

1. A closed-loop workflow management technique based on process mining [中英文摘要]

2. A genetic algorithm for discovering process trees [中英文摘要]

3. A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modeling [中英文摘要]

4. A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition [中英文摘要]

5. A study to investigate time durations of a call center customer service using transition systems [中英文摘要]

6. A tool for mining discrete event simulation model [中英文摘要]

7. A visual analysis of the process of process modeling [中英文摘要]

8. Activity-based Process Mining for Clinical Pathways computer aided design [中英文摘要]

9. Adaptable situation-aware secure service-based (AS 3) systems [中英文摘要]

10. Agile development with software process mining [中英文摘要]

11. An experimental evaluation of feedback loops in a business process mining genetic algorithm [中英文摘要]

12. An exploratory study of process enactment as input to software process improvement [中英文摘要]

13. Anonymity preserving sequential pattern mining [中英文摘要]

14. Automating process discovery through event-data analysis [中英文摘要]

15. Behavior pattern mining: Apply process mining technology to common event logs of information systems [中英文摘要]


16. Business activity monitoring solution to detect deviations in business process execution [中英文摘要]

17. Combination of Process Mining and Simulation Techniques for Business Process Redesign: A Methodological Approach [中英文摘要]

18. Conformance checking using cost-based fitness analysis [中英文摘要]

19. Control-flow discovery from event streams [中英文摘要]

20. Data Mining Trends and Research Frontiers [中英文摘要]

21. Determination of routings and process time information from event logs [中英文摘要]

22. Development of a process-aware instructor-aware multi-tabletop collaborative learning environment [中英文摘要]

23. Diagnosis of Technological Systems based on their Coloured Petri Net Model [中英文摘要]

24. Discovering signature patterns from event logs [中英文摘要]

25. Discovering workflow performance models from timed logs [中英文摘要]

26. Distributed genetic process mining [中英文摘要]

27. Efficient event correlation over distributed systems [中英文摘要]

28. Evaluation of discovered clinical pathways using process mining and joint agent-based discrete-event simulation [中英文摘要]

29. Evidence-Based Business Process Management [中英文摘要]

30. Exploring the application of process mining to support self-regulated learning: An initial analysis with video lectures [中英文摘要]


31. Finding Structure in Unstructured Processes: The Case for Process Mining [中英文摘要]

32. Flipping the classroom with MOOCs. A pilot study exploring differences between self-regulated learners [中英文摘要]

33. Genetic process mining [中英文摘要]

34. Half a century after Carl Adam Petris Ph.D. thesis: A perspective on the field [中英文摘要]

35. Improving Business Process Models Using Observed Behavior [中英文摘要]

36. Improving software maintenance using process mining and predictive analytics [中英文摘要]

37. Interestingness of traces in declarative process mining: The janus LTLPf Approach [中英文摘要]

38. Making work flow: On the application of petri nets to business process management [中英文摘要]

39. Merging business processes for a common workflow in an organizational collaborative scenario [中英文摘要]

40. Mining expressive process models by clusteringworkflow traces [中英文摘要]

41. Mining process models from workflow logs [中英文摘要]

42. Multi-phase process mining: Building instance graphs [中英文摘要]

43. Next step recommendation and prediction based on process mining in adaptive case management [中英文摘要]

44. On mining latent treatment patterns from electronic medical records [中英文摘要]

45. Optimizing business processes by learning from monitoring results [中英文摘要]


46. Pattern mining for predicting critical events from sequential event data log [中英文摘要]

47. Pattern-based process discovery [中英文摘要]

48. Perturbing event logs to identify cost reduction opportunities: A genetic algorithm-based approach [中英文摘要]

49. Petri-net integration - An approach to support multi-agent process mining [中英文摘要]

50. Process mining analysis of conceptual modeling behavior of novices - Empirical study using JMermaid modeling and experimental logging environment [中英文摘要]

51. Process mining can be applied to software too! [中英文摘要]

52. Process-Based Habit Mining: Experiments and Techniques [中英文摘要]

53. Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: An approach based on anti patterns? [中英文摘要]

54. Software process discovery using link analysis [中英文摘要]

55. Standard for eXtensible Event Stream (XES) for Achieving Interoperability in Event Logs and Event Streams [中英文摘要]

56. Techniques for a posteriori analysis of declarative processes [中英文摘要]

57. Towards process rebuilding for composite web services in pervasive computing* [中英文摘要]

58. Understanding knowlegde-intensive processes: From traces to instance graphs [中英文摘要]

59. User behavioural patterns and reduced user profiles extracted from log files [中英文摘要]

60. User-guided discovery of declarative process models [中英文摘要]


61. Workflow mining: Extending the alphaalpha-algorithm to mine duplicate tasks [中英文摘要]

62. Workflow resource patterns: Identification, representation and tool support [中英文摘要]

63. A CSP-Theoretic framework of checking conformance of business processes [中英文摘要]

64. A Classification of Differences between Similar BusinessProcesses [中英文摘要]

65. A Co-Training Strategy for Multiple View Clustering in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

66. A Context-aware data sharing service over MANet to enable spontaneous collaboration [中英文摘要]

67. A Cross-Organizational Process Mining Framework for Obtaining Insights from Software Products: Accurate Comparison Challenges [中英文摘要]

68. A Framework for Embedding Analytics in a Business Process [中英文摘要]

69. A Pattern-based Analysis of Clinical Computer-interpretable Guideline Modeling Languages [中英文摘要]

70. A Prediction Framework for Proactively Monitoring Aggregate Process-Performance Indicators [中英文摘要]

71. A Recommendation System to Facilitate Business Process Modeling [中英文摘要]

72. A Repair of Workflow Models Based on Mirroring Matrices [中英文摘要]

73. A Simulator for Event-oriented Data in Flexible Assembly System Fault Prediction [中英文摘要]

74. A Study of Process Mining-based Business Process Innovation [中英文摘要]

75. A Versatile Platform for Instrumentation of Knowledge Workers Computers to Improve Information Analysis [中英文摘要]


76. A algorithm for detecting concept drift based on context in process mining [中英文摘要]

77. A big data analytics framework for enterprise service ecosystems in an e-Governance scenario [中英文摘要]

78. A block-structured mining approach from audit logs [中英文摘要]

79. A block-structured mining approach to support process discovery [中英文摘要]

80. A business process mining application for internal transaction fraud mitigation [中英文摘要]

81. A business-data-oriented workflow mining algorithm and its application [中英文摘要]

82. A case study on analyzing inter-organizational business processes from EDI messages using physical activity mining [中英文摘要]

83. A combination of the evolutionary tree miner and simulated annealing [中英文摘要]

84. A combined process mining for improving business process [中英文摘要]

85. A comparative study of Workflow Mining systems [中英文摘要]

86. A comparative study of dimensionality reduction techniques to enhance trace clustering performances [中英文摘要]

87. A comparative study of existing quality measures for process discovery [中英文摘要]

88. A comparative survey of business process similarity measures [中英文摘要]

89. A composite methodology for supporting collaboration pattern discovery via semantic enrichment and multidimensional analysis [中英文摘要]

90. A comprehensive benchmarking framework (CoBeFra) for conformance analysis between procedural process models and event logs in ProM [中英文摘要]


91. A comprehensive investigation of the applicability of process mining techniques for enterprise risk management [中英文摘要]

92. A compression-based framework for the efficient analysis of business process logs [中英文摘要]

93. A computer scientists introductory guide to business process management (BPM) [中英文摘要]

94. A configurable reference modelling language [中英文摘要]

95. A data mining-based framework for grid workflow management [中英文摘要]

96. A data-driven process recommender framework [中英文摘要]

97. A distributed approach to compliance monitoring of business process event streams [中英文摘要]

98. A distributed discovery of communicating resource systems models [中英文摘要]

99. A dynamic time warped clustering technique for discrete event simulation-based system analysis [中英文摘要]

100. A family of case studies on business process mining using MARBLE [中英文摘要]

101. A framework for comparing process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

102. A framework for efficiently mining the organisational perspective of business processes [中英文摘要]

103. A framework for inter-organizational performance analysis from EDI messages [中英文摘要]

104. A framework for semi-automated process instance discovery from decorative attributes [中英文摘要]

105. A framework for the analysis of process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]


106. A framework for the systematic comparison and evaluation of compliance monitoring approaches [中英文摘要]

107. A framework: Workflow-based social network discovery and analysis [中英文摘要]

108. A fuzzy-based autoscaling approach for process centered cloud systems [中英文摘要]

109. A fuzzy-based process mining approach for dynamic malware detection [中英文摘要]

110. A general process mining framework for correlating, predicting and clustering dynamic behavior based on event logs [中英文摘要]

111. A genetic programming approach to business process mining [中英文摘要]

112. A graph distance based metric for data oriented workflow retrieval with variable time constraints [中英文摘要]

113. A guide for the application of analytics on healthcare processes: A dynamic view on patient pathways [中英文摘要]

114. A heuristic genetic process mining algorithm [中英文摘要]

115. A high-level strategy for C-net discovery [中英文摘要]

116. A hybrid approach for dynamic business process mining based on reconfigurable nets and event types [中英文摘要]

117. A hybrid approach to process mining: Finding immediate successors of a process by using from-to chart [中英文摘要]

118. A hybrid evolutionary-based process mining technology to discover parallelism structures [中英文摘要]

119. A knowledge-based architecture for the management of patient-focused care pathways [中英文摘要]

120. A knowledge-intensive approach to process similarity calculation [中英文摘要]


121. A label-free similarity measure between workflow nets [中英文摘要]

122. A learning analytics approach to characterize and analyze inquiry-based pedagogical processes [中英文摘要]

123. A machine learning approach to workflow management [中英文摘要]

124. A markov prediction model for data-driven semi-structured business processes [中英文摘要]

125. A metamodel to integrate business processes time perspective in BPMN 2.0 [中英文摘要]

126. A method for estimating the cycle time of business processes with many-to-many relationships among the resources and activities based on individual worklists [中英文摘要]

127. A method for generation and design of business processes with business rules [中英文摘要]

128. A method for remote and semi-automatic usability evaluation of web-based applications through users behavior analysis [中英文摘要]

129. A method of adaptive process mining based on time-varying sliding window and relation of adjacent event dependency [中英文摘要]

130. A method towards process similarity measurement according to constrained traces [中英文摘要]

131. A methodology for building log of collaboration processes [中英文摘要]

132. A module-based approach for structural matching of process models [中英文摘要]

133. A multi-dimensional quality assessment of state-of-the-art process discovery algorithms using real-life event logs [中英文摘要]

134. A multi-functional architecture addressing workflow and service challenges using provenance data [中英文摘要]

135. A new method for occupational fraud detection in process aware information systems [中英文摘要]


136. A new model for discovering process trees from event logs [中英文摘要]

137. A new process mining algorithm based on event type [中英文摘要]

138. A new process mining algorithm of workflow [中英文摘要]

139. A new process mining approach based on the Markov transition matrix [中英文摘要]

140. A new verification technique for large processes based on identification of relevant tasks [中英文摘要]

141. A novel approach for process mining based on event types [中英文摘要]

142. A novel approach for process mining based on event types [中英文摘要]

143. A novel approach to process mining: Intentional process models discovery [中英文摘要]

144. A performance analysis on task allocation using social context [中英文摘要]

145. A personalized mobile patient guide system for a patient-centered smart hospital: Lessons learned from a usability test and satisfaction survey in a tertiary university hospital [中英文摘要]

146. A policy-based process mining framework: Mining business policy texts for discovering process models [中英文摘要]

147. A practical approach to automated business process discovery [中英文摘要]

148. A principled approach to mining from noisy logs using Heuristics Miner [中英文摘要]

149. A probabilistic approach to event log completeness [中英文摘要]

150. A probabilistic-based approach to process model discovery [中英文摘要]


151. A process mining analysis on a Virtual Electronic Patient Record system [中英文摘要]

152. A process mining approach to linking the study of aptitude and event facets of self-regulated learning [中英文摘要]

153. A process mining approach to measure how users interact with software: An industrial case study [中英文摘要]

154. A process mining approach to redesign business processes - A case study in gas industry [中英文摘要]

155. A process mining based approach to knowledge maintenance [中英文摘要]

156. A process mining oriented approach to improve process models analysis in developing countries [中英文摘要]

157. A process mining-based analysis of business process work-arounds [中英文摘要]

158. A process mining-based investigation of adverse events in care processes [中英文摘要]

159. A process tree-based algorithm for the detection of implicit dependencies [中英文摘要]

160. A process-centric data mining and visual analytic tool for exploring complex social networks [中英文摘要]

161. A process-mining framework for the detection of healthcare fraud and abuse [中英文摘要]

162. A process-mining-based scenarios generation method for SOA application development [中英文摘要]

163. A process-oriented methodology for evaluating the impact of IT: A proposal and an application in healthcare [中英文摘要]

164. A quest for beauty and wealth (or, Business Processes for Database Researchers) [中英文摘要]

165. A recommendation system for predicting risks across multiple business process instances [中英文摘要]


166. A remodeling method of automatic learning process based on LMS in E-learning [中英文摘要]

167. A resource/connection management scheme for HTTP proxy servers [中英文摘要]

168. A review of monitoring techniques for service based applications [中英文摘要]

169. A review of process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

170. A robust F-measure for evaluating discovered process models [中英文摘要]

171. A rule-based approach for process discovery: Dealing with noise and imbalance in process logs [中英文摘要]

172. A security and cost aware scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous tasks of scientific workflow in clouds [中英文摘要]

173. A self-organizing P2P framework for collective service discovery [中英文摘要]

174. A semantic rule-based approach supported by process mining for personalised adaptive learning [中英文摘要]

175. A semantic rule-based approach towards process mining for personalised adaptive learning [中英文摘要]

176. A simple process model generation using a new association rule mining algorithm and clustering approach [中英文摘要]

177. A simulation approach in process mining conformance analysis. the introduction of a brand new BPMN element [中英文摘要]

178. A sliding window based algorithm for frequent closed itemset mining over data streams [中英文摘要]

179. A slippery genetic algorithm-based process mining system for achieving better quality assurance in the garment industry [中英文摘要]

180. A survey of scientific approaches considering the integration of security and risk aspects into business process management [中英文摘要]


181. A survey on the flexibility requirements related to business processes and modeling artifacts [中英文摘要]

182. A system architecture for manufacturing process analysis based on big data and process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

183. A systematic approach for performance evaluation using process mining: The POSIDONIA operations case study [中英文摘要]

184. A systematic approach to process enactment analysis as input to software process improvement or tailoring [中英文摘要]

185. A systematic mapping study of process mining [中英文摘要]

186. A systematic review on security in Process-Aware Information Systems - Constitution, challenges, and future directions [中英文摘要]

187. A test-bed for the evaluation of business process prediction techniques [中英文摘要]

188. A time-aware method to process behavioral similarity calculation [中英文摘要]

189. A tool framework for KPI application development [中英文摘要]

190. A two-step clustering approach for improving educational process model discovery [中英文摘要]

191. A two-step fast algorithm for the automated discovery of declarative workflows [中英文摘要]

192. A virtual laboratory for multiagent systems: Joining efficacy, learning analytics and student satisfaction [中英文摘要]

193. A visual analytics approach to understanding care process variation and conformance [中英文摘要]

194. A workflow net similarity measure based on transition adjacency relations [中英文摘要]

195. A workflow process mining algorithm based on synchro-net [中英文摘要]


196. A workflow-mining-based approach to knowledge maintenance [中英文摘要]

197. AN effective algorithm for business process mining based on modified FP-tree algorithm [中英文摘要]

198. APSAT: A framework for modeling and analysis of workflow dynamics in mission-centric systems [中英文摘要]

199. Abnormal process instances identification method in healthcare environment [中英文摘要]

200. Achieving intention-centric BPM through automated planning [中英文摘要]

201. Acquiring logistics process intelligence: Methodology and an application for a Chinese bulk port [中英文摘要]

202. Active trace clustering for improved process discovery [中英文摘要]

203. Activity failure prediction based on process mining [中英文摘要]

204. Adaptable Decentralized Service Oriented Architecture [中英文摘要]

205. Adapting association rule mining to discover patterns of collaboration in process logs [中英文摘要]

206. Adaptive Automated Teller Machines [中英文摘要]

207. Aegis: Automatic enforcement of security policies in workflow-driven web applications [中英文摘要]

208. Algorithms for anomaly detection of traces in logs of process aware information systems [中英文摘要]

209. Aligning Real Process Executions and Prescriptive Process Models through Automated Planning [中英文摘要]

210. Aligning business process models [中英文摘要]


211. Alignment of teachers plan and students use of LMS resources. Analysis of Moodle logs [中英文摘要]

212. Allocation and scheduling of Conditional Task Graphs [中英文摘要]

213. Amending C-net discovery algorithms [中英文摘要]

214. An Effective Process Mining Approach against Diverse Logs Based on Case Classification [中英文摘要]

215. An adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning [中英文摘要]

216. An agent-based approach for organizational structures and interaction protocols mining in workflow [中英文摘要]

217. An agile operations management system for green factory [中英文摘要]

218. An algorithm for calculating process similarity to cluster open-source process designs [中英文摘要]

219. An algorithm for conformance checking based on statistics [中英文摘要]

220. An alignment-based framework to check the conformance of declarative process models and to preprocess event-log data [中英文摘要]

221. An analytical business process modelling language: An illustrative example [中英文摘要]

222. An analytical framework for understanding knowledge-sharing processes in online QandA communities [中英文摘要]

223. An application of process mining for queueing system in health service [中英文摘要]

224. An approach for process control of responsive service processes [中英文摘要]

225. An approach from statistical mechanics for collaborative business social network reconstruction [中英文摘要]


226. An approach to WF-nets generation using graph transformation system [中英文摘要]

227. An approach to detecting software process deviations [中英文摘要]

228. An approach to evaluate the local completeness of an event log [中英文摘要]

229. An approach to fuzzy process mining to reduce patient waiting time in a hospital [中英文摘要]

230. An architecture for skill assessment in serious games based on Event Sequence Analysis [中英文摘要]

231. An automatic business process modeling method based on Markov transition matrix in BPM [中英文摘要]

232. An automatic business process modeling method based on Markov transition matrix in BPM [中英文摘要]

233. An automatic compliance checking approach for software processes [中英文摘要]

234. An automatic modeling method of team-based organization structure in e-business [中英文摘要]

235. An automatic virtual organization structure modeling method in supply chain management [中英文摘要]

236. An efficient recommendation method for improving business process modeling [中英文摘要]

237. An efficient workcase classification method and tool in workflow mining [中英文摘要]

238. An empirical case study of internet usage on student performance based on fuzzy association rules [中英文摘要]

239. An empirical comparison of static and dynamic business process mining [中英文摘要]

240. An empirical comparison of the development history of CloudStack and Eucalyptus [中英文摘要]


241. An empirical evaluation of process mining algorithms based on structural and behavioral similarities [中英文摘要]

242. An empirical verification of a-priori learning models on mailing archives in the context of online learning activities of participants in freelibre open source software (FLOSS) communities [中英文摘要]

243. An entropy-based clustering ensemble method to support resource allocation in business process management [中英文摘要]

244. An event processing platform for business process management [中英文摘要]

245. An evolving process mining algorithm based on stable stages analysis [中英文摘要]

246. An improved simulated annealing algorithm for process mining [中英文摘要]

247. An incremental mining algorithm for maintaining sequential patterns using pre-large sequences [中英文摘要]

248. An initial approach to mining multiple perspectives of a business process [中英文摘要]

249. An integrated approach based on execution measures for the continuous improvement of business processes realized by services [中英文摘要]

250. An integrated approach for ship block manufacturing process performance evaluation: Case from a Korean shipbuilding company [中英文摘要]

251. An intelligent approach to data extraction and task identification for process mining [中英文摘要]

252. An intelligent production workflow mining system for continual quality enhancement [中英文摘要]

253. An interest-based tour planning tool by process mining from Twitter [中英文摘要]

254. An iterative approach to synthesize business process templates from compliance rules [中英文摘要]

255. An online decision support system for recommending an alternative path of execution [中英文摘要]


256. An ontology for workflow organizational model mining [中英文摘要]

257. An ontology-based approach for business process compliance checking [中英文摘要]

258. Analogize process mining techniques in healthcare: Sepsis case study [中英文摘要]

259. Analysing agricultural users patterns of behaviour: The case of OPTIRas™, a decision support system for starch crop selection [中英文摘要]

260. Analysis and prediction cost of manufacturing process based on process mining [中英文摘要]

261. Analysis of Customer Fulfilment with Process Mining: A Case Study in a Telecommunication Company [中英文摘要]

262. Analysis of E-learning process [中英文摘要]

263. Analysis of a collaborative workflow process with distributed actors [中英文摘要]

264. Analysis of call-center operational data using role hierarchy miner [中英文摘要]

265. Analysis of collaborative writing processes using hidden markov models and semantic heuristics [中英文摘要]

266. Analysis of customer behavior in a call center using fuzzy miner [中英文摘要]

267. Analysis of emergency room service using fuzzy process mining technique [中英文摘要]

268. Analysis of frequent patterns in dyeing processing system using association rule mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

269. Analysis of handover of work in call center using social network process mining technique [中英文摘要]

270. Analysis of internal logistic systems based on event logs [中英文摘要]


271. Analysis of surgical event logs in a hospital by using heuristics miner technique [中英文摘要]

272. Analysis of the patients treatment process in a hospital in Thailand using fuzzy mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

273. Analysis of the social network miner (working together) of physicians [中英文摘要]

274. Analytical procedures in external auditing: A comprehensive literature survey and framework for external audit analytics [中英文摘要]

275. Analytics for hospital management [中英文摘要]

276. Analyzing PACS Usage Patterns by Means of Process Mining: Steps Toward a More Detailed Workflow Analysis in Radiology [中英文摘要]

277. Analyzing and improving multi-robot missions by using process mining [中英文摘要]

278. Analyzing and repairing overlapping work items in process logs [中英文摘要]

279. Analyzing inter-organizational business processes: Process mining and business performance analysis using electronic data interchange messages [中英文摘要]

280. Analyzing methods for path mining with applications in metabolomics [中英文摘要]

281. Analyzing the waiting time of patients in hospital by applying heuristics process miner [中英文摘要]

282. Analyzing user interaction logs to evaluate the usability of Web applications [中英文摘要]

283. Anomaly detection for industrial control systems using process mining [中英文摘要]

284. Anomaly detection using model generation for event-based systems without a preexisting formal model [中英文摘要]

285. Anvaya: An Algorithm and Case-Study on Improving the Goodness of Software Process Models Generated by Mining Event-Log Data in Issue Tracking Systems [中英文摘要]


286. Applicability of process discovery algorithms for software organizations [中英文摘要]

287. Applicability of process mining in the exploration of healthcare sequences [中英文摘要]

288. Applicability of process viewing patterns in business process management [中英文摘要]

289. Application of process mining techniques for innovation analysis and support [中英文摘要]

290. Application process mining techniques to optimize the business process models based on information systems issuing licenses and permits e-license: Practical research [中英文摘要]

291. Applications of data mining in online retailing: A case for mining prefix-ordered web site navigation paths [中英文摘要]

292. Applied process mining in software development [中英文摘要]

293. Applying Fuzzy-Genetic mining in conformance and dependency relations [中英文摘要]

294. Applying data mining and petri net in reengineering of manufacture management information system [中英文摘要]

295. Applying inductive Visual Miner technique to analyze and detect problems in procedures of a hospital in Thailand [中英文摘要]

296. Applying process mining approach to support the verification of a multi-agent system [中英文摘要]

297. Applying process mining techniques in software process appraisals [中英文摘要]

298. Applying social network miner on medical event logs using handover of work metric [中英文摘要]

299. Approaching process mining with sequence clustering: Experiments and findings [中英文摘要]

300. Apriori and sequence analysis for discovering declarative process models [中英文摘要]


301. Assessing Big Data SQL Frameworks for Analyzing Event Logs [中英文摘要]

302. Assessing Process Discovery Scalability in Data Intensive Environments [中英文摘要]

303. Assessing event correlation in non-process-aware information systems [中英文摘要]

304. Assessing the health of case-oriented semi-structured business processes [中英文摘要]

305. Assessment of hospital processes using a process mining technique: Outpatient process analysis at a tertiary hospital [中英文摘要]

306. Assisting business process design with configurable process fragments [中英文摘要]

307. Associating event logs with ontologies for semantic process mining and analysis [中英文摘要]

308. Automated capture of design knowledge from design process [中英文摘要]

309. Automated modelling of reactive discrete event systems from external behavioural data [中英文摘要]

310. Automated planning of process models: Design of a novel approach to construct exclusive choices [中英文摘要]

311. Automated process mapping for cyber intelligent enterprise [中英文摘要]

312. Automatic determination of parameters values for Heuristics Miner++ [中英文摘要]

313. Automatic modeling of collaboration-based organization structure in E-logistic [中英文摘要]

314. Automatic modeling of frequent user behaviours in intelligent environments [中英文摘要]

315. Automatic process model discovery from textual methodologies: An archaeology case study [中英文摘要]


316. Automatic rediscovery and remodeling of logistic process in e-business logistic management [中英文摘要]

317. BAB Framework: Process Mining on Cloud [中英文摘要]

318. BIIIG: Enabling business intelligence with integrated instance graphs [中英文摘要]

319. BPMN Miner: Automated discovery of BPMN process models with hierarchical structure [中英文摘要]

320. Balanced multi-perspective checking of process conformance [中英文摘要]

321. Bayesian belief network application in process mining [中英文摘要]

322. Bayesian network construction from event log for lateness analysis in port logistics [中英文摘要]

323. Behavior instance extraction for risk aware control in mission centric systems [中英文摘要]

324. Behavioral process mining for unstructured processes [中英文摘要]

325. Behaviour pattern-based model generation for model-based testing [中英文摘要]

326. Behaviour patterns detection for persuasive design in Nursing Homes to help dementia patients. [中英文摘要]

327. Benchmarking efficiency of childrens garment production process using alpha and ILP replayer techniques [中英文摘要]

328. Betweenness centralization analysis formalisms on workflow-supported org-social networks [中英文摘要]

329. Beyond rigidity - Dynamic process lifecycle support : AAA Survey on dynamic changes in process-aware information systems [中英文摘要]

330. BicSPAM: Flexible biclustering using sequential patterns [中英文摘要]


331. Big Data Compliance for Innovative Clinical Models [中英文摘要]

332. Big data analytics for predictive manufacturing control - A case study from process industry [中英文摘要]

333. Big data meets process mining [中英文摘要]

334. Big software on the run: In vivo software analytics based on process mining (Keynote) [中英文摘要]

335. Bottleneck mining and Petri net simulation in education situations [中英文摘要]

336. Bridging abstraction layers in process mining [中英文摘要]

337. Building instance graphs for highly variable processes [中英文摘要]

338. Business Process Instances Discovery from Email Logs [中英文摘要]

339. Business Process Intelligence [中英文摘要]

340. Business Process Management [中英文摘要]

341. Business Process indexing based on similarity of execution cases [中英文摘要]

342. Business alignment: Using process mining as a tool for Delta analysis and conformance testing [中英文摘要]

343. Business artifact modeling: A framework for business artifacts in traditional database systems [中英文摘要]

344. Business compliance governance in service-oriented architectures [中英文摘要]

345. Business models enhancement through discovery of roles [中英文摘要]


346. Business process analysis and real-world application scenarios [中英文摘要]

347. Business process analysis in healthcare environments: A methodology based on process mining [中英文摘要]

348. Business process analytics: a dedicated methodology through a case study [中英文摘要]

349. Business process anomaly detection using ontology-based process modelling and Multi-Level Class Association Rule Learning [中英文摘要]

350. Business process configuration in the cloud: How to support and analyze multi-tenant processes? [中英文摘要]

351. Business process continuous improvement system based on workflow mining technology [中英文摘要]

352. Business process discovery by using process skeletonization [中英文摘要]

353. Business process event log use for activity sequence analysis [中英文摘要]

354. Business process forecasting in telecom industry [中英文摘要]

355. Business process insight: An approach and platform for the discovery and analysis of end-to-end business processes [中英文摘要]

356. Business process management as the Killer App for Petri nets [中英文摘要]

357. Business process management in the large [中英文摘要]

358. Business process management under the microscope: The potential of social network analysis [中英文摘要]

359. Business process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

360. Business process mining and reconstruction for financial audits [中英文摘要]


361. Business process mining and rules detection for unstructured information [中英文摘要]

362. Business process mining based on simulated annealing [中英文摘要]

363. Business process mining using guided local search [中英文摘要]

364. Business process mining: An industrial application [中英文摘要]

365. Business process optimization from single timestamp event log [中英文摘要]

366. Business process perspectives: Theoretical developments vs. real-world practice [中英文摘要]

367. Business process similarity metric supporting one-To-many relationship [中英文摘要]

368. Business rule patterns and their application to process analytics [中英文摘要]

369. Business rules discovery from process design repositories [中英文摘要]

370. CEFOP: A method for the Continual Evolution of Organisational Processes [中英文摘要]

371. CHANGEMINER: A solution for discovering IT change templates from past execution traces [中英文摘要]

372. CPL+: An improved approach for evaluating the local completeness of event logs [中英文摘要]

373. Calculating the order relations of workflow net with invariant method [中英文摘要]

374. Capturing Enterprise Data Integration Challenges Using a Semiotic Data Quality Framework [中英文摘要]

375. Case handling: A new paradigm for business process support [中英文摘要]


376. Case study in process mining in a multinational enterprise [中英文摘要]

377. Change propagation in process models using behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

378. Change sequence mining for interdependent context aware service processes using partial derivatives [中英文摘要]

379. Change visualisation: Analysing the resource and timing differences between two event logs [中英文摘要]

380. Change your history: Learning from event logs to improve processes [中英文摘要]

381. Characterizing workflow nets using regions [中英文摘要]

382. Checklist implementation reduces Advanced Trauma Life Support workflow deviations during trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification [中英文摘要]

383. Classification and evaluation of timed running schemas for workflow based on process mining [中英文摘要]

384. Classification of surgical processes using dynamic time warping [中英文摘要]

385. Cleaning structured event logs: A graph repair approach [中英文摘要]

386. CloFAST: closed sequential pattern mining using sparse and vertical id-lists [中英文摘要]

387. Cloud manufacturing service platform for small- and medium-sized enterprises [中英文摘要]

388. CloudSeer: Workflow monitoring of cloud infrastructures via interleaved logs [中英文摘要]

389. Clustering for improving Educational process mining [中英文摘要]

390. Clustering of ERP business process fragments [中英文摘要]


391. Clustering of Patients Trajectories with an Auto-Stopped Bisecting K-Medoids Algorithm [中英文摘要]

392. Clustering-Based Predictive Process Monitoring [中英文摘要]

393. CoPrA: A process analysis technique to investigate collaboration in groups [中英文摘要]

394. CoPrA: A tool for coding and measuring communication in teams [中英文摘要]

395. Cognitive feedback and behavioral feedforward automation perspectives for modeling and validation in a learning context [中英文摘要]

396. Collaboration process patterns and efficiency of issue resolution in software development [中英文摘要]

397. Collaborative process maturing support by mining activity streams [中英文摘要]

398. Collaborative writing support tools on the cloud [中英文摘要]

399. Combining Case-Based Reasoning and Process Mining to improve collaborative decision-making in products design [中英文摘要]

400. Combining process mining with trace clustering: Manufacturing shop floor process-an applied case [中英文摘要]

401. Comparative research of modeling methods for workflow process [中英文摘要]

402. Complete and Interpretable Conformance Checking of Business Processes [中英文摘要]

403. Complexity metrics for Workflow nets [中英文摘要]

404. Compliance Checking of Shipment Request by Utilizing Process Mining Concepts: An Evaluation of Smart Auditing Framework [中英文摘要]

405. Compliance Monitoring as a Service: Requirements, Architecture and Implementation [中英文摘要]


406. Compliance checking of organizational interactions [中英文摘要]

407. Compliance monitoring in business processes: Functionalities, application, and tool-support [中英文摘要]

408. Component behavior discovery from software execution data [中英文摘要]

409. Composition of Resource-Service Chain for Cloud Manufacturing [中英文摘要]

410. Comprehensive rule-based compliance checking and risk management with process mining [中英文摘要]

411. Comprehensive workflow mining [中英文摘要]

412. Computer technologies to integrate medical treatments to manage multimorbidity [中英文摘要]

413. Computer-interpretable clinical guidelines: A methodological review [中英文摘要]

414. Conceptual model for online auditing [中英文摘要]

415. Confidence-aware sequence alignment for process diagnostics [中英文摘要]

416. Conformance Checking of Communicating Resource Systems with RAs Calculus [中英文摘要]

417. Conformance analysis of outpatient data using process mining technique [中英文摘要]

418. Conformance checking and diagnosis for declarative business process models in data-aware scenarios [中英文摘要]

419. Conformance checking and performance improvement in scheduled processes: A queueing-network perspective [中英文摘要]

420. Conformance checking based on multi-perspective declarative process models [中英文摘要]


421. Conformance checking for BPMN-based process models [中英文摘要]

422. Conformance checking of electronic business processes to secure distributed transactions [中英文摘要]

423. Conformance checking of processes based on monitoring real behavior [中英文摘要]

424. Conformance checking of service behavior [中英文摘要]

425. Consistent process mining over big data triple stores [中英文摘要]

426. Constructing probable explanations of nonconformity: A data-aware and history-based approach [中英文摘要]

427. Context Aware Process Mining in Logistics [中英文摘要]

428. Context-adaptive Petri nets: Supporting adaptation for the execution context [中英文摘要]

429. Context-aware process mining framework for business process flexibility [中英文摘要]

430. Controlled automated discovery of collections of business process models [中英文摘要]

431. Convertibility and conversion algorithm of well-structured workflow net to process tree [中英文摘要]

432. Converting unstructured into semi-structured process models [中英文摘要]

433. CoreTAna: A Trace Analyzer for Reverse Engineering Real-Time Software [中英文摘要]

434. Cost-based fitness in conformance checking [中英文摘要]

435. Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Process Discovery of Non-Free Choice and Invisible Prime Tasks [中英文摘要]


436. Coupling case based reasoning and process mining for a web based crisis management decision support system [中英文摘要]

437. Creating hospital-specific customized clinical pathways by applying semantic reasoning to clinical data [中英文摘要]

438. Cross-organizational collaborative workflow mining from a multi-source log [中英文摘要]

439. Crowdsourcing Workflow Optimization to Internal Worker Crowds [中英文摘要]

440. Curriculum Assessment of Higher Educational Institution Using Aggregate Profile Clustering [中英文摘要]

441. Customer Oder Fulfillment Process Analysis with Process Mining: An Industrial Application in a Heavy Manufacturing Company [中英文摘要]

442. Customer-centered careflow modeling based on guidelines [中英文摘要]

443. DECLARE: Full Support for Loosely-Structured Processes [中英文摘要]

444. Data Mining Oriented Software Quality Estimation [中英文摘要]

445. Data and process requirements for product recall coordination [中英文摘要]

446. Data mining behavioral transitions in open source repositories [中英文摘要]

447. Data mining in clinical medicine [中英文摘要]

448. Data mining in manufacturing: A review based on the kind of knowledge [中英文摘要]

449. Data-aware process mining: Discovering decisions in processes using alignments [中英文摘要]

450. Data-aware remaining time prediction of business process instances [中英文摘要]


451. Data-driven Process Prioritization in Process Networks [中英文摘要]

452. Data-driven modeling of clinical pathways using electronic health records [中英文摘要]

453. Dealing with concept drifts in process mining [中英文摘要]

454. Dealing with uncertainty: Robust workflow navigation in the healthcare domain [中英文摘要]

455. Decision mining for multi choice workflow patterns [中英文摘要]

456. Declarative process discovery with evolutionary computing [中英文摘要]

457. Declarative process mining in healthcare [中英文摘要]

458. Declarative specification and verification of service choreographiess [中英文摘要]

459. Declarative workflows: Balancing between flexibility and support [中英文摘要]

460. Decomposing Petri nets for process mining: A generic approach [中英文摘要]

461. Decomposition using Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) and control flow complexity metrics [中英文摘要]

462. Delta analysis with workflow logs: Aligning business process prescriptions and their reality [中英文摘要]

463. Design and implementation of process mining system based on alphaalpha-algorithm [中英文摘要]

464. Design and implementation of processes for the primary care in the healthcare system of Greece [中英文摘要]

465. Design of an automatic workflow modeling method in cooperative WFMS [中英文摘要]


466. Design of intelligent business process system and process remodeling [中英文摘要]

467. Design of the integrated monitoring framework based on ontology for analyzing the customer feedback [中英文摘要]

468. Designing a composite e-service platform with recommendation function [中英文摘要]

469. Designing like a Pro: The automated composition of workflow activities [中英文摘要]

470. Detecting anomalies in DNS protocol traces via Passive Testing and Process Mining [中英文摘要]

471. Detecting changes in a semi-structured business process through spectral graph analysis [中英文摘要]

472. Detecting cloud provisioning errors using an annotated process model [中英文摘要]

473. Detecting concept drift in processes using graph metrics on process graphs [中英文摘要]

474. Detecting sudden and gradual drifts in business processes from execution traces [中英文摘要]

475. Detecting train reroutings with process mining: A Belgian application [中英文摘要]

476. Detection of processing model basic elements in intellectual analysis of flexible processes through business process intelligence [中英文摘要]

477. Determining process model precision and generalization with weighted artificial negative events [中英文摘要]

478. Developing Dependable and Secure Cloud Applications [中英文摘要]

479. Developing workflow patterns based on functional subnets and control - Flow patterns [中英文摘要]

480. Development of a process mining system for supporting knowledge discovery in a supply chain network [中英文摘要]


481. Development of an intelligent quality management system using fuzzy association rules [中英文摘要]

482. Development of an olap- fuzzy based process mining system for quality improvement [中英文摘要]

483. Diabetes care related process modelling using Process Mining techniques. Lessons learned in the application of Interactive Pattern Recognition: Coping with the Spaghetti Effect [中英文摘要]

484. Diagnosing behavioral differences between business process models: An approach based on event structures [中英文摘要]

485. Diagnosing web services system based on execution traces pattern analysis [中英文摘要]

486. Discovering Interacting Artifacts from ERP Systems [中英文摘要]

487. Discovering Reference Process Models in the Context of BPM Projects [中英文摘要]

488. Discovering and Visualizing Operations Processes with POD-Discovery and POD-Viz [中英文摘要]

489. Discovering and analyzing patterns of usage to detect usability problems in web applications [中英文摘要]

490. Discovering batch processing area from workflow logs [中英文摘要]

491. Discovering block-structured process models from event logs - A constructive approach [中英文摘要]

492. Discovering business process model from unstructured activity logs [中英文摘要]

493. Discovering business rules from business process models [中英文摘要]

494. Discovering changes of the change control board process during a software development project using process mining [中英文摘要]

495. Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs [中英文摘要]


496. Discovering crisis models to help assess coordination plans [中英文摘要]

497. Discovering cross-organizational business rules from the cloud [中英文摘要]

498. Discovering e-learning process models from counterexamples [中英文摘要]

499. Discovering event correlation rules for semi-structured business processes [中英文摘要]

500. Discovering expressive process models by clustering log traces [中英文摘要]

501. Discovering expressive process models from noised log data [中英文摘要]

502. Discovering mobility patterns of instagram users through process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

503. Discovering models of software processes from event-based data [中英文摘要]

504. Discovering optimized process model using rule discovery hybrid particle swarm optimization [中英文摘要]

505. Discovering organizational process models of resources in a hospital using Role Hierarchy Miner [中英文摘要]

506. Discovering process model from event logs by considering overlapping rules [中英文摘要]

507. Discovering process model from incomplete log using process mining [中英文摘要]

508. Discovering process models from event multiset [中英文摘要]

509. Discovering process models through relational disjunctive patterns mining [中英文摘要]

510. Discovering reference process models by mining process variants [中英文摘要]


511. Discovering requirements through goal-driven process mining [中英文摘要]

512. Discovering role interaction models in the Emergency Room using Process Mining [中英文摘要]

513. Discovering simulation models [中英文摘要]

514. Discovering social networks from event logs [中英文摘要]

515. Discovering student behavior patterns from event logs: Preliminary results on a novel probabilistic latent variable model [中英文摘要]

516. Discovering the software process by means of stochastic workflow analysis [中英文摘要]

517. Discovering work prioritisation patterns from event logs [中英文摘要]

518. Discovering workflow models from activities lifespans [中英文摘要]

519. Discovering workflow nets using integer linear programming [中英文摘要]

520. Discovering workflow transactional behavior from event-based log [中英文摘要]

521. Discovery and analysis of e-mail-driven business processes [中英文摘要]

522. Discovery and diagnosis of behavioral transitions in patient event streams [中英文摘要]

523. Discovery of clinical pathway patterns from event logs using probabilistic topic models [中英文摘要]

524. Discovery of outpatient care process of a tertiary university hospital using process mining [中英文摘要]

525. Discovery of patient pathways from a national hospital database using process mining and integer linear programming [中英文摘要]


526. Discovery of temporal patterns from process instances [中英文摘要]

527. Discrete modeling and simulation of business processes using event logs [中英文摘要]

528. Distilling lasagna from spaghetti processes [中英文摘要]

529. Distributed and scalable sequential pattern mining through stream processing [中英文摘要]

530. Distributed compliance monitoring of business processes over MapReduce architectures [中英文摘要]

531. Diversity guided evolutionary mining of hierarchical process models [中英文摘要]

532. Do activity lifecycles affect the validity of a business rule in a business process? [中英文摘要]

533. Domain-driven actionable process model discovery [中英文摘要]

534. E-Net modeling and analysis of emergency response processes constrained by resources and uncertain durations [中英文摘要]

535. EMiT: A process mining tool [中英文摘要]

536. ERP Post Implementation Review with Process Mining: A Case of Procurement Process [中英文摘要]

537. ESub: Mining and exploring substructures in knowledge-intensive processes [中英文摘要]

538. Ecosystem for business driven IT management [中英文摘要]

539. Effa: A ProM plugin for recovering event logs [中英文摘要]

540. Effect of a checklist on advanced trauma life support workflow deviations during trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification [中英文摘要]


541. Effective application of process improvement patterns to business processes [中英文摘要]

542. Effective team formation in workflow process context [中英文摘要]

543. Efficient Alignment Between Event Logs and Process Models [中英文摘要]

544. Efficient discovery of Target-Branched Declare constraints [中英文摘要]

545. Efficient periodicity mining of sequential patterns in a post-mining environment [中英文摘要]

546. Efficient process discovery from event streams using sequential pattern mining [中英文摘要]

547. Efficient process mining through critical path network analysis [中英文摘要]

548. Efficient querying of large process model repositories [中英文摘要]

549. Efficient selection of process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

550. Efficient ticket routing by resolution sequence mining [中英文摘要]

551. Egidio: A non-invasive approach for synthesizing organizational models [中英文摘要]

552. Ehealth personalization in the next generation RPM systems [中英文摘要]

553. Elastic Business Process Management: State of the art and open challenges for BPM in the cloud [中英文摘要]

554. Electronics production and process controlling [中英文摘要]

555. Empirical discovery of potential value leaks in processes by means of formal concept analysis [中英文摘要]


556. Enabling flexible location-aware business process modeling and execution [中英文摘要]

557. Enabling process mining on sensor data from smart products [中英文摘要]

558. Encoding process discovery problems in SMT [中英文摘要]

559. Enhance process flexibility by case-based reasoning and process mining [中英文摘要]

560. Enhancing discovered processes with duplicate tasks [中英文摘要]

561. Enhancing mobile device security with process mining [中英文摘要]

562. Enhancing precision in Process Conformance: Stability, confidence and severity [中英文摘要]

563. Ensuring correctness during process configuration via partner synthesis [中英文摘要]

564. Establishment of maintenance inspection intervals: an application of process mining techniques in manufacturing [中英文摘要]

565. Estimating structures of business process models from execution logs [中英文摘要]

566. Estimating the parameters of randomly interleaved Markov models [中英文摘要]

567. Evaluating and predicting overall process risk using event logs [中英文摘要]

568. Evaluating the effect of best practices for business process redesign: An evidence-based approach based on process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

569. Evaluating workflow process designs using cohesion and coupling metrics [中英文摘要]

570. Evaluation of Trace Alignment Quality and its Application in Medical Process Mining [中英文摘要]


571. Evaluation of the online assessment test using process mining (Case Study: Intensive English Center) [中英文摘要]

572. Event Correlation Analytics: Scaling Process Mining Using Mapreduce-Aware Event Correlation Discovery Techniques [中英文摘要]

573. Event Log Knowledge as a Complementary Simulation Model Construction Input [中英文摘要]

574. Event correlation for process discovery from web service interaction logs [中英文摘要]

575. Event interval analysis: Why do processes take time? [中英文摘要]

576. Event log imperfection patterns for process mining: Towards a systematic approach to cleaning event logs [中英文摘要]

577. Event log-based fraud rating using interval type-2 fuzzy sets in fuzzy AHP [中英文摘要]

578. Event stream-based process discovery using abstract representations [中英文摘要]

579. Event-based failure prediction in distributed business processes [中英文摘要]

580. Events analysis based on Internet information retrieval and process mining tools [中英文摘要]

581. Examining case management demand using event log complexity metrics [中英文摘要]

582. Examining diagnosis paths: A process mining approach [中英文摘要]

583. Execution support for agenda-driven case management [中英文摘要]

584. Explaining clusterings of process instances [中英文摘要]

585. Exploiting petri-net structure for activity classification and user instruction within an industrial setting [中英文摘要]


586. Exploiting process patterns and process instances to support adaptability of dynamic business processes [中英文摘要]

587. Exploration and analysis of undocumented processes using heterogeneous and unstructured business data [中英文摘要]

588. Exploring decision-making processes in python [中英文摘要]

589. Exploring regulatory processes during a computer-supported collaborative learning task using process mining [中英文摘要]

590. Exploring temporal sequences of regulatory phases and associated interactions in low- and high-challenge collaborative learning sessions [中英文摘要]

591. Exploring the CSCW spectrum using process mining [中英文摘要]

592. Exploring the Relationship between Business Processes and Contextual Information in Manufacturing and Logistics Based on Event Logs [中英文摘要]

593. Extendible data model for real-time business process analysis [中英文摘要]

594. Extracting Markov chain models from protocol execution traces for end to end delay evaluation in wireless sensor networks BT - 2015 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2015, May 27, 2015 - May 29, 2015 [中英文摘要]

595. Extracting and Conserving Production Data as Test Cases in Executable Business Process Architectures [中英文摘要]

596. Extracting of temporal patterns from data for hierarchical classifiers construction [中英文摘要]

597. Extracting real-life log with data perspective in PLM system for business process analysis [中英文摘要]

598. Extracting useful knowledge from event logs: A frequent itemset mining approach [中英文摘要]

599. Extracting workflow structures through Bayesian learning and provenance data [中英文摘要]

600. Extraction and analysis social networks from process data [中英文摘要]


601. Fault diagnosis of web service based on trace matching [中英文摘要]

602. Filtering Out Infrequent Behavior from Business Process Event Logs [中英文摘要]

603. Financial process mining - Accounting data structure dependent control flow inference [中英文摘要]

604. Fitting a workflow model to captured development data [中英文摘要]

605. Flexible heuristics miner (FHM) [中英文摘要]

606. Flexible process support by automatic aggregation of implicit and explicit user behavior [中英文摘要]

607. Fodina: A robust and flexible heuristic process discovery technique [中英文摘要]

608. Formal approach for compliance rules checking in business process models [中英文摘要]

609. Formal certification and compliance for run-time service environments [中英文摘要]

610. Formal semantics and analysis of control flow in WS-BPEL [中英文摘要]

611. Formalizing and appling compliance patterns for business process compliance [中英文摘要]

612. Foundations for event-based process analysis in heterogeneous software engineering environments [中英文摘要]

613. Framework for organizational structure re-design by assessing logistics business processes in harbor container terminals [中英文摘要]

614. Framework, strategy and evaluation of health care processes with RFID [中英文摘要]

615. Fraud detection in process aware systems [中英文摘要]


616. Fraud detection on event log of bank financial credit business process using Hidden Markov Model algorithm [中英文摘要]

617. Fraud detection on event logs of goods and services procurement business process using Heuristics Miner algorithm [中英文摘要]

618. Fraud detection on event logs using fuzzy association rule learning [中英文摘要]

619. Fraud prediction and the human factor: An approach to include human behavior in an automated fraud audit [中英文摘要]

620. Frequency-based similarity for parameterized sequences: Formal framework, algorithms, and applications [中英文摘要]

621. From conceptual process models to running systems: A holistic approach for the configuration of enterprise system processes [中英文摘要]

622. From data to knowledge: A method for modeling hospital logistic processes [中英文摘要]

623. From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities [中英文摘要]

624. From fine-grained to abstract process models: A semantic approach [中英文摘要]

625. From knowledge-driven to data-driven inter-case feature encoding in predictive process monitoring [中英文摘要]

626. From local patterns to global models: Towards domain driven educational process mining [中英文摘要]

627. Fusion Miner: Process discovery for mixed-paradigm models [中英文摘要]

628. Fuzzy mining - Adaptive process simplification based on multi-perspective metrics [中英文摘要]

629. Fuzzy performance evaluation of workflow stochastic Petri nets by means of block reduction [中英文摘要]

630. Gaining big picture awareness through an interconnected cross-layer situation knowledge reference model [中英文摘要]


631. Gathering process data in low-voltage systems by enhanced event-driven metering [中英文摘要]

632. General LTL specification mining [中英文摘要]

633. Generating a process model from a process audit log [中英文摘要]

634. Generating and comparing knowledge graphs of medical processes using pMineR [中英文摘要]

635. Generating event logs for high-level process models [中英文摘要]

636. Genet: A tool for the synthesis and mining of Petri nets [中英文摘要]

637. Genetic process mining: An experimental evaluation [中英文摘要]

638. Getting Rid of the OR-Join in Business Process Models [中英文摘要]

639. Graph-based workflow recommendation: On improving business process modeling [中英文摘要]

640. Grasping product pragmatics: A case with internet on TV [中英文摘要]

641. Green metrics for energy-aware IT systems [中英文摘要]

642. Guided Analytic Workflows through Service Composition for Population Health Studies [中英文摘要]

643. Guided interaction exploration in artifact-centric process models [中英文摘要]

644. HLMC: A hybrid logic tool for model checking in verification of administrative processes [中英文摘要]

645. Healthcare Analytics: Examining the Diagnosis–treatment Cycle [中英文摘要]


646. Heart Cycle: Facilitating the deployment of advanced care processes [中英文摘要]

647. Heuristic Recovery of Missing Events in Process Logs [中英文摘要]

648. Heuristic mining: Adaptive process simplification in education [中英文摘要]

649. Hierarchical business process clustering [中英文摘要]

650. Holistic Approach for Process Model Discovery [中英文摘要]

651. How is process mining technology used by organizations? A systematic literature review of empirical studies [中英文摘要]

652. How to guarantee compliance between workflows and product lifecycles? [中英文摘要]

653. How, who and when: Enhancing business process warehouses by graph based queries [中英文摘要]

654. Hybrid genetic algorithm and association rules for mining workflow best practices [中英文摘要]

655. Hybrid heuristics miner based on time series prediction for streaming process mining [中英文摘要]

656. Hybrid particle swarm optimization method for process mining [中英文摘要]

657. Identification of Time Petri Net Models [中英文摘要]

658. Identification of discrete event systems unobservable behaviour by petri nets using language projections [中英文摘要]

659. Identification of process-based fraud patterns in credit application [中英文摘要]

660. Identifying Key Resources in a Social Network Using f-PageRank [中英文摘要]


661. Identifying bottlenecks and fraud of business process using alpha ++ and heuristic miner algorithms (Case study: CV. Wicaksana Artha) [中英文摘要]

662. Impact of data aggregation on the significance of process mining results: An experimental evaluation [中英文摘要]

663. Impact-driven process model repair [中英文摘要]

664. Implementation of parallel model checking for computer-based test security design [中英文摘要]

665. Implementation of search mechanism for implicit dependences in process mining [中英文摘要]

666. Implementing closeness centrality measurements on workflow-supported enterprise social networks [中英文摘要]

667. Improved behavior model based on sequential rule mining [中英文摘要]

668. Improvement of call center customer service in a Thai bank using disco fuzzy mining algorithm [中英文摘要]

669. Improving business process decision making based on past experience [中英文摘要]

670. Improving efficiency of OTT systems using fuzzy mining technique [中英文摘要]

671. Improving genetic process mining using Honey Bee algorithm [中英文摘要]

672. Improving organizational process of a hospital through Petri-net based repair models [中英文摘要]

673. Improving process models by discovering decision points [中英文摘要]

674. Improving process models by mining mappings of low-level events to high-level activities [中英文摘要]

675. Improving strategy in robot soccer game by sequence extraction [中英文摘要]


676. Improving structural medical process comparison by exploiting domain knowledge and mined information [中英文摘要]

677. Improving structure: Logical sequencing of mined process models [中英文摘要]

678. Improving the quality of the Heuristics Miner in ProM 6.2 [中英文摘要]

679. In situ evaluation of recommender systems: Framework and instrumentation [中英文摘要]

680. Incorporating Topic Assignment Constraint and Topic Correlation Limitation into Clinical Goal Discovering for Clinical Pathway Mining [中英文摘要]

681. Incorporating comorbidities into latent treatment pattern mining for clinical pathways [中英文摘要]

682. Incorporating negative information to process discovery of complex systems [中英文摘要]

683. Incorporating user behavior patterns to discover workflow models from event logs [中英文摘要]

684. Incremental learning of daily routines as workflows in a smart home environment [中英文摘要]

685. Incremental workflow mining with optional patterns [中英文摘要]

686. Industrial application of semantic process mining [中英文摘要]

687. Industry paper: Lessons learned using a process mining approach to analyze events from distributed applications [中英文摘要]

688. Information behaving badly [中英文摘要]

689. Information system risk auditing model based on process mining [中英文摘要]

690. Insuring sensitive processes through process mining [中英文摘要]


691. Integrating event logs into KDM repositories [中英文摘要]

692. Integration and verification of semantic constraints in adaptive process management systems [中英文摘要]

693. Intelligent control model for checking data quality in hospital process management [中英文摘要]

694. Intelligent financial fraud detection: A comprehensive review [中英文摘要]

695. Intelligent mininig for capturing processes through event logs to represent workflows using FP tree [中英文摘要]

696. Interaction pattern detection in process oriented information systems [中英文摘要]

697. Interactive exploration of developer interaction traces using a Hidden Markov Model [中英文摘要]

698. Interactive pattern recognition in cardiovascular disease management. A process mining approach [中英文摘要]

699. Interactive workflow mining-requirements, concepts and implementation [中英文摘要]

700. Interconnecting processes through IoT in a health-care scenario [中英文摘要]

701. Intra- and inter-organizational process mining: Discovering processes within and between organizations [中英文摘要]

702. Investigations on Stochastic Information Control Nets [中英文摘要]

703. Is my event log complete? - A probabilistic approach to process mining [中英文摘要]

704. Is your upgrade worth it? process mining can tell [中英文摘要]

705. Knowledge awareness in Alarm System Database [中英文摘要]


706. Knowledge management in health care: An architectural framework for clinical process management systems [中英文摘要]

707. Knowledge service model for business process design [中英文摘要]

708. Knowledge transition: Discovering workflow models from functional tests [中英文摘要]

709. Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Characteristics, Requirements and Analysis of Contemporary Approaches [中英文摘要]

710. LNBIP 162 - Process Prediction in Noisy Data Sets: A Case Study in a Dutch Hospital [中英文摘要]

711. Language-based process model discovery and enhancement [中英文摘要]

712. Latent treatment pattern discovery for clinical processes [中英文摘要]

713. Learning Bayesian network from event logs using mutual information test [中英文摘要]

714. Learning analytics framework for educational virtual worlds [中英文摘要]

715. Learning bundled care opportunities from electronic medical records [中英文摘要]

716. Learning frequent behaviors of the users in intelligent environments [中英文摘要]

717. Learning movement synchronization in multi-component robotic systems [中英文摘要]

718. Learning to Produce Direct Tests for Security Verification Using Constrained Process Discovery [中英文摘要]

719. Leveraging path information to generate predictions for parallel business processes [中英文摘要]

720. Leveraging process discovery with trace clustering and text mining for intelligent analysis of incident management processes [中英文摘要]


721. Leveraging process-mining techniques [中英文摘要]

722. Linguistic summaries of process data [中英文摘要]

723. Linking data and process perspectives for conformance analysis [中英文摘要]

724. Location-Aware Path Alignment in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

725. Log-based Evaluation of Label Splits for Process Models [中英文摘要]

726. Log-based mining techniques applied to Web service composition reengineering [中英文摘要]

727. Log-based process fragment querying to support process design [中英文摘要]

728. Log-based transactional workflow mining [中英文摘要]

729. LogLogics: A logic for history-dependent business processes [中英文摘要]

730. MAREA-From an agent simulation application to the social network analysis [中英文摘要]

731. Managing process model complexity via abstract syntax modifications [中英文摘要]

732. Map-TBS: Map process enactment traces and analysis [中英文摘要]

733. Mapping the Conceptual Relationship among Data Analysis, Knowledge Generation and Decision-making in Industrial Processes [中英文摘要]

734. Marked-controlled reconfigurable workflow nets [中英文摘要]

735. Mashups and widget orchestration [中英文摘要]


736. Matching events and activities by integrating behavioral aspects and label analysis [中英文摘要]

737. Matching observed behavior and modeled behavior: An approach based on Petri nets and integer programming [中英文摘要]

738. Matching of events and activities - An approach based on behavioral constraint satisfaction [中英文摘要]

739. Measures and mechanisms for process monitoring in evolving business networks [中英文摘要]

740. Measuring precision of modeled behavior [中英文摘要]

741. Measuring the fitness relationship [中英文摘要]

742. Mediating between modeled and observed behavior: The quest for the right process: Keynote [中英文摘要]

743. Medical Workflow Modeling Using Alignment-Guided State-Splitting HMM [中英文摘要]

744. Merging event logs for process mining: A rule based merging method and rule suggestion algorithm [中英文摘要]

745. Merging event logs: Combining granularity levels for process flow analysis [中英文摘要]

746. Message correlation and web service protocol mining from inaccurate logs [中英文摘要]

747. Methods of Introducing Continuous Process Mining to Service Management for Mobile APPs [中英文摘要]

748. Middleware adaptation through process mining [中英文摘要]

749. Mining Logs to Model the Use of a System [中英文摘要]

750. Mining Sequences of Developer Interactions in Visual Studio for Usage Smells [中英文摘要]


751. Mining Shop-Floor Data for Preventive Maintenance Management: Integrating Probabilistic and Predictive Models [中英文摘要]

752. Mining Social Networks: Uncovering Interaction Patterns in Business Processes [中英文摘要]

753. Mining agents goals in agent-oriented business processes [中英文摘要]

754. Mining and checking web services behavior [中英文摘要]

755. Mining and re-engineering transactional workflows for reliable executions [中英文摘要]

756. Mining artful processes from knowledge workers emails [中英文摘要]

757. Mining association rules from XML data with index table [中英文摘要]

758. Mining association rules to support resource allocation in business process management [中英文摘要]

759. Mining branching-time scenarios [中英文摘要]

760. Mining business process variants: Challenges, scenarios, algorithms [中英文摘要]

761. Mining change operations for workflow platform as a service [中英文摘要]

762. Mining collaboration patterns of software development processes based on trace alignment [中英文摘要]

763. Mining compressed commodity workflows from massive RFID data sets [中英文摘要]

764. Mining configurable enterprise information systems [中英文摘要]

765. Mining decision to discover the relation of rules among decision points in a non-free choice construct [中英文摘要]


766. Mining event logs to support workflow resource allocation [中英文摘要]

767. Mining exact models of concurrent workflows [中英文摘要]

768. Mining executable specifications of web applications from Selenium IDE tests [中英文摘要]

769. Mining frequent composite service patterns [中英文摘要]

770. Mining group-based knowledge flows for sharing task knowledge [中英文摘要]

771. Mining knowledge flow for modeling the information needs of task-based groups [中英文摘要]

772. Mining knowledge sharing processes in online discussion forums [中英文摘要]

773. Mining local process models [中英文摘要]

774. Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog [中英文摘要]

775. Mining organizational behaviors in collaborative logistics chain: An empirical study in a port [中英文摘要]

776. Mining organizational structure from workflow logs [中英文摘要]

777. Mining periodic patterns from nested event logs [中英文摘要]

778. Mining process models and architectural components from test cases [中英文摘要]

779. Mining process models from event logs in distributed bioinformatics workflows [中英文摘要]

780. Mining process models with non-free-choice constructs [中英文摘要]


781. Mining process models with prime invisible tasks [中英文摘要]

782. Mining process variants: Goals and issues [中英文摘要]

783. Mining processes in dentistry [中英文摘要]

784. Mining processes with multi-instantiation [中英文摘要]

785. Mining program workflow from interleaved traces [中英文摘要]

786. Mining resource profiles from event logs [中英文摘要]

787. Mining sequences for patterns with non-repeating symbols [中英文摘要]

788. Mining software development process variations [中英文摘要]

789. Mining software process lines [中英文摘要]

790. Mining student capstone projects with FRASR and ProM [中英文摘要]

791. Mining taxonomies of process models [中英文摘要]

792. Mining the log-tree of process traces: Current approach and future perspectives [中英文摘要]

793. Mining theory-based patterns from Big data: Identifying self-regulated learning strategies in Massive Open Online Courses [中英文摘要]

794. Mining transportation logs for understanding the after-assembly block manufacturing process in the shipbuilding industry [中英文摘要]

795. Mining unconnected patterns in workflows [中英文摘要]


796. Mining unstructured processes: An exploratory study on a distance learning domain [中英文摘要]

797. Mining usage scenarios in business processes: Outlier-aware discovery and run-time prediction [中英文摘要]

798. Mining variable fragments from process event logs [中英文摘要]

799. Mining version histories for change impact analysis in business process model repositories [中英文摘要]

800. Mining workflow patterns through event-data analysis [中英文摘要]

801. Mining workflow processes from xml-based distributed workflow event logs [中英文摘要]

802. Model business process improvement by statistical analysis of the users conduct in the process [中英文摘要]

803. Model checking analysis of semantically annotated business processes [中英文摘要]

804. Model checking as support for inspecting compliance to rules in flexible processes [中英文摘要]

805. Model discovery of parallel business processes using modified Heuristic Miner [中英文摘要]

806. Model mining: Integrating data analytics, modelling and verification [中英文摘要]

807. Model repair - Aligning process models to reality [中英文摘要]

808. Model repair of Time Petri nets with temporal anomalies [中英文摘要]

809. Model-Based Clustering and Visualization of Navigation Patterns on a Web Site [中英文摘要]

810. Modeling and integration of hospital information systems with petri nets [中英文摘要]


811. Modeling and online recognition of surgical phases using hidden Markov models [中英文摘要]

812. Modeling and verification for cross-department collaborative business processes using extended petri nets [中英文摘要]

813. Modeling of transport times in partly observable factory logistic systems based on event logs [中英文摘要]

814. Modelling and performance analysis of wireless sensor networks using process mining techniques: ContikiMAC use case [中英文摘要]

815. Modelling service workflow outcomes by assessing the underlying message flows [中英文摘要]

816. Modelling work distribution mechanisms using Colored Petri Nets [中英文摘要]

817. Monitoring Interactions across Multi Business Processes with Token Carried Data [中英文摘要]

818. Monitoring business constraints with the event calculus [中英文摘要]

819. Monitoring care processes in the gynecologic oncology department [中英文摘要]

820. Monitoring collaboration from a value perspective [中英文摘要]

821. Monitoring data-aware business constraints with finite state automata [中英文摘要]

822. Monitoring safety of process operations using industrial workflows [中英文摘要]

823. Monitoring security compliance of critical processes [中英文摘要]

824. Multi-Paradigm Process Mining: Retrieving Better Models by Combining Rules and Sequences [中英文摘要]

825. Multi-level abstraction for trace comparison and process discovery [中英文摘要]


826. Multidimensional process mining: A flexible analysis approach for health services research [中英文摘要]

827. Multilevel Process Mining for Financial Audits [中英文摘要]

828. Necessary condition for a Petri net model that incorporates resources to produce an event stream from an unknown initial state [中英文摘要]

829. Network-based business process analysis [中英文摘要]

830. New methodology for modeling large scale manufacturing process: Using process mining methods and experts knowledge [中英文摘要]

831. New region-based algorithms for deriving bounded petri nets [中英文摘要]

832. Nirikshan: Mining bug report history for discovering process maps, inefficiencies and inconsistencies [中英文摘要]

833. Nirikshan: Process mining software repositories to identify inefficiencies, imperfections, and enhance existing process capabilities [中英文摘要]

834. Non-Local Correction of Process Models Using Event Logs [中英文摘要]

835. Non-intrusive transaction monitoring using system logs [中英文摘要]

836. Normative requirements for regulatory compliance: An abstract formal framework [中英文摘要]

837. Observation and mitigation of causal re-ordering in distributed business process logs [中英文摘要]

838. Obtaining thresholds for the effectiveness of business process mining [中英文摘要]

839. Occurrence-oriented design strategy for developing business process monitoring systems [中英文摘要]

840. On capturing and quantifying social qualities in business processes [中英文摘要]


841. On enabling integrated process compliance with semantic constraints in process management systems: Requirements, challenges, solutions [中英文摘要]

842. On local anomaly detection and analysis for clinical pathways [中英文摘要]

843. On mining clinical pathway patterns from medical behaviors [中英文摘要]

844. On predicting the frequent execution patterns in information systems [中英文摘要]

845. On process mining in health care [中英文摘要]

846. On recommendation of process mining algorithms [中英文摘要]

847. On testing 1-safe Petri nets [中英文摘要]

848. On the Synthesis of Finite-State Machines from Samples of Their Behavior [中英文摘要]

849. On the definition and design-time analysis of process performance indicators [中英文摘要]

850. On the discovery of preferred work practice through business process variants [中英文摘要]

851. On the enforcement of a class of nonlinear constraints on Petri nets [中英文摘要]

852. On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: The process discovery case [中英文摘要]

853. On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: The process discovery case [中英文摘要]

854. On the predictive power of university curricula [中英文摘要]

855. On the representational bias in process mining [中英文摘要]


856. Online and offline classification of traces of event logs on the basis of security risks [中英文摘要]

857. Online conformance checking: relating event streams to process models using prefix-alignments [中英文摘要]

858. Online data-driven adaptive prediction of train event times [中英文摘要]

859. Online role mining without over-fitting for service recommendation [中英文摘要]

860. Ontology Change Management and Identification of Change Patterns [中英文摘要]

861. Opaque service virtualisation: A practical tool for emulating endpoint systems [中英文摘要]

862. Optimal Process Mining for Large and Complex Event Logs [中英文摘要]

863. Optimized cross-organizational business process monitoring: Design and enactment [中英文摘要]

864. Optimizing spaghetti process models [中英文摘要]

865. Organizational modeling from event logs [中英文摘要]

866. Organizational structure mining based on workflow logs [中英文摘要]

867. Overcoming individual process model matcher weaknesses using ensemblexa0matching [中英文摘要]

868. Overview of Workflow Mining Technology [中英文摘要]

869. PETRA: Process Evolution using a TRAce-based system on a maintenance platform [中英文摘要]

870. POD-Diagnosis: Error diagnosis of sporadic operations on cloud applications [中英文摘要]


871. Parallel algorithms for the automated discovery of declarative process models [中英文摘要]

872. Parameterised trace selection technique for process model recovering [中英文摘要]

873. PathViewer: Visualizing pathways through student data [中英文摘要]

874. Pathway identification via process mining for patients with multiple conditions [中英文摘要]

875. Pattern detection for conceptual schema recovery in data-intensive systems [中英文摘要]

876. Pattern discovery from innovation processes [中英文摘要]

877. Pattern-based Mining in Electronic Health Records for Complex Clinical Process Analysis [中英文摘要]

878. Paving the COWpath: Learning and visualizing clinical pathways from electronic health record data [中英文摘要]

879. Performance analysis of a bank call canter customer service using Fuzzy Miner technique [中英文摘要]

880. Performance assessment architecture for collaborative business processes in BPM-SOA-based environment [中英文摘要]

881. Personalized micro-learning support based on process mining [中英文摘要]

882. Perspectives on process mining within cloud computing [中英文摘要]

883. Petri net discovery of discrete event processes by computing t-invariants [中英文摘要]

884. Petri net-based process monitoring: A workflow management system for process modelling and monitoring [中英文摘要]

885. Petrifying operating guidelines for services [中英文摘要]


886. Phenomenon of concept drift from process mining insight [中英文摘要]

887. PrOnto: An Ontology Driven Business Process Mining Tool [中英文摘要]

888. Pragamana: Performance comparison and programming alpha-miner algorithm in relational database query language and NoSQL column-oriented using apache phoenix [中英文摘要]

889. Predicting process behaviour using deep learning [中英文摘要]

890. Predicting the post-treatment recovery of patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) [中英文摘要]

891. Predicting treatment process steps from events [中英文摘要]

892. Prediction of business process durations using non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets [中英文摘要]

893. Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes: A Survey [中英文摘要]

894. Prioritization of Interconnected Processes [中英文摘要]

895. ProDiGen: Mining complete, precise and minimal structure process models with a genetic algorithm [中英文摘要]

896. ProPath - A guideline based software for the implementation into the medical environment [中英文摘要]

897. Probabilistic workflow mining [中英文摘要]

898. ProcMiner: Advancing process analysis and management [中英文摘要]

899. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A.M. Uhrmacher, eds [中英文摘要]

900. Process Discovery from Dependence-Complete Event Logs [中英文摘要]


901. Process Discovery of Operator Actions in Response to Univariate Alarms [中英文摘要]

902. Process Miner — A Tool for Mining Process Schemes from Event-Based Data [中英文摘要]

903. Process Mining Put into Context [中英文摘要]

904. Process Mining for Trust Monitoring [中英文摘要]

905. Process Mining for the multi-faceted analysis of business processes - A case study in a financial services organization [中英文摘要]

906. Process Mining in BPM: Concepts and challenges [中英文摘要]

907. Process Mining to Discover Shoppers Pathways at a Fashion Retail Store Using a WiFi-Base Indoor Positioning System [中英文摘要]

908. Process Model Extension using Heuristics Miner [中英文摘要]

909. Process and deviation exploration through Alpha-algorithm and Heuristic miner techniques [中英文摘要]

910. Process compliance analysis based on behavioural profiles [中英文摘要]

911. Process cube for software defect resolution [中英文摘要]

912. Process diagnostics using trace alignment: Opportunities, issues, and challenges [中英文摘要]

913. Process diagnostics: A method based on process mining [中英文摘要]

914. Process discovery algorithms using numerical abstract domains [中英文摘要]

915. Process discovery from event stream data in the cloud - A scalable, distributed implementation of the flexible heuristics miner on the amazon kinesis cloud infrastructure [中英文摘要]


916. Process discovery in event logs: An application in the telecom industry [中英文摘要]

917. Process discovery under precedence constraints [中英文摘要]

918. Process discovery using ant colony optimization [中英文摘要]

919. Process discovery: Capturing the invisible [中英文摘要]

920. Process mining and hierarchical clustering to help intrusion alert visualization [中英文摘要]

921. Process mining and practical usage [中英文摘要]

922. Process mining and security: Detecting anomalous process executions and checking process conformance [中英文摘要]

923. Process mining application for discovering student learning paths [中英文摘要]

924. Process mining applied to the test process of wafer scanners in ASML [中英文摘要]

925. Process mining approach based on partial structures of event logs and decision tree learning [中英文摘要]

926. Process mining approach for efficient utilization of resources in a hospital [中英文摘要]

927. Process mining based modeling and analysis of workflows in clinical care - A case study in a chicago outpatient clinic [中英文摘要]

928. Process mining based on improved hybrid genetic algorithm [中英文摘要]

929. Process mining based on regions of languages [中英文摘要]

930. Process mining based on specification slicing for dynamic reconfiguration [中英文摘要]


931. Process mining for alarm rationalization and fault patterns identification [中英文摘要]

932. Process mining for clinical pathway: Literature review and future directions [中英文摘要]

933. Process mining for clinical processes: A comparative analysis of four australian hospitals [中英文摘要]

934. Process mining for clinical workflows [中英文摘要]

935. Process mining for healthcare process analytics [中英文摘要]

936. Process mining for knowledge-intensive business processes [中英文摘要]

937. Process mining for project management [中英文摘要]

938. Process mining for recommender strategies support in news media [中英文摘要]

939. Process mining for semantic business process modeling [中英文摘要]

940. Process mining in CSCW systems [中英文摘要]

941. Process mining in healthcare: A literature review [中英文摘要]

942. Process mining in healthcare: A literature review [中英文摘要]

943. Process mining in healthcare: A systematised literature review [中英文摘要]

944. Process mining in healthcare: Analysis and modeling of processes in the emergency area [中英文摘要]

945. Process mining in oncology: A literature review [中英文摘要]


946. Process mining in software systems: Discovering real-life business transactions and process models from distributed systems [中英文摘要]

947. Process mining manifesto [中英文摘要]

948. Process mining meets malware evolution: A study of the behavior of malicious code [中英文摘要]

949. Process mining methods for post-delivery validation [中英文摘要]

950. Process mining multiple repositories for software defect resolution from control and organizational perspective [中英文摘要]

951. Process mining of RFID-based supply chains [中英文摘要]

952. Process mining on medical treatment history using conformance checking [中英文摘要]

953. Process mining on noisy logs - Can log sanitization help to improve performance? [中英文摘要]

954. Process mining routinely collected electronic health records to define real-life clinical pathways during chemotherapy [中英文摘要]

955. Process mining software repositories from student projects in an undergraduate software engineering course [中英文摘要]

956. Process mining software repositories [中英文摘要]

957. Process mining techniques for analysing patterns and strategies in students self-regulated learning [中英文摘要]

958. Process mining through dynamic analysis for modernising legacy systems [中英文摘要]

959. Process mining towards semantics [中英文摘要]

960. Process mining using alphaalpha-algorithm as a tool (A case study of student registration) [中英文摘要]


961. Process mining using BPMN: relating event logs and process models [中英文摘要]

962. Process mining with token carried data [中英文摘要]

963. Process mining, discovery, and integration using distance measures [中英文摘要]

964. Process mining: A research agenda [中英文摘要]

965. Process mining: A two-step approach to balance between underfitting and overfitting [中英文摘要]

966. Process mining: Converting data from MS-Access Database to MXML format [中英文摘要]

967. Process mining: Discovering direct successors in process logs [中英文摘要]

968. Process mining: Matrix representation for bloc discovery [中英文摘要]

969. Process mining: Overview and opportunities [中英文摘要]

970. Process mining: algorithm for S-Coverable workflow nets [中英文摘要]

971. Process mining: discovering and improving Spaghetti and Lasagna processes [中英文摘要]

972. Process mining [中英文摘要]

973. Process mining [中英文摘要]

974. Process model representation layers for financial audits [中英文摘要]

975. Process modeling and bottleneck mining in online peer-review systems [中英文摘要]


976. Process modeling and decision mining in a collaborative distance learning environment [中英文摘要]

977. Process monitoring using maximum sequence divergence [中英文摘要]

978. Process querying: Enabling business intelligence through query-based processxa0analytics [中英文摘要]

979. Process simulation and pattern discovery through alpha and heuristic algorithms [中英文摘要]

980. Process variant comparison: Using event logs to detect differences in behavior and business rules [中英文摘要]

981. Process-Oriented Iterative Multiple Alignment for Medical Process Mining [中英文摘要]

982. Process-mining enabled feedback: tell me what i did wrong vs. tell me how to do it right [中英文摘要]

983. Process-mining-based workflow model fragmentation for distributed execution [中英文摘要]

984. ProcessProfiler3D: A visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison [中英文摘要]

985. Processes Meet Big Data: Connecting Data Science with Process Science [中英文摘要]

986. Product-based workflow support [中英文摘要]

987. Program comprehension for user-assisted test oracle generation [中英文摘要]

988. Projection approaches to process mining using region-based techniques [中英文摘要]

989. Prom: Analysis of Social Network in students registration system [中英文摘要]

990. Promoting socially shared regulation of learning in CSCL: Progress of socially shared regulation among high- and low-performing groups [中英文摘要]


991. Propagating changes between aligned process models [中英文摘要]

992. Providing context-based security for inter-organizational electronic business processes [中英文摘要]

993. Pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm in process mining [中英文摘要]

994. Quantifying patient flow and utilization with patient flow pathway and diagnosis of an emergency department in Singapore [中英文摘要]

995. Quantifying process equivalence based on observed behavior [中英文摘要]

996. Quantitative analysis of resource-constrained business processes [中英文摘要]

997. Question-driven methodology for analyzing emergency room processes using process mining [中英文摘要]

998. Queue mining for delay prediction in multi-class service processes [中英文摘要]

999. RDF model checking: A technique to verify behavioral properties in semantically annotated business processes [中英文摘要]

1000. RECYCLE: Learning looping workflows from annotated traces [中英文摘要]

1001. RTLS-based Process Mining: Towards an automatic process diagnosis in healthcare [中英文摘要]

1002. Real-time process data acquisition with bluetooth [中英文摘要]

1003. Real-time risk monitoring in business processes: A sensor-based approach [中英文摘要]

1004. Recognize contextual situation in pervasive environments using process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

1005. Recommendation of optimized information seeking process based on the similarity of user access behavior patterns [中英文摘要]


1006. Recompiling learning processes from event logs [中英文摘要]

1007. Reconstructing meaningful workflow from transaction logs [中英文摘要]

1008. Recovering human mobility flow models and daily routine patterns in a smart environment [中英文摘要]

1009. Redesigning business processes: A methodology based on simulation and process mining techniques [中英文摘要]

1010. Rediscovery of government process model in E-government [中英文摘要]

1011. Reducing user input requests to improve IT support ticket resolution process [中英文摘要]

1012. Refactor Business Process Models with Maximized Parallelism [中英文摘要]

1013. Refactoring large process model repositories [中英文摘要]

1014. Reflections on the use of chord diagrams in social network visualization in process mining [中英文摘要]

1015. Region-based foldings in process discovery [中英文摘要]

1016. Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management [中英文摘要]

1017. Requirements for the visualization of system-spanning business processes [中英文摘要]

1018. Research on a workflow mining algorithm using dynamic weighted association rules based on tuple of activity-role [中英文摘要]

1019. Research on automatic government process remodeling in E-government [中英文摘要]

1020. Research on method for acquisition of process knowledge based on alphaalpha-algorithm [中英文摘要]


1021. Research on reengineering of ERP system based on data mining and MAS [中英文摘要]

1022. Research on the logistics integration based on shopping network [中英文摘要]

1023. Resolving inconsistencies and redundancies in declarative process models [中英文摘要]

1024. Resource behavior measure and application in business process management [中英文摘要]

1025. Retrieval and clustering for supporting business process adjustment and analysis [中英文摘要]

1026. Retrieving batch organisation of work insights from event logs [中英文摘要]

1027. Revealing daily human activity pattern using process mining approach [中英文摘要]

1028. Revising history for cost-informed process improvement [中英文摘要]

1029. Role-activity diagrams modeling based on workflow mining [中英文摘要]

1030. Run-time prediction of business process indicators using evolutionary decision rules [中英文摘要]

1031. Runtime deduction of case ID for unlabeled business process execution events [中英文摘要]

1032. SLA-Driven Business Process Distribution [中英文摘要]

1033. SOA4ALL: An innovative integrated approach to services composition [中英文摘要]

1034. SWAT: A security workflow analysis toolkit for reliably secure process-aware information systems [中英文摘要]

1035. Scalable Process Discovery Using Map-Reduce [中英文摘要]


1036. Scalable attack analysis of business process based on decision mining classification [中英文摘要]

1037. Scalable graph-based OLAP analytics over process execution data [中英文摘要]

1038. Scalable indexing algorithm for multi-dimensional time-gap analysis with distributed computing [中英文摘要]

1039. Scalable process discovery and conformance checking [中英文摘要]

1040. Scenario-based method for business process analysis and improvement in SOA [中英文摘要]

1041. Scientific Workflow Clustering and Recommendation Leveraging Layer Hierarchical Analysis [中英文摘要]

1042. Scientific workflows for process mining: building blocks, scenarios, and implementation [中英文摘要]

1043. Semantic Enrichment of GSM-Based Artifact-Centric Models [中英文摘要]

1044. Semantic process mining towards discovery and enhancement of learning model analysis [中英文摘要]

1045. Semantics based service orchestration in IoT [中英文摘要]

1046. Semantics-based event log aggregation for process mining and analytics [中英文摘要]

1047. Semi-automatic acquisition of Semantic descriptions of processes in the Web [中英文摘要]

1048. Sequence partitioning for process mining with unlabeled event logs [中英文摘要]

1049. Service mining: Using process mining to discover, check, and improve service behavior [中英文摘要]

1050. Services integration monitor for collaborative workflow management [中英文摘要]


1051. Similar sample selection approach based on sequence alignment; Application to semiconductor industry [中英文摘要]

1052. Similarity measure between patient traces for clinical pathway analysis: Problem, method, and applications [中英文摘要]

1053. Similarity of business process models - A state-of-the-art analysis [中英文摘要]

1054. Similarity of business process models in a modular design [中英文摘要]

1055. Similarity of business process models: Metrics and evaluation [中英文摘要]

1056. Simplified business process model mining based on Structuredness Metric [中英文摘要]

1057. Simplifying discovered process models in a controlled manner [中英文摘要]

1058. Single-Entry Single-Exit decomposed conformance checking [中英文摘要]

1059. Slice and Connect: Tri-Dimensional Process Discovery with Case Study of Port Logistics Process [中英文摘要]

1060. Smart auditing - Innovating compliance checking in customs control [中英文摘要]

1061. Social network analysis and mining for business applications [中英文摘要]

1062. Social network analysis and role hierarchy mining through MXML-based event logs [中英文摘要]

1063. Sociomaterial Enactment Drive of Business/IT Alignment: From Small Data to Big Impact [中英文摘要]

1064. SoftLearn: A process mining platform for the discovery of learning paths [中英文摘要]

1065. Software cybernetics in BPM: Modeling software behavior as feedback for evolution by a novel discovery method based on augmented event logs [中英文摘要]


1066. Software process evaluation: A machine learning approach [中英文摘要]

1067. Software process line discovery [中英文摘要]

1068. Split miner: Discovering accurate and simple business process models from event logs [中英文摘要]

1069. Start time and duration distribution estimation in semi-structured processes [中英文摘要]

1070. State machine workflow modeling and dataflow analysis [中英文摘要]

1071. Statistical mechanics approach for collaborative business social network reconstruction [中英文摘要]

1072. Statistical process monitoring by using process mining [中英文摘要]

1073. Statistical verification of process conformance based on log equality test [中英文摘要]

1074. Stochastic simulation of clinical pathways from raw health databases [中英文摘要]

1075. Strategies for the quality assessment of the health care service providers in the treatment of Gastric Cancer in Colombia [中英文摘要]

1076. Structural Similarity Measurement of Business Process Model to Compare Heuristic and Inductive Miner Algorithms Performance in Dealing with Noise [中英文摘要]

1077. Structural patterns for soundness of business process models [中英文摘要]

1078. Structural similarity of business process variants [中英文摘要]

1079. Student registration process evaluation using process mining case study: IT Telkom [中英文摘要]

1080. Students careers analysis: A process mining approach [中英文摘要]


1081. Study of the process modeling based on petri net [中英文摘要]

1082. Sub-process discovery: Opportunities for process diagnostics [中英文摘要]

1083. Summarizing clinical pathways from event logs [中英文摘要]

1084. Summarizing patient daily activities for clinical pathway mining [中英文摘要]

1085. Supergraph based periodic pattern mining in dynamic social networks [中英文摘要]

1086. Supervised intentional process models discovery using Hidden Markov models [中英文摘要]

1087. Supporting Knowledge-Intensive Processes through Integrated Task Lifecycle Support [中英文摘要]

1088. Supporting healthcare management decisions via robust clustering of event logs [中英文摘要]

1089. Synchronization-core-based discovery of processes with decomposable cyclic dependencies [中英文摘要]

1090. TCPM: Topic-Based Clinical Pathway Mining [中英文摘要]

1091. Temporal abstractions to enrich Activity-Based Process Mining corpus with clinical time series [中英文摘要]

1092. Temporal data mining and process mining techniques to identify cardiovascular risk-associated clinical pathways in Type 2 diabetes patients [中英文摘要]

1093. Temporal electronic phenotyping by mining careflows of breast cancer patients [中英文摘要]

1094. Temporal mining for interactive workflow data analysis [中英文摘要]

1095. Temporal representation of care trajectories of cancer patients using data from a regional information system: An application in breast cancer [中英文摘要]


1096. The Lombardia stroke unit registry: 1-year experience of a web-based hospital stroke registry [中英文摘要]

1097. The Mining of Activity Dependence Relation Based on Business Process Models [中英文摘要]

1098. The ProM framework: A new era in process mining tool support [中英文摘要]

1099. The Research on the Usage of Business Process Mining in the Implementation of BPR [中英文摘要]

1100. The Structured Process Modeling Method (SPMM) what is the best way for me to construct a process model? [中英文摘要]

1101. The analysis of a real life declarative process [中英文摘要]

1102. The best fit process model for the utilization of the physical resources in hospitals by applying inductive visual miner [中英文摘要]

1103. The butterfly: An intelligent framework for violation prediction within business processes [中英文摘要]

1104. The case for process mining in auditing: Sources of value added and areas of application [中英文摘要]

1105. The effectiveness of workflow management systems: A longitudinal study [中英文摘要]

1106. The evaluation of massive multiplayer online role-playing games based on expanded dependency graph [中英文摘要]

1107. The minadept clustering approach for discovering reference process models out of process variants [中英文摘要]

1108. The newguide project: Guidelines, information sharing and learning from exceptions [中英文摘要]

1109. The research of process mining assessment used in business intelligence [中英文摘要]

1110. The resource allocation model for multi-process instances based on particle swarm optimization [中英文摘要]


1111. The state of the art of business process management research as published in the BPM conference: Recommendations for progressing the field [中英文摘要]

1112. The use of a process mining technique to characterize the work process of main control room crews: A feasibility study [中英文摘要]

1113. The use of software product lines for business process management: A systematic literature review [中英文摘要]

1114. Time based Discovery of parallel business processes [中英文摘要]

1115. Time performance analysis of medical treatment processes by using disco [中英文摘要]

1116. Time prediction based on process mining [中英文摘要]

1117. Time-interval process model discovery and validation-a genetic process mining approach [中英文摘要]

1118. Toward an Anonymous Process Mining [中英文摘要]

1119. Toward objective software process information: Experiences from a case study [中英文摘要]

1120. Towards Automating Inter-organizational Workflow Semantic Resolution [中英文摘要]

1121. Towards Comprehensive Support for Privacy Preservation Cross-Organization Business Process Mining [中英文摘要]

1122. Towards Pathway Variation Identification: Aligning Patient Records with a Care Pathway [中英文摘要]

1123. Towards Planning Scientific Experiments through Declarative Model Discovery in Provenance Data [中英文摘要]

1124. Towards Traditional Simulation Models of Context Using Process Mining [中英文摘要]

1125. Towards a better assessment of event logs quality [中英文摘要]


1126. Towards a data science toolbox for industrial analytics applications [中英文摘要]

1127. Towards a distributed computation platform tailored for educational process discovery and analysis [中英文摘要]

1128. Towards automated analysis of fads and trends in information systems research: Concept, implementation and exemplary application in the context of business process management research [中英文摘要]

1129. Towards comprehensive support for organizational mining [中英文摘要]

1130. Towards enterprise archeology: Extracting business processes from runtime event data [中英文摘要]

1131. Towards evolutionary discovery of typical clinical pathways in electronic health records [中英文摘要]

1132. Towards improving the representational bias of process mining [中英文摘要]

1133. Towards mining the organizational structure of a dynamic event scenario [中英文摘要]

1134. Towards performance analysis of wireless sensor networks using Process Mining Techniques [中英文摘要]

1135. Towards policy retrieval for provenance based access control model [中英文摘要]

1136. Trace retrieval for business process operational support [中英文摘要]

1137. Tracking transaction footprints for non-intrusive end-to-end monitoring [中英文摘要]

1138. Translating process mining results into intelligible business information [中英文摘要]

1139. Turning event logs into process movies: animating what has really happened [中英文摘要]

1140. ULMon - Grid monitoring from user point of view [中英文摘要]


1141. Uncertain context data management in dynamic mobile environments [中英文摘要]

1142. Understanding Student Interactions in Capstone Courses to Improve Learning Experiences CSS Concepts • Social and professional topics → Project and people management • Software and its engineering → Software creation and management General Terms [中英文摘要]

1143. Understanding service quality and customer churn by process discovery for a multi-national banking contact center [中英文摘要]

1144. Understanding variations in pediatric asthma care processes in the emergency department using visual analytics [中英文摘要]

1145. Unifying compliance management in adaptive environments through variability descriptors [中英文摘要]

1146. Unraveling Process Evolution by Handling Concept Drifts in Process Mining [中英文摘要]

1147. Unraveling and learning workflow models from interleaved event logs [中英文摘要]

1148. Unsupervised discovery of intentional process models from event logs [中英文摘要]

1149. User segmentation based on finding communities with similar behavior on the web site [中英文摘要]

1150. Using Process Mining to Model Multi-UAV Missions through the Experience [中英文摘要]

1151. Using Sysml to describe a new methodology for semiautomatic software generation from inferred behavioral and data models [中英文摘要]

1152. Using a flow graph to represent data flow and dependency in event logs [中英文摘要]

1153. Using a learning analytics tool for evaluation in self-regulated learning [中英文摘要]

1154. Using context overlays to analyse the role of a priori information with Process Mining [中英文摘要]

1155. Using contextualized activity-level duration to discover irregular process instances in business operations [中英文摘要]


1156. Using declarative specification to improve the understanding, extensibility, and comparison of model-inference algorithms [中英文摘要]

1157. Using event logs and the PsiPsi-theory to analyse business processes [中英文摘要]

1158. Using inductive miner to find the most optimized path of workflow process [中英文摘要]

1159. Using inductive reasoning to find the cause of process delays [中英文摘要]

1160. Using logical decision trees to discover the cause of process delays from event logs [中英文摘要]

1161. Using minimum description length for process mining [中英文摘要]

1162. Using model checking to control the structural errors in BPMN models [中英文摘要]

1163. Using process mining and model-driven engineering to enhance security of web information systems [中英文摘要]

1164. Using process mining in software development process management: A case study [中英文摘要]

1165. Using process mining to analyze students quiz-taking behavior patterns in a learning management system [中英文摘要]

1166. Using process mining to identify coordination patterns in IT service management [中英文摘要]

1167. Using semantic-based approach to manage perspectives of process mining: Application on improving learning process domain data [中英文摘要]

1168. Using software architecture principles and lightweight formalisation to build adaptive middleware [中英文摘要]

1169. Using work system theory to link managerial and technical perspectives on BPM [中英文摘要]

1170. Verification of the SAP reference models using EPC reduction, state-space analysis, and invariants [中英文摘要]


1171. Verification ofworkflownets with transition conditions [中英文摘要]

1172. Verifying workflow processes: A transformation-based approach [中英文摘要]

1173. Vishleshan [中英文摘要]

1174. Visual ppinot: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators [中英文摘要]

1175. Visually specifying compliance rules and explaining their violations for business processes [中英文摘要]

1176. Wanna Improve Process Mining Results? Its High Time We Consider Data Quality Issues Seriously [中英文摘要]

1177. What are the problem makers: Ranking activities according to their relevance for process changes [中英文摘要]

1178. What makes a good process model?: Lessons learned from process mining [中英文摘要]

1179. White-box prediction of process performance indicators via flow analysis [中英文摘要]

1180. WoMan: Logic-based workflow learning and management [中英文摘要]

1181. Workflow Mining: Current Status and Future Directions [中英文摘要]

1182. Workflow analysis based on estimate of fuzzy and statistical data [中英文摘要]

1183. Workflow extraction for service operation using multiple unstructured trouble tickets [中英文摘要]

1184. Workflow mining and outlier detection from clinical activity logs [中英文摘要]

1185. Workflow mining with InWoLvE [中英文摘要]


1186. Workflow mining: A survey of issues and approaches [中英文摘要]

1187. Workflow mining: Discovering process models from event logs [中英文摘要]

1188. Workflow mining: Discovering process patterns & data analysis from MXML logs [中英文摘要]

1189. Workflow process mining based on machine learning [中英文摘要]

1190. Workflow simulation for operational decision support using event graph through process mining [中英文摘要]

1191. Workflow simulation for operational decision support [中英文摘要]

1192. Workflows to open provenance graphs, round-trip [中英文摘要]



[1] A closed-loop workflow management technique based on process mining (2008)

(Liu, Tingyu and Yi, Hong and Ni, Zhonghua and Liu, Xiaojun | )

Abstract: A closed-loop workflow management system (C-WfMS) with process mining and result feedback technique was proposed to improve the efficiency of integrated manufacturing information system. The structure of organizational mining module (OME), the framework, and working method of C-WfMS were presented. The performer-to-performer relation (PPR) matrix and the activity-by-performer relation (APR) matrix were extracted from the workflow log. The PPR matrix is turned into social network matrix and put into SNA (Social Network Analysis) tools for further analysis; an algorithm for mining the APR matrix was presented, with which was the extraction of the weight matrix of APR. The implement of weight matrix of APR was also proposed so that the mining results could feedback to the WfMS organization dataset to make decision support for the assignments of tasks. Finally, a numerical example was presented.


摘要: 提出了一种具有过程挖掘和结果反馈技术的闭环工作流管理系统(C-WfMS),以提高集成制造信息系统的效率。介绍了组织挖掘模块(OME)的结构,框架和工作方法。从工作流程日志中提取了表演者与表演者之间的关系(PPR)矩阵和表演者与表演者之间的关系(APR)矩阵。 PPR矩阵转换为社交网络矩阵,并放入SNA(社交网络分析)工具中以进行进一步分析;提出了一种APR矩阵的挖掘算法,即APR权重矩阵的提取。还提出了APR权重矩阵的实现方法,以便将挖掘结果反馈给WfMS组织数据集,为任务分配提供决策支持。最后,给出了一个数值示例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MMVIP.2008.4749573]

[2] A genetic algorithm for discovering process trees (2012)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Existing process discovery approaches have problems dealing with competing quality dimensions (fitness, simplicity, generalization, and precision) and may produce anomalous process models (e.g., deadlocking models). In this paper we propose a new genetic process mining algorithm that discovers process models from event logs. The tree representation ensures the soundness of the model. Moreover, as experiments show, it is possible to balance the different quality dimensions. Our genetic process mining algorithm is the first algorithm where the search process can be guided by preferences of the user while ensuring correctness. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 现有的过程发现方法在处理竞争质量维度(适应性,简单性,泛化性和精度)时会遇到问题,并且可能会产生异常的过程模型(例如,死锁模型)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的遗传过程挖掘算法,该算法从事件日志中发现过程模型。树表示确保模型的健全性。而且,如实验所示,可以平衡不同的质量尺寸。我们的遗传过程挖掘算法是第一个算法,可以在确保正确性的同时根据用户的偏好来指导搜索过程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2012.6256458]

[3] A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modeling (2017)

(Abohamad, Waleed and Ramy, Ahmed and Arisha, Amr | )

Abstract: This paper presents a hybrid Modeling and Simulation framework to address business process challenges. The framework has integrated process mining techniques in the conceptual modeling phase to support developing simulation models that are unbiased and close reflection of reality in a timely manner. The hybrid approach overcomes the pitfalls of traditional conceptual modeling by using process mining techniques to discover valuable process knowledge from the analysis of event logs. The proposed hybrid framework has been applied to an Emergency Department (ED) in order to identify performance bottlenecks and explore improvement strategies in an attempt to meet national performance targets. A large number of unique process flows (i.e. patient pathways) within the ED were uncovered and deviations from process guidelines were accurately identified. Results show that unblocking of ED outflows have a significant impact on patients length of stay (over 80% improvement) rather than increasing the ED physical capacity.


摘要: 本文提出了一种混合建模和仿真框架,以解决业务流程挑战。该框架在概念建模阶段集成了过程挖掘技术,以支持开发公正且及时反映现实的仿真模型。混合方法通过使用过程挖掘技术从事件日志的分析中发现有价值的过程知识,从而克服了传统概念模型的陷阱。提议的混合框架已应用于紧急部门(ED),以识别性能瓶颈并探索改进策略,以期达到国家绩效目标。急诊室中发现了大量独特的流程(即患者通道),并准确识别了与流程指南的差异。结果表明,畅通的ED外流对患者的住院时间(改善80%以上)有显着影响,而不是增加ED的身体能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WSC.2017.8247894]

[4] A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition (2011)

(Zeng, Reng and He, Xudong and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Scientific workflows have recently emerged as a new paradigm for representing and managing complex distributed scientific computations and are used to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. In many disciplines, individual workflows are large and complicated due to the large quantities of data used. As such, the workflow construction is difficult or even impossible when relevant domain knowledge is missing or the workflows require collaboration within multiple domains. Recent efforts from scientific workflow community aiming at largescale capturing of provenance present a new opportunity for using provenance to provide recommendations during building scientific workflows. This paper presents a method based on provenance to mine models for scientific workflows, including data and control dependency. The mining result can either suggest part of others workflows for consideration, or make familiar part of workflow easily accessible, thus provide recommendation support for scientific workflow composition. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 科学工作流最近成为代表和管理复杂的分布式科学计算的新范例,并用于加快科学发现的步伐。在许多学科中,由于使用了大量的数据,单个工作流既大又复杂。这样,当相关领域知识缺失或工作流需要在多个领域内进行协作时,工作流构建将变得困难甚至无法实现,科学工作流社区针对大规模捕获物源的最新努力为在构建科学过程中使用物源提供建议提供了新的机会。本文提出了一种基于出处的科学工作流模型挖掘方法,包括数据和控件依赖性,挖掘结果可以建议其他人的工作流以供考虑,或者使熟悉的工作流易于访问,从而提供推荐支持对于科学ic工作流程组成。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SERVICES.2011.55]

[5] A study to investigate time durations of a call center customer service using transition systems (2016)

(Chuchaimongkhon, Chenchira and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | )

Abstract: This research study applied process mining transition systems and regions technique in order to better discover, investigate and analyze the customer service procedures of a Call Center in a bank regarding credit card problems, issues, inquiries and etc. Using the appropriate algorithm via ProM process mining tool enabled us to simulate and generate the resulting graphs in terms of Transition System models. Moreover, using the Disco Fluxicon process mining platform made possible having a look at the collected event logs from different perspectives and dimensions including the standard deviation analysis and investigation of the frequency of data at each stage and so on. The approach applied in this study and the proposed techniques can provide groundwork for future and further studies in different situations and scenarios. Accordingly, the findings of the study helped the administrators and managers of the call center company to improve and enhance the quality of their service with respect to bank credit service as well as being able to better benchmark and detect the potential or existing problems, discrepancies and noises within the available system.


摘要: 此研究应用过程挖掘转换系统和区域技术,以便更好地发现,调查和分析银行呼叫中心关于信用卡问题,问题,查询等的客户服务程序。通过ProM使用适当的算法流程挖掘工具使我们能够根据过渡系统模型模拟并生成结果图。此外,使用Disco Fluxicon过程挖掘平台可以从不同的角度和维度查看收集的事件日志,包括标准偏差分析和每个阶段数据频率的调查等等。本研究中使用的方法和所提出的技术可以为将来在不同情况和场景下的研究和进一步研究提供基础。因此,研究结果帮助呼叫中心公司的管理人员和经理改善和提高了他们在银行信贷服务方面的服务质量,并且能够更好地进行基准测试并发现潜在或存在的问题,差异和可用系统中的噪音。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804104]

[6] A tool for mining discrete event simulation model (2017)

(Wang, Yan and Zacharewicz, Gregory and Traore, Mamadou Kaba and Chen, David | )

Abstract: Mining a discrete event simulation model from data has always been a big challenge, which is related to the problem of system inference in systems theory. D2FD (Data to Fuzzy-DEVS model) method can be used to discover a discrete event simulation model. This method not only provides a way of data mining but also integrates process mining with the modularity, frequency, timing aspects and event data. This paper presents a mature tool applying D2FD method. This tool is implemented as an available and dedicated plug-in within the open-source process mining toolkit ProM. The simulation tool SimStudio is embedded in this plug-in and it can simulate Fuzzy-DEVS atomic and coupled model. Two case studies of real life processes, taken from Rabobank Group ICT and Dutch Employee Insurance Agency, are analyzed to evaluate this tool.


摘要: 从数据中挖掘离散事件仿真模型一直是一个很大的挑战,这与系统理论中的系统推断问题有关。 D2FD(数据到Fuzzy-DEVS模型)方法可用于发现离散事件仿真模型。这种方法不仅提供了一种数据挖掘的方法,而且将过程挖掘与模块化,频率,定时方面和事件数据集成在一起。本文提出了一种使用D2FD方法的成熟工具。该工具被实现为开源过程挖掘工具包ProM中的可用和专用插件。该插件中嵌入了仿真工具SimStudio,它可以仿真Fuzzy-DEVS原子模型和耦合模型。分析了来自荷兰合作银行集团ICT和荷兰雇员保险局的两个现实生活过程的案例研究,以评估该工具。

[下载地址](http://www.pusdatin.kemkes.go.id/resources/download/pusdatin/profil-kesehatan-indonesia/Data-dan-Informasi_Profil-Kesehatan-Indonesia-2017.pdf http://www.journal.unair.ac.id/filerPDF/KESLING-1-2-08.pdf http://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/1 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8248027/) | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WSC.2017.8248027]

[7] A visual analysis of the process of process modeling (2014)

(Claes, Jan and Vanderfeesten, Irene and Pinggera, Jakob and Reijers, Hajo A. and Weber, Barbara and Poels, Geert | )

Abstract: The construction of business process models has become an important requisite in the analysis and optimization of processes. The success of the analysis and optimization efforts heavily depends on the quality of the models. Therefore, a research domain emerged that studies the process of process modeling. This paper contributes to this research by presenting a way of visualizing the different steps a modeler undertakes to construct a process model, in a so-called process of process modeling Chart. The graphical representation lowers the cognitive efforts to discover properties of the modeling process, which facilitates the research and the development of theory, training and tool support for improving model quality. The paper contains an extensive overview of applications of the tool that demonstrate its usefulness for research and practice and discusses the observations from the visualization in relation to other work. The visualization was evaluated through a qualitative study that confirmed its usefulness and added value compared to the Dotted Chart on which the visualization was inspired.


摘要: 业务流程模型的构建已成为流程分析和优化的重要前提。分析和优化工作的成功很大程度上取决于模型的质量。因此,出现了研究过程建模过程的研究领域。本文通过提出一种可视化建模者在所谓的流程建模图表流程中构建流程模型的不同步骤的方法,为这项研究做出了贡献。图形表示降低了发现建模过程属性的认知努力,从而促进了研究和开发理论,培训和工具支持以提高模型质量。本文包含该工具应用的广泛概述,展示了该工具在研究和实践中的有用性,并讨论了与其他工作有关的可视化观察。通过定性研究对可视化进行了评估,该研究证实了其实用性和与启发可视化的点状图相比的增值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-014-0245-4]

[8] Activity-based Process Mining for Clinical Pathways computer aided design (2010)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Meneu, Teresa and Benedi | )

Abstract: Current trends in health management improvement demand the standardization of care protocols to achieve better quality and efficiency. The use of Clinical Pathways is an emerging solution for that problem. However, current Clinical Pathways are big manuals written in natural language and highly affected by human subjectivity. These problems make the deployment and dissemination of them extremely difficult in real practice environments. In this work, a complete computer based architecture to help the representation and execution of Clinical Pathways is suggested. Furthermore, the difficulties inherent to the design of formal Clinical Pathways in this way requires new specific design tools to help making the system useful. Process Mining techniques can help to automatically infer processes definition from execution samples. Yet, the classical Process Mining paradigm is not totally compatible with the Clinical Pathways paradigm. In this paper, a pattern recognition algorithm based in an evolution of the Process Mining classical paradigm is presented and evaluated as a solution to this situation. The proposed algorithm is able to infer Clinical Pathways from execution logs to support the design of Clinical Pathways. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 健康管理改善的当前趋势要求护理方案的标准化,以实现更好的质量和效率。临床途径的使用是针对该问题的新兴解决方案。但是,当前的《临床途径》是用自然语言编写的大型手册,受人类主观性的影响很大。这些问题使它们在实际实践环境中的部署和传播变得极为困难。在这项工作中,提出了一个完整的基于计算机的体系结构来帮助临床途径的表示和执行。此外,以这种方式设计正式临床途径固有的困难需要新的特定设计工具来帮助使系统实用。流程挖掘技术可以帮助从执行样本中自动推断流程定义。然而,经典的过程挖掘范式与临床途径范式并不完全兼容。本文提出了一种基于过程挖掘经典范式演变的模式识别算法,并对其进行了评估,以解决这种情况。所提出的算法能够从执行日志中推断出临床途径,以支持临床途径的设计。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627760]

[9] Adaptable situation-aware secure service-based (AS 3) systems (2005)

(Yau, S S and Davulcu, H and Mukhopadhyay, S and Huang, D and Yao, Y | )

Abstract: Service-oriented systems are distributed systems which have the major advantage of enabling rapid composition of distributed applications, regardless of the programming languages and platforms used in developing and running different components of the applications. In these systems, various capabilities are provided by different organizations as services interconnected by various types of networks. The services can be integrated following a specific workfiow to achieve a mission goal for users. For large-scale service-based systems involving multiple organizations, high confidence and adaptability are of prime concern in order to ensure that users can use these systems anywhere, anytime with various devices, knowing that their confidentiality and privacy are well protected and the systems will adapt to satisfy their needs in various situations. Hence, these systems must be adaptable, situation-aware and secure. In this paper, an approach to rapid development of adaptable situation-aware secure service-based (AS 3) systems is presented. Our approach enables users to rapidly generate, discover, compose services into processes to achieve their goals based on the situation and adapt these processes when situation changes.

自适应的基于情境的安全服务(AS 3)系统

摘要: 面向服务的系统是分布式系统,其主要优点是能够快速组成分布式应用程序,而与开发和运行应用程序的不同组件所使用的编程语言和平台无关。在这些系统中,由不同组织提供的各种功能作为通过各种类型的网络互连的服务。可以按照特定的工作流程集成服务,以实现用户的任务目标。对于涉及多个组织的大规模基于服务的系统,高度信任和适应性是首要考虑的问题,以确保用户可以随时随地使用各种设备使用这些系统,同时要知道他们的机密性和隐私得到了很好的保护,并且系统将适应各种情况下的需求。因此,这些系统必须适应性强,情势感知且安全。本文提出了一种快速开发自适应态势感知安全服务(AS 3)系统的方法。我们的方法使用户能够快速生成,发现服务并将其组合到流程中,以根据情况实现他们的目标,并在情况变化时适应这些流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISORC.2005.7]

[10] Agile development with software process mining (2014)

(Rubin, Vladimir and Lomazova, Irina and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Modern companies continue investing more and more in the creation, maintenance and change of software systems, but the proper specification and design of such systems continues to be a challenge. The majority of current approaches either ignore real user and system runtime behavior or consider it only informally. This leads to a rather prescriptive top-down approach to software development. In this paper, we propose a bottom-up approach, which takes event logs (e.g., trace data) of a software system for the analysis of the user and system runtime behavior and for improving the software. We use well-established methods from the area of process mining for this analysis. Moreover, we suggest embedding process mining into the agile development lifecycle. The goal of this position paper is to motivate the need for foundational research in the area of software process mining (applying process mining to software analysis) by showing the relevance and listing open challenges. Our proposal is based on our experiences with analyzing a big productive touristic system. This system was developed using agile methods and process mining could be effectively integrated into the development lifecycle. textcopyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 现代公司继续在软件系统的创建,维护和更改方面投入越来越多的资金,但是对此类系统的正确规范和设计仍然是一个挑战。当前大多数方法要么忽略实际的用户和系统运行时行为,要么只是非正式地考虑它。这导致了一种相当规范的自上而下的软件开发方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种自下而上的方法,该方法采用软件系统的事件日志(例如跟踪数据)来分析用户和系统运行时行为并改进软件。我们使用过程挖掘领域中公认的方法进行此分析。此外,我们建议将流程挖掘嵌入到敏捷开发生命周期中。本立场文件的目的是通过显示相关性并列出未解决的挑战,激发对软件过程挖掘(将过程挖掘应用于软件分析)领域的基础研究的需求。我们的建议基于我们在分析大型生产性旅游系统方面的经验。该系统是使用敏捷方法开发的,过程挖掘可以有效地集成到开发生命周期中。 t​​extcopyright 2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2600821.2600842]

[11] An experimental evaluation of feedback loops in a business process mining genetic algorithm (2007)

(Turner, C. J. and Tiwari, A. | )

Abstract: This paper experiments with the use of feedback loops in a genetic business process mining algorithm. The use of genetic algorithms for process mining is explained along with a description of the research background to process mining. Of particular interest in this paper is the crossover operator. Experiments are described where problems encountered in mining processes are fed back into the crossover operator and used in the selection of crossover points. Both roulette wheel and tournament methods are used in the process of selecting crossover points. The paper concludes that the use of such problem feedback loops can be beneficial in the mining of simple business processes. However the paper makes clear that feedback loops are best employed as part of an intelligent mining technique. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 本文尝试在遗传业务流程挖掘算法中使用反馈循环。解释了遗传算法在流程挖掘中的使用,并描述了流程挖掘的研究背景。本文特别感兴趣的是交叉实验描述了将采矿过程中遇到的问题反馈到交叉算子并用于选择交叉点的实验,轮盘赌和锦标赛方法都用于选择交叉点。这样的问题反馈循环在简单业务流程的挖掘中可能是有益的。但是,本文明确指出,反馈循环最好用作智能挖掘技术的一部分。 copycopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2007.4424809]

[12] An exploratory study of process enactment as input to software process improvement (2006)

(Huo, Ming and Zhang, He and Jeffery, Ross | )

Abstract: Software process improvement has been a focus of industry for many years. To assist the procedure and implementation of software process improvement we provide a software process recovery method based on mining project enactment data. The goal of process recovery is to improve the quality of a planned software process. We investigate the enactment of a planned software process from the view of understanding the appropriateness and fitness for purpose of the process model from the viewpoint of the project managers in the context of a small software development organization. We collected empirical data from this organization and then applied our method to a pilot case study. The main contribution of our work is to provide a methodology of software process model recovery which supports software process improvement. textcopyright 2006 ACM.


摘要: 软件过程改进一直是业界关注的焦点。为了协助软件过程改进的过程和实施,我们提供了一种基于挖掘项目制定数据的软件过程恢复方法。流程恢复的目标是提高计划的软件流程的质量。我们从小型软件开发组织的环境中,从项目经理的角度了解过程模型的适用性和适用性,从计划的软件过程的制定出发,研究该过程的制定。我们从该组织收集了经验数据,然后将我们的方法应用于试点案例研究。我们工作的主要贡献是提供一种支持软件过程改进的软件过程模型恢复方法。 t​​extcopyright 2006 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1137702.1137711]

[13] Anonymity preserving sequential pattern mining (2014)

(Monreale, Anna and Pedreschi, Dino and Pensa, Ruggero G. and Pinelli, Fabio | )

Abstract: The increasing availability of personal data of a sequential nature, such as time-stamped transaction or location data, enables increasingly sophisticated sequential pattern mining techniques. However, privacy is at risk if it is possible to reconstruct the identity of individuals from sequential data. Therefore, it is important to develop privacy-preserving techniques that support publishing of really anonymous data, without altering the analysis results significantly. In this paper we propose to apply the Privacy-by-design paradigm for designing a technological framework to counter the threats of undesirable, unlawful effects of privacy violation on sequence data, without obstructing the knowledge discovery opportunities of data mining technologies. First, we introduce a k-anonymity framework for sequence data, by defining the sequence linking attack model and its associated countermeasure, a k-anonymity notion for sequence datasets, which provides a formal protection against the attack. Second, we instantiate this framework and provide a specific method for constructing the k-anonymous version of a sequence dataset, which preserves the results of sequential pattern mining, together with several basic statistics and other analytical properties of the original data, including the clustering structure. A comprehensive experimental study on realistic datasets of process-logs, web-logs and GPS tracks is carried out, which empirically shows how, in our proposed method, the protection of privacy meets analytical utility. textcopyright 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


摘要: 具有时间顺序的个人数据(例如带时间戳的交易或位置数据)的可用性不断提高,这使得日趋复杂的顺序模式挖掘技术成为可能。但是,如果可以从顺序数据中重建个人身份,则隐私受到威胁。因此,重要的是开发保护隐私的技术,以支持发布真正的匿名数据,而不会显着改变分析结果。在本文中,我们建议应用按设计隐私范式来设计一种技术框架,以应对隐私冲突对序列数据的不良,非法影响的威胁,同时又不妨碍数据挖掘技术的知识发现机会。首先,我们通过定义序列链接攻击模型及其相关对策,为序列数据引入k匿名框架,即序列数据集的k匿名概念,为攻击提供正式保护。其次,我们实例化此框架并提供一种构造序列数据集的k-匿名版本的特定方法,该方法保留顺序模式挖掘的结果以及原始数据的一些基本统计数据和其他分析属性,包括聚类结构。对过程日志,网络日志和GPS轨迹的真实数据集进行了全面的实验研究,从经验上证明了在我们提出的方法中,隐私保护如何满足分析实用性的要求。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10506-014-9154-6]

[14] Automating process discovery through event-data analysis (1995)

(Cook, Jonathan E. and Wolf, Alexander L. | )

Abstract: Many software process methods and tools presuppose the existence of a formal model of a process. Unfortunately, developing a formal model for an on-going, complex process can be difficult, costly, and error prone. This presents a practical barrier to the adoption of process technologies. The barrier would be lowered by automating the creation of formal models. We are currently exploring techniques that can use basic event data captured from an on-going process to generate a formal model of process behavior. We term this kind of data analysis process discovery. This paper describes and illustrates three methods with which we have been experimenting: algorithmic grammar inference, Markov models, and neural networks.


摘要: 许多软件过程方法和工具都以过程正式模型的存在为前提。不幸的是,为进行中的复杂过程开发正式模型可能很困难,成本很高并且容易出错。这对采用工艺技术提出了实际障碍。可以通过自动创建形式模型来降低障碍。我们目前正在探索可以使用从正在进行的流程中捕获的基本事件数据来生成流程行为的正式模型的技术。我们称这种数据分析过程为发现。本文描述并说明了我们正在尝试的三种方法:算法语法推断,马尔可夫模型和神经网络。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/225014.225021]

[15] Behavior pattern mining: Apply process mining technology to common event logs of information systems (2008)

(Song, Jinliang and Luo, Tiejian and Chen, Su | )

Abstract: Although information systems support a wide range of recreational and social activities, the pattern of users behavior in such systems is not clear. We extend the process mining technology to work on common event logs that have no workflow cases reference, and name the new technology as behavior pattern mining. This paper gives out a brief survey on issues, challenges, approaches and related tools in behavior pattern mining area, and compares behavior pattern mining with workflow mining technology, which is the other sub field of process mining. To reply the problems proposed by behavior pattern mining, the process mining area gets its new motivation.


摘要: 尽管信息系统支持广泛的娱乐和社交活动,但在此类系统中用户的行为模式尚不明确。我们将流程挖掘技术扩展为可处理没有工作流案例参考的常见事件日志,并将其命名为作为行为模式挖掘的新技术,本文对行为模式挖掘领域中的问题,挑战,方法和相关工具进行了简要概述,并将行为模式挖掘与工作流挖掘技术(流程挖掘的另一个子领域)进行了比较。回答行为模式挖掘提出的问题,过程挖掘领域将获得新的动力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICNSC.2008.4525516]


[16] Business activity monitoring solution to detect deviations in business process execution (2015)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Ciocarlie, Horia | )

Abstract: Current paper proposes a custom solution for detecting deviations in process execution by analyzing event logs of running cases. The monitored business processes are extracted with process mining techniques. The behavior of the current alert system is illustrated on a case study, the event process logs resulted from the execution of a software development process used in the IT department of a large automotive company. Enhancing the level of control in project management activities, improving the business process execution by detecting deviations in real time and helping organizations to perform better by providing guidance to the people during task execution are the main reasons for designing the current solution. The statistical information about detected deviations represents the input for an analysis phase having as major scope business process improvements. The alert system was designed as a Web based application and is presented as a Business Activity Monitoring solution operating with process mining concepts.


摘要: 当前论文提出了一种定制解决方案,用于通过分析运行案例的事件日志来检测流程执行中的偏差。使用流程挖掘技术提取受监视的业务流程。在案例研究中说明了当前警报系统的行为,事件过程日志是由大型汽车公司的IT部门执行的软件开发过程的执行产生的。设计当前解决方案的主要原因是,提高项目管理活动的控制级别,通过实时检测偏差来改善业务流程的执行以及通过在任务执行期间向人员提供指导来帮助组织更好地执行。有关检测到的偏差的统计信息表示分析阶段的输入,该分析阶段具有主要范围的业务流程改进。该警报系统被设计为基于Web的应用程序,并作为具有流程挖掘概念的业务活动监视解决方案来呈现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SACI.2015.7208243]

[17] Combination of Process Mining and Simulation Techniques for Business Process Redesign: A Methodological Approach (2013)

(Aguirre, Santiago and Parra, Carlos and Alvarado, Jorge | )

Abstract: Organizations of all sizes are currently supporting their performance on information systems that record the real execution of their business processes in event logs. Process mining tools analyze the log to provide insight on the real problems of the process, as part of the diagnostic phase. Nonetheless, to complete the lifecycle of a process, the latter has to be redesigned, a task for which simulation techniques can be used in combination with process mining, in order to evaluate different improvement alternatives before they are put in practice. In this context, the current work presents a methodological approach to the integration of process mining and simulation techniques in a process redesign project. textcopyright International Federation for Information Processing 2013.


摘要: 各种规模的组织目前都在信息系统上支持其性能,这些信息系统在事件日志中记录其业务流程的实际执行情况。流程挖掘工具分析日志,以提供对流程实际问题的见解,作为诊断阶段的一部分。但是,为了完成流程的生命周期,必须重新设计流程的生命周期,该任务可以将模拟技术与流程挖掘结合使用,以便在实践之前评估不同的改进方案。在这种情况下,当前的工作提出了一种方法学方法,用于在过程重新设计项目中集成过程挖掘和模拟技术。 t​​extcopyright 2013年国际信息处理联合会。

[下载地址](http://scholar.google.it/scholar?start=90&q=allintitle:+("process+mining"+OR+("business"+"process+mining"))+((analysis+OR+study+OR+case+OR+approach+OR+techniques+OR+++technique)+OR+(data+OR+flow+OR+workflow)+OR+(models+OR+model)+OR+algorithm+O http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-40919-6_2) | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40919-6_2]

[18] Conformance checking using cost-based fitness analysis (2011)

(Adriansyah, A. and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: The growing complexity of processes in many organizations stimulates the adoption of business process analysis techniques. Typically, such techniques are based on process models and assume that the operational processes in reality conform to these models. However, experience shows that reality often deviates from hand-made models. Therefore, the problem of checking to what extent the operational process conforms to the process model is important for process management, process improvement, and compliance. In this paper, we present a robust replay analysis technique that is able to measure the conformance of an event log for a given process model. The approach quantifies conformance and provides intuitive diagnostics (skipped and inserted activities). Our technique has been implemented in the ProM 6 framework. Comparative evaluations show that the approach overcomes many of the limitations of existing conformance checking techniques. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 许多组织中流程的日益复杂性刺激了业务流程分析技术的采用。通常,此类技术基于过程模型,并假设实际的操作过程符合这些模型。但是,经验表明,现实常常会偏离手工制作的模型。因此,检查操作流程在多大程度上符合流程模型的问题对于流程管理,流程改进和合规性至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种健壮的重播分析技术,该技术能够针对给定的流程模型测量事件日志的一致性。该方法可量化一致性并提供直观的诊断(跳过和插入的活动)。我们的技术已在ProM 6框架中实现。比较评估表明,该方法克服了现有一致性检查技术的许多局限性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2011.12]

[19] Control-flow discovery from event streams (2014)

(Burattin, Andrea and Sperduti, Alessandro and van der Aalst, Wil M. P. | )

Abstract: Process Mining represents an important research field that connects Business Process Modeling and Data Mining. One of the most prominent task of Process Mining is the discovery of a control-flow starting from event logs. This paper focuses on the important problem of control-flow discovery starting from a stream of event data. We propose to adapt Heuristics Miner, one of the most effective control-flow discovery algorithms, to the treatment of streams of event data. Two adaptations, based on Lossy Counting and Lossy Counting with Budget, as well as a sliding window based version of Heuristics Miner, are proposed and experimentally compared against both artificial and real streams. Experimental results show the effectiveness of control-flow discovery algorithms for streams on artificial and real datasets.


摘要: Process Mining代表了一个重要的研究领域,将业务流程建模和数据挖掘联系在一起。 Process Mining最突出的任务之一是发现从事件日志开始的控制流。本文重点关注从事件数据流开始的控制流发现的重要问题。我们建议使最有效的控制流发现算法之一启发式采矿器适应事件数据流的处理。提出了两种改编,分别基于有损计数和带预算的有损计数,以及基于滑动窗口的启发式矿工版本,并通过实验将其与人工流和真实流进行了比较。实验结果表明,针对人工和真实数据集的流,控制流发现算法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900341]

[20] Data Mining Trends and Research Frontiers (2012)

(Han, Jiawei and Kamber, Micheline and Pei, Jian | )

Abstract: Publisher Summary This chapter presents a high-level overview of mining complex data types, which includes mining sequence data such as time series, symbolic sequences, and biological sequences; mining graphs and networks; and mining other kinds of data, including spatiotemporal and cyber-physical system data, multimedia, text and Web data, and data streams. Trends and research frontiers in data mining are focused on. An overview of methodologies for mining complex data types is presented. Such mining includes mining time-series, sequential patterns, and biological sequences; graphs and networks; spatiotemporal data, including geospatial data, moving-object data, and cyber-physical system data; multimedia data; text data; web data; and data streams. Other approaches to data mining, including statistical methods, theoretical foundations, and visual and audio data mining are briefly introduced. Several well-established statistical methods have been proposed for data analysis such as regression, generalized linear models, analysis of variance, mixed-effect models, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, survival analysis, and quality control. Data mining applications in business and in science, including the financial retail, and telecommunication industries, science and engineering, and recommender systems are introduced. The social impacts of data mining are discussed, including ubiquitous and invisible data mining, and privacy-preserving data mining. Finally, current and expected data mining trends that arise in response to new challenges in the field e speculated.


摘要: 发布者摘要本章概述了复杂数据类型的挖掘,其中包括诸如时间序列,符号序列和生物学序列之类的挖掘序列数据。挖掘图和网络;以及挖掘其他类型的数据,包括时空和网络物理系统数据,多媒体,文本和Web数据以及数据流。数据挖掘的趋势和研究前沿被重点关注。概述了挖掘复杂数据类型的方法。这种挖掘包括挖掘时间序列,顺序模式和生物学序列;图和网络;时空数据,包括地理空间数据,运动对象数据和电子物理系统数据;多媒体数据;文字数据;网络数据;和数据流。简要介绍了其他数据挖掘方法,包括统计方法,理论基础以及视觉和音频数据挖掘。已经提出了几种用于数据分析的公认统计方法,例如回归,广义线性模型,方差分析,混合效应模型,因子分析,判别分析,生存分析和质量控制。介绍了商业和科学领域中的数据挖掘应用程序,包括金融零售,电信行业,科学和工程以及推荐系统。讨论了数据挖掘的社会影响,包括无处不在的和无形的数据挖掘以及保护隐私的数据挖掘。最后,推测了针对该领域的新挑战而出现的当前和预期的数据挖掘趋势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/b978-0-12-381479-1.00013-7]

[21] Determination of routings and process time information from event logs (2011)

(Karnok, D. and Monostori, L. | )

Abstract: Production planning and scheduling decisions are based on underlying models and their parameters which are typically considered granted, accurate and up-to-date. However, changes and uncertainties may force the production to change, shift and adapt in its settings, consequently, the models and parameters used in the planning and execution phases lose their validity. Usually, these changes are not explicitly known, but are incorporated the manufacturing execution system data. To cope with the missing, uncertain or wrong data, process and data mining should be repeatedly employed on the available manufacturing event logs. The paper describes an analysis framework which is able to extract the required information from large-scale and noisy event logs and offers the ability to infer and restore a more realistic history of the underlying manufacturing process hidden by random noise and consequent errors. textcopyright 2011 IFAC.


摘要: 生产计划和调度决策基于基础模型及其参数,这些模型通常被认为是已授权,准确和最新的。然而,变化和不确定性可能迫使生产改变,转移和适应其设置,因此,在计划和执行阶段中使用的模型和参数失去了有效性。通常,这些更改不是明确已知的,而是包含在制造执行系统数据中的。为了应对丢失,不确定或错误的数据,应在可用的制造事件日志上重复使用过程和数据挖掘。本文描述了一种分析框架,该框架能够从大规模且嘈杂的事件日志中提取所需的信息,并能够推断和恢复由随机噪声和随之而来的错误所掩盖的底层制造过程的更真实的历史记录。 t​​extcopyright 2011年IFAC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.01448]

[22] Development of a process-aware instructor-aware multi-tabletop collaborative learning environment (2016)

(Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | )

Abstract: Unlike individual learning, collaborative learning using a computer is based on the idea that knowledge can be created within small groups of students where members actively participate and interact by sharing experiences and skills. However, in authentic classrooms, instructors have limited time and inadequate resources to monitor and investigate all group activities of students with respect to the whole knowledge creation process. This paper is divided into two main parts. Firstly, we designed implemented and evaluated novel technical infrastructure that can automatically and unobtrusively capture, collect and format the students individual and collaborative activities in terms of datasets. Secondly, we conducted an empirical research to analyze these data with data mining and process mining techniques. Accordingly, the main objective of the study was to provide support to instructors by increasing their awareness toward students collaboration process.


摘要: 与个人学习不同,使用计算机进行协作学习是基于这样的思想,即可以在一小群学生中创建知识,在这些学生中,成员可以通过共享经验和技能来积极参与和互动。但是,在真实的教室中,讲师的时间有限且不足本文主要分为两个部分:第一,我们设计并实施了能够自动,毫不费力地捕获,收集和格式化学生的新颖技术基础设施,并对其进行了评估。在数据集方面开展个人和协作活动。其次,我们进行了一项实证研究,以数据挖掘和过程挖掘技术对这些数据进行分析。因此,本研究的主要目的是通过提高教师对学生的认识来为他们提供支持。协作过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804100]

[23] Diagnosis of Technological Systems based on their Coloured Petri Net Model (2012)

(Marczi, Brigitta and Leitold, Adrien and Gerzson, Miklos | )

Abstract: Abstract A novel method for discrete event systems described by Petri nets are proposed in this paper for model-based diagnosis. The model of the investigated system was defined in hierarchical colored CP-net form. Both normal reference model describing the faultless operation and the extended model containing the different faults were developed. For the fault simulation we used the arc and transition inscriptions. In order to visualize the model in different faulty modes a converter program were developed. The proposed procedure was illustrated on a simple manufacturing process with different faulty modes.


摘要: 摘要本文提出了一种由Petri网描述的离散事件系统的新方法,用于基于模型的诊断。以分层彩色CP-net形式定义了被调查系统的模型。开发了描述无故障运行的正常参考模型和包含不同故障的扩展模型。对于故障仿真,我们使用了电弧和过渡铭文。为了可视化在不同故障模式下的模型,开发了转换器程序。在具有不同故障模式的简单制造过程中说明了所建议的过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3182/20120215-3-at-3016.00213]

[24] Discovering signature patterns from event logs (2013)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: More and more information about processes is recorded in the form of so-called event logs. High-tech systems such as X-ray machines and high-end copiers provide their manufacturers and services organizations with detailed event data. Larger organizations record relevant business events for process improvement, auditing, and fraud detection. Traces in such event logs can be classified as desirable or undesirable (e.g., faulty or fraudulent behavior). In this paper, we present a comprehensive framework for discovering signatures that can be used to explain or predict the class of seen or unseen traces. These signatures are characteristic patterns that can be used to discriminate between desirable and undesirable behavior. As shown, these patterns can, for example, be used to predict remotely whether a particular component in an X-ray machine is broken or not. Moreover, the signatures also help to improve systems and organizational processes. Our framework for signature discovery is fully implemented in ProM and supports class labeling, feature extraction and selection, pattern discovery, pattern evaluation and cross-validation, reporting, and visualization. A real-life case study is used to demonstrate the applicability and scalability of the approach. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 有关过程的越来越多的信息以所谓的事件日志的形式记录。诸如X射线机和高端复印机之类的高科技系统为其制造商和服务组织提供了详细的事件数据。大型组织记录相关的业务事件以进行流程改进,审计和欺诈检测,此类事件日志中的跟踪可分为理想或不理想的(例如,错误或欺诈行为)在本文中,我们提供了一个全面的框架来发现可这些特征是可以用来区分期望和不期望行为的特征模式,如图所示,例如,可以用于远程预测是否存在特定痕迹。 X射线机是否损坏,而且签名也有助于改善系统和组织过程。在ProM中完全实现,并支持类标记,特征提取和选择,模式发现,模式评估和交叉验证,报告和可视化。实际案例研究用于证明该方法的适用性和可扩展性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597225]

[25] Discovering workflow performance models from timed logs (2002)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and van Dongen, B. F. | )

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we have developed techniques for discovering workflow models. Starting point for such techniques are so-called workflow logs containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. In this paper, we extend our existing mining technique alphaalpha 4 to incorporate time. We assume that events in workflow logs bear timestamps. This information is used to attribute timing such as queue times to the discovered workflow model. The approach is based on Petri nets and timing information is attached to places. This paper also presents our workflow-mining tool EMiT. This tool translates the workflow log of several commercial systems (e.g., Staffware) to an independent XML format. Based on this format the tool mines for causal relations and produces a graphical workflow model expressed in terms of Petri nets.


摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统由明确的流程模型驱动,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要完全指定的工作流程设计。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常实际的工作流程与管理人员认为的流程之间存在差异。因此,我们开发了用于发现工作流模型的技术。此类技术的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际执行的工作流过程的信息。在本文中,我们扩展了现有的挖掘技术$ alpha $ 4以合并时间。我们假设工作流日志中的事件带有时间戳。此信息用于将计时(例如队列时间)归因于发现的工作流模型。该方法基于Petri网,并且时间信息附加到位置。本文还介绍了我们的工作流挖掘工具EMiT。此工具可将多个商业系统(例如,Staffware)的工作流日志转换为独立的XML格式。该工具基于这种格式挖掘因果关系,并生成一个以Petri网表示的图形化工作流模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45785-2_4]

[26] Distributed genetic process mining (2010)

(Bratosin, Carmen and Sidorova, Natalia and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining aims at discovering process models from data logs in order to offer insight into the real use of information systems. Most of the existing process mining algorithms fail to discover complex constructs or have problems dealing with noise and infrequent behavior. The genetic process mining algorithm overcomes these issues by using genetic operators to search for the fittest solution in the space of all possible process models. The main disadvantage of genetic process mining is the required computation time. In this paper we present a coarse-grained distributed variant of the genetic miner that reduces the computation time. The degree of the improvement obtained highly depends on the parameter values and event logs characteristics. We perform an empirical evaluation to determine guidelines for setting the parameters of the distributed algorithm. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘旨在从数据日志中发现过程模型,以便深入了解信息系统的实际使用。大多数现有的过程挖掘算法都无法发现复杂的结构,或者在处理噪声和不频繁行为方面存在问题。遗传过程挖掘算法通过使用遗传算子在所有可能的过程模型的空间中搜索最适合的解决方案,从而克服了这些问题。遗传过程挖掘的主要缺点是所需的计算时间。在本文中,我们提出了一种遗传采矿器的粗粒度分布变体,可减少计算时间。获得的改善程度在很大程度上取决于参数值和事件日志特征。我们进行经验评估,以确定用于设置分布式算法参数的准则。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2010.5586250]

[27] Efficient event correlation over distributed systems (2017)

(Cheng, Long and Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Event correlation is a cornerstone for process discovery over event logs crossing multiple data sources. The computed correlation rules and process instances will greatly help us to unleash the power of process mining. However, exploring all possible event correlations over a log could be time consuming, especially when the log is large. State-of-The-Art methods based on MapReduce designed to handle this challenge have offered significant performance improvements over standalone implementations. However, all existing techniques are still based on a conventional generating-And-pruning scheme. Therefore, event partitioning across multiple machines is often inefficient. In this paper, following the principle of filtering-And-verification, we propose a new algorithm, called RF-GraP, which provides a more efficient correlation over distributed systems. We present the detailed implementation of our approach and conduct a quantitative evaluation using the Spark platform. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is indeed efficient. Compared to the state-of-The-Art, we are able to achieve significant performance speedups with obviously less network communication.


摘要: 事件相关性是跨多个数据源的事件日志上的过程发现的基石。计算出的关联规则和流程实例将极大地帮助我们释放流程挖掘的力量。但是,在日志中探索所有可能的事件相关性可能很耗时,尤其是当日志很大时。基于MapReduce的最新技术旨在应对这一挑战,与独立实现相比,性能得到了显着改善。但是,所有现有技术仍基于常规的生成和修剪方案。因此,跨多台计算机进行事件分区通常效率很低。在本文中,遵循过滤与验证的原理,我们提出了一种称为RF-GraP的新算法,该算法可在分布式系统上提供更有效的关联。我们介绍了我们方法的详细实现,并使用Spark平台进行了定量评估。实验结果表明,该方法确实有效。与最新技术相比,我们可以通过明显更少的网络通信来实现显着的性能提升。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CCGRID.2017.94]

[28] Evaluation of discovered clinical pathways using process mining and joint agent-based discrete-event simulation (2016)

(Augusto, Vincent and Xie, Xiaolan and Prodel, Martin and Jouaneton, Baptiste and Lamarsalle, Ludovic | )

Abstract: The analysis of clinical pathways from event logs provides new insights about care processes. In this paper, we propose a new methodology to automatically perform simulation analysis of patients clinical pathways based on a national hospital database. Process mining is used to build highly representative causal nets, which are then converted to state charts in order to be executed. A joint multi-Agent discrete-event simulation approach is used to implement models. A practical case study on patients having cardiovascular diseases and eligible to receive an implantable defibrillator is provided. A design of experiments has been proposed to study the impact of medical decisions, such as implanting or not a defibrillator, on the relapse rate, the death rate and the cost. This approach has proven to be an innovative way to extract knowledge from an existing hospital database through simulation, allowing the design and test of new scenarios.


摘要: 事件日志中的临床路径分析提供了有关护理过程的新见解。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的方法,该方法可基于国家医院数据库自动执行患者临床路径的模拟分析。具有代表性的因果网络,然后将其转换为状态图以便执行;使用联合多Agent离散事件模拟方法来实现模型;针对患有心血管疾病且有资格接受植入式除颤器的患者的实际案例研究是提出了一种实验设计来研究医学决策(例如植入或不使用除纤颤器)对复发率,死亡率和成本的影响,这种方法已被证明是一种从中提取知识的创新方法。通过模拟现有的医院数据库,从而可以设计和测试新方案。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WSC.2016.7822256]

[29] Evidence-Based Business Process Management (2015)

(Dumas, Marlon and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria | )

Abstract: CONCLUSION Evidence-based business process management based on process mining has gained significant momentum in recent years, as evidenced by numerous reported case studies in various fields. Also, over the past few years, an increasing number of tools supporting process mining have emerged and reached various levels of sophistication, including Disco by Fluxicon,20 QPR Process Analyzer,21 Perceptive Process Mining,22 and the open-source ProM toolkit.23 In parallel, methods for applying process mining have emerged, such as van der Aalsts L* method.24 Moving forward, we foresee the emergence of more sophisticated process mining methods capable of handling larger, more heterogeneous, and noisy datasets with high levels of accuracy. Equally or more importantly, though, we foresee the emer- gence of evidence-based business process governance methods, allowing managers to effectively set up and steer evidence-based BPM initiatives in large organizations, so that evidence-based BPM becomes part of the organizations management cul- ture. This will bring BPM to the level of modern marketing approaches, which are often data driven. In an ideal evidence-based organization, every business process redesign decision will be made with data, backed by data, and continuously put into question based on data.


摘要: 结论近年来,基于过程挖掘的基于证据的业务过程管理获得了巨大的发展,正如在各个领域的大量案例研究所证明的那样。而且,在过去几年中,出现了越来越多的支持过程挖掘的工具并达到了各种复杂程度,包括Fluxicon的Disco,20 QPR Process Analyzer,21 Perceptive Process Mining,22和开源ProM工具包。23与此同时,出现了应用过程挖掘的方法,例如van der Aalst的L * method.24展望未来,我们预见将出现更复杂的过程挖掘方法,这些方法能够以较高的准确度处理更大,更异构和嘈杂的数据集,但同等或更重要的是,我们预见到了基于证据的出现。业务流程治理方法,使管理人员可以在大型组织中有效地建立和指导基于证据的BPM计划,从而使基于证据的BPM成为是组织管理文化的一部分。这将使BPM达到通常由数据驱动的现代营销方法的水平。在理想的基于证据的组织中,每个业务流程的重新设计决策都将由数据决定,并以数据为后盾,并基于数据不断提出疑问。

[下载地址](http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-799959-3.00017-3 https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/B9780127999593000173) | 返回目录 | [10.1016/B978-0-12-799959-3.00017-3]

[30] Exploring the application of process mining to support self-regulated learning: An initial analysis with video lectures (2018)

(Rodriguez, Manuel Caeiro and Nistal, Martin Llamas and Fonte, Fernando A.Mikic and Penin, Manuel Lama and Molina, Manuel Mucientes | )

Abstract: Self-regulated learning involves students taking the responsibility of their own learning. Self-regulated learning students usually adopt a variety of learning strategies and behaviors, such as the performance of forethought-performance-reflection cycles or the regular and sequenced work over time, that eventually enable them to achieve a more significant and long-lasting learning. In this paper, we explore if these particular behaviors and strategies can be analyzed through the application of process mining techniques taking as data the events registered during the performance of learning activities. The discovery of the underlying processes followed by students can open new approaches to study the real self-regulated strategies used by students. The paper reviews the techniques and tools available to perform the process mining of events related to self-regulated learning and describes some initial works in this area. Furthermore, as an initial empirical study, we analyze the process followed by students regarding the visualization of videos provided in a first-year engineering subject. The obtained results are studied taking into account the grades obtained by the students. The results show that the students that obtained the best grades follow more varied routes than the students that obtained the worst grades. In addition, the best ones are more regular over time regarding weekly video visualization, mainly at the beginning of the term, while the worst ones visualize the videos mainly at the second part of the term.


摘要: 自律式学习涉及学生承担自己的学习责任。自我调节学习的学生通常会采用各种学习策略和行为,例如预见性表现反射周期的表现或随着时间的推移有规律地进行有序的学习,最终使他们能够获得更有意义和更持久的学习。在本文中,我们探讨了是否可以通过使用过程挖掘技术的应用来分析这些特定的行为和策略,这些过程和技术将学习活动过程中记录的事件作为数据。学生所遵循的基本过程的发现可以开辟新的方法来研究学生使用的真正的自我调节策略。本文回顾了可用于对与自律学习有关的事件进行过程挖掘的技术和工具,并描述了该领域的一些初步工作。此外,作为一项初步的实证研究,我们分析了学生在第一年工程学科中提供的视频可视化过程。研究获得的结果时要考虑到学生获得的成绩。结果表明,与成绩最差的学生相比,成绩最好的学生所走的路线更多样化。此外,最好的视频在每周的视频可视化方面相对定期(主要是在学期开始时),而最差的视频则主要在学期的第二部分对视频进行可视化。

[下载地址](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8363448/ https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8363448/) | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363448]


[31] Finding Structure in Unstructured Processes: The Case for Process Mining (2007)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Today there are many process mining techniques that allow for the automatic construction of process models based on event logs. Unlike synthesis techniques (e.g., based on regions), process mining aims at the discovery of models (e.g., Petri nets) from incomplete information (i.e., only example behavior is given). The more mature process mining techniques perform well on structured processes. However, most of the existing techniques fail miserably when confronted with unstructured processes. This paper attempts to bring structure to the unstructured by using an integrated combination of abstraction and clustering techniques. The ultimate goal is to present process models that are understandable by analysts and that lead to improved system/process redesigns. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 今天,有许多过程挖掘技术可以基于事件日志自动构建过程模型。与合成技术(例如基于区域)不同,过程挖掘的目的是从不完整的信息(即仅给出示例行为)中发现模型(例如Petri网)。比较成熟的过程挖掘技术在结构化过程中表现良好。但是,大多数现有技术在遇到非结构化过程时都会惨遭失败。本文尝试通过将抽象技术和聚类技术结合在一起,将结构带入非结构化。最终目标是提出分析人员可以理解的流程模型,并导致改进的系统/流程重新设计。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2007.50]

[32] Flipping the classroom with MOOCs. A pilot study exploring differences between self-regulated learners (2017)

(Maldonado, Jorge J. and Perez-Sanagustin, Mar and Bermeo, Jorge L. and Mu~noz, Lissette and Pacheco, Guillermo and Espinoza, Isabel | )

Abstract: The use of Flipped Classroom (FC) model supported with technology has allowed to optimize classroom time, covering the students learning demands and adapting to their work pace. However, learners perform at different pace and use external resources during their learning, which requires from them the ability to self-regulate. In this paper, a pilot study is presented and investigates how students with different self-regulation profiles navigate through a MOOC when it is used as a part of FC methodology. To meet the study objectives, by using Process Mining techniques, it has been investigated over log files recording the course behaviour of N= 149 learners across an Open edX MOOC used to support FC. The findings show that learners who were exposed to the FC obtained better grades than their counterparts. Also, learners with different SRL profiles follow different navigation paths. This study opens up the possibility to other researchers to explore how learners perform in a MOOC using FC.


摘要: 借助技术支持的翻转课堂(FC)模式,可以优化课堂时间,满足学生的学习需求并适应他们的工作节奏。但是,学习者的学习进度不同,并且在学习过程中会使用外部资源,本文要求进行一项初步研究,研究具有不同自我调节特征的学生在MOOC用作FC方法的一部分时如何通过MOOC进行导航。通过使用过程挖掘技术,已对日志文件进行了调查,记录了用于支持FC的Open edX MOOC上N = 149个学习者的课程行为,研究结果表明,接触FC的学习者的学习成绩要优于同类学习者。此外,具有不同SRL资料的学习者会遵循不同的导航路径,这项研究为其他研究人员提供了探索学习者如何使用MOOC表现的可能性。 FC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/LACLO.2017.8120934]

[33] Genetic process mining (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The topic of process mining has attracted the attention of both researchers and tool vendors in the Business Process Management (BPM) space. The goal of process mining is to discover process models from event logs, i.e., events logged by some information system are used to extract information about activities and their causal relations. Several algorithms have been proposed for process mining. Many of these algorithms cannot deal with concurrency. Other typical problems are the presence of duplicate activities, hidden activities, non-free-choice constructs, etc. In addition, real-life logs contain noise (e.g., exceptions or incorrectly logged events) and are typically incomplete (i.e., the event logs contain only a fragment of all possible behaviors). To tackle these problems we propose a completely new approach based on genetic algorithms. As can be expected, a genetic approach is able to deal with noise and incompleteness. However, it is not easy to represent processes properly in a genetic setting. In this paper, we show a genetic process mining approach using the so-called causal matrix as a representation for individuals. We elaborate on the relation between Petri nets and this representation and show that genetic algorithms can be used to discover Petri net models from event logs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.


摘要: 过程挖掘的主题在业务过程管理(BPM)领域吸引了研究人员和工具供应商的关注。流程挖掘的目的是从事件日志中发现流程模型,即,某些信息系统记录的事件用于提取有关活动及其因果关系的信息。已经提出了几种用于过程挖掘的算法。这些算法中有许多无法处理并发。其他典型问题是重复活动,隐藏活动,非自由选择构造等的存在。此外,现实生活中的日志包含噪音(例如,异常或错误记录的事件),并且通常不完整(即,事件日志)仅包含所有可能行为的一部分)。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种基于遗传算法的全新方法。可以预见,遗传方法能够处理噪声和不完整性。但是,在遗传背景下正确地表示过程并不容易。在本文中,我们展示了一种使用所谓因果矩阵作为个体表示的遗传过程挖掘方法。我们详细介绍了Petri网与该表示之间​​的关系,并表明可以使用遗传算法从事件日志中发现Petri网模型。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11494744_5]

[34] Half a century after Carl Adam Petris Ph.D. thesis: A perspective on the field (2013)

(Silva, Manuel | )

Abstract: It is certainly worth remarking on half a century of a work defining a landmark in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS) theory. This invited contribution aims to combine some historical facts with elements of a conceptual view on concurrent DEDS, giving pointers about the development of the field. Simplifying the historical trajectory, it can be said that the seed sown by Carl Adam Petri in 1962 first grew in America (essentially until the mid 1970s), where an appropriate intellectual ambiance existed in computer science, business process management and switching systems design. Later, many other new lines of activity, including logic control and performance evaluation, flourished in Europe. Today Petri nets are widespread all over the world. The conceptual paradigm of Petri nets deals inter alia with modeling, logical analysis, performance evaluation, parametric optimization, dynamic control, diagnosis and implementation issues. In summary, multidisciplinary in themselves, formalisms belonging to the Petri nets paradigm may cover several phases of the life-cycle of complex DEDS. Given the hundreds of research and text monographs on Petri nets, together with the many thousands of theoretical and applied contributions on the subject, not to mention the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) or IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards for the use of Petri nets in engineering, this work cannot hope to be a complete survey or a tutorial in the more classical sense. It is more of an impressionistic overview of the field.textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

在卡尔·亚当·皮特里(Carl Adam Petri)的博士学位论文发表之后的半个世纪:对这一领域的看法

摘要: 在半个世纪的定义离散事件动态系统(DEDS)理论中具有里程碑意义的工作中,当然值得一提。这项受邀的贡献旨在将一些历史事实与对并发DEDS的概念性看法相结合,为该领域的发展提供指导。可以简化历史轨迹,可以说,卡尔·亚当·佩特里(Carl Adam Petri)于1962年播种的种子首先在美国生长(基本上一直持续到1970年代中期),那里的计算机科学,业务流程管理和交换系统设计存在着适当的知识氛围。后来,包括逻辑控制和性能评估在内的许多其他新活动在欧洲蓬勃发展。如今,Petri网已遍布世界各地。 Petri网的概念范式尤其涉及建模,逻辑分析,性能评估,参数优化,动态控制,诊断和实施问题。总之,属于Petri网范式的形式主义本身就是多学科的,可能涵盖复杂DEDS生命周期的多个阶段。鉴于有关Petri网的数百篇研究和文本专着,以及有关该主题的数千篇理论和应用著作,更不用说使用Petri的ISO(国际标准化组织)或IEC(国际电工委员会)标准了网络工程,这项工作不能指望是一个完整的调查或更经典的教程。它更像是对该领域的印象派概述。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.arcontrol.2013.09.001]

[35] Improving Business Process Models Using Observed Behavior (2013)

(Buijs, J. C.A.M. and La Rosa | )

Abstract: Process-aware information systems (PAISs) can be configured using a reference process model, which is typically obtained via expert interviews. Over time, however, contextual factors and system requirements may cause the operational process to start deviating from this reference model. While a reference model should ideally be updated to remain aligned with such changes, this is a costly and often neglected activity. We present a new process mining technique that automatically improves the reference model on the basis of the observed behavior as recorded in the event logs of a PAIS. We discuss how to balance the four basic quality dimensions for process mining (fitness, precision, simplicity and generalization) and a new dimension, namely the structural similarity between the reference model and the discovered model. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique using a real-life scenario from a Dutch municipality. textcopyright International Federation for Information Processing 2013.


摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)可以使用参考过程模型进行配置,该模型通常是通过专家访谈获得的。但是,随着时间的流逝,上下文因素和系统要求可能会导致操作过程开始偏离该参考模型。虽然理想情况下应该更新参考模型以使其与此类更改保持一致,但这是一项代价高昂且经常被忽略的活动。我们提出了一种新的过程挖掘技术,该技术将根据PAIS事件日志中记录的观察到的行为自动改进参考模型。我们讨论了如何平衡过程挖掘的四个基本质量维度(适应性,精度,简单性和泛化)和一个新维度,即参考模型和发现的模型之间的结构相似性。我们使用来自荷兰市政当局的真实场景演示了此技术的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2013年国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-40919-6_3]

[36] Improving software maintenance using process mining and predictive analytics (2017)

(Gupta, Monika and Serebrenik, Alexander and Jalote, Pankaj | )

Abstract: Conclusion: We investigated logs generated during software execution and logs from issue tracking system, peer code review system and version control system but not logs such as system logs, and build logs; the proposed approach can show value when explored on these logs. Process mining of execution logs has challenges such as identification of activities and case ID which needs generic and improved solutions for achieving higher accuracy. People play a crucial role in performance of an organization hence, it can be interesting to investigate the association between the process, people and performance which we did not consider in detail. We proposed solutions for some of the problems identified in the initial survey, the results can be further refined by augmenting data from different sources and designing improved solution approaches. For example, in the proposed preemption model every information seeking user input request is considered as real irrespective of whether it is really required to resolve the ticket or not. Hence, the detection model can be extended to also identify the cases where unnecessary information is asked, another way of making tactical requests. It requires further investigation of user input requests and understanding of information actually being used for resolving the ticket.


摘要: 结论:我们调查了软件执行期间生成的日志以及问题跟踪系统,对等代码检查系统和版本控制系统的日志,但未调查系统日志等日志,以及构建日志;在这些日志上探索时,所提出的方法可以显示价值。执行日志的流程挖掘具有诸如识别活动和案例ID之类的挑战,这些挑战需要通用且经过改进的解决方案以实现更高的准确性。人们在组织的绩效中起着至关重要的作用,因此,调查过程,人员与绩效之间的关联可能是有趣的,而我们并未详细考虑。我们针对初始调查中发现的一些问题提出了解决方案,可以通过增加来自不同来源的数据并设计改进的解决方案来进一步完善结果。例如,在提出的抢占模型中,无论是否真正需要解决票证,每个寻求用户输入信息的信息都被视为真实信息。因此,检测模型可以扩展为还识别请求不必要信息的情况,这是发出战术请求的另一种方法。它需要进一步调查用户输入请求,并了解实际用于解决故障单的信息。

[下载地址](https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSME.2017.39 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8094481/) | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSME.2017.39]

[37] Interestingness of traces in declarative process mining: The janus LTLPf Approach (2018)

(Cecconi, Alessio and Di Ciccio | )

Abstract: Declarative process mining is the set of techniques aimed at extracting behavioural constraints from event logs. These constraints are inherently of a reactive nature, in that their activation restricts the occurrence of other activities. In this way, they are prone to the principle of ex falso quod libet: they can be satisfied even when not activated. As a consequence, constraints can be mined that are hardly interesting to users or even potentially misleading. In this paper, we build on the observation that users typically read and write temporal constraints as if-statements with an explicit indication of the activation condition. Our approach is called Janus, because it permits the specification and verification of reactive constraints that, upon activation, look forward into the future and backwards into the past of a trace. Reactive constraints are expressed using Linear-time Temporal Logic with Past on Finite Traces (LTLp f). To mine them out of event logs, we devise a time bi-directional valuation technique based on triplets of automata operating in an on-line fashion. Our solution proves efficient, being at most quadratic w.r.t. trace length, and effective in recognising interestingness of discovered constraints.

声明式过程挖掘中的跟踪的趣味性:janus LTLPf方法

摘要: 声明式过程挖掘是旨在从事件日志中提取行为约束的一组技术。这些约束本质上是反应性的,因为它们的激活限制了其他活动的发生。这样,它们很容易遵循既定的解放原则:即使不激活它们也可以满足。结果,可以挖掘出用户几乎不感兴趣甚至可能引起误解的约束。在本文中,我们建立在以下观察基础上:用户通常将时间约束读为if语句,并将其明确写入激活条件。我们的方法被称为Janus,因为它允许规范和验证反应性约束,这些约束在激活后就可以展望未来,并可以追溯到轨迹的过去。反应性约束是使用线性时间时态逻辑和有限迹线(LTLp f)来表示的。为了从事件日志中挖掘它们,我们设计了一种基于双向操作的自动机的在线双向时间评估技术。我们的解决方案经证明是有效的,最多是二次方。迹线长度,并有效地识别发现的约束的有趣性。

[下载地址](http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98648-7_14 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-98648-7_8) | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-98648-7_8]

[38] Making work flow: On the application of petri nets to business process management (2002)

(Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Information technology has changed business processes within and between enterprises. More and more work processes are being conducted under the supervision of information systems that are driven by process models. Examples are workflow management systems such as Staffware, enterprise resource planning systems such as SAP and Baan, but also include many domain specific systems. It is hard to imagine enterprise information systems that are unaware of the processes taking place. Although the topic of business process management using information technology has been addressed by consultants and software developers in depth, a more fundamental approach has been missing. Only since the nineties, researchers started to work on the foundations of business process management systems. This paper addresses some of the scientific challenges in business process management. In the spirit of Hilberts problems1, 10 interesting problems for people working on Petri-net theory are posed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002.


摘要: 信息技术已经改变了企业内部和企业之间的业务流程。在由流程模型驱动的信息系统的监督下,越来越多的工作流程正在进行。例如工作流管理系统(例如Staffware),企业资源计划系统(例如SAP)和Baan,但也包含许多特定领域的系统。很难想象企业信息系统不了解正在发生的流程,尽管顾问和软件开发人员已深入探讨了使用信息技术进行业务流程管理的话题,直到90年代以来,研究人员才开始在业务流程管理系统的基础上开展工作。本文针对业务流程管理中的一些科学挑战,本着希尔伯特问题1的精神,为人们解决了10个有趣的问题提出了研究Petri网的知识。 t​​extcopyr ight Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2002。

[下载地址](http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-68353-4 http://link.springer.com/10.1007/3-540-48068-4_1) | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-48068-4_1]

[39] Merging business processes for a common workflow in an organizational collaborative scenario (2015)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Ciocarlie, Horia | )

Abstract: In the current paper we propose an algorithm for merging business process models when the process similarity rate is high. We consider the representation of business processes in Business Process Modeling Notation format and we present a possible reduction of the elements to directed graph format components. A common graph extracted is post processed by applying a transitive reduction mechanism to obtain the simplest graph with the fewest possible edges that has the same reachability as the original graph. We present briefly other directions for merging business processes and we compare them with the proposed one. We start from the assumption that collaborations in between companies when the compatibility level from process perspective is high have better chances to succeed. Studies have shown that inter organizational collaborations fail mostly because of incompatibilities in methodology, lacks in transition process and failures in defining feasible targets. With common processes resulted from merging internally used process models, the transition setup is simple and effortless. The common process obtained could be manually or automatically updated for ensuring the compliance with shared and individual objectives and internal constraints.


摘要: 在当前的论文中,我们提出了一种在流程相似率很高时合并业务流程模型的算法。我们考虑以业务流程建模符号格式表示业务流程,并提出将元素简化为有向图格式组件的方法。通过应用传递归约机制对提取的通用图进行后处理,以获得具有与原始图相同的可及性的,具有最少可能边缘的最简单图。我们简要介绍了合并业务流程的其他方向,并将它们与建议的方向进行了比较。我们从这样一个假设开始,即从流程角度来看兼容性水平较高时,公司之间的合作有更大的成功机会。研究表明,组织间的合作失败主要是由于方法上的不兼容性,缺乏过渡过程以及未能确定可行的目标。由于合并了内部使用的流程模型而产生了通用流程,因此过渡设置既简单又轻松。可以手动或自动更新获得的通用流程,以确保遵守共享的和个人的目标以及内部约束。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSTCC.2015.7321282]

[40] Mining expressive process models by clusteringworkflow traces (2004)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Pontieri, Luigi and Sacc`a | )

Abstract: We propose a general framework for the process mining problem which encompasses the assumption ofworkflowschema with local constraints only, for it being applicable to more expressive specification languages, independently of the particular syntax adopted. In fact, we provide an effective technique for process mining based on the rather unexplored concept of clustering workflow executions, in which clusters of executions sharing the same structure and the same unexpected behavior (w.r.t. the local properties) are seen as a witness of the existence of global constraints. An interesting framework for assessing the similarity between the original model and the discovered one is proposed, as well as some experimental results evidencing the validity of our approach.


摘要: 我们为过程挖掘问题提出了一个通用框架,该框架仅包含具有局部约束的工作流模式假设,因为它适用于更具表现力的规范语言,与所采用的特定语法无关。实际上,我们提供了一种有效的技术,它基于对工作流执行集群的一个尚未探索的概念,其中共享相同结构和相同意外行为(破坏了本地属性)的执行集群被视为存在的见证全球限制。提出了一个有趣的框架,用于评估原始模型和发现的模型之间的相似性,以及一些实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-24775-3_8]

[41] Mining process models from workflow logs (1998)

(Agrawal, Rakesh and Gunopulos, Dimitrios and Leymann, Frank | )

Abstract: Modern enterprises increasingly use the workflow paradigm to prescribe how business processes should be performed. Processes are typically modeled as annotated activity graphs. We present an approach for a system that constructs process models from logs of past, unstructured executions of the given process. The graph so produced conforms to the dependencies and past executions present in the log. By providing models that capture the previous executions of the process, this technique allows easier introduction of a workflow system and evaluation and evolution of existing process models. We also present results from applying the algorithm to synthetic data sets as well as process logs obtained from an IBM Flowmark installation.


摘要: 现代企业越来越多地使用工作流范式来规定应如何执行业务流程。通常将流程建模为带注释的活动图。我们为系统提供了一种方法,该系统可以根据给定过程的过去非结构化执行的日志来构建过程模型。这样生成的图符合日志中存在的依存关系和过去的执行情况。通过提供捕获流程先前执行的模型,此技术可以更轻松地引入工作流程系统以及评估和改进现有流程模型。我们还将介绍将算法应用于合成数据集以及从IBM Flowmark安装获得的过程日志的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/bfb0101003]

[42] Multi-phase process mining: Building instance graphs (2004)

(Van Dongen | )

Abstract: Deploying process-driven information systems is a time-consuming and error-prone task. Process mining attempts to improve this by automatically generating a process model from event-based data. Existing techniques try to generate a complete process model from the data acquired. However, unless this model is the ultimate goal of mining, such a model is not always required. Instead, a good visualization of each individual process instance can be enough. From these individual instances, an overall model can then be generated if required. In this paper, we present an approach which constructs an instance graph for each individual process instance, based on information in the entire data set. The results are represented in terms of Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs). This representation is used to connect our process mining to a widely used commercial tool for the visualization and analysis of instance EPCs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.


摘要: 部署流程驱动的信息系统是一项耗时且容易出错的任务。流程挖掘试图通过从基于事件的数据中自动生成流程模型来改善此情况。现有技术试图从所获取的数据生成完整的过程模型。但是,除非此模型是采矿的最终目标,否则并非总是需要这样的模型。相反,对每个单独的流程实例进行良好的可视化就足够了。如果需要,可以从这些单独的实例中生成整体模型。在本文中,我们提出一种基于整个数据集中的信息为每个单独的流程实例构造一个实例图的方法。结果以事件驱动的流程链(EPC)表示。该表示用于将我们的过程挖掘与广泛使用的商业工具相连接,以可视化和分析实例EPC。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-30464-7_29]

[43] Next step recommendation and prediction based on process mining in adaptive case management (2015)

(Huber, Sebastian and Fietta, Marian and Hof, Sebastian | )

Abstract: Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is a new paradigm that facilitates the coordination of knowledge work through case handling. Current ACM systems, however, lack support of providing sophisticated user guidance for next step recommendations and predictions about the case future. In recent years, process mining research developed approaches to make recommendations and predictions based on event logs readily available in process-aware information systems. This paper builds upon those approaches and integrates them into an existing ACM solution. The research goal is to design and develop a prototype that gives next step recommendations and predictions based on process mining techniques in ACM systems. The models proposed, recommend actions that shorten the case running time, mitigate deadline transgressions, support case goals and have been used in former cases with similar properties. They further give case predictions about the remaining time, possible deadline violations, and whether the current case path supports given case goals. A final evaluation proves that the prototype is indeed capable of making proper recommendations and predictions. In addition, starting points for further improvement are discussed.


摘要: 自适应案例管理(ACM)是一种新的范例,它通过案例处理促进知识工作的协调。但是,当前的ACM系统缺乏为下一步建议和有关案件未来的预测提供复杂的用户指南的支持。近年来,过程挖掘研究开发了基于事件日志的建议和预测方法,这些事件日志可在过程感知信息系统中轻松获得。本文基于这些方法,并将它们集成到现有的ACM解决方案中。研究目标是设计和开发原型,该原型基于ACM系统中的过程挖掘技术给出下一步建议和预测。提出的模型建议采取可缩短案件运行时间,减轻期限违规,支持案件目标的行动,并已用于具有类似属性的先前案件中。他们还提供了有关剩余时间,可能违反截止日期以及当前案例路径是否支持给定案例目标的案例预测。最终评估证明该原型确实能够提出适当的建议和预测。此外,还讨论了进一步改进的起点。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2723839.2723842]

[44] On mining latent treatment patterns from electronic medical records (2015)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Dong, Wei and Bath, Peter and Ji, Lei and Duan, Huilong | )

Abstract: Clinical pathway (CP) analysis plays an important role in health-care management in ensuring specialized, standardized, normalized and sophisticated therapy procedures for individual patients. Recently, with the rapid development of hospital information systems, a large volume of electronic medical records (EMRs) has been produced, which provides a comprehensive source for CP analysis. In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of utilizing the heterogeneous EMRs to assist CP analysis and improvement. More specifically, we develop a probabilistic topic model to link patient features and treatment behaviors together to mine treatment patterns hidden in EMRs. Discovered treatment patterns, as actionable knowledge representing the best practice for most patients in most time of their treatment processes, form the backbone of CPs, and can be exploited to help physicians better understand their specialty and learn from previous experiences for CP analysis and improvement. Experimental results on a real collection of 985 EMRs collected from a Chinese hospital show that the proposed approach can effectively identify meaningful treatment patterns from EMRs.


摘要: 临床途径(CP)分析在确保个人患者的专业化,标准化,规范化和复杂化治疗程序的医疗保健管理中起着重要作用。近来,随着医院信息系统的快速发展,已经产生了大量的电子病历(EMR),这为CP分析提供了全面的资源。在本文中,我们关注利用异构EMR协助CP分析和改进的问题。更具体地说,我们开发了一个概率主题模型,将患者特征和治疗行为与隐藏在EMR中的矿井治疗模式联系在一起。发现的治疗模式,作为可操作的知识,代表了大多数患者在其治疗过程中大部分时间的最佳实践,构成了CP的骨干,可用于帮助医生更好地了解其专业知识并从以前的经验中进行CP分析和改善。对从中国一家医院收集的985例EMR进行真实采集的实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地从EMR中识别出有意义的治疗模式。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-014-0381-y]

[45] Optimizing business processes by learning from monitoring results (2016)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Cioc^arlie, Horia | )

Abstract: In the current paper we propose analyzing the recorded information about broken rules in business process execution and using it for enhancing business process models defined inside organizations for specific business cases. An alert system is designed as a Web Application for detecting deviations by verifying the event log data of the running cases. We consider it a Business Activity Monitoring solution implementing a custom rule definition language mainly created for ensuring the operational support inside organizations by providing guidance to people as task owners in real time about their actions not compliant with process definition. The current system is able to analyze real-time events with the scope of identifying problems, diagnosing them and generating alerts to recommend managerial action. The main effect should be a better performance of the organization and better business results. We consider that processes are meant to automatize and ease the work and should be commonly understood and accepted by the people contributing inside organizations. A rule constantly broken could indicate that a process difficult to follow in specific areas. Such statistical information about broken rules could represent the input for business process improvements. We also consider as a possibility referencing a process definition instead of a set of rules. The running cases are checked for conformance with the reference process model and if the case is not compliant, a trigger is activated and the information is used further for a possible evolution of business process definitions. The business process model is re-built from monitoring results and statistical information.


摘要: 在当前的论文中,我们建议分析记录的有关业务流程执行中违反规则的信息,并将其用于增强组织内部为特定业务案例定义的业务流程模型。警报系统被设计为Web应用程序,用于通过验证运行案例的事件日志数据来检测偏差。我们认为这是一种实现自定义规则定义语言的业务活动监视解决方案,主要用于为组织(作为任务所有者)的人员实时提供有关其操作不符合流程定义的指导,以确保组织内部的运营支持。当前系统能够分析实时事件,并能发现问题,诊断问题并生成警报以建议管理措施。主要效果应该是组织的更好绩效和更好的业务成果。我们认为流程旨在使工作自动化并简化工作,组织内部贡献人员应普遍理解并接受流程。规则不断被打破可能表明该过程在特定领域难以遵循。有关破坏规则的此类统计信息可以代表业务流程改进的输入。我们还考虑了引用流程定义而不是规则的可能性。检查运行中的案例是否符合参考流程模型,如果案例不符合要求,则激活触发器,并将该信息进一步用于业务流程定义的可能演变。业务流程模型是根据监视结果和统计信息重建的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SACI.2016.7507417]


[46] Pattern mining for predicting critical events from sequential event data log (2014)

(Chen, Jun and Kumar, Ratnesh | )

Abstract: This paper studies the mining of patterns for predicting critical events from observed ordered event data, where the observations can contain interleaving from non-predictor and other predictor event sequences. These are characteristics of many practical applications such as monitoring in power systems or telecommunication networks, as well as computational biology. For settings where system behaviors are affected by noise, a critical event can sometimes occur without its predictor executed prior to it, and we propose algorithm to recursively compute the frequency that a predictor candidate precedes the critical event. This we use for identifying a predictor, and study the performance of such a scheme. We also consider the noise-free settings, in which a critical event occurs only after the execution of its predictor, and propose an algorithm to recursively compute the set of maximal predictors for each critical event.


摘要: 本文研究了从观察到的有序事件数据中预测关键事件的模式的挖掘,其中观察值可能包含来自非预测事件和其他预测事件序列的交织。这些是许多实际应用的特征,例如电力系统或电信网络中的监视以及计算生物学。对于系统行为受噪声影响的设置,有时可能会发生关键事件而没有在其之前执行其预测变量,因此我们提出了一种算法来递归计算候选变量在关键事件之前的频率。我们将其用于识别预测变量,并研究这种方案的性能。我们还考虑了无噪声设置,在该设置中,关键事件仅在其预测变量执行后才发生,并提出了一种算法来递归计算每个关键事件的最大预测变量集。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3182/20140514-3-FR-4046.00120]

[47] Pattern-based process discovery (2012)

(Fischer, Robin and Wittern, Erik and Schneider, Julian and Tai, Stefan | )

Abstract: Service-oriented systems consist of services exchanging messages. The service interactions often only form at runtime, and implicitly define instances of a business process. Our research addresses the problem of identifying process instances, so that process analytics and optimization techniques may be applied to service-oriented systems. We introduce a novel approach to discover process instances, which takes a catalog of messaging patterns and actual message logs as input. The pattern catalog describes abstract, common service interactions, while the message logs comprise service correlation information of the concrete system under consideration. We present the required concepts, a prototype, and an experimental evaluation of our approach. Results show that pattern-based process discovery is a feasible option to discover process instances in service-oriented systems. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 面向服务的系统由交换消息的服务组成。服务交互通常仅在运行时形成,并隐式定义业务流程的实例。我们的研究解决了识别流程实例的问题,因此流程分析和优化技术可以应用于面向服务的系统。我们引入了一种新颖的方法来发现流程实例,该方法将消息传递模式和实际消息日志的目录作为输入。模式目录描述了抽象的,常见的服务交互,而消息日志包括正在考虑的具体系统的服务相关信息。我们介绍了我们的方法所需的概念,原型和实验评估。结果表明,基于模式的流程发现是在面向服务的系统中发现流程实例的可行选择。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCA.2012.6449442]

[48] Perturbing event logs to identify cost reduction opportunities: A genetic algorithm-based approach (2014)

(Low, W. Z. and De Weerdt | )

Abstract: Organisations are constantly seeking new ways to improve operational efficiencies. This research study investigates a novel way to identify potential efficiency gains in business operations by observing how they are carried out in the past and then exploring better ways of executing them by taking into account trade-offs between time, cost and resource utilisation. This paper demonstrates how they can be incorporated in the assessment of alternative process execution scenarios by making use of a cost environment. A genetic algorithm-based approach is proposed to explore and assess alternative process execution scenarios, where the objective function is represented by a comprehensive cost structure that captures different process dimensions. Experiments conducted with different variants of the genetic algorithm evaluate the approachs feasibility. The findings demonstrate that a genetic algorithm-based approach is able to make use of cost reduction as a way to identify improved execution scenarios in terms of reduced case durations and increased resource utilisation. The ultimate aim is to utilise cost-related insights gained from such improved scenarios to put forward recommendations for reducing process-related cost within organisations.


摘要: 组织一直在寻求提高运营效率的新方法。本研究研究了一种新颖的方法,通过观察过去的执行情况来确定业务运营中潜在的效率提高,然后通过考虑将其实现的更好方法来进行探索。在时间,成本和资源利用之间进行权衡,本文演示了如何利用成本环境将其纳入对替代流程执行场景的评估中,提出了一种基于遗传算法的方法来探索和评估替代流程执行场景中,目标函数由捕获不同过程维度的综合成本结构表示;对遗传算法的不同变体进行的实验评估了该方法的可行性;研究结果表明,基于遗传算法的方法能够利用成本减少作为确定改进的执行的一种方式从减少案例持续时间和增加资源利用的角度出发。最终目的是利用从此类改进方案中获得的与成本相关的见解,提出减少组织内部与流程相关的成本的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900465]

[49] Petri-net integration - An approach to support multi-agent process mining (2011)

(Ou-Yang, C. and Winarjo, H. | )

Abstract: During the developing phase of a multi-agent system (MAS), it is necessary to simulate the system feasibility before the formal implementation. Petri-net (PN) is the most popular tool used in MAS system simulation. However, most of the PN models were developed according to the investigation of the MAS behaviors. There lacked a bridge to directly link MAS development tool and the PN simulator. This research proposed a PN integration approach to support multi-agent process mining. A process mining technique (alphaalpha algorithm) would be used to investigate the log file generated by each agent system and then to create the PN based process models. In the next stage, an approach was proposed to integrate the PN of each agent. This method would construct the incoming and outgoing places of each agents PN according to inter-agent communication behaviors showed in the logs. These incoming and outgoing places would be merged into communication places representing the inter-relationship between agents PN models. Finally, the multi-agent PN model would be simulated and the results showed that the agent interaction behaviors are consistent with the information shown in their log files. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在多主体系统(MAS)的开发阶段,有必要在正式实施之前对系统的可行性进行仿真。Petri-net(PN)是在MAS系统仿真中使用最广泛的工具。但是,大多数PN模型是根据对MAS行为的调查而开发的,缺少直接将MAS开发工具与PN仿真器链接的桥梁。该研究提出了一种支持多主体过程挖掘的PN集成方法。 alpha $算法)将用于研究每个代理系统生成的日志文件,然后创建基于PN的过程模型;在下一阶段,提出了一种集成每个代理的PN的方法。根据日志中显示的座席间通信行为,每个座席PN的传入和传出位置,这些传入和传出位置将合并为代表相互关系投注的通信位置在代理的PN模型之间。最后,将模拟多主体PN模型,结果表明,主体交互行为与其日志文件中显示的信息一致。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2010.09.066]

[50] Process mining analysis of conceptual modeling behavior of novices - Empirical study using JMermaid modeling and experimental logging environment (2014)

(Sedrakyan, Gayane and Snoeck, Monique and De Weerdt | )

Abstract: Previous studies on learning challenges in the field of modeling focus on cognitive perspectives, such as model understanding, modeling language knowledge and perceptual properties of graphical notation by novice business analysts as major sources affecting model quality. In the educational context outcome feedback is usually applied to improve learning achievements. However, not many research publications have been written observing the characteristics of a modeling process itself that can be associated with better/worse learning outcomes, nor have any empirically validated results been reported on the observations of modeling activities in the educational context. This paper attempts to cover this gap for conceptual modeling. We analyze modeling behavior (conceptual modeling event data of 20 cases, 10.000 events in total) using experimental logging functionality of the JMermaid modeling tool and process mining techniques. The outcomes of the work include modeling patterns that are indicative for worse/better learning performance. The results contribute to (1) improving teaching guidance for conceptual modeling targeted at process-oriented feedback, (2) providing recommendations on the type of data that can be useful in observing a modeling behavior from the perspective of learning outcomes. In addition, the study provides first insights for learning analytics research in the domain of conceptual modeling.


摘要: 关于建模领域学习挑战的先前研究集中在认知角度,例如模型理解,建模语言知识和新手业务分析师作为影响模型质量的主要来源的图形符号的感知特性。在教育方面,结果反馈通常用于改善学习成绩。但是,没有多少研究出版物可以观察到建模过程本身的特征,这些特征可能与更好/更糟的学习结果相关,也没有关于在教育背景下对建模活动的观察报告任何经过实验验证的结果。本文试图弥补概念建模的空白。我们使用JMermaid建模工具的实验记录功能和流程挖掘技术来分析建模行为(20个案例的概念性建模事件数据,总共10.000个事件)。工作的结果包括表明学习成绩较差/更好的建模模式。结果有助于(1)改进针对面向过程的反馈的概念建模的教学指导,(2)提供有关数据类型的建议,这些数据可用于从学习成果的角度观察建模行为。此外,该研究为概念建模领域的学习分析研究提供了初步见识。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2014.09.054]

[51] Process mining can be applied to software too! (2014)

(Rubin, Vladimir A. and Mitsyuk, Alexey A. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Modern information systems produce tremendous amounts of event data. The area of process mining deals with extracting knowledge from this data. Real-life processes can be effectively discovered, analyzed and optimized with the help of mature process mining techniques. There is a variety of process mining case studies and experience reports from such business areas as healthcare, public, transportation and education. Although nowadays, these techniques are mostly used for discovering business processes. The goal of this industrial paper is to show that process mining can be applied to software too. Here we present and analyze our experiences on applying process mining in different productive software systems used in the touristic domain. Process models and user interface workflows underlie the functional specifications of the systems we experiment with. When the systems are utilized, user interaction is recorded in event logs. After applying process mining methods to these logs, process and user interface flow models are automatically derived. These resulting models provide insight regarding the real usage of the software, motivate the changes in the functional specifications, enable usability improvements and software redesign. Thus, with the help of our examples we demonstrate that process mining facilitates new forms of software analysis. The user interaction with almost every software system can be mined in order to improve the software and to monitor and measure its real usage.


摘要: 现代信息系统产生大量的事件数据。流程挖掘领域涉及从这些数据中提取知识。借助成熟的过程挖掘技术,可以有效地发现,分析和优化现实生活中的过程。来自医疗,公共,运输和教育等业务领域的各种过程挖掘案例研究和经验报告。尽管如今,这些技术主要用于发现业务流程。该工业论文的目的是表明流程挖掘也可以应用于软件。在这里,我们介绍并分析我们在旅游领域中使用的不同生产软件系统中应用过程挖掘的经验。流程模型和用户界面工作流是我们试验的系统的功能规范的基础。使用系统时,用户交互将记录在事件日志中。在将过程挖掘方法应用于这些日志之后,将自动导出过程和用户​​界面流模型。这些结果模型提供了有关软件实际使用的见解,激发了功能规范的变化,实现了可用性改进和软件重新设计。因此,借助我们的示例,我们证明了过程挖掘可促进软件分析的新形式。可以挖掘与几乎每个软件系统的用户交互,以改进软件并监视和衡量其实际使用情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2652524.2652583]

[52] Process-Based Habit Mining: Experiments and Techniques (2016)

(Dimaggio, Marcella and Leotta, Francesco and Mecella, Massimo and Sora, Daniele | )

Abstract: Independently of the specific task to be enacted in a smart space, it is always crucial to mine a set of models rep- resenting environmental dynamics and, noteworthy, user habits and desires. Many different formalisms have been proposed to model human habits, but the vast majority of them are either difficult to read and evaluate or their definition requires a huge amount of work from either experts or users. In this paper we propose to employ process mining techniques in order to model human habits, and we experimentally evaluate such an approach on a dataset built adopting the Smart-Home-in-a-Box toolkit with real users.


摘要: 独立于要在智能空间中执行的特定任务,挖掘一组代表环境动态以及值得注意的用户习惯和期望的模型始终至关重要。已经提出了许多不同的形式主义来模拟人类习惯,但是其中绝大多数很难阅读和评估,或者它们的定义需要专家或用户的大量工作。在本文中,我们建议采用过程挖掘技术来模拟人类习惯,并且我们将对采用实际用户的Smart-Home-in-a-Box工具箱构建的数据集进行实验评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP-SmartWorld.2016.0043]

[53] Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: An approach based on anti patterns? (2015)

(Awad, Ahmed and Barnawi, Ahmed and Elgammal, Amal and Elshawi, Radwa and Almalaise, Abduallah and Sakr, Sherif | )

Abstract: Todays enterprises demand a high degree of compliance in their business processes to meet diverse regulations and legislations. Several industrial studies have shown that compliance management is a daunting task, and organizations are still struggling and spending billions of dollars annually to ensure and prove their compliance. Theoretically, design-time compliance checking could provide a preliminary assurance that corresponding running instances would be compliant to relevant laws and regulations; however, due to the existence of human and machine related errors and the absence of necessary contextual information during design-time, runtime compliance monitoring becomes a must. In this paper, we present a generic proactive runtime Business Process (BP) compliance monitoring framework:BP-MaaS, which incorporates a wide range of expressive high-level compliance patterns for the abstract specification of runtime constraints. Compliance monitoring is achieved by means of anti-patterns, a novel evaluation approach that is independent of any underlying technology and could be applied to the checking of compliance in the different phases of the BP lifecycle. As a proof-of-concept, complex event processing (CEP) technology is adopted as one of the possible realizations of the framework.


摘要: 当今的企业要求在业务流程中高度遵守法规以符合各种法规和法规。一些行业研究表明,法规遵从管理是一项艰巨的任务,组织仍在努力并每年花费数十亿美元来确保和证明其从理论上讲,设计时的符合性检查可以提供初步保证,即相应的运行实例将符合相关的法律和法规;但是,由于存在与人和机器有关的错误,并且在设计时没有必要的上下文信息在本文中,我们提出了一个通用的主动式运行时业务流程(BP)遵从性监视框架:BP-MaaS,该框架结合了广泛的表达性高层遵从性模式,用于对运行时约束进行抽象规范。通过反模式实现合规性监控ns,这是一种新颖的评估方法,它独立于任何基础技术,可用于BP生命周期不同阶段的合规性检查。作为概念验证,采用复杂事件处理(CEP)技术作为该框架的可能实现之一。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2695664.2699488]

[54] Software process discovery using link analysis (2011)

(Duan, Beichen and Shen, Beijun | )

Abstract: Data mining is an exhausting yet very useful task. It can help programmers understand the nature of development process and reveal potential problems during the process. Thus more reliable software can be created. As open source software development communities thrive, many software repositories with useful information about the development process become publicly available, enabling us to do research. In this paper, the author explores an approach based on mapping the artifacts to the process activity of FreeBSD repository to study the control-flow of the development process. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 数据挖掘是一项艰巨而又非常有用的任务。它可以帮助程序员理解开发过程的本质,并揭示过程中的潜在问题。因此,可以创建更可靠的软件。随着开源软件开发社区的蓬勃发展,许多包含有关开发过程的有用信息的软件存储库都可以公开获得,从而使我们能够进行研究。在本文中,作者探索了一种基于将工件映射到FreeBSD存储库的过程活动的方法,以研究开发过程的控制流。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICCSN.2011.6014218]

[55] Standard for eXtensible Event Stream (XES) for Achieving Interoperability in Event Logs and Event Streams (2016)

(IEEE Computational Intelligence Society | )

Abstract: The XES standard defines a grammar for a tag-based language whose aim is to provide designers of information systems with a unified and extensible methodology for capturing systems behaviors by means of event logs and event streams. This standard includes a XML Schema describing the structure of an XES event log/stream and a XML Schema describing the structure of an extension of such a log/stream. Moreover, the standard includes a basic collection of so-called XES extension prototypes that provide semantics to certain attributes as recorded in the event log/stream.


摘要: XES标准为基于标签的语言定义了一种语法,其目的是为信息系统的设计人员提供一个统一且可扩展​​的方法,以通过事件日志和事件流来捕获系统行为。该标准包括描述XES事件日志/流的结构的XML模式和描述此类日志/流的扩展结构的XML模式。此外,该标准包括所谓XES扩展原型的基本集合,这些原型为事件日志/流中记录的某些属性提供了语义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEESTD.2016.7740858]

[56] Techniques for a posteriori analysis of declarative processes (2012)

(Burattin, Andrea and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The increasing availability of event data recorded by information systems, electronic devices, web services and sensor networks provides detailed information about the actual processes in systems and organizations. Process mining techniques can use such event data to discover processes and check the conformance of process models. For conformance checking, we need to analyze whether the observed behavior matches the modeled behavior. In such settings, it is often desirable to specify the expected behavior in terms of a declarative process model rather than of a detailed procedural model. However, declarative models do not have an explicit notion of state, thus making it more difficult to pinpoint deviations and to explain and quantify discrepancies. This paper focuses on providing high-quality and understandable diagnostics. The notion of activation plays a key role in determining the effect of individual events on a given constraint. Using this notion, we are able to show cause-and-effect relations and measure the healthiness of the process. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 信息系统,电子设备,Web服务和传感器网络记录的事件数据的可用性不断提高,提供了有关系统和组织中实际过程的详细信息。流程挖掘技术可以使用此类事件数据来发现流程并检查流程模型的一致性。为了进行一致性检查,我们需要分析观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配。在这种情况下,通常希望根据声明性过程模型而不是详细的过程模型来指定预期的行为。但是,声明性模型没有明确的状态概念,因此更难查明偏差以及解释和量化差异。本文着重于提供高质量且易于理解的诊断。激活的概念在确定单个事件对给定约束的影响方面起着关键作用。使用此概念,我们可以显示因果关系并衡量过程的健康性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2012.15]

[57] Towards process rebuilding for composite web services in pervasive computing* (2008)

(Aiqiang, Gao and Dongqing, Yang and Shiwei, Tang and Ming, Zhang | )

Abstract: The emerging paradigm of pervasive computing and web services needs a flexible service discovery and composition infrastructure. A composite web service is essential a process in a loosely-coupled serviceoriented architecture. It is usually a black box for service requestors and only its interfaces can be seen externally. In some scenarios, to conduct performance debugging and analysis, a workflow representation of the underlying process is required This paper describes a method to discover such underlying processes from execution logs. Based on a probabilistic assumption model, the algorithm can discover sequential, parallel, exclusive choice and iterative structures. Some examples are given to illustrate the algorithm. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 普适计算和Web服务的新兴范例需要灵活的服务发现和组合基础结构。组合式Web服务在面向松散耦合的面向服务的体系结构中是必不可少的过程。它通常是服务请求者的黑匣子,并且只能从外部看到其接口。在某些情况下,要进行性能调试和分析,需要底层流程的工作流表示形式。本文介绍了一种从执行日志中发现此类底层流程的方法。该算法基于概率假设模型,可以发现顺序,并行,互斥选择和迭代结构。给出了一些例子来说明该算法。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICPCA.2008.4783614]

[58] Understanding knowlegde-intensive processes: From traces to instance graphs (2016)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico | )

Abstract: Enterprise information systems, while support daily activities, typically collect data on executed processes in event logs. These data describe the temporal sequence in which activities were carried out, hiding possible parallelism and other control flows. Representing the structure of each process execution in the form of an Instance Graph, enables managers to discover valuable knowledge on enterprise behaviors. In this work, we describe BIG4ProM, a tool which implements the Building Instance Graph (BIG) algorithm. BIG4ProM exploits filtering Process Discovery algorithms implemented in ProM in order to return the set of instance graphs related to the given event log. The plug-in is conceived to support both expert and standard users.


摘要: 企业信息系统在支持日常活动的同时,通常会在事件日志中收集有关已执行流程的数据。这些数据描述了执行活动的时间顺序,隐藏了可能的并行性和其他控制流。以实例图的形式表示每个流程执行的结构,使管理人员能够发现有关企业行为的宝贵知识。在这项工作中,我们描述了BIG4ProM,这是一种实现建筑实例图(BIG)算法的工具。 BIG4ProM利用在ProM中实现的过滤过程发现算法来返回与给定事件日志相关的实例图集。该插件旨在支持专家和标准用户。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568338]

[59] User behavioural patterns and reduced user profiles extracted from log files (2014)

(Slaninova | )

Abstract: This paper is focused on log files where one log file attribute is an originator of the recorded activity (originator is a person in our case). Hence, based on the similar attributes of people, we are able to construct models which explain certain aspects of a persons behaviour. Moreover, we can extract user profiles based on behaviour and find latent ties between users and between different user groups with similar behaviours. We accomplish this by our new approach using the methods from log mining, business process analysis, complex networks and graph theory. The paper describes the whole process of the approach from the log file to the user graph. The main focus is on the step called The finding of user behavioural patterns.


摘要: 本文着重于日志文件,其中一个日志文件属性是记录的活动的发起者(在我们的情况下,发起者是一个人)。因此,基于人的相似属性,我们能够构建模型来解释某些此外,我们可以基于行为提取用户配置文件,并找到具有相似行为的用户之间以及不同用户组之间的潜在联系,这是通过我们的新方法使用日志挖掘,业务流程分析,复杂网络和图论。本文描述了从日志文件到用户图的方法的整个过程。主要重点在于称为发现用户行为模式的步骤。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDA.2013.6920751]

[60] User-guided discovery of declarative process models (2011)

(Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Mooij, Arjan J. and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: Process mining techniques can be used to effectively discover process models from logs with example behaviour. Cross-correlating a discovered model with information in the log can be used to improve the underlying process. However, existing process discovery techniques have two important drawbacks. The produced models tend to be large and complex, especially in flexible environments where process executions involve multiple alternatives. This overload of information is caused by the fact that traditional discovery techniques construct procedural models explicitly showing all possible behaviours. Moreover, existing techniques offer limited possibilities to guide the mining process towards specific properties of interest. These problems can be solved by discovering declarative models. Using a declarative model, the discovered process behaviour is described as a (compact) set of rules. Moreover, the discovery of such models can easily be guided in terms of rule templates. This paper uses DECLARE, a declarative language that provides more flexibility than conventional procedural notations such as BPMN, Petri nets, UML ADs, EPCs and BPEL. We present an approach to automatically discover DECLARE models. This has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM. Our approach and toolset have been applied to a case study provided by the company Thales in the domain of maritime safety and security. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术可用于从具有示例行为的日志中有效发现过程模型。将发现的模型与日志中的信息进行互相关可用于改善基础过程。但是,现有的过程发现技术有两个重要的缺点。生成的模型往往很大且很复杂,尤其是在流程执行涉及多种选择的灵活环境中。信息的这种超载是由以下事实引起的:传统的发现技术构造了明确显示所有可能行为的程序模型。而且,现有技术提供了将采矿过程引向感兴趣的特定特性的有限可能性。这些问题可以通过发现声明模型来解决。使用声明性模型,将发现的过程行为描述为(紧凑)规则集。此外,可以根据规则模板轻松地指导此类模型的发现。本文使用DECLARE,这是一种声明性语言,比诸如BPMN,Petri网,UML AD,EPC和BPEL之类的常规过程符号提供了更大的灵活性。我们提出了一种自动发现DECLARE模型的方法。这已在过程挖掘工具ProM中实现。我们的方法和工具集已应用于Thales公司在海上安全和保障领域提供的案例研究。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949297]


[61] Workflow mining: Extending the alphaalpha-algorithm to mine duplicate tasks (2008)

(Gu, Chun Qin and Chang, Hui You and Yi, Yang | )

Abstract: Designing a workflow model is a complicated, time-consuming and error-prone process. A possible solution is workflow mining which extracts workflow models from workflow logs. Considerable researches have been done to develop heuristics to mine event-data logs in order to make a workflow model. However, if there are cyclic tasks in workflow traces, the current research in workflow mining still has problems in mining duplicate tasks. Based on the alphaalpha-algorithm, an improved workflow mining algorithm called a1-algorithm is presented. The complete experiments have been done to evaluate the proposed algorithm. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.

工作流挖掘:扩展$ alpha $-算法以挖掘重复的任务

摘要: 设计工作流程模型是一个复杂,耗时且容易出错的过程。一种可能的解决方案是工作流挖掘,该工作流从工作流日志中提取工作流模型。为了建立工作流模型,已经进行了大量研究以开发启发式方法来挖掘事件数据日志。但是,如果工作流跟踪中存在循环任务,则当前对工作流挖掘的研究仍然存在挖掘重复任务的问题。基于$ alpha $-算法,提出了一种改进的工作流程挖掘算法,称为a1-算法。已经完成了完整的实验,以评估所提出的算法。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMLC.2008.4620432]

[62] Workflow resource patterns: Identification, representation and tool support (2005)

(Russell, Nick and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: In the main, the attention of workflow researchers and workflow developers has focussed on the process perspective, i.e., control-flow. As a result, issues associated with the resource perspective, i.e., the people and machines actually doing the work, have been largely neglected. Although the process perspective is of most significance, appropriate consideration of the resource perspective is essential for successful implementation of workflow technology. Previous work has identified recurring, generic constructs in the control-flow and data perspectives, and presented them in the form of control-flow and data patterns. The next logical step is to describe workflow resource patterns that capture the various ways in which resources are represented and utilised in workflows. These patterns include a number of distinct groupings such as push patterns (the system pushes work to a worker) and pull patterns (the worker pulls work from the system) to describe the many ways in which work can be distributed. By delineating these patterns in a form that is independent of specific workflow technologies and modelling languages, we are able to provide a comprehensive treatment of the resource perspective and we subsequently use these patterns as the basis for a detailed comparison of a number of commercially available workflow management systems. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.


摘要: 主要,工作流研究人员和工作流开发人员的注意力集中在过程角度,即控制流。结果,与资源观点相关的问题,即实际工作的人员和机器,被大大地忽略了。尽管过程角度最重要,但对资源角度的适当考虑对于成功实施工作流技术至关重要。先前的工作已经在控制流和数据透视图中确定了重复出现的通用构造,并以控制流和数据模式的形式展示了它们。下一步的逻辑步骤是描述工作流资源模式,这些模式捕获在工作流中表示和利用资源的各种方式。这些模式包括许多不同的分组,例如推送模式(系统将工作推送给工作人员)和拉动模式(工人从系统中提取工作)来描述可以分配工作的多种方式。通过以独立于特定工作流程技术和建模语言的形式描述这些模式,我们能够提供对资源视角的全面处理,随后我们将这些模式用作详细比较许多市售工作流的基础管理系统。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11431855_16]

[63] A CSP-Theoretic framework of checking conformance of business processes (2012)

(Roy, Suman and Bihary, Sidharth and Laos, Jose Alfonso Corso | Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC)

Abstract: In this paper, we tackle the problem of conformance checking which verifies if the event logs (observed) match/fit the reference (arbitrary) process. We use concepts from Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), which facilitates automated analysis using PAT toolkit. By this technique one can identify all the logs which cannot be properly replayed on the process. We illustrate our approach with an example. Finally, we introduce some metrics based on conformance checking. They are related to fitness, closeness, and appropriateness of the event logs vis-a-vis reference process models. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们解决了一致性检查问题,该问题可验证事件日志(观察到的)是否匹配/适合参考(任意)过程。我们使用通信顺序过程(CSP)中的概念,该概念有助于使用PAT工具包进行自动分析。通过这种技术,可以识别所有无法在进程中正确重放的日志。我们通过一个例子来说明我们的方法。最后,我们介绍一些基于一致性检查的指标。它们与事件日志相对于参考流程模型的适用性,紧密性和适当性有关。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSEC.2012.110]

[64] A Classification of Differences between Similar BusinessProcesses (2008)

(Dijkman, Remco | )

Abstract: To unify similar business processes, such as processes of similar business units or similar organizations, the similarities and differences between these business processes must be detected and the differences must be resolved. This paper presents a classification that describes differences between business processes. This classification is helpful in the difference detection step. We discovered the differences in practice by comparing processes that we obtained from different business units in two organizations. The classification helps when merging processes in case of a merger between organizations. processes It also helps when merging processes to construct a standardized process and when verifying whether a party adheres standardized process.


摘要: 为了统一类似业务流程,例如类似业务部门或类似组织的流程,必须检测这些业务流程之间的相似性和差异,并且必须解决差异。本文提出了描述业务流程之间差异的分类。此分类有助于差异检测步骤。通过比较从两个组织中不同业务部门获得的流程,我们发现了实践中的差异。当组织之间合并时,分类有助于合并过程。流程在合并流程以构建标准化流程以及验证当事方是否遵守标准化流程时也有帮助。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/edoc.2007.24]

[65] A Co-Training Strategy for Multiple View Clustering in Process Mining (2016)

(Appice, Annalisa and Malerba, Donato | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Process mining refers to the discovery, conformance, and enhancement of process models from event logs currently produced by several information systems (e.g. workflow management systems). By tightly coupling event logs and process models, process mining makes it possible to detect deviations, predict delays, support decision making, and recommend process redesigns. Event logs are data sets containing the executions (called traces) of a business process. Several process mining algorithms have been defined to mine event logs and deliver valuable models (e.g. Petri nets) of how logged processes are being executed. However, they often generate spaghetti-like process models, which can be hard to understand. This is caused by the inherent complexity of real-life processes, which tend to be less structured and more flexible than what the stakeholders typically expect. In particular, spaghetti-like process models are discovered when all possible behaviors are shown in a single model as a result of considering the set of traces in the event log all at once.To minimize this problem, trace clustering can be used as a preprocessing step. It splits up an event log into clusters of similar traces, so as to handle variability in the recorded behavior and facilitate process model discovery. In this paper, we investigate a multiple view aware approach to trace clustering, based on a co-training strategy. In an assessment, using benchmark event logs, we show that the presented algorithm is able to discover a clustering pattern of the log, such that related traces result appropriately clustered. We evaluate the significance of the formed clusters using established machine learning and process mining metrics.


摘要: 过程挖掘是指从当前由多个信息系统(例如,工作流管理系统)产生的事件日志中发现,符合和增强过程模型。通过紧密结合事件日志和流程模型,流程挖掘可以检测偏差,预测延迟,支持决策并建议流程重新设计。事件日志是包含业务流程执行(称为跟踪)的数据集。已经定义了几种流程挖掘算法来挖掘事件日志,并提供有价值的模型(例如Petri网)来描述如何执行日志记录的流程。但是,它们通常会生成类似意大利面条的过程模型,这可能很难理解。这是由于现实过程的内在复杂性引起的,这些过程往往比利益相关者通常期望的结构化程度更低,更灵活。尤其是,由于一次考虑了事件日志中的跟踪集,因此在单个模型中显示了所有可能的行为时就会发现类似意大利面条的过程模型。为了最小化此问题,可以将跟踪聚类用作预处理步。它将事件日志分成相似轨迹的簇,以便处理所记录行为的可变性并促进过程模型的发现。在本文中,我们研究了基于共同训练策略的多视图感知方法来进行跟踪聚类。在评估中,使用基准事件日志,我们证明了所提出的算法能够发现日志的聚类模式,从而使相关的迹线得到适当的聚类。我们使用已建立的机器学习和过程挖掘指标来评估形成的集群的重要性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2430327]

[66] A Context-aware data sharing service over MANet to enable spontaneous collaboration (2008)

(Botia, Juan A. and Gomez-Skarmeta, Antonio F. and Duong, Hoa Ha and Demeure, Isabelle | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: In this paper we present a context-aware data sharing service over MANet to enable spontaneous collaboration between mobile workers. Context information is used to adapt services and applications to user situation as well as working groups situation. The paper first presents the data sharing system. It then describes the context awareness service. We explain how data sharing uses context information to adapt to changing conditions and how the context service relies on data sharing to store context information afterwards. Context aware and data sharing services maintain a mutually beneficial interaction. Both services are part of a software framework for spontaneous collaboration over MANets that is developed within the Popeye european IST research project. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了基于MANet的上下文感知数据共享服务,以实现移动工作人员之间的自发协作。上下文信息用于使服务和应用程序适应用户情况以及工作组情况。本文首先介绍了数据共享系统。然后描述上下文感知服务。我们将说明数据共享如何使用上下文信息来适应不断变化的条件,以及上下文服务如何依赖数据共享来随后存储上下文信息。上下文感知和数据共享服务保持互利的交互。这两种服务都是在Popeye欧洲IST研究项目中开发的用于通过MANets进行自发协作的软件框架的一部分。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2008.26]

[67] A Cross-Organizational Process Mining Framework for Obtaining Insights from Software Products: Accurate Comparison Challenges (2016)

(Aksu, U. and Schunselaar, D. M.M. and Reijers, H. A. | Proceedings - CBI 2016: 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics)

Abstract: Software vendors offer various software products to large numbers of enterprises to support their organization, in particular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Each of these enterprises use the same product for similar goals, albeit with different processes and configurations. Therefore, software vendors want to obtain insights into how the enterprises use the software product, what the differences are in usage between enterprises, and the reasons behind these differences. Cross-organizational process mining is a possible solution to address these needs, as it aims at comparing enterprises based on their usage. In this paper, we present a novel Cross-Organizational Process Mining Framework which takes as input, besides event log, semantics (meaning of terms in an enterprise) and organizational context (characteristics of an enterprise). The framework provides reasoning capabilities to determine what to compare and how. Besides, the framework enables one to create a catalog of metrics by deducing diagnostics from the usage. By using this catalog, the framework can monitor the (positive) effects of changes on processes. An enterprise operating in a similar context might also benefit from the same changes. To accommodate these improvement suggestions, the framework creates an improvement catalog of observed changes. Later, we provide a set of challenges which have to be met in order to obtain the inputs from current products to show the feasibility of the framework. Next to this, we provide preliminary results showing they can be met and illustrate an example application of the framework in cooperation with an ERP software vendor.


摘要: 软件供应商向大量企业提供了各种软件产品以支持其组织,特别是企业资源计划(ERP)软件。尽管具有不同的流程和配置,这些企业中的每一个都将相同的产品用于相似的目标。因此,软件供应商希望获得有关企业如何使用软件产品,企业之间的用法差异以及这些差异背后的原因的见解。跨组织过程挖掘是满足这些需求的一种可能的解决方案,因为它旨在根据企业的使用情况对企业进行比较。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的跨组织过程挖掘框架,该框架除事件日志外还接受语义(企业中术语的含义)和组织上下文(企业特征)作为输入。该框架提供推理功能来确定要比较的内容和方式。此外,该框架使人们可以通过从用法中推导出诊断来创建度量标准目录。通过使用此目录,框架可以监视更改对流程的(积极)影响。在类似上下文中运行的企业也可能会从相同的更改中受益。为了适应这些改进建议,框架创建了一个观察到的变化的改进目录。后来,我们提出了一系列挑战,必须从现有产品中获取投入,以证明该框架的可行性。紧接着,我们提供了初步结果,表明可以满足这些要求,并举例说明了该框架与ERP软件供应商合作的示例应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2016.25]

[68] A Framework for Embedding Analytics in a Business Process (2015)

(Shankararaman, Venky and Gottipati, Swapna | Proceedings - 17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2015)

Abstract: Competition and cost pressures are creating the need for enterprises to innovate business processes to create new business value, increase operational efficiency, and detect and respond to organizational real time challenges. In order to achieve this, in the past, most organisations have automated their manual processes using business process management technologies and enterprise systems. However, going forward, in order to stay competitive, organizations have to go beyond automating their processes, by making them more intelligent, by embedding analytics into their processes and business applications. In this paper, we propose Analytics Driven Business Process Improvement (ADBPI) Framework that provides a structure for how an organization can examine its current business process and enhance this process by embedding analytics within the process.


摘要: 竞争和成本压力使企业需要创新业务流程,以创造新的业务价值,提高运营效率以及发现并响应组织的实时挑战。为了实现这一目标,过去,大多数组织都使用业务流程管理技术和企业系统来自动化其手动流程。但是,为了保持竞争力,组织必须超越自动化流程的过程,使流程更加智能,将分析嵌入流程和业务应用程序中。在本文中,我们提出了分析驱动的业务流程改进(ADBPI)框架,该框架为组织如何检查其当前业务流程以及通过将分析嵌入流程中来增强此流程提供了一种结构。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2015.10]

[69] A Pattern-based Analysis of Clinical Computer-interpretable Guideline Modeling Languages (2007)

(Mulyar, Nataliya and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Peleg, Mor | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association)

Abstract: Objectives: Languages used to specify computer-interpretable guidelines (CIGs) differ in their approaches to addressing particular modeling challenges. The main goals of this article are: (1) to examine the expressive power of CIG modeling languages, and (2) to define the differences, from the control-flow perspective, between process languages in workflow management systems and modeling languages used to design clinical guidelines. Design: The pattern-based analysis was applied to guideline modeling languages Asbru, EON, GLIF, and PROforma. We focused on control-flow and left other perspectives out of consideration. Measurements: We evaluated the selected CIG modeling languages and identified their degree of support of 43 control-flow patterns. We used a set of explicitly defined evaluation criteria to determine whether each pattern is supported directly, indirectly, or not at all. Results: PROforma offers direct support for 22 of 43 patterns, Asbru 20, GLIF 17, and EON 11. All four directly support basic control-flow patterns, cancellation patterns, and some advance branching and synchronization patterns. None support multiple instances patterns. They offer varying levels of support for synchronizing merge patterns and state-based patterns. Some support a few scenarios not covered by the 43 control-flow patterns. Conclusion: CIG modeling languages are remarkably close to traditional workflow languages from the control-flow perspective, but cover many fewer workflow patterns. CIG languages offer some flexibility that supports modeling of complex decisions and provide ways for modeling some decisions not covered by workflow management systems. Workflow management systems may be suitable for clinical guideline applications. textcopyright 2007 J Am Med Inform Assoc.


摘要: 目标:用于指定计算机可解释准则(CIG)的语言在解决特定建模挑战方面的方法有所不同。本文的主要目标是:(1)检查CIG建模语言的表达能力,以及(2)从控制流角度,定义工作流管理系统中的流程语言和用于设计的建模语言之间的差异临床指南。设计:基于模式的分析已应用于准则建模语言Asbru,EON,GLIF和PROforma。我们专注于控制流,而忽略了其他观点。度量:我们评估了选定的CIG建模语言,并确定了它们对43种控制流模式的支持程度。我们使用了一组明确定义的评估标准来确定是否直接,间接或根本不支持每种模式。结果:PROforma直接支持43种模式中的22种,Asbru 20,GLIF 17和EON11。所有这四种直接支持基本控制流模式,取消模式以及一些高级分支和同步模式。没有一个支持多个实例模式。它们为同步合并模式和基于状态的模式提供了不同级别的支持。有些支持一些43种控制流模式未涵盖的方案。结论:从控制流的角度来看,CIG建模语言与传统的工作流语言非常接近,但涵盖的工作流模式却少得多。 CIG语言提供了一些灵活性,可以支持对复杂决策进行建模,并提供了对工作流管理系统未涵盖的某些决策进行建模的方法。工作流管理系统可能适用于临床指南应用程序。 t​​extcopyright 2007 J Am Med通知助理。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1197/jamia.M2389]

[70] A Prediction Framework for Proactively Monitoring Aggregate Process-Performance Indicators (2015)

(Folino, Francesco and Guarascio, Massimo and Pontieri, Luigi | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW)

Abstract: Monitoring the performances of a business process is a key issue in many organizations, especially when predefined constraints exist on them, due to contracts or internal requirements. Several approaches were defined recently in the literature for predicting the performances of a single process instance. However, in many real situations, process-oriented performance metrics and associated constraints are defined in an aggregated form, on a time-window basis. This work right addresses the problem of predicting whether (the process instances in) each time window will infringe an aggregate performance constraint, at a series of checkpoints within the window. To this end, at each checkpoint, three kinds of measures are to be estimated: what performance outcome each ongoing process instance will yield, how many process instances will start in the rest of the window, and what their aggregate performance outcomes will be. The approach proposed is general (it can reuse a wide range of regression methods), and it can be embedded in a continuous monitoring-And-learning scheme. Tests on real-life logs showed its validity in terms of prediction accuracy.


