aims at increasing the efficiency of Enterprise Systems implementations. First, we argue that existing process modelling languages that feature different degrees of abstraction for different user groups exist and are used for different purposes which makes it necessary to integrate them. We describe how to do this using the meta models of the involved languages. Second, we motivate that an integrated process model based on the integrated meta model needs to be configurable and elaborate on the mechanisms by which this model configuration can be achieved. We introduce a business example using SAP modelling techniques to illustrate the proposed method.

摘要: 配置全面的企业系统以满足当今组织的特定要求正在消耗大量资源。失败的实施项目会导致严重的后果,甚至可能威胁到组织的生存。本文提出了一种旨在增加组织能力的方法首先,我们认为存在针对不同用户组具有不同抽象度的现有过程建模语言,并且这些语言用于不同目的,因此有必要进行集成,我们将介绍如何使用元模型来做到这一点。第二,我们鼓励基于集成元模型的集成流程模型需要可配置,并详细说明了可以实现该模型配置的机制。我们介绍一个使用SAP建模技术的业务示例来说明建议的方法。

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[156] From low-level events to activities - A pattern-based approach (2016)

(Mannhardt, Felix and de Leoni, Massimiliano and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Toussaint, Pieter J. | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques analyze processes based on event data. A crucial assumption for process analysis is that events correspond to occurrences of meaningful activities. Often, low-level events recorded by information systems do not directly correspond to these. Abstraction methods, which provide a mapping from the recorded events to activities recognizable by process workers, are needed. Existing supervised abstraction methods require a full model of the entire process as input and cannot handle noise. This paper proposes a supervised abstraction method based on behavioral activity patterns that capture domain knowledge on the relation between activities and events. Through an alignment between the activity patterns and the low-level event logs an abstracted event log is obtained. Events in the abstracted event log correspond to instantiations of recognizable activities. The method is evaluated with domain experts of a Norwegian hospital using an event log from their digital whiteboard system. The evaluation shows that state-of-the art process mining methods provide valuable insights on the usage of the system when using the abstracted event log, but fail when using the original lower level event log.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术基于事件数据分析过程。过程分析的关键假设是事件对应于有意义活动的发生。通常,信息系统记录的低级事件并不直接与这些事件相对应。需要一种抽象方法,该方法提供从记录的事件到流程工作者可以识别的活动的映射。现有的受监督抽象方法需要整个过程的完整模型作为输入,并且无法处理噪声。本文提出了一种基于行为活动模式的监督抽象方法,该行为模式捕获了有关活动与事件之间关系的领域知识。通过活动模式和低级事件日志之间的对齐,可以获得抽象的事件日志。抽象事件日志中的事件对应于可识别活动的实例。挪威医院的领域专家使用其数字白板系统中的事件日志对该方法进行了评估。评估表明,最新的过程挖掘方法在使用抽象事件日志时提供了有关系统使用的有价值的见解,但在使用原始的较低级别事件日志时却失败了。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-45348-4_8]

[157] From public views to private views - Correctness-by-design for services (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Service orientation is a means for integrating across diverse systems. Each resource, whether an application, system, or trading partner, can be accessed as a service. The resulting architecture, often referred to as SOA, has been an important enabler for interorganizational processes. Apart from technological issues that need to be addressed, it is important that all parties involved in such processes agree on the rules of engagement. Therefore, we propose to use a contract that specifies the composition of the public views of all participating parties. Each party may then implement its part of the contract such that the implementation (i.e., the private view) accords with the contract. In this paper, we define a suitable notion of accordance inspired by the asynchronous nature of services. Moreover, we present several transformation rules for incrementally building a private view such that accordance with the contract is guaranteed by construction. These rules include adding internal tasks as well as the reordering of messages and are therefore much more powerful than existing correctness-preserving transformation rules. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 面向服务是跨多种系统集成的一种手段。每种资源,无论是应用程序,系统还是贸易伙伴,都可以作为服务进行访问。由此产生的体系结构(通常称为SOA)已成为组织间流程的重要推动者。除了需要解决的技术问题外,参与此类过程的所有各方都必须就参与规则达成一致,这一点很重要。因此,我们建议使用一种合同,该合同指定所有参与方的公众意见的组成。各方然后可以执行其合同的一部分,以使该执行(即私人观点)与合同一致。在本文中,我们定义了一种受服务的异步特性启发的合适的符合性概念。此外,我们提出了一些用于逐步构建私人视图的转换规则,从而可以通过构建保证遵守合同。这些规则包括添加内部任务以及消息的重新排序,因此比现有的保留正确性的转换规则功能强大得多。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-79230-7_10]

[158] Fuzzy mining - Adaptive process simplification based on multi-perspective metrics (2007)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process Mining is a technique for extracting process models from execution logs. This is particularly useful in situations where people have an idealized view of reality. Real-life processes turn out to be less structured than people tend to believe. Unfortunately, traditional process mining approaches have problems dealing with unstructured processes. The discovered models are often spaghetti-like, showing all details without distinguishing what is important and what is not. This paper proposes a new process mining approach to overcome this problem. The approach is configurable and allows for different faithfully simplified views of a particular process. To do this, the concept of a roadmap is used as a metaphor. Just like different roadmaps provide suitable abstractions of reality, process models should provide meaningful abstractions of operational processes encountered in domains ranging from healthcare and logistics to web services and public administration. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: Process Mining是一种从执行日志中提取流程模型的技术。这在人们对现实有理想化看法的情况下尤其有用。事实证明,现实生活中的过程没有人们想象的那么结构化。不幸的是,传统的过程挖掘方法在处理非结构化过程方面存在问题。发现的模型通常是意大利面式的,显示所有细节而又不区分重要和不重要。本文提出了一种新的过程挖掘方法来克服这一问题。该方法是可配置的,并允许对特定过程进行不同的忠实简化视图。为此,将路线图的概念用作隐喻。就像不同的路线图提供适当的现实抽象一样,流程模型也应该提供从医疗保健和物流到Web服务和公共管理等领域所遇到的运营流程的有意义的抽象。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75183-0_24]

[159] Generating correct EPCs from configured C-EPCs (2006)

(Mendling, Jan and Recker, Jan and Rosemann, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process reference models play an important role for the alignment and configuration of commercial off-the-shelf Enterprise Systems to requirements of an. organization. Recently, Configurable Event-driven Process Chains (C-EPCs) have been proposed as a language to support the model-driven configuration of such Enterprise Systems. While some problems of generating correct EPCs from a configured C-EPC have been discussed, up to now there is no implementation of an algorithm available to automate the configuration task. This paper presents a configuration algorithm that is guided by a minimality criterion. It details and extends a previous algorithm that has only been sketched so far. As a proof-of-concept the algorithm has been implemented. Copyright 2006 ACM.

摘要: 过程参考模型对于使商用现成的企业系统与企业需求保持一致和配置起着重要作用。组织。最近,可配置事件驱动的过程链(C-EPC)已被提议为一种支持这种企业系统的模型驱动的配置的语言。虽然已经讨论了从已配置的C-EPC生成正确的EPC的一些问题,但是到目前为止,还没有实现可用于自动执行配置任务的算法的实现。本文提出了一种以最小准则为指导的配置算法。它详细介绍并扩展了到目前为止仅草绘的先前算法。作为概念验证,已经实现了该算法。版权所有2006 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1141277.1141629]

[160] Generating event logs with workload-dependent speeds from simulation models (2012)

(Nakatumba, Joyce and Westergaard, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Both simulation and process mining can be used to analyze operational business processes. Simulation is model-driven and very useful because different scenarios can be explored by changing the models parameters. Process mining is driven by event data. This allows detailed analysis of the observed behavior showing actual bottlenecks, deviations, and other performance-related problems. Both techniques tend to focus on the control-flow and do not analyze resource behavior in a detailed manner. In this paper, we focus on workload-dependent processing speeds because of the well-known phenomenon that people perform best at a certain stress level. For example, the Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal states that people will take more time to execute an activity if there is little work to do. This paper shows how workload-dependent processing speeds can be incorporated in a simulation model and learned from event logs. We also show how event logs with workload-dependent behavior can be generated through simulation. Experiments show that it is crucial to incorporate such phenomena. Moreover, we advocate an amalgamation of simulation and process mining techniques to better understand, model, and improve real-life business processes. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 模拟和流程挖掘都可以用来分析运营业务流程。仿真是模型驱动的,非常有用,因为可以通过更改模型的参数来探索不同的场景。流程挖掘是由事件数据驱动的。这样可以对观察到的行为进行详细分析,显示出实际的瓶颈,偏差和其他与性能相关的问题。两种技术都倾向于集中在控制流上,并且没有以详细的方式分析资源行为。在本文中,由于人们在一定压力下表现最佳的众所周知的现象,我们将重点放在与工作负载相关的处理速度上。例如,扬克斯-多德森的《唤醒法》规定,如果几乎没有工作要做,人们将花费更多的时间来执行一项活动。本文展示了如何将依赖于工作负载的处理速度纳入仿真模型并从事件日志中学习。我们还展示了如何通过仿真生成具有工作负载相关行为的事件日志。实验表明,整合此类现象至关重要。此外,我们主张将模拟和流程挖掘技术融合在一起,以更好地理解,建模和改善现实生活中的业务流程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31069-0_31]

[161] Generic workflow models: How to handle dynamic change and capture management information? (1999)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Traditionally, workflow management systems are used to support static processes, i.e., processes which do not change frequently. This has limited the scope of workflow management. Moreover, the networked economy of the new millennium requires workflow management systems which are able to deal with dynamically changing workflow processes. This paper addresses two notorious problems related to adaptive workflow: (1) providing management information at the right aggregation level, and (2) supporting dynamic change, i.e., migrating cases from an old to a new workflow. These two problems are tackled by using generic process models. A generic process model describes a family of variants of the same workflow process. It is a first step in the direction of truly flexible workflow management systems and provides a handle to solve the two problems mentioned.

摘要: 传统上,工作流管理系统用于支持静态过程,即不经常更改的过程。这限制了工作流管理的范围。而且,新千年的网络经济要求工作流管理系统能够处理动态变化的工作流过程。本文解决了与自适应工作流程相关的两个臭名昭著的问题:(1)在正确的聚合级别提供管理信息,以及(2)支持动态更改,即将案例从旧工作流程迁移到新工作流程。通过使用通用过程模型可以解决这两个问题。通用流程模型描述了同一工作流程的一系列变体。这是朝着真正灵活的工作流管理系统迈出的第一步,并提供了解决上述两个问题的途径。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/COOPIS.1999.792163]

[162] Genetic process mining (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The topic of process mining has attracted the attention of both researchers and tool vendors in the Business Process Management (BPM) space. The goal of process mining is to discover process models from event logs, i.e., events logged by some information system are used to extract information about activities and their causal relations. Several algorithms have been proposed for process mining. Many of these algorithms cannot deal with concurrency. Other typical problems are the presence of duplicate activities, hidden activities, non-free-choice constructs, etc. In addition, real-life logs contain noise (e.g., exceptions or incorrectly logged events) and are typically incomplete (i.e., the event logs contain only a fragment of all possible behaviors). To tackle these problems we propose a completely new approach based on genetic algorithms. As can be expected, a genetic approach is able to deal with noise and incompleteness. However, it is not easy to represent processes properly in a genetic setting. In this paper, we show a genetic process mining approach using the so-called causal matrix as a representation for individuals. We elaborate on the relation between Petri nets and this representation and show that genetic algorithms can be used to discover Petri net models from event logs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 过程挖掘的主题在业务过程管理(BPM)领域吸引了研究人员和工具供应商的关注。流程挖掘的目的是从事件日志中发现流程模型,即,某些信息系统记录的事件用于提取有关活动及其因果关系的信息。已经提出了几种用于过程挖掘的算法。这些算法中有许多无法处理并发。其他典型问题是重复活动,隐藏活动,非自由选择构造等的存在。此外,现实生活中的日志包含噪音(例如,异常或错误记录的事件),并且通常不完整(即,事件日志)仅包含所有可能行为的一部分)。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种基于遗传算法的全新方法。可以预见,遗传方法能够处理噪声和不完整性。但是,在遗传背景下正确地表示过程并不容易。在本文中,我们展示了一种使用所谓因果矩阵作为个体表示的遗传过程挖掘方法。我们详细介绍了Petri网与这种表示之间的关系,并表明可以使用遗传算法从事件日志中发现Petri网模型。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11494744_5]

[163] Genetic process mining: A basic approach and its challenges (2005)

(De Medeiros | )

Abstract: One of the aims of process mining is to retrieve a process model from a given event log. However, current techniques have problems when mining processes that contain non-trivial constructs and/or when dealing with the presence of noise in the logs. To overcome these problems, we try to use genetic algorithms to mine process models. The non-trivial constructs are tackled by choosing an internal representation that supports them. The noise problem is naturally tackled by the genetic algorithm because, per definition, these algorithms are robust to noise. The definition of a good fitness measure is the most critical challenge in a genetic approach. This paper presents the current status of our research and the pros and cons of the fitness measure that we used so far. Experiments show that the fitness measure leads to the mining of process models that can reproduce all the behavior in the log, but these mined models may also allow for extra behavior. In short, the current version of the genetic algorithm can already be used to mine process models, but future research is necessary to always ensure that the mined models do not allow for extra behavior. Thus, this paper also discusses some ideas for future research that could ensure that the mined models will always only reflect the behavior in the log. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 流程挖掘的目的之一是从给定的事件日志中检索流程模型。但是,当开采包含非平凡构造的过程时和/或处理原木中的噪声时,当前的技术存在问题。为了克服这些问题,我们尝试使用遗传算法来挖掘过程模型。通过选择支持它们的内部表示,可以解决非平凡的构造。遗传算法自然可以解决噪声问题,因为按照定义,这些算法对噪声具有鲁棒性。良好适应性措施的定义是遗传方法中最关键的挑战。本文介绍了我们的研究现状以及迄今为止我们使用的适合度指标的优缺点。实验表明,适应性度量导致可以重现日志中所有行为的过程模型的挖掘,但是这些挖掘的模型也可能允许额外的行为。简而言之,遗传算法的当前版本已经可以用于挖掘过程模型,但是有必要进行进一步的研究以始终确保挖掘的模型不允许出现额外的行为。因此,本文还讨论了一些未来研究的想法,这些想法可以确保挖掘的模型始终只反映日志中的行为。文字版权归Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006年所有。

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[164] Getting rid of the OR-join in business process models (2007)

(Mendling, J. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: In practice, the development of process-aware information systems suffers from a gap between conceptual business process models and executable workflow specifications. Because of this gap, conceptual models are hardly reused as execution templates. In this paper, we address the notorious OR-join problem that is partly responsible for this gap. At the conceptual level people frequently use OR-joins. However, given their non-local semantics, OR-joins cannot be mapped easily onto executable languages. In particular, we present a new approach to map a conceptual process model with OR-joins (expressed in terms of an EPC) onto an executable model without OR-joins (expressed in terms of a Petri net). Although we used an EPC process model as a running example, the approach is equally applicable to other process modeling languages that offer OR-joins as (e.g. BPMN). Moreover, the resulting Petri net can be mapped onto other execution languages such as BPEL. All of this has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.

摘要: 实际上,过程感知信息系统的开发在概念性业务过程模型和可执行工作流规范之间存在空白。由于存在这种差距,因此很难将概念模型用作执行模板。在本文中,我们解决了臭名昭著的或连接问题,这是造成这一差距的部分原因。在概念上,人们经常使用或联接。但是,鉴于其非本地语义,OR联接无法轻松地映射到可执行语言上。特别是,我们提出了一种新方法,可将具有OR联接的概念过程模型(以EPC表示)映射到没有OR联接的可执行模型(以Petri网表示)。尽管我们使用EPC流程模型作为运行示例,但该方法同样适用于其他提供OR联接的流程建模语言(例如BPMN)。此外,可以将生成的Petri网映射到其他执行语言,例如BPEL。所有这些都已在ProM框架中实现。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2007.4383977]

[165] Green data science: Using Big Data in an environmentally friendly manner (2016)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The widespread use of Big Data is heavily impacting organizations and individuals for which these data are collected. Sophisticated data science techniques aim to extract as much value from data as possible. Powerful mixtures of Big Data and analytics are rapidly changing the way we do business, socialize, conduct research, and govern society. Big Data is considered as the new oil and data science aims to transform this into new forms of energy: insights, diagnostics, predictions, and automated decisions. However, the process of transforming new oil (data) into new energy (analytics) may negatively impact citizens, patients, customers, and employees. Systematic discrimination based on data, invasions of privacy, non-transparent life-changing decisions, and inaccurate conclusions illustrate that data science techniques may lead to new forms of pollution. We use the term Green Data Science for technological solutions that enable individuals, organizations and society to reap the benefits from the widespread availability of data while ensuring fairness, confidentiality, accuracy, and transparency. To illustrate the scientific challenges related to Green Data Science, we focus on process mining as a concrete example. Recent breakthroughs in process mining resulted in powerful techniques to discover the real processes, to detect deviations from normative process models, and to analyze bottlenecks and waste. Therefore, this paper poses the question: How to benefit from process mining while avoiding pollutions related to unfairness, undesired disclosures, inaccuracies, and non-transparency?

摘要: 大数据的广泛使用对收集这些数据的组织和个人产生了重大影响。先进的数据科学技术旨在从数据中提取尽可能多的价值。大数据和分析的强大结合正在迅速改变我们开展业务,社交,开展研究和治理社会的方式。大数据被认为是新石油,数据科学旨在将其转变为能源的新形式:见解,诊断,预测和自动决策。但是,将新石油(数据)转换为新能源(分析)的过程可能会对公民,患者,客户和员工产生负面影响。基于数据的系统歧视,侵犯隐私,不透明的改变生活的决定以及不正确的结论说明,数据科学技术可能会导致污染的新形式。我们使用绿色数据科学一词作为技术解决方案,使个人,组织和社会可以从广泛的数据可用性中受益,同时确保公平性,机密性,准确性和透明度。为了说明与绿色数据科学相关的科学挑战,我们将重点放在过程挖掘作为一个具体示例。过程挖掘的最新突破导致了强大的技术来发现实际过程,检测与规范过程模型的偏差以及分析瓶颈和浪费。因此,本文提出了一个问题:如何从流程挖掘中受益,同时避免与不公平,不希望的披露,不准确和不透明相关的污染?

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[166] Guided Interaction Exploration and Performance Analysis in Artifact-Centric Process Models (2019)

(van Eck, Maikel L. and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Artifact-centric process models aim to describe complex processes as a collection of interacting artifacts. Recent development in process mining allow for the discovery of such models. However, the focus is often on the representation of the individual artifacts rather than their interactions. Based on event data, composite state machines representing artifact-centric processes can be discovered automatically. Moreover, the study provides ways of visualising and quantifying interactions among different artifacts. For example, strongly correlated behaviours in different artifacts can be highlighted. Interesting correlations can be subsequently analysed to identify potential causes of process performance issues. The study provides a strategy to explore the interactions and performance differences in this context. The approach has been fully implemented as a ProM plug-in; the CSM Miner provides an interactive artifact-centric process discovery tool focussing on interactions. The approach has been evaluated using real life data, to show that the guided exploration of artifact interactions can successfully identify process performance issues.

摘要: 以工件为中心的过程模型旨在将复杂过程描述为相互作用的工件的集合。过程挖掘的最新发展允许发现这样的模型。但是,焦点通常集中在各个工件的表示上,而不是它们之间的相互作用上。基于事件数据,可以自动发现代表以工件为中心的过程的复合状态机。此外,这项研究提供了可视化和量化不同工件之间相互作用的方法。例如,可以突出显示不同工件中的高度相关行为。随后可以分析有趣的相关性,以识别过程性能问题的潜在原因。该研究提供了一种策略来探索在这种情况下的相互作用和性能差异。该方法已作为ProM插件完全实现; CSM Miner提供了一个以交互工件为中心的过程发现工具,专注于交互。已经使用现实生活中的数据对这种方法进行了评估,以表明对工件交互作用的指导探索可以成功地识别过程性能问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-018-0546-0]

[167] Handbook of research on business angels (2016)

(Landstrom, Hans and Mason, Colin | )

Abstract: This book synthesizes 30 years of research on business angels by charting the significant role they play in the financing of entrepreneurial businesses in both developed and emerging economies. The expert group of contributors examine business angels themselves, the evolution of the market and the role of public policy in influencing angel investment. Finally, the editors provide an agenda for future research on business angels.

摘要: 本书通过总结商业天使在发达国家和新兴经济体为企业家的企业融资中发挥的重要作用,对30年的研究进行了综合。专家贡献者小组检查了天使投资人本身,市场的演变以及公共政策在影响天使投资中的作用。最后,编辑们提供了有关商业天使未来研究的议程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4337/9781783471720]

[168] Handling Big(ger) logs: Connecting ProM 6 to apache hadoop (2015)

(Hernandez, Sergio and Van Zelst | )

Abstract: Within process mining the main goal is to support the analysis, improvement and apprehension of business processes. Numerous process mining techniques have been developed with that purpose. The majority of these techniques use conventional computation models and do not apply novel scalable and distributed techniques. In this paper we present an integrative framework connecting the process mining framework ProM with the distributed computing environment Apache Hadoop. The integration allows for the execution of MapReduce jobs on any Apache Hadoop cluster enabling practitioners and researchers to explore and develop scalable and distributed process mining approaches. Thus, the new approach enables the application of different process mining techniques to events logs of several hundreds of gigabytes.

摘要: 在流程挖掘中,主要目标是支持业务流程的分析,改进和理解。为此目的,已经开发了许多工艺采矿技术。这些技术中的大多数使用常规计算模型,而不应用新颖的可伸缩和分布式技术。在本文中,我们提出了一个集成框架,将流程挖掘框架ProM与分布式计算环境Apache Hadoop连接起来。该集成允许在任何Apache Hadoop集群上执行MapReduce作业,从而使从业人员和研究人员能够探索和开发可扩展的分布式过程挖掘方法。因此,这种新方法可以将不同的进程挖掘技术应用于数百GB的事件日志。

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[169] Handling duplicated tasks in process discovery by refining event labels (2016)

(Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and van den Biggelaar, Frank J.H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Processes may require to execute the same activity in different stages of the process. A human modeler can express this by creating two different task nodes labeled with the same activity name (thus duplicating the task). However, as events in an event log often are labeled with the activity name, discovery algorithms that derive tasks based on labels only cannot discover models with duplicate labels rendering the results imprecise. For example, for a log where payment events occur at the beginning and the end of a process, a modeler would create two different payment tasks, whereas a discovery algorithm introduces a loop around a single payment task. In this paper, we present a general approach for refining labels of events based on their context in the event log as a preprocessing step. The refined log can be input for any discovery algorithm. The approach is implemented in ProM and was evaluated in a controlled setting. We were able to improve the quality of up to 42%of the models compared to using a log with imprecise labeling using default parameters and up to 87% using adaptive parameters. Moreover, using our refinement approach significantly increased the similarity of the discovered model to the original process with duplicate labels allowing for better rediscoverability. We also report on a case study conducted for a Dutch hospital.

摘要: 流程可能需要在流程的不同阶段执行相同的活动。建模人员可以通过创建两个标记有相同活动名称的不同任务节点(从而复制任务)来表达这一点。但是,由于事件日志中的事件通常都标有活动名称,因此仅基于标签派生任务的发现算法无法发现带有重复标签的模型,从而导致结果不精确。例如,对于在过程的开始和结束时发生付款事件的日志,建模者将创建两个不同的付款任务,而发现算法会围绕单个付款任务引入循环。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于事件日志中的事件上下文来细化事件标签的通用方法,作为预处理步骤。可以为任何发现算法输入改进的日志。该方法在ProM中实施,并在受控环境中进行了评估。与使用带有默认参数的不精确标签的日志和使用自适应参数的高达87%的日志相比,我们能够将模型的质量提高多达42%。此外,使用我们的改进方法,使用重复的标签可以大大提高发现的模型与原始过程的相似性,从而实现更好的重新发现性。我们还报告了针对一家荷兰医院进行的案例研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-45348-4_6]

[170] Heuristics Miners for Streaming Event Data (2012)

(Burattin, Andrea and Sperduti, Alessandro and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: More and more business activities are performed using information systems. These systems produce such huge amounts of event data that existing systems are unable to store and process them. Moreover, few processes are in steady-state and due to changing circumstances processes evolve and systems need to adapt continuously. Since conventional process discovery algorithms have been defined for batch processing, it is difficult to apply them in such evolving environments. Existing algorithms cannot cope with streaming event data and tend to generate unreliable and obsolete results. In this paper, we discuss the peculiarities of dealing with streaming event data in the context of process mining. Subsequently, we present a general framework for defining process mining algorithms in settings where it is impossible to store all events over an extended period or where processes evolve while being analyzed. We show how the Heuristics Miner, one of the most effective process discovery algorithms for practical applications, can be modified using this framework. Different stream-aware versions of the Heuristics Miner are defined and implemented in ProM. Moreover, experimental results on artificial and real logs are reported.

摘要: 越来越多的业务活动是使用信息系统执行的。这些系统产生大量事件数据,以致现有系统无法存储和处理它们。此外,很少有过程处于稳态,并且由于环境的变化,过程会不断发展,系统需要不断进行调整。由于已经为批处理定义了常规的过程发现算法,因此很难将其应用于这种不断发展的环境中。现有算法无法处理流事件数据,并且往往会生成不可靠且过时的结果。在本文中,我们讨论了在流程挖掘的上下文中处理流事件数据的特殊性。随后,我们提出了一个通用框架,用于在无法长时间存储所有事件或在分析过程中不断演变的环境中定义过程挖掘算法。我们展示了如何使用此框架修改启发式Miner(一种针对实际应用的最有效的过程发现算法)。在ProM中定义和实现了不同的启发式Miner流感知版本。此外,还报告了关于人工和真实测井的实验结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900341]

[171] Hierarchical conformance checking of process models based on event logs (2013)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim to extract knowledge from event logs. Conformance checking is one of the hard problems in process mining: it aims to diagnose and quantify the mismatch between observed and modeled behavior. Precise conformance checking implies solving complex optimization problems and is therefore computationally challenging for real-life event logs. In this paper a technique to apply hierarchical conformance checking is presented, based on a state-of-the-art algorithm for deriving the subprocesses structure underlying a process model. Hierarchical conformance checking allows us to decompose problems that would otherwise be intractable. Moreover, users can navigate through conformance results and zoom into parts of the model that have a poor conformance. The technique has been implemented as a ProM plugin and an experimental evaluation showing the significance of the approach is provided. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在从事件日志中提取知识。一致性检查是过程挖掘中的难题之一:它旨在诊断和量化观察到的行为与建模行为之间的不匹配。精确的一致性检查意味着要解决复杂的优化问题,因此对于现实事件日志而言在计算上具有挑战性。在本文中,基于一种最新的算法,提出了一种用于应用层次一致性检查的技术,该算法用于推导过程模型基础的子过程结构。分层一致性检查使我们能够分解原本难以处理的问题。此外,用户可以浏览一致性结果并放大模型中一致性较差的部分。该技术已实现为ProM插件,并提供了表明该方法重要性的实验评估。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38697-8_16]

[172] Hierarchical performance analysis for process mining (2018)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques use event data from operational and software processes to discover process models, to check the conformance of predefined process models, and to extend such models with information about bottlenecks, decisions, and resource usage. In recent years, the process mining field made huge advances in terms of scalability. In addition, recent work in process discovery supports advanced process model constructs such as subprocesses, recursive structures, cancellation, and various notions of concurrency. Hence, one has to realize that a simple, small, and flat model will not suffice anymore, especially when applied to analyzing software system processes. However, state of the art performance analysis is still typically performed either over the whole process model or at the level of individual activities. There is a lack of formal support for performance analysis on various submodel abstractions while taking into account the execution semantics. This paper presents 1) a framework for establishing precise relationships between events and submodels, taking into account execution semantics; and 2) a novel formalization of existing and novel performance metrics. Our approach enables advanced performance analysis at various submodel abstractions. An implementation is made available, and we demonstrate the advantages of our approach to various software system processes, showing the applicability and advantage with respect to existing techniques.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术使用来自运营和软件过程的事件数据来发现过程模型,检查预定义过程模型的一致性,并使用有关瓶颈,决策和资源使用的信息来扩展此类模型。近年来,过程挖掘领域在可伸缩性方面取得了巨大进步。此外,最新的过程发现工作还支持高级过程模型构造,例如子过程,递归结构,取消和各种并发概念。因此,人们必须认识到,简单,小型和扁平的模型已不再足够,尤其是当应用于分析软件系统过程时。但是,最先进的性能分析通常还是在整个过程模型上或在单个活动的级别上执行。在考虑执行语义的同时,缺乏对各种子模型抽象的性能分析的正式支持。本文提出了1)考虑执行语义的,用于在事件和子模型之间建立精确关系的框架; 2)现有和新颖的绩效指标的新颖形式化。我们的方法可以对各种子模型抽象进行高级性能分析。提供了一个实现,并且我们演示了我们的方法在各种软件系统过程中的优点,显示了相对于现有技术的适用性和优点。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3202710.3203151]

[173] How people really (like to) work comparative process mining to unravel human behavior (2014)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Software forms an integral part of the most complex artifacts built by humans. Communication, production, distribution, healthcare, transportation, banking, education, entertainment, government, and trade all increasingly rely on systems driven by software. Such systems may be used in ways not anticipated at design time as the context in which they operate is constantly changing and humans may interact with them an unpredictable manner. However, at the same time, we are able to collect unprecedented collections of event data describing what people and organizations are actually doing. Recent developments in process mining make it possible to analyze such event data, thereby focusing on behavior rather than correlations and simplistic performance indicators. For example, event logs can be used to automatically learn end-to-end process models. Next to the automated discovery of the real underlying process, there are process mining techniques to analyze bottlenecks, to uncover hidden inefficiencies, to check compliance, to explain deviations, to predict performance, and to guide users towards better processes. Process mining reveals how people really work and often reveals what they would really like to do. Event-based analysis may reveal workarounds and remarkable differences between people and organizations. This keynote paper highlights current research on comparative process mining. One can compare event data with normative process models and see where people deviate. Some of these deviations may be positive and one can learn from them. Other deviations may reveal inefficiencies, design flaws, or even fraudulent behavior. One can also use process cubes to compare different systems or groups of people. Through slicing, dicing, rolling-up, and drilling-down we can view event data from different angles and produce process mining results that can be compared.

摘要: 软件构成了人类构建的最复杂工件的组成部分。通讯,生产,分销,医疗保健,运输,银行,教育,娱乐,政府和贸易越来越依赖于软件驱动的系统。此类系统可能会以设计时无法预期的方式使用,因为它们的运行环境不断变化,并且人类可能以不可预测的方式与之交互。但是,与此同时,我们能够收集前所未有的事件数据集合,这些事件数据描述了人员和组织的实际活动。流程挖掘的最新发展使分析此类事件数据成为可能,从而将重点放在行为上,而不是相关性和简单化的性能指标上。例如,事件日志可用于自动学习端到端流程模型。除了自动发现真正的基础流程之外,还有一些流程挖掘技术可以分析瓶颈,发现隐藏的低效率,检查合规性,解释偏差,预测性能并指导用户迈向更好的流程。流程挖掘揭示了人们的真正工作方式,并经常揭示了他们真正想做的事情。基于事件的分析可能会揭示变通方法和人员与组织之间的显着差异。本主题演讲重点介绍了当前对比较过程挖掘的研究。可以将事件数据与标准流程模型进行比较,并查看人们的偏离情况。其中一些偏差可能是积极的,并且可以从中学习。其他偏差可能会显示效率低下,设计缺陷甚至欺诈行为。人们还可以使用过程多维数据集来比较不同的系统或人群。通过切片,切块,上滚和下钻,我们可以从不同角度查看事件数据,并产生可以比较的过程挖掘结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-44811-3_25]

[174] Identifying commonalities and differences in object life cycles using behavioral inheritance (2001)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Basten, Twan | )

Abstract: The behavioral-inheritance relations of 7,8 can be used to compare the life cycles of objects defined in terms of Petri nets. They yield partial orders on object life cycles (OLCs). Based on these orders, we define concepts such as the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of a set of OLCs. These concepts have practical relevance: In component-based design, workflow management, ERP reference models, and electronic-trade procedures, there is a constant need for identifying commonalities and differences in OLCs. Our results provide the theoretical basis for comparing, customizing, and unifying OLCs.

摘要: 7,8的行为-继承关系可以用来比较用Petri网定义的对象的生命周期。它们产生对象生命周期(OLC)的部分订单。基于这些顺序,我们定义了一些概念,例如一组OLC的最大公约数和最小公倍数。这些概念具有实际意义:在基于组件的设计,工作流管理,ERP参考模型和电子贸易程序中,始终需要确定OLC的共性和差异。我们的结果为比较,定制和统一OLC提供了理论基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45740-2_4]

[175] Implementation of a YAWL work-list handler based on the resource patterns (2006)

(Tan, Huixin and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The YAWL language is based on the so-called workflow patterns and is supported by an open-source workflow management system. Until recently, YAWL emphasized the process perspective, i.e., control-flow. As a result, YAWL is superior with respect to this perspective. However, issues associated with the resource perspective, i.e., the people and machines actually doing the work, have been largely neglected. Although the process perspective is of most significance, appropriate consideration of the resource perspective is essential for the successful implementation of workflow technology. To address this we have developed a set of 43 resource patterns. These patterns capture the various ways in which resources can be represented and utilized in workflows. This paper describes a work-list handler based on these patterns. The goal of this work-list handler is to make YAWL also superior with respect to the resource perspective. The work-list handler is named YAWL RA (YAWL Resource Allocation) and has been realized using the service-oriented architecture of the YAWL system. textcopyright2006 IEEE.

摘要: YAWL语言基于所谓的工作流模式,并受到开源工作流管理系统的支持。直到最近,YAWL都强调了过程的视角,即控制流。结果,YAWL在此方面具有优势。但是,与资源的观点有关的问题,即实际工作的人员和机器,在很大程度上被忽略了。尽管过程角度最重要,但对资源角度的适当考虑对于成功实施工作流技术至关重要。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一套43种资源模式。这些模式捕获了可以在工作流中表示和利用资源的各种方式。本文介绍了基于这些模式的工作列表处理程序。该工作列表处理程序的目标是使YAWL在资源角度上也更出色。工作列表处理程序称为YAWL RA(YAWL资源分配),并且已使用YAWL系统的面向服务的体系结构实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2006.253029]

[176] Improving Business Process Models Using Observed Behavior (2013)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and La Rosa | )

Abstract: Process-aware information systems (PAISs) can be configured using a reference process model, which is typically obtained via expert interviews. Over time, however, contextual factors and system requirements may cause the operational process to start deviating from this reference model. While a reference model should ideally be updated to remain aligned with such changes, this is a costly and often neglected activity. We present a new process mining technique that automatically improves the reference model on the basis of the observed behavior as recorded in the event logs of a PAIS. We discuss how to balance the four basic quality dimensions for process mining (fitness, precision, simplicity and generalization) and a new dimension, namely the structural similarity between the reference model and the discovered model. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique using a real-life scenario from a Dutch municipality. textcopyright International Federation for Information Processing 2013.

摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)可以使用参考过程模型进行配置,该模型通常是通过专家访谈获得的。但是,随着时间的流逝,上下文因素和系统要求可能会导致操作过程开始偏离该参考模型。虽然理想情况下应该更新参考模型以与此类更改保持一致,但这是一项代价高昂且经常被忽略的活动。我们提出了一种新的过程挖掘技术,该技术可以根据PAIS事件日志中记录的观察到的行为自动改进参考模型。我们讨论了如何平衡过程挖掘的四个基本质量维度(适应性,精度,简单性和泛化)和一个新维度,即参考模型和发现的模型之间的结构相似性。我们使用荷兰市政当局的真实场景演示了此技术的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2013年国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40919-6_3]

[177] Improving Merging Conditions for Recomposing Conformance Checking (2019)

(Lee, Wai Lam Jonathan and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Sepulveda, Marcos | )

Abstract: Efficient conformance checking is a hot topic in the field of process mining. Much of the recent work focused on improving the scalability of alignment-based approaches to support the larger and more complex processes. This is needed because process mining is increasingly applied in areas where models and logs are big. Decomposition techniques are able to achieve significant performance gains by breaking down a conformance problem into smaller ones. Moreover, recent work showed that the alignment problem can be resolved in an iterative manner by alternating between aligning a set of decomposed sub-components before merging the computed sub-alignments and recomposing sub-components to fix merging issues. Despite experimental results showing the gain of applying recomposition in large scenarios, there is still a need for improving the merging step, where log traces can take numerous recomposition steps before reaching the required merging condition. This paper contributes by defining and structuring the recomposition step, and proposes strategies with significant performance improvement on synthetic and real-life datasets over both the state-of-the-art decomposed and monolithic approaches.

摘要: 高效一致性检查是过程挖掘领域中的热门话题。最近的许多工作都集中在提高基于路线的方法的可伸缩性,以支持更大,更复杂的过程。之所以需要这样做,是因为过程挖掘越来越多地应用于模型和日志庞大的领域。通过将一致性问题分解为较小的问题,分解技术能够显着提高性能。此外,最近的工作表明,可以通过在合并计算出的子对齐方式之前对齐一组分解后的子组件与重新组合子组件以解决合并问题之间的交替操作,以迭代方式解决对齐问题。尽管实验结果表明在大型场景中应用重组会有所收益,但仍然需要改进合并步骤,在这种情况下,对数跟踪可以在达到所需合并条件之前采取许多重新合并步骤。本文通过定义和构造重组步骤做出了贡献,并提出了在最新的分解方法和整体方法上对合成和真实数据集进行显着性能改进的策略。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-11641-5_3]

[178] Improving documentation by repairing event logs (2013)

(Rogge-Solti, Andreas and Mans, Ronny S. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Weske, Mathias | )

Abstract: In enterprises, business process models are used for capturing as-is business processes. During process enactment correct documentation is important to ensure quality, to support compliance analysis, and to allow for correct accounting. Missing documentation of performed activities can be directly translated into lost income, if accounting is based on documentation. Still, many processes are manually documented in enterprises. As a result, activities might be missing from the documentation, even though they were performed. In this paper, we make use of process knowledge captured in process models, and provide a method to repair missing entries in the logs. The repaired logs can be used for direct feedback to ensure correct documentation, i.e., participants can be asked to check, whether they forgot to document activities that should have happened according to the process models. We realize the repair by combining stochastic Petri nets, alignments, and Bayesian networks. We evaluate the results using both synthetic data and real event data from a Dutch hospital. textcopyright IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2013.

摘要: 在企业中,业务流程模型用于捕获原样的业务流程。在制定过程中,正确的文档对于确保质量,支持合规性分析以及进行正确的会计处理非常重要。如果会计是基于文档的,则缺少已执行活动的文档可以直接转换为收入损失。尽管如此,许多过程仍在企业中手动记录。结果,即使执行了活动,文档中也可能缺少活动。在本文中,我们利用过程模型中捕获的过程知识,并提供了一种修复日志中缺失条目的方法。修复后的日志可用于直接反馈以确保记录正确,即,可以要求参与者检查是否忘记记录根据流程模型应该发生的活动。我们通过组合随机Petri网,路线和贝叶斯网络来实现修复。我们使用来自荷兰医院的综合数据和真实事件数据评估结果。 t​​extcopyright IFIP国际信息处理联合会2013。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-41641-5_10]

[179] Improving process discovery results by filtering outliers using conditional behavioural probabilities (2018)

(Sani, Mohammadreza Fani and van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process discovery, one of the key challenges in process mining, aims at discovering process models from process execution data stored in event logs. Most discovery algorithms assume that all data in an event log conform to correct execution of the process, and hence, incorporate all behaviour in their resulting process model. However, in real event logs, noise and irrelevant infrequent behaviour are often present. Incorporating such behaviour results in complex, incomprehensible process models concealing the correct and/or relevant behaviour of the underlying process. In this paper, we propose a novel general purpose filtering method that exploits observed conditional probabilities between sequences of activities. The method has been implemented in both the ProM toolkit and the RapidProM framework. We evaluate our approach using real and synthetic event data. The results show that the proposed method accurately removes irrelevant behaviour and, indeed, improves process discovery results.

摘要: 过程发现是过程挖掘中的关键挑战之一,旨在从事件日志中存储的过程执行数据中发现过程模型。大多数发现算法均假定事件日志中的所有数据均符合流程的正确执行,因此会将所有行为纳入其生成的流程模型中。但是,在真实事件日志中,经常会出现噪音和无关紧要的行为。合并此类行为会导致复杂,难以理解的过程模型,从而掩盖了基础过程的正确和/或相关行为。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的通用过滤方法,该方法利用活动序列之间观察到的条件概率。该方法已在ProM工具包和RapidProM框架中实现。我们使用真实和综合事件数据评估我们的方法。结果表明,该方法能够准确地消除不相关的行为,并确实改善了过程发现的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-74030-0_16]

[180] Incremental computation of synthesis rules for free-choice Petri nets (2018)

(Dixit, Prabhakar M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel approach that calculates all the possible applications of synthesis rules, for well-formed free-choice Petri nets 8, in a speedy way to enable an interactive editing system. The proposed approach uses a so-called incremental synthesis structure, which can be used to extract all the synthesis rules, corresponding to a given net. Furthermore, this structure is updated incrementally, i.e. after usage of a synthesis rule, to obtain the incremental synthesis structure of the newly synthesized net. We prove that the proposed approach is correct and complete in order to synthesize any well-formed free-choice Petri net, starting with an initial well-formed atomic net and the corresponding incremental synthesis structure. A variant of the proposed approach has been implemented that allows interactive modeling (discovery) of sound business processes (from event logs). Experimental results show that the proposed approach is fast, and outperforms the baseline, and hence is well-suited for enabling interactive synthesis of very large nets.

摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法可以为格式良好的自由选择Petri网8计算合成规则的所有可能应用,并迅速启用交互式编辑系统。所提出的方法使用了所谓的增量综合结构,该结构可用于提取与给定网络相对应的所有综合规则。此外,该结构被增量地更新,即,在使用合成规则之后,以获得新合成的网络的增量合成结构。我们证明了所提出的方法是正确且完整的,可以合成任何格式良好的自由选择Petri网,从初始格式良好的原子网和相应的增量合成结构开始。已经实现了所提出方法的一种变体,该方法允许对健全的业务流程(来自事件日志)进行交互式建模(发现)。实验结果表明,所提出的方法是快速的,并且优于基线,因此非常适合于实现超大型网络的交互式合成。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-02146-7_5]

[181] Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior Development of a Groupware Editor (2001)

(Basten, Twan and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling is inheritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as attributes and methods. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering dynamic behavior of objects. This paper studies inheritance of dynamic behavior in a framework based on Petri nets. The notions of an object life cycle and inheritance between life cycles are defined. The inheritance relation is based on two fundamental concepts, namely blocking and hiding method calls. Several transformation rules are given to construct subclasses from a given superclass, thus allowing reuse of life-cycle specifications during a design. To show the validity of the approach, the results are applied to the development of a groupware editor.

摘要: 面向对象建模的关键问题之一是继承。它允许定义继承某些超类功能的子类。对于类的静态属性(例如属性和方法),很好地定义了继承。但是,在考虑对象的动态行为时,关于继承的含义并没有普遍的共识。本文研究了基于Petri网的框架中动态行为的继承。定义了对象生命周期和生命周期之间的继承的概念。继承关系基于两个基本概念,即阻塞和隐藏方法调用。提供了一些转换规则,以便从给定的超类构造子类,从而允许在设计期间重用生命周期规范。为了证明该方法的有效性,将结果应用于群件编辑器的开发。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45397-0_15]

[182] Inheritance of business processes: A journey visiting four notorious problems (2003)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The new millennium is characterized by speed and distribution in every aspect of most business and organization undertaking. Organizations are challenged to bring ideas and concepts to products and services in an ever-increasing pace. Companies distributed by space, time and capabilities come together to deliver products and solutions for which there is any need in the global marketplace. This creates new opportunities but also poses new problems. In this paper we will address four problems directly related to changing business processes in the networked economy. Two of the problems addressed surface when existing workflow specifications are changed: the dynamic change problem and the management information problem. The third problem refers to coordination problems in inter-organizational workflows. The fourth problem becomes relevant when predefined workflow specifications are customized for a particular business situation. This paper will show that these problems have common characteristics. Moreover, we will point out that an approach based on inheritance of dynamic behavior provides a partial solution for each of the problems. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

摘要: 新千年的特点是在大多数企业和组织事业的各个方面都具有速度和分布。组织面临着以越来越快的速度将想法和概念带入产品和服务的挑战。按空间,时间和功能分布的公司可以共同提供全球市场中任何需要的产品和解决方案。这创造了新的机会,但也带来了新的问题。在本文中,我们将解决与网络经济中不断变化的业务流程直接相关的四个问题。更改现有工作流程规范时,将解决两个问题:动态更改问题和管理信息问题。第三个问题是组织间工作流程中的协调问题。当针对特定业务情况定制了预定义的工作流程规范时,第四个问题变得很重要。本文将说明这些问题具有共同的特征。此外,我们将指出,基于动态行为继承的方法为每个问题提供了部分解决方案。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-40022-6_19]

[183] Integration of EPC-related tools with ProM (2006)

(Barborka, Paul and Helm, Lukas and K̈oldorfer, Georg and Mendling, Jan and Neumann, Gustaf and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: The heterogeneity of different formats for EPCs is a major problem for model interchange between specialized tools in practice. In this paper, we compare three different formats for storing EPCs, in particular, the proprietary formats of Microsoft Visio and ARIS Toolset as well as the tool-independent EPML format. Furthermore, we introduce the ProM framework and show using the case of a sales process model expressed in terms of an EPC that ProM is able to serve as a mediator between these formats. Beyond that, we demonstrate that the ProM framework can be used for the analysis of EPCs and to translate EPCs into YAWL models for execution or for further analysis.

摘要: EPC的不同格式的异质性是实践中专用工具之间的模型交换的主要问题。在本文中,我们比较了三种存储EPC的格式,特别是Microsoft Visio和ARIS Toolset的专有格式以及与工具无关的EPML格式。此外,我们介绍了ProM框架,并使用以EPC表示的销售流程模型的案例来说明ProM能够充当这些格式之间的中介。除此之外,我们证明了ProM框架可用于分析EPC,并将EPC转换为YAWL模型以执行或进一步分析。

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[184] Inter-enterprise system and application integration: A reality check (2008)

(Cardoso, Jorge and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper structures the summary of the panel held at the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Funchal, Madeira, 12-16 June 2007 that addressed the following question: Are you still working on Inter-Enterprise System and Application Integration? The panel aggregated distinguished experts from the areas of process management, workflow, Web services, SOA, and Semantic Web. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 本文构成了2007年6月12日至16日在马德拉岛丰沙尔举行的第9届国际企业信息系统国际会议上举行的小组讨论的摘要,该小组讨论了以下问题:您是否仍在研究企业间系统和应用程序集成? 该小组聚集了来自流程管理,工作流,Web服务,SOA和语义Web领域的杰出专家。 textcopyright 2008年施普林格·柏林·海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_1]

[185] Interactive data-driven process model construction (2018)

(Dixit, P. M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Buijs, J. C.A.M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms address the problem of learning process models from event logs. Typically, in such settings a users activity is limited to configuring the parameters of the discovery algorithm, and hence the user expertise/domain knowledge can not be incorporated during traditional process discovery. In a setting where the event logs are noisy, incomplete and/or contain uninteresting activities, the process models discovered by discovery algorithms are often inaccurate and/or incomprehensible. Furthermore, many of these automated techniques can produce unsound models and/or cannot discover duplicate activities, silent activities etc. To overcome such shortcomings, we introduce a new concept to interactively discover a process model, by combining a users domain knowledge with the information from the event log. The discovered models are always sound and can have duplicate activities, silent activities etc. An objective evaluation and a case study shows that the proposed approach can outperform traditional discovery techniques.

摘要: 过程发现算法解决了从事件日志中学习过程模型的问题。通常,在这种设置中,用户的活动仅限于配置发现算法的参数,因此,传统过程中无法吸收用户的专业知识/领域知识发现:在事件日志嘈杂,不完整和/或包含不感兴趣的活动的环境中,发现算法发现的过程模型通常不准确和/或难以理解,此外,许多自动化技术可能会产生不可靠的模型和/或无法为了克服这些缺点,我们引入了一个新概念,即通过结合用户的领域知识和事件日志中的信息来交互式地发现流程模型,发现的模型始终是合理的,并且可以具有重复的活动。 ,无声活动等。客观评估和案例研究表明该方法可以胜过传统的发现技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-00847-5_19]

[186] Interoperability in the ProM framework (2006)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Originally the ProM framework was developed as a design artifact for the process mining domain, i.e., extracting process models from event logs. However, in recent years the scope of the framework has become broader and now includes process verification, social network analysis, conformance checking, verification based on temporal logic, etc. Moreover, the framework supports a wide variety of process models, e.g., Petri nets, Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), Heuristics nets, YAWL models, and is plug-able, i.e., people can add plug-ins without changing the framework itself. This makes the ProM framework an interesting environment for model interoperability. For example, people can take transaction log from IBMs WebSphere, discover a process model in terms of a heuristics net, convert the heuristics net to a Petri net for analysis, load an EPC defined using the ARIS toolset, verify the EPC and convert it to a Petri net, determine the fitness of the ARIS model given the transaction log from WebSphere, and finally convert both models to a YAWL specification that is exported. Such application scenarios are supported by ProM and demonstrate true model interoperability. In this paper, we present ProMs interoperability capabilities using a running example.

摘要: ProM框架最初是作为流程挖掘领域的设计工件开发的,即从事件日志中提取流程模型。然而,近年来,框架的范围变得越来越广泛,现在包括过程验证,社交网络分析,一致性检查,基于时间逻辑的验证等。此外,该框架支持多种过程模型,例如Petri网,事件驱动流程链(EPC),启发式网络,YAWL模型,并且是可插入的,即人们可以在不更改框架本身的情况下添加插件。这使ProM框架成为模型互操作性的有趣环境。例如,人们可以从IBM WebSphere中获取事务日志,发现启发式网络方面的流程模型,将启发式网络转换为Petri网络进行分析,加载使用ARIS工具集定义的EPC,验证EPC并将其转换为一个Petri网,根据WebSphere的事务日志,确定ARIS模型的适用性,最后将这两个模型转换为导出的YAWL规范。 ProM支持此类应用程序场景,并演示了真正的模型互操作性。在本文中,我们使用一个正在运行的示例来介绍ProM的互操作性功能。

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[187] Interval timed coloured petri nets and their analysis (1993)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Practical experiences show that only timed and coloured Petri nets axe capable of modelling large and complex real-time systems. This is the reason we present the Interval Timed Colonred Petri Net (ITCPN) model. An interval timed coloured Petri net is a coloured Petri net extended with lime; time is in tokens and transitions determine a delay for each produced token. This delay is specified by an upper and lower bound, i.e. an interval. The ITCPN model allows the modelling of the dynamic behaviour of large and complex systems, without losing the possibility of formal analysis. In addition to the existing analysis techniques for coloured Petri nets, we propose a new analysis method to analyse the temporal behaviour of the net. This method constructs a reduced teachability graph and exploits the fact that delays are described by an interval.

摘要: 实践经验表明,只有定时和有色Petri网才能对大型复杂的实时系统进行建模。这就是我们提出间隔定时殖民化Petri网(ITCPN)模型的原因。有间隔的有色陪替氏网是用石灰延伸的有色陪替氏网;时间以令牌为单位,转换决定每个产生的令牌的延迟。该延迟由上限和下限,即间隔来指定。 ITCPN模型允许对大型和复杂系统的动态行为进行建模,而不会失去形式分析的可能性。除了现有的有色Petri网分析技术外,我们还提出了一种新的分析方法来分析网的时间行为。这种方法构造了一个简化的示教图,并利用了一个延迟来描述一个间隔的事实。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-56863-8_61]

[188] Intra- and inter-organizational process mining: Discovering processes within and between organizations (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Due to the availability of more and more event data and mature process mining techniques, it has become possible to discover the actual processes within an organization. Process mining techniques use event logs to automatically construct process models that explain the behavior observed. Existing process models can be validated using conformance checking techniques. Moreover, the link between real-life events and model elements allows for the projection of additional information onto process models (e.g., showing bottlenecks and the flow of work within an organization). Although process mining has been mainly used within individual organizations, this new technology can also be applied in cross-organizational settings. In this paper, we identify such settings and highlight some of the challenges and opportunities. In particular, we show that cross-organizational processes can be partitioned along two orthogonal dimensions. This helps us to identify relevant process mining challenges involving multiple organizations. textcopyright 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

摘要: 由于越来越多的事件数据和成熟的流程挖掘技术的可用性,发现组织内的实际流程成为可能。流程挖掘技术使用事件日志自动构建解释观察到的行为的流程模型。可以使用一致性检查技术来验证现有的过程模型。此外,真实事件与模型元素之间的链接允许将附加信息投射到流程模型上(例如,显示组织中的瓶颈和工作流程)。尽管过程挖掘主要用于各个组织中,但这项新技术也可以应用于跨组织的环境中。在本文中,我们确定了此类设置,并重点介绍了一些挑战和机遇。特别是,我们表明跨组织过程可以沿两个正交维度进行划分。这有助于我们确定涉及多个组织的相关过程挖掘挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2011年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-24849-8_1]

[189] Know What you stream: Generating event streams from CPN models in ProM 6 (2015)

(Van Zelst | )

Abstract: The field of process mining is concerned with supporting the analysis, improvement and understanding of business processes. A range of promising techniques have been proposed for process mining tasks such as process discovery and conformance checking. However there are challenges, originally stemming from the area of data mining, that have not been investigated extensively in context of process mining. In particular the incorporation of data stream mining techniques w.r.t. process mining has received little attention. In this paper, we present new developments that build on top of previous work related to the integration of data streams within the process mining framework ProM. We have developed means to use Coloured Petri Net (CPN) models as a basis for eventstream generation. The newly introduced functionality greatly enhances the use of event-streams in context of process mining as it allows us to be actively aware of the originating model of the event-stream under analysis.

摘要: 流程挖掘领域涉及支持对业务流程的分析,改进和理解。已经提出了一系列有前途的技术来进行过程挖掘任务,例如过程发现和一致性检查。但是,存在一些最初源自数据挖掘领域的挑战,这些挑战尚未在过程挖掘的上下文中进行广泛研究。特别是结合了数据流挖掘技术流程采矿很少受到关注。在本文中,我们提出了一些新的开发成果,这些新成果建立在与工作挖掘框架ProM中的数据流集成相关的先前工作的基础上。我们已经开发出使用彩色Petri网(CPN)模型作为事件流生成基础的方法。新引入的功能极大地增强了在过程挖掘中使用事件流的能力,因为它使我们能够主动了解正在分析的事件流的原始模型。

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[190] Learning analytics on coursera event data: A proceb mining approach (2015)

(Mukala, Patrick and Buijs, Joos and Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Mabive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide means to offer learning material in a highly scalable and flexible manner. Learning Analytics (LA) tools can be used to understand a MOOCs effectiveneb and suggest appropriate intervention measures. A key dimension of such analysis is through profiling and understanding students learning behavior. In this paper, we make use of proceb mining techniques in order to trace and analyze students learning habits based on MOOC data. The objective of this endeavor is to provide insights regarding students and their learning behavior as it relates to their performance. Our analysis shows that succebful students always watch videos in the recommended sequence and mostly watch in batch. The opposite is true for unsuccebful students. Moreover, we identified a positive correlation between viewing behavior and final grades supported by Pearsons, Kendalls and Spearmans correlation coefficients.

摘要: 大型公开在线课程(MOOC)提供了以高度可扩展和灵活的方式提供学习材料的方法。学习分析(LA)工具可用于了解MOOC的有效方法并提出适当的干预措施。此类分析的关键在于通过剖析和理解学生的学习行为,本文利用proceb挖掘技术,基于MOOC数据来跟踪和分析学生的学习习惯,目的是提供有关学生及其学习行为的见解。我们的分析表明,成功的学生总是按照推荐的顺序观看视频,并且大多是分批观看;对于不成功的学生,情况恰恰相反;此外,我们发现观看行为与Pearsons支持的最终成绩之间存在正相关关系,肯德尔和Spearman的相关系数。

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[191] Learning hybrid process models from events process discovery without faking confidence (2017)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and De Masellis | )

Abstract: Process discovery techniques return process models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a picture not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Formal models are able to classify traces (i.e., sequences of events) as fitting or non-fitting. Most process mining approaches described in the literature produce such models. This is in stark contrast with the over 25 available commercial process mining tools that only discover informal process models that remain deliberately vague on the precise set of possible traces. There are two main reasons why vendors resort to such models: scalability and simplicity. In this paper, we propose to combine the best of both worlds: discovering hybrid process models that have formal and informal elements. As a proof of concept we present a discovery technique based on hybrid Petri nets. These models allow for formal reasoning, but also reveal information that cannot be captured in mainstream formal models. A novel discovery algorithm returning hybrid Petri nets has been implemented in ProM and has been applied to several real-life event logs. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of remaining vague when there is not enough evidence in the data or standard modeling constructs do not fit. Moreover, the approach is scalable enough to be incorporated in industrial-strength process mining tools.

摘要: 过程发现技术返回的过程模型既可以是正式的(精确地描述可能的行为),也可以是非正式的(仅仅是图片,不允许任何形式的形式推理)。正式模型能够将迹线(即事件序列)分类为合适或不合适。文献中描述的大多数过程挖掘方法都会产生这样的模型。这与超过25种可用的商业过程挖掘工具形成了鲜明的对比,这些工具仅发现非正式过程模型,这些模型在精确的可能踪迹集上故意含糊不清。供应商采用这种模型的主要原因有两个:可伸缩性和简单性。在本文中,我们建议将两个方面的优点结合起来:发现具有正式和非正式元素的混合过程模型。作为概念的证明,我们提出了一种基于混合Petri网的发现技术。这些模型不仅可以进行形式推理,还可以揭示主流形式模型无法捕获的信息。一种新的返回混合Petri网的发现算法已在ProM中实现,并已应用于多个现实事件日志中。结果清楚地表明,当数据中没有足够的证据或标准建模构造不适合时,保持模糊的优势。而且,该方法具有足够的可伸缩性,可以结合到工业强度过程挖掘工具中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-65000-54]

[192] Lets go all the way: From requirements via colored workflow nets to a BPEL implementation of a new bank system (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper describes use of the formal modeling language Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) in the development of a new bank system. As a basis for the paper, we present a requirements model, in the form of a CPN, which describes a new bank work process that must be supported by the new system. This model has been used to specify, validate, and elicit user requirements. The contribution of this paper is to describe two translation steps that go from the requirements CPN to an implementation of the new system. In the first translation step, a workflow model is derived from the requirements model. This model is represented in terms of a so-called Colored Workflow Net (CWN), which is a generalization of the classical workflow nets to CPN. In the second translation step, the CWN is translated into implementation code. The target implementation language is BPEL4WS deployed in the context of IBM WebSphere. A semi-automatic translation of the workflow model to BPEL4WS is possible because of the structural requirements imposed on CWNs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 本文描述了在开发新银行系统时使用正式建模语言彩色Petri网(CPN)。作为本文的基础,我们以CPN的形式提出一种需求模型,该模型描述了新系统必须支持的新银行工作流程。该模型已用于指定,验证和引发用户需求。本文的作用是描述从要求CPN到新系统的实施的两个转换步骤。在第一个转换步骤中,从需求模型中衍生出工作流模型。该模型用所谓的有色工作流网(CWN)表示,该工作流网是经典工作流网到CPN的概括。在第二个转换步骤中,将CWN转换为实现代码。目标实现语言是在IBM WebSphere上下文中部署的BPEL4WS。由于对CWN施加了结构要求,因此可以将工作流模型半自动转换为BPEL4WS。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11575771_5]

[193] Life after BPEL? (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) has emerged as a standard for specifying and executing processes. It is supported by vendors such as IBM and Microsoft and positioned as the process language of the Internet. This paper provides a critical analysis of BPEL based on the so-called workflow patterns. It also discusses the need for languages like BPEL. Finally, the paper addresses several challenges not directly addressed by BPEL but highly relevant to the support of web services. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL)已经成为指定和执行流程的标准。 它得到了IBM和Microsoft等供应商的支持,并定位为Internet的处理语言。 本文基于所谓的工作流模式对BPEL进行了批判性分析。 它还讨论了对诸如BPEL之类的语言的需求。 最后,本文解决了BPEL未直接解决但与Web服务支持高度相关的几个挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11549970_4]

[194] Lifecycle-Based Process Performance Analysis (2018)

(Hompes, Bart F.A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Many business processes are supported by information systems that record their execution. Process mining techniques extract knowledge and insights from such process execution data typically stored in event logs or streams. Most process mining techniques focus on process discovery (the automated extraction of process models) and conformance checking (aligning observed and modeled behavior). Existing process performance analysis techniques typically rely on ad-hoc definitions of performance. This paper introduces a novel comprehensive approach to process performance analysis from event data. Our generic technique centers around business artifacts, key conceptual entities that behave according to state-based transactional lifecycle models. We present a formalization of these concepts as well as a structural approach to calculate and monitor process performance from event data. The approach has been implemented in the open source process mining tool ProM and its applicability has been evaluated using public real-life event data.

摘要: 许多业务流程受到记录其执行情况的信息系统的支持。流程挖掘技术从通常存储在事件日志或流中的此类流程执行数据中提取知识和见解。大多数流程挖掘技术着重于流程发现(流程模型的自动提取)和一致性检查(对齐观察到的行为和建模行为)。现有的过程绩效分析技术通常依赖于绩效的临时定义。本文介绍了一种从事件数据进行过程性能分析的新颖的综合方法。我们的通用技术围绕业务构件,根据基于状态的事务生命周期模型进行行为的关键概念实体为中心。我们介绍了这些概念的形式化以及用于从事件数据计算和监视过程性能的结构化方法。该方法已在开源过程挖掘工具ProM中实现,并已使用公共现实事件数据评估了其适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-02610-3_19]

[195] Linking domain models and process models for reference model configuration (2008)

(La Rosa | )

Abstract: Reference process models capture common practices in a given domain and variations thereof. Such models are intended to be configured in a specific setting, leading to individualized process models. Although the advantages of reference process models are widely accepted, their configuration still requires a high degree of modeling expertise. Thus users not only need to be domain experts, but also need to master the notation in which the reference process model is captured. In this paper we propose a framework for reference process modeling wherein the domain variability is represented separately from the actual process model. Domain variability is captured as a questionnaire that reflects the decisions that need to be made during configuration and their interrelationships. This questionnaire allows subject matter experts to configure the process model without requiring them to understand the process modeling notation. The approach guarantees that the resulting process models are correct according to certain constraints. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposal, we have implemented a questionnaire toolset that guides users through the configuration of reference process models captured in two different notations. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 参考过程模型捕获了给定领域中的常见实践及其变体。此类模型旨在在特定设置中进行配置,从而形成个性化的过程模型。尽管参考过程模型的优点已被广泛接受,但它们的配置仍然需要高度的建模专家。因此,用户不仅需要成为领域专家,而且还需要掌握捕获参考过程模型的表示法。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于参考过程建模的框架,其中域可变性与实际过程模型分开表示。域可变性作为调查表捕获,反映了在配置及其相互关系期间需要做出的决策。该调查表使主题专家可以配置过程模型,而无需他们了解过程建模符号。该方法保证了根据某些约束所得到的过程模型是正确的。为了证明该提案的适用性,我们实施了一个问卷调查工具集,该工具集可指导用户配置以两种不同符号表示的参考过程模型的配置。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78238-4_43]

[196] Liquid business process model collections (2018)

(Gianni, Daniele and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: Many organizations realize that increasing amounts of data (Big Data) need to be dealt with intelligently in order to compete with other organizations in terms of efficiency, speed and services. The goal is not to collect as much data as possible, but to turn event data into valuable insights that can be used to improve business processes. However, data-oriented analysis approaches fail to relate event data to process models. At the same time, large organizations are generating piles of process models that are disconnected from the real processes and information systems. In this chapter we propose to manage large collections of process models and event data in an integrated manner. Observed and modeled behavior need to be continuously compared and aligned. This results in a liquid business process model collection, i.e. a collection of process models that is in sync with the actual organizational behavior. The collection should self-adapt to evolving organizational behavior and incorporate relevant execution data (e.g. process performance and resource utilization) extracted from the logs, thereby allowing insightful reports to be produced from factual organizational data.

摘要: 许多组织意识到,为了与其他公司竞争,需要明智地处理越来越多的数据( 大数据 )组织的效率,速度和服务方面的目标不是收集尽可能多的数据,而是将事件数据转化为可用于改进业务流程的有价值的见解,但是面向数据的分析方法无法将事件与事件相关联数据到流程模型;与此同时,大型组织正在生成大量与真实流程和信息系统脱节的流程模型,在本章中,我们建议以集成方式管理大量流程模型和事件数据。与建模的行为需要不断地进行比较和统一,这导致 流动的 业务流程模型集合,即流程集合与实际组织行为保持同步的模型。集合应自我调整讨论不断发展的组织行为并合并相关的执行数据(例如流程性能和资源利用率)从日志中提取,从而允许从事实组织数据中生成有洞察力的报告。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1201/b17902-23]

[197] Local process model discovery: Bringing petri nets to the pattern mining world (2018)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Haakma, Reinder | )

Abstract: This paper introduces the tool LocalProcessModelDiscovery, which is available as a package in the process mining toolkit ProM. LocalProcessModelDiscovery aims to discover local process models, i.e., frequent patterns extracted from event logs, where each frequent pattern is expressed in the form of a Petri net. Local process models can be positioned in-between process discovery and Petri net synthesis on the one hand, and sequential pattern mining on the other hand. Like pattern mining techniques, the LocalProcessModelDiscovery tool focuses on the extraction of a set of frequent patterns, in contrast to Petri net synthesis and process discovery techniques that aim to describe all behavior seen in an event log in the form of a single model. Like Petri net synthesis and process discovery techniques, the models discovered with LocalProcessModelDiscovery can express a diverse set of behavioral constructs. This contrasts sequential pattern mining techniques, which are limited to patterns that describe sequential orderings in the data and are unable to express loops, choices, and concurrency.

摘要: 本文介绍了LocalProcessModelDiscovery工具,该工具可以在过程挖掘工具包ProM中作为软件包使用。 LocalProcessModelDiscovery旨在发现本地流程模型,即从事件日志中提取的频繁模式,其中每个频繁模式都以Petri网的形式表示。一方面,可以将本地过程模型置于过程发现和Petri网络合成之间,另一方面可以进行顺序模式挖掘。与模式挖掘技术一样,LocalPeteNetDiscovery工具专注于提取一组频繁的模式,而Petri网络综合和过程发现技术则旨在以单个模型的形式描述事件日志中看到的所有行为。像Petri网络综合和过程发现技术一样,使用LocalProcessModelDiscovery发现的模型可以表达各种行为构造。这与顺序模式挖掘技术形成对比,后者仅限于描述数据中顺序的模式,并且无法表达循环,选择和并发性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-91268-4_20]

[198] Making work flow: On the application of petri nets to business process management (2002)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Information technology has changed business processes within and between enterprises. More and more work processes are being conducted under the supervision of information systems that are driven by process models. Examples are workflow management systems such as Staffware, enterprise resource planning systems such as SAP and Baan, but also include many domain specific systems. It is hard to imagine enterprise information systems that are unaware of the processes taking place. Although the topic of business process management using information technology has been addressed by consultants and software developers in depth, a more fundamental approach has been missing. Only since the nineties, researchers started to work on the foundations of business process management systems. This paper addresses some of the scientific challenges in business process management. In the spirit of Hilberts problems1, 10 interesting problems for people working on Petri-net theory are posed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002.

摘要: 信息技术已经改变了企业内部和企业之间的业务流程。在由流程模型驱动的信息系统的监督下,越来越多的工作流程正在进行。例如工作流管理系统(例如Staffware),企业资源计划系统(例如SAP)和Baan,但也包含许多特定领域的系统。很难想象企业信息系统不了解正在发生的流程,尽管顾问和软件开发人员已深入探讨了使用信息技术进行业务流程管理的话题,直到90年代以来,研究人员才开始在业务流程管理系统的基础上开展工作。本文针对业务流程管理中的一些科学挑战,本着希尔伯特问题1的精神,为人们解决了10个有趣的问题提出了研究Petri网的知识。 t​​extcopyr ight Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2002。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-48068-4_1]

[199] Managing process model collections with AProMoRe (2010)

(Fauvet, M. C. and La Rosa | )

Abstract: As organizations reach higher levels of Business Process Management maturity, they tend to collect numerous business process models. Such models may be linked with each other or mutually overlap, supersede one another and evolve over time. Moreover, they may be represented at different abstraction levels depending on the target audience and modeling purpose, and may be available in multiple languages (e.g. due to company mergers). Thus, it is common that organizations struggle with keeping track of their process models. This demonstration introduces AProMoRe (Advanced Process Model Repository) which aims to facilitate the management of (large) process model collections. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 随着组织达到更高水平的业务流程管理成熟度,他们倾向于收集众多业务流程模型。这样的模型可以彼此链接或相互重叠,彼此取代并随时间演变。此外,它们可以根据目标受众和建模目的以不同的抽象级别表示,并且可以以多种语言提供(例如由于公司合并)。因此,组织经常难以跟踪其流程模型。该演示介绍了AProMoRe(高级流程模型存储库),该流程旨在促进对(大型)流程模型集合的管理。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-17358-5_62]

[200] Managing supply chain events to build senseand- respond capability (2006)

(Liu, Rong and Kumar, Akhil and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: As supply chains become more dynamic, there is a need for a sense-and-respond capability to react to events in a real-time manner. In this paper, we propose Petri nets extended with time and color (for case data) as a formalism for doing so. Hence, we describe seven basic patterns that are used to capture modeling concepts that arise commonly in supply chains. These basic patterns may be used by themselves and also be combined to create new patterns. Next, we show how to use the patterns as building blocks to model a complete supply chain and analyze it using dependency graphs and simulation. Dependency graphs can be used to analyze the various events and their causes. Simulation was, in addition, used to analyze various performance indicators (e.g. fill rates, replenishment times, and lead times) under different supply chain strategies. We performed sensitivity analysis to study the effect of changing parameter values on the performance indicators. In the experiments, by cutting resolution time for production delays in half (strategy 1), we were able to increase order fill rate from 89% to 95%. Similarly, upon raising the probability of successful alternative sourcing (strategy 2) from 0.5 to 0.7 the order fill rate again increased from 89% to 95%. We show that by modeling timing and causality issues accurately, it is possible to improve supply chain performance.

摘要: 随着供应链变得更加动态,需要一种感知和响应能力以实时方式对事件做出反应。在本文中,我们提出用时间和颜色(用于案例数据)扩展的Petri网作为这样做的形式。因此,我们描述了七个基本模式,用于捕获供应链中常见的建模概念。这些基本模式可以单独使用,也可以组合起来以创建新的模式。接下来,我们展示如何使用模式作为构建模块来对完整的供应链建模,并使用依赖图和仿真对其进行分析。依赖图可用于分析各种事件及其原因。此外,模拟还用于分析不同供应链策略下的各种绩效指标(例如填充率,补货时间和交货时间)。我们进行了敏感性分析,以研究更改参数值对性能指标的影响。在实验中,通过将生产延迟的解决时间减少了一半(策略1),我们能够将订单执行率从89 %提高到95 %。同样,在将成功替代采购(策略2)的可能性从0.5提高到0.7时,订单执行率又从89 %增加到95 %。我们表明,通过对时机和因果关系问题进行准确建模,可以改善供应链绩效。

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[201] Many-to-many: Some observations on interactions in artifact choreographies (2011)

(Fahland, Dirk and De Leoni | )

Abstract: Artifacts have been proposed as basic building blocks for complex processes that are driven by life-cycle aware data objects. An artifact choreography describes the interplay of several artifacts from which the process emerges. By design, an artifact choreography is tightly coupled to the process underlying data model which gives rise to complex interactions between artifacts. This paper presents a simple model for these interactions and outlines open challenges in artifact choreographies.

摘要: 已经提出了人工制品作为由生命周期感知数据对象驱动的复杂过程的基本构建块。人工产物编排描述了过程从中涌现的多个人工产物的相互作用。通过设计,工件编排与流程的基础数据模型紧密耦合,这导致了工件之间的复杂交互。本文为这些交互提供了一个简单的模型,并概述了人工舞蹈编排中的开放性挑战。

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[202] Markings in perpetual free-choice nets are fully characterized by their enabled transitions (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: A marked Petri net is lucent if there are no two different reachable markings enabling the same set of transitions, i.e., states are fully characterized by the transitions they enable. This paper explores the class of marked Petri nets that are lucent and proves that perpetual marked free-choice nets are lucent. Perpetual free-choice nets are free-choice Petri nets that are live and bounded and have a home cluster, i.e., there is a cluster such that from any reachable state there is a reachable state marking the places of this cluster. A home cluster in a perpetual net serves as a regeneration point of the process, e.g., to start a new process instance (case, job, cycle, etc.). Many well-behaved process models fall into this class. For example, the class of short-circuited sound workflow nets is perpetual. Also, the class of processes satisfying the conditions of the alphaalpha algorithm for process discovery falls into this category. This paper shows that the states in a perpetual marked free-choice net are fully characterized by the transitions they enable, i.e., these process models are lucent. Having a one-to-one correspondence between the actions that can happen and the state of the process, is valuable in a variety of application domains. The full characterization of markings in terms of enabled transitions makes perpetual free-choice nets interesting for workflow analysis and process mining. In fact, we anticipate new verification, process discovery, and conformance checking techniques for the subclasses identified.

摘要: 如果没有两个不同的可到达标记启用相同的过渡集,即状态被其启用的过渡完全表征,则标记的Petri网是透明的。本文探讨了透明的带标记Petri网的类别,并证明了永久标记的自由选择网是透明的。永久自由选择网是有选择的Petri网,它们是有生命的且有界的,并具有一个本地群集,即存在一个群集,使得从任何可达状态开始,都有一个可达状态标记该群集的位置。永久网中的家庭群集充当过程的再生点,例如,启动一个新的过程实例(案例,工作,周期等)。许多行为端正的过程模型都属于此类。例如,短路的声音工作流网络的类别是永久的。同样,满足用于过程发现的$ alpha $算法的条件的过程类别也属于此类。本文表明,永久标记的自由选择网络中的状态通过它们实现的过渡得以充分表征,即这些过程模型是透明的。在各种应用领域中,可能发生的动作与流程状态之间存在一一对应的关系非常重要。标记在启用的过渡方面的完整特征使永久性的自由选择网络对于工作流分析和过程挖掘非常有趣。实际上,我们期望针对已标识的子类采用新的验证,过程发现和一致性检查技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-91268-4_16]

[203] Maximizing synchronization for aligning observed and modelled behaviour (2018)

(Bloemen, Vincent and van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van de Pol, Jaco | )

Abstract: Conformance checking is a branch of process mining that aims to assess to what degree event data originating from the execution of a (business) process and a corresponding reference model conform to each other. Alignments have been recently introduced as a solution for conformance checking and have since rapidly developed into becoming the de facto standard. The state-of-the-art method to compute alignments is based on solving a shortest path problem derived from the reference model and the event data. Within such a shortest path problem, a cost function is used to guide the search to an optimal solution. The standard cost-function treats mismatches in the model and log as equal. In this paper, we consider a variant of this standard cost function which maximizes the number of correct matches instead. We study the effects of using this cost-function compared to the standard cost function on both small and large models using over a thousand generated and industrial case studies. We further show that the alignment computation process can be sped up significantly in specific instances. Finally, we present a new algorithm for the computation of alignments on models with many log traces that is an order of magnitude faster (in maximizing synchronous moves) compared to the state-of-the-art A* based solution method, as a result of a preprocessing step on the model.

摘要: 一致性检查是过程挖掘的一个分支,旨在评估源自(业务)过程的执行的事件数据与相应的参考模型在什么程度上相互符合。对齐技术最近已被引入作为一致性检查的解决方案,并已迅速发展成为事实上的标准。用于计算路线的最新方法是基于解决从参考模型和事件数据得出的最短路径问题。在这种最短路径问题内,使用成本函数将搜索引导至最佳解决方案。标准成本函数将模型和日志中的不匹配项视为相等。在本文中,我们考虑了此标准成本函数的一种变体,该变体将正确匹配项的数量最大化。我们使用上千个生成的案例和工业案例研究了与标准成本函数相比,将此成本函数与标准成本函数相比对小型和大型模型的影响。我们进一步表明,在特定情况下,对齐计算过程可以大大加快。最后,我们提出了一种新的算法,用于计算具有许多对数轨迹的模型上的路线,与基于最新的基于A *的求解方法相比,这种算法要快一个数量级(最大程度地提高同步移动)模型上的预处理步骤。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-98648-7_14]

[204] Measuring the precision of multi-perspective process models (2016)

(Mannhardt, Felix and de Leoni, Massimiliano and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process models need to reflect the real behavior of an organizations processes to be beneficial for several use cases, such as process analysis, process documentation and process improvement. One quality criterion for a process model is that they should precise and not express more behavior than what is observed in logging data. Existing precision measures for process models purely focus on the control-flow dimension of a process model, thereby ignoring other perspectives, such as the data objects manipulated by the process, the resources executing process activities, and time-related aspects (e.g., activity deadlines). Focusing on the control-flow only, the results may be misleading. This paper extends existing precision measures to incorporate the other perspectives and, through an evaluation with a real-life process and corresponding logging data, demonstrates how the new measure matches our intuitive understanding of precision.

摘要: 流程模型需要反映组织流程的真实行为,以有益于多个用例,例如流程分析,流程文档和流程改进。流程模型的一个质量标准是:它们应该精确而不是表现出更多行为流程模型的现有精确度量仅关注流程模型的控制流维度,从而忽略了其他视角,例如流程所操纵的数据对象,执行流程活动的资源以及时间等相关方面(例如活动期限),仅关注控制流,结果可能会产生误导,本文将现有的精确度量扩展到其他观点,并通过对真实过程和相应日志数据的评估,演示了新度量如何与我们对精度的直观理解相匹配。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-42887-1_10]

[205] Mediating between modeled and observed behavior: The quest for the right process: Keynote (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Operational processes leave trails in the information systems supporting them. Such event data are the starting point for process mining - an emerging scientific discipline relating modeled and observed behavior. Whereas an event log describes example behavior of the underlying process, a process model aims to describe an abstraction of the same process. Models may be descriptive or normative. Descriptive models aim to describe the underlying process and are used for discussion, performance analysis, obtaining insights, and prediction. Normative models describe the desired behavior and are used for workflow management, system configuration, auditing, compliance management, and conformance checking. Differences between modeled and observed behavior may point to undesirable deviations or inadequate models. In this paper, we discuss challenges related to finding the right process, i.e., the process model that describes the real underlying process or a process that behaves as desired. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

摘要: 操作流程在支持它们的信息系统中留下了痕迹。此类事件数据是流程挖掘的起点-一种与建模和观察到的行为有关的新兴科学学科。而事件日志描述了基础流程的示例行为,而流程模型旨在描述同一过程的抽象模型可以是描述性的或规范性的;描述性模型旨在描述基础过程,用于讨论,绩效分析,获得见解和预测;规范性模型描述所需的行为并用于工作流管理,系统配置,审核,合规性管理和一致性检查。建模行为与观察到的行为之间的差异可能表明存在不希望的偏差或模型不足。在本文中,我们讨论了与寻找正确流程(即流程模型)相关的挑战描述真实的基础流程或行为符合要求的流程。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577675]

[206] Merging alignments for decomposed replay (2016)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: In the area of process mining, conformance checking aims to find an optimal alignment between an event log (which captures the activities that actually have happened) and a Petri net (which describes expected or normative behavior). Optimal alignments highlight discrepancies between observed and modeled behavior. To find an optimal alignment, a potentially challenging optimization problem needs to be solved based on a predefined cost function for misalignments. Unfortunately, this may be very time consuming for larger logs and models and often intractable. A solution is to decompose the problem of finding an optimal alignment in many smaller problems that are easier to solve. Decomposition can be used to detect conformance problems in less time and provides a lower bound for the costs of an optimal alignment. Although the existing approach is able to decide whether a trace fits or not, it does not provide an overall alignment. In this paper, we provide an algorithm that is able to provide such an optimal alignment from the decomposed alignments if this is possible. Otherwise, the algorithm produces a so-called pseudo-alignment that can still be used to pinpoint non-conforming parts of log and model. The approach has been implemented in ProM and tested on various real-life event logs.

摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,一致性检查旨在在事件日志(捕获实际发生的活动)和Petri网(描述预期或规范行为)之间找到最佳对齐方式。最佳比对突出了观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。为了找到最佳对准,需要基于用于对准的预定义成本函数来解决潜在的挑战性优化问题。不幸的是,这对于较大的日志和模型可能非常耗时,并且通常很棘手。一种解决方案是分解在更易于解决的许多较小问题中寻找最佳对准的问题。分解可用于在更短的时间内检测到一致性问题,并为最佳对齐方式的成本提供了一个下限。尽管现有方法能够确定迹线是否适合,但它不能提供整体对齐方式。在本文中,我们提供了一种算法,如果可能的话,该算法能够从分解的比对中提供最佳的比对。否则,该算法将产生所谓的伪比对,该伪比对仍可用于查明日志和模型的不合格部分。该方法已在ProM中实施,并已在各种现实事件日志中进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-39086-4_14]

[207] Mining Local Process Models with Constraints Efficiently: Applications to the Analysis of Smart Home Data (2018)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Sequential pattern mining and temporal association rule mining techniques are established techniques to mine insights into the data collected by smart home environments and ambient living systems. Local process models are a recent technique that uses constructs from the field of business process modeling to represent frequent patterns that go beyond sequential patterns and can additionally express rich ordering relations that include concurrent execution, choices, and repetition. To gain insight into the behavior within smart home environments using local process models, it is vital to focus on patterns where the activities that are described by the pattern are truly related. We show on real-life smart home data that existing techniques for mining local process models fail to do so, and address this problem by proposing novel techniques for constraint-based local process model mining, focusing on event gap constraints and time gap constraints. We observe that in order to get an accurate support count of a local process model, it is sufficient to only consider specific parts of the datasets instead of the full dataset, which allows to speed up the counting of the support of a pattern. We provide a novel algorithm to extract those relevant parts of the data for support counting. We evaluate our approach on a collection of real-life smart home data sets. We show that more insightful local process models can be mined when applying such constraints, and show the novel algorithm allows to mine them efficiently.

摘要: 顺序模式挖掘和时间关联规则挖掘技术是已建立的技术,用于挖掘对智能家居环境和周围生活系统收集的数据的见解。本地流程模型是一种最新技术,它使用业务流程建模领域的构造来表示超出顺序模式的频繁模式,并且还可以表达丰富的排序关系,包括并发执行,选择和重复。要使用本地流程模型深入了解智能家居环境中的行为,至关重要的是,应专注于模式所描述的活动与之真正相关的模式。我们在现实生活中的智能家居数据上显示,现有的用于挖掘本地过程模型的技术无法做到这一点,并通过提出基于约束的本地过程模型挖掘的新技术(着眼于事件差距约束和时间差距约束)提出了解决此问题的方法。我们观察到,为了获得本地流程模型的准确支持计数,仅考虑数据集的特定部分而不是整个数据集就足够了,这可以加快对模式支持的计数。我们提供了一种新颖的算法来提取数据的那些相关部分以进行支持计数。我们根据一组现实生活中的智能家居数据集评估我们的方法。我们显示出,当应用此类约束时,可以挖掘出更具洞察力的本地流程模型,并显示出新颖的算法可以有效地挖掘它们。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IE.2018.00016]

[208] Mining Social Networks: Uncovering Interaction Patterns in Business Processes (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Increasingly information systems log historic information in a systematic way. Workflow management systems, but also ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems often provide a so-called event log, i.e a log recording the execution of activities. Unfortunately, the information in these event logs is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs. This paper focuses on the mining social networks. This is possible because event logs typically record information about the users executing the activities recorded in the log. To do this we combine concepts from workflow management and social network analysis. This paper introduces the approach, defines metrics, and presents a tool to mine social networks from event logs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: 信息系统越来越多地以系统的方式记录历史信息。工作流管理系统以及ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统通常提供所谓的事件日志,即记录活动执行的日志。不幸的是,这些事件日志中的信息很少用于分析基础过程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一状况。本文着重于挖掘社交网络。这是可能的,因为事件日志通常会记录有关执行日志中记录的活动的用户的信息。为此,我们结合了工作流管理和社交网络分析的概念。本文介绍了该方法,定义了指标并提供了一种从事件日志中挖掘社交网络的工具。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-25970-1_16]

[209] Mining configurable process models from collections of event logs (2013)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Existing process mining techniques are able to discover a specific process model for a given event log. In this paper, we aim to discover a configurable process model from a collection of event logs, i.e., the model should describe a family of process variants rather than one specific process. Consider for example the handling of building permits in different municipalities. Instead of discovering a process model per municipality, we want to discover one configurable process model showing commonalities and differences among the different variants. Although there are various techniques that merge individual process models into a configurable process model, there are no techniques that construct a configurable process model based on a collection of event logs. By extending our ETM genetic algorithm, we propose and compare four novel approaches to learn configurable process models from collections of event logs. We evaluate these four approaches using both a running example and a collection of real event logs. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 现有的流程挖掘技术能够发现给定事件日志的特定流程模型。在本文中,我们旨在从事件日志的集合中发现可配置的流程模型,即该模型应描述一系列流程变体而不是一个特定的流程。考虑例如在不同城市中处理建筑许可证。与其发现每个市政当局的过程模型,不如发现一个可配置的过程模型,该模型显示不同变量之间的共性和差异。尽管有各种各样的技术可以将各个流程模型合并为可配置的流程模型,但尚无基于事件日志的集合构造可配置的流程模型的技术。通过扩展我们的ETM遗传算法,我们提出并比较了四种新颖的方法来从事件日志的集合中学习可配置的过程模型。我们使用正在运行的示例和真实事件日志的集合来评估这四种方法。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40176-3_5]

[210] Mining context-dependent and interactive business process maps using execution patterns (2011)

(Li, Jiafei and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial knowledge and interesting insights from event logs. Process models can be seen as the maps describing the operational processes of organizations. Unfortunately, traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with less-structured processes. Furthermore, existing discovery algorithms do not consider the analysts context of analysis. As a result, the current models (i.e., maps) are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. To address this problem, we propose a two-phase approach based on common execution patterns. First, the user selects relevant and context-dependent patterns. These patterns are used to obtain an event log at a higher abstraction level. Subsequently, the transformed log is used to create a hierarchical process map. The approach has been implemented in the context of ProM. Using a real-life log of a housing agency we demonstrate that we can use this approach to create maps that (i) depict desired traits, (ii) eliminate irrelevant details, (iii) reduce complexity, and (iv) improve comprehensibility. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术试图从事件日志中提取非平凡的知识和有趣的见解。流程模型可以看作是描述组织运营流程的地图。不幸的是,传统的流程​​发现算法在处理结构较少的流程时会遇到问题。此外,现有发现算法不考虑分析师的分析环境。结果,当前模型(即地图)难以理解甚至误导。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于通用执行模式的两阶段方法。首先,用户选择相关且取决于上下文的模式。这些模式用于获得更高抽象级别的事件日志。随后,将转换后的日志用于创建分层过程图。该方法已在ProM中实施。使用住房中介机构的真实日志,我们证明了我们可以使用此方法来创建地图,以(i)描绘所需的特征,(ii)消除无关的细节,(iii)降低复杂性,并且(iv)增强可理解性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_10]

[211] Mining declarative models using time intervals (2013)

(Van Der Werf | )

Abstract: A common problem in process mining is the interpretation of the time stamp of events, e.g., whether it represents the moment of recording, or its occurrence. Often, this interpretation is left implicit. In this paper, we make this interpretation explicit using time intervals: an event occurs somewhere during a time window. The time window may be fine, e.g., a single point in time, or coarse, like a day. As each event is related to an activity within some process, we obtain for each activity a set of intervals in which the activity occurred. Based on these sets of intervals, we define ordering and simultaneousness relations. These relations form the basis of the discovery of a declarative process model describing the behavior in the event log.

摘要: 过程挖掘中的一个常见问题是事件时间戳的解释,例如,它代表记录的时刻还是事件的发生。通常,这种解释是隐含的。在本文中,我们使用时间间隔使这种解释变得明确:事件在时间窗口内某处发生。时间窗可以是精细的,例如单个时间点,也可以是粗略的,例如一天。由于每个事件都与某个流程中的活动相关,因此我们为每个活动获得了一组发生活动的时间间隔。基于这些间隔集,我们定义顺序和同时性关系。这些关系构成了发现描述事件日志中行为的声明性过程模型的基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[212] Mining hybrid business process models: A quest for better precision (2018)

(Schunselaar, Dennis M.M. and Slaats, Tijs and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In this paper, we present a technique for the discovery of hybrid process models that combine imperative and declarative constructs. In particular, we first employ the popular Inductive Miner to generate a fully imperative model from a log. Like most imperative miners, the Inductive Miner tends to return so-called flower models for the less structured parts of the process. These parts are often imprecise. To counter these imprecise parts, we replace them with declarative models to increase the precision since declarative models are good at specifying which behavior is disallowed. The approach has been implemented in ProM and tested on several synthetic and real-life event logs. Our experiments show that hybrid models can be found to be more precise without overfitting the data.

摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种发现技术,该技术发现了将命令式和声明式构造相结合的混合过程模型。特别是,我们首先使用流行的归纳矿机从日志中生成完全命令式模型。像大多数命令式矿工一样,感应式矿工往往会为过程中结构较少的部分返回所谓的花朵模型。这些部分通常不精确。为了应对这些不精确的部分,我们使用声明性模型替换它们以提高精度,因为声明性模型擅长指定不允许哪种行为。该方法已在ProM中实现,并已在多个合成事件和现实事件日志中进行了测试。我们的实验表明,在不过度拟合数据的情况下,可以发现混合模型更为精确。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-93931-5_14]

[213] Mining inter-organizational business process models from EDI messages: A case study from the automotive sector (2012)

(Engel, Robert and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Traditional standards for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), such as EDIFACT and ANSI X12, have been employed in Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce for decades. Due to their wide industry coverage and long-standing establishment, they will presumably continue to play an important role for some time. EDI systems are typically not process-aware, i.e., messages are standardized but processes simply emerge. However, to improve performance and to enhance the control, it is important to understand and analyze the real processes supported by these systems. In the case study presented in this paper we uncover the inter-organizational business processes of an automotive supplier company by analyzing the EDIFACT messages that it receives from its business partners. We start by transforming a set of observed messages to an event log, which requires that the individual messages are correlated to process instances. Thereby, we make use of the specific structure of EDIFACT messages. Then we apply process mining techniques to uncover the inter-organizational business processes. Our results show that inter-organizational business process models can be derived by analyzing EDI messages that are exchanged in a network of organizations. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 电子数据交换(EDI)的传统标准,例如EDIFACT和ANSI X12,已经在企业对企业(B2B)电子商务中使用了数十年。由于其广泛的行业覆盖范围和悠久的历史,它们可能会在一段时间内继续发挥重要作用。 EDI系统通常不具备流程意识,即消息是标准化的,而流程只是出现而已。但是,为了提高性能并增强控制,了解和分析这些系统支持的实际过程非常重要。在本文提出的案例研究中,我们通过分析汽车供应商公司从其业务合作伙伴那里收到的EDIFACT消息来揭示其组织间业务流程。我们首先将一组观察到的消息转换为事件日志,这要求将各个消息与流程实例相关联。因此,我们利用了EDIFACT消息的特定结构。然后,我们应用流程挖掘技术来发现组织间的业务流程。我们的结果表明,可以通过分析在组织网络中交换的EDI消息来得出组织间业务流程模型。 t​​extcopyright 2012年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31095-9_15]

[214] Mining reference process models and their configurations (2008)

(Gottschalk, Florian and van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Reference process models are templates for common processes run by many corporations. However, the individual needs among organizations on the execution of these processes usually vary. A process model can address these variations through control-flow choices. Thus, it can integrate the different process variants into one model. Through configuration parameters, a configurable reference models enables corporations to derive their individual process variant from such an integrated model. While this simplifies the adaptation process for the reference model user, the construction of a configurable model integrating several process variants is far more complex than the creation of a traditional reference model depicting a single best-practice variant. In this paper we therefore recommend the use of process mining techniques on log files of existing, wellrunning IT systems to help the reference model provider in creating such integrated processmodels. Afterwards, the same log files are used to derive suggestions for common configurations that can serve as starting points for individual configurations.

摘要: 参考流程模型是许多公司运行的通用流程的模板。但是,组织之间在执行这些流程时的个人需求通常会有所不同。流程模型可以通过控制流选择解决这些变化。因此,它可以将不同的过程变量集成到一个模型中。通过配置参数,可配置的参考模型使公司能够从这种集成模型中得出各自的过程变量。尽管这简化了参考模型用户的适应过程,但集成多个过程变量的可配置模型的构建要比创建描述单个最佳实践变量的传统参考模型复杂得多。因此,在本文中,我们建议在现有的,运行良好的IT系统的日志文件上使用过程挖掘技术,以帮助参考模型提供者创建此类集成过程模型。之后,使用相同的日志文件来导出有关通用配置的建议,这些建议可以用作各个配置的起点。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_47]

[215] Mining uncertain event data in process mining (2019)

(Pegoraro, Marco and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Nowadays, more and more process data are automatically recorded by information systems, and made available in the form of event logs. Process mining techniques enable process-centric analysis of data, including automatically discovering process models and checking if event data conform to a certain model. In this paper we analyze the previously unexplored setting of uncertain event logs: logs where quantified uncertainty is recorded together with the corresponding data. We define a taxonomy of uncertain event logs and models, and we examine the challenges that uncertainty poses on process discovery and conformance checking. Finally, we show how upper and lower bounds for conformance can be obtained aligning an uncertain trace onto a regular process model.

摘要: 如今,越来越多的过程数据由信息系统自动记录,并以事件日志的形式提供。流程挖掘技术实现了以流程为中心的数据分析,包括自动发现流程模型并检查事件数据是否符合某个模型。在本文中,我们分析了不确定事件日志的先前未探索的设置:将量化不确定性与相应数据一起记录的日志。我们定义了不确定事件日志和模型的分类法,并研究了不确定性对过程发现和一致性检查提出的挑战。最后,我们展示了如何将不确定的迹线对准常规过程模型来获得一致性的上限和下限。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICPM.2019.00023]

[216] Model-Driven Process Configuration of Enterprise Systems (2005)

(Dreiling, Alexander and Rosemann, Michael and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. and Sadiq, Wasim and Khan, Sana | )

Abstract: Abstract: The configuration of comprehensive enterprise systems to meet the specific requirements of an organisation up to today is consuming significant resources. The results of failing or delayed enterprise system implementation projects are severe and may even threaten the organisations existence. One of the main drivers for implementing comprehensive enterprise systems is to streamline business processes. However, an intuitive conceptual support for business process configuration is insufficiently addressed by enterprise system vendors and inadequately researched in academia. This paper presents a model-driven approach to target this problem and proposes several configuration patterns that describe generic patterns of configuration alternatives, in order to understand what situations can occur during business process configuration. Based on these configuration patterns, a configuration notation is introduced that allows for visually highlighting configuration alternatives. Finally, we will sketch how configurable Event Driven Process Chains and the configuration of business processes can be supported using relational databases.

摘要: 摘要:迄今为止,为了满足组织的特定要求而配置的全面企业系统正在消耗大量资源。失败或延迟的企业系统实施项目的结果是严峻的,甚至可能威胁到组织的生存。主要原因之一实施全面的企业系统的驱动力是简化业务流程,但是,企业系统供应商未充分解决对业务流程配置的直观概念支持,学术界对此研究不足,本文提出了一种针对此问题的模型驱动方法,并提出了一些建议。为了描述业务流程配置期间可能发生的情况,描述了配置备选方案的通用模式的配置模式,基于这些配置模式,引入了一种配置符号,可以直观地突出显示配置备选方案。首先,我们将概述如何使用关系数据库支持可配置的事件驱动流程链和业务流程的配置。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-7908-1624-8_36]

[217] Model-driven enterprise systems configuration (2006)

(Recker, Jan and Mendling, Jan and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Enterprise Systems potentially lead to significant efficiency gains but require a well-conducted configuration process. A promising idea to manage and simplify the configuration process is based on the premise of using reference models for this task. Our paper continues along this idea and delivers a two-fold contribution: first, we present a generic process for the task of model-driven Enterprise Systems configuration including the steps of (a) Specification of configurable reference models, (b) Configuration of configurable reference models, © Transformation of configured reference models to regular build time models, (d) Deployment of the generated build time models, (e) Controlling of implementation models to provide input to the configuration, and (f) Consolidation of implementation models to provide input to reference model specification. We discuss inputs and outputs as well as the involvement of different roles and validation mechanisms. Second, we present an instantiation case of this generic process for Enterprise Systems configuration based on Configurable EPCs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 企业系统可能会带来显着的效率提高,但需要一个进行良好的配置过程。管理和简化配置过程的一个有前途的想法是基于为此任务使用参考模型的前提。我们的论文沿着这一思想继续发展,并做出了两方面的贡献:首先,我们提出了一个模型驱动的企业系统配置任务的通用流程,包括以下步骤:(a)指定可配置参考模型,(b)配置可配置参考模型。参考模型,(c)将配置的参考模型转换为常规的构建时间模型,(d)部署生成的构建时间模型,(e)控制实现模型以为配置提供输入,以及(f)合并实现模型提供参考模型规范的输入。我们讨论输入和输出以及不同角色和验证机制的参与。其次,我们介绍了基于可配置EPC的企业系统配置的通用过程的实例。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11767138_25]

[218] Modeling and Reasoning over Declarative Data-Aware Processes with Object-Centric Behavioral Constraints (2019)

(Artale, Alessandro and Kovtunova, Alisa and Montali, Marco and vanxa0der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Existing process modeling notations ranging from Petri nets to BPMN have difficulties capturing the data manipulated by processes. Process models often focus on the control flow, lacking an explicit, conceptually well-founded integration with real data models, such as ER diagrams or UML class diagrams. To overcome this limitation, Object-Centric Behavioral Constraints (OCBC) models were recently proposed as a new notation that combines full-fledged data models with control-flow constraints inspired by declarative process modeling notations such as DECLARE and DCR Graphs. We propose a formalization of the OCBC model using temporal description logics. The obtained formalization allows us to lift all reasoning services defined for constraint-based process modeling notations without data, to the much more sophisticated scenario of OCBC. Furthermore, we show how reasoning over OCBC models can be reformulated into decidable, standard reasoning tasks over the corresponding temporal description logic knowledge base.

摘要: 从Petri网到BPMN的现有流程建模符号都难以捕获流程处理的数据。流程模型通常专注于控制流,缺乏与实际数据模型(例如ER图或UML类图)的明确的,概念上有根据的集成。为了克服此限制,最近提出了以对象为中心的行为约束(OCBC)模型作为新符号,该模型将成熟的数据模型与控制流约束结合在一起,这些数据流受到声明性过程建模符号(例如DECLARE和DCR Graphs)的启发。我们建议使用时间描述逻辑对OCBC模型进行形式化。获得的形式化使我们能够将为没有数据的基于约束的流程建模符号定义的所有推理服务提升到OCBC更为复杂的场景。此外,我们展示了如何在相应的时间描述逻辑知识库上将基于OCBC模型的推理重构为可判定的标准推理任务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-26619-6_11]

[219] Modeling and analyzing interorganizational work flows (1998)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Work flow management systems are a key technol-ogy for improving the effectivity and efficiency of businesses processes within one organization. To-days work flow management systems focus on processes which are circumscribed by the bounds of an organiza- tion. However, most work flows cross organizational boundaries. Work flows may interact with individual customers, suppliers, subcontractors, and governmen- tal departments. Moreover, phenomena such as elec- tronic commerce, extended enterprises and the Inter- net stimulate the cooperation between organizations. Therefore, it is interesting to consider work flows dis-tributed over a number of organizations. Interorgani- zational work flow offers companies the opportunity to re-shape business processes beyond the boundaries of individual organizations. In this paper, we model in- terorganizational work flows in terms of Petri nets and focus on techniques to verify the correctness of these work flows.

