
1. Data- and resource-aware conformance checking of business processes [中英文摘要]

2. Learning hybrid process models from events process discovery without faking confidence [中英文摘要]

3. Scalable process discovery and conformance checking [中英文摘要]

4. A Dynamic Approach to Estimate Change Impact using Type of Change Propagation [中英文摘要]

5. A knowledge-intensive approach to process similarity calculation [中英文摘要]

6. A workflow net similarity measure based on transition adjacency relations [中英文摘要]

7. Action patterns in business process model repositories [中英文摘要]

8. Behavioral consistency for B2B process integration [中英文摘要]

9. Behavioral similarity - A proper metric [中英文摘要]

10. Causal behavioural profiles - Efficient computation, applications, and evaluation [中英文摘要]

11. Change Propagation and Conflict Resolution for the Co-Evolution of Business Processes [中英文摘要]

12. Change patterns and change support features - Enhancing flexibility in process-aware information systems [中英文摘要]

13. Change propagation due to uncertainty change [中英文摘要]

14. Change propagation in process models using behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

15. Configuration vs. adaptation for business process variant maintenance: An empirical study [中英文摘要]

16. Consistent Abstraction of Business Processes Based on Constraints [中英文摘要]

17. Data-driven process discovery - Revealing conditional infrequent behavior from event logs [中英文摘要]

18. Designing business capability-aware configurable process models [中英文摘要]

19. Digital health: Bridging the gap between promise and reality [中英文摘要]

20. Discovering more precise process models from event logs by filtering out chaotic activities [中英文摘要]

21. Discovering process models from unlabelled event logs [中英文摘要]

22. Discovering reference models by mining process variants using a heuristic approach [中英文摘要]

23. Discovery of cancellation regions within process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

24. Discovery of functional architectures from event logs [中英文摘要]

25. Divide and Conquer: A Tool Framework for Supporting Decomposed Discovery in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

26. Dynamic Slicing Techniques for Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

27. Efficient consistency measurement based on behavioral profiles of process models [中英文摘要]

28. Extracting useful knowledge from event logs: A frequent itemset mining approach [中英文摘要]

29. Filter Techniques for Region-Based Process Discovery [中英文摘要]

30. Filtering Out Infrequent Behavior from Business Process Event Logs [中英文摘要]

31. Generating optimized configurable business process models in scenarios subject to uncertainty [中英文摘要]

32. Mining frequent patterns in process models [中英文摘要]

33. Mining local process models [中英文摘要]

34. Mining variable fragments from process event logs [中英文摘要]

35. Modular Petri net modeling of healthcare systems [中英文摘要]

36. On profiles and footprints - Relational semantics for Petri nets [中英文摘要]

37. On the expressive power of behavioral profiles [中英文摘要]

38. Optimising Complex Event Queries over Business Processes Using Behavioural Profiles [中英文摘要]

39. Optimising complex event queries over business processes using behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

40. Optimising complex event queries over business processes using behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

41. Perceived consistency between process models [中英文摘要]

42. Preserving correctness during business process model configuration [中英文摘要]

43. Process compliance analysis based on behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

44. Process discovery using localized events [中英文摘要]

45. Propagating changes between aligned process models [中英文摘要]

46. Querying process models by behavior inclusion [中英文摘要]

47. Similarity of business process models: Metrics and evaluation [中英文摘要]


[1] Data- and resource-aware conformance checking of business processes (2012)

(De Leoni | )

Abstract: Process mining is not restricted to process discovery and also includes conformance checking, i.e., checking whether observed behavior recorded in the event log matches modeled behavior. Many organizations have descriptive or normative models that do not adequately describe the actual processes. Therefore, a variety of techniques for conformance checking have been proposed. However, all of these techniques focus on the control-flow and abstract from data and resources. This paper describes an approach that aligns event log and model while taking all perspectives into account (i.e., also data and resources). This way it is possible to quantify conformance and analyze differences between model and reality. The approach has been implemented in ProM and evaluated using a variety of model-log combinations. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 过程挖掘不限于过程发现,还包括一致性检查,即检查事件日志中记录的观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配。许多组织的描述性或规范性模型无法充分描述实际过程。因此,已经提出了多种用于一致性检查的技术。但是,所有这些技术都集中于控制流以及从数据和资源中提取。本文介绍了一种在考虑所有角度(即数据和资源)的同时对齐事件日志和模型的方法。这样,可以量化一致性并分析模型与现实之间的差异。该方法已在ProM中实现,并使用各种模型-日志组合进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-30359-3_5]

[2] Learning hybrid process models from events process discovery without faking confidence (2017)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and De Masellis | )

Abstract: Process discovery techniques return process models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a picture not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Formal models are able to classify traces (i.e., sequences of events) as fitting or non-fitting. Most process mining approaches described in the literature produce such models. This is in stark contrast with the over 25 available commercial process mining tools that only discover informal process models that remain deliberately vague on the precise set of possible traces. There are two main reasons why vendors resort to such models: scalability and simplicity. In this paper, we propose to combine the best of both worlds: discovering hybrid process models that have formal and informal elements. As a proof of concept we present a discovery technique based on hybrid Petri nets. These models allow for formal reasoning, but also reveal information that cannot be captured in mainstream formal models. A novel discovery algorithm returning hybrid Petri nets has been implemented in ProM and has been applied to several real-life event logs. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of remaining vague when there is not enough evidence in the data or standard modeling constructs do not fit. Moreover, the approach is scalable enough to be incorporated in industrial-strength process mining tools.

摘要: 过程发现技术返回的过程模型既可以是正式的(精确地描述可能的行为),也可以是非正式的(仅仅是图片,不允许任何形式的形式推理)。正式模型能够将迹线(即事件序列)分类为合适或不合适。文献中描述的大多数过程挖掘方法都会产生这样的模型。这与超过25种可用的商业过程挖掘工具形成了鲜明的对比,这些工具仅发现非正式过程模型,这些模型在精确的可能踪迹集上故意含糊不清。供应商采用这种模型的主要原因有两个:可伸缩性和简单性。在本文中,我们建议将两个方面的优点结合起来:发现具有正式和非正式元素的混合过程模型。作为概念的证明,我们提出了一种基于混合Petri网的发现技术。这些模型不仅可以进行形式推理,还可以揭示主流形式模型无法捕获的信息。一种新的返回混合Petri网的发现算法已在ProM中实现,并已应用于多个现实事件日志中。结果清楚地表明,当数据中没有足够的证据或标准建模构造不适合时,保持模糊的优势。而且,该方法具有足够的可伸缩性,可以结合到工业强度过程挖掘工具中。

[下载地址](http://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06125 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-04175-9_1) | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-65000-54]

[3] Scalable process discovery and conformance checking (2018)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Considerable amounts of data, including process events, are collected and stored by organisations nowadays. Discovering a process model from such event data and verification of the quality of discovered models are important steps in process mining. Many discovery techniques have been proposed, but none of them combines scalability with strong quality guarantees. We would like such techniques to handle billions of events or thousands of activities, to produce sound models (without deadlocks and other anomalies), and to guarantee that the underlying process can be rediscovered when sufficient information is available. In this paper, we introduce a framework for process discovery that ensures these properties while passing over the log only once and introduce three algorithms using the framework. To measure the quality of discovered models for such large logs, we introduce a model–model and model–log comparison framework that applies a divide-and-conquer strategy to measure recall, fitness, and precision. We experimentally show that these discovery and measuring techniques sacrifice little compared to other algorithms, while gaining the ability to cope with event logs of 100,000,000 traces and processes of 10,000 activities on a standard computer.

摘要: 如今,组织收集并存储了大量的数据,包括过程事件。从此类事件数据中发现过程模型并验证发现的模型的质量是过程挖掘中的重要步骤。已经提出了许多发现技术,但是它们都没有将可伸缩性与强大的质量保证相结合。我们希望这些技术能够处理数十亿个事件或数千个活动,生成健全的模型(没有死锁和其他异常),并保证在有足够的信息可用时可以重新发现基础过程。在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于过程发现的框架,该框架可确保这些属性同时仅传递一次日志,并使用该框架介绍三种算法。为了衡量此类大型日志的发现模型的质量,我们引入了模型-模型和模型-日志比较框架,该框架应用分而治之策略来衡量召回率,适用性和准确性。我们通过实验证明,与其他算法相比,这些发现和测量技术所付出的代价很少,同时具有在标准计算机上应对100,000,000条轨迹的事件日志和10,000条活动的过程的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-016-0545-x]

[4] A Dynamic Approach to Estimate Change Impact using Type of Change Propagation (2010)

(Gupta, Chetna and Singh, Yogesh and Chauhan, Durg Singh | Journal of Information Processing Systems)

Abstract: 软件演化是一个不断进行的过程,其目的是扩展基础应用程序,以添加新功能或使软件适应不断变化的环境。这就需要评估和确定软件系统变更的总体影响。在过去的几十年中,已经开发了许多这样的变更/影响分析技术,以识别对软件系统进行变更的后果。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的评估变化/影响分析的方法,即根据变化分类的类型对变化进行分类,例如(a)变化的性质和(b)变化传播的程度。所产生的影响集包括两个方面的信息:(a)受变化传播影响的语句和(b)百分比,即每一类中受影响的语句,并涉及整个系统。我们还提出了一种对变化类型进行分类的算法。为了建立对有效性和效率的信心,我们通过一个例子来说明这种技术。我们的分析结果很有希望实现所提议的提高变更分类的目标。所提出的评估影响集及其影响百分比的动态技术将帮助软件维护者通过分析影响集关于变更的性质和变更依赖关系,来执行选择性回归测试。

摘要: 软件演进是一个不断进行的过程,其目的是扩展基础应用程序,以添加新功能或使软件适应不断变化的环境。这就需要评估和确定软件系统变更的总体影响。在过去的几十年中年中,已经开发了许多这样的变更/影响分析技术,以识别对软件系统进行变更的后果。在这里,我们提出了一种新的评估变化/影响分析的方法,即根据变化分类的类型对变化进行分类,例如(a)变化的性质和(b)变化传播的程度。所产生的影响集包括两个方面的信息:(a)受变化变化影响的语句和(b)百分比,即每一类中受影响的语句,并涉及整个系统。我们还提出了一种对变化类型进行分类的算法。为了建立对有效性和效率的信心,我们通过一个例子来说明这种技术。结果很有希望实现所期望的改善的变更分类的目标。所提出的评估影响集及其影响百分比的动态技术将帮助软件维护者通过分析影响集关于变更的性质和变更依赖关系,来执行选择性回归测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3745/jips.2010.6.4.597]

[5] A knowledge-intensive approach to process similarity calculation (2015)

(Montani, Stefania and Leonardi, Giorgio and Quaglini, Silvana and Cavallini, Anna and Micieli, Giuseppe | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Process model comparison and similar processes retrieval are key issues to be addressed in many real world situations, and particularly relevant ones in some applications (e.g., in medicine), where similarity quantification can be exploited in a quality assessment perspective. Most of the process comparison techniques described in the literature suffer from two main limitations: (1) they adopt a purely syntactic (vs. semantic) approach in process activity comparison, and/or (2) they ignore complex control flow information (i.e., other than sequence). These limitations oversimplify the problem, and make the results of similarity-based process retrieval less reliable, especially when domain knowledge is available, and can be adopted to quantify activity or control flow construct differences. In this paper, we aim at overcoming both limitations, by introducing a framework which allows to extract the actual process model from the available process execution traces, through process mining techniques, and then to compare (mined) process models, by relying on a novel distance measure. The novel distance measure, which represents the main contribution of this paper, is able to address issues (1) and (2) above, since: (1) it provides a semantic, knowledge-intensive approach to process activity comparison, by making use of domain knowledge; (2) it explicitly takes into account complex control flow constructs (such as AND and XOR splits/joins), thus fully considering the different semantic meaning of control flow connections in a reliable way. The positive impact of the framework in practice has been tested in stroke management, where our approach has outperformed a state-of-the art literature metric on a real world event log, providing results that were closer to those of a human expert. Experiments in other domains are foreseen in the future.