摘要: 监视业务流程的性能是许多组织的关键问题,特别是当由于合同或内部要求而在它们上存在预定义的约束时。最近在文献中定义了几种方法来预测单个流程实例的性能。但是,在许多实际情况下,面向过程的性能指标和相关的约束是在时间窗的基础上以聚合形式定义的。这项工作权利解决了在窗口内的一系列检查点预测每个时间窗口(其中的流程实例)是否会违反总体性能约束的问题。为此,在每个检查点上,将估计三种度量:每个进行中的流程实例将产生哪些性能结果,在窗口的其余部分中将启动多少个流程实例以及它们的总体性能结果将是什么。所提出的方法是通用的(它可以重用各种回归方法),并且可以嵌入到连续的监视和学习方案中。对真实日志的测试表明了其在预测准确性方面的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2015.27]

[71] A Recommendation System to Facilitate Business Process Modeling (2017)

(Deng, Shuiguang and Wang, Dongjing and Li, Ying and Cao, Bin and Yin, Jianwei and Wu, Zhaohui and Zhou, Mengchu | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics)

Abstract: This paper presents a system that utilizes process recommendation technology to help design new business processes from scratch in an efficient and accurate way. The proposed system consists of two phases: 1) offline mining and 2) online recommendation. At the first phase, it mines relations among activity nodes from existing processes in repository, and then stores the extracted relations as patterns in a database. At the second phase, it compares the new process under construction with the premined patterns, and recommends proper activity nodes of the most matching patterns to help build a new process. Specifically, there are three different online recommendation strategies in this system. Experiments on both real and synthetic datasets are conducted to compare the proposed approaches with the other state-of-the-art ones, and the results show that the proposed approaches outperform them in terms of accuracy and efficiency.


摘要: 本文提出了一种系统,该系统利用流程推荐技术来帮助以高效,准确的方式从头开始设计新的业务流程。拟议的系统包括两个阶段:1)离线挖掘和2)在线推荐。在第一阶段,它从存储库中现有流程中挖掘活动节点之间的关系,然后将提取的关系作为模式存储在数据库中。在第二阶段,它将正在构建的新流程与预定模式进行比较,并建议最匹配模式的适当活动节点来帮助构建新流程。具体而言,此系统中存在三种不同的在线推荐策略。进行了真实数据集和合成数据集上的实验,以将所提出的方法与其他最新方法进行比较,结果表明,所提出的方法在准确性和效率上都优于它们。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TCYB.2016.2545688]

[72] A Repair of Workflow Models Based on Mirroring Matrices (2017)

(Sun, Yanan and Du, Yuyue and Li, Maozhen | International Journal of Parallel Programming)

Abstract: Process models can be discovered from event logs and conformance checking techniques can be used to detect and diagnose the differences between observed and modeled behaviors. Some existing conformance checking techniques have been used for repairing a process model, but there are also many techniques can uncover these differences efficiently. So we can use these techniques to repair a process model. In this paper we research the problem of repairing the workflow models w.r.t. the corresponding real process has been changed and the change is adding new activities. To solve this problem, a mirroring matrix is presented based on the variant of footprints and parallel programs. The mirroring matrix is a uniform standard to compare an original model with a complete event log gained from the corresponding real process. Based on this information, the differences between a model and a log can be found. We suggest four algorithms that make model repair realized. Finally, the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed techniques are illustrated via contrastive experiments and analysis.


摘要: 可以从事件日志中发现过程模型,并且可以使用一致性检查技术来检测和诊断观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。一些现有的一致性检查技术已用于修复过程模型,但是也有许多技术可以有效地发现这些差异。因此,我们可以使用这些技术来修复流程模型。在本文中,我们研究了用w.r.t.修复工作流模型的问题。相应的实际流程已更改,并且该更改正在添加新的活动。为了解决这个问题,基于封装和并行程序的变体提出了一个镜像矩阵。镜像矩阵是一个统一的标准,用于将原始模型与从相应实际过程中获得的完整事件日志进行比较。根据此信息,可以找到模型和日志之间的差异。我们建议使用四种算法来实现模型修复。最后,通过对比实验和分析说明了所提出技术的有效性和正确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10766-016-0438-1]

[73] A Simulator for Event-oriented Data in Flexible Assembly System Fault Prediction (2017)

(Keski-Valkama, Tero | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: We present an open source discrete event simulator, FAS Simulator, for generating interleaved process traces of Flexible Assembly Systems. The simulation includes plausible faults creating anomalies in the output. The generated outputs can be used as a benchmark for evaluating novel anomaly detection methods.


摘要: 我们提出了一个开源的离散事件模拟器,FAS Simulator,用于生成柔性装配系统的交错过程跟踪。该模拟包括可能的故障,这些故障会在输出中产生异常。生成的输出可以用作评估新颖异常检测方法的基准。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.168]

[74] A Study of Process Mining-based Business Process Innovation (2016)

(Park, Sungbum and Kang, Young Sik | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Businesses have adopted diverse process management approaches such as business process re-engineering (BPR) and Six Sigma for their survival and growth. Even though these approaches have partially made a contribution to the improvement of organizational performances such as cost reduction and value innovation, they have a high possibility of failure. In particular, the failure probability of BPR and process innovation (PI) is as high as 60-70%. Most process management approaches include traditional interviews and observation-dependent business process analysis (BPA). This conventional BPA requires a lot of time. However, it derives subjective and incomplete analysis results and has no tool to measure improvement effects. As a way to overcome this kind of limitation of conventional BPA, this study introduces a process mining technique through the analysis and utilization of a huge amount of process data kept almost unused in domestic information systems. Processing mining is a process management technique which helps users figure out business processes in a fast and objective manner by analyzing these data and automatically visualizing actual process flows. In particular, this study derives a process improvement plan and offers academic and practical implications through analysis on municipality data in the Netherlands.


摘要: 企业为了生存和增长而采用了多种流程管理方法,例如业务流程再造(BPR)和6 Sigma。尽管这些方法在一定程度上有助于改善组织绩效,例如降低成本和价值创新,但它们很有可能失败。特别是,BPR和流程创新(PI)的失败概率高达60-70%。大多数流程管理方法包括传统的采访和依赖于观察的业务流程分析(BPA)。这种传统的BPA需要很多时间。但是,它得出的主观和不完整的分析结果,并且没有工具来衡量改进效果。为了克服常规BPA的这种局限性,本研究通过分析和利用在国内信息系统中几乎未使用的大量过程数据,引入了一种过程挖掘技术。流程挖掘是一种流程管理技术,可通过分析这些数据并自动可视化实际流程来帮助用户快速客观地确定业务流程。特别是,这项研究得出了过程改进计划,并通过对荷兰的市政数据进行分析,提供了学术和实践意义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.066]

[75] A Versatile Platform for Instrumentation of Knowledge Workers Computers to Improve Information Analysis (2016)

(Jones, Paul and Thakur, Sidharth and Cox, Steven and Matthews, Michael | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, BigDataService 2016)

Abstract: Information analysis tasks are becoming increasingly complex as the growth in volume and variety of available data continues to outpace methods to automatically analyze it. The result is an increasing burden on knowledge workers. Industry and academia are currently lacking platforms and tools that can help provide enterprise-wide understanding of how humans analyze information. Through instrumentation of knowledge workers activities during analysis tasks, we can enable research into techniques that address this need. Several research and design challenges need to be addressed, however, to develop scalable, robust and efficient instrumentation methods for collecting streaming data on relevant humanmachine interactions. This data is typically high volume and multi-modal. We present an instrumentation platform to meet these and future challenges in better understanding and improving the craft of information analysis. Our platform provides an extensible framework to instrument analysts workstations during information processing tasks, and includes a streaming data processing pipeline that supports real-time analysis of large volumes of event data. We have built the instrumentation platform using the latest open-source scalable and flexible web components and hardware infrastructure. Researchers from science, engineering, and humanities are using our platform to gain insight into tool usage, analytical workflows, and collaboration patterns. Several use cases from these groups are described. Our platform provides a unique, pragmatic and holistic foundation to understand the behavior of knowledge workers, and to support applications that assist with information analysis.

** 用于知识工作者计算机的多功能平台,可改善信息分析**

摘要: 信息分析任务变得越来越复杂,因为可用数据的数量和种类不断增长,其速度超过了自动分析方法的速度。结果是知识工作者的负担日益增加。行业和学术界目前缺乏可以提供帮助的平台和工具提供企业范围内人类如何分析信息的理解;通过分析人员在分析任务过程中的活动,我们可以对满足此需求的技术进行研究;但是,要解决可扩展性,鲁棒性和可扩展性,需要解决一些研究和设计挑战用于收集有关人机交互的流数据的有效检测方法,该数据通常是高容量和多模式的,我们提供了一个检测平台来满足这些以及未来的挑战,以便更好地理解和改进信息分析的技术。工具分析师的框架工作站在信息处理任务期间运行,并包括支持对大量事件数据进行实时分析的流数据处理管道。我们已经使用最新的开源可扩展且灵活的Web组件和硬件基础架构构建了仪器平台。来自科学,工程和人文科学的研究人员正在使用我们的平台来深入了解工具的使用,分析工作流程和协作模式。描述了这些组中的几个用例。我们的平台为理解知识工作者的行为提供了独特,务实和整体的基础,并支持有助于信息分析的应用程序。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigDataService.2016.47]


[76] A algorithm for detecting concept drift based on context in process mining (2013)

(Du, Fei and Zhang, Liqun and Ni, Guangyun and Xu, Xiaolei | Proceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2013)

Abstract: In the field of process mining, we require certain techniques that can detect process changes in dynamic systems automatically. Through detecting changes in the process we can adjust and optimize the overall process timely. These technologies are named concept drift detection of process mining. The traditional concept drift algorithm in process mining domain mostly have high time complexity, high space complexity and low recognition rate of concept drift and without using the context in process. We arises a new algorithm that based on context has high recognition rate of concept drift, low time complexity and low space complexity. The algorithm reduces the extraction and calculation of sample properties by using the stability of the processes before and after the changes. The using of the time parameter and staff parameter could enhance the sensitivity of processs change. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,我们需要某些能够自动检测动态系统中过程变化的技术。通过检测过程中的变化,我们可以及时调整和优化整个过程。这些技术被称为过程挖掘的概念漂移检测。传统的过程挖掘领域中的概念漂移算法大多具有时间复杂度高,空间复杂度高,概念漂移识别率低,在过程中不使用上下文的特点,提出了一种基于上下文的概念漂移识别率高的新算法,低时间复杂度和低空间复杂度;该算法通过利用变更前后过程的稳定性,减少了样本属性的提取和计算;时间参数和人员参数的使用可以提高过程变更的敏感性。 textcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMA.2013.2]

[77] A big data analytics framework for enterprise service ecosystems in an e-Governance scenario (2017)

(Shrivastava, Swapnil and Pal, Supriya N. | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: In the recent times we have been seeing a fundamental shift from Enterprise Applications towards large scale Enterprise Service Ecosystems. Enterprise Service Ecosystems are developed by modularizing and bundling of individual business rules and functions in the form of services. These services are loosely coupled, distributed and heterogeneous components which orchestrate amongst themselves in a seamless manner. Ecosystem components record the events that are related to the activities performed by them. These components could span across Data Centre, Cloud Infrastructure and Internet of Things. Aadhaar Authentication Ecosystem and e-Governance Service Exchange are examples of Enterprise Service Ecosystems which recently emerged in national e-Governance scenario. A Big Data Analytics Framework for comprehensive mining and analyzing event data of Enterprise Service Ecosystems is proposed in this paper. The offered framework facilitates interesting real time analytics (e.g. Process Conformance Checking, Bottleneck Detection) as well as performing offline analytics (e.g. Process Discovery). The application of the proposed framework for real time analytics is explained using Aadhaar (Unique Identity) Authentication Ecosystem case study.


摘要: 最近,我们已经看到了从企业应用程序向大规模企业服务生态系统的根本转变。企业服务生态系统是通过将单个业务规则和功能以服务的形式模块化和捆绑在一起而开发的。这些服务是松散耦合,分布式和异构组件,它们之间以无缝方式进行编排。生态系统组件记录与它们执行的活动相关的事件。这些组件可能跨越数据中心,云基础架构和物联网。 Aadhaar身份验证生态系统和电子政务服务交换是最近在国家电子政务场景中出现的企业服务生态系统的示例。本文提出了一个大数据分析框架,用于全面挖掘和分析企业服务生态系统的事件数据。所提供的框架促进了有趣的实时分析(例如,过程一致性检查,瓶颈检测)以及执行离线分析(例如,过程发现)。使用Aadhaar(唯一身份)身份验证生态系统案例研究来解释所建议的实时分析框架的应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3047273.3047274]

[78] A block-structured mining approach from audit logs (2008)

(Liqun, Zhang and Haiyang, Wang | 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, ICICIC08)

Abstract: Contemporary process management systems (e.g., workflow management systems) are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Constructing process models from scratch is a complicated time-consuming task that often requires high expertise. And there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, techniques for discovering process models have been developed. Process mining just attempts to improve this by automatically generating a process model from sets of systems executions (audit logs). In this paper, a block structured process mining approach from audit logs to support process modeling is designed. Compare with other algorithms, the result of this approach is more visible and understanding of process model. This approach is used to a widely commercial tool for the visualization and analysis of process model. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 当代流程管理系统(例如,工作流程管理系统)由显式流程模型驱动,即,需要完整指定的工作流程设计以实施给定的工作流程流程。从头开始构建流程模型是一项复杂且耗时的任务通常需要高专业知识。实际的工作流流程与管理层认为的流程之间存在差异,因此,开发了发现流程模型的技术,流程挖掘只是试图通过从集合中自动生成流程模型来对此进行改进系统执行(审计日志)的概念本文设计了一种从审计日志到支持流程建模的块结构化流程挖掘方法,与其他算法相比,该方法的结果更加清晰可见,并且对流程模型有所了解。用于过程模型的可视化和分析的广泛商业工具。 t​​extcopyr ight 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICIC.2008.10]

[79] A block-structured mining approach to support process discovery (2008)

(Zhang, Liqun and Wang, Haiyang | Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2008)

Abstract: Deploying process-driven information systems is a time-consuming and error-prone. Constructing process models from scratch is a complicated time-consuming task that often requires high expertise. And there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, techniques for discovering process models have been developed. Process mining just attempts to improve this by automatically generating a process model from sets of systems executions (audit logs). In this paper, a block structured process mining approach from audit logs to support process discovery is designed. Compare with other algorithms, the result of this approach is more visible and understanding of process model. This approach is used to a widely commercial tool for the visualization and analysis of process model. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 部署流程驱动的信息系统是一个耗时且容易出错的过程。从头开始构建流程模型是一项复杂的耗时任务,通常需要高级专家。而且实际工作流流程与所感知的流程之间存在差异。因此,开发了用于发现过程模型的技术,过程挖掘只是试图通过根据系统执行集(审计日志)自动生成过程模型来改进此过程。设计了支持过程发现的审计日志,与其他算法相比,该方法的结果更加清晰可见,并且更加了解过程模型,该方法已被广泛用于商业化的过程模型的可视化和分析工具。 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FSKD.2008.243]

[80] A business process mining application for internal transaction fraud mitigation (2011)

(Jans, Mieke and Van Der Werf | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Corporate fraud these days represents a huge cost to our economy. In the paper we address one specific type of corporate fraud, internal transaction fraud. Given the omnipresence of stored history logs, the field of process mining rises as an adequate answer to mitigating internal transaction fraud. Process mining diagnoses processes by mining event logs. This way we can expose opportunities to commit fraud in the followed process. In this paper we report on an application of process mining at a case company. The procurement process was selected as example for internal transaction fraud mitigation. The results confirm the contribution process mining can provide to business practice. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 如今,企业欺诈对我们的经济造成了巨大损失。在本文中,我们针对公司欺诈的一种特定类型,即内部交易欺诈。考虑到存储的历史日志无处不在,流程挖掘的领域将作为缓解内部交易欺诈的适当答案而兴起。流程挖掘通过挖掘事件日志来诊断流程。这样,我们可以在后续流程中暴露进行欺诈的机会。在本文中,我们报告了案例挖掘在案例公司中的应用。选择采购流程作为内部交易欺诈缓解的示例。结果证实了挖掘过程可以为业务实践提供的贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2011.04.159]

[81] A business-data-oriented workflow mining algorithm and its application (2016)

(Wang, Yong and Zhang, Jianchuan and Cui, Jiahe and Song, Hongtao and Li, Zhigang | Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Internet Computing for Science and Engineering, ICICSE 2015)

Abstract: The mining of workflow process aims at finding valuable objective information from log data. It leads useful implications for new business processes and analysis. Unfortunately most of business process data is incomplete and noisy which brings deficiencies for describing and mining workflow. The existing algorithms ignore time-based parameters, which is important for processing the incomplete workflow data. In this paper, we define the parameters of single transaction frequency and time intervals. Then we propose a business-data-oriented workflow excavation algorithm (termed as E-&-algorithm), which improves the exploration of differences between the actual business processes by removing noisy data efficiently. With this new algorithm, we aim to optimize the key business process model and build future intelligent workflow system to assist decision-making and process mechanism optimization.


摘要: 工作流过程的挖掘旨在从日志数据中找到有价值的客观信息。它为新的业务流程和分析带来了有益的启示。不幸的是,大多数业务流程数据不完整且嘈杂,这给描述和挖掘工作流带来了缺陷。现有算法忽略基于时间的参数,这对于处理不完整的工作流数据很重要。在本文中,我们定义了单个交易频率和时间间隔的参数。然后,我们提出了一种面向业务数据的工作流挖掘算法(称为E-&-算法),该算法通过有效地去除嘈杂的数据来改进对实际业务流程之间差异的探究。通过这种新算法,我们旨在优化关键业务流程模型并构建未来的智能工作流系统,以协助决策和流程机制优化。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICSE.2015.49]

[82] A case study on analyzing inter-organizational business processes from EDI messages using physical activity mining (2014)

(Engel, Robert and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: In order to achieve their goals, organizations collaborate with business partners. Such collaborations represent enactments of inter-organizational business processes and may be supported through the exchange of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages (e.g., electronic purchase orders, invoices etc.). For gaining insights on such processes, recently two distinct approaches for enabling the application of process mining techniques on inter-organizational business processes based on the interchanged EDI messages have been proposed: (i) Message Flow Mining (MFM) and (ii) Physical Activity Mining (PAM). In this paper, we present a case study in which we apply the PAM methodology on a real-world EDI data set obtained from a German manufacturer of consumer goods. Our results demonstrate potential insights that can be gained from applying process mining techniques in the context of inter-organizational business processes. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 为了实现目标,组织与业务合作伙伴进行协作。这样的协作代表组织间业务流程的制定,并且可以通过交换电子数据交换(EDI)消息(例如,电子采购订单,发票等)得到支持。为了获得对此类流程的见识,最近提出了两种不同的方法,这些方法可用于基于交换的EDI消息在组织间业务流程上应用流程挖掘技术:(i)消息流挖掘(MFM)和(ii)物理活动采矿(PAM)。在本文中,我们提供了一个案例研究,其中我们将PAM方法应用于从德国消费品制造商获得的真实EDI数据集。我们的结果证明了在组织间业务流程的背景下应用流程挖掘技术可以获得的潜在见解。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2014.479]

[83] A combination of the evolutionary tree miner and simulated annealing (2017)

(Nurlaili, Afina Lina and Sarno, Riyanarto | International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI))

Abstract: In recent years, process mining is important to discover process model from event logs; however the existing methods have not achieved good in overall fitness. In this context, this paper proposes a combination of the Evolutionary Tree Miner (ETM) and Simulated Annealing (SA). The ETM aims to reduce randomness of population so that it can improved the quality of individuals. SA aims to increase overall fitness in the population. The results of the proposed method which was compared to other approaches show that the proposes method had better in overall fitness and better quality of individuals.


摘要: 近年来,过程挖掘对于从事件日志中发现过程模型很重要;但是,现有方法在整体适应性上还没有达到良好的效果。在这种情况下,本文提出了进化树挖掘器(ETM)和模拟退火(SA)的组合。 ETM旨在减少人群的随机性,从而可以提高个人的素质。 SA旨在提高人群的整体健康水平。将该方法与其他方法进行了比较,结果表明该方法在整体适应性和个体素质上都有所提高。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EECSI.2017.8239134]

[84] A combined process mining for improving business process (2017)

(Djedovic | Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017, SST 2017)

Abstract: Organizations use business process management to identify opportunities to reduce costs, increase service or product quality, etc. In this paper, a way to improve businesses processes using process mining techniques and standard methods of businesses process improvement is presented. Process mining has been used to fix the disadvantages of the existing standard methods. The presented approach is tested on a real process. After the process model is acquired using process mining analysis, business process improvement is proposed through a detailed analysis. Also, key performance indicators which are used to measure process performances, and a process model with a new resource allocation, which is improved from the aspect of the predefined key performance indications, is proposed. The experimental results have shown how the process can be improved with a better resource allocation.


摘要: 组织使用业务流程管理来识别降低成本,增加服务或产品质量等的机会。在本文中,提出了一种使用流程挖掘技术和业务流程改进的标准方法来改善业务流程的方法。使用过程挖掘来解决现有标准方法的缺点。所提出的方法是在实际过程中测试的。使用流程挖掘分析获取流程模型后,将通过详细分析提出业务流程改进建议。此外,提出了用于测量过程绩效的关键绩效指标以及具有新资源分配的过程模型,该模型从预定义的关键绩效指标方面进行了改进。实验结果表明如何通过更好的资源分配来改进该过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SST.2017.8188685]

[85] A comparative study of Workflow Mining systems (2012)

(Abdelkafi, Mahdi and Bousabeh, Dorra and Bouzguenda, Lotfi and Gargouri, Faiez | 2012 6th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, SETIT 2012)

Abstract: This work deals with Workflow Mining (WM) a very active and promising research area. First, in this paper we precise the main uses cases of WM, and then we present a critical and comparative study of three representative WM systems of this area: the ProM, InWolve and WorkflowMiner systems. The comparison is made according to quality criteria that we have proposed such as the capacity to filter and convert a Workflow log, the capacity to discover workflow models and the capacity to support Multi-Analysis of processes. One of the most components specific to these systems is the Workflow log which is the basis for any WM system. This paper also compares their workflow log models by considering five requirements (Usability, Refer to the three workflow models, Simplicity, EventStream and TimeStamp). Finally, we summarize this study and we explain how Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) approach to cope with organizational model discovering issue. In our work, we mean by organizational model, the organizational structures (federation, coalition, team, etc.) and the interaction protocols (contract net, auction, vote, etc.). textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 这项工作涉及工作流挖掘(WM),这是一个非常活跃和有希望的研究领域。首先,在本文中,我们精确定位了WM的主要用例,然后对这方面的三个代表性WM系统(ProM,InWolve和WorkflowMiner系统)进行了严格的比较研究。根据我们提出的质量标准进行比较,例如过滤和转换工作流日志的能力,发现工作流模型的能力以及支持流程的多重分析的能力。这些系统最特定的组件之一是工作流日志,它是任何WM系统的基础。本文还通过考虑五个需求(可用性,请参阅三个工作流程模型:简单性,EventStream和TimeStamp),比较了它们的工作流日志模型。最后,我们总结了这项研究,并解释了多代理系统(MAS)如何解决组织模型发现问题。在我们的工作中,我们指的是组织模型,组织结构(联盟,联盟,团队等)和交互协议(合同网,拍卖,投票等)。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SETIT.2012.6482040]

[86] A comparative study of dimensionality reduction techniques to enhance trace clustering performances (2013)

(Song, M. and Yang, H. and Siadat, S. H. and Pechenizkiy, M. | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Process mining techniques have been used to analyze event logs from information systems in order to derive useful patterns. However, in the big data era, real-life event logs are huge, unstructured, and complex so that traditional process mining techniques have difficulties in the analysis of big logs. To reduce the complexity during the analysis, trace clustering can be used to group similar traces together and to mine more structured and simpler process models for each of the clusters locally. However, a high dimensionality of the feature space in which all the traces are presented poses different problems to trace clustering. In this paper, we study the effect of applying dimensionality reduction (preprocessing) techniques on the performance of trace clustering. In our experimental study we use three popular feature transformation techniques; singular value decomposition (SVD), random projection (RP), and principal components analysis (PCA), and the state-of-The art trace clustering in process mining. The experimental results on the dataset constructed from a real event log recorded from patient treatment processes in a Dutch hospital show that dimensionality reduction can improve trace clustering performance with respect to the computation time and average fitness of the mined local process models. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术已用于分析信息系统中的事件日志,以便得出有用的模式。但是,在大数据时代,现实事件日志庞大,结构化且复杂,因此传统的流程​​挖掘技术在分析大日志方面存在困难。为了降低分析过程中的复杂性,可以使用迹线群集将相似的迹线分组在一起,并在本地为每个群集挖掘更结构化和更简单的过程模型。然而,在其中呈现所有轨迹的特征空间的高维性对轨迹聚类提出了不同的问题。在本文中,我们研究了应用降维(预处理)技术对迹线聚类性能的影响。在我们的实验研究中,我们使用三种流行的特征转换技术:奇异值分解(SVD),随机投影(RP)和主成分分析(PCA),以及过程挖掘中最新的跟踪聚类。根据从荷兰医院的患者治疗过程中记录的真实事件日志构建的数据集上的实验结果表明,降维可以提高轨迹聚类性能,同时还缩短了局部过程模型的计算时间和平均适应性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2012.12.078]

[87] A comparative study of existing quality measures for process discovery (2017)

(Janssenswillen, Gert and Donders, Niels and Jouck, Toon and Depaire, Beno^it | Information Systems)

Abstract: Evaluating the quality of discovered process models is an important task in many process mining analyses. Currently, several metrics measuring the fitness, precision and generalization of a discovered model are implemented. However, there is little empirical evidence how these metrics relate to each other, both within and across these different quality dimensions. In order to better understand these relationships, a large-scale comparative experiment was conducted. The statistical analysis of the results shows that, although fitness and precision metrics behave very similar within their dimension, some are more pessimistic while others are more optimistic. Furthermore, it was found that there is no agreement between generalization metrics. The results of the study can be used to inform decisions on which quality metrics to use in practice. Moreover, they highlight issues which give rise to new directions for future research in the area of quality measurement.


摘要: 在许多过程挖掘分析中,评估发现的过程模型的质量是一项重要的任务。当前,已实施了用于测量发现的模型的适用性,精度和泛化性的多个度量。但是,几乎没有经验证据可以证明这些指标在这些不同质量维度之内和之间如何相互关联。为了更好地理解这些关系,进行了大规模的比较实验。结果的统计分析表明,尽管适应度和精度指标在其维度上的行为非常相似,但其中一些更为悲观,而另一些则更为乐观。此外,发现泛化度量之间没有一致。研究结果可用于指导决策,以在实践中使用哪些质量指标。此外,它们突出了一些问题,这些问题为质量测量领域的未来研究提出了新的方向。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.06.002]

[88] A comparative survey of business process similarity measures (2012)

(Becker, Michael and Laue, Ralf | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Similarity measures for business process models have been suggested for different purposes such as measuring compliance between reference and actual models, searching for related models in a repository, or locating services that adhere to a specification given by a process model. The aim of our article is to provide a comprehensive survey on techniques to define and calculate such similarity measures. As the measures differ in many aspects, it is an interesting question how different measures rank similarity within the same set of models. We investigated, how different kinds of changes in a model influence the values of different similarity measures that have been published in academic literature. Furthermore, we identified eight properties that a similarity measure should have from a theoretical point of view and analysed how these properties are fulfilled by the different measures. Our results show that there are remarkable differences among existing measures. We give some recommendations which type of measure is useful for which kind of application. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 已针对不同目的建议了业务流程模型的相似性度量,例如,测量参考模型与实际模型之间的合规性,在存储库中搜索相关模型或查找符合流程模型给出的规范的服务。本文的目的是对定义和计算此类相似性度量的技术进行全面的调查。由于度量在许多方面有所不同,因此一个有趣的问题是,不同的度量如何在同一组模型中对相似性进行排名。我们调查了模型中不同类型的变化如何影响学术文献中已发表的不同相似性度量的值。此外,我们从理论上确定了相似性度量应具有的八个属性,并分析了不同度量如何实现这些属性。我们的结果表明,现有措施之间存在显着差异。我们提供一些建议,说明哪种类型的度量对哪种类型的应用有用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2011.11.003]

[89] A composite methodology for supporting collaboration pattern discovery via semantic enrichment and multidimensional analysis (2014)

(Cuzzocrea, Alfredo and Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Storti, Emanuele | 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SoCPaR 2014)

Abstract: Classical process discovery approaches usually investigate logs generated by processes in order to mine and discovery corresponding process schemas. When the collaboration processes case is addressed, such approaches turn to be poorly effective, due to the fact that: (i) logs of collaboration processes are usually stored in heterogenous data storages which also expose different data types; (ii) it is not easy and direct to derive a common analysis model from such logs. As a consequence, classical methodologies usually fail. In order to fulfill this gap, in this paper we describe a composite methodology that combines semantics-based techniques and multidimensional analysis paradigms to support effective and efficient collaboration process discovery from log data.


摘要: 经典过程发现方法通常调查过程生成的日志,以挖掘和发现相应的过程模式。在解决协作流程的情况下,由于以下事实,这种方法的效果很差:(i)协作流程的日志通常存储在异构数据存储中,这些数据存储也暴露了不同的数据类型; (ii)从此类日志中导出通用分析模型并不容易且直接。结果,经典方法通常会失败。为了弥补这一差距,在本文中,我们描述了一种组合方法,该方法结合了基于语义的技术和多维分析范式,以支持从日志数据中发现有效和高效的协作过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCPAR.2014.7008050]

[90] A comprehensive benchmarking framework (CoBeFra) for conformance analysis between procedural process models and event logs in ProM (2013)

(Vanden Broucke | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013)

Abstract: Process mining encompasses the research area which is concerned with knowledge discovery from information system event logs. Within the process mining research area, two prominent tasks can be discerned. First of all, process discovery deals with the automatic construction of a process model out of an event log. Secondly, conformance checking focuses on the assessment of the quality of a discovered or designed process model in respect to the actual behavior as captured in event logs. Hereto, multiple techniques and metrics have been developed and described in the literature. However, the process mining domain still lacks a comprehensive framework for assessing the goodness of a process model from a quantitative perspective. In this study, we describe the architecture of an extensible framework within ProM, allowing for the consistent, comparative and repeatable calculation of conformance metrics. For the development and assessment of both process discovery as well as conformance techniques, such a framework is considered greatly valuable. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘涵盖了与从信息系统事件日志中发现知识有关的研究领域。在过程挖掘研究领域中,可以识别两个突出的任务。首先,过程发现处理从事件日志中自动构建过程模型的过程。其次,一致性检查着重于评估与事件日志中捕获的实际行为有关的发现或设计过程模型的质量。迄今为止,在文献中已经开发并描述了多种技术和度量。但是,过程挖掘领域仍然缺乏从定量角度评估过程模型的良好性的综合框架。在这项研究中,我们描述了ProM中的可扩展框架的体系结构,从而允许一致性,比较性和可重复性的一致性度量计算。为了开发和评估过程发现以及一致性技术,这种框架被认为非常有价值。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597244]


[91] A comprehensive investigation of the applicability of process mining techniques for enterprise risk management (2013)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Baesens, Bart | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Process mining techniques and tools perfectly complement the existing set of enterprise risk management approaches. Enterprise risk management aims at minimizing the negative effects of uncertainty on the objectives, while at the same time promoting the potential positive effects. Process mining research has proposed a broad range of techniques and tools that could be used to effectively support the activities related to the different phases of risk management. This paper contributes to the process mining and risk management research by providing a full exploration of the applicability of process mining in the context of the eight components of the COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework. The identified applications will be illustrated based on the risks involved in insurance claim handling processes. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术和工具完美地补充了现有的企业风险管理方法。企业风险管理旨在最小化不确定性对目标的负面影响,同时促进潜在的正面影响。流程挖掘研究提出了广泛的技术和工具,可用于有效地支持与风险管理的不同阶段相关的活动。本文通过在COSO企业风险管理框架的八个组成部分的背景下全面探讨过程挖掘的适用性,为过程挖掘和风险管理研究做出了贡献。将基于保险索赔处理过程中涉及的风险来说明已识别的申请。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2013.02.001]

[92] A compression-based framework for the efficient analysis of business process logs (2015)

(Fazzinga, Bettina and Flesca, Sergio and Furfaro, Filippo and Masciari, Elio and Pontieri, Luigi | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: The increasing availability of large process log repositories calls for efficient solutions for their analysis. In this regard, a novel specialized compression technique for process logs is proposed, that builds a synopsis supporting a fast estimation of aggregate queries, which are of crucial importance in exploratory and high-level analysis tasks. The synopsis is constructed by progressively merging the original log-Tuples, which represent single activity executions within the process instances, into aggregate tuples, summarizing sets of activity executions. The compression strategy is guided by a heuristic aiming at limiting the loss of information caused by summarization, while guaranteeing that no information is lost on the set of activities performed within the process instances and on the order among their executions. The selection conditions in an aggregate query are specified in terms of a graph pattern, that allows precedence relationships over activity executions to be expressed, along with conditions on their starting times, durations, and executors. The efficacy of the compression technique, in terms of capability of reducing the size of the log and of accuracy of the estimates retrieved from the synopsis, has been experimentally validated.


摘要: 大型过程日志存储库的可用性不断提高,需要有效的分析解决方案。在这方面,提出了一种新颖的用于过程日志的专用压缩技术,该技术构建了一个概要,支持对聚合查询的快速估计,这对探索性和高级分析任务至关重要。通过将代表流程实例内单个活动执行的原始log-Tuples逐步合并为聚合元组,汇总活动执行集,来构造摘要。压缩策略以启发式方法为指导,该方法旨在限制由摘要引起的信息丢失,同时确保在流程实例内执行的活动集及其执行顺序之间不丢失任何信息。聚合查询中的选择条件是根据图形模式指定的,该模式允许表达相对于活动执行的优先关系,以及它们的开始时间,持续时间和执行者的条件。就减少对数的大小和从提要中提取的估计值的准确性而言,压缩技术的有效性已通过实验验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2791347.2791351]

[93] A computer scientists introductory guide to business process management (BPM) (2009)

(Ko, Ryan K. L. | XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students)

Abstract: Computers play an integral part in designing, modelling, optimizing, and managing business processes within and across companies. Although business process management (BPM), workflow management (WfM), and business process reengineering (BPR) have been IT- related disciplines with a history of about three decades, there is still a lack of publications clarifying definitions and scope of basic BPM terminologies, such as business process, BPM versus WfM, work- flow, BPR, etc. Such a myriad of similar-sounding terminologies can be overwhelming for computer scientists and computer science students who may wish to venture into this area of research. This guide aims to address this gap by providing a high-level overview of the key concepts, rationale, fea- tures, and the developments of BPM.

** 计算机科学家的业务流程管理入门指南**

摘要: 计算机在公司内部以及公司之间的业务流程的设计,建模,优化和管理中起着不可或缺的作用。尽管业务流程管理(BPM),工作流管理(WfM)和业务流程再造(BPR)都是与IT相关的学科,已有近三十年的历史,但仍然缺少出版物来澄清基本BPM术语的定义和范围。例如业务流程,BPM与WfM,工作流程,BPR等。听起来如此相似的众多术语可能会让不愿涉足这一研究领域的计算机科学家和计算机科学专业学生望而却步。本指南旨在通过概要介绍BPM的关键概念,原理,功能和发展来解决这一差距。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1558897.1558901]

[94] A configurable reference modelling language (2007)

(Rosemann, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Enterprise Systems (ES) are comprehensive off-the-shelf packages that have to be configured to suit the requirements of an organization. Most ES solutions provide reference models that describe the functionality and structure of the system. However, these models do not capture the potential configuration alternatives. This paper discusses the shortcomings of current reference modelling languages using Event-Driven Process Chains (EPCs) as an example. We propose Configurable EPCs (C-EPCs) as an extended reference modelling language which allows capturing the core configuration patterns. A formalization of this language as well as examples for typical configurations are provided. A program of further research including the identification of a comprehensive list of configuration patterns, deriving possible notations for reference model configurations and testing the quality of these proposed extensions in experiments and focus groups is presented. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: Enterprise Systems(ES)是全面的现成软件包,必须对其进行配置以适合组织的要求。大多数ES解决方案都提供描述系统功能和结构的参考模型。但是,这些模型没有捕获潜在的配置替代方案。本文以事件驱动流程链(EPC)为例,讨论了当前参考建模语言的缺点。我们提出可配置EPC(C-EPC)作为扩展的参考建模语言,该语言可捕获核心配置模式。提供了该语言的形式化以及典型配置的示例。提出了进一步研究的程序,其中包括确定配置模式的全面列表,派生参考模型配置的可能标记以及在实验和焦点小组中测试这些拟议扩展的质量。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2005.05.003]

[95] A data mining-based framework for grid workflow management (2005)

(Congiusta, A. and Greco, G. and Guzzo, A. and Manco, G. and Pontieri, L. and Sacca | Proceedings - International Conference on Quality Software)

Abstract: In this paper we investigate on the exploitation of data mining techniques to analyze data coming from the enactment of workflow-based processes in a service-oriented Grid infrastructure. The extracted knowledge allows users to better comprehend the behavior of the enacted processes, and can be profitably exploited to provide advanced support to several phases in the life-cycle of workflow processes, including (re-)design, matchmaking, scheduling and performance monitoring. To this purpose, we focus on recent data mining techniques specifically aimed at enabling refined analyzes of workflow executions. Moreover, we introduce a comprehensive system architecture that supports the management of Grid workflows by fully taking advantage of such mining techniques. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们研究了数据挖掘技术的利用,以分析来自面向服务的网格基础架构中基于工作流的流程的制定而来的数据。所提取的知识使用户可以更好地理解已制定流程的行为,并可以被有利地利用以为工作流程的生命周期中的多个阶段提供高级支持,包括(重新)设计,匹配,调度和性能监控。为此,我们专注于最新的数据挖掘技术,这些技术专门用于实现对工作流执行的精细分析。此外,我们介绍了一种全面的系统架构,该架构通过充分利用此类挖掘技术来支持Grid工作流的管理。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/QSIC.2005.2]

[96] A data-driven process recommender framework (2017)

(Yang, Sen and Dong, Xin and Sun, Leilei and Zhou, Yichen and Farneth, Richard A. and Xiong, Hui and Burd, Randall S. and Marsic, Ivan | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Abstract: We present an approach for improving the performance of complex knowledge-based processes by providing data-driven step-by-step recommendations. Our framework uses the associations between similar historic process performances and contextual information to determine the prototypical way of enacting the process. We introduce a novel similarity metric for grouping traces into clusters that incorporates temporal information about activity performance and handles concurrent activities. Our data-driven recommender system selects the appropriate prototype performance of the process based on userprovided context attributes. Our approach for determining the prototypes discovers the commonly performed activities and their temporal relationships. We tested our system on data from three real-world medical processes and achieved recommendation accuracy up to an F1 score of 0.77 (compared to an F1 score of 0.37 using ZeroR) with 63.2% of recommended enactments being within the first five neighbors of the actual historic enactments in a set of 87 cases. Our framework works as an interactive visual analytic tool for process mining. This work shows the feasibility of data-driven decision support system for complex knowledge-based processes.


摘要: 我们提供了一种通过提供数据驱动的分步建议来改善复杂的基于知识的流程的性能的方法。我们的框架使用相似的历史过程绩效与上下文信息之间的关联来确定制定过程的原型方法。我们引入了一种新颖的相似性度量标准,用于将迹线分组到群集中,该度量标准合并了有关活动绩效的临时信息并处理并发活动。我们的数据驱动推荐系统根据用户提供的上下文属性选择适当的流程原型性能。我们确定原型的方法会发现经常执行的活动及其时间关系。我们根据来自三个现实世界医疗过程的数据对我们的系统进行了测试,并获得了高达1.17的F1评分(相比之下,使用ZeroR的F1评分为0.37)的推荐准确性,其中63.2%的推荐法规在实际的前五个邻居中具有历史意义的成文法,涉及87个案例。我们的框架是用于过程挖掘的交互式可视化分析工具。这项工作表明了以数据为基础的决策支持系统用于基于复杂知识的流程的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3097983.3098174]

[97] A distributed approach to compliance monitoring of business process event streams (2018)

(Loreti, Daniela and Chesani, Federico and Ciampolini, Anna and Mello, Paola | Future Generation Computer Systems)

Abstract: In recent years, the significant advantages brought to business processes by process mining account for its evolution as a major concern in both industrial and academic research. In particular, increasing attention has been turned to compliance monitoring as a way to identify when a sequence of events deviates from the expected behaviour. As we are entering the IoT era, an increasing variety of smart objects can be introduced in business processes (e.g., tags to track products in a plant, smartphones and badge swiping to draw the activities of customers and employees in a shopping centre, etc.). All these objects produce large volumes of log data in the form of streams, which need to be run-time analysed to extract further knowledge about the underlying business process and to identify unexpected, non-conforming events. Albeit rather straightforward on a small log file, compliance verification techniques may show poor performances when dealing with big data and streams, thus calling for scalable approaches. This work investigates the possibility of spreading the compliance monitoring task over a network of computing nodes, achieving the desired scalability. The monitor is realised through the existing SCIFF framework for compliance checking, which provides a high level logic-based language for expressing the properties to be monitored and nicely supports the partitioning of the monitoring task. The distributed computation is achieved through a MapReduce approach and the adoption of an existing general engine for large scale stream processing. Experimental results show the feasibility of the approach as well as the advantages in performance brought to the compliance monitoring task.


摘要: 近年来,过程挖掘为业务流程带来的显着优势将其演变视为工业和学术研究的主要关注点。尤其是,越来越多的注意力转向了法规遵从性监视,以识别事件序列何时偏离预期的行为。随着我们进入物联网时代,可以在业务流程中引入越来越多的智能对象(例如,用于跟踪工厂中产品的标签,智能手机和刷卡以吸引购物中心中客户和员工的活动等)。 )。所有这些对象都以流的形式生成大量的日志数据,需要对其进行运行时分析,以提取有关基础业务流程的更多知识并识别意外的,不合格的事件。尽管在小型日志文件上非常简单,但是合规性验证技术在处理大数据和流时可能表现不佳,因此需要可扩展的方法。这项工作研究了将合规性监视任务分散在计算节点网络上,以实现所需的可伸缩性的可能性。该监视器是通过用于合规性检查的现有SCIFF框架实现的,该框架提供了一种基于逻辑的高级语言来表示要监视的属性,并且很好地支持了监视任务的分区。分布式计算是通过MapReduce方法并采用现有的通用引擎进行大规模流处理来实现的。实验结果表明该方法的可行性以及合规性监视任务带来的性能优势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.future.2017.12.043]

[98] A distributed discovery of communicating resource systems models (2019)

(Stroinski, Andrzej and Dwornikowski, Dariusz and Brzezinski, Jerzy | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: In communicating resource systems (CRS), a set of independent, hierarchically composed resources communicate to realize a business process. Examples of CRSs include RESTful Web services, cloud computing platforms and hierarchical distributed systems. Unfortunately, their complexity, distributed nature, and usually long lifespan can lead to problems like livelocks, deadlock occurrences and invocation loops. This makes CRSs hard to maintain and manage; it also leads to a loss of QoS or system failures. Moreover, it is important to take into account, in system management, the exact way how the system gets to some desired or undesired state. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze processes, executed in a system to find and fix the above problems. Unfortunately, CRS process models are hardly ever available. Therefore, we present a new distributed algorithm, dRMA, discovering process models from CRS event logs. In order to reduce the representational bias between the discovered process model and the real process, we have defined a Communication Net, which can express features of CRSs: directed communication channels, hierarchy, and a resource perspective. Finally, we have evaluated dRMA on a cluster, and have showed that distributing jobs can significantly reduce the time of process model discovery.


摘要: 在通信资源系统(CRS)中,一组独立的,层次结构化的资源进行通信以实现业务流程。 CRS的示例包括RESTful Web服务,云计算平台和分层分布式系统。不幸的是,它们的复杂性,分布式特性以及通常较长的使用寿命会导致诸如活锁,死锁发生和调用循环之类的问题。这使CRS难以维护和管理。它还会导致QoS损失或系统故障。此外,在系统管理中,必须考虑到系统如何达到某些期望或不期望状态的确切方式。因此,分析系统中执行的过程以发现并解决上述问题至关重要。不幸的是,几乎没有CRS流程模型。因此,我们提出了一种新的分布式算法dRMA,可从CRS事件日志中发现过程模型。为了减少发现的过程模型与实际过程之间的代表性偏差,我们定义了一个通信网络,该网络可以表达CRS的功能:定向通信通道,层次结构和资源透视图。最后,我们在群集上评估了dRMA,并表明分配作业可以显着减少过程模型发现的时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2016.2609913]

[99] A dynamic time warped clustering technique for discrete event simulation-based system analysis (2015)

(Johnstone, Michael and Le, Vu Thanh and Zhang, James and Gunn, Bruce and Nahavandi, Saeid and Creighton, Doug | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Abstract This paper introduces a novel approach for discrete event simulation output analysis. The approach combines dynamic time warping and clustering to enable the identification of system behaviours contributing to overall system performance, by linking the clustering cases to specific causal events within the system. Simulation model event logs have been analysed to group entity flows based on the path taken and travel time through the system. The proposed approach is investigated for a discrete event simulation of an international airport baggage handling system. Results show that the method is able to automatically identify key factors that influence the overall dwell time of system entities, such as bags that fail primary screening. The novel analysis methodology provides insight into system performance, beyond that achievable through traditional analysis techniques. This technique also has potential application to agent-based modelling paradigms and also business event logs traditionally studied using process mining techniques.


摘要: 本文将介绍一种用于离散事件仿真输出分析的新颖方法。该方法通过将聚类案例与系统内的特定因果事件相关联,将动态时间规整和聚类结合在一起,从而能够识别有助于整体系统性能的系统行为。已对仿真模型事件日志进行了分析,以根据所采用的路径和通过系统的旅行时间对实体流进行分组。针对国际机场行李处理系统的离散事件仿真研究了所提出的方法。结果表明,该方法能够自动识别影响系统实体总体停留时间的关键因素,例如未通过初步筛选的袋子。新颖的分析方法提供了对系统性能的洞察力,这是传统分析技术所无法达到的。该技术还潜在地应用于基于代理的建模范例以及传统上使用流程挖掘技术研究的业务事件日志。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.06.040]

[100] A family of case studies on business process mining using MARBLE (2012)

(Perez-Castillo, Ricardo and Cruz-Lemus, Jose A. and De Guzman | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: Business processes, most of which are automated by information systems, have become a key asset in organizations. Unfortunately, uncontrolled maintenance implies that information systems age overtime until they need to be modernized. During software modernization, ageing systems cannot be entirely discarded because they gradually embed meaningful business knowledge, which is not present in any other artifact. This paper presents a technique for recovering business processes from legacy systems in order to preserve that knowledge. The technique statically analyzes source code and generates a code model, which is later transformed by pattern matching into a business process model. This technique has been validated over a two-year period in several industrial modernization projects. This paper reports the results of a family of case studies that were performed to empirically validate the technique using analysis and meta-analysis techniques. The family of case studies demonstrates that the technique is feasible in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 大多数业务流程已由信息系统自动化,已成为组织中的重要资产。不幸的是,不受控制的维护意味着信息系统会老化,直到需要对其进行现代化。在软件现代化过程中,老化的系统无法完全丢弃,因为它们逐渐嵌入了有意义的业务知识,而其他任何工件中都没有。本文提出了一种从旧系统中恢复业务流程以保留该知识的技术。该技术静态分析源代码并生成代码模型,然后通过模式匹配将其转换为业务流程模型。这项技术已在两年的多个工业现代化项目中得到验证。本文报告了一系列案例研究的结果,这些案例旨在使用分析和荟萃分析技术以经验方式验证该技术。一系列案例研究表明,该技术在有效性和效率方面是可行的。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2012.01.022]

[101] A framework for comparing process mining algorithms (2011)

(Weber, Philip and Bordbar, Behzad and Tino, Peter and Majeed, Basim | 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCC 2011)

Abstract: There are many process mining algorithms with different theoretical foundations and aims, raising the question of how to choose the best for a particular situation. A framework is proposed for objectively comparing algorithms for process discovery against a known ground truth, with an implementation using existing tools. Results from an experimental evaluation of five algorithms against basic process structures confirm the validity of the approach. In general, numbers of traces for mining are predictable from the structure and probabilities in the model, but there are some algorithm-specific differences. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 有许多具有不同理论基础和目标的过程挖掘算法,提出了如何针对特定情况选择最佳方法的问题。提出了一种框架,该框架使用现有工具的实现来客观地比较针对已知基础事实的过程发现算法。根据基本过程结构对五种算法进行的实验评估结果证实了该方法的有效性。通常,从模型的结构和概率可以预测要挖掘的跟踪数量,但是存在特定于算法的差异。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752616]

[102] A framework for efficiently mining the organisational perspective of business processes (2016)

(Schonig, Stefan and Cabanillas, Cristina and Jablonski, Stefan and Mendling, Jan | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process mining aims at discovering processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. Such knowledge may refer to different business process perspectives. The organisational perspective deals, among other things, with the assignment of human resources to process activities. Information about the resources that are involved in process activities can be mined from event logs in order to discover resource assignment conditions, which is valuable for process analysis and redesign. Prior process mining approaches in this context present one of the following issues: (i) they are limited to discovering a restricted set of resource assignment conditions; (ii) they do not aim at providing efficient solutions; or (iii) the discovered process models are difficult to read due to the number of assignment conditions included. In this paper we address these problems and develop an efficient and effective process mining framework that provides extensive support for the discovery of patterns related to resource assignment. The framework is validated in terms of performance and applicability.


摘要: 过程挖掘旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来发现过程。这些知识可能涉及不同的业务流程角度。除其他事项外,组织观点涉及分配人力资源来处理活动。可以从事件日志中获取有关流程活动中涉及的资源的信息,以便发现资源分配条件,这对于流程分析和重新设计非常有用。在这种情况下,现有的过程挖掘方法存在以下问题之一:(i)它们仅限于发现一组有限的资源分配条件; (ii)他们的目的不是提供有效的解决方案; (iii)由于包含的分配条件数量众多,发现的过程模型难以读取。在本文中,我们解决了这些问题,并开发了一种有效的过程挖掘框架,该框架为发现与资源分配相关的模式提供了广泛的支持。该框架在性能和适用性方面得到了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2016.06.012]

[103] A framework for inter-organizational performance analysis from EDI messages (2014)

(Krathu, Worarat and Pichler, Christian and Engel, Robert and Zapletal, Marco and Werthner, Hannes and Huemer, Christian | Proceedings - 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2014)

Abstract: The evaluation of an organizations performance may also consider the assessment of inter-organizational relationships (IORs). However, the evaluation of IORs is typically based on success factors, such as trust, which are difficult to be measured quantitatively. In this paper, we present a framework supporting inter-organizational performance evaluation which integrates (i) a bottom-up approach supporting the identification of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from business information, event logs, as well as process models, and (ii) a top-down approach for measuring business performance on the strategic level based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method. In order to prove the feasibility of the framework, we present an inter-organizational performance analysis case study of a beverage manufacturing company. The case study shows that the framework enables (i) the derivation of quantifiable KPIs from operational data and (ii) the alignment of KPIs with business objectives allowing an evaluation of IORs on the strategic level.


摘要: 对组织绩效的评估还可以考虑对组织间关系(IOR)进行评估。但是,对IOR的评估通常基于成功因素(例如信任),而这些因素很难量化。 ,我们提出了一个支持组织间绩效评估的框架,该框架集成了(i)一种自下而上的方法,该方法支持从业务信息,事件日志以及流程模型中识别关键绩效指标(KPI),以及(ii)顶部平衡计分卡(BSC)方法在战略层面上采用向下测量法来衡量业务绩效为了证明该框架的可行性,我们提出了一家饮料制造公司的组织间绩效分析案例研究。表明该框架能够(i)从运营数据中得出可量化的KPI,以及(ii)使KPI与业务目标保持一致,从而可以在战略层面评估IOR。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2014.19]

[104] A framework for semi-automated process instance discovery from decorative attributes (2011)

(Burattin, Andrea and Vigo, Roberto | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining)

Abstract: Process mining is a relatively new field of research: its final aim is to bridge the gap between data mining and business process modelling. In particular, the assumption underpinning this discipline is the availability of data coming from business process executions. In business process theory, once the process has been defined, it is possible to have a number of instances of the process running at the same time. Usually, the identification of different instances is referred to a specific case id field in the log exploited by process mining techniques. The software systems that support the execution of a business process, however, often do not record explicitly such information. This paper presents an approach that faces the absence of the case id information: we have a set of extra fields, decorating each single activity log, that are known to carry the information on the process instance. A framework is addressed, based on simple relational algebra notions, to extract the most promising case ids from the extra fields. The work is a generalization of a real business case. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘是一个相对较新的研究领域:其最终目标是弥合数据挖掘与业务流程建模之间的鸿沟。尤其是,支持此规则的假设是来自业务流程执行的数据的可用性。在业务流程理论中,一旦定义了流程,就有可能同时运行多个流程实例。通常,将不同实例的标识引用到流程挖掘技术所利用的日志中的特定案例ID字段。但是,支持执行业务流程的软件系统通常不会明确记录此类信息。本文提出了一种解决方法,该方法面对缺少案例ID信息的问题:我们有一组额外的字段来装饰每个单独的活动日志,已知这些字段在流程实例中携带信息。解决了一个基于简单关系代数概念的框架,该框架从额外字段中提取最有希望的案例ID。这项工作是对实际业务案例的概括。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949450]

[105] A framework for the analysis of process mining algorithms (2013)

(Weber, Philip and Bordbar, Behzad and Ti~no, Peter | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans)

Abstract: There are many process mining algorithms and representations, making it difficult to choose which algorithm to use or compare results. Process mining is essentially a machine learning task, but little work has been done on systematically analyzing algorithms to understand their fundamental properties, such as how much data are needed for confidence in mining. We propose a framework for analyzing process mining algorithms. Processes are viewed as distributions over traces of activities and mining algorithms as learning these distributions. We use probabilistic automata as a unifying representation to which other representation languages can be converted. We present an analysis of the Alpha algorithm under this framework and experimental results, which show that from the substructures in a model and behavior of the algorithm, the amount of data needed for mining can be predicted. This allows efficient use of data and quantification of the confidence which can be placed in the results. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 有许多过程挖掘算法和表示,这使得很难选择使用哪种算法或比较结果。流程挖掘本质上是一项机器学习任务,但是在系统地分析算法以了解其基本属性(例如,需要多少数据才能确保挖掘信心)方面,所做的工作很少。我们提出了一个用于分析过程挖掘算法的框架。流程被视为活动痕迹上的分布,而学习这些分布时则被视为挖掘算法。我们使用概率自动机作为可以将其他表示语言转换为的统一表示。我们在此框架下对Alpha算法进行了分析,并给出了实验结果,结果表明,根据模型的子结构和算法的行为,可以预测挖掘所需的数据量。这样可以有效利用数据并量化可以置入结果的置信度。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2195169]


[106] A framework for the systematic comparison and evaluation of compliance monitoring approaches (2013)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Van Der Aalst | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: To support the whole business process compliance lifecycle, one also needs to monitor the actual processes and not just check their design. Recently, many approaches have been proposed that utilize a broad range of constraint languages and techniques to realize compliance monitoring solutions. Due to this diversity, the comparison of existing approaches is difficult and consequently hampers the evaluation of which approaches are suitable for which application scenarios. This paper provides a framework to compare and evaluate existing compliance monitoring approaches. The framework is based on ten typical Compliance Monitoring Functionalities (CMFs). These have been derived using a systematic literature review and five case studies from different domains. Existing approaches are evaluated based on the CMF framework, resulting in a list of open questions and a discussion of new challenges in this field. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 为了支持整个业务流程合规性生命周期,还需要监视实际流程,而不仅仅是检查其设计。最近,已经提出了许多利用多种约束语言和技术来实现合规性监视解决方案的方法。由于这种多样性,现有方法的比较很困难,因此妨碍了对哪种方法适合哪种应用场景的评估。本文提供了一个框架来比较和评估现有的合规性监控方法。该框架基于十种典型的合规性监视功能(CMF)。这些都是使用系统的文献综述和来自不同领域的五个案例研究得出的。现有的方法是基于CMF框架进行评估的,从而产生了一系列悬而未决的问题,并讨论了该领域的新挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2013.11]

[107] A framework: Workflow-based social network discovery and analysis (2010)

(Song, Jihye and Kim, Minjoon and Kim, Haksung and Kim, Kwanghoon | Proceedings - 2010 13th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2010)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper1 is to build a fundamental framework of discovering and analyzing a workflow-based social network formed through workflow-based organizational business operations. A little more precisely speaking, the framework formalizes a series of theoretical steps from discovering a workflow-based social network to analyzing the discovered social network. For the sake of the discovery phase, we conceive an algorithm that is able to automatically discover the workflow-based social network from a workflow procedure; while on the other hand, in the analysis phase we apply the degree centrality algorithm to the discovered social network, which is one of the well-known social network analysis algorithms in the literature. Consequently, the crucial implication of the framework is in quantifying the degree of work-intimacy among performers who are involved in enacting the corresponding workflow procedure. Also, as a conceptual extension of the framework, it can be applied to discovering and analyzing degree centrality or collaborative closeness and betweenness among architectural components and nodes of collaborative cloud workflow computing environments. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 本文的目的是建立一个发现和分析通过基于工作流程的组织业务运营形成的基于工作流程的社交网络的基本框架。确切地说,该框架将一系列理论步骤形式化,从发现基于工作流的社交网络到分析发现的社交网络。为了发现阶段,我们构思了一种算法,该算法能够从工作流程中自动发现基于工作流程的社交网络。另一方面,在分析阶段,我们将度中心度算法应用于发现的社交网络,这是文献中著名的社交网络分析算法之一。因此,该框架的关键意义在于量化参与制定相应工作流程过程的表演者之间的工作亲密度。而且,作为框架的概念扩展,它可以应用于发现和分析协作云工作流计算环境的架构组件和节点之间的程度中心性或协作紧密性和中介性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSE.2010.74]

[108] A fuzzy-based autoscaling approach for process centered cloud systems (2017)

(Acampora, Giovanni and Bernardi, Mario Luca and Cimitile, Marta and Tortora, Genoveffa and Vitiello, Autilia | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)

Abstract: In the last years, the growing adoption of cloud-based multi-tiers systems has strongly increased the levels of resource sharing among companies, improving the enterprise efficiency, thanks to a refined business dynamism and a rapid decrease in costs. However, in spite of their advantages, this new business model highlights the emergence of new computational approaches aimed at the distribution and the optimization of resources sharing along so-called multi-tenants system, i.e., cloud-based architecture where a single instance of software runs on a single server and serves multiple companies (tenants). This paper faces this challenging gap by proposing an auto-scaling cloud computing multi-tenancy architecture where process mining and fuzzy-based load-balancing systems synergistically interact to provide an improved and optimized resource management distribution. A case study is carried out to show the proposed architecture in operation.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,基于云的多层系统的越来越多的采用,极大地提高了公司之间的资源共享水平,提高了企业效率,这要归功于完善的业务活力和成本的快速下降。然而,尽管它们具有优势,但这种新的业务模型突出显示了新的计算方法的出现,这些方法旨在通过所谓的多租户系统(即基于云的体系结构,其中单个软件实例)来分配和优化资源共享。在单个服务器上运行,并为多个公司(租户)提供服务。本文通过提出一种自动扩展的云计算多租户架构来克服这一挑战,该架构中的流程挖掘和基于模糊的负载平衡系统可以协同交互,以提供改进和优化的资源管理分布。进行了案例研究,以显示拟议的架构正在运行。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2017.8015768]

[109] A fuzzy-based process mining approach for dynamic malware detection (2017)

(Bernardi, Mario Luca and Cimitile, Marta and Martinelli, Fabio and Mercaldo, Francesco | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)

Abstract: Mobile systems have become essential for communication and productivity but are also becoming target of continuous malware attacks. New malware are often obtained as variants of existing malicious code. This work describes an approach for dynamic malware detection based on the combination of Process Mining (PM) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) techniques. The firsts are used to characterize the behavior of an application identifying some recurring execution expressed as a set of declarative constraints between the system calls. Fuzzy logic is used to classify the analyzed malware applications and verify their relations with the existing malware variants. The combination of the two techniques allows to obtain a fingerprint of an application that is used to verify its maliciousness/trustfulness, establish if it belongs from a known malware family and identify the differences between the detected malware behavior and the other variants of the some malware family. The approach is applied on a dataset of 3000 trusted and malicious applications across twelve malware families and has shown a very good discrimination ability that can be exploited for malware detection and family identification.


摘要: 移动系统对于通信和生产力已经变得必不可少,但也已成为持续不断的恶意软件攻击的目标。通常会以现有恶意代码的变体形式获得新的恶意软件。这项工作描述了一种基于进程挖掘(PM)和模糊逻辑(FL)技术相结合的动态恶意软件检测方法。第一个用于表征应用程序的行为,该应用程序标识一些重复执行,这些重复执行表示为系统调用之间的一组声明性约束。模糊逻辑用于对所分析的恶意软件应用程序进行分类,并验证其与现有恶意软件变体的关系。两种技术的组合允许获取用于验证其恶意程序/可信赖性的应用程序的指纹,确定其是否属于已知恶意软件家族,并识别检测到的恶意软件行为与某些恶意软件的其他变体之间的差异。家庭。该方法应用于12个恶意软件家族的3000个受信任和恶意应用程序的数据集,并显示出非常好的区分能力,可用于恶意软件检测和家族识别。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2017.8015490]

[110] A general process mining framework for correlating, predicting and clustering dynamic behavior based on event logs (2016)

(De Leoni | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining can be viewed as the missing link between model-based process analysis and data-oriented analysis techniques. Lions share of process mining research has been focusing on process discovery (creating process models from raw data) and replay techniques to check conformance and analyze bottlenecks. These techniques have helped organizations to address compliance and performance problems. However, for a more refined analysis, it is essential to correlate different process characteristics. For example, do deviations from the normative process cause additional delays and costs? Are rejected cases handled differently in the initial phases of the process? What is the influence of a doctors experience on treatment process? These and other questions may involve process characteristics related to different perspectives (control-flow, data-flow, time, organization, cost, compliance, etc.). Specific questions (e.g., predicting the remaining processing time) have been investigated before, but a generic approach was missing thus far. The proposed framework unifies a number of approaches for correlation analysis proposed in literature, proposing a general solution that can perform those analyses and many more. The approach has been implemented in ProM and combines process and data mining techniques. In this paper, we also demonstrate the applicability using a case study conducted with the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency), one of the largest administrative factories in The Netherlands.


摘要: 过程挖掘可以被视为基于模型的过程分析与面向数据的分析技术之间的缺失环节。 Lions在过程挖掘研究中的份额一直集中在过程发现(从原始数据创建过程模型)和重放技术以检查一致性和分析瓶颈。这些技术已帮助组织解决合规性和性能问题。但是,为了进行更精细的分析,必须关联不同的过程特征。例如,偏离规范过程是否会导致额外的延迟和成本?在流程的初始阶段,被拒绝的案件处理方式是否有所不同?医生的经验对治疗过程有什么影响?这些和其他问题可能涉及与不同角度(控制流,数据流,时间,组织,成本,合规性等)有关的过程特征。之前已经研究了特定的问题(例如,预测剩余的处理时间),但是到目前为止,缺少通用方法。提出的框架统一了文献中提出的多种相关分析方法,并提出了可以执行这些分析的通用解决方案。该方法已在ProM中实现,并结合了流程和数据挖掘技术。在本文中,我们还将通过与荷兰最大的行政工厂之一的UWV(雇员保险局)进行的案例研究来证明其适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.07.003]

[111] A genetic programming approach to business process mining (2008)

(Turner, Chris J. and Tiwari, Ashutosh and Mehnen, Jorn | GECCO08: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 2008)

Abstract: The aim of process mining is to identify and extract process patterns from data logs to reconstruct an overall process flowchart. As business processes become more and more complex there is a need for managers to understand the processes they already have in place. To undertake such a task manually would be extremely time consuming so the practice of process mining attempts to automatically reconstruct the correct representation of a process based on a set of process execution traces. This paper outlines an alternative approach to business process mining utilising a Genetic Programming (GP) technique coupled with a graph based representation. The graph based representation allows greater flexibility in the analysis of process flowchart structure and offers the possibility of mining complex business processes from incomplete or problematic event logs. A number of event logs have been mined by the GP technique featured in this paper and the results of the experimentation point towards the potential of this novel process mining approach. Copyright 2008 ACM.


摘要: 过程挖掘的目的是从数据日志中识别并提取过程模式,以重建总体过程流程图。随着业务流程变得越来越复杂,管理人员需要了解他们已经建立的流程。手动执行这样的任务将非常耗时,因此过程挖掘的实践尝试基于一组过程执行跟踪来自动重建过程的正确表示。本文概述了一种利用遗传编程(GP)技术结合基于图形的表示形式进行业务流程挖掘的替代方法。基于图的表示形式使过程流程图结构的分析具有更大的灵活性,并提供了从不完整或有问题的事件日志中挖掘复杂业务流程的可能性。通过本文介绍的GP技术已经挖掘了许多事件日志,并且实验结果表明了这种新颖的过程挖掘方法的潜力。版权所有2008 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1389095.1389345]

[112] A graph distance based metric for data oriented workflow retrieval with variable time constraints (2014)

(Ma, Yinglong and Zhang, Xiaolan and Lu, Ke | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: There are many applications in business process management that require measuring the similarity between business processes, such as workflow retrieval and process mining, etc. However, most existing approaches and models cannot represent variable constraints and achieve data oriented workflow retrieval of considering different QoS requirements, and also fail to allow users to express arbitrary constraints based on graph structures of workflows. These problems will impede the customization and reuse of workflows, especially for data oriented workflows. In this paper, we will be towards workflow retrieval with variable time constraints. We propose a graph distance based approach for measuring the similarity between data oriented workflows with variable time constraints. First, a formal structure called Time Dependency Graph (TDG) is proposed and further used as representation model of workflows. Similarity comparison between two workflows can be reduced to computing the similarity between their TDGs. Second, we detect whether two TDGs of workflows for similarity comparison are compatible. A distance based measure is proposed for computing their similarity by their normalization matrices established based on their TDGs. We theoretically proof that the proposed measure satisfies the all the properties of distance. In addition, some exemplar processes are studied to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach of similarity comparison for workflows. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程管理中有许多应用程序需要测量业务流程之间的相似性,例如工作流检索和流程挖掘等。但是,大多数现有方法和模型都不能表示可变约束,并且不能考虑不同的QoS来实现面向数据的工作流检索要求,并且也不允许用户基于工作流的图形结构表达任意约束。这些问题将阻碍工作流的自定义和重用,尤其是面向数据的工作流。在本文中,我们将致力于具有可变时间限制的工作流检索。我们提出了一种基于图距离的方法来测量具有可变时间约束的面向数据的工作流之间的相似性。首先,提出了一种称为时间依赖图(TDG)的形式结构,并将其进一步用作工作流的表示模型。可以简化两个工作流之间的相似度比较,以计算其TDG之间的相似度。其次,我们检测用于相似性比较的工作流的两个TDG是否兼容。提出了一种基于距离的度量,用于通过基于其TDG建立的归一化矩阵来计算其相似度。我们从理论上证明了所提出的措施可以满足距离的所有特性。此外,还研究了一些示例性过程来说明我们的工作流相似性比较方法的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.035]

[113] A guide for the application of analytics on healthcare processes: A dynamic view on patient pathways (2016)

(Lismont, Jasmien and Janssens, Anne Sophie and Odnoletkova, Irina and vanden Broucke, Seppe and Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan | Computers in Biology and Medicine)

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study is to guide healthcare instances in applying process analytics on healthcare processes. Process analytics techniques can offer new insights in patient pathways, workflow processes, adherence to medical guidelines and compliance with clinical pathways, but also bring along specific challenges which will be examined and addressed in this paper. Methods The following methodology is proposed: log preparation, log inspection, abstraction and selection, clustering, process mining, and validation. It was applied on a case study in the type 2 diabetes mellitus domain. Results Several data pre-processing steps are applied and clarify the usefulness of process analytics in a healthcare setting. Healthcare utilization, such as diabetes education, is analyzed and compared with diabetes guidelines. Furthermore, we take a look at the organizational perspective and the central role of the GP. This research addresses four challenges: healthcare processes are often patient and hospital specific which leads to unique traces and unstructured processes; data is not recorded in the right format, with the right level of abstraction and time granularity; an overflow of medical activities may cloud the analysis; and analysts need to deal with data not recorded for this purpose. These challenges complicate the application of process analytics. It is explained how our methodology takes them into account. Conclusion Process analytics offers new insights into the medical services patients follow, how medical resources relate to each other and whether patients and healthcare processes comply with guidelines and regulations.


摘要: 目的本研究的目的是指导医疗实例在医疗流程中应用流程分析。过程分析技术不仅可以提供有关患者途径,工作流程,遵守医学指南以及符合临床途径等方面的新见解,而且还带来了具体的挑战,本文将对此进行研究和解决。方法提出了以下方法:日志准备,日志检查,抽象和选择,聚类,过程挖掘和验证。它被用于2型糖尿病领域的案例研究。结果应用了几个数据预处理步骤,并阐明了过程分析在医疗保健环境中的有用性。对诸如糖尿病教育之类的医疗保健利用进行了分析,并与糖尿病指南进行了比较。此外,我们看了GP的组织视角和核心作用。这项研究解决了四个挑战:医疗保健流程通常是针对患者和医院的,这导致了独特的痕迹和无组织的流程;没有以正确的格式和正确的抽象级别和时间粒度记录数据;医疗活动的溢出可能会使分析模糊;分析人员需要处理未为此目的记录的数据。这些挑战使过程分析的应用复杂化。解释了我们的方法如何将它们考虑在内。结论过程分析为患者遵循的医疗服务,医疗资源之间的相互关系以及患者和医疗过程是否符合指南和法规提供了新的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compbiomed.2016.08.007]

[114] A heuristic genetic process mining algorithm (2011)

(Li, Jiafei and Ouyang, Jihong and Liu, Jiafei and Ouyeng, Jihong and Feng, Mingyong | Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011)

Abstract: The current GPM algorithm needs many iterations to get good process models with high fitness which makes the GPM algorithm usually time-consuming and sometimes the result can not be accepted. To mine higher quality model in shorter time, a heuristic solution by adding log-replay based crossover operator and direct/indirect dependency relation based mutation operator is put forward. Experiment results on 25 benchmark logs show encouraging results. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 当前的GPM算法需要多次迭代才能获得具有高适用性的良好过程模型,这使得GPM算法通常很耗时,有时结果无法接受。为了在更短的时间内挖掘出更高质量的模型,提出了一种启发式解决方案,增加了基于日志重播的交叉算子和基于直接/间接依赖关系的变异算子。 25个基准日志的实验结果显示出令人鼓舞的结果。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIS.2011.12]

[115] A high-level strategy for C-net discovery (2012)

(Sole, Marc and Carmona, Josep | Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD)

Abstract: Causal nets have been recently proposed as a suitable model for process mining, due to their declarative semantics and compact representation. However, the discovery of causal nets from a log is a complex problem. The current algorithmic support for the discovery of causal nets comprises either fast but inaccurate methods (compromising quality), or accurate algorithms that are computationally demanding, thus limiting the size of the inputs they can process. In this paper a high-level strategy is presented, which uses appropriate clustering techniques to split the log into pieces, and benefits from the additive nature of causal nets. This allows amalgamating structurally the discovered causal net of each piece to derive a valuable model. The claims in this paper are accompanied with experimental results showing the significance of the high-level strategy presented. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 因果网络具有声明性的语义和紧凑的表示,最近已提出将其用作过程挖掘的合适模型。但是,从日志中发现因果网络是一个复杂的问题。当前对因果网络发现的算法支持包括快速但不准确的方法(影响质量)或计算上需要的精确算法,因此限制了它们可以处理的输入量。本文提出了一种高级策略,该策略使用适当的聚类技术将对数分成几部分,并受益于因果网络的可加性。这样就可以在结构上将发现的每个因果网络进行合并,以得出有价值的模型。本文中的权利要求伴随有实验结果,这些实验结果表明了所提出的高级策略的重要性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2012.20]

[116] A hybrid approach for dynamic business process mining based on reconfigurable nets and event types (2005)

(Ning, Li and Jianchu, Kang and Weifeng, Lv | Proceedings - ICEBE 2005: IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining aims at extracting business process information from event log generated by Business Process Management Systems to analyze operational performance. It can be an interesting tool for actually measuring the alignment of business process. In this paper, the process mining for dynamic business is discussed. Among different instances of the same dynamic business process, there are often some structural and dynamic changes. A hybrid process mining approach to dynamic business process is proposed. The approach is based on Reconfigurable Net and event types. Reconfigurable Net is used for modeling dynamic changes and two event types (Start, Over) are defined for mining algorithm. The method presented in this paper gives a method of mining dynamic changes in different instances and finally generate a Reconfigurable Workflow Net. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘旨在从业务流程管理系统生成的事件日志中提取业务流程信息,以分析运营绩效。它可能是一个有趣的工具,用于实际衡量业务流程的一致性。本文讨论了动态业务的流程挖掘。在同一动态业务流程的不同实例之间,通常会有一些结构性和动态变化。提出了一种用于动态业务流程的混合流程挖掘方法。该方法基于可重配置网络和事件类型。可重配置网络用于对动态变化进行建模,并且为挖掘算法定义了两种事件类型(开始,结束)。本文提出的方法提供了一种挖掘不同实例中的动态变化并最终生成可重​​配置工作流网的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2005.5]

[117] A hybrid approach to process mining: Finding immediate successors of a process by using from-to chart (2009)

(Esgin, Eren and Senkul, Pinar | 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2009)

Abstract: Process mining is a branch of data mining that aims to discover process model from the event logs. In this study, we propose a hybrid approach to process mining in such a way that, from-to chart is used as the front-end to monitor the transitions among activities of a realistic event log. Another novelty of this study is developed evaluation metrics, which are used for finding immediate successors in order to convert these raw relations into dependency/frequency graph. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘是数据挖掘的一个分支,旨在从事件日志中发现过程模型。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种混合方法来进行过程挖掘,以从表到表作为前端来监视现实事件日志的活动之间的转换。这项研究的另一个新颖之处是开发了评估指标,该指标用于查找直接后继者,以便将这些原始关系转换为依存关系/频率图。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMLA.2009.107]

[118] A hybrid evolutionary-based process mining technology to discover parallelism structures (2012)

(Cheng, H. J. and Ou-Yang, C. and Juan, Y. C. | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)

Abstract: Information systems have been widely used to support workflow processes to record the execution of tasks in the process and are stored in so-called event logs. Techniques that relate to events extraction have gotten increasing attention such as process mining techniques. Developed process mining methods such as alpha algorithm, alpha++ algorithm, and genetic process mining (GPM) are capable of tackling several structures well, but they are still difficult to discover parallelism structures efficiently since the parallelism structures are too complex. This work presents an evolutionary-based process mining approach based on a hybrid of GPM and particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) in order to handle parallelism structures. The medical records of acute stroke patients of Taiwanese medical institution are used as a practical case to test the proposed approach. Experimental results on the case show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for tackling parallelism structures. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 信息系统已被广泛用于支持工作流过程以记录过程中的任务执行情况,并存储在所谓的事件日志中。与事件提取有关的技术已引起越来越多的关注,例如过程挖掘技术。进程挖掘方法(例如alpha算法,alpha ++算法和遗传过程挖掘(GPM))能够很好地处理多个结构,但是由于并行结构太复杂,它们仍然很难有效地发现并行结构。基于GPM和粒子群优化算法(PSO)的并行处理挖掘方法,以处理并行性结构,以台湾医疗机构急性卒中患者的病历为例,对该方法进行了验证。案例显示了该方法解决并行结构的有效性。 textcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEM.2012.6838011]

[119] A knowledge-based architecture for the management of patient-focused care pathways (2014)

(Sanchez-Garzon, Inmaculada and Gonzalez-Ferrer, Arturo and Fernandez-Olivares, Juan | Applied Intelligence)

Abstract: There is need for software systems in order to coordinate the activities of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of a patient, aligning the care delivery around already existing Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). This is being carried out in care organizations by implementing integrated Care Pathways (CPs). Nonetheless, the generation of these care pathways is not trivial, and multiple barriers exist for their development and enactment. In this paper, a knowledge-based architecture is presented that, by means of Knowledge Engineering methods and Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AI P&S) techniques, is able to automatically generate these care pathways from a computer-interpretable representation of CPGs, tackling some of these barriers. Firstly, these techniques consider the patient profile, the care organization details as well as the temporal and resource constraints, implicit in a care process, in order to generate a patient-focused care pathway. Moreover, they also allow the enactment of personalized care plans in a web-based format, powered by a workflow runtime engine, thus providing an ubiquitous and interactive execution to healthcare professionals. Finally, the architecture also includes monitoring and replanning techniques in order to check the current health status of patients and adapt care plans when they do not progress as expected. For the experimental evaluation of the architecture, several tests have been carried out in order to simulate a clinical environment where different care plans were automatically executed, monitored and adapted regarding the health conditions of patients as well as the recommendations specified in a real, CPG of the paediatric oncology area. As conclusion, the proposed architecture seems to be an adequate infrastructure for supporting the automated generation as well as the interactive execution and monitoring of patient-focused care pathways. textcopyright 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


摘要: 需要软件系统,以协调参与患者治疗的医护人员的活动,使护理服务与现有临床实践指南(CPG)保持一致。在护理组织中,这是通过实施综合护理途径(CP)来进行的。然而,这些护理途径的产生并非易事,并且在其发展和制定方面存在多重障碍。在本文中,提出了一种基于知识的体系结构,该体系结构通过知识工程方法和人工智能计划与调度(AI P&S)技术,可以从计算机可解释的CPG表示中自动生成这些护理路径,从而解决一些问题。这些障碍。首先,这些技术考虑了患者特征,护理组织的详细信息以及在护理过程中隐含的时间和资源限制,以便生成以患者为中心的护理路径。此外,它们还允许以工作流运行时引擎为动力,以基于Web的格式制定个性化的护理计划,从而为医疗保健专业人员提供无处不在的交互式执行。最后,该体系结构还包括监视和重新规划技术,以便检查患者当前的健康状况,并在患者未按预期进展时调整护理计划。为了对体系结构进行实验评估,已经进行了一些测试,以模拟一种临床环境,在该环境中,将根据患者的健康状况以及实际CPG中指定的建议自动执行,监视和调整不同的护理计划。儿科肿瘤学领域。作为结论,拟议的体系结构似乎是支持自动生成以及以患者为中心的护理路径的交互式执行和监视的适当基础结构。 t​​extcopyright 2013年Springer Science +商业媒体纽约。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10489-013-0466-0]

[120] A knowledge-intensive approach to process similarity calculation (2015)

(Montani, Stefania and Leonardi, Giorgio and Quaglini, Silvana and Cavallini, Anna and Micieli, Giuseppe | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Process model comparison and similar processes retrieval are key issues to be addressed in many real world situations, and particularly relevant ones in some applications (e.g., in medicine), where similarity quantification can be exploited in a quality assessment perspective. Most of the process comparison techniques described in the literature suffer from two main limitations: (1) they adopt a purely syntactic (vs. semantic) approach in process activity comparison, and/or (2) they ignore complex control flow information (i.e., other than sequence). These limitations oversimplify the problem, and make the results of similarity-based process retrieval less reliable, especially when domain knowledge is available, and can be adopted to quantify activity or control flow construct differences. In this paper, we aim at overcoming both limitations, by introducing a framework which allows to extract the actual process model from the available process execution traces, through process mining techniques, and then to compare (mined) process models, by relying on a novel distance measure. The novel distance measure, which represents the main contribution of this paper, is able to address issues (1) and (2) above, since: (1) it provides a semantic, knowledge-intensive approach to process activity comparison, by making use of domain knowledge; (2) it explicitly takes into account complex control flow constructs (such as AND and XOR splits/joins), thus fully considering the different semantic meaning of control flow connections in a reliable way. The positive impact of the framework in practice has been tested in stroke management, where our approach has outperformed a state-of-the art literature metric on a real world event log, providing results that were closer to those of a human expert. Experiments in other domains are foreseen in the future.


摘要: 过程模型比较和相似过程检索是许多现实世界中要解决的关键问题,尤其是在某些应用中(例如在医学中)的相关问题,在这些应用中可以从质量评估的角度利用相似性量化。文献中描述的大多数过程比较技术都有两个主要局限性:(1)他们在过程活动比较中采用纯粹的句法(相对于语义)方法,和/或(2)他们忽略了复杂的控制流信息(即,除了序列)。这些局限性简化了该问题,并使基于相似度的过程检索的结果不太可靠,尤其是在领域知识可用时,并且可以用来量化活动或控制流程构造差异。在本文中,我们旨在克服这两个局限性,方法是引入一个框架,该框架允许通过过程挖掘技术从可用的过程执行轨迹中提取实际过程模型,然后依靠一种新颖的方法来比较(挖掘)过程模型。距离测量。新颖的距离度量代表了本文的主要贡献,它能够解决上述问题(1)和(2),因为:(1)它提供了一种语义,知识密集型的方法来比较流程活动,方法是:领域知识; (2)它明确考虑了复杂的控制流构造(例如AND和XOR拆分/联接),从而以可靠的方式充分考虑了控制流连接的不同语义。该框架在实践中的积极影响已经在中风管理中得到了检验,在这种方法中,我们的方法在现实世界事件日志上的表现优于最先进的文献指标,其结果更接近于人类专家。预计将来会在其他领域进行实验。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.01.027]


[121] A label-free similarity measure between workflow nets (2009)

(Zha, Haiping and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Wang, Chaokun | 2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2009)

Abstract: Many activities in business process management, such as process search, process clustering, and process mining, need to determine the similarity between two process models. Although several approaches have recently been proposed to measure the behavioral similarity between business processes, all of them require that tasks in processes are properly labeled. According to these approaches, similarity between two given processes can be dramatically different under different task labeling schemes. In this paper, we consider process similarity measure from another view point, i.e., focusing on the control flow structures and ignoring the task labels. Thus, we propose a label-free similarity measure between process models based on transition adjacent relations (TARs) in the context of workflow nets (WF-nets), as well as an efficient algorithm. The experimental results involving comparison of different similarity measures on artificial processes and evaluation of the efficient algorithm on real-life processes are discussed. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程管理中的许多活动,例如流程搜索,流程集群和流程挖掘,都需要确定两个流程模型之间的相似性。尽管最近提出了几种方法来度量业务流程之间的行为相似性,但所有方法都要求正确标记流程中的任务。根据这些方法,在不同的任务标记方案下,两个给定进程之间的相似性可能会大大不同。在本文中,我们从另一个角度考虑了过程相似性度量,即着重于控制流结构而忽略了任务标签。因此,我们提出了一种基于工作流网(WF-net)上下文中的过渡相邻关系(TAR)的过程模型之间的无标签相似性度量,以及一种有效的算法。讨论了在人工过程中比较不同相似性度量并在实际过程中评估有效算法的实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSCC.2009.5394086]

[122] A learning analytics approach to characterize and analyze inquiry-based pedagogical processes (2015)

(Monroy, Carlos and Rangel, Virginia Snodgrass and Bell, Elizabeth R. and Whitaker, Reid | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Here we describe the use of learning analytics (LA) for investigating inquiry-based science instruction. We define several variables that quantify curriculum usage and leverage tools from process mining to examine inquiry-based pedagogical processes. These are initial steps toward measuring and modeling fidelity of implementation of a science curriculum. We use data from one school districts use of an online science curriculum (N=1,021 teachers and nearly 330,000 page views).


摘要: 在此,我们描述了使用学习分析(LA)来调查基于查询的科学教学。我们定义了几个变量,这些变量量化了课程的使用情况,并利用来自过程挖掘的工具来检查基于查询的教学过程。模拟实施科学课程的逼真度。我们使用一个学区使用在线科学课程的数据(N = 1,021的教师和近330,000的页面浏览量)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2723576.2723658]

[123] A machine learning approach to workflow management (2000)

(Herbst, Joachim | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: There has recently been some interest in applying machine learning techniques to support the acquisition and adaptation of workflow models. The different learning algorithms, that have been proposed, share some restrictions, which may prevent them from being used in practice. Approaches applying techniques from grammatical inference are restricted to sequential workflows. Other algorithms allowing concurrency require unique activity nodes. This contribution shows how the basic principle of our previous approach to sequential workflow induction can be generalized, so that it is able to deal with concurrency. It does not require unique activity nodes. The presented approach uses a log-likelihood guided search in the space of workflow models, that starts with a most general workflow model containing unique activity nodes. Two split operators are available for specialization.


摘要: 近来,人们对应用机器学习技术来支持工作流模型的获取和调整感兴趣。已经提出了不同的学习算法,它们共享一些限制,这可能会阻止它们在实践中使用。应用来自语法推断的技术的方法仅限于顺序工作流程。其他允许并发的算法需要唯一的活动节点。此贡献显示了如何概括我们先前的顺序工作流归纳方法的基本原理,以便能够处理并发。它不需要唯一的活动节点。所提出的方法在工作流模型的空间中使用对数似然引导的搜索,该搜索从包含唯一活动节点的最通用的工作流模型开始。两个拆分运算符可用于专业化。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45164-1_19]

[124] A markov prediction model for data-driven semi-structured business processes (2015)

(Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Shamsi, Davood and Doganata, Yurdaer N. and Unuvar, Merve and Khalaf, Rania | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: In semi-structured case-oriented business processes, the sequence of process steps is determined by case workers based on available document content associated with a case. Transitions between process execution steps are therefore case specific and depend on independent judgment of case workers. In this paper, we propose an instance-specific probabilistic process model (PPM) whose transition probabilities are customized to the semi-structured business process instance it represents. An instance-specific PPM serves as a powerful representation to predict the likelihood of different outcomes. We also show that certain instance-specific PPMs can be transformed into a Markov chain under some non-restrictive assumptions. For instance-specific PPMs that contain parallel execution of tasks, we provide an algorithm to map them to an extended space Markov chain. This way existing Markov techniques can be leveraged to make predictions about the likelihood of executing future tasks. Predictions provided by our technique could generate early alerts for case workers about the likelihood of important or undesired outcomes in an executing case instance. We have implemented and validated our approach on a simulated automobile insurance claims handling semi-structured business process. Results indicate that an instance-specific PPM provides more accurate predictions than other methods such as conditional probability. We also show that as more document data become available, the prediction accuracy of an instance-specific PPM increases.


摘要: 在半结构的面向案例的业务流程中,流程步骤的顺序由案例工作者根据与案例关联的可用文档内容来确定。因此,流程执行步骤之间的转换是针对案例的,并取决于案例工作者的独立判断。在本文中,我们提出了一个特定于实例的概率过程模型(PPM),其转移概率是针对其表示的半结构化业务流程实例定制的。特定于实例的PPM可以作为功能强大的表示来预测不同结果的可能性。我们还表明,在某些非限制性假设下,某些特定于实例的PPM可以转换为马尔可夫链。对于包含任务并行执行的特定于实例的PPM,我们提供了一种算法来将它们映射到扩展的空间马尔可夫链。这样,可以利用现有的马尔可夫技术对执行未来任务的可能性进行预测。我们的技术所提供的预测可能会为案例工作者生成有关执行中的案例中重要或不希望的结果的可能性的早期警报。我们已经在模拟汽车保险索赔处理半结构化业务流程中实施并验证了我们的方法。结果表明,实例特定的PPM比其他方法(如条件概率)提供的预测更准确。我们还表明,随着越来越多的文档数据可用,特定于实例的PPM的预测准确性将提高。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-013-0697-8]

[125] A metamodel to integrate business processes time perspective in BPMN 2.0 (2016)

(Arevalo, C. and Escalona, M. J. and Ramos, I. and Dominguez-Mu~noz, M. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context Business Process Management (BPM) is becoming a strategic advantage for organizations to streamline their operations. Most business experts are betting for OMG Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) as de-facto standard (ISO/IEC 19510:2013) and selected technology to model processes. The temporal dimension underlies in any kind of process however, technicians need to shape this perspective that must also coexist with task control flow aspects, as well as resource and case perspectives. BPMN poorly gathers temporary rules. This is why there are contributions that extend the standard to cover such dimension. BPMN is mainly an imperative language. There are research contributions showing time constraints in BPMN, such as (i) BPMN patterns to express each rule with a combination of artifacts, thus these approaches increase the use of imperative BPMN style, and (ii) new decorators to capture time rules semantics giving clearer and simpler comprehensible specifications. Nevertheless, these extensions cannot yet be found in the present standard. Objective To define a time rule taxonomy easily found in most business processes and look for an approach that applies each rule with current BPMN 2.0 standard in a declarative way. Method A model-driven approach is used to propose a BPMN metamodel extension to address time-perspective. Results We look at a declarative approach where new time specifications may overlie the main control flow of a BPMN process. This proposal is totally supported with current BPMN standard, giving a BPMN metamodel extension with OCL constraints. We also use AQUA-WS as a software project case study which is planned and managed with MS Project. We illustrate business process extraction from project plans. Conclusion This paper suggests to handle business temporal rules with current BPMN standard, along with other business perspectives like resources and cases. This approach can be applied to reverse engineering processes from legacy databases.

在BPMN 2.0中集成业务流程时间透视图的元模型

摘要: 上下文业务流程管理(BPM)成为组织简化其运营的战略优势。大多数业务专家都把OMG业务流程模型和表示法(BPMN)当作事实上的标准(ISO / IEC 19510:2013)并选择了对流程进行建模的技术。时间维度是任何类型的过程的基础,但是技术人员需要塑造这种观点,该观点也必须与任务控制流程方面以及资源和案例方面共存。 BPMN很少收集临时规则。这就是为什么有一些贡献将标准扩展到涵盖此类范围的原因。 BPMN主要是命令式语言。有研究成果显示了BPMN中的时间限制,例如(i)BPMN模式以人工制品的组合来表达每个规则,因此这些方法增加了命令式BPMN样式的使用,以及(ii)新的装饰器捕获时间规则的语义,更清晰,更简单的规格。但是,在当前标准中找不到这些扩展。目标要定义在大多数业务流程中很容易找到的时间规则分类法,并寻找一种以声明方式将每个规则与当前BPMN 2.0标准一起应用的方法。方法使用模型驱动的方法来提出BPMN元模型扩展,以解决时间问题。结果我们研究一种声明性方法,其中新的时间规范可能会覆盖BPMN流程的主要控制流程。当前的BPMN标准完全支持该建议,并给出了具有OCL约束的BPMN元模型扩展。我们还将AQUA-WS用作软件项目案例研究,由MS Project计划和管理。我们说明了从项目计划中提取业务流程。结束语本文建议使用当前的BPMN标准以及诸如资源和案例之类的其他业务视角来处理业务时间规则。该方法可以应用于从旧数据库进行逆向工程的过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2016.05.004]

[126] A method for estimating the cycle time of business processes with many-to-many relationships among the resources and activities based on individual worklists (2013)

(Xie, Yi and Chien, Chen Fu and Tang, Ren Zhong | Computers and Industrial Engineering)

Abstract: To analyze and optimize time performance of business process for faster response to customer demands, this study aims to develop a novel method for estimating the cycle time of business processes (or workflows) with many-to-many relationships between resources and activities based on individual worklists. The developed method for estimating business process cycle time is based on M/Hn/1/∞. queuing model and the joint distribution theory of random variables. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by comparison with the existing methods with case studies. The results have shownthat the proposed method can provide a more accurate estimation than conventional approaches. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 为了分析和优化业务流程的时间性能以更快地响应客户需求,本研究旨在开发一种新颖的方法,以基于资源和活动之间的多对多关系来估算业务流程(或工作流)的周期时间在个人工作清单上。估计的业务流程周期时间的开发方法基于M / Hn / 1 /∞。排队模型和随机变量的联合分布理论。通过案例研究与现有方法进行比较,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。结果表明,与常规方法相比,该方法可以提供更准确的估计。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cie.2013.02.015]

[127] A method for generation and design of business processes with business rules (2017)

(Kluza, Krzysztof and Nalepa, Grzegorz J. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context: Business Processes provide a universal method of describing operational aspects of business. Business Rules, in turn, support declarative specification of business domain knowledge. Although there is a difference in abstraction levels between these both modeling techniques, rules can be complementary to processes. Rules can be efficiently used to specify process low-level logic, while processes can serve as a procedural specification of the workflow, including the inference control. Objective: One of the research problems in this area is supporting business analytics in the modeling of processes integrated with rules. Such a support can take advantage of new design method for such models. Method: We describe a model of procedural Business Process as well as the model and method of creating Attribute Relationship Diagrams. Based on these two representations, we provide a formalized model combining a process model with rules. Using these models, we introduce an algorithm that generates an executable process model along with decision table schemas for rules (rule templates for rule sets grouped in decision tables). Results: The paper provides an automated approach for generation of Business Process models from Attribute Relationship Diagrams. The approach was evaluated based on the selected benchmark cases, which were deployed and tested in the provided modeling and execution environment for such integrated models. Conclusion: The paper presents an efficient and formalized method for design of processes with rules that allows for generating BPMN models integrated with the rules from the Semantic Knowledge Engineering approach. Such a model can be treated as a structured rule base that provides explicit inference flow determined by the process control flow.


摘要: 背景:业务流程提供了描述业务运营方面的通用方法。反过来,业务规则支持业务领域知识的声明性规范。尽管这两种建模技术的抽象级别有所不同,但是规则可以作为流程的补充。规则可以有效地用于指定流程的底层逻辑,而流程可以用作工作流程的过程规范,包括推理控制。目标:该领域的研究问题之一是在与规则集成的流程建模中支持业务分析。这样的支持可以利用这种模型的新设计方法。方法:我们描述了过程业务流程的模型以及创建属性关系图的模型和方法。基于这两种表示,我们提供了将过程模型与规则结合起来的形式化模型。使用这些模型,我们引入了一种算法,该算法生成可执行的过程模型以及规则的决策表模式(决策表中分组的规则集的规则模板)。结果:本文提供了一种从属性关系图生成业务流程模型的自动化方法。该方法是根据选定的基准案例进行评估的,这些基准案例已在此类集成模型的提供的建模和执行环境中进行了部署和测试。结论:本文提出了一种带有规则的流程设计的高效,正规化的方法,该方法允许生成与语义知识工程方法中的规则集成的BPMN模型。可以将这种模型视为结构化的规则库,该规则库提供由过程控制流确定的显式推理流。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2017.07.001]

[128] A method for remote and semi-automatic usability evaluation of web-based applications through users behavior analysis (2011)

(Vargas, Ariel and Weffers, Harold and Da Rocha | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: In this paper we describe a method for evaluating the usability of web-based applications. Our method is based on remote and automatic capture and semi-automatic analysis of users behavior, in order to find usability problems in the applications interfaces. The goal of our method is to allowan analysis of the way users actually interact with the evaluated interface. Through the analysis of users behavior is possible to find patterns of interaction. Analyzing the patterns found and comparing it tothe expected behavior for the tasksperformedby users, we can detect usability problems. In this paper we also briefly describe a first experimentwith our method and some initial results that pointtothe potential of the method in performing remote and automatic usability evaluations. textcopyright ACM 2010.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一种评估基于Web的应用程序可用性的方法。我们的方法基于远程和自动捕获以及用户行为的半自动分析,以便在应用程序界面中发现可用性问题。我们方法的目标是允许对用户与被评估界面实际交互的方式进行分析,通过对用户行为的分析,可以找到交互模式,分析找到的模式并将其与用户执行的任务的预期行为进行比较,我们可以检测可用性问题。在本文中,我们还简要介绍了使用我们的方法进行的第一个实验以及一些初步结果,这些结果表明了该方法在执行远程和自动可用性评估中的潜力。 copycopyright ACM2010。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1931344.1931363]

[129] A method of adaptive process mining based on time-varying sliding window and relation of adjacent event dependency (2012)

(Shi, Mei Hong and Jang, Shou Shan and Guo, Yong Gang and Chen, Liang and Cao, Kai Duan | Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2012)

Abstract: Most existing process mining methods were designed for ignoring time variability from real business process data, thus it could be hard to implement adaptive process mining. To deal with this problem, a new method of adaptive process mining was proposed in order to mine unremittingly process models of gradual change which represents the improvement stages of business processes and improve accuracy of mined results. Given related concepts of a time-varying sliding window and relation of adjacent event dependency, update rules of modifying continuously size and progress in a time-varying sliding window were studied based on changed frequency of mined results and arrival rate of process instance streams, and an algorithm of process mining was presented by applying relation of adjacent event dependency among activities. Finally, a plug-in tool in PROM was developed to implement this algorithm. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 大多数现有的流程挖掘方法都是为了从实际业务流程数据中忽略时间可变性而设计的,因此可能难以实施自适应流程挖掘。为了解决这个问题,提出了一种新的自适应过程挖掘方法,以不间断地挖掘逐渐变化的过程模型,该模型代表了业务过程的改进阶段,提高了挖掘结果的准确性。给出了时变滑动窗口的相关概念和相邻事件依存关系,基于挖掘结果的变化频率和流程实例流的到达率,研究了时变滑动窗口中连续修改大小和进度的更新规则,以及通过应用活动之间的相邻事件依赖关系,提出了一种流程挖掘算法。最后,开发了PROM中的插件工具来实现该算法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISdea.2012.536]

[130] A method towards process similarity measurement according to constrained traces (2017)

(Tan, WenAn and Wang, Pan | Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2017)

Abstract: The wide application of Business Process Management has led to the existence of a tremendous amount of process models. Similarity measurement of process models is usually considered a versatile solution to fulfill their effective utilization. Although many researches haves worked on different notions of model similarity, most of them are not precise enough, as there is always a gap between the structural and behavioral similarity measurements and the impacts of some important activities are reduced because of the undifferentiated treatment on traces. To address the problem, in this paper, we introduce a proper metric to quantify process similarity based on constrained trace alignment. It is grounded in the constrained longest common subsequences which can retain the behavior and structure information of the original model and guarantee the priority of some significant parts of a process. The experiment result shows that this method can significantly improve the similarity value and make it more appropriate for practical application.


摘要: 业务流程管理的广泛应用导致了大量流程模型的存在。过程模型的相似性度量通常被认为是实现其有效利用的通用解决方案。尽管许多研究都针对模型相似性的不同概念进行了研究,但是大多数研究还不够精确,因为在结构和行为相似性度量之间始终存在差距,并且由于对痕迹进行了未区别的处理,因此减少了一些重要活动的影响。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们引入了一种合适的度量来基于约束的迹线对齐来量化过程相似性。它基于受约束的最长公共子序列,这些子序列可以保留原始模型的行为和结构信息,并确保流程中某些重要部分的优先级。实验结果表明,该方法可以显着提高相似度,使其更适合实际应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2017.8066674]

[131] A methodology for building log of collaboration processes (2014)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Ribighini, Giuseppa | 2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2014)

Abstract: The analysis of data produced during collaborative activities allows organizations to improve collaboration management. Since people use several collaboration tools, these kind of data are difficult to obtain. Furthermore they are heterogeneous and require an important preprocessing step to be useful. In the present work we introduce a methodology aimed at obtaining a single log with all data related to team activities. To improve process analysis, such data log is semantically enriched by means of a multidimensional taxonomy capable of describing collaboration activities at various abstraction levels. We also introduce a case study to be used throughout the paper as an illustrative example. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 对协作活动期间产生的数据的分析使组织可以改善协作管理。由于人们使用多种协作工具,因此很难获得此类数据。此外,它们是异类的,需要重要的预处理步骤才能使用。在当前的工作中,我们介绍一种旨在获取包含与团队活动有关的所有数据的单个日志的方法。为了改进过程分析,通过能够在各种抽象级别描述协作活动的多维分类法在语义上丰富了这种数据日志。我们还介绍了一个案例研究,将在整篇论文中用作说明性示例。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2014.6867586]

[132] A module-based approach for structural matching of process models (2012)

(Abbas, Sonia and Seba, Hamida | Proceedings - 2012 5th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2012)

Abstract: The current tendency of information system organizations to work with process models has led to an increase in the importance of the comparison of these models stored in some collection or repository. Comparing process models for similarity or dissimilarity search faces two main challenges: (1) Finding the most relevant/irrelevant process model to a particular process or query of interest, and (2) Decreasing the time complexity to achieve this task. Many approaches have been proposed to improve the relevance of returned processes depending on matching the graphs that represent these processes. This generally turns to a graph matching problem known to be an NP-Hard problem. In this paper, we propose to decompose process model graphs into modules in order to improve the precision of the returned results while keeping a polynomial time complexity of matchmaking. The Modules are sub-parts of the process model that capture the most important sub-structures of the process graph. With these modules, the original process graph can be represented by a tree which is more easier to match. We have evaluated our approach within a benchmark of process graphs. The results of our experiments confirm that our approach obtains more relevant results with less time than a typical graph matching based method. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 信息系统组织当前使用过程模型的趋势已导致比较存储在某个集合或存储库中的这些模型的重要性越来越高。比较相似或不相似搜索的过程模型面临两个主要挑战:(1)找到与特定过程或感兴趣的查询最相关/最不相关的过程模型,以及(2)减少实现此任务的时间复杂度。已经提出了许多方法来改善返回的过程的相关性,具体取决于匹配代表这些过程的图的匹配。通常,这会变成一个称为NP-Hard问题的图匹配问题。在本文中,我们建议将过程模型图分解为模块,以提高返回结果的精度,同时保持配对的多项式时间复杂度。模块是过程模型的子部分,它们捕获过程图的最重要的子结构。使用这些模块,原始过程图可以由更容易匹配的树表示。我们已经在流程图的基准中评估了我们的方法。实验结果证实,与典型的基于图匹配的方法相比,我们的方法可在更短的时间内获得更多相关结果。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCA.2012.6449441]

[133] A multi-dimensional quality assessment of state-of-the-art process discovery algorithms using real-life event logs (2012)

(De Weerdt | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining is the research domain that is dedicated to the a posteriori analysis of business process executions. The techniques developed within this research area are specifically designed to provide profound insight by exploiting the untapped reservoir of knowledge that resides within event logs of information systems. Process discovery is one specific subdomain of process mining that entails the discovery of control-flow models from such event logs. Assessing the quality of discovered process models is an essential element, both for conducting process mining research as well as for the use of process mining in practice. In this paper, a multi-dimensional quality assessment is presented in order to comprehensively evaluate process discovery techniques. In contrast to previous studies, the major contribution of this paper is the use of eight real-life event logs. For instance, we show that evaluation based on real-life event logs significantly differs from the traditional approach to assess process discovery techniques using artificial event logs. In addition, we provide an extensive overview of available process discovery techniques and we describe how discovered process models can be assessed regarding both accuracy and comprehensibility. The results of our study indicate that the HeuristicsMiner algorithm is especially suited in a real-life setting. However, it is also shown that, particularly for highly complex event logs, knowledge discovery from such data sets can become a major problem for traditional process discovery techniques. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 流程挖掘是致力于对业务流程执行进行事后分析的研究领域。在该研究领域内开发的技术经过专门设计,可通过利用驻留在信息系统事件日志中的未开发的知识资源来提供深刻的见解。流程发现是流程挖掘的一个特定子域,它要求从此类事件日志中发现控制流模型。评估发现的过程模型的质量是进行过程挖掘研究以及在实践中使用过程挖掘的基本要素。在本文中,为了全面评估过程发现技术,提出了多维质量评估。与以前的研究相比,本文的主要贡献是使用了8个现实事件日志。例如,我们表明,基于真实事件日志的评估与使用人工事件日志评估流程发现技术的传统方法大不相同。此外,我们对可用的过程发现技术进行了广泛的概述,并描述了如何评估准确性和可理解性方面的发现过程模型。我们的研究结果表明,启发式Miner算法特别适合于现实生活中的环境。但是,还显示出,特别是对于高度复杂的事件日志,从此类数据集中发现知识可能成为传统过程发现技术的主要问题。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.02.004]

[134] A multi-functional architecture addressing workflow and service challenges using provenance data (2010)

(Naseri, Mahsa and Ludwig, Simone A. | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings)

Abstract: In service-oriented environments, keeping track of the composition process along with the data transformations and services provides a rich amount of information for later reasoning. Current exploitation and application of this information, which is referred to as provenance data, is very limited as provenance systems started being developed for specific applications. Therefore, there is a need for a multi-functional architecture, which would be application-independent and could be deployed in any area. In this paper, we present an architecture, which exploits provenance information to target the current challenges of workflows. These challenges include workflow composition, abstract workflow selection, refinement, evaluation, and graph model extraction. textcopyright 2010 ACM.


摘要: 在面向服务的环境中,跟踪组合过程以及数据转换和服务可提供大量信息,以供以后进行推理。由于开始针对特定应用开发出处系统,因此对这种信息(即出处数据)的当前开发和应用非常有限。因此,需要一种多功能体系结构,该体系结构将与应用程序无关并且可以部署在任何区域。在本文中,我们提出了一种架构,该架构利用出处信息来针对工作流的当前挑战。这些挑战包括工作流程组成,抽象工作流程选择,优化,评估和图形模型提取。 t​​extcopyright 2010 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1871902.1871920]

[135] A new method for occupational fraud detection in process aware information systems (2013)

(Mardani, Shahla and Shahriari, Hamid Reza | 2013 10th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ISCISC 2013)

Abstract: Today, companies have turned to use fraud detection methods to reduce their financial losses that have been arisen in this way. Thus, Process aware information systems are vulnerable to insider frauds. Flexibility in these systems gives the opportunity for fraudsters to commit illegal activities. Strict security controls on these systems at runtime reduces their flexibility. Moreover, the frequent changes in these systems make inefficient the ordinary fraud detection methods and it remains as a challenge for organizations. In this paper, we propose a new fraud detection method that uses both statistical information about systems log and process model mined from it to detect fraudulent instances. Our method reduces false positive rate and supports loop, parallel and selection structures in processes. The experimental results show effectiveness of the approach as it represents value of more than 0.8 for F-measure. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 今天,公司已经开始使用欺诈检测方法来减少这种方式造成的财务损失。因此,具有流程意识的信息系统容易受到内部欺诈的侵害。这些系统的灵活性为欺诈者提供了进行非法活动的机会。这些系统在运行时受到严格的安全控制,降低了它们的灵活性;此外,这些系统的频繁更改使普通的欺诈检测方法效率低下,这仍然是组织面临的挑战,在本文中,我们提出了一种新的欺诈检测方法,该方法使用从系统日志中提取统计信息和从中提取的流程模型以检测欺诈实例,我们的方法降低了误报率,并支持流程中的循环,并行和选择结构,实验结果表明该方法的有效性,因为它的值大于0.8用于F度量。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISCISC.2013.6767348]


[136] A new model for discovering process trees from event logs (2014)

(Vahedian Khezerlou | Applied Intelligence)

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim at extracting knowledge from event logs. One of the most important tasks in process mining is process model discovery. In discovering process models, an algorithm is designed to build a process model from a given event log. In this paper, a new model to discover process models has been proposed. A combination of Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing has been used in this model. Genetic Algorithms has previously been used in this context. Previous approaches had drawbacks in fitness evaluation that misguided the algorithm. Another problem was that the quality of the candidates, in the population, was low such that it reduced the chance of finding a perfect answer. In this paper, a new fitness measure has been proposed to evaluate process models based on event logs. Moreover SA has been used to improve the quality of candidates in the population. It has been demonstrated that the proposed model outperformed in terms of rediscovering process models, compared to other approaches which are proposed in the literature, which was the result of better fitness evaluation and increased quality of individuals,. It came to conclusion that using GA and SA in combination with each other can be effective in this context.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在从事件日志中提取知识。流程挖掘中最重要的任务之一是流程模型发现。在发现流程模型时,设计了一种算法,可以从给定的事件日志中构建流程模型。在本文中,提出了一种发现过程模型的新模型。该模型使用了遗传算法和模拟退火的组合。遗传算法以前已在这种情况下使用。先前的方法在适应性评估中存在缺陷,误导了该算法。另一个问题是,候选人在人群中的素质很低,以致减少了找到完美答案的机会。在本文中,提出了一种新的适应性度量,用于基于事件日志评估过程模型。此外,SA已被用来提高人口中候选人的素质。已经证明,与文献中提出的其他方法相比,所提出的模型在重新发现过程模型方面的表现要好,这是更好的适应性评估和个人素质提高的结果。得出的结论是,在这种情况下,将GA和SA相互结合使用是有效的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10489-014-0564-7]

[137] A new process mining algorithm based on event type (2011)

(Wang, Dongyi and Ge, Jidong and Hu, Hao and Luo, Bin | Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, DASC 2011)

Abstract: The aim of process mining is to rediscover the process model from the event log which is recorded by the information system. Although the omnipresence of the event logs in information system, rarely part of them are considered to analyze the processes. In this paper, we present a new mining algorithm based on the event type we defined. This algorithm not only can detect all of the SWF-nets and short-loops, but also can directly detect the implicit dependency. Because we can obtain more task information from the event log, we can deal with a wider subclass of WF-nets with the algorithm we have presented. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘的目的是从信息系统记录的事件日志中重新发现过程模型。尽管事件日志在信息系统中无处不在,但很少考虑将其一部分用于分析过程。在本文中,我们根据定义的事件类型提出了一种新的挖掘算法。该算法不仅可以检测所有SWF网络和短环,还可以直接检测隐式依赖性。因为我们可以从事件日志中获取更多的任务信息,所以可以使用我们提出的算法处理WF-net的更大子类。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DASC.2011.186]

[138] A new process mining algorithm of workflow (2009)

(He, Shenghui and Lv, Tao and Huang, Binggui | Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, IIS 2009)

Abstract: Workflow process mining technology is not a tool of workflow design, but it is very useful for understanding the current business processes. Workflow process mining does well in knowledge management and decision-making support. The dynamic flow control and fuzziness make the old methods that analysis the performance of workflow not applicable. In order to solve the problem a new workflow process mining algorithm is presented. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流流程挖掘技术不是工作流设计的工具,但是对于理解当前的业务流程非常有用。工作流过程挖掘在知识管理和决策支持方面做得很好。动态流控制和模糊性使分析工作流性能的旧方法不适用。为了解决该问题,提出了一种新的工作流过程挖掘算法。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IIS.2009.42]

[139] A new process mining approach based on the Markov transition matrix (2014)

(Li, Hong and Li, Kunman | Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2014)

Abstract: According to the situation that many workflow instances may deviate from the predefined model, this paper proposed a new process mining approach based on analyzing the workflow log to realize the workflow process reconstruction. First, build the Markov transition matrix based on the workflow log, then design a multi-step process mining algorithm to mine the structural relationships between the activities, finally, this paper verifies the feasibility and applicability of the approach through a simulation example. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 根据许多工作流实例可能偏离预定义模型的情况,本文提出了一种新的基于工作流日志分析的过程挖掘方法,以实现工作流过程重构。首先,基于工作流日志建立马尔可夫转移矩阵,然后设计一个多步骤的过程挖掘算法来挖掘活动之间的结构关系,最后,通过一个仿真实例验证了该方法的可行性和适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCI.2014.99]

[140] A new verification technique for large processes based on identification of relevant tasks (2015)

(Mrasek, Richard and Mulle, Jutta and Bohm, Klemens | Information Systems)

Abstract: Verification recently has become a challenging topic for business process languages. Verification techniques like model checking allow to ensure that a process complies with domain-specific requirements, prior to the execution. To execute full-state verification techniques like model checking, the state space of the process needs to be constructed. This tends to increase exponentially with the size of the process schema, or it can even be infinite. We address this issue by means of requirements-specific reduction techniques, i.e., reducing the size of the state space without changing the result of the verification. We present an approach that, for a given requirement the system must fulfill, identifies the tasks relevant for the verification. Our approach then uses these relevant tasks for a reduction that confines the process to regions of interest for the verification. To evaluate our new technique, we use real-world industrial processes and requirements. Mainly because these processes make heavy use of parallelization, full-state-search verification algorithms are not able to verify them. With our reduction in turn, even complex processes with many parallel branches can be verified in less than 10 s. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 最近,验证已成为业务流程语言的具有挑战性的主题。诸如模型检查之类的验证技术可确保在执行之前确保流程符合特定于域的要求。为了执行诸如模型检查之类的全状态验证技术,需要构建流程的状态空间。这往往随着流程模式的大小呈指数增长,甚至可以是无限的。我们通过特定于需求的缩减技术来解决此问题,即在不更改验证结果的情况下减小状态空间的大小。我们提出了一种方法,对于给定的系统必须满足的要求,它可以识别与验证相关的任务。然后,我们的方法使用这些相关任务进行简化,从而将过程限制在感兴趣的区域进行验证。为了评估我们的新技术,我们使用了实际的工业过程和要求。主要是因为这些过程大量使用并行化,所以全状态搜索验证算法无法对其进行验证。通过我们的减少,甚至可以在不到10秒的时间内验证甚至具有许多并行分支的复杂过程。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.07.001]

[141] A novel approach for process mining based on event types (2009)

(Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Despite the omnipresence of event logs in transactional information systems (cf. WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems), historic information is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. Given its potential and challenges it is no surprise that recently process mining has become a vivid research area. In this paper, a novel approach for process mining based on two event types, i.e., START and COMPLETE, is proposed. Information about the start and completion of tasks can be used to explicitly detect parallelism. The algorithm presented in this paper overcomes some of the limitations of existing algorithms such as the alphaalpha-algorithm (e.g., short-loops) and therefore enhances the applicability of process mining. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 尽管事务日志系统中事件日志无处不在(例如WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统),历史信息很少用于分析基础流程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供用于从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一点,即流程挖掘的基本思想是通过挖掘事件日志中的知识来诊断业务流程。鉴于其潜力和挑战,近来过程采矿已成为一个生动的研究领域也就不足为奇了。本文提出了一种基于两种事件类型START和COMPLETE的过程挖掘新方法。有关任务开始和完成的信息可用于显式检测并行性。本文提出的算法克服了现有算法的某些局限性,例如$ alpha $-算法(例如,短循环),因此增强了流程挖掘的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-007-0052-1]

[142] A novel approach for process mining based on event types (2009)

(Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Van Der Aalst | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Despite the omnipresence of event logs in transactional information systems (cf. WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems), historic information is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. Given its potential and challenges it is no surprise that recently process mining has become a vivid research area. In this paper, a novel approach for process mining based on two event types, i.e., START and COMPLETE, is proposed. Information about the start and completion of tasks can be used to explicitly detect parallelism. The algorithm presented in this paper overcomes some of the limitations of existing algorithms such as the alphaalpha-algorithm (e.g., short-loops) and therefore enhances the applicability of process mining. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 尽管事务日志系统中事件日志无处不在(例如WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统),历史信息很少用于分析基础流程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供用于从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一点,即流程挖掘的基本思想是通过挖掘事件日志中的知识来诊断业务流程。鉴于其潜力和挑战,近来过程采矿已成为一个生动的研究领域也就不足为奇了。本文提出了一种基于两种事件类型START和COMPLETE的过程挖掘新方法。有关任务开始和完成的信息可用于显式检测并行性。本文提出的算法克服了现有算法的某些局限性,例如$ alpha $-算法(例如,短循环),因此增强了流程挖掘的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-007-0052-1]

[143] A novel approach to process mining: Intentional process models discovery (2014)

(Khodabandelou, Ghazaleh and Hug, Charlotte and Salinesi, Camille | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: So far, process mining techniques have suggested to model processes in terms of tasks that occur during the enactment of a process. However, research on method engineering and guidance has illustrated that many issues, such as lack of flexibility or adaptation, are solved more effectively when intentions are explicitly specified. This paper presents a novel approach of process mining, called Map Miner Method (MMM). This method is designed to automate the construction of intentional process models from process logs. MMM uses Hidden Markov Models to model the relationship between users activities logs and the strategies to fulfill their intentions. The method also includes two specific algorithms developed to infer users intentions and construct intentional process model (Map) respectively. MMM can construct Map process models with different levels of abstraction (fine-grained and coarse-grained process models) with respect to the Map metamodel formalism (i.e., metamodel that specifies intentions and strategies of process actors). This paper presents all steps toward the construction of Map process models topology. The entire method is applied on a large-scale case study (Eclipse UDC) to mine the associated intentional process. The likelihood of the obtained process model shows a satisfying efficiency for the proposed method. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 到目前为止,过程挖掘技术已建议根据过程制定过程中发生的任务对过程进行建模。但是,对方法工程和指导的研究表明,许多问题,例如缺乏灵活性或适应性,都得到了解决。本文提出了一种新的过程挖掘方法,称为Map Miner方法(MMM),该方法旨在从过程日志中自动构建有意过程模型,MMM使用隐马尔可夫模型对模型进行建模。用户活动日志和实现其意图的策略之间的关系。该方法还包括两种特定的算法,分别用于推断用户的意图和构造意图过程模型(Map)。MMM可以构造具有不同抽象级别的Map过程模型(精细Map元模型形式主义(即指定了是过程参与者的意图和策略)。本文介绍了构建Map过程模型拓扑的所有步骤。整个方法应用于大型案例研究(Eclipse UDC),以挖掘相关的有意过程。对于所提出的方法,获得的过程模型的可能性显示出令人满意的效率。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2014.6861040]

[144] A performance analysis on task allocation using social context (2012)

(Xu, Jiaxing and Huang, Zhenguang and Yu, Yang and Pan, Maolin | Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing and 2nd International Conference on Social Computing and Its Applications, CGC/SCA 2012)

Abstract: Task allocation strategy has a great impact on the performance of the workflow management system in workflow scheduling. Most task allocation algorithms focus on the resource status only. Few algorithms consider the change of efficiency while performer working with different people. To achieve this, this paper presents a concept of Social Context Impact Factor (SCIF) and implements several task allocation algorithms with SCIF base on processing time perspective. A simulation of these algorithms has been taken and the simulation result is analyzed with case complete time, case processing time, throughput and resources utilization. The simulation shows that SCIF can raise the throughput and maximal workload of the system and decrease the resource utilization. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 任务分配策略在工作流调度中对工作流管理系统的性能有很大影响。大多数任务分配算法仅关注资源状态。很少有算法会考虑表演者与不同人一起工作时效率的变化。为了实现这一目标,本文提出了一种社会情境影响因子(SCIF)的概念,并基于处理时间的观点,利用SCIF实现了几种任务分配算法。对这些算法进行了仿真,并通过案例完成时间,案例处理时间,吞吐量和资源利用率对仿真结果进行了分析。仿真表明,SCIF可以提高系统的吞吐量和最大工作量,并降低资源利用率。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CGC.2012.88]

[145] A personalized mobile patient guide system for a patient-centered smart hospital: Lessons learned from a usability test and satisfaction survey in a tertiary university hospital (2016)

(Yoo, Sooyoung and Jung, Se Young and Kim, Seok and Kim, Eunhye and Lee, Kee Hyuck and Chung, Eunja and Hwang, Hee | International Journal of Medical Informatics)

Abstract: Objective: The present study focused on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a personalized mobile patient guide system that utilizes smart phones, indoor navigation technology and a hospital information system (HIS) to address the difficulties that outpatients face in finding hospital facilities, recognizing their daily treatment schedule, and accessing personalized medical and administrative information. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in a fully digitized tertiary university hospital in South Korea. We developed a real-time location-based outpatient guide system that consists of Bluetooth access points (APs) for indoor navigation, an Android-based guide application, a guide server, and interfaces with the HIS. A total of 33 subjects and 43 outpatients participated in the usability test (UT) and the satisfaction survey, respectively. Results: We confirmed that the indoor navigation feature can be applied to outpatient departments with precision using a position error test. The participants in the UT completed each scenario with an average success rate of 67.4%. According to the results, we addressed the problems and made improvements to the user interface by providing users with context-based guidance information. The satisfaction rating of the system was high, with an average score of 4.0 out of 5.0, showing its utility as a patient-centered hospital service. Conclusion: The innovative mobile patient guide system for outpatients is feasible and can be successfully implemented to provide personalized information with high satisfaction. Additionally, the issues identified and lessons learned from our experiences regarding task scheduling, indoor navigation, and usability should be considered when developing the system.


摘要: 目标:本研究专注于个性化移动患者指南系统的设计,实施和评估,该系统利用智能手机,室内导航技术和医院信息系统(HIS)解决门诊病人在寻找医院设施时面临的困难,确定他们的日常治疗时间表,并访问个性化的医疗和管理信息。材料和方法:本研究在韩国一家完全数字化的三级大学医院中进行。我们开发了一种基于位置的实时门诊指南系统,该系统包括用于室内导航的蓝牙访问点(AP),基于Android的指南应用程序,指南服务器以及与HIS的接口。共有33位受试者和43位门诊患者分别参加了可用性测试(UT)和满意度调查。结果:我们证实,使用位置误差测试可以将室内导航功能精确地应用于门诊。 UT的参与者完成了每种情况,平均成功率为67.4%。根据结果​​,我们通过为用户提供基于上下文的指导信息来解决问题并改进了用户界面。该系统的满意度很高,平均分为4.0分(满分为5.0分),显示出它作为以患者为中心的医院服务的效用。结论:创新的门诊移动患者指导系统是可行的,可以成功实施,以提供高度满意的个性化信息。此外,在开发系统时,应考虑发现的问题并从我们的任务调度,室内导航和可用性方面的经验中吸取教训。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.04.003]

[146] A policy-based process mining framework: Mining business policy texts for discovering process models (2010)

(Li, Jiexun and Wang, Harry Jiannan and Zhang, Zhu and Zhao, J. Leon | Information Systems and e-Business Management)

Abstract: Many organizations use business policies to govern their business processes, often resulting in huge amounts of policy documents. As new regulations arise such as Sarbanes-Oxley, these business policies must be modified to ensure their correctness and consistency. Given the large amounts of business policies, manually analyzing policy documents to discover process information is very time-consuming and imposes excessive workload. In order to provide a solution to this information overload problem, we propose a novel approach named Policy-based Process Mining (PBPM) to automatically extracting process information from policy documents. Several text mining algorithms are applied to business policy texts in order to discover process-related policies and extract such process components as tasks, data items, and resources. Experiments are conducted to validate the extracted components and the results are found to be very promising. To the best of our knowledge, PBPM is the first approach that applies text mining towards discovering business process components from unstructured policy documents. The initial research results presented in this paper will require more research efforts to make PBPM a practical solution. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2009.


摘要: 许多组织使用业务策略来管理其业务流程,通常会产生大量的策略文档。随着诸如Sarbanes-Oxley之类的新法规的出现,必须修改这些业务策略以确保其正确性和一致性。考虑到大量的业务策略,手动分析策略文档以发现流程信息非常耗时,并且会增加工作量。为了提供对此信息过载问题的解决方案,我们提出了一种新方法,称为基于策略的流程挖掘(PBPM),可以从策略文档中自动提取流程信息。几种文本挖掘算法被应用于业务策略文本,以发现与流程相关的策略并提取诸如任务,数据项和资源之类的流程组件。进行实验以验证提取的成分,发现结果很有希望。据我们所知,PBPM是将文本挖掘应用于从非结构化策略文档中发现业务流程组件的第一种方法。本文提出的初步研究结果将需要更多的研究工作才能使PBPM成为可行的解决方案。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2009。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-009-0112-x]

[147] A practical approach to automated business process discovery (2013)

(Yano, Keisuke and Nomura, Yoshihide and Kanai, Tsuyoshi | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: Process mining has been studied for many years but has not been so widely adopted in real business practices. In this study, we propose a practical approach to process mining. This approach has three characteristics. Firstly, we make use of transaction databases of business systems that dont necessarily have an identifier throughout a process instance, rather than workflow logs. Secondly, we visualize and analyze what really happened without model inference. Thirdly, we also analyze exceptional processes as well as typical processes. This approach is implemented in a tool called BPM-E and was successfully adopted in real business systems in Japan, North America, and Europe. We show two case studies of BPME in this paper to explain how it works after the technical description. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘已经研究了很多年,但是在实际业务实践中并未得到广泛采用。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种实用的过程挖掘方法。该方法具有三个特点。首先,我们利用了不一定在整个流程实例中都有标识符的业务系统,而不是在工作流日志中;其次,我们可以可视化和分析没有模型推断的情况,然后,我们还分析了异常流程和典型流程。 copycopyright 2013年,在本文中,我们展示了两个BPME案例研究,以解释它的工作原理,该工具名为BPM-E,并已成功应用于日本,北美和欧洲的实际业务系统中。 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2013.13]

[148] A principled approach to mining from noisy logs using Heuristics Miner (2013)

(Weber, Philip and Bordbar, Behzad and Tino, Peter | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013)

Abstract: Noise is a challenge for process mining algorithms, but there is no standard definition of noise nor accepted way to quantify it. This means it is not possible to mine with confidence from event logs which may not record the underlying process correctly. We discuss one way of thinking about noise in process mining. We consider mining from a noisy log as learning a probability distribution over traces, representing the true process, from a log which is a sample from multiple distributions: the true process model and one or more noise models. We apply this using a probabilistic analysis of the Heuristics Miner algorithm, and demonstrate on a simple example. We show that for a given model it is possible to predict how much data is needed to mine the underlying model without the noise, and identify differences in the the robustness of Heuristics Miner to different types of noise. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 噪声对过程挖掘算法是一个挑战,但是没有噪声的标准定义,也没有量化噪声的可接受方法。这意味着不可能从可能无法正确记录基础过程的事件日志中自信地进行挖掘。一种思考过程挖掘中噪声的方法,我们认为从嘈杂的日志中进行挖掘是从表示多个过程的样本的日志中学习表示真实过程的迹线的概率分布:真实过程模型和一个或多个噪声模型。我们通过对启发式Miner算法进行概率分析来应用此方法,并在一个简单的示例上进行演示:我们表明,对于给定的模型,可以预测挖掘基础模型所需的数据量没有噪音,并找出启发式采矿器对不同类型噪音的鲁棒性差异。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597226]

[149] A probabilistic approach to event log completeness (2017)

(Ayo, Femi Emmanuel and Folorunso, Olusegun and Ibharalu, Friday Thomas | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Recently, researchers discovered that the major problems of mining event logs is to discover a simple, sound and complete process model. But since the mining techniques can only reproduce the behaviour recorded in the log, the fitness of the reproduced model is a function of the event log completeness. In this paper, a Fuzzy-Genetic Mining model based on Bayesian Scoring Functions (FGM-BSF) which we called probabilistic approach was developed to tackle problems which emanated from the incomplete event logs. The main motivation of using genetic mining for the process discovery is to benefit from the global search performed by the algorithm. The incompleteness in processes deals with uncertainty and is tackled by using the probabilistic nature of the scoring functions in Bayesian network based on a fuzzy logic value prediction. The global search performed by the genetic approach is panacea to dealing with the population that has both good and bad individuals. Hence, the proposed approach helps to enhance a robust fitness function for the genetic algorithm through highlift traces representing only good individuals not detected by mining model without an intelligent system. The implementation of our approach was carried out on java platform with MySQL for event log parsing and preprocessing while the actual discovery was done in ProM. The results showed that the proposed approach achieved 0.98% fitness when compared with existing schemes.


摘要: 最近,研究人员发现,挖掘事件日志的主要问题是发现一个简单,合理且完整的流程模型。但是,由于挖掘技术只能重现日志中记录的行为,因此重现模型的适用性是事件日志完整性的函数。在本文中,我们开发了一种基于贝叶斯评分函数(FGM-BSF)的模糊遗传挖掘模型,我们将其称为概率方法,以解决由于事件日志不完整而产生的问题。使用遗传挖掘进行过程发现的主要动机是受益于算法执行的全局搜索。过程的不完整性处理不确定性,并通过基于模糊逻辑值预测的贝叶斯网络评分函数的概率性质来解决。遗传方法进行的全局搜索是应对拥有好人和坏人的人群的灵丹妙药。因此,所提出的方法有助于通过仅代表良好个体的高举轨迹来增强遗传算法的鲁棒适应性功能,而该个体不会被没有智能系统的挖掘模型所检测到。我们的方法的实现是在带有MySQL的Java平台上执行的,用于事件日志解析和预处理,而实际发现是在ProM中完成的。结果表明,与现有方案相比,该方案具有0.98%的适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2017.03.039]

[150] A probabilistic-based approach to process model discovery (2011)

(Castellanos, Malu and Casati, Fabio and Dayal, Umeshwar | Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering)

Abstract: Process discovery is crucial for understanding how business operations are performed and how to improve them. The opportunity to discover process models exists given that many systems underlying the execution of process steps log their execution times. However, there are many challenges to discover the actual processes particularly complex ones and without making unrealistic assumptions. In this paper we present a novel probabilistic-based approach to discover high quality process models of any complexity. The approach has a series of steps to discover links between nodes corresponding to execution dependencies between tasks and at the end it ranks these links according to their probabilities of actually existing and classifies them according to their type. In this paper we formulate the process discovery problem, describe the challenges and describe our solution. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程发现对于了解如何执行业务运营以及如何改进业务运营至关重要。鉴于存在许多执行过程步骤的基础系统会记录其执行时间,因此存在发现过程模型的机会。但是,要发现实际过程,尤其是复杂过程,并且要做出不切实际的假设,将面临许多挑战。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于概率的新颖方法来发现任何复杂性的高质量过程模型。该方法具有一系列步骤,以发现与任务之间的执行依赖性相对应的节点之间的链接,最后,根据这些链接实际存在的概率对这些链接进行排名,并根据其类型对其进行分类。在本文中,我们提出了过程发现问题,描述了挑战并描述了我们的解决方案。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDEW.2011.5767637]


[151] A process mining analysis on a Virtual Electronic Patient Record system (2013)

(Rebuge, Alvaro and Lap~ao, Luis Velez and Freitas, Alberto and Cruz-Correia, Ricardo | Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems)

Abstract: Process mining can be used to extract healthcare processes related information from event logs by performing analysis exploiting the information recorded in it. We report a process mining analysis made to an event log containing traces on user activity recorded by a Virtual Electronic Patient Record (VEPR) system of a Central Hospital. A set of technical analyses were performed. Results from the discovery and characterization of global behavior and from a time series analysis on observed user tasks are reported. Process mining was applied successfully to discover, characterize and analyze user behavior recorded from VEPR. Worth noting the execution of tasks profile observed after log out, revealing significant security problems. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘可用于通过利用记录在事件日志中的信息进行分析来从事件日志中提取与医疗过程相关的信息。我们报告对事件日志进行的过程挖掘分析,该事件日志包含由中央医院的虚拟电子病历(VEPR)系统记录的用户活动跟踪。进行了一组技术分析。报告了发现和表征全局行为以及对观察到的用户任务进行时间序列分析的结果。流程挖掘已成功应用于发现,表征和分析从VEPR记录的用户行为。值得一提的是注销后观察到的任务配置文件的执行情况,揭示了重大的安全问题。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[152] A process mining approach to linking the study of aptitude and event facets of self-regulated learning (2015)

(Beheshitha, Sanam Shirazi and Gavsevic | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Research on self-regulated learning has taken main two paths: self-regulated learning as aptitudes and more recently, selfregulated learning as events. This paper proposes the use of the Fuzzy miner process mining technique to examine the relationship between students self-reported aptitudes (i.e., achievement goal orientation and approaches to learning) and strategies followed in self-regulated learning. A pilot study is conducted to probe the method and the preliminary results are reported.


摘要: 自我调节学习的研究主要走了两条路径:以自我调节学习为天赋,最近以自我调节学习为事件。本文提出使用模糊矿工过程挖掘技术来检验学生自我调节之间的关系。报告了自己进行自律式学习的能力(即成就目标的定向和学习方法)和遵循的策略。进行了试点研究以探究该方法,并报告了初步结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2723576.2723628]

[153] A process mining approach to measure how users interact with software: An industrial case study (2015)

(Astromskis, Saulius and Janes, Andrea and Mairegger, Michael | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Characterizing how users interact with software has many applications. For example, to understand which features are used, in which sequence operations are performed, etc. can help to understand how the user interface could be improved, to identify missing features, or to identify scenarios which are good candidates for test cases. This paper presents an industrial case study in which we investigate how users interact with an enterprise resource planning software using process mining. Our case study illustrates how we identify user interaction processes, the encountered advantages, and the faced challenges. One of the major findings is that the decision how to group events into cases is crucial for the application of the method.


摘要: 表征用户如何与软件交互具有许多应用程序。例如,了解使用了哪些功能,按哪些顺序执行操作等可以帮助您了解如何改进用户界面,识别缺失的功能或识别适合作为测试用例的方案。本文提出了一个工业案例研究,其中我们调查了用户如何使用流程挖掘与企业资源计划软件进行交互。我们的案例研究说明了我们如何确定用户交互过程,遇到的优势和面临的挑战。主要发现之一是,如何将事件分组为案例的决定对于该方法的应用至关重要。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2785592.2785612]

[154] A process mining approach to redesign business processes - A case study in gas industry (2007)

(Van Beest | Proceedings - 9th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2007)

Abstract: Nowadays organizations have to adjust their business processes along with the changing environment, in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Often, a change in a part of the system which is to support the business process implies a change of the whole system, which causes complex redesign activities. In this paper we present a case study involving the process redesign of a Dutch company belonging to gas industry. In order to identify appropriate redesign interventions, process mining and simulation techniques are used. This paper presents a process mining approach used in this case study, which consists of three steps: (i) data preparation, (ii) process mining and performance analysis, and (iii) simulation of the current and redesigned process models. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 如今,组织必须随着不断变化的环境调整业务流程,以保持竞争优势。通常,支持业务流程的系统部分的更改意味着整个系统的更改,这将导致复杂的重新设计活动。在本文中,我们提出了一个案例研究,其中涉及一家荷兰天然气公司的流程重新设计。为了确定适当的重新设计干预措施,使用了过程挖掘和模拟技术。本文介绍了此案例研究中使用的过程挖掘方法,该方法包括三个步骤:(i)数据准备,(ii)过程挖掘和性能分析以及(iii)当前和重新设计的过程模型的仿真。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SYNASC.2007.50]

[155] A process mining based approach to knowledge maintenance (2011)

(Li, Ming and Liu, Lu and Yin, Lu and Zhu, Yanqiu | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: The quality of knowledge in the knowledge repository determines the effect of knowledge reusing and sharing. Knowledge to be reused should be checked in advance through a knowledge maintenance process. The knowledge maintenance process model is difficult to be constructed because of the balance between the efficiency and the effect. In this paper, process mining is applied to analyze the knowledge maintenance logs to discover process and then construct a more appropriate knowledge maintenance process model. We analyze knowledge maintenance logs from the control flow perspective to find a good characterization of knowledge maintenance tasks and dependencies. In addition, the logs are analyzed from the organizational perspective to cluster the performers who are qualified to do the same kinds of tasks and to get the relations among these clusters. The proposed approach has been applied in the knowledge management system. The result of the experiment shows that our approach is feasible and efficient. textcopyright 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 知识库中知识的质量决定了知识重用和共享的效果。应在知识维护过程中预先检查要重用的知识。由于效率和效果之间的平衡,因此难以构建知识维护过程模型。本文采用过程挖掘技术对知识维护日志进行分析,发现过程,进而构建更合适的知识维护过程模型。我们从控制流的角度分析知识维护日志,以找到知识维护任务和依存关系的良好表征。此外,还从组织的角度分析了日志,以将合格的执行者聚集在一起,使其有资格执行相同类型的任务并获得这些聚集之间的关系。所提出的方法已应用于知识管理系统中。实验结果表明,该方法是可行和有效的。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-010-9287-4]

[156] A process mining oriented approach to improve process models analysis in developing countries (2017)

(Mapikou, Gaelle Laetitia Mouafo and Etoundi, Roger Atsa | Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA)

Abstract: As a result of the independence and the colonization endured by developing countries, most of their administrative procedures have been inherited from the colonial era. These procedures adapted to the colonizing countries, are complex for the African context. People in charge of their processing are not able to master it, take too much time to put them in practice and consider it as heavy for the administration. Sometimes, some misbehaviors are introduced in the execution of processes to accelerate it; this causes many troubles and incomprehension in their analysis, leading to bad decisions-making within the organization; It is therefore imperative to detect and solve these misbehaviors. The resulting challenge is to improve the comprehension of descriptive process models executed within information systems of developing countries by reducing their structural complexity and detecting anomalies in their execution. A substantial amount of literature has been devoted to this topic, and classified it among the set of problems solved by process mining techniques. Process mining is a research discipline interested in the proposal of methods for extracting descriptive business process models incomprehensible by users. Several techniques have been proposed for this purpose among which the alphaalpha-algorithm, central for this work. The aim of this paper is to propose a refinement of this algorithm in order to generate a less structurally complex and more understandable descriptive process from execution logs within an information system. This refinement is essentially based on splitting the process into sub-processes according to the set of roles involved in the business process execution. The proposed model is experimented on a gynecological oncology workflow log and, it is shown how the whole process is split into sub-processes leading to a saving of execution time equivalent to half the execution time of the basic model.


摘要: 由于发展中国家的独立和殖民化,其大多数行政程序都继承自殖民时代。这些适应殖民地国家的程序对于非洲而言是复杂的。负责处理的人员无法掌握它,需要花费太多时间将它们付诸实践,并认为对于管理部门来说很沉重。有时,在执行过程中会引入一些不当行为以加快执行速度;这会在分析中引起许多麻烦和不理解,从而导致组织内部的错误决策。因此,必须检测并解决这些不当行为。由此产生的挑战是通过降低发展中国家的信息系统的结构复杂性并检测其执行过程中的异常情况来提高对在发展中国家信息系统中执行的描述性过程模型的理解。大量文献致力于该主题,并将其归类为通过过程挖掘技术解决的一系列问题。流程挖掘是一门研究学科,对提出提取用户无法理解的描述性业务流程模型的方法感兴趣。为此目的,已经提出了几种技术,其中$ alpha $-算法是这项工作的中心。本文的目的是提出一种对该算法的改进,以便从信息系统内的执行日志中生成结构上更简单,更易理解的描述过程。这种改进本质上是基于根据业务流程执行中涉及的角色集将流程分为多个子流程。所提出的模型在妇科肿瘤学工作流日志上进行了实验,并显示了如何将整个过程拆分为子过程,从而节省了相当于基本模型执行时间一半的执行时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AICCSA.2016.7945759]

[157] A process mining-based analysis of business process work-arounds (2016)

(Outmazgin, Nesi and Soffer, Pnina | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Business process work-arounds are specific forms of incompliant behavior, where employees intentionally decide to deviate from the required procedures although they are aware of them. Detecting and understanding the work-arounds performed can guide organizations in redesigning and improving their processes and support systems. Existing process mining techniques for compliance checking and diagnosis of incompliant behavior rely on the available information in event logs and emphasize technological capabilities for analyzing this information. They do not distinguish intentional incompliance and do not address the sources of this behavior. In contrast, the paper builds on a list of generic types of work-arounds found in practice and explores whether and how they can be detected by process mining techniques. Results obtained for four work-around types in five real-life processes are reported. The remaining two types are not reflected in events logs and cannot be currently detected by process mining. The detected work-around data are further analyzed for identifying correlations between the frequency of specific work-around types and properties of the processes and of specific activities. The analysis results promote the understanding of work-around situations and sources.


摘要: 业务流程变通办法是不合规行为的特定形式,尽管员工意识到这一点,但他们有意决定偏离要求的程序。检测并了解所执行的变通办法可以指导组织重新设计和改进其流程和支持系统。用于合规性检查和不合规行为诊断的现有过程挖掘技术依赖于事件日志中的可用信息,并强调用于分析此信息的技术能力。他们没有区别故意的不遵守行为,也没有解决这种行为的根源。相反,本文基于在实践中发现的一般变通方法类型列表,并探讨了是否以及如何通过过程挖掘技术可以检测到它们。报告了在五个现实过程中针对四种变通类型获得的结果。其余两种类型未反映在事件日志中,并且当前不能被进程挖掘检测到。进一步分析检测到的解决方法数据,以识别特定解决方法类型的频率与过程和特定活动的属性之间的相关性。分析结果促进了对变通情况和来源的理解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0420-6]

[158] A process mining-based investigation of adverse events in care processes (2014)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Vanhaecht, Kris and Van Limbergen | Health Information Management Journal)

Abstract: This paper proposes the Clinical Pathway Analysis Method (CPAM) approach that enables the extraction of valuable organisational and medical information on past clinical pathway executions from the event logs of healthcare information systems. The method deals with the complexity of real-world clinical pathways by introducing a perspective-based segmentation of the date-stamped event log. CPAM enables the clinical pathway analyst to effectively and efficiently acquire a profound insight into the clinical pathways. By comparing the specific medical conditions of patients with the factors used for characterising the different clinical pathway variants, the medical expert can identify the best therapeutic option. Process mining-based analytics enables the acquisition of valuable insights into clinical pathways, based on the complete audit traces of previous clinical pathway instances. Additionally, the methodology is suited to assess guideline compliance and analyse adverse events. Finally, the methodology provides support for eliciting tacit knowledge and providing treatment selection assistance.


摘要: 本文提出了一种临床途径分析方法(CPAM)方法,该方法能够从医疗保健信息系统的事件日志中提取有关过去临床途径执行的有价值的组织和医学信息。该方法通过引入基于日期的事件日志的透视图分割来解决现实世界中临床路径的复杂性。 CPAM使临床途径分析人员能够有效而高效地获得对临床途径的深刻见解。通过将患者的特定医疗状况与用于表征不同临床途径变异的因素进行比较,医学专家可以确定最佳治疗选择。基于流程挖掘的分析能够基于以前的临床路径实例的完整审计跟踪,获取对临床路径的宝贵见解。此外,该方法适用于评估准则的遵守情况并分析不良事件。最后,该方法为激发默会知识和提供治疗选择帮助提供了支持。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1177/183335831404300103]

[159] A process tree-based algorithm for the detection of implicit dependencies (2016)

(Chabrol, Michelle and Dalmas, Benjamin and Norre, Sylvie and Rodier, Sophie | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Process Mining aims to extract information from event logs to highlight the underlying business processes. It is useful in situations where there is no detailed and complete knowledge of how an overall system works, such as in a hospital where most processes are complex and ad-hoc. Many Process Mining discovery techniques have been proposed so far, but many challenges are still to be faced. Implicit dependencies are one of them. Choice-related phenomenon, implicit dependencies are not taken into account in most algorithms and graphical representations. In this paper, we propose the Implicit Dependencies Miner, a Process Tree based algorithm able to detect relevant dependencies.


摘要: Process Mining旨在从事件日志中提取信息,以突出显示基础业务流程。在没有详细,完整的整体系统工作原理的情况下,例如在大多数过程复杂且临时的医院中,此功能很有用。到目前为止,已经提出了许多过程挖掘发现技术,但是仍然有许多挑战。隐式依赖是其中之一。在大多数算法和图形表示中,不考虑与选择有关的现象,隐式依赖性。在本文中,我们提出了隐式依赖挖掘器,一种基于进程树的算法,能够检测相关的依赖。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549357]

[160] A process-centric data mining and visual analytic tool for exploring complex social networks (2013)

(Dimitrov, Denis and Singh, Lisa and Mann, Janet | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD 2013 Workshop on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics, IDEA 2013)

Abstract: Social scientists and observational scientists have a need to analyze complex network data sets. Examples of such exploratory tasks include: finding communities that exist in the data, comparing results from different graph mining algorithms, identifying regions of similarity or dissimilarity in the data sets, and highlighting nodes with important centrality properties. While many methods, algorithms, and visualizations exist, the capability to apply and combine them for ad-hoc visual exploration or as part of an analytic workow process is still an open problem that needs to be addressed to help scientists, especially those without extensive programming knowledge. In this paper, we present Invenio-Workow, a tool that supports exploratory analysis of network data by integrating workow, querying, data mining, statistics, and visualization to enable scientific inquiry. Invenio-Workow can be used to create custom exploration tasks, in addition to the standard task templates. After describing the features of the system, we illustrate its utility through several use cases based on networks from different domains. textcopyright Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 社会科学家和观察科学家需要分析复杂的网络数据集。这样的探索性任务的示例包括:查找数据中存在的社区,比较来自不同图形挖掘算法的结果,识别数据集中相似或相异的区域以及突出显示具有重要中心性的节点。尽管存在许多方法,算法和可视化,但是将其应用和组合以进行临时视觉探索或作为分析工作流程的一部分的能力仍然是一个开放的问题,需要解决以帮助科学家,尤其是那些没有大量编程知识的科学家知识。在本文中,我们介绍了Invenio-Workow,该工具通过集成工作流,查询,数据挖掘,统计数据和可视化以支持科学查询,支持对网络数据进行探索性分析。除标准任务模板外,Invenio-Workow还可用于创建自定义探索任务。在描述了系统的功能之后,我们将基于来自不同领域的网络,通过几个用例来说明其实用性。 t​​extcopyright版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2501511.2501519]

[161] A process-mining framework for the detection of healthcare fraud and abuse (2006)

(Yang, Wan Shiou and Hwang, San Yih | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: People rely on government-managed health insurance systems, private health insurance systems, or both to share the expensive healthcare costs. With such an intensive need for health insurances, however, health care service providers fraudulent and abusive behavior has become a serious problem. In this research, we propose a data-mining framework that utilizes the concept of clinical pathways to facilitate automatic and systematic construction of an adaptable and extensible detection model. The proposed approaches have been evaluated objectively by a real-world data set gathered from the National Health Insurance (NHI) program in Taiwan. The empirical experiments show that our detection model is efficient and capable of identifying some fraudulent and abusive cases that are not detected by a manually constructed detection model. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 人们依靠政府管理的医疗保险系统,或私人医疗保险系统或同时使用这两者来分担昂贵的医疗费用。然而,由于对医疗保险的需求如此之大,医疗服务提供者的欺诈性和虐待性行为已成为严重的问题。在这项研究中,我们提出了一个数据挖掘框架,该框架利用临床途径的概念来促进自动和系统地构建适应性强和可扩展的检测模型,并已通过从中收集的真实数据集进行了客观评估。 copycopyright 2005 Elsevier Ltd.(台湾)的实证实验表明,我们的检测模型是有效的,能够识别一些人工构建的检测模型无法检测到的欺诈性和滥用性案件。版权所有。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2005.09.003]

[162] A process-mining-based scenarios generation method for SOA application development (2016)

(Jiang, Lihong and Wang, Jianyi and Shah, Nazaraf and Cai, Hongming and Huang, Chengxi and Farmer, Ray | Service Oriented Computing and Applications)

Abstract: Business process models which are usually constructed by business designers from experience and analysis are the main guidelines for services composition in the service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications development. However, due to the complexity of business models, it is a challenging task for business process designers to optimize the process models dynamically in accordance with changes in business environments. In this paper, a process-mining-based method is proposed to support business process designers to monitor efficiency or capture the changes of a business process. Firstly, we define a scenario model to depict business elements and their relationships which are critical to business process design. Based on the proposed scenario model, process mining algorithms, including control flow mining, roles mining and data flow mining are carried out in a certain sequence synthetically to extract business scenarios from event logs recorded by SOA application systems. Finally, we implement a prototype using a logistic scenario to illustrate the feasibility of our method in SOA applications development.


摘要: 通常由业务设计师根据经验和分析构建的业务流程模型是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)应用程序开发中服务组合的主要准则。但是,由于业务模型的复杂性,业务流程设计人员要根据业务环境的变化动态地优化流程模型是一项艰巨的任务。在本文中,提出了一种基于流程挖掘的方法来支持业务流程设计人员监视效率或捕获业务流程的变化。首先,我们定义了一个场景模型来描述业务元素及其对业务流程设计至关重要的关系。基于提出的场景模型,以一定的顺序综合执行流程挖掘算法,包括控制流挖掘,角色挖掘和数据流挖掘,以从SOA应用程序系统记录的事件日志中提取业务场景。最后,我们使用后勤场景实现了一个原型,以说明我们的方法在SOA应用程序开发中的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11761-015-0188-8]

[163] A process-oriented methodology for evaluating the impact of IT: A proposal and an application in healthcare (2013)

(Mans, Ronny and Reijers, Hajo and Wismeijer, Daniel and Van Genuchten | Information Systems)

Abstract: In order to improve the performance of business processes often Information Technologies (ITs) are introduced. However, business processes are known to be complex and distributed among multiple business entities. As a result, the impact of new IT on an entire business process is typically hard to assess as quantitative methods for evaluation are missing. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a process-oriented methodology for evaluating the impact of IT on a business process ahead of its implementation. In our method, process mining and discrete event simulation are key ingredients. Based on automatically stored data, process mining allows for obtaining detailed knowledge on a business process, e.g., it can be discovered how a business process is actually executed. Using discrete event simulation, a model can be built which accurately mimicks the discovered process and which can subsequently be used for exploring and evaluating various redesign of the same process. Our method is evaluated by means of a detailed case study. For a complex dental process, it turns out that the introduction of new digital technologies is largely beneficial for patients and dental lab owners, whereas for dentists there is hardly any benefit. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 为了提高业务流程的性能,经常引入信息技术(IT)。但是,已知业务流程很复杂,并且分布在多个业务实体之间。结果,由于缺少定量的评估方法,因此通常很难评估新IT对整个业务流程的影响。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种面向流程的方法,用于在IT实施之前评估IT对业务流程的影响。在我们的方法中,过程挖掘和离散事件模拟是关键要素。基于自动存储的数据,流程挖掘允许获取有关业务流程的详细知识,例如,可以发现如何实际执行业务流程。使用离散事件模拟,可以建立一个模型,该模型可以精确地模仿发现的过程,并且可以随后用于探索和评估同一过程的各种重新设计。我们的方法是通过详细的案例研究进行评估的。对于复杂的牙科过程,事实证明,引入新的数字技术对患者和牙科实验室的所有者大有裨益,而对于牙医却几乎没有任何好处。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.06.005]

[164] A quest for beauty and wealth (or, Business Processes for Database Researchers) (2011)

(Deutch, Daniel and Milo, Tova | Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems)

Abstract: While classic data management focuses on the data itself, research on Business Processes considers also the context in which this data is generated and manipulated, namely the processes, the users, and the goals that this data serves. This allows the analysts a better perspective of the organizational needs centered around the data. As such, this research is of fundamental importance. Much of the success of database systems in the last decade is due to the beauty and elegance of the relational model and its declarative query languages, combined with a rich spectrum of underlying evaluation and optimization techniques, and efficient implementations. This, in turn, has lead to an economic wealth for both the users and vendors of database systems. Similar beauty and wealth are sought for in the context of Business Processes. Much like the case for traditional database research, elegant modeling and rich underlying technology are likely to bring economic wealth for the Business Process owners and their users; both can benefit from easy formulation and analysis of the processes. While there have been many important advances in this research in recent years, there is still much to be desired: specifically, there have been many works that focus on the processes behavior (flow), and many that focus on its data , but only very few works have dealt with both. We will discuss here the important advantages of a holistic flow-and-data framework for Business Processes, the progress towards such a framework, and highlight the current gaps and research directions. Copyright textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 虽然经典数据管理着重于数据本身,但是对业务流程的研究还考虑了生成和操纵该数据的环境,即该数据所服务的过程,用户和目标。这使分析师可以更好地了解围绕数据的组织需求。因此,这项研究具有根本的重要性。在过去的十年中,数据库系统的成功很大程度上归功于关系模型及其声明性查询语言的优美和优雅,以及广泛的基础评估和优化技术以及高效的实现。反过来,这又为数据库系统的用户和供应商带来了经济财富。在业务流程的环境中寻求相似的美丽和财富。就像传统数据库研究一样,优雅的建模和丰富的底层技术可能为业务流程所有者及其用户带来经济财富。两者都可以从容易制定和分析过程中受益。尽管近年来这项研究已经取得了许多重要的进展,但是仍然有很多需要改进的地方:具体地说,有许多工作着重于流程的行为(流程),许多工作着重于其数据,但只是非常很少有作品能同时解决这两个问题。我们将在这里讨论用于业务流程的整体流和数据框架的重要优点,以及该框架的进展,并重点介绍当前的差距和研究方向。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1989284.1989286]

[165] A recommendation system for predicting risks across multiple business process instances (2015)

(Conforti, Raffaele and De Leoni | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: This paper proposes a recommendation system that supports process participants in taking risk-informed decisions, with the goal of reducing risks that may arise during process execution. Risk reduction involves decreasing the likelihood and severity of a process fault from occurring. Given a business process exposed to risks, e.g. a financial process exposed to a risk of reputation loss, we enact this process and whenever a process participant needs to provide input to the process, e.g. by selecting the next task to execute or by filling out a form, we suggest to the participant the action to perform which minimizes the predicted process risk. Risks are predicted by traversing decision trees generated from the logs of past process executions, which consider process data, involved resources, task durations and other information elements like task frequencies. When applied in the context of multiple process instances running concurrently, a second technique is employed that uses integer linear programming to compute the optimal assignment of resources to tasks to be performed, in order to deal with the interplay between risks relative to different instances. The recommendation system has been implemented as a set of components on top of the YAWL BPM system and its effectiveness has been evaluated using a real-life scenario, in collaboration with risk analysts of a large insurance company. The results, based on a simulation of the real-life scenario and its comparison with the event data provided by the company, show that the process instances executed concurrently complete with significantly fewer faults and with lower fault severities, when the recommendations provided by our recommendation system are taken into account.


摘要: 本文提出了一种建议系统,该系统可支持流程参与者做出风险相关的决策,其目标是减少流程执行过程中可能出现的风险。降低风险涉及降低过程故障发生的可能性和严重性。假设业务流程面临风险,例如如果财务流程面临声誉损失的风险,则我们会制定此流程,并且只要流程参与者需要向流程提供输入,例如通过选择要执行的下一个任务或填写表格,我们建议参与者执行将最小化预期过程风险的操作。通过遍历从过去流程执行的日志中生成的决策树来预测风险,这些决策树考虑了流程数据,涉及的资源,任务持续时间和其他信息元素(如任务频率)。当在同时运行的多个流程实例的上下文中应用时,采用第二种技术,该技术使用整数线性规划来计算对要执行的任务的最佳资源分配,以便处理相对于不同实例的风险之间的相互作用。该推荐系统已作为YAWL BPM系统之上的一组组件实施,并且已与大型保险公司的风险分析师合作使用真实场景评估了其有效性。结果基于对真实场景的仿真并与公司提供的事件数据进行比较,结果表明,当我们的建议所提供的建议同时执行时,并发执行的流程实例将大大减少故障并降低故障严重性系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2014.10.006]


[166] A remodeling method of automatic learning process based on LMS in E-learning (2009)

(Li, Yan | 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining, WISM 2009)

Abstract: In e-learning, online-learning management system (LMS) as an open electronic platform supports learning and teaching from different places. LMS can realize collaboration of learning process. Exact learning process can ensure the normal running of LMS. With the constantly change of teaching environment, learning process models dont keep stable. The large mount of process logs are saved in LMS. These logs involve information of various learning processes. This paper researches an automatic learning process mining and remodeling method based on logs. The core of the method is process mining rules and remodeling algorithm. In this method a markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs. And according to the matrix the eight mining rules of process logical relations are designed. The remodeling algorithm can not only automatically remodel the various learning processes, but also greatly enhance the process modeling efficiency. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 在电子学习中,在线学习管理系统(LMS)作为开放的电子平台,支持来自不同地方的学习和教学。LMS可以实现学习过程的协作。精确的学习过程可以确保LMS的正常运行。随着教学环境的变化,学习过程模型不稳定,大量的过程日志保存在LMS中,这些日志涉及各种学习过程的信息,本文研究了一种基于日志的自动学习过程挖掘与重构方法。该方法的核心是过程挖掘规则和重构算法,该方法基于过程日志建立了马尔可夫转移矩阵,并根据该矩阵设计了过程逻辑关系的八个挖掘规则,该重构算法不仅可以自动重塑了各种学习过程,也大大提高了过程建模效率。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WISM.2009.120]

[167] A resource/connection management scheme for HTTP proxy servers (2002)

(Okamoto, Takuya and Terai, Tatsuhiko and Hasegawa, Go and Murata, Masayuki | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Although many research efforts have been devoted to the network congestion against an increase of the Internet traffic, there has been a little concern on improvement of the performance of Internet hosts in spite of the projection that the bottleneck is now being shifted from the network to hosts. We have proposed SSBT (Scalable Socket Buffer Tuning), which is intended to improve the performance of Web servers by maintaining their resources effectively and fairly, and validated its effectiveness through the simulation and implementation experiments. In the current Internet, however, a significant amount of Web document transfer requests are through HTTP proxy servers. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a new resource management scheme for proxy servers to improve their performance and to reduce Web document transfer time via the proxy servers. Our proposed scheme has the following two components. One is an enhanced EATBT, which is an enhancement version of our previous SSBT for proxy servers by taking account of different characteristics among TCP connections. The other is a scheme that manages persistent TCP connections at proxy servers to avoid newly arriving TCP connections from being rejected due to lack of resources. We validate an effectiveness of our proposed scheme through simulation experiments, and confirm that it can manage proxy server resources effectively.


摘要: 尽管针对互联网流量增加的网络拥堵进行了许多研究工作,但尽管预计瓶颈正在从网络上转移,但对于改善互联网主机的性能却鲜有关注。给主机。我们提出了SSBT(可伸缩套接字缓冲区调整),旨在通过有效和公平地维护Web服务器的资源来提高Web服务器的性能,并通过仿真和实现实验来验证其有效性。但是,在当前的Internet中,大量的Web文档传输请求是通过HTTP代理服务器进行的。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种新的代理服务器资源管理方案,以提高其性能并减少通过代理服务器进行Web文档传输的时间。我们提出的方案包括以下两个部分。一种是增强的EATBT,它是我们以前的代理服务器SSBT的增强版,考虑了TCP连接之间的不同特征。另一种方案是管理代理服务器上的持久TCP连接,以避免由于资源不足而拒绝新到达的TCP连接。我们通过仿真实验验证了所提出方案的有效性,并确认它可以有效地管理代理服务器资源。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-47906-6_20]

[168] A review of monitoring techniques for service based applications (2013)

(Saralaya, Sridevi and DSouza, Rio | Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Security, ADCONS 2013)

Abstract: A Service-Based Application (SBA) is composed of a number of loosely coupled services available on the network which provide the desired functionalities. Service Based Applications execute in dynamic business environments and have to address evolving requirements. Hence they should be flexible to identify violations and adapt to changes in business requirements or context. Monitoring is the key element for adaptation. A Service Based Application can be viewed in terms of three layers i.e., Business Process Management Layer, Service Composition Layer and Service Infrastructure Layer. Application performance depends on the combined performance of components and their interactions within the SBA layers. Therefore it necessitates to constantly monitor the health of the application by monitoring activities occurring in SBA layers. In this paper we present a view of the monitoring approaches across the three layers. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 基于服务的应用程序(SBA)由网络上可用的松散耦合服务组成,这些服务提供了所需的功能。基于服务的应用程序在动态业务环境中执行,并且必须满足不断变化的需求。因此,它们应该灵活地识别违规并适应业务需求或环境的变化。监测是适应的关键要素。可以从三层即业务流程管理层,服务组合层和服务基础结构层来查看基于服务的应用程序。应用程序性能取决于组件的综合性能及其在SBA层中的交互。因此,有必要通过监视SBA层中发生的活动来持续监视应用程序的运行状况。在本文中,我们提出了对三层监控方法的看法。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ADCONS.2013.18]

[169] A review of process mining algorithms (2011)

(Yue, Dianmin and Wu, Xiaodan and Wang, Haiyan and Bai, Junbo | BMEI 2011 - Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information)

Abstract: Process mining has been widely applied in lots of fields, which can discover workflow models from event logs, helps to design or re-design process models, and brings convenience to workflow management system. The main function of process mining algorithms is to provide us with valuable objective information hidden in event logs, which plays a crucial important role on the implementation of new operation business process, and audit, analysis and improvement of the existing ones. In this paper, we firstly describe the application background of process mining technology, and then list the frame structure of the technology at home and abroad, followed by summarizing and analyzing the algorithm of important domestic and abroad research, and forecast the future direction for research at last. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘已广泛应用于许多领域,可以从事件日志中发现工作流模型,有助于设计或重新设计过程模型,并为工作流管理系统带来便利。流程挖掘算法的主要功能是为我们提供隐藏在事件日志中的有价值的客观信息,这对于实施新的业务流程以及审核,分析和改进现有流程至关重要。本文首先介绍了过程挖掘技术的应用背景,然后列出了该技术在国内外的框架结构,然后总结和分析了国内外重要研究算法,并展望了研究的未来方向。最后。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICBMEI.2011.5914454]

[170] A robust F-measure for evaluating discovered process models (2011)

(De Weerdt | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining)

Abstract: Within process mining research, one of the most important fields of study is process discovery, which can be defined as the extraction of control-flow models from audit trails or information system event logs. The evaluation of discovered process models is an essential but difficult task for any process discovery analysis. With this paper, we propose a novel approach for evaluating discovered process models based on artificially generated negative events. This approach allows for the definition of a behavioral F-measure for discovered process models, which is the main contribution of this paper. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 在过程挖掘研究中,最重要的研究领域之一是过程发现,可以将其定义为从审计跟踪或信息系统事件日志中提取控制流模型。对于任何过程发现分析,对发现的过程模型的评估都是必不可少的但很困难的任务。通过本文,我们提出了一种新方法,用于基于人为产生的负面事件评估发现的过程模型。这种方法可以为发现的过程模型定义行为F度量,这是本文的主要贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949428]

[171] A rule-based approach for process discovery: Dealing with noise and imbalance in process logs (2006)

(Mǎruşter, Laura and Weijters, A. J.M.M. and Van Der Aalst | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Effective information systems require the existence of explicit process models. A completely specified process design needs to be developed in order to enact a given business process. This development is time consuming and often subjective and incomplete. We propose a method that constructs the process model from process log data, by determining the relations between process tasks. To predict these relations, we employ machine learning technique to induce rule sets. These rule sets are induced from simulated process log data generated by varying process characteristics such as noise and log size. Tests reveal that the induced rule sets have a high predictive accuracy on new data. The effects of noise and imbalance of execution priorities during the discovery of the relations between process tasks are also discussed. Knowing the causal, exclusive, and parallel relations, a process model expressed in the Petri net formalism can be built. We illustrate our approach with real world data in a case study. textcopyright 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 有效的信息系统需要存在明确的过程模型。为了制定给定的业务流程,需要开发一个完整指定的流程设计。这种发展是耗时的,并且常常是主观的和不完整的。我们提出了一种通过确定流程任务之间的关系从流程日志数据构造流程模型的方法。为了预测这些关系,我们采用机器学习技术来引入规则集。这些规则集是从通过更改过程特征(例如噪声和日志大小)而生成的模拟过程日志数据中得出的。测试表明,诱导规则集对新数据具有很高的预测准确性。还讨论了在发现过程任务之间的关系期间噪声和执行优先级不平衡的影响。知道因果关系,排他关系和平行关系,可以建立在Petri网形式主义中表达的过程模型。我们通过案例研究来说明我们的方法与现实世界的数据。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-005-0029-z]

[172] A security and cost aware scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous tasks of scientific workflow in clouds (2016)

(Li, Zhongjin and Ge, Jidong and Yang, Hongji and Huang, Liguo and Hu, Haiyang and Hu, Hao and Luo, Bin | Future Generation Computer Systems)

Abstract: Security is increasingly critical for various scientific workflows that are big data applications and typically take quite amount of time being executed on large-scale distributed infrastructures. Cloud computing platform is such an infrastructure that can enable dynamic resource scaling on demand. Nevertheless, based on pay-per-use and hourly-based pricing model, users should pay attention to the cost incurred by renting virtual machines (VMs) from cloud data centers. Meanwhile, workflow tasks are generally heterogeneous and require different instance series (i.e., computing optimized, memory optimized, storage optimized, etc.). In this paper, we propose a security and cost aware scheduling (SCAS) algorithm for heterogeneous tasks of scientific workflow in clouds. Our proposed algorithm is based on the meta-heuristic optimization technique, particle swarm optimization (PSO), the coding strategy of which is devised to minimize the total workflow execution cost while meeting the deadline and risk rate constraints. Extensive experiments using three real-world scientific workflow applications, as well as CloudSim simulation framework, demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of our algorithm.


摘要: 安全性对于作为大数据应用程序的各种科学工作流程越来越重要,并且通常需要花费大量时间在大规模分布式基础架构上执行。云计算平台就是这样一种基础架构,可以实现按需动态资源扩展。但是,基于按使用量计费和基于小时的定价模型,用户应注意从云数据中心租用虚拟机(VM)所产生的成本。同时,工作流任务通常是异构的,并且需要不同的实例序列(即,计算优化,存储器优化,存储优化等)。在本文中,我们为云中科学工作流的异构任务提出了一种安全和成本意识调度(SCAS)算法。我们提出的算法基于元启发式优化技术,粒子群优化(PSO),其编码策略旨在在满足截止日期和风险率约束的情况下,将总工作流程执行成本降至最低。使用三个实际的科学工作流程应用程序以及CloudSim仿真框架进行的广泛实验证明了我们算法的有效性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.future.2015.12.014]

[173] A self-organizing P2P framework for collective service discovery (2014)

(Mastroianni, Carlo and Papuzzo, Giuseppe | Journal of Network and Computer Applications)

Abstract: With the advent of the Internet of Services and the use of novel technologies such as Software as a Service and Cloud Computing, the market of Information Technology is experiencing an important shift from the request/provisioning of products toward a scenario where everything, computing, storage, applications, is provided as a network-enabled service. When no single service is able to address the requirements of a specific problem, the solution can be the deployment of a workflow composed of several basic services. This paper presents a P2P self-organizing framework that facilitates collective discovery requests, issued to locate all the components of a workflow. The information system is organized so that the descriptors of services that are often used together in the same workflow are placed close to each other. This allows queries to rapidly find several target services, which helps to lower the search time and reduce the computing and network load. textcopyright textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 随着服务互联网的出现以及诸如软件即服务和云计算之类的新颖技术的使用,信息技术市场正经历着从产品的请求/配置向一切事物的场景的重要转变。 ,计算,存储,应用程序作为支持网络的服务提供。当没有一项服务能够解决特定问题的需求时,解决方案可以是部署由几个基本服务组成的工作流。本文提出了一个P2P自组织框架,该框架可促进集体发现请求,发出该发现是为了定位工作流的所有组件。信息系统经过组织,因此在同一工作流程中经常一起使用的服务的描述符彼此靠近放置。这使查询可以快速找到几个目标服务,这有助于减少搜索时间并减少计算和网络负载。 t​​extcopyright t​​extcopyright 2013 ElsevierLtd。由Elsevier Ltd发布。保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jnca.2013.07.002]

[174] A semantic rule-based approach supported by process mining for personalised adaptive learning (2014)

(Okoye, Kingsley and Tawil, Abdel Rahman H. and Naeem, Usman and Bashroush, Rabih and Lamine, Elyes | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Currently, automated learning systems are widely used for educational and training purposes within various organisations including, schools, universities and further education centres. There has been a big gap between the extraction of useful patterns from data sources to knowledge, as it is crucial that data is made valid, novel, potentially useful and understandable. To meet the needs of intended users, there is requirement for learning systems to embody technologies that support learners in achieving their learning goals and this process dont happen automatically. This paper propose a novel approach for automated learning that is capable of detecting changing trends in learning behaviours and abilities through the use of process mining techniques. The goal is to discover user interaction patterns within learning processes, and respond by making decisions based on adaptive rules centred on captured user profiles. The approach applies semantic annotation of activity logs within the learning process in order to discover patterns automatically by means of semantic reasoning. Therefore, our proposed approach is grounded on Semantic Modelling and Process Mining techniques. To this end, it is possible to apply effective reasoning methods to make inferences over a Learning Process Knowledge-Base that leads to automated discovery of learning patterns or behaviour.


摘要: 目前,自动学习系统已在包括学校,大学和继续教育中心在内的各种组织中广泛用于教育和培训目的。从数据源到知识的有用模式提取之间存在很大差距,因为这是至关重要的。为了使数据有效,新颖,潜在有用并且易于理解,为满足目标用户的需求,学习系统需要体现支持学习者实现其学习目标的技术,并且该过程不会自动发生。一种新颖的自动学习方法,能够通过使用过程挖掘技术来检测学习行为和能力的变化趋势,目标是发现学习过程中的用户交互模式,并根据以捕获到的内容为基础的自适应规则做出决策来做出响应用户个人资料。该方法在学习过程,以便通过语义推理自动发现模式。因此,我们提出的方法基于语义建模和过程挖掘技术。为此,可以应用有效的推理方法对学习过程知识库进行推理,从而自动发现学习模式或行为。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2014.08.031]

[175] A semantic rule-based approach towards process mining for personalised adaptive learning (2014)

(Okoye, Kingsley and Tawil, Abdel Rahman H. and Naeem, Usman and Bashroush, Rabih and Lamine, Elyes | Proceedings - 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC 2014, 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS 2014 and 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security)

Abstract: In recent years, automated learning systems are widely used for educational and training purposes within various organisations including, schools, universities and further education centres. A common challenge for automated learning approaches is the demand for an effectively well-designed and fit for purpose system that meets the requirements and needs of intended learners to achieve their learning goals. This paper proposes a novel approach for automated learning that is capable of detecting changing trends in learning behaviours and abilities through the use of process mining techniques. The goal is to discover user interaction patterns, and respond by making decisions based on adaptive rules centred on captured user profiles. The approach applies semantic annotation of activity logs within the learning process in order to discover patterns automatically by means of semantic reasoning. Therefore, our proposed approach is grounded on Semantic modelling and process mining techniques. To this end, it is possible to apply effective reasoning methods to make inferences over a Learning Process Knowledge-Base that leads to automated discovery of learning patterns or behaviour.


摘要: 近年来,自动学习系统已在包括学校,大学和继续教育中心在内的各种组织中广泛用于教育和培训目的。自动化学习方法的一个共同挑战是需要一种有效设计良好且适合目的的系统,以满足目标学习者实现其学习目标的要求。本文提出了一种新颖的自动学习方法,该方法能够通过使用过程挖掘技术来检测学习行为和能力的变化趋势。目标是发现用户交互模式,并通过基于以捕获的用户配置文件为中心的自适应规则做出决策来做出响应。该方法在学习过程中应用活动日志的语义注释,以便通过语义推理自动发现模式。因此,我们提出的方法基于语义建模和过程挖掘技术。为此,可以应用有效的推理方法对学习过程知识库进行推理,从而自动发现学习模式或行为。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HPCC.2014.143]

[176] A simple process model generation using a new association rule mining algorithm and clustering approach (2011)

(Saravanan, M. S. and Sree, R. J.Rama | 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, ICoAC 2011)

Abstract: In the recent research area, the association rule mining is one of the popular technique in the domain of data mining. The association rule mining is first implemented in dyeing unit in my previous research papers. But already this association rule mining technique is used in the area of finance, healthcare, automobile and sales and distribution, etc. In this article, the dyeing process, generate the simple process model for the dyeing unit. The simplified process model is not in the form of diagram, instead rules. These rules are developing using association rule mining algorithms. The process mining algorithms, Heuristic Miner (HM) and Disjunctive Workflow Schema (DWS) are used to generate the association rule mining rules. Hence, the proposed LinkRuleMiner (LRM) association rule mining algorithm is implemented in the dyeing unit using HM or DWS algorithm. The dyeing process is dynamic and unstructured in nature. The dyeing process is recorded and stored in the form of event logs. These event logs are converted in to the log file. These log files are given as input to the LRM algorithm. The LRM algorithm produces the simple association rules. These rules can be easily understood by the dyeing expert called dyer to process the colouring process of the dyeing unit. These generated association rules can also be grouped for the same or different shades using the clustering approach. Therefore, this article simplify the dyeing process using LRM algorithm to give better knowledge to the dyer and to reduce the dyeing processing problems of the dyeing unit. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 在最近的研究领域,关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘领域中的一种流行技术。在我以前的研究论文中,关联规则挖掘首先在染色单元中实现。但是这种关联规则挖掘技术已经用于金融,医疗保健,汽车以及销售和分销等领域。在本文中,染色过程为染色单元生成了简单的过程模型。简化的过程模型不是图形式,而是规则。这些规则是使用关联规则挖掘算法开发的。流程挖掘算法,启发式挖掘器(HM)和析取工作流模式(DWS)用于生成关联规则挖掘规则。因此,本文提出的LinkRuleMiner(LRM)关联规则挖掘算法是使用HM或DWS算法在染色单元中实现的。染色过程本质上是动态的且无组织的。染色过程以事件日志的形式记录和存储。这些事件日志将转换为日志文件。这些日志文件作为LRM算法的输入。 LRM算法产生简单的关联规则。这些规则可以很容易地被称为染色机的染色专家理解,以处理染色单元的染色过程。这些生成的关联规则也可以使用聚类方法针对相同或不同的阴影进行分组。因此,本文简化了使用LRM算法的染色过程,以使染色人员了解更多信息,并减少了染色单元的染色工艺问题。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICoAC.2011.6165186]

[177] A simulation approach in process mining conformance analysis. the introduction of a brand new BPMN element (2013)

(Santillo, L. C. and Murino, T. and Converso, G. and Menicocci, V. | Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco)

Abstract: The computerization of organizational processes provides several tools for evaluating the quality of mapping. An executed process produces, in each instance, log files that can be used to reconstruct the actual procedure carried out by the system as well as to highlight deviations or move from the mapped path. These moves represent a loss that we consider unacceptable for organizations, which manifests its effects in various modes and weights. From this arises, in our view, the need for tools and logic approach to manage and limit the conformance risk, including as well as a proper consideration and methodological evaluation of the same risk, but also practical solutions and mapping tools that might influence the occurrence. In this paper we propose a methodology and a simulation model of Conformance Risk Aware Desing in order to support the modeler in moving from a diagnostic to a preventive and design view of the conformances matter. Purpose In this paper we have analyzed the Process Mining theme and give a new interpretation of the conformance analysis treating this issue not as an inevitable diagnostic phenomenon but as a real and necessary design parameter. This turning point is realized increasing the process mappings quality through two main purposes. Our first purpose is the introduction of a brand new modeling elements in the world famous BPMN Modelling Notation with the implicit and objective meaning of conformance controller that indicates the need for the agent to communicate about the execution of the preceding task. The second part of the purpose pass through the systematic inclusion of a conformance controller pattern after each task whose deviations risk assessment exceeds a certain threshold value. This methodological approach led to a stronger process design as for the task considered critical by the organization and to a lower need of process model repairing efforts and costs once that the process is released and log files are available. Design/methodology/approach In order to demonstrate the usefulness and value of our proposal we got served of a simulation based on the System Dynamic logic. Weve modeled a human resources behavior facing a number of task to perform under the influence and the documentation of a process model including both the conformance controller and the controller pattern. We used a combination of software including Matlab and Powersim Studio in order to getting results about a numeric estimation of the strength of the mapped task, basing our argument on the fuzzy logic rules and techniques, as for Matlab, and simulating hundred runs of a generic process in different operational scenarios, as for Powersim Studio. Collecting all the simulated data, we produced a series of statistical considerations about the effectiveness of the proposal and about the scenarios that increased its economical efficiency. Originality/value We open the discussion concerning the need by the organizations, increasingly constrained by regulatory guidelines and outside interests, of managing and preventing the risk of deviation from the process model especially regarding the critical and most added valued tasks, proposing a specific methodology. We also propose the integration of the BPMN Modelling Notation with a new implicit element and pattern to be used for the aim above. Another important aspect of the proposal is the building of a provisional model able to predict the impact of deviation from the mapped process using the defuzzyfication and implementable by every kind of organization that owns datasets about its processes.


摘要: 组织过程的计算机化为评估地图的质量提供了多种工具。在每种情况下,执行的过程都会产生日志文件,这些日志文件可用于重建系统执行的实际过程以及突出显示与映射路径的偏离或移动。这些动作代表了我们认为对于组织而言不可接受的损失,这以各种方式和权重体现了其影响。我们认为,因此需要管理和限制合规风险的工具和逻辑方法,包括对同一风险的适当考虑和方法论评估,以及可能影响实际风险的实用解决方案和绘图工具发生。在本文中,我们提出了一致性风险意识设计的方法论和仿真模型,以支持建模者从一致性问题的诊断到预防和设计的观点转变。目的在本文中,我们分析了过程挖掘主题,并对一致性分析给出了新的解释,该问题不将其视为不可避免的诊断现象,而是作为实际且必要的设计参数。通过两个主要目的来实现这一转折点,从而提高了过程映射的质量。我们的第一个目的是在世界著名的BPMN建模符号中引入一种全新的建模元素,其隐含和客观的含义是一致性控制器,它表示代理需要就先前任务的执行进行通信。目的的第二部分是在偏差风险评估超过特定阈值的每个任务之后,系统地包含一致性控制器模式。这种方法论方法导致了针对组织认为至关重要的任务的更强大的流程设计,并降低了流程发布和日志文件可用后流程模型修复工作的需要和成本。设计/方法/方法为了证明我们建议的有效性和价值,我们提供了基于系统动态逻辑的仿真。我们已经对人力资源的行为进行了建模,这些行为要在过程模型(包括一致性控制器和控制器模式)的影响和文档化的影响下执行。我们使用了包括Matlab和Powersim Studio在内的软件组合,以便获得关于映射任务强度的数值估计的结果,基于对Matlab的模糊逻辑规则和技术进行论证,并模拟数百次通用在不同的操作场景中进行处理,例如Powersim Studio。收集所有模拟数据,我们对提案的有效性以及提高其经济效率的方案进行了一系列统计考虑。原创性/价值我们开始讨论有关组织的需求,这些组织越来越受到监管准则和外部利益的约束,需要管理和防止偏离流程模型的风险,尤其是对于关键和最有价值的任务,并提出一种特定的方法。我们还建议将BPMN建模符号与新的隐式元素和模式集成在一起,以实现上述目标。该提案的另一个重要方面是建立一个临时模型,该模型能够使用去模糊化功能来预测偏离映射过程的影响,并且可以由拥有有关其过程数据集的各种组织来实施。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ieri.2014.03.008]

[178] A sliding window based algorithm for frequent closed itemset mining over data streams (2013)

(Nori, Fatemeh and Deypir, Mahmood and Sadreddini, Mohamad Hadi | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: Frequent pattern mining over data streams is an important problem in the context of data mining and knowledge discovery. Mining frequent closed itemsets within sliding window instead of complete set of frequent itemset is very interesting since it needs a limited amount of memory and processing power. Moreover, handling concept change within a compact set of closed patterns is faster. However, it requires flexible and efficient data structures as well as intuitive algorithms. In this paper, we have introduced an effective and efficient algorithm for closed frequent itemset mining over data streams operating in the sliding window model. This algorithm uses a novel data structure for storing transactions of the window and corresponding frequent closed itemsets. Moreover, the support of a new frequent closed itemset is efficiently computed and an old pattern is removed from the monitoring set when it is no longer frequent closed itemset. Extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data streams show that the proposed algorithm is superior to previously devised algorithms in terms of runtime and memory usage.


摘要: 在数据挖掘和知识发现的背景下,对数据流的频繁模式挖掘是一个重要的问题。在滑动窗口中挖掘频繁关闭的项目集而不是完整的频繁项目集非常有趣,因为它需要有限的内存和处理能力。而且,在紧凑的一组封闭模式中处理概念更改更快。但是,它需要灵活高效的数据结构以及直观的算法。在本文中,我们介绍了一种有效且高效的算法,用于对在滑动窗口模型中运行的数据流进行频繁的频繁项集挖掘。该算法使用一种新颖的数据结构来存储窗口交易和相应的频繁关闭项目集。而且,可以有效地计算新的频繁关闭项目集的支持,并在不再使用频繁关闭项目集时从监视集中删除旧模式。在真实和合成数据流上的大量实验表明,在运行时和内存使用方面,该算法优于先前设计的算法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2012.10.011]

[179] A slippery genetic algorithm-based process mining system for achieving better quality assurance in the garment industry (2016)

(Lee, C. K.H. and Choy, K. L. and Ho, G. T.S. and Lam, C. H.Y. | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Due to the error-prone nature of garment manufacturing operations, it is challenging to guarantee the quality of garments. Previous research has been done to apply fuzzy association rule mining to determine process settings for improving the garment quality. The relationship between process parameters and the finished quality is represented in terms of rules. This paper enhances the application by encoding the rules into variable-length chromosomes for optimization with the use of a novel genetic algorithm (GA), namely the slippery genetic algorithm (sGA). Inspired by the biological slippage phenomenon in DNA replication, sGA allows changes to the chromosome lengths by insertion and deletion. During rule optimization, different parameters can be inserted to or removed from a rule, increasing the diversity of the solutions. In this paper, a slippery genetic algorithm-based process mining system (sGAPMS) is developed to optimize fuzzy rules with the aim of facilitating a comprehensive quality assurance scheme in the garment industry. The significance of this paper includes the development of a novel variable-length GA mechanism and the hybridization of fuzzy association rule mining and variable-length GAs. Though the capability of conventional GA in rule optimization has been proven, the diversity in the population is inherently limited by the fixed chromosome length. Motivated by this phenomenon, the sGA suggested in this paper allows various parameters to be considered in a rule, improving the diversity of the solutions. A case study is conducted in a garment manufacturing company to evaluate the sGAPMS. The results illustrate that better quality assurance can be achieved after rule optimization.


摘要: 由于服装制造过程容易出错,因此保证服装质量具有挑战性。已经进行了先前的研究,以应用模糊关联规则挖掘来确定过程设置以改善服装质量。过程参数和最终质量之间的关系用规则表示。本文通过将规则编码为可变长度的染色体来进行优化,以利用一种新颖的遗传算法(GA),即滑移遗传算法(sGA)进行优化。受到DNA复制中的生物滑动现象的启发,sGA允许通过插入和缺失来改变染色体长度。在规则优化过程中,可以将不同的参数插入到规则中或从中删除,从而增加了解决方案的多样性。本文开发了一种基于光滑遗传算法的过程挖掘系统(sGAPMS),以优化模糊规则,以促进服装行业的综合质量保证计划。本文的意义包括新型可变长度遗传算法的开发以及模糊关联规则挖掘与可变长度遗传算法的混合。尽管已经证明了常规遗传算法在规则优化中的能力,但是种群的多样性固有地受到固定染色体长度的限制。受此现象的影响,本文提出的sGA允许在规则中考虑各种参数,从而提高了解决方案的多样性。在一家服装制造公司进行了案例研究,以评估sGAPMS。结果表明,规则优化后可以实现更好的质量保证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.10.035]

[180] A survey of scientific approaches considering the integration of security and risk aspects into business process management (2009)

(Jakoubi, Stefan and Tjoa, Simon and Goluch, Gernot and Quirchmayr, Gerald | Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA)

Abstract: In the past years, regulative bodies have obliged a more stringent consideration of risk and security management. This development forced companies to apply risk, security and business process management in a more integrated way. Simultaneously, it can be observed that the scientific community intensified research activities in this integrative domain. Within this survey paper we examine scientific research efforts in the field of security and risk related business process/workflow management. Therefore we survey nine representative approaches and identify research challenges in this area. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,监管机构不得不更加严格地考虑风险和安全管理。这种发展迫使公司以更加集成的方式应用风险,安全性和业务流程管理。同时,可以发现,科学界在这一一体化领域加强了研究活动。在此调查文件中,我们研究了与安全性和风险相关的业务流程/工作流管理领域的科学研究工作。因此,我们调查了九种代表性方法,并确定了该领域的研究挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEXA.2009.71]


[181] A survey on the flexibility requirements related to business processes and modeling artifacts (2008)

(Nurcan, Selmin | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: In competitive and evolving environments only organizations which can manage complexity and can respond to rapid change in an informed manner can gain a competitive advantage During the early 90s, workflow technologies offered a transversal integration capacity to the enterprise applications. Today, to integrate enterprise applications -and the activities they support- into business processes is not sufficient. The architecture of this integration should also be flexible. Enterprise requirements highlight flexible and adaptive processes whose execution can evolve (i) according to situations that cannot always be prescribed, and/or (ii) according to business changes (organizational, process improvement, strategic …). More recent works highlight requirements in term of flexible and adaptive workflows, whose execution can evolve according to situations that cannot always be prescribed. This paper presents the state of the art for flexible business process management systems and criteria for comparing them. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 在竞争激烈且不断发展的环境中,只有能够管理复杂性并能够在知情的情况下响应快速变化的组织才能获得竞争优势。在90年代初期,工作流技术为企业应用程序提供了横向集成能力。如今,将企业应用程序及其支持的活动集成到业务流程中还远远不够。这种集成的体系结构也应该是灵活的。企业需求强调了灵活,适应性强的流程,这些流程的执行力可以(i)根据并非总是规定的情况而发展,和/或(ii)根据业务变化(组织,过程改进,战略……)而发展。最近的工作强调了对灵活和自适应工作流的要求,这些工作流的执行可以根据并非总是规定的情况而发展。本文介绍了灵活的业务流程管理系统的最新技术以及进行比较的标准。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2008.39]

[182] A system architecture for manufacturing process analysis based on big data and process mining techniques (2014)

(Yang, Hanna and Park, Minjeong and Cho, Minsu and Song, Minseok and Kim, Seongjoo | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IEEE Big Data 2014)

Abstract: Interests in manufacturing process management and analysis are increasing, but it is difficult to conduct process analysis due to the increase of manufacturing data. Therefore, we suggest a manufacturing data analysis system that collects event logs from so-called big data and analyzes the collected logs with process mining. There are two kinds of big data generated from manufacturing processes, structured data and unstructured data. Usually, manufacturing process analysis is conducted by using only structured data, however the proposed system uses both structured and unstructured data for enhancing the process analysis results. The system automatically discovers a process model and conducts various performance analysis on the manufacturing processes.


摘要: 制造过程管理和分析的兴趣正在增加,但是由于制造数据的增加,很难进行过程分析。因此,我们建议使用一种制造数据分析系统,该系统可以从所谓的大数据中收集事件日志,并通过流程挖掘来分析收集的日志。从制造过程中生成的大数据有两种,结构化数据和非结构化数据。通常,制造过程分析仅通过使用结构化数据进行,但是建议的系统同时使用结构化和非结构化数据来增强过程分析结果。该系统自动发现过程模型,并对制造过程进行各种性能分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigData.2014.7004336]

[183] A systematic approach for performance evaluation using process mining: The POSIDONIA operations case study (2016)

(Bernardi, Simona and Requeno, Jose Ignacio and Joubert, Christophe and Romeu, Alberto | QUDOS 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps, co-located with ISSTA 2016)

Abstract: Modelling plays an important role in the development of software applications, in particular for the assessment of non functional requirements such as performance. The value of a model depends on the level of alignment with the reality. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach to get a performance model that is a good representation of the system under analysis. From an UML-based system design we get automatically a normative Petri net model, which formally represents the system supposed behaviour, by applying model-to-model (M2M) transformation techniques. Then, a conformance checking technique is iteratively applied to align -from the qualitative point of view- the normative model and the data log until the required fitness threshold is not reached. Finally, a trace-driven simulation technique is used to enrich the aligned model with timing specification from the data log, then obtaining the performance Generalized Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN) model. The proposed approach has been applied to a customizable Integrated Port Operations Management System: POSIDONIA Operations. The performance model has been used to analyse the scalability of the product considering different deployment configurations.


摘要: 建模在软件应用程序的开发中起着重要的作用,特别是在评估非功能性需求(例如性能)方面。模型的价值取决于与现实的一致程度。在本文中,我们提出了一种系统的方法来获得性能模型,该模型可以很好地表示所分析的系统。从基于UML的系统设计中,我们通过应用模型到模型(M2M)转换技术,自动获得了规范的Petri网模型,该模型正式表示了系统的预期行为。然后,从定性的角度出发,反复应用一致性检查技术来对齐规范模型和数据日志,直到未达到所需的适用性阈值。最后,使用跟踪驱动的仿真技术从数据日志中用时序规范丰富对齐的模型,然后获得性能广义随机Petri网(GSPN)模型。提议的方法已应用于可定制的集成端口运营管理系统:POSIDONIA Operations。考虑到不同的部署配置,该性能模型已用于分析产品的可伸缩性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2945408.2945413]

[184] A systematic approach to process enactment analysis as input to software process improvement or tailoring (2006)

(Ming, Huo and He, Zhang and Jeffery, Ross | Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC)

Abstract: Software process improvement has been a focus of industry for many years. To assist the procedure and implementation of process improvement we provide a software process recovery method based on mining project enactment data. The goal of the method is to uncover the actual process used in order to provide input to improve the quality of a defined software process. The recovered model (or patterns) is at the same level of abstraction as the predefined process model. This provides an easy and clear way to identify the gap between the planned process model and the real enactment. We investigate the enactment of a defined software process from the view of understanding the appropriateness and fitness for purpose of the process model from the viewpoint of the project managers in the context of a small software development organization. We collected data from organizations and applied our method to a pilot case study. The main contribution of our work is to provide a software process model recovery method which supports software process change and improvement. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 软件过程改进一直是业界关注的焦点。为了协助流程改进的过程和实施,我们提供了一种基于挖掘项目制定数据的软件流程恢复方法。该方法的目标是揭露所使用的实际过程,以便提供输入以提高定义的软件过程的质量。恢复的模型(或模式)与预定义的过程模型处于相同的抽象级别。这提供了一种简单明了的方法来识别计划的流程模型与实际法规之间的差距。我们从小型软件开发组织的环境中,从项目经理的角度了解过程模型的适用性和适用性,以研究定义的软件过程的制定。我们从组织收集了数据,并将我们的方法应用于试点案例研究。我们工作的主要贡献是提供一种支持软件过程更改和改进的软件过程模型恢复方法。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSEC.2006.14]

[185] A systematic mapping study of process mining (2018)

(Maita, Ana Rocio Cardenas and Martins, Lucas Corr^ea and Lopez Paz | Enterprise Information Systems)

Abstract: This study systematically assesses the process mining scenario from 2005 to 2014. The analysis of 705 papers evidenced ‘discovery (71%) as the main type of process mining addressed and ‘categorical prediction (25%) as the main mining task solved. The most applied traditional technique is the ‘graph structure-based ones (38%). Specifically concerning computational intelligence and machine learning techniques, we concluded that little relevance has been given to them. The most applied are ‘evolutionary computation (9%) and ‘decision tree (6%), respectively. Process mining challenges, such as balancing among robustness, simplicity, accuracy and generalization, could benefit from a larger use of such techniques.


摘要: 本研究系统地评估了2005年至2014年的过程挖掘方案。对705篇论文的分析表明,发现(71%)是过程挖掘的主要类型,类别预测(25%)是主要的挖掘任务。最常用的传统技术是基于图结构的技术(占38%)。特别是在计算智能和机器学习技术方面,我们得出的结论是,它们几乎没有相关性。最常用的是进化计算(分别为9%)和决策树(6%)。过程挖掘挑战(例如在鲁棒性,简单性,准确性和泛化性之间取得平衡)可能会受益于此类技术的更多使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/17517575.2017.1402371]

[186] A systematic review on security in Process-Aware Information Systems - Constitution, challenges, and future directions (2014)

(Leitner, Maria and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context Security in Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) has gained increased attention in current research and practice. However, a common understanding and agreement on security is still missing. In addition, the proliferation of literature makes it cumbersome to overlook and determine state of the art and further to identify research challenges and gaps. In summary, a comprehensive and systematic overview of state of the art in research and practice in the area of security in PAIS is missing. Objective This paper investigates research on security in PAIS and aims at establishing a common understanding of terminology in this context. Further it investigates which security controls are currently applied in PAIS. Method A systematic literature review is conducted in order to classify and define security and security controls in PAIS. From initially 424 papers, we selected in total 275 publications that related to security and PAIS between 1993 and 2012. Furthermore, we analyzed and categorized the papers using a systematic mapping approach which resulted into 5 categories and 12 security controls. Results In literature, security in PAIS often centers on specific (security) aspects such as security policies, security requirements, authorization and access control mechanisms, or inter-organizational scenarios. In addition, we identified 12 security controls in the area of security concepts, authorization and access control, applications, verification, and failure handling in PAIS. Based on the results, open research challenges and gaps are identified and discussed with respect to possible solutions. Conclusion This survey provides a comprehensive review of current security practice in PAIS and shows that security in PAIS is a challenging interdisciplinary research field that assembles research methods and principles from security and PAIS. We show that state of the art provides a rich set of methods such as access control models but still several open research challenges remain. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)中的上下文安全性在当前的研究和实践中得到了越来越多的关注。但是,仍然缺乏关于安全性的共识和共识。此外,文学的激增使人们难以忽视和确定现有技术水平,并进一步确定研究挑战和差距。总之,缺少对PAIS安全领域研究和实践的最新技术的全面而系统的概述。目的本文研究PAIS中的安全性研究,旨在在此背景下建立对术语的共识。此外,它还研究了PAIS中当前应用了哪些安全控制。方法为了对PAIS中的安全性和安全控制进行分类和定义,进行了系统的文献综述。从1993年至2012年的424篇论文中,我们共选择了275篇与安全和PAIS相关的出版物。此外,我们使用系统的映射方法对这些论文进行了分析和分类,得出5类和12种安全控件。结果在文献中,PAIS中的安全性通常集中在特定(安全性)方面,例如安全性策略,安全性要求,授权和访问控制机制或组织间方案。此外,我们在PAIS的安全概念,授权和访问控制,应用程序,验证和故障处理领域中确定了12种安全控制。根据结果​​,确定并讨论了可能存在的解决方案方面的开放研究挑战和差距。结论这项调查对PAIS当前的安全实践进行了全面的回顾,表明PAIS的安全性是一个具有挑战性的跨学科研究领域,它汇集了来自安全性和PAIS的研究方法和原理。我们表明,现有技术提供了丰富的方法集,例如访问控制模型,但仍然存在一些开放的研究挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2013.12.004]

[187] A test-bed for the evaluation of business process prediction techniques (2011)

(Pandey, Suraj and Nepal, Surya and Chen, Shiping | ColiaborateCom 2011 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing)

Abstract: Business process prediction technologies are being increasingly used by organisations to provide timely feedback to their customers and improve their overall productivity. In order to provide valuable information to both customers and system managers, the timings of business processes need to be forecast with high accuracy and efficiency. In particular, organisations require to predict the process and event flows, recognize their patterns, and forecast the total time it would take for a workflow to complete, in order to meet the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) signed with the customers. In this paper, we focus on the prediction models that could be used for forecasting time to completion of business processes by analysing historical event logs. First, we propose a service oriented architecture that provides a test-bed for carrying out predictions on business processes. Second, we propose a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based prediction technique that produces a model based on event logs, and compare it against existing prediction models. Finally, we describe an implementation of the system, where we simulate the execution of a business process and obtain predictions using both the proposed and existing prediction techniques. textcopyright 2011 ICST.


摘要: 组织越来越多地使用业务流程预测技术,以向其客户提供及时的反馈并提高他们的整体生产力。为了向客户和系统管理员提供有价值的信息,需要以高精度和高效率预测业务流程的时间。特别是,组织需要预测流程和事件流,识别其模式,并预测完成工作流所需的总时间,以便满足与客户签署的服务水平协议(SLA)。在本文中,我们集中于可用于通过分析历史事件日志来预测业务流程完成时间的预测模型。首先,我们提出了一种面向服务的体系结构,该体系结构提供了用于执行业务流程预测的测试平台。其次,我们提出了一种基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的预测技术,该技术基于事件日志生成模型,并将其与现有的预测模型进行比较。最后,我们描述了系统的实现,其中我们模拟了业务流程的执行并使用提议的和现有的预测技术获得了预测。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ICST。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4108/icst.collaboratecom.2011.247129]

[188] A time-aware method to process behavioral similarity calculation (2016)

(Huang, Hua and Peng, Rong and Feng, Zaiwen | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2016)

Abstract: Process behavioral similarity calculation is widely used in many activities of business process management, such as process mining, process clustering and process retrieval. However, most existing process behavioral similarity measurement methods do not consider variable constraints (e.g. time constraints) in process models. Since the variable constraints of tasks, especially time constraints, are crucial to quantify the differences between the executions of tasks with the same or similar labels in process models, it is significant to calculate exact process behavioral similarity with the consideration of their impacts in process models. In this paper, we formally define the process behavioral similarity with time constraints and propose a time-aware method to efficiently compute the process behavioral similarity based on the ordering relations with time constraints. Experiments illustrate that our proposal can significantly improve the rationality and accuracy of process behavioral similarity measurement.


摘要: 流程行为相似性计算被广泛用于业务流程管理的许多活动中,例如流程挖掘,流程聚类和流程检索。但是,大多数现有的过程行为相似性度量方法在过程模型中都没有考虑变量约束(例如时间约束)。由于任务的可变约束(尤其是时间约束)对于量化流程模型中具有相同或相似标签的任务执行之间的差异至关重要,因此考虑到流程模型中的影响来计算精确的流程行为相似性非常重要。在本文中,我们正式定义了具有时间约束的过程行为相似性,并提出了一种基于时间约束的有序关系的时间感知方法来有效地计算过程行为相似性。实验表明,我们的建议可以显着提高过程行为相似性度量的合理性和准确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2016.58]

[189] A tool framework for KPI application development (2007)

(Abe, Mari and Jeng, Jun Jang and Li, Yinggang | Proceedings - ICEBE 2007: IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering - Workshops: SOAIC 2007; SOSE 2007; SOKM 2007)

Abstract: This paper describes a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) modeling environment, coined Mozart, where modelers can use formal models to explicitly define the services of KPI and their relationships which are depicted by KPI net. Mozart provides us with methods for mining and modeling KPIs and supports smooth model transformation for generating monitoring applications based on a model driven approach. It also provides us with methods of service composition for KPI applications. We showed how it works with an example scenario of automobile data and found that mpg is most strongly influenced by four KPIs. The result showed which KPIs should be focused for human monitoring, and it can be an initial model for monitoring applications. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 本文描述了一个称为Mozart的KPI(关键绩效指标)建模环境,建模人员可以在其中使用形式化模型来明确定义KPI服务及其关系,这些由KPI网络描述。 Mozart为我们提供了对KPI进行挖掘和建模的方法,并支持基于模型驱动方法的平滑模型转换以生成监视应用程序。它还为我们提供了KPI应用程序的服务组合方法。我们展示了它如何与汽车数据示例场景一起工作,并发现 mpg受四个KPI的影响最大。结果表明哪些KPI应该集中在人类监视上,并且可以成为监视应用程序的初始模型。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2007.88]

[190] A two-step clustering approach for improving educational process model discovery (2016)

(Ariouat, Hanane and Cairns, Awatef Hicheur and Barkaoui, Kamel and Akoka, Jacky and Khelifa, Nasser | Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016)

Abstract: Process mining refers to the extraction of process models from event logs. As real-life processes tend to be less structured and more flexible, clustering techniques are used to divide traces into clusters, such that similar types of behavior are grouped in the cluster. Educational process mining is an emerging field in the educational data mining (EDM) discipline, concerned with developing methods to better understand students learning habits and the factors influencing their performance. However, the obtained models, usually, cannot fit well to the general students behaviour and can be too large and complex for use or analysis by an instructor. These models are called spaghetti models. In the present work, we propose to use a two steps-based approach of clustering to improve educational process mining. The first step consist of creating clusters based employability indicators and the second step consist on clustering the obtained clusters using the AXOR algorithm which is based on traces profiles in order to refine the obtained results from the first step. We have experimented this approach using the tool ProM Framework and we have found that this approach optimizes at the same time, both the performance/suitability and comprehensibility/size of the obtained model.


摘要: 过程挖掘是指从事件日志中提取过程模型。由于现实过程的结构性较低且更灵活,因此使用聚类技术将迹线划分为多个簇,以便在簇中将相似类型的行为分组。教育过程挖掘是教育数据挖掘(EDM)学科中的一个新兴领域,它关注于开发方法以更好地了解学生的学习习惯以及影响他们学习成绩的因素,但是,通常,所获得的模型不能很好地适应一般情况。学生的行为,可能过于庞大和复杂,以至于无法由教员使用或分析,这些模型称为意大利面条模型。在本工作中,我们建议使用基于两步法的聚类方法来改进教育过程挖掘。第二步包括创建基于可就业性指标的聚类,第二步包括使用基于AXOR算法的AXOR算法对获得的聚类进行聚类。 n跟踪配置文件以优化从第一步获得的结果。我们已经使用工具ProM Framework对该方法进行了实验,并且发现该方法同时优化了所获得模型的性能/适用性和可理解性/尺寸。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2016.18]

[191] A two-step fast algorithm for the automated discovery of declarative workflows (2013)

(Di Ciccio | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013)

Abstract: Declarative approaches are particularly suitable for modeling highly flexible processes. They especially apply to artful processes, i.e., rapid informal processes that are typically carried out by those people whose work is mental rather than physical (managers, professors, researchers, engineers, etc.), the so called knowledge workers. This paper describes MINERful++, a two-step algorithm for an efficient discovery of constraints that constitute declarative workflow models. As a first step, a knowledge base is built, with information about temporal statistics gathered from execution traces. Then, the statistical support of constraints is computed, by querying that knowledge base. MINERful++ is fast, modular, independent of the specific formalism adopted for representing constraints, based on a probabilistic approach and capable of eliminating the redundancy of subsumed constraints. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 声明性方法特别适合于对高度灵活的过程进行建模。它们特别适用于巧妙的过程,即快速非正式过程,这些过程通常是由那些工作而非智力的人(经理,教授,研究人员,工程师等)执行的。 。),即所谓的知识型工人,本文介绍了MINERful ++,这是一种有效发现构成声明性工作流模型的约束的两步算法,第一步,建立知识库,并收集有关时间统计信息MINERful ++是一种快速,模块化的,独立于表示约束的特定形式主义的,基于概率的方法,能够消除包含约束的冗余性,因此可以通过执行跟踪来计算约束的统计支持。 。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597228]

[192] A virtual laboratory for multiagent systems: Joining efficacy, learning analytics and student satisfaction (2016)

(Castillo, Luis | 2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2016: Learning Analytics Technologies)

Abstract: This study introduces a distributed virtual laboratory for a multiagent programming course which has been very satisfactorily adopted by students, with a success rate of nearly 80%. It also aims at capturing the daily activity of students, providing the basis for data-driven assessment. Finally, it also allows for using process mining technologies to unveil successful and failed behaviors of students enabling the teacher for an early detection and intervention to improve their learning experience1.


摘要: 这项研究为多主体编程课程引入了一个分布式虚拟实验室,该课程已被学生非常满意地采用,成功率接近80%。它还旨在捕获学生的日常活动,为数据驱动的评估提供基础。最后,它还允许使用过程挖掘技术来揭示学生的成功和失败行为,从而使教师能够及早发现并采取干预措施,以改善他们的学习体验1。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SIIE.2016.7751820]

[193] A visual analytics approach to understanding care process variation and conformance (2015)

(Basole, Rahul C. and Park, Hyunwoo and Gupta, Mayank and Braunstein, Mark L. and Chau, Duen Horng and Thompson, Michael and Kumar, Vikas and Pienta, Robert and Kahng, Minsuk | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: With greater pressures of providing high-quality care at lower cost due to a changing financial and policy environment, the ability to understand variations in care delivery and associated outcomes and act upon this understanding is of critical importance. Building on prior work in visualizing healthcare event sequences and in collaboration with our clinical partner, we describe our process in developing a multiple, coordinated visualization system that helps identify and analyze care processes and their conformance to existing care guidelines. We demonstrate our system using data of 5,784 pediatric emergency department visits over a 13-month period for which asthma was the primary diagnosis.