摘要: 工作流程管理系统是提高一个组织内业务流程的有效性和效率的关键技术。当今的工作流程管理系统专注于组织边界所限制的过程。但是,大多数工作流程都跨越组织边界。工作流程可能与单个客户,供应商,分包商和政府部门进行交互。此外,电子商务,扩展企业和互联网等现象刺激了组织之间的合作。因此,考虑在多个组织中分配的工作流程很有趣。组织间的工作流程为公司提供了超越单个组织的范围来重塑业务流程的机会。在本文中,我们根据Petri网对组织内的工作流程进行建模,并着重于验证这些工作流程的正确性的技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSD.1998.657557]

[220] Modeling and discovering cancelation behavior (2017)

(Leemans, Maikel and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: This paper presents a novel extension to the process tree model to support cancelation behavior, and proposes a novel process discovery technique to discover sound, fitting models with cancelation features. The proposed discovery technique relies on a generic error oracle function, and allows us to discover complex combinations of multiple, possibly nested cancelation regions based on observed behavior. An implementation of the proposed approach is available as a ProM plugin. Experimental results based on real-life event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach.

摘要: 本文提出了一种新的过程树模型扩展,以支持取消行为,并提出了一种新颖的过程发现技术,以发现具有取消特征的声音拟合模型。所提出的发现技术依赖于通用错误预言函数,并允许我们根据观察到的行为来发现多个可能嵌套的取消区域的复杂组合。所建议方法的实现可作为ProM插件使用。基于真实事件日志的实验结果证明了该方法的可行性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-69462-7_8]

[221] Modern business process automation: YAWL and its support environment (2010)

(Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: Topics covered include: .The fundamentals of business process modeling, including workflow patterns; .An in-depth treatment of process flexibility, including approaches to dealing with on-the-fly changes, unexpected exceptions, and constraint-based processes; .Technological aspects of a modern BPM environment, including its architecture, process design environment, process engine, resource handler and other support services; .A comparative insight into current approaches to business process modeling and execution such as BPMN, EPCs, BPEL, jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark; .Process mining, verification, integration and configuration; and .Case studies in health care and screen business. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the field of Business Process Management (BPM) with a focus on Business Process Automation. It achieves this by covering a wide range of topics, both introductory and advanced, illustrated through and grounded in the YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) language and corresponding open-source support environment. In doing so it provides the reader with a deep, timeless, and vendor-independent understanding of the essential ingredients of business process automation. The BPM field is in a continual state of flux and is subject to both the ongoing proposal of new standards and the introduction of new tools and technology. Its fundamentals however are relatively stable and this book aims to equip the reader with both a thorough understanding of them and the ability to apply them to better understand, assess and utilize new developments in the BPM field. As a consequence of its topic-based format and the inclusion of a broad range of exercises, the book is eminently suitable for use in tertiary education, both at the undergraduate and the postgraduate level, for students of computer science and information systems. BPM researchers and practitioners will also find it a valuable resource. The book serves as a unique reference to a varied and comprehensive collection of topics that are relevant to the business process life-cycle. .

摘要: 涉及的主题包括:业务流程建模的基础知识,包括工作流模式;对流程灵活性的深入处理,包括处理动态变化,意外异常和基于约束的流程的方法;现代BPM环境的技术方面,包括其体系结构,流程设计环境,流程引擎,资源处理程序和其他支持服务;对当前业务流程建模和执行方法(例如BPMN,EPC,BPEL,jBPM,OpenWFE和Enhydra Shark)的比较见解;流程挖掘,验证,集成和配置;以及保健和筛查业务方面的案例研究。本书以业务流程自动化为重点,全面介绍了业务流程管理(BPM)领域。它通过涵盖并介绍了以YAWL(又一种工作流语言)语言和相应的开源支持环境为基础的广泛主题,包括入门和高级主题,从而实现了这一目标。这样,它为读者提供了对业务流程自动化的基本要素的深刻,永恒且独立于供应商的理解。 BPM领域处于不断变化的状态,并且受不断提出的新标准和新工具和技术的采用的影响。但是它的基础是相对稳定的,本书旨在使读者对它们有透彻的了解,并能够运用它们来更好地理解,评估和利用BPM领域的新发展。由于采用了基于主题的格式,并且包含了广泛的练习,因此该书非常适合计算机科学和信息系统的学生在本科和研究生级别的高等教育中使用。 BPM研究人员和从业人员还将发现它是宝贵的资源。本书是与业务流程生命周期相关的各种主题的唯一参考。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03121-2]

[222] Monitoring business constraints with linear temporal logic: An approach based on colored automata (2011)

(Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Westergaard, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Todays information systems record real-time information about business processes. This enables the monitoring of business constraints at runtime. In this paper, we present a novel runtime verification framework based on linear temporal logic and colored automata. The framework continuously verifies compliance with respect to a predefined constraint model. Our approach is able to provide meaningful diagnostics even after a constraint is violated. This is important as in reality people and organizations will deviate and in many situations it is not desirable or even impossible to circumvent constraint violations. As demonstrated in this paper, there are several approaches to recover after the first constraint violation. Traditional approaches that simply check constraints are unable to recover after the first violation and still foresee (inevitable) future violations. The framework has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM.

摘要: 今天的信息系统记录有关业务流程的实时信息。这使得可以在运行时监视业务约束。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于线性时间逻辑和有色自动机的新颖的运行时验证框架。该框架不断验证与相对于预定义的约束模型,即使在违反约束条件后,我们的方法也能够提供有意义的诊断,这一点非常重要,因为在现实中,人和组织将有所偏离,并且在许多情况下,甚至不希望甚至不可能避免违反约束条件。本文证明,有几种方法可以在第一次违反约束之后进行恢复,传统的仅检查约束的方法在第一次违反之后无法恢复,并且仍然可以预见(不可避免)将来的违规,该框架已在流程挖掘工具中实现ProM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23059-2_13]

[223] Multi-instance Mining: Discovering Synchronisation in Artifact-Centric Processes (2019)

(van Eck, Maikel L. and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In complex systems one can often identify various entities or artifacts. The lifecycles of these artifacts and the loosely coupled interactions between them define the system behavior. The analysis of such artifact system behavior with traditional process discovery techniques is often problematic due to the existence of many-to-many relationships between artifacts, resulting in models that are difficult to understand and statistics that are inaccurate. The aim of this work is to address these issues and enable the calculation of statistics regarding the synchronisation of behaviour between artifact instances. By using a Petri net formalisation with step sequence execution semantics to support true concurrency, we create state-based artifact lifecycle models that support many-to-many relations between artifacts. The approach has been implemented as an interactive visualisation in ProM and evaluated using real-life public data.

摘要: 在复杂的系统中,通常可以识别各种实体或工件。 这些工件的生命周期以及它们之间的松散耦合相互作用定义了系统行为。 由于工件之间存在多对多的关系,因此使用传统的过程发现技术对此类工件系统行为进行分析通常会出现问题,从而导致难以理解的模型和不准确的统计信息。 这项工作的目的是解决这些问题,并使有关工件实例之间行为同步的统计信息的计算成为可能。 通过使用具有步骤序列执行语义的Petri网形式化来支持真正的并发,我们创建了基于状态的工件生命周期模型,该模型支持工件之间的多对多关系。 该方法已在ProM中实现为交互式可视化,并使用实际的公共数据进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-11641-5_2]

[224] Multi-phase process mining: Building instance graphs (2004)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Deploying process-driven information systems is a time-consuming and error-prone task. Process mining attempts to improve this by automatically generating a process model from event-based data. Existing techniques try to generate a complete process model from the data acquired. However, unless this model is the ultimate goal of mining, such a model is not always required. Instead, a good visualization of each individual process instance can be enough. From these individual instances, an overall model can then be generated if required. In this paper, we present an approach which constructs an instance graph for each individual process instance, based on information in the entire data set. The results are represented in terms of Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs). This representation is used to connect our process mining to a widely used commercial tool for the visualization and analysis of instance EPCs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: 部署流程驱动的信息系统是一项耗时且容易出错的任务。流程挖掘试图通过从基于事件的数据中自动生成流程模型来改善此情况。现有技术试图从所获取的数据生成完整的过程模型。但是,除非此模型是采矿的最终目标,否则并非总是需要这样的模型。相反,对每个单独的流程实例进行良好的可视化就足够了。如果需要,可以从这些单独的实例中生成整体模型。在本文中,我们提出一种基于整个数据集中的信息为每个单独的流程实例构造一个实例图的方法。结果以事件驱动的流程链(EPC)表示。该表示用于将我们的过程挖掘与广泛使用的商业工具相连接,以可视化和分析实例EPC。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-30464-7_29]

[225] My own process: Providing dedicated views on EPCs (2005)

(Gottschalk, Florian and Rosemann, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The idea of Business Process Management demands that companies change their focus from optimising tasks to focusing on whole business processes optimising the overall value chain. However process models depicting such complex processes are perceived as complicated and therefore as hard to use. The critical task is to present only relevant model parts to users and at the same time enable them to locate their contribution within the entire value chain. This paper discusses an approach for tailoring Event-driven Process Chains to those parts that are relevant to selected organisational units. The approach uses the allocation of organisational units to functions as a selection criteria for relevant model parts. A distinction between concurrent and alternative collaboration and the implementation of a corresponding notation within the EPC notation enable the introduction of additional process interfaces, a standard feature of Event-driven Process Chains, into the tailored models. The process interfaces ensure the visibility of the connected business process. Therefore the approach helps to resolve the depicted conflict.

摘要: 业务流程管理的想法要求公司将重点从优化任务转变为专注于优化整个价值链的整个业务流程。然而,描述这种复杂过程的过程模型被认为是复杂的,因此难以使用。关键任务是仅向用户展示相关的模型部分,同时使他们能够在整个价值链中定位其贡献。本文讨论了一种方法,用于将事件驱动的流程链定制为与所选组织单位相关的那些部分。该方法使用组织单位的分配作为相关模型零件的选择标准。在并发协作和替代协作之间以及在EPC表示法中相应表示法的实现之间的区别允许将附加的流程接口(事件驱动流程链的标准功能)引入定制模型中。流程界面可确保所连接业务流程的可见性。因此,该方法有助于解决所描述的冲突。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[226] Object-Centric Process Mining: Dealing with Divergence and Convergence in Event Data (2019)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques use event data to answer a variety of process-related questions. Process discovery, conformance checking, model enhancement, and operational support are used to improve performance and compliance. Process mining starts from recorded events that are characterized by a case identifier, an activity name, a timestamp, and optional attributes like resource or costs. In many applications, there are multiple candidate identifiers leading to different views on the same process. Moreover, one event may be related to different cases (convergence) and, for a given case, there may be multiple instances of the same activity within a case (divergence). To create a traditional process model, the event data need to be flattened. There are typically multiple choices possible, leading to different views that are disconnected. Therefore, one quickly loses the overview and event data need to be exacted multiple times (for the different views). Different approaches have been proposed to tackle the problem. This paper discusses the gap between real event data and the event logs required by traditional process mining techniques. The main purpose is to create awareness and to provide ways to characterize event data. A specific logging format is proposed where events can be related to objects of different types. Moreover, basic notations and a baseline discovery approach are presented to facilitate discussion and understanding.

摘要: 流程挖掘技术使用事件数据来回答各种与流程相关的问题。流程发现,一致性检查,模型增强和操作支持用于提高性能和一致性。流程挖掘从记录的事件开始,这些事件的特征是案例标识,活动名称,时间戳和可选属性(例如资源或成本)。在许多应用中,存在多个候选标识符,导致对同一进程的不同看法。此外,一个事件可能与不同的案例(趋同)有关,并且对于给定的案例,一个案例内可能存在同一活动的多个实例(趋异)。要创建传统的流程模型,需要将事件数据弄平。通常有多种选择,导致不同的视图断开连接。因此,很快就会丢失概览,并且需要对事件数据进行多次校正(针对不同的视图)。已经提出了解决该问题的不同方法。本文讨论了真实事件数据与传统流程挖掘技术所需的事件日志之间的差距。主要目的是建立意识并提供表征事件数据的方法。提出了一种特定的日志记录格式,其中事件可以与不同类型的对象相关。此外,提出了基本符号和基线发现方法以促进讨论和理解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-30446-1_1]

[227] Object-centric behavioral constraint models: A hybrid model for behavioral and data perspectives (2019)

(Li, Guangming and De Carvalho | )

Abstract: In order to maintain a competitive edge, enterprises are driven to improve efficiency by modeling their business processes. Existing process modeling languages often only describe the lifecycles of individual process instances in isolation. Although process models (e.g., BPMN and Data-aware Petri nets) may include data elements, explicit connections to real data models (e.g., a UML class model) are rarely made. Therefore, the Object-Centric Behavioral Constraint (OCBC) modeling language was proposed to describe the behavioral and data perspectives, and the interplay between them in one single, hybrid diagram. In this paper, we describe OCBC models and introduce the extended interactions between the data and behavioral perspectives on the attribute level. We implement the approach in a plugin and evaluate it by a comparison with other models.

摘要: 为了保持竞争优势,促使企业通过对业务流程进行建模来提高效率。现有的流程建模语言通常仅单独描述各个流程实例的生命周期。尽管过程模型(例如BPMN和数据感知Petri网)可能包含数据元素,但很少建立与真实数据模型(例如UML类模型)的显式连接。因此,提出了以对象为中心的行为约束(OCBC)建模语言来描述行为和数据观点,以及它们在单个混合图中的相互作用。在本文中,我们描述了OCBC模型,并在属性级别上介绍了数据和行为视角之间的扩展交互。我们在插件中实现了该方法,并通过与其他模型的比较对其进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3297280.3297287]

[228] On a quest for good process models: The cross-connectivity metric (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Mendling, Jan and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business process modeling is an important corporate activity, but the understanding of what constitutes good process models is rather limited. In this paper, we turn to the cognitive dimensions framework and identify the understanding of the structural relationship between any pair of model elements as a hard mental operation. Based on the weakest-link metaphor, we introduce the cross-connectivity metric that measures the strength of the links between process model elements. The definition of this new metric builds on the hypothesis that process models are easier understood and contain less errors if they have a high cross-connectivity. We undertake a thorough empirical evaluation to test this hypothesis and present our findings. The good performance of this novel metric underlines the importance of cognitive research for advancing the field of process model measurement. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 业务流程建模是一项重要的公司活动,但是对于构成良好流程模型的理解却非常有限。在本文中,我们转向认知维度框架,并确定对任何一对模型元素之间的结构关系的理解是一项艰苦的心理操作。基于最弱链接的隐喻,我们引入了交叉连接性度量,该度量用于度量过程模型元素之间的链接的强度。此新指标的定义建立在以下假设基础上:如果流程模型具有较高的交叉连接性,则它们更易于理解,并且包含的​​错误更少。我们进行了全面的经验评估,以检验该假设并提出我们的发现。这种新颖的度量标准的良好性能突显了认知研究对于推进过程模型测量领域的重要性。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-69534-9_36]

[229] On the Correlation between Process Model Metrics and Errors (2007)

(Mendling, Jan and Neumann, Gustaf and Aalst, Wil M P Van Der | )

Abstract: Business process models play an important role for the management, design, and improvement of process organizations and process-aware information systems. Despite the extensive application of process modeling in practice there are hardly empirical results available on quality aspects of process models. This paper aims to advance the understanding of this matter by analyzing the connection between formal errors (such as deadlocks) and a set of metrics that capture various structural and behavioral aspects of a process model. In particular we discuss the hypothetical relationship between errors and metrics, and provide a validation of correlation based on an extensive sample of EPC process models from practice. The strong connection between metrics and errors has considerable consequences for the design of future modeling guidelines and modeling tools.

摘要: 业务流程模型对于流程组织和流程感知信息系统的管理,设计和改进起着重要作用。 尽管过程建模在实践中得到了广泛的应用,但是在过程模型的质量方面几乎没有经验性的结果。 本文旨在通过分析形式错误(例如死锁)和一组捕获过程模型的各种结构和行为方面的度量标准之间的联系来增进对此问题的理解。 特别是,我们讨论了误差和度量之间的假设关系,并基于实践中广泛的EPC过程模型样本提供了相关性验证。 度量标准和错误之间的紧密联系对将来的建模准则和建模工具的设计具有相当大的影响。

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[230] On the Semantics of EPCs: A Framework for Resolving the Vicious Circle (2004)

(Kindler, Ekkart | )

Abstract: One of the most debatable features of Event driven Process Chains (EPCs) is their non-local semantics. Most non-local semantics for EPCs either have a formal flaw or no formal definition is given at all. It can be shown that a single transition relation cannot precisely capture the informal idea of the non-local semantics of EPCs. Therefore, we formalize the non-local semantics of EPCs as a pair of two corresponding transition relations by employing standard techniques from fixed point theory. Actually, there are several choices when formalizing this semantics for EPCs. These choices, however, do not compromise the application of the underlying fixed point theory. Therefore, the mathematics applied in this paper can be considered as a semantical framework for formally defining different kinds of non-local semantics for EPCs. This framework can be used for the discussion and, eventually, for settling the discussion on the semantics of EPCs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: 事件驱动过程链(EPC)最具争议的功能之一是它们的非本地语义。 EPC的大多数非本地语义要么有形式上的缺陷,要么根本没有给出形式上的定义。可以证明,单个过渡关系不能精确地捕获EPC的非本地语义的非正式概念。因此,我们采用定点理论的标准技术,将EPC的非本地语义形式化为两个对应的过渡关系对。实际上,在为EPC规范此语义时,有多种选择。但是,这些选择不会损害基本定点理论的应用。因此,本文中应用的数学可以被视为用于形式化定义EPC的各种非本地语义的语义框架。此框架可用于讨论,并最终用于解决有关EPC语义的讨论。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-25970-1_6]

[231] On the degree of behavioral similarity between business process models (2007)

(Mendlingy, Jan and Van Dongenz | )

Abstract: Quality aspects become increasingly important while business process modeling is used in a large-scale enterprise setting. In order to facilitate a storage without redundancy and an efficient retrieval of relevant process models in model databases it is required to develop a theoretical understanding of how a degree of behavioral similarity can be defined. In this paper we address this challenge in a novel way. We use causal footprints as an abstract representation of the behavior captured by a process model, since they allow us to compare models defined in both formal modeling languages like Petri nets and informal ones like EPCs. Based on the causal footprint derived from two models we calculate their similarity based on the established vector space model from information retrieval. We illustrate this concept with an example from the SAP Reference Model and present a prototypical implementation as a plug-in to the ProM framework.

摘要: 在大型企业环境中使用业务流程建模时,质量方面变得越来越重要。为了便于在模型数据库中进行冗余存储并有效地检索相关过程模型,需要对如何定义行为相似程度有一个理论上的理解。在本文中,我们以新颖的方式应对了这一挑战。我们使用因果足迹作为流程模型捕获的行为的抽象表示,因为它们使我们能够比较用正式建模语言(如Petri网)和非正式模型(如EPC)定义的模型。基于从两个模型得出的因果足迹,我们基于从信息检索中建立的向量空间模型,计算它们的相似度。我们以SAP参考模型中的示例为例说明了这一概念,并提出了作为ProM框架插件的原型实现。

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[232] On the formal generation of process redesigns (2009)

(Netjes, Mariska and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business Process Redesign (BPR) is a process oriented methodology to improve organizations. Although literature on BPR is available in abundance, little concrete support on how to get from as is towards to be is available ?. We propose the use of an evolutionary redesign approach that is based on BPR best practices to fill this gap. The approach is evolutionary in nature, because local updates are made to an existing process. In this paper we focus on one part of the approach: the generation of redesign alternatives. The first step in the generation of an alternative process is the selection of a process part for redesign. This is followed by a process transformation that determines an alternative for this selected part. Finally, the original process part is replaced by the transformed part resulting in the alternative process. Using Petri net analysis techniques the correctness of such a redesign generation is ensured. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 业务流程重新设计(BPR)是一种面向流程的方法,可以改善组织。 尽管有关BPR的文献很多,但几乎没有关于如何从原样获得的具体支持? 我们建议使用基于BPR最佳实践的渐进式重新设计方法来填补这一空白。 该方法本质上是进化的,因为对现有过程进行了本地更新。 在本文中,我们专注于该方法的一部分:重新设计替代方案的产生。 生成替代过程的第一步是选择要重新设计的过程部件。 接下来是过程转换,该转换确定此选定零件的替代方案。 最后,原始过程部分被转换后的部分替换,从而导致了替代过程。 使用Petri网分析技术,可以确保这种重新设计生成的正确性。 textcopyright 2009年施普林格·柏林·海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-00328-8_22]

[233] On the notion of coupling in communication middleware (2005)

(Aldred, Lachlan and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: It is well accepted that different types of distributed architectures require different levels of coupling. For example, in client-server and three-tier architectures the application components are generally tightly coupled between them and with the underlying communication middleware. Meanwhile, in off-line transaction processing, grid computing and mobile application architectures, the degree of coupling between application components and with the underlying middleware needs to be minimised along different dimensions. In the literature, terms such as synchronous, asynchronous, blocking, non-blocking, directed, and non-directed are generally used to refer to the degree of coupling required by a given architecture or provided by a given middleware. However, these terms are used with various connotations by different authors and middleware vendors. And while several informal definitions of these terms have been provided, there is a lack of an overarching framework with a formal grounding upon which software architects can rely to unambiguously communicate architectural requirements with respect to coupling. This paper addresses this gap by: (i) identifying and formally defining three dimensions of coupling; (ii) relating these dimensions to existing communication middleware; and (iii) proposing notational elements for representing coupling configurations. The identified dimensions provide the basis for a classification of middleware which can be used as a selection instrument. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 众所周知,不同类型的分布式体系结构需要不同级别的耦合。例如,在客户端-服务器和三层体系结构中,应用程序组件通常在它们之间以及与底层通信中间件之间紧密耦合。同时,在离线事务处理,网格计算和移动应用程序体系结构中,需要沿着不同的维度最小化应用程序组件之间以及与底层中间件之间的耦合程度。在文献中,诸如同步,异步,阻塞,非阻塞,有向和无向的术语通常用于指代给定体系结构所需或由给定中间件提供的耦合程度。但是,不同的作者和中间件供应商将这些术语用于各种含义。尽管提供了这些术语的一些非正式定义,但缺少一个具有正式基础的总体框架,软件架构师可以依靠该框架来明确传达有关耦合的体系结构要求。本文通过以下方式解决了这一差距:(i)确定并正式定义耦合的三个维度; (ii)将这些维度与现有的通信中间件相关联; (iii)提出表示耦合配置的符号要素。确定的维度为可以用作选择工具的中间件分类提供了基础。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11575801_6]

[234] On the representational bias in process mining (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining serves a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The goal is to extract process related knowledge from event data stored in information systems. One of the most challenging process mining tasks is process discovery, i.e., the automatic construction of process models from raw event logs. Today there are dozens of process discovery techniques generating process models using different notations (Petri nets, EPCs, BPMN, heuristic nets, etc.). This paper focuses on the representational bias used by these techniques. We will show that the choice of target model is very important for the discovery process itself. The representational bias should not be driven by the desired graphical representation but by the characteristics of the underlying processes and process discovery techniques. Therefore, we analyze the role of the representational bias in process mining. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: 流程挖掘在数据挖掘和业务流程建模之间架起了一座桥梁。目的是从信息系统中存储的事件数据中提取与过程相关的知识。流程发现是最具挑战性的流程挖掘任务之一,即从原始事件日志自动构建流程模型。如今,有数十种过程发现技术使用不同的表示法(Petri网络,EPC,BPMN,启发式网络等)生成过程模型。本文重点介绍了这些技术使用的代表性偏差。我们将证明目标模型的选择对于发现过程本身非常重要。表示偏差不应由所需的图形表示驱动,而应由基本过程和过程发现技术的特征驱动。因此,我们分析了代表性偏差在过程挖掘中的作用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2011.64]

[235] On the suitability of BPMN for business process modelling (2006)

(Wohed, P. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In this paper we examine the suitability of the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) for business process modelling, using the Workflow Patterns as an evaluation framework. The Workflow Patterns are a collection of patterns developed for assessing control-flow, data and resource capabilities in the area of Process Aware Information Systems (PAISs). In doing so, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of the capabilities of BPMN, and its strengths and weaknesses when utilised for business process modelling. The analysis provided for BPMN is part of a larger effort aiming at an unbiased and vendor-independent survey of the suitability and the expressive power of some mainstream process modelling languages. It is a sequel to previous work in which languages including BPEL and UML Activity Diagrams were evaluated. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 在本文中,我们使用工作流模式作为评估框架,研究了业务流程建模符号(BPMN)在业务流程建模中的适用性。工作流模式是为评估过程感知信息系统(PAIS)领域中的控制流,数据和资源能力而开发的模式的集合。通过这样做,我们对BPMN的功能及其在用于业务流程建模时的优缺点提供了全面的评估。为BPMN提供的分析是旨在针对某些主流流程建模语言的适用性和表达能力进行无偏且独立于供应商的调查的一项较大工作的一部分。这是先前工作的续集,在先前工作中,对包括BPEL和UML活动图在内的语言进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11841760_12]

[236] On the suitability of UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for business process modelling (2006)

(Russell, Nick and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: UML is posited as the swiss army knife for systems modelling and design activities. It embodies a number of modelling formalisms that have broad applicability in capturing both the static and dynamic aspects of software systems. One area of UML that has received particular attention is that of Activity Diagrams (ADs), which provide a high-level means of modelling dynamic system behaviour. In this paper we examine the suitability of UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for business process modelling, using the Workflow Patterns as an evaluation framework. The Workflow Patterns are a collection of patterns developed for assessing control-flow, data and resource capabilities in the area of Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS). In doing so, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of the capabilities of UML 2.0 ADs, and their strengths and weaknesses when utilised for business process modelling. Copyright textcopyright 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc.

摘要: UML被认为是用于系统建模和设计活动的瑞士军刀。它体现了许多建模形式主义,在捕获软件系统的静态和动态方面均具有广泛的适用性。 UML受到特别关注的一个领域是活动图(AD),它提供了一种对动态系统行为进行建模的高级方法。在本文中,我们使用工作流模式作为评估框架,研究了UML 2.0活动图对业务流程建模的适用性。工作流模式是为评估过程感知信息系统(PAIS)领域中的控制流,数据和资源能力而开发的模式的集合。通过这样做,我们对UML 2.0 AD的功能及其在用于业务流程建模时的优缺点提供了全面的评估。版权 t​​extcopyright 2006,澳大利亚计算机协会有限公司。

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[237] On the syntax of reference model configuration - Transforming the C-EPC into lawful EPC models (2005)

(Recker, Jan and Rosemann, Michael and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Enterprise Systems need to be configured to fit organizational requirements and to provide support for their business operations. Reference models aim at supporting this task but fail in providing adequate conceptual support due to missing configurability of the models themselves. Our research extends the work on a configurable reference modeling approach. In previous research we developed a conceptual notation for configurable reference models. This paper considers a syntactic perspective of reference model configuration. We discuss the lawful environments of configurable nodes and report about syntactic implications of model configuration in these environments. We then apply these findings in the design of an interchange format for configurable reference models and discuss its applicability for the XML-based design of tool support, which ultimately will facilitate the automatic verification and transformation of reference process models to executable workflow specifications. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 企业系统需要进行配置以满足组织的要求并为其业务运营提供支持。参考模型旨在支持此任务,但由于缺少模型本身的可配置性,因此未能提供足够的概念支持。我们的研究扩展了可配置参考建模方法的工作。在先前的研究中,我们为可配置参考模型开发了一种概念标记。本文考虑了参考模型配置的语法观点。我们讨论了可配置节点的合法环境,并报告了在这些环境中模型配置的句法含义。然后,我们将这些发现应用于可配置参考模型的交换格式设计中,并讨论其在基于XML的工具支持设计中的适用性,这最终将促进参考过程模型的自动验证和转换为可执行的工作流程规范。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11678564_46]

[238] Online discovery of cooperative structures in business processes (2016)

(van Zelst, S. J. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Process mining is a data-driven technique aiming to provide novel insights and help organizations to improve their business processes. In this paper, we focus on the cooperative aspect of process mining, i.e., discovering networks of cooperating resources that together perform processes. We use online streams of events as an input rather than event logs, which are typically used in an off-line setting. We present the Online Cooperative Network (OCN) framework, which defines online cooperative resource network discovery in a generic way. A prototypical implementation of the framework is available in the open source process mining toolkit ProM. By means of an empirical evaluation we show the applicability of the framework in the streaming domain. The techniques presented operate in a real time fashion and are able to handle unlimited amounts of data. Moreover, the implementation allows to visualize network dynamics, which helps in gaining insights in changes in the execution of the underlying business process.

摘要: 流程挖掘是一种数据驱动的技术,旨在提供新颖的见解并帮助组织改善其业务流程。在本文中,我们专注于流程挖掘的协作方面,即发现共同执行流程的协作资源网络。我们使用事件的在线流作为输入,而不是通常在脱机设置中使用的事件日志作为输入。我们提出了在线合作网络(OCN)框架,该框架以一种通用的方式定义了在线合作资源网络的发现。开源过程挖掘工具包ProM中提供了该框架的原型实现。通过实证评估,我们展示了该框架在流域中的适用性。提出的技术以实时方式运行,并且能够处理无限量的数据。此外,该实现允许可视化网络动态,这有助于获得对基础业务流程执行中的更改的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-48472-3_12]

[239] Organizational modeling in UML and XML in the context of workflow systems (2003)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: Workflow technology plays a key role as an enabler in E-Commerce applications, such as supply chains. Until recently the major share of the attention of workflow systems researchers has gone to the exchange of information in cross-organizational processes. Increasingly the focus is shifting from the exchange of data to support for interorganizational workflow processes. One of the initiatives in this direction has been XRL (exchangeable Routing Language), an extendible instance-based language having an XML syntax and Petri-net semantics. In this paper, we move to the next level by extending XRL with organizational entities, structures, and rules. Hence, we describe an organizational model first in UML and then convert it into an XML DID. Our organizational model allows for the specification of non-human resources, collections of resources (e.g., departments, teams, etc.), availability of resources, delegation, and role inheritance. Additional features of our proposal are the tight integration of organizational concepts and routing concepts. An important goal of this work is to create standard for organizational modeling much like the X.500 standard for directories.

摘要: 工作流技术在电子商务应用程序(例如供应链)中扮演着关键角色。直到最近,工作流系统研究人员的主要注意力都集中在跨组织过程中的信息交换上。重点越来越多地从数据交换转移到对组织间工作流程的支持。朝这个方向发展的举措之一是XRL(可交换路由语言),这是一种具有XML语法和Petri-net语义的可扩展的基于实例的语言。在本文中,我们将XRL与组织实体,结构和规则一起扩展到下一个层次。因此,我们首先使用UML描述一种组织模型,然后将其转换为XML DID。我们的组织模型允许规范非人力资源,资源集合(例如部门,团队等),资源的可用性,委派和角色继承。我们建议的其他功能是组织概念和路由概念的紧密集成。这项工作的一个重要目标是为组织建模创建标准,就像为目录的X.500标准一样。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/952647.952652]

[240] PM2: A process mining project methodology (2015)

(Van Eck | )

Abstract: Process mining aims to transform event data recorded in information systems into knowledge of an organisations business processes. The results of process mining analysis can be used to improve process performance or compliance to rules and regulations. However, applying process mining in practice is not trivial. In this paper we introduce PM2, a methodology to guide the execution of process mining projects. We successfully applied PM2 during a case study within IBM, a multinational technology corporation, where we identified potential process improvements for one of their purchasing processes.

摘要: 流程挖掘旨在将信息系统中记录的事件数据转换为组织业务流程的知识。流程挖掘分析的结果可用于提高流程性能或遵守规则和法规。但是,在实践中应用流程挖掘并不是在本文中,我们介绍了指导流程挖掘项目执行的方法PM2。我们在跨国技术公司IBM的案例研究中成功地应用了PM2,在那里我们确定了其中一项采购流程的潜在流程改进。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-19069-3_19]

[241] PM4Py web services: Easy development, integration and deployment of process mining features in any application stack (2019)

(Berti, Alessandro and Van Zelst | )

Abstract: In recent years, process mining emerged as a set of techniques to analyze process data, supported by different open-source and commercial solutions. Process mining tools aim to discover process models from the data, perform conformance checking, predict the future behavior of the process and/or provide other analyses that enhance the overall process knowledge. Additionally, commercial vendors provide integration with external software solutions, facilitating the external use of their process mining algorithms. This integration is usually established by means of a set of web services that are accessible from an external software stack. In open-source process mining stacks, only a few solutions provide a corresponding web service. However, extensive documentation is often missing and/or tight integration with the front-end of the tool hampers the integration of the services with other software. Therefore, in this paper, a new open-source Python process mining service stack, PM4Py-WS, is presented. The proposed software supports easy integration with any software stack, provides an extensive documentation of the API and a clear separation between the business logic, (graphical) interface and the services. The aim is to increase the integration of process mining techniques in business intelligence tools.

摘要: 近年来,在不同的开源和商业解决方案的支持下,过程挖掘作为一种分析过程数据的技术出现了。流程挖掘工具旨在从数据中发现流程模型,执行一致性检查,预测流程的未来行为和/或提供其他可增强整体流程知识的分析。此外,商业供应商还提供与外部软件解决方案的集成,从而有利于外部使用其流程挖掘算法。通常通过可从外部软件堆栈访问的一组Web服务来建立这种集成。在开源过程挖掘堆栈中,只有少数解决方案提供了相应的Web服务。但是,通常会丢失大量文档和/或与工具前端的紧密集成会妨碍服务与其他软件的集成。因此,本文提出了一种新的开源Python流程挖掘服务堆栈PM4Py-WS。拟议的软件支持与任何软件堆栈的轻松集成,提供API的详尽文档以及业务逻辑,(图形)界面和服务之间的清晰分隔。目的是增加流程挖掘技术在商业智能工具中的集成。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[242] Pattern-based analysis of the control-flow perspective of UML activity diagrams (2005)

(Wohed, Petia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a well-known family of notations for software modelling. Recently, a new version of UML has been released. In this paper we examine the Activity Diagrams notation of this latest version of UML in terms of a collection of patterns developed for assessing control-flow capabilities of languages used in the area of process-aware information systems. The purpose of this analysis is to assess relative strengths and weaknesses of control-flow specification in Activity Diagrams and to identify ways of addressing potential deficiencies. In addition, the pattern-based analysis will yield typical solutions to practical process modelling problems and expose some of the ambiguities in the current UML 2.0 specification 9.

摘要: 统一建模语言(UML)是用于软件建模的著名符号系列。 最近,已经发布了新版本的UML。 在本文中,我们根据为评估过程感知信息系统领域中使用的语言的控制流能力而开发的模式集合来检查此最新版本的UML的活动图符号。 该分析的目的是评估活动图中控制流规范的相对优势和劣势,并确定解决潜在缺陷的方法。 此外,基于模式的分析将为实际的过程建模问题提供典型的解决方案,并揭露当前UML 2.0规范9中的一些歧义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11568322_5]

[243] Patterns of Process Modeling (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The diversity of existing languages for process modeling, both at the design level and at the implementation level, is striking. Sometimes constructs with similar names or syntax have significantly different behavior and the set of supported constructs varies considerably from one language to another. Thus, process modelers need to be equipped with the ability to understand and use new process modeling languages. This chapter introduces a framework for understanding and evaluating process modeling languages from a control-flow perspective. The framework takes the form of a set of patterns that describe elements of solutions to recurrent problems found in process modeling. A classification of the patterns is provided and some of them are discussed in detail. textcopyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

摘要: 在设计级别和在实现级别,用于过程建模的现有语言的多样性是惊人的。有时,具有相似名称或语法的构造具有明显不同的行为,并且受支持的构造集从一种语言到另一种语言也相差很大。因此,流程建模者需要具备理解和使用新流程建模语言的能力。本章介绍了一个从控制流角度理解和评估过程建模语言的框架。该框架采用一组模式的形式,这些模式描述了流程建模中发现的经常性问题的解决方案的元素。提供了模式的分类,并详细讨论了其中的一些模式。 t​​extcopyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons,Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/0471741442.ch8]

[244] Performing business process redesign with best practices: An evolutionary approach (2008)

(Netjes, Mariska and Mansar, Selma Limam and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Although extensive literature on BPR is available, there is still a lack of concrete guidance on actually changing processes for the better. In this paper we propose and detail out an evolutionary approach towards business process redesign. We describe the steps to derive a better performing redesign using the existing process model as input. The redesign steps are: 1) computing process measures, 2) evaluating condition statements to find applicable redesign best practices, 3) creating alternative models according to these best practices, and 4) evaluating the performance of the created alternatives. The end result is a new process model. We show the applicability of the steps with a case study. Our approach has a formal basis to make it suitable for automation. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 尽管可以获得关于BPR的大量文献,但是对于实际改变流程以改善流程仍然缺乏具体的指导。在本文中,我们提出并详细介绍了用于业务流程重新设计的进化方法。我们描述了使用现有过程模型作为输入来获得性能更好的重新设计的步骤。重新设计的步骤是:1)计算过程度量,2)评估条件陈述以找到适用的重新设计最佳实践,3)根据这些最佳实践创建替代模型,以及4)评估已创建替代方法的性能。最终结果是一个新的过程模型。我们将通过案例研究说明这些步骤的适用性。我们的方法具有使其适合自动化的正式基础。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_16]

[245] Perturbing event logs to identify cost reduction opportunities: A genetic algorithm-based approach (2014)

(Low, W. Z. and De Weerdt | )

Abstract: Organisations are constantly seeking new ways to improve operational efficiencies. This research study investigates a novel way to identify potential efficiency gains in business operations by observing how they are carried out in the past and then exploring better ways of executing them by taking into account trade-offs between time, cost and resource utilisation. This paper demonstrates how they can be incorporated in the assessment of alternative process execution scenarios by making use of a cost environment. A genetic algorithm-based approach is proposed to explore and assess alternative process execution scenarios, where the objective function is represented by a comprehensive cost structure that captures different process dimensions. Experiments conducted with different variants of the genetic algorithm evaluate the approachs feasibility. The findings demonstrate that a genetic algorithm-based approach is able to make use of cost reduction as a way to identify improved execution scenarios in terms of reduced case durations and increased resource utilisation. The ultimate aim is to utilise cost-related insights gained from such improved scenarios to put forward recommendations for reducing process-related cost within organisations.

摘要: 组织一直在寻求新的方法来提高运营效率。这项研究研究通过观察过去的执行方式,然后考虑时间,成本和资源利用之间的权衡,探索一种确定业务运营中潜在效率增益的新颖方法,然后探索更好的执行方法。本文演示了如何通过利用成本环境将它们纳入对替代流程执行方案的评估中。提出了一种基于遗传算法的方法来探索和评估替代过程执行方案,其中目标功能由捕获不同过程维度的综合成本结构表示。用遗传算法的不同变体进行的实验评估了该方法的可行性。研究结果表明,基于遗传算法的方法能够利用降低成本的方式,从减少案件持续时间和增加资源利用的角度来确定改进的执行方案。最终目的是利用从此类改进方案中获得的与成本相关的见解,提出减少组织内部与流程相关的成本的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900465]

[246] Petra: A tool for analysing a process family (2014)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: When looking for the best model, simulation is often used for what-if analysis. The properties of a modelled process are explored by repeatedly executing the model. Based on the outcomes, parts of the model may be manually modified to improve the process. This is iteratively done to obtain the model best suited to a users requirements. In most cases, this is a labour-intensive and time-consuming task. To improve on the state of the art, we propose a framework where the user defines a space of possible process models with the use of a configurable process model. A configurable process model is a compact representation of a family of process models, i.e., a set of process models related to each other. Within the framework, different tools can be used to automatically compute characteristics of a model. We show that, when used on data from multiple real-life models, our framework can find better models in an automated way.

摘要: 寻找最佳模型时,仿真通常用于假设分析。通过重复执行模型来探索建模过程的属性。基于结果,可以手动修改模型的某些部分以改进过程。反复进行此操作以获得最适合用户需求的模型。在大多数情况下,这是一项劳动密集且耗时的任务。为了改进现有技术,我们提出了一个框架,在该框架中,用户使用可配置的过程模型定义了可能的过程模型的空间。可配置过程模型是一系列过程模型的紧凑表示,即彼此相关的一组过程模型。在框架内,可以使用不同的工具来自动计算模型的特征。我们证明,当将其用于来自多个现实模型的数据时,我们的框架可以自动找到更好的模型。

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[247] Petri nets (2007)

(Hoheisel, Andreas and Alt, Martin | )

Abstract: In 1962, C.A. Petri introduced in his Ph.D. thesis 351 a formalism for describing distributed processes by extending state machines with a notion of concurrency. Due to the simple and intuitive, but at the same time formal and expressive, nature of his formalism, Petri Nets became an established tool for modelling and analyzing distributed processes in business as well as the IT sector. This chapter gives a brief introduction to the theory of Petri Nets and shows how Petri Nets can be applied for effective workflow management with regard to the choreography, orchestration, and enactment of e-Science applications. While choreography deals with the abstract modelling of applications, orchestration deals with the mapping onto concrete software components and the infrastructure. During the enactment of e-Science applications, runtime issues, such as synchronization, persistence, transaction safety, and fault management, are examined within the workflow formalism. textcopyright 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited.

摘要: 1962年,C.A。 Petri在其博士学位中介绍了论文351一种形式主义,用于通过扩展具有并发概念的状态机来描述分布式过程。由于其形式主义的简单直观,同时又形式化和表达性的特点,Petri Nets成为了用于建模和分析业务以及IT部门中分布式过程的成熟工具。本章简要介绍了Petri Nets的理论,并说明了Petri Nets如何可以在编排,编排和制定e-Science应用程序方面用于有效的工作流管理。编排处理应用程序的抽象建模时,编排处理到具体软件组件和基础结构的映射。在制定e-Science应用程序期间,将在工作流形式中检查运行时问题,例如同步,持久性,事务安全性和故障管理。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-1-84628-757-2_13]

[248] Predicting deadline transgressions using event logs (2013)

(Pika, Anastasiia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Effective risk management is crucial for any organisation. One of its key steps is risk identification, but few tools exist to support this process. Here we present a method for the automatic discovery of a particular type of process-related risk, the danger of deadline transgressions or overruns, based on the analysis of event logs. We define a set of time-related process risk indicators, i.e., patterns observable in event logs that highlight the likelihood of an overrun, and then show how instances of these patterns can be identified automatically using statistical principles. To demonstrate its feasibility, the approach has been implemented as a plug-in module to the process mining framework ProM and tested using an event log from a Dutch financial institution. ?? 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 有效的风险管理对任何组织都是至关重要的。它的关键步骤之一是风险识别,但是很少有工具可以支持此过程。在这里,我们根据事件日志的分析,提出了一种自动发现特定类型的过程相关风险,违规期限或超限危险的方法。我们定义了一组与时间相关的过程风险指标,即在事件日志中可观察到的模式,以突出显示发生超支的可能性,然后显示如何使用统计原理自动识别这些模式的实例。为了证明其可行性,该方法已作为过程挖掘框架ProM的插件模块实施,并使用了来自荷兰金融机构的事件日志进行了测试。 ?? 2013年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9-22]

[249] Predictive performance monitoring of material handling systems using the performance spectrum (2019)

(Denisov, Vadim and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Predictive performance analysis is crucial for supporting operational processes. Prediction is challenging when cases are not isolated but influence each other by competing for resources (spaces, machines, operators). The so-called performance spectrum maps a variety of performance-related measures within and across cases over time. We propose a novel prediction approach that uses the performance spectrum for feature selection and extraction to pose machine learning problems used for performance prediction in non-isolated cases. Although the approach is general, we focus on material handling systems as a primary example. We report on a feasibility study conducted for the material handling systems of a major European airport. The results show that the use of the performance spectrum enables much better predictions than baseline approaches.

摘要: 预测性能分析对于支持运营流程至关重要。当案例不是孤立的而是通过争夺资源(空间,机器,操作员)而相互影响时,预测就具有挑战性。所谓的绩效频谱会随着时间推移在案例内和案例之间映射各种与绩效相关的度量。我们提出了一种新颖的预测方法,该方法将性能谱用于特征选择和提取,以提出用于非孤立情况下的性能预测的机器学习问题。尽管该方法是通用的,但我们将重点放在物料搬运系统上作为主要示例。我们报告了对欧洲主要机场的物料搬运系统进行的可行性研究。结果表明,性能谱的使用比基线方法能提供更好的预测。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICPM.2019.00029]

[250] ProM 4.0: Comprehensive support for real process analysis (2007)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This tool paper describes the functionality of ProM. Version 4.0 of ProM has been released at the end of 2006 and this version reflects recent achievements in process mining. Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial and useful information from so-called event logs. One element of process mining is control-flow discovery, i.e., automatically constructing a process model (e.g., a Petri net) describing the causal dependencies between activities. Control-flow discovery is an interesting and practically relevant challenge for Petri-net researchers and ProM provides an excellent platform for this. For example, the theory of regions, genetic algorithms, free-choice-net properties, etc. can be exploited to derive Petri nets based on example behavior. However, as we will show in this paper, the functionality of ProM 4.0 is not limited to control-flow discovery. ProM 4.0 also allows for the discovery of other perspectives (e.g., data and resources) and supports related techniques such as conformance checking, model extension, model transformation, verification, etc. This makes ProM a versatile tool for process analysis which is not restricted to model analysis but also includes log-based analysis. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 此工具文件描述了ProM的功能。 ProM的4.0版已于2006年底发布,该版本反映了过程挖掘方面的最新成就。流程挖掘技术试图从所谓的事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。流程挖掘的一个要素是控制流发现,即自动构建描述活动之间因果关系的流程模型(例如Petri网)。对于Petri-net研究人员而言,控制流发现是一个有趣且实际相关的挑战,ProM为此提供了一个出色的平台。例如,可以利用区域理论,遗传算法,自由选择网属性等,基于示例行为来导出Petri网。但是,正如我们将在本文中显示的那样,ProM 4.0的功能不限于控制流发现。 ProM 4.0还允许发现其他视角(例如,数据和资源),并支持相关技术,例如一致性检查,模型扩展,模型转换,验证等。这使ProM成为用于过程分析的通用工具,而不仅限于模型分析,但还包括基于日志的分析。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-73094-1_28]

[251] Process Mining (2011)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: Over the last decade, process mining emerged as a new research field that focuses on the analysis of processes using event data. Classical data mining techniques such as classification, clustering, regression, association rule learning, and sequence/episode mining do not focus on business process models and are often only used to analyze a specific step in the overall process. Process mining focuses on end-to-end processes and is possible because of the growing availability of event data and new process discovery and conformance checking techniques. Process models are used for analysis (e.g., simulation and verification) and enactment by BPM/WFM systems. Previously, process models were typically made by hand without using event data. However, activities executed by people, machines, and software leave trails in so-called event logs. Process mining techniques use such logs to discover, analyze, and improve business processes. Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. This manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active involvement of end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrates the growing significance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The practical relevance of process mining and the interesting scientific challenges make process mining one of the hot topics in Business Process Management (BPM). This article introduces process mining as a new research field and summarizes the guiding principles and challenges described in the manifesto. textcopyright 2012 ACM.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域出现了,该领域专注于使用事件数据进行过程分析。经典的数据挖掘技术(例如分类,聚类,回归,关联规则学习和序列/片段挖掘)并不关注业务流程模型,而通常仅用于分析整个流程中的特定步骤。流程挖掘专注于端到端流程,并且由于事件数据的可用性和新的流程发现以及一致性检查技术的日益普及而成为可能。流程模型用于BPM / WFM系统的分析(例如,仿真和验证)和制定。以前,流程模型通常是在不使用事件数据的情况下手动完成的。但是,由人员,机器和软件执行的活动会在所谓的事件日志中留下痕迹。流程挖掘技术使用此类日志来发现,分析和改进业务流程。最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,并且有77名过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极参与说明了过程挖掘作为数据挖掘和业务过程建模之间的桥梁的重要性日益提高。流程挖掘的实际相关性和有趣的科学挑战使流程挖掘成为业务流程管理(BPM)的热门主题之一。本文介绍了过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域,并总结了宣言中描述的指导原则和挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-19345-3]

[252] Process Mining as the Superglue Between Data Science and Enterprise Computing (2014)

(van der Aalst, Wil | )

Abstract: Summary form only given. Process mining provides new ways to utilize the abundance of data in enterprises. Suddenly many organizations realize thatsurvival is not possible without exploiting available data intelligently. A new profession is emerging: the data scientist. Justlike computer science emerged as a new discipline from mathematics when computers became abundantly available, we nowsee the birth of data science as a new discipline driven by the torrents of data available today. Process mining will be anintegral part of the data scientists toolbox. Also enterprise computing will need to focus on process innovation through theintelligent use of event data.This keynote talk will focus on challenges related to process mining in the large, i.e., dealing with many processes, manyactors, many data sources, and huge amounts of data at the same time. By adequately addressing these challenges (e.g., usingprocess cubes) we get a new kind of superglue that will impact the future of enterprise computing.

摘要: 仅提供摘要表格。流程挖掘提供了利用企业中大量数据的新方法。突然,许多组织意识到,如果不智能地利用可用数据,就不可能生存。一个新的职业正在兴起:数据科学家。就像计算机在计算机变得大量可用时从数学中崛起为一门新学科一样,我们现在将数据科学的诞生视为由当今可用数据激增驱动的一门新学科。流程挖掘将成为数据科学家工具箱不可或缺的一部分。此外,企业计算将需要通过事件数据的智能使用来专注于流程创新。本主题演讲的重点将放在与大型流程挖掘相关的挑战上,即处理许多流程,许多角色,许多数据源和大量数据与此同时。通过充分应对这些挑战(例如使用流程多维数据集),我们将获得一种新型的强力胶水,它将影响企业计算的未来。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/edoc.2014.11]

[253] Process Mining in Healthcare Evaluating and Exploiting Operational Healthcare Processes (2015)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Aalst, Wil M P Van Der and Vanwersch, Rob J. B. | )

Abstract: What are the possibilities for process mining in hospitals? In this book the authors provide an answer to this question by presenting a healthcare reference model that outlines all the different classes of data that are potentially available for process mining in healthcare and the relationships between them. Subsequently, based on this reference model, they explain the application opportunities for process mining in this domain and discuss the various kinds of analyses that can be performed. They focus on organizational healthcare processes rather than medical treatment processes. The combination of event data and process mining techniques allows them to analyze the operational processes within a hospital based on facts, thus providing a solid basis for managing and improving processes within hospitals. To this end, they also explicitly elaborate on data quality issues that are relevant for the data aspects of the healthcare reference model. This book mainly targets advanced professionals involved in areas related to business process management, business intelligence, data mining, and business process redesign for healthcare systems as well as graduate students specializing in healthcare information systems and process analysis.

摘要: 在医院进行过程挖掘的可能性是什么?在这本书中,作者提出了一个医疗保健参考模型,为该问题提供了答案,该模型概述了医疗保健过程挖掘中可能可用的所有不同类别的数据以及它们之间的关系。随后,基于该参考模型,他们解释了该领域中流程挖掘的应用机会,并讨论了可以执行的各种分析。他们专注于组织医疗流程,而不是医疗流程。事件数据和流程挖掘技术的结合使他们能够基于事实分析医院内的操作流程,从而为管理和改善医院内的流程提供了坚实的基础。为此,他们还明确阐述了与医疗保健参考模型的数据方面相关的数据质量问题。本书主要针对涉及医疗系统业务流程管理,商业智能,数据挖掘和业务流程重新设计领域的高级专业人员,以及专门从事医疗信息系统和流程分析的研究生。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-16071-9]

[254] Process cubes: Slicing, dicing, rolling up and drilling down event data for process mining (2017)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in process mining research make it possible to discover, analyze, and improve business processes based on event data. The growth of event data provides many opportunities but also imposes new challenges. Process mining is typically done for an isolated well-defined process in steady-state. However, the boundaries of a process may be fluid and there is a need to continuously view event data from different angles. This paper proposes the notion of process cubes where events and process models are organized using different dimensions. Each cell in the process cube corresponds to a set of events and can be used to discover a process model, to check conformance with respect to some process model, or to discover bottlenecks. The idea is related to the well-known OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data cubes and associated operations such as slice, dice, roll-up, and drill-down. However, there are also significant differences because of the process-related nature of event data. For example, process discovery based on events is incomparable to computing the average or sum over a set of numerical values. Moreover, dimensions related to process instances (e.g. cases are split into gold and silver customers), subprocesses (e.g. acquisition versus delivery), organizational entities (e.g. backoffice versus frontoffice), and time (e.g., 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013) are semantically different and it is challenging to slice, dice, roll-up, and drill-down process mining results efficiently.

摘要: 过程挖掘研究中的最新突破使基于事件数据发现,分析和改进业务流程成为可能。事件数据的增长提供了很多机会,但也带来了新的挑战。流程挖掘通常是针对处于稳态的孤立的,定义明确的流程进行的。但是,过程的边界可能是不确定的,因此需要从不同角度连续查看事件数据。本文提出了流程多维数据集的概念,其中事件和流程模型是使用不同维度进行组织的。流程多维数据集中的每个单元对应于一组事件,可用于发现流程模型,检查与某些流程模型的一致性或发现瓶颈。这个想法与众所周知的OLAP(在线分析处理)数据立方体以及相关的操作(例如切片,切块,上滚和下钻)有关。但是,由于事件数据的过程相关性质,因此也存在显着差异。例如,基于事件的过程发现无法与计算一组数值的平均值或总和相提并论。此外,与流程实例(例如,案例分为黄金和白银客户),子流程(例如,采购与交付),组织实体(例如,后台与前台)以及时间(例如,2010、2011、2012和2013)相关的维度在语义上是不同的,并且要有效地对结果进行切片,切块,汇总和向下钻取具有挑战性。

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[255] Process equivalence: Comparing two process models based on observed behavior (2006)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In various application domains there is a desire to compare process models, e.g., to relate an organization-specific process model to a reference model, to find a web service matching some desired service description, or to compare some normative process model with a process model discovered using process mining techniques. Although many researchers have worked on different notions of equivalence (e.g., trace equivalence, bisimulation, branching bisimulation, etc.), most of the existing notions are not very useful in this context. First of all, most equivalence notions result in a binary answer (i.e., two processes are equivalent or not). This is not very helpful, because, in real-life applications, one needs to differentiate between slightly different models and completely different models. Second, not all parts of a process model are equally important. There may be parts of the process model that are rarely activated while other parts are executed for most process instances. Clearly, these should be considered differently. To address these problems, this paper proposes a completely new way of comparing process models. Rather than directly comparing two models, the process models are compared with respect to some typical behavior. This way we are able to avoid the two problems. Although the results are presented in the context of Petri nets, the approach can be applied to any process modeling language with executable semantics.

摘要: 在各种应用领域中,需要比较过程模型,例如将特定于组织的过程模型与参考模型相关联,以找到与某些所需服务描述匹配的Web服务,或者将一些规范性过程模型与过程模型进行比较。使用过程挖掘技术发现的。尽管许多研究人员研究了不同的等价概念(例如,跟踪等价,双仿真,分支双仿真等),但是大多数现有概念在这种情况下不是很有用。首先,大多数对等概念会产生二元答案(即两个过程是否相等)。这不是很有用,因为在实际应用中,需要区分稍微不同的模型和完全不同的模型。其次,并非流程模型的所有部分都同样重要。流程模型的某些部分可能很少激活,而对于大多数流程实例,则执行其他部分。显然,应该以不同的方式考虑这些问题。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种比较过程模型的全新方法。不是直接比较两个模型,而是针对某些典型行为比较了过程模型。这样我们就可以避免两个问题。尽管结果是在Petri网的上下文中呈现的,但是该方法可以应用于具有可执行语义的任何过程建模语言。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11841760_10]

[256] Process flexibility: A survey of contemporary approaches (2008)

(Schonenberg, Helen and Mans, Ronny and Russell, Nick and Mulyar, Nataliya and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business processes provide a means of coordinating interactions between workers and organisations in a structured way. However the dynamic nature of the modern business environment means these processes are subject to a increasingly wide range of variations and must demonstrate flexible approaches to dealing with these variations if they are to remain viable. The challenge is to provide flexibility and offer process support at the same time. Many approaches have been proposed in literature and some of these approaches have been implemented in flexible workflow management systems. However, a comprehensive overview of the various approaches has been missing. In this paper, we take a deeper look into the various ways in which flexibility can be achieved and we propose an extensive taxonomy of flexibility. This taxonomy is subsequently used to evaluate a selection of systems and to discuss how the various forms of flexibility fit together.Heidelberg.

摘要: 业务流程提供了一种以结构化方式协调员工与组织之间交互的方法。但是,现代商业环境的动态性质意味着这些流程面临越来越广泛的变化,并且如果要保持其可行性,必须展示灵活的方法来应对这些变化。挑战在于提供灵活性并同时提供过程支持。文献中已经提出了许多方法,并且其中一些方法已经在灵活的工作流管理系统中实现。但是,缺少对各种方法的全面概述。在本文中,我们将更深入地研究实现灵活性的各种方式,并提出了广泛的灵活性分类法。此分类法随后用于评估系统选择,并讨论各种形式的灵活性如何组合在一起。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-68644-6_2]

[257] Process mining and monitoring processes and services: Workshop report (2006)

(van der Aalst, W.M.P. | )

Abstract: In a service-oriented architecture, but also in classical en- treprise systems, a variety of events (e.g., messages being sent and re- ceived) are being logged. This information can be used for process mining purposes, i.e., based on some event log it is possible to discover processes or to check conformance. The goal of process discovery is to build mod- els without a-priori knowledge, i.e., based on sequences of events one can look for the presence or absence of certain patterns and deduce some pro- cess model from it. For conformance checking there has to be an initial model. One can think of this model as a contract or specification and it is interesting to see whether the parties involved stick to this model. Using conformance checking it is possible to quantify the fit (fewer de- viations result in a better fit) and to locate problem areas where a lot of deviations take place. One of the four workshops organized within the context of the Dagstuhl seminar on The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architec- tures (Seminar 06291, 16.07.2006-21.07.2006) was aWorkshop on Process Mining and Monitoring Processes and Services. In this paper, we report on the results of the workshop.

摘要: 在面向服务的体系结构中,在经典企业系统中,也记录了各种事件(例如,正在发送和接收的消息)。该信息可以用于过程挖掘目的,即,基于某些事件日志,可以发现过程或检查一致性。流程发现的目的是在没有先验知识的情况下构建模型,即,基于事件序列,人们可以查找某些模式的存在或不存在,并从中推断出某些过程模型。为了进行一致性检查,必须有一个初始模型。可以将这种模型视为合同或规范,有趣的是,有关各方是否坚持这种模型。使用一致性检查可以量化拟合度(较少的偏差导致更好的拟合度),并定位发生很多偏差的问题区域。在Dagstuhl关于业务流程在面向服务的体系结构中的作用的Dagstuhl研讨会的背景下组织的四个讲习班之一(研讨会06291,2006年7月16日至21.07.07)是一个关于流程挖掘和监控流程与服务的研讨会。在本文中,我们报告了研讨会的结果。

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[258] Process mining and simulation (2010)

(Wynn, Moe and Rozinat, Anne and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: So far we have seen how workflow models can be defined in YAWL and how the YAWL workflow engine allows a model to drive business processes. Once such a model becomes operational, the Engine automatically logs activity, keeping track of task start and completion events, their time of occurrence, the resources involved, and so on (cf. Chap. 9, Sect. 9.7). These logs are a valuable source of information about the way a business process actually performs in practice, and can be used as a basis for operational decision making. Process mining is a technology that uses event logs (i.e., recorded actual behaviors) to analyze workflows. This is a valuable outcome in its own right, because such dynamically captured information can alert us to practical problems with the workflow model, such as hotspots or bottlenecks, that cannot be identified by mere inspection of the static model alone. Further, the information extracted through process mining can be used to calibrate simulations of the workflows potential future behaviors. In effect, this gives us a fast forward capability, which allows future activity to be predicted from the current system state and explored for various anticipated scenarios. In this chapter, we explain how YAWLs logs can be mined, and how the information extracted from them can be used to calibrate simulations of expected future behavior. This is done using two additional tools: the process mining tool ProM and the modeling and simulation package CPN Tools. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 到目前为止,我们已经看到了如何在YAWL中定义工作流模型,以及YAWL工作流引擎如何允许模型驱动业务流程。一旦这种模型开始运行,引擎将自动记录活动,跟踪任务的开始和完成事件,它们的发生时间,所涉及的资源等(请参阅第9章,第9.7节)这些日志是有关业务流程实际执行方式的宝贵信息来源,可以用作流程挖掘是一种使用事件日志(即记录的实际行为)来分析工作流的技术,这本身就是很有价值的结果,因为这种动态捕获的信息可以提醒我们有关工作流的实际问题仅仅通过检查静态模型就无法识别模型,例如热点或瓶颈,此外,通过过程挖掘提取的信息可用于校准工作模拟流的潜在未来行为。实际上,这为我们提供了快速转发功能,该功能允许从当前系统状态预测未来的活动,并针对各种预期的情况进行探索。在本章中,我们将解释如何开采YAWL的日志,以及如何从日志中提取的信息用于校准预期的未来行为的模拟。这可以使用另外两个工具完成:过程挖掘工具ProM和建模和仿真程序包CPN工具。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03121-2_17]

[259] Process mining and simulation: A match made in heaven! (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Event data are collected everywhere: in logistics, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, e-learning, e-government, and many other domains. The events found in these domains typically refer to activities executed by resources at particular times and for particular cases. Process mining provides the means to discover the real processes, to detect deviations from normative processes, and to analyze bottlenecks and waste from such events. However, process mining tends to be backward-looking. Fortunately, simulation can be used to explore different design alternatives and to anticipate future performance problems. This keynote paper discusses the link between both types of analysis and elaborates on the challenges process discovery techniques are facing. Quality notions such as recall, precision, and generalization are discussed. Rather than introducing a specific process discovery or conformance checking algorithm, the paper provides a comprehensive set of conformance propositions. These conformance propositions serve two purposes: (1) introducing the essence of process mining by discussing the relation between event logs and process models, and (2) discussing possible requirements for the quantification of quality notions related to recall, precision, and generalization.

摘要: 事件数据在各处收集:物流,制造,金融,医疗保健,电子学习,电子政务以及许多其他领域。在这些域中找到的事件通常是指资源在特定时间和特定情况下执行的活动。流程挖掘为发现实际流程,检测与规范流程的偏差以及分析此类事件的瓶颈和浪费提供了手段。但是,过程挖掘往往是后向的。幸运的是,仿真可用于探索不同的设计替代方案并预测未来的性能问题。本主题演讲讨论了两种分析之间的联系,并详细阐述了过程发现技术所面临的挑战。讨论了质量概念,如召回率,精度和概括性。本文没有介绍特定的过程发现或一致性检查算法,而是提供了一套全面的一致性命题。这些一致性命题有两个目的:(1)通过讨论事件日志和流程模型之间的关系来介绍流程挖掘的本质,以及(2)讨论量化与召回,准确性和概括性相关的质量概念的可能要求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.22360/summersim.2018.scsc.005]

[260] Process mining and verification of properties: An approach based on temporal logic (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Information systems are facing conflicting requirements. On the one hand, systems need to be adaptive and self-managing to deal with rapidly changing circumstances. On the other hand, legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, is putting increasing demands on monitoring activities and processes. As processes and systems become more flexible, both the need for, and the complexity of monitoring increases. Our earlier work on process mining has primarily focused on process discovery, i.e., automatically constructing models describing knowledge extracted from event logs. In this paper, we focus on a different problem complementing process discovery. Given an event log and some property, we want to verify whether the property holds. For this purpose we have developed a new language based on Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and we combine this with a standard XML format to store event logs. Given an event log and an LTL property, our LTL Checker verifies whether the observed behavior matches the (un)expected/(un)desirable behavior. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 信息系统面临着相互矛盾的要求。一方面,系统需要具有自适应性和自我管理能力,以应对迅速变化的环境。另一方面,诸如《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)之类的立法对监控活动和流程提出了越来越高的要求。随着流程和系统变得更加灵活,监视的需求和复杂性都在增加。我们之前在流程挖掘方面的工作主要集中在流程发现上,即自动构建描述从事件日志中提取的知识的模型。在本文中,我们关注于补充过程发现的其他问题。给定一个事件日志和一些属性,我们想验证该属性是否成立。为此,我们已经开发了一种基于线性时序逻辑(LTL)的新语言,并将其与标准XML格式结合起来以存储事件日志。给定事件日志和LTL属性,我们的LTL Checker会验证观察到的行为是否与(意外)/(意外)行为匹配。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11575771_11]

[261] Process mining applied to the BPI challenge 2012: Divide and conquer while discerning resources (2013)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: A real-life event log, taken from a Dutch financial institute, is analyzed using state-of-the-art process mining techniques. The log contains events related to loan/overdraft applications of customers. We propose a hierarchical decomposition of the log into homogenous subsets of cases based on characteristics such as the final decision, offer, and suspicion of fraud. These subsets are used to uncover interesting insights. The event log in its entirety and the homogeneous subsets are analyzed using various process mining techniques. More specifically, we analyze the event log (a) on the resource perspective and the influence of resources on execution/turnaround times of activities, (b) on the control-flow perspective, and © for process diagnostics. A dedicated ProM plug-in developed for this challenge allows for a comprehensive analysis of the resource perspective. For the analysis of control-flow and process diagnostics, we use recent, but pre-existing, ProM plug-ins. As the evaluation shows, our mix of techniques is able to uncover many interesting findings and could be used to improve the underlying loan/overdraft application handling process. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 来自荷兰金融机构的真实事件日志,使用最先进的过程挖掘技术进行了分析。该日志包含与客户的贷款/透支申请有关的事件。我们建议根据最终决策,报价和欺诈嫌疑等特征,将日志分层分解为同类案件子集。这些子集用于发现有趣的见解。使用各种过程挖掘技术来分析事件日志的整体和同类子集。更具体地说,我们分析事件日志(a)从资源角度看,资源对活动的执行/周转时间的影响,(b)从控制流角度看,以及(c)用于过程诊断。针对此挑战而开发的专用ProM插件可以对资源进行全面分析。为了分析控制流和过程诊断,我们使用了最近发布的ProM插件。如评估所示,我们的技术组合能够发现许多有趣的发现,并可用于改进潜在的贷款/透支申请处理流程。 t​​extcopyright 2013年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9-25]

[262] Process mining based on clustering: A quest for precision (2008)

(De Medeiros | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial and useful information from event logs recorded by information systems. For example, there are many process mining techniques to automatically discover a process model based on some event log. Most of these algorithms perform well on structured processes with little disturbances. However, in reality it is difficult to determine the scope of a process and typically there are all kinds of disturbances. As a result, process mining techniques produce spaghetti-like models that are difficult to read and that attempt to merge unrelated cases. To address these problems, we use an approach where the event log is clustered iteratively such that each of the resulting clusters corresponds to a coherent set of cases that can be adequately represented by a process model. The approach allows for different clustering and process discovery algorithms. In this paper, we provide a particular clustering algorithm that avoids over-generalization and a process discovery algorithm that is much more robust than the algorithms described in literature 1. The whole approach has been implemented in ProM. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术试图从信息系统记录的事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。例如,有许多过程挖掘技术可基于某些事件日志自动发现过程模型。这些算法中的大多数在结构化过程中表现良好,干扰很小。但是,实际上很难确定过程的范围,并且通常存在各种干扰。结果,过程挖掘技术产生了类似意大利面条的模型,这些模型难以阅读并且试图合并无关的案例。为了解决这些问题,我们使用一种方法,其中将事件日志进行迭代聚类,以使每个结果聚类对应于一组连贯的案例,这些案例可以由流程模型适当地表示。该方法允许使用不同的群集和流程发现算法。在本文中,我们提供了一种避免过度泛化的特殊聚类算法,以及一种比文献1中描述的算法更健壮的过程发现算法。整个方法已在ProM中实施。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78238-4_4]

[263] Process mining can be applied to software too! (2014)

(Rubin, Vladimir A. and Mitsyuk, Alexey A. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Modern information systems produce tremendous amounts of event data. The area of process mining deals with extracting knowledge from this data. Real-life processes can be effectively discovered, analyzed and optimized with the help of mature process mining techniques. There is a variety of process mining case studies and experience reports from such business areas as healthcare, public, transportation and education. Although nowadays, these techniques are mostly used for discovering business processes. The goal of this industrial paper is to show that process mining can be applied to software too. Here we present and analyze our experiences on applying process mining in different productive software systems used in the touristic domain. Process models and user interface workflows underlie the functional specifications of the systems we experiment with. When the systems are utilized, user interaction is recorded in event logs. After applying process mining methods to these logs, process and user interface flow models are automatically derived. These resulting models provide insight regarding the real usage of the software, motivate the changes in the functional specifications, enable usability improvements and software redesign. Thus, with the help of our examples we demonstrate that process mining facilitates new forms of software analysis. The user interaction with almost every software system can be mined in order to improve the software and to monitor and measure its real usage.

摘要: 现代信息系统产生大量的事件数据。流程挖掘领域涉及从这些数据中提取知识。借助成熟的过程挖掘技术,可以有效地发现,分析和优化现实生活中的过程。来自医疗,公共,运输和教育等业务领域的各种过程挖掘案例研究和经验报告。尽管如今,这些技术主要用于发现业务流程。该工业论文的目的是表明流程挖掘也可以应用于软件。在这里,我们介绍并分析我们在旅游领域中使用的不同生产软件系统中应用过程挖掘的经验。流程模型和用户界面工作流是我们试验的系统的功能规范的基础。使用系统时,用户交互将记录在事件日志中。在将过程挖掘方法应用于这些日志之后,将自动导出过程和用户​​界面流模型。这些结果模型提供了有关软件实际使用的见解,激发了功能规范的变化,实现了可用性改进和软件重新设计。因此,借助我们的示例,我们证明了过程挖掘可促进软件分析的新形式。可以挖掘与几乎每个软件系统的用户交互,以改进软件并监视和衡量其实际使用情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2652524.2652583]

[264] Process mining for electronic data interchange (2011)

(Engel, Robert and Krathu, Worarat and Zapletal, Marco and Pichler, Christian and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Choreography modeling and service integration received a lot of attention in the last decade. However, most real-world implementations of inter-organizational systems are still realized by traditional Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. In traditional EDI standards, the notion of process or choreography is not explicitly specified. Rather, every business document exchange stands for its own. This lack of process awareness in traditional EDI systems hinders organizations from applying Business Process Management (BPM) methods in such settings. To address this shortcoming, we seek to derive choreographies from EDI message exchanges. Thereby, we employ and extend process mining techniques, which have so far concentrated on business processes within single organizations. We discover the interaction sequences between the partners as well as the business information conveyed in the exchanged documents, which goes beyond the state-of-the-art in process mining. As a result, we lift the information gained on the IT level to the business level. This enables us to derive new insights that help organizations to improve their performance, e.g., an organization may get insights into the value of its business partnerships to support an efficient decision making process. This way we hope to bring the merits of BPM to inter-organizational systems realized by traditional EDI standards. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 在过去十年中,编排建模和服务集成受到了很多关注。但是,大多数组织间系统的现实世界实现仍通过传统的电子数据交换(EDI)标准实现。在传统的EDI标准中,未明确指定过程或编排的概念。相反,每个业务文档交换都代表自己的意思。传统EDI系统中缺乏流程意识,这使得组织无法在此类环境中应用业务流程管理(BPM)方法。为了解决这个缺点,我们试图从EDI消息交换中获取编排。因此,我们采用并扩展了流程挖掘技术,到目前为止,这些技术都集中在单个组织内的业务流程上。我们发现合作伙伴之间的交互顺序以及交换文档中传达的业务信息,这超出了流程挖掘的最新水平。结果,我们将在IT级别获得的信息提升到业务级别。这使我们能够得出新的见解,以帮助组织提高绩效,例如,组织可以了解其业务合作伙伴关系的价值以支持有效的决策流程。这样,我们希望将BPM的优点带入通过传统EDI标准实现的组织间系统。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23014-1_7]

[265] Process mining for ubiquitous mobile systems: An overview and a concrete algorithm (2004)

(De Medeiros | )

Abstract: Ubiquitous Mobile Systems (UMSs) allow for automated capturing of events. Both mobility and ubiquity are supported by electronic means such as mobile phones and PDAs and technologies such as RFID, Bluetooth, WLAN, etc. These can be used to automatically record human behavior and business processes in detail. UMSs typically also allow for more flexibility. The combination of flexibility (i.e., the ability to deviate from standard procedures) and the automated capturing of events, provides an interesting application domain for process mining. The goal of process mining is to discover process models from event logs. The alphaalpha-algorithm is a process mining algorithm whose application is not limited to ubiquitous and/or mobile systems. Unfortunately, the alphaalpha-algorithm is unable to tackle so-called short loops, i.e., the repeated occurrence of the same event. Therefore, a new algorithm is proposed to deal with short loops: the alphaalpha±algorithm. This algorithm has been implemented in the EMiT tool. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: 无处不在的移动系统(UMS)允许自动捕获事件。移动性和普遍性都受到电子手段的支持,例如移动电话和PDA,以及诸如RFID,蓝牙,WLAN等技术。这些可用于自动详细记录人类行为和业务流程。 UMS通常还可以提供更大的灵活性。灵活性(即偏离标准程序的能力)和事件的自动捕获的结合为过程挖掘提供了有趣的应用领域。流程挖掘的目的是从事件日志中发现流程模型。 $ alpha /-算法是一种过程挖掘算法,其应用不仅限于无处不在和/或移动系统。不幸的是, alpha -算法不能解决所谓的短循环,即同一事件的重复发生。因此,提出了一种新的算法来处理短循环: alpha $ ±算法。该算法已在EMiT工具中实现。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-30188-2_12]

[266] Process mining in healthcare - A case study (2008)

(Mans, R. S. and Schonenberg, M. H. and Song, M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: To gain competitive advantage, hospitals try to streamline their processes. In order to do so, it is essential to have an accurate view of the careftows under consideration. In this paper, we apply process mining techniques to obtain meaningful knowledge about these flows, e.g., to discover typical paths followed by particular groups of patients. This is a non-trivial task given the dynamic nature of healthcare processes. The paper demonstrates the applicability of process mining using a real case of a gynecological oncology process in a Dutch hospital. Using a variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the healthcare process from three different perspectives: (1) the control flow perspective, (2) the organizational perspective and (3) the performance perspective. In order to do so we extracted relevant event logs from the hospitals information system and analyzed these logs using the ProM framework. The results show that process mining can be used to provide new insights that facilitate the improvement of existing careftows.

摘要: 为了获得竞争优势,医院试图简化流程。为此,必须对所考虑的流线型有一个准确的了解。在本文中,我们应用过程挖掘技术来获取有关这些流程的有意义的知识,例如,发现特定患者群体遵循的典型路径。鉴于医疗保健过程的动态性质,这是一项艰巨的任务。本文演示了在荷兰一家医院使用妇科肿瘤学过程的实际案例进行过程挖掘的适用性。我们使用各种过程挖掘技术,从三个不同的角度分析了医疗保健过程:(1)控制流角度,(2)组织角度,以及(3)绩效角度。为此,我们从医院信息系统中提取了相关的事件日志,并使用ProM框架分析了这些日志。结果表明,过程挖掘可用于提供新见解,从而有助于改善现有的工作流。

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[267] Process mining in healthcare: Data challenges when answering frequently posed questions (2013)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In hospitals, huge amounts of data are recorded concerning the diagnosis and treatments of patients. Process mining can exploit such data and provide an accurate view on healthcare processes and show how they are really executed. In this paper, we describe the different types of event data found in current Hospital Information Systems (HISs). Based on this classification of available data, open problems and challenges are discussed that need to be solved in order to increase the uptake of process mining in healthcare.

摘要: 在医院中,记录了大量有关患者诊断和治疗的数据。 流程挖掘可以利用此类数据并提供有关医疗流程的准确视图,并显示它们是如何真正执行的。 在本文中,我们描述了当前医院信息系统(HIS)中发现的不同类型的事件数据。 基于可用数据的分类,讨论了需要解决的开放问题和挑战,以提高医疗保健过程挖掘的使用率。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36438-9_10]

[268] Process mining in software systems: Discovering real-life business transactions and process models from distributed systems (2015)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper presents a novel reverse engineering technique for obtaining real-life event logs from distributed systems. This allows us to analyze the operational processes of software systems under real-life conditions, and use process mining techniques to obtain precise and formal models. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between reverse engineering and process mining. We present a formal definition, implementation and an instrumentation strategy based the joinpoint-pointcut model. Two case studies are used to evaluate our approach. These concrete examples demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of our approach.

摘要: 本文提出了一种新颖的逆向工程技术,用于从分布式系统中获取现实事件日志。这使我们能够在现实条件下分析软件系统的操作过程,并使用过程挖掘技术来获得精确而正式的模型。因此,可以将工作定位在逆向工程和过程挖掘之间。我们提出基于联接点切入点模型的正式定义,实现和检测策略。两个案例研究用于评估我们的方法。这些具体示例证明了我们方法的可行性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MODELS.2015.7338234]

[269] Process mining manifesto (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in todays information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus, providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. This manifesto is created by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and aims to promote the topic of process mining. Moreover, by defining a set of guiding principles and listing important challenges, this manifesto hopes to serve as a guide for software developers, scientists, consultants, business managers, and end-users. The goal is to increase the maturity of process mining as a new tool to improve the (re)design, control, and support of operational business processes. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 进程挖掘技术能够从当今信息系统中通常可用的事件日志中提取知识。这些技术提供了发现,监视和改进各种应用程序域中进程的新方法。人们对这种增长的兴趣有两个主要驱动力流程挖掘:一方面,越来越多的事件被记录下来,从而提供了有关流程历史的详细信息;另一方面,需要在竞争激烈且瞬息万变的环境中改进和支持业务流程。宣言是由IEEE流程挖掘工作组创建的,旨在促进流程挖掘的主题,此外,通过定义一套指导原则并列出重要的挑战,该宣言希望可以为软件开发人员,科学家,顾问提供指南,业务经理和最终用户。目标是增加流程挖掘的成熟度,以此作为改进(重新)设计,控制和改进的新工具。支持业务流程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28108-2_19]

[270] Process mining on databases: Unearthing historical data from redo logs (2015)

(de Murillas, Eduardo Gonzalez Lopez and van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process Mining techniques rely on the existence of event data. However, in many cases it is far from trivial to obtain such event data. Considerable efforts may need to be spent on making IT systems record historic data at all. But even if such records are available, it may not be possible to derive an event log for the case notion one is interested in, i.e., correlating events to form process instances may be challenging. This paper proposes an approach that exploits a commonly available and versatile source of data, i.e. database redo logs. Such logs record the writing operations performed in a general-purpose database for a range of objects, which constitute a collection of events. By using the relations between objects as specified in the associated data model, it is possible to turn such events into an event log for a wide range of case types. The resulting logs can be analyzed using existing process mining techniques.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术依赖于事件数据的存在。但是,在许多情况下,获取此类事件数据绝非易事。可能需要花费大量的精力使IT系统完全记录历史数据。但是,即使有这样的记录,也可能无法得出人们感兴趣的案例概念的事件日志,也就是说,关联事件以形成流程实例可能是具有挑战性的。本文提出了一种方法,该方法利用了通用且通用的数据源,即数据库重做日志。这样的日志记录了在通用数据库中针对构成对象集合的一系列对象执行的写操作。通过使用关联数据模型中指定的对象之间的关系,可以将此类事件转换为各种案例类型的事件日志。可以使用现有的流程挖掘技术来分析生成的日志。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-23063-4_25]

[271] Process mining online assessment data (2009)

(Pechenizkiy, Mykola and Trvcka, Nikola and Vasilyeva, Ekaterina and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Traditional data mining techniques have been extensively applied to find interesting patterns, build descriptive and predictive models from large volumes of data accumulated through the use of different information systems. The results of data mining can be used for getting a better understanding of the underlying educational processes, for generating recommendations and advice to students, for improving management of learning objects, etc. However, most of the traditional data mining techniques focus on data dependencies or simple patterns and do not provide a visual representation of the complete educational (assessment) process ready to be analyzed. To allow for these types of analysis (in which the process plays the central role), a new line of data-mining research, called process mining, has been initiated. Process mining focuses on the development of a set of intelligent tools and techniques aimed at extracting process-related knowledge from event logs recorded by an information system. In this paper we demonstrate the applicability of process mining, and the ProM framework in particular, to educational data mining context. We analyze assessment data from recently organized online multiple choice tests and demonstrate the use of process discovery, conformance checking and performance analysis techniques.

摘要: 传统数据挖掘技术已广泛应用于寻找有趣的模式,通过使用不同的信息系统从大量积累的数据中构建描述性和预测性模型。数据挖掘的结果可用于更好地理解基础的教育过程,为学生提供建议和建议,改善学习对象的管理等。但是,大多数传统的数据挖掘技术都侧重于数据依存关系或简单的模式,不能直观地表示可供分析的完整教育(评估)过程。为了进行这些类型的分析(在过程中起主要作用),已经启动了一条新的数据挖掘研究线,称为过程挖掘。流程挖掘专注于开发一套智能工具和技术,旨在从信息系统记录的事件日志中提取与流程相关的知识。在本文中,我们演示了过程挖掘的适用性,尤其是ProM框架在教育数据挖掘环境中的适用性。我们分析了最近组织的在线多项选择测试的评估数据,并演示了过程发现,一致性检查和性能分析技术的使用。

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[272] Process mining techniques: An application to stroke care (2008)

(Mans, Ronny and Schonenberg, Helen and Leonardi, Giorgio and Panzarasa, Silvia and Cavallini, Anna and Quaglini, Silvana and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In a competitive health-care market, hospitals have to focus on ways to streamline their processes in order to deliver high quality care while at the same time reducing costs. To accomplish this goal, hospital managers need a thorough understanding of the actual processes. Diffusion of Information and Communication Technology tools within hospitals, such as electronic clinical charts, computerized guidelines and, more generally, decision support systems, make huge collections of data available, not only for data analysis, but also for process analysis. Process mining can be used to extract process related information (e.g., process models) from data, i.e., process mining describes a family of a-posteriori analysis techniques exploiting the information recorded in the event logs. This process information can be used to understand and redesign processes to become efficient high quality processes. In this paper, we apply process mining on two datasets for stroke patients and present the most interesting results. Above all, the paper demonstrates the applicability of process mining in the health-care domain.

摘要: 在竞争激烈的医疗保健市场中,医院必须专注于简化流程的方法,以提供高质量的护理,同时降低成本。为了实现这一目标,医院管理人员需要对实际过程有透彻的了解。医院内部信息和通信技术工具的扩散,例如电子临床图表,计算机化指南以及更广泛的决策支持系统,使大量数据不仅可用于数据分析,而且可用于过程分析。流程挖掘可用于从数据中提取与流程相关的信息(例如流程模型),即流程挖掘描述了一系列利用事件日志中记录的信息的后验分析技术。此过程信息可用于了解和重新设计过程,以成为高效的高质量过程。在本文中,我们将过程挖掘应用于中风患者的两个数据集,并给出最有趣的结果。最重要的是,本文证明了过程挖掘在医疗保健领域的适用性。

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[273] Process mining towards semantics (2008)

(Alves De Medeiros | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques target the automatic discovery of information about process models in organizations. The discovery is based on the execution data registered in event logs. Current techniques support a variety of practical analysis, but they are somewhat limited because the labels in the log are not linked to any concepts. Thus, in this chapter we show how the analysis provided by current techniques can be improved by including semantic data in event logs. Our explanation is divided into two main parts. The first part illustrates the power of current process mining techniques by showing how to use the open source process mining tool ProM to answer concrete questions that managers typically have about business processes. The second part utilizes usage scenarios to motivate how process mining techniques could benefit from semantic annotated event logs and defines a concrete semantic log format for ProM. The ProM tool is available at www.processmining.org. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术的目标是自动发现有关组织中过程模型的信息。该发现基于事件日志中注册的执行数据。当前的技术支持各种实际分析,但是由于日志中的标签未链接到任何概念,因此它们受到一定限制。因此,在本章中,我们将说明如何通过在事件日志中包含语义数据来改进当前技术提供的分析。我们的解释分为两个主要部分。第一部分通过展示如何使用开源流程挖掘工具ProM回答经理通常对业务流程的具体问题,来说明当前流程挖掘技术的强大功能。第二部分利用使用场景来激发过程挖掘技术如何从语义注释事件日志中受益,并为ProM定义具体的语义日志格式。 ProM工具可从www.processmining.org获得。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-89784-2_3]

[274] Process mining using BPMN: relating event logs and process models (2017)

(Kalenkova, Anna A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Rubin, Vladimir A. | )

Abstract: Process-aware information systems (PAIS) are systems relying on processes, which involve human and software resources to achieve concrete goals. There is a need to develop approaches for modeling, analysis, improvement and monitoring processes within PAIS. These approaches include process mining techniques used to discover process models from event logs, find log and model deviations, and analyze performance characteristics of processes. The representational bias (a way to model processes) plays an important role in process mining. The BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) standard is widely used and allows to build conventional and understandable process models. In addition to the flat control flow perspective, subprocesses, data flows, resources can be integrated within one BPMN diagram. This makes BPMN very attractive for both process miners and business users, since the control flow perspective can be integrated with data and resource perspectives discovered from event logs. In this paper, we describe and justify robust control flow conversion algorithms, which provide the basis for more advanced BPMN-based discovery and conformance checking algorithms. Thus, on the basis of these conversion algorithms low-level models (such as Petri nets, causal nets and process trees) discovered from event logs using existing approaches can be represented in terms of BPMN. Moreover, we establish behavioral relations between Petri nets and BPMN models and use them to adopt existing conformance checking and performance analysis techniques in order to visualize conformance and performance information within a BPMN diagram. We believe that the results presented in this paper can be used for a wide variety of BPMN mining and conformance checking algorithms. We also provide metrics for the processes discovered before and after the conversion to BPMN structures. Cases for which conversion algorithms produce more compact or more complicated BPMN models in comparison with the initial models are identified.

摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)是依赖于过程的系统,这些过程涉及人力和软件资源以实现具体目标。需要开发用于PAIS中的建模,分析,改进和监视过程的方法。这些方法包括用于从事件日志中发现过程模型,查找日志和模型偏差以及分析过程性能特征的过程挖掘技术。代表性偏差(一种建模过程的方法)在过程挖掘中起着重要作用。 BPMN 2.0(业务流程模型和表示法)标准被广泛使用,并允许构建常规且易于理解的流程模型。除了平面控制流透视图之外,子流程,数据流和资源也可以集成在一个BPMN图中。这使得BPMN对于流程挖掘者和业务用户都非常有吸引力,因为控制流透视图可以与从事件日志中发现的数据和资源透视图集成在一起。在本文中,我们描述并证明了鲁棒的控制流转换算法,该算法为更高级的基于BPMN的发现和一致性检查算法提供了基础。因此,基于这些转换算法,可以使用BPMN表示使用现有方法从事件日志中发现的低级模型(例如Petri网络,因果网络和过程树)。此外,我们在Petri网和BPMN模型之间建立行为关系,并使用它们采用现有的一致性检查和性能分析技术,以便在BPMN图表中可视化一致性和性能信息。我们认为,本文介绍的结果可用于多种BPMN挖掘和一致性检查算法。我们还提供了在转换为BPMN结构之前和之后发现的流程的度量。确定了与初始模型相比,转换算法可以产生更紧凑或更复杂的BPMN模型的情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-015-0502-0]

[275] Process mining: Data science in action (2016)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: This is the second edition of Wil van der Aalsts seminal book on process mining, which now discusses the field also in the broader context of data science and big data approaches. It includes several additions and updates, e.g. on inductive mining techniques, the notion of alignments, a considerably expanded section on software tools and a completely new chapter of process mining in the large. It is self-contained, while at the same time covering the entire process-mining spectrum from process discovery to predictive analytics. After a general introduction to data science and process mining in Part I, Part II provides the basics of business process modeling and data mining necessary to understand the remainder of the book. Next, Part III focuses on process discovery as the most important process mining task, while Part IV moves beyond discovering the control flow of processes, highlighting conformance checking, and organizational and time perspectives. Part V offers a guide to successfully applying process mining in practice, including an introduction to the widely used open-source tool ProM and several commercial products. Lastly, Part VI takes a step back, reflecting on the material presented and the key open challenges. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in process mining. It is intended for business process analysts, business consultants, process managers, graduate students, and BPM researchers.

摘要: 这是Wil van der Aalst关于过程采矿的开创性著作的第二版,该书现在还在更广泛的数据科学和大数据方法的背景下讨论该领域。它包括一些补充和更新,例如关于感应采矿技术,对齐的概念,软件工具的显着扩展部分以及大型过程挖掘的全新篇章是独立的,同时涵盖了从过程发现到预测分析的整个过程挖掘范围。第一部分,第二部分对数据科学和流程挖掘进行了一般性介绍,为理解本书的其余部分提供了业务流程建模和数据挖掘的基础知识;接下来,第三部分着重于将流程发现作为最重要的流程挖掘任务,而第四部分超越了发现流程的控制流,突出了一致性检查以及组织和时间观点,第五部分提供了成功的指南。在实践中成功地应用流程挖掘,包括对广泛使用的开源工具ProM和几种商业产品的介绍。最后,第六部分退后一步,对所介绍的材料和关键的开放挑战进行了反思。总体而言,本书全面概述了过程挖掘的最新技术。它适用于业务流程分析师,业务顾问,流程经理,研究生和BPM研究人员。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-49851-4]

[276] Process mining: Discovering direct successors in process logs (2002)

(Maruster, Laura and Weijters, A. J.M.M.(Ton) and van der Aalst, W. M.P.(Wil) and van den Bosch, Antal | )

Abstract: Workflow management technology requires the existence of explicit process models, i.e. a completely specified workflow design needs to be developed in order to enact a given workflow process. Such a workflow design is time consuming and often subjective and incomplete. We propose a learning method that uses the workflow log, which contains information about the process as it is actually being executed. In our method we will use a logistic regression model to discover the direct connections between events of a realistic not complete workflow log with noise. Experimental results are used to show the usefulness and limitations of the presented method.

摘要: 工作流程管理技术需要存在明确的流程模型,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要开发完全指定的工作流程设计。这样的工作流设计是耗时的并且通常是主观的和不完整的。我们提出一种使用工作流日志的学习方法,其中包含有关实际执行过程的信息。在我们的方法中,我们将使用逻辑回归模型来发现现实的,不完整的带有噪声的工作流日志的事件之间的直接联系。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性和局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-36182-0_37]

[277] Process model discovery: A method based on transition system decomposition (2014)

(Kalenkova, Anna A. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining aims to discover and analyze processes by extracting information from event logs. Process mining discovery algorithms deal with large data sets to learn automatically process models. As more event data become available there is the desire to learn larger and more complex process models. To tackle problems related to the readability of the resulting model and to ensure tractability, various decomposition methods have been proposed. This paper presents a novel decomposition approach for discovering more readable models from event logs on the basis of a priori knowledge about the event log structure: regular and special cases of the process execution are treated separately. The transition system, corresponding to a given event log, is decomposed into a regular part and a specific part. Then one of the known discovery algorithms is applied to both parts, and finally these models are combined into a single process model. It is proven, that the structural and behavioral properties of submodels are inherited by the unified process model. The proposed discovery algorithm is illustrated using a running example. textcopyright 2014 Springer International Publishing.

摘要: 过程挖掘旨在通过从事件日志中提取信息来发现和分析过程。流程挖掘发现算法处理大型数据集,以自动学习流程模型。随着越来越多的事件数据变得可用,人们希望学习更大,更复杂的过程模型。为了解决与所得模型的可读性有关的问题并确保易处理性,已经提出了各种分解方法。本文提出了一种新颖的分解方法,用于基于事件日志结构的先验知识从事件日志中发现更具可读性的模型:对流程执行的常规情况和特殊情况进行分别处理。对应于给定事件日志的转换系统被分解为常规部分和特定部分。然后,将已知的发现算法之一应用于这两个部分,最后将这些模型组合为单个过程模型。事实证明,子模型的结构和行为特性是由统一过程模型继承的。所提出的发现算法通过运行示例进行说明。 t​​extcopyright 2014年Springer国际出版。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-07734-5_5]

[278] Process model repair by detecting un- Tting fragments? (2017)

(Mitsyuk, Alexey A. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Shugurov, Ivan S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process models often do not adequately reect the behavior of real-life systems. In the general case, it is possible to construct a new adequate model by applying one of the discovery algorithms. At the same time, there are cases when the original model is of particular value. In such cases, it is better to apply model repair algorithms. Those algorithms construct a model which reects real behavior according to some criteria. Moreover, the repaired model remains as similar to the original one as possible. This paper proposes a modular approach which consists of three parts: (1) decomposing the process model and event log into model fragments and sub-logs, (2) selecting the fragments which need to be repaired, (3) repairing the selected fragments using a process discovery algorithm.

摘要: 流程模型通常不能充分反映真实系统的行为。 在一般情况下,可以通过应用一种发现算法来构建新的适当模型。 同时,在某些情况下原始模型具有特殊价值。 在这种情况下,最好应用模型修复算法。 这些算法构建了一个模型,该模型根据一些标准来反映实际行为。 而且,修复后的模型尽可能与原始模型相似。 本文提出了一种模块化方法,该方法包括三个部分:(1)将过程模型和事件日志分解为模型片段和子日志,(2)选择需要修复的片段,(3)使用选定的片段修复 流程发现算法。

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[279] Process profiler3D: A tool for visualising performance differences between process cohorts and process instances (2017)

(Poppe, E. and Wynn, M. T. and Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: An organisations event logs can give great insight into factors that affect the execution of their business processes by comparing different process cohorts. We have recently presented ProcessProfiler3D, a novel tool for such comparisons that supports interactive data exploration, automatic calculation of performance data and visual comparison of multiple cohorts. The approach enables the intuitive discovery of differences and trends in cohort performance. To better support the interpretation of these differences in the context of process execution we now extended the tool with a novel visualisation technique that enables the visualisation of case execution and timing in a way that provides context to such a performance analysis.

摘要: 组织的事件日志可以通过比较不同的流程组群来深入了解影响其业务流程执行的因素。我们最近介绍了ProcessProfiler3D,这是一种用于进行比较的新颖工具,它支持交互式数据探索,性能数据的自动计算和多个队列的可视化比较。该方法可以直观地发现队列性能的差异和趋势。为了更好地支持在流程执行过程中对这些差异的解释,我们现在使用一种新颖的可视化技术扩展了该工具,从而可以对案例进行可视化执行和时间安排,以为此类性能分析提供上下文。

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[280] Process-Aware Information System Development for the Healthcare Domain - Consistency, Reliability, and Effectiveness (2010)

(Mans, R. S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Optimal support for complex healthcare processes cannot be provided by a single out-of-the-box Process-Aware Information System and necessitates the construction of customized applications based on these systems. In order to allow for the seamless integration of the new technology into the existing operational processes of a healthcare organization, ensuring the correct operation and reliability of the developed system are of the utmost importance. This paper proposes an approach in which the same model is used for specifying, developing, testing and validating the operational performance of a new system. The benefits of using the same model for different purposes are decreased potential for loss of user requirements and increased confidence in reliability and correct operation of the resultant system before its deployment. This approach has been applied to a schedule-based workflow system developed for the AMC hospital in Amsterdam. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 复杂的医疗流程的最佳支持无法通过单个现成的流程感知信息系统提供,因此必须基于这些系统构建定制的应用程序。为了将新技术无缝集成到医疗机构的现有运营流程中,确保已开发系统的正确运行和可靠性至关重要。本文提出了一种使用相同模型来指定,开发,测试和验证新系统的运行性能的方法。将相同模型用于不同目的的好处是减少了失去用户需求的可能性,并提高了可靠性以及在部署最终系统之前正确运行该系统的信心。该方法已应用于为阿姆斯特丹AMC医院开发的基于计划的工作流系统。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_61]

[281] Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software through Process Technology (2005)

(Dumas, Marlon and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. | )

Abstract: A unifying foundation to design and implement process-aware information systems. This publication takes on the formidable task of establishing a unifying foundation and set of common underlying principles to effectively model, design, and implement process-aware information systems. Authored by leading authorities and pioneers in the field, Process-Aware Information Systems helps readers gain a thorough understanding of major concepts, languages, and techniques for building process-aware applications, including: UML and EPCs: two of the most widely used notations for business process modeling. Concrete techniques for process design and analysis. Process execution standards: WfMC and BPEL. Representative commercial tools: ARIS, TIBCO Staffware, and FLOWer. Each chapter begins with a description of the problem domain and then progressively unveils relevant concepts and techniques. Examples and illustrations are used extensively to clarify and simplify complex material. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises, ranging from simple questions to thought-provoking assignments. Sample solutions for many of the exercises are available on the companion Web site. Armed with a new and deeper understanding, readers are better positioned to make their own contributions to the field and evaluate various approaches to a particular task or problem. This publication is recommended as a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in computer science and information systems, as well as for professionals involved in workflow and business process management, groupware and teamwork, enterprise application integration, and business-to-business integration. A Solutions Manual is available online. An Instructor Support FTP site is also available. textcopyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

摘要: 一个设计和实现过程感知信息系统的统一基础。该出版物承担了建立一个统一基础和一套通用的基本原理以有效地建模,设计和实现过程感知信息系统的艰巨任务。流程感知信息系统是该领域的权威和开拓者,可帮助读者全面了解构建流程感知应用程序的主要概念,语言和技术,其中包括:UML和EPC:两种最广泛用于业务流程建模的符号。流程设计和分析的具体技术流程执行标准:WfMC和BPEL。代表性的商业工具:ARIS,TIBCO Staffware和FLOWer。每章均从问题域的描述开始,然后逐步揭示相关的概念和技术。插图广泛用于阐明和简化复杂的材料。包括一系列练习,从简单的问题到发人深省的作业。随附的网站上提供了许多练习的示例解决方案。有了新的和更深刻的理解,读者可以更好地为该领域做出自己的贡献,并评估针对特定任务或问题的各种方法。建议将该出版物用作计算机科学和信息系统的研究生和高级本科生以及从事工作流和业务流程管理,组件和团队合作,企业应用程序集成以及企业对企业集成的专业人员的教科书。可在线获得《解决方案手册》。还提供教师支持FTP站点。 t​​extcopyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons,Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/0471741442]

[282] Product based workflow support: Dynamic workflow execution (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) is a successful new approach to workflow process support. A description of the product, the Product Data Model (PDM), is central to this approach. While other research so far has focused on deriving a process model from the PDM, this paper presents a way to directly execute the PDM. This leads to a more dynamic and flexible support for the workflow process.

摘要: 基于产品的工作流程设计(PBWD)是成功支持工作流程过程的新方法。 对产品的描述(产品数据模型(PDM))是此方法的核心。 尽管到目前为止,其他研究都集中在从PDM推导过程模型上,但是本文提出了一种直接执行PDM的方法。 这为工作流程提供了更加动态和灵活的支持。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-69534-9_42]

[283] Product-driven workflow design (2002)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: In manufacturing the interaction between the design of a product and the process to manufacture this product is studied in detail. Consider for example Material Requirements Planning (MRP), which is mainly driven by the Bill-Of-Material (BOM). For information-intensive products such as insurance, loans, permits, and many other services, the relationship with the supporting workflow process is often neglected. Typically, the workflow processes are designed without careful consideration of structure and characteristics of the product. In this paper, we present a method for designing efficient and effective workflows based on the products generated by the process rather than subjective interpretations of managers, consultants, and IT experts.

摘要: 在制造过程中,将详细研究产品设计与制造过程之间的相互作用。 考虑例如主要由物料清单(BOM)驱动的物料需求计划(MRP)。 对于信息密集型产品,例如保险,贷款,许可证和许多其他服务,通常会忽略与支持工作流程过程的关系。 通常,设计工作流程过程时无需仔细考虑产品的结构和特性。 在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程生成的产品而不是经理,顾问和IT专家的主观解释来设计高效工作流的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/cscwd.2001.942292]

[284] Profiling event logs to configure risk indicators for process delays (2013)

(Pika, Anastasiia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Risk identification is one of the most challenging stages in the risk management process. Conventional risk management approaches provide little guidance and companies often rely on the knowledge of experts for risk identification. In this paper we demonstrate how risk indicators can be used to predict process delays via a method for configuring so-called Process Risk Indicators (PRIs). The method learns suitable configurations from past process behaviour recorded in event logs. To validate the approach we have implemented it as a plug-in of the ProM process mining framework and have conducted experiments using various data sets from a major insurance company. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 风险识别是风险管理过程中最具挑战性的阶段之一。传统的风险管理方法几乎没有提供指导,并且公司经常依靠专家的知识来进行风险识别。在本文中,我们演示了如何通过一种配置所谓的过程风险指标(PRI)的方法将风险指标用于预测过程延迟。该方法从事件日志中记录的过去过程行为中学习合适的配置。为了验证该方法,我们将其实现为ProM流程挖掘框架的插件,并使用来自一家大型保险公司的各种数据集进行了实验。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38709-8_30]

[285] Prom: The process mining toolkit (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Nowadays, all kinds of information systems store detailed information in logs. Process mining has emerged as a way to analyze these systems based on these detailed logs. Unlike classical data mining, the focus of process mining is on processes. First, process mining allows us to extract a process model from an event log. Second, it allows us to detect discrepancies between a modeled process (as it was envisioned to be) and an event log (as it actually is). Third, it can enrich an existing model with knowledge derived from an event log. This paper presents our tool ProM, which is the world-leading tool in the area of process mining.