摘要: 过程模型比较和相似过程检索是许多现实世界中要解决的关键问题,尤其是在某些应用中(例如在医学中)的相关问题,在这些应用中可以从质量评估的角度利用相似性量化。文献中描述的大多数过程比较技术都有两个主要局限性:(1)他们在过程活动比较中采用纯粹的句法(相对于语义)方法,和/或(2)他们忽略了复杂的控制流信息(即,除了序列)。这些局限性简化了该问题,并使基于相似度的过程检索的结果不太可靠,尤其是在领域知识可用时,并且可以用来量化活动或控制流程构造差异。在本文中,我们旨在克服这两个局限性,方法是引入一个框架,该框架允许通过过程挖掘技术从可用的过程执行轨迹中提取实际过程模型,然后依靠一种新颖的方法来比较(挖掘)过程模型。距离测量。新颖的距离度量代表了本文的主要贡献,它能够解决上述问题(1)和(2),因为:(1)它提供了一种语义,知识密集型的方法来比较流程活动,方法是:领域知识; (2)它明确考虑了复杂的控制流构造(例如AND和XOR拆分/联接),从而以可靠的方式充分考虑了控制流连接的不同语义。该框架在实践中的积极影响已经在中风管理中得到了检验,在这种方法中,我们的方法在现实世界的事件日志上的表现优于最新的文献指标,其结果更接近于人类专家。预计将来会在其他领域进行实验。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.01.027]

[6] A workflow net similarity measure based on transition adjacency relations (2010)

(Zha, Haiping and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Wang, Chaokun and Sun, Jiaguang | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Many activities in business process management, such as process retrieval, process mining, and process integration, need to determine the similarity or the distance between two processes. Although several approaches have recently been proposed to measure the similarity between business processes, neither the definitions of the similarity notion between processes nor the measure methods have gained wide recognition. In this paper, we define the similarity and the distance based on firing sequences in the context of workflow nets (WF-nets) as the unified reference concepts. However, to many WF-nets, either the number of full firing sequences or the length of a single firing sequence is infinite. Since transition adjacency relations (TARs) can be seen as the genes of the firing sequences which describe transition orders appearing in all possible firing sequences, we propose a practical similarity definition based on the TAR sets of two processes. It is formally shown that the corresponding distance measure between processes is a metric. An algorithm using model reduction techniques for the efficient computation of the measure is also presented. Experimental results involving comparison of different measures on artificial processes and evaluations on clustering real-life processes validate our approach. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 业务流程管理中的许多活动,例如流程检索,流程挖掘和流程集成,都需要确定两个流程之间的相似性或距离。尽管最近提出了几种方法来度量业务流程之间的相似性,但是流程之间相似性概念的定义和度量方法均未得到广泛认可。在本文中,我们基于工作流网(WF-net)的触发序列定义相似性和距离,作为统一的参考概念。但是,对于许多WF网络,完整触发序列的数量或单个触发序列的长度都是无限的。由于过渡邻接关系(TAR)可以看作是触发序列的基因,它描述了所有可能的触发序列中出现的过渡顺序,因此我们基于两个过程的TAR集提出了一种实用的相似性定义。正式表明,进程之间的相应距离度量是一个度量。还提出了一种使用模型归约技术进行度量有效计算的算法。实验结果涉及对人工过程的不同度量进行比较,并对真实生活过程进行聚类评估,从而验证了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2010.01.001]

[7] Action patterns in business process model repositories (2012)

(Smirnov, Sergey and Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Business process models are extensively used in companies to document and improve business operations. In essence, there are two major challenges. The increasing number of staff with little modeling expertise involved in model design requires new concepts for quality assurance. Moreover, the huge number of process models typically maintained in a model repository impedes extraction of general process knowledge, which can be used for assistance. This article investigates action patterns as a means to address these challenges. Action patterns capture chunks of actions often appearing together in business processes. We formalize the action pattern concept, including several types of behavioral connection, different abstraction levels, and varying action sensitivity to business objects. Our concepts are evaluated based on a prototypical implementation, which we use to extract various types of action patterns from two industrial process model collections. The results demonstrate that action patterns occurring in different application domains can be discovered. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 业务流程模型在公司中广泛用于记录和改进业务运营。从本质上讲,存在两个主要挑战。越来越多的人员参与模型设计时,几乎没有模型专业知识,因此需要新的概念来保​​证质量。此外,通常在模型库中维护的大量过程模型阻碍了对常规过程知识的提取,而这些知识可用于帮助。本文研究了行动模式,以应对这些挑战。动作模式捕获通常在业务流程中一起出现的动作块。我们对操作模式概念进行形式化,包括几种类型的行为连接,不同的抽象级别以及对业务对象的不同操作敏感性。我们的概念是根据原型实现进行评估的,该实现用于从两个工业过程模型集合中提取各种类型的操作模式。结果表明可以发现在不同应用程序域中发生的操作模式。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2011.11.001]

[8] Behavioral consistency for B2B process integration (2007)

(Decker, Gero and Weske, Mathias | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Interacting services are at the center of attention in business-to-business (B2B) process integration scenarios. Global interaction models specify the interaction behavior of each service and serve as contractual basis for the collaboration. Consequently, service implementations have to be consistent with the specifications. Consistency checking ensures that an implemented service is compatible with other services, i.e. that it can interact successfully with them. This is important in order to avoid deadlocks and guarantee proper termination of a collaboration. Different notions of compatibility between interacting services and consistency between specification and implementation are available but they are typically discussed independently from each other. This paper presents a unifying framework for compatibility and consistency and shows how these two notions relate to one another. Criteria for an optimal consistency relation with respect to a given compatibility relation are presented. Based on these criteria weak bi-simulation is evaluated. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.

摘要: 交互服务是企业对企业(B2B)流程集成方案中的关注焦点。全局交互模型指定每个服务的交互行为,并充当协作的合同基础。因此,服务实现必须与规范保持一致。一致性检查可确保已实现的服务与其他服务兼容,即可以与其他服务成功交互。这对于避免死锁并确保适当终止协作非常重要。可以使用交互服务之间的兼容性以及规范和实现之间的一致性的不同概念,但是通常会相互独立地进行讨论。本文为兼容性和一致性提供了一个统一的框架,并展示了这两个概念如何相互关联。给出了关于给定兼容性关系的最佳一致性关系的标准。基于这些标准,对弱双向仿真进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-72988-4_7]

[9] Behavioral similarity - A proper metric (2011)

(Kunze, Matthias and Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: With the increasing influence of Business Process Management, large process model repositories emerged in enterprises and public administrations. Their effective utilization requires meaningful and efficient capabilities to search for models that go beyond text based search or folder navigation, e.g., by similarity. Existing measures for process model similarity are often not applicable for efficient similarity search, as they lack metric features. In this paper, we introduce a proper metric to quantify process similarity based on behavioral profiles. It is grounded in the Jaccard coefficient and leverages behavioral relations between pairs of process model activities. The metric is successfully evaluated towards its approximation of human similarity assessment. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 随着业务流程管理的影响越来越大,大型流程模型存储库出现在企业和公共管理部门中。它们的有效利用要求有意义和有效的能力来搜索模型,该模型超越了基于文本的搜索或文件夹导航,例如通过相似性。现有的过程模型相似性度量通常不适用于有效的相似性搜索,因为它们缺乏度量标准特征。在本文中,我们介绍了一种适当的指标,用于基于行为概况来量化过程相似性。它基于Jaccard系数,并利用了成对的流程模型活动之间的行为关系。该指标已成功评估,接近了人类相似性评估。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-23059-2_15]

[10] Causal behavioural profiles - Efficient computation, applications, and evaluation (2011)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Polyvyanyy, Artem and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Fundamenta Informaticae)

Abstract: Analysis of behavioural consistency is an important aspect of software engineering. In process and service management, consistency verification of behavioural models has manifold applications. For instance, a business process model used as system specification and a corresponding workflow model used as implementation have to be consistent. Another example would be the analysis to what degree a process log of executed business operations is consistent with the corresponding normative process model. Typically, existing notions of behaviour equivalence, such as bisimulation and trace equivalence, are applied as consistency notions. Still, these notions are exponential in computation and yield a Boolean result. In many cases, however, a quantification of behavioural deviation is needed along with concepts to isolate the source of deviation. In this article, we propose causal behavioural profiles as the basis for a consistency notion. These profiles capture essential behavioural information, such as order, exclusiveness, and causality between pairs of activities of a process model. Consistency based on these profiles is weaker than trace equivalence, but can be computed efficiently for a broad class of models. In this article, we introduce techniques for the computation of causal behavioural profiles using structural decomposition techniques for sound free-choice workflow systems if unstructured net fragments are acyclic or can be traced back to S- or T-nets. We also elaborate on the findings of applying our technique to three industry model collections.

摘要: 行为一致性分析是软件工程的重要方面。在流程和服务管理中,行为模型的一致性验证具有多种应用。例如,用作系统规范的业务流程模型和用作实现的相应工作流模型必须保持一致。另一个例子是分析已执行的业务操作的过程日志在多大程度上与相应的规范过程模型相一致。通常,将行为等效性的现有概念(例如双仿真和跟踪等效性)用作一致性概念。但是,这些概念在计算中是指数级的,并产生布尔结果。但是,在许多情况下,需要对行为偏差进行量化,并提供一些概念来隔离偏差源。在本文中,我们提出因果行为特征作为一致性概念的基础。这些配置文件捕获基本的行为信息,例如流程模型的成对活动之间的顺序,排他性和因果关系。基于这些配置文件的一致性要弱于跟踪等效性,但是可以针对多种模型进行有效计算。在本文中,我们介绍了使用无声选择工作流系统的结构分解技术来计算因果行为分布的技术,前提是非结构化的网络片段是无环的,或者可以追溯到S网络或T网络。我们还详细介绍了将我们的技术应用于三个行业模型集合的发现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/FI-2011-614]

[11] Change Propagation and Conflict Resolution for the Co-Evolution of Business Processes (2015)

(Grossmann, Georg and Mafazi, Shamila and Mayer, Wolfgang and Schrefl, Michael and Stumptner, Markus | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: In large organizations, multiple stakeholders may modify the same business process. This paper addresses the problem when stakeholders perform changes on process views which become inconsistent with the business process and other views. Related work addressing this problem is based on execution trace analysis which is performed in a post-Analysis phase and can be complex when dealing with large business process models. In this paper, we propose a design-based approach that can efficiently check consistency criteria and propagate changes on-The-fly from a process view to its reference process and related process views. The technique is based on consistent specialization of business processes and supports the control flow aspect of processes. Consistency checks can be performed during the design time by checking simple rules which support an efficient change propagation between views and reference process.