摘要: 由于不断变化的财务和政策环境,以较低的成本提供更高质量的护理的压力越来越大,理解护理服务和相关结果的差异并根据这种理解采取行动的能力至关重要。在可视化医疗事件序列的先前工作的基础上,并与我们的临床合作伙伴合作,我们描述了我们开发多重协调的可视化系统的过程,该系统有助于识别和分析护理过程及其与现有护理指南的一致性。我们使用13个月期间以哮喘为主要诊断指标的5784例儿科急诊就诊的数据演示了我们的系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2836034.2836040]

[194] A workflow net similarity measure based on transition adjacency relations (2010)

(Zha, Haiping and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Wang, Chaokun and Sun, Jiaguang | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Many activities in business process management, such as process retrieval, process mining, and process integration, need to determine the similarity or the distance between two processes. Although several approaches have recently been proposed to measure the similarity between business processes, neither the definitions of the similarity notion between processes nor the measure methods have gained wide recognition. In this paper, we define the similarity and the distance based on firing sequences in the context of workflow nets (WF-nets) as the unified reference concepts. However, to many WF-nets, either the number of full firing sequences or the length of a single firing sequence is infinite. Since transition adjacency relations (TARs) can be seen as the genes of the firing sequences which describe transition orders appearing in all possible firing sequences, we propose a practical similarity definition based on the TAR sets of two processes. It is formally shown that the corresponding distance measure between processes is a metric. An algorithm using model reduction techniques for the efficient computation of the measure is also presented. Experimental results involving comparison of different measures on artificial processes and evaluations on clustering real-life processes validate our approach. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程管理中的许多活动,例如流程检索,流程挖掘和流程集成,都需要确定两个流程之间的相似性或距离。尽管最近提出了几种方法来度量业务流程之间的相似性,但是流程之间相似性概念的定义和度量方法均未得到广泛认可。在本文中,我们基于工作流网(WF-net)的触发序列定义相似性和距离,作为统一的参考概念。但是,对于许多WF网络,完整触发序列的数量或单个触发序列的长度都是无限的。由于过渡邻接关系(TAR)可以看作是触发序列的基因,它描述了所有可能的触发序列中出现的过渡顺序,因此我们基于两个过程的TAR集提出了一种实用的相似性定义。正式表明,进程之间的相应距离度量是一个度量。还提出了一种使用模型归约技术进行度量有效计算的算法。实验结果涉及对人工过程的不同度量进行比较,并对真实生活过程进行聚类评估,从而验证了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2010.01.001]

[195] A workflow process mining algorithm based on synchro-net (2006)

(Huang, Xing Qi and Wang, Li Fu and Zhao, Wen and Zhang, Shi Kun and Yuan, Chong Yi | Journal of Computer Science and Technology)

Abstract: Sometimes historic information about workflow execution is needed to analyze business processes. Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs for capturing a business process in execution. In this paper a process mining algorithm is proposed based on Synchro-Net which is a synchronization-based model of workflow logic and workflow semantics. With this mining algorithm based on the model, problems such as invisible tasks and short-loops can be dealt with at ease. A process mining example is presented to illustrate the algorithm, and the evaluation is also given.


摘要: 有时需要有关工作流执行的历史信息来分析业务流程。流程挖掘旨在从事件日志中提取信息,以捕获正在执行的业务流程。本文提出了一种基于Synchro-Net的过程挖掘算法,该算法是基于同步的工作流逻辑和工作流语义模型。使用基于模型的这种挖掘算法,可以轻松处理诸如隐形任务和短循环之类的问题。给出了一个过程挖掘示例来说明该算法,并给出了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11390-006-0066-0]


[196] A workflow-mining-based approach to knowledge maintenance (2009)

(Ming, Li and Lu, Liu and Bei, Fan | 2008 IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises, AMIGE 2008 - Proceedings)

Abstract: The quality of knowledge in the knowledge repository determines the effects of knowledge reusing and sharing. The control of the knowledge maintenance process is necessary. Workflow system has been used to support the control of knowledge maintenance process. However, it is difficult to create an appropriate knowledge maintenance process. In this paper, workflow mining is used to support the design of knowledge maintenance process. At first, the characteristics of knowledge maintenance process are discussed deeply. Then the workflow-mining-based knowledge maintenance approach including the novel knowledge maintenance process mining algorithm is proposed. Finally, the acquisition process for the lessons learned knowledge is used as a case study to illustrate the proposed approach. textcopyright 2008 Crown.


摘要: 知识库中知识的质量决定了知识重用和共享的效果。知识维护过程的控制是必要的。工作流系统已用于支持知识维护过程的控制。但是,很难创建适当的知识维护过程。在本文中,工作流挖掘用于支持知识维护过程的设计。首先,深入讨论了知识维护过程的特点。然后提出了一种基于工作流挖掘的知识维护方法,该方法包括新颖的知识维护过程挖掘算法。最后,将以经验教训为基础的获取过程作为案例研究来说明所提出的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2008皇冠。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AMIGE.2008.ECP.21]

[197] AN effective algorithm for business process mining based on modified FP-tree algorithm (2010)

(Kim, Gun Woo and Lee, Seung Hoon and Kim, Jae Hyung and Son, Jin Hyun | 2nd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2010)

Abstract: A number of business organizations are beginning to realize the importance of business process management. However, process can often go the way they were initially not designed for or a non-efficient performance process model could be designed. To solve this problem, business process mining which can be used as the basis for the business process re-engineering has been recognized to an important concept. However, current research in the domain of process mining has only focused on extracting a workflow-based process model from completed process logs. Thus, there is a limitation in expressing various types of business processes, and moreover, process discovery and log scanning take a considerable amount of time. In this paper, we present a modified FP-tree algorithm for FP-tree based business processes, which are used for association analysis in data mining. Our modified algorithm supports the discovery of an appropriate level of the process model according to the users need without rescanning all the process logs during updating. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 许多企业组织已经开始意识到业务流程管理的重要性。但是,流程通常可以按照最初不为之设计的方式,或者可以设计效率低下的绩效流程模型。为了解决这个问题,业务可以用作业务流程再造基础的流程挖掘已被认为是一个重要的概念,但是,当前在流程挖掘领域的研究仅集中于从完整的流程日志中提取基于工作流的流程模型。因此,在表达各种类型的业务流程方面存在局限性,而且流程发现和日志扫描要花费大量时间,本文针对基于FP-tree的业务流程提出了一种改进的FP-tree算法,该算法用于数据挖掘中的关联分析,我们的改进算法支持根据用户需求发现适当级别的过程模型,而无需在更新过程中重新扫描所有过程日志。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICCSN.2010.77]

[198] APSAT: A framework for modeling and analysis of workflow dynamics in mission-centric systems (2012)

(Pecarina, John and Liu, Jyh Charn | Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2012)

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a flexible framework to accomplish workflow modeling from network traffic, the Access Profile Statistical Analysis Tool (APSAT). In APSAT, workflow modeling is decomposed into four layers: packet flows, Resource Access Actions (RAA), workflow periods, and workflow behavior. We develop a novel approach to compress packet flows into expressive human actions using our Behavior Description Grammar (BDG). We illustrate a new algorithm to detect workflow shifts, where human action streams statistically deviate from an observed pattern of usage. One can infer semantics from workflow periods, the intervals between workflow shifts, and identify these shifts as a possible indicator of group actions. For its evaluation, a prototype of APSAT monitors file access from a series of scripted workflow simulations. It is found that a strong relationship exists between workflows and workflow-driven file access patterns. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一个灵活的框架来完成网络流量的工作流建模,即访问配置文件统计分析工具(APSAT)。在APSAT中,工作流建模被分解为四个层:数据包流,资源访问操作(RAA),工作流周期和工作流行为。我们开发了一种新颖的方法,即使用行为描述语法(BDG)将数据包流压缩为富有表现力的人类动作。我们说明了一种新的算法来检测工作流转移,其中人类行为流在统计上偏离了所观察到的使用模式。可以从工作流周期,工作流转移之间的间隔中推断出语义,并将这些转移识别为群体行动的一种可能指示。为了进行评估,APSAT的原型通过一系列脚本化的工作流程模拟来监视文件访问。发现工作流和工作流驱动的文件访问模式之间存在很强的关系。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2012.6261108]

[199] Abnormal process instances identification method in healthcare environment (2011)

(Han, Bingning and Jiang, Lihong and Cai, Hongming | Proc. 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2011, 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS 2011, 6th Int. Conf. on FCST 2011)

Abstract: In order to gain the competitive advantage, more and more hospitals put their attention on determining and optimizing the standard clinical pathway. However, there are many abnormal instances in the event logs which disturb the effect of the process mining and the process analysis. Also, the prescription and the medical test items may have a large difference in the specific disease, where has the similar clinical pathways due to the multi-factor in the clinical pathways. In this paper, an abnormal process instances identification method (APIIM) is proposed. Given the event logs and the standard clinical pathway, the method classifies the instances based on the classification attributes and identifies the abnormal instances by the outlier detection technology. Moreover, a case study using the real data in one hospital is implemented and the result shows that the method is effective and efficient in discovering the abnormal process instances in the healthcare environment. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 为了获得竞争优势,越来越多的医院将注意力放在确定和优化标准临床途径上。但是,事件日志中有许多异常实例,它们干扰了流程挖掘和流程分析的效果。而且,由于临床途径中的多因素,处方和医学检验项目在特定疾病中可能具有很大差异,在特定疾病中,它们具有相似的临床途径。本文提出了一种异常过程实例识别方法(APIIM)。给定事件日志和标准临床路径,该方法基于分类属性对实例进行分类,并通过异常检测技术识别异常实例。此外,利用一所医院的真实数据进行了案例研究,结果表明该方法在医疗环境中发现异常过程实例是有效且高效的。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TrustCom.2011.189]

[200] Achieving intention-centric BPM through automated planning (2014)

(Van Beest | Proceedings - IEEE 7th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2014)

Abstract: As a result of the more distributed nature of organisations and the inherently increasing complexity of their business processes, a significant effort is required for the specification and verification of those processes. The composition of the activities into a business process that accomplishes a specific organisational goal has primarily been a manual task. Automated planning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) in which activities are selected and organised by anticipating their expected outcomes with the aim of achieving some goal. As such, automated planning would seem to be a natural fit to the BPM domain to automate the specification of control flow. A number of attempts have been made to apply automated planning to the business process and service composition domain in different stages of the BPM lifecycle. However, a unified adoption of these techniques throughout the BPM lifecycle is missing. As such, we propose a new intention-centric BPM paradigm, which aims on minimising the specification effort by exploiting automated planning techniques to achieve a pre-stated goal. This paper provides a vision on the future possibilities of enhancing BPM using automated planning. A research agenda is presented, which provides an overview of the opportunities and challenges for the exploitation of automated planning in BPM.


摘要: 由于组织的分布性更强,并且其业务流程的内在复杂性不断提高,因此需要对这些流程的规范和验证进行大量的工作。将活动组成完成特定组织目标的业务流程主要是一项手动任务。自动化计划是人工智能(AI)的一个分支,其中通过预期活动的预期结果来选择和组织活动,以实现某些目标。因此,自动化计划似乎很自然地适合BPM域以自动化控制流程的规范。在BPM生命周期的不同阶段,已经进行了许多尝试将自动化计划应用于业务流程和服务组合域。但是,缺少在BPM生命周期中统一采用这些技术的方法。因此,我们提出了一个新的以意图为中心的BPM范式,其目的是通过利用自动化计划技术来实现预定的目标,从而最大限度地减少规范工作。本文提供了使用自动化计划增强BPM的未来可能性的愿景。提出了研究议程,概述了在BPM中利用自动化计划的机遇和挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCA.2014.45]

[201] Acquiring logistics process intelligence: Methodology and an application for a Chinese bulk port (2014)

(Wang, Ying and Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Huang, Lei and Guo, Yi | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: The processes of logistics service providers are considered as highly human-centric, flexible and complex. Deviations from the standard operating procedures as described in the designed process models, are not uncommon and may result in significant uncertainties. Acquiring insight in the dynamics of the actual logistics processes can effectively assist in mitigating the uncovered risks and creating strategic advantages, which are the result of uncertainties with respectively a negative and a positive impact on the organizational objectives. In this paper a comprehensive methodology for applying process mining in logistics is presented, covering the event log extraction and preprocessing as well as the execution of exploratory, performance and conformance analyses. The applicability of the presented methodology and roadmap is demonstrated with a case study at an important Chinese port that specializes in bulk cargo. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 物流服务提供商的流程被认为是高度以人为本的,灵活而复杂的。与设计过程模型中描述的标准操作程序的差异并不罕见,并且可能导致重大不确定性。对实际物流流程动态的深入了解可以有效地帮助缓解未发现的风险并创造战略优势,这是不确定性的结果,不确定性分别对组织目标产生了负面影响和正面影响。本文提出了一种在物流中应用过程挖掘的综合方法,涵盖了事件日志的提取和预处理以及探索性,性能和一致性分析的执行。通过在中国一个专门从事散装货物的重要港口的案例研究,证明了所提出的方法和路线图的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.021]

[202] Active trace clustering for improved process discovery (2013)

(De Weerdt | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Process discovery is the learning task that entails the construction of process models from event logs of information systems. Typically, these event logs are large data sets that contain the process executions by registering what activity has taken place at a certain moment in time. By far the most arduous challenge for process discovery algorithms consists of tackling the problem of accurate and comprehensible knowledge discovery from highly flexible environments. Event logs from such flexible systems often contain a large variety of process executions which makes the application of process mining most interesting. However, simply applying existing process discovery techniques will often yield highly incomprehensible process models because of their inaccuracy and complexity. With respect to resolving this problem, trace clustering is one very interesting approach since it allows to split up an existing event log so as to facilitate the knowledge discovery process. In this paper, we propose a novel trace clustering technique that significantly differs from previous approaches. Above all, it starts from the observation that currently available techniques suffer from a large divergence between the clustering bias and the evaluation bias. By employing an active learning inspired approach, this bias divergence is solved. In an assessment using four complex, real-life event logs, it is shown that our technique significantly outperforms currently available trace clustering techniques. textcopyright 1989-2012 IEEE.


摘要: 过程发现是一项学习任务,需要从信息系统的事件日志中构建过程模型。通常,这些事件日志是大型数据集,其中包含通过记录特定时间发生的活动来执行流程的过程。到目前为止,过程发现算法面临的最艰巨挑战是解决从高度灵活的环境中进行准确而可理解的知识发现的问题。来自这样的灵活系统的事件日志通常包含各种各样的流程执行,这使得流程挖掘的应用变得最为有趣。但是,仅简单地应用现有的过程发现技术,由于它们的准确性和复杂性,通常会产生难以理解的过程模型。关于解决此问题,跟踪聚类是一种非常有趣的方法,因为它可以拆分现有的事件日志,以促进知识发现过程。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的痕迹聚类技术,该技术与以前的方法大不相同。最重要的是,从观察开始,当前可用的技术在聚类偏差和评估偏差之间存在较大差异。通过采用积极的学习启发方法,可以解决这种偏差差异。在使用四个复杂的现实事件日志的评估中,表明我们的技术大大优于当前可用的跟踪聚类技术。 t​​extcopyright 1989-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2013.64]

[203] Activity failure prediction based on process mining (2015)

(Camara, Mamadou Samba and Fall, Ibrahima and Mendy, Gervais and Diaw, Samba | 2015 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2015 - Joint Conference SINTES 19, SACCS 15, SIMSIS 19)

Abstract: Based on the state of the art of process mining, we can conclude that quality characteristics (failure rate metrics or loops) are poorly represented or absent in most predictive models that can be found in the literature. The main goal of this present research work is to analyze how to learn prediction model defining failure as response variable. A model of this type can be used for active real-time-controlling (e. g. through the reassignment of workflow activities based on prediction results) or for the automated support of redesign (i.e., prediction results are transformed in software requirements used to implement process improvements). The proposed methodology is based on the application of a data mining process because the objective of this work can be considered as a data mining goal.


摘要: 基于过程挖掘的最新技术,我们可以得出结论,在文献中可以找到的大多数预测模型中,质量特征(故障率指标或循环)的表示能力很差或缺乏。本研究工作的主要目标是分析如何学习将故障定义为响应变量的预测模型。这种类型的模型可用于主动实时控制(例如,通过基于预测结果重新分配工作流活动)或自动支持重新设计(即,将预测结果转换为用于实现流程改进的软件需求) )。所提出的方法基于数​​据挖掘过程的应用,因为这项工作的目标可以被认为是数据挖掘的目标。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSTCC.2015.7321401]

[204] Adaptable Decentralized Service Oriented Architecture (2011)

(Safi Esfahani | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: In the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), BPEL specified business processes are executed by non-scalable centralized orchestration engines. In order to address the scalability issue, decentralized orchestration engines are applied, which decentralize BPEL processes into static fragments at design time without considering runtime requirements. The fragments are then encapsulated into runtime components such as agents. There are a variety of attitudes towards workflow decentralization; however, only a few of them produce adaptable fragments with runtime environment. In this paper, producing runtime adaptable fragments is presented in two aspects. The first one is frequent-path adaptability that is equal to finding closely interrelated activities and encapsulating them in the same fragment to omit the communication cost of the activities. Another aspect is proportional-fragment adaptability, which is analogous to the proportionality of produced fragments with number of workflow engine machines. It extenuates the internal communication among the fragments on the same machine. An ever-changing runtime environment along with the mentioned adaptability aspects may result in producing a variety of process versions at runtime. Thus, an Adaptable and Decentralized Workflow Execution Framework (ADWEF) is introduced that proposes an abstraction of adaptable decentralization in the SOA orchestration layer. Furthermore, ADWEF architectures Type-1 and Type-2 are presented to support the execution of fragments created by two decentralization methods, which produce customized fragments known as Hierarchical Process Decentralization (HPD) and Hierarchical Intelligent Process Decentralization (HIPD). However, mapping the current system conditions to a suitable decentralization method is considered as future work. Evaluations of the ADWEF decentralization methods substantiate both adaptability aspects and demonstrate a range of improvements in response-time, throughput, and bandwidth-usage compared to previous methods. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 在面向服务的体系结构(SOA)中,BPEL指定的业务流程是由不可伸缩的集中编排引擎执行的。为了解决可伸缩性问题,应用了分散的编排引擎,该引擎在设计时将BPEL流程分散为静态片段,而无需考虑运行时需求。然后将片段封装到运行时组件(例如代理)中。对于工作流分散化有多种态度。但是,只有少数几个在运行时环境中产生可适应的片段。在本文中,从两个方面介绍了生成运行时自适应片段。第一个是频繁路径适应性,它等于找到紧密相关的活动并将它们封装在同一片段中,从而省略了活动的通信成本。另一个方面是比例片段适应性,类似于所产生片段与工作流引擎机器数量的比例。它延长了同一台计算机上的各个片段之间的内部通信。不断变化的运行时环境以及所提到的适应性方面可能导致在运行时生成各种过程版本。因此,引入了自适应分散式工作流执行框架(ADWEF),该框架提出了SOA编排层中自适应分散的抽象。此外,提出了ADWEF体系结构Type-1和Type-2,以支持由两种分散方法创建的片段的执行,这两种方法产生了定制的片段,称为分层过程分散(HPD)和分层智能过程分散(HIPD)。但是,将当前系统条件映射到合适的分散方法被认为是未来的工作。对ADWEF分散方法的评估证实了这两个方面的适应性,并证明了与以前的方法相比,响应时间,吞吐量和带宽使用方面的改进。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2011.03.031]

[205] Adapting association rule mining to discover patterns of collaboration in process logs (2012)

(Schonig, Stefan and Zeising, Michael and Jablonski, Stefan | CollaborateCom 2012 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing)

Abstract: The execution order of work steps within business processes is influenced by several factors, like the organizational position of performing agents, document flows or temporal de-pendencies. Process mining techniques are successfully used to discover execution orders from process execution logs automati-cally. However, the methods are mostly discovering the execution order of process steps without facing possible coherencies with other perspectives of business processes, i.e., other types of pro-cess execution data. In this paper, we propose a method to dis-cover cross-perspective collaborative patterns in process logs and therefore strive for a genotypic analysis of recorded process data. For this purpose, we adapted the association rule mining algo-rithm to analyse execution logs. The resulting rules can be used for guiding users through collaborative process execution. textcopyright 2012 ICST.


摘要: 业务流程中工作步骤的执行顺序受多个因素影响,例如执行代理的组织位置,文档流或暂时的依赖关系。流程挖掘技术已成功用于自动从流程执行日志中发现执行顺序。但是,这些方法主要是发现流程步骤的执行顺序,而不会面临与业务流程其他视角(即其他类型的流程执行数据)可能的一致性。在本文中,我们提出了一种在过程日志中发现跨视角协作模式的方法,因此致力于对记录的过程数据进行基因型分析。为此,我们采用了关联规则挖掘算法来分析执行日志。生成的规则可用于指导用户完成协作过程的执行。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ICST。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4108/icst.collaboratecom.2012.250346]

[206] Adaptive Automated Teller Machines (2013)

(Mahmood, Tariq and Shaikh, Ghulam Mujtaba | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Nowadays, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) provide significant online support to bank customers. A limitation of ATM usage is that customers often have to wait in a queue, especially at ATMs installed at busy locations. Also, old people tend to consume more ATM usage time, possibly frustrating customers in the queue. In these situations, ATMs should adapt to the behavior of the customers to minimize the usage time. To this end, we apply data mining techniques to an ATM transaction dataset obtained from an international bank based in Kuwait. We pre-process this dataset, and convert it into a specific XML format to mine it through the ProM (process mining) tool. Our results reveal that customers withdraw money most frequently, followed by purchases (through an ATM card) and balance inquiry transactions. Customers re-do these transactions frequently, and also employ them one after the other. We acquire the distributions of the withdrawn amount, based on individual customers, the location (ATM terminal) and time of the withdrawl. Based on these results, we have proposed a set of five adaptive ATM interfaces, which show only frequent transactions and frequently-withdrawn amounts, display the current balance autonomously, and query explicitly for viewing purchase history, or for performing another withdrawl. An online survey on 216 ATM customers reveals that a majority of customers are willing to use these interfaces for minimizing their usage time. Our work has been approved by the banking authority of Pakistan, and we are currently implementing our interfaces for a Pakistani bank. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 如今,自动柜员机(ATM)为银行客户提供了重要的在线支持。 ATM使用的局限性在于客户通常必须排队等候,尤其是在繁忙地点安装的ATM上。而且,老年人倾向于消耗更多的ATM使用时间,这可能会使排队的顾客感到沮丧。在这种情况下,ATM应该适应客户的行为,以最大程度地减少使用时间。为此,我们将数据挖掘技术应用于从科威特的一家国际银行获得的ATM交易数据集。我们对该数据集进行预处理,然后将其转换为特定的XML格式,以通过ProM(过程挖掘)工具进行挖掘。我们的结果表明,客户提款最频繁,其次是购买(通过ATM卡)和余额查询交易。客户经常重新进行这些交易,并一次又一次地使用它们。我们根据个人客户,提款地点(ATM终端)和提款时间获取提款金额的分布。根据这些结果,我们提出了五个自适应ATM界面的集合,这些界面仅显示频繁交易和频繁提取的金额,自动显示当前余额,并明确查询查看购买历史记录或进行另一次提取。对216个ATM客户的在线调查显示,大多数客户愿意使用这些界面来最大程度地减少使用时间。我们的工作已获得巴基斯坦银行业当局的批准,我们目前正在为巴基斯坦银行实现我们的界面。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2012.08.022]

[207] Aegis: Automatic enforcement of security policies in workflow-driven web applications (2017)

(Compagna, Luca and Dos Santos | CODASPY 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy)

Abstract: Organizations often expose business processes and services as web applications. Improper enforcement of security policies in these applications leads to business logic vulnerabilities that are hard to find and may have dramatic security implications. Aegis is a tool to automatically synthesize run-Time monitors to enforce control-ow and data-ow integrity, as well as authorization policies and constraints in web applications. The enforcement of these properties can mitigate attacks, e.g., authorization bypass and workow violations, while allowing regulatory compliance in the form of, e.g., Separation of Duty. Aegis is capable of guaranteeing business continuity while enforcing the security policies. We evaluate Aegis on a set of real-world applications, assessing the enforcement of policies, mitigation of vulnerabilities, and performance overhead.


摘要: 组织经常将业务流程和服务公开为Web应用程序。在这些应用程序中执行不正确的安全策略会导致难以发现的业务逻辑漏洞,并且可能会对安全产生重大影响。 Aegis是一种工具,可以自动合成运行时监视器,以增强控制流和数据流的完整性以及Web应用程序中的授权策略和约束。这些属性的实施可以减轻攻击,例如授权绕过和违反工作流,同时允许以例如职责分离的形式遵守法规。 Aegis能够在执行安全策略的同时保证业务连续性。我们在一组实际应用程序上评估宙斯盾,评估政策的实施,漏洞的缓解以及性能开销。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3029806.3029813]

[208] Algorithms for anomaly detection of traces in logs of process aware information systems (2013)

(Bezerra, Fabio and Wainer, Jacques | Information Systems)

Abstract: This paper discusses four algorithms for detecting anomalies in logs of process aware systems. One of the algorithms only marks as potential anomalies traces that are infrequent in the log. The other three algorithms: threshold, iterative and sampling are based on mining a process model from the log, or a subset of it. The algorithms were evaluated on a set of 1500 artificial logs, with different profiles on the number of anomalous traces and the number of times each anomalous traces was present in the log. The sampling algorithm proved to be the most effective solution. We also applied the algorithm to a real log, and compared the resulting detected anomalous traces with the ones detected by a different procedure that relies on manual choices. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 本文讨论了四种用于检测过程感知系统日志中异常的算法。其中一种算法仅将日志中很少出现的潜在异常痕迹标记为。其他三种算法:阈值,迭代和采样基于从日志或其子集中挖掘过程模型。在一组1500条人工日志上对算法进行了评估,对异常迹线的数量以及每个异常迹线在日志中的出现次数具有不同的描述。采样算法被证明是最有效的解决方案。我们还将算法应用于真实日志,并将检测到的异常迹线与通过依赖于手动选择的其他过程检测到的异常迹线进行比较。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.04.004]

[209] Aligning Real Process Executions and Prescriptive Process Models through Automated Planning (2017)

(de Leoni, M. and Marrella, A. | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Modern organizations execute processes to deliver product and services, whose enactment needs to adhere to laws, regulations and standards. Conformance checking is the problem of pinpointing where deviations are observed. This paper shows how instances of the conformance checking problem can be represented as planning problems in PDDL (Planning Domain Definition Language) for which planners can find a correct solution in a finite amount of time. If conformance checking problems are converted into planning problems, one can seamlessly update to the recent versions of the best performing automated planners, with evident advantages in term of versatility and customization. The paper also reports on results of experiments conducted on two real-life case studies and on eight larger synthetic ones, mainly using the FAST-DOWNWARD planner framework to solve the planning problems due to its performances. Some experiments were also repeated though other planners to concretely showcase the versatility of our approach. The results show that, when process models and event logs are of considerable size, our approach outperforms existing ones even by several orders of magnitude. Even more remarkably, when process models are extremely large and event log traces very long, the existing approaches are unable to terminate because they run out of memory, while our approach is able to properly complete the alignment task.


摘要: 现代组织执行流程来交付产品和服务,其制定需要遵守法律,法规和标准。一致性检查是精确指出观察到偏差的问题。本文展示了如何将一致性检查问题的实例表示为PDDL(规划域定义语言)中的规划问题,规划人员可以在有限的时间内找到正确的解决方案。如果将一致性检查问题转换为计划问题,则可以无缝地更新到性能最佳的自动化计划程序的最新版本,在多功能性和自定义方面具有明显的优势。本文还报告了两个实际案例研究和八个较大的综合案例研究的实验结果,主要是使用FAST-DOWNWARD计划程序框架来解决由于其性能而引起的计划问题。尽管其他计划者也重复了一些实验,以具体展示我们方法的多功能性。结果表明,当流程模型和事件日志相当大时,我们的方法甚至比现有方法要好几个数量级。更值得注意的是,当流程模型非常大且事件日志跟踪非常长时,现有方法无法终止,因为它们用尽了内存,而我们的方法却能够正确完成对齐任务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2017.03.047]

[210] Aligning business process models (2009)

(Dijkman, Remco and Dumas, Marlon and Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano and Kaarik, Reina | Proceedings - 13th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2009)

Abstract: This paper studies the following problem: given a pair of business process models, determine which elements in one model are related to which elements in the other model. This problem arises in the context of merging different versions or variants of a business process model or when comparing business process models in order to display their similarities and differences. The paper investigates two approaches to this alignment problem: one based purely on lexical matching of pairs of elements and another based on error-correcting graph matching. Using a set of models taken from real-life scenarios, the paper empirically shows that graph matching techniques yield a significantly higher precision than pure lexical matching, while achieving comparable recall. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 本文研究以下问题:给定一对业务流程模型,确定一个模型中的哪些元素与另一模型中的哪些元素相关。在合并业务流程模型的不同版本或变体的上下文中,或者在比较业务流程模型以显示其相似性和差异时,会出现此问题。本文研究了解决此对齐问题的两种方法:一种完全基于元素对的词汇匹配,另一种基于纠错图匹配。通过使用一组来自现实生活场景的模型,该论文从经验上表明,图匹配技术比纯词汇匹配具有更高的精度,同时具有可比的召回率。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2009.11]


[211] Alignment of teachers plan and students use of LMS resources. Analysis of Moodle logs (2016)

(Alvarez, Pedro and Fabra, Javier and Hernandez, Sergio and Ezpeleta, Joaquin | 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2016)

Abstract: Learning Management Systems (LMS) can generate log files that can give some insight of the way students face the proposed learning activities. Analyzing such logs, either from the perspective of the course materials or from the students behaviour point of view is a necessity for teachers in order to modify and improve the proposed courses. In this paper we apply process mining techniques to analyze such logs. We are interested in studying the students use of the learning resources, the students fitness with respect to the planned assignments and the relationship between the students behaviour and their final marks, for instance. A log analysis system has been implemented based on a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) model checking tool and a set of general patterns making easier querying about students behavioral aspects is proposed. The utility of the system is shown by means of the analysis of Moodle logs corresponding to a course related to Computer Science.

** 教师计划与学生对LMS资源的使用。Moodle日志的分析**

摘要: 学习管理系统(LMS)可以生成日志文件,从而提供一些有关学生面对拟议的学习活动的方式的见解。从课程材料的角度或从学生的行为角度分析此类日志是一种为了改进和完善所建议的课程,教师有必要,本文采用过程挖掘技术来分析此类日志,我们有兴趣研究学生对学习资源的使用情况,学生对计划作业的适应性以及学生行为与最终成绩之间的关系,例如,基于线性时态逻辑(LTL)模型检查工具和一套通用模式的日志分析系统,该系统使查询学生的行为方面更加容易。通过分析与计算机科学相关的课程相对应的Moodle日志,可以显示该系统的实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ITHET.2016.7760720]

[212] Allocation and scheduling of Conditional Task Graphs (2010)

(Lombardi, Michele and Milano, Michela | Artificial Intelligence)

Abstract: We propose an original, complete and efficient approach to the allocation and scheduling of Conditional Task Graphs (CTGs). In CTGs, nodes represent activities, some of them are branches and are labeled with a condition, arcs rooted in branch nodes are labeled with condition outcomes and a corresponding probability. A task is executed at run time if the condition outcomes that label the arcs in the path to the task hold at schedule execution time; this can be captured off-line by adopting a stochastic model. Tasks need for their execution either unary or cumulative resources and some tasks can be executed on alternative resources. The solution to the problem is a single assignment of a resource and of a start time to each task so that the allocation and schedule is feasible in each scenario and the expected value of a given objective function is optimized. For this problem we need to extend traditional constraint-based scheduling techniques in two directions: (i) compute the probability of sets of scenarios in polynomial time, in order to get the expected value of the objective function; (ii) define conditional constraints that ensure feasibility in all scenarios. We show the application of this framework on problems with objective functions depending either on the allocation of resources to tasks or on the scheduling part. Also, we present the conditional extension to the timetable global constraint. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach on a set of benchmarks taken from the field of embedded system design. Comparing our solver with a scenario based solver proposed in the literature, we show the advantages of our approach both in terms of execution time and solution quality. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 我们为条件任务图(CTG)的分配和调度提出了一种原始,完整而有效的方法。在CTG中,节点表示活动,其中一些是分支,并带有条件标记,植根于分支节点的弧线带有条件结果和相应的概率标记。如果标记任务路径上的弧的条件结果在计划执行时成立,则在运行时执行任务。可以通过采用随机模型离线捕获。任务需要执行一元或累积资源,并且某些任务可以在备用资源上执行。该问题的解决方案是为每个任务分配一个资源和一个开始时间,以便分配和计划在每种情况下都是可行的,并且给定目标函数的期望值得到了优化。对于这个问题,我们需要在两个方向上扩展传统的基于约束的调度技术:(i)计算多项式时间内的情景集概率,以获得目标函数的期望值; (ii)定义条件约束,以确保在所有情况下均可行。我们展示了此框架在具有目标功能的问题上的应用,这些问题取决于对任务的资源分配或调度部分。此外,我们提出了时间表全局约束的条件扩展。实验结果表明,该方法在嵌入式系统设计领域的一系列基准测试中是有效的。将我们的求解器与文献中提出的基于场景的求解器进行比较,我们展示了我们的方法在执行时间和解决方案质量方面的优势。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.artint.2010.02.004]

[213] Amending C-net discovery algorithms (2013)

(Sole | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: As the complexity of information systems evolves, there is a growing interest in defining suitable process models than can overcome the limitations of traditional formalisms like Petri nets or related. Causal nets may be one of such process models, since their declarative semantics and simple graph structure deviates from existing formalisms. Due to their novelty, few discovery algorithms exist for Causal nets. Moreover, the existing ones offer poor guarantees regarding the produced outcome. We describe an algorithm that can be applied as a second step to any discovery technique to improve the quality of the Causal net derived. We have tested the technique in combination with the existing algorithms in the literature, noticing a considerable improvement. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 随着信息系统复杂性的发展,定义合适的流程模型的兴趣与克服诸如Petri网或相关技术等传统形式主义的局限性的兴趣日益增长。因果网络可能是这样的过程模型之一,因为它们的声明性语义和简单的图结构与现有的形式主义有所不同。由于它们的新颖性,几乎没有发现因果网络的算法。此外,现有的提供关于产生结果的较差的保证。我们描述了一种算法,该算法可以用作任何发现技术的第二步,以提高派生的因果网络的质量。我们已经结合文献中的现有算法对这项技术进行了测试,注意到有很大的改进。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480628]

[214] An Effective Process Mining Approach against Diverse Logs Based on Case Classification (2015)

(Yang, Liqin and Kang, Guosheng and Cai, Weigang and Zhou, Qiang | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, BigData Congress 2015)

Abstract: Since real-life processes tend to be much flexible because of the ever changing circumstances, there is a lot of diversity in logs leading to complex models which may contain various kinds of complex control-flow structures. However, every mining algorithm has its pros and cons, so there is not a general algorithm which is capable to handle diverse logs. In this paper, we propose a general process mining approach, which first deals with the diversity issue by classifying the cases into sets of categories (sub logs). Next, multiple process miners take these sub logs as input to produce sets of process models. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) based optimizer taking these process models as parts of initial population aggregates appropriate process fragments into the entire process model with the balance of four quality dimensions. Experiments on synthetic and real-life logs from a telecommunication giant demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


摘要: 由于现实生活中的环境不断变化,现实过程往往具有很大的灵活性,因此日志中存在很多差异,从而导致复杂的模型可能包含各种复杂的控制流结构。但是,每种挖掘算法都有其优缺点,因此没有一种通用的算法能够处理各种日志。在本文中,我们提出了一种通用的过程挖掘方法,该方法首先通过将案例分为几类类别(子日志)来处理多样性问题。接下来,多个流程采矿者将这些子日志作为输入来生成流程模型集。然后,基于遗传算法(GA)的优化程序将这些过程模型作为初始种群的一部分,将适当的过程片段聚合到整个过程模型中,并在四个质量维度之间取得平衡。来自电信巨头的合成和真实日志的实验证明了我们方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigDataCongress.2015.59]

[215] An adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning (2010)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Van Der Aalst | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Work distribution, as an integral part of business process management, is more widely acknowledged by its importance for Process-aware Information Systems. Although there are emerging a wide variety of mechanisms to support work distribution, they less concern performance considerations and cannot balance work distribution requirements and process performance within the change of process conditions. This paper presents an adaptive work distribution mechanism based on reinforcement learning. It considers process performance goals, and then can learn, reason suitable work distribution policies within the change of process conditions. Also, learning-based simulation experiment for addressing work distribution problems of business process management is introduced. The experiment results show that our mechanism outperforms reasonable heuristic or hand-coded approaches to satisfy process performance goals and is feasible to improve current state of business process management. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 工作分配,作为业务流程管理的组成部分,因其对流程感知信息系统的重要性而得到广泛认可。尽管出现了各种各样的支持工作分配的机制,但是它们很少关注绩效考量,并且无法在过程条件变化中平衡工作分配需求和过程绩效。本文提出了一种基于强化学习的自适应工作分配机制。它考虑了过程绩效目标,然后可以学习,根据过程条件的变化推理出合适的工作分配策略。此外,介绍了基于学习的模拟实验,用于解决业务流程管理中的工作分配问题。实验结果表明,我们的机制优于合理的启发式方法或手动编码方法,可以满足流程性能目标,并且对于改善当前业务流程管理状态是可行的。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2010.04.091]

[216] An agent-based approach for organizational structures and interaction protocols mining in workflow (2015)

(Bouzguenda, Lotfi and Abdelkafi, Mahdi | Social Network Analysis and Mining)

Abstract: This paper deals with organizational perspective mining in workflow. First, it exposes a comparative study of three representative workflow mining systems: InWolve, WorkflowMiner and ProM. To perform our comparative study, we propose the following quality criteria: the capacity to filter and to convert an events log, the capacity to discover workflow perspectives and the capacity to support their analysis. The main limit of these systems is their inability to deal with organizational perspective mining issue. By organizational perspective, we mean, the social structures defining the activity distribution among actors involved in the workflow (namely federation, coalition, market or hierarchy), as well as the interaction protocols ruling the communications between them (such as contract net, auction or vote). To compensate the previous drawback, the paper proposes an agent-oriented approach to support the organizational perspective mining. More precisely, it proposes an events log model, which extends existing models by taking into account the interactions among actors, thanks to the performative-based agent communication language FIPA-ACL. It also presents a concrete case study to better illustrate the organizational perspective mining and some algorithms for organizational structures and interaction protocols mining. Finally, we describe in detail our discopflow tool to validate our solution.


摘要: 本文涉及工作流中的组织视角挖掘。首先,它对三种代表性的工作流挖掘系统进行了比较研究:InWolve,WorkflowMiner和ProM。为了进行比较研究,我们提出以下质量标准:过滤和转换事件日志的能力,发现工作流观点的能力以及支持其分析的能力。这些系统的主要局限性是它们无法处理组织角度的挖掘问题。从组织的角度来看,我们的意思是,社会结构定义了工作流程中参与者之间的活动分布(即联盟,联盟,市场或等级制度),以及决定它们之间的通信的交互协议(例如合同网,拍卖或投票)。为了弥补以前的缺点,本文提出了一种面向代理的方法来支持组织视角挖掘。更准确地说,由于基于性能的代理通信语言FIPA-ACL,它提出了一个事件日志模型,该模型通过考虑参与者之间的交互来扩展现有模型。它还提供了一个具体的案例研究,以更好地说明组织视角挖掘以及一些用于组织结构和交互协议挖掘的算法。最后,我们详细描述了Discopflow工具以验证我们的解决方案。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13278-015-0250-8]

[217] An agile operations management system for green factory (2014)

(Jo, Hyunjei and Noh, Sang Do and Cho, Yongju | International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology)

Abstract: The globalization of suppliers and personalization of customers require new manufacturing strategy for environmental issues, regions special regulation and energy besides manufacturing factors from manufacturers. In this study, green factory is defined as a manufacturing floor that reduces waste elements such as extra work, energy, time and cost through quickly responding to external uncontrollable changes like a regulation, due date and supply. Therefore, the green factory should respond by establishing and implementing strategies for controlling their production volumes, changing their dispatch rules, adjusting their work schedules, increasing and decreasing the number of their machines and workers based on their own internal data and capacities, and other measures. To achieve such objective, manufacturing companies should realize a manufacturing intelligence that can visualize their shop-floor data, and detect and solve problems at the business planning level. In this study, an agile operations management (AOM) system that can quickly respond to field problems was developed for manufacturing intelligence. The AOM system refers to a system that collects internal data, monitors such data in real time, immediately detects problems, if any, and provides solutions to the detected issues within the shortest time. textcopyright KSPE and Springer 2014.


摘要: 供应商的全球化和客户的个性化要求新的制造策略来解决环境问题,区域的特殊法规和能源,以及制造商的制造因素。在本研究中,绿色工厂被定义为减少诸如多余工作,通过快速响应外部不可控的变化(例如法规,到期日和供应)来节省能源,时间和成本,因此,绿色工厂应通过制定和实施策略来做出响应,以控制其产量,更改调度规则,调整工作计划,增加产量为了实现这一目标,制造公司应该实现制造智能化,可以可视化其车间数据,并在生产现场检测和解决问题。业务计划级别。在本研究中,开发了可以快速响应现场问题的捷运运营管理(AOM)系统,用于制造智能。 AOM系统是指收集内部数据,实时监控此类数据,立即发现问题(如有)并在最短时间内提供解决方案的系统。 t​​extcopyright KSPE和Springer2014。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s40684-014-0018-z]

[218] An algorithm for calculating process similarity to cluster open-source process designs (2004)

(Huang, Kui and Zhou, Zhaotao and Han, Yanbo and Li, Gang and Wang, Jing | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: This paper proposes an algorithm for calculating process similarity in order to cluster process designs. A weighted graph is introduced for comparing processes in the intermediate form. The graph similarity is the weighted sum of similarity between sets of services and sets of service links that can be calculated based on the service similarity. The evaluation and application of the algorithm is discussed at the end of this paper. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.


摘要: 本文提出了一种计算过程相似度的算法,以对过程设计进行聚类。引入加权图以比较中间形式的过程。图相似度是可以基于服务相似度计算的服务集和服务链接集之间的相似度的加权总和。最后讨论了该算法的评估和应用。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-30207-0_14]

[219] An algorithm for conformance checking based on statistics (2014)

(Zhao, Li and Liqun, Zhang and Fangfang, Huang | Proceedings - 2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2014)

Abstract: In process mining, after we get the model from the log by using mining algorithm, the coexistence of process model with event log brings such a problem: whether the model and the event log are mutually consistent. The conformance checking means that by comparing the model getting by the model discovery with the actual process action or the event log, we can find that whether the model is factual. Fitness shows the scope of the contact between the event traces in the logs and the effective execution path in the process models. Log means the every record is a actual reflection of the running of the system. Every record can affect the fitness. So we can analysis every record and use the statistical method to measure the fitness. This article gives a new algorithm to measure the fitness by using statistical method. Experiments show that this algorithm can measure the fitness accurately.


摘要: 在过程挖掘中,使用挖掘算法从日志中获取模型后,过程模型与事件日志并存会带来这样的问题:模型和事件日志是否相互一致。一致性检查意味着通过比较通过使用实际流程操作或事件日志进行模型发现得到的模型,我们可以发现该模型是否是事实模型,适应度显示日志中事件跟踪与流程中有效执行路径之间的联系范围日志表示每条记录都是对系统运行状况的真实反映,每条记录都会影响适应度,因此我们可以对每条记录进行分析,并使用统计方法对其适应度进行测量。通过统计方法进行适应度测试,实验表明该算法可以准确地测量适应度。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDEA.2014.10]

[220] An alignment-based framework to check the conformance of declarative process models and to preprocess event-log data (2015)

(De Leoni | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining can be seen as the missing link between data mining and business process management. The lions share of process mining research has been devoted to the discovery of procedural process models from event logs. However, often there are predefined constraints that (partially) describe the normative or expected process, e.g., activity A should be followed by B or activities A and B should never be both executed. A collection of such constraints is called a declarative process model. Although it is possible to discover such models based on event data, this paper focuses on aligning event logs and predefined declarative process models. Discrepancies between log and model are mediated such that observed log traces are related to paths in the model. The resulting alignments provide sophisticated diagnostics that pinpoint where deviations occur and how severe they are. Moreover, selected parts of the declarative process model can be used to clean and repair the event log before applying other process mining techniques. Our alignment-based approach for preprocessing and conformance checking using declarative process models has been implemented in ProM and has been evaluated using both synthetic logs and real-life logs from a Dutch hospital.


摘要: 流程挖掘可以看作是数据挖掘与业务流程管理之间的缺失环节。在过程挖掘研究中,绝大部分都致力于从事件日志中发现过程过程模型。但是,通常存在预定义的约束,(部分地)描述了规范或预期的过程,例如,活动A后应跟随B或活动A和B不应该同时执行。这种约束的集合称为声明性过程模型。尽管可以基于事件数据发现此类模型,但本文着重于使事件日志与预定义的声明性过程模型保持一致。调解了日志和模型之间的差异,以使观察到的日志轨迹与模型中的路径相关。产生的比对结果提供了复杂的诊断功能,可查明偏差发生的位置和严重程度。此外,在应用其他过程挖掘技术之前,可以使用声明性过程模型的选定部分来清理和修复事件日志。我们在ProM中采用了基于声明的处理模型的基于路线的预处理和一致性检查方法,并已使用荷兰医院的合成日志和真实日志进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.12.005]

[221] An analytical business process modelling language: An illustrative example (2013)

(Lodhi, Azeem and Koppen, Veit and Wind, Stefan and Saake, Gunter | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2013)

Abstract: Fierce competition exists between companies due to globalization where even small companies have a reach to wider international markets using the internet (e-business). Evaluation of business processes is very important for analysis and improvement for an organization. Different methods are used to evaluate the performances of business processes. However, there is insufficient support to evaluate the processes with detailed graphical representations. In this paper, we focus on the relation of evaluation of business processes with its representation. We follow the design science methodology in order to provide business process models for performance analysis of processes. We also provide the constructs and patterns of business process modelling for analysis and improvement of business processes. The analytical business process modelling language is highlighted with the help of a case study. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 由于全球化,公司之间存在激烈的竞争,即使是小型公司也可以使用互联网(电子商务)来达到更广阔的国际市场。业务流程的评估对于组织的分析和改进非常重要。使用不同的方法评估业务流程的绩效。但是,没有足够的支持来评估带有详细图形表示的过程。在本文中,我们着重于业务流程评估及其表示的关系。我们遵循设计科学方法论,以便提供用于流程绩效分析的业务流程模型。我们还提供用于分析和改进业务流程的业务流程建模的构造和模式。在案例研究的帮助下突出了分析业务流程建模语言。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2013.23]

[222] An analytical framework for understanding knowledge-sharing processes in online QandA communities (2014)

(Alan Wang | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Online communities have become popular knowledge sources for both individuals and organizations. Computer-mediated communication research shows that communication patterns play an important role in the collaborative efforts of online knowledge-sharing activities. Existing research is mainly focused on either user egocentric positions in communication networks or communication patterns at the community level. Very few studies examine thread-level communication and process patterns and their impacts on the effectiveness of knowledge sharing. In this study, we fill this research gap by proposing an innovative analytical framework for understanding thread-level knowledge sharing in online Q&A communities based on dialogue act theory, network analysis, and process mining. More specifically, we assign a dialogue act tag for each post in a discussion thread to capture its conversation purpose and then apply graph and process mining algorithms to examine knowledge-sharing processes. Our results, which are based on a real support forum dataset, show that the proposed analytical framework is effective in identifying important communication, conversation, and process patterns that lead to helpful knowledge sharing in online Q&A communities


摘要: 在线社区已成为个人和组织的流行知识资源。计算机介导的交流研究表明,交流模式在在线知识共享活动的协作中起着重要作用。现有研究主要集中在通信网络中用户以自我为中心的位置或社区一级的通信模式。很少有研究检查线程级通信和流程模式及其对知识共享有效性的影响。在本研究中,我们通过提出一种创新的分析框架来填补这一研究空白,该框架基于对话行为理论,网络分析和过程挖掘来理解在线问答社区中的线程级知识共享。更具体地说,我们在讨论线程中为每个帖子分配一个对话行为标签,以捕获其对话目的,然后应用图形和过程挖掘算法来检查知识共享过程。我们的结果基于一个真实的支持论坛数据集,表明所提出的分析框架可以有效地识别重要的交流,对话和过程模式,从而在在线问答社区中共享有用的知识。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2629445]

[223] An application of process mining for queueing system in health service (2016)

(Yampaka, Tongjai and Chongstitvatana, Prabhas | 2016 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, JCSSE 2016)

Abstract: Health services are looking for ways to improve the processes and optimize the service time. Process Mining has been applied in the process discovery in variety of domain. The process mining is a promising method to discover the activity behaviors. However, early applications of process mining do not support the queue analysis. In this work, we introduce the method for applying process mining with queue system for health services. Process mining was used for the process discovery and the queueing theory was used to model the performance. The experiment shows that the process mining discovered the actual process model and provided the information to construct a queueing model. The method is suitable for analyzing control-flow and time performance in health service domain.


摘要: 卫生服务部门正在寻找改善流程和优化服务时间的方法。流程挖掘已应用于各种领域的流程发现中。过程挖掘是发现活动行为的有前途的方法。但是,流程挖掘的早期应用程序不支持队列分析。在这项工作中,我们介绍了将流程挖掘与队列系统一起应用于卫生服务的方法。使用流程挖掘进行流程发现,并使用排队论对性能进行建模。实验表明,过程挖掘发现了实际的过程模型,并为构建排队模型提供了信息。该方法适用于分析健康服务领域的控制流和时间性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/JCSSE.2016.7748865]

[224] An approach for process control of responsive service processes (2016)

(Bruntsch, Andy and Tseng, Mitchell M. | CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology)

Abstract: Statistical process control (SPC) for manufacturing processes has been a well-established and indispensable tool for producing tangible products consistently. With the continuing trend of servitization, most service processes, however, require highly dynamic process behavior to satisfy individual customers. Conventional process control, without the facility to consider the process context, has hence not been capable to adequately control such processes in response to respective needs. This paper addresses this issue, firstly, by considering the dependence of the process from its context explicitly and, secondly, by utilizing stochastic frontier analysis to determine context-dependent control targets. A simple case study shows promising results for achieving a consistent process control under todays widely dynamic environments.


摘要: 用于制造过程的统计过程控制(SPC)是用于持续生产有形产品的完善且必不可少的工具。但是,随着服务化趋势的不断发展,大多数服务过程都需要高度动态的过程行为来满足单个客户的需求。因此,过程控制没有能够考虑过程上下文的能力,因此无法根据各自的需求来充分控制此类过程,本文首先通过考虑过程与其上下文之间的依赖关系来解决此问题。通过利用随机前沿分析来确定上下文相关的控制目标。一个简单的案例研究显示了在当今广泛动态的环境中实现一致的过程控制的有希望的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.022]

[225] An approach from statistical mechanics for collaborative business social network reconstruction (2015)

(Corallo, Angelo and Bisconti, Cristian and Fortunato, Laura and Gentile, Antonio Andrea and Pell`e | Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2015)

Abstract: The role of human resources has become a key factor for the success of an organization. Based on a research collaboration with an aeronautical company, the paper proposes a comparison of two different approaches for the reconstruction of a collaborative social network in the business realm: the use of traditional Social Network Analysis and novel statistical inference models. Both approaches were evaluated against data provided by the company, in order to scout the key people in the network and the knowledge-transfer processes. As a main outcome of this paper, it was found how the network reconstruction using statistical models has an increased robustness, as well as sensitivity, allowing to discover hidden correlations among the users.


摘要: 人力资源的作用已成为组织成功的关键因素。基于与一家航空公司的研究合作,本文提出了两种在商业领域中重建协作社交网络的方法的比较:使用传统的社交网络分析和新颖的统计推断模型。两种方法均根据公司提供的数据进行了评估,以侦查网络中的关键人员和知识转移过程。作为本文的主要成果,发现使用统计模型进行的网络重建如何具有增强的鲁棒性和敏感性,从而可以发现用户之间的隐藏关联。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2808797.2809377]


[226] An approach to WF-nets generation using graph transformation system (2017)

(Norouzi, Mehdi and Rafe, Vahid | 9th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, IKT 2017)

Abstract: Modern information systems produce enormous amounts of event log. The area of process mining deals with taking out knowledge from this data. Process mining provides mature theoretical and practical foundations for discovering processes from different kinds of event log. The main idea of process mining is to start from real event log and use these data to infer process models. The most important problem is lack of event log because many industries deny to publish their private data. This causes a serious obstacle for the reconstruction and developing more effective process mining algorithms. The main contribution of this research is generation of a variety of Process Models that could be used as a base for making event logs. The solution is based on GROOVE a graph transformation tool set, which allows creating and applying graph grammars.


摘要: 现代信息系统产生大量的事件日志。过程挖掘的领域涉及从这些数据中获取知识。过程挖掘为从各种事件日志中发现过程提供了成熟的理论和实践基础。过程挖掘的主要思想是从真实事件日志开始,并使用这些数据来推断流程模型,最重要的问题是缺少事件日志,因为许多行业拒绝发布其私有数据,这给重建和开发更有效的流程挖掘算法造成了严重障碍该研究的主要贡献是生成了各种过程模型,这些模型可以用作制作事件日志的基础。该解决方案基于GROOVE图形转换工具集,该工具集允许创建和应用图形语法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IKT.2017.8258621]

[227] An approach to detecting software process deviations (2014)

(Zhu, Rui and Li, Tong and Dai, Fei and Mo, Qi and Lin, Leilei and He, Yun and Chen, Yeting | 2014 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2014)

Abstract: The relevant problems of software process deviation are increasingly paid attention to, because software processes are subject to permanent dynamic evolution during software process enactment. In Process- centered Software Engineering Environments (PSEE), the enacted software process model is always inconsistence with the observed process obtained by PSEE. In order to address this problem, this paper presents an approach, based on the thinking of weak simulation in the process algebra, to detecting the deviations, a Process Behavior Space Expression is put forwarded to describe the behavior of software process. This method can effectively find prevalent deviations problems in the software process implementation.


摘要: 软件过程偏差的相关问题越来越受到关注,因为软件过程在制定过程中会经历永久的动态演变。在以流程为中心的软件工程环境(PSEE)中,已制定的软件流程模型始终与PSEE获得的观察到的流程不一致。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种基于过程代数中的弱仿真思想的偏差检测方法,提出了一种过程行为空间表达式来描述软件过程的行为。这种方法可以有效地发现软件过程实现中普遍存在的偏差问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICITCS.2014.7021729]

[228] An approach to evaluate the local completeness of an event log (2012)

(Yang, Hedong and Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM)

Abstract: Process mining links traditional model-driven Business Process Management and data mining by means of deriving knowledge from event logs to improve operational business processes. As an impact factor of the quality of process mining results, the degree of completeness of the given event log should be necessarily measured. In this paper an approach is proposed in the context of mining control-flow dependencies to evaluate the local completeness of an event log without knowing any information about the original process model. Experiment results show that the proposed approach works robustly and gives better estimation than approaches available. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘通过从事件日志中获取知识来改进传统的业务过程,从而将传统的模型驱动的业务过程管理与数据挖掘联系起来。作为过程挖掘结果质量的影响因素,必须确定给定事件日志的完整性程度。本文提出了一种在挖掘控制流依赖性的背景下评估事件日志的局部完整性的方法,而无需了解有关原始过程模型的任何信息。实验结果表明,与现有方法相比,该方法鲁棒性强,估计效果更好。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDM.2012.66]

[229] An approach to fuzzy process mining to reduce patient waiting time in a hospital (2018)

(Ganesha, K. and Dhanush, S. and Swapnil Raj | Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS 2017)

Abstract: Healthcare sector is constantly discovering new process and advanced method to develop operational ability. This research study delves into a new method to discover possible productivity improvements in healthcare sector by detecting exactly how they are approved in the earlier processes and then studying enhanced techniques of implementation by considering the factors like time, cost and resource utilization. To achieve competitive advantage, healthcare centers crack and outline their processes. The objective of the process mining is able to propose effective process models by applying on a dataset, for each model which easily identifies the deviation from the actual process by the support of analytical instrument ProM Lite also to understand the deviations and bottleneck we will analyses process model. In this paper, computed tomography (CT) tests are considered as the baseline scenario wherein effective process models are generated and checked for the efficiency using fuzzy process mining. The fitness of the process model can be understood by applying event log with Petri-Net called conformance checking and enhancement of the model by understanding the deviations and time intervals and propose an best fit model for the future implementation in a hospital for the best and effective utilization of the physical resources and try to decrease the waiting time of the patient.


摘要: 卫生保健部门正在不断发现新的过程和先进的方法来发展运营能力。这项研究探索了一种新方法,通过准确检测早期流程中的批准方式,然后在考虑时间,成本和资源利用等因素的情况下研究增强的实施技术,来发现医疗保健部门可能的生产率提高。为了获得竞争优势,医疗保健中心将对流程进行概述。过程挖掘的目的是能够通过应用数据集来提出有效的过程模型,对于每个模型,借助分析仪器ProM Lite可以轻松识别与实际过程的偏差,还可以了解偏差和瓶颈,我们将分析过程模型。在本文中,计算机断层扫描(CT)测试被视为基准情景,其中生成有效的过程模型并使用模糊过程挖掘来检查效率。通过使用带有Petri-Net的事件日志(称为一致性检查和模型增强)来了解过程模型的适用性,通过了解偏差和时间间隔来提出模型,并为将来在医院中实现最佳和有效的建议提出最佳拟合模型利用物理资源并尝试减少患者的等待时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIIECS.2017.8275889]

[230] An architecture for skill assessment in serious games based on Event Sequence Analysis (2017)

(Hernandez, Juan Antonio Caballero and Duarte, Manuel Palomo and Dodero, Juan Manuel | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Serious games are video games with educational purposes. Players interact in many points during a gameplay. These interactions can be registered, producing data sets with sequence of events which provide relevant information about players skills. Unfortunately, traditional skill assessment methods present limitations to carry out a detailed analysis of large data sets. Sequence Analysis is a group of techniques which allow to analyze data sets consisting of sequence of events. These techniques have been successfully implemented in different fields, and we consider that they can help overcome these limitations. In this paper, we propose an architecture of skill assessment in learning experiences based on serious games using a set of Sequence Analysis techniques known as Process Mining. First, several in-game events are stored in a log. These events are produced by players interactions with Key Performance Indicators included in the game. Second, event log is used as input for a Process Mining tool. Discovery process is executed and a behavioural model is provided. Third, an assessment metric must be carried out over the model. Finally, a synthetic experiment is conducted and promising results are obtained.


摘要: 严重游戏是出于教育目的的视频游戏。玩家在游戏过程中会在许多方面进行交互。可以记录这些交互,从而生成具有事件序列的数据集,这些事件序列提供了有关玩家技能的相关信息。不幸的是,传统的技能评估方法存在局限性对大型数据集进行详细分析序列分析是一组技术,可以分析由事件序列组成的数据集,这些技术已成功应用于不同领域,我们认为它们可以克服这些限制。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于严肃游戏的学习评估技能的体系结构,该过程使用一系列称为过程挖掘的序列分析技术进行:首先,将多个游戏内事件存储在日志中,这些事件是由玩家的互动产生的游戏中包含关键绩效指标;其次,事件日志用作Proc的输入ess挖掘工具。执行发现过程并提供行为模型。第三,必须对模型进行评估。最后,进行了合成实验并获得了有希望的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3144826.3145400]

[231] An automatic business process modeling method based on Markov transition matrix in BPM (2006)

(Li, Yan and Feng, Yu Qiang | Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE06 (13th))

Abstract: Recently a novel process modeling method is presented in the field of business process management, which is called as process mining. Process mining technology can automatically deduce process models based on given mining algorithm from large numbers of process logs. The new modeling technology makes modeling efficiency, objectivity and quality be greatly improved than before. However the research of this new modeling technology is currently on primary stage. And the known process mining algorithms are not enough perfect. Therefore a new process mining algorithm is designed in this paper. In the algorithm a Markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs. And according to the matrix the eight mining rules of process logical relations are designed. This new mining algorithm can not only effectively reduce the effect of logs quality on process mining but also greatly enhance the automatic process modeling capability.


摘要: 最近,在业务流程管理领域提出了一种新颖的流程建模方法,称为流程挖掘。流程挖掘技术可以根据给定的挖掘算法自动从大量的流程日志中自动推导流程模型。建模效率,客观性和质量都比以前有了很大的提高,但是这种新建模技术的研究还处于初级阶段,已知的过程挖掘算法还不够完善,因此设计了一种新的过程挖掘算法。该算法建立了基于过程日志的马尔可夫转移矩阵,并根据该矩阵设计了过程逻辑关系的八种挖掘规则,这种新的挖掘算法不仅可以有效地减少日志质量对过程挖掘的影响,而且大大增强了自动过程建模能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSE.2006.313842]

[232] An automatic business process modeling method based on Markov transition matrix in BPM (2006)

(Li, Yan and Feng, Yu Qiang | Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE06 (13th))

Abstract: Recently a novel process modeling method is presented in the field of business process management, which is called as process mining. Process mining technology can automatically deduce process models based on given mining algorithm from large numbers of process logs. The new modeling technology makes modeling efficiency, objectivity and quality be greatly improved than before. However the research of this new modeling technology is currently on primary stage. And the known process mining algorithms are not enough perfect. Therefore a new process mining algorithm is designed in this paper. In the algorithm a Markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs. And according to the matrix the eight mining rules of process logical relations are designed. This new mining algorithm can not only effectively reduce the effect of logs quality on process mining but also greatly enhance the automatic process modeling capability.


摘要: 最近,在业务流程管理领域提出了一种新颖的流程建模方法,称为流程挖掘。流程挖掘技术可以根据给定的挖掘算法自动从大量的流程日志中自动推导流程模型。建模效率,客观性和质量都比以前有了很大的提高,但是这种新建模技术的研究还处于初级阶段,已知的过程挖掘算法还不够完善,因此设计了一种新的过程挖掘算法。该算法建立了基于过程日志的马尔可夫转移矩阵,并根据该矩阵设计了过程逻辑关系的八种挖掘规则,这种新的挖掘算法不仅可以有效地减少日志质量对过程挖掘的影响,而且大大增强了自动过程建模能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSE.2006.313842]

[233] An automatic compliance checking approach for software processes (2009)

(He, Xiaoyang and Guo, Jingang and Wang, Yasha and Guo, Ying | Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC)

Abstract: A lot of knowledge has been accumulated and documented in the form of process models, standards, best practices, etc. The knowledge tells how a high quality software process should look like, in other words, which constrains should be fulfilled by a software process to assure high quality software products. Compliance checking for a predefined process against proper constrains is helpful to quality assurance. Checking the compliance of an actual performed process against some constrains is also helpful to process improvement. Manual compliance checking is time-consuming and error-prone, especially for large and complex processes. In this paper, we record the process knowledge by means of process pattern. We provide an automatic compliance checking approach for process models against constrains defined in process patterns. Checking results indicate where and which constrains are violated, and therefore suggests the focuses of future process improvement. We have applied this approach in three real projects and the experimental results are also presented. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 已经积累了许多知识,并以过程模型,标准,最佳实践等形式记录了这些知识。这些知识表明高质量的软件过程应该是什么样,换句话说,应该由软件来实现哪些约束。确保高质量软件产品的过程。在适当的约束下对预定义过程进行合规性检查有助于质量保证。针对一些约束检查实际执行的过程的符合性也有助于过程改进。手动一致性检查非常耗时且容易出错,特别是对于大型和复杂的过程。在本文中,我们通过过程模式记录了过程知识。我们为流程模型提供了针对流程模型中定义的约束的自动合规性检查方法。检查结果表明违反了哪些约束条件和约束条件,因此建议了未来流程改进的重点。我们已经将该方法应用于三个实际项目,并给出了实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSEC.2009.48]

[234] An automatic modeling method of team-based organization structure in e-business (2010)

(Li, Yan | 2010 International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, ICNDS 2010)

Abstract: Realization of e-business is based on business process management system (BPMS). In BPMS there are a large number of event logs recording the performers who initiate or complete the activities. Team-based organization structure is so flexible as to be more suitable for the business implementing e-business. However the existing organizational structure modeling methods are difficult to model team-based structure. This paper design an automatic modeling method of team-based organization structure based on event logs from BPMS. Firstly, six kinds of performer relations are analyzed, i.e. PR1-PR6; Secondly, Five kinds of modeling rules are designed, i.e. MRI-MRS; At last, an actual case are given to verify feasibility of this method. textcopyright2010 IEEE.


摘要: 电子商务的实现基于业务流程管理系统(BPMS)。在BPMS中,有大量事件日志记录着发起或完成活动的表演者。基于团队的组织结构非常灵活,使其更适合于实施电子商务的业务。但是,现有的组织结构建模方法很难对基于团队的结构进行建模。本文设计了一种基于BPMS事件日志的基于团队的组织结构自动建模方法。首先,分析了六种表演者关系,即PR1-PR6;其次,设计了五种建模规则,即MRI-MRS。最后,通过实际案例验证了该方法的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICNDS.2010.5479200]

[235] An automatic virtual organization structure modeling method in supply chain management (2010)

(Li, Yan | 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2010)

Abstract: In supply chain management system there are a large number of event logs recording the performers who initiate or complete the activities. Virtual organization structure is so flexible as to be more suitable for supply chain management. However the existing organizational structure modeling methods are difficult to model virtual structure. This paper design an automatic modeling method of virtual organization structure based on event logs from SCMS. Firstly, six kinds of performer relations are analyzed, i.e. PR1-PR6; Secondly, Five kinds of modeling rules are designed, i.e. MR1-MR5; At last, an actual case are given to verify feasibility of this method. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 在供应链管理系统中,有大量事件日志记录着发起或完成活动的表演者。虚拟组织结构非常灵活,以更适合于供应链管理。但是,现有的组织结构建模方法很难对虚拟结构进行建模。本文设计了一种基于SCMS事件日志的虚拟组织结构自动建模方法。首先,分析了六种表演者关系,即PR1-PR6;其次,设计了五种建模规则,即MR1-MR5。最后,通过实际案例验证了该方法的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSS.2010.5575841]

[236] An efficient recommendation method for improving business process modeling (2014)

(Li, Ying and Cao, Bin and Xu, Lida and Yin, Jianwei and Deng, Shuiguang and Yin, Yuyu and Wu, Zhaohui | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Abstract: In modern commerce, both frequent changes of custom demands and the specialization of the business process require the capacity of modeling business processes for enterprises effectively and efficiently. Traditional methods for improving business process modeling, such as workflow mining and process retrieval, still requires much manual work. To address this, based on the structure of a business process, a method called workflow recommendation technique is proposed in this paper to provide process designers with support for automatically constructing the new business process that is under consideration. In this paper, with the help of the minimum depth-first search (DFS) codes of business process graphs, we propose an efficient method for calculating the distance between process fragments and select candidate node sets for recommendation purpose. In addition, a recommendation system for improving the modeling efficiency and accuracy was implemented and its implementation details are discussed. At last, based on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we have conducted experiments to compare the proposed method with other methods and the experiment results proved its effectiveness for practical applications. textcopyright 2005-2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在现代商务中,定制需求的频繁变化和业务流程的专业化都需要有效地为企业建模业务流程的能力。用于改进业务流程建模的传统方法,例如工作流挖掘和流程检索,仍然需要大量的人工工作。为了解决这个问题,基于业务流程的结构,本文提出了一种称为工作流推荐技术的方法,为流程设计人员提供支持,以自动构建正在考虑的新业务流程。在本文中,借助于业务流程图的最小深度优先搜索(DFS)代码,我们提出了一种有效的方法来计算流程片段之间的距离,并为推荐目的选择候选节点集。另外,实现了一种用于提高建模效率和准确性的推荐系统,并讨论了其实现细节。最后,基于合成数据集和真实数据集,我们进行了实验,将所提方法与其他方法进行了比较,实验结果证明了该方法在实际应用中的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2005-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TII.2013.2258677]

[237] An efficient workcase classification method and tool in workflow mining (2005)

(Park, Min Jae and Kim, Kwang Hoon and Kim, Chang Min | Proceedings - Fourth Annual ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2005)

Abstract: This paper1 conceives a workcase classification method and implements it as a tool so as to be used in workflow mining systems. The method is for resolving the workcase classification problem issued for mining an activity firing or execution sequence of a workcase from monitoring and audit logs. That is, it finally generates a workcase classification decision tree consisting of a minimal set of critical activities to be used for deciding the corresponding researchable-path of the workcases. Why is the method efficient? Because it uses a minimal decision tree in classifying workcases reachable-paths. And the tool is a graphical visualizer of the method, and consists of three subsystems used to automatically generate information control net, activity dependency net and minimal activity net through their corresponding algorithms. Especially the method and tool might be an impeccable solution for the specific domain of massively parallel large-scale workflow procedures. In a consequence, workflow mining methodologies and systems are rapidly growing and coping with a wide diversity of domains in terms of their applications and working environments. So, the literature needs various, advanced, and specialized workflow mining techniques and architectures that are used for finally feed-backing their analysis results to the redesign and reengineering phase of the existing workflow and business process models. We strongly believe that this work might be one of those impeccable attempts and pioneering contributions for pioneering and advancing the workflow mining technology. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 本文1构思了一种工作案例分类方法,并将其实现为工具,以便在工作流挖掘系统中使用。该方法用于解决通过监视和审计来挖掘工作挖掘活动触发或执行序列而发布的工作案例分类问题。也就是说,它最终生成了一个由最小限度的关键活动集组成的工作区分类决策树,用于决定工作区的相应可研究路径,该方法为何有效?因为它在分类时使用了最小决策树该工具是该方法的图形化可视化工具,由三个子系统组成,用于通过各自的算法自动生成信息控制网,活动依赖网和最小活动网,尤其是该方法和工具可能是一个大规模并行大规模工作流程程序特定领域的完美解决方案。 ,工作流挖掘方法和系统正在迅速发展,并在其应用程序和工作环境方面应对了广泛的领域。因此,文献需要各种先进的专业化工作流挖掘技术和体系结构,用于最终将其分析结果反馈给现有工作流和业务流程模型的重新设计和重新设计阶段。我们坚信,这项工作可能是开拓和进步工作流挖掘技术的无懈可击的尝试和开拓性贡献之一。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIS.2005.30]

[238] An empirical case study of internet usage on student performance based on fuzzy association rules (2016)

(Huang, Chih Hong and Lien, Hsing Lung and Wang, Leon Shyue Liang | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: A learning management system (LMS) gathers an amount of data about the progress of student learning, demographic and students` back-ground over different sessions. Teachers are very concerned about the unknown relationships among a hundred variables about students in a LMS for adjusting their teaching strategies and pedagogies. However, teachers are not satisfied with the traditional statistical reports, which are explored with limited relative variables on the issue of learning achievement in static sessions. The data from LMS also can combine with the data of network behavior. In NUK, students living in the dormitory are not allowed to transmit mass data. The dormitory internet management system of NUK have flow limitation. The daily transmission of the individual IP address shall not exceed 4GB/day. We have observed that some student usually over-flow his network limitation, because of they are addicted to online games or peer-to-peer software. Thus, we have an inference about that: student spend a lot of time on surfing, playing or downloading, will got low learning achievements. Therefore, to address this issue, we propose a novel mining model, Flow-Mining model, to detect the correlation in student learning performance, characteristics and network flow.


摘要: 学习管理系统(LMS)收集了有关不同课程中学生学习,人口统计和学生背景进度的大量数据。教师非常关注LMS中用于学习的数百个变量之间的未知关系,调整教学策略和教学方法,但是,教师对传统的统计报告并不满意,传统的统计报告在静态课程的学习成果问题上仅以相对有限的变量进行探索,LMS的数据也可以与网络行为的数据相结合。在NUK中,不允许学生居住在宿舍中传输大量数据,NUK的宿舍互联网管理系统存在流量限制,单个IP地址的每日传输量不得超过4GB /天,我们观察到有些学生通常超过-由于他们沉迷于在线游戏或点对点软件,从而限制了他的网络限制,因此,我们可以推断出t:学生花大量时间在网上冲浪,玩耍或下载上,学习成绩会很差。因此,为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的挖掘模型Flow-Mining模型,以检测学生学习成绩,特征和网络流量之间的相关性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2955129.2955132]

[239] An empirical comparison of static and dynamic business process mining (2011)

(Perez-Castillo, Ricardo and De Guzman | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Legacy information systems age over time as a consequence of the uncontrolled maintenance and need to be modernized. Process mining allows the discovery of business processes embedded in legacy information systems, which is necessary to preserve the legacy business knowledge, and align them with the new, modernized information systems. There are two main approaches to address the mining of business processes from legacy information systems: (i) the static approach that only considers legacy source codes elements from a syntactical viewpoint; and (ii) the dynamic approach, which also considers information derived by system execution. Unfortunately, there is a lack of empirical evidence facilitating the selection of one of them. This paper provides a formal comparison of the static and dynamic approach through a case study. This study shows that the static approach provides better performance, while the dynamic approach discovers more accurate business processes. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 遗留信息系统由于不受控制的维护而随着时间的流逝而老化,需要进行现代化升级。过程挖掘允许发现嵌入在遗留信息系统中的业务流程,这对于保留遗留业务知识并使它们与有两种主要的方法来解决从遗留信息系统中挖掘业务流程的问题:(i)静态方法,仅从语法角度考虑遗留源代码的元素;以及(ii)动态方法,其中还考虑了通过系统执行获得的信息,遗憾的是,缺乏有助于选择其中一项的经验证据,本文通过案例研究对静态和动态方法进行了正式比较,该研究表明静态方法提供了性能更好,而动态方法发现更准确的业务流程。 t​​extcopyright 201 1 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1982185.1982249]

[240] An empirical comparison of the development history of CloudStack and Eucalyptus (2017)

(Zerouali, Ahmed and Mens, Tom | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Open source cloud computing solutions, such as CloudStack and Eucalyptus, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Despite this popularity, a better understanding of the factors influencing user adoption is still under active research. For example, increased project agility may lead to solutions that remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market, while keeping the software quality under control. Like any software system that is subject to frequent evolution, cloud computing solutions are subject to errors and quality problems, which may affect user experience and require frequent bug fixes. While prior comparisons of cloud platforms have focused most often on their provided services and functionalities, the current paper provides an empirical comparison of CloudStack and Eucalyptus, focusing on quality-related software development aspects.More specifically, we study the change history of the source code and its unit tests, as well as the history of bugs in the Jira issue tracker.We found that CloudStack has a high and more rapidly increasing test coverage than Eucalyptus. CloudStack contributors are more likely to participate in development and testing. We also observed differences between both projects pertaining to the bug life cycle and bug fixing time.


摘要: 开源云计算解决方案,例如CloudStack和Eucalyptus,近年来变得越来越流行。尽管很受欢迎,但是仍在积极研究中,以更好地理解影响用户采用的因素。例如,项目敏捷性的提高可能导致解决方案在快速发展的市场中保持竞争力,同时使软件质量得到控制。像任何需要经常演进的软件系统一样,云计算解决方案也容易出现错误和质量问题,这可能会影响用户体验并需要经常进行错误修复。尽管先前对云平台的比较通常将重点放在其提供的服务和功能上,但是本文对CloudStack和Eucalyptus进行了实证比较,重点是与质量相关的软件开发方面。更具体地说,我们研究了源代码的变更历史我们发现CloudStack具有比Eucalyptus更高且更快的测试覆盖率。 CloudStack贡献者更有可能参与开发和测试。我们还观察到两个项目之间在错误生命周期和错误修复时间方面的差异。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3128128.3128146]


[241] An empirical evaluation of process mining algorithms based on structural and behavioral similarities (2012)

(Wang, Jianmin and Tan, Shijie and Wen, Lijie and Wong, Raymond K. and Guo, Qinlong | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: While many process mining algorithms have been proposed recently, there exists no widely-accepted benchmark to evaluate these process mining algorithms. As a result, it can be difficult to compare different process mining algorithms especially over different application domains. This paper presents our attempt in building such a benchmark by empirically evaluating process mining algorithms using reference models, in which the quality of a discovered model is measured by the behavioral and structural similarities with its reference model. In addition to artificial reference models extracted from academic papers and SAP suites, real-life processes from a major boiler manufacturer in China are added into the benchmark. textcopyright 2012 Authors.


摘要: 虽然最近已经提出了许多过程挖掘算法,但是尚没有广泛接受的基准来评估这些过程挖掘算法。结果,可能难以比较不同的过程挖掘算法,尤其是在不同的应用程序域上。本文介绍了我们通过参考模型对过程挖掘算法进行经验评估来建立这样的基准的尝试,其中发现模型的质量是通过与参考模型的行为和结构相似性来衡量的。除了从学术论文和SAP套件中提取的人工参考模型外,还将来自中国一家主要锅炉制造商的实际过程添加到基准中。 t​​extcopyright 2012作者。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2245276.2245316]

[242] An empirical verification of a-priori learning models on mailing archives in the context of online learning activities of participants in freelibre open source software (FLOSS) communities (2017)

(Mukala, Patrick and Cerone, Antonio and Turini, Franco | Education and Information Technologies)

Abstract: FreeLibre Open Source Software (FLOSS) environments are increasingly dubbed as learning environments where practical software engineering skills can be acquired. Numerous studies have extensively investigated how knowledge is acquired in these environments through a collaborative learning model that define a learning process. Such a learning process, identified either as a result of surveys or by means of questionnaires, can be depicted through a series of graphical representations indicating the steps FLOSS community members go through as they acquire and exchange skills. These representations are referred to as a-priori learning models. They are Petri net-like workflow nets (WF-net) that provide a visual representation of the learning process as it is expected to occur. These models are representations of a learning framework or paradigm in FLOSS communities. As such, the credibility of any models is estimated through a process of model verification and validation. Therefore in this paper, we analyze these models in comparison with the real behavior captured in FLOSS repositories by means of conformance verification in process mining. The purpose of our study is twofold. Firstly, the results of our analysis provide insights on the possible discrepancies that are observed between the initial theoretical representations of learning processes and the real behavior captured in FLOSS event logs, constructed from mailing archives. Secondly, this comparison helps foster the understanding on how learning actually takes place in FLOSS environments based on empirical evidence directly from the data.


摘要: 免费 Libre开源软件(FLOSS)环境越来越被称为学习环境,可以在其中获得实用的软件工程技能。许多研究已经广泛研究了如何通过定义学习过程的协作学习模型在这些环境中获取知识。通过调查或通过问卷调查确定的这种学习过程可以通过一系列图形表示来描绘,这些图形表示FLOSS社区成员在获得和交换技能时所经历的步骤。这些表示称为先验学习模型。它们是类似于Petri网的工作流网(WF-net),可以直观地表示预期的学习过程。这些模型代表了FLOSS社区中的学习框架或范例。这样,可以通过模型验证和确认过程来估计任何模型的可信度。因此,本文通过过程挖掘中的一致性验证,将这些模型与FLOSS存储库中捕获的实际行为进行了比较。我们研究的目的是双重的。首先,我们的分析结果提供了有关学习过程的初始理论表示与从邮件存档构建的FLOSS事件日志中捕获的实际行为之间可能存在的差异的见解。其次,这种比较有助于根据直接来自数据的经验证据来加深对在FLOSS环境中学习的实际理解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10639-017-9573-6]

[243] An entropy-based clustering ensemble method to support resource allocation in business process management (2016)

(Zhao, Weidong and Liu, Haitao and Dai, Weihui and Ma, Jian | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: Resource allocation, as a crucial task of business process management, has been widely acknowledged by its importance for process performance improvement. Although some methods have been proposed to support resource allocation, there is little effort to allocate resources from the task preference perspective. This paper proposes a novel mechanism in which resource allocation is considered as a multi-criteria decision problem and solved by a new entropy-based clustering ensemble approach. By mining resource characteristics and task preference patterns from past process executions, the right resources could be recommended to improve resource utility. Further, to support dynamic resource allocation in the context of multiple process instances running concurrently, a heuristic method is devised to deal with resource conflicts caused by the interplay between various instances. The effectiveness of this study is evaluated with a real-life scenario, and the simulation results indicate that resource utility can be improved and resource workload can be balanced with the support of resource recommendation.


摘要: 资源分配,作为业务流程管理的一项重要任务,已被广泛认可,它对于提高流程绩效具有重要意义。尽管已经提出了一些方法来支持资源分配,但是从任务偏好的角度来看,几乎没有分配资源的工作。本文提出了一种新的机制,其中资源分配被视为一个多准则决策问题,并通过一种新的基于熵的聚类集成方法来解决。通过从过去的流程执行中挖掘资源特征和任务偏好模式,可以建议使用正确的资源来提高资源利用率。此外,为了在同时运行的多个流程实例的环境中支持动态资源分配,设计了一种启发式方法来处理由各种实例之间的相互作用引起的资源冲突。结合实际情况对本研究的有效性进行了评估,仿真结果表明,在资源推荐的支持下,可以提高资源利用率,可以平衡资源工作量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-015-0879-7]

[244] An event processing platform for business process management (2013)

(Herzberg, Nico and Meyer, Andreas and Weske, Mathias | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: The execution of business processes generates a lot of data comprising final process results as well as information about intermediate activities, both communicated as events. Automated process execution environments are centrally controlled by process engines that hold the connection between events and the processes they occure in. In contrast, in manual process execution environments, e.g., logistics, these events may not be correlated to the process they origin from. The correlation information is usually not present in the event but in so-called context data, which exists orthogonally to the corresponding process. However, in the areas of process monitoring and analysis, events need to be correlated to specific process instances. To close the gap between recorded events without process correlation and required events with process correlation, we propose a framework that enriches recorded events with context data to create events correlated to processes, so-called process events. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程的执行会产生大量数据,这些数据包括最终流程结果以及有关中间活动的信息,两者均作为事件进行传达。自动化的流程执行环境由流程引擎集中控制,流程引擎将事件与其发生的流程之间的联系保持不变。相比之下,在手动流程执行环境(例如物流)中,这些事件可能与它们所源自的流程无关。相关信息通常不存在于事件中,而是存在于所谓的上下文数据中,该上下文数据与相应的过程正交。但是,在过程监视和分析领域,需要将事件与特定的过程实例相关联。为了缩小没有流程相关性的记录事件与具有流程相关性的必需事件之间的差距,我们提出了一个框架,该框架使用上下文数据丰富记录的事件,以创建与流程相关的事件,即所谓的流程事件。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2013.20]

[245] An evolving process mining algorithm based on stable stages analysis (2011)

(Xuedong, Gao and Hua, Qu | Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, GrC 2011)

Abstract: The Purpose of process mining is to discover the actual process of the running system by analyzing its runtime log information. Traditional process mining algorithms are based on hypothesis that the process to be mined is unchangeable, so they cant mine evolving processes correctly. This paper proposes the concept of stable stages analysis, the SP-A stable stage analysis algorithm, and an algorithm based on stable stages analysis for mining evolving processes. It recognize stable stages based on process log, and then continuously mine the process logs of each stage, finding process model according to each stable stage, and to identify the evolving history of evolving processes. By experimental evaluations, the validity of the algorithms is proved. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 进程挖掘的目的是通过分析运行系统的日志信息来发现正在运行的系统的实际进程。传统的进程挖掘算法基于以下假设:要挖掘的进程是不可更改的,因此它们无法正确地挖掘正在演化的进程提出了稳定阶段分析的概念,SP-A稳定阶段分析算法和基于稳定阶段分析的挖掘演化过程的算法,它基于过程日志识别稳定阶段,然后连续挖掘过程日志。 copycopyright 2011 IEEE。在每个阶段,根据每个稳定阶段找到过程模型,并确定演化过程的演化历史。通过实验评估,证明了算法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/GRC.2011.6122594]

[246] An improved simulated annealing algorithm for process mining (2009)

(Dianfang, Gao and Qiang, Liu | Proceedings of the 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2009)

Abstract: The target of process mining is to automatically extract process models from event logs related to actual business process executions. One of the most important fields concerned is control flow mining, i.e., ordering of activities. However, the presence of complicated constructs, such as duplicate tasks, invisible tasks and non-free-choice structures, hinders us from correctly discovering the relations between activities. Therefore, an improved simulated annealing approach is proposed in this paper to tackle these problems. To verify the performance, experiments are conducted in the process minig framework. The result is expressed in terms of Petri net. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘的目标是从与实际业务流程执行相关的事件日志中自动提取流程模型。有关的最重要领域之一是控制流挖掘,即活动的排序。但是,复杂任务的存在,例如重复任务,看不见的任务和非自由选择的结构,阻碍了我们正确地发现活动之间的关系。因此,本文提出了一种改进的模拟退火方法来解决这些问题。为了验证性能,在过程最小框架中进行了实验。结果用Petri网表示。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2009.4968104]

[247] An incremental mining algorithm for maintaining sequential patterns using pre-large sequences (2011)

(Hong, Tzung Pei and Wang, Ching Yao and Tseng, Shian Shyong | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Mining useful information and helpful knowledge from large databases has evolved into an important research area in recent years. Among the classes of knowledge derived, finding sequential patterns in temporal transaction databases is very important since it can help model customer behavior. In the past, researchers usually assumed databases were static to simplify data-mining problems. In real-world applications, new transactions may be added into databases frequently. Designing an efficient and effective mining algorithm that can maintain sequential patterns as a database grows is thus important. In this paper, we propose a novel incremental mining algorithm for maintaining sequential patterns based on the concept of pre-large sequences to reduce the need for rescanning original databases. Pre-large sequences are defined by a lower support threshold and an upper support threshold that act as gaps to avoid the movements of sequences directly from large to small and vice versa. The proposed algorithm does not require rescanning original databases until the accumulative amount of newly added customer sequences exceeds a safety bound, which depends on database size. Thus, as databases grow larger, the numbers of new transactions allowed before database rescanning is required also grow. The proposed approach thus becomes increasingly efficient as databases grow. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 近年来,从大型数据库中挖掘有用的信息和有用的知识已发展成为一个重要的研究领域。在衍生的知识类别中,在临时交易数据库中查找顺序模式非常重要,因为它可以帮助对客户行为进行建模。过去,研究人员通常认为数据库是静态的,以简化数据挖掘问题。在实际应用中,新交易可能会频繁添加到数据库中。因此,设计一种高效且有效的挖掘算法以随着数据库的增长保持顺序模式非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的增量挖掘算法,该算法基于预大序列的概念来维护顺序模式,从而减少了重新扫描原始数据库的需求。大的序列由较低的支持阈值和较高的支持阈值定义,它们充当间隙,以避免序列直接从大到小移动,反之亦然。所提出的算法不需要重新扫描原始数据库,直到新添加的客户序列的累积数量超过安全范围为止,该安全范围取决于数据库的大小。因此,随着数据库的增大,在要求数据库重新扫描之前允许的新事务数也随之增加。因此,随着数据库的增长,提出的方法变得越来越有效。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2010.12.008]

[248] An initial approach to mining multiple perspectives of a business process (2009)

(Rembert, Aubrey J. and Ellis, Clarence | Proceedings of the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2009: Intellect, Initiatives, Insight, and Innovations)

Abstract: In this work, we present some preliminary ideas about the development of an approach to mining different perspectives of a business process. Process mining, to date, has been narrowly concerned with mining the control-flow of a business process. There are very few process mining algorithms aimed at mining different business process perspectives. We believe one of the primary reasons for the paucity of process mining algorithms in perspectives other than control-flow is that there has been no general definition of what a business process perspective is. With this work, we provide a formal and general definition of a business process perspective, and present an approach to mine other business process perspectives using this definition. Copyright 2009 ACM.


摘要: 在这项工作中,我们提出了一些有关挖掘业务流程不同观点的方法的初步想法。迄今为止,流程挖掘一直只涉及挖掘业务流程的控制流。很少有旨在挖掘不同业务流程视角的流程挖掘算法。我们认为,除了控制流以外,其他方面的流程挖掘算法稀缺的主要原因之一是,对于业务流程的角度尚无一般定义。通过这项工作,我们提供了业务流程视角的正式和通用定义,并提出了使用此定义挖掘其他业务流程视角的方法。版权所有2009 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1565799.1565808]

[249] An integrated approach based on execution measures for the continuous improvement of business processes realized by services (2014)

(Delgado, Andrea and Weber, Barbara and Ruiz, Francisco and Garcia-Rodriguez De Guzman | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context Organizations are rapidly adopting Business Process Management (BPM) as they focus on their business processes (BPs), seeing them to be key elements in controlling and improving the way they perform their business. Business Process Intelligence (BPI) takes as its focus the collection and analysis of information from the execution of BPs for the support of decision making, based on the discovery of improvement opportunities. Realizing BPs by services introduces an intermediate service layer that enables us to separate the specification of BPs in terms of models from the technologies implementing them, thus improving their modifiability by decoupling the model from its implementation. Objective To provide an approach for the continuous improvement of BPs, based on their realization with services and execution measurement. It comprises an improvement process to integrate the improvements into the BPs and services, an execution measurement model defining and categorizing several measures for BPs and service execution, and tool support for both. Method We carried out a systematic literature review, to collect existing proposals related to our research work. Then, in close collaboration with business experts from the Hospital General de Ciudad Real (HGCR), Spain, and following design science principles, we developed the methods and artifacts described in this paper, which were validated by means of a case study. Results We defined an improvement process extending the BP lifecycle with measurement and improvement activities, integrating an execution measurement model comprising a set of execution measures. Moreover, we developed a plug-in for the ProM framework to visualize the measurement results as a proof-of-concept prototype. The case study with the HGCR has shown its feasibility. Conclusions Our improvement vision, based on BPs realized by services and on measurement of their execution, in conjunction with a systematic approach to integrate the detected improvements, provides useful guidance to organizations. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: Context组织在专注于业务流程(BP)时迅速采用业务流程管理(BPM),并将其视为控制和改进其业务方式的关键要素。业务流程智能(BPI)以发现改进机会为基础,着重于从BP执行过程中收集和分析信息以支持决策。通过服务实现BP引入了一个中间服务层,该服务层使我们能够将BP的规范与实现它们的技术分开,从而从模型的实现中分离模型,从而提高其可修改性。目的为基于BP的服务实现和执行度量提供一种持续改进BP的方法。它包括一个将改进集成到BP和服务中的改进过程,一个执行度量模型,该模型对BP和服务执行的几种度量进行了定义和分类,以及对二者的工具支持。方法我们进行了系统的文献综述,以收集与我们的研究工作相关的现有建议。然后,与西班牙雷阿尔雷德皇家将军医院(HGCR)的业务专家密切合作,并遵循设计科学原则,我们开发了本文所述的方法和工件,并通过案例研究对其进行了验证。结果我们定义了一个改进过程,该过程通过测量和改进活动扩展了BP生命周期,并集成了包括一组执行度量的执行度量模型。此外,我们为ProM框架开发了一个插件,以将测量结果可视化为概念验证的原型。 HGCR的案例研究表明了其可行性。结论我们的改进愿景基于服务实现的BP及其执行的度量,并结合一种系统的方法来整合检测到的改进,为组织提供了有用的指导。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2013.08.003]

[250] An integrated approach for ship block manufacturing process performance evaluation: Case from a Korean shipbuilding company (2014)

(Park, Jaehun and Lee, Dongha and Zhu, Joe | International Journal of Production Economics)

Abstract: For effective ship manufacturing, a ship is divided into hundreds of properly sized blocks in the design stage. Each block is produced in its own manufacturing process, and subsequently the blocks are assembled into the body of a ship. Performance evaluation of the block manufacturing process (BMP) has been an important issue in the shipbuilding industry, since the BMP is related to overall shipbuilding productivity. However, performance evaluation of BMP entails many difficulties due to the many block types and many differences between actual and planned operations. To address this issue, this paper proposes a systematic approach to evaluate the performance of BMPs by integrating process mining (PM) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The approach evaluates performance based on actual work data, which are saved in the databases of production information systems, and provides guidelines for the improvement of underperforming BMPs in relation to the manufacturing processes. For demonstrative purpose, the proposed approach is applied to a Korean shipbuilding company. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 为了有效地制造船舶,在设计阶段,将船舶分成数百个适当大小的块。每个块都是在其自己的制造过程中生产的,随后将块组装到船体中。块制造工艺(BMP)的性能评估一直是造船业的重要问题,因为BMP与总体造船生产率有关。但是,由于许多区块类型以及实际操作与计划操作之间的许多差异,BMP的性能评估会带来许多困难。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种系统方法,通过集成过程挖掘(PM)和数据包络分析(DEA)来评估BMP的性能。该方法基于存储在生产信息系统数据库中的实际工作数据来评估性能,并为与制造过程相关的性能不佳的BMP提供改进指南。出于演示目的,建议的方法适用于一家韩国造船公司。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.06.012]

[251] An intelligent approach to data extraction and task identification for process mining (2015)

(Li, Jiexun and Wang, Harry Jiannan and Bai, Xue | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Business process mining has received increasing attention in recent years due to its ability to provide process insights by analyzing event logs generated by various enterprise information systems. A key challenge in business process mining projects is extracting process related data from massive event log databases, which requires rich domain knowledge and advanced database skills and could be very labor-intensive and overwhelming. In this paper, we propose an intelligent approach to data extraction and task identification by leveraging relevant process documents. In particular, we analyze those process documents using text mining techniques and use the results to identify the most relevant database tables for process mining. The novelty of our approach is to formalize data extraction and task identification as a problem of extracting attributes as process components, and relations among process components, using sequence kernel techniques. Our approach can reduce the effort and increase the accuracy of data extraction and task identification for process mining. A business expense imbursement case is used to illustrate our approach.


摘要: 由于近年来,业务流程挖掘能够通过分析各种企业信息系统生成的事件日志来提供流程见解,因此受到越来越多的关注。业务流程挖掘项目中的一个关键挑战是从大量的事件日志数据库中提取与流程相关的数据,这需要丰富的领域知识和高级的数据库技能,并且可能会非常耗费人力和压倒性的工作。在本文中,我们提出了一种利用相关过程文档的智能方法来进行数据提取和任务识别。特别是,我们使用文本挖掘技术来分析这些过程文档,并使用结果来识别最相关的数据库表以进行过程挖掘。我们的方法的新颖性在于,使用序列核技术将数据提取和任务识别规范化为问题,即提取属性作为流程组件以及流程组件之间的关系。我们的方法可以减少工作量,并提高用于流程挖掘的数据提取和任务识别的准确性。业务费用支出案例用于说明我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-015-9564-3]

[252] An intelligent production workflow mining system for continual quality enhancement (2006)

(Ho, G. T.S. and Lau, H. C.W. and Lee, C. K.M. and Ip, A. W.H. and Pun, K. F. | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology)

Abstract: In todays globally competitive industries, high-quality and high-reliability products play an important role in achieving customer satisfaction, and insisting on quality is always the only way to survive in an enterprise. Studies indicate that automating quality audits and adding decision support in quality improvement is an attractive idea. In this environment, production workflow mining is an approach for extracting knowledge from different manufacturing processes in order to assist real-time quality prediction and improvement. This papers attempts to propose an intelligent production workflow mining system (IPWMS) embracing online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining technology, together with the use of artificial intelligence combining artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fuzzy rule sets to realize knowledge discovery and decision support in high-quality manufacturing. To validate the feasibility of the proposed system, a prototype is developed and evaluated in a company, and a description of this case example is covered in this paper.


摘要: 在当今全球竞争激烈的行业中,高质量和高可靠性的产品在获得客户满意方面起着重要作用,坚持质量始终是企业生存的唯一途径。研究表明,自动化质量审核和增加决策支持质量改进是一个有吸引力的想法,在这种环境下,生产工作流挖掘是一种从不同制造过程中提取知识以协助实时质量预测和改进的方法。 )接受在线分析处理(OLAP)和数据挖掘技术,并结合使用结合了人工神经网络(ANN)和模糊规则集的人工智能,以实现高质量制造中的知识发现和决策支持。拟议的系统,开发一个原型并在公司中进行评估y,并且本文涵盖了此案例的描述。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00170-004-2416-9]

[253] An interest-based tour planning tool by process mining from Twitter (2016)

(Gou, Zhaolong and Tsugawa, Shoki and Korkaew, Atthapon and Yamaguchi, Shingo and Khamket, Thiamthep and Manaskasemsak, Bundit and Rungsawang, Arnon | 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2016)

Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a new concept of tour, named interest-based tour, and based on this new concept, we have developed a tour planning tool. The interest-based tour is literally a tour to visit places related to a given interest. Interest argued in this paper is not limited to only point such as things and places. We extend the concept of interest to line (e.g. a famous persons history) and area (e.g. the Age of Discovery). Social network site (SNS) enables us to find travel experiences of visiting places related to the interest. So we use Twitter to collect travel experiences related to the given interest, then use process mining technique to make these experiences into a tour plan.


摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种新的旅游概念,即基于兴趣的旅游,并且基于此新概念,我们开发了一种旅游计划工具。基于兴趣的旅游实际上是一种游览与景点相关的地方的旅游本文讨论的兴趣不仅限于事物和地点之类,我们还将兴趣的概念扩展到线(例如名人的历史)和区域(例如发现时代)等社交网站(SNS) )使我们能够找到与该兴趣点有关的参观地点的旅行经历。因此,我们使用Twitter收集与给定兴趣点有关的旅行经历,然后使用过程挖掘技术将这些经历纳入旅行计划。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800542]

[254] An iterative approach to synthesize business process templates from compliance rules (2012)

(Awad, Ahmed and Gore | Information Systems)

Abstract: Companies have to adhere to compliance requirements. The compliance analysis of business operations is typically a joint effort of business experts and compliance experts. Those experts need to create a common understanding of business processes to effectively conduct compliance management. In this paper, we present a technique that aims at supporting this process. We argue that process templates generated out of compliance requirements provide a basis for negotiation among business and compliance experts. We introduce a semi-automated and iterative approach to the synthesis of such process templates from compliance requirements expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We show how generic constraints related to business process execution are incorporated and present criteria that point at underspecification. Further, we outline how such underspecification may be resolved to iteratively build up a complete specification. For the synthesis, we leverage existing work on process mining and process restructuring. However, our approach is not limited to the control-flow perspective, but also considers direct and indirect data-flow dependencies. Finally, we elaborate on the application of the derived process templates and present an implementation of our approach. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 公司必须遵守合规性要求。业务运营的合规性分析通常是业务专家和合规性专家共同努力的结果。这些专家需要对业务流程建立共识,以有效地进行合规性管理。在本文中,我们提出了一种旨在支持此过程的技术。我们认为,出于合规性要求而生成的流程模板为业务和合规性专家之间的协商提供了基础。我们引入了一种半自动化的迭代方法,可以根据线性时间逻辑(LTL)中表示的合规性要求来综合此类过程模板。我们将展示与业务流程执行相关的一般约束是如何被合并的,并提出了指出规格不足的标准。此外,我们概述了如何解决这种规格不足问题,以迭代方式建立完整的规格。对于综合,我们利用现有的过程挖掘和过程重组工作。但是,我们的方法不仅限于控制流的角度,还考虑了直接和间接的数据流依赖性。最后,我们详细介绍派生过程模板的应用,并介绍我们方法的实现。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.05.001]

[255] An online decision support system for recommending an alternative path of execution (2017)

(Thomas, Likewin and Kumar, M. V.Manoj and Annappa | Proceedings of the 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, ICECCT 2017)

Abstract: Traditional process execution follow the path of execution drawn by the process analyst without observing the behaviour of resource and other real time constraints. Identifying process model, predicting the behaviour of resource and recommending the optimal path of execution for a real time process is challenging. The proposed AlfyMiner: yMiner gives a new dimension in process execution with the novel techniques Process Model Analyser: PMAMiner and Resource behaviour Analyser: RBAMiner for recommending probable path of execution. PMAMiner discovers next probable activity for currently executing activity in an online process using variant matching technique for identify the set of next probable activity, among which the next probable activity is discovered using decision tree model. RBAMiner identifies the resource suitable for performing the discovered next probable activity and observe the behaviour based on; load and performance using polynomial regression model, and waiting time using queueing theory. Based on the observed behaviour yMiner recommend the probable path of execution with; next probable activity and the best suitable resource for performing it. Experiments were conducted on process logs of CoSeLoG Project1 and 72% of accuracy is obtained in identifying and recommending next probable activity and the efficiency of resource performance was optimized by 59% by decreasing their load.


摘要: 传统流程执行遵循流程分析人员绘制的执行路径,而没有观察到资源的行为和其他实时约束。识别流程模型,预测资源行为并为实时流程推荐最佳执行路径具有挑战性。拟议的AlfyMiner:yMiner通过新颖的技术Process Process Analyser:PMAMiner和Resource Behavior Analyser:RBAMiner为过程执行提供了新的维度,用于建议可能的执行路径。 PMAMiner使用变体匹配技术发现在线活动中当前正在执行的活动的下一个可能活动,以识别下一个可能活动的集合,其中使用决策树模型发现下一个可能活动。 RBAMiner识别适合执行发现的下一个可能活动的资源,并根据其观察行为;负载和性能使用多项式回归模型,等待时间使用排队理论。根据观察到的行为,yMiner建议执行的可能路径;下一个可能的活动以及执行该活动的最合适资源。在CoSeLoG Project1的过程日志上进行了实验,在识别和建议下一个可能的活动中获得了72%的准确性,并且通过降低其工作量将资源性能的效率优化了59%。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICECCT.2017.8118050]


[256] An ontology for workflow organizational model mining (2012)

(Sellami, Rami and Gaaloul, Walid and Moalla, Samir | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: Continuous and unforeseeable evolution of business rules, processing logics, and organizational structures within enterprises, requires from business process management systems to integrate continuous design. Supporting business process rediscovery based on workflow logs analysis, workflow mining gathers retroactive (re)design techniques necessary to understand business process execution reality. Most of the works in this area focus on the control flow perspective, while very few of them address the organizational aspect. In addition, the used workflow mining techniques suffer from the lack of automation due to the purely syntactic logs. In this paper, we propose an Organizational Ontology (OrO) specifying the organizational model. This ontology is used to semantically annotate log files and establish an organizational knowledge base that will be used to discover relationships between performers in a workflow. Our approach has been implemented within the ProM framework. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 业务规则,处理逻辑和企业内部组织结构的连续且不可预见的演变,要求业务流程管理系统集成连续设计。为了支持基于工作流日志分析的业务流程重新发现,工作流挖掘收集了了解业务流程执行现实所必需的追溯(重新)设计技术。该领域中的大多数作品都集中在控制流方面,而很少涉及组织方面。另外,由于纯粹的句法日志,所使用的工作流挖掘技术还缺乏自动化。在本文中,我们提出了一种指定组织模型的组织本体(OrO)。该本体用于语义注释日志文件并建立组织知识库,该知识库将用于发现工作流中执行者之间的关系。我们的方法已在ProM框架内实施。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2012.29]

[257] An ontology-based approach for business process compliance checking (2016)

(Anh Pham | ACM IMCOM 2016: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication)

Abstract: The early detection of flaws and errors has become a significant feature of a business process modeling tool. This paper proposes an ontology-based approach for business process compliance checking. The business processes and the business rules are represented in a machine understandable form, a reasoner is used to reason on this knowledge base for detecting the potential semantic error by using a set of predefined rules.


摘要: 及早发现缺陷和错误已成为业务流程建模工具的重要功能。本文提出了一种用于业务流程合规性检查的基于本体的方法。业务流程和业务规则以机器可理解的形式表示,使用推理程序在此知识库上进行推理,以通过使用一组预定义的规则来检测潜在的语义错误。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2857546.2857603]

[258] Analogize process mining techniques in healthcare: Sepsis case study (2017)

(Kukreja, Guneet and Batra, Shalini | 4th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control, ISPCC 2017)

Abstract: Process mining is a bridge between performance and compliance or super glue between process and data oriented analysis. Healthcare organizations are facing the challenges to extract dynamic, complex and cross-functional processes. The issues related to improper data management, collaboration and coordination make the careflows convoluted to perceive. In this paper, we are examining the event log embracing the events of sepsis cases from a hospital. Sepsis is a life threatening condition typically caused by an infection. The events were recorded by the ERP system of the hospital. The research objective is to investigate this healthcare process for two stances: control flow and conformance perusal. Varied process mining techniques are used for exploration and collation of their operation with the event log. We have extracted the useful facts from event logs in form of MXML/XES format, importing in a PROM framework and scrutinize the pathways followed by distinct processes. The results of these stances provide new discernment that facilitates the refinement of the prevailing procedure.


摘要: 流程挖掘是性能和法规遵从性之间的桥梁,或者是流程和面向数据的分析之间的完美结合。医疗保健组织面临着提取动态,复杂和跨职能流程的挑战。与数据管理,协作和协调不当相关的问题使护理流程变得难以理解。在本文中,我们正在检查事件日志,其中包含医院败血症病例的事件。败血症是通常由感染引起的危及生命的状况。这些事件由医院的ERP系统记录。研究目的是从两个方面对医疗过程进行研究:控制流程和合规性研究。各种过程挖掘技术用于探索事件并与事件日志进行核对。我们从事件日志中以MXML / XES格式提取了有用的事实,将其导入PROM框架并仔细研究了不同过程所遵循的途径。这些立场的结果提供了新的认识,有助于简化现行程序。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISPCC.2017.8269727]

[259] Analysing agricultural users patterns of behaviour: The case of OPTIRas™, a decision support system for starch crop selection (2008)

(Mǎruşter, Laura and Faber, Niels R. and Jorna, Rene J. and van Haren, Rob | Agricultural Systems)

Abstract: Redesigning IT systems for specific user groups encompasses a lot of effort with respect to analysing and understanding user behaviour. The goal of this paper is to provide insights into patterns of behaviour of agricultural users, during the usage of a decision support system called OPTIRas™. This system aids agricultural users in their cultivar selection activities. We analyse logs resulting from OPTIRas™, and we get insights into users navigational patterns. We claim that the results of our analysis can be used to support the redesign of decision support systems in order to address specific agricultural users characteristics. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

** 分析农业用户的行为模式:以OPTIRas™为例,该系统是淀粉作物选择的决策支持系统**

摘要: 针对特定用户群体的IT系统重新设计需要在分析和理解用户行为方面进行大量工作。本文的目的是在使用名为OPTIRas的决策支持系统期间,深入了解农业用户的行为模式。 ™。该系统可帮助农业用户进行品种选择活动,我们分析OPTIRas™生成的日志,并深入了解用户的导航模式,并声称我们的分析结果可用于支持决策支持系统的重新设计。以解决特定农业用户的特征。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.agsy.2008.06.003]

[260] Analysis and prediction cost of manufacturing process based on process mining (2016)

(Tu, Thi Bich Hong and Song, Minseok | ICIMSA 2016 - 2016 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications)

Abstract: Analysis and prediction of manufacturing cost play a decisive role in manufacturing process management; however, they face a challenge to be conducted due to the complexity of manufacturing process. Process mining has demonstrated to be a valuable tool for observing and diagnosing inefficiencies of a business process based on event logs. Nevertheless, significantly less attention has been done on investigating cost perspective. Therefore, this paper suggests a framework to analyze and predict manufacturing cost by utilizing and extending existing process mining techniques. In this study, new techniques such as process model-enhanced cost, and cost prediction based on production volume and time prediction using working progress of manufacturing processes are presented.


摘要: 制造成本的分析和预测在制造过程管理中起着决定性的作用;然而,由于制造过程的复杂性,它们面临着要进行的挑战。事实证明,流程挖掘是用于观察和诊断基于事件日志的业务流程效率低下的宝贵工具。然而,在研究成本观点上的关注已大大减少。因此,本文提出了一个通过利用和扩展现有的流程挖掘技术来分析和预测制造成本的框架。在这项研究中,提出了新技术,例如过程模型增强的成本,基于生产量的成本预测和利用制造过程的工作进度进行时间预测。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIMSA.2016.7503993]

[261] Analysis of Customer Fulfilment with Process Mining: A Case Study in a Telecommunication Company (2015)

(Mahendrawathi, E. R. and Astuti, Hanim Maria and Nastiti, Ayu | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper presents results of process mining implementation in a characteristically unstructured customer fulfilment process in a real Telecommunication Company. The aim of process mining implementation is firstly to discover the typical customer fulfilment business process. It is also aimed at assessing the current rate of completed customer fulfilment, the typical component required for the process and the lead time for different types of customer requests. The steps to achieve the goals are to prepare, extract the data and construct the event log from the companys in house built Customer Relationship Management systems. The event log is then processed using Disco and PROM tools. The complete event log when model with Disco results in a Spaghetti-like process model with 673 different variants. In order to identify typical process, the log is filtered to include only business variants with 1% case occurrence of the total case. This enables the identification of 18 typical business variants, which differ based on the order requested, sequence of activities and occurrence of Return Work Order. Based on the typical variants, the components required to fulfil a certain order are identified. Another important findings are the fact that the completion rate is very low (only 8%). This may due to the fact that the issues faced by the field officer in processing the order and the resolution are either recorded manually or in a different systems. Finally, findings from this study can be used by the company to improve their current business process. It also stressed out the importance of resolving data integration issues in implementation of process mining in real cases.


摘要: 本文介绍了真实电信公司中典型的非结构化客户履行流程中的流程挖掘实施的结果。流程挖掘实施的目的首先是发现典型的客户履行业务流程,其目的还在于评估当前的执行率。完成客户的要求,完成流程所需的典型组件以及不同类型客户要求的提前期实现目标的步骤是从公司内部的客户关系管理系统准备,提取数据并构建事件日志然后,使用Disco和PROM工具处理事件日志。使用Disco进行建模时,完整的事件日志将生成具有673个不同变体的类似Spaghetti的流程模型。为了识别典型流程,将日志过滤为仅包含业务变体占案例总数的1%,因此可以识别18种典型业务变体,根据请求的订单,活动顺序和退货工作订单的发生而有所不同。根据典型的变型,确定满足特定顺序所需的组件。另一个重要发现是,完成率非常低(仅为8%)。这可能是由于以下事实:现场人员在处理订单和解决方案时遇到的问题是手动记录的,或者是在其他系统中记录的。最后,该研究的结果可被公司用来改进其当前的业务流程。它还强调了解决数据集成问题在实际情况下实施流程挖掘的重要性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.167]

[262] Analysis of E-learning process (2018)

(Pradeepa, D. and Nithyanandam, K. | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems)

Abstract: E-Learning is re-rising as a react for suggesting on the trap, partially and partly, and synchronous learning paying slight esteem to corporal locale, instance of day, or verdict of superior gathering/appropriation widget. E-Learning implementation is a province in proceed that remains on mounting with moment and auxiliary investigate. Scientists in the pasture compete that e-Learning is tranquil in its earliest phases, imminent about into different custom measures above a wide e-Learning assortment. In this work, it envelops significance of E-Learning, purposes of E-Learning, compensation of E-Learning, and a segment of the motives that enterprises and schemes are swinging to e-Learning to assist unite with students with judgment and statistics in progressive methods. Eventually, it offers behind to soil proposals for creation mechanized learning meets that depict in students by edifice finest and brain-wave and giving odds to active investment.


摘要: E-Learning正在重新崛起,成为部分或部分在陷阱上提出建议的一种反应,而同步学习则对体态,一天的事例或上级收集/挪用小部件的判决略有尊重。电子学习的实施是一个进行中的省,其工作将继续进行并进行辅助调查。牧场上的科学家们争辩说,电子学习在最初阶段是安静的,即将在广泛的电子学习类别之上采取不同的自定义措施。在这项工作中,它涵盖了电子学习的重要性,电子学习的目的,电子学习的补偿,以及企业和计划转向电子学习以帮助与学生一起进行判断和统计的联合动机的一部分。进步的方法。最终,它为创建机械化的学习聚会提供了坚实的基础,这些聚会在学生中展现出最好的技巧和头脑,并为积极的投资提供了机会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[263] Analysis of a collaborative workflow process with distributed actors (2009)

(Reijers, Hajo A. and Song, Minseok and Jeong, Byungduk | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Current workflow management technology offers rich support for process-oriented coordination of distributed teamwork. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of an industrial workflow process where similar tasks can be performed by various actors at many different locations. We analyzed a large workflow process log with state-of-the-art mining tools associated with the ProM framework. Our analysis leads to the conclusion that there is a positive effect on process performance when workflow actors are geographically close to each other. Our case study shows that the use of workflow technology in itself is not sufficient to level geographical barriers between team members and that additional measures are required for a desirable performance.


摘要: 当前的工作流管理技术为分布式团队合作的面向过程的协调提供了丰富的支持。在本文中,我们评估了工业工作流程过程的性能,该过程可以由许多参与者在许多不同位置执行相似的任务。我们使用与ProM框架相关的最新挖掘工具分析了大型工作流程日志。我们的分析得出的结论是,当工作流参与者在地理位置上彼此接近时,会对过程性能产生积极影响。我们的案例研究表明,仅使用工作流技术不足以消除团队成员之间的地理障碍,并且还需要采取其他措施来实现理想的性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-008-9092-5]

[264] Analysis of call-center operational data using role hierarchy miner (2015)

(Wongvigran, Sompong and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of this research is to analyze information of customer contact made to a call center section of a telecommunication company in Thailand. Using role hierarchy mining approach (as process mining technique) enabled us to focus on the hierarchical perspectives of the collected event log with respect to the functional relationships amongst the originators (i.e., the administrators and operators who were in charge of handling incoming calls made from customers/clients). Following a role hierarchy approach, we could better track and trace the interactions made between different personnel/administrators in a functional organizational structure from top to down. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach was the ability to detect and identify potential discrepancies and outbreaks made against the rules and responsibilities previously defined by the top management and human resource staff. Accordingly, the results of the study can help the telecommunication companies to improve their call center (customer service) section in such a way to result in more customer/client satisfaction toward the quality of service on work. Therefore, applying a role hierarchy mining approach will eventually lead to improving the performance of the handling calls made to the callcenter section, in a more efficient, effective and timely manner.


摘要: 这项研究的主要目的是分析与泰国电信公司的呼叫中心部门进行的客户联系信息。使用角色层次挖掘方法(作为过程挖掘技术)使我们能够专注于收集到的事件日志的层次结构角度,以了解始发者(即负责处理来自传入呼叫的​​管理员和操作员)之间的功能关系。客户/客户)。遵循角色层次方法,我们可以更好地跟踪和追溯职能组织结构中不同人员/管理员之间从上到下的交互。提议的方法的主要优点之一是能够根据高层管理人员和人力资源人员先前定义的规则和职责来发现和识别潜在的差异和爆发。因此,研究结果可以帮助电信公司改进其呼叫中心(客户服务)部分,从而使客户/客户对工作质量的满意度更高。因此,应用角色层次结构挖掘方法最终将以更有效,更有效和更及时的方式提高对呼叫中心部分进行的处理呼叫的性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368486]

[265] Analysis of collaborative writing processes using hidden markov models and semantic heuristics (2010)

(Southavilay, Vilaythong and Yacef, Kalina and Calvo, Rafael A. | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM)

Abstract: In this paper we are interested in discovering collaborative writing patterns in student data collected from a system we designed to support student collaborative writing, and which has been used by over 1,000 students in the past year. A particular functionality that we are investigating is the extraction and display to learners and teachers of the process followed during the course of the writing. We used a heuristic to derive semantic interpretation of specific sequences of raw data and Markov models (MM) to derive the processes. We propose two models, a Heuristic MM and a Hidden MM for analysing students writing behavior. We also refined the semantic preprocessing by adding the notion of pauses between activities. We illustrate our approach and compare these models using real data from two groups of high and low performance level and highlight the different information they each provide. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们有兴趣在从为支持学生协作写作而设计的系统中收集的学生数据中发现协作写作模式,该系统在过去的一年中已被1000多名学生使用。我们正在研究的一种特殊功能是在编写过程中提取和显示过程的学习者和老师,我们使用启发式方法来导出原始数据的特定序列的语义解释,并使用马尔可夫模型(MM)来导出过程,我们提出了两个模型,一个是启发式MM和隐藏式MM用于分析学生的写作行为;我们还通过添加活动之间的停顿概念来完善语义预处理;我们说明了我们的方法,并使用两组高绩效水平和低绩效水平的真实数据对这些模型进行了比较,并突出显示了它们各自提供不同的信息。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2010.118]

[266] Analysis of customer behavior in a call center using fuzzy miner (2015)

(Rattanathavorn, Kanok and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of this research is to investigate and analyze customer behavior in call center of a telecommunication company. In order to find the purpose of their contact, we applied Fuzzy mining algorithm (supported by ProM 5.2 and Disco Fluxicon) on event log of stored and collected from the call center database. Using these techniques enables us to better track and trace the number of times each section/segment has received calls from customers in total (with respect to frequency of the contacts made via the call center). Also, we could better follow up the steps undertaken dealing with the calls made to communicate company with respect to topic and type of the problems, complaints, services and so on. One of the main advantages of Fuzzy mining techniques is the ability to deal with the concurrent activities (i.e., loops) in a more sophisticated approach compared with other knowledge discovery model such as Alpha or Heuristic mining. Considering the results of the study, administrators and operators of the telecommunication companies can better handle the inbound calls leading to better performance, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


摘要: 这项研究的主要目的是调查和分析电信公司呼叫中心中的客户行为。为了找到他们联系的目的,我们在呼叫中心数据库存储和收集的事件日志中应用了模糊挖掘算法(受ProM 5.2和Disco Fluxicon支持)。使用这些技术可以使我们更好地跟踪和追踪每个部门/部门总共收到客户呼叫的次数(相对于通过呼叫中心进行的联系的频率)。此外,我们可以更好地跟进处理与公司进行沟通的电话的有关问题,投诉,服务等主题和类型的步骤。与其他知识发现模型(例如Alpha或启发式挖掘)相比,模糊挖掘技术的主要优势之一是能够以更复杂的方式处理并发活动(即循环)。考虑到研究结果,电信公司的管理员和运营商可以更好地处理呼入电话,从而提高性能,效率和客户满意度。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368485]

[267] Analysis of emergency room service using fuzzy process mining technique (2018)

(Jangvaha, Kitti and Porouhan, Parham and Palangsantikul, Prajin and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to focus on application of process mining techniques based on the event logs previously collected in emergency rooms. Accordingly, the collected event logs were used in order to simulate the holistic workflow of the processes within the emergency service and healthcare sectors. The results showed significant handover of work from one ward to another ward. Such findings can be used to improve and increase the efficiency of performance in emergency rooms either in the present or in the future.


摘要: 此研究的主要目的是基于先前在急诊室中收集到的事件日志,专注于过程挖掘技术的应用。因此,使用收集到的事件日志来模拟紧急服务和医疗保健部门内流程的整体工作流程。结果显示工作从一个病房转移到另一个病房。这些发现可用于改善和提高当前或将来在急诊室的绩效。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2017.8259634]

[268] Analysis of frequent patterns in dyeing processing system using association rule mining algorithms (2012)

(Saravanan, M. S. and Thomas Bellarmine | Conference Proceedings - IEEE SOUTHEASTCON)

Abstract: This article proposes a simple frequent pattern mining algorithm using link structure. The LinkRuleMiner has a distinct feature that it has a very limited and precisely predictable main memory cost and runs very quickly in memory based settings. Moreover, it can be scaled up to very large databases using database partitioning. This article analyzes the coloring process of dyeing unit using newly proposed association rule mining algorithm LinkRuleMiner using frequent patterns. These frequent patterns have a confidence for different treatments of the dyeing process. These confidences help the dyeing unit expert called dyer to predict better combination or association of treatments. This article also proposes to implement LRM algorithm to the dyeing process of dyeing unit, which may have a major impact on the coloring process of dyeing industry to process their colors effectively without any dyeing problems, such as pales, dark spots on the colored yarn. This article shows that LinkRuleMiner has an excellent performance for various kinds of data to create frequent patterns, outperforms currently available algorithms in dyeing processing systems, and is highly scalable to mining large databases. It is a revised algorithm of HMine that does not need any adjustment of links. The revised algorithm has comparable performance with the original version and can be easily extended to use in parallel environment. Hence this article mainly contributes more on knowledge discovery of various shades of the color in the dyeing process. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一种使用链接结构的简单的频繁模式挖掘算法。 LinkRuleMiner具有独特的功能,它具有非常有限且可精确预测的主内存成本,并且可以在基于内存的设置中非常快速地运行。而且,可以使用数据库分区将其扩展到非常大的数据库。本文使用频繁使用的模式,使用新提出的关联规则挖掘算法 LinkRuleMiner分析染色单元的染色过程。这些频繁的模式对染色过程的不同处理充满信心。这些信心可以帮助印染部门的专家染工预测更好的处理方案。本文还建议在染色单元的染色过程中实施LRM算法,这可能对染色行业的染色过程产生重要影响,以有效地对其染色进行着色,而不会出现染色问题,例如色纱上的苍白,暗斑。本文表明,LinkRuleMiner在创建各种频繁模式方面表现出色,其性能优于染色处理系统中当前可用的算法,并且可高度扩展以挖掘大型数据库。它是HMine的修订算法,不需要任何链接调整。修改后的算法具有与原始算法相当的性能,可以轻松扩展以在并行环境中使用。因此,本文主要是为染色过程中各种色调的知识发现做出更多贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SECon.2012.6196884]

[269] Analysis of handover of work in call center using social network process mining technique (2015)

(Panpanich, Patcharin and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This article investigates and analyzes the Handover of Work in a call center data previously collected from a telecommunication company in Thailand. The main objective of the study is to find the relationship values of the handover of work amongst the call center personnel in order to improve the efficiency of the handling with customers receiving calls in total. To do this, we visualized the stored data based on the social network graphs with respect to handover of work metric. The main idea was to count the total number of times department J(in charge of specific received calls) performed an activity inbetween two activities performed by department I in such a way to indicate that work was subcontracted from department in to department J. Following the above-mentioned approach enabled us to easily and quickly track and trace the different departments (as well as the human resources dealing with the incoming calls) to attend and address the customers receiving call in a more efficient, effective and timely manner.


摘要: 本文调查并分析了先前从泰国的一家电信公司收集的呼叫中心的工作交接。该研究的主要目的是在呼叫中心人员之间找到工作交接的关系值,以便总体上提高了客户接听电话的处理效率,为此,我们基于社交网络图对工作指标的移交进行了可视化存储,主要思想是计算部门J的总次数(负责特定的接听电话)在I部门执行的两个活动之间进行了一项活动,以表明工作是从部门转移到J部门的。按照上述方法,我们可以轻松快速地进行跟踪不同部门(以及处理来电的人力资源)出席并处理客户接听电话的效率更高直接,有效和及时的方式。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368478]

[270] Analysis of internal logistic systems based on event logs (2010)

(Vasyutynskyy, Volodymyr and Gellrich, Andre and Kabitzsch, Klaus and Wustmann, David | Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010)

Abstract: Internal logistic systems are an important part of the modern industry. Their design is challenging due to high complexity and heterogeneity. It involves as a rule elaborate simulations, but the analysis of the simulation results is often limited to acquisition of key indicators. In addition, analysis of these systems at runtime is difficult due to a large amount of monitoring data. Nonetheless, in-depth analysis of logistic systems during their design and operation would contribute much to improving their performance. This paper describes a generic approach for analysis of internal behavior of logistic systems based on event logs. The purpose of the analysis is the identification of design and operation problems and their causes. The approach is demonstrated for simulation analysis of baggage handling systems. textcopyright2010 IEEE.


摘要: 内部物流系统是现代工业的重要组成部分。由于高复杂性和异构性,它们的设计具有挑战性。通常,它涉及复杂的模拟,但是对模拟结果的分析通常仅限于关键指标的获取。另外,由于大量的监视数据,在运行时分析这些系统很困难。尽管如此,在物流系统的设计和运行过程中对其进行深入的分析将有助于提高其性能。本文介绍了一种基于事件日志分析物流系统内部行为的通用方法。分析的目的是确定设计和操作问题及其原因。该方法可用于行李处理系统的仿真分析。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ETFA.2010.5641202]


[271] Analysis of surgical event logs in a hospital by using heuristics miner technique (2015)

(Neamsirorat, Wilaiwan and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of the research was to analyze and investigate the behavior of the patients and surgeons based on an event log previously collected from a private hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. We applied Heuristics Mining algorithm supported by ProM (as a process mining tool) to discover the extent of the significance metric (i.e., with respect to the relative importance of behaviors) as well as the correlation metric (i.e., with respect to how closely the behaviors are related with each other) amongst of the process instances within the MXML-formatted event log. The results showed that the activity named Implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker was the most significant activity within the event log with a total of 2,903 cased frequency of repetition as a significance metric of 0.999 (i.e., the highest) and a correlation metric of 1358 (i.e., very firm and robust). The findings of the study can be used by hospitals administrators, managers, surgeons and staff in order to benchmark the patients treatment processes in a more efficient, effective and timely manner.


摘要: 研究的主要目的是基于先前从泰国曼谷一家私立医院收集的事件日志来分析和调查患者和外科医生的行为。我们应用了由ProM支持的启发式挖掘算法(作为过程挖掘工具)以发现重要度量(例如,相对于行为的相对重要性)的程度以及相关度量(即,相对于行为之间的紧密关联程度)的程度, MXML格式的事件日志,结果表明,名为diaphragm肌起搏器植入的活动是事件日志中最重要的活动,共有2,903个案例重复频率,其显着性指标为0.999(即最高),并且具有相关性度量标准为1358(即非常牢固且稳健)。医院管理人员,管理人员,外科医生和工作人员可以使用本研究的结果进行基准测试更有效,有效和及时地处理患者的治疗过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368479]

[272] Analysis of the patients treatment process in a hospital in Thailand using fuzzy mining algorithms (2015)

(Jaroenphol, Eakarach and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This article investigates the corresponding relation of the patients who come to receive treatment at a hospital in Thailand. We applied Process Mining process discovery techniques in order to scrutinize and analyze the data which was previously collected in Microsoft Excel format, and later it was converted into a.csv extension file using the ProM 5.2 and the Disco Fluxicon. The main rationale for the study was to visualize and simulate the behavior of patients (at a estate governmental hospital in Bangkok) referring to different ward for versatile treatment processes of their diseases with respect to the number of time (i.e., frequency) they have visited those wards. Based on the results of study, we could better indicate the corresponding relationships between a group of patients (with specific diseases) which are related to each other and as well as a holistic treatment process view of the tasks and activities undertaken to attend to each case (i.e., patient). Accordingly, the findings of the research can significantly help the researchers and hospital administrators to develop and improve the collaboration of personnel in hospitals in a more effective and efficient way leading to enhancement of the performance.

** 使用模糊挖掘算法对泰国一家医院患者的治疗过程进行分析**

摘要: 本文调查了在泰国一家医院接受治疗的患者的对应关系。为了检查和分析以前以Microsoft Excel格式收集的数据,我们应用了Process Mining过程发现技术,后来使用ProM 5.2和Disco Fluxicon将其转换为a.csv扩展文件。这项研究的主要原理是可视化和模拟患者的行为(在曼谷的一家房地产政府医院),针对他们就诊的时间(即频率)所涉及的疾病的多功能治疗过程,参考不同病房那些病房。根据研究结果,我们可以更好地指出一组彼此相关的患者(患有特定疾病)之间的对应关系,以及针对每个病例​​所从事的任务和活动的整体治疗过程视图(即患者)。因此,研究结果可以极大地帮助研究人员和医院管理人员以更有效和高效的方式发展和改善医院人员的协作,从而提高绩效。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368484]

[273] Analysis of the social network miner (working together) of physicians (2015)

(Rattanavayakorn, Ponlawat and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of the study is to analyze and investigate the relationships between staff and resources in a hospital using process mining social network miner technique with respect to working together metric. Using social network miner (working together metric) we could better track and trace the behavior of doctors during the treatment process of patients. Using this technique, we could better visualize and analyze the working behavior of physicians as well as identifying the doctors who actively played a major contribution during the treatment process. Therefore, the results of this study can be facilitate the treatment process of patients in a more timely, effective and efficient manner.


摘要: 该研究的主要目标是使用过程挖掘社交网络矿工技术来分析和调查医院中员工与资源之间的关系,以共同衡量指标。使用社交网络矿工(度量标准),我们可以更好地跟踪和追踪在患者治疗过程中医生的行为。使用此技术,我们可以更好地可视化和分析医生的工作行为,并确定在治疗过程中发挥了重要作用的医生。因此,这项研究的结果可以更及时,有效和高效地促进患者的治疗过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368482]

[274] Analytical procedures in external auditing: A comprehensive literature survey and framework for external audit analytics (2018)

(Appelbaum, Deniz A. and Kogan, Alex and Vasarhelyi, Miklos A. | Journal of Accounting Literature)

Abstract: There is an increasing recognition in the public audit profession that the emergence of big data as well as the growing use of business analytics by audit clients has brought new opportunities and challenges. That is, should more complex business analytics beyond the customary analytical procedures be used in the engagement and if so, where? Which techniques appear to be most promising? This paper starts the process of addressing these questions by examining extant external audit research. 301 papers are identified that discuss some use of analytical procedures in the public audit engagement. These papers are then categorized by technique, engagement phase, and other attributes to facilitate understanding. This analysis of the literature is categorized into an External Audit Analytics (EAA) framework, the objective of which is to identify gaps, to provide motivation for new research, and to classify and outline the main topics addressed in this literature. Specifically, this synthesis organizes audit research, thereby offering guidelines regarding possible future research about approaches for more complex and data driven analytics in the engagement.


摘要: 在公共审计界,人们越来越认识到,大数据的出现以及审计客户对业务分析方法的日益使用带来了新的机遇和挑战。也就是说,是否应在约定中使用除常规分析程序之外的更复杂的业务分析?哪些技术似乎最有前途?本文通过审查现有的外部审计研究来着手解决这些问题。确定了301篇论文,讨论了公共审计工作中分析程序的一些使用。然后,按照技术,参与阶段和其他属性对这些论文进行分类,以促进理解。对文献的这种分析被归类为外部审计分析(EAA)框架,其目的是找出差距,为进行新的研究提供动力,并对本文所涉及的主要主题进行分类和概述。具体来说,此综合报告组织了审计研究,从而提供了有关将来可能进行的研究的指南,这些研究可能涉及参与中更复杂和数据驱动的分析方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.acclit.2018.01.001]

[275] Analytics for hospital management (2015)

(Tsumoto, Shusaku and Hirano, Shoji | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: This paper proposes analytics for hospital management by using big data stored in a hospital information system. The key idea is analytics based on temporal information, whose visualization captures what domain experts cannot grasp from the raw data. The results show that the temporal visualization of stored data will give a powerful tool for hospital management and decision support.


摘要: 本文提出了通过使用存储在医院信息系统中的大数据来进行医院管理的分析。关键思想是基于时间信息的分析,其可视化可捕获领域专家无法从原始数据中掌握的内容。结果表明,存储数据的时间可视化将为医院管理和决策支持提供强大的工具。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2818869.2818894]

[276] Analyzing PACS Usage Patterns by Means of Process Mining: Steps Toward a More Detailed Workflow Analysis in Radiology (2016)

(Forsberg, Daniel and Rosipko, Beverly and Sunshine, Jeffrey L. | Journal of Digital Imaging)

Abstract: In this paper, statistical analysis and techniques from process mining are employed to analyze interaction patterns originating from radiologists reading medical images in a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). Event logs from 1xa0week of data, corresponding to 567 cases of single-view chest radiographs read by 14 radiologists, were analyzed. Statistical analysis showed that the numbers of commands and command types used by the radiologists per case only have a slightly positive correlation with the time to read a case (0.31 and 0.55, respectively). Further, one way ANOVA showed that the factors time of day, radiologist and specialty were significant for the number of commands per case, whereas radiologist was also significant for the number of command types, but with no significance of any of the factors on time to read. Applying process mining to the event logs of all users showed that a seemingly simple examination (single-view chest radiographs) can be associated with a highly complex interaction process. However, repeating the process discovery on each individual radiologist revealed that the initially discovered complex interaction process consists of one group of radiologists with individually well-structured interaction processes and a second smaller group of users with progressively more complex usage patterns. Future research will focus on metrics to describe derived interaction processes in order to investigate if one set of interaction patterns can be considered as more efficient than another set when reading radiological images in a PACS.


摘要: 在本文中,采用了统计分析和来自过程挖掘的技术来分析源自放射科医生在图片存档和通信系统(PACS)中读取医学图像的交互模式。分析了来自1xa0week数据的事件日志,对应于由14位放射科医生读取的567例单视图胸部X线照片。统计分析表明,每个案例中放射科医生使用的命令数量和命令类型仅与读取案例的时间有轻微的正相关关系(分别为0.31和0.55)。此外,一种方差分析表明,时间,放射线医生和专业因素对每个病例​​的命令数量很重要,而放射线医师对命令类型的数量也很重要,但是对时间的影响没有任何意义。读。将过程挖掘应用于所有用户的事件日志表明,看似简单的检查(单幅胸片)可能与高度复杂的交互过程相关。但是,在每个放射线医生上重复进行过程发现后发现,最初发现的复杂的相互作用过程由一组放射线医生组成,这些放射线医生具有单独良好的相互作用过程,而另一组较小的用户则具有逐渐复杂的使用模式。未来的研究将集中在描述派生的相互作用过程的度量上,以便研究在PACS中读取放射图像时,一组相互作用模式是否可以被认为比另一组更有效。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10278-015-9824-2]

[277] Analyzing and improving multi-robot missions by using process mining (2018)

(Roldan, Juan Jesus and Olivares-Mendez, Miguel A. and del Cerro, Jaime and Barrientos, Antonio | Autonomous Robots)

Abstract: Multi-robot missions can be compared to industrial processes or public services in terms of complexity, agents and interactions. Process mining is an emerging discipline that involves process modeling, analysis and improvement through the information collected by event logs. Currently, this discipline is successfully used to analyze several types of processes, but is hardly applied in the context of robotics. This work proposes a systematic protocol for the application of process mining to analyze and improve multi-robot missions. As an example, this protocol is applied to a scenario of fire surveillance and extinguishing with a fleet of UAVs. The results show the potential of process mining in the analysis of multi-robot missions and the detection of problems such as bottlenecks and inefficiencies. This work opens the way to an extensive use of these techniques in multi-robot missions, allowing the development of future systems for optimizing missions, allocating tasks to robots, detecting anomalies or supporting operator decisions.


摘要: 在复杂性,代理和交互方面,可以将多机器人任务与工业流程或公共服务进行比较。流程挖掘是一门新兴学科,涉及通过事件日志收集的信息进行流程建模,分析和改进。当前,该学科已成功用于分析多种类型的过程,但几乎没有在机器人技术中应用。这项工作为过程挖掘的应用提出了系统的协议,以分析和改进多机器人任务。例如,此协议适用于使用无人飞行器群进行火情监视和灭火的情况。结果显示了过程挖掘在分析多机器人任务以及发现瓶颈和效率低下等问题方面的潜力。这项工作为在多机器人任务中广泛使用这些技术开辟了道路,从而允许开发未来的系统以优化任务,将任务分配给机器人,检测异常或支持操作员决策。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10514-017-9686-1]

[278] Analyzing and repairing overlapping work items in process logs (2016)

(Awad, Ahmed and Zaki, Nesma M. and Di Francescomarino | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context: In real life logs, it often happens that some human resources appear to have more than one task active concurrently, thus resulting in human multitasking. However, tasks that require some intellectual effort cannot be executed in parallel in real life. This misalignment between what actually happens and what is registered in the logs, however, is not reflected in the output of the different log-based performance measuring approaches, thus compromising the quality of the computed metrics. Objective: We introduce a novel approach to rewrite events in process execution logs for multitasking human resources. The approach is based on two typical human work patterns, the queuing and stacking patterns. The rewrite aims at serializing multi tasks for the same resource based on the work pattern detected. Thus, possibly better performance measures can be obtained. Method: We defined a quantitative approach to detect multitasking human performers and resolve them by serialization. The approach is prototyped and evaluated on a set of real-life software development process logs. Results: Our results show that the proposed approach contributes to find better results when log-based performance analysis techniques are applied to the repaired logs in comparison to the original logs. Conclusions: The work shows that based on the human work patterns, stacking or queuing, logs can be enhanced, so as to be possibly closer to what happened in the reality and to allow for more accurate performance measures.


摘要: 背景:在现实生活中,经常发生一些人力资源同时执行多个任务的情况,从而导致人工多任务处理。但是,在现实生活中无法并行执行需要一些智力工作的任务。但是,实际发生的情况与日志中记录的情况之间的这种失调不会反映在不同的基于日志的性能度量方法的输出中,从而损害了计算指标的质量。目标:我们介绍一种新颖的方法来重写流程执行日志中的事件,以实现多任务人力资源。该方法基于两种典型的人工模式,即排队和堆叠模式。重写的目的是根据检测到的工作模式为相同资源序列化多个任务。因此,可以获得更好的性能指标。方法:我们定义了一种定量方法来检测多任务人类绩效并通过序列化解决。该方法是根据一组实际的软件开发过程日志进行原型设计和评估的。结果:我们的结果表明,与原始日志相比,将基于日志的性能分析技术应用于修复后的日志时,所提出的方法有助于找到更好的结果。结论:这项工作表明,基于人类的工作模式,可以通过堆叠或排队来增强日志,以便更接近现实中发生的情况,并可以采用更准确的绩效指标。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2016.08.010]

[279] Analyzing inter-organizational business processes: Process mining and business performance analysis using electronic data interchange messages (2016)

(Engel, Robert and Krathu, Worarat and Zapletal, Marco and Pichler, Christian and Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and van der Aalst, Wil and Werthner, Hannes and Huemer, Christian | Information Systems and e-Business Management)

Abstract: Companies are increasingly embedded in B2B environments, where they have to collaborate in order to achieve their goals. Such collaborations lead to inter-organizational business processes that may be commonly supported through the exchange of electronic data interchange (EDI) messages (e.g., electronic purchase orders, invoices etc.). Despite the appearance of XML, traditional approaches to EDI, such as EDIFACT and ANSI X.12, still play an overwhelmingly dominant role. However, such traditional EDI standards lack a notion of process. In other words, the exchanged business documents are typically not embedded in the context of other exchanged business documents. This has two shortcomings: (1) the inability to apply proven business process management (BPM) methods, including process mining techniques, in such settings; and (2) the unavailability of systematic approaches to business intelligence (BI) using information from exchanged EDI messages. In this article, we present the EDImine Framework for enabling (1) the application of process mining techniques in the field of EDI-supported inter-organizational business processes, and (2) for supporting inter-organizational performance evaluation using business information from EDI messages, event logs and process models. As an enabling technology, we present a method for the semantic preprocessing of EDIFACT messages to exploit this potentially rich source of information by applying state of the art BPM and BI techniques. We show the applicability of our approach by means of a case study based on real-world EDI data of a German consumer goods manufacturing company.


摘要: 公司越来越多地嵌入B2B环境中,在这些环境中,他们必须进行协作才能实现其目标。这种协作导致组织间业务流程,通常可以通过交换电子数据交换(EDI)消息(例如,电子采购订单,发票等)来支持组织间业务流程。尽管出现了XML,但传统的EDI方法(如EDIFACT和ANSI X.12)仍然发挥着压倒性的主导作用。但是,这种传统的EDI标准缺乏过程概念。换句话说,交换的业务文档通常不嵌入其他交换的业务文档的上下文中。这有两个缺点:(1)无法在这种情况下应用经过验证的业务流程管理(BPM)方法,包括流程挖掘技术。 (2)无法使用来自交换的EDI消息的信息来系统地实现商业智能(BI)。在本文中,我们介绍了EDImine框架,该框架使(1)流程挖掘技术在EDI支持的组织间业务流程领域中的应用,以及(2)使用来自EDI消息的业务信息来支持组织间绩效评估。 ,事件日志和流程模型。作为一种启用技术,我们提出了一种通过应用最先进的BPM和BI技术对EDIFACT消息进行语义预处理的方法,以利用这一潜在的丰富信息源。通过基于德国消费品制造公司的真实EDI数据的案例研究,我们证明了该方法的适用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-015-0295-2]

[280] Analyzing methods for path mining with applications in metabolomics (2014)

(Tagore, Somnath and Chowdhury, Nirmalya and De, Rajat K. | Gene)

Abstract: Metabolomics is one of the key approaches of systems biology that consists of studying biochemical networks having a set of metabolites, enzymes, reactions and their interactions. As biological networks are very complex in nature, proper techniques and models need to be chosen for their better understanding and interpretation. One of the useful strategies in this regard is using path mining strategies and graph-theoretical approaches that help in building hypothetical models and perform quantitative analysis. Furthermore, they also contribute to analyzing topological parameters in metabolome networks. Path mining techniques can be based on grammars, keys, patterns and indexing. Moreover, they can also be used for modeling metabolome networks, finding structural similarities between metabolites, in-silico metabolic engineering, shortest path estimation and for various graph-based analysis. In this manuscript, we have highlighted some core and applied areas of path-mining for modeling and analysis of metabolic networks. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 代谢组学是系统生物学的关键方法之一,它包括研究具有一组代谢物,酶,反应及其相互作用的生化网络。由于生物网络本质上非常复杂,因此需要选择适当的技术和模型以更好地理解和解释它们。在这方面,有用的策略之一是使用路径挖掘策略和图论方法来帮助建立假设模型和进行定量分析。此外,它们还有助于分析代谢组网络中的拓扑参数。路径挖掘技术可以基于语法,键,模式和索引。此外,它们还可用于建模代谢组网络,发现代谢物之间的结构相似性,计算机内代谢工程,最短路径估计以及各种基于图的分析。在本手稿中,我们重点介绍了用于代谢网络建模和分析的路径挖掘的一些核心和应用领域。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.gene.2013.10.056]

[281] Analyzing the waiting time of patients in hospital by applying heuristics process miner (2017)

(Ganesha, K. and Supriya, K. V. and Soundarya, M. | Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, ICICCT 2017)

Abstract: Health care sectors are continuously research new and advanced way to improve serviceable productivities. This research study find potential efficiency gains in health care sectors by considering the factors like time, cost and resource utilization and demonstrates the applicability of process mining using a real data set of hospital with the help of enterprise resource planning (ERP) package. The precision of the calculated performance, e.g., waiting time, depends on firstly transactional information secondly the ability to differentiate between subtle controls flow aspects. The aim of the system is to propose effective process models by applying data set for each model which discovers the deviation from the actual process with the help of ProM tool. Several Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) tests are considered as the baseline scenario wherein actual process models are produced and check for the fitness using Heuristics Miner. In this paper by applying the existing Heuristics Miner algorithm for similar operation, uncommon behavior and incompleteness. The fitness of the process model can be interpreted by utilizing event log with Petrinet called conformance checking by understanding the deviations, time intervals and propose an best fit model for the future execution in an hospital for giving best and efficient utilization of the physical resources and seek to bring down the waiting time of the patient.


摘要: 卫生保健部门正在不断研究新的先进方法,以提高服务生产率。这项研究通过考虑时间,成本和资源利用率等因素,发现了医疗保健领域的潜在效率提升,并借助企业资源计划(ERP)软件包,证明了使用医院的真实数据集进行过程挖掘的适用性。计算的性能,例如等待时间的精度,首先取决于交易信息,其次取决于区分微妙的控制流程方面的能力。该系统的目的是通过为每个模型应用数据集来提出有效的过程模型,该模型借助ProM工具发现与实际过程的偏差。几种磁共振图像(MRI)测试被视为基线方案,在其中生成了实际的过程模型,并使用Heuristics Miner检查其适用性。本文通过将现有的启发式Miner算法应用于相似的操作,不常见的行为和不完整性。过程模型的适用性可以通过利用带有Petrinet的事件日志(称为一致性检查)来解释,方法是了解偏差,时间间隔,并为将来在医院中执行建议提供最佳拟合模型,以最佳有效地利用物理资源并寻求以减少患者的等待时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975250]

[282] Analyzing user interaction logs to evaluate the usability of Web applications (2011)

(Vargas, Ariel and Weffers, Harold and Da Rocha | IEEE Symposium on Web Society)

Abstract: In this paper we describe a usability study carried out using the WebHint method to analyze the usability of four Web applications. The method is based on remote and automatic capture, and semi-automatic analysis of users interaction. The experiment and its results show how the method can be used for analyzing the behavior of users interacting with online applications, in order to obtain a comprehensive view about the usability of these applications. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了使用WebHint方法进行的可用性研究,以分析四个Web应用程序的可用性。该方法基于远程和自动捕获以及用户交互的半自动分析。实验及其结果表明,该方法可用于分析与在线应用程序交互的用户的行为,以便获得有关这些应用程序可用性的全面视图。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SWS.2011.6101272]

[283] Anomaly detection for industrial control systems using process mining (2018)

(Myers, David and Suriadi, Suriadi and Radke, Kenneth and Foo, Ernest | Computers and Security)

Abstract: Industrial control systems (ICS) are moving from dedicated communications to switched and routed corporate networks, exposing them to the Internet and placing them at risk of cyber-attacks. Existing methods of detecting cyber-attacks, such as intrusion detection systems (IDSs), are commonly implemented in ICS and SCADA networks. However, these devices do not detect more complex threats that manifest themselves gradually over a period of time through a combination of unusual sequencing of activities, such as process-related attacks. During the normal operation of ICSs, ICS devices record device logs, capturing their industrial processes over time. These logs are a rich source of information that should be analysed in order to detect such process-related attacks. In this paper, we present a novel process mining anomaly detection method for identifying anomalous behaviour and cyber-attacks using ICS data logs and the conformance checking analysis technique from the process mining discipline. A conformance checking analysis uses logs captured from production systems with a process model (which captures the expected behaviours of a system) to determine the extent to which real behaviours (captured in the logs) matches the expected behaviours (captured in the process model). The contributions of this paper include an experimentally derived recommendation for logging practices on ICS devices, for the purpose of process mining-based analysis; a formalised approach for pre-processing and transforming device logs from ICS systems into event logs suitable for process mining analysis; guidance on how to create a process model for ICSs and how to apply the created process model through a conformance checking analysis to identify anomalous behaviours. Our anomaly detection method has been successfully applied in detecting ICS cyber-attacks, which the widely used IDS Snort does not detect, using logs derived from industry standard ICS devices.


摘要: 工业控制系统(ICS)正在从专用通信转移到交换和路由的公司网络,将它们暴露于Internet并使其面临网络攻击的风险。现有的检测网络攻击的方法,例如入侵检测系统(IDS),通常在ICS和SCADA网络中实现。但是,这些设备无法检测到更复杂的威胁,这些威胁是通过异常活动顺序(例如与过程相关的攻击)的组合在一段时间内逐渐显现出来的。在ICS正常运行期间,ICS设备会记录设备日志,以记录其随着时间推移的工业过程。这些日志是丰富的信息源,应进行分析以检测与流程相关的攻击。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的过程挖掘异常检测方法,该方法可使用ICS数据日志和过程挖掘学科的一致性检查分析技术来识别异常行为和网络攻击。一致性检查分析使用从生产系统中捕获的具有流程模型的日志(捕获系统的预期行为)来确定实际行为(捕获在日志中)与预期行为(捕获在流程模型中)相匹配的程度。本文的贡献包括基于实验的ICS设备日志记录实践建议,目的是基于过程挖掘的分析;一种用于将设备日志从ICS系统进行预处理和转换为适用于过程挖掘分析的事件日志的形式化方法;关于如何为ICS创建流程模型以及如何通过一致性检查分析来应用创建的流程模型以识别异常行为的指南。我们的异常检测方法已成功地用于检测ICS网络攻击,而使用来自行业标准ICS设备的日志,该攻击被广泛使用的IDS Snort无法检测到。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cose.2018.06.002]

[284] Anomaly detection using model generation for event-based systems without a preexisting formal model (2012)

(Allen, Lindsay V. and Tilbury, Dawn M. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans)

Abstract: Detecting and debugging faults more efficiently can significantly improve the performance of systems, and a first step toward fault detection is anomaly detection. A new anomaly detection solution is proposed in this paper for event-based systems that consist of processes that interact through shared resources and that do not have a preexisting formal discrete event system model. This solution generates models of the system, assesses the models performance in detecting faults, and then uses the models and their performance to detect anomalies in new event streams. A new resource-based Petri net formalism is introduced to model these types of systems. The model generation uses an algorithm based on workflow mining to generate resource-based models. The proposed solution is demonstrated on two manufacturing cell examples. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 更有效地检测和调试故障可以显着提高系统性能,而故障检测的第一步就是异常检测。本文针对基于事件的系统提出了一种新的异常检测解决方案,该解决方案由通过共享交互的过程组成资源并且没有预先存在的正式离散事件系统模型,该解决方案将生成系统模型,评估模型在检测故障中的性能,然后使用模型及其性能来检测新事件流中的异常。引入了基于Petri网形式的Petri网形式主义来对这些类型的系统进行建模,模型生成使用基于工作流挖掘的算法来生成基于资源的模型,并在两个制造单元示例中证明了所提出的解决方案 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2170418]

[285] Anvaya: An Algorithm and Case-Study on Improving the Goodness of Software Process Models Generated by Mining Event-Log Data in Issue Tracking Systems (2016)

(Juneja, Prerna and Kundra, Divya and Sureka, Ashish | Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference)

Abstract: Issue Tracking Systems (ITS) such as Bugzilla can be viewed as Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS) generating event-logs during the life-cycle of a bug report. Process Mining consists of mining event logs generated from PAIS for process model discovery, conformance and enhancement. We apply process map discovery techniques to mine event trace data generated from ITS of open source Firefox browser project to generate and study process models. Bug life-cycle consists of diversity and variance. Therefore, the process models generated from the event-logs are spaghetti-like with large number of edges, inter-connections and nodes. Such models are complex to analyse and difficult to comprehend by a process analyst. We improve the Goodness (fitness and structural complexity) of the process models by splitting the event-log into homogeneous subsets by clustering structurally similar traces. We adapt the K-Medoid clustering algorithm with two different distance metrics: Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). We evaluate the goodness of the process models generated from the clusters using complexity and fitness metrics. We study back-forth and self-loops, bug reopening, and bottleneck in the clusters obtained and show that clustering enables better analysis. We also propose an algorithm to automate the clustering process-the algorithm takes as input the event log and returns the best cluster set.

** Anvaya:提高在问题跟踪系统中挖掘事件日志数据而生成的软件过程模型的优良性的算法和案例研究**

摘要: 例如Bugzilla之类的问题跟踪系统(ITS)可以看作是过程感知信息系统(PAIS),在错误报告的生命周期内生成事件日志。流程挖掘包括从PAIS生成的事件日志的挖掘,用于流程模型的发现,一致性和增强。我们应用过程图发现技术来挖掘从开源Firefox浏览器项目的ITS生成的事件跟踪数据,以生成和研究过程模型。错误的生命周期包括多样性和差异。因此,从事件日志生成的过程模型像意大利面条一样,具有大量的边缘,互连和节点。这样的模型分析起来很复杂,而过程分析人员则很难理解。我们通过将结构相似的迹线聚类,将事件日志分为同质子集,从而提高了流程模型的良性(适应性和结构复杂性)。我们采用两种不同的距离度量来调整K-Medoid聚类算法:最长公共子序列(LCS)和动态时间规整(DTW)。我们使用复杂性和适用性指标评估从集群生成的过程模型的优劣。我们研究了获得的群集的来回和自循环,错误重新打开以及瓶颈,并显示了群集可以实现更好的分析。我们还提出了一种使聚类过程自动化的算法-该算法将事件日志作为输入并返回最佳聚类集。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/COMPSAC.2016.64]


[286] Applicability of process discovery algorithms for software organizations (2009)

(Akman, Burcu and Demirors, Onur | Conference Proceedings of the EUROMICRO)

Abstract: Process modeling is one of the most significant tasks software process improvement teams perform. Conventionally modeling is performed by teams composed of domain experts and process engineers and it takes considerable effort and time. In recent years there have been studies which use the data extracted from the actual events that took place to determine process models. In this paper we present the results of a case study we conducted to determine the effectiveness of four process discovery and process mining algorithms. After applying process discovery algorithms we compare the results by the actual process and process definitions. We discuss the discrepancies between the actual flow and the process definitions, and the weaknesses and strong aspects of the algorithms. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 过程建模是软件过程改进团队执行的最重要的任务之一。传统上,建模是由领域专家和过程工程师组成的团队执行的,这需要花费大量的精力和时间。近年来,已有研究使用从发生的实际事件中提取的数据来确定过程模型。在本文中,我们介绍了一个案例研究的结果,该案例旨在确定四种流程发现和流程挖掘算法的有效性。应用过程发现算法后,我们通过实际过程和过程定义比较结果。我们讨论了实际流程和流程定义之间的差异,以及算法的弱点和强项。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SEAA.2009.87]

[287] Applicability of process mining in the exploration of healthcare sequences (2018)

(Toth, Krisztina and Machalik, Karoly and Fogarassy, Gyorgy and Vathy-Fogarassy, Agnes | IEEE 30th Jubilee Neumann Colloquium, NC 2017)

Abstract: Process mining is a widespread methodology for exploring various processes of different sectors. With the help of process mining techniques the limitations and deviations of the real processes can be revealed, and by these means improving steps can be suggested in process management. This methodology can be successfully used in the healthcare domain as well, although there are special features, which make healthcare event sequences unusual. In this work, we give an overview of the difficulties of healthcare process mining, and we point out the main differences of healthcare and industrial processes. Based on these statements, we give recommendations for managing the problems encountered in healthcare process mining and suggest a workflow to generate more precise process models. The recommendations are presented through a case study, in which we analyzed the medical care of colorectal cancer patients.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一种广泛的方法,用于探索不同部门的各种过程。借助过程挖掘技术,可以揭示实际过程的局限性和偏差,并通过这些方法可以在过程管理中建议改进步骤。尽管有一些特殊功能,这些方法也可以成功地用于医疗保健领域,这使医疗保健事件序列变得异常。在这项工作中,我们概述了医疗保健过程挖掘的困难,并指出了医疗保健和工业过程的主要区别。基于这些陈述,我们为管理医疗过程挖掘中遇到的问题提供了建议,并提出了生成更精确过程模型的工作流。通过案例研究提出了建议,其中我们分析了结直肠癌患者的医疗情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NC.2017.8263273]

[288] Applicability of process viewing patterns in business process management (2010)

(Schumm, David and Anstett, Tobias and Leymann, Frank and Schleicher, Daniel | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: Process views are an emerging concept for coping with the increasing complexity of process models. We understand a process view as the result of specific transformations applied to a process model. In this paper we discuss concrete scenarios of process view transformations for providing assistance in business process management. We show how elementary patterns of view transformations can be combined to support the design, deployment, monitoring and analysis of business processes. The process views proposed in this paper are technology independent and can be applied to any process language which can be represented by a process graph, such as the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Event-driven Process Chains (EPC). textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 过程视图是用于应对过程模型日益复杂的新兴概念。我们将流程视图理解为应用于流程模型的特定转换的结果。在本文中,我们讨论了为业务流程管理提供帮助的流程视图转换的具体方案。我们展示了视图转换的基本模式如何可以组合起来以支持业务流程的设计,部署,监视和分析。本文提出的流程视图是独立于技术的,并且可以应用于可由流程图表示的任何流程语言,例如业务流程建模表示法(BPMN)和事件驱动的流程链(EPC)。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2010.13]

[289] Application of process mining techniques for innovation analysis and support (2013)

(Genga, Laura | Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2013)

Abstract: Innovation processes can be defined as sets of goal-driven activities, deeply influenced by human experience and behavior. With respect to traditional, structured operational processes, they present an high degree of uncertainty and heterogeneity with little or no structure. As a consequence, traditional business intelligence tools are mostly not suitable for innovation processes. Although the innovation promotion has become one of the hottest topic in business economy in last decades and its importance in organization growth is widely recognized, currently there are not proposal in Literature for the automatic analysis of innovation activities performed by an organization. Our research is hence aimed to investigate such activities and their corresponding innovation processes, by taking into account the way in which they are really performed in organization daily job. In the present work we briefly sketch the main issues related to innovation activities and their automatic support, firstly considering the current state of the art in Literature and then describing the main ideas of our proposal. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 创新过程可以定义为受人类经验和行为深刻影响的目标驱动的活动集。关于传统的,结构化的操作流程,它们呈现出高度的不确定性和异质性,几乎没有或没有结构。结果,传统的商业智能工具最不适合创新过程。尽管创新促进已成为近几十年来商业经济中最热门的话题之一,并且其在组织发展中的重要性已得到广泛认可,但目前在文献中没有提出对组织进行的创新活动进行自动分析的提议。因此,我们的研究旨在通过考虑组织日常工作中实际执行的方式来调查此类活动及其相应的创新过程。在当前的工作中,我们简要概述了与创新活动及其自动支持有关的主要问题,首先考虑了文学方面的最新技术,然后描述了我们提案的主要思想。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2013.6567291]

[290] Application process mining techniques to optimize the business process models based on information systems issuing licenses and permits e-license: Practical research (2015)

(Uskenbayeva, R. and Kurmangaliyeva, B. and Shynybekov, D. and Temirbolatova, T. | 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015)

Abstract: The proposed models of representations of event logs which are formed by the information system e-license, further Information System (IS) provides the issuance of licenses and permits. When process management generated event logs reflect the steps involved in business processes in the system and in functional management-implementation of certain functions of IS. The proposed models of log create an opportunity to build new models of business processes with process mining techniques based on the processing of structured event logs.


摘要: 提议的事件日志表示模型由信息系统电子许可证形成,进一步的信息系统(IS)提供许可证和许可证的颁发。当流程管理生成的事件日志反映出系统中业务流程以及IS某些功能的功能管理实现中涉及的步骤。提议的日志模型为基于结构化事件日志处理的流程挖掘技术建立业务流程新模型提供了机会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SICE.2015.7285574]

[291] Applications of data mining in online retailing: A case for mining prefix-ordered web site navigation paths (2015)

(Yeung, W. L. | 2014 2nd International Conference on Systems and Informatics, ICSAI 2014)

Abstract: Data mining enables the discovery of frequent navigation patterns on retail web sites which help improve their design. Previous work has often focused on discovering maximal navigation patterns without paying much attention to partial navigation attempts. With reference to some discoverable patterns of navigating a hypothetical retail web site, we put forward our case for mining prefixes of frequent web navigation paths.


摘要: 数据挖掘使人们能够在零售网站上发现频繁的导航模式,这有助于改善其设计。以前的工作通常集中于发现最大导航模式,而没有过多关注部分导航尝试。参考了一些可发现的导航模式一个假想的零售网站,我们提出了挖掘频繁的网络导航路径前缀的案例。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSAI.2014.7009421]

[292] Applied process mining in software development (2014)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Ciocarlie, Horia | SACI 2014 - 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings)

Abstract: Current study uses the event process logs of a custom software development process used internally in the IT department of a large automotive company. The target is to extract hidden information about the process, difficult to identify due to the wideness and complexity of the input data. The log file contains all incident records tracked during one release of a software product. This analysis was performed using process mining techniques and tools included in ProM Framework, an academic project of the Eindhoven Technical University. The paper describes the steps followed to extract the working process model, organizational network and statistical information. Based on the obtained results, an action plan is put in practice with the scope of improving the development process and the release result. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 当前研究使用了大型汽车公司的IT部门内部使用的自定义软件开发过程的事件过程日志。目标是提取有关过程的隐藏信息,由于输入数据的广泛性和复杂性而难以识别。日志文件包含在一个软件产品版本中跟踪的所有事件记录。该分析是使用ProM Framework中的过程挖掘技术和工具进行的,ProM Framework是埃因霍温技术大学的一个学术项目。本文介绍了提取工作流程模型,组织网络和统计信息所遵循的步骤。根据获得的结果,将实施一项行动计划,以改善开发过程和发布结果。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SACI.2014.6840098]

[293] Applying Fuzzy-Genetic mining in conformance and dependency relations (2012)

(Potavin, Jittamas and Jongswat, Nipat and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In this paper, we used genetic algorithm to discover a Petri net given an event log received from one of the universities in Thailand. The event log contained information about 299 cases and 569 activities. For each case, the performed tasks - in regard to students registration process - and the moment of completion were recorded. In short, using Genetic algorithms made us capable of simulating the control flow perspective of students registration process in the case study. In contrary with Alpha-algorithm and Heuristic Miner approaches, the problem of noise is naturally tackled by the genetic algorithm because, per definition, these algorithms are robust to noise. Yet the main challenge in a genetic approach is the definition of a good fitness measure because it guides the global search performed by the genetic algorithm. Therefore, initially, this paper explains how the genetic algorithm works and then, experiments with real-life registration log shows that the fitness measure indeed leads to the mining of process models that are complete (can reproduce all the behavior in the log) and precise (do not allow for extra behavior that cannot be derived from the event log). Consequently, the discovered graphical models were depicted and compared in Genetic and Fuzzy environments. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们使用遗传算法在从泰国一所大学收到的事件日志中发现Petri网。该事件日志包含有关299个案例和569个活动的信息。对于每个案例,已完成的任务-记录学生完成注册过程的时间和完成时间,简而言之,使用遗传算法使我们能够在案例研究中模拟学生注册过程的控制流视角,与Alpha算法和启发式Miner方法相反,遗传算法自然可以解决噪声问题,因为按照定义,这些算法对噪声具有鲁棒性,但是遗传方法的主要挑战是定义良好的适应性度量,因为它可以指导遗传算法执行的全局搜索因此,本文首先解释了遗传算法的工作原理,然后通过实际注册日志进行的实验表明,适应性度量在契约导致了对过程模型的挖掘,这些过程模型是完整的(可以在日志中重现所有行为)并且是精确的(不允许发生无法从事件日志中得出的额外行为)。因此,描述了发现的图形模型并在遗传和模糊环境中进行了比较。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408560]

[294] Applying data mining and petri net in reengineering of manufacture management information system (2006)

(Wu, Shaoqin and Lai, Chaoan and Sun, Yanming | Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Services Computing, APSCC)

Abstract: This paper studied association rules mining algorithm for mining process model in workflow log of manufacture management information system with XML technology, applied Petri Net in modelling, simulation and optimization of process model, and studied the method for reengineering and optimization of information system based on function units in terms of optimized process model, it was pointed that the difference between actual process model and the process model implied in information system would lead to the decrease of efficiency of information system, and the reengineering and optimization of information system based on actual optimized process model would lead to improvement of efficiency. It was proved with experiments that the association rules mining algorithm put forward in this paper is better than traditional algorithm Apriori in performance. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 本文研究了使用XML技术在制造管理信息系统的工作流日志中挖掘过程模型的关联规则挖掘算法,将Petri网应用于过程模型的建模,仿真和优化,并研究了基于该模型的信息系统的重构和优化方法。在功能单元上,从优化过程模型的角度出发,指出实际过程模型与信息系统所隐含的过程模型之间的差异会导致信息系统效率的降低,并基于实际情况对信息系统进行重新设计和优化。优化的过程模型将导致效率的提高。实验证明,本文提出的关联规则挖掘算法在性能上优于传统算法Apriori。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSCC.2006.36]

[295] Applying inductive Visual Miner technique to analyze and detect problems in procedures of a hospital in Thailand (2016)

(Toyawanit, Tirapong and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Operative medical procedure is a critical task which requires an immediate attention. Every second can determine a future of a patient. This research aims to apply a process mining technique called Mine with Inductive Visual Miner with the purpose of detecting potential problems/discrepancies within the collected data and improving the quality of service in the surgical procedure department of a hospital in Thailand. The main objective of the study is to identify the existing problems and make recommendations to resolve the bottlenecks and/or repetition based on the generated process graphs.


摘要: 手术医疗程序是一项紧迫的任务,需要立即关注。每一秒钟都可以确定患者的未来。这项研究旨在应用一种名为带有感应式视觉矿工的矿井的过程挖掘技术,以发现潜在的问题/收集的数据之间存在差异并提高泰国一家医院的外科程序部门的服务质量该研究的主要目的是查明存在的问题并根据所产生的过程提出解决瓶颈和/或重复的建议图。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804105]

[296] Applying process mining approach to support the verification of a multi-agent system (2010)

(Ou-Yang, C. and Juan, Yeh Chun | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering)

Abstract: Using agent development tools to construct an agent-based system is a well applied approach. However, the development tools usually do not have the function to check the feasibility about the workflow of the agent system during it implementation stage. Therefore, to develop an evaluation approach to analyze the feasibility of a developing agent system such that the improper workflow of an agent system can be found in the early design stage is a necessary task to reduce the risk of implementation. In this research, a Petri Net (PN) based three-stage evaluation approach was developed. In the conceptual stage, the pitfall of the current agent system developing process was examined and an improvement analysis process was specified. Then, in the system design stage, an evaluation approach which extracted the process log file from a developing agent system into a PN model in terms of a process mining approach-alphaalpha algorithm was proposed. This model was simulated in a PN simulation package. The agent system performance was evaluated in terms of analyzing the deadlock phenomena of the PN model. Finally, in the implementation stage, the proposed concept was implemented by using an agent developing tool JADE and a PN simulation tool CPN. An agent-based robotic assembly system was used to examine the possible deadlock of the agent system. textcopyright 2010 Systems Engineering Society of China and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


摘要: 使用代理开发工具来构建基于代理的系统是一种很好的应用方法。但是,开发工具通常不具有在实现阶段检查代理系统工作流程可行性的功能。因此,开发一种评估方法来分析开发代理系统的可行性,以便在设计的早期阶段就可以发现代理系统的不正确的工作流程,这是降低实施风险的一项必要任务。在这项研究中,开发了基于Petri网(PN)的三阶段评估方法。在概念阶段,检查了当前代理系统开发过程的陷阱,并指定了改进分析过程。然后,在系统设计阶段,提出了一种评估方法,该方法根据过程挖掘方法- alpha $算法将开发日志中的过程日志文件提取到PN模型中。该模型在PN仿真包中进行了仿真。通过分析PN模型的死锁现象来评估代理系统的性能。最后,在实施阶段,通过使用代理开发工具JADE和PN模拟工具CPN来实现所提出的概念。基于代理的机器人组装系统用于检查代理系统的可能死锁。 t​​extcopyright 2010年中国系统工程学会和Springer-Verlag柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11518-010-5132-z]

[297] Applying process mining techniques in software process appraisals (2017)

(M. Valle | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context Process assessments are performed to identify the current maturity of organizations in relation to best practices. Existing process assessment methods, although widely used, have limitations such as: dependence on the competencies of appraisers; high amount of effort and resources required; subjectivity to analyze data and to judge on the implementation of practices; low confidence in sampling and its representativeness. Currently, due to the increasing use of information systems to support process execution, detailed information on the implementation of processes are recorded as event logs, transaction logs, etc. This fact enables the usage of process mining techniques as a powerful tool for process analysis. It allows using a significant amount of data with agility and reliability for process assessments. Objective The objective of this paper is to present the development and application of a feasible, usable and useful method, which reduces the limitations of current SCAMPI method and defines how to apply process mining techniques in SCAMPI-based process appraisals. Method Research method comprises nine steps that were performed in a manner that raised questions in the first four steps were answered by the last four steps of the research design. Results The method Process Mining Extension to SCAMPI was designed, developed, applied in two cases and submitted for review by experts who judged it viable, usable, and useful. Conclusions As per this research, process mining techniques are suitable to be applied in software process assessments since they are aligned with the purposes of data collection and analysis tasks. In addition to that, the resulting method was judged by experts as something that reduces identified limitations of one of the most used process assessment method.


摘要: 进行上下文流程评估,以识别与最佳实践相关的组织的当前成熟度。现有的过程评估方法尽管被广泛使用,但仍具有局限性,例如:依赖评估者的能力;所需的大量努力和资源;分析数据和判断实践的主观性;对抽样及其代表性的信心不足。当前,由于越来越多地使用信息系统来支持流程执行,因此有关流程实施的详细信息被记录为事件日志,事务日志等。这一事实使流程挖掘技术可以用作流程分析的强大工具。它允许使用大量具有敏捷性和可靠性的数据进行过程评估。目的本文的目的是介绍一种可行,可用和有用的方法的开发和应用,它减少了当前SCAMPI方法的局限性,并定义了如何在基于SCAMPI的过程评估中应用过程挖掘技术。方法研究方法包括九个步骤,这些步骤的执行方式是在研究设计的后四个步骤中回答前四个步骤中提出的问题。结果设计,开发,应用了 SCAMPI的过程采矿扩展方法,并在两种情况下应用,并由认为可行,可用和有用的专家提交了审查。结论根据这项研究,过程挖掘技术适合于软件过程评估,因为它们符合数据收集和分析任务的目的。除此之外,专家们认为最终的方法可以减少已确定的最常用的过程评估方法之一的局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2017.01.004]

[298] Applying social network miner on medical event logs using handover of work metric (2015)

(Meethaisong, Waraporn and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of the paper is to analyze of the behavior of patients (as well as the doctors and surgeons) referring to a private hospital for treatment in Thailand. The main idea is to investigate and scrutinize the relationships of the patients and the relevant physicians during the treatment process based on an event log previously collected from the information system of the hospital. Accordingly, we applied process mining social network analysis approach (in term of the handover of work metric) to discover meaningful relationships and insights between the personnel and patients. One of the major benefits of the applied approach was that we could better track and trace the handover of workload from a doctor/surgeon to another doctor/physician within different medical wards/sections dealing with the patients disease during the treatment process. Considering the results of the study, can significantly help the hospitals administrators and physicians to monitor and recognize the correct flow of transactions and interactions made between different resources in specify sections/wards. Moreover, the proposed technique enabled us to identify those resources who probably were playing an idle role dealing with patients needs and medical procedures, while not contributing in the assigned tasks and duties as they should do. Eventually, by contemplating on the findings of the study, the researchers and hospitals management level can benchmark and improve the handling of the patients treatment process in a way to lead to increased customer satisfaction toward the quality of the service on work, in a more efficient, effective and timely manner.


摘要: 本文的主要目的是分析患者(以及医生和外科医生)的行为,这些患者指的是在泰国的一家私人医院进行治疗。主要思想是调查和审查患者与患者之间的关系。根据先前从医院信息系统收集的事件日志,在治疗过程中找到相关医师,因此,我们应用了过程挖掘社交网络分析方法(根据工作指标的移交)来发现人员之间有意义的关系和见解应用方法的主要优点之一是,我们可以更好地跟踪和追踪工作过程中从医生/外科医生到另一位医生/内科医生在不同病房/科室中处理患者疾病的工作量考虑到研究结果,可以极大地帮助医院的管理人员和医师进行监测和识别指定部分/区域中不同资源之间进行的交易和交互的正确流程。此外,所提出的技术使我们能够识别那些可能在处理患者需求和医疗程序方面处于闲置状态的资源,而不会像他们应该做的那样为分配的任务和职责提供帮助。最终,通过考虑研究结果,研究人员和医院的管理水平可以对患者的治疗过程进行基准测试和改进,从而提高客户对工作服务质量的满意度。更有效,有效和及时的方式。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368481]

[299] Approaching process mining with sequence clustering: Experiments and findings (2007)

(Ferreira, Diogo and Zacarias, Marielba and Malheiros, Miguel and Ferreira, Pedro | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Sequence clustering is a technique of bioinformatics that is used to discover the properties of sequences by grouping them into clusters and assigning each sequence to one of those clusters. In business process mining, the goal is also to extract sequence behaviour from an event log but the problem is often simplified by assuming that each event is already known to belong to a given process and process instance. In this paper, we describe two experiments where this information is not available. One is based on a real-world case study of observing a software development team for three weeks. The other is based on simulation and shows that it is possible to recover the original behaviour in a fully automated way. In both experiments, sequence clustering plays a central role. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


摘要: 序列聚类是一种生物信息学技术,用于通过将序列分组为簇并将每个序列分配给那些簇之一来发现序列的特性。在业务流程挖掘中,目标也是从事件日志中提取序列行为,但是通常通过假设每个事件都属于给定流程和流程实例来简化问题。在本文中,我们描述了无法获得此信息的两个实验。一个是基于对一个软件开发团队观察三个星期的真实案例研究。另一个基于仿真,并表明可以完全自动化的方式恢复原始行为。在这两个实验中,序列聚类起着核心作用。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75183-0_26]

[300] Apriori and sequence analysis for discovering declarative process models (2016)

(Kala, Taavi and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Di Ciccio | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 20th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2016)

Abstract: The aim of process discovery is to build a process model from an event log without prior information about the process. The discovery of declarative process models is useful when a process works in an unpredictable and unstable environment since several allowed paths can be represented as a compact set of rules. One of the tools available in the literature for discovering declarative models from logs is the Declare Miner, a plug-in of the process mining tool ProM. Using this plug-in, the discovered models are represented using Declare, a declarative process modelling language based on LTL for finite traces. In this paper, we use a combination of an Apriori algorithm and a group of algorithms for Sequence Analysis to improve the performances of the Declare Miner. Using synthetic and real life event logs, we show that the new implemented core of the plug-in allows for a significant performance improvement.


摘要: 发现过程的目的是从事件日志中构建过程模型,而无需事先提供有关过程的信息。当流程在无法预测且不稳定的环境中工作时,声明式流程模型的发现很有用,因为可以将多个允许的路径表示为一组紧凑的规则。从日志中发现声明性模型的文献中可用的工具之一是Declare Miner,它是过程挖掘工具ProM的插件。使用该插件,可以使用Declare来表示发现的模型,Declare是一种基于LTL的有限跟踪的声明性过程建模语言。在本文中,我们结合使用Apriori算法和一组算法进行序列分析,以提高Declare Miner的性能。使用合成事件和现实事件日志,我们证明了插件的新实现核心可显着提高性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2016.7579378]


[301] Assessing Big Data SQL Frameworks for Analyzing Event Logs (2016)

(Hinkka, Markku and Lehto, Teemu and Heljanko, Keijo | Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016)

Abstract: Performing Process Mining by analyzing event logs generated by various systems is a very computation and I/O intensive task. Distributed computing and Big Data processing frameworks make it possible to distribute all kinds of computation tasks to multiple computers instead of performing the whole task in a single computer. This paper assesses whether contemporary structured query language (SQL) supporting Big Data processing frameworks are mature enough to be efficiently used to distribute computation of two central Process Mining tasks to two dissimilar clusters of computers providing BPM as a service in the cloud. Tests are performed by using a novel automatic testing framework detailed in this paper and its supporting materials. As a result, an assessment is made on how well selected Big Data processing frameworks manage to process and to parallelize the analysis work required by Process Mining tasks.


摘要: 通过分析各种系统生成的事件日志来执行过程挖掘是一项非常耗费计算和I / O的任务。分布式计算和大数据处理框架使将各种计算任务分配到多台计算机成为可能,而不是在一台计算机上执行整个任务。本文评估了支持大数据处理框架的当代结构化查询语言(SQL)是否足够成熟,可以有效地用于将两个中心流程挖掘任务的计算分配到两个不同的计算机集群中,以在云中提供BPM作为服务。通过使用本文详细介绍的新颖的自动测试框架及其支持材料来执行测试。结果,评估了选定的大数据处理框架如何处理和并行化处理挖掘任务所需的分析工作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/PDP.2016.26]

[302] Assessing Process Discovery Scalability in Data Intensive Environments (2016)

(Hernandez, Sergio and Ezpeleta, Joaquin and Van Zelst | Proceedings - 2015 2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing, BDC 2015)

Abstract: Tremendous developments in Information Technology (IT) have enabled us to store and process huge amounts of data at unprecedented rates. This phenomenon largely impacts business processes. The field of process discovery, originating from the area of process mining, is concerned with automatically discovering process models from event data related to the execution of business processes. In this paper, we assess the scalability of applying process discovery techniques in data intensive environments. We propose ways to compute the internal data abstractions used by the discovery techniques within the MapReduce framework. The combination of MapReduce and process discovery enables us to tackle much bigger event logs in less time. Our generic approach scales linearly in terms of the data size and the number of computational resources used, and thus, shows great potential for the adoption of process discovery in a Big Data context.


摘要: 信息技术(IT)的巨大发展使我们能够以前所未有的速度存储和处理大量数据。这种现象在很大程度上影响业务流程。源自过程挖掘领域的过程发现领域涉及从与业务流程执行相关的事件数据中自动发现流程模型。在本文中,我们评估了在数据密集型环境中应用过程发现技术的可伸缩性。我们提出了一些方法来计算MapReduce框架内的发现技术所使用的内部数据抽象。 MapReduce和流程发现的结合使我们能够在更短的时间内处理更大的事件日志。我们的通用方法在数据大小和使用的计算资源数量方面呈线性扩展,因此,在大数据上下文中显示出采用流程发现的巨大潜力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BDC.2015.31]

[303] Assessing event correlation in non-process-aware information systems (2014)

(Perez-Castillo, Ricardo and Weber, Barbara and de Guzman, Ignacio Garcia Rodriguez and Piattini, Mario and Pinggera, Jakob | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Many present-day companies carry out a huge amount of daily operations through the use of their information systems without ever having done their own enterprise modeling. Business process mining is a well-proven solution which is used to discover the underlying business process models that are supported by existing information systems. Business process discovery techniques employ event logs as input, which are recorded by process-aware information systems. However, a wide variety of traditional information systems do not have any in-built mechanisms with which to collect events (representing the execution of business activities). Various mechanisms with which to collect events from non-process-aware information systems have been proposed in order to enable the application of process mining techniques to traditional information systems. Unfortunately, since business processes supported by traditional information systems are implicitly defined, correlating events into the appropriate process instance is not trivial. This challenge is known as the event correlation problem. This paper presents an adaptation of an existing event correlation algorithm and incorporates it into a technique in order to collect event logs from the execution of traditional information systems. The technique first instruments the source code to collect events together with some candidate correlation attributes. Based on several well-known design patterns, the technique provides a set of guidelines to support experts when instrumenting the source code. The event correlation algorithm is subsequently applied to the data set of events to discover the best correlation conditions, which are then used to create event logs. The technique has been semi-automated to facilitate its validation through an industrial case study involving a writer management system and a healthcare evaluation system. The study demonstrates that the technique is able to discover an appropriate correlation set and obtain well-formed event logs, thus enabling business process mining techniques to be applied to traditional information systems. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 许多当今的公司通过使用他们的信息系统来执行大量的日常操作,而从未进行过自己的企业建模。业务流程挖掘是一种经过验证的解决方案,用于发现现有信息系统支持的基础业务流程模型。业务流程发现技术采用事件日志作为输入,由事件感知信息系统记录。但是,各种各样的传统信息系统都没有用于收集事件(代表业务活动的执行)的内置机制。为了使过程挖掘技术能够应用于传统信息系统,已经提出了各种从非过程感知信息系统收集事件的机制。不幸的是,由于隐式定义了传统信息系统支持的业务流程,因此将事件关联到适当的流程实例中并非易事。这个挑战被称为事件关联问题。本文介绍了现有事件关联算法的一种改编,并将其合并到一项技术中,以便从传统信息系统的执行中收集事件日志。该技术首先检测源代码以收集事件以及一些候选相关属性。基于几种众所周知的设计模式,该技术提供了一组准则,以在检测源代码时为专家提供支持。随后将事件相关算法应用于事件数据集,以发现最佳相关条件,然后将其用于创建事件日志。该技术已半自动化,以通过涉及作家管理系统和医疗保健评估系统的工业案例研究来促进其验证。该研究表明,该技术能够发现适当的相关集并获取格式正确的事件日志,从而使业务流程挖掘技术可以应用于传统信息系统。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-012-0285-5]

[304] Assessing the health of case-oriented semi-structured business processes (2012)

(Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Mukhi, Nirmal K. and Khalaf, Rania and Martens, Axel and Rozsnyai, Szabolcs | Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2012)

Abstract: Semi-structured processes arise extensively in various industries such as government, insurance, banking and healthcare and are characterized by their flexibility and data-driven nature. Case management systems are evolving to handle the growing demand for providing operational support to knowledge workers involved in these processes. While enabling flexibility in human actions is an integral part of these systems, this capability increases the potential for errors in case handling. We propose a new paradigm of case health aimed at providing knowledge workers and supervisors a case health service to continuously and objectively assess both the current state of a case instance and provide a prognosis for the future state of the instance. The case health service is composed of constituent services each of which provide case health indicators and can be combined in flexible ways to determine the overall health of an instance. We have implemented case health with respect to a simulated credit card dispute scenario modeled in IBM Case Manager and evaluated the utility of computing the case health of running instances of the credit card dispute scenario. Results indicate the utility of incorporating case health in a case management system in terms of early detection of undesired outcomes and abnormal execution patterns in running case instances. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 半结构化流程广泛出现在政府,保险,银行和医疗保健等各个行业,并且具有灵活性和数据驱动性。案例管理系统正在发展,以应对为涉及这些流程的知识工作者提供运营支持的不断增长的需求。虽然使人为行动具有灵活性是这些系统不可或缺的一部分,但这种功能增加了案件处理中出错的可能性。我们提出了一种案例健康新模式,旨在为知识工作者和主管提供案例健康服务,以连续客观地评估案例的当前状态并为该案例的未来状态提供预后。案例健康服务由组成服务组成,每个服务都提供案例健康指标,并且可以灵活地组合起来以确定实例的整体健康。我们已经针对在IBM Case Manager中建模的模拟信用卡纠纷场景实施了案例健康状况,并评估了计算正在运行的信用卡争议场景实例的案例健康状况的实用程序。结果表明,在运行中的案例实例中尽早发现不良结果和异常执行模式方面,将案例健康纳入案例管理系统非常有用。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2012.92]

[305] Assessment of hospital processes using a process mining technique: Outpatient process analysis at a tertiary hospital (2016)

(Yoo, Sooyoung and Cho, Minsu and Kim, Eunhye and Kim, Seok and Sim, Yerim and Yoo, Donghyun and Hwang, Hee and Song, Minseok | International Journal of Medical Informatics)

Abstract: Introduction: Many hospitals are increasing their efforts to improve processes because processes play an important role in enhancing work efficiency and reducing costs. However, to date, a quantitative tool has not been available to examine the before and after effects of processes and environmental changes, other than the use of indirect indicators, such as mortality rate and readmission rate. Methods: This study used process mining technology to analyze process changes based on changes in the hospital environment, such as the construction of a new building, and to measure the effects of environmental changes in terms of consultation wait time, time spent per task, and outpatient care processes. Using process mining technology, electronic health record (EHR) log data of outpatient care before and after constructing a new building were analyzed, and the effectiveness of the technology in terms of the process was evaluated. Results: Using the process mining technique, we found that the total time spent in outpatient care did not increase significantly compared to that before the construction of a new building, considering that the number of outpatients increased, and the consultation wait time decreased. These results suggest that the operation of the outpatient clinic was effective after changes were implemented in the hospital environment. We further identified improvements in processes using the process mining technique, thereby demonstrating the usefulness of this technique for analyzing complex hospital processes at a low cost. Conclusion: This study confirmed the effectiveness of process mining technology at an actual hospital site. In future studies, the use of process mining technology will be expanded by applying this approach to a larger variety of process change situations.


摘要: 介绍:许多医院都在加大力度改进流程,因为流程在提高工作效率和降低成本方面起着重要作用。但是,迄今为止,除了使用诸如死亡率和再入院率之类的间接指标外,还没有定量工具来检查过程和环境变化的前后影响。方法:本研究使用过程挖掘技术,根据医院环境的变化(例如,新建建筑物)来分析过程变化,并根据咨询等待时间,每项任务所花费的时间和时间来衡量环境变化的影响。门诊流程。使用过程挖掘技术,分析了在建造新建筑物之前和之后的门诊电子健康记录(EHR)日志数据,并评估了该技术在过程方面的有效性。结果:使用过程挖掘技术,考虑到门诊病人数量的增加和咨询等待时间的减少,我们发现门诊护理所花费的总时间与新建大楼之前相比并没有显着增加。这些结果表明,在医院环境中进行更改后,门诊诊所的手术是有效的。我们使用流程挖掘技术进一步确定了流程方面的改进,从而证明了该技术以低成本分析复杂医院流程的有用性。结论:这项研究证实了过程挖掘技术在实际医院现场的有效性。在以后的研究中,将通过将这种方法应用于更多种类的过程变更情况来扩展对过程挖掘技术的使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2015.12.018]

[306] Assisting business process design with configurable process fragments (2013)

(Assy, Nour and Chan, Nguyen Ngoc and Gaaloul, Walid | Proceedings - IEEE 10th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2013)

Abstract: In recent years, many approaches have been proposed to facilitate business process design. They attempted to measure the similarity between business processes, merge business process models, mine event logs or recommend activities. In this paper, we present a merging approach that also aims at facilitating business process design. However, instead of merging business process models, we merge process fragments around a particular activity to construct a consolidated fragment for each activity. This consolidated fragment is presented as a configurable sub-process which allows process designers to overview the interactions of an activity and configure them to create business process variants according to particular requirements. The approach has been implemented as an application and tested against a large collection of business process models taken from different domains. Experimental results show that our approach produces concise and efficient configurable fragments. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 近年来,已经提出了许多方法来促进业务流程设计。他们试图衡量业务流程之间的相似性,合并业务流程模型,挖掘事件日志或推荐活动。在本文中,我们提出了一种合并方法,该方法还旨在促进业务流程设计。但是,我们不是合并业务流程模型,而是合并特定活动周围的流程片段,以为每个活动构建合并的片段。该合并的片段作为可配置的子流程呈现,该流程允许流程设计人员概述活动的交互并配置它们以根据特定要求创建业务流程变体。该方法已实现为应用程序,并针对来自不同领域的大量业务流程模型进行了测试。实验结果表明,我们的方法可以生成简洁高效的可配置片段。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2013.97]

[307] Associating event logs with ontologies for semantic process mining and analysis (2015)

(Nykanen, Ossi and Rivero-Rodriguez, Alejandro and Pileggi, Paolo and Ranta, Pekka A. and Kailanto, Meri and Koro, Juho | ACADEMICMINDTREK 2015 - Proceedings of the 19th International Academic Mindtrek Conference)

Abstract: Process mining uses various forms of event logs to extract process-related information, in order to discover, analyze conformance, or to enhance (business) processes. The vast majority of process mining applications are based on event logs with flat, keyword-based activity and resource descriptions. Many human-designed processes, however, are based on explicit workflow or lifecycle models with associated product models, both of which can be described using taxonomies or more complicated ontologies. This additional information can be used to analyze and visualize the processes with better insight of and improved formal access to the data. In this paper, we introduce a generic approach for enriching process mining using events logs with associated ontology structures. The main contribution and benefit of this approach lies in the ability to analyze the models in different abstraction levels, which greatly helps understanding complicated processes. Our main application areas are related to engineering and documentation processes.


摘要: 过程挖掘使用各种形式的事件日志来提取与过程有关的信息,以便发现,分析一致性或增强(业务)过程。绝大多数流程挖掘应用程序都基于事件日志,这些事件日志具有基于关键字的固定活动和资源描述。但是,许多人为设计的过程都基于显式的工作流或生命周期模型以及相关的产品模型,这两者都可以使用分类法或更复杂的本体进行描述。这些附加信息可用于分析和可视化流程,从而更好地了解数据并改善对数据的正式访问。在本文中,我们介绍了一种使用事件日志和关联的本体结构来丰富流程挖掘的通用方法。这种方法的主要贡献和好处在于能够分析不同抽象级别的模型,这极大地有助于理解复杂的过程。我们的主要应用领域与工程和文档编制过程有关。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2818187.2818273]

[308] Automated capture of design knowledge from design process (2008)

(Fu, Xiangjun and Peng, Yinghong | Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2008)

Abstract: Designers depend on computer as the main workbench to deal with their complex product design tasks today. So a mass of design process related digital data can be obtained. How to discovery design rationale knowledge from primary design process data is still an open problem. This paper describes an experimental system, the Design History Construction Framework. In the framework, clustering techniques are used to aggregate design events into abstract summaries of tasks, and plan recognition algorithms are used to identify key episodes of activity. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 设计人员如今依靠计算机作为主要工作台来处理其复杂的产品设计任务。因此,可以获得与设计过程相关的大量数字数据。如何从主要设计过程数据中发现设计原理知识仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。本文介绍了一个实验系统,即设计历史记录构建框架。在该框架中,使用聚类技术将设计事件聚合为任务的抽象摘要,并使用计划识别算法来识别活动的关键事件。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FSKD.2008.223]

[309] Automated modelling of reactive discrete event systems from external behavioural data (2013)

(Estrada-Vargas, Ana Paula and Lopez-Mellado, Ernesto and Lesage, Jean Jacques | 23rd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computing, CONIELECOMP 2013)

Abstract: This paper deals with automated modelling of reactive discrete event systems (DES). A software tool for building automatically interpreted Petri net models from an observed systems input/output sequence is presented. The tool is based on a black-box identification method that processes the input/output sequence, and synthesises and draws the model corresponding to such a sequence. First, the identification method is outlined; then the developed software is described and applied to an illustrative example from the manufacturing area. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文涉及反应性离散事件系统(DES)的自动建模。提出了一种用于从观察到的系统的输入/输出序列中构建自动解释的Petri网模型的软件工具。该工具基于黑匣子识别方法, copycopyright 2013年,对输入/输出序列进行处理,然后综合并绘制与该序列相对应的模型,首先概述识别方法,然后描述开发的软件并将其应用于制造领域的示例。 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2013.6525771]

[310] Automated planning of process models: Design of a novel approach to construct exclusive choices (2015)

(Heinrich, Bernd and Klier, Mathias and Zimmermann, Steffen | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: In times of dynamically changing markets, companies are forced to (re)design their processes quickly and frequently, which typically implies a significant degree of time-consuming and cost-intensive manual work. To alleviate this drawback, we envision the automated planning of process models. More precisely, we propose a novel algorithm for an automated construction of the control flow pattern exclusive choice, which constitutes an essential step toward an automated planning of process models. The algorithm is built upon an abstract representation language that provides a general and formal basis and serves as the vocabulary to define the planning problem. As part of our evaluation, we find that, based on a given planning problem, our algorithm is not subject to potential modeling failures. We further implement the approach in process planning software and analyze not only its feasibility and applicability by means of several real-world processes from different application contexts and companies but also its practical utility based on the criteria flexibility by definition, modeling costs, and modeling time.


摘要: 在动态变化的市场中,公司被迫快速,频繁地重新设计其流程,这通常意味着相当大量的耗时且成本高昂的手工工作。为缓解这一缺点,我们设想自动计划更准确地说,我们提出了一种用于自动构建控制流模式排他性选择的新颖算法,它构成了对流程模型进行自动化规划的必不可少的步骤。作为一般和正式的基础,并作为定义计划问题的词汇。作为评估的一部分,我们发现,基于给定的计划问题,我们的算法不会遭受潜在的建模失败。规划软件,并通过来自不同应用程序上下文的多个实际过程不仅分析其可行性和适用性和公司,但也要根据定义,建模成本和建模时间的灵活性来确定其实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.07.005]

[311] Automated process mapping for cyber intelligent enterprise (2015)

(Repta, Dragos and Moisescu, Mihnea Alexandru and Sacala, Ioan Stefan and Stanescu, Aurelian Mihai and Neagu, Gabriel | Proceedings - 2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2015)

Abstract: The need to capitalize from business opportunities, generated by the ever dynamic global business environment determine enterprises to increase agility influencing strategy, decision, process and resource allocation. In this paper we propose a Generic Framework to assist the development of Automated Process Mapping Applications for flexible and complex processes, which involve activities in which the human factor plays an important role. Another component of the framework analyses ad-hoc industrial processes that are not covered by traditional and established BPM techniques.


摘要: 不断变化的全球商业环境所产生的从商业机会中获利的需求决定了企业增加影响战略,决策,流程和资源分配的敏捷性。在本文中,我们提出了一个通用框架,以协助开发针对灵活和复杂过程的自动化过程映射应用程序,其中涉及人为因素起重要作用的活动。该框架的另一个组成部分分析了传统的和成熟的BPM技术未涵盖的临时工业过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCS.2015.126]

[312] Automatic determination of parameters values for Heuristics Miner++ (2010)

(Burattin, Andrea and Sperduti, Alessandro | 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010)

Abstract: The choice of parameters values for noise-tolerant Process Mining algorithms is not trivial, especially for users that are not expert in Process Mining. Exhaustive exploration of all possible set of values is not feasible, since several parameters are real-valued. Selecting the right values, however, is important, since otherwise the control-flow network returned by the mining can be quite far from the correct one. Here we face this problem for a specific Process Mining algorithm, i.e. Heuristics Miner++. We recognize that the domain of real-valued parameters can be actually partitioned into a finite number of equivalence classes and we suggest exploring the parameters space by a local search strategy driven by a Minimum Description Length principle. We believe that the proposed approach is sufficiently general to be used for other Process Mining algorithms. Experimental results on a set of randomly generated process models show promising results. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.

** 自动为启发式Miner ++确定参数值**

摘要: 对于噪声容忍的过程挖掘算法,参数的选择值并非易事,特别是对于那些不擅长过程挖掘的用户而言。由于所有参数都是实数值,因此穷举探索所有可能的值集是不可行的。但是,选择正确的值很重要,因为否则采矿所返回的控制流网络可能与正确的网络相去甚远。在这里,我们针对特定的流程挖掘算法(即启发式Miner ++)面临此问题。我们认识到,可以将实值参数的域实际上划分为有限数量的等价类,并且我们建议通过由最小描述长度原则驱动的局部搜索策略来探索参数空间。我们认为,所提出的方法具有足够的通用性,可用于其他过程挖掘算法。在一组随机生成的过程模型上的实验结果显示出令人鼓舞的结果。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2010.5586208]

[313] Automatic modeling of collaboration-based organization structure in E-logistic (2010)

(Li, Yan | 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2010)

Abstract: Electronic business has made logistics collaboration more and more important. Electronic logistic (e-logistic) as an open electronic platform can realize logistics collaboration. Business process management system (BPMS) supports the operation of e-logistic. In BPMS there are a large number of event logs recording the performers who initiate or complete the logistic activities. Collaboration-based organization structure is so flexible as to be more suitable for the business implementing e-logistic. However the existing organizational structure modeling methods are difficult to model collaboration-based structure. This paper design an automatic modeling method of collaboration-based organization structure based on event logs from BPMS in elogistic. Firstly, six kinds of performer relations are analyzed, i.e. PR1-PR6; Secondly, Five kinds of modeling rules are designed, i.e. MR1-MR5; At last, an actual case are given to verify feasibility of this method. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 电子业务使物流协作变得越来越重要。电子物流(e-logistic)作为开放的电子平台可以实现物流协作。业务流程管理系统(BPMS)支持电子物流的操作。在BPMS中,有大量事件日志记录了发起或完成物流活动的表演者。基于协作的组织结构非常灵活,使其更适合于实施电子物流的业务。但是,现有的组织结构建模方法很难对基于协作的结构进行建模。本文设计了一种基于BPMS事件日志的基于协作的组织结构自动建模方法。首先,分析了六种表演者关系,即PR1-PR6;其次,设计了五种建模规则,即MR1-MR5。最后,通过实际案例验证了该方法的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICTA.2010.295]

[314] Automatic modeling of frequent user behaviours in intelligent environments (2010)

(Aztiria, Asier and Izaguirre, Alberto and Basagoiti, Rosa and Augusto, Juan Carlos and Cook, Diane J. | Proceedings - 2010 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2010)

Abstract: Intelligent Environments depend on their capability to understand and anticipate users habits and needs. Therefore, learning users common behaviours becomes an important step towards allowing an environment to provide such personalized services. Due to the complexity of the entire learning system, this paper will focus on the automatic discovering of models of users behaviours. Discovering the models means to discover the order of such actions, representing users behaviours as sequences of actions. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 智能环境取决于他们理解和预期用户习惯和需求的能力。因此,学习用户的共同行为成为允许环境提供此类个性化服务的重要步骤。由于整个学习系统的复杂性,本文将着重于自动发现用户行为模型。发现模型意味着发现这种行为的顺序,以行为序列表示用户的行为。 copycopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IE.2010.9]

[315] Automatic process model discovery from textual methodologies: An archaeology case study (2015)

(Epure, Elena Viorica and Martin-Rodilla, Patricia and Hug, Charlotte and Deneckere, Rebecca and Salinesi, Camille | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Process mining has been successfully used in automatic knowledge discovery and in providing guidance or support. The known process mining approaches rely on processes being executed with the help of information systems thus enabling the automatic capture of process traces as event logs. However, there are many other fields such as Humanities, Social Sciences and Medicine where workers follow processes and log their execution manually in textual forms instead. The problem we tackle in this paper is mining process instance models from unstructured, text-based process traces. Using natural language processing with a focus on the verb semantics, we created a novel unsupervised technique TextProcessMiner that discovers process instance models in two steps: 1.ActivityMiner mines the process activities; 2.ActivityRelationshipMiner mines the sequence, parallelism and mutual exclusion relationships between activities. We employed technical action research through which we validated and preliminarily evaluated our proposed technique in an Archaeology case. The results are very satisfactory with 88% correctly discovered activities in the log and a process instance model that adequately reflected the original process. Moreover, the technique we created emerged as domain independent.


摘要: 过程挖掘已成功用于自动知识发现以及提供指导或支持。已知的过程挖掘方法依赖于在信息系统的帮助下执行的过程,从而能够将过程跟踪自动捕获为事件日志。但是,还有许多其他领域,例如人文,社会科学和医学,在这些领域中,工人遵循流程并以文本形式手动记录执行情况。我们在本文中解决的问题是从非结构化的,基于文本的过程跟踪中挖掘过程实例模型。我们使用自然语言处理并着重于动词语义,创建了一种新颖的无监督技术TextProcessMiner,该技术可通过两个步骤发现流程实例模型:1.ActivityMiner挖掘流程活动; 2.ActivityRelationshipMiner挖掘活动之间的顺序,并行性和互斥关系。我们采用了技术行动研究,通过该研究对考古案例中的拟议技术进行了验证和初步评估。通过在日志中正确发现88%的活动以及充分反映原始流程的流程实例模型,结果非常令人满意。而且,我们创建的技术是独立于域的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2015.7128860]


[316] Automatic rediscovery and remodeling of logistic process in e-business logistic management (2009)

(Li, Yan and Deng, Shao Ling | 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2009)

Abstract: In e-business logistic management logistics collaboration becomes more and more important. E-Business Logistic Management system as an open electronic platform can realize logistics collaboration and supports the operation of logistic. Exact logistic process can ensure the normal running of the system. With the constantly change of logistic environment, logistic process models dont keep stable. The large mount of logistic process logs are saved in system. These logs involve information of various logistic processes. This paper researches an automatic rediscovery and remodeling method based on these logs. The core of the method is process rediscovery rules and remodeling algorithm. In this method a markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs. And according to the matrix the eight rediscovery rules of process logical relations are designed. The remodeling algorithm can not only automatically remodel the various logistic business processes, but also greatly enhance the process modeling efficiency. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 在电子商务物流管理中,物流协作变得越来越重要。电子商务物流管理系统作为一个开放的电子平台,可以实现物流协作并支持物流运作。精确的物流流程可以确保系统的正常运行。随着物流环境的不断变化,物流过程模型变得不稳定,大量的物流过程日志被保存在系统中,这些日志涉及各种物流过程的信息,本文研究了基于这些过程的自动重新发现与重构方法。该方法的核心是流程重新发现规则和重塑算法,该方法基于流程日志建立了马尔可夫转移矩阵,并根据该矩阵设计了流程逻辑关系的八种重发现规则。不仅可以自动重塑各种物流业务流程,而且可以大大提高专业水平成功建模效率。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IHMSC.2009.35]

[317] BAB Framework: Process Mining on Cloud (2015)

(Sutrisnowati, Riska Asriana and Bae, Hyerim and Pulshashi, Iq Reviessay and Putra, Ahmad Dzulfikar Adi and Prastyabudi, Wahyu Andy and Park, Sanghyuck and Joo, Byeongjun and Choi, Yulim | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper presents a data analytics tool, BAB (Best Analytics of Big Data), that combines Hadoop Map-Reduce algorithms with cloud computing and process mining to accommodate the data explosion in business fields. Both academics and professionals can benefit from our tool by applying and extending it within their respective research areas. In fact, BAB already has been widely utilized in the fields of port logistics, ship building and manufacturing.

BAB Framework:云上的流程挖掘

摘要: 本文介绍了一种数据分析工具BAB(大数据的最佳分析),该工具将Hadoop Map-Reduce算法与云计算和流程挖掘相结合,以适应业务领域中的数据爆炸。通过在各自研究领域中应用和扩展该工具,学者和专业人士都可以从我们的工具中受益。实际上,BAB已经在港口物流,造船和制造领域得到了广泛的应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.126]

[318] BIIIG: Enabling business intelligence with integrated instance graphs (2014)

(Petermann, Andre and Junghanns, Martin and Muller, Robert and Rahm, Erhard | Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering)

Abstract: We propose a new graph-based framework for business intelligence called BIIIG supporting the flexible evaluation of relationships between data instances. It builds on the broad availability of interconnected objects in existing business information systems. Our approach extracts such interconnected data from multiple sources and integrates them into an integrated instance graph. To support specific analytic goals, we extract subgraphs from this integrated instance graph representing executed business activities with all their data traces and involved master data. We provide an overview of the BIIIG approach and describe its main steps. We also present initial results from an evaluation with real ERP data. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 我们提出了一种新的基于图形的商业智能框架,称为BIIIG,它支持对数据实例之间的关系进行灵活的评估。它建立在现有业务信息系统中互连对象的广泛可用性之上。我们的方法从多个来源提取此类互连的数据,并将其集成到一个集成的实例图中。为了支持特定的分析目标,我们从这个集成的实例图中提取子图,这些子图表示已执行的业务活动及其所有数据跟踪和涉及的主数据。我们提供了BIIIG方法的概述并描述了其主要步骤。我们还提供了使用实际ERP数据进行评估的初步结果。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDEW.2014.6818294]

[319] BPMN Miner: Automated discovery of BPMN process models with hierarchical structure (2016)

(Conforti, Raffaele and Dumas, Marlon and Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano and La Rosa | Information Systems)

Abstract: Existing techniques for automated discovery of process models from event logs generally produce flat process models. Thus, they fail to exploit the notion of subprocess as well as error handling and repetition constructs provided by contemporary process modeling notations, such as the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). This paper presents a technique, namely BPMN Miner, for automated discovery of hierarchical BPMN models containing interrupting and non-interrupting boundary events and activity markers. The technique employs approximate functional and inclusion dependency discovery techniques in order to elicit a process-subprocess hierarchy from the event log. Given this hierarchy and the projected logs associated to each node in the hierarchy, parent process and subprocess models are discovered using existing techniques for flat process model discovery. Finally, the resulting models and logs are heuristically analyzed in order to identify boundary events and markers. By employing approximate dependency discovery techniques, BPMN Miner is able to detect and filter out noise in the event log arising for example from data entry errors, missing event records or infrequent behavior. Noise is detected during the construction of the subprocess hierarchy and filtered out via heuristics at the lowest possible level of granularity in the hierarchy. A validation with one synthetic and two real-life logs shows that process models derived by the proposed technique are more accurate and less complex than those derived with flat process discovery techniques. Meanwhile, a validation on a family of synthetically generated logs shows that the technique is resilient to varying levels of noise.

BPMN Miner:具有层次结构的BPMN流程模型的自动发现

摘要: 用于从事件日志中自动发现过程模型的现有技术通常会产生平坦的过程模型。因此,他们无法利用子流程的概念以及当代流程建模符号(例如业务流程模型和符号(BPMN))提供的错误处理和重复构造。本文提出了一种技术,即BPMN Miner,用于自动发现包含中断和不中断边界事件以及活动标记的分层BPMN模型。该技术采用近似功能和包含依赖发现技术,以便从事件日志中得出过程子过程层次结构。给定此层次结构以及与层次结构中每个节点关联的计划日志,可以使用现有的用于平面过程模型发现的技术来发现父过程和子过程模型。最后,对所得模型和日志进行启发式分析,以识别边界事件和标记。通过采用近似依赖关系发现技术,BPMN Miner能够检测和过滤出事件日志中的噪声,例如,这些噪声是由数据输入错误,事件记录缺失或不频繁行为引起的。在子流程层次结构的构建过程中会检测到噪声,并通过启发式方法在层次结构中尽可能最低的粒度级别上将其过滤掉。通过一个合成日志和两个真实日志进行的验证表明,与使用平面过程发现技术得出的过程模型相比,通过提议的技术得出的过程模型更准确,更简单。同时,对一系列综合生成的测井曲线的验证表明,该技术可以适应各种噪声水平。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.07.004]

[320] Balanced multi-perspective checking of process conformance (2016)

(Mannhardt, Felix and de Leoni, Massimiliano and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computing)

Abstract: Organizations maintain process models that describe or prescribe how cases (e.g., orders) are handled. However, reality may not agree with what is modeled. Conformance checking techniques reveal and diagnose differences between the behavior that is modeled and what is observed. Existing conformance checking approaches tend to focus on the control-flow in a process, while abstracting from data dependencies, resource assignments, and time constraints. Even in those situations when other perspectives are considered, the control-flow is aligned first, i.e., priority is given to this perspective. Data dependencies, resource assignments, and time constraints are only considered as second-class citizens, which may lead to misleading conformance diagnostics. For example, a data attribute may provide strong evidence that the wrong activity was executed. Existing techniques will still diagnose the data-flow as deviating, whereas our approach will indeed point out that the control-flow is deviating. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed that balances the deviations with respect to all these perspectives based on a customizable cost function. Evaluations using both synthetic and real data sets show that a multi-perspective approach is indeed feasible and may help to circumvent misleading results as generated by classical single-perspective or staged approaches.