摘要: 如今,各种信息系统都将详细信息存储在日志中。进程挖掘已成为一种基于这些详细日志分析这些系统的方法。与经典数据挖掘不同,流程挖掘的重点是流程。首先,流程挖掘使我们能够从事件日志中提取流程模型。其次,它使我们能够检测到建模过程(按预期)与事件日志(按实际情况)之间的差异。第三,它可以利用从事件日志中获得的知识来丰富现有模型。本文介绍了我们的工具ProM,它是过程挖掘领域中的世界领先工具。

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[286] Recurrent process mining with live event data (2018)

(Syamsiyah, Alifah and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: In organizations, process mining activities are typically performed in a recurrent fashion, e.g. once a week, an event log is extracted from the information systems and a process mining tool is used to analyze the process characteristics. Typically, process mining tools import the data from a file-based source in a pre-processing step, followed by an actual process discovery step over the pre-processed data in order to present results to the analyst. As the amount of event data grows over time, these tools take more and more time to do pre-processing and all this time, the business analyst has to wait for the tool to finish. In this paper, we consider the problem of recurrent process discovery in live environments, i.e. in environments where event data can be extracted from information systems near real time. We present a method that pre-processes each event when it is being generated, so that the business analyst has the pre-processed data at his/her disposal when starting the analysis. To this end, we define a notion of intermediate structure between the underlying data and the layer where the actual mining is performed. This intermediate structure is kept in a persistent storage and is kept live under updates. Using a state of the art process mining technique, we show the feasibility of our approach. Our work is implemented in the process mining tool ProM using a relational database system as our persistent storage. Experiments are presented on real-life event data to compare the performance of the proposed approach with the state of the art.

摘要: 在组织中,流程挖掘活动通常以循环方式执行,例如,每周一次,从信息系统中提取事件日志,并使用流程挖掘工具来分析流程的特征。通常,流程挖掘工具会导入在预处理步骤中从基于文件的源中获取数据,然后在预处理后的数据上进行实际的过程发现步骤,以便向分析人员呈现结果。随着事件数据量的增长,这些工具需要越来越多的时间进行预处理,并且所有这些时间,业务分析师都必须等待工具完成,在本文中,我们考虑了实时环境(即事件数据可以在环境中)发现循环过程的问题。我们从信息系统中实时提取数据,我们提出了一种在事件发生时对其进行预处理的方法,以便业务分析人员在开始分析肛门时可以对其进行预处理。 ysis。为此,我们定义了基础数据和执行实际挖掘的层之间的中间结构的概念。此中间结构保留在持久性存储中,并在更新下保持活动状态。使用最先进的过程挖掘技术,我们展示了该方法的可行性。我们的工作是在过程挖掘工具ProM中使用关系数据库系统作为持久存储来实现的。对现实事件数据进行了实验,以比较所提出的方法的性能和最新技术水平。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-74030-0_13]

[287] Relating process models and event logs 21 conformance propositions (2018)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining sheds new light on the relationship between process models and real-life processes. Process discovery can be used to learn process models from event logs. Conformance checking can be used to confront a descriptive or normative model with the actual behavior observed. Quantifying the relationship between process models and event logs is notoriously difficult. Existing approaches seem to make ad-hoc choices, leading to results that are not easy to interpret. To address these problems, we present 21 conformance propositions. These describe expected or desired properties of conformance measures. These cover notions such as recall (also called fitness), precision, and generalization. These propositions are put into a broader frame of Log-to-Log (L2L), Model-to-Model (M2M), and Log-to-Model (L2M) comparisons. Moreover, it is argued that conformance measures need to consider the likelihood of traces. Real-life event logs are incomplete showing only sample behavior. Moreover, observed traces tend to follow a Pareto distribution. Yet, mainstream process mining approaches stick to a binary view on process models (observed traces are fitting or not). This is hindering progress. The goal is to trigger a discussion by clearly formulating the challenges and requirements (rather than proposing new measures or techniques).

摘要: 过程挖掘为过程模型与现实过程之间的关系提供了新的思路。流程发现可用于从事件日志中学习流程模型。符合性检查可用于面对描述性或规范性模型并观察到实际行为。量化流程模型和事件日志之间的关系非常困难。现有方法似乎是临时选择的结果,导致结果难以解释。为了解决这些问题,我们提出21个一致性命题。这些描述了一致性度量的预期或期望特性。这些涵盖了诸如回忆(也称为适应性),精度和概括性的概念。将这些命题放到Log-to-Log(L2L),Model-to-Model(M2M)和Log-to-Model(L2M)比较的更广泛框架中。此外,有人认为一致性措施需要考虑痕迹的可能性。真实事件日志不完整,仅显示示例行为。此外,观察到的痕迹倾向于遵循帕累托分布。但是,主流的过程挖掘方法在过程模型上坚持二进制视图(观察到的痕迹是否合适)。这阻碍了进展。目的是通过明确提出挑战和要求(而不是提出新的措施或技术)来引发讨论。

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[288] Repairing event logs using timed process models (2013)

(Rogge-Solti, Andreas and Mans, Ronny S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining aims to infer meaningful insights from process-related data and attracted the attention of practitioners, tool-vendors, and researchers in recent years. Traditionally, event logs are assumed to describe the as-is situation. But this is not necessarily the case in environments where logging may be compromised due to manual logging. For example, hospital staff may need to manually enter information regarding the patients treatment. As a result, events or timestamps may be missing or incorrect. In this work, we make use of process knowledge captured in process models, and provide a method to repair missing events in the logs. This way, we facilitate analysis of incomplete logs. We realize the repair by combining stochastic Petri nets, alignments, and Bayesian networks.

摘要: 流程挖掘的目的是从与流程相关的数据中推断出有意义的见解,并且近年来引起了从业者,工具供应商和研究人员的关注。 传统上,假定事件日志描述了现状。 但是,在由于手动日志记录而可能损害日志记录的环境中,情况并非一定如此。 例如,医院工作人员可能需要手动输入有关患者治疗的信息。 结果,事件或时间戳可能丢失或不正确。 在这项工作中,我们利用过程模型中捕获的过程知识,并提供一种修复日志中丢失事件的方法。 这样,我们便于分析不完整的日志。 我们通过组合随机Petri网,路线和贝叶斯网络来实现修复。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-41033-8_89]

[289] Repairing outlier behaviour in event logs (2018)

(Fani Sani | )

Abstract: One of the main challenges in applying process mining on real event data, is the presence of noise and rare behaviour. Applying process mining algorithms directly on raw event data typically results in complex, incomprehensible, and, in some cases, even inaccurate analyses. As a result, correct and/or important behaviour may be concealed. In this paper, we propose an event data repair method, that tries to detect and repair outlier behaviour within the given event data. We propose a probabilistic method that is based on the occurrence frequency of activities in specific contexts. Our approach allows for removal of infrequent behaviour, which enables us to obtain a more global view of the process. The proposed method has been implemented in both the ProM- and the RapidProM framework. Using these implementations, we conduct a collection of experiments that show that we are able to detect and modify most types of outlier behaviour in the event data. Our evaluation clearly demonstrates that we are able to help to improve process mining discovery results by repairing event logs upfront.

摘要: 在真实事件数据上应用流程挖掘的主要挑战之一是噪声和罕见行为的存在。将过程挖掘算法直接应用于原始事件数据通常会导致复杂,难以理解的分析,在某些情况下甚至会导致分析不准确。结果,可以隐藏正确和/或重要的行为。在本文中,我们提出了一种事件数据修复方法,该方法试图检测和修复给定事件数据中的异常行为。我们提出一种概率方法,该方法基于特定情况下活动的发生频率。我们的方法可以消除不常出现的行为,从而使我们能够更全面地了解流程。 ProM-和RapidProM框架均已实现了所提出的方法。使用这些实现,我们进行了一系列实验,这些实验表明我们能够检测和修改事件数据中的大多数异常行为。我们的评估清楚地表明,我们能够通过预先修复事件日志来帮助改善流程挖掘的发现结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-93931-5_9]

[290] Repairing process models to reflect reality (2012)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques relate observed behavior (i.e., event logs) to modeled behavior (e.g., a BPMN model or a Petri net). Processes models can be discovered from event logs and conformance checking techniques can be used to detect and diagnose differences between observed and modeled behavior. Existing process mining techniques can only uncover these differences, but the actual repair of the model is left to the user and is not supported. In this paper we investigate the problem of repairing a process model w.r.t. a log such that the resulting model can replay the log (i.e., conforms to it) and is as similar as possible to the original model. To solve the problem, we use an existing conformance checker that aligns the runs of the given process model to the traces in the log. Based on this information, we decompose the log into several sublogs of non-fitting subtraces. For each sublog, a subprocess is derived that is then added to the original model at the appropriate location. The approach is implemented in the process mining toolkit ProM and has been validated on logs and models from Dutch municipalities. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术将观察到的行为(即事件日志)与建模的行为(例如BPMN模型或Petri网)相关联。可以从事件日志中发现流程模型,并且可以使用一致性检查技术来检测和诊断观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。现有的流程挖掘技术只能发现这些差异,但是模型的实际修复留给用户使用,不受支持。在本文中,我们研究了修复流程模型的问题。日志,以便生成的模型可以重播日志(即符合该日志),并且与原始模型尽可能相似。为了解决该问题,我们使用了一个现有的一致性检查器,该检查器将给定过程模型的运行与日志中的跟踪对齐。基于此信息,我们将日志分解为不适合的子跟踪的几个子日志。对于每个子日志,派生一个子过程,然后将其添加到原始模型的适当位置。该方法在过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现,并已在荷兰市政当局的日志和模型中得到验证。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-32885-5_19]

[291] Replay using recomposition: Alignment-based conformance checking in the large (2017)

(Lee, Wai Lam Jonathan and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the area of process mining, efficient alignment-based conformance checking is a hot topic. Existing approaches for conformance checking are typically monolithic and compute exact fitness values. One limitation with monolithic approaches is that it may take a significant amount of computation time in large processes. Alternatively, decomposition approaches run much faster but do not always compute an exact fitness value. This paper presents the tool Replay using Recomposition which returns the exact fitness value and the resulting alignments using the decomposition approach in an iterative manner. Other than computing the exact fitness value, users can configure the balance between result accuracy and computation time to get a fitness interval within set constraints, e.g., Give me the best fitness estimation you can find within 5 minutes.

摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,基于对齐的有效一致性检查是一个热门话题。 用于一致性检查的现有方法通常是整体式的,并且可以计算精确的适用性值。 整体方法的局限性在于在大型过程中可能要花费大量的计算时间。 可替代地,分解方法运行得快得多,但是并不总是计算出精确的适应度值。 本文介绍了使用Replay的Replay工具,该工具使用分解方法以迭代方式返回精确的适应度值和结果路线。 除了计算确切的适应度值之外,用户还可以配置结果准确性和计算时间之间的平衡,以在设定的约束范围内获得适应度间隔,例如,给我5分钟内可以找到的最佳适应度估计值。

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[292] Responsible data science: Using event data in a people friendly manner (2017)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: The omnipresence of event data and powerful process mining techniques make it possible to quickly learn process models describing what people and organizations really do. Recent breakthroughs in process mining resulted in powerful techniques to discover the real processes, to detect deviations from normative process models, and to analyze bottlenecks and waste. Process mining and other data science techniques can be used to improve processes within any organization. However, there are also great concerns about the use of data for such purposes. Increasingly, customers, patients, and other stakeholders worry about irresponsible forms of data science. Automated data decisions may be unfair or non-transparent. Confidential data may be shared unintentionally or abused by third parties. Each step in the data science pipeline (from raw data to decisions) may create inaccuracies, e.g., if the data used to learn a model reflects existing social biases, the algorithm is likely to incorporate these biases. These concerns could lead to resistance against the large-scale use of data and make it impossible to reap the benefits of process mining and other data science approaches. This paper discusses Responsible Process Mining (RPM) as a new challenge in the broader field of Responsible Data Science (RDS). Rather than avoiding the use of (event) data altogether, we strongly believe that techniques, infrastructures and approaches can be made responsible by design. Not addressing the challenges related to RPM/RDS may lead to a society where (event) data are misused or analysis results are deeply mistrusted.

摘要: 事件数据无处不在,强大的流程挖掘技术使快速学习描述人员和组织实际行为的流程模型成为可能。过程挖掘的最新突破导致了强大的技术来发现实际过程,检测与规范过程模型的偏差以及分析瓶颈和浪费。流程挖掘和其他数据科学技术可用于改善任何组织内的流程。但是,对于将数据用于此类目的也存在极大的担忧。客户,患者和其他利益相关者越来越担心数据科学的不负责任形式。自动化的数据决策可能是不公平的或不透明的。机密数据可能无意间被共享或被第三方滥用。 数据科学流水线中的每个步骤(从原始数据到决策)都可能产生不准确性,例如,如果用于学习模型的数据反映了现有的社会偏见,则该算法可能会合并这些偏见。这些担忧可能导致对大规模使用数据的抵制,并使其无法获得流程挖掘和其他数据科学方法的好处。本文讨论了负责任的流程挖掘(RPM),这是更广泛的负责任的数据科学(RDS)领域中的新挑战。我们坚决认为,可以完全通过设计使技术,基础架构和方法负责,而不是完全避免使用(事件)数据。不解决与RPM / RDS相关的挑战可能会导致一个社会,其中(事件)数据被滥用或分析结果受到高度信任。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-62386-3_1]

[293] Reusing a declarative specification to check the conformance of different CIGs (2012)

(Grando, M. A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Several Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) languages have been proposed by the health community. Even though these CIG languages share common ideas each language has to be provided with his own mechanism of verification. In an earlier work we have shown that a DECLARE model can be used for checking the conformance of a PROforma CIG. In this paper, we show that the same model can also be used for checking the conformance of a similar CIG expressed in the GLIF language. Besides, as the GLIF model has been expressed in terms of a Coloured Petri Net (CPN), we also elaborate on the experiences obtained when applying the model checking techniques supported by CPN tools. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 几种计算机可解释性指南(CIG)语言已由卫生界提出。即使这些CIG语言具有共同的想法,也必须为每种语言提供自己的验证机制。在较早的工作中,我们已经表明DECLARE模型可以用于检查PROforma CIG的一致性。在本文中,我们证明了相同的模型也可以用于检查以GLIF语言表达的相似CIG的一致性。此外,由于GLIF模型是用有色Petri网(CPN)表示的,因此我们还将详细介绍应用CPN工具支持的模型检查技术时获得的经验。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28115-0_19]

[294] Reviving token-based replay: Increasing speed while improving diagnostics (2019)

(Berti, Alessandro and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Token-based replay used to be the standard way to conduct conformance checking. With the uptake of more advanced techniques (e.g., alignment based), token-based replay got abandoned. However, despite decomposition approaches and heuristics to speed-up computation, the more advanced conformance checking techniques have limited scalability, especially when traces get longer and process models more complex. This paper presents an improved token-based replay approach that is much faster and scalable. Moreover, the approach provides more accurate diagnostics that avoid known problems (e.g., token flooding) and help to pinpoint compliance problems. The novel token-based replay technique has been implemented in the PM4Py process mining library. We will show that the replay technique outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in terms of speed and/or diagnostics.

摘要: 基于令牌的重放曾经是进行一致性检查的标准方法。随着更先进技术(例如,基于对齐)的采用,基于令牌的重放被放弃了。但是,尽管采用分解方法和启发式方法来加快计算速度,但更先进的一致性检查技术的可伸缩性有限,尤其是在跟踪变得更长且过程模型更加复杂时。本文提出了一种改进的基于令牌的重播方法,该方法快得多且可扩展。此外,该方法提供了更准确的诊断,避免了已知问题(例如令牌泛滥),并有助于查明合规性问题。新型的基于令牌的重放技术已在PM4Py流程挖掘库中实现。我们将展示重放技术在速度和/或诊断方面的性能优于最新技术。

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[295] Root cause analysis with enriched process logs (2013)

(Suriadi, Suriadi and Ouyang, Chun and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the field of process mining, the use of event logs for the purpose of root cause analysis is increasingly studied. In such an analysis, the availability of attributes/features that may explain the root cause of some phenomena is crucial. Currently, the process of obtaining these attributes from raw event logs is performed more or less on a case-by-case basis: there is still a lack of generalized systematic approach that captures this process. This paper proposes a systematic approach to enrich and transform event logs in order to obtain the required attributes for root cause analysis using classical data mining techniques, the classification techniques. This approach is formalized and its applicability has been validated using both self-generated and publicly-available logs. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,越来越多地研究了将事件日志用于根本原因分析的目的。在这样的分析中,可以解释某些现象根本原因的属性/功能的可用性至关重要。当前,从原始事件日志中获取这些属性的过程或多或少地根据具体情况执行:仍然缺乏捕获该过程的通用系统方法。本文提出了一种系统的方法来丰富和转换事件日志,以便使用经典的数据挖掘技术(分类技术)获得根本原因分析所需的属性。此方法已正式化,并且已使用自生成日志和公共可用日志验证了其适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2013年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9-18]

[296] SAP WebFlow made configurable: Unifying workflow templates into a configurable model (2007)

(Gottschalk, Florian and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: To facilitate the implementation of workflows, enterprise and workflow system vendors typically provide workflow templates for their software. Each of these templates depicts a variant of how the software supports a certain business process, allowing the user to save the effort of creating models and links to system components from scratch by selecting and activating the appropriate template. A combination of the strengths from different templates is however only achievable by manually adapting the templates which is cumbersome. We therefore suggest in this paper to combine different workflow templates into a single configurable workflow template. Using the workflow modeling language of SAPs WebFlow engine, we show how such a configurable workflow modeling language can be created by identifying the configurable elements in the original language. Requirements imposed on configurations inhibit invalid configurations. Based on a default configuration such configurable templates can be used as easy as the traditional templates. The suggested approach is also applicable to other workflow modeling languages. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 为了促进工作流的实施,企业和工作流系统供应商通常会为其软件提供工作流模板。每个模板都描述了该软件如何支持特定业务流程的变体,从而使用户省去了创建模型和通过选择并激活适当的模板从头开始链接到系统组件,但是只有通过手动调整模板才能实现不同模板的优势组合,因此我们建议在本文中将不同的工作流程模板组合为一个可配置的模板使用SAP WebFlow引擎的工作流建模语言,我们展示了如何通过识别原始语言中的可配置元素来创建这种可配置的工作流建模语言。对配置的要求可以禁止无效的配置。基于默认配置(例如可配置)模板可以是与传统模板一样容易使用。建议的方法也适用于其他工作流程建模语言。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75183-0_19]

[297] Scalable process discovery and conformance checking (2018)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Considerable amounts of data, including process events, are collected and stored by organisations nowadays. Discovering a process model from such event data and verification of the quality of discovered models are important steps in process mining. Many discovery techniques have been proposed, but none of them combines scalability with strong quality guarantees. We would like such techniques to handle billions of events or thousands of activities, to produce sound models (without deadlocks and other anomalies), and to guarantee that the underlying process can be rediscovered when sufficient information is available. In this paper, we introduce a framework for process discovery that ensures these properties while passing over the log only once and introduce three algorithms using the framework. To measure the quality of discovered models for such large logs, we introduce a model–model and model–log comparison framework that applies a divide-and-conquer strategy to measure recall, fitness, and precision. We experimentally show that these discovery and measuring techniques sacrifice little compared to other algorithms, while gaining the ability to cope with event logs of 100,000,000 traces and processes of 10,000 activities on a standard computer.

摘要: 如今,组织收集并存储了大量的数据,包括过程事件。从此类事件数据中发现过程模型并验证发现的模型的质量是过程挖掘中的重要步骤。已经提出了许多发现技术,但是它们都没有将可伸缩性与强大的质量保证相结合。我们希望这些技术能够处理数十亿个事件或数千个活动,生成健全的模型(没有死锁和其他异常),并保证在有足够的信息可用时可以重新发现基础过程。在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于过程发现的框架,该框架可确保这些属性同时仅传递一次日志,并使用该框架介绍三种算法。为了衡量此类大型日志的发现模型的质量,我们引入了模型-模型和模型-日志比较框架,该框架应用分而治之策略来衡量召回率,适用性和准确性。我们通过实验证明,与其他算法相比,这些发现和测量技术所付出的代价很少,同时具有在标准计算机上应对100,000,000条轨迹的事件日志和10,000条活动的过程的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-016-0545-x]

[298] Scalable process discovery with guarantees (2015)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Considerable amounts of data, including process event data, are collected and stored by organisations nowadays. Discovering a process model from recorded process event data is the aim of process discovery algorithms. Many techniques have been proposed, but none combines scalability with quality guarantees, e.g. can handle billions of events or thousands of activities, and produces sound models (without deadlocks and other anomalies), and guarantees to rediscover the underlying process in some cases. In this paper, we introduce a framework for process discovery that computes a directly-follows graph by passing over the log once, and applying a divide-and-conquer strategy. Moreover, we introduce three algorithms using the framework.We experimentally show that it sacrifices little compared to algorithms that use the full event log, while it gains the ability to cope with event logs of 100,000,000 traces and processes of 10,000 activities.

摘要: 如今,组织收集并存储了大量数据,包括过程事件数据。从记录的过程事件数据中发现过程模型是过程发现算法的目的。已经提出了许多技术,但是没有一种技术将可伸缩性与质量保证相结合,例如。可以处理数十亿个事件或数千个活动,并生成合理的模型(没有死锁和其他异常),并保证在某些情况下重新发现底层过程。在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于过程发现的框架,该框架通过一次传递日志并应用分而治之策略来计算直接跟随图。此外,我们使用该框架介绍了三种算法。我们通过实验证明,与使用完整事件日志的算法相比,它付出的代价很小,而它具有应付100,000,000个跟踪的事件日志和10,000个活动的进程的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-19237-6_6]

[299] Semantic process mining for the verification of medical recommendations (2011)

(Grando, M. A. and Schonenberg, M. H. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The dissemination of best medical practices should contribute to a higher quality of care. Because natural language specifications can be ambiguous, their miss interpretation can lead to all kinds of errors. Here we propose a declarative approach for precisely defining medical recommendations. We also propose an approach based on semantic process mining to verify that an arbitrary Computer Interpretable Guideline (CIG) complies with the medical recommendations. Taking into account that some medical recommendations are critical, our work can be seen as a contribution to the design of safer CIGs. Moreover, we introduce some novel strategies to take full advantage of the information provided by the semantic conformance checker in order to: 1) suggest scenarios than could lead to violations of the medical constraints in the CIG and, 2) estimate how flexible is the CIG with respect to the medical recommendations used as starting point.

摘要: 最佳医疗实践的传播应有助于提高护理质量。由于自然语言规范可能含糊不清,因此它们的遗漏解释可能会导致各种错误。在这里,我们提出了一种用于精确定义医学建议的声明方法。我们还提出了一种基于语义过程挖掘的方法,以验证任意计算机可解释性指南(CIG)是否符合医学建议。考虑到一些医疗建议至关重要,我们的工作可以看作是对设计更安全的CIG的贡献。此外,我们介绍了一些新颖的策略来充分利用语义一致性检查器提供的信息,以便:1)提出可能导致违反CIG中医疗限制的方案,以及2)估计CIG的灵活性关于作为起点的医学建议。

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[300] Semantic process mining tools: Core building blocks (2008)

(De Medeiros | )

Abstract: Process mining aims at discovering new knowledge based on information hidden in event logs. Two important enablers for such analysis are powerful process mining techniques and the omnipresence of event logs in todays information systems. Most information systems supporting (structured) business processes (e.g. ERP, CRM, and workflow systems) record events in some form (e.g. transaction logs, audit trails, and database tables). Process mining techniques use event logs for all kinds of analysis, e.g., auditing, performance analysis, process discovery, etc. Although current process mining techniques/tools are quite mature, the analysis they support is somewhat limited because it is purely based on labels in logs. This means that these techniques cannot benefit from the actual semantics behind these labels which could cater for more accurate and robust analysis techniques. Existing analysis techniques are purely syntax oriented, i.e., much time is spent on filtering, translating, interpreting, and modifying event logs given a particular question. This paper presents the core building blocks necessary to enable semantic process mining techniques/tools. Although the approach is highly generic, we focus on a particular process mining technique and show how this technique can be extended and implemented in the ProM framework tool.

摘要: 流程挖掘旨在基于事件日志中隐藏的信息发现新知识。进行这种分析的两个重要推动因素是强大的流程挖掘技术和当今信息系统中事件日志的无处不在。大多数信息系统支持(结构化)业务流程(例如ERP,CRM和工作流系统)以某种形式记录事件(例如,事务日志,审计跟踪和数据库表),过程挖掘技术将事件日志用于各种分析,例如审计,性能分析,过程发现等。尽管当前的流程挖掘技术/工具已经相当成熟,但是它们所支持的分析还是有限的,因为它仅基于日志中的标签,这意味着这些技术无法从这些标签后面的实际语义中受益,因为这些语义可能无法满足更准确,更可靠的要求。分析技术:现有的分析技术纯粹是面向语法的,即花费大量时间进行过滤,翻译,插入给定一个特定问题,设置和修改事件日志。本文介绍了实现语义过程挖掘技术/工具所必需的核心构建块。尽管该方法具有很高的通用性,但我们将重点放在特定的过程挖掘技术上,并说明如何在ProM框架工具中扩展和实现该技术。

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[301] Semantic-Based Conformance Checking of Computer Interpretable Medical Guidelines (2011)

(Grando, M. A. and Schonenberg, M. H. and van der Aalst, W. | )

Abstract: Medical recommendations are generally expressed in natural language and therefore their ambiguity can lead to miss interpretations and medical errors. In this paper we propose an approach to 1) disambiguate medical recommendations by specifying them in a declarative language and 2) check the conformance of Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) with respect to the declarative specification of the medical recommendations. Our approach is based on semantic process mining techniques. Furthermore, we explain two ways to further exploit the information provided by the semantic conformance checker. To increase the accuracy of the model checker we suggest medical scenarios that were not considered for the enactment of the CIG and could show a violation of the medical constraints. Moreover, we discover scenarios which were not covered by the CIG but were considered for the medical recommendations. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.

摘要: 医疗建议通常以自然语言表达,因此其含糊不清会导致解释遗漏和医疗错误。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法:1)通过以声明性语言指定医疗建议来消除歧义,以及2)检查与计算机推荐准则(CIG)的声明性规范有关的医疗建议。我们的方法基于语义过程挖掘技术。此外,我们解释了两种进一步利用语义一致性检查器提供的信息的方法。为了提高模型检查器的准确性,我们建议制定CIG时不考虑的医疗场景,并且可能显示出违反医疗约束的情况。此外,我们发现了CIG并未涵盖但被考虑用于医疗建议的场景。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2013。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-29752-6]

[302] Service discovery from observed behavior while guaranteeing deadlock freedom in collaborations (2013)

(Muller, Richard and Stahl, Christian and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process discovery techniques can be used to derive a process model from observed example behavior (i.e., an event log). As the observed behavior is inherently incomplete and models may serve different purposes, four competing quality dimensions-fitness, precision, simplicity, and generalization-have to be balanced to produce a process model of high quality. In this paper, we investigate the discovery of processes that are specified as services. Given a service S and observed behavior of a service P interacting with S, we discover a service model of P. Our algorithm balances the four quality dimensions based on user preferences. Moreover, unlike existing discovery approaches, we guarantees that the composition of S and P is deadlock free. The service discovery technique has been implemented in ProM and experiments using service models of industrial size demonstrate the scalability or our approach. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程发现技术可用于从观察到的示例行为(即事件日志)中导出过程模型。由于观察到的行为本质上是不完整的,并且模型可能用于不同的目的,因此必须权衡四个相互竞争的质量维度(适应性,精度,简单性和泛化性)以生成高质量的过程模型。在本文中,我们调查了指定为服务的流程的发现。给定服务S并观察到服务P与S交互的行为,我们发现P的服务模型。我们的算法会根据用户偏好来平衡四个质量维度。此外,与现有的发现方法不同,我们保证S和P的组成没有死锁。服务发现技术已在ProM中实现,使用工业规模服务模型的实验证明了可扩展性或我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-45005-1_25]

[303] Similarity resonance for improving process model matching accuracy (2018)

(Assy, Nour and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Comparing and matching process models is a common task in many process engineering applications such as in querying and refactoring large process model repositories. The first and most challenging task in process model matching is to establish a similarity measure between process activities. Existing works use label similarity techniques to compute activities similarity. In this paper, we propose a contextual similarity measure that, in addition to label similarity, exploits the similarity of the context surrounding activities. We introduce similarity resonance, a recursive algorithm that computes a global contextual similarity between process activities. Our intuition is that two activities are similar if they are executed in similar contexts which are represented by the surrounding activity neighbors. In turn, the activity neighbors are similar if their neighbors are similar, and so on. In this way, the pairwise similarity between all activities is iteratively computed and updated based on the similarity between their neighbors until the similarity scores have been stabilized and have been propagated to the whole graph. The approach has been implemented as a ProM plugin and was evaluated using several real-life datasets.

摘要: 比较和匹配过程模型是许多过程工程应用程序中的常见任务,例如在查询和重构大型过程模型存储库中。过程模型匹配中的第一个也是最具挑战性的任务是建立过程活动之间的相似性度量。现有作品使用标签相似度技术来计算活动的相似度。本文提出了一种上下文相似度度量,除了标签相似度之外,还利用活动周围上下文的相似度;我们引入了相似度共鸣,这是一种计算全局上下文相似度的递归算法。我们的直觉是,如果两个活动在相似的上下文中执行,则它们是相似的,并由周围的活动邻居表示;反过来,如果活动邻居是相似的,则活动邻居也是相似的,依此类推。迭代计算和更新所有活动之间的成对相似性根据邻居之间的相似度,直到相似度评分稳定并传播到整个图。该方法已实现为ProM插件,并已使用多个实际数据集进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3167132.3167138]

[304] Simplifying mined process models: An approach based on unfoldings (2011)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process models discovered using process mining tend to be complex and have problems balancing between overfitting and underfitting. Overfitting models are not general enough while underfitting models allow for too much behavior. This paper presents a post-processing approach to simplify discovered process models while controlling the balance between overfitting and underfitting. The discovered process model, expressed in terms of a Petri net, is unfolded into a branching process using the event log. Subsequently, the resulting branching process is folded into a simpler process model capturing the desired behavior. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: Process models discovered using process mining tend to be complex and have problems balancing between overfitting and underfitting. Overfitting models are not general enough while underfitting models allow for too much behavior. This paper presents a post-processing approach to simplify discovered process models while controlling the balance between overfitting and underfitting. The discovered process model, expressed in terms of a Petri net, is unfolded into a branching process using the event log. Subsequently, the resulting branching process is folded into a simpler process model capturing the desired behavior. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23059-2_27]

[305] Software process analysis methodology-a methodology based on lessons learned in embracing legacy software (2018)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Over the last decades, the complexity of high-Tech systems, and the software systems controlling them, has increased considerably. In practice, it is hard to keep knowledge and documentation of these ever-evolving software systems up-To-date with their actual realization; we are dealing with legacy software. Clearly, this lack of knowledge, insight, and understanding is more and more becoming a critical issue. Process mining provides an interesting opportunity to improve understanding and analyze software behavior based on observations from the system on the run. However, a concrete software process analysis methodology was lacking. This paper 1) discusses a software process analysis case study at ASML, a large high-Tech company, and, based on the lessons learned, 2) presents a concrete methodology for analyzing software processes. The presented methodology actively includes the system under analysis and is based on practical experiences in applying process mining on industrial-scale legacy software.

摘要: 在过去的几十年中,高科技系统以及控制它们的软件系统的复杂性大大增加了。在实践中,很难使这些不断发展的软件系统的知识和文档与实际实现保持同步。我们正在处理旧版软件。显然,缺乏知识,洞察力和理解力越来越成为关键问题。流程挖掘提供了一个有趣的机会,可以基于对运行系统的观察来提高对软件行为的理解和分析。但是,缺乏具体的软件过程分析方法。本文1)讨论了一家大型高科技公司ASML的软件过程分析案例研究,并基于所汲取的经验教训,2)提出了一种用于分析软件过程的具体方法。提出的方法学积极地包括正在分析的系统,并且基于在工业规模的遗留软件上应用过程挖掘的实践经验。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSME.2018.00076]

[306] Soundness and niceness as correctness criteria for grid workflows (2008)

(Trvcka, Nikola and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Soundness property has been defined as the minimal correctness requirement that every business workflow must meet. The property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without exact domain knowledge. In this paper we extend the notion of soundness to grid workflows. In addition to discovering flaws in the control flow, our notion also captures incorrect dataflow, as well as incorrect (or redundant) data transfer and data removal activities. We propose several possible definitions, depending on the capabilities of (or the options set in) the middleware. To capture the problem of some data occupying the grid storage space unnecessarily long, we also introduce the concept of workflow niceness. Niceness should not be seen as a correctness requirement, but rather as a desired property complementary to soundness. In addition to giving a procedure to check niceness, we also give a method that converts a grid workflow into a nice one. By using the language of Petri nets as foundation, we ensure that our results apply to a wide variety of grid workflow languages. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.

摘要: Soundness属性已定义为每个业务工作流程必须满足的最低正确性要求。该属性保证没有活动锁,死锁和其他异常,而无需确切的域知识就可以检测到。在本文中,我们将健全性的概念扩展到网格工作流。除了发现控制流中的缺陷之外,我们的概念还捕获了不正确的数据流以及不正确(或冗余)的数据传输和数据删除活动。根据中间件的功能(或其中设置的选项),我们提出了几种可能的定义。为了捕获某些数据不必要地占用网格存储空间的问题,我们还引入了工作流优美性的概念。尼斯不应被视为正确性的要求,而应被视为对健全性的补充。除了提供检查美观性的过程之外,我们还提供一种将网格工作流转换为不错的方法。通过使用Petri网的语言作为基础,我们确保我们的结果适用于多种网格工作流语言。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/eScience.2008.85]

[307] Specifying and monitoring service flows: Making Web services process-aware (2007)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: BPEL has emerged as the de-facto standard for implementing processes based on web services while formal languages like Petri nets have been proposed as an academic response allowing for all kinds of analysis. Although languages such as BPEL and Petri nets can be used to describe service flows, they both tend to overspecify the process and this does not fit well with the autonomous nature of services. Therefore, we propose DecSerFlow as a Declarative Service Flow Language. By using a more declarative style, there is no need to overspecify service flows. The declarative style also makes DecSerFlow an ideal language for monitoring web services, i.e., using process mining techniques it is possible to check the conformance of service flows by comparing the DecSerFlow specification with reality. This can be used to expose services that do not follow the rules of the game. This is highly relevant given the autonomous nature of services. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: BPEL已成为实现基于Web服务的流程的事实上的标准,而像Petri网这样的正式语言已经被提出作为学术回应,可以进行各种分析。尽管可以使用诸如BPEL和Petri网之类的语言来描述服务流,但是它们都倾向于过度指定流程,因此这与服务的自治性不太吻合。因此,我们建议DecSerFlow作为声明性服务流语言。通过使用更具声明性的样式,无需过多指定服务流。声明式样式还使DecSerFlow成为监视Web服务的理想语言,即,使用流程挖掘技术,可以通过将DecSerFlow规范与实际情况进行比较来检查服务流的一致性。这可以用来暴露不遵循游戏规则的服务。考虑到服务的自治性,这是高度相关的。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-72912-9_2]

[308] StarStar models: Using events at database level for process analysis (2018)

(Berti, Alessandro and Van Der | )

Abstract: Much time in process mining projects is spent on finding and understanding data sources and extracting the event data needed. As a result, only a fraction of time is spent actually applying techniques to discover, control and predict the business process. Moreover, there is a lack of techniques to display relationships on top of databases without the need to express a complex query to get the required information. In this paper, a novel modeling technique that works on top of databases is presented. This technique is able to show a multigraph representing activities inferred from database events, connected with edges that are annotated with frequency and performance information. The representation may be the entry point to apply advanced process mining techniques that work on classic event logs, as the model provides a simple way to retrieve a classic event log from a specified piece of model. Comparison with similar techniques and an empirical evaluation are provided.

摘要: 过程挖掘项目中的很多时间都花在查找和理解数据源以及提取所需的事件数据上。结果,实际应用技术来发现,控制和预测业务流程只花费了很少的时间。而且,缺乏在不需要表达复杂查询以获得所需信息的情况下在数据库顶部显示关系的技术。在本文中,提出了一种在数据库之上工作的新颖建模技术。该技术能够显示表示从数据库事件推断出的活动的多图,并与用频率和性能信息注释的边相连接。该表示形式可能是应用对经典事件日志起作用的高级过程挖掘技术的切入点,因为该模型提供了一种从指定模型中检索经典事件日志的简单方法。提供了与类似技术的比较和经验评估。

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[309] Structuring Behavior or Not, That is the Question (2019)

(van der Aalst, Wil | )

Abstract: Process models aim to structure behavior for a variety of reasons: discussion, analysis, improvement, implementation, and automation. Traditionally, process models were obtained through modeling and structure could be enforced, e.g., by streamlining or simplifying processes. However, process discov- ery techniques that start from the actual behavior shed new light on this. These techniques return pro- cess models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a picture not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Both types of model aim to structure reality. However, reality is often very different and much more variable than expected by stakeholders. Pro- cess mining often reveals an inconvenient truth which provides the valuable insights needed to improve a wide variety of processes. This contribution, devoted to Jorg Beckers 60th birthday, re- flects on the notion of structure in a world where event data are omnipresent. Keywords:

摘要: 过程模型旨在出于各种原因来构造行为:讨论,分析,改进,实施和自动化。传统上,通过建模获得过程模型,并且可以例如通过精简或简化过程来实施结构。但是,从实际行为开始的过程发现技术对此有了新的启示。这些技术返回的过程模型要么是正式的(精确地描述了可能的行为),要么是非正式的(仅仅是图片,不允许任何形式的形式推理)。两种类型的模型都旨在构造现实。然而,现实往往是非常不同的,并且比利益相关者所期望的要多得多。流程挖掘通常会揭示不便的事实,它提供了改进各种流程所需的宝贵见解。这个献给J o rg Becker诞辰60周年的贡献反映了在事件数据无所不在的世界中,结构的概念。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-06234-7_21]

[310] Supporting domain experts to select and configure precise compliance rules (2014)

(Ramezani, Elham and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Compliance specifications concisely describe selected aspects of what a business operation should adhere to. To enable automated techniques for compliance checking, it is important that these requirements are specified correctly and precisely, describing exactly the behavior intended. Although there are rigorous mathematical formalisms for representing compliance rules, these are often perceived to be difficult to use for business users. Regardless of notation, however, there are often subtle but important details in compliance requirements that need to be considered. The main challenge in compliance checking is to bridge the gap between informal description and a precise specification of all requirements. In this paper, we present an approach which aims to facilitate creating and understanding formal compliance requirements by providing configurable templates that capture these details as options for commonly-required compliance requirements. These options are configured interactively with end-users, using question trees and natural language. The approach is implemented in the Process Mining Toolkit ProM. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

摘要: 合规性规范简要描述了业务运营应遵循的某些方面。为了启用用于合规性检查的自动化技术,正确,准确地指定这些要求并准确描述预期的行为非常重要。尽管存在严格的数学形式主义来表示合规性规则,但通常认为这些规则对商业用户而言很难使用。但是,无论使用什么符号,合规要求中通常都需要考虑一些细微但重要的细节。符合性检查的主要挑战是弥合非正式描述与所有要求的精确规范之间的鸿沟。在本文中,我们提出一种方法,旨在通过提供可配置的模板来促进创建和理解正式的合规性要求,该模板将这些详细信息捕获为常见要求的合规性要求的选项。这些选项是使用问题树和自然语言与最终用户交互配置的。该方法在Process Mining Toolkit ProM中实现。 t​​extcopyright瑞士Springer国际出版社,2014年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-06257-0_39]

[311] Supporting flexible processes with Adaptive Workflow and Case Handling (2008)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Reichert, Manfred and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Workflow management technology has profoundly transformed the way complex tasks are being handled in modern, large-scale organizations. However, it is mostly those systems inherent lack of flexibility that hinders their broad acceptance, and that is perceived as annoyance by users. In this context, Adaptive Process Management and Case Handling provide two very different paradigms, which both attempt to make process management more flexible and user-friendly. In this paper, we compare strengths and weaknesses of these two paradigms, and point out situations in which each is particularly appropriate. We further outline ways, in which either technology can be enhanced by crucial concepts from the other. This integration of flexibility approaches has the potential to remedy fundamental problems still present in each technology on its own. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.

摘要: 工作流管理技术已经深刻地改变了现代大型组织中处理复杂任务的方式。但是,主要是那些系统固有的灵活性不足阻碍了它们的广泛接受,并且被用户视为烦恼。在这种情况下,自适应流程管理和案例处理提供了两种截然不同的范例,它们都试图使流程管理更加灵活和用户友好,在本文中,我们比较了这两种范例的优缺点,并指出了其中的情况。每种方法都特别合适,我们进一步概述了其中一种技术可以通过彼此之间的关键概念进行增强的方式,这种灵活性方法的集成有可能自行解决每种技术中仍然存在的基本问题。 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2008.15]

[312] Supporting healthcare processes with YAWL4Healthcare (2011)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Russell, Nick C. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In healthcare, processes concerning the diagnosis and treatment of patients can be best characterized as weakly-connected interacting light-weight workows where tasks reside at different levels of granularity. Moreover, in hospitals many workitems are linked with appointments. To date, Workow Management Systems (WfMSs) fall short in supporting healthcare processes as no scheduling support and inter-workow support is offered. To address these problems, we present the YAWL4Healthcare WfMS which supports the seamless integration of unscheduled (ow) and scheduled (schedule) tasks and which allows for dividing complex entangled processes into simple autonomous fragments that may cope with different levels of granularity. Note that our system has been realized by adding significant extensions to the open-source YAWL WfMS.

摘要: In healthcare, processes concerning the diagnosis and treatment of patients can be best characterized as weakly-connected interacting light-weight workows where tasks reside at different levels of granularity. Moreover, in hospitals many workitems are linked with appointments. To date, Workow Management Systems (WfMSs) fall short in supporting healthcare processes as no scheduling support and inter-workow support is offered. To address these problems, we present the YAWL4Healthcare WfMS which supports the seamless integration of unscheduled (ow) and scheduled (schedule) tasks and which allows for dividing complex entangled processes into simple autonomous fragments that may cope with different levels of granularity. Note that our system has been realized by adding significant extensions to the open-source YAWL WfMS.

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[313] Supporting process mining workflows with RapidProM (2014)

(Mans, R. S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining is gaining more and more attention both in industry and practice. As such, the number of process mining products is steadily increasing. However, none of these products allow for composing and executing analysis workflows consisting of multiple process mining algorithms. As a result, the analyst needs to perform repetitive process mining tasks manually and scientific process experiments are extremely labor intensive. To this end, we have RapidMiner 5, which allows for the definition and execution of analysis workflows, connected with the process mining framework ProM 6. As such any discovery, conformance, or extension algorithm of ProM can be used within a RapidMiner analysis process thus supporting process mining workflows.

摘要: 过程挖掘在工业和实践中都越来越受到关注。因此,工艺采矿产品的数量正在稳步增加。但是,所有这些产品均不允许组成和执行由多个过程挖掘算法组成的分析工作流。结果,分析人员需要手动执行重复的过程挖掘任务,而科学过程实验则需要大量劳动。为此,我们有RapidMiner 5,它允许定义和执行分析工作流,并与流程挖掘框架ProM 6连接。因此,ProM的任何发现,一致性或扩展算法都可以在RapidMiner分析过程中使用。支持流程挖掘工作流程。

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[314] Supporting risk-informed decisions during business process execution (2013)

(Conforti, Raffaele and De Leoni | )

Abstract: This paper proposes a technique that supports process participants in making risk-informed decisions, with the aim to reduce the process risks. Risk reduction involves decreasing the likelihood and severity of a process fault from occurring. Given a process exposed to risks, e.g. a financial process exposed to a risk of reputation loss, we enact this process and whenever a process participant needs to provide input to the process, e.g. by selecting the next task to execute or by filling out a form, we prompt the participant with the expected risk that a given fault will occur given the particular input. These risks are predicted by traversing decision trees generated from the logs of past process executions and considering process data, involved resources, task durations and contextual information like task frequencies. The approach has been implemented in the YAWL system and its effectiveness evaluated. The results show that the process instances executed in the tests complete with significantly fewer faults and with lower fault severities, when taking into account the recommendations provided by our technique. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 本文提出了一种技术,该技术可支持流程参与者制定风险相关的决策,旨在降低流程风险。降低风险涉及降低过程故障发生的可能性和严重性。假设某个过程面临风险,例如如果财务流程面临声誉损失的风险,则我们会制定此流程,并且只要流程参与者需要向流程提供输入,例如通过选择要执行的下一个任务或填写表格,我们会提示参与者具有在给定特定输入的情况下将发生给定故障的预期风险。通过遍历从过去流程执行的日志生成的决策树并考虑流程数据,涉及的资源,任务持续时间和上下文信息(如任务频率)来预测这些风险。该方法已在YAWL系统中实施,并评估了其有效性。结果表明,考虑到我们的技术提供的建议,在测试中执行的流程实例可以显着减少故障并降低严重程度。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38709-8_8]

[315] Supporting the workflow management system development process with YAWL (2013)

(Mans, R. S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In order to address particular needs from the healthcare domain, the open-source YAWL Workflow Management System (WfMS) has been extended with features for scheduling support and inter-workflow support, the YAWL4Healthcare WfMS. As part of this undertaking, a WfMS development approach has been followed in which the same con- ceptual model is used for specifying, developing, testing, and validating the operational performance of a new system. In this paper, we elaborate on the features of YAWL that were essential for realizing our development approach.

摘要: 为了满足医疗保健领域的特殊需求,开源的YAWL工作流管理系统(WfMS)进行了扩展,具有用于调度支持和工作间支持的功能YAWL4Healthcare WfMS。作为这项工作的一部分,遵循了WfMS开发方法,其中使用相同的概念模型来指定,开发,测试和验证新系统的操作性能。在本文中,我们详细介绍了YAWL的功能,这些功能对于实现我们的开发方法至关重要。

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[316] Symbolically aligning observed and modelled behaviour (2018)

(Bloemen, Vincent and Van De Pol | )

Abstract: Conformance checking is a branch of process mining that aims to assess to what degree a given set of log traces and a corresponding reference model conform to each other. The state-of-the-art approach in conformance checking is based on the concept of alignments. Alignments express the observed behaviour in terms of the reference model while minimizing the number of mismatches between the event data and the model. The currently known best algorithm for constructing alignments applies the A∗ shortest path algorithm for each trace of event data. In this work, we apply insights from the field of model checking to aid conformance checking. We investigate whether alignments can be computed efficiently via symbolic reachability with decision diagrams. We designed a symbolic algorithm for computing shortest-paths on graphs restricted to 0- and 1-cost edges (which is typical for alignments). We have implemented our approach in the LTSmin model checking toolset and compare its performance with the A∗ implementation supported by ProM. We generated more than 4000 experiments (Petri net model and log trace combinations) by setting various parameters, and analysed performance and related these to structural properties. Our empirical study shows that the symbolic technique is in general better suited for computing alignments on large models than the A∗ approach. Our approach is better performing in cases where the size of the state-space tends to blow up. Based on our experiments we conclude that the techniques are complementary, since there is a significant number of cases where A∗ outperforms the symbolic technique and vice versa.

摘要: Conformance checking is a branch of process mining that aims to assess to what degree a given set of log traces and a corresponding reference model conform to each other. The state-of-the-art approach in conformance checking is based on the concept of alignments. Alignments express the observed behaviour in terms of the reference model while minimizing the number of mismatches between the event data and the model. The currently known best algorithm for constructing alignments applies the A∗ shortest path algorithm for each trace of event data. In this work, we apply insights from the field of model checking to aid conformance checking. We investigate whether alignments can be computed efficiently via symbolic reachability with decision diagrams. We designed a symbolic algorithm for computing shortest-paths on graphs restricted to 0- and 1-cost edges (which is typical for alignments). We have implemented our approach in the LTSmin model checking toolset and compare its performance with the A∗ implementation supported by ProM. We generated more than 4000 experiments (Petri net model and log trace combinations) by setting various parameters, and analysed performance and related these to structural properties. Our empirical study shows that the symbolic technique is in general better suited for computing alignments on large models than the A∗ approach. Our approach is better performing in cases where the size of the state-space tends to blow up. Based on our experiments we conclude that the techniques are complementary, since there is a significant number of cases where A∗ outperforms the symbolic technique and vice versa.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2018.00008]

[317] Techniques for a posteriori analysis of declarative processes (2012)

(Burattin, Andrea and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The increasing availability of event data recorded by information systems, electronic devices, web services and sensor networks provides detailed information about the actual processes in systems and organizations. Process mining techniques can use such event data to discover processes and check the conformance of process models. For conformance checking, we need to analyze whether the observed behavior matches the modeled behavior. In such settings, it is often desirable to specify the expected behavior in terms of a declarative process model rather than of a detailed procedural model. However, declarative models do not have an explicit notion of state, thus making it more difficult to pinpoint deviations and to explain and quantify discrepancies. This paper focuses on providing high-quality and understandable diagnostics. The notion of activation plays a key role in determining the effect of individual events on a given constraint. Using this notion, we are able to show cause-and-effect relations and measure the healthiness of the process. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

摘要: 信息系统,电子设备,Web服务和传感器网络记录的事件数据的可用性不断提高,提供了有关系统和组织中实际过程的详细信息。流程挖掘技术可以使用此类事件数据来发现流程并检查流程模型的一致性。为了进行一致性检查,我们需要分析观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配。在这种情况下,通常希望根据声明性过程模型而不是详细的过程模型来指定预期的行为。但是,声明性模型没有明确的状态概念,因此更难查明偏差以及解释和量化差异。本文着重于提供高质量且易于理解的诊断。激活的概念在确定单个事件对给定约束的影响方面起着关键作用。使用此概念,我们可以显示因果关系并衡量过程的健康性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2012.15]

[318] The FeaturePrediction package in ProM: Correlating business process characteristics (2014)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: In Process Mining, often one is not only interested in learning process models but also in answering questions such as What do the cases that are late have in common?, What characterizes the workers that skip this check activity? and Do people work faster if they have more work?. Such questions can be answered by combining process mining with classification (e.g., decision tree analysis). Several authors have proposed ad-hoc solutions for specific questions, e.g., there is work on predicting the remaining processing time and recommending activities to minimize particular risks. This paper reports on a tool, implemented as plug-in for ProM, that unifies these ideas and provide a general framework for deriving and correlating process characteristics. To demonstrate the maturity of the tool, we show the steps with the tool to answer one correlation question related to a health-care process. The answer to a second question is shown in the screencast accompanying this paper.

摘要: 在过程挖掘中,通常不仅对学习过程模型感兴趣,而且还对回答诸如迟来的案例有什么共同点?,跳过这次检查活动的工人的特征是什么?这样的问题感兴趣。和人们做更多的工作会更快吗?。可以通过将过程挖掘与分类(例如决策树分析)相结合来回答此类问题。几位作者提出了针对特定问题的临时解决方案,例如,正在开展有关预测剩余处理时间并建议活动以最大程度降低特定风险的工作。本文报告了一种作为ProM插件实现的工具,该工具统一了这些思想并提供了用于推导和关联过程特征的通用框架。为了证明该工具的成熟性,我们展示了该工具的步骤,以回答与保健过程相关的一个相关性问题。本文随附的截屏视频中显示了第二个问题的答案。

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[319] The Impact of Event Log Subset Selection on the Performance of Process Discovery Algorithms (2019)

(Fani Sani | )

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms automatically discover process models on the basis of event data, captured during the execution of business processes. These algorithms tend to use all of the event data to discover a process model. When dealing with large event logs, it is no longer feasible using standard hardware in limited time. A straightforward approach to overcome this problem is to down-size the event data by means of sampling. However, little research has been conducted on selecting the right sample, given the available time and characteristics of event data. This paper evaluates various subset selection methods and evaluates their performance on real event data. The proposed methods have been implemented in both the ProM and the RapidProM platforms. Our experiments show that it is possible to speed up discovery considerably using ranking-based strategies. Furthermore, results show that biased selection of the process instances compared to random selection of them will result in process models with higher quality.

摘要: 流程发现算法根据事件数据自动发现流程模型,该事件数据是在业务流程执行期间捕获的。这些算法倾向于使用所有事件数据来发现过程模型。处理大型事件日志时,在有限的时间内使用标准硬件不再可行。解决此问题的一种直接方法是通过采样缩小事件数据的大小。但是,鉴于事件数据的可用时间和特征,很少进行选择正确样本的研究。本文评估了各种子集选择方法,并评估了它们在真实事件数据上的性能。 ProM和RapidProM平台均已实现了建议的方法。我们的实验表明,使用基于排名的策略可以大大加快发现的速度。此外,结果表明,与随机选择过程实例相比,对过程实例的偏向选择将导致过程模型具有更高的质量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-030-30278-8_39]

[320] The P2P approach to interorganizational workflows (2001)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper describes in an informal way the Public-To-Private (P2P) approach to interorganizational workflows, which is based on a notion of inheritance. The approach consists of three steps: (1) create a common understanding of the interorganizational workflow by specifying a shared public workflow, (2) partition the public workflow over the organizations involved, and (3) for each organization, create a private workflow which is a subclass of the respective part of the public workflow. Using an example, we explain that the P2P approach yields an interorganizational workflow which is guaranteed to realize the behavior specified in the public workflow.

摘要: This paper describes in an informal way the Public-To-Private (P2P) approach to interorganizational workflows, which is based on a notion of inheritance. The approach consists of three steps: (1) create a common understanding of the interorganizational workflow by specifying a shared public workflow, (2) partition the public workflow over the organizations involved, and (3) for each organization, create a private workflow which is a subclass of the respective part of the public workflow. Using an example, we explain that the P2P approach yields an interorganizational workflow which is guaranteed to realize the behavior specified in the public workflow.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36926-1_23]

[321] The ProM framework: A new era in process mining tool support (2005)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Under the umbrella of buzzwords such as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and Business Process Intelligence (BPI) both academic (e.g., EMiT, Little Thumb, InWoLvE, Process Miner, and MinSoN) and commercial tools (e.g., ARIS PPM, HP BPI, and ILOG JViews) have been developed. The goal of these tools is to extract knowledge from event logs (e.g., transaction logs in an ERP system or audit trails in a WFM system), i.e., to do process mining. Unfortunately, tools use different formats for reading/storing log files and present their results in different ways. This makes it difficult to use different tools on the same data set and to compare the mining results. Furthermore, some of these tools implement concepts that can be very useful in the other tools but it is often difficult to combine tools. As a result, researchers working on new process mining techniques are forced to build a mining infrastructure from scratch or test their techniques in an isolated way, disconnected from any practical applications. To overcome these kind of problems, we have developed the ProM framework, i.e., an pluggable environment for process mining. The framework is flexible with respect to the input and output format, and is also open enough to allow for the easy reuse of code during the implementation of new process mining ideas. This paper introduces the ProM framework and gives an overview of the plug-ins that have been developed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 在学术界(例如EMiT,Little Thumb,InWoLvE,Process Miner和MinSoN)和商业工具(例如,业务活动监控(BAM)和业务流程智能(BPI)等流行语的保护下已开发出ARIS PPM,HP BPI和ILOG JViews。这些工具的目标是从事件日志中提取知识(例如,ERP系统中的事务日志或WFM系统中的审计跟踪),即进行流程挖掘。不幸的是,工具使用不同的格式来读取/存储日志文件,并以不同的方式显示其结果。这使得难以在同一数据集上使用不同的工具并比较挖掘结果。此外,其中一些工具实现的概念在其他工具中可能非常有用,但通常很难组合工具。结果,研究新工艺挖掘技术的研究人员被迫从头开始构建挖掘基础架构,或者以孤立的方式测试其技术,而与任何实际应用都脱节。为了克服这些问题,我们开发了ProM框架,即用于过程挖掘的可插拔环境。该框架在输入和输出格式方面非常灵活,并且也足够开放以允许在实现新的流程挖掘思想期间轻松重用代码。本文介绍了ProM框架,并概述了已开发的插件。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11494744_25]

[322] The Statechart Workbench: Enabling scalable software event log analysis using process mining (2018)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: To understand and maintain the behavior of a (legacy) software system, one can observe and study the systems behavior by analyzing event data. For model-driven reverse engineering and analysis of system behavior, operation and usage based on software event data, we need a combination of advanced algorithms and techniques. In this paper, we present the Statechart Workbench: a novel software behavior exploration tool. Our tool provides a rich and mature integration of advanced (academic) techniques for the analysis of behavior, performance (timings), frequency (usage), conformance and reliability in the context of various formal models. The accompanied Eclipse plugin allows the user to interactively link all the results from the Statechart Workbench back to the source code of the system and enables users to get started right away with their own software. The work can be positioned in-between reverse engineering and process mining. Implementations, documentation, and a screen-cast (https://youtu.be/xR4XfU3E5mk) of the proposed approach are available, and a user study demonstrates the novelty and usefulness of the tool.

摘要: 为了了解和维护(传统)软件系统的行为,可以通过分析事件数据来观察和研究系统的行为。对于模型驱动的逆向工程以及基于软件事件数据的系统行为,操作和使用情况的分析,我们需要先进算法和技术的结合,在本文中,我们将介绍Statechart Workbench:一种新颖的软件行为探索工具,该工具提供了丰富而成熟的高级(学术)技术集成,用于分析行为,性能(时序) ),频率(使用率),一致性和可靠性(附带各种形式化模型)随附的Eclipse插件使用户可以将Statechart Workbench的所有结果交互地链接回系统的源代码,从而使用户可以正确地开始使用可以将它们放置在逆向工程和过程挖掘之间。实现,文档和屏幕录像(htt拟议方法的ps://youtu.be/xR4XfU3E5mk)可用,并且一项用户研究证明了该工具的新颖性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SANER.2018.8330248]

[323] The conceptualization of a configurable multi-party multi-message request-reply Conversation (2007)

(Mulyar, Nataliya and Aldred, Lachlan and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Organizations, to function effectively and expand their boundaries, require a deep insight into both process orchestration and choreography of cross-organization business processes. The set of requirements for service interactions is significant, and has not yet been sufficiently refined. Service Interaction Patterns studies by Barros et al. demonstrate this point. However, they overlook some important aspects of service interaction of bilateral and multilateral nature. Furthermore, the definition of these patterns are not precise due to the absence of a formal semantics. In this paper, we analyze and present a set of patterns formed around the subset of patterns documented by Barros et al. concerned with RequestReply interactions, and extend these ideas to cover multiple parties and multiple messages. We concentrate on the interaction between multiple parties, and analyze issues of a non-guaranteed response and different aspects of message handling. We propose one configurable, formally defined, conceptual model to describe and analyze options and variants of request-reply patterns. Furthermore, we propose a graphical notation to depict every pattern variant, and formalize the semantics by means of Coloured Petri Nets. In addition, we apply this pattern family to evaluate WS-BPEL v2.0 and check how selected pattern variants can be operationalized in Oracle BPEL PM. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 组织要有效运作并扩大其边界,需要深入了解跨组织业务流程的流程编排和编排。服务交互的要求集很重要,尚未充分完善。 Barros等人的服务交互模式研究。证明这一点。但是,它们忽略了双边和多边性质的服务交互的一些重要方面。此外,由于缺少形式语义,因此这些模式的定义不精确。在本文中,我们分析并提出了一组围绕Barros等人记录的模式子集形成的模式。与RequestReply交互有关,并将这些想法扩展到涵盖多方和多条消息。我们专注于多方之间的交互,并分析无保证响应和消息处理的不同方面的问题。我们提出了一种可配置的,正式定义的概念模型,用于描述和分析请求-应答模式的选项和变体。此外,我们提出了一种图形表示法来描述每个模式变体,并借助有色Petri网来规范化语义。另外,我们将此模式家族应用于评估WS-BPEL v2.0,并检查如何在Oracle BPEL PM中操作所选模式变体。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-76848-7_49]

[324] The declare service (2010)

(Pesic, Maja and Schonenberg, Helen and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The Declare Service is a YAWL Custom Service that enables decomposing YAWL tasks into DECLARE workflows, that is, workflows supported by the workflow management system (WfMS) called DECLARE. The goal of this service is to enable a particular kind of flexibility. Chapter 6 describes a constraint-based approach to workflow models and the ConDec language. This approach, supported by the DECLARE WfMS, allows for more flexibility, that is, execution of tasks is allowed if it is not explicitly forbidden by some constraint. This chapter describes DECLARE and the Declare Service for YAWL. Sometimes it is easier to express a process in a procedural language (e.g., the native workflow language of YAWL) and sometimes a declarative approach is more suitable. Moreover, in a larger process it may be useful to express parts of the process in a procedural language and specify other parts in terms of constraints. Using the service-oriented architecture of YAWL, this can easily be realized. A YAWL task may decompose into a DECLARE process and a task in DECLARE can be decomposed into a YAWL process. Arbitrary decompositions of DECLARE and YAWL models allow for the integration of declarative and YAWL workflows on different abstraction levels.1 This way the designer is not forced to make a binary choice between a declarative and a procedural way of modeling. Hence, a seamless integration can be achieved, where parts of the workflow that need a high degree of flexibility are supported by declarative DECLARE models, and parts of the processes that need centralized control of the system are supported by YAWL models. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 声明服务是YAWL定制服务,它可以将YAWL任务分解为DECLARE工作流程,即由称为DECLARE的工作流程管理系统(WfMS)支持的工作流程。该服务的目标是实现一种特殊的灵活性。第6章介绍了基于约束的工作流模型和ConDec语言方法。由DECLARE WfMS支持的此方法可提供更大的灵活性,即,如果某些约束未明确禁止执行任务,则允许执行任务。本章介绍DECWLARE和YAWL的声明服务。有时更容易用过程语言(例如YAWL的本地工作流语言)表示流程,而有时声明式方法更合适。此外,在较大的过程中,以过程语言表达过程的一部分并根据约束条件指定其他部分可能是有用的。使用YAWL的面向服务的体系结构,可以轻松实现这一点。 YAWL任务可以分解为DECLARE进程,而DECLARE中的​​任务可以分解为YAWL进程。通过DECLARE和YAWL模型的任意分解,可以在不同的抽象级别上集成声明式和YAWL工作流。1这样,设计人员就不必强迫在声明式和过程式建模之间做出二进制选择。因此,可以实现无缝集成,其中声明性DECLARE模型支持工作流程中需要高度灵活性的部分,而YAWL模型则支持需要系统集中控制的流程的一部分。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03121-2_12]

[325] The need for a process mining evaluation framework in research and practice: Position paper (2008)

(Rozinat, Anne and De Medeiros | )

Abstract: Although there has been much progress in developing process mining algorithms in recent years, no effort has been put in developing a common means of assessing the quality of the models discovered by these algorithms. In this paper, we motivate the need for such an evaluation mechanism, and outline elements of an evaluation framework that is intended to enable (a) process mining researchers to compare the performance of their algorithms, and (b) end users to evaluate the validity of their process mining results. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 尽管近年来在开发过程挖掘算法方面取得了很大进展,但仍未致力于开发评估这些算法发现的模型质量的通用方法。在本文中,我们激发了对这种评估机制的需求,并概述了评估框架的要素,该框架旨在使(a)流程挖掘研究人员能够比较其算法的性能,以及(b)最终用户可以评估有效性他们的过程挖掘结果。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78238-4_10]

[326] The performance spectrum miner: Visual analytics for fine-grained performance analysis of processes (2018)

(Denisov, Vadim and Belkina, Elena and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: We present the Performance Spectrum Miner, a ProM plugin, which implements a new technique for fine-grained performance analysis of processes. The technique uses the performance spectrum as a simple model, that maps all observed flows between two process steps together regarding their performance over time, and can be applied for event logs of any kinds of processes. The tool computes and visualizes performance spectra of processes, and provides rich functionality to explore various performance aspects. The demo is aimed to make process mining practitioners familiar with the technique and tool, and engage them into applying this tool for solving their daily process mining-related tasks.

摘要: 我们介绍了Performance Spectrum Miner,这是一个ProM插件,它实现了一种用于对过程进行细粒度性能分析的新技术。该技术使用性能谱作为一个简单的模型,该模型将两个过程步骤之间的所有观察到的流随时间变化的性能映射在一起,并且可以应用于任何类型的过程的事件日志。该工具可计算并可视化流程的性能范围,并提供丰富的功能来探索各种性能方面。该演示旨在使过程采矿从业人员熟悉该技术和工具,并使他们参与应用该工具来解决其日常过程采矿相关任务。

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[327] TomTom for business process management (TomTom4BPM) (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Navigation systems have proven to be quite useful for many drivers. People increasingly rely on the devices of TomTom and other vendors and find it useful to get directions to go from A to B, know the expected arrival time, learn about traffic jams on the planned route, and be able to view maps that can be customized in various ways (zoom-in/zoom-out, show fuel stations, speed limits, etc.). However, when looking at business processes, such information is typically lacking. Good and accurate maps of business process are often missing and, if they exist, they tend to be restrictive and provide little information. For example, very few business process management systems are able to predict when a case will complete. Therefore, we advocate more TomTom-like functionality for business process management (TomTom4BPM). Process mining will play an essential role in providing TomTom4BPM as it allows for process discovery (generating accurate maps), conformance checking (comparing the real processes with the modeled processes), and extension (augmenting process models with additional/dynamic information). textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 导航系统已被证明对许多驾驶员非常有用。人们越来越依赖TomTom和其他供应商的设备,发现从A到B的路线指示,了解预期的到达时间,了解计划路线上的交通拥堵以及能够查看可自定义的地图非常有用。以各种方式(放大/缩小,显示加油站,限速等)。但是,在查看业务流程时,通常缺少此类信息。经常缺少良好而准确的业务流程图,并且如果存在,则它们往往是限制性的,几乎没有信息。例如,很少有业务流程管理系统能够预测案件何时完成。因此,我们提倡为业务流程管理提供更多类似于TomTom的功能(TomTom4BPM)。流程挖掘将在提供TomTom4BPM中扮演重要角色,因为它允许流程发现(生成准确的地图),一致性检查(将真实流程与建模流程进行比较)和扩展(使用附加/动态信息增强流程模型)。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-02144-2_2]

[328] Towards a taxonomy of process flexibility (2008)

(Schonenberg, M. H. and Mans, R. S. and Russell, N. C. and Mulyar, N. A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Effective business processes must be able to accommodate changes in the environment in which they operate. Many approaches have been proposed in literature and some of these approaches have been implemented in flexible workflow management systems. However, a comprehensive classification of the various approaches has been missing. In this paper, we take a first step towards a taxonomy of process flexibility by distinguishing four types of process flexibility based on an extensive literature study. An evaluation shows that each of the types can be found in contemporary offerings.

摘要: Effective business processes must be able to accommodate changes in the environment in which they operate. Many approaches have been proposed in literature and some of these approaches have been implemented in flexible workflow management systems. However, a comprehensive classification of the various approaches has been missing. In this paper, we take a first step towards a taxonomy of process flexibility by distinguishing four types of process flexibility based on an extensive literature study. An evaluation shows that each of the types can be found in contemporary offerings.

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[329] Towards an understanding of model-driven process configuration and its support at large (2005)

(Dreiling, Alexander and Chiang, Mervin and Rosemann, Michael and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: The common presupposition of Enterprise Systems (ES) is that they lead to significant efficiency gains. However, this is only the case for well-implemented ES that meet organisational requirements. The list of major ES implementation failures is as long as the list of success stories. We argue here that this arises from a more fundamental problem, the functionalist approach to ES development and provision. As long as vendors will continue to develop generic, difficult-to-adapt ES packages, this problem will prevail because organisations have a non-generic character. A solution to this problem can only consist in rethinking the way ES packages are provided. We propose a strict abstraction layer of ES functionalities and their representation as conceptual models. ES vendors must provide sufficient means for configuring these conceptual models. We discuss in this paper what generic situations can occur during process model configuration in order to understand process model configuration in depth.

摘要: 企业系统(ES)的普遍前提是,它们可以显着提高效率。但是,只有满足组织要求的,实施良好的ES才是这种情况。主要的ES实施失败列表与成功案例列表一样长。在这里,我们认为这是由一个更基本的问题引起的,即功能主义方法来开发和提供ES。只要供应商将继续开发难以适应的通用ES软件包,由于组织具有非通用特性,此问题将普遍存在。解决此问题的方法只能是重新考虑提供ES软件包的方式。我们提出了ES功能的严格抽象层及其作为概念模型的表示。 ES供应商必须提供足够的方法来配置这些概念模型。我们在本文中讨论了在过程模型配置期间可能发生的一般情况,以便深入了解过程模型配置。

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[330] Towards cross-organizational process mining in collections of process models and their executions (2012)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Variants of the same process may be encountered in different organizations, e.g., any municipality will have a process to handle building permits. New paradigms such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Cloud Computing stimulate organizations to share a BPM infrastructure. The shared infrastructure has to support many processes and their variants. Dealing with such large collections of similar process models for multiple organizations is challenging. However, a shared BPM infrastructure also enables cross-organizational process mining. Since events are recorded in a unified way, it is possible to cross-correlate process models and the actual observed behavior in different organizations. This paper presents a novel approach to compare collections of process models and their events logs. The approach is used to compare processes in different Dutch municipalities. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 在不同的组织中可能会遇到同一过程的变体,例如,任何市政当局都会制定处理建筑许可的过程。软件即服务(SaaS)和云计算等新范例刺激组织共享BPM基础架构。共享的基础结构必须支持许多流程及其变体。为多个组织处理如此大量的相似过程模型非常具有挑战性。但是,共享的BPM基础结构还支持跨组织的流程挖掘。由于事件是以统一的方式记录的,因此可以使流程模型与不同组织中的实际观察到的行为相互关联。本文提出了一种新颖的方法来比较流程模型及其事件日志的集合。该方法用于比较荷兰不同城市的流程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28115-0_2]

[331] Towards improving the representational bias of process mining (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in todays information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. Process discovery-discovering a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log-is one of the most challenging tasks in process mining. A variety of process discovery techniques have been proposed. Most techniques suffer from the problem that often the discovered model is internally inconsistent (i.e., the model has deadlocks, livelocks or other behavioral anomalies). This suggests that the search space should be limited to sound models. In this paper, we propose a tree representation that ensures soundness. We evaluate the impact of the search space reduction by implementing a simple genetic algorithm that discovers such process trees. Although the result can be translated to conventional languages, we ensure the internal consistency of the resulting model while mining, thus reducing the search space and allowing for more efficient algorithms. textcopyright 2012 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

摘要: 进程挖掘技术能够从当今信息系统中通常可用的事件日志中提取知识。这些技术提供了在各种应用程序域中发现,监视和改进进程的新方法。进程发现-从示例行为中发现进程模型记录在事件日志中是过程挖掘中最具挑战性的任务之一,已经提出了多种过程发现技术,大多数技术都存在以下问题:发现的模型经常内部不一致(即,模型具有死锁,活锁)或其他行为异常),这表明搜索空间应仅限于声音模型。本文中,我们提出了一种树状表示形式,以确保声音的合理性。我们通过实现一种简单的遗传算法来评估搜索空间缩减的影响尽管结果可以转换为常规语言,但我们确保内部一致性f在挖掘时生成的模型中,从而减少了搜索空间并允许使用更有效的算法。 t​​extcopyright 2012年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-34044-4_3]

[332] Towards robust conformance checking (2011)

(Adriansyah, A. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: The growing complexity of processes in many organizations stimulates the adoption of business process management (BPM) techniques. Process models typically lie at the basis of these techniques and generally, the assumption is made that the operational business processes as they are taking place in practice conform to these models. However, recent experience has shown that this often isnt the case. Therefore, the problem of checking to what extent the operational process conforms to the process model is increasingly important. In this paper, we present a robust approach to get insights into the conformance of an operational process to a given process model. We use logs that carry information about which activities have being performed, in which order and we compare these logs to an abstract model. We do not only provide several different conformance metrics, but we show an efficient implementation for the calculation of these metrics. Our approach has been implemented in the ProM framework, evaluated using simulated event logs and compared against an existing conformance technique based on Petri nets. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 许多组织中流程的日益复杂性刺激了业务流程管理(BPM)技术的采用。流程模型通常以这些技术为基础,并且通常假设运营业务流程是在其内部进行的。实践符合这些模型,但是最近的经验表明情况并非如此,因此,检查操作过程在多大程度上符合过程模型的问题变得越来越重要。洞察操作流程与给定流程模型的符合性的方法,我们使用日志记录有关执行了哪些活动,执行顺序的信息,并将这些日志与抽象模型进行比较,我们不仅提供了几种不同的方法一致性指标,但我们展示了一种有效的计算这些指标的方法。我们的方法已在ProM框架中实施使用模拟事件日志进行评估,并与基于Petri网的现有一致性技术进行比较。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_11]

[333] Trace alignment in process mining: Opportunities for process diagnostics (2010)

(Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial knowledge and interesting insights from event logs. Process mining provides a welcome extension of the repertoire of business process analysis techniques and has been adopted in various commercial BPM systems (BPM/one, Futura Reflect, ARIS PPM, Fujitsu, etc.). Unfortunately, traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with less-structured processes. The resulting models are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. Therefore, we propose a new approach based on trace alignment. The goal is to align traces in a way that event logs can be explored easily. Trace alignment can be used in a preprocessing phase where the event log is investigated or filtered and in later phases where detailed questions need to be answered. Hence, it complements existing process mining techniques focusing on discovery and conformance checking. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术试图从事件日志中提取非平凡的知识和有趣的见解。流程挖掘提供了广泛的业务流程分析技术扩展,并已在各种商业BPM系统(BPM / one,Futura Reflect,ARIS PPM,Fujitsu等)中采用。不幸的是,传统的流程​​发现算法在处理结构较少的流程时会遇到问题。生成的模型很难理解甚至会产生误导。因此,我们提出了一种基于迹线对齐的新方法。目的是使跟踪对齐,以便可以轻松浏览事件日志。跟踪对齐可用于预处理阶段,在该阶段中将对事件日志进行调查或过滤,而在后续阶段中,则需要回答详细的问题。因此,它补充了专注于发现和一致性检查的现有过程挖掘技术。 t​​extcopyright 2010年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-15618-2_17]

[334] Trace clustering based on conserved patterns: Towards achieving better process models (2010)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining refers to the extraction of process models from event logs. Real-life processes tend to be less structured and more flexible. Traditional process mining algorithms have problems dealing with such unstructured processes and generate spaghetti-like process models that are hard to comprehend. An approach to overcome this is to cluster process instances such that each of the resulting clusters correspond to coherent sets of process instances that can each be adequately represented by a process model. In this paper, we present multiple feature sets based on conserved patterns and show that the proposed feature sets have a better performance than contemporary approaches. We evaluate the goodness of the formed clusters using established fitness and comprehensibility metrics defined in the context of process mining. The proposed approach is able to generate clusters such that the process models mined from the clustered traces show a high degree of fitness and comprehensibility. Further, the proposed feature sets can be easily discovered in linear time making it amenable to real-time analysis of large data sets. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘是指从事件日志中提取过程模型。现实生活中的流程往往结构性较差,灵活性更高。传统的流程​​挖掘算法在处理此类非结构化流程时会遇到问题,并且会生成难以理解的意大利面条式流程模型。解决此问题的一种方法是对流程实例进行聚类,以使每个结果聚类对应于流程实例的连贯集合,每个流程实例可以由流程模型适当地表示。在本文中,我们提出了基于保守模式的多个特征集,并表明所提出的特征集具有比现代方法更好的性能。我们使用在过程挖掘的上下文中定义的已建立适应性和可理解性指标来评估所形成集群的优劣。所提出的方法能够生成聚类,使得从聚类迹线中提取的过程模型显示出高度的适应性和可理解性。此外,可以轻松地在线性时间内发现建议的特征集,使其适合对大型数据集进行实时分析。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_16]

[335] Trace clustering in process mining (2009)

(Song, Minseok and Gunther, Christian W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining has proven to be a valuable tool for analyzing operational process executions based on event logs. Existing techniques perform well on structured processes, but still have problems discovering and visualizing less structured ones. Unfortunately, process mining is most interesting in domains requiring flexibility. A typical example would be the treatment process in a hospital where it is vital that people can deviate to deal with changing circumstances. Here it is useful to provide insights into the actual processes but at the same time there is a lot of diversity leading to complex models that are difficult to interpret. This paper presents an approach using trace clustering, i.e., the event log is split into homogeneous subsets and for each subset a process model is created. We demonstrate that our approach, based on log profiles, can improve process mining results in real flexible environments. To illustrate this we present a real-life case study. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 事实证明,流程挖掘是用于基于事件日志分析操作流程执行的有价值的工具。现有技术在结构化过程中表现良好,但在发现和可视化结构化程度较低的过程时仍然存在问题。不幸的是,过程挖掘在需要灵活性的领域中最为有趣。一个典型的例子是医院的治疗过程,在该过程中,人们必须偏离以应对不断变化的情况。在这里,提供对实际过程的见解很有用,但与此同时,存在很多多样性,导致难以解释的复杂模型。本文介绍了一种使用跟踪聚类的方法,即将事件日志分为同质子集,并为每个子集创建一个过程模型。我们证明了基于日志配置文件的方法可以在真正灵活的环境中改善流程挖掘结果。为了说明这一点,我们提出了一个现实生活中的案例研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-00328-8_11]

[336] Trends in business process analysis from verification to process mining (2007)

(Wil, M. P. | )

Abstract: Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at runtime. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their trail in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as PowerPoint reality. Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective.

摘要: 业务流程分析的范围从设计时的模型验证到运行时的流程监视。在过程验证方面已经取得了很大进展。今天,我们能够验证SAP的整个参考模型,而不会出现任何问题。而且,越来越多的进程以事件日志的形式离开它们的足迹。这使得对这些日志应用流程挖掘很有趣。有趣的是,过程挖掘的实际应用表明,现实通常与理想化模型(也称为 PowerPoint现实)大不相同。未来的流程感知信息系统将需要为业务流程的整个生命周期提供全面支持。业务流程分析的最新结果表明,这确实是可能的,例如,从科学和实践的角度来看,诸如ProM之类的流程挖掘工具所提供的可能性都是惊人的。

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[337] Unbiased, fine-grained description of processes performance from event data (2018)

(Denisov, Vadim and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Performance is central to processes management and event data provides the most objective source for analyzing and improving performance. Current process mining techniques give only limited insights into performance by aggregating all event data for each process step. In this paper, we investigate process performance of all process behaviors without prior aggregation. We propose the performance spectrum as a simple model that maps all observed flows between two process steps together regarding their performance over time. Visualizing the performance spectrum of event logs reveals a large variety of very distinct patterns of process performance and performance variability that have not been described before. We provide a taxonomy for these patterns and a comprehensive overview of elementary and composite performance patterns observed on several real-life event logs from business processes and logistics. We report on a case study where performance patterns were central to identify systemic, but not globally visible process problems.

摘要: 性能对于流程管理至关重要,事件数据为分析和提高性能提供了最客观的来源。当前的流程挖掘技术通过汇总每个流程步骤的所有事件数据,仅能有限地了解性能。在本文中,我们调查了所有流程行为的流程性能,而无需事先进行汇总。我们建议将性能范围作为一个简单的模型,该模型将两个过程步骤之间所有观察到的流随时间的性能映射在一起。可视化事件日志的性能范围可发现以前未描述的各种非常不同的过程性能和性能可变性模式。我们提供了这些模式的分类法,并对从业务流程和物流中获得的一些实际事件日志中观察到的基本和复合绩效模式进行了全面概述。我们报告了一个案例研究,其中性能模式对于确定系统性而非全局可见的过程问题至关重要。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-98648-7_9]

[338] Understanding the occurrence of errors in process models based on metrics (2007)

(Mendling, Jan and Neumann, Gustaf and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Business process models play an important role for the management, design, and improvement of process organizations and process-aware information systems. Despite the extensive application of process modeling in practice, there are hardly empirical results available on quality aspects of process models. This paper aims to advance the understanding of this matter by analyzing the connection between formal errors (such as deadlocks) and a set of metrics that capture various structural and behavioral aspects of a process model. In particular, we discuss the theoretical connection between errors and metrics, and provide a comprehensive validation based on an extensive sample of EPC process models from practice. Furthermore, we investigate the capability of the metrics to predict errors in a second independent sample of models. The high explanatory power of the metrics has considerable consequences for the design of future modeling guidelines and modeling tools. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 业务流程模型对于流程组织和流程感知信息系统的管理,设计和改进起着重要作用。尽管过程建模在实践中得到了广泛的应用,但是在过程模型的质量方面几乎没有经验性的结果。本文旨在通过分析形式错误(例如死锁)和一组捕获过程模型的各种结构和行为方面的度量标准之间的联系来增进对此问题的理解。特别是,我们讨论了误差和度量之间的理论联系,并基于实践中广泛的EPC过程模型样本提供了全面的验证。此外,我们调查了第二个独立模型样本中的指标预测误差的能力。指标的高解释力对将来的建模指南和建模工具的设计具有相当大的影响。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-76848-7_9]

[339] User-guided discovery of declarative process models (2011)

(Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Mooij, Arjan J. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques can be used to effectively discover process models from logs with example behaviour. Cross-correlating a discovered model with information in the log can be used to improve the underlying process. However, existing process discovery techniques have two important drawbacks. The produced models tend to be large and complex, especially in flexible environments where process executions involve multiple alternatives. This overload of information is caused by the fact that traditional discovery techniques construct procedural models explicitly showing all possible behaviours. Moreover, existing techniques offer limited possibilities to guide the mining process towards specific properties of interest. These problems can be solved by discovering declarative models. Using a declarative model, the discovered process behaviour is described as a (compact) set of rules. Moreover, the discovery of such models can easily be guided in terms of rule templates. This paper uses DECLARE, a declarative language that provides more flexibility than conventional procedural notations such as BPMN, Petri nets, UML ADs, EPCs and BPEL. We present an approach to automatically discover DECLARE models. This has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM. Our approach and toolset have been applied to a case study provided by the company Thales in the domain of maritime safety and security. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术可用于从具有示例行为的日志中有效发现过程模型。将发现的模型与日志中的信息进行互相关可用于改善基础过程。但是,现有的过程发现技术有两个重要的缺点。生成的模型往往很大且很复杂,尤其是在流程执行涉及多种选择的灵活环境中。信息的这种超载是由以下事实引起的:传统的发现技术构造了明确显示所有可能行为的程序模型。而且,现有技术提供了将采矿过程引向感兴趣的特定特性的有限可能性。这些问题可以通过发现声明模型来解决。使用声明性模型,将发现的过程行为描述为(紧凑)规则集。此外,可以根据规则模板轻松地指导此类模型的发现。本文使用DECLARE,这是一种声明性语言,比诸如BPMN,Petri网,UML AD,EPC和BPEL之类的常规过程符号提供了更大的灵活性。我们提出了一种自动发现DECLARE模型的方法。这已在过程挖掘工具ProM中实现。我们的方法和工具集已应用于Thales公司在海上安全和保障领域提供的案例研究。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949297]

[340] Using domain knowledge to enhance process mining results (2017)

(Dixit, P. M. and Buijs, J. C.A.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Hompes, B. F.A. and Buurman, J. | )

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms typically aim at discovering process models from event logs. Most algorithms achieve this by solely using an event log, without allowing the domain expert to influence the discovery in any way. However, the user may have certain domain expertise which should be exploited to create better process models. In this paper, we address this issue of incorporating domain knowledge to improve the discovered process model. First, we present a verification algorithm to verify the presence of certain constraints in a process model. Then, we present three modification algorithms to modify the process model. The outcome of our approach is a Pareto front of process models based on the constraints specified by the domain expert and common quality dimensions of process mining.

摘要: 过程发现算法通常旨在从事件日志中发现过程模型。大多数算法仅通过使用事件日志来实现此目的,而不允许域专家以任何方式影响发现。但是,用户可能具有某些领域专业知识,应利用这些专业知识来创建更好的过程模型。在本文中,我们解决了合并领域知识以改善发现的过程模型的问题。首先,我们提出一种验证算法,以验证过程模型中某些约束的存在。然后,我们提出了三种修改算法来修改过程模型。我们的方法的结果是基于领域专家指定的约束和过程挖掘的通用质量维度的过程模型的Pareto前沿。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-53435-0_4]

[341] Using interval timed coloured Petri nets to calculate performance bounds (1994)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Nearly all existing techniques in the field of performance evaluation provide estimates (i.e. average and variation) for performance measures like: response times, throughput times, occupations rates, etc. However, when evaluating the design of a time-critical system, we are particularly interested in accurate bounds for these performance measures. We are concerned with the maximal response time of a controller in a nuclear power plant, the average response time of this controller is of less importance. This is the reason we propose an alternative approach based on the Interval Timed Coloured Petri Net (ITCPN) model. The ITCPN model allows for the modelling of the dynamic behaviour of large and complex systems, without losing the possibility of formal analysis. In addition to the existing analysis techniques for coloured Petri nets, we provide a new analysis method to analyse the temporal behaviour of the net. This method can be used to calculate bounds for all kinds of performance measures. In this paper we will show that this approach can be used to analyse complex time-critical systems.

摘要: 性能评估领域中几乎所有现有技术都为性能指标提供估计值(即平均值和方差),例如:响应时间,吞吐时间,占用率等。但是,在评估时间紧迫的系统设计时,我们对这些绩效指标的准确界限特别感兴趣。我们关心的是核电厂中控制器的最大响应时间,该控制器的平均响应时间不太重要。这就是我们提出一种基于间隔定时有色陪替氏网(ITCPN)模型的替代方法的原因。 ITCPN模型允许对大型和复杂系统的动态行为进行建模,而不会失去形式分析的可能性。除了有色Petri网的现有分析技术外,我们还提供了一种分析网的时间行为的新分析方法。此方法可用于计算各种性能指标的界限。在本文中,我们将证明该方法可用于分析复杂的时间关键型系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-58021-2_24]

[342] Using process mining to analyze and improve process flexibility - Position paper (2006)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Contemporary information systems struggle with the requirement to provide flexibility and process support while still enforcing some degree of control. Workflow management systems are typically considered as too restrictive while groupware applications (e.g., e-mail) tend to offer hardly any process support or control at all. Therefore, we consider adaptive process management systems that allow for run-time changes at both process type and process instance level (e.g., a system like ADEPT). Assuming that these process changes are recorded explicitly, we discuss how this information can be used as input for process mining. So far, process mining has only be applied to operational processes, i.e., knowledge is extracted from event logs (process discovery), or event logs are compared with some a-priori model (conformance checking). In this paper, we propose to apply process mining to change logs, i.e., we not only analyze the operational processes but also the adaptations made at the process type or process instance level. Using such analysis, we envisage to be able to better support flexibility by understanding when and why process changes become necessary.

摘要: 当代信息系统在提供灵活性和流程支持的同时仍在进行一定程度的控制,这是他们的要求。工作流管理系统通常被认为过于严格,而群件应用程序(例如电子邮件)则几乎几乎不提供任何流程支持或控制。因此,我们考虑自适应的流程管理系统,该系统允许在流程类型和流程实例级别都进行运行时更改(例如,类似ADEPT的系统)。假设这些过程更改已明确记录,我们将讨论如何将此信息用作过程挖掘的输入。到目前为止,过程挖掘仅应用于操作过程,即从事件日志中提取知识(过程发现),或者将事件日志与某种先验模型进行比较(一致性检查)。在本文中,我们建议将流程挖掘应用于更改日志,即,我们不仅要分析操作流程,还要分析在流程类型或流程实例级别进行的调整。通过这种分析,我们设想可以通过了解何时以及为何需要进行流程更改来更好地支持灵活性。

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[343] Using process mining to generate accurate and interactive business process maps (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The quality of todays digital maps is very high. This allows for new functionality as illustrated by modern car navigation systems (e.g., TomTom, Garmin, etc.), Google maps, Google Street View, Mashups using geo-tagging (e.g., Panoramio, HousingMaps, etc.), etc. People can seamlessly zoom in and out using the interactive maps in such systems. Moreover, all kinds of information can be projected on these interactive maps (e.g., traffic jams, four-bedroom apartments for sale, etc.). Process models can be seen as the maps describing the operational processes of organizations. Unfortunately, accurate and interactive process maps are typically missing when it comes to business process management. Either there are no good maps or the maps are static or outdated. Therefore, we propose to automatically generate business process maps using process mining techniques. By doing this, there is a close connection between these maps and the actual behavior recorded in event logs. This will allow for high-quality process models showing what really happened. Moreover, this will also allow for the projection of dynamic information, e.g., the traffic jams in business processes. In fact, the combination of accurate maps, historic information, and information about current process instances, allows for prediction and recommendation. For example, just like TomTom can predict the arrival time at a particular location, process mining techniques can be used to predict when a process instance will finish. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 今天的数字地图的质量非常高。这样就可以实现新功能,例如现代汽车导航系统(例如TomTom,Garmin等),谷歌地图,谷歌街景视图,使用地理标签的混搭(例如Panoramio,HousingMaps等)等。人们可以在此类系统中使用交互式地图无缝地放大和缩小。此外,可以在这些交互式地图上投影各种信息(例如,交通拥堵,待售的四居室公寓等)。流程模型可以看作是描述组织运营流程的地图。不幸的是,在涉及业务流程管理时,通常缺少准确和交互式的流程图。没有好的地图,或者地图是静态的或过时的。因此,我们建议使用流程挖掘技术自动生成业务流程图。这样,这些映射与事件日志中记录的实际行为之间就存在紧密的联系。这将允许显示真实情况的高质量过程模型。而且,这还将允许投影动态信息,例如业务流程中的交通拥堵。实际上,准确的地图,历史信息以及有关当前流程实例的信息的组合允许进行预测和推荐。例如,就像TomTom可以预测到达特定位置的时间一样,流程挖掘技术可以用来预测流程实例何时完成。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03424-4_1]

[344] Verification of EPCs: Using reduction rules and petri nets (2005)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Designing business models is a complicated and error prone task. On the one hand, business models need to be intuitive and easy to understand. On the other hand, ambiguities may lead to different interpretations and false consensus. Moreover, to configure process-aware information systems (e.g., a workflow system), the business model needs to be transformed into an executable model. Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), but also other informal languages, are intended as a language to support the transition from a business model to an executable model. Many researchers have assigned formal semantics to EPCs and are using these semantics for execution and verification. In this paper, we use a different tactic. We propose a two-step approach where first the informal model is reduced and then verified in an interactive manner. This approach acknowledges that some constructs are correct or incorrect no matter what interpretation is used and that the remaining constructs require human judgment to assess correctness. This paper presents a software tool that supports this two-step approach and thus allows for the verification of real-life EPCs as illustrated by two case studies. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 设计业务模型是一项复杂且容易出错的任务。一方面,业务模型需要直观且易于理解。另一方面,模棱两可可能导致不同的解释和错误的共识。此外,为了配置过程感知信息系统(例如,工作流系统),需要将业务模型转换为可执行模型。事件驱动的流程链(EPC)以及其他非正式语言也旨在用作支持从业务模型向可执行模型过渡的语言。许多研究人员已为EPC分配了形式语义,并正在使用这些语义进行执行和验证。在本文中,我们使用了不同的策略。我们提出了一种两步方法,其中首先简化非正式模型,然后以交互方式进行验证。这种方法承认,无论使用哪种解释,某些构造都是正确的或不正确的,其余构造需要人工判断才能评估正确性。本文提出了一种软件工具,该工具支持此两步方法,因此可以验证实际的EPC,如两个案例研究所示。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11431855_26]

[345] Verification of XRL: An XML-based workflow language (2002)

(Van der Aalst | )

Abstract: XRL (eXchangeable Routing Language) is an instance-based workflow language that uses XML for the representation of process definitions and Petri nets for its semantics. Since XRL is instance-based, workflow definitions can be changed on the fly and sent across organizational boundaries. These features are vital for todays dynamic and networked economy. However, the features also enable subtle, but highly disruptive, cross-organizational errors. On-the-fly changes and one-of-a-kind processes are destined to result in errors. Moreover, errors of a cross-organizational nature are difficult to repair. In this paper, we show soundness properties of XRL constructs by using a novel, constructive approach. We also describe a software tool based on XML and Petri-net technologies for verifying XRL workflows.

摘要: XRL(可交换路由语言)是一种基于实例的工作流语言,它使用XML表示流程定义,并使用Petri网表示其语义。由于XRL是基于实例的,因此可以即时更改工作流定义并在整个组织内发送这些功能对于当今瞬息万变的网络经济至关重要,但是,这些功能也会带来细微但极具破坏性的跨组织错误,因此,瞬息万变和一种流程必将导致此外,跨组织性质的错误很难修复,本文使用新颖的构造方法展示了XRL构造的健全性,并介绍了一种基于XML和Petri-net技术的软件工具,验证XRL工作流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/cscwd.2001.942298]

[346] Verification of workflow nets (1997)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | )

Abstract: Workflow management systems will change the architecture of future information systems dramatically. The explicit representation of business procedures is one of the main issues when introducing a workflow management system. In this paper we focus on a class of Petri nets suitable for the representation, validation and verification of these procedures. We will show that the correctness of a procedure represented by such a Petri net can be verified by using standard Petri-net-based techniques. Based on this result we provide a comprehensive set of transformation rules which can be used to construct and modify correct procedures.

摘要: 工作流管理系统将极大地改变未来信息系统的体系结构。当引入工作流管理系统时,业务流程的显式表示是主要问题之一。在本文中,我们重点讨论一类适合于这些过程的表示,验证和验证的Petri网。我们将显示,可以使用基于标准Petri网的技术来验证以此类Petri网表示的过程的正确性。基于此结果,我们提供了一套全面的转换规则,可用于构造和修改正确的过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-63139-9_48]

[347] Verifying workflows with cancellation regions and or-joins: An approach based on relaxed soundness and invariants (2007)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) workflow language supports the most frequent control-flow patterns found in the current workflow practice. As a result, most workflow languages can be mapped onto YAWL without the loss of control-flow details, even languages allowing for advanced constructs such as cancellation regions and OR-joins. Hence, a verification approach for YAWL is desirable, because such an approach could be used for any workflow language that can be mapped onto YAWL. Unfortunately, cancellation regions and OR-joins are non-local properties, and in general we cannot even decide whether the desired final state is reachable if both patterns are present. This paper proposes a verification approach based on (i) an abstraction of the OR-join semantics; (ii) the relaxed soundness property; and (iii) transition invariants. This approach is correct (errors reported are really errors), but not necessarily complete (not every error might get reported). This incompleteness can be explained because, on the one hand, the approach abstracts from the OR-join semantics and on the other hand, it may use only transition invariants, which are structural properties. Nevertheless, our approach can be used to successfully detect errors in YAWL models. Moreover, the approach can be easily transferred to other workflow languages allowing for advanced constructs such as cancellations and OR-joins. textcopyright The Author 2007.

摘要: YAWL(另一种工作流语言)工作流语言支持当前工作流实践中最常见的控制流模式。因此,大多数工作流语言都可以映射到YAWL上,而不会丢失控制流细节,即使语言允许因此,对于YAWL来说,验证方法是可取的,因为这种方法可用于可映射到YAWL的任何工作流语言。不幸的是,取消区和OR-join是非本地属性,一般来说,如果同时存在两种模式,我们甚至无法决定是否可以达到所需的最终状态;本文提出了一种验证方法,该方法基于(i)OR-join语义的抽象;(ii)松散的健全性;以及(iii)过渡不变式这种方法是正确的(报告的错误实际上是错误),但不一定是完整的(并非每个错误都可能得到报告)。之所以解释e是因为,一方面,该方法是从OR-join语义中抽象出来的;另一方面,它可能仅使用了过渡不变式,这是结构属性。尽管如此,我们的方法仍可用于成功检测YAWL模型中的错误。而且,该方法可以轻松地转移到其他工作流语言,从而实现高级构造,例如取消和或联接。 t​​extcopyright作者2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/comjnl/bxl074]

[348] Visual analytics for soundness verification of process models (2018)

(Garcia Caballero | )

Abstract: Soundness validation of process models is a complex task for process modelers due to all the factors that must be taken into account. Although there are tools to verify this property, they do not provide users with easy information on where soundness starts breaking and under which conditions. Providing insights such as states in which problems occur, involved activities, or paths leading to those states, is crucial for process modelers to better understand why the model is not sound. In this paper we address the problem of validating the soundness property of a process model by using a novel visual approach and a new tool called PSVis (Petri net Soundness Visualization) supporting this approach. The PSVis tool aims to guide expert users through the process models in order to get insights into the problems that cause the process to be unsound.

摘要: 由于必须考虑所有因素,对于过程建模者来说,过程模型的健全性验证是一项复杂的任务。尽管有一些工具可以验证此属性,但它们无法向用户提供有关健全性在哪里开始破裂以及在何种情况下开始的简便信息。提供洞察力(例如发生问题的状态,涉及的活动或导致这些状态的路径)对于流程建模者更好地理解为什么模型不正确至关重要。在本文中,我们通过使用一种新颖的可视化方法和一种支持该方法的称为PSVis(Petri网的稳健性可视化)的新工具解决了验证过程模型的健全性问题。 PSVis工具旨在通过流程模型指导专家用户,以深入了解导致流程不合理的问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-74030-0_59]

[349] Visual support for work assignment in YAWL (2009)

(Cardi, Francesco and De Leoni | )

Abstract: A basic function of Process-aware Information Systems (PAISs) is to offer work to resources. The elementary pieces of work are called work items, e.g. Approve travel request XYZ1234. Work items are offered to users via so-called work-list handlers, which take care of work distribution and authorisation issues.

摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)的基本功能是为资源提供工作。基本工作称为工作项目,例如批准旅行请求XYZ1234。工作项目通过所谓的工作列表处理程序提供给用户,该工作列表处理程序负责工作分配和授权问题。

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[350] Wanna improve process mining results? (2013)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Mans, Ronny S. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The growing interest in process mining is fueled by the increasing availability of event data. Process mining techniques use event logs to automatically discover process models, check conformance, identify bottlenecks and deviations, suggest improvements, and predict processing times. Lions share of process mining research has been devoted to analysis techniques. However, the proper handling of problems and challenges arising in analyzing event logs used as input is critical for the success of any process mining effort. In this paper, we identify four categories of process characteristics issues that may manifest in an event log (e.g. process problems related to event granularity and case heterogeneity) and 27 classes of event log quality issues (e.g., problems related to timestamps in event logs, imprecise activity names, and missing events). The systematic identification and analysis of these issues calls for a consolidated effort from the process mining community. Five real-life event logs are analyzed to illustrate the omnipresence of process and event log issues. We hope that these findings will encourage systematic logging approaches (to prevent event log issues), repair techniques (to alleviate event log issues) and analysis techniques (to deal with the manifestation of process characteristics in event logs). textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

摘要: 随着事件数据可用性的提高,人们对过程挖掘的兴趣日益增强。过程挖掘技术使用事件日志来自动发现过程模型,检查一致性,识别瓶颈和偏差,提出改进建议并预测处理时间。Lion在过程中所占的份额挖掘研究一直致力于分析技术,但是,正确分析在用作输入的事件日志分析过程中出现的问题和挑战对于任何过程挖掘工作的成功都是至关重要的。可能会在事件日志中出现(例如,与事件粒度和案例异构性有关的过程问题)和27类事件日志质量问题(例如,与事件日志中的时间戳,不精确的活动名称和丢失的事件有关的问题)。对这些问题的分析需要过程采矿界的共同努力5个现实生活分析事件日志以说明过程和事件日志问题的普遍性。我们希望这些发现将鼓励系统的日志记录方法(以防止事件日志问题),修复技术(以减轻事件日志问题)和分析技术(以处理事件日志中过程特征的表现)。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597227]

[351] Web service composition languages: Old wine in New bottles? (2003)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Recently, several languages for Web service composition have emerged (e.g., BPEL4WS and WSCI). The goal of these languages is to glue Web services together in a process-oriented way. For this purpose, these languages typically borrow concepts from workflow management systems and embed these concepts in the so-called Web services stack. Up to now, little or no effort has been dedicated to systematically evaluate the capabilities and limitations of these languages. BPEL4WS for example is said to combine the best of other standards for Web service composition such as WSFL (IBM) andXLANG (Microsoft), and allows for a mixture of block structured and graph structured process models. However, aspects such as the expressiveness, adequacy, orthogonality, and formal characterization of BPEL4WS (e.g. reachability) have not yet been systematically investigated. Although BPEL4WS is not a bad proposal, it is remarkable how much attention it receives while more fundamental issues such as semantics, expressiveness, and adequacy do not get the attention they deserve. Therefore, we advocate the use of more rigorous approaches to critically evaluate the so-called standards for Web services composition, and to learn from 25 years of experiences in the workflow/office automation domain.