摘要: 在大型组织中,多个利益相关者可能会修改同一业务流程。当涉众在流程视图上执行与业务流程和其他视图不一致的更改时,本文将解决该问题。解决此问题的相关工作基于执行跟踪分析,该分析在后期分析阶段执行,在处理大型业务流程模型时可能会很复杂。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于设计的方法,该方法可以有效地检查一致性标准并动态地将更改从过程视图传播到其参考过程和相关过程视图。该技术基于业务流程的持续专业化,并支持流程的控制流方面。可以在设计时通过检查支持在视图和参考过程之间进行有效更改传播的简单规则来执行一致性检查。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/s021884301540002x]

[12] Change patterns and change support features - Enhancing flexibility in process-aware information systems (2008)

(Weber, Barbara and Reichert, Manfred and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Companies increasingly adopt process-aware information systems (PAISs), which offer promising perspectives for more flexible enterprise computing. The emergence of different process support paradigms and the lack of methods for comparing existing approaches enabling PAIS changes have made the selection of adequate process management technology difficult. This paper suggests a set of 18 change patterns and seven change support features to foster the systematic comparison of existing process management technology in respect to process change support. While the proposed patterns are all based on empirical evidence from several large case studies, the suggested change support features constitute typical functionalities provided by flexible PAISs. Based on the proposed change patterns and features, we provide a detailed analysis and evaluation of selected approaches from both academia and industry. The presented work will not only facilitate the selection of technologies for realizing flexible PAISs, but can also be used as a reference for implementing flexible PAISs. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 公司越来越多地采用过程感知信息系统(PAIS),该系统为更灵活的企业计算提供了广阔的前景。出现了不同的过程支持范例,并且缺乏用于比较支持PAIS更改的现有方法的方法,这使得选择适当的过程管理技术变得困难。本文提出了一组18种变更模式和7种变更支持功能,以促进对现有过程管理技术进行过程变更支持的系统比较。尽管所提出的模式都是基于一些大型案例研究的经验证据,但所提出的变更支持功能却构成了灵活的PAIS提供的典型功能。基于提出的变更模式和功能,我们对学术界和行业中选定的方法进行了详细的分析和评估。提出的工作不仅将有助于选择用于实现灵活PAIS的技术,而且还可以用作实现灵活PAIS的参考。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2008.05.001]

[13] Change propagation due to uncertainty change (2013)

(Salay, Rick and Gorzny, Jan and Chechik, Marsha | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Uncertainty is ubiquitous in software engineering; however, it has been typically handled in adhoc and informal ways within software models. Automated change propagation is recognized as a key tool for managing the accidental complexity that comes with multiple interrelated models. In this paper, we address change propagation in the context of model uncertainty and consider the case where changes in the level of uncertainty in a model can be propagated to related models. We define such uncertainty change propagation using our earlier formalization and develop automated propagation algorithms using an SMT solver. A preliminary evaluation shows that the approach is feasible. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 不确定性在软件工程中无处不在;但是,它通常在软件模型中以即席和非正式的方式进行处理。自动化的变更传播被认为是管理多个相关模型所带来的意外复杂性的关键工具。在本文中,我们在模型不确定性的背景下解决了变化的传播问题,并考虑了模型中不确定性水平的变化可以传播到相关模型的情况。我们使用较早的形式化定义此类不确定性变化传播,并使用SMT求解器开发自动传播算法。初步评估表明该方法是可行的。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-37057-1_3]

[14] Change propagation in process models using behavioural profiles (2009)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias and Mendling, Jan | SCC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)

Abstract: Business process change is at the very core of business process management, which aims at enabling flexible adaptation to changing business needs. However, the wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from business evolution to process enactment, results in multiple models that overlap in content due to serving different purposes. That, in turn, imposes serious challenges for the propagation of changes between these process models. Given a change in one model, this paper introduces an approach to determine a change region in another model by exploiting the behavioural profile of corresponding activities. It, therefore, supports the process of change propagation and eases the synchronisation of process models significantly. As a major contribution, our approach can handle changes in pairs of models, even if they are not defined in terms of a hierarchical refinement. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.

摘要: 业务流程更改是业务流程管理的核心,其目的是使灵活性能够适应不断变化的业务需求。但是,从业务发展到流程制定的各种业务流程建模计划动因会导致多个模型由于服务目的不同而在内容上重叠。反过来,这给这些过程模型之间的更改传播带来了严峻的挑战。给定一个模型的变化,本文介绍了一种通过利用相应活动的行为特征来确定另一个模型的变化区域的方法。因此,它支持变更传播的过程,并显着简化了过程模型的同步。作为一项重大贡献,即使未按层次结构改进定义,我们的方法也可以处理成对的模型更改。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2009.58]

[15] Configuration vs. adaptation for business process variant maintenance: An empirical study (2014)

(Dohring, Markus and Reijers, Hajo A. and Smirnov, Sergey | Information Systems)

Abstract: Many approaches for process variant management employ a reference model for deriving a target variant either using configuration or adaptation mechanisms. What is missing at this stage is empirical insight into their relative strengths and weaknesses. Our paper addresses this gap. We selected C-YAWL and vBPMN for a comparative, empirical user study. Both approaches center on a reference process, but provide different types of configuration and adaptation mechanisms as well as modularization support. Along with this aspect, we investigate the effect of model complexity and professional level on human process variant modeling performance. Given unlimited processing time, we could not show that complexity or the participants professional level significantly impacts the task success rate or user contentment. Yet, an effect of model complexity can be noted on the execution speed for typical variant maintenance tasks like the insertion and deletion of process steps. For each of the performance measures of success rate, user contentment and execution speed, vBPMN performs significantly better than C-YAWL. We argue that this is due to vBPMNs advanced modularization support in terms of pattern-based process adaptations to construct process variants. These insights are valuable for advancing existing modeling approaches and selecting between them. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

摘要: 许多流程变体管理方法都使用参考模型来使用配置或适应机制来推导目标变体。在此阶段缺少的是对它们的相对优势和劣势的经验性洞察。我们的论文解决了这一差距。我们选择了C- YAWL和vBPMN进行了比较性的,经验性的用户研究,这两种方法都以参考过程为中心,但是提供了不同类型的配置和自适应机制以及模块化支持,因此我们研究了模型复杂性和专业水平对人工流程变量建模性能。在无限制的处理时间的情况下,我们无法证明复杂性或参与者的专业水平会显着影响任务成功率或用户满意度,但是可以注意到模型复杂性对典型变量维护的执行速度的影响诸如插入和删除流程步骤之类的任务。在衡量成功率,用户满意度和执行速度方面,vBPMN的性能明显优于C-YAWL。我们认为,这是由于vBPMN在基于模式的流程适应以构建流程变体方面提供了高级模块化支持。这些见解对于推进现有的建模方法并在它们之间进行选择非常有价值。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.06.002]

[16] Consistent Abstraction of Business Processes Based on Constraints (2015)

(Mafazi, Shamila and Grossmann, Georg and Mayer, Wolfgang and Schrefl, Michael and Stumptner, Markus | Journal on Data Semantics)

Abstract: Exploring and understanding large business process models are important tasks in the context of business process management. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed for the abstraction of business processes. Automated abstraction techniques have been devised for verifying correctness and consistency of process models and for providing customised process views for business process analysts. Yet a goal-focused and semantic-based approach to generate purposeful abstraction of business processes is an open issue. We propose an approach for configuration of process abstractions with respect to a specific abstraction goal expressed as constraints on the correspondence relation between concrete and abstract process and process transformation operators. Our framework goes beyond simple structural aggregation and leverages domain-specific properties, taxonomies, meronymy, and flow criteria to generate a hierarchy of abstract process models. We outline the constraint-based framework, describe how rewriting-based abstraction mechanisms are embedded with consistency criteria guiding the search for abstractions, and show how notions of behaviour consistency can be utilised to obtain abstractions that conform to behavioural process inheritance criteria.

摘要: 探索和理解大型业务流程模型是业务流程管理中的重要任务。近年来,已经提出了几种抽象业务流程的技术。已经设计了自动化抽象技术,以验证流程模型的正确性和一致性,并为业务流程分析师提供自定义的流程视图。然而,以目标为中心且基于语义的方法来生成业务流程的有目的抽象是一个未解决的问题。我们提出了一种针对特定抽象目标配置流程抽象的方法,该抽象目标表示为对具体流程和抽象流程以及流程转换运算符之间的对应关系的约束。我们的框架超越了简单的结构聚合,并利用了特定于域的属性,分类法,代名词和流准则来生成抽象过程模型的层次结构。我们概述了基于约束的框架,描述了如何将基于重写的抽象机制与指导搜索抽象的一致性标准嵌入在一起,并展示了如何使用行为一致性的概念来获取符合行为过程继承标准的抽象。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13740-014-0039-3]

[17] Data-driven process discovery - Revealing conditional infrequent behavior from event logs (2017)

(Mannhardt, Felix and De Leoni | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: textcopyright Springer International Publishing AG 2017. Process discovery methods automatically infer process models from event logs. Often, event logs contain so-called noise, e.g., infrequent outliers or recording errors, which obscure the main behavior of the process. Existing methods filter this noise based on the frequency of event labels: infrequent paths and activities are excluded. However, infrequent behavior may reveal important insights into the process. Thus, not all infrequent behavior should be considered as noise. This paper proposes the Data-aware Heuristic Miner (DHM), a process discovery method that uses the data attributes to distinguish infrequent paths from random noise by using classification techniques. Data- and control-flow of the process are discovered together. We show that the DHM is, to some degree, robust against random noise and reveals data-driven decisions, which are filtered by other discovery methods. The DHM has been successfully tested on several real-life event logs, two of which we present in this paper.