摘要: 组织维护描述或规定如何处理案例(例如订单)的流程模型。但是,现实可能与建模的内容不一致。一致性检查技术揭示并诊断建模行为与观察到的行为之间的差异。现有的一致性检查方法倾向于集中于流程中的控制流,同时从数据依赖关系,资源分配和时间约束中抽象出来。即使在考虑其他角度的那些情况下,控制流也会首先对齐,即,优先考虑此角度。数据依赖性,资源分配和时间限制仅被视为第二等公民,这可能会导致误导性一致性诊断。例如,数据属性可以提供强有力的证据证明执行了错误的活动。现有技术仍将诊断数据流是否存在偏差,而我们的方法确实会指出控制流存在偏差。在本文中,提出了一种新颖的算法,该算法基于可自定义的成本函数来平衡所有这些方面的偏差。使用综合和真实数据集进行的评估表明,多视角方法确实是可行的,并且可能有助于规避传统的单视角或分阶段方法所产生的误导性结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-015-0441-1]

[321] Bayesian belief network application in process mining (2014)

(Savickas, Titas and Vasilecas, Olegas | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Business process mining gains more and more attention from both scientific and business communities. Its value has been recognized in information systems reverse engineering field as it allows discover knowledge about the implementation and execution of business processes in order to analyse and improve them. The probabilistic model of business process execution is essential for its analysis, however, there is very little research done on this topic. In this paper, we present a novel approach on automatic extraction of probabilistic models from mined business processes. We present an example of application of our approach in a real world scenario. The results achieved by application of our approach can faciliate decision making for the business users and therefore may be used for process analysis or enhancement of information systems with additional decision support capabilities.


摘要: 业务流程挖掘越来越受到科学界和商业界的关注。它的价值已在信息系统逆向工程领域得到认可,因为它可以发现有关业务流程的实施和执行的知识,以便对其进行分析和改进。业务流程执行的概率模型对其分析至关重要,但是,对此主题进行的研究很少。在本文中,我们提出了一种从挖掘的业务流程中自动提取概率模型的新颖方法。我们提供了在现实世界中应用我们的方法的示例。应用我们的方法所获得的结果可以简化业务用户的决策,因此可以将其用于流程分析或具有附加决策支持功能的信息系统增强。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2659532.2659607]

[322] Bayesian network construction from event log for lateness analysis in port logistics (2015)

(Sutrisnowati, Riska Asriana and Bae, Hyerim and Song, Minseok | Computers and Industrial Engineering)

Abstract: The handling of containers in port logistics consists of several activities, such as discharging, loading, gate-in and gate-out, among others. These activities are carried out using various equipment including quay cranes, yard cranes, trucks, and other related machinery. The high inter-dependency among activities and equipment on various factors often puts successive activities off schedule in real-time, leading to undesirable activity down time and the delay of activities. A late container process, in other words, can negatively affect the scheduling of the following ones. The purpose of the study is to analyze the lateness probability using a Bayesian network by considering various factors in container handling. We propose a method to generate a Bayesian network from a process model which can be discovered from event logs in port information systems. In the network, we can infer the activities lateness probabilities and, sequentially, provide to port managers recommendations for improving existing activities.


摘要: 港口物流中的集装箱处理包括几项活动,例如卸货,装载,进站和出站。这些活动使用各种设备进行,包括码头起重机,堆场起重机,卡车和其他设备。活动和设备之间在各种因素上的高度相互依赖关系经常使连续活动无法按计划进行,从而导致活动停机时间不理想和活动延迟,换句话说,延迟的集装箱过程可能会对活动产生负面影响我们的目的是通过考虑容器处理中的各种因素使用贝叶斯网络分析延迟概率,我们提出了一种从过程模型中生成贝叶斯网络的方法,该模型可以从事件日志中发现在网络中,我们可以推断出活动的迟到概率,并依次为港口管理者提供建议改善现有活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cie.2014.11.003]

[323] Behavior instance extraction for risk aware control in mission centric systems (2013)

(Pecarina, John and Liu, Jyh Charn | 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support, CogSIMA 2013)

Abstract: In the pursuit of behavior modeling for dynamic policy management and usage control, mission centric systems are the most important to examine, not only because situation dynamics can dramatically alter the collaboration environment, but also since behavior in these systems is constrained by mission objectives or workflows. Traditional mission decomposition into tasks and objectives has led to static policy deployment and role based views of access control and, but we propose Risk-Adaptive Mission Policy (RAMP) to enable commanders to automate decisions to constrain or proliferate access depending on behavioral context and risk assessment for successful mission outcomes. As the critical source of knowledge to enable this new methodology, we formulate the behavior instance extraction problem (BIEP) to pre-process unstructured activity data and mine interesting behaviors for modeling applications. Finally, we develop the workflow behavior instance extraction algorithm to tailor a solution to BIEP specifically for RAMP. Our evaluation weighs performance against new functionality to show that our work supports risk aware security decisions for dynamic situation management in mission centric environments. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 在追求用于动态策略管理和使用控制的行为建模时,以任务为中心的系统是最重要的检查对象,这不仅是因为情势动态可以极大地改变协作环境,而且因为这些系统中的行为受到任务目标的限制或工作流程。传统的任务分解为任务和目标导致了静态策略部署和基于角色的访问控制视图,但是我们提出了风险自适应任务策略(RAMP),使指挥官能够根据行为背景和风险自动执行决定来限制或扩散访问权限的决策评估成功的任务成果。作为实现这种新方法的关键知识来源,我们制定了行为实例提取问题(BIEP),以预处理非结构化活动数据并挖掘有趣的行为,以进行建模应用程序。最后,我们开发了工作流行为实例提取算法,以专门针对RAMP量身定制BIEP解决方案。我们的评估将性能与新功能进行权衡,表明我们的工作支持以风险为中心的安全决策,以便在以任务为中心的环境中进行动态情况管理。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CogSIMA.2013.6523823]

[324] Behavioral process mining for unstructured processes (2016)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Real world applications provide many examples of unstructured processes, where process execution is mainly driven by contingent decisions taken by the actors, with the result that the process is rarely repeated exactly in the same way. In these cases, traditional Process Discovery techniques, aimed at extracting complete process models from event logs, reveal some limits. In fact, when applied to logs of unstructured processes, Process Discovery techniques usually return complex, spaghetti-like models, which usually provide limited support to analysts. As a remedy, in the present work we propose Behavioral Process Mining as an alternative approach to enlighten relevant subprocesses, representing meaningful collaboration work practices. The approach is based on the application of hierarchical graph clustering to the set of instance graphs generated by a process. We also describe a technique for building instance graphs from traces. We assess advantages and limits of the approach on a set of synthetic and real world experiments.


摘要: 现实世界的应用程序提供了许多非结构化流程的示例,其中流程的执行主要由参与者所做出的偶然决定来驱动,结果,该流程很少以完全相同的方式重复进行。在这些情况下,旨在从事件日志中提取完整流程模型的传统流程发现技术揭示了一些限制。实际上,当将过程发现技术应用于非结构化过程的日志时,通常会返回复杂的类似意大利面条的模型,这些模型通常仅对分析人员提供有限的支持。作为一种补救措施,在本工作中,我们提出了行为过程挖掘,作为启发相关子过程的另一种方法,代表了有意义的协作工作实践。该方法基于将层次图聚类应用于流程生成的实例图集。我们还描述了一种从痕迹构建实例图的技术。我们在一组合成和现实世界的实验中评估该方法的优势和局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-016-0394-7]

[325] Behaviour pattern-based model generation for model-based testing (2009)

(Kanstren, Teemu | Computation World: Future Computing, Service Computation, Adaptive, Content, Cognitive, Patterns, ComputationWorld 2009)

Abstract: This paper presents the concept of using behavioral pattern mining to generate models for model-based testing. These patterns are mined from observations captured from execution scenarios of the system under test, and the different patterns are combined in order to provide a suitable higher-level model for model-based testing. The concept is first discussed on a general level, providing a basis for implementation of semi-automated model generation algorithms based on combinations of different behavioral patterns. This concept is illustrated by showing how to generate extended finite state-machine models in a format suitable for model-based testing. The generated model is further validated by applying it for model-based testing of a real software component, where it reveals actual faults in the system under test. In addition to the benefits, the discovered limitations of the approach are discussed. Future work is discussed as potential means to address these limitations. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了使用行为模式挖掘来生成用于基于模型的测试的模型的概念。这些模式是从被测系统的执行场景中捕获的观察结果中提取的,并且将不同的模式组合在一起,以便为基于模型的测试提供合适的更高级别的模型。首先在一般级别上讨论该概念,为基于不同行为模式的组合的半自动模型生成算法的实现提供基础。通过显示如何以适用于基于模型的测试的格式生成扩展的有限状态机模型来说明此概念。通过将生成的模型应用于实际软件组件的基于模型的测试,进一步验证了生成的模型,该模型可以揭示被测系统中的实际故障。除了好处之外,还讨论了该方法的发现局限性。讨论未来的工作是解决这些局限性的潜在手段。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ComputationWorld.2009.10]

[326] Behaviour patterns detection for persuasive design in Nursing Homes to help dementia patients. (2011)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Garcia-Gomez, Juan Miguel and Vicente, Javier and Naranjo, Juan Carlos and Robles, Monserrat and Benedi, Jose Miguel and Traver, Vicente | Conference proceedings : … Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference)

Abstract: Nursing homes usually host large accounts of persons with different levels of dementia. Detecting dementia process in early stages may allow the application of mechanisms to reduce or stop the cognitive impairment. Our ultimate objective is to demonstrate that the use of persuasive techniques may serve to motivate these subjects and induct re-learning mechanisms to stop mental impairment. Nevertheless, this requires the study of the behaviour of each patient individually in order to detect conduct disorders in their living ambient. This study presents a behavior pattern detection architecture based on the Ambient Assisted Living paradigm and Workflow Mining technology to enable re-learning mechanisms in dementia processes via providing tools to automate the conduct disorder detection. This architecture fosters the use of Workflows as representation languages to allow health professionals to represent persuasive motivation protocols in the AAL environment to react individually to dementia symptoms detected.


摘要: 疗养院通常会容纳大量痴呆程度不同的人。在早期检测痴呆过程可以允许应用减少或停止认知障碍的机制。我们的最终目标是证明使用说服力的技术可能会激发这些受试者,并引入重新学习机制来阻止精神障碍。然而,这需要对每个患者的行为进行单独研究,以检测其生活环境中的行为障碍。这项研究提出了一种基于环境辅助生活范式和工作流挖掘技术的行为模式检测架构,可通过提供工具来自动进行行为障碍检测,从而在痴呆症过程中实现重新学习机制。这种体系结构促进了工作流作为表示语言的使用,以允许卫生专业人员在AAL环境中表示有说服力的动机协议,以对检测到的痴呆症状进行单独反应。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[327] Benchmarking efficiency of childrens garment production process using alpha and ILP replayer techniques (2018)

(Satitcharoenmuang, Chana and Porouhan, Parham and Nammakhunt, Anake and Saguansakiyotin, Norranut and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Recently, the production process of a manufacturer and exporter of childrens garment company encountered some problems. Many of clients of the company were consistently complaining about delays in delivery of their orders. This situation was badly and negatively affecting the image and reputation of the company. To solve the problem, a research team was set up. The team conducted couple of interviews with 25 supervisors of the company as well as 4 top-managers (including production manager, general manager, quality assurance manager, and packing manager), who all were unanimously agreeing on the act that the number of the complaint letters and calls from customers were increasing day by day. Unfortunately the company was using a very traditional and out-of-fashion approach to track and trace the placement of each order, since no information system was being used and everything was handled manually following a paper-based approach. The research team spent 4 months to collect, study and investigate all the available data while transferring and transforming the data from printed documents into digital event logs (including timestamp, process type, activity name, resources, and other additional attributes and so on). Thanking to process mining techniques. The researchers were able to overcome and end this undesirable situation. In general, this study is divided into 3 main parts. In the first part, Alpha Miner algorithm, which is a Petri net-based process discovery approach, was applied in order to simulate and visualize the overall workflow of the processes within the garment manufacturer and exporter company. In the second part, ILP Replayer technique, which is a conformance checking approach, was used with the purpose of comparing and replaying the authentic event logs in hand with a standard model (i.e., a master key previously generated by top production managers) in order to investigate the compatibility and compliance of the real data with the pre-defined rules and conditions. The findings showed 15 violations of the rules (i.e., so-called bottlenecks) or undesirable situations which need to be addressed carefully and immediately. The third part of the work emphasizes on offering solutions and suggestions on how the identified problems were solved and undertaken. Eventually, the proposed approach could significantly improve the efficiency of the orders delivery process leading to increased customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and added-value on the companys brand image and reputation.

** 使用alpha和ILP重播器技术对儿童服装生产过程进行基准评估的效率**

摘要: 最近,一家童装公司的制造商和出口商的生产过程遇到了一些问题。该公司的许多客户始终抱怨订单交付延迟。这种情况严重不利于其形象和声誉。为了解决这个问题,成立了一个研究小组,该小组对公司的25名主管以及4名最高管理人员(包括生产经理,总经理,质量保证经理和包装经理)进行了两次访谈,所有人都一致同意客户投诉信和电话的数量每天都在增加的行为。不幸的是,该公司采用了一种非常传统且过时的方法来跟踪和跟踪每个订单的下达,由于没有使用任何信息系统,并且所有操作均采用基于纸张的方法,因此研究小组花了4个月的时间收集,研究在将数据从打印文档传输和转换为数字事件日志(包括时间戳,流程类型,活动名称,资源和其他附加属性等)时,请调查所有可用数据。感谢过程挖掘技术。研究人员能够克服并结束这种不良情况。总的来说,本研究分为三个主要部分。在第一部分中,应用了基于Petri网的过程发现方法Alpha Miner算法,以模拟和可视化服装制造商和出口商公司内部过程的整体工作流程。在第二部分中,使用了ILP Replayer技术,它是一种一致性检查方法,目的是按顺序比较和重播标准模型(即,以前由最高生产经理生成的主密钥)中的真实事件日志。调查实际数据与预定义规则和条件的兼容性和合规性。调查结果显示有15项违反规则的行为(即所谓的瓶颈)或不良情况,需要仔细而迅速地加以解决。工作的第三部分着重于提供解决方案和建议,以解决和解决已发现的问题。最终,所提出的方法可以显着提高订单交付流程的效率,从而提高客户满意度,客户忠诚度以及公司品牌形象和声誉的增值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2017.8259635]

[328] Betweenness centralization analysis formalisms on workflow-supported org-social networks (2014)

(Jeong, Hyeonil and Kim, Hyuna and Kim, Kwanghoon Pio | International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper1 is to conceive an algorithmic approach to measure betweenness centralities among performers in a workflow-supported org-social network model. The essential part of the approach is a betweenness centrality analysis algorithm to calculate each performers betweenness centrality and group betweenness centrality on a corresponding workflow-supported org-social network model. We strongly expect that the developed algorithm will be applied to analyzing the degree of work-mediation of each of the performers who are allotted to perform a corresponding workflow procedure. textcopyright 2014 Global IT Research Institute (GIRI).


摘要: 本文的目的是构想一种算法方法,用于在工作流支持的组织-社交网络模型中测量表演者之间的中间性中心。该方法的基本部分是一种中间性中心性分析算法,用于计算每个表演者的中间性中心点和群体在相应的工作流支持的组织-社交网络模型上的居中性,我们强烈期望所开发的算法将用于分析分配给执行相应工作流过程的每个表演者的工作调解程度。 textcopyright 2014年全球IT研究所(GIRI)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICACT.2014.6779142]

[329] Beyond rigidity - Dynamic process lifecycle support : AAA Survey on dynamic changes in process-aware information systems (2009)

(Weber, Barbara and Sadiq, Shazia and Reichert, Manfred | Computer Science - Research and Development)

Abstract: The economic success of an enterprise increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. To cope with emerging business trends, responsiveness to change is a significant competitive advantage. Similar to the lifecycle in conventional information systems development, studies on lifecycle support for business processes are often sweeping the issues of runtime change management under the banner of maintenance. However, the pervasiveness of dynamic changes in business processes warrants targeted attention. This paper presents a detailed review of challenges and techniques that exist for the lifecycle management of dynamic processes. For each of the lifecycle phases we discuss the needs and deliberate on various developments from both academia and industry. textcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 企业的经济成功越来越取决于其以快速灵活的方式对环境变化做出反应的能力。为了应对新兴业务趋势,对变化的响应能力是一项重要的竞争优势。与常规信息系统开发中的生命周期类似,对业务流程的生命周期支持的研究通常在维护的旗帜下席卷了运行时变更管理的问题。但是,业务流程中动态变化的普遍性值得我们关注。本文对动态过程的生命周期管理中存在的挑战和技术进行了详细的回顾。对于生命周期的每个阶段,我们讨论需求,并仔细研究学术界和工业界的各种发展。 t​​extcopyright 2009 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00450-009-0069-5]

[330] BicSPAM: Flexible biclustering using sequential patterns (2014)

(Henriques, Rui and Madeira, Sara C. | BMC Bioinformatics)

Abstract: Background: Biclustering is a critical task for biomedical applications. Order-preserving biclusters, submatrices where the values of rows induce the same linear ordering across columns, capture local regularities with constant, shifting, scaling and sequential assumptions. Additionally, biclustering approaches relying on pattern mining output deliver exhaustive solutions with an arbitrary number and positioning of biclusters. However, existing order-preserving approaches suffer from robustness, scalability and/or flexibility issues. Additionally, they are not able to discover biclusters with symmetries and parameterizable levels of noise.Results: We propose new biclustering algorithms to perform flexible, exhaustive and noise-tolerant biclustering based on sequential patterns (BicSPAM). Strategies are proposed to allow for symmetries and to seize efficiency gains from item-indexable properties and/or from partitioning methods with conservative distance guarantees. Results show BicSPAM ability to capture symmetries, handle planted noise, and scale in terms of memory and time. BicSPAM also achieves the best match-scores for the recovery of hidden biclusters in synthetic datasets with varying noise distributions and levels of missing values. Finally, results on gene expression data lead to complete solutions, delivering new biclusters corresponding to putative modules with heightened biological relevance.Conclusions: BicSPAM provides an exhaustive way to discover flexible structures of order-preserving biclusters. To the best of our knowledge, BicSPAM is the first attempt to deal with order-preserving biclusters that allow for symmetries and that are robust to varying levels of noise. textcopyright 2014 Henriques and Madeira; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


摘要: 背景:成簇是生物医学应用的关键任务。保持顺序的二元簇,即行的值在各列之间引起相同的线性排序的子矩阵,利用常数,移位,缩放和顺序假设来捕获局部规则。此外,依赖模式挖掘输出的双聚类方法可提供任意数量和双聚类位置的详尽解决方案。但是,现有的保留订单的方法存在健壮性,可伸缩性和/或灵活性问题。此外,他们无法发现具有对称性和可参数化噪声级别的双簇。结果:我们提出了新的双簇算法,以基于顺序模式(BicSPAM)执行灵活,详尽​​且耐噪声的双簇。建议采取策略以实现对称性,并从可索引项的属性和/或具有保守距离保证的分区方法中获取效率增益。结果表明,BicSPAM能够捕获对称性,处理植入的噪声并根据内存和时间缩放。 BicSPAM还获得了最佳匹配分数,可用于在噪声分布和缺失值水平变化的合成数据集中恢复隐藏的二元组。最后,基因表达数据的结果导致了完整的解决方案,提供了与生物学相关性更高的假定模块相对应的新双链簇。结论:BicSPAM提供了一种穷举的方法来发现灵活的顺序保持双链簇结构。据我们所知,BicSPAM是首次尝试处理可保持对称性且对变化的噪声具有鲁棒性的顺序保持双簇。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Henriques和Madeira;被许可人BioMed Central Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1186/1471-2105-15-130]


[331] Big Data Compliance for Innovative Clinical Models (2018)

(Giacalone, Massimiliano and Cusatelli, Carlo and Santarcangelo, Vito | Big Data Research)

Abstract: In the healthcare sector, information is the most important aspect, and the human body in particular is the major source of data production: as a result, the new challenge for world healthcare is to take advantage of these huge amounts of data de-structured among themselves. In order to benefit from this advantage, technology offers a solution called Big Data Analysis that allows the management of large amounts of data of a different nature and coming from different sources of a computerized healthcare, as there are considerable changes made by the input of digital technology in all major health areas. Clinical intelligence consists of all the analytical methods made possible through the use of computer tools, in all the processes and disciplines of extraction and transformation of crude clinical data into significant insights, new purposes and knowledge that provide greater clinical efficacy and best health pronouncements about past performance, current operations and future events. It can therefore be stated that clinical intelligence, through patient data analysis, will become a standard operating procedure that will address all aspects of care delivery. The purpose of this paper is to present clinical intelligence approaches through Data Mining and Process Mining, showing the differences between these two methodologies applied to perform real process extraction to be compared with the procedures in the corporate compliance template (the so called Model 231) by conformance checking.


摘要: 在医疗保健领域,信息是最重要的方面,尤其是人体是数据产生的主要来源:因此,世界医疗保健面临的新挑战是如何利用海量的数据去在彼此之间结构化。为了从此优势中受益,技术提供了一种称为大数据分析的解决方案,该解决方案允许管理性质不同且来自计算机化医疗保健不同来源的大量数据,因为输入会产生很大的变化所有主要健康领域的数字技术的发展。临床情报包括通过使用计算机工具,在将原始临床数据的提取和转化为重要见解,新目的和新知识的所有过程和学科中可能使用的所有分析方法,这些见解,新目的和知识可提供更高的临床疗效和对过去的最佳健康声明绩效,当前运营和未来事件。因此可以说,通过患者数据分析,临床智能将成为解决护理提供方方面面的标准操作程序。本文的目的是通过数据挖掘和过程挖掘来介绍临床智能方法,展示这两种用于执行真实过程提取的方法之间的差异,以便与公司合规性模板中的程序进行比较(所谓的模型 231),通过符合性检查。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.bdr.2018.02.001]

[332] Big data analytics for predictive manufacturing control - A case study from process industry (2014)

(Krumeich, Julian and Jacobi, Sven and Werth, Dirk and Loos, Peter | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, BigData Congress 2014)

Abstract: Nowadays, companies are more than ever forced to dynamically adapt their business process executions to currently existing business situations in order to keep up with increasing market demands in global competition. Companies that are able to analyze the current state of their processes, forecast its most optimal progress and proactively control them based on reliable predictions will be a decisive step ahead competitors. The paper at hand exploits potentials through predictive analytics on big data aiming at event-based predictions and thereby enabling proactive control of business processes. In doing so, the paper particularly focus production processes in analytical process manufacturing industries and outlines-based on a case study at Saarstahl AG, a large German steel producing company-which production-related data is currently collected forming a potential foundation for accurate forecasts. However, without dedicated approaches of big data analytics, the sample company cannot utilize the potential of already available data for a proactive process control. Hence, the article forms a working and discussion basis for further research in big data analytics by proposing a general system architecture.


摘要: 如今,公司比以往任何时候都被迫动态地调整其业务流程执行以适应当前的现有业务状况,以适应全球竞争中不断增长的市场需求。能够分析其流程的当前状态,预测其最佳进度并根据可靠的预测主动控制它们的公司将是竞争对手领先的决定性一步。本文针对基于事件的预测,通过对大数据的预测分析来挖掘潜力,从而实现对业务流程的主动控制。在此过程中,本文特别关注分析过程制造业的生产过程,并基于德国大型钢铁生产公司Saarstahl AG的案例研究进行了概述,该案例目前正在收集与生产有关的数据,为准确预测提供了潜在的基础。但是,如果没有大数据分析的专用方法,样本公司就无法利用现有数据的潜力进行主动的过程控制。因此,本文通过提出通用的系统架构,为大数据分析的进一步研究奠定了工作和讨论的基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigData.Congress.2014.83]

[333] Big data meets process mining (2014)

(Evermann, Joerg and Assadipour, Ghazal | )

Abstract: Process mining is an approach to extract process models from event logs. Given the distributed nature of modern information systems, event logs are likely to be distributed across different physical machines. Map-Reduce is a scalable approach for efficient computations on distributed data. In this paper we present the design of a Map-Reduce implementation of the Alpha process mining algorithm, to take advantage of the scalability of the Map-Reduce approach. We provide a experimental results that show the performance and scalability of our implementation. Copyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一种从事件日志中提取过程模型的方法。考虑到现代信息系统的分布式性质,事件日志很可能会分布在不同的物理机器上。 Map-Reduce是一种可扩展的方法,用于对分布式数据进行有效的计算。在本文中,我们介绍了Alpha进程挖掘算法的Map-Reduce实现的设计,以利用Map-Reduce方法的可伸缩性。我们提供的实验结果表明了我们实施的性能和可扩展性。版权所有2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2554850.2555076]

[334] Big software on the run: In vivo software analytics based on process mining (Keynote) (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Software-related problems have an incredible impact on society, organizations, and users that increasingly rely on information technology. Specification, verification and testing techniques aim to avoid such problems. However, the growing complexity, scale, and diversity of software complicate matters. Since software is evolving and operates in a changing environment, one cannot anticipate all problems at design-time. Hence, we propose to analyze software in vivo, i.e., we study systems in their natural habitat rather than through testing or software design. We propose to observe running systems, collect and analyze data on them, generate descriptive models, and use these to respond to failures. We focus on process mining as a tool for in vivo software analytics. Process discovery techniques can be used to capture the real behavior of software. Conformance checking techniques can be used to spot deviations. The alignment of models and real software behavior can be used to predict problems related to performance or conformance. Recent developments in process mining and instrumentation of software make this possible. This keynote paper provides pointers to process mining literature and introduces the Big Software on the Run (BSR) research program that just started.


摘要: 与软件相关的问题对越来越依赖信息技术的社会,组织和用户产生了难以置信的影响。规范,验证和测试技术旨在避免此类问题。但是,软件的复杂性,规模和多样性的增长使问题变得复杂。由于软件在不断发展变化并在不断变化的环境中运行,因此无法在设计时预见所有问题。因此,我们建议对软件进行体内分析,即我们在自然栖息地研究系统,而不是通过测试或软件设计。我们建议观察正在运行的系统,收集和分析有关它们的数据,生成描述性模型,并使用它们来响应故障。我们专注于将流程挖掘作为体内软件分析的工具。流程发现技术可用于捕获软件的实际行为。一致性检查技术可用于发现偏差。模型与实际软件行为的一致性可以用来预测与性能或一致性相关的问题。在过程挖掘和软件检测方面的最新发展使之成为可能。本主题演讲论文提供了处理过程挖掘文献的指南,并介绍了刚刚开始的运行中的大型软件(BSR)研究程序。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2785592.2785593]

[335] Bottleneck mining and Petri net simulation in education situations (2012)

(Anuwatvisit, Siriporn and Tungkasthan, Anucha and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In this paper we applied two process diagnostics (Conformance Checker and Performance Analysis) based on Prom process mining tool. In this paper, we used conformance ProM plugin in order to detect discrepancies between the flows prescribed in a students registration model and the actual process instances (flows) in one of the universities in Thailand. Furthermore, we extended the models with performance characteristics and business rules. Our aim was to know whether the model and the log conform to each other or not. As a result, analyzing the gap between a model and the real world both helped us to detect violations and to ensure transparency. It worth to mention that, some of the information in the text are extracted from the book Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance, and Enhancement of Business Processes by Wil Van Der Aalst and from the website www.processmining.com. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 本文基于Prom过程挖掘工具应用了两种过程诊断程序(一致性检查程序和性能分析)。本文中,我们使用一致性ProM插件来检测学生注册模型中规定的流程与流程之间的差异。泰国一所大学的实际流程实例(流程),并扩展了具有性能特征和业务规则的模型,目的是了解模型和日志是否相互符合,从而进行分析模型与现实世界之间的鸿沟不仅帮助我们发现了违规情况,而且还确保了透明度。值得一提的是,本文中的某些信息摘自《过程挖掘:发现,整合和增强业务》一书。流程,作者:Wil Van Der Aalst,网址为www.processmining.com。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408562]

[336] Bridging abstraction layers in process mining (2014)

(Baier, Thomas and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Information Systems)

Abstract: While the maturity of process mining algorithms increases and more process mining tools enter the market, process mining projects still face the problem of different levels of abstraction when comparing events with modeled business activities. Current approaches for event log abstraction try to abstract from the events in an automated way that does not capture the required domain knowledge to fit business activities. This can lead to misinterpretation of discovered process models. We developed an approach that aims to abstract an event log to the same abstraction level that is needed by the business. We use domain knowledge extracted from existing process documentation to semi-automatically match events and activities. Our abstraction approach is able to deal with n:m relations between events and activities and also supports concurrency. We evaluated our approach in two case studies with a German IT outsourcing company. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 虽然流程挖掘算法的成熟度不断提高,并且有更多的流程挖掘工具进入市场,但是在将事件与建模的业务活动进行比较时,流程挖掘项目仍然面临着不同抽象级别的问题。当前用于事件日志抽象的方法尝试以一种自动化的方式从事件中抽象出来,这种方式无法捕获所需的领域知识以适合业务活动。这可能导致对发现的过程模型的误解。我们开发了一种旨在将事件日志抽象到业务所需的抽象级别的方法。我们使用从现有流程文档中提取的领域知识来半自动匹配事件和活动。我们的抽象方法既可以处理事件与活动之间的n:m关系,又可以支持并发。我们在一家德国IT外包公司的两个案例研究中评估了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.04.004]

[337] Building instance graphs for highly variable processes (2016)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Van Der Aalst | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Organizations increasingly rely on business process analysis to improve operations performance. Process Mining can be exploited to distill models from real process executions recorded in event logs, but existing techniques show some limitations when applied in complex domains, where human actors have high degree of freedom in the execution of activities thus generating highly variable processes instances. This paper contributes to the research on Process Mining in highly variable domains, focusing on the generation of process instance models (in the form of instance graphs) from simple event logs. The novelty of the approach is in the exploitation of filtering Process Discovery (PD) techniques coupled with repairing, which allows obtaining accurate models for any instance variant, even for rare ones. It is argued that this provides the analyst with a more complete and faithful knowledge of a highly variable process, where no process execution can be really targeted as wrong and hence overlooked. The approach can also find application in more structured domains, in order to obtain accurate models of exceptional behaviors. The quality of generated models will be assessed by suitable metrics and measured in empirical experiments enlightening the advantage of the approach.


摘要: 组织越来越依赖业务流程分析来改善运营绩效。可以利用流程挖掘从事件日志中记录的实际流程执行中提取模型,但是现有技术在复杂领域中应用时表现出一些局限性,在这些领域中,人类参与者在执行活动方面具有高度自由度,从而生成高度可变的流程实例。本文致力于在高可变域中进行流程挖掘的研究,重点是从简单事件日志生成流程实例模型(以实例图的形式)。该方法的新颖之处在于利用了过滤过程发现(PD)技术以及修复功能,该技术可以修复任何实例变体(即使是稀有实例)的精确模型。有人认为,这为分析人员提供了对高度可变过程的更完整和忠实的知识,在这种情况下,没有任何过程执行可以真正地被定位为错误,因此被忽略。该方法还可在更多结构化的领域中找到应用,以便获得异常行为的准确模型。生成的模型的质量将通过适当的指标进行评估,并在经验实验中进行测量,以阐明该方法的优势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2016.04.021]

[338] Business Process Instances Discovery from Email Logs (2017)

(Jlailaty, Diana and Grigori, Daniela and Belhajjame, Khalid | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017)

Abstract: Email is a reliable, confidential, fast, free and easily accessible form of communication. Due to its wide use in personal, but most importantly, professional contexts, email represents a valuable source of information that can be harvested for understanding, reengineering and repurposing undocumented business processes of companies and institutions. Few researchers have investigated the problem of extracting and analyzing the process-oriented information contained in emails. In this paper, we go forward in this direction by proposing a new method to discover business process instances from email logs that uses unsupervised classification techniques. The approach is composed of two clustering steps. The first one uses a powerful semantic similarity measurement method, Word2vec, while the second one uses a similarity measure combing several email attributes. Experimental results are detailed to illustrate and prove our approach contributions.


摘要: 电子邮件是一种可靠,保密,快速,免费且易于访问的通信形式。由于电子邮件在个人(但最重要的是专业)环境中得到了广泛使用,因此,电子邮件代表了宝贵的信息来源,可以用来理解,重新设计和重新利用公司和机构的无证业务流程。很少有研究人员调查过提取和分析电子邮件中包含的面向过程的信息的问题。在本文中,我们通过提出一种使用无监督分类技术从电子邮件日志中发现业务流程实例的新方法来朝这个方向前进。该方法由两个聚类步骤组成。第一个使用功能强大的语义相似性度量方法Word2vec,而第二个使用组合多个电子邮件属性的相似性度量。详细的实验结果可以说明和证明我们的方法的贡献。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2017.12]

[339] Business Process Intelligence (2004)

(Grigori, Daniela and Casati, Fabio and Castellanos, Malu and Dayal, Umeshwar and Sayal, Mehmet and Shan, Ming Chien | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) are software platforms that support the definition, execution, and tracking of business processes. BPMSs have the ability of logging information about the business processes they support. Proper analysis of BPMS execution logs can yield important knowledge and help organizations improve the quality of their business processes and services to their business partners. This paper presents a set of integrated tools that supports business and IT users in managing process execution quality by providing several features, such as analysis, prediction, monitoring, control, and optimization. We refer to this set of tools as the Business Process Intelligence (BPI) tool suite. Experimental results presented in this paper are very encouraging. We plan to investigate further enhancements on the BPI tools suite, including automated exception prevention, and refinement of process data preparation stage, as well as integrating other data mining techniques. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程管理系统(BPMS)是支持业务流程的定义,执行和跟踪的软件平台。 BPMS具有记录有关其支持的业务流程的信息的能力。正确分析BPMS执行日志可以获取重要知识,并帮助组织提高业务流程和为业务合作伙伴提供的服务的质量。本文介绍了一组集成工具,这些工具通过提供一些功能(如分析,预测,监视,控制和优化)来支持业务和IT用户管理流程执行质量。我们将此工具集称为业务流程智能(BPI)工具套件。本文介绍的实验结果令人鼓舞。我们计划研究BPI工具套件的进一步增强功能,包括自动异常预防,流程数据准备阶段的完善以及集成其他数据挖掘技术。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.007]

[340] Business Process Management (2016)

(van der Aalst, Wil M. P. and La Rosa | Business & Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: No Abstract. Conclusion: In this paper we stressed the importance of BPM research to focus on improving business processes rather than improving the artifacts produced by BPM techniques and tools, such as process models. We did so by reflecting on the contributions of the BPM research community, fol- lowed by a short history of the BPM discipline, to high- light, among others, its roots in Office Information and Workflow Management systems. Next, we defined what it means to build better processes in terms of process per- formance, as captured by KPIs and their target values. Finally, we sketched two possible research directions for bringing BPM research closer to the original BPM goal of process improvement, and concluded with an overview of the papers presented in this special issue.


摘要: 没有摘要。结论:在本文中,我们强调了BPM研究的重要性,其重点在于改进业务流程,而不是改善BPM技术和工具(例如流程模型)产生的工件。为此,我们回顾了BPM研究界的贡献,以及BPM学科的历史不长,以突出其根源于Office信息和工作流管理系统。接下来,我们定义了由KPI及其目标值捕获的,根据过程性能构建更好的过程的含义。最后,我们勾勒了两个可能的研究方向,以使BPM研究更接近流程改进的原始BPM目标,并在本期特刊中概述了论文。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-015-0409-x]

[341] Business Process indexing based on similarity of execution cases (2014)

(Ordo~nez, Hugo and Figueroa, Cristhian and Corrales, Juan Carlos and Morisio, Maurizio and Cobos, Carlos and Wives, Leandro Krug | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: This paper presents EC-Indexer a new approach for Business Process indexing based on execution traces extracted from event-log files. Additionally, a tool implementing the proposed similarity mechanism was developed in order to evaluate the effectiveness by common measures as precision, recall, and f-measure. The results showed that even when the EC-Indexer approach scored low values of recall, it could reach high values of precision while reducing the execution time. textcopyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 本文为EC-Indexer提供了一种基于从事件日志文件中提取的执行跟踪的业务流程索引编制的新方法。此外,还开发了一种工具,该工具可实现所提出的相似性机制,以便通过精度,召回率和f量度等通用量度来评估有效性。结果表明,即使EC-Indexer方法得分较低的召回率,它也可以达到较高的精度值,同时减少执行时间。 t​​extcopyright 2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2590651.2590664]

[342] Business alignment: Using process mining as a tool for Delta analysis and conformance testing (2005)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Requirements Engineering)

Abstract: Increasingly, business processes are being controlled and/or monitored by information systems. As a result, many business processes leave their foot-prints in transactional information systems, i.e., business events are recorded in so-called event logs. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs, i.e., the basic idea of process mining is to diagnose business processes by mining event logs for knowledge. In this paper we focus on the potential use of process mining for measuring business alignment, i.e., comparing the real behavior of an information system or its users with the intended or expected behavior. We identify two ways to create and/or maintain the fit between business processes and supporting information systems: Delta analysis and conformance testing. Delta analysis compares the discovered model (i.e., an abstraction derived from the actual process) with some predefined processes model (e.g., the workflow model or reference model used to configure the system). Conformance testing attempts to quantify the fit between the event log and some predefined processes model. In this paper, we show that Delta analysis and conformance testing can be used to analyze business alignment as long as the actual events are logged and users have some control over the process. textcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.


摘要: 越来越多地,业务流程受到信息系统的控制和/或监视。结果,许多业务流程在交易信息系统中留下了它们的足迹,即,业务事件被记录在所谓的事件日志中。流程挖掘旨在通过提供用于从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一点,即流程挖掘的基本思想是通过挖掘事件日志中的知识来诊断业务流程。在本文中,我们专注于流程挖掘在衡量业务一致性方面的潜在用途,即将信息系统或其用户的实际行为与预期或预期行为进行比较。我们确定两种创建和/或维持业务流程与支持信息系统之间契合度的方法:增量分析和一致性测试。增量分析将发现的模型(即从实际过程中得出的抽象)与一些预定义的过程模型(例如用于配置系统的工作流模型或参考模型)进行比较。一致性测试试图量化事件日志和某些预定义流程模型之间的契合度。在本文中,我们表明,只要记录了实际事件并且用户对流程有一定的控制权,Delta分析和一致性测试就可以用于分析业务一致性。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00766-005-0001-x]

[343] Business artifact modeling: A framework for business artifacts in traditional database systems (2014)

(Joseph, Harry Raymond and Badr, Youakim | Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems, ES 2014)

Abstract: We introduce a comprehensive framework for the deployment of business artifacts in commercial lines - in the day-to-day running of businesses. The solution is easily scalable from small-scale businesses to large-scale enterprises. An attempt is made to describe artifacts within the familiar database querying tools. As a specific example, we attempt the artifact description, through MySQL workbench. A reputed open-source tool - MySQL workbench is used for modeling artifacts, by fitting our understanding of artifacts and mapping them to the corresponding tools available on workbench. We also develop a novel language that is centric to artifact processing - BASQL. The developed syntax and a few applications of the new language are shown in this work. The BASQL syntax provides easy, intuitive, non-technical and very high-level syntax for use by business professionals. The integration of business artifacts with analytics and intelligence tools using the developed framework is mentioned.


摘要: 我们引入了一个全面的框架,用于在企业日常运营中在商业领域中部署业务构件。该解决方案可以轻松地从小型企业扩展到大型企业。试图描述熟悉的数据库查询工具中的工件。作为一个具体示例,我们尝试通过MySQL工作台进行工件描述。一个著名的开源工具-MySQL工作台通过对我们对工件的理解并将其映射到工作台上可用的相应工具来对工件进行建模。我们还开发了一种以工件处理为中心的新颖语言-BASQL。这项工作显示了新语言的开发语法和一些应用程序。 BASQL语法提供了简单,直观,非技术性和非常高级的语法,供业务专业人员使用。提到了使用已开发的框架将业务工件与分析和智能工具集成在一起的情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ES.2014.70]

[344] Business compliance governance in service-oriented architectures (2009)

(Daniel, Florian and Casati, Fabio and Mulo, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe and Strauch, Steve and Schumm, David and Leymann, Frank and Sebahi, Samir and De Marchi | Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA)

Abstract: Governing business compliance with regulations, laws, best practices, contracts, and the like is not an easy task, and so far there are only limited software products available that help a company to express compliance rules and to analyze its compliance state. We argue that todays SOA-based way of implementing and conducting business (e.g., using Web services and business process engines) lends itself very well to the development of a comprehensive compliance government solution that effectively aids companies in being compliant. In this paper, we contextualize the compliance problem in SOA-based businesses, we highlight which are the most salient research challenges that need to be addressed, and we describe our approach to compliance governance, spanning design, execution, and evaluation concerns. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 根据法规,法律,最佳实践,合同等来管理业务合规性并非易事,到目前为止,只有有限的软件产品可用来帮助公司表达合规性规则并分析其合规性状态。我们有人认为,当今基于SOA的实施和开展业务的方式(例如,使用Web服务和业务流程引擎)非常适合开发全面的合规性政府解决方案,该解决方案可以有效地帮助公司实现合规性。关于基于SOA的业务中的合规性问题,我们重点介绍了哪些是需要解决的最突出的研究挑战,并描述了我们的合规性治理,跨越设计,执行和评估问题的方法 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AINA.2009.112]

[345] Business models enhancement through discovery of roles (2013)

(Burattin, Andrea and Sperduti, Alessandro and Veluscek, Marco | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013)

Abstract: Control flow discovery algorithms are able to reconstruct the workflow of a business process from a log of performed activities. These algorithms, however, do not pay attention to the reconstruction of roles, i.e. they do not group activities according to the skills required to perform them. Information about roles in business processes is commonly considered important and explicitly integrated into the process representation, e.g. as swimlanes in BPMN diagrams. This work proposes an approach to enhance a business process model with information on roles. Specifically, the identification of roles is based on the detection of handover of roles. On the basis of candidates for roles handover, the set of activities is first partitioned and then subsets of activities which are performed by the same originators are merged, so to obtain roles. All significant partitions of activities are automatically generated. Experimental results on several logs show that the set of generated roles is not too large and it always contains the correct definition of roles. We also propose an entropy based measure to rank the candidate roles which returns promising experimental results. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 控制流发现算法能够从已执行活动的日志中重建业务流程的工作流。但是,这些算法不关注角色的重构,即它们没有根据执行任务所需的技能对活动进行分组。有关业务流程中角色的信息通常被认为很重要,并且明确地集成到流程表示中,例如作为BPMN图中的泳道。这项工作提出了一种利用角色信息来增强业务流程模型的方法。具体而言,角色的识别基于角色切换的检测。在角色切换的候选者的基础上,首先对活动集进行分区,然后合并由同一发起者执行的活动子集,从而获得角色。活动的所有重要分区都会自动生成。在多个日志上的实验结果表明,生成的角色集不太大,并且始终包含正确的角色定义。我们还提出了一种基于熵的方法来对候选角色进行排名,从而返回有希望的实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2013.6597224]


[346] Business process analysis and real-world application scenarios (2013)

(Kudo, Michiharu and Nogayama, Takahide and Ishida, Ai and Abe, Mari | Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013)

Abstract: This paper presents our business process analysis architecture and three effective use scenarios, business process improvement, system usability improvement, and role and organization improvement, which effectiveness has been proved through customer projects. Each use scenario addresses different stakeholders of the enterprise while the underlying analysis architecture is the same. This paper also presents a new use scenario in the era of mobile enterprise application that has a large opportunity and higher potential benefit for the client in near future. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文介绍了我们的业务流程分析体系结构和三个有效的使用方案,业务流程改进,系统可用性改进以及角色和组织改进,这些有效性已通过客户项目得到证明。每种使用方案都针对企业的不同利益相关者,而基础分析架构是相同的。本文还提出了一种新的移动企业应用时代的使用场景,该场景在不久的将来将为客户带来巨大的机遇和更高的潜在利益。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SITIS.2013.159]

[347] Business process analysis in healthcare environments: A methodology based on process mining (2012)

(Rebuge, Alvaro and Ferreira, Diogo R. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Performing business process analysis in healthcare organizations is particularly difficult due to the highly dynamic, complex, ad hoc, and multi-disciplinary nature of healthcare processes. Process mining is a promising approach to obtain a better understanding about those processes by analyzing event data recorded in healthcare information systems. However, not all process mining techniques perform well in capturing the complex and ad hoc nature of clinical workflows. In this work we introduce a methodology for the application of process mining techniques that leads to the identification of regular behavior, process variants, and exceptional medical cases. The approach is demonstrated in a case study conducted at a hospital emergency service. For this purpose, we implemented the methodology in a tool that integrates the main stages of process analysis. The tool is specific to the case study, but the same methodology can be used in other healthcare environments. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


摘要: 由于医疗保健过程的高度动态,复杂,即席和多学科性质,因此在医疗保健组织中执行业务流程分析特别困难。通过分析医疗保健信息系统中记录的事件数据,过程挖掘是一种有前途的方法,可以更好地了解这些过程。但是,并非所有过程挖掘技术都能很好地捕获临床工作流程的复杂性和即席性。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一种用于过程挖掘技术的方法,该方法可以识别常规行为,过程变量和特殊医疗情况。在医院急诊室进行的案例研究中证明了该方法。为此,我们在集成了过程分析主要阶段的工具中实施了该方法。该工具特定于案例研究,但是在其他医疗环境中也可以使用相同的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.01.003]

[348] Business process analytics: a dedicated methodology through a case study (2015)

(Delias, Pavlos and Doumpos, Michael and Matsatsinis, Nikolaos | EURO Journal on Decision Processes)

Abstract: Business process analytics is a set of techniques that can be applied to event datasets created by logging the execution of business processes, and emerges as a promising decision aid field. In this work we propose a methodology based on the process mining approach to guide the implementation of process analytics projects. Following a conceptual analysis of existing methodologies, we extract the common methodological steps and present a practical synthesis. The proposed methodology reaches the business need of exposing more than just a static, marginal snapshot of performance by considering a process perspective. We present the methodology in tandem with a case study of a customer service request handling process. We analyze a real dataset containing events from an incident and a problem management information system, and deliver results that eventually can raise the capacity of the company to manage the process.


摘要: 业务流程分析是可以应用于通过记录业务流程的执行而创建的事件数据集的一组技术,并且成为有希望的决策辅助领域。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘方法的方法,以指导过程分析项目的实施。在对现有方法论进行概念分析之后,我们提取了通用的方法论步骤并提出了实用的综合方法。通过考虑流程角度,所提出的方法论不仅满足了静态,边际性能快照的需求,还满足了业务需求。我们将结合客户服务请求处理流程的案例研究来介绍该方法。我们分析了包含事件和问题管理信息系统中的事件的真实数据集,并提供最终可以提高公司管理流程能力的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s40070-015-0050-4]

[349] Business process anomaly detection using ontology-based process modelling and Multi-Level Class Association Rule Learning (2016)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Sinaga, Fernandes P. | Proceeding - 2015 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Emerging Trends in the Era of Internet of Things, IC3INA 2015)

Abstract: Many companies in the world have used the business process management system (BPMS). This system is used to manage and analyze the running business process in the company. Every business process has a possibility to have changes in its realization. Those changes generate some variations of the business process. The variations, can be in line with the companys principles and or become an anomaly for the company. These anomalies can cause frauds which make some losses for the company. In order to reduce the losses, business process anomaly detection method is needed. This paper proposed ontology-based process modeling to model and capture the business process anomalies and the method of multi-level class association rule learning (ML-CARL) to detect fraud in business process. From the experiment which have been done in this paper, the accuracy of 0.99 was obtained from the ML-CARL method. It could be concluded that ontology-based process modeling and the ML-CARL method can detect business process anomalies well.


摘要: 世界上许多公司都使用业务流程管理系统(BPMS)。该系统用于管理和分析公司中正在运行的业务流程。每个业务流程都有可能对其实现进行更改。这些更改会产生业务流程的某些变化,这些变化可能与公司的原则相一致,或者可能成为公司的异常现象,这些异常现象可能会导致欺诈,从而给公司造成一定的损失;为了减少损失,业务流程异常现象本文提出了一种基于本体的过程建模方法,对业务流程异常进行建模和捕获,并提出了基于多层类关联规则学习(ML-CARL)的业务流程欺诈检测方法。本文通过ML-CARL方法获得了0.99的精度,可以得出结论,基于本体的过程建模和ML-CARL方法可以检测业务ness过程异常良好。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IC3INA.2015.7377738]

[350] Business process configuration in the cloud: How to support and analyze multi-tenant processes? (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings - 9th IEEE European Conference on Web Services, ECOWS 2011)

Abstract: Lions share of cloud research has been focusing on performance related problems. However, cloud computing will also change the way in which business processes are managed and supported, e.g., more and more organizations will be sharing common processes. In the classical setting, where product software is used, different organizations can make ad-hoc customizations to let the system fit their needs. This is undesirable, especially when multiple organizations share a cloud infrastructure. Configurable process models enable the sharing of common processes among different organizations in a controlled manner. This paper discusses challenges and opportunities related to business process configuration. Causal nets (C-nets) are proposed as a new formalism to deal with these challenges, e.g., merging variants into a configurable model is supported by a simple union operator. C-nets also provide a good representational bias for process mining, i.e., process discovery and conformance checking based on event logs. In the context of cloud computing, we focus on the application of C-nets to cross-organizational process mining. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: Lion在云研究中的份额一直集中在与性能相关的问题上。但是,云计算也将改变管理和支持业务流程的方式,例如,越来越多的组织将共享通用流程。在传统环境中,在使用产品软件的地方,不同的组织可以进行临时自定义以使系统满足他们的需求,这是不希望的,特别是当多个组织共享云基础架构时。本文讨论了与业务流程配置有关的挑战和机遇,并提出了因果网络(C-net)作为应对这些挑战的新形式,例如,由简单的联合运营商支持将变体合并到可配置模型中。网络还为流程挖掘(即流程发现和一致性检查)提供了良好的代表性偏差基于事件日志。在云计算的背景下,我们专注于C网络在跨组织过程挖掘中的应用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ECOWS.2011.8]

[351] Business process continuous improvement system based on workflow mining technology (2009)

(Chen, Liang and Xue, Tao and Yang, Ali | 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009)

Abstract: As an important part of business process management, continuous improvement is a crucial factor determining the enterprises capability of keeping competition in rapidly changing marketplace. In this paper, we integrate the data mining technology into the workflow management system to find out the tacit business process knowledge, and put forward the concept of Workflow Mining. Based on this foundation, business process continuous improvement framework on workflow historical process information mining is proposed. It includes four levels: historical information acquisition, performance evaluation, structural defects identification and generation of improved model. Key techniques of each layer are discussed, and prototype system is developed to support the implementation of this method. Enterprise application shows that this system has strong flexibility and extensibility, and its structure is reasonable. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 作为业务流程管理的重要组成部分,持续改进是决定企业在瞬息万变的市场中保持竞争能力的关键因素。在本文中,我们将数据挖掘技术集成到工作流管理系统中以发现隐性业务流程知识,提出了工作流挖掘的概念,在此基础上,提出了工作流历史过程信息挖掘的业务过程持续改进框架,包括历史信息获取,性能评估,结构缺陷识别和生成四个层次。 copycopyright 2008 IEEE。改进模型,讨论了每层的关键技术,并开发了原型系统以支持该方法的实现,企业应用表明该系统具有很强的灵活性和可扩展性,并且结构合理。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSIE.2009.487]

[352] Business process discovery by using process skeletonization (2013)

(Kudo, Michiharu and Ishida, Ai and Sato, Naoto | Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013)

Abstract: Process Management software and solutions mainly address structured processes in enterprises, but there are still many business applications that are less structured by their nature, such as human-centric and ad hoc workflows. Existing process mining algorithms often have difficulties in extracting a skeletal structure of a less-structured process model from real-life event logs. We propose a new process mining algorithm by using a skeleton-extraction procedure, which brings structure to less structured business processes. We present experimental mining results from real insurance claim examination event logs and verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 流程管理软件和解决方案主要解决企业中的结构化流程,但是仍然有许多业务应用程序因其性质而结构化程度较低,例如以人为中心和临时的工作流程。现有的流程挖掘算法通常很难从现实事件日志中提取结构较少的流程模型的骨架结构。我们通过使用骨架提取过程提出了一种新的流程挖掘算法,该算法将结构引入结构化程度较低的业务流程中。我们从真实的保险索赔检查事件日志中提供实验性挖掘结果,并验证了所提出算法的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SITIS.2013.158]

[353] Business process event log use for activity sequence analysis (2015)

(Savickas, Titas and Vasilecas, Olegas | 2015 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences, eStream 2015 - Proceedings)

Abstract: It is mandatory for nowadays businesses to improve their processes to survive. The basis of this improvement is business process analysis. The analysis can be done in multiple ways but one of the state of the art solutions is Process Mining which uses historical business process execution data in information systems to improve the process analysis. The historical data for analysis comes in a form of event logs. In this paper an approach is presented which processes an event log into frequency matrixes to allow efficient activity sequence analysis. Additionally, some heuristic rules are presented that allow to make inference on causality between activities in a business process.


摘要: 当今企业必须改善其生存流程。改进的基础是业务流程分析。分析可以通过多种方式完成,但是最先进的解决方案之一是Process Mining,它使用信息系统中的历史业务流程执行数据来改进流程分析。用于分析的历史数据以事件日志的形式出现。在本文中,提出了一种将事件日志处理到频率矩阵中以进行有效的活动序列分析的方法。此外,提出了一些启发式规则,这些规则允许推断业务流程中活动之间的因果关系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/eStream.2015.7119500]

[354] Business process forecasting in telecom industry (2011)

(Ruta, D. and Majeed, B. | 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCC 2011)

Abstract: Telecommunication companies deal with thousands of business processes daily. As different tasks progress along the process sequence the process owners are interested in three key questions: what other events might still occur, when and how will the process end? All these questions are addressed here in an attempt to create a generic framework for predicting various properties of the remaining process flow based on the data extracted from a combination of live and historical processes. The proposed methodology exploits both categorical and numerical features extracted at the process and individual tasks levels to deliver some predictive characteristics of the remaining process path. In the example studied in this paper the focus is on predicting the remaining fault repair process carried out on telecommunication lines. A set of methods ranging from Markov chains up to decision trees are applied and tested, showing some interesting results and hinting for further research. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 电信公司每天处理数千个业务流程。当不同的任务沿着流程顺序进行时,流程所有者会对三个关键问题感兴趣:哪些其他事件可能还会发生,流程何时以及如何结束?所有这些问题都在这里得到解决,以尝试创建一个通用框架,用于基于从实时流程和历史流程的组合中提取的数据来预测剩余流程的各种属性。所提出的方法利用在过程和单个任务级别提取的分类和数字特征,以提供剩余过程路径的一些预测特征。在本文研究的示例中,重点是预测在电信线路上执行的剩余故障修复过程。从马尔可夫链到决策树的一系列方法都得到了应用和测试,显示出一些有趣的结果,并为进一步的研究提供了提示。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEEGCC.2011.5752543]

[355] Business process insight: An approach and platform for the discovery and analysis of end-to-end business processes (2012)

(Rozsnyai, Szabolcs and Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Muthusamy, Vinod and Khalaf, Rania and Duftler, Matthew J. | Annual SRII Global Conference, SRII)

Abstract: Tracking and analyzing the execution of semistructured processes is essential for understanding process behavior and its evolution, increasing the effectiveness of business operations, and managing operational risk. A semi structured process is a single process from the perspective of the business but is executed across loosely coupled, heterogeneous, distributed systems and may be cross-organizational and contain human interactions and human decision making. Our goal is to enable the management of semi-structured processes by providing improved semi-automated visibility into their behavior and improved runtime management of their execution by leveraging process intelligence and process-aware analytics. In this paper we present a methodology, system architecture and implementation of a platform for end to end process insight and analytics for the full life-cycle of semistructured processes: from discovery through execution and evolution. We describe the algorithms employed and how they interact together to create a collaborative platform for business users to analyze and extract insight from such processes. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 跟踪和分析半结构化流程的执行对于理解流程行为及其演变,提高业务运营的效率以及管理运营风险至关重要。从业务的角度来看,半结构化流程是单个流程,但跨松散耦合的异构分布式系统执行,并且可能是跨组织的,并且包含人机交互和人为决策。我们的目标是通过利用流程智能和流程感知分析,通过提供对行为的改进的半自动可见性以及对执行的运行时管理进行改进,从而对半结构化流程进行管理。在本文中,我们为半结构化流程的整个生命周期提供了端到端流程洞察和分析的方法,系统架构和平台的实现:从发现到执行再到演化。我们描述了所使用的算法以及它们如何相互作用以创建一个协作平台,供业务用户分析并从此类过程中提取见解。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SRII.2012.20]

[356] Business process management as the Killer App for Petri nets (2015)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Since their inception in 1962, Petri nets have been used in a wide variety of application domains. Although Petri nets are graphical and easy to understand, they have formal semantics and allow for analysis techniques ranging from model checking and structural analysis to process mining and performance analysis. Over time Petri nets emerged as a solid foundation for Business Process Management (BPM) research. The BPM discipline develops methods, techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of operational business processes. Mainstream business process modeling notations and workflow management systems are using token-based semantics borrowed from Petri nets. Moreover, state-of-the-art BPM analysis techniques are using Petri nets as an internal representation. Users of BPM methods and tools are often not aware of this. This paper aims to unveil the seminal role of Petri nets in BPM.


摘要: Petri网自1962年问世以来,已被广泛应用于各种应用领域。尽管Petri网是图形化的且易于理解,但它们具有形式化的语义,并允许使用从模型检查和结构分析到过程挖掘和性能分析的分析技术。随着时间的流逝,Petri网逐渐成为业务流程管理(BPM)研究的坚实基础。 BPM学科开发方法,技术和工具,以支持运营业务流程的设计,制定,管理和分析。主流业务流程建模符号和工作流管理系统使用从Petri网借来的基于令牌的语义。此外,最新的BPM分析技术正在使用Petri网作为内部表示。 BPM方法和工具的用户通常不知道这一点。本文旨在揭示Petri网在BPM中的重要作用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0424-2]

[357] Business process management in the large (2011)

(Houy, Constantin and Fettke, Peter and Loos, Peter and Van Der Aalst | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: Conclusion:In this article, we have given pointers to current topics and research initiatives concerning BPM-in-the-Large as an um- brella term forthe descriptionofap- proaches for complexity handling in real- life BPM scenarios. In this context, BPM- in-the-Large should not be understood as a new method or tool but as a research stream focusing on relevant challenges of current BPM practice. Promising ap- proaches that assist in making BPM-in- the-Large a reality are currently devel- oped and investigated by the BISE com- munity.


摘要: 结论:在本文中,我们给出了有关大范围BPM的当前主题和研究计划的指针,这是伞形术语,用于描述现实BPM场景中复杂性处理的方法。在这种情况下,一般BPM不应被理解为一种新的方法或工具,而应被视为关注当前BPM实践相关挑战的研究流。 BISE社区目前正在开发和调查有助于实现BPM的有前途的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-011-0181-5]

[358] Business process management under the microscope: The potential of social network analysis (2011)

(Busch, Peter and Fettke, Peter | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Business Process Management seeks to do just as its name suggests. As with many management approaches, improvements can made through analyzing at varying levels how processes are actually undertaken compared to how management may think they are being done or vice versa. One novel way business process management may be improved is through the use of Social Network Analysis to observe actual working relationships among employees. If we are able to ascertain who is working with whom in practice, as opposed to how we may think they are, we have a means of either reconstructing workflows or alternatively employee practices, to name but a couple of approaches. Ultimately it is not unreasonable to consider such improvements as aiding in the knowledge management of the organization as a whole. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: Business Process Management试图按照其名称所暗示的那样进行。与许多管理方法一样,与管理人员可能认为完成过程相比,可以通过在不同级别上分析实际执行过程的方式来进行改进,反之亦然。可以改进业务流程管理的一种新颖方法是通过使用社交网络分析来观察员工之间的实际工作关系。如果我们能够确定在实践中与谁共事,而不是像我们想象的那样,我们可以通过几种方法来重构工作流或替代员工实践。归根结底,考虑将此类改进作为对整个组织的知识管理的帮助是合理的。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2011.93]

[359] Business process mining algorithms (2013)

(Chinces, Diana and Salomie, Ioan | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2013)

Abstract: This paper presents our work in developing three business process mining algorithms, followed by a comparison between GLS Miner, ILS Miner and ACO Miner. All of these algorithms have been proved as generating better solutions compared to the state of the art and can discover process models that correctly map to the event log. The algorithms and a comparison between them is presented in the current paper, as well as the mapping of each algorithm to the common business process structures. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文介绍了我们在开发三种业务流程挖掘算法中的工作,然后在GLS Miner,ILS Miner和ACO Miner之间进行了比较。与现有技术相比,所有这些算法都被证明可以生成更好的解决方案,并且可以发现正确映射到事件日志的流程模型。本文介绍了这些算法及其之间的比较,以及每种算法到通用业务流程结构的映射。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICCP.2013.6646120]

[360] Business process mining and reconstruction for financial audits (2012)

(Werner, Michael and Gehrke, Nick and Nuttgens, Markus | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: In modern companies business processes and information systems are highly integrated and transactions are executed system based and automated. The data generated in the course of processing transactions commonly provides the basis for internal and external financial reporting. The financial statements are subject to audits due to regulatory requirements. Contemporary audit approaches take into account internal control frameworks over relevant business processes and underlying information systems, but they lack adequate audit procedures needed to handle voluminous data flows when business processes are highly integrated and automated. We face a discrepancy between an integrated and automated transaction processing on the one side and manual audit procedures on the other. Financial audits would be more effective and efficient if an audit approach with system based and automated procedures would be applied. This article describes how business process mining and reconstruction of mined processes can be used to overcome this discrepancy. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在现代公司中,业务流程和信息系统是高度集成的,交易是基于系统和自动化执行的。在处理交易过程中生成的数据通常为内部和外部财务报告提供基础。由于法规要求,财务报表需要接受审计。当代的审计方法考虑了有关业务流程和基础信息系统的内部控制框架,但是当业务流程高度集成和自动化时,它们缺乏处理大量数据流所需的适当审计程序。我们一方面面临集成和自动化交易处理与另一方面人工审核程序之间的差异。如果采用基于系统和自动化程序的审计方法,财务审计将更加有效。本文介绍了如何使用业务流程挖掘和挖掘流程的重建来克服这种差异。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2012.141]


[361] Business process mining and rules detection for unstructured information (2010)

(Rosso-Pelayo, Dafne A. and Trejo-Ramirez, Raul A. and Gonzalez-Mendoza, Miguel and Hernandez-Gress, Neil | Proceedings of Special Session - 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, MICAI 2010)

Abstract: In this article we show how to find evidence of incomplete or fractured processes in non-structured reports of known business processes, by means of rules, patterns and detection of cause-effect relationships. A priori classifications and probabilities of process activities are used as inputs for the analysis and rules detection. In this method we use a domain-specific ontology associated to process activities in order to improve on previous results, where occurrence of a process in a document set was detected by means of SLM. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们展示了如何通过规则,模式和因果关系检测,在已知业务流程的非结构化报告中查找流程不完整或破裂的证据。过程活动的先验分类和概率用作分析和规则检测的输入。在这种方法中,我们使用与流程活动关联的特定领域本体,以改进先前的结果,在该结果中,通过SLM检测到文档集中流程的出现。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MICAI.2010.22]

[362] Business process mining based on simulated annealing (2008)

(Song, Wei and Liu, Shaozhuo and Liu, Qiang | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, ICYCS 2008)

Abstract: In order to identify business processes effectively, historical data, such as event log, can be used as a base to retrieve abstract process model. The result of process mining can provide necessary information to deploy process-aware information systems. Process structure patterns disclosing the relationship among activities is one of the most important aspects. To retrieve the process model comprehensively and quickly, this paper propose a simulated annealing process mining approach to address this issue. Main contribution of the work includes:(1)Apply the simulated annealing approach under the setting of process mining. (2)Represent events as causal matrix. (3)Evaluate the mining result with a quantitative measurement, incorporate the ideas above into existing simulated annealing algorithm to form an integrated solution. We give experimental results which created by the ProM, a platform for business process mining, with the data it provides. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 为了有效地识别业务流程,历史数据(例如事件日志)可以用作检索抽象流程模型的基础。流程挖掘的结果可以为部署流程感知信息系统提供必要的信息。揭示活动之间关系的过程结构模式是最重要的方面之一。为了全面快速地检索过程模型,本文提出了一种模拟退火过程挖掘方法来解决该问题。这项工作的主要贡献包括:(1)在过程挖掘的背景下应用模拟退火方法。 (2)将事件表示为因果矩阵。 (3)通过定量测量评估采矿结果,将上述思想纳入现有的模拟退火算法中,形成一个综合解决方案。我们提供由ProM(用于业务流程挖掘的平台)创建的实验结果及其提供的数据。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICYCS.2008.279]

[363] Business process mining using guided local search (2013)

(Chinces, Diana and Salomie, Ioan | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISPDC 2013)

Abstract: This paper introduces GLS Miner, a novel method for discovering process models from event logs using guided local search. It is shown that GLS Miner can discover process models that correctly map to the event log. GLS Miner works with business processes represented as graphs, and the final discovered process is represented as a BPMN diagram. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文介绍了GLS Miner,这是一种使用引导的本地搜索从事件日志中发现过程模型的新颖方法。结果表明,GLS Miner可以发现正确映射到事件日志的流程模型。 GLS Miner使用以图形表示的业务流程,最后发现的流程以BPMN图表示。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISPDC.2013.31]

[364] Business process mining: An industrial application (2007)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. and Reijers, H. A. and Weijters, A. J.M.M. and van Dongen, B. F. and Alves de Medeiros | Information Systems)

Abstract: Contemporary information systems (e.g., WfM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems) record business events in so-called event logs. Business process mining takes these logs to discover process, control, data, organizational, and social structures. Although many researchers are developing new and more powerful process mining techniques and software vendors are incorporating these in their software, few of the more advanced process mining techniques have been tested on real-life processes. This paper describes the application of process mining in one of the provincial offices of the Dutch National Public Works Department, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the road and water infrastructure. Using a variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the processing of invoices sent by the various subcontractors and suppliers from three different perspectives: (1) the process perspective, (2) the organizational perspective, and (3) the case perspective. For this purpose, we used some of the tools developed in the context of the ProM framework. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of process mining in general and our algorithms and tools in particular. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 当代信息系统(例如WfM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统)将业务事件记录在所谓的事件日志中。业务流程挖掘使用这些日志来发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构。尽管许多研究人员正在开发新的且功能更强大的过程挖掘技术,并且软件供应商已将这些技术集成到他们的软件中,但很少有更高级的过程挖掘技术已在实际过程中经过测试。本文介绍了过程采矿在荷兰国家公共工程部门的一个省级办公室中的应用,该办公室负责道路和水利基础设施的建设和维护。我们使用各种过程挖掘技术,从三个不同的角度分析了各个分包商和供应商发送的发票的处理:(1)过程角度,(2)组织角度和(3)案例角度。为此,我们使用了在ProM框架中开发的一些工具。本文的目的是总体上展示过程挖掘的适用性,尤其是我们的算法和工具。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2006.05.003]

[365] Business process optimization from single timestamp event log (2016)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Haryadita, Fitrianing and Kartini and Sarwosri and Solichaha, Adhatus | Proceeding - 2015 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Emerging Trends in the Era of Internet of Things, IC3INA 2015)

Abstract: Time-cost optimization (TCO) may be defined as a process to identify suitable construction activities to get the minimum duration of process and minimum additional cost which is needed. CPM crashing project is one of method to sole the time-cost optimization. But CPM crashing project need some data to speeding up the process business whereas in reality there are a lot of data which is represent using single timestamp event log which does not provide. There for this paper represents a method to get data which is use to crashing project. The data is got from averaging time execution of each activity in case in event log. Then to crashing the project this paper use linear programming to get minimum duration and minimum additional cost.


摘要: 时间成本优化(TCO)可以定义为一种过程,用于识别合适的施工活动,以获得所需的最小过程持续时间和最小附加成本。 CPM崩溃项目是解决时间成本优化问题的方法之一。但是CPM崩溃项目需要一些数据来加速流程业务,而实际上有很多数据是使用不提供的单个时间戳事件日志来表示的。本文在那里代表了一种获取数据的方法,该方法用于使项目崩溃。数据来自事件日志中每个活动的平均执行时间。然后使项目崩溃,本文使用线性编程来获得最小的持续时间和最小的额外成本。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IC3INA.2015.7377745]

[366] Business process perspectives: Theoretical developments vs. real-world practice (2008)

(Vergidis, K. and Turner, C. J. and Tiwari, A. | International Journal of Production Economics)

Abstract: Business processes have been discussed for more than a decade now. However, there are not as of yet comprehensive and substantial benefits that can justify the hype around the concept. This paper contrasts and summarises the main findings of literature research and a targeted survey conducted within the service industry in order to investigate the current state of research and practice regarding key aspects of business processes. The survey involved the participation of 25 respondents working in service industry sectors such as finance, public sector and consultancy. The paper demonstrates that although theoretical developments are dealing with sophisticated issues around business processes, the service industry is reluctant to adopt a similar perspective and still uses simple and manual techniques in dealing with business processes. The main reason is that the service industry is not convinced that a business process approach could bring significant tangible and measurable benefits. This is due to the fact that there is no comprehensive and systematic solution proposed in terms of a fully functional business process software suite. The requirements for an integrated business process management tool include some of the papers findings. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程已经讨论了十多年了。但是,到目前为止,尚无全面和实质性的好处可以证明对该概念的炒作是合理的。本文对文献研究和针对性调查的主要发现进行了对比和总结。为了调查有关业务流程关键方面的研究和实践现状,在服务业内部进行了调查,该调查涉及25名服务业工作人员的参与,例如金融,公共部门和咨询业。理论上的发展正在处理围绕业务流程的复杂问题,服务行业不愿采用类似的观点,而仍然使用简单和手动的技术来处理业务流程,主要原因是服务行业不相信业务流程方法可能带来重大的切实和可衡量的收益。这是由于没有针对功能齐全的业务流程软件套件提出全面而系统的解决方案的事实。集成业务流程管理工具的要求包括本文的一些发现。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijpe.2007.12.009]

[367] Business process similarity metric supporting one-To-many relationship (2015)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Ciocarlie, Horia | SACI 2015 - 10th Jubilee IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings)

Abstract: In many areas graph match techniques are used to compare and identify common characteristics. In this paper we apply graph similarity techniques on the business processes used inside organizations and extracted with process mining techniques. The scope is to identify if an organization uses a similar process for a specific business case as another organization. However as the existence of exact matching is less probable, error tolerant graph matching techniques are more suitable for real life data. Business processes could have a different granularity level; one business process is more detailed in specific areas than the business process subject of the comparison. The custom algorithm for business process match presented in this paper takes into consideration a one-To-many relation for activities: one activity is matched with a set of activities in the other graph. Such information is important in extracting the common characteristics of organizations and could represent an input for choosing a collaborator. Business processes if not available are extracted with process mining techniques and are reduced to directed graph format. A custom graph similarity algorithm extended for multivalent nodes is applied and a business process similarity factor is retrieved.


摘要: 在许多领域,图匹配技术用于比较和识别共同特征。在本文中,我们将图相似性技术应用于组织内部使用的业务流程,并使用流程挖掘技术进行提取。范围是确定一个组织是否针对特定业务案例使用与另一个组织类似的流程。但是,由于不太可能存在精确匹配,因此容错图匹配技术更适合于现实生活中的数据。业务流程可以具有不同的粒度级别。一个业务流程在特定区域比比较的业务流程主题更为详细。本文提出的用于业务流程匹配的自定义算法考虑了活动的一对多关系:在另一个图中,一个活动与一组活动进行了匹配。这样的信息对于提取组织的共同特征很重要,并且可以代表选择合作者的输入。如果业务流程不可用,则使用流程挖掘技术提取业务流程,并将其简化为有向图格式。应用了针对多价节点扩展的自定义图相似度算法,并检索了业务流程相似度因子。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SACI.2015.7208242]

[368] Business rule patterns and their application to process analytics (2013)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Baesens, Bart | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: The advanced rule-based compliance checking approach enables a timely investigation of a complete set of enriched process event data. By providing more than sixty formally grounded business rule patterns, we are able to remove the partial fit between the abilities of traditional process mining techniques and the contemporary requirements of compliance checking. In this contribution we demonstrate the applicability of the approach on two case studies: A purchase-to-pay process and a reimbursement process. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 基于规则的高级合规性检查方法可以及时调查一整套丰富的过程事件数据。通过提供六十多种正式基础的业务规则模式,我们能够消除传统流程挖掘技术的能力与合规性检查的当代要求之间的部分契合。在本文中,我们证明了该方法在两个案例研究中的适用性:购买到付款流程和报销流程。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2013.9]

[369] Business rules discovery from process design repositories (2010)

(Polpinij, Jantima and Ghose, Aditya K. and Dam, Hoa Khanh | Proceedings - 2010 6th World Congress on Services, Services-1 2010)

Abstract: Traditional process mining approaches focus on extracting process constraints or business rules from repositories of process instances. In this context, process designs or process models tend to be overlooked although they contain information that are valuable for the process of discovering business rules. This paper will propose an alternative approach to process mining in terms of using process designs as the mining resources. We propose a number of techniques for extracting business rules from repositories of business process designs or models, leveraging the well-known Apriori algorithm. Such business rules are then used as a prior knowledge for further analysing, verifying, and modifying process designs. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 传统流程挖掘方法着重于从流程实例的存储库中提取流程约束或业务规则。在这种情况下,尽管流程设计或流程模型包含的信息对于发现业务规则的过程非常有价值,但它们往往会被忽略。本文将提出一种替代方法来进行过程挖掘,即使用过程设计作为挖掘资源。我们提出了许多利用著名的Apriori算法从业务流程设计或模型存储库中提取业务规则的技术。然后,将此类业务规则用作进一步分析,验证和修改流程设计的先验知识。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SERVICES.2010.73]

[370] CEFOP: A method for the Continual Evolution of Organisational Processes (2017)

(Cela, Ornela and Front, Agnes and Rieu, Dominique | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: This paper presents CEFOP (Continual Evolution For Organisational Processes), a method for analysing, diagnosing and evolving the organisational processes. The dynamicity of the business environment requires from organisations to evolve their processes for maintaining their competitive advantage, but this can be time and cost consuming and cause great internal resistance. CEFOP method aims to limit these obstacles by introducing a continual evolution of the process managed in an autonomous way by the actors of the organisation. This approach is particularly crucial for SMEs, which have no internal skills to lead the necessary process evolutions. The CEFOP method adopts the AS-IS/AS-IF approach which allows going out of the project notion by proposing strategies to analyse, diagnose and improve the organisational processes in a continual way. This article focuses on the analysis strategy illustrated with a case study on a ticket support providing process. The case study is provided by Net Invaders, a juvenile French Startup, which is collaborating with us on this project.


摘要: 本文介绍了CEFOP(组织过程的持续发展),一种分析,诊断和发展组织过程的方法。业务环境的动态性要求组织不断发展其流程以保持竞争优势,但这可能会浪费时间和成本,并且会引起巨大的内部阻力。 CEFOP方法旨在通过引入由组织参与者以自主方式管理的流程的持续演变来限制这些障碍。对于没有内部技能来领导必要流程演变的中小型企业来说,这种方法尤为重要。 CEFOP方法采用AS-IS / AS-IF方法,该方法允许通过提出策略来以连续的方式分析,诊断和改进组织过程来走出项目概念。本文重点介绍了针对票证支持提供过程的案例研究说明的分析策略。该案例研究由法国少年创业公司Net Invaders提供,该项目正在与我们合作进行该项目。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2017.7956515]

[371] CHANGEMINER: A solution for discovering IT change templates from past execution traces (2009)

(Trastour, David and Bartolini, Claudio and Da Costa Cordeiro | 2009 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2009)

Abstract: The main goal of change management is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for the efficient and prompt handling of changes in IT systems, in order to minimize change-related incidents and service-delivery disruption. To meet this goal, it is of paramount importance reusing the experience acquired from previous changes in the design of subsequent ones. Two distinct approaches may be usefully combined to this end. In a top-down approach, IT operators may manually design change templates based on the knowledge owned/acquired in the past. Considering a reverse, bottom-up perspective, these templates could be discovered from past execution traces gathered from IT provisioning tools. While the former has been satisfactorily explored in previous investigations, the latter - despite its undeniable potential to result in accurate templates in a reduced time scale - has not been subject of research, as far as the authors are aware of, by the service operations and management community. To fill in this gap, this paper proposes a solution, inspired on process mining techniques, to discover change templates from past changes. The solution is analyzed through a prototypical implementation of a change template miner subsystem called CHANGEMINER, and a set of experiments based on a real-life scenario. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 变更管理的主要目标是确保使用标准化的方法和程序来高效,迅速地处理IT系统中的变更,以最大程度地减少与变更相关的事件和服务交付中断。为了实现这一目标,重用从先前变更中获得的经验在后续变更设计中至关重要。为此,可以将两种不同的方法有效地组合在一起。在自上而下的方法中,IT运营商可以根据过去拥有/获得的知识手动设计变更模板。考虑到反向,自下而上的观点,可以从从IT供应工具收集的过去执行跟踪中发现这些模板。尽管前者在先前的研究中得到了令人满意的探索,但后者(尽管具有不可否认的潜力,可以在更短的时间范围内生成准确的模板),据作者所知,服务操作和管理社区。为了填补这一空白,本文提出了一种基于流程挖掘技术的解决方案,可以从过去的更改中发现更改模板。该解决方案通过更改模板矿工子系统CHANGEMINER的原型实现以及一组基于实际场景的实验进行分析。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/INM.2009.5188792]

[372] CPL+: An improved approach for evaluating the local completeness of event logs (2014)

(Yang, Hedong and Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Wong, Raymond K. | Information Processing Letters)

Abstract: Process mining aims at deriving order relations between tasks recorded by event logs in order to construct their corresponding process models. The quality of the results is not only determined by the mining algorithm being used, but also by the quality of the provided event logs. As a criterion of log quality, completeness measures the magnitude of information for process mining covered by an event log. In this paper, we focus on the evaluation of the local completeness of an event log. In particular, we consider the direct succession (DS) relations between the tasks of a business process. Based on our previous work, an improved approach called CPL+ is proposed in this paper. Experiments show that the proposed CPL+ works better than other approaches, on event logs that contain a small amount of traces. Finally, by further investigating CPL+, we also found that the more distinct DSs observed in an event log, the lower the local completeness of the log is. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V.

CPL +:一种用于评估事件日志的本地完整性的改进方法

摘要: 过程挖掘旨在推导事件日志记录的任务之间的顺序关系,以构建其相应的过程模型。结果的质量不仅取决于所使用的挖掘算法,还取决于所提供事件日志的质量。作为日志质量的标准,完整性衡量事件日志涵盖的用于流程挖掘的信息量。在本文中,我们集中于对事件日志的局部完整性的评估。特别地,我们考虑业务流程任务之间的直接继承(DS)关系。在我们之前的工作的基础上,本文提出了一种改进的方法,称为CPL +。实验表明,对于包含少量跟踪的事件日志,建议的CPL +比其他方法效果更好。最后,通过进一步研究CPL +,我们还发现在事件日志中观察到的DS越不同,日志的本地完整性越低。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ipl.2014.06.001]

[373] Calculating the order relations of workflow net with invariant method (2010)

(Ge, Jidong and Hu, Haiyang and Hu, Hao | Proceedings - 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2010)

Abstract: Workflow net is a popular formal notation for modeling workflow process. The order relation of the workflow net is the important information to describe the parallel relation, sequential relation and choice relation. From the state of the art of Petri net theory, there are two basic approaches for to analyze the order relations of the workflow net: state space method and invariant method. State space method based on the reachability graph usually encounters the state space explosion problem. To avoid the state space explosion, we propose LMST-invariants according to the particularity of the workflow net, and calculate the order relations with invariant method. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流网是用于对工作流过程进行建模的流行正式符号。工作流网的顺序关系是描述并行关系,顺序关系和选择关系的重要信息。从Petri网络理论的最新水平来看,有两种用于分析工作流网络顺序关系的基本方法:状态空间方法和不变方法。基于可达性图的状态空间方法通常会遇到状态空间爆炸问题。为了避免状态空间爆炸,我们根据工作流网络的特殊性提出了LMST不变量,并用不变量方法计算了顺序关系。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIS.2010.91]

[374] Capturing Enterprise Data Integration Challenges Using a Semiotic Data Quality Framework (2015)

(Krogstie, John | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: Enterprises have a large amount of data available, represented in different formats normally accessible for different specialists through different tools. Integrating existing data, also those from more informal sources, can have great business value when used together as discussed for instance in connection to big data. On the other hand, the level of integration and exploitation will depend both on the data quality of the sources to be integrated, and on how data quality of the different sources matches. Whereas data quality frameworks often consist of unstructured list of characteristics, here a framework is used which has been traditionally applied for enterprise and business model quality, with the data quality characteristics structured relative to semiotic levels, which makes it easier to compare aspects in order to find opportunities and challenges for data integration. A case study presenting the practical application of the framework illustrates the usefulness of the approach for this purpose. This approach reveals opportunities, but also challenges when trying to integrate data from different data sources typically used by people in different roles in an organization.


摘要: 企业拥有大量可用数据,以不同格式表示,通常不同专家可以通过不同工具访问这些数据。集成现有数据,以及来自非正规渠道的数据,如与大数据相关的讨论一起使用时,都具有巨大的商业价值。另一方面,集成和利用的水平将取决于要集成的源的数据质量,以及不同源的数据质量如何匹配。数据质量框架通常由非结构化特征列表组成,此处使用的是传统上用于企业和业务模型质量的框架,数据质量特征相对于符号级别进行了构造,这使得比较方面更加容易,从而可以寻找数据集成的机会和挑战。提出该框架实际应用的案例研究说明了该方法对于此目的的有效性。在尝试集成通常来自组织中不同角色的人员通常使用的不同数据源中的数据时,这种方法既带来机遇,也带来挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-014-0365-x]

[375] Case handling: A new paradigm for business process support (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Case handling is a new paradigm for supporting flexible and knowledge intensive business processes. It is strongly based on data as the typical product of these processes. Unlike workflow management, which uses predefined process control structures to determine what should be done during a workflow process, case handling focuses on what can be done to achieve a business goal. In case handling, the knowledge worker in charge of a particular case actively decides on how the goal of that case is reached, and the role of a case handling system is assisting rather than guiding her in doing so. In this paper, case handling is introduced as a new paradigm for supporting flexible business processes. It is motivated by comparing it to workflow management as the traditional way to support business processes. The main entities of case handling systems are identified and classified in a meta model. Finally, the basic functionality and usage of a case handling system is illustrated by an example. textcopyright 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 案例处理是支持灵活且知识密集型业务流程的新范例。它强烈地基于作为这些过程的典型产品的数据。与工作流管理不同,工作流管理使用预定义的过程控制结构来确定在工作流过程中应执行的操作,而案例处理则着重于可以实现业务目标的操作。在案件处理中,负责特定案件的知识工作者会主动决定如何实现该案件的目标,而案件处理系统的作用是协助而不是指导她这样做。本文将案例处理作为支持灵活业务流程的新范例进行了介绍。通过将它与作为支持业务流程的传统方式的工作流管理进行比较来激发它的动力。案件处理系统的主要实体在元模型中被识别和分类。最后,通过示例说明了案件处理系统的基本功能和用法。 t​​extcopyright 2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2004.07.003]


[376] Case study in process mining in a multinational enterprise (2012)

(Taylor, Paul and Leida, Marcello and Majeed, Basim | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining has become an active area of research and while there are numerous papers on approaches to process mining there are fewer detailing its application to real industrial scenarios and its applicability in these spaces. In this paper we introduce the approach to process mining used in a number of multinational enterprises and then reflect upon the issues that have been encountered during our ongoing work. In our opinion these issues are a clear example of the challenges that need to be addressed during business process discovery from heterogeneous data. textcopyright 2012 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


摘要: 过程采矿已成为研究的活跃领域,尽管有许多关于过程采矿的方法的论文,但很少详细介绍其在实际工业场景中的应用及其在这些领域的适用性。在本文中,我们介绍了许多跨国企业中使用的过程挖掘方法,然后回顾了我们正在进行的工作中遇到的问题。我们认为,这些问题是从异构数据发现业务流程期间需要解决的挑战的明确示例。 t​​extcopyright 2012年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-34044-4_8]

[377] Change propagation in process models using behavioural profiles (2009)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias and Mendling, Jan | SCC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)

Abstract: Business process change is at the very core of business process management, which aims at enabling flexible adaptation to changing business needs. However, the wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from business evolution to process enactment, results in multiple models that overlap in content due to serving different purposes. That, in turn, imposes serious challenges for the propagation of changes between these process models. Given a change in one model, this paper introduces an approach to determine a change region in another model by exploiting the behavioural profile of corresponding activities. It, therefore, supports the process of change propagation and eases the synchronisation of process models significantly. As a major contribution, our approach can handle changes in pairs of models, even if they are not defined in terms of a hierarchical refinement. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程更改是业务流程管理的核心,其目的是使灵活性能够适应不断变化的业务需求。但是,从业务发展到流程制定的各种业务流程建模计划动因会导致多个模型由于服务目的不同而在内容上重叠。反过来,这给这些过程模型之间的更改传播带来了严峻的挑战。给定一个模型的变化,本文介绍了一种通过利用相应活动的行为特征来确定另一个模型的变化区域的方法。因此,它支持变更传播的过程,并显着简化了过程模型的同步。作为一项重大贡献,即使未按层次结构改进定义,我们的方法也可以处理成对的模型更改。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2009.58]

[378] Change sequence mining for interdependent context aware service processes using partial derivatives (2009)

(Jacob, Binu and Promod, K. V. | 2009 World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC 2009 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Service process usually needs to be tailored for reuse because of change of context .In this paper, we present a mining approach to mining process change sequences based on different context using partial derivatives of the factors affecting the change context, thus finding the best feasible sequence. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 由于上下文的变化,通常需要调整服务流程以进行重用。在本文中,我们提出了一种挖掘方法,该方法基于不同的上下文,使用影响变更上下文的因素的偏导数来挖掘流程变更序列。可行的顺序。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NABIC.2009.5393686]

[379] Change visualisation: Analysing the resource and timing differences between two event logs (2017)

(Low, W. Z. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Wynn, M. T. and De Weerdt | Information Systems)

Abstract: With organisations facing significant challenges to remain competitive, Business Process Improvement (BPI) initiatives are often conducted to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes, focussing on time, cost, and quality improvements. Event logs which contain a detailed record of business operations over a certain time period, recorded by an organisations information systems, are the first step towards initiating evidence-based BPI activities. Given an (original) event log as a starting point, an approach to explore better ways to execute a business process was developed, resulting in an improved (perturbed) event log. Identifying the differences between the original event log and the perturbed event log can provide valuable insights, helping organisations to improve their processes. However, there is a lack of automated techniques and appropriate visualisations to detect the differences between two event logs. Therefore, this research aims to develop visualisation techniques to provide targeted analysis of resource reallocation and activity rescheduling. The differences between two event logs are first identified. The changes between the two event logs are conceptualised and realised with a number of visualisations. With the proposed visualisations, analysts are able to identify resource- and time-related changes that resulted in a cost reduction, and subsequently investigate and translate them into actionable items for BPI in practice. Ultimately, analysts can make use of this comparative information to initiate evidence-based BPI activities.


摘要: 随着组织面临着保持竞争的重大挑战,通常会进行业务流程改进(BPI)计划以提高其业务流程的效率和有效性,着重于时间,成本和质量的改进。事件日志包含有关以下方面的详细记录由组织的信息系统记录的特定时间段内的业务运营是启动基于证据的BPI活动的第一步,以(原始)事件日志为起点,这是探索更好的执行业务流程方式的方法开发,从而改进了(受干扰的)事件日志,找出原始事件日志和受干扰的事件日志之间的差异可以提供有价值的见解,有助于组织改进流程,但是,缺乏自动化的技术和适当的可视化效果以检测两个事件日志之间的差异,因此,本研究旨在提供针对性的资源重新分配和活动重新安排分析的技术。首先确定两个事件日志之间的差异。两个事件日志之间的更改被概念化并通过许多可视化实现。通过拟议的可视化,分析师能够识别与资源和时间相关的变更,从而导致成本降低,并随后对其进行调查并将其转化为可实施的BPI项目。最终,分析人员可以利用这些比较信息来开展基于证据的BPI活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.10.005]

[380] Change your history: Learning from event logs to improve processes (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2015)

Abstract: The abundance of event data enables new forms of analysis that facilitate process improvement. Process mining provides a novel set of tools to discover the real process, to detect deviations from some normative process, and to analyze bottlenecks and waste. The lions share of process mining focuses on the as-is situation rather than the to-be situation. Clearly, analysis should aim at actionable insights and concrete suggestions for improvement However, state-of-the-art techniques do not allow for this. Techniques like simulation can be used to do what-if analysis but are not driven by event data, and as a result, improvements can be very unrealistic. Techniques for predictive analytics and combinatorial optimization are data-driven but mostly focus on well-structured decision problems. Operational processes within complex organizations cannot be mapped onto a simulation model or simple decision problem. This paper provides a novel approach based on event logs as used by process mining techniques. Instead of trying to create or modify process models, this approach works directly on the event log itself. It aims to improve history rather than speculate about a highly uncertain future. By showing concrete improvements in terms of partly modified event logs, the stakeholders can learn from earlier mistakes and inefficiencies. This is similar to analyzing a soccer match to improve a teams performance in the next game. This paper introduces the idea using event logs in conjunction with flexible compatibility and utility notions. An initial prototype-serving as a proof-of-concept-was realized as a ProM plug-in and tested on real-life event logs.


摘要: 大量的事件数据提供了新的分析形式,可以促进过程改进。过程挖掘提供了一套新颖的工具,可以发现真实过程,检测与某些规范过程的偏差,并分析瓶颈和浪费。过程挖掘的重点是按现状而不是将来情况,显然,分析应针对可行的见解和具体的改进建议,但是,最新的技术不允许这样做。诸如模拟之类的技术可用于进行假设分析,但不受事件数据的驱动,因此,改进可能非常不切实际。预测分析和组合优化的技术由数据驱动,但主要集中在结构化的决策问题:复杂组织中的操作流程无法映射到仿真模型或简单的决策问题上,本文提供了一种基于事件日志的新颖方法ss采矿技术。这种方法无需尝试创建或修改流程模型,而是直接在事件日志本身上起作用。它旨在改善历史,而不是推测高度不确定的未来。通过在部分修改的事件日志方面显示具体的改进,涉众可以从早期的错误和效率低下中学习。这类似于分析足球比赛以提高下一场比赛的球队表现。本文介绍了使用事件日志以及灵活的兼容性和实用性概念的想法。最初用作概念验证的原型已实现为ProM插件,并在现实事件日志中进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2015.7230925]

[381] Characterizing workflow nets using regions (2006)

(Busi, Nadia and Pinna, G. Michele | Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2006)

Abstract: The target of workflow mining is to obtain a workflow management systems from a possibly complete set of event logs of the system. This gives a fruitful support for devel-oping complex business transaction sequences and business collaboration applications. We investigate on how the theory of regions, used to synthesize nets from marking graphs, can be used to mine Workflow Nets. We show that using minimal regions we can mine the correct net. We also briefly discuss on how transitions systems can be obtained by event logs. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流挖掘的目标是从系统可能完整的事件日志集中获取工作流管理系统。这为开发复杂的业务交易序列和业务协作应用程序提供了卓有成效的支持。我们研究了用于从标记图合成网络的区域理论如何用于挖掘Workflow Nets。我们证明了使用最小的区域可以挖掘正确的网络。我们还简要讨论了如何通过事件日志获得过渡系统。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SYNASC.2006.21]

[382] Checklist implementation reduces Advanced Trauma Life Support workflow deviations during trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification (2013)

(Kelleher, Deirdre C. and Chandra Bose | Journal of the American College of Surgeons)

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification are often chaotic, potentially compromising patient care. Checklists may standardize these events and reduce effects of prearrival notification on performance. We hypothesized that trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification are performed with more variable adherence to the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol and that implementation of a checklist would reduce this variability. METHODS: We analyzed video-review logs of trauma resuscitations from two four-month periods before (n=222) and after (n=215) checklist implementation. Individual resuscitations were compared to an optimized workflow model of primary survey tasks and tested for model fitness (range 0 to 1) using process mining. Mean fitness scores and conformance frequency (fitness=1) were compared (Pearsons chi-square and Students t-test). Multivariate regression analysis controlling for patient and resuscitation characteristics was also performed to determine the effect of checklist implementation. RESULTS: Fifty-five (12.6%) resuscitations lacked pre-arrival notification (pre-implementation, n=23, post-implementation, n=32; p=0.15). Before checklist implementation, resuscitations without notification had lower fitness (0.80 vs 0.90, p<0.001) and conformance (26.1% vs 50.8%, p=0.03) than those with notification. Following checklist implementation, fitness (0.80 vs 0.91, p=0.007) and conformance (26.1% vs 59.4%, p=0.01) improved for resuscitations without notification, with both measurements closer to those of resuscitations with notification (Table 1). Using multivariate analysis, checklist implementation remained associated with higher fitness for resuscitations without pre-arrival notification (B=0.13, p=0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification persist and are associated with a decreased adherence to the ATLS protocol. The addition of a checklist improves protocol adherence and reduces the variability of care between resuscitations with and without notification.


摘要: 引言:在没有到达前通知的情况下进行创伤复苏通常是混乱的,可能会损害患者的护理。清单可能会标准化这些事件并降低到达前通知对性能的影响。方法:我们分析了创伤复苏之前(n = 222)和之后(n = 215)两个四个月期间的视频复查日志,记录了创伤复查的视频复查日志清单实施)。将个人复苏与主要调查任务的优化工作流程模型进行比较,并使用过程挖掘对模型适应性进行测试(范围为0到1),并比较平均适应性评分和一致性频率(适应性= 1)(皮尔森卡方)和学生的t检验)。还对患者和复苏特征进行了多元回归分析执行以确定清单实施的效果。结果:百分之五十二(12.6%)的复苏缺乏到达前通知(实施前,n = 23,实施后,n = 32; p = 0.15)。在实施检查清单之前,没有通知的复苏的适应性较低(0.80 vs 0.90,p <0.001)和符合性(26.1%vs 50.8%,p = 0.03)。实施清单后,无通知的复苏适应性(0.80 vs 0.91,p = 0.007)和依从性(26.1%vs 59.4%,p = 0.01)有所改善,两种测量均接近有通知的复苏(表1)。使用多变量分析,检查清单的实施仍然与更高的复苏适用性相关,而无需事先通知(B = 0.13,p = 0.006)。结论:在没有到达前通知的情况下,创伤复苏仍然存在,并且与对ATLS协议的依从性降低有关。添加检查表可以改善方案的依从性,并减少在有或没有通知的情况下进行复苏之间的护理差异。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2013.07.231]

[383] Classification and evaluation of timed running schemas for workflow based on process mining (2009)

(Duan, Hua and Zeng, Qingtian and Wang, Huaiqing and Sun, Sherry X. and Xu, Dongming | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: The system running logs of a workflow contain much information about the behavior and logical structure between activities. In this paper, a mining approach is proposed to discover the structural and temporal model for a workflow from its timed running logs. The mining results are represented in the formalized form of Petri nets extended with two timing factors that allows validation or verification the actual behaviors, especially the temporal constraints between activities. According to the reachability graph of the extended Petri net model mined, all running schemas of a workflow can be generated, which defines the temporal constraints between running activities. By calculating the earliest and latest start time of each activity, the earliest starting and latest existing time of each state in the running schema can be determined. Based on the temporal relations between the timing factors of each running state, the running schemas can be classified into six classes. The effects of the six classes of running schemas on the implementation of the whole workflow are evaluated so as to obtain the best one that can ensure the workflow is finished in the shortest time. The standards for the ideal, reliable and favorable running schemas and their existence conditions are discussed, which can be used to evaluate the running logs and control the future running of a workflow. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 工作流的系统运行日志包含有关活动之间的行为和逻辑结构的许多信息。本文提出了一种挖掘方法,用于从其定时运行日志中发现工作流的结构和时间模型。挖掘结果以Petri网的形式化形式表示,并扩展了两个时间因素,从而可以验证或验证实际行为,尤其是活动之间的时间约束。根据挖掘出的扩展Petri网模型的可达性图,可以生成工作流的所有运行模式,该模式定义了运行活动之间的时间约束。通过计算每个活动的最早和最晚开始时间,可以确定运行模式中每个状态的最早开始和最晚存在时间。根据每个运行状态的时间因素之间的时间关系,可以将运行模式分为六类。评估了六种运行模式对整个工作流实施的影响,从而获得了最好的一种,可以确保工作流在最短的时间内完成。讨论了理想,可靠和有利的运行模式的标准及其存在条件,这些标准可用于评估运行日志并控制工作流的未来运行。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2008.07.007]

[384] Classification of surgical processes using dynamic time warping (2012)

(Forestier, Germain and Lalys, Florent and Riffaud, Laurent and Trelhu, Brivael and Jannin, Pierre | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: In the creation of new computer-assisted intervention systems, Surgical Process Models (SPMs) are an emerging concept used for analyzing and assessing surgical interventions. SPMs represent Surgical Processes (SPs) which are formalized as symbolic structured descriptions of surgical interventions using a pre-defined level of granularity and a dedicated terminology. In this context, one major challenge is the creation of new metrics for the comparison and the evaluation of SPs. Thus, correlations between these metrics and pre-operative data are used to classify surgeries and highlight specific information on the surgery itself and on the surgeon, such as his/her level of expertise. In this paper, we explore the automatic classification of a set of SPs based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. DTW is used to compute a similarity measure between two SPs that focuses on the different types of activities performed during surgery and their sequencing, by minimizing time differences. Indeed, it turns out to be a complementary approach to the classical methods that only focus on differences in the time and the number of activities. Experiments were carried out on 24 lumbar disk herniation surgeries to discriminate the surgeons level of expertise according to a prior classification of SPs. Supervised and unsupervised classification experiments have shown that this approach was able to automatically identify groups of surgeons according to their level of expertise (senior and junior), and opens many perspectives for the creation of new metrics for comparing and evaluating surgeries. textcopyright 2011.


摘要: 在创建新的计算机辅助干预系统时,手术过程模型(SPM)是用于分析和评估手术干预的新兴概念。 SPM代表外科手术过程(SP),使用预先定义的粒度级别和专用术语将其形式化为外科手术干预的符号结构描述。在这种情况下,一个主要挑战是为SP的比较和评估创建新的指标。因此,这些指标和术前数据之间的相关性用于对手术进行分类,并突出显示有关手术本身和外科医生的特定信息,例如其专业水平。在本文中,我们探索了基于动态时间规整(DTW)算法的一组SP的自动分类。 DTW用于计算两个SP之间的相似性度量,该SP着重于通过最大程度地减少时间差异来关注手术期间执行的不同类型的活动及其排序。实际上,事实证明这是对经典方法的补充方法,经典方法仅关注时间和活动数量上的差异。根据先前对SP的分类,对24个腰椎间盘突出症手术进行了实验,以区分外科医生的专业水平。有监督和无监督的分类实验表明,该方法能够根据他们的专业知识水平(高级和初级)自动识别外科医生组,并为创建用于比较和评估手术的新指标打开了许多视角。 t​​extcopyright2011。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2011.11.002]

[385] Cleaning structured event logs: A graph repair approach (2015)

(Wang, Jianmin and Song, Shaoxu and Lin, Xuemin and Zhu, Xiaochen and Pei, Jian | Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering)

Abstract: Event data are often dirty owing to various recording conventions or simply system errors. These errors may cause many serious damages to real applications, such as inaccurate provenance answers, poor profiling results or concealing interesting patterns from event data. Cleaning dirty event data is strongly demanded. While existing event data cleaning techniques view event logs as sequences, structural information do exist among events. We argue that such structural information enhances not only the accuracy of repairing inconsistent events but also the computation efficiency. It is notable that both the structure and the names (labeling) of events could be inconsistent. In real applications, while unsound structure is not repaired automatically (which needs manual effort from business actors to handle the structure error), it is highly desirable to repair the inconsistent event names introduced by recording mistakes. In this paper, we propose a graph repair approach for 1) detecting unsound structure, and 2) repairing inconsistent event name.


摘要: 由于各种记录约定或仅仅是系统错误,事件数据通常很脏。这些错误可能会对实际应用造成很多严重损害,例如出处答案不正确,分析结果不佳或从事件数据中隐藏有趣的模式。强烈要求清除脏事件数据。尽管现有的事件数据清除技术将事件日志视为序列,但事件之间确实存在结构信息。我们认为,这种结构信息不仅增强了修复不一致事件的准确性,而且还提高了计算效率。值得注意的是,事件的结构和名称(标签)可能不一致。在实际的应用程序中,虽然不健全的结构不会自动修复(需要业务参与者手动处理才能解决结构错误),但非常需要修复因记录错误而导致的不一致的事件名称。在本文中,我们提出了一种图修复方法:1)检测不健全的结构,以及2)修复不一致的事件名称。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDE.2015.7113270]

[386] CloFAST: closed sequential pattern mining using sparse and vertical id-lists (2016)

(Fumarola, Fabio and Lanotte, Pasqua Fabiana and Ceci, Michelangelo and Malerba, Donato | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: Sequential pattern mining is a computationally challenging task since algorithms have to generate and/or test a combinatorially explosive number of intermediate subsequences. In order to reduce complexity, some researchers focus on the task of mining closed sequential patterns. This not only results in increased efficiency, but also provides a way to compact results, while preserving the same expressive power of patterns extracted by means of traditional (non-closed) sequential pattern mining algorithms. In this paper, we present CloFAST, a novel algorithm for mining closed frequent sequences of itemsets. It combines a new data representation of the dataset, based on sparse id-lists and vertical id-lists, whose theoretical properties are studied in order to fast count the support of sequential patterns, with a novel one-step technique both to check sequence closure and to prune the search space. Contrary to almost all the existing algorithms, which iteratively alternate itemset extension and sequence extension, CloFAST proceeds in two steps. Initially, all closed frequent itemsets are mined in order to obtain an initial set of sequences of size 1. Then, new sequences are generated by directly working on the sequences, without mining additional frequent itemsets. A thorough performance study with both real-world and artificially generated datasets empirically proves that CloFAST outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms, both in time and memory consumption, especially when mining long closed sequences.


摘要: 由于算法必须生成和/或测试组合爆炸性数量的中间子序列,因此序列模式挖掘是一项计算难题。为了降低复杂性,一些研究人员专注于挖掘封闭顺序模式的任务。这不仅提高了效率,而且还提供了一种压缩结果的方法,同时保持了借助传统(非封闭式)顺序模式挖掘算法提取的模式具有相同的表达能力。在本文中,我们提出CloFAST,这是一种用于挖掘封闭的频繁项集序列的新算法。它结合了基于稀疏id列表和垂直id列表的数据集的新数据表示形式,并研究了其理论特性以便快速计算顺序模式的支持,同时还采用了新颖的单步技术来检查序列关闭并修剪搜索空间。与几乎所有现有的算法(交替迭代项集扩展和序列扩展)相反,CloFAST分两个步骤进行。最初,挖掘所有封闭的频繁项目集以获得大小为1的初始序列集。然后,通过直接处理序列来生成新序列,而无需挖掘其他频繁项目集。通过对真实数据集和人工生成的数据集进行的全面性能研究,经验证明,CloFAST在时间和内存消耗方面均优于最新算法,尤其是在挖掘长封闭序列时。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-015-0884-x]

[387] Cloud manufacturing service platform for small- and medium-sized enterprises (2013)

(Huang, Biqing and Li, Chenghai and Yin, Chao and Zhao, Xinpei | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology)

Abstract: In order to address the key problems faced by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), existing solutions and shortcomings were analyzed. The possibilities by using the new emerged technologies and theories (e.g., cloud computing, internet of things, service-oriented technology) to solve the bottlenecks faced by SMEs are investigated. The idea of manufacturing resource and capability sharing based on cloud computing for SME is discussed, and an SME-oriented cloud manufacturing service platform (SME-CMfgSP) is introduced. The architecture of SME-CMfgSP is proposed, and the key technologies for implementing SME-CMfgSP are introduced in details. The challenges for implementing cloud manufacturing service platform for SMEs were discussed. A case study is described to illustrate the application of the proposed SME-CMfgSP. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


摘要: 为了解决中小企业(SME)面临的关键问题,分析了现有的解决方案和缺点。研究了使用新兴技术和理论(例如云计算,物联网,面向服务的技术)解决中小企业面临的瓶颈的可能性。讨论了基于云计算的中小企业制造资源和能力共享的思想,并介绍了面向中小企业的云制造服务平台(SME-CMfgSP)。提出了SME-CMfgSP的体系结构,并详细介绍了实现SME-CMfgSP的关键技术。讨论了为中小企业实施云制造服务平台的挑战。描述了一个案例研究,以说明建议的SME-CMfgSP的应用。 t​​extcopyright 2012年Springer-Verlag伦敦有限公司。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00170-012-4255-4]

[388] CloudSeer: Workflow monitoring of cloud infrastructures via interleaved logs (2016)

(Yu, Xiao and Joshi, Pallavi and Xu, Jianwu and Jin, Guoliang and Zhang, Hui and Jiang, Guofei | International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS)

Abstract: Cloud infrastructures provide a rich set of management tasks that operate computing, storage, and networking resources in the cloud. Monitoring the executions of these tasks is crucial for cloud providers to promptly find and understand problems that compromise cloud availability. However, such monitoring is challenging because there are multiple distributed service components involved in the executions. CloudSeer enables effective workflow monitoring. It takes a lightweight non-intrusive approach that purely works on interleaved logs widely existing in cloud infrastructures. CloudSeer first builds an automaton for the workflow of each management task based on normal executions, and then it checks log messages against a set of automata for workflow divergences in a streaming manner. Divergences found during the checking process indicate potential execution problems, which may or may not be accompanied by error log messages. For each potential problem, CloudSeer outputs necessary context information including the affected task automaton and related log messages hinting where the problem occurs to help further diagnosis. Our experiments on OpenStack, a popular open-source cloud infrastructure, show that CloudSeers efficiency and problem-detection capability are suitable for online monitoring.


摘要: 云基础架构提供了一组丰富的管理任务,可在云中操作计算,存储和网络资源。监视这些任务的执行对于云提供商迅速发现和理解危害云可用性的问题至关重要。但是,此类监视具有挑战性是因为执行中涉及多个分布式服务组件; CloudSeer支持有效的工作流监控;它采用轻量级的非侵入式方法,可完全适用于云基础架构中广泛存在的交错日志; CloudSeer首先为每个工作流构建一个自动机管理任务基于正常执行,然后针对一组自动机以流方式检查日志消息是否存在工作流差异,在检查过程中发现的差异表明潜在的执行问题,可能会或可能不会伴随错误日志消息。每个潜在问题,CloudSeer都会输出必要的内容ext信息,包括受影响的任务自动机和相关的日志消息,提示出现问题的位置,以帮助进一步诊断。我们在流行的开源云基础架构OpenStack上进行的实验表明,CloudSeer的效率和问题检测能力适用于在线监视。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2872362.2872407]

[389] Clustering for improving Educational process mining (2014)

(Bogarin, Alejandro and Romero, Cristobal and Cerezo, Rebeca and Sanchez-Santillan, Miguel | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: In this paper, we propose to use clustering to improve educational process mining. We want to improve both the performance and comprehensibility of the models obtained. We have used data from 84 undergraduate students who followed an online course using Moodle 2.0. We propose to group students firstly starting from data about Moodles usage summary and/or the students final marks in the course. Then, we propose to use data from Moodles logs about each cluster/group of students separately in order to be able to obtain more specific and accurate models of students behaviour. The results show that the fitness of the specific models is greater than the general model obtained using all the data, and the comprehensibility of the models can be also improved in some cases. Copyright textcopyright 2014 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.


摘要: 在本文中,我们建议使用聚类来改善教育过程的挖掘。我们希望同时提高所获得模型的性能和可理解性。我们使用了84位本科生的数据,这些学生通过Moodle 2.0在线课程学习。首先从有关Moodle使用情况摘要和/或学生在课程中的最终成绩的数据开始对学生进行分组,然后,我们建议分别使用Moodle日志中有关每个类群/学生组的数据,以便能够获得更具体的信息结果表明,特定模型的适用性大于使用所有数据获得的一般模型,并且在某些情况下还可以提高模型的可理解性。 2014年,由计算机协会授予。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2567574.2567604]

[390] Clustering of ERP business process fragments (2013)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Ginardi, Hari and Pamungkas, Endang Wahyu and Sunaryono, Dwi | Proceeding - 2013 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Recent Challenges in Computer, Control and Informatics, IC3INA 2013)

Abstract: Business process management technology at present has been developed and applied both in small and in large scale. Many companies and organizations use, for instance, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or other business process-oriented system. In this paper, a clustering method in business process model based on its similarity is proposed. This clustering aims to group some similar business processes to form a common business process. A new business process, as a result, can be composed based on similar common business process in order to increase reusability. It is done according to similarity value among business processes that is by calculating the similarity based upon structural and behavioral similarity method. Meanwhile, the clustering process uses a graph partition approach. This research then shows that the clustering result of business process is precise at certain threshold value. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程管理技术目前已得到发展,无论规模大小都已应用。许多公司和组织都使用例如企业资源计划(ERP)或其他面向业务流程的系统。本文提出了一种基于业务流程模型相似度的聚类方法。该集群旨在将一些相似的业务流程分组以形成一个通用的业务流程。结果,可以基于相似的通用业务流程来组成新的业务流程,以提高可重用性。它是根据业务流程之间的相似性值来完成的,即通过基于结构和行为相似性方法来计算相似性。同时,聚类过程使用图分区方法。研究表明,业务流程的聚类结果在一定阈值下是精确的。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IC3INA.2013.6819194]


[391] Clustering of Patients Trajectories with an Auto-Stopped Bisecting K-Medoids Algorithm (2013)

(Fei, Hongying and Meskens, Nadine | Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms)

Abstract: Nowadays, long wait, cancellations and resource overload frequently occur in healthcare, especially in those sectors related to the patients passing through the operating theatre in both United States and the European Union. Since more and more hospitals seek to develop the overall patient pathways instead of the effectiveness of isolated departments, the most important work has been defining suitable patient groups for employing process management and simulation tools developed in the recent decades. In this study, we proposed a data mining method, an auto-stopped Bisecting K-Medoids clustering algorithm, to classify patients into groups with homogenous trajectories. This method classifies the patient trajectories with two stages. At the first stage, patients are classified by the complexity of outpatient visits; afterwards, the groups obtained at the first stage are further classified by the original information of the trajectories where all medical appointments including outpatient ones are taken into account. By using a real data set collected from a medium-size Belgian hospital, we demonstrate how the proposed approach works and examine which kinds of trajectories are grouped into the same clusters. According to the experimental results, the proposed method can be used to classify patients into manageable groups with homogenous trajectories, which can be used as a base for the process modelling techniques and simulation tools. textcopyright 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

** 使用自动停止的平分K-Medoids算法聚类患者的轨迹**

摘要: 如今,在医疗保健中经常发生漫长的等待,取消和资源超负荷的情况,尤其是在美国和欧盟,与患者经过手术室有关的那些领域。由于越来越多的医院寻求开发整体的患者路径而不是隔离部门的有效性,因此最重要的工作是定义合适的患者组,以采用近几十年来开发的过程管理和模拟工具。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种数据挖掘方法,一种自动停止的二等分K-Medoids聚类算法,将患者分为具有相同轨迹的组。此方法将患者轨迹分为两个阶段。在第一阶段,按门诊就诊的复杂程度对患者进行分类;此后,将根据轨迹的原始信息对在第一阶段获得的组进行进一步分类,其中将包括门诊病人在内的所有医疗约会都考虑在内。通过使用从一家比利时中型医院收集的真实数据集,我们演示了所提出的方法是如何工作的,并检查了哪种轨迹被分组到相同的簇中。根据实验结果,提出的方法可用于将患者分为具有均匀轨迹的可管理组,可将其用作过程建模技术和仿真工具的基础。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer Science + Business Media B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10852-012-9198-0]

[392] Clustering-Based Predictive Process Monitoring (2019)

(Francescomarino, Chiara Di and Dumas, Marlon and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Teinemaa, Irene | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: The enactment of business processes is generally supported by information systems that record data about each process execution (a.k.a. case). This data can be analyzed via a family of methods broadly known as process mining. Predictive process monitoring is a process mining technique concerned with predicting how running (uncompleted) cases will unfold up to their completion. In this paper, we propose a predictive process monitoring framework for estimating the probability that a given predicate will be fulfilled upon completion of a running case. The framework takes into account both the sequence of events observed in the current trace, as well as data attributes associated to these events. The prediction problem is approached in two phases. First, prefixes of previous (completed) cases are clustered according to control flow information. Second, a classifier is built for each cluster using event data attributes to discriminate between cases that lead to a fulfillment of the predicate under examination and cases that lead to a violation within the cluster. At runtime, a prediction is made on a running case by mapping it to a cluster and applying the corresponding classifier. The framework has been implemented in the ProM toolset and validated on a log pertaining to the treatment of cancer patients in a large hospital.


摘要: 通常通过信息系统来支持业务流程的制定,该信息系统记录有关每个流程执行的数据(也称为案例)。可以通过广泛称为过程挖掘的一系列方法来分析此数据。预测过程监视是一种过程挖掘技术,与预测正在运行(未完成)的案例将如何完成直至完成有关。在本文中,我们提出了一个预测性过程监视框架,用于估计在运行案例完成后给定谓词将被满足的概率。该框架同时考虑了在当前跟踪中观察到的事件顺序以及与这些事件相关的数据属性。预测问题分为两个阶段。首先,根据控制流信息对先前(完成)案例的前缀进行聚类。其次,使用事件数据属性为每个聚类构建分类器,以区分导致被检查谓词实现的案例和导致聚类内违规的案例。在运行时,通过将正在运行的案例映射到集群并应用相应的分类器来进行预测。该框架已在ProM工具集中实现,并在与大型医院中癌症患者的治疗有关的日志中得到了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2016.2645153]

[393] CoPrA: A process analysis technique to investigate collaboration in groups (2012)

(Seeber, Isabella and Maier, Ronald and Weber, Barbara | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Studying collaboration and its support by IT in experiments has been limited to collecting and analyzing collaboration products and performance criteria ex post. This paper presents CoPrA, a COllaboration PRocess Analysis technique, which allows investigating behavior of individuals in distributed groups mediated by collaboration technology from a process-oriented perspective. Based on coded communication logs, CoPrA uses information on user participation and actions performed by group members to extract similarities or differences within and between groups. The analysis results answer questions such as whether groups adopt treatments in experimental settings, whether and when patterns of collaboration change over time, and how comprehensively participants negotiate during collaboration. Thus, CoPrA can enhance our understanding of collaboration processes and additionally provides grounds for richer analysis and increased internal validity of experimental data. Applicability of the technique is demonstrated with a laboratory experiment investigating the impact of process structure on patterns of collaboration. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 研究协作及其在实验中得到IT的支持仅限于事后收集和分析协作产品和性能标准。本文介绍了CoPrA,一种协作过程分析技术,该技术可以研究协作技术介导的分布式组中个人的行为。从面向过程的角度来看,CoPrA基于编码的通信日志,使用有关用户参与和小组成员执行的操作的信息来提取小组内部和小组之间的相似性或差异,分析结果回答了诸如小组是否在实验环境中采用治疗方法等问题。 ,协作模式是否以及何时随时间变化以及参与者在协作过程中如何进行全面协商,因此,CoPrA可以增强我们对协作过程的理解,并为更丰富的分析和增加实验数据的内部有效性提供依据。这项技术通过实验室研究证明,该研究调查了流程结构对协作模式的影响。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2012.184]

[394] CoPrA: A tool for coding and measuring communication in teams (2013)

(Frati, Fulvio and Seeber, Isabella | IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies)

Abstract: The analysis and assessment of team processes to inform facilitation for increased team effectiveness is a challenging task for organizations. Also, research has troubles to grasp the complexity of team effectiveness, which often results in treating team processes as a black box. This paper introduces a design artifact that is built upon the collaboration process analysis technique CoPrA. The technique strives to support the analysis of team processes by identifying behavior patterns, which crystalize as behavior patterns in the dynamic process of a team. The paper aims to contribute to behavioral research as it showcases a set of process metrics for the analysis of team communication. Furthermore, the paper aims to contribute to design-science research by providing an integrated tool for content analysis and process mining used primarily by researchers. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 对团队过程进行分析和评估,以促进促进团队效率的提高,这对组织而言是一项艰巨的任务。同样,研究也难以掌握团队有效性的复杂性,这常常导致将团队流程视为黑匣子。本文介绍了一种基于协作过程分析技术CoPrA构建的设计工件。该技术通过识别行为模式来努力支持对团队过程的分析,这些行为模式在团队的动态过程中逐渐形成为行为模式。本文旨在为行为研究做出贡献,因为它展示了一组用于团队沟通分析的过程指标。此外,本文旨在通过提供主要用于研究人员的内容分析和过程挖掘的集成工具,为设计科学研究做出贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEST.2013.6611327]

[395] Cognitive feedback and behavioral feedforward automation perspectives for modeling and validation in a learning context (2017)

(Sedrakyan, Gayane and Snoeck, Monique | Communications in Computer and Information Science)

Abstract: State-of-the-art technologies have made it possible to provide a learner with immediate computer-assisted feedback by delivering a feedback targeting cognitive aspects of learning, (e.g. reflecting on a result, explaining a concept, i.e. improving understanding). Fast advancement of technology has recently generated increased interest for previously non-feasible approaches for providing feedback based on learning behavioral observations by exploiting different traces of learning processes stored in information systems. Such learner behavior data makes it possible to observe different aspects of learning processes in which feedback needs of learners (e.g. difficulties, engagement issues, inefficient learning processes, etc.) based on individual learning trajectories can be traced. By identifying problems earlier in a learning process it is possible to deliver individualized feedback helping learners to take control of their own learning, i.e. to become self-regulated learners, and teachers to understand individual feedback needs and/or adapt their teaching strategies. In this work we (i) propose cognitive computer-assisted feedback mechanisms using a combination of MDE based simulation augmented with automated feedback, and (ii) discuss perspectives for behavioral feedback, i.e. feedforward, that can be based on learning process analytics in the context of learning conceptual modeling. Aggregated results of our previous studies assessing the effectiveness of the proposed cognitive feedback method with respect to improved understanding on different dimensions of knowledge, as well as feasibility of behavioral feedforward automation based on learners behavior patterns, are presented. Despite our focus on conceptual modeling and specific diagrams, the principles of the approach presented in this work can be used to support educational feedback automation for a broader spectrum of diagram types beyond the scope of conceptual modeling.


摘要: 最先进的技术通过提供针对学习的认知方面的反馈(例如,对结果进行反思,解释概念,即增进理解),可以为学习者提供即时的计算机辅助反馈。技术的飞速发展最近引起了人们对于以前不可行的方法的兴趣,这些方法通过利用存储在信息系统中的学习过程的不同轨迹来基于学习行为观察提供反馈。这样的学习者行为数据使得可以观察学习过程的不同方面,在其中可以追踪基于个体学习轨迹的学习者的反馈需求(例如,困难,参与问题,低效的学习过程等)。通过在学习过程中较早地发现问题,可以提供个性化的反馈,以帮助学习者控制自己的学习,即成为自我调节的学习者,并且教师可以理解个体的反馈需求和/或调整其教学策略。在这项工作中,我们(i)通过结合基于MDE的模拟和自动反馈来提出认知计算机辅助反馈机制,并且(ii)讨论行为反馈的观点,即前馈,这些观点可以基于上下文中的学习过程分析学习概念建模。总结了我们先前研究的结果,这些结果评估了所提出的认知反馈方法相对于对不同维度知识的更好理解的有效性,以及基于学习者行为模式的行为前馈自动化的可行性。尽管我们专注于概念建模和特定的图,但是本文中介绍的方法原理可用于支持教育反馈自动化,用于超出概念建模范围的各种图类型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-319-66302-9_4]

[396] Collaboration process patterns and efficiency of issue resolution in software development (2012)

(Fan, Shaokun and Li, Xin and Zhao, J. Leon | Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2012)

Abstract: Previous research on collaboration posits collaboration process as a key factor for team performance. However, it is not fully understood which characteristics of a process make collaboration more efficient. In this research, we investigate the effect of collaboration process patterns on teamwork efficiency (e.g. time cost) in the software development setting. We propose a framework to identify frequent interaction structures referred to as collaboration process patterns and study their impact on the efficiency of software development. For purposes of pattern extraction, we propose an algorithm to extract sub-structures from software development processes stored in a software project tracking system. To analyze the effect of different collaboration process patterns, we conduct an empirical study to examine their correlation with issue resolution time using data from an open source software community. As a result, we identified several collaboration process patterns that are positively (or negatively) correlated with issue resolution time. We also found that this correlation may change with task complexity. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 关于协作的先前研究认为协作过程是团队绩效的关键因素。但是,尚未完全了解流程的哪些特征使协作更加有效。在这项研究中,我们调查了软件开发环境中协作过程模式对团队效率(例如时间成本)的影响。我们提出了一个框架来识别频繁的交互结构(称为协作过程模式),并研究它们对软件开发效率的影响。为了进行模式提取,我们提出了一种从存储在软件项目跟踪系统中的软件开发过程中提取子结构的算法。为了分析不同协作过程模式的影响,我们进行了一项实证研究,以使用来自开源软件社区的数据来检查它们与问题解决时间的相关性。结果,我们确定了与问题解决时间正相关(或负相关)的几种协作过程模式。我们还发现,这种相关性可能会随着任务的复杂性而改变。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2012.6261105]

[397] Collaborative process maturing support by mining activity streams (2015)

(Christian, Ochsenkuhn and Peinl, Rene | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Usually, knowledge workers are said to not benefit from business process management (BPM) systems, since their main tasks are weakly structured and not representable by a workflow. However, not all of their tasks are equally weak structured, and with adaptive case management (ACM) solutions, a new category of tools came up to support those processes, even if they are weakly structured. This paper introduces an approach to support the creation of cases for ACM engines by mining activities from an activity stream and suggesting tasks that a knowledge worker can use to create a case. Furthermore, the approach supports maturing of the case towards a workflow by detecting repeating sequences in the execution of tasks and suggesting sub processes for the case which is possible with the case management model and notation (CMMN) together with the business process model and notation (BPMN). To allow for further enhancement of the cases, the ACM solution is extended with social collaboration features, so that people working on the case can comment and rate single tasks. The goal is to show that it is possible to establish ties from social activities and Web 2.0 to ACM and BPM. The presented solution uses a graph database as a basis for activity mining.


摘要: 通常,知识工作者不能从业务流程管理(BPM)系统中受益,因为他们的主要任务结构薄弱,无法用工作流表示。但是,并非所有任务的结构都同样脆弱,并且通过自适应案例管理(ACM)解决方案,出现了一种新的工具来支持这些流程,即使它们的结构较弱。本文介绍了一种通过从活动流中挖掘活动并建议知识工作者可用于创建案例的任务来支持ACM引擎案例创建的方法。此外,该方法通过检测任务执行中的重复序列并为案例建议子流程,从而支持案例向工作流成熟,这可以通过案例管理模型和表示法(CMMN)以及业务流程模型和表示法( BPMN)。为了进一步增强案例,ACM解决方案扩展了社交协作功能,以便处理案例的人员可以评论和评价单个任务。目的是表明可以建立从社交活动和Web 2.0到ACM和BPM的联系。提出的解决方案使用图形数据库作为活动挖掘的基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2809563.2809583]

[398] Collaborative writing support tools on the cloud (2011)

(Calvo, Rafael A. and ORourke, Stephen T. and Jones, Janet and Yacef, Kalina and Reimann, Peter | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies)

Abstract: Academic writing, individual or collaborative, is an essential skill for todays graduates. Unfortunately, managing writing activities and providing feedback to students is very labor intensive and academics often opt out of including such learning experiences in their teaching. We describe the architecture for a new collaborative writing support environment used to embed such collaborative learning activities in engineering courses. iWrite provides tools for managing collaborative and individual writing assignments in large cohorts. It outsources the writing tools and the storage of student content to third party cloud-computing vendors (i.e., Google). We further describe how using machine learning and NLP techniques, the architecture provides automated feedback, automatic question generation, and process analysis features. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 学术写作,无论是个人写作还是协作写作,都是当今毕业生的必不可少的技能。不幸的是,管理写作活动并向学生提供反馈信息是一项劳动密集型工作,学者们经常选择在教学中不包括这种学习经历。一种新的协作写作支持环境,用于将此类协作学习活动嵌入到工程课程中。iWrite提供了用于管理大型群组的协作和个人写作作业的工具。它将写作工具和学生内容的存储外包给第三方云计算供应商( (例如Google)。我们进一步描述了该架构如何使用机器学习和NLP技术提供自动反馈,自动问题生成和过程分析功能。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TLT.2010.43]

[399] Combining Case-Based Reasoning and Process Mining to improve collaborative decision-making in products design (2016)

(Berriche, Fatima Zahra and Zeddini, Besma and Kadima, Hubert and Riviere, Alain | Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA)

Abstract: In this paper, we present a research in progress that expose an integral collaborative decision making process combining Case-Based Reasoning approach and the Process Mining techniques (CBR-Mining) to improve designing of manufacturing products. In collaborative decision-making participating actors have different objectives, constraints, knowledge, and viewpoints. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate via a use case study how process mining techniques may be integrated into Case-base-Reasoning.


摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一项正在进行的研究,该研究揭示了结合基于案例的推理方法和过程挖掘技术(CBR-Mining)来改进制造产品设计的整体协作决策过程。在协作决策中,参与参与者具有不同的目标,约束,知识和观点。本文的目的是通过一个用例研究来说明如何将过程挖掘技术集成到基于案例的推理中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AICCSA.2015.7507199]

[400] Combining process mining with trace clustering: Manufacturing shop floor process-an applied case (2018)

(Meincheim, Alex and Garcia, Cleiton Dos Santos and Nievola, Julio Cesar and Scalabrin, Edson Emfilio | Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI)

Abstract: Process mining allows observing process execution based on real event data and proposes methods and tools to provide diagnostics, reducing the gaps between practice and conceptual models. When process mining discovery techniques are applied in flexible processes with many decisions at runtime, the results are often semi-structured or unstructured process models that are difficult to understand. In this context, trace clustering is an approach for reducing the complexity of process models and improving the accuracy and comprehensibility. This paper presents an applied case in industrial manufacturing production with an unstructured process and issues in production performance indicators. A set of techniques were used to understand how the process occurs in practice, how many trace clusters should be identified as homogeneous process variants, and what causes production inefficiency. Finally, the results identify bottlenecks caused by erroneous decisions at runtime and serve to support process improvement.


摘要: 过程挖掘允许基于真实事件数据观察过程执行,并提出了提供诊断的方法和工具,从而缩小了实践模型与概念模型之间的差距。将流程挖掘发现技术应用于在运行时具有许多决策的灵活流程中时,结果通常是难以理解的半结构化或非结构化流程模型。在这种情况下,跟踪群集是一种用于减少流程模型的复杂性并提高准确性和可理解性的方法。本文介绍了具有非结构化过程的工业制造生产中的应用案例以及生产绩效指标中的问题。使用了一套技术来了解该过程在实践中是如何发生的,应将多少痕量簇识别为同质过程变体,以及导致生产效率低下的原因。最后,结果可确定运行时错误决策所导致的瓶颈,并有助于改进流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTAI.2017.00082]

[401] Comparative research of modeling methods for workflow process (2008)

(Jiang, Guoyin and Dong, Lihong | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, ISECS 2008)

Abstract: The workflow model is key component of workflow system, it is significant for business process reengineering and optimization that the workflow management system is researched and developed. In this paper, the current state of research in workflow process modeling are overviewed after describing the essence and standard of workflow process modelling, the main common modelling theories include flow figure, status figure, activity network figure, IDEF, ECAA, Petri Net, and so on. In order to solve the deficiency of formalized and graphic expression ability, complicated modeling procedure, the methods of solution for problems and development trend of workflow related theories are put forward, the main single advanced modeling methods are process data mining, extended Petri Nets and process algebra, and suit modeling environment for these methods are analyzed and compared, and, the combined modeling framework is introduced in the last part. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流模型是工作流系统的关键组件,研究和开发工作流管理系统对于业务流程的重新设计和优化具有重要意义。在描述了工作流过程建模的本质和标准之后,本文概述了工作流过程建模的研究现状,主要的通用建模理论包括流程图,状态图,活动网络图,IDEF,ECAA,Petri Net和以此类推。为了解决形式化和图形表达能力不足,建模流程复杂的问题,提出了工作流相关理论的问题解决方法和发展趋势,主要的高级建模方法有过程数据挖掘,扩展Petri网和过程。分析并比较了这些方法的代数和衣服建模环境,最后介绍了组合的建模框架。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISECS.2008.55]

[402] Complete and Interpretable Conformance Checking of Business Processes (2018)

(Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano and Van Beest | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering)

Abstract: This article presents a method for checking the conformance between an event log capturing the actual execution of a business process, and a model capturing its expected or normative execution. Given a process model and an event log, the method returns a set of statements in natural language describing the behavior allowed by the model but not observed in the log and vice versa. The method relies on a unified representation of process models and event logs based on a well-known model of concurrency, namely event structures. Specifically, the problem of conformance checking is approached by converting the event log into an event structure, converting the process model into another event structure, and aligning the two event structures via an error-correcting synchronized product. Each difference detected in the synchronized product is then verbalized as a natural language statement. An empirical evaluation shows that the proposed method can handle real datasets and produces more concise and higher-level difference descriptions than state-of-the-art conformance checking methods. In a survey designed according to the technology acceptance model, practitioners showed a preference towards the proposed method with respect to a state-of-the-art baseline.


摘要: 本文提供了一种方法,用于检查捕获业务流程的实际执行的事件日志与捕获其预期或规范的执行的模型之间的一致性。给定一个流程模型和一个事件日志,该方法以自然语言返回一组语句,这些语句描述该模型允许但在日志中未观察到的行为,反之亦然。该方法依赖于基于众所周知的并发模型(即事件结构)的过程模型和事件日志的统一表示。具体而言,通过将事件日志转换为事件结构,将流程模型转换为另一个事件结构,以及通过纠错同步产品来对齐两个事件结构,来解决一致性检查的问题。然后,将在同步产品中检测到的每个差异翻译成自然语言陈述。经验评估表明,与最新的一致性检查方法相比,该方法可以处理真实数据集,并且可以生成更简洁和更高级别的差异描述。在根据技术接受模型进行的一项调查中,从业者显示了相对于最新基准的建议方法的偏爱。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSE.2017.2668418]

[403] Complexity metrics for Workflow nets (2009)

(Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Process modeling languages such as EPCs, BPMN, flow charts, UML activity diagrams, Petri nets, etc., are used to model business processes and to configure process-aware information systems. It is known that users have problems understanding these diagrams. In fact, even process engineers and system analysts have difficulties in grasping the dynamics implied by a process model. Recent empirical studies show that people make numerous errors when modeling complex business processes, e.g., about 20% of the EPCs in the SAP reference model have design flaws resulting in potential deadlocks, livelocks, etc. It seems obvious that the complexity of the model contributes to design errors and a lack of understanding. It is not easy to measure complexity, however. This paper presents three complexity metrics that have been implemented in the process analysis tool ProM. The metrics are defined for a subclass of Petri nets named Workflow nets, but the results can easily be applied to other languages. To demonstrate the applicability of these metrics, we have applied our approach and tool to 262 relatively complex Protos models made in the context of various student projects. This allows us to validate and compare the different metrics. It turns out that our new metric focusing on the structuredness outperforms existing metrics. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 流程建模语言,例如EPC,BPMN,流程图,UML活动图,Petri网等,用于对业务流程进行建模并配置可感知流程的信息系统。众所周知,用户在理解这些图时会遇到问题。实际上,即使是过程工程师和系统分析人员也难以掌握过程模型所隐含的动态。最近的经验研究表明,在对复杂的业务流程进行建模时,人们会犯很多错误,例如,SAP参考模型中约有20%的EPC具有设计缺陷,从而导致潜在的死锁,活锁等。显然,模型的复杂性有助于设计错误和缺乏理解。但是,测量复杂度并不容易。本文介绍了已在过程分析工具ProM中实现的三个复杂性指标。度量标准是为Petri网络的子类Workflow网络定义的,但是结果可以轻松地应用于其他语言。为了证明这些指标的适用性,我们将我们的方法和工具应用于在各种学生项目的背景下制作的262个相对复杂的Protos模型。这使我们可以验证和比较不同的指标。事实证明,我们关注结构性的新指标优于现有指标。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2008.08.005]

[404] Compliance Checking of Shipment Request by Utilizing Process Mining Concepts: An Evaluation of Smart Auditing Framework (2017)

(Bukhsh, Faiza Allah Bukhsh and Weigand, Hans Weigand | Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2017)

Abstract: Risk regulations and compliance management require business controls automation. Business processes execution yield event logs and analysis of these logs can produce valuable knowledge for organizational product and/or service improvements. In this paper we have explored a monitoring scenario of shipment request and evaluated it on the basis of Smart auditing framework. A combination of process mining techniques and business process ontologies is evaluated on simulated data in order to identify the auditing/monitoring capability of PROM plug-ins. The initial evaluation revealed that rule based audit is successful on machine-crafted data in PROM tool. Moreover, this paper also highlights lack of automated rule translation in LTL-checker (PROM plug-in) for smart audit frameworks evaluations.


摘要: 风险法规和合规性管理要求业务控制自动化。业务流程执行产生事件日志并分析这些日志可以为组织产品和/或服务的改进提供有价值的知识。在本文中,我们探索了装运请求的监视方案并进行了评估在智能审计框架的基础上,结合过程挖掘技术和业务流程本体对模拟数据进行评估,以识别PROM插件的审计/监视能力,初步评估表明基于规则的审计已成功PROM工具中的机器加工数据。此外,本文还强调了LTL检查器(PROM插件)中缺乏用于智能审核框架评估的自动规则转换。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FIT.2017.00049]

[405] Compliance Monitoring as a Service: Requirements, Architecture and Implementation (2015)

(Awad, Ahmed and Sakr, Sherif and Elgammal, Amal | 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing, ICCC 2015)

Abstract: Business processes describe how an organization achieves its goals by defining a set of steps and their orchestration. Such processes have to also comply with different regulations, norms and policies. Compliance management of business processes has received considerable attention. The lions share goes to checking compliance at process design time. As design-time checking can help eliminate many of the violation scenarios, design-time checking alone is insufficient to guarantee compliance. Thus, attention has shifted to provide compliance support at other phases of a business process lifecycle, especially to that of the enactment phase. However, proposed monitoring approaches have limitations when it comes to the type of compliance requirements supported, the technology used or the assumptions about the process execution environment. In this paper, we discuss the requirements and set the architecture for a proposed approach to provide business process compliance monitoring as a service. In addition, we discuss the different components of the framework and layout an implementation road map.


摘要: 业务流程描述了组织如何通过定义一组步骤和业务流程来实现其目标。这些流程还必须遵守不同的法规,规范和政策。业务流程的合规性管理受到了相当多的关注。在流程设计时检查合规性。由于设计时检查可以帮助消除许多违规情况,因此仅设计时检查不足以保证合规性,因此,注意力已转移到在业务流程生命周期的其他阶段提供合规性支持,但是,对于支持的合规性要求的类型,所使用的技术或有关流程执行环境的假设,建议的监视方法存在局限性。在本文中,我们讨论了这些要求并设置了体系结构提供服务的业务流程合规性监控的建议方法冰。此外,我们讨论了框架的不同组成部分并规划了实施路线图。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CLOUDCOMP.2015.7149636]


[406] Compliance checking of organizational interactions (2015)

(Jiang, Jie and Aldewereld, Huib and Dignum, Virginia and Tan, Yao Hua | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: In business environments, different sorts of regulations are imposed to restrict the behavior of both public and private organizations, ranging from legal regulations to internal policies. Regulatory compliance is important for the safety of individual actors as well as the overall business environment. However, complexity derives from not only the contents of the regulations but also their interdependencies. As such, the verification of whether actors are able to comply with the combined regulations cannot be done by checking each regulation separately. To these ends, we introduce a normative structure Norm Nets (NNs) for modeling sets of interrelated regulations and setting a basis for compliance checking of organizational interactions against interrelated regulations. NNs support a modular design by providing the constructs to represent regulations and the relationships between them. Additionally, we propose a computational mechanism to reason about regulatory compliance by mapping NNs to Colored Petri Nets (CPNs). We show that compliance checking of both individual actors behavior and the collective behavior of the business environment can be achieved automatically using state space analysis techniques of CPNs. The approach is illustrated with a case study from the domain of international trade.


摘要: 在商业环境中,从法律法规到内部政策,对公共和私人组织的行为都施加了各种各样的法规来限制其行为。法规遵从对于个人行为者以及整个企业环境的安全至关重要。复杂性不仅取决于规则的内容,还取决于它们之间的相互依赖性,因此,不能通过单独检查每个规则来验证参与者是否能够遵守合并的规则,为此,我们引入了一种规范结构规范网(NNs)用于建立相互关联的规则集,并为依据相互关联的规则进行组织交互的合规性检查奠定基础;通过提供代表规则及其之间关系的构造,NNs支持模块化设计;此外,我们提出了一种计算机制通过mappin推理出合规性g有色Petri网(CPN)的NN。我们表明,使用CPN的状态空间分析技术可以自动实现对单个参与者的行为和商业环境的集体行为的合规性检查。通过国际贸易领域的案例研究说明了该方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2629630]

[407] Compliance monitoring in business processes: Functionalities, application, and tool-support (2015)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Montali, Marco and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: In recent years, monitoring the compliance of business processes with relevant regulations, constraints, and rules during runtime has evolved as major concern in literature and practice. Monitoring not only refers to continuously observing possible compliance violations, but also includes the ability to provide fine-grained feedback and to predict possible compliance violations in the future. The body of literature on business process compliance is large and approaches specifically addressing process monitoring are hard to identify. Moreover, proper means for the systematic comparison of these approaches are missing. Hence, it is unclear which approaches are suitable for particular scenarios. The goal of this paper is to define a framework for Compliance Monitoring Functionalities (CMF) that enables the systematic comparison of existing and new approaches for monitoring compliance rules over business processes during runtime. To define the scope of the framework, at first, related areas are identified and discussed. The CMFs are harvested based on a systematic literature review and five selected case studies. The appropriateness of the selection of CMFs is demonstrated in two ways: (a) a systematic comparison with pattern-based compliance approaches and (b) a classification of existing compliance monitoring approaches using the CMFs. Moreover, the application of the CMFs is showcased using three existing tools that are applied to two realistic data sets. Overall, the CMF framework provides powerful means to position existing and future compliance monitoring approaches.


摘要: 近年来,在运行时监视业务流程是否符合相关法规,约束和规则已成为文献和实践中的主要关注点。监视不仅是指不断观察可能的合规违规行为,还包括提供细粒度的反馈并预测将来可能发生的合规违规行为的能力。有关业务流程合规性的文献很多,并且难以确定专门解决流程监视的方法。而且,缺少对这些方法进行系统比较的适当手段。因此,尚不清楚哪种方法适用于特定场景。本文的目的是为合规性监视功能(CMF)定义一个框架,该框架可以对运行时期间业务流程中合规性规则的现有和新方法进行系统比较。为了定义框架的范围,首先要确定和讨论相关领域。 CMF是根据系统的文献综述和五个选定的案例研究收集的。选择CMF的适当性通过两种方式得到证明:(a)与基于模式的合规性方法进行系统比较,以及(b)使用CMF对现有合规性监测方法进行分类。此外,使用三个应用于两个实际数据集的现有工具展示了CMF的应用。总体而言,CMF框架提供了强有力的手段来定位现有和将来的合规性监视方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.02.007]

[408] Component behavior discovery from software execution data (2017)

(Liu, Cong and Van Dongen | 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016)

Abstract: Tremendous amounts of data can be recorded during software execution. This provides valuable information on software runtime analysis. Many crashes and exceptions may occur, and it is a real challenge to understand how software is behaving. Software is usually composed of various components. A component is a nearly independent part of software that full-fills a clear function. Process mining aims to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. This paper presents an approach to utilize process mining as a tool to discover the real behavior of software and analyze it. The unstructured software execution data may be too complex, involving multiple interleaved components, etc. Applying existing process mining techniques results in spaghetti-like models with no clear structure and no valuable information that can be easily understood by end. In this paper, we start with the observation that software is composed of components and we use this information to decompose the problem into smaller independent ones by discovering a behavioral model per component. Through experimental analysis, we illustrate that the proposed approach facilitates the discovery of more understandable software models. All proposed approaches have been implemented in the open-source process mining toolkit ProM.


摘要: 可以在软件执行期间记录大量数据。这提供了有关软件运行时分析的有价值的信息。可能会发生许多崩溃和异常,要理解软件的行为是一个真正的挑战。软件通常由各种组件组成。组件是软件的几乎独立部分,可以完全实现清晰的功能。流程挖掘旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来发现,监视和改善实际流程。本文提出了一种利用过程挖掘作为工具来发现软件的实际行为并对其进行分析的方法。非结构化的软件执行数据可能太复杂,涉及多个交错的组件等。应用现有的流程挖掘技术会导致类似意大利面条的模型,没有清晰的结构,也没有易于最终理解的有价值的信息。在本文中,我们首先观察到软件是由组件组成的,然后通过发现每个组件的行为模型,利用这些信息将问题分解为较小的独立组件。通过实验分析,我们说明了所提出的方法有助于发现更易理解的软件模型。所有提议的方法已在开源过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2016.7849947]

[409] Composition of Resource-Service Chain for Cloud Manufacturing (2016)

(Li, Haibo and Chan, Keith C.C. and Liang, Mengxia and Luo, Xiangyu | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Abstract: In distributed manufacturing systems, manufacturing resource composition is one of the most important problems. This is because efficiency of resource selection and resource utilization can all be improved if it is tackled well. However, most of the existing methods neglect temporal relationship between resources. This leads to an inefficient use of resources, because all resources have to be kept available before a business process is started. A temporal composition of resources is more suitable, as it expresses the scheduling and the flow of servicing to a business process. Therefore, resource services invoked in sequential order are called the resource-service chain (RSC), in view that distributed resources are encapsulated into cloud services in a cloud manufacturing (CMfg) environment. We propose an approach, called RSC composition algorithm (RSCCA) that can better cope with the temporal relationship between the resource services in a business process. Specifically, a two-stage composition method based on the degrees of dependency between resource services in workflow is proposed. To begin, in the build-time stage algorithm, RSCCA resolves initial compositions based on task relatedness and temporal dependencies between resource services, and then calculates the usage frequencies of ICs by mining workflow log at workflow runtime stage. Based on this, RSCCA can compose individual resource services as more than sets, especially as chains, allowing flow directions and dynamics to be considered. RSCCA has been tested with different data sets and the results show that it can be very promising.


摘要: 在分布式制造系统中,制造资源的构成是最重要的问题之一。这是因为如果解决得当,资源选择和资源利用的效率都可以提高。但是,大多数现有方法都忽略了资源之间的时间关系。这导致资源使用效率低下,因为在启动业务流程之前必须保持所有资源可用。资源的时间组成更合适,因为它表达了对业务流程的调度和服务流程。因此,鉴于将分布式资源封装到云制造(CMfg)环境中的云服务中,按顺序调用的资源服务称为资源服务链(RSC)。我们提出一种称为RSC组合算法(RSCCA)的方法,该方法可以更好地处理业务流程中资源服务之间的时间关系。具体地,提出了一种基于工作流中资源服务之间的依赖程度的两阶段组合方法。首先,在构建时间阶段算法中,RSCCA根据任务相关性和资源服务之间的时间依赖性来解析初始组成,然后通过在工作流运行时阶段挖掘工作流日志来计算IC的使用频率。基于此,RSCCA可以将多个集合组成单个资源服务,尤其是链,从而可以考虑流向和动态。 RSCCA已使用不同的数据集进行了测试,结果表明它可能非常有前途。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TII.2015.2503126]

[410] Comprehensive rule-based compliance checking and risk management with process mining (2013)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Baesens, Bart | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process mining researchers have primarily focused on developing and improving process discovery techniques, while attention for the applicability of process mining has been below par. As a result, there only exists a partial fit with the traditional requirements for compliance checking and risk management. This paper proposes a comprehensive rule-based process mining approach for a timely investigation of a complete set of enriched process event data. Additionally, the contribution elaborates a two-dimensional business rule taxonomy that serves as a source of business rules for the comprehensive rule-based compliance checking approach. Finally, the study provides a formal grounding for and an evaluation of the comprehensive rule-based compliance checking approach. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 过程挖掘研究人员主要致力于开发和改进过程发现技术,而对过程挖掘的适用性的关注却低于标准。结果,仅存在部分符合传统要求的合规性检查和风险管理。本文提出了一种基于规则的综合过程挖掘方法,用于及时调查一整套丰富的过程事件数据。此外,该贡献还详细说明了二维业务规则分类法,该方法可作为基于规则的全面合规性检查方法的业务规则来源。最后,该研究为基于规则的综合合规性检查方法提供了正式基础和评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2012.12.012]

[411] Comprehensive workflow mining (2006)

(Rembert, Aubrey J. | Proceedings of the Annual Southeast Conference)

Abstract: Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) assist with the execution, monitoring and management of a process. These systems, as they are executing, keep a record of who does what and when (e.g. a workflow event log). The activity of using computer software to examine these records to produce useful knowledge about a process is called workflow mining. Currently, workflow mining research is narrowly focused on the rediscovery of control flow models. In this position paper, we present comprehensive workflow mining to broaden the scope of workflow mining. We present the concepts of comprehensive workflow mining using the Information Control Net (ICN) workflow modeling language. Copyright 2006 ACM.


摘要: 工作流管理系统(WFMS)协助执行,监视和管理流程。这些系统在执行时会记录谁在做什么以及何时做(例如工作流事件日志)。使用计算机软件检查这些记录以产生有关过程的有用知识的活动称为工作流挖掘。当前,工作流挖掘研究仅集中在控制流模型的重新发现上。在本立场文件中,我们提出了全面的工作流挖掘,以扩大工作流挖掘的范围。我们介绍使用信息控制网(ICN)工作流建模语言进行全面工作流挖掘的概念。版权所有2006 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1185448.1185498]

[412] Computer technologies to integrate medical treatments to manage multimorbidity (2017)

(Ria~no, David and Ortega, Wilfrido | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: The high prevalence of multimorbid cases is a challenge for Health-Care Systems today. Clinical practice guidelines are the means to register and transmit the available evidence-based medical knowledge concerning concrete diseases. Several computer languages have been defined to represent this knowledge in a way that computers could use to help physicians in the daily practice of medicine. The generation of guidelines for all possible multimorbidities entails several issues that are difficult to address. Consequently, numerous medical informatics technologies have appeared merging computer information structures in a way that the treatment knowledge about single diseases could be combined in order to deliver health-care to patients suffering from multimorbidity. This paper proposes a classification of the most promising current technologies addressing this issue and provides an analysis of their maturity, strengths, and weaknesses. We conclude with an enumeration of ten relevant issues to consider when developing such technologies.


摘要: 多发病例的高流行是当今医疗保健系统的挑战。临床实践指南是注册和传播有关具体疾病的可用循证医学知识的方法。已经定义了几种计算机语言来代表这种知识,计算机可以使用这些语言来帮助医师进行日常医学实践。为所有可能的多发病率制定指南需要解决一些难以解决的问题。因此,出现了许多医学信息技术,它们以一种可以合并有关单一疾病的治疗知识的方式合并计算机信息结构,以便为患有多种疾病的患者提供保健服务。本文提出了解决该问题的最有前途的当前技术的分类,并对它们的成熟度,优势和劣势进行了分析。最后,总结了开发此类技术时要考虑的十个相关问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2017.09.009]

[413] Computer-interpretable clinical guidelines: A methodological review (2013)

(Peleg, Mor | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) aim to improve the quality of care, reduce unjustified practice variations and reduce healthcare costs. In order for them to be effective, clinical guidelines need to be integrated with the care flow and provide patient-specific advice when and where needed. Hence, their formalization as computer-interpretable guidelines (CIGs) makes it possible to develop CIG-based decision-support systems (DSSs), which have a better chance of impacting clinician behavior than narrative guidelines. This paper reviews the literature on CIG-related methodologies since the inception of CIGs, while focusing and drawing themes for classifying CIG research from CIG-related publications in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI). The themes span the entire life-cycle of CIG development and include: knowledge acquisition and specification for improved CIG design, including (1) CIG modeling languages and (2) CIG acquisition and specification methodologies, (3) integration of CIGs with electronic health records (EHRs) and organizational workflow, (4) CIG validation and verification, (5) CIG execution engines and supportive tools, (6) exception handling in CIGs, (7) CIG maintenance, including analyzing clinicians compliance to CIG recommendations and CIG versioning and evolution, and finally (8) CIG sharing. I examine the temporal trends in CIG-related research and discuss additional themes that were not identified in JBI papers, including existing themes such as overcoming implementation barriers, modeling clinical goals, and temporal expressions, as well as futuristic themes, such as patient-centric CIGs and distributed CIGs. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 临床实践指南(CPG)旨在提高护理质量,减少不合理的实践变化并降低医疗保健成本。为使之有效,需要将临床指南与护理流程整合在一起,并在患者接受治疗时提供针对患者的建议因此,将其形式化为计算机可解释指南(CIG)使得开发基于CIG的决策支持系统(DSS)成为可能,该系统比叙事指南更有可能影响临床医生的行为。自CIG成立以来,就CIG相关方法论进行了研究,同时重点关注和绘制了主题,以从《生物医学信息学》(JBI)的CIG相关出版物中对CIG研究进行分类,这些主题涵盖了CIG开发的整个生命周期,包括:知识改进的CIG设计的获取和规范,包括(1)CIG建模语言和(2)CIG获取和规范方法,(3)集成具有电子健康记录(EHR)和组织工作流程的CIG,(4)CIG验证和验证,(5)CIG执行引擎和支持工具,(6)CIG中的异常处理,(7)CIG维护,包括分析临床医生的依从性到CIG建议以及CIG版本和演变,最后(8)CIG共享。我研究了CIG相关研究的时间趋势,并讨论了JBI论文中未发现的其他主题,包括克服实施障碍,建模临床目标和时间表达等现有主题,以及以患者为中心的未来派主题CIG和分布式CIG。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2013.06.009]

[414] Conceptual model for online auditing (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The independent verification of the right applications of business rules in an information system is a task for auditors. The increasing complexity of information systems, and the high risks associated with violations of business rules, have created the need for Online Auditing Tools. In this paper we sketch a conceptual design for such a tool. The components of the tool are described briefly. The focus is on the database and the conformance checker, which are described in detail. The approach is illustrated with an example and some preliminary case studies from industry. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 对信息系统中业务规则的正确应用进行独立验证是审计人员的任务。信息系统日益复杂,以及违反业务规则带来的高风险,导致了对在线审计工具的需求。在本文中,我们概述了这种工具的概念设计。简要介绍了该工具的组件。重点在于数据库和一致性检查器,将对其进行详细描述。举例说明了该方法,并提供了一些行业的初步案例研究。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2010.08.014]

[415] Confidence-aware sequence alignment for process diagnostics (2013)

(Esgin, Eren and Karagoz, Pinar | Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2013)

Abstract: Traditional process modeling in contemporary information systems concentrates on the design and configuration phases, while less attention is dedicated to the enactment phase. Instead of starting with a process design, process mining attempts to discover interesting patterns from a set of real time execution namely event logs, which can be handled as a main data source for end-user behavior analysis, and translate this discovered knowledge into process model. One of the challenging issues in process mining is process diagnostics, i.e. encompassing process performance analysis, anomaly detection, diagnosis, inspection of interesting patterns, and sequence alignment is applicable to find out common subsequences of activities in event logs that are found to recur within a process instance or across the process instances emphasizing some domain significance. In this study, we focus on a hybrid quantitative approach for performing process diagnostics, i.e. comparing the similarity among process models based on the established dominant behavior concept, confidence metric and Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with dynamic pay-off matrix. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 当代信息系统中的传统过程建模集中在设计和配置阶段,而较少关注制定阶段。流程挖掘不是从流程设计开始,而是尝试从一组实时执行中发现有趣的模式,即事件日志,可以将其作为最终用户行为分析的主要数据源进行处理,并将发现的知识转化为流程模型。过程挖掘中的挑战性问题之一是过程诊断,即涵盖过程性能分析,异常检测,诊断,对有趣模式的检查以及序列比对适用于在事件日志中发现活动的常见子序列,这些事件在一个事件中重复发生。流程实例或整个流程实例强调某些领域的重要性。在这项研究中,我们专注于执行过程诊断的混合定量方法,即基于已建立的主导行为概念,置信度度量和具有动态回报矩阵的Needleman-Wunsch算法来比较过程模型之间的相似性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SITIS.2013.160]

[416] Conformance Checking of Communicating Resource Systems with RAs Calculus (2015)

(Dwornikowski, Dariusz and Stroinski, Andrzej and Brzezinski, Jerzy | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2015)

Abstract: The article tackles the problem of conformance checking of communicating resource systems, such as hierarchical distributed systems, Restful Web services, ROA systems, etc. We present a framework, consisting of methods and algorithms, which allows to check whether a systems behavior, as derived from logs, conforms to its ideal model (derived from APIs and specifications). We define several system properties and present how they can be verified using our approach. To express the model formally, as well as minimize representational bias, we introduce RAs process calculus, a formal language specifically designed to model communicating resource systems.


摘要: 本文解决了通信资源系统(例如分层分布式系统,Restful Web服务,ROA系统等)的一致性检查问题。我们提出了一个框架,该框架由方法和算法组成,可用于检查系统的行为,源自日志,符合其理想模型(源自API和规范)。我们定义了几种系统属性,并介绍了如何使用我们的方法对其进行验证。为了正式表达模型并最大程度地减少表示偏差,我们引入了RA过程演算,一种专门设计用于对资源系统进行建模的正式语言。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2015.109]

[417] Conformance analysis of outpatient data using process mining technique (2018)

(Jaturogpattana, Tanawat and Arpasat, Poohridate and Kungcharoen, Kwanchai and Intarasema, Sarayut and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of this research was to analyze the consistency of the Out Patient Department (OPD) service process in a hospital with the intention of providing outpatient services in accordance with the standard operating manual using process mining technique and via Conformance Analysis algorithm supported by Disco and ProM. Accordingly, the following steps were undertaken: 1) To make a model obtained from the operating manual in terms of Petri net graphs, 2) To generate a model through Conformance Analysis process mining technique applied on the data previously collected from the actual outpatient services, 3) To summarize and analyze the results. The results of the study showed that the routes with the real service frequencies in the model are consistent. 83% with the results of the work process. Moreover, the approach could help us to distinguish the differences between the actual service and the standard model, so-called bottlenecks. Getting insight about such data could significantly lead to better improvement of the entire service process in a more timely and efficient manner.


摘要: 这项研究的主要目的是分析医院门诊部(OPD)服务流程的一致性,以期根据标准操作手册使用过程挖掘技术并通过支持的一致性分析算法来提供门诊服务由Disco和ProM。因此,采取了以下步骤:1)根据Petri网图制作从操作手册中获得的模型,2)通过对先前从实际门诊服务中收集到的数据应用符合性分析过程挖掘技术来生成模型, 3)总结和分析结果。研究结果表明,模型中具有实际服务频率的路线是一致的。 83%的结果来自工作流程。而且,该方法可以帮助我们区分实际服务和标准模型之间的差异,即所谓的瓶颈。对此类数据的深入了解可以极大地以更及时和有效的方式更好地改善整个服务流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2017.8259631]

[418] Conformance checking and diagnosis for declarative business process models in data-aware scenarios (2014)

(Borrego, Diana and Barba, Irene | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: A business process (BP) consists of a set of activities which are performed in coordination in an organizational and technical environment and which jointly realize a business goal. In such context, BP management (BPM) can be seen as supporting BPs using methods, techniques, and software in order to design, enact, control, and analyze operational processes involving humans, organizations, applications, and other sources of information. Since the accurate management of BPs is receiving increasing attention, conformance checking, i.e.; verifying whether the observed behavior matches a modelled behavior, is becoming more and more critical. Moreover, declarative languages are more frequently used to provide an increased flexibility. However, whereas there exist solid conformance checking techniques for imperative models, little work has been conducted for declarative models. Furthermore, only control-flow perspective is usually considered although other perspectives (e.g.; data) are crucial. In addition, most approaches exclusively check the conformance without providing any related diagnostics. To enhance the accurate management of flexible BPs, this work presents a constraint-based approach for conformance checking over declarative BP models (including both control-flow and data perspectives). In addition, two constraint-based proposals for providing related diagnosis are detailed. To demonstrate both the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed approaches, the analysis of different performance measures related to a wide diversified set of test models of varying complexity has been performed. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程(BP)包含一组活动,这些活动在组织和技术环境中协调执行,并共同实现业务目标。在这种情况下,可以将BP管理(BPM)视为使用方法,技术和软件来支持BP,以便设计,制定,控制和分析涉及人员,组织,应用程序和其他信息源的操作流程。由于对BP的精确管理越来越受到关注,因此进行一致性检查,即验证观察到的行为是否与建模行为匹配越来越重要。此外,声明性语言更常用于提供更大的灵活性。但是,尽管存在用于命令式模型的可靠一致性检查技术,但对于声明式模型进行的工作很少。此外,尽管其他观点(例如,数据)是至关重要的,但是通常仅考虑控制流观点。此外,大多数方法仅在不提供任何相关诊断的情况下检查一致性。为了增强灵活BP的准确管理,这项工作提出了一种基于约束的方法,用于对声明性BP模型(包括控制流和数据透视图)进行一致性检查。另外,详细介绍了两个基于约束的建议,以提供相关的诊断。为了证明所提出方法的有效性和效率,已对与各种复杂程度各异的测试模型集相关的不同性能指标进行了分析。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2014.03.010]

[419] Conformance checking and performance improvement in scheduled processes: A queueing-network perspective (2016)

(Senderovich, Arik and Weidlich, Matthias and Yedidsion, Liron and Gal, Avigdor and Mandelbaum, Avishai and Kadish, Sarah and Bunnell, Craig A. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Service processes, for example in transportation, telecommunications or the health sector, are the backbone of today׳s economies. Conceptual models of service processes enable operational analysis that supports, e.g., resource provisioning or delay prediction. In the presence of event logs containing recorded traces of process execution, such operational models can be mined automatically. In this work, we target the analysis of resource-driven, scheduled processes based on event logs. We focus on processes for which there exists a pre-defined assignment of activity instances to resources that execute activities. Specifically, we approach the questions of conformance checking (how to assess the conformance of the schedule and the actual process execution) and performance improvement (how to improve the operational process performance). The first question is addressed based on a queueing network for both the schedule and the actual process execution. Based on these models, we detect operational deviations and then apply statistical inference and similarity measures to validate the scheduling assumptions, thereby identifying root-causes for these deviations. These results are the starting point for our technique to improve the operational performance. It suggests adaptations of the scheduling policy of the service process to decrease the tardiness (non-punctuality) and lower the flow time. We demonstrate the value of our approach based on a real-world dataset comprising clinical pathways of an outpatient clinic that have been recorded by a real-time location system (RTLS). Our results indicate that the presented technique enables localization of operational bottlenecks along with their root-causes, while our improvement technique yields a decrease in median tardiness and flow time by more than 20%.


摘要: 例如运输,电信或卫生部门的服务流程是当今经济的支柱。服务流程的概念模型支持支持例如资源供应或延迟预测的运营分析。在事件日志中包含记录的过程执行轨迹的情况下,可以自动挖掘此类操作模型。在这项工作中,我们针对基于事件日志的资源驱动的计划流程进行分析。我们专注于流程,在这些流程中,活动实例已预先分配给执行活动的资源。具体来说,我们处理一致性检查(如何评估进度表和实际过程执行的一致性)和性能改进(如何提高操作过程性能)的问题。基于调度网络和实际流程执行的排队网络解决了第一个问题。基于这些模型,我们检测操作偏差,然后应用统计推断和相似性度量来验证调度假设,从而确定这些偏差的根本原因。这些结果是我们提高操作性能的技术的起点。它建议对服务流程的调度策略进行调整,以减少延迟(非准时)并缩短流程时间。我们基于包含实时门诊系统(RTLS)记录的门诊临床路径的真实数据集,证明了我们方法的价值。我们的结果表明,所提出的技术可以使操作瓶颈及其根本原因得以本地化,而我们的改进技术可以使中位迟滞和流通时间减少20%以上。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.01.002]

[420] Conformance checking based on multi-perspective declarative process models (2016)

(Burattin, Andrea and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Sperduti, Alessandro | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Process mining is a family of techniques that aim at analyzing business process execution data recorded in event logs. Conformance checking is a branch of this discipline embracing approaches for verifying whether the behavior of a process, as recorded in a log, is in line with some expected behavior provided in the form of a process model. Recently, techniques for conformance checking based on declarative specifications have been developed. Such specifications are suitable to describe processes characterized by high variability. However, an open challenge in the context of conformance checking with declarative models is the capability of supporting multi-perspective specifications. This means that declarative models used for conformance checking should not only describe the process behavior from the control flow point of view, but also from other perspectives like data or time. In this paper, we close this gap by presenting an approach for conformance checking based on MP-Declare, a multi-perspective version of the declarative process modeling language Declare. The approach has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM and has been experimented using artificial and real-life event logs.


摘要: 流程挖掘是旨在分析事件日志中记录的业务流程执行数据的一系列技术。一致性检查是该学科采用方法的一个分支,用于验证日志中记录的过程行为是否符合以过程模型形式提供的某些预期行为。近来,已经开发了用于基于声明性规范的一致性检查的技术。这样的规范适合描述以高可变性为特征的过程。但是,在使用声明性模型进行一致性检查的情况下,一个开放的挑战是支持多角度规范的能力。这意味着用于一致性检查的声明性模型不仅应从控制流的角度描述过程行为,而且还应从其他角度(如数据或时间)描述过程行为。在本文中,我们通过提出一种基于MP-Declare(一种多角度版本的声明性过程建模语言Declare)的一致性检查方法来弥合这一差距。该方法已在过程挖掘工具ProM中实现,并已使用人工和现实事件日志进行了试验。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2016.08.040]


[421] Conformance checking for BPMN-based process models (2014)

(Molka, Thomas and Redlich, David and Drobek, Marc and Caetano, Artur and Zeng, Xiao Jun and Gilani, Wasif | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Measuring how well business process models conform to the execution of the process in reality is an important topic with many applications. While current conformance checking approaches are tailored to formal models such as Petri nets they lack support for domain-specific standards such as BPMN. In this paper we present two approaches for directly measuring the conformance of business process models based on BPMN elements and event logs. We define methods for extracting properties from such models that enable an easy comparison to event logs on a local level (i.e. for individual parts of the process and individual events). Furthermore, we present a method for replaying whole event logs on such models, allowing for a global conformance measure (i.e. on trace level). By utilising the previously extracted properties, we eliminate the need for expensive state-space exploration.


摘要: 衡量业务流程模型与现实中的流程执行的符合程度是许多应用程序的重要主题。尽管当前的一致性检查方法是针对诸如Petri网之类的正式模型量身定制的,但它们却缺乏对特定领域标准(如BPMN)的支持。在本文中,我们提出了两种直接测量基于BPMN元素和事件日志的业务流程模型一致性的方法。我们定义了从此类模型中提取属性的方法,从而可以轻松地与本地级别的事件日志进行比较(即,针对流程的各个部分和各个事件)。此外,我们提出了一种在此类模型上重播整个事件日志的方法,从而可以进行全局一致性度量(即跟踪级别)。通过利用先前提取的属性,我们无需进行昂贵的状态空间探索。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2554850.2555061]

[422] Conformance checking of electronic business processes to secure distributed transactions (2014)

(Talamo, Maurizio and Arcieri, Franco and Schunck, Christian H. and DIddio, Andrea Callia | Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology)

Abstract: Advances in computer technologies facilitate the implementation of inter-organizational business processes. At the same time, managing the security of these processes is increasingly difficult. Compliance with high level specifcations, like normatives and pre-agreed protocols, rules and requirements, is difficult to validate. Here we discuss how Conformance Checking, a specific area of Process Mining, can be adapted for this purpose. Its role is to verify if an execution of a business process satisfies specifications represented by formal models (e.g. Petri Nets, Transition Systems, structures based on partial orders, etc). In the process mining literature, few efforts have been dedicated to online checking of business processes and choreographies for security purposes. The main requirement is high precision and reliability of event logs. They should record, precisely and unambiguously, all security-relevant activities of the analyzed process. Mantaining high-level logs becomes difficult with choreographies: log data are distributed, and must be related to events. Important metadata of event logs, like timestamps, can be ambiguous. Moreover, some data cannot be distributed due to security or privacy issues. These problems result in security-relevant ambiguities in event logs. Here we define a framework to create high-level event logs for online inter-organizational compliance checking using a Validation Authority. The system described here has been implemented in the issuing infrastructure for the Italian Electronic Identity card.


摘要: 计算机技术的进步促进了组织间业务流程的实施。同时,管理这些过程的安全性越来越困难。很难验证是否符合高层规范,例如规范和预先约定的协议,规则和要求。在这里,我们讨论如何将一致性检查(过程挖掘的特定区域)用于此目的。它的作用是验证业务流程的执行是否满足形式模型(例如Petri网,过渡系统,基于部分订单的结构等)表示的规范。在过程挖掘文献中,很少有人致力于安全性的在线检查业务流程和编排。主要要求是事件日志的高精度和可靠性。他们应准确无误地记录分析过程中所有与安全相关的活动。编排操作很难获得高级日志:日志数据是分布式的,并且必须与事件相关。事件日志的重要元数据(例如时间戳)可能是不明确的。此外,由于安全或隐私问题,某些数据无法分发。这些问题导致事件日志中与安全性相关的歧义。在这里,我们定义了一个框架,用于使用验证机构创建用于在线组织间合规性检查的高级事件日志。这里描述的系统已经在意大利电子身份证的发行基础架构中实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CCST.2013.6922056]

[423] Conformance checking of processes based on monitoring real behavior (2008)

(Rozinat, A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Many companies have adopted Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS) to support their business processes in some form. On the one hand these systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual business process executions. On the other hand explicit process models describing how the business process should (or is expected to) be executed are frequently available. Together with the data recorded in the log, this situation raises the interesting question Do the model and the log conform to each other?. Conformance checking, also referred to as conformance analysis, aims at the detection of inconsistencies between a process model and its corresponding execution log, and their quantification by the formation of metrics. This paper proposes an incremental approach to check the conformance of a process model and an event log. First of all, the fitness between the log and the model is measured (i.e., Does the observed process comply with the control flow specified by the process model?). Second, the appropriateness of the model can be analyzed with respect to the log (i.e., Does the model describe the observed process in a suitable way?). Appropriateness can be evaluated from both a structural and a behavioral perspective. To operationalize the ideas presented in this paper a Conformance Checker has been implemented within the ProM framework, and it has been evaluated using artificial and real-life event logs. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 许多公司已采用流程感知信息系统(PAIS)以某种形式支持其业务流程。一方面,这些系统通常记录与实际业务流程执行相关的事件(例如,在事务日志或审计跟踪中)。另一方面,描述业务流程应该(或预期)如何执行的显式流程模型经常可用。连同日志中记录的数据一起,这种情况引发了一个有趣的问题:模型和日志是否相互符合?。一致性检查,也称为一致性分析,旨在检测过程模型与其相应的执行日志之间的不一致之处,并通过形成度量来对其进行量化。本文提出了一种增量方法来检查过程模型和事件日志的一致性。首先,测量对数与模型之间的适合度(即观察到的过程是否符合过程模型指定的控制流程?)。第二,可以针对日志分析模型的适当性(即模型是否以合适的方式描述了观察到的过程?)。可以从结构和行为两个角度评估适当性。为了实现本文提出的想法,已在ProM框架内实施了一致性检查程序,并已使用人工和现实事件日志对其进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2007.07.001]

[424] Conformance checking of service behavior (2008)

(Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology)

Abstract: A service-oriented system is composed of independent software units, namely services, that interact with one another exclusively through message exchanges. The proper functioning of such system depends on whether or not each individual service behaves as the other services expect it to behave. Since services may be developed and operated independently, it is unrealistic to assume that this is always the case. This article addresses the problem of checking and quantifying how much the actual behavior of a service, as recorded in message logs, conforms to the expected behavior as specified in a process model. We consider the case where the expected behavior is defined using the BPEL industry standard (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services). BPEL process definitions are translated into Petri nets and Petri net-based conformance checking techniques are applied to derive two complementary indicators of conformance: fitness and appropriateness. The approach has been implemented in a toolset for business process analysis and mining, namely ProM, and has been tested in an environment comprising multiple Oracle BPEL servers. textcopyright 2008 ACM.


摘要: 面向服务的系统由独立的软件单元(即服务)组成,它们通过消息交换专门相互交互。这种系统的正常功能取决于每个单独的服务是否表现为其他服务期望的那样。由于服务可以独立开发和运行,因此假设总是如此是不现实的。本文解决了检查和量化消息日志中记录的服务的实际行为是否符合流程模型中指定的预期行为的问题。我们考虑使用BPEL行业标准(Web服务的业务流程执行语言)定义预期行为的情况。将BPEL流程定义转换为Petri网,并使用基于Petri网的一致性检查技术来导出两个互补的一致性指标:适用性和适当性。该方法已在用于业务流程分析和挖掘的工具集中(即ProM)中实现,并已在包含多个Oracle BPEL服务器的环境中进行了测试。 t​​extcopyright 2008 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1361186.1361189]

[425] Consistent process mining over big data triple stores (2013)

(Azzini, Antonia and Ceravolo, Paolo | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, BigData 2013)

Abstract: Big Data techniques are often adopted in cross-organization scenarios for integrating multiple data sources to extract statistics or other latent information. Even if these techniques do not require the support of a schema for processing data, a common conceptual model is typically defined to address name resolution. This implies that each local source is tasked of applying a semantic lifting procedure for expressing the local data in term of the common model. Semantic heterogeneity is then potentially introduced in data. In this paper we illustrate a methodology designed to the implementation of consistent process mining algorithms in a Big Data context. In particular, we exploit two different procedures. The first one is aimed at computing the mismatch among the data sources to be integrated. The second uses mismatch values to extend data to be processed with a traditional map reduce algorithm. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 大数据技术通常用于跨组织的方案中,用于集成多个数据源以提取统计信息或其他潜在信息。即使这些技术不需要处理数据的模式支持,通常也使用通用的概念模型定义以解决名称解析问题。这意味着每个本地源都必须执行一个语义提升程序,以根据通用模型来表达本地数据,然后在数据中潜在地引入语义异质性。在大数据环境中实现一致的流程挖掘算法,特别是,我们采用两种不同的过程:第一种旨在计算要集成的数据源之间的不匹配;第二种是使用不匹配值将数据扩展到使用传统的地图缩小算法进行处理。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigData.Congress.2013.17]

[426] Constructing probable explanations of nonconformity: A data-aware and history-based approach (2015)

(Alizadeh, Mahdi and De Leoni | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2015)

Abstract: Auditing the execution of business processes is becoming a critical issue for organizations. Conformance checking has been proposed as a viable approach to analyze process executions with respect to a process model. In particular, alignments provide a robust approach to conformance checking in that they are able to pinpoint the causes of nonconformity. Alignment-based techniques usually rely on a predefined cost function which assigns a cost to every possible deviation. Defining such a cost function, however, is not trivial and is prone to imperfection that can result in inaccurate diagnostic information. This paper proposes an alignment-based approach to construct probable explanations of nonconformity. In particular, we show how cost functions can be automatically computed based on historical logging data and taking into account multiple process perspectives. We implemented our approach as a plug-in of the ProM framework. Experimental results show that our approach provides more accurate diagnostics compared to existing alignment-based techniques.


摘要: 审核业务流程的执行已成为组织的关键问题。一致性检查已被提议作为一种可行的方法来针对流程模型分析流程执行情况。特别是,比对可提供一种可靠的一致性检查方法,因为它们能够查明不合格的原因。基于对齐的技术通常依赖于预定义的成本函数,该函数将成本分配给每个可能的偏差。但是,定义这样的成本函数并非易事,而且容易出现缺陷,从而可能导致诊断信息不准确。本文提出了一种基于比对的方法来构造不符合的可能解释。特别是,我们展示了如何基于历史记录数据并考虑多个过程角度来自动计算成本函数。我们将我们的方法实现为ProM框架的插件。实验结果表明,与现有的基于比对的技术相比,我们的方法可提供更准确的诊断。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2015.194]

[427] Context Aware Process Mining in Logistics (2017)

(Becker, Till and Intoyoad, Wacharawan | Procedia CIRP)

Abstract: Processes in manufacturing and logistics are characterized by a high frequency of changes and fluctuations, caused by the high number of participants in logistic processes and the variety of goods handled and services offered. This dynamic behavior particularly requires well documented processes, but at the same time it also complicates process documentation. Manually documented processes can, e.g., miss details of alternative process branches, and the continuing change in logistic processes renders the documentation quickly outdated. A possible solution approach is to automate the documentation of processes. This automated documentation, if based on transaction and master data from the IT systems connected to the logistic process, is called Process Mining. Being a subfield of Data Mining, Process Mining extracts sequences of activities from event logs in databases. Logistics has the opportunity to greatly benefit from the application of Process Mining, because the identification and tracking of goods in the supply chain involves many IT systems. However, the IT landscape in logistics is heterogeneous, because the data are scattered among different specialized systems for various purposes (e.g., warehousing, transportation planning, and billing) of different companies. Due to this lack of standardization, the data cannot simply be analyzed by a predefined routine. Therefore, additional information beside the stored data should be taken into consideration. Machine Learning offers the possibility to classify single items in large data sets and to categorize these items with regard to the context they are in. Adding context awareness to unstructured event data in logistics has the potential to improve the results of Process Mining. Our research investigates how to apply context awareness based on Machine Learning in Process Mining for logistic processes and demonstrates its performance in a logistic scenario.


摘要: 制造和物流过程的特点是频繁发生变化和波动,这是由物流过程中的大量参与者以及所处理的货物和所提供的服务的多样性所引起的。这种动态行为特别需要记录良好的流程,但同时也使流程文档变得复杂。手动记录的流程可能会(例如)丢失其他流程分支的详细信息,而后勤流程的不断变化使文档很快过时。一种可能的解决方案是使过程文档自动化。如果基于连接到物流流程的IT系统的交易和主数据,此自动化文档称为流程挖掘。作为数据挖掘的子字段,Process Mining从数据库中的事件日志中提取活动序列。物流有机会从过程挖掘的应用中大大受益,因为供应链中商品的识别和跟踪涉及许多IT系统。但是,物流中的IT领域是异构的,因为数据分散在不同的专用系统中,以实现不同公司的各种目的(例如,仓储,运输计划和计费)。由于缺乏标准化,无法通过预定义的例程简单地分析数据。因此,除存储数据外,还应考虑其他信息。机器学习提供了对大型数据集中的单个项目进行分类并根据它们所处的上下文对这些项目进行分类的可能性。为物流中非结构化事件数据添加上下文意识可以改善流程挖掘的结果。我们的研究调查了如何在流程挖掘中将基于机器学习的上下文意识应用于后勤流程,并证明其在后勤场景中的性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.149]

[428] Context-adaptive Petri nets: Supporting adaptation for the execution context (2015)

(Serral, Estefania and De Smedt | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Petri nets (PNs) are a mathematical and graphical modeling language with powerful analysis techniques. They have been successfully used in several areas, such as business process management, human computer interaction, and pervasive computing. Within these areas, context adaptivity has recently emerged as a new challenge to explicitly address fitness between system behavior and its execution context. However, the existing PN formalisms do not provide reliable modeling, simulation, and verification techniques that can accurately consider the systems execution context and adapt to it in order to reflect the system execution reality. This paper addresses this problem by presenting context-adaptive Petri nets (CAPNs), a formalism that allows the modeling of context-adaptive behavior by integrating the powerful modeling and analysis techniques of PNs with very expressive context data management techniques. The formalism is supported by a tool that allows its modeling, simulation, and verification. The contributions have been validated using a case-based evaluation showing very promising results. CAPNs will allow organizations to accurately describe, enact, and analyze the behavior of their dynamic systems in a more reliable and realistic way, allowing them to leverage more informed decisions, to make better use of their resources, and to increase therefore their competitiveness.


摘要: Petri网(PNs)是一种具有强大分析技术的数学和图形建模语言。它们已成功用于业务流程管理,人机交互和普适计算等多个领域。在这些领域中,上下文适应性最近得到了应用。作为一种明确解决系统行为与其执行上下文之间的适合性的新挑战而出现,但是,现有的PN形式主义不能提供可靠的建模,仿真和验证技术来准确地考虑系统的执行上下文并对其进行适应以反映本文通过介绍上下文自适应Petri网(CAPNs)来解决此问题,CAPNs是一种形式主义,通过将强大的PNs建模和分析技术与非常有表现力的上下文数据管理技术相集成,可以对上下文自适应行为进行建模。形式主义由允许对其建模,仿真和验证的工具支持化。使用基于案例的评估验证了贡献,显示出非常可喜的结果。 CAPN将使组织能够以更可靠,更现实的方式准确地描述,制定和分析其动态系统的行为,从而使他们能够利用更明智的决策,更好地利用其资源,从而提高其竞争力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.08.004]

[429] Context-aware process mining framework for business process flexibility (2010)

(Mounira, Zerari and Mahmoud, Boufaida | iiWAS2010 - 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services)

Abstract: Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) have been regarded as one of the main types of the next generation information systems. They are perceived that workflow technology not only requires the support for complex data model functionality, but also flexibility for dynamically modifying the workflow specifications. Nowadays, approaches that aim to increase flexibility neglects the Business Process Context. Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity (i.e., a person, computing device, or non-computational physical object). This paper proposes a Context-aware process mining framework by which contexts will be automatically captured from Business Process execution environments in order to maximize the flexibility of business Processes. Indeed, it describes how process mining techniques are used to extract information on business process context and how we reason about those information. Copyright 2010 ACM.


摘要: 工作流管理系统(WFMS)已被视为下一代信息系统的主要类型之一。他们认为工作流程技术不仅需要支持复杂的数据模型功能,还需要灵活地动态修改工作流程规范。如今,旨在提高灵活性的方法忽略了业务流程环境。上下文是可用于表征实体(即人,计算设备或非计算物理对象)状况的任何信息。本文提出了一个上下文感知的流程挖掘框架,通过该框架,可以从业务流程执行环境中自动捕获上下文,以最大程度地提高业务流程的灵活性。实际上,它描述了如何使用流程挖掘技术来提取有关业务流程上下文的信息以及我们如何推理这些信息。版权所有2010 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1967486.1967552]

[430] Controlled automated discovery of collections of business process models (2014)

(Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano and Dumas, Marlon and La Rosa | Information Systems)

Abstract: Automated process discovery techniques aim at extracting process models from information system logs. Existing techniques in this space are effective when applied to relatively small or regular logs, but generate spaghetti-like and sometimes inaccurate models when confronted to logs with high variability. In previous work, trace clustering has been applied in an attempt to reduce the size and complexity of automatically discovered process models. The idea is to split the log into clusters and to discover one model per cluster. This leads to a collection of process models - each one representing a variant of the business process - as opposed to an all-encompassing model. Still, models produced in this way may exhibit unacceptably high complexity and low fitness. In this setting, this paper presents a two-way divide-and-conquer process discovery technique, wherein the discovered process models are split on the one hand by variants and on the other hand hierarchically using subprocess extraction. Splitting is performed in a controlled manner in order to achieve user-defined complexity or fitness thresholds. Experiments on real-life logs show that the technique produces collections of models substantially smaller than those extracted by applying existing trace clustering techniques, while allowing the user to control the fitness of the resulting models. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 自动过程发现技术旨在从信息系统日志中提取过程模型。当应用于相对较小或规则的原木时,该领域中的现有技术是有效的,但是当面对高度变化的原木时,会生成类似意大利面条的模型,有时甚至是不准确的模型。在以前的工作中,已使用跟踪群集来尝试减小自动发现的流程模型的大小和复杂性。这个想法是将日志分成多个集群,并为每个集群发现一个模型。这导致了流程模型的集合(每个模型代表业务流程的一种变体),而不是全包模型。尽管如此,以这种方式产生的模型仍可能表现出令人无法接受的高复杂性和低适应性。在这种情况下,本文提出了一种双向分治过程发现技术,其中,发现的过程模型一方面通过变体进行拆分,另一方面使用子过程提取进行分层。为了获得用户定义的复杂性或适用性阈值,以受控方式执行拆分。对真实日志的实验表明,该技术所产生的模型集合大大小于通过应用现有跟踪聚类技术提取的模型集合,同时允许用户控制所得模型的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.04.006]

[431] Convertibility and conversion algorithm of well-structured workflow net to process tree (2013)

(Ahmadon, Mohd Anuaruddin Bin and Yamaguchi, Shingo | Proceedings - 2013 1st International Symposium on Computing and Networking, CANDAR 2013)

Abstract: A workflow net is a Petri net for modeling and analyzing a workflow. A process tree has been proposed as a representational bias of a workflow net and enabled us to grasp the structure of actions routing such as sequence, choice and parallel in the workflow net. The advantage of process trees enables us to grasp the structure of action routing such as sequence, choice, and parallel in a given workflow net. Unfortunately, workflow nets are not always convertible to process trees. In this paper, we discuss the convertibility and conversion of workflow nets to process trees. We first proposed a necessary and sufficient condition on convertibility, i.e. a workflow net is convertible to a process tree iff it is a cyclic, bridge-less, and well-structured. Next, based on the condition we constructed an algorithm to convert the workflow net to a process tree. Then we proposed an application of the conversion algorithm, which allows us to calculate the state number of the workflow net. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流网是用于建模和分析工作流的Petri网。提出了一种过程树作为工作流网络的代表性偏差,并使我们能够掌握工作流网络中的动作路由的结构,例如顺序,选择和并行。流程树的优势使我们能够掌握动作路由的结构,例如给定工作流网络中的顺序,选择和并行。不幸的是,工作流网络并不总是可以转换为过程树。在本文中,我们讨论了工作流网络到流程树的可转换性和转换。我们首先提出了可转换性的必要和充分条件,即,工作流网络可以转换为过程树,前提是它是循环的,无桥的且结构良好的。接下来,根据条件,我们构造了一种将工作流网络转换为流程树的算法。然后,我们提出了一种转换算法的应用程序,它使我们能够计算工作流网的状态数。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CANDAR.2013.24]

[432] Converting unstructured into semi-structured process models (2016)

(Eshuis, Rik and Kumar, Akhil | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Business process models capture process requirements that are typically expressed in unstructured, directed graphs that specify parallelism. However, modeling guidelines or requirements from execution engines may require that process models are structured in blocks. The goal of this paper is to define an automated method to convert an unstructured process model containing parallelism into an equivalent semi-structured process model, which contains blocks and synchronization links between parallel branches. We define the method by means of an algorithm that is based on dominators, a well-known technique from compiler theory for structuring sequential flow graphs. The method runs in polynomial time. We implemented and evaluated the algorithm extensively. In addition we compared the method in detail with the BPStruct method from literature. The comparison shows that our method can handle cases that BPStruct is not able to and that the method coincides with BPStruct for the cases that BPStruct is able to handle.


摘要: 业务流程模型捕获流程需求,这些需求通常以指定并行性的非结构化有向图表示。但是,执行引擎的建模准则或要求可能要求将流程模型构造为块。本文的目的是定义一种自动方法,将包含并行性的非结构化过程模型转换为等效的半结构化过程模型,该模型包含并行分支之间的块和同步链接。我们通过基于支配者的算法定义该方法,支配者是编译器理论中用于构造顺序流程图的一种众所周知的技术。该方法以多项式时间运行。我们对算法进行了广泛的实施和评估。此外,我们将文献中的方法与BPStruct方法进行了详细的比较。比较表明,我们的方法可以处理BPStruct无法处理的情况,并且该方法与BPStruct能够处理的情况相吻合。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2015.10.003]

[433] CoreTAna: A Trace Analyzer for Reverse Engineering Real-Time Software (2016)

(Sailer, Andreas and Deubzer, Michael and Luttgen, Gerald and Mottok, Jurgen | )

Abstract: With the availability of the AUTOSAR standard, model-driven methodologies are becoming established in the automotive domain. However, the process of creating models of existing system components is often difficult and time consuming, especially when legacy code has to be re-used or information about the exact timing behavior is needed. In order to tackle this reverse engineering problem, we present CoreTAna, a novel tool that derives an AUTOSAR compliant model of a real-time system from a dynamic analysis of its trace recordings. This paper gives an overview of CoreTAnas current features and discusses its benefits for reverse engineering.


摘要: 随着AUTOSAR标准的推出,在汽车领域正在建立模型驱动的方法。但是,创建现有系统组件的模型的过程通常是困难且耗时的,尤其是当必须重用旧代码时为了解决这个逆向工程问题,我们介绍了CoreTAna,这是一种新颖的工具,它可以通过动态分析其跟踪记录来导出实时系统的AUTOSAR兼容模型。概述了CoreTAna的当前功能,并讨论了其对逆向工程的好处。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/saner.2016.36]

[434] Cost-based fitness in conformance checking (2011)

(Adriansyah, A. and Sidorova, N. and Van Dongen | Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD)

Abstract: Experience in business process analysis shows that operational processes often do not conform to process models. Although classical conformance checking techniques can identify deviations of process executions from predefined models, they may produce inaccurate results due to strong assumptions. In this paper, we present a robust conformance checking technique based on Petri net techniques allowing us to lift assumptions and to take into account the cost of deviating from given models. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程分析的经验表明,运营流程通常不符合流程模型。尽管经典的一致性检查技术可以识别流程执行与预定义模型之间的偏差,但由于强有力的假设,它们可能会产生不准确的结果。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于Petri网技术的健壮的一致性检查技术,该技术允许我们提出假设并考虑偏离给定模型的成本。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2011.19]

[435] Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Process Discovery of Non-Free Choice and Invisible Prime Tasks (2017)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Sungkono, Kelly R. | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: With increasing numbers and complexity of processes stored in the event log on a system, a solution to analyze these processes more easily is a formation of the process model. There are algorithms of process discovery that offered ways to formed process models based on data in the event logs. During the forming of process models, several problems arise, such as detecting non-free choice and invisible prime tasks. This research offers a method that utilizes Coupled Hidden Markov Model to modeling processes with non-free choice and invisible prime tasks in incomplete event log. This method was compared with Alpha$ algorithm to evaluate the quality of the method. The evaluation proves that the method of this research can depict process model containing non-free choice and invisible prime tasks. This output of the evaluation also indicates that a process model produced by the method with dealy Coupled Hidden Markov Model has higher fitness and precision than the model produced by Alpha$ algorithm.


摘要: 随着系统中事件日志中存储的过程数量和复杂性的增加,一种更易于分析这些过程的解决方案是形成过程模型。有一些过程发现算法,这些算法提供了基于事件日志中的数据形成过程模型的方法。在过程模型的形成过程中,出现了一些问题,例如检测非自由选择和看不见的主要任务。这项研究提供了一种方法,该方法利用耦合隐马尔可夫模型对具有非自由选择和不完整事件日志中不可见主要任务的过程进行建模。将该方法与Alpha $算法进行了比较,以评估该方法的质量。评估表明,该研究方法可以描述包含非自由选择和看不见的主要任务的过程模型。评估结果的输出还表明,由使用Dealy Coupled Hidden Markov模型的方法生成的过程模型比Alpha $算法生成的模型具有更高的适应性和精度。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.139]


[436] Coupling case based reasoning and process mining for a web based crisis management decision support system (2013)

(Triki, Sameh and Saoud, Narjes Bellamine Ben and Dugdale, Julie and Hanachi, Chihab | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: This paper presents a research in progress that aims to design and develop a web-based shared environment for stakeholders involved in disaster management. The goal of this environment is two-fold. Firstly it will provide a reliable disaster information source to facilitate the exchange and the analysis of previous crisis information. Secondly, it will assimilate best practices and provide recommendations based on experiences from previous disasters. One of the first steps towards such an environment is to elaborate a common and generic disaster model. This model is also a reference to define a template for the case base of previous disasters. In order for our system to provide recommendations based on previous practices, we combine case based reasoning with process mining. This article presents the first step towards a disaster management decision support system, specifically providing guidance on how to integrate process mining in the case based reasoning cycle. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一项正在进行的研究,旨在为参与灾难管理的利益相关者设计和开发基于Web的共享环境。这种环境的目标是双重的。首先,它将提供一个可靠的灾害信息源,以便利交流和分析先前的危机信息。其次,它将吸收最佳实践并根据先前灾难的经验提供建议。朝着这种环境迈出的第一步之一就是制定一个通用的通用灾难模型。该模型还为为先前灾难的案例库定义模板提供了参考。为了使我们的系统根据以前的实践提供建议,我们将基于案例的推理与流程挖掘相结合。本文介绍了朝着灾难管理决策支持系统迈出的第一步,特别为如何在基于案例的推理周期中集成流程挖掘提供了指导。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2013.77]

[437] Creating hospital-specific customized clinical pathways by applying semantic reasoning to clinical data (2014)

(qiong Wang, Hua and shu Zhou, Tian and li Tian, Li and ming Qian, Yang and song Li, Jing | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Objective: Clinical pathways (CPs) are widely studied methods to standardize clinical intervention and improve medical quality. However, standard care plans defined in current CPs are too general to execute in a practical healthcare environment. The purpose of this study was to create hospital-specific personalized CPs by explicitly expressing and replenishing the general knowledge of CPs by applying semantic analysis and reasoning to historical clinical data. Methods: A semantic data model was constructed to semantically store clinical data. After querying semantic clinical data, treatment procedures were extracted. Four properties were self-defined for local ontology construction and semantic transformation, and three Jena rules were proposed to achieve error correction and pathway order recognition. Semantic reasoning was utilized to establish the relationship between data orders and pathway orders. Results: A clinical pathway for deviated nasal septum was used as an example to illustrate how to combine standard care plans and practical treatment procedures. A group of 224 patients with 11,473 orders was transformed to a semantic data model, which was stored in RDF format. Long term order processing and error correction made the treatment procedures more consistent with clinical practice. The percentage of each pathway order with different probabilities was calculated to declare the commonality between the standard care plans and practical treatment procedures. Detailed treatment procedures with pathway orders, deduced pathway orders, and orders with probability greater than 80% were provided to efficiently customize the CPs. Conclusions: This study contributes to the practical application of pathway specifications recommended by the Ministry of Health of China and provides a generic framework for the hospital-specific customization of standard care plans defined by CPs or clinical guidelines.


摘要: 目标:临床通路(CPs)是标准化临床干预和改善医疗质量的广泛研究方法。但是,当前CP中定义的标准护理计划过于笼统,无法在实际的医疗环境中执行。这项研究的目的是通过对历史临床数据进行语义分析和推理来明确表达和补充CP的常识,从而创建医院特有的个性化CP。方法:构建语义数据模型,以语义方式存储临床数据。查询语义临床数据后,提取治疗程序。针对局部本体的构建和语义转换,自定义了四个属性,并提出了三个耶拿规则来实现纠错和路径顺序识别。利用语义推理来建立数据顺序和路径顺序之间的关系。结果:以鼻中隔偏斜的临床路径为例,说明了如何结合标准的护理计划和实际的治疗程序。一组224名患者的11473个订单被转换为语义数据模型,该模型以RDF格式存储。长期的订单处理和错误纠正使治疗程序与临床实践更加一致。计算具有不同概率的每个路径顺序的百分比,以声明标准护理计划和实际治疗程序之间的共性。提供了具有路径顺序,推导路径顺序和概率大于80%的顺序的详细处理程序,以有效地定制CP。结论:这项研究有助于中国卫生部推荐的途径规范的实际应用,并为由CP或临床指南定义的医院特定的标准护理计划定制提供通用框架。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2014.07.017]

[438] Cross-organizational collaborative workflow mining from a multi-source log (2013)

(Zeng, Qingtian and Sun, Sherry X. and Duan, Hua and Liu, Cong and Wang, Huaiqing | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Todays enterprise business processes become increasingly complex given that they are often executed by geographically dispersed partners or different organizations. Designing and modeling such a cross-organizational workflow is a complicated, time-consuming process and requires that a designer has extensive experience. Workflow logs captured by different cross-organizational systems provide a very valuable source of information on how business processes are executed in reality and thus can be used to derive workflow models through process mining. In this paper, we investigate the application of process mining for workflow integration based on the concept of RM-WF-Net, a type of Petri net extended with resource and message factors. Four coordination patterns are defined for workflow integration. A process mining approach is presented to discover the coordination patterns between different organizations and the workflow models in different organizations from the running logs containing the information about resource allocation. A process integration approach is then presented to obtain the model for a cross-organizational workflow based on the model mined for each organization and the coordination patterns between different organizations. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 由于当今的企业业务流程通常由地理位置分散的合作伙伴或不同的组织执行,因此它们变得越来越复杂。设计和建模这种跨组织的工作流程是一个复杂,耗时的过程,并且需要设计师具有丰富的经验。由不同的跨组织系统捕获的日志提供了有关业务流程如何在现实中执行的非常有价值的信息源,因此可用于通过流程挖掘来推导工作流模型本文研究了流程挖掘在工作流集成中的应用在RM-WF-Net概念的基础上,将Petri网扩展为一种具有资源和消息因素的Petri网,定义了四种协调模式进行工作流集成,提出了一种流程挖掘的方法来发现不同组织与工作流模型之间的协调模式。在与运行日志包含不同的组织中g有关资源分配的信息。然后,提出了一种流程集成方法,以基于为每个组织挖掘的模型以及不同组织之间的协调模式来获得跨组织工作流的模型。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2012.12.001]

[439] Crowdsourcing Workflow Optimization to Internal Worker Crowds (2017)

(Yao, Jinhui and Wencheng, Wu and Prabhakara, Jagadeeh and Watts-Englert, Jennifer and Simmons, Isaiah and Mongeon, Michael and Tharayil, Marina | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Computing, ICCC 2017)

Abstract: Business service companies generate revenue by delivering high-quality services to their clients. Such business services could be customer support, transaction processing, information technology, etc. Given the large service volume, meeting strict service level agreements while maintaining a reasonable profit margin can be challenging. Naturally, the worker crowd is trained by the enterprise using carefully designed standard operations and workflows aimed at maximizing its performance and thus the output. Service delivering workflows are never perfect, continuous effort must be invested into improving and optimizing the workflows. However, such effort is usually difficult to sustain. Despite considerable advances in the workflow optimization technologies, a business analyst may still spend countless hours studying the workflow in order to identify the opportunities for improvement. This issue motivated us to develop a novel crowd-based framework to utilize the worker crowd for workflow optimization. In this paper, we illustrate our approach to effectively leverage the internal worker crowd to improve the workflows for the enterprise. A modeling is provided to elaborate the different stages in the framework. And a reference implementation is detailed to demonstrate the practical use of the framework.


摘要: 商业服务公司通过向客户提供高质量的服务来创收。这样的业务服务可以是客户支持,交易处理,信息技术等。鉴于服务量大,在保持合理的利润率的同时满足严格的服务水平协议可能是具有挑战性的。自然,企业会使用精心设计的标准操作和工作流程对工人人群进行培训,以最大程度地提高其性能,从而最大程度地提高产量。服务交付工作流程从来都不是完美的,必须投入不断的精力来改进和优化工作流程。但是,这种努力通常很难持续。尽管工作流优化技术取得了长足的进步,但是业务分析师仍可能花费大量时间来研究工作流,以发现改进的机会。这个问题促使我们开发一种新颖的基于人群的框架,以利用工人人群进行工作流优化。在本文中,我们说明了有效利用内部员工群体改善企业工作流程的方法。提供了一个模型来详细说明框架中的不同阶段。并详细介绍了一个参考实现,以演示该框架的实际使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEE.ICCC.2017.15]

[440] Curriculum Assessment of Higher Educational Institution Using Aggregate Profile Clustering (2017)

(Priyambada, Satrio Adi and Mahendrawathi, E. R. and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Curriculum assessment commonly takes place on the success story of the students during the education period using some ways such as questionnaires, interviews, etc. The existing approaches frequently used are inadequate to measure the effectiveness of the curriculum as the educational process guideline. Curriculum mining aimed at investigating the actual curriculum model by constructing the model from the students academic results. However, the discrepancy measurement between the observed behavior of students and the standard curriculum model remains some challenges. This study proposes a methodology to assess the curriculum based on the students behavior. First, aggregate profile clustering is used to categorize the students according to their learning paths. Second, sequence mining approach is applied to assess the sequence of learning path in conformity with the prior curriculum guideline. The study utilized Information Systems (IS) students data to test the effectivity of the methodology. Results from the implementation shows that the IS students can be grouped into three clusters that have different characteristics with respect to their performance and learning behavior. It is also found that students with relatively high GPA tend to take the course earlier than the curriculum design. Meanwhile, students with relatively low GPA finish their study longer than eight semesters due to registering many courses after the designated semester. The results can be analyzed further to detect bottleneck and determine possible improvement on the curriculum.


摘要: 课程评估通常是在教育期间使用问卷,访谈等方式对学生的成功经历进行评估。经常使用的现有方法不足以衡量该课程作为教育过程指南的有效性。课程挖掘旨在通过根据学生的学业成绩构建模型来研究实际的课程模型,但是,观察到的学生行为与标准课程模型之间的差异度量仍然存在一些挑战,本研究提出了一种基于课程评估的方法。首先,采用汇总档案聚类法根据学生的学习路径对学生进行分类;其次,采用序列挖掘方法来评估学习路径的序列,以符合先前的课程指南。 IS)学生数据以测试方法。实施的结果表明,IS学生可以分为三个类别,这三个类别在其表现和学习行为方面具有不同的特征。还发现,GPA相对较高的学生倾向于比课程设计更早地上课。同时,由于指定学期后注册了许多课程,因此GPA相对较低的学生完成学业的时间超过了八个学期。可以对结果进行进一步分析,以发现瓶颈并确定课程的可能改进。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.155]

[441] Customer Oder Fulfillment Process Analysis with Process Mining: An Industrial Application in a Heavy Manufacturing Company (2017)

(Rbigui, Hind and Cho, Chiwoon | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Under the pressure of the rapid change engendered by the fast growth of information and communication technologies, organizations are required to continuously enhance their business processes in order to defend their market position and maintain their competitive edge. To achieve this, process mining has emerged as a mean to analyze the behavior of companies by extracting process-oriented knowledge from event logs recorded in todays information systems. In this paper, we present an industrial application of process mining in a real customer order fulfillment process of a heavy manufacturing company. This process is characterized by a very long lead time. Event logs from the Shipbuilding Processing Plan Management System of the company are analyzed based on several process mining techniques. We have identified the real as-is process of the customer order fulfillment process and determined what makes this process spending too much time. The outcomes of this case study can be used by the company as a foundation to optimize and improve their processes.


摘要: 在信息和通信技术的快速发展所带来的快速变化的压力下,组织必须不断增强其业务流程,以捍卫其市场地位并保持其竞争优势。为此,已经出现了流程挖掘。通过从当今信息系统中记录的事件日志中提取面向过程的知识来分析公司的行为,在本文中,我们介绍了过程挖掘在重型制造公司的真实客户订单履行过程中的工业应用。该流程的特点是交货时间很长,该公司的造船加工计划管理系统中的事件日志基于多种流程挖掘技术进行了分析,我们确定了客户订单履行流程的真实流程并确定了导致这个过程花费了太多时间。他以公司为基础,以优化和改进其流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3168390.3168415]

[442] Customer-centered careflow modeling based on guidelines (2012)

(Huang, Biqing and Zhu, Peng and Wu, Cheng | Journal of Medical Systems)

Abstract: In contemporary society, customer-centered health care, which stresses customer participation and long-term tailored care, is inevitably becoming a trend. Compared with the hospital or physician-centered healthcare process, the customer-centered healthcare process requires more knowledge and modeling such a process is extremely complex. Thus, building a care process model for a special customer is cost prohibitive. In addition, during the execution of a care process model, the information system should have flexibility to modify the model so that it adapts to changes in the healthcare process. Therefore, supporting the process in a flexible, cost-effective way is a key challenge for information technology. To meet this challenge, first, we analyze various kinds of knowledge used in process modeling, illustrate their characteristics, and detail their roles and effects in careflow modeling. Secondly, we propose a methodology to manage a lifecycle of the healthcare process modeling, with which models could be built gradually with convenience and efficiency. In this lifecycle, different levels of process models are established based on the kinds of knowledge involved, and the diffusion strategy of these process models is designed. Thirdly, architecture and prototype of the system supporting the process modeling and its lifecycle are given. This careflow system also considers the compatibility of legacy systems and authority problems. Finally, an example is provided to demonstrate implementation of the careflow system. textcopyright 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 在现代社会中,强调以客户参与和长期量身定制的护理为重点的以客户为中心的医疗保健已成为一种趋势。与以医院或医生为中心的医疗过程相比,以客户为中心的医疗过程需要更多的知识,并且建模非常复杂。因此,为特殊顾客建立护理过程模型是成本高昂的。另外,在执行护理过程模型期间,信息系统应具有修改模型的灵活性,以使其适应医疗过程中的变化。因此,以灵活,经济高效的方式支持流程是信息技术面临的主要挑战。为了应对这一挑战,首先,我们分析过程建模中使用的各种知识,阐明其特征,并详细说明其在护理流程建模中的作用和效果。其次,我们提出了一种方法来管理医疗保健过程建模的生命周期,利用该方法可以逐步方便,高效地构建模型。在此生命周期中,将根据所涉及的知识种类建立不同级别的过程模型,并设计这些过程模型的扩散策略。第三,给出了支持过程建模及其生命周期的系统架构和原型。该护理流程系统还考虑了遗留系统的兼容性和权限问题。最后,提供一个示例来演示护理流程系统的实现。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10916-012-9823-5]

[443] DECLARE: Full Support for Loosely-Structured Processes (2008)

(Pesic, Maja and Schonenberg, Helen and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | )

Abstract: Traditional Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) are not flexible enough to support loosely-structured pro- cesses. Furthermore, flexibility in contemporary WFMSs usually comes at a certain cost, such as lack of support for users, lack of methods for model analysis, lack of methods for analysis of past executions, etc. DECLARE is a proto- type of a WFMS that uses a constraint-based process mod- eling language for the development of declarative models describing loosely-structured processes. In this paper we show how DECLARE can support loosely-structured pro- cesses without sacrificing important WFMSs features like user support, model verification, analysis of past execu- tions, changing models at run-time, etc.


摘要: 传统工作流管理系统(WFMS)不够灵活,无法支持结构松散的过程。此外,当代WFMS的灵活性通常要付出一定的代价,例如缺乏对用户的支持,缺乏模型分析的方法,缺乏对过去执行情况的分析的方法等。DECLARE是使用以下方法的WFMS的原型一种基于约束的过程建模语言,用于开发描述松散结构的过程的声明性模型。在本文中,我们展示了DECLARE如何在不牺牲重要的WFMS功能(例如用户支持,模型验证,对过去执行的分析,在运行时更改模型等)的情况下支持松散的过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/edoc.2007.14]

[444] Data Mining Oriented Software Quality Estimation (2016)

(Tsumoto, Shusaku and Hirano, Shoji | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Clinical environment is very complex, and flexible and adaptive service improvement is crucial in maintaining quality of medical care. Thus, incremental update of software service in a hospital information system (HIS) and its evaluation is important. This paper introduces an active mining process for development of a an embedded software in which service logs stored in HIS are used to calculate the test statistics for evaluation on the effect of introduction of a new alarming service for clinical practice. are used to measure the differences The results show that proposed method is useful to evaluate the system performance in a real clinical environment.