摘要: 最近,出现了几种用于Web服务组合的语言(例如BPEL4WS和WSCI)。这些语言的目标是以面向过程的方式将Web服务粘合在一起。为此,这些语言通常从工作流管理系统中借用概念,并将这些概念嵌入到所谓的Web服务堆栈中。到目前为止,很少或没有努力致力于系统地评估这些语言的功能和局限性。例如,据说BPEL4WS结合了Web服务组合的其他最佳标准,例如WSFL(IBM)和XLANG(Microsoft),并允许混合使用块结构和图形结构的流程模型。但是,尚未系统地研究诸如BPEL4WS的表达性,充分性,正交性和形式化表征(例如,可达性)等方面。尽管BPEL4WS并不是一个坏建议,但值得注意的是它获得了多少关注,而语义,表达性和适当性等更基本的问题却没有得到应有的关注。因此,我们提倡使用更严格的方法来严格评估所谓的Web服务组合标准,并从工作流/办公室自动化领域的25年经验中学习。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EURMIC.2003.1231605]

[352] Web service mining and verification of properties: An approach based on event calculus (2006)

(Rouached, Mohsen and Gaaloul, Walid and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Web services are becoming more and more complex, involving numerous interacting business objects within complex distributed processes. In order to fully explore Web service business opportunities, while ensuring a correct and reliable execution, analyzing and tracking Web services interactions will enable them to be well understood and controlled. The work described in this paper is a contribution to these issues for Web services based process applications. This article describes a novel way of applying process mining techniques to Web services logs in order to enable Web service intelligence. Our work attempts to apply Web service log-based analysis and process mining techniques in order to provide semantical knowledge about the context of and the reasons for discrepancies between process models and related instances. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: Web服务正变得越来越复杂,涉及复杂的分布式流程中的许多交互业务对象。为了充分发掘Web服务的商机,同时确保正确和可靠的执行,分析和跟踪Web服务的交互将使它们得到很好的理解和控制。本文描述的工作是对基于Web服务的流程应用程序这些问题的贡献。本文介绍了一种将过程挖掘技术应用于Web服务日志以启用 Web服务智能的新颖方法。我们的工作尝试应用基于Web服务日志的分析和流程挖掘技术,以便提供有关流程模型和相关实例的上下文以及差异原因的语义知识。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11914853_25]

[353] What if process predictions are not followed by good recommendations? (2019)

(Dees, Marcus and De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process-aware Recommender systems (PAR systems) are information systems that aim to monitor process executions, predict their outcome, and recommend effective interventions to reduce the risk of failure. This paper discusses monitoring, predicting, and recommending using a PAR system within a financial institute in the Netherlands to avoid faulty executions. Although predictions were based on the analysis of historical data, the most opportune intervention was selected on the basis of human judgment and subjective opinions. The results showed that, although the predictions of risky cases were relatively accurate, no reduction was observed in the number of faulty executions. We believe that this was caused by incorrect choices of interventions. Although a large body of research exists on monitoring and predicting based on facts recorded in historical data, research on fact-based interventions is relatively limited. This paper reports on lessons learned from the case study in finance and identifies the need to develop interventions based on insights from factual, historical data.

摘要: 具有流程意识的推荐系统(PAR系统)是旨在监视流程执行,预测其结果并建议有效干预措施以减少失败风险的信息系统。本文讨论了在荷兰金融机构内使用PAR系统进行监视,预测和推荐的方法,以避免执行错误。尽管预测是基于对历史数据的分析,但最合理的干预是根据人的判断和主观意见选择的。结果表明,尽管风险案件的预测相对准确,但执行错误的案件数量并未减少。我们认为,这是由于干预措施选择不当造成的。尽管在基于历史数据中记录的事实进行监视和预测方面存在大量研究,但基于事实的干预措施的研究相对有限。本文报告了从金融案例研究中学到的经验教训,并确定了基于事实和历史数据的洞察力开发干预措施的必要性。

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[354] When are two workflows the same? (2005)

(Hidders, Jan and Dumas, Marlon and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and Verelst, Jan | )

Abstract: In the area of workflow management, one is confronted with a large number of competing languages and the relations between them (e.g. relative expressiveness) are usually not clear. Moreover, even within the same language it is generally possible to express the same workflow in different ways, a feature known as variability. This paper aims at providing some of the formal groundwork for studying relative expressiveness and variability by defining notions of equivalence capturing different views on how workflow systems operate. Firstly, a notion of observational equivalence in the absence of silent steps is defined and related to classical bisimulation. Secondly, a number of equivalence notions in the presence of silent steps are defined. A distinction is made between the case where silent steps are visible (but not controllable) by the environment and the case where silent steps are not visible, i.e., there is an alternation between system events and environment interactions. It is shown that these notions of equivalence are different and do not coincide with classical notions of bisimulation with silent steps (e.g. weak and branching). textcopyright 2005, Australian Computer Society, Inc.

摘要: 在工作流管理领域,人们面对着许多竞争性语言,它们之间的关系(例如相对表达能力)通常不清楚。此外,即使使用相同的语言,通常也可以用不同的方式来表达相同的工作流程,这一功能称为可变性。本文旨在通过定义对等概念来捕获相对于工作流系统如何运行的不同观点,从而为研究相对表现力和可变性提供一些正式基础。首先,定义了在没有静默步的情况下观察等效性的概念,并且该概念与经典双仿真相关。其次,定义了存在静默步骤时的许多等效概念。在环境可以看到(但不可控制)静默步骤的情况与环境是不可见的静默步骤(即,系统事件与环境交互之间有交替)之间存在区别。结果表明,这些等价概念是不同的,并且与具有静默步骤(例如,弱和分支)的双仿真的经典概念不一致。 t​​extcopyright,2005,澳大利亚计算机学会,

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[355] Where did I misbehave? Diagnostic information in compliance checking (2012)

(Ramezani, Elham and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Compliance checking is gaining importance as todays organizations need to show that operational processes are executed in a controlled manner while satisfying predefined (legal) requirements. Deviations may be costly and expose the organization to severe risks. Compliance checking is of growing importance for the business process management and auditing communities. This paper presents a comprehensive compliance checking approach based on Petri-net patterns and alignments. 55 control flow oriented compliance rules, distributed over 15 categories, have been formalized in terms of Petri-net patterns describing the compliant behavior. To check compliance with respect to a rule, the event log describing the observed behavior is aligned with the corresponding pattern. The approach is flexible (easy to add new patterns), robust (the selected alignment between log and pattern is guaranteed to be optimal), and allows for both a quantification of compliance and intuitive diagnostics explaining deviations at the level of alignments. The approach can also handle resource-based and data-based compliance rules and is supported by ProM plug-ins. The applicability of the approach has been evaluated using various real-life event logs. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 合规性检查变得越来越重要,因为当今的组织需要证明操作流程是在满足预定的(合法)要求的同时以受控方式执行的。偏差可能会造成高昂的成本,并使组织面临严峻的风险。业务流程管理和审计社区:本文提出了一种基于Petri网模式和对齐方式的全面合规性检查方法,已经按照描述合规行为的Petri网模式对55个面向控制流的合规性规则(分布在15个类别中)进行了形式化为了检查规则的符合性,将描述观察到的行为的事件日志与相应的模式对齐,该方法是灵活的(易于添加新模式),健壮的(确保在日志和模式之间选择的对齐方式是最佳的) ),并允许对合规性进行量化并进行直观的诊断解释对齐级别的ng偏差。该方法还可以处理基于资源和基于数据的合规性规则,并且受ProM插件支持。该方法的适用性已使用各种现实事件日志进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-32885-5_21]

[356] Work distribution and resource management in BPEL4People: Capabilities and opportunities (2008)

(Russell, Nick and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask extensions to the BPEL proposal define the state of the art in resource management and work distribution in business process execution languages. In this paper, we use the workflow resource patterns as an evaluation framework to assess the capabilities of BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask and identify several areas where there is opportunity for further improvement.

摘要: BPEL提案的BPEL4People和WS-HumanTask扩展以业务流程执行语言定义了资源管理和工作分配方面的最新技术。 在本文中,我们将工作流资源模式用作评估框架,以评估BPEL4People和WS-HumanTask的能力,并确定有机会进一步改进的几个领域。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-69534-9_7]

[357] Workflow Simulation for Operational Decision Support Using Design, Historic and State Information (2008)

(Rozinat, Anne and Wynn, Moe and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining rather abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of workflow management. To do this we exploit not only the workflows design, but also logged data describing the systems observed historic behavior, and information extracted about the current state of the workflow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for different scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM.

摘要: 模拟被广泛用作分析业务流程的工具,但主要侧重于检查相当抽象的稳态情况。此类分析有助于业务流程的初始设计,但不适用于运营决策和持续改进。在这里,我们描述了一个在工作流管理中用于操作决策支持的仿真系统,为此,我们不仅要利用工作流的设计,还要利用描述系统观察到的历史行为的记录数据以及有关工作流当前状态的信息进行提取。利用实际数据捕获的当前状态和历史信息,我们的仿真可以准确地预测不同情况下潜在的近期行为,该方法得到实用工具集的支持,该工具集结合并扩展了工作流管理系统YAWL和流程挖掘框架ProM 。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-85758-7_16]

[358] Workflow completion patterns (2009)

(Trvcka, Nikola and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The most common correctness requirement for a (business) workflow is the completion requirement, imposing that, in some form, every case-instance of the workflow reaches its final state. In this paper, we define three workflow completion patterns, called the mandatory, optional and possible completion. These patterns are formalized in terms of the temporal logic CTL*, to remove ambiguities, allow for easy comparison, and have direct applicability. In contrast to the existing methods, we do not look at the control flow in isolation but include some data information as well. In this way the analysis remains tractable but gains precision. Together with our previous work on dataflow (anti-)patterns, this paper is a significant step towards a unifying framework for complete workflow verification, using the well-developed, stable, adaptable, and effective modelchecking approach. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.

摘要: (业务)工作流最常见的正确性要求是完成要求,以某种形式强加工作流的每个案例实例都达到其最终状态。在本文中,我们定义了三种工作流完成模式,分别称为强制完成,可选完成和可能完成。这些模式根据时间逻辑CTL *形式化,以消除歧义,易于比较并具有直接适用性。与现有方法相反,我们不是孤立地看控制流,而是还包括一些数据信息。这样,分析仍然易于处理,但可以提高精度。与我们先前在数据流(反)模式上的工作一起,本文是使用成熟的,稳定,适应性强且有效的模型检查方法朝着统一框架进行完整工作流验证的重要一步。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/COASE.2009.5234170]

[359] Workflow data patterns: Identification, representation and tool support (2005)

(Russell, Nick and Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: Workflow systems seek to provide an implementation vehicle for complex, recurring business processes. Notwithstanding this common objective, there are a variety of distinct features offered by commercial workflow management systems. These differences result in significant variations in the ability of distinct tools to represent and implement the plethora of requirements that may arise in contemporary business processes. Many of these requirements recur quite frequently during the requirements analysis activity for workflow systems and abstractions of these requirements serve as a useful means of identifying the key components of workflow languages. In this paper, we describe a series of workflow data patterns that aim to capture the various ways in which data is represented and utilised in workflows. By delineating these patterns in a form that is independent of specific workflow technologies and modelling languages, we are able to provide a comprehensive treatment of the workflow data perspective and we subsequently use these patterns as the basis for a detailed comparison of a number of commercially available workflow management systems, workflow standards and web-service composition languages. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 工作流系统寻求为复杂的重复性业务流程提供实施工具。尽管有这个共同的目标,但是商业工作流管理系统仍提供了多种不同的功能。这些差异导致不同工具表示和实现当代业务流程中可能出现的大量需求的能力发生了显着变化。这些需求中的许多需求在工作流系统的需求分析活动中经常重复出现,这些需求的抽象是识别工作流语言的关键组成部分的有用手段。在本文中,我们描述了一系列工作流数据模式,旨在捕获在工作流中表示和利用数据的各种方式。通过以独立于特定工作流程技术和建模语言的形式描述这些模式,我们能够提供对工作流程数据透视图的全面处理,随后我们将这些模式用作详细比较许多市售产品的基础工作流管理系统,工作流标准和Web服务组合语言。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11568322_23]

[360] Workflow exception patterns (2006)

(Russell, Nick and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper presents a classification framework for workflow exception handling in the form of patterns. This framework is independent of specific modelling approaches or technologies and as such provides an objective means of delineating the exception-handling capabilities of specific workflow systems. It is subsequently used to assess the level of exceptions support provided by eight commercial workflow systems and business process modelling and execution languages. On the basis of these investigations, we propose a graphical, tool-independent language for defining exception handling strategies in workflows. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 本文以模式的形式提出了用于工作流异常处理的分类框架。该框架独立于特定的建模方法或技术,因此提供了一种客观的方法来描述特定工作流程系统的异常处理能力。随后,它用于评估八种商业工作流程系统以及商业流程建模和执行语言提供的异常支持级别。在这些调查的基础上,我们提出了一种图形化的,独立于工具的语言,用于定义工作流中的异常处理策略。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11767138_20]

[361] Workflow modeling using proclets (2000)

(van der Aalst, W. and Barthelmess, P. and Ellis, C. A. and Wainer, J. | )

Abstract: The focus of traditional workflow management systems is on control flow within one process definition, that describes how a single case (i.e., workflow instance) is handled in isolation. For many applications this paradigm is inadequate. Interaction between cases is at least as important. This paper introduces and advocates the use of interacting proclets, i.e., light-weight workflow processes. By promoting interactions to first-class citizens, it is possible to model complex workflows in a more natural manner, with improved expressive power and flexibility.

摘要: 传统工作流程管理系统的重点在于一个流程定义内的控制流,该流程定义描述了如何单独处理单个案例(即工作流程实例)。对于许多应用程序来说,这种范例是不够的。案例之间的互动至少同样重要。本文介绍并提倡使用交互式proclet(即轻量级工作流程)。通过促进与一等公民的互动,可以以更加自然的方式为复杂的工作流程建模,并提高表达能力和灵活性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/10722620_20]

[362] WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS: A tool for translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL (2006)

(Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: This paper presents WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS a tool to automatically map a graphical workflow model expressed in terms of Workflow Nets (WF-nets) onto BPEL. The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) has emerged as the de-facto standard for implementing processes and is supported by an increasing number of systems (cf. the IBM WebSphere Choreographer and the Oracle BPEL Process Manager). While being a powerful language, BPEL is difficult to use. Its XML representation is very verbose and only readable for the trained eye. It offers many constructs and typically things can be implemented in many ways, e.g., using links and the flow construct or using sequences and switches. As a result only experienced users are able to select the right construct. Some vendors offer a graphical interface that generates BPEL code. However, the graphical representations are a direct reflection of the BPEL code and not easy to use by end-users. Therefore, we provide a mapping from WF-nets to BPEL. This mapping builds on the rich theory of Petri nets and can also be used to map other languages (e.g., UML, EPC, BPMN, etc.) onto BPEL. To evaluate Work-flowNet2BPEL4WS we used more than 100 processes modeled using Protos (the most widely used business process modeling tool in the Netherlands), automatically converted these into CPN Tools, and applied our mapping. The results of these evaluation are very encouraging and show the applicability of our approach. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 本文为WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS提供了一种工具,该工具可将以工作流网(WF-net)表示的图形化工作流模型自动映射到BPEL。 Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL)已经成为实现流程的实际标准,并且得到越来越多的系统的支持(参见IBM WebSphere Choreographer和Oracle BPEL Process Manager)。 BPEL是一门功能强大的语言,但很难使用。它的XML表示非常冗长,只有经过培训的眼睛才能阅读。它提供了许多构造,并且通常可以以多种方式来实现事物,例如,使用链接和流程构造或使用序列和开关。结果,只有有经验的用户才能选择正确的结构。一些供应商提供了生成BPEL代码的图形界面。但是,这些图形表示形式直接反映了BPEL代码,并且最终用户不容易使用。因此,我们提供了从WF网络到BPEL的映射。这种映射建立在Petri网丰富的理论基础上,也可以用于将其他语言(例如UML,EPC,BPMN等)映射到BPEL。为了评估Work-flowNet2BPEL4WS,我们使用了100多个使用Protos(荷兰使用最广泛的业务流程建模工具)建模的流程,将其自动转换为CPN工具,并应用了我们的映射。这些评估的结果令人鼓舞,并显示了我们方法的适用性。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11914853_9]

[363] Working group report on process production process workflow in cooperative virtual enterprises (2002)

(Ciancarini, P. and Jagannathan, V.J. and Klein, M. and van der Aalst, W. | )

Abstract: The process workgroup was given the task of studying the production process workflow in cooperative (virtual) enterprises, such as large software houses or companies needing concurrent engineering methods, e.g., for designing and making industrial products. We initiated our agenda by studying the main requirements of tools and environments which could entitle them to support production processes. In our vision, the main tools for supporting process design are descriptive notations for process modeling. Such notations should be formal, to help in understanding, analysing, and simulating the process models we describe. Our requirements for the environment were more vague: we envision an environment distributed on heterogeneous hardware, with a rich infrastructure of services, like distributed object databases and hypertext browsers like the WWW. More important, the environment should be able to understand the process model to be supported and enacted, i.e., it should be able to reconfigure itself, possibly dynamically, to support and enforce (enact) the workflow defined by the process model. The agenda we discussed included a survey of existing tools and notations for process modeling, which we summarize, an overview of research trends in the recent past, is outlined and, finally, a study of interesting scenarios and case studies worthy of being explored in the near future is discussed

摘要: 过程工作组的任务是研究合作(虚拟)企业(例如大型软件公司或需要并行工程方法(例如,用于设计和制造工业产品的公司)的公司)的生产过程工作流程。我们通过研究工具和环境的主要要求来启动我们的议程,这些要求可以使他们有能力支持生产过程。在我们看来,支持流程设计的主要工具是流程建模的描述性符号。这些表示法应该是形式化的,以帮助理解,分析和模拟我们描述的过程模型。我们对环境的要求更加模糊:我们设想了一种分布在异构硬件上的环境,该环境具有丰富的服务基础架构,例如分布式对象数据库和超文本浏览器(例如WWW)。更重要的是,环境应该能够理解要支持和执行的流程模型,即环境应该能够重新配置自身(可能是动态配置),以支持和执行(执行)流程模型定义的工作流程。 。我们讨论的议程包括对过程建模的现有工具和符号的调查,并进行了总结,概述了过去的研究趋势,最后,对有趣的场景和案例研究进行了研究,值得在本文中进行探讨。讨论了不久的将来

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/enabl.1995.484543]

[364] Worklets: A service-oriented implementation of dynamic flexibility in workflows (2006)

(Adams, Michael and Ter Hofstede | )

Abstract: This paper presents the realisation, using a Service Oriented Architecture, of an approach for dynamic flexibility and evolution in workflows through the support of flexible work practices, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. A set of principles have been derived from a sound theoretical base and applied to the development of worklets, an extensible repertoire of self-contained sub-processes aligned to each task, from which a dynamic runtime selection is made depending on the context of the particular work instance. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: 本文介绍了一种使用面向服务的体系结构的方法,该方法通过支持灵活的工作实践来实现工作流中的动态灵活性和演进,这种方法不是基于专有框架,而是基于人们实际工作方式的公认观点。一组原则已从合理的理论基础中得出,并应用于工作项的开发,工作项是与每个任务对齐的自包含子过程的可扩展库,根据具体情况从中进行动态运行时选择工作实例。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2006。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11914853_18]

[365] XES, XESame, and ProM 6 (2011)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Buijs, Joos C.A.M. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Process mining has emerged as a new way to analyze business processes based on event logs. These events logs need to be extracted from operational systems and can subsequently be used to discover or check the conformance of processes. ProM is a widely used tool for process mining. In earlier versions of ProM, MXML was used as an input format. In future releases of ProM, a new logging format will be used: the eXtensible Event Stream (XES) format. This format has several advantages over MXML. The paper presents two tools that use this format - XESame and ProM 6 - and highlights the main innovations and the role of XES. XESame enables domain experts to specify how the event log should be extracted from existing systems and converted to XES. ProM 6 is a completely new process mining framework based on XES and enabling innovative process mining functionality. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 流程挖掘已成为一种基于事件日志分析业务流程的新方法。这些事件日志需要从操作系统中提取,并随后可用于发现或检查过程的一致性。 ProM是一种广泛用于过程挖掘的工具。在ProM的早期版本中,MXML被用作输入格式。在ProM的将来版本中,将使用新的日志记录格式:可扩展事件流(XES)格式。与MXML相比,此格式具有多个优点。本文介绍了两种使用此格式的工具-XESame和ProM 6-并重点介绍了XES的主要创新和作用。 XESame使领域专家可以指定如何从现有系统中提取事件日志并将其转换为XES。 ProM 6是基于XES的全新流程挖掘框架,并具有创新的流程挖掘功能。 t​​extcopyright 2011年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-17722-4_5]

[366] YAWL in the cloud: Supporting process sharing and variability (2015)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Reijers, H. A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: The cloud is at the centre of attention in various fields, including that of BPM. However, all BPM systems in the cloud seem to be nothing more than an installation in the cloud with a web-interface for a single organisation, while cloud technology offers an excellent platform for cooperation on an intra- and inter-organisational level. In this paper, we show how cloud technology can be used for supporting different variants of the same process (due to couleur locale), and how these organisations can aid each other in achieving the completion of a running case. In this paper we describe how we have brought a BPM system (YAWL) into the cloud that supports variants.

摘要: 云是包括BPM在内的各个领域关注的焦点。但是,云中的所有BPM系统似乎都不过是具有单个组织的Web界面的云中的安装,而云技术为组织内和组织间的合作提供了出色的平台。在本文中,我们展示了如何使用云技术来支持同一流程的不同变体(由于库尔语言环境),以及这些组织如何互相帮助以实现运行案例的完成。在本文中,我们描述了如何将BPM系统(YAWL)引入支持变体的云中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_31]

[367] A Pattern-based Analysis of Clinical Computer-interpretable Guideline Modeling Languages (2007)

(Mulyar, Nataliya and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Peleg, Mor | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association)

Abstract: Objectives: Languages used to specify computer-interpretable guidelines (CIGs) differ in their approaches to addressing particular modeling challenges. The main goals of this article are: (1) to examine the expressive power of CIG modeling languages, and (2) to define the differences, from the control-flow perspective, between process languages in workflow management systems and modeling languages used to design clinical guidelines. Design: The pattern-based analysis was applied to guideline modeling languages Asbru, EON, GLIF, and PROforma. We focused on control-flow and left other perspectives out of consideration. Measurements: We evaluated the selected CIG modeling languages and identified their degree of support of 43 control-flow patterns. We used a set of explicitly defined evaluation criteria to determine whether each pattern is supported directly, indirectly, or not at all. Results: PROforma offers direct support for 22 of 43 patterns, Asbru 20, GLIF 17, and EON 11. All four directly support basic control-flow patterns, cancellation patterns, and some advance branching and synchronization patterns. None support multiple instances patterns. They offer varying levels of support for synchronizing merge patterns and state-based patterns. Some support a few scenarios not covered by the 43 control-flow patterns. Conclusion: CIG modeling languages are remarkably close to traditional workflow languages from the control-flow perspective, but cover many fewer workflow patterns. CIG languages offer some flexibility that supports modeling of complex decisions and provide ways for modeling some decisions not covered by workflow management systems. Workflow management systems may be suitable for clinical guideline applications.

摘要: 目标:用于指定计算机可解释准则(CIG)的语言在解决特定建模挑战方面的方法有所不同。本文的主要目标是:(1)检查CIG建模语言的表达能力,以及(2)从控制流角度,定义工作流管理系统中的流程语言和用于设计的建模语言之间的差异临床指南。设计:基于模式的分析已应用于准则建模语言Asbru,EON,GLIF和PROforma。我们专注于控制流,而忽略了其他观点。度量:我们评估了选定的CIG建模语言,并确定了它们对43种控制流模式的支持程度。我们使用了一组明确定义的评估标准来确定是否直接,间接或根本不支持每种模式。结果:PROforma直接支持43种模式中的22种,Asbru 20,GLIF 17和EON11。所有这四种直接支持基本控制流模式,取消模式以及一些高级分支和同步模式。没有一个支持多个实例模式。它们为同步合并模式和基于状态的模式提供了不同级别的支持。有些支持一些43种控制流模式未涵盖的方案。结论:从控制流的角度来看,CIG建模语言与传统的工作流语言非常接近,但涵盖的工作流模式却少得多。 CIG语言提供了一些灵活性,可以支持对复杂决策进行建模,并提供了对工作流管理系统未涵盖的某些决策进行建模的方法。工作流管理系统可能适用于临床指南应用程序。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1197/jamia.M2389]

[368] A configurable reference modelling language (2007)

(Rosemann, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Enterprise Systems (ES) are comprehensive off-the-shelf packages that have to be configured to suit the requirements of an organization. Most ES solutions provide reference models that describe the functionality and structure of the system. However, these models do not capture the potential configuration alternatives. This paper discusses the shortcomings of current reference modelling languages using Event-Driven Process Chains (EPCs) as an example. We propose Configurable EPCs (C-EPCs) as an extended reference modelling language which allows capturing the core configuration patterns. A formalization of this language as well as examples for typical configurations are provided. A program of further research including the identification of a comprehensive list of configuration patterns, deriving possible notations for reference model configurations and testing the quality of these proposed extensions in experiments and focus groups is presented.

摘要: 企业系统(ES)是全面的现成软件包,必须对其进行配置以适合组织的要求。大多数ES解决方案都提供描述系统功能和结构的参考模型。但是,这些模型没有捕获潜在的配置替代方案。本文以事件驱动流程链(EPC)为例,讨论了当前参考建模语言的缺点。我们提出可配置EPC(C-EPC)作为扩展的参考建模语言,该语言可捕获核心配置模式。提供了该语言的形式化以及典型配置的示例。提出了进一步研究的程序,其中包括确定配置模式的全面列表,派生参考模型配置的可能标记以及在实验和焦点小组中测试这些拟议扩展的质量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2005.05.003]

[369] A declarative approach for flexible business processes management (2006)

(Pesic, M. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Management of dynamic processes in an important issue in rapidly changing organizations. Workflow management systems are systems that use detailed process models to drive the business processes. Current business process modelling languages and models are of imperative nature - they strictly prescribe how to work. Systems that allow users to maneuver within the process model or even change the model while working are considered to be the most suitable for dynamic processes management. However, in many companies it is not realistic to expect that end-users are able to change their processes. Moreover, the imperative nature of these languages forces designer to over-specify processes, which results in frequent changes. We propose a fundamental paradigm shift for flexible process management and propose a more declarative approach. Declarative models specify what should be done without specifying how it should be done. We propose the ConDec language for modelling and enacting dynamic business processes. ConDec is based on temporal logic rather than some imperative process modelling language.

摘要: 动态过程的管理是快速变化的组织中的一个重要问题。工作流管理系统是使用详细的流程模型来驱动业务流程的系统。当前的业务流程建模语言和模型具有强制性-它们严格规定了工作方式。允许用户在流程模型中进行操作甚至在工作时更改模型的系统被认为是最适合动态流程管理的系统。但是,在许多公司中,期望最终用户能够更改其流程是不现实的。此外,这些语言的命令性本质迫使设计人员过度指定流程,从而导致频繁的更改。我们提出了一种灵活的流程管理的基本范式转换,并提出了一种更具声明性的方法。声明性模型指定应执行的操作,而不指定应如何执行。我们建议使用ConDec语言来建模和制定动态业务流程。 ConDec基于时态逻辑,而不是某些命令性过程建模语言。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11837862_18]

[370] A formal modeling approach for supply chain event management (2007)

(Liu, Rong and Kumar, Akhil and van der Aalst, Wil and Rong, Liu and Akhil, Kumar and Wil van der, Aalst and Liu, Rong and Kumar, Akhil and van der Aalst, Wil | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: As supply chains become more dynamic, there is a need for a sense-and-respond capability to react to events in a real-time manner. In this paper, we propose Petri nets extended with time and color (to represent case data) as a formalism for managing events. We designed seven basic patterns to capture modeling concepts that arise commonly in supply chains. These basic patterns may be used by themselves and also combined to create new patterns. We also show how to combine the patterns to build a complete Petri net and analyze it using dependency graphs and simulation. Dependency graphs can be used to analyze the various events and their causes. Simulation was, in addition, used to analyze various performance indicators (e.g., fill rates, replenishment times, and lead times) under different strategies. We showed it is possible to perform sensitivity analysis to study the effect of changing parameter values on the performance indicators. This approach thus makes a very complex problem tractable. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 随着供应链变得更加动态,需要一种感知和响应能力以实时方式对事件做出反应。在本文中,我们提出用时间和颜色(表示案例数据)扩展的Petri网作为事件管理的形式。我们设计了七个基本模式来捕获供应链中常见的建模概念。这些基本模式可以单独使用,也可以组合起来以创建新的模式。我们还将展示如何组合模式以构建完整的Petri网,并使用依赖图和仿真对其进行分析。依赖图可用于分析各种事件及其原因。此外,模拟还用于分析不同策略下的各种性能指标(例如,填充率,补货时间和交货时间)。我们表明可以进行敏感性分析,以研究更改参数值对性能指标的影响。因此,该方法使非常复杂的问题变得易于处理。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2006.12.009]

[371] A framework for detecting deviations in complex event logs (2017)

(Li, Guangming and Van Der Aalst | Intelligent Data Analysis)

Abstract: Deviating behavior within an organization can lead to unexpected results. The effects of deviations are often negative, but sometimes also positive. Therefore, it is useful to detect deviations from event logs which record all the behavior of the organization. However, existing model-based and cluster-based approaches are inaccurate or slow when dealing with complex event logs, i.e. logs of less structured processes having many activities and many possible paths. This paper proposes a novel approach that is faster than cluster-based approaches because it creates a so-called profile which is less time-consuming than creating clusters. Furthermore, the approach is also more accurate than model-based approaches because we use an iterative approach to improve the result. Our experiments show that approach outperforms existing techniques in a variety of circumstances.

摘要: 改变组织内的行为可能会导致意外的结果。偏差的影响通常是负面的,但有时也是正面的。因此,检测与事件日志的偏差很有用,后者记录了组织的所有行为。但是,现有的基于模型和基于群集的方法在处理复杂的事件日志(即结构较少的,具有许多活动和许多可能路径的过程的日志)时不准确或缓慢。本文提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法比基于集群的方法要快,因为它创建的所谓的配置文件比创建集群要少的时间。此外,该方法比基于模型的方法更准确,因为我们使用迭代方法来改善结果。我们的实验表明,这种方法在各种情况下都优于现有技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/IDA-160044]

[372] A general divide and conquer approach for process mining (2013)

(B, Van Der Aalst W.M.P.a | 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2013)

Abstract: Operational processes leave trails in the information systems supporting them. Such event data are the starting point for process mining - an emerging scientific discipline relating modeled and observed behavior. The relevance of process mining is increasing as more and more event data become available. The increasing volume of such data (Big Data) provides both opportunities and challenges for process mining. In this paper we focus on two particular types of process mining: process discovery (learning a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log) and conformance checking (diagnosing and quantifying discrepancies between observed behavior and modeled behavior). These tasks become challenging when there are hundreds or even thousands of different activities and millions of cases. Typically, process mining algorithms are linear in the number of cases and exponential in the number of different activities. This paper proposes a very general divide-and-conquer approach that decomposes the event log based on a partitioning of activities. Unlike existing approaches, this paper does not assume a particular process representation (e.g., Petri nets or BPMN) and allows for various decomposition strategies (e.g., SESE- or passage-based decomposition). Moreover, the generic divide-and-conquer approach reveals the core requirements for decomposing process discovery and conformance checking problems. textcopyright 2013 Polish Information Processing Society.

摘要: 操作过程在支持它们的信息系统中留下了痕迹。此类事件数据是过程挖掘的起点-一种与建模和观察到的行为相关的新兴科学学科。随着越来越多的事件数据可用,过程挖掘的相关性也在增加。此类数据(大数据)的数量不断增加,为流程挖掘提供了机遇和挑战,在本文中,我们重点介绍两种特定类型的流程挖掘:流程发现(从事件日志中记录的示例行为中学习流程模型)以及一致性检查(诊断和量化观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异),当存在数百甚至数千种不同活动以及数百万个案例时,这些任务变得具有挑战性。不同活动的数量。本文提出了一种非常通用的分而治之的方法根据活动分区分解事件日志。与现有方法不同,本文不假设特定的过程表示形式(例如Petri网或BPMN),而是允许使用各种分解策略(例如基于SESE或基于段落的分解)。此外,通用的分而治之方法揭示了分解过程发现和一致性检查问题的核心要求。 t​​extcopyright 2013波兰信息处理学会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[373] A general model of opportunistic spectrum sharing with unreliable sensing (2014)

(Tang, Shensheng | International Journal of Communication Systems)

Abstract: We analytically call waiting in the buffer can reconnect when a channel becomes available or drop out when a maximum waiting time is reached. Spectrum sensing errors from either an initiating or an ongoing secondary user cause false alarm and misdetection events, which may impose various impact on both types of users. We analyze multiple sensing errors and multiple possible results cause by the sensing errors, solve the steady-state probability vector of the system, and derive a set of performance metrics of interest. Numerical results and discussion are presented. The proposed modeling method is expected to be used for evaluation and design of future OSS wireless networks.

摘要: 从分析上讲,当通道可用时,缓冲区中的等待等待可以重新连接,或者在达到最大等待时间时退出。 来自初始用户或正在进行的辅助用户的频谱检测错误会导致错误的警报和误检测事件,这可能会对这两种类型的用户造成各种影响。 我们分析了多个感测误差,以及由感测误差引起的多种可能的结果,求解了系统的稳态概率矢量,并得出了一组令人关注的性能指标。 给出了数值结果和讨论。 预期所提出的建模方法将用于未来OSS无线网络的评估和设计。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/dac.2340]

[374] A general process mining framework for correlating, predicting and clustering dynamic behavior based on event logs (2016)

(De Leoni | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining can be viewed as the missing link between model-based process analysis and data-oriented analysis techniques. Lions share of process mining research has been focusing on process discovery (creating process models from raw data) and replay techniques to check conformance and analyze bottlenecks. These techniques have helped organizations to address compliance and performance problems. However, for a more refined analysis, it is essential to correlate different process characteristics. For example, do deviations from the normative process cause additional delays and costs? Are rejected cases handled differently in the initial phases of the process? What is the influence of a doctors experience on treatment process? These and other questions may involve process characteristics related to different perspectives (control-flow, data-flow, time, organization, cost, compliance, etc.). Specific questions (e.g., predicting the remaining processing time) have been investigated before, but a generic approach was missing thus far. The proposed framework unifies a number of approaches for correlation analysis proposed in literature, proposing a general solution that can perform those analyses and many more. The approach has been implemented in ProM and combines process and data mining techniques. In this paper, we also demonstrate the applicability using a case study conducted with the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency), one of the largest administrative factories in The Netherlands.

摘要: 过程挖掘可以被视为基于模型的过程分析与面向数据的分析技术之间的缺失环节。 Lions在过程挖掘研究中的份额一直集中在过程发现(从原始数据创建过程模型)和重放技术以检查一致性和分析瓶颈。这些技术已帮助组织解决合规性和性能问题。但是,为了进行更精细的分析,必须关联不同的过程特征。例如,偏离规范过程是否会导致额外的延迟和成本?在流程的初始阶段,被拒绝的案件处理方式是否有所不同?医生的经验对治疗过程有什么影响?这些和其他问题可能涉及与不同角度(控制流,数据流,时间,组织,成本,合规性等)有关的过程特征。之前已经研究了特定的问题(例如,预测剩余的处理时间),但是到目前为止,缺少通用方法。提出的框架统一了文献中提出的多种相关分析方法,并提出了可以执行这些分析的通用解决方案。该方法已在ProM中实现,并结合了流程和数据挖掘技术。在本文中,我们还将通过与荷兰最大的行政工厂之一的UWV(雇员保险局)进行的案例研究来证明其适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.07.003]

[375] A knowledge-based integrated approach for discovering and repairing declare maps (2013)

(Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques can be used to discover process models from event data. Often the resulting models are complex due to the variability of the underlying process. Therefore, we aim at discovering declarative process models that can deal with such variability. However, for real-life event logs involving dozens of activities and hundreds or thousands of cases, there are often many potential constraints resulting in cluttered diagrams. Therefore, we propose various techniques to prune these models and remove constraints that are not interesting or implied by other constraints. Moreover, we show that domain knowledge (e.g., a reference model or grouping of activities) can be used to guide the discovery approach. The approach has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM and evaluated using an event log from a large Dutch hospital. Even in such highly variable environments, our approach can discover understandable declarative models.

摘要: 流程挖掘技术可用于从事件数据中发现流程模型。 由于基础过程的可变性,所得模型通常很复杂。 因此,我们旨在发现可以处理此类可变性的声明性过程模型。 但是,对于涉及数十个活动和成千上万个案例的现实事件日志,通常存在许多潜在的约束,导致图表混乱。 因此,我们提出了各种技术来修剪这些模型,并删除其他约束不引人注意或隐含的约束。 此外,我们证明了领域知识(例如参考模型或活动分组)可用于指导发现方法。 该方法已在过程挖掘工具ProM中实现,并使用了一家荷兰大型医院的事件日志进行了评估。 即使在这种高度可变的环境中,我们的方法也可以发现可理解的声明模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38709-8_28]

[376] A novel approach for process mining based on event types (2009)

(Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Despite the omnipresence of event logs in transactional information systems (cf. WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems), historic information is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. Given its potential and challenges it is no surprise that recently process mining has become a vivid research area. In this paper, a novel approach for process mining based on two event types, i.e., START and COMPLETE, is proposed. Information about the start and completion of tasks can be used to explicitly detect parallelism. The algorithm presented in this paper overcomes some of the limitations of existing algorithms such as the alphaalpha-algorithm (e.g., short-loops) and therefore enhances the applicability of process mining. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

摘要: 尽管事务日志系统中事件日志无处不在(例如WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统),历史信息很少用于分析基础流程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供用于从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一点,即流程挖掘的基本思想是通过挖掘事件日志中的知识来诊断业务流程。鉴于其潜力和挑战,近来过程采矿已成为一个生动的研究领域也就不足为奇了。本文提出了一种基于两种事件类型START和COMPLETE的过程挖掘新方法。有关任务开始和完成的信息可用于显式检测并行性。本文提出的算法克服了现有算法的某些局限性,例如$ alpha $-算法(例如,短循环),因此增强了过程挖掘的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-007-0052-1]

[377] A recommendation system for predicting risks across multiple business process instances (2015)

(Conforti, Raffaele and De Leoni | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: This paper proposes a recommendation system that supports process participants in taking risk-informed decisions, with the goal of reducing risks that may arise during process execution. Risk reduction involves decreasing the likelihood and severity of a process fault from occurring. Given a business process exposed to risks, e.g. a financial process exposed to a risk of reputation loss, we enact this process and whenever a process participant needs to provide input to the process, e.g. by selecting the next task to execute or by filling out a form, we suggest to the participant the action to perform which minimizes the predicted process risk. Risks are predicted by traversing decision trees generated from the logs of past process executions, which consider process data, involved resources, task durations and other information elements like task frequencies. When applied in the context of multiple process instances running concurrently, a second technique is employed that uses integer linear programming to compute the optimal assignment of resources to tasks to be performed, in order to deal with the interplay between risks relative to different instances. The recommendation system has been implemented as a set of components on top of the YAWL BPM system and its effectiveness has been evaluated using a real-life scenario, in collaboration with risk analysts of a large insurance company. The results, based on a simulation of the real-life scenario and its comparison with the event data provided by the company, show that the process instances executed concurrently complete with significantly fewer faults and with lower fault severities, when the recommendations provided by our recommendation system are taken into account.

摘要: 本文提出了一个建议系统,该系统可支持流程参与者做出风险相关的决策,其目标是减少流程执行过程中可能出现的风险。降低风险涉及降低过程故障发生的可能性和严重性。假设业务流程面临风险,例如如果财务流程面临声誉损失的风险,则我们会制定此流程,并且只要流程参与者需要向流程提供输入,例如通过选择要执行的下一个任务或填写表格,我们建议参与者执行将最小化预期过程风险的动作。通过遍历从过去流程执行的日志生成的决策树来预测风险,这些决策树考虑了流程数据,涉及的资源,任务持续时间和其他信息元素(如任务频率)。当在同时运行的多个流程实例的上下文中应用时,采用第二种技术,该技术使用整数线性规划来计算对要执行的任务的最佳资源分配,以便处理相对于不同实例的风险之间的相互作用。该推荐系统已作为YAWL BPM系统之上的一组组件实施,并且已与大型保险公司的风险分析师合作使用真实场景评估了其有效性。结果基于对真实场景的仿真,并与公司提供的事件数据进行比较,结果表明,当我们的建议所提供的建议得到并发执行时,同时执行的流程实例将大大减少故障并降低故障严重性系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2014.10.006]

[378] A reference model for grid architectures and its validation (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience)

Abstract: Computing and data-intensive applications in physics, medicine, biology, graphics, and business intelligence require large and distributed infrastructures to address the challenges of the present and the future. For example, process mining applications are faced with terrabytes of event data and computationally expensive algorithms. Computer grids are increasingly being used to deal with such challenges. However,grid computing is often approached in an ad hoc and engineering-like manner. Despite the availability of many software packages for grid applications, a good conceptual model of the grid is missing. This paper provides a formal description of the grid in terms of a colored Petri net (CPN). This CPN can be seen as a reference model for grids as it clarifies the basic concepts at the conceptual level. Moreover, the CPN allows for various kinds of analyses ranging from verification to performance analysis. We validate our model based on real-life experiments using a testbed grid architecture available in our group and we show how the model can be used for the estimation of throughput times for scientific workflows.

摘要: 物理,医学,生物学,图形和商业智能中的计算和数据密集型应用程序需要大型的分布式基础结构来应对当前和未来的挑战。例如,过程挖掘应用程序面临着数字节的事件数据和计算量大的算法。计算机网格正越来越多地用于应对此类挑战。但是,网格计算通常以临时的,类似工程的方式进行。尽管有许多网格应用程序软件包可用,但缺少网格的良好概念模型。本文以彩色Petri网(CPN)形式对网格进行了正式描述。该CPN可以看作是网格的参考模型,因为它在概念级别上阐明了基本概念。而且,CPN允许进行从验证到性能分析的各种分析。我们使用小组中可用的测试平台网格架构基于实际实验验证了我们的模型,并展示了该模型如何用于估算科学工作流的吞吐时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/cpe.1505]

[379] A reference model for team-enabled workflow management systems (2001)

(Van der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Todays workflow systems assume that each work item is executed by a single worker. From the viewpoint of the system, a worker with the proper qualifications selects a work item, executes the associated work, and reports the result. There is usually no support for teams, i.e., groups of people collaborating by jointly executing work items (e.g., the program committee of a conference, the management team of a company, a working group, and the board of directors). In this paper, we propose the addition of a team concept to todays workflow management systems. Clearly, this involves a marriage of workflow and groupware technology. To shed light on the introduction of teams, we extend the traditional organizational meta model with teams and propose a team-enabled workflow reference model. For this reference model and to express constraints with respect to the distribution of work to teams, we use object constraint language (OCL). textcopyright 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 当今的工作流系统假定每个工作项都是由一个工人执行的。 从系统的角度来看,具有适当资格的工人选择一个工作项目,执行相关的工作,并报告结果。 通常不支持团队,即通过共同执行工作项目进行协作的团队(例如,会议的程序委员会,公司的管理团队,工作组和董事会)。 在本文中,我们建议在当今的工作流管理系统中增加团队概念。 显然,这涉及工作流和群件技术的结合。 为了阐明团队的引入,我们将传统的组织元模型与团队进行了扩展,并提出了支持团队的工作流参考模型。 对于此参考模型,并为了表达有关团队之间工作分配的约束,我们使用对象约束语言(OCL)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0169-023X(01)00034-9]

[380] A rule-based approach for process discovery: Dealing with noise and imbalance in process logs (2006)

(Mǎruşter, Laura and Weijters, A. J.M.M. and Van Der Aalst | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Effective information systems require the existence of explicit process models. A completely specified process design needs to be developed in order to enact a given business process. This development is time consuming and often subjective and incomplete. We propose a method that constructs the process model from process log data, by determining the relations between process tasks. To predict these relations, we employ machine learning technique to induce rule sets. These rule sets are induced from simulated process log data generated by varying process characteristics such as noise and log size. Tests reveal that the induced rule sets have a high predictive accuracy on new data. The effects of noise and imbalance of execution priorities during the discovery of the relations between process tasks are also discussed. Knowing the causal, exclusive, and parallel relations, a process model expressed in the Petri net formalism can be built. We illustrate our approach with real world data in a case study. textcopyright 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

摘要: 有效的信息系统需要存在明确的过程模型。为了制定给定的业务流程,需要开发一个完整指定的流程设计。这种发展是耗时的,并且常常是主观的和不完整的。我们提出了一种通过确定流程任务之间的关系从流程日志数据构造流程模型的方法。为了预测这些关系,我们采用机器学习技术来引入规则集。这些规则集是从通过更改过程特征(例如噪声和日志大小)而生成的模拟过程日志数据中得出的。测试表明,诱导规则集对新数据具有很高的预测准确性。还讨论了在发现过程任务之间的关系期间噪声和执行优先级不平衡的影响。知道因果关系,排他关系和平行关系,可以建立在Petri网形式主义中表达的过程模型。我们通过案例研究来说明我们的方法与现实世界的数据。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-005-0029-z]

[381] A structural model comparison for finding the best performing models in a collection (2015)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Reijers, H. A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: An improvement or redesign of a process often starts by modifying the model supporting the process. Analysis techniques, like simulation, can be used to evaluate alternatives. However, even a small number of design choices may lead to an explosion of models that need to be explored to find the optimal models for said process. If the exploration depends on simulation, it often becomes infeasible to simulate every model. Therefore, for throughput time, we define a notion of monotonicity to reduce the number of models required to be simulated whilst the optimal models are still found.

摘要: 对流程的改进或重新设计通常从修改支持流程的模型开始。分析技术(例如模拟)可用于评估替代方案。然而,即使是很少的设计选择也可能导致模型的爆炸式增长,需要探索这些模型以找到用于所述过程的最佳模型。如果探索依赖于模拟,则模拟每个模型通常变得不可行。因此,对于吞吐时间,我们定义了单调性的概念,以减少需要模拟的模型数量,同时仍能找到最佳模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-23063-4_12]

[382] A survey of patterns for Service-Oriented Architectures (2006)

(Zdun, Uwe and Hentrich, Carsten and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology)

Abstract: Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) are a promising means to integrate heterogeneous systems, but virtually no technology-neutral approach to holistically understand SOAs exists. We tackle this problem by introducing a survey of technology-independent patterns that are relevant for SOAs, and are working towards a formalised pattern-based reference architecture model to describe SOA concepts. textcopyright 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

摘要: 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)是集成异构系统的一种有前途的方法,但是实际上不存在任何技术上中立的方法来全面理解SOA。我们通过引入对与SOA相关的技术独立模式的调查来解决此问题,并且正在努力建立一个正式的基于模式的参考架构模型来描述SOA概念。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1504/IJIPT.2006.009739]

[383] APROMORE: An advanced process model repository (2011)

(La Rosa | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Business process models are becoming available in large numbers due to their widespread use in many industrial applications such as enterprise and quality engineering projects. On the one hand, this raises a challenge as to their proper management: how can it be ensured that the proper process model is always available to the interested stakeholder? On the other hand, the richness of a large set of process models also offers opportunities, for example with respect to the re-use of existing model parts for new models. This paper describes the functionality and architecture of an advanced process model repository, named APROMORE. This tool brings together a rich set of features for the analysis, management and usage of large sets of process models, drawing from state-of-the art research in the field of process modeling. A prototype of the platform is presented in this paper, demonstrating its feasibility, as well as an outlook on the further development of APROMORE. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 由于业务流程模型已在许多工业应用(例如企业和质量工程项目)中广泛使用,因此变得越来越可用。一方面,这给他们的正确管理带来了挑战:如何确保感兴趣的利益相关者始终可以使用正确的过程模型?另一方面,大量过程模型的丰富性也提供了机会,例如在将现有模型零件重新用于新模型方面。本文介绍了高级过程模型存储库(名为APROMORE)的功能和体系结构。该工具汇集了丰富的功能集,可用于分析,管理和使用大型过程模型,这些功能来自过程建模领域的最新研究。本文介绍了该平台的原型,展示了该平台的可行性以及对APROMORE进一步开发的展望。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2010.12.012]

[384] Achieving a general, formal and decidable approach to the OR-join in workflow using Reset nets (2005)

(Wynn, Moe Thandar and Edmond, David and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Abstract: Workflow languages offer constructs for coordinating tasks. Among these constructs are various types of splits and joins. One type of join, which shows up in various incarnations, is the OR-join. Different approaches assign a different (often only intuitive) semantics to this type of join, though they do share the common theme that synchronisation is only to be performed for active threads. Depending on context assumptions this behaviour may be relatively easy to deal with, though in general its semantics is complicated, both from a definition point of view (in terms of formally capturing a desired intuitive semantics) and from a computational point of view (how does one determine whether an OR-join is enabled?). In this paper the concept of OR-join is examined in detail in the context of the workflow language YAWL, a powerful workflow language designed to support a collection of workflow patterns and inspired by Petri nets. The OR-joins definition is adapted from an earlier proposal and an algorithmic approach towards determining OR-join enablement is examined. This approach exploits a link that is proposed between YAWL and Reset nets, a variant of Petri nets with a special type of arc that can remove all tokens from a place. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

摘要: 工作流语言提供了用于协调任务的结构。这些构造中包括各种类型的拆分和联接。 OR联接是一种以多种形式体现的联接。尽管不同的方法确实具有共同的主题,即仅对活动线程执行同步,但不同的方法为这种类型的联接分配了不同的(通常仅是直观的)语义。根据上下文的假设,从定义的角度(从形式上捕获所需的直观语义)和从计算的角度(如何实现)而言,此行为的语义通常都比较复杂,尽管它的语义通常比较复杂。确定是否启用OR联接?)。在本文中,在工作流语言YAWL(一种强大的工作流语言,旨在支持工作流模式的集合,并受Petri网络启发)中详细研究了OR-join的概念。 OR-joins定义改编自较早的提案,并研究了确定OR-join启用的算法方法。这种方法利用了YAWL和重置网之间提出的链接,重置网是Petri网的一种变体,具有特殊类型的弧,可以从某个位置删除所有标记。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11494744_24]

[385] Activity mining by global trace segmentation (2010)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Rozinat, Anne and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process Mining is a technology for extracting non-trivial and useful information from execution logs. For example, there are many process mining techniques to automatically discover a process model describing the causal dependencies between activities . Unfortunately, the quality of a discovered process model strongly depends on the quality and suitability of the input data. For example, the logs of many real-life systems do not refer to the activities an analyst would have in mind, but are on a much more detailed level of abstraction. Trace segmentation attempts to group low-level events into clusters, which represent the execution of a higher-level activity in the (available or imagined) process meta-model. As a result, the simplified log can be used to discover better process models. This paper presents a new activity mining approach based on global trace segmentation. We also present an implementation of the approach, and we validate it using a real-life event log from ASMLs test process. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘是一种从执行日志中提取非平凡和有用信息的技术。例如,有许多过程挖掘技术可以自动发现描述活动之间因果关系的过程模型。不幸的是,发现的过程模型的质量很大程度上取决于输入数据的质量和适用性,例如,许多现实系统的日志并不涉及分析人员的想法,而是更详细的抽象级别。将低级事件分为几类,代表在(可用或想象中)过程元模型中高层活动的执行,因此,简化的日志可用于发现更好的过程模型。一种新的基于全局跟踪细分的活动挖掘方法,我们还介绍了该方法的实现,并使用ASML的测试中的真实事件日志对其进行了验证t过程。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_13]

[386] Advanced topics in workflow management: Issues, requirements, and solutions (2003)

(Van der Aalst | Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science)

Abstract: This paper surveys and investigates the strengths and weaknesses of a number of recent approaches to advanced workflow modelling. Rather than inventing just another workflow language, we briefly describe recent workflow languages, and we analyse them with respect to their support for advanced workflow topics. Object Coordination Nets, Workflow Graphs, WorkFlow Nets, and an approach based on Workflow Evolution are described as dedicated workflow modelling approaches. In addition, the Unified Modelling Language as the de facto standard in object-oriented modelling is also investigated. These approaches are discussed with respect to coverage of workflow perspectives and support for flexibility and analysis issues in workflow management, which are today seen as two major areas for advanced workflow support. Given the different goals and backgrounds of the approaches mentioned, it is not surprising that each approach has its specific strengths and weaknesses. We clearly identify these strengths and weaknesses, and we conclude with ideas for combining their best features. textcopyright 2003, IOS Press. All rights reserved.

摘要: 本文调查并研究了许多用于高级工作流建模的最新方法的优缺点。我们不只是发明另一种工作流语言,而是简要介绍最近的工作流语言,并针对它们对高级工作流主题的支持进行分析。对象协调网,工作流图,工作流网以及基于工作流演化的方法被描述为专用的工作流建模方法。此外,还研究了统一建模语言作为面向对象建模中的事实上的标准。讨论这些方法时涉及的是工作流视角以及对工作流管理中的灵活性和分析问题的支持,而这些问题如今已被视为高级工作流支持的两个主要领域。考虑到上述方法的目标和背景不同,每种方法都有其特定的优点和缺点是不足为奇的。我们清楚地确定了这些优点和缺点,并以结合其最佳功能的想法作为总结。 t​​extcopyright 2003年,IOS出版社。版权所有。

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[387] Aggregating causal runs intoworkflow nets (2011)

(Van Dongen | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper provides three algorithms for constructing system nets from sets of partially-ordered causal runs. The three aggregation algorithms differ with respect to the assumptions about the information contained in the causal runs. Specifically, we look at the situations where labels of conditions (i.e. references to places) or events (i.e. references to transitions) are unknown. Since the paper focusses on aggregation in the context of process mining, we solely look at workflow nets, i.e. the class of Petri nets with unique start and end places. The difference of the work presented here and most work on process mining is the assumption that events are logged as partial orders instead of linear traces. Although the work is inspired by applications in the process mining and workflow domains, the results are generic and can be applied in other application domains.

摘要: 本文提供了三种根据部分有序因果运行集构建系统网络的算法。 三种汇总算法在因果运行中所含信息的假设方面有所不同。 具体来说,我们研究的情况是条件(即对地点的引用)或事件(即对转换的引用)的标签未知。 由于本文专注于过程挖掘环境中的聚合,因此我们仅关注工作流网,即具有唯一起点和终点的Petri网类别。 这里介绍的工作与大多数过程挖掘工作的不同之处在于,假设事件记录为部分订单而不是线性轨迹。 尽管这项工作是受流程挖掘和工作流域中的应用程序启发的,但结果是通用的,可以应用于其他应用程序域。

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[388] Agile development with software process mining (2014)

(Rubin, Vladimir and Lomazova, Irina and Van Der Aalst | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Modern companies continue investing more and more in the creation, maintenance and change of software systems, but the proper specification and design of such systems continues to be a challenge. The majority of current approaches either ignore real user and system runtime behavior or consider it only informally. This leads to a rather prescriptive top-down approach to software development. In this paper, we propose a bottom-up approach, which takes event logs (e.g., trace data) of a software system for the analysis of the user and system runtime behavior and for improving the software. We use well-established methods from the area of process mining for this analysis. Moreover, we suggest embedding process mining into the agile development lifecycle. The goal of this position paper is to motivate the need for foundational research in the area of software process mining (applying process mining to software analysis) by showing the relevance and listing open challenges. Our proposal is based on our experiences with analyzing a big productive touristic system. This system was developed using agile methods and process mining could be effectively integrated into the development lifecycle.

摘要: 现代公司继续在软件系统的创建,维护和更改方面投入越来越多的资金,但是对此类系统的正确规范和设计仍然是一个挑战。当前大多数方法要么忽略实际的用户和系统运行时行为,要么只是非正式地考虑它。这导致了一种相当规范的自上而下的软件开发方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种自下而上的方法,该方法采用软件系统的事件日志(例如跟踪数据)来分析用户和系统运行时行为并改进软件。我们使用过程挖掘领域中公认的方法进行此分析。此外,我们建议将流程挖掘嵌入到敏捷开发生命周期中。本立场文件的目的是通过显示相关性并列出未解决的挑战,激发对软件过程挖掘(将过程挖掘应用于软件分析)领域的基础研究的需求。我们的建议基于我们在分析大型生产性旅游系统方面的经验。该系统是使用敏捷方法开发的,过程挖掘可以有效地集成到开发生命周期中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2600821.2600842]

[389] An Integrated Framework for Process Discovery Algorithm Evaluation (2018)

(Jouck, Toon and Bolt, Alfredo and Depaire, Beno^it and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | CoRR)

Abstract: Process mining offers techniques to exploit event data by providing insights and recommendations to improve business processes. The growing amount of algorithms for process discovery has raised the question of which algorithms perform best on a given event log. Current evaluation frameworks for empirically evaluating discovery techniques depend on the notation used (behavioral identical models may give different results) and cannot provide more general statements about populations of models. Therefore, this paper proposes a new integrated evaluation framework that uses a classification approach to make it modeling notation independent. Furthermore, it is founded on experimental design to ensure the generalization of results. It supports two main evaluation objectives: benchmarking process discovery algorithms and sensitivity analysis, i.e. studying the effect of model and log characteristics on a discovery algorithms accuracy. The framework is designed as a scientific workflow which enables automated, extendable and shareable evaluation experiments. An extensive experiment including four discovery algorithms and six control-flow characteristics validates the relevance and flexibility of the framework. Ultimately, the paper aims to advance the state-of-the-art for evaluating process discovery techniques.

摘要: 流程挖掘通过提供洞察力和建议来改善业务流程,从而提供了利用事件数据的技术。用于流程发现的算法数量不断增加,提出了在给定事件日志上哪种算法性能最佳的问题。用于凭经验评估发现的当前评估框架技术取决于所使用的表示法(行为相同的模型可能会给出不同的结果),并且无法提供有关模型总体的更一般的陈述,因此,本文提出了一种新的综合评估框架,该框架使用分类方法使其独立于模型表示法。它基于实验设计以确保结果的通用性,并支持两个主要评估目标:基准测试过程发现算法和敏感性分析,即研究模型和对数特征对发现算法准确性的影响。工作流程支持自动,可扩展和共享的评估实验。包含四个发现算法和六个控制流特征的广泛实验验证了框架的相关性和灵活性。最终,本文旨在提高评估过程发现技术的最新技术。

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[390] An Iterative Algorithm for Applying the Theory of Regions in Process Mining (2007)

(van Dongen, B. F. and Busi, Nadia and Pinna, Giovanni Micchele and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Aspects of Business Processes and Web Services)

Abstract: The research domain of process mining, or more specifically process discovery, aims at constructing a process model as an abstract representation of an event log. The goal is to build a model (i.e. in terms of a Petri net) that (1) can reproduce the log under consideration, and (2) does not allow for much more behaviour than shown in the log. The Theory of Regions can be used to transform a state-based model (such as a transition system) into a Petri net that exactly mimics the behaviour of the transition system. In this paper, we use the Theory of Regions to do process discovery, and we address two problems. First, we show how event logs that do not carry state information can be transformed into transition systems. Second, we deal with the problem of large logs, by showing that the proposed algorithm can be made iterative over the traces in a log, i.e. we change the complexity of the algorithm, such that it requires significantly less space, but more time.

摘要: 流程挖掘的研究领域,或更具体地说是流程发现的研究领域,旨在将流程模型构造为事件日志的抽象表示。 目标是建立一个模型(即以Petri网表示),该模型(1)可以重现所考虑的日志,并且(2)不允许行为超出日志中所示的范围。 区域理论可用于将基于状态的模型(例如过渡系统)转换为精确模拟过渡系统行为的Petri网。 在本文中,我们使用区域理论进行过程发现,并解决了两个问题。 首先,我们展示如何将不携带状态信息的事件日志转换为过渡系统。 其次,通过显示可以使所提出的算法在日志中的迹线上进行迭代来处理大型日志的问题,即我们更改了算法的复杂性,从而大大减少了空间,但需要更多时间。

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[391] An adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning (2010)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Van Der Aalst | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Work distribution, as an integral part of business process management, is more widely acknowledged by its importance for Process-aware Information Systems. Although there are emerging a wide variety of mechanisms to support work distribution, they less concern performance considerations and cannot balance work distribution requirements and process performance within the change of process conditions. This paper presents an adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning. It considers process performance goals, and then can learn, reason suitable work distribution policies within the change of process conditions. Also, learning-based simulation experiment for addressing work distribution problems of business process management is introduced. The experiment results show that our mechanism outperforms reasonable heuristic or hand-coded approaches to satisfy process performance goals and is feasible to improve current state of business process management. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 工作分配,作为业务流程管理的组成部分,因其对流程感知信息系统的重要性而得到了广泛认可。尽管出现了各种各样的支持工作分配的机制,但是它们很少关注绩效考量,并且无法在过程条件变化中平衡工作分配需求和过程绩效。本文提出了一种基于强化学习的自适应工作分配机制。它考虑了过程绩效目标,然后可以学习,根据过程条件的变化推理出合适的工作分配策略。此外,介绍了基于学习的模拟实验,用于解决业务流程管理中的工作分配问题。实验结果表明,我们的机制优于合理的启发式或手动编码方法,可以满足流程性能目标,并且对于改善当前业务流程管理状态是可行的。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2010.04.091]

[392] An alignment-based framework to check the conformance of declarative process models and to preprocess event-log data (2015)

(De Leoni | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining can be seen as the missing link between data mining and business process management. The lions share of process mining research has been devoted to the discovery of procedural process models from event logs. However, often there are predefined constraints that (partially) describe the normative or expected process, e.g., activity A should be followed by B or activities A and B should never be both executed. A collection of such constraints is called a declarative process model. Although it is possible to discover such models based on event data, this paper focuses on aligning event logs and predefined declarative process models. Discrepancies between log and model are mediated such that observed log traces are related to paths in the model. The resulting alignments provide sophisticated diagnostics that pinpoint where deviations occur and how severe they are. Moreover, selected parts of the declarative process model can be used to clean and repair the event log before applying other process mining techniques. Our alignment-based approach for preprocessing and conformance checking using declarative process models has been implemented in ProM and has been evaluated using both synthetic logs and real-life logs from a Dutch hospital.

摘要: 流程挖掘可以看作是数据挖掘与业务流程管理之间的缺失环节。在过程挖掘研究中,绝大部分都致力于从事件日志中发现过程过程模型。但是,通常存在预定义的约束,(部分地)描述了规范或预期的过程,例如,活动A后应跟随B或活动A和B不应该同时执行。这种约束的集合称为声明性过程模型。尽管可以基于事件数据发现此类模型,但本文着重于使事件日志与预定义的声明性过程模型保持一致。调解了日志和模型之间的差异,以使观察到的日志轨迹与模型中的路径相关。产生的比对结果提供了复杂的诊断功能,可查明偏差发生的位置和严重程度。此外,在应用其他过程挖掘技术之前,可以使用声明性过程模型的选定部分来清理和修复事件日志。我们在ProM中采用了基于声明的过程模型的基于路线的预处理和一致性检查方法,并已使用荷兰医院的合成日志和实际日志进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.12.005]

[393] An evolutionary approach for business process redesign - Towards an intelligent system (2007)

(Netjes, Mariska and Mansar, Selma Limam and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van der Aalst | ICEIS 2007 - 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Proceedings)

Abstract: Although extensive literature on BPR is available, there is still a lack of concrete guidance on actually changing processes for the better. It is our goal to provide a redesign approach which describes and supports the steps to derive from an existing process a better performing redesign. In this paper we present an evolutionary approach towards business process redesign and explain its first three steps: 1) modelling the existing process, 2) computing process measures, and 3) evaluating condition statements to find applicable redesign best practices. We show the applicability of these steps using an example process and illustrate the remaining steps. Our approach has a formal basis to make it suitable for automation.

摘要: 尽管可以获取有关BPR的大量文献,但仍然缺乏关于使过程变得更好的具体指导。 我们的目标是提供一种重新设计方法,该方法描述并支持从现有过程中获得更好性能的重新设计的步骤。 在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于业务流程重新设计的进化方法,并解释了其前三个步骤:1)对现有流程进行建模; 2)计算流程度量;以及3)评估条件陈述以找到适用的重新设计最佳实践。 我们使用示例过程展示了这些步骤的适用性,并说明了其余步骤。 我们的方法具有使其适合自动化的正式基础。

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[394] An experimental evaluation of genetic process mining (2007)

(Turner, Chris J. and Tiwari, Ashutosh | Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference)

Abstract: This paper aims to ascertain the optimum values for two fitness function parameters within a process mining genetic algorithm; the o parameter, which reduces the likelihood of process models with extra behaviour being selected and the parameter, which restricts the selection of models containing duplicate tasks. The experiments conducted in this research also include the use of a decaying rate for the mutation operator in order to promote greater accuracy in the mined process models. The paper concludes that the optimum setting of the fitness function parameters will in fact vary depending on the constructs found in each process model. This paper finds that a higher value for one of the fitness function parameters allows for simple process constructs to be mined with greater accuracy. The use of a decaying rate of mutation is also found to be beneficial in the correct mining of simple processe.

摘要: 本文旨在确定过程挖掘遗传算法中两个适应度函数参数的最佳值; o参数减少选择具有额外行为的过程模型的可能性,而参数o限制包含重复任务的模型的选择。在这项研究中进行的实验还包括为突变算子使用衰减率,以提高挖掘过程模型的准确性。本文得出结论,适应度函数参数的最佳设置实际上将根据每个过程模型中发现的构造而有所不同。本文发现,适应度函数参数之一的值较高,可以更简单地挖掘简单的过程构造。还发现使用衰减的突变率在正确挖掘简单过程中是有益的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1276958.1277403]

[395] An outlook on Semantic business process mining and monitoring (2007)

(Alves De Medeiros | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM) has been proposed as an extension of BPM with Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (SWS) technologies in order to increase and enhance the level of automation that can be achieved within the BPM life-cycle. In a nutshell, SBPM is based on the extensive and exhaustive conceptualization of the BPM domain so as to support reasoning during business processes modelling, composition, execution, and analysis, leading to important enhancements throughout the life-cycle of business processes. An important step of the BPM life-cycle is the analysis of the processes deployed in companies. This analysis provides feedback about how these processes are actually being executed (like common control-flow paths, performance measures, detection of bottlenecks, alert to approaching deadlines, auditing, etc). The use of semantic information can lead to dramatic enhancements in the state-of-the-art in analysis techniques. In this paper we present an outlook on the opportunities and challenges on semantic business process mining and monitoring, thus paving the way for the implementation of the next generation of BPM analysis tools.

摘要: 提议将语义业务流程管理(SBPM)作为BPM的扩展,以语义Web和语义Web服务(SWS)技术为基础,以增加和增强在BPM生命周期内可以实现的自动化水平。简而言之,SBPM基于BPM域的广泛而详尽的概念化,以便在业务流程建模,组合,执行和分析过程中支持推理,从而在业务流程的整个生命周期中实现了重要的改进。 BPM生命周期的重要一步是分析公司中部署的流程。该分析提供了有关这些流程实际执行方式的反馈(例如常见的控制流路径,性能度量,瓶颈检测,即将到来的最后期限警报,审核等)。语义信息的使用可以大大提高分析技术的最新水平。在本文中,我们对语义业务流程挖掘和监视的机遇与挑战进行了展望,从而为下一代BPM分析工具的实施铺平了道路。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-76890-6_52]

[396] Analysis of discrete-time stochastic Petri nets (2000)

(Van Der Aalst | Statistica Neerlandica)

Abstract: The Petri net formalism is widely applied in both theoretical and practical settings. For the sake of performance analysis, the original Petri net model has been extended with the notion of time. This paper addresses the different issues involved with this extension. Also, it provides a state-of-the-art overview of different analysis techniques for timed Petri nets. A new analysis technique is presented, which combines the freedom of choosing arbitrary time distributions within a Petri net model on the one hand and efficient computation means on the other.

摘要: Petri网形式论被广泛应用于理论和实践环境。为了进行性能分析,最初的Petri网模型已扩展了时间概念。本文讨论了此扩展所涉及的不同问题。此外,它提供了定时Petri网的不同分析技术的最新概述。提出了一种新的分析技术,该技术一方面结合了在Petri网模型中选择任意时间分布的自由,另一方面结合了有效的计算手段。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1111/1467-9574.00139]

[397] Analysis of images, social networks and texts : 7th International Conference, AIST 2018, Moscow, Russia, July 5-7, 2018, Revised selected papers (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil | )

Abstract: Includes author index.

摘要: Includes author index.

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[398] Analysis of railway stations by means of interval timed coloured Petri nets (1995)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Odijk, M. A. | Real-Time Systems)

Abstract: In this paper interval timed coloured Petri nets ((van der Aalst, 1993)) are used to model and analyse railway stations. We will show that this approach can be used to evaluate both station operating schedules and the infrastructure of a station. An interval timed coloured Petri net (ITCPN) is a coloured Petri net extended with time; time is in tokens and transitions determine a delay for each produced token. This delay is specified by an upper and lower bound, i.e. an interval. The ITCPN model allows for the modelling of the dynamic behaviour of large and complex systems, without loosing the possibility of formal analysis. In addition to the existing analysis techniques for coloured Petri nets, we use a new analysis method to analyse the temporal behaviour of the net. This method constructs a reduced reachability graph and exploits the fact that delays are described by an interval. We will also discuss other (Petri net based) methods that can be used to analyse railway stations. textcopyright 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

摘要: 在本文中,定时彩色Petri网((van der Aalst,1993))被用于对火车站进行建模和分析。我们将展示这种方法可用于评估车站的运行时间表和车站的基础设施。间隔定时有色Petri网(ITCPN)是随时间扩展的有色Petri网。时间以令牌为单位,转换决定每个产生的令牌的延迟。该延迟由上限和下限,即间隔来指定。 ITCPN模型允许对大型和复杂系统的动态行为进行建模,而不会减少形式分析的可能性。除了现有的有色Petri网分析技术外,我们还使用一种新的分析方法来分析网的时间行为。该方法构造了一个缩小的可达性图,并利用了由间隔描述延迟的事实。我们还将讨论可用于分析火车站的其他(基于Petri网的)方法。 t​​extcopyright 1995年Kluwer学术出版社。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/BF01088807]

[399] Analysis of resource-constrained processes with Colored Petri Nets (2005)

(Netjes, Mariska and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. and Reijers, Hajo A. | Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools (CPN 2005), volume 576 of DAIMI, Aarhus, Denmark, October 2005. University of Aarhus.)

Abstract: Formal models of business processes support the performance analysis of processes and the evaluation of redesign alternatives. This paper presents a formal model to analyze the behavior of resource-constrained processes. The model is developed using Colored Petri Nets (CPN or CP nets) and the supporting software package CPN Tools. In our approach, a business process consists of tasks and resources able to perform one or more tasks in the process. We developed a task building block to model tasks and a resource module to model the allocation of resources with different allocation methods. The opening of a bank account is used as an example process to investigate two so-called best practices while using the simulation facility of CPN Tools. First, we explore the specialist-generalist trade-off, i.e., finding the optimal ratio of specialists and generalists. Then we explore the flexible assignment policy, i.e., a strategy to deploy specialists first to preserve operational flexibility.

摘要: 业务流程的正式模型支持流程的性能分析和重新设计替代方案的评估。 本文提出了一个正式模型来分析资源受限流程的行为。 该模型是使用有色Petri网(CPN或CP网)和支持软件包CPN Tools开发的。 在我们的方法中,业务流程由能够在流程中执行一个或多个任务的任务和资源组成。 我们开发了一个任务构建模块来对任务进行建模,并开发了一个资源模块来对具有不同分配方法的资源分配进行建模。 在使用CPN工具的模拟功能时,开设银行帐户是一个示例过程,用于研究两个所谓的最佳实践。 首先,我们探索专家与专家的权衡,即找到专家与通才的最佳比例。 然后,我们研究灵活的分配政策,即首先部署专家以保持运营灵活性的策略。

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[400] Analyzing BPEL processes using Petri nets (2005)

(Verbeek, H M W and Aalst, W M P Van Der | Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Applications of Petri Nets to Coordination, Workflow and Business Process Management)

Abstract: Some years ago, BEA, IBM, Microsoft, SAP AG, and Siebel Systems teamed up and proposed the Business Process Execution Lan- guage forWeb Services (BPEL or BPEL4WS) for application integration within and across organizational boundaries. By now, BPEL has become the de facto standard in this Web services composition arena. However, little effort has been dedicated so far concerning the verification of the modeled business processes. For example, there is no support to detect possible deadlocks, or to detect parts of the process that are not viable. For so-called WF-nets (workflow nets), techniques and tools exist which make it possible to detect such anomalies. Therefore, we could detect these anomalies in a BPEL process model provided that we can suc- cessfully map this model onto a WF-net. This papers describes a first attempt to map a BPEL process model onto a WF-net. Although not all BPEL constructs have been mapped yet, the results seem promising, as we are able to map typical examples from the BPEL 1.1 specification onto WF-nets

摘要: 几年前,BEA,IBM,Microsoft,SAP AG和Siebel Systems联手提出了Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL或BPEL4WS),以在组织边界内和跨组织边界进行应用程序集成。到目前为止,BPEL已成为该Web服务组合领域中的事实上的标准。但是,到目前为止,在验证建模业务流程方面的工作很少。例如,不支持检测可能的死锁或检测过程中不可行的部分。对于所谓的WF网络(工作流网络),存在可以检测此类异常的技术和工具。因此,只要我们可以成功地将该模型映射到WF-net,就可以在BPEL流程模型中检测到这些异常。本文描述了将BPEL流程模型映射到WF-net的首次尝试。尽管尚未映射所有BPEL构造,但结果似乎很有希望,因为我们能够将BPEL 1.1规范中的典型示例映射到WF-nets。

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[401] Analyzing inter-organizational business processes: Process mining and business performance analysis using electronic data interchange messages (2016)

(Engel, Robert and Krathu, Worarat and Zapletal, Marco and Pichler, Christian and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and van der Aalst, Wil and Werthner, Hannes and Huemer, Christian | Information Systems and e-Business Management)

Abstract: Companies are increasingly embedded in B2B environments, where they have to collaborate in order to achieve their goals. Such collaborations lead to inter-organizational business processes that may be commonly supported through the exchange of electronic data interchange (EDI) messages (e.g., electronic purchase orders, invoices etc.). Despite the appearance of XML, traditional approaches to EDI, such as EDIFACT and ANSI X.12, still play an overwhelmingly dominant role. However, such traditional EDI standards lack a notion of process. In other words, the exchanged business documents are typically not embedded in the context of other exchanged business documents. This has two shortcomings: (1) the inability to apply proven business process management (BPM) methods, including process mining techniques, in such settings; and (2) the unavailability of systematic approaches to business intelligence (BI) using information from exchanged EDI messages. In this article, we present the EDImine Framework for enabling (1) the application of process mining techniques in the field of EDI-supported inter-organizational business processes, and (2) for supporting inter-organizational performance evaluation using business information from EDI messages, event logs and process models. As an enabling technology, we present a method for the semantic preprocessing of EDIFACT messages to exploit this potentially rich source of information by applying state of the art BPM and BI techniques. We show the applicability of our approach by means of a case study based on real-world EDI data of a German consumer goods manufacturing company.

摘要: 公司越来越多地嵌入B2B环境中,在这些环境中,他们必须进行协作才能实现其目标。这种合作导致组织间业务流程,通常可以通过交换电子数据交换(EDI)消息(例如,电子采购订单,发票等)来支持组织间业务流程。尽管出现了XML,但传统的EDI方法(如EDIFACT和ANSI X.12)仍然发挥着压倒性的主导作用。但是,这种传统的EDI标准缺乏过程概念。换句话说,交换的业务文档通常不嵌入其他交换的业务文档的上下文中。这有两个缺点:(1)无法在这种环境中应用经过验证的业务流程管理(BPM)方法,包括流程挖掘技术; (2)无法使用来自交换的EDI消息的信息来系统地实现商业智能(BI)。在本文中,我们介绍了EDImine框架,该框架可用于(1)在EDI支持的组织间业务流程领域中应用流程挖掘技术,以及(2)使用来自EDI消息的业务信息来支持组织间绩效评估。 ,事件日志和流程模型。作为一种启用技术,我们提出了一种通过应用最先进的BPM和BI技术对EDIFACT消息进行语义预处理的方法,以利用这一潜在的丰富信息源。通过基于德国消费品制造公司的真实EDI数据的案例研究,我们证明了该方法的适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-015-0295-2]

[402] Assessing state spaces using petri-net synthesis and attribute-based visualization (2008)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Pretorius, A. Johannes and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: State spaces are commonly used representations of system behavior. A state space may be derived from a model of system behavior but can also be obtained through process mining. For a good understanding of the systems behavior, an analyst may need to assess the state space. Unfortunately, state spaces of realistic applications tend to be very large. This makes this assessment hard. In this paper, we tackle this problem by combining Petri-net synthesis (i.e., regions theory) and visualization. Using Petri-net synthesis we generate the attributes needed for attribute-based visualization. Using visualization we can assess the state space. We demonstrate that such an approach is possible and describe our implementation using existing tools. The only limiting factor of our approach is the performance of current synthesis techniques. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 状态空间是系统行为的常用表示形式。状态空间可以从系统行为模型中获取,也可以通过过程挖掘获得。为了更好地了解系统行为,分析人员可能需要评估状态空间,不幸的是,实际应用的状态空间往往非常大,这使评估变得困难,在本文中,我们通过结合Petri网综合(即区域理论)和可视化来解决这个问题。生成基于属性的可视化所需的属性,使用可视化我们可以评估状态空间,我们证明了这种方法是可行的,并使用现有工具描述了我们的实现方式,该方法的唯一限制因素是当前综合技术的性能。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格·柏林·海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-89287-8-10]

[403] Augmenting a Workflow Management System with Planning Facilities using Colored Petri Nets (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | The 9th Workshop on the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools)

Abstract: Traditional workflow management systems distribute workitems to users via a worklist and leave the actual timing of workitem execution to the individual resource(s) performing the task. In work environments in which resources are scarce, expensive and multiple resources are necessary to undertake the workitem, often an appointment-based approach is utilized in order to maximize resource utilization. To this end, we propose the extension of a workflow management system with planning and monitoring facilities in order to guarantee effective resource utilization and minimize dead-time for resources as a result of canceled appointments. This paper describes the approach taken in which first a conceptual model for these extensions has been developed which is based on Colored Petri Nets. Second, based on the conceptual model, a prototype has been developed using YAWL and the collaborative software product Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. The applicability of the approach for the development of large scale systems will be demonstrated by elaborating on the conceptual model and the experiences that have been gained. Finally, the operation of the system is demonstrated in the context of a real-life healthcare scenario.

摘要: Traditional workflow management systems distribute workitems to users via a worklist and leave the actual timing of workitem execution to the individual resource(s) performing the task. In work environments in which resources are scarce, expensive and multiple resources are necessary to undertake the workitem, often an appointment-based approach is utilized in order to maximize resource utilization. To this end, we propose the extension of a workflow management system with planning and monitoring facilities in order to guarantee effective resource utilization and minimize dead-time for resources as a result of canceled appointments. This paper describes the approach taken in which first a conceptual model for these extensions has been developed which is based on Colored Petri Nets. Second, based on the conceptual model, a prototype has been developed using YAWL and the collaborative software product Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. The applicability of the approach for the development of large scale systems will be demonstrated by elaborating on the conceptual model and the experiences that have been gained. Finally, the operation of the system is demonstrated in the context of a real-life healthcare scenario.

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[404] Balanced multi-perspective checking of process conformance (2016)

(Mannhardt, Felix and de Leoni, Massimiliano and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computing)

Abstract: Organizations maintain process models that describe or prescribe how cases (e.g., orders) are handled. However, reality may not agree with what is modeled. Conformance checking techniques reveal and diagnose differences between the behavior that is modeled and what is observed. Existing conformance checking approaches tend to focus on the control-flow in a process, while abstracting from data dependencies, resource assignments, and time constraints. Even in those situations when other perspectives are considered, the control-flow is aligned first, i.e., priority is given to this perspective. Data dependencies, resource assignments, and time constraints are only considered as second-class citizens, which may lead to misleading conformance diagnostics. For example, a data attribute may provide strong evidence that the wrong activity was executed. Existing techniques will still diagnose the data-flow as deviating, whereas our approach will indeed point out that the control-flow is deviating. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed that balances the deviations with respect to all these perspectives based on a customizable cost function. Evaluations using both synthetic and real data sets show that a multi-perspective approach is indeed feasible and may help to circumvent misleading results as generated by classical single-perspective or staged approaches.

摘要: 组织维护描述或规定如何处理案例(例如订单)的流程模型。但是,现实可能与建模的内容不一致。一致性检查技术揭示并诊断建模行为与观察到的行为之间的差异。现有的一致性检查方法倾向于集中于流程中的控制流,同时从数据依赖关系,资源分配和时间约束中抽象出来。即使在考虑其他角度的那些情况下,控制流也会首先对齐,即,优先考虑此角度。数据依赖性,资源分配和时间限制仅被视为第二等公民,这可能会导致误导性一致性诊断。例如,数据属性可以提供强有力的证据证明执行了错误的活动。现有技术仍将诊断数据流是否存在偏差,而我们的方法确实会指出控制流存在偏差。在本文中,提出了一种新颖的算法,该算法基于可自定义的成本函数来平衡所有这些方面的偏差。使用综合和真实数据集进行的评估表明,多视角方法确实是可行的,并且可能有助于规避传统的单视角或分阶段方法所产生的误导性结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-015-0441-1]

[405] Blockchains for business process management - Challenges and opportunities (2018)

(Mendling, Jan and Weber, Ingo and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Blockchain technology ofers a sizable promise to rethink the way interorganizational business processes are managed because of its potential to realize execution without a central party serving as a single point of trust (and failure). To stimulate research on this promise and the limits thereof, in this article, we outline the challenges and opportunities of blockchain for business process management (BPM). We first refect how blockchains could be used in the context of the established BPM lifecycle and second how they might become relevant beyond. We conclude our discourse with a summary of seven research directions for investigating the application of blockchain technology in the context of BPM.

摘要: Blockchain technology ofers a sizable promise to rethink the way interorganizational business processes are managed because of its potential to realize execution without a central party serving as a single point of trust (and failure). To stimulate research on this promise and the limits thereof, in this article, we outline the challenges and opportunities of blockchain for business process management (BPM). We first refect how blockchains could be used in the context of the established BPM lifecycle and second how they might become relevant beyond. We conclude our discourse with a summary of seven research directions for investigating the application of blockchain technology in the context of BPM.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3183367]

[406] Bridging the gap between business models and workflow specifications (2004)

(Dehnert, Juliane and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: This paper presents a methodology to bridge the gap between business process modeling and workflow specification. While the first is concerned with intuitive descriptions that are mainly used for communication, the second is concerned with configuring a process-aware information system, thus requiring a more rigorous language less suitable for communication. Unlike existing approaches the gap is not bridged by providing formal semantics for an informal language. Instead it is assumed that the desired behavior is just a subset of the full behavior obtained using a liberal interpretation of the informal business process modeling language. Using a new correctness criterion (relaxed soundness), it is verified whether a selection of suitable behavior is possible. The methodology consists of five steps and is illustrated using event-driven process chains as a business process modeling language and Petri nets as the workflow specification language.

摘要: 本文提出了一种方法,以弥合业务流程建模和工作流规范之间的差距。虽然第一个与主要用于通信的直观描述有关,但是第二个与配置过程感知信息系统有关,因此需要更严格的语言而不适合通信。与现有方法不同,通过提供非正式语言的形式语义无法弥合差距。相反,假设所需行为只是使用非正式业务流程建模语言的自由解释获得的完整行为的子集。使用新的正确性标准(宽松的健全性),验证是否可以选择合适的行为。该方法包括五个步骤,并使用事件驱动的流程链作为业务流程建模语言,并使用Petri网作为工作流规范语言进行说明。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843004000973]

[407] Building instance graphs for highly variable processes (2016)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Van Der Aalst | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Organizations increasingly rely on business process analysis to improve operations performance. Process Mining can be exploited to distill models from real process executions recorded in event logs, but existing techniques show some limitations when applied in complex domains, where human actors have high degree of freedom in the execution of activities thus generating highly variable processes instances. This paper contributes to the research on Process Mining in highly variable domains, focusing on the generation of process instance models (in the form of instance graphs) from simple event logs. The novelty of the approach is in the exploitation of filtering Process Discovery (PD) techniques coupled with repairing, which allows obtaining accurate models for any instance variant, even for rare ones. It is argued that this provides the analyst with a more complete and faithful knowledge of a highly variable process, where no process execution can be really targeted as wrong and hence overlooked. The approach can also find application in more structured domains, in order to obtain accurate models of exceptional behaviors. The quality of generated models will be assessed by suitable metrics and measured in empirical experiments enlightening the advantage of the approach.

摘要: Organizations increasingly rely on business process analysis to improve operations performance. Process Mining can be exploited to distill models from real process executions recorded in event logs, but existing techniques show some limitations when applied in complex domains, where human actors have high degree of freedom in the execution of activities thus generating highly variable processes instances. This paper contributes to the research on Process Mining in highly variable domains, focusing on the generation of process instance models (in the form of instance graphs) from simple event logs. The novelty of the approach is in the exploitation of filtering Process Discovery (PD) techniques coupled with repairing, which allows obtaining accurate models for any instance variant, even for rare ones. It is argued that this provides the analyst with a more complete and faithful knowledge of a highly variable process, where no process execution can be really targeted as wrong and hence overlooked. The approach can also find application in more structured domains, in order to obtain accurate models of exceptional behaviors. The quality of generated models will be assessed by suitable metrics and measured in empirical experiments enlightening the advantage of the approach.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2016.04.021]

[408] Business Process Management (2013)

(Leopold, Henrik | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Business process management (BPM) represents one of the core concepts enabling companies to flexibly react to the constantly changing business environment. The actual relevance of business process management is, for instance, illustrated by the size of the BPM software market. A recent study of Global Industry Analysts forecasts that the global market for BPM software will reach a volume of over 5 billion US dollars by the year 2017 18. The importance of BPM in academia is demonstrated by its constant presence among top-ranked information system conferences 32, 2, 1, 271. In fact, this also highlights that BPM has become one of the core areas of information systems research. The range of addressed topics goes from general organizational aspects of BPM to specific technical issues concerning business process models. Due to the importance of business process models for documenting and redesigning the operations of companies, many researchers have focused on aspects of process model design and process model quality. Nevertheless, there are still many significant aspects that have not been addressed by prior research.

摘要: Business process management (BPM) represents one of the core concepts enabling companies to flexibly react to the constantly changing business environment. The actual relevance of business process management is, for instance, illustrated by the size of the BPM software market. A recent study of Global Industry Analysts forecasts that the global market for BPM software will reach a volume of over 5 billion US dollars by the year 2017 18. The importance of BPM in academia is demonstrated by its constant presence among top-ranked information system conferences 32, 2, 1, 271. In fact, this also highlights that BPM has become one of the core areas of information systems research. The range of addressed topics goes from general organizational aspects of BPM to specific technical issues concerning business process models. Due to the importance of business process models for documenting and redesigning the operations of companies, many researchers have focused on aspects of process model design and process model quality. Nevertheless, there are still many significant aspects that have not been addressed by prior research.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-04175-9_1]

[409] Business alignment: Using process mining as a tool for Delta analysis and conformance testing (2005)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Requirements Engineering)

Abstract: Increasingly, business processes are being controlled and/or monitored by information systems. As a result, many business processes leave their foot-prints in transactional information systems, i.e., business events are recorded in so-called event logs. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. In this paper we focus on the potential use of process mining for measuring business alignment, i.e., comparing the real behavior of an information system or its users with the intended or expected behavior. We identify two ways to create and/or maintain the fit between business processes and supporting information systems: Delta analysis and conformance testing. Delta analysis compares the discovered model (i.e., an abstraction derived from the actual process) with some predefined processes model (e.g., the workflow model or reference model used to configure the system). Conformance testing attempts to quantify the fit between the event log and some predefined processes model. In this paper, we show that Delta analysis and conformance testing can be used to analyze business alignment as long as the actual events are logged and users have some control over the process. textcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.

摘要: 越来越多地,业务流程由信息系统控制和/或监视。结果,许多业务流程在交易信息系统中留下了它们的足迹,即,业务事件被记录在所谓的事件日志中。流程挖掘旨在通过提供用于从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一点,即流程挖掘的基本思想是通过挖掘事件日志中的知识来诊断业务流程。在本文中,我们专注于流程挖掘在衡量业务一致性方面的潜在用途,即将信息系统或其用户的实际行为与预期或预期行为进行比较。我们确定了两种创建和/或维持业务流程与支持信息系统之间契合度的方法:增量分析和一致性测试。增量分析将发现的模型(即从实际过程中得出的抽象)与一些预定义的过程模型(例如用于配置系统的工作流模型或参考模型)进行比较。一致性测试试图量化事件日志和某些预定义流程模型之间的契合度。在本文中,我们表明,只要记录了实际事件并且用户对流程有一定的控制权,Delta分析和一致性测试就可以用于分析业务一致性。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00766-005-0001-x]

[410] Business process analytics and big data systems: A roadmap to bridge the gap (2018)

(Sakr, Sherif and Maamar, Zakaria and Awad, Ahmed and Benatallah, Boualem and Van Der Aalst | IEEE Access)

Abstract: Business processes represent a cornerstone to the operation of any enterprise. They are the operational means for such organizations to fulfill their goals. Nowadays, enterprises are able to gather massive amounts of event data. These are generated as business processes are executed and stored in transaction logs, databases, e-mail correspondences, free form text on (enterprise) social media, and so on. Taping into these data, enterprises would like to weave data analytic techniques into their decision making capabilities. In recent years, the IT industry has witnessed significant advancements in the domain of Big Data analytics. Unfortunately, the business process management (BPM) community has not kept up to speed with such developments and often rely merely on traditional modeling-based approaches. New ways of effectively exploiting such data are not sufficiently used. In this paper, we advocate that a good understanding of the business process and Big Data worlds can play an effective role in improving the efficiency and the quality of various data-intensive business operations using a wide spectrum of emerging Big Data systems. Moreover, we coin the term process footprint as a wider notion of process data than that is currently perceived in the BPM community. A roadmap towards taking business process data intensive operations to the next level is shaped in this paper.

摘要: 业务流程是任何企业运作的基石。它们是此类组织实现其目标的操作手段。如今,企业能够收集大量的事件数据。这些是在执行业务流程时生成的,并存储在事务日志,数据库,电子邮件通信,(企业)社交媒体上的自由格式文本等中。利用这些数据,企业希望将数据分析技术纳入其决策能力。近年来,IT行业见证了大数据分析领域的重大进步。不幸的是,业务流程管理(BPM)社区没有跟上这种发展的步伐,而仅依靠传统的基于建模的方法。有效利用此类数据的新方法未得到充分利用。在本文中,我们提倡对业务流程和大数据世界有一个很好的了解,可以在使用各种新兴大数据系统提高各种数据密集型业务运营的效率和质量方面发挥有效作用。此外,我们将流程足迹一词称为流程数据的概念,其含义比BPM社区当前所认为的更广泛。本文形成了将业务流程数据密集型操作提升到更高水平的路线图。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881759]

[411] Business process management as the Killer App for Petri nets (2015)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Since their inception in 1962, Petri nets have been used in a wide variety of application domains. Although Petri nets are graphical and easy to understand, they have formal semantics and allow for analysis techniques ranging from model checking and structural analysis to process mining and performance analysis. Over time Petri nets emerged as a solid foundation for Business Process Management (BPM) research. The BPM discipline develops methods, techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of operational business processes. Mainstream business process modeling notations and workflow management systems are using token-based semantics borrowed from Petri nets. Moreover, state-of-the-art BPM analysis techniques are using Petri nets as an internal representation. Users of BPM methods and tools are often not aware of this. This paper aims to unveil the seminal role of Petri nets in BPM.

摘要: Petri网自1962年问世以来,已被广泛应用于各种应用领域。尽管Petri网是图形化的且易于理解,但它们具有形式化的语义,并允许使用从模型检查和结构分析到过程挖掘和性能分析的分析技术。随着时间的流逝,Petri网逐渐成为业务流程管理(BPM)研究的坚实基础。 BPM学科开发方法,技术和工具,以支持运营业务流程的设计,制定,管理和分析。主流业务流程建模符号和工作流管理系统使用从Petri网借来的基于令牌的语义。此外,最新的BPM分析技术正在使用Petri网作为内部表示。 BPM方法和工具的用户通常不知道这一点。本文旨在揭示Petri网在BPM中的重要作用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0424-2]

[412] Business process management in the classroom (2017)

(Sarvepalli, Ashwini and Godin, Joy | Journal of Cases on Information Technology)

Abstract: Organizations are increasingly adopting Business Process Management (BPM) approaches growing the need for BPM expertise in the industry (Bandara et al., 2010). This has resulted in growing demand for college graduates who have a thorough knowledge of business processes (Lee, 2008). Hadidi (2014) pointed out that development of courses and programs in BPM area has received huge consideration in academia during recent times. This paper presents a classroom activities for teaching Business Process Management using a paper-based simulation game conducted as part of an undergraduate IS course. The paper discusses various class activities involved such as execution of the simulation game, creation of graphical representations of processes followed in the game, and creation of Business Process models using Microsoft Visio software. A post-test survey was conducted to evaluate the understanding of BPM concepts learned and analyze the effectiveness of the simulation game. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research.

摘要: 各组织越来越多地采用业务流程管理(BPM)方法,从而增加了对该行业BPM专业知识的需求(Bandara等,2010)。这导致对透彻了解业务流程的大学毕业生的需求不断增长(Lee,2008年)。 Hadidi(2014)指出,近年来,BPM领域课程的开发受到学术界的广泛考虑。本文介绍了一个课堂活动,该活动使用作为本科IS课程一部分的纸质模拟游戏进行业务流程管理教学。本文讨论了涉及的各种课堂活动,例如执行模拟游戏,创建游戏中遵循的流程的图形表示以及使用Microsoft Visio软件创建业务流程模型。进行了测试后调查,以评估对学习的BPM概念的理解并分析模拟游戏的有效性。本文最后提出了对未来研究的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/JCIT.2017040102]

[413] Business process mining: An industrial application (2007)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Reijers, H. A. and Weijters, A. J.M.M. and van Dongen, B. F. and Alves de Medeiros | Information Systems)

Abstract: Contemporary information systems (e.g., WfM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems) record business events in so-called event logs. Business process mining takes these logs to discover process, control, data, organizational, and social structures. Although many researchers are developing new and more powerful process mining techniques and software vendors are incorporating these in their software, few of the more advanced process mining techniques have been tested on real-life processes. This paper describes the application of process mining in one of the provincial offices of the Dutch National Public Works Department, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the road and water infrastructure. Using a variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the processing of invoices sent by the various subcontractors and suppliers from three different perspectives: (1) the process perspective, (2) the organizational perspective, and (3) the case perspective. For this purpose, we used some of the tools developed in the context of the ProM framework. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of process mining in general and our algorithms and tools in particular. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 当代信息系统(例如WfM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统)将业务事件记录在所谓的事件日志中。业务流程挖掘使用这些日志来发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构。尽管许多研究人员正在开发新的且功能更强大的过程挖掘技术,并且软件供应商已将这些技术集成到他们的软件中,但是很少有更高级的过程挖掘技术已在实际过程中经过测试。本文介绍了过程采矿在荷兰国家公共工程局的一个省级办公室中的应用,该办公室负责道路和水利基础设施的建设和维护。我们使用各种过程挖掘技术,从三个不同的角度分析了各个分包商和供应商发送的发票的处理:(1)过程角度,(2)组织角度和(3)案例角度。为此,我们使用了在ProM框架中开发的一些工具。本文的目的是总体上展示过程挖掘的适用性,尤其是我们的算法和工具。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2006.05.003]

[414] Business process simulation for operational decision support (2008)

(Wynn, Moe Thandar and Dumas, Marlon and Fidge, Colin J. and Ter Hofstede | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Contemporary business process simulation environments are geared towards design-time analysis, rather than operational decision support over already deployed and running processes. In particular, simulation experiments in existing process simulation environments start from an empty execution state. We investigate the requirements for a process simulation environment that allows simulation experiments to start from an intermediate execution state. We propose an architecture addressing these requirements and demonstrate it through a case study conducted using the YAWL workflow engine and CPN simulation tools. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Contemporary business process simulation environments are geared towards design-time analysis, rather than operational decision support over already deployed and running processes. In particular, simulation experiments in existing process simulation environments start from an empty execution state. We investigate the requirements for a process simulation environment that allows simulation experiments to start from an intermediate execution state. We propose an architecture addressing these requirements and demonstrate it through a case study conducted using the YAWL workflow engine and CPN simulation tools. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-78238-4_8]

[415] Business process simulation revisited (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Computer simulation attempts to mimic real-life or hypothetical behavior on a computer to see how processes or systems can be improved and to predict their performance under different circumstances. Simulation has been successfully applied in many disciplines and is considered to be a relevant and highly applicable tool in Business Process Management (BPM). Unfortunately, in reality the use of simulation is limited. Few organizations actively use simulation. Even organizations that purchase simulation software (stand-alone or embedded in some BPM suite), typically fail to use it continuously over an extended period. This keynote paper highlights some of the problems causing the limited adoption of simulation. For example, simulation models tend to oversimplify the modeling of people working part-time on a process. Also simulation studies typically focus on the steady-state behavior of business processes while managers are more interested in short-term results (a fast forward button into the future) for operational decision making. This paper will point out innovative simulation approaches leveraging on recent breakthroughs in process mining. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: Computer simulation attempts to mimic real-life or hypothetical behavior on a computer to see how processes or systems can be improved and to predict their performance under different circumstances. Simulation has been successfully applied in many disciplines and is considered to be a relevant and highly applicable tool in Business Process Management (BPM). Unfortunately, in reality the use of simulation is limited. Few organizations actively use simulation. Even organizations that purchase simulation software (stand-alone or embedded in some BPM suite), typically fail to use it continuously over an extended period. This keynote paper highlights some of the problems causing the limited adoption of simulation. For example, simulation models tend to oversimplify the modeling of people working part-time on a process. Also simulation studies typically focus on the steady-state behavior of business processes while managers are more interested in short-term results (a fast forward button into the future) for operational decision making. This paper will point out innovative simulation approaches leveraging on recent breakthroughs in process mining. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-15723-3_1]

[416] Business process variability modeling: A survey (2017)

(La Rosa | ACM Computing Surveys)

Abstract: It is common for organizations to maintain multiple variants of a given business process, such as multiple sales processes for different products or multiple bookkeeping processes for different countries. Conventional business process modeling languages do not explicitly support the representation of such families of process variants. This gap triggered significant research efforts over the past decade, leading to an array of approaches to business process variability modeling. In general, each of these approaches extends a conventional process modeling language with constructs to capture customizable process models. A customizable process model represents a family of process variants in a way that a model of each variant can be derived by adding or deleting fragments according to customization options or according to a domain model. This survey draws up a systematic inventory of approaches to customizable process modeling and provides a comparative evaluation with the aim of identifying common and differentiating modeling features, providing criteria for selecting among multiple approaches, and identifying gaps in the state of the art. The survey puts into evidence an abundance of customizable process-modeling languages, which contrasts with a relative scarcity of available tool support and empirical comparative evaluations.