摘要: t​​extcopyright Springer International Publishing AG2017。流程发现方法自动从事件日志中推断流程模型。事件日志通常包含所谓的噪声,例如不常见的异常值或记录错误,这些噪声会掩盖过程的主要行为。现有方法会根据事件标签的频率来过滤这种噪音:不经常使用的路径和活动被排除在外。但是,不频繁的行为可能会揭示对该过程的重要见解。因此,并非所有不常见的行为都应视为噪音。本文提出了一种数据感知启发式矿工(DHM),这是一种过程发现方法,该方法使用数据属性通过分类技术将随机噪声与罕见路径区分开。流程的数据流和控制流一起被发现。我们显示DHM在某种程度上对随机噪声具有鲁棒性,并揭示了数据驱动的决策,该决策已被其他发现方法过滤。 DHM已在多个真实事件日志中成功测试,我们在本文中介绍了其中的两个。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-59536-8_34]

[18] Designing business capability-aware configurable process models (2017)

(Derguech, Wassim and Bhiri, Sami and Curry, Edward | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process Aware Information Systems manage processes within organisations on the basis of business process models. These models can be created either from scratch or by reusing exiting reference process models. Particular types of reference models are configurable process models that are created by merging multiple models into a single one that can be customized to the needs of the business experts. Using those models presents two main challenges: their creation and their configuration. In this paper, we focus on the first challenge and propose a novel algorithm for merging process models into a configurable process model. The difference in our work is the pre-annotated process models with their business capabilities that report on what actions each process element achieves. Our algorithm generates configurable models that are also annotated with their capabilities that can be used to face the second challenge of these models: the configuration phase. We tested our algorithm using real-world process models to evaluate the required creation time and resulting compression rate after merging the input models. The results show that the models can be created in few milliseconds and achieving a compression rate of 50%. We further carried out interviews with domain experts to assess the usefulness and the level of maturity of this work. The results show the importance of the automation of process merging using a tool support that we proposed. However, further adaptation efforts are required to integrate this work in the working environments of the interviewed experts.

摘要: 流程感知信息系统基于业务流程模型来管理组织内的流程。这些模型可以从头开始创建,也可以通过重用现有的参考流程模型来创建。参考模型的特定类型是可配置的过程模型,该过程模型是通过将多个模型合并为一个模型而创建的,可以根据业务专家的需求进行定制。使用这些模型面临两个主要挑战:它们的创建和配置。在本文中,我们将重点放在第一个挑战上,并提出一种用于将过程模型合并到可配置过程模型中的新颖算法。我们工作的不同之处在于预先注释的流程模型及其业务功能,这些功能报告每个流程元素所实现的操作。我们的算法会生成可配置的模型,并为其功能添加注释,这些功能可用于面对这些模型的第二个挑战:配置阶段。我们使用现实世界的过程模型测试了我们的算法,以评估合并输入模型后所需的创建时间和所产生的压缩率。结果表明,可以在几毫秒内创建模型,并实现50 %的压缩率。我们还与领域专家进行了访谈,以评估这项工作的有用性和成熟度。结果表明,使用我们建议的工具支持自动化流程合并的重要性。但是,需要进一步的适应工作才能将这项工作整合到受访专家的工作环境中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.10.001]

[19] Digital health: Bridging the gap between promise and reality (2015)

(Trommer, Gunnar | Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology)

Abstract: According to RockHealth, venture finding in digital health was more than $4 billion in 2014, more than doubling the amount in 2013. The big promise that digital health holds is to provide the right information to the right individual in the right place, at the right time – to then enable appropriate communication or action. In essence, digital health is about acquiring and aggregating data, then analyzing the data and ultimately acting upon it. To allow digital health to help improve outcomes and lower healthcare cost on a national and global level, the solutions need broad adoption and sustained use. So far, people have very limited adoption (probably still mainly in the 2%-3% innovator range) and pretty much no sustained use to speak of. Putting all of these factors together, healthcare providers need to find approximately 25% efficiencies in their operating budgets. Digital health may well play a key role in an insurers successful transition into the new era.

摘要: 根据RockHealth的调查,2014年,数字健康领域的风险发现超过了40亿美元,比2013年翻了一番。数字健康的最大前景是向正确的个人提供正确的信息。在正确的时间,正确的地方-然后进行适当的沟通或采取行动。本质上,数字健康是指获取和汇总数据,然后分析数据并最终对其进行操作。为了使数字医疗在国家和全球范围内有助于改善结果并降低医疗成本,这些解决方案需要广泛采用和持续使用。到目前为止,人们的采用率非常有限(可能仍主要在2 %-3 %创新者范围内),而且几乎没有持续使用可言。综合所有这些因素,医疗保健提供者需要在其运营预算中找到大约25 %的效率。数字健康很可能在保险公司成功过渡到新时代中发挥关键作用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.2345/0899-8205-49.3.182]

[20] Discovering more precise process models from event logs by filtering out chaotic activities (2019)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Process Discovery is concerned with the automatic generation of a process model that describes a business process from execution data of that business process. Real life event logs can contain chaotic activities. These activities are independent of the state of the process and can, therefore, happen at rather arbitrary points in time. We show that the presence of such chaotic activities in an event log heavily impacts the quality of the process models that can be discovered with process discovery techniques. The current modus operandi for filtering activities from event logs is to simply filter out infrequent activities. We show that frequency-based filtering of activities does not solve the problems that are caused by chaotic activities. Moreover, we propose a novel technique to filter out chaotic activities from event logs. We evaluate this technique on a collection of seventeen real-life event logs that originate from both the business process management domain and the smart home environment domain. As demonstrated, the developed activity filtering methods enable the discovery of process models that are more behaviorally specific compared to process models that are discovered using standard frequency-based filtering.

摘要: 流程发现与流程模型的自动生成有关,该流程模型根据该业务流程的执行数据来描述该业务流程。现实生活中的事件日志可能包含混乱的活动。这些活动与流程的状态无关,因此可以在任意时间点进行。我们表明,事件日志中此类混乱活动的存在严重影响可以使用过程发现技术发现的过程模型的质量。当前从事件日志中过滤活动的方式是简单地过滤掉不频繁的活动。我们表明,基于频率的活动过滤不能解决由混乱活动引起的问题。此外,我们提出了一种从事件日志中过滤掉混乱活动的新技术。我们在来自业务流程管理域和智能家居环境域的17个现实事件日志的集合上评估了该技术。如图所示,与使用标准基于频率的过滤发现的过程模型相比,开发的活动过滤方法能够发现行为更特定的过程模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-018-0507-6]

[21] Discovering process models from unlabelled event logs (2009)

(Ferreira, Diogo R. and Gillblad, Daniel | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Existing process mining techniques are able to discover process models from event logs where each event is known to have been produced by a given process instance. In this paper we remove this restriction and address the problem of discovering the process model when the event log is provided as an unlabelled stream of events. Using a probabilistic approach, it is possible to estimate the model by means of an iterative Expectaction-Maximization procedure. The same procedure can be used to find the case id. in unlabelled event logs. A series of experiments show how the proposed technique performs under varying conditions and in the presence of certain workflow patterns. Results are presented for a running example based on a technical support process.

摘要: 现有的流程挖掘技术能够从事件日志中发现流程模型,其中已知每个事件都是由给定的流程实例产生的。在本文中,我们消除了此限制,并解决了将事件日志作为未标记事件流提供时发现过程模型的问题。使用概率方法,可以通过迭代的Expectation-Maximization程序来估计模型。可以使用相同的过程查找案例ID。在未标记的事件日志中。一系列实验显示了所提出的技术在变化的条件下以及某些工作流程模式下的性能。给出了基于技术支持过程的运行示例的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03848-8_11]

[22] Discovering reference models by mining process variants using a heuristic approach (2009)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Recently, a new generation of adaptive Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) has emerged, which allows for dynamic process and service changes (e.g., to insert, delete, and move activities and service executions in a running process). This, in turn, has led to a large number of process variants derived from the same model, but differing in structure due to the applied changes. Generally, such process variants are expensive to configure and difficult to maintain. This paper provides a sophisticated approach which fosters learning from past process changes and allows for mining process variants. As a result we obtain a generic process model for which the average distance between this model and the respective process variants becomes minimal. By adopting this generic model in the PAIS, need for future process configuration and adaptation decreases. We have validated the proposed mining method and implemented it in a powerful proof-of-concept prototype.

摘要: 最近,已经出现了新一代的自适应过程感知信息系统(PAIS),它允许动态改变过程和服务(例如,在运行的过程中插入,删除和移动活动和服务执行)。反过来,这导致从相同模型派生出大量过程变量,但是由于应用的更改而导致结构不同。通常,这样的过程变体配置昂贵并且难以维护。本文提供了一种先进的方法,可促进从过去的过程更改中学习,并允许挖掘过程变体。结果,我们获得了通用过程模型,该模型与相应过程变量之间的平均距离变得最小。通过在PAIS中采用这种通用模型,减少了对未来过程配置和适应性的需求。我们已经验证了所提出的挖掘方法,并在功能强大的概念验证原型中实现了该模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-03848-8_23]

[23] Discovery of cancellation regions within process mining techniques (2013)

(B, Kalenkova A.A.a and B, Lomazova I.A.a | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining is a relatively new field of computer science which deals with process discovery and analysis based on event logs. In this work we consider the problem of discovering workflow nets with cancellation regions from event logs. Cancellations occur in the majority of real-life event logs. In spite of huge amount of process mining techniques little has been done on cancellation regions discovery. We show that the state-based region algorithm gives labeled Petri nets with overcomplicated control flow structure for logs with cancellations. We propose a novel method to discover cancellation regions from the transition systems built on event logs and show the way to construct equivalent workflow net with reset arcs to simplify the control flow structure.

摘要: 过程挖掘是计算机科学中一个相对较新的领域,它基于事件日志处理过程发现和分析。在这项工作中,我们考虑了从事件日志中发现具有取消区域的工作流网的问题。取消发生在大多数真实事件日志中。尽管有大量的过程挖掘技术,但在取消区域发现方面却做得很少。我们证明了基于状态的区域算法为带取消的日志提供了带有过于复杂的控制流结构的带标签Petri网。我们提出了一种新颖的方法来从基于事件日志的过渡系统中发现取消区域,并展示了使用复位弧构建等效工作流网以简化控制流结构的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3233/FI-2014-1071]

[24] Discovery of functional architectures from event logs (2015)

(Van Der Werf | CEUR Workshop Proceedings)

Abstract: The functional architecture focuses on decomposing functionality into modules that offer certain features. These features require interactions in order to complete their functionality. However, functional architectures typically only focus on the static aspects of the system design. Additional modeling techniques, such as message sequence charts are often used in the early phases of software design to indicate how the software should behave. In this paper we investigate the use of process discovery techniques to discover from these scenarios the internal behavior of individual components. Based on event logs, this paper presents an approach (1) to derive the information flows between features, (2) identify the internal behavior of features, and (3) to discover the order between features within a module. The approach results in a sound workflow model for each module. We illustrate the approach using a running example of a payment system.