摘要: 临床环境非常复杂,灵活而自适应的服务改善对于保持医疗质量至关重要。因此,医院信息系统(HIS)中软件服务的增量更新及其评估非常重要。本文介绍了一个积极的挖掘过程,用于开发嵌入式软件,该软件中使用存储在HIS中的服务日志来计算测试统计信息,以评估引入新的警报服务的临床效果。用来测量差异。结果表明,所提出的方法对于评估实际临床环境中的系统性能非常有用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.141]

[445] Data and process requirements for product recall coordination (2011)

(Wynn, M. T. and Ouyang, C. and Ter Hofstede | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: When an organisation becomes aware that one of its products may pose a safety risk to customers, it must take appropriate action as soon as possible or it can be held liable. The ability to automatically trace potentially dangerous goods through the supply chain would thus help organisations fulfil their legal obligations in a timely and effective manner. Furthermore, product recall legislation requires manufacturers to separately notify various government agencies, the health department and the public about recall incidents. This duplication of effort and paperwork can introduce errors and data inconsistencies. In this paper, we examine traceability and notification requirements in the product recall domain from two perspectives: the activities carried out during the manufacturing and recall processes and the data collected during the enactment of these processes. We then propose a workflow-based coordination framework to support these data and process requirements. textcopyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 当组织意识到其产品之一可能对客户构成安全风险时,必须尽快采取适当措施,否则将承担责任。通过供应链自动追踪潜在危险品的能力将有助于组织及时有效地履行其法律义务。此外,产品召回立法要求制造商将召回事件分别通知各个政府机构,卫生部门和公众。这种重复的工作和文书工作可能会导致错误和数据不一致。在本文中,我们从两个角度检查产品召回领域的可追溯性和通知要求:在制造和召回过程中进行的活动以及在这些过程的制定过程中收集的数据。然后,我们提出一个基于工作流的协调框架来支持这些数据和流程要求。 t​​extcopyright 2011年,Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2011.05.003]

[446] Data mining behavioral transitions in open source repositories (2015)

(Robinson, William N. and Deng, Tianjie | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Open-source repository data can be automatically mined using sequence mining methods to provide high-level feedback on project status. GitHub.com projects are acquired, sequence-mined, clustered, and regressed to analyze project characteristics. Such results can be presented to project managers, as part of a display generated by an automated monitoring system. Such monitoring systems provide high-level feedback in real-time. This project is a preliminary step in a larger research project aimed at understanding and monitoring FLOSS projects using this process modeling approach.


摘要: 可以使用序列挖掘方法自动挖掘开源资源库数据,以提供有关项目状态的高级反馈。获取,排序挖掘,聚类和回归GitHub.com项目以分析项目特征。这样的结果可以作为自动监视系统生成的显示的一部分呈现给项目经理。这样的监视系统实时提供高级反馈。该项目是大型研究项目的第一步,该研究项目旨在使用这种过程建模方法来理解和监视FLOSS项目。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2015.622]

[447] Data mining in clinical medicine (2014)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Garcia-Gomez, Juan Miguel | Data Mining in Clinical Medicine)

Abstract: This volume complies a set of Data Mining techniques and new applications in real biomedical scenarios. Chapters focus on innovative data mining techniques, biomedical datasets and streams analysis, and real applications. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters are thought to show to Medical Doctors and Engineers the new trends and techniques that are being applied to Clinical Medicine with the arrival of new Information and Communication technologies. Authoritative and practical, Data Mining in Clinical Medicine seeks to aid scientists with new approaches and trends in the field.


摘要: 此卷包含了一组数据挖掘技术和实际生物医学场景中的新应用。本章重点介绍创新的数据挖掘技术,生物医学数据集和流分析以及实际应用。本书以非常成功的《分子生物学方法》(Methods in Molecular Biology)系列格式撰写,旨在向医生和工程师展示随着新的信息和通信技术的出现而应用于临床医学的新趋势和新技术。权威性和实用性,《临床医学数据挖掘》旨在帮助科学家提供该领域的新方法和新趋势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-1-4939-1985-7]

[448] Data mining in manufacturing: A review based on the kind of knowledge (2009)

(Choudhary, A. K. and Harding, J. A. and Tiwari, M. K. | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing)

Abstract: In modern manufacturing environments, vast amounts of data are collected in database management systems and data warehouses from all involved areas, including product and process design, assembly, materials planning, quality control, scheduling, maintenance, fault detection etc. Data mining has emerged as an important tool for knowledge acquisition from the manufacturing databases. This paper reviews the literature dealing with knowledge discovery and data mining applications in the broad domain of manufacturing with a special emphasis on the type of functions to be performed on the data. The major data mining functions to be performed include characterization and description, association, classification, prediction, clustering and evolution analysis. The papers reviewed have therefore been categorized in these five categories. It has been shown that there is a rapid growth in the application of data mining in the context of manufacturing processes and enterprises in the last 3 years. This review reveals the progressive applications and existing gaps identified in the context of data mining in manufacturing. A novel text mining approach has also been used on the abstracts and keywords of 150 papers to identify the research gaps and find the linkages between knowledge area, knowledge type and the applied data mining tools and techniques. textcopyright 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 在现代制造环境中,数据库管理系统和数据仓库中从所有涉及的领域收集了大量数据,包括产品和过程设计,组装,物料计划,质量控制,调度,维护,故障检测等。成为从制造数据库获取知识的重要工具。本文回顾了有关制造业广泛领域中的知识发现和数据挖掘应用程序的文献,并特别强调了对数据执行的功能类型。要执行的主要数据挖掘功能包括特征和描述,关联,分类,预测,聚类和演化分析。因此,所审查的论文分为以下五类。研究表明,在过去的3年中,在制造过程和企业中,数据挖掘的应用迅速增长。这篇评论揭示了在制造业中数据挖掘的背景下发现的渐进应用和现有差距。还对150篇论文的摘要和关键字使用了一种新颖的文本挖掘方法,以识别研究差距并发现知识领域,知识类型与应用的数据挖掘工具和技术之间的联系。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10845-008-0145-x]

[449] Data-aware process mining: Discovering decisions in processes using alignments (2013)

(De Leoni | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Process discovery, i.e., learning process models from event logs, has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. Today, there exists a wide variety of process mining techniques that are able to discover the control-flow of a process based on event data. These techniques are able to identify decision points, but do not analyze data flow to find rules explaining why individual cases take a particular path. Fortunately, recent advances in conformance checking can be used to align an event log with data and a process model with decision points. These alignments can be used to generate a well-defined classification problem per decision point. This way data flow and guards can be discovered and added to the process model. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 过程发现,即从事件日志中学习过程模型,吸引了研究人员和从业人员的注意力。如今,存在各种各样的过程挖掘技术,它们能够基于事件数据发现过程的控制流。这些技术能够识别决策点,但无法分析数据流以找到解释为何个别案例采用特定路径的规则。幸运的是,一致性检查的最新进展可用于将事件日志与数据对齐,并将流程模型与决策点对齐。这些比对可用于为每个决策点生成明确定义的分类问题。这样,可以发现数据流和保护措施并将其添加到流程模型中。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480633]

[450] Data-aware remaining time prediction of business process instances (2014)

(Polato, Mirko and Sperduti, Alessandro and Burattin, Andrea and De Leoni | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)

Abstract: Accurate prediction of the completion time of a business process instance would constitute a valuable tool when managing processes under service level agreement constraints. Such prediction, however, is a very challenging task. A wide variety of factors could influence the trend of a process instance, and hence just using time statistics of historical cases cannot be sufficient to get accurate predictions. Here we propose a new approach where, in order to improve the prediction quality, both the control and the data flow perspectives are jointly used. To achieve this goal, our approach builds a process model which is augmented by time and data information in order to enable remaining time prediction. The remaining time prediction of a running case is calculated combining two factors: (a) the likelihood of all the following activities, given the data collected so far; and (b) the remaining time estimation given by a regression model built upon the data.


摘要: 在业务级别协议约束下管理流程时,准确预测业务流程实例的完成时间将是一个有价值的工具。但是,这种预测是一项非常具有挑战性的任务。各种各样的因素都可能影响流程实例的趋势,因此仅使用历史案例的时间统计信息不足以获取准确的预测。在这里,我们提出了一种新的方法,为了提高预测质量,可以同时使用控制和数据流两种观点。为了实现此目标,我们的方法构建了一个过程模型,该模型通过时间和数据信息进行了扩充,以实现剩余时间的预测。结合两个因素,可以计算出运行中案件的剩余时间预测:(a)根据迄今为止收集到的数据,进行以下所有活动的可能性; (b)由基于数据的回归模型给出的剩余时间估计。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IJCNN.2014.6889360]


[451] Data-driven Process Prioritization in Process Networks (2017)

(Kratsch, Wolfgang and Manderscheid, Jonas and Reissner, Daniel and Roglinger, Maximilian | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Business process management (BPM) is an essential paradigm of organizational design and a source of corporate performance. The most value-creating activity of BPM is process improvement. With effective process prioritization being a critical success factor for process improvement, we propose the Data-Driven Process Prioritization (D2P2) approach. By addressing the weaknesses of extant process prioritization approaches, the D2P2 accounts for structural and stochastic process dependencies and leverages log data. The D2P2 returns a priority list that indicates in which future periods the processes from a process network should undergo the next in-depth analysis to check whether they actually require improvement. The D2P2 contributes to the prescriptive knowledge on process prioritization and process decision-making. As for evaluation, we discussed the D2P2s design specification against theory-backed design objectives and competing artefacts. We also instantiated the D2P2 as a software prototype and applied the prototype to a real-world scenario based on the 2012 BPI Challenge log.


摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)是组织设计的基本范例,也是企业绩效的来源。BPM的最大创造活动是流程改进。有效的流程优先级是流程改进的关键成功因素,我们建议数据驱动流程优先级排序(D2P2)方法:通过解决现有流程优先级排序方法的弱点,D2P2解决了结构性和随机性流程依赖性,并利用日志数据D2P2返回一个优先级列表,该列表指明了来自哪个阶段的流程流程网络应该进行下一步的深入分析,以检查它们是否真正需要改进; D2P2有助于了解有关流程优先级和流程决策的规定知识;关于评估,我们针对D2P2的设计规范与理论支持的设计目标进行了讨论。和竞争性的人工制品。我们还实例化了D2P2作为软件原型,并根据2012年BPI挑战日志将其应用于实际场景。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.011]

[452] Data-driven modeling of clinical pathways using electronic health records (2017)

(Funkner, Anastasia A. and Yakovlev, Aleksey N. and Kovalchuk, Sergey V. | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper presents results of an ongoing research on dynamic modeling of clinical pathways with data assimilation. The research is aimed at data-driven prediction model of clinical pathways while a patient stays at a hospital. The current model implementation includes patients clustering according to their movements (clinical paths) in a hospital. Also, we considered diversity of patients clinical pathways and explored their parameters to understand causes of these differences using a classifier. An example of pathway classification, a decision tree with an accuracy of 81.2%, is described. In the future, we plan to improve the model by incorporating assimilation of patients information, such as medical history and laboratory screening and update the patient pathway if necessary.


摘要: 本文介绍了正在进行的具有数据同化功能的临床途径动态建模的研究结果。该研究旨在针对患者住院期间临床途径的数据驱动预测模型。当前的模型实现包括患者聚类。到他们在医院中的运动(临床路径);此外,我们考虑了患者临床路径的多样性,并使用分类器探索了他们的参数,以了解这些差异的原因;路径分类的一个例子,精度为81.2%的决策树将来,我们计划通过合并对患者信息(例如病史和实验室检查)的吸收来改进模型,并在必要时更新患者途径。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.108]

[453] Dealing with concept drifts in process mining (2014)

(Bose, R. P.Jagadeesh Chandra and Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems)

Abstract: Although most business processes change over time, contemporary process mining techniques tend to analyze these processes as if they are in a steady state. Processes may change suddenly or gradually. The drift may be periodic (e.g., because of seasonal influences) or one-of-a-kind (e.g., the effects of new legislation). For the process management, it is crucial to discover and understand such concept drifts in processes. This paper presents a generic framework and specific techniques to detect when a process changes and to localize the parts of the process that have changed. Different features are proposed to characterize relationships among activities. These features are used to discover differences between successive populations. The approach has been implemented as a plug-in of the ProM process mining framework and has been evaluated using both simulated event data exhibiting controlled concept drifts and real-life event data from a Dutch municipality. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 尽管大多数业务流程会随着时间而变化,但是现代流程挖掘技术倾向于将这些流程分析为处于稳定状态。过程可能会突然或逐渐改变。漂移可能是周期性的(例如由于季节性影响)或一种(例如新法规的影响)。对于流程管理,至关重要的是发现和理解流程中的此类概念漂移。本文提出了一个通用框架和特定技术,以检测流程何时发生更改并本地化已更改的部分。提出了不同的特征来表征活动之间的关系。这些功能用于发现连续种群之间的差异。该方法已实现为ProM流程挖掘框架的插件,并且已使用显示受控概念漂移的模拟事件数据和来自荷兰市政当局的真实事件数据进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2278313]

[454] Dealing with uncertainty: Robust workflow navigation in the healthcare domain (2013)

(Wolf, Hannes and Herrmann, Klaus and Rothermel, Kurt | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology)

Abstract: Processes in the healthcare domain are characterized by coarsely predefined recurring procedures that are flexibly adapted by the personnel to suite-specific situations. In this setting, a workflow management system that gives guidance and documents the personnels actions can lead to a higher quality of care, fewer mistakes, and higher efficiency. However, most existing workflow management systems enforce rigid inflexible workflows and rely on direct manual input. Both are inadequate for healthcare processes. In particular, direct manual input is not possible in most cases since (1) it would distract the personnel even in critical situations and (2) it would violate fundamental hygiene principles by requiring disinfected doctors and nurses to touch input devices. The solution could be activity recognition systems that use sensor data (e.g., audio and acceleration data) to infer the current activities by the personnel and provide input to a workflow (e.g., informing it that a certain activity is finished now). However, state-of-the-art activity recognition technologies have difficulties in providing reliable information. We describe a comprehensive framework tailored for flexible human-centric healthcare processes that improves the reliability of activity recognition data. We present a set of mechanisms that exploit the application knowledge encoded in workflows in order to reduce the uncertainty of this data, thus enabling unobtrusive robust healthcare workflows. We evaluate our work based on a real-world case study and show that the robustness of unobtrusive healthcare workflows can be increased to an absolute value of up to 91% (compared to only 12% with a classical workflow system). This is a major breakthrough that paves the way towards future IT-enabled healthcare systems. textcopyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 医疗领域的流程的特征是粗略预定的重复性程序,人员可以灵活地适应特定套件的情况。在这种情况下,提供指导并记录人员行为的工作流管理系统可以提高医疗质量。护理,更少的错误和更高的效率;但是,大多数现有的工作流管理系统都实施了僵化的,僵化的工作流,并且依赖于直接的手动输入,这两种方法都不足以满足医疗保健流程,尤其是在大多数情况下,由于(1)它甚至会在紧急情况下分散工作人员的注意力;(2)要求消毒的医生和护士触摸输入设备会违反基本的卫生原则;解决方案可以是使用传感器数据(例如音频和加速度数据)的活动识别系统。推断人员当前的活动并向工作流提供输入(例如,通知工作人员活动现已完成)。但是,最新的活动识别技术在提供可靠信息方面有困难。我们描述了针对灵活的以人为中心的医疗流程而量身定制的综合框架,该框架可提高活动识别数据的可靠性。我们提出了一套利用在工作流中编码的应用程序知识的机制,以减少此数据的不确定性,从而实现稳健的医疗保健工作流。我们基于一个实际案例研究评估了我们的工作,并表明不干扰医疗保健工作流程的健壮性可以提高到高达91%的绝对值(相比之下,传统工作流程系统仅为12%)。这是一项重大突破,为未来基于IT的医疗系统铺平了道路。 t​​extcopyright 2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2508037.2508046]

[455] Decision mining for multi choice workflow patterns (2013)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Sari, Putu Linda Indita and Ginardi, Hari and Sunaryono, Dwi and Mukhlash, Imam | Proceeding - 2013 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Recent Challenges in Computer, Control and Informatics, IC3INA 2013)

Abstract: Decision mining is combination of process mining and machine learning technique to retrieve information about how an attribute in a business process affects a cases route choice. It identifies decision point by looking for XOR-splits in petri-net workflow model and analyzing rules for each choice based on available attributes using decision tree. Problem emerges when decision mining technique is used on a workflow that does not use either XOR or AND splits, for example OR-split gateway logic. OR-split does not have explicit representation in petri nets and it makes decision mining algorithm cannot find its decision point. Workflow pattern that uses OR-split as its splitting logic is multi choice. Multi choice does not have its own explicit representation in form of petri net and it is problematic to apply decision mining to this workflow pattern. To make multi choice can be analyzed by decision miner some modification needs to be applied to the petri net representation of this pattern. This paper proposes modification of OR-split gateway representation in petri net. The new representation of OR-split uses combination the existing XOR-split and AND-split to make the model easier to be analyzed using decision miner. The proposed modification do not affect the conformance of event log and process model, but will allow each choice branch to be checked by decision miner. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 决策挖掘是流程挖掘和机器学习技术的组合,用于检索有关业务流程中的属性如何影响案例的路线选择的信息。它通过在Petri网工作流模型中查找XOR拆分并分析规则来识别决策点。在不使用XOR或AND拆分的工作流上使用决策挖掘技术时,例如在OR-split网关逻辑上使用决策挖掘技术时,就会出现问题。使用OR拆分作为拆分逻辑的工作流模式是多选,多选没有以Petri网形式的自己的显式表示,将决策挖掘应用于为了使决策者能够进行多项选择分析,决策者需要对模型的Petri网表示进行一些修改rn。本文提出了在Petri网中OR分割网关表示的修改。 OR-split的新表示形式结合了现有XOR-split和AND-split的组合,使模型更易于使用决策挖掘器进行分析。提出的修改不会影响事件日志和流程模型的一致性,但是将允许决策者检查每个选择分支。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IC3INA.2013.6819197]

[456] Declarative process discovery with evolutionary computing (2014)

(Vanden Broucke | Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2014)

Abstract: The field of process mining deals with the extraction of knowledge from event logs. One task within the area of process mining entails the discovery of process models to represent real-life behavior as observed in day-to-day business activities. A large number of such process discovery algorithms have been proposed during the course of the past decade, among which techniques to mine declarative process models (e.g. Declare and AGNEs Miner) as well as evolutionary based techniques (e.g. Genetic Miner and Process Tree Miner). In this paper, we present the initial results of a newly proposed evolutionary based process discovery algorithm which aims to discover declarative process models, hence combining these two classes (declarative and genetic) of discovery techniques. To do so, we herein use a language bias similar to the one found in AGNEs Miner to allow for the conversion from a set of declarative control-flow based constraints (determining the conditions which have to be satisfied to enable to execution of an activity) to a procedural process model, i.e. a Petri net, though this language bias can be extended to include data-based constraints as well.


摘要: 过程挖掘领域涉及从事件日志中提取知识。在流程挖掘领域中的一项任务是发现流程模型,以代表日常业务活动中观察到的现实生活行为。在过去的十年中,已经提出了大量此类过程发现算法,其中包括挖掘声明性过程模型的技术(例如Declare和AGNEs Miner)以及基于进化的技术(例如Genetic Miner和Process Tree Miner)。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新提出的基于进化的过程发现算法的初步结果,该算法旨在发现声明性过程模型,因此将发现技术的这两类(声明性和遗传)相结合。为此,我们在本文中使用类似于AGNEs Miner中发现的语言偏见,以允许从一组基于声明性控制流的约束条件进行转换(确定为执行活动而必须满足的条件)到过程过程模型,即Petri网,尽管这种语言偏见也可以扩展到也包括基于数据的约束。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2014.6900293]

[457] Declarative process mining in healthcare (2015)

(Rovani, Marcella and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and De Leoni | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Clinical guidelines aim at improving the quality of care processes through evidence-based insights. However, there may be good reasons to deviate from such guidelines or the guidelines may provide insufficient support as they are not tailored toward a particular setting (e.g., hospital policy or patient group characteristics). Therefore, we report a case study that shows how process mining techniques can be used to mediate between event data reflecting the clinical reality and clinical guidelines describing best-practices in medicine. Declarative models are used as they allow for more flexibility and are more suitable for describing healthcare processes that are highly unpredictable and unstable. Concretely, initial (hand made) models based on clinical guidelines are improved based on actual process executions (if these executions are proven to be correct). Process mining techniques can be also used to check conformance, analyze deviations, and enrich models with conformance-related diagnostics. The techniques have been applied in the urology department of the Isala hospital in the Netherlands. The results demonstrate that the techniques are feasible and that our toolset based on ProM and Declare is indeed able to provide valuable insights related to process conformance.


摘要: 临床指南旨在通过基于证据的见解来改善护理过程的质量。但是,可能有充分的理由偏离这些准则,或者由于准则没有针对特定的环境(例如医院政策或患者群体特征)进行调整,因此准则可能无法提供足够的支持。因此,我们报告了一个案例研究,该案例表明了如何使用过程挖掘技术在反映临床现实的事件数据和描述医学最佳实践的临床指南之间进行调解。使用声明性模型,因为它们可以提供更大的灵活性,并且更适合于描述高度不可预测和不稳定的医疗过程。具体地,基于临床指南的初始(手工)模型会根据实际过程执行情况进行改进(如果这些执行情况被证明是正确的)。流程挖掘技术还可用于检查一致性,分析偏差并通过与一致性相关的诊断来丰富模型。该技术已在荷兰Isala医院的泌尿科使用。结果表明,这些技术是可行的,并且我们基于ProM和Declare的工具集确实能够提供与过程一致性相关的有价值的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.07.040]

[458] Declarative specification and verification of service choreographiess (2010)

(Montali, Marco and Pesic, Maja and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on the Web)

Abstract: Service-oriented computing, an emerging paradigm for architecting and implementing business collaborations within and across organizational boundaries, is currently of interest to both software vendors and scientists. While the technologies for implementing and interconnecting basic services are reaching a good level of maturity, modeling service interaction from a global viewpoint, that is, representing service choreographies, is still an open challenge. The main problem is that, although declarativeness has been identified as a key feature, several proposed approaches specify choreographies by focusing on procedural aspects, leading to over-constrained and over-specified models. To overcome these limits, we propose to adopt DecSerFlow, a truly declarative language, to model choreographies. Thanks to its declarative nature, DecSerFlow semantics can be given in terms of logic-based languages. In particular, we present how DecSerFlow can be mapped onto Linear Temporal Logic and onto Abductive Logic Programming. We show how the mappings onto both formalisms can be concretely exploited to address the enactment of DecSerFlow models, to enrich its expressiveness and to perform a variety of different verification tasks. We illustrate the advantages of using a declarative language in conjunction with logic-based semantics by applying our approach to a running example. textcopyright 2010 ACM.


摘要: 面向服务的计算是一种在组织边界内和跨组织边界设计和实施业务协作的新兴范例,目前软件供应商和科学家都对此感兴趣。尽管用于实现和互连基本服务的技术已经达到了成熟的水平,但是从全局的角度(即代表服务编排)对服务交互进行建模仍然是一个开放的挑战。主要的问题是,尽管声明性已被确定为关键特征,但是一些提议的方法通过关注程序方面来指定编排,从而导致模型的约束和规范化。为了克服这些限制,我们建议采用一种真正的声明性语言DecSerFlow来对编排进行建模。由于其声明性,DecSerFlow语义可以根据基于逻辑的语言给出。特别是,我们介绍了如何将DecSerFlow映射到线性时序逻辑和归纳逻辑编程。我们展示了如何具体利用这两种形式主义的映射来解决DecSerFlow模型的制定,丰富其表现力并执行各种不同的验证任务。通过将我们的方法应用于正在运行的示例,我们说明了将声明性语言与基于逻辑的语义结合使用的优势。 t​​extcopyright 2010 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1658373.1658376]

[459] Declarative workflows: Balancing between flexibility and support (2009)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer Science - Research and Development)

Abstract: Todays process-aware information systems tend to either support business processes or provide flexibility. Classical workflow management systems offer good process support as long as the processes are structured and do not require much flexibility. Information systems that allow for flexibility have a tendency to lack process-related support. If systems offer guidance, then they are typically also inclined to enforce guidelines and are perceived as inflexible. Moreover, implementing flexible systems is far from trivial. This paper will show that using a more declarative approach can assist in a better balance between flexibility and support. This is demonstrated by presenting the Declare framework that aims to take care of the full spectrum of flexibility while at the same time supports the user using recommendations and other process-mining-based diagnostics.


摘要: 当今的流程感知信息系统倾向于支持业务流程或提供灵活性。只要流程结构化且不需要太多灵活性,传统的工作流管理系统就可以提供良好的流程支持。允许灵活性的信息系统倾向于缺乏与过程相关的支持。如果系统提供指导,那么它们通常也倾向于强制执行准则并且被认为是不灵活的。此外,实施灵活的系统绝非易事。可以帮助我们在灵活性和支持之间达到更好的平衡。这通过展示Declare框架得到了证明,该框架旨在照顾所有灵活性,同时使用建议和其他基于过程挖掘的诊断来支持用户。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00450-009-0057-9]

[460] Decomposing Petri nets for process mining: A generic approach (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | Distributed and Parallel Databases)

Abstract: The practical relevance of process mining is increasing as more and more event data become available. Process mining techniques aim to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. The two most prominent process mining tasks are: (i) process discovery: learning a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log, and (ii) conformance checking: diagnosing and quantifying discrepancies between observed behavior and modeled behavior. The increasing volume of event data provides both opportunities and challenges for process mining. Existing process mining techniques have problems dealing with large event logs referring to many different activities. Therefore, we propose a generic approach to decompose process mining problems. The decomposition approach is generic and can be combined with different existing process discovery and conformance checking techniques. It is possible to split computationally challenging process mining problems into many smaller problems that can be analyzed easily and whose results can be combined into solutions for the original problems. textcopyright 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


摘要: 随着越来越多的事件数据变得可用,过程挖掘的实际相关性正在增加。流程挖掘技术旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来发现,监视和改善实际流程。两个最重要的过程挖掘任务是:(i)过程发现:从事件日志中记录的示例行为中学习过程模型,以及(ii)一致性检查:诊断和量化观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。事件数据量的增加为过程挖掘提供了机遇和挑战。现有的流程挖掘技术在处理涉及许多不同活动的大型事件日志时存在问题。因此,我们提出了一种通用方法来分解过程挖掘问题。分解方法是通用的,可以与不同的现有过程发现和一致性检查技术结合使用。可以将计算上具有挑战性的过程挖掘问题分解为许多较小的问题,这些问题可以轻松分析,并且可以将其结果合并为原始问题的解决方案。 t​​extcopyright 2013年Springer Science +商业媒体纽约。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10619-013-7127-5]

[461] Decomposition using Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) and control flow complexity metrics (2016)

(Anugrah, Indra Gita and Sarno, Riyanarto and Anggraini, Ratih Nur Esti | Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Systems, ICTS 2015)

Abstract: Process mining is a technique that aims to gain knowledge of the event log. The amount of data in the event log is very influential in the Process mining, because it contains millions of activities that shape the behavior of a company. The three main capabilities possessed by mining process is a discovery, conformance, and enhancement. This paper, we present an approach to decompose business processes using Refine Process Structure Tree (RPST). By breaking down a whole into sub models Business Processes (fragments) to the smallest part (atomic) can facilitate the analysis process and can easily be rebuilt. To measure the level of complexity in the model fragment and atomic models we use complexity Control flow metrics. Control flow complexity metrics have two main approaches that are count based measurement and execution path based measurement path. Count based measurement used to describe a static character, while an execution path based measurement used to describe the dynamic character of each model fragment or atomic models (bond fragment).


摘要: 过程挖掘是一种旨在获取事件日志知识的技术。事件日志中的数据量在流程挖掘中非常重要,因为它包含数百万个影响公司行为的活动。挖掘过程拥有的三个主要功能是发现,一致性和增强。本文中,我们提出了一种使用细化流程结构树(RPST)分解业务流程的方法。通过将整体分解为子模型,业务流程(片段)到最小部分(原子)可以简化分析过程,并且可以轻松地进行重建。为了测量模型片段和原子模型中的复杂性级别,我们使用了复杂性控制流度量。控制流复杂性度量有两种主要方法,分别是基于计数的测量和基于执行路径的测量路径。基于计数的度量用于描述静态特征,而基于执行路径的度量用于描述每个模型片段或原子模型(键合片段)的动态特征。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTS.2015.7379899]

[462] Delta analysis with workflow logs: Aligning business process prescriptions and their reality (2005)

(Kleiner, Nikolaus | Requirements Engineering)

Abstract: To support and drive a business process with a software system means influencing the way process participants conduct their daily work. An analysis of the relationships between organizational processes, support systems, and process participants calls for a continuous alignment and parallel evolution of the intended business process and the supporting software system. Here, the primary information needed is how process participants work with the new system and where and why they deviate from the intended process. Delta analysis with workflow logs employs workflow logs recorded during system use to compare process enactment with its prescription: log entries are related with instances of business process activities of an explicit process definition, and the timely ordering of these entries is compared with the ordering of the activities implied by the process model. If the orderings comply, the log fits the model. Log entries and activities can be on arbitrary levels of abstraction and arbitrary granularity. The results of such an analysis can be utilized as an unbiased data basis for further discussions. Moreover, compared with traditional approaches such as interviews and observations, time and costs can be saved. The paper presents the concept, a feasibility study, some aspects of the related theoretical challenges, a prototypical implementation, and initial case study results. textcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.


摘要: 使用软件系统支持和推动业务流程意味着影响流程参与者进行日常工作的方式。对组织流程,支持系统和流程参与者之间的关系的分析要求对预期的业务流程和支持软件系统进行连续调整和并行发展。在这里,所需的主要信息是流程参与者如何与新系统一起工作以及他们在何处以及为何偏离预期流程。带有工作流日志的增量分析使用系统使用期间记录的工作流日志来比较流程制定及其规定:日志条目与具有明确流程定义的业务流程活动实例相关,并将这些条目的及时排序与过程模型所隐含的活动。如果订单合规,则日志适合模型。日志条目和活动可以处于任意抽象级别和任意粒度。这样的分析结果可以用作进一步讨论的无偏数据基础。此外,与传统方法(例如访谈和观察)相比,可以节省时间和成本。本文介绍了概念,可行性研究,相关理论挑战的某些方面,原型实现和初步案例研究结果。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00766-005-0004-7]

[463] Design and implementation of process mining system based on alphaalpha-algorithm (2008)

(Ling, Yong and Zhang, Liqun and Gao, Meng | 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, ICICIC08)

Abstract: In the Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), business process analysis of the activities and process redesign is an important aspect. Creating a process model is a time-consuming task and requires the participation of experts, as a Business Process Reengineering technology, process mining is an important way of monitoring business activities and improving the efficiency of workflow modeling, that is emerging research field. In this paper, we design and implement a graphic and interactive process mining system which is based on alphaalpha-algorithm, its core idea is to extract information about processes from workflow log, and then we carry on the validation of the mining result. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.

基于$ alpha $ -algorithm的流程挖掘系统的设计和实现

摘要: 在面向服务的体系结构(SOA)中,活动的业务流程分析和流程重新设计是一个重要方面。创建流程模型是一项耗时的任务,需要专家的参与,作为业务流程再造技术,流程挖掘是监视业务活动和提高工作流建模效率的重要方法,这是新兴的研究领域。在本文中,我们设计并实现了一个基于$ alpha $-算法的图形和交互式流程挖掘系统,其核心思想是从工作流日志中提取有关流程的信息,然后进行挖掘的验证结果。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICIC.2008.215]

[464] Design and implementation of processes for the primary care in the healthcare system of Greece (2015)

(Papadopoulos, Athanasios N. and Tsiouris, Kostas M. and Pappas, Ioannis G. and Zervakis, Michael E. and Koutsouris, Dimitrios D. and Exarchos, Themis P. and Fotiadis, Dimitrios I. | 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE 2015)

Abstract: The importance of the development of the Primary Care network in a developed country is indisputable high. The increasing pressure for productivity improvement and reduction of costs, requires activities focusing on the control and optimization of care processes improving their efficiency and effectivity. A keystone in such priority is the utilization of several effective and comprehensive processes in the everyday practice. The aim of this study is the development of a framework for the improvement of the Health Care processes introducing Business Process Modeling Notations (BPMNs) methodologies. The large majority of processes in the organizations and healthcare centers which belong to the Greek Primary Care Healthcare system have been collected. For each process the BPMNs diagram has been developed and presented. The analysis and the quantitative indexes have been captured by the integration of the processes in a web application that has been designed and implemented. The applications outcome has been analyzed partially since it will be tested in a Health Care Center in Kissamos, Crete, Greece.


摘要: 在发达国家,发展初级保健网络的重要性毋庸置疑。提高生产率和降低成本的压力越来越大,要求开展注重控制和优化护理程序以提高其效率和效果的活动。这项工作的首要任务是在日常实践中利用几个有效而全面的流程,本研究的目的是开发一个改进的框架,以引入业务流程建模表示法(BPMN)。收集了属于希腊基层医疗保健系统的组织和医疗中心的流程,针对每个流程开发并显示了BPMNs图,通过将流程集成到网络中来捕获分析和定量指标已设计和实现的应用程序。离子的结局已得到部分分析,因为它将在希腊克里特岛基萨莫斯的医疗中心进行测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BIBE.2015.7367717]

[465] Design of an automatic workflow modeling method in cooperative WFMS (2006)

(Yan, Li and Yuqiang, Feng | Proceedings - 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2006)

Abstract: WFMS is a typical computer supported cooperative application system. However it is difficult for the workflow models defined by current methods to support well the cooperative work among participators. Recently a new modeling method is presented, which is called as workflow mining. This new method has the capability of automatic modeling, strong objectivity, high efficiency and low cost, so it can improve the modeling quality and support well the cooperative work. Nowadays the new technology is in primary stage, the known mining algorithms are not perfect. In this paper a workflow mining algorithm based on Markov transition matrix is designed, which can reduce the effect of complexity of process structure and quality of workflow logs on the process mining and improve the automatic modeling efficiency. textcopyright2006 IEEE.


摘要: WFMS是典型的计算机支持的协作应用程序系统。但是,当前方法定义的工作流模型很难很好地支持参与者之间的协作工作。最近,提出了一种新的建模方法,称为工作流挖掘。这种新方法具有自动建模的能力,客观性强,效率高,成本低,可以提高建模质量,很好地支持协同工作。如今,新技术还处于初级阶段,已知的挖掘算法还不完善。本文设计了一种基于马尔可夫转移矩阵的工作流挖掘算法,可以减少过程结构的复杂性和工作流日志质量对过程挖掘的影响,提高自动建模效率。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2006.253260]


[466] Design of intelligent business process system and process remodeling (2008)

(Li, Yan and Deng, Shao Ling | Proceedings - International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2008)

Abstract: Traditional business process management systems only focus on process definition and running. This paper designs an intelligent business process system to realize process diagnosis, analysis, optimization, and prediction. Process mining engine is the key component of the intelligent system. This paper designs a process mining algorithm based on Markov matrix to realize business process remodeling. Realization of intelligent business process system can effectively improve the process management ability of managers. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 传统业务流程管理系统仅关注流程定义和运行。本文设计了一个智能的业务流程系统,以实现流程的诊断,分析,优化和预测。流程挖掘引擎是智能系统的关键组件。本文设计了一种基于马尔可夫矩阵的流程挖掘算法,实现了业务流程的重构。智能业务流程系统的实现可以有效提高管理人员的流程管理能力。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICTA.2008.131]

[467] Design of the integrated monitoring framework based on ontology for analyzing the customer feedback (2013)

(Kim, Seonho and Lee, Kyounghak | 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Applications, ICISA 2013)

Abstract: This study was carried out as a part of the development of the integrated monitoring system which analyzes the customer feedback data to evaluate the services on offer and reconfigure and recommend the services based on the evaluation result for effective performance management in the B2C industry. This system is based on the framework which can monitor quantitative and qualitative analysis data from the process mining analysis for the system log generated in the hospital, customer satisfaction survey and customer dissatisfaction messages on the social media. This framework is designed to provide the infrastructure for integrated query of necessary data and inference by managing the relevant information between the analysis results based on the ontology, and this framework is intended primarily for the services offered in the hospital. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 这项研究是集成监控系统开发的一部分,该系统分析客户反馈数据以评估所提供的服务,并根据评估结果对服务进行建议和推荐,以实现B2C行业的有效绩效管理。该系统基于该框架,该框架可以监视来自过程挖掘分析的定量和定性分析数据,以分析医院中生成的系统日志,客户满意度调查和社交媒体上的客户不满消息。该框架旨在为通过管理基于本体的分析结果之间的相关信息提供必要数据和推理的综合查询提供基础架构,并且该框架主要用于医院提供的服务。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICISA.2013.6579438]

[468] Designing a composite e-service platform with recommendation function (2003)

(Liu, Duen Ren and Shen, Minxin and Liao, Chiu Ting | Computer Standards and Interfaces)

Abstract: Enterprises make e-services available via the Internet to drive new revenue streams or create new efficiencies. Composite e-services, which consist of various e-services provided by different e-service providers, are more valuable for customers. This work presents a novel platform capable of supporting e-service metadata, and modeling and recommending composite e-services. Composite e-services are modeled by using the activity diagram of Unified Modeling Language in which Event/Condition/Action (ECA) rules are employed to control the sequence of e-services enactment and to select e-service providers. Moreover, two-level e-service metadata is designed to extend Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) standard to enable semantic search and selection of e-services. Finally, data mining approach is proposed to discover the frequent predicates of e-services and the frequent orderings between e-services. Based on the mining result, the proposed platform provides a recommendation of top N composite e-services to customers. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 企业通过互联网提供电子服务,以推动新的收入来源或创造新的效率。由不同电子服务提供商提供的各种电子服务组成的复合电子服务对客户而言更有价值。这项工作提出了一个新颖的平台,该平台能够支持电子服务元数据,并对复合电子服务进行建模和推荐。通过使用统一建模语言的活动图对组合式电子服务进行建模,在该活动图中,事件/条件/动作(ECA)规则用于控制电子服务实施的顺序并选择电子服务提供者。此外,两级电子服务元数据旨在扩展通用描述,发现和集成(UDDI)标准,以实现电子服务的语义搜索和选择。最后,提出了一种数据挖掘方法来发现电子服务的频繁谓词和电子服务之间的频繁排序。基于挖掘的结果,所提出的平台向客户提供了推荐的N大组合电子服务。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0920-5489(03)00012-6]

[469] Designing like a Pro: The automated composition of workflow activities (2016)

(Van Der Aa | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: To design a workflow process that is efficient, meaningful, and understandable it is important to properly consider how to compose the activities it will consist of. In this paper, guidelines are presented for this exact purpose. These focus on the elementary data-processing steps that are at the core of a workflow process. The guidelines help to determine the relative importance of these data-processing steps as well as their relatedness, such that activities can be composed in a fully automated manner. We implemented this approach in freely available software. A thorough evaluation that incorporates real-life workflow designs indicates that the use of these guidelines leads to activities that closely resemble those designed by experienced modelers. As such, the proposed guidelines provide a proper and automated alternative to what is otherwise a complex and time-consuming task.


摘要: 要设计一个高效,有意义和可理解的工作流程,重要的是正确考虑如何组成其组成的活动。在本文中,为此目的提供了指南。这些关注于工作流过程核心的基本数据处理步骤。该准则有助于确定这些数据处理步骤的相对重要性及其相关性,以便可以以全自动方式组织活动。我们在免费软件中实现了这种方法。结合实际工作流程设计的全面评估表明,使用这些指南所导致的活动与有经验的建模人员设计的活动极为相似。因此,拟议的准则为否则是一项复杂而费时的任务提供了一种适当的自动化选择。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2015.04.005]

[470] Detecting anomalies in DNS protocol traces via Passive Testing and Process Mining (2014)

(Saint-Pierre, Cecilia and Cifuentes, Francisco and Bustos-Jimenez, Javier | 2014 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, CNS 2014)

Abstract: In this article we present our first approach in using Passive Testing (used in protocol and software conformance checking) and Process Mining (used in enterprise workflow analysis) techniques for analyzing DNS operation traces.


摘要: 在本文中,我们介绍了使用被动测试(用于协议和软件一致性检查)和过程挖掘(用于企业工作流分析)技术来分析DNS操作跟踪的第一种方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CNS.2014.6997534]

[471] Detecting changes in a semi-structured business process through spectral graph analysis (2011)

(Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Keyser, Paul T. and Duan, Songyun | Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering)

Abstract: Semi-structured business processes are emerging at a rapid pace in industries such as government, insurance, banking and healthcare. The workflows underlying these case-oriented processes are non-deterministic. They are mostly driven by human decision making and content status and they may change frequently depending on factors such as economic conditions, legislative policy changes and technological upgrades. This paper describes a method to detect changes in a running business process by conducting spectral graph analysis of sets of execution traces of the process. This method is beneficial because it does not require mining a process model of the business process, and is consequently independent of any assumptions about the nature of the business process. This makes it particularly applicable to case-oriented semi-structured business processes whose lifecycle is not fully driven by a formal process model. In this paper we present our algorithm for computing graph spectra from business process execution traces, and discuss some initial promising results, as well as exciting ideas generated by this research for future work. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 半结构化业务流程在诸如政府,保险,银行和医疗保健等行业中迅速兴起。这些面向案例的流程所基于的工作流是不确定的。它们主要受人为决策和内容状态的驱动,并且可能会根据经济状况,立法政策变化和技术升级等因素而频繁更改。本文介绍了一种通过对流程执行轨迹集进行频谱图分析来检测正在运行的业务流程中变化的方法。此方法是有益的,因为它不需要挖掘业务流程的流程模型,因此独立于有关业务流程性质的任何假设。这使得它特别适用于生命周期不受正式流程模型完全驱动的面向案例的半结构化业务流程。在本文中,我们介绍了用于从业务流程执行迹线中计算图谱的算法,并讨论了一些初步的有希望的结果,以及该研究为将来的工作产生的令人兴奋的想法。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDEW.2011.5767640]

[472] Detecting cloud provisioning errors using an annotated process model (2013)

(Xu, Xiwei and Weber, Ingo and Bass, Len and Zhu, Liming and Wada, Hiroshi and Teng, Fei | Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Middleware for Next Generation Internet Computing, MW4NG 2013 - Co-located with the 14th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Middleware 2013)

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of annotating a process model with assertions to detect errors in cloud provisioning in near real time. Our proposed workflow is: a) construct a process model of the desired provisioning activities using log data, b) use the process model to determine appropriate annotation triggers and annotate the process model with assertions, c) use the process model to monitor the deployment logs as they are generated, d) trigger the assertion checking based on process activities and log entries, and e) check the assertions to determine errors. For a production deployment tool, Asgard, we have implemented the steps involving constructing a process model, using the model to determine appropriate annotation triggers, triggering the annotation checking based on Asgard log files, and detecting errors. Our prototype has detected errors that cross deployment tool boundaries and go undetected by Asgard; it further has detected other errors substantially more quickly than Asgard would have. textcopyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 在本文中,我们演示了使用断言注释流程模型以近乎实时地检测云配置中的错误的可行性。我们建议的工作流程是:a)使用日志数据构建所需供应活动的流程模型,b)使用流程模型确定适当的注释触发器并使用断言注释流程模型,c)使用流程模型监视部署日志在生成它们时,d)根据流程活动和日志条目触发断言检查,并e)检查断言以确定错误。对于生产部署工具Asgard,我们实现了以下步骤:构建流程模型,使用模型确定适当的注释触发器,基于Asgard日志文件触发注释检查以及检测错误。我们的原型已检测到跨部署工具边界且Asgard无法检测到的错误。它进一步比Asgard更快地发现了其他错误。 t​​extcopyright 2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2541608.2541613]

[473] Detecting concept drift in processes using graph metrics on process graphs (2017)

(Seeliger, Alexander and Nolle, Timo and Muhlhauser, Max | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Work in organisations is often structured into business processes, implemented using process-aware information systems (PAISs). These systems aim to enforce employees to perform work in a certain way executing tasks in a specified order. However, the execution strategy may change over time, leading to expected and unexpected changes in the overall process. Especially the unexpected changes may manifest without notice, which can have a big impact on the performance, costs, and compliance. Thus it is important to detect these hidden changes early in order to prevent monetary consequences. Traditional process mining techniques are unable to identify these execution changes because they usually generalise without considering time as an extra dimension, and assume stable processes. Most algorithms only produce a single process model, reflecting the behaviour of the complete analysis scope. Small changes cannot be identified as they only occur in a small part of the event log. This paper proposes a method to detect process drifts by performing statistical tests on graph metrics calculated from discovered process models. Using process models allows to additionally gather details about the structure of the drift to answer the question which changes were made to the process.


摘要: 组织中的工作通常被组织成业务流程,使用流程感知信息系统(PAIS)实施。这些系统旨在强制员工以某种方式执行工作,以指定的顺序执行任务。但是,执行策略可能会随时间而变化,从而导致整个过程的预期和意外变化。尤其是意料之外的变化可能会在没有通知的情况下显现,这可能会对性能,成本和合规性产生重大影响。因此,重要的是及早发现这些隐藏的变化,以防止造成金钱后果。传统的流程​​挖掘技术无法识别这些执行更改,因为它们通常会在不考虑时间为额外维度的情况下进行泛化,并假定流程稳定。大多数算法仅产生一个流程模型,反映了整个分析范围的行为。无法识别较小的更改,因为它们仅发生在事件日志的一小部分中。本文提出了一种通过对从发现的过程模型计算出的图形指标进行统计测试来检测过程漂移的方法。使用过程模型可以额外收集有关漂移结构的详细信息,以回答对过程进行了哪些更改的问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3040565.3040566]

[474] Detecting sudden and gradual drifts in business processes from execution traces (2017)

(Maaradji, Abderrahmane and Dumas, Marlon and Rosa, Marcello La and Ostovar, Alireza | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Business processes are prone to unexpected changes, as process workers may suddenly or gradually start executing a process differently in order to adjust to changes in workload, season, or other external factors. Early detection of business process changes enables managers to identify and act upon changes that may otherwise affect process performance. Business process drift detection refers to a family of methods to detect changes in a business process by analyzing event logs extracted from the systems that support the execution of the process. Existing methods for business process drift detection are based on an explorative analysis of a potentially large feature space and in some cases they require users to manually identify specific features that characterize the drift. Depending on the explored feature space, these methods miss various types of changes. Moreover, they are either designed to detect sudden drifts or gradual drifts but not both. This paper proposes an automated and statistically grounded method for detecting sudden and gradual business process drifts under a unified framework. An empirical evaluation shows that the method detects typical change patterns with significantly higher accuracy and lower detection delay than existing methods, while accurately distinguishing between sudden and gradual drifts.


摘要: 业务流程容易发生意料之外的变化,因为流程工作人员可能突然或逐渐开始以不同的方式执行流程,以适应工作量,季节或其他外部因素的变化。对业务流程变更的早期发现使管理人员能够识别并采取措施,否则可能会影响流程绩效。业务流程漂移检测是指通过分析从支持流程执行的系统中提取的事件日志来检测业务流程中的更改的一系列方法。用于业务流程漂移检测的现有方法是基于对潜在的较大特征空间的探索性分析,在某些情况下,它们需要用户手动识别表征漂移的特定特征。根据探索的特征空间,这些方法会丢失各种类型的更改。而且,它们要么设计为检测突然的漂移,要么检测逐渐的漂移,但不能同时检测两者。本文提出了一种自动且基于统计的方法,用于在统一框架下检测突然的和逐渐的业务流程漂移。经验评估表明,与现有方法相比,该方法能够以明显更高的准确性和更低的检测延迟来检测典型的变化模式,同时能够准确地区分突然漂移和渐进漂移。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2017.2720601]

[475] Detecting train reroutings with process mining: A Belgian application (2018)

(Janssenswillen, Gert and Depaire, Beno^it and Verboven, Sabine | EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics)

Abstract: One of the objectives of railway infrastructure managers is to improve the punctuality of their operations while satisfying safety requirements and coping with limited capacity. To fulfil this objective, capacity planning and monitoring have become an absolute necessity. Railway infrastructure managers possess tremendous amounts of data about the railway operations, which are recorded in so-called train describer systems. In this paper, a set of methods is proposed to guide the analysis of capacity usage based on these data. In particular, train connections are categorized according to the severity of train reroutings as well as the diversity of these reroutings. The applied method is able to highlight areas in the railway network, where trains have a higher tendency to diverge from their allocated route. The method is independent from the underlying infrastructure, and can, therefore, be reused effortlessly on new cases. The analysis provides a starting point to improve the planning of capacity usage and can be used to facilitate the communication between capacity planning at one hand and operations on the other hand. At the same time, it presents an illustration on how process mining can be used for analysis of train describer data.


摘要: 铁路基础设施管理者的目标之一是在满足安全要求和应对有限容量的同时提高运营准时性。为了实现这一目标,容量规划和监视已成为绝对必要。铁路基础设施管理人员拥有有关铁路运营的大量数据,这些数据记录在所谓的火车描述系统中。本文提出了一套方法来指导基于这些数据的容量使用分析。具体而言,根据火车路线变更的严重性以及这些路线变更的多样性对火车连接进行分类。应用的方法能够突出显示铁路网络中火车偏离其分配路线的趋势更高的区域。该方法独立于基础架构,因此可以在新情况下轻松重用。该分析提供了一个改进容量使用计划的起点,并且可以用于促进一方面容量计划与另一方面操作之间的通信。同时,它提供了一个示例,说明如何将过程挖掘用于分析火车描述者数据。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13676-017-0105-8]

[476] Detection of processing model basic elements in intellectual analysis of flexible processes through business process intelligence (2014)

(Rudometkina, M. N. and Spitsyn, V. G. | 2014 9th International Forum on Strategic Technology, IFOST 2014)

Abstract: The problem of constructing flexible process models is very urgent nowadays. The structure of flexible processes may be changed either at configuration or runtime stages. Therefore, the flexible process model can be further adapted to the specific implementation conditions in static and dynamic modes. The process model can be constructed by traditional methods, involving domain experts, and by process mining techniques as well. Process mining technique is used for process modeling based on their execution recorded in event logs. The current work is based on the idea of constructing a flexible process model by process mining techniques using algebra of finite predicates (AFP) and logical networks. AFP is intended to formalize the logical processes and represents the discrete unit to describe arbitrary finite relations. Solving AFP equations is implemented by logical networks that convert algebraic equations into a binary system. The proposed approach represents augmentation of a consecutive model at the stage of log analysis for various executions of the process. Identification of different elements is performed by logical networks.


摘要: 如今,构建灵活的过程模型的问题非常迫切。灵活过程的结构可以在配置阶段或运行阶段进行更改。因此,灵活的过程模型可以进一步适应静态和动态模式下的特定实现条件。可以通过涉及领域专家的传统方法以及过程挖掘技术来构建过程模型。流程挖掘技术用于基于事件日志中记录的执行情况进行流程建模。当前的工作基于以下思想:通过使用有限谓词(AFP)和逻辑网络的代数的过程挖掘技术来构建灵活的过程模型。 AFP旨在形式化逻辑过程,并代表离散单元来描述任意有限关系。通过将代数方程式转换为二进制系统的逻辑网络来实现AFP方程式的求解。所提出的方法代表了在日志分析阶段对过程的各种执行的连续模型的扩充。逻辑网络执行不同元素的标识。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IFOST.2014.6991080]

[477] Determining process model precision and generalization with weighted artificial negative events (2014)

(Vanden Broucke | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining encompasses the research area which is concerned with knowledge discovery from event logs. One common process mining task focuses on conformance checking, comparing discovered or designed process models with actual real-life behavior as captured in event logs in order to assess the goodness of the process model. This paper introduces a novel conformance checking method to measure how well a process model performs in terms of precision and generalization with respect to the actual executions of a process as recorded in an event log. Our approach differs from related work in the sense that we apply the concept of so-called weighted artificial negative events toward conformance checking, leading to more robust results, especially when dealing with less complete event logs that only contain a subset of all possible process execution behavior. In addition, our technique offers a novel way to estimate a process models ability to generalize. Existing literature has focused mainly on the fitness (recall) and precision (appropriateness) of process models, whereas generalization has been much more difficult to estimate. The described algorithms are implemented in a number of ProM plugins, and a Petri net conformance checking tool was developed to inspect process model conformance in a visual manner. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘包括与从事件日志中发现知识有关的研究领域。一个常见的过程挖掘任务集中在一致性检查上,将发现或设计的过程模型与事件日志中捕获的实际现实行为进行比较,以便评估事件日志。流程模型的优良性本文介绍一种新颖的一致性检查方法,以衡量流程模型在事件日志中记录的流程的实际执行方面的精度和泛化方面的表现。从某种意义上说,我们将相关的工作应用到了一致性检查中,即使用了所谓的加权人工负面事件的概念,从而获得了更可靠的结果,尤其是在处理不完整的事件日志(仅包含所有可能的流程执行行为的子集)时。 ,我们的技术提供了一种新颖的方法来评估过程模型的泛化能力。主要取决于过程模型的适用性(召回)和精度(适当性),而泛化则要难得多。所描述的算法在许多ProM插件中实现,并且开发了Petri网络一致性检查工具以可视方式检查过程模型的一致性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2013.130]

[478] Developing Dependable and Secure Cloud Applications (2016)

(Weber, Ingo and Nepal, Surya and Zhu, Liming | IEEE Internet Computing)

Abstract: In this article, the authors analyze the security and dependability challenges for developing dependable and secure Cloud applications. They also provide an overview of their research and development that aims to ameliorate some of the obstacles.


摘要: 在本文中,作者分析了开发可靠可靠的云应用程序时遇到的安全性和可靠性挑战。他们还概述了其研究和开发成果,以减轻一些障碍。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MIC.2016.67]

[479] Developing workflow patterns based on functional subnets and control - Flow patterns (2016)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Wibowo, Widyasari Ayu and Sunaryono, Dwi and Munif, Abdul | Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Big Data Spectrum for Future Information Economy, ICSITech 2015)

Abstract: Nowadays business processes are main concern in enterprises systems. The growing systems affect business process changes. Business processes always grow in order to fulfill the business activities. In this paper, we use a graph model called Petri Nets to analyze complex business processes. A Petri Net is the most usable model which often represents a process system in business concerns or others. Business processes are modeled using Petri Nets; then, the Petri Nets are separated into simpler fragments in order to make the analysis easier. In this context, we propose a method for developing an effective and efficient workflow repository system by using minimal functional subnet concept for generating common workflow in Petri Nets models. Thus process could lead to compose a new workflow. The results show that a complex business process can be decomposed into functional subnets which are smaller as well as simpler fragments of a complex business process. Then, the functional subnets are classified based on control-flow patterns in order to identify subnet roles in work-flow management. Later, we extract common fragments of functional subnets and use them for composing a new models of Petri Nets workflow required by user.


摘要: 如今,业务流程是企业系统中的主要关注点。不断增长的系统会影响业务流程的变化。为了满足业务活动,业务流程始终在增长。在本文中,我们使用一个称为Petri Nets的图形模型来分析复杂的业务流程。 Petri Net是最有用的模型,通常代表业务问题或其他方面的流程系统。业务流程是使用Petri网建模的。然后,将Petri Nets分成更简单的片段,以使分析更加容易。在这种情况下,我们提出了一种通过使用最小功能子网概念在Petri Nets模型中生成通用工作流来开发有效且高效的工作流存储库系统的方法。因此,过程可能导致编写新的工作流程。结果表明,复杂的业务流程可以分解为功能较小的子网,以及复杂业务流程的简单片段。然后,基于控制流模式对功能子网进行分类,以识别工作流管理中的子网角色。后来,我们提取了功能子网的常见片段,并将它们用于构成用户所需的Petri Nets工作流的新模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSITech.2015.7407771]

[480] Development of a process mining system for supporting knowledge discovery in a supply chain network (2009)

(Lau, H. C.W. and Ho, G. T.S. and Zhao, Y. and Chung, N. S.H. | International Journal of Production Economics)

Abstract: In todays competitive environment, business organizations are forced to maintain their competitive advantage by their ability to cut costs, increase revenue and uncover hidden issues. In order to enhance the visibility and transparency of value added information in a supply chain network, a process mining system is proposed for discovering a set of fuzzy association rules based on the daily captured logistics operation data, within the network. The proposed methodology provides all levels of employees with the ability to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the current business environment. Once interesting association rules have been extracted, organizations can identify the root-causes of quality problems in a supply chain and improve performance by fine-tuning the configuration of process parameters in specified processes. The application of the proposed methodology in a case company has also been studied. The prototype system has been developed and evaluated after performing a spatial analysis. The results obtained indicate that the system is capable of extracting high-quality and actionable information in the case company. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在当今竞争激烈的环境中,业务组织被迫通过削减成本,增加收入和发现隐藏问题的能力来保持竞争优势。为了增强供应链网络中增值信息的可见性和透明度,提出了一种挖掘系统,用于基于网络中每日捕获的物流运营数据来发现一组模糊关联规则,该提议的方法为各级员工提供了增强他们对当前商业环境的知识和理解的能力。提取关联规则,组织可以通过微调指定过程中的过程参数配置来识别供应链中质量问题的根本原因并提高绩效,还研究了该方法在案例公司中的应用原型系统已经过性能测试并经过评估进行空间分析。获得的结果表明,该系统能够在案例公司中提取高质量且可操作的信息。 t​​extcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.05.014]


[481] Development of an intelligent quality management system using fuzzy association rules (2009)

(Lau, H. C.W. and Ho, G. T.S. and Chu, K. F. and Ho, William and Lee, C. K.M. | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: In order to survive in the increasingly customer-oriented marketplace, continuous quality improvement marks the fastest growing quality organizations success. In recent years, attention has been focused on intelligent systems which have shown great promise in supporting quality control. However, only a small number of the currently used systems are reported to be operating effectively because they are designed to maintain a quality level within the specified process, rather than to focus on cooperation within the production workflow. This paper proposes an intelligent system with a newly designed algorithm and the universal process data exchange standard to overcome the challenges of demanding customers who seek high-quality and low-cost products. The intelligent quality management system is equipped with the distributed process mining feature to provide all levels of employees with the ability to understand the relationships between processes, especially when any aspect of the process is going to degrade or fail. An example of generalized fuzzy association rules are applied in manufacturing sector to demonstrate how the proposed iterative process mining algorithm finds the relationships between distributed process parameters and the presence of quality problems. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 为了在日益以客户为导向的市场中生存,持续的质量改进标志着增长最快的质量组织的成功。近年来,注意力已经集中在智能系统上,这些系统在支持质量控制方面显示出巨大的希望。但是,据报告只有少数当前使用的系统有效运行,因为它们旨在在指定的过程中保持质量水平,而不是专注于生产工作流程中的合作。本文提出了一种具有新设计算法和通用过程数据交换标准的智能系统,以克服要求高品质和低成本产品的苛刻客户的挑战。智能质量管理系统配备了分布式过程挖掘功能,可为所有级别的员工提供了解过程之间关系的能力,尤其是在过程的任何方面将退化或出现故障时。广义模糊关联规则的一个例子在制造业中得到应用,以证明所提出的迭代过程挖掘算法如何发现分布式过程参数与质量问题之间的关系。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2007.12.066]

[482] Development of an olap- fuzzy based process mining system for quality improvement (2006)

(Ho, G. T.S. and Lau, H. C.W. | IFIP International Federation for Information Processing)

Abstract: Currently, companies active in the development of high-tech products has become more and more complex in the age of mass customization. Not only do they have to focus on improving product quality, but rather on gaining experience to modify the current processes in order to streamline the integrated workflow. A real-time process mining system (R-PMS) is developed to analyze the proposed XML based process data for discovering the hid-den relationship between processes. The new feature of this system is the in-corporation of the process mining engine, which is characterized by the combined capabilities of the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and fuzzy logic (FL), to form a robust framework for highlighting the undesirable process set-ting and parameters for further improvement in a real-time manner. The simulation results indicate that the OLAP based fuzzy approach is generally superior to those of conventional methods which offer higher flexibility on production process management with decision support ability. In this paper, the de-tailed architecture and a case study are included to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system.


摘要: 目前,在大规模定制时代,活跃于高科技产品开发的公司变得越来越复杂。他们不仅必须专注于提高产品质量,而且还必须获得经验来修改当前流程以简化集成的工作流程。开发了一个实时过程挖掘系统(R-PMS),以分析提出的基于XML的过程数据,以发现过程之间的隐藏关系。该系统的新功能是集成了流程挖掘引擎,该引擎的特征在于在线分析处理(OLAP)和模糊逻辑(FL)的组合功能,从而形成了一个强大的框架来突出显示不良的流程集-ting和参数以实时方式进一步改进。仿真结果表明,基于OLAP的模糊方法通常优于传统方法,后者在具有决策支持能力的生产过程管理中具有更高的灵活性。在本文中,详细的体系结构和案例研究被包括在内,以证明所提出的系统的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[483] Diabetes care related process modelling using Process Mining techniques. Lessons learned in the application of Interactive Pattern Recognition: Coping with the Spaghetti Effect (2015)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Martinez-Millana, Antonio and Martinez-Romero, Alvaro and Benedi, Jose Miguel and Traver, Vicente | Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS)

Abstract: Diabetes is one of the metabolic disorders with more growth expectations in next decades. The literature points to a correct self-management, to an appropriate treatment and to an adequate healthy lifestyle as a way to dramatically improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes. The implementation of a holistic diabetes care system, using rising information technologies for deploying cares based on the thesis of the Evidence-Based Medicine can be a effective solution to provide an adequate and continuous care to patients. However, the design and deployment of computer readable careflows is not a easy task. In this paper, we propose the use of Interactive Pattern Recognition techniques for the iterative design of those protocols and we analyze the problems of using Process Mining to infer careflows and how to how to cope with the resulting Spaghetti Effect.


摘要: 糖尿病是新陈代谢障碍之一,在未来几十年中,其增长预期更高。文献指出正确的自我管理,适当的治疗方法和适当的健康生活方式,是显着改善糖尿病患者生活质量的一种方法。使用基于循证医学论文的不断发展的信息技术来部署整体护理的整体糖尿病护理系统的实施,可能是向患者提供充分和连续护理的有效解决方案。但是,计算机可读护理流程的设计和部署并非易事。在本文中,我们建议使用交互式模式识别技术来对这些协议进行迭代设计,并分析使用过程挖掘来推断护理流程以及如何应对由此产生的意大利面条效应的问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318809]

[484] Diagnosing behavioral differences between business process models: An approach based on event structures (2016)

(Armas-Cervantes, Abel and Baldan, Paolo and Dumas, Marlon and Garcia-Ba~nuelos, Luciano | Information Systems)

Abstract: Companies operating in multiple markets or segments often need to manage multiple variants of the same business process. Such multiplicity may stem for example from distinct products, different types of customers or regulatory differences across countries in which the companies operate. During the management of these processes, analysts need to compare models of multiple process variants in order to identify opportunities for standardization or to understand performance differences across variants. To support this comparison, this paper proposes a technique for diagnosing behavioral differences between process models. Given two process models, it determines if they are behaviorally equivalent, and if not, it describes their differences in terms of behavioral relations - like causal dependencies or conflicts - that hold in one model but not in the other. The technique is based on a translation from process models to event structures, a formalism that describes the behavior as a collection of events (task instances) connected by binary behavioral relations. A naive version of this translation suffers from two limitations. First, it produces redundant difference statements because an event structure describing a process may contain unnecessary event duplications. Second, this translation is not directly applicable to process models with cycles as the corresponding event structure is infinite. To tackle the first issue, the paper proposes a technique for reducing the number of events in an event structure while preserving the behavior. For the second issue, relying on the theory of complete unfolding prefixes, the paper shows how to construct a finite prefix of the unfolding of a possibly cyclic process model where all possible causes of every activity is represented. Additionally, activities that can occur multiple times in an execution of the process are distinguished from those that can occur at most once. The finite prefix thus enables the diagnosis of behavioral differences in terms of activity repetition and causal relations that hold in one model but not in the other. The method is implemented as a prototype that takes as input process models in the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and produces difference statements in natural language. Differences can also be graphically overlaid on the process models.


摘要: 在多个市场或细分市场运营的公司通常需要管理同一业务流程的多个变体。这种多样性可能源于例如不同的产品,不同类型的客户或公司运营所在国家/地区之间的监管差异。在管理这些流程期间,分析人员需要比较多个流程变体的模型,以便识别标准化机会或了解变体之间的性能差异。为了支持这种比较,本文提出了一种用于诊断过程模型之间的行为差​​异的技术。给定两个过程模型,它确定它们在行为上是否等效,如果不同,则根据行为关系来描述它们之间的差异,例如因果关系或冲突,这种关系在一种模型中有效,而在另一种模型中无效。该技术基于从流程模型到事件结构的转换,形式化将行为描述为通过二进制行为关系连接的事件(任务实例)的集合。此翻译的原始版本有两个局限性:首先,由于描述流程的事件结构可能包含不必要的事件重复,因此产生了冗余的差异语句;其次,此翻译不适用于流程周期为无限的事件模型,为解决第一个问题,本文提出了一种在保留行为的同时减少事件结构中事件数量的技术;对于第二个问题,则基于完全展开前缀的理论,本文展示了如何构建一个可能循环的流程模型展开的有限前缀,其中表示了每个活动的所有可能原因;此外,将在流程执行中可能多次发生的活动与可能发生的活动区分开因此,有限前缀可以根据活动重复和因果关系诊断行为差异。在一个模型中处于搁置状态,而在另一模型中则处于搁置状态。该方法被实现为原型,该原型采用业务流程模型和表示法(BPMN)中的输入流程模型,并以自然语言生成差异语句。差异也可以图形化地覆盖在过程模型上。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.09.009]

[485] Diagnosing web services system based on execution traces pattern analysis (2011)

(Mao, Chengying and Tervonen, Ilkka and Chen, Jinfu | Proceedings - 2011 8th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2011)

Abstract: Web service has been widely accepted as a technical standard for constructing software system which supports interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Even though such new system exhibits a lot of advantages such as loose-coupling, heterogeneity and flexibility, how to maintain it is still an open problem, especially for fault diagnosis. In the paper, a framework of debugging Web services system through intelligent information process methods is proposed. In such framework, the execution traces can be collected via SOAP message monitoring or service invocation instrument. Meanwhile, execution logic between Web services can be analyzed according to time-stamp. Based on the logic relations, service order matrix for each execution trace can be constructed. Then, cluster analysis technique can be performed on such matrices to partition the similar traces together. Subsequently, the failure reference 2-tuple which is the important clue for further fault location is formed through sampling and similarity analysis. Finally, the case study and simulation experiment are performed to confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of our method. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: Web服务已被广泛接受为构建软件系统的技术标准,该软件系统支持通过网络进行互操作的机器对机器交互。尽管这种新系统具有许多优点,例如松耦合,异构性和灵活性,但是如何维护它仍然是一个悬而未决的问题,尤其是对于故障诊断。提出了一种通过智能信息处理方法调试Web服务系统的框架。在这样的框架中,可以通过SOAP消息监视或服务调用工具来收集执行跟踪。同时,可以根据时间戳分析Web服务之间的执行逻辑。根据逻辑关系,可以构造每个执行跟踪的服务顺序矩阵。然后,可以在此类矩阵上执行聚类分析技术,以将相似的迹线划分在一起。随后,通过采样和相似性分析,形成了故障参考2元组,这是进一步定位故障的重要线索。最后,通过案例研究和仿真实验,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2011.43]

[486] Discovering Interacting Artifacts from ERP Systems (2015)

(Lu, Xixi and Nagelkerke, Marijn and Van De Wiel | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are widely used to manage business documents along a business processes and allow very detailed recording of event data of past process executions and involved documents. This recorded event data is the basis for auditing and detecting unusual flows. Process mining techniques can analyze event data of processes stored in linear event logs to discover a process model that reveals unusual executions. Existing approaches to obtain linear event logs from ERP data require a single case identifier to which all behavior can be related. However, in ERP systems processes such as Order to Cash operate on multiple interrelated business objects, each having their own case identifier, their own behavior, and interact with each other. Forcing these into a single case creates ambiguous dependencies caused by data convergence and divergence which obscures unusual flows in the resulting process model. In this paper, we present a new semi-automatic, end-to-end approach for analyzing event data in a plain database of an ERP system for unusual executions. More precisely, we identify an artifact-centric process model describing the business objects, their life-cycles, and how the various objects interact along their life-cycles. This way, we prevent data divergence and convergence. We report on two case studies where our approach allowed to successfully analyze processes of ERP systems and reliably revealed unusual flows later confirmed by domain experts.


摘要: 企业资源计划(ERP)系统被广泛用于管理业务流程中的业务文档,并允许非常详细地记录过去的流程执行和相关文档的事件数据。此记录的事件数据是审核和检测异常流的基础。流程挖掘技术可以分析线性事件日志中存储的流程的事件数据,以发现揭示异常执行情况的流程模型。现有的从ERP数据获取线性事件日志的方法需要单个案例标识符,所有行为都可以与该案例标识符相关。但是,在ERP系统中,例如订单到现金流程在多个相互关联的业务对象上运行,每个业务对象都有自己的案例标识符,自己的行为,并且彼此交互。强制将它们合并为一个案例会导致由数据收敛和发散所导致的模棱两可的依赖关系,这会掩盖所得流程模型中异常的流程。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的半自动,端到端方法,用于分析ERP系统的普通数据库中的事件数据以进行异常执行。更准确地说,我们确定了一个以工件为中心的过程模型,该模型描述了业务对象,它们的生命周期以及各种对象如何沿其生命周期进行交互。这样,我们可以防止数据发散和收敛。我们报告了两个案例研究,这些案例使我们的方法能够成功地分析ERP系统的流程,并可靠地揭示异常流量,这些流量随后被领域专家确认。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2474358]

[487] Discovering Reference Process Models in the Context of BPM Projects (2013)

(Mejri, Asma and Ghannouchi, Sonia Ayachi | Procedia Technology)

Abstract: This paper is related to process mining, specifically the processes discovery. Our goal, through this research work, is to build an approach that extracts a reference model, modeled in BPMN language, from the event logs related to different processes, based on the algorithm alphaalpha. We also aim to make the configuration of the extracted process models in BPMN language. So, we developed a plug-in in ProM environment. We tested this plug-in by using test cases for which preliminary results are encouraging.


摘要: 本文涉及流程挖掘,尤其是流程的发现。我们的目标是通过这项研究工作,建立一种方法,该方法从基于不同流程的事件日志中提取以BPMN语言建模的参考模型。我们还旨在使用BPMN语言对提取的流程模型进行配置,因此,我们在ProM环境中开发了一个插件,并使用了初步的测试用例对该插件进行了测试结果令人鼓舞。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.054]

[488] Discovering and Visualizing Operations Processes with POD-Discovery and POD-Viz (2015)

(Weber, Ingo and Li, Chao and Bass, Len and Xu, Xiwei and Zhu, Liming | Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks)

Abstract: Understanding the behavior of an operations process and capturing it as an abstract process model has been shown to improve dependability significantly 1. In particular, process context can be used for error detection, diagnosis, and even automated recovery. Creating the process model is an essential step in determining process context and, consequently, improving dependability. This paper describes two systems. The first, POD-Discovery, simplifies the creation of such an abstract process model from operations logs. An activity that previously required many manual steps can now be done largely automatically and in minutes. Using the discovered model, the second system, POD-Viz, provides operators with the ability to visualize the current state of an operations process in near-real-time and to replay a set of events to understand how the process context changed over time. This allows operators to trace the progress of an operations process easily, and helps in analyzing encountered errors.


摘要: 了解操作流程的行为并将其捕获为抽象流程模型已显示可显着提高可靠性1。特别地,过程上下文可以用于错误检测,诊断,甚至自动恢复。创建流程模型是确定流程环境并因此提高可靠性的必要步骤。本文介绍了两种系统。第一个是POD-Discovery,它简化了从操作日志中创建这种抽象流程模型的过程。以前需要许多手动步骤的活动现在可以在几分钟内自动完成。使用发现的模型,第二个系统POD-Viz使操作员能够近乎实时地可视化操作流程的当前状态,并重播一组事件以了解流程上下文随时间的变化。这使操作员可以轻松跟踪操作过程的进度,并有助于分析遇到的错误。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DSN.2015.23]

[489] Discovering and analyzing patterns of usage to detect usability problems in web applications (2011)

(Vargas, Ariel and Weffers, Harold and Da Rocha | International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA)

Abstract: In this paper we describe two usability studies in which the interaction of users with an online application was remotely and automatically captured and analyzed. The usability studies were performed using the WebHint method for usability analysis of web applications. We evaluate two different versions of the application in order to observe the applicability of the method for successive usability analysis. The results show how the WebHint method can be used as an alternative approach to carry out successive evaluations of the usability of an application in order to analyze the evolution of different versions of its interface. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了两个可用性研究,其中远程和自动捕获并分析了用户与在线应用程序的交互。可用性研究是使用WebHint方法进行的,用于Web应用程序的可用性分析。我们评估应用程序的两个不同版本,以观察该方法在连续可用性分析中的适用性。结果显示了如何将WebHint方法用作替代方法,以对应用程序的可用性进行连续评估,以分析其接口的不同版本的演变。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDA.2011.6121717]

[490] Discovering batch processing area from workflow logs (2010)

(Wen, Yiping and Liu, Jianxun and Chen, Zhigang | Proceedings - 2010 13th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2010)

Abstract: Our previous work has preliminarily investigated the batch processing model and its implementation. To solve the problem of setting batch processing areas for the applications of batch processing in workflow, this paper proposes a method of discovering batch processing area from workflow logs. Its mining process includes phrases of mining initial workflow model, identifying batch processing feature of activity and discovering batch processing area in the initial workflow model. The result of simulation experiments shows that this method can work effectively for several different size of data sets. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 我们之前的工作已经初步研究了批处理模型及其实现。为了解决为工作流中的批处理应用设置批处理区域的问题,提出了一种从工作流日志中发现批处理区域的方法。其挖掘过程包括挖掘初始工作流程模型,识别活动的批处理功能以及在初始工作流程模型中发现批处理区域的短语。仿真实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地处理几种不同大小的数据集。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSE.2010.61]

[491] Discovering block-structured process models from event logs - A constructive approach (2013)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process discovery is the problem of, given a log of observed behaviour, finding a process model that best describes this behaviour. A large variety of process discovery algorithms has been proposed. However, no existing algorithm guarantees to return a fitting model (i.e., able to reproduce all observed behaviour) that is sound (free of deadlocks and other anomalies) in finite time. We present an extensible framework to discover from any given log a set of block-structured process models that are sound and fit the observed behaviour. In addition we characterise the minimal information required in the log to rediscover a particular process model. We then provide a polynomial-time algorithm for discovering a sound, fitting, block-structured model from any given log; we give sufficient conditions on the log for which our algorithm returns a model that is language-equivalent to the process model underlying the log, including unseen behaviour. The technique is implemented in a prototypical tool. textcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 过程发现是给定观察到的行为的记录的问题,它找到了一个最佳描述这种行为的过程模型。已经提出了各种各样的过程发现算法。但是,现有的算法不能保证返回拟合模型(即,能够重现所有观察到的行为)在有限时间内是健全的(没有死锁和其他异常)。我们提出了一个可扩展的框架,可以从任何给定的日志中发现一组健全且适合于用户的块结构过程模型。此外,我们描述了日志中重新发现特定过程模型所需的最少信息,然后提供了多项式时间算法来从任何给定日志中发现声音,拟合,块结构模型;我们给出了充分的条件我们的算法为其返回的日志所使用的模型与该日志所基于的过程模型在语言上等效,其中包括看不见的行为。校准工具。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-38697-8_17]

[492] Discovering business process model from unstructured activity logs (2010)

(Kumar, Rahul and Bhattacharyya, Chiranjib and Varshneya, Virendra | Proceedings - 2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2010)

Abstract: Many real world business processes are executed without explicit orchestration and hence do not generate structured execution logs. This is particularly true for the class of business processes which are executed in service delivery centers in emerging markets where rapid changes in processes and in the people executing the processes are common. In such environments, the process execution logs are usually a mix of human entered activity log of actions performed and the auto-generated logs by various tools used during the process execution. Process discovery from unstructured execution logs has been a relatively unexplored research area. In this paper, we propose an approach for process discovery from unstructured logs using gaussian mixture models and hidden markov models. We apply this approach to the logs generated by a real-world business process used in a service delivery center and demonstrate that the results obtained are comparable to an approach of manually labeling the logs followed by a best known process discovery algorithm in literature. The approach proposed is generic and applicable to a wide range of business process execution settings. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 许多现实世界中的业务流程是在没有明确编排的情况下执行的,因此不会生成结构化的执行日志。对于在新兴市场的服务交付中心执行的业务流程类别尤其如此,在新兴市场中,流程和执行流程的人员经常发生快速变化。在这样的环境中,流程执行日志通常是人工输入的执行操作的活动日志和流程执行期间使用的各种工具自动生成的日志的混合。从非结构化执行日志中发现过程一直是一个相对未开发的研究领域。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用高斯混合模型和隐马尔可夫模型从非结构化日志中发现过程的方法。我们将此方法应用于服务交付中心中使用的实际业务流程生成的日志,并证明所获得的结果与手动标记日志的方法相类似,后跟文献中最著名的流程发现算法。建议的方法是通用的,适用于广泛的业务流程执行设置。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2010.78]

[493] Discovering business rules from business process models (2011)

(Thi, Thanh Thoa Pham and Helfert, Markus and Hossain, Fakir and Dinh, Thang Le | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Discovering business rules from business process models are of advantage to ensure the compliance of business processes with business rules. Furthermore it provides the agility of business processes in case of business rules evolution. Current approaches are limited on types of rules that can be discovered. This paper analyses the expression power of some popular business process modelling languages in embedding business rules in its presentation and provides indicators to extract various types of business rules from business process models. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 从业务流程模型中发现业务规则对于确保业务流程与业务规则的合规性具有优势。此外,它在业务规则演变的情况下提供业务流程的敏捷性。当前的方法受限于可以发现的规则类型。本文分析了一些流行的业务流程建模语言在将业务规则嵌入其表示中时的表达能力,并提供了从业务流程模型中提取各种类型的业务规则的指标。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2023607.2023652]

[494] Discovering changes of the change control board process during a software development project using process mining (2009)

(vSamalikova | Communications in Computer and Information Science)

Abstract: During a software process improvement program, the current state of software development processes is being assessed and improvement actions are being determined. However, these improvement actions are based on process models obtained during interviews and document studies, e.g. quality manuals. Such improvements are scarcely based on the practical way of working in an organization; they do not take into account shortcuts made due to e.g. time pressure. Becoming conscious about the presence of such deviations and understanding their causes and impacts, consequences for particular software process improvement activities in a particular organization could be proposed. This paper reports on the application of process mining techniques to discover shortcomings in the Change Control Board process in an organization during the different lifecycle phases and to determine improvement activities. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


摘要: 在软件过程改进计划中,正在评估软件开发过程的当前状态,并正在确定改进措施。但是,这些改进措施是基于采访和文档研究过程中获得的过程模型,例如质量手册。这种改进几乎不是基于在组织中的实际工作方式。他们没有考虑由于时间压力。意识到这种偏差的存在并了解其原因和影响,可以提出特定组织中特定软件过程改进活动的后果。本文报告了过程挖掘技术的应用,以发现组织在不同生命周期阶段的变更控制委员会过程中的缺点,并确定改进活动。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-04133-4_11]

[495] Discovering colored Petri nets from event logs (2008)

(Rozinat, A. and Mans, R. S. and Song, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Process-aware information systems typically log events (e.g., in transaction logs or audit trails) related to the actual execution of business processes. Analysis of these execution logs may reveal important knowledge that can help organizations to improve the quality of their services. Starting from a process model, which can be discovered by conventional process mining algorithms, we analyze how data attributes influence the choices made in the process based on past process executions using decision mining, also referred to as decision point analysis. In this paper we describe how the resulting model (including the discovered data dependencies) can be represented as a Colored Petri Net (CPN), and how further perspectives, such as the performance and organizational perspective, can be incorporated. We also present a CPN Tools Export plug-in implemented within the ProM framework. Using this plug-in, simulation models in ProM obtained via a combination of various process mining techniques can be exported to CPN Tools. We believe that the combination of automatic discovery of process models using ProM and the simulation capabilities of CPN Tools offers an innovative way to improve business processes. The discovered process model describes reality better than most hand-crafted simulation models. Moreover, the simulation models are constructed in such a way that it is easy to explore various redesigns. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.


摘要: 具有流程意识的信息系统通常会记录与业务流程的实际执行相关的事件(例如,在事务日志或审计跟踪中)。对这些执行日志的分析可能会发现重要的知识,可以帮助组织提高服务质量。从可以通过常规过程挖掘算法发现的过程模型开始,我们使用决策挖掘(也称为决策点分析)基于过去的过程执行来分析数据属性如何影响过程中的选择。在本文中,我们描述了如何将结果模型(包括发现的数据依赖项)表示为有色Petri网(CPN),以及如何将进一步的角度(例如绩效和组织角度)纳入其中。我们还介绍了在ProM框架内实现的CPN工具导出插件。使用此插件,可以将通过各种过程挖掘技术组合而获得的ProM中的仿真模型导出到CPN工具。我们认为,结合使用ProM自动发现流程模型和CPN Tools的仿真功能,可以提供一种改进业务流程的创新方法。发现的过程模型比大多数手工模拟模型更好地描述了现实。此外,以易于探索各种重新设计的方式构建仿真模型。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0051-0]


[496] Discovering crisis models to help assess coordination plans (2017)

(Le, Nguyen-Tuan-Thanh and Hanachi, Chihab and Stinckwich, Serge and Ho, Tuong-Vinh | Vietnam Journal of Computer Science)

Abstract: Recently, we have witnessed an increasing num- ber of crises, not only natural disasters but also man-made ones. Coordination among several stakeholders is the key factor to reduce the damage caused by a crisis. However, the plan for coordination can be expressed under various rep- resentations, including textual format—the most used one in reality but hard to analyze its efficiency. We consider in this paper a combination of process and organization aspects of a coordination plan. Process models (e.g Petri Net, Busi- ness Process Model and Notation) could be used to capture the processes of activities and messages exchanged between the actors involved in a crisis, while organization models (e.g. Role graph, agent-centred multi-agent system, organi- zation centred multi-agent system) are used to highlight the roles, their interactions and the organizational structures. We then describe a proposal that allows performing an automatic transformation from process models to organization mod- els. Our proposal is illustrated with a coordination plan for tsunami response, given by People Committee of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam.


摘要: 最近,我们目睹了越来越多的危机,不仅是自然灾害,还包括人为危机。几个利益相关者之间的协调是减少危机造成的损害的关键因素。但是,协调计划可以用各种表示形式来表达,包括文本格式,这是现实中使用最多的格式,但是很难分析其效率。我们在本文中考虑了协调计划的过程和组织方面的结合。流程模型(例如Petri Net,业务流程模型和注释)可用于捕获危机参与者之间活动和消息交换的过程,而组织模型(例如角色图,以代理为中心的多代理系统) ,以组织为中心的多主体系统)来突出角色,角色之间的相互作用以及组织结构。然后,我们描述一个建议,该建议允许执行从流程模型到组织模型的自动转换。越南胡志明市人民委员会制定的海啸应对协调计划说明了我们的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s40595-016-0078-9]

[497] Discovering cross-organizational business rules from the cloud (2015)

(Bernardi, Mario Luca and Cimitile, Marta and Maggi, Fabrizio M. | IEEE SSCI 2014 - 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, Proceedings)

Abstract: Cloud computing is rapidly emerging as a new information technology that aims at providing improved efficiency in the private and public sectors, as well as promoting growth, competition, and business dynamism. Cloud computing represents, today, an opportunity also from the perspective of business process analytics since data recorded by process-centered cloud systems can be used to extract information about the underlying processes. Cloud computing architectures can be used in cross-organizational environments in which different organizations execute the same process in different variants and share information about how each variant is executed. If the process is characterized by low predictability and high variability, business rules become the best way to represent the process variants. The contribution of this paper consists in providing: (i) a cloud computing multi-tenancy architecture to support cross-organizational process executions; (ii) an approach for the systematic extraction/composition of distributed data into coherent event logs carrying process-related information of each variant; (iii) the integration of online process mining techniques for the runtime extraction of business rules from event logs representing the process variants running on the infrastructure. The proposed architecture has been implemented and applied for the execution of a real-life process for acknowledging an unborn child performed in four different Dutch municipalities.


摘要: 云计算作为一种新的信息技术正在迅速兴起,其目的是在私有和公共部门中提高效率,并促进增长,竞争和业务活力。今天,从业务流程分析的角度来看,云计算也代表着机遇,因为以流程为中心的云系统记录的数据可用于提取有关基础流程的信息。云计算体系结构可用于跨组织的环境中,其中不同的组织在不同的变体中执行相同的过程,并共享有关如何执行每个变体的信息。如果流程具有低可预测性和高可变性的特征,则业务规则将成为代表流程变体的最佳方法。本文的贡献在于:(i)支持跨组织流程执行的云计算多租户架构; (ii)一种系统地将分布式数据提取/组合成相关事件日志的方法,该事件日志中包含每个变量的过程相关信息; (iii)集成在线过程挖掘技术,以便从事件日志中从运行时提取业务规则,这些事件日志表示在基础结构上运行的过程变量。拟议的体系结构已实施并应用于执行真实过程,以确认在四个不同的荷兰城市中执行的未出生婴儿。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2014.7008694]

[498] Discovering e-learning process models from counterexamples (2018)

(Blaskovic, B. and Skopljanac-Macina, F. and Zakarija, I. | 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2018 - Proceedings)

Abstract: In our paper we are examining the application of process mining techniques in the development of adaptive e-learning systems such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Process mining techniques can discover business process models from event log data. Here, we will use process mining to discover and add new useful tutoring sessions (learnLg paths) to our adaptive e-learning system. E-learning knowledge base is an ontology (union of taxonomies) of a chosen domain. Using data in the ontology we build a directed acyclic graph with nodes (states) and labeled transitions (questions), or more formally, as a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). Each tutoring session is a run of the DFA, or in process mining terminology: one learning process model. We will apply well-known Angluins L algorithm on the data from e-learning system log flies to discover new useful tutoring sessions which can be added to the e-learning system DFA. We will present use case examples based on our e-learning system used on our course Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.


摘要: 在本文中,我们正在研究过程挖掘技术在自适应电子学习系统(如智能辅导系统)开发中的应用。过程挖掘技术可以从事件日志数据中发现业务过程模型。在这里,我们将使用过程挖掘来在我们的自适应电子学习系统中发现并添加新的有用的辅导会话(学习路径)电子学习知识库是所选领域的本体(分类法的联盟),使用本体中的数据,我们构建了带有节点的有向无环图(状态)和带标签的过渡(问题),或更正式地表示为确定性有限自动机(DFA)。每个补习课程都是DFA的运行,或者是过程挖掘术语:一种学习过程模型,我们将应用众所周知的Angluin对来自在线学习系统日志的数据的L算法飞速发现了可以添加到在线学习系统DFA中的新的有用的辅导会话,我们将基于所使用的在线学习系统提供用例示例在我们的电气工程基础知识课程中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400112]

[499] Discovering event correlation rules for semi-structured business processes (2011)

(Rozsnyai, Szabolcs and Slominski, Aleksander and Lakshmanan, Geetika T. | DEBS11 - Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems)

Abstract: In this paper we describe an algorithm to discover event correlation rules from arbitrary data sources. Correlation rules can be useful for determining relationships between events in order to isolate instances of a running business process for the purposes of monitoring, discovery and other applications. We have implemented our algorithm and validate our approach on events generated by a simulator that implements a real-world inspired export compliance regulations scenario consisting of 24 activities and corresponding event types. This simulated scenario involves a wide range of heterogeneous systems (e.g. Order Management, Document Management, E-Mail, and Export Violation Detection Services) as well as workflow-supported human-driven interactions (Process Management System). Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm achieves a high level of accuracy in the detection of correlation rules. This paper confirms that our algorithm is a step towards semi-automating the task of detecting correlations. We also demonstrate how correlation rules discovered by our algorithm can be used to create aggregation nodes that allow more efficient querying, filtering and analytics. The results in this paper encourage future directions such as distributed statistics calculation, and scalability in terms of handling massive data sets. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一种从任意数据源中发现事件相关规则的算法。关联规则对于确定事件之间的关系很有用,以便隔离正在运行的业务流程的实例,以进行监视,发现和其他应用程序。我们已经实现了算法并验证了由模拟器生成的事件的方法,该模拟器实现了由24个活动和相应事件类型组成的现实世界启发的出口合规规定场景。此模拟方案涉及各种各样的异构系统(例如,订单管理,文档管理,电子邮件和导出违规检测服务),以及工作流支持的人为驱动的交互(流程管理系统)。实验结果表明,我们的算法在检测相关规则方面达到了很高的准确性。本文证实了我们的算法是朝半自动化检测相关性任务迈出的一步。我们还将演示如何使用我们的算法发现的相关规则来创建聚合节点,以使查询,过滤和分析效率更高。本文的结果鼓励了未来的方向,例如分布式统计数据计算和在处理海量数据集方面的可伸缩性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2002259.2002272]

[500] Discovering expressive process models by clustering log traces (2006)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Pontieri, Luigi and Sacc`a | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining techniques have recently received notable attention in the literature for their ability to assist in the (re)design of complex processes by automatically discovering models that explain the events registered in some log traces provided as input. Following this line of research, the paper investigates an extension of such basic approaches, where the identification of different variants for the process is explicitly accounted for, based on the clustering of log traces. Indeed, modeling each group of similar executions with a different schema allows us to single out conformant models, which, specifically, minimize the number of modeled enactments that are extraneous to the process semantics. Therefore, a novel process mining framework is introduced and some relevant computational issues are deeply studied. As finding an exact solution to such an enhanced process mining problem is proven to require high computational costs, in most practical cases, a greedy approach is devised. This is founded on an iterative, hierarchical, refinement of the process model, where, at each step, traces sharing similar behavior patterns are clustered together and equipped with a specialized schema. The algorithm guarantees that each refinement leads to an increasingly sound model, thus attaining a monotonic search. Experimental results evidence the validity of the approach with respect to both effectiveness and scalability. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术最近在文献中获得了显着的关注,因为它们能够通过自动发现解释解释为输入的某些日志跟踪中记录的事件的模型来帮助(重新)设计复杂过程的能力。遵循这一研究路线,本文研究了这种基本方法的扩展,其中基于日志跟踪的聚类,明确说明了该过程的不同变体的标识。的确,用不同的模式对每组相似的执行进行建模允许我们挑选出符合模型,具体来说,这是使与过程语义无关的建模方法的数量最少。因此,引入了一种新颖的过程挖掘框架,并对相关的计算问题进行了深入研究。由于事实证明找到解决这种增强的过程挖掘问题的精确解决方案需要高计算成本,因此在大多数实际情况下,设计了一种贪婪方法。这建立在过程模型的迭代,分层,完善的基础上,其中在每个步骤中,共享相似行为模式的迹线都聚集在一起并配备有专门的模式。该算法保证每次细化都会导致模型的健全,从而实现单调搜索。实验结果证明了该方法在有效性和可伸缩性方面的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2006.123]

[501] Discovering expressive process models from noised log data (2009)

(Folino, Francesco and Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Pontieri, Luigi | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Process-oriented systems have been increasingly attracting data mining researchers, mainly due to the advantages that the application of inductive process mining techniques to log data could open to both the analysis of complex processes and the design of new process models. However, the actual impact of process mining in the industry is endangered by some simplifying assumptions these techniques relies on. In fact, current approaches have still problems to mine models over languages that allow for complex constructs, e.g., duplicate tasks, hidden tasks, non-free-choice constructs, and/or when noise is admitted in the log. In this paper, some advances to facing these problems are made, by proposing an algorithm which can deal with duplicate and hidden tasks, as well as with the presence of noise and non-free choice relationships among process activities. Importantly, due to the local nature of the search strategy exploited by the algorithm, the proposed approach seems suited to scale in real-world application scenarios. Copyright textcopyright2009 ACM.


摘要: 面向过程的系统已越来越吸引数据挖掘研究人员,这主要是由于归纳性的过程挖掘技术用于记录数据的优势可能对复杂过程的分析和新过程模型的设计都开放。但是,由于这些技术所依赖的一些简化假设,因此危害了行业中流程采矿的实际影响。实际上,当前的方法仍然难以在允许复杂构造的语言上挖掘模型,例如重复的任务,隐藏的任务,非自由选择的构造和/或当日志中包含噪声时。在本文中,通过提出一种可以处理重复和隐藏任务以及过程活动之间存在噪音和非自由选择关系的算法,在解决这些问题方面取得了一些进展。重要的是,由于该算法利用了搜索策略的局部性质,因此所提出的方法似乎适合在实际应用场景中进行扩展。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2009 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1620432.1620449]

[502] Discovering mobility patterns of instagram users through process mining techniques (2017)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Marozzo, Fabrizio and Potena, Domenico and Trunfio, Paolo | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI 2017)

Abstract: Every day a huge amount of data is generated by users of social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and so on. Analyzing data posted by people interested in a given topic or event allows inferring patterns and trends about people behaviors on a very large scale. These posts are often geotagged, this way enabling mobility pattern analysis. In this work, we investigate the use of Process Mining techniques to support the discovery and the analysis of mobility patterns of social media users. We discuss the results obtained analyzing posts of Instagram users who visited EXPO 2015, the Universal Exposition hosted in Milan, Italy, from May to October 2015.


摘要: 每天,社交媒体平台(如Facebook,Twitter等)的用户都会生成大量数据。分析由对给定主题或事件感兴趣的人员发布的数据可以推断出有关人员行为的模式和趋势。这些帖子通常经过地理标记,从而可以进行移动性模式分析。在这项工作中,我们调查使用过程挖掘技术来支持发现和分析社交媒体用户的移动模式。我们将讨论通过分析2015年5月至10月在意大利米兰举办的2015年世博会的Instagram用户的帖子所获得的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IRI.2017.69]

[503] Discovering models of software processes from event-based data (1998)

(Cook, Jonathan E. and Wolf, Alexander L. | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology)

Abstract: Many software process methods and tools presuppose the existence of a formal model of a process. Unfortunately, developing a formal model for an on-going, complex process can be difficult, costly, and error prone. This presents a practical barrier to the adoption of process technologies, which would be lowered by automated assistance in creating formal models. To this end, we have developed a data analysis technique that we term process discovery. Under this technique, data describing process events are first captured from an on-going process and then used to generate a formal model of the behavior of that process. In this article we describe a Markov method that we developed specifically for process discovery, as well as describe two additional methods that we adopted from other domains and augmented for our purposes. The three methods range from the purely algorithmic to the purely statistical. We compare the methods and discuss their application in an industrial case study. textcopyright 1998 ACM.


摘要: 许多软件过程方法和工具都以过程正式模型的存在为前提。不幸的是,为进行中的复杂过程开发正式模型可能很困难,成本很高并且容易出错。这为采用过程技术提出了实际障碍,可以通过自动协助创建正式模型来降低工艺技术。为此,我们开发了一种称为过程发现的数据分析技术。在这种技术下,描述过程事件的数据首先从正在进行的过程中捕获,然后用于生成该过程行为的形式模型。在本文中,我们描述了专门为过程发现而开发的Markov方法,并描述了我们从其他领域采用并出于我们的目的而扩展的两种其他方法。三种方法的范围从纯算法到纯统计。我们比较这些方法,并讨论它们在工业案例研究中的应用。 t​​extcopyright 1998 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/287000.287001]

[504] Discovering optimized process model using rule discovery hybrid particle swarm optimization (2017)

(Effendi, Yutika Amelia and Sarno, Riyanarto | Proceeding - 2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Theory and Application of IT for Education, Industry and Society in Big Data Era, ICSITech 2017)

Abstract: This paper presents a bio-inspired hybrid method which concentrate on the optimal or a near-optimal business process model from an event log. The discovery of Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (Hybrid PSO) algorithm comes from the combination of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and Simulated Annealing (SA) method. This paper presents a method which combines Rule discovery task and Hybrid PSO. The proposed method can discover not only classification rules that produce the most optimal business process model from event logs, but also can optimize the quality of process model. To be formulated into an optimization problem, we use rule discovery task to get the high accuracy, comprehensibility and generalization performance. After we get the results from rule discovery task, we use Hybrid PSO to resolve the problem. In this proposed method, we use continuous data as data set and fitness function as evaluation criteria of quality of discovered business process model. As final results, we prove that the proposed method has the best results in terms of average fitness and number of iterations, compared with classical PSO algorithm and original hybrid PSO algorithm.


摘要: 本文提出了一种受生物启发的混合方法,该方法集中于事件日志中的最佳或接近最佳的业务流程模型。混合粒子群优化(Hybrid PSO)算法的发现源于粒子群优化(PSO)算法和模拟退火(SA)方法的结合。本文提出了一种结合规则发现任务和混合PSO的方法。所提出的方法不仅可以从事件日志中发现产生最佳业务流程模型的分类规则,而且可以优化流程模型的质量。为了制定一个优化问题,我们使用规则发现任务来获得高精度,可理解性和泛化性能。从规则发现任务获得结果后,我们使用混合PSO解决问题。在该方法中,我们使用连续数据作为数据集,并使用适应度函数作为发现的业务流程模型质量的评估标准。作为最终结果,我们证明了与经典PSO算法和原始混合PSO算法相比,该方法在平均适应度和迭代次数方面具有最佳效果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSITech.2017.8257092]

[505] Discovering organizational process models of resources in a hospital using Role Hierarchy Miner (2015)

(Krutanard, Chaowalit and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In this research, we analyzed the roles of the resources (i.e., personnel and staff in charge of handling the patients treatment processes)based on an authentic medical event log previously captured and collected from an estate hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The applications Disco and ProM were used in order to generate social networks in such a way that can evaluate the role of a resource in the hospital. Accordingly, using the Role Hierarchy Miner technique we could better visualize and simulate the relationships between the relevant resources with the assigned tasks in a well-structured approach. The results of the study can help the administrators to have a better idea about the personnel in charge of each task, resulting to better performance and efficiency of the process treatment processes in total. The findings of the study also can be used to detect and track the violations of the roles (and assigned duties) between the human resources of the governmental or private hospitals.


摘要: 在这项研究中,我们根据先前从泰国曼谷的一家房地产医院捕获并收集的真实医疗事件日志,分析了资源(即负责处理患者治疗过程的人员和人员)的作用。使用Disco和ProM来生成社交网络,以便可以评估医院中资源的角色,因此,使用角色层次挖掘器技术,我们可以更好地可视化和模拟相关资源之间的关系。研究结果可以帮助管理员更好地了解负责每个任务的人员,从而总体上提高过程处理过程的性能和效率。研究还可以用于检测和跟踪政府或私人医院人力资源之间角色(和分配的职责)的冲突ls。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368483]

[506] Discovering process model from event logs by considering overlapping rules (2017)

(Effendi, Yutika Amelia and Sarno, Riyanarto | International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI))

Abstract: Process Mining is a technique to automatically discover and analyze business processes from event logs. Discovering concurrent activities often uses process mining since there are many of them contained in business processes. Since researchers and practitioners are giving attention to the process discovery (one of process mining techniques), then the best result of the discovered process models is a must. Nowadays, using process execution data in the past, process models with rules underlying decisions in processes can be enriched, called decision mining. Rules defined over process data specify choices between multiple activities. One out of multiple activities is allowed to be executed in existing decision mining methods or it is known as mutually-exclusive rules. Not only mutually-exclusive rules, but also fully deterministic because all factors which influence decisions are recorded. However, because of non-determinism or incomplete information, there are some cases that are overlapping in process model. Moreover, the rules which are generated from existing method are not suitable with the recorded data. In this paper, a discovery technique for process model with data by considering the overlapping rules from event logs is presented. Discovering overlapping rules uses decision tree learning techniques, which fit the recorded data better than the existing method. Process model discovery from event logs is generated using Modified Time-Based Heuristics Miner Algorithm. Last, online book store management process model is presented in High-level BPMN Process Model.


摘要: Process Mining是一种从事件日志中自动发现和分析业务流程的技术。发现并行活动通常使用流程挖掘,因为业务流程中包含许多活动。由于研究人员和实践者都在关注过程发现(过程挖掘技术之一),因此必须有发现的过程模型的最佳结果。如今,使用过去的流程执行数据,可以丰富具有流程决策基础规则的流程模型,称为决策挖掘。根据流程数据定义的规则指定了多个活动之间的选择。允许在现有的决策挖掘方法中执行多种活动中的一种,或者称为互斥规则。由于记录了所有影响决策的因素,因此不仅具有互斥规则,而且具有完全确定性。但是,由于不确定性或信息不完整,因此某些情况在过程模型中会重叠。而且,从现有方法生成的规则不适用于所记录的数据。本文提出了一种通过考虑事件日志中的重叠规则发现具有数据的过程模型的技术。发现重叠规则使用决策树学习技术,该技术比现有方法更适合记录的数据。使用修改的基于时间的启发式挖掘器算法从事件日志中发现过程模型。最后,在高级BPMN流程模型中介绍了在线书店管理流程模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EECSI.2017.8239193]

[507] Discovering process model from incomplete log using process mining (2015)

(Zakarija, Ivona and Skopljanac-Macina, Frano and Blaskovic, Bruno | Proceedings Elmar - International Symposium Electronics in Marine)

Abstract: This paper gives an overview of relevant research in the area of process mining. Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs. The major objective of process mining is to discover, monitor and improve real processes. Process mining aims to exploit event data in a meaningful way to identify and anticipate problems, and recommend countermeasures. Additionally, process mining places the existing massive volumes of data in the context of processes. Since extracting data is an integral part of any process mining procedure, data preparation or data pre-processing requires certain efforts. Examples have been given to indicate how the chosen process mining technique deals with incompleteness in the event log data. Experiments have been made on the real data collected from information system for accommodation services.


摘要: 本文概述了过程采矿领域的相关研究。流程挖掘技术能够从事件日志中提取知识。流程挖掘的主要目标是发现,监视和改善实际流程。流程挖掘旨在以有意义的方式利用事件数据来识别和预测问题,并提出对策。此外,流程挖掘将现有的大量数据放在流程的上下文中。由于提取数据是任何过程挖掘过程中不可或缺的一部分,因此数据准备或数据预处理需要付出一定的努力。给出了示例以指示所选的过程挖掘技术如何处理事件日志数据中的不完整性。已经对从住宿服务信息系统收集的真实数据进行了实验。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ELMAR.2015.7334510]

[508] Discovering process models from event multiset (2012)

(Wang, Dongyi and Ge, Jidong and Hu, Hao and Luo, Bin and Huang, Liguo | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: The aim of process mining is to discover the process model from the event log which is recorded by the information system. Typical steps of process mining algorithm can be described as: (1) generating event traces from event log, (2) analyzing event traces and obtaining ordering relations of tasks, (3) generating process model with ordering relations of tasks. The first two steps could be very time consuming involving millions of events and thousands of event traces. This paper presents a novel algorithm (lambdalambda-algorithm) which almost eliminates these two steps in generating event traces from event log and analyzing event traces so as to reduce the performance of process mining algorithm. Firstly, we retrieve the event multiset (input data of algorithm marked as MS) which records the frequency of each event but ignores their orders when extracted from event logs. The event in event multiset contains the information of post-activities. Secondly, we obtain ordering relations from event multiset. The ordering relations contain causal dependency, potential parallelism and non-potential parallelism. Finally, we discover a process models with ordering relations. The complexity of lambdalambda-algorithm is only bound up with the event classes (the set of events in event logs) that has significantly improved the performance of existing process mining algorithms and is expected to be more practical in real-world process mining based on event logs, as well as being able to detect SWF-nets, short-loops and most of implicit dependency (generated by non-free choice constructions). textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘的目的是从信息系统记录的事件日志中发现过程模型。流程挖掘算法的典型步骤可以描述为:(1)从事件日志生成事件跟踪,(2)分析事件跟踪并获得任务的排序关系,(3)生成具有任务排序关系的流程模型。前两个步骤可能非常耗时,涉及数百万个事件和数千个事件跟踪。本文提出了一种新颖的算法($ lambda $ -algorithm),该算法几乎消除了从事件日志生成事件跟踪和分析事件跟踪这两个步骤,从而降低了流程挖掘算法的性能。首先,我们检索事件多集(算法输入数据标记为MS),该集记录了每个事件的发生频率,但从事件日志中提取时忽略了它们的顺序。事件多集中的事件包含活动后信息。其次,我们从事件多集获得排序关系。排序关系包含因果相关性,潜在并行性和非潜在并行性。最后,我们发现具有订购关系的过程模型。 $ lambda $-算法的复杂性仅与事件类(事件日志中的事件集)绑定在一起,事件类极大地改善了现有流程挖掘算法的性能,并有望在实际流程中更加实用根据事件日志进行挖掘,并能够检测SWF网络,短循环和大多数隐式依赖关系(由非自由选择构造生成)。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2012.03.064]

[509] Discovering process models through relational disjunctive patterns mining (2011)

(Loglisci, Corrado and Ceci, Michelangelo and Appice, Annalisa and Malerba, Donato | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining)

Abstract: The automatic discovery of process models can help to gain insight into various perspectives (e.g., control flow or data perspective) of the process executions traced in an event log. Frequent patterns mining offers a means to build human understandable representations of these process models. This paper describes the application of a multi-relational method of frequent pattern discovery into process mining. Multi-relational data mining is demanded for the variety of activities and actors involved in the process executions traced in an event log which leads to a relational (or structural) representation of the process executions. Peculiarity of this work is in the integration of disjunctive forms into relational patterns discovered from event logs. The introduction of disjunctive forms enables relational patterns to express frequent variants of process models. The effectiveness of using relational patterns with disjunctions to describe process models with variants is assessed on real logs of process executions. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程模型的自动发现可以帮助深入了解事件日志中跟踪的过程执行的各个角度(例如,控制流或数据角度)。频繁的模式挖掘提供了一种构建这些流程模型的人类可理解表示的方法。本文描述了频繁模式发现的多关系方法在过程挖掘中的应用。对于事件日志中跟踪的流程执行中涉及的各种活动和参与者,需要进行多关系数据挖掘,从而导致流程执行的关系(或结构)表示。这项工作的特殊之处在于将析取形式集成到从事件日志中发现的关系模式中。析构形式的引入使关系模式能够表达过程模型的频繁变体。在流程执行的真实日志中评估了使用带分离关系模式来描述带有变体的流程模型的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949299]

[510] Discovering reference process models by mining process variants (2008)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2008)

Abstract: Recently, a new generation of adaptive Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) has emerged, which allows for dynamic process and service changes (e.g., to insert, delete, and move activities and service executions in a running process). This, in turn, has led to a large number of process variants derived from the same model, but differing in structure due to the applied changes. Generally, such process variants are expensive to configure and difficult to maintain. This paper provides a sophisticated approach which fosters learning from past process changes and allows for mining process variants. As a result we obtain a generic process model for which the average distance between this model and the respective process variants becomes minimal. By adopting this generic model in the PAIS, need for future process configuration and adaptation decreases. We have validated the proposed mining method and implemented it in a powerful proof of-concept prototype. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 最近,出现了新一代的自适应过程感知信息系统(PAIS),它允许动态改变过程和服务(例如,在运行的过程中插入,删除和移动活动和服务执行)。反过来,这导致从相同模型派生出大量过程变量,但是由于应用的更改而导致结构不同。通常,这样的过程变体配置昂贵并且难以维护。本文提供了一种先进的方法,可促进从过去的过程更改中学习,并允许挖掘过程变体。结果,我们获得了通用过程模型,该模型与相应过程变量之间的平均距离变得最小。通过在PAIS中采用这种通用模型,减少了对未来过程配置和适应性的需求。我们已经验证了所提出的挖掘方法,并在功能强大的概念原型中进行了实现。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2008.13]


[511] Discovering requirements through goal-driven process mining (2017)

(Dabrowski, Jacek and Kifetew, Fitsum Meshesha and Mu~nante, Denisse and Letier, Emmanuel and Siena, Alberto and Susi, Angelo | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, REW 2017)

Abstract: Software systems are designed to support their users in performing tasks that are parts of more general processes. Unfortunately, software designers often make invalid assumptions about the users processes and therefore about the requirements to support such processes. Eliciting and validating such assumptions through manual means (e.g., through observations, interviews, and workshops) is expensive, time-consuming, and may fail to identify the users real processes. Using process mining may reduce these problems by automating the monitoring and discovery of the actual processes followed by a crowd of users. The Crowd provides an opportunity to involve diverse groups of users to interact with a system and conduct their intended processes. This implicit feedback in the form of discovered processes can then be used to modify the existing systems functionalities and ensure whether or not a software product is used as initially designed. In addition, the analysis of user-system interactions may reveal lacking functionalities and quality issues. These ideas are illustrated on the GreenSoft personal energy management system.


摘要: 软件系统旨在支持他们的用户执行作为更通用流程一部分的任务。不幸的是,软件设计人员经常对用户的流程做出无效的假设,因此对支持此类流程的要求也做出无效的假设。手动方式(例如,通过观察,访谈和研讨会)是昂贵,费时的,并且可能无法识别用户的真实流程;使用流程挖掘可以通过自动监控和发现实际流程,从而减少这些问题。人群提供了一个机会,可以让不同的用户群体与系统交互并执行其预期的过程,然后以发现过程的形式隐式反馈可以用来修改现有系统的功能,并确保是否或最初设计使用的不是软件产品,此外,用户系统交互分析离子可能显示出缺乏功能和质量问题。这些想法在GreenSoft个人能源管理系统上得到了说明。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/REW.2017.61]

[512] Discovering role interaction models in the Emergency Room using Process Mining (2018)

(Alvarez, Camilo and Rojas, Eric and Arias, Michael and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Sepulveda, Marcos and Herskovic, Valeria and Capurro, Daniel | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Objectives: A coordinated collaboration among different healthcare professionals in Emergency Room (ER) processes is critical to promptly care for patients who arrive at the hospital in a delicate health condition, claiming for an immediate attention. The aims of this study are (i) to discover role interaction models in (ER) processes using process mining techniques; (ii) to understand how healthcare professionals are currently collaborating; and (iii) to provide useful knowledge that can help to improve ER processes. Methods: A four step method based on process mining techniques is proposed. An ER process of a university hospital was considered as a case study, using 7160 episodes that contains specific ER episode attributes. Results: Insights about how healthcare professionals collaborate in the ER was discovered, including the identification of a prevalent role interaction model along the major triage categories and specific role interaction models for different diagnoses. Also, common and exceptional professional interaction models were discovered at the role level. Conclusions: This study allows the discovery of role interaction models through the use of real-life clinical data and process mining techniques. Results show a useful way of providing relevant insights about how healthcare professionals collaborate, uncovering opportunities for process improvement.


摘要: 目标:急诊室(ER)流程中不同医护人员之间的协调协作对于及时护理病情急迫到达医院的患者至关重要,要求立即给予关注。这项研究的目的是(i)使用过程挖掘技术发现(ER)过程中的角色交互模型; (ii)了解医疗保健专业人员目前的合作方式; (iii)提供有助于改善ER过程的有用知识。方法:提出一种基于过程挖掘技术的四步法。一个大学医院的ER过程被视为案例研究,使用包含特定ER发作属性的7160集。结果:发现了有关医护人员如何在急诊室中进行协作的见解,包括确定了主要分类分类中的流行角色交互模型以及针对不同诊断的特定角色交互模型。此外,在角色级别上发现了常见和特殊的专业互动模型。结论:这项研究允许通过使用现实生活中的临床数据和过程挖掘技术来发现角色交互模型。结果显示了一种有用的方式,可以提供有关医疗保健专业人员如何协作的相关见解,从而发现流程改进的机会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2017.12.015]

[513] Discovering simulation models (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and Mans, R. S. and Song, M. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining is a tool to extract non-trivial and useful information from process execution logs. These so-called event logs (also called audit trails, or transaction logs) are the starting point for various discovery and analysis techniques that help to gain insight into certain characteristics of the process. In this paper we use a combination of process mining techniques to discover multiple perspectives (namely, the control-flow, data, performance, and resource perspective) of the process from historic data, and we integrate them into a comprehensive simulation model. This simulation model is represented as a colored Petri net (CPN) and can be used to analyze the process, e.g., evaluate the performance of different alternative designs. The discovery of simulation models is explained using a running example. Moreover, the approach has been applied in two case studies; the workflows in two different municipalities in the Netherlands have been analyzed using a combination of process mining and simulation. Furthermore, the quality of the CPN models generated for the running example and the two case studies has been evaluated by comparing the original logs with the logs of the generated models. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 流程挖掘是一种从流程执行日志中提取非平凡和有用信息的工具。这些所谓的事件日志(也称为审计跟踪或事务日志)是各种发现和分析技术的起点,有助于发现该过程的某些特征。在本文中,我们使用过程挖掘技术的组合从历史数据中发现过程的多个视角(即控制流,数据,性能和资源视角),并将它们集成到一个综合的仿真模型中。该仿真模型表示为有色Petri网(CPN),可用于分析过程,例如评估不同替代设计的性能。通过运行示例说明了仿真模型的发现。此外,该方法已在两个案例研究中应用。结合了过程挖掘和模拟,对荷兰两个不同城市的工作流程进行了分析。此外,通过将原始日志与生成的模型的日志进行比较,评估了为运行示例和两个案例研究生成的CPN模型的质量。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2008.09.002]

[514] Discovering social networks from event logs (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Computer Supported Cooperative Work)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for the discovery of knowledge based on so-called event logs, i.e., a log recording the execution of activities in some business process. Many information systems provide such logs, e.g., most WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems record transactions in a systematic way. Process mining techniques typically focus on performance and control-flow issues. However, event logs typically also log the performer, e.g., the person initiating or completing some activity. This paper focuses on mining social networks using this information. For example, it is possible to build a social network based on the hand-over of work from one performer to the next. By combining concepts from workflow management and social network analysis, it is possible to discover and analyze social networks. This paper defines metrics, presents a tool, and applies these to a real event log within the setting of a large Dutch organization. textcopyright Springer 2005.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术允许基于所谓的事件日志,即记录某些业务流程中活动执行的日志来发现知识。许多信息系统提供此类日志,例如,大多数WFM,ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统以系统的方式记录交易。流程挖掘技术通常专注于性能和控制流问题。但是,事件日志通常还记录执行者,例如发起或完成某些活动的人。本文着重于利用这些信息挖掘社交网络。例如,可以基于从一个表演者到另一个表演者的工作交接来建立社交网络。通过将工作流管理和社交网络分析中的概念相结合,可以发现和分析社交网络。本文定义了指标,提供了一种工具,并将其应用于大型荷兰组织环境中的真实事件日志。 t​​extcopyright Springer2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10606-005-9005-9]

[515] Discovering student behavior patterns from event logs: Preliminary results on a novel probabilistic latent variable model (2018)

(Qiao, Chen and Hu, Xiao | Proceedings - IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2018)

Abstract: Digital platforms enable the observation of learning behaviors through fine-grained log traces, offering more detailed clues for analysis. In addition to previous descriptive and predictive log analysis, this study aims to simultaneously model learner activities, event time spans, and interaction levels using the proposed Hidden Behavior Traits Model (HBTM). We evaluated model performance and explored their capability of clustering learners on a public dataset, and tried to interpret the machine recognized latent behavior patterns. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrated the promising value of HBTM. Results of this study can contribute to the literature of online learner modeling and learning service planning.


摘要: 数字平台可通过细粒度的日志跟踪观察学习行为,从而提供更详细的分析线索。除了先前的描述性和预测性日志分析之外,本研究旨在使用提议的隐藏行为特征模型(HBTM)同时对学习者的活动,事件时间跨度和互动水平进行建模。我们评估了模型性能,并探索了他们在公共数据集上对学习者进行聚类的能力,并试图解释机器识别的潜在行为模式。定量和定性结果证明了HBTM的巨大价值。这项研究的结果可以为在线学习者建模和学习服务计划的文献做出贡献。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICALT.2018.00056]

[516] Discovering the software process by means of stochastic workflow analysis (2006)

(Colombo, Alberto and Damiani, Ernesto and Gianini, Gabriele | Journal of Systems Architecture)

Abstract: A fundamental feature of the software process consists in its own stochastic nature. A convenient approach for extracting the stochastic dynamics of a process from log data is that of modelling the process as a Markov model: in this way the discovery of the short/medium range dynamics of the process is cast in terms of the learning of Markov models of different orders, i.e. in terms of learning the corresponding transition matrices. In this paper we show that the use of a full Bayesian approach in the learning process helps providing robustness against statistical noise and over-fitting, as the size of a transition matrix grows exponentially with the order of the model. We give a specific model-model similarity definition and the corresponding calculation procedure to be used in model-to-sequence or sequence-to-sequence conformance assessment, this similarity definition could also be applied to other inferential tasks, such as unsupervised process learning. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 软件过程的基本特征在于其自身的随机性。从日志数据中提取过程的随机动力学的一种便捷方法是将过程建模为马尔可夫模型:这样,就可以通过学习马尔可夫模型来发现过程的中/短程动力学。不同阶数,即在学习相应的转换矩阵方面。在本文中,我们表明,随着过渡矩阵的大小按模型的阶数增长,在学习过程中使用完整的贝叶斯方法有助于提供针对统计噪声和过度拟合的鲁棒性。我们给出了一个特定的模型-模型相似性定义和相应的计算过程,以用于模型到序列或序列到序列一致性评估中,该相似性定义也可以应用于其他推理任务,例如无监督过程学习。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.sysarc.2006.06.012]

[517] Discovering work prioritisation patterns from event logs (2017)

(Suriadi, Suriadi and Wynn, Moe T. and Xu, Jingxin and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Business process improvement initiatives typically employ various process analysis techniques, including evidence-based analysis techniques such as process mining, to identify new ways to streamline current business processes. While plenty of process mining techniques have been proposed to extract insights about the way in which activities within processes are conducted, techniques to understand resource behaviour are limited. At the same time, an understanding of resources behaviour is critical to enable intelligent and effective resource management - an important factor which can significantly impact overall process performance. The presence of detailed records kept by todays organisations, including data about who, how, what, and when various activities were carried out by resources, open up the possibility for real behaviours of resources to be studied. This paper proposes an approach to analyse one aspect of resource behaviour: the manner in which a resource prioritises his/her work. The proposed approach has been formalised, implemented, and evaluated using a number of synthetic and real datasets.


摘要: 业务流程改进计划通常采用各种流程分析技术,包括基于证据的分析技术(例如流程挖掘),以找出简化当前业务流程的新方法。尽管已经提出了许多流程挖掘技术来获取有关流程方式的见解。在流程中进行哪些活动,了解资源行为的技术受到限制;同时,对资源行为的理解对于实现智能和有效的资源管理至关重要,这是可能严重影响整体流程性能的重要因素。当今组织保留的记录,包括有关由资源执行谁,如何,什么以及何时进行各种活动的数据,为研究资源的真实行为开辟了可能性,提出了一种分析资源行为的方法:资源优先使用他/她的方式工作。该提议的方法已经使用大量的综合和真实数据集进行了形式化,实施和评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.002]

[518] Discovering workflow models from activities lifespans (2004)

(Pinter, Shlomit S. and Golani, Mati | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Workflow systems utilize a process model for managing business processes. The model is typically a directed graph annotated with activity names. We view the execution of an activity as a time interval, and present two new algorithms for synthesizing process models from sets of systems executions (audit log). A model graph generated by each of the algorithms for a process, captures all its executions and dependencies that are present in the log, and preserves existing parallelism. We compare the model graphs synthesized by our algorithms to those of Agrawal et al. Mining process models from workflow logs, in: Proceedings of the Advances in Database Technology (EDBT98), 6th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Valencia, Spain, 23-27 March 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings vol. 1377, Springer, Berlin, 1998 by running them on simulated data. We observe that our graphs are more faithful in the sense that the number of excess and absent edges is consistently smaller and it depends on the size and quality of the log. In other words, we show that our time interval approach permits reconstruction of more accurate workflow model graphs from a log. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

** 从活动的生命周期中发现工作流程模型**

摘要: 工作流系统利用流程模型来管理业务流程。该模型通常是带有活动名称的有向图。我们将活动的执行视为一个时间间隔,并提出了两种新算法,用于从系统集合中综合流程模型执行(审核日志)。每个流程的算法生成的模型图,捕获日志中存在的所有执行和依存关系,并保留现有的并行性。我们将通过算法合成的模型图与Agrawal et al。从工作流日志中挖掘过程模型,在:数据库技术进步论文集(EDBT98),第六届扩展数据库技术国际会议,西班牙巴伦西亚,1998年3月23日至27日,计算机科学讲座(Proceedings vol.1377,Springer,Berlin,1998),通过在模拟数据上运行它们,我们观察到我们的图形更加真实,因为多余和不存在的边的数量为始终较小,这取决于日志的大小和质量。换句话说,我们证明了我们的时间间隔方法可以从日志中重建更准确的工作流模型图。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.004]

[519] Discovering workflow nets using integer linear programming (2018)

(van Zelst, S. J. and van Dongen, B. F. and Vanxa0der Aalst | Computing)

Abstract: Process mining is concerned with the analysis, understanding and improvement of business processes. Process discovery, i.e. discovering a process model based on an event log, is considered the most challenging process mining task. State-of-the-art process discovery algorithms only discover local control flow patterns and are unable to discover complex, non-local patterns. Region theory based techniques, i.e. an established class of process discovery techniques, do allow for discovering such patterns. However, applying region theory directly results in complex, overfitting models, which is less desirable. Moreover, region theory does not cope with guarantees provided by state-of-the-art process discovery algorithms, both w.r.t. structural and behavioural properties of the discovered process models. In this paper we present an ILP-based process discovery approach, based on region theory, that guarantees to discover relaxed sound workflow nets. Moreover, we devise a filtering algorithm, based on the internal working of the ILP-formulation, that is able to cope with the presence of infrequent, exceptional behaviour. We have extensively evaluated the technique using different event logs with different levels of exceptional behaviour. Our experiments show that the presented approach allows us to leverage the inherent shortcomings of existing region-based approaches. The techniques presented are implemented and readily available in the HybridILPMiner package in the open-source process mining tool-kits ProM (http://promtools.org) and RapidProM (http://rapidprom.org).


摘要: 流程挖掘与业务流程的分析,理解和改进有关。流程发现,即基于事件日志发现流程模型,被认为是最具挑战性的流程挖掘任务。最新的过程发现算法仅发现本地控制流模式,而无法发现复杂的非本地模式。基于区域理论的技术,即已建立的过程发现技术类别,确实允许发现这种模式。但是,直接应用区域理论会导致复杂的过拟合模型,这是不太理想的。此外,区域理论不能满足最新工艺发现算法所提供的保证。发现的过程模型的结构和行为特性。在本文中,我们提出一种基于区域理论的,基于ILP的过程发现方法,该方法可确保发现轻松的声音工作流网络。此外,我们基于ILP公式的内部工作设计了一种过滤算法,该算法可以应对偶发的异常行为的出现。我们已经使用具有不同级别异常行为的不同事件日志对技术进行了广泛的评估。我们的实验表明,提出的方法使我们能够利用现有的基于区域的方法的固有缺点。所介绍的技术已在开源流程挖掘工具包ProM(http://promtools.org)和RapidProM(http://rapidprom.org)的HybridILPMiner程序包中实现并易于使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-017-0582-5]

[520] Discovering workflow transactional behavior from event-based log (2004)

(Gaaloul, Walid and Bhiri, Sami and Godart, Claude | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Previous workflow mining works have concentrated their efforts on process behavioral aspects. Although powerful, these proposals are found lacking in functionalities and performance when used to discover transactional workflow that cannot be seen at the level of behavioral aspects of workflow. Their limitations mainly come from their incapacity to discover the transactional dependencies between process activities, or activities transactional properties. In this paper, we describe mining techniques, which are able to discover a workflow model, and to improve its transactional behavior from event logs. We propose an algorithm to discover workflow patterns and workflow termination states (WTS). Then based on the discovered control flow and set of termination states, we use a set of rules to mine the workflow transactional behavior. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.


摘要: 以前的工作流挖掘工作将精力集中在流程行为方面。这些提议虽然功能强大,但在发现事务工作流时却缺乏功能和性能,而这些事务在工作流的行为方面无法看到。他们的局限性主要来自于他们无法发现流程活动或活动交易属性之间的交易依存关系。在本文中,我们描述了挖掘技术,该技术能够发现工作流模型,并从事件日志中改善其交易行为。我们提出一种算法来发现工作流程模式和工作流程终止状态(WTS)。然后,基于发现的控制流和一组终止状态,我们使用一组规则来挖掘工作流的交易行为。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-30468-5_3]

[521] Discovery and analysis of e-mail-driven business processes (2012)

(Stuit, Marco and Wortmann, Hans | Information Systems)

Abstract: E-mail is used as the primary tool for business communication and collaboration. This paper presents a novel e-mail interaction mining method to discover and analyze e-mail-driven business processes. An e-mail-driven business process is perceived as a human collaboration process that consists of interactions between people who may each play different roles. The notion of message threads (i.e. sets of e-mail messages that are replies to each other) is used as the fundamental building block to construct the interactions in the e-mail-driven business process. The proposed method adopts an interaction-centric business process modeling language to visualize the discovered e-mail-driven business process. The method identifies message threads from an e-mail archive, and constructs an interaction-centric process model based on the temporal order and similarity of the threads. Process-related information is extracted from e-mail header fields. A software tool, named E-mail Interaction Miner, implements the proposed method. A case study is used to apply and evaluate the method on a set of e-mails collected from a Dutch gas transport company. The evaluation results are discussed. These results comprise business process improvement opportunities for the case organization, and contributions to theory and language development. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


摘要: 电子邮件被用作业务交流和协作的主要工具。本文提出了一种新颖的电子邮件交互挖掘方法,以发现和分析电子邮件驱动的业务流程。电子邮件驱动的业务流程被视为人的协作流程,它由可能扮演不同角色的人们之间的交互组成。消息线程(即相互回复的电子邮件消息集)的概念用作构建电子邮件驱动的业务流程中的交互的基本构件。所提出的方法采用以交互为中心的业务流程建模语言来可视化发现的电子邮件驱动的业务流程。该方法从电子邮件档案库中识别消息线程,并基于线程的时间顺序和相似性构建以交互为中心的过程模型。与过程相关的信息是从电子邮件标题字段中提取的。一种名为电子邮件交互作用矿工的软件工具实现了所提出的方法。案例研究用于对从荷兰天然气运输公司收集的一组电子邮件应用和评估该方法。讨论评估结果。这些结果包括案例组织改进业务流程的机会,以及对理论和语言发展的贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.09.008]

[522] Discovery and diagnosis of behavioral transitions in patient event streams (2012)

(Robinson, William N. and Akhlaghi, Arash and Deng, Tianjie and Syed, Ali Raza | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Users with cognitive impairments use assistive technology (AT) as part of a clinical treatment plan. As the AT interface ismanipulated, data streammining techniques are used tomonitor user goals. In this context, realtime data mining aids clinicians in tracking user behaviors as they attempt to achieve their goals. Quality metrics over stream-mined models identify potential changes in user goal attainment, as the user learns his or her personalized emailing system. When the quality of some data-mined models varies significantly from nearby models-as defined by quality metrics-the users behavior is then flagged as a significant behavioral change. The specific changes in user behavior are then characterized by differencing the data-mined decision tree models. This article describes how model quality monitoring and decision tree differencing can aid in recognition and diagnoses of behavioral changes in a case study of cognitive rehabilitation via emailing. The technique may be more widely applicable to other real-time data-intensive analysis problems. textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 具有认知障碍的用户使用辅助技术(AT)作为临床治疗计划的一部分。随着AT接口的使用,数据流挖掘技术被用于监视用户目标。在这种情况下,实时数据挖掘可帮助临床医生跟踪用户的行为当用户学习他或她的个性化电子邮件系统时,基于流挖掘的模型的质量度量可以识别用户目标达成的潜在变化。当某些数据挖掘的模型的质量与附近的模型有显着差异时,质量指标-将用户的行为标记为重大的行为变化,然后通过区分数据挖掘的决策树模型来表征用户行为的特定变化。本文介绍了模型质量监控和决策树差异如何有助于识别和通过电子邮件进行认知康复的案例研究中对行为改变的诊断,该技术可能更普及非常适用于其他实时数据密集型分析问题。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2151163.2151167]

[523] Discovery of clinical pathway patterns from event logs using probabilistic topic models (2014)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Dong, Wei and Ji, Lei and Gan, Chenxi and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Discovery of clinical pathway (CP) patterns has experienced increased attention over the years due to its importance for revealing the structure, semantics and dynamics of CPs, and to its usefulness for providing clinicians with explicit knowledge which can be directly used to guide treatment activities of individual patients. Generally, discovery of CP patterns is a challenging task as treatment behaviors in CPs often have a large variability depending on factors such as time, location and patient individual. Based on the assumption that CP patterns can be derived from clinical event logs which usually record various treatment activities in CP executions, this study proposes a novel approach to CP pattern discovery by modeling CPs using mixtures of an extension to the Latent Dirichlet Allocation family that jointly models various treatment activities and their occurring time stamps in CPs. Clinical case studies are performed to evaluate the proposed approach via real-world data sets recording typical treatment behaviors in patient careflow. The obtained results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed approach for CP pattern discovery, and indicate the promise in research efforts related to CP analysis and optimization. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 由于对揭示CPs的结构,语义和动力学的重要性,以及其对向临床医生提供可直接用于指导治疗的明确知识的有用性,多年来,临床途径(CP)模式的发现受到越来越多的关注。个别患者的活动。通常,CP模式的发现是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为CP中的治疗行为通常取决于时间,位置和患者个体等因素而具有很大的可变性。基于可以从通常记录CP执行过程中各种治疗活动的临床事件日志中得出CP模式的假设,本研究提出了一种新的CP模式发现方法,该方法通过使用潜在Dirichlet Allocation家庭扩展的混合物对CP建模来共同建模CP。在CP中模拟各种治疗活动及其发生的时间戳。进行临床案例研究,以通过记录患者护理流程中典型治疗行为的真实数据集来评估建议的方法。获得的结果证明了该方法对CP模式发现的适用性,并表明了与CP分析和优化有关的研究工作中的希望。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2013.09.003]

[524] Discovery of outpatient care process of a tertiary university hospital using process mining (2013)

(Kim, Eunhye and Kim, Seok and Song, Minseok and Kim, Seongjoo and Yoo, Donghyun and Hwang, Hee and Yoo, Sooyoung | Healthcare Informatics Research)

Abstract: Objectives: There is a need for effective processes in healthcare clinics, especially in tertiary hospitals, that consist of a set of complex steps for outpatient care, in order to provide high quality care and reduce the time cost. This study aimed to discover the potential of a process mining technique to determine an outpatient care process that can be utilized for further improvements. Methods: The outpatient event log was defined, and the log data for a month was extracted from the hospital information system of a tertiary university hospital. That data was used in process mining to discover an outpatient care process model, and then the machine-driven model was compared with a domain expert-driven process model in terms of the accuracy of the matching rate. Results: From a total of 698,158 event logs, the most frequent pattern was found to be Consultation registration > Consultation > Consultation scheduling > Payment > Outside-hospital prescription printing (11.05% from a total cases). The matching rate between the expert-driven process model and the machine-driven model was found to be approximately 89.01%, and most of the processes occurred with relative accuracy in accordance with the expert-driven process model. Conclusions: Knowledge regarding the process that occurs most frequently in the pattern is expected to be useful for hospital resource assignments. Through this research, we confirmed that process mining techniques can be applied in the healthcare area, and through detailed and customized analysis in the future, it can be expected to be used to improve actual outpatient care processes. textcopyright 2013 The Korean Society of Medical Informatics.


摘要: 目标:在医疗保健诊所,尤其是在三级医院中,需要有效的流程,其中包括一系列复杂的门诊护理步骤,以提供高质量的护理并减少时间成本。这项研究旨在发现过程挖掘技术的潜力,以确定可以用于进一步改进的门诊护理过程。方法:定义门诊事件日志,并从三级医院的医院信息系统中提取一个月的日志数据。将该数据用于过程挖掘以发现门诊护理过程模型,然后根据匹配率的准确性将机器驱动的模型与领域专家驱动的过程模型进行比较。结果:在总共698,158个事件日志中,发现频率最高的模式是咨询注册>咨询>咨询时间表>付款>医院外处方打印(占总数的11.05%)。发现专家驱动的过程模型与机器驱动的模型之间的匹配率约为89.01%,并且大多数过程按照专家驱动的过程模型以相对准确的方式发生。结论:有关模式中最频繁发生的过程的知识预计将对医院资源分配有用。通过这项研究,我们确认过程挖掘技术可以应用于医疗保健领域,并且通过将来的详细和自定义分析,可以期望将其用于改善实际的门诊护理过程。 t​​extcopyright 2013年韩国医学信息学学会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.4258/hir.2013.19.1.42]

[525] Discovery of patient pathways from a national hospital database using process mining and integer linear programming (2015)

(Prodel, Martin and Augusto, Vincent and Xie, Xiaolan and Jouaneton, Baptiste and Lamarsalle, Ludovic | IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering)

Abstract: The analysis of patient pathways from event log is gaining importance in the field of medical information. It provides deep insights about the care process and the ways to improve it. This paper combines optimization and process mining. A new Integer Linear Programming model is proposed to discover the care process at a macroscopic scale from a large-size database. When dealing with health-care data, the main challenge to overcome is the considerable variability of patients behaviors. An original size constraint and an aggregation method are used to create simple but significant process models. The results of a case study on heart failures confirm the ability of the approach to reveal the process information behind the data.


摘要: 事件日志中对患者路径的分析在医疗信息领域中变得越来越重要。它提供了有关护理过程及其改进方法的深刻见解。本文将优化与过程挖掘结合在一起。一种新的整数线性规划模型是提出从大型数据库中以宏观方式发现护理过程,在处理卫生保健数据时,要克服的主要挑战是患者行为的相当多的可变性,使用原始的大小约束和汇总方法来创建简单但重要的过程模型。有关心力衰竭的案例研究结果证实了该方法能够揭示数据背后的过程信息的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CoASE.2015.7294295]


[526] Discovery of temporal patterns from process instances (2004)

(Hwang, San Yih and Wei, Chih Ping and Yang, Wan Shiou | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Existing work in process mining focuses on the discovery of the underlying process model from their instances. In this paper, we do not assume the existence of a single process model to which all process instances comply, and the goal is to discover a set of frequently occurring temporal patterns. Discovery of temporal patterns can be applied to various application domains to support crucial business decision-making. In this study, we formally defined the temporal pattern discovery problem, and developed and evaluated three different temporal pattern discovery algorithms, namely TP-Graph, TP-Itemset and TP-Sequence. Their relative performances are reported. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘中的现有工作着重于从实例中发现基础过程模型。在本文中,我们不假设所有流程实例都遵循单个流程模型,而目标是发现一组频繁发生的时间模式。可以将时间模式的发现应用于各种应用程序域,以支持关键的业务决策。在这项研究中,我们正式定义了时间模式发现问题,并开发和评估了三种不同的时间模式发现算法,即TP-Graph,TP-Itemset和TP-Sequence。报告了它们的相对性能。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.006]

[527] Discrete modeling and simulation of business processes using event logs (2014)

(Khodyrev, Ivan and Popova, Svetlana | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: An approach to business process modelling for short term KPI prediction, based on event logs and values of environment variables, is proposed. Ready-for-simulation process model is built semi-automatically, expert only inputs desired environment variables, which are used as features during the learning process. Process workflow is extracted as a Petri Net model using a combination of process mining algorithms. Dependencies between features and process variables are formalized using decision and regression trees techniques. Experiments were conducted to predict KPIs of real companies. textcopyright The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 提出了一种基于事件日志和环境变量值的短期KPI预测的业务流程建模方法。准备就绪的仿真过程模型是半自动构建的,专家只需输入所需的环境变量,这些变量就将在学习过程中用作功能。使用流程挖掘算法的组合将流程工作流提取为Petri Net模型。功能和过程变量之间的依赖关系使用决策树和回归树技术进行形式化。进行实验以预测真实公司的KPI。 t​​extcopyright作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.029]

[528] Distilling lasagna from spaghetti processes (2017)

(Manoj Kumar | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: If the operational process is flexible, control flow discovery methods in process mining tend to produce Spaghetti (unstructured) models. Spaghetti models generally consist of large number of activities and paths. These models are unstructured, incomprehensible difficult to analyse, impossible to use during operational support and enhancement. Due The structural complexity of Spaghetti processes majority of techniques in process mining can not be applied on them. There is a at most necessity to design and develop methods for simplifying the structure of Spaghetti process to make them easily understandable and reusable. The methods proposed in this paper concentrates on offering the tools and techniques for analysing the Spaghetti process. The problems addressed in this paper are 1) converting the unstructured Spaghetti to structured and simplified Lasagna process, 2) identifying the list of possible, significant, and impossible paths of execution in Lasagna process. The proposed technique is verified and validated on real-life road traffic fine management event-log taken from standard repository.


摘要: 如果操作过程是灵活的,则过程挖掘中的控制流发现方法往往会生成Spaghetti(非结构化)模型。意大利面条模型通常包含大量的活动和路径。这些模型是无结构的,难以理解的,难以在运营支持和增强过程中使用的模型。由于Spaghetti工艺的结构复杂性,工艺采矿中的大多数技术无法应用于它们。最有必要设计和开发用于简化意粉工艺结构的方法,以使其易于理解和重用。本文提出的方法着重于提供分析意大利面条过程的工具和技术。本文所解决的问题是:1)将非结构化意大利面条转换为结构化和简化的宽面条过程,2)识别宽面条过程中可能的,重要的和不可能的执行路径列表。从标准资源库获取的现实道路交通精细管理事件日志中对提出的技术进行了验证和验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3059336.3059362]

[529] Distributed and scalable sequential pattern mining through stream processing (2017)

(Chen, Chun Chieh and Shuai, Hong Han and Chen, Ming Syan | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: Scalability is a primary issue in existing sequential pattern mining algorithms for dealing with a large amount of data. Previous work, namely sequential pattern mining on the cloud (SPAMC), has already addressed the scalability problem. It supports the MapReduce cloud computing architecture for mining frequent sequential patterns on large datasets. However, this existing algorithm does not address the iterative mining problem, which is the problem that reloading data incur additional costs. Furthermore, it did not study the load balancing problem. To remedy these problems, we devised a powerful sequential pattern mining algorithm, the sequential pattern mining in the cloud-uniform distributed lexical sequence tree algorithm (SPAMC-UDLT), exploiting MapReduce and streaming processes. SPAMC-UDLT dramatically improves overall performance without launching multiple MapReduce rounds and provides perfect load balancing across machines in the cloud. The results show that SPAMC-UDLT can significantly reduce execution time, achieves extremely high scalability, and provides much better load balancing than existing algorithms in the cloud.


摘要: 可伸缩性是现有的顺序模式挖掘算法中处理大量数据的主要问题。先前的工作,即云上的顺序模式挖掘(SPAMC),已经解决了可伸缩性问题。它支持MapReduce云计算架构,用于在大型数据集上挖掘频繁的顺序模式。但是,该现有算法无法解决迭代挖掘问题,即重新加载数据会产生额外费用的问题。此外,它没有研究负载平衡问题。为了解决这些问题,我们设计了一种功能强大的顺序模式挖掘算法,即利用MapReduce和流处理流程在云均匀分布式词汇序列树算法(SPAMC-UDLT)中进行顺序模式挖掘。 SPAMC-UDLT无需启动多个MapReduce回合即可显着提高整体性能,并在云中的计算机之间提供完美的负载平衡。结果表明,与云中的现有算法相比,SPAMC-UDLT可以显着减少执行时间,实现极高的可伸缩性并提供更好的负载平衡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-017-1037-1]

[530] Distributed compliance monitoring of business processes over MapReduce architectures (2017)

(Loreti, Daniela and Chesani, Federico and Ciampolini, Anna and Mello, Paola | ICPE 2017 - Companion of the 2017 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering)

Abstract: In the era of IoT, large volumes of event data from different sources are collected in the form of streams. As these logs need to be online processed to extract further knowledge about the underlying business process, it is becoming more and more important to give support to run-Time monitoring. In particular, increasing attention has been turned to conformance checking as a way to identify when a sequence of events deviates from the expected behavior. Albeit rather straightforward on a small log file, conformance verification techniques may show poor performance when dealing with big data, making increasingly attractive the possibility to improve scalability through distributed computation. In this paper, we adopt a previously implemented framework for compliance verification (which provides a high-level logic- based notation for the monitoring specification) and we show how it can be efficiently distributed on a set of computing nodes to support scalable run-Time monitoring when dealing with large volumes of event logs.


摘要: 在物联网时代,来自不同来源的大量事件数据以流的形式收集。由于需要对这些日志进行联机处理以提取有关基础业务流程的更多知识,因此,对运行时监视提供支持变得越来越重要。特别是,越来越多的注意力转向一致性检查,以识别事件序列何时偏离预期行为。尽管在小型日志文件上非常简单,但是一致性验证技术在处理大数据时可能会表现出较差的性能,这使通过分布式计算提高可伸缩性的可能性变得越来越有吸引力。在本文中,我们采用了以前实现的一致性验证框架(该框架为监视规范提供了基于逻辑的高级表示法),并展示了如何将其有效地分布在一组计算节点上以支持可扩展的运行时。在处理大量事件日志时进行监视。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3053600.3053616]

[531] Diversity guided evolutionary mining of hierarchical process models (2015)

(Molka, Thomas and Redlich, David and Drobek, Marc and Zeng, Xiao Jun and Gilani, Wasif | GECCO 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference)

Abstract: Easy-to-understand and up-to-date models of business processes are important for enterprises, as they aim to describe how work is executed in reality and provide a starting point for process analysis and optimization. With an increasing amount of event data logged by information systems today, the automatic discovery of process models from process logs has become possible. Whereas most existing techniques focus on the discovery of well-formalized models (e.g. Petri nets) which are popular among researchers, business analysts prefer business domain-specific models (such as Business Process Model Notation, BPMN) which are not well formally specified. We present and evaluate an approach for discovering the latter type of process models by formally specifying a hierarchical view on business process models and applying an evolution strategy on it. The evolution strategy efficiently finds process models which best represent a given event log by using fast methods for process model conformance checking, and is partly guided by the diversity of the process model population. The approach contributes to the field of evolutionary algorithms by showing that they can be successfully applied in the real-world use case of process discovery, and contributes to the process discovery domain by providing a promising alternative to existing methods.


摘要: 易于理解和最新的业务流程模型对企业很重要,因为它们旨在描述实际工作的执行方式,并为流程分析和优化提供起点。随着当今信息系统记录的事件数据数量的增加,从过程日志中自动发现过程模型成为可能。尽管大多数现有技术都集中在发现受研究人员欢迎的格式良好的模型(例如Petri网)上,但是业务分析员更喜欢未正式指定的特定于业务领域的模型(例如业务流程模型表示法,BPMN)。我们通过正式指定业务流程模型的层次结构视图并在其上应用演化策略,介绍并评估一种发现后一种流程模型的方法。演化策略通过使用快速方法进行过程模型一致性检查来有效地找到最能代表给定事件日志的过程模型,并且部分受过程模型总体多样性的指导。该方法通过证明它们可以成功地应用于流程发现的实际用例中,从而为进化算法领域做出了贡献,并通过为现有方法提供了有希望的替代方案,为流程发现领域做出了贡献。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2739480.2754765]

[532] Do activity lifecycles affect the validity of a business rule in a business process? (2016)

(Bernardi, Mario Luca and Cimitile, Marta and Di Francescomarino | Information Systems)

Abstract: Traditional process mining techniques offer limited possibilities to analyze business processes working in low-predictable and dynamic environments. Recently, to close this gap, declarative process models have been introduced to represent process mining results since they allow for describing complex behaviors as a compact set of business rules. However, in this context, activities of a business process are still considered as atomic/instantaneous events. This is a strong limitation for these approaches because often, in realistic environments, process activities are not instantaneous but executed across a time interval and pass through a sequence of states of a lifecycle. This paper investigates how the existing techniques for the discovery of declarative process models can be adapted when the business process under analysis contains non-atomic activities. In particular, we base our proposed approach on the use of discriminative rule mining to determine how the characteristics of the activity lifecycles in a business process influence the validity of a business rule in that process. The approach has been implemented as a plug-in of the process mining tool ProM and validated on synthetic logs and on a real-life log recorded by an incident and problem management system called VINST in use at Volvo IT Belgium.


摘要: 传统流程挖掘技术提供了有限的可能性来分析在低预测性和动态环境中工作的业务流程。最近,为了弥补这一差距,引入了声明性过程模型来表示过程挖掘结果,因为它们允许将复杂行为描述为一组紧凑的业务规则。但是,在这种情况下,业务流程的活动仍然被视为原子/瞬时事件。这是对这些方法的强烈限制,因为在现实环境中,流程活动通常不是瞬时的,而是跨时间间隔执行的,并经过生命周期的一系列状态。本文研究当所分析的业务流程包含非原子活动时,如何适应发现声明式流程模型的现有技术。特别是,我们基于歧视性规则挖掘的使用来提出建议的方法,以确定业务流程中活动生命周期的特征如何影响该流程中业务规则的有效性。该方法已实现为过程挖掘工具ProM的插件,并已在合成日志和真实事件日志中进行了验证,该日志由事件和问题管理系统VINST在比利时沃尔沃IT使用的记录下来。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.06.002]

[533] Domain-driven actionable process model discovery (2016)

(Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Song, Minseok and Bae, Hyerim and ook Sul, Sung and Wu, Jei Zheng | Computers and Industrial Engineering)

Abstract: Process discovery is a type of process mining that constructs a process model from the event logs of an information system. The model discovered using process discovery techniques and the process as perceived by users will always differ in some ways and to some extents. In particular, less structured process, such as operational process in business and manufacturing, often result overly confusing, spaghetti-like, process models caused by the inherent complexity of the process. As a result, the mined model has many limitations for providing the users with explicit knowledge that can be directly used to influence behavior for the users interest. Explicit knowledge, as later called by actionable knowledge, is an important representation on measuring the interestingness of mined patterns. This actionable knowledge, which is incorporated with users background knowledge and based on some notions of actionable rules, can result an actionable process model. Undoubtedly, domain experts, who know the process well, play a key role to enhance the mined model into an actionable model by their involvements during the discovery process. This paper presents a discovery method to obtain an actionable process model that is based on both the event relation in the log and users knowledge to improve the incompatibility of the traditional process mining approaches. Users can set their knowledge in terms of constraints. Unlike the existing approach, the proposed approach synthesizes the activity proximity and attempts to extract behavior satisfied by the constraints which may be hidden in the event logs for resulting an actionable process model. In addition, the proposed method is used in order to achieve a sound process model when the existence of the constraints does not satisfy the workflow soundness property. The method was implemented in the ProM framework and tested on a real process.


摘要: 过程发现是一种过程挖掘的类型,它从信息系统的事件日志中构建一个过程模型。使用过程发现技术发现的模型和用户所感知的过程在某些方面和某些程度上总是会有所不同。尤其是结构化程度较低的流程(例如业务和制造中的操作流程)通常会由于流程的内在复杂性而导致过于混乱,类似意大利面条的流程模型,因此,挖掘的模型在为用户提供可以直接用于影响用户利益行为的显式知识。后来被可操作知识称为的显性知识,是衡量挖掘模式的趣味性的重要表示形式,该可操作知识与用户的背景知识和基于一些可行规则的概念,可以得出可行的流程模型。精通过程,在他们的发现过程中发挥了关键作用,将挖掘的模型增强为可行的模型。本文提出了一种发现方法,该方法基于日志中的事件关系和用户的知识来获取可操作的过程模型,以改善传统过程挖掘方法的不兼容性。用户可以根据约束条件来设置他们的知识。与现有方法不同,所提出的方法综合了活动接近度,并尝试提取可能隐藏在事件日志中的约束所满足的行为,以生成可操作的过程模型。另外,当约束的存在不满足工作流健全性时,使用所提出的方法来获得合理的过程模型。该方法在ProM框架中实现,并在实际过程中进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cie.2016.05.010]

[534] E-Net modeling and analysis of emergency response processes constrained by resources and uncertain durations (2015)

(Liu, Cong and Zeng, Qingtian and Duan, Hua and Zhou, Meng Chu and Lu, Faming and Cheng, Jiujun | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: Time and resource management and optimization are two important challenges for an emergency response process, by which all individuals and groups manage hazards in an effort to avoid or ameliorate the impact of disasters. Compared with a traditional business process, an emergency response process has its own features. To our best knowledge, there is no formal method to model and analyze emergency response processes by taking uncertain activity execution duration, resource quantity, and resource preparation duration into account. This paper presents such a method based on an E-Net that is a Petri net-based formal model for an emergency response process constrained by resources and uncertain durations. According to the number of available resources, execution of an E-Net is classified into the worst, delayed, and best cases. Based on a priority-activity-first strategy and corresponding algorithms, this paper finds the duration to execute each activity for the delayed case. By experiments, we prove that the proposed strategy can ensure shorter execution duration of the whole process than a conventional one. A running case of a chlorine tank explosion is given to validate the proposed method.


摘要: 时间和资源的管理与优化是应急过程中的两个重要挑战,所有个人和团体都在此过程中管理灾害,以努力避免或减轻灾难的影响。与传统的业务流程相比,紧急响应流程具有其自身的功能。据我们所知,尚没有一种正式的方法可以通过将不确定的活动执行时间,资源数量和资源准备时间考虑在内来建模和分析紧急响应过程。本文提出了一种基于E-Net的方法,该E-Net是基于Petri网的形式模型,用于受资源和持续时间不确定的紧急响应过程。根据可用资源的数量,E-Net的执行分为最坏,延迟和最佳情况。基于优先活动优先策略和相应的算法,本文找到了延迟情况下执行每个活动的持续时间。通过实验,我们证明了所提出的策略可以确保比传统方法更短的整个过程的执行时间。给出了氯罐爆炸的运行案例,以验证所提出的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMC.2014.2330555]

[535] EMiT: A process mining tool (2004)

(Van Dongen | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining offers a way to distill process models from event logs originating from transactional systems in logistics, banking, e-business, health-care, etc. The algorithms used for process mining are complex and in practise large logs are needed to derive a high-quality process model. To support these efforts, the process mining tool EMiT has been built. EMiT is a tool that imports event logs using a standard XML format as input. Using an extended version of the alphaalpha-algorithm 3,8 it can discover the underlying process model and represent it in terms of a Petri net. This Petri net is then visualized by the program, automatically generating a smart layout of the model. To support the practical application of the tool, various adapters have been developed that allow for the translation of system-specific logs to the standard XML format. As a running example, we use an event log generated by the workflow management system Staffware. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.


摘要: 过程挖掘提供了一种从事件日志中提取过程模型的方法,这些事件日志来自物流,银行,电子商务,医疗保健等事务系统。过程挖掘所使用的算法非常复杂,实际上,需要大日志来导出高质量的流程模型。为了支持这些工作,已构建了流程挖掘工具EMiT。 EMiT是使用标准XML格式作为输入导入事件日志的工具。使用$ alpha $ -algorithm 3,8的扩展版本,它可以发现底层的流程模型并用Petri网表示。然后,该Petri网由程序可视化,自动生成模型的智能布局。为了支持该工具的实际应用,已经开发了各种适配器,这些适配器允许将系统特定的日志转换为标准XML格式。作为运行示例,我们使用由工作流管理系统Staffware生成的事件日志。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-27793-4_26]

[536] ERP Post Implementation Review with Process Mining: A Case of Procurement Process (2017)

(Mahendrawathi, E. R. and Zayin, Shania Olivia and Pamungkas, Firman Jati | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper promotes the use of process mining and root-cause analysis from BPM field to conduct post implementation review of ERP implementation at business process level. First, literature on ERP post implementation, measure of success, ERP lifecycle and process mining are reviewed. Then, a case study on a agricultural chemicals company that recently implemented an ERP systems is conducted. The focus of the case study is procurement process in the company. Interviews are conducted with procurement staffs in the company to obtain the standard procurement process. Then, data is extracted and structured into event logs. The event log is processed with Disco to discover the process model. Analysis was done to discover the normal and unusual paths in procurement process. ERP implementation is expected to increase efficiency of the procurement operation in terms of cycle time reduction. The process mining results show that some of the activities are very uncontrolled i.e. sometimes it can be done in a short time but in other cases it took a long time. The activity can be done quickly because the procedure is bypassed. The bottlenecks occur due to technical issues (error in the systems), data migration issues (the introduction of new material numbering and categories) and cultural issues (high dependency of hard copy approval). These issues need to be resolved so that the company can realize the operational efficiency benefit and eventually long-term strategic benefit of ERP implementation.


摘要: 本文提倡使用BPM领域的流程挖掘和根本原因分析来对业务流程级别的ERP实施进行实施后审查。首先,回顾了有关ERP实施后,成功的度量,ERP生命周期和过程挖掘的文献。然后,对最近实施了ERP系统的某农用化学品公司进行了案例研究。案例研究的重点是公司的采购流程。与公司的采购人员进行面谈以获得标准的采购流程。然后,提取数据并将其结构化为事件日志。迪斯科处理事件日志以发现流程模型。进行分析以发现采购过程中的正常和异常路径。在缩短周期时间方面,ERP的实施有望提高采购操作的效率。过程挖掘结果表明,某些活动是非常不受控制的,即有时可以在很短的时间内完成,但在其他情况下则需要很长时间。由于可以跳过该过程,因此可以快速完成该活动。由于技术问题(系统错误),数据迁移问题(新材料编号和类别的引入)和文化问题(硬拷贝批准的高度依赖性)而导致出现瓶颈。这些问题需要解决,以便公司可以实现ERP实施的运营效率优势和最终的长期战略优势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.149]

[537] ESub: Mining and exploring substructures in knowledge-intensive processes (2015)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico | Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2015)

Abstract: Process Mining (PM) encompasses a number of methodologies designed for extracting knowledge from event logs, typically recorded by operational information systems like ERPs, Workflow Management Systems or other process-aware enterprise systems. The structured nature of processes implemented in these systems has led to the development of effective techniques for conformance checking (check if a real execution trace conforms to a predefined process schema) or process discovery (synthesize a process schema from a set of real execution traces recorded in the trace log) 1. However in many knowledge-intensive domains, like e.g. health care, emergency management, research and innovation development, processes are typically characterized by little or no structure, since the flow of activities strongly depends on context-dependent decisions that should rely on human knowledge. Consequently, classical process discovery techniques usually provide limited support in analyzing these processes. As a further issue, in these domains an integrated information system may not even exist, requiring to integrate a number of independent event logs.


摘要: 过程挖掘(PM)包含许多旨在从事件日志中提取知识的方法,这些事件通常由诸如ERP,工作流管理系统或其他具有过程意识的企业系统之类的运营信息系统记录。在这些系统中实现的过程的结构化性质导致开发了有效的技术,用于进行一致性检查(检查实际执行跟踪是否符合预定义的过程模式)或过程发现(从记录的一组实际执行跟踪中合成过程模式)在跟踪日志中)1。但是,在许多知识密集型领域,例如卫生保健,应急管理,研究和创新开发,流程通常没有或几乎没有结构,因为活动的流程很大程度上取决于应依赖于人类知识的上下文相关决策。因此,经典的过程发现技术通常在分析这些过程时提供的支持有限。另一个问题是,在这些域中甚至可能不存在集成的信息系统,因此需要集成多个独立的事件日志。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HPCSim.2015.7237057]

[538] Ecosystem for business driven IT management (2014)

(Reimer, Tim and Tan, Qing | IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2014 - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium: Management in a Software Defined World)

Abstract: With the improved elasticity of the computing landscape, resources can be added or removed on demand. These new capabilities require a closer look at the link between business processes and IT infrastructure. Therefore, it seems prudent to focus on a conceptual blueprint that will encourage research in developing pragmatic offerings in monitoring, measuring, and analyzing this relationship with the purpose of measuring generated business value. This paper proposes a monitoring framework that can be integrated into enterprise architecture and would address these issues. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 随着计算环境弹性的提高,可以根据需要添加或删除资源。这些新功能需要仔细研究业务流程和IT基础架构之间的联系。因此,将重点放在概念蓝图上似乎是明智的选择,该蓝图将鼓励研究开发实用的产品,以监控,度量和分析这种关系,以度量所产生的业务价值。本文提出了一个可以集成到企业体系结构中并可以解决这些问题的监视框架。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NOMS.2014.6838374]

[539] Effa: A ProM plugin for recovering event logs (2016)

(Xia, Xiaoxu and Song, Wei and Chen, Fangfei and Li, Xuansong and Zhang, Pengcheng | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: While event logs generated by business processes play an increasingly significant role in business analysis, the quality of data remains a serious problem. Automatic recovery of dirty event logs is desirable and thus receives more attention. However, existing methods only focus on missing event recovery, or fall short of efficiency. To this end, we present Effa, a ProM plugin, to automatically recover event logs in the light of process specifications. Based on advanced heuristics including process decomposition and trace replaying to search the minimum recovery, Effa achieves a balance between repairing accuracy and efficiency.


摘要: 虽然业务流程生成的事件日志在业务分析中起着越来越重要的作用,但是数据质量仍然是一个严重的问题。希望自动恢复脏事件日志,因此受到更多关注。但是,现有方法仅关注丢失事件的恢复或效率不足。为此,我们介绍了ProM插件Effa,以根据流程规范自动恢复事件日志。基于高级启发式方法,包括过程分解和跟踪重播以搜索最小恢复,Effa实现了修复精度和效率之间的平衡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2993717.2993732]

[540] Effect of a checklist on advanced trauma life support workflow deviations during trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification (2014)

(Kelleher, Deirdre C. and Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | Journal of the American College of Surgeons)

Abstract: Background Trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification are often initially chaotic, which can potentially compromise patient care. We hypothesized that trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification are performed with more variable adherence to ATLS protocol and that implementation of a checklist would improve performance. Study Design We analyzed event logs of trauma resuscitations from two 4-month periods before (n = 222) and after (n = 215) checklist implementation. Using process mining techniques, individual resuscitations were compared with an ideal workflow model of 6 ATLS primary survey tasks performed by the bedside evaluator and given model fitness scores (range 0 to 1). Mean fitness scores and frequency of conformance (fitness = 1) were compared (using Students t-test or chi-square test, as appropriate) for activations with and without notification both before and after checklist implementation. Multivariable linear regression, controlling for patient and resuscitation characteristics, was also performed to assess the association between pre-arrival notification and model fitness before and after checklist implementation. Results Fifty-five (12.6%) resuscitations lacked pre-arrival notification (23 pre-implementation and 32 post-implementation; p = 0.15). Before checklist implementation, resuscitations without notification had lower fitness (0.80 vs 0.90; p < 0.001) and conformance (26.1% vs 50.8%; p = 0.03) than those with notification. After checklist implementation, the fitness (0.80 vs 0.91; p = 0.007) and conformance (26.1% vs 59.4%; p = 0.01) improved for resuscitations without notification, but still remained lower than activations with notification. In multivariable analysis, activations without notification had lower fitness both before (b = -0.11, p < 0.001) and after checklist implementation (b = -0.04, p = 0.02). Conclusions Trauma resuscitations without pre-arrival notification are associated with a decreased adherence to key components of the ATLS primary survey protocol. The addition of a checklist improves protocol adherence and reduces the effect of notification on task performance. textcopyright 2014 by the American College of Surgeons Published by Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 没有到达前通知的背景创伤复苏通常最初会很混乱,这可能会危及患者的护理。我们假设,在没有到达前通知的情况下进行创伤复苏,对ATLS协议的依从性更高,并且实施检查清单会提高绩效研究设计我们分析了清单实施之前(n = 222)和之后(n = 215)的两个4个月期间创伤复苏的事件日志,使用过程挖掘技术,将个体复苏与理想的6 ATLS主要工作流程模型进行了比较由床旁评估员执行的调查任务和给定的模型健身评分(范围为0到1),比较了平均健身评分和符合频率(健身= 1)(使用学生t检验或卡方检验,视情况而定)进行激活在执行清单之前和之后都可以通知和不通知。多变量线性回归,控制患者d。还进行了复苏特性,以评估在实施清单之前和之后的到达前通知与模型适用性之间的关联。结果百分之五十五(12.6%)的复苏缺少到达前通知(实施前23项,实施后32项; p = 0.15)。在实施检查清单之前,没有通知的复苏的适应性较低(0.80 vs 0.90; p <0.001)和一致性(26.1%vs 50.8%; p = 0.03)。实施清单后,在没有通知的情况下进行复苏的适应性(0.80对0.91; p = 0.007)和依从性(26.1%对59.4%; p = 0.01)有所改善,但仍然低于有通知的复苏。在多变量分析中,在没有通知的情况下激活(b = -0.11,p <0.001)和实施清单​​之后(b = -0.04,p = 0.02)都较低。结论在没有到达前通知的情况下进行创伤复苏与减少对ATLS主要调查方案关键组成部分的依从性相关。添加检查清单可提高协议的依从性,并减少通知对任务性能的影响。 t​​extcopyright 2014年由美国外科医师学会(Elsevier Inc.)发行。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2013.11.021]


[541] Effective application of process improvement patterns to business processes (2016)

(Lohrmann, Matthias and Reichert, Manfred | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Improving the operational effectiveness and efficiency of processes is a fundamental task of business process management (BPM). There exist many proposals of process improvement patterns (PIPs) as practices that aim at supporting this goal. Selecting and implementing relevant PIPs are therefore an important prerequisite for establishing process-aware information systems in enterprises. Nevertheless, there is still a gap regarding the validation of PIPs with respect to their actual business value for a specific application scenario before implementation investments are incurred. Based on empirical research as well as experiences from BPM projects, this paper proposes a method to tackle this challenge. Our approach toward the assessment of process improvement patterns considers real-world constraints such as the role of senior stakeholders or the cost of adapting available IT systems. In addition, it outlines process improvement potentials that arise from the information technology infrastructure available to organizations, particularly regarding the combination of enterprise resource planning with business process intelligence. Our approach is illustrated along a real-world business process from human resource management. The latter covers a transactional volume of about 29,000 process instances over a period of 1xa0year. Overall, our approach enables both practitioners and researchers to reasonably assess PIPs before taking any process implementation decision.


摘要: 提高流程的运营效率和效率是业务流程管理(BPM)的一项基本任务。有许多过程改进模式(PIP)提案,旨在支持该目标。因此,选择和实施相关的PIP是在企业中建立过程感知信息系统的重要前提。但是,在进行实施投资之前,对于特定应用场景的PIP实际业务价值的验证仍然存在差距。基于实证研究以及BPM项目的经验,本文提出了一种应对这一挑战的方法。我们在评估过程改进模式时所采用的方法考虑了现实中的限制因素,例如高级利益相关者的角色或适应可用IT系统的成本。此外,它概述了组织可用的信息技术基础结构带来的过程改进潜力,特别是在企业资源计划与业务过程智能相结合方面。我们的方法是根据人力资源管理的实际业务流程进行说明的。后者涵盖了1xa0年内约29,000个流程实例的事务量。总体而言,我们的方法使从业者和研究人员都可以在做出任何流程实施决策之前合理评估PIP。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0443-z]

[542] Effective team formation in workflow process context (2013)

(Lin, Shangquan and Luo, Zilong and Yu, Yang and Pan, Maolin | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, CGC 2013 and 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Social Computing and Its Applications, SCA 2013)

Abstract: Its a very popular problem to form a multi-role collaboration team to improve the efficiency of a business process, and a novel method called TF-HMM(Team Formation with HMM) is proposed to solve it. Firstly, based on the information about individual expertise and handover relations mined from event-log, the problem is modeled with Hidden Markov Models (HMM), and then Viterbi algorithm is used to solve this problem. Finally experiments are conducted on real-life dataset released by BPIC 2012 to evaluate the performance of TF-HMM. The results show that TF-HMM achieves at least 12% improve in the average efficiency of actual situation. Compared with the strategy only considers communication cost, TF-HMM achieves a significant increase in efficiency (at most 408%), with a slight increase in communication cost (6.3%). textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 组建多角色协作团队以提高业务流程的效率是一个非常普遍的问题,为此,提出了一种称为TF-HMM(带有HMM的团队形成)的新方法。首先,基于信息关于从事件日志中提取的个人专业知识和移交关系,使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)对该问题进行建模,然后使用Viterbi算法解决该问题,最后对BPIC 2012发布的真实数据集进行实验以评估结果表明,TF-HMM的平均实际效率至少提高了12%。与仅考虑通信成本的策略相比,TF-HMM的效率大大提高(最多408) %),通信成本略有增加(6.3%)。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CGC.2013.85]

[543] Efficient Alignment Between Event Logs and Process Models (2017)

(Song, Wei and Xia, Xiaoxu and Jacobsen, Hans Arno and Zhang, Pengcheng and Hu, Hao | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: The aligning of event logs with process models is of great significance for process mining to enable conformance checking, process enhancement, performance analysis, and trace repairing. Since process models are increasingly complex and event logs may deviate from process models by exhibiting redundant, missing, and dislocated events, it is challenging to determine the optimal alignment for each event sequence in the log, as this problem is NP-hard. Existing approaches utilize the cost-based A∗ algorithm to address this problem. However, scalability is often not considered, which is especially important when dealing with industrial-sized problems. In this paper, by taking advantage of the structural and behavioral features of process models, we present an efficient approach which leverages effective heuristics and trace replaying to significantly reduce the overall search space for seeking the optimal alignment. We employ real-world business processes and their traces to evaluate the proposed approach. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach works well in most cases, and that it outperforms the state-of-the-art approach by up to 5 orders of magnitude in runtime efficiency.


摘要: 事件日志与流程模型的对齐对于流程挖掘以实现一致性检查,流程增强,性能分析和跟踪修复非常重要。由于过程模型变得越来越复杂,并且事件日志可能会通过显示冗余事件,丢失事件和错位事件而偏离过程模型,因此确定日志中每个事件序列的最佳对齐方式具有挑战性,因为此问题很难解决。现有方法利用基于成本的A *算法来解决该问题。但是,通常不考虑可伸缩性,这在处理工业规模的问题时尤其重要。在本文中,通过利用流程模型的结构和行为特征,我们提出了一种有效的方法,该方法利用有效的启发式方法和跟踪重播来显着减少用于寻求最佳对齐方式的整体搜索空间。我们采用现实世界中的业务流程及其踪迹来评估所建议的方法。实验结果表明,我们的方法在大多数情况下效果很好,并且在运行时效率方面比最新方法高出5个数量级。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2016.2601094]

[544] Efficient discovery of Target-Branched Declare constraints (2016)

(Di Ciccio | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process discovery is the task of generating process models from event logs. Mining processes that operate in an environment of high variability is an ongoing research challenge because various algorithms tend to produce spaghetti-like process models. This is particularly the case when procedural models are generated. A promising direction to tackle this challenge is the usage of declarative process modelling languages like Declare, which summarise complex behaviour in a compact set of behavioural constraints on activities. A Declare constraint is branched when one of its parameters is the disjunction of two or more activities. For example, branched Declare can be used to express rules like in a bank, a mortgage application is always eventually followed by a notification to the applicant by phone or by a notification by e-mail. However, branched Declare constraints are expensive to be discovered. In addition, it is often the case that hundreds of branched Declare constraints are valid for the same log, thus making, again, the discovery results unreadable. In this paper, we address these problems from a theoretical angle. More specifically, we define the class of Target-Branched Declare constraints and investigate the formal properties it exhibits. Furthermore, we present a technique for the efficient discovery of compact Target-Branched Declare models. We discuss the merits of our work through an evaluation based on a prototypical implementation using both artificial and real-life event logs.


摘要: 过程发现是从事件日志生成过程模型的任务。在高可变性环境中运行的采矿过程是一项持续的研究挑战,因为各种算法都倾向于生成类似意大利面条的过程模型。生成过程模型时尤其如此。解决这一挑战的一个有希望的方向是使用声明性过程建模语言(例如Declare),该语言以紧凑的活动行为约束集合来概括复杂的行为。当声明约束的参数之一是两个或多个活动的析取时,分支分支。例如,分支机构的声明可以用于表达规则,例如在银行中,抵押贷款申请最终总是紧跟着通过电话通知申请人或通过电子邮件通知。但是,分支声明约束的发现成本很高。此外,通常情况是数百个分支的Declare约束对于同一日志有效,因此,再次使发现结果不可读。在本文中,我们从理论角度解决了这些问题。更具体地说,我们定义目标分支声明约束的类别,并研究其表现出的形式属性。此外,我们提出了一种有效发现紧凑的Target-Branched Declare模型的技术。我们通过使用人工和现实事件日志进行原型实现的评估,来讨论我们工作的优点。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.06.009]

[545] Efficient periodicity mining of sequential patterns in a post-mining environment (2008)

(Anwar, Fahad and Petrounias, Ilias and Kodogiannis, Vassilis S. and Tasseva, Violeta and Peneva, Desislava | 2008 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, IS 2008)

Abstract: Sequential pattern mining approaches mainly deal with finding the positive behaviour of a sequential pattern that can help in predicting the next event after a sequence of events. In addition, sequential patterns may exhibit periodicity as well, i.e. during weekends 80% of people who watch a movie in cinemas will have a meal in a restaurant afterwards. This is a problem that has not been studied in the literature. To confront the problem of discovering periodicity for sequential patterns we adopt and extend a periodic pattern mining approach which has been utilised in association rule mining. However, due to the sequential/temporal nature of sequential patterns, the process of finding the periodicity of a given sequential pattern increases the complexity of the above mentioned association rule mining approach considerably. As a key attribute of any data mining strategy we provide a comprehensive and flexible problem definition framework for the above mentioned problem. Two main mining techniques are introduced to facilitate the mining process. The Interval Validation Process (IVP) is introduced to neutralise complexities which emerge due to the temporal/sequential nature of sequential patterns, whereas the Process Switching Mechanism (PSM) is devised to increase the efficiency of the mining process by only scanning relevant data-sets from the source database. The approach proposed in this paper is based on a post-mining environment, where the identification of sequential patterns from a database has already taken place. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 顺序模式挖掘方法主要处理查找顺序模式的积极行为,该行为可以帮助预测一系列事件之后的下一个事件。另外,顺序模式也可能表现出周期性,即在周末期间,有80%的人在电影院看电影后会在餐馆用餐。这是文献中尚未研究的问题。为了解决发现顺序模式的周期性的问题,我们采用并扩展了已在关联规则挖掘中使用的周期性模式挖掘方法。然而,由于顺序模式的顺序/时间性质,寻找给定顺序模式的周期性的过程大大增加了上述关联规则挖掘方法的复杂性。作为任何数据挖掘策略的关键属性,我们为上述问题提供了全面而灵活的问题定义框架。引入了两种主要的采矿技术来促进采矿过程。引入了间隔验证过程(IVP)以抵消由于顺序模式的时间/顺序性质而出现的复杂性,而过程切换机制(PSM)旨在通过仅扫描相关数据集来提高挖掘过程的效率。从源数据库。本文提出的方法基于挖掘后的环境,在该环境中已经从数据库中识别出顺序模式。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IS.2008.4670538]

[546] Efficient process discovery from event streams using sequential pattern mining (2015)

(Hassani, Marwan and Siccha, Sergio and Richter, Florian and Seidl, Thomas | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2015)

Abstract: Process mining is an emerging research area that applies the well-established data mining solutions to the challenging business process modeling problems. Mining streams of business processes in the real time as they are generated is a necessity to obtain an instant knowledge from big process data. In this paper, we introduce an efficient approach for exploring and counting process fragments from a stream of events to infer a process model using the Heuristics Miner algorithm. Our novel approach, called Str ProM, builds prefix-Trees to extract sequential patterns of events from the stream. Str ProM uses a batch-based approach to continuously update and prune these prefix-Trees. The final models are generated from those trees after applying a novel decaying mechanism over their statistics. The extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the superiority of our approach over a state-of-The-Art technique in terms of execution time using a real dataset, while delivering models of a comparable quality.


摘要: 流程挖掘是一个新兴的研究领域,它将成熟的数据挖掘解决方案应用于具有挑战性的业务流程建模问题。要实时获取业务流程流,就必须从大型流程数据中获取即时知识。在本文中,我们介绍了一种有效的方法,用于从事件流中探索和计数过程片段,以使用启发式Miner算法来推断过程模型。我们称为Str ProM的新颖方法可构建前缀树,以从流中提取事件的顺序模式。 Str ProM使用基于批处理的方法来连续更新和修剪这些前缀树。最终模型是在这些树的统计数据上应用新颖的衰减机制后从这些树生成的。广泛的实验评估证明,在使用真实数据集的执行时间上,我们的方法优于最先进的技术,同时还提供了质量可比的模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2015.195]

[547] Efficient process mining through critical path network analysis (2014)

(Thomas, Likewin and Manoj Kumar | Souvenir of the 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, IACC 2014)

Abstract: Process mining is emerging scientific research discipline, concentrates on discovering, monitoring and enhancing the operational processes using the operational traces of the process documented in log. Process mining enables the process centric analysis of the data and aims at bridging gap between data mining, business process modeling and analysis. This article analyses use of Critical Path Method used in project management, in the context of process mining in order to find critical paths in process model. This article aims in leveraging process mining practices with the application of CPM and study its feasibility. Critical path identifies the minimum time possible to finish the project. Extra care must be taken while executing activities on critical path. Delay in any of the activities on critical path would definitely delay the process completion time and collapse overall process plan. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘是新兴的科学研究学科,致力于使用日志中记录的过程的操作踪迹来发现,监视和增强操作过程。流程挖掘可实现以流程为中心的数据分析,旨在弥合数据挖掘,业务流程建模和分析之间的差距。本文在过程挖掘的背景下分析了项目管理中关键路径方法的使用,以便在过程模型中找到关键路径。本文旨在通过CPM的应用来利用过程挖掘实践,并研究其可行性。关键路径确定了完成项目的最短时间。在关键路径上执行活动时,必须格外小心。关键路径上任何活动的延迟肯定会延迟流程完成时间并破坏总体流程计划。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IAdCC.2014.6779377]

[548] Efficient querying of large process model repositories (2013)

(Jin, Tao and Wang, Jianmin and La Rosa | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Recent years have seen an increased uptake of business process management technology in industries. This has resulted in organizations trying to manage large collections of business process models. One of the challenges facing these organizations concerns the retrieval of models from large business process model repositories. For example, in some cases new process models may be derived from existing models, thus finding these models and adapting them may be more effective and less error-prone than developing them from scratch. Since process model repositories may be large, query evaluation may be time consuming. Hence, we investigate the use of indexes to speed up this evaluation process. To make our approach more applicable, we consider the semantic similarity between labels. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our approach is efficient. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 最近几年来,行业中业务流程管理技术的使用有所增加。这导致组织尝试管理大量业务流程模型。这些组织面临的挑战之一涉及从大型业务流程模型存储库中检索模型。例如,在某些情况下,新的过程模型可能会从现有模型中衍生出来,因此与从头开发它们相比,找到这些模型并对其进行调整可能更有效且更不易出错。由于过程模型存储库可能很大,因此查询评估可能很耗时。因此,我们调查了使用索引来加快评估过程的速度。为了使我们的方法更适用,我们考虑了标签之间的语义相似性。进行实验以证明我们的方法是有效的。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2012.09.008]

[549] Efficient selection of process mining algorithms (2013)

(Wang, Jianmin and Wong, Raymond K. and Ding, Jianwei and Guo, Qinlong and Wen, Lijie | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: While many process mining algorithms have been proposed recently, there does not exist a widely accepted benchmark to evaluate and compare these process mining algorithms. As a result, it can be difficult to choose a suitable process mining algorithm for a given enterprise or application domain. Some recent benchmark systems have been developed and proposed to address this issue. However, evaluating available process mining algorithms against a large set of business models (e.g., in a large enterprise) can be computationally expensive, tedious, and time-consuming. This paper investigates a scalable solution that can evaluate, compare, and rank these process mining algorithms efficiently, and hence proposes a novel framework that can efficiently select the process mining algorithms that are most suitable for a given model set. In particular, using our framework, only a portion of process models need empirical evaluation and others can be recommended directly via a regression model. As a further optimization, this paper also proposes a metric and technique to select high-quality reference models to derive an effective regression model. Experiments using artificial and real data sets show that our approach is practical and outperforms the traditional approach. textcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE.


摘要: 虽然最近已经提出了许多过程挖掘算法,但是还没有一个广泛接受的基准来评估和比较这些过程挖掘算法。结果,可能难以为给定的企业或应用程序域选择合适的过程挖掘算法。已经开发并提出了一些最新的基准系统来解决此问题。然而,针对大量业务模型(例如,在大型企业中)评估可用的过程挖掘算法可能在计算上昂贵,乏味且耗时。本文研究了一种可扩展的解决方案,该解决方案可以有效地评估,比较和排序这些过程挖掘算法,因此提出了一个新颖的框架,可以有效地选择最适合给定模型集的过程挖掘算法。特别是,使用我们的框架,只有一部分过程模型需要经验评估,而其他模型可以直接通过回归模型推荐。作为进一步的优化,本文还提出了一种度量和技术,以选择高质量的参考模型以得出有效的回归模型。使用人工和真实数据集进行的实验表明,我们的方法是实用的,并且优于传统方法。 t​​extcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2012.20]

[550] Efficient ticket routing by resolution sequence mining (2008)

(Shao, Qihong and Chen, Yi and Tao, Shu and Yan, Xifeng and Anerousis, Nikos | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Abstract: IT problem management calls for quick identification of resolvers to reported problems. The efficiency of this process highly depends on ticket routing - -transferring problem ticket among various expert groups in search of the right resolver to the ticket. To achieve efficient ticket routing, wise decision needs to be made at each step of ticket transfer to determine which expert group is likely to be, or to lead to the resolver. In this paper, we address the possibility of improving ticket routing efficiency by mining ticket resolution sequences alone, without accessing ticket content. To demonstrate this possibility, a Markov model is developed to statistically capture the right decisions that have been made toward problem resolution, where the order of the Markov model is carefully chosen according to the conditional entropy obtained from ticket data. We also design a search algorithm, called Variable-order Multiple active State search(VMS), that generates ticket transfer recommendations based on our model. The proposed framework is evaluated on a large set of real-world problem tickets. The results demonstrate that VMS significantly improves human decisions: Problem resolvers can often be identified with fewer ticket transfers. textcopyright 2008 ACM.


摘要: IT问题管理要求快速识别解决方案以解决报告的问题。此过程的效率高度取决于票证路由-在各个专家组之间转移问题票证以寻找到票证的正确解析器。为了实现有效的票务路由,需要在票证转移的每个步骤中做出明智的决定,以确定可能是哪个专家组或将哪个专家组引导到解析程序。在本文中,我们解决了仅通过挖掘票证解析序列而不访问票证内容来提高票证路由效率的可能性。为了证明这种可能性,开发了一个马尔可夫模型以统计地捕获针对问题解决方案做出的正确决策,其中根据从票证数据获得的条件熵仔细选择马尔可夫模型的顺序。我们还设计了一种搜索算法,称为可变顺序多活动状态搜索(VMS),该算法根据模型生成票证转让建议。在大量实际问题单上评估了所提出的框架。结果表明,VMS显着改善了人为决策:通常可以通过减少票证转移来确定问题解决者。 t​​extcopyright 2008 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1401890.1401964]

[551] Egidio: A non-invasive approach for synthesizing organizational models (2012)

(Astromskis, Saulius and Janes, Andrea and Mahdiraji, Alireza Rezaei | Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering)

Abstract: To understand and improve processes in organizations, six key questions need to be answered, namely, what, how, where, who, when, why. Organizations with established processes have IT system(s) that gather(s) information about some or all of the key questions. Software organizations usually have defined processes, but they usually lack information about how processes are actually executed. Moreover, there is no explicit information about process instances and activities. Existing process mining techniques face problems in coping with such environment. We propose a tool, Egidio, which uses non-invasively collected data and builds organizational models. In particular, we explain the tool within a software company, which is able to extract different aspects of development processes. The main contribution of Egidio is the ability to mine processes and organizational models from fine-grained data collected in a non-invasive manner, without interrupting the developers work. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 为了理解和改善组织中的流程,需要回答六个关键问题,即什么,如何,在哪里,谁,何时,为什么。具有已建立流程的组织具有可收集有关某些信息的IT系统。或所有关键问题软件组织通常已经定义了流程,但是他们通常缺乏有关流程实际执行方式的信息,而且,没有有关流程实例和活动的明确信息,现有的流程挖掘技术在应对这种环境时会遇到问题。我们提出了一种工具Egidio,该工具使用非侵入式收集的数据并建立组织模型,尤其是在软件公司内部对该工具进行了说明,该工具能够提取开发过程的不同方面。从非侵入性方式收集的细粒度数据中挖掘流程和组织模型的能力,而不会中断开发人员的工作。 ht 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSE.2012.6227062]

[552] Ehealth personalization in the next generation RPM systems (2009)

(Tesanovic, Aleksandra and Manev, Goran and Pechenizkiy, Mykola and Vasilyeva, Ekaterina | Belgian/Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference)

Abstract: In this work we present a possible next generation Remote patient management (RPM) system that enables personalization of educational content and its delivery to patients and introduce a generic methodology for personalization emphasizing the role of knowledge discovery.


摘要: 在这项工作中,我们提出了一种可能的下一代远程患者管理(RPM)系统,该系统可实现教育内容的个性化及其向患者的交付,并介绍一种个性化的通用方法,强调知识发现的作用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[553] Elastic Business Process Management: State of the art and open challenges for BPM in the cloud (2015)

(Schulte, Stefan and Janiesch, Christian and Venugopal, Srikumar and Weber, Ingo and Hoenisch, Philipp | Future Generation Computer Systems)

Abstract: With the advent of cloud computing, organizations are nowadays able to react rapidly to changing demands for computational resources. Not only individual applications can be hosted on virtual cloud infrastructures, but also complete business processes. This allows the realization of so-called elastic processes, i.e., processes which are carried out using elastic cloud resources. Despite the manifold benefits of elastic processes, there is still a lack of solutions supporting them. In this paper, we identify the state of the art of elastic Business Process Management with a focus on infrastructural challenges. We conceptualize an architecture for an elastic Business Process Management System and discuss existing work on scheduling, resource allocation, monitoring, decentralized coordination, and state management for elastic processes. Furthermore, we present two representative elastic Business Process Management Systems which are intended to counter these challenges. Based on our findings, we identify open issues and outline possible research directions for the realization of elastic processes and elastic Business Process Management.


摘要: 随着云计算的出现,如今组织能够对不断变化的计算资源需求做出快速反应。不仅单个应用程序可以托管在虚拟云基础架构上,而且还可以完成业务流程。这允许实现所谓的弹性过程,即,使用弹性云资源执行的过程。尽管弹性过程有很多好处,但仍然缺乏支持它们的解决方案。在本文中,我们以基础设施挑战为重点,确定了弹性业务流程管理的最新技术水平。我们概念化了弹性业务流程管理系统的体系结构,并讨论了有关弹性流程的计划,资源分配,监视,分散式协调和状态管理的现有工作。此外,我们提出了两个代表性的弹性业务流程管理系统,旨在应对这些挑战。根据我们的发现,我们确定了未解决的问题,并概述了实现弹性流程和弹性业务流程管理的可能的研究方向。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.future.2014.09.005]

[554] Electronics production and process controlling (2008)

(Tupa, Jiri | Proceedings - 2008 2nd Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, ESTC)

Abstract: This contribution describes an example of process controlling application for electronics production, especially for printed circuit board manufacturing. It is means activity leads to monitoring and real measurement of key processes indicators at manufacturing company. The processes controlling involves measuring of the efficiency of the business processes implemented in IT systems and putting control systems in place that will monitor compliance with range of legal regulatory requirements. textcopyright2008 IEEE.


摘要: 此文稿描述了电子产品生产,尤其是印刷电路板制造过程控制应用的一个示例。这意味着活动可以导致对制造公司的关键过程指标进行监视和实际测量。流程控制包括评估IT系统中实施的业务流程的效率,以及将控制系统部署到位,以监控对法律法规要求范围的遵守情况。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ESTC.2008.4684441]

[555] Empirical discovery of potential value leaks in processes by means of formal concept analysis (2013)

(Peters, Edward M.L. and Dedene, Guido and Poelmans, Jonas | Proceedings - IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW 2013)

Abstract: Process improvement programs rely heavily on various techniques for the identification of deficiencies in the processes and for the explanation of their root causes, in order to formulate adequate remediating actions. Six-sigma and Lean Management approaches are useful statistical techniques in this context. In the practical application of such techniques, the process analyst is often restricted by the semantic expressiveness of the process analysis models. Many popular process modeling techniques also suffer from limitations in the adequate representation of probabilistic behavior in processes. The latter is important, for example, for detecting the impact of exceptions and variations in processes. In this paper additional techniques are proposed based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). This is primarily based on the semantic richness of FCA-schemas, which are algebraic lattices. It is shown how many-to-many transitions in processes can easily be identified in an FCA-based Process representation. These transitions are not only the expression of potential Value Leaks as they also lead to explanations of their root causes. The techniques described in this paper are not a replacement, but rather an augmentation for Six-sigma and Lean Management approaches. In the paper several examples that are known in the Process Mining literature are presented and discussed. The techniques that are proposed are scalable and extend easily to large scale examples. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 过程改进程序在很大程度上依赖于各种技术来识别过程中的缺陷并解释其根本原因,以便制定适当的补救措施。在这种情况下,六标准差和精益管理方法是有用的统计技术。在这种技术的实际应用中,过程分析人员经常受到过程分析模型语义表达的限制,许多流行的过程建模技术也都在过程中概率行为的充分表示方面受到限制,例如后者很重要。为了检测流程中异常和变化的影响,本文基于形式概念分析(FCA)提出了其他技术,该技术主要基于FCA模式的代数格的语义丰富性,并展示了如何在基于FCA的流程中可以轻松地确定流程中的多对多转换表达。这些转变不仅是潜在价值泄漏的表达,而且还导致了对其根本原因的解释。本文中描述的技术不是替代品,而是六西格玛和精益管理方法的增强。在本文中,将介绍并讨论过程挖掘文献中已知的几个示例。所提出的技术是可扩展的,并且易于扩展到大规模示例。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2013.35]


[556] Enabling flexible location-aware business process modeling and execution (2016)

(Zhu, Xinwei and Vanden Broucke | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Business process management (BPM) has emerged as one of the abiding systematic management approaches in order to design, execute and govern organizational business processes. Traditionally, most attention within the BPM community has been given to studying control-flow aspects, without taking other contextual aspects into account. This paper contributes to the existing body of work by focusing on the particular context of geospatial information. We argue that explicitly taking this context into consideration in the modeling and execution of business processes can contribute to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. As such, the goal of this paper is to make the modeling and execution aspects of BPM location-aware, i.e. to govern and constrain control-flow and process behavior based on location-based constraints. We do so by proposing a Petri net modeling extension which is formalized by means of a mapping to colored Petri nets (CPNs). Our approach has been implemented using CPN Tools and a simulation extension was developed to support the execution of location-aware process models. We also illustrate the feasibility of coupling business process support systems with geographic information systems by means of an experimental case.


摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)已成为一种持续的系统管理方法,旨在设计,执行和管理组织业务流程。传统上,在BPM社区中,大多数注意力都放在研究控制流方面,而不考虑其他上下文方面。本文通过关注地理空间信息的特定上下文,为现有工作做出了贡献。我们认为,在业务流程的建模和执行中明确考虑此上下文可以有助于提高其有效性和效率。因此,本文的目的是使BPM位置感知的建模和执行方面,即基于基于位置的约束来控制和约束控制流和过程行为。为此,我们提出了Petri网建模扩展,该扩展是通过映射到有色Petri网(CPN)形式化的。我们的方法已使用CPN工具实现,并且开发了仿真扩展以支持位置感知过程模型的执行。我们还将通过一个实验案例来说明将业务流程支持系统与地理信息系统耦合的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.12.003]

[557] Enabling process mining on sensor data from smart products (2016)

(Van Eck | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: In this paper we address the challenge of applying process mining to discover models of human behaviour from sensor data. This challenge is caused by a gap between sensor data and the event logs that are used as input for process mining techniques, so we provide a transformation approach to bridge this gap. As a result, besides the automatic discovery of process models, the transformed sensor data can also be used by various other process mining techniques, e.g. to identify differences between observed behaviour and expected behaviour. We discuss the transformation approach in the context of the design process of smart products and related services, using a case study performed at Philips where a smart baby bottle has been developed. This case study also demonstrates that the use of process mining can add value to the smart product design process.


摘要: 在本文中,我们解决了应用过程挖掘从传感器数据中发现人类行为模型的挑战。这一挑战是由传感器数据和事件日志之间的差距所引起的,这些事件日志被用作过程挖掘技术的输入,因此我们提供了一种转换方法来弥合这一差距。结果,除了自动发现过程模型外,变换后的传感器数据还可以由各种其他过程挖掘技术使用,例如以确定观察到的行为与预期行为之间的差异。我们将在飞利浦进行的案例研究中讨论在智能产品和相关服务的设计过程中的转换方法,该案例已经开发出智能奶瓶。该案例研究还表明,使用流程挖掘可以为智能产品设计流程增加价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549355]

[558] Encoding process discovery problems in SMT (2018)

(Sole | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Information systems, which are responsible for driving many processes in our lives (health care, the web, municipalities, commerce and business, among others), store information in the form of logs which is often left unused. Process mining, a discipline in between data mining and software engineering, proposes tailored algorithms to exploit the information stored in a log, in order to reason about the processes underlying an information system. A key challenge in process mining is discovery: Given a log, derive a formal process model that can be used afterward for a formal analysis. In this paper, we provide a general approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) as a solution for this challenging problem. By encoding the problem into the logical/arithmetic domains and using modern SMT engines, it is shown how two separate families of process models can be discovered. The theory of this paper is accompanied with a tool, and experimental results witness the significance of this novel view of the process discovery problem.


摘要: 信息系统负责驱动我们生活中的许多流程(医疗保健,网络,市政,商业和商业等),它们以日志形式存储信息,而这些信息经常不被使用。流程挖掘是数据挖掘和软件工程之间的一门学科,它提出了量身定制的算法来利用存储在日志中的信息,以便推理出信息系统所基于的流程。流程挖掘中的一个关键挑战是发现:给定一个日志,请导出一个正式的流程模型,该模型随后可用于形式分析。在本文中,我们提供了一种基于可满足性模理论(SMT)的通用方法,以解决这一难题。通过将问题编码到逻辑/算术域并使用现代SMT引擎,可以显示如何发现两个独立的过程模型系列。本文的理论与工具结合在一起,实验结果证明了这种新颖的过程发现问题观点的重要性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-016-0536-y]

[559] Enhance process flexibility by case-based reasoning and process mining (2009)

(Weigang, Li and Chunyan, Ma | 2009 Second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, CCCM 2009)

Abstract: Current process models are hard to describe uncertain factors in applications before run-time, which results in inflexibility of Process-Aware Information Systems. For this problem, a method to achieve process flexibility by underspecification based on so-called flexible block was proposed. The flexible block is running in ad hoc manner firstly, then its inside process structure is gotten through process mining after the running history data accumulated to a degree. And then, the application scenarios were matched, and the process model of flexible block was educed through interactive case-based reasoning. Practices indicate the approach proposed by this paper can reuse the modeling knowledge very well. Modeling efficiency of flexible block is improved along with the increase of its executing times. The business process models contained flexible blocks are with high flexibility. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 当前的过程模型很难在运行前描述应用程序中的不确定因素,这导致过程感知信息系统缺乏灵活性。针对此问题,提出了一种基于所谓的柔性块的通过规格不足实现过程灵活性的方法。首先,柔性块以临时方式运行,然后在累积一定程度的运行历史数据后,通过过程挖掘获取内部的过程结构,然后匹配应用场景,得出柔性块的过程模型。通过基于实例的交互式推理,实践表明本文提出的方法可以很好地重用建模知识,并且随着执行时间的增加,提高了柔性块的建模效率,包含柔性块的业务流程模型具有很高的灵活性。 。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CCCM.2009.5267475]

[560] Enhancing discovered processes with duplicate tasks (2016)

(Vazquez-Barreiros, Borja and Mucientes, Manuel and Lama, Manuel | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Including duplicate tasks in the mining process is a challenge that hinders the process discovery, as it is also necessary to find out which events of the log belong to which transitions. To face this problem, we propose SLAD (Splitting Labels After Discovery), an algorithm that uses the local information of the log to enhance an already mined model, by performing a local search over the tasks that have more probability to be duplicated in the log. This proposal has been validated with 54 different mined models from three process discovery algorithms, improving the final solution in 45 of the cases. Furthermore, SLAD has been tested in a real scenario.


摘要: 在挖掘过程中包含重复任务是一个阻碍过程发现的挑战,因为还必须找出日志的哪些事件属于哪些转换。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了SLAD(发现后拆分标签)算法,该算法使用日志的本地信息来增强已经开采的模型,方法是对可能在日志中重复出现的任务执行本地搜索,从而增强已经挖掘的模型。该提案已通过来自三种流程发现算法的54种不同的挖掘模型进行了验证,从而改善了45种案例的最终解决方案。此外,SLAD已经在真实场景中进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2016.09.008]

[561] Enhancing mobile device security with process mining (2016)

(Hluchy, Ladislav and Habala, Ondrej | SISY 2016 - IEEE 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedings)

Abstract: We present part of a research project aimed at mobile device security. During the project we have tested several methods of processing of data from mobile devices in order to detect attacks and suspicious activity in general. One method we have tested was also mining of processes found in mobile device activity logs and analysis of those processes. We have used several devices with the AndroidTMOS, collected a large amount of activity data, including (simulated) harmful activity, and then modeled processes found in the data. Results of the comparison of these processes to the harmful activity suggest that this application of process mining shows promise, but also requires a lot of further research.


摘要: 我们提出了一个针对移动设备安全性的研究项目的一部分。在项目过程中,我们测试了几种处理移动设备数据的方法,以便通常检测攻击和可疑活动。我们测试过的一种方法也是挖掘移动设备活动日志中发现的进程,并对这些进程进行分析。我们在AndroidTMOS上使用了多种设备,收集了大量的活动数据,包括(模拟的)有害活动,然后对数据中的流程进行了建模。将这些过程与有害活动进行比较的结果表明,过程挖掘的这种应用显示出了希望,但还需要进行大量的进一步研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SISY.2016.7601493]

[562] Enhancing precision in Process Conformance: Stability, confidence and severity (2011)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining)

Abstract: Process Conformance is becoming a crucial area due to the changing nature of processes within an Information System. By confronting specifications against system executions (the main problem tackled in process conformance), both system bugs and obsolete/incorrect specifications can be revealed. This paper presents novel techniques to enrich the process conformance analysis for the precision dimension. The new features of the metric proposed in this paper provides a complete view of the precision between a log and a model. The techniques have been implemented as a plug-in in an open-source Process Mining platform and experimental results witnessing both the theory and the goals of this work are presented. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 由于信息系统中流程的性质不断变化,流程一致性已成为至关重要的领域。通过将规范与系统执行相抵触(过程一致性解决的主要问题),可以揭示系统错误和过时/不正确的规范。本文提出了新颖的技术,可以丰富精度尺寸的过程一致性分析。本文提出的度量标准的新功能提供了对数和模型之间精度的完整视图。该技术已作为开源过程挖掘平台中的插件实现,并给出了证明该工作的理论和目标的实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949451]

[563] Ensuring correctness during process configuration via partner synthesis (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Variants of the same process can be encountered within one organization or across different organizations. For example, different municipalities, courts, and rental agencies all need to support highly similar processes. In fact, procurement and sales processes can be found in almost any organization. However, despite these similarities, there is also the need to allow for local variations in a controlled manner. Therefore, many academics and practitioners have advocated the use of configurable process models (sometimes referred to as reference models). A configurable process model describes a family of similar process models in a given domain. Such a model can be configured to obtain a specific process model that is subsequently used to handle individual cases, for instance, to process customer orders. Process configuration is notoriously difficult as there may be all kinds of interdependencies between configuration decisions. In fact, an incorrect configuration may lead to behavioral issues such as deadlocks and livelocks. To address this problem, we present a novel verification approach inspired by the operating guidelines used for partner synthesis. We view the configuration process as an external service, and compute a characterization of all such services which meet particular requirements via the notion of configuration guideline. As a result, we can characterize all feasible configurations (i.e., configurations without behavioral problems) at design time, instead of repeatedly checking each individual configuration while configuring a process model. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 同一过程的变体可以在一个组织内或在不同组织中遇到。例如,不同的市,法院和租赁机构都需要支持高度相似的流程。实际上,几乎任何组织都可以找到采购和销售流程。然而,尽管有这些相似之处,但是也需要以受控的方式允许局部变化。因此,许多学者和实践者都提倡使用可配置的过程模型(有时称为参考模型)。可配置过程模型描述了给定域中的一系列相似过程模型。这样的模型可以配置为获取特定的过程模型,该模型随后用于处理个别情况,例如,处理客户订单。众所周知,流程配置非常困难,因为配置决策之间可能存在各种相互依存关系。实际上,错误的配置可能会导致行为问题,例如死锁和活动锁。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的验证方法,该方法受到合作伙伴综合使用的操作指南的启发。我们将配置过程视为外部服务,并通过配置指南的概念来计算满足特定要求的所有此类服务的特性。结果,我们可以在设计时表征所有可行的配置(即没有行为问题的配置),而不是在配置过程模型时反复检查每个单独的配置。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.08.004]

[564] Establishment of maintenance inspection intervals: an application of process mining techniques in manufacturing (2020)

(Ruschel, Edson and Santos, Eduardo Alves Portela and Loures, Eduardo de Freitas Rocha | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing)

Abstract: Reducing costs and increasing equipment availability (uptime) are among the main goals of industrial ventures. Well defined interval durations between maintenance inspections provide major support in achieving these targets. However, in order to establish the best interval length, process behavior, cycle times and related costs must be clearly known, and future estimates for these parameters must be established. This paper applies process mining techniques in developing a probabilistic model in Bayesian Networks integrated to predictive models. The probability of a given activity occurring in the probabilistic model output establishes the forecast boundaries for predictive models, responsible for estimating process cycle times. Availability (uptime) and cost functions are mathematically defined and an iterative process is performed in the length of intervals between maintenance inspections until the time and costs wasted are minimized and the best interval duration is found. The probabilistic model enables simulating changes in the event occurrence probability, allowing a number of different scenarios to be visualized and providing better support to managers in scheduling maintenance activities. The results show that production losses can be further reduced through optimally defined intervals between maintenance inspections.


摘要: 降低成本和增加设备可用性(正常运行时间)是工业企业的主要目标。维护检查之间明确定义的间隔时间为实现这些目标提供了重要支持。但是,为了确定最佳的间隔长度,必须清楚地知道过程行为,周期时间和相关成本,并且必须确定这些参数的未来估算值。本文应用过程挖掘技术在贝叶斯网络中将概率模型集成到预测模型中。在概率模型输出中发生给定活动的概率为预测模型建立了预测边界,该模型负责估计​​过程周期时间。通过数学方式定义可用性(正常运行时间)和成本函数,并在维护检查之间的间隔时间长度内执行迭代过程,直到最小化浪费的时间和成本并找到最佳间隔时间为止。概率模型能够模拟事件发生概率的变化,从而使许多不同的情况可视化,并为管理人员安排维护活动提供更好的支持。结果表明,可以通过在维护检查之间设定最佳的时间间隔来进一步减少生产损失。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10845-018-1434-7]

[565] Estimating structures of business process models from execution logs (2006)

(Ogasawara, Shiro and Tayama, Kenichi and Yamamura, Tetsuya | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM) has been recognized to be important for Business Processes (BP) and enterprise information systems to continuously bring their benefits. Understanding actual BP models is a key step in BPM because predefined models are different from actual ones, which analysis and decision-making should stand on. However, it depends on costly interviews and observations. In this paper, we propose a method of estimating actual BP model structures from execution logs in information systems for effortless BPM. This method can utilize practical execution logs and appropriately estimate structures compared with previously proposed methods. It can also reveal how each work order was transacted and routed so that exceptional situations can be investigated in detail. We apply it to a synthetic execution log and a real-world execution log, then demonstrate its validity in terms of algorithms and its usefulness in BPM. Our method makes it possible to attain continuous BPM. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)已被认为对于业务流程(BP)和企业信息系统不断带来收益至关重要。了解实际的BP模型是BPM中的关键步骤,因为预定义的模型与实际的模型有所不同,而分析和决策应该基于实际的模型。但是,这取决于昂贵的采访和观察。在本文中,我们提出了一种从信息系统中的执行日志中估算实际BP模型结构的方法,以轻松实现BPM。与先前提出的方法相比,该方法可以利用实际的执行日志并适当地估计结构。它还可以揭示如何处理和路由每个工单,以便可以对异常情况进行详细调查。我们将其应用于综合执行日志和现实世界执行日志,然后根据算法论证其有效性及其在BPM中的实用性。我们的方法可以实现连续的BPM。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2006.25]

[566] Estimating the parameters of randomly interleaved Markov models (2009)

(Gillblad, Daniel and Steinert, Rebecca and Ferreira, Diogo R. | ICDM Workshops 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)

Abstract: Sequences that can be assumed to have been generated by a number of Markov models, whose outputs are randomly interleaved but where the actual sources are hidden, occur in a number of practical situations where data is captured as an unlabeled stream of events. We present a practical method for estimating model parameters on large data sets under the assumption that all sources are identical. Results on representative examples are presented, together with a discussion on the accuracy and performance of the proposed estimation algorithms. Finally, we describe a real-world case study where we apply the technique to the sequence of events recorded in the technical support database of an IT vendor. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 可以假定是由许多马尔可夫模型生成的序列,其输出是随机交织的,但实际源是隐藏的,发生在许多实际情况下,这些数据被捕获为未标记的事件流。我们提出了一种在所有数据源都相同的情况下估算大型数据集模型参数的实用方法。给出了具有代表性的示例的结果,并讨论了所提出的估计算法的准确性和性能。最后,我们描述了一个实际案例研究,其中我们将该技术应用于IT供应商的技术支持数据库中记录的事件序列。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2009.17]

[567] Evaluating and predicting overall process risk using event logs (2016)

(Pika, A. and Van Der Aalst | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Companies standardise and automate their business processes in order to improve process efficiency and minimise operational risks. However, it is difficult to eliminate all process risks during the process design stage due to the fact that processes often run in complex and changeable environments and rely on human resources. Timely identification of process risks is crucial in order to insure the achievement of process goals. Business processes are often supported by information systems that record information about their executions in event logs. In this article we present an approach and a supporting tool for the evaluation of the overall process risk and for the prediction of process outcomes based on the analysis of information recorded in event logs. It can help managers evaluate the overall risk exposure of their business processes, track the evolution of overall process risk, identify changes and predict process outcomes based on the current value of overall process risk. The approach was implemented and validated using synthetic event logs and through a case study with a real event log.


摘要: 公司对业务流程进行标准化和自动化,以提高流程效率并最大程度地降低运营风险。但是,由于流程通常在复杂多变的环境中运行并依赖人力资源,因此在流程设计阶段很难消除所有流程风险。为了确保实现过程目标,及时识别过程风险至关重要。信息系统通常会支持业务流程,这些信息系统会将有关其执行的信息记录在事件日志中。在本文中,我们基于事件日志中记录的信息分析,提供了一种用于评估总体过程风险和预测过程结果的方法和支持工具。它可以帮助管理人员评估其业务流程的总体风险,跟踪总体流程风险的演变,识别更改并根据总体流程风险的当前值预测流程结果。该方法是通过使用综合事件日志以及带有真实事件日志的案例研究来实施和验证的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2016.03.003]

[568] Evaluating the effect of best practices for business process redesign: An evidence-based approach based on process mining techniques (2017)

(Cho, Minsu and Song, Minseok and Comuzzi, Marco and Yoo, Sooyoung | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The management of business processes in modern times is rapidly shifting towards being evidence-based. Business process evaluation indicators tend to focus on process performance only, neglecting the definition of indicators to evaluate other concerns of interest in different phases of the business process lifecycle. Moreover, they usually do not discuss specifically which data must be collected to calculate indicators and whether collecting these data is feasible or not. This paper proposes a business process assessment framework focused on the process redesign lifecycle phase and tightly coupled with process mining as an operational framework to calculate indicators. The framework includes process performance indicators and indicators to assess whether process redesign best practices have been applied and to what extent. Both sets of indicators can be calculated using standard process mining functionality. This, implicitly, also defines what data must be collected during process execution to enable their calculation. The framework is evaluated through case studies and a thorough comparison against other approaches in the literature.