摘要: 组织通常会维护给定业务流程的多个变体,例如针对不同产品的多个销售流程或针对不同国家的多个簿记流程。常规的业务流程建模语言不明确支持这些流程变体族的表示。这种差距在过去十年中引发了巨大的研究努力,从而导致了一系列用于业务流程可变性建模的方法。通常,这些方法中的每一种都使用构造来扩展常规过程建模语言,以捕获可定制的过程模型。可定制的流程模型表示一系列流程变体,其方式是可以通过根据定制选项或域模型添加或删除片段来派生每个变体的模型。这项调查为可定制的流程建模绘制了系统的方法清单,并提供了比较评估,目的是确定通用和与众不同的建模功能,提供在多种方法中进行选择的标准以及确定最新技术水平的差距。该调查证明了大量可定制的过程建模语言,这与可用工具支持和实证比较评估的相对匮乏形成了鲜明的对比。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3041957]

[417] Business process verification - Finally a reality! (2009)

(Wynn, M. T. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Van Der Aalst | Business Process Management Journal)

Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that process verification has matured to a level where it can be used in practice. This paper reports on new verification techniques that can be used to assess the correctness of real-life models. Design/methodology/approach - The proposed approach relies on using formal methods to determine the correctness of business processes with cancellation and OR-joins. The paper also demonstrates how reduction rules can be used to improve the efficiency. These techniques are presented in the context of the workflow language yet another workflow language (YAWL) that provides direct support for 20 most frequently used patterns found today (including cancellation and OR-joins). But the results also apply to other languages with these features (e.g. BPMN, EPCs, UML activity diagrams, etc.). An editor has been developed that provides diagnostic information based on the techniques presented in this paper. Findings - The paper proposes four properties for business processes with cancellation and OR-joins, namely: soundness, weak soundness, irreducible cancellation regions and immutable OR-joins and develop new techniques to verify these properties. Reduction rules have been used as a means of improving the efficiency of the algorithm. The paper demonstrates the feasibility of this verification approach using a realistic and complex business process, the visa application process for general skilled migration to Australia, modelled as a YAWL workflow with cancellation regions and OR-joins. Originality/value - Business processes sometimes require complex execution interdependencies to properly complete a process. For instance, it is possible that certain activities need to be cancelled mid-way though the process. Some parallel activities may require complex wait and see style synchronisation depending on a given context. These types of business processes can be found in various domains, such as application integration, B2B commerce, web service composition and workflow systems. Even though cancellation and sophisticated join structures are present in many business processes, existing verification techniques are unable to deal with such processes. Hence, this paper plays an important role in making process verification a reality. textcopyright Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

摘要: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that process verification has matured to a level where it can be used in practice. This paper reports on new verification techniques that can be used to assess the correctness of real-life models. Design/methodology/approach - The proposed approach relies on using formal methods to determine the correctness of business processes with cancellation and OR-joins. The paper also demonstrates how reduction rules can be used to improve the efficiency. These techniques are presented in the context of the workflow language yet another workflow language (YAWL) that provides direct support for 20 most frequently used patterns found today (including cancellation and OR-joins). But the results also apply to other languages with these features (e.g. BPMN, EPCs, UML activity diagrams, etc.). An editor has been developed that provides diagnostic information based on the techniques presented in this paper. Findings - The paper proposes four properties for business processes with cancellation and OR-joins, namely: soundness, weak soundness, irreducible cancellation regions and immutable OR-joins and develop new techniques to verify these properties. Reduction rules have been used as a means of improving the efficiency of the algorithm. The paper demonstrates the feasibility of this verification approach using a realistic and complex business process, the visa application process for general skilled migration to Australia, modelled as a YAWL workflow with cancellation regions and OR-joins. Originality/value - Business processes sometimes require complex execution interdependencies to properly complete a process. For instance, it is possible that certain activities need to be cancelled mid-way though the process. Some parallel activities may require complex wait and see style synchronisation depending on a given context. These types of business processes can be found in various domains, such as application integration, B2B commerce, web service composition and workflow systems. Even though cancellation and sophisticated join structures are present in many business processes, existing verification techniques are unable to deal with such processes. Hence, this paper plays an important role in making process verification a reality. textcopyright Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1108/14637150910931479]

[418] Case handling in construction (2003)

(Van der Aalst | Automation in Construction)

Abstract: Case handling is a new means for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. In this paper, case handling is introduced as a new possibility for supporting construction processes. The construction of buildings and related facilities is a difficult and complex process, which requires both support and flexibility. This paper describes the application of the case-handling principles within Heijmans. Heijmans is one of the leading companies in the Dutch building industry and is interested in IT support for their construction processes. We have used the case-handling system FLOWer to provide automated support for preparing the construction of complex installations. In this paper, we report our experiences. textcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Case handling is a new means for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. In this paper, case handling is introduced as a new possibility for supporting construction processes. The construction of buildings and related facilities is a difficult and complex process, which requires both support and flexibility. This paper describes the application of the case-handling principles within Heijmans. Heijmans is one of the leading companies in the Dutch building industry and is interested in IT support for their construction processes. We have used the case-handling system FLOWer to provide automated support for preparing the construction of complex installations. In this paper, we report our experiences. textcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0926-5805(02)00106-1]

[419] Case handling systems as product based workflow design support (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Case handling systems offer a solution to the lack of flexibility and adaptability in workflow management systems. Because they are data driven they potentially provide good support for Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD). In this paper we investigate to which degree current case handling systems (FLOWer and Activity Manager) are able to support PBWD. This is done by elaborating the design process of a case from industry in both systems. From this evaluation we concluded that current case handling systems are not yet completely ready for supporting PBWD. Therefore, we recognize that better tool support is needed to make PBWD more suitable for practical use. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Case handling systems offer a solution to the lack of flexibility and adaptability in workflow management systems. Because they are data driven they potentially provide good support for Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD). In this paper we investigate to which degree current case handling systems (FLOWer and Activity Manager) are able to support PBWD. This is done by elaborating the design process of a case from industry in both systems. From this evaluation we concluded that current case handling systems are not yet completely ready for supporting PBWD. Therefore, we recognize that better tool support is needed to make PBWD more suitable for practical use. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_15]

[420] Case handling: A new paradigm for business process support (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Case handling is a new paradigm for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. It is strongly based on data as the typical product of these processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. In case handling, the knowledge worker in charge of a particular case actively decides on how the goal of that case is reached, and the role of a case handling system is assisting rather than guiding her in doing so. In this paper, case handling is introduced as a new paradigm for supporting flexible business processes. It is motivated by comparing it to workflow management as the traditional way to support business processes. The main entities of case handling systems are identified and classified in a meta model. Finally, the basic functionality and usage of a case handling system is illustrated by an example. textcopyright 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 案例处理是支持灵活且知识密集型业务流程的新范例。它强烈地基于作为这些过程的典型产品的数据。与工作流管理不同,工作流管理使用预定义的过程控制结构来确定在工作流过程中应执行的操作,而案例处理则侧重于可以实现业务目标的操作。在案件处理中,负责特定案件的知识工作者会主动决定如何实现该案件的目标,而案件处理系统的作用是协助而不是指导她这样做。本文将案例处理作为支持灵活业务流程的新范例进行了介绍。通过将它与作为支持业务流程的传统方式的工作流管理进行比较来激发它的动力。案件处理系统的主要实体在元模型中被识别和分类。最后,通过示例说明了案件处理系统的基本功能和用法。 t​​extcopyright 2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2004.07.003]

[421] Challenges in business process analysis (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at run-time. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their trail in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as PowerPoint reality. Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at run-time. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their trail in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as PowerPoint reality. Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_3]

[422] Challenges in business process management: Verification of business processes using Petri nets (2003)

(Aalst, W M P Van Der | Bulletin of the EATCS 80)

Abstract: Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at run-time. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their trail in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as PowerPoint reality. Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective.

摘要: Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at run-time. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their trail in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as PowerPoint reality. Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88710-2_3]

[423] Change visualisation: Analysing the resource and timing differences between two event logs (2017)

(Low, W. Z. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Wynn, M. T. and De Weerdt | Information Systems)

Abstract: With organisations facing significant challenges to remain competitive, Business Process Improvement (BPI) initiatives are often conducted to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes, focussing on time, cost, and quality improvements. Event logs which contain a detailed record of business operations over a certain time period, recorded by an organisations information systems, are the first step towards initiating evidence-based BPI activities. Given an (original) event log as a starting point, an approach to explore better ways to execute a business process was developed, resulting in an improved (perturbed) event log. Identifying the differences between the original event log and the perturbed event log can provide valuable insights, helping organisations to improve their processes. However, there is a lack of automated techniques and appropriate visualisations to detect the differences between two event logs. Therefore, this research aims to develop visualisation techniques to provide targeted analysis of resource reallocation and activity rescheduling. The differences between two event logs are first identified. The changes between the two event logs are conceptualised and realised with a number of visualisations. With the proposed visualisations, analysts are able to identify resource- and time-related changes that resulted in a cost reduction, and subsequently investigate and translate them into actionable items for BPI in practice. Ultimately, analysts can make use of this comparative information to initiate evidence-based BPI activities.

摘要: 随着组织面临着保持竞争的重大挑战,通常会进行业务流程改进(BPI)计划以提高其业务流程的效率和有效性,着重于时间,成本和质量的改进。事件日志包含有关以下方面的详细记录由组织的信息系统记录的特定时间段内的业务运营是启动基于证据的BPI活动的第一步,以(原始)事件日志为起点,这是一种探索执行业务流程的更好方法的方法开发,从而改进了(受干扰的)事件日志,找出原始事件日志和受干扰的事件日志之间的差异可以提供有价值的见解,有助于组织改进流程,但是,缺乏自动化的技术和适当的可视化效果以检测两个事件日志之间的差异,因此,本研究旨在提供针对性的资源重新分配和活动重新安排分析的技术。首先确定两个事件日志之间的差异。两个事件日志之间的更改被概念化并通过许多可视化实现。通过提出的可视化效果,分析师可以识别与资源和时间相关的变更,从而降低成本,然后进行调查并将其转化为可实施的BPI项目。最终,分析人员可以利用这些比较信息来开展基于证据的BPI活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.10.005]

[424] Combining workflow and PDM based on the workflow management coalition and STEP standards: The case of axalant (2007)

(Rouibah, K. and Rouibah, S. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing)

Abstract: Product data management (PDM) current technology has several pitfalls such as lack of compliance of workflow modules to standards as well as lack of interoperability between these systems. This paper illustrates the extension of the current workflow management system part of the PDM system axalant to support engineering processes management. The extension was based on an analysis of the workflow management coalition and STEP standards and, through the extension described in the paper, now axalant complies with these standards. Because of this it is now possible to exchange workflow data with existing workflow systems on the market. In this paper the two standards are analysed, the required workflow architecture is specified, and the resulting implementation is described. The necessary enhancements include the extension of the data model of axalant, the modification of the corresponding software, the modification of the user interface and the link to the interface between axalant and ProView, which helps to generate graphical process definitions. Major achievements consist of the enhancement of process design through the creation of building blocks (split- and join-operations) as well as the enhancement of organizational structure through the usage of roles as a resource for process activities. Moreover, the paper adds flexibility for axalant to handle changes, and axalant is able to generate workflow templates and ad-hoc processes and to communicate with external workflow systems.

摘要: 产品数据管理(PDM)当前技术存在许多陷阱,例如工作流模块缺乏对标准的遵从性以及这些系统之间缺乏互操作性。本文说明了PDM系统现有的工作流程管理系统部分的扩展,以支持工程流程管理。该扩展基于对工作流管理联盟和STEP标准的分析,并且通过本文中描述的扩展,现在axalant符合这些标准。因此,现在可以与市场上现有的工作流程系统交换工作流程数据。本文分析了这两个标准,指定了所需的工作流体系结构,并描述了所产生的实现。必要的增强功能包括扩展了axalant的数据模型,修改了相应的软件,修改了用户界面以及axalant与ProView之间的接口链接,这有助于生成图形化的流程定义。主要成就包括通过创建构件块(拆分和联接操作)来增强过程设计,以及通过将角色用作过程活动的资源来增强组织结构。而且,本文为axalant处理变更增加了灵活性,axalant能够生成工作流模板和临时流程,并能够与外部工作流系统进行通信。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/09511920600930038]

[425] Communication abstractions for distributed business processes (2007)

(Aldred, Lachlan and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Languages for business process definition generally suffer from myopic approaches to capturing communication between distributed processes. Effective communication between processes requires: support for conversations involving interrelated interactions spread over time; ability to select and group messages based on their content, regardless of format and transport technology; and resolving contention between processes or tasks for common sets of messages. This paper presents a set of communication abstractions that provide a glue between the process layer and the middleware. The paper also reports on an implementation of these abstractions and an experimental evaluation. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: Languages for business process definition generally suffer from myopic approaches to capturing communication between distributed processes. Effective communication between processes requires: support for conversations involving interrelated interactions spread over time; ability to select and group messages based on their content, regardless of format and transport technology; and resolving contention between processes or tasks for common sets of messages. This paper presents a set of communication abstractions that provide a glue between the process layer and the middleware. The paper also reports on an implementation of these abstractions and an experimental evaluation. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-72988-4_29]

[426] Complexity metrics for Workflow nets (2009)

(Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Process modeling languages such as EPCs, BPMN, flow charts, UML activity diagrams, Petri nets, etc., are used to model business processes and to configure process-aware information systems. It is known that users have problems understanding these diagrams. In fact, even process engineers and system analysts have difficulties in grasping the dynamics implied by a process model. Recent empirical studies show that people make numerous errors when modeling complex business processes, e.g., about 20% of the EPCs in the SAP reference model have design flaws resulting in potential deadlocks, livelocks, etc. It seems obvious that the complexity of the model contributes to design errors and a lack of understanding. It is not easy to measure complexity, however. This paper presents three complexity metrics that have been implemented in the process analysis tool ProM. The metrics are defined for a subclass of Petri nets named Workflow nets, but the results can easily be applied to other languages. To demonstrate the applicability of these metrics, we have applied our approach and tool to 262 relatively complex Protos models made in the context of various student projects. This allows us to validate and compare the different metrics. It turns out that our new metric focusing on the structuredness outperforms existing metrics. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Process modeling languages such as EPCs, BPMN, flow charts, UML activity diagrams, Petri nets, etc., are used to model business processes and to configure process-aware information systems. It is known that users have problems understanding these diagrams. In fact, even process engineers and system analysts have difficulties in grasping the dynamics implied by a process model. Recent empirical studies show that people make numerous errors when modeling complex business processes, e.g., about 20% of the EPCs in the SAP reference model have design flaws resulting in potential deadlocks, livelocks, etc. It seems obvious that the complexity of the model contributes to design errors and a lack of understanding. It is not easy to measure complexity, however. This paper presents three complexity metrics that have been implemented in the process analysis tool ProM. The metrics are defined for a subclass of Petri nets named Workflow nets, but the results can easily be applied to other languages. To demonstrate the applicability of these metrics, we have applied our approach and tool to 262 relatively complex Protos models made in the context of various student projects. This allows us to validate and compare the different metrics. It turns out that our new metric focusing on the structuredness outperforms existing metrics. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2008.08.005]

[427] Compliance checking of data-aware and resource-aware compliance requirements (2014)

(Taghiabadi, Elham Ramezani and Gromov, Vladimir and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Compliance checking is gaining importance as todays organizations need to show that their business practices are in accordance with predefined (legal) requirements. Current compliance checking techniques are mostly focused on checking the control-flow perspective of business processes. This paper presents an approach for checking the compliance of observed process executions taking into account data, resources, and control-flow. Unlike the majority of conformance checking approaches we do not restrict the focus to the ordering of activities (i.e., control-flow). We show a collection of typical data and resource-aware compliance rules together with some domain specific rules. Moreover providing diagnostics and insight about the deviations is often neglected in current compliance checking techniques. We use control-flow and data-flow alignment to check compliance of processes and combine diagnostics obtained from both techniques to show deviations from prescribed behavior. Furthermore we also indicate the severity of observed deviations. This approach integrates with two existing approaches for control-flow and temporal compliance checking, allowing for multi-perspective diagnostic information in case of compliance violations. We h ave implemented our techniques and show their feasibility by checking compliance of synthetic and real life event logs with resource and data-aware compliance rules.

摘要: Compliance checking is gaining importance as todays organizations need to show that their business practices are in accordance with predefined (legal) requirements. Current compliance checking techniques are mostly focused on checking the control-flow perspective of business processes. This paper presents an approach for checking the compliance of observed process executions taking into account data, resources, and control-flow. Unlike the majority of conformance checking approaches we do not restrict the focus to the ordering of activities (i.e., control-flow). We show a collection of typical data and resource-aware compliance rules together with some domain specific rules. Moreover providing diagnostics and insight about the deviations is often neglected in current compliance checking techniques. We use control-flow and data-flow alignment to check compliance of processes and combine diagnostics obtained from both techniques to show deviations from prescribed behavior. Furthermore we also indicate the severity of observed deviations. This approach integrates with two existing approaches for control-flow and temporal compliance checking, allowing for multi-perspective diagnostic information in case of compliance violations. We h ave implemented our techniques and show their feasibility by checking compliance of synthetic and real life event logs with resource and data-aware compliance rules.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-45563-0_14]

[428] Compliance monitoring in business processes: Functionalities, application, and tool-support (2015)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: In recent years, monitoring the compliance of business processes with relevant regulations, constraints, and rules during runtime has evolved as major concern in literature and practice. Monitoring not only refers to continuously observing possible compliance violations, but also includes the ability to provide fine-grained feedback and to predict possible compliance violations in the future. The body of literature on business process compliance is large and approaches specifically addressing process monitoring are hard to identify. Moreover, proper means for the systematic comparison of these approaches are missing. Hence, it is unclear which approaches are suitable for particular scenarios. The goal of this paper is to define a framework for Compliance Monitoring Functionalities (CMF) that enables the systematic comparison of existing and new approaches for monitoring compliance rules over business processes during runtime. To define the scope of the framework, at first, related areas are identified and discussed. The CMFs are harvested based on a systematic literature review and five selected case studies. The appropriateness of the selection of CMFs is demonstrated in two ways: (a) a systematic comparison with pattern-based compliance approaches and (b) a classification of existing compliance monitoring approaches using the CMFs. Moreover, the application of the CMFs is showcased using three existing tools that are applied to two realistic data sets. Overall, the CMF framework provides powerful means to position existing and future compliance monitoring approaches.

摘要: 近年来,在运行时监视业务流程是否符合相关法规,约束和规则已成为文献和实践中的主要关注点。监视不仅是指不断观察可能的合规违规行为,还包括提供细粒度的反馈并预测将来可能发生的合规违规行为的能力。有关业务流程合规性的文献很多,并且难以确定专门解决流程监视的方法。而且,缺少对这些方法进行系统比较的适当手段。因此,尚不清楚哪种方法适用于特定场景。本文的目的是为合规性监视功能(CMF)定义一个框架,该框架可以对运行时期间业务流程中合规性规则的现有和新方法进行系统比较。为了定义框架的范围,首先要确定和讨论相关领域。 CMF是根据系统的文献综述和五个选定的案例研究收集的。选择CMF的适当性通过两种方式得到证明:(a)与基于模式的合规性方法进行系统比较,以及(b)使用CMF对现有合规性监测方法进行分类。此外,使用三个应用于两个实际数据集的现有工具展示了CMF的应用。总体而言,CMF框架提供了强有力的手段来定位现有和将来的合规性监视方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.02.007]

[429] Component-based software architectures: A framework based on inheritance of behavior (2002)

(Van Der Aalst | Science of Computer Programming)

Abstract: Software architectures shift the focus of developers from lines-of-code to coarser-grained components and their interconnection structure. Unlike fine-grained objects, these components typically encompass business functionality and need to be aware of the underlying business processes. Hence, the interface of a component should reflect relevant parts of the business process and the software architecture should emphasize the coordination among components. To shed light on these issues, we provide a framework for component-based software architectures focusing on the process perspective. The interface of a component is described in terms of Petri nets and projection inheritance is used to determine whether a component fits. Compositionality and substitutability are key issues for component-based development. This paper provides new results to effectively deal with these issues. textcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 软件体系结构将开发人员的重点从代码行转移到了粗粒度的组件及其互连结构。与细粒度的对象不同,这些组件通常包含业务功能,并且需要了解基础业务流程。因此,组件的接口应反映业务流程的相关部分,软件体系结构应强调组件之间的协调。为了阐明这些问题,我们为基于组件的软件体系结构提供了一个框架,重点是过程角度。用Petri网描述组件的接口,并使用投影继承来确定组件是否适合。组成和可替换性是基于组件的开发的关键问题。本文提供了有效解决这些问题的新结果。 t​​extcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0167-6423(01)00005-3]

[430] Conceptual model for online auditing (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The independent verification of the right applications of business rules in an information system is a task for auditors. The increasing complexity of information systems, and the high risks associated with violations of business rules, have created the need for Online Auditing Tools. In this paper we sketch a conceptual design for such a tool. The components of the tool are described briefly. The focus is on the database and the conformance checker, which are described in detail. The approach is illustrated with an example and some preliminary case studies from industry. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 对信息系统中业务规则的正确应用进行独立验证是审核员的任务。信息系统日益复杂,以及违反业务规则带来的高风险,导致了对在线审计工具的需求。在本文中,我们概述了这种工具的概念设计。简要介绍了该工具的组件。重点在于数据库和一致性检查器,将对其进行详细描述。通过示例和行业中的一些初步案例研究说明了该方法。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2010.08.014]

[431] Configurable reference modeling languages (2006)

(Recker, Jan and Rosemann, Michael and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Jansen-Vullers, Monique and Dreiling, Alexander | Reference Modeling for Business Systems Analysis)

Abstract: This chapter discusses reference modeling languages for business systems analysis and design. In particular, it reports on reference models in the context of the design-for/byreuse paradigm, explains how traditional modeling techniques fail to provide adequate conceptual expressiveness to allow for easy model reuse by configuration or adaptation and elaborates on the need for reference modeling languages to be configurable. We discuss requirements for and the development of reference modeling languages that reflect the need for configurability. Exemplarily, we report on the development, definition and configuration of configurable event-driven process chains. We further outline how configurable reference modeling languages and the corresponding design principles can be used in future scenarios such as process mining and data modeling. textcopyright 2007, Idea Group Inc.

摘要: This chapter discusses reference modeling languages for business systems analysis and design. In particular, it reports on reference models in the context of the design-for/byreuse paradigm, explains how traditional modeling techniques fail to provide adequate conceptual expressiveness to allow for easy model reuse by configuration or adaptation and elaborates on the need for reference modeling languages to be configurable. We discuss requirements for and the development of reference modeling languages that reflect the need for configurability. Exemplarily, we report on the development, definition and configuration of configurable event-driven process chains. We further outline how configurable reference modeling languages and the corresponding design principles can be used in future scenarios such as process mining and data modeling. textcopyright 2007, Idea Group Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/978-1-59904-054-7.ch002]

[432] Configurable workflow models (2008)

(Gottschalk, Florian and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: Workflow modeling languages allow for the specification of executable business processes. They, however, typically do not provide any guidance for the adaptation of workflow models, i.e. they do not offer any methods or tools explaining and highlighting which adaptations of the models are feasible and which are not. Therefore, an approach to identify so-called configurable elements of a workflow modeling language and to add configuration opportunities to workflow models is presented in this paper. Configurable elements are the elements of a workflow model that can be modified such that the behavior represented by the model is restricted. More precisely, a configurable element can be either set to enabled, to blocked, or to hidden. To ensure that such configurations lead only to desirable models, our approach allows for imposing so-called requirements on the models configuration. They have to be fulfilled by any configuration, and limit therefore the freedom of configuration choices. The identification of configurable elements within the workflow modeling language of YAWL and the derivation of the new configurable YAWL language provide a concrete example for a rather generic approach. A transformation of configured models into lawful YAWL models demonstrates its applicability. textcopyright 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.

摘要: 工作流建模语言允许指定可执行的业务流程。但是,它们通常不为工作流模型的调整提供任何指导,即,它们不提供任何方法或工具来解释和强调模型的哪些调整是可行的,哪些不是。因此,本文提出了一种识别工作流建模语言的所谓可配置元素并为工作流模型添加配置机会的方法。可配置元素是工作流模型的元素,可以对其进行修改,以限制该模型表示的行为。更准确地说,可以将可配置元素设置为启用,阻止或隐藏。为确保此类配置仅导致所需的模型,我们的方法允许对模型的配置施加所谓的要求。它们必须通过任何配置来实现,因此限制了配置选择的自由。 YAWL的工作流建模语言中可配置元素的标识以及新的可配置YAWL语言的派生为相当通用的方法提供了具体示例。将配置的模型转换为合法的YAWL模型证明了其适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2008世界科学出版公司。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843008001798]

[433] Conformance analysis of ASMLs test process (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and De Jong | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining allows for the automated discovery of process models from event logs. These models provide insights and enable various types of model-based analysis. However, in many situations already some normative process model is given, and the goal is not to discover a model, but to check its conformance. The process mining framework ProM provides a conformance checker able to investigate and quantify deviations between the real process (as recorded in the event log) and the modeled process. The conformance checker is one of the few tools available today that is able support regulatory compliance, i.e., ensuring that organizations and people take steps to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and procedures. In this paper, we report on a case study where the ProM framework has been applied to the test processes of ASML (the leading manufacturer of wafer scanners in the world). In this case study, we focus on the conformance aspect and compare the test process as it is really executed to the idealized reference model that ASML is using to instruct their test teams. This revealed that the real process is much more complicated than the idealized reference process. Moreover, we were able to suggest concrete improvement actions for the test process at ASML.

摘要: Process mining allows for the automated discovery of process models from event logs. These models provide insights and enable various types of model-based analysis. However, in many situations already some normative process model is given, and the goal is not to discover a model, but to check its conformance. The process mining framework ProM provides a conformance checker able to investigate and quantify deviations between the real process (as recorded in the event log) and the modeled process. The conformance checker is one of the few tools available today that is able support regulatory compliance, i.e., ensuring that organizations and people take steps to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and procedures. In this paper, we report on a case study where the ProM framework has been applied to the test processes of ASML (the leading manufacturer of wafer scanners in the world). In this case study, we focus on the conformance aspect and compare the test process as it is really executed to the idealized reference model that ASML is using to instruct their test teams. This revealed that the real process is much more complicated than the idealized reference process. Moreover, we were able to suggest concrete improvement actions for the test process at ASML.

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[434] Conformance checking based on partially ordered event data (2015)

(Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Conformance checking is becoming more important for the analysis of business processes. While the diagnosed results of conformance checking techniques are used in diverse context such as enabling auditing and performance analysis, the quality and reliability of the conformance checking techniques themselves have not been analyzed rigorously. As the existing conformance checking techniques heavily rely on the total ordering of events, their diagnostics are unreliable and often even misleading when the timestamps of events are coarse or incorrect. This paper presents an approach to incorporate flexibility, uncertainty, concurrency and explicit orderings between events in the input as well as in the output of conformance checking usingpartially ordered traces andpartially ordered alignments, respectively. The paper also illustrates various ways to acquire partially ordered traces from existing logs. In addition, a quantitative-based quality metric is introduced to objectively compare the results of conformance checking. The approach is implemented in ProM plugins and has been evaluated using artificial logs

摘要: Conformance checking is becoming more important for the analysis of business processes. While the diagnosed results of conformance checking techniques are used in diverse context such as enabling auditing and performance analysis, the quality and reliability of the conformance checking techniques themselves have not been analyzed rigorously. As the existing conformance checking techniques heavily rely on the total ordering of events, their diagnostics are unreliable and often even misleading when the timestamps of events are coarse or incorrect. This paper presents an approach to incorporate flexibility, uncertainty, concurrency and explicit orderings between events in the input as well as in the output of conformance checking usingpartially ordered traces andpartially ordered alignments, respectively. The paper also illustrates various ways to acquire partially ordered traces from existing logs. In addition, a quantitative-based quality metric is introduced to objectively compare the results of conformance checking. The approach is implemented in ProM plugins and has been evaluated using artificial logs

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_7]

[435] Conformance checking of processes based on monitoring real behavior (2008)

(Rozinat, A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Many companies have adopted Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS) to support their business processes in some form. On the one hand these systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. On the other hand explicit process models describing how the business process should (or is expected to) be executed are frequently available. Together with the data recorded in the log, this situation raises the interesting question Do the model and the log conform to each other?. Conformance checking, also referred to as conformance analysis, aims at the detection of inconsistencies between a process model and its corresponding execution log, and their quantification by the formation of metrics. This paper proposes an incremental approach to check the conformance of a process model and an event log. First of all, the fitness between the log and the model is measured (i.e., Does the observed process comply with the control flow specified by the process model?). Second, the appropriateness of the model can be analyzed with respect to the log (i.e., Does the model describe the observed process in a suitable way?). Appropriateness can be evaluated from both a structural and a behavioral perspective. To operationalize the ideas presented in this paper a Conformance Checker has been implemented within the ProM framework, and it has been evaluated using artificial and real-life event logs. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Many companies have adopted Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS) to support their business processes in some form. On the one hand these systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. On the other hand explicit process models describing how the business process should (or is expected to) be executed are frequently available. Together with the data recorded in the log, this situation raises the interesting question Do the model and the log conform to each other?. Conformance checking, also referred to as conformance analysis, aims at the detection of inconsistencies between a process model and its corresponding execution log, and their quantification by the formation of metrics. This paper proposes an incremental approach to check the conformance of a process model and an event log. First of all, the fitness between the log and the model is measured (i.e., Does the observed process comply with the control flow specified by the process model?). Second, the appropriateness of the model can be analyzed with respect to the log (i.e., Does the model describe the observed process in a suitable way?). Appropriateness can be evaluated from both a structural and a behavioral perspective. To operationalize the ideas presented in this paper a Conformance Checker has been implemented within the ProM framework, and it has been evaluated using artificial and real-life event logs. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2007.07.001]

[436] Conformance checking of service behavior (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology)

Abstract: A service-oriented system is composed of independent software units, namely services, that interact with one another exclusively through message exchanges. The proper functioning of such system depends on whether or not each individual service behaves as the other services expect it to behave. Since services may be developed and operated independently, it is unrealistic to assume that this is always the case. This article addresses the problem of checking and quantifying how much the actual behavior of a service, as recorded in message logs, conforms to the expected behavior as specified in a process model. We consider the case where the expected behavior is defined using the BPEL industry standard (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services). BPEL process definitions are translated into Petri nets and Petri net-based conformance checking techniques are applied to derive two complementary indicators of conformance: fitness and appropriateness. The approach has been implemented in a toolset for business process analysis and mining, namely ProM, and has been tested in an environment comprising multiple Oracle BPEL servers. textcopyright 2008 ACM.

摘要: A service-oriented system is composed of independent software units, namely services, that interact with one another exclusively through message exchanges. The proper functioning of such system depends on whether or not each individual service behaves as the other services expect it to behave. Since services may be developed and operated independently, it is unrealistic to assume that this is always the case. This article addresses the problem of checking and quantifying how much the actual behavior of a service, as recorded in message logs, conforms to the expected behavior as specified in a process model. We consider the case where the expected behavior is defined using the BPEL industry standard (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services). BPEL process definitions are translated into Petri nets and Petri net-based conformance checking techniques are applied to derive two complementary indicators of conformance: fitness and appropriateness. The approach has been implemented in a toolset for business process analysis and mining, namely ProM, and has been tested in an environment comprising multiple Oracle BPEL servers. textcopyright 2008 ACM.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1361186.1361189]

[437] Control-flow discovery from event streams (2014)

(Burattin, Andrea and Sperduti, Alessandro and Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2014)

Abstract: Process Mining represents an important research field that connects Business Process Modeling and Data Mining. One of the most prominent task of Process Mining is the discovery of a control-flow starting from event logs. This paper focuses on the important problem of control-flow discovery starting from a stream of event data. We propose to adapt Heuristics Miner, one of the most effective control-flow discovery algorithms, to the treatment of streams of event data. Two adaptations, based on Lossy Counting and Lossy Counting with Budget, as well as a sliding window based version of Heuristics Miner, are proposed and experimentally compared against both artificial and real streams. Experimental results show the effectiveness of control-flow discovery algorithms for streams on artificial and real datasets.

摘要: Process Mining代表了一个重要的研究领域,将业务流程建模和数据挖掘联系在一起。 Process Mining最突出的任务之一是发现从事件日志开始的控制流。本文重点关注从事件数据流开始的控制流发现的重要问题。我们建议使最有效的控制流发现算法之一启发式采矿器适应事件数据流的处理。提出了两种改进,分别基于有损计数和带预算的有损计数,以及基于滑动窗口的启发式矿工版本,并与人工流和真实流进行了实验比较。实验结果表明,针对人工和真实数据集的流,控制流发现算法的有效性。

[下载地址](http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.6383 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CEC.2014.6900341 http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84908565982&partnerID=40&md5=85265779b57d296c301199f2a4f7fe29) | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900341]

[438] Cost-informed operational process support (2013)

(Wynn, Moe T. and Reijers, Hajo A. and Adams, Michael and Ouyang, Chun and Ter Hofstede | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: The ability to steer business operations in alignment with the true origins of costs, and to be informed about this on a real-time basis, allows businesses to increase profitability. In most organisations however, high-level cost-based managerial decisions are still being made separately from process-related operational decisions. In this paper, we describe how process-related decisions at the operational level can be guided by cost considerations and how these cost-informed decision rules can be supported by a workflow management system. The paper presents the conceptual framework together with data requirements and technical challenges that need to be addressed to realise cost-informed workflow execution. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated using a prototype implementation in the YAWL workflow environment. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2013.

摘要: The ability to steer business operations in alignment with the true origins of costs, and to be informed about this on a real-time basis, allows businesses to increase profitability. In most organisations however, high-level cost-based managerial decisions are still being made separately from process-related operational decisions. In this paper, we describe how process-related decisions at the operational level can be guided by cost considerations and how these cost-informed decision rules can be supported by a workflow management system. The paper presents the conceptual framework together with data requirements and technical challenges that need to be addressed to realise cost-informed workflow execution. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated using a prototype implementation in the YAWL workflow environment. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2013.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-41924-9_16]

[439] Data-aware process mining: Discovering decisions in processes using alignments (2013)

(De Leoni | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Process discovery, i.e., learning process models from event logs, has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. Today, there exists a wide variety of process mining techniques that are able to discover the control-flow of a process based on event data. These techniques are able to identify decision points, but do not analyze data flow to find rules explaining why individual cases take a particular path. Fortunately, recent advances in conformance checking can be used to align an event log with data and a process model with decision points. These alignments can be used to generate a well-defined classification problem per decision point. This way data flow and guards can be discovered and added to the process model. Copyright 2013 ACM.

摘要: Process discovery, i.e., learning process models from event logs, has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. Today, there exists a wide variety of process mining techniques that are able to discover the control-flow of a process based on event data. These techniques are able to identify decision points, but do not analyze data flow to find rules explaining why individual cases take a particular path. Fortunately, recent advances in conformance checking can be used to align an event log with data and a process model with decision points. These alignments can be used to generate a well-defined classification problem per decision point. This way data flow and guards can be discovered and added to the process model. Copyright 2013 ACM.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480633]

[440] Deadline-based escalation in process-aware information systems (2007)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Rosemann, Michael and Dumas, Marlon | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Decision making in process-aware information systems involves build-time and run-time decisions. At build-time, idealized process models are designed based on the organizations objectives, infrastructure, context, constraints, etc. At run-time, this idealized view is often broken. In particular, process models generally assume that planned activities happen within a certain period. When such assumptions are not fulfilled, users must make decisions regarding alternative arrangements to achieve the goal of completing the process within its expected time frame or to minimize tardiness. We refer to the required decisions as escalations. This paper proposes a framework for escalations that draws on established principles from the workflow management field. The paper identifies and classifies a number of escalation mechanisms such as changing the routing of work, changing the work distribution or changing the requirements with respect to available data. A case study and a simulation experiment are used to illustrate and evaluate these mechanisms. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Decision making in process-aware information systems involves build-time and run-time decisions. At build-time, idealized process models are designed based on the organizations objectives, infrastructure, context, constraints, etc. At run-time, this idealized view is often broken. In particular, process models generally assume that planned activities happen within a certain period. When such assumptions are not fulfilled, users must make decisions regarding alternative arrangements to achieve the goal of completing the process within its expected time frame or to minimize tardiness. We refer to the required decisions as escalations. This paper proposes a framework for escalations that draws on established principles from the workflow management field. The paper identifies and classifies a number of escalation mechanisms such as changing the routing of work, changing the work distribution or changing the requirements with respect to available data. A case study and a simulation experiment are used to illustrate and evaluate these mechanisms. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2006.11.005]

[441] Dealing with concept drifts in process mining (2014)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems)

Abstract: Although most business processes change over time, contemporary process mining techniques tend to analyze these processes as if they are in a steady state. Processes may change suddenly or gradually. The drift may be periodic (e.g., because of seasonal influences) or one-of-a-kind (e.g., the effects of new legislation). For the process management, it is crucial to discover and understand such concept drifts in processes. This paper presents a generic framework and specific techniques to detect when a process changes and to localize the parts of the process that have changed. Different features are proposed to characterize relationships among activities. These features are used to discover differences between successive populations. The approach has been implemented as a plug-in of the ProM process mining framework and has been evaluated using both simulated event data exhibiting controlled concept drifts and real-life event data from a Dutch municipality. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

摘要: Although most business processes change over time, contemporary process mining techniques tend to analyze these processes as if they are in a steady state. Processes may change suddenly or gradually. The drift may be periodic (e.g., because of seasonal influences) or one-of-a-kind (e.g., the effects of new legislation). For the process management, it is crucial to discover and understand such concept drifts in processes. This paper presents a generic framework and specific techniques to detect when a process changes and to localize the parts of the process that have changed. Different features are proposed to characterize relationships among activities. These features are used to discover differences between successive populations. The approach has been implemented as a plug-in of the ProM process mining framework and has been evaluated using both simulated event data exhibiting controlled concept drifts and real-life event data from a Dutch municipality. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2278313]

[442] Decision mining in ProM (2006)

(Rozinat, A. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process-aware Information Systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. Proper analysis of these execution logs can yield important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions. Decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis, aims at the detection of data dependencies that affect the routing of a case. In this paper we describe how machine learning techniques can be leveraged for this purpose, and we present a Decision Miner implemented within the ProM framework. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

摘要: Process-aware Information Systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. Proper analysis of these execution logs can yield important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions. Decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis, aims at the detection of data dependencies that affect the routing of a case. In this paper we describe how machine learning techniques can be leveraged for this purpose, and we present a Decision Miner implemented within the ProM framework. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11841760_33]

[443] Decision mining in business processes (2006)

(Rozinat, A and van der Aalst, W. M. P. | BPM Center Report BPM-06-10, ldots)

Abstract: Many companies have adopted Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS) for supporting their business processes in some form. These systems typ- ically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. Proper analysis of PAIS execution logs can yield important knowledge and help organizations improve the quality of their ser- vices. Starting from a process model as it is possible to discover by conventional process mining algorithms we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions. Decision mining, also re- ferred to as decision point analysis, aims at the detection of data dependencies that affect the routing of a case. In this paper we describe how machine learn- ing techniques can be leveraged for this purpose, and discuss further challenges related to this approach. To verify the presented ideas a Decision Miner has been implemented within the ProM framework.

摘要: Many companies have adopted Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS) for supporting their business processes in some form. These systems typ- ically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. Proper analysis of PAIS execution logs can yield important knowledge and help organizations improve the quality of their ser- vices. Starting from a process model as it is possible to discover by conventional process mining algorithms we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions. Decision mining, also re- ferred to as decision point analysis, aims at the detection of data dependencies that affect the routing of a case. In this paper we describe how machine learn- ing techniques can be leveraged for this purpose, and discuss further challenges related to this approach. To verify the presented ideas a Decision Miner has been implemented within the ProM framework.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[444] Declarative process mining in healthcare (2015)

(Rovani, Marcella and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and De Leoni | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Clinical guidelines aim at improving the quality of care processes through evidence-based insights. However, there may be good reasons to deviate from such guidelines or the guidelines may provide insufficient support as they are not tailored toward a particular setting (e.g., hospital policy or patient group characteristics). Therefore, we report a case study that shows how process mining techniques can be used to mediate between event data reflecting the clinical reality and clinical guidelines describing best-practices in medicine. Declarative models are used as they allow for more flexibility and are more suitable for describing healthcare processes that are highly unpredictable and unstable. Concretely, initial (hand made) models based on clinical guidelines are improved based on actual process executions (if these executions are proven to be correct). Process mining techniques can be also used to check conformance, analyze deviations, and enrich models with conformance-related diagnostics. The techniques have been applied in the urology department of the Isala hospital in the Netherlands. The results demonstrate that the techniques are feasible and that our toolset based on ProM and Declare is indeed able to provide valuable insights related to process conformance.

摘要: 临床指南旨在通过基于证据的见解来改善护理过程的质量。但是,可能有充分的理由偏离此类指南,或者由于指南并非针对特定环境(例如医院政策或患者群体特征)量身定制,因此可能无法提供足够的支持。因此,我们报告了一个案例研究,该案例表明了如何使用过程挖掘技术在反映临床现实的事件数据与描述医学最佳实践的临床指南之间进行调解。使用声明性模型,因为它们可以提供更大的灵活性,并且更适合描述高度不可预测和不稳定的医疗过程。具体而言,基于实际流程执行(如果这些执行被证明是正确的)将改进基于临床指南的初始(手工)模型。流程挖掘技术还可用于检查一致性,分析偏差并通过与一致性相关的诊断来丰富模型。该技术已在荷兰Isala医院的泌尿科使用。结果表明,该技术是可行的,并且基于ProM和Declare的工具集确实能够提供与过程一致性相关的有价值的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.07.040]

[445] Declarative specification and verification of service choreographiess (2010)

(Montali, Marco and Pesic, Maja and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on the Web)

Abstract: Service-oriented computing, an emerging paradigm for architecting and implementing business collaborations within and across organizational boundaries, is currently of interest to both software vendors and scientists. While the technologies for implementing and interconnecting basic services are reaching a good level of maturity, modeling service interaction from a global viewpoint, that is, representing service choreographies, is still an open challenge. The main problem is that, although declarativeness has been identified as a key feature, several proposed approaches specify choreographies by focusing on procedural aspects, leading to over-constrained and over-specified models. To overcome these limits, we propose to adopt DecSerFlow, a truly declarative language, to model choreographies. Thanks to its declarative nature, DecSerFlow semantics can be given in terms of logic-based languages. In particular, we present how DecSerFlow can be mapped onto Linear Temporal Logic and onto Abductive Logic Programming. We show how the mappings onto both formalisms can be concretely exploited to address the enactment of DecSerFlow models, to enrich its expressiveness and to perform a variety of different verification tasks. We illustrate the advantages of using a declarative language in conjunction with logic-based semantics by applying our approach to a running example. textcopyright 2010 ACM.

摘要: 面向服务的计算是一种在组织边界内和跨组织边界设计和实施业务协作的新兴范例,目前软件供应商和科学家都对此感兴趣。尽管实现和互连基本服务的技术已经达到了成熟的水平,但是从全局的角度(即代表服务编排)对服务交互进行建模仍然是一个开放的挑战。主要的问题是,尽管声明性已被确定为关键特征,但一些提议的方法通过关注过程方面来指定编排,从而导致模型的约束和规范化。为了克服这些限制,我们建议采用一种真正的声明性语言DecSerFlow来对编排进行建模。由于其声明性,DecSerFlow语义可以根据基于逻辑的语言给出。特别是,我们介绍了如何将DecSerFlow映射到线性时序逻辑和归纳逻辑编程。我们展示了如何具体利用这两种形式主义的映射来解决DecSerFlow模型的制定,丰富其表现力并执行各种不同的验证任务。通过将我们的方法应用于正在运行的示例,我们说明了将声明性语言与基于逻辑的语义结合使用的优势。 t​​extcopyright 2010 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1658373.1658376]

[446] Declarative workflows: Balancing between flexibility and support (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer Science - Research and Development)

Abstract: Todays process-aware information systems tend to either support business processes or provide flexibility. Classical workflow management systems offer good process support as long as the processes are structured and do not require much flexibility. Information systems that allow for flexibility have a tendency to lack process-related support. If systems offer guidance, then they are typically also inclined to enforce guidelines and are perceived as inflexible. Moreover, implementing flexible systems is far from trivial. This paper will show that using a more declarative approach can assist in a better balance between flexibility and support. This is demonstrated by presenting the Declare framework that aims to take care of the full spectrum of flexibility while at the same time supports the user using recommendations and other process-mining-based diagnostics.

摘要: 当今的过程感知信息系统倾向于支持业务流程或提供灵活性。只要流程结构化且不需要太多灵活性,传统的工作流管理系统就会提供良好的过程支持。允许灵活性的信息系统倾向于缺乏过程相关的支持。如果系统提供指导,那么它们通常也倾向于强制执行准则并且被认为是不灵活的。此外,实施灵活的系统绝非易事。本文将显示使用更具说明性的方法可以帮助我们在灵活性和支持之间达到更好的平衡。这通过展示Declare框架得到了证明,该框架旨在照顾所有灵活性,同时使用建议和其他基于过程挖掘的诊断来支持用户。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00450-009-0057-9]

[447] Decomposing Petri nets for process mining: A generic approach (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | Distributed and Parallel Databases)

Abstract: The practical relevance of process mining is increasing as more and more event data become available. Process mining techniques aim to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. The two most prominent process mining tasks are: (i) process discovery: learning a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log, and (ii) conformance checking: diagnosing and quantifying discrepancies between observed behavior and modeled behavior. The increasing volume of event data provides both opportunities and challenges for process mining. Existing process mining techniques have problems dealing with large event logs referring to many different activities. Therefore, we propose a generic approach to decompose process mining problems. The decomposition approach is generic and can be combined with different existing process discovery and conformance checking techniques. It is possible to split computationally challenging process mining problems into many smaller problems that can be analyzed easily and whose results can be combined into solutions for the original problems. textcopyright 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.

摘要: 随着越来越多的事件数据变得可用,过程挖掘的实际相关性正在增加。流程挖掘技术旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来发现,监视和改善实际流程。两个最重要的过程挖掘任务是:(i)过程发现:从事件日志中记录的示例行为中学习过程模型,以及(ii)一致性检查:诊断和量化观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。事件数据量的增加为过程挖掘提供了机遇和挑战。现有的流程挖掘技术在处理涉及许多不同活动的大型事件日志时存在问题。因此,我们提出了一种通用方法来分解过程挖掘问题。分解方法是通用的,可以与不同的现有过程发现和一致性检查技术结合使用。可以将计算上具有挑战性的过程挖掘问题拆分为许多较小的问题,这些问题可以轻松分析,并且可以将其结果合并为原始问题的解决方案。 t​​extcopyright 2013年Springer Science +商业媒体纽约。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10619-013-7127-5]

[448] Decomposing alignment-based conformance checking of data-aware process models (2014)

(de Leoni, Massimiliano and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques relate observed behavior to modeled behavior, e.g., the automatic discovery of a Petri net based on an event log. Process mining is not limited to process discovery and also includes conformance checking. Conformance checking techniques are used for evaluating the quality of discovered process models and to diagnose deviations from some normative model (e.g., to check compliance). Existing conformance checking approaches typically focus on the control-flow, thus being unable to diagnose deviations concerning data. This paper proposes a technique to check the conformance of data-aware process models. We use so-called Petri nets with Data to model data variables, guards, and read/write actions. Data-aware conformance checking problem may be very time consuming and sometimes even intractable when there are many transitions and data variables. Therefore, we propose a technique to decompose large data-aware conformance checking problems into smaller problems that can be solved more efficiently. We pr ovide a general correctness result showing that decomposition does not influence the outcome of conformance checking. The approach is supported through ProM plug-ins and experimental results show significant performance improvements. Experiments have also been conducted with a real-life case study, thus showing that the approach is also relevant in real business settings.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术将观察到的行为与建模行为相关联,例如,基于事件日志自动发现Petri网。流程挖掘不仅限于流程发现,还包括一致性检查。一致性检查技术用于评估发现的过程模型的质量并诊断与某些规范模型的偏差(例如,检查一致性)。现有的一致性检查方法通常集中在控制流上,因此无法诊断与数据有关的偏差。本文提出了一种检查数据感知过程模型一致性的技术。我们使用带有数据的所谓Petri网来对数据变量,保护和读取/写入操作进行建模。当存在许多转换和数据变量时,数据感知一致性检查问题可能非常耗时,有时甚至棘手。因此,我们提出了一种将大型数据感知一致性检查问题分解为可以更有效解决的较小问题的技术。我们提供了一个总体正确性结果,该结果表明分解不会影响一致性检查的结果。 ProM插件支持该方法,并且实验结果显示出显着的性能改进。还通过实际案例研究进行了实验,从而表明该方法在实际业务环境中也很重要。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-45563-0_1]

[449] Design and implementation of the YAWL system (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: This paper describes the implementation of a system supporting YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language). YAWL is based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and related standards using a comprehensive set of workflow patterns. This analysis shows that contemporary workflow systems, relevant standards (e.g. XPDL, BPML, BPEL4WS), and theoretical models such as Petri nets have problems supporting essential patterns. This inspired the development of YAWL by taking Petri nets as a starting point and introducing mechanisms that provide direct support for the workflow patterns identified. As a proof of concept we have developed a workflow management system supporting YAWL. In this paper, we present the architecture and functionality of the system and zoom into the control-flow, data, and operational perspectives. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

摘要: This paper describes the implementation of a system supporting YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language). YAWL is based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and related standards using a comprehensive set of workflow patterns. This analysis shows that contemporary workflow systems, relevant standards (e.g. XPDL, BPML, BPEL4WS), and theoretical models such as Petri nets have problems supporting essential patterns. This inspired the development of YAWL by taking Petri nets as a starting point and introducing mechanisms that provide direct support for the workflow patterns identified. As a proof of concept we have developed a workflow management system supporting YAWL. In this paper, we present the architecture and functionality of the system and zoom into the control-flow, data, and operational perspectives. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-25975-6_12]

[450] Designing a workflow system using coloured petri nets (2009)

(Russell, Nick C. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Traditional workflow systems focus on providing support for the control-flow perspective of a business process, with other aspects such as data management and work distribution receiving markedly less attention. A guide to desirable workflow characteristics is provided by the well-known workflow patterns which are derived from a comprehensive survey of contemporary tools and modelling formalisms. In this paper we describe the approach taken to designing the newYAWL workflow system, an offering that aims to provide comprehensive support for the control-flow, data and resource perspectives based on the workflow patterns. The semantics of the newYAWL workflow language are based on Coloured Petri Nets thus facilitating the direct enactment and analysis of processes described in terms of newYAWL language constructs. As part of this discussion, we explain how the operational semantics for each of the language elements are embodied in the newYAWL system and indicate the facilities required to support them in an operational environment. We also review the experiences associated with developing a complete operational design for an offering of this scale using formal techniques. textcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Traditional workflow systems focus on providing support for the control-flow perspective of a business process, with other aspects such as data management and work distribution receiving markedly less attention. A guide to desirable workflow characteristics is provided by the well-known workflow patterns which are derived from a comprehensive survey of contemporary tools and modelling formalisms. In this paper we describe the approach taken to designing the newYAWL workflow system, an offering that aims to provide comprehensive support for the control-flow, data and resource perspectives based on the workflow patterns. The semantics of the newYAWL workflow language are based on Coloured Petri Nets thus facilitating the direct enactment and analysis of processes described in terms of newYAWL language constructs. As part of this discussion, we explain how the operational semantics for each of the language elements are embodied in the newYAWL system and indicate the facilities required to support them in an operational environment. We also review the experiences associated with developing a complete operational design for an offering of this scale using formal techniques. textcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-04856-2_1]

[451] Detecting deviating behaviors without models (2016)

(Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and van den Biggelaar, Frank J.H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Deviation detection is a set of techniques that identify deviations from normative processes in real process executions. These diagnostics are used to derive recommendations for improving business processes. Existing detection techniques identify deviations either only on the process instance level or rely on a normative process model to locate deviating behavior on the event level. However, when normative models are not available, these techniques detect deviations against a less accurate model discovered from the actual behavior, resulting in incorrect diagnostics. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to detect deviation on the event level by identifying frequent common behavior and uncommon behavior among executed process instances, without discovering any normative model. The approach is implemented in ProM and was evaluated in a controlled setting with artificial logs and real-life logs. We compare our approach to existing approaches to investigate its possibilities and limitations. We show that in some cases, it is possible to detect deviating events without a model as accurately as against a given precise normative model.

摘要: Deviation detection is a set of techniques that identify deviations from normative processes in real process executions. These diagnostics are used to derive recommendations for improving business processes. Existing detection techniques identify deviations either only on the process instance level or rely on a normative process model to locate deviating behavior on the event level. However, when normative models are not available, these techniques detect deviations against a less accurate model discovered from the actual behavior, resulting in incorrect diagnostics. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to detect deviation on the event level by identifying frequent common behavior and uncommon behavior among executed process instances, without discovering any normative model. The approach is implemented in ProM and was evaluated in a controlled setting with artificial logs and real-life logs. We compare our approach to existing approaches to investigate its possibilities and limitations. We show that in some cases, it is possible to detect deviating events without a model as accurately as against a given precise normative model.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-42887-1_11]

[452] Detection and prediction of errors in EPCs of the SAP reference model (2008)

(Mendling, J. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Neumann, G. | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Up to now there is neither data available on how many errors can be expected in process model collections, nor is it understood why errors are introduced. In this article, we provide empirical evidence for these questions based on the SAP reference model. This model collection contains about 600 process models expressed as Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs). We translated these EPCs into YAWL models, and analyzed them using the verification tool WofYAWL. We discovered that at least 34 of these EPCs contain errors. Moreover, we used logistic regression to show that complexity of EPCs has a significant impact on error probability. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 到目前为止,尚无关于在流程模型集合中预期会出现多少错误的数据,也无法理解为什么会引入错误。在本文中,我们基于SAP参考模型为这些问题提供了经验证据。该模型集合包含约600个表示为事件驱动过程链(EPC)的过程模型。我们将这些EPC转换为YAWL模型,并使用验证工具WofYAWL对其进行了分析。我们发现这些EPC中至少有34个包含错误。此外,我们使用逻辑回归分析表明EPC的复杂性对错误概率有重大影响。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2007.06.019]

[453] Diagnosing workflow processes using Woflan (2001)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Basten, T. and Van Der Aalst | Computer Journal)

Abstract: Workflow management technology promises a flexible solution for business-process support facilitating the easy creation of new business processes and modification of existing processes. Unfortunately, todays workflow products have no support for workflow verification. Errors made at design-time are not detected and result in very costly failures at run-time. This paper presents the verification tool Woflan. Woflan analyzes workflow process definitions downloaded from commercial workflow products using state-of-the-art Petri-net-based analysis techniques. This paper describes the functionality of Woflan emphasizing diagnostics to locate the source of a design error. Woflan is evaluated via two case studies, one involving 20 groups of students designing a complex workflow process and one involving an industrial workflow process designed by Staffware Benelux. The results are encouraging and show that Woflan guides the user in finding and correcting errors in the design of workflows.

摘要: Workflow management technology promises a flexible solution for business-process support facilitating the easy creation of new business processes and modification of existing processes. Unfortunately, todays workflow products have no support for workflow verification. Errors made at design-time are not detected and result in very costly failures at run-time. This paper presents the verification tool Woflan. Woflan analyzes workflow process definitions downloaded from commercial workflow products using state-of-the-art Petri-net-based analysis techniques. This paper describes the functionality of Woflan emphasizing diagnostics to locate the source of a design error. Woflan is evaluated via two case studies, one involving 20 groups of students designing a complex workflow process and one involving an industrial workflow process designed by Staffware Benelux. The results are encouraging and show that Woflan guides the user in finding and correcting errors in the design of workflows.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/comjnl/44.4.246]

[454] Dimensions of coupling in middleware (2009)

(Aldred, Lachlan and Van Der Aalst | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience)

Abstract: It is well accepted that different types of distributed architectures require different degrees of coupling. For example, in client-server and three-tier architectures, application components are generally tightly coupled, both with one another and with the underlying middleware. Meanwhile, in off-line transaction processing, grid computing and mobile applications, the degree of coupling between application components and with the underlying middleware needs to be minimized. Terms such as synchronous, asynchronous, blocking, non-blocking, directed, and non-directed are often used to refer to the degree of coupling required by an architecture or provided by a middleware. However, these terms are used with various connotations. Although various informal definitions have been provided, there is a lack of an overarching formal framework to unambiguously communicate architectural requirements with respect to (de-)coupling. This article addresses this gap by: (i) formally defining three dimensions of (de-)coupling; (ii) relating these dimensions to existing middleware; and (iii) proposing notational elements to represent various coupling integration patterns. This article also discusses a prototype that demonstrates the feasibility of its implementation. Copyright textcopyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

摘要: It is well accepted that different types of distributed architectures require different degrees of coupling. For example, in client-server and three-tier architectures, application components are generally tightly coupled, both with one another and with the underlying middleware. Meanwhile, in off-line transaction processing, grid computing and mobile applications, the degree of coupling between application components and with the underlying middleware needs to be minimized. Terms such as synchronous, asynchronous, blocking, non-blocking, directed, and non-directed are often used to refer to the degree of coupling required by an architecture or provided by a middleware. However, these terms are used with various connotations. Although various informal definitions have been provided, there is a lack of an overarching formal framework to unambiguously communicate architectural requirements with respect to (de-)coupling. This article addresses this gap by: (i) formally defining three dimensions of (de-)coupling; (ii) relating these dimensions to existing middleware; and (iii) proposing notational elements to represent various coupling integration patterns. This article also discusses a prototype that demonstrates the feasibility of its implementation. Copyright textcopyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/cpe.1414]

[455] Discovering Patterns using Process Mining (2016)

(Meddah, Ishak and Khaled, Belkadi | International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis)

Abstract: Process mining provides an important bridge between data mining and business process analysis, his techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. In general, there are two steps in process mining, correlation definition or discovery and then process inference or composition. Firstly, the authors work consists to mine small patterns from a log traces of two applications; SKYPE, and VIBER, those patterns are the representation of the execution traces of a business process. In this step, the authors use existing techniques; The patterns are represented by finite state automaton or their regular expression; The final model is the combination of only two types of small patterns whom are represented by the regular expressions (ab)* and (abc). Secondly, the authors compute these patterns in parallel, and then combine those small patterns using the composition rules, they have two parties the first is the mine, they discover patterns from execution traces and the second is the combination of these small patterns. The patterns mining and the composition is illustrated by the automaton existing techniques. The Execution traces are the different actions effected by users in the SKYPE and VIBER. The results are general and precise. It minimizes the execution time and the loss of information.

摘要: Process mining provides an important bridge between data mining and business process analysis, his techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. In general, there are two steps in process mining, correlation definition or discovery and then process inference or composition. Firstly, the authors work consists to mine small patterns from a log traces of two applications; SKYPE, and VIBER, those patterns are the representation of the execution traces of a business process. In this step, the authors use existing techniques; The patterns are represented by finite state automaton or their regular expression; The final model is the combination of only two types of small patterns whom are represented by the regular expressions (ab)* and (abc). Secondly, the authors compute these patterns in parallel, and then combine those small patterns using the composition rules, they have two parties the first is the mine, they discover patterns from execution traces and the second is the combination of these small patterns. The patterns mining and the composition is illustrated by the automaton existing techniques. The Execution traces are the different actions effected by users in the SKYPE and VIBER. The results are general and precise. It minimizes the execution time and the loss of information.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/ijrsda.2016100102]

[456] Discovering Petri nets from event logs (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: As information systems are becoming more and more intertwined with the operational processes they support, multitudes of events are recorded by todays information systems. The goal of process mining is to use such event data to extract process related information, e.g., to automatically discover a process model by observing events recorded by some system or to check the conformance of a given model by comparing it with reality. In this article, we focus on process discovery, i.e., extracting a process model from an event log. We focus on Petri nets as a representation language, because of the concurrent and unstructured nature of real-life processes. The goal is to introduce several approaches to discover Petri nets from event data (notably the alphaalpha-algorithm, state-based regions, and language-based regions). Moreover, important requirements for process discovery are discussed. For example, process mining is only meaningful if one can deal with incompleteness (only a fraction of all possible behavior is observed) and noise (one would like to abstract from infrequent random behavior). These requirements reveal significant challenges for future research in this domain. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2013.

摘要: 随着信息系统与其支持的操作流程越来越交织,当今的信息系统记录了许多事件。流程挖掘的目标是使用此类事件数据来提取与流程相关的信息,例如,通过观察某个系统记录的事件来自动发现流程模型,或者通过将其与实际情况进行比较来检查给定模型的一致性。在本文中,我们专注于流程发现,即从事件日志中提取流程模型。由于现实过程的同时性和非结构性,我们将Petri网作为一种表示语言。目标是引入几种从事件数据中发现Petri网的方法(特别是$ alpha $算法,基于状态的区域和基于语言的区域)。此外,讨论了对过程发现的重要要求。例如,只有当一个人可以处理不完整性(仅观察到所有可能行为的一小部分)和噪声(一个人希望从偶发随机行为中抽象出来)时,过程挖掘才有意义。这些要求揭示了该领域未来研究的重大挑战。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2013。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38143-0_10]

[457] Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs (2008)

(Rozinat, A. and Mans, R. S. and Song, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Process-aware information systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual execution of business processes. Analysis of these execution logs may reveal important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions using decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis. In this paper we describe how the resulting model (including the discovered data dependencies) can be represented as a Colored Petri Net (CPN), and how further perspectives, such as the performance and organizational perspective, can be incorporated. We also present a CPN Tools Export plug-in implemented within the ProM framework. Using this plug-in, simulation models in ProM obtained via a combination of various process mining techniques can be exported to CPN Tools. We believe that the combination of automatic discovery of process models using ProM and the simulation capabilities of CPN Tools offers an innovative way to improve business processes. The discovered process model describes reality better than most hand-crafted simulation models. Moreover, the simulation models are constructed in such a way that it is easy to explore various redesigns. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

摘要: Process-aware information systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual execution of business processes. Analysis of these execution logs may reveal important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions using decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis. In this paper we describe how the resulting model (including the discovered data dependencies) can be represented as a Colored Petri Net (CPN), and how further perspectives, such as the performance and organizational perspective, can be incorporated. We also present a CPN Tools Export plug-in implemented within the ProM framework. Using this plug-in, simulation models in ProM obtained via a combination of various process mining techniques can be exported to CPN Tools. We believe that the combination of automatic discovery of process models using ProM and the simulation capabilities of CPN Tools offers an innovative way to improve business processes. The discovered process model describes reality better than most hand-crafted simulation models. Moreover, the simulation models are constructed in such a way that it is easy to explore various redesigns. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0051-0]

[458] Discovering more precise process models from event logs by filtering out chaotic activities (2019)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Process Discovery is concerned with the automatic generation of a process model that describes a business process from execution data of that business process. Real life event logs can contain chaotic activities. These activities are independent of the state of the process and can, therefore, happen at rather arbitrary points in time. We show that the presence of such chaotic activities in an event log heavily impacts the quality of the process models that can be discovered with process discovery techniques. The current modus operandi for filtering activities from event logs is to simply filter out infrequent activities. We show that frequency-based filtering of activities does not solve the problems that are caused by chaotic activities. Moreover, we propose a novel technique to filter out chaotic activities from event logs. We evaluate this technique on a collection of seventeen real-life event logs that originate from both the business process management domain and the smart home environment domain. As demonstrated, the developed activity filtering methods enable the discovery of process models that are more behaviorally specific compared to process models that are discovered using standard frequency-based filtering.

摘要: 流程发现与流程模型的自动生成有关,该流程模型根据该业务流程的执行数据来描述该业务流程。现实生活中的事件日志可能包含混乱的活动。这些活动与流程的状态无关,因此可以在任意时间点进行。我们表明,事件日志中此类混乱活动的存在严重影响可以使用过程发现技术发现的过程模型的质量。当前从事件日志中过滤活动的方式是简单地过滤掉不频繁的活动。我们表明,基于频率的活动过滤不能解决由混乱活动引起的问题。此外,我们提出了一种从事件日志中过滤掉混乱活动的新技术。我们在来自业务流程管理域和智能家居环境域的17个现实事件日志的集合上评估了该技术。如图所示,与使用标准基于频率的过滤发现的过程模型相比,开发的活动过滤方法能够发现行为更特定的过程模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-018-0507-6]

[459] Discovering queues from event logs with varying levels of information (2016)

(Senderovich, Arik and Leemans, Sander J.J. and Harel, Shahar and Gal, Avigdor and Mandelbaum, Avishai and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Detecting and measuring resource queues is central to business process optimization. Queue mining techniques allow for the identification of bottlenecks and other process inefficiencies, based on event data. This work focuses on the discovery of resource queues. In particular, we investigate the impact of available information in an event log on the ability to accurately discover queue lengths, i.e. the number of cases waiting for an activity. Full queueing information, i.e. timestamps of enqueueing and exiting the queue, makes queue discovery trivial. However, often we see only the completions of activities. Therefore, we focus our analysis on logs with partial information, such as missing enqueueing times or missing both enqueueing and service start times. The proposed discovery algorithms handle concurrency and make use of statistical methods for discovering queues under this uncertainty. We evaluate the techniques using real-life event logs. A thorough analysis of the empirical results provides insights into the influence of information levels in the log on the accuracy of the measurements.

摘要: 检测和测量资源队列对于业务流程优化至关重要。队列挖掘技术可根据事件数据识别瓶颈和其他流程效率低下的问题。这项工作的重点是发现资源队列。特别是,我们调查了事件日志中可用信息对准确发现队列长度(即等待活动的案例数)的能力的影响。完整的排队信息,即排队和退出队列的时间戳,使队列发现变得微不足道。但是,通常我们只能看到活动的完成。因此,我们将分析的重点放在具有部分信息的日志上,例如缺少排队时间或缺少排队时间和服务启动时间。所提出的发现算法处理并发并利用统计方法在这种不确定性下发现队列。我们使用现实事件日志评估技术。对经验结果的透彻分析提供了对日志中信息水平对测量准确性的影响的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-42887-1_13]

[460] Discovering signature patterns from event logs (2013)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013)

Abstract: More and more information about processes is recorded in the form of so-called event logs. High-tech systems such as X-ray machines and high-end copiers provide their manufacturers and services organizations with detailed event data. Larger organizations record relevant business events for process improvement, auditing, and fraud detection. Traces in such event logs can be classified as desirable or undesirable (e.g., faulty or fraudulent behavior). In this paper, we present a comprehensive framework for discovering signatures that can be used to explain or predict the class of seen or unseen traces. These signatures are characteristic patterns that can be used to discriminate between desirable and undesirable behavior. As shown, these patterns can, for example, be used to predict remotely whether a particular component in an X-ray machine is broken or not. Moreover, the signatures also help to improve systems and organizational processes. Our framework for signature discovery is fully implemented in ProM and supports class labeling, feature extraction and selection, pattern discovery, pattern evaluation and cross-validation, reporting, and visualization. A real-life case study is used to demonstrate the applicability and scalability of the approach. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

摘要: More and more information about processes is recorded in the form of so-called event logs. High-tech systems such as X-ray machines and high-end copiers provide their manufacturers and services organizations with detailed event data. Larger organizations record relevant business events for process improvement, auditing, and fraud detection. Traces in such event logs can be classified as desirable or undesirable (e.g., faulty or fraudulent behavior). In this paper, we present a comprehensive framework for discovering signatures that can be used to explain or predict the class of seen or unseen traces. These signatures are characteristic patterns that can be used to discriminate between desirable and undesirable behavior. As shown, these patterns can, for example, be used to predict remotely whether a particular component in an X-ray machine is broken or not. Moreover, the signatures also help to improve systems and organizational processes. Our framework for signature discovery is fully implemented in ProM and supports class labeling, feature extraction and selection, pattern discovery, pattern evaluation and cross-validation, reporting, and visualization. A real-life case study is used to demonstrate the applicability and scalability of the approach. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597225]

[461] Discovering simulation models (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and Mans, R. S. and Song, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining is a tool to extract non-trivial and useful information from process execution logs. These so-called event logs (also called audit trails, or transaction logs) are the starting point for various discovery and analysis techniques that help to gain insight into certain characteristics of the process. In this paper we use a combination of process mining techniques to discover multiple perspectives (namely, the control-flow, data, performance, and resource perspective) of the process from historic data, and we integrate them into a comprehensive simulation model. This simulation model is represented as a colored Petri net (CPN) and can be used to analyze the process, e.g., evaluate the performance of different alternative designs. The discovery of simulation models is explained using a running example. Moreover, the approach has been applied in two case studies; the workflows in two different municipalities in the Netherlands have been analyzed using a combination of process mining and simulation. Furthermore, the quality of the CPN models generated for the running example and the two case studies has been evaluated by comparing the original logs with the logs of the generated models. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 流程挖掘是一种从流程执行日志中提取非平凡和有用信息的工具。这些所谓的事件日志(也称为审计跟踪或事务日志)是各种发现和分析技术的起点,有助于发现该过程的某些特征。在本文中,我们使用过程挖掘技术的组合从历史数据中发现过程的多个视角(即控制流,数据,性能和资源视角),并将它们集成到一个综合的仿真模型中。该仿真模型表示为有色Petri网(CPN),可用于分析过程,例如评估不同替代设计的性能。通过运行示例说明了仿真模型的发现。此外,该方法已在两个案例研究中应用。结合了过程挖掘和模拟,对荷兰两个不同城市的工作流程进行了分析。此外,已通过将原始日志与生成的模型的日志进行比较,评估了针对正在运行的示例和两个案例研究生成的CPN模型的质量。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2008.09.002]

[462] Discovering social networks from event logs (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer Supported Cooperative Work)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for the discovery of knowledge based on so-called event logs, i.e., a log recording the execution of activities in some business process. Many information systems provide such logs, e.g., most WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems record transactions in a systematic way. Process mining techniques typically focus on performance and control-flow issues. However, event logs typically also log the performer, e.g., the person initiating or completing some activity. This paper focuses on mining social networks using this information. For example, it is possible to build a social network based on the hand-over of work from one performer to the next. By combining concepts from workflow management and social network analysis, it is possible to discover and analyze social networks. This paper defines metrics, presents a tool, and applies these to a real event log within the setting of a large Dutch organization. textcopyright Springer 2005.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术允许基于所谓的事件日志,即记录某些业务流程中活动执行的日志来发现知识。许多信息系统提供此类日志,例如,大多数WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统以系统的方式记录交易。流程挖掘技术通常专注于性能和控制流问题。但是,事件日志通常还记录执行者,例如发起或完成某些活动的人。本文着重于利用这些信息挖掘社交网络。例如,可以基于工作从一个表演者到另一个表演者的交接来建立社交网络。通过将工作流管理和社交网络分析中的概念相结合,可以发现和分析社交网络。本文定义了指标,提供了一种工具,并将其应用于大型荷兰组织内部的真实事件日志中。 t​​extcopyright Springer2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10606-005-9005-9]

[463] Discovering work prioritisation patterns from event logs (2017)

(Suriadi, Suriadi and Wynn, Moe T. and Xu, Jingxin and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Business process improvement initiatives typically employ various process analysis techniques, including evidence-based analysis techniques such as process mining, to identify new ways to streamline current business processes. While plenty of process mining techniques have been proposed to extract insights about the way in which activities within processes are conducted, techniques to understand resource behaviour are limited. At the same time, an understanding of resources behaviour is critical to enable intelligent and effective resource management - an important factor which can significantly impact overall process performance. The presence of detailed records kept by todays organisations, including data about who, how, what, and when various activities were carried out by resources, open up the possibility for real behaviours of resources to be studied. This paper proposes an approach to analyse one aspect of resource behaviour: the manner in which a resource prioritises his/her work. The proposed approach has been formalised, implemented, and evaluated using a number of synthetic and real datasets.

摘要: 业务流程改进计划通常采用各种流程分析技术,包括基于证据的分析技术(例如流程挖掘),以找出简化当前业务流程的新方法。尽管已经提出了大量的流程挖掘技术来获取有关流程方式的见解。在流程中进行哪些活动,了解资源行为的技术受到限制;同时,对资源行为的理解对于实现智能和有效的资源管理至关重要,这是可能严重影响总体流程性能的重要因素。当今组织保留的记录,包括有关由资源执行谁,如何,什么以及何时进行各种活动的数据,为研究资源的真实行为开辟了可能性。 :资源优先使用他/她的方式工作。该提议的方法已经使用大量的综合和真实数据集进行了形式化,实施和评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.002]

[464] Discovering workflow nets using integer linear programming (2018)

(van Zelst, S. J. and van Dongen, B. F. and Vanxa0der Aalst | Computing)

Abstract: Process mining is concerned with the analysis, understanding and improvement of business processes. Process discovery, i.e. discovering a process model based on an event log, is considered the most challenging process mining task. State-of-the-art process discovery algorithms only discover local control flow patterns and are unable to discover complex, non-local patterns. Region theory based techniques, i.e. an established class of process discovery techniques, do allow for discovering such patterns. However, applying region theory directly results in complex, overfitting models, which is less desirable. Moreover, region theory does not cope with guarantees provided by state-of-the-art process discovery algorithms, both w.r.t. structural and behavioural properties of the discovered process models. In this paper we present an ILP-based process discovery approach, based on region theory, that guarantees to discover relaxed sound workflow nets. Moreover, we devise a filtering algorithm, based on the internal working of the ILP-formulation, that is able to cope with the presence of infrequent, exceptional behaviour. We have extensively evaluated the technique using different event logs with different levels of exceptional behaviour. Our experiments show that the presented approach allows us to leverage the inherent shortcomings of existing region-based approaches. The techniques presented are implemented and readily available in the HybridILPMiner package in the open-source process mining tool-kits ProM (http://promtools.org) and RapidProM (http://rapidprom.org).

摘要: 流程挖掘与业务流程的分析,理解和改进有关。流程发现,即基于事件日志发现流程模型,被认为是最具挑战性的流程挖掘任务。最新的过程发现算法仅发现本地控制流模式,而无法发现复杂的非本地模式。基于区域理论的技术,即已建立的一类过程发现技术,确实允许发现这种模式。但是,直接应用区域理论会导致复杂的过拟合模型,这是不太理想的。此外,区域理论不能满足最新工艺发现算法所提供的保证。发现的过程模型的结构和行为特性。在本文中,我们提出一种基于区域理论的,基于ILP的过程发现方法,该方法可确保发现轻松的声音工作流网络。此外,我们基于ILP公式的内部工作设计了一种过滤算法,该算法能够应对偶发的异常行为的出现。我们已经使用具有不同级别异常行为的不同事件日志对技术进行了广泛的评估。我们的实验表明,提出的方法使我们能够利用现有的基于区域的方法的固有缺点。所介绍的技术已在开源过程挖掘工具包ProM(http://promtools.org)和RapidProM(http://rapidprom.org)的HybridILPMiner程序包中实现并易于使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-017-0582-5]

[465] Discovery of frequent episodes in event sequences (1997)

(Mannila, Heikki and Toivonen, Hannu and Verkamo, Inkeri | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Sequences of events describing the behavior and actions of users or systems can be collected in several domains. An episode is a collection of events that occur relatively close to each other in a given partial order. We consider the problem of discovering frequently occurring episodes in a sequence. Once such episodes are known, one can produce rules for describing or predicting the behavior of the sequence. We give efficient algorithms for the discovery of all frequent episodes from a given class of episodes, and present detailed experimental results. The methods are in use in telecommunication alarm management. textcopyright 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

摘要: Sequences of events describing the behavior and actions of users or systems can be collected in several domains. An episode is a collection of events that occur relatively close to each other in a given partial order. We consider the problem of discovering frequently occurring episodes in a sequence. Once such episodes are known, one can produce rules for describing or predicting the behavior of the sequence. We give efficient algorithms for the discovery of all frequent episodes from a given class of episodes, and present detailed experimental results. The methods are in use in telecommunication alarm management. textcopyright 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1009748302351]

[466] Divide and Conquer: A Tool Framework for Supporting Decomposed Discovery in Process Mining (2017)

(Verbeek, H M W and van der Aalst, W M P and Munoz-Gama, J | The Computer Journal)

Abstract: Purpose: To compare the efficacy of ibuprofen (IBU) and etodolac (ETO) for controlling pain, edema, and trismus after extraction of lower third molars.Materials and Methods: Twenty adolescents and adults with 2 impacted mandibular-third molars (in similar positions) were selected for the study. Patients were randomly assigned either to the IBU group (600 mg of IBU 3 times a day for 3 days) or to the ETO group (300 mg of ETO 3 times a day for 3 days). Drugs were administered immediately after dental extraction.Results: During the first 2 days after extraction, swelling was more pronounced in the IBU group than in the ETO group (P = .033). Seven days after surgery, there was no difference in the degree of edema between the groups. At the 2- and 7-day evaluation points, mouth opening was significantly more reduced in the IBU group than in the ETO group (P textless .05). After the first 6 hours, the ETO group had more effective pain relief (P textless .05), but after this time point, both groups reported similar degrees of relief. Compared with the IBU group, the ETO group had a lower need for administration of additional rescue analgesics.Conclusions: After extraction of impacted lower third molars, we found that swelling, trismus, and pain were more effectively controlled with ETO than with IBU.

摘要: 目的:比较布洛芬(IBU)和依托度酸(ETO)在拔除下颌第三磨牙后控制疼痛,水肿和三头肌的功效。材料和方法:20名青少年和成人,下颌第三磨牙受2个影响(在选择相似的职位进行研究。患者被随机分为IBU组(600 mg IBU,每天3次,共3天)或ETO组(300 mg ETO,每天3次,共3天)。结果:拔牙后的前两天,IBU组的肿胀比ETO组更明显(P = .033)。手术后7天,两组之间的水肿程度没有差异。在第2天和第7天的评估点,与ETO组相比,IBU组的张口明显减少了(P t​​extless .05)。在开始的6个小时后,ETO组的疼痛缓解更为有效(P t​​extless .05),但是在此时间点之后,两组的缓解程度相似。与IBU组相比,ETO组对额外的急救镇痛药的管理需求较低。结论:拔除受影响的下颌第三磨牙后,我们发现ETO较IBU更有效地控制了肿胀,三头肌和疼痛。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/comjnl/bxx040]

[467] Dynamic and context-aware process adaptation (2009)

(Adams, Michael and Ter Hofstede | Handbook of Research on Complex Dynamic Process Management: Techniques for Adaptability in Turbulent Environments)

Abstract: This chapter re-examines the principles that underpin business process technologies to derive a novel approach that moves beyond the traditional assembly-line metaphor. Using a set of principles derived from activity theory, a system has been implemented, using a service oriented architecture, that provides support for dynamic and extensible flexibility, evolution and exception handling in business processes, based on accepted ideas of how people actually perform their work tasks. The resulting system, called the worklet service, makes available all of the benefits offered by process aware information systems to a wider range of organisational environments. textcopyright 2010, IGI Global.

摘要: This chapter re-examines the principles that underpin business process technologies to derive a novel approach that moves beyond the traditional assembly-line metaphor. Using a set of principles derived from activity theory, a system has been implemented, using a service oriented architecture, that provides support for dynamic and extensible flexibility, evolution and exception handling in business processes, based on accepted ideas of how people actually perform their work tasks. The resulting system, called the worklet service, makes available all of the benefits offered by process aware information systems to a wider range of organisational environments. textcopyright 2010, IGI Global.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/978-1-60566-669-3.ch005]

[468] Dynamic work distribution in workflow management systems: How to balance quality and performance (2001)

(Kumar, Akhil and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Todays workflow management systems offer work items to workers using rather primitive mechanisms. Although most workflow systems support a role-based distribution of work, they have problems dealing with unavailability of workers as a result of vacation or illness, overloading, context-dependent suitability, deadlines, and delegation. As a result, the work is offered to too few, too many, or even the wrong set of workers. Current practice is to offer a work item to one person, thus causing problems when the person is not present or too busy, or to offer it to a set of people sharing a given role, thus not incorporating the qualifications and preferences of people. Literature on work distribution is typically driven by considerations related to authorizations and permissions. However, workflow processes are operational processes where there is a highly dynamic trade-off between quality and performance. For example, an approaching deadline and an overloaded specialist may be the trigger to offer work items to less qualified workers. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a systematic approach to dynamically create a balance between quality and performance issues in workflow systems. We illustrate and evaluate the proposed approach with a realistic example and also compare how a workflow system would implement this scenario to highlight the shortcomings of current, state of the art workflow systems. Finally, a detailed simulation model is used to validate our approach.

摘要: 今天的工作流管理系统使用相当原始的机制为工作人员提供工作项目。尽管大多数工作流系统都支持基于角色的工作分配,但是由于休假或生病,超负荷,与上下文有关,它们仍然存在处理工作人员不可用的问题。适用性,截止日期和委派。结果,提供给太少,太多或什至错误的工人的工作。当前的做法是将工作项目提供给一个人,从而在没有这个人的情况下引起问题当前或过于忙碌,或将其提供给一组担负给定角色的人员,因而没有纳入人员的资格和偏好;有关工作分配的文献通常是由与授权和许可有关的考虑驱动的;但是,工作流过程是可操作的在质量和绩效之间进行高度动态权衡的过程,例如,临近的截止日期和超负荷的专家可能是触发因素er向不合格的工人提供工作项目。本文通过提出一种系统的方法来动态创建工作流系统中质量和性能问题之间的平衡,从而解决了这一问题。我们用一个现实的例子来说明和评估所提出的方法,并且还比较了工作流系统如何实现这种情况,以突出当前最新的工作流系统的缺点。最后,使用详细的仿真模型来验证我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/07421222.2002.11045693]

[469] Dynamic, extensible and context-aware exception handling for workflows (2007)

(Adams, Michael and Ter Hofstede | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: This paper presents the realisation, using a Service Oriented Architecture, of an approach for dynamic, flexible and extensible exception handling in workflows, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. The resultant service implements a detailed taxonomy of workflow exception patterns to provide an extensible repertoire of self-contained exception-handling processes called exlets, which may be applied at the task, case or specification levels. When an exception occurs at runtime, an exlet is dynamically selected from the repertoire depending on the context of the exception and of the particular work instance. Both expected and unexpected exceptions are catered for in real time, so that manual handling is avoided. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: This paper presents the realisation, using a Service Oriented Architecture, of an approach for dynamic, flexible and extensible exception handling in workflows, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. The resultant service implements a detailed taxonomy of workflow exception patterns to provide an extensible repertoire of self-contained exception-handling processes called exlets, which may be applied at the task, case or specification levels. When an exception occurs at runtime, an exlet is dynamically selected from the repertoire depending on the context of the exception and of the particular work instance. Both expected and unexpected exceptions are catered for in real time, so that manual handling is avoided. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-76848-7_8]

[470] Dynamical monitoring and evaluation methods to Urban Heat Island Effects based on RS&GIS (2011)

(Xu, Huixi and Chen, Yunhao and Dan, Shangming and Qiu, Wenxia | Procedia Environmental Sciences)

Abstract: At present, research about Urban Heat Island Effects (UHI) is a hot issue in urban climate and ecological environment. Because remote sensing technology has many advantages, it becomes an important means of UHI research. How to use multi-temporal thermal infrared remote sensing data and dynamically monitor and evaluate UHI is a very interesting research topic. This article took Luzhou City in Sichuan Province, China as an example and explored methods to monitoring and evaluating UHI based on Landsat-5 TM data, which obtained on September 15, 1988, and Landsat-7 ETM+ data which obtained on August 29, 2002.Technical methods and research route established by this article can provide references for other similar research, and have application and popularizing value. textcopyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

摘要: At present, research about Urban Heat Island Effects (UHI) is a hot issue in urban climate and ecological environment. Because remote sensing technology has many advantages, it becomes an important means of UHI research. How to use multi-temporal thermal infrared remote sensing data and dynamically monitor and evaluate UHI is a very interesting research topic. This article took Luzhou City in Sichuan Province, China as an example and explored methods to monitoring and evaluating UHI based on Landsat-5 TM data, which obtained on September 15, 1988, and Landsat-7 ETM+ data which obtained on August 29, 2002.Technical methods and research route established by this article can provide references for other similar research, and have application and popularizing value. textcopyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.proenv.2011.09.197]

[471] Efficient discovery of understandable declarative process models from event logs (2012)

(Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques often reveal that real-life processes are more variable than anticipated. Although declarative process models are more suitable for less structured processes, most discovery techniques generate conventional procedural models. In this paper, we focus on discovering Declare models based on event logs. A Declare model is composed of temporal constraints. Despite the suitability of declarative process models for less structured processes, their discovery is far from trivial. Even for smaller processes there are many potential constraints. Moreover, there may be many constraints that are trivially true and that do not characterize the process well. Naively checking all possible constraints is computationally intractable and may lead to models with an excessive number of constraints. Therefore, we have developed an Apriori algorithm to reduce the search space. Moreover, we use new metrics to prune the model. As a result, we can quickly generate understandable Declare models for real-life event logs. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Process mining techniques often reveal that real-life processes are more variable than anticipated. Although declarative process models are more suitable for less structured processes, most discovery techniques generate conventional procedural models. In this paper, we focus on discovering Declare models based on event logs. A Declare model is composed of temporal constraints. Despite the suitability of declarative process models for less structured processes, their discovery is far from trivial. Even for smaller processes there are many potential constraints. Moreover, there may be many constraints that are trivially true and that do not characterize the process well. Naively checking all possible constraints is computationally intractable and may lead to models with an excessive number of constraints. Therefore, we have developed an Apriori algorithm to reduce the search space. Moreover, we use new metrics to prune the model. As a result, we can quickly generate understandable Declare models for real-life event logs. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31095-9_18]

[472] Efficient event correlation over distributed systems (2017)

(Cheng, Long and Van Dongen | Proceedings - 2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGRID 2017)

Abstract: Event correlation is a cornerstone for process discovery over event logs crossing multiple data sources. The computed correlation rules and process instances will greatly help us to unleash the power of process mining. However, exploring all possible event correlations over a log could be time consuming, especially when the log is large. State-of-The-Art methods based on MapReduce designed to handle this challenge have offered significant performance improvements over standalone implementations. However, all existing techniques are still based on a conventional generating-And-pruning scheme. Therefore, event partitioning across multiple machines is often inefficient. In this paper, following the principle of filtering-And-verification, we propose a new algorithm, called RF-GraP, which provides a more efficient correlation over distributed systems. We present the detailed implementation of our approach and conduct a quantitative evaluation using the Spark platform. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is indeed efficient. Compared to the state-of-The-Art, we are able to achieve significant performance speedups with obviously less network communication.

摘要: Event correlation is a cornerstone for process discovery over event logs crossing multiple data sources. The computed correlation rules and process instances will greatly help us to unleash the power of process mining. However, exploring all possible event correlations over a log could be time consuming, especially when the log is large. State-of-The-Art methods based on MapReduce designed to handle this challenge have offered significant performance improvements over standalone implementations. However, all existing techniques are still based on a conventional generating-And-pruning scheme. Therefore, event partitioning across multiple machines is often inefficient. In this paper, following the principle of filtering-And-verification, we propose a new algorithm, called RF-GraP, which provides a more efficient correlation over distributed systems. We present the detailed implementation of our approach and conduct a quantitative evaluation using the Spark platform. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is indeed efficient. Compared to the state-of-The-Art, we are able to achieve significant performance speedups with obviously less network communication.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CCGRID.2017.94]

[473] Enacting Interorganizational Workflows using Nets in Nets (1999)

(Aalst, W M P Van Der and Aalst, W M P Van Der and Moldt, D and Moldt, D and Wienberg, F and Wienberg, F | Proceedings of the 1999 Workflow Management Conference)

Abstract: The primary task of a workflow management system is to enact case-driven business processes by joining several perspectives, including the control-flow perspective, the resource perspective, the data perspective, the task perspective, and the operation perspective. In this paper, we propose reference nets, a particuler class of Petri nets where the tokens can be references to other Petri nets, as a technique for clearly specifying each of the Vs and the relation between these perspectives. The nets in nets paradigm offered by reference nets also allows to model mobility of a business object like a workflow instance, a resource, a data element, a task, or an operation. Therefore, reference nets are particularly suitable for specifying and enacting interorganizational workflows. To hide aspects only relevant for a single organization, we use advanced inheritance concepts to fazcilitate the exchange of business objects across organizational boundaries. To show the applicability of the approach, we have implemented a simple workflow engine using Renew: a Java-based interpreter of reference nets.

摘要: The primary task of a workflow management system is to enact case-driven business processes by joining several perspectives, including the control-flow perspective, the resource perspective, the data perspective, the task perspective, and the operation perspective. In this paper, we propose reference nets, a particuler class of Petri nets where the tokens can be references to other Petri nets, as a technique for clearly specifying each of the Vs and the relation between these perspectives. The nets in nets paradigm offered by reference nets also allows to model mobility of a business object like a workflow instance, a resource, a data element, a task, or an operation. Therefore, reference nets are particularly suitable for specifying and enacting interorganizational workflows. To hide aspects only relevant for a single organization, we use advanced inheritance concepts to fazcilitate the exchange of business objects across organizational boundaries. To show the applicability of the approach, we have implemented a simple workflow engine using Renew: a Java-based interpreter of reference nets.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[474] Enhancing declare maps based on event correlations (2013)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Traditionally, most process mining techniques aim at discovering procedural process models (e.g., Petri nets, BPMN, and EPCs) from event data. However, the variability present in less-structured flexible processes complicates the discovery of such procedural models. The open world assumption used by declarative models makes it easier to handle this variability. However, initial attempts to automatically discover declarative process models result in cluttered diagrams showing misleading constraints. Moreover, additional data attributes in event logs are not used to discover meaningful causalities. In this paper, we use correlations to prune constraints and to disambiguate event associations. As a result, the discovered process maps only show the more meaningful constraints. Moreover, the data attributes used for correlation and disambiguation are also used to find discriminatory patterns, identify outliers, and analyze bottlenecks (e.g., when do people violate constraints or miss deadlines). The approach has been implemented in ProM and experiments demonstrate the improved quality of process maps and diagnostics. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: Traditionally, most process mining techniques aim at discovering procedural process models (e.g., Petri nets, BPMN, and EPCs) from event data. However, the variability present in less-structured flexible processes complicates the discovery of such procedural models. The open world assumption used by declarative models makes it easier to handle this variability. However, initial attempts to automatically discover declarative process models result in cluttered diagrams showing misleading constraints. Moreover, additional data attributes in event logs are not used to discover meaningful causalities. In this paper, we use correlations to prune constraints and to disambiguate event associations. As a result, the discovered process maps only show the more meaningful constraints. Moreover, the data attributes used for correlation and disambiguation are also used to find discriminatory patterns, identify outliers, and analyze bottlenecks (e.g., when do people violate constraints or miss deadlines). The approach has been implemented in ProM and experiments demonstrate the improved quality of process maps and diagnostics. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40176-3_9]

[475] Ensuring correctness during process configuration via partner synthesis (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Variants of the same process can be encountered within one organization or across different organizations. For example, different municipalities, courts, and rental agencies all need to support highly similar processes. In fact, procurement and sales processes can be found in almost any organization. However, despite these similarities, there is also the need to allow for local variations in a controlled manner. Therefore, many academics and practitioners have advocated the use of configurable process models (sometimes referred to as reference models). A configurable process model describes a family of similar process models in a given domain. Such a model can be configured to obtain a specific process model that is subsequently used to handle individual cases, for instance, to process customer orders. Process configuration is notoriously difficult as there may be all kinds of interdependencies between configuration decisions. In fact, an incorrect configuration may lead to behavioral issues such as deadlocks and livelocks. To address this problem, we present a novel verification approach inspired by the operating guidelines used for partner synthesis. We view the configuration process as an external service, and compute a characterization of all such services which meet particular requirements via the notion of configuration guideline. As a result, we can characterize all feasible configurations (i.e., configurations without behavioral problems) at design time, instead of repeatedly checking each individual configuration while configuring a process model. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 同一过程的变体可以在一个组织内或在不同组织中遇到。例如,不同的市,法院和租赁机构都需要支持高度相似的流程。实际上,几乎任何组织都可以找到采购和销售流程。然而,尽管有这些相似之处,但是也需要以受控的方式允许局部变化。因此,许多学者和实践者都提倡使用可配置的过程模型(有时称为参考模型)。可配置过程模型描述了给定域中的一系列相似过程模型。这样的模型可以配置为获取特定的过程模型,该模型随后用于处理个别情况,例如,处理客户订单。众所周知,流程配置非常困难,因为配置决策之间可能存在各种相互依存关系。实际上,错误的配置可能会导致行为问题,例如死锁和活动锁。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的验证方法,该方法受到合作伙伴综合使用的操作指南的启发。我们将配置过程视为外部服务,并通过配置指南的概念来计算满足特定要求的所有此类服务的特性。结果,我们可以在设计时表征所有可行的配置(即没有行为问题的配置),而不是在配置过程模型时反复检查每个单独的配置。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.08.004]

[476] Evaluating Conformance Measures in Process Mining Using Conformance Propositions (2019)

(Syring, Anja F. and Tax, Niek and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining sheds new light on the relationship between process models and real-life processes. Process discovery can be used to learn process models from event logs. Conformance checking is concerned with quantifying the quality of a business process model in relation to event data that was logged during the execution of the business process. There exist different categories of conformance measures. Recall, also called fitness, is concerned with quantifying how much of the behavior that was observed in the event log fits the process model. Precision is concerned with quantifying how much behavior a process model allows for that was never observed in the event log. Generalization is concerned with quantifying how well a process model generalizes to behavior that is possible in the business process but was never observed in the event log. Many recall, precision, and generalization measures have been developed throughout the years, but they are often defined in an ad-hoc manner without formally defining the desired properties up front. To address these problems, we formulate 21 conformance propositions and we use these propositions to evaluate current and existing conformance measures. The goal is to trigger a discussion by clearly formulating the challenges and requirements (rather than proposing new measures). Additionally, this paper serves as an overview of the conformance checking measures that are available in the process mining area.

摘要: 过程挖掘为过程模型与现实过程之间的关系提供了新的思路。流程发现可用于从事件日志中学习流程模型。一致性检查涉及量化与业务流程执行期间记录的事件数据相关的业务流程模型的质量。存在不同类别的一致性度量。召回(也称为适应性)与量化事件日志中观察到的多少行为适合流程模型有关。精度与量化流程模型允许多少行为从未在事件日志中观察到有关。泛化涉及量化流程模型对业务流程中可能发生但事件日志中从未观察到的行为的泛化程度。多年来,已经开发了许多召回,精确和泛化的措施,但是通常以临时方式定义它们,而没有预先正式定义所需的属性。为了解决这些问题,我们制定了21个一致性命题,并使用这些命题来评估当前和现有的一致性度量。目的是通过明确提出挑战和要求(而不是提出新措施)来引发讨论。此外,本文还概述了过程采矿领域中可用的一致性检查措施。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-662-60651-3_8]

[477] Evaluating and predicting overall process risk using event logs (2016)

(Pika, A. and Van Der Aalst | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Companies standardise and automate their business processes in order to improve process efficiency and minimise operational risks. However, it is difficult to eliminate all process risks during the process design stage due to the fact that processes often run in complex and changeable environments and rely on human resources. Timely identification of process risks is crucial in order to insure the achievement of process goals. Business processes are often supported by information systems that record information about their executions in event logs. In this article we present an approach and a supporting tool for the evaluation of the overall process risk and for the prediction of process outcomes based on the analysis of information recorded in event logs. It can help managers evaluate the overall risk exposure of their business processes, track the evolution of overall process risk, identify changes and predict process outcomes based on the current value of overall process risk. The approach was implemented and validated using synthetic event logs and through a case study with a real event log.

摘要: 公司对业务流程进行标准化和自动化,以提高流程效率并最大程度地降低运营风险。但是,由于流程通常在复杂且多变的环境中运行并依赖人力资源,因此在流程设计阶段很难消除所有流程风险。为了确保实现过程目标,及时识别过程风险至关重要。信息系统通常会支持业务流程,这些信息系统会将有关其执行的信息记录在事件日志中。在本文中,我们基于事件日志中记录的信息分析,提供了一种用于评估总体过程风险和预测过程结果的方法和支持工具。它可以帮助管理人员评估其业务流程的总体风险敞口,跟踪总体流程风险的演变,识别更改并根据总体流程风险的当前值预测流程结果。该方法是通过使用综合事件日志以及带有真实事件日志的案例研究来实施和验证的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2016.03.003]

[478] Evaluating the Quality of Discovered Process Models (2008)

(Rozinat, Anne and Veloso, M and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems Journal)

Abstract: In the domain of process mining the evaluation of models (i.e., How can we measure the quality of a mined process model?) is still subject to ongoing research. Because the types of models used in process mining are typically on a higher level of abstraction (they, for example, allow to capture concurrency), the problem of model evaluation is challenging. In this paper, we elaborate on the problem of process model evaluation, and we evaluate both new and existing fitness metrics for different levels of noise. The new metrics and the noise generation are based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs).

摘要: In the domain of process mining the evaluation of models (i.e., How can we measure the quality of a mined process model?) is still subject to ongoing research. Because the types of models used in process mining are typically on a higher level of abstraction (they, for example, allow to capture concurrency), the problem of model evaluation is challenging. In this paper, we elaborate on the problem of process model evaluation, and we evaluate both new and existing fitness metrics for different levels of noise. The new metrics and the noise generation are based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs).

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[479] Evaluating workflow process designs using cohesion and coupling metrics (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Building on the similarities between software programs and workflow processes, this paper proposes a heuristic that offers guidance for the creation and evaluation of process designs in administrative settings. Designers can use this heuristic to select from several alternatives the process design that is strongly cohesive and weakly coupled. It is argued that such a design will result in fewer errors during information exchanges and in more understandable activity descriptions. The paper includes an application of the heuristic in an industrial workflow setting, which supports its feasibility and practical value. The paper also presents the freely available CoCoFlow tool that implements the heuristic and its associated metrics. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 基于软件程序和工作流流程之间的相似性,本文提出了一种启发式方法,可为管理环境中流程设计的创建和评估提供指导。设计人员可以使用这种启发式方法从多种选择中选择具有高度凝聚力和弱耦合性的工艺设计。有人认为,这样的设计将减少信息交换过程中的错误,并使活动说明更容易理解。本文包括启发式方法在工业工作流程中的应用,这证明了其可行性和实用价值。本文还介绍了可免费获得的CoCoFlow工具,该工具实现了启发式及其相关指标。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2007.12.007]

[480] Event Logs (2017)

(Ferreira, Diogo. R. | )

Abstract: Presentation on What kind of data does process mining require? Process mining assumes the existence of an event log where each event refers to a case, an activity, and a point in time. An event log can be seen as a collection of cases and a case can be seen as a trace/sequence of events.

摘要: Presentation on What kind of data does process mining require? Process mining assumes the existence of an event log where each event refers to a case, an activity, and a point in time. An event log can be seen as a collection of cases and a case can be seen as a trace/sequence of events.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-56427-2_1]

[481] Event abstraction for process mining using supervised learning techniques (2018)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques focus on extracting insight in processes from event logs. In many cases, events recorded in the event log are too fine-grained, causing process discovery algorithms to discover incomprehensible process models or process models that are not representative of the event log. We show that when process discovery algorithms are only able to discover an unrepresentative process model from a low-level event log, structure in the process can in some cases still be discovered by first abstracting the event log to a higher level of granularity. This gives rise to the challenge to bridge the gap between an original low-level event log and a desired high-level perspective on this log, such that a more structured or more comprehensible process model can be discovered. We show that supervised learning can be leveraged for the event abstraction task when annotations with high-level interpretations of the low-level events are available for a subset of the sequences (i.e., traces). We present a method to generate feature vector representations of events based on XES extensions, and describe an approach to abstract events in an event log with Condition Random Fields using these event features. Furthermore, we propose a sequence-focused metric to evaluate supervised event abstraction results that fits closely to the tasks of process discovery and conformance checking. We conclude this paper by demonstrating the usefulness of supervised event abstraction for obtaining more structured and/or more comprehensible process models using both real life event data and synthetic event data.

摘要: 流程挖掘技术专注于从事件日志中提取流程的见解。在许多情况下,事件日志中记录的事件过于精细,导致流程发现算法发现无法理解的流程模型或不代表事件日志的流程模型。我们显示出,当流程发现算法只能从低级事件日志中发现不具代表性的流程模型时,在某些情况下,仍然可以通过首先将事件日志抽象到更高的粒度级别来发现流程中的结构。这就提出了挑战,要求弥合原始低级事件日志和该日志上所需的高级视角之间的差距,从而可以发现更结构化或更易于理解的过程模型。我们显示,当具有低层事件的高级解释的注释可用于序列的子集(即轨迹)时,监督学习可用于事件抽象任务。我们提出了一种基于XES扩展生成事件的特征矢量表示的方法,并描述了使用这些事件特征使用条件随机字段在事件日志中抽象事件的方法。此外,我们提出了一种以序列为中心的度量来评估受监督事件抽象结果,该结果非常适合于过程发现和一致性检查的任务。我们通过证明监督事件抽象在使用现实事件数据和综合事件数据获得更结构化和/或更易理解的过程模型方面的有用性来结束本文。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-56994-9_18]

[482] Event interval analysis: Why do processes take time? (2015)

(Suriadi, Suriadi and Ouyang, Chun and Van Der Aalst | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Through the application of process mining, valuable evidence-based insights can be obtained about business processes in organisations. As a result, the field has seen an increased uptake in recent years as evidenced by success stories and increased tool support. However, despite this impact, current performance analysis capabilities remain somewhat limited in the context of information-poor event logs. For example, natural daily and weekly patterns are not considered but they are vital for understanding the performance of processes and resources. In this paper, a new framework for analysing event logs is defined. Our framework is based on the concept of event interval. The framework allows for a systematic approach to sophisticated performance-related analysis beyond the capabilities of existing log-based analysis techniques, even with information-poor event logs. The paper formalises a range of event interval types and then presents an implementation as well as an evaluation of the proposed approach.