摘要: 功能架构着重于将功能分解为提供某些功能的模块。这些功能需要交互才能完成其功能。但是,功能体系结构通常仅关注系统设计的静态方面。在软件设计的早期阶段,经常使用其他建模技术(例如消息序列图)来指示软件应如何运行。在本文中,我们研究了使用过程发现技术从这些场景中发现单个组件的内部行为。基于事件日志,本文提出了一种方法(1)以导出特征之间的信息流,(2)识别特征的内部行为,以及(3)发现模块内特征之间的顺序。该方法为每个模块生成了完善的工作流程模型。我们使用一个正在运行的支付系统示例来说明这种方法。

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[25] Divide and Conquer: A Tool Framework for Supporting Decomposed Discovery in Process Mining (2017)

(Verbeek, H M W and van der Aalst, W M P and Munoz-Gama, J | The Computer Journal)

Abstract: Purpose: To compare the efficacy of ibuprofen (IBU) and etodolac (ETO) for controlling pain, edema, and trismus after extraction of lower third molars.Materials and Methods: Twenty adolescents and adults with 2 impacted mandibular-third molars (in similar positions) were selected for the study. Patients were randomly assigned either to the IBU group (600xa0mg of IBU 3 times a day for 3xa0days) or to the ETO group (300xa0mg of ETO 3 times a day for 3xa0days). Drugs were administered immediately after dental extraction.Results: During the first 2xa0days after extraction, swelling was more pronounced in the IBU group than in the ETO group (Pxa0= .033). Seven days after surgery, there was no difference in the degree of edema between the groups. At the 2- and 7-day evaluation points, mouth opening was significantly more reduced in the IBU group than in the ETO group (P textless .05). After the first 6xa0hours, the ETO group had more effective pain relief (P textless .05), but after this time point, both groups reported similar degrees of relief. Compared with the IBU group, the ETO group had a lower need for administration of additional rescue analgesics.Conclusions: After extraction of impacted lower third molars, we found that swelling, trismus, and pain were more effectively controlled with ETO than with IBU.

摘要: 目的:比较布洛芬(IBU)和依托度酸(ETO)在拔除下颌第三磨牙后控制疼痛,水肿和三头肌的功效。材料和方法:20名青少年和成人,下颌第三磨牙受2个影响(在选择相似的职位进行研究。患者被随机分配到IBU组(每天3次,每天3次,每天600次xbu0mg IBU)或ETO组(每天3次,每天3次,每天300次xto0mg ETO)。结果:拔牙后的前2天/ xa0天,与ETO组相比,IBU组的肿胀更为明显(P xa0 = .033)。手术后7天,两组之间的水肿程度没有差异。在第2天和第7天的评估点,与ETO组相比,IBU组的张口明显减少了(P t​​extless .05)。在开始的6小时后,ETO组的疼痛缓解效果更佳(P t​​extless .05),但在此时间点之后,两组的缓解程度相似。与IBU组相比,ETO组对额外的急救镇痛药的管理需求较低。结论:拔除受影响的下颌第三磨牙后,我们发现ETO较IBU更有效地控制了肿胀,三头肌和疼痛。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/comjnl/bxx040]

[26] Dynamic Slicing Techniques for Petri Nets (2008)

(Llorens, M. and Oliver, J. and Silva, J. and Tamarit, S. and Vidal, G. | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science)

Abstract: Petri nets provide a means for modelling and verifying the behavior of concurrent systems. Program slicing is a well-known technique in imperative programming for extracting those statements of a program that may affect a given program point. In the context of Petri nets, computing a net slice can be seen as a graph reachability problem. In this paper, we propose two slicing techniques for Petri nets that can be useful to reduce the size of the considered net, thereby simplifying subsequent analysis and debugging tasks by standard Petri net techniques. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: Petri网提供了一种建模和验证并发系统行为的方法。程序切片是命令式编程中的一种众所周知的技术,用于提取可能影响给定程序点的程序语句。在Petri网络的背景下,计算网络切片可以看作是图可达性问题。在本文中,我们为Petri网提出了两种切片技术,这些技术可用于减小所考虑的网的大小,从而通过标准Petri网技术简化后续的分析和调试任务。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.entcs.2008.12.037]

[27] Efficient consistency measurement based on behavioral profiles of process models (2011)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering)

Abstract: Engineering of process-driven business applications can be supported by process modeling efforts in order to bridge the gap between business requirements and system specifications. However, diverging purposes of business process modeling initiatives have led to significant problems in aligning related models at different abstract levels and different perspectives. Checking the consistency of such corresponding models is a major challenge for process modeling theory and practice. In this paper, we take the inappropriateness of existing strict notions of behavioral equivalence as a starting point. Our contribution is a concept called behavioral profile that captures the essential behavioral constraints of a process model. We show that these profiles can be computed efficiently, i.e., in cubic time for sound free-choice Petri nets w.r.t. their number of places and transitions. We use behavioral profiles for the definition of a formal notion of consistency which is less sensitive to model projections than common criteria of behavioral equivalence and allows for quantifying deviation in a metric way. The derivation of behavioral profiles and the calculation of a degree of consistency have been implemented to demonstrate the applicability of our approach. We also report the findings from checking consistency between partially overlapping models of the SAP reference model.

摘要: 可以通过流程建模来支持流程驱动的业务应用程序的工程设计,以弥合业务需求与系统规范之间的差距。但是,业务流程建模计划的目的各不相同,导致在不同抽象级别和不同角度调整相关模型时出现了重大问题。检查此类相应模型的一致性是过程建模理论和实践的主要挑战。在本文中,我们以现有的行为对等严格概念的不当性为起点。我们的贡献是一个称为行为概况的概念,它捕获了流程模型的基本行为约束。我们表明可以有效地计算这些配置文件,即对于无声选择Petri网w.r.t.他们的位置和过渡数量。我们使用行为概况来定义形式一致性的正式概念,该一致性概念对模型预测的敏感性不如行为等效的通用标准,并且允许以度量方式量化偏差。行为概况的推导和一致性程度的计算已得到实施,以证明我们方法的适用性。我们还将报告通过检查SAP参考模型的部分重叠模型之间的一致性而得出的发现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSE.2010.96]

[28] Extracting useful knowledge from event logs: A frequent itemset mining approach (2018)

(Djenouri, Youcef and Belhadi, Asma and Fournier-Viger, Philippe | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: Business process analysis is a key activity that aims at increasing the efficiency of business operations. In recent years, several data mining based methods have been designed for discovering interesting patterns in event logs. A popular type of methods consists of applying frequent itemset mining to extract patterns indicating how resources and activities are frequently used. Although these methods are useful, they have two important limitations. First, these methods are designed to be applied to original event logs. Because these methods do not consider other perspectives on the data that could be obtained by applying data transformations, many patterns are missed that may represent important information for businesses. Second, these methods can generate a large number of patterns since they only consider the minimum support as constraint to select patterns. But analyzing a large number of patterns is time-consuming for users, and many irrelevant patterns may be found. To address these issues, this paper presents an improved event log analysis approach named AllMining. It includes a novel pre-processing method to construct multiple types of transaction databases from a same original event log using transformations. This allows to extract many new useful types of patterns from event logs with frequent itemset mining techniques. To address the second issue, a pruning strategy is further developed based on a novel concept of pattern coverage, to present a small set of patterns that covers many events to decision makers. Results of experiments on real-life event logs show that the proposed approach is promising compared to existing frequent itemset mining approaches and state-of-the-art process model algorithms.

摘要: 业务流程分析是旨在提高业务运营效率的关键活动。近年来,已经设计了几种基于数据挖掘的方法来发现事件日志中的有趣模式。一种流行的方法包括应用频繁项集挖掘来提取指示资源和活动如何被频繁使用的模式。尽管这些方法很有用,但它们有两个重要的局限性。首先,将这些方法设计为应用于原始事件日志。由于这些方法没有考虑可以通过应用数据转换获得的数据的其他观点,因此错过了许多模式,这些模式可能代表了企业的重要信息。其次,这些方法可以生成大量模式,因为它们仅将最小支持视为选择模式的约束。但是,分析大量模式对于用户来说很耗时,并且可能会发现许多不相关的模式。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种改进的事件日志分析方法,名为AllMining。它包括一种新颖的预处理方法,可以使用转换从同一原始事件日志构造多种类型的事务数据库。这允许使用频繁的项目集挖掘技术从事件日志中提取许多新的有用类型的模式。为了解决第二个问题,在一种新颖的模式覆盖概念的基础上,进一步开发了一种修剪策略,以向决策者展示一小套覆盖许多事件的模式。真实事件日志的实验结果表明,与现有的频繁项集挖掘方法和最新的过程模型算法相比,该方法很有希望。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2017.10.016]

[29] Filter Techniques for Region-Based Process Discovery (2015)

(Zelst, S J Van and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: The goal of process discovery is to learn a process model based on example behavior recorded in an event log. Region-based process discovery tech- niques are able to uncover complex process structures (e.g., milestones) and, at the same time, provide formal guarantees w.r.t. the model discovered. For exam- ple, it is possible to ensure that the discovered model is able to replay the event log and that there are bounds on the amount of additional behavior allowed by the model that is not present in the event log. Unfortunately, region-based discovery techniques cannot handle exceptional behavior. The presence of a fewexceptional traces may result in an incomprehensible model concealing the dominant behav- ior observed. Hence, despite their promise, region-based approaches cannot be applied in everyday process mining practice. This paper addresses the problem by proposing two filtering techniques tailored towards ILP-based process dis- covery (an approach based on integer linear programming and language-based region theory). Both techniques help to produce models that are less over-fitting w.r.t. the event log and have been implemented in ProM. One of the techniques is also feasible in real-life settings as it, in most cases, reduces computation time compared to conventional region-based techniques. Additionally the technique is able to produce understandable process models that better capture the dominant behavior present in the event log.

摘要: 发现过程的目标是基于事件日志中记录的示例行为来学习过程模型。基于区域的过程发现技术能够发现复杂的过程结构(例如里程碑),同时可以为产品提供正式的保证。发现的模型。例如,可以确保发现的模型能够重播事件日志,并且可以确保事件日志中不存在的模型所允许的其他行为的数量是有限的。不幸的是,基于区域的发现技术无法处理异常行为。少数异常痕迹的存在可能导致难以理解的模型掩盖了观察到的主要行为。因此,尽管有希望,但是基于区域的方法不能应用于日常过程挖掘实践中。本文通过提出两种针对基于ILP的过程显示量身定制的过滤技术(一种基于整数线性规划和基于语言的区域理论的方法)来解决该问题。两种技术都有助于产生模型,这些模型的w.r.t.事件日志,并已在ProM中实现。其中一种技术在现实环境中也是可行的,因为与传统的基于区域的技术相比,在大多数情况下,它减少了计算时间。另外,该技术能够生成可理解的过程模型,从而更好地捕获事件日志中存在的主要行为。

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[30] Filtering Out Infrequent Behavior from Business Process Event Logs (2017)

(Conforti, Raffaele and La Rosa | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: textcopyright 2016 IEEE. In the era of big data, one of the key challenges is to analyze large amounts of data collected in meaningful and scalable ways. The field of process mining is concerned with the analysis of data that is of a particular nature, namely data that results from the execution of business processes. The analysis of such data can be negatively influenced by the presence of outliers, which reflect infrequent behavior or noise. In process discovery, where the objective is to automatically extract a process model from the data, this may result in rarely travelled pathways that clutter the process model. This paper presents an automated technique to the removal of infrequent behavior from event logs. The proposed technique is evaluated in detail and it is shown that its application in conjunction with certain existing process discovery algorithms significantly improves the quality of the discovered process models and that it scales well to large datasets.