摘要: 现代业务流程的管理正在迅速转向以证据为基础。业务流程评估指标往往只关注流程绩效,而忽略了指标的定义,无法评估业务流程生命周期不同阶段中的其他关注问题。此外,他们通常不专门讨论必须收集哪些数据以计算指标以及收集这些数据是否可行。本文提出了一个业务流程评估框架,该框架侧重于流程重新设计生命周期阶段,并与流程挖掘紧密结合,以此作为计算指标的操作框架。该框架包括流程绩效指标和评估流程重新设计最佳实践是否已应用以及在多大程度上进行评估的指标。可以使用标准流程挖掘功能来计算两组指标。这也隐式地定义了在流程执行期间必须收集哪些数据才能进行计算。该框架是通过案例研究和与文献中其他方法的全面比较来评估的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.10.004]

[569] Evaluating workflow process designs using cohesion and coupling metrics (2008)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Building on the similarities between software programs and workflow processes, this paper proposes a heuristic that offers guidance for the creation and evaluation of process designs in administrative settings. Designers can use this heuristic to select from several alternatives the process design that is strongly cohesive and weakly coupled. It is argued that such a design will result in fewer errors during information exchanges and in more understandable activity descriptions. The paper includes an application of the heuristic in an industrial workflow setting, which supports its feasibility and practical value. The paper also presents the freely available CoCoFlow tool that implements the heuristic and its associated metrics. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 基于软件程序和工作流流程之间的相似性,本文提出了一种启发式方法,可为管理环境中流程设计的创建和评估提供指导。设计人员可以使用这种启发式方法从多种选择中选择具有高度凝聚力和弱耦合性的工艺设计。有人认为,这样的设计将减少信息交换过程中的错误,并使活动说明更容易理解。本文包括启发式方法在工业工作流程中的应用,这证明了其可行性和实用价值。本文还介绍了可免费使用的CoCoFlow工具,该工具实现了启发式及其相关指标。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2007.12.007]

[570] Evaluation of Trace Alignment Quality and its Application in Medical Process Mining (2017)

(Zhou, Moliang and Yang, Sen and Li, Xinyu and Lv, Shuyu and Chen, Shuhong and Marsic, Ivan and Farneth, Richard A. and Burd, Randall S. | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2017)

Abstract: Trace alignment algorithms have been used in process mining for discovering the consensus treatment procedures and process deviations. Different alignment algorithms, however, may produce very different results. No widely-adopted method exists for evaluating the results of trace alignment. Existing reference-free evaluation methods cannot adequately and comprehensively assess the alignment quality. We analyzed and compared the existing evaluation methods, identifying their limitations, and introduced improvements in two reference-free evaluation methods. Our approach assesses the alignment result globally instead of locally, and therefore helps the algorithm to optimize overall alignment quality. We also introduced a novel metric to measure the alignment complexity, which can be used as a constraint on alignment algorithm optimization. We tested our evaluation methods on a trauma resuscitation dataset and provided the medical explanation of the activities and patterns identified as deviations using our proposed evaluation methods.


摘要: Trace对齐算法已用于过程挖掘中,以发现共识处理程序和过程偏差。但是,不同的对齐算法可能会产生非常不同的结果。没有广泛采用的方法来评估迹线对齐的结果。现有的无参考评估方法无法充分,全面地评估比对质量。我们分析并比较了现有的评估方法,确定了它们的局限性,并介绍了两种无参考评估方法的改进。我们的方法是全局而不是局部地评估比对结果,因此有助于算法优化整体比对质量。我们还引入了一种新的度量标准来衡量对齐方式的复杂性,可以将其用作对齐算法优化的约束。我们在创伤复苏数据集上测试了我们的评估方法,并使用我们提出的评估方法对识别为偏差的活动和模式提供了医学解释。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICHI.2017.57]


[571] Evaluation of the online assessment test using process mining (Case Study: Intensive English Center) (2015)

(Aisa, Vinca and Kurniati, Angelina Prima and Yanuar Firdaus | 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2015)

Abstract: One process in e-learning is Online Assessment Test which is aimed to determine students understanding of the materials. Online Assessment Test is usually using Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Students are not always answer MCQ sequentially, so that each student can have navigational pattern, which can be different from the predefined navigational model. Different navigational patterns can result in different test performance too. This paper presents the process and result of implementing process mining to compare students answering patterns to the predetermined navigational model of MCQ in online assessment test. Process mining is being used to model the business process flow based on the event log of the information system. In this case, online assessment test is the business process and e-learning system is the information system being analyzed. The output of the process are the test marks, performance, students strength and weakness, and the analysis of navigational patterns compared to the predefined navigational model.


摘要: 在线学习测试中的一个过程是在线评估测试,旨在确定学生对材料的理解。在线评估测试通常使用多项选择题(MCQ)。学生并不总是按顺序回答MCQ,因此每个学生都可以具有导航模式,该导航模式可能与预定义的导航模型不同;不同的导航模式也可能导致不同的测试性能;本文介绍了实现过程挖掘的过程和结果,以将学生的回答模式与在线MCQ的预定导航模型进行比较评估测试:使用流程挖掘基于信息系统的事件日志对业务流程进行建模,在这种情况下,在线评估测试是业务流程,而在线学习系统是正在分析的信息系统。过程是测试标记,性能,学生的优缺点和导航模式的分析c相比预定义的导航模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231470]

[572] Event Correlation Analytics: Scaling Process Mining Using Mapreduce-Aware Event Correlation Discovery Techniques (2015)

(Reguieg, Hicham and Benatallah, Boualem and Nezhad, Hamid R.Motahari and Toumani, Farouk | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: This paper introduces a scalable process event analysis approach, including parallel algorithms, to support efficient event correlation for big process data. It proposes a two-stages approach for finding potential event relationships, and their verification over big event datasets using MapReduce framework. We report on the experimental results, which show the scalability of the proposed methods, and also on the comparative analysis of the approach with traditional non-parallel approaches in terms of time and cost complexity.


摘要: 本文介绍了一种可扩展的过程事件分析方法,包括并行算法,以支持大型过程数据的有效事件关联。它提出了一种分两个阶段的方法来查找潜在事件关系,并使用MapReduce框架对大事件数据集进行验证。我们报告了实验结果,这些结果表明了所提出方法的可扩展性,并且还对该方法与传统非并行方法的时间和成本复杂性进行了比较分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2476463]

[573] Event Log Knowledge as a Complementary Simulation Model Construction Input (2014)

(Martin, Niels and Depaire, Beno^it and Caris, An | )

Abstract: Business process simulation models are typically built using model construction inputs such as documentation, interviews and observations. Due to issues with these information sources, efforts to further improve the realism of simulation models are valuable. Within this context, the present paper focuses on the use of process execution data in simulation model construction. More specifically, the behaviour of contemporary business processes is increasingly registered in event logs by process-aware information systems. Knowledge can be extracted from these log files using process mining techniques. This paper advocates the addition of event log knowledge as a model construction input, complementary to traditional information sources. A conceptual framework for simulation model construction is presented and the integration of event log knowledge during the modeling of particular simulation model building blocks is outlined. The use of event log knowledge is demonstrated in a simulation of the operations of a roadside assistance company.


摘要: 业务流程模拟模型通常使用模型构建输入(例如文档,访谈和观察结果)构建。由于这些信息源存在问题,为进一步改善仿真模型的真实性而付出的努力非常宝贵。在这种情况下,本论文着重于过程执行数据在仿真模型构建中的使用。更具体地说,当代业务流程的行为越来越多地由流程感知信息系统记录在事件日志中。可以使用过程挖掘技术从这些日志文件中提取知识。本文主张将事件日志知识添加为模型构建输入,以补充传统信息源。提出了用于仿真模型构建的概念框架,并概述了在特定仿真模型构建块建模期间事件日志知识的集成。事件日志知识的使用在路边援助公司的运营模拟中得到了证明。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.5220/0005100404560462]

[574] Event correlation for process discovery from web service interaction logs (2011)

(Motahari-Nezhad, Hamid Reza and Saint-Paul, Regis and Casati, Fabio and Benatallah, Boualem | VLDB Journal)

Abstract: Understanding, analyzing, and ultimately improving business processes is a goal of enterprises today. These tasks are challenging as business processes in modern enterprises are implemented over several applications and Web services, and the information about process execution is scattered across several data sources. Understanding modern business processes entails identifying the correlation between events in data sources in the context of business processes (event correlation is the process of finding relationships between events that belong to the same process execution instance). In this paper, we investigate the problem of event correlation for business processes that are realized through the interactions of a set of Web services. We identify various ways in which process-related events could be correlated as well as investigate the problem of discovering event correlation (semi-) automatically from service interaction logs. We introduce the concept of process view to represent the process resulting from a certain way of event correlation and that of process space referring to the set of possible process views over process events. Event correlation is a challenging problem as there are various ways in which process events could be correlated, and in many cases, it is subjective. Exploring all the possibilities of correlations is computationally expensive, and only some of the correlated event sets result in process views that are interesting. We propose efficient algorithms and heuristics to identify correlated event sets that lead potentially to interesting process views. To account for its subjectivity, we have designed the event correlation discovery process to be interactive and enable users to guide it toward process views of their interest and organize the discovered process views into a process map that allows users to effectively navigate through the process space and identify the ones of interest. We report on experiments performed on both synthetic and real-world datasets that show the viability and efficiency of the approach. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 了解,分析并最终改善业务流程是当今企业的目标。这些任务具有挑战性,因为现代企业中的业务流程是通过多个应用程序和Web服务实现的,并且有关流程执行的信息分散在多个数据源中。了解现代业务流程需要在业务流程的上下文中识别数据源中事件之间的相关性(事件相关性是查找属于同一流程执行实例的事件之间的关系的过程)。在本文中,我们研究了通过一组Web服务的交互实现的业务流程的事件关联问题。我们确定了与流程相关的事件相关的各种方式,并研究了从服务交互日志中自动发现事件相关(半)的问题。我们引入过程视图的概念来表示由某种事件关联方式产生的过程,并通过过程事件的可能过程视图集来代表过程空间的过程。事件关联是一个具有挑战性的问题,因为可以通过多种方式关联过程事件,并且在许多情况下,这是主观的。探索相关性的所有可能性在计算上是昂贵的,并且只有一些相关事件集会产生有趣的过程视图。我们提出了有效的算法和启发式算法,以识别可能导致有趣的过程视图的相关事件集。考虑到它的主观性,我们将事件相关性发现过程设计为交互式的,并使用户能够引导它朝向他们感兴趣的过程视图,并将发现的过程视图组织到一个过程图中,从而使用户可以有效地浏览过程空间和确定感兴趣的人。我们报告了在合成数据集和实际数据集上进行的实验,这些实验表明了该方法的可行性和效率。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00778-010-0203-9]

[575] Event interval analysis: Why do processes take time? (2015)

(Suriadi, Suriadi and Ouyang, Chun and Van Der Aalst | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Through the application of process mining, valuable evidence-based insights can be obtained about business processes in organisations. As a result, the field has seen an increased uptake in recent years as evidenced by success stories and increased tool support. However, despite this impact, current performance analysis capabilities remain somewhat limited in the context of information-poor event logs. For example, natural daily and weekly patterns are not considered but they are vital for understanding the performance of processes and resources. In this paper, a new framework for analysing event logs is defined. Our framework is based on the concept of event interval. The framework allows for a systematic approach to sophisticated performance-related analysis beyond the capabilities of existing log-based analysis techniques, even with information-poor event logs. The paper formalises a range of event interval types and then presents an implementation as well as an evaluation of the proposed approach.


摘要: 通过流程挖掘的应用,可以获得有关组织中业务流程的有价值的,基于证据的见解。结果,近年来成功案例和工具支持的增加证明了该领域的普及。但是,尽管有这种影响,但在信息匮乏的事件日志的背景下,当前的性能分析功能仍然受到一定限制。例如,没有考虑自然的每日和每周模式,但是它们对于理解流程和资源的性能至关重要。在本文中,定义了一个用于分析事件日志的新框架。我们的框架基于事件间隔的概念。该框架提供了一种系统的方法,可以进行复杂的与性能相关的分析,这超出了现有基于日志的分析技术的能力,即使是信息匮乏的事件日志也是如此。本文对一系列事件间隔类型进行了形式化,然后提出了一种实现方法以及对该方法的评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.07.007]

[576] Event log imperfection patterns for process mining: Towards a systematic approach to cleaning event logs (2017)

(Suriadi, S. and Andrews, R. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Wynn, M. T. | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process-oriented data mining (process mining) uses algorithms and data (in the form of event logs) to construct models that aim to provide insights into organisational processes. The quality of the data (both form and content) presented to the modeling algorithms is critical to the success of the process mining exercise. Cleaning event logs to address quality issues prior to conducting a process mining analysis is a necessary, but generally tedious and ad hoc task. In this paper we describe a set of data quality issues, distilled from our experiences in conducting process mining analyses, commonly found in process mining event logs or encountered while preparing event logs from raw data sources. We show that patterns are used in a variety of domains as a means for describing commonly encountered problems and solutions. The main contributions of this article are in showing that a patterns-based approach is applicable to documenting commonly encountered event log quality issues, the formulation of a set of components for describing event log quality issues as patterns, and the description of a collection of 11 event log imperfection patterns distilled from our experiences in preparing event logs. We postulate that a systematic approach to using such a pattern repository to identify and repair event log quality issues benefits both the process of preparing an event log and the quality of the resulting event log. The relevance of the pattern-based approach is illustrated via application of the patterns in a case study and through an evaluation by researchers and practitioners in the field.


摘要: 面向过程的数据挖掘(过程挖掘)使用算法和数据(以事件日志的形式)构建旨在提供对组织过程的见解的模型。呈现给建模算法的数据质量(形式和内容)对于流程挖掘活动的成功至关重要。在进行过程挖掘分析之前,清理事件日志以解决质量问题是必要的,但通常是乏味且临时的任务。在本文中,我们描述了一组数据质量问题,这些问题是从我们进行过程挖掘分析的经验中提炼出来的,这些问题通常在过程挖掘事件日志中发现,或者在从原始数据源准备事件日志时遇到。我们表明,模式已在各种领域中用作描述常见问题和解决方案的手段。本文的主要贡献在于表明基于模式的方法适用于记录常见的事件日志质量问题,制定一组用于将事件日志质量问题描述为模式的组件以及描述11种集合从我们准备事件日志的经验中提炼出的事件日志缺陷模式。我们假设使用这种模式存储库来识别和修复事件日志质量问题的系统方法,既有益于准备事件日志的过程,也有利于所得事件日志的质量。通过案例研究中模式的应用以及该领域研究人员和实践者的评估,说明了基于模式的方法的相关性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.07.011]

[577] Event log-based fraud rating using interval type-2 fuzzy sets in fuzzy AHP (2017)

(Pane, Evi Septiana and Wibawa, Adhi Dharma and Purnomo, Mauridhi Hery | IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON)

Abstract: Fraud on the event logs derived from business process is known as event log-based fraud. Fraud detection using event logs employs process mining technique, notably conformance checking analysis. This study proposes a method for rating event log-based fraud datasets using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a well-known multicriteria decision-making method. Earlier studies proposed that interval type-2 fuzzy set provides an alternative in handling uncertainty than type-1 fuzzy set. Therefore, we utilize interval type-2 fuzzy sets in fuzzy AHP in order to manage vagueness in many linguistic judgement. This study includes linguistic hedges implementation to modify the membership function of expert valuation. The experimental results showed comparable types of membership function shape and its obtained accuracy performance. Obtained accuracy from fuzzy type-1 AHP method achieved 94% for triangular membership function shape and 93.9% for interval type-2 fuzzy AHP. Although there was no escalation in accuracy after applying interval-valued fuzzy sets for all scenarios, the rank of fraud weight in each feature were altered.


摘要: 从业务流程派生的事件日志上的欺诈被称为基于事件日志的欺诈。使用事件日志的欺诈检测采用过程挖掘技术,尤其是一致性检查分析。这项研究提出了一种使用模糊分析层次过程(AHP)来对基于事件日志的欺诈数据集进行评级的方法,这是一种众所周知的多准则决策方法。较早的研究提出,区间2型模糊集提供了比1型模糊集更多的处理不确定性的方法。因此,我们在模糊AHP中使用区间2型模糊集,以便在许多语言判断中管理模糊性。该研究包括语言套期的实施,以修改专家评估的隶属函数。实验结果表明隶属函数形状的可比较类型及其获得的精度性能。从模糊1型AHP方法获得的精度对于三角隶属函数形状达到94%,对于区间2型模糊AHP方法达到93.9%。尽管在所有情况下都应用了间隔值模糊集后,准确性没有提高,但是每个功能中的欺诈权重等级都发生了变化。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TENCON.2016.7848366]

[578] Event stream-based process discovery using abstract representations (2018)

(van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: The aim of process discovery, originating from the area of process mining, is to discover a process model based on business process execution data. A majority of process discovery techniques relies on an event log as an input. An event log is a static source of historical data capturing the execution of a business process. In this paper, we focus on process discovery relying on online streams of business process execution events. Learning process models from event streams poses both challenges and opportunities, i.e. we need to handle unlimited amounts of data using finite memory and, preferably, constant time. We propose a generic architecture that allows for adopting several classes of existing process discovery techniques in context of event streams. Moreover, we provide several instantiations of the architecture, accompanied by implementations in the process mining toolkit ProM (http://promtools.org). Using these instantiations, we evaluate several dimensions of stream-based process discovery. The evaluation shows that the proposed architecture allows us to lift process discovery to the streaming domain.


摘要: 过程发现的目的源自过程挖掘领域,是基于业务过程执行数据发现过程模型。大多数过程发现技术都依赖于事件日志作为输入。事件日志是捕获业务流程执行情况的历史数据的静态来源。在本文中,我们专注于依赖在线业务流程执行事件流的流程发现。从事件流学习过程模型既带来挑战也带来机遇,即我们需要使用有限的内存(最好是恒定的时间)来处理无限量的数据。我们提出了一种通用体系结构,该体系结构允许在事件流的上下文中采用几种现有的过程发现技术。此外,我们提供了该体系结构的多个实例,以及过程挖掘工具包ProM(http://promtools.org)中的实现。使用这些实例,我们评估了基于流的流程发现的多个维度。评估表明,所提出的体系结构使我们能够将过程发现提升到流域。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-017-1060-2]

[579] Event-based failure prediction in distributed business processes (2019)

(Borkowski, Michael and Fdhila, Walid and Nardelli, Matteo and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Schulte, Stefan | Information Systems)

Abstract: Traditionally, research in Business Process Management has put a strong focus on centralized and intra-organizational processes. However, todays business processes are increasingly distributed, deviating from a centralized layout, and therefore calling for novel methodologies of detecting and responding to unforeseen events, such as errors occurring during process runtime. In this article, we demonstrate how to employ event-based failure prediction in business processes. This approach allows to make use of the best of both traditional Business Process Management Systems and event-based systems. Our approach employs machine learning techniques and considers various types of events. We evaluate our solution using two business process data sets, including one from a real-world event log, and show that we are able to detect errors and predict failures with high accuracy.


摘要: 传统上,对业务流程管理的研究非常关注集中式和组织内流程。但是,当今的业务流程越来越分散,偏离了集中式布局,因此需要检测和响应意外事件的新颖方法。本文中,我们演示了如何在业务流程中采用基于事件的故障预测,这种方法可以充分利用传统业务流程管理系统和基于事件的系统中的优势。该方法采用了机器学习技术并考虑了各种类型的事件。我们使用两个业务流程数据集来评估我们的解决方案,其中包括来自真实事件日志中的一个,并表明我们能够准确地检测到错误并预测故障。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.12.005]

[580] Events analysis based on Internet information retrieval and process mining tools (2017)

(Shalyaeva, Irina and Lyadova, Lyudmila and Lanin, Viacheslav | Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2016 - Conference Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper presents preliminary result of research project, which is aimed to combine ontology information retrieval technology and process mining tools. The ontologies describing both data domains and data sources are used to search news in the Internet and to extract facts. Process Mining tools allows finding regularities, relations between single events or event types to construct formal models of processes which can be used for the next ensuing analysis by experts. An applicability of the approach is studied with example of the environmental technogenic disasters caused with oil spills, and followed events. Ontologies allow adjustment to new domains.


摘要: 本文介绍了该研究项目的初步结果,旨在将本体信息检索技术与过程挖掘工具相结合。描述数据域和数据源的本体用于搜索Internet中的新闻并提取事实。流程挖掘工具允许查找规律性,单个事件或事件类型之间的关系,以构建流程的正式模型,这些模型可用于专家接下来的后续分析。研究了该方法的适用性,并举例说明了由溢油和后续事件引起的环境技术灾难。本体允许对新域进行调整。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICAICT.2016.7991678]

[581] Examining case management demand using event log complexity metrics (2014)

(Benner-Wickner, Marian and Book, Matthias and Bruckmann, Tobias and Gruhn, Volker | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW)

Abstract: One of the main goals of process mining is to automatically discover meaningful process models from event logs. Since these logs are the essential source of information for discovery algorithms, their quality is of high importance. In recent years, many studies on the quality of resulting process models have been conducted. However, the analysis of event log quality prior to the generation of models has been neglected. For example, yet there are no metrics which can measure the degree of event log quality that is needed so that discovery algorithms can be applied. Especially in the context of case management (CM) where processes are less structured, complex event logs reduce the effectiveness of the process discovery. In order to avoid mining impractical spaghetti processes, it would be convenient to measure the event log complexity prior to discovery steps. In this paper, we provide our research results concerning the design and applicability of such metrics. First of all, they shall help to indicate whether the event log quality is sufficient for traditional process discovery. In case of very poor quality, they indicate the demand for more agile techniques (e.g. adaptive CM or agenda-driven CM).


摘要: 过程挖掘的主要目标之一是从事件日志中自动发现有意义的过程模型。由于这些日志是发现算法的必要信息来源,因此其质量非常重要。近年来,许多关于质量的研究进行了最终过程模型的分析,但是忽略了在模型生成之前对事件日志质量的分析,例如,尚无度量标准可以测量所需的事件日志质量,因此发现算法尤其是在案例管理(CM)的情况下,流程的结构性较差,复杂的事件日志降低了流程发现的有效性;为了避免挖掘不切实际的意大利面条式流程,测量事件将很方便在发现步骤之前先记录日志的复杂度在本文中,我们提供了有关此类指标的设计和适用性的研究结果。所有这些都有助于表明事件日志的质量是否足以满足传统过程发现的需要。如果质量很差,则表明需要更多敏捷技术(例如自适应CM或议程驱动的CM)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2014.25]

[582] Examining diagnosis paths: A process mining approach (2016)

(Doleck, Tenzin and Jarrell, Amanda and Poitras, Eric G. and Chaouachi, Maher and Lajoie, Susanne P. | Proceedings - 2016 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, CICT 2016)

Abstract: This paper is motivated by two observations on computer-supported education: First, there has been growing availability, rapid proliferation, and increased diversity of learner-system educational data. Second, advances in learning analytics and data mining have facilitated and spawned a variety of novel investigations using such data. Driven by these complementary trends, the present work is geared towards exploring knowledge-based discovery approaches in understanding learner-system usage data. More specifically, with an eye toward tracing and comprehending learner behaviors in a medical intelligent tutoring system, we explore the utility of Process Mining, in understanding the problem solving trajectories of students in a medical computer-based learning environment.


摘要: 本文的灵感来自对计算机支持的教育的两种看法:首先,学习者系统教育数据的可用性不断提高,迅速扩散且多样性不断提高。其次,学习分析和数据挖掘的进步促进并催生了使用此类数据的各种新颖调查。在这些互补趋势的推动下,当前的工作旨在探索基于知识的发现方法,以了解学习者系统的使用数据。更具体地说,着眼于追踪和理解医疗智能辅导系统中的学习者行为,我们探索了过程挖掘在理解基于医疗计算机的学习环境中学生的问题解决轨迹方面的实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CICT.2016.137]

[583] Execution support for agenda-driven case management (2014)

(Benner-Wickner, Marian and Book, Matthias and Bruckmann, Tobias and Gruhn, Volker | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: In recent years, mature workflow management technology has become available to support enterprises in engineering and executing well-known business processes. But in the domain of case management, no strict process can be prescribed for tasks due to their high variability. Rather, these tasks require the expertise of case managers who work with information from many different sources. We believe that such processes will benefit from an agenda-driven case management approach. However, implementing an information system supporting such an approach is challenging since it impacts and relies on many aspects of an enterprises way of handling heterogeneous data. In this paper, we discuss requirements and design decisions arising from the adCM concept and present the results in implementing a corresponding support system. Copyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 近年来,成熟的工作流管理技术已经可以用来支持企业进行工程设计和执行著名的业务流程。但是,在案例管理领域,由于任务的可变性很高,因此无法为任务规定严格的流程。这些任务需要案例管理人员的专业知识,他们需要处理来自许多不同来源的信息,我们认为这样的流程将受益于议程驱动的案例管理方法,但是,实施支持这种方法的信息系统具有挑战性,因为它影响并依赖有关企业处理异构数据的方式的许多方面。本文讨论了adCM概念产生的要求和设计决策,并提出了实施相应支持系统的结果。版权所有2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2554850.2554945]

[584] Explaining clusterings of process instances (2017)

(De Koninck | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: This paper presents a technique that aims to increase human understanding of trace clustering solutions. The clustering techniques under scrutiny stem from the process mining domain, where the clustering of process instances is deemed a useful technique to analyse process data with a large variety of behaviour. Until now, the most often used method to inspect clustering solutions in this domain is visual inspection of the clustering results. This paper proposes a more thorough approach based on the post hoc application of supervised learning with support vector machines on cluster results. Our approach learns concise rules to describe why a specific instance is included in a certain cluster based on specific control-flow based feature variables. An extensive experimental evaluation is presented showing that our technique outperforms alternatives. Likewise, we are able to identify features that lead to shorter and more accurate explanations.


摘要: 本文提出了一种旨在增强人类对痕量聚类解决方案的理解的技术。经过仔细研究的聚类技术源自过程挖掘领域,在该领域中,过程实例的聚类被认为是分析行为多种多样的过程数据的有用技术。到目前为止,在此领域中最常用的检查聚类解决方案的方法是目测检查聚类结果。本文基于带支持向量机的监督学习在事后应用的聚类结果上提出了一种更彻底的方法。我们的方法学习简洁的规则,以基于特定的基于控制流的特征变量来描述为什么特定实例包含在某个群集中。进行了广泛的实验评估,表明我们的技术优于其他技术。同样,我们能够确定导致更短和更准确的解释的特征。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-016-0488-4]

[585] Exploiting petri-net structure for activity classification and user instruction within an industrial setting (2011)

(Worgan, Simon F. and Behera, Ardhendu and Cohn, Anthony G. and Hogg, David C. | ICMI11 - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction)

Abstract: Live workflow monitoring and the resulting user interaction in industrial settings faces a number of challenges. A formal workflow may be unknown or implicit, data may be sparse and certain isolated actions may be undetectable given current visual feature extraction technology. This paper attempts to address these problems by inducing a structural workflow model from multiple expert demonstrations. When interacting with a naive user, this workflow is combined with spatial and temporal information, under a Bayesian framework, to give appropriate feedback and instruction. Structural information is captured by translating a Markov chain of actions into a simple place/transition petri-net. This novel petri-net structure maintains a continuous record of the current workbench configuration and allows multiple sub-sequences to be monitored without resorting to second order processes. This allows the user to switch between multiple sub-tasks, while still receiving informative feedback from the system. As this model captures the complete workflow, human inspection of safety critical processes and expert annotation of user instructions can be made. Activity classification and user instruction results show a significant on-line performance improvement when compared to the existing Hidden Markov Model or pLSA based state of the art. Further analysis reveals that the majority of our models classification errors are caused by small de-synchronisation events rather than significant workflow deviations. We conclude with a discussion of the generalisability of the induced place/transition petri-net to other activity recognition tasks and summarise the developments of this model. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 实时工作流监视及其在工业环境中产生的用户交互面临许多挑战。在当前的视觉特征提取技术下,正式的工作流可能是未知的或隐式的,数据可能稀疏并且某些孤立的动作可能无法检测到。本文试图通过从多个专家演示中得出结构化的工作流模型来解决这些问题,在与朴素的用户进行交互时,该工作流在贝叶斯框架下与时空信息相结合,以提供适当的反馈和指导。马尔可夫动作链到一个简单的位置/转换Petri网,这种新颖的Petri网结构保持了对当前工作台配置的连续记录,并允许在不诉诸二阶过程的情况下监视多个子序列。在多个子任务之间切换,同时仍接收来自t的信息反馈他系统。由于此模型捕获了完整的工作流程,因此可以对安全关键过程进行人工检查,并对用户说明进行专家注释。与现有的基于隐马尔可夫模型或基于pLSA的现有技术相比,活动分类和用户指导结果显示出显着的在线性能改进。进一步的分析表明,我们模型的大多数分类错误是由较小的非同步事件引起的,而不是由明显的工作流偏差引起的。最后,我们讨论了诱导的位置/转换Petri网对其他活动识别任务的一般性,并总结了该模型的发展。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2070481.2070502]


[586] Exploiting process patterns and process instances to support adaptability of dynamic business processes (2014)

(Bogl, Andreas and Natschlager, Christine and Karlinger, Michael and Schrefl, Michael | Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA)

Abstract: The traditional approach for business process modeling is rather static, since all possible process flows must be specified at design-time. This restricts the possibility of the user to react to unexpected situations, so conventional business processes cannot represent the flexible way in which human actors would handle discrepancies between real-world and computerized activities. This paper presents a new approach for dynamic business processes that automatically adapts to changed circumstances based on domain-specific process patterns and an evaluation of related process instances. The presented approach not only finds potential alternatives for failed activities, it also ranks them by exploiting process knowledge implicitly captured by former business process execution.


摘要: 业务流程建模的传统方法是相当静态的,因为所有可能的流程都必须在设计时指定。这限制了用户对意外情况做出反应的可能性,因此常规业务流程无法代表人类参与者处理现实世界活动与计算机化活动之间差异的灵活方式。本文提出了一种动态业务流程的新方法,该方法基于特定于域的流程模式和对相关流程实例的评估,可以自动适应变化的环境。提出的方法不仅为失败的活动找到了可能的替代方案,而且还通过利用由先前业务流程执行隐式捕获的流程知识来对它们进行排名。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEXA.2014.46]

[587] Exploration and analysis of undocumented processes using heterogeneous and unstructured business data (2014)

(Pospiech, Sebastian and Mielke, Sven and Mertens, Robert and Pelke, Martin and Jagannath, Kavitha and Stadler, Michael | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2014)

Abstract: The business world has become more dynamic than ever before. Global competition and todays rapid pace of development in many fields has led to shorter time-to-market intervals, as well as more complex products and services. These developments do often imply impromptu changes to existing business processes. These dynamics are aggravated when unforeseen paths have to be taken like it is often the case when problems are solved in customer support situations. This leads to undocumented business processes which pose a serious problem for management. In order to cope with this problem the discipline of Process Mining has emerged. In classical Process Mining, event logs generated for example by workflow management systems are used to create a process model. In order for classical Process Mining to work, the process therefore has to be implemented in such a system, it just lacks documentation. The above mentioned impromptu changes and impromptu processes do, however, lack any such documentation. In many cases event logs do not exist, at least not in the strict sense of the definition. Instead, traces left by a process might include unstructured data, such as emails or notes in a human readable format. In this paper we will demonstrate how it is possible to search and locate processes that exist in a company, but that are neither documented, nor implemented in any business process management system. The idea is to use all data stores in a company to find a trace of a process instance and to reconstruct and visualize it. The trace of this single instance is then generalized to a process template that covers all instances of that process. This generalization step generates a description that can manually be adapted in order to fit all process instances. While retrieving instances from structured data can be described by simple queries, retrieving process steps from unstructured data often requires more elaborate approaches. Hence, we have modified a search-engine to combine a simple word-search with ad-hoc ontologies that allow for defining synonym relations on a query-by-query basis. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 商业世界比以往任何时候都更加活跃。全球竞争和当今许多领域的快速发展步伐缩短了产品上市时间,并提供了更复杂的产品和服务。这些发展确实暗示着即兴更改现有的业务流程。当必须采取无法预见的途径时,这些动态会加剧,就像在客户支持情况下解决问题的情况一样,这导致了无证的业务流程,给管理带来了严重的问题。为此,出现了过程挖掘的学科,在经典的过程挖掘中,例如使用工作流管理系统生成的事件日志来创建过程模型,为了使经典的过程挖掘能够正常工作,必须在这样的系统,它只是缺少文档,上面提到的即兴更改和即兴过程确实缺少任何此类文档tion。在许多情况下,至少在严格意义上讲,事件日志不存在。取而代之的是,进程留下的痕迹可能包含非结构化数据,例如以人类可读格式显示的电子邮件或便笺。在本文中,我们将演示如何搜索和定位公司中已存在但未记录在文档中或未在任何业务流程管理系统中实现的流程。这个想法是使用公司中的所有数据存储来查找流程实例的痕迹,并对其进行重构和可视化。然后,将单个实例的跟踪概括为覆盖该流程所有实例的流程模板。该概括步骤生成了可以手动修改以适合所有流程实例的描述。虽然可以通过简单的查询描述从结构化数据中检索实例,但是从非结构化数据中检索流程步骤通常需要更复杂的方法。因此,我们修改了搜索引擎,将简单的单词搜索与临时本体相结合,从而可以在逐个查询的基础上定义同义词关系。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSC.2014.24]

[588] Exploring decision-making processes in python (2016)

(Keertipati, Smitha and Licorish, Sherlock A. and Savarimuthu, Bastin Tony Roy | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: The process by which norms are developed to become policies, the normative decision-making process, is not often explicit to stakeholders of Open Source Software (OSS) projects. Understanding the normative decision-making process is crucial for members if such projects are to evolve and succeed. In this paper, we investigated aspects of the normative decision-making processes of OSS development through the use of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs). We compared extracted process models with those that are advertised by the Python community to evaluate the extent to which those processes overlap. In addition, we assess members involvement and contribution to these processes. Our work used structural and behavioral analysis techniques, and social network analysis metrics. We found that there were differences between the extracted processes and Pythons advertised process, with the extracted processes being significantly more complex. These differences also extended to granular models used for managing social and technical aspects of the Python project. Furthermore, some key members were largely responsible for PEPs success. Our extracted models could go a far way in helping the Python community to quickly understand decision-making processes in Python.


摘要: 规范制定成为政策的过程,即规范决策过程,通常对开放源软件(OSS)项目的利益相关者而言并不明确。如果成员参与此类项目,则了解规范决策过程对成员至关重要。为了发展和成功,本文通过使用Python增强提案(PEP)研究了OSS开发的规范决策过程的各个方面,并将提取的过程模型与Python社区宣传的过程模型进行了比较,以评估这些过程重叠的程度;此外,我们评估成员对这些过程的参与和贡献;我们的工作使用结构和行为分析技术以及社交网络分析指标;我们发现提取的过程与Python宣传的过程之间存在差异,而提取的过程变得更加复杂,这些差异也扩展到了粒度模型用于管理Python项目的社会和技术方面。此外,一些关键成员对PEP的成功负有主要责任。我们提取的模型可以帮助Python社区快速了解Python的决策过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2915970.2915993]

[589] Exploring regulatory processes during a computer-supported collaborative learning task using process mining (2012)

(Schoor, Cornelia and Bannert, Maria | Computers in Human Behavior)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore sequences of social regulatory processes during a computer-supported collaborative learning task and their relationship to group performance. Analogous to self-regulation during individual learning, we conceptualized social regulation both as individual and as collaborative activities of analyzing, planning, monitoring and evaluating cognitive and motivational aspects during collaborative learning. We analyzed the data of 42 participants working together in dyads. They had 90 min to develop a common handout on a statistical topic while communicating only via chat and common editor. The log files of chat and editor were coded regarding activities of social regulation. Results show that participants in dyads with higher group performance (N = 20) did not differ from participants with lower group performance (N = 22) in the frequencies of regulatory activities. In an exploratory way, we used process mining to identify process patterns for high versus low group performance dyads. The resulting models show clear parallels between high and low achieving dyads in a double loop of working on the task, monitoring, and coordinating. Moreover, there are no major differences in the process of high versus low achieving dyads. Both results are discussed with regard to theoretical and empirical issues. Furthermore, the method of process mining is discussed. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 本研究的目的是探索计算机支持的协作学习任务期间社会监管过程的顺序及其与团队绩效的关系。类似于个体学习中的自我调节,我们将社会调节概念化为个体学习以及协作学习过程中分析,计划,监控和评估认知和动机方面的协作活动。我们分析了42位参与研究的参与者的数据。他们有90分钟的时间来制定关于统计主题的通用讲义,而只能通过聊天和通用编辑器进行交流。聊天和编辑者的日志文件已编码为有关社会监管活动的信息。结果表明,具有较高组表现(N = 20)的二元组参与者与具有较低组表现(N = 22)的参与者在调节活动频率上没有差异。以探索的方式,我们使用过程挖掘来识别高绩效组和低绩效组的二元组的过程模式。生成的模型在完成任务,监视和协调的双循环中显示出高成就和低成就之间的明显相似之处。而且,在实现高和低实现的二元组的过程中没有重大差异。讨论了这两个结果的理论和经验问题。此外,讨论了过程挖掘的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2012.02.016]

[590] Exploring temporal sequences of regulatory phases and associated interactions in low- and high-challenge collaborative learning sessions (2017)

(Sobocinski, Marta and Malmberg, Jonna and Jarvela | Metacognition and Learning)

Abstract: Investigating the temporal order of regulatory processes can explain in more detail the mechanisms behind success or lack of success during collaborative learning. The aim of this study is to explore the differences between high- and low-challenge collaborative learning sessions. This is achieved through examining how the three phases of self-regulated learning occur in a collaborative setting and the types of interaction associated with these phases. The participants were teacher training students (N = 44), who worked in groups on a complex task related to didactics of mathematics during 6xa0weeks. The participants were instructed to use an application that was designed to increase awareness of the cognitive, motivational and emotional challenges the group might face. Based on the applications log files, the sessions were categorized into low- and high-challenge sessions. The video data from each session were coded based on the self-regulation phases and the types of interaction. The frequencies of the phases and the types of interaction were calculated for each session, and process discovery methods were applied using the heuristic miner algorithm. The results show no significant differences between the sessions in the frequency of phases. However, the process models of the two sessions were different: in the high-challenge sessions, the groups switched between the forethought and performance phases more. In conclusion, the regulation phases and types of interaction that contribute to successful collaboration differ in high- and low challenge sessions and support for regulated learning is needed especially at the middle of the learning process.


摘要: 研究监管过程的时间顺序可以更详细地解释协作学习过程中成功或失败的背后机制。本研究的目的是探索高挑战性学习课程和低挑战性协作学习课程之间的差异。通过研究在协作环境中自我调节学习的三个阶段是如何发生的以及与这些阶段相关的互动类型,参与者是教师培训学生(N = 44),他们分组研究与教学法有关的复杂任务在6个xx0周内进行数学训练,要求参与者使用旨在提高人们对小组可能面临的认知,动机和情感挑战的认识的应用程序。根据该应用程序的日志文件,这些会话分为低级和高级挑战环节:每个环节的视频数据都是根据自我调节阶段和互动类型进行编码的。计算每个会话的阶段频率和交互类型,并使用启发式矿工算法应用过程发现方法。结果显示,阶段之间的阶段频率没有显着差异。但是,两次会议的过程模型是不同的:在高挑战性会议中,小组在预想阶段和绩效阶段之间进行了更多切换。总之,在高挑战和低挑战的会议中,有助于成功协作的调节阶段和交互类型有所不同,尤其是在学习过程的中期,需要对规范学习的支持。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11409-016-9167-5]

[591] Exploring the CSCW spectrum using process mining (2007)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Advanced Engineering Informatics)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术允许从事件日志中提取信息。例如,工作流管理系统的审核记录或企业资源计划系统的事务日志可用于发现描述流程,组织和产品的模型。传统上,流程挖掘已应用于结构化流程。在本文中,我们认为流程挖掘还可以应用于由计算机支持的协作工作(CSCW)系统支持的结构较少的流程。此外,还介绍了ProM框架。使用ProM,可以支持从过程发现和验证到一致性检查和社交网络分析等各种过程挖掘活动。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.aei.2006.05.002]

[592] Exploring the Relationship between Business Processes and Contextual Information in Manufacturing and Logistics Based on Event Logs (2018)

(Intayoad, Wacharawan and Becker, Till | Procedia CIRP)

Abstract: Business processes in manufacturing and logistics are becoming more complex and change more frequently at the same time. These changes are driven by process evolution and unexpected changes. Therefore, business process documentations need continual updates. Recent works in process mining highlight the relevance of context information during automated process model creation. Our objective is to discover situational context information that affects the execution of a business process by determining the process lead time. Nave Bayesian is used for context reasoning to uncover and analyze the relationship between a particular process and its context information. We illustrate our approach with real-world event logs from manufacturing companies.


摘要: 制造和物流中的业务流程变得越来越复杂,同时变化也越来越频繁。这些更改是由流程演变和意外更改驱动的。因此,业务流程文档需要不断更新。流程挖掘方面的最新工作突显了自动化流程模型创建过程中上下文信息的相关性。我们的目标是通过确定流程提前期来发现影响业务流程执行的情境上下文信息。 Nave Bayesian用于上下文推理,以发现和分析特定过程与其上下文信息之间的关系。我们通过制造公司的真实事件日志来说明我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.220]

[593] Extendible data model for real-time business process analysis (2012)

(Leida, Marcello and Chu, Andrej and Colombo, Maurizio and Majeed, Basim | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)

Abstract: This paper presents a promising data representation model for real time monitoring of business processes. The main benefit of this representation is that is transparent to the data creation and analysis processes and it is extendible at realtime. The model is based on a shared vocabulary defined using RDF standard representation allowing independence between applications. This model is a novel approach to real-time process data representation and paves the road to a complete new breed of applications for business process analysis. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一种有前途的数据表示模型,用于实时监控业务流程。这种表示的主要好处是对数据创建和分析过程透明,并且可以实时扩展。该模型基于使用RDF标准表示法定义的共享词汇表,从而允许应用程序之间的独立性。该模型是一种用于实时过程数据表示的新颖方法,为通向业务流程分析的全新应用程序铺平了道路。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEM.2012.6838015]

[594] Extracting Markov chain models from protocol execution traces for end to end delay evaluation in wireless sensor networks BT - 2015 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2015, May 27, 2015 - May 29, 2015 (2015)

(Despaux, Francois and Song, Ye-Qiong and Lahmadi, Abdelkader | )

Abstract: Many WSN industrial applications impose requirements in terms of end to end delay. However, the end to end delay estimation in WSNs is not a simple task because of the high dynamic of networks, the use of duty-cycled MAC protocols as well as the impact of the routing protocols. Markov-based modelling is an interesting approach to deal with this problem aiming to provide an analytical model useful for understanding protocols behavior and to estimate the end to end delay, among other performance parameters. However, existing Markov-based analytic models abstract the reality simplifying the analysis and thus resulting models are not accurate enough for estimating the end to end delay. Furthermore, establishing an accurate Markov model using classic approaches is very difficult considering the highly dynamic behavior of the sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to obtain the Markov chain model of sensor nodes by means of Process Mining techniques through the code execution trace. End to end delay is then computed based on this Markov chain. Experimentations were done using IoT-LAB testbed platform. Comparisons in terms of delay are presented for two different metrics of the RPL protocol (hop count and ETX). 2015 IEEE.

从协议执行迹线中提取马尔可夫链模型以进行无线传感器网络BT-2015年第11届IEEE世界工厂通信系统大会,WFCS 2015,2015年5月27日-2015年5月29日,

摘要: 许多WSN工业应用都对端到端延迟提出了要求。但是,由于网络的高动态性,使用占空比MAC协议以及WSN的原因,WSN中的端到端延迟估计不是一项简单的任务。基于路由的影响,基于马尔可夫的建模是一种有趣的方法,旨在提供一个分析模型,有助于理解协议的行为并估计端到端时延,以及其他性能参数。基于分析模型的抽象使现实简化了分析,因此生成的模型不够精确,无法估计端到端延迟;此外,考虑到传感器节点的高度动态行为,使用经典方法建立精确的马尔可夫模型非常困难。论文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,通过过程执行技术通过代码执行程序来获得传感器节点的马尔可夫链模型。追踪。然后基于此马尔可夫链计算端到端延迟。实验是使用IoT-LAB测试平台完成的。对于RPL协议的两个不同指标(跳数和ETX),提出了延迟方面的比较。 2015 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WFCS.2015.7160562]

[595] Extracting and Conserving Production Data as Test Cases in Executable Business Process Architectures (2017)

(Lubke, Daniel | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Because executable business processes are an important and critical software asset of organizations because they control and integrate critical information systems. Thus, testing them thoroughly is a very important task within the software development process. However, failures due to implementation defects still occur in production, which in turn means that the development team needs to analyze, fix and repair the failing processes. In order to support the activities of reproducing the problem outside of the production system and to create better test cases for verifying the fixed implementation, we propose to use process mining techniques on the production process event logs to aid the support & development teams. With our approach it is possible to automatically extract a working unit test case with all partner services being mocked that can run in a development environment. Within in this paper we present the extraction algorithm, our implementation, and possible ways to integrate the tool into the support & development process.


摘要: 因为可执行业务流程是组织的重要且至关重要的软件资产,因为它们控制和集成了关键信息系统。因此,全面测试它们是软件开发过程中非常重要的任务。但是,由于实施缺陷导致的故障仍然会在生产中发生,这反过来意味着开发团队需要分析,修复和修复失败的流程。为了支持在生产系统之外重现问题的活动并创建更好的测试用例以验证固定的实施,我们建议在生产过程事件日志中使用过程挖掘技术来帮助支持和开发团队。使用我们的方法,可以自动提取可模拟在开发环境中运行的所有合作伙伴服务的工作单元测试用例。在本文中,我们介绍了提取算法,我们的实现以及将工具集成到支持和开发过程中的可能方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.130]

[596] Extracting of temporal patterns from data for hierarchical classifiers construction (2015)

(Szpyrka, Marcin and Szczur, Adam and Bazan, Jan G. and Dydo, Lukasz | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics, CYBCONF 2015)

Abstract: A method of automatic extracting of temporal patterns from learning data for constructing hierarchical behavioral patterns based classifiers is considered in the paper. The presented approach can be used to complete the knowledge provided by experts or to discover the knowledge automatically if no expert knowledge is accessible. Formal description of temporal patterns is provided and an algorithm for automatic patterns extraction and evaluation is described. A system for packet-based network traffic anomaly detection is used to illustrate the considered ideas.


摘要: 在本文中考虑了一种从学习数据中自动提取时间模式的方法,该方法用于构造基于分层行为模式的分类器。提出的方法可用于完成专家提供的知识,或者在无法访问专家知识的情况下自动发现知识。提供了时间模式的形式描述,并描述了一种用于自动模式提取和评估的算法。用于基于数据包的网络流量异常检测的系统用于说明考虑的思想。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CYBConf.2015.7175955]

[597] Extracting real-life log with data perspective in PLM system for business process analysis (2009)

(Wang, Zhaoxia and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Liu, Yingbo | 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009)

Abstract: Event log is the important starting point of any process analysis technique. Existent business process analysis techniques are applied mainly to manual or simulated logs, considering mainly information about control perspective. In this paper, we first analyze the feature of data perspective of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system in manufacturing area, and extend the MXML format to support the log with data perspective information in PLM domain. Subsequently, we introduce an approach of data cleaning to separate the multi-version process information in real-life data set. In the end, we produce real-life log with information about data perspective in PLM system, then, mine the process model from real-life log and evaluate the proposed approach by fitness measuring. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 事件日志是任何过程分析技术的重要起点。现有的业务流程分析技术主要应用于手动或模拟日志,主要考虑有关控制角度的信息。在本文中,我们首先分析了制造业领域中PLM(产品生命周期管理)系统的数据透视图的特征,并扩展了MXML格式以支持PLM域中具有数据透视图信息的日志。随后,我们介绍了一种数据清理方法,用于将真实数据集中的多版本过程信息分开。最后,我们利用PLM系统中有关数据透视图的信息来生成真实日志,然后从真实日志中挖掘过程模型,并通过适应性度量评估所提出的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSIE.2009.645]

[598] Extracting useful knowledge from event logs: A frequent itemset mining approach (2018)

(Djenouri, Youcef and Belhadi, Asma and Fournier-Viger, Philippe | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: Business process analysis is a key activity that aims at increasing the efficiency of business operations. In recent years, several data mining based methods have been designed for discovering interesting patterns in event logs. A popular type of methods consists of applying frequent itemset mining to extract patterns indicating how resources and activities are frequently used. Although these methods are useful, they have two important limitations. First, these methods are designed to be applied to original event logs. Because these methods do not consider other perspectives on the data that could be obtained by applying data transformations, many patterns are missed that may represent important information for businesses. Second, these methods can generate a large number of patterns since they only consider the minimum support as constraint to select patterns. But analyzing a large number of patterns is time-consuming for users, and many irrelevant patterns may be found. To address these issues, this paper presents an improved event log analysis approach named AllMining. It includes a novel pre-processing method to construct multiple types of transaction databases from a same original event log using transformations. This allows to extract many new useful types of patterns from event logs with frequent itemset mining techniques. To address the second issue, a pruning strategy is further developed based on a novel concept of pattern coverage, to present a small set of patterns that covers many events to decision makers. Results of experiments on real-life event logs show that the proposed approach is promising compared to existing frequent itemset mining approaches and state-of-the-art process model algorithms.


摘要: 业务流程分析是旨在提高业务运营效率的关键活动。近年来,已经设计了几种基于数据挖掘的方法来发现事件日志中的有趣模式。一种流行的方法包括应用频繁项集挖掘来提取指示资源和活动如何被频繁使用的模式。尽管这些方法很有用,但它们有两个重要的局限性。首先,将这些方法设计为应用于原始事件日志。由于这些方法没有考虑可以通过应用数据转换获得的数据的其他观点,因此错过了许多模式,这些模式可能代表了企业的重要信息。其次,这些方法会生成大量模式,因为它们仅将最小支持视为选择模式的约束。但是,分析大量模式对用户来说很耗时,并且可能会发现许多不相关的模式。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种改进的事件日志分析方法,名为AllMining。它包括一种新颖的预处理方法,可以使用转换从同一原始事件日志构造多种类型的事务数据库。这允许使用频繁的项目集挖掘技术从事件日志中提取许多新的有用类型的模式。为了解决第二个问题,在一种新颖的模式覆盖概念的基础上,进一步开发了一种修剪策略,以向决策者展示一小套覆盖许多事件的模式。真实事件日志的实验结果表明,与现有的频繁项集挖掘方法和最新的过程模型算法相比,该方法很有希望。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2017.10.016]

[599] Extracting workflow structures through Bayesian learning and provenance data (2014)

(Naseri, Mahsa and Ludwig, Simone A. | International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA)

Abstract: Mining workflow models has been a problem of interest for the past few years. Event logs have been the main source of data for the mining process. Previous workflow mining approaches mostly focused on mining control flows that were based on data mining methods, as well as exploited time constraints of events to discover the workflow models. In this work, we present a mining approach which not only takes the behaviourial aspect of workflows into account, but also takes advantage of their informational perspective. Provenance information is a source of reasoning, learning, and analysis since it provides information regarding the service inputs, outputs and quality of service values. Therefore, provenance information along with Bayesian structure-learning methods are exploited for this purpose. Two constraint-based Bayesian structure-learning algorithms are investigated and modified in order to make use of additional provenance information. We will show that this leads to better mining results based on three common mining scenarios.


摘要: 挖掘工作流模型在过去几年中一直是一个令人关注的问题。事件日志一直是挖掘过程中数据的主要来源。以前的工作流挖掘方法主要集中于基于数据挖掘方法的挖掘控制流,以及利用事件的时间约束来发现工作流模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种挖掘方法,该方法不仅考虑了工作流的行为方面,而且还利用了它们的信息视角。来源信息是推理,学习和分析的来源,因为它提供有关服务输入,输出和服务值质量的信息。因此,源信息和贝叶斯结构学习方法一起被用于此目的。研究和修改了两种基于约束的贝叶斯结构学习算法,以利用其他来源信息。我们将显示,基于三种常见的挖掘场景,这将导致更好的挖掘结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDA.2013.6920756]

[600] Extraction and analysis social networks from process data (2013)

(Kopka, Martin and Kudvelka, Milovs and vStolfa, Jakub and Kobversky̌, Ondřej and Smavsel, Vaclav | 2013 5th International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks, CASoN 2013)

Abstract: Information systems support and ensure the practical running of most critical business processes. There exists or can be reconstructed a record (log) of the process running in the information system with information about the participants and the processed objects for most of the processes. This research was realized in the environment of the enterprise information system SAP. Participants of business processes stand in different relationships. We are interested in the relationships that are not explicitly seen from the process logs, but which are detectable by research methods of social networks and communities in social networks. Our work constructs the social network from the process log in the given context and then it finds communities in this network. Found communities were analyzed using knowledge of the business process and the environment in which the process operates. We found that identified communities have reasonable representation in the actual process, and this opened up a new dimension of knowledge that can be analyzed from the process log. This approach seems to be promising for detailed analysis. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 信息系统支持并确保大多数关键业务流程的实际运行。存在或可以重建信息系统中正在运行的过程的记录(日志),其中包含有关大多数过程的参与者和已处理对象的信息。这项研究是在企业信息系统SAP的环境中实现的。业务流程的参与者处于不同的关系中。我们对从过程日志中未明确看到但可以通过社交网络和社交网络中的社区的研究方法检测到的关系感兴趣。我们的工作从给定上下文中的过程日志构建社交网络,然后在该网络中找到社区。使用业务流程和流程在其中运行的环境的知识对发现的社区进行了分析。我们发现,确定的社区在实际过程中具有合理的代表性,这为可以从过程日志中分析的知识开辟了新的维度。这种方法似乎有望用于详细分析。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CASoN.2013.6622597]


[601] Fault diagnosis of web service based on trace matching (2013)

(Jia, Zhichun and Chen, Rong and Xu, Junjie | 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2013)

Abstract: With the advent of cloud computing, it is a critical challenge to guarantee the reliability of web service. Fault diagnosis is one of the major issues which build the reliable service applications. In this paper, we present an automatic diagnostic framework for simplifying the diagnostic procedure, improving the diagnostic quality and assuring the privacy of service. For locating the service faults and explaining the faulty causes, we propose a trace matching-based diagnosis method. Our method can find a correct execution trace, which has the maximum likelihood with the faulty execution trace. Then our method can identify the faults by finding the differences between these two traces, and explain the faulty causes. We use 2507 real web services to conduct the simulation experiments for evaluating our method. The results of experiments show that our method is effective to web services of various scales with noise. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 随着云计算的到来,保证Web服务的可靠性是一个严峻的挑战。故障诊断是构建可靠服务应用程序的主要问题之一。在本文中,我们提出了一种自动诊断框架,可简化诊断过程,提高诊断质量并确保服务的私密性。为了定位服务故障并解释故障原因,我们提出了一种基于跟踪匹配的诊断方法。我们的方法可以找到正确的执行跟踪,而执行错误跟踪的可能性最大。然后我们的方法可以通过找到这两条迹线之间的差异来识别故障,并解释故障原因。我们使用2507个真实的Web服务来进行仿真实验,以评估我们的方法。实验结果表明,该方法对各种规模的带噪声Web服务都是有效的。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIST.2013.6747609]

[602] Filtering Out Infrequent Behavior from Business Process Event Logs (2017)

(Conforti, Raffaele and La Rosa | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: In the era of big data, one of the key challenges is to analyze large amounts of data collected in meaningful and scalable ways. The field of process mining is concerned with the analysis of data that is of a particular nature, namely data that results from the execution of business processes. The analysis of such data can be negatively influenced by the presence of outliers, which reflect infrequent behavior or noise. In process discovery, where the objective is to automatically extract a process model from the data, this may result in rarely travelled pathways that clutter the process model. This paper presents an automated technique to the removal of infrequent behavior from event logs. The proposed technique is evaluated in detail and it is shown that its application in conjunction with certain existing process discovery algorithms significantly improves the quality of the discovered process models and that it scales well to large datasets.


摘要: 在大数据时代,关键挑战之一是分析以有意义和可扩展的方式收集的大量数据。流程挖掘领域涉及对具有特殊性质的数据(即,由业务流程的执行产生的数据)的分析。这些数据的分析可能会受到异常值的负面影响,这些异常值反映了不常发生的行为或噪音。在过程发现中,目标是从数据中自动提取过程模型,这可能会导致很少经过的路径使过程模型变得混乱。本文提出了一种自动技术,用于从事件日志中删除不常见的行为。对提出的技术进行了详细的评估,结果表明,该技术与某些现有过程发现算法结合使用可显着提高发现的过程模型的质量,并且可以很好地扩展到大型数据集。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2016.2614680]

[603] Financial process mining - Accounting data structure dependent control flow inference (2017)

(Werner, Michael | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems)

Abstract: The increasing integration of computer technology for the processing of business transactions and the growing amount of financially relevant data in organizations create new challenges for external auditors. The availability of digital data opens up new opportunities for innovative audit procedures. Process mining can be used as a novel data analysis technique to support auditors in this context. Process mining algorithms produce process models by analyzing recorded event logs. Contemporary general purpose mining algorithms commonly use the temporal order of recorded events for determining the control flow in mined process models. The presented research shows how data dependencies related to the accounting structure of recorded events can be used as an alternative to the temporal order of events for discovering the control flow. The generated models provide accurate information on the control flow from an accounting perspective and show a lower complexity compared to those generated using timestamp dependencies. The presented research follows a design science research approach and uses three different real world data sets for evaluation purposes.


摘要: 越来越多的计算机技术集成到处理业务交易中,以及组织中越来越多的财务相关数据给外部审计师带来了新的挑战。数字数据的可用性为创新的审计程序开辟了新的机会。在这种情况下,过程挖掘可以用作一种新颖的数据分析技术来支持审核员。流程挖掘算法通过分析记录的事件日志来生成流程模型。当代的通用挖掘算法通常使用记录事件的时间顺序来确定挖掘过程模型中的控制流。提出的研究表明如何将与记录的事件的核算结构相关的数据依赖性用作事件的时间顺序的替代,以发现控制流。从记帐的角度来看,生成的模型提供有关控制流的准确信息,并且与使用时间戳依赖关系生成的模型相比,所显示的模型具有较低的复杂性。提出的研究遵循设计科学研究方法,并使用三个不同的现实世界数据集进行评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.accinf.2017.03.004]

[604] Fitting a workflow model to captured development data (2009)

(Zhang, Min and Hochstein, Lorin | 2009 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, ESEM 2009)

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a semi-automated process called software engineering workflow analysis (SEWA) for developing heuristics that analyze captured data to identify where programmers spend their time. To evaluate our process, we ran two case studies in the domain of high-performance computing to generate programmer workflow models for small problems, cross-checking our results against direct observations. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们介绍了一种称为软件工程工作流分析(SEWA)的半自动化过程,用于开发启发式分析,该启发式分析对捕获的数据进行分析以识别程序员在哪里度过的时间。为了评估我们的过程,我们在高性能计算领域进行了两个案例研究,以生成针对小问题的程序员工作流模型,并根据直接观察结果对我们的结果进行交叉检查。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ESEM.2009.5315990]

[605] Flexible heuristics miner (FHM) (2011)

(Weijters, A J M M and Ribeiro, J T S | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining)

Abstract: One of the aims of process mining is to retrieve a process model from a given event log. However, current techniques have problems when mining processes that contain nontrivial constructs, processes that are low structured and/or dealing with the presence of noise in the event logs. To overcome these problems, a new process representation language is presented in combination with an accompanying process mining algorithm. The most significant property of the new representation language is in the way the semantics of splits and joins are represented; by using so-called split/join frequency tables. This results in easy to understand process models even in the case of non-trivial constructs, low structured domains and the presence of noise. This paper explains the new process representation language and how the mining algorithm works. The algorithm is implemented as a plug-in in the ProM framework. An illustrative example with noise and a real life log of a complex and low structured process are used to explicate the presented approach. textcopyright2011 IEEE.

Flexible heuristics miner(FHM)

摘要: 过程挖掘的目的之一是从给定的事件日志中检索过程模型。但是,当挖掘包含非平凡构造的过程,结构化程度低和/或处理事件日志中存在噪声的过程时,当前技术存在问题。为了克服这些问题,提出了一种新的过程表示语言,并结合了一种随附的过程挖掘算法。新表示语言的最重要特性是表示拆分和联接的语义的方式。通过使用所谓的分离/联合频率表。即使在非平凡的构造,低结构域和存在噪音的情况下,这也导致易于理解的过程模型。本文介绍了新的过程表示语言以及挖掘算法的工作原理。该算法作为ProM框架中的插件实现。具有噪声和复杂且结构化程度较低的过程的真实日志的说明性示例用于说明所提出的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949453]

[606] Flexible process support by automatic aggregation of implicit and explicit user behavior (2011)

(Burkhart, Thomas and Werth, Dirk and Loos, Peter | 4th International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, ICADIWT 2011)

Abstract: A companys ability to flexibly adapt to changing business requirements is one key factor to remain competitive. The required flexibility in people driven processes is usually achieved through ad-hoc workflows which are naturally highly unstructured. While most process support systems have either high process support or high flexibility but seldom both, the approach presented in this paper eliminates this trade-off by mapping unstructured messages onto processes as well as patterns for self-adjusting and context-sensitive process recommendations based on the analysis of user behavior, crowd processes, and continuous application of process detection. Special focus within the paper lies on the ability of a user to interact with the system during run-time in case of a mismatching of an event and the corresponding self-adapting features. The approach is evaluated in the context of the European research project Commius. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 公司能够灵活地适应不断变化的业务需求的能力是保持竞争力的关键因素。通常,通过自然高度非结构化的临时工作流来实现以人为本的过程中所需的灵活性。而大多数过程支持系统要么具有较高的过程支持或高度灵活性,但很少有,本文中介绍的方法通过将非结构化消息映射到流程以及基于用户行为,人群流程分析的自我调整和上下文相关流程建议的模式来消除这种折衷。在本文中,特别关注的是用户在运行时在事件与相应的自适应功能不匹配的情况下与系统进行交互的能力。欧洲研究项目Commius的上下文。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICADIWT.2011.6041408]

[607] Fodina: A robust and flexible heuristic process discovery technique (2017)

(vanden Broucke, Seppe K.L.M. and De Weerdt | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: In this paper, we present Fodina, a process discovery technique with a strong focus on robustness and flexibility. To do so, we improve upon and extend an existing process discovery algorithm, namely Heuristics Miner. We have identified several drawbacks which impact the reliability of existing heuristic-based process discovery techniques and therefore propose a new algorithm which is shown to be better performing in terms of process model quality, adds the ability to mine duplicate tasks, and allows for flexible configuration options.


摘要: 在本文中,我们介绍了Fodina,这是一种非常注重鲁棒性和灵活性的过程发现技术。为此,我们改进并扩展了现有的流程发现算法,即Heuristics Miner。我们已经发现了一些会影响现有基于启发式过程发现技术可靠性的缺陷,因此提出了一种新算法,该算法在过程模型质量方面表现更好,增加了挖掘重复任务的能力,并允许灵活配置选项。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.005]

[608] Formal approach for compliance rules checking in business process models (2013)

(Kherbouche, Oussama Mohammed and Ahmad, Adeel and Basson, Henri | ICET 2013 - 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Emerging Technologies)

Abstract: The business process models should comply with a set of rules describing the operations, policies and constraints that an organization must respect under financial authorities. However, the large number of rules and their frequency of changes make the traditionally used manual compliance checking a time-consuming task. As a result an automated compliance checking should be adopted. This paper proposes a formal approach for automated compliance checking. It proposes to map BPMN models directly to finite state machines (i.e., Kripke structures) and to express the compliance rules in a graphical language for better understandability. Subsequently, these are translated into linear temporal logic formulae for their integration. The compliance of business process models can be verified by means of model checking technology. The main goal is to increase the efficiency of the deployment of business process models while minimizing the risks and cost of the compliance inspection. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程模型应遵守一组规则,这些规则描述了组织在财务授权下必须遵守的运营,政策和约束。但是,大量规则及其更改频率使传统上使用的手动遵从性检查成为一项耗时的任务。因此,应采用自动合规性检查。本文提出了一种用于自动化合规性检查的正式方法。它建议将BPMN模型直接映射到有限状态机(即Kripke结构),并以图形语言表达合规性规则,以更好地理解。随后,将它们转换为线性时态逻辑公式以进行积分。可以通过模型检查技术来验证业务流程模型的符合性。主要目标是提高业务流程模型的部署效率,同时将合规性检查的风险和成本降至最低。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICET.2013.6743500]

[609] Formal certification and compliance for run-time service environments (2012)

(Foster, Howard and Spanoudakis, George and Mahbub, Khaled | Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2012)

Abstract: With the increased awareness of security and safety of services in on-demand distributed service provisioning (such as the recent adoption of Cloud infrastructures), certification and compliance checking of services is becoming a key element for service engineering. Existing certification techniques tend to support mainly design-time checking of service properties and tend not to support the run-time monitoring and progressive certification in the service execution environment. In this paper we discuss an approach which provides both design-time and runtime behavioural compliance checking for a services architecture, through enabling a progressive event-driven model-checking technique. Providing an integrated approach to certification and compliance is a challenge however using analysis and monitoring techniques we present such an approach for on-going compliance checking. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 随着按需分布式服务供应(例如最近采用的云基础架构)中对服务安全性和安全性的意识增强,服务的认证和合规性检查已成为服务工程的关键要素。现有的认证技术倾向于主要支持服务属性的设计时检查,而倾向于不支持服务执行环境中的运行时监视和渐进认证。在本文中,我们讨论一种方法,该方法通过启用渐进式事件驱动的模型检查技术,为服务体系结构提供设计时和运行时行为符合性检查。提供认证和合规性的集成方法是一个挑战,但是使用分析和监视技术,我们提出了一种持续进行合规性检查的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2012.23]

[610] Formal semantics and analysis of control flow in WS-BPEL (2007)

(Ouyang, Chun and Verbeek, Eric and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Breutel, Stephan and Dumas, Marlon and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. | Science of Computer Programming)

Abstract: Web service composition refers to the creation of new (Web) services by combining functionalities provided by existing ones. A number of domain-specific languages for service composition have been proposed, with consensus being formed around a process-oriented language known as WS-BPEL (or BPEL). The kernel of BPEL consists of simple communication primitives that may be combined using control-flow constructs expressing sequence, branching, parallelism, synchronization, etc. We present a comprehensive and rigorously defined mapping of BPEL constructs onto Petri net structures, and use this for the analysis of various dynamic properties related to unreachable activities, conflicting messages, garbage collection, conformance checking, and deadlocks and lifelocks in interaction processes. We use a mapping onto Petri nets because this allows us to use existing theoretical results and analysis tools. Unlike approaches based on finite state machines, we do not need to construct the state space, and can use structural analysis (e.g., transition invariants) instead. We have implemented a tool that translates BPEL processes into Petri nets and then applies Petri-net-based analysis techniques. This tool has been tested on different examples, and has been used to answer a variety of questions. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: Web服务组合是指通过组合现有服务提供的功能来创建新的(Web)服务。已经提出了许多用于服务组合的领域特定语言,并且围绕被称为WS-BPEL(或BPEL)的面向过程的语言形成了共识。 BPEL的内核由简单的通信原语组成,可以使用表达序列,分支,并行性,同步等的控制流构造进行组合。我们提出了BPEL构造对Petri网结构的全面且严格定义的映射,并将其用于分析与不可达活动,冲突消息,垃圾收集,一致性检查以及交互过程中的死锁和生命锁有关的各种动态属性。我们使用到Petri网的映射,因为这允许我们使用现有的理论结果和分析工具。与基于有限状态机的方法不同,我们不需要构造状态空间,而可以使用结构分析(例如过渡不变式)代替。我们已经实现了将BPEL流程转换为Petri网,然后应用基于Petri网的分析技术的工具。该工具已在不同的示例上进行了测试,并已用于回答各种问题。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.scico.2007.03.002]

[611] Formalizing and appling compliance patterns for business process compliance (2016)

(Elgammal, Amal and Turetken, Oktay and van den Heuvel, Willem Jan and Papazoglou, Mike | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Todays enterprises demand a high degree of compliance of business processes to meet diverse regulations and legislations. Several industrial studies have shown that compliance management is a daunting task, and organizations are still struggling and spending billions of dollars annually to ensure and prove their compliance. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive compliance management framework with a main focus on design-time compliance management as a first step towards a preventive lifetime compliance support. The framework enables the automation of compliance-related activities that are amenable to automation, and therefore can significantly reduce the expenditures spent on compliance. It can help experts to carry out their work more efficiently, cut the time spent on tedious manual activities, and reduce potential human errors. An evident candidate compliance activity for automation is the compliance checking, which can be achieved by utilizing formal reasoning and verification techniques. However, formal languages are well known of their complexity as only versed users in mathematical theories and formal logics are able to use and understand them. However, this is generally not the case with business and compliance practitioners. Therefore, in the heart of the compliance management framework, we introduce the Compliance Request Language (CRL), which is formally grounded on temporal logic and enables the abstract pattern-based specification of compliance requirements. CRL constitutes a series of compliance patterns that spans three structural facets of business processes; control flow, employed resources and temporal perspectives. Furthermore, CRL supports the specification of compensations and non-monotonic requirements, which permit the relaxation of some compliance requirements to handle exceptional situations. An integrated tool suite has been developed as an instantiation artefact, and the validation of the approach is undertaken in several directions, which includes internal validity, controlled experiments, and functional testing.


摘要: 当今的企业要求高度遵守业务流程,以符合各种法规和法规。一些行业研究表明,遵从管理是一项艰巨的任务,组织每年仍在努力并花费数十亿美元来确保和证明其遵从性。在本文中,我们引入了一个全面的合规性管理框架,主要侧重于设计时合规性管理,这是迈向预防性生命周期合规性支持的第一步,该框架使自动化的合规性相关活动得以自动化,并且因此,可以显着减少合规性支出,可以帮助专家更有效地开展工作,减少花在繁琐的手动活动上的时间,并减少潜在的人为错误。可以通过利用形式推理和验证来实现定位技术。但是,形式语言因其复杂性而众所周知,因为只有精通数学理论和形式逻辑的用户才能使用和理解它们。但是,业务和合规从业人员通常不是这种情况。因此,在合规性管理框架的核心,我们引入了合规性请求语言(CRL),该语言正式基于时间逻辑,并启用了基于抽象模式的合规性要求规范。 CRL构成了一系列合规模式,涵盖了业务流程的三个结构方面。控制流程,使用的资源和时间观点。此外,CRL支持补偿和非单调要求的规范,这允许放宽某些合规性要求以应对特殊情况。已经开发出一种集成的工具套件作为实例化伪像,并且对该方法的验证从多个方向进行,包括内部有效性,受控实验和功能测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0395-3]

[612] Foundations for event-based process analysis in heterogeneous software engineering environments (2010)

(Sunindyo, Wikan Danar and Moser, Thomas and Winkler, Dietmar and Biffl, Stefan | Proceedings - 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2010)

Abstract: For monitoring, controlling, and improving software development projects, project and quality managers need tool support to analyze engineering processes within development environments. Unfortunately, technical and semantic gaps between the engineering tools and related data models make it hard to observe and analyze the implemented tool-based engineering processes. In this paper we build on a service-oriented platform for technically and semantically integrating heterogeneous engineering tools and propose an approach to monitor, analyze, and improve tool-based engineering processes. We empirically evaluate the approach using the continuous integration and test process and discuss strengths and limitations. Major result was that the approach enabled comparing expected and real-life engineering processes with respect to process structure, performance of individual process steps, and risk of bottlenecks. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 对于监视,控制和改进软件开发项目,项目和质量经理需要工具支持来分析开发环境中的工程过程。不幸的是,工程工具与相关数据模型之间的技术和语义鸿沟使得难以观察和分析已实施的基于工具的工程过程。在本文中,我们建立在面向服务的平台上,以技术上和语义上集成异构工程工具,并提出了一种监视,分析和改进基于工具的工程过程的方法。我们使用持续集成和测试过程对方法进行经验评估,并讨论其优势和局限性。主要结果是,该方法可以比较预期的和实际的工程过程,包括过程结构,各个过程步骤的执行情况和瓶颈风险。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SEAA.2010.52]

[613] Framework for organizational structure re-design by assessing logistics business processes in harbor container terminals (2017)

(Besri, Zineb and Boulmakoul, Azedine | Transportation Research Procedia)

Abstract: Container terminal main duty is to organize and optimize the ships flowrate with time efficiency. In addition, these terminals act as feeding point to different transport modalities such as rail, road, naval and air. The fast growth g of container volumes handled at the terminals has the g consequence of congestion and by extension will affect the supply chain of g several companies. To improve the intermodal transport, we must improve the performance of terminal operations, especially the harbor container terminal (HCT). In order to be efficient, the HCTs logistics sector has to reach a certain business process maturity. One strong recommendation to reduce non-compliance with the top management strategy is through auditing and assessment of processes. The organizations are required to implement appropriate governance and compliance with applicable laws and best practices. Consequently, the aim of this article is to understand the functioning and the issues related to the HCTs management. To achieve that, this article proposes a study of HCT processes. It presents a diagnostic solution of non-compliances generated by HCTs processes. Then shows an original and practical approach based on the structural analysis. This approach helps the HCT logistics organizational structure assessment. This research fits into organizational audit issues solving. The auditing will affect the operational aspects of the analytical methods implementation. This organizational reengineering will be based on its existing information system. An integrated software solution is developed for the diagnosis and assessment of the HCTs organizational structure.

** 通过评估港口集装箱码头的物流业务流程来重新设计组织结构的框架,**

摘要: 集装箱码头的主要职责是及时有效地组织和优化船舶的流量。此外,这些码头还充当铁路,公路,海军和航空等不同运输方式的进料点。码头会造成交通拥挤的后果,进而影响到几家公司的供应链,要改善多式联运,我们必须提高码头运营的绩效,尤其是港口集装箱码头(HCT)。因此,HCT的物流部门必须达到一定的业务流程成熟度,其中一项强有力的建议是通过审核和评估流程来减少不符合最高管理策略的情况,要求组织实施适当的治理并遵守适用的法律和最佳做法。因此,本文的目的是了解HCT管理的功能和相关问题精神。为此,本文建议对HCT流程进行研究。它提出了HCT流程产生的不合规的诊断解决方案。然后展示了一种基于结构分析的新颖实用方法。这种方法有助于HCT物流组织结构评估。该研究适合解决组织审计问题。审核将影响分析方法实施的操作方面。这种组织重组将基于其现有信息系统。已开发出用于诊断和评估HCT的组织结构的集成软件解决方案。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.trpro.2017.03.023]

[614] Framework, strategy and evaluation of health care processes with RFID (2010)

(Zhou, Wei and Piramuthu, Selwyn | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The working environment in health care organizations is characterized by its demand for highly dynamic process and labor management in which (a) medical personnel are generally associated with several disparate types of tasks, (b) service location and service personnel change frequently, © highly uncertain environment where emergency issues could arise at any time, and (d) the stakes are high since invaluable human lives are involved. There is an urgent need from both researchers and health care organizations to develop reasonable management strategies for maintaining a good balance between efficient management and superior medical service quality. We discuss the potential for real-time health care coordination and effective medical process and labor management enabled by RFID item-level tracking/tracing identification technology. We explore the uniqueness of instance-level process mining and its application in health care environment. We then propose an adaptive learning framework that supports real-time health care coordination and analyze its benefits compared to traditional routine process and labor management. We find that while RFID-enabled real-time medical process and labor management provides marginal improvement for premium medical service providers, it generates appreciable improvement both in terms of efficiency and service quality for public health care institutions where availability of necessary resources such as medical staff and equipment are highly constrained. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 医疗机构的工作环境的特点是对高度动态的过程和劳动力管理的需求,其中(a)医务人员通常与几种不同类型的任务相关,(b)服务地点和服务人员经常更换,( c)高度不确定的环境,随时可能发生紧急事件,并且(d)由于涉及到宝贵的生命,因此风险很高。研究人员和医疗机构都迫切需要制定合理的管理策略,以在有效管理和卓越的医疗服务质量之间保持良好的平衡。我们讨论了通过RFID项目级跟踪/跟踪识别技术实现实时医疗保健协调以及有效医疗过程和人工管理的潜力。我们探索了实例级过程挖掘的独特性及其在医疗保健环境中的应用。然后,我们提出一个自适应学习框架,该框架支持实时医疗保健协调并分析其与传统例行程序和人工管理相比的优势。我们发现,虽然支持RFID的实时医疗流程和劳动管理为高级医疗服务提供者提供了微不足道的改善,但在公共医疗机构(如医务人员等)有必要资源的情况下,它在效率和服务质量方面均产生了可观的改善和设备高度受限。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2010.08.003]

[615] Fraud detection in process aware systems (2011)

(Bezerra, Fabio and Wainer, Jacques | International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management)

Abstract: In the last years, some large companies have been involved in scandals related to financial mismanagement, which represented a large financial damage to their stockholders. To recover market confidence, certifications for best practices of governance were developed, and in some cases, harder laws were implemented. Companies adhered to these changes as a response to the market, deploying process aware systems (PAS) and adopting the best practices of governance. However, companies demand a rapid response to strategic changes or changes in business models between partners, which may impose serious drawbacks to the adoption of normative PAS to the competitiveness of these companies. Thus, while companies need flexible PAS, flexibility may compromise security. To re-balance the trade-off between security and flexibility, we present in this work an anomaly detection algorithm for PAS. The identification of anomalous events can help the adoption of flexible PAS without the loss of security properties. Copyright textcopyright 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,一些大公司卷入了与财务管理不善有关的丑闻,这对股东造成了巨大的财务损失。为了恢复市场信心,开发了最佳治理实践的认证,并且在某些情况下,实施了更严格的法律。公司坚持这些变化是对市场的回应,部署了流程感知系统(PAS)并采用了最佳的治理实践。但是,公司要求对战略变化或合作伙伴之间的业务模式变化做出快速反应,这可能会对采用规范性PAS带来严重的不利影响,从而影响这些公司的竞争力。因此,尽管公司需要灵活的PAS,但灵活性可能会损害安全性。为了重新平衡安全性和灵活性之间的权衡,我们在这项工作中提出了PAS异常检测算法。识别异常事件可以帮助采用灵活的PAS,而不会丢失安全属性。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1504/IJBPIM.2011.040204]


[616] Fraud detection on event log of bank financial credit business process using Hidden Markov Model algorithm (2017)

(Rahmawati, Dewi and Sarno, Riyanarto and Fatichah, Chastine and Sunaryono, Dwi | Proceeding - 2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Theory and Application of IT for Education, Industry and Society in Big Data Era, ICSITech 2017)

Abstract: Criminal cases of banks have risen by 55% in 2016. One of the reasons is the fraud in business processes cannot be detected early. Responding to that issue, this research proposes a method for detecting fraud on business processes in the bank credit application. This method uses Hidden Markov Models and activity information recorded in the event log. Hidden Markov Model that used for calculating probability possibility of fraud based on the event log. The results show that HMM method can detect fraud appropriately. The experimental results also show that the accuracy of the results is 94%.


摘要: 2016年,银行的犯罪案件增加了55%。原因之一是无法及早发现业务流程中的欺诈行为。针对该问题,本研究提出了一种在银行信贷申请中检测业务流程欺诈的方法。此方法使用事件日志中记录的隐马尔可夫模型和活动信息。隐马尔可夫模型,用于基于事件日志计算欺诈的可能性。结果表明,HMM方法可以正确地检测出欺诈行为。实验结果还表明,结果的准确性为94%。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSITech.2017.8257082]

[617] Fraud detection on event logs of goods and services procurement business process using Heuristics Miner algorithm (2017)

(Rahmawati, Dewi and Ainul Yaqin | Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Systems, ICTS 2016)

Abstract: Event logs are history records that contain sequence data for the activity of a case that has been executed by an information system. Event logs can be valuable information with a technique called mining process. With this technique, cheating on the business processes of an enterprise can be detected early on. Thus, the company can commit further examination of business processes, especially the business process of procurement of goods and services to achieve business process is expected.8 In this study, management data of event log obtained from log data at each event transaction procurement and services. The event log data is then analyzed using a heuristic miner algorithm. Heuristics miner algorithm chosen because it has advantages that are not owned by Alpha++ algorithm that this algorithm can calculate the frequency relation between activities in the log to determine the causal dependency. Heuristic Miner can be used to determine the predominant process of thousands of logs and detect behaviors that are not common in a process.11 This study aims to detect anomalies on business processes that occur during the process of procurement of goods and services by calculating the fitness value of the event log into the system. Heuristic miner algorithm using the results obtained identification accuracy of 0.88%.


摘要: 事件日志是历史记录,其中包含由信息系统执行的案件活动的顺序数据。使用称为挖掘过程的技术,事件日志可以成为有价值的信息。使用此技术,可以及早发现对企业业务流程的作弊行为。因此,公司可以对业务流程进行进一步的检查,特别是期望实现商品和服务采购的业务流程。8在这项研究中,事件日志的管理数据是从每个事件事务采购和服务处的日志数据中获取的。然后使用启发式挖掘器算法分析事件日志数据。选择启发式矿工算法是因为它具有Alpha ++算法不具备的优势,该算法可以计算日志中活动之间的频率关系以确定因果关系。启发式Miner可用于确定成千上万条日志的主要流程,并检测流程中不常见的行为。11本研究旨在通过计算事件日志进入系统的适用性值,来检测商品和服务采购过程中发生的业务流程异常。使用该结果的启发式矿工算法,识别精度为0.88%。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTS.2016.7910307]

[618] Fraud detection on event logs using fuzzy association rule learning (2018)

(Febriyanti, Kadek Dwi and Sarno, Riyanarto and Effendi, Yutika Amelia | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and System, ICTS 2017)

Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an enterprise information system designed to coordinate resources, information, and all activities required for a complete business process within a company. The most important requirement of an ERP system is integration. Integration in ERP system is used to combine the needs of a single software in a logical database, so that all departments in a company can share information and communicate with each other well. However, in its application, business process always changes dynamically. The changes will cause many variations to the original business process. This research discusses some frauds occured due to variations in business processes. Some frauds can be detected by using a method of process mining with Association Rule Learning approach. Process mining technique mine the fraud in the business process by checking the mismatch between event logs of business process with business process model of a company, which is better known as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).


摘要: Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)是一个企业信息系统,旨在协调公司内部完整业务流程所需的资源,信息和所有活动。 ERP系统最重要的要求是集成。 ERP系统中的集成用于在逻辑数据库中组合单个软件的需求,以便公司中的所有部门可以共享信息并彼此良好地沟通。但是,在其应用程序中,业务流程总是动态变化的。这些更改将导致原始业务流程发生许多变化。这项研究讨论了由于业务流程的变化而发生的一些欺诈行为。通过使用具有关联规则学习方法的流程挖掘方法,可以检测到某些欺诈。流程挖掘技术通过检查业务流程的事件日志与公司的业务流程模型之间的不匹配来挖掘业务流程中的欺诈行为,这又称为标准操作程序(SOP)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTS.2017.8265661]

[619] Fraud prediction and the human factor: An approach to include human behavior in an automated fraud audit (2012)

(Hoyer, Stefan and Zakhariya, Halyna and Sandner, Thorben and Breitner, Michael H. | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Every year, fraud as a subset of insider threats causes billions US dollar of damage worldwide. We suggest a generic architectural model to unify the classic fraud audit approach with human behavior taking into account the fraud triangle in order to achieve better fraud detection and prevention. The human factor is extensively integrated into the audit as a qualitative component, in addition to the classic quantitative analysis of business transactions that are already being applied as part of the fraud audit. This provides added value because transactions examined by the auditor can be better differentiated and prioritized. It is possible to uncover transactions that are part of a pattern that is not yet known and that would have been left undiscovered using normal means by taking suspicious and non- suspicious human behavior into account. The proposed architecture is implemented using a prototype and is applied exemplary to an SAP ERP system. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 每年,欺诈行为都是内部威胁的一部分,在全球范围内造成数十亿美元的损失。我们建议使用通用的体系结构模型,以将经典的欺诈审核方法与人类行为统一起来,同时考虑到欺诈三角形,以实现更好的欺诈检测和预防。除了已经作为欺诈审计的一部分进行的经典的业务交易定量分析之外,人为因素已作为定性要素广泛地纳入了审计。这提供了附加值,因为可以更好地区分和划分审计员检查的交易。通过考虑可疑和非可疑的人类行为,有可能发现属于未知模式的交易,而该交易是使用常规手段无法发现的。所提出的体系结构使用原型实现,并且示例性地应用于SAP ERP系统。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2012.289]

[620] Frequency-based similarity for parameterized sequences: Formal framework, algorithms, and applications (2013)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Terracina, Giorgio | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Computing sequence similarity is a problem emerging in several areas of research. Current solution algorithms are often based on alignment methods under the assumption that matching symbols, or at least a substitution schema among them, are known in advance. This is natural for sequences defined over the same alphabet of symbols. However, for sequences defined over different alphabets and in absence of an appropriate background knowledge, sequence similarity can be conveniently reconsidered from a different perspective where determining the best substitution schema is also part of the computation problem. The basic idea is that any symbol of a sequence can be correlated with many symbols of another, provided each correlation frequently occurs over the various positions of the alignment. This novel setting is formalized and relevant application domains fitting its peculiarities are illustrated. Moreover, the computational complexity of the alignment problems arising therein is analyzed, and practical solution approaches are proposed and validated over synthetic and real datasets. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 计算序列相似性是几个研究领域出现的问题。当前的解决方案算法通常基于匹配方法,其前提是预先知道匹配符号或它们之间的至少一个替换方案。对于在相同符号字母上定义的序列,这是很自然的。但是,对于在不同字母上定义的序列并且在没有适当的背景知识的情况下,可以从不同的角度方便地重新考虑序列相似性,其中确定最佳替换方案也是计算问题的一部分。基本思想是,序列中的任何符号都可以与另一个符号相关联,前提是每个相关性经常出现在比对的各个位置。这种新颖的设置形式化,并说明了适合其特殊性的相关应用领域。此外,分析了其中出现的对准问题的计算复杂性,并提出了实用的解决方法,并在综合和真实数据集上进行了验证。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2013.03.016]

[621] From conceptual process models to running systems: A holistic approach for the configuration of enterprise system processes (2008)

(Dreiling, Alexander and Rosemann, Michael and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Sadiq, Wasim | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: This paper proposes a method which aims at increasing the efficiency of enterprise system implementations. First, we argue that existing process modeling languages that feature different degrees of abstraction for different user groups exist and are used for different purposes which makes it necessary to integrate them. We describe how to do this using the meta models of the involved languages. Second, we argue that an integrated process model based on the integrated meta model needs to be configurable and elaborate on the enabling mechanisms. We introduce a business example using SAP modeling techniques to illustrate the proposed method. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 本文提出了一种旨在提高企业系统实施效率的方法。首先,我们认为存在针对不同用户组具有不同抽象度的现有过程建模语言,并且这些语言用于不同目的,因此有必要对其进行集成。我们描述了如何使用所涉及语言的元模型来做到这一点。其次,我们认为基于集成元模型的集成过程模型需要可配置并详细说明启用机制。我们介绍一个使用SAP建模技术的业务示例,以说明所提出的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2007.02.007]

[622] From data to knowledge: A method for modeling hospital logistic processes (2005)

(Mǎruşter, Laura and Jorna, Rene J. | IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine)

Abstract: When modeling or redesigning a process, the knowledge-management perspective is seldomly used. Using the knowledge categorization developed by van Heusden and Jorna, we propose a knowledge-management perspective to provide a strategy for modeling and redesigning a business process. As an illustration of our approach, we use hospital data of multidisciplinary patients. This specific group of patients requires the involvement of different specialisms for their medical treatment that leads to more efforts regarding the coordination of care for these patients. In order to increase the care efficiency, knowledge that supports the reorganization of care for multidisciplinary patients should be provided. We use the above-mentioned knowledge-management perspective for creating new multidisciplinary units, in which different specialisms coordinate the treatment of specific groups of patients. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 在对流程进行建模或重新设计时,很少使用知识管理的观点。使用van Heusden和Jorna开发的知识分类,我们提出了知识管理的观点,以提供用于建模和重新设计业务流程的策略。为了说明我们的方法,我们使用了多学科患者的医院数据。该特定类型的患者需要不同的专科治疗,这导致在协调这些患者的护理方面需要进行更多的努力。为了提高护理效率,应提供支持重组多学科患者护理的知识。我们使用上述知识管理的观点来创建新的多学科单位,其中不同的专业协调特定患者群体的治疗。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TITB.2005.847194]

[623] From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities (2019)

(Soffer, Pnina and Hinze, Annika and Koschmider, Agnes and Ziekow, Holger and Di Ciccio | Information Systems)

Abstract: The domains of complex event processing (CEP) and business process management (BPM) have different origins but for many aspects draw on similar concepts. While specific combinations of BPM and CEP have attracted research attention, resulting in solutions to specific problems, we attempt to take a broad view at the opportunities and challenges involved. We first illustrate these by a detailed example from the logistics domain. We then propose a mapping of this area into four quadrants — - two quadrants drawing from CEP to create or extend process models and two quadrants starting from a process model to address how it can guide CEP. Existing literature is reviewed and specific challenges and opportunities are indicated for each of these quadrants. Based on this mapping, we identify challenges and opportunities that recur across quadrants and can be considered as the core issues of this combination. We suggest that addressing these issues in a generic manner would form a sound basis for future applications and advance this area significantly.


摘要: 复杂事件处理(CEP)和业务流程管理(BPM)的域有不同的起源,但是在很多方面都使用相似的概念。虽然BPM和CEP的特定组合引起了研究关注,从而为特定问题提供了解决方案,但我们尝试对所涉及的机遇和挑战进行广泛的了解。我们首先通过物流领域的详细示例说明这些情况。然后,我们建议将该区域映射为四个象限-从CEP抽取两个象限以创建或扩展过程模型,从过程模型开始两个象限以解决其如何指导CEP。回顾了现有文献,并指出了每个象限的具体挑战和机遇。基于此映射,我们确定跨象限出现的挑战和机遇,可以将其视为这种结合的核心问题。我们建议以通用的方式解决这些问题将为将来的应用奠定良好的基础,并显着地推动这一领域的发展。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.11.002]

[624] From fine-grained to abstract process models: A semantic approach (2012)

(Smirnov, Sergey and Reijers, Hajo A. and Weske, Mathias | Information Systems)

Abstract: Organizations actively managing their business processes face a rapid growth of the number of process models that they maintain. Business process model abstraction has proven to be an effective means to generate readable, high-level views on business process models by showing coarse-grained activities and leaving out irrelevant details. In this way, abstraction facilitates a more efficient management of process models, as a single model can provide for many relevant views. Yet, it is an open question how to perform abstraction in the same skillful way as experienced modelers combine activities into more abstract tasks. This paper presents an approach that uses semantic information of a process model to decide on which activities belong together, which extends beyond existing approaches that merely exploit model structural characteristics. The contribution of this paper is twofold: we propose a novel activity aggregation method and suggest how to discover the activity aggregation habits of human modelers. In an experimental validation, we use an industrial process model repository to compare the developed activity aggregation method with actual modeling decisions, and observe a strong correlation between the two. The presented work is expected to contribute to the development of modeling support for the effective process model abstraction. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 积极管理其业务流程的组织面临着所维护的流程模型数量的快速增长。实践证明,业务流程模型抽象是通过显示粗粒度的活动并忽略不相关的细节来生成有关业务流程模型的可读的高级视图的有效方法。这样,抽象化促进了流程模型的更有效管理,因为单个模型可以提供许多相关视图。然而,这是一个悬而未决的问题,即如何以与经验丰富的建模人员将活动组合成更多抽象任务相同的熟练方式执行抽象。本文提出了一种使用流程模型的语义信息来确定哪些活动属于一起的方法,该方法超越了仅利用模型结构特征的现有方法。本文的贡献是双重的:我们提出了一种新颖的活动汇总方法,并提出了如何发现人类建模者的活动汇总习惯。在实验验证中,我们使用工业流程模型存储库将已开发的活动汇总方法与实际的建模决策进行比较,并观察到两者之间的强烈相关性。预期所提出的工作将为有效的过程模型抽象的建模支持的发展做出贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.05.007]

[625] From knowledge-driven to data-driven inter-case feature encoding in predictive process monitoring (2019)

(Senderovich, Arik and Francescomarino, Chiara Di and Maggi, Fabrizio Maria | Information Systems)

Abstract: Predictive process monitoring (PPM) is a research area that focuses on predicting measures of interest (e.g., the completion time) for running cases based on event logs. State-of-the-art PPM techniques only consider intra-case information that comes from the case whose measures of interest one wishes to predict. However, in many systems, the outcome of a running case depends on the interplay of all cases that are being executed concurrently, or can be derived from the characteristics of cases that are executed in the same period of time. For example, in many situations, running cases compete over scarce resources, and the completion time of a running case can be derived from the number of similar cases running concurrently. In this work, we present a general framework for feature encoding that relies on a bi-dimensional state space representation. The first dimension corresponds to intra-case dependencies and utilizes existing feature encoding techniques. The second dimension encodes inter-case features using two approaches: (1) a knowledge-driven encoding (KDE), which assumes prior knowledge on case types, and (2) a data-driven encoding (DDE), which automatically identifies case types from data using case proximity metrics. Both approaches partition the event log into sets of cases that share common characteristics, and derive features according to these commonalities. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework with an empirical evaluation carried out against two real-life datasets coming from an outpatient hospital process and a manufacturing process.


摘要: 预测过程监视(PPM)是一个研究领域,着重于根据事件日志预测运行案例的关注度量(例如完成时间)。最新的PPM技术仅考虑案例内的信息,这些信息来自希望预测其感兴趣的度量的案例。但是,在许多系统中,正在运行的案例的结果取决于同时执行的所有案例的相互作用,或者可以从在同一时间段内执行的案例的特征得出。例如,在许多情况下,正在运行的案例会争夺稀缺的资源,而正在运行的案例的完成时间可以从同时运行的相似案例的数量得出。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于二维状态空间表示的特征编码的通用框架。第一维对应于案例内依赖性,并利用现有特征编码技术。第二维使用两种方法对案例之间的特征进行编码:(1)知识驱动的编码(KDE),它假定对案例类型具有先验知识;(2)数据驱动的编码(DDE),它自动识别案例类型使用案例接近度指标从数据中获取数据。两种方法都将事件日志划分为具有共同特征的案例集,并根据这些共同特征派生特征。我们通过对来自门诊医院过程和生产过程的两个真实数据集进行了实证评估,证明了所提出框架的有用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2019.01.007]

[626] From local patterns to global models: Towards domain driven educational process mining (2009)

(Třcka, Nikola and Pechenizkiy, Mykola | ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications)

Abstract: Educational process mining (EPM) aims at (i) constructing complete and compact educational process models that are able to reproduce all observed behavior (process model discovery), (ii) checking whether the modeled behavior (either pre-authored or discovered from data) matches the observed behavior (conformance checking), and (iii) projecting information extracted from the logs onto the model, to make the tacit knowledge explicit and facilitate better understanding of the process (process model extension). In this paper we propose a new domain-driven framework for EPM which assumes that a set of pattern templates can be predefined to focus the mining in a desired way and make it more effective and efficient. We illustrate the ideas behind our approach with examples of academic curricular modeling, mining, and conformance checking, using the student database of our department. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 教育过程挖掘(EPM)旨在(i)构建完整且紧凑的教育过程模型,该模型能够重现所有观察到的行为(过程模型发现),(ii)检查建模的行为(是预先创建还是发现)数据)匹配观察到的行为(一致性检查),并且(iii)将从日志中提取的信息投影到模型上,以使隐性知识明确并有助于更好地理解过程(过程模型扩展)。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的域驱动的EPM框架,该框架假定可以预定义一组模式模板,以期望的方式集中挖掘并使其更加有效。我们使用本系的学生数据库,以学术课程建模,挖掘和一致性检查为例,说明了我们方法背后的思想。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDA.2009.159]

[627] Fusion Miner: Process discovery for mixed-paradigm models (2015)

(De Smedt | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The research area of business process mining has vastly matured in recent years. Its main focus centers around the extraction and analysis of process models from event logs. A strong emphasis lies on the automatic discovery of models for which numerous algorithms have been proposed already. So far, most discovery algorithms were limited to the derivation of single-paradigm models, which contain either procedural or declarative constructs, targeting the mining of strict and flexible processes respectively. This paper proposes the first fully-automated mining technique to discover procedural workflows combined with Declare templates to capture processes that are difficult to mine with only a single paradigm, e.g., workflows with different layers of flexibility. This approach provides process analysts with new discovery capabilities, including the retrieval of better fitting and more precise models with high comprehensibility. The main contribution consists of the Fusion Miner algorithm, which has been implemented in the process mining framework ProM as a plug-in.

Fusion Miner:混合范式模型的过程发现

摘要: 近年来,业务流程挖掘的研究领域已经非常成熟。它的主要重点是从事件日志中提取和分析过程模型。强烈强调自动发现模型,为此已经提出了许多算法。到目前为止,大多数发现算法仅限于单一范例模型的推导,该模型包含过程或声明性构造,分别针对严格和灵活过程的挖掘。本文提出了第一种完全自动化的挖掘技术,以发现与Declare模板相结合的过程工作流,以仅使用单个范式捕获难以挖掘的过程,例如具有不同灵活性层的工作流。这种方法为过程分析人员提供了新的发现功能,包括具有更高可理解性的更好拟合和更精确模型的检索。主要贡献包括Fusion Miner算法,该算法已在流程挖掘框架ProM中作为插件实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.06.002]

[628] Fuzzy mining - Adaptive process simplification based on multi-perspective metrics (2007)

(Gunther, Christian W. and Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process Mining is a technique for extracting process models from execution logs. This is particularly useful in situations where people have an idealized view of reality. Real-life processes turn out to be less structured than people tend to believe. Unfortunately, traditional process mining approaches have problems dealing with unstructured processes. The discovered models are often spaghetti-like, showing all details without distinguishing what is important and what is not. This paper proposes a new process mining approach to overcome this problem. The approach is configurable and allows for different faithfully simplified views of a particular process. To do this, the concept of a roadmap is used as a metaphor. Just like different roadmaps provide suitable abstractions of reality, process models should provide meaningful abstractions of operational processes encountered in domains ranging from healthcare and logistics to web services and public administration. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


摘要: Process Mining是一种从执行日志中提取流程模型的技术。这在人们对现实有理想化看法的情况下尤其有用。事实证明,现实生活中的过程没有人们想象的那么结构化。不幸的是,传统的过程挖掘方法在处理非结构化过程方面存在问题。发现的模型通常是意大利面式的,显示所有细节而又不区分重要和不重要。本文提出了一种新的过程挖掘方法来克服这一问题。该方法是可配置的,并允许对特定过程进行不同的忠实简化视图。为此,将路线图的概念用作隐喻。就像不同的路线图提供适当的现实抽象一样,流程模型也应该提供从医疗保健和物流到Web服务和公共管理等领域所遇到的运营流程的有意义的抽象。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75183-0_24]

[629] Fuzzy performance evaluation of workflow stochastic Petri nets by means of block reduction (2010)

(Tsironis, Loukas C. and Sfiris, Dimitris S. and Papadopoulos, Basil K. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans)

Abstract: Workflow management becomes increasingly important in todays information-oriented society. An important research area of workflow management is performance analysis that is driven by the need for improved efficiency of business processes. The study of the performance of a workflow process, as the focus of this paper, requires the estimation of the duration of tasks, which is often unpredictable and nondeterministic. Current research in this field has focused on workflow stochastic Petri nets (PNs)which are a class of workflow nets with exponential distributed execution times assigned to transitions. In this paper, in order to deal with this uncertainty, we use fuzzy estimators constructed from statistical data to describe time, and we present an analytical method to proceed with the performance evaluation of workflow stochastic PNs based on block reduction. A comparison example is provided to show the benefits of the proposed method. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流管理在当今信息社会中变得越来越重要。工作流管理的一个重要研究领域是性能分析,该分析是由对提高业务流程效率的需求所驱动的。在本文中,需要估计任务的持续时间,这通常是无法预测和不确定的,目前该领域的研究集中在工作流随机Petri网(PNs),PNs是一类工作流网,其指数分布执行时间分配给过渡为了解决这种不确定性,我们使用基于统计数据构造的模糊估计量来描述时间,并提出了一种基于块约简的工作流随机PN性能评估方法。提供以显示该方法的好处。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2009.2035303]

[630] Gaining big picture awareness through an interconnected cross-layer situation knowledge reference model (2012)

(Dai, Jun and Sun, Xiaoyan and Liu, Peng and Giacobe, Nicklaus | Proceedings of the 2012 ASE International Conference on Cyber Security, CyberSecurity 2012)

Abstract: In both military operations and the commercial world, cyber situation awareness (SA) is a key element of mission assurance. Due to the needs for mission damage and impact assessment and asset identification (and prioritization), cyber SA is beyond intrusion detection and attack graph analysis. In this paper, we propose a cross-layer situation knowledge reference model (SKRM) to address the unique cyber SA needs of real-world missions. SKRM provides new insight on how to break the stovepipes created by isolated situation knowledge collectors and gain comprehensive level big picture awareness. Through a concrete case study, we show that SKRM is the key enabler for two SA capabilities beyond intrusion detection and attack graph analysis. The potentials and the current limitations of SKRM and SKRM-enabled analysis are also discussed. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 在军事行动和商业世界中,网络态势感知(SA)都是任务保证的关键要素。由于需要执行任务损害和影响评估以及资产识别(和优先级划分),因此,网络SA不仅限于入侵检测和攻击图分析本文中,我们提出了一种跨层的情境知识参考模型(SKRM)来满足现实任务中独特的网络SA需求,SKRM为如何打破由孤立的情境创建的烟囱提供了新的见解。知识收集者,并获得全面的全局意识,通过一个具体的案例研究,我们表明SKRM是除入侵检测和攻击图分析之外的两种SA功能的关键促成因素,SKRM和支持SKRM的分析的潜力和当前局限性是也讨论过。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CyberSecurity.2012.18]


[631] Gathering process data in low-voltage systems by enhanced event-driven metering (2017)

(Simonov, Mikhail and Li, Husheng and Chicco, Gianfranco | IEEE Systems Journal)

Abstract: Event-driven metering is an emergent paradigm enabling significant data compression enhancement with respect to the conventional time domain metering techniques. This paper first discusses the representation of energy-based data in low-voltage segments of smart grids by using a process-oriented approach, providing an original interpretation in terms of accumulated energy. This interpretation is used to construct an overall framework containing multiple options for representing energy-based data, encompassing uniform and nonuniform linear time finite elements. A specific representation of the information defined in the space of digital events is then presented under the established framework. An enhanced representation of energy-based data identified as digital events is introduced, leading to the formulation of the final event-based data gathering (EBDG) scheme. Dedicated tests are carried out on exemplificative data sets for residential customers, including a new challenging benchmark developed by using a fuzzy-controlled load for air conditioning. The results obtained validate the use of the EBDG scheme to mine the energy-varying processes occurring at the remote nodes of the distribution system. Finally, the approach leading to the EBDG scheme is discussed to show how it falls within the realm of Big Data and to highlight how the EBDG results can be used to enable analytic accounting of the energy consumed in the processes occurring in a given time interval.


摘要: 事件驱动的计量是一种新兴的范例,与传统的时域计量技术相比,能够显着增强数据压缩。本文首先使用面向过程的方法,讨论了智能电网低压段中基于能量的数据的表示方法,提供了有关累积能量的原始解释。这种解释用于构建一个整体框架,其中包含用于表示基于能量的数据的多个选项,包括统一和非统一的线性时间有限元。然后在已建立的框架下呈现在数字事件空间中定义的信息的特定表示形式。引入了一种增强的表示为数字事件的基于能源的数据表示形式,从而形成了最终的基于事件的数据收集(EBDG)方案。针对住宅用户的示例性数据集进行了专门的测试,其中包括通过使用模糊控制的空调负荷开发的具有挑战性的新基准。获得的结果验证了使用EBDG方案来挖掘配电系统远程节点处发生的能量变化过程的情况。最后,讨论了导致EBDG方案的方法,以显示其如何落入大数据领域,并突出显示EBDG结果如何用于对给定时间间隔内发生的过程中消耗的能量进行分析核算。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/JSYST.2015.2390073]

[632] General LTL specification mining (2016)

(Lemieux, Caroline and Park, Dennis and Beschastnikh, Ivan | Proceedings - 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2015)

Abstract: Temporal properties are useful for describing and reasoning about software behavior, but developers rarely write down temporal specifications of their systems. Prior work on inferring specifications developed tools to extract likely program specifications that fit particular kinds of tool-specific templates. This paper introduces Texada, a new temporal specification mining tool for extracting specifications in linear temporal logic (LTL) of arbitrary length and complexity. Texada takes a user-defined LTL property type template and a log of traces as input and outputs a set of instantiations of the property type (i.e., LTL formulas) that are true on the traces in the log. Texada also supports mining of almost invariants: properties with imperfect confidence. We formally describe Texadas algorithms and evaluate the tools performance and utility.


摘要: 时间属性对于描述和推理软件行为非常有用,但是开发人员很少写下他们的系统的时间规范。推断规范的先前工作是开发工具来提取适合特定工具特定模板的可能程序规范。本文介绍了Texada,一种新的时间规范挖掘工具,用于提取任意长度和复杂度的线性时间逻辑(LTL)中的规范,Texada采用用户定义的LTL属性类型模板和跟踪记录作为输入,并输出该属性的一组实例类型(即LTL公式)对日志中的迹线是正确的。Texada还支持挖掘几乎不变量:置信度不完美的属性。我们正式描述Texada的算法并评估该工具的性能和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ASE.2015.71]

[633] Generating a process model from a process audit log (2003)

(Golani, Mati and Pinter, Shlomit S. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Workflow systems utilize a process model for managing business processes. The model is typically a directed graph annotated with activity names. We view the execution of an activity as a time interval, and present two new algorithms for synthesizing process models from sets of systems executions (audit log). A model graph generated by each of the algorithms for a process captures all its executions and dependencies that are present in the log, and preserves existing parallelism. We compare the model graphs synthesized by our algorithms to those of 1 by running them on simulated data. We observe that our graphs are more faithful in the sense that the number of excess and missing edges is consistently smaller and it depends on the size and quality of the log. In other words, we show that our time interval approach permits reconstruction of more accurate workflow model graphs from a log. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.


摘要: 工作流系统利用流程模型来管理业务流程。该模型通常是带有活动名称的有向图。我们将活动的执行视为一个时间间隔,并提出了两种新算法,用于从系统集合中综合流程模型执行(审核日志)。由每种算法为流程生成的模型图会捕获日志中存在的所有执行和依赖关系,并保留现有的并行性。我们将算法合成的模型图与 1通过在模拟数据上运行它们,可以观察到我们的图形更加忠实,因为多余和缺失的边的数量始终较小,并且取决于日志的大小和质量。我们的时间间隔方法允许从日志中重建更准确的工作流模型图。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2003。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-44895-0_10]

[634] Generating and comparing knowledge graphs of medical processes using pMineR (2017)

(Gatta, Roberto and Vallati, Mauro and Lenkowicz, Jacopo and Rojas, Eric and Damiani, Andrea and Sacchi, Lucia and De Bari | Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference, K-CAP 2017)

Abstract: Process mining focuses on extracting knowledge, under the form of models, from data generated and stored in information systems. The analysis of generated models can provide useful insights to domain experts. In addition, models of processes can be used to test if a considered process complies with some given specifications. For these reasons, process mining is gaining significant importance in the healthcare domain, where the complexity and flexibility of processes makes extremely hard to evaluate and assess how patients have been treated. In this paper we describe how pMineR, an R library designed and developed for performing process mining in the medical domain, is currently exploited in Hospitals for supporting domain experts in the analysis of the extracted knowledge models. In its current release, pMineR can encode extracted processes under the form of directed graphs, which are easy to interpret and understand by experts of the domain. It also provides graphical comparison between different processes, allows to model the adherence to a given clinical guidelines and to estimate performance and the workload of the available resources in healthcare.


摘要: 过程挖掘专注于以模型的形式从生成和存储在信息系统中的数据中提取知识。生成模型的分析可以为领域专家提供有用的见解。另外,可以使用过程模型来测试考虑的过程是否符合某些给定的规范。由于这些原因,过程挖掘在医疗保健领域变得越来越重要,在该领域,过程的复杂性和灵活性使评估和评估患者的治疗方式变得极为困难。在本文中,我们描述了pMineR(一种为医学领域中的过程挖掘而设计和开发的R库)当前在医院中如何被利用,以支持领域专家对提取的知识模型进行分析。在其当前版本中,pMineR可以以有向图的形式对提取的过程进行编码,该领域的专家易于解释和理解。它还提供了不同过程之间的图形比较,允许对给定临床指南的依从性进行建模,并估计医疗保健中可用资源的性能和工作量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3148011.3154464]

[635] Generating event logs for high-level process models (2017)

(Mitsyuk, Alexey A. and Shugurov, Ivan S. and Kalenkova, Anna A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory)

Abstract: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a de-facto standard for practitioners working in the Business Process Management (BPM) field. The BPMN standard 1 offers high-level modeling constructs, such as subprocesses, events, data and message flows, lanes, and is widely used to model processes in various domains. Recently several BPMN-based process mining techniques 2, 3, 4 were introduced. These techniques allow representing processes, discovered from the event logs of process-aware information systems, in a convenient way, using the BPMN standard. To test these mining approaches an appropriate tool for the generation of event logs from BPMN models is needed. In this work we suggest such a tool. We propose a formal token-based executable BPMN semantics, which takes into account BPMN 2.0 with its expressive constructs. The developed tool is based on these semantics and allows simulation of hierarchical process models (including models with cancellations), models with data flows and pools, and models interacting through message flows. To manage the control flow, script-based gateways and choice preferences are implemented as well. The proposed simulation technique was implemented on top of existing plug-ins for ProM (Process Mining Framework) 5, and was verified on models created by practitioners from various domains.


摘要: 业务流程模型和符号(BPMN)是在业务流程管理(BPM)领域工作的从业人员的事实上的标准。 BPMN标准1提供了高级建模构造,例如子流程,事件,数据和消息流,通道,并被广泛用于各种领域的流程建模。最近,引入了几种基于BPMN的过程挖掘技术2、3、4。这些技术允许使用BPMN标准以方便的方式表示从流程感知信息系统的事件日志中发现的流程。为了测试这些挖掘方法,需要一种合适的工具来从BPMN模型生成事件日志。在这项工作中,我们建议使用这种工具。我们提出了一种基于令牌的正式可执行BPMN语义,其中考虑了BPMN 2.0及其表达构造。开发的工具基于这些语义,并允许模拟分层过程模型(包括具有取消功能的模型),具有数据流和池的模型以及通过消息流进行交互的模型。为了管理控制流,还实现了基于脚本的网关和选择首选项。所提出的仿真技术是在ProM(过程挖掘框架)5的现有插件之上实施的,并已在不同领域的从业人员创建的模型上得到了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.simpat.2017.01.003]

[636] Genet: A tool for the synthesis and mining of Petri nets (2009)

(Carmona, J. and Cortadella, J. and Kishinevsky, M. | Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD)

Abstract: State-based representations of concurrent systems suffer from the well known state explosion problem. In contrast, Petri nets are good models for this type of systems both in terms of complexity of the analysis and in visualization of the model. In this paper we present Genet, a tool that allows the derivation of a general Petri net from a state based representation of a system. The tool supports two modes of operation: synthesis and mining. Applications of these two modes range from synthesis of digital systems to Business Intelligence. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 并发系统的基于状态的表示遭受众所周知的状态爆炸问题。相反,就分析的复杂性和模型的可视化而言,Petri网都是此类系统的良好模型。在本文中,我们介绍了Genet,它是一种工具,它可以从基于状态的系统表示中派生出一般的Petri网。该工具支持两种操作模式:综合和挖掘。这两种模式的应用范围从数字系统的综合到商业智能。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2009.6]

[637] Genetic process mining: An experimental evaluation (2007)

(De Medeiros | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: One of the aims of process mining is to retrieve a process model from an event log. The discovered models can be used as objective starting points during the deployment of process-aware information systems (Dumas et al., eds., Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software Through Process Technology. Wiley, New York, 2005) and/or as a feedback mechanism to check prescribed models against enacted ones. However, current techniques have problems when mining processes that contain non-trivial constructs and/or when dealing with the presence of noise in the logs. Most of the problems happen because many current techniques are based on local information in the event log. To overcome these problems, we try to use genetic algorithms to mine process models. The main motivation is to benefit from the global search performed by this kind of algorithms. The non-trivial constructs are tackled by choosing an internal representation that supports them. The problem of noise is naturally tackled by the genetic algorithm because, per definition, these algorithms are robust to noise. The main challenge in a genetic approach is the definition of a good fitness measure because it guides the global search performed by the genetic algorithm. This paper explains how the genetic algorithm works. Experiments with synthetic and real-life logs show that the fitness measure indeed leads to the mining of process models that are complete (can reproduce all the behavior in the log) and precise (do not allow for extra behavior that cannot be derived from the event log). The genetic algorithm is implemented as a plug-in in the ProM framework. textcopyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007.


摘要: 过程挖掘的目的之一是从事件日志中检索过程模型。发现的模型可以用作过程感知信息系统部署的客观起点(Dumas等编着,过程感知信息系统:通过过程技术桥接人与软件,纽约,威利,2005年)和/或作为一种反馈机制,以根据制定的模型检查规定的模型。但是,当开采包含非平凡构造的过程时和/或处理原木中的噪声时,当前的技术存在问题。发生大多数问题是因为许多当前技术都是基于事件日志中的本地信息。为了克服这些问题,我们尝试使用遗传算法来挖掘过程模型。主要动机是要受益于这种算法执行的全局搜索。通过选择支持它们的内部表示,可以解决非平凡的构造。遗传算法自然可以解决噪声问题,因为按照定义,这些算法对噪声具有鲁棒性。遗传方法的主要挑战是定义良好的适应性度量,因为它可以指导遗传算法执行的全局搜索。本文介绍了遗传算法的工作原理。使用合成日志和真实日志进行的实验表明,适应性度量确实导致了对过程模型的挖掘,这些过程模型是完整的(可以重现日志中的所有行为)并且是精确的(不允许发生无法从事件中得出的额外行为)日志)。遗传算法被实现为ProM框架中的插件。 t​​extcopyright Springer Science + Business Media,LLC2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-006-0061-7]

[638] Getting Rid of the OR-Join in Business Process Models (2008)

(Mendling, J. and van Dongen, B.F. and van der Aalst, W.M.P. | )

Abstract: In practice, the development of process-aware information systems suffers from a gap between conceptual business process models and executable workflow specifications. Because of this gap, conceptual models are hardly reused as execution templates. In this paper, we address the notorious OR-join problem that is partly responsible for this gap. At the conceptual level people frequently use OR-joins. However, given their non-local semantics, OR-joins cannot be mapped easily onto executable languages. In particular, we present a new approach to map a conceptual process model with OR-joins (expressed in terms of an EPC) onto an executable model without OR-joins (expressed in terms of a Petri net). Although we used an EPC process model as a running example, the approach is equally applicable to other process modeling languages that offer OR-joins as (e.g. BPMN). Moreover, the resulting Petri net can be mapped onto other execution languages such as BPEL. All of this has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework.


摘要: 实际上,过程感知信息系统的开发在概念性业务过程模型和可执行工作流规范之间存在空白。由于存在这种差距,因此很难将概念模型用作执行模板。在本文中,我们解决了臭名昭著的或连接问题,这是造成这一差距的部分原因。在概念上,人们经常使用或联接。但是,鉴于其非本地语义,OR联接无法轻松地映射到可执行语言上。特别是,我们提出了一种新方法,可将具有OR联接的概念过程模型(以EPC表示)映射到没有OR联接的可执行模型(以Petri网表示)。尽管我们使用EPC流程模型作为运行示例,但该方法同样适用于其他提供OR联接的流程建模语言(例如BPMN)。此外,可以将生成的Petri网映射到其他执行语言,例如BPEL。所有这些都已在ProM框架中实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/edoc.2007.10]

[639] Graph-based workflow recommendation: On improving business process modeling (2012)

(Cao, Bin and Yin, Jianwei and Deng, Shuiguang and Wang, Dongjing and Wu, Zhaohui | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: How to improve the modeling efficiency and accuracy has become a burning problem. The popularization of recommendation technique in E-Commerce provide us new trajectories that can be used for addressing the problem. In this paper, we propose a graph-based workflow recommendation for improving business process modeling. The start point is so-called workflow repository including a set of already developed process models. Graph mining method is used to extract the process patterns from the repository. Based on graph edit distance (GED) 2, we calculate the distance between patterns and the partial business process, viewed as reference model, which is under modeling and select the candidate nodes with smaller distances for recommendation. The performance study show its feasibility for practical uses. textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 如何提高建模效率和准确性已成为一个亟待解决的问题。推荐技术在电子商务中的普及为我们提供了可用于解决问题的新轨迹。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于图的工作流建议,以改善业务流程建模。起点是所谓的工作流存储库,其中包括一组已经开发的过程模型。图挖掘方法用于从存储库中提取过程模式。基于图编辑距离(GED)2,我们计算模式与部分业务流程之间的距离(被视为参考模型),该模型正在建模中,并选择距离较小的候选节点进行推荐。性能研究表明了其在实际应用中的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2396761.2398466]

[640] Grasping product pragmatics: A case with internet on TV (2008)

(Koca, Aylin and Funk, Mathias and Karapanos, Evangelos and Rozinat, Anne and Van Der Gaarden | UXTV08 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video)

Abstract: With the emergence of highly interactive products in the domestic space, consumer electronics brands are facing an increasing challenge in predicting the way their products are being used and experienced. Unforeseen experiences relating to functional, emotional and social/contextual aspects of product use lead to a large and increasing share of field complaints that cannot be attributed to a violation of products specifications. In a project called Soft Reliability, we are trying to develop a product evaluation ecology that enables the anticipation of product use by gathering behavioral and attitudinal data early in the product development process, through longitudinal field studies with working prototypes. This paper introduces a novel framework for behavioral and attitudinal data collection and analysis. The framework enables instrumentation that relies on the event-based experience sampling method, and as such deploys an analysis methodology that includes process mining techniques for the analysis of usage patterns, multivariate techniques for the analysis of longitudinal attitudinal data, and product quality analysis techniques for the analysis of combined information. We illustrate the value and applicability of this framework in practice, through the findings of an ongoing project concerning the conceptualization of an innovative Internet on TV product, which is being conducted in collaboration with Philips, a multi-national consumer electronics company. Copyright 2008 ACM.


摘要: 随着高度互动的产品在国内市场的出现,消费电子品牌在预测其产品的使用和体验方式方面面临着越来越大的挑战。与产品使用的功能,情感和社会/背景相关的不可预见的经验导致不能归因于违反产品规格的大量现场投诉在一个名为软可靠性的项目中,我们正在尝试开发一种产品评估生态系统,该生态系统可以通过收集行为和态度数据来预测产品使用情况在产品开发过程的早期,通过使用工作原型进行纵向现场研究,本文介绍了一种用于行为和态度数据收集和分析的新颖框架,该框架使仪器能够依赖基于事件的经验采样方法,因此可以部署包括过程挖掘技术的分析方法用于使用模式的分析,用于纵向态度数据分析的多元技术以及用于分析组合信息的产品质量分析技术。我们通过与一家跨国消费电子公司飞利浦合作进行的有关创新电视产品概念化的正在进行的项目的发现,说明了该框架在实践中的价值和适用性。版权所有2008 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1453805.1453842]

[641] Green metrics for energy-aware IT systems (2011)

(Kipp, Alexander and Jiang, Tao and Fugini, Mariagrazia | Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2011)

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to characterise applications with respect to their energy consumption by using a set of energy-related metrics, called Green Metrics. These indicators are based on energy consumption measurements, such as indexes of computing resource usage, of environmental impact, and even of development costs required to (re)design an application in order to optimise its energy consumption footprint, or of organizational factors related to application management. Our approach is framed in the GAMES (Green Active Management of Energy in IT Service centres) EU Project1 about green IT. In this paper, we define four clusters of Green Metrics enabling to feature an application in terms of the energy it consumes at run time. Such metrics are the basis for measuring the greenness of an application and to detect where it consumes and wastes energy. Hints are provided to improve applications design and execution. We show within an application scenario how monitoring and evaluation of the Green Metrics helps to improve energy efficiency. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一种新颖的方法,可通过使用一组与能源相关的指标(称为绿色指标)来表征应用程序的能耗。这些指标基于能耗测量,例如计算资源使用率,环境影响甚至(重新)设计应用程序以优化其能耗足迹所需的开发成本,或与应用程序相关的组织因素等指标。管理。我们的方法是在GAMES(IT服务中心的能源绿色主动管理)欧盟项目1中制定的,其中涉及绿色IT。在本文中,我们定义了四个绿色指标集群,这些集群可以根据应用程序在运行时所消耗的能量来使其具有特色。此类度量标准是衡量应用程序绿色并检测其消耗和浪费能源的基础。提供提示以改善应用程序的设计和执行。我们在一个应用场景中展示了绿色指标的监控和评估如何帮助提高能源效率。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CISIS.2011.42]

[642] Guided Analytic Workflows through Service Composition for Population Health Studies (2015)

(Yao, Jinhui and Shepherd, Michael and Zhou, Jing and Fu, Lina and Li, Faming and Quebe, Dennis and Echols, Jennie and Wen, Xuejin | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2015)

Abstract: The US health care system is undergoing a substantial policy reform. One key dynamic of the health system is the rapid adoption of electronic health records (EHR). The analytic studies on the EHR will deliver insights and/or knowledge to improve the overall quality and efficiency of healthcare. On the other hand, Service-oriented thinking is one of the fastest growing paradigms in information technology. Service-oriented analytic workflows can bring together various analytic computing tools and compute resources offered as services to answer complex research questions. However, analytic studies on the population health data often require both the domain knowledge and the expertise in data manipulation. Selecting the appropriate analytic module and defining data and analytic workflows can be challenging even for an expert data scientist. Therefore, assistance from experts need to be offered at various stages of the study. These issues motivated us to develop a novel service-oriented analytic platform with guided workflows for population health studies. In this paper, we illustrate the different human roles that are needed to conduct health analytics, provide a modeling to elaborate the interactions between the human roles, and elaborate the service-oriented architecture of the system. A reference implementation is detailed to demonstrate the practical use of the approach and platform.


摘要: 美国医疗保健系统正在经历重大的政策改革。卫生系统的一项主要动力是电子卫生记录(EHR)的迅速采用。有关EHR的分析研究将提供见解和/或知识,以提高医疗保健的整体质量和效率。另一方面,面向服务的思维是信息技术中发展最快的范例之一。面向服务的分析工作流可以将各种分析计算工具和作为服务提供的计算资源组合在一起,以回答复杂的研究问题。但是,有关人口健康数据的分析研究通常需要领域知识和数据处理方面的专业知识。即使对于专业的数据科学家来说,选择合适的分析模块并定义数据和分析工作流程也可能是一个挑战。因此,在研究的各个阶段都需要专家的协助。这些问题促使我们开发了一种新颖的,面向服务的分析平台,该平台具有针对人口健康研究的指导性工作流程。在本文中,我们说明了进行健康分析所需的不同人员角色,提供了详细阐述人员角色之间的交互作用的模型,并阐述了系统的面向服务的体系结构。详细的参考实现说明了该方法和平台的实际使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2015.99]

[643] Guided interaction exploration in artifact-centric process models (2017)

(Van Eck | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 19th Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2017)

Abstract: Artifact-centric process models aim to describe complex processes as a collection of interacting artifacts. Recent development in process mining allow for the discovery of such models. However, the focus is often on the representation of the individual artifacts rather than their interactions. Based on event data we can automatically discover composite state machines representing artifact-centric processes. Moreover, we provide ways of visualizing and quantifying interactions among different artifacts. For example, we are able to highlight strongly correlated behaviours in different artifacts. The approach has been fully implemented as a ProM plug-in; the CSM Miner provides an interactive artifact-centric process discovery tool focussing on interactions. The approach has been evaluated using real life data sets, including the personal loan and overdraft process of a Dutch financial institution.


摘要: 以工件为中心的过程模型旨在将复杂过程描述为相互作用的工件的集合。过程挖掘的最新发展允许发现这样的模型。但是,焦点通常集中在各个工件的表示上,而不是它们之间的相互作用上。基于事件数据,我们可以自动发现代表以工件为中心的过程的复合状态机。此外,我们提供了可视化和量化不同工件之间相互作用的方法。例如,我们能够突出显示不同工件中的高度相关行为。该方法已作为ProM插件完全实现; CSM Miner提供了一个以交互工件为中心的过程发现工具,专注于交互。该方法已使用现实生活的数据集进行了评估,包括荷兰金融机构的个人贷款和透支过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2017.42]

[644] HLMC: A hybrid logic tool for model checking in verification of administrative processes (2016)

(Goron, Anca and Ches~nevar, Carlos Ivan | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Nowadays, public services can be modeled, analyzed and implemented using notations and tools for the business process (BP) abstraction. Applying such an approach allows public administrations (PAs) to better react to the undergoing transformation in service provisioning, improving service quality in order to satisfy citizens and business requests while coping with decreasing budgets. This paper introduces a novel approach to verifying administrative processes based on HLMC, a hybrid logic model checker.


摘要: 如今,可以使用用于业务流程(BP)抽象的表示法和工具对公共服务进行建模,分析和实施。应用这种方法可使公共行政管理部门(PA)更好地应对服务提供中的变革,提高服务质量,以满足市民和企业的需求,同时应对预算的减少。本文介绍了一种基于HLMC(一种混合逻辑模型检查器)的用于验证管理流程的新颖方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2910019.2910046]

[645] Healthcare Analytics: Examining the Diagnosis–treatment Cycle (2013)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Baesens, Bart | Procedia Technology)

Abstract: Research has demonstrated that the patients diagnosis-treatment cycles often significantly deviate from the standardized clinical pathways. Analyzing these deviations might result in the further enhancement of the quality of care, the promotion of patient safety, an increase in patient satisfaction and an optimization of the use of resources. Understanding pathway behavior and deviations becomes possible because of an increased availability of reliable data, which originates from the hospitals information systems.nnIn this paper we propose a clinical pathway analysis method for extracting valuable medical and organizational information on past diagnosis-treatment cycles that can be attributed to a specific clinical pathway. The method is applied on the clinical pathway processes in a Gynecologic Oncology Department.


摘要: 研究表明,患者的诊断-治疗周期通常明显偏离标准的临床途径。分析这些偏差可能会导致护理质量进一步提高,患者安全性提高,患者满意度提高以及资源的最优化。由于来自医院信息系统的可靠数据的可用性不断提高,因此了解通路行为和偏差成为可能。 n n本文提出了一种临床通路分析方法,可用于提取有价值的医学信息以及可以归因于特定临床途径的过去诊断-治疗周期的组织信息。该方法应用于妇科肿瘤科的临床途径过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.111]


[646] Heart Cycle: Facilitating the deployment of advanced care processes (2013)

(Meneu, T. and Traver, V. and Guillen, S. and Valdivieso, B. and Benedi, J. and Fernandez-Llatas, C. | Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS)

Abstract: Current trends in health management improvement demand the standardization of care protocols to achieve better quality and efficiency. The use of Clinical Pathways is an emerging solution for that problem. However, current Clinical Pathways are big manuals written in natural language and highly affected by human subjectivity. These problems make their deployment and dissemination extremely difficult in real practice environments. Furthermore, the intrinsic difficulties for the design of formal Clinical Pathways requires new specific design tools to help making them relly useful and cost-effective. Process Mining techniques can help to automatically infer processes definition from execution samples and, thus, support the automatization of the standardization and continuous control of healthcare processes. This way, they can become a relevant helping tool for clinical experts and healthcare systems for reducing variability in clinical practice and better understand the performance of the system. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 健康管理改善的当前趋势要求护理方案的标准化,以实现更好的质量和效率。临床途径的使用是针对该问题的新兴解决方案。但是,当前的《临床途径》是用自然语言编写的大型手册,受人类主观性的影响很大。这些问题使它们的部署和传播在实际环境中极为困难。此外,正式临床路径设计的固有困难需要新的特定设计工具来帮助使其更加有用和具有成本效益。流程挖掘技术可以帮助从执行样本中自动推断流程定义,从而支持标准化的自动化和医疗流程的连续控制。这样,它们可以成为临床专家和医疗保健系统的相关帮助工具,以减少临床实践中的差异并更好地了解系统的性能。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EMBC.2013.6611168]

[647] Heuristic Recovery of Missing Events in Process Logs (2015)

(Song, Wei and Xia, Xiaoxu and Jacobsen, Hans Arno and Zhang, Pengcheng and Hu, Hao | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2015)

Abstract: Event logs are of paramount significance for process mining and complex event processing. Yet, the quality of event logs remains a serious problem. Missing events of logs are usually caused by omitting manual recording, system failures, and hybrid storage of executions of different processes. It has been proved that the problem of minimum recovery based on a priori process specification is NP-hard. State-of-the-art approach is still lacking in efficiency because of the large search space. To address this issue, in this paper, we leverage the technique of process decomposition and present heuristics to efficiently prune the unqualified sub-processes that fail to generate the minimum recovery. We employ real-world processes and their incomplete sequences to evaluate our heuristic approach. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves high accuracy as the state-of-the-art approach does, but it is more efficient.


摘要: 事件日志对于流程挖掘和复杂事件处理至关重要。但是,事件日志的质量仍然是一个严重的问题。日志丢失事件通常是由于省略手动记录,系统故障以及不同进程执行的混合存储而引起的。已经证明,基于先验工艺规范的最小回收率问题是NP难的。由于庞大的搜索空间,最新的方法仍然缺乏效率。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们利用过程分解技术并提出启发式方法,以有效地修剪无法产生最小恢复的不合格子过程。我们采用现实世界中的流程及其不完整的顺序来评估我们的启发式方法。实验结果表明,我们的方法可以像最先进的方法一样实现高精度,但效率更高。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2015.24]

[648] Heuristic mining: Adaptive process simplification in education (2012)

(Ayutaya, Nutchar Senewong Na and Palungsuntikul, Prajin and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. ProM is a generic tool for implementing process mining tools in a standard environment. Prom aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, organizational, social, and performance information from event logs. In this paper we introduce the challenging process mining domain and discuss a heuristics driven process mining algorithm; the so-called Heuristics Miner in detail. Heuristics Miner is an applied applicable mining algorithm that can deal with noise, and can be used to express the main behavior registered in an event log. In the case study section of this paper, we used an students registration event log consisted of 299 cases and 569 events. The data was received from one of the universities in Thailand. Finally, the HM algorithm focused on the control flow perspective and generated a process model in the form of a Heuristics Net for the given event log. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术允许从事件日志中提取信息。例如,工作流管理系统的审核记录或企业资源计划系统的事务日志可用于发现描述过程,组织和产品的模型。这是在标准环境中实施过程挖掘工具的通用工具,舞会旨在通过提供从事件日志中发现过程,组织,社会和绩效信息的技术和工具来改善此情况。一种启发式驱动的过程挖掘算法;详细称为启发式Miner。启发式Miner是一种适用的适用挖掘算法,可以处理噪声,并可以用来表示事件日志中注册的主要行为。本文以案例研究部分为例,我们使用了一个由299个案例和569个事件组成的学生注册事件日志,数据记录为来自泰国的一所大学。最后,HM算法着眼于控制流的观点,并针对给定的事件日志以启发式网络的形式生成了一个过程模型。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408559]

[649] Hierarchical business process clustering (2008)

(Jung, Jae Yoon and Bae, Joonsoo and Liu, Ling | Proceedings - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2008)

Abstract: Business process is collection of standardized and structured tasks inducing value creation of a company. Nowadays, it is recognized as one of significant intangible business assets to achieve competitive advantages. This research introduces a novel approach of business process analysis, which has more and more significance as process-aware information systems are spreading widely over a lot of companies. In this paper, a methodology of business process clustering based on process similarity is illustrated. The purpose of business process clustering is to analyze accumulated process models in order to assist design of new processes and reengineering of existing ones. The proposed methodology exploits structural similarity metrics of business processes. The methodology is illustrated with synthetic process models of insurance processes. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.

Herarchical business process clustering

摘要: 业务流程是标准化和结构化任务的集合,这些任务可为公司创造价值。如今,它已被视为实现竞争优势的重要无形商业资产之一。这项研究介绍了一种新颖的业务流程分析方法,随着流程感知信息系统在许多公司中广泛传播,其重要性越来越高。本文阐述了一种基于流程相似性的业务流程聚类方法。业务流程集群的目的是分析累积的流程模型,以帮助设计新流程和对现有流程进行重新设计。所提出的方法利用了业务流程的结构相似性度量。保险流程的综合流程模型说明了该方法。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2008.69]

[650] Holistic Approach for Process Model Discovery (2017)

(Repta, Dragos and Stanescu, Aurelian Mihai | Proceedings - 2017 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer, CSCS 2017)

Abstract: Process discovery techniques aim at extracting a process model from an event log designed as a data structure that minimally contains a multi-set of event sequences. This paper studies the implications of applying newly developed methods and techniques in the field of process mining to reallife scenarios. The main problem consists in processing the collected data in order to use it for discovering the model of the observed process. The analysis of this problem revealed three main aspects: the need to properly represent the event data, to associate events to process instances and to determine the highlevel actions corresponding to the observed events. Each of these aspects has been investigated and a system architecture has been proposed based on their solution.


摘要: 过程发现技术旨在从事件日志中提取过程模型,该事件日志被设计为最少包含多组事件序列的数据结构。本文研究了在过程挖掘领域中将新开发的方法和技术应用于现实生活场景的意义。主要问题在于处理收集的数据,以便将其用于发现所观察过程的模型。对这个问题的分析揭示了三个主要方面:正确表示事件数据,将事件与流程实例相关联以及确定与观察到的事件相对应的高级操作的需求。已经研究了这些方面中的每一个,并基于它们的解决方案提出了一种系统架构。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCS.2017.73]

[651] How is process mining technology used by organizations? A systematic literature review of empirical studies (2018)

(Thiede, Malte and Fuerstenau, Daniel and Bezerra Barquet | Business Process Management Journal)

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review empirical studies on process mining in order to understand its use by organizations. The paper further aims to outline future research opportunities. Design/methodology/approach: The authors propose a classification model that combines core conceptual elements of process mining with prior models from technology classification from the enterprise resource planning and business intelligence field. The model incorporates an organizational usage, a system-orientation and service nature, adding a focus on physical services. The application is based on a systematic literature review of 144 research papers. Findings: The results show that, thus far, the literature has been chiefly concerned with realization of single business process management systems in single organizations. The authors conclude that cross-system or cross-organizational process mining is underrepresented in the ISR, as is the analysis of physical services. Practical implications: Process mining researchers have paid little attention to utilizing complex use cases and mining mixed physical-digital services. Practitioners should work closely with academics to overcome these knowledge gaps. Only then will process mining be on the cusp of becoming a technology that allows new insights into customer processes by supplying business operations with valuable and detailed information. Originality/value: Despite the scientific interest in process mining, particularly scant attention has been given by researchers to investigating its use in relatively complex scenarios, e.g., cross-system and cross-organizational process mining. Furthermore, coverage on the use of process mining from a service perspective is limited, which fails to reflect the marketing and business context of most contemporary organizations, wherein the importance of such scenarios is widely acknowledged. The small number of studies encountered may be due to a lack of knowledge about the potential of such scenarios as well as successful examples, a situation the authors seek to remedy with this study.


摘要: 目的:本文的目的是回顾过程挖掘的经验研究,以了解组织对其的使用。本文进一步旨在概述未来的研究机会。设计/方法/方法:作者提出了一个分类模型,该模型将过程挖掘的核心概念元素与来自企业资源计划和商业智能领域的技术分类的先前模型相结合。该模型结合了组织用途,系统导向和服务性质,更加注重物理服务。该应用基于对144篇研究论文的系统文献综述。结果:结果表明,到目前为止,文献主要关注单个组织中单个业务流程管理系统的实现。作者得出结论,跨系统或跨组织的流程挖掘在ISR中的代表性不足,对物理服务的分析也是如此。实际意义:过程挖掘研究人员很少关注利用复杂的用例和挖掘混合的物理数字服务。从业者应与学者紧密合作,以克服这些知识鸿沟。只有这样,流程挖掘才能成为一种技术,该技术将通过向业务运营提供有价值且详细的信息,使客户流程获得新的见解。独创性/价值:尽管对过程挖掘有科学兴趣,但是研究人员对研究它在相对复杂的场景(例如,跨系统和跨组织的过程挖掘)中的使用却很少关注。此外,从服务的角度来看,使用过程挖掘的覆盖范围是有限的,这不能反映大多数当代组织的市场营销和业务环境,其中,这种情况的重要性已得到广泛认可。所遇到的少量研究可能是由于对这种情况的潜力以及成功的例子缺乏了解,作者试图通过这项研究来弥补这种情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1108/BPMJ-06-2017-0148]

[652] How to guarantee compliance between workflows and product lifecycles? (2014)

(Wang, Zhaoxia and Ter Hofstede | Information Systems)

Abstract: Product lifecycle management (PLM) systems are widely used in the manufacturing industry. A core feature of such systems is to provide support for versioning of product data. As workflow functionality is increasingly used in PLM systems, the possibility emerges that the versioning transitions for product objects as encapsulated in process models do not comply with the valid version control policies mandated in the objects actual lifecycles. In this paper we propose a solution to tackle the (non-)compliance issues between processes and object version control policies. We formally define the notion of compliance between these two artifacts in product lifecycle management and then develop a compliance checking method which employs a well-established workflow analysis technique. This forms the basis of a tool which offers automated support to the proposed approach. By applying the approach to a collection of real-life specifications in a main PLM system, we demonstrate the practical applicability of our solution to the field. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 产品生命周期管理(PLM)系统在制造业中得到广泛使用。此类系统的核心功能是为产品数据的版本控制提供支持。随着工作流程功能在PLM系统中越来越多地使用,出现了版本控制过渡的可能性。对于过程模型中封装的产品对象,不符合对象实际生命周期中规定的有效版本控制策略,本文提出了解决过程与对象版本控制策略之间(不合规)问题的解决方案。在产品生命周期管理中正式定义这两个工件之间的合规性概念,然后开发一种采用完善的工作流分析技术的合规性检查方法,从而构成为该方法提供自动支持的工具的基础。在主PLM系统中收集实际规格的方法,我们演示了实际的应用程序我们的解决方案对现场的可靠性。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.01.006]

[653] How, who and when: Enhancing business process warehouses by graph based queries (2016)

(Fazzinga, Bettina and Flesca, Sergio and Furfaro, Filippo and Masciari, Elio and Pontieri, Luigi and Pulice, Chiara | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Log analysis and querying recently received a renewed in-terest from the research community, as the effective under-standing of process behavior is crucial for improving business process management. Indeed, currently available log query-ing tools are not completely satisfactory, especially from the viewpoint of easiness of use. As a matter of fact, there is no framework which meets the requirements of easiness of use, flexibility and efficiency of query evaluation. In this paper, we propose a framework for graphical querying of (process) log data that makes the log analysis task quite easy and efficient, adopting a very general model of process log data which guarantees a high level of flexibility. We implemented our framework by using a flexible storage architecture and a user-friendly data analysis interface, based on an intuitive and yet expressive graph-based query language. Experiments performed on real data confirm the validity of the approach.


摘要: 日志分析和查询最近从研究团体那里获得了新的兴趣,因为对流程行为的有效了解对于改善业务流程管理至关重要。实际上,当前可用的日志查询工具并不完全令人满意,尤其是从易于使用的角度来看。实际上,没有一个框架可以满足使用简便性,查询评估的灵活性和效率的要求。在本文中,我们提出了一个用于(过程)日志数据的图形查询的框架,该框架使日志分析任务变得非常容易和高效,采用了一种非常通用的过程日志数据模型,从而保证了高度的灵活性。我们基于直观而又富于表现力的基于图形的查询语言,通过使用灵活的存储体系结构和用户友好的数据分析界面来实现我们的框架。对真实数据进行的实验证实了该方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2938503.2938538]

[654] Hybrid genetic algorithm and association rules for mining workflow best practices (2012)

(Lim, Amy H.L. and Lee, Chien Sing and Raman, Murali | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Business workflow analysis has become crucial in strategizing how to create competitive edge. Consequently, deriving a series of positively correlated association rules from workflows is essential to identify strong relationships among key business activities. These rules can subsequently, serve as best practices. We have addressed this problem by hybridizing genetic algorithm with association rules. First, we used correlation to replace support-confidence in genetic algorithm to enable dynamic data-driven determination of support and confidence, i.e.; use correlation to optimize the derivation of positively correlated association rules. Second, we used correlation as fitness function to support upward closure in association rules (hitherto, association rules support only downward closure). The ability to support upward closure allows derivation of the most specific association rules (business model) from less specific association rules (business meta-model) and generic association rules (reference meta-model). Downward closure allows the opposite. Upward-downward closures allow the manager to drill-down and analyze based on the degree of dependency among business activities. Subsequently, association rules can be used to describe best practices at the model, meta-model and reference meta-model levels with the most general positively dependent association rules as reference meta-model. Experiments are based on an online hotel reservation system. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务工作流分析在制定如何创造竞争优势的战略中变得至关重要。因此,从工作流中得出一系列正相关的关联规则对于识别关键业务活动之间的牢固关系至关重要。这些规则随后可以用作最佳实践。我们已经通过将遗传算法与关联规则混合解决了这个问题。首先,我们使用相关性代替遗传算法中的支持置信度,以实现动态数据驱动的支持度和置信度的确定,即使用相关性优化正相关性关联规则的推导。其次,我们使用关联作为适应度函数来支持关联规则中的向上闭合(迄今为止,关联规则仅支持向下闭合)。支持向上关闭的能力允许从不太具体的关联规则(业务元模型)和通用关联规则(参考元模型)派生最具体的关联规则(业务模型)。向下关闭允许相反。向上向下的关闭允许经理根据业务活动之间的依赖程度进行深入分析。随后,可以使用关联规则来描述模型,元模型和参考元模型级别的最佳实践,并使用最一般的正相关关系规则作为参考元模型。实验基于在线酒店预订系统。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2012.02.183]

[655] Hybrid heuristics miner based on time series prediction for streaming process mining (2016)

(Tan, Wenan and Huang, Li and Shen, Tengteng and Tang, Anqiong | Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2016)

Abstract: To cope with time-attribute and variations of event distribution in dynamic evolving process, an streaming process mining based on time series prediction and hybrid heuristic miner is proposed. A heuristic miner is improved based on post-task of activity in event logs to optimize the initial particle distribution for Particle Swarm Optimization. Furthermore, aging factor based on time series attribute is also designed for adaptive global optimization. Besides, time-related Process Decision Indicator(PDI) is defined as a pattern observable to identify domain-independent evolution indicators in process model. The experimental results show that our algorithm is more effective and scalable for streaming process mining.


摘要: 为了应对动态演变过程中的时间属性和事件分布的变化,提出了一种基于时间序列预测和混合启发式挖掘器的流式过程挖掘。基于事件日志中活动的后任务,对启发式挖掘器进行了改进,优化粒子群优化算法的初始粒子分布;此外,还设计了基于时间序列属性的老化因子进行自适应全局优化;此外,与时间相关的过程决策指标(PDI)被定义为一种可观察到的模式,用于识别领域-过程模型中具有独立的演化指标。实验结果表明,我们的算法在流式过程挖掘中更加有效和可扩展。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCWD.2016.7565997]

[656] Hybrid particle swarm optimization method for process mining (2012)

(Chifu, Viorica Rozina and Pop, Cristina Bianca and Salomie, Ioan and Balla, Izabella and Paven, Ramona | Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2012)

Abstract: This paper presents a bio-inspired hybrid method that extracts the optimal or a near-optimal business process model from an event log. The proposed method combines Particle Swarm Optimization with Simulated Annealing to optimize the mining process in terms of execution time and model quality. To evaluate a candidate business process model we use a fitness function that considers as evaluation criteria the model completeness and preciseness according to the cases in the event log. The bio-inspired hybrid method has been integrated in the PROM framework and evaluated on a set of event logs. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一种受生物启发的混合方法,可从事件日志中提取最佳或接近最佳的业务流程模型。所提出的方法结合了粒子群优化和模拟退火,以在执行时间和模型质量方面优化采矿过程。为了评估候选业务流程模型,我们使用适合度函数,该函数根据事件日志中的情况将模型的完整性和准确性视为评估标准。受生物启发的混合方法已集成到PROM框架中,并根据一组事件日志进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICCP.2012.6356199]

[657] Identification of Time Petri Net Models (2017)

(Basile, Francesco and Chiacchio, Pasquale and Coppola, Jolanda | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: This paper deals with the identification of time Petri net systems. An identification algorithm for timed net systems must take into account that the firing of a transition requires not only that the enabling condition is met, as in untimed net systems, but it is also required that the firing interval of a transition is congruent with the observed firing instant times. The key idea behind the approach is to express these conditions by a set of logical propositions that can be directly transformed into linear mixed-integer inequalities. The identification algorithm consists of building the logical propositions from the observed behavior and solving a mixed-integer linear programming problem.


摘要: 本文涉及时间Petri网系统的识别。定时网络系统的识别算法必须考虑到过渡的触发不仅需要像非定时网络系统中那样满足启用条件,而且还要求过渡的触发间隔与观察到的相一致触发即时时间。该方法背后的关键思想是通过一组逻辑命题表达这些条件,这些命题可以直接转化为线性混合整数不等式。识别算法包括根据观察到的行为建立逻辑命题,并解决混合整数线性规划问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMC.2016.2523929]

[658] Identification of discrete event systems unobservable behaviour by petri nets using language projections (2015)

(Saives, Jeremie and Faraut, Gregory and Lesage, Jean Jacques | 2015 European Control Conference, ECC 2015)

Abstract: The aim of behavioural identification of Discrete Event Systems is to build, from a sequence of observed inputs/outputs events, a model that exhibits both the direct relations between inputs and outputs events (i.e. the reactive or observable behaviour of the system) and the internal state evolutions (i.e. the unobservable behaviour). Once the observable behaviour has been modelled by an Interpreted Petri net, the method proposed in this paper aims at discovering the unobservable part from a firing sequence of previously discovered observable transitions. The principle is to project the firing sequence on subalphabets to discover specific patterns that are characteristic of dependancy relationships between the transitions. These relationships can be translated into Petri net structure fragments that will be assembled to form the final model. A parametric algorithm is proposed to conduct the discovery, the choice of the minimal degree of places as a parameter being motivated by the reduction of the search space and the fitness of the final model.


摘要: 离散事件系统行为识别的目的是从观察到的输入/输出事件序列中构建一个模型,该模型既显示输入事件与输出事件之间的直接关系(即系统的反应性行为或可观察的行为),又显示内部状态的演变(即不可观察的行为)。一旦通过解释Petri网对可观察到的行为进行建模,则本文提出的方法旨在从先前发现的可观察到的跃迁序列的激发序列中发现不可观察到的部分。原理是将发射序列投影到子字母上,以发现特定模式,这些模式是转换之间的依赖关系的特征。这些关系可以转换为Petri网络结构片段,这些片段将被组装以形成最终模型。提出了一种参数化算法来进行发现,通过减小搜索空间和最终模型的适用性来激励选择最小程度的位置作为参数。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ECC.2015.7330587]

[659] Identification of process-based fraud patterns in credit application (2014)

(Huda, Solichul and Ahmad, Tohari and Sarno, Riyanarto and Santoso, Heru Agus | 2014 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2014)

Abstract: Fraud detection has become an important research topic recently. In a credit application, fraud can occur in forgery of documents or business processes. Fraud on the business process is known as Process-based Fraud (PBF). Previous studies proposed several detection methods of fraud in the business process model. This fraud detection includes analysis methods and an identification process. However, none of them proposed PBF identification, particularly identification of PBF attributes and pattern clearly, so its accuracy still needs further improvement. As identification of PBF attributes and PBF pattern is very important for the accuracy of PBF detection, this paper proposes an identification method for PBF detection. This PBF identification process consists of some attributes, those are skip sequence, skip decision, throughput time minimum, throughput time maximum, wrong resource, wrong duty decision, wrong duty sequence, wrong duty combine, wrong pattern and wrong decision. In this paper, PBF pattern is combined with a fuzzy set which consists of low, middle and high categories. This fuzzy set is implemented in order to improve the accuracy of PBF determination. PBF attribute and its pattern contribute to the process mining for detecting PBF.


摘要: 最近,欺诈检测已成为重要的研究课题。在信用申请中,欺诈可能发生在伪造文件或业务流程中。业务流程中的欺诈被称为基于流程的欺诈(PBF)。先前的研究提出了业务流程模型中几种欺诈检测方法。该欺诈检测包括分析方法和识别过程。但是,它们都没有提出对PBF的识别,尤其是对PBF属性和模式的识别,因此其准确性仍需进一步提高。由于对PBF属性和PBF模式的识别对于PBF检测的准确性非常重要,因此提出了一种PBF检测的识别方法。该PBF识别过程由一些属性组成,这些属性包括跳过序列,跳过决策,最小吞吐时间,最大吞吐时间,错误资源,错误任务决策,错误任务序列,错误任务合并,错误模式和错误决策。本文将PBF模式与由低,中,高类别组成的模糊集组合在一起。实施该模糊集是为了提高PBF确定的准确性。 PBF属性及其模式有助于检测PBF的过程挖掘。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICoICT.2014.6914045]

[660] Identifying Key Resources in a Social Network Using f-PageRank (2017)

(Kamal, Imam Mustafa and Bae, Hyerim and Liu, Ling and Choi, Yulim | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2017)

Abstract: Key resources are important, influential and powerful performers in a social network structure. Identifying them in the social network of a business process activity is beneficial and rewarding. One of the most effective centrality measures for identification of the key nodes in a social network is to rank resources based on a selection of criteria. PageRank is a representative example of such algorithms, which was first utilized in the Google search engine in 1998. However, the PageRank approach merely assumes a single link as a vote, which allows one originator to link or transfer his work to others more than once in a handover work scenario. We argue that this problem can lead to inaccurate influence based ranking in the context of business processes for resources in a social network. In this paper, we propose f-PageRank, a new approach specifically designed to identify the key resources in a social network generated from a business process activity. We evaluate our proposed method by comparing it with the existing approaches in process mining tools, such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, BaryRanker, and HITS. The experimental results show that our approach can obtain a satisfying outcome.


摘要: 关键资源在社交网络结构中是重要,有影响力和强大的执行者。在业务流程活动的社交网络中识别它们是有益和有益的。识别社交网络中关键节点的最有效的集中性措施之一是根据选择的标准对资源进行排名。 PageRank是此类算法的代表示例,该算法于1998年首次在Google搜索引擎中使用。但是,PageRank方法仅假设一个链接为投票,这使一个创建者可以多次链接或将其工作转移给其他人。在移交工作方案中。我们认为,此问题可能导致在社交网络中资源的业务流程的环境中,基于影响力的排名不准确。在本文中,我们提出f-PageRank,这是一种新方法,专门用于识别从业务流程活动生成的社交网络中的关键资源。通过与过程挖掘工具中的现有方法(例如度中心性,中间性,BarryRanker和HITS)进行比较,我们评估了该方法。实验结果表明,我们的方法可以获得令人满意的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2017.45]


[661] Identifying bottlenecks and fraud of business process using alpha ++ and heuristic miner algorithms (Case study: CV. Wicaksana Artha) (2018)

(Caesarita, Yurika and Sarno, Riyanarto and Sungkono, Kelly Rossa | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and System, ICTS 2017)

Abstract: Every organization or company has a business process to support the structured running tasks. Each of the business processes has a role called resource that is useful for running the processes. However, a few organizations and companies evaluate their business processes. Process mining is a way to evaluate event log data by forming a workflow. Petri net is chosen workflow to analyze the occurrence of bottlenecks. A bottleneck is an event that has a longer waiting time than the other business processes. PROM is used to analyze the business process in mxml formal by using process mining algorithm, such as alpha++ and heuristic miner algorithms. Both algorithms are used to determine the difference of occurring bottlenecks. This research shows that the algorithm affects the location of the occurrence of bottleneck. The location of the bottleneck is seen based on the calculation of the token time in the place (place between 2 transitions or transactions). Heuristic miner can model a business process appropriately and it has a higher performance than alpha++ algorithm because it can calculate the frequency, whereas alpha++ algorithm can not generate the frequency calculation. The heuristic miner algorithm can also check the fraud by utilizing its fitness value. The obtained fitness value will indicate whether there are indications of fraud or no indication in every business process.

使用alpha ++和启发式矿工算法来识别业务流程的瓶颈和欺诈(案例研究:CV。Wicaksana Artha)

摘要: 每个组织或公司都有一个业务流程来支持结构化的运行任务。每个业务流程都有一个称为资源的角色,对于运行流程很有用。但是,一些组织和公司评估其业务流程。流程挖掘是一种通过形成工作流程来评估事件日志数据的方法。选择Petri网作为工作流来分析瓶颈的发生。瓶颈是一个等待时间比其他业务流程更长的事件。 PROM通过使用流程挖掘算法(例如alpha ++和启发式矿工算法)来分析mxml形式的业务流程。两种算法都可用来确定出现的瓶颈的差异。研究表明,该算法影响瓶颈发生的位置。可以根据该位置(两个转换或事务之间的位置)的令牌时间计算得出瓶颈的位置。启发式矿工可以适当地对业务流程进行建模,并且由于它可以计算频率,因此它比alpha ++算法具有更高的性能,而alpha ++算法无法生成频率计算。启发式矿工算法还可以通过利用其适合度值来检查欺诈行为。所获得的适用性值将指示每个业务流程中是否存在欺诈迹象或没有迹象。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTS.2017.8265660]

[662] Impact of data aggregation on the significance of process mining results: An experimental evaluation (2008)

(Gerke, Kerstin | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: Today, many enterprises seek for efficient business process coordination and control to raise business process quality. Process mining technologies promise significant potentials in making business process knowledge explicit. However, it appears to be important to distinguish homogeneous process structures within a business process model to manage them accordingly. In this paper we present an experimental result of the classification of business processes according to their complexity. Furthermore, we evaluate if the homogeneity of the business processes correspond to the business process models derived with process mining. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 今天,许多企业寻求有效的业务流程协调和控制,以提高业务流程质量。流程挖掘技术在使业务流程知识明确化方面具有巨大潜力。但是,区分业务流程模型中的同类流程结构以进行相应管理似乎很重要。在本文中,我们根据业务流程的复杂性提出了对业务流程进行分类的实验结果。此外,我们评估业务流程的同质性是否对应于通过流程挖掘得出的业务流程模型。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2008.25]

[663] Impact-driven process model repair (2016)

(Polyvyanyy, Artem and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology)

Abstract: The abundance of event data in todays information systems makes it possible to confront process models with the actual observed behavior. Process mining techniques use event logs to discover process models that describe the observed behavior, and to check conformance of process modelsby diagnosing deviations between models and reality. In many situations, it is desirable to mediate between a preexisting model and observed behavior. Hence, we would like to repair the model while improving the correspondence between model and log as much as possible. The approach presented in this article assigns predefined costs to repair actions (allowing inserting or skipping of activities). Given a maximum degree of change, we search for models that are optimal in terms of fitness - that is, the fraction of behavior in the log not possible according to the model is minimized. To compute fitness, we need to align the model and log, which can be time consuming. Hence, finding an optimal repair may be intractable. We propose different alternative approaches to speed up repair. The number of alignment computations can be reduced dramatically while still returning nearoptimal repairs. The different approaches have been implemented using the process mining framework ProM and evaluated using real-life logs.


摘要: 在当今的信息系统中,事件数据的丰富性使得可以将过程模型与实际观察到的行为面对。流程挖掘技术使用事件日志来发现描述观察到的行为的流程模型,并通过诊断模型与现实之间的偏差来检查流程模型的一致性。在许多情况下,希望在预先存在的模型和观察到的行为之间进行调解。因此,我们希望在修复模型的同时尽可能改善模型与日志之间的对应关系。本文介绍的方法为修复操作分配了预定义的成本(允许插入或跳过活动)。给定最大的变化程度,我们搜索在适应性方面最佳的模型-也就是说,根据模型,日志中不可能发生的行为比例已最小化。要计算适应度,我们需要将模型与日志对齐,这可能很耗时。因此,寻找最佳修复可能是棘手的。我们提出了不同的替代方法来加快维修速度。对齐计算的数量可以大大减少,同时仍然返回接近最佳的修复效果。已经使用流程挖掘框架ProM实施了不同的方法,并使用了现实生活中的日志对其进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2980764]

[664] Implementation of parallel model checking for computer-based test security design (2016)

(Malek, Muhammad Syafiq Bin Ab and Ahmadon, Mohd Anuaruddin Bin and Yamaguchi, Shingo and Gupta, Brij Bhooshan | 2016 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, ICICS 2016)

Abstract: Computer-based test (CBT for short) has become a new form of delivering test. This causes a challenge of unethical conduct during examinations such as cheating and accessing test data before the examination. Model checking is a promising approach to analyse the behavior and correctness of secured system. However, if a system has a large-scale behavior, we cannot apply model checking because of state space explosion. In this paper, we gave a security considerations of CBT and proposed a Petri net-based framework of parallel model checking with a Petri net splitting procedure. The proposed framework is useful to reduce the size of the net, thereby increases the applicability of model checking to security protocol verification. It allows us to analyse the property of each splitted nets simultaneously. We illustrated the proposed framework with a product called as E-monitoring with biometric authentication scheme as an application example.


摘要: 基于计算机的测试(简称CBT)已成为交付测试的一种新形式。这带来了在检查期间进行不道德行为的挑战,例如在检查之前作弊和访问测试数据。模型检查是一种分析安全系统的行为和正确性的有前途的方法。但是,如果系统具有大规模行为,则由于状态空间爆炸,我们无法应用模型检查。在本文中,我们考虑了CBT的安全性,并提出了一种基于Petri网的并行模型检查框架,该框架具有Petri网拆分程序。所提出的框架对于减小网络的规模是有用的,从而增加了模型检查在安全协议验证中的适用性。它使我们可以同时分析每个拆分网络的属性。我们以名为E-monitoring with biometric authentication scheme的产品作为应用示例说明了所提出的框架。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IACS.2016.7476121]

[665] Implementation of search mechanism for implicit dependences in process mining (2013)

(Kalynychenko, Olga and Chalyi, Sergii and Bodyanskiy, Yevgeniy and Golian, Vira and Golian, Nataliia | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, IDAACS 2013)

Abstract: Traditionally business processes (BP) is represented as the sets of related sequences of procedures (activities). Choice of the correct procedures sequence is carried out on the basis of explicit and implicit dependencies between them. In modern process mining systems order of BP executing is recorded in logs with corresponding time stamps. The analysis of these logs allows finding the explicit dependencies between procedures because the records about their executing appear in pairs. For implicit dependencies relationship between the procedures directly from the event log is not visible, and this determines the actuality of the topic. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 传统上,业务流程(BP)表示为相关的过程序列序列(活动)。正确的过程序列的选择是基于它们之间的显式和隐式依赖性进行的。在现代过程挖掘系统中, BP执行记录在带有相应时间戳的日志中,对这些日志的分析允许查找过程之间的显式依赖关系,因为关于它们执行的记录成对出现;对于隐式依赖关系,直接来自事件日志的过程之间的关系不可见,并且这确定了主题的真实性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IDAACS.2013.6662657]

[666] Implementing closeness centrality measurements on workflow-supported enterprise social networks (2015)

(Ahn, Hyun and Park, Minjae and Kim, Haksung and Kim, Kwanghoon Pio | International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to implement the theoretical closeness centrality measurement algorithm 1 that was proposed by the authors research group in order to numerically analyze closeness centrality measures among workflow-performers on a workflow-supported social network model. We implement the essential part of the proposed algorithml, which is a closeness centrality analysis equation. Finally, we illustrate the implemented algorithm by showing its run-time screen-shots with an operational example.


摘要: 本文的目的是实现作者研究小组提出的理论上的紧密度中心度测量算法1,以便在工作流支持的社交网络模型上对工作流程执行者之间的紧密度中心度度量进行数值分析。实现了所提出算法l的关键部分,它是一个紧密度中心性分析方程式。最后,我们通过一个运行示例展示其运行时屏幕截图,说明了该算法的实现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICACT.2015.7224898]

[667] Improved behavior model based on sequential rule mining (2018)

(Setiawan, Feri and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho | Applied Soft Computing Journal)

Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution leads the manufacturing companies to develop future and smart factories by merging automation and digitalization to result a more efficient production method. An evolutionary and competitive experimental approach is necessary to foster the innovation and the rapid change of the automation and digitalization. Consequently, software becomes an important component of industrial automation. One of the major challenge in Industry 4.0 is to industrialize the production of software. Software factory, as one industry with a virtual production line to produce software for manufacturing companies, offers a form of flexible employment, called as telecommuting work. Although this form brings many benefits for both employee and employers, some risks associated with telecommuting work exist. Monitoring the employee behavior is one of the employer way to see the accountability of the employee. Hence, understanding the human behavior during the production process would be an important issue for fulfilling overall operational excellence in software factory. Among approaches proposed to discover the human behavior based on the sequence activities, process mining is one of which has received attentions lately. While most recent process mining approaches in the domain of human behavior address process discovery and post-analysis, few of them have paid attentions on pre-analysis. The pre-analysis is one of the ways to produce a reliable and high-quality of event log which purposely impacts on discovering a daily common behavior and disregarding irregular sequential behavior. This study aims to propose a new way of pre-analysis using sequential rule mining. The key contributions of this research first, is to determine the potential local behaviors using sequential rule mining considering time constraint. Second, the local behaviors are used to enhance event log for discovering relevant behavior model. Third, the mined model is verified by performing conformance checking approach to check the conformity between the behavior model and the real logs based on three measurements: f-measure, ABA, and DMF. The resulting local behaviors, called as rules, can be used for guiding stakeholders to pinpoint the relevant behavior for human capital and productivity enhancement.


摘要: 第四次工业革命使制造公司通过融合自动化和数字化来开发更高效的生产方法,从而发展未来和智能工厂。为了促进自动化和数字化的创新和快速变化,有必要采用进化和竞争性的实验方法。因此,软件成为工业自动化的重要组成部分。工业4.0的主要挑战之一是软件生产的工业化。作为具有虚拟生产线为制造业公司生产软件的行业,软件工厂提供了一种灵活的就业形式,称为远程办公。尽管这种形式为雇员和雇主都带来了很多好处,但仍存在与通勤工作相关的一些风险。监视员工行为是雇主查看员工问责制的一种方法。因此,了解生产过程中的人为行为对于实现软件工厂的整体运营卓越性至关重要。在基于序列活动发现人类行为的方法中,过程挖掘是近来受到关注的方法之一。尽管最近在人类行为领域中的过程挖掘方法解决了过程发现和后分析问题,但很少有人关注前分析。预分析是产生可靠且高质量的事件日志的方法之一,该事件日志有目的地影响发现日常常见行为并忽略不规则的顺序行为。本研究旨在提出一种使用顺序规则挖掘的预分析新方法。这项研究的主要贡献是,首先考虑时间约束,使用顺序规则挖掘来确定潜在的局部行为。其次,使用本地行为来增强事件日志,以发现相关的行为模型。第三,通过执行一致性检查方法对挖掘的模型进行验证,以基于三种度量(f-measure,ABA和DMF)检查行为模型与真实日志之间的一致性。由此产生的当地行为,称为规则,可用于指导利益相关者查明相关行为,以提高人力资本和生产力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.asoc.2018.01.035]

[668] Improvement of call center customer service in a Thai bank using disco fuzzy mining algorithm (2015)

(Arpasat, Poohridate and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main objective of the study was to benchmark performance, control discrepancies, and investigate variations of a bank customer service call center data dealing with incoming calls of its clients and customers. To do this, initially an event log consisting of a total of 625,767 process instances (i.e., events) was collected from a private bank in Thailand for the month of July 2015. Using Disco fuzzy mining technique as a process mining tool enabled us to simulate and create authentic visual models/maps from the collected event log in form of fuzzy mining graphs. To better investigate the behavior of the banks clients/customers and administrators/operators dealing with inappropriate (not successful) customer service and calls, only Failure or Not Responded types of process instances/events were chosen and selected for the study. The findings showed that the number of the incoming calls made into the call center (customer service section) due to the over card limit problem was the highest (i.e., with 4,667 process instances in total) compared with the other problems within the call center event log. On the other hand, the results showed that almost 32%of the Over Card Limit type of the problems were not solved at the first attempt (i.e., clients/customers have to re-dial and re-contact the operators in charge of the section again for the second, third or sometimes multiple-times). Similarly, our results showed that the problems occurred due to the reason why the card number is already activated allocated the second highest number of problems (i.e., with a total of 2,068 process instances in total) within the call center event log. Interestingly, 10% of the incoming calls facing the card number is already activated were not solved/fixed at the first attempt and clients/customers need to re-contact the call center operators again afterwards. With the same token record not found (with 52% of the calls not solved at the first attempt), account not found (with 68% of the calls not solved at the first attempt) and account does not exist (with 61% of the calls not solved at the first attempt) types of the problems allocated the third, fourth and fifth most frequent incoming calls made into the call center customer service section. Eventually, the results of the study can be used in order to enhance and improve the performance of the customer service processes in a more efficient, effective and timely manner.


摘要: 研究的主要目的是对性能进行基准测试,控制差异并调查处理其客户和客户来电的银行客户服务呼叫中心数据的变化。为此,最初是一个事件日志,其中包括到2015年7月,从泰国一家私人银行收集了625,767个流程实例(即事件)。使用Disco模糊挖掘技术作为流程挖掘工具,使我们能够从收集到的事件登录中模拟并创建真实的可视化模型/地图。为了更好地调查银行的客户/客户和管理员/运营商处理不适当(不成功)的客户服务和呼叫的行为,仅选择失败或未响应类型的流程实例/事件,调查结果表明,由于卡超限问题,进入呼叫中心(客户服务部)的来电数量为与呼叫中心事件日志中的其他问题相比最高(即,总共有4,667个流程实例)。另一方面,结果表明,首次尝试并没有解决超过32%的超出卡限额类型的问题(即客户/客户必须重新拨号并重新联系负责该部分的操作员再次进行第二次,第三次,有时是多次。类似地,我们的结果表明,由于呼叫中心事件日志中分配了第二高数量的问题(即,总共有2,068个流程实例)而已经激活卡号的原因而导致出现了问题。有趣的是,面对卡号的呼入电话中有10%的呼入电话在第一次尝试时尚未解决/解决,客户/客户此后需要再次与呼叫中心接线员联系。找不到相同的令牌记录(首次尝试未解决的呼叫中有52%的呼叫),未找到帐户(第一次尝试未解决的呼叫中有68%的呼叫)以及帐户不存在(其中61%的呼叫未解决)第一次尝试未解决的呼叫)在呼叫中心客户服务部分中分配的第三,第四和第五个最频繁的传入呼叫中分配的问题类型。最终,研究结果可用于以更有效,更有效和更及时的方式增强和改善客户服务流程的绩效。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368477]

[669] Improving business process decision making based on past experience (2014)

(Ghattas, Johny and Soffer, Pnina and Peleg, Mor | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Business processes entail a large number of decisions that affect their business performance. The criteria used in these decisions are not always formally specified and optimized. The paper develops a semi-automated approach that improves the business performance of processes by deriving decision criteria from the experience gained through past process executions. The premise that drives the approach is that it is possible to identify a process path that would yield best performance at a given context. The approach uses data mining techniques to identify the relationships between context, path decisions, and process outcomes, and derives decision rules from these relationships. It is evaluated using a simulation of a manufacturing process, whose results demonstrate the potential of improving the business performance through the rules generated by the approach. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程需要大量影响其业务绩效的决策。这些决策中使用的标准并非总是正式指定和优化的。本文开发了一种半自动化的方法,该方法通过从过去的流程执行中获得的经验中得出决策标准来提高流程的业务绩效。驱动该方法的前提是可以确定在给定上下文中将产生最佳性能的过程路径。该方法使用数据挖掘技术来识别上下文,路径决策和过程结果之间的关系,并从这些关系中得出决策规则。使用制造过程的模拟对其进行评估,其结果证明了通过该方法生成的规则来改善业务绩效的潜力。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2013.10.009]

[670] Improving efficiency of OTT systems using fuzzy mining technique (2018)

(Sirijaitham, Ponrawat and Porouhan, Parham and Palangsantikul, Prajin and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This research focuses on applying fuzzy miner process mining technique in order to improve the efficiency of an OTT (Over-The-Top) application which was commonly used for communication purposes as well as spreading audio and video files over the Internet. By contemplating and studying the market, the administrators of the OTT application realized that on average it takes 2 weeks for a user to make a decision to purchase or order a product online, which was considered to be too long. This made the administrators of the system to apply and use fuzzy miner process mining technique with the purpose of simulating and visualizing the overall workflow processes of the customers behavior within the existing system. The simulation approach helped the technicians to discover and identify the flaws and drawback of the current system. One of the advantages of the study is that, the proposed approach can be used as groundwork for future and further research and studies.


摘要: 该研究专注于应用模糊矿工过程挖掘技术,以提高通常用于通信目的以及通过Internet传播音频和视频文件的OTT(Over-The-Top)应用程序的效率。通过考虑和研究市场,OTT应用程序的管理员意识到,用户平均需要2周的时间来决定在线购买或订购产品,这被认为太长了。这使得系统管理员可以应用和使用模糊矿工过程挖掘技术,以模拟和可视化现有系统中客户行为的整个工作流程。仿真方法帮助技术人员发现和识别当前系统的缺陷和不足。该研究的优点之一是,所提出的方法可以用作将来和进一步研究的基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2017.8259632]

[671] Improving genetic process mining using Honey Bee algorithm (2013)

(Seleem, Yahia Z. and Mohamed, Marghny H. and Hussain, Khaled F. | 2013 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Applications, ICIA 2013)

Abstract: Process mining refers to the extraction of process models from event logs. This paper presents a new process mining approach based on the combination of Honey Bee algorithm and Genetic Algorithm in which the benefits of Honey Bee algorithm is used where the concept of neighborhood search for a solution emerges from intelligent behavior of honeybee and the diversity of Genetic algorithm to find the global optimum. The new process mining approach presented in this paper is implemented as a plug-in in the process mining framework http://www.processmining.org. Computational experiments show that the process mining approach present in this paper gives a significant improvement over the basic Genetic algorithm. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

使用Honey Bee算法改善遗传过程的挖掘

摘要: 过程挖掘是指从事件日志中提取过程模型。本文提出了一种新的基于Honey Bee算法和遗传算法相结合的过程挖掘方法,其中利用Honey Bee算法的优势,解决方案的概念源自蜜蜂的智能行为和遗传算法的多样性。寻找全局最优。本文介绍的新的过程挖掘方法是在过程挖掘框架http://www.processmining.org中作为插件实现的。计算实验表明,本文提出的过程挖掘方法对基本遗传算法进行了重大改进。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICoIA.2013.6650230]

[672] Improving organizational process of a hospital through Petri-net based repair models (2016)

(Saelim, Nuttapong and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The main emphasis of the study was to detect and discover bottlenecks of an admission procedures process in a hospital in Thailand during (or after the end of the) treatment process of the patients. Applying a Petri-net based repair model techniques enabled the administrators of the hospital to improve and benchmark the overall workflow of tasks from both administrative and client/customer points of view. Cause some small step process. Accordingly, by following the proposed approach, the quality of the offered service was significantly increased and boosted leading to the higher extent of customer/patient satisfaction, retention and loyalty toward the treatment process service. In addition, the developed system enabled the administrators and managers of the different hospital (treatment and healthcare) wards to better monitor, evaluate and asses the performance of the staff. Comparing the original/master model with real/authenticate data (event logs) eventually enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the offered service within the less duration of the treatment time. This research provides groundwork for the future and further studies in the areas of organizational structure management, bottleneck mining, process management and etc.


摘要: 该研究的主要重点是在患者的治疗过程中(或结束后)发现并发现泰国一家医院的入院程序过程中的瓶颈。应用基于Petri-net的维修模型技术,可使医院的管理员从管理和客户/客户的角度来改进和基准化任务的总体工作流程。导致一些小的步骤过程。因此,通过遵循所提出的方法,所提供服务的质量被显着提高和提高,从而导致客户/患者对治疗过程服务的满意度,忠诚度和忠诚度更高。此外,开发的系统使不同医院(治疗和保健)病房的管理员和经理能够更好地监视,评估和评估员工的绩效。将原始/主模型与真实/认证数据(事件日志)进行比较,最终可以在较短的治疗时间内提高所提供服务的效率和有效性。该研究为组织结构管理,瓶颈挖掘,过程管理等领域的未来和进一步研究提供了基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804107]

[673] Improving process models by discovering decision points (2007)

(Subramaniam, Sharmila and Kalogeraki, Vana and Gunopulos, Dimitrios and Casati, Fabio and Castellanos, Malu and Dayal, Umeshwar and Sayal, Mehmet | Information Systems)

Abstract: Workflow management systems (WfMS) are widely used by business enterprises as tools for administrating, automating and scheduling the business process activities with the available resources. Since the control flow specifications of workflows are manually designed, they entail assumptions and errors, leading to inaccurate workflow models. Decision points, the XOR nodes in a workflow graph model, determine the path chosen toward completion of any process invocation. In this work, we show that positioning the decision points at their earliest points can improve process efficiency by decreasing their uncertainties and identifying redundant activities. We present novel techniques to discover the earliest positions by analyzing workflow logs and to transform the model graph. The experimental results show that the transformed model is more efficient with respect to its average execution time and uncertainty, when compared to the original model. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 工作流管理系统(WfMS)被商业企业广泛用作工具,用于利用可用资源来管理,自动化和安排业务流程活动。由于工作流的控制流规范是手动设计的,因此会带来假设和错误,从而导致工作流模型不准确。决策点(工作流图形模型中的XOR节点)确定为完成任何流程调用选择的路径。在这项工作中,我们表明将决策点放在最早的位置可以通过减少不确定性和识别多余的活动来提高流程效率。我们提出了新颖的技术,通过分析工作流日志和变换模型图来发现最早的位置。实验结果表明,与原始模型相比,转换后的模型在平均执行时间和不确定性方面更为有效。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2006.11.001]

[674] Improving process models by mining mappings of low-level events to high-level activities (2014)

(Ferreira, Diogo R. and Szimanski, Fernando and Ralha, Celia G. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: While it is possible to analyze the run-time behavior of a business process through process mining techniques, in practice there is often a gap between the low-level nature of the events recorded in an event log and the high-level of abstraction at which the process is modeled. This makes it difficult to understand the recorded behavior in terms of the high-level activities in the process model. Also, it makes it difficult to improve the model based on run-time data about the process. In this work we present an approach to mine mappings between the events in the log and the activities in the model. These mappings can be used to generate suggestions of how the process model can be extended in order to capture the behavior recorded in the event log. Using a real-world and publicly available event log, we show how the approach can improve the model in a stepwise manner, until it covers all the behavior recorded in the event log.


摘要: 虽然可以通过流程挖掘技术来分析业务流程的运行时行为,但实际上,事件日志中记录的事件的低层次性质与高层次抽象之间通常存在差距过程建模的依据。这使得很难根据流程模型中的高级活动来了解记录的行为。而且,很难基于有关流程的运行时数据来改进模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种方法来挖掘日志中的事件与模型中的活动之间的映射。这些映射可用于生成有关如何扩展流程模型的建议,以捕获事件日志中记录的行为。通过使用一个真实的,可公开获取的事件日志,我们展示了该方法如何逐步改进模型,直到它覆盖了事件日志中记录的所有行为。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-014-0327-2]

[675] Improving strategy in robot soccer game by sequence extraction (2014)

(Svatoň, Vaclav and Martinovivc | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Robot Soccer is a very attractive platform in terms of research. It contains a number of challenges in the areas of robot control, artificial intelligence and image analysis. This article presents a look at the overall architecture of the game and describes some results of our experiments in analysis and optimization of strategies using sequence extraction. We have extracted sequences of game situations from the log of a game played in our simulator, as they occurred during the game. Afterwards, these sequences were compared by methods LCS, LCSS and T-WLCS, which are usually used for sequence comparison in the sequence alignment area. Using these methods, we are able to visualize the relations between the sequences of game situations and clusters of similar game situations in a graph. In conclusion, a possible description improvement of these game situations is introduced. Therefore, a possible strategy improvement to ensure a smoother and faster performing of actions defined by these situations is described.


摘要: Robot Soccer在研究方面是一个非常有吸引力的平台。它在机器人控制,人工智能和图像分析领域包含许多挑战。本文介绍了游戏的整体架构,并介绍了我们在使用序列提取进行策略分析和优化中的实验结果。我们从模拟器中玩的游戏日志中提取了游戏情况的序列,这些序列是在游戏期间发生的。然后,通过LCS,LCSS和T-WLCS方法对这些序列进行比较,这些方法通常用于序列比对区域中的序列比较。使用这些方法,我们可以在图表中可视化游戏场景序列与相似游戏场景簇之间的关系。总之,介绍了这些游戏情况的可能描述改进。因此,描述了一种可能的策略改进,以确保由这些情况所定义的动作更流畅,更快速地执行。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2014.08.204]


[676] Improving structural medical process comparison by exploiting domain knowledge and mined information (2014)

(Montani, Stefania and Leonardi, Giorgio and Quaglini, Silvana and Cavallini, Anna and Micieli, Giuseppe | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine)

Abstract: Objectives: Process model comparison and similar process retrieval is a key issue to be addressed in many real-world situations, and a particularly relevant one in medical applications, where similarity quantification can be exploited to accomplish goals such as conformance checking, local process adaptation analysis, and hospital ranking. In this paper, we present a framework that allows the user to: (i) mine the actual process model from a database of process execution traces available at a given hospital; and (ii) compare (mined) process models. The tool is currently being applied in stroke management. Methods: Our framework relies on process mining to extract process-related information (i.e., process models) from data. As for process comparison, we have modified a state-of-the-art structural similarity metric by exploiting: (i) domain knowledge; (ii) process mining outputs and statistical temporal information. These changes were meant to make the metric more suited to the medical domain. Results: Experimental results showed that our metric outperforms the original one, and generated output closer than that provided by a stroke management expert. In particular, our metric correctly rated 11 out of 15 mined hospital models with respect to a given query. On the other hand, the original metric correctly rated only 7 out of 15 models. The experiments also showed that the framework can support stroke management experts in answering key research questions: in particular, average patient improvement decreased as the distance (according to our metric) from the top level hospital process model increased. Conclusions: The paper shows that process mining and process comparison, through a similarity metric tailored to medical applications, can be applied successfully to clinical data to gain a better understanding of different medical processes adopted by different hospitals, and of their impact on clinical outcomes. In the future, we plan to make our metric even more general and efficient, by explicitly considering various methodological and technological extensions. We will also test the framework in different domains.


摘要: 目标:过程模型比较和相似过程检索是许多现实情况下要解决的关键问题,在医学应用中尤为重要,在该应用中,可以利用相似性量化来实现诸如一致性检查,本地过程之类的目标适应性分析和医院排名。在本文中,我们提出了一个框架,该框架允许用户:(i)从给定医院可用的过程执行跟踪数据库中挖掘实际过程模型; (ii)比较(挖掘)过程模型。该工具当前正在中风管理中应用。方法:我们的框架依靠流程挖掘从数据中提取与流程相关的信息(即流程模型)。关于过程比较,我们通过利用以下方面修改了最新的结构相似性度量:(i)领域知识; (ii)处理挖掘输出和统计时间信息。这些更改旨在使该指标更适合医疗领域。结果:实验结果表明,我们的指标优于原始指标,并且产生的输出比中风管理专家提供的输出更近。特别是,我们的指标针对给定的查询正确地评估了15种医院模型中的11种。另一方面,原始指标仅正确评估了15个模型中的7个。实验还表明,该框架可以支持卒中管理专家回答关键的研究问题:特别是,随着距顶层医院流程模型的距离(根据我们的指标)的增加,平均患者的病情下降。结论:本文表明,通过针对医疗应用量身定制的相似性度量,过程挖掘和过程比较可以成功地应用于临床数据,以更好地了解不同医院采用的不同医学过程及其对临床结果的影响。未来,我们计划通过明确考虑各种方法和技术扩展来使我们的指标更加通用和有效。我们还将在不同领域中测试框架。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.artmed.2014.07.001]

[677] Improving structure: Logical sequencing of mined process models (2014)

(Werner, Michael and Nuttgens, Markus | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: The increasing availability of digital data offers new opportunities for analyzing business processes. Process aware information systems like Enterprise Resource Planning systems store data in the course of transaction processing. This data can be exploited by using process mining techniques. Process mining algorithms produce process models by analyzing recorded event logs. A fundamental challenge in process mining is the creation of purpose-oriented and useful process models. Process mining algorithms commonly refer to the temporal ordering of events for determining the control flow in reconstructed process models. We show how the logical sequence of events can be used instead of the temporal for reconstructing the control flow in mined process models. The exploitation of the logical structure of available event log records opens up new ways to receive purpose-oriented, less complex, and more informative process models. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 数字数据的可用性不断提高,为分析业务流程提供了新的机会。诸如企业资源计划系统之类的过程感知信息系统在事务处理过程中存储数据。可以通过使用过程挖掘技术来利用此数据。流程挖掘算法通过分析记录的事件日志来生成流程模型。流程挖掘中的一个基本挑战是创建面向目标和有用的流程模型。过程挖掘算法通常是指事件的时间顺序,用于确定重构过程模型中的控制流。我们展示了如何使用事件的逻辑顺序而不是时间顺序来重建挖掘过程模型中的控制流。利用可用事件日志记录的逻辑结构开辟了新的方式来接收面向目标的,不太复杂的,信息量更大的过程模型。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2014.482]

[678] Improving the quality of the Heuristics Miner in ProM 6.2 (2014)

(De Cnudde | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Considering the presence of large amounts of data in organizations today, the need to transform this data into useful information and subsequently into knowledge, increasingly gains attention. Process discovery is a technique to automatically discover process models from data in event logs. Since process discovery is gaining attention among researchers as well as practitioners, the quality of the resulting process model must be assured. In this paper, the quality of the frequently used Heuristics Miner is improved as anomalies were found concerning the validity and completeness of the resulting process model. For this purpose, a new artifact called the Updated Heuristics Miner was constructed containing alterations to the tool and to the algorithm itself. Evaluations of this artifact resulted in the conclusion that the Updated Heuristics Miner indeed demonstrates higher validity and completeness. This study contributes to the body of knowledge first by improving the quality of the an often used research instrument and second by stating that there is a need for a systematic developing and evaluation method for process discovery techniques. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

在ProM 6.2中提高启发式矿机的质量

摘要: 考虑到当今组织中存在大量数据,将这些数据转换为有用的信息并随后转换为知识的需求日益引起人们的关注。流程发现是一种从事件日志中的数据自动发现流程模型的技术。由于过程发现越来越受到研究人员和从业人员的关注,因此必须确保所得过程模型的质量。在本文中,由于发现了与所得过程模型的有效性和完整性有关的异常现象,因此改进了常用的启发式采矿器的质量。为此,构造了一个名为更新的启发式采矿器的新工件,其中包含对该工具和算法本身的更改。对此工件的评估得出结论,即更新的启发式Miner确实显示出更高的有效性和完整性。这项研究首先通过提高常用研究工具的质量,然后通过声明需要针对过程发现技术的系统开发和评估方法,来为知识体系做出贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2014.05.055]

[679] In situ evaluation of recommender systems: Framework and instrumentation (2010)

(Funk, M. and Rozinat, A. and Karapanos, E. and Alves De Medeiros | International Journal of Human Computer Studies)

Abstract: This paper deals with the evaluation of the recommendation functionality inside a connected consumer electronics product in prototype stage. This evaluation is supported by a framework to access and analyze data about product usage and user experience. The strengths of this framework lie in the collection of both objective data (i.e., What is the user doing with the product?) and subjective data (i.e., How is the user experiencing the product?), which are linked together and analyzed in a combined way. The analysis of objective data provides insights into how the system is actually used in the field. Combined with the subjective data, personal opinions and evaluative judgments on the product quality can be then related to actual user behavior. In order to collect these data in a most natural context, remote data collection allows for extensive user testing within habitual environments. We have applied our framework to the case of an interactive TV recommender system application to illustrate that the user experience of recommender systems can be evaluated in real-life usage scenarios. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 本文涉及原型阶段对连接的消费电子产品内部推荐功能的评估。该评估得到一个框架的支持,该框架可以访问和分析有关产品使用情况和用户体验的数据。该框架的优势在于收集在一起的客观数据(即用户对产品有何用处?)和主观数据(即用户如何体验产品?)的收集。并结合起来进行分析。客观数据的分析提供了有关如何在现场实际使用该系统的见解。结合主观数据,可以将对产品质量的个人意见和评估判断与实际用户行为相关联。为了在最自然的环境中收集这些数据,远程数据收集允许在习惯环境中进行广泛的用户测试。我们已将我们的框架应用于交互式电视推荐器系统应用程序,以说明可以在实际使用场景中评估推荐器系统的用户体验。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijhcs.2010.01.002]

[680] Incorporating Topic Assignment Constraint and Topic Correlation Limitation into Clinical Goal Discovering for Clinical Pathway Mining (2017)

(Xu, Xiao and Jin, Tao and Wei, Zhijie and Wang, Jianmin | Journal of Healthcare Engineering)

Abstract: Clinical pathways are widely used around the world for providing quality medical treatment and controlling healthcare cost. However, the expert-designed clinical pathways can hardly deal with the variances among hospitals and patients. It calls for more dynamic and adaptive process, which is derived from various clinical data. Topic-based clinical pathway mining is an effective approach to discover a concise process model. Through this approach, the latent topics found by latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) represent the clinical goals. And process mining methods are used to extract the temporal relations between these topics. However, the topic quality is usually not desirable due to the low performance of the LDA in clinical data. In this paper, we incorporate topic assignment constraint and topic correlation limitation into the LDA to enhance the ability of discovering high-quality topics. Two real-world datasets are used to evaluate the proposed method. The results show that the topics discovered by our method are with higher coherence, informativeness, and coverage than the original LDA. These quality topics are suitable to represent the clinical goals. Also, we illustrate that our method is effective in generating a comprehensive topic-based clinical pathway model.


摘要: 临床途径在世界范围内广泛用于提供优质的医疗服务并控制医疗保健成本。但是,专家设计的临床途径几乎无法应对医院和患者之间的差异。它要求从各种临床数据中获得更多动态和适应性的过程。基于主题的临床途径挖掘是发现简洁过程模型的有效方法。通过这种方法,潜在的狄利克雷分配(LDA)发现的潜在主题代表了临床目标。并且使用过程挖掘方法来提取这些主题之间的时间关系。但是,由于LDA在临床数据中的性能低下,因此通常不希望主题质量。在本文中,我们将主题分配约束和主题相关性限制合并到LDA中,以增强发现高质量主题的能力。使用两个真实世界的数据集来评估该方法。结果表明,与原始的LDA相比,我们的方法发现的主题具有更高的连贯性,信息量和覆盖率。这些质量主题适合代表临床目标。此外,我们说明了我们的方法可有效地生成基于主题的综合临床途径模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1155/2017/5208072]

[681] Incorporating comorbidities into latent treatment pattern mining for clinical pathways (2016)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Dong, Wei and Ji, Lei and He, Chunhua and Duan, Huilong | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: In healthcare organizational settings, the design of a clinical pathway (CP) is challenging since patients following a particular pathway may have not only one single first-diagnosis but also several typical comorbidities, and thus it requires different disciplines involved to put together their partial knowledge about the overall pathway. Although many data mining techniques have been proposed to discover latent treatment information for CP analysis and reconstruction from a large volume of clinical data, they are specific to extract nontrivial information about the therapy and treatment of the first-diagnosis. The influence of comorbidities on adopting essential treatments is crucial for a pathway but has seldom been explored. This study proposes to extract latent treatment patterns that characterize essential treatments for both first-diagnosis and typical comorbidities from the execution data of a pathway. In particular, we propose a generative statistical model to extract underlying treatment patterns, unveil the latent associations between diagnosis labels (including both first-diagnosis and comorbidities) and treatments, and compute the contribution of comorbidities in these patterns. The proposed model extends latent Dirichlet allocation with an additional layer for diagnosis modeling. It first generates a set of latent treatment patterns from diagnosis labels, followed by sampling treatments from each pattern. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed model on a real clinical dataset containing 12,120 patient traces, which pertain to the unstable angina CP. Three treatment patterns are discovered from data, indicating latent correlations between comorbidities and treatments in the pathway. In addition, a possible medical application in terms of treatment recommendation is provided to illustrate the potential of the proposed model. Experimental results indicate that our approach can discover not only meaningful latent treatment patterns exhibiting comorbidity focus, but also implicit changes of treatments of first-diagnosis due to the incorporation of typical comorbidities potentially.


摘要: 在医疗保健机构中,临床路径(CP)的设计具有挑战性,因为遵循特定路径的患者可能不仅会进行一次单独的首次诊断,而且还会患有几种典型的合并症,因此需要不同的学科来整合他们的关于整体途径的部分知识。尽管已经提出了许多数据挖掘技术来从大量临床数据中发现用于CP分析和重建的潜在治疗信息,但它们专门用于提取有关首次诊断的治疗和治疗的重要信息。合并症对采用基本治疗方法的影响对于途​​径至关重要,但很少探讨。这项研究建议从一条通路的执行数据中提取潜在治疗模式,该模式表征首次诊断和典型合并症的基本治疗方法。特别是,我们提出了一种生成统计模型,以提取基本的治疗模式,揭示诊断标签(包括首次诊断和合并症)与治疗之间的潜在关联,并计算出合并症在这些模式中的贡献。提出的模型扩展了潜在的Dirichlet分配,并为诊断建模增加了一层。它首先从诊断标签生成一组潜在的治疗模式,然后从每个模式中采样治疗。我们在包含12,120例患者痕迹的真实临床数据集上验证了所提出模型的有效性,这些痕迹与不稳定型心绞痛CP有关。从数据中发现了三种治疗模式,表明合并症和治疗途径之间的潜在相关性。另外,根据治疗推荐提供了可能的医学应用,以说明所提出模型的潜力。实验结果表明,我们的方法不仅可以发现表现出合并症重点的有意义的潜在治疗方式,而且还可以发现由于合并了典型合并症而导致的首次诊断治疗的隐式变化。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2015.12.012]

[682] Incorporating negative information to process discovery of complex systems (2018)

(Ponce de Leon | Information Sciences)

Abstract: The discovery of a formal process model from event logs describing real process executions is a challenging problem that has been studied from several angles. Most of the contributions consider the extraction of a model as a one-class supervised learning problem where only a set of process instances is available. Moreover, the majority of techniques cannot generate complex models, a crucial feature in some areas like manufacturing. In this paper we present a fresh look at process discovery where undesired process behaviors can also be taken into account. This feature may be crucial for deriving process models which are less complex, fitting and precise, but also good on generalizing the right behavior underlying an event log. The technique is based on the theory of convex polyhedra and satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) and can be combined with other process discovery approach as a post processing step to further simplify complex models. We show in detail how to apply the proposed technique in combination with a recent method that uses numerical abstract domains. Experiments performed in a new prototype implementation show the effectiveness of the technique and the ability to be combined with other discovery techniques.


摘要: 从描述实际流程执行的事件日志中发现正式流程模型是一个具有挑战性的问题,已从多个角度进行了研究。大多数贡献都将模型的提取视为一类有监督的学习问题,其中只有一组流程实例可用。此外,大多数技术无法生成复杂的模型,这在制造等某些领域至关重要。在本文中,我们对过程发现进行了全新的介绍,其中还可以考虑不期望的过程行为。此功能对于推导过程模型至关重要,该模型不那么复杂,不适合且不精确,但也有利于概括事件日志背后的正确行为。该技术基于凸多面体理论和可满足性模理论(SMT),并且可以与其他过程发现方法结合起来作为后处理步骤,以进一步简化复杂模型。我们将详细展示如何结合使用数值抽象域的最新方法来应用所提出的技术。在新的原型实现中进行的实验证明了该技术的有效性以及与其他发现技术相结合的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2017.09.027]

[683] Incorporating user behavior patterns to discover workflow models from event logs (2013)

(Liu, Xumin and Liu, Hua and Ding, Chen | Proceedings - IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2013)

Abstract: We propose a novel approach to discover workflow models from event logs. The proposed approach addresses two major limitations of current process mining approaches. First, they assume either a single workflow model for the entire event log or the availability of workflow ids that can be used to group logs associated with the same workflow model together. Nonetheless, these assumptions are oversimplified as a complex system typically runs multiple workflow models, all of which share the same log system. Second, existing process mining approaches do not consider the usage patterns of workflow users. Most systems support multi-users and each user is typically associated with (or use) certain number of operation sequences, which may all follow one or several workflow models. Hence, we propose to leverage User Behavior Patterns (or UBPs) to improve the outcome of process mining. In particular, we exploit machine learning techniques to incorporate UBPs into sequence clustering for workflow model discovery. We model a UBP as a probabilistic distribution on sequences, which allows to compute the distance between a UBP and any sequence. We apply three-way matrix factorization onto a UBP-sequence distance matrix to co-cluster users and sequences. In this way, users that share similar UBPs are grouped together while the clustering of similar sequences will lead to the discovery of workflow models. An comprehensive experimental study is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 我们提出了一种从事件日志中发现工作流模型的新颖方法。提出的方法解决了当前过程挖掘方法的两个主要限制。首先,他们假定整个事件日志使用单个工作流程模型,或者使用可用于将与同一工作流程模型相关联的日志分组在一起的工作流程ID。但是,由于复杂的系统通常运行多个工作流模型,而所有这些共享相同的日志系统,因此这些假设被简化了。其次,现有的流程挖掘方法没有考虑工作流用户的使用模式。大多数系统支持多用户,每个用户通常与(或使用)一定数量的操作序列相关联,这些操作序列都可能遵循一个或几个工作流程模型。因此,我们建议利用用户行为模式(或UBP)来改进流程挖掘的结果。特别是,我们利用机器学习技术将UBP合并到序列聚类中以进行工作流模型发现。我们将UBP建模为序列上的概率分布,从而可以计算UBP与任何序列之间的距离。我们将三向矩阵分解应用于UBP序列距离矩阵,以共同聚类用户和序列。这样,将共享相似UBP的用户分组在一起,而相似序列的聚类将导致发现工作流模型。进行了全面的实验研究,以证明所提出方法的有效性和效率。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2013.32]

[684] Incremental learning of daily routines as workflows in a smart home environment (2015)

(De Carolis | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems)

Abstract: Smart home environments should proactively support users in their activities, anticipating their needs according to their preferences. Understanding what the user is doing in the environment is important for adapting the environments behavior, as well as for identifying situations that could be problematic for the user. Enabling the environment to exploit models of the users most common behaviors is an important step toward this objective. In particular, models of the daily routines of a user can be exploited not only for predicting his/her needs, but also for comparing the actual situation at a given moment with the expected one, in order to detect anomalies in his/her behavior. While manually setting up process models in business and factory environments may be cost-effective, building models of the processes involved in peoples everyday life is infeasible. This fact fully justifies the interest of the Ambient Intelligence community in automatically learning such models from examples of actual behavior. Incremental adaptation of the models and the ability to express/learn complex conditions on the involved tasks are also desirable. This article describes how process mining can be used for learning users daily routines from a dataset of annotated sensor data. The solution that we propose relies on a First-Order Logic learning approach. Indeed, First-Order Logic provides a single, comprehensive and powerful framework for supporting all the previously mentioned features. Our experiments, performed both on a proprietary toy dataset and on publicly available real-world ones, indicate that this approach is efficient and effective for learning and modeling daily routines in Smart Home Environments.


摘要: 智能家居环境应主动支持用户的活动,并根据他们的喜好预测他们的需求。了解用户在环境中的行为对于适应环境的行为以及确定可能对用户造成问题的情况很重要。使环境能够利用用户最常见行为的模型是朝着这一目标迈出的重要一步,尤其是,用户的日常行为模型不仅可用于预测他/她的需求,而且可用于比较用户的日常习惯。在给定时刻具有预期状况的实际情况,以便发现其行为异常。虽然在业务和工厂环境中手动设置流程模型可能具有成本效益,但建立与人们日常生活相关的流程模型是这一事实完全证明了环境智能社区有兴趣从exa自动学习此类模型实际行为还需要模型的增量适应以及表达/学习所涉及任务的复杂条件的能力。本文介绍了如何将过程挖掘用于从带注释的传感器数据集中学习用户的日常工作。我们提出的解决方案依赖于一阶逻辑学习方法。实际上,一阶逻辑提供了一个单一,全面而强大的框架来支持所有前面提到的功能。我们在专有玩具数据集和可公开获得的真实数据集上进行的实验表明,这种方法对于学习和建模智能家居环境中的日常活动非常有效。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2675063]

[685] Incremental workflow mining with optional patterns (2006)

(Weixiang, Sun and Tao, Li and Wei, Peng and Tong, Sun | Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)

Abstract: For todays business organizations, workflow models play important roles in analyzing the productivity, evaluating the performances and costs, optimizing the business operations, and supporting evolving services and products. Workflow mining, the process of empirically extracting structured process descriptions from a set of real executions, thus has attracted a lot of attention recently. However, there are several challenges that have not been fully addressed in the previous research: i) How can we mine process models with optional tasks? ii) How can we efficiently use new available workflow log data to incrementally update pre-existing workflow models or to complete previous partial process models? iii) How can we compare two different workflow models of similar organizations? In this paper, we present our research efforts to address the above challenges. We present a workflow mining algorithm that is able to mine process models with optional tasks and propose an incremental workflow mining algorithm based on intermediate relationships such as ordering and independence. The intermediate relationships can also be used to facilitate the comparison of two process models. We illustrate our algorithms on example data derived from real world applications. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 对于当今的商业组织,工作流模型在分析生产力,评估绩效和成本,优化业务运营以及支持不断发展的服务和产品方面发挥着重要作用。工作流挖掘,即从一组经验中提取结构化过程描述的过程实际执行,因此最近引起了很多关注,但是,以前的研究还没有完全解决一些挑战:i)我们如何挖掘带有可选任务的流程模型?ii)我们如何有效地使用新的可用方法工作流日志数据以增量更新现有的工作流模型或完成以前的部分过程模型?iii)我们如何比较相似组织的两个不同的工作流模型?在本文中,我们介绍了我们为解决上述挑战而进行的研究。工作流挖掘算法,能够挖掘具有可选任务的流程模型并提出增量工作基于排序和独立性等中间关系的流挖掘算法。中间关系也可以用来促进两个过程模型的比较。我们将举例说明从真实应用程序中获取的示例数据的算法。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSMC.2006.385292]

[686] Industrial application of semantic process mining (2012)

(Ingvaldsen, Jon Espen and Gulla, Jon Atle | Enterprise Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining relates to the extraction of non-trivial and useful information from information system event logs. It is a new research discipline that has evolved significantly since the early work on idealistic process logs. Over the last years, process mining prototypes have incorporated elements from semantics and data mining and targeted visualisation techniques that are more user-friendly to business experts and process owners. In this article, we present a framework for evaluating different aspects of enterprise process flows and address practical challenges of state-of-the-art industrial process mining. We also explore the inherent strengths of the technology for more efficient process optimisation. textcopyright 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


摘要: 过程挖掘涉及从信息系统事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。自从理想化过程日志的早期工作以来,它是一门新的研究学科,已经有了很大的发展。在过去的几年中,流程挖掘原型已经结合了语义和数据挖掘以及针对性的可视化技术中的元素,这些元素对于业务专家和流程所有者而言更加用户友好。在本文中,我们提供了一个用于评估企业过程流的不同方面的框架,并解决了最新的工业过程挖掘的实际挑战。我们还将探索该技术的内在优势,以实现更有效的过程优化。 t​​extcopyright 2012版权所有,Taylor and Francis Group,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1080/17517575.2011.593103]

[687] Industry paper: Lessons learned using a process mining approach to analyze events from distributed applications (2016)

(Muthusamy, Vinod and Slominski, Aleksander and Ishakian, Vatche and Khalaf, Rania and Reason, Johnathan and Rozsnyai, Szabolcs | DEBS 2016 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems)

Abstract: The execution of distributed applications are captured by the events generated by the individual components. However, understanding the behavior of these applications from their event logs can be a complex and error prone task, compounded by the fact that applications continuously change rendering any knowledge obsolete. We describe our experiences applying a suite of processaware analytic tools to a number of real world scenarios, and distill our lessons learned. For example, we have seen that these tools are used iteratively, where insights gained at one stage inform the configuration decisions made at an earlier stage. As well, we have observed that data onboarding, where the raw data is cleaned and transformed, is the most critical stage in the pipeline and requires the most manual effort and domain knowledge. In particular, missing, inconsistent, and low-resolution event time stamps are recurring problems that require better solutions. The experiences and insights presented here will assist practitioners applying process analytic tools to real scenarios, and reveal to researchers some of the more pressing challenges in this space.