摘要: Through the application of process mining, valuable evidence-based insights can be obtained about business processes in organisations. As a result, the field has seen an increased uptake in recent years as evidenced by success stories and increased tool support. However, despite this impact, current performance analysis capabilities remain somewhat limited in the context of information-poor event logs. For example, natural daily and weekly patterns are not considered but they are vital for understanding the performance of processes and resources. In this paper, a new framework for analysing event logs is defined. Our framework is based on the concept of event interval. The framework allows for a systematic approach to sophisticated performance-related analysis beyond the capabilities of existing log-based analysis techniques, even with information-poor event logs. The paper formalises a range of event interval types and then presents an implementation as well as an evaluation of the proposed approach.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.07.007]

[483] Event stream-based process discovery using abstract representations (2018)

(van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: The aim of process discovery, originating from the area of process mining, is to discover a process model based on business process execution data. A majority of process discovery techniques relies on an event log as an input. An event log is a static source of historical data capturing the execution of a business process. In this paper, we focus on process discovery relying on online streams of business process execution events. Learning process models from event streams poses both challenges and opportunities, i.e. we need to handle unlimited amounts of data using finite memory and, preferably, constant time. We propose a generic architecture that allows for adopting several classes of existing process discovery techniques in context of event streams. Moreover, we provide several instantiations of the architecture, accompanied by implementations in the process mining toolkit ProM (http://promtools.org). Using these instantiations, we evaluate several dimensions of stream-based process discovery. The evaluation shows that the proposed architecture allows us to lift process discovery to the streaming domain.

摘要: 过程发现的目的源自过程挖掘领域,是基于业务过程执行数据发现过程模型。大多数过程发现技术都依赖于事件日志作为输入。事件日志是捕获业务流程执行情况的历史数据的静态来源。在本文中,我们专注于依赖在线业务流程执行事件流的流程发现。从事件流中学习过程模型既带来挑战也带来机遇,即我们需要使用有限的内存(最好是恒定的时间)来处理无限量的数据。我们提出一种通用的体系结构,该体系结构允许在事件流的上下文中采用几种现有的过程发现技术。此外,我们提供了该体系结构的几个实例,以及过程挖掘工具包ProM(http://promtools.org)中的实现。使用这些实例,我们评估了基于流的流程发现的多个维度。评估表明,所提出的体系结构使我们能够将过程发现提升到流域。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-017-1060-2]

[484] Exploring processes and deviations (2015)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: In process mining, one of the main challenges is to discover a process model, while balancing several quality criteria. This often requires repeatedly setting parameters, discovering a map and evaluating it, which we refer to asprocess exploration. Commercial process mining tools like Disco, Perceptive and Celonis are easy to use and have many features, such as log animation, immediate parameter feedback and extensive filtering options, but the resulting maps usually have no executable semantics and due to this, deviations cannot be analysed accurately. Most more academically oriented approaches (e.g., the numerous process discovery approaches supported by ProM) use maps having executable semantics (models), but are often slow, make unrealistic assumptions about the underlying process, or do not provide features like animation and seamless zooming. In this paper, we identify four aspects that are crucial for process exploration:zoomability, evaluation, semantics,andspeed.Wecompare existing commercial tools and academic workflows using these aspects, and introduce a new tool, that aims to combine the best of both worlds. A feature comparison and a case study show that our tool bridges the gap between commercial and academic tools.

摘要: In process mining, one of the main challenges is to discover a process model, while balancing several quality criteria. This often requires repeatedly setting parameters, discovering a map and evaluating it, which we refer to asprocess exploration. Commercial process mining tools like Disco, Perceptive and Celonis are easy to use and have many features, such as log animation, immediate parameter feedback and extensive filtering options, but the resulting maps usually have no executable semantics and due to this, deviations cannot be analysed accurately. Most more academically oriented approaches (e.g., the numerous process discovery approaches supported by ProM) use maps having executable semantics (models), but are often slow, make unrealistic assumptions about the underlying process, or do not provide features like animation and seamless zooming. In this paper, we identify four aspects that are crucial for process exploration:zoomability, evaluation, semantics,andspeed.Wecompare existing commercial tools and academic workflows using these aspects, and introduce a new tool, that aims to combine the best of both worlds. A feature comparison and a case study show that our tool bridges the gap between commercial and academic tools.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-15895-2_26]

[485] Exploring the CSCW spectrum using process mining (2007)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Advanced Engineering Informatics)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.aei.2006.05.002]

[486] Exterminating the Dynamic Change Bug: A Concrete Approach to Support Workflow Change (2001)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Adaptability has become one of the major research topics in the area of workflow management. Todays workflow management systems have problems dealing with both ad-hoc changes and evolutionary changes. As a result, the workflow management system is not used to support dynamically changing workflow processes or the workflow process is supported in a rigid manner, i.e., changes are not allowed or handled outside of the workflow management system. In this paper, we focus on a notorious problem caused by workflow change: the dynamic change bug (Ellis et al., Proceedings of the Conference on Organizational Computing Systems, Milpitas, California, ACM SIGOIS, ACM Press, New York, 1995, pp. 10-21). The dynamic change bug refers to errors introduced by migrating a case (i.e., a process instance) from the old process definition to the new one. A transfer from the old process to the new process can lead to duplication of work, skipping of tasks, deadlocks, and livelocks. This paper describes an approach for calculating a safe change region. If a case is in such a change region, the transfer is postponed.

摘要: 适应性已成为工作流管理领域的主要研究主题之一。当今的工作流管理系统在处理临时更改和演进更改时都遇到问题。结果,工作流管理系统不用于支持动态改变的工作流过程,或者以严格的方式支持工作流过程,即,不允许在工作流管理系统外部进行或处理改变。在本文中,我们关注于工作流程变更引起的一个臭名昭著的问题:动态变更错误(Ellis等,组织计算系统会议论文集,加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯,ACM SIGOIS,ACM出版社,纽约,1995年) ,第10-21页)。动态变更错误是指通过将案例(即流程实例)从旧流程定义迁移到新流程定义而引入的错误。从旧流程到新流程的转移可能导致工作重复,跳过任务,死锁和活动锁。本文介绍了一种计算安全变化区域的方法。如果案件在这样的变更区域中,则转移被推迟。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1011409408711]

[487] Facilitating flexibility and dynamic exception handling in workflows through worklets (2005)

(Adams, Michael and Ter Hofstede | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper presents the basis of an approach for dynamic e xibility, evolution and exception handling in work o ws through the support of e xible work practices, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. A set of principles have been derived from a sound theoretical base and applied to the development of worklets, an extensible repertoire of self-contained sub-processes that can be applied in a variety of situations depending on the context of the particular work instance. textcopyright Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

摘要: This paper presents the basis of an approach for dynamic e xibility, evolution and exception handling in work o ws through the support of e xible work practices, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. A set of principles have been derived from a sound theoretical base and applied to the development of worklets, an extensible repertoire of self-contained sub-processes that can be applied in a variety of situations depending on the context of the particular work instance. textcopyright Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[488] Flexibility as a problem (2010)

(Struck, Olaf | Sozialer Fortschritt)

Abstract: The essay raises the question: Flexibility, is this a problem? The world around us is constantly changing and we must respond to the situation quickly and flexibly. If we understand flexibility as a potential to become cope with challenges quickly, then this also means that must be invested in advance in this potential. Flexibility potentials based on investment in social and cultural resources. These investments can be promoted by basic security. Flexibility is not the problem, but the handling of security. This is illustrated by the example work, education and social protection.

摘要: The essay raises the question: Flexibility, is this a problem? The world around us is constantly changing and we must respond to the situation quickly and flexibly. If we understand flexibility as a potential to become cope with challenges quickly, then this also means that must be invested in advance in this potential. Flexibility potentials based on investment in social and cultural resources. These investments can be promoted by basic security. Flexibility is not the problem, but the handling of security. This is illustrated by the example work, education and social protection.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3790/sfo.59.12.291]

[489] Formal semantics and analysis of control flow in WS-BPEL (2007)

(Ouyang, Chun and Verbeek, Eric and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Breutel, Stephan and Dumas, Marlon and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. | Science of Computer Programming)

Abstract: Web service composition refers to the creation of new (Web) services by combining functionalities provided by existing ones. A number of domain-specific languages for service composition have been proposed, with consensus being formed around a process-oriented language known as WS-BPEL (or BPEL). The kernel of BPEL consists of simple communication primitives that may be combined using control-flow constructs expressing sequence, branching, parallelism, synchronization, etc. We present a comprehensive and rigorously defined mapping of BPEL constructs onto Petri net structures, and use this for the analysis of various dynamic properties related to unreachable activities, conflicting messages, garbage collection, conformance checking, and deadlocks and lifelocks in interaction processes. We use a mapping onto Petri nets because this allows us to use existing theoretical results and analysis tools. Unlike approaches based on finite state machines, we do not need to construct the state space, and can use structural analysis (e.g., transition invariants) instead. We have implemented a tool that translates BPEL processes into Petri nets and then applies Petri-net-based analysis techniques. This tool has been tested on different examples, and has been used to answer a variety of questions. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Web服务组合是指通过组合现有服务提供的功能来创建新的(Web)服务。已经提出了许多用于服务组合的领域特定语言,并且围绕被称为WS-BPEL(或BPEL)的面向过程的语言形成了共识。 BPEL的内核由简单的通信原语组成,可以使用表达序列,分支,并行性,同步等的控制流构造进行组合。分析与不可达活动,冲突消息,垃圾收集,一致性检查以及交互过程中的死锁和生命锁有关的各种动态属性。我们使用到Petri网的映射,因为这允许我们使用现有的理论结果和分析工具。与基于有限状态机的方法不同,我们不需要构造状态空间,而可以使用结构分析(例如过渡不变式)来代替。我们已经实现了将BPEL流程转换为Petri网,然后应用基于Petri网的分析技术的工具。该工具已在不同的示例上进行了测试,并已用于回答各种问题。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.scico.2007.03.002]

[490] Formalization and verification of event-driven process chains (1999)

(Van Der Aalst | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: For many companies, business processes have become the focal point of attention. As a result, many tools have been developed for business process engineering and the actual deployment of business processes. Typical examples of these tools are Business Process Reengineering (BPR) tools, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and Workflow Management (WFM) systems. Some of the leading products, e.g. SAP R/3 (ERP/WFM) and ARIS (BPR), use Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs) to model business processes. Although the EPCs have become a widespread process modeling technique, they suffer from a serious drawback: neither the syntax nor the semantics of an EPC are well defined. In this paper, this problem is tackled by mapping EPCs (without connectors of type V) onto Petri nets. The Petri nets have formal semantics and provide an abundance of analysis techniques. As a result, the approach presented in this paper gives formal semantics to EPCs. Moreover, many analysis techniques are available for EPCs. To illustrate the approach, it is shown that the correctness of an EPC can be checked in polynomial time by using Petri-net-based analysis techniques.

摘要: 对于许多公司,业务流程已成为关注的焦点。结果,已经开发了许多用于业务流程工程和业务流程的实际部署的工具。这些工具的典型示例是业务流程再造(BPR)工具,企业资源计划(ERP)系统和工作流管理(WFM)系统。一些领先的产品,例如SAP R / 3(ERP / WFM)和ARIS(BPR)使用事件驱动的流程链(EPC)对业务流程进行建模。尽管EPC已成为一种广泛的过程建模技术,但它们具有严重的缺点:EPC的语法和语义都没有得到很好的定义。在本文中,通过将EPC(无V型连接器)映射到Petri网络上解决了这个问题。 Petri网具有形式语义,并提供了大量的分析技术。结果,本文提出的方法为EPC提供了形式语义。此外,许多分析技术可用于EPC。为了说明该方法,表明可以使用基于Petri网的分析技术在多项式时间内检查EPC的正确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0950-5849(99)00016-6]

[491] Framework for business process redesign (1995)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and van Hee, K. M. | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE)

Abstract: A framework based on high-level Petri nets is used to model and analyse business processes. This framework is a powerful tool to support business process reengineering efforts. The What, how and by whom? approach is introduced to guide the application of this Petri net based framework.

摘要: A framework based on high-level Petri nets is used to model and analyse business processes. This framework is a powerful tool to support business process reengineering efforts. The What, how and by whom? approach is introduced to guide the application of this Petri net based framework.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/enabl.1995.484546]

[492] From Business Process Models to Process-Oriented Software Systems (2009)

(Dumas, Marlon and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology)

Abstract: Several methods for enterprise systems analysis rely on flow-oriented representations of business operations, otherwise known as business process models. The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a standard for capturing such models. BPMN models facilitate communication between domain experts and analysts and provide input to software development projects.Meanwhile, there is an emergence of methods for enterprise software development that rely on detailed process definitions that are executed by process engines. These process definitions refine their counterpart BPMN models by introducing data manipulation, application binding, and other implementation details. The de facto standard for defining executable processes is the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Accordingly, a standards-based method for developing process-oriented systems is to start with BPMN models and to translate these models into BPEL definitions for subsequent refinement. However, instrumenting this method is challenging because BPMN models and BPEL definitions are structurally very different. Existing techniques for translating BPMN to BPEL only work for limited classes of BPMN models. This article proposes a translation technique that does not impose structural restrictions on the source BPMN model. At the same time, the technique emphasizes the generation of readable (block-structured) BPEL code. An empirical evaluation conducted over a large collection of process models shows that the resulting BPEL definitions are largely block-structured. Beyond its direct relevance in the context of BPMN and BPEL, the technique presented in this article addresses issues that arise when translating from graph-oriented to block-structure flow definition languages. textcopyright 2009, ACM. All rights reserved.

摘要: Several methods for enterprise systems analysis rely on flow-oriented representations of business operations, otherwise known as business process models. The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a standard for capturing such models. BPMN models facilitate communication between domain experts and analysts and provide input to software development projects.Meanwhile, there is an emergence of methods for enterprise software development that rely on detailed process definitions that are executed by process engines. These process definitions refine their counterpart BPMN models by introducing data manipulation, application binding, and other implementation details. The de facto standard for defining executable processes is the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). Accordingly, a standards-based method for developing process-oriented systems is to start with BPMN models and to translate these models into BPEL definitions for subsequent refinement. However, instrumenting this method is challenging because BPMN models and BPEL definitions are structurally very different. Existing techniques for translating BPMN to BPEL only work for limited classes of BPMN models. This article proposes a translation technique that does not impose structural restrictions on the source BPMN model. At the same time, the technique emphasizes the generation of readable (block-structured) BPEL code. An empirical evaluation conducted over a large collection of process models shows that the resulting BPEL definitions are largely block-structured. Beyond its direct relevance in the context of BPMN and BPEL, the technique presented in this article addresses issues that arise when translating from graph-oriented to block-structure flow definition languages. textcopyright 2009, ACM. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1555392.1555395]

[493] From requirements via colored workflow nets to an implementation in several workflow systems (2009)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Hospitals and other healthcare organizations need to support complex and dynamic workflows. Moreover, these processes typically invoke a number of medical disciplines. This makes it important to avoid the typical disconnect between requirements and the actual implementation of the system. In this paper we apply a development approach where an Executable Use Case (EUC) and a Colored Workflow Net (CWN) are used to close the gap between a given requirements specification and the realization of these requirements based on workflow technology. In order to do so, we describe a large case study where the diagnostic process of the gynecological oncology care process of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) hospital is used as a candidate process. The process consists of hundreds of activities. These have been modeled and analyzed using an EUC and a CWN. Moreover, based on the CWN, the process has been implemented using four different workflow systems. In this way, we demonstrate the general application of the approach and its applicability to distinct technology systems. textcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 医院和其他医疗机构需要支持复杂而动态的工作流程。而且,这些过程通常调用许多医学学科。这使得避免需求与系统的实际实施之间的典型脱节非常重要。在本文中,我们采用一种开发方法,其中使用可执行用例(EUC)和有色工作流网(CWN)来缩小给定的需求规范与基于工作流技术的这些需求的实现之间的差距。为此,我们描述了一个大案例研究,其中将学术医学中心(AMC)医院的妇科肿瘤护理过程的诊断过程用作候选过程。该过程包含数百个活动。这些已使用EUC和CWN进行了建模和分析。此外,基于CWN,已使用四个不同的工作流程系统实施了该过程。通过这种方式,我们证明了该方法的一般应用及其对不同技术系统的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-04856-2_2]

[494] From task descriptions via colored Petri nets towards an implementation of a new electronic patient record workflow system (2008)

(Jorgensen, Jens Baek and Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: We consider a given specification of functional requirements for a new electronic patient record system for Fyn County, Denmark. The requirements are expressed as task descriptions, which are informal descriptions of work processes to be supported. We describe how these task descriptions are used as a basis to construct two executable models in the formal modeling language Colored Petri Nets (CPNs). The first CPN model is used as an execution engine for a graphical animation, which constitutes a so-called Executable Use Case (EUC). The EUC is a prototype-like representation of the task descriptions that can help to validate and elicit requirements. The second CPN model is a Colored Workflow Net (CWN). The CWN is derived from the EUC. Together, the EUC and the CWN are used to close the gap between the given requirements specification and the realization of these requirements with the help of an IT system. We demonstrate how the CWN can be translated into the YAWL workflow language, thus resulting in an operational IT system. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

摘要: 我们为丹麦Fyn县的新型电子病历系统考虑了给定的功能要求规范。需求表示为任务描述,是要支持的工作流程的非正式描述。我们将描述这些任务描述如何用作在正式建模语言彩色Petri网(CPN)中构造两个可执行模型的基础。第一个CPN模型用作图形动画的执行引擎,它构成了所谓的可执行用例(EUC)。 EUC是任务描述的原型表示,可以帮助验证和得出需求。第二种CPN模型是有色工作流网(CWN)。 CWN来自EUC。 EUC和CWN一起用于缩小给定需求规范和借助IT系统实现这些需求之间的差距。我们演示了如何将CWN转换为YAWL工作流语言,从而实现可操作的IT系统。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0054-x]

[495] Fundamentals of control flow in workflows (2003)

(Kiepuszewski, B. and Ter Hofstede | Acta Informatica)

Abstract: Although workflow management emerged as a research area well over a decade ago, little consensus has been reached as to what should be essential ingredients of a workflow specification language. As a result, the market is flooded with workflow management systems, based on different paradigms and using a large variety of concepts. The goal of this paper is to establish a formal foundation for control-flow aspects of workflow specification languages, that assists in understanding fundamental properties of such languages, in particular their expressive power. Workflow languages can be fully characterized in terms of the evaluation strategy they use, the concepts they support, and the syntactic restrictions they impose. A number of results pertaining to this classification will be proven. This should not only aid those developing workflow specifications in practice, but also those developing new workflow engines.

摘要: Although workflow management emerged as a research area well over a decade ago, little consensus has been reached as to what should be essential ingredients of a workflow specification language. As a result, the market is flooded with workflow management systems, based on different paradigms and using a large variety of concepts. The goal of this paper is to establish a formal foundation for control-flow aspects of workflow specification languages, that assists in understanding fundamental properties of such languages, in particular their expressive power. Workflow languages can be fully characterized in terms of the evaluation strategy they use, the concepts they support, and the syntactic restrictions they impose. A number of results pertaining to this classification will be proven. This should not only aid those developing workflow specifications in practice, but also those developing new workflow engines.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00236-002-0105-4]

[496] Generating event logs for high-level process models (2017)

(Mitsyuk, Alexey A. and Shugurov, Ivan S. and Kalenkova, Anna A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory)

Abstract: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a de-facto standard for practitioners working in the Business Process Management (BPM) field. The BPMN standard 1 offers high-level modeling constructs, such as subprocesses, events, data and message flows, lanes, and is widely used to model processes in various domains. Recently several BPMN-based process mining techniques 2, 3, 4 were introduced. These techniques allow representing processes, discovered from the event logs of process-aware information systems, in a convenient way, using the BPMN standard. To test these mining approaches an appropriate tool for the generation of event logs from BPMN models is needed. In this work we suggest such a tool. We propose a formal token-based executable BPMN semantics, which takes into account BPMN 2.0 with its expressive constructs. The developed tool is based on these semantics and allows simulation of hierarchical process models (including models with cancellations), models with data flows and pools, and models interacting through message flows. To manage the control flow, script-based gateways and choice preferences are implemented as well. The proposed simulation technique was implemented on top of existing plug-ins for ProM (Process Mining Framework) 5, and was verified on models created by practitioners from various domains.

摘要: 业务流程模型和符号(BPMN)是在业务流程管理(BPM)领域工作的从业人员的事实上的标准。 BPMN标准1提供了高级建模构造,例如子流程,事件,数据和消息流,通道,并被广泛用于各种领域的流程建模。最近,引入了几种基于BPMN的过程挖掘技术2、3、4。这些技术允许使用BPMN标准以方便的方式表示从流程感知信息系统的事件日志中发现的流程。为了测试这些挖掘方法,需要一种合适的工具来从BPMN模型生成事件日志。在这项工作中,我们建议使用这种工具。我们提出了一种基于令牌的正式可执行BPMN语义,其中考虑了BPMN 2.0及其表达构造。开发的工具基于这些语义,并允许模拟分层过程模型(包括具有取消功能的模型),具有数据流和池的模型以及通过消息流进行交互的模型。为了管理控制流,还实现了基于脚本的网关和选择首选项。所提出的仿真技术是在ProM(过程挖掘框架)5的现有插件之上实施的,并已在不同领域的从业人员创建的模型上得到了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.simpat.2017.01.003]

[497] Generating time-based label refinements to discover more precise process models (2019)

(Tax, Niek and Alasgarov, Emin and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments)

Abstract: Process mining is a research field focused on the analysis of event data with the aim of extracting insights related to dynamic behavior. Applying process mining techniques on data from smart home environments has the potential to provide valuable insights into (un)healthy habits and to contribute to ambient assisted living solutions. Finding the right event labels to enable the application of process mining techniques is however far from trivial, as simply using the triggering sensor as the event label for sensor events results in uninformative models that allow for too much behavior (i.e., the models are overgeneralizing). Refinements of sensor level event labels suggested by domain experts have been shown to enable discovery of more precise and insightful process models. However, there exists no automated approach to generate refinements of event labels in the context of process mining. In this paper we propose a framework for the automated generation of label refinements based on the time attribute of events, allowing us to distinguish behaviorally different instances of the same event type based on their time attribute. We show on a case study with real-life smart home event data that using automatically generated refined event labels in process discovery, we can find more specific, and therefore more insightful, process models. We observe that one label refinement could affect the usefulness of other label refinements when used together. Therefore, the order in when label refinements are selected could be of relevance when selecting multiple label refinements. To investigate the size of this effect in practice, we evaluate four strategies that take interplay between label refinements into account in different degrees on three real-life smart home event logs. These label refinement selection strategies range from linear time complexity for the strategy that does not at all account for the interplay between label refinements to a factorial time complexity for the strategy that fully accounts for this interplay effect. We found that in practice there is no difference between the quality of the process models that were discovered with the four label refinement strategies. Therefore, the effect of interplay between label refinements seems limited in practice and simple and fast strategies can be used to select multiple label refinements.

摘要: Process mining is a research field focused on the analysis of event data with the aim of extracting insights related to dynamic behavior. Applying process mining techniques on data from smart home environments has the potential to provide valuable insights into (un)healthy habits and to contribute to ambient assisted living solutions. Finding the right event labels to enable the application of process mining techniques is however far from trivial, as simply using the triggering sensor as the event label for sensor events results in uninformative models that allow for too much behavior (i.e., the models are overgeneralizing). Refinements of sensor level event labels suggested by domain experts have been shown to enable discovery of more precise and insightful process models. However, there exists no automated approach to generate refinements of event labels in the context of process mining. In this paper we propose a framework for the automated generation of label refinements based on the time attribute of events, allowing us to distinguish behaviorally different instances of the same event type based on their time attribute. We show on a case study with real-life smart home event data that using automatically generated refined event labels in process discovery, we can find more specific, and therefore more insightful, process models. We observe that one label refinement could affect the usefulness of other label refinements when used together. Therefore, the order in when label refinements are selected could be of relevance when selecting multiple label refinements. To investigate the size of this effect in practice, we evaluate four strategies that take interplay between label refinements into account in different degrees on three real-life smart home event logs. These label refinement selection strategies range from linear time complexity for the strategy that does not at all account for the interplay between label refinements to a factorial time complexity for the strategy that fully accounts for this interplay effect. We found that in practice there is no difference between the quality of the process models that were discovered with the four label refinement strategies. Therefore, the effect of interplay between label refinements seems limited in practice and simple and fast strategies can be used to select multiple label refinements.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/AIS-190519]

[498] Getting rid of OR-joins and multiple start events in business process models (2008)

(Mendling, J. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Enterprise Information Systems)

Abstract: In practice, the development of process-aware information systems suffers from a gap between conceptual business process models and executable workflow specifications. Because of this gap, conceptual models are hardly reused as execution templates. In this paper, we address two translation challenges that are partly responsible for this gap: the notorious OR-join problem and the multiple start events problem. At the conceptual level people frequently use OR-joins. However, given their non-local semantics, OR-joins cannot be mapped easily onto executable languages. Furthermore, conceptual models often have multiple start events while execution languages require a unique start element. In particular, we present a new approach to mapping a conceptual process model with OR-joins and multiple start events (expressed in terms of an EPC) onto an executable model without OR-joins having a single start element (expressed in terms of a Petri net). Although we used an EPC process model as a running example, the approach is equally applicable to other process modelling languages that offer OR-joins as, for example, BPMN. Moreover, the resulting Petri net can be mapped onto other execution languages such as BPEL. All of this has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework.

摘要: 在实践中,过程感知信息系统的开发在概念性业务流程模型和可执行工作流规范之间存在缝隙。由于存在这种缝隙,因此很难将概念模型用作执行模板。在本文中,我们解决了两个翻译挑战造成这种差距的部分原因是:臭名昭著的 OR-join问题和多重开始事件问题,在概念上,人们经常使用OR-joins,但是,鉴于其非本地语义,OR-joins不能轻松映射。此外,概念模型通常具有多个启动事件,而执行语言则需要一个唯一的启动元素。特别是,我们提出了一种新的方法来映射具有OR-join和多个启动事件的概念过程模型(以EPC)转换为不包含具有单个开始元素(以Petri网表示)的OR-join的可执行模型。尽管我们将EPC流程模型用作ar作为示例,该方法同样适用于其他提供OR联接的流程建模语言,例如BPMN。此外,可以将生成的Petri网映射到其他执行语言,例如BPEL。所有这些都已在ProM框架中实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/17517570802245433]

[499] Guided Process Discovery – A pattern-based approach (2018)

(Mannhardt, Felix and de Leoni, Massimiliano and Reijers, Hajo A. and der Aalst, Wil M.P.van and Toussaint, Pieter J. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques analyze processes based on events stored in event logs. Yet, low-level events recorded by information systems may not directly match high-level activities that make sense to process stakeholders. This results in discovered process models that cannot be easily understood. To prevent such situations from happening, low-level events need to be translated into high-level activities that are recognizable by stakeholders. This paper proposes the Guided Process Discovery method (GPD). Low-level events are grouped based on behavioral activity patterns, which capture domain knowledge on the relation between high-level activities and low-level events. Events in the resulting abstracted event log correspond to instantiations of high-level activities. We validate process models discovered on the abstracted event log by checking conformance between the low-level event log and an expanded model in which the high-level activities are replaced by activity patterns. The method was tested using two real-life event logs. We show that the process models discovered with the GPD method are more comprehensible and can be used to answer process questions, whereas process models discovered using standard process discovery techniques do not provide the insights needed.

摘要: 进程挖掘技术基于事件日志中存储的事件来分析进程。然而,信息系统记录的低级事件可能无法直接匹配对流程涉众有意义的高级别活动。这导致发现的过程模型不容易理解。为防止此类情况的发生,需要将低级事件转换为利益相关者可以识别的高级别活动。本文提出了指导流程发现方法(GPD)。根据行为活动模式对低级别事件进行分组,这些行为活动模式捕获有关高级别活动和低级别事件之间关系的领域知识。结果抽象事件日志中的事件对应于高级活动的实例。我们通过检查低级事件日志和扩展模型之间的一致性来验证在抽象事件日志上发现的流程模型,在扩展模型中,高级模式被活动模式所替代。使用两个真实事件日志测试了该方法。我们表明,使用GPD方法发现的过程模型更易于理解,可用于回答过程问题,而使用标准过程发现技术发现的过程模型则无法提供所需的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2018.01.009]

[500] Handboek simulatie (1995)

(van der Aalst, W M P | )

Abstract: Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van hardware openen nieuwe perspectieven ten aanzien van simulatie. Zo kunnen de hoge resolutie van de huidige generatie beeldschermen alsook de muisbediening gebruikt worden om op een snelle en inzichtelijke wijze een simulatiemodel te bouwen. Ook lenen deze beeldschermen zich voor animatie tijdens het uitvoeren van de simulatie. Door deze ontwikkelingen bestaat het gevar dat e analyse van de betrouwbaarheid van de gegenereerde resultaten wat op de achtergrond raakt. Keek men vroeger argwanend naar de getallen die uit een simulatie kwamen, nu is men vanwege de mooie grafiek bereid om de resultaten van een simulatie voor waar aan te nemen. Omdat een simulatiestudie vaak uitgevoerd wordt om een belangrijke strategische beslissing te kunnen nemen, is er dus sprake van een groot gevaar. Omdat het onverstandig is om dit soort beslissingen te baseren op ongefundeerde resultaten, moet er meer aandacht besteed worden aan de statistische aspecten van simulatie. Met dit in het achterhoofd is dit handboek ontstaan.

摘要: Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van hardware openen nieuwe perspectieven ten aanzien van simulatie. Zo kunnen de hoge resolutie van de huidige generatie beeldschermen alsook de muisbediening gebruikt worden om op een snelle en inzichtelijke wijze een simulatiemodel te bouwen. Ook lenen deze beeldschermen zich voor animatie tijdens het uitvoeren van de simulatie. Door deze ontwikkelingen bestaat het gevar dat e analyse van de betrouwbaarheid van de gegenereerde resultaten wat op de achtergrond raakt. Keek men vroeger argwanend naar de getallen die uit een simulatie kwamen, nu is men vanwege de mooie grafiek bereid om de resultaten van een simulatie voor waar aan te nemen. Omdat een simulatiestudie vaak uitgevoerd wordt om een belangrijke strategische beslissing te kunnen nemen, is er dus sprake van een groot gevaar. Omdat het onverstandig is om dit soort beslissingen te baseren op ongefundeerde resultaten, moet er meer aandacht besteed worden aan de statistische aspecten van simulatie. Met dit in het achterhoofd is dit handboek ontstaan.

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[501] Handling concept drift in process mining (2011)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Operational processes need to change to adapt to changing circumstances, e.g., new legislation, extreme variations in supply and demand, seasonal effects, etc. While the topic of flexibility is well-researched in the BPM domain, contemporary process mining approaches assume the process to be in steady state. When discovering a process model from event logs, it is assumed that the process at the beginning of the recorded period is the same as the process at the end of the recorded period. Obviously, this is often not the case due to the phenomenon known as concept drift. While cases are being handled, the process itself may be changing. This paper presents an approach to analyze such second-order dynamics. The approach has been implemented in ProM and evaluated by analyzing an evolving process. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 操作流程需要进行更改以适应不断变化的情况,例如新法规,供需的极端变化,季节性影响等。尽管在BPM领域对灵活性这一主题进行了深入研究,但当代流程挖掘方法假设过程处于稳定状态。从事件日志中发现流程模型时,假定记录期间开始时的过程与记录期间结束时的过程相同。显然,由于称为概念漂移的现象,通常不是这种情况。处理案件时,流程本身可能正在发生变化。本文提出了一种分析这种二阶动力学的方法。该方法已在ProM中实施,并通过分析不断发展的过程进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-21640-4_30]

[502] Heuristic approaches for generating Local Process Models through log projections (2017)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016)

Abstract: Local Process Model (LPM) discovery is focused on the mining of a set of process models where each model describes the behavior represented in the event log only partially, i.e. subsets of possible events are taken into account to create socalled local process models. Often such smaller models provide valuable insights into the behavior of the process, especially when no adequate and comprehensible single overall process model exists that is able to describe the traces of the process from start to end. The practical application of LPM discovery is however hindered by computational issues in the case of logs with many activities (problems may already occur when there are more than 17 unique activities). In this paper, we explore three heuristics to discover subsets of activities that lead to useful log projections with the goal of speeding up LPM discovery considerably while still finding high-quality LPMs. We found that a Markov clustering approach to create projection sets results in the largest improvement of execution time, with discovered LPMs still being better than with the use of randomly generated activity sets of the same size. Another heuristic, based on log entropy, yields a more moderate speedup, but enables the discovery of higher quality LPMs. The third heuristic, based on the relative information gain, shows unstable performance: for some data sets the speedup and LPM quality are higher than with the log entropy based method, while for other data sets there is no speedup at all.

摘要: Local Process Model (LPM) discovery is focused on the mining of a set of process models where each model describes the behavior represented in the event log only partially, i.e. subsets of possible events are taken into account to create socalled local process models. Often such smaller models provide valuable insights into the behavior of the process, especially when no adequate and comprehensible single overall process model exists that is able to describe the traces of the process from start to end. The practical application of LPM discovery is however hindered by computational issues in the case of logs with many activities (problems may already occur when there are more than 17 unique activities). In this paper, we explore three heuristics to discover subsets of activities that lead to useful log projections with the goal of speeding up LPM discovery considerably while still finding high-quality LPMs. We found that a Markov clustering approach to create projection sets results in the largest improvement of execution time, with discovered LPMs still being better than with the use of randomly generated activity sets of the same size. Another heuristic, based on log entropy, yields a more moderate speedup, but enables the discovery of higher quality LPMs. The third heuristic, based on the relative information gain, shows unstable performance: for some data sets the speedup and LPM quality are higher than with the log entropy based method, while for other data sets there is no speedup at all.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2016.7849948]

[503] How to handle dynamic change and capture management information? An approach based on generic workflow models (2001)

(Van der Aalst | Computer Systems Science and Engineering)

Abstract: Todays workflow management systems have problems dealing with both ad-hoc changes and evolutionary changes. As a result, the workflow management system is not used to support dynamically changing workflow processes or the workflow process is supported in a rigid manner, i.e., changes are not allowed or handled outside of the workflow management system. This paper addresses two notorious problems related to adaptive workflow: (1) providing management information at the right aggregation level, and (2) supporting dynamic change, i.e. migrating cases from an old to a new workflow. These two problems are tackled by using generic process models. A generic process model describes a family of variants of the same workflow process. To relate members of a family of workflow processes we propose notions of inheritance. These notions of inheritance are used to address the two problems mentioned both a design-time and at run-time.

摘要: 当今的工作流程管理系统在处理临时更改和演进更改时都遇到问题。结果,工作流程管理系统不用于支持动态更改的工作流程,或者以严格的方式(即更改)来支持工作流程不允许或在工作流管理系统之外进行处理本文解决了与自适应工作流相关的两个臭名昭著的问题:(1)在正确的聚合级别提供管理信息,以及(2)支持动态变更,即将案例从旧的迁移到一个新的工作流,通过使用通用流程模型解决了这两个问题,一个通用流程模型描述了同一工作流程的变体家族,为了关联一个工作流程家族的成员,我们提出了继承的概念。用于解决设计时和运行时提到的两个问题。

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[504] Human Performance-Aware Scheduling and Routing of a Multi-Skilled Workforce (2017)

(L. van Eck | Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly)

Abstract: Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van Eck, M. L., Firat, M., Nuijten, W. P. M., Sidorova, N., & van der Aalst, W. M. P. (2017). Human performance-aware scheduling and routing of a multi-skilled workforce. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.

摘要: 链接到出版物引用的出版版本(APA):van Eck,M. L.,Firat,M.,Nuijten,W. P. M.,Sidorova,N.,& van der Aalst,W. M. P.(2017)。具备人工绩效的日程安排和多技能员工的路由。复杂系统信息学和建模季刊。一般权利作者和/或其他版权所有者保留在公共门户网站上可以访问的出版物的版权和精神权利,这是访问出版物的条件,用户必须承认并遵守与这些权利相关的法律要求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.7250/csimq.2017-12.01]

[505] ILP-based process discovery using hybrid regions (2015)

(S.J., Van Zelst and B.F., Van Dongen and W.M.P., Van Der Aalst and Van Zelst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: The language-based theory of regions, stemming from the area of Petri net synthesis, forms a fundamental basis for Integer Linear Programming (ILP)-based process discovery. Based on example behavior in an event log, a process model is derived that aims to describe the observed behavior. Building on top of the existing ILP-formulation, we present a new ILP-based process discovery formulation that unifies two existing types of language-based regions and, additionally, we present a generalized ILP objective function that captures both region-types and helps us to find suitable process discovery results.

摘要: The language-based theory of regions, stemming from the area of Petri net synthesis, forms a fundamental basis for Integer Linear Programming (ILP)-based process discovery. Based on example behavior in an event log, a process model is derived that aims to describe the observed behavior. Building on top of the existing ILP-formulation, we present a new ILP-based process discovery formulation that unifies two existing types of language-based regions and, additionally, we present a generalized ILP objective function that captures both region-types and helps us to find suitable process discovery results.

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[506] Impact-driven process model repair (2016)

(Polyvyanyy, Artem and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology)

Abstract: The abundance of event data in todays information systems makes it possible to confront process models with the actual observed behavior. Process mining techniques use event logs to discover process models that describe the observed behavior, and to check conformance of process modelsby diagnosing deviations between models and reality. In many situations, it is desirable to mediate between a preexisting model and observed behavior. Hence, we would like to repair the model while improving the correspondence between model and log as much as possible. The approach presented in this article assigns predefined costs to repair actions (allowing inserting or skipping of activities). Given a maximum degree of change, we search for models that are optimal in terms of fitness - that is, the fraction of behavior in the log not possible according to the model is minimized. To compute fitness, we need to align the model and log, which can be time consuming. Hence, finding an optimal repair may be intractable. We propose different alternative approaches to speed up repair. The number of alignment computations can be reduced dramatically while still returning nearoptimal repairs. The different approaches have been implemented using the process mining framework ProM and evaluated using real-life logs.

摘要: 在当今的信息系统中,事件数据的丰富性使得可以将过程模型与实际观察到的行为面对。流程挖掘技术使用事件日志来发现描述观察到的行为的流程模型,并通过诊断模型与现实之间的偏差来检查流程模型的一致性。在许多情况下,希望在预先存在的模型和观察到的行为之间进行调解。因此,我们希望在修复模型的同时尽可能改善模型与日志之间的对应关系。本文介绍的方法为修复操作分配了预定义的成本(允许插入或跳过活动)。给定最大的变化程度,我们搜索在适应性方面最佳的模型-也就是说,根据模型,日志中不可能发生的行为比例已最小化。要计算适应度,我们需要将模型与日志对齐,这可能很耗时。因此,寻找最佳修复可能是棘手的。我们提出了不同的替代方法来加快维修速度。对齐计算的数量可以大大减少,同时仍然返回接近最佳的修复效果。已经使用流程挖掘框架ProM实施了不同的方法,并使用了现实生活中的日志对其进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2980764]

[507] Improving product usage monitoring and analysis with semantic concepts (2009)

(Funk, Mathias and Rozinat, Anne and Alves De Medeiros | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Nowadays, complex electronic products, such as DVD players or mobile phones, offer a huge number of functions. As a consequence of the complexity of the devices, customers often have problems to use such products effectively. For example, it has been observed that an increasing number of technically sound products is returned due to, e.g., interaction problems. One possible root cause of this problem is that most product development processes are still too technology-driven, i.e., potential users are brought into contact with the product only at a very late stage. If early consumer tests are carried out, then these typically aim at abstract market evaluations rather than formulating concrete requirements towards the functionality of the product. As a result, products often have little meaning or relevance to the customers. Therefore, we need better ways to involve users in the development of such products. This can be achieved by observing product usage in the field and incorporating the gained knowledge in the product creation process. This paper proposes an approach to build automatic observation modules into products, collect usage data, and analyze these data by means of process mining techniques exploiting a novel semantic link between observation and analysis. This link yields two main benefits: (i) it adds focus to the potential mass of captured data items; and (ii) it reduces the need for extensive post-processing of the collected data. Together with the frameworks flexibility to change observation modules remotely on-the-fly, these benefits speed up the information feedback cycle towards development. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: 如今,诸如DVD播放器或移动电话之类的复杂电子产品提供了许多功能。由于设备的复杂性,客户经常难以有效地使用此类产品。例如,已经观察到由于交互问题等原因,退回了越来越多的技术上可靠的产品。此问题的一个可能的根本原因是,大多数产品开发过程仍过于技术驱动,即,仅使潜在用户与产品联系如果在早期阶段进行了早期的消费者测试,则这些测试通常旨在进行抽象的市场评估,而不是针对产品的功能制定具体的要求,因此,产品通常对客户的意义或意义不大。 ,我们需要更好的方法来吸引用户参与此类产品的开发,这可以通过观察该领域的产品使用情况并结合在产品创建过程中获得的知识。本文提出了一种将自动观察模块构建到产品中,收集使用数据并通过过程挖掘技术利用这些观察和分析之间的新型语义链接的方法来分析这些数据的方法。该链接有两个主要好处:(i)将重点放在捕获的数据项的潜在数量上; (ii)减少了对收集到的数据进行大量后期处理的需要。加上该框架的灵活性,可以实时地远程更改观察模块,这些优点可加快信息反馈开发周期。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-01112-2_20]

[508] InAs quantum dots: Artificial atoms for solid-state cavity-quantum electrodynamics (2001)

(Gerard, J. M. and Gayral, B. | Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures)

Abstract: Spontaneous emission (SE) control in the solid state has been extensively studied for about 10 years as a route toward optoelectronic devices with improved properties or novel functionalities. Thanks to their atom-like emission and to their relatively large oscillator strength, InGaAs/GaAs semiconductor quantum boxes (QBs) open revolutionary opportunities for the application of the concepts of cavity quantum electrodynamics in monolithic microcavities. Such emitters experience in particular a very large enhancement of their spontaneous emission rate (Purcell effect) when inserted in high Q/low volume micropillars (×5) or microdisks (×15). This result opens unique opportunities for the development of solid-state photon guns, able to emit single-photon pulses in a deterministic way. QBs in microdisks should also allow in the near future to achieve a strong coupling regime for a single solid-state emitter.

摘要: Spontaneous emission (SE) control in the solid state has been extensively studied for about 10 years as a route toward optoelectronic devices with improved properties or novel functionalities. Thanks to their atom-like emission and to their relatively large oscillator strength, InGaAs/GaAs semiconductor quantum boxes (QBs) open revolutionary opportunities for the application of the concepts of cavity quantum electrodynamics in monolithic microcavities. Such emitters experience in particular a very large enhancement of their spontaneous emission rate (Purcell effect) when inserted in high Q/low volume micropillars (×5) or microdisks (×15). This result opens unique opportunities for the development of solid-state photon guns, able to emit single-photon pulses in a deterministic way. QBs in microdisks should also allow in the near future to achieve a strong coupling regime for a single solid-state emitter.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S1386-9477(00)00187-9]

[509] Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior in UML (2002)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents (MOCA))

Abstract: One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is in- heritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as at- tributes and operations. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering the dynamic behavior of objects, captured by their life cycles. This paper studies inheritance of behavior in the context of UML. This work is based on a theoretical framework which has been applied and tested in both a process-algebraic setting (ACP) and a Petri-net setting (WF-nets). In this framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct sub- classes from (super-)classes. These rules and corresponding techniques and tools are applied to UML activity diagrams, UML statechart diagrams, and UML se- quence diagrams. It turns out that the combination of blocking and hiding actions captures a number of important patterns for constructing behavioral subclasses, namely choice, sequential composition, parallel composition, and iteration. Both practical insights and a firm theoretical foundation show that our framework can be used as a stepping-stone for extending UML with inheritance of behavior.

摘要: One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is in- heritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as at- tributes and operations. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering the dynamic behavior of objects, captured by their life cycles. This paper studies inheritance of behavior in the context of UML. This work is based on a theoretical framework which has been applied and tested in both a process-algebraic setting (ACP) and a Petri-net setting (WF-nets). In this framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct sub- classes from (super-)classes. These rules and corresponding techniques and tools are applied to UML activity diagrams, UML statechart diagrams, and UML se- quence diagrams. It turns out that the combination of blocking and hiding actions captures a number of important patterns for constructing behavioral subclasses, namely choice, sequential composition, parallel composition, and iteration. Both practical insights and a firm theoretical foundation show that our framework can be used as a stepping-stone for extending UML with inheritance of behavior.

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[510] Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows to Enable Business-to-Business E-Commerce (2002)

(van der Aalst, W.M.P. and van der Aalst, W M P | Electronic Commerce Research)

Abstract: The World-Wide-Web is fast becoming a crucial medium for electronic commerce. Many companies are now involved in o-nline retailing of goods and services to consumers through the Web. In some industries, business partnerships are being fostered in order to broaden the scope of their markets. One example is the telecommunications industry, where changes in business structure, spirited by deregulation, have resulted in alliances amongst different communications providers, including new players like the utilities and entertainment providers. In this environment, business processes may involve multiple co-operating entities and, supporting such interorganizational business processes can be achieved through the use of workflow management systems. In this paper, we present an approach for designing interorganizational workflows that supports co-operation of business partners, while preserving the autonomy of the partner organizations.

摘要: The World-Wide-Web is fast becoming a crucial medium for electronic commerce. Many companies are now involved in o-nline retailing of goods and services to consumers through the Web. In some industries, business partnerships are being fostered in order to broaden the scope of their markets. One example is the telecommunications industry, where changes in business structure, spirited by deregulation, have resulted in alliances amongst different communications providers, including new players like the utilities and entertainment providers. In this environment, business processes may involve multiple co-operating entities and, supporting such interorganizational business processes can be achieved through the use of workflow management systems. In this paper, we present an approach for designing interorganizational workflows that supports co-operation of business partners, while preserving the autonomy of the partner organizations.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1016031730365]

[511] Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows to Enable Business-to-Business E-commerce (2002)

(van der Aalst, W.M.P. and van der Aalst, W M P | Electronic Commerce Research)

Abstract: The World-Wide-Web is fast becoming a crucial medium for electronic commerce. Many companies are now involved in o-nline retailing of goods and services to consumers through the Web. In some industries, business partnerships are being fostered in order to broaden the scope of their markets. One example is the telecommunications industry, where changes in business structure, spirited by deregulation, have resulted in alliances amongst different communications providers, including new players like the utilities and entertainment providers. In this environment, business processes may involve multiple co-operating entities and, supporting such interorganizational business processes can be achieved through the use of workflow management systems. In this paper, we present an approach for designing interorganizational workflows that supports co-operation of business partners, while preserving the autonomy of the partner organizations.

摘要: 万维网正在迅速成为电子商务的重要媒介。现在,许多公司都参与通过网络向消费者进行商品和服务的在线零售。在某些行业中,正在建立业务合作伙伴关系,以扩大其市场范围。一个例子是电信行业,在放松管制的刺激下,业务结构的变化导致了不同通信提供商之间的联盟,包括公用事业和娱乐提供商等新参与者。在这种环境下,业务流程可能涉及多个合作实体,并且可以通过使用工作流管理系统来实现对此类组织间业务流程的支持。在本文中,我们提出了一种设计组织间工作流的方法,该方法支持业务合作伙伴的合作,同时保留合作伙伴组织的自主权。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1016031730365]

[512] Inheritance of Interorganizational Workflows: How to Agree to Disagree Without Loosing Control? (2003)

(van der Aalst, W.M.P. | Information Technology and Management)

Abstract: Internet-based technology, E-commerce, and the rise of networked virtual enterprises have fueled the need for interorganizational workflows. Although XML allows trading partners to exchange information, it cannot be used to coordinate activities in different organizational entities. Business-to-business processes are hindered by the lack of a common language to support collaboration. This paper describes the P2P (Public-To-Private) approach which addresses one of the most notorious problems in this domain: How to design an interorganizational workflow such that there is local autonomy without compromising the consistency of the overall process. The approach uses a notion of inheritance and consists of three steps: (1) create a common understanding of the interorganizational workflow by specifying the shared public workflow, (2) partition the public workflow over the organizational entities involved, and (3) for each organizational entity: create a private workflow which is a subclass of the relevant part of the public workflow. This paper shows that this approach avoids typical anomalies in business-to-business collaboration (e.g., deadlocks and livelocks) and yields an interorganizational workflow which is guaranteed to realize the behavior specified in the public workflow.

摘要: 基于Internet的技术,电子商务和联网虚拟企业的兴起,推动了对组织间工作流程的需求。尽管XML允许贸易伙伴交换信息,但是它不能用于协调不同组织实体中的活动。缺少支持协作的通用语言阻碍了企业对企业的流程。本文介绍了P2P(公共到私有)方法,该方法解决了该领域中最臭名昭著的问题之一:如何设计组织间工作流,以便在不损害整个流程一致性的情况下实现局部自治。该方法使用继承的概念,包括三个步骤:(1)通过指定共享的公共工作流程来创建对组织间工作流程的共识,(2)将公共工作流程划分为所涉及的组织实体,并且(3)组织实体:创建一个私有工作流,该工作流是公共工作流相关部分的子类。本文表明,这种方法避免了企业间协作中的典型异常(例如死锁和活锁),并产生了一个组织间的工作流,可以保证实现公共工作流中指定的行为。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1025182201690]

[513] Inheritance of behavior (2001)

(Basten, Twan and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming)

Abstract: One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is inheritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as attributes and methods. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering the dynamic behavior of objects, captured by their life cycles. This paper studies inheritance of behavior both in a simple process-algebraic setting and in a Petri-net framework. Process algebra is chosen, because it concentrates on behavior, while abstracting from the internal states of processes. The result of the algebraic study is a clear conceptual understanding of inheritance of behavior. It can be expressed in terms of blocking and hiding method calls. The results in the algebraic framework inspire the development of the concept of inheritance of behavior in the Petri-net framework. The Petri-net formalism allows for a graphical representation of life cycles of objects with an explicit representation of object states. In the Petri-net framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct life cycles of subclasses from the object life cycles of given (super-)classes. These inheritance rules can be used to structure a design process and they stimulate the reuse of life-cycle specifications. It turns out that the combination of blocking and hiding method calls captures a number of important operators for constructing life cycles of subclasses from life cycles of superclasses, namely choice, sequential composition, parallel composition, and iteration. A small case study validates our approach to inheritance of behavior. textcopyright 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.

摘要: One of the key issues of object-oriented modeling and design is inheritance. It allows for the definition of subclasses that inherit features of some superclass. Inheritance is well defined for static properties of classes such as attributes and methods. However, there is no general agreement on the meaning of inheritance when considering the dynamic behavior of objects, captured by their life cycles. This paper studies inheritance of behavior both in a simple process-algebraic setting and in a Petri-net framework. Process algebra is chosen, because it concentrates on behavior, while abstracting from the internal states of processes. The result of the algebraic study is a clear conceptual understanding of inheritance of behavior. It can be expressed in terms of blocking and hiding method calls. The results in the algebraic framework inspire the development of the concept of inheritance of behavior in the Petri-net framework. The Petri-net formalism allows for a graphical representation of life cycles of objects with an explicit representation of object states. In the Petri-net framework, four inheritance rules are defined that can be used to construct life cycles of subclasses from the object life cycles of given (super-)classes. These inheritance rules can be used to structure a design process and they stimulate the reuse of life-cycle specifications. It turns out that the combination of blocking and hiding method calls captures a number of important operators for constructing life cycles of subclasses from life cycles of superclasses, namely choice, sequential composition, parallel composition, and iteration. A small case study validates our approach to inheritance of behavior. textcopyright 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S1567-8326(00)00004-7]

[514] Inheritance of workflows: An approach to tackling problems related to change (2002)

(Van der Aalst | Theoretical Computer Science)

Abstract: Inheritance is one of the key issues of object-orientation. The inheritance mechanism allows for the definition of a subclass which inherits the features of a specific superclass. When adapting a workflow process definition to specific needs (ad-hoc change) or changing the structure of the workflow process as a result of reengineering efforts (evolutionary change), inheritance concepts are useful to check whether the new workflow process inherits some desirable properties of the old workflow process. Todays workflow management systems have problems dealing with both ad-hoc changes and evolutionary changes. As a result, a workflow management system is not used to support dynamically changing workflow processes or the workflow processes are supported in a rigid manner, i.e., changes are not allowed or handled outside of the workflow management system. In this paper, we propose inheritance-preserving transformation rules for workflow processes and show that these rules can be used to avoid problems such as the dynamic-change bug. The dynamic-change bug refers to errors introduced by migrating a case (i.e., a process instance) from an old process definition to a new one. A transfer from an old process to a new process can lead to duplication of work, skipping of tasks, deadlocks, and livelocks. Restricting change to the inheritance-preserving transformation rules guarantees transfers without any of these problems. Moreover, the transformation rules can also be used to extract aggregate management information in case more than one version of a workflow process cannot be avoided. textcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 继承是面向对象的关键问题之一。继承机制允许定义子类,该子类继承特定超类的功能。当根据特定需求(临时更改)调整工作流程过程定义或由于重新设计工作(进化更改)而更改工作流程过程的结构时,继承概念对于检查新的工作流程过程是否继承了某些期望的属性非常有用。旧的工作流程。当今的工作流管理系统在处理临时更改和演进更改时都遇到问题。结果,工作流管理系统不用于支持动态改变的工作流过程,或者以严格的方式支持工作流过程,即,不允许在工作流管理系统外部进行或处理改变。在本文中,我们提出了用于工作流过程的保留继承的转换规则,并表明这些规则可用于避免诸如动态更改错误之类的问题。动态变更错误是指通过将案例(即流程实例)从旧流程定义迁移到新流程而引入的错误。从旧流程到新流程的转移可能导致工作重复,跳过任务,死锁和活动锁。将更改限制在保留继承的转换规则上,可以确保传输没有任何这些问题。此外,在无法避免一个以上版本的工作流过程的情况下,转换规则还可以用于提取聚合管理信息。 t​​extcopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0304-3975(00)00321-2]

[515] Interacting agents through a web-based health serviceflow management system (2007)

(Leonardi, Giorgio and Panzarasa, Silvia and Quaglini, Silvana and Stefanelli, Mario and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: The management of chronic and out-patients is a complex process which requires the cooperation of different agents belonging to several organizational units. Patients have to move to different locations to access the necessary services and to communicate their health status data. From their point of view there should be only one organization (Virtual Health-Care Organization) which provides both virtual and face-to-face encounters. In this paper we propose the Serviceflow Management System as a solution to handle these information and the communication requirements. The system consists of: (a) the model of the care process represented as a Serviceflow and developed using the Workflow Management System YAWL; (b) an organizational ontology representing the VHCO; and © agreements and commitments between the parties defined in a contract (represented as an XML document). On the basis of a general architecture we present an implementation in the area of Diabetes management. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

摘要: The management of chronic and out-patients is a complex process which requires the cooperation of different agents belonging to several organizational units. Patients have to move to different locations to access the necessary services and to communicate their health status data. From their point of view there should be only one organization (Virtual Health-Care Organization) which provides both virtual and face-to-face encounters. In this paper we propose the Serviceflow Management System as a solution to handle these information and the communication requirements. The system consists of: (a) the model of the care process represented as a Serviceflow and developed using the Workflow Management System YAWL; (b) an organizational ontology representing the VHCO; and © agreements and commitments between the parties defined in a contract (represented as an XML document). On the basis of a general architecture we present an implementation in the area of Diabetes management. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2006.12.002]

[516] Interactively exploring logs and mining models with clustering, filtering, and relabeling (2016)

(Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Real-life event logs often contain many data quality issues, which obstruct existing discovery algorithms from discovering meaningful process models and process analysts from conducting further process analysis. In this paper, we present an integrated tool that provides support for dealing with three of these data issues: logs comprising recordings of multiple heterogeneous variants of a process; traces containing multitude of deviating events in an infrequent context; event labels being imprecise. The tool is called Log to Model Explorer and helps users in interactively and iteratively exploring and preprocessing a log by clustering, filtering and event relabeling, enabling them to discover more meaningful process models.

摘要: 现实事件日志通常包含许多数据质量问题,这些问题阻碍了现有的发现算法发现有意义的过程模型,并阻碍了过程分析人员进行进一步的过程分析。在本文中,我们提供了一个集成的工具,该工具为处理以下三个数据问题提供了支持:日志,其中记录了流程的多个异构变量;在不频繁的上下文中包含大量偏离事件的跟踪;事件标签不准确。该工具称为登录到模型资源管理器,可通过聚类,过滤和事件重新标记来帮助用户以交互方式和迭代方式浏览和预处理日志,从而使他们能够发现更有意义的流程模型。

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[517] Interest-driven discovery of local process models (2018)

(Tax, Niek and Dalmas, Benjamin and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Norre, Sylvie | Information Systems)

Abstract: Local Process Models (LPM) describe structured fragments of process behavior occurring in the context of less structured business processes. Traditional LPM discovery aims to generate a collection of process models that describe highly frequent behavior, but these models do not always provide useful answers to questions posed by process analysts aiming at business process improvement. We propose a framework for goal-driven LPM discovery, based on utility functions and constraints. We describe four scopes on which these utility functions and constraints can be defined, and show that utility functions and constraints on different scopes can be combined to form composite utility functions/constraints. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach by presenting several actionable business insights discovered with LPM discovery on three real-life data sets.

摘要: 本地流程模型(LPM)描述了在结构化业务流程较少的情况下发生的流程行为的结构化片段。传统的LPM发现旨在生成描述频繁行为的流程模型的集合,但是这些模型并不总是为流程分析师针对业务流程改进提出的问题提供有用的答案。我们基于实用程序功能和约束条件,为目标驱动的LPM发现提出了一个框架。我们描述了可以定义这些效用函数和约束的四个范围,并表明可以将不同范围上的效用函数和约束进行组合以形成复合效用函数/约束。最后,我们通过在三个实际数据集上展示通过LPM发现而发现的一些可行的业务见解,证明了我们方法的适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2018.04.006]

[518] KPI-Based activity planning for people working in flexible processes (2015)

(Van Eck | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Planning human activities within business processes often happens based on the same methods and algorithms as are used in the area of manufacturing systems. However, human resources are more complex than machines. Their performance depends on a number of factors, including stress, personal preferences, etc. In this paper we describe an approach for planning activities of people that takes into account business rules and optimises the schedule with respect to one or more KPIs. Taking a task list, a set of rules or constraints and a KPI calculation model as input, we automatically create an executable model that cap- Tures all the possible scheduling scenarios. The state space of this executable model is explored to find an optimal schedule.

摘要: Planning human activities within business processes often happens based on the same methods and algorithms as are used in the area of manufacturing systems. However, human resources are more complex than machines. Their performance depends on a number of factors, including stress, personal preferences, etc. In this paper we describe an approach for planning activities of people that takes into account business rules and optimises the schedule with respect to one or more KPIs. Taking a task list, a set of rules or constraints and a KPI calculation model as input, we automatically create an executable model that cap- Tures all the possible scheduling scenarios. The state space of this executable model is explored to find an optimal schedule.

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[519] Life-Cycle Support for Staff Assignment Rules in Process-Aware Information Systems (2007)

(Rinderle-ma, Stefanie and van der Aalst, W.M.P. | TU Eindhoven)

Abstract: Process mining has been proposed as a tool for analyzing business processes based on events logs. Today, most information sys- tems are logging events in some log and thus provide detailed informa- tion about the processes they are supporting. This information can be used for two forms of process mining: conformance checking (comparing the actual process with some a-priori model) and discovery (deriving a model from scratch). Most of the process mining tools have been focus- ing on the control-°ow perspective and today it is possible to automat- ically construct process models that can be used for the con¯guration of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAISs). This paper provides an overview of process mining and focuses on a neglected aspect of PAISs: statextregistered assignment. We propose an approach for statextregistered assignment mining based on decision tree learning, i.e., based on some organizational model and an event log we try to discover allocation rules. This is useful for con¯guring new PAISs. However, it can also be used to evaluate statextregistered assignment rules in some existing PAIS. Based on this, °aws and re- dundancies within statextregistered assignment rules (e.g., security holes by otextregisteredering process activities to non-authorized users in exceptional cases) can be detected and optimization strategies can be derived automatically. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework and ditextregisterederent strategies have been evaluated using simulation. Altogether, this work contributes to a complete life-cycle support for statextregistered assignment rules.

摘要: Process mining has been proposed as a tool for analyzing business processes based on events logs. Today, most information sys- tems are logging events in some log and thus provide detailed informa- tion about the processes they are supporting. This information can be used for two forms of process mining: conformance checking (comparing the actual process with some a-priori model) and discovery (deriving a model from scratch). Most of the process mining tools have been focus- ing on the control-°ow perspective and today it is possible to automat- ically construct process models that can be used for the con¯guration of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAISs). This paper provides an overview of process mining and focuses on a neglected aspect of PAISs: statextregistered assignment. We propose an approach for statextregistered assignment mining based on decision tree learning, i.e., based on some organizational model and an event log we try to discover allocation rules. This is useful for con¯guring new PAISs. However, it can also be used to evaluate statextregistered assignment rules in some existing PAIS. Based on this, °aws and re- dundancies within statextregistered assignment rules (e.g., security holes by otextregisteredering process activities to non-authorized users in exceptional cases) can be detected and optimization strategies can be derived automatically. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework and ditextregisterederent strategies have been evaluated using simulation. Altogether, this work contributes to a complete life-cycle support for statextregistered assignment rules.

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[520] Lightweight Interacting Patient Treatment Processes (2012)

(Mans, Ronny and van der Aalst, Wil and Russell, Nick and Bakker, Piet and Moleman, Arnold | International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations)

Abstract: Processes concerning the diagnosis and treatment of patients cannot be straightjacketed into traditional production-like workflows. They can be best characterized as weakly-connected interacting light-weight workflows where tasks reside at different levels of granularity, and for each individual patient a doctor proceeds in a step-by-step way deciding what next steps be taken. Classical workflow notations fall short in supporting these patient processes as they have been designed to support monolithic processes. Classical notations (WF-nets (work flow nets), BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), EPCs (Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances), etc.) assume that a workflow process can be modeled by specifying the life-cycle of a single case in isolation. To address these problems, the authors present an extension of the Proclets framework which allows for dividing complex entangled processes into simple autonomous fragments. Additionally, increased emphasis is placed on interaction related aspects such that fragment instances for individual patients can cooperate in any desired way. The authors describe an implementation of the Proclets framework. Proclets have been added to the open-source Workflow Management System YAWL to better support inter-workflow support functionalities.

摘要: 有关患者诊断和治疗的过程不能直接用于传统的生产式工作流程中。最好将它们描述为弱连接的交互轻量级工作流,其中任务位于不同的粒度级别,并且对于每位患者,医生将按部就班地进行下一步操作,以决定要采取的下一步措施。经典的工作流程符号无法支持这些患者过程,因为它们被设计为支持整体过程。经典符号(WF网络(工作流网络),BPMN(业务流程模型和符号),EPC(受控物质的电子处方)等)假定可以通过指定单个生命周期来对工作流程进行建模。隔离情况。为了解决这些问题,作者提出了Proclets框架的扩展,该框架允许将复杂的纠缠过程划分为简单的自治片段。另外,将更多的重点放在与相互作用有关的方面,使得各个患者的片段实例可以以任何期望的方式合作。作者描述了Proclets框架的实现。 Proclet已添加到开源工作流管理系统YAWL中,以更好地支持工作流间支持功能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/ijkbo.2012100101]

[521] Linking data and process perspectives for conformance analysis (2018)

(Alizadeh, Mahdi and Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and Zannone, Nicola and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computers and Security)

Abstract: The detection of data breaches has become a major challenge for most organizations. The problem lies in the fact that organizations often lack proper mechanisms to control and monitor users activities and their data usage. Although several auditing approaches have been proposed to assess the compliance of actual executed behavior, existing approaches focus on either checking data accesses against security policies (data perspective) or checking user activities against the activities needed to conduct business processes (process perspective). Analyzing user behavior from these perspectives independently may not be sufficient to expose security incidents. In particular, security incidents may remain undetected or diagnosed incorrectly. This paper proposes a novel auditing approach that reconciles the data and process perspectives, thus enabling the identification of a large range of deviations. In particular, we analyze and classify deviations with respect to the intended purpose of data and the context in which data are used, and provide a novel algorithm to identify non-conforming user behavior. The approach has been implemented in the open source framework ProM and was evaluated through both controlled experiments and a case study using real-life event data. The results show that the approach is able to accurately identify deviations in both data usage and control-flow, while providing the purpose and context of the identified deviations.

摘要: The detection of data breaches has become a major challenge for most organizations. The problem lies in the fact that organizations often lack proper mechanisms to control and monitor users activities and their data usage. Although several auditing approaches have been proposed to assess the compliance of actual executed behavior, existing approaches focus on either checking data accesses against security policies (data perspective) or checking user activities against the activities needed to conduct business processes (process perspective). Analyzing user behavior from these perspectives independently may not be sufficient to expose security incidents. In particular, security incidents may remain undetected or diagnosed incorrectly. This paper proposes a novel auditing approach that reconciles the data and process perspectives, thus enabling the identification of a large range of deviations. In particular, we analyze and classify deviations with respect to the intended purpose of data and the context in which data are used, and provide a novel algorithm to identify non-conforming user behavior. The approach has been implemented in the open source framework ProM and was evaluated through both controlled experiments and a case study using real-life event data. The results show that the approach is able to accurately identify deviations in both data usage and control-flow, while providing the purpose and context of the identified deviations.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cose.2017.10.010]

[522] Liveness, fairness, and recurrence in Petri nets (1999)

(Kindler, Ekkart and Van der Aalst | Information Processing Letters)

Abstract: In Petri net theory, recurrence implies liveness. In this study, the reverse implication of this reverse direction is examined. First, a class of Petri nets for which liveness implies recurrence is characterized. Following this, extended asymmetric choice nets are defined. It is shown that liveness also implies recurrence for this class. The results show that for extended asymmetric choice nets, soundness guarantees termination. Detailed analysis of workflow processes show that all workflows encountered can be modeled by extended asymmetric choice nets.

摘要: 在Petri网理论中,递归意味着活跃。在这项研究中,研究了这种反向的反向含义。首先,对一类Petri网(活度暗示复发)进行了表征。此后,定义了扩展的非对称选择网。结果表明,活跃度也意味着此类的复发。结果表明,对于扩展的非对称选择网,稳健性保证终止。对工作流程的详细分析表明,可以通过扩展的非对称选择网对遇到的所有工作流程进行建模。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0020-0190(99)00074-5]

[523] Log-based Evaluation of Label Splits for Process Models (2016)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and Aalst, Wil M.P.Van Der | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim to extract insights in processes from event logs. One of the challenges in process mining is identifying interesting and meaningful event labels that contribute to a better understanding of the process. Our application area is mining data from smart homes for elderly, where the ultimate goal is to signal deviations from usual behavior and provide timely recommendations in order to extend the period of independent living. Extracting individual process models showing user behavior is an important instrument in achieving this goal. However, the interpretation of sensor data at an appropriate abstraction level is not straightforward. For example, a motion sensor in a bedroom can be triggered by tossing and turning in bed or by getting up. We try to derive the actual activity depending on the context (time, previous events, etc.). In this paper we introduce the notion of label refinements, which links more abstract event descriptions with their more refined counterparts. We present a statistical evaluation method to determine the usefulness of a label refinement for a given event log from a process perspective. Based on data from smart homes, we show how our statistical evaluation method for label refinements can be used in practice. Our method was able to select two label refinements out of a set of candidate label refinements that both had a positive effect on model precision.

摘要: Process mining techniques aim to extract insights in processes from event logs. One of the challenges in process mining is identifying interesting and meaningful event labels that contribute to a better understanding of the process. Our application area is mining data from smart homes for elderly, where the ultimate goal is to signal deviations from usual behavior and provide timely recommendations in order to extend the period of independent living. Extracting individual process models showing user behavior is an important instrument in achieving this goal. However, the interpretation of sensor data at an appropriate abstraction level is not straightforward. For example, a motion sensor in a bedroom can be triggered by tossing and turning in bed or by getting up. We try to derive the actual activity depending on the context (time, previous events, etc.). In this paper we introduce the notion of label refinements, which links more abstract event descriptions with their more refined counterparts. We present a statistical evaluation method to determine the usefulness of a label refinement for a given event log from a process perspective. Based on data from smart homes, we show how our statistical evaluation method for label refinements can be used in practice. Our method was able to select two label refinements out of a set of candidate label refinements that both had a positive effect on model precision.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.096]

[524] Loosely coupled interorganizational workflows: Modeling and analyzing workflows crossing organizational boundaries (2000)

(Van Der Aalst | Information and Management)

Abstract: Todays corporations often must operate across organizational boundaries. Phenomena such as electronic commerce, extended enterprises, and the Internet stimulate cooperation between organizations. Therefore, it is interesting to consider workflows distributed over a number of organizations. Interorganizational workflow offers companies the opportunity to reshape business processes beyond the boundaries of their own organizations. Two important questions are addressed in this paper: (1) what are the minimal requirements any interorganizational workflow should satisfy? and (2) how does one decide whether an interorganizational workflow, modeled in terms of Petri nets, is consistent with an interaction structure specified through a message sequence chart? textcopyright 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 当今的公司通常必须跨越组织边界进行操作。诸如电子商务,扩展企业和Internet之类的现象刺激了组织之间的合作。因此,考虑在多个组织中分布的工作流是很有趣的。组织间工作流为公司提供了以下机会:重塑超出其组织边界的业务流程本文解决了两个重要问题:(1)任何组织间工作流程应满足的最低要求是什么;(2)如何确定是否按照术语建模了组织间工作流程? Petri网的结构与通过消息序列图指定的交互结构一致吗? t​​extcopyright 2000 Elsevier Science BV保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0378-7206(99)00038-5]

[525] Managing process model complexity via abstract syntax modifications (2011)

(La Rosa | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Abstract: As a result of the growing adoption of Business Process Management (BPM) technology, different stakeholders need to understand and agree upon the process models that are used to configure BPM systems. However, BPM users have problems dealing with the complexity of such models. Therefore, the challenge is to improve the comprehension of process models. While a substantial amount of literature is devoted to this topic, there is no overview of the various mechanisms that exist to deal with managing complexity in (large) process models. As a result, it is hard to obtain an insight into the degree of support offered for complexity reducing mechanisms by state-of-the-art languages and tools. This paper focuses on complexity reduction mechanisms that affect the abstract syntax of a process model, i.e., the formal structure of process model elements and their interrelationships. These mechanisms are captured as patterns so that they can be described in their most general form, in a language- and tool-independent manner. The paper concludes with a comparative overview of the degree of support for these patterns offered by state-of-the-art languages and tools, and with an evaluation of the patterns from a usability perspective, as perceived by BPM practitioners. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

摘要: 由于越来越多地采用业务流程管理(BPM)技术,因此不同的利益相关者需要了解并同意用于配置BPM系统的流程模型。但是,BPM用户在处理此类模型的复杂性方面存在问题。因此,挑战在于提高对过程模型的理解。尽管大量文献致力于该主题,但没有概述用于处理(大型)过程模型中的复杂性的各种机制。结果,很难了解最新的语言和工具为降低复杂性提供的支持程度。本文关注于影响流程模型抽象语法的复杂度降低机制,即流程模型元素的形式结构及其相互关系。这些机制被捕获为模式,因此可以以最通用的形式以与语言和工具无关的方式进行描述。本文最后总结了最新语言和工具对这些模式的支持程度,并从BPM从业者的感知角度从可用性的角度对这些模式进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TII.2011.2166795]

[526] Matching observed behavior and modeled behavior: An approach based on Petri nets and integer programming (2006)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Inspired by the way SAP R/3 and other transactional information systems log events, we focus on the problem to decide whether a process model and a frequency profile fit together. The problem is formulated in terms of Petri nets and an approach based on integer programming is proposed to tackle the problem. The integer program provides necessary conditions and, as shown in this paper, for relevant subclasses these conditions are sufficient. Unlike traditional approaches, the approach allows for labeled Petri nets with hidden transitions, noise, etc. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 受SAP R / 3和其他事务性信息系统记录事件的方式启发,我们将重点放在确定流程模型和频率配置文件是否适合的问题上。该问题用Petri网来表述,并提出了一种基于整数规划的方法来解决该问题。整数程序提供了必要条件,并且如本白皮书中所示,对于相关子类,这些条件就足够了。与传统方法不同,该方法允许带有隐藏过渡,噪声等标记的Petri网。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2006.03.013]

[527] Measuring precision of modeled behavior (2014)

(Adriansyah, A. and Munoz-Gama, J. and Carmona, J. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems and e-Business Management)

Abstract: Conformance checking techniques compare observed behavior (i.e., event logs) with modeled behavior for a variety of reasons. For example, discrepancies between a normative process model and recorded behavior may point to fraud or inefficiencies. The resulting diagnostics can be used for auditing and compliance management. Conformance checking can also be used to judge a process model automatically discovered from an event log. Models discovered using different process discovery techniques need to be compared objectively. These examples illustrate just a few of the many use cases for aligning observed and modeled behavior. Thus far, most conformance checking techniques focused on replay fitness, i.e., the ability to reproduce the event log. However, it is easy to construct models that allow for lots of behavior (including the observed behavior) without being precise. In this paper, we propose a method to measure precision of process models, given their event logs by first aligning the logs to the models. This way, the measurement is not sensitive to non-fitting executions and more accurate values can be obtained for non-fitting logs. Furthermore, we introduce several variants of the technique to deal better with incomplete logs and reduce possible bias due to behavioral property of process models. The approach has been implemented in the ProM 6 framework and tested against both artificial and real-life cases. Experiments show that the approach is robust to noise and applicable to handle logs and models of real-life complexity.

摘要: Conformance checking techniques compare observed behavior (i.e., event logs) with modeled behavior for a variety of reasons. For example, discrepancies between a normative process model and recorded behavior may point to fraud or inefficiencies. The resulting diagnostics can be used for auditing and compliance management. Conformance checking can also be used to judge a process model automatically discovered from an event log. Models discovered using different process discovery techniques need to be compared objectively. These examples illustrate just a few of the many use cases for aligning observed and modeled behavior. Thus far, most conformance checking techniques focused on replay fitness, i.e., the ability to reproduce the event log. However, it is easy to construct models that allow for lots of behavior (including the observed behavior) without being precise. In this paper, we propose a method to measure precision of process models, given their event logs by first aligning the logs to the models. This way, the measurement is not sensitive to non-fitting executions and more accurate values can be obtained for non-fitting logs. Furthermore, we introduce several variants of the technique to deal better with incomplete logs and reduce possible bias due to behavioral property of process models. The approach has been implemented in the ProM 6 framework and tested against both artificial and real-life cases. Experiments show that the approach is robust to noise and applicable to handle logs and models of real-life complexity.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-014-0234-7]

[528] Merging event-driven process chains (2008)

(Gottschalk, Florian and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: While business processes are typically handled differently among companies, many of them are variations of a common process like procurement or invoicing. To gain synergy effects from corporate mergers, process analysts align such processes by identifying and seamlessly integrating overlapping process parts. To support this, we present in this paper an approach that merges two business process models which are depicted as Event-driven Process Chains into a single process model which can serve as a starting point for further process optimization. The approach has been implemented in the ProM process mining framework and can thus be used together with a wide range of other process mining and analysis techniques. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: While business processes are typically handled differently among companies, many of them are variations of a common process like procurement or invoicing. To gain synergy effects from corporate mergers, process analysts align such processes by identifying and seamlessly integrating overlapping process parts. To support this, we present in this paper an approach that merges two business process models which are depicted as Event-driven Process Chains into a single process model which can serve as a starting point for further process optimization. The approach has been implemented in the ProM process mining framework and can thus be used together with a wide range of other process mining and analysis techniques. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-88871-0_28]

[529] Mining configurable enterprise information systems (2006)

(Jansen-Vullers, M. H. and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining aim at extracting a process model from system logs. These logs have to meet minimum requirements, i.e. each event should refer to a case and a task. Some system logs do not meet these requirements, and therefore it is not possible to use process mining for process optimization or delta analysis. This paper shows an alternative process mining procedure for logs containing only data on the number of times that process steps have been executed (i.e., frequencies). To be able to mine such logs we apply Configurable Event-driven Process Chains (C-EPCs). If a C-EPC is available, we propose a method to mine the process. If only a classical reference model (i.e., an EPC) is available, we propose a method to first derive the C-EPC through mining and then analyze the process. This approach enables us to do process mining in the context of ERP systems such as the SAP solutions. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Process mining aim at extracting a process model from system logs. These logs have to meet minimum requirements, i.e. each event should refer to a case and a task. Some system logs do not meet these requirements, and therefore it is not possible to use process mining for process optimization or delta analysis. This paper shows an alternative process mining procedure for logs containing only data on the number of times that process steps have been executed (i.e., frequencies). To be able to mine such logs we apply Configurable Event-driven Process Chains (C-EPCs). If a C-EPC is available, we propose a method to mine the process. If only a classical reference model (i.e., an EPC) is available, we propose a method to first derive the C-EPC through mining and then analyze the process. This approach enables us to do process mining in the context of ERP systems such as the SAP solutions. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2005.03.007]

[530] Mining e-mail messages: Uncovering interaction patterns and processes using e-mail logs (2008)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Nikolov, Andriy | International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies)

Abstract: Increasingly information systems log historic information in a systematic way. Workflow management systems, but also ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems often provide a so-called event log (i.e., a log recording the execution of activities). Thus far, process mining has been mainly focusing on structured event logs resulting in powerful analysis techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs. Unfortunately, many work processes are not supported by systems providing structured logs. Instead, very basic tools such as text editors, spreadsheets, and e-mail are used. This article explores the application of process mining to e-mail (i.e., unstructured or semi-structured e-mail messages are converted into event logs suitable for application of process mining tools). This article presents the tool EMailAnalyzer, embedded in the ProM process mining framework, which analyzes and transforms e-mail messages to a format that allows for analysis using our process mining techniques. The main innovative aspect of this work is that, unlike most other work in this area, our analysis is not restricted to social network analysis. Based on e-mail logs, we can also discover interaction patterns and processes. Copyright textcopyright 2008, IGI Global.

摘要: 信息系统越来越多地以系统的方式记录历史信息。工作流管理系统以及ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统通常提供所谓的事件日志(即记录活动执行的日志)。到目前为止,过程挖掘一直主要集中在结构化事件日志上,从而产生了强大的分析技术和工具,可从事件日志中发现过程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构。不幸的是,提供结构化日志的系统不支持许多工作流程。而是使用非常基本的工具,例如文本编辑器,电子表格和电子邮件。本文探讨了流程挖掘在电子邮件中的应用(即,将非结构化或半结构化的电子邮件转换为适用于流程挖掘工具的事件日志)。本文介绍了嵌入在ProM流程挖掘框架中的工具EMailAnalyzer,该工具可将电子邮件分析并转换为允许使用我们的流程挖掘技术进行分析的格式。这项工作的主要创新之处在于,与该领域的大多数其他工作不同,我们的分析并不局限于社交网络分析。基于电子邮件日志,我们还可以发现交互模式和过程。 IGI Global版权所有 t​​extcopyright2008。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/jiit.2008070102]

[531] Mining local process models (2016)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems)

Abstract: In this paper we describe a method to discover frequent behavioral patterns in event logs. We express these patterns as backslashbackslashemphlocal process models. Local process model mining can be positioned in-between process discovery and episode / sequential pattern mining. The technique presented in this paper is able to learn behavioral patterns involving sequential composition, concurrency, choice and loop, like in process mining. However, we do not look at start-to-end models, which distinguishes our approach from process discovery and creates a link to episode / sequential pattern mining. We propose an incremental procedure for building local process models capturing frequent patterns based on so-called process trees. We propose five quality dimensions and corresponding metrics for local process models, given an event log. We show monotonicity properties for some quality dimensions, enabling a speedup of local process model discovery through pruning. We demonstrate through a real life case study that mining local patterns allows us to get insights in processes where regular start-to-end process discovery techniques are only able to learn unstructured, flower-like, models.

摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一种在事件日志中发现频繁行为模式的方法。我们将这些模式表示为$ 反斜杠$ emph 本地流程模型。本地过程模型挖掘可以位于过程发现和情节/顺序模式挖掘之间。本文介绍的技术能够学习涉及顺序组成,并发,选择和循环的行为模式,例如在过程挖掘中。但是,我们不关注始端模型,后者将我们的方法与过程发现区分开来,并创建了指向情节/顺序模式挖掘的链接。我们提出了一种增量过程,用于基于所谓的过程树来构建捕获频繁模式的本地过程模型。给定事件日志,我们为本地流程模型提出了五个质量维度和相应的指标。我们显示了某些质量维度的单调性,从而可以通过修剪加快本地过程模型的发现。我们通过现实生活中的案例研究证明,挖掘局部模式可以使我们深入了解常规的从始至终的流程发现技术只能学习非结构化,类似花朵的模型的流程。

[下载地址](http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.06066 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jides.2016.11.001 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/11494744_5 http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84944916586&partnerID=40&md5=be23d25182d9cff3bb2885a599febe4d http://journals.sa) | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jides.2016.11.001]

[532] Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog (2005)

(Dustdar, Schahram and Hoffmann, Thomas and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The design of workflows is a complicated task. In those cases where the control flow between activities cannot be modeled in advance but simply occurs during enactment time (run time), we speak of ad-hoc processes. Ad-hoc processes allow for the flexibility needed in real-life business processes. Since ad-hoc processes are highly dynamic, they represent one of the most difficult challenges, both, technically and conceptually. Caramba is one of the few process-aware collaboration systems allowing for ad-hoc processes. Unlike in classical workflow systems, the users are no longer restricted by the system. Therefore, it is interesting to study the actual way people and organizations work. In this paper, we propose process mining techniques and tools to analyze ad-hoc processes. We introduce process mining, discuss the concept of mining in the context of ad-hoc processes, and demonstrate a concrete application of the concept using Caramba, process mining tools such as EMiT and MinSoN, and a newly developed extraction tool named Teamlog. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 工作流的设计是一项复杂的任务。在活动之间的控制流无法预先建模而仅在制定时间(运行时)内发生的情况下,我们称之为临时过程。临时流程可提供现实业务流程所需的灵活性。由于临时流程是高度动态的,因此无论从技术上还是从概念上来讲,它们都是最困难的挑战之一。 Caramba是为数不多的支持即席流程的流程感知协作系统之一。与传统工作流系统不同,用户不再受系统限制。因此,研究人员和组织的实际工作方式很有趣。在本文中,我们提出了流程挖掘技术和工具来分析临时流程。我们将介绍过程挖掘,在即席过程的上下文中讨论挖掘的概念,并演示使用Caramba,过程挖掘工具(例如EMiT和MinSoN)以及最新开发的名为Teamlog的提取工具来演示该概念的具体应用。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2005.02.002]

[533] Mining process model descriptions of daily life through event abstraction (2018)

(Tax, N. and Sidorova, N. and Haakma, R. and van der Aalst, W. | Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Abstract: Methods from the area of Process Mining traditionally focus on extracting insight in business processes from event logs. In this paper we explore the potential of Process Mining to provide valuable insights in (un)healthy habits and to contribute to ambient assisted living solutions when applied on data from smart home environments. Events in smart home environments are recorded at the level of sensor triggers, which is too low to mine habit-related behavioral patterns. Process discovery algorithms produce then overgeneralizing process models that allow for too much behavior and that are difficult to interpret for human experts. We show that abstracting the events to a higher-level interpretation can enable discovery of more precise and more comprehensible models. We present a framework to automatically abstract sensor-level events to their interpretation at the human activity level. Our framework is based on the XES IEEE standard for event logs. We use supervised learning techniques to train it on training data for which both the sensor and human activity events are known. We demonstrate our abstraction framework on three real-life smart home event logs and show that the process models that can be discovered after abstraction improve on precision as well as on F-score.

摘要: Methods from the area of Process Mining traditionally focus on extracting insight in business processes from event logs. In this paper we explore the potential of Process Mining to provide valuable insights in (un)healthy habits and to contribute to ambient assisted living solutions when applied on data from smart home environments. Events in smart home environments are recorded at the level of sensor triggers, which is too low to mine habit-related behavioral patterns. Process discovery algorithms produce then overgeneralizing process models that allow for too much behavior and that are difficult to interpret for human experts. We show that abstracting the events to a higher-level interpretation can enable discovery of more precise and more comprehensible models. We present a framework to automatically abstract sensor-level events to their interpretation at the human activity level. Our framework is based on the XES IEEE standard for event logs. We use supervised learning techniques to train it on training data for which both the sensor and human activity events are known. We demonstrate our abstraction framework on three real-life smart home event logs and show that the process models that can be discovered after abstraction improve on precision as well as on F-score.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-69266-1_5]

[534] Mining process models with non-free-choice constructs (2007)

(Wen, Lijie and Van Der Aalst | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. Process mining is particularly useful in situations where events are recorded but there is no system enforcing people to work in a particular way. Consider for example a hospital where the diagnosis and treatment activities are recorded in the hospital information system, but where health-care professionals determine the careflow. Many process mining approaches have been proposed in recent years. However, in spite of many researchers persistent efforts, there are still several challenging problems to be solved. In this paper, we focus on mining non-free-choice constructs, i.e., situations where there is a mixture of choice and synchronization. Although most real-life processes exhibit non-free-choice behavior, existing algorithms are unable to adequately deal with such constructs. Using a Petri-net-based representation, we will show that there are two kinds of causal dependencies between tasks, i.e., explicit and implicit ones. We propose an algorithm that is able to deal with both kinds of dependencies. The algorithm has been implemented in the ProM framework and experimental results shows that the algorithm indeed significantly improves existing process mining techniques. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

摘要: Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. Process mining is particularly useful in situations where events are recorded but there is no system enforcing people to work in a particular way. Consider for example a hospital where the diagnosis and treatment activities are recorded in the hospital information system, but where health-care professionals determine the careflow. Many process mining approaches have been proposed in recent years. However, in spite of many researchers persistent efforts, there are still several challenging problems to be solved. In this paper, we focus on mining non-free-choice constructs, i.e., situations where there is a mixture of choice and synchronization. Although most real-life processes exhibit non-free-choice behavior, existing algorithms are unable to adequately deal with such constructs. Using a Petri-net-based representation, we will show that there are two kinds of causal dependencies between tasks, i.e., explicit and implicit ones. We propose an algorithm that is able to deal with both kinds of dependencies. The algorithm has been implemented in the ProM framework and experimental results shows that the algorithm indeed significantly improves existing process mining techniques. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-007-0065-y]

[535] Mining process models with prime invisible tasks (2010)

(Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining is helpful for deploying new business processes as well as auditing, analyzing and improving the already enacted ones. Most of the existing process mining algorithms have some problems in dealing with invisible tasks, i.e., such tasks that exist in a process model but not in its event log. In this paper, a new process mining algorithm named alphaalpha# is proposed, which extends the mining capability of the classical alphaalpha algorithm by supporting the detection of prime invisible tasks from event logs. Prime invisible tasks are divided into five types according to their structural features, i.e., INITIALIZE, SKIP, REDO, SWITCH and FINALIZE. After that, a new ordering relation for detecting mendacious dependencies between tasks that reflects prime invisible tasks is introduced. A reduction rule for identifying redundant mendacious dependencies is also considered. The construction algorithm to insert prime invisible tasks of SKIP/REDO/SWITCH types is presented. The alphaalpha# algorithm has been evaluated using both artificial and real-life logs and the results are promising. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 流程挖掘有助于部署新的业务流程以及审核,分析和改进已制定的流程。大多数现有的过程挖掘算法在处理不可见任务时都存在一些问题,即,这些任务存在于流程模型中,但不存在于其事件日志中。本文提出了一种新的过程挖掘算法$ alpha $ #,该算法通过支持从事件日志中检测主要的不可见任务,扩展了经典$ alpha $算法的挖掘能力。主要的不可见任务根据其结构特征分为五种类型,即INITIALIZE,SKIP,REDO,SWITCH和FINALIZE。之后,引入了一种新的排序关系,用于检测反映主要看不见任务的任务之间的猛烈依赖关系。还考虑了用于标识冗余虚假依赖项的简化规则。提出了插入SKIP / REDO / SWITCH类型的主要不可见任务的构造算法。 $ alpha $ #算法已使用人工和现实日志进行了评估,结果令人鼓舞。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2010.06.001]

[536] Mining resource profiles from event logs (2017)

(Pika, Anastasiia and Leyer, Michael and Wynn, Moe T. and Fidge, Colin J. and Ter Hofstede | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: In most business processes, several activities need to be executed by human resources and cannot be fully automated. To evaluate resource performance and identify best practices as well as opportunities for improvement, managers need objective information about resource behaviors. Companies often use information systems to support their processes, and these systems record information about process execution in event logs. We present a framework for analyzing and evaluating resource behavior through mining such event logs. The framework provides (1) a method for extracting descriptive information about resource skills, utilization, preferences, productivity, and collaboration patterns; (2) a method for analyzing relationships between different resource behaviors and outcomes; and (3) a method for evaluating the overall resource productivity, tracking its changes over time, and comparing it to the productivity of other resources. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we apply it to analyze employee behavior in an Australian company and evaluate its usefulness by a survey among industry managers.

摘要: 在大多数业务流程中,一些活动需要由人力资源执行,并且不能完全自动化。为了评估资源绩效并确定最佳实践以及改进机会,管理人员需要有关资源行为的客观信息。公司经常使用信息系统来支持其流程,并且这些系统在事件日志中记录有关流程执行的信息。我们提供了一个通过挖掘此类事件日志来分析和评估资源行为的框架。该框架提供(1)一种提取关于资源技能,利用率,偏好,生产率和协作模式的描述性信息的方法; (2)分析不同资源行为与结果之间关系的方法; (3)一种评估整体资源生产率,跟踪其随时间变化并将其与其他资源生产率进行比较的方法。为了证明我们框架的适用性,我们将其用于分析一家澳大利亚公司的员工行为,并通过对行业经理的调查来评估其有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3041218]

[537] Model repair - Aligning process models to reality (2015)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques relate observed behavior (i.e., event logs) to modeled behavior (e.g., a BPMN model or a Petri net). Process models can be discovered from event logs and conformance checking techniques can be used to detect and diagnose differences between observed and modeled behavior. Existing process mining techniques can only uncover these differences, but the actual repair of the model is left to the user and is not supported. In this paper we investigate the problem of repairing a process model w.r.t. a log such that the resulting model can replay the log (i.e., conforms to it) and is as similar as possible to the original model. To solve the problem, we use an existing conformance checker that aligns the runs of the given process model to the traces in the log. Based on this information, we decompose the log into several sublogs of non-fitting subtraces. For each sublog, either a loop is discovered that can replay the sublog or a subprocess is derived that is then added to the original model at the appropriate location. The approach is implemented in the process mining toolkit ProM and has been validated on logs and models from several Dutch municipalities.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术将观察到的行为(即事件日志)与建模的行为(例如BPMN模型或Petri网)相关联。可以从事件日志中发现流程模型,并且可以使用一致性检查技术来检测和诊断观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。现有的流程挖掘技术只能发现这些差异,但是模型的实际修复留给用户使用,不受支持。在本文中,我们研究了修复流程模型的问题。日志,以便生成的模型可以重播日志(即符合该日志),并且与原始模型尽可能相似。为了解决该问题,我们使用了一个现有的一致性检查器,该检查器将给定过程模型的运行与日志中的跟踪对齐。基于此信息,我们将日志分解为不适合的子跟踪的几个子日志。对于每个子日志,要么发现可以重播子日志的循环,要么派生一个子过程,然后将其添加到适当位置的原始模型中。该方法在过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现,并已在荷兰几个城市的日志和模型中得到验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.12.007]

[538] Model-based software configuration: Patterns and languages (2006)

(Dreiling, Alexander and Rosemann, Michael and Van Der Aalst | European Journal of Information Systems)

Abstract: The common presupposition of enterprise systems (ES) is that they lead to significant efficiency gains. However, this is only the case for well-implemented ES that are well-aligned with the organisation. The list of ES implementation failures is significant which is partly attributable to the insufficiently addressed fundamental problem of adapting an ES efficiently. As long as it is not intuitively possible to configure an ES, this problem will prevail because organisations have a non-generic character. A solution to this problem consists in re-thinking current practices of ES provision. This paper proposes a new approach based on configurable process models, which reflect ES functionalities. We provide in this paper a taxonomy of situations that can occur from a business perspective during process model configuration. This taxonomy is represented via so-called semantic configuration patterns. In the next step, we discuss so-called syntactic configuration patterns. This second type of configuration patterns implements the semantic configuration patterns for specific modelling techniques. We chose two popular process modelling languages in order to illustrate our approach. textcopyright 2006 Operational Research Society Ltd. All right reserved.

摘要: The common presupposition of enterprise systems (ES) is that they lead to significant efficiency gains. However, this is only the case for well-implemented ES that are well-aligned with the organisation. The list of ES implementation failures is significant which is partly attributable to the insufficiently addressed fundamental problem of adapting an ES efficiently. As long as it is not intuitively possible to configure an ES, this problem will prevail because organisations have a non-generic character. A solution to this problem consists in re-thinking current practices of ES provision. This paper proposes a new approach based on configurable process models, which reflect ES functionalities. We provide in this paper a taxonomy of situations that can occur from a business perspective during process model configuration. This taxonomy is represented via so-called semantic configuration patterns. In the next step, we discuss so-called syntactic configuration patterns. This second type of configuration patterns implements the semantic configuration patterns for specific modelling techniques. We chose two popular process modelling languages in order to illustrate our approach. textcopyright 2006 Operational Research Society Ltd. All right reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000645]

[539] Modeling the Case Handling Principles with Colored Petri Nets (2005)

(Gunther, C W and van der Aalst, W M P | Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools CPN 2005)

Abstract: Case handling is a new paradigm for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. It is strongly based on data as the typical product of these processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. While classical Petri nets are a good theoretical foundation for workflow management, the data-intensive nature of case handling does not allow for the abstraction of data. Therefore, we use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) as a foundation for case handling.

摘要: Case handling is a new paradigm for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. It is strongly based on data as the typical product of these processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. While classical Petri nets are a good theoretical foundation for workflow management, the data-intensive nature of case handling does not allow for the abstraction of data. Therefore, we use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) as a foundation for case handling.

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[540] Modelling a product based workflow system in CPN tools (2005)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 6th Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools)

Abstract: A new approach to workflow process (re)design is the use of Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) theory. This theory takes the workflow product as the central concept (instead of the workflow process) and provides a product data model of the structure of information processing in the workflow process. In this paper we introduce a prototype for applying PBWD constructed using CPN Tools. The goal of this prototype is to provide a tool for `experimentation with the product data model. The CPN model supports the step-by-step calculation and processing of data in the workflow process based on several strategies and provides insight in the way PBWD works. Finally, the prototype is evaluated with on the one hand a state space analysis to assess the correctness of the model and on the other hand a simulation of a sample product data model.

摘要: A new approach to workflow process (re)design is the use of Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) theory. This theory takes the workflow product as the central concept (instead of the workflow process) and provides a product data model of the structure of information processing in the workflow process. In this paper we introduce a prototype for applying PBWD constructed using CPN Tools. The goal of this prototype is to provide a tool for `experimentation with the product data model. The CPN model supports the step-by-step calculation and processing of data in the workflow process based on several strategies and provides insight in the way PBWD works. Finally, the prototype is evaluated with on the one hand a state space analysis to assess the correctness of the model and on the other hand a simulation of a sample product data model.

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[541] Modelling work distribution mechanisms using Colored Petri Nets (2007)

(Pesic, Maja and Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Workflow management systems support business processes and are driven by their models. These models cover different perspectives including the control-flow, resource, and data perspectives. This paper focuses on the resource perspective, i.e., the way the system distributes work based on the structure of the organization and capabilities/qualifications of people. Contemporary workflow management systems offer a wide variety of mechanisms to support the resource perspective. Because the resource perspective is essential for the applicability of such systems, it is important to better understand the mechanisms and their interactions. Our goal is not to evaluate and compare what different systems do, but to understand how they do it. We use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) to model work distribution mechanisms. First, we provide a basic model that can be seen as a reference model of existing workflow management systems. This model is then extended for three specific systems (Staffware, FileNet, and FLOWer). Moreover, we show how more advanced work distribution mechanisms, referred to as resource patterns, can be modelled and analyzed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

摘要: Workflow management systems support business processes and are driven by their models. These models cover different perspectives including the control-flow, resource, and data perspectives. This paper focuses on the resource perspective, i.e., the way the system distributes work based on the structure of the organization and capabilities/qualifications of people. Contemporary workflow management systems offer a wide variety of mechanisms to support the resource perspective. Because the resource perspective is essential for the applicability of such systems, it is important to better understand the mechanisms and their interactions. Our goal is not to evaluate and compare what different systems do, but to understand how they do it. We use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) to model work distribution mechanisms. First, we provide a basic model that can be seen as a reference model of existing workflow management systems. This model is then extended for three specific systems (Staffware, FileNet, and FLOWer). Moreover, we show how more advanced work distribution mechanisms, referred to as resource patterns, can be modelled and analyzed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

[下载地址](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s10009-007-0036-z) | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0036-z]

[542] Monitoring business constraints with the event calculus (2013)

(Montali, Marco and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Chesani, Federico and Mello, Paola and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology)

Abstract: Today, large business processes are composed of smaller, autonomous, interconnected subsystems, achieving modularity and robustness. Quite often, these large processes comprise software components as well as human actors, they face highly dynamic environments and their subsystems are updated and evolve independently of each other. Due to their dynamic nature and complexity, it might be difficult, if not impossible, to ensure at design-time that such systems will always exhibit the desired/expected behaviors. This, in turn, triggers the need for runtime verification and monitoring facilities. These are needed to check whether the actual behavior complies with expected business constraints, internal/external regulations and desired best practices. In this work, we present Mobucon EC, a novel monitoring framework that tracks streams of events and continuously determines the state of business constraints. In Mobucon EC, business constraints are defined using the declarative language Declare. For the purpose of this work, Declare has been suitably extended to support quantitative time constraints and non-atomic, durative activities. The logic-based language Event Calculus (EC) has been adopted to provide a formal specification and semantics to Declare constraints, while a light-weight, logic programming-based EC tool supports dynamically reasoning about partial, evolving execution traces. To demonstrate the applicability of our approach, we describe a case study about maritime safety and security and provide a synthetic benchmark to evaluate its scalability. textcopyright 2013 ACM 2157-6904/2013/12-ART5 $ 15.00.

摘要: 今天,大型业务流程由较小的,自治的,相互连接的子系统组成,实现了模块化和鲁棒性。这些大型过程通常包括软件组件和人类参与者,它们面临着高度动态的环境,并且其子系统彼此独立地更新和发展。由于它们的动态性质和复杂性,如果不是不可能的话,可能很难(即使不是不可能)在设计时确保此类系统始终表现出期望的/预期的行为。反过来,这引发了对运行时验证和监视功能的需求。需要这些来检查实际行为是否符合预期的业务约束,内部/外部法规以及所需的最佳实践。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Mobucon EC,这是一个新颖的监视框架,可以跟踪事件流并不断确定业务约束的状态。在Mobucon EC中,使用声明性语言Declare定义业务约束。出于这项工作的目的,已适当扩展了声明以支持定量时间限制和非原子性的持续性活动。已采用基于逻辑的语言事件演算(EC)为声明约束提供正式的规范和语义,而基于逻辑编程的轻型EC工具支持对部分不断变化的执行轨迹进行动态推理。为了证明我们的方法的适用性,我们描述了有关海上安全和保障的案例研究,并提供了综合基准来评估其可扩展性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 ACM 2157-6904 / 2013 / 12-ART5 $ 15.00。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2542182.2542199]

[543] Multidimensional process mining using process cubes (2015)

(Bolt, Alfredo and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining techniques enable the analysis of processes using event data. For structured processes without too many variations, it is possible to show a relative simple model and project performance and conformance information on it. However, if there are multiple classes of cases exhibiting markedly different behaviors, then the overall process will be too complex to interpret. Moreover, it will be impossible to see differences in performance and conformance for the different process variants. The different process variations should be analysed separately and compared to each other from different perspectives to obtain meaningful insights about the different behaviors embedded in the process. This paper formalizes the notion of process cubes where the event data is presented and organized using different dimensions. Each cell in the cube corresponds to a set of events which can be used as an input by any process mining technique. This notion is related to the well-known OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data cubes, adapting the OLAP paradigm to event data through multidimensional process mining. This adaptation is far from trivial given the nature of event data which cannot be easily summarized or aggregated, conflicting with classical OLAP assumptions. For example, multidimensional process mining can be used to analyze the different versions of a sales processes, where each version can be defined according to different dimensions such as location or time, and then the different results can be compared. This new way of looking at processes may provide valuable insights for process optimization.