摘要: t​​extcopyright 2016 IEEE。在大数据时代,关键挑战之一是分析以有意义和可扩展的方式收集的大量数据。流程挖掘领域涉及对具有特殊性质的数据(即,由业务流程的执行产生的数据)的分析。这些数据的分析可能会受到异常值的负面影响,这些异常值反映了不常发生的行为或噪音。在过程发现中,目标是从数据中自动提取过程模型,这可能会导致很少经过的路径使过程模型变得混乱。本文提出了一种自动技术,用于从事件日志中删除不常见的行为。对提出的技术进行了详细的评估,结果表明,该技术与某些现有过程发现算法结合使用可显着提高发现的过程模型的质量,并且可以很好地扩展到大型数据集。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2016.2614680]

[31] Generating optimized configurable business process models in scenarios subject to uncertainty (2015)

(Jimenez-Ramirez, Andres and Weber, Barbara and Barba, Irene and Del Valle | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context: The quality of business process models (i.e., software artifacts that capture the relations between the organizational units of a business) is essential for enhancing the management of business processes. However, such modeling is typically carried out manually. This is already challenging and time consuming when (1) input uncertainty exists, (2) activities are related, and (3) resource allocation has to be considered. When including optimization requirements regarding flexibility and robustness it becomes even more complicated potentially resulting into non-optimized models, errors, and lack of flexibility. Objective: To facilitate the human work and to improve the resulting models in scenarios subject to uncertainty, we propose a software-supported approach for automatically creating configurable business process models from declarative specifications considering all the aforementioned requirements. Method: First, the scenario is modeled through a declarative language which allows the analysts to specify its variability and uncertainty. Thereafter, a set of optimized enactment plans (each one representing a potential execution alternative) are generated from such a model considering the input uncertainty. Finally, to deal with this uncertainty during run-time, a flexible configurable business process model is created from these plans. Results: To validate the proposed approach, we conduct a case study based on a real business which is subject to uncertainty. Results indicate that our approach improves the actual performance of the business and that the generated models support most of the uncertainty inherent to the business. Conclusions: The proposed approach automatically selects the best part of the variability of a declarative specification. Unlike existing approaches, our approach considers input uncertainty, the optimization of multiple objective functions, as well as the resource and the control-flow perspectives. However, our approach also presents a few limitations: (1) it is focused on the control-flow and the data perspective is only partially addressed and (2) model attributes need to be estimated.

摘要: 上下文:业务流程模型的质量(即捕获业务组织单位之间关系的软件工件)的质量对于增强业务流程的管理至关重要。但是,这种建模通常是手动进行的。当(1)输入不确定性存在,(2)活动相关并且(3)必须考虑资源分配时,这已经具有挑战性和耗时。当包括关于灵活性和健壮性的优化要求时,它甚至变得更加复杂,并可能导致未优化的模型,错误和缺乏灵活性。目的:为了在不确定的情况下促进人工工作并改进所得模型,我们提出了一种软件支持的方法,该方法可以根据声明的规范自动创建可配置的业务流程模型,同时考虑所有上述要求。方法:首先,该场景通过一种声明性语言建模,该语言允许分析人员指定其可变性和不确定性。此后,考虑到输入不确定性,从这样的模型中生成了一组优化的制定计划(每个代表一个潜在的执行选择)。最后,为了在运行时解决这种不确定性,将根据这些计划创建一个灵活的可配置业务流程模型。结果:为了验证所提出的方法,我们基于存在不确定性的真实业务进行了案例研究。结果表明,我们的方法提高了业务的实际绩效,并且生成的模型支持了业务固有的大多数不确定性。结论:所提出的方法自动选择了说明性规范可变性的最佳部分。与现有方法不同,我们的方法考虑输入不确定性,多个目标函数的优化以及资源和控制流的观点。但是,我们的方法也存在一些局限性:(1)它专注于控制流,并且仅部分解决了数据透视图;(2)需要估计模型属性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2014.06.006]

[32] Mining frequent patterns in process models (2019)

(Chapela-Campa, David and Mucientes, Manuel and Lama, Manuel | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Process mining has emerged as a way to analyze the behavior of an organization by extracting knowledge from event logs and by offering techniques to discover, monitor and enhance real processes. In the discovery of process models, retrieving a complex one, i.e., a hardly readable process model, can hinder the extraction of information. Even in well-structured process models, there is information that cannot be obtained with the current techniques. In this paper, we present WoMine, an algorithm to retrieve frequent behavioural patterns from the model. Our approach searches in process models extracting structures with sequences, selections, parallels and loops, which are frequently executed in the logs. This proposal has been validated with a set of process models, including some from BPI Challenges, and compared with the state of the art techniques. Experiments have validated that WoMine can find all types of patterns, extracting information that cannot be mined with the state of the art techniques.

摘要: 过程挖掘已成为一种通过从事件日志中提取知识并提供发现,监视和增强实际过程的技术来分析组织行为的方法。在发现过程模型时,检索复杂的模型,即难以读取的过程模型,可能会阻碍信息的提取。即使在结构合理的过程模型中,也存在无法通过当前技术获得的信息。在本文中,我们提出了WoMine,这是一种从模型中检索频繁行为模式的算法。我们的方法在过程模型中进行搜索,以提取具有序列,选择,并行和循环的结构,这些结构经常在日志中执行。该建议书已通过一系列流程模型(包括来自BPI Challenges的一些流程模型)进行了验证,并与最新技术进行了比较。实验证明,WoMine可以找到所有类型的模式,并提取使用最新技术无法挖掘的信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2018.09.011]

[33] Mining local process models (2016)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems)

Abstract: In this paper we describe a method to discover frequent behavioral patterns in event logs. We express these patterns as backslashbackslashemphlocal process models. Local process model mining can be positioned in-between process discovery and episode / sequential pattern mining. The technique presented in this paper is able to learn behavioral patterns involving sequential composition, concurrency, choice and loop, like in process mining. However, we do not look at start-to-end models, which distinguishes our approach from process discovery and creates a link to episode / sequential pattern mining. We propose an incremental procedure for building local process models capturing frequent patterns based on so-called process trees. We propose five quality dimensions and corresponding metrics for local process models, given an event log. We show monotonicity properties for some quality dimensions, enabling a speedup of local process model discovery through pruning. We demonstrate through a real life case study that mining local patterns allows us to get insights in processes where regular start-to-end process discovery techniques are only able to learn unstructured, flower-like, models.

摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一种在事件日志中发现频繁行为模式的方法。我们将这些模式表示为$ 反斜杠$ emph 本地流程模型。本地过程模型挖掘可以位于过程发现和情节/顺序模式挖掘之间。本文介绍的技术能够学习涉及顺序组成,并发,选择和循环的行为模式,例如在过程挖掘中。但是,我们不关注始端模型,后者将我们的方法与过程发现区分开来,并创建了指向情节/顺序模式挖掘的链接。我们提出了一种增量过程,用于基于所谓的过程树来构建捕获频繁模式的本地过程模型。给定事件日志,我们为本地流程模型提出了五个质量维度和相应的指标。我们显示了某些质量维度的单调性,从而可以通过修剪加快本地过程模型的发现。我们通过现实生活中的案例研究证明,挖掘局部模式可以使我们深入了解常规的从始至终的流程发现技术只能学习非结构化,类似花朵的模型的流程。

[下载地址](http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.06066 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jides.2016.11.001 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/11494744_5 http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84944916586&partnerID=40&md5=be23d25182d9cff3bb2885a599febe4d http://journals.sa) | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jides.2016.11.001]

[34] Mining variable fragments from process event logs (2017)

(Pourmasoumi, Asef and Kahani, Mohsen and Bagheri, Ebrahim | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Many peer-organizations are now using process-aware information systems for managing their organizational processes. Most of these peer-organizations have shared processes, which include many commonalities and some degrees of variability. Analyzing and mining the commonalities of these processes can have many benefits from the reusability point of view. In this paper, we propose an approach for extracting common process fragments from a collection of event logs. To this end, we first analyze the process fragment literature from a theoretical point of view, based on which we present a new process fragment definition, called morphological fragments to support composability and flexibility. Then we propose a novel algorithm for extracting such morphological fragments directly from process event logs. This algorithm is capable of eliciting common fragments from a family of processes that may not have been executed within the same application/organization. We also propose supporting algorithms for detecting and categorizing morphological fragments for the purpose of reusability. Our empirical studies show that our approach is able to support reusability and flexibility in process fragment identification.

摘要: 许多同级组织现在正在使用过程感知信息系统来管理其组织过程。这些同级组织中的大多数组织都有共享的流程,其中包括许多共性和一定程度的可变性。从可重用性的角度来看,分析和挖掘这些过程的共性可以带来很多好处。在本文中,我们提出了一种从事件日志集合中提取常见流程片段的方法。为此,我们首先从理论角度分析过程片段文献,在此基础上,我们提出了一种新的过程片段定义,称为形态片段,以支持可组合性和灵活性。然后,我们提出了一种直接从过程事件日志中提取此类形态片段的新颖算法。此算法能够从同一应用程序/组织中可能尚未执行的一系列过程中引出常见片段。我们还提出了用于重用形态的检测和分类形态学片段的支持算法。我们的经验研究表明,我们的方法能够支持过程片段识别中的可重用性和灵活性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-016-9662-x]

[35] Modular Petri net modeling of healthcare systems (2018)

(Mahulea, Cristian and Mahulea, Liliana and Garcia Soriano | Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal)

Abstract: textcopyright 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York. This paper presents a modular approach for modeling healthcare systems using Petri nets. It is shown that a healthcare system can be constructed by different modules whose inputs and outputs are connected according to their geographical location. Each module can be modeled in two phases: (1) obtain the sequences of treatments and cares received by a patient in the case of a particular disease/condition, and (2) add the resources necessary to perform the previous sequences. The global model is obtained by fusion the inputs and outputs of the modules and by adding information on the patients. The constructed modules together with the resources are Petri nets belonging to a new subclass called healthcare Petri nets that is proved to have equivalent behavior with S4PR nets, a well-known class of Resource Allocation Systems. This allows us to apply the structural results already existing in the literature for S4PR to the context of healthcare systems. In order to illustrate the results, a case study of a public healthcare area in Zaragoza is considered as a use case.