摘要: 分布式应用程序的执行由各个组件生成的事件捕获。但是,从应用程序的事件日志中了解这些应用程序的行为可能是一项复杂且容易出错的任务,而事实是,应用程序会不断变化,从而使任何知识都过时。我们描述了将一套过程感知分析工具应用于许多实际场景的经验,并总结了我们的经验教训。例如,我们已经看到这些工具是迭代使用的,其中在一个阶段获得的见解可指导较早阶段做出的配置决策。同样,我们已经观察到,数据入职是原始数据的清理和转换过程,是管道中最关键的阶段,需要最多的人工和领域知识。特别是,丢失,不一致和低分辨率的事件时间戳是经常出现的问题,需要更好的解决方案。这里介绍的经验和见解将帮助从业人员将过程分析工具应用于实际场景,并向研究人员揭示该领域中一些更紧迫的挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2933267.2933270]

[688] Information behaving badly (2013)

(Ard, Julie Boxwell and Bishop, Matt and Gates, Carrie and Sun, Michael Xin | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Traditionally, insider threat detection has focused on observing human actors | or, more precisely, computer accounts and processes acting on behalf of those actors | to model their normal behavior, then determine if they have performed some anomalous action and, further, if that action is malicious. In this paper, we shift the paradigm from observing human behavior to observing information behavior by modeling how documents flow through an organization. We hypothesize that similar types of documents will exhibit similar workflows, and that a document deviating from its expected workflow indicates potential data leakage. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 传统上,内部威胁检测的重点是观察人类行为者|更准确地说,是代表这些行为者行事的计算机帐户和流程|为他们的正常行为建模,然后确定他们是否执行了某些异常行为,以及该行为是否是恶意的。在本文中,我们通过对文档在组织中的流动方式进行建模,将范式从观察人类行为转变为观察信息行为。我们假设相似类型的文档将表现出相似的工作流程,并且文档偏离其预期的工作流程表示潜在的数据泄漏。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2535813.2535825]

[689] Information system risk auditing model based on process mining (2012)

(Huang, Zuo Ming and Cong, Qiu Shi and Hu, Ji Bing | International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - Annual Conference Proceedings)

Abstract: The basic function of audit is finding risk and preventing fraud from occurring as well as maintaining healthy, safe operation of enterprise and even the whole economy. By combining process mining techniques and risk management theory and using the technique of obtaining evidence on fraud risk as a trial, this paper takes business process risk auditing of process-aware information systems as its research goal. The paper aims to find out faults in the business process and audit evidence. It also aims to propose process mining-based risk auditing models of information systems from the perspective of workflow and in allusion to complicated business process. This paper identifies risk and implements continuous audit and monitor as well as searches risk auditing mechanisms and risk control method by using consistency analysis between actual business process and pre-designed business. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 审计的基本功能是发现风险并防止欺诈的发生,以及维护企业乃至整个经济的健康,安全运营。通过将过程挖掘技术和风险管理理论相结合,并以获取欺诈风险证据的技术为试验对象,以过程感知信息系统的业务过程风险审计为研究目标。本文旨在找出业务流程中的缺陷并提供审计证据。它还旨在从工作流的角度以及针对复杂的业务流程的角度,提出基于流程挖掘的信息系统风险审计模型。本文通过使用实际业务流程与预先设计的业务之间的一致性分析来识别风险并实施持续的审计和监控,并搜索风险审计机制和风险控制方法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSE.2012.6414158]

[690] Insuring sensitive processes through process mining (2012)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Echizen, Isao | Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and IEEE 9th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, UIC-ATC 2012)

Abstract: Any system, company or complex task is composed by processes, i.e., sequences of actions performed in some established order. Some of these processes are considered sensitive for the role they play within the system, or for the sensitive data they manage. In such cases, the trust in this processes is desirable, requiring their verification, monitoring, auditing, but also the possibility of being insured by a third party. In this approach we propose a schema for insuring sensitive process based on the use of formal models and Process Mining techniques (i.e. process management techniques that allows for the analysis of processes based on event logs). The experimental results presented show that this new approach could be useful in the context of insurance and analysis of processes. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 任何系统,公司或复杂的任务都由流程组成,即以某种既定顺序执行的动作序列。这些过程中的某些过程对其在系统中所扮演的角色或其管理的敏感数据敏感。在这种情况下,需要对此过程的信任,要求对其进行验证,监视,审计,而且还需要由第三方提供保险。在这种方法中,我们提出了一种基于形式模型和过程挖掘技术(即允许基于事件日志分析过程的过程管理技术)来确保敏感过程的方案。提出的实验结果表明,这种新方法可能在保险和流程分析的背景下很有用。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/UIC-ATC.2012.83]


[691] Integrating event logs into KDM repositories (2012)

(Perez-Castillo, Ricardo and De Guzman | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Business knowledge embedded in legacy information systems is a valuable asset that must be recovered and preserved when these systems are modernized. Event logs register the execution of business activities supported by existing information systems, thus they entail a key artifact to be used for recovering the actual business processes. There exists a wide variety of techniques to discover business processes by reversing event logs. Unfortunately, event logs are typically represented with particular notations such as Mining XML (MXML) rather than the recent software modernization standard Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM). Process mining techniques consequently cannot be effectively reused within software modernization projects. This paper proposes an automatic technique to transform MXML event logs into event models to be integrated into KDM repositories. Its main implication is the exploitation of valuable event logs by well-proven software modernization techniques. The model transformation has been validated through a case study involving several benchmark event logs. textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 遗留信息系统中嵌入的业务知识是一项宝贵资产,当这些系统现代化时,必须对其进行恢复和保存。事件日志记录了现有信息系统支持的业务活动的执行,因此它们需要关键的工件以用于恢复实际的业务流程。存在多种通过反转事件日志来发现业务流程的技术。不幸的是,事件日志通常用特定的符号表示,例如Mining XML(MXML),而不是最近的软件现代化标准知识发现元模型(KDM)。因此,流程挖掘技术无法在软件现代化项目中有效地重用。本文提出了一种将MXML事件日志转换为事件模型以集成到KDM存储库的自动技术。它的主要含义是通过成熟的软件现代化技术来开发有价值的事件日志。通过涉及多个基准事件日志的案例研究验证了模型转换。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2245276.2231949]

[692] Integration and verification of semantic constraints in adaptive process management systems (2008)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Rinderle, Stefanie and Dadam, Peter | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Adaptivity in process management systems is key to their successful applicability in practice. Approaches have been already developed to ensure system correctness after arbitrary process changes at the syntactical level (e.g., avoiding inconsistencies such as deadlocks or missing input parameters after a process change). However, errors may be still caused at the semantical level (e.g., violation of business rules). Therefore, the integration and verification of domain knowledge will flag a milestone in the development of adaptive process management technology. In this paper, we introduce a framework for defining semantic constraints over processes in such a way that they can express real-world domain knowledge on the one hand and are still manageable concerning the effort for maintenance and semantic process verification on the other hand. This can be used to detect semantic conflicts (e.g., drug incompatibilities) when modeling process templates, applying ad hoc changes at process instance level, and propagating process template modifications to already running process instances, even if they have been already individually modified themselves; i.e., we present techniques to ensure semantic correctness for single and concurrent changes which are, in addition, minimal regarding the set of semantic constraints to be checked. Together with further optimizations of the semantic checks based on certain process meta model properties this allows for efficiently verifying processes. Altogether, the framework presented in this paper provides the basis for process management systems which are adaptive and semantic-aware at the same time. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程管理系统的适应性是其在实践中成功适用的关键。已经开发出了在语法级别上任意过程更改之后确保系统正确性的方法(例如,避免诸如过程更改后出现死锁或缺少输入参数之类的不一致)。但是,仍然可能在语义级别上引起错误(例如,违反业务规则)。因此,领域知识的集成和验证将标志着自适应过程管理技术发展的一个里程碑。在本文中,我们介绍了一种框架,用于定义流程上的语义约束,使得它们一方面可以表达现实世界的领域知识,另一方面在维护和语义过程验证方面仍然可以管理。在对流程模板进行建模,在流程实例级别应用临时更改以及将流程模板修改传播到已经运行的流程实例时,即使它们本身已经被单独修改,这也可以用于检测语义冲突(例如,药物不兼容性);即,我们提出了确保单个和并发更改的语义正确性的技术,此外,对于要检查的语义约束集,这些更改最小。结合基于某些过程元模型属性的语义检查的进一步优化,可以有效地验证过程。总而言之,本文提出的框架为同时具有自适应性和语义意识的过程管理系统提供了基础。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2007.06.007]

[693] Intelligent control model for checking data quality in hospital process management (2010)

(Su, Ying and AI-Hakim, Latif | ICIMA 2010 - 2010 2nd International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation)

Abstract: Hospital process management ought to deliver better value in terms of end-to-end services. Making managerial decisions based on electronic data generated by the Hospital Information System (HIS) to be more easily manipulated and destroyed than paper document. It is therefore important for auditors to assure that the information in HIS is well-controlled and high quality. This research aims to develop a control model, namely the Information Gap Checking Mechanism (IGAP Checking Mechanism), to automatically check the information gap between computerized process flows and workflow. This study also justifies the feasibility of IGAP-Checking Mechanism by providing a real case study. The result indicates that the IGAP-Checking Mechanism can assist the case hospital in resolving information quality problems that have occurred in its HIS and can also provide value service for the hospital. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 医院过程管理应在端到端服务方面提供更好的价值。比起纸质文件,基于医院信息系统(HIS)生成的电子数据做出管理决策更容易操作和破坏。因此,对于审核员而言,重要的是要确保HIS中的信息受到良好控制和高质量。这项研究旨在开发一种控制模型,即信息差距检查机制(IGAP Checking机制),以自动检查计算机化流程和工作流之间的信息差距。这项研究还通过提供实际案例来证明IGAP检查机制的可行性。结果表明,IGAP检查机制可以帮助案例医院解决其HIS中发生的信息质量问题,还可以为医院提供有价值的服务。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICINDMA.2010.5538292]

[694] Intelligent financial fraud detection: A comprehensive review (2016)

(West, Jarrod and Bhattacharya, Maumita | Computers and Security)

Abstract: Financial fraud is an issue with far reaching consequences in the finance industry, government, corporate sectors, and for ordinary consumers. Increasing dependence on new technologies such as cloud and mobile computing in recent years has compounded the problem. Traditional methods involving manual detection are not only time consuming, expensive and inaccurate, but in the age of big data they are also impractical. Not surprisingly, financial institutions have turned to automated processes using statistical and computational methods. This paper presents a comprehensive review of financial fraud detection research using such data mining methods, with a particular focus on computational intelligence (CI)-based techniques. Over fifty scientific literature, primarily spanning the period 2004-2014, were analysed in this study; literature that reported empirical studies focussing specifically on CI-based financial fraud detection were considered in particular. Research gap was identified as none of the existing review articles addresses the association among fraud types, CI-based detection algorithms and their performance, as reported in the literature. We have presented a comprehensive classification as well as analysis of existing fraud detection literature based on key aspects such as detection algorithm used, fraud type investigated, and performance of the detection methods for specific financial fraud types. Some of the key issues and challenges associated with the current practices and potential future direction of research have also been identified.


摘要: 金融欺诈在金融业,政府,企业部门以及普通消费者中都具有深远的影响。近年来,对新技术(如云和移动计算)的依赖性越来越高,这使问题更加复杂。涉及手动检测的传统方法不仅费时,昂贵且不准确,而且在大数据时代,它们也不切实际。毫不奇怪,金融机构已经转向使用统计和计算方法的自动化流程。本文对使用这种数据挖掘方法进行的金融欺诈检测研究进行了全面回顾,特别关注基于计算智能(CI)的技术。这项研究分析了超过50篇主要跨越2004年至2014年的科学文献。特别考虑了报道专门针对基于CI的金融欺诈检测进行实证研究的文献。研究差距被确定为现有文献中没有一篇论述欺诈类型,基于CI的检测算法及其性能之间的关联,如文献所报道。我们基于关键方面(例如使用的检测算法,调查的欺诈类型以及特定财务欺诈类型的检测方法的性能)对现有欺诈检测文献进行了全面分类和分析。还确定了与当前做法和潜在的未来研究方向相关的一些关键问题和挑战。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cose.2015.09.005]

[695] Intelligent mininig for capturing processes through event logs to represent workflows using FP tree (2007)

(Sathyanarayana, M. V. and Kavya, N. P. and Naveen, N. C. | 2007 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2007)

Abstract: Data mining applications require an ability to understand unfiltered data embedded in event logs. The scalability of the data, end-user comprehensibility of the results, non-presumption of any canonical data distribution, and insensitivity to the order of input records will determine efficiency of data mining. Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models based on completely specified workflow designs. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. In this paper, we propose a Process Mining Architecture (PROARCH) model which involves capturing processes in a system through event logs containing information about the different processes under execution. We assume that events in logs bear timestamps. But these logs will also contain log of unformatted data which may be dirty data for our model. Hence this information needs to be filtered before further processing. After filtering, the clean data is represented in MXML format and will serve as input to our model. This MXML data is parsed into a Petri net representation. The nodes and transitions, are connected to form a workflow representation. Since the initial input logs are dirty we use FP tree approach to build our workflow model. textcopyright2007 IEEE.


摘要: 数据挖掘应用程序需要能够理解事件日志中嵌入的未过滤数据。数据的可伸缩性,最终用户对结果的可理解性,任何规范数据分布的不推定以及对输入记录顺序的不敏感性将决定数据挖掘的效率。当代的工作流程管理系统由基于完全指定的工作流程设计的显式流程模型驱动。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常实际的工作流程与管理人员认为的流程之间存在差异。在本文中,我们提出了一种流程挖掘体系结构(PROARCH)模型,该模型涉及通过事件日志捕获系统中的进程,该事件日志包含有关正在执行的不同进程的信息。我们假设日志中的事件带有时间戳。但是这些日志还将包含未格式化数据的日志,这些数据对于我们的模型而言可能是肮脏的数据。因此,此信息需要在进一步处理之前进行过滤。过滤后,干净的数据将以MXML格式表示,并将作为我们模型的输入。该MXML数据被解析为Petri网络表示。连接节点和过渡以形成工作流表示。由于初始输入日志很脏,因此我们使用FP树方法来构建工作流模型。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIAS.2007.4658342]

[696] Interaction pattern detection in process oriented information systems (2007)

(Dustdar, Schahram and Hoffmann, Thomas | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Finding interaction patterns is a challenging problem, but this kind of information about processes or social networks might be useful for an organizations management to understand the role of specific persons in processes. Ad-hoc processes are of special interest, because they result from runtime-collaboration between the participants, not using predefined models specifying the persons responsibilities and the order of activities. Because social network analysis (SNA) is closely related to interaction pattern detection, we introduce it as a method to determine properties of social networks like project teams. In order to support the detection of these patterns, we discuss the necessity of additional semantic activity information, and we propose rules and an algorithm that allow detecting such patterns automatically. We apply our algorithm in a case study, using Caramba to perform an example ad-hoc process. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 发现交互模式是一个具有挑战性的问题,但是有关流程或社交网络的此类信息可能对组织的管理层了解特定人员在流程中的角色很有用。临时流程特别有趣,因为它们来自参与者之间的运行时协作,而不是使用用于指定人员职责和活动顺序的预定义模型,因为社交网络分析(SNA)与交互模式检测密切相关,因此我们将其引入为确定项目等社交网络属性的方法为了支持这些模式的检测,我们讨论了额外的语义活动信息的必要性,并提出了规则和算法,可以自动检测这些模式,并在案例研究中应用我们的算法,使用Caramba来执行临时过程示例。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier BV保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2006.07.010]

[697] Interactive exploration of developer interaction traces using a Hidden Markov Model (2016)

(Damevski, Kostadin and Chen, Hui and Shepherd, David and Pollock, Lori | Proceedings - 13th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2016)

Abstract: Using IDE usage data to analyze the behavior of software developers in the field, during the course of their daily work, can lend support to (or dispute) laboratory studies of developers. This paper describes a technique that leverages Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) as a means of mining high-level developer behavior from low-level IDE interaction traces of many developers in the field. HMMs use dual stochastic processes to model higher-level hidden behavior using observable input sequences of events. We propose an interactive approach of mining interpretable HMMs, based on guiding a human expert in building a high quality HMM in an iterative, one state at a time, manner. The final result is a model that is both representative of the field data and captures the field phenomena of interest. We apply our HMM construction approach to study debugging behavior, using a large IDE interaction dataset collected from nearly 200 developers at ABB, Inc. Our results highlight the different modes and constituent actions in debugging, exhibited by the developers in our dataset.


摘要: 使用IDE使用数据来分析软件开发人员在日常工作中的行为,可以为开发人员的实验室研究提供支持(或提出争议)。本文介绍了一种利用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)作为从该领域许多开发人员的低级IDE交互痕迹中挖掘高级开发人员行为的方法的技术。 HMM使用可观察到的事件输入序列,使用双重随机过程对更高级别的隐藏行为进行建模。我们提出了一种交互式的挖掘可解释HMM的方法,该方法基于指导人类专家以迭代的方式一次构建一种状态的高质量HMM。最终结果是一个既可以代表现场数据又可以捕获感兴趣的现场现象的模型。我们使用HMM构造方法来研究调试行为,使用的是从ABB,Inc.的近200个开发人员那里收集的大型IDE交互数据集。我们的结果强调了开发人员在数据集中展示的各种不同的调试模式和组成操作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2901739.2901741]

[698] Interactive pattern recognition in cardiovascular disease management. A process mining approach (2016)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Bayo, Jose Luis and Martinez-Romero, Alvaro and Benedi, Jose Miguel and Traver, Vicente | 3rd IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2016)

Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of mortality in the European Union. Cardiovascular diseases require a continuous follow-up in order to prevent complications that produce a decrease on the quality of life of patients and can even lead to their death. According to the Evidence Based Medicine thesis, the involvement of the patient in the care process will improve the Quality of Care provided and the efficiency of Care Plans. However, there is controversy in the literature about the fact that the Care Plans that Evidence Based Medicine provides are based on strict clinical cases to generate scientific evidence that is unclear whether they can be applied to personalized medicine. The use of an Interactive Pattern Recognition approach can create models controlled by human experts based on the biomedical data provided, in addition to medical decisions and the patient personality, providing a better way to find more tailored models. However, the use of Interactive Pattern Recognition techniques still requires the application of Human Understandable Pattern Recognition techniques. In this paper, an Interactive Pattern Recognition technique based on Process Mining technology is presented as a solution to deal with this problem.


摘要: 心血管疾病是欧盟死亡的主要原因之一。心血管疾病需要持续的随访,以防止引起并发症的患者,这些并发症会降低患者的生活质量,甚至导致他们的死亡。根据循证医学论文,患者参与护理过程将改善提供的护理质量和护理计划的效率。但是,关于基于证据的医学提供的护理计划基于严格的临床案例以产生尚不清楚其是否可应用于个性化医学的科学证据的文献中存在争议。交互模式识别方法的使用,除了医学决策和患者个性之外,还可以基于提供的生物医学数据创建由人类专家控制的模型,从而提供了一种更好的方法来查找更多量身定制的模型。但是,交互式模式识别技术的使用仍然需要应用人类可理解的模式识别技术。本文提出了一种基于过程挖掘技术的交互式模式识别技术作为解决该问题的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BHI.2016.7455906]

[699] Interactive workflow mining-requirements, concepts and implementation (2006)

(Hammori, Markus and Herbst, Joachim and Kleiner, Niko | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Many information systems log event data about executed tasks. Workflow mining is concerned with the derivation of a graphical workflow model out of this data. Experience from applying our workflow mining system InWoLvE in experiments and practical applications has shown that workflow mining is a highly interactive process. The mining expert iteratively approaches the result by varying the parameters of the mining tool and verifying the mined models. Our tool InWoLvE was not designed for intensive interactive usage. In this paper, we report about a rigorous requirements analysis and about possible solutions related with the support of such interactivity. Two selected solution concepts are explained in more detail. First, a special layout algorithm that is stable against small changes of the model thus allowing the workflow mining expert to maintain a mental map of the workflow. Second, a validation procedure that helps the expert to check event sequences against the (preliminary) mined model. These and other important concepts have been implemented in a prototype called ProTo. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 许多信息系统记录有关已执行任务的事件数据。工作流挖掘与从该数据中导出图形工作流模型有关。在实验和实际应用中应用我们的工作流挖掘系统InWoLvE的经验表明,工作流挖掘是一个高度交互的过程。挖掘专家通过更改挖掘工具的参数并验证挖掘的模型来迭代地获得结果。我们的工具InWoLvE并非设计用于密集的交互使用。在本文中,我们报告了严格的需求分析以及与这种交互性支持相关的可能解决方案。将详细介绍两个选定的解决方案概念。首先,一种特殊的布局算法可抵抗模型的微小变化,从而使工作流程挖掘专家可以维护工作流程的思维导图。其次,验证程序可帮助专家根据(初步)开采模型检查事件序列。这些和其他重要概念已在称为ProTo的原型中实现。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2005.02.006]

[700] Interconnecting processes through IoT in a health-care scenario (2016)

(Vitali, Monica and Pernici, Barbara | IEEE 2nd International Smart Cities Conference: Improving the Citizens Quality of Life, ISC2 2016 - Proceedings)

Abstract: In the context of health and social care, it is important to provide assistance to individuals in their own home by coordinating the activities of several actors. The coordination of processes of different organizations is a complex task which requires continuous attention. Process mining techniques have been widely used to discover hidden information useful to understand the behaviour of a single process. Thanks to the spread of Internet of Things (IoT), this complex activity can benefit also from the huge amount of data collected for other purposes. In this paper we propose techniques for exploiting the information available in the environment, considering several sources of information to analyse the interconnections of business processes. We apply the proposed approach to a health-care scenario enriched with IoT devices. The proposed techniques allow the discovery of interconnections between processes and external factors which have an impact on them.


摘要: 在卫生和社会护理方面,重要的是通过协调多个行为者的活动为自己家里的人提供帮助。不同组织的流程协调是一项复杂的任务,需要不断关注。流程挖掘技术已广泛用于发现有助于理解单个流程行为的隐藏信息。由于物联网(IoT)的普及,这项复杂的活动也可以从为其他目的收集的大量数据中受益。在本文中,我们提出了利用环境中可用信息的技术,其中考虑了多种信息源来分析业务流程的相互联系。我们将建议的方法应用于丰富物联网设备的医疗保健场景。所提出的技术可以发现过程和对它们有影响的外部因素之间的相互联系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISC2.2016.07580760]

[701] Intra- and inter-organizational process mining: Discovering processes within and between organizations (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Due to the availability of more and more event data and mature process mining techniques, it has become possible to discover the actual processes within an organization. Process mining techniques use event logs to automatically construct process models that explain the behavior observed. Existing process models can be validated using conformance checking techniques. Moreover, the link between real-life events and model elements allows for the projection of additional information onto process models (e.g., showing bottlenecks and the flow of work within an organization). Although process mining has been mainly used within individual organizations, this new technology can also be applied in cross-organizational settings. In this paper, we identify such settings and highlight some of the challenges and opportunities. In particular, we show that cross-organizational processes can be partitioned along two orthogonal dimensions. This helps us to identify relevant process mining challenges involving multiple organizations. textcopyright 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


摘要: 由于越来越多的事件数据和成熟的流程挖掘技术的可用性,发现组织内的实际流程成为可能。流程挖掘技术使用事件日志自动构建解释观察到的行为的流程模型。可以使用一致性检查技术来验证现有的过程模型。此外,真实事件与模型元素之间的链接允许将附加信息投射到流程模型上(例如,显示组织中的瓶颈和工作流程)。尽管过程挖掘主要用于各个组织中,但这项新技术也可以应用于跨组织的环境中。在本文中,我们确定了此类设置并重点介绍了一些挑战和机遇。特别是,我们表明跨组织过程可以沿两个正交维度进行划分。这有助于我们确定涉及多个组织的相关过程挖掘挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2011年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-24849-8_1]

[702] Investigations on Stochastic Information Control Nets (2012)

(Ellis, Clarence A. and Kim, Kwanghoon and Rembert, Aubrey and Wainer, Jacques | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Information Control Nets have been well used as a model for knowledge mining, discovery, and delivery to increase organizational intelligence. In this document, we extend the notions of classic Information Control Nets 15 to define new concepts of Stochastic Information Control Nets. We introduce a simple and useful AND-probability semantic and show how this probabilistic mathematical model can be used to generate probabilistic languages. The notion of a probabilistic language is introduced as a normalizer for comparisons of organizational knowledge repositories to organizational models. We discuss model-log conformance and present a definition of fidelity of a model. We show how to manipulate the residual error factor of this model. We describe a set of recursive functions and algorithms for generation of probabilistic languages from stochastic ICNs. We prove an important aspect of our generation algorithms: they generate probabilistic languages that are normalized. Since ICN models with loops generate infinitely many execution sequences, we present new notions of most probable sequence generation, and -equivalent approximation languages. These definitions can be applied to many aspects of organizational modeling including the process, the informational, and the resource perspectives. The model that we introduce here can be used to augment and expand on analyses that have been useful and insightful within varied enterprise information systems modeling and organizational analysis applications. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 信息控制网已经很好地用作知识挖掘,发现和交付的模型,以提高组织的智能。在本文档中,我们扩展了经典信息控制网的概念15,以定义随机信息控制网的新概念。我们介绍了一种简单而有用的AND概率语义,并说明了如何使用这种概率数学模型来生成概率语言。引入概率语言的概念作为将组织知识存储库与组织模型进行比较的规范化工具。我们讨论模型对数一致性,并提出模型保真度的定义。我们展示了如何操纵该模型的残留误差因子。我们描述了一组用于从随机ICN生成概率语言的递归函数和算法。我们证明了生成算法的一个重要方面:它们生成规范化的概率语言。由于带有循环的ICN模型生成无限多个执行序列,因此我们提出了最可能的序列生成以及等价近似语言的新概念。这些定义可以应用于组织建模的许多方面,包括过程,信息和资源方面。我们在此介绍的模型可用于扩充和扩展各种企业信息系统建模和组织分析应用程序中有用且有见地的分析。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2011.07.031]

[703] Is my event log complete? - A probabilistic approach to process mining (2011)

(Van Hee | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Process mining is a technique for extracting process models from event logs recorded by information systems. Process mining approaches normally rely on the assumption that the log to be mined is complete. Checking log completeness is known to be a difficult issue. Except for some trivial cases, checkable criteria for log completeness are not known. We overcome this problem by taking a probabilistic point of view. In this paper, we propose a method to compute the probability that the event log is complete. Our method provides a probabilistic lower bound for log completeness for three subclasses of Petri nets, namely, workflow nets, T-workflow nets, and S-workflow nets. Furthermore, based upon the complete log obtained by our methods, we propose two specialized mining algorithms to discover T-workflow nets and S-workflow nets, respectively. We back up our theoretical work with empirical studies that show that the probabilistic bounds computed by our method are reliable. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

我的事件日志是否完整? -一种用于过程挖掘的概率方法

摘要: 过程挖掘是一种从信息系统记录的事件日志中提取过程模型的技术。进程挖掘方法通常依赖于要挖掘的日志已完成的假设。已知检查日志完整性是一个难题。除一些琐碎的情况外,未知的日志完整性检查标准未知。我们通过概率的观点克服了这个问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种计算事件日志完成概率的方法。我们的方法为Petri网的三个子类,即工作流网,T-工作流网和S-工作流网,提供了日志完整性的概率下界。此外,基于通过我们的方法获得的完整日志,我们提出了两种专门的挖掘算法来分别发现T工作流网和S工作流网。我们用经验研究来支持我们的理论工作,这些研究表明我们的方法计算出的概率范围是可靠的。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2011.6006848]

[704] Is your upgrade worth it? process mining can tell (2014)

(Van Genuchten | IEEE Software)

Abstract: CDATASoftware vendors typically release updates and upgrades of their software once or twice a year. Users are then faced with the question of whether the upgrade is worth the price and the trouble. The software industry doesnt provide much evidence that its worthwhile to upgrade to new releases. The authors propose the use of process mining to prove that upgrading to the next release provides quantifiable benefits to the end user. Process mining capitalizes on the fact that event logs capture information about processes. These events can be used to make processes visible and show the benefits of using a software products next release. Three groups benefits from this process: end users, software suppliers, and researchers. The authors applied process mining to a medical software product and captured empirical data from 1,400 cases. The data shows that the new version was 11 percent more efficient than the old release…


摘要: CDATA 软件供应商通常每年发布软件更新和升级一次或两次。然后,用户面临着升级是否值得付出代价和麻烦的问题。软件行业没有提供太多证据来证明作者建议使用过程挖掘来证明升级到下一个版本可为最终用户带来可量化的收益,过程挖掘利用了事件日志捕获有关过程信息的事实。用来使过程可见并显示使用软件产品的下一版本的好处。该过程从三组中受益:最终用户,软件供应商和研究人员。作者将过程挖掘应用于医疗软件产品并从1400个案例中捕获了经验数据。数据显示,新版本的效率比旧版本高11%。。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MS.2014.20]

[705] Knowledge awareness in Alarm System Database (2016)

(Silva, Marcio J.da and Pereira, Carlos E. and Gotz, Marcelo | IFAC-PapersOnLine)

Abstract: Nowadays the cost of alarms inclusion in automation systems is relatively low and so the volume of information exceed the operator´s ability to carry out effective actions during operation of the process. Present in industrial processes as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), alarm management systems stores data and information. Applying proper analysis, it is possible to acquire useful knowledge from the plant that can be helpful for a decision-making system. Our work focus in a context-aware ontological approach applied to an alarm system. The occurrence of certain events determines a situation allowing the system and operators to react appropriately according to the context of interest. To validate our approach a case study based on a steam turbine for electricity generation is presented, where a situation of a vibration alarm is properly inferred by our architecture.


摘要: 如今,将警报包含在自动化系统中的成本相对较低,因此信息量超出了操作员在过程操作过程中采取有效措施的能力。警报管理系统以SCADA(监控和数据采集)的形式出现在工业过程中,它存储数据和信息。应用适当的分析,就有可能从工厂那里获得有用的知识,这对决策系统很有帮助。我们的工作重点是应用于警报系统的上下文感知本体方法。某些事件的发生确定了一种情况,允许系统和操作员根据感兴趣的上下文做出适当的反应。为了验证我们的方法,提出了一个基于蒸汽轮机发电的案例研究,其中,通过我们的体系结构可以正确推断出振动警报的情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.11.051]


[706] Knowledge management in health care: An architectural framework for clinical process management systems (2005)

(Curia, Rosario and Gallucci, Lorenzo and Ruffolo, Massimo | Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA)

Abstract: This work describes the architectural framework of a clinical process management system. It supports the extraction, from textual documents, of ontologies, clinical processes and guidelines and allows their formal description using ontology and workflow representation languages. Clinical processes and guidelines are stored in a knowledge base and classified w.r.t. the concepts contained in the ontologies. Starting from this process-centered vision of health care practices the system is able to enhance cost control and patient safety, reducing risks due to medical errors and adverse events. The main goal of the system is to assist in executing the clinical processes by providing intelligence functionalities, based on workflow mining techniques, and in monitoring processes during their execution. Furthermore, acquired process instances can be analyzed to identify main causes of risks, to control costs and, potentially, to suggest clinical process restructuring or improvement. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 这项工作描述了临床过程管理系统的体系结构框架。它支持从文本文档中提取本体,临床过程和指南,并允许使用本体和工作流表示语言对其进行正式描述。临床过程和指南存储在知识库中,并进行分类。本体中包含的概念。从以过程为中心的卫生保健实践出发,该系统能够增强成本控制和患者安全,减少因医疗错误和不良事件引起的风险。该系统的主要目标是通过基于工作流挖掘技术提供情报功能来协助执行临床过程,并在执行过程中监视过程。此外,可以对获得的过程实例进行分析,以识别风险的主要原因,控制成本,并可能建议临床过程的重组或改进。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEXA.2005.125]

[707] Knowledge service model for business process design (2012)

(Penicina, Ludmila | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Business processes are key corporate assets both generating and requiring knowledge. During business process modeling phase in order to create an accurate and realistic process model a business process analyst requires existing business process knowledge embedded in internal organizational resources such as documentation and other software artifacts as well as in external resources such as legal documents repositories, standards, regulations and business process frameworks. The aim of this research is to design a service model that will identify and extract knowledge related to business processes from existing external and internal sources and store it as ontology enabling extracted knowledge to be represented in a machine readable format. This research is in the initial analysis phase of the first year of the doctoral studies. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程是产生和需要知识的关键公司资产。在业务流程建模阶段,为了创建准确而现实的流程模型,业务流程分析师需要将现有的业务流程知识嵌入内部组织资源(例如文档和其他软件工件)以及外部资源(例如法律文档资料库,标准,法规和业务流程框架。这项研究的目的是设计一种服务模型,该模型将从现有的外部和内部资源中识别和提取与业务流程相关的知识,并将其存储为本体,从而使提取的知识能够以机器可读格式表示。这项研究处于博士研究第一年的初始分析阶段。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2012.6240463]

[708] Knowledge transition: Discovering workflow models from functional tests (2016)

(Shah, Vipul and Khadke, Chetan and Rana, Sunjit | 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2015)

Abstract: Independent testing in the enterprise is largely a manual activity with manual test design and manual creation of test scripts. Enterprises often outsource independent testing to third party service providers. During knowledge transition, the service provider test team has to understand the IT system functionality and the test scripts which can be non-Trivial as currency of documents could be a challenge requiring high SME involvement. In this paper we describe a novel approach and a tool to recover workflows directly from test procedures listed in test scripts to automatically construct a formal workflow model. The mined model can help gain understanding of the IT system from an outside in perspective as well as the manually written test scripts without having to execute them manually. We present experimental results on real life test scripts that show that the approach is feasible and has high degree of accuracy.


摘要: 企业中的独立测试主要是手动活动,包括手动测试设计和手动创建测试脚本。企业通常将独立测试外包给第三方服务提供商。在知识过渡期间,服务提供商的测试团队必须了解IT系统的功能和测试脚本,因为文档的流通性可能是挑战,因此需要大量的SME参与,因此测试脚本不是非母语的。在本文中,我们描述了一种新颖的方法和一种直接从测试脚本中列出的测试过程中恢复工作流以自动构建正式工作流模型的工具。挖掘的模型可以帮助您从外部角度了解IT系统以及手动编写的测试脚本,而无需手动执行它们。我们在现实生活的测试脚本上给出了实验结果,表明该方法是可行的,并且具有很高的准确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISSREW.2015.7392037]

[709] Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Characteristics, Requirements and Analysis of Contemporary Approaches (2015)

(Di Ciccio | Journal on Data Semantics)

Abstract: Engineering of knowledge-intensive processes (KiPs) is far from being mastered, since they are genuinely knowledge- and data-centric, and require substantial flexibility, at both design- and run-time. In this work, starting from a scientific literature analysis in the area of KiPs and from three real-world domains and application scenarios, we provide a precise characterization of KiPs. Furthermore, we devise some general requirements related to KiPs management and execution. Such requirements contribute to the definition of an evaluation framework to assess current system support for KiPs. To this end, we present a critical analysis on a number of existing process-oriented approaches by discussing their efficacy against the requirements.


摘要: 知识密集型流程(KiP)的工程设计还远远不能被掌握,因为它们真正地以知识和数据为中心,并且在设计和运行时都需要相当大的灵活性。在这项工作中,我们从对KiPs领域的科学文献分析开始,并从三个实际领域和应用场景开始,我们对KiPs进行了精确的表征。此外,我们设计了一些与KiP管理和执行相关的一般要求。这些要求有助于评估框架的定义,以评估当前系统对KiP的支持。为此,我们通过讨论针对需求的有效性,对许多现有的面向过程的方法进行了批判性分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13740-014-0038-4]

[710] LNBIP 162 - Process Prediction in Noisy Data Sets: A Case Study in a Dutch Hospital (2013)

(Spoel, Sjoerd Van Der and Keulen, Maurice Van and Amrit, Chintan | International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis)

Abstract: Predicting the amount of money that can be claimed is critical to the effective running of an Hospital. In this paper we describe a case study of a Dutch Hospital where we use process mining to predict the cash flow of the Hospital. In order to predict the cost of a treatment, we use different data mining techniques to predict the sequence of treatments administered, the duration and the final care product or diagnosis of the patient. While performing the data analysis we encountered three specific kinds of noise that we call sequence noise, human noise and duration noise. Studies in the past have discussed ways to reduce the noise in process data. However, it is not very clear what effect the noise has to different kinds of process analysis. In this paper we describe the combined effect of sequence noise, human noise and duration noise on the analysis of process data, by comparing the performance of several mining techniques on the data.

LNBIP 162-嘈杂数据集中的过程预测:荷兰一家医院的案例研究

摘要: 预测可索赔的金额对于医院的有效运营至关重要。在本文中,我们描述了一家荷兰医院的案例研究,其中我们使用过程挖掘来预测医院的现金流量。为了预测治疗的成本,我们使用不同的数据挖掘技术来预测所治疗的顺序,持续时间以及最终的护理产品或患者的诊断。在执行数据分析时,我们遇到了三种特定的噪声,我们称之为序列噪声,人为噪声和持续时间噪声。过去的研究讨论了减少过程数据中噪声的方法。但是,不清楚噪声对不同类型的过程分析有何影响。在本文中,我们通过比较几种数据挖掘技术的性能,描述了序列噪声,人为噪声和持续时间噪声对过程数据分析的综合影响。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[711] Language-based process model discovery and enhancement (2014)

(Dohrmann, Patrick | Proceedings - 40th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2014)

Abstract: Introducing process models into an organization entail many advantages even more when being adapted to the organizations specific environment and needs. Unnecessary processes may be omitted and never be planed or defined for execution, while the necessary ones consist of possible workflows in an organization. Nevertheless, lived processes deviate from their correlated process definitions due to evolution in process execution. Thus, an aggregation of lived processes, forming a process model describing them, is needed for comparison with the organizational process model. Differences between these models provide useful information for process improvement. Therefore, a language-based approach is used to construct a process model as deterministic finite automaton describing the executed processes. An evaluation is done on real workflow data of a German manufacturer. It results in difficulties and restrictions of the proposed approach, which will be discussed.


摘要: 将流程模型引入组织时,在适应组织特定的环境和需求时,甚至会带来许多优势。不必要的流程可能会被忽略,并且永远不会为执行计划或定义,而必要的流程则由组织中可能的工作流程组成。然而,由于流程执行的发展,存在的流程偏离了其相关的流程定义。因此,为了与组织过程模型进行比较,需要对活动过程进行汇总以形成描述它们的过程模型。这些模型之间的差异为流程改进提供了有用的信息。因此,基于语言的方法用于构造过程模型,作为描述执行过程的确定性有限自动机。对德国制造商的实际工作流程数据进行了评估。这给拟议方法带来了困难和限制,将对此进行讨论。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SEAA.2014.27]

[712] Latent treatment pattern discovery for clinical processes (2013)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong | Journal of Medical Systems)

Abstract: A clinical process is typically a mixture of various latent treatment patterns, implicitly indicating the likelihood of what clinical activities are essential/critical to the process. Discovering these hidden patterns is one of the most important components of clinical process analysis. What makes the pattern discovery problem complex is that these patterns are hidden in clinical processes, are composed of variable clinical activities, and often vary significantly between patient individuals. This paper employs Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover treatment patterns as a probabilistic combination of clinical activities. The probability distribution derived from LDA surmises the essential features of treatment patterns, and clinical processes can be accurately described by combining different classes of distributions. The presented approach has been implemented and evaluated via real-world data sets. textcopyright 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


摘要: 临床过程通常是各种潜在治疗模式的混合,隐式表明了哪些临床活动对该过程必不可少/至关重要的可能性。发现这些隐藏模式是临床过程分析的最重要组成部分之一。使模式发现问题变得复杂的原因在于,这些模式隐藏在临床过程中,由可变的临床活动组成,并且通常在患者个体之间差异很大。本文采用潜在狄利克雷分配(LDA)来发现治疗模式,将其作为临床活动的概率组合。从LDA得出的概率分布推测治疗模式的基本特征,并且可以通过组合不同类别的分布来准确地描述临床过程。所提出的方法已通过实际数据集实施和评估。 t​​extcopyright 2013年Springer Science +商业媒体纽约。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10916-012-9915-2]

[713] Learning Bayesian network from event logs using mutual information test (2013)

(Sutrisnowati, Riska Asriana and Bae, Hyerim and Park, Jaehun and Ha, Byung Hyun | Proceedings - IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2013)

Abstract: A Bayesian network can be considered to be a powerful tool for various analyses (e.g. inference analysis, sensitivity analysis, evidence propagation, etc.); however, it is first necessary to obtain the Bayesian network structure of a given dataset, and this, an NP hard problem, is not an easy task. Among the available scoring metrics, the present study employed Mutual Information Test (MIT) to construct a Bayesian network from the event logs of port logistics data covering six days of observations. Additionally, dynamic programming was used to shorten the combinatorial calculation of the metrics and, later, to minimize the computation time. To validate our method, we conducted a case study of port processes using actual event logs from an Asian port. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 贝叶斯网络可以被认为是进行各种分析(例如推理分析,敏感性分析,证据传播等)的强大工具;但是,首先必须获得给定数据集的贝叶斯网络结构,而这是一个NP难题,并非易事。在可用的评分指标中,本研究采用互信息测试(MIT)从涵盖六天观察期的港口物流数据事件日志中构建贝叶斯网络。另外,使用动态编程来缩短度量的组合计算,并在以后将计算时间减至最少。为了验证我们的方法,我们使用来自亚洲港口的实际事件日志对港口流程进行了案例研究。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCA.2013.38]

[714] Learning analytics framework for educational virtual worlds (2013)

(Fernandez-Gallego, Beatriz and Lama, Manuel and Vidal, Juan C. and Mucientes, Manuel | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper presents a learning analytics framework for 3D educational virtual worlds that focus on discovering learning flows and checking its conformance through process mining techniques. The core of this framework is an Opensim-based virtual world platform, known as OPENET4VE, that is compliant with the IMS Learning Design specification and that has the ability of monitoring and registering the events generated by students and teachers. Based on these event logs, process mining algorithms automatically extract the real learning flow of the course, allowing teachers to introduce changes in the learning flow initially proposed. textcopyright 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 本文提出了一种用于3D教育虚拟世界的学习分析框架,该框架着重于发现学习流并通过过程挖掘技术检查其一致性。该框架的核心是一个基于Opensim的虚拟世界平台,称为OPENET4VE,它符合IMS学习设计规范,并且具有监视和注册学生和老师生成的事件的能力。基于这些事件日志,过程挖掘算法会自动提取课程的实际学习流程,从而允许教师介绍最初提出的学习流程的变化。 t​​extcopyright 2013作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2013.11.056]

[715] Learning bundled care opportunities from electronic medical records (2018)

(Chen, You and Kho, Abel N. and Liebovitz, David and Ivory, Catherine and Osmundson, Sarah and Bian, Jiang and Malin, Bradley A. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Objective The traditional fee-for-service approach to healthcare can lead to the management of a patients conditions in a siloed manner, inducing various negative consequences. It has been recognized that a bundled approach to healthcare - one that manages a collection of health conditions together - may enable greater efficacy and cost savings. However, it is not always evident which sets of conditions should be managed in a bundled manner. In this study, we investigate if a data-driven approach can automatically learn potential bundles. Methods We designed a framework to infer health condition collections (HCCs) based on the similarity of their clinical workflows, according to electronic medical record (EMR) utilization. We evaluated the framework with data from over 16,500 inpatient stays from Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. The plausibility of the inferred HCCs for bundled care was assessed through an online survey of a panel of five experts, whose responses were analyzed via an analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a 95% confidence level. We further assessed the face validity of the HCCs using evidence in the published literature. Results The framework inferred four HCCs, indicative of (1) fetal abnormalities, (2) late pregnancies, (3) prostate problems, and (4) chronic diseases, with congestive heart failure featuring prominently. Each HCC was substantiated with evidence in the literature and was deemed plausible for bundled care by the experts at a statistically significant level. Conclusions The findings suggest that an automated EMR data-driven framework conducted can provide a basis for discovering bundled care opportunities. Still, translating such findings into actual care management will require further refinement, implementation, and evaluation.


摘要: 目标传统的按服务付费医疗方法可能导致孤立地管理患者的病情,并导致各种负面后果。已经认识到,捆绑式医疗方法-一种管理一系列健康的方法。条件组合在一起-可能会带来更大的功效和成本节省,但是,并非总是很明显应该以捆绑方式来管理哪些条件集合。在本研究中,我们研究了数据驱动的方法是否可以自动学习潜在捆绑。根据电子病历(EMR)的使用情况,根据临床工作流程的相似性,设计了一个推断健康状况收集(HCC)的框架,并根据伊利诺伊州芝加哥市西北纪念医院超过16500例住院患者的数据对该框架进行了评估。通过对由五名专家组成的小组进行的在线调查,评估了推断出的肝癌用于捆绑式护理的合理性。通过方差分析(ANOVA)在95%的置信水平下进行分析。我们使用公开文献中的证据进一步评估了肝癌的面部有效性。结果该框架推断出四个HCC,表明(1)胎儿异常,(2)妊娠晚期,(3)前列腺问题和(4)慢性疾病,其中充血性心力衰竭为突出特征。每个HCC在文献中都有证据证实,并被专家认为具有统计学意义的捆绑治疗合理性。结论结论表明,进行的自动EMR数据驱动框架可以为发现捆绑式护理机会提供基础。尽管如此,将这些发现转化为实际的护理管理仍需要进一步的完善,实施和评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2017.11.014]

[716] Learning frequent behaviors of the users in intelligent environments (2013)

(Aztiria, Asier and Augusto, Juan Carlos and Basagoiti, Rosa and Izaguirre, Alberto and Cook, Diane J. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: Intelligent environments (IEs) are expected to support people in their daily lives. One of the hidden assumptions in IEs is that they propose a change of perspective in the relationships between humans and technology, shifting from a techno-centered perspective to a human-centered one. Unlike current computing systems where the user has to learn how to use the technology, an IE adapts its behavior to the users, even anticipating their needs, preferences, or habits. For this reason, the environment should learn how to react to the actions and needs of the users, and this should be achieved in an unobtrusive and transparent way. In order to provide personalized and adapted services, it is necessary to know the preferences and habits of users. Thus, the ability to learn patterns of behavior becomes an essential aspect for the successful implementation of IEs. This paper presents a system, learning frequent patterns of user behavior system (LFPUBS), that discovers users frequent behaviors taking into consideration the specific features of IEs. The core of LFPUBS is the learning layer, which, unlike some other components, is independent of the particular environment in which the system is being applied. On one hand, it includes a language that allows the representation of discovered behaviors in a clear and unambiguous way. On the other hand, coupled with the language, an algorithm that discovers frequent behaviors has been designed and implemented. For this reason, it uses association, workflow mining, clustering, and classification techniques. LFPUBS was validated using data collected from two real environments. In MavPad environment, LFPUBS was tested with different confidence levels using data collected in three different trials, whereas in a WSU Smart Apartment environment LFPUBS was able to discover a predefined behavior. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 智能环境(IE)有望为人们的日常生活提供支持。IE的一个隐藏假设是,它们提出了人类与技术之间关系的观点转变,从以技术为中心的观点转变为人类。 IE不同于当前的计算机系统,用户必须学习如何使用该技术,而IE可以使其行为适应用户,甚至可以预测用户的需求,喜好或习惯,因此,环境应学习如何做出反应针对用户的行为和需求,这应该以一种不显眼和透明的方式来实现,为了提供个性化和适应性的服务,有必要了解用户的偏好和习惯,因此,学习用户模式的能力行为成为成功实现IE的重要方面,本文提出了一个学习用户行为系统频繁模式(LFPUBS)的系统,该系统可以发现用户的频繁行为请考虑IE的特定功能。 LFPUBS的核心是学习层,与某些其他组件不同,该学习层独立于应用系统的特定环境。一方面,它包含一种语言,允许以清晰明确的方式表示发现的行为。另一方面,结合语言,已经设计并实现了一种发现频繁行为的算法。因此,它使用关联,工作流挖掘,聚类和分类技术。 LFPUBS已使用从两个实际环境中收集的数据进行了验证。在MavPad环境中,使用在三个不同试验中收集的数据对LFPUBS进行了不同置信度测试,而在WSU智能公寓环境中,LFPUBS能够发现预定义的行为。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMC.2013.2252892]

[717] Learning movement synchronization in multi-component robotic systems (2016)

(Thabet, Mohammad and Montebelli, Alberto and Kyrki, Ville | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation)

Abstract: Imitation learning of tasks in multi-component robotic systems requires capturing concurrency and synchronization requirements in addition to task structure. Learning time-critical tasks depends furthermore on the ability to model temporal elements in demonstrations. This paper proposes a modeling framework based on Petri nets capable of modeling these aspects in a programming by demonstration context. In the proposed approach, models of tasks are constructed from segmented demonstrations as task Petri nets, which can be executed as discrete controllers for reproduction. We present algorithms that automatically construct models from demonstrations, showing how elements of time-critical tasks can be mapped into task Petri net elements. The approach is validated by an experiment in which a robot plays a musical passage on a keyboard.


摘要: 模仿多组件机器人系统中的任务需要除任务结构之外还捕获并发和同步要求。学习时间紧迫的任务还取决于在演示中对时间元素进行建模的能力。本文提出了一个基于Petri网的建模框架,该框架能够通过演示环境在编程中对这些方面进行建模。在提出的方法中,从分段的演示中构造任务模型作为任务Petri网,可以将其作为离散的控制器执行以进行再现。我们提出了从演示中自动构建模型的算法,展示了如何将时间紧迫任务的元素映射到任务Petri网元素中。该方法通过一个实验进行了验证,在该实验中,机器人在键盘上演奏了音乐作品。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487141]

[718] Learning to Produce Direct Tests for Security Verification Using Constrained Process Discovery (2017)

(Hsieh, Kuo Kai and Wang, Li C. and Chen, Wen and Bhadra, Jayanta | Proceedings - Design Automation Conference)

Abstract: Security verification relies on using direct tests manually prepared. Test preparation often requires intensive efforts from experts with in-depth domain knowledge. This work presents an approach to learn from direct tests written by an expert. After the learning, the learned model acts as a surrogate for the expert to produce new tests. The learning software comprises a database for accumulating and sharing security verification knowledge. The learning approach uses process discovery to build an upper-bound model and continuously adds constraints to refine it. We demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the learning approach in a commercial SoC verification environment.


摘要: 安全验证依赖于使用手动准备的直接测试。测试准备工作通常需要具有深厚领域知识的专家付出大量努力。这项工作提出了一种从专家编写的直接测试中学习的方法。学习之后,学习的模型将替代专家进行新的测试。该学习软件包括用于累积和共享安全验证知识的数据库。学习方法使用过程发现来构建上限模型,并不断添加约束以对其进行完善。我们演示了在商业SoC验证环境中学习方法的可行性和有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3061639.3062271]

[719] Leveraging path information to generate predictions for parallel business processes (2016)

(Unuvar, Merve and Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Doganata, Yurdaer N. | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: In semi-structured processes, the set of activities that need to be performed, their order and whether additional steps are required are determined by human judgment. There is a growing demand for operational support of such processes during runtime particularly in the form of predictions about the likelihood of future tasks. We address the problem of making predictions for a running instance of a semi-structured process that contains parallel execution paths where the execution path taken by a process instance influences its outcome. In particular, we consider five different models for how to represent an execution trace as a path attribute for training a prediction model. We provide a methodology to determine whether parallel paths are independent, and whether it is worthwhile to model execution paths as independent based on a comparison of the information gain obtained by dependent and independent path representations. We tested our methodology by simulating a marketing campaign as a business process model and selected decision trees as the prediction model. In the evaluation, we compare the complexity and prediction accuracy of a prediction model trained with five different models.


摘要: 在半结构化过程中,需要执行的活动集,其顺序以及是否需要执行其他步骤由人为判断来确定。在运行期间,对此类过程的操作支持的需求不断增长,尤其是以关于未来任务可能性的预测的形式。我们解决了对包含并行执行路径的半结构化流程的运行实例进行预测的问题,其中流程实例所采用的执行路径会影响其结果。特别是,我们考虑了五个不同的模型,用于将执行轨迹表示为训练预测模型的路径属性。我们提供了一种方法,用于确定并行路径是否独立,以及是否有必要基于对依赖路径和独立路径表示所获得的信息增益的比较,将执行路径建模为独立路径。我们通过将营销活动模拟为业务流程模型并选择决策树作为预测模型来测试我们的方法。在评估中,我们比较了使用五个不同模型训练的预测模型的复杂性和预测准确性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-015-0842-7]

[720] Leveraging process discovery with trace clustering and text mining for intelligent analysis of incident management processes (2012)

(De Weerdt | 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2012)

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the ability to gather an enormous amount of data in a large number of domains. Also in the field of business process management, there exists an urgent need to beneficially use these data to retrieve actionable knowledge about the actual way of working in the context of a certain business process. The research field concerned is process mining, which can be defined as a whole family of analysis techniques for extracting knowledge from information system event logs. In this paper, we present a solution strategy to leverage traditional process discovery techniques in the flexible environment of incident management processes. In such environments, it is typically observed that single model discovery techniques are incapable of dealing with the large number of different types of execution traces. Accordingly, we propose a combination of trace clustering and text mining to enhance process discovery techniques with the purpose of retrieving more useful insights from process data. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 最近几年见证了能够在大量域中收集大量数据的能力。同样在业务流程管理领域中,迫切需要有益地使用这些数据来检索有关在特定业务流程中的实际工作方式的可操作知识。有关的研究领域是过程挖掘,可以定义为一整套分析技术,用于从信息系统事件日志中提取知识。在本文中,我们提出了一种解决方案策略,可以在事件管理流程的灵活环境中利用传统的流程​​发现技术。在这样的环境中,通常会观察到单一模型发现技术无法处理大量不同类型的执行跟踪。因此,我们提出了跟踪聚类和文本挖掘的组合,以增强过程发现技术,目的是从过程数据中检索更多有用的见解。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2012.6256459]


[721] Leveraging process-mining techniques (2013)

(Lakshmanan, Geetika T. and Khalaf, Rania | IT Professional)

Abstract: Semi-structured processes are data-driven, human-centric, flexible processes whose execution between instances can vary dramatically. Due to their unpredictability and data-driven nature, its becoming increasingly important to mine traces of events collected from these processes. This enables the extraction of mined process models that could help users handle new process instances. Process-mining techniques can help facilitate this goal, but it can be daunting for users new to process-aware analytics to sift through the literature and available software to determine which process-mining algorithm to use. The authors compare five process-mining algorithms and present a decision tree to help readers determine which mining algorithm to use for a specific problem. Semi-structured processes, however, present challenges that these mining techniques dont address. So, the authors also identify three key characteristics of semi-structured processes and the mining challenges they present, highlighting a selection of emerging mining approaches that can address these challenges. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 半结构化流程是数据驱动的,以人为中心的灵活流程,它们在实例之间的执行可能会发生巨大变化。由于它们的不可预测性和数据驱动的性质,挖掘从这些流程中收集到的事件的跟踪变得越来越重要。能够提取可以帮助用户处理新流程实例的挖掘流程模型流程挖掘技术可以帮助实现这一目标,但对于流程感知分析的新用户来说,筛选文献和可用软件来确定哪些内容可能会令人望而生畏。使用的过程挖掘算法作者比较了五种过程挖掘算法,并提出了决策树来帮助读者确定针对特定问题使用哪种挖掘算法,但是半结构化过程却提出了这些挖掘技术所不具备的挑战因此,作者还确定了半结构化工艺的三个关键特征及其带来的采矿挑战,挑出了可以解决这些挑战的新兴采矿方法。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MITP.2012.88]

[722] Linguistic summaries of process data (2015)

(Wilbik, Anna and Dijkman, Remco M. | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems)

Abstract: In this paper we investigate a new application area for protoform-based linguistic summaries, namely process data. We are proposing four protoforms that are designed to capture process specific information. Linguistic summaries can capture information on the tasks or sequences of tasks that are frequently executed as well as properties of these tasks or sequences, such as their throughput and service time. Such information is of specific interest in the context of process analysis and diagnosis. Moreover linguistic summaries are capable of combining different features and characteristics of tasks, sequences of tasks and even whole processes. Through a case study with a data from practice, the paper shows that the knowledge derived from these linguistic summaries is useful for identifying problems in processes and establishing best practices.


摘要: 在本文中,我们研究了基于原型的语言摘要的新应用领域,即过程数据。我们提出了四种旨在捕获过程特定信息的原型。语言摘要可以捕获有关经常执行的任务或任务序列的信息,以及这些任务或序列的属性,例如吞吐量和服务时间。在过程分析和诊断的背景下,此类信息特别重要。此外,语言摘要能够组合任务的不同特征和特性,任务序列甚至整个过程。通过使用来自实践数据的案例研究,论文表明,从这些语言总结中获得的知识对于识别流程中的问题和建立最佳实践很有用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2015.7337891]

[723] Linking data and process perspectives for conformance analysis (2018)

(Alizadeh, Mahdi and Lu, Xixi and Fahland, Dirk and Zannone, Nicola and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Computers and Security)

Abstract: The detection of data breaches has become a major challenge for most organizations. The problem lies in the fact that organizations often lack proper mechanisms to control and monitor users activities and their data usage. Although several auditing approaches have been proposed to assess the compliance of actual executed behavior, existing approaches focus on either checking data accesses against security policies (data perspective) or checking user activities against the activities needed to conduct business processes (process perspective). Analyzing user behavior from these perspectives independently may not be sufficient to expose security incidents. In particular, security incidents may remain undetected or diagnosed incorrectly. This paper proposes a novel auditing approach that reconciles the data and process perspectives, thus enabling the identification of a large range of deviations. In particular, we analyze and classify deviations with respect to the intended purpose of data and the context in which data are used, and provide a novel algorithm to identify non-conforming user behavior. The approach has been implemented in the open source framework ProM and was evaluated through both controlled experiments and a case study using real-life event data. The results show that the approach is able to accurately identify deviations in both data usage and control-flow, while providing the purpose and context of the identified deviations.


摘要: 检测数据泄露已成为大多数组织的主要挑战。问题在于,组织经常缺乏适当的机制来控制和监视用户的活动及其数据使用情况。尽管已提出了几种审计方法来评估数据泄露。遵从实际执行行为的要求,现有方法侧重于根据安全策略检查数据访问(数据角度)或根据进行业务流程所需的活动检查用户活动(流程角度),仅从这些角度分析用户行为可能不足以揭露安全事件,尤其是安全事件可能仍未被发现或诊断不正确,本文提出了一种新颖的审计方法,该方法可以协调数据和流程的观点,从而能够识别大范围的偏差,尤其是,我们对偏差进行分析和分类关于d的预期目的数据以及使用数据的上下文,并提供了一种新颖的算法来识别不合格的用户行为。该方法已在开源框架ProM中实现,并通过受控实验和使用真实事件数据的案例研究进行了评估。结果表明,该方法能够准确地识别数据使用和控制流中的偏差,同时提供所识别偏差的目的和上下文。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cose.2017.10.010]

[724] Location-Aware Path Alignment in Process Mining (2016)

(Blank, Peter and Maurer, Michael and Siebenhofer, Melanie and Rogge-Solti, Andreas and Schonig, Stefan | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW)

Abstract: Location-aware log data is an untapped source of information that promises new business analysis insights. This is in particular the case for business processes that can be linked to sensor data such as RFID or WiFi signals. Technically, this question can be formulated as a special type of alignment problem, which is well known in process mining. In this paper, we formalize the alignment problem for spatio-temporal event data. Our contribution is a novel algorithm that finds sensor IDs that travel together on the basis of their location information. Questions centered around spatio-temporal event logs may include all kinds of movements, such as customers in shops highlighting Hot and Cold areas or tracking of material and goods in a production plant. For this paper, we choose a specific challenge for retail companies, which is to find out if customers are alone or visit the shop together with family or friends. Therefore, the algorithm is tested using positioning-data of a retail shop from the fashion industry. Our results highlight the benefits of location-based process mining by showing its applicability in real scenarios.


摘要: 位置感知日志数据是未开发的信息源,有望带来新的业务分析见解。对于可以链接到RFID或WiFi信号等传感器数据的业务流程尤其如此。从技术上讲,可以提出此问题作为一种特殊类型的对齐问题,这在过程挖掘中是众所周知的。在本文中,我们将时空事件数据的对齐问题形式化,我们的贡献是一种新颖的算法,该算法可以根据传感器ID一起传播位置信息:围绕时空事件日志的问题可能包括各种各样的动作,例如,商店中突出显示热区和冷区的客户或生产工厂中物料和货物的跟踪。对于零售公司来说,这是要找出顾客是一个人还是与家人或朋友一起逛商店,因此,使用零售店的定位数据对算法进行了测试从时尚界跳。我们的结果通过展示其在实际场景中的适用性,突出了基于位置的流程挖掘的好处。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2016.7584367]

[725] Log-based Evaluation of Label Splits for Process Models (2016)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and Aalst, Wil M.P.Van Der | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Process mining techniques aim to extract insights in processes from event logs. One of the challenges in process mining is identifying interesting and meaningful event labels that contribute to a better understanding of the process. Our application area is mining data from smart homes for elderly, where the ultimate goal is to signal deviations from usual behavior and provide timely recommendations in order to extend the period of independent living. Extracting individual process models showing user behavior is an important instrument in achieving this goal. However, the interpretation of sensor data at an appropriate abstraction level is not straightforward. For example, a motion sensor in a bedroom can be triggered by tossing and turning in bed or by getting up. We try to derive the actual activity depending on the context (time, previous events, etc.). In this paper we introduce the notion of label refinements, which links more abstract event descriptions with their more refined counterparts. We present a statistical evaluation method to determine the usefulness of a label refinement for a given event log from a process perspective. Based on data from smart homes, we show how our statistical evaluation method for label refinements can be used in practice. Our method was able to select two label refinements out of a set of candidate label refinements that both had a positive effect on model precision.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在从事件日志中提取过程的见解。流程挖掘中的挑战之一是识别有趣且有意义的事件标签,这些标签有助于更好地了解流程。我们的应用领域是从老年人的智能家居中挖掘数据,其最终目标是发出偏离正常行为的信号并提供及时的建议,以延长独立生活的时间。提取显示用户行为的单个过程模型是实现此目标的重要工具。但是,在适当的抽象级别对传感器数据进行解释并不简单。例如,卧室中的运动传感器可以通过在床上甩动或翻动或起床来触发。我们尝试根据上下文(时间,先前事件等)得出实际活动。在本文中,我们介绍了标签细化的概念,该概念将更多抽象事件描述与其更细化的对应物联系起来。我们提出一种统计评估方法,以确定从流程角度来看给定事件日志的标签细化的有用性。基于智能家居的数据,我们展示了如何在标签上完善我们的统计评估方法。我们的方法能够从一组候选标签细化中选择两个标签细化,这两个均对模型精度产生积极影响。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.096]

[726] Log-based mining techniques applied to Web service composition reengineering (2008)

(Gaaloul, Walid and Baina, Karim and Godart, Claude | Service Oriented Computing and Applications)

Abstract: Web service compositions are becoming more and more complex, involving numerous interacting ad-hoc services. These services are often implemented as business processes themselves. By analysing such complex web service compositions one is able to better understand, control and eventually re-design them. Our contribution to this problem is a mining algorithm, based on a statistical technique to discover composite web service patterns from execution logs. Our approach is characterised by a local patterns discovery that covers partial results through a dynamic programming algorithm. Those locally discovered patterns are then composed iteratively until the composite Web service is discovered. The analysis of the disparities between the discovered model and the initial ad-hoc composite model (delta-analysis) enables initial design gaps to be detected and thus to re-engineer the initial Web service composition. textcopyright 2008 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


摘要: Web服务的组成变得越来越复杂,涉及许多交互的即席服务。这些服务通常作为业务流程本身实现。通过分析这种复杂的Web服务组成,人们可以更好地理解,控制并最终重新设计它们。我们对这个问题的贡献是基于统计技术的挖掘算法,该算法可从执行日志中发现复合Web服务模式。我们的方法的特征在于局部模式的发现,该模式通过动态编程算法覆盖了部分结果。然后,将迭代地组合那些本地发现的模式,直到发现复合Web服务为止。通过对发现的模型与初始即席复合模型之间的差异进行分析(增量分析),可以检测出初始设计差距,从而对初始Web服务组合进行重新设计。 t​​extcopyright 2008年Springer-Verlag伦敦有限公司。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11761-008-0023-6]

[727] Log-based process fragment querying to support process design (2015)

(Yongsiriwit, Karn and Chan, Nguyen Ngoc and Gaaloul, Walid | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: In recent years, many approaches have been proposed to support business process design, for instance, by providing reference models, retrieving similar business processes or querying process fragments. However, these approaches are still labor-intensive, error-prone and time-consuming. Moreover, they have not yet fully exploited process event logs, which contain useful information about the real execution of business processes. In this paper, we present an innovative approach that extracts information from event logs to develop a useful tool to support the process design. Concretely, we extract the execution order of activities to build a neighborhood context for each activity. We match both activities labels and their neighborhood contexts to compute the similarity between them. Finally, we propose a query language as a practical tool that allows process designers to query activities and their involved log-based process fragments based on the computed similarity. We developed an application to validate our approach as a proof of concept. We also performed experiments on a large public dataset and experimental results show that our approach is feasible and efficient.


摘要: 近年来,已经提出了许多方法来支持业务流程设计,例如,通过提供参考模型,检索相似的业务流程或查询流程片段。但是,这些方法仍然是劳动密集型的,容易出错,并且很费时间。此外,他们还没有充分利用流程事件日志,其中包含有关业务流程实际执行的有用信息;在本文中,我们提出了一种创新的方法,该方法从事件日志中提取信息,以开发一种支持流程的有用工具。具体来说,我们提取活动的执行顺序以为每个活动建立邻域上下文,将两个活动的标签及其邻域上下文进行匹配以计算它们之间的相似度,最后,提出一种查询语言作为一种实用工具,流程设计人员根据计算出的相似度来查询活动及其所涉及的基于日志的流程片段。验证我们的方法是一种概念验证。我们还对大型公共数据集进行了实验,实验结果表明我们的方法是可行且有效的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2015.493]

[728] Log-based transactional workflow mining (2009)

(Gaaloul, Walid and Gaaloul, Khaled and Bhiri, Sami and Haller, Armin and Hauswirth, Manfred | Distributed and Parallel Databases)

Abstract: A continuous evolution of business process parameters, constraints and needs, hardly foreseeable initially, requires a continuous design from the business process management systems. In this article we are interested in developing a reactive design through process log analysis ensuring process re-engineering and execution reliability. We propose to analyse workflow logs to discover workflow transactional behaviour and to subsequently improve and correct related recovery mechanisms. Our approach starts by collecting workflow logs. Then, we build, by statistical analysis techniques, an intermediate representation specifying elementary dependencies between activities. These dependencies are refined to mine the transactional workflow model. The analysis of the discrepancies between the discovered model and the initially designed model enables us to detect design gaps, concerning particularly the recovery mechanisms. Thus, based on this mining step, we apply a set of rules on the initially designed workflow to improve workflow reliability. textcopyright 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 业务流程参数,约束和需求的不断发展,最初很难预见,需要从业务流程管理系统进行连续设计。在本文中,我们有兴趣通过过程日志分析来开发反应性设计,以确保过程重新设计和执行的可靠性。我们建议分析工作流日志以发现工作流事务行为,并随后改进和纠正相关的恢复机制。我们的方法从收集工作流日志开始。然后,我们通过统计分析技术构建一个中间表示,指定活动之间的基本依赖关系。改进这些依赖关系以挖掘事务性工作流模型。对发现的模型与最初设计的模型之间的差异进行分析,使我们能够检测出设计差距,尤其是与恢复机制有关的差距。因此,基于此挖掘步骤,我们在最初设计的工作流程上应用了一组规则以提高工作流程的可靠性。 t​​extcopyright 2009 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10619-009-7040-0]

[729] LogLogics: A logic for history-dependent business processes (2007)

(van Hee, Kees and Oanea, Olivia and Serebrenik, Alexander and Sidorova, Natalia and Voorhoeve, Marc | Science of Computer Programming)

Abstract: Choices in business processes are often based on the process history saved as a log-file listing events and their time stamps. In this paper we introduce LogLogics, a finite-path variant of the Timed Propositional Temporal Logic with Past, which can be in particular used for specifying guards in business process models. The novelty is due to the presence of boundary points corresponding to the starting and current observation points, which gives rise to a three-valued logic allowing us to distinguish between temporal formulas that hold for any log extended with some possible past and future (true), those that do not hold for any extended log (false) and those that hold for some but not all extended logs (unknown). We reduce the check of the truth value of a LogLogicsxa0formula to a check on a finite abstraction and present an evaluation algorithm. We also define LogLogicsxa0patterns for commonly occurring properties. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程中的选择通常基于保存为日志文件的流程历史记录,其中列出了事件及其时间戳。在本文中,我们介绍LogLogics,它是带有过去的定时命题时间逻辑的有限路径变体,可以特别用于在业务流程模型中指定防护。新颖性是由于存在与起始观察点和当前观察点相对应的边界点,从而产生了三值逻辑,这使我们能够区分时间公式,该时间公式适用于具有某些可能的过去和将来扩展的任何对数(正确) ,那些不保存任何扩展日志的日志(false)和那些保存一些但不是全部扩展日志的日志(未知)。我们将对LogLogics xa0formula的真值的检查减少为对有限抽象的检查,并提出一种评估算法。我们还为常见的属性定义LogLogics xa0patterns。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.scico.2006.08.004]

[730] MAREA-From an agent simulation application to the social network analysis (2014)

(Vymvetal, Dominik and vSperka, Roman | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to present an enhanced software simulation application based on a trading company control loop and to validate agents behavior from simulation experiments using simple Petri net, and social network analysis. The main purpose of the application is to improve existing decision support systems with the use of a simulation. The ERP system using the REA ontology approach is used as a measuring element in the application. The system has been developed in cooperation between Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Czech Republic and REA technology Copenhagen, Denmark. After the prototype tests at the end of the year 2011, we presented it at the beginning of 2012 for the very first time. Firstly, the enhanced framework with several types of agents and negotiation possibilities is described. This is followed by the decision function explanation, which is the core of the price negotiation. Secondly, a brief look on the graphical user interface and main parts of MAREA simulation monitor is provided. Brief results of the model validation performed by means of ProM software are presented. To conclude, MAREA is a software application with simulation possibilities, which can be used to present trading behavior of a company for decision support.


摘要: 本文的目的是提出一个基于贸易公司控制环的增强型软件仿真应用程序,并使用简单的Petri网和社交网络分析从仿真实验中验证代理商的行为。该应用程序的主要目的是改进现有的决策支持系统(通过仿真),使用REA本体论方法的ERP系统作为应用程序中的测量元素,该系统是由Opava的西里西亚大学,捷克卡尔维纳的工商管理学院合作开发的Republic and REA Technology丹麦哥本哈根,在2011年底进行原型测试后,我们在2012年初首次展示了该模型,首先,介绍了具有多种类型的代理和协商可能性的增强型框架。接下来是决策功能的解释,这是价格协商的核心;其次,简要介绍了图形用户提供了MAREA仿真监视器的界面和主要部分。介绍了通过ProM软件执行的模型验证的简要结果。总而言之,MAREA是具有模拟可能性的软件应用程序,可用于呈现公司的交易行为以提供决策支持。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2014.08.198]

[731] Managing process model complexity via abstract syntax modifications (2011)

(La Rosa | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics)

Abstract: As a result of the growing adoption of Business Process Management (BPM) technology, different stakeholders need to understand and agree upon the process models that are used to configure BPM systems. However, BPM users have problems dealing with the complexity of such models. Therefore, the challenge is to improve the comprehension of process models. While a substantial amount of literature is devoted to this topic, there is no overview of the various mechanisms that exist to deal with managing complexity in (large) process models. As a result, it is hard to obtain an insight into the degree of support offered for complexity reducing mechanisms by state-of-the-art languages and tools. This paper focuses on complexity reduction mechanisms that affect the abstract syntax of a process model, i.e., the formal structure of process model elements and their interrelationships. These mechanisms are captured as patterns so that they can be described in their most general form, in a language- and tool-independent manner. The paper concludes with a comparative overview of the degree of support for these patterns offered by state-of-the-art languages and tools, and with an evaluation of the patterns from a usability perspective, as perceived by BPM practitioners. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 由于越来越多地采用业务流程管理(BPM)技术,因此不同的利益相关者需要了解并同意用于配置BPM系统的流程模型。但是,BPM用户在处理此类模型的复杂性方面存在问题。因此,挑战在于提高对过程模型的理解。尽管有大量文献致力于该主题,但没有概述用于处理(大型)过程模型中的复杂性的各种机制。结果,很难了解最新的语言和工具为降低复杂性提供的支持程度。本文关注于影响流程模型抽象语法的复杂度降低机制,即流程模型元素的形式结构及其相互关系。这些机制被捕获为模式,因此可以以最通用的形式以与语言和工具无关的方式进行描述。本文最后总结了最新语言和工具对这些模式提供的支持程度,并从BPM从业者的感觉从可用性的角度对这些模式进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TII.2011.2166795]

[732] Map-TBS: Map process enactment traces and analysis (2012)

(Hug, Charlotte and Deneck`ere, Rebecca and Salinesi, Camille | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Map formalism allows specifying processes with a high level of variability. However, this means many variation points, and therefore we need guidance to enact maps by customizing them. Traditional guidance consists in raising decision points to navigate in a map. The limit is that many decision points are raised at the same time, and the user (who enacts the map) does not know which decision to make first. Another kind of guidance, yet to be explored, consists in providing recommendations to the user. Such recommendations can be drawn from collections of profiles collected from map enactment traces using techniques from the data mining domain. This paper proposes a trace management system adapted to maps that was designed to support recommendation-based guidance. The paper shows how data mining algorithms can be used to find profile clusters in a collection of map enactment traces, used then to provide recommendations to the users. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: Map形式主义允许指定具有高度可变性的过程。但是,这意味着许多变化点,因此我们需要通过自定义地图来制定地图的指南。传统指导包括提高决策点以在地图中导航。限制是同时提出了许多决策点,并且用户(制定地图的用户)不知道首先做出哪个决策。尚待探索的另一种指导方法是向用户提供建议。可以使用来自数据挖掘领域的技术,从地图制定痕迹收集的配置文件集合中得出此类建议。本文提出了一种适用于地图的跟踪管理系统,旨在支持基于建议的指导。本文展示了如何使用数据挖掘算法在地图颁布轨迹的集合中查找轮廓集群,然后将其用于向用户提供建议。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2012.6240435]

[733] Mapping the Conceptual Relationship among Data Analysis, Knowledge Generation and Decision-making in Industrial Processes (2017)

(dos Santos, Cleiton Ferreira and Piechnicki, Flavio and de Freitas Rocha Loures | Procedia Manufacturing)

Abstract: In accordance with Industry 4.0, data should be used for process and/or system integration, including the decision-making process. In this context, this paper aims to relate the process of decision-making with process mining through concept maps, assisting the areas of Data Engineering and Analytics. To do so, some Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making/Analysis (MCDM/A) methods will be addressed in order to conceptually highlight the relationship between knowledge and decision dimensions. As a result, the definitions about these fields of study allow perceiving an information and knowledge conciliation approach promoted by the integrated view of process mining and MCDM/A methods.


摘要: 根据工业4.0,数据应用于过程和/或系统集成,包括决策过程。在这种情况下,本文旨在通过概念图将决策过程与过程挖掘相关联,以协助数据工程和分析领域。为此,将解决一些多标准决策/分析(MCDM / A)方法,以便从概念上突出知识与决策维度之间的关系。结果,关于这些研究领域的定义允许感知信息和知识的调解方法,该方法由过程挖掘和MCDM / A方法的集成视图促进。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.promfg.2017.07.305]

[734] Marked-controlled reconfigurable workflow nets (2006)

(Llorens, Marisa and Oliver, Javier | Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2006)

Abstract: In previous studies, we have introduced markedcontrolled net rewriting systems and a subclass of these called marked-controlled reconfigurable nets. The main goal of these models is to analyze, simulate and verify con-current and distributed systems that are subject to structural dynamic changes. In a marked-controlled net rewriting system, a system configuration is described as a Petri net, and a change in configuration is described as a graph rewriting rule. A marked-controlled reconfigurable net is a marked-controlled net rewriting system where a change in configuration amounts to a modification in the flow relations of the places in the domain of the involved rule in accordance with this rule, independently of the context in which this rewriting applies. In both models, the enabling of a rule not only depends on the net topology, but also depends on the net marking according to control places. In this work, we introduce marked-controlled reconfigurable workflow nets, based on Van der Aalsts workflow nets and marked-controlled reconfigurable nets, in order to model workflow systems handling structural dynamic changes. A characterization of the soundness property for marked-controlled reconfigurable workflow nets is also provided. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 在以前的研究中,我们引入了标记控制网络重写系统和这些标记控制可重构网络的子类。这些模型的主要目标是分析,模拟和验证受结构动态影响的并发和分布式系统在标记控制的网络重写系统中,系统配置被描述为Petri网,配置的变化被描述为图形重写规则,标记控制的可重构网络是标记控制的网络重写系统,其中构型的改变等于根据该规则修改了所涉及规则域中场所的流动关系,而与重写的应用上下文无关,在这两种模型中,规则的启用不仅取决于网络拓扑,但也取决于控制位置的网络标记在这项工作中,我们基于Van引入了标记控制的可重配置工作流网络der Aalst的工作流网络和标记控制的可重配置网络,以便为处理结构动态变化的工作流系统建模。还提供了标记控制的可重配置工作流网络的健全性特征的描述。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SYNASC.2006.49]

[735] Mashups and widget orchestration (2011)

(Soylu, Ahmet and Wild, Fridolin and Modritscher, Felix and Desmet, Piet and Verlinde, Serge and De Causmaecker | Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, MEDES11)

Abstract: The mashup era has emerged in response to the challenge of integrating existing services, data sources, and tools to generate new applications. Mashups are usually realized either through a seamless integration, in which only the resulting application is known by the end-users, or through integration of original applications, data sources, and tools, particularly in terms of widgets, into the same graphical space, in which participating applications and data sources are identifiable by the end-users. The former composes a unified functionality or data presentation/source from the original sources. The latter generates a digital environment in which participating sources exist as individual entities, but the true integration can only be realized through enabling widgets to be responsive to the events happening in each other. We call such an integration widget orchestration. In this paper, we provide a holistic view on the mashup era and a theoretical grounding for widget-based digital environments, we elaborate on key challenges for realizing such environments and (semi-)automatic widget orchestration, and we introduce our solution strategies. We identified following challenges: widget interoperability, user-behavior mining, and infrastructure. We introduce functional interfaces (FWI) for application interoperability, exploit semantic web technologies for data interoperability, and investigate the possibility of employing workflow/process mining techniques, along with Petri nets as a formal ground, for user-behavior mining. We outline a reference platform and architecture, compliant with our strategies, to foster re-usability of widgets and development of standardized widgetbased environments. We have implemented a prototype for a Widget-based Personal Learning Environment (WIPLE) for foreign language learning in order to demonstrate the feasibility of our solution strategies, framework, and architecture. Copyright textcopyright 2011 ACM.

Mashups and widget orchestration

摘要: mashup时代已经出现,以应对集成现有服务,数据源和工具以生成新应用程序的挑战。混搭通常是通过无缝集成(最终用户仅了解最终的应用程序)或通过将原始应用程序,数据源和工具(尤其是小部件)集成到同一图形空间中来实现的。最终用户可以识别哪些参与的应用程序和数据源。前者由原始来源组成一个统一的功能或数据表示/来源。后者生成了一个数字环境,其中参与的源作为单个实体存在,但是只有通过使小部件能够响应彼此发生的事件,才能实现真正的集成。我们称这种集成小部件编排。在本文中,我们提供了关于混搭时代的整体观点,以及基于小部件的数字环境的理论基础,阐述了实现此类环境和(半)自动小部件编排的主要挑战,并介绍了解决方案策略。我们确定了以下挑战:小部件互操作性,用户行为挖掘和基础架构。我们介绍了用于应用程序互操作性的功能接口(FWI),利用语义Web技术实现了数据互操作性,并研究了将工作流/流程挖掘技术以及Petri网作为正式基础进行用户行为挖掘的可能性。我们概述了符合我们的策略的参考平台和体系结构,以促进小部件的可重用性和标准化的基于小部件的环境的开发。我们已经实现了用于外语学习的基于窗口小部件的个人学习环境(WIPLE)的原型,以证明我们的解决方案策略,框架和体系结构的可行性。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2077489.2077532]


[736] Matching events and activities by integrating behavioral aspects and label analysis (2018)

(Baier, Thomas and Di Ciccio | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Nowadays, business processes are increasingly supported by IT services that produce massive amounts of event data during the execution of a process. These event data can be used to analyze the process using process mining techniques to discover the real process, measure conformance to a given process model, or to enhance existing models with performance information. Mapping the produced events to activities of a given process model is essential for conformance checking, annotation and understanding of process mining results. In order to accomplish this mapping with low manual effort, we developed a semi-automatic approach that maps events to activities using insights from behavioral analysis and label analysis. The approach extracts Declare constraints from both the log and the model to build matching constraints to efficiently reduce the number of possible mappings. These mappings are further reduced using techniques from natural language processing, which allow for a matching based on labels and external knowledge sources. The evaluation with synthetic and real-life data demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach and its robustness toward non-conforming execution logs.


摘要: 如今,业务流程越来越受到IT服务的支持,IT服务在流程执行期间会生成大量事件数据。这些事件数据可用于使用过程挖掘技术来分析过程,以发现实际过程,测量对给定过程模型的符合性,或使用性能信息增强现有模型。将产生的事件映射到给定过程模型的活动对于一致性检查,注释和理解过程挖掘结果至关重要。为了以较少的人工完成此映射,我们开发了一种半自动方法,该方法使用行为分析和标签分析的见解将事件映射到活动。该方法从日志和模型中提取Declare约束以构建匹配约束,以有效减少可能的映射数量。使用自然语言处理技术可以进一步减少这些映射,该技术允许基于标签和外部知识源进行匹配。通过综合和真实数据进行的评估证明了该方法的有效性及其对不合格执行日志的鲁棒性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-017-0603-z]

[737] Matching observed behavior and modeled behavior: An approach based on Petri nets and integer programming (2006)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Inspired by the way SAP R/3 and other transactional information systems log events, we focus on the problem to decide whether a process model and a frequency profile fit together. The problem is formulated in terms of Petri nets and an approach based on integer programming is proposed to tackle the problem. The integer program provides necessary conditions and, as shown in this paper, for relevant subclasses these conditions are sufficient. Unlike traditional approaches, the approach allows for labeled Petri nets with hidden transitions, noise, etc. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 受SAP R / 3和其他事务性信息系统记录事件的方式启发,我们将重点放在确定流程模型和频率配置文件是否适合的问题上。该问题是用Petri网来表示的,并提出了一种基于整数规划的方法来解决该问题。整数程序提供了必要的条件,并且如本白皮书中所示,对于相关子类,这些条件就足够了。与传统方法不同,该方法允许带有隐藏过渡,噪声等标记的Petri网。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2006.03.013]

[738] Matching of events and activities - An approach based on behavioral constraint satisfaction (2015)

(Baier, Thomas and Rogge-Solti, Andreas and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Nowadays, business processes are increasingly supported by IT services that produce massive amounts of event data during the execution of a process. This event data can be used to analyze the process using process mining techniques to discover the real process, measure conformance to a given process model, or to enhance existing models with performance information. While it is essential to map the produced events to activities of a given process model for conformance analysis and process model annotation, it is also an important step for the straightforward interpretation of process discovery results. In order to accomplish this mapping with minimal manual effort, we developed a semi-automatic approach that maps events to activities using the solution of a corresponding constraint satisfaction problem. The approach extracts behavioral profiles from both the log and the model to build constraints to efficiently reduce the number of possible mappings. The evaluation with an industry process model collection and simulated event logs demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach and its robustness towards non-conforming execution logs.


摘要: 如今,业务流程越来越受到IT服务的支持,IT服务在流程执行期间会生成大量事件数据。此事件数据可用于使用过程挖掘技术来分析过程,以发现实际过程,测量对给定过程模型的符合性或使用性能信息增强现有模型。虽然将产生的事件映射到给定过程模型的活动以进行一致性分析和过程模型注释是必不可少的,但对于直接解释过程发现结果而言,这也是重要的一步。为了以最少的人工完成此映射,我们开发了一种半自动方法,该方法使用相应的约束满足问题的解决方案将事件映射到活动。该方法从日志和模型中提取行为配置文件,以建立约束条件以有效减少可能的映射数量。带有行业流程模型集合和模拟事件日志的评估证明了该方法的有效性及其对不合格执行日志的鲁棒性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2695664.2699491]

[739] Measures and mechanisms for process monitoring in evolving business networks (2012)

(Comuzzi, Marco and Vonk, Jochem and Grefen, Paul | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The literature on monitoring of cross-organizational processes, executed within business networks, considers monitoring only in the network formation phase, since network establishment determines what can be monitored during process execution. In particular, the impact of evolution in such networks on monitoring is not considered. When a business network evolves, e.g. contracts are introduced, updated, or dropped, or actors join or leave the network, the monitoring requirements of the network actors change as well. As a result, the monitorability of processes in the network may be disrupted. This paper proposes a framework to solve the problem of preserving the monitorability of processes in an evolving business network. We first propose a formal model of business networks, contracts, and monitoring requirements. Then, we model network evolution and the mechanisms to preserve the monitorability of the processes in the network for different types of evolution. In particular, the preservation of monitorability requires the actors in the network to take appropriate actions in case of dependencies between already established contracts, and update their monitoring infrastructure to satisfy the new monitoring requirements introduced by evolution. We also define a set of metrics that can be used for supporting decisions regarding the potential evolution of a business network. A case study in healthcare and the discussion of a prototype implementation show the applicability of our framework in real-world scenarios. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 有关在企业网络内执行的跨组织过程监视的文献只考虑在网络形成阶段进行监视,因为网络的建立决定了在过程执行过程中可以监视的内容。特别是,没有考虑这种网络的演进对监控的影响。当业务网络发展时,例如引入,更新或删除合同,或者参与者加入或离开网络,网络参与者的监视要求也随之更改。结果,网络中的过程的可监视性可能被破坏。本文提出了一个框架来解决在不断发展的业务网络中保持流程可监控性的问题。我们首先提出一个业务网络,合同和监视需求的正式模型。然后,我们对网络演化和机制进行建模,以针对不同类型的演化保留网络中进程的可监视性。尤其是,要保持可监视性,就要求网络中的参与者在已建立的合同之间存在依赖关系时采取适当的措施,并更新其监视基础结构,以满足演进带来的新监视要求。我们还定义了一组度量标准,可用于支持有关业务网络潜在发展的决策。在医疗保健中的案例研究和对原型实现的讨论表明,我们的框架在实际场景中的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2011.07.004]

[740] Measuring precision of modeled behavior (2014)

(Adriansyah, A. and Munoz-Gama, J. and Carmona, J. and van Dongen, B. F. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Information Systems and e-Business Management)

Abstract: Conformance checking techniques compare observed behavior (i.e., event logs) with modeled behavior for a variety of reasons. For example, discrepancies between a normative process model and recorded behavior may point to fraud or inefficiencies. The resulting diagnostics can be used for auditing and compliance management. Conformance checking can also be used to judge a process model automatically discovered from an event log. Models discovered using different process discovery techniques need to be compared objectively. These examples illustrate just a few of the many use cases for aligning observed and modeled behavior. Thus far, most conformance checking techniques focused on replay fitness, i.e., the ability to reproduce the event log. However, it is easy to construct models that allow for lots of behavior (including the observed behavior) without being precise. In this paper, we propose a method to measure precision of process models, given their event logs by first aligning the logs to the models. This way, the measurement is not sensitive to non-fitting executions and more accurate values can be obtained for non-fitting logs. Furthermore, we introduce several variants of the technique to deal better with incomplete logs and reduce possible bias due to behavioral property of process models. The approach has been implemented in the ProM 6 framework and tested against both artificial and real-life cases. Experiments show that the approach is robust to noise and applicable to handle logs and models of real-life complexity.


摘要: 出于各种原因,一致性检查技术会将观察到的行为(即事件日志)与建模行为进行比较。例如,规范过程模型与记录的行为之间的差异可能表示欺诈或效率低下。产生的诊断信息可用于审核和合规性管理。一致性检查还可以用于判断从事件日志中自动发现的流程模型。使用不同过程发现技术发现的模型需要进行客观比较。这些示例仅说明了许多使观察到的行为与建模行为保持一致的用例。到目前为止,大多数一致性检查技术都集中在重放适应性上,即,重现事件日志的能力。但是,很容易构造允许很多行为(包括观察到的行为)而又不精确的模型。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法来测量过程模型的精度,给定它们的事件日志,方法是首先将日志与模型对齐。这样,测量对不适合的执行不敏感,并且可以为不适合的测井获得更准确的值。此外,我们介绍了该技术的几种变体,以更好地处理不完整的日志并减少由于流程模型的行为特性而可能产生的偏差。该方法已在ProM 6框架中实施,并已针对人工和现实案例进行了测试。实验表明,该方法抗噪声能力强,适用于处理日志和现实生活中的复杂模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10257-014-0234-7]

[741] Measuring the fitness relationship (2005)

(Etien, Anne and Rolland, Colette | Requirements Engineering)

Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that the system functionality captured in a system model has to match organisational requirements available in the business model. However, such a matching is rarely used to support design strategies. We believe that appropriate measures of what we refer to as the fitness relationship can facilitate design decisions. The paper proposes criteria and associated generic metrics to quantify to which extent there is a fit between the business and the system which supports it. In order to formulate metrics independent of specific formalisms to express the system and the business models, we base our proposal on the use of ontologies. This also contributes to provide a theoretical foundation to our proposal. In order to illustrate the use of the proposed generic metrics we show in the paper, how to derive a set of specific metrics from the generic ones and we illustrate the use of the specific metrics in a case study. textcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005.


摘要: 众所周知,系统模型中捕获的系统功能必须与业务模型中可用的组织要求相匹配。但是,这种匹配很少用于支持设计策略。我们认为,适当的度量标准(称为适应关系)可以促进设计决策。本文提出了标准和相关的通用指标,以量化业务与支持该业务的系统之间的适应程度。为了制定独立于特定形式表示系统和业务模型的度量标准,我们的建议基于本体的使用。这也为我们的建议提供了理论基础。为了说明在本文中显示的拟议通用指标的用法,如何从通用指标中导出一组特定指标,并在案例研究中说明了特定指标的用法。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00766-005-0003-8]

[742] Mediating between modeled and observed behavior: The quest for the right process: Keynote (2013)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Operational processes leave trails in the information systems supporting them. Such event data are the starting point for process mining - an emerging scientific discipline relating modeled and observed behavior. Whereas an event log describes example behavior of the underlying process, a process model aims to describe an abstraction of the same process. Models may be descriptive or normative. Descriptive models aim to describe the underlying process and are used for discussion, performance analysis, obtaining insights, and prediction. Normative models describe the desired behavior and are used for workflow management, system configuration, auditing, compliance management, and conformance checking. Differences between modeled and observed behavior may point to undesirable deviations or inadequate models. In this paper, we discuss challenges related to finding the right process, i.e., the process model that describes the real underlying process or a process that behaves as desired. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

** 在建模和观察到的行为之间进行调解:对正确过程的追求:主题演讲**

摘要: 操作流程在支持它们的信息系统中留下了痕迹。此类事件数据是流程挖掘的起点-一种与建模和观察到的行为有关的新兴科学学科。而事件日志描述了基础流程的示例行为,而流程模型旨在描述同一过程的抽象模型可以是描述性的或规范性的;描述性模型旨在描述基础过程,用于讨论,绩效分析,获得见解和预测;规范性模型描述所需的行为并用于工作流管理,系统配置,审核,合规性管理和一致性检查。建模行为和观察到的行为之间的差异可能表明存在不希望的偏差或模型不足。在本文中,我们讨论了与找到正确的流程(即流程模型)相关的挑战描述真正的基础流程或行为符合要求的流程。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577675]

[743] Medical Workflow Modeling Using Alignment-Guided State-Splitting HMM (2017)

(Yang, Sen and Zhou, Moliang and Chen, Shuhong and Dong, Xin and Ahmed, Omar and Burd, Randall S. and Marsic, Ivan | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2017)

Abstract: Process mining techniques have been used to discover and analyze workflows in various fields, ranging from business management to healthcare. Much of this research, however, has overlooked the potential of hidden Markov models (HMMs) for workflow discovery. We present a novel alignment-guided state-splitting HMM inference algorithm (AGSS) for discovering workflow models based on observed traces of process executions. We compared the AGSS to existing methods using four real-world medical workflow datasets and a more detailed case study on one of them. Our numerical results show that AGSS not only generates more accurate workflow models, but also better represents the underlying process. In addition, with trace alignment to guide state splitting, AGSS is significantly more efficient (by a factor of O(n)) than previous HMM inference algorithms. Our case study results show that our approach produces a more readable and accurate workflow model that existing algorithms. Comparing the discovered model to the hand-made expert model of the same process, we found three discrepancies. These three discrepancies were reconsidered by medical experts and used for enhancing the expert model.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术已用于发现和分析从业务管理到医疗保健等各个领域的工作流程。但是,许多研究都忽略了隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)在工作流发现中的潜力。我们提出了一种新颖的对齐方式指导的状态分解HMM推理算法(AGSS),用于根据观察到的流程执行轨迹发现工作流模型。我们使用四个现实世界的医疗工作流数据集和其中一个进行了更详细的案例研究,将AGSS与现有方法进行了比较。我们的数值结果表明,AGSS不仅可以生成更准确的工作流模型,而且可以更好地表示基础流程。此外,通过跟踪对齐来指导状态分裂,AGSS比以前的HMM推理算法效率更高(高出O(n)倍)。我们的案例研究结果表明,与现有算法相比,我们的方法产生了更具可读性和准确性的工作流模型。将发现的模型与相同过程的手工专家模型进行比较,我们发现了三个差异。医学专家重新考虑了这三个差异,并用于增强专家模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICHI.2017.66]

[744] Merging event logs for process mining: A rule based merging method and rule suggestion algorithm (2014)

(Claes, Jan and Poels, Geert | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: In an inter-organizational setting the manual construction of process models is challenging because the different people involved have to put together their partial knowledge about the overall process. Process mining, an automated technique to discover and analyze process models, can facilitate the construction of inter-organizational process models. This paper presents a technique to merge the input data of the different partners of an inter-organizational process in order to serve as input for process mining algorithms. The technique consists of a method for configuring and executing the merge and an algorithm that searches for links between the data of the different partners and that suggests rules to the user on how to merge the data. Tool support is provided in the open source process mining framework ProM. The method and the algorithm are tested using two artificial and three real life datasets that confirm their effectiveness and efficiency. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在组织间环境中,流程模型的手动构建具有挑战性,因为所涉及的不同人员必须汇总他们对整个流程的部分知识。流程挖掘是一种发现和分析流程模型的自动化技术,可以促进组织间流程模型的构建。本文提出了一种技术,用于合并组织间流程的不同伙伴的输入数据,以用作流程挖掘算法的输入。该技术包括用于配置和执行合并的方法以及一种算法,该算法搜索不同伙伴的数据之间的链接,并向用户建议有关如何合并数据的规则。开源过程挖掘框架ProM中提供了工具支持。使用两个人工数据集和三个现实生活数据集对方法和算法进行了测试,证实了它们的有效性和效率。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2014.06.012]

[745] Merging event logs: Combining granularity levels for process flow analysis (2017)

(Raichelson, Lihi and Soffer, Pnina and Verbeek, Eric | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques enable the discovery and analysis of business processes and the identification of opportunities for improvement. Processes often comprise separately managed procedures documented in separate log files, which are impossible to mine in an integrative manner as the complete end-to-end process flow is obscure. These procedures can have simple (one-to-one) or complex (many-to-one or many-to-many) relationships among them. When complex relationships exist, typically different granularity levels are involved. In this paper, we present a merging algorithm that results in a comprehensive merged log that can handle all kinds of relationships between the procedures. Addressing differences in the granularity levels, it offers two views of the end-to-end process: a case view and an instance view. This enables the identification of process flow problems that could not be detected by previous techniques. The unified log can be used by process mining techniques to identify flow problems, particularly at the point of integration between the processes under consideration. The procedure proposed in this paper has been implemented and evaluated using both synthetic and real-life logs.


摘要: 流程挖掘技术可以发现和分析业务流程,并确定改进机会。流程通常包含记录在单独的日志文件中的单独管理的过程,由于完整的端到端流程不明确,因此无法以集成的方式进行挖掘。这些过程之间可以具有简单(一对一)或复杂(多对一或多对多)的关系。当存在复杂的关系时,通常会涉及不同的粒度级别。在本文中,我们提出了一种合并算法,该算法可生成一个综合的合并日志,该日志可以处理过程之间的各种关系。针对粒度级别的差异,它提供了端到端流程的两个视图:案例视图和实例视图。这使得能够识别以前的技术无法检测到的工艺流程问题。流程挖掘技术可以使用统一日志来识别流程问题,尤其是在所考虑的流程之间的集成点。本文提出的程序已使用合成日志和实际日志进行了实施和评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.08.010]

[746] Message correlation and web service protocol mining from inaccurate logs (2010)

(Musaraj, Kreshnik and Yoshida, Tetsuya and Daniel, Florian and Hacid, Mohand Said and Casati, Fabio and Benatallah, Boualem | ICWS 2010 - 2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services)

Abstract: Business process management, service-oriented architectures and software back-engineering heavily rely on the fundamental processes of mining of processes and web service business protocols from log files. Model extraction and mining aim at the (re)discovery of the behavior of a running model implementation using solely its interaction and activity traces, and no a priori information on the target model. This paper presents an approach for correlating messages and extracting the business protocol of a web service in the realistic scenario in which correlation information is entirely absent from interaction and activity logs. Correlation is achieved through deterministic computations that result in an extremely efficient method whose extensive experiments have shown its solid reliability, robustness when dealing with complex structures, and very high performance and scalability. This approach and the underlying algorithms extend what is actually possible to achieve in the web service business protocol mining domain using incomplete and noisy data logs, and opens new horizons in back-engineering of web services. The theoretical and experimental results clearly show the leap forward achieved herein. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程管理,面向服务的体系结构和软件反向工程在很大程度上依赖于从日志文件中挖掘流程和Web服务业务协议的基本流程。模型提取和挖掘旨在仅使用运行模型实现的交互和活动轨迹来(重新)发现运行模型实现的行为,而无需在目标模型上获得先验信息。本文提出了一种在现实情况下,用于关联消息和提取Web服务的业务协议的方法,在这种情况下,交互和活动日志中完全没有相关信息。通过确定性计算可实现相关性,从而得出一种极其高效的方法,其广泛的实验表明,该方法具有可靠的可靠性,处理复杂结构时的鲁棒性以及非常高的性能和可伸缩性。这种方法和基础算法扩展了使用不完整和嘈杂的数据日志在Web服务业务协议挖掘领域中实际可能实现的目标,并为Web服务的后工程开辟了新的视野。理论和实验结果清楚地表明了本文所取得的飞跃。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2010.104]

[747] Methods of Introducing Continuous Process Mining to Service Management for Mobile APPs (2017)

(Du, Jiawei and Cai, Hongming and Jiang, Lihong and Huang, Chengxi | Proceedings - 14th IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2017 - Including 13th Workshop on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and Collaboration, SOAIC 207)

Abstract: Precise and continuous service management is needed in todays mobile application development, with consideration of Continuous Delivery. This paper presents a framework to introduce sustained process discovery to service management for mobile APPs. Leveraging service logs accumulated at runtime, this framework bridges the gap between traditional process mining techniques and mobile APPs, demonstrating a log conversion method to deduce the missing case identifiers and gathering multiple versions of the process model, providing rich information for user behavior analysis, auto scaling of computing resources, etc. A case study is conducted based on a Chinese m-health APP to show our approach can provide comprehensive supports in many application scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework successfully handles with the incompleteness of original service logs by correctly deducing missing case identifiers in most cases.


摘要: 考虑到持续交付,在当今的移动应用程序开发中需要精确和连续的服务管理。本文提出了一个框架,该框架将持续的流程发现引入到移动APP的服务管理中。利用运行时累积的服务日志,该框架弥合了差距在传统的流程​​挖掘技术和移动APP之间进行了演示,演示了一种日志转换方法来推断丢失的案例标识符,并收集流程模型的多个版本,为用户行为分析,计算资源的自动扩展等提供了丰富的信息。基于中国m-health APP的结果表明,我们的方法可以在许多应用场景中提供全面的支持。实验结果表明,我们的框架通过正确推断出大多数情况下的缺失病例标识符,成功处理了原始服务日志的不完整问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2017.29]

[748] Middleware adaptation through process mining (2017)

(Rosa, Nelson | Proceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA)

Abstract: The development of adaptive middleware systems is a complex task due to the difficulty of dealing with adaptation issues, such as how to implement the adaptation mechanism, where to insert the adaptive code into the middleware, and when the adaptive code is composed with the middleware logic. Existing solutions to build adaptive middleware usually concentrate on the use of software technologies like aspect oriented programming and computational reflection to face with the how issue. In this paper, we propose a solution to build middleware that is adapted at runtime when, whose adaptation decisions and actions are moved from the middleware to an external component where and whose adaptation makes use of process mining techniques and software architecture how. The adaptation process is triggered based on the verification of the middleware event log. In order to evaluate the proposed approach, we carried an experimental evaluation to check the quality of the mined middleware model and the verification overhead.


摘要: 由于难以处理适应问题,例如如何实施适应机制,在哪里将适应性代码插入中间件以及何时实施适应性中间件系统的开发,因此是一项复杂的任务。自适应代码是由中间件逻辑组成的,现有的构建自适应中间件的解决方案通常集中在面向方面的程序设计和计算反射等软件技术的使用上,以解决该问题。在运行时何时进行适应,其适应​​决策和动作从中间件移至外部组件何处,并且其适应利用过程挖掘技术和软件体系结构如何进行。为了评估所提出的方法,我们进行了实验评估,以检查挖掘的中间件的质量模型和验证费用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AINA.2017.25]

[749] Mining Logs to Model the Use of a System (2017)

(Gadler, Daniele and Mairegger, Michael and Janes, Andrea and Russo, Barbara | International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement)

Abstract: Background. Process mining is a technique to build process models from execution logs (i.e., events triggered by the execution of a process). State-of-the-art tools can provide process managers with different graphical representations of such models. Managers use these models to compare them with an ideal process model or to support process improvement. They typically select the representation based on their experience and knowledge of the system. Aim. This work studies how to automatically build process models representing the actual intents (or uses) of users while interacting with a software system. Such intents are expressed as a set of actions performed by a user to a system to achieve specific use goals. Method. This work applies the theory of Hidden Markov Models to mine use logs and automatically model the use of a system. Results. Unlike the models generated with process mining tools, the Hidden Markov Models automatically generated in this study provide the intents of a user and can be used to recommend managers with a faithful representation of the use of their systems. Conclusions. The automatic generation of the Hidden Markov Models can achieve a good level of accuracy in representing the actual users intents provided the log dataset is carefully chosen. In our study, the information contained in one-month set of logs helped automatically build Hidden Markov Models with superior accuracy and similar expressiveness of the models built together with the companys stakeholder.


摘要: 背景。流程挖掘是一种从执行日志(即由流程执行触发的事件)构建流程模型的技术。最新的工具可以为流程管理者提供此类模型的不同图形表示形式经理使用这些模型将它们与理想的过程模型进行比较或支持过程改进。他们通常根据他们的经验和对系统的了解来选择表示形式。目的。这项工作研究了如何自动构建代表实际意图的过程模型(用户与软件系统交互时(或使用)的意图表示为用户为实现特定使用目标而对系统执行的一组操作(方法),该工作将隐马尔可夫模型的理论用于挖掘使用日志和结果:与使用过程挖掘工具生成的模型不同,本研究中自动生成的隐马尔可夫模型提供了au的意图。 ser和可用于通过忠实代表其系统使用情况来推荐管理人员。结论。如果仔细选择了日志数据集,则隐马尔可夫模型的自动生成可以在表示实际用户意图方面达到很高的准确性。在我们的研究中,包含在一个月的日志中的信息帮助自动构建了隐马尔可夫模型,该模型具有与公司利益相关者一起构建的模型更高的准确性和相似的表现力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ESEM.2017.47]

[750] Mining Sequences of Developer Interactions in Visual Studio for Usage Smells (2017)

(Damevski, Kostadin and Shepherd, David C. and Schneider, Johannes and Pollock, Lori | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering)

Abstract: In this paper, we present a semi-automatic approach for mining a large-scale dataset of IDE interactions to extract usage smells, i.e., inefficient IDE usage patterns exhibited by developers in the field. The approach outlined in this paper first mines frequent IDE usage patterns, filtered via a set of thresholds and by the authors, that are subsequently supported (or disputed) using a developer survey, in order to form usage smells. In contrast with conventional mining of IDE usage data, our approach identifies time-ordered sequences of developer actions that are exhibited by many developers in the field. This pattern mining workflow is resilient to the ample noise present in IDE datasets due to the mix of actions and events that these datasets typically contain. We identify usage patterns and smells that contribute to the understanding of the usability of Visual Studio for debugging, code search, and active file navigation, and, more broadly, to the understanding of developer behavior during these software development activities. Among our findings is the discovery that developers are reluctant to use conditional breakpoints when debugging, due to perceived IDE performance problems as well as due to the lack of error checking in specifying the conditional.

在Visual Studio中,开发人员交互的使用顺序挖掘序列嗅觉

摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种半自动方法,用于挖掘大规模的IDE交互数据集以提取使用气味,即,开发人员在该领域展示的效率低下的IDE使用模式。本文概述的方法首先挖掘频繁使用的IDE使用模式,这些模式通过一组阈值和作者进行过滤,然后使用开发人员调查加以支持(或提出争议),以形成使用气味。与传统的IDE使用数据挖掘相反,我们的方法确定了按时间顺序排列的开发人员操作的顺序,这些操作由该领域的许多开发人员展示。由于这些数据集通常包含动作和事件的混合,因此这种模式挖掘工作流可以抵抗IDE数据集中存在的大量噪声。我们确定使用模式和气味,这些模式和气味有助于理解Visual Studio的调试,代码搜索和活动文件导航的可用性,并且更广泛地有助于理解这些软件开发活动中开发人员的行为。我们的发现之一是,发现开发人员在调试时不愿意使用条件断点,这是由于IDE性能问题以及缺少在指定条件时进行错误检查所致。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSE.2016.2592905]


[751] Mining Shop-Floor Data for Preventive Maintenance Management: Integrating Probabilistic and Predictive Models (2017)

(Ruschel, Edson and Santos, Eduardo Alves Portela and Loures, Eduardo de Freitas Rocha | Procedia Manufacturing)

Abstract: Well-defined intervals between preventive maintenance inspections help increase the availability of process equipment. This work integrates probabilistic and predictive models constructed from event logs information, through process mining techniques, to estimate the variations of process cycle time. A function for equipment availability is defined and gradual changes in intervals between maintenance inspections are performed until the wasted time for this function is minimized and the best interval is found. Different scenarios can be analyzed simulating variations in probabilities of activities occurrence, providing better support in scheduling maintenance activities. Results show that losses can be reduced by optimizing the intervals between maintenance inspections.


摘要: 预防性维护检查之间的明确间隔有助于提高过程设备的可用性。这项工作通过过程挖掘技术集成了从事件日志信息构建的概率模型和预测模型,以估计过程周期时间的变化。定义了设备可用性的功能,并逐步进行维护检查之间的间隔更改,直到此功能的浪费时间最小化并找到最佳间隔为止。可以分析不同的场景以模拟活动发生概率的变化,从而为安排维护活动提供更好的支持。结果表明,可以通过优化维护检查之间的间隔来减少损失。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.promfg.2017.07.234]

[752] Mining Social Networks: Uncovering Interaction Patterns in Business Processes (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Increasingly information systems log historic information in a systematic way. Workflow management systems, but also ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems often provide a so-called event log, i.e a log recording the execution of activities. Unfortunately, the information in these event logs is rarely used to analyze the underlying processes. Process mining aims at improving this by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from event logs. This paper focuses on the mining social networks. This is possible because event logs typically record information about the users executing the activities recorded in the log. To do this we combine concepts from workflow management and social network analysis. This paper introduces the approach, defines metrics, and presents a tool to mine social networks from event logs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2004.


摘要: 信息系统越来越多地以系统的方式记录历史信息。工作流管理系统以及ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B系统通常提供所谓的事件日志,即记录活动执行的日志。不幸的是,这些事件日志中的信息很少用于分析基础过程。流程挖掘旨在通过提供从事件日志中发现流程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改善这一状况。本文着重于挖掘社交网络。这是可能的,因为事件日志通常会记录有关执行日志中记录的活动的用户的信息。为此,我们结合了工作流管理和社交网络分析的概念。本文介绍了该方法,定义了指标并提供了一种从事件日志中挖掘社交网络的工具。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2004。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-25970-1_16]

[753] Mining agents goals in agent-oriented business processes (2015)

(Yan, Jiaqi and Hu, Daning and Liao, Stephen S. and Wang, Huaiqing | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: When designing a business process, individual agents are assigned to perform tasks based on certain goals (i.e., designed process goals). However, based on their own interests, real-world agents often have different goals (i.e., agents goals) and thus may behave differently than designed, often resulting in reduced effectiveness or efficiencies of the executed process. Moreover, existing business process research lacks effective methods for discovering agents goals in the actual execution of the designed business processes. To address this problem, we propose an agent-oriented goal mining approach to modeling, discovering, and analyzing agents goals in executed business processes using historical event logs and domain data. To the best of our knowledge, our research is the first to adopt the agents goal perspective to study inconsistencies between the design and execution of business processes. Moreover, it also provides a useful tool for stakeholders to discover real-world agents actual goals and thus provides insights for improving the task assignment mechanism or business process design in general.

** 在面向代理的业务流程中挖掘代理的目标**

摘要: 在设计业务流程时,会根据特定的目标(即,设计的流程目标)指定各个代理商来执行任务。但是,现实世界中的代理商通常会根据自己的兴趣而制定不同的目标(即代理商的目标)。因此,现有的业务流程研究缺乏有效的方法来发现设计的业务流程的实际执行过程中代理商的目标。提出一种面向代理的目标挖掘方法,以使用历史事件日志和域数据在执行的业务流程中建模,发现和分析代理的目标,据我们所知,我们的研究是第一个采用代理目标的观点进行分析的方法。研究业务流程的设计与执行之间的不一致之处,此外,它还为利益相关者发现实际代理提供了有用的工具的实际目标,从而为总体上改善任务分配机制或业务流程设计提供了见识。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2629448]

[754] Mining and checking web services behavior (2012)

(Wan, Xiaomin and Mao, Xiaoguang and Dai, Ziying | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN))

Abstract: As an emerging paradigm for architecting, service-oriented computing plays a more and more important role in information technology. To ensure that web services are working according with the expectation, the research in service behavior about interactions between services is crucial to guarantee no deviation from specification. To detect these deviations, we propose a method to mine and check web service behavior. The method attempts to apply process mining to interactions between services in order to narrow the gap between service consumers and providers. By observing executions of services, we present three levels of abstraction on service behavior: internal behavior, external behavior and workflow behavior. Then we outline the approach to extract behavioral model that provides specification to the activity of service checking. Finally the framework of service behavior checking is presented. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 作为一种新兴的架构范例,面向服务的计算在信息技术中扮演着越来越重要的角色。为了确保Web服务按预期工作,关于服务行为之间的服务行为的研究对于保证不偏离规范至关重要。为了检测这些偏差,我们提出了一种挖掘和检查Web服务行为的方法。该方法尝试将流程挖掘应用于服务之间的交互,以缩小服务使用者和提供者之间的差距。通过观察服务的执行情况,我们提供了服务行为的三个抽象层次:内部行为,外部行为和工作流行为。然后,我们概述了提取行为模型的方法,该模型为服务检查的活动提供了规范。最后提出了服务行为检查的框架。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/INDIN.2012.6301239]

[755] Mining and re-engineering transactional workflows for reliable executions (2007)

(Gaaloul, Walid and Bhiri, Sami and Haller, Armin | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: A continuous evolution of business process parameters, constraints and needs, hardly foreseeable initially, requires from the business process management systems a continuous design and a reliable process model. In this paper, we are interested in developing a reactive design through a process log analysis ensuring process re-engineering and execution reliability. We propose to analyse workflow logs to discover workflow transactional behavior and to improve and correct related recovery mechanisms subsequently. Our approach starts by collecting workflow logs. Then, we build, by statistical analysis techniques, an intermediate representation specifying elementary dependencies between activities. These dependencies are refined to mine the transactional workflow model. The analysis of the discrepancies between the discovered model and the initially designed model enables us to detect design gaps, concerning particularly the recovery mechanisms. Thus, based on this mining step, we apply a set of rules on the initially designed workflow to improve workflow reliability. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


摘要: 业务流程参数,约束和需求的不断发展,最初很难预见,它要求业务流程管理系统提供连续的设计和可靠的流程模型。在本文中,我们有兴趣通过过程日志分析来开发反应性设计,以确保过程重新设计和执行的可靠性。我们建议分析工作流日志以发现工作流事务行为,并随后改进和纠正相关的恢复机制。我们的方法从收集工作流日志开始。然后,我们通过统计分析技术构建一个中间表示,指定活动之间的基本依赖关系。改进这些依赖关系以挖掘事务性工作流模型。对发现的模型与最初设计的模型之间的差异进行分析,使我们能够检测出设计差距,尤其是与恢复机制有关的差距。因此,基于此挖掘步骤,我们在最初设计的工作流程上应用了一组规则以提高工作流程的可靠性。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75563-0_33]

[756] Mining artful processes from knowledge workers emails (2013)

(Di Ciccio | IEEE Internet Computing)

Abstract: MailOfMine aims at automatically building a set of workflow models - which represent the artful processes behind knowledge workers activities - on top of a collection of email messages. Such models formalize the unspecified agile processes that workers autonomously perform: because these models arent defined a priori by experts but are rather inferred from real-life scenarios, theyre guaranteed to respect true workflow executions. Moreover, knowledge workers can share, compare, and preserve such models to put in evidence their best practices and thus benefit the entire business. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.

** 从知识工作者的电子邮件中挖掘巧妙的流程**

摘要: MailOfMine的目的是在电子邮件集合之上自动构建一组工作流模型,这些模型代表知识工作者活动背后的巧妙流程。此类模型将工作者自主执行的未指定敏捷过程正式化:因为这些模型不是如果由专家定义先验知识,但可以从实际情况中推断出来,则可以保证他们尊重真实的工作流执行;此外,知识工作者可以共享,比较和保存此类模型,以证明其最佳实践,从而从中受益。整个业务。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MIC.2013.60]

[757] Mining association rules from XML data with index table (2007)

(Li, Xin Ye and Yuan, Jin Sha and Kong, Ying Hui | Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2007)

Abstract: Mining XML association rule is confronted with more challenges due to the inherent flexibilities of XML in both structure and semantics. In order to make mining XML association rule efficiently, we give a new definition of transaction and item in XML context, then build transaction database based on an index table. Based on our definition and the index table used for XML searching, we can check the include relation between a transaction and an item quickly. A high adaptive mining technique is also described. By using it, we can process mining rules with no guidance of interest associations given by users and mining unknown rules. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques through experiments on real-life data. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 由于XML在结构和语义上都具有固有的灵活性,因此挖掘XML关联规则面临着更多的挑战。为了有效地挖掘XML关联规则,我们在XML上下文中给出了交易和项目的新定义,然后基于索引表构建了交易数据库。根据我们的定义和用于XML搜索的索引表,我们可以快速检查事务和项目之间的包含关系。还描述了一种高度自适应的挖掘技术。通过使用它,我们可以在没有用户给出的兴趣关联和挖掘未知规则的指导下处理挖掘规则。我们通过对真实数据进行实验来证明这些技术的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMLC.2007.4370828]

[758] Mining association rules to support resource allocation in business process management (2011)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Resource allocation is of great importance for business process management. In business process execution, a set of rules that specify resource allocation is always implied. Although many approaches have been offered to support resource allocation, they are not sufficient to derive interesting resource allocation rules which ensure that each activity is performed by suitable resource. Hence, this paper introduces an association rule mining based approach to mine interesting resource allocation rules from event log. The idea is to concern the ordered correlations between items in event log, and then to present two efficient algorithms to mine real interesting rules. The event log of radiology CT-scan examination process provided by the Chinese Huzhou hospital is used to verify the proposed approach. The evaluation results showed that the proposed approach not only is able to extract the rules more efficient and much faster, but also can discover more important resource allocation rules. textcopyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 资源分配对于业务流程管理非常重要。在业务流程执行中,总是隐含一组指定资源分配的规则。尽管已经提供了许多支持资源分配的方法,但是它们不足以得出有趣的资源分配规则,这些规则确保每个活动都由适当的资源执行。因此,本文介绍了一种基于关联规则挖掘的方法,用于从事件日志中挖掘有趣的资源分配规则。这个想法是要关注事件日志中项目之间的有序关联,然后提出两种有效的算法来挖掘真正的有趣规则。中国湖州医院提供的放射线CT扫描检查过程的事件日志用于验证所提出的方法。评估结果表明,该方法不仅可以更高效,更快地提取规则,而且可以发现更重要的资源分配规则。 t​​extcopyright 2011年由Elsevier Ltd.发布。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2011.01.146]

[759] Mining branching-time scenarios (2013)

(Fahland, Dirk and Lo, David and Maoz, Shahar | 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2013 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Specification mining extracts candidate specification from existing systems, to be used for downstream tasks such as testing and verification. Specifically, we are interested in the extraction of behavior models from execution traces. In this paper we introduce mining of branching-time scenarios in the form of existential, conditional Live Sequence Charts, using a statistical data-mining algorithm. We show the power of branching scenarios to reveal alternative scenario-based behaviors, which could not be mined by previous approaches. The work contrasts and complements previous works on mining linear-time scenarios. An implementation and evaluation over execution trace sets recorded from several real-world applications shows the unique contribution of mining branching-time scenarios to the state-of-the-art in specification mining. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 规范挖掘从现有系统中提取候选规范,以用于下游任务,例如测试和验证。具体来说,我们对从执行跟踪中提取行为模型感兴趣。在本文中,我们使用统计数据挖掘算法以存在的,有条件的实时序列图的形式介绍了分支时间场景的挖掘。我们展示了分支方案的功能,以揭示基于方案的替代行为,而以前的方法无法挖掘这些行为。该工作对比和补充了以前在挖掘线性时间场景方面的工作。从多个实际应用程序记录的执行跟踪集的实现和评估表明,挖掘分支时间场景对规范挖掘中的最新技术的独特贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ASE.2013.6693102]

[760] Mining business process variants: Challenges, scenarios, algorithms (2011)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: During the last years a new generation of process-aware information systems has emerged, which enables process model configurations at buildtime as well as process instance changes during runtime. Respective model adaptations result in a large number of model variants that are derived from the same process model, but slightly differ in structure. Generally, such model variants are expensive to configure and maintain. In this paper we address two scenarios for learning from process model adaptations and for discovering a reference model out of which the variants can be configured with minimum efforts. The first one is characterized by a reference process model and a collection of related process variants. The goal is to improve the original reference process model such that it fits better to the variant models. The second scenario comprises a collection of process variants, while the original reference model is unknown; i.e., the goal is to merge these variants into a new reference process model. We suggest two algorithms that are applicable in both scenarios, but have their pros and cons. We provide a systematic comparison of the two algorithms and further contrast them with conventional process mining techniques. Comparison results indicate good performance of our algorithms and also show that specific techniques are needed for learning from process configurations and adaptations. Finally, we provide results from a case study in automotive industry in which we successfully applied our algorithms. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,出现了新一代的过程感知信息系统,该系统可以在构建时配置过程模型,并在运行时更改过程实例。相应的模型调整会导致大量的模型变体,它们衍生自相同的过程模型,但结构略有不同。通常,这种模型变体的配置和维护成本很高。在本文中,我们提出了两种方案,可从过程模型调整中学习和发现参考模型,从而可以以最小的努力配置变量。第一个特征是参考过程模型和相关过程变量的集合。目的是改进原始参考流程模型,使其更适合变体模型。第二种情况是过程变体的集合,而原始参考模型是未知的。即目标是将这些变体合并到新的参考流程模型中。我们建议两种在两种情况下都适用的算法,但各有优缺点。我们提供了两种算法的系统比较,并将它们与常规过程挖掘技术进行了对比。比较结果表明我们的算法具有良好的性能,并且还表明从流程配置和适应中学习需要特定的技术。最后,我们提供了汽车行业案例研究的结果,在该案例中我们成功地应用了算法。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2011.01.005]

[761] Mining change operations for workflow platform as a service (2015)

(Cao, Jian and Yao, Yan and Wang, Yi | World Wide Web)

Abstract: Workflow platform as a service (WaaS) allows users to define, integrate and run workflow based applications and it is becoming popular with the rapid development of cloud computing. However, for a workflow-enabled application, a single workflow model is not possible to meet various requirements from different users. Therefore, many workflow platforms provide tools that can be used to change the workflow model by users. An approach to mine users workflow change operations is proposed, through which change rules can be discovered and be reused to configure the workflow model automatically in the future. The method to retrieve the change operations is firstly introduced and a change rule-mining algorithm is given. Then the process of applying change rules to configure the workflow model is described. Finally, a prototype system and a case study are presented.


摘要: 工作流平台即服务(WaaS)允许用户定义,集成和运行基于工作流的应用程序,并且随着云计算的快速发展,它变得越来越流行。但是,对于支持工作流的应用程序,不可能使用单一的工作流模型为了满足不同用户的各种需求,因此,许多工作流平台都提供了可用于用户更改工作流模型的工具,提出了一种挖掘用户工作流变更操作的方法,通过该方法可以发现变更规则并将其重用于未来会自动配置工作流模型,首先介绍了获取变更操作的方法,给出了变更规则挖掘算法,然后描述了应用变更规则配置工作流模型的过程,最后给出了原型系统和进行了案例研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11280-014-0308-y]

[762] Mining collaboration patterns of software development processes based on trace alignment (2017)

(Yu, Dongjin and Wang, Jiaojiao | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Developing large-scale software usually involves the interaction of a great number of engineers over a long period. To discover the collaboration patterns from developing logs helps improve the software development processes. Traditional techniques of process mining can be employed to identify such patterns. Unfortunately, due to the high uncertainty of software development process, they tend to obtain spaghetti models which are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. As a remedy, in this paper we propose an approach to the discovery of collaboration patterns existing in software development process by aligning development logs. It considers not only the sequence of activities, but also the collaboration of actors who perform activities. Instead of using time-consuming graph mining techniques, it employs the trace alignment, which is much more straightforward. Moreover, unlike some traditional approaches, the discovered patterns are determined because we do not depend on the mined process model that is usually uncertain due to the unstructured nature of software development process. The experimental results based on a large dataset generated from CPNTools demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


摘要: 开发大型软件通常需要大量工程师长期的互动。从开发日志中发现协作模式有助于改善软件开发流程。可以采用传统的过程挖掘技术来识别这种模式。不幸的是,由于软件开发过程的高度不确定性,他们倾向于获得难以理解甚至误导的意大利面条模型。作为一种补救措施,本文提出了一种通过对齐开发日志来发现软件开发过程中存在的协作模式的方法。它不仅考虑了活动的顺序,还考虑了执行活动的参与者之间的协作。它没有使用费时的图挖掘技术,而是采用了更简单的走线对齐方式。而且,与某些传统方法不同,确定发现的模式是因为我们不依赖通常由于软件开发过程的非结构化性质而不确定的挖掘过程模型。基于CPNTools生成的大型数据集的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3084100.3084103]

[763] Mining compressed commodity workflows from massive RFID data sets (2006)

(Gonzalez, Hector and Han, Jiawei and Li, Xiaolei | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings)

Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is fast becoming a prevalent tool in tracking commodities in supply chain management applications. The movement of commodities through the supply chain forms a gigantic workflow that can be mined for the discovery of trends, flow correlations and outlier paths, that in turn can be valuable in understanding and optimizing business processes.In this paper, we propose a method to construct compressed probabilistic workflows that capture the movement trends and significant exceptions of the overall data sets, but with a size that is substantially smaller than that of the complete RFID workflow. Compression is achieved based on the following observations: (1) only a relatively small minority of items deviate from the general trend, (2)only truly non-redundant deviations, ie, those that substantially deviate from the previously recorded ones, are interesting, and (3) although RFID data is registered at the primitive level, data analysis usually takes place at a higher abstraction level. Techniques for workflow compression based on non-redundant transition and emission probabilities are derived; and an algorithm for computing approximate path probabilities is developed. Our experiments demonstrate the utility and feasibility of our design, data structure, and algorithms. Copyright 2006 ACM.


摘要: 射频识别(RFID)技术正在迅速成为在供应链管理应用中跟踪商品的流行工具。商品在供应链中的流动形成了巨大的工作流程,可用于发现趋势,流程相关性和异常路径,这反过来对于理解和优化业务流程非常有价值。本文提出了一种方法构建压缩的概率工作流,以捕获整个数据集的移动趋势和重大异常,但其大小要比完整的RFID工作流小得多。根据以下观察结果进行压缩:(1)只有相对少数的项目偏离了总体趋势;(2)只有真正非冗余的偏离(即那些与先前记录的偏离很大的偏离)才是有趣的, (3)尽管RFID数据是在原始级别注册的,但是数据分析通常是在更高的抽象级别进行的。推导了基于非冗余过渡和发射概率的工作流压缩技术;提出了一种计算近似路径概率的算法。我们的实验证明了我们的设计,数据结构和算法的实用性和可行性。版权所有2006 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1183614.1183641]

[764] Mining configurable enterprise information systems (2006)

(Jansen-Vullers, M. H. and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining aim at extracting a process model from system logs. These logs have to meet minimum requirements, i.e. each event should refer to a case and a task. Some system logs do not meet these requirements, and therefore it is not possible to use process mining for process optimization or delta analysis. This paper shows an alternative process mining procedure for logs containing only data on the number of times that process steps have been executed (i.e., frequencies). To be able to mine such logs we apply Configurable Event-driven Process Chains (C-EPCs). If a C-EPC is available, we propose a method to mine the process. If only a classical reference model (i.e., an EPC) is available, we propose a method to first derive the C-EPC through mining and then analyze the process. This approach enables us to do process mining in the context of ERP systems such as the SAP solutions. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘旨在从系统日志中提取过程模型。这些日志必须满足最低要求,即每个事件都应引用案例和任务。一些系统日志不满足这些要求,因此无法将过程挖掘用于过程优化或增量分析。本文显示了用于日志的替代过程挖掘过程,该过程仅包含有关已执行过程步骤的次数(即频率)的数据。为了能够挖掘此类日志,我们应用了可配置事件驱动的流程链(C-EPC)。如果有C-EPC,我们建议一种方法来挖掘该过程。如果只有经典的参考模型(即EPC)可用,我们提出一种方法,该方法首先通过挖掘来推导C-EPC,然后分析该过程。这种方法使我们能够在ERP系统(例如SAP解决方案)的上下文中进行流程挖掘。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2005.03.007]

[765] Mining decision to discover the relation of rules among decision points in a non-free choice construct (2014)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Sari, Putu Linda Indita and Sunaryono, Dwi and Amaliah, Bilqis and Mukhlash, Imam | Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Information, Communication Technology and System, ICTS 2014)

Abstract: Decision mining is a combination of process mining and machine learning algorithms to retrieve information on how data attributes in a business process affect routing of a case. It analyzes decision point by looking for XOR-splits in petri-net workflow model and examining rules for each choice based on available attributes using decision tree. The rules for each decision point are based on the attributes influence to the case. Meanwhile, a non-free choice construct is a mixture of choice and synchronization, which will create limited choices in the workflow. The limitation of choice will then affect the rules found in non-free choice construct using decision mining technique. Limitation of rules makes it possible to examine the relation among rules in the workflow. The relation of these rules will emerge a certain property of a non-free choice construct. Rules for two decision points within a non-free choice construct will have similarities. Regarding to this, when the same rule is found during a decision mining process, we can determine that the decision points have a non-free choice relationship.


摘要: 决策挖掘是流程挖掘和机器学习算法的组合,用于检索有关业务流程中的数据属性如何影响案例路由的信息。它通过在Petri网工作流模型中查找XOR拆分并检查规则来分析决策点。基于决策树的可用属性对每个选择进行选择;每个决策点的规则基于属性对案例的影响;同时,非自由选择结构是选择和同步的混合体,这将在选择中产生有限的选择。然后,选择的局限性将影响使用决策挖掘技术在非自由选择构造中找到的规则,规则的局限性使得检查工作流中的规则之间的关系成为可能,这些规则的关系将呈现出一定的特性。非自由选择构造中的两个决策点的规则将具有相似性。在决策挖掘过程中发现,我们可以确定决策点具有非自由选择关系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTS.2014.7010557]


[766] Mining event logs to support workflow resource allocation (2012)

(Liu, Tingyu and Cheng, Yalong and Ni, Zhonghua | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: Currently, workflow technology is widely used to facilitate the business process in enterprise information systems (EIS), and it has the potential to reduce design time, enhance product quality and decrease product cost. However, significant limitations still exist: as an important task in the context of workflow, many present resource allocation (also known as staff assignment) operations are still performed manually, which are time-consuming. This paper presents a data mining approach to address the resource allocation problem (RAP) and improve the productivity of workflow resource management. Specifically, an Apriori-like algorithm is used to find the frequent patterns from the event log, and association rules are generated according to predefined resource allocation constraints. Subsequently, a correlation measure named lift is utilized to annotate the negatively correlated resource allocation rules for resource reservation. Finally, the rules are ranked using the confidence measures as resource allocation rules. Comparative experiments are performed using C4.5, SVM, ID3, Naive Bayes and the presented approach, and the results show that the presented approach is effective in both accuracy and candidate resource recommendations. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 当前,工作流技术被广泛用于促进企业信息系统(EIS)中的业务流程,它具有减少设计时间,提高产品质量和降低产品成本的潜力。但是,仍然存在明显的局限性:作为工作流上下文中的一项重要任务,许多当前的资源分配(也称为工作人员分配)操作仍然是手动执行的,这非常耗时。本文提出了一种数据挖掘方法来解决资源分配问题(RAP)并提高工作流资源管理的生产率。具体来说,使用类似Apriori的算法从事件日志中查找频繁模式,并根据预定义的资源分配约束条件生成关联规则。随后,使用名为提升的相关度量来注释负相关的资源分配规则以进行资源保留。最后,使用置信度度量作为资源分配规则对规则进行排名。比较实验是使用C4.5,SVM,ID3,朴素贝叶斯和提出的方法进行的,结果表明,提出的方法在准确性和候选资源推荐方面均有效。 textcopyright 2012 Elsevier BV保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2012.05.010]

[767] Mining exact models of concurrent workflows (2004)

(Schimm, Guido | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: The mining of workflow models from workflow logs is an alternative to construct models from scratch. It also offers a mean to analyze and optimize workflows already supported by workflow management systems. In many cases, the benefit of workflow mining depends on the exactness of the mined models. This paper presents an approach on mining exact workflow models from workflow logs. First, it outlines a model representation and specifies the mining input. Based on these foundations, a complete mining procedure is described step by step and illustrated by an example. Finally, this paper presents an implementation of the approach and outlines evaluation results. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 从工作流程日志中挖掘工作流程模型是从头开始构建模型的替代方法。它还提供了一种手段来分析和优化工作流管理系统已经支持的工作流。在许多情况下,工作流挖掘的好处取决于挖掘模型的准确性。本文提出了一种从工作流日志中挖掘精确的工作流模型的方法。首先,它概述了模型表示并指定了挖掘输入。在这些基础上,逐步描述了完整的采矿过程,并通过示例进行了说明。最后,本文介绍了该方法的实现并概述了评估结果。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.003]

[768] Mining executable specifications of web applications from Selenium IDE tests (2012)

(Xu, Dianxiang and Xu, Weifeng and Bavikati, Bharath K. and Wong, W. Eric | Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, SERE 2012)

Abstract: A common practice for system testing of web-based applications is to perform the test cases through a web browser. These tests are often recorded and managed by a record and replay tool, such as Selenium IDE. Mining specifications from such tests can be very useful for understanding, verifying, and debugging the system under test. This paper presents an approach to mining a behavior specification from a Selenium IDE test suite such that (a) it captures the behavior of the tests at a high level of abstraction, (b) the behavior can be simulated, and © all the tests are completely reproducible from the specification. We first identify similar test actions through context-sensitive clustering so as to normalize the given Selenium IDE tests. Then, we mine patterns of test actions that represent meaningful functions and transform Selenium IDE tests into abstract tests, which are similar to the tests used in the existing model-mining techniques. From the abstract tests, we synthesize a high-level Petri net that captures both temporal constraints and data values. For evaluation purposes, we applied our approach to eight test suites of two real-world systems, Magento (an online shopping system being used by many live stores) and Amazon. Two of the test suites are for security testing, aiming at SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities. The result shows that our approach is effective in producing abstract yet executable specifications and reducing the complexity of the models. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

从Selenium IDE测试中挖掘Web应用程序的可执行规范

摘要: 基于Web的应用程序的系统测试的常见做法是通过Web浏览器执行测试用例。这些测试通常由记录和重放工具(例如Selenium IDE)记录和管理。从此类测试中挖掘规范对于理解,验证和调试被测系统非常有用。本文介绍了一种从Selenium IDE测试套件中挖掘行为规范的方法,该方法使得(a)可以在高度抽象的水平上捕获测试的行为,(b)可以模拟行为,并且(c)所有测试可以从规范中完全重现。我们首先通过上下文相关的群集来识别类似的测试操作,以规范给定的Selenium IDE测试。然后,我们挖掘代表有意义功能的测试动作的模式,并将Selenium IDE测试转换为抽象测试,这些测试类似于现有模型挖掘技术中使用的测试。从抽象测试中,我们综合了一个高级Petri网,该网捕获了时间约束和数据值。为了进行评估,我们将我们的方法应用于两个实际系统的八个测试套件中,这两个系统分别是Magento(许多现场商店正在使用的在线购物系统)和Amazon。其中两个测试套件用于安全性测试,主要针对SQL注入和XSS漏洞。结果表明,我们的方法有效地生成了抽象但可执行的规范,并降低了模型的复杂性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SERE.2012.39]

[769] Mining frequent composite service patterns (2008)

(Meng, Hui and Wu, Lifa and Zhang, Tianlei and Chen, Guisheng and Li, Deyi | Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, GCC 2008)

Abstract: Service mining is an important technology which could help service composition. This paper mainly studied the problem of mining frequent composite services from the log of the composition-oriented service discovery system. First, a composite service representation method based on n-tuple was proposed. Second, a frequent composite service mining algorithm was put forward. Finally, an experiment was given to show the effectiveness of the mining algorithm. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 服务挖掘是一项重要的技术,可以帮助服务组合。本文主要从面向组合的服务发现系统的日志中研究挖掘频繁组合服务的问题。首先,提出了一种基于n元组的复合服务表示方法。其次,提出了一种频繁的复合服务挖掘算法。最后,通过实验证明了该算法的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/GCC.2008.102]

[770] Mining group-based knowledge flows for sharing task knowledge (2011)

(Liu, Duen Ren and Lai, Chin Hui | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: In an organization, knowledge is the most important resource in the creation of core competitive advantages. It is circulated and accumulated by knowledge flows (KFs) in the organization to support workers task needs. Because workers accumulate knowledge of different domains, they may cooperate and participate in several task-based groups to satisfy their needs. In this paper, we propose algorithms that integrate information retrieval and data mining techniques to mine and construct group-based KFs (GKFs) for task-based groups. A GKF is expressed as a directed knowledge graph which represents the knowledge referencing behavior, or knowledge flow, of a group of workers with similar task needs. Task-related knowledge topics and their relationships (flows) can be identified from the knowledge graph so as to fulfill workers task needs and promote knowledge sharing for collaboration of group members. Moreover, the frequent knowledge referencing path can be identified from the knowledge graph to indicate the frequent knowledge flow of the workers. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods, we implement a prototype of the GKF mining system. Our GKF mining methods can enhance organizational learning and facilitate knowledge management, sharing, and reuse in an environment where collaboration and teamwork are essential. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在组织中,知识是创造核心竞争优势的最重要资源。它是由组织中的知识流(KF)传播和积累的,以支持工人的任务需求。因为工人积累了不同领域的知识,所以他们可以合作并参与多个基于任务的小组来满足他们的需求,本文提出了一种将信息检索和数据挖掘技术相结合的算法,以挖掘和构造基于任务的小组的基于小组的KF(GKF)。表示为有向知识图,表示有相似任务需求的一组工人的知识参照行为或知识流,可以从知识图中识别与任务相关的知识主题及其关系(流),以使工人满意任务需求,促进团队成员协作的知识共享,而且可以从知识中识别出频繁的知识参考路径图形以指示工人的频繁知识流。为了证明所提出方法的有效性,我们实现了GKF采矿系统的原型。在需要协作和团队合作的环境中,我们的GKF挖掘方法可以增强组织学习并促进知识管理,共享和重用。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2010.09.004]

[771] Mining knowledge flow for modeling the information needs of task-based groups (2008)

(Lai, Chin Hui and Liu, Duen Ren | 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IEEE IRI-2008)

Abstract: Knowledge is the most important resource to create core competitive advantages for an organization. Such knowledge is circulated and accumulated by a knowledge flow (KF) in an organization to support workers tasks. Workers may cooperate and participate in several task-based groups to fulfill their needs. In this paper, we propose a group-based knowledge flow mining algorithm which integrates information retrieval and data mining techniques for mining and constructing the group-based KF (GKF) for task-based groups. The GKF is expressed as a directed knowledge graph to represent the knowledge referencing behavior for a group of workers with similar task needs. The frequent knowledge referencing paths are identified from the knowledge graph to indicate the frequent knowledge flows of the workers. We also implement a prototype of GKF mining system to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. textcopyright2008 IEEE.


摘要: 知识是为组织创造核心竞争优势的最重要资源。此类知识由组织中的知识流(KF)传播和积累,以支持工人的任务。工人可以合作并参加多个基于任务的小组,以本文提出了一种基于群体的知识流挖掘算法,该算法将信息检索和数据挖掘技术相结合,用于挖掘和构造基于任务的群体的基于群体的KF(GKF),GKF表示为有向知识图表示一组具有相似任务需求的工人的知识参照行为,从知识图中识别出频繁的知识参照路径以指示工人的频繁知识流,并实现了GKF挖掘系统的原型演示我们提出的方法的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IRI.2008.4583006]

[772] Mining knowledge sharing processes in online discussion forums (2014)

(Wang, G. Alan and Wang, Harry Jiannan and Li, Jiexun and Fan, Weiguo | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Online discussion forums have become a popular knowledge source for sharing information or solving problems. This study is an attempt to apply business process modeling and mining techniques to analyzing online knowledge sharing activities. Traditional process mining techniques have little consideration on social interactions, which are rich in online forums. We propose to complement traditional process mining with analyses on social interactions among discussion participants. Our experiments show that business process modeling and mining techniques can be used to model online knowledge sharing processes and identify patterns related to effective knowledge sharing. In addition, analyses on social interactions provide insights that verify and supplement the process mining results. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 在线讨论论坛已成为共享信息或解决问题的流行知识来源。这项研究试图将业务流程建模和挖掘技术应用于分析在线知识共享活动。传统的过程挖掘技术很少考虑社交互动,社交互动在在线论坛中十分丰富。我们建议对讨论参与者之间的社交互动进行分析,以补充传统的过程挖掘。我们的实验表明,业务流程建模和挖掘技术可用于对在线知识共享流程进行建模,并确定与有效知识共享相关的模式。此外,对社交互动的分析还提供了洞察力,可以验证和补充过程挖掘结果。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2014.483]

[773] Mining local process models (2016)

(Tax, Niek and Sidorova, Natalia and Haakma, Reinder and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems)

Abstract: In this paper we describe a method to discover frequent behavioral patterns in event logs. We express these patterns as emphlocal process models. Local process model mining can be positioned in-between process discovery and episode / sequential pattern mining. The technique presented in this paper is able to learn behavioral patterns involving sequential composition, concurrency, choice and loop, like in process mining. However, we do not look at start-to-end models, which distinguishes our approach from process discovery and creates a link to episode / sequential pattern mining. We propose an incremental procedure for building local process models capturing frequent patterns based on so-called process trees. We propose five quality dimensions and corresponding metrics for local process models, given an event log. We show monotonicity properties for some quality dimensions, enabling a speedup of local process model discovery through pruning. We demonstrate through a real life case study that mining local patterns allows us to get insights in processes where regular start-to-end process discovery techniques are only able to learn unstructured, flower-like, models.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一种在事件日志中发现频繁行为模式的方法。我们将这些模式表示为 emph local process models。本地过程模型挖掘可以位于过程发现和情节/顺序模式挖掘之间。本文介绍的技术能够学习涉及顺序组成,并发,选择和循环的行为模式,例如在过程挖掘中。但是,我们没有研究始端模型,后者将我们的方法与过程发现区分开来,并创建了指向情节/顺序模式挖掘的链接。我们提出了一种增量过程,用于基于所谓的过程树来构建捕获频繁模式的本地过程模型。给定事件日志,我们为本地流程模型提出了五个质量维度和相应的指标。我们显示了某些质量维度的单调性,从而可以通过修剪加快本地过程模型的发现。我们通过现实生活中的案例研究证明,挖掘局部模式可以使我们深入了解常规的从头到尾的流程发现技术只能学习非结构化,类似花朵的模型的流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jides.2016.11.001]

[774] Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog (2005)

(Dustdar, Schahram and Hoffmann, Thomas and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The design of workflows is a complicated task. In those cases where the control flow between activities cannot be modeled in advance but simply occurs during enactment time (run time), we speak of ad-hoc processes. Ad-hoc processes allow for the flexibility needed in real-life business processes. Since ad-hoc processes are highly dynamic, they represent one of the most difficult challenges, both, technically and conceptually. Caramba is one of the few process-aware collaboration systems allowing for ad-hoc processes. Unlike in classical workflow systems, the users are no longer restricted by the system. Therefore, it is interesting to study the actual way people and organizations work. In this paper, we propose process mining techniques and tools to analyze ad-hoc processes. We introduce process mining, discuss the concept of mining in the context of ad-hoc processes, and demonstrate a concrete application of the concept using Caramba, process mining tools such as EMiT and MinSoN, and a newly developed extraction tool named Teamlog. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 工作流的设计是一项复杂的任务。在活动之间的控制流无法预先建模而仅在制定时(运行时)发生的情况下,我们说的是临时过程。临时流程可提供现实业务流程所需的灵活性。由于临时流程是高度动态的,因此无论从技术上还是从概念上来讲,它们都是最困难的挑战之一。 Caramba是为数不多的支持即席流程的流程感知协作系统之一。与经典工作流系统不同,用户不再受系统限制。因此,研究人员和组织的实际工作方式很有趣。在本文中,我们提出了流程挖掘技术和工具来分析临时流程。我们介绍了过程挖掘,在即席过程的上下文中讨论了挖掘的概念,并演示了使用Caramba,过程挖掘工具(例如EMiT和MinSoN)以及最新开发的名为Teamlog的提取工具使用该概念的具体应用。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2005.02.002]

[775] Mining organizational behaviors in collaborative logistics chain: An empirical study in a port (2017)

(Wang, Jie and Zhu, Bing and Wang, Ying and Huang, Lei | )

Abstract: Major advantages can be achieved for service improvement in modern logistics through effective collaborations. As a result, many logistics operational processes have developed into collaborative logistics chains involving different organizations. Organizational behaviors have a strong impact on the success of collaborations. However, it remains a challenging problem to reveal the real organizational behaviors in the collaborative logistics chains in a dynamic environment. This paper investigates the organizational behaviors in collaborative logistics chains from a process perspective using a synergy of process mining and social network analysis techniques. A method for mining organizational behaviors is presented, including process event log collection, work delivery flow discovery, and organization structure mining. An empirical study is conducted in an important Chinese port. Insights are obtained in terms of the working delivery patterns and organizational structures in the collaborative logistics chain. Recommendations to enhance the collaborations are given.


摘要: 通过有效的协作,可以在现代物流服务改善方面获得主要优势。结果,许多物流业务流程已发展成为涉及不同组织的协作物流链。组织行为对协作的成功有很大的影响。然而,在动态环境中揭示协作物流链中的实际组织行为仍然是一个挑战性的问题。本文使用过程挖掘和社交网络分析技术的协同作用,从过程的角度研究协作物流链中的组织行为。提出了一种用于挖掘组织行为的方法,包括过程事件日志收集,工作交付流发现和组织结构挖掘。在一个重要的中国港口进行了实证研究。从协作物流链中的工作交付模式和组织结构方面获得见解。提出了加强合作的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/liss.2016.7854453]

[776] Mining organizational structure from workflow logs (2011)

(Ni, Zhiwei and Wang, Sha and Li, Huaiying | Proceeding of the International Conference on e-Education Entertainment and e-Management, ICEEE 2011)

Abstract: Workflow mining is a concept in early era, it analyzes the workflow log in the control flow dimensions, to mining the actual process model, but ignores relationships among executors in workflow, hence it fails to effectively excavate the workflow log to find the implicit structure. In this paper, the organizational dimensions of workflow log will be the main focuses to be researched. The paper introduces executor similarity metrics and grid clustering to demonstrate the methods of the organizational structure mining based on executor similarity and organization mining based on grid clustering. Both of them are effective to extract the actual organizational structure from the workflow logs. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流挖掘是一个早期的概念,它在控制流维度中分析工作流日志,以挖掘实际的流程模型,但忽略了工作流中执行者之间的关系,因此无法有效挖掘工作流日志以找到隐式结构体。本文中,工作流日志的组织维度将是需要研究的主要焦点。本文介绍了执行者相似性度量和网格聚类,以演示基于执行者相似性的组织结构挖掘和基于网格聚类的组织挖掘的方法。两者均有效地从工作流日志中提取实际的组织结构。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICeEEM.2011.6137791]

[777] Mining periodic patterns from nested event logs (2014)

(Getta, Janusz R. and Zimniak, Marcin and Benn, Wolfgang | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2014)

Abstract: Information about periodic computations of processes, events, and software components can be used to improve performance of software systems. This work investigates mining periodic patterns of events from historical information related to processes, events, and software components. We introduce a concept of a nested event log that generalizes historical information stored in the application traces, event logs and dynamic profiles. We show how a nested event log can be compressed into a reduced event table and later on converted into a workload histogram suitable for mining periodic patterns of events. The paper defines a concept of periodic pattern and its validation in a workload histogram. We propose two algorithms for mining periodic patterns and we define the quality indicators for the patterns found. We show, that a system of operations on periodic patterns introduced in this work can be used to derive new periodic patterns with some of the quality indicators better from the original ones. The paper is concluded with an algorithm for deriving periodic patterns with the given quality constraints.


摘要: 有关过程,事件和软件组件的定期计算的信息可用于提高软件系统的性能。这项工作研究了从与流程,事件和软件组件相关的历史信息中挖掘事件的周期性模式。我们引入了嵌套事件日志的概念,该概念概括了存储在应用程序跟踪,事件日志和动态配置文件中的历史信息。我们展示了如何将嵌套事件日志压缩到精简的事件表中,然后再转换成适合于挖掘事件的周期性模式的工作量直方图。本文定义了周期性模式的概念及其在工作量直方图中的验证。我们提出了两种用于挖掘周期性模式的算法,并为找到的模式定义了质量指标。我们表明,在这项工作中引入的关于周期性模式的操作系统可以用来导出新的周期性模式,其中一些质量指标要好于原始的。本文以一种在给定质量约束下得出周期性模式的算法作为结论。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIT.2014.27]

[778] Mining process models and architectural components from test cases (2015)

(Shah, Vipul and Khadke, Chetan and Rana, Sunjit | 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, ICSTW 2015 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Independent Testing of business applications in the enterprise is largely a manual exercise. Automation, if any, is observed in test management and to a lesser degree in test automation. Test design comprising test architecture, test strategy, test procedure and test data is largely a manual activity. It is a common practice to express test cases manually as test scripts that lay down the test procedure in terms of instructions to testers. As systems evolve, test scripts are modified and if need be, new test scripts written. During maintenance, comprehension of test scripts for the underlying architecture and test strategies is important to affect changes. The problem is acute for IT service providers, providing independent testing services, as test scripts are inherited from client organizations and original authors may no longer be available. In this paper we propose a novel idea of mining process models and behavioral architectural components from test scripts. We have carried out preliminary investigations into mining process models from test scripts and present a set of challenges that need further investigations. We also present a scheme to classify test steps as a first step to mine architectural components. Experimental results of automatic classification using supervised learning techniques indicate accuracy between 88% to 94% motivating us to carry out further investigations.


摘要: 对企业中的业务应用程序进行独立测试主要是手动操作。在测试管理中会观察到自动化(如果有的话),而在测试自动化中会发现自动化程度较低。包含测试体系结构,测试策略,测试过程和测试数据的测试设计主要是一项手动活动。通常的做法是手动将测试用例表示为测试脚本,这些脚本根据对测试人员的指示来确定测试过程。随着系统的发展,将修改测试脚本,并在需要时编写新的测试脚本。在维护期间,理解底层结构和测试策略的测试脚本对于影响更改很重要。对于提供独立测试服务的IT服务提供商来说,这个问题非常严重,因为测试脚本是从客户组织继承而来的,原始作者可能不再可用。在本文中,我们提出了一种从测试脚本中挖掘流程模型和行为架构组件的新颖想法。我们已经通过测试脚本对挖掘过程模型进行了初步调查,并提出了一系列需要进一步调查的挑战。我们还提出了一种将测试步骤分类为挖掘架构组件的第一步的方案。使用监督学习技术自动分类的实验结果表明,准确率在88%至94%之间,这促使我们开展进一步的研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSTW.2015.7107428]

[779] Mining process models from event logs in distributed bioinformatics workflows (2007)

(Xing, Jianchuan and Li, Zhishu and Cheng, Yanhong and Yin, Feng and Li, Baolin and Chen, Li | Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Data, Privacy, and E-Commerce, ISDPE 2007)

Abstract: Designing a workflow is a complicated process, and there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the ideal processes. So we have researched how to discover workflow models, and we have applied the techniques to distributed bioinformatics workflows. The source for such techniques is a workflow log containing information about the workflow process. We presented a new algorithm to extract a process model from such a log and represented it in terms of a Petri net. The algorithm can handle concurrence and recurrence of the distributed bioinformatics workflow processes that are the restrictions of other algorithms. The a algorithm can successfully mine any workflow represented by WF-net. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 设计工作流程是一个复杂的过程,实际的工作流程与理想流程之间存在差异。因此,我们研究了如何发现工作流程模型,并将这些技术应用于分布式生物信息学工作流程。此类技术的来源是工作流日志,其中包含有关工作流过程的信息。我们提出了一种从这种日志中提取过程模型的新算法,并用Petri网表示它。该算法可以处理其他算法所限制的分布式生物信息学工作流程过程的并发和重复发生。该算法可以成功挖掘WF-net代表的任何工作流程。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDPE.2007.129]

[780] Mining process models with non-free-choice constructs (2007)

(Wen, Lijie and Van Der Aalst | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. Process mining is particularly useful in situations where events are recorded but there is no system enforcing people to work in a particular way. Consider for example a hospital where the diagnosis and treatment activities are recorded in the hospital information system, but where health-care professionals determine the careflow. Many process mining approaches have been proposed in recent years. However, in spite of many researchers persistent efforts, there are still several challenging problems to be solved. In this paper, we focus on mining non-free-choice constructs, i.e., situations where there is a mixture of choice and synchronization. Although most real-life processes exhibit non-free-choice behavior, existing algorithms are unable to adequately deal with such constructs. Using a Petri-net-based representation, we will show that there are two kinds of causal dependencies between tasks, i.e., explicit and implicit ones. We propose an algorithm that is able to deal with both kinds of dependencies. The algorithm has been implemented in the ProM framework and experimental results shows that the algorithm indeed significantly improves existing process mining techniques. textcopyright 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 流程挖掘旨在从事件日志中提取信息,以捕获正在执行的业务流程。在记录事件但没有强制人们以特定方式工作的系统的情况下,过程挖掘特别有用。例如,考虑一家医院,其诊断和治疗活动记录在医院信息系统中,但是由医疗保健专业人员确定护理流程。近年来,已经提出了许多过程挖掘方法。然而,尽管许多研究人员做出了不懈的努力,仍然有一些有挑战性的问题需要解决。在本文中,我们专注于挖掘非自由选择的构造,即选择和同步混合在一起的情况。尽管大多数现实生活过程都表现出非自由选择行为,但是现有算法无法充分处理此类构造。使用基于Petri网的表示法,我们将显示任务之间存在两种因果关系,即显式和隐式的。我们提出了一种能够处理两种依赖性的算法。该算法已在ProM框架中实现,实验结果表明,该算法确实大大改善了现有的流程挖掘技术。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-007-0065-y]


[781] Mining process models with prime invisible tasks (2010)

(Wen, Lijie and Wang, Jianmin and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining is helpful for deploying new business processes as well as auditing, analyzing and improving the already enacted ones. Most of the existing process mining algorithms have some problems in dealing with invisible tasks, i.e., such tasks that exist in a process model but not in its event log. In this paper, a new process mining algorithm named alphaalpha# is proposed, which extends the mining capability of the classical alphaalpha algorithm by supporting the detection of prime invisible tasks from event logs. Prime invisible tasks are divided into five types according to their structural features, i.e., INITIALIZE, SKIP, REDO, SWITCH and FINALIZE. After that, a new ordering relation for detecting mendacious dependencies between tasks that reflects prime invisible tasks is introduced. A reduction rule for identifying redundant mendacious dependencies is also considered. The construction algorithm to insert prime invisible tasks of SKIP/REDO/SWITCH types is presented. The alphaalpha# algorithm has been evaluated using both artificial and real-life logs and the results are promising. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 流程挖掘有助于部署新的业务流程以及审核,分析和改进已制定的流程。大多数现有的过程挖掘算法在处理不可见任务时都存在一些问题,即,这些任务存在于流程模型中,但不存在于其事件日志中。本文提出了一种新的名为$ alpha #的流程挖掘算法,该算法通过支持从事件日志中检测主要的不可见任务来扩展经典 alpha INITIALIZESKIPREDOSWITCHFINALIZESKIP/REDO/SWITCH使算法的挖掘能力。主要的不可见任务根据其结构特征分为五种类型,即INITIALIZE,SKIP,REDO,SWITCH和FINALIZE。之后,引入了一种新的排序关系,用于检测反映主要的不可见任务的任务之间的猛烈依赖关系。还考虑了用于识别冗余虚假依赖项的简化规则。提出了插入SKIP / REDO / SWITCH类型的主要不可见任务的构造算法。已使用人工和现实日志对 alpha $#算法进行了评估,结果令人鼓舞。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2010.06.001]

[782] Mining process variants: Goals and issues (2008)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | Proceedings - 2008 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2008)

Abstract: Recently, Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) were introduced, which allow for dynamic process and service changes. This, in turn, has led to a large number of process model variants, which are difficult to maintain and expensive to configure. This paper deals with goals and issues related to the mining of process model variants. Our overall goal is to learn from process changes and to merge the resulting model variants into a generic process model in the best possible way. By adopting this generic process model in the PAIS, future cost of process change and need for process adaptations will decrease. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 最近,引入了过程感知信息系统(PAIS),该系统允许动态过程和服务更改。反过来,这导致了许多过程模型变体,这些变体难以维护且配置昂贵。本文讨论了与过程模型变量的挖掘有关的目标和问题。我们的总体目标是从流程更改中学习,并以最佳方式将生成的模型变量合并到通用流程模型中。通过在PAIS中采用这种通用的流程模型,可以减少流程变更的未来成本和流程适应性的需求。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2008.103]

[783] Mining processes in dentistry (2012)

(Mans, Ronny S. and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Genuchten | IHI12 - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium)

Abstract: Business processes in dentistry are quickly evolving towards digital dentistry. This means that many steps in the dental process will increasingly deal with computerized information or computerized half products. A complicating factor in the improvement of process performance in dentistry, however, is the large number of independent dental professionals that are involved in the entire process. In order to reap the benefits of digital dentistry, it is essential to obtain an accurate view on the current processes in practice. In this paper, so called process mining techniques are applied in order to demonstrate that, based on automatically stored data, detailed process knowledge can be obtained on dental processes, e.g. it can be discovered how dental processes are actually executed. To this end, we analyze a real case of a private dental practice, which is responsible for the treatment of patients (diagnosis, placing of implants and the placement of the final restoration), and the dental lab that is responsible for the production of the final restoration. To determine the usefulness of process mining, the entire process has been investigated from three different perspectives: (1) the control-flow perspective, (2) the organizational perspective and (3) the performance perspective. The results clearly show that process mining is useful to gain a deep understanding of dental processes. Also, it becomes clear that dental process are rather complex, which require a considerable amount of flexibility. We argue that the introduction of workflow management technology is needed in order to make digital dentistry a success. Copyright textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 牙科的业务流程正在迅速向数字牙科发展。这意味着牙科过程中的许多步骤将越来越多地处理计算机化信息或计算机化半成品。但是,改善牙科过程性能的一个复杂因素是整个过程中涉及大量独立的牙科专业人员。为了获得数字牙科的好处,必须对实践中的当前过程有一个准确的了解。在本文中,应用了所谓的过程挖掘技术以证明基于自动存储的数据可以获取有关牙科过程的详细过程知识,例如可以发现牙科过程是如何实际执行的。为此,我们分析了一个私人牙科诊所的实际案例,该案例负责患者的治疗(诊断,植入物的放置以及最终修复物的放置),以及负责制作牙齿的牙科实验室。最终修复。为了确定流程挖掘的有用性,已从三个不同的角度对整个流程进行了研究:(1)控制流角度,(2)组织角度和(3)绩效角度。结果清楚地表明,过程挖掘有助于深入了解牙齿过程。同样,很明显,牙科过程相当复杂,这需要相当大的灵活性。我们认为,为了使数字牙科成功,需要引入工作流管理技术。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2110363.2110407]

[784] Mining processes with multi-instantiation (2015)

(Weber, Ingo and Farshchi, Mostafa and Mendling, Jan and Schneider, Jean Guy | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Process mining, in particular discovering process models by mining event traces, is becoming a widely adopted practice. However, when the underlying process contains subprocesses which are instantiated multiple times in parallel, classical process mining techniques that assume a flat process are not directly applicable. Their application can cause one of two problems: either the mined model is overly general, allowing arbitrary order and execution frequency of activities in the sub-process, or it lacks fitness by capturing only single instantiation of sub-processes. For conformance checking, this results in a too high rate of either false positives or false negatives, respectively. In this paper, we propose an extension to well-known process mining techniques, adding the capability of handling multi-instantiated sub-processes to discovery and conformance checking. We evaluate the approach with a real-world data set.


摘要: 过程挖掘,尤其是通过挖掘事件跟踪来发现过程模型,正在成为一种广泛采用的实践。但是,当基础过程包含并行实例化多次的子过程时,假定平坦过程的经典过程挖掘技术将无法直接应用。它们的应用可能导致以下两个问题之一:挖掘模型过于笼统,在子流程中允许活动的任意顺序和执行频率,或者由于仅捕获子流程的单个实例而缺乏适应性。对于一致性检查,这将导致误报率或误报率分别过高。在本文中,我们提出了对众所周知的流程挖掘技术的扩展,在发现和一致性检查中增加了处理多实例子流程的能力。我们使用实际数据集评估该方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2695664.2699493]

[785] Mining program workflow from interleaved traces (2010)

(Lou, Jian Guang and Fu, Qiang and Yang, Shengqi and Li, Jiang and Wu, Bin | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Abstract: Successful software maintenance is becoming increasingly critical due to the increasing dependence of our society and economy on software systems. One key problem of software maintenance is the difficulty in understanding the evolving software systems. Program workflows can help system operators and administrators to understand system behaviors and verify system executions so as to greatly facilitate system maintenance. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to automatically discover program workflows from event traces that record system events during system execution. Different from existing workflow mining algorithms, our approach can construct concurrent workflows from traces of interleaved events. Our workflow mining approach is a three-step coarse-to-fine algorithm. At first, we mine temporal dependencies for each pair of events. Then, based on the mined pair-wise temporal dependencies, we construct a basic workflow model by a breadth-first path pruning algorithm. After that, we refine the workflow by verifying it with all training event traces. The refinement algorithm tries to find out a workflow that can interpret all event traces with minimal state transitions and threads. The results of both simulation data and real program data show that our algorithm is highly effective. textcopyright 2010 ACM.


摘要: 由于社会和经济对软件系统的依赖性越来越高,成功的软件维护变得越来越重要。软件维护的一个关键问题是难以理解不断发展的软件系统。程序工作流可以帮助系统操作员和管理员了解系统行为并验证系统执行情况,从而极大地促进了系统维护。在本文中,我们提出了一种算法,该算法可以从记录系统执行过程中系统事件的事件跟踪中自动发现程序工作流。与现有的工作流挖掘算法不同,我们的方法可以根据交错事件的痕迹构建并发工作流。我们的工作流挖掘方法是一个三步粗到精算法。首先,我们为每对事件挖掘时间依赖性。然后,基于挖掘的成对时间相关性,我们通过广度优先路径修剪算法构建了基本的工作流模型。之后,我们通过对所有训练事件跟踪进行验证来优化工作流程。细化算法试图找出可以用最少的状态转换和线程来解释所有事件跟踪的工作流。仿真数据和真实程序数据的结果表明,我们的算法是有效的。 t​​extcopyright 2010 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1835804.1835883]

[786] Mining resource profiles from event logs (2017)

(Pika, Anastasiia and Leyer, Michael and Wynn, Moe T. and Fidge, Colin J. and Ter Hofstede | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: In most business processes, several activities need to be executed by human resources and cannot be fully automated. To evaluate resource performance and identify best practices as well as opportunities for improvement, managers need objective information about resource behaviors. Companies often use information systems to support their processes, and these systems record information about process execution in event logs. We present a framework for analyzing and evaluating resource behavior through mining such event logs. The framework provides (1) a method for extracting descriptive information about resource skills, utilization, preferences, productivity, and collaboration patterns; (2) a method for analyzing relationships between different resource behaviors and outcomes; and (3) a method for evaluating the overall resource productivity, tracking its changes over time, and comparing it to the productivity of other resources. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we apply it to analyze employee behavior in an Australian company and evaluate its usefulness by a survey among industry managers.


摘要: 在大多数业务流程中,一些活动需要由人力资源执行,并且不能完全自动化。为了评估资源绩效并确定最佳实践以及改进机会,管理人员需要有关资源行为的客观信息。公司经常使用信息系统来支持其流程,并且这些系统在事件日志中记录有关流程执行的信息。我们提供了一个通过挖掘此类事件日志来分析和评估资源行为的框架。该框架提供(1)一种提取关于资源技能,利用率,偏好,生产率和协作模式的描述性信息的方法; (2)分析不同资源行为与结果之间关系的方法; (3)一种评估总体资源生产率,跟踪其随时间变化并将其与其他资源的生产率进行比较的方法。为了证明我们框架的适用性,我们将其用于分析一家澳大利亚公司的员工行为,并通过对行业经理的调查来评估其有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3041218]

[787] Mining sequences for patterns with non-repeating symbols (2010)

(Walicki, Michal and Ferreira, Diogo R. | 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010)

Abstract: Finding the case id in unlabeled event logs is arguably one of the hardest challenges in process mining research. While this problem can be addressed with greedy approaches, these usually converge to sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we describe an approach to perform complete search over the search space. We formulate the problem as a matter of finding the minimal set of patterns contained in a sequence, where patterns can be interleaved but do not have repeating symbols. We show that for practical purposes it is possible to reduce the search space to maximal disjoint occurrences of these patterns. Experimental results suggest that, whenever this approach finds a solution, it usually finds a minimal one. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 在未标记的事件日志中查找案例ID可能是过程挖掘研究中最困难的挑战之一。尽管可以通过贪婪的方法解决此问题,但这些方法通常收敛于次优解决方案。在本文中,我们描述了一种在搜索空间上执行完整搜索的方法。我们将问题描述为找到序列中包含的最小模式集的问题,其中模式可以交错但没有重复的符号。我们表明,出于实际目的,可以将搜索空间减小到这些模式的最大不相交出现。实验结果表明,只要这种方法找到了解决方案,它通常都会找到最小的解决方案。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2010.5585995]

[788] Mining software development process variations (2015)

(Santos, Renata M.S. and Oliveira, Toacy C. and Brito Abreu | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Process tailoring aims to customize a software process to better suit the specific needs of an organization when executing a software project or due to a social context in which the process is inserted. Tailoring happens, in general, through variations in the process elements, such as activities, artifacts, and control flows. This paper aims to introduce a technique that uses process mining to uncover elements from the software process that are candidates for tailoring. The proposed approach analyzes the execution logs from several process instances that share a common standard process. As a result, execution traces that differ from the standard process flow are identified and assessed to uncover their variable elements. The proposed technique was evaluated with data extracted from a real software development scenario when a large system was under development for a set of Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology.


摘要: 过程定制旨在定制软件过程,以更好地适合组织在执行软件项目时或由于插入过程所处的社会环境的特定需求。通常,通过活动,工件和控制流等过程元素的变化来进行定制。本文旨在介绍一种使用过程挖掘从软件过程中发现适合定制的元素的技术。所提出的方法分析了共享同一标准流程的多个流程实例的执行日志。结果,识别和评估了与标准流程不同的执行轨迹,以发现其可变要素。在为巴西联邦教育,科学和技术学院的大型系统开发大型系统时,使用从真实软件开发方案中提取的数据对提出的技术进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2695664.2696046]

[789] Mining software process lines (2016)

(Blum, Fabian Rojas | Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering)

Abstract: There is a vast growth of generated event data being collected and stored by organizations. Within the field of Process Mining, this data has been used to discover, analyze and enhance processes from different domains. For this purpose there are hundreds of techniques available in different tools. These techniques are mostly focused on single processes. On the other hand, there are several proposals for dealing with multiple processes. Under different names, such as: configurable process models, process families or process lines, processes are characterized by capturing commonalities and variability between (similar) process models. These approaches have shown to be useful for organizations that have multiple variants of a given process, e.g., reducing redundancy and maintenance time. In this research proposal, we are developing a framework that allows the use of Process Mining techniques in families of processes within the software development domain (i.e., Software Process Lines).


摘要: 组织收集和存储的生成事件数据的增长很大。在过程挖掘领域,该数据已用于发现,分析和增强来自不同领域的过程。为此,在不同的工具中可以使用数百种技术。这些技术主要集中在单个过程上。另一方面,对于处理多个过程有一些建议。在不同的名称下,例如:可配置的流程模型,流程系列或流程线,流程的特征在于捕获(相似)流程模型之间的共性和可变性。对于具有给定过程的多种变体的组织,例如减少冗余和维护时间,这些方法已经显示出有用的。在这项研究建议中,我们正在开发一个框架,该框架允许在软件开发领域(即软件过程线)内的过程系列中使用过程挖掘技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2889160.2889267]

[790] Mining student capstone projects with FRASR and ProM (2011)

(Poncin, Wouter and Serebrenik, Alexander and Van Den Brand | SPLASH11 Compilation - Proceedings of OOPSLA11, Onward! 2011, GPCE11, DLS11, and SPLASH11 Companion)

Abstract: Capstone projects are commonly carried out at the end of an undergraduate program of study in software engineering or computer science. While traditionally such projects solely focussed on the software product to be developed, in more recent work importance of the development process has been stressed. Currently process quality assessment techniques are limited to review of intermediary artifacts, self- and peer evaluations. We advocate augmenting the assessment by mining software repositories used by the students during the development. We present the assessment methodology and illustrate it by applying to a number of software engineering capstone projects.


摘要: Capstone项目通常在软件工程或计算机科学的本科课程学习结束时进行。传统上,这样的项目只专注于要开发的软件产品,但是在最近的工作中,已经强调了开发过程的重要性。当前,过程质量评估技术仅限于对中间工件,自我评估和同伴评估的审查。我们主张通过开发过程中学生使用的软件存储库来增强评估。我们提出了评估方法,并通过应用于许多软件工程的顶峰项目进行了说明。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2048147.2048181]

[791] Mining taxonomies of process models (2008)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Pontieri, Luigi | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Process mining techniques have been receiving great attention in the literature for their ability to automatically support process (re)design. Typically, these techniques discover a concrete workflow schema modelling all possible execution patterns registered in a given log, which can be exploited subsequently to support further-coming enactments. In this paper, an approach to process mining is introduced that extends classical discovery mechanisms by means of an abstraction method aimed at producing a taxonomy of workflow models. The taxonomy is built to capture the process behavior at different levels of detail. Indeed, the most-detailed mined models, i.e., the leafs of the taxonomy, are meant to support the design of concrete workflows, as it happens with existing techniques in the literature. The other models, i.e., non-leaf nodes of the taxonomy, represent instead abstract views over the process behavior that can be used to support advanced monitoring and analysis tasks. All the techniques discussed in the paper have been implemented, tested, and made available as a plugin for a popular process mining framework (ProM). A series of tests, performed on different synthesized and real datasets, evidenced the capability of the approach to characterize the behavior encoded in input logs in a precise and complete way, achieving compelling conformance results even in the presence of complex behavior and noisy data. Moreover, encouraging results have been obtained in a real-life application scenario, where it is shown how the taxonomical view of the process can effectively support an explorative ex-post analysis, hinged on the different kinds of process execution discovered from the logs. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术因其自动支持过程(重新)设计的能力而在文献中受到极大关注。通常,这些技术会发现一个具体的工作流模式,该模式对在给定日志中注册的所有可能的执行模式进行建模,随后可以利用这些模式来支持进一步的制定。本文介绍了一种过程挖掘方法,该方法通过一种旨在产生工作流模型分类的抽象方法来扩展经典发现机制。建立分类法是为了捕获不同细节级别的过程行为。确实,最详细的挖掘模型(即分类法的叶子)旨在支持具体工作流程的设计,正如文献中现有技术所发生的那样。其他模型,即分类法的非叶子节点,代表了可用于支持高级监视和分析任务的过程行为的抽象视图。本文讨论的所有技术均已实现,测试并作为流行流程挖掘框架(ProM)的插件提供。在不同的合成数据集和真实数据集上进行的一系列测试证明了该方法能够准确,完整地表征输入日志中编码行为的能力,即使在存在复杂行为和嘈杂数据的情况下,也可以获得令人信服的一致性结果。此外,在现实生活中的应用场景中获得了令人鼓舞的结果,其中显示了该过程的分类视图如何有效地支持探索性事后分析(取决于从日志中发现的不同类型的过程执行)。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2008.06.010]

[792] Mining the log-tree of process traces: Current approach and future perspectives (2016)

(Luca, Canensi and Giorgio, Leonardi and Stefania, Montani and Paolo, Terenziani | Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI)

Abstract: Logs recording the traces of execution of previous process instances can be exploited for different process management tasks, such as prediction and recommendation in operational support. Efficient retrieval of past traces can be very important to achieve such tasks, while building a model of the process from the log can support problem/anomaly detection and, more generally, process analysis. Trace retrieval is gaining attention in the Case Based Reasoning research community, but so far it has been faced in a completely separate way from the construction of a process model from the log, instead, we propose an approach aiming at integrating these two goals. The core notion of our proposal is the log-tree, which constitutes a bridge between the notions of (log) index and process model. We propose a mining algorithm to build it, and an algorithm exploiting it for trace retrieval. Future extensions of our initial contribution are also widely discussed.


摘要: 记录先前流程实例执行轨迹的日志可用于不同的流程管理任务,例如操作支持中的预测和推荐。高效地检索过去的跟踪记录对于完成此类任务可能非常重要,而从日志中构建流程模型可以支持问题/异常检测以及更广泛的流程分析。跟踪检索在基于案例的推理研究界越来越受到关注,但是到目前为止,它与从日志构建过程模型完全不同,因此,我们提出了一种旨在整合这两个目标的方法。我们建议的核心概念是日志树,它构成了(log)索引概念与流程模型之间的桥梁。我们提出了一种构建它的挖掘算法,以及一种利用它进行跟踪检索的算法。我们对最初贡献的未来扩展也进行了广泛讨论。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTAI.2015.55]

[793] Mining theory-based patterns from Big data: Identifying self-regulated learning strategies in Massive Open Online Courses (2018)

(Maldonado-Mahauad, Jorge and Perez-Sanagustin, Mar and Kizilcec, Rene F. and Morales, Nicolas and Munoz-Gama, Jorge | Computers in Human Behavior)

Abstract: Big data in education offers unprecedented opportunities to support learners and advance research in the learning sciences. Analysis of observed behaviour using computational methods can uncover patterns that reflect theoretically established processes, such as those involved in self-regulated learning (SRL). This research addresses the question of how to integrate this bottom-up approach of mining behavioural patterns with the traditional top-down approach of using validated self-reporting instruments. Using process mining, we extracted interaction sequences from fine-grained behavioural traces for 3458 learners across three Massive Open Online Courses. We identified six distinct interaction sequence patterns. We matched each interaction sequence pattern with one or more theory-based SRL strategies and identified three clusters of learners. First, Comprehensive Learners, who follow the sequential structure of the course materials, which sets them up for gaining a deeper understanding of the content. Second, Targeting Learners, who strategically engage with specific course content that will help them pass the assessments. Third, Sampling Learners, who exhibit more erratic and less goal-oriented behaviour, report lower SRL, and underperform relative to both Comprehensive and Targeting Learners. Challenges that arise in the process of extracting theory-based patterns from observed behaviour are discussed, including analytic issues and limitations of available trace data from learning platforms.


摘要: 教育中的大数据为支持学习者和推进学习科学方面的研究提供了前所未有的机会。使用计算方法对观察到的行为进行分析可以发现反映理论上建立的过程的模式,例如那些涉及自我调节学习(SRL)的过程。这项研究解决了如何将这种自下而上的行为模式挖掘方法与使用经过验证的自报告工具的传统的自上而下方法相结合的问题。使用过程挖掘,我们从3种大规模在线在线课程中的3458名学习者的细粒度行为轨迹中提取了交互序列。我们确定了六个不同的相互作用序列模式。我们将每个交互序列模式与一个或多个基于理论的SRL策略进行匹配,并确定了三个学习者群。首先,全面学习者按照课程材料的顺序结构进行设置,以便对内容进行更深入的了解。其次,定位学习者,他们策略性地参与特定课程的内容,以帮助他们通过评估。第三,相对于综合学习者和定向学习者而言,抽样学习者表现出更加不稳定和较少面向目标的行为,其SRL较低,表现也不佳。讨论了从观察到的行为中提取基于理论的模式的过程中出现的挑战,包括分析问题和来自学习平台的可用跟踪数据的局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2017.11.011]

[794] Mining transportation logs for understanding the after-assembly block manufacturing process in the shipbuilding industry (2013)

(Lee, Seung Kyung and Kim, Bongseok and Huh, Minhoe and Cho, Sungzoon and Park, Sungkyu and Lee, Daehyung | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: In the after-assembly block manufacturing process in the shipbuilding industry, domain experts or industrial managers have the following questions regarding the first step in terms of reducing the overhead transportation cost due to irregularities not defined in a process design: What tasks are bottlenecks? and How long do the blocks remain waiting in stockyards? We provide the answers to these two questions. In the process mining framework, we propose a method automatically extracting the most frequent task flows from transport usage histories. Considering characteristics of our application, we use a clustering technique to identify heterogeneous groups of process instances, and then derive a process model independently by group. Process models extracted from real-world transportation logs, are verified by domain experts and labelled based on their interpretations. Consequently, we conceptualize the standard process from one global process model. Moreover, local models derived from groups of process instances reflect unknown context regarding characteristics of blocks. Our proposed method can provide conceptualized process models and process (or waiting in stockyards) times as a performance indicator. Providing reasonable answers to their questions, it helps domain experts better understand and manage the actual process. With the extension of the conventional methodology for our application problem, the main contributions of this research are that our proposed approach provides insight into the after-assembly block manufacturing process, and describes the first step for reducing transportation costs. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在造船业的装配后制造过程中,领域专家或行业经理就降低由于过程设计中未定义的不规则性而导致的间接运输成本方面的第一步存在以下问题:哪些任务是瓶颈?和这些块在堆场中还能等待多长时间?我们提供了这两个问题的答案。在过程挖掘框架中,我们提出了一种从运输使用历史中自动提取最频繁任务流的方法。考虑到我们应用程序的特性,我们使用聚类技术来识别流程实例的异构组,然后按组独立地导出流程模型。从实际运输日志中提取的过程模型由领域专家进行验证,并根据其解释进行标记。因此,我们从一个全局过程模型中概念化了标准过程。此外,从过程实例组中派生的局部模型反映了有关块特征的未知上下文。我们提出的方法可以提供概念化的过程模型和过程(或在堆场等待)时间作为性能指标。提供合理的问题答案,有助于领域专家更好地理解和管理实际过程。随着针对我们的应用问题的常规方法的扩展,这项研究的主要贡献在于,我们提出的方法可提供对组装后块制造过程的深入了解,并描述了降低运输成本的第一步。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2012.07.033]

[795] Mining unconnected patterns in workflows (2007)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Manco, Giuseppe and Sacc`a | Information Systems)

Abstract: General patterns of execution that have been frequently scheduled by a workflow management system provide the administrator with previously unknown, and potentially useful information, e.g., about the existence of unexpected causalities between subprocesses of a given workflow. This paper investigates the problem of mining unconnected patterns on the basis of some execution traces, i.e., of detecting sets of activities exhibiting no explicit dependency relationships that are frequently executed together. The problem is faced in the paper by proposing and analyzing two algorithms. One algorithm takes into account information about the structure of the control-flow graph only, while the other is a smart refinement where the knowledge of the frequencies of edges and activities in the traces at hand is also accounted for, by means of a sophisticated graphical analysis. Both algorithms have been implemented and integrated into a system prototype, which may profitably support the enactment phase of the workflow. The correctness of the two algorithms is formally proven, and several experiments are reported to evidence the ability of the graphical analysis to significantly improve the performances, by dramatically pruning the search space of candidate patterns. textcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 由工作流管理系统频繁调度的一般执行模式向管理员提供了以前未知的,潜在有用的信息,例如,有关给定工作流的子流程之间是否存在意外因果关系的信息。本文研究了基于一些执行跟踪来挖掘未连接模式的问题,即检测未表现出经常一起执行的显式依赖关系的活动集。本文通过提出和分析两种算法来解决这个问题。一种算法仅考虑有关控制流图的信息,而另一种则是明智的改进,其中还通过复杂的图形方式考虑了边沿中的边沿和活动频率的知识。分析。两种算法均已实现并集成到系统原型中,这可能有利地支持工作流程的制定阶段。两种算法的正确性已得到正式证明,并且据报道进行了一些实验,通过显着修剪候选模式的搜索空间,证明了图形分析显着提高性能的能力。 t​​extcopyright 2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2006.05.001]


[796] Mining unstructured processes: An exploratory study on a distance learning domain (2017)

(Maita, Ana R.C. and Fantinato, Marcelo and Peres, Sarajane M. and Thom, Lucineia H. and Hung, Patrick C.K. | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)

Abstract: Modern techniques widely applied in data mining, including computational intelligence and machine learning, have been fairly neglected in process mining. We conducted an exploratory study to use artificial neural networks to extract knowledge from an unstructured process in the distance learning domain. We discuss some possible benefits and limitations regarding the mining of unstructured processes. Results suggest that applying either classical process mining or modern data mining techniques would result in significant benefits for this domain. Our work helps to guide new studies related to the application of modern mining techniques in process mining.


摘要: 广泛应用于数据挖掘的现代技术,包括计算智能和机器学习,在过程挖掘中已被相当忽略。我们进行了一项探索性研究,使用人工神经网络从远程学习领域的非结构化过程中提取知识。我们讨论了有关非结构化过程挖掘的一些可能的好处和限制。结果表明,无论是采用经典过程挖掘还是现代数据挖掘技术,都将为该领域带来巨大的好处。我们的工作有助于指导与现代采矿技术在过程采矿中的应用有关的新研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IJCNN.2017.7966261]

[797] Mining usage scenarios in business processes: Outlier-aware discovery and run-time prediction (2011)

(Folino, Francesco and Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Pontieri, Luigi | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: A prominent goal of process mining is to build automatically a model explaining all the episodes recorded in the log of some transactional system. Whenever the process to be mined is complex and highly-flexible, however, equipping all the traces with just one model might lead to mixing different usage scenarios, thereby resulting in a spaghetti-like process description. This is, in fact, often circumvented by preliminarily applying clustering methods on the process log in order to identify all its hidden variants. In this paper, two relevant problems that arise in the context of applying such methods are addressed, which have received little attention so far: (i) making the clustering aware of outlier traces, and (ii) finding predictive models for clustering results. The first issue impacts on the effectiveness of clustering algorithms, which can indeed be led to confuse real process variants with exceptional behavior or malfunctions. The second issue instead concerns the opportunity of predicting the behavioral class of future process instances, by taking advantage of context-dependent non-structural data (e.g., activity executors, parameter values). The paper formalizes and analyzes these two issues and illustrates various mining algorithms to face them. All the algorithms have been implemented and integrated into a system prototype, which has been thoroughly validated over two real-life application scenarios. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 过程挖掘的一个主要目标是自动构建一个模型,该模型解释某个交易系统的日志中记录的所有情节。但是,每当要开采的过程复杂且高度灵活时,仅用一种模型装备所有痕迹就可能导致混合使用场景,从而产生类似于意大利面条的过程描述。实际上,通常通过在过程日志上预先应用聚类方法来识别所有隐藏的变体来避免这种情况。在本文中,解决了在使用此类方法的背景下出现的两个相关问题,到目前为止,这些问题很少受到关注:(i)使聚类了解异常迹线,以及(ii)查找聚类结果的预测模型。第一个问题影响了聚类算法的有效性,确实会导致将真实的过程变量与异常行为或故障相混淆。相反,第二个问题涉及通过利用上下文相关的非结构数据(例如,活动执行者,参数值)来预测未来流程实例的行为类别的机会。本文对这两个问题进行了形式化和分析,并举例说明了面对这些问题的各种挖掘算法。所有算法都已实现并集成到系统原型中,该原型已在两个实际应用场景中得到了充分验证。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2011.07.002]

[798] Mining variable fragments from process event logs (2017)

(Pourmasoumi, Asef and Kahani, Mohsen and Bagheri, Ebrahim | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Many peer-organizations are now using process-aware information systems for managing their organizational processes. Most of these peer-organizations have shared processes, which include many commonalities and some degrees of variability. Analyzing and mining the commonalities of these processes can have many benefits from the reusability point of view. In this paper, we propose an approach for extracting common process fragments from a collection of event logs. To this end, we first analyze the process fragment literature from a theoretical point of view, based on which we present a new process fragment definition, called morphological fragments to support composability and flexibility. Then we propose a novel algorithm for extracting such morphological fragments directly from process event logs. This algorithm is capable of eliciting common fragments from a family of processes that may not have been executed within the same application/organization. We also propose supporting algorithms for detecting and categorizing morphological fragments for the purpose of reusability. Our empirical studies show that our approach is able to support reusability and flexibility in process fragment identification.


摘要: 许多同级组织现在正在使用过程感知信息系统来管理其组织过程。这些同级组织中的大多数组织都有共享的流程,其中包括许多共性和一定程度的可变性。从可重用性的角度来看,分析和挖掘这些过程的共性可以带来很多好处。在本文中,我们提出了一种从事件日志集合中提取常见流程片段的方法。为此,我们首先从理论角度分析过程片段文献,在此基础上,我们提出了一种新的过程片段定义,称为形态片段,以支持可组合性和灵活性。然后,我们提出了一种直接从过程事件日志中提取此类形态片段的新颖算法。此算法能够从同一应用程序/组织中可能尚未执行的一系列过程中引出常见片段。我们还提出了用于重用形态的检测和分类形态学片段的支持算法。我们的经验研究表明,我们的方法能够支持过程片段识别中的可重用性和灵活性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-016-9662-x]

[799] Mining version histories for change impact analysis in business process model repositories (2015)

(Dam, Hoa Khanh and Ghose, Aditya | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: In order to remain competitive and sustainable in todays ever-changing business environments, organizations need to frequently make changes to their business activities and the corresponding business process models. One of the critical issues that an organization faces is change impact analysis: estimating the potential effects of changing a business process to other processes in the organizations business process repository. In this paper, we propose an approach to change impact analysis which mines a version history of a business process model repository. Our approach then identifies business process models that have been co-changed in the past and uses this knowledge to predict the impact of future changes. An empirical validation on a real business process model repository has showed the effectiveness of our approach in predicting impact of a change.


摘要: 为了在当今瞬息万变的业务环境中保持竞争力和可持续性,组织需要经常对其业务活动和相应的业务流程模型进行更改。组织面临的关键问题之一是变更影响分析:在组织的业务流程存储库中将业务流程更改为其他流程的潜在影响本文提出了一种更改影响分析的方法,该方法挖掘了业务流程模型存储库的版本历史,然后确定了具有过去曾进行过更改,并使用此知识来预测未来变更的影响。对实际业务流程模型存储库的经验验证表明,我们的方法可有效预测变更的影响。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2014.10.005]

[800] Mining workflow patterns through event-data analysis (2005)

(Gaaloul, Walid and Alaoui, Sadek and Baina, Karim and Godart, Claude | Proceedings - 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, SAINT2005)

Abstract: It is obvious to notice that in collaborative applications, considerable processes are either implicit, or integrate existing processes. The discovery, and the explanation of these processes are a hot research topic. The work described in this paper is a contribution to these problems. Generally, workflow mining proposes techniques to acquire a workflow model from a workflow log. In this paper, we present a new workflow mining technique to discover workflow patterns. This technique combines complementary an algorithmic technique and a statistical analysis technique. This combination can deal with some ambiguities that the single use of the statistical analysis technique cannot resolve. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 显而易见,在协作应用程序中,相当多的过程是隐式的,或者是集成现有过程的。这些过程的发现和解释是一个热门的研究主题。本文描述的工作是对这些问题的贡献。通常,工作流挖掘提出了从工作流日志中获取工作流模型的技术。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的工作流挖掘技术来发现工作流模式。该技术结合了算法技术和统计分析技术的补充。这种结合可以解决一些单方面使用统计分析技术无法解决的不确定性。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/saintw.2005.1620017]

[801] Mining workflow processes from xml-based distributed workflow event logs (2009)

(Kim, Kwanghoon | Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops)

Abstract: In this paper1, we particularly focus on mining the behavioral aspect of workflows from XML-based workflow enactment event logs, which are vertically (semantic-driven distribution) or horizontally (syntactic-driven distribution) distributed over the networked workflow enactment components. That is, this paper proposes a distributed workflow mining approach that is able to rediscover ICN-based structured workflow process models through incrementally amalgamating a series of vertically or horizontally fragmented temporal workcases. The approach has two essential algorithms; One is a temporal fragment discovery algorithm that is able to discover a set of temporal fragment models from the fragmented workflow enactment event logs, and the other is a workflow process mining algorithm that rediscovers a structured workflow process model from the discovered temporal fragment models. Where, the temporal fragment model represents the concrete model of the XML-based distributed workflow fragment events log. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们特别着重于从基于XML的工作流执行事件日志中挖掘工作流的行为方面,该事件日志是在网络工作流执行组件上垂直(语义驱动的分布)或水平(语法驱动的分布)分布的。也就是说,本文提出了一种分布式工作流挖掘方法,该方法能够通过增量合并一系列垂直或水平分散的临时工作案例来重新发现基于ICN的结构化工作流过程模型。该方法有两个基本算法;一种是临时片段发现算法,它能够从分段的工作流执行事件日志中发现一组临时片段模型,另一种是工作流过程挖掘算法,可以从发现的临时片段模型中重新发现结构化的工作流过程模型。其中,时间片段模型表示基于XML的分布式工作流片段事件日志的具体模型。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICPPW.2009.43]

[802] Model business process improvement by statistical analysis of the users conduct in the process (2016)

(Djedovic, Almir and Zunic, Emir and Karabegovic, Almir | 2016 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science, SpliTech 2016)

Abstract: Process Mining is a research area that meets the gap between business processes and various IT systems. Most of the works in this area focus on the control flow perspective, while very few of them address the organizational aspect. The organization perspective of process mining supports the discovery of social network within organization by analyzing events logs recorded during real process execution. For process owners, it is very important to know how users perform their activities in process. In this paper, we introduce a process discovery method that combines an organizational perspective with probabilistic approach. Combining these two approaches we are able to fit distribution of users work and distribution of instance generation in process. We use different statistic methods like Cullen and Frey graph, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic test, Carmen-von-Mises statistic test and Anderson-Darling statistic test. After finding appropriate distribution we estimate its parameters. Research conducted and presented in this paper reveals that the information about users behaviour in process is significantly useful in further analysis: in simulations, to identify bottlenecks, to improve productivity of resource management and to identify task complexity in process.

** 通过对流程中用户行为的统计分析来模拟业务流程改进**

摘要: Process Mining是一个研究领域,它填补了业务流程和各种IT系统之间的空白。该领域中的大多数工作都集中在控制流方面,而很少涉及组织方面。Process Mining的组织方面通过分析实际流程执行过程中记录的事件日志来支持组织内部社交网络的发现。对于流程所有者来说,了解用户如何在流程中执行其活动非常重要。本文介绍一种结合组织的流程发现方法与概率方法相结合,我们能够适应用户工作的分布和过程中实例生成的分布,我们使用了不同的统计方法,例如Cullen和Frey图,Kolmogorov-Smirnov统计检验,Carm e n-von-Mises统计检验和Anderson-Darling统计检验,找到合适的分布后,我们估计其参数。本文进行和提出的研究表明,有关用户在过程中的行为的信息对于进一步分析非常有用:在模拟中,确定瓶颈,提高资源管理的生产率,并确定过程中的任务复杂性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SpliTech.2016.7555939]

[803] Model checking analysis of semantically annotated business processes (2012)

(Iba~nez, Maria Jose and Fabra, Javier and Alvarez, Pedro and Ezpeleta, Joaquin | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans)

Abstract: Semantic business processes require new analysis techniques able to deal with behavioral properties that also consider semantic aspects. In this paper, a model checking method is introduced including semantic aspects in both the model description and the formula to be verified. In addition, Unary resource description framework (RDF) annotated Petri net systems, a formalism that allows the semantic description of business processes using RDF annotations, is formally defined and used to represent the input model of the model checker. Finally, the prototype implementations of both the Unary RDF annotated Petri net formalism and a model checker framework based on the use of RDF and SPARQL tools are also presented. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 语义业务流程需要新的分析技术,该技术必须能够处理还考虑语义方面的行为属性。本文介绍了一种模型检查方法,该方法在模型描述和要验证的公式中都包含语义方面的内容。此外,正式定义了一元资源描述框架(RDF)注释的Petri网系统,这种形式主义允许使用RDF注释对业务流程进行语义描述,并被用来表示模型检查器的输入模型。最后,还介绍了带注释的一元RDF的Petri网形式主义的原型实现以及基于RDF和SPARQL工具使用的模型检查器框架。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2183357]

[804] Model checking as support for inspecting compliance to rules in flexible processes (2015)

(Letia, Ioan Alfred and Goron, Anca | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing)

Abstract: Context: In backing business processes with information technology, a difficult trade-off appears between the desire to control processes for avoiding undesirable executions, and the flexibility that users need in order to attain their higher level goals. While this is a general trend in general business processes, it is even more acute in specific domains like the medical area, where the clinical guidelines are expected to contribute to the optimization of medical assistance.Objective: We study model checking as support for understanding and solving the inconsistencies between the process models and their corresponding execution. The aim is to provide various human users with output in controlled English for the checking of properties about the execution of such processes, and perhaps input in controlled English for properties of interest from the point of view of the user.Method: For the conformance checking of such complex situations, we use an extended version of a Hybrid Logics model checking tool, for the verification of various properties within an abstract representation model. The extension with Description Logics helps to exploit a more refined representation of the entities involved in the execution of processes. The advantages of using the model checker in visualizing and verbalizing connections of the properties checked with their dependencies over time are shown on a sore throat running scenario, relative to its corresponding clinical guidelines.Results: With new data for an alternative run of the execution, our method can update the abstract model to enable the user to see what might happen or might have happened in such runs of the process model. The new updated abstract model corresponding to the new real situations is then used to analyze whether the overall state is acceptable or should further actions be considered to arrive at an acceptable state of the world.Conclusion: Our results show how the combination of Hybrid Logic and Description Logic can provide the necessary abstraction for the checking to be carried out at a level understandable by the human user when the properties of interest can be translated by a controlled English language interface.


摘要: 背景:在使用信息技术支持业务流程的过程中,在控制流程以避免不希望的执行的需求与用户实现其更高级别目标所需的灵活性之间存在着艰难的权衡。尽管这是一般业务流程中的普遍趋势,但在医疗领域等特定领域甚至更为严重,在该领域中,临床指南有望有助于优化医疗救助。目标:我们研究模型检查以帮助理解和支持解决流程模型及其相应执行之间的不一致。目的是为各种人类用户提供受控英语输出,以检查有关此类过程执行的属性,或者从用户角度为受控属性以受控英语输入,以从用户的角度进行。对于这种复杂情况,我们使用了混合逻辑模型检查工具的扩展版本,用于验证抽象表示模型中的各种属性。带有描述逻辑的扩展有助于利用流程的执行中涉及的实体的更精细表示。相对于其相应的临床指南,在喉咙痛的运行场景中显示了使用模型检查器来可视化和语言化所检查属性及其依存关系的连接的优势。结果:对于新的执行数据,有了新的数据,我们的方法可以更新抽象模型,以使用户能够查看在流程模型的此类运行中可能发生或已经发生的情况。然后,使用与新的实际情况相对应的新的更新的抽象模型来分析总体状态是否可以接受,或者应该考虑采取进一步的措施以达到可接受的世界状态。结论:我们的结果表明混合逻辑与当感兴趣的属性可以通过受控的英语界面翻译时,描述逻辑可以为检查提供必要的抽象,以使人类用户可以理解的水平进行检查。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jvlc.2014.12.008]

[805] Model discovery of parallel business processes using modified Heuristic Miner (2016)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Haryadita, Fitrianing and Sunaryono, Dwi and Munif, Abdul | Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology: Big Data Spectrum for Future Information Economy, ICSITech 2015)

Abstract: Process Mining or Process Discovery is a method to automatically discover process models from event log data. Since the process discovery is gaining attention among researchers as well as practitioners, the quality of the resulted process models is required. Business process model contains sequence and parallel traces. Many algorithms have been employed for process discovery, such as Alpha, Alpha++ and Heuristic Miner. Both Alpha ++ and existing Heuristic Miner cannot discover processes containing parallel OR. In this paper we propose the modified Heuristic Miner which utilizes the threshold intervals to discover parallel XOR, AND, and OR. The threshold intervals are determined based on average dependency measure in dependency graph. The results show that the modified Heuristic Miner can discover OR split and join which cannot be discovered by Alpha ++ as well as the existing Heuristic Miner.


摘要: 过程挖掘或过程发现是一种从事件日志数据中自动发现过程模型的方法。由于过程发现越来越受到研究人员和从业人员的关注,因此需要最终过程模型的质量。业务流程模型包含顺序和并行跟踪。许多算法已用于过程发现,例如Alpha,Alpha ++和Heuristic Miner。 Alpha ++和现有的启发式Miner都无法发现包含并行OR的进程。在本文中,我们提出了一种改进的启发式挖掘器,它利用阈值间隔来发现并行的XOR,AND和OR。阈值间隔是根据相关性图中的平均相关性度量确定的。结果表明,改进后的启发式挖掘器可以发现OR拆分和连接,而Alpha ++和现有的启发式挖掘器无法发现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSITech.2015.7407772]

[806] Model mining: Integrating data analytics, modelling and verification (2019)

(Cerone, Antonio | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques have been developed in the ambit of business process management to extract information from event logs consisting of activities and then produce a graphical representation of the process control flow, detect relations between components involved in the process and infer data dependencies between process activities. These process characterisations allow the analyst to discover an annotated visual representation of the conceptual model or the performance model of the process, check conformance with an a priori model to detect deviations and extend the a priori model with quantitative information such as frequencies and performance data. However, a process model yielded by process mining techniques is more similar to a representation of the process behaviour rather than an actual model of the process: it often consists of a huge number of states and interconnections between them, thus resulting in a spaghetti-like net which is hard to interpret or even read. In this paper we propose a novel technique, which we call model mining, to derive an abstract but concise and functionally structured model from event logs. Such a model is not a representation of the unfolded behaviour, but comprises, instead, a set of formal rules for generating the system behaviour, thus supporting more powerful predictive capabilities. The set of rules can be either inferred directly from the events logs (constructive mining) or refined by sifting a plausible a priori model using the event logs as a sieve until a reasonably concise model is achieved (refinement mining). We use rewriting logic as the formal framework in which to perform model mining and implement our framework using the Maude rewrite system. Once the final formal model is attained, it can be used, within the same rewriting logic framework, to predict future evolutions of the behaviour through simulation, to carry out further validation or to analyse properties through model checking. Finally, we illustrate our approach on two case studies from two different application fields, ecology and collaborative learning.


摘要: 已在业务流程管理领域开发了流程挖掘技术,以从包含活动的事件日志中提取信息,然后生成流程控制流的图形表示,检测流程中涉及的组件之间的关系,并推断流程之间的数据依存关系活动。这些过程特征使分析人员可以发现过程的概念模型或性能模型的带注释的视觉表示,检查与先验模型的符合性以检测偏差,并使用诸如频率和性能数据之类的定量信息扩展先验模型。但是,通过过程挖掘技术生成的过程模型更类似于过程行为的表示,而不是过程的实际模型:它通常由大量状态和状态之间的相互联系组成,从而导致像意大利面条一样难以解释甚至阅读的网络。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的技术,称为模型挖掘,可以从事件日志中得出抽象但简洁且功能结构化的模型。这样的模型并不代表展开的行为,而是包括一组正式规则,用于生成系统行为,从而支持更强大的预测能力。可以从事件日志中直接推断出规则集(建设性挖掘),也可以通过使用事件日志作为筛子筛选合理的先验模型来精炼,直到获得合理简洁的模型(优化挖掘)。我们使用重写逻辑作为正式的框架,在其中执行模型挖掘并使用Maude重写系统实现我们的框架。一旦获得了最终的正式模型,就可以在相同的重写逻辑框架内使用它,通过模拟来预测行为的未来发展,进行进一步的验证或通过模型检查来分析属性。最后,我们从两个不同的应用领域(生态学和协作学习)的两个案例研究中说明了我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-017-0474-3]

[807] Model repair - Aligning process models to reality (2015)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques relate observed behavior (i.e., event logs) to modeled behavior (e.g., a BPMN model or a Petri net). Process models can be discovered from event logs and conformance checking techniques can be used to detect and diagnose differences between observed and modeled behavior. Existing process mining techniques can only uncover these differences, but the actual repair of the model is left to the user and is not supported. In this paper we investigate the problem of repairing a process model w.r.t. a log such that the resulting model can replay the log (i.e., conforms to it) and is as similar as possible to the original model. To solve the problem, we use an existing conformance checker that aligns the runs of the given process model to the traces in the log. Based on this information, we decompose the log into several sublogs of non-fitting subtraces. For each sublog, either a loop is discovered that can replay the sublog or a subprocess is derived that is then added to the original model at the appropriate location. The approach is implemented in the process mining toolkit ProM and has been validated on logs and models from several Dutch municipalities.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术将观察到的行为(即事件日志)与建模的行为(例如BPMN模型或Petri网)相关联。可以从事件日志中发现流程模型,并且可以使用一致性检查技术来检测和诊断观察到的行为与建模行为之间的差异。现有的流程挖掘技术只能发现这些差异,但是模型的实际修复留给用户使用,不受支持。在本文中,我们研究了修复流程模型的问题。日志,以便生成的模型可以重播日志(即符合该日志),并且与原始模型尽可能相似。为了解决该问题,我们使用了一个现有的一致性检查器,该检查器将给定过程模型的运行与日志中的跟踪对齐。基于此信息,我们将日志分解为不适合的子跟踪的几个子日志。对于每个子日志,要么发现可以重播子日志的循环,要么派生一个子过程,然后将其添加到适当位置的原始模型中。该方法在过程挖掘工具包ProM中实现,并已在荷兰多个城市的日志和模型中得到验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2013.12.007]

[808] Model repair of Time Petri nets with temporal anomalies (2015)

(Basile, F. and Chiacchio, P. and Coppola, J. | IFAC-PapersOnLine)

Abstract: In this paper the model repair of Time Petri net models with temporal anomalies is considered assuming that the nominal model is known and an observed timed sequence is given. The nominal model is updated online, if the durations of system activities change while their initial instant does not, without modifying the structure of the PN nominal model but just extending the firing interval of transitions. The approach requires the solution of a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming.


摘要: 在本文中,假设名义模型是已知的,并且给出了观察到的定时序列,则考虑了具有时间异常的时间Petri网模型的模型修复。如果系统活动的持续时间发生变化而初始时刻未更改,则名义模型会在线更新,而无需修改PN名义模型的结构,而只是延长过渡的触发间隔。该方法需要混合整数线性规划的解决方案。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.477]

[809] Model-Based Clustering and Visualization of Navigation Patterns on a Web Site (2003)

(Cadez, Igor and Heckerman, David and Meek, Christopher and Smyth, Padhraic and White, Steven | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: We present a new methodology for exploring and analyzing navigation patterns on a web site. The patterns that can be analyzed consist of sequences of URL categories traversed by users. In our approach, we first partition site users into clusters such that users with similar navigation paths through the site are placed into the same cluster. Then, for each cluster, we display these paths for users within that cluster. The clustering approach we employ is model-based (as opposed to distance-based) and partitions users according to the order in which they request web pages. In particular, we cluster users by learning a mixture of first-order Markov models using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The runtime of our algorithm scales linearly with the number of clusters and with the size of the data; and our implementation easily handles hundreds of thousands of user sessions in memory. In the paper, we describe the details of our method and a visualization tool based on it called WebCANVAS. We illustrate the use of our approach on user-traffic data from msnbc.com.


摘要: 我们提出了一种新的方法,用于探索和分析网站上的导航模式。可以分析的模式由用户遍历的URL类别序列组成。在我们的方法中,我们首先将站点用户划分为集群,以便将具有相似导航路径的用户放置在同一集群中。然后,对于每个集群,我们为该集群内的用户显示这些路径。我们采用的聚类方法是基于模型的(而不是基于距离的),并根据用户请求网页的顺序对其进行划分。特别是,我们通过使用Expectation-Maximization算法学习一阶Markov模型的混合来聚类用户。我们的算法的运行时间与簇的数量和数据的大小成线性比例关系。而且我们的实现可以轻松地处理内存中成千上万的用户会话。在本文中,我们描述了该方法的详细信息以及基于WebCANVAS的可视化工具。我们说明了在msnbc.com上的用户流量数据中使用我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1023/A:1024992613384]

[810] Modeling and integration of hospital information systems with petri nets (2009)

(Darabi, Houshang and Galanter, William L. and Lin, Janet Yueh Yun and Buy, Ugo and Sampath, Rupa | 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, SOLI 2009)

Abstract: While the use of information technologies is becoming increasingly widespread in healthcare organizations, such as large hospitals, to date these organizations lack unified information systems providing a comprehensive view of the organizations state. We define a technique for building formal models capturing the state of hospital departments and the interactions among departments during hospital operations. These models, based on Petri nets, will support a variety of management and decision-support tools, such as statistical analysis, simulation, and dynamic reconfiguration. These models are at the core of a new software prototype that we are developing for the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 尽管信息技术在大型医院等医疗保健组织中的使用日趋广泛,但迄今为止,这些组织缺乏统一的信息系统,无法提供组织状态的全面视图。我们定义了一种技术,用于构建捕获模型状态的正式模型。医院部门以及医院运营期间各部门之间的互动,这些模型基于Petri网,将支持各种管理和决策支持工具,例如统计分析,模拟和动态重新配置。我们正在为芝加哥的伊利诺伊大学医学中心开发的新软件原型。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOLI.2009.5203928]


[811] Modeling and online recognition of surgical phases using hidden Markov models (2008)

(Blum, Tobias and Padoy, Nicolas and Feussner, Hubertus and Navab, Nassir | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: The amount of signals that can be recorded during a surgery, like tracking data or state of instruments, is constantly growing. These signals can be used to better understand surgical workflow and to build surgical assist systems that are aware of the current state of a surgery. This is a crucial issue for designing future systems that provide context-sensitive information and user interfaces. In this paper, Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to model a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Seventeen signals, representing tool usage, from twelve surgeries are used to train the model. The use of a model merging approach is proposed to build the HMM topology and compared to other methods of initializing a HMM. The merging method allows building a model at a very fine level of detail that also reveals the workflow of a surgery in a human-understandable way. Results for detecting the current phase of a surgery and for predicting the remaining time of the procedure are presented. textcopyright 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


摘要: 在手术期间可以记录的信号量,例如跟踪数据或仪器状态,一直在不断增长。这些信号可用于更好地了解手术流程并建立了解手术当前状态的手术辅助系统。这对于设计提供上下文相关信息和用户界面的未来系统是至关重要的问题。在本文中,使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)来模拟腹腔镜胆囊切除术。来自十二个手术的代表工具使用情况的十七个信号用于训练模型。建议使用模型合并方法来构建HMM拓扑,并将其与初始化HMM的其他方法进行比较。合并方法允许在非常精细的细节水平上构建模型,该模型还以人类可理解的方式揭示了手术的工作流程。介绍了用于检测手术当前阶段并预测手术剩余时间的结果。 t​​extcopyright 2008年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-85990-1-75]

[812] Modeling and verification for cross-department collaborative business processes using extended petri nets (2015)

(Zeng, Qingtian and Lu, Faming and Liu, Cong and Duan, Hua and Zhou, Changhong | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: Recently, cross-department business processes are becoming more and more complex. Different kinds of coordination patterns exist among different departments, which make modeling and analysis work more difficult. To our best knowledge, there is no formal method to give systematic modeling and verification for the cross-department processes when considering different kinds of coordination patterns among different departments. This paper proposes such a method based on Petri nets. The WF-net model extended with resource and message factors, RM WF Net for short, is first introduced. Then, the formal model of tasks is proposed and its coordination relations are given. Next, RM WF Net modeling for intradepartment processes is investigated and cross-department coordination patterns, including message interaction pattern, resource interaction pattern, task collaboration pattern, procedure abstract, service outsourcing pattern, and process activation pattern, are formally defined. The soundness of the RM WF Net is verified based on the reachability graph. A running case of the cross-department medical diagnosis business process is given to validate our proposed method.