摘要: Process mining techniques enable the analysis of processes using event data. For structured processes without too many variations, it is possible to show a relative simple model and project performance and conformance information on it. However, if there are multiple classes of cases exhibiting markedly different behaviors, then the overall process will be too complex to interpret. Moreover, it will be impossible to see differences in performance and conformance for the different process variants. The different process variations should be analysed separately and compared to each other from different perspectives to obtain meaningful insights about the different behaviors embedded in the process. This paper formalizes the notion of process cubes where the event data is presented and organized using different dimensions. Each cell in the cube corresponds to a set of events which can be used as an input by any process mining technique. This notion is related to the well-known OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data cubes, adapting the OLAP paradigm to event data through multidimensional process mining. This adaptation is far from trivial given the nature of event data which cannot be easily summarized or aggregated, conflicting with classical OLAP assumptions. For example, multidimensional process mining can be used to analyze the different versions of a sales processes, where each version can be defined according to different dimensions such as location or time, and then the different results can be compared. This new way of looking at processes may provide valuable insights for process optimization.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-19237-6_7]

[544] Multiparty contracts: Agreeing and implementing interorganizational processes (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer Journal)

Abstract: To implement an interorganizational process between different enterprizes, one needs to agree on the rules of engagement. These can be specified in terms of a contract that describes the overall intended process and the duties of all parties involved. We propose to use such a process-oriented contract which can be seen as the composition of the public views of all participating parties. Based on this contract, each party may locally implement its part of the contract such that the implementation (the private view) agrees on the contract. In this paper, we propose a formal notion for such process-oriented contracts and give a criterion for accordance between a private view and its public view. The public view of a party can be substituted by a private view if and only if the private view accords with the public view. Using the notion of accordance, the overall implemented process is guaranteed to be deadlock-free and it is always possible to terminate properly. In addition, we present a technique for automatically checking our accordance criterion. A case study illustrates how our proposed approach can be used in practice.

摘要: 为了在不同企业之间实施组织间流程,需要就参与规则达成一致。可以根据描述整体预期过程和所涉各方职责的合同来指定这些规则。我们建议使用这种以过程为导向的合同,可以看作是所有参与方的公共意见的组成。基于此合同,各方可以在本地执行其合同的一部分,以使执行(私人意见)同意合同在本文中,我们提出了这种面向过程的合同的正式概念,并给出了在私人观点和公众观点之间达成一致的标准,当且仅当私人利益时,方的公众观点才能被私人观点取代。我们的观点与公众观点相符,使用遵循的概念,可以确保整个实施过程是无死锁的,并且始终可以正确终止。一种自动检查我们的符合标准的技术。案例研究说明了我们提出的方法可以如何在实践中使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/comjnl/bxn064]

[545] Neglected and Unloved: Does the Hinge Party Deserve That? (2016)

(Arter, David | Scandinavian Political Studies)

Abstract: This article focuses on the hinge party both as a concept and a strategy. It seeks to ‘liberate the hinge party from the clutches of such close conceptual relatives as the ‘pivot party, the ‘genuine pivot party, the ‘pivotal centre party, the ‘pivotal middle party and the ‘pivotal median party. This is a taxonomical jungle and while some use the terms ‘hinge party and ‘pivot party interchangeably, this study urges a ‘velvet divorce. The main theoretical question is in two parts: (1) What are the distinguishing features of the hinge party and how does it differ from the pivot party?; and (2) What set of legislative party system circumstances would seem most likely to favour a hinge party strategy of keeping options open to both left and right? Self-styled centrist parties would seem most likely to favour a hinge party strategy and the empirical question is: To what extent have the Nordic Centre-label former agrarian parties sought and been able to do so?.

摘要: 本文将铰链党作为一个概念和策略作为重点。它试图从诸如枢轴党,真正的枢轴党, 枢纽中心党,枢纽中间党和枢纽中间党这是一个分类丛林,尽管有些人将铰链党和枢纽党这两个术语互换使用,但该研究敦促天鹅绒离婚。理论上的主要问题分为两个部分:(1)枢纽政党的区别特征是什么?与枢轴政党有何不同?;(2)哪种立法机关制度环境似乎最有可能支持保持选择权向左右开放的枢纽政党策略?自封为中心的中间派政党似乎最有可能支持枢纽政党策略,而经验问题是:北欧中心标签的前农业政党在多大程度上寻求和支持?能够做到吗?

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1111/1467-9477.12072]

[546] Networked human motion capture system based on quaternion navigation (2017)

(Li, Jie and Wang, Zhe Long and Zhao, Hongyu and Gravina, Raffaele and Fortino, Giancarlo and Jiang, Yongmei and Tang, Kai | BodyNets International Conference on Body Area Networks)

Abstract: In this paper, from the perspective of human ergonomics, we analyze the movement of the joints in the process of human body movements, and we establish a dynamic model according to the human skeleton structure. On this basis, from the rigid body dynamics point of view, combined with the principle of inertial navigation, a body sensor network based on MEMS inertial sensors is built to capture human body motion in real time. On the basis of space trajectory of human body movement and traditional human motion solution strategy, a human motion solution strategy based on particle filter fusion solution is proposed to realize the prediction of human motion analysis. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of the designed system by comparing with the real motion. Finally, in order to verify the human motion data, the motion capture data verification platforms are established. Experimental results show that the proposed joint attitude solution algorithm can achieve a relatively smooth tracking effect and provides a certain reference value.

摘要: In this paper, from the perspective of human ergonomics, we analyze the movement of the joints in the process of human body movements, and we establish a dynamic model according to the human skeleton structure. On this basis, from the rigid body dynamics point of view, combined with the principle of inertial navigation, a body sensor network based on MEMS inertial sensors is built to capture human body motion in real time. On the basis of space trajectory of human body movement and traditional human motion solution strategy, a human motion solution strategy based on particle filter fusion solution is proposed to realize the prediction of human motion analysis. Therefore, we evaluate the performance of the designed system by comparing with the real motion. Finally, in order to verify the human motion data, the motion capture data verification platforms are established. Experimental results show that the proposed joint attitude solution algorithm can achieve a relatively smooth tracking effect and provides a certain reference value.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/0000000.0000000]

[547] Object-centric behavioral constraint models (2019)

(Li, Guangming and de Carvalho, Renata Medeiros and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: Todays process modeling languages often force the analyst or modeler to straightjacket real-life processes into simplistic or incomplete models that fail to capture the essential features of the domain under study. Conventional business process models only describe the lifecycles of individual instances (cases) in isolation. Although process models may include data elements (cf. BPMN), explicit connections to real data models (e.g., an entity relationship model or a UML class model) are rarely made. Therefore, we propose a novel approach that extends data models with a behavioral perspective. Data models can easily deal with many-to-many and one-to-many relationships. This is exploited to create process models that can also model complex interactions between different types of instances. Classical multiple-instance problems are circumvented by using the data model for event correlation. The declarative nature of the proposed language makes it possible to model behavioral constraints over activities like cardinality constraints in data models. The resulting object-centric behavioral constraint (OCBC) model is able to describe processes involving interacting instances and complex data dependencies. In this paper, we introduce the OCBC model and notation, providing a number of examples that give a flavour of the approach. We then define a set-theoretic semantics exploiting cardinality constraints within and across time points. We finally formalize conformance checking in our setting, arguing that evaluating conformance against OCBC models requires diagnostics that go beyond what is provided by contemporary conformance checking approaches.

摘要: Todays process modeling languages often force the analyst or modeler to straightjacket real-life processes into simplistic or incomplete models that fail to capture the essential features of the domain under study. Conventional business process models only describe the lifecycles of individual instances (cases) in isolation. Although process models may include data elements (cf. BPMN), explicit connections to real data models (e.g., an entity relationship model or a UML class model) are rarely made. Therefore, we propose a novel approach that extends data models with a behavioral perspective. Data models can easily deal with many-to-many and one-to-many relationships. This is exploited to create process models that can also model complex interactions between different types of instances. Classical multiple-instance problems are circumvented by using the data model for event correlation. The declarative nature of the proposed language makes it possible to model behavioral constraints over activities like cardinality constraints in data models. The resulting object-centric behavioral constraint (OCBC) model is able to describe processes involving interacting instances and complex data dependencies. In this paper, we introduce the OCBC model and notation, providing a number of examples that give a flavour of the approach. We then define a set-theoretic semantics exploiting cardinality constraints within and across time points. We finally formalize conformance checking in our setting, arguing that evaluating conformance against OCBC models requires diagnostics that go beyond what is provided by contemporary conformance checking approaches.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3297280.3297287]

[548] On the Maturity of Open Source BPM Systems (2009)

(Wohed, Petia and Hofstede, Arthur H. M. and Russell, Nick and Andersson, Birger and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | BPTrends)

Abstract: In this Article, Petia Wohed, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Nick Russell, Birger Andersson, and Wil M. P. van der Aalst present the results of their examination of existing open source BPM systems. Their conclusions are illuminating for both Open Source developers as well as the user community. Read their Article for the details of their study.

摘要: In this Article, Petia Wohed, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Nick Russell, Birger Andersson, and Wil M. P. van der Aalst present the results of their examination of existing open source BPM systems. Their conclusions are illuminating for both Open Source developers as well as the user community. Read their Article for the details of their study.

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[549] On the role of fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity in process discovery (2012)

(Buijs, Joos C.A.M. and Van Dongen | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms typically aim at discovering process models from event logs that best describe the recorded behavior. Often, the quality of a process discovery algorithm is measured by quantifying to what extent the resulting model can reproduce the behavior in the log, i.e. replay fitness. At the same time, there are many other metrics that compare a model with recorded behavior in terms of the precision of the model and the extent to which the model generalizes the behavior in the log. Furthermore, several metrics exist to measure the complexity of a model irrespective of the log. In this paper, we show that existing process discovery algorithms typically consider at most two out of the four main quality dimensions: replay fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity. Moreover, existing approaches can not steer the discovery process based on user-defined weights for the four quality dimensions. This paper also presents the ETM algorithm which allows the user to seamlessly steer the discovery process based on preferences with respect to the four quality dimensions. We show that all dimensions are important for process discovery. However, it only makes sense to consider precision, generalization and simplicity if the replay fitness is acceptable. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程发现算法通常旨在从事件日志中发现最能描述所记录行为的过程模型。通常,通过量化所得到的模型可以在多大程度上重现日志中的行为,即重放适应度,来测量过程发现算法的质量。同时,还有许多其他指标可以将模型与记录的行为进行比较,包括模型的精度以及模型在日志中概括行为的程度。此外,与日志无关,存在几种度量来测量模型的复杂性。在本文中,我们表明,现有的过程发现算法通常最多考虑以下四个主要质量维度中的两个:重放适应性,精度,泛化性和简单性。此外,现有方法无法基于用户定义的权重来指导四个质量维度的发现过程。本文还介绍了ETM算法,该算法允许用户基于相对于四个质量维度的偏好来无缝地引导发现过程。我们表明,所有维度对于流程发现都很重要。但是,只有重播适用性可以接受时,才需要考虑精度,概括性和简单性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-33606-5_19]

[550] Ontology-driven extraction of event logs from relational databases (2016)

(Calvanese, Diego and Montali, Marco and Syamsiyah, Alifah and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining is an emerging discipline whose aim is to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs representing actual process executions in a given organizational setting. In this light, it can be applied only if faithful event logs, adhering to accepted standards (such as XES), are available. In many real-world settings, though, such event logs are not explicitly given, but are instead implicitly represented inside legacy information systems of organizations, which are typically managed through relational technology. In this work, we devise a novel framework that supports domain experts in the extraction of XES event log information from legacy relational databases, and consequently enables the application of standard process mining tools on such data. Differently from previous work, the extraction is driven by a conceptual representation of the domain of interest in terms of an ontology. On the one hand, this ontology is linked to the underlying legacy data leveraging the well-established ontology-based data access (OBDA) paradigm. On the other hand, our framework allows one to enrich the ontology through user-oriented log extraction annotations, which can be flexibly used to provide different log-oriented views over the data. Different data access modes are then devised so as to view the legacy data through the lens of XES.

摘要: Process mining is an emerging discipline whose aim is to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs representing actual process executions in a given organizational setting. In this light, it can be applied only if faithful event logs, adhering to accepted standards (such as XES), are available. In many real-world settings, though, such event logs are not explicitly given, but are instead implicitly represented inside legacy information systems of organizations, which are typically managed through relational technology. In this work, we devise a novel framework that supports domain experts in the extraction of XES event log information from legacy relational databases, and consequently enables the application of standard process mining tools on such data. Differently from previous work, the extraction is driven by a conceptual representation of the domain of interest in terms of an ontology. On the one hand, this ontology is linked to the underlying legacy data leveraging the well-established ontology-based data access (OBDA) paradigm. On the other hand, our framework allows one to enrich the ontology through user-oriented log extraction annotations, which can be flexibly used to provide different log-oriented views over the data. Different data access modes are then devised so as to view the legacy data through the lens of XES.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-42887-1_12]

[551] Parent-delivered early intervention in infants at risk for ASD: Effects on electrophysiological and habituation measures of social attention (2017)

(Jones, Emily J.H. and Dawson, Geraldine and Kelly, Jean and Estes, Annette and Jane Webb | Autism Research)

Abstract: Prospective longitudinal studies of infants with older siblings with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have indicated that differences in the neurocognitive systems underlying social attention may emerge prior to the child meeting ASD diagnostic criteria. Thus, targeting social attention with early intervention might have the potential to alter developmental trajectories for infants at high risk for ASD. Electrophysiological and habituation measures of social attention were collected at 6, 12, and 18 months in a group of high-risk infant siblings of children with ASD (N = 33). Between 9 and 11 months of age, infant siblings received a parent-delivered intervention, promoting first relationships (PFR), (n = 19) or on-going assessment without intervention (n = 14). PFR has been previously shown to increase parental responsivity to infant social communicative cues and infant contingent responding. Compared to infants who only received assessment and monitoring, infants who received the intervention showed improvements in neurocognitive metrics of social attention, as reflected in a greater reduction in habituation times to face versus object stimuli between 6 and 12 months, maintained at 18 months; a greater increase in frontal EEG theta power between 6 and 12 months; and a more comparable P400 response to faces and objects at 12 months. The high-risk infants who received the intervention showed a pattern of responses that appeared closer to the normative responses of two groups of age-matched low-risk control participants. Though replication is necessary, these results suggest that early parent-mediated intervention has the potential to impact the brain systems underpinning social attention in infants at familial risk for ASD. Autism Res 2017, 10: 961–972. textcopyright 2017 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

摘要: Prospective longitudinal studies of infants with older siblings with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have indicated that differences in the neurocognitive systems underlying social attention may emerge prior to the child meeting ASD diagnostic criteria. Thus, targeting social attention with early intervention might have the potential to alter developmental trajectories for infants at high risk for ASD. Electrophysiological and habituation measures of social attention were collected at 6, 12, and 18 months in a group of high-risk infant siblings of children with ASD (N = 33). Between 9 and 11 months of age, infant siblings received a parent-delivered intervention, promoting first relationships (PFR), (n = 19) or on-going assessment without intervention (n = 14). PFR has been previously shown to increase parental responsivity to infant social communicative cues and infant contingent responding. Compared to infants who only received assessment and monitoring, infants who received the intervention showed improvements in neurocognitive metrics of social attention, as reflected in a greater reduction in habituation times to face versus object stimuli between 6 and 12 months, maintained at 18 months; a greater increase in frontal EEG theta power between 6 and 12 months; and a more comparable P400 response to faces and objects at 12 months. The high-risk infants who received the intervention showed a pattern of responses that appeared closer to the normative responses of two groups of age-matched low-risk control participants. Though replication is necessary, these results suggest that early parent-mediated intervention has the potential to impact the brain systems underpinning social attention in infants at familial risk for ASD. Autism Res 2017, 10: 961–972. textcopyright 2017 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/aur.1754]

[552] Passages in Graphs (2013)

(van der Aalst, Wil | CoRR)

Abstract: Directed graphs can be partitioned in so-called passages. A passage P is a set of edges such that any two edges sharing the same initial vertex or sharing the same terminal vertex are both inside PP or are both outside of P. Passages were first identified in the context of process mining where they are used to successfully decompose process discovery and conformance checking problems. In this article, we examine the properties of passages. We will show that passages are closed under set operators such as union, intersection and difference. Moreover, any passage is composed of so-called minimal passages. These properties can be exploited when decomposing graph-based analysis and computation problems.

摘要: 有向图可以分为所谓的段落。段落P是一组边,这样,共享相同初始顶点或共享相同终端顶点的任何两个边都在 $ P $内或都在P之外。段落首先在在流程挖掘的上下文中,它们被用来成功分解流程发现和一致性检查问题。在本文中,我们检查了段落的属性。我们将显示通道在诸如联合,交集和差异之类的集合运算符下是封闭的。此外,任何通道均由所谓的最小通道组成。分解基于图的分析和计算问题时,可以利用这些属性。

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[553] Pattern-based Analysis of Windows Workflow (2009)

(Zapletal, Marco and Van Der Aalst | Eindhoven University of Technology Tech Rep CSReport)

Abstract: The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) has been intro- duced as part of the .NET framework as a means of creating workflow-centric applications. Its intended field of applica- tion is broad, ranging from fat-client applications and web applications to enterprise application integration solutions. Unlike other approaches, Windows Workflow supports two distinct approaches to workflow specification - sequential workflows and state machine workflows - which deal with fundamentally different types of business scenarios. To date there has been minimal investigation into its capabilities and limitations, especially with respect to the two different control-flow styles it offers. To remedy this, in this paper we present a rigorous analysis of Windows Workflowss ability to deal with common control-flow scenarios. As a framework for this evaluation we use the Workflow Patterns. Our analysis outlines the strength and shortcomings of Win- dows Workflows control-flow expressiveness and compares it to BPEL and jBPM - two other popular approaches for the design and implementation of business processes in a service-oriented context.

摘要: The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) has been intro- duced as part of the .NET framework as a means of creating workflow-centric applications. Its intended field of applica- tion is broad, ranging from fat-client applications and web applications to enterprise application integration solutions. Unlike other approaches, Windows Workflow supports two distinct approaches to workflow specification - sequential workflows and state machine workflows - which deal with fundamentally different types of business scenarios. To date there has been minimal investigation into its capabilities and limitations, especially with respect to the two different control-flow styles it offers. To remedy this, in this paper we present a rigorous analysis of Windows Workflowss ability to deal with common control-flow scenarios. As a framework for this evaluation we use the Workflow Patterns. Our analysis outlines the strength and shortcomings of Win- dows Workflows control-flow expressiveness and compares it to BPEL and jBPM - two other popular approaches for the design and implementation of business processes in a service-oriented context.

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[554] Pattern-based translation of BPMN process models to BPEL Web services (2008)

(Ouyang, Chun and Dumas, Marlon and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal of Web Services Research)

Abstract: The business process modeling notation (BPMN) is a graph-oriented language primarily targeted at domain analysts and supported by many modeling tools. The business process execution language for Web services (BPEL) on the other hand is a mainly block-structured language targeted at software developers and supported by several execution platforms. Translating BPMN models into BPEL code is a necessary step towards standards-based business process development environments. This translation is challenging since BPMN and BPEL represent two fundamentally different classes of languages. Existing BPMN-to-BPEL translations rely on the identification of block-structured patterns in BPMN models that are mapped onto structured BPEL constructs. This article advances the state of the art in BPMN-to-BPEL translation by defining methods for identifying not only perfectly block-structured fragments in BPMN models, but quasi-structured fragments that can be turned into perfectly structured ones and flow-based acyclic fragments that can be mapped onto a combination of structured constructs and control links. Beyond its direct relevance in the context of BPMN and BPEL, this article addresses issues that arise generally when translating between graph-oriented and block-structured flow definition languages. textcopyright 2008, IGI Global.

摘要: The business process modeling notation (BPMN) is a graph-oriented language primarily targeted at domain analysts and supported by many modeling tools. The business process execution language for Web services (BPEL) on the other hand is a mainly block-structured language targeted at software developers and supported by several execution platforms. Translating BPMN models into BPEL code is a necessary step towards standards-based business process development environments. This translation is challenging since BPMN and BPEL represent two fundamentally different classes of languages. Existing BPMN-to-BPEL translations rely on the identification of block-structured patterns in BPMN models that are mapped onto structured BPEL constructs. This article advances the state of the art in BPMN-to-BPEL translation by defining methods for identifying not only perfectly block-structured fragments in BPMN models, but quasi-structured fragments that can be turned into perfectly structured ones and flow-based acyclic fragments that can be mapped onto a combination of structured constructs and control links. Beyond its direct relevance in the context of BPMN and BPEL, this article addresses issues that arise generally when translating between graph-oriented and block-structured flow definition languages. textcopyright 2008, IGI Global.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4018/jwsr.2008010103]

[555] Patterns-based evaluation of open source BPM systems: The cases of jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark (2009)

(Wohed, Petia and Russell, Nick and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and Andersson, Birger and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: In keeping with the proliferation of free software development initiatives and the increased interest in the business process management domain, many open source workflow and business process management systems have appeared during the last few years and are now under active development. This upsurge gives rise to two important questions: What are the capabilities of these systems? and How do they compare to each other and to their closed source counterparts? In other words: What is the state-of-the-art in the area?. To gain an insight into these questions, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of three of the major open source workflow management systems - jBPM, OpenWFE, and Enhydra Shark, the results of which are reported here. This analysis is based on the workflow patterns framework and provides a continuation of the series of evaluations performed using the same framework on closed source systems, business process modelling languages, and web-service composition standards. The results from evaluations of the three open source systems are compared with each other and also with the results from evaluations of three representative closed source systems: Staffware, WebSphere MQ, and Oracle BPEL PM. The overall conclusion is that open source systems are targeted more toward developers rather than business analysts. They generally provide less support for the patterns than closed source systems, particularly with respect to the resource perspective, i.e. the various ways in which work is distributed amongst business users and managed through to completion. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V.

摘要: 随着自由软件开发计划的激增和对业务流程管理领域的日益增长的关注,许多开源工作流和业务流程管理系统在过去的几年中出现了,并且正在积极地发展中。这种热潮引发了两个重要的问题:这些系统的功能是什么?以及它们如何与封闭源代码同行进行比较?换句话说:该地区的最新技术水平是什么?为了深入了解这些问题,我们对三种主要的开源工作流管理系统-jBPM,OpenWFE和Enhydra Shark进行了深入分析,其结果在此处报告。此分析基于工作流模式框架,并提供了在封闭源系统,业务流程建模语言和Web服务组合标准上使用相同框架执行的一系列评估的延续。将对这三个开源系统的评估结果相互比较,并与三个代表性的封闭源系统的评估结果进行了比较:Staffware,WebSphere MQ和Oracle BPEL PM。总的结论是,开源系统更多地面向开发人员而不是业务分析师。与封闭源系统相比,它们通常为模式提供的支持更少,特别是在资源方面,即在企业用户之间分配工作并管理直至完成的各种方式。 t​​extcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2009.02.002]

[556] Petri net based scheduling (1996)

(Van Der Aalst | OR Spectrum)

Abstract: Timed Petri nets can be used to model and analyse scheduling problems. To support the modelling of scheduling problems, we provide a method to map tasks, resources and constraints onto a timed Petri net. By mapping scheduling problems onto Petri nets, we are able to use standard Petri net theory. In this paper we will show that we can use Petri net based tools and techniques to find conflicting and redundant precedences, upper- and lower- bounds for the makespan, etc. This is illustrated by a Petri net based analysis of the notorious 10 × 10 problem due to Fisher & Thompson (1963). textcopyright Springer-Verlag 1996.

摘要: 定时Petri网可用于建模和分析调度问题。为了支持调度问题的建模,我们提供了一种将任务,资源和约束映射到定时Petri网络上的方法。通过将调度问题映射到Petri网上,我们可以使用标准Petri网理论。在本文中,我们将展示我们可以使用基于Petri网的工具和技术来查找冲突和冗余的优先级,makepan的上限和下限等。通过对10×10臭名昭著的基于Petri网的分析可以说明这一点。费雪(Fisher & Thompson(1963))造成的问题。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag1996。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/BF01540160]

[557] Preface: 9th International workshop on business process intelligence (BPI 2013) (2014)

(van der Aalst, Wil and de Medeiros, Ana Karla Alves and Benatallah, Boualem and Gaaloul, Walid and Greco, Gianluigi and Grigori, Daniela and Guzzo, Antonella and Leyer, Michael and Mendling, Jan and Pastor, Oscar and Popova, Viara and Reichert, Manfred and Rosemann, Michael and Rozinat, Anne and Sacca, Domenico and Soffer, Phina and Sperduti, Alessandro and Weigand, Hans and Weske, Mathias | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Compliance specifications concisely describe selected aspects of what a business operation should adhere to. To enable automated techniques for compliance checking, it is important that these requirements are specified correctly and precisely, describing exactly the behavior intended. Although there are rigorous mathematical formalisms for representing compliance rules, these are often perceived to be difficult to use for business users. Regardless of notation, however, there are often subtle but important details in compliance requirements that need to be considered. The main challenge in compliance checking is to bridge the gap between informal description and a precise specification of all requirements. In this paper, we present an approach which aims to facilitate creating and understanding formal compliance requirements by providing configurable templates that capture these details as options for commonly-required compliance requirements. These options are configured interactively with end-users, using question trees and natural language. The approach is implemented in the Process Mining Toolkit ProM. textcopyright Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

摘要: 合规性规范简要描述了业务运营应遵循的某些方面。为了启用用于合规性检查的自动化技术,正确,准确地指定这些要求并准确描述预期的行为非常重要。尽管存在严格的数学形式主义来表示合规性规则,但通常认为这些规则对商业用户而言很难使用。但是,无论使用什么符号,合规要求中通常都需要考虑一些细微但重要的细节。符合性检查的主要挑战是弥合非正式描述与所有要求的精确规范之间的鸿沟。在本文中,我们提出一种方法,旨在通过提供可配置的模板来促进创建和理解正式的合规性要求,该模板将这些详细信息捕获为常见要求的合规性要求的选项。这些选项是使用问题树和自然语言与最终用户交互配置的。该方法在Process Mining Toolkit ProM中实现。 t​​extcopyright瑞士Springer国际出版社,2014年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-06257-0]

[558] Preface (2013)

(Grabis, Janis and Kirikova, Marite and Zdravkovic, Jelena and Stirna, Janis | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: In enterprises, business process models are used for capturing as-is business processes. During process enactment correct documentation is important to ensure quality, to support compliance analysis, and to allow for correct accounting. Missing documentation of performed activities can be directly translated into lost income, if accounting is based on documentation. Still, many processes are manually documented in enterprises. As a result, activities might be missing from the documentation, even though they were performed. In this paper, we make use of process knowledge captured in process models, and provide a method to repair missing entries in the logs. The repaired logs can be used for direct feedback to ensure correct documentation, i.e., participants can be asked to check, whether they forgot to document activities that should have happened according to the process models. We realize the repair by combining stochastic Petri nets, alignments, and Bayesian networks. We evaluate the results using both synthetic data and real event data from a Dutch hospital.

摘要: In enterprises, business process models are used for capturing as-is business processes. During process enactment correct documentation is important to ensure quality, to support compliance analysis, and to allow for correct accounting. Missing documentation of performed activities can be directly translated into lost income, if accounting is based on documentation. Still, many processes are manually documented in enterprises. As a result, activities might be missing from the documentation, even though they were performed. In this paper, we make use of process knowledge captured in process models, and provide a method to repair missing entries in the logs. The repaired logs can be used for direct feedback to ensure correct documentation, i.e., participants can be asked to check, whether they forgot to document activities that should have happened according to the process models. We realize the repair by combining stochastic Petri nets, alignments, and Bayesian networks. We evaluate the results using both synthetic data and real event data from a Dutch hospital.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-41641-5]

[559] Preserving correctness during business process model configuration (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Formal Aspects of Computing)

Abstract: A configurable process model captures a family of related process models in a single artifact. Such models are intended to be configured to fit the requirements of specific organizations or projects, leading to individualized process models that are subsequently used for domain analysis or solution design. This article proposes a formal foundation for individualizing configurable process models incrementally, while preserving correctness, both with respect to syntax and behavioral semantics. Specifically, assuming the configurable process model is behaviorally sound, the individualized process models are guaranteed to be sound. The theory is first developed in the context of Petri nets and then extended to a process modeling notation widely used in practice, namely Event-driven Process Chains.

摘要: 可配置的流程模型在单个工件中捕获了一系列相关的流程模型。此类模型旨在进行配置以满足特定组织或项目的要求,从而生成个性化的流程模型,随后将其用于领域分析或解决方案设计。本文提供了一个正式的基础,用于在保留语法和行为语义方面的正确性的同时,逐步个性化可配置过程模型。具体而言,假设可配置过程模型在行为上是合理的,则可以保证个性化的过程模型是合理的。该理论首先在Petri网络的背景下发展,然后扩展到实践中广泛使用的过程建模符号,即事件驱动的过程链。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00165-009-0112-0]

[560] Process Mining in Web Services : The WebSphere Case (2008)

(Aalst, W M P Van Der and Verbeek, H M W | IEEE Data Eng.Bull)

Abstract: Process Mining

摘要: 过程挖掘

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[561] Process Mining with the HeuristicsMiner Algorithm (2006)

(Weijters, A.J.M.M. and van der Aalst, W M P and de Medeiros;, A K Alves | Beta working papers)

Abstract: The basic idea of process mining is to extract knowledge from event logs recorded by an information system. Until recently, the information in these event logs was rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing tech- niques and tools for discovering process, organizational, social, and per- formance information from event logs. Fuelled by the omnipresence of event logs in transactional information systems (cf. WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems), process mining has become a vivid research area 1, 2. In this paper we introduce the challenging process mining domain and discuss a heuristics driven process mining algorithm; the so-called HeuristicsMiner in detail. HeuristicsMiner is a practical applicable mining algorithm that can deal with noise, and can be used to express the main behavior (i.e. not all details and exceptions) registered in an event log. In the experimental section of this paper we introduce benchmark material (12.000 different event logs) and measurements by which the performance of process mining algorithms can be measured.

摘要: 过程挖掘的基本思想是从信息系统记录的事件日志中提取知识。直到最近,这些事件日志中的信息仍很少用于分析基础流程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供从事件日志中发现流程,组织,社会和绩效信息的技术和工具来改善这一状况。在事务信息系统中无处不在的事件日志的推动下(参见WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统),流程挖掘已成为一个生动的研究领域1、2。在本文中,我们介绍了具有挑战性的流程挖掘领域和讨论启发式驱动的过程挖掘算法;所谓的HeuristicsMiner进行了详细介绍。 HeuristicsMiner是一种实用的,适用于挖掘的算法,可以处理噪声,并且可以用来表示事件日志中注册的主要行为(即并非所有详细信息和异常)。在本文的实验部分,我们介绍了基准材料(12.000种不同的事件日志)和测量方法,可用来测量过程挖掘算法的性能。

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[562] Process Mining: Making Knowledge Discovery Process Centric (2012)

(van der Aalst, Wil | SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter)

Abstract: Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. The manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active contributions from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing relevance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. This paper summarizes the manifesto and explains why process mining is a highly relevant, but also very challenging, research area. This way we hope to stimulate the broader ACM SIGKDD community to look at process-centric knowledge discovery.

摘要: Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. The manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active contributions from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing relevance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. This paper summarizes the manifesto and explains why process mining is a highly relevant, but also very challenging, research area. This way we hope to stimulate the broader ACM SIGKDD community to look at process-centric knowledge discovery.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2207243.2207251]

[563] Process and deviation exploration with inductive visual miner (2014)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining aims to extract information from recorded process data, which can be used to gain insights into the process. This requires applying a discovery algorithm and settings its parameters, after which the discovered process model should be evaluated. Both steps may need to be repeated several times until a satisfying model is found; we refer to this as process exploration. Existing commercial tools usually do not provide models having executable semantics, thereby disallowing for accurate map evaluation, while most academic tools lack features and by the repetitive nature of process exploration, their use is tedious. In this paper, we describe a novel process exploration tool: the Inductive visual Miner. It aims to bridge this gap between commercial and academic tools, by combining the executable semantics of academic tools with the exploration support of commercial tools. It also adds animation and deviation visualisation capabilities.

摘要: Process mining aims to extract information from recorded process data, which can be used to gain insights into the process. This requires applying a discovery algorithm and settings its parameters, after which the discovered process model should be evaluated. Both steps may need to be repeated several times until a satisfying model is found; we refer to this as process exploration. Existing commercial tools usually do not provide models having executable semantics, thereby disallowing for accurate map evaluation, while most academic tools lack features and by the repetitive nature of process exploration, their use is tedious. In this paper, we describe a novel process exploration tool: the Inductive visual Miner. It aims to bridge this gap between commercial and academic tools, by combining the executable semantics of academic tools with the exploration support of commercial tools. It also adds animation and deviation visualisation capabilities.

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[564] Process diagnostics using trace alignment: Opportunities, issues, and challenges (2012)

(Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | Information Systems)

Abstract: Business processes leave trails in a variety of data sources (e.g., audit trails, databases, and transaction logs). Hence, every process instance can be described by a trace, i.e., a sequence of events. Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from such traces and provide a welcome extension to the repertoire of business process analysis techniques. Recently, process mining techniques have been adopted in various commercial BPM systems (e.g., BPM|one, Futura Reflect, ARIS PPM, Fujitsu Interstage, Businesscape, Iontas PDF, and QPR PA). Unfortunately, traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with less structured processes. The resulting models are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. Therefore, we propose a new approach based on trace alignment. The goal is to align traces in such a way that event logs can be explored easily. Trace alignment can be used to explore the process in the early stages of analysis and to answer specific questions in later stages of analysis. Hence, it complements existing process mining techniques focusing on discovery and conformance checking. The proposed techniques have been implemented as plugins in the ProM framework. We report the results of trace alignment on one synthetic and two real-life event logs, and show that trace alignment has significant promise in process diagnostic efforts. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

摘要: 业务流程会在各种数据源中留下痕迹(例如,审计痕迹,数据库和事务日志)。因此,每个过程实例都可以通过跟踪(即事件序列)来描述。流程挖掘技术能够从此类痕迹中提取知识,并为业务流程分析技术提供了一个受欢迎的扩展。最近,在各种商业BPM系统(例如BPM | one,Futura Reflect,ARIS PPM,Fujitsu Interstage,Businesscape,Iontas PDF和QPR PA)中都采用了过程挖掘技术。不幸的是,传统的流程​​发现算法在处理结构化程度较低的流程时会遇到问题。生成的模型很难理解甚至会产生误导。因此,我们提出了一种基于迹线对齐的新方法。目的是使跟踪对齐,以便可以轻松浏览事件日志。迹线对齐可用于在分析的早期阶段探索过程,并在分析的后期阶段回答特定问题。因此,它补充了专注于发现和一致性检查的现有过程挖掘技术。所提出的技术已作为ProM框架中的插件实现。我们在一个合成事件日志和两个现实事件日志中报告了跟踪对齐的结果,并表明跟踪对齐在过程诊断工作中具有重大前景。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.08.003]

[565] Process discovery and conformance checking using passages (2014)

(Van Der Aalst | Fundamenta Informaticae)

Abstract: The two most prominent process mining tasks are process discovery (i.e., learning a process model from an event log) and conformance checking (i.e., diagnosing and quantifying differences between observed and modeled behavior). The increasing availability of event data makes these tasks highly relevant for process analysis and improvement. Therefore, process mining is considered to be one of the key technologies for Business Process Management (BPM). However, as event logs and process models grow, process mining becomes more challenging. Therefore, we propose an approach to decompose process mining problems into smaller problems using the notion of passages. A passage is a pair of two non-empty sets of activities (X, Y) such that the set of direct successors of X is Y and the set of direct predecessors of Y is X. Any Petri net can be partitioned using passages. Moreover, process discovery and conformance checking can be done per passage and the results can be aggregated. This has advantages in terms of efficiency and diagnostics. Moreover, passages can be used to distribute process mining problems over a network of computers. Passages are supported through ProM plug-ins that automatically decompose process discovery and conformance checking tasks.

摘要: 两个最突出的过程挖掘任务是过程发现(即,从事件日志中学习过程模型)和一致性检查(即,对观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异进行诊断和量化)。事件数据可用性的提高使这些任务与过程分析和改进高度相关。因此,流程挖掘被认为是业务流程管理(BPM)的关键技术之一。但是,随着事件日志和流程模型的增长,流程挖掘变得更具挑战性。因此,我们提出了一种使用段落概念将过程挖掘问题分解为较小问题的方法。段落是一对两个非空的活动集(X,Y),使得X的直接后继者的集合为Y,Y的直接前任者的集合为X。可以使用段落对任何Petri网进行划分。此外,可以在每个段落中进行过程发现和一致性检查,并且可以汇总结果。就效率和诊断而言,这具有优势。此外,可以使用段落在计算机网络上分发过程挖掘问题。通过ProM插件支持段落,该插件会自动分解过程发现和一致性检查任务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/FI-2014-1006]

[566] Process discovery from event data: Relating models and logs through abstractions (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Event data are collected in logistics, manufacturing, finance, health care, customer relationship management, e-learning, e-government, and many other domains. The events found in these domains typically refer to activities executed by resources at particular times and for a particular case (i.e., process instances). Process mining techniques are able to exploit such data. In this article, we focus on process discovery. However, process mining also includes conformance checking, performance analysis, decision mining, organizational mining, predictions, recommendations, and so on. These techniques help to diagnose problems and improve processes. All process mining techniques involve both event data and process models. Therefore, a typical first step is to automatically learn a control-flow model from the event data. This is very challenging, but in recent years, many powerful discovery techniques have been developed. It is not easy to compare these techniques since they use different representations and make different assumptions. Users often need to resort to trying different algorithms in an ad-hoc manner. Developers of new techniques are often trying to solve specific instances of a more general problem. Therefore, we aim to unify existing approaches by focusing on log and model abstractions. These abstractions link observed and modeled behavior: Concrete behaviors recorded in event logs are related to possible behaviors represented by process models. Hence, such behavioral abstractions provide an interface between both of them. We discuss four discovery approaches involving three abstractions and different types of process models (Petri nets, block-structured models, and declarative models). The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of process discovery and show how to develop new techniques. Examples illustrate the different approaches and pointers to software are given. The discussion on abstractions and process representations is also presented to reflect on the gap between process mining literature and commercial process mining tools. This facilitates users to select an appropriate process discovery technique. Moreover, structuring the role of internal abstractions and representations helps broaden the view and facilitates the creation of new discovery approaches. This article is categorized under: Algorithmic Development textgreater Spatial and Temporal Data Mining Application Areas textgreater Business and Industry Technologies textgreater Machine Learning Application Areas textgreater Data Mining Software Tools.

摘要: 事件数据在物流,制造,金融,医疗保健,客户关系管理,电子学习,电子政务以及许多其他领域中收集。在这些域中找到的事件通常是指资源在特定时间和特定情况(即流程实例)执行的活动。流程挖掘技术能够利用这些数据。在本文中,我们着重于过程发现。但是,过程挖掘还包括一致性检查,性能分析,决策挖掘,组织挖掘,预测,建议等。这些技术有助于诊断问题并改善流程。所有流程挖掘技术都涉及事件数据和流程模型。因此,典型的第一步是从事件数据中自动学习控制流模型。这是非常具有挑战性的,但是近年来,已经开发了许多强大的发现技术。比较这些技术并不容易,因为它们使用不同的表示形式并做出不同的假设。用户经常需要以即席方式尝试不同的算法。新技术的开发人员通常试图解决更普遍问题的特定实例。因此,我们旨在通过关注日志和模型抽象来统一现有方法。这些抽象链接了观察到的行为和建模行为:事件日志中记录的具体行为与流程模型表示的可能行为有关。因此,这样的行为抽象在两者之间提供了接口。我们讨论了涉及三种抽象和不同类型的过程模型(Petri网,块结构模型和声明性模型)的四种发现方法。目的是提供对过程发现的全面理解,并展示如何开发新技术。示例说明了不同的方法,并给出了指向软件的指针。还提出了有关抽象和过程表示的讨论,以反映过程挖掘文献与商业过程挖掘工具之间的差距。这有助于用户选择适当的过程发现技术。此外,构造内部抽象和表示的角色有助于扩大视野,并有助于创建新的发现方法。本文归类为:算法开发 t​​extgreater时空数据挖掘应用程序区域 t​​extgreater商业和工业技术 t​​extgreater机器学习应用程序区域 t​​extgreater数据挖掘软件工具。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/widm.1244]

[567] Process discovery using localized events (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim to analyze and improve conformance and performance of processes using event data. Process discovery is the most prominent process-mining task: A process model is derived based on an event log. The process model should be able to capture causalities, choices, concurrency, and loops. Process discovery is very challenging because of trade-offs between fitness, simplicity, precision, and generalization. Note that event logs typically only hold example behavior and cannot be assumed to be complete (to avoid over fitting). Dozens of process discovery techniques have been proposed. These use a wide range of approaches, e.g., language- or state-based regions, genetic mining, heuristics, expectation maximization, iterative log-splitting, etc. When models or logs become too large for analysis, the event log may be automatically decomposed or traces may be clustered before discovery. Clustering and decomposition are done automatically, i.e., no additional information is used. This paper proposes a different approach where a localized event log is assumed. Events are localized by assigning a nonempty set of regions to each event. It is assumed that regions can only interact through shared events. Consider for example the mining of software systems. The events recorded typically explicitly refer to parts of the system (components, services, etc.). Currently, such information is ignored during discovery. However, references to system parts may be used to localize events. Also in other application domains, it is possible to localize events, e.g., communication events in an organization may refer to multiple departments (that may be seen as regions). This paper proposes a generic process discovery approach based on localized event logs. The approach has been implemented in ProM and experimental results show that location information indeed helps to improve the quality of the discovered models.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在使用事件数据来分析和改进过程的一致性和性能。流程发现是最重要的流程挖掘任务:流程模型是基于事件日志派生的。流程模型应该能够捕获因果关系,选择,并发和循环。由于在适应性,简单性,精度和通用性之间进行权衡,过程发现非常具有挑战性。请注意,事件日志通常仅包含示例行为,并且不能假定其是完整的(以避免过度拟合)。已经提出了数十种过程发现技术。这些方法使用多种方法,例如基于语言或州的区域,遗传挖掘,启发法,期望最大化,迭代对数分解等。当模型或日志太大而无法分析时,事件日志可能会自动分解或痕迹可能在发现之前被聚类。聚类和分解是自动完成的,即不使用其他信息。本文提出了一种假定本地化事件日志的不同方法。通过为每个事件分配一组非空区域来对事件进行本地化。假定区域只能通过共享事件进行交互。考虑例如软件系统的挖掘。记录的事件通常明确地指向系统的各个部分(组件,服务等)。当前,在发现期间将忽略此类信息。但是,对系统部件的引用可用于定位事件。同样在其他应用程序域中,可以对事件进行本地化,例如,组织中的通信事件可能涉及多个部门(可能被视为区域)。本文提出了一种基于本地事件日志的通用过程发现方法。该方法已在ProM中实施,实验结果表明,位置信息确实有助于提高发现的模型的质量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-19488-2_15]

[568] Process discovery: Capturing the invisible (2010)

(Van De Aalst | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine)

Abstract: Processes are everywhere. Organizations have business processes to manufacture products, provide services, purchase goods, handle applications, etc. Also in our daily lives we are involved in a variety of processes, for example when we use our car or when we book a trip via the Internet. Although such operational processes are omnipresent, they are at the same time intangible. Unlike a product or a piece of data, processes are less concrete because of their dynamic nature. However, more and more information about these processes is captured in the form of event logs. Contemporary systems ranging from copiers and medical devices to enterprise information systems and cloud infrastructures record events. These events can be used to make processes visible. Using process mining techniques it is possible to discover processes. This provides the insights necessary to manage, control, and improve processes. Process mining has been successfully applied in a variety of domains ranging from healthcare and e-business to high-tech systems and auditing. Despite these successes, there are still many challenges as process discovery shows that the real processes are more spaghetti-like than people like to think. It is still very difficult to capture the complex reality in a suitable model. Given the nature of these challenges, techniques originating from Computational Intelligence may assist in the discovery of complex processes. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.

摘要: 过程无处不在。组织具有制造产品,提供服务,购买商品,处理应用程序等的业务流程。在我们的日常生活中,我们还涉及各种流程,例如,当我们使用汽车或通过互联网预订旅行时。尽管这种操作过程无处不在,但同时却是无形的。与产品或数据不同,流程因其动态性质而不太具体。但是,有关这些过程的越来越多的信息是以事件日志的形式捕获的。从复印机和医疗设备到企业信息系统和云基础架构的现代系统都记录事件。这些事件可用于使过程可见。使用过程挖掘技术可以发现过程。这提供了管理,控制和改进流程所必需的见解。流程挖掘已成功应用于从医疗保健和电子商务到高科技系统和审计的各个领域。尽管取得了这些成功,但过程发现表明实际过程比人们想像的更像意大利面条,仍然存在许多挑战。在合适的模型中捕获复杂的现实仍然非常困难。考虑到这些挑战的性质,源自计算智能的技术可能有助于发现复杂的过程。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MCI.2009.935307]

[569] Process mining and security: Detecting anomalous process executions and checking process conformance (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science)

Abstract: One approach to secure systems is through the analysis of audit trails. An audit trail is a record of all events that take place in a system and across a network, i.e., it provides a trace of user/system actions so that security events can be related to the actions of a specific individual or system component. Audit trails can be inspected for the presence or absence of certain patterns. This paper advocates the use of process mining techniques to analyze audit trails for security violations. It is shown how a specific algorithm, called the alphaalpha-algorithm, can be used to support security efforts at various levels ranging from low-level intrusion detection to high-level fraud prevention. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.

摘要: 保护系统安全的一种方法是通过分析审计跟踪。审核跟踪是对系统中和整个网络中发生的所有事件的记录,即它提供了用户/系统操作的跟踪,因此安全事件可以与特定个人或系统组件的操作相关。可以检查审计跟踪是否存在某些模式。本文提倡使用流程挖掘技术来分析安全违规的审计线索。它显示了如何使用称为$ alpha $-算法的特定算法来支持从低级别入侵检测到高级别欺诈预防的各个级别的安全性工作。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.entcs.2004.10.013]

[570] Process mining applied to the test process of wafer scanners in ASML (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and de Jong, Ivo S.M. and Gunther, C. W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews)

Abstract: Process mining techniques attempt to extract nontrivial and useful information from event logs. For example, there are many process mining techniques to automatically discover a process model describing the causal dependencies between activities. Several successful case studies have been reported in literature, all demonstrating the applicability of process mining. However, these case studies refer to rather structured administrative processes. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of process mining to less structured processes. We report on a case study where the process mining (ProM) framework has been applied to the test processes of ASML (the leading manufacturer of wafer scanners in the world).This case study provides many interesting insights. On the one hand, process mining is also applicable to the less structured processes of ASML. On the other hand, the case study also shows the need for alternative mining approaches. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术试图从事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。例如,有许多过程挖掘技术可以自动发现描述活动之间因果关系的过程模型。文献中已经报道了几个成功的案例研究,所有这些案例研究都证明了过程挖掘的适用性。但是,这些案例研究涉及相当结构化的行政流程。在本文中,我们研究了流程挖掘在结构化程度较低的流程中的适用性。我们报告了一个案例研究,其中将过程挖掘(ProM)框架应用于ASML(世界领先的晶圆扫描仪制造商)的测试过程中,该案例研究提供了许多有趣的见解。一方面,过程挖掘还适用于ASML的结构化程度较低的过程。另一方面,案例研究也表明了对替代采矿方法的需求。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCC.2009.2014169]

[571] Process mining for python (PM4py): Bridging the gap between process- And data science (2019)

(Berti, Alessandro and Van Zelst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining, i.e., a sub-field of data science focusing on the analysis of event data generated during the execution of (business) processes, has seen a tremendous change over the past two decades. Starting off in the early 2000s, with limited to no tool support, nowadays, several software tools, i.e., both open-source, e.g., ProM and Apromore, and commercial, e.g., Disco, Celonis, ProcessGold, etc., exist. The commercial process mining tools provide limited support for implementing custom algorithms. Moreover, both commercial and open-source process mining tools are often only accessible through a graphical user interface, which hampers their usage in large-scale experimental settings. Initiatives such as RapidProM provide process mining support in the scientific workflow-based data science suite RapidMiner. However, these offer limited to no support for algorithmic customization. In the light of the aforementioned, in this paper, we present a novel process mining library, i.e., Process Mining for Python (PM4Py), that aims to bridge this gap, providing integration with state-of-the-art data science libraries, e.g., pandas, numpy, scipy and scikit-learn. We provide a global overview of the architecture and functionality of PM4Py, accompanied by some representative examples of its usage.

摘要: 过程挖掘,即专注于分析(业务)过程执行过程中生成的事件数据的数据科学子领域,在过去的二十年中发生了巨大的变化。从2000年代初期开始,限于无工具支持,如今,存在几种软件工具,即开源软件(例如ProM和Apromore)和商业软件(例如Disco,Celonis,ProcessGold等)。此外,通常只能通过图形用户界面访问商业和开源过程挖掘工具,这阻碍了它们在大规模实验环境中的使用; RapidProM等举措在基于科学工作流的基础上提供了过程挖掘支持。数据科学套件RapidMiner。但是,这些提供的功能不限于不支持算法定制,因此,鉴于上述原因,在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的过程挖掘库,即Python的过程挖掘(PM4Py)旨在弥合这一差距,提供与最新数据科学库(例如熊猫,numpy,scipy和scikit-learn)的集成。我们提供了有关PM4Py的体系结构和功能的全球概述,并附有其用法的一些代表性示例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[572] Process mining framework for software processes (2007)

(Rubin, Vladimir and Gunther, Christian W. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Software development processes are often not explicitly modelled and sometimes even chaotic. In order to keep track of the involved documents and files, engineers use Software Configuration Management (SCM) systems. Along the way, those systems collect and store information on the software process itself. Thus, SCM information can be used for constructing explicit process models, which is called software process mining. In this paper we show that (1) a Process Mining Framework can be used for obtaining software process models as well as for analysing and optimising them; (2) an algorithmic approach, which arose from our research on software processes, is integrated in the framework. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: Software development processes are often not explicitly modelled and sometimes even chaotic. In order to keep track of the involved documents and files, engineers use Software Configuration Management (SCM) systems. Along the way, those systems collect and store information on the software process itself. Thus, SCM information can be used for constructing explicit process models, which is called software process mining. In this paper we show that (1) a Process Mining Framework can be used for obtaining software process models as well as for analysing and optimising them; (2) an algorithmic approach, which arose from our research on software processes, is integrated in the framework. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-72426-1_15]

[573] Process mining in CSCW systems (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis.

摘要: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/cscwd.2005.194134]

[574] Process mining put into context (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | IEEE Internet Computing)

Abstract: Process mining techniques help organizations discover and analyze business processes based on raw event data. The recently released Process Mining Manifesto presents guiding principles and challenges for process mining. Here, the authors summarize the manifestos main points and argue that analysts should take into account the context in which events occur when analyzing processes. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.

摘要: Process mining techniques help organizations discover and analyze business processes based on raw event data. The recently released Process Mining Manifesto presents guiding principles and challenges for process mining. Here, the authors summarize the manifestos main points and argue that analysts should take into account the context in which events occur when analyzing processes. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MIC.2012.12]

[575] Process mining with ProM (2007)

(Van Der Aalst | Belgian/Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference)

Abstract: This demonstration paper describes version 4.1 of the ProM process mining tool. Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial and useful process information from so-called event logs. ProM allows for the discovery of different process perspectives (e.g., control-flow, time, resources, and data) and supports related techniques such as control-flow mining, performance analysis, resource analysis, conformance checking, verification, etc. This makes ProM a practical and versatile tool for process analysis and discovering.

摘要: This demonstration paper describes version 4.1 of the ProM process mining tool. Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial and useful process information from so-called event logs. ProM allows for the discovery of different process perspectives (e.g., control-flow, time, resources, and data) and supports related techniques such as control-flow mining, performance analysis, resource analysis, conformance checking, verification, etc. This makes ProM a practical and versatile tool for process analysis and discovering.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[576] Process mining: A research agenda (2004)

(Van der Aalst | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Enterprise information systems support and control operational business processes ranging from simple internal back-office processes to complex interorganizational processes. Technologies such as workflow management (WFM), enterprise application integration (EAI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and web services (WS) typically focus on the realization of IT support rather than monitoring the operational business processes. Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. In this paper, we put the topic of process mining into context, discuss the main issues around process mining, and finally we introduce the papers in this special issue. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 企业信息系统支持和控制从简单的内部后台流程到复杂的组织间流程的业务流程。工作流管理(WFM),企业应用程序集成(EAI),企业资源计划(ERP)和Web服务(WS)等技术通常专注于IT支持的实现,而不是监视运营业务流程。流程挖掘旨在从事件日志中提取信息,以捕获正在执行的业务流程。在本文中,我们将过程挖掘的主题放到了上下文中,讨论了过程挖掘的主要问题,最后在本期特刊中介绍了论文。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.001]

[577] Process mining: A two-step approach to balance between underfitting and overfitting (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Process mining includes the automated discovery of processes from event logs. Based on observed events (e.g., activities being executed or messages being exchanged) a process model is constructed. One of the essential problems in process mining is that one cannot assume to have seen all possible behavior. At best, one has seen a representative subset. Therefore, classical synthesis techniques are not suitable as they aim at finding a model that is able to exactly reproduce the log. Existing process mining techniques try to avoid such overfitting by generalizing the model to allow for more behavior. This generalization is often driven by the representation language and very crude assumptions about completeness. As a result, parts of the model are overfitting (allow only for what has actually been observed) while other parts may be underfitting (allow for much more behavior without strong support for it). None of the existing techniques enables the user to control the balance between overfitting and underfitting. To address this, we propose a two-step approach. First, using a configurable approach, a transition system is constructed. Then, using the theory of regions, the model is synthesized. The approach has been implemented in the context of ProM and overcomes many of the limitations of traditional approaches.

摘要: 进程挖掘包括从事件日志中自动发现进程。基于观察到的事件(例如,正在执行的活动或正在交换的消息),构建过程模型。流程挖掘中的基本问题之一是无法假设已经看到所有可能的行为。充其量,只能看到一个有代表性的子集。因此,经典的合成技术不适合使用,因为它们的目标是寻找能够准确再现测井曲线的模型。现有的过程挖掘技术试图通过对模型进行泛化以允许更多行为来避免这种过度拟合。这种概括通常是由表示语言和关于完整性的非常粗略的假设驱动的。结果,模型的某些部分过度拟合(仅允许实际观察到的结果),而其他部分则可能欠拟合(允许更多行为而又没有强大的支持)。现有技术均无法使用户控制过拟合和欠拟合之间的平衡。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了两步法。首先,使用可配置的方法,构建过渡系统。然后,使用区域理论合成模型。该方法已在ProM的背景下实施,并克服了传统方法的许多局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-008-0106-z]

[578] Process mining: Overview and opportunities (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Over the last decade, process mining emerged as a new research field that focuses on the analysis of processes using event data. Classical data mining techniques such as classification, clustering, regression, association rule learning, and sequence/episode mining do not focus on business process models and are often only used to analyze a specific step in the overall process. Process mining focuses on end-to-end processes and is possible because of the growing availability of event data and new process discovery and conformance checking techniques. Process models are used for analysis (e.g., simulation and verification) and enactment by BPM/WFM systems. Previously, process models were typically made by hand without using event data. However, activities executed by people, machines, and software leave trails in so-called event logs. Process mining techniques use such logs to discover, analyze, and improve business processes. Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. This manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active involvement of end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrates the growing significance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The practical relevance of process mining and the interesting scientific challenges make process mining one of the hot topics in Business Process Management (BPM). This article introduces process mining as a new research field and summarizes the guiding principles and challenges described in the manifesto. textcopyright 2012 ACM.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域出现了,该领域专注于使用事件数据进行过程分析。经典的数据挖掘技术(例如分类,聚类,回归,关联规则学习和序列/片段挖掘)并不关注业务流程模型,而通常仅用于分析整个流程中的特定步骤。流程挖掘专注于端到端流程,并且由于事件数据的可用性和新的流程发现以及一致性检查技术的日益普及而成为可能。流程模型用于BPM / WFM系统的分析(例如,仿真和验证)和制定。以前,流程模型通常是在不使用事件数据的情况下手动完成的。但是,由人员,机器和软件执行的活动会在所谓的事件日志中留下痕迹。流程挖掘技术使用此类日志来发现,分析和改进业务流程。最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,并且有77名过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极参与说明了过程挖掘作为数据挖掘和业务过程建模之间的桥梁的重要性日益提高。流程挖掘的实际相关性和有趣的科学挑战使流程挖掘成为业务流程管理(BPM)的热门主题之一。本文介绍了过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域,并总结了宣言中描述的指导原则和挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2229156.2229157]

[579] Process querying: Enabling business intelligence through query-based processxa0analytics (2017)

(Polyvyanyy, Artem and Ouyang, Chun and Barros, Alistair and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The volume of process-related data is growing rapidly: more and more business operations are being supported and monitored by information systems. Industry 4.0 and the corresponding industrial Internet of Things are about to generate new waves of process-related data, next to the abundance of event data already present in enterprise systems. However, organizations often fail to convert such data into strategic and tactical intelligence. This is due to the lack of dedicated technologies that are tailored to effectively manage the information on processes encoded in process models and process execution records. Process-related information is a core organizational asset which requires dedicated analytics to unlock its full potential. This paper proposes a framework for devising process querying methods, i.e., techniques for the (automated) management of repositories of designed and executed processes, as well as models that describe relationships between processes. The framework is composed of generic components that can be configured to create a range of process querying methods. The motivation for the framework stems from use cases in the field of Business Process Management. The design of the framework is informed by and validated via a systematic literature review. The framework structures the state of the art and points to gaps in existing research. Process querying methods need to address these gaps to better support strategic decision-making and provide the next generation of Business Intelligence platforms.

摘要: 与流程相关的数据量正在迅速增长:信息系统正在支持和监视越来越多的业务运营。除了企业系统中已经存在的大量事件数据之外,工业4.0和相应的工业物联网也将产生新的与过程相关的数据。但是,组织通常无法将此类数据转换为战略和战术情报。这是由于缺乏专门用于有效管理有关在流程模型和流程执行记录中编码的流程的信息的专用技术。与流程相关的信息是组织的一项核心资产,需要专门的分析来释放其全部潜力。本文提出了一个框架,用于设计过程查询方法,即用于设计和执行过程的存储库(自动)管理的技术以及描述过程之间关系的模型。该框架由可配置为创建一系列过程查询方法的通用组件组成。该框架的动机来自业务流程管理领域的用例。该框架的设计由系统的文献综述提供信息并通过其验证。该框架构成了最新技术,指出了现有研究中的空白。流程查询方法需要解决这些差距,以更好地支持战略决策并提供下一代商业智能平台。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.011]

[580] Process variant comparison: Using event logs to detect differences in behavior and business rules (2018)

(Bolt, Alfredo and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of comparing different variants of the same process. We aim to detect relevant differences between processes based on what was recorded in event logs. We use transition systems to model behavior and to highlight differences. Transition systems are annotated with measurements, used to compare the behavior in the different variants. Decision points in the transition system are also analyzed, and the business rules of the process variants in such points are compared. The results are visualized as colored transitions systems, where the colored states and transitions indicate the existence and magnitude of differences. The approach has been implemented in ProM, and the implementation is publicly available. The approach has been evaluated using real-life data sets. The results show how our technique is able to detect relevant differences that could not be captured using existing approaches. Moreover, the user is not overloaded with diagnostics on differences that are less significant.

摘要: 本文解决了比较同一过程的不同变体的问题。我们旨在根据事件日志中记录的内容来检测流程之间的相关差异。我们使用过渡系统来建模行为并突出差异。过渡系统带有测量注释,用于比较不同变体中的行为。还分析了过渡系统中的决策点,并比较了这些点中流程变体的业务规则。结果显示为有色过渡系统,其中有色状态和过渡指示差异的存在和大小。该方法已在ProM中实施,并且该实施是公开可用的。该方法已使用实际数据集进行了评估。结果表明,我们的技术如何能够检测使用现有方法无法捕获的相关差异。此外,用户不会因不太重要的差异而被诊断超载。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.12.006]

[581] Process-aware information systems: Lessons to be learned from process mining (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: A Process-Aware Information System (PAIS) is a software system that manages and executes operational processes involving people, applications, and/or information sources on the basis of process models. Example PAISs are workflow management systems, case-handling systems, enterprise information systems, etc. This paper provides a brief introduction to these systems and discusses the role of process models in the PAIS life-cycle. Moreover, it provides a critical reflection on the state-of-the-art based on experiences with process mining. Process mining techniques attempt to extract non-trivial and useful information from event logs. One aspect of process mining is control-flow discovery, i.e., automatically constructing a process model (e.g., a Petri net) describing the causal dependencies between activities. The insights provided by process mining are very valuable for the development of the next generation PAISs because they clearly show a mismatch between the models proposed for driving these systems and reality. On the one hand, models tend to oversimplify things resulting in systems that are too restrictive. On the other hand, models fail to capture important aspects of business processes. textcopyright 2009 Springer.

摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)是一种软件系统,它基于过程模型来管理和执行涉及人员,应用程序和/或信息源的操作过程。 PAIS的示例包括工作流管理系统,案件处理系统,企业信息系统等。本文简要介绍了这些系统,并讨论了流程模型在PAIS生命周期中的作用。此外,它基于过程挖掘的经验对最新技术进行了批判性思考。流程挖掘技术试图从事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。流程挖掘的一方面是控制流发现,即自动构建描述活动之间因果关系的流程模型(例如Petri网)。流程挖掘提供的见解对于下一代PAIS的开发非常有价值,因为它们清楚地表明了为驱动这些系统而提出的模型与现实之间不匹配。一方面,模型倾向于过于简化事物,从而导致系统过于严格。另一方面,模型无法捕获业务流程的重要方面。 t​​extcopyright 2009年Springer。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-00899-3_1]

[582] Process-oriented architectures for electronic commerce and interorganizational workflow (1999)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: The Internets World Wide Web has become the prime driver of contemporary Electronic commerce (E-commerce). Although the emphasis has moved from Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to the Internet, the focus is still on the technology required to exchange information rather than supporting business processes crossing organizational borders. E-commerce is not just about facilitating individual business transactions, it also comprises the management of the causal relations between these transactions. This paper stresses the process aspect of E-commerce by relating it to workflow management. Traditional workflow management systems assume one centralized enactment service and have problems dealing with dynamic changes and local variations. Since E-commerce is characterized by interorganizational workflows distributed over autonomous business units, these systems tend to be useless in the context of E-commerce. This paper reviews new and existing architectures to enable interorganizational workflow. The presentation focuses on two approaches to partition an interorganizational workflow over multiple business partners. Both approaches are evaluated. One of the key concerns in this paper is the possibility to verify the correctness of the interorganizational workflow. The dynamics of the marketplace, with rapid changing business processes and relationships, underlines the need for verification tools.

摘要: Internet的万维网已经成为当代电子商务(E-commerce)的主要驱动力。尽管重点已经从电子数据交换(EDI)转移到了Internet,但是重点仍然是交换信息所需要的技术,除了支持跨组织的业务流程外,电子商务还不仅仅在于促进单个业务交易,还包括对这些交易之间因果关系的管理,本文通过将电子商务与工作流管理相关联来强调电子商务的流程方面。传统的工作流管理系统采用一种集中式的制定服务,并且在处理动态变化和局部变化方面存在问题,由于电子商务的特征是在自治业务部门上分布的组织间工作流,因此这些系统在电子商务环境中往往无用。论文回顾了新的和现有的架构,以实现组织间工作流程。演讲重点介绍了将组织间工作流划分给多个业务合作伙伴的两种方法。两种方法都进行了评估。本文主要关注的问题之一是可以验证组织间工作流程的正确性。随着业务流程和关系的快速变化,市场的动态凸显了对验证工具的需求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0306-4379(00)00003-X]

[583] ProcessProfiler3D: A visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison (2017)

(Wynn, M. T. and Poppe, E. and Xu, J. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Brown, R. and Pini, A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: An organisation can significantly improve its performance by observing how their business operations are currently being carried out. A great way to derive evidence-based process improvement insights is to compare the behaviour and performance of processes for different process cohorts by utilising the information recorded in event logs. A process cohort is a coherent group of process instances that has one or more shared characteristics. Such process performance comparisons can highlight positive or negative variations that can be evident in a particular cohort, thus enabling a tailored approach to process improvement. Although existing process mining techniques can be used to calculate various statistics from event logs for performance analysis, most techniques calculate and display the statistics for each cohort separately. Furthermore, the numerical statistics and simple visualisations may not be intuitive enough to allow users to compare the performance of various cohorts efficiently and effectively. We developed a novel visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison to address these issues. It enables analysts to quickly identify the performance differences between cohorts. The framework supports the selection of cohorts and a three-dimensional visualisation to compare the cohorts using a variety of performance metrics. The approach has been implemented as a set of plug-ins within the open source process mining framework ProM and has been evaluated using two real-life datasets from the insurance domain to assess the usefulness of such a tool. This paper also derives a set of design principles from our approach which provide guidance for the development of new approaches to process cohort performance comparison.

摘要: 组织可以通过观察其业务运营当前如何进行来显着提高其绩效。得出基于证据的流程改进见解的一种好方法是通过利用事件日志中记录的信息来比较不同流程群组的流程行为和性能。流程群组是具有一个或多个共享特征的流程实例的相关组。这样的过程性能比较可以突出显示在特定队列中显而易见的正面或负面变化,从而实现量身定制的过程改进方法。尽管可以使用现有的流程挖掘技术来从事件日志中计算各种统计信息以进行性能分析,但是大多数技术都会分别计算和显示每个同类群组的统计信息。此外,数字统计和简单的可视化可能还不够直观,无法让用户有效地比较各种同类群组的效果。我们开发了一种新颖的可视化框架,用于基于日志的流程性能比较,以解决这些问题。它使分析人员能够快速确定同类之间的性能差异。该框架支持队列的选择和三维可视化,以使用各种性能指标来比较队列。该方法已实现为开源过程挖掘框架ProM中的一组插件,并已使用来自保险领域的两个实际数据集进行了评估,以评估这种工具的有效性。本文还从我们的方法中得出了一组设计原则,这些原则为开发新的过程队列性能比较方法提供了指导。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.004]

[584] Processes Meet Big Data: Connecting Data Science with Process Science (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: As more and more companies are embracing Big data, it has become apparent that the ultimate challenge is to relate massive amounts of event data to processes that are highly dynamic. To unleash the value of event data, events need to be tightly connected to the control and management of operational processes. However, the primary focus of Big data technologies is currently on storage, processing, and rather simple analytical tasks. Big data initiatives rarely focus on the improvement of end-to-end processes. To address this mismatch, we advocate a better integration of data science, data technology and process science. Data science approaches tend to be process agonistic whereas process science approaches tend to be model-driven without considering the evidence hidden in the data. Process mining aims to bridge this gap. This editorial discusses the interplay between data science and process science and relates process mining to Big data technologies, service orientation, and cloud computing.

摘要: As more and more companies are embracing Big data, it has become apparent that the ultimate challenge is to relate massive amounts of event data to processes that are highly dynamic. To unleash the value of event data, events need to be tightly connected to the control and management of operational processes. However, the primary focus of Big data technologies is currently on storage, processing, and rather simple analytical tasks. Big data initiatives rarely focus on the improvement of end-to-end processes. To address this mismatch, we advocate a better integration of data science, data technology and process science. Data science approaches tend to be process agonistic whereas process science approaches tend to be model-driven without considering the evidence hidden in the data. Process mining aims to bridge this gap. This editorial discusses the interplay between data science and process science and relates process mining to Big data technologies, service orientation, and cloud computing.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2493732]

[585] Processes driving the networked economy (1999)

(Sheth, Amit P. and Van Der Aalst | IEEE Concurrency)

Abstract: An organic workflow-process technology is expected to power the evolution of information system architectures. This article outlines three likely stages of architectural evolution in the context of a networked economy. It also discusses critical gaps in the current technology with respect to their envisioned future.

摘要: 有机的工作流程处理技术有望推动信息系统架构的发展。本文概述了网络经济背景下架构演进的三个可能阶段。它还讨论了在预期的未来方面当前技术中的重大差距。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/4434.788776]

[586] Proclets in healthcare (2010)

(Mans, R. S. and Russell, N. C. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Bakker, P. J.M. and Moleman, A. J. and Jaspers, M. W.M. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Healthcare processes can be characterized as weakly-connected interacting light-weight workflows coping with different levels of granularity. Classical workflow notations fall short in supporting these kind of processes. Although these notations are able to describe the life-cycle of individual cases and allow for hierarchical decomposition, they primarily support monolithic processes. However, they are less suitable for healthcare processes. The Proclets framework is one formalism that provides a solution to this problem. Based on a large case study, describing the diagnostic process of the gynecological oncology care process at the Academic Medical Center (AMC), we identify the limitations of monolithic workflows Moreover, by using the same case study, we investigate whether healthcare processes can be described effectively using Proclets. In this way, we provide a comparison between the Proclet framework and existing workflow languages and identify research challenges. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Inc.

摘要: 医疗过程可以描述为弱连接,相互作用的轻量级工作流,可以应对不同级别的粒度。经典的工作流符号不足以支持此类过程。尽管这些符号能够描述单个案例的生命周期并允许进行层次分解,但它们主要支持整体过程。但是,它们不太适合医疗保健过程。 Proclets框架是一种可以解决此问题的形式主义。在大型案例研究的基础上,描述了学术医学中心(AMC)妇科肿瘤护理过程的诊断过程,我们确定了整体工作流程的局限性。此外,通过使用同一案例研究,我们研究了医疗保健过程是否可以使用Proclets进行有效描述。通过这种方式,我们提供了Proclet框架与现有工作流语言之间的比较,并确定了研究挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2010.03.010]

[587] Proclets: A framework for lightweight interacting workflow processes (2001)

(Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: The focus of traditional workflow management systems is on control flow within one process definition. The process definition describes how a single case (i.e. workflow instance) in isolation is handled. For many applications this paradigm is inadequate. Interaction between cases to support communication and collaboration is at least as important. This paper introduces and advocates the use of interacting proclets, i.e. lightweight workflow processes. By promoting interactions to first-class citizens it is possible to model complex workflows in a more natural manner. In addition, the expressive power and flexibility are improved compared to the more traditional workflow modeling languages.

摘要: 传统工作流管理系统的重点在于一个流程定义内的控制流。流程定义描述了如何单独处理单个案例(即工作流实例)。对于许多应用程序来说,这种范例是不够的。案例之间的交互以支持沟通和协作至少同样重要。本文介绍并提倡使用交互式proclet(即轻量级工作流程)。通过促进与头等公民的互动,可以以更自然的方式对复杂的工作流程进行建模。此外,与更传统的工作流程建模语言相比,表达能力和灵活性得到了改善。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843001000412]

[588] Product-based workflow design (2003)

(Reijers, Hajo A. and Limam, Selma and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Management Information Systems)

Abstract: In manufacturing, the interaction between the design of a product and the process to manufacture this product is studied in detail. Consider, for example, material requirements planning (MRP) as part of current enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, which is mainly driven by the bill of material (BOM). For information-intensive products such as insurances, and many other services, the workflow process typically evolves or is redesigned without careful consideration of the structure and characteristics of the product. In this paper, we present a method named product-based workflow design (PBWD). PBWD takes the product specification and three design criteria as a starting point, after which formal models and techniques are used to derive a favorable new design of the workflow process. The ExSpect tool is used to support PBWD. Finally, using a real case study, we demonstrate that a full evaluation of the search space for a workflow design may be feasible depending on the chosen design criteria and the specific nature of the product specifications.

摘要: 在制造中,详细研究了产品设计与制造该产品的过程之间的相互作用。例如,将物料需求计划(MRP)视为当前企业资源计划(ERP)系统的一部分,该系统主要由物料清单(BOM)驱动。对于诸如保险和许多其他服务之类的信息密集型产品,工作流流程通常会不断演变或重新设计,而无需仔细考虑产品的结构和特性。在本文中,我们提出了一种名为基于产品的工作流设计(PBWD)的方法。 PBWD以产品规格和三个设计标准为起点,之后使用正式的模型和技术得出工作流程最佳的新设计。 ExSpect工具用于支持PBWD。最后,通过实际案例研究,我们证明,根据所选的设计标准和产品规格的特定性质,对工作流程设计的搜索空间进行全面评估可能是可行的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/07421222.2003.11045753]

[589] Product-based workflow support (2011)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Despite the industrial need for the improvement of information-intensive business processes, few scientifically grounded approaches exist to support such initiatives. In this paper, we propose a new approach that builds on concepts that are part of a product-oriented view on process optimization. Essentially, this approach allows end users to flexibly decide on the best possible way to create an informational product within the limits that are imposed by regulations and logical dependencies. We argue that this provides various benefits in comparison to earlier work. To support end users in making sensible decisions, we describe two alternative approaches to provide them with recommendations to this end. We formalize these alternatives and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses. The feasibility of the overall approach, which we refer to as Product-Based Workflow Support, is demonstrated by a workflow system that is realized using ProM and DECLARE. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.

摘要: Despite the industrial need for the improvement of information-intensive business processes, few scientifically grounded approaches exist to support such initiatives. In this paper, we propose a new approach that builds on concepts that are part of a product-oriented view on process optimization. Essentially, this approach allows end users to flexibly decide on the best possible way to create an informational product within the limits that are imposed by regulations and logical dependencies. We argue that this provides various benefits in comparison to earlier work. To support end users in making sensible decisions, we describe two alternative approaches to provide them with recommendations to this end. We formalize these alternatives and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses. The feasibility of the overall approach, which we refer to as Product-Based Workflow Support, is demonstrated by a workflow system that is realized using ProM and DECLARE. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.008]

[590] Protos2CPN: Using colored Petri nets for configuring and testing business processes (2008)

(Gottschalk, F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Jansen-Vullers, M. H. and Verbeek, H. M.W. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Protos is a popular tool for business process modelling used in more than 1,500 organizations. It has a built-in Petri-net-based simulation engine which shows key performance indicators for the modelled processes. Reference process models offered for Protos reduce modelling efforts by providing generic solutions which only need to be adapted to individual requirements. However, the user can neither inspect or interact with simulations running in Protos, nor does Protos provide any explicit support for the adaptation of reference models. Hence, we aim at a more open and configurable simulation solution. To realize this we provide two transformations from Protos models to colored Petri nets (CPNs), which can be executed by CPN Tools. The first transformation enables the usage of the extensive simulation and measuring features of CPN Tools for the simulation of Protos models. The second transformation creates colored Petri nets with dedicated features for process configuration. Such configurable process models can be restricted directly within the process model without changing the models structure and provide therefore dedicated adaptation features for Protos reference process models. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.

摘要: Protos是用于1,500多个组织的业务流程建模的流行工具。它具有基于Petri-net的内置模拟引擎,该引擎显示了建模流程的关键性能指标。为Protos提供的参考流程模型减少了建模工作通过提供只需要适应个别需求的通用解决方案,但是,用户既不能检查Protos中运行的仿真或与之交互,Protos也不能为参考模型的改编提供任何明确的支持,因此,我们的目标是为实现这一目标,我们提供了从Protos模型到有色Petri网(CPN)的两种转换,可以由CPN Tools执行。第一个转换可以使用CPN Tools的广泛模拟和测量功能Protos模型的模拟,第二次转换创建了有色Petri网,该Petri网具有用于过程配置的专用功能。可将可建模过程模型直接限制在过程模型中,而无需更改模型的结构,因此可为Protos参考过程模型提供专用的适应功能。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0055-9]

[591] Quality dimensions in process discovery: The importance of fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity (2014)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Dongen | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: Process discovery algorithms typically aim at discovering process models from event logs that best describe the recorded behavior. Often, the quality of a process discovery algorithm is measured by quantifying to what extent the resulting model can reproduce the behavior in the log, i.e. replay fitness. At the same time, there are other measures that compare a model with recorded behavior in terms of the precision of the model and the extent to which the model generalizes the behavior in the log. Furthermore, many measures exist to express the complexity of a model irrespective of the log. In this paper, we first discuss several quality dimensions related to process discovery. We further show that existing process discovery algorithms typically consider at most two out of the four main quality dimensions: replay fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity. Moreover, existing approaches cannot steer the discovery process based on user-defined weights for the four quality dimensions. This paper presents the ETM algorithm which allows the user to seamlessly steer the discovery process based on preferences with respect to the four quality dimensions. We show that all dimensions are important for process discovery. However, it only makes sense to consider precision, generalization and simplicity if the replay fitness is acceptable. textcopyright 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.

摘要: Process discovery algorithms typically aim at discovering process models from event logs that best describe the recorded behavior. Often, the quality of a process discovery algorithm is measured by quantifying to what extent the resulting model can reproduce the behavior in the log, i.e. replay fitness. At the same time, there are other measures that compare a model with recorded behavior in terms of the precision of the model and the extent to which the model generalizes the behavior in the log. Furthermore, many measures exist to express the complexity of a model irrespective of the log. In this paper, we first discuss several quality dimensions related to process discovery. We further show that existing process discovery algorithms typically consider at most two out of the four main quality dimensions: replay fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity. Moreover, existing approaches cannot steer the discovery process based on user-defined weights for the four quality dimensions. This paper presents the ETM algorithm which allows the user to seamlessly steer the discovery process based on preferences with respect to the four quality dimensions. We show that all dimensions are important for process discovery. However, it only makes sense to consider precision, generalization and simplicity if the replay fitness is acceptable. textcopyright 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843014400012]

[592] Quality metrics for business process modeling (2009)

(Khlif, Wiem and Makni, Lobna and Zaaboub, Nahla and Ben-Abdallah, Hanene | Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science, ACS 09)

Abstract: Modeling business processes is vital when improving or automating existing business pocesses, documenting processes properly or comparing business processes. In addition, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the quality of a business process model, which in tern requires a set of quality metrics. Most of the works proposed to evaluate business process models deal with quality by adapting software metrics. This is possible, because software products and business processes software are quite similar. Our contribution in this paper consists in adapting object oriented software metrics to business process models. This adaptation is based on correspondences which we establish between BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) concepts and object oriented concepts. By adapting object oriented metrics, we aim to obtain new metrics which give us more information about the complexity of business processes, cohesion between process tasks and coupling between processes themselves.

摘要: Modeling business processes is vital when improving or automating existing business pocesses, documenting processes properly or comparing business processes. In addition, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the quality of a business process model, which in tern requires a set of quality metrics. Most of the works proposed to evaluate business process models deal with quality by adapting software metrics. This is possible, because software products and business processes software are quite similar. Our contribution in this paper consists in adapting object oriented software metrics to business process models. This adaptation is based on correspondences which we establish between BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) concepts and object oriented concepts. By adapting object oriented metrics, we aim to obtain new metrics which give us more information about the complexity of business processes, cohesion between process tasks and coupling between processes themselves.

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[593] Quantifying process equivalence based on observed behavior (2008)

(Alves de Medeiros | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In various application domains there is a desire to compare process models, e.g., to relate an organization-specific process model to a reference model, to find a web service matching some desired service description, or to compare some normative process model with a process model discovered using process mining techniques. Although many researchers have worked on different notions of equivalence (e.g., trace equivalence, bisimulation, branching bisimulation, etc.), most of the existing notions are not very useful in this context. First of all, most equivalence notions result in a binary answer (i.e., two processes are equivalent or not). This is not very helpful because, in real-life applications, one needs to differentiate between slightly different models and completely different models. Second, not all parts of a process model are equally important. There may be parts of the process model that are rarely activated (i.e., process veins) while other parts are executed for most process instances (i.e., the process arteries). Clearly, differences in some veins of a process are less important than differences in the main arteries of a process. To address the problem, this paper proposes a completely new way of comparing process models. Rather than directly comparing two models, the process models are compared with respect to some typical behavior. This way, we are able to avoid the two problems just mentioned. The approach has been implemented and has been used in the context of genetic process mining. Although the results are presented in the context of Petri nets, the approach can be applied to any process modeling language with executable semantics. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: In various application domains there is a desire to compare process models, e.g., to relate an organization-specific process model to a reference model, to find a web service matching some desired service description, or to compare some normative process model with a process model discovered using process mining techniques. Although many researchers have worked on different notions of equivalence (e.g., trace equivalence, bisimulation, branching bisimulation, etc.), most of the existing notions are not very useful in this context. First of all, most equivalence notions result in a binary answer (i.e., two processes are equivalent or not). This is not very helpful because, in real-life applications, one needs to differentiate between slightly different models and completely different models. Second, not all parts of a process model are equally important. There may be parts of the process model that are rarely activated (i.e., process veins) while other parts are executed for most process instances (i.e., the process arteries). Clearly, differences in some veins of a process are less important than differences in the main arteries of a process. To address the problem, this paper proposes a completely new way of comparing process models. Rather than directly comparing two models, the process models are compared with respect to some typical behavior. This way, we are able to avoid the two problems just mentioned. The approach has been implemented and has been used in the context of genetic process mining. Although the results are presented in the context of Petri nets, the approach can be applied to any process modeling language with executable semantics. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2007.06.010]

[594] Questionnaire-based variability modeling for system configuration (2009)

(La Rosa | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Variability management is a recurrent issue in systems engineering. It arises for example in enterprise systems, where modules are configured and composed to meet the requirements of individual customers based on modifications to a reference model. It also manifests itself in the context of software product families, where variants of a system are built from a common code base. This paper proposes an approach to capture system variability based on questionnaire models that include order dependencies and domain constraints. The paper presents analysis techniques to detect circular dependencies and contradictory constraints in questionnaire models, as well as techniques to incrementally prevent invalid configurations by restricting the space of allowed answers to a question based on previous answers. The approach has been implemented as a toolset and has been used in practice to capture configurable process models for film post-production. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2008.

摘要: 可变性管理是系统工程中经常出现的问题。例如,它出现在企业系统中,在该系统中,对模块的配置和组成可以根据对参考模型的修改来满足各个客户的要求。它也体现在软件产品系列的上下文中,在该产品系列中,系统的变体是根据通用代码库构建的。本文提出了一种基于调查表模型的捕获系统可变性的方法,该模型包括订单依赖性和域约束。本文提出了用于检测问卷模型中的循环依存关系和矛盾约束条件的分析技术,以及通过基于先前答案限制问题的允许答案空间来逐步防止无效配置的技术。该方法已作为工具集实施,并已在实践中用于捕获可配置的电影后期制作过程模型。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2008。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-008-0090-3]

[595] RapidProM: Mine Your Processes and Not Just Your Data (2017)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. and Bolt, Alfredo and van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. | CoRR)

Abstract: The number of events recorded for operational processes is growing every year. This applies to all domains: from health care and e-government to production and maintenance. Event data are a valuable source of information for organizations that need to meet requirements related to compliance, efficiency, and customer service. Process mining helps to turn these data into real value: by discovering the real processes, by automatically identifying bottlenecks, by analyzing deviations and sources of non-compliance, by revealing the actual behavior of people, etc. Process mining is very different from conventional data mining and machine learning techniques. ProM is a powerful open-source process mining tool supporting hundreds of analysis techniques. However, ProM does not support analysis based on scientific workflows. RapidProM, an extension of RapidMiner based on ProM, combines the best of both worlds. Complex process mining workflows can be modeled and executed easily and subsequently reused for other data sets. Moreover, using RapidProM, one can benefit from combinations of process mining with other types of analysis available through the RapidMiner marketplace.

摘要: 为操作流程记录的事件数量每年都在增加。这适用于所有领域:从医疗保健和电子政务到生产和维护。对于需要满足合规性,效率和客户服务相关要求的组织而言,事件数据是有价值的信息来源。流程挖掘有助于将这些数据转化为实际价值:通过发现实际流程,自动识别瓶颈,分析偏差和违规来源,揭示人员的实际行为等,来进行挖掘。流程挖掘与常规数据有很大不同采矿和机器学习技术。 ProM是功能强大的开源过程挖掘工具,支持数百种分析技术。但是,ProM不支持基于科学工作流程的分析。 RapidProM是RapidMiner基于ProM的扩展,结合了两者的优点。复杂的流程挖掘工作流可以轻松建模和执行,随后可用于其他数据集。而且,使用RapidProM,可以将过程挖掘与通过RapidMiner市场获得的其他类型的分析相结合而受益。

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[596] Recomposing conformance: Closing the circle on decomposed alignment-based conformance checking in process mining (2018)

(Lee, Wai Lam Jonathan and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Sepulveda, Marcos | Information Sciences)

Abstract: In the area of process mining, efficient conformance checking is one of the main challenges. Several process mining vendors are in the process of implementing conformance checking in their tools to allow the user to check how well a model fits an event log. Current approaches for conformance checking are monolithic and compute exact fitness values but this may take excessive time. Alternatively, one can use a decomposition approach, which runs much faster but does not always compute an exact fitness value. This paper introduces a recomposition approach that takes the best of both: it returns the exact fitness value by using the decomposition approach in an iterative manner. Results show that similar speedups can be obtained as by using the decomposition approach, but now the exact fitness value is guaranteed. Even better, this approach supports a configurable time-bound: Give me the best fitness estimation you can find within 10 min. In such a case, the approach returns an interval that contains the exact fitness value. If such an interval is sufficiently narrow, there is no need to spend unnecessary time to compute the exact value.

摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,有效的一致性检查是主要挑战之一。多家流程挖掘供应商正在其工具中实施一致性检查,以允许用户检查模型是否适合事件日志。当前用于一致性检查的方法是整体的,并且可以计算准确的适用性值,但这可能会花费大量时间。或者,可以使用分解方法,该方法运行速度快得多,但并不总是能计算出准确的适合度值。本文介绍了一种兼具两者优势的重组方法:它通过迭代使用分解方法来返回准确的适应性值。结果表明,使用分解方法可以获得类似的加速,但是现在可以保证精确的适用性值。更好的是,此方法支持可配置的时间限制:给我10分钟内可以找到的最佳适应度估计值。在这种情况下,该方法将返回一个包含准确适用性值的间隔。如果此间隔足够窄,则无需花费不必要的时间来计算准确值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2018.07.026]

[597] Recovery of titanium dioxide and other pigments from waste paint by pyrolysis (2015)

(Karlsson, Mikael C.F. and Corr, Daniel and Forsgren, Christer and Steenari, Britt Marie | Journal of Coatings Technology and Research)

Abstract: In this work, a model paint containing several types of inorganic pigments was pyrolyzed in a microwave-heated unit. The goal of the pyrolysis process was to recover and recycle the inorganic components in the paint, most importantly titanium dioxide (TiO2). The solid residue remaining after pyrolysis was further heat treated in air to remove most of the char in the TiO2-containing product. The recovered TiO2-containing product was used in two types of paint formulation as a replacement for virgin pigments. The properties of the paints containing recycled TiO2 pigment and extenders were evaluated and compared with a standard paint formulation containing only virgin TiO2 pigment and virgin extenders. A reduction in paint whiteness was observed but the opacity, gloss, and durability were nearly equivalent to that of the standard paint. Another consequence of using recycled pigments was that the recycled mix of TiO2 pigments and extenders was harder to disperse in the paint than the mix based on virgin materials, thus giving the painted surface a somewhat rough texture. The recycled material has shown promising results as a pigment/extender but further work is needed to optimize the recycled product to meet whiteness and dispersion requirements for incorporation in paint formulations on an industrial scale.

摘要: 在这项工作中,在微波加热单元中将含有几种无机颜料的模型涂料热解。热解过程的目标是回收和再循环涂料中的无机成分,最重要的是二氧化钛(TiO2)。将热解后残留的固体残留物在空气中进一步热处理,以除去含TiO2产物中的大部分炭。回收的含TiO2的产品可用于两种涂料配方中,以替代原始颜料。评估了包含再生TiO2颜料和增量剂的涂料的性能,并将其与仅包含纯TiO2颜料和纯增量剂的标准涂料配方进行了比较。观察到油漆白度降低,但是不透明度,光泽和耐久性几乎与标准油漆相当。使用再生颜料的另一个结果是,与基于原始材料的混合物相比,再生的TiO2颜料和增量剂的混合物更难分散在涂料中,从而使涂漆表面有些粗糙。再生材料已显示出作为颜料/增量剂的可喜结果,但仍需要进一步的工作来优化再生产品,以满足工业规模并入涂料配方中的白度和分散性要求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11998-015-9707-y]

[598] Recursion aware modeling and discovery for hierarchical software event log analysis (2018)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER 2018 - Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper presents 1) a novel hierarchy and recursion extension to the process tree model; and 2) the first, recursion aware process model discovery technique that leverages hierarchical information in event logs, typically available for software systems. This technique allows us to analyze the operational processes of software systems under real-life conditions at multiple levels of granularity. The work can be positioned in-between reverse engineering and process mining. An implementation of the proposed approach is available as a ProM plugin. Experimental results based on real-life (software) event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach and show the huge potential to speed up discovery by exploiting the available hierarchy.

摘要: 本文提出1)对流程树模型的新颖层次结构和递归扩展; 2)第一种递归感知过程模型发现技术,该技术利用事件日志中的分层信息,通常可用于软件系统。该技术使我们能够在多个粒度级别上分析现实条件下的软件系统的操作过程。该工作可以定位在逆向工程和过程挖掘之间。所建议方法的实现可作为ProM插件使用。基于现实生活(软件)事件日志的实验结果证明了该方法的可行性和实用性,并显示了通过利用可用层次结构来加快发现的巨大潜力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SANER.2018.8330208]

[599] Rediscovering workflow models from event-based data using little thumb (2003)

(Weijters, A. J.M.M. and Van der Aalst | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering)

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically, there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we propose a technique for rediscovering workflow models. This technique uses workflow logs to discover the workflow process as it is actually being executed. The workflow log contains information about events taking place. We assume that these events are totally ordered and each event refers to one task being executed for a single case. This information can easily be extracted from transactional information systems (e.g., Enterprise Resource Planning systems such as SAP and Baan). The rediscovering technique proposed in this paper can deal with noise and can also be used to validate workflow processes by uncovering and measuring the discrepancies between prescriptive models and actual process executions.

摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统由明确的流程模型驱动,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要完全指定的工作流程设计。创建工作流设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常,实际工作流过程与管理层认为的过程之间存在差异。因此,我们提出了一种重新发现工作流模型的技术。该技术使用工作流日志来发现实际执行的工作流过程。工作流日志包含有关发生的事件的信息。我们假设这些事件是完全有序的,并且每个事件都涉及一个针对单个案例执行的任务。可以从交易信息系统(例如,诸如SAP和Baan之类的企业资源计划系统)中轻松提取此信息。本文提出的重新发现技术可以处理噪声,还可以通过发现和测量说明性模型与实际过程执行之间的差异来验证工作流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/ica-2003-10205]

[600] Reduction rules for YAWL workflows with cancellation regions and OR-joins (2009)

(Wynn, M. T. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Edmond, D. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: As the need for concepts such as cancellation and OR-joins occurs naturally in business scenarios, comprehensive support in a workflow language is desirable. However, there is a clear trade-off between the expressive power of a language (i.e., introducing complex constructs such as cancellation and OR-joins) and ease of verification. When a workflow contains a large number of tasks and involves complex control flow dependencies, verification can take too much time or it may even be impossible. There are a number of different approaches to deal with this complexity. Reducing the size of the workflow, while preserving its essential properties with respect to a particular analysis problem, is one such approach. In this paper, we present a set of reduction rules for workflows with cancellation regions and OR-joins and demonstrate how they can be used to improve the efficiency of verification. Our results are presented in the context of the YAWL workflow language. Crown Copyright textcopyright 2009.

摘要: 由于在业务场景中自然需要取消和OR连接等概念,因此需要工作流语言的全面支持。但是,在语言的表达能力(即引入诸如取消和OR-joins之类的复杂结构)和易于验证之间存在明显的权衡。当工作流包含大量任务并涉及复杂的控制流依赖性时,验证可能会花费太多时间,甚至可能是不可能的。有许多不同的方法可以处理这种复杂性。一种方法是减小工作流程的大小,同时保留其针对特定分析问题的基本属性。在本文中,我们为具有取消区域和或联接的工作流提供了一套简化规则,并演示了如何使用它们来提高验证效率。我们的结果在YAWL工作流语言的上下文中显示。皇冠版权 t​​extcopyright2009。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2008.12.002]

[601] Reduction rules for reset/inhibitor nets (2010)

(Verbeek, H. M.W. and Wynn, M. T. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. | Journal of Computer and System Sciences)

Abstract: Reset/inhibitor nets are Petri nets extended with reset arcs and inhibitor arcs. These extensions can be used to model cancellation and blocking. A reset arc allows a transition to remove all tokens from a certain place when the transition fires. An inhibitor arc can stop a transition from being enabled if the place contains one or more tokens. While reset/inhibitor nets increase the expressive power of Petri nets, they also result in increased complexity of analysis techniques. One way of speeding up Petri net analysis is to apply reduction rules. Unfortunately, many of the rules defined for classical Petri nets do not hold in the presence of reset and/or inhibitor arcs. Moreover, new rules can be added. This is the first paper systematically presenting a comprehensive set of reduction rules for reset/inhibitor nets. These rules are liveness and boundedness preserving and are able to dramatically reduce models and their state spaces. It can be observed that most of the modeling languages used in practice have features related to cancellation and blocking. Therefore, this work is highly relevant for all kinds of application areas where analysis is currently intractable. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

摘要: Reset/inhibitor nets are Petri nets extended with reset arcs and inhibitor arcs. These extensions can be used to model cancellation and blocking. A reset arc allows a transition to remove all tokens from a certain place when the transition fires. An inhibitor arc can stop a transition from being enabled if the place contains one or more tokens. While reset/inhibitor nets increase the expressive power of Petri nets, they also result in increased complexity of analysis techniques. One way of speeding up Petri net analysis is to apply reduction rules. Unfortunately, many of the rules defined for classical Petri nets do not hold in the presence of reset and/or inhibitor arcs. Moreover, new rules can be added. This is the first paper systematically presenting a comprehensive set of reduction rules for reset/inhibitor nets. These rules are liveness and boundedness preserving and are able to dramatically reduce models and their state spaces. It can be observed that most of the modeling languages used in practice have features related to cancellation and blocking. Therefore, this work is highly relevant for all kinds of application areas where analysis is currently intractable. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jcss.2009.06.003]

[602] Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management (2011)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Efficient resource allocation is a complex and dynamic task in business process management. Although a wide variety of mechanisms are emerging to support resource allocation in business process execution, these approaches do not consider performance optimization. This paper introduces a mechanism in which the resource allocation optimization problem is modeled as Markov decision processes and solved using reinforcement learning. The proposed mechanism observes its environment to learn appropriate policies which optimize resource allocation in business process execution. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms well known heuristic or hand-coded strategies, and may improve the current state of business process management. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 有效的资源分配是业务流程管理中的复杂而动态的任务。尽管出现了各种各样的机制来支持业务流程执行中的资源分配,但是这些方法并未考虑性能优化。本文介绍了一种机制,其中将资源分配优化问题建模为马尔可夫决策过程,并使用强化学习进行求解。所提出的机制观察其环境以学习适当的策略,这些策略可以优化业务流程执行中的资源分配。实验结果表明,所提出的方法优于已知的启发式或手工编码策略,并且可以改善当前业务流程管理的状态。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2010.09.002]

[603] Replaying history on process models for conformance checking and performance analysis (2012)

(Van der Aalst | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Process mining techniques use event data to discover process models, to check the conformance of predefined process models, and to extend such models with information about bottlenecks, decisions, and resource usage. These techniques are driven by observed events rather than hand-made models. Event logs are used to learn and enrich process models. By replaying history using the model, it is possible to establish a precise relationship between events and model elements. This relationship can be used to check conformance and to analyze performance. For example, it is possible to diagnose deviations from the modeled behavior. The severity of each deviation can be quantified. Moreover, the relationship established during replay and the timestamps in the event log can be combined to show bottlenecks. These examples illustrate the importance of maintaining a proper alignment between event log and process model. Therefore, we elaborate on the realization of such alignments and their application to conformance checking and performance analysis. textcopyright 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术使用事件数据来发现过程模型,检查预定义过程模型的一致性,并使用有关瓶颈,决策和资源使用的信息来扩展此类模型。这些技术是由观察到的事件而不是手工模型驱动的。事件日志用于学习和丰富过程模型。通过使用模型重播历史记录,可以在事件和模型元素之间建立精确的关系。此关系可用于检查一致性并分析性能。例如,可以诊断与建模行为的偏差。每个偏差的严重程度可以量化。此外,可以将重播期间建立的关系与事件日志中的时间戳进行组合以显示瓶颈。这些示例说明了在事件日志和流程模型之间保持正确对齐的重要性。因此,我们详细介绍了此类比对的实现及其在一致性检查和性能分析中的应用。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/widm.1045]

[604] Representations maternelles au cours dune premire et dune seconde grossesse (2010)

(Riazuelo, H. | Neuropsychiatrie de lEnfance et de lAdolescence)

Abstract: The aim of this work is to compare pregnancy for primiparous and secondiparous women, an unusual approach since most of the scientific literature focuses on primiparous women only. Our main results are: (i) sibling rivalry is strongly revived for secondiparous women, and (ii) although they manage to distanciate themselves from oedipean conflict, it is somehow reactivated, but with respect to the first child, with whom they create the second one. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS.

摘要: The aim of this work is to compare pregnancy for primiparous and secondiparous women, an unusual approach since most of the scientific literature focuses on primiparous women only. Our main results are: (i) sibling rivalry is strongly revived for secondiparous women, and (ii) although they manage to distanciate themselves from oedipean conflict, it is somehow reactivated, but with respect to the first child, with whom they create the second one. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.neurenf.2010.05.006]

[605] Resource Usage Analysis from a Different Perspective on MOOC Dropout (2017)

(Brochenin, Remi and Buijs, Joos and Vahdat, Mehrnoosh and van der Aalst, Wil | CoRR)

Abstract: We present a novel learning analytics approach, for analyzing the usage of resources in MOOCs. Our target stakeholders are the course designers who aim to evaluate their learning materials. In order to gain insight into the way educational resources are used, we view dropout behaviour in an atypical manner: Instead of using it as an indicator of failure, we use it as a mean to compute other features. For this purpose, we developed a prototype, called RUAF, that can be applied to the data format provided by FutureLearn. As a proof of concept, we perform a study by applying this tool to the interaction data of learners from four MOOCs. We also study the quality of our computations, by comparing them to existing process mining approaches. We present results that highlight patterns showing how learners use resources. We also show examples of practical conclusions a course designer may benefit from.

摘要: 我们提出了一种新颖的学习分析方法,用于分析MOOC中的资源使用情况。我们的目标利益相关者是旨在评估他们的学习资料的课程设计者。为了深入了解教育资源的使用方式,我们以一种非典型的方式查看辍学行为:不是将其用作失败的指标,而是将其用作计算其他功能的手段。为此,我们开发了一个名为RUAF的原型,该原型可应用于FutureLearn提供的数据格式。作为概念证明,我们通过将该工具应用于来自四个MOOC的学习者的交互数据来进行研究。通过与现有的过程挖掘方法进行比较,我们还研究了计算质量。我们提供的结果强调了显示学习者如何使用资源的模式。我们还展示了课程设计师可以从中受益的一些实用结论的例子。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[606] Responsible Data Science (2017)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Bichler, Martin and Heinzl, Armin | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: No Abstract available for this article.

摘要: 本文暂无摘要。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-017-0487-z]

[607] Revising history for cost-informed process improvement (2016)

(Low, W. Z. and vanden Broucke, S. K.L.M. and Wynn, M. T. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and De Weerdt | Computing)

Abstract: Organisations are constantly seeking new ways to improve operational efficiencies. This study investigates a novel way to identify potential efficiency gains in business operations by observing how they were carried out in the past and then exploring better ways of executing them by taking into account trade-offs between time, cost and resource utilisation. This paper demonstrates how these trade-offs can be incorporated in the assessment of alternative process execution scenarios by making use of a cost environment. A number of optimisation techniques are proposed to explore and assess alternative execution scenarios. The objective function is represented by a cost structure that captures different process dimensions. An experimental evaluation is conducted to analyse the performance and scalability of the optimisation techniques: integer linear programming (ILP), hill climbing, tabu search, and our earlier proposed hybrid genetic algorithm approach. The findings demonstrate that the hybrid genetic algorithm is scalable and performs better compared to other techniques. Moreover, we argue that the use of ILP is unrealistic in this setup and cannot handle complex cost functions such as the ones we propose. Finally, we show how cost-related insights can be gained from improved execution scenarios and how these can be utilised to put forward recommendations for reducing process-related cost and overhead within organisations.