摘要: t​​extcopyright 2017年,纽约Springer Science + Business Media。本文提出了一种使用Petri网建模医疗系统的模块化方法。结果表明,医疗保健系统可以由不同的模块构成,这些模块的输入和输出根据其地理位置而连接。每个模块可以分为两个阶段进行建模:(1)获得在特定疾病/状况下患者接受的治疗和护理的顺序,以及(2)添加执行先前顺序所需的资源。通过融合模块的输入和输出以及通过添加有关患者的信息来获得全局模型。构造的模块与资源一起是属于一个新的子类的Petri网,该子类称为Healthcare Petri网,事实证明它与S4PR网具有同等的行为,S4PR网是资源分配系统的著名类。这使我们可以将S4PR文献中已有的结构结果应用于医疗保健系统。为了说明结果,我们将在萨拉戈萨的公共医疗区进行案例研究作为用例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10696-017-9283-9]

[36] On profiles and footprints - Relational semantics for Petri nets (2012)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Van Der Werf | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Petri net systems have been successfully applied for modelling business processes and analysing their behavioural properties. In this domain, analysis techniques that are grounded on behavioural relations defined between pairs of transitions emerged recently. However, different use cases motivated different definitions of behavioural relation sets. This paper focusses on two prominent examples, namely behavioural profiles and behavioural footprints. We show that both represent different ends of a spectrum of relation sets for Petri net systems, each inducing a different equivalence class. As such, we provide a generalisation of the known relation sets. We illustrate that different relation sets complement each other for general systems, but form an abstraction hierarchy for distinguished net classes. For these net classes, namely S-WF-systems and sound free-choice WF-systems, we also prove a close relation between the structure and the relational semantics. Finally, we discuss implications of our results for the field of business process modelling and analysis. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: Petri网系统已成功应用于建模业务流程并分析其行为特性。在此领域中,最近出现了基于转换对之间定义的行为关系的分析技术。但是,不同的用例激发了行为关系集的不同定义。本文着重于两个突出的例子,即行为特征和行为足迹。我们表明,它们都代表Petri网系统的关系集范围的不同端,每个都引发了不同的等价类。这样,我们提供了已知关系集的概括。我们说明了不同的关系集在通用系统中可以互相补充,但对于可区分的网络类则形成了一个抽象层次结构。对于这些网络类,即S-WF系统和声音自由选择WF系统,我们还证明了结构和关系语义之间的密切关系。最后,我们讨论了结果对业务流程建模和分析领域的意义。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-31131-4_9]

[37] On the expressive power of behavioral profiles (2016)

(Polyvyanyy, Artem and Armas-Cervantes, Abel and Dumas, Marlon and Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano | Formal Aspects of Computing)

Abstract: textcopyright 2016. Behavioral profiles have been proposed as a behavioral abstraction of dynamic systems, specifically in the context of business process modeling. A behavioral profile can be seen as a complete graph over a set of task labels, where each edge is annotated with one relation from a given set of binary behavioral relations. Since their introduction, behavioral profiles were argued to provide a convenient way for comparing pairs of process models with respect to their behavior or computing behavioral similarity between process models. Still, as of today, there is little understanding of the expressive power of behavioral profiles. Via counter-examples, several authors have shown that behavioral profiles over various sets of behavioral relations cannot distinguish certain systems up to trace equivalence, even for restricted classes of systems represented as safe workflow nets. This paper studies the expressive power of behavioral profiles from two angles. Firstly, the paper investigates the expressive power of behavioral profiles and systems captured as acyclic workflow nets. It is shown that for unlabeled acyclic workflow net systems, behavioral profiles over a simple set of behavioral relations are expressive up to configuration equivalence. When systems are labeled, this result does not hold for any of several previously proposed sets of behavioral relations. Secondly, the paper compares the expressive power of behavioral profiles and regular languages. It is shown that for any set of behavioral relations, behavioral profiles are strictly less expressive than regular languages, entailing that behavioral profiles cannot be used to decide trace equivalence of finite automata and thus Petri nets.

摘要: t​​extcopyright2016。行为配置文件已被提出作为动态系统的行为抽象,特别是在业务流程建模的环境中。行为概况可以看作是一组任务标签上的完整图形,其中每个边都用一组给定的二进制行为关系中的一个关系进行注释。自从引入以来,人们一直认为行为配置文件为比较成对的过程模型的行为或计算过程模型之间的行为相似性提供了一种方便的方法。但是,直到今天,人们对行为特征的表达能力仍知之甚少。通过反例,几位作者已经表明,即使对于代表安全工作流网的有限类系统,各种行为关系集上的行为概况也无法区分某些系统来追踪等效性。本文从两个角度研究了行为模式的表达能力。首先,本文研究了行为概况和系统作为非循环工作流网络的表达能力。结果表明,对于未标记的非循环工作流网络系统,在一组简单的行为关系上的行为配置文件可表示直至配置对等。对系统进行标记后,该结果不适用于任何先前提议的几组行为关系。其次,本文比较了行为特征和常规语言的表达能力。结果表明,对于任何一组行为关系,行为概貌都比常规语言严格缺乏表现力,这意味着行为概貌不能用于确定有限自动机和Petri网的等价性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00165-016-0372-4]

[38] Optimising Complex Event Queries over Business Processes Using Behavioural Profiles (2010)

(Matthias Weidlich and Ziekow, Holger and Mendling, Jan | Business Process Management Workshops)

Abstract: Complex event processing emerged as a technology that promises tight integration of business process management with the flow of products in a supply chain. As part of that, complex event querying is used to monitor and analyse streams of events. The amount of data that needs to be processed along with the distribution of the event-emitting sources impose serious challenges for efficient event querying mechanisms. In this paper, we assume that the business process to which the events relate is defined in terms of a normative process model. Based thereon, we show how this knowledge can be leveraged to optimise complex event queries and their processing. To this end, we use the formal concept of behavioural profiles as a behavioural abstraction of the process model.

摘要: 复杂事件处理作为一种技术而出现,该技术有望将业务流程管理与供应链中的产品流紧密集成。作为其一部分,复杂事件查询用于监视和分析事件流。需要处理的数据量以及事件发出源的分布对有效的事件查询机制提出了严峻的挑战。在本文中,我们假设与事件相关的业务流程是根据规范流程模型定义的。基于此,我们展示了如何利用此知识来优化复杂事件查询及其处理。为此,我们将行为概况的形式概念用作过程模型的行为抽象。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[39] Optimising complex event queries over business processes using behavioural profiles (2011)

(Matthias Weidlich and Ziekow, Holger and Mendling, Jan and Weidlich, Matthias and Ziekow, Holger and Mendling, Jan | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Complex event processing emerged as a technology that promises tight integration of business process management with the flow of products in a supply chain. As part of that, complex event querying is used to monitor and analyse streams of events. The amount of data that needs to be processed along with the distribution of the event-emitting sources impose serious challenges for efficient event querying mechanisms. In this paper, we assume that the business process to which the events relate is defined in terms of a normative process model. Based thereon, we show how this knowledge can be leveraged to optimise complex event queries and their processing. To this end, we use the formal concept of behavioural profiles as a behavioural abstraction of the process model. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 复杂事件处理作为一种技术而出现,该技术有望将业务流程管理与供应链中的产品流紧密集成。作为其一部分,复杂事件查询用于监视和分析事件流。需要处理的数据量以及事件发出源的分布对有效的事件查询机制提出了严峻的挑战。在本文中,我们假设与事件相关的业务流程是根据规范流程模型定义的。基于此,我们展示了如何利用此知识来优化复杂事件查询及其处理。为此,我们将行为概况的形式概念用作过程模型的行为抽象。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_67]

[40] Optimising complex event queries over business processes using behavioural profiles (2011)

(Matthias Weidlich and Ziekow, Holger and Mendling, Jan and Weidlich, Matthias and Ziekow, Holger and Mendling, Jan | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Complex event processing emerged as a technology that promises tight integration of business process management with the flow of products in a supply chain. As part of that, complex event querying is used to monitor and analyse streams of events. The amount of data that needs to be processed along with the distribution of the event-emitting sources impose serious challenges for efficient event querying mechanisms. In this paper, we assume that the business process to which the events relate is defined in terms of a normative process model. Based thereon, we show how this knowledge can be leveraged to optimise complex event queries and their processing. To this end, we use the formal concept of behavioural profiles as a behavioural abstraction of the process model. textcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag.

摘要: 复杂事件处理作为一种技术而出现,该技术有望将业务流程管理与供应链中的产品流紧密集成。作为其一部分,复杂事件查询用于监视和分析事件流。需要处理的数据量以及事件发出源的分布对有效的事件查询机制提出了严峻的挑战。在本文中,我们假设与事件相关的业务流程是根据规范流程模型定义的。基于此,我们展示了如何利用此知识来优化复杂事件查询及其处理。为此,我们将行为概况的形式概念用作过程模型的行为抽象。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_67]

[41] Perceived consistency between process models (2012)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process-aware information systems typically involve various kinds of process stakeholders. That, in turn, leads to multiple process models that capture a common process from different perspectives and at different levels of abstraction. In order to guarantee a certain degree of uniformity, the consistency of such related process models is evaluated using formal criteria. However, it is unclear how modelling experts assess the consistency between process models, and which kind of notion they perceive to be appropriate. In this paper, we focus on control flow aspects and investigate the adequacy of consistency notions. In particular, we report findings from an online experiment, which allows us to compare in how far trace equivalence and two notions based on behavioural profiles approximate expert perceptions on consistency. Analysing 69 expert statements from process analysts, we conclude that trace equivalence is not suited to be applied as a consistency notion, whereas the notions based on behavioural profiles approximate the perceived consistency of our subjects significantly. Therefore, our contribution is an empirically founded answer to the correlation of behaviour consistency notions and the consistency perception by experts in the field of business process modelling. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

摘要: 过程感知信息系统通常涉及各种过程涉众。反过来,这导致了多个过程模型,这些模型从不同的角度和不同的抽象级别捕获了一个通用过程。为了保证一定程度的一致性,使用正式标准评估了此类相关过程模型的一致性。但是,目前尚不清楚建模专家如何评估流程模型之间的一致性,以及他们认为哪种概念合适。在本文中,我们关注控制流方面,并研究一致性概念的充分性。特别是,我们报告了在线实验的发现,这使我们能够比较等效行为和基于行为特征的两个概念在多大程度上近似专家对一致性的看法。分析来自过程分析人员的69条专家声明,我们得出结论,痕量对等不适合用作一致性概念,而基于行为概貌的概念则极大地近似了我们受试者的感知一致性。因此,我们的贡献是根据经验建立的对行为一致性概念与业务流程建模领域专家的一致性感知的相关性的回答。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.12.004]

[42] Preserving correctness during business process model configuration (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Formal Aspects of Computing)

Abstract: A configurable process model captures a family of related process models in a single artifact. Such models are intended to be configured to fit the requirements of specific organizations or projects, leading to individualized process models that are subsequently used for domain analysis or solution design. This article proposes a formal foundation for individualizing configurable process models incrementally, while preserving correctness, both with respect to syntax and behavioral semantics. Specifically, assuming the configurable process model is behaviorally sound, the individualized process models are guaranteed to be sound. The theory is first developed in the context of Petri nets and then extended to a process modeling notation widely used in practice, namely Event-driven Process Chains.