摘要: 最近,跨部门的业务流程变得越来越复杂。不同部门之间存在不同类型的协调模式,这使得建模和分析工作更加困难。据我们所知,当考虑不同部门之间的不同协调方式时,没有正式的方法可以对跨部门的流程进行系统的建模和验证。本文提出了一种基于Petri网的方法。首先介绍了利用资源和消息因素扩展的WF-net模型,简称RM WF Net。然后,提出了任务的形式化模型,并给出了其协调关系。接下来,研究了用于贸易流程的RM WF Net建模,并正式定义了跨部门的协调模式,包括消息交互模式,资源交互模式,任务协作模式,过程摘要,服务外包模式和流程激活模式。根据可达性图验证RM WF Net的健全性。给出了跨部门医疗诊断业务流程的运行案例,以验证我们提出的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMC.2014.2334276]

[813] Modeling of transport times in partly observable factory logistic systems based on event logs (2011)

(Gellrich, Andre and Wagner, Thomas and Vasyutynskyy, Volodymyr and Kabitzsch, Klaus | IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA)

Abstract: Internal logistic systems are an important part of the modern industry. Their design involves as a rule elaborate simulations. However, during the lifetime of a factory, simulation models of the transport system often become outdated as components are added or removed and the laborious maintenance of the models is neglected. Nonetheless, for performance optimization of the transport system, accurate, up-to-date models are needed. This paper describes an approach to semi-automatically generate a transport time model based on event logs and elementary routing knowledge about a running factory. Both kinds of data are usually readily available and reflect the current system behavior. The purpose of this approach is to establish a basis for revealing optimization potential of transport systems and to lessen the effort of setting up a detailed simulation model. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 内部物流系统是现代工业的重要组成部分。他们的设计通常涉及复杂的模拟。但是,在工厂的整个生命周期中,运输系统的仿真模型通常会随着添加或删除组件而变得过时,而忽略了对模型进行的繁琐维护。但是,为了优化运输系统的性能,需要准确,最新的模型。本文介绍了一种基于事件日志和有关运行工厂的基本路由知识来半自动生成运输时间模型的方法。两种数据通常都很容易获得,并且反映了当前的系统行为。该方法的目的是为揭示运输系统的优化潜力建立基础,并减轻建立详细的仿真模型的工作量。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ETFA.2011.6058992]

[814] Modelling and performance analysis of wireless sensor networks using process mining techniques: ContikiMAC use case (2014)

(Despaux, Francois and Song, Ye Qiong and Lahmadi, Abdelkader | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2014)

Abstract: In the current protocol stack for Internet of Things in general and wireless sensor network in particular, many devices rely on the Contiki MAC protocol at their MAC layer. This protocol is widely used and enabled by default for several industrial environments and time sensitive monitoring and control applications. However, few work exists regarding the performance of this protocol because it lacks of an underlying theoretical model for analysing its performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach relying on process mining technique that aims to obtain a Markov chain model for networks running the Contiki MAC protocol. In particular, we present a comprehensive specification of the protocol and a Markov chain model obtained through the analysis and instrumentation of its reference implementation. We used the obtained Markov chain to analyze and estimate the end to end delay distribution for a multi-hops transmission with static routing. The approach can also be extended to a wide range of protocols. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 在通用的当前物联网协议栈中,尤其是在无线传感器网络中,许多设备在其MAC层依赖Contiki MAC协议。默认情况下,该协议已在多种工业环境以及对时间敏感的监视和控制应用程序中广泛使用和启用。但是,关于该协议性能的工作很少,因为它缺乏用于分析其性能的基础理论模型。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘技术的新颖方法,旨在为运行Contiki MAC协议的网络获得马尔可夫链模型。特别是,我们提供了该协议的全面规范以及通过对其参考实现的分析和检测而获得的马尔可夫链模型。我们使用获得的马尔可夫链来分析和估计具有静态路由的多跳传输的端到端延迟分布。该方法还可以扩展到广泛的协议。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DCOSS.2014.20]

[815] Modelling service workflow outcomes by assessing the underlying message flows (2014)

(Clarke, Damian and Saleh, Iman and Brian Blake | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: A major tenet of the service-oriented computing paradigm is the just-in-time approach to composing web services. While the majority of related research projects use nonfunctional evaluators to choose the best, cross-organizational composition scheme from many options, few projects leverage the real, domain-specific functional data. In this paper we describe a data-centric modelling approach that leverages the real operational data of any web service workflow. This model is a core aspect for the control of adaptive collaboration software that integrates web services that span distributed enterprises. Using Bayesian inference, we assess the message flow of long-running service workflows, and, in this paper, we introduce an operational model that represents the service workflow behavior. We believe that our operational model can be used for off-line or real-time adaptation of operational service workflows.


摘要: 面向服务的计算范例的主要原则是构成Web服务的即时方法。尽管大多数相关研究项目都使用非功能性评估器从许多选项中选择最佳的跨组织组成方案,但很少有项目利用真实的,特定领域的功能性数据。在本文中,我们描述了一种以数据为中心的建模方法,该方法利用了任何Web服务工作流的实际操作数据。该模型是控制自适应协作软件的核心方面,该软件集成了跨分布式企业的Web服务。使用贝叶斯推断,我们评估了长期运行的服务工作流的消息流,并且在本文中,我们引入了一个表示服务工作流行为的操作模型。我们相信,我们的运营模型可以用于离线或实时调整运营服务工作流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2014.79]

[816] Modelling work distribution mechanisms using Colored Petri Nets (2007)

(Pesic, Maja and Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Workflow management systems support business processes and are driven by their models. These models cover different perspectives including the control-flow, resource, and data perspectives. This paper focuses on the resource perspective, i.e., the way the system distributes work based on the structure of the organization and capabilities/qualifications of people. Contemporary workflow management systems offer a wide variety of mechanisms to support the resource perspective. Because the resource perspective is essential for the applicability of such systems, it is important to better understand the mechanisms and their interactions. Our goal is not to evaluate and compare what different systems do, but to understand how they do it. We use Colored Petri Nets (CPNs) to model work distribution mechanisms. First, we provide a basic model that can be seen as a reference model of existing workflow management systems. This model is then extended for three specific systems (Staffware, FileNet, and FLOWer). Moreover, we show how more advanced work distribution mechanisms, referred to as resource patterns, can be modelled and analyzed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2007.


摘要: 工作流管理系统支持业务流程,并由其模型驱动。这些模型涵盖了不同的角度,包括控制流,资源和数据角度。本文着重于资源角度,即系统根据组织的结构和人员的能力/资格分配工作的方式。当代的工作流管理系统提供了多种支持资源观点的机制。由于资源的观点对于此类系统的适用性至关重要,因此更好地了解这些机制及其相互作用非常重要。我们的目标不是评估和比较不同系统的功能,而是了解它们的工作方式。我们使用有色Petri网(CPN)对工作分配机制进行建模。首先,我们提供了一个基本模型,可以将其视为现有工作流程管理系统的参考模型。然后将此模型扩展到三个特定的系统(Staffware,FileNet和FLOWer)。此外,我们展示了如何对更高级的工作分配机制(称为资源模式)进行建模和分析。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-007-0036-z]

[817] Monitoring Interactions across Multi Business Processes with Token Carried Data (2019)

(Li, Chuanyi and Ge, Jidong and Li, Zhongjin and Huang, Liguo and Yang, Hongji and Luo, Bin | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: The rapid development of web service provides many opportunities for companies to migrate their business processes to the Internet for wider accessibility and higher collaboration efficiency. However, the open, dynamic and ever-changing Internet also brings challenges in protecting these business processes. There are certain process monitoring methods and the recently proposed ones are based on state changes of process artifacts or places, however, they do not mention defending process interactions from outer tampering, where events could not be detected by process systems, or saving fault-handling time. In this paper, we propose a novel Token-based Interaction Monitoring framework based on token carried data to safeguard process collaboration and reduce problem solving time. Token is a more common data entity in processes than process artifacts and they cover all tasks executions. Comparing to detecting places state change, we set security checking points at both when tokens are just produced and to be consumed. This will ensure that even if data is tampered after being created it would be detected before being used. For applying monitoring framework, we develop a collaboration constructing method with token-based process mining techniques to derive global interaction processes as well as organize historical process data in forms of token.


摘要: Web服务的快速发展为公司提供了许多将业务流程迁移到Internet的机会,以实现更广泛的可访问性和更高的协作效率。但是,开放,动态和不断变化的Internet也在保护这些业务流程方面带来了挑战。是某些过程监视方法,最近提出的方法是基于过程工件或位置的状态变化,但是,它们没有提及保护过程交互免受外部篡改(过程系统无法检测到事件)或节省故障处理时间在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的基于令牌的交互监视框架,该框架基于令牌携带的数据来保护流程协作并减少解决问题的时间,令牌是流程中比流程工件更为常见的数据实体,并且它们涵盖了所有任务的执行。与检测位置状态变化相比,我们在令牌为j时在两个位置都设置了安全检查点生产和消费的粉尘。这将确保即使在创建数据后对其进行篡改,也可以在使用数据之前对其进行检测。为了应用监视框架,我们开发了一种基于令牌的过程挖掘技术的协作构造方法,以导出全局交互过程,并以令牌形式组织历史过程数据。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2016.2645690]

[818] Monitoring business constraints with the event calculus (2013)

(Montali, Marco and Maggi, Fabrizio M. and Chesani, Federico and Mello, Paola and Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology)

Abstract: Today, large business processes are composed of smaller, autonomous, interconnected subsystems, achieving modularity and robustness. Quite often, these large processes comprise software components as well as human actors, they face highly dynamic environments and their subsystems are updated and evolve independently of each other. Due to their dynamic nature and complexity, it might be difficult, if not impossible, to ensure at design-time that such systems will always exhibit the desired/expected behaviors. This, in turn, triggers the need for runtime verification and monitoring facilities. These are needed to check whether the actual behavior complies with expected business constraints, internal/external regulations and desired best practices. In this work, we present Mobucon EC, a novel monitoring framework that tracks streams of events and continuously determines the state of business constraints. In Mobucon EC, business constraints are defined using the declarative language Declare. For the purpose of this work, Declare has been suitably extended to support quantitative time constraints and non-atomic, durative activities. The logic-based language Event Calculus (EC) has been adopted to provide a formal specification and semantics to Declare constraints, while a light-weight, logic programming-based EC tool supports dynamically reasoning about partial, evolving execution traces. To demonstrate the applicability of our approach, we describe a case study about maritime safety and security and provide a synthetic benchmark to evaluate its scalability. textcopyright 2013 ACM 2157-6904/2013/12-ART5 $ 15.00.


摘要: 今天,大型业务流程由较小的,自治的,相互连接的子系统组成,实现了模块化和鲁棒性。这些大型过程通常包括软件组件和人类参与者,它们面临着高度动态的环境,并且其子系统彼此独立地更新和发展。由于它们的动态性质和复杂性,如果不是不可能的话,可能很难(即使不是不可能)在设计时确保此类系统始终表现出期望的/预期的行为。反过来,这引发了对运行时验证和监视功能的需求。需要这些来检查实际行为是否符合预期的业务约束,内部/外部法规以及所需的最佳实践。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Mobucon EC,这是一个新颖的监视框架,可以跟踪事件流并不断确定业务约束的状态。在Mobucon EC中,使用声明性语言Declare定义业务约束。出于这项工作的目的,已适当扩展了声明以支持定量时间限制和非原子性的持续性活动。已采用基于逻辑的语言事件演算(EC)为声明约束提供正式的规范和语义,而基于逻辑编程的轻量级EC工具支持对部分不断变化的执行轨迹进行动态推理。为了证明我们的方法的适用性,我们描述了有关海上安全和保障的案例研究,并提供了综合基准来评估其可扩展性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 ACM 2157-6904 / 2013 / 12-ART5 $ 15.00。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2542182.2542199]

[819] Monitoring care processes in the gynecologic oncology department (2014)

(Caron, Filip and Vanthienen, Jan and Vanhaecht, Kris and Limbergen, Erik Van and De Weerdt | Computers in Biology and Medicine)

Abstract: The care processes of healthcare providers are typically considered as human-centric, flexible, evolving, complex and multi-disciplinary. Consequently, acquiring an insight in the dynamics of these care processes can be an arduous task.A novel event log based approach for extracting valuable medical and organizational information on past executions of the care processes is presented in this study. Care processes are analyzed with the help of a preferential set of process mining techniques in order to discover recurring patterns, analyze and characterize process variants and identify adverse medical events. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 医疗保健提供者的护理过程通常被认为是以人为中心,灵活,不断发展,复杂和多学科的。因此,获得对这些护理过程动态的见识可能是一项艰巨的任务。本研究提出了一种基于事件日志的新颖方法,该方法可用于提取有关护理过程过去执行情况的有价值的医疗和组织信息。借助一系列优先的过程挖掘技术来分析护理过程,以便发现重复发生的模式,分析和表征过程变量并确定不良医疗事件。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.10.015]

[820] Monitoring collaboration from a value perspective (2007)

(Bodenstaff, Lianne and Wombacher, Andreas and Reichert, Manfred and Wieringa, Roei | Proceedings of the 2007 Inaugural IEEE-IES Digital EcoSystems and Technologies Conference, DEST 2007)

Abstract: Collaborations among businesses can be described from different viewpoints. Two of these viewpoints are the value viewpoint, representing estimated values exchanged in a collaboration, and the coordination viewpoint, representing messages exchanged between the actors to coordinate the execution of a collaboration. To observe and maintain the value viewpoint during the complete life cycle, the estimated values have to be validated during the execution of the collaboration. However, since the value model is not implemented, the necessary information for monitoring the value viewpoint needs to be derived from the coordination viewpoint. Relating coordination and value viewpoint is a difficult process because the coordination viewpoint lacks information present in the value viewpoint. In this paper we define the relation between both viewpoints for the complete collaboration life cycle. Furthermore, we provide a mechanism to monitor the collaboration from a value viewpoint. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 企业之间的合作可以从不同的角度来描述。这些观点中的两个是价值观点,表示在协作中交换的估计值,而协调观点表示在参与者之间交换以协调协作执行的消息。为了在整个生命周期中观察和维护价值观点,必须在协作执行期间验证估计值。但是,由于未实现价值模型,因此需要从协调观点导出用于监视价值观点的必要信息。将协调和价值观点联系起来是一个困难的过程,因为协调观点缺乏价值观点中存在的信息。在本文中,我们定义了完整协作生命周期中两个观点之间的关系。此外,我们提供了一种从价值角度监控协作的机制。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEST.2007.371959]

[821] Monitoring data-aware business constraints with finite state automata (2014)

(De Masellis | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Checking the compliance of a business process execution with respect to a set of regulations is an important issue in several settings. A common way of representing the expected behavior of a process is to describe it as a set of business constraints. Runtime verification and monitoring facilities allow us to continuously determine the state of constraints on the current process execution, and to promptly detect violations at runtime. A plethora of studies has demonstrated that in several settings business constraints can be formalized in terms of temporal logic rules. However, in virtually all existing works the process behavior is mainly modeled in terms of control-flow rules, neglecting the equally important data perspective. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by presenting a novel monitoring approach that tracks streams of process events (that possibly carry data) and verifies if the process execution is compliant with a set of data-aware business constraints, namely constraints not only referring to the temporal evolution of events, but also to the temporal evolution of data. The framework is based on the formal specification of business constraints in terms of first-order linear temporal logic rules. Operationally, these rules are translated into finite state automata for dynamically reasoning on partial, evolving execution traces. We show the versatility of our approach by formalizing (the data-aware extension of) Declare, a declarative, constraint-based process modeling language, and by demonstrating its application on a concrete case dealing with web security. textcopyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 在多个设置中,检查业务流程执行是否符合一组法规是一个重要问题。表示流程的预期行为的一种常见方式是将其描述为一组业务约束。运行时验证和监视功能使我们能够连续确定当前流程执行的约束状态,并在运行时迅速检测到违规情况。大量研究表明,在某些情况下,可以根据时间逻辑规则将业务约束形式化。但是,在几乎所有现有作品中,过程行为主要是根据控制流规则建模的,而忽略了同样重要的数据视角。在本文中,我们通过提出一种新颖的监视方法来克服此限制,该监视方法可跟踪流程事件流(可能携带数据)并验证流程执行是否符合一组数据感知业务约束,即约束不仅指事件的时间演变,也要数据的时间演变。该框架基于关于一阶线性时间逻辑规则的业务约束的正式规范。在操作上,这些规则被转换为有限状态自动机,以便在不断演变的部分执行轨迹上进行动态推理。通过形式化声明式(基于声明的,基于约束的过程建模语言)Declare(对它的数据感知扩展)形式化,并在涉及Web安全的具体案例中演示其应用,我们展示了我们方法的多功能性。 t​​extcopyright 2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2600821.2600835]

[822] Monitoring safety of process operations using industrial workflows (2015)

(Dasani, Sridhar and Shah, Sirish L. and Chen, Tongwen and Funnell, Jay and Pollard, Robert W. | IFAC-PapersOnLine)

Abstract: An industrial workflow represents a sequence of tasks or actions that describes an operational procedure. In this paper, workflow strategies are developed that capture operational knowledge by analyzing event logs of how an operator has executed a procedure while controlling or monitoring a process. In this work, our prime focus is on infrequent process operations such as plant start-up and shutdown procedures. We propose a workflow conformance method to continuously monitor and compare operator actions with standard operating procedures (SOPs) and identify procedural violations that could compromise process safety and efficiency. An industrial case study is presented to illustrate applications of workflow conformance monitoring to identify operational problems associated with human factors, process and instrumentation.


摘要: 工业工作流程代表描述操作程序的一系列任务或动作。在本文中,开发了工作流策略,该策略通过分析操作员在控制或监视过程时如何执行过程的事件日志来捕获操作知识。在这项工作中,我们的主要重点是不频繁的过程操作,例如工厂的启动和关闭程序。我们提出了一种工作流程一致性方法,以连续监视操作员的动作并将其与标准操作程序(SOP)进行比较,并确定可能损害过程安全性和效率的程序违规行为。提出了一个工业案例研究,以说明工作流一致性监控在识别与人为因素,过程和仪器相关的操作问题方面的应用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.009]

[823] Monitoring security compliance of critical processes (2014)

(Rieke, Roland and Repp, Jurgen and Zhdanova, Maria and Eichler, Jorn | Proceedings - 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2014)

Abstract: Enforcing security in process-aware information systems at runtime requires the monitoring of systems operation using process information. Analysis of this information with respect to security and compliance aspects is growing in complexity with the increase in functionality, connectivity, and dynamics of process evolution. To tackle this complexity, the application of models is becoming standard practice. Considering todays frequent changes to processes, model-based support for security and compliance analysis is not only needed in pre-operational phases but also at runtime. This paper presents an approach to support evaluation of the security status of processes at runtime. The approach is based on operational formal models derived from process specifications and security policies comprising technical, organizational, regulatory and cross-layer aspects. A process behavior model is synchronized by events from the running process and utilizes prediction of expected close-future states to find possible security violations and allow early decisions on countermeasures. The applicability of the approach is exemplified by a misuse case scenario from a hydroelectric power plant. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 在运行时在过程感知的信息系统中增强安全性需要使用过程信息来监视系统的运行。随着过程的功能性,连通性和动态性的增加,有关安全性和合规性方面的信息分析越来越复杂为了解决这种复杂性,模型的应用已成为标准做法,考虑到当今流程的频繁更改,不仅在运行前阶段而且在运行时都需要基于模型的安全性和合规性分析支持。支持在运行时评估流程安全状态的方法,该方法基于从流程规范和安全策略(包括技术,组织,法规和跨层方面)得出的操作形式模型,流程行为模型由来自系统的事件同步。运行过程并利用预期的近期稳定状态预测找出可能的安全违规行为,并允许对策进行早期决策。该方法的适用性以水力发电厂的滥用案例为例。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/PDP.2014.106]

[824] Multi-Paradigm Process Mining: Retrieving Better Models by Combining Rules and Sequences (2014)

(De Smedt | SSRN Electronic Journal)

Abstract: Business process mining is a well-established field of research which focuses on the automatic retrieval and analysis of process flows, extracted from event logs which are the outcome of todays omnipresent information systems. The discovery and representation of these models is based on techniques that come in all shapes and forms. Most notably, procedurally-based algorithms such as Heuristics Miner have been used successfully for this purpose. Also, declarative process model miners have been proposed, which give other insights into the model by generating rules that apply on the activities. This paper proposes an integrated approach to combining these paradigms to discover process models that contain best of both worlds to enrich insights into the event logs under scrutiny. The findings have been implemented as a ProM plug-in that is based on Heuristics Miner and Declare miner.


摘要: 业务流程挖掘是一个成熟的研究领域,专注于从事件日志中提取的流程流的自动检索和分析,这些事件日志是当今无所不在的信息系统的结果。这些模型的发现和表示基于技术各种形式和形式的应用程序。最值得注意的是,基于过程的算法(例如启发式Miner)已成功用于此目的;此外,还提出了声明式过程模型挖掘器,它通过生成适用于以下内容的规则为模型提供了其他见解。本文提出了一种综合方法,将这些范式组合起来以发现包含两个方面的最佳流程模型,以在经过审查的情况下丰富事件日志的见解,这些发现已作为基于Heuristics Miner的ProM插件实现。和声明矿工。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.2139/ssrn.2464066]

[825] Multi-level abstraction for trace comparison and process discovery (2017)

(Montani, Stefania and Leonardi, Giorgio and Striani, Manuel and Quaglini, Silvana and Cavallini, Anna | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Many information systems record executed process instances in the event log, a very rich source of information for several process management tasks, like process mining and trace comparison. In this paper, we present a framework, able to convert activities in the event log into higher level concepts, at different levels of abstraction, on the basis of domain knowledge. Our abstraction mechanism manages non trivial situations, such as interleaved activities or delays between two activities that abstract to the same concept. Abstracted traces can then be provided as an input to an intelligent system, meant to implement a variety of process management tasks, significantly enhancing the quality and the usefulness of its output. In particular, in the paper we demonstrate how trace abstraction can impact on the quality of process discovery, showing that it is possible to obtain more readable and understandable process models. We also prove, through our experimental results, the impact of our approach on the capability of trace comparison and clustering (realized by means of a metric able to take into account abstraction phase penalties) to highlight (in)correct behaviors, abstracting from details.


摘要: 许多信息系统在事件日志中记录已执行的流程实例,这是用于多个流程管理任务(例如流程挖掘和跟踪比较)的非常丰富的信息源。在本文中,我们提出了一个框架,该框架能够基于领域知识将事件日志中的活动转换为不同抽象级别的更高级别的概念。我们的抽象机制管理非琐碎的情况,例如交错的活动或抽象为相同概念的两个活动之间的延迟。然后,可以将抽象的迹线作为智能系统的输入,以执行各种过程管理任务,从而显着提高其输出的质量和实用性。特别是,在本文中,我们演示了跟踪抽象如何影响流程发现的质量,并表明有可能获得更具可读性和可理解性的流程模型。我们还通过实验结果证明了我们的方法对跟踪比较和聚类能力的影响(通过能够考虑抽象阶段惩罚的度量来实现),以突出(不)正确行为,从细节中抽象出来。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2017.03.063]


[826] Multidimensional process mining: A flexible analysis approach for health services research (2013)

(Vogelgesang, Thomas and Appelrath, H. Jurgen | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Health services research (HSR) is a scientific field analyzing personal health services regarding quality and efficiency. In particular, it focuses on discovering and analyzing health care processes. Of special interest are the factors of influence like the age of the patients and their impact on the processes. Multidimensional process mining is a way to discover health care processes according to certain factors of influence. Because the existing approach for multidimensional process mining from literature is unsatisfactory (e.g., missing separation of process model and visualization), a novel approach is developed. The basic idea is to move the multidimensional aspects directly into the event log which is a record of all events of the process activities serving as a foundation for process mining. OLAP operations are defined to select traces as input for usual process discovery algorithms. For a representation of results adequate to the user needs, several kinds of visualization are provided. During an optional step of consolidation it is possible to reduce the complexity of the mining results, e.g., by clustering process models. This paper motivates this approach and outlines its basic ideas at the early stage of PhD work. textcopyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 健康服务研究(HSR)是分析有关质量和效率的个人健康服务的科学领域。特别是,它着重于发现和分析医疗过程。特别令人感兴趣的是影响因素,例如患者的年龄及其对手术的影响。多维过程挖掘是一种根据某些影响因素发现卫生保健过程的方法。由于从文献中进行多维过程挖掘的现有方法并不令人满意(例如,缺少过程模型和可视化的分离),因此开发了一种新颖的方法。基本思想是将多维方面直接移到事件日志中,该日志记录了流程活动的所有事件,是流程挖掘的基础。定义了OLAP操作以选择跟踪作为常规过程发现算法的输入。为了表示足以满足用户需求的结果,提供了几种可视化方法。在可选的合并步骤中,可以例如通过对过程模型进行聚类来降低挖掘结果的复杂性。本文旨在激发这种方法,并概述其在博士工作初期的基本思想。 t​​extcopyright 2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2457317.2457321]

[827] Multilevel Process Mining for Financial Audits (2015)

(Werner, Michael and Gehrke, Nick | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: The relevance of business intelligence increases with the growing amount of recorded data. The research on business intelligence has led to a mature set of methods and tools that are used in many application areas, but they are almost absent in the auditing industry. Public accountants face the challenge to audit increasingly complex business processes that process huge amounts of transaction data. Process mining can be used as a business intelligence approach in the context of process audits to exploit this data. We introduce a process mining algorithm to improve such audits. Key requirements for this purpose are the reliability of the mining results, the integration of a data flow perspective and the ability to inspect data from the point of origin to the final output on the financial accounts. The presented algorithm integrates the control flow and data flow perspective. It operates on different abstraction levels to enable the auditor to follow the audit trail. The algorithm creates precise and fitting process models to prevent false negative and false positive audit results, accepts specific unlabeled event logs as input, and considers data relationships for inferring the control flow. It was evaluated by using extensive real world data.


摘要: 商业智能的相关性随着记录数据量的增加而增加。商业智能的研究已导致在许多应用领域中使用了一套成熟的方法和工具,但是在审计行业中却几乎不存在它们。公众会计师面临着审计日益复杂的业务流程的挑战,这些业务流程处理大量的交易数据。在流程审核的背景下,流程挖掘可以用作商业智能方法来利用这些数据。我们引入了一种流程挖掘算法来改进此类审核。为此目的的关键要求是挖掘结果的可靠性,数据流观点的集成以及检查从原始点到财务帐户最终输出的数据的能力。该算法融合了控制流和数据流的观点。它在不同的抽象级别上运行,以使审核员能够遵循审核记录。该算法创建精确且合适的流程模型,以防止出现假阴性和假阳性审核结果,接受特定的未标记事件日志作为输入,并考虑数据关系以推断控制流。它是通过使用大量实际数据进行评估的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2457907]

[828] Necessary condition for a Petri net model that incorporates resources to produce an event stream from an unknown initial state (2011)

(Allen, L. V. and Tilbury, D. M. | Proceedings of the American Control Conference)

Abstract: This paper presents conditions under which a type of Petri net model with resources, called System of Transition Processes with Resources (STPR), can produce a given event stream. In particular, a necessary condition is given for the event stream to be produced based on checking upper and lower bounds of the marking on the Petri net. Algorithms for checking the condition are presented; the computational complexity of checking the condition is polynomial in the number of places and transitions the first time it is checked for a particular model, and linear in the number of transitions when the model is checked for subsequent event streams. An example is presented showing how this condition can be used, together with a model generation approach, for anomaly detection in manufacturing systems. textcopyright 2011 AACC American Automatic Control Council.


摘要: 本文介绍了一种条件,一种带有资源的Petri网模型,称为系统资源过渡过程(STPR),可以产生给定的事件流。特别地,基于检查陪替氏网络上标记的上下边界,给出了要产生事件流的必要条件。提出了检查条件的算法;检查条件的计算复杂度是针对特定模型的初次检查位置和转换次数的多项式,而对于后续事件流检查模型时,转换次数则是线性的。给出了一个示例,显示了如何将此条件与模型生成方法一起用于制造系统中的异常检测。 t​​extcopyright 2011 AACC美国自动控制委员会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/acc.2011.5991379]

[829] Network-based business process analysis (2012)

(Levina, Olga and Hillmann, Robert | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: This paper presents a quantitative approach to business process analysis using metrics from (social) network analysis. It is claimed that using this approach not only allows quantification of business process properties, but also provides insights on business process behavior that is not obvious from business process descriptions or models. The goal is to show that process characteristics can be explored and analyzed using network theory and methods of statistical analysis. The focus of this work is put on process type definition. To validate the approach business process model networks are evaluated against artificial networks with selected random graph distributions. The identified metrics are evaluated using a sample of real-life business processes. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了一种使用(社交)网络分析中的指标进行业务流程分析的定量方法。据称,使用这种方法不仅可以量化业务流程属性,而且还可以提供从业务流程描述或模型中看不到的有关业务流程行为的见解。目的是表明可以使用网络理论和统计分析方法来探索和分析过程特征。这项工作的重点放在流程类型定义上。为了验证方法,针对具有所选随机图分布的人工网络对业务流程模型网络进行了评估。使用实际业务流程样本评估所确定的指标。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2012.447]

[830] New methodology for modeling large scale manufacturing process: Using process mining methods and experts knowledge (2011)

(Viale, Pamela and Frydman, Claudia and Pinaton, Jacques | Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA)

Abstract: Modeling manufacturing process of complex products like electronic chips is crucial to maximize the quality of the production. This paper proposes a new methodology to model large scale manufacturing processes based on activity information as well as experts knowledge. DEVS formalism is used for the final models because of its advantages as a formal formalism. This methodology helps to easily detect discrepancies between the actual implementation of processes with experts definitions. It also helps to construct general models that could be used later for controlling processes. The idea of STMicroelectronics enterprise is to use these general models to implement an alarm system. The idea is to alert engineers about risky modifications done over STMicroelectronics manufacturing processes. The state of our work towards to model STMicroelectronics production processes is presented at the end of this paper. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.

** 用于大规模制造过程建模的新方法:使用过程挖掘方法和专家知识**

摘要: 对诸如电子芯片之类的复杂产品的制造过程进行建模对于最大化生产质量至关重要。本文提出了一种基于活动信息和专家知识对大型制造过程进行建模的新方法。DEVS形式化用于最终模型,因为它具有形式化形式的优势,这种方法有助于轻松地根据专家的定义检测过程的实际执行之间的差异,还有助于构建可用于以后控制过程的通用模型。就是要使用这些通用模型来实施一个警报系统,其目的是向工程师警告有关意法半导体制造过程中进行的风险修改。本文末尾介绍了意法半导体的生产过程建模的工作状态。 textcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AICCSA.2011.6126595]

[831] New region-based algorithms for deriving bounded petri nets (2010)

(Carmona, Josep and Cortadella, Jordi and Kishinevsky, Mike | IEEE Transactions on Computers)

Abstract: The theory of regions was introduced in the early nineties as a method to bridge state and event-based models. This paper tackles the problem of deriving a Petri net from a state-based model, using the theory of regions. Some of the restrictions required in the traditional approach are dropped in this paper, together with significant extensions that make the approach applicable in new scenarios. One of these scenarios is Process Mining, where accepting (discovering) additional behavior in the synthesized Petri net is sometimes valued. The algorithmic emphasis used in this paper contributes to the demystification of the theory of regions as been only a good theoretical exercise, opening the door for its application in the industrial domain. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 区域理论是在90年代初期引入的,它是一种桥接状态和基于事件的模型的方法。本文解决了使用区域理论从基于状态的模型推导Petri网的问题。本文摒弃了传统方法所需的一些限制,并进行了重大扩展,使该方法适用于新场景。这些场景之一是过程挖掘,在这种情况下,在合成Petri网中接受(发现)其他行为有时很有价值。本文所使用的算法重点有助于区域理论的神秘化,因为这只是一个很好的理论练习,为其在工业领域中的应用打开了大门。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TC.2009.131]

[832] Nirikshan: Mining bug report history for discovering process maps, inefficiencies and inconsistencies (2014)

(Gupta, Monika and Sureka, Ashish | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Issue tracking systems such as Bugzilla, Mantis and JIRA are Process Aware Information Systems to support business process of issue (defect and feature enhancement) reporting and resolution. The process of issue reporting to resolution consists of several steps or activities performed by various roles (bug reporter, bug triager, bug fixer, developers, and quality assurance manager) within the software maintenance team. Project teams define a workflow or a business process (design time process model and guidelines) to streamline and structure the issue management activities. However, the runtime process (reality) may not conform to the design time model and can have imperfections or inefficiencies. We apply business process mining tools and techniques to analyze the event log data (bug report history) generated by an issue tracking system with the objective of discovering runtime process maps, inefficiencies and inconsistencies. We conduct a case-study on data extracted from Bugzilla issue tracking system of the popular open-source Firefox browser project. We present and implement a process mining framework, Nirikshan, consisting of various steps: data extraction, data transformation, process discovery, performance analysis and conformance checking. We conduct a series of process mining experiments to study self-loops, back-andforth, issue reopen, unique traces, event frequency, activity frequency, bottlenecks and present an algorithm and metrics to compute the degree of conformance between the design time and the runtime process. Copyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 问题跟踪系统,例如Bugzilla,Mantis和JIRA是过程感知信息系统,用于支持问题(缺陷和功能增强)报告和解决的业务流程。从问题报告到解决的过程包括由软件维护团队中的各个角色(错误报告者,错误分类器,错误修复程序,开发人员和质量保证经理)执行的几个步骤或活动。项目团队定义工作流或业务流程(设计时流程模型和准则)以简化和组织问题管理活动。但是,运行时过程(现实)可能不符合设计时间模型,并且可能有缺陷或效率低下。我们应用业务流程挖掘工具和技术来分析由事件跟踪系统生成的事件日志数据(错误报告历史记录),目的是发现运行时流程图,效率低下和不一致之处。我们对从流行的开源Firefox浏览器项目的Bugzilla问题跟踪系统中提取的数据进行了案例研究。我们提出并实现了一个Nirikshan流程挖掘框架,该框架包含多个步骤:数据提取,数据转换,流程发现,性能分析和一致性检查。我们进行了一系列过程挖掘实验,以研究自循环,来回,问题重开,唯一跟踪,事件频率,活动频率,瓶颈,并提出一种算法和度量来计算设计时间与运行时间之间的一致性程度。处理。版权所有2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2590748.2590749]

[833] Nirikshan: Process mining software repositories to identify inefficiencies, imperfections, and enhance existing process capabilities (2014)

(Gupta, Monika | 36th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE Companion 2014 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Process mining is to extract knowledge about business pro-cesses from data stored implicitly in ad-hoc way or explic-itly by information systems. The aim is to discover runtime process, analyze performance and perform conformance verification, using process mining tools like ProM and Disco, for single software repository and processes spanning across multiple repositories. Application of process mining to soft-ware repositories has recently gained interest due to avail-ability of vast data generated during software development and maintenance. Process data are embodied in reposito-ries which can be used for analysis to improve the efficiency and capability of process, however, involves a lot of chal-lenges which have not been addressed so far. Project team defines work flow, design process and policies for tasks like issue tracking (defect or feature enhancement), peer code review (review the submitted patch to avoid defects before they are injected) etc. to streamline and structure the ac-tivities. The reality may not be the same as defined because of imperfections so the extent of non-conformance needs to be measured. We propose a research framework Nirikshan to process mine the data of software repositories from multi-ple perspectives like process, organizational, data and time. We apply process mining on software repositories to derive runtime process map, identify and remove ineficiencies and imperfections, extend the capabilities of existing software engineering tools to make them more process aware, and un-derstand interaction pattern between various contributors to improve the efficiency of project. Copyright textcopyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 流程挖掘是从信息系统以隐式方式或显式方式隐式存储的数据中提取有关业务过程的知识。其目的是发现运行时流程,分析性能并执行一致性验证,例如使用流程挖掘工具。 ProM和Disco,针对单个软件存储库和跨多个存储库的流程,由于软件开发和维护过程中可生成大量数据,因此流程挖掘在软件存储库中的应用近来引起了人们的兴趣。可用于分析以提高流程效率和功能的项目涉及很多挑战,但迄今为止尚未解决。项目团队为诸如问题跟踪(缺陷)之类的任务定义了工作流程,设计过程和策略或功能增强),对等代码审查(审查所提交的补丁,以避免在注入漏洞之前进行缺陷检查)等,以简化和构建结构活动。由于存在缺陷,实际情况可能与所定义的不一致,因此需要测量不合格的程度。我们提出了一个 Nirikshan研究框架,从多个角度(例如流程,组织,数据和时间)来处理软件仓库的数据。我们在软件存储库上进行过程挖掘,以获取运行时过程图,识别并消除缺陷和缺陷,扩展现有软件工程工具的功能,使其对过程更加了解,并了解各种贡献者之间的交互模式,以提高项目效率。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2591062.2591080]

[834] Non-Local Correction of Process Models Using Event Logs (2018)

(Mitsyuk, Alexey A. | Proceedings - 2017 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference, ISPRAS 2017)

Abstract: Information and software systems almost never stabilize after the release. They change, among other reasons, due to difficulties of implementation, bug repairs, and environmental shifts. Thus, their behavior differs from models, which were used at the design stage. Process owner usually wants relevant, up-to-date models. Fortunately, most modern information systems write detailed event logs of their functioning. In this paper, we describe an algorithm of non-local process correction, that employs the two fundamental algorithmic paradigms: divide and conquer and greedy processing. It decomposes the process model and repairs sub-models in a greedy way using event logs with actual behavior. Using this procedure, it is possible to correct both local and non-local inconsistencies. The paper considers the algorithm and the results of its experimental evaluation using several artificial examples.


摘要: 信息和软件系统在发布后几乎从未稳定过。它们的变化是由于实现困难,错误修复和环境变化等原因所致。因此,它们的行为不同于设计阶段所使用的模型。所有者通常需要相关的,最新的模型。幸运的是,大多数现代信息系统都编写了其功能的详细事件日志。在本文中,我们描述了一种非本地过程校正算法,该算法采用了两种基本的算法范例:划分和征服和贪婪处理,它使用具有实际行为的事件日志以贪婪的方式分解过程模型并修复子模型,从而可以纠正本地和非本地的不一致。通过几个人工示例,对算法及其实验评估结果进行了研究。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISPRAS.2017.00008]

[835] Non-intrusive transaction monitoring using system logs (2008)

(Sengupta, Bikram and Banerjee, Nilanjan and Anandkumar, Animashree and Bisdikian, Chatschik | NOMS 2008 - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium: Pervasive Management for Ubiquitous Networks and Services)

Abstract: We consider the problem of online monitoring of transaction instances in enterprise environments, based on footprints left by the instances in system logs and using a state-based reference model of the transaction. Unlike existing approaches, we do not rely on any platform-specific knowledge, neither do we assume footprints to carry correlating identifiers, as injected through instrumentation. We outline a solution for tracking transaction instances at individual and aggregate levels, present preliminary results on theoretical analysis of monitoring precision and conclude with directions of ongoing and future research. textcopyright2008 IEEE.


摘要: 我们基于实例在系统日志中留下的占用空间,并使用基于状态的交易参考模型,来考虑对企业环境中的交易实例进行在线监控的问题。与现有方法不同,我们不依赖任何特定于平台的知识,也不假设通过仪器注入的足迹可以携带相关的标识符。我们概述了用于跟踪单个级别和总计级别的事务实例的解决方案,提供了有关监视精度的理论分析的初步结果,并给出了正在进行和未来研究的方向。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NOMS.2008.4575237]

[836] Normative requirements for regulatory compliance: An abstract formal framework (2016)

(Hashmi, Mustafa and Governatori, Guido and Wynn, Moe Thandar | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: By definition, regulatory rules (in legal context called norms) intend to achieve specific behaviour from business processes, and might be relevant to the whole or part of a business process. They can impose conditions on different aspects of process models, e.g., control-flow, data and resources etc. Based on the rules sets, norms can be classified into various classes and sub-classes according to their effects. This paper presents an abstract framework consisting of a list of norms and a generic compliance checking approach on the idea of (possible) execution of processes. The proposed framework is independent of any existing formalism, and provides a conceptually rich and exhaustive ontology and semantics of norms needed for business process compliance checking. Apart from the other uses, the proposed framework can be used to compare different compliance management frameworks (CMFs).


摘要: 根据定义,监管规则(在法律背景下称为规范)旨在实现业务流程中的特定行为,并且可能与整个业务流程或部分业务流程相关。它们可以在过程模型的不同方面(例如,控制流,数据和资源等)施加条件。基于规则集,规范可以根据其效果分为各种类别和子类别。本文提出了一个抽象框架,该框架由一系列规范和关于(可能)执行流程的思想的通用合规性检查方法组成。所提出的框架独立于任何现有的形式主义,并且提供了概念上丰富且详尽的本体和业务流程合规性检查所需的规范语义。除了其他用途之外,建议的框架还可以用于比较不同的合规性管理框架(CMF)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-015-9558-1]

[837] Observation and mitigation of causal re-ordering in distributed business process logs (2015)

(Pecarina, John and Fu, Michael and Liu, Jyh Charn | 2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2015)

Abstract: Cloud computing provides enhanced collaboration opportunities, but auditing business activities in workflows has become more difficult in a distributed, cloud-based system. The fundamental issue stems from timestamp inaccuracy in event logs. Tools that analyze logs for causal relationships are ineffective, yielding products that can neither capture invariant execution, nor perform conformance checking to check workflow health. Therefore, we offer the Flower Chain Net (FCN), a new Petri net that reduces concurrency and improves conformance checking. To build FCN, we provide the Flower Chain Discovery Algorithm. FCN is evaluated for structural expressiveness, efficiency, and behavioral analysis traits against widely employed methods.


摘要: 云计算提供了增强的协作机会,但是在基于云的分布式系统中,审核工作流中的业务活动变得更加困难。根本问题来自事件日志中的时间戳记不准确。用于分析因果关系的日志的工具无效,产生的产品既不能捕获不变的执行,也不能执行一致性检查来检查工作流的运行状况。因此,我们提供了花链网(FCN),这是一种新的Petri网,可以减少并发并改善一致性检查。为了构建FCN,我们提供了花链发现算法。根据广泛采用的方法,对FCN进行了结构表达,效率和行为分析等方面的评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2015.7210422]

[838] Obtaining thresholds for the effectiveness of business process mining (2011)

(Perez-Castillo, Ricardo and Sanchez-Gonzalez, Laura and Piattini, Mario and Garcia, Felix and De Guzman | International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement)

Abstract: Business process mining is a powerful tool to retrieve the valuable business knowledge embedded in existing information systems. The effectiveness of this kind of proposal is usually evaluated using recall and precision, which respectively measure the completeness and exactness of the retrieved business processes. Since the effectiveness assessment of business process mining is a difficult and error-prone activity, the main hypothesis of this work studies the possibility of obtaining thresholds to determine when recall and precision values are appropriate. The business process mining technique under study is MARBLE, a model-driven framework to retrieve business processes from existing information systems. The Bender method was applied to obtain the thresholds of the recall and precision measures. The experimental data used as input were obtained from a set of 44 business processes retrieved with MARBLE through a family of case studies carried out over the last two years. The study provides thresholds for recall and precision measures, which facilitates the interpretation of their values by means of five linguistic labels that range from low to very high. As a result, recall must be high (with at least a medium precision above 0.56), and precision must also be high (with at least a low recall of 0.70) to ensure that business processes were recovered (by using MARBLE) with an effectiveness value above 0.65. The thresholds allowed us to ascertain with more confidence whether MARBLE can effectively mine business processes from existing information systems. In addition, the provided results can be used as reference values to compare MARBLE with other similar business process mining techniques. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程挖掘是一种强大的工具,可以检索嵌入在现有信息系统中的宝贵业务知识。通常使用召回率和精确度来评估这种提议的有效性,这分别衡量了所检索的业务流程的完整性和准确性。由于业务流程挖掘的有效性评估是一项困难且容易出错的活动,因此该工作的主要假设研究了获取阈值以确定何时合适的召回率和精度值的可能性。研究中的业务流程挖掘技术是MARBLE,这是一种模型驱动的框架,用于从现有信息系统中检索业务流程。应用Bender方法获得召回率和精度测度的阈值。通过近两年进行的一系列案例研究,从MARBLE检索的44个业务流程中获得了用作输入的实验数据。该研究为召回和精确测量提供了阈值,从而通过从低到高的五个语言标签促进了其值的解释。结果,召回率必须很高(至少具有0.56以上的中等精度),并且精度也必须很高(至少具有0.70的低召回率),以确保有效地恢复业务流程(通过使用大理石)值大于0.65。阈值使我们可以更有把握地确定大理石能否从现有信息系统中有效地挖掘业务流程。此外,提供的结果可以用作参考值,以将MARBLE与其他类似的业务流程挖掘技术进行比较。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/esem.2011.64]

[839] Occurrence-oriented design strategy for developing business process monitoring systems (2014)

(Dominguez, Eladio and Perez, Beatriz and Rubio, Angel L. and Zapata, Maria A. and Lavilla, Juan and Allue, Alberto | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: In a competitive market, business process improvement is a requirement for any organization. This improvement can only be achieved with the support of comprehensive systems that fully monitor business processes. We propose an occurrence-based approach to business process monitoring that provides a holistic perspective of system dynamics, lending support to evolution aspects. More specifically, we present a three-dimensional artifact, called Occurrence, in which structure, behavior, and guidance are considered simultaneously. Based on this, we define more complex structures, namely Occurrence Base and Occurrence Management System, which serve as scaffolding to develop business process monitoring systems. We also present a specific occurrence-based design strategy that, using an MDE approach, has been applied by our research group for the development of successful monitoring applications. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 在竞争激烈的市场中,任何组织都必须改进业务流程。只有在全面监控业务流程的综合系统的支持下才能实现这种改进。我们提出了一种基于事件的业务流程监视方法,该方法提供了系统动力学的整体视角,为演进方面提供了支持。更具体地说,我们提出了一个称为出现的三维工件,其中同时考虑了结构,行为和指导。在此基础上,我们定义了更复杂的结构,即发生基础和发生管理系统,它们充当了开发业务流程监视系统的基础。我们还提出了一种特定的基于事件的设计策略,该策略已使用MDE方法由我们的研究小组用于开发成功的监视应用程序。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2013.166]

[840] On capturing and quantifying social qualities in business processes (2016)

(Maamar, Zakaria and Hacid, Hakim and Ugljanin, Emir and Sellami, Mohamed | Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016)

Abstract: It is largely known that objective criteria like profit and market-share drive the decisions of engineering business processes. However, there are cases where subjective criteria (e.g., reputation and attitude) need also to be taken into account, which will definitely impact the objective criteria. These cases fall into examining business processes from a social perspective. This paper discusses the mechanisms of making a business processs components (task, person, and machine) exhibit certain social qualities like selfishness and goodwill. This exposure is dependent on three criteria that are resource availability, transactional properties of tasks, and profit. An online system demonstrates the use of these criteria when capturing and quantifying the social qualities in business processes.


摘要: 众所周知,诸如利润和市场份额之类的客观标准驱动着工程业务流程的决策。但是,在某些情况下,也需要考虑主观标准(例如,声誉和态度),这肯定会影响这些案例属于从社会角度考察业务流程的问题,本文讨论了使业务流程的组件(任务,人员和机器)表现出某些社会品质(如自私和善意)的机制,这种风险取决于三个方面。资源可用性,任务的交易属性和利润这些标准。在线系统演示了在捕获和量化业务流程中的社会素质时使用这些标准。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2016.17]


[841] On enabling integrated process compliance with semantic constraints in process management systems: Requirements, challenges, solutions (2012)

(Ly, Linh Thao and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Goser, Kevin and Dadam, Peter | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Key to broad use of process management systems (PrMS) in practice is their ability to foster and ease the implementation, execution, monitoring, and adaptation of business processes while still being able to ensure robust and error-free process enactment. To meet these demands a variety of mechanisms has been developed to prevent errors at the structural level (e.g., deadlocks). In many application domains, however, processes often have to comply with business level rules and policies (i.e., semantic constraints) as well. Hence, to ensure error-free executions at the semantic level, PrMS need certain control mechanisms for validating and ensuring the compliance with semantic constraints. In this paper, we discuss fundamental requirements for a comprehensive support of semantic constraints in PrMS. Moreover, we provide a survey on existing approaches and discuss to what extent they are able to meet the requirements and which challenges still have to be tackled. In order to tackle the particular challenge of providing integrated compliance support over the process lifecycle, we introduce the SeaFlows framework. The framework introduces a behavioural level view on processes which serves a conceptual process representation for constraint specification approaches. Further, it provides general compliance criteria for static compliance validation but also for dealing with process changes. Altogether, the SeaFlows framework can serve as formal basis for realizing integrated support of semantic constraints in PrMS. textcopyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.


摘要: 在实践中广泛使用流程管理系统(PrMS)的关键在于,它们能够促进和简化业务流程的实现,执行,监视和调整,同时仍然能够确保稳健且无错误的流程制定。为了满足这些需求,已经开发了各种机制来防止结构级别的错误(例如,死锁)。但是,在许多应用领域中,流程通常也必须遵守业务级别的规则和策略(即语义约束)。因此,为了确保在语义级别执行无错误,PrMS需要某些控制机制来验证和确保符合语义约束。在本文中,我们讨论了对PrMS中语义约束的全面支持的基本要求。此外,我们对现有方法进行了调查,并讨论了它们在多大程度上能够满足要求,以及仍然需要解决哪些挑战。为了解决在流程生命周期中提供集成合规性支持的特殊挑战,我们引入了SeaFlows框架。该框架在流程上引入了行为级别的视图,该视图为约束规范方法提供了概念上的流程表示。此外,它为静态合规性验证以及处理流程更改提供了通用的合规性标准。总之,SeaFlows框架可以作为正式的基础,以实现对PrMS中语义约束的集成支持。 t​​extcopyright Springer Science + Business Media,LLC2012。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-009-9185-9]

[842] On local anomaly detection and analysis for clinical pathways (2015)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Dong, Wei and Ji, Lei and Yin, Liangying and Duan, Huilong | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine)

Abstract: Objective Anomaly detection, as an imperative task for clinical pathway (CP) analysis and improvement, can provide useful and actionable knowledge of interest to clinical experts to be potentially exploited. Existing studies mainly focused on the detection of global anomalous inpatient traces of CPs using the similarity measures in a structured manner, which brings order in the chaos of CPs, may decline the accuracy of similarity measure between inpatient traces, and may distort the efficiency of anomaly detection. In addition, local anomalies that exist in some subsegments of events or behaviors in inpatient traces are easily overlooked by existing approaches since they are designed for detecting global or large anomalies. Method In this study, we employ a probabilistic topic model to discover underlying treatment patterns, and assume any significant unexplainable deviations from the normal behaviors surmised by the derived patterns are strongly correlated with anomalous behaviours. In this way, we can figure out the detailed local abnormal behaviors and the associations between these anomalies such that diagnostic information on local anomalies can be provided. Results The proposed approach is evaluated via a clinical data-set, including 2954 unstable angina patient traces and 483,349 clinical events, extracted from a Chinese hospital. Using the proposed method, local anomalies are detected from the log. In addition, the identified associations between the detected local anomalies are derived from the log, which lead to clinical concern on the reason resulting in these anomalies in CPs. The correctness of the proposed approach has been evaluated by three experience cardiologists of the hospital. For four types of local anomalies (i.e., unexpected events, early events, delay events, and absent events), the proposed approach achieves 94%, 71% 77%, and 93.2% in terms of recall. This is quite remarkable as we do not use a prior knowledge. Conclusion Substantial experimental results show that the proposed approach can effectively detect local anomalies in CPs, and also provide diagnostic information on the detected anomalies in an informative manner.


摘要: 客观异常检测,作为临床途径(CP)分析和改善的当务之急,可以为临床专家提供有用的,可行的实用知识,以供潜在利用。现有研究主要集中在通过结构化方式使用相似性度量来检测CP的整体异常住院痕迹,这使CP陷入混乱,可能降低住院痕迹之间相似性度量的准确性,并可能扭曲异常的效率。检测。此外,存在于住院轨迹中事件或行为的某些子部分中的局部异常很容易被现有方法所忽略,因为它们旨在检测全局或大型异常。方法在本研究中,我们采用概率主题模型来发现潜在的治疗模式,并假设与衍生行为所推测的正常行为之间的任何重大无法解释的偏差都与异常行为密切相关。这样,我们可以找出详细的局部异常行为以及这些异常之间的关联,以便可以提供有关局部异常的诊断信息。结果通过从中国一家医院提取的临床数据集对提出的方法进行了评估,包括2954例不稳定型心绞痛患者的病历和483,349例临床事件。使用提出的方法,可以从日志中检测出局部异常。另外,从对数中导出检测到的局部异常之间的所识别的关联,这引起了引起CP中这些异常的原因的临床关注。该方法的正确性已由医院的三位经验丰富的心脏病专家进行了评估。对于四种类型的局部异常(即意外事件,早期事件,延迟事件和缺席事件),在召回方面,所提出的方法可达到94%,71%,77%和93.2%。这是非常了不起的,因为我们没有使用先验知识。结论大量的实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地检测出CP的局部异常,并且可以为检测到的异常提供诊断信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.artmed.2015.09.001]

[843] On mining clinical pathway patterns from medical behaviors (2012)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine)

Abstract: Objective: Clinical pathway analysis, as a pivotal issue in ensuring specialized, standardized, normalized and sophisticated therapy procedures, is receiving increasing attention in the field of medical informatics. Clinical pathway pattern mining is one of the most important components of clinical pathway analysis and aims to discover which medical behaviors are essential/critical for clinical pathways, and also where temporal orders of these medical behaviors are quantified with numerical bounds. Even though existing clinical pathway pattern mining techniques can tell us which medical behaviors are frequently performed and in which order, they seldom precisely provide quantified temporal order information of critical medical behaviors in clinical pathways. Methods: This study adopts process mining to analyze clinical pathways. The key contribution of the paper is to develop a new process mining approach to find a set of clinical pathway patterns given a specific clinical workflow log and minimum support threshold. The proposed approach not only discovers which critical medical behaviors are performed and in which order, but also provides comprehensive knowledge about quantified temporal orders of medical behaviors in clinical pathways. Results: The proposed approach is evaluated via real-world data-sets, which are extracted from Zhejiang Huzhou Central hospital of China with regard to six specific diseases, i.e., bronchial lung cancer, gastric cancer, cerebral hemorrhage, breast cancer, infarction, and colon cancer, in two years (2007.08-2009.09). As compared to the general sequence pattern mining algorithm, the proposed approach consumes less processing time, generates quite a smaller number of clinical pathway patterns, and has a linear scalability in terms of execution time against the increasing size of data sets. Conclusion: The experimental results indicate the applicability of the proposed approach, based on which it is possible to discover clinical pathway patterns that can cover most frequent medical behaviors that are most regularly encountered in clinical practice. Therefore, it holds significant promise in research efforts related to the analysis of clinical pathways. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 目标:临床途径分析,作为确保专业化,标准化,规范化和复杂化治疗程序的关键问题,在医学信息学领域正日益受到关注。临床路径模式挖掘是临床路径分析的最重要组成部分之一,旨在发现哪些医学行为对于临床路径必不可少/至关重要,以及在哪里用数字界限量化这些医学行为的时间顺序。即使现有的临床途径模式挖掘技术可以告诉我们经常执行哪种医疗行为以及以哪种顺序进行,但它们很少能精确地提供临床途径中关键医疗行为的量化时间顺序信息。方法:本研究采用过程挖掘法分析临床路径。本文的主要贡献是开发一种新的过程挖掘方法,以在给定特定临床工作流程日志和最小支持阈值的情况下找到一组临床途径模式。所提出的方法不仅发现执行了哪些关键医学行为以及以何种顺序执行,而且还提供了有关临床途径中医学行为的量化时间顺序的全面知识。结果:该方法是通过现实世界的数据集进行评估的,这些数据集是从中国浙江湖州市中心医院提取的,涉及六种特定疾病,即支气管肺癌,胃癌,脑出血,乳腺癌,梗塞和两年内(2007.08-2009.09)。与一般的序列模式挖掘算法相比,所提出的方法消耗更少的处理时间,生成相当少的临床途径模式,并且在执行时间方面对数据集的大小增加具有线性可伸缩性。结论:实验结果表明了该方法的适用性,在此基础上可以发现涵盖临床实践中最经常遇到的最常见医学行为的临床途径模式。因此,它在与临床途径分析有关的研究工作中具有重要的前景。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.artmed.2012.06.002]

[844] On predicting the frequent execution patterns in information systems (2017)

(Kumar, M. V.Manoj and Thomas, Likewin and Annappa, B. | Proceedings of the 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, ICECCT 2017)

Abstract: Process mining research discipline offers a spectrum of techniques for analysing event logs. Event logs represent the history of process execution. This information can be used for monitoring, analysing and improving the operational processes. The currently available methods in process mining emphasise on constructing the static process model. These models depict various dimensions of the process under analysis. But, models can only represent the past execution history and cant be used to guide and control the prospectus execution of the process. There is a need for the methods and techniques which guide the future execution of process in the light of recorded information. This paper introduces a technique for identifying and predicting the frequent control-flow execution patterns in information systems. The proposed Position Weight Matrix proven to be efficient during experimentation and validation studies.


摘要: 过程挖掘研究学科提供了一系列分析事件日志的技术。事件日志表示过程执行的历史。此信息可用于监视,分析和改进操作过程。过程挖掘的当前可用方法着重于构建静态流程模型。这些模型描述了所分析流程的各个维度,但是,这些模型只能代表过去的执行历史,不能用于指导和控制流程的招股说明书执行,因此需要这些方法以及根据记录的信息指导流程未来执行的技术。本文介绍了一种用于识别和预测信息系统中频繁的控制流执行模式的技术。提出的位置权重矩阵在实验和验证研究中被证明是有效的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICECCT.2017.8117836]

[845] On process mining in health care (2012)

(Kaymak, Uzay and Mans, Ronny and Van De Steeg | Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)

Abstract: With the increasing demand for health care, hospitals are looking for ways to optimize their care processes in order to increase efficiency, while guaranteeing the quality of the care. Process modeling is a crucial step for process improvement, since it provides a process model that can be analyzed and optimized. Process mining is a recent promising methodology to discover process models based on data from event logs. However, early applications of process mining to health care has produced overly complex models, which have been attributed to the complexity of the health care domain. In this paper, we argue that existing process mining methods fail to identify good process models, even for well-defined clinical processes. We identify a number of reasons for this shortcoming and discuss a few directions for extending process mining methods in order to make them more suitable for the clinical domain. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 随着对医疗保健需求的增长,医院正在寻找方法来优化他们的护理流程,以提高效率,同时保证护理质量。流程建模是流程改进的关键步骤,因为它提供了可以分析和优化的流程模型。流程挖掘是一种最新的有前途的方法,可以根据事件日志中的数据发现流程模型。但是,过程挖掘在医疗保健中的早期应用产生了过于复杂的模型,这归因于医疗保健领域的复杂性。在本文中,我们认为,即使对于定义明确的临床过程,现有的过程挖掘方法也无法识别出好的过程模型。我们确定了造成此缺陷的多种原因,并讨论了扩展过程挖掘方法的一些方向,以使其更适合于临床领域。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSMC.2012.6378009]

[846] On recommendation of process mining algorithms (2012)

(Wang, Jianmin and Wong, Raymond K. and Ding, Jianwei and Guo, Qinlong and Wen, Lijie | Proceedings - 2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2012)

Abstract: While many process mining algorithms have been proposed recently, there does not exist a widely-accepted benchmark to evaluate and compare these process mining algorithms. As a result, it can be difficult to choose a suitable process mining algorithm for a given enterprise or application domain. Some recent benchmark systems have been developed and proposed to address this issue. However, evaluating available process mining algorithms against a large set of business models (e.g., in a large enterprise) can be computationally expensive, tedious and time-consuming. This paper proposes a novel framework that can efficiently select the process mining algorithms that are most suitable for a given model set. In particular, it attemptsto investigate how we can avoid evaluating numerous process mining algorithms on all given process models. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 虽然最近已经提出了许多过程挖掘算法,但是还没有一个广泛接受的基准来评估和比较这些过程挖掘算法。结果,可能难以为给定的企业或应用程序域选择合适的过程挖掘算法。已经开发并提出了一些最新的基准系统来解决此问题。然而,针对大量业务模型(例如,在大型企业中)评估可用的过程挖掘算法可能在计算上昂贵,乏味且耗时。本文提出了一个新颖的框架,可以有效地选择最适合给定模型集的过程挖掘算法。特别是,它试图研究我们如何避免在所有给定的过程模型上评估众多过程挖掘算法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2012.52]

[847] On testing 1-safe Petri nets (2009)

(Jourdan, Guy Vincent and Bochmann, Gregor V. | Proceedings - 2009 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, TASE 2009)

Abstract: Formal models are often considered for software systems specification, and are helpful for verifying that certain properties are respected, or for automatically generating the implementation code corresponding to the model, or again for conformance testing, for the automatic generation of test cases to check an implementation against the formal specification. Variations of Finite State Machine (FSM) models have been mostly used for conformance testing, while the otherwise very popular formal model of Petri Nets is seldom mentioned in this context. In this paper, we look at the question of conformance testing when the model is provided in the form of a 1-safe Petri Net. We provide a general framework for conformance testing, and give algorithms for deriving test cases under different assumptions: Besides the adaptation of methods originally developed for FSMs which lead to exponentially long test sequences, we have identified cases for which polynomial testing algorithms for free-choice Petri nets can be provided. These results are significant when modeling concurrent systems, as exemplified by workflow modeling. textcopyright 2009 Crown Copyright.


摘要: 正式模型经常被考虑用于软件系统规范,并且有助于验证某些属性是否得到遵守,或者有助于自动生成与模型相对应的实现代码,或者再次用于一致性测试,用于自动生成要检查的测试用例针对正式规范的实现。有限状态机(FSM)模型的变体主要用于一致性测试,而在这种情况下很少提及Petri Nets否则非常流行的形式化模型。在本文中,我们着眼于以1安全Petri网形式提供模型时的一致性测试问题。我们提供了用于一致性测试的通用框架,并给出了在不同假设下得出测试用例的算法:除了对最初为FSM开发的方法进行改编(导致指数级的测试序列成倍增加)之外,我们还确定了针对多项选择的多项式测试算法的情况可以提供陪替氏网。当对并行系统进行建模时,这些结果非常重要,例如工作流建模。 t​​extcopyright 2009年皇冠版权。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TASE.2009.20]

[848] On the Synthesis of Finite-State Machines from Samples of Their Behavior (1972)

(Biermann, A. W. and Feldman, J. A. | IEEE Transactions on Computers)

Abstract: The Nerode realization technique for synthesizing finite-state machines from their associated right-invariant equivalence relations is modified to give a method for synthesizing machines from finite subsets of their input-output behavior. The synthesis procedure includes a parameter that one may adjust to obtain machines that represent the desired behavior with varying degrees of accuracy and that consequently have varying complexities. We discuss some of the uses of the method, including an application to a sequential learning problem. Copyright textcopyright 1972 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


摘要: Nerode实现技术,用于从其相关的右不变等价关系合成有限状态机,从而提供了一种从其输入-输出行为的有限子集来合成机器的方法。合成过程包括一个参数,可以调整该参数以获得具有不同准确度的代表所需行为的机器,并因此具有不同的复杂度。我们讨论了该方法的一些用法,包括对顺序学习问题的应用。电气电子工程师学会,版权所有 t​​extcopyright 1972年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TC.1972.5009015]

[849] On the definition and design-time analysis of process performance indicators (2013)

(Del-Rio-Ortega, Adela and Resinas, Manuel and Cabanillas, Cristina and Ruiz-Cortes, Antonio | Information Systems)

Abstract: A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the evaluation of process performance for the achievement of its strategic and operational goals. Process Performance Indicators (PPIs) are a key asset to carry out this evaluation, and, therefore, having an appropriate definition of these PPIs is crucial. After a careful review of the literature related and a study of the current picture in different real organisations, we conclude that there not exists any proposal that allows to define PPIs in a way that is unambiguous and highly expressive, understandable by technical and non-technical users and traceable with the Business Process (BP). In addition, like other activities carried out during the BP lifecycle, the management of PPIs is considered time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore, providing an automated support for them is very appealing from a practical point of view. In this paper, we propose the PPINOT metamodel, which allows such an advanced definition of PPIs and is independent of the language used to model the business process. Furthermore, we provide an automatic semantic mapping from the metamodel to Description Logics (DL) that allows the implementation of design-time analysis operations in such a way that DL reasoners facilities can be leveraged. These operations provide information that can assist process analysts in the definition and instrumentation of PPIs. Finally, to validate the usefulness of our proposal, we have used the PPINOT metamodel at the core of a software tool called the PPINOT Tool Suite and we have applied it in several real scenarios. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 任何以流程为导向的组织的一个关键方面是对实现其战略和运营目标的流程绩效进行评估。流程绩效指标(PPI)是进行此评估的关键资产,因此,必须进行适当的评估。这些PPI的定义至关重要。在仔细阅读了相关文献并研究了不同实际组织中的当前情况之后,我们得出结论,没有任何提议可以明确,高度表达地定义PPI,技术和非技术用户都可以理解并且可以追溯到业务流程(BP)。此外,与BP生命周期中执行的其他活动一样,PPI的管理被认为是耗时且容易出错的,因此,提供了自动化从实践的角度来看,对它们的支持非常吸引人。在本文中,我们提出了PPINOT元模型,该模型允许对PPI进行如此高级的定义,并且与用于业务流程建模的语言无关。此外,我们提供了从元模型到描述逻辑(DL)的自动语义映射,该映射允许实现设计时分析操作,从而可以利用DL推理程序的功能。这些操作提供的信息可以帮助过程分析人员定义和检测PPI。最后,为了验证我们提议的有效性,我们在名为PPINOT Tool Suite的软件工具的核心中使用了PPINOT元模型,并将其应用于几种实际场景中。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.11.004]

[850] On the discovery of preferred work practice through business process variants (2007)

(Lu, Ruopeng and Sadiq, Shazia | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Variance in business process execution can be the result of several situations, such as disconnection between documented models and business operations, workarounds in spite of process execution engines, dynamic change and exception handling, flexible and ad-hoc approaches, and collaborative and/or knowledge intensive work. It is imperative that effective support for managing process variance be extended to organizations mature in their BPM (Business Process Management) uptake so that they can ensure organization wide consistency, promote reuse and capitalize on their BPM investments. Process variants are complex objects that contain features of different dimensions, such as variant design or variant execution data. This paper provides a technique for effective utilization of the adaptations manifested in process variants. In particular, we will present a facility for discovery of preferred variants through effective search and retrieval based on the notion of process similarity, where multiple aspects of the process variants are compared according to specific query requirements. The major advantage of this approach is the ability to provide a quantitative measure for the similarity between process variants, which further facilitates various BPM activities such as process reuse, analysis and discovery. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


摘要: 业务流程执行中的差异可能是多种情况的结果,例如文档化模型与业务操作之间的断开,尽管流程执行引擎存在变通方法,动态更改和异常处理,灵活的临时方法以及协作和/或知识密集型工作。至关重要的是,必须将管理流程差异的有效支持扩展到已采用BPM(业务流程管理)的成熟组织,以便他们可以确保组织范围的一致性,促进重用并利用BPM投资。流程变量是复杂的对象,包含不同维度的特征,例如变量设计或变量执行数据。本文提供了一种有效利用过程变量中体现的适应性的技术。特别是,我们将提供一种基于过程相似性概念通过有效搜索和检索来发现首选变体的工具,其中根据特定的查询要求对过程变体的多个方面进行比较。这种方法的主要优点是能够为流程变体之间的相似性提供定量度量,从而进一步促进了各种BPM活动,例如流程重用,分析和发现。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[851] On the enforcement of a class of nonlinear constraints on Petri nets (2015)

(Chen, Yufeng and Li, Zhiwu and Barkaoui, Kamel and Giua, Alessandro | Automatica)

Abstract: This paper deals with the enforcement of nonlinear constraints on Petri nets. A supervisory structure is proposed for a class of nonlinear constraints. In order to enforce a nonlinear constraint on a Petri net, we propose a transition transformation technique to replace a transition in an original net by a set of transitions. Then, a control place is designed to control the firing of these transitions, aiming to enforce the nonlinear constraint. The proposed supervisor is maximally permissive in the sense that it can make all markings in the admissible-zone reachable and all markings in the forbidden-zone unreachable. The proposed method is applicable to bounded Petri nets. Finally, a number of examples are provided to demonstrate the proposed approach.


摘要: 本文讨论了在Petri网络上实施非线性约束的问题。针对一类非线性约束,提出了一种监督结构。为了在Petri网上施加非线性约束,我们提出了一种转换变换技术,用一组转换来替换原始网络中的转换。然后,设计一个控制位置来控制这些过渡点的触发,以强制执行非线性约束。拟议的监督员是最大允许的,因为它可以使允许区域中的所有标记均可以到达,而禁止区域中的所有标记均可以到达。该方法适用于有界Petri网。最后,提供了许多示例来演示所提出的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.automatica.2015.02.014]

[852] On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: The process discovery case (2013)

(Accorsi, Rafael and Stocker, Thomas and Muller, Gunter | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: This paper reports on the potential of process mining as a basis for security audits of business process and corresponding business process management systems. In particular, it focuses on process discovery as a means to reconstruct process-related structures from event logs, such as the process control flow, social network and data flows. Based on this information, security analysis to determine the compliance with security and privacy requirements can be automated. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 本文报告了流程挖掘作为业务流程和相应业务流程管理系统的安全审核基础的潜力。特别是,它着重于流程发现作为从事件日志中重建与流程相关的结构的一种手段。流程的控制流,社交网络和数据流。基于此信息,可以自动执行安全性分析以确定是否符合安全性和隐私要求。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480634]

[853] On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: The process discovery case (2013)

(Accorsi, Rafael and Stocker, Thomas and Muller, Gunter | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: This paper reports on the potential of process mining as a basis for security audits of business process and corresponding business process management systems. In particular, it focuses on process discovery as a means to reconstruct process-related structures from event logs, such as the process control flow, social network and data flows. Based on this information, security analysis to determine the compliance with security and privacy requirements can be automated. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 本文报告了流程挖掘作为业务流程和相应业务流程管理系统的安全审核基础的潜力。特别是,它着重于流程发现作为从事件日志中重建与流程相关的结构的一种手段。流程的控制流,社交网络和数据流。基于此信息,可以自动执行安全性分析以确定是否符合安全性和隐私要求。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480634]

[854] On the predictive power of university curricula (2016)

(Azzini, Antonia and Ceravolo, Paolo and Scarabottolo, Nello and Damiani, Ernesto | IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON)

Abstract: In this study we analyzed the curricula of 65 university students to investigate the impact of activities progression on student performances. Clustering curricula based on activity order and type we discovered a significant incidence on performance, validating the predictive power of curricula. Nevertheless, we discovered that the characterization of clusters is mainly due to non mandatory activities, selected by a student to personalize his curriculum, while activity order is very less relevant. This observation rejects the idea that activities progression has impact on performance, resulting rather as a consequence of student choices.


摘要: 在本研究中,我们分析了65名大学生的课程,以调查活动进展对学生表现的影响。基于活动顺序和类型对课程进行聚类,我们发现了对绩效的重大影响,从而验证了课程的预测能力。尽管如此,我们发现聚类的表征主要归因于非强制性活动,由学生选择以个性化其课程,而活动顺序则不那么相关。这一观察结果拒绝了这样的观点,即活动的进行会对成绩产生影响,而不是学生选择的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDUCON.2016.7474663]

[855] On the representational bias in process mining (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 2011 20th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2011)

Abstract: Process mining serves a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The goal is to extract process related knowledge from event data stored in information systems. One of the most challenging process mining tasks is process discovery, i.e., the automatic construction of process models from raw event logs. Today there are dozens of process discovery techniques generating process models using different notations (Petri nets, EPCs, BPMN, heuristic nets, etc.). This paper focuses on the representational bias used by these techniques. We will show that the choice of target model is very important for the discovery process itself. The representational bias should not be driven by the desired graphical representation but by the characteristics of the underlying processes and process discovery techniques. Therefore, we analyze the role of the representational bias in process mining. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘在数据挖掘和业务流程建模之间架起了一座桥梁。目的是从信息系统中存储的事件数据中提取与过程相关的知识。流程发现是最具挑战性的流程挖掘任务之一,即从原始事件日志自动构建流程模型。如今,有数十种过程发现技术使用不同的表示法(Petri网络,EPC,BPMN,启发式网络等)生成过程模型。本文重点介绍了这些技术使用的代表性偏差。我们将证明目标模型的选择对于发现过程本身非常重要。表示偏差不应由所需的图形表示驱动,而应由基本过程和过程发现技术的特征驱动。因此,我们分析了代表性偏差在过程挖掘中的作用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2011.64]


[856] Online and offline classification of traces of event logs on the basis of security risks (2018)

(Fazzinga, Bettina and Flesca, Sergio and Furfaro, Filippo and Pontieri, Luigi | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: The problem of classifying business log traces is addressed in the context of security risk analysis. We consider the challenging setting where the actions performed in a process instance are described in the log as executions of low-level operations (such as Pose a query over a DB, Upload a file into an ftp server), while analysts and business users describe/understand the process steps as instances of high-level activities (such as Update the customers personal data, and Share a project draft with the coworkers). Given this, we aim at classifying each trace as the result of a process execution within which a security breach has occurred or not, by taking into account some (possibly incomplete) knowledge of the process structures and of the patterns representing insecure behaviors. What makes the problem challenging is that, when no workflow regulating the process executions is defined, this knowledge is typically owned by experts who reason in terms of process activities, thus it is encoded by behavioral rules at the higher abstract level. Thus, classifying requires the traces to be interpreted and brought to this higher abstraction level, and often this cannot be done deterministically, since the mapping between operations and activities is many-to-many. In our framework, the operation/activity mapping is encoded probabilistically, and the behavioral rules are expressed in terms of precedence/causality constraints over the activities, grouped into mandatory, highly recommended, and recommended requirements. The classification task is addressed in both the cases that process execution are ongoing and have terminated (i.e. in both online and offline scenarios, respectively), and its core is a Monte Carlo generation, that produces a sample of interpretations whose conformance to the security breach models is used to estimate the risks for the security.


摘要: 在安全风险分析的背景下解决了对业务日志跟踪进行分类的问题。我们认为具有挑战性的设置是,在流程实例中执行的操作在日志中被描述为低级操作的执行(例如姿势a通过数据库查询,将文件上传到ftp服务器),而分析师和业务用户则将流程步骤描述/理解为高级活动的实例(例如更新客户的个人数据和共享考虑到这一点,我们的目标是通过考虑对过程结构和过程知识的一些(可能是不完整的)了解,将每个跟踪归因于是否已发生安全漏洞的过程执行结果。代表不安全行为的模式使得问题具有挑战性的是,当未定义调节流程执行的工作流时,该知识通常归于根据流程活动进行推理的专家所有,因此,它是由较高抽象级别的行为规则编码的。因此,分类需要将迹线解释并带到更高的抽象级别,并且由于操作和活动之间的映射是多对多的,因此通常无法确定地完成。在我们的框架中,操作/活动映射是概率编码的,并且行为规则是根据活动的优先级/因果关系约束来表达的,分为强制性,强烈推荐和推荐要求。分类任务在流程执行正在进行且已终止的情况下(即分别在在线和离线场景中)都得到解决,其核心是蒙特卡洛生成,生成解释符合安全漏洞的解释样本。模型用于估计安全风险。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-017-0450-y]

[857] Online conformance checking: relating event streams to process models using prefix-alignments (2019)

(van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. and Bolt, Alfredo and Hassani, Marwan and van Dongen, Boudewijn F. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics)

Abstract: Companies often specify the intended behaviour of their business processes in a process model. Conformance checking techniques allow us to assess to what degree such process models and corresponding process execution data correspond to one another. In recent years, alignments have proven extremely useful for calculating conformance checking statistics. Existing techniques to compute alignments have been developed to be used in an offline, a posteriori setting. However, we are often interested in observing deviations at the moment they occur, rather than days, weeks or even months later. Hence, we need techniques that enable us to perform conformance checking in an online setting. In this paper, we present a novel approach to incrementally compute prefix-alignments, paving the way for real-time online conformance checking. Our experiments show that the reuse of previously computed prefix-alignments enhances memory efficiency, whilst preserving prefix-alignment optimality. Moreover, we show that, in case of computing approximate prefix-alignments, there is a clear trade-off between memory efficiency and approximation error.


摘要: 公司通常在流程模型中指定其业务流程的预期行为。一致性检查技术使我们能够评估这种流程模型和相应的流程执行数据在多大程度上相互对应。近年来,对齐已被证明对于计算一致性检查统计数据极为有用。已经开发了用于计算路线的现有技术,以用于离线后验设置中。但是,我们经常有兴趣观察偏差发生的时间,而不是几天,几周甚至几个月。因此,我们需要使我们能够在在线设置中执行一致性检查的技术。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的增量计算前缀对齐方式,为实时在线一致性检查铺平了道路。我们的实验表明,先前计算的前缀对齐方式的重用可提高内存效率,同时保留前缀对齐方式的最优性。此外,我们表明,在计算近似前缀对齐的情况下,内存效率和近似误差之间存在明显的权衡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s41060-017-0078-6]

[858] Online data-driven adaptive prediction of train event times (2015)

(Kecman, Pavle and Goverde, Rob M.P. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems)

Abstract: This paper presents a microscopic model for accurate prediction of train event times based on a timed event graph with dynamic arc weights. The process times in the model are dynamically obtained using processed historical track occupation data, thus reflecting all phenomena of railway traffic captured by the train describer systems and preprocessing tools. The graph structure of the model allows applying fast algorithms to compute prediction of event times even for large networks. The accuracy of predictions is increased by incorporating the effects of predicted route conflicts on train running times due to braking and reacceleration. Moreover, the train runs with process times that continuously deviate from their estimates in a certain pattern are detected, and downstream process times are adaptively adjusted to minimize the expected prediction error. The tool has been tested and validated in a real-time environment using train describer log files.


摘要: 本文提出了一种微观模型,用于基于带有动态弧权重的定时事件图来准确预测列车事件的时间。该模型中的处理时间是使用经过处理的历史轨道占用数据动态获取的,从而反映了火车描述系统和预处理工具捕获的所有铁路交通现象。该模型的图结构允许应用快速算法来计算事件时间的预测,即使对于大型网络也是如此。通过合并由于制动和重新加速而导致的预计路线冲突对列车运行时间的影响,可以提高预测的准确性。此外,检测到列车以一定的模式连续偏离其估计值的过程时间运行,并且自适应地调整下游的过程时间以最小化预期的预测误差。该工具已使用火车描述者日志文件在实时环境中进行了测试和验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TITS.2014.2347136]

[859] Online role mining without over-fitting for service recommendation (2013)

(Chu, Victor W. and Wong, Raymond K. and Chi, Chi Hung | Proceedings - IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2013)

Abstract: Due to the popularity of smartphones, finding and recommending suitable services on mobile devices are increasingly important. Recent research has attempted to use role-based approaches to recommend mobile services to other members among the same group in a context dependent manner. However, the traditional role mining approaches originated from the domain of security control tend to be rigid and may not be able to capture human behaviors adequately. In particular, during the course of role mining process, these approaches easily result in over-fitting, i.e., too many roles with slightly different service consumption patterns are found. As a result, they fail to reveal the true common preferences within the user community. This paper proposes an online role mining algorithm with a residual term that automatically group users according to their interests and habits without losing sight of their individual preferences. Moreover, to resolve the over-fitting problem, we relax the role mining mechanism by introducing quasi-roles based on the concept of quasi-bicliques. Most importantly, the new concept allows us to propose a monitoring framework to detect and correct over-fitting in online role mining such that recommendations can be made based on the latest and genuine common preferences. To the best of our knowledge, this is a new area in service recommendation that is yet to be fully explored. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 由于智能手机的普及,在移动设备上寻找和推荐合适的服务变得越来越重要。最近的研究已尝试使用基于角色的方法以上下文相关的方式向同一组中的其他成员推荐移动服务。但是,源自安全控制领域的传统角色挖掘方法往往是僵化的,可能无法充分捕捉人的行为。特别是,在角色挖掘过程中,这些方法很容易导致过度拟合,即,发现太多具有稍微不同的服务消耗模式的角色。结果,他们无法揭示用户社区中真正的共同偏好。本文提出了一种带有剩余项的在线角色挖掘算法,该算法可以根据用户的兴趣和习惯将其自动分组,而不会忽略他们的个人偏好。此外,为了解决过度拟合的问题,我们通过引入基于准双线性概念的准角色来放松角色挖掘机制。最重要的是,新概念使我们能够提出一个监视框架,以检测和纠正在线角色挖掘中的过度适合问题,从而可以根据最新和真正的共同偏好提出建议。据我们所知,这是服务推荐中的一个新领域,尚待充分探索。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2013.18]

[860] Ontology Change Management and Identification of Change Patterns (2013)

(Javed, Muhammad and Abgaz, Yalemisew M. and Pahl, Claus | Journal on Data Semantics)

Abstract: Ontologies can support a variety of purposes, ranging from capturing the conceptual knowledge to the organisation of digital content and information. However, information systems are always subject to change and ontology change management can pose challenges. In this sense, the application and representation of ontology changes in terms of higher-level change operations can describe more meaningful semantics behind the applied change. In this paper, we propose a four-phase process that covers the operationalization, representation and detection of higher-level changes in ontology evolution life cycle. We present different levels of change operators based on the granularity and domain-specificity of changes. The first layer is based on generic atomic level change operators, whereas the next two layers are user-defined (generic/domain-specific) change patterns. We introduce layered change logs for the explicit operational representation of ontology changes. We formalised the change log using a graph-based approach. We introduce a technique to identify composite changes that not only assists in formulating ontology change log data in a more concise manner, but also helps in realizing the semantics and intent behind any applied change. Furthermore, we identify frequent change sequences that are applied as a reference to discover reusable, often domain-specific and usage-driven change patterns. We describe the pattern identification algorithms and evaluate their performance.


摘要: 本体可以支持多种目的,从捕获概念知识到组织数字内容和信息。但是,信息系统总是容易发生变化,并且本体更改管理可能会带来挑战。从这个意义上讲,就高层更改操作而言,本体更改的应用和表示可以描述所应用更改背后的更有意义的语义。在本文中,我们提出了一个四阶段的过程,涵盖了本体演化生命周期中更高级别变化的操作,表示和检测。我们基于变更的粒度和领域特定性,介绍了不同级别的变更操作员。第一层基于通用原子级别更改运算符,而后两层是用户定义的(通用/特定于域的)更改模式。我们引入分层的更改日志,用于本体更改的显式操作表示。我们使用基于图的方法将变更日志正式化。我们引入了一种识别复合变更的技术,该技术不仅有助于以更简洁的方式来制定本体变更日志数据,而且还有助于实现任何已应用变更背后的语义和意图。此外,我们确定了频繁更改的顺序,这些顺序被用作发现可重用的,经常是特定于域的和使用驱动的更改模式的参考。我们描述了模式识别算法并评估了其性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13740-013-0024-2]

[861] Opaque service virtualisation: A practical tool for emulating endpoint systems (2016)

(Versteeg, Steve and Du, Miao and Schneider, Jean Guy and Grundy, John and Han, Jun and Goyal, Menka | Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering)

Abstract: Large enterprise software systems make many complex interactions with other services in their environment. Developing and testing for production-like conditions is therefore a very challenging task. Current approaches include emulation of dependent services using either explicit modelling or record-and-replay approaches. Models require deep knowledge of the target services while record-and-replay is limited in accuracy. Both face developmental and scaling issues. We present a new technique that improves the accuracy of record-and-replay approaches, without requiring prior knowledge of the service protocols. The approach uses Multiple Sequence Alignment to derive message prototypes from recorded system interactions and a scheme to match incoming request messages against prototypes to generate response messages. We use a modified Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for distance calculation during message matching. Our approach has shown greater than 99% accuracy for four evaluated enterprise system messaging protocols. The approach has been successfully integrated into the CA Service Virtualization commercial product to complement its existing techniques.


摘要: 大型企业软件系统与环境中的其他服务进行了许多复杂的交互。因此,针对类生产条件进行开发和测试是一项非常具有挑战性的任务。当前的方法包括使用显式建模或记录和重放方法来仿真相关服务。模型需要对目标服务有深入的了解,而记录和重放的准确性受到限制。两者都面临发展和规模问题。我们提出了一种新技术,可以提高记录和重放方法的准确性,而无需事先了解服务协议。该方法使用多序列比对从记录的系统交互中获取消息原型,并使用一种方案将传入的请求消息与原型进行匹配以生成响应消息。在消息匹配期间,我们使用改进的Needleman-Wunsch算法进行距离计算。我们的方法对四种评估的企业系统消息传递协议显示出超过99%的准确性。该方法已成功集成到CA Service Virtualization商业产品中,以补充其现有技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2889160.2889242]

[862] Optimal Process Mining for Large and Complex Event Logs (2018)

(Prodel, Martin and Augusto, Vincent and Jouaneton, Baptiste and Lamarsalle, Ludovic and Xie, Xiaolan | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering)

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of process discovery from large and complex event logs. We depart from the existing literature and formulate the problem of optimal process discovery. A formal mathematical programming model is given based on a novel hierarchical structuration of the event logs. Desired properties of event trace score functions are described, and the properties of optimal process models are proved. A combination of Monte Carlo optimization and tabu search is proposed to overcome the complexity related to the huge size of the event logs and the combinatorial solution space. Numerical results show that our approach is suitable for large event logs and that it performs better than the state-of-the-art approaches. We also demonstrate the applicability of our method on a real case study in health care. This paper illustrates the benefits of combining techniques from the operational research and the process mining fields. Note to Practitioners - Though directly applicable to general business process discovery, this paper is motivated by our collaboration with the company HEVA (Lyon, France) and health practitioners on patient care pathway discovery. The French hospitalization database that contains hospitalization history of all patients is used for this purpose and our goal is to determine the most meaningful process model of the patient hospitalization history. The hierarchical event structure of this paper provides a natural way of representing relationship between hospitalization events and is readily obtainable from the classical ICD-10 codes. The formal mathematical model and our optimization algorithm allow the end users to best balance between the faithfulness of the process model and its complexity. A case study of cardiovascular patients is presented to show the capability of the proposed approach to clearly capture the major patient pathways before and after the implementation of defibrillators. The results of this paper are highly valuable for doctors and public health decision makers, as crucial information is provided on patient care pathways for any selected cohort.


摘要: 本文解决了从大型和复杂事件日志中发现过程的问题。我们从现有文献出发,提出了最佳过程发现的问题。基于事件日志的新颖分层结构,给出了正式的数学编程模型。描述了事件跟踪得分函数的所需属性,并证明了最佳过程模型的属性。提出了蒙特卡洛优化和禁忌搜索的组合,以克服与事件日志的巨大大小和组合解决方案空间相关的复杂性。数值结果表明,我们的方法适用于大型事件日志,并且其性能优于最新方法。我们还证明了我们的方法在医疗保健中的实际案例研究中的适用性。本文说明了将运筹学和过程挖掘领域的技术相结合的好处。给从业者的注意事项-尽管直接适用于一般业务流程发现,但本文是受我们与HEVA公司(法国里昂)和卫生从业者在患者护理途径发现方面的合作启发的。包含所有患者住院历史的法国住院数据库用于此目的,我们的目标是确定患者住院历史的最有意义的过程模型。本文的分层事件结构提供了一种代表住院事件之间关系的自然方法,并且可以从经典的ICD-10代码中轻松获得。正式的数学模型和我们的优化算法使最终用户可以在过程模型的真实性与其复杂性之间取得最佳平衡。提出了一项针对心血管患者的案例研究,以显示所提出的方法能够清晰地记录除颤器实施前后的主要患者通路。本文的结果对于医生和公共卫生决策者来说具有非常重要的价值,因为它提供了有关任何特定人群的患者护理途径的重要信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TASE.2017.2784436]

[863] Optimized cross-organizational business process monitoring: Design and enactment (2013)

(Comuzzi, Marco and Vanderfeesten, Irene and Wang, Tingting | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Organizations can implement the agility required to survive in the rapidly evolving business landscape by focusing on their core business and engaging in collaborations with other partners. This entails the need for organizations to monitor the behavior of the partners with which they collaborate. The design and enactment of monitoring, in this scenario, must become flexible and adapt as the collaboration evolves. We propose an approach to flexibly design and enact cross-organizational business process monitoring based on Product-Based Workflow Design. Our approach allows organizations to capture monitoring requirements, optimize such requirements, e.g. choosing the monitoring process with lowest cost or highest availability, and enacting the optimal monitoring process through a service-oriented approach. Optimization, in particular, is made efficient by adopting an Ant-colony optimization heuristic. The paper also describes a prototypical implementation of our approach in the ProM framework. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 各组织可以通过专注于其核心业务并与其他合作伙伴进行协作,来实现在快速发展的业务环境中生存所需的敏捷性。这就需要组织监视与之合作的合作伙伴的行为。在这种情况下,监视的设计和制定必须变得灵活并随着协作的发展而适应。我们提出了一种基于产品的工作流程设计来灵活设计和实施跨组织业务流程监控的方法。我们的方法使组织能够捕获监视需求并优化此类需求,例如选择成本最低或可用性最高的监视过程,并通过面向服务的方法制定最佳监视过程。通过采用蚁群优化启发式算法,可以使优化特别有效。本文还描述了ProM框架中我们方法的原型实现。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2013.04.036]

[864] Optimizing spaghetti process models (2015)

(Chinces, Diana and Salomie, Ioan | Proceedings - 2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2015)

Abstract: Spaghetti-like process models are part of the lowest level of process models 5. These are process models difficult to interpret, to understand by the human beings. There has been no effort so far for optimizing these process models. The processes need to be understood by somebody, simplified and only after that apply some optimization algorithms. This paper proposes a novel method to enable the optimization of spaghetti-like process models. The algorithm proposed separates the spaghetti process model into multiple process models using the process execution data.


摘要: 类似于意大利面条的过程模型是最低级别的过程模型的一部分5。这些是难以解释,人类难以理解的过程模型。迄今为止,还没有任何努力来优化这些过程模型。这些过程需要被某些人理解,简化,然后再应用一些优化算法。本文提出了一种新颖的方法来优化类似意大利面条的过程模型。提出的算法使用流程执行数据将意大利面条流程模型分为多个流程模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCS.2015.15]

[865] Organizational modeling from event logs (2007)

(Jin, Tao and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, GCC 2007)

Abstract: Many process mining approaches have been published, which would be helpful to process modeling, but little attempt has been made for role mining used for organizational modeling. In this paper, a method of role mining using event logs as input is introduced. We adopt cosine metrics as the similarity measurement to deduce flat organizational model by clustering people base on their similar skills. In contrast to traditional techniques (e.g., questionnaire), our approach is objective and efficient. This paper also points out some challenges for future research. textcopyright2007 IEEE.


摘要: 已经发布了许多过程挖掘方法,这将对过程建模有所帮助,但是很少尝试进行用于组织建模的角色挖掘。本文介绍了一种使用事件日志作为输入的角色挖掘方法。我们采用余弦度量作为相似性度量,以基于人们的相似技能将他们聚类,从而推导出扁平化的组织模型。与传统技术(例如问卷)相比,我们的方法是客观而有效的。本文还指出了未来研究的一些挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/GCC.2007.93]

[866] Organizational structure mining based on workflow logs (2009)

(Ang, Gao and Yang, Yang and Ming, Zeng and Zhang, Jing Le and Wang, Yue Wei | 2009 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, BIFE 2009)

Abstract: In order to mining the organizational setting and interactions among coworkers from workflow logs, we define metrics to establish the relationships among originators by analyzing the information in the workflow logs. Three methods for mining organizational structure from workflow logs are presented in this paper, default mining, mining based on the similarity of activities and mining based on the similarity of cases. By applying these methods, we can construct the corresponding organizational network which reflects the organizational entities involved in the workflow process and corrects presented the organizational structure. In the end of the paper, we give an example to explain it. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 为了从工作流程日志中挖掘组织设置和同事之间的互动,我们通过分析工作流程日志中的信息来定义指标以建立发起者之间的关系。提出了从工作流日志中挖掘组织结构的三种方法:默认挖掘,基于活动相似性的挖掘和基于案例相似性的挖掘。通过应用这些方法,我们可以构建相应的组织网络,以反映工作流程中涉及的组织实体并更正所呈现的组织结构。在本文的最后,我们给出一个例子来解释它。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BIFE.2009.109]

[867] Overcoming individual process model matcher weaknesses using ensemblexa0matching (2017)

(Meilicke, Christian and Leopold, Henrik and Kuss, Elena and Stuckenschmidt, Heiner and Reijers, Hajo A. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: In recent years, a considerable number of process model matching techniques have been proposed. The goal of these techniques is to identify correspondences between the activities of two process models. However, the results from the Process Model Matching Contest 2015 reveal that there is still no universally applicable matching technique and that each technique has particular strengths and weaknesses. It is hard or even impossible to choose the best technique for a given matching problem. We propose to cope with this problem by running an ensemble of matching techniques and automatically selecting a subset of the generated correspondences. To this end, we propose a Markov Logic based optimization approach that automatically selects the best correspondences. The approach builds on an adaption of a voting technique from the domain of schema matching and combines it with process model specific constraints. Our experiments show that our approach is capable of generating results that are significantly better than alternative approaches.

使用ensemble xa0matching克服单个流程模型匹配器的弱点

摘要: 近年来,已经提出了大量的过程模型匹配技术。这些技术的目标是识别两个过程模型的活动之间的对应关系。但是,2015年过程模型匹配竞赛的结果表明,仍然没有普遍适用的匹配技术,并且每种技术都有其特定的优点和缺点。对于给定的匹配问题,很难甚至不可能选择最佳技术。我们建议通过运行一组匹配技术并自动选择生成的对应项的子集来解决此问题。为此,我们提出了一种基于马尔可夫逻辑的优化方法,该方法可自动选择最佳对应关系。该方法基于对模式匹配领域的投票技术的改编,并将其与特定于流程模型的约束相结合。我们的实验表明,我们的方法能够产生比替代方法更好的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.013]

[868] Overview of Workflow Mining Technology (2008)

(Gu, Chunqin and Chang, Huiyou and Yi, Yang | )

Abstract: The purpose of workflow mining is to build proper model based on event-based logs and to support the analysis and design of workflow models. The workflow mining technology had become a hot research field among computer application from the late 1990s. Firstly, the definition and research significance of the workflow mining are presented. Then, we made an overview of the current workflow mining technologies including the origin of workflow mining, the mining of the workflow models, the mining of the workflow performance and the improvement in workflow models based on the workflow mining technology. Finally, the facing challenge and the development direction of workflow mining are presented.


摘要: 工作流挖掘的目的是基于基于事件的日志来构建适当的模型,并支持工作流模型的分析和设计。工作流挖掘技术自1990年代后期以来已成为计算机应用程序中的热门研究领域。介绍了工作流挖掘的定义和研究意义,然后概述了当前工作流挖掘技术,包括工作流挖掘的起源,工作流模型的挖掘,工作流性能的挖掘和基于工作流模型的改进。最后,提出了工作流挖掘的挑战和发展方向。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/grc.2007.86]

[869] PETRA: Process Evolution using a TRAce-based system on a maintenance platform (2014)

(Karray, Mohamed Hedi and Chebel-Morello, Brigitte and Zerhouni, Noureddine | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: To meet increasing needs in the field of maintenance, we studied the dynamic aspect of process and services on a maintenance platform, a major challenge in process mining and knowledge engineering. Hence, we propose a dynamic experience feedback approach to exploit maintenance process behaviors in real execution of the maintenance platform. An active learning process exploiting event log is introduced by taking into account the dynamic aspect of knowledge using trace engineering. Our proposal makes explicit the underlying knowledge of platform users by means of a trace-based system called PETRA. The goal of this system is to extract new knowledge rules about transitions and activities in maintenance processes from previous platform executions as well as its user (i.e. maintenance operators) interactions. While following a Knowledge Traces Discovery process and handling the maintenance ontology IMAMO, PETRA is composed of three main subsystems: tracking, learning and knowledge capitalization. The capitalized rules are shared in the platform knowledge base in order to be reused in future process executions. The feasibility of this method is proven through concrete use cases involving four maintenance processes and their simulation. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 为了满足维护领域不断增长的需求,我们在维护平台上研究了过程和服务的动态方面,这是过程挖掘和知识工程中的主要挑战。因此,我们提出了一种动态的经验反馈方法,以在维护平台的实际执行中利用维护过程的行为。通过使用跟踪工程考虑知识的动态方面,引入了利用事件日志的主动学习过程。我们的建议通过称为 PETRA的基于跟踪的系统,明确了平台用户的基础知识。该系统的目标是从以前的平台执行及其用户(即维护操作员)交互中提取有关维护过程中的过渡和活动的新知识规则。在遵循知识跟踪发现过程并处理维护本体IMAMO的同时, PETRA由三个主要子系统组成:跟踪,学习和知识资本化。大写的规则在平台知识库中共享,以便在以后的流程执行中重用。通过涉及四个维护过程及其模拟的具体用例证明了该方法的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2014.03.010]

[870] POD-Diagnosis: Error diagnosis of sporadic operations on cloud applications (2014)

(Xu, Xiwei and Zhu, Liming and Weber, Ingo and Bass, Len and Sun, Daniel | Proceedings - 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2014)

Abstract: Applications in the cloud are subject to sporadic changes due to operational activities such as upgrade, redeployment, and on-demand scaling. These operations are also subject to interferences from other simultaneous operations. Increasing the dependability of these sporadic operations is non-trivial, particularly since traditional anomaly-detection-based diagnosis techniques are less effective during sporadic operation periods. A wide range of legitimate changes confound anomaly diagnosis and make baseline establishment for normal operation difficult. The increasing frequency of these sporadic operations (e.g. due to continuous deployment) is exacerbating the problem. Diagnosing failures during sporadic operations relies heavily on logs, while log analysis challenges stemming from noisy, inconsistent and voluminous logs from multiple sources remain largely unsolved. In this paper, we propose Process Oriented Dependability (POD)-Diagnosis, an approach that explicitly models these sporadic operations as processes. These models allow us to (i) determine orderly execution of the process, and (ii) use the process context to filter logs, trigger assertion evaluations, visit fault trees and perform on-demand assertion evaluation for online error diagnosis and root cause analysis. We evaluated the approach on rolling upgrade operations in Amazon Web Services (A WS) while performing other simultaneous operations. During our evaluation, we correctly detected all of the 160 injected faults, as well as 46 interferences caused by concurrent operations. We did this with 91.95% precision. Of the correctly detected faults, the accuracy rate of error diagnosis is 96.55%.


摘要: 由于升级,重新部署和按需扩展等操作活动,云中的应用程序可能会发生零星更改。这些操作还受到其他同时操作的干扰。提高这些零星操作的可靠性是不平凡的,特别是由于传统的基于异常检测的诊断技术在零星手术期间效果不佳。各种各样的合法变更会混淆异常诊断,并难以为正常手术建立基线。这些零星手术的频率越来越高(例如,由于持续部署)使问题变得更加严重。在零星的操作过程中诊断故障严重依赖日志,而来自多个来源的嘈杂,不一致和大量日志所带来的日志分析挑战仍未解决。在本文中,我们提出了面向过程的可靠性(POD)-诊断,一种明确建模这些方法的方法Poradic操作作为流程。这些模型使我们能够(i)确定流程的有序执行,以及(ii)使用流程上下文过滤日志,触发断言评估,访问故障树并执行按需断言评估,以进行在线错误诊断和根本原因分析。我们评估了在执行其他同时操作的同时在Amazon Web Services(A WS)中进行滚动升级操作的方法。在评估过程中,我们正确地检测出所有160个注入故障,以及由并行操作引起的46个干扰。我们做到了91.95%的精度。在正确检测出的故障中,错误诊断的准确率为96.55%。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DSN.2014.94]


[871] Parallel algorithms for the automated discovery of declarative process models (2018)

(Maggi, Fabrizio Maria and Di Ciccio | Information Systems)

Abstract: The aim of process discovery is to build a process model from an event log without prior information about the process. The discovery of declarative process models is useful when a process works in an unpredictable and unstable environment since several allowed paths can be represented as a compact set of rules. One of the tools available in the literature for discovering declarative models from logs is the Declare Miner, a plug-in of the process mining tool ProM. Using this plug-in, the discovered models are represented using DECLARE, a declarative process modeling language based on LTL for finite traces. However, the high execution times of the Declare Miner when processing large sets of data hampers the applicability of the tool to real-life settings. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new approach for the discovery of DECLARE models based on the combination of an Apriori algorithm and a group of algorithms for Sequence Analysis to enhance the time performance of the plug-in. The approach has been developed in a way that it is easy to be parallelized using two different partitioning methods: the search space partitioning, in which different groups of candidate constraints are processed in parallel, and the database partitioning, in which different chunks of the log are processed at the same time. The approach has been implemented in ProM in its sequential version and in two multi-threading implementations leveraging these two partitioning methods. All the new variants of the plug-in have been evaluated using a large set of synthetic and real-life event logs.


摘要: 发现过程的目的是从事件日志中构建过程模型,而无需事先提供有关过程的信息。当流程在无法预测且不稳定的环境中工作时,声明式流程模型的发现很有用,因为可以将多个允许的路径表示为一组紧凑的规则。从日志中发现声明性模型的文献中可用的工具之一是Declare Miner,它是过程挖掘工具ProM的插件。使用此插件,可以使用DECLARE来表示发现的模型,DECLARE是一种基于LTL的有限跟踪的声明性过程建模语言。但是,在处理大量数据时,Declare Miner的高执行时间妨碍了该工具在实际设置中的适用性。因此,在本文中,我们结合Apriori算法和一组用于序列分析的算法,提出了一种发现DECLARE模型的新方法,以提高插件的时间性能。该方法的开发方式很容易使用两种不同的分区方法进行并行化:搜索空间分区(其中并行处理不同组的候选约束)和数据库分区(其中日志的不同块)同时处理。该方法已在ProM的顺序版本中实现,并在利用这两种分区方法的两个多线程实现中实现。该插件的所有新变体已使用大量合成事件和真实事件日志进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.12.002]

[872] Parameterised trace selection technique for process model recovering (2011)

(Marchetto, A. and Di Francescomarino | IET Software)

Abstract: Business processes are often implemented in software applications which expose them by means of a Web interface. Several process recovery techniques apply dynamic analysis for tracing application runs and collecting information used to infer a model of the implemented application process. However, the recovered process model can be very complex, intricate and difficult to understand. Indeed, as often happens when considering dynamic analysis for model inference, recovery techniques try to describe all possible application executions. Some of the executions, however, can vary only for minor changes, thus resulting not particularly relevant for documenting the underlying application process. In this study, the authors propose the use of trace selection for improving the understandability of the recovered process model. The authors investigate the use of a trace-clustering technique to reduce the considered set of traces, selecting those traces that are representative of the whole set, while discarding those capturing minor variants of main behaviours. textcopyright 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


摘要: 业务流程通常在软件应用程序中实现,该软件应用程序通过Web界面公开它们。几种流程恢复技术将动态分析应用于跟踪应用程序运行并收集用于推断已实施应用程序模型的信息。但是,恢复的过程模型可能非常复杂,复杂并且难以理解。确实,在考虑对模型推断进行动态分析时经常会发生,恢复技术试图描述所有可能的应用程序执行。但是,某些执行只能因细微变化而有所不同,因此,与记录基础应用程序流程无关。在这项研究中,作者建议使用迹线选择来提高恢复过程模型的可理解性。作者研究了使用迹线聚类技术来减少考虑的迹线组,选择代表整个迹线的迹线,同时丢弃那些捕获主要行为的微小变体的迹线。 t​​extcopyright 2011年工程技术学院。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1049/iet-sen.2011.0005]

[873] PathViewer: Visualizing pathways through student data (2017)

(Wang, Yiting and White, Walker M. and Andersen, Erik | Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings)

Abstract: Analysis of student data is critical for improving education. In particular, educators need to understand what approaches their students are taking to solve a problem. However, identifying student strategies and discovering areas of confusion is difficult because an educator may not know what queries to ask or what patterns to look for in the data. In this paper, we present a visualization tool, PathViewer, to model the paths that students follow when solving a problem. PathViewer leverages ideas from flow diagrams and natural language processing to visualize the sequences of intermediate steps that students take. Using PathViewer, we analyzed how several students solved a Python assignment, discovering interesting and unexpected patterns. Our results suggest that PathViewer can allow educators to quickly identify areas of interest, drill down into specific areas, and identify student approaches to the problem as well as misconceptions they may have.


摘要: 对学生数据的分析对于改善教育至关重要。特别是,教育工作者需要了解他们的学生为解决问题所采取的方法。但是,由于教育者可能不知道要问什么查询或在数据中寻找什么模式,因此很难确定学生的策略并发现困惑的领域。在本文中,我们提供了一种可视化工具PathViewer,用于建模学生在解决问题时遵循的路径。 PathViewer利用流程图和自然语言处理中的思想来可视化学生所采取的中间步骤的顺序。使用PathViewer,我们分析了几个学生如何解决Python作业,发现有趣和意外的模式。我们的结果表明,PathViewer可以使教育者快速识别感兴趣的领域,深入研究特定领域,并确定学生解决问题的方法以及他们可能存在的误解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3025453.3025819]

[874] Pathway identification via process mining for patients with multiple conditions (2012)

(Zhang, Xiaojin and Chen, Songlin | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)

Abstract: Pathway identification is essential to support patient-centered clinical guideline design for patients with multiple conditions. This research proposes a method based on process mining to sift through a large number of patients medical records in order to match patients medical profiles with the healthcare services needed in the form of pathways. A heuristics miner algorithm is developed and tested with a case study involving patients with multiple conditions. It is found that process mining can be applied in the healthcare context to identify pathways with correct ordering of healthcare services and process constructs. The mined pathways provide a reference process model for designing healthcare services that are catered to individual patients needs. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 路径识别对于支持多种情况的患者以患者为中心的临床指南设计至关重要。本研究提出了一种基于过程挖掘的方法,以筛查大量患者的病历,以使患者的病历与病历相匹配。以路径形式需要的医疗服务:开发了启发式挖掘器算法并通过涉及具有多种情况的患者的案例研究进行了测试,发现可以在医疗环境中应用过程挖掘来识别具有正确顺序的医疗服务和挖掘的途径为设计满足个人患者需求的医疗服务提供了参考过程模型。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IEEM.2012.6838048]

[875] Pattern detection for conceptual schema recovery in data-intensive systems (2014)

(Zanoni, Marco and Perin, Fabrizio and Fontana, Francesca Arcelli and Viscusi, Gianluigi | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process)

Abstract: In this paper, an approach for information systems reverse engineering is proposed and applied. The aim is to support a unified perspective to the reverse engineering process of both data and software. At the state of the art, indeed, many methods, techniques, and tools for software reverse engineering have been proposed to support program comprehension, software maintenance, and software evolution. Other approaches and tools have been proposed for data reverse engineering, with the aim, for example, to provide complete and up-to-date documentation of legacy databases. However, the two engineering communities often worked independently, and very few approaches addressed the reverse engineering of both data and software as information systems constituencies. Hence, a higher integration is needed to support a better co-evolution of databases and programs, in an environment often characterized by high availability of data and volatility of information flows. Accordingly, the approach we propose leverages the detection of object-relational mapping design patterns to build a conceptual schema of the software under analysis. Then, the conceptual schema is mapped to the domain model of the system, to support the design of the evolution of the information system itself. The approach is evaluated on two large-scale open-source enterprise applications.


摘要: 本文提出并应用了一种信息系统逆向工程方法。其目的是为数据和软件的逆向工程过程提供统一的观点。在现有技术的情况下,确实有许多方法,技术提出了用于软件逆向工程的工具,以支持程序理解,软件维护和软件演进;还提出了用于数据逆向工程的其他方法和工具,以期提供完整和最新的信息。但是,这两个工程团体通常是独立工作的,很少有方法解决作为信息系统组成部分的数据和软件的反向工程问题,因此,需要更高的集成度来支持更好的数据库和数据库协同进化。在通常以数据的高可用性和信息流的易变性为特征的环境中的程序。 e提议利用对对象关系映射设计模式的检测来构建所分析软件的概念模式。然后,将概念模式映射到系统的域模型,以支持信息系统本身的演化设计。在两个大型开源企业应用程序上对该方法进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1002/smr]

[876] Pattern discovery from innovation processes (2013)

(Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico and Storti, Emanuele | Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2013)

Abstract: Innovation management and promotion has become one of the most important topics in the Literature about business and executive decision support. In particular, the relationship between innovation and collaboration, both intra- and inter-organization, is gaining an increasing attention in many works, for example in the Open Innovation research field 2. Innovation activities, especially those that involve collaboration, are typically not structured; they dont follow a predefined scheme or procedure and are influenced by multiple factors, for instance the individual behaviour, that makes it difficult to apply classical methods of process analysis. In this paper we describe a methodology to discover significant and recurrent patterns in innovation activities, that can be used to support and improve such kind of processes. To evaluate our approach we conducted a set of experiments on a synthetic dataset, which contains a set of traces of innovation activities generated from some abstract templates, drew with the aim to model the typical ways in which innovation is carried on. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 创新管理和晋升已成为文献中有关业务和执行决策支持的最重要主题之一。特别是,组织内部和组织之间的创新与协作之间的关系在许多作品中越来越受到关注。 ,例如在开放式创新研究领域2中,创新活动,特别是涉及协作的活动,通常不是结构化的;它们没有遵循预先定义的方案或程序,并受到多种因素的影响,例如个人行为,这使得很难应用经典的过程分析方法。在本文中,我们描述了一种在创新活动中发现重要且反复出现的模式的方法,该方法可用于支持和改进此类过程。合成数据集上的实验集合,其中包含从某些摘要生成的一系列创新活动的痕迹ct模板是为了模拟进行创新的典型方法而绘制的。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CTS.2013.6567269]

[877] Pattern-based Mining in Electronic Health Records for Complex Clinical Process Analysis (2017)

(Metsker, Oleg and Bolgova, Ekaterina and Yakovlev, Alexey and Funkner, Anastasia and Kovalchuk, Sergey | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: This paper presents the application of text mining methods to the texts in electronic health records (EHR). It is shown in an experimental study how to raise the data possibility to reflect the real medical processes for process modeling tasks. The method is based on the patterns identified in the analysis of medical databases with the physician assistant. EHR is characterized by the gap between common semantic structure and syntactic structure what is important for complex processes modeling. This study aimed at the solution of the problem of knowledge retrieval from EHR by identifying the specifics of their semantic structure and the development of algorithms for interpretation of medical records using the text mining. The medical tests description, surgery protocols, and other medical documents contain many extremely important items for the process analysis. By automating the retrieval of significant data from EHR can be also used for knowledge bases filling. Moreover, the proposed method is developed during the study of actual Russian language medical data of Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients from the current specialized medical center which also valuable. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated in the course of correlation analysis of comorbidities on the treatment duration of ACS and in the case of extracted data using to develop process models with complexity metrics at the control-flow perspective of process mining techniques.


摘要: 本文介绍了文本挖掘方法在电子健康记录(EHR)中文本中的应用。在一项实验研究中显示了如何提高数据可能性以反映过程建模任务的实际医疗过程。该方法基于在医师助理的医学数据库分析中确定的模式。 EHR的特点是通用语义结构和句法结构之间存在差距,这对于复杂的流程建模很重要。这项研究旨在通过识别EHR的语义结构的细节以及开发使用文本挖掘来解释病历的算法来解决从EHR检索知识的问题。医学测试说明,手术协议和其他医学文档包含许多非常重要的项目用于过程分析。通过自动从EHR中检索重要数据,也可以用于知识库填充。此外,该方法是在研究来自当前专业医学中心的急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者的实际俄文医学数据的过程中开发的,这也很有价值。在对ACS的治疗持续时间进行合并症相关性分析的过程中,以及在从数据挖掘技术的控制流角度使用提取的数据开发具有复杂性度量的过程模型的情况下,证明了该方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.177]

[878] Paving the COWpath: Learning and visualizing clinical pathways from electronic health record data (2015)

(Zhang, Yiye and Padman, Rema and Patel, Nirav | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Objective: Clinical pathways translate best available evidence into practice, indicating the most widely applicable order of treatment interventions for particular treatment goals. We propose a practice-based clinical pathway development process and a data-driven methodology for extracting common clinical pathways from electronic health record (EHR) data that is patient-centered, consistent with clinical workflow, and facilitates evidence-based care. Materials and methods: Visit data of 1,576 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients who developed acute kidney injury (AKI) from 2009 to 2013 are extracted from the EHR. We model each patients multi-dimensional clinical records into one-dimensional sequences using novel constructs designed to capture information on each visits purpose, procedures, medications and diagnoses. Analysis and clustering on visit sequences identify distinct types of patient subgroups. Characterizing visit sequences as Markov chains, significant transitions are extracted and visualized into clinical pathways across subgroups. Results: We identified 31 patient subgroups whose extracted clinical pathways provide insights on how patients conditions and medication prescriptions may progress over time. We identify pathways that show typical disease progression, practices that are consistent with guidelines, and sustainable improvements in patients health conditions. Visualization of pathways depicts the likelihood and direction of disease progression under varied contexts. Discussion and conclusions: Accuracy of EHR data and diversity in patients conditions and practice patterns are critical challenges in learning insightful practice-based clinical pathways. Learning and visualizing clinical pathways from actual practice data captured in the EHR may facilitate efficient practice review by healthcare providers and support patient engagement in shared decision making.


摘要: 目标:临床途径将最佳的可用证据转化为实践,表明针对特定治疗目标的治疗干预措施的最广泛应用顺序。我们提出了一种基于实践的临床途径开发过程和一种数据驱动的方法,用于从电子学中提取常见的临床途径。以患者为中心的健康记录(EHR)数据,与临床工作流程一致,并促进循证护理。资料和方法:从2009年至2007年访问1576例患有急性肾损伤(AKI)的慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者的数据2013年摘自《电子病历》,我们使用新颖的结构将每位患者的多维临床记录建模为一维序列,这些新结构旨在捕获有关每次就诊目的,程序,药物和诊断的信息,对就诊序列的分析和聚类可以识别出不同类型的患者将访问序列表征为马尔可夫链,则重要的过渡是e提取并可视化为跨亚组的临床途径。结果:我们确定了31个患者亚组,这些亚组的提取的临床途径可为患者的病情和用药处方随时间的发展提供见解。我们确定显示典型疾病进展的途径,与指南一致的做法以及患者健康状况的可持续改善。途径的可视化描绘了在各种情况下疾病进展的可能性和方向。讨论与结论:EHR数据的准确性以及患者状况和实践模式的多样性是学习基于实践的深刻见解临床途径的关键挑战。从EHR中捕获的实际实践数据中学习和可视化临床途径可能有助于医疗保健提供者进行有效的实践审查,并支持患者参与共享决策。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2015.09.009]

[879] Performance analysis of a bank call canter customer service using Fuzzy Miner technique (2016)

(Meethip, Aekaraj and Arpasat, Poohridate and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This research applies a process mining process discovery algorithm called Fuzzy Miner on a data previously collected from customers of call center of a bank in Thailand. The main purpose of applying this technique is to know what procedures in the customer service campaign are interrelated with each other and what the existing (potential) problems are in the developed system. Accordingly, the proposed technique enabled us to detect and reveal the potential bottlenecks of the call center service process as well as the identification of the correlation between the tasks and activities. The results of the study can be used to improve the quality of the offered service making the bank possible to better deal with the income complaints, problems and suggestions leading to increased customer satisfaction and added value.

使用Fuzzy Miner技术对银行呼叫中心客户服务进行性能分析

摘要: 这项研究对先前从泰国一家银行的呼叫中心客户那里收集的数据应用了一种名为Fuzzy Miner的过程挖掘过程发现算法。应用此技术的主要目的是要了解客户服务活动中的哪些过程相互关联,以及所开发的系统中存在哪些现有(潜在)问题。因此,所提出的技术使我们能够检测并揭示呼叫中心服务过程的潜在瓶颈,以及确定任务和活动之间的相关性。研究结果可用于改善所提供服务的质量,使银行有可能更好地处理收入投诉,问题和建议,从而提高客户满意度和增值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804103]

[880] Performance assessment architecture for collaborative business processes in BPM-SOA-based environment (2016)

(Hachicha, Maroua and Fahad, Muhammad and Moalla, Nejib and Ouzrout, Yacine | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: To be competitive and flexible, companies engage in collaborations to develop and share their competences in order to cope with the dynamic environment. Collaborative business process evaluation helps to reflect the actual functioning of business process and their performance level. In this perspective, research in assessing collaborative business process performance presents relevant guidelines in order to adapt IT solutions when business requirements evolve. In this paper, we present an analysis and assessment approach for collaborative business processes in the service-oriented architecture in order to maintain their performance in competitive markets. Our approach proposes an evaluation method using execution traces of business process combined with a high-level assessment method using key performance indicators. Our main objectives are to track the execution of collaborative business process and to analyze the performance trajectory of a business process regarding the business performance level. To collect and structure the performance knowledge (execution and measurement), we create an ontological model-based knowledge repository in order to enrich the semantics of an evaluation business process. The precise track of execution data in our approach is able to identify events that disrupt the proper functioning of processes at the runtime. From an industrial case study, we can conclude that our ontological approach can target the performance assessment of collaborative business processes effectively.


摘要: 为了具有竞争力和灵活性,公司会进行协作以开发和共享其能力,以应对动态环境。协作业务流程评估有助于反映业务流程的实际功能及其绩效水平。从这个角度来看,评估协作业务流程绩效的研究提出了相关准则,以便在业务需求发展时适应IT解决方案。在本文中,我们提出了一种面向服务的体系结构中的协作业务流程的分析和评估方法,以保持其在竞争市场中的性能。我们的方法提出了一种使用业务流程执行轨迹的评估方法,并结合了使用关键绩效指标的高级评估方法。我们的主要目标是跟踪协作业务流程的执行情况,并分析与业务绩效水平相关的业务流程的绩效轨迹。为了收集和构建绩效知识(执行和度量),我们创建了一个基于本体模型的知识存储库,以丰富评估业务流程的语义。在我们的方法中,对执行数据的精确跟踪能够识别出在运行时破坏进程正常运行的事件。从工业案例研究中,我们可以得出结论,我们的本体论方法可以有效地针对协作业务流程的绩效评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2015.12.002]

[881] Personalized micro-learning support based on process mining (2016)

(Chen, Jian and Zhang, Yueqin and Sun, Jingyu and Chen, Yongle and Lin, Fuping and Jin, Qun | Proceedings - 2015 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education, ITME 2015)

Abstract: Micro-Learning is a new leaning paradigm based on microblogging, e-mail or SMS, in which an integral learning resource consists of a series of micro learning units that are dispersed via the services of Internet, and can be used to help users learn at anywhere with a short-term. But the problem is that most of the micro learning units are disorganized. Therefore, it is a critical issue how to organize these micro learning units, in order to make them easier to be used and learned. In this study, we propose an approach based on process mining to organize the learning units according to the situation of users. Firstly, the successful micro-learning processes are extracted from the access logs. And then, the learning process map named navigation map is created based on the domain knowledge and the access sequence of users. Secondly, according to the similarity of access behavior, a reference user group is extracted dynamically for a target user. Based on the dynamic Bayesian network, the navigation map is then used to calculate the posterior probabilities of learning units. Finally, on the basis of posterior probabilities, a learning unit can be recommended for the target user to learn as the next step. The results are provided to the target user gradually, until the target user finish the whole course by the guide of learning process at his/her fragmented time.


摘要: Micro-Learning是一种基于微博,电子邮件或SMS的新的学习范式,其中,完整的学习资源由一系列通过Internet服务分散的微学习单元组成,可用于帮助用户短期内在任何地方学习。但是问题是大多数微型学习单元都是杂乱无章的。因此,如何组织这些微型学习单元以使其更易于使用和学习是一个关键问题。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘的方法来根据用户的情况来组织学习单元。首先,从访问日志中提取成功的微学习过程。然后,基于领域知识和用户的访问顺序,创建名为导航图的学习过程图。其次,根据访问行为的相似性,为目标用户动态提取参考用户组。然后基于动态贝叶斯网络,使用导航地图计算学习单元的后验概率。最后,基于后验概率,可以建议学习单元供目标用户学习,作为下一步。结果将逐步提供给目标用户,直到目标用户在零碎的时间里通过学习过程的指导完成整个课程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ITME.2015.120]

[882] Perspectives on process mining within cloud computing (2011)

(Haung, Krang Ze and Chen, Yun Shiow and Chung, Yun Kung | 2011 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, ICACC 2011)

Abstract: Process mining can be the one of new strategic imperatives of corporations conduction decisions. A variety of activities occurred in the course of the decision process can be logged and saved into a data repository, and then their explicit logged data and implicit information hided in the logs can be mined out to supervise and manage the statuses of the running processes on a certain purpose. Cloud, a newer concept for constructing various web services together within a centralized web-based interface host, involves lots of communicating and transacting process activities coming from the various web sites. To look into the absence and presence of those activities constituting the processes in a cloud, process mining may be helpful for investigating the cloud processing performance, and thereby results in a certain process model efficient for the further cloud development and its composition renewal. This paper will present a rationale-based architecture of applying process mining to compute the situations of process activities occurred in a cloud, including the discussion of its major components and technical issues. Several perspectives on such an application are summarized as well. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘可以成为公司进行行为决策的新的战略要务之一。可以将决策过程中发生的各种活动记录下来并保存到数据存储库中,然后将其显式记录的数据和隐式信息隐藏在其中。可以挖出日志以出于特定目的监视和管理正在运行的流程的状态云是一种在基于Web的集中式界面主机中一起构建各种Web服务的较新概念,涉及大量的通信和事务处理活动为了研究构成云中流程的那些活动的存在与否,流程挖掘可能有助于调查云处理性能,从而形成某种流程模型,对于进一步的云开发和开发是有效的。本文将提出一种基于原理的架构,将流程挖掘应用于计算云中发生的流程活动的情况,包括对其主要组成部分和技术问题的讨论。还总结了这种应用的几种观点。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICACC.2011.6016496]

[883] Petri net discovery of discrete event processes by computing t-invariants (2014)

(Tapia-Flores, Tonatiuh and Lopez-Mellado, Ernesto and Estrada-Vargas, Ana Paula and Lesage, Jean Jacques | 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2014)

Abstract: In this paper the problem of discovering a Petri net (PN) from sampled events sequences representing the execution of industrial or business processes is addressed A method for building a 1-bounded PN from a single event sequence S composed of numerous execution traces is presented; it is based on determining causal and concurrency relations between tasks. A technique for computing the t-invariants of the PN from S is proposed; the obtained invariants allow determining the structure of a PN that executes S. The algorithms derived from the method have been implemented and tested on numerous examples of diverse complexity.


摘要: 本文解决了从代表工业或业务流程执行的采样事件序列中发现Petri网(PN)的问题。一种用于从由众多执行轨迹组成的单个事件序列S中构建1界PN的方法是呈现;它基于确定任务之间的因果关系和并发关系。提出了一种从S计算PN的t不变量的技术。所获得的不变量允许确定执行S的PN的结构。从该方法派生的算法已在多种复杂程度不同的示例中实现和测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ETFA.2014.7005080]

[884] Petri net-based process monitoring: A workflow management system for process modelling and monitoring (2014)

(Pla, Albert and Gay, Pablo and Melendez, Joaquim and Lopez, Beatriz | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing)

Abstract: Nowadays business process management is becoming a fundamental piece of many industrial processes. To manage the evolution and interactions between the business actions it is important to accurately model the steps to follow and the resources needed by a process. Workflows provide a way of describing the order of execution and the dependencies between the constituting activities of business processes. Workflow monitoring can help to improve and avoid delays in industrial environments where concurrent processes are carried out. In this article a new Petri net extension for modelling workflow activities together with their required resources is presented: resource-aware Petri nets (RAPN). An intelligent workflow management system for process monitoring and delay prediction is also introduced. Resource aware-Petri nets include time and resources within the classical Petri net workflow representation, facilitating the task of modelling and monitoring workflows. The workflow management system monitors the execution of workflows and detects possible delays using RAPN. In order to test this new approach, different services from a medical maintenance environment have been modelled and simulated. textcopyright 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


摘要: 如今,业务流程管理已成为许多工业流程的基本组成部分。为了管理业务动作之间的演变和相互作用,准确建模要遵循的步骤和流程所需的资源非常重要。工作流提供了一种描述执行顺序和业务流程构成活动之间的依赖关系的方式。工作流监视可以帮助改善和避免在执行并行流程的工业环境中出现延迟。在本文中,提出了一种用于对工作流活动及其所需资源进行建模的新Petri网扩展:资源感知Petri网(RAPN)。还介绍了用于过程监控和延迟预测的智能工作流管理系统。具有资源意识的Petri网在经典Petri网工作流表示中包含时间和资源,从而简化了建模和监视工作流的任务。工作流管理系统使用RAPN监视工作流的执行并检测可能的延迟。为了测试这种新方法,已经对来自医疗维护环境的不同服务进行了建模和仿真。 t​​extcopyright 2012年Springer Science +商业媒体纽约。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10845-012-0704-z]

[885] Petrifying operating guidelines for services (2009)

(Lohmann, Niels and Wolf, Karsten | Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD)

Abstract: Operating guidelines characterize correct interaction (e.g. deadlock freedom) with a service. They can be stored in a service registry. So far, they have been represented as an annotated transition system. For the sake of saving space in the registry, we want to translate operating guidelines into Petri nets. To make this possible, we carefully investigate regularities in the annotations. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 操作准则描述了与服务的正确交互(例如,死锁自由)。它们可以存储在服务注册表中。到目前为止,它们已被表示为带注释的过渡系统。为了节省注册表中的空间,我们希望将操作准则转换为Petri网。为了使之成为可能,我们仔细研究注释中的规律性。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ACSD.2009.11]


[886] Phenomenon of concept drift from process mining insight (2014)

(Manoj Kumar | Souvenir of the 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, IACC 2014)

Abstract: Process mining is originated form the fact that the modern information systems systematically record and maintain history of the process which they monitor and support. Systematic study of the recorded information in process centric manner will help to understand the process in a better way. Process mining acts as enabling technology by facilitating process centric analysis of data, which other available data science like data mining etc. fails to provide. Process mining algorithms are able to provide excellent insights on the process which they analyze, but they fail to handle the change in the process. Concept drift is a phenomenon of change in the process while it is being analyzed and it is a non-stationary learning problem. As the process changes while it is being analyzed, end result of the analysis becomes obsolete. Process mining algorithms are static biased, they assume that process at the beginning of analysis period will remain as same at the end of analysis period. There is at most requirement to effectively deal with the change in process to conduct optimal analysis. The main focus of this paper is to identify different factors to be considered while designing the solution for the problem of concept drift and explain each of the identified factors briefly. As the phenomenon of concept drift is extensively under consideration for research in other scientific research disciplines, this article considers restricting the content strictly concerning to the context of process mining. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘源于以下事实:现代信息系统系统地记录和维护其监视和支持的过程历史。以过程为中心的方式对记录的信息进行系统的研究将有助于更好地理解过程。流程挖掘通过促进以流程为中心的数据分析而成为使能技术,而其他可用数据科学(如数据挖掘等)无法提供这些信息。流程挖掘算法能够对所分析的流程提供出色的见解,但无法处理流程中的更改。概念漂移是一种在分析过程中发生变化的现象,它是一个非平稳的学习问题。随着分析过程的变化,分析的最终结果变得过时。流程挖掘算法是静态偏差的,它们假定分析周期开始时的过程在分析周期结束时保持不变。最高要求有效地处理过程中的变化以进行最佳分析。本文的主要重点是确定在设计概念漂移问题的解决方案时要考虑的不同因素,并简要解释每个已识别的因素。由于概念漂移现象已被其他科学研究领域广泛研究,因此本文考虑将内容严格限制在过程挖掘的上下文中。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IAdCC.2014.6779378]

[887] PrOnto: An Ontology Driven Business Process Mining Tool (2017)

(Bistarelli, Stefano and Di Noia | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: The main aim of data mining techniques and tools is that of identify and extract, from a set of (big) data, implicit patterns which can describe static or dynamic phenomena. Among these latter business processes are gaining more and more attention due to their crucial role in modern organizations and enterprises. Being able to identify and model processes inside organizations is for sure a key asset to discover their weak and strong points thus helping them in the improvement of their competitiveness. In this paper we describe a prototype system able to discover business processes from an event log and classify them with a suitable level of abstraction with reference to a related business ontology. The identified process, and its corresponding level of abstraction, depends on the knowledge encoded in the reference ontology which is dynamically exploited at runtime. The tool has been validated by considering examples and case studies from the literature on process mining.


摘要: 数据挖掘技术和工具的主要目标是从一组(大)数据中识别和提取可描述静态或动态现象的隐式模式。在后一种业务流程中,由于它们在现代组织和企业中的关键作用,因此受到越来越多的关注。能够在组织内部识别和建模流程无疑是发现其弱点和优势的关键资产,从而有助于他们提高竞争力。在本文中,我们描述了一个原型系统,该系统能够从事件日志中发现业务流程,并参考相关业务本体以适当的抽象级别对它们进行分类。所识别的过程及其相应的抽象级别取决于在运行时动态利用的参考本体中编码的知识。通过考虑来自过程挖掘文献的实例和案例研究,对该工具进行了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.002]

[888] Pragamana: Performance comparison and programming alpha-miner algorithm in relational database query language and NoSQL column-oriented using apache phoenix (2015)

(Gupta, Kunal and Sachdev, Astha and Sureka, Ashish | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) is an IT system that support business processes and generate large amounts of event logs from the execution of business processes. An event log is represented as a tuple of CaseID, Timestamp, Activity and Actor. Process Mining is a new and emerging field that aims at analyzing the event logs to discover, enhance and improve business processes and check conformance between run time and design time business processes. The large volume of event logs generated are stored in the databases. Relational databases perform well for a certain class of applications. However, there are a certain class of applications for which relational databases are not able to scale. To handle such class of applications, NoSQL database systems emerged. Discovering a process model (workow model) from event logs is one of the most challenging and important Process Mining task. The alphaalpha-miner algorithm is one of the first and most widely used Process Discovery technique. Our objective is to investigate which of the databases (Relational or NoSQL) performs better for a Process Discovery application under Process Mining. We implement the alphaalpha-miner algorithm on relational (row-oriented) and NoSQL (column-oriented) databases in database query languages so that our algorithm is tightly coupled to the database. We present a performance benchmarking and comparison of the alphaalpha-miner algorithm on row-oriented database and NoSQL column-oriented database so that we can compare which database can efficiently store massive event logs and ana- lyze it in seconds to discover a process model.

Pragamana:关系数据库查询语言中的性能比较和编程alpha-miner算法,以及使用apache phoenix面向NoSQL的列

摘要: 流程感知信息系统(PAIS)是支持业务流程并从业务流程的执行中生成大量事件日志的IT系统。事件日志表示为CaseID,Timestamp,Activity和Actor的元组。流程挖掘是一个新兴领域,旨在分析事件日志以发现,增强和改进业务流程,并检查运行时和设计时业务流程之间的一致性。生成的大量事件日志存储在数据库中。关系数据库对于某些类别的应用程序表现良好。但是,在某些类别的应用程序中,关系数据库无法扩展。为了处理此类应用程序,出现了NoSQL数据库系统。从事件日志中发现流程模型(工作模型)是最具挑战性也是最重要的流程挖掘任务之一。 $ alpha $ -miner算法是最早且使用最广泛的Process Discovery技术之一。我们的目标是调查在Process Mining下哪个数据库(关系数据库或NoSQL)对Process Discovery应用程序的性能更好。我们以数据库查询语言在关系(面向行)和NoSQL(面向列)数据库上实现$ alpha $ -miner算法,以便我们的算法与数据库紧密耦合。我们介绍了$ alpha $ -miner算法在面向行的数据库和NoSQL面向列的数据库上的性能基准测试和比较,以便我们可以比较哪个数据库可以有效地存储大量事件日志并在几秒钟内对其进行分析以发现过程模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2790798.2790819]

[889] Predicting process behaviour using deep learning (2017)

(Evermann, Joerg and Rehse, Jana Rebecca and Fettke, Peter | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Predicting business process behaviour is an important aspect of business process management. Motivated by research in natural language processing, this paper describes an application of deep learning with recurrent neural networks to the problem of predicting the next event in a business process. This is both a novel method in process prediction, which has largely relied on explicit process models, and also a novel application of deep learning methods. The approach is evaluated on two real datasets and our results surpass the state-of-the-art in prediction precision.


摘要: 预测业务流程行为是业务流程管理的重要方面。受自然语言处理研究的推动,本文描述了具有递归神经网络的深度学习在预测业务流程中下一个事件的问题中的应用。这既是在很大程度上依赖显式过程模型的过程预测中的一种新颖方法,又是深度学习方法的一种新颖应用。该方法在两个真实的数据集上进行了评估,我们的结果在预测精度方面超过了最新技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.003]

[890] Predicting the post-treatment recovery of patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) (2015)

(Siddiqui, Zaigham Faraz and Krempl, Georg and Spiliopoulou, Myra and Pe~na, Jose M. and Paul, Nuria and Maestu, Fernando | Brain Informatics)

Abstract: Predicting the evolution of individuals is a rather new mining task with applications in medicine. Medical researchers are interested in the progression of a disease and/or how do patients evolve or recover when they are subjected to some treatment. In this study, we investigate the problem of patients evolution on the basis of medical tests before and after treatment after brain trauma: we want to understand to what extend a patient can become similar to a healthy participant. We face two challenges. First, we have less information on healthy participants than on the patients. Second, the values of the medical tests for patients, even after treatment started, remain well-separated from those of healthy people; this is typical for neurodegenerative diseases, but also for further brain impairments. Our approach encompasses methods for modelling patient evolution and for predicting the health improvement of different patients subpopulations, i.e. prediction of label if they recovered or not. We test our approach on a cohort of patients treated after brain trauma and a corresponding cohort of controls.


摘要: 预测个体的进化是一项相当新的挖掘任务,将其应用于医学领域。医学研究人员对疾病的进展和/或患者在接受某种治疗后如何进化或康复感兴趣。在这项研究中,我们根据脑外伤后治疗前后的医学检查来调查患者的进化问题:我们想了解患者在多大程度上可以变得与健康参与者相似,我们面临两个挑战:首先,我们缺乏关于其次,即使是开始治疗后,对患者进行医学检查的价值仍与健康人保持良好的隔离;这对于神经退行性疾病和脑部进一步受损来说都是典型的。用于模拟患者进化和预测不同患者亚群健康状况的方法,即预测患者是否康复 或不。我们对一组在脑外伤后接受治疗的患者以及相应的对照进行了测试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s40708-015-0010-6]

[891] Predicting treatment process steps from events (2015)

(Meier, Jens and Dietz, Andreas and Boehm, Andreas and Neumuth, Thomas | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Motivation: The primary economy-driven documentation of patient-specific information in clinical information systems leads to drawbacks in the use of these systems in daily clinical routine. Missing meta-data regarding underlying clinical workflows within the stored information is crucial for intelligent support systems. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of primary clinical needs-driven electronic patient documentation. Hence, physicians and surgeons must search hundreds of documents to find necessary patient data rather than accessing relevant information directly from the current process step. In this work, a completely new approach has been developed to enrich the existing information in clinical information systems with additional meta-data, such as the actual treatment phase from which the information entity originates. Methods: Stochastic models based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are used to create a mathematical representation of the underlying clinical workflow. These models are created from real-world anonymized patient data and are tailored to therapy processes for patients with head and neck cancer. Additionally, two methodologies to extend the models to improve the workflow recognition rates are presented in this work. Results: A leave-one-out cross validation study was performed and achieved promising recognition rates of up to 90% with a standard deviation of 6.4%. Conclusions: The method presented in this paper demonstrates the feasibility of predicting clinical workflow steps from patient-specific information as the basis for clinical workflow support, as well as for the analysis and improvement of clinical pathways.


摘要: 动机:临床信息系统中患者特定信息的主要经济驱动文档导致在日常临床常规中使用这些系统的弊端。在存储的信息中缺少有关基础临床工作流程的元数据对于智能支持系统至关重要。不幸的是,仍然缺乏主要的临床需求驱动的电子患者文档。因此,医师和外科医生必须搜索数百个文档以找到必要的患者数据,而不是直接从当前处理步骤访问相关信息。在这项工作中,已经开发出一种全新的方法,以通过附加的元数据来丰富临床信息系统中的现有信息,例如信息实体所源自的实际治疗阶段。方法:基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的随机模型用于创建基础临床工作流程的数学表示。这些模型是根据真实世界的匿名患者数据创建的,并针对头颈癌患者的治疗过程进行了定制。此外,在这项工作中提出了两种扩展模型以提高工作流程识别率的方法。结果:进行了留一法交叉验证研究,实现了高达90%的有希望的识别率,标准偏差为6.4%。结论:本文提出的方法证明了根据患者特定信息预测临床工作流程步骤的可行性,这些信息可作为临床工作流程支持以及分析和改善临床途径的基础。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2014.12.003]

[892] Prediction of business process durations using non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets (2015)

(Rogge-Solti, Andreas and Weske, Mathias | Information Systems)

Abstract: Companies need to efficiently manage their business processes to deliver products and services in time. Therefore, they monitor the progress of individual cases to be able to timely detect undesired deviations and to react accordingly. For example, companies can decide to speed up process execution by raising alerts or by using additional resources, which increases the chance that a certain deadline or service level agreement can be met. Central to such process control is accurate prediction of the remaining time of a case and the estimation of the risk of missing a deadline. To achieve this goal, we use a specific kind of stochastic Petri nets that can capture arbitrary duration distributions. Thereby, we are able to achieve higher prediction accuracy than related approaches. Further, we evaluate the approach in comparison to state of the art approaches and show the potential of exploiting a so far untapped source of information: the elapsed time since the last observed event. Real-world case studies in the financial and logistics domain serve to illustrate and evaluate the approach presented.


摘要: 公司需要有效地管理其业务流程,以便及时交付产品和服务。因此,他们监视个别案件的进展,以便能够及时发现不希望的偏差并做出相应的反应。例如,公司可以决定通过发出警报或使用其他资源来加快流程的执行,这增加了可以满足特定期限或服务水平协议的可能性。这种过程控制的核心是准确预测案件的剩余时间以及估算错过最后期限的风险。为了实现此目标,我们使用一种特定的随机Petri网来捕获任意持续时间分布。因此,我们能够获得比相关方法更高的预测精度。此外,我们将评估方法与最新方法进行了比较,并显示了利用迄今尚未开发的信息源的潜力:自上次观察到事件以来经过的时间。金融和物流领域的实际案例研究有助于说明和评估所介绍的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.04.004]

[893] Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes: A Survey (2018)

(Marquez-Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo and Resinas, Manuel and Ruiz-Cortes, Antonio | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Nowadays, process mining is becoming a growing area of interest in business process management (BPM). Process mining consists in the extraction of information from the event logs of a business process. From this information, we can discover process models, monitor and improve our processes. One of the applications of process mining, is the predictive monitoring of business process. The aim of these techniques is the prediction of quantifiable metrics of a running process instance with the generation of predictive models. The most representative approaches for the runtime prediction of business process are summarized in this paper. The different types of computational predictive methods, such as statistical techniques or machine learning approaches, and certain aspects as the type of predicted values and quality evaluation metrics, have been considered for the categorization of these methods. This paper also includes a summary of the basic concepts, as well as a global overview of the process predictive monitoring area, that can be used to support future efforts of researchers and practitioners in this research field.


摘要: 如今,流程挖掘已成为业务流程管理(BPM)的一个增长领域。流程挖掘包括从业务流程的事件日志中提取信息。从这些信息中,我们可以发现流程模型,监视和改进我们的流程。流程挖掘的应用之一是对业务流程的预测性监视。这些技术的目的是通过生成预测模型来预测正在运行的流程实例的可量化指标。本文总结了最有代表性的业务流程运行时预测方法。对于这些方法的分类,已经考虑了不同类型的计算预测方法,例如统计技术或机器学习方法,以及某些方面,如预测值和质量评估指标的类型。本文还包括基本概念的摘要以及过程预测监视领域的全局概述,这些过程可用于支持研究人员和从业人员在该研究领域的未来工作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2017.2772256]

[894] Prioritization of Interconnected Processes (2018)

(Lehnert, Martin and Roglinger, Maximilian and Seyfried, Johannes | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: Deciding which business processes to improve is a challenge for all organizations. The literature on business process management (BPM) offers several approaches that support process prioritization. As many approaches share the individual process as unit of analysis, they determine the processes need for improvement mostly based on performance indicators, but neglect how processes are interconnected. So far, the interconnections of processes are only captured for descriptive purposes in process model repositories or business process architectures (BPAs). Prioritizing processes without catering for their interconnectedness, however, biases prioritization decisions and causes a misallocation of corporate funds. What is missing are process prioritization approaches that consider the processes individual need for improvement and their interconnectedness. To address this research problem, the authors propose the ProcessPageRank (PPR) as their main contribution. The PPR prioritizes processes of a given BPA by ranking them according to their network-adjusted need for improvement. The PPR builds on knowledge from process performance management, BPAs, and network analysis – particularly the Google PageRank. As for evaluation, the authors validated the PPRs design specification against empirically validated and theory-backed design propositions. They also instantiated the PPRs design specification as a software prototype and applied the prototype to a real-world BPA.


摘要: 决定改进哪些业务流程对所有组织都是一个挑战。业务流程管理(BPM)的文献提供了几种支持流程优先级的方法。由于许多方法将单个流程作为分析单位共享,因此它们确定了流程的需求改进主要是基于性能指标,而忽略了流程之间的相互联系。到目前为止,流程的相互联系仅出于描述目的而被捕获在流程模型存储库或业务流程体系结构(BPA)中。偏重于优先次序的决策并导致公司资金分配错误;缺少的是过程优先次序方法,这些方法考虑了过程的个人改进需求及其相互联系;为解决此研究问题,作者提出了ProcessPageRank(PPR)作为其主要贡献。 PPR优先处理流程给定的BPA可以根据其网络调整后的改进需求进行排名。 PPR建立在流程绩效管理,BPA和网络分析的知识之上,尤其是Google PageRank。至于评估,作者根据经验验证和理论支持的设计主张验证了PPR的设计规范。他们还将PPR的设计规范实例化为软件原型,并将该原型应用于实际的BPA。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-017-0490-4]

[895] ProDiGen: Mining complete, precise and minimal structure process models with a genetic algorithm (2015)

(Vazquez-Barreiros, Borja and Mucientes, Manuel and Lama, Manuel | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Process discovery techniques automatically extract the real workflow of a process by analyzing the events that are collected and stored in log files. Although in the last years several process discovery algorithms have been presented, none of them guarantees to find complete, precise and simple models for all the given logs. In this paper we address the problem of process discovery through a genetic algorithm with a new fitness function that takes into account both completeness, precision and simplicity. ProDiGen (Process Discovery through a Genetic algorithm) includes new definitions for precision and simplicity, and specific crossover and mutation operators. The proposal has been validated with 39 process models and several noise levels, giving a total of 111 different logs. We have compared our approach with the state of the art algorithms; non-parametric statistical tests show that our algorithm outperforms the other approaches, and that the difference is statistically significant.


摘要: 流程发现技术通过分析收集并存储在日志文件中的事件,自动提取流程的实际工作流程。尽管最近几年提出了几种过程发现算法,但是它们都不能保证为所有给定的日志找到完整,准确和简单的模型。在本文中,我们通过具有新的适应度函数的遗传算法解决了过程发现的问题,该函数同时兼顾了完整性,准确性和简单性。 ProDiGen(通过遗传算法进行过程发现)包括精确度和简便性的新定义,以及特定的交叉和变异算子。该提案已通过39个过程模型和多个噪声级别进行了验证,总共提供111种不同的日志。我们已经将我们的方法与最先进的算法进行了比较。非参数统计测试表明,我们的算法优于其他方法,并且差异具有统计意义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2014.09.057]

[896] ProPath - A guideline based software for the implementation into the medical environment (2015)

(Klausner, Sabine and Entacher, Karl and Kranzer, Simon and Flamm, Maria and Sonnichsen, Andreas and Fritsch, Gerhard | )

Abstract: Over the last decades, the amount of medical information has been growing rapidly. Online platforms such as patients and doctors blogs and forums and medical databases are widely and easily accessible to medical professionals as well as to the public. However, researching, filtering and evaluating the quality of this often overwhelming amount of data remains a challenge. Moreover, existing guidelines in the medical context are extensive and hardly applicable in the clinical context since reading and translation into clinical practice is time consuming 12. Due to growing critical awareness among patients towards their medical treatment, there is an increased demand from internists, general practitioners, and other specialists, to explain medical conditions, treatment options and procedures in a more comprehensive fashion. In addition this discussion should be supported by the current state of clinical research. Expert systems could provide valuable support to fulfill these needs. Initial prototypes of expert systems in the inpatient arena were already implemented in the 1960s in the context of clinical trials 3. The main goal of these systems was to improve medical care by assisting in the medical decision process. However, most of these systems did not remain in clinical practice for a prolonged period of time. In most cases, the user interface of the software was too complex for daily use. Appropriate application and a detailed insight into these systems requires a lot of handbook knowledge. Therefore the initial hurdles for the integration of software into specific clinical application, faced by the potential users were too cumbersome. The main purpose of the project ProPath was to eliminate these issues and at the same time provide optimal clinical practice for the health care system in a variety of medical topics. Both in the outpatient and inpatient scenario, there is an increasing demand to support communication and to improve the distribution of - ublished knowledge and the application of practical experiences within the medical field. The main challenge to achieve that objective is to design an intuitive, user friendly software product that can be integrated into the current standard network environments. An example of successful implementation of a medical information system into clinical practice is the PROP system 4. It is a medical decision support system, which has been designed, developed and implemented in Austria in the course of Reformpoolprojekt, in order to optimize the preoperative process. Since 2008, it is applied by general practicioners, pediatricians, clinicians and internists, in the state of Salzburg and was externally evaluated by the Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) in Salzburg. This paper provides an overview on how acquired knowledge can be utilized to reduce the complexity of designing and implementing clinical pathways (ProPath), supported by medical information or expert systems. Finally, statistical results evaluating PROP user-behavior are described.


摘要: 在过去的几十年中,医学信息的数量一直在迅速增长。医学专家和公众都可以轻松便捷地访问患者和医生的博客,论坛和医学数据库等在线平台。但是,研究,过滤评估这些经常不胜枚举的数据的质量仍然是一个挑战,而且,由于医学阅读和翻译成临床实践非常耗时,因此医学领域中的现有准则广泛且几乎不适用于临床领域1 2。为了提高患者对医疗的批判意识,内科医生,全科医生和其他专家对以更全面的方式解释医疗状况,治疗选择和程序的需求不断增加。目前的临床研究状态,专家系统可以为满足这些需求提供有价值的支持。住院领域专家系统的初始原型已在1960年代的临床试验中实现3。这些系统的主要目标是通过协助医疗决策过程来改善医疗服务。但是,大多数这些系统都没有长时间保留在临床实践中。在大多数情况下,该软件的用户界面对于日常使用而言过于复杂。适当的应用程序和对这些系统的详细了解需要大量的手册知识。因此,潜在用户面临的将软件集成到特定临床应用中的最初障碍太麻烦了。 ProPath项目的主要目的是消除这些问题,同时在各种医学主题中为卫生保健系统提供最佳的临床实践。在门诊和住院情况中,对支持交流和改善已发布知识的分布以及在医学领域中实践经验的应用的需求不断增长。实现该目标的主要挑战是设计一种可以集成到当前标准网络环境中的直观,用户友好的软件产品。 PROP系统4是在临床实践中成功实施医疗信息系统的一个例子。这是一个医疗决策支持系统,已在奥地利在Reformpoolprojekt过程中设计,开发和实施,以优化术前过程。自2008年以来,它在萨尔茨堡州由全科医生,儿科医生,临床医生和内科医生采用,并由萨尔茨堡的Paracelsus医科大学(PMU)进行了外部评估。本文概述了如何在医学信息或专家系统的支持下,如何利用获得的知识来减少设计和实施临床途径(ProPath)的复杂性。最后,描述了评估PROP用户行为的统计结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ihtc.2014.7147551]

[897] Probabilistic workflow mining (2005)

(Silva, Ricardo and Zhang, Jiji and Shanahan, James G. | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Abstract: In several organizations, it has become increasingly popular to document and log the steps that makeup a typical business process. In some situations, a normative workflow model of such processes is developed, and it becomes important to know if such a model is actually being followed by analyzing the available activity logs. In other scenarios, no model is available and, with the purpose of evaluating cases or creating new production policies, one is interested in learning a workflow representation of such activities. In either case, machine learning tools that can mine workflow models are of great interest and still relatively unexplored. We present here a probabilistic workflow model and a corresponding learning algorithm that runs in polynomial time. We illustrate the algorithm on example data derived from a real world workflow. Copyright 2005 ACM.


摘要: 在一些组织中,记录和记录构成典型业务流程的步骤变得越来越普遍。在某些情况下,开发了此类流程的规范工作流程模型,并且通过分析可用的活动日志来了解是否实际上遵循了这种模型就变得很重要。在其他情况下,没有可用的模型,并且出于评估案例或创建新生产策略的目的,人们有兴趣学习此类活动的工作流表示形式。在这两种情况下,可以挖掘工作流模型的机器学习工具都引起了人们的极大兴趣,但仍然相对未被开发。我们在这里提出一个概率工作流模型和一个在多项式时间内运行的学习算法。我们将根据实际工作流程中的示例数据说明该算法。版权所有2005 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1081870.1081903]

[898] ProcMiner: Advancing process analysis and management (2007)

(Nurminen, Miika and Honkaranta, Anne and Karkkainen, Tommi | Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering)

Abstract: This paper contributes both to research and practice on process mining. Previous research on process mining has focused on mining patterns from event log files to generate process models. The process mining approach adopted in this paper is focused on producing patterns about process models, not the models themselves. The approach is demonstrated by ProcMiner - an explorative research prototype for management, consolidating, publishing, retrieving, and analyzing process models. Content-based document clustering is applied to process models represented as XML database in order to find topical groups from models. In practice, organizations face numerous challenges in managing their process models. The models may be heterogeneous or ambiguous. The modeling software may change over time or due to differences in departmental purchases. ProcMiner was used in quality system development initiative at the University of Jyvaskyla. The findings support previous model engineering research, showing that multiple actions are needed to ensure consistency of process models, and to make them efficiently manageable. textcopyright 2007 IEEE.


摘要: 本文为过程挖掘的研究和实践做出了贡献。以前对过程挖掘的研究集中于从事件日志文件中挖掘模式以生成过程模型。本文采用的过程挖掘方法侧重于生成有关过程模型的模式,而不是模型本身。 ProcMiner演示了该方法,ProcMiner是用于管理,合并,发布,检索和分析过程模型的探索性研究原型。基于内容的文档聚类应用于表示为XML数据库的过程模型,以便从模型中查找主题组。在实践中,组织在管理其流程模型时面临众多挑战。这些模型可以是异构的或不明确的。建模软件可能会随时间变化或由于部门采购的差异而变化。 ProvMiner在Jyv大学 a skyl a的质量体系开发计划中使用。这些发现支持了先前的模型工程研究,表明需要采取多种措施来确保流程模型的一致性,并使它们能够有效地进行管理。 t​​extcopyright 2007 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDEW.2007.4401065]

[899] Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A.M. Uhrmacher, eds (2012)

(Zulch, Gert & Borkircher | Flexible Work Organization in Manufacturing – a Simulation-Supported Feasibility Study –)

Abstract: In light of the pressures of increasing demands on earths resources, society faces serious challenges in food production and distribution. Food supply chain (FSC) models are critically important, providing de- cision-makers with tools that allow for the evaluation and design of FSCs, en route to ensuring sustaina- ble FSC productivity. Multi-agent simulation (MAS) is well-suited to modeling FSCs for this purpose, enabling capture of decision-making, interactions, and adaptations of autonomous FSC actors. However, certain characteristics of FSCs are particularly difficult to model in detail, as data requirements can be in- tensive. In this paper we highlight some of the challenges modelers face in deciding the most appropriate methods for representing the elements of an FSC in an MAS model. We provide examples from the liter- ature that show how other modelers have chosen to address these challenges. Finally, we discuss benefits and limitations of each examples approach, in terms of realism and data requirements.

2012年冬季模拟会议论文集C. Laroque,J。Himmelspach,R。Pasupathy,O。Rose和A.M. Uhrmacher,编辑

摘要: 鉴于对地球资源的需求不断增加的压力,社会在食品生产和分配方面面临着严峻的挑战。食品供应链(FSC)模型至关重要,为决策者提供了进行评估和设计的工具。为了确保可持续的FSC生产率,多主体仿真(MAS)非常适合为此目的对FSC进行建模,从而能够捕获自主FSC参与者的决策,交互和适应。 FSC的特征很难进行详细建模,因为数据需求可能很强,在本文中,我们着重指出了建模人员在决定最合适的方法来表示MAS模型中FSC要素时所面临的一些挑战。提供文献中的示例,以显示其他建模者如何选择应对这些挑战;最后,我们从以下方面讨论每个示例方法的优点和局限性:现实性和数据要求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WSC.2012.6465229]

[900] Process Discovery from Dependence-Complete Event Logs (2016)

(Song, Wei and Jacobsen, Hans Arno and Ye, Chunyang and Ma, Xiaoxing | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Process mining, especially process discovery, has been utilized to extract process models from event logs. One challenge faced by process discovery is to identify concurrency effectively. State-of-the-art approaches employ activity orders in traces to undertake process discovery and they require stringent completeness notions of event logs. Thus, they may fail to extract appropriate processes when event logs cannot meet the completeness criteria. To address this problem, we propose in this paper a novel technique which leverages activity dependences in traces. Based on the observation that activities with no dependencies can be executed in parallel, our technique is in a position to discover processes with concurrencies even if the logs fail to meet the completeness criteria. That is, our technique calls for a weaker notion of completeness. We evaluate our technique through experiments on both real-world and synthetic event logs, and the conformance checking results demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique and its relative advantages compared with state-of-the-art approaches.


摘要: 过程挖掘,尤其是过程发现已被用于从事件日志中提取过程模型。流程发现面临的挑战之一是如何有效地识别并发性。最先进的方法在跟踪中采用活动顺序来进行过程发现,并且它们需要事件日志的严格完整性概念。因此,当事件日志不能满足完整性标准时,它们可能无法提取适当的过程。为了解决这个问题,我们在本文中提出了一种新颖的技术,该技术利用了迹线中的活动依赖性。基于观察到可以并行执行没有依赖性的活动,即使日志不满足完整性标准,我们的技术也可以发现具有并发性的流程。也就是说,我们的技术要求完整性的概念较弱。我们通过在真实事件日志和综合事件日志上的实验对我们的技术进行评估,并且一致性检查结果证明了该技术的有效性及其相对于最新技术的相对优势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2426181]


[901] Process Discovery of Operator Actions in Response to Univariate Alarms (2016)

(Hu, Wenkai and Al-Dabbagh, Ahmad W. and Chen, Tongwen and Shah, Sirish L. | IFAC-PapersOnLine)

Abstract: To capture the experience of skilled operators in response to alarm notifications, a systematic method of process discovery for operator actions in response to univariate alarms is proposed. The contributions of the paper are two folds. First, the transitions of alarm states are defined and formulated as a Petri net model. Second, the methods of process discovery through Alarm & Event logs are presented, where the logs are segmented and reorganized in a format suitable for processing by process discovery algorithms. Finally, the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed methods are illustrated using an industrial case study.


摘要: 为了捕获熟练的操作员响应警报通知的经验,提出了一种系统的过程发现方法,用于操作员响应单变量警报的操作。论文的贡献有两个方面。首先,将警报状态的转换定义为Petri网模型。其次,介绍了通过警报和事件日志进行过程发现的方法,其中以适合于过程发现算法进行处理的格式对日志进行分段和重组。最后,通过工业案例研究说明了所提出方法的有效性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.337]

[902] Process Miner — A Tool for Mining Process Schemes from Event-Based Data (2002)

(Schimm, Guido | )

Abstract: Today, process schemes are required for a lot of purposes. Extracting process schemes from event-based data is an alternative to creating them manually. Process Miner is a research prototype that can extract process schemes from event-based data. Its extracting procedure is a multistage data mining that uses a special process model. This paper outlines the main features of the tool and gives an insight into the theoretical background. Also, it describes shortly its implementation and outlines its experimental evaluation.

Process Miner-从基于事件的数据中挖掘流程方案的工具

摘要: 今天,出于多种目的需要处理方案。从基于事件的数据中提取流程方案是手动创建流程方案的替代方法。 Process Miner是一个研究原型,可以从基于事件的数据中提取过程方案。它的提取过程是使用特殊过程模型的多阶段数据挖掘。本文概述了该工具的主要功能,并深入了解了理论背景。此外,它简要介绍了其实现方式并概述了其实验评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-45757-7_47]

[903] Process Mining Put into Context (2012)

(van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Dustdar, Schahram | IEEE Internet Computing)

Abstract: Process mining techniques help organizations discover and analyze business processes based on raw event data. The recently released Process Mining Manifesto presents guiding principles and challenges for process mining. Here, the authors summarize the manifestos main points and argue that analysts should take into account the context in which events occur when analyzing processes. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘技术可帮助组织根据原始事件数据发现和分析业务流程。最近发布的过程挖掘宣言提出了过程挖掘的指导原则和挑战。在这里,作者总结了宣言的要点,并认为分析师在分析过程时应考虑事件发生的环境。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MIC.2012.12]

[904] Process Mining for Trust Monitoring (2015)

(Lopez, Jorge and Maag, Stephane and Saint-Pierre, Cecilia and Bustos, Javier and Cavalli, Ana | Proceedings - IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2015)

Abstract: Communicating systems are today composed of a huge number of distributed processes interoperate with diverse kinds of applications, services and actors. It therefore becomes crucial to monitor and manage these trustworthy interactions. For that purpose, passive testing techniques have been used particularly for checking the system conformance w.r.t. Its standard. Among these studies, trust behaviors have been monitored in such systems. However, while several approaches have been designed, most of them monitor trust properties that have been manually designed or provided by common database. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatically generate trust properties from the study and analysis of the system through process mining techniques and by comparing with the formal specification of the system under test.


摘要: 今天的通信系统由与各种应用程序,服务和参与者交互操作的大量分布式过程组成。因此,监视和管理这些可信赖的交互变得至关重要。为了这个目的,被动测试技术已经特别用于检查系统的一致性。它的标准。在这些研究中,信任行为已在此类系统中进行了监视。但是,尽管已设计了几种方法,但大多数方法都监视由公共数据库手动设计或提供的信任属性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,可以通过过程挖掘技术并与被测系统的正式规范进行比较,从对系统的研究和分析中自动生成信任属性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WAINA.2015.71]

[905] Process Mining for the multi-faceted analysis of business processes - A case study in a financial services organization (2013)

(De Weerdt | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Most organizations have some kind of process-oriented information system that keeps track of business events. Process Mining starts from event logs extracted from these systems in order to discover, analyze, diagnose and improve processes, organizational, social and data structures. Notwithstanding the large number of contributions to the process mining literature over the last decade, the number of studies actually demonstrating the applicability and value of these techniques in practice has been limited. As a consequence, there is a need for real-life case studies suggesting methodologies to conduct process mining analysis and to show the benefits of its application in real-life environments. In this paper we present a methodological framework for a multi-faceted analysis of real-life event logs based on Process Mining. As such, we demonstrate the usefulness and flexibility of process mining techniques to expose organizational inefficiencies in a real-life case study that is centered on the back office process of a large Belgian insurance company. Our analysis shows that process mining techniques constitute an ideal means to tackle organizational challenges by suggesting process improvements and creating a company-wide process awareness. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 大多数组织都有某种面向过程的信息系统,可以跟踪业务事件。流程挖掘始于从这些系统中提取的事件日志,以便发现,分析,诊断和改善流程,组织,社会和数据结构。尽管在过去十年中对过程挖掘文献做出了大量贡献,但实际上证明了这些技术在实践中的适用性和价值的研究数量有限。因此,需要进行现实案例研究,以提出进行过程挖掘分析并显示其在现实环境中应用的好处的方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘对现实事件日志进行多方面分析的方法框架。因此,在一个以比利时大型保险公司的后台流程为中心的现实案例研究中,我们证明了流程挖掘技术揭示组织效率低下的有用性和灵活性。我们的分析表明,流程挖掘技术是通过建议流程改进和建立全公司流程意识来解决组织挑战的理想方法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2012.09.010]

[906] Process Mining in BPM: Concepts and challenges (2013)

(Saylam, Rabia and Sahingoz, Ozgur Koray | Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO), International Conference on Digital Object Identifier)

Abstract: Process mining is an emerging research area that aims to improve the analysis of Business Process Models (BPMs) by extracting knowledge from event logs. What actually happened in the organization is set forth for consideration, not what people think about the organization. Therefore, it can be used in various industrial and scientific applications. This paper aims to provide information about the process mining concept, by revealing the differences with data mining, which is more commonly known in the literature, to point out the challenges in the use of BPM, to introduce the studies on this subject, to serve as a guide and to provide meta-information for researchers, scientists, software developers, etc. who are interested in the process mining.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一个新兴的研究领域,旨在通过从事件日志中提取知识来改进对业务过程模型(BPM)的分析。在组织中实际发生的事情是要考虑的,而不是人们对组织的看法。因此,它可以用于各种工业和科学应用。本文旨在通过揭示文献中较常见的数据挖掘方法的差异,提供有关过程挖掘概念的信息,指出使用BPM的挑战,介绍有关此主题的研究,以服务作为指南,并为对过程挖掘感兴趣的研究人员,科学家,软件开发人员等提供元信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICECCO.2013.6718246]

[907] Process Mining to Discover Shoppers Pathways at a Fashion Retail Store Using a WiFi-Base Indoor Positioning System (2017)

(Hwang, Illhoe and Jang, Young Jae | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering)

Abstract: We present a preliminary report of a customer pathway analysis in an off-line store. Smart phone WiFi-based positioning technology is used to identify each customers pathway behavior. The log data containing the space-time information are analyzed using process mining, a tool that provides a comprehensive view of an entire process. The main benefit of process mining is that it provides the topological structure of the processes. We installed a WiFi signal-capturing device in a retail store of a fashion brand in South Korea and collected data over a two-month period. Halfway through the experimental period, we swapped a set of mannequins displayed at the entrance to the store with an item stand. We then compared the customers pathway behavior before and after the change. Through an analysis based on process mining, we observed a change in the topological structure of the pathway behavior following the change in the display setting. This paper demonstrates the possibilities of analyzing customer behavior using WiFi-based technology and the process mining technique.Note to Practitioners - The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate the possibility of WiFi-based positioning technology and analytical methodology for analyzing indoor movement in the era of Big Data and the Internet of Things. Recently, with advances in communication, sensors, and wearable computing technologies, strong interest has been shown in marketing and retail behavior studies that can capture customer travel data in off-line stores to inform and improve sales and marketing. As the application of off-line store behavior analysis for behavior studies and marketing gains momentum, this paper can be used as a foundation for the development of sensor-based location analysis systems or devices for off-line stores. The focus of this paper is not to investigate customer behavior related to the display change nor the behavioral science related to retail. Rather, we experimentally demonstrate the value of the proposed technology and the process mining technique for future research.

** 使用基于WiFi的室内定位系统在时尚零售店中进行挖掘以发现购物者的路径**

摘要: 我们提供了离线商店中客户路径分析的初步报告。基于智能手机WiFi的定位技术用于识别每个客户的路径行为。使用时空挖掘技术分析包含时空信息的日志数据,可以全面了解整个过程的工具,过程挖掘的主要好处是可以提供过程的拓扑结构,我们在韩国一家时尚品牌的零售店中安装了WiFi信号捕获设备,并收集了在两个月的数据中,在实验阶段的中途,我们将商店入口处显示的一组人体模型换成了一个商品架,然后比较了变更前后客户的路径行为。在过程挖掘中,我们观察到随着显示设置的变化,路径行为的拓扑结构也发生了变化,本文证明了分析的可能性执业者注意-本文的主要目的是证明在大数据时代和之后的今天,基于WiFi的定位技术和分析方法分析室内运动的可能性。物联网。近年来,随着通信,传感器和可穿戴计算技术的进步,对营销和零售行为研究表现出了浓厚的兴趣,这些研究可以捕获离线商店中的客户旅行数据,从而为销售和营销提供信息并改善销售和营销。随着离线商店行为分析在行为研究和市场营销中的应用不断发展,本文可以作为开发基于传感器的离线商店位置分析系统或设备的基础。本文的重点不是调查与展示更改相关的客户行为,也不是调查与零售相关的行为科学。相反,我们通过实验证明了所提出的技术和过程挖掘技术对未来研究的价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TASE.2017.2692961]

[908] Process Model Extension using Heuristics Miner (2016)

(Nur, Bagus and Hidayat, Ali and Kurniati, Angelina Prima | Cyberneticscom 2016 - International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence)

Abstract: Abstract—VINST is a system used to record all activities related to the incident and problem management in Volvo IT Belgium. In this VINST system, activities recorded in several attributes, such as serial number, change date and time, status, and any other attributes needed, which is stored in the event log. In these sequenced activities, there are some specific knowledge that is not explicitly described in the event log. To find some of the necessary knowledge, this study extracts knowledge from the event log, by using process mining. Heuristic miner algorithm was implemented in this study, because this algorithm has advantages compared to other methods, such as the ability to calculate the frequency of the process, to handle noise, and to combine the frequency between events and trace in the event log to build a process model. The steps being taken in this study began with the discovery process, followed by conformance checking, and completed with process model extension in enhancement step, which was finding knowledge based on analysing process model and event log. This study was using a specifically designed program to achieve the goals of this study. This study used VINST incident records with 149 cases consisting of 2.771 events. By applying heuristics miner, a process model discovered with precision, recall, and f-measure more than 96%. Knowledge gained from this process model extension were the analysis of time and organizational perspectives in forms of timestamp-impact attribute relation and originator-impact attribute relation.


摘要: 摘要-VINST是一个系统,用于记录比利时沃尔沃IT中与事件和问题管理相关的所有活动。在此VINST系统中,活动记录在几个属性中,例如序列号,更改日期和时间,状态以及所需的任何其他属性,这些属性存储在事件日志中。在这些顺序的活动中,有一些特定的知识没有在事件日志中明确描述。为了找到一些必要的知识,本研究通过使用过程挖掘从事件日志中提取知识。这项研究中采用了启发式矿工算法,因为与其他方法相比,该算法具有优势,例如能够计算过程的频率,处理噪声以及将事件之间的频率与事件日志中的跟踪结合起来以进行构建过程模型。本研究中采取的步骤从发现过程开始,然后进行一致性检查,并在增强步骤中完成过程模型扩展,即在分析过程模型和事件日志的基础上寻找知识。本研究使用专门设计的程序来实现本研究的目标。本研究使用VINST事件记录,涉及149个案例,包括2.771个事件。通过应用启发式挖掘器,发现了具有超过96%的精度,召回率和f度量的过程模型。从这种过程模型扩展中获得的知识是对时间和组织观点的分析,包括时间戳-影响属性关系和发起者-影响属性关系的形式。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | []

[909] Process and deviation exploration through Alpha-algorithm and Heuristic miner techniques (2015)

(Porouhan, Parham and Jongsawat, Nipat and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In this paper, we applied two methods of process mining techniques (from Discovery class/approach) in order to extract knowledge from event logs recorded by an online information system. The event log was created via information received from an online proceedings review system in Thailand. Accordingly, Alpha and Heuristic algorithms were used with the objective of automatically visualizing the models in terms of Petri nets and animated simulations. The paper eventually aimed at improving the handling of online reviews by providing techniques and tools for discovering process, control, data, organizational, and social structures from the created event log.


摘要: 在本文中,我们应用了两种过程挖掘技术(来自Discovery类/方法),以从在线信息系统记录的事件日志中提取知识。事件日志是通过从泰国的在线程序审查系统收到的信息创建的。因此,使用了Alpha和启发式算法,目的是根据Petri网和动画模拟自动可视化模型。该论文最终旨在通过提供用于从创建的事件日志中发现过程,控制,数据,组织和社会结构的技术和工具来改进在线评论的处理。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2014.7001540]

[910] Process compliance analysis based on behavioural profiles (2011)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Polyvyanyy, Artem and Desai, Nirmit and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process compliance measurement is getting increasing attention in companies due to stricter legal requirements and market pressure for operational excellence. In order to judge on compliance of the business processing, the degree of behavioural deviation of a case, i.e., an observed execution sequence, is quantified with respect to a process model (referred to as fitness, or recall). Recently, different compliance measures have been proposed. Still, nearly all of them are grounded on state-based techniques and the trace equivalence criterion, in particular. As a consequence, these approaches have to deal with the state explosion problem. In this paper, we argue that a behavioural abstraction may be leveraged to measure the compliance of a process log a collection of cases. To this end, we utilise causal behavioural profiles that capture the behavioural characteristics of process models and cases, and can be computed efficiently. We propose different compliance measures based on these profiles, discuss the impact of noise in process logs on our measures, and show how diagnostic information on non-compliance is derived. As a validation, we report on findings of applying our approach in a case study with an international service provider. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 由于更严格的法律要求和追求卓越运营的市场压力,过程合规性度量越来越受到公司的关注。为了判断业务处理的合规性,相对于过程模型(称为适应性或召回性),量化案例的行为偏差程度,即观察到的执行顺序。最近,已经提出了不同的合规措施。尽管如此,几乎所有这些方法都特别基于基于状态的技术,以及痕量等效标准。结果,这些方法必须处理状态爆炸问题。在本文中,我们认为行为抽象可以用来衡量过程日志的合规性。为此,我们利用因果行为特征来捕获流程模型和案例的行为特征,并且可以有效地进行计算。我们根据这些配置文件提出不同的合规性措施,讨论过程日志中的噪声对我们的措施的影响,并说明如何得出有关不合规性的诊断信息。作为验证,我们报告了在与国际服务提供商的案例研究中应用我们的方法的发现。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.04.002]

[911] Process cube for software defect resolution (2014)

(Gupta, Monika and Sureka, Ashish | Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC)

Abstract: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube is a multi-dimensional dataset used for analyzing data in a Data Warehouse (DW) for the purpose of extracting actionable intelligence. Process mining consists of analyzing event log data produced from Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS) for the purpose of discovering and improving business processes. Process cube is a concept which falls at the intersection of OLAP cube and process mining. Process cube facilitates process mining from multiple-dimensions and enables comparison of process mining results across various dimensions. We present an application of process cube to software defect resolution process to analyze and compare process data from a multi-dimensional perspective. We present a framework, a novel perspective to mine software repositories using process cube. Each cell of process cube is defined by metrics from multiple process mining perspectives like control flow, time, conformance and organizational perspective. We conduct a case-study on Google Chromium project data in which the software defect resolution process spans three software repositories: Issue Tracking System (ITS), Peer Code Review System (PCR) and Version Control System (VCS). We define process cube with 9 dimensions as issue report timestamp, priority, state, closed status, OS, component, bug type, reporter and owner. We define hierarchies along various dimensions and cluster members to handle sparsity. We apply OLAP cube operations such as slice, dice, roll-up and drill-down, and create materialized sublog for each cell. We demonstrate the solution approach by discovering process map and compare process mining results from control flow and time perspective for Performance and Security issues.


摘要: 在线分析处理(OLAP)多维数据集是多维数据集,用于分析数据仓库(DW)中的数据,以提取可操作的情报。流程挖掘包括分析从流程意识信息系统(PAIS)产生的事件日志数据,以发现和改进业务流程。流程多维数据集是一个概念,它属于OLAP多维数据集与流程挖掘的交集。流程多维数据集有助于从多个维度进行流程挖掘,并能够比较各个维度上的流程挖掘结果。我们提出了过程多维数据集在软件缺陷解决过程中的应用,以便从多维角度分析和比较过程数据。我们提出了一个框架,这是一个使用过程多维数据集挖掘软件存储库的新颖视角。流程多维数据集的每个单元都是从多个流程挖掘角度(例如控制流,时间,一致性和组织角度)通过度量定义的。我们对Google Chromium项目数据进行了案例研究,其中软件缺陷解决过程涵盖了三个软件存储库:问题跟踪系统(ITS),对等代码查看系统(PCR)和版本控制系统(VCS)。我们将流程多维数据集定义为9个维度,分别是问题报告时间戳,优先级,状态,关闭状态,操作系统,组件,错误类型,报告者和所有者。我们定义沿各个维度的层次结构和集群成员以处理稀疏性。我们应用OLAP多维数据集操作,例如切片,切块,上滚和下钻,并为每个单元格创建物化子日志。我们通过发现过程图并从控制流和时间的角度比较过程挖掘结果中的性能和安全性问题来演示解决方案方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/APSEC.2014.45]

[912] Process diagnostics using trace alignment: Opportunities, issues, and challenges (2012)

(Jagadeesh Chandra Bose | Information Systems)

Abstract: Business processes leave trails in a variety of data sources (e.g., audit trails, databases, and transaction logs). Hence, every process instance can be described by a trace, i.e., a sequence of events. Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from such traces and provide a welcome extension to the repertoire of business process analysis techniques. Recently, process mining techniques have been adopted in various commercial BPM systems (e.g., BPM|one, Futura Reflect, ARIS PPM, Fujitsu Interstage, Businesscape, Iontas PDF, and QPR PA). Unfortunately, traditional process discovery algorithms have problems dealing with less structured processes. The resulting models are difficult to comprehend or even misleading. Therefore, we propose a new approach based on trace alignment. The goal is to align traces in such a way that event logs can be explored easily. Trace alignment can be used to explore the process in the early stages of analysis and to answer specific questions in later stages of analysis. Hence, it complements existing process mining techniques focusing on discovery and conformance checking. The proposed techniques have been implemented as plugins in the ProM framework. We report the results of trace alignment on one synthetic and two real-life event logs, and show that trace alignment has significant promise in process diagnostic efforts. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


摘要: 业务流程会在各种数据源中留下线索(例如,审计线索,数据库和交易日志)。因此,每个过程实例都可以通过跟踪(即事件序列)来描述。流程挖掘技术能够从此类痕迹中提取知识,并为业务流程分析技术的范围提供了一个受欢迎的扩展。近年来,过程挖掘技术已在各种商业BPM系统中采用(例如BPM | one,Futura Reflect,ARIS PPM,Fujitsu Interstage,Businesscape,Iontas PDF和QPR PA)。不幸的是,传统的流程​​发现算法在处理结构化程度较低的流程时存在问题。生成的模型很难理解甚至会产生误导。因此,我们提出了一种基于迹线对齐的新方法。目的是使跟踪对齐,以便可以轻松浏览事件日志。迹线对齐可用于在分析的早期阶段探索过程,并在分析的后期阶段回答特定问题。因此,它补充了专注于发现和一致性检查的现有过程挖掘技术。所提出的技术已作为ProM框架中的插件实现。我们在一个合成事件日志和两个实际事件日志中报告了跟踪对齐的结果,并表明跟踪对齐在过程诊断工作中具有重大前景。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2011.08.003]

[913] Process diagnostics: A method based on process mining (2009)

(Bozkaya, Melike and Gabriels, Joost and Van Der Werf | Proceedings - International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, eKNOW 2009)

Abstract: As organizations change, their information systems can evolve from simple systems to complex systems, which are hard to understand, and therefore hard to maintain or extend. Process mining can help organizations in trying to understand the information systems by analyzing the system. In this paper we propose a methodology to perform process diagnostics, based on process mining. Given an event log of an information system within an organization, process diagnostics gives a broad overview of the organizations process(es) within a short period of time. In the process diagnostics methodology, several perspectives of the process are highlighted. The outcome covers the control flow perspective, the performance perspective and the organizational perspective. We used the methodology on a case study for a Dutch governmental organization. Index Terms-process management, process analysis, process mining, information system design textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 随着组织的变化,他们的信息系统可能会从简单的系统演变为难以理解的复杂系统,因此难以维护或扩展。过程挖掘可以通过分析系统来帮助组织尝试理解信息系统。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘的方法来进行过程诊断,给定组织中信息系统的事件日志,过程诊断可以在很短的时间内对组织的过程进行广泛的概述。过程诊断方法论,突出了过程的几个方面,结果涵盖了控制流的观点,绩效的观点和组织的观点;我们将该方法用于荷兰政府组织的案例研究中。 ,过程挖掘,信息系统设计 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/eKNOW.2009.29]

[914] Process discovery algorithms using numerical abstract domains (2014)

(Carmona, Josep and Cortadella, Jordi | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: The discovery of process models from event logs has emerged as one of the crucial problems for enabling the continuous support in the life-cycle of an information system. However, in a decade of process discovery research, the algorithms and tools that have appeared are known to have strong limitations in several dimensions. The size of the logs and the formal properties of the model discovered are the two main challenges nowadays. In this paper we propose the use of numerical abstract domains for tackling these two problems, for the particular case of the discovery of Petri nets. First, numerical abstract domains enable the discovery of general process models, requiring no knowledge (e.g., the bound of the Petri net to derive) for the discovery algorithm. Second, by using divide and conquer techniques we are able to control the size of the process discovery problems. The methods proposed in this paper have been implemented in a prototype tool and experiments are reported illustrating the significance of this fresh view of the process discovery problem.


摘要: 从事件日志中发现过程模型已经成为在信息系统的生命周期中实现持续支持的关键问题之一。但是,在十年的过程发现研究中,已知已出现的算法和工具在几个方面都具有强大的局限性。日志的大小和所发现模型的形式属性是当今的两个主要挑战。在本文中,我们建议使用数字抽象域来解决这两个问题,尤其是在发现Petri网的情况下。首先,数字抽象域使得能够发现通用过程模型,而对于发现算法则不需要任何知识(例如,要导出的Petri网的界限)。其次,通过使用分而治之技术,我们能够控制过程发现问题的规模。本文提出的方法已在原型工具中实现,并进行了实验报告,说明了这种全新的过程发现问题的重要性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2013.156]

[915] Process discovery from event stream data in the cloud - A scalable, distributed implementation of the flexible heuristics miner on the amazon kinesis cloud infrastructure (2016)

(Evermann, Joerg and Rehse, Jana Rebecca and Fettke, Peter | Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom)

Abstract: Cloud computing offers readily available, scalable infrastructure to tackle problems involving high data volume and velocity. Discovering processes from event streams, especially when the business processes execute in a cloud environment, is such a problem. Event stream data is generated rapidly with varying volume and must be processed on-the-fly, making stream processing an important use case for cloud computing. This paper describes a distributed, streaming implementation of the flexible heuristics miner on Amazon Kinesis, a cloud-based event stream infrastructure, showing how mining methods can scale effortlessly to tens of millions of events per minute.


摘要: 云计算提供了现成的,可扩展的基础架构,以解决涉及高数据量和高速度的问题。从事件流中发现流程,尤其是当业务流程在云环境中执行时,是一个问题。事件流数据以不同的数量快速生成,并且必须即时进行处理,这使得流处理成为云计算的重要用例。本文介绍了基于云的事件流基础架构Amazon Kinesis上的灵活启发式挖掘器的分布式流式实现,展示了挖掘方法如何轻松地扩展到每分钟数千万个事件。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0111]


[916] Process discovery in event logs: An application in the telecom industry (2011)

(Goedertier, Stijn and De Weerdt | Applied Soft Computing Journal)

Abstract: The abundant availability of data is typical for information-intensive organizations. Usually, discerning knowledge from vast amounts of data is a challenge. Similarly, discovering business process models from information system event logs is definitely non-trivial. Within the analysis of event logs, process discovery, which can be defined as the automated construction of structured process models from such event logs, is an important learning task. However, the discovery of these processes poses many challenges. First of all, human-centric processes are likely to contain a lot of noise as people deviate from standard procedures. Other challenges are the discovery of so-called non-local, non-free choice constructs, duplicate activities, incomplete event logs and the inclusion of prior knowledge. In this paper, we present an empirical evaluation of three state-of-the-art process discovery techniques: Genetic Miner, AGNEs and HeuristicsMiner. Although the detailed empirical evaluation is the main contribution of this paper to the literature, an in-depth discussion of a number of different evaluation metrics for process discovery techniques and a thorough discussion of the validity issue are key contributions as well. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 数据的大量可用性对于信息密集型组织来说是典型的。通常,从大量数据中识别知识是一个挑战。同样,从信息系统事件日志中发现业务流程模型绝对不是一件容易的事。在事件日志的分析中,过程发现是一项重要的学习任务,过程发现可以定义为根据此类事件日志自动构建结构化过程模型。然而,发现这些过程提出了许多挑战。首先,随着人们偏离标准程序,以人为中心的过程可能会包含很多噪音。其他挑战是发现所谓的非本地,非自由选择的构造,重复的活动,不完整的事件日志以及包括先验知识。在本文中,我们对三种最新的过程发现技术进行了实证评估:Genetic Miner,AGNE和HeuristicsMiner。尽管详细的经验评估是本文对文献的主要贡献,但对过程发现技术的许多不同评估指标的深入讨论以及对有效性问题的深入讨论也是关键贡献。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.asoc.2010.04.025]

[917] Process discovery under precedence constraints (2015)

(Greco, Gianluigi and Guzzo, Antonella and Lupia, Francesco and Pontieri, Luigi | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data)

Abstract: Process discovery has emerged as a powerful approach to support the analysis and the design of complex processes. It consists of analyzing a set of traces registering the sequence of tasks performed along several enactments of a transactional system, in order to build a process model that can explain all the episodes recorded over them. An approach to accomplish this task is presented that can benefit from the background knowledge that, in many cases, is available to the analysts taking care of the process (re-)design. The approach is based on encoding the information gathered from the log and the (possibly) given background knowledge in terms of precedence constraints, that is, of constraints over the topology of the resulting process models. Mining algorithms are eventually formulated in terms of reasoning problems over precedence constraints, and the computational complexity of such problems is thoroughly analyzed by tracing their tractability frontier. Solution algorithms are proposed and their properties analyzed. These algorithms have been implemented in a prototype system, and results of a thorough experimental activity are discussed.


摘要: 过程发现已经成为支持复杂过程的分析和设计的强大方法。它包括分析一组跟踪记录一系列事务系统执行的任务序列的痕迹,以便建立可以解释记录在它们上面的所有情节的过程模型。提出了一种完成此任务的方法,该方法可从许多情况下可供负责分析(重新)设计的分析人员使用的背景知识中受益。该方法基于对从日志和(可能)给定的背景知识中收集的信息进行编码的优先顺序约束,即对所得过程模型的拓扑结构的约束。最终根据优先约束条件下的推理问题制定了挖掘算法,并通过追踪其易处理性边界全面分析了此类问题的计算复杂性。提出了求解算法并分析了它们的性质。这些算法已在原型系统中实现,并讨论了全面实验活动的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2710020]

[918] Process discovery using ant colony optimization (2013)

(Chinces, Diana and Salomie, Ioan | Proceedings - 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2013)

Abstract: This paper proposes ACO BP Miner, a novel method used to discover business process models from event logs using an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. ACO concepts are mapped to process model elements for enabling artificial ants to discover business process models that correctly correspond to the event logs. The process model discovered by ACO BP Miner is represented as a BPMN diagram 12. The results are presented as a side by side comparison between the ACO BP Miner and the Genetic Miner 10. ?? 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 本文提出了ACO BP Miner,这是一种使用蚁群优化(ACO)算法从事件日志中发现业务流程模型的新颖方法。 ACO概念被映射到流程模型元素,以使人工蚂蚁能够发现与事件日志正确对应的业务流程模型。由ACO BP Miner发现的过程模型表示为BPMN图12。结果作为ACO BP矿机和遗传矿机10的并排比较呈现。 ?? 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSCS.2013.19]

[919] Process discovery: Capturing the invisible (2010)

(Van De Aalst | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine)

Abstract: Processes are everywhere. Organizations have business processes to manufacture products, provide services, purchase goods, handle applications, etc. Also in our daily lives we are involved in a variety of processes, for example when we use our car or when we book a trip via the Internet. Although such operational processes are omnipresent, they are at the same time intangible. Unlike a product or a piece of data, processes are less concrete because of their dynamic nature. However, more and more information about these processes is captured in the form of event logs. Contemporary systems ranging from copiers and medical devices to enterprise information systems and cloud infrastructures record events. These events can be used to make processes visible. Using process mining techniques it is possible to discover processes. This provides the insights necessary to manage, control, and improve processes. Process mining has been successfully applied in a variety of domains ranging from healthcare and e-business to high-tech systems and auditing. Despite these successes, there are still many challenges as process discovery shows that the real processes are more spaghetti-like than people like to think. It is still very difficult to capture the complex reality in a suitable model. Given the nature of these challenges, techniques originating from Computational Intelligence may assist in the discovery of complex processes. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 过程无处不在。组织具有制造产品,提供服务,购买商品,处理应用程序等的业务流程。在我们的日常生活中,我们还涉及各种流程,例如,当我们使用汽车或通过互联网预订旅行时。尽管这种操作过程无处不在,但同时却是无形的。与产品或数据不同,流程因其动态性质而不太具体。但是,有关这些过程的越来越多的信息是以事件日志的形式捕获的。从复印机和医疗设备到企业信息系统和云基础架构的现代系统都记录事件。这些事件可用于使过程可见。使用过程挖掘技术可以发现过程。这提供了管理,控制和改进流程所必需的见解。流程挖掘已成功应用于从医疗保健和电子商务到高科技系统和审计的各个领域。尽管取得了这些成功,但过程发现表明实际过程比人们想像的更像意大利面条,仍然存在许多挑战。在合适的模型中捕获复杂的现实仍然非常困难。考虑到这些挑战的性质,源自计算智能的技术可能有助于发现复杂的过程。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MCI.2009.935307]

[920] Process mining and hierarchical clustering to help intrusion alert visualization (2018)

(de Alvarenga, Sean Carlisto and Barbon, Sylvio and Miani, Rodrigo Sanches and Cukier, Michel and Zarpel~ao, Bruno Bogaz | Computers and Security)

Abstract: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are extensively used as one of the lines of defense of a network to prevent and mitigate the risks caused by security breaches. IDS provide information about the intrusive activities on a network through alerts, which security analysts manually evaluate to execute an intrusion response plan. However, one of the downsides of IDS is the large amount of alerts they raise, which makes the manual investigation of alerts a burdensome and error-prone task. In this work, we propose an approach to facilitate the investigation of huge amounts of intrusion alerts. The approach applies process mining techniques on alerts to extract information regarding the attackers behavior and the multi-stage attack strategies they adopted. The strategies are presented to the network administrator in friendly high-level visual models. Large and visually complex models that are difficult to understand are clustered into smaller, simpler and intuitive models using hierarchical clustering techniques. To evaluate the proposed approach, a real dataset of alerts from a large public University in the United States was used. We find that security visualization models created with process mining and hierarchical clustering are able to condense a huge number of alerts and provide insightful information for network/IDS administrators. For instance, by analyzing the models generated during the case study, network administrators could find out important details about the attack strategies such as attack frequencies and targeted network services.


摘要: 入侵检测系统(IDS)被广泛用作网络的防御线之一,以预防和减轻由安全漏洞引起的风险。 IDS通过警报提供有关网络上入侵活动的信息,安全分析人员可以手动评估警报以执行入侵响应计划。但是,IDS的缺点之一是它们发出大量警报,这使得对警报进行手动调查成为一项繁重且容易出错的任务。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种有助于调查大量入侵警报的方法。该方法将过程挖掘技术应用于警报,以提取有关攻击者行为及其所采用的多阶段攻击策略的信息。这些策略以友好的高级视觉模型呈现给网络管理员。使用分层聚类技术,将难以理解的大型且外观复杂的模型聚类为更小,更简单和直观的模型。为了评估提出的方法,使用了来自美国大型公立大学的警报的真实数据集。我们发现,使用流程挖掘和层次化集群创建的安全可视化模型能够压缩大量警报,并为网络/ IDS管理员提供有洞察力的信息。例如,通过分析案例研究期间生成的模型,网络管理员可以找到有关攻击策略的重要细节,例如攻击频率和目标网络服务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.cose.2017.11.021]

[921] Process mining and practical usage (2015)

(Tadanai, Ondrej and Tanuska, Pavol | INES 2015 - IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper is devoted to an introduction to Process Mining, describes the basic algorithms and the link between Data Mining and Process Mining. It also describes the connection Process Mining and practical usage.


摘要: 本文专门介绍过程挖掘,描述了基本算法以及数据挖掘和过程挖掘之间的联系。它还描述了连接过程挖掘和实际用法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/INES.2015.7329758]

[922] Process mining and security: Detecting anomalous process executions and checking process conformance (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science)

Abstract: One approach to secure systems is through the analysis of audit trails. An audit trail is a record of all events that take place in a system and across a network, i.e., it provides a trace of user/system actions so that security events can be related to the actions of a specific individual or system component. Audit trails can be inspected for the presence or absence of certain patterns. This paper advocates the use of process mining techniques to analyze audit trails for security violations. It is shown how a specific algorithm, called the alphaalpha-algorithm, can be used to support security efforts at various levels ranging from low-level intrusion detection to high-level fraud prevention. textcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 保护系统安全的一种方法是通过分析审计跟踪。审核跟踪是对系统中和整个网络中发生的所有事件的记录,即它提供了用户/系统操作的跟踪,因此安全事件可以与特定个人或系统组件的操作相关。可以检查审计跟踪是否存在某些模式。本文提倡使用流程挖掘技术来分析安全违规的审计线索。显示了如何使用称为$ alpha $-算法的特定算法来支持从低级别入侵检测到高级别欺诈预防的各个级别的安全性工作。 t​​extcopyright 2005 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.entcs.2004.10.013]

[923] Process mining application for discovering student learning paths (2018)

(Intayoad, Wacharawan and Kamyod, Chayapol and Temdee, Punnarumol | 3rd International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology, ICDAMT 2018)

Abstract: Personalized learning has been gaining attention in the research area of online learning systems to enhance learning process efficiency. Several studies have been successfully used educational data mining to discover insight knowledge to improve personalized learning. However, educational data mining is a data-centric analysis, the visual presentation of the learning process from the start to the end is still absent as well as the learning process variants. The objective of this study is to enhance personalized learning by extracting learning process models from student groups who have different learning backgrounds. We proposed a method to analyze event logs from real-world educational data which has a high degree of dynamic and complexity. The process mining is the basis for the purposed method. The interquartile range method is applied to eliminate outliers from event logs. And heuristics miner is used for extracting the learning process models. The result of the proposed method provides visual presentations of actual learning process models and variants from different groups of students.


摘要: 个性化学习已在在线学习系统的研究领域中得到关注,以提高学习过程的效率。数项研究已成功地用于教育数据挖掘,以发现洞察力知识,从而改善个性化学习。但是,教育数据挖掘是一种以数据为中心的分析,从开始到结束,仍然缺少对学习过程的直观展示,以及学习过程的变体。这项研究的目的是通过从具有不同学习背景的学生群体中提取学习过程模型来增强个性化学习。我们提出了一种从现实世界的教育数据中分析事件日志的方法,该方法具有高度的动态性和复杂性。流程挖掘是目标方法的基础。四分位间距方法适用于从事件日志中消除异常值。启发式挖掘器用于提取学习过程模型。所提出的方法的结果提供了来自不同学生群体的实际学习过程模型和变体的可视化表示。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDAMT.2018.8376527]

[924] Process mining applied to the test process of wafer scanners in ASML (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and de Jong, Ivo S.M. and Gunther, C. W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews)

Abstract: Process mining techniques attempt to extract nontrivial and useful information from event logs. For example, there are many process mining techniques to automatically discover a process model describing the causal dependencies between activities. Several successful case studies have been reported in literature, all demonstrating the applicability of process mining. However, these case studies refer to rather structured administrative processes. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of process mining to less structured processes. We report on a case study where the process mining (ProM) framework has been applied to the test processes of ASML (the leading manufacturer of wafer scanners in the world).This case study provides many interesting insights. On the one hand, process mining is also applicable to the less structured processes of ASML. On the other hand, the case study also shows the need for alternative mining approaches. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术试图从事件日志中提取非平凡和有用的信息。例如,有许多过程挖掘技术可以自动发现描述活动之间因果关系的过程模型。文献中已经报道了一些成功的案例研究,所有这些案例研究都证明了过程挖掘的适用性。但是,这些案例研究涉及相当结构化的行政流程。在本文中,我们研究了流程挖掘在结构化程度较低的流程中的适用性。我们报告了一个案例研究,其中将过程挖掘(ProM)框架应用于ASML(世界领先的晶圆扫描仪制造商)的测试过程中,该案例研究提供了许多有趣的见解。一方面,过程挖掘还适用于ASML的结构化程度较低的过程。另一方面,案例研究也表明了对替代采矿方法的需求。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

[下载地址](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5217379/ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4806028/) | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCC.2009.2014169]

[925] Process mining approach based on partial structures of event logs and decision tree learning (2016)

(Horita, Hiroki and Hirayama, Hideaki and Hayase, Takeo and Tahara, Yasuyuki and Ohsuga, Akihiko | Proceedings - 2016 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAI-AAI 2016)

Abstract: Process mining techniques are able to improve processes by extracting knowledge from event logs commonly available in todays information systems. In the area, it is important to verify whether business goals can be satisfied. LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) verification is an important means for checking the goals automatically and exhaustively. However, writing formal language like LTL is difficult, and the properties by which the users intentions are not reflected sufficiently have bad influence on the verification results. Therefore, it is needed to help writing correct LTL formula for users who do not have sufficient domain knowledge and knowledge of mathematical logic. We propose an approach for goal achievement prediction based on decision tree learning. It is conducted focusing on partial structures represented as event order relations of each trace. The proposed technique is evaluated on a phone repair process log.


摘要: 流程挖掘技术能够通过从当今信息系统中普遍可用的事件日志中提取知识来改善流程。在该地区,验证是否可以满足业务目标非常重要。LTL(线性时态逻辑)验证是一种重要手段但是,由于难以编写正式的语言,如LTL,难以充分反映用户意图的属性对验证结果有不良影响,因此需要帮助编写正确的LTL公式。对于没有足够领域知识和数学逻辑知识的用户,我们提出了一种基于决策树学习的目标成就预测方法,针对表示为每条轨迹的事件顺序关系的部分结构进行了评估。电话维修过程日志。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2016.174]

[926] Process mining approach for efficient utilization of resources in a hospital (2018)

(Ganesha, K. and Swapnil Raj | Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS 2017)

Abstract: This research study explores into a way to find potential efficiency gains in healthcare sector by analyzing how they are carried out in the past and then investigating better ways of implementing them by considering the factors like time, cost and resource utilization. To achieve competitive advantage in healthcare centers the bottlenecks in their treatments should be find out and required fitness need to be implemented. The fitness of the process model can be understood by using event log with Petrinet called conformance checking and enhancement of the model by understanding the deviations and time intervals and propose a best fit model for the future implementation in a hospital for the best and effective utilization of the physical resources and try to reduce the waiting time of the patient.


摘要: 这项研究通过探索过去的执行方式,然后考虑时间,成本和资源利用等因素,研究了实现这些目标的最佳途径,从而找到了在医疗保健领域潜在的效率提高的方法。为了在医疗中心获得竞争优势,应该找出其治疗的瓶颈,并需要实施所需的健身措施。可以通过将事件日志与Petrinet一起使用来了解过程模型的适用性,这称为一致性检查,通过了解偏差和时间间隔来增强模型,并为医院的未来实施提出最佳拟合模型,以最佳有效地利用该模型。物理资源并尝试减少患者的等待时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIIECS.2017.8275886]

[927] Process mining based modeling and analysis of workflows in clinical care - A case study in a chicago outpatient clinic (2014)

(Zhou, Zhichao and Wang, Yong and Li, Lin | Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2014)

Abstract: The United States currently spends over 17% of its gross domestic product on healthcare and this expenditure will continue to rise in the next few decades. Improving the performance and the efficiency of the United States healthcare system is of practical value to lowering such expenditure. Discrete event modeling, which can capture the complex behaviors of healthcare systems and provide statistical estimations of what if scenarios, is one of the most powerful and cost-effective methods for healthcare system improvement. It involves creating an abstract-level workflow model with an accurate view of the patient flow while considering the dynamic nature of healthcare processes. In this paper, an outpatient clinic in Chicago, Illinois, USA, is used as a case study to illustrate a process mining based method for healthcare processes management and improvement. This method is able to discover meaningful knowledge, i.e., the workflow, of the clinical care processes by mining event logs. Based on the results from process mining, a discrete event simulation model is proposed to quantitatively analyze the clinical center. Sensitivity analyses have also been carried out to investigate the care activities with limited resources such as doctors and nurses. The results suggest that this methodology is a useful and flexible tool for healthcare process performance improvement. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 美国目前将其国内生产总值(GDP)的17%以上用于医疗保健,在接下来的几十年中,这一支出将继续增加。提高美国医疗保健系统的性能和效率对降低此类支出具有实际价值。离散事件建模可以捕获医疗保健系统的复杂行为并提供假设情况的统计估计,是改善医疗保健系统的最强大且最具成本效益的方法之一,它涉及创建抽象级工作流模型本文以美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的门诊为例,说明了基于过程挖掘的医疗过程管理和改进方法该方法能够通过挖掘事件日志来发现临床护理过程的有意义的知识,即工作流程。基于过程挖掘的结果,提出了一种离散事件仿真模型来定量分析临床中心。还进行了敏感性分析,以调查有限资源(例如医生和护士)的护理活动。结果表明,该方法学是改善医疗保健过程性能的有用且灵活的工具。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICNSC.2014.6819692]

[928] Process mining based on improved hybrid genetic algorithm (2014)

(Zhou, Yixuan and Ye, Xiaohu and Xue, Gang | 2013 IEEE Conference Anthology, ANTHOLOGY 2013)

Abstract: Facing with the typical problems on the business process mining genetic algorithm, a process mining approach based on hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed. The causal matrix is brought as the internal representation of individuals of the improved algorithm, and the reasonable fitness functions is proposed. To verify the performance, experiments are conducted in the process mining framework. The result is expressed in terms of Petri net. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 面对业务流程挖掘遗传算法的典型问题,提出了一种基于混合遗传算法的流程挖掘方法。引入因果矩阵作为改进算法个体的内部表示,并提出合理的适应度函数。为了验证性能,在过程挖掘框架中进行了实验。结果用Petri网表示。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ANTHOLOGY.2013.6784981]

[929] Process mining based on regions of languages (2007)

(Bergenthum, Robin and Desel, Jorg and Lorenz, Robert and Mauser, Sebastian | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: In this paper we give an overview, how to apply region based methods for the synthesis of Petri nets from languages to process mining. The research domain of process mining aims at constructing a process model from an event log, such that the process model can reproduce the log, and does not allow for much more behaviour than shown in the log. We here consider Petri nets to represent process models. Event logs can be interpreted as finite languages. Region based synthesis methods can be used to construct a Petri net from a language generating the minimal net behaviour including the given language. Therefore, it seems natural to apply such memods in the process mining domain. There are several different region based methods in literature yielding different Petri nets. We adapt these memods to the process mining domain and compare them concerning efficiency and usefulness of the resulting Petri net. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


摘要: 在本文中,我们概述了如何将基于区域的方法用于从语言合成Petri网络的过程挖掘中。流程挖掘的研究领域旨在根据事件日志构造流程模型,以便流程模型可以重现日志,并且不允许行为多于日志中显示的行为。我们在这里考虑Petri网来表示过程模型。事件日志可以解释为有限的语言。基于区域的合成方法可用于从生成包括给定语言在内的最小网络行为的语言构造Petri网络。因此,将此类备忘应用于流程挖掘领域似乎很自然。文献中有几种不同的基于区域的方法产生不同的Petri网。我们将这些备忘修改为过程挖掘领域,并就生成的Petri网的效率和实用性进行比较。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2007。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-75183-0_27]

[930] Process mining based on specification slicing for dynamic reconfiguration (2009)

(Baek, Su Jin and Kim, Jinhyang and Song, Young Jae | Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2009)

Abstract: Companies faced with rapid changes in market environment and uncertain demands of consumers are actively making investments in the information system and it is expediting the growth of the market for workflow which automates the work process. The concept of workflow mining is required for designing and supporting the business process focusing on productivity enhancement. The existing workflow mining technology was designed to extract business process redesign information from simple database fields or create a process model by collecting, identifying, and analyzing log information from the system that it could not be dynamically reconfigured by exploring the process flow suitable for new requests made on business process. This study suggests data extraction algorithm helpful to dynamic reconfiguration by analyzing semantic relationship based on specification slicing technique so that the new service requests given by the user are dynamically reflected in the initial workflow scenario without interrupting the workflow service in operations.


摘要: 面对市场环境的快速变化和消费者的不确定性需求的公司正在积极地对信息系统进行投资,并且正在加快使工作流程自动化的工作流市场的增长。工作流挖掘的概念是设计和支持以提高生产力为重点的业务流程所必需的。现有的工作流挖掘技术旨在从简单的数据库字段中提取业务流程重新设计信息,或者通过收集,识别和分析来自系统的日志信息(通过探索适合于新请求的流程流无法动态重新配置)的日志信息来创建流程模型。在业务流程上进行。这项研究提出了一种数据提取算法,该数据提取算法通过基于规范切片技术分析语义关系,有助于动态重新配置,从而使用户给出的新服务请求动态地反映在初始工作流场景中,而不会中断操作中的工作流服务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICCSA.2009.21]


[931] Process mining for alarm rationalization and fault patterns identification (2012)

(Kondo, Ricardo E. and De F. R. Loures | IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA)

Abstract: Industries in general need a reliable system for fault identification and alarm management that operators take effective actions to minimize losses and re-establish the normal condition of the processes. A proposal on alarm rationalization is presented, according to the alarm lifecycle management model suggested by the ANSI/ISA-18 standard and based on a process mining technique. It is investigated the applicability of process mining technique for the identification of abnormal behaviors in order to improve an alarm system through its rationalization. Preliminaries results from simulation studies have demonstrated the feasibility of the present proposal. The results show that the use of the process mining technique can provide support on the alarms rationalization. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 工业通常需要可靠的系统来进行故障识别和警报管理,操作员应采取有效措施以最大程度地减少损失并恢复过程的正常状态。根据ANSI / ISA-18标准提出的警报生命周期管理模型,并基于过程挖掘技术,提出了有关警报合理化的建议。研究了过程挖掘技术在识别异常行为方面的适用性,以通过合理化改进警报系统。模拟研究的初步结果证明了本建议的可行性。结果表明,使用过程挖掘技术可以为警报合理化提供支持。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ETFA.2012.6489695]

[932] Process mining for clinical pathway: Literature review and future directions (2014)

(Yang, Wei and Su, Qiang | )

Abstract: —Clinical pathway (CP) is a tool to improve service quality and efficiency of the medical institutions. However, most of the clinical pathways designed with the traditional methods are static and non-adaptive. Recently, the process mining techniques are receiving increasing attentions. It can not only help the clinical pathways designers to discover the sequence of activities, but also provide execution information for analyzing variances and correcting design errors. In this article, first, a literature review is presented. In the analysis of 37 studies from the period 2004–2013, three research aspects (process discovery for clinical pathways design, variants analysis and control, continuous evaluation and improvement) are explored, and the weaknesses of the methods are analyzed. It is found that the mining algorithms developed are not efficient enough to deal with the unstructured processes, the models obtained cannot give a good explanation of the variants, and the lack of systemic thinking makes the improvement process of CP very tedious. Based on the analysis, finally, four key trends are identified: (1) further analysis of the variants, (2) integrated process management, (3) customization and (4) self-learning improvement of the clinical pathway.


摘要: -临床途径(CP)是一种提高医疗机构服务质量和效率的工具。但是,使用传统方法设计的大多数临床途径都是静态的和非自适应的。最近,过程挖掘技术越来越受到关注。它不仅可以帮助临床途径设计者发现活动的顺序,还可以提供执行信息以分析差异并纠正设计错误。本文首先介绍了文献综述。在对2004年至2013年期间的37项研究进行的分析中,探索了三个研究方面(临床途径设计的过程发现,变体分析和控制,持续评估和改进),并分析了这些方法的不足。结果发现,开发的挖