摘要: Organisations are constantly seeking new ways to improve operational efficiencies. This study investigates a novel way to identify potential efficiency gains in business operations by observing how they were carried out in the past and then exploring better ways of executing them by taking into account trade-offs between time, cost and resource utilisation. This paper demonstrates how these trade-offs can be incorporated in the assessment of alternative process execution scenarios by making use of a cost environment. A number of optimisation techniques are proposed to explore and assess alternative execution scenarios. The objective function is represented by a cost structure that captures different process dimensions. An experimental evaluation is conducted to analyse the performance and scalability of the optimisation techniques: integer linear programming (ILP), hill climbing, tabu search, and our earlier proposed hybrid genetic algorithm approach. The findings demonstrate that the hybrid genetic algorithm is scalable and performs better compared to other techniques. Moreover, we argue that the use of ILP is unrealistic in this setup and cannot handle complex cost functions such as the ones we propose. Finally, we show how cost-related insights can be gained from improved execution scenarios and how these can be utilised to put forward recommendations for reducing process-related cost and overhead within organisations.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-015-0478-1]

[608] Runtime verification of LTL-based declarative process models (2012)

(Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Westergaard, Michael and Montali, Marco and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) on finite traces has proven to be a good basis for the analysis and enactment of flexible constraint-based business processes. The Declare language and system benefit from this basis. Moreover, LTL-based languages like Declare can also be used for runtime verification. As there are often many interacting constraints, it is important to keep track of individual constraints and combinations of potentially conflicting constraints. In this paper, we operationalize the notion of conflicting constraints and demonstrate how innovative automata-based techniques can be applied to monitor running process instances. Conflicting constraints are detected immediately and our toolset (realized using Declare and ProM) provides meaningful diagnostics. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) on finite traces has proven to be a good basis for the analysis and enactment of flexible constraint-based business processes. The Declare language and system benefit from this basis. Moreover, LTL-based languages like Declare can also be used for runtime verification. As there are often many interacting constraints, it is important to keep track of individual constraints and combinations of potentially conflicting constraints. In this paper, we operationalize the notion of conflicting constraints and demonstrate how innovative automata-based techniques can be applied to monitor running process instances. Conflicting constraints are detected immediately and our toolset (realized using Declare and ProM) provides meaningful diagnostics. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-29860-8_11]

[609] Scientific workflows for process mining: building blocks, scenarios, and implementation (2016)

(Bolt, Alfredo and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Over the past decade process mining has emerged as a new analytical discipline able to answer a variety of questions based on event data. Event logs have a very particular structure; events have timestamps, refer to activities and resources, and need to be correlated to form process instances. Process mining results tend to be very different from classical data mining results, e.g., process discovery may yield end-to-end process models capturing different perspectives rather than decision trees or frequent patterns. A process-mining tool like ProM provides hundreds of different process mining techniques ranging from discovery and conformance checking to filtering and prediction. Typically, a combination of techniques is needed and, for every step, there are different techniques that may be very sensitive to parameter settings. Moreover, event logs may be huge and may need to be decomposed and distributed for analysis. These aspects make it very cumbersome to analyze event logs manually. Process mining should be repeatable and automated. Therefore, we propose a framework to support the analysis of process mining workflows. Existing scientific workflow systems and data mining tools are not tailored towards process mining and the artifacts used for analysis (process models and event logs). This paper structures the basic building blocks needed for process mining and describes various analysis scenarios. Based on these requirements we implemented RapidProM, a tool supporting scientific workflows for process mining. Examples illustrating the different scenarios are provided to show the feasibility of the approach.

摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘已经成为一种新的分析学科,能够根据事件数据回答各种问题。事件日志具有非常特殊的结构。事件具有时间戳,指的是活动和资源,并且需要关联以形成流程实例。流程挖掘结果往往与经典数据挖掘结果有很大不同,例如,流程发现可能会产生捕获不同观点而不是决策树或频繁模式的端到端流程模型。像ProM这样的过程挖掘工具提供了数百种不同的过程挖掘技术,范围从发现和一致性检查到过滤和预测。通常,需要多种技术的组合,并且对于每个步骤,都有可能对参数设置非常敏感的不同技术。此外,事件日志可能非常庞大,可能需要分解和分发以进行分析。这些方面使手动分析事件日志变得非常麻烦。流程挖掘应该是可重复且自动化的。因此,我们提出了一个框架来支持对流程挖掘工作流的分析。现有的科学工作流程系统和数据挖掘工具并非针对流程挖掘和用于分析的工件(流程模型和事件日志)而定制。本文构建了过程挖掘所需的基本构建块,并描述了各种分析方案。基于这些要求,我们实施了RapidProM,这是一种支持用于流程挖掘的科学工作流的工具。提供了说明不同情况的示例,以显示该方法的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-015-0399-5]

[610] Semi-supervised log pattern detection and exploration using event concurrence and contextual information (2017)

(Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and Andrews, Robert and Suriadi, Suriadi and Wynn, Moe T. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining offers a variety of techniques for analyzing process execution event logs. Although process discovery algorithms construct end-to-end process models, they often have difficulties dealing with the complexity of real-life event logs. Discovered models may contain either complex or over-generalized fragments, the interpretation of which is difficult, and can result in misleading insights. Detecting and visualizing behavioral patterns instead of creating model structures can reduce complexity and give more accurate insights into recorded behaviors. Unsupervised detection techniques, based on statistical properties of the log only, generate a multitude of patterns and lack domain context. Supervised pattern detection requires a domain expert to specify patterns manually and lacks the event log context. In this paper, we reconcile supervised and unsupervised pattern detection. We visualize the log and help users extract patterns of interest from the log or obtain patterns through unsupervised learning automatically. Pattern matches are visualized in the context of the event log (also showing concurrency and additional contextual information). Earlier patterns can be extended or modified based on the insights. This enables an interactive and iterative approach to identify complex and concrete behavioral patterns in event logs. We implemented our approach in the ProM framework and evaluated the tool using both the BPI Challenge 2012 log of a loan application process and an insurance claims log from a major Australian insurance company.

摘要: Process mining offers a variety of techniques for analyzing process execution event logs. Although process discovery algorithms construct end-to-end process models, they often have difficulties dealing with the complexity of real-life event logs. Discovered models may contain either complex or over-generalized fragments, the interpretation of which is difficult, and can result in misleading insights. Detecting and visualizing behavioral patterns instead of creating model structures can reduce complexity and give more accurate insights into recorded behaviors. Unsupervised detection techniques, based on statistical properties of the log only, generate a multitude of patterns and lack domain context. Supervised pattern detection requires a domain expert to specify patterns manually and lacks the event log context. In this paper, we reconcile supervised and unsupervised pattern detection. We visualize the log and help users extract patterns of interest from the log or obtain patterns through unsupervised learning automatically. Pattern matches are visualized in the context of the event log (also showing concurrency and additional contextual information). Earlier patterns can be extended or modified based on the insights. This enables an interactive and iterative approach to identify complex and concrete behavioral patterns in event logs. We implemented our approach in the ProM framework and evaluated the tool using both the BPI Challenge 2012 log of a loan application process and an insurance claims log from a major Australian insurance company.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-69462-7_11]

[611] Service mining: Using process mining to discover, check, and improve service behavior (2013)

(Aalst, Wil Van Der | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Web services are an emerging technology to implement and integrate business processes within and across enterprises. Service orientation can be used to decompose complex systems into loosely coupled software components that may run remotely. However, the distributed nature of services complicates the design and analysis of service-oriented systems that support end-to-end business processes. Fortunately, services leave trails in so-called event logs and recent breakthroughs in process mining research make it possible to discover, analyze, and improve business processes based on such logs. Recently, the task force on process mining released the process mining manifesto. This manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active participation from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing significance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. In this paper, we focus on the opportunities and challenges for service mining, i.e., applying process mining techniques to services. We discuss the guiding principles and challenges listed in the process mining manifesto and also highlight challenges specific for service-orientated systems. textcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE.

摘要: Web服务是一种新兴技术,用于在企业内部和企业之间实施和集成业务流程。面向服务可用于将复杂的系统分解为可以远程运行的松散耦合的软件组件。但是,服务的分布式性质使支持端到端业务流程的面向服务的系统的设计和分析变得复杂。幸运的是,服务会留在所谓的事件日志中,而流程挖掘研究中的最新突破使得有可能基于此类日志发现,分析和改进业务流程。最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,并且有77名过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极参与说明了过程挖掘作为数据挖掘和业务过程建模之间的桥梁的重要性日益提高。在本文中,我们专注于服务挖掘的机遇和挑战,即将流程挖掘技术应用于服务。我们讨论了流程挖掘宣言中列出的指导原则和挑战,还重点介绍了面向服务的系统特有的挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2012.25]

[612] Seven process modeling guidelines (7PMG) (2010)

(Mendling, J. and Reijers, H. A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Business process modeling is heavily applied in practice, but important quality issues have not been addressed thoroughly by research. A notorious problem is the low level of modeling competence that many casual modelers in process documentation projects have. Existing approaches towards model quality might be of benefit, but they suffer from at least one of the following problems. On the one hand, frameworks like SEQUAL and the Guidelines of Modeling are too abstract to be applicable for novices and non-experts in practice. On the other hand, there are collections of pragmatic hints that lack a sound research foundation. In this paper, we analyze existing research on relationships between model structure on the one hand and error probability and understanding on the other hand. As a synthesis we propose a set of seven process modeling guidelines (7PMG). Each of these guidelines builds on strong empirical insights, yet they are formulated to be intuitive to practitioners. Furthermore, we analyze how the guidelines are prioritized by industry experts. In this regard, the seven guidelines have the potential to serve as an important tool of knowledge transfer from academia into modeling practice. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Business process modeling is heavily applied in practice, but important quality issues have not been addressed thoroughly by research. A notorious problem is the low level of modeling competence that many casual modelers in process documentation projects have. Existing approaches towards model quality might be of benefit, but they suffer from at least one of the following problems. On the one hand, frameworks like SEQUAL and the Guidelines of Modeling are too abstract to be applicable for novices and non-experts in practice. On the other hand, there are collections of pragmatic hints that lack a sound research foundation. In this paper, we analyze existing research on relationships between model structure on the one hand and error probability and understanding on the other hand. As a synthesis we propose a set of seven process modeling guidelines (7PMG). Each of these guidelines builds on strong empirical insights, yet they are formulated to be intuitive to practitioners. Furthermore, we analyze how the guidelines are prioritized by industry experts. In this regard, the seven guidelines have the potential to serve as an important tool of knowledge transfer from academia into modeling practice. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2009.08.004]

[613] Simplifying discovered process models in a controlled manner (2013)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process models discovered from a process log using process mining tend to be complex and have problems balancing between overfitting and underfitting. An overfitting model allows for too little behavior as it just permits the traces in the log and no other trace. An underfitting model allows for too much behavior as it permits traces that are significantly different from the behavior seen in the log. This paper presents a postprocessing approach to simplify discovered process models while controlling the balance between overfitting and underfitting. The discovered process model, expressed in terms of a Petri net, is unfolded into a branching process using the event log. Subsequently, the resulting branching process is folded into a simpler process model capturing the desired behavior. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 使用过程挖掘从过程日志中发现的过程模型往往很复杂,并且在过拟合和欠拟合之间存在平衡问题。过拟合模型允许的行为太少,因为它仅允许日志中的跟踪,而不允许其他跟踪。欠拟合模型允许过多的行为,因为它允许跟踪与日志中看到的行为明显不同的跟踪。本文提出了一种后处理方法,以简化发现的过程模型,同时控制过拟合和欠拟合之间的平衡。用事件记录将以Petri网表示的发现的过程模型展开为分支过程。随后,将得到的分支过程折叠到一个更简单的过程模型中,以捕获所需的行为。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.07.004]

[614] Simulation to analyze the impact of a schedule-aware workflow management system (2010)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Russell, Nick C. and Van Der Aalst | Simulation)

Abstract: Todayĝs workflow management systems (WfMSs) offer workitems to users through specific work-lists. Users select the workitems they will perform without having a schedule in mind. However, in many environments work needs to be scheduled and performed at particular times. For example, in hospitals many workitems are linked to appointments, e.g., a doctor cannot perform surgery without reserving an operating theater and making sure that the patient is present and ready. One of the problems when applying workflow technology in such domains is the lack of calendar-based scheduling support. In collaboration with the Academic Medical Center (AMC), a large hospital in the Netherlands, we developed a schedule-aware WfMS that supports the seamless integration of unscheduled (flow) and scheduled (schedule) tasks. However, before deployment of the resultant system in the hospital, a seamless integration with AMCĝs running healthcare processes needs to be guaranteed. Therefore, for a large and complex healthcare process, we apply computer simulation to validate and to investigate, for different configurations of the system, the operational performance for a selected healthcare process when supported by the schedule-aware workflow management system. One of the important characteristics of our approach is the tight coupling between the simulation model and the actual implemented system. While performing simulation experiments, parts of the system may be simulated using CPN Tools while connected to the actual system components. Our simulation experiments demonstrate that the developed schedule-aware WfMS can be safely applied in the AMC hospital. textcopyright 2010 The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.

摘要: 当今的工作流管理系统(WfMS)通过特定的工作列表为用户提供工作项。用户选择他们将要执行的工作项目而无需考虑时间表。但是,在许多环境中,需要在特定时间安排和执行工作。例如,在医院中,许多工作项目都与约会相关联,例如,如果不预约手术室并确保患者在场并准备好,医生将无法进行手术。在此类领域中应用工作流技术时,问题之一是缺少基于日历的计划支持。我们与荷兰一家大型医院学术医疗中心(AMC)合作,开发了可感知计划的WfMS,该计划支持计划外(流程)任务与计划(计划)任务的无缝集成。但是,在将最终系统部署到医院之前,需要确保与AMC正在运行的医疗流程无缝集成。因此,对于大型且复杂的医疗保健流程,当计划感知工作流管理系统支持时,我们将应用计算机仿真来验证和调查系统的不同配置,选定的医疗保健流程的操作性能。我们方法的重要特征之一是仿真模型与实际实现的系统之间的紧密耦合。在执行仿真实验时,可以在连接到实际系统组件的同时使用CPN工具来仿真系统的各个部分。我们的仿真实验表明,所开发的可感知进度的WfMS可以安全地应用于AMC医院。 t​​extcopyright 2010年国际建模与仿真学会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1177/0037549709358899]

[615] Single-Entry Single-Exit decomposed conformance checking (2014)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: An exponential growth of event data can be witnessed across all industries. Devices connected to the internet (internet of things), social interaction, mobile computing, and cloud computing provide new sources of event data and this trend will continue. The omnipresence of large amounts of event data is an important enabler for process mining. Process mining techniques can be used to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from observed behavior. However, unprecedented volumes of event data also provide new challenges and often state-of-the-art process mining techniques cannot cope. This paper focuses on conformance checking in the large and presents a novel decomposition technique that partitions larger process models and event logs into smaller parts that can be analyzed independently. The so-called Single-Entry Single-Exit (SESE) decomposition not only helps to speed up conformance checking, but also provides improved diagnostics. The analyst can zoom in on the problematic parts of the process. Importantly, the conditions under which the conformance of the whole can be assessed by verifying the conformance of the SESE parts are described, which enables the decomposition and distribution of large conformance checking problems. All the techniques have been implemented in ProM, and experimental results are provided. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

摘要: 事件数据呈指数增长,可见于所有行业。连接到互联网(物联网),社交互动,移动计算和云计算的设备提供了事件数据的新来源,并且这种趋势还将继续。大量事件数据无处不在是流程挖掘的重要推动力。通过从观察到的行为中提取知识,可以使用过程挖掘技术来发现,监视和改善实际过程。但是,前所未有的事件数据量也带来了新的挑战,而最新的过程挖掘技术往往无法应对。本文着重于大型一致性检查,并提出了一种新颖的分解技术,该技术将较大的过程模型和事件日志划分为较小的部分,可以独立进行分析。所谓的单项单出口(SESE)分解不仅有助于加快一致性检查的速度,而且可以提供改进的诊断功能。分析人员可以放大过程中有问题的部分。重要的是,描述了可以通过验证SESE零件的合格性来评估整体合格性的条件,这可以分解和分布较大的合格性检查问题。所有技术均已在ProM中实现,并提供了实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.04.003]

[616] Soft reliability: An interdisciplinary approach with a user-system focus (2009)

(Koca, A. and Funk, M. and Karapanos, E. and Rozinat, A. and Van Der Aalst | Quality and Reliability Engineering International)

Abstract: A recent trend in technological innovation is towards the development of increasingly multifunctional and complex products to be used within rich socio-cultural contexts such as the high-end office, the digital home, and professional or personal healthcare. One important consequence of the development of strongly innovative products is a growing market uncertainty regarding if, how, and when users can and will adopt such products. Often, it is not even clear to what extent these products are understood and interacted with in the intended manner. The mentioned problems have already become an evident concern in the field, where there is a significant rise in the numbers of seemingly sound products being complained about, signaling a lack of soft reliability. In this paper, we position soft reliability as a growing and critical industrial problem, whose solution requires new academic expertise from various disciplines. We illustrate potential root causes for soft reliability problems, such as discrepancy between the perceptions of users and designers. We discuss the necessary approach to effectively capture subjective feedback data from actual users, e.g. when they contact call centers. Furthermore, we present a novel observation and analysis approach that enables insight into actual product usage, and outline opportunities for combining such objective data with the subjective feedback provided by users. Copyright textcopyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

摘要: 技术创新的最新趋势是开发越来越多的多功能和复杂的产品,以在丰富的社会文化环境中使用,例如高端办公室,数字家庭以及专业或个人医疗保健。开发创新性强的产品对于如果,如何和何时用户可以并且将采用这些产品的市场不确定性越来越大。通常,甚至不清楚这些产品在何种程度上被理解并与之互动。在本领域中,上述问题已经成为一个明显的关注点,在该领域中,被投诉的看似声音的产品数量显着增加,这表明缺乏软可靠性。日益严重的工业问题,其解决方案需要来自各个学科的新的专业知识,我们说明了软可靠性问题的潜在根本原因ems,例如用户和设计师的看法之间的差异。我们讨论了有效捕获实际用户的主观反馈数据的必要方法,例如当他们联系呼叫中心时。此外,我们提出了一种新颖的观察和分析方法,可以深入了解实际的产品使用情况,并概述将此类客观数据与用户提供的主观反馈相结合的机会。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/qre.937]

[617] Soundness of workflow nets with reset arcs (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Petri nets are often used to model and analyze workflows. Many workflow languages have been mapped onto Petri nets in order to provide formal semantics or to verify correctness properties. Typically, the so-called Workflow nets are used to model and analyze workflows and variants of the classical soundness property are used as a correctness notion. Since many workflow languages have cancelation features, a mapping to workflow nets is not always possible. Therefore, it is interesting to consider workflow nets with reset arcs. Unfortunately, soundness is undecidable for workflow nets with reset arcs. In this paper, we provide a proof and insights into the theoretical limits of workflow verification. textcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: Petri网通常用于建模和分析工作流。许多工作流语言已映射到Petri网络上,以提供正式的语义或验证正确性。通常,所谓的工作流网络用于建模和分析工作流,而经典稳健性的变体用作正确性概念。由于许多工作流语言都具有取消功能,因此并非总是可以映射到工作流网络。因此,考虑带有复位弧的工作流网是很有趣的。不幸的是,对于带有复位弧的工作流网络,健全性是无法确定的。在本文中,我们提供了工作流验证的理论极限的证明和见解。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格出版社柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-04856-2_3]

[618] Soundness of workflow nets: Classification, decidability, and analysis (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Formal Aspects of Computing)

Abstract: Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that is used to check the so-called soundness property. This property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without domain knowledge. Several authors have proposed alternative notions of soundness and have suggested to use more expressive languages, e.g., models with cancellations or priorities. This paper provides an overview of the different notions of soundness and investigates these in the presence of different extensions of workflow nets. We will show that the eight soundness notions described in the literature are decidable for workflow nets. However, most extensions will make all of these notions undecidable. These new results show the theoretical limits of workflow verification. Moreover, we discuss some of the analysis approaches described in the literature. textcopyright 2010 The Author(s).

摘要: Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that is used to check the so-called soundness property. This property guarantees the absence of livelocks, deadlocks, and other anomalies that can be detected without domain knowledge. Several authors have proposed alternative notions of soundness and have suggested to use more expressive languages, e.g., models with cancellations or priorities. This paper provides an overview of the different notions of soundness and investigates these in the presence of different extensions of workflow nets. We will show that the eight soundness notions described in the literature are decidable for workflow nets. However, most extensions will make all of these notions undecidable. These new results show the theoretical limits of workflow verification. Moreover, we discuss some of the analysis approaches described in the literature. textcopyright 2010 The Author(s).

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00165-010-0161-4]

[619] Soundness-preserving reduction rules for reset workflow nets (2009)

(Wynn, M. T. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Edmond, D. | Information Sciences)

Abstract: The application of reduction rules to any Petri net may assist in its analysis as its reduced version may be significantly smaller while still retaining the original nets essential properties. Reset nets extend Petri nets with the concept of a reset arc, allowing one to remove all tokens from a certain place. Such nets have a natural application in business process modelling where possible cancellation of activities need to be modelled explicitly and in workflow management where such process models with cancellation behaviours should be enacted correctly. As cancelling the entire workflow or even cancelling certain activities in a workflow has serious implications during execution (for instance, a workflow can deadlock because of cancellation), such workflows should be thoroughly tested before deployment. However, verification of large workflows with cancellation behaviour is time consuming and can become intractable due to the state space explosion problem. One way of speeding up verification of workflows based on reset nets is to apply reduction rules. Even though reduction rules exist for Petri nets and some of its subclasses and extensions, there are no documented reduction rules for reset nets. This paper systematically presents such reduction rules. Because we want to apply the results to the workflow domain, this paper focusses on reset workflow nets (RWF-nets), i.e. a subclass tailored to the modelling of workflows. The approach has been implemented in the context of the workflow system YAWL. Crown Copyright textcopyright 2008.

摘要: 对任何Petri网应用归约规则可能会有助于其分析,因为其简化后的版本可能会大大缩小,同时仍保留原始网的基本属性。重置网以重置弧的概念扩展了Petri网,允许删除这样的网络在业务流程建模中很自然的应用,在该流程中,需要明确地对可能的取消活动进行建模,在工作流程管理中,应正确地执行具有取消行为的此类流程模型,例如取消整个工作流程,甚至取消取消工作流中的某些活动会在执行过程中产生严重的影响(例如,工作流可能会因取消而死锁),因此应在部署之前对这些工作流进行彻底测试,但是,对具有取消行为的大型工作流进行验证非常耗时,并且可能导致棘手加速状态空间爆炸的问题根据重置网络确定工作流程是要应用简化规则。即使存在Petri网及其某些子类和扩展的归约规则,也没有针对复位网的文档化归约规则。本文系统地提出了这种减少规则。由于我们想将结果应用于工作流域,因此本文着重于重置工作流网(RWF-net),即为工作流建模量身定制的子类。该方法已在工作流系统YAWL的上下文中实现。皇冠版权 t​​extcopyright2008。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2008.10.033]

[620] Spreadsheets for business process management: Using process mining to deal with events rather than numbers? (2018)

(van der Aalst, Wil | Business Process Management Journal)

Abstract: Purpose: Process mining provides a generic collection of techniques to turn event data into valuable insights, improvement ideas, predictions, and recommendations. This paper uses spreadsheets as a metaphor to introduce process mining as an essential tool for data scientists and business analysts. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate that process mining can do with events what spreadsheets can do with numbers. Design/methodology/approach: The paper discusses the main concepts in both spreadsheets and process mining. Using a concrete data set as a running example, the different types of process mining are explained. Where spreadsheets work with numbers, process mining starts from event data with the aim to analyze processes. Findings: Differences and commonalities between spreadsheets and process mining are described. Unlike process mining tools like ProM, spreadsheets programs cannot be used to discover processes, check compliance, analyze bottlenecks, animate event data, and provide operational process support. Pointers to existing process mining tools and their functionality are given. Practical implications: Event logs and operational processes can be found everywhere and process mining techniques are not limited to specific application domains. Comparable to spreadsheet software widely used in finance, production, sales, education, and sports, process mining software can be used in a broad range of organizations. Originality/value: The paper provides an original view on process mining by relating it to the spreadsheets. The value of spreadsheet-like technology tailored toward the analysis of behavior rather than numbers is illustrated by the over 20 commercial process mining tools available today and the growing adoption in a variety of application domains.

摘要: 目的:过程挖掘提供了一种通用的技术集合,可以将事件数据转化为有价值的见解,改进思路,预测和建议。本文使用电子表格作为隐喻,将流程挖掘作为数据科学家和业务分析师的基本工具引入。本文的目的是说明流程挖掘可以处理事件,而电子表格可以处理数字。设计/方法/方法:本文讨论了电子表格和过程挖掘中的主要概念。使用一个具体的数据集作为运行示例,说明了不同类型的过程挖掘。电子表格处理数字的地方,过程挖掘从事件数据开始,目的是分析过程。发现:描述了电子表格和流程挖掘之间的差异和共性。与ProM之类的流程挖掘工具不同,电子表格程序不能用于发现流程,检查合规性,分析瓶颈,为事件数据设置动画以及提供操作流程支持。给出了指向现有过程挖掘工具及其功能的指针。实际意义:事件日志和操作流程随处可见,并且流程挖掘技术不限于特定的应用程序域。与在金融,生产,销售,教育和体育中广泛使用的电子表格软件相比,过程挖掘软件可以在广泛的组织中使用。原创性/价值:通过将其与电子表格相关联,本文提供了流程挖掘的原始视图。如今,超过20种商业流程挖掘工具以及在各种应用领域中的日益普及,证明了针对行为分析而非数字分析而量身定制的类似于电子表格的技术的价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1108/BPMJ-10-2016-0190]

[621] StarStar Models: Process Analysis on top of Databases (2018)

(Berti, Alessandro and van der Aalst, Wil | CoRR)

Abstract: Much time in process mining projects is spent on finding and understanding data sources and extracting the event data needed. As a result, only a fraction of time is spent actually applying techniques to discover, control and predict the business process. Moreover, there is a lack of techniques to display relationships on top of databases without the need to express a complex query to get the required information. In this paper, a novel modeling technique that works on top of databases is presented. This technique is able to show a multigraph representing activities inferred from database events, connected with edges that are annotated with frequency and performance information. The representation may be the entry point to apply advanced process mining techniques that work on classic event logs, as the model provides a simple way to retrieve a classic event log from a specified piece of model. Comparison with similar techniques and an empirical evaluation are provided.

摘要: 过程挖掘项目中的很多时间都花在查找和理解数据源以及提取所需的事件数据上。结果,实际应用技术来发现,控制和预测业务流程只花费了很少的时间。而且,缺乏在不需要表达复杂查询以获得所需信息的情况下在数据库顶部显示关系的技术。在本文中,提出了一种在数据库之上工作的新颖建模技术。该技术能够显示表示从数据库事件推断出的活动的多图,并与用频率和性能信息注释的边相连接。该表示形式可能是应用对经典事件日志起作用的高级过程挖掘技术的切入点,因为该模型提供了一种从指定模型中检索经典事件日志的简单方法。提供了与类似技术的比较和经验评估。

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[622] Strategies for modeling complex processes using colored Petri nets (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) extend the classical Petri net formalism with data, time, and hierarchy. These extensions make it possible to model complex processes as CPNs without being forced to abstract from relevant aspects. Moreover, CPNs are supported by CPN Tools - a powerful toolset that supports the design and analysis of such processes. The expressiveness of the CPN language enables different modeling approaches. Typically, the same process can be modeled in numerous ways. As a result, inexperienced modelers may create CPNs that are unnecessarily convoluted and bulky. Using a running example and a set of design patterns, we show how to solve typical design problems in terms of CPNs. By following these guidelines, it is possible to create succinct, but also comprehensible, models. In addition, we present some new features supported by CPN Tools 3.0 (e.g., priorities and real time stamps) and show how the software can be used for performance analysis (i.e., comparing design alternatives using simulation). textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2013.

摘要: 有色Petri网(CPN)用数据,时间和层次结构扩展了经典的Petri网形式。这些扩展使将复杂的流程建模为CPN成为可能,而不必从相关方面进行抽象。此外,CPN受CPN工具支持-CPN工具是一种功能强大的工具集,可支持此类流程的设计和分析。 CPN语言的表现力支持不同的建模方法。通常,可以以多种方式对同一过程进行建模。结果,缺乏经验的建模人员可能会创建不必要的卷积和笨重的CPN。通过一个运行中的示例和一组设计模式,我们展示了如何解决CPN方面的典型设计问题。通过遵循这些准则,可以创建简洁但也易于理解的模型。此外,我们介绍了CPN Tools 3.0支持的一些新功能(例如优先级和实时戳记),并展示了该软件如何用于性能分析(即使用仿真比较设计方案)。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2013。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38143-0_2]

[623] Structural patterns for soundness of business process models (2006)

(Van Dongen | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: The correctness of business process models is of paramount importance for the application on an enterprise level. A severe problem is that several languages for business process modelling do not have formal execution semantics which is a prerequisite to check correctness criteria. In this context, soundness defines a minimum correctness criterion that a process model should fulfil. In this paper we present a novel approach to reason about soundness based on so-called causal footprints. A causal footprint represents a set of conditions on the order of activities that holds for every case of a process model. We identify three kinds of error patterns that affect the soundness of a process model, namely the deadlock pattern, the multiple termination pattern, and the trap pattern. We use Eventdriven Process Chains (EPCs) and Petri nets to demonstrate the applicability of our approach for both conceptual as for formal process modelling languages. Furthermore, it can easily be applied to other languages, such as UML activity diagrams or BPEL. Based on the trap pattern, we prove that the vicious circle, that is heavily discussed in EPC literature, is unsound. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.

摘要: 业务流程模型的正确性对于企业级应用程序至关重要。一个严重的问题是,用于业务流程建模的几种语言没有正式的执行语义,这是检查正确性标准的前提。在这种情况下,健全性定义了流程模型应满足的最低正确性标准。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于所谓因果足迹的合理性推理方法。因果足迹表示针对流程模型每种情况的活动顺序上的一组条件。我们确定了三种会影响流程模型健全性的错误模式,即死锁模式,多重终止模式和陷阱模式。我们使用事件驱动过程链(EPC)和Petri网来证明我们的方法在概念上和形式上的过程建模语言中的适用性。此外,它可以轻松地应用于其他语言,例如UML活动图或BPEL。基于陷阱模式,我们证明在EPC文献中被大量讨论的恶性循环是不正确的。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2006.56]

[624] Subgroup discovery in process mining (2017)

(Fani Sani | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining enables multiple types of process analysis based on event data. In many scenarios, there are interesting subsets of cases that have deviations or that are delayed. Identifying such subsets and comparing process mining results is a key step in any process mining project. We aim to find the statistically most interesting patterns of a subset of cases. These subsets can be created by process mining algorithms features (e.g., conformance checking diagnostics) and serve as input for other process mining techniques. We apply subgroup discovery in the process mining domain to generate actionable insights like patterns in deviating cases. Our approach is supported by the ProM framework. For evaluation, an experiment has been conducted using event data from a large Spanish telecommunications company. The results indicate that using subgroup discovery, we could extract interesting insights that could only be found by spitting the event data in the right manner.

摘要: Process mining enables multiple types of process analysis based on event data. In many scenarios, there are interesting subsets of cases that have deviations or that are delayed. Identifying such subsets and comparing process mining results is a key step in any process mining project. We aim to find the statistically most interesting patterns of a subset of cases. These subsets can be created by process mining algorithms features (e.g., conformance checking diagnostics) and serve as input for other process mining techniques. We apply subgroup discovery in the process mining domain to generate actionable insights like patterns in deviating cases. Our approach is supported by the ProM framework. For evaluation, an experiment has been conducted using event data from a large Spanish telecommunications company. The results indicate that using subgroup discovery, we could extract interesting insights that could only be found by spitting the event data in the right manner.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59336-4_17]

[625] Supervisory control service for supporting flexible processes (2013)

(Santos, Eduardo Alves Portela and Francisco, Rosemary and Pesic, Maja and Van Der Aalst | Industrial Management and Data Systems)

Abstract: Purpose - Increasing flexibility and complexity of modern process-aware information systems (PAIS) usually leads to less guidance for its users and consequently requires more experienced users. A flexible PAIS allows users to freely choose a specific execution sequence of activities. However, there are no guarantees that the chosen sequence conforms to established business rules. This context proposes a supervisory control service (SCS), which can be used to support end-users of flexible PAIS during process execution by giving a list of disabled (or enabled) events (activities), i.e. at any point in time a list of possible next steps is given. Design/methodology/approach - The SCS has been implemented in process mining framework (ProM - www.processmining.org) and the experiment that has been performed shows its feasibility. The computational infrastructure already implemented in ProM allows communication with external applications and allows the SCS to be integrated with PAIS that records events. This paper demonstrated that the SCS in ProM can cooperate with PAIS system in order to support users. Findings - The SCS proposed in this paper monitors and restricts execution sequences of activities such that business rules are always obeyed. The system offers support based on business rules but does not limit the user by imposing rigid control-flow structures. Users can adopt this service as a guide to execute activities with a guarantee that business rules are followed and goals are met. The SCS also offers flexibility to users to choose execution sequences. Originality/value - The paper argues that the proposed approach has many advantages on controlling/supporting flexible processes. Supervisory control theory allows an automatic control synthesis instead of the usual manual and heuristic procedures. Thus, new control actions may be rapidly and automatically designed when modifications, such as redefinition of business rules or activities arrangements, are necessary. The flexible processes can be made to behave optimally with respect to a variety of criteria, where optimal means in minimally restrictive way. Copyright textcopyright 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

摘要: 目的-现代过程感知信息系统(PAIS)的灵活性和复杂性的提高通常会导致对其用户的指导减少,因此需要更多有经验的用户。灵活的PAIS允许用户自由选择特定的活动执行顺序。但是,不能保证所选的顺序符合已建立的业务规则。本文提出了一种监督控制服务(SCS),可在流程执行过程中通过提供禁用(或启用)事件(活动)列表(即在任何时间点列出)来支持灵活PAIS的最终用户。给出了可能的后续步骤。设计/方法/方法-SCS已在流程挖掘框架(ProM-www.processmining.org)中实施,所进行的实验表明了其可行性。 ProM中已实现的计算基础结构允许与外部应用程序进行通信,并允许SCS与记录事件的PAIS集成。本文证明了ProM中的SCS可以与PAIS系统配合使用以支持用户。结果-本文提出的SCS监视并限制活动的执行顺序,以使业务规则始终得到遵守。该系统基于业务规则提供支持,但不通过施加严格的控制流结构来限制用户。用户可以采用该服务作为执行活动的指南,以确保遵守业务规则并达到目标。 SCS还为用户提供了选择执行顺序的灵活性。原创性/价值-本文认为所提出的方法在控制/支持灵活流程方面具有许多优势。监督控制理论允许自动控制综合,而不是通常的手动和启发式程序。因此,当需要进行修改(例如重新定义业务规则或活动安排)时,可以快速自动地设计新的控制措施。相对于各种标准,可以使柔性过程表现出最佳性能,其中最佳意味着以最小限度的方式进行。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited。版权所有。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1108/IMDS-10-2012-0361]

[626] Supporting flexible processes through recommendations based on history (2008)

(Schonenberg, Helen and Weber, Barbara and Van Dongen | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: In todays fast changing business environment flexible Process Aware Information Systems (PAISs) are required to allow companies to rapidly adjust their business processes to changes in the environment. However, increasing flexibility in large PAISs usually leads to less guidance for its users and consequently requires more experienced users. To allow for flexible systems with a high degree of support, intelligent user assistance is required. In this paper we propose a recommendation service, which, when used in combination with flexible PAISs, can support end users during process execution by giving recommendations on possible next steps. Recommendations are generated based on similar past process executions by considering the specific optimization goals. In this paper we also evaluate the proposed recommendation service, by means of experiments. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

摘要: In todays fast changing business environment flexible Process Aware Information Systems (PAISs) are required to allow companies to rapidly adjust their business processes to changes in the environment. However, increasing flexibility in large PAISs usually leads to less guidance for its users and consequently requires more experienced users. To allow for flexible systems with a high degree of support, intelligent user assistance is required. In this paper we propose a recommendation service, which, when used in combination with flexible PAISs, can support end users during process execution by giving recommendations on possible next steps. Recommendations are generated based on similar past process executions by considering the specific optimization goals. In this paper we also evaluate the proposed recommendation service, by means of experiments. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-85758-7-7]

[627] Supporting the BPM life-cycle with FileNet Configuration Design Diagnosis Control Execution (2006)

(Netjes, Mariska and Reijers, Hajo A and Aalst, Wil M P Van Der | )

Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM) systems provide a broad range of facilities to enact and manage operational business processes. Ideally, these systems should provide support for the complete BPM life-cycle: (re)design, configuration, execution, control, and diagnosis of processes. In the research presented, we evaluate the support provided by the FileNet P8 BPM Suite, which is consistently ranked as one of the leading commercial BPM systems. Taking realistic business scenarios as starting point, we completed a full pass through the BPM cycle with several tools from the FileNet P8 BPM Suite. We checked whether the expected support was provided by these tools and we also tested their interoperability. The outcome of our evaluation is that although strong support exists for the configuration, execution and control phase, process diagnosis and process redesign receive limited support. Interoperability exists between all phases, except between the diagnosis and the design phase.

摘要: Business Process Management (BPM) systems provide a broad range of facilities to enact and manage operational business processes. Ideally, these systems should provide support for the complete BPM life-cycle: (re)design, configuration, execution, control, and diagnosis of processes. In the research presented, we evaluate the support provided by the FileNet P8 BPM Suite, which is consistently ranked as one of the leading commercial BPM systems. Taking realistic business scenarios as starting point, we completed a full pass through the BPM cycle with several tools from the FileNet P8 BPM Suite. We checked whether the expected support was provided by these tools and we also tested their interoperability. The outcome of our evaluation is that although strong support exists for the configuration, execution and control phase, process diagnosis and process redesign receive limited support. Interoperability exists between all phases, except between the diagnosis and the design phase.

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[628] Synchronization and cancelation in workflows based on reset nets (2009)

(Wynn, M. T. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: Workflow languages offer constructs for coordinating tasks. Among these constructs are various types of splits and joins. One type of join, which shows up in various incarnations, is the OR-join. Different approaches assign a different (often only intuitive) semantics to this type of join, though they do share the common theme that branches that cannot complete will not be waited for. Many systems and languages struggle with the semantics and implementation of the OR-join because its non-local semantics require a synchronization depending on the analysis of future execution paths. The presence of cancelation features, potentially unbounded behavior, and other OR-joins in a workflow further complicates the formal semantics of the OR-join. In this paper, the concept of the OR-join is examined in detail in the context of the workflow language YAWL, a powerful workflow language designed to support a collection of workflow patterns and inspired by Petri nets. The paper provides a suitable (non-local) semantics for an OR-join and gives a concrete algorithm with two optimization techniques to support the implementation. This approach exploits a link that is proposed between YAWL and reset nets, a variant of Petri nets with a special type of arc that can remove all tokens from a place when its transition fires. Through the behavior of reset arcs, the behavior of cancelation regions can be captured in a natural manner. textcopyright 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.

摘要: 工作流语言提供了用于协调任务的结构。这些构造中包括各种类型的拆分和联接。一种形式的连接(以各种形式出现)是OR连接。尽管不同的方法确实共享一个共同的主题,即无法等待无法完成的分支,但不同的方法为这种类型的联接分配了不同的(通常仅是直观的)语义。许多系统和语言都在为OR-join的语义和实现而奋斗,因为它的非本地语义需要根据对未来执行路径的分析进行同步。取消功能的存在,潜在的无限制行为以及工作流程中的其他OR联接进一步使OR联接的形式语义复杂化。在本文中,在工作流语言YAWL(一种强大的工作流语言,旨在支持工作流模式的集合,并受Petri网络启发)中详细研究了OR联接的概念。本文为或联接提供了合适的(非本地)语义,并给出了一种具有两种优化技术的具体算法来支持该实现。这种方法利用了YAWL和重置网之间提出的链接,重置网是Petri网的一种变体,具有特殊类型的弧,可以在过渡触发时从某个位置删除所有标记。通过复位电弧的行为,可以自然方式捕获抵消区域的行为。 t​​extcopyright 2009世界科学出版公司。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843009002002]

[629] The application of Petri nets to workflow management (1998)

(Van Der Aalst | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers)

Abstract: Workflow management promises a new solution to an age-old problem: controlling, monitoring, optimizing and supporting business processes. What is new about workflow management is the explicit representation of the business process logic which allows for computerized support. This paper discusses the use of Petri nets in the context of workflow management. Petri nets are an established tool for modeling and analyzing processes. On the one hand, Petri nets can be used as a design language for the specification of complex workflows. On the other hand, Petri net theory provides for powerful analysis techniques which can be used to verify the correctness of workflow procedures. This paper introduces workflow management as an application domain for Petri nets, presents state-of-the-art results with respect to the verification of workflows, and highlights some Petri-net-based workflow tools.

摘要: 工作流管理有望为一个古老的问题提供新的解决方案:控制,监视,优化和支持业务流程。工作流管理的新功能是业务流程逻辑的显式表示,它允许计算机化的支持。本文讨论了在工作流管理中使用Petri网的方法。 Petri网是用于建模和分析过程的成熟工具。一方面,Petri网可用作规范复杂工作流的设计语言。另一方面,Petri网理论提供了强大的分析技术,可用于验证工作流程规程的正确性。本文介绍了工作流管理作为Petri网的应用领域,提出了有关工作流验证的最新结果,并重点介绍了一些基于Petri-net的工作流工具。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218126698000043]

[630] The case handling case (2003)

(Reijers, H. A. and Rigter, J. H.M. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: On the Dutch workflow market, a new and interesting paradigm named case handling is emerging. The goal of case handling is to overcome the limitations of existing workflow management systems. By using a data-driven approach combined with implicit routing and carefully avoiding context tunneling, awareness and flexibility are improved. Currently, many organizations are considering case handling systems such as FLOWer (Pallas Athena) rather than the more traditional workflow management systems. This paper provides a critical assessment of this development. The goal is to show the pros and cons of case handling. Moreover, based on this assessment, an alternative approach using slightly extended workflow management systems is proposed. This approach is being pursued by the Dutch government in a project involving the workflow management system Staffware. Based on our experiences thus far, we provide guidelines for selecting the proper technology.

摘要: 在荷兰工作流程市场上,正在出现一种新的有趣的范例,称为案例处理。案例处理的目标是克服现有工作流程管理系统的限制。通过将数据驱动的方法与隐式路由结合使用,并仔细避免上下文隧道传输,可以提高意识和灵活性。当前,许多组织正在考虑使用诸如FLOWer(Pallas Athena)之类的案件处理系统,而不是更传统的工作流管理系统。本文对这一发展提供了重要的评估。目的是显示案例处理的优缺点。此外,基于此评估,提出了使用稍微扩展的工作流管理系统的替代方法。荷兰政府正在涉及工作流管理系统Staffware的项目中采用这种方法。根据到目前为止的经验,我们提供了选择适当技术的指南。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843003000784]

[631] The effectiveness of workflow management systems: A longitudinal study (2016)

(Reijers, H. A. and Vanderfeesten, I. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Information Management)

Abstract: Workflow management systems coordinate and allocate work through the various stages of executing business processes. The benefits of such systems appear pervasive, but no hard data is available that confirms that their implementation improves organizational performance. In part, this is due to the difficulty of measuring the effects of enterprise-wide initiatives in general. In this paper, the results are presented of a longitudinal, multi-case study into the effectiveness of workflow management technology. The study builds on a novel methodology that combines field work and computer simulations. Through its application, the contribution of this technology to conduct business processes faster and with less effort could be quantitatively assessed. Surprisingly, only a fraction of the projects that were followed in this longitudinal study led to a fully operational implementation of a workflow management system at all. Even so, in most of the projects where such a system was introduced this resulted in substantial improvements. We present success and fail factors for the implementation of this technology within organizations, which we inferred from a follow-up analysis. The novel methodology presented in this paper is thought to be of value to track the performance effects of introducing other technologies or organization concepts as well.

摘要: 工作流管理系统通过执行业务流程的各个阶段来协调和分配工作。这样的系统的好处似乎无处不在,但是没有可用的硬数据可以证实它们的实施可以提高组织的绩效。部分原因是总体上难以衡量企业范围内举措的效果。在本文中,对工作流管理技术的有效性进行了纵向的多案例研究,并给出了结果。这项研究建立在一种新颖的方法论基础上,该方法论结合了野外工作和计算机模拟。通过其应用,可以定量评估该技术对更快,更省力地开展业务流程的贡献。令人惊讶的是,在这项纵向研究中遵循的项目中只有一小部分导致了工作流管理系统的完全可操作实施。即使这样,在引入这种系统的大多数项目中,也取得了实质性的改进。我们介绍了在组织内部实施该技术的成败因素,这是我们通过后续分析得出的。人们认为,本文介绍的新颖方法论对于跟踪引入其他技术或组织概念的绩效效果也很有价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.08.003]

[632] The effectiveness of workflow management systems: Predictions and lessons learned (2005)

(Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Information Management)

Abstract: Workflow management systems are widely used and reputable to improve organizational performance. The extent of this effect in practice, however, is not investigated in a quantitative, systematic manner. In this paper, the preliminary results are reported from a longitudinal, multi-case study into the effectiveness of workflow management technology. Business process improvement is measured in terms of lead time, service time, wait time, and resource utilization. Significant improvement of these parameters is predicted for almost all of the 16 investigated business processes from the six Dutch organizations participating in this study. In addition, this paper includes lessons learned with respect to the simulation of administrative business processes, data gathering for performance measurement, the nature of administrative business processes, and workflow management implementation projects. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 工作流管理系统被广泛使用,并在改善组织绩效方面享有盛誉。然而,实际上,这种影响的程度并未以定量,系统的方式进行研究。在本文中,从纵向的多案例研究中报告了有关工作流管理技术有效性的初步结果。业务流程改进是根据提前期,服务时间,等待时间和资源利用率来衡量的。预计参与该研究的六个荷兰组织的几乎所有16个调查的业务流程中,这些参数的显着改善。此外,本文还包括有关模拟业务管理流程,收集性能评估数据,管理业务流程的性质以及工作流管理实施项目的经验教训。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2005.06.008]

[633] The imprecisions of precision measures in process mining (2018)

(Tax, Niek and Lu, Xixi and Sidorova, Natalia and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information Processing Letters)

Abstract: In process mining, precision measures are used to quantify how much a process model overapproximates the behavior seen in an event log. Although several measures have been proposed throughout the years, no research has been done to validate whether these measures achieve the intended aim of quantifying over-approximation in a consistent way for all models and logs. This paper fills this gap by postulating a number of axioms for quantifying precision consistently for any log and any model. Further, we show through counter-examples that none of the existing measures consistently quantifies precision.

摘要: In process mining, precision measures are used to quantify how much a process model overapproximates the behavior seen in an event log. Although several measures have been proposed throughout the years, no research has been done to validate whether these measures achieve the intended aim of quantifying over-approximation in a consistent way for all models and logs. This paper fills this gap by postulating a number of axioms for quantifying precision consistently for any log and any model. Further, we show through counter-examples that none of the existing measures consistently quantifies precision.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ipl.2018.01.013]

[634] The role of business processes in service oriented architectures (Editorial) (2007)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Leymann, Frank and Reisig, Wolfgang | International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management)

Abstract: Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), an emerging paradigm for designing and implementing business collaborations within and across organisational boundaries, are currently of interest to both software vendors and scientists. In this paradigm, the functionality provided by business applications is encapsulated within web services: software components described at a semantic level, which can be invoked by application programs or by other services through a stack of internet standards including HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. Once deployed, web services provided by various organisations can be interconnected in order to implement business collaborations, leading to composite web services. Ultimately, these composed services are there to support business processes. Therefore, the relationship between business process management, workflow technology and SOAs is highly relevant. This is illustrated by the interest in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standard. Therefore, this Special Issue of the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management addresses the link between processes and services. This paper introduces this papers in this Special Issue and provides an overview of the domain. Copyright textcopyright 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

摘要: Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), an emerging paradigm for designing and implementing business collaborations within and across organisational boundaries, are currently of interest to both software vendors and scientists. In this paradigm, the functionality provided by business applications is encapsulated within web services: software components described at a semantic level, which can be invoked by application programs or by other services through a stack of internet standards including HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. Once deployed, web services provided by various organisations can be interconnected in order to implement business collaborations, leading to composite web services. Ultimately, these composed services are there to support business processes. Therefore, the relationship between business process management, workflow technology and SOAs is highly relevant. This is illustrated by the interest in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standard. Therefore, this Special Issue of the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management addresses the link between processes and services. This paper introduces this papers in this Special Issue and provides an overview of the domain. Copyright textcopyright 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1504/IJBPIM.2007.015160]

[635] Time prediction based on process mining (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining allows for the automated discovery of process models from event logs. These models provide insights and enable various types of model-based analysis. This paper demonstrates that the discovered process models can be extended with information to predict the completion time of running instances. There are many scenarios where it is useful to have reliable time predictions. For example, when a customer phones her insurance company for information about her insurance claim, she can be given an estimate for the remaining processing time. In order to do this, we provide a configurable approach to construct a process model, augment this model with time information learned from earlier instances, and use this to predict e.g., the completion time. To provide meaningful time predictions we use a configurable set of abstractions that allow for a good balance between overfitting and underfitting. The approach has been implemented in ProM and through several experiments using real-life event logs we demonstrate its applicability. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 过程挖掘允许从事件日志中自动发现过程模型。这些模型提供了见解,并可以进行各种类型的基于模型的分析。本文演示了可以使用信息扩展发现的流程模型,以预测正在运行的实例的完成时间。在许多情况下,进行可靠的时间预测很有用。例如,当客户打电话给她的保险公司以获取有关其保险索赔的信息时,可以为她提供剩余处理时间的估计。为了做到这一点,我们提供了一种可配置的方法来构建过程模型,并使用从较早实例中获悉的时间信息来扩展该模型,并使用其来预测例如完成时间。为了提供有意义的时间预测,我们使用一组可配置的抽象,以便在过度拟合和欠拟合之间取得良好的平衡。该方法已在ProM中实施,并且通过使用现实事件日志的多次实验,我们证明了其适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.001]

[636] Towards EPC semantics based on state and context (2006)

(Mendling, Jan and Van Der Aalst | EPK 2006 - Geschaftsprozessmanagement mit Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten, 5th Workshop der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI) und Treffen Ihres Arbeitkreises - Proceedings)

Abstract: The semantics of the OR-join have been discussed for some time, in the context of EPCs, but also in the context of other business process modeling languages like YAWL. In this paper, we show that the existing solutions are not satisfactory from the intuition of the modeler. Furthermore, we present a novel approach towards the definition of EPC semantics based on state and context. The approach uses two types of annotations for arcs. Like in some of the other approaches, arcs are annotated with positive and negative tokens. Moreover, each arc has a context status denoting whether a positive token may still arrive. Using a four-phase approach tokens and statuses are propagated thus yielding a new kind of semantics which overcomes some of the wellknown problems related to OR-joins in EPCs.

摘要: The semantics of the OR-join have been discussed for some time, in the context of EPCs, but also in the context of other business process modeling languages like YAWL. In this paper, we show that the existing solutions are not satisfactory from the intuition of the modeler. Furthermore, we present a novel approach towards the definition of EPC semantics based on state and context. The approach uses two types of annotations for arcs. Like in some of the other approaches, arcs are annotated with positive and negative tokens. Moreover, each arc has a context status denoting whether a positive token may still arrive. Using a four-phase approach tokens and statuses are propagated thus yielding a new kind of semantics which overcomes some of the wellknown problems related to OR-joins in EPCs.

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[637] Towards Modeling and Simulating a Multi-party Negotiation Protocol with Colored Petri Nets (2007)

(Bacarin, E and Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on the Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools)

Abstract: E-contracting, i.e., establishing and enacting electronic contracts, has become important because of technological advances (e.g., the availability of web services) and more open markets. However, the establishment of an e-contract is complicated and error prone. There are multiple negotiation styles ranging from auctions to bilateral bargaining. This paper provides an approach for modeling multi-party negotiation protocols in colored Petri nets. It is shown how different negotiation styles can be modeled in a unified and consistent way. Moreover, CPN Tools is used to analyze the resulting colored Petri nets. Simulation can be used for both validation and performance analysis, while state-space analysis can be used to discover anomalies in various multi-part negotiation protocols.

摘要: E-contracting, i.e., establishing and enacting electronic contracts, has become important because of technological advances (e.g., the availability of web services) and more open markets. However, the establishment of an e-contract is complicated and error prone. There are multiple negotiation styles ranging from auctions to bilateral bargaining. This paper provides an approach for modeling multi-party negotiation protocols in colored Petri nets. It is shown how different negotiation styles can be modeled in a unified and consistent way. Moreover, CPN Tools is used to analyze the resulting colored Petri nets. Simulation can be used for both validation and performance analysis, while state-space analysis can be used to discover anomalies in various multi-part negotiation protocols.

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[638] Towards a pattern language for colored petri nets (2005)

(Mulyar, Nataliya and van der Aalst, W M P | Practical use of coloured Petri nets and the CPN tools, 2005 6th workshop and tutorial on)

Abstract: Abstract. Experienced Petri net modelers model in terms of patterns, just like object-oriented programmers use the design patterns of Gamma et al. So far there is no any structured collection of patterns for Colored Petri Nets . We have empirically collected 34 patterns in … backslashbackslashn

摘要: Abstract. Experienced Petri net modelers model in terms of patterns, just like object-oriented programmers use the design patterns of Gamma et al. So far there is no any structured collection of patterns for Colored Petri Nets . We have empirically collected 34 patterns in … backslashbackslashn

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[639] Towards comprehensive support for organizational mining (2008)

(Song, Minseok and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process mining has emerged as a way to analyze processes based on the event logs of the systems that support them. Todays information systems (e.g., ERP systems) log all kinds of events. Moreover, also embedded systems (e.g., medical equipment, copiers, and other high-tech systems) start producing detailed event logs. The omnipresence of event logs is an important enabler for process mining. The primary goal of process mining is to extract knowledge from these logs and use it for a detailed analysis of reality. Lions share of the efforts in this domain has been devoted to control-flow discovery. Many algorithms have been proposed to construct a process model based on an analysis of the event sequences observed in the log. As a result, other aspects have been neglected, e.g., the organizational setting and interactions among coworkers. Therefore, we focus on organizational mining. We will present techniques to discover organizational models and social networks and show how these models can assist in improving the underlying processes. To do this, we present new process mining techniques but also use existing techniques in an innovative manner. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework and has been applied in various case studies. In this paper, we demonstrate the applicability of our techniques by analyzing the logs of a municipality in the Netherlands. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Process mining has emerged as a way to analyze processes based on the event logs of the systems that support them. Todays information systems (e.g., ERP systems) log all kinds of events. Moreover, also embedded systems (e.g., medical equipment, copiers, and other high-tech systems) start producing detailed event logs. The omnipresence of event logs is an important enabler for process mining. The primary goal of process mining is to extract knowledge from these logs and use it for a detailed analysis of reality. Lions share of the efforts in this domain has been devoted to control-flow discovery. Many algorithms have been proposed to construct a process model based on an analysis of the event sequences observed in the log. As a result, other aspects have been neglected, e.g., the organizational setting and interactions among coworkers. Therefore, we focus on organizational mining. We will present techniques to discover organizational models and social networks and show how these models can assist in improving the underlying processes. To do this, we present new process mining techniques but also use existing techniques in an innovative manner. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework and has been applied in various case studies. In this paper, we demonstrate the applicability of our techniques by analyzing the logs of a municipality in the Netherlands. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2008.07.002]

[640] Towards process instances building for spaghetti processes (2015)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Van Der Aalst | 23rd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2015)

Abstract: Process Mining techniques aim at building a process model starting from an event log generated during the execution of the pro- cess. Classical process mining approaches have problems when dealing with Spaghetti Processes, i.e. processes with little or no structure, since they obtain very chaotic models. As a remedy, in previous works we pro- posed a methodology aimed at supporting the analysis of a spaghetti process by means of its most relevant subprocesses. Such approach ex- ploits graph-mining techniques, thus requiring to reconstruct the set of process instances starting from the sequential traces stored in the event log. In the present work, we discuss the main problems related to process instances building in spaghetti contexts, and introduce a proposal for ex- tending a process instance building technique to address such issues.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在从过程执行期间生成的事件日志开始构建过程模型。传统的流程​​挖掘方法在处理Spaghetti流程(即结构很少或没有结构的流程)时会遇到问题,因为它们会获得非常混乱的模型。作为补救措施,在以前的工作中,我们提出了一种旨在通过其最相关的子过程来支持对意大利面条过程进行分析的方法。这种方法采用了图挖掘技术,因此需要从事件日志中存储的顺序跟踪开始重建一组流程实例。在当前的工作中,我们讨论了与在意大利面条上下文中构建流程实例有关的主要问题,并提出了一种扩展流程实例构建技术以解决此类问题的建议。

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[641] Translating Message Sequence Charts to other Process Languages Using Process Mining (2008)

(Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. | )

Abstract: Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are often used by software analysts when discussing the behavior of a system with different stake- holders. Often such discussions lead to more complete behavioral models in the form of, e.g., Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), Unified Mod- eling Language (UML), activity diagrams, Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) models, Petri nets, etc. Process mining on the other hand, deals with the problemof constructing complete behavioral models by analyzing event logs of information systems. In contrast to existing process mining techniques, where logs are as- sumed to only contain implicit information, the approach presented in this paper combines the explicit knowledge captured in individual MSCs and the techniques and tools available in the process mining domain. This combination allows us to discover high-quality process models. To constructively add to the existing work on process mining, our approach has been implemented in the process mining framework ProM (www.processmining.org).

摘要: Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are often used by software analysts when discussing the behavior of a system with different stake- holders. Often such discussions lead to more complete behavioral models in the form of, e.g., Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), Unified Mod- eling Language (UML), activity diagrams, Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) models, Petri nets, etc. Process mining on the other hand, deals with the problemof constructing complete behavioral models by analyzing event logs of information systems. In contrast to existing process mining techniques, where logs are as- sumed to only contain implicit information, the approach presented in this paper combines the explicit knowledge captured in individual MSCs and the techniques and tools available in the process mining domain. This combination allows us to discover high-quality process models. To constructively add to the existing work on process mining, our approach has been implemented in the process mining framework ProM (www.processmining.org).

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-89287-8_5]

[642] Translating unstructured workflow processes to readable BPEL: Theory and implementation (2008)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Bisgaard Lassen | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) has emerged as the de facto standard for implementing processes. Although intended as a language for connecting web services, its application is not limited to cross-organizational processes. It is expected that in the near future a wide variety of process-aware information systems will be realized using BPEL. While being a powerful language, BPEL is difficult to use. Its XML representation is very verbose and only readable for the trained eye. It offers many constructs and typically things can be implemented in many ways, e.g., using links and the flow construct or using sequences and switches. As a result only experienced users are able to select the right construct. Several vendors offer a graphical interface that generates BPEL code. However, the graphical representations are a direct reflection of the BPEL code and not easy to use by end-users. Therefore, we provide a mapping from Workflow Nets (WF-nets) to BPEL. This mapping builds on the rich theory of Petri nets and can also be used to map other languages (e.g., UML, EPC, BPMN, etc.) onto BPEL. In addition to this we have implemented the algorithm in a tool called WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Web服务的业务流程执行语言(BPEL)已经成为实现流程的事实上的标准。尽管旨在用作连接Web服务的语言,但其应用并不限于跨组织过程。预计在不久的将来,将使用BPEL实现各种各样的过程感知信息系统。 BPEL是一门功能强大的语言,但很难使用。它的XML表示非常冗长,只有经过培训的眼睛才能阅读。它提供了许多构造,并且通常可以以多种方式来实现事物,例如,使用链接和流程构造或使用序列和开关。结果,只有有经验的用户才能选择正确的结构。一些供应商提供了生成BPEL代码的图形界面。但是,这些图形表示形式直接反映了BPEL代码,并且最终用户不容易使用。因此,我们提供了从工作流网(WF-net)到BPEL的映射。这种映射建立在Petri网丰富的理论基础上,也可以用于将其他语言(例如UML,EPC,BPMN等)映射到BPEL。除此之外,我们还在名为WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS的工具中实现了该算法。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2006.11.004]

[643] Translating workflow nets to BPEL (2005)

(Aalst, Wil M. P. Van Der and Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard | Work)

Abstract: The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) has emerged as the de-facto standard for implementing processes. Although in- tended as a language for connecting web services, its application is not limited to cross-organizational processes. It is expected that in the near future a wide va- riety of process-aware information systems will be realized using BPEL. While being a powerful language, BPEL is difficult to use. Its XML representation is very verbose and only readable for the trained eye. It offers many constructs and typically things can be implemented in many ways, e.g., using links and the flow construct or using sequences and switches. As a result only experienced users are able to select the right construct. Several vendors offer a graphical interface that generates BPEL code. However, the graphical representations are a direct reflec- tion of the BPEL code and not easy to use by end-users. Therefore, we provide a mapping fromWorkflow Nets (WF-nets) to BPEL. This mapping builds on the rich theory of Petri nets and can also be used to map other languages (e.g., UML, EPC, BPMN, etc.) onto BPEL.

摘要: The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) has emerged as the de-facto standard for implementing processes. Although in- tended as a language for connecting web services, its application is not limited to cross-organizational processes. It is expected that in the near future a wide va- riety of process-aware information systems will be realized using BPEL. While being a powerful language, BPEL is difficult to use. Its XML representation is very verbose and only readable for the trained eye. It offers many constructs and typically things can be implemented in many ways, e.g., using links and the flow construct or using sequences and switches. As a result only experienced users are able to select the right construct. Several vendors offer a graphical interface that generates BPEL code. However, the graphical representations are a direct reflec- tion of the BPEL code and not easy to use by end-users. Therefore, we provide a mapping fromWorkflow Nets (WF-nets) to BPEL. This mapping builds on the rich theory of Petri nets and can also be used to map other languages (e.g., UML, EPC, BPMN, etc.) onto BPEL.

[下载地址](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=\nhttp://www.daimi.au.dk/~krell/publications/Translating Workflow Nets to BPEL4WS.pdf) | 返回目录 | []

[644] Turning event logs into process movies: animating what has really happened (2016)

(de Leoni, Massimiliano and Suriadi, Suriadi and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Todays information systems log vast amounts of data. These collections of data (implicitly) describe events (e.g. placing an order or taking a blood test) and, hence, provide information on the actual execution of business processes. The analysis of such data provides an excellent starting point for business process improvement. This is the realm of process mining, an area which has provided a repertoire of many analysis techniques. Despite the impressive capabilities of existing process mining algorithms, dealing with the abundance of data recorded by contemporary systems and devices remains a challenge. Of particular importance is the capability to guide the meaningful interpretation of oceans of data by process analysts. To this end, insights from the field of visual analytics can be leveraged. This article proposes an approach where process states are reconstructed from event logs and visualised in succession, leading to an animated history of a process. This approach is customisable in how a process state, partially defined through a collection of activity instances, is visualised: one can select a map and specify a projection of events on this map based on the properties of the events. This paper describes a comprehensive implementation of the proposal. It was realised using the open-source process mining framework ProM. Moreover, this paper also reports on an evaluation of the approach conducted with Suncorp, one of Australias largest insurance companies.

摘要: 今天的信息系统记录了大量数据。这些数据收集(隐式地)描述了事件(例如下订单或进行血液检查),因此提供了有关业务流程实际执行的信息。此类数据的分析为改进业务流程提供了一个很好的起点,这就是流程挖掘的领域,该领域提供了许多分析技术,尽管现有流程挖掘算法具有令人印象深刻的功能,但可以处理当代系统记录的大量数据和设备仍然是一个挑战,特别重要的是能够指导流程分析人员对数据海洋进行有意义的解释,为此,可以利用可视化分析领域的见解。从事件日志中进行重构并相继进行可视化,从而生成动画过程历史记录。在可视化如何通过活动实例的集合部分定义的过程状态上出现错误:人们可以选择一个图,并根据事件的属性在该图上指定事件的投影。本文介绍了该提案的全面实施。它是使用开源过程挖掘框架ProM实现的。此外,本文还报告了对与澳大利亚最大的保险公司之一的Suncorp进行的评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0432-2]

[645] Using Event Logs for Local Correction of Process Models (2017)

(Mitsyuk, A. A. and Lomazova, I. A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences)

Abstract: During the life-cycle of an Information System (IS) its actual behavior may not correspond to the original system model. However, to the IS support it is very important to have the latest model that reflects the current system behavior. To correct the model the information from the event log of the system may be used. In this paper, we consider the problem of process model adjustment (correction) using the information from event log. The input data for this task is the initial process model (a Petri net) and an event log. The result of correction should be a new process model, better reflecting the real IS behavior than the initial model. The new model could be also built from scratch, for example, with the help of one of the known algorithms for automatic synthesis of the process model from an event log. However, this may lead to crucial changes in the structure of the original model, and it will be difficult to compare the new model with the initial one, hindering its understanding and analysis. Then it is important to keep the initial structure of the model as much as possible. In this paper we propose a method for process model correction based on the principle of divide and conquer. The initial model is decomposed into several fragments. For each of the fragments its conformance to the event log is checked. Fragments, which do not match the log, are replaced by newly synthesized ones. The new model is then assembled from the fragments via transition fusion. The experiments demonstrate that our correction algorithm gives good results when it is used for correcting local discrepancies. The paper presents the description of the algorithm, the formal justification for its correctness, as well as the results of experimental testing on artificial examples.

摘要: 在信息系统(IS)的生命周期中,其实际行为可能与原始系统模型不符。但是,对于IS支持来说,拥有反映当前系统行为的最新模型非常重要。为了校正模型,可以使用来自系统事件日志的信息。在本文中,我们使用事件日志中的信息来考虑过程模型调整(校正)的问题。此任务的输入数据是初始过程模型(Petri网)和事件日志。校正的结果应该是一个新的过程模型,比初始模型更好地反映了真实的IS行为。例如,借助于从事件日志自动合成过程模型的已知算法之一,也可以从头开始构建新模型。但是,这可能会导致原始模型的结构发生重大变化,并且很难将新模型与原始模型进行比较,从而妨碍了对其的理解和分析。那么重要的是要尽可能地保持模型的初始结构。本文提出了一种基于分而治之原理的过程模型修正方法。初始模型被分解为几个片段。对于每个片段,都检查其与事件日志的一致性。与日志不匹配的片段将被新合成的片段替换。然后通过过渡融合从片段组装新模型。实验表明,当将其用于校正局部差异时,我们的校正算法可提供良好的结果。本文介绍了该算法的说明,其正确性的形式证明以及在人工实例上进行实验测试的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3103/S0146411617070306]

[646] Using life cycle information in process discovery (2016)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Understanding the performance of business processes is an important part of any business process intelligence project. From historical information recorded in event logs, performance can be measured and visualized on a discovered process model. Thereby the accuracy of the measured performance, e.g., waiting time, greatly depends on (1) the availability of start and completion events for activities in the event log, i.e. transactional information, and (2) the ability to differentiate between subtle control flow aspects, e.g. concurrent and interleaved execution. Current process discovery algorithms either do not use activity life cycle information in a systematic way or cannot distinguish subtle controlflow aspects, leading to less accurate performance measurements. In this paper, we investigate the automatic discovery of process models from event logs, such that performance can be measured more accurately. We discuss ways of systematically treating life cycle information in process discovery and their implications. We introduce a process discovery technique that is able to handle life cycle data and that distinguishes concurrency and interleaving. Finally, we show that it can discover models and reliable performance information from event logs only.

摘要: Understanding the performance of business processes is an important part of any business process intelligence project. From historical information recorded in event logs, performance can be measured and visualized on a discovered process model. Thereby the accuracy of the measured performance, e.g., waiting time, greatly depends on (1) the availability of start and completion events for activities in the event log, i.e. transactional information, and (2) the ability to differentiate between subtle control flow aspects, e.g. concurrent and interleaved execution. Current process discovery algorithms either do not use activity life cycle information in a systematic way or cannot distinguish subtle controlflow aspects, leading to less accurate performance measurements. In this paper, we investigate the automatic discovery of process models from event logs, such that performance can be measured more accurately. We discuss ways of systematically treating life cycle information in process discovery and their implications. We introduce a process discovery technique that is able to handle life cycle data and that distinguishes concurrency and interleaving. Finally, we show that it can discover models and reliable performance information from event logs only.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-42887-1_17]

[647] Using monotonicity to find optimal process configurations faster (2014)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and Reijers, H. A. and Van Der Aalst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Configurable process models can be used to encode a multitude of (different) process models. After configuration, they can be used to support the execution of a particular process. A configurable process model represents a space of instantiations (configured process variants). Such an instantiation space can be used by an organisation to select the best instantiation(s) according to some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), e.g., cost, throughput time, etc. Computing KPIs for all the instantiations in the space is time consuming, as it might require the analysis (e.g., simulation) of thousands (or more) of instantiations. Therefore, we would like to exploit structural characteristics to reduce the amount of instantiations which need to be analysed. This reduction only removes those instantiations which do not need to be considered by an organisation. This yields the same result (a collection of best configurations), but in a faster way.

摘要: 可配置的过程模型可用于编码多个(不同的)过程模型。配置后,它们可用于支持特定过程的执行。可配置的流程模型表示实例化空间(已配置的流程变体)。组织可以使用此类实例化空间根据一些关键绩效指标(KPI)(例如成本,吞吐时间等)来选择最佳实例化。为该空间中的所有实例计算KPI非常耗时,因为它可能需要分析(例如,模拟)成千上万(或更多)实例化。因此,我们想利用结构特征来减少需要分析的实例化数量。这种减少仅消除了组织不需要考虑的那些实例化。这样会产生相同的结果(最佳配置的集合),但是速度更快。

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[648] Using process mining to bridge the gap between BI and BPM (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer)

Abstract: Process mining techniques enable process-centric analytics through automated process discovery, conformance checking, and model enhancement. textcopyright 1970-2012 IEEE.

摘要: Process mining techniques enable process-centric analytics through automated process discovery, conformance checking, and model enhancement. textcopyright 1970-2012 IEEE.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MC.2011.384]

[649] Using process mining to learn from process changes in evolutionary systems (2008)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Reichert, Manfred and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Recker, Jan | International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management)

Abstract: Traditional information systems struggle with the requirement to provide flexibility and process support while still enforcing some degree of control. Accordingly, adaptive Process Management Systems (PMSs) have emerged that provide some flexibility by enabling dynamic process changes during runtime. Based on the assumption that these process changes are recorded explicitly, we present two techniques for mining change logs in adaptive PMSs; that is, we do not only analyse the execution logs of the operational processes, but also consider the adaptations made at the process instance level. The change processes discovered through process mining provide an aggregated overview of all changes that happened so far. Using process mining as an analysis tool we show in this paper how better support can be provided for truly flexible processes by understanding when and why process changes become necessary. textcopyright 2008, Inderscience Publishers.

摘要: 传统信息系统在提供灵活性和流程支持的同时仍在进行一定程度的控制,这是他们的要求。因此,出现了自适应过程管理系统(PMS),该系统通过在运行时启用动态过程更改来提供一定的灵活性。基于这些过程更改已明确记录的假设,我们提出了两种在自适应PMS中挖掘更改日志的技术。也就是说,我们不仅分析运营流程的执行日志,而且还考虑在流程实例级别进行的调整。通过流程挖掘发现的变更流程提供了到目前为止发生的所有变更的汇总视图。通过使用流程挖掘作为分析工具,我们在本文中展示了如何通过了解何时以及为何需要进行流程更改来为真正灵活的流程提供更好的支持。 t​​extcopyright 2008,Inderscience Publishers。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1504/IJBPIM.2008.019348]

[650] Variability Modeling for Questionnaire-based System Configuration (2009)

(Rosa, Marcello La and Aalst, Wil M P Van Der and Dumas, Marlon and Hofstede, Arthur H M | Transit)

Abstract: Variability management is a recurrent issue in systems engineering. It arises for example in enterprise systems, where modules are configured and com-posed to meet the requirements of individual customers based on modifications to a reference model. It also manifests itself in the context of software product fam-ilies, where variants of a system are built from a common code base. This paper proposes an approach to capture system variability based on questionnaire mod-els that include order dependencies and domain constraints. The paper presents analysis techniques to detect circular dependencies and contradictory constraints in questionnaire models, as well as techniques to incrementally prevent invalid configurations by restricting the space of allowed answers to a question based on previous answers. The approach has been implemented as a toolset and has been used in practice to capture configurable process models for film post-production.

摘要: Variability management is a recurrent issue in systems engineering. It arises for example in enterprise systems, where modules are configured and com-posed to meet the requirements of individual customers based on modifications to a reference model. It also manifests itself in the context of software product fam-ilies, where variants of a system are built from a common code base. This paper proposes an approach to capture system variability based on questionnaire mod-els that include order dependencies and domain constraints. The paper presents analysis techniques to detect circular dependencies and contradictory constraints in questionnaire models, as well as techniques to incrementally prevent invalid configurations by restricting the space of allowed answers to a question based on previous answers. The approach has been implemented as a toolset and has been used in practice to capture configurable process models for film post-production.

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[651] Verification of the SAP reference models using EPC reduction, state-space analysis, and invariants (2007)

(van Dongen, B. F. and Jansen-Vullers, M. H. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: A reference model is a generic conceptual model that formalizes recommended practices for a certain domain. Today, the SAP reference models are among the most comprehensive reference models, including over 4000 entity types and covering over 1000 business processes and inter-organizational scenarios. The SAP reference models use Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs) to model these processes and scenarios. Like other informal languages, EPCs are intended to support the transition from a business model to an executable model. For this reason, researchers have tried to formalize the semantics of EPCs. However, in their approaches, they fail to acknowledge the fact that in EPCs constructs exist that require human judgment to assess correctness. This paper aims to acknowledge this fact by introducing a two-step approach. First, the EPC is reduced using universally accepted reduction rules. Second, the reduced EPC is analyzed using a mixture of state-space analysis, invariants, and human judgment. This approach has been implemented in a tool, and applying this tool to the SAP reference models showed that these contain errors, which clearly shows the added value of this verification approach. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 参考模型是一种通用的概念模型,用于对特定领域的推荐做法进行形式化。如今,SAP参考模型已成为最全面的参考模型之一,包括4000多种实体类型,涵盖了1000多种业务流程和组织间方案。 SAP参考模型使用事件驱动的流程链(EPC)对这些流程和业务情景进行建模。像其他非正式语言一样,EPC旨在支持从业务模型到可执行模型的过渡。由于这个原因,研究人员试图对EPC的语义进行形式化。但是,在他们的方法中,他们没有认识到EPC中存在需要人工判断以评估正确性的构造这一事实。本文旨在通过引入两步法来承认这一事实。首先,使用普遍接受的减少规则减少EPC。其次,使用状态空间分析,不变式和人工判断的混合分析简化的EPC。此方法已在一个工具中实施,并将此工具应用于SAP参考模型表明这些包含错误,从而清楚地表明了此验证方法的附加值。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2007.01.001]

[652] Verification of workflow task structures: a petri-net-based approach (2000)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: While many workflow management systems have emerged in recent years, few of them provide any form of support for verification. Consequently, most workflows become operational before they have been thoroughly checked. This frequently results in runtime errors which need to be corrected on-the-fly at, typically, prohibitive costs. This paper shows how verification of a typical process control specification, which is at the heart of most workflow specifications, can benefit from state-of-the-art Petri-net based analysis techniques. To illustrate the applicability of the approach, a verification tool has been developed. This tool can download and verify the correctness of process definitions designed with Staffware, one of the leading workflow management systems.

摘要: 虽然近年来出现了许多工作流管理系统,但是很少有系统提供任何形式的验证支持。因此,大多数工作流程在经过彻底检查之前就可以运行。这通常会导致运行时错误,通常需要以极高的成本即时纠正这些错误。本文展示了验证作为大多数工作流程规范核心的典型过程控制规范如何能够受益于基于最新Petri网的分析技术。为了说明该方法的适用性,已经开发了一种验证工具。该工具可以下载和验证使用Staffware(领先的工作流程管理系统之一)设计的流程定义的正确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0306-4379(00)00008-9]

[653] Verifying workflow processes: A transformation-based approach (2011)

(Zha, Haiping and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Sun, Jiaguang | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Workflow modeling is a challenging activity and designers are likely to introduce errors, especially in complex industrial processes. Effective process verification is essential at design time because the cost of fixing errors during runtime is substantially higher. However, most user-oriented workflow modeling languages lack formal semantics that hinders such verification. In this paper, we propose a generic approach based on the model transformation to verify workflow processes. The model transformation includes two steps: first, it formalizes the desirable semantics of each modeling element; secondly, it translates a workflow process with clear semantics to an equivalent Petri net. Thus, we can verify the original workflow process using existing Petri net theory and analysis tools. As a comprehensive case study, verifying workflow processes in an industrial modeling language (TiPLM) is presented. Experimental evaluations on verifying real-world business processes validate our approach. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 工作流建模是一项具有挑战性的活动,设计人员可能会引入错误,尤其是在复杂的工业流程中。在设计时,有效的过程验证至关重要,因为在运行时修复错误的成本要高得多。但是,大多数面向用户的工作流建模语言都缺乏妨碍这种验证的形式语义。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于模型转换的通用方法来验证工作流过程。模型转换包括两个步骤:首先,将每个建模元素的期望语义形式化;其次,它将具有清晰语义的工作流程转换为等效的Petri网。因此,我们可以使用现有的Petri网理论和分析工具来验证原始工作流程。作为全面的案例研究,提出了使用工业建模语言(TiPLM)验证工作流过程的方法。对验证实际业务流程的实验评估验证了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-010-0149-9]

[654] Viewing the internet of events through a process lens (2015)

(van der WMP Wil Aalst | BPM everywhere)

Abstract: The spectacular growth of event data is rapidly changing the Business Process Management (BPM) discipline. It makes no sense to focus on process modeling (including model-based analysis and model-based process automation) without considering the torrents of factual data in and between todays organizations. Hence, there is a need to connect BPM technology to the internet of events and make it more evidence-based BPM. However, the volume (size of data), velocity (speed of change), variety (multiple heterogeneous data sources), and veracity (uncertainty) of event data complicate matters. Mainstream analytics approaches are unable to turn data in to insights, once things get more involved. Therefore, they tend to focus on isolated decision problems rather than providing a more holistic view on the behavior of actors within and outside the organization. Fortunately, recent developments in process mining make it possible to use process models as the lens to look at (low) level event data. Viewing the internet of events through a process lens helps to understand and solve compliance and performance related problems. In fact, we envision a new profession-the process scientist-connecting traditional model-driven BPM with data-centric approaches (data mining, statistics, and business intelligence). Process mining provides the process scientist with a powerful set of tools and prepares BPM for a highly connected world where processes are surrounded by devices emitting events.

摘要: The spectacular growth of event data is rapidly changing the Business Process Management (BPM) discipline. It makes no sense to focus on process modeling (including model-based analysis and model-based process automation) without considering the torrents of factual data in and between todays organizations. Hence, there is a need to connect BPM technology to the internet of events and make it more evidence-based BPM. However, the volume (size of data), velocity (speed of change), variety (multiple heterogeneous data sources), and veracity (uncertainty) of event data complicate matters. Mainstream analytics approaches are unable to turn data in to insights, once things get more involved. Therefore, they tend to focus on isolated decision problems rather than providing a more holistic view on the behavior of actors within and outside the organization. Fortunately, recent developments in process mining make it possible to use process models as the lens to look at (low) level event data. Viewing the internet of events through a process lens helps to understand and solve compliance and performance related problems. In fact, we envision a new profession-the process scientist-connecting traditional model-driven BPM with data-centric approaches (data mining, statistics, and business intelligence). Process mining provides the process scientist with a powerful set of tools and prepares BPM for a highly connected world where processes are surrounded by devices emitting events.

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[655] Visual support for work assignment in process-aware information systems: Framework formalisation and implementation (2012)

(De Leoni | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process-aware information systems, ranging from generic workflow systems to dedicated enterprise information systems, use work-lists to offer so-called work items to users. In real scenarios, users can be confronted with a very large number of work items that stem from multiple cases of different processes. In this jungle of work items, users may find it hard to choose the right item to work on next. The system cannot autonomously decide which is the right work item, since the decision is also dependent on conditions that are somehow outside the system. For instance, what is best for an organisation should be mediated with what is best for its employees. Current work-list handlers show work items as a simple sorted list and therefore do not provide much decision support for choosing the right work item. Since the work-list handler is the dominant interface between the system and its users, it is worthwhile to provide an intuitive graphical interface that uses contextual information about work items and users to provide suggestions about prioritisation of work items. This paper uses the so-called map metaphor to visualise work items and resources (e.g., users) in a sophisticated manner. Moreover, based on distance notions, the work-list handler can suggest the next work item by considering different perspectives. For example, urgent work items of a type that suits the user may be highlighted. The underlying map and distance notions may be of a geographical nature (e.g., a map of a city or office building), but may also be based on process designs, organisational structures, social networks, due dates, calendars, etc. The framework proposed in this paper is generic and can be applied to any process-aware information system. Moreover, in order to show its practical feasibility, the paper discusses a full-fledged implementation developed in the context of the open-source workflow environment YAWL, together with two real examples stemming from two very different scenarios. The results of an initial usability evaluation of the implementation are also presented, which provide a first indication of the validity of the approach. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Process-aware information systems, ranging from generic workflow systems to dedicated enterprise information systems, use work-lists to offer so-called work items to users. In real scenarios, users can be confronted with a very large number of work items that stem from multiple cases of different processes. In this jungle of work items, users may find it hard to choose the right item to work on next. The system cannot autonomously decide which is the right work item, since the decision is also dependent on conditions that are somehow outside the system. For instance, what is best for an organisation should be mediated with what is best for its employees. Current work-list handlers show work items as a simple sorted list and therefore do not provide much decision support for choosing the right work item. Since the work-list handler is the dominant interface between the system and its users, it is worthwhile to provide an intuitive graphical interface that uses contextual information about work items and users to provide suggestions about prioritisation of work items. This paper uses the so-called map metaphor to visualise work items and resources (e.g., users) in a sophisticated manner. Moreover, based on distance notions, the work-list handler can suggest the next work item by considering different perspectives. For example, urgent work items of a type that suits the user may be highlighted. The underlying map and distance notions may be of a geographical nature (e.g., a map of a city or office building), but may also be based on process designs, organisational structures, social networks, due dates, calendars, etc. The framework proposed in this paper is generic and can be applied to any process-aware information system. Moreover, in order to show its practical feasibility, the paper discusses a full-fledged implementation developed in the context of the open-source workflow environment YAWL, together with two real examples stemming from two very different scenarios. The results of an initial usability evaluation of the implementation are also presented, which provide a first indication of the validity of the approach. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2012.05.042]

[656] WORKFLOW RESOURCE PATTERNS:Identification, Representation and Tool Support (2005) (2004)

(Russell, Nick and Hofstede, Arthur H M and Edmond, David | Business)

Abstract: Workflow systems seek to provide an implementation vehicle for complex, recurring business processes. Notwithstanding this common objective, there are a variety of distinct features offered by commercial workflow management systems. These differences result in significant variations in the ability of distinct tools to represent and implement the plethora of requirements that may arise in contemporary business processes. Many of these requirements recur quite frequently during the requirements analysis activity for workflow systems and abstractions of these requirements serve as a useful means of identifying the key components of workflow languages. Previous work has identified a number of Workflow Control Patterns and Workflow Data Patterns, which characterize the range of control flow and data constructs that might be encountered when modelling and analysing workflows. In this paper, we describe a series of Workflow Resource Patterns that aim to capture the various ways in which resources are represented and utilized in workflows. By delineating these Patterns in a form that is independent of specific workflow technologies and modelling languages, we are able to provide a comprehensive treatment of the resource perspective and we subsequently use these Patterns as the basis for a detailed comparison of a number of commercially available workflow management systems and business process modelling languages.

摘要: Workflow systems seek to provide an implementation vehicle for complex, recurring business processes. Notwithstanding this common objective, there are a variety of distinct features offered by commercial workflow management systems. These differences result in significant variations in the ability of distinct tools to represent and implement the plethora of requirements that may arise in contemporary business processes. Many of these requirements recur quite frequently during the requirements analysis activity for workflow systems and abstractions of these requirements serve as a useful means of identifying the key components of workflow languages. Previous work has identified a number of Workflow Control Patterns and Workflow Data Patterns, which characterize the range of control flow and data constructs that might be encountered when modelling and analysing workflows. In this paper, we describe a series of Workflow Resource Patterns that aim to capture the various ways in which resources are represented and utilized in workflows. By delineating these Patterns in a form that is independent of specific workflow technologies and modelling languages, we are able to provide a comprehensive treatment of the resource perspective and we subsequently use these Patterns as the basis for a detailed comparison of a number of commercially available workflow management systems and business process modelling languages.

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[657] What makes a good process model?: Lessons learned from process mining (2012)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: There seems to be a never ending stream of new process modeling notations. Some of these notations are foundational and have been around for decades (e. g., Petri nets). Other notations are vendor specific, incremental, or are only popular for a short while. Discussions on the various competing notations concealed the more important question What makes a good process model?. Fortunately, large scale experiences with process mining allow us to address this question. Process mining techniques can be used to extract knowledge from event data, discover models, align logs and models, measure conformance, diagnose bottlenecks, and predict future events. Todays processes leave many trails in data bases, audit trails, message logs, transaction logs, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to relate these event data to process models independent of their particular notation. Process models discovered based on the actual behavior tend to be very different from the process models made by humans. Moreover, conformance checking techniques often reveal important deviations between models and reality. The lessons that can be learned from process mining shed a new light on process model quality. This paper discusses the role of process models and lists seven problems related to process modeling. Based on our experiences in over 100 process mining projects, we discuss these problems. Moreover, we show that these problems can be addressed by exposing process models and modelers to event data. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 似乎不断涌现出新的流程建模符号。这些符号中的一些是基础的,并且已经存在了数十年(例如,Petri网)。其他符号是特定于供应商的,递增的或仅在短期内流行。对各种相互竞争的表示法的讨论掩盖了一个更重要的问题:什么构成了良好的过程模型?。幸运的是,大量的过程挖掘经验使我们能够解决这个问题。流程挖掘技术可用于从事件数据中提取知识,发现模型,对齐日志和模型,测量一致性,诊断瓶颈以及预测未来事件。当今的过程在数据库,审计跟踪,消息日志,事务日志等中留下了许多痕迹。因此,将这些事件数据与过程模型相关联是有意义的,而与它们的特定符号无关。基于实际行为发现的过程模型往往与人为建立的过程模型有很大不同。此外,一致性检查技术通常会揭示模型与现实之间的重要差异。可以从过程挖掘中汲取的教训为过程模型的质量提供了新的思路。本文讨论了过程模型的作用,并列出了与过程建模有关的七个问题。根据我们在100多个过程采矿项目中的经验,我们讨论了这些问题。此外,我们表明可以通过将过程模型和建模器暴露给事件数据来解决这些问题。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-012-0265-9]

[658] When process mining meets bioinformatics (2011)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining techniques can be used to extract non-trivial process related knowledge and thus generate interesting insights from event logs. Similarly, bioinformatics aims at increasing the understand- ing of biological processes through the analysis of information associated with biological molecules. Techniques developed in both disciplines can benefit from one another, e.g., sequence analysis is a fundamental aspect in both process mining and bioinformatics. In this paper, we draw a parallel between bioinformatics and process mining. In particular, we present some initial success stories that demonstrate that the emerging process mining discipline can benefit from techniques developed for bioinformatics.

摘要: Process mining techniques can be used to extract non-trivial process related knowledge and thus generate interesting insights from event logs. Similarly, bioinformatics aims at increasing the understand- ing of biological processes through the analysis of information associated with biological molecules. Techniques developed in both disciplines can benefit from one another, e.g., sequence analysis is a fundamental aspect in both process mining and bioinformatics. In this paper, we draw a parallel between bioinformatics and process mining. In particular, we present some initial success stories that demonstrate that the emerging process mining discipline can benefit from techniques developed for bioinformatics.

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[659] Workflow Support Using Proclets: Divide, Interact, and Conquer Limitations of Monolithic Workflows (2009)

(Aalst, W M P Van Der and Mans, R S and Russell, N C | IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin)

Abstract: Classical workflow notations primarily support monolithic processes. They are able to describe the life- cycle of individual cases and allow for hierarchical decomposition. Unfortunately, real-life processes are fragmented and are often composed of separate but intertwined …

摘要: 经典工作流程表示法主要支持整体过程。它们能够描述单个案例的生命周期,并允许进行层次分解。不幸的是,现实生活中的过程是零散的,通常是由相互独立但又交织在一起的……

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[660] Workflow mining: A survey of issues and approaches (2003)

(Van der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Many of todays information systems are driven by explicit process models. Workflow management systems, but also ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B, are configured on the basis of a workflow model specifying the order in which tasks need to be executed. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. To support the design of workflows, we propose the use of workflow mining. Starting point for workflow mining is a so-called workflow log containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. In this paper, we introduce the concept of workflow mining and present a common format for workflow logs. Then we discuss the most challenging problems and present some of the workflow mining approaches available today. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 当今的许多信息系统是由显式过程模型驱动的。工作流管理系统以及ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B,都是根据工作流模型配置的,该模型指定了执行任务的顺序。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常实际的工作流程与管理人员认为的流程之间存在差异。为了支持工作流的设计,我们建议使用工作流挖掘。工作流挖掘的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际上正在执行的工作流过程的信息。在本文中,我们介绍了工作流挖掘的概念,并提出了工作流日志的通用格式。然后,我们讨论最具挑战性的问题,并提出一些当今可用的工作流挖掘方法。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0169-023X(03)00066-1]

[661] Workflow mining: Discovering process models from event logs (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and, typically, there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we have developed techniques for discovering workflow models. The starting point for such techniques is a so-called workflow log containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. We present a new algorithm to extract a process model from such a log and represent it in terms of a Petri net. However, we will also demonstrate that it is not possible to discover arbitrary workflow processes. In this paper, we explore a class of workflow processes that can be discovered. We show that the alphaalpha-algorithm can successfully mine any workflow represented by a so-called SWF-net.

摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统由明确的流程模型驱动,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要完全指定的工作流程设计。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常,实际的工作流程过程与管理层认为的过程之间存在差异。因此,我们开发了用于发现工作流模型的技术。这种技术的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际上正在执行的工作流过程的信息。我们提出了一种新算法,可以从这种日志中提取过程模型,并用Petri网表示它。但是,我们还将证明不可能发现任意工作流程。在本文中,我们探索了可以发现的一类工作流程。我们证明了$ alpha $-算法可以成功地挖掘由所谓的SWF网络代表的任何工作流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2004.47]

[662] Workflow patterns put into context (2012)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: In his paper Approaches to Modeling Business Processes. A Critical Analysis of BPMN, Workflow Patterns and YAWL, Egon Borger criticizes the work of the Workflow Patterns Initiative in a rather provocative manner. Although the workflow patterns and YAWL are well established and frequently used, Borger seems to misunderstand the goals and contributions of the Workflow Patterns Initiative. Therefore, we put the workflow patterns and YAWL in their historic context. Moreover, we address some of the criticism of Borger by pointing out the real purpose of the workflow patterns and their relationship to formal languages (Petri nets) and real-life WFM/BPM systems. textcopyright 2012 The Author(s).

摘要: 在Egon B o rger的论文业务流程建模方法。对BPMN,工作流模式和YAWL的批判性分析中,他以相当挑衅的方式批评了工作流模式计划的工作。工作流模式和YAWL已经建立并经常使用,因此B o rger似乎误解了工作流模式计划的目标和贡献。因此,我们将工作流模式和YAWL置于其历史环境中。此外,我们通过指出工作流模式的真正目的以及它们与形式语言(Petri网)和现实生活中的WFM / BPM系统之间的关系,解决了对B o r的一些批评。 textcopyright 2012作者。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-012-0233-4]

[663] Workflow simulation for operational decision support (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and Wynn, M. T. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Fidge, C. J. | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of workflow management. To do this we exploit not only the workflows design, but also use logged data describing the systems observed historic behavior, and incorporate information extracted about the current state of the workflow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for different scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of workflow management. To do this we exploit not only the workflows design, but also use logged data describing the systems observed historic behavior, and incorporate information extracted about the current state of the workflow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for different scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2009.02.014]

[664] Working with the past: Integrating history in petri nets (2008)

(Van Hee | Fundamenta Informaticae)

Abstract: Most information systems that are driven by processmodels (e.g., workflowmanagement systems) record events in event logs, also known as transaction logs or audit trails. We consider processes that not only keep track of their history in a log, but also make decisions based on this log. To model such processes we extend the basic Petri net framework with the notion of history and add guards to transitions evaluated on the process history. We show that some classes of historydependent nets can be automatically converted to classical Petri nets for analysis purposes. Some of these classes are characterized by the form of the guards (e.g., LTL+Past guards), while others by restrictions on the underlying classical Petri net.

摘要: 由流程模型驱动的大多数信息系统(例如,工作流管理系统)将事件记录在事件日志中,也称为事务日志或审计跟踪。我们考虑的过程不仅要在日志中跟踪其历史记录,还要根据该日志做出决策。为了对这样的过程建模,我们用历史的概念扩展了基本的Petri网框架,并为在过程历史上评估的过渡添加了防护。我们表明,某些类别的历史依赖网络可以自动转换为经典Petri网络以用于分析。其中一些类别的特点是守卫的形式(例如LTL +过去的守卫),而其他类别的特点是对基础经典Petri网的限制。

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[665] XML-based schema definition for support of interorganizational workflow (2003)

(Van der Aalst | Information Systems Research)

Abstract: The full potential of the Web as a medium for electronic commerce can be realized only when multiple partners in a supply chain can route information among themselves in a seamless way. Commerce on the Internet is still far from being friction free, because business partners cannot exchange information about their business processes in an automated manner. In this paper, we propose the design for an exchangeable Routing Language (XRL) using extensible Markup Language (XML) syntax. XML is a means for trading partners to exchange business data electronically. The novel contribution of our work is to show how XML can also be used to describe workflow process schemas to support flexible routing of documents in the Internet environment. The design of XRL is grounded in Petri nets, which is a well-known formalism. By using this formalism, it is possible to analyze correctness and performance of workflows described in XRL. Architectures to facilitate interoperation through loose and tight integration are also discussed. Examples illustrate how this approach can be used for implementing interorganizational electronic commerce applications. As a proof of concept, we have also developed. XRL/flower, a prototype implementation of a workflow management system based on XRL.

摘要: 只有当供应链中的多个合作伙伴可以无缝地在彼此之间路由信息时,才能充分发挥Web作为电子商务媒介的全部潜力。互联网上的商务仍然远非无摩擦,因为业务合作伙伴无法以自动化方式交换有关其业务流程的信息。在本文中,我们提出了使用可扩展标记语言(XML)语法的可交换路由语言(XRL)的设计。 XML是贸易伙伴以电子方式交换业务数据的一种方式。我们工作的新颖贡献在于展示XML如何也可以用来描述工作流程过程模式,以支持Internet环境中文档的灵活路由。 XRL的设计基于Petri网,这是一种众所周知的形式主义。通过使用这种形式主义,可以分析XRL中描述的工作流的正确性和性能。还讨论了通过松散和紧密集成促进互操作的体系结构。示例说明了如何将这种方法用于实现组织间电子商务应用程序。作为概念证明,我们也有所发展。 XRL / flower,是基于XRL的工作流管理系统的原型实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1287/isre.]

[666] XRL/Woflan: Verification and Extensibility of an XML/Petri-Net-Based Language for Inter-Organizational Workflows (2003)

(Verbeek, H.M.W. M W and Aalst, W.M.P. Van Der and Kumar, Akhil and van der Aalst, W.M.P. and Kumar, Akhil and Aalst, W.M.P. Van Der and Kumar, Akhil and van der Aalst, W.M.P. and Kumar, Akhil | Information Technology and Management)

Abstract: In this paper, we present XRL/Woflan. XRL/Woflan is a software tool using state-of-the-art Petri-net analysis techniques for verifying XRL workflows. The workflow language XRL (eXchangeable Routing Language) supports cross-organizational processes. XRL uses XML for the representation of process definitions and Petri nets for its semantics. XRL is instance-based, therefore, workflow definitions can be changed on the fly and sent across organizational boundaries. These features are vital for todays dynamic and networked economy. However, the features also enable subtle, but highly disruptive, cross-organizational errors. On-the-fly changes and one-of-a-kind processes are destined to result in errors. Moreover, errors of a cross-organizational nature are difficult to repair. XRL/Woflan uses eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to transform XRL specifications to a specific class of Petri nets, and to allow users to design new routing constructs, thus making XRL extensibe. The Petri-net representation is used to determine whether the workflow is correct. If the workflow is not correct, anomalies such as deadlocks and livelocks are reported.

摘要: In this paper, we present XRL/Woflan. XRL/Woflan is a software tool using state-of-the-art Petri-net analysis techniques for verifying XRL workflows. The workflow language XRL (eXchangeable Routing Language) supports cross-organizational processes. XRL uses XML for the representation of process definitions and Petri nets for its semantics. XRL is instance-based, therefore, workflow definitions can be changed on the fly and sent across organizational boundaries. These features are vital for todays dynamic and networked economy. However, the features also enable subtle, but highly disruptive, cross-organizational errors. On-the-fly changes and one-of-a-kind processes are destined to result in errors. Moreover, errors of a cross-organizational nature are difficult to repair. XRL/Woflan uses eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to transform XRL specifications to a specific class of Petri nets, and to allow users to design new routing constructs, thus making XRL extensibe. The Petri-net representation is used to determine whether the workflow is correct. If the workflow is not correct, anomalies such as deadlocks and livelocks are reported.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/b:item.0000008077.91413.86]

[667] YAWL in the Cloud (2013)

(Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Van Der Avoort | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: In the context of the CoSeLoG project (which involves 10 Dutch municipalities), we realised a proof-of-concept implementation based on YAWL. The municipalities want to share a common IT infras- tructure and learn from one another, but also allow for local differences. Therefore, we extended YAWL to run in a cloud-based environment lever-aging on existing configuration possibilities. To support YAWL in the Cloud we developed load-balancing capabilities that allow for the distribution of work over multiple YAWL engines. Moreover, we extended YAWL with multi-tenancy capabilities: one municipality may effectively use multiple engines without knowing it and one engine may safely run the processes of multiple municipalities.

摘要: In the context of the CoSeLoG project (which involves 10 Dutch municipalities), we realised a proof-of-concept implementation based on YAWL. The municipalities want to share a common IT infras- tructure and learn from one another, but also allow for local differences. Therefore, we extended YAWL to run in a cloud-based environment lever-aging on existing configuration possibilities. To support YAWL in the Cloud we developed load-balancing capabilities that allow for the distribution of work over multiple YAWL engines. Moreover, we extended YAWL with multi-tenancy capabilities: one municipality may effectively use multiple engines without knowing it and one engine may safely run the processes of multiple municipalities.

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[668] YAWL: Yet another workflow language (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and workflow languages, a new workflow language is proposed: yet another workflow language (YAWL). To identify the differences between the various languages, we have collected a fairly complete set of workflow patterns. Based on these patterns we have evaluated several workflow products and detected considerable differences in their ability to capture control flows for non-trivial workflow processes. Languages based on Petri nets perform better when it comes to state-based workflow patterns. However, some patterns (e.g. involving multiple instances, complex synchronisations or non-local withdrawals) are not easy to map onto (high-level) Petri nets. This inspired us to develop a new language by taking Petri nets as a starting point and adding mechanisms to allow for a more direct and intuitive support of the workflow patterns identified. This paper motivates the need for such a language, specifies the semantics of the language, and shows that soundness can be verified in a compositional way. Although YAWL is intended as a complete workflow language, the focus of this paper is limited to the control-flow perspective. textcopyright 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

摘要: 基于对现有工作流管理系统和工作流语言的严格分析,提出了一种新的工作流语言:另一种工作流语言(YAWL)。为了确定各种语言之间的差异,我们收集了一套相当完整的工作流模式。基于这些模式,我们评估了几种工作流程产品,并发现了它们捕获非平凡工作流程过程的控制流的能力存在很大差异。在基于状态的工作流模式方面,基于Petri网的语言性能更好。但是,某些模式(例如,涉及多个实例,复杂的同步或非本地取款)不容易映射到(高级)Petri网上。这激发了我们以Petri网为起点并添加机制以为所识别的工作流程模式提供更直接,更直观的支持,从而开发出一种新的语言。本文激发了对这种语言的需求,指定了该语言的语义,并表明可以通过合成方式验证其健全性。尽管YAWL旨在作为一种完整的工作流语言,但本文的重点仅限于控制流方面。 t​​extcopyright 2004 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

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