摘要: 可配置的流程模型在单个工件中捕获了一系列相关的流程模型。此类模型旨在进行配置以满足特定组织或项目的要求,从而生成个性化的流程模型,随后将其用于领域分析或解决方案设计。本文提供了一个正式的基础,用于在保留语法和行为语义方面的正确性的同时,逐步个性化可配置过程模型。具体而言,假设可配置过程模型在行为上是合理的,则可以保证个性化的过程模型是合理的。该理论首先在Petri网络的背景下发展,然后扩展到实践中广泛使用的过程建模符号,即事件驱动的过程链。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00165-009-0112-0]

[43] Process compliance analysis based on behavioural profiles (2011)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Polyvyanyy, Artem and Desai, Nirmit and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process compliance measurement is getting increasing attention in companies due to stricter legal requirements and market pressure for operational excellence. In order to judge on compliance of the business processing, the degree of behavioural deviation of a case, i.e., an observed execution sequence, is quantified with respect to a process model (referred to as fitness, or recall). Recently, different compliance measures have been proposed. Still, nearly all of them are grounded on state-based techniques and the trace equivalence criterion, in particular. As a consequence, these approaches have to deal with the state explosion problem. In this paper, we argue that a behavioural abstraction may be leveraged to measure the compliance of a process log a collection of cases. To this end, we utilise causal behavioural profiles that capture the behavioural characteristics of process models and cases, and can be computed efficiently. We propose different compliance measures based on these profiles, discuss the impact of noise in process logs on our measures, and show how diagnostic information on non-compliance is derived. As a validation, we report on findings of applying our approach in a case study with an international service provider. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

摘要: 由于更严格的法律要求和追求卓越运营的市场压力,过程合规性度量越来越受到公司的关注。为了判断业务处理的合规性,相对于过程模型(称为适用性或召回性),量化案例的行为偏差程度,即观察到的执行顺序。最近,已经提出了不同的合规措施。尽管如此,几乎所有这些方法都特别基于基于状态的技术以及痕量等效标准。结果,这些方法必须处理状态爆炸问题。在本文中,我们认为行为抽象可以用来衡量过程日志的合规性。为此,我们利用因果行为特征来捕获流程模型和案例的行为特征,并且可以有效地进行计算。我们根据这些配置文件提出不同的合规性措施,讨论过程日志中的噪声对我们的措施的影响,并说明如何得出有关不合规性的诊断信息。作为验证,我们报告了在与国际服务提供商的案例研究中应用我们的方法的发现。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.04.002]

[44] Process discovery using localized events (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim to analyze and improve conformance and performance of processes using event data. Process discovery is the most prominent process-mining task: A process model is derived based on an event log. The process model should be able to capture causalities, choices, concurrency, and loops. Process discovery is very challenging because of trade-offs between fitness, simplicity, precision, and generalization. Note that event logs typically only hold example behavior and cannot be assumed to be complete (to avoid over fitting). Dozens of process discovery techniques have been proposed. These use a wide range of approaches, e.g., language- or state-based regions, genetic mining, heuristics, expectation maximization, iterative log-splitting, etc. When models or logs become too large for analysis, the event log may be automatically decomposed or traces may be clustered before discovery. Clustering and decomposition are done automatically, i.e., no additional information is used. This paper proposes a different approach where a localized event log is assumed. Events are localized by assigning a nonempty set of regions to each event. It is assumed that regions can only interact through shared events. Consider for example the mining of software systems. The events recorded typically explicitly refer to parts of the system (components, services, etc.). Currently, such information is ignored during discovery. However, references to system parts may be used to localize events. Also in other application domains, it is possible to localize events, e.g., communication events in an organization may refer to multiple departments (that may be seen as regions). This paper proposes a generic process discovery approach based on localized event logs. The approach has been implemented in ProM and experimental results show that location information indeed helps to improve the quality of the discovered models.

摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在使用事件数据来分析和改进过程的一致性和性能。流程发现是最重要的流程挖掘任务:流程模型是基于事件日志派生的。流程模型应该能够捕获因果关系,选择,并发和循环。由于在适应性,简单性,精度和通用性之间进行权衡,过程发现非常具有挑战性。请注意,事件日志通常仅包含示例行为,并且不能假定其是完整的(以避免过度拟合)。已经提出了数十种过程发现技术。这些方法使用多种方法,例如基于语言或州的区域,遗传挖掘,启发法,期望最大化,迭代对数分解等。当模型或日志太大而无法分析时,事件日志可能会自动分解或痕迹可能在发现之前被聚类。聚类和分解是自动完成的,即不使用其他信息。本文提出了一种假定本地化事件日志的不同方法。通过为每个事件分配一组非空区域来对事件进行本地化。假定区域只能通过共享事件进行交互。考虑例如软件系统的挖掘。记录的事件通常明确地指向系统的各个部分(组件,服务等)。当前,在发现期间将忽略此类信息。但是,对系统部件的引用可用于定位事件。同样在其他应用程序域中,可以对事件进行本地化,例如,组织中的通信事件可能涉及多个部门(可能被视为区域)。本文提出了一种基于本地事件日志的通用过程发现方法。该方法已在ProM中实施,实验结果表明,位置信息确实有助于提高发现的模型的质量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-19488-2_15]

[45] Propagating changes between aligned process models (2012)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: There is a wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from organisational redesign to the development of information systems. Consequently, a common business process is often captured in multiple models that overlap in content due to serving different purposes. Business process management aims at flexible adaptation to changing business needs. Hence, changes of business processes occur frequently and have to be incorporated in the respective process models. Once a process model is changed, related process models have to be updated accordingly, despite the fact that those process models may only be loosely coupled. In this article, we introduce an approach that supports change propagation between related process models. Given a change in one process model, we leverage the behavioural abstraction of behavioural profiles for corresponding activities in order to determine a change region in another model. Our approach is able to cope with changes in pairs of models that are not related by hierarchical refinement and show behavioural inconsistencies. We evaluate the applicability of our approach with two real-world process model collections. To this end, we either deduce change operations from different model revisions or rely on synthetic change operations. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

摘要: 从组织重新设计到信息系统的开发,业务流程建模计划有多种驱动力。因此,由于服务目的不同,通常会在内容重叠的多个模型中捕获通用的业务流程。业务流程管理旨在灵活地适应不断变化的业务需求。因此,业务流程的更改经常发生,必须将其合并到相应的流程模型中。一旦更改了流程模型,尽管这些流程模型可能只是松散耦合的,但相关流程模型也必须相应地更新。在本文中,我们介绍一种支持相关过程模型之间的更改传播的方法。给定一个流程模型中的某个更改,我们将针对相应活动使用行为配置文件的行为抽象,以便确定另一个模型中的更改区域。我们的方法能够应对成对的模型变化,这些模型变化与分层改进无关,并且显示出行为不一致。我们通过两个真实的过程模型集合来评估我们的方法的适用性。为此,我们要么从不同的模型修订中推断出变更操作,要么依靠综合变更操作。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2012.02.044]

[46] Querying process models by behavior inclusion (2015)

(Kunze, Matthias and Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Business processes are vital to managing organizations as they sustain a companys competitiveness. Consequently, these organizations maintain collections of hundreds or thousands of process models for streamlining working procedures and facilitating process implementation. Yet, the management of large process model collections requires effective searching capabilities. Recent research focused on similarity search of process models, but querying process models is still a largely open topic. This article presents an approach to querying process models that takes a process example as input and discovers all models that allow replaying the behavior of the query. To this end, we provide a notion of behavioral inclusion that is based on trace semantics and abstraction. Additional to deciding a match, a closeness score is provided that describes how well the behavior of the query is represented in the model and can be used for ranking. The article introduces the formal foundations of the approach and shows how they are applied to querying large process model collections. An experimental evaluation has been conducted that confirms the suitability of the solution as well as its applicability and scalability in practice.

摘要: 业务流程对于管理组织至关重要,因为它们可以维持公司的竞争力。因此,这些组织维护着数百或数千个流程模型的集合,以简化工作流程并促进流程的实施。但是,大型流程模型集合的管理需要有效的搜索最近的研究集中在过程模型的相似性搜索上,但是查询过程模型仍然是一个很大的话题,本文提出了一种查询过程模型的方法,该方法以一个过程示例作为输入并发现所有允许重播模型行为的模型。为此,我们提供了基于跟踪语义和抽象的行为包含概念,除了确定匹配项之外,还提供了一个接近度得分,该得分描述了查询行为在模型中的表现程度以及用于排名的文章介绍了a的正式基础pproach并展示了它们如何应用于查询大型流程模型集合。已经进行了实验评估,确认了该解决方案的适用性以及在实践中的适用性和可扩展性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-013-0389-6]

[47] Similarity of business process models: Metrics and evaluation (2011)

(Dijkman, Remco and Dumas, Marlon and Van Dongen | Information Systems)

Abstract: It is common for large organizations to maintain repositories of business process models in order to document and to continuously improve their operations. Given such a repository, this paper deals with the problem of retrieving those models in the repository that most closely resemble a given process model or fragment thereof. Up to now, there is a notable research gap on comparing different approaches to this problem and on evaluating them in the same setting. Therefore, this paper presents three similarity metrics that can be used to answer queries on process repositories: (i) node matching similarity that compares the labels and attributes attached to process model elements; (ii) structural similarity that compares element labels as well as the topology of process models; and (iii) behavioral similarity that compares element labels as well as causal relations captured in the process model. These metrics are experimentally evaluated in terms of precision and recall. The results show that all three metrics yield comparable results, with structural similarity slightly outperforming the other two metrics. Also, all three metrics outperform text-based search engines when it comes to searching through a repository for similar business process models. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

摘要: 对于大型组织来说,维护业务流程模型的存储库以记录和持续改进其运营是很常见的。给定这样一个存储库,本文将解决在存储库中检索最类似于给定流程模型或其片段的那些模型的问题。到目前为止,在比较解决此问题的不同方法并在相同环境下进行评估方面,存在明显的研究差距。因此,本文提出了三个相似性指标,可用于回答过程存储库中的查询:(i)节点匹配相似性,用于比较附加到过程模型元素的标签和属性; (ii)比较元素标签和过程模型拓扑的结构相似性; (iii)行为相似性,用于比较元素标签以及过程模型中捕获的因果关系。这些指标是根据准确性和召回率进行实验评估的。结果表明,所有三个指标均产生可比较的结果,结构相似性略好于其他两个指标。此外,在通过存储库搜索相似的业务流程模型时,这三个指标均优于基于文本的搜索引擎。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.006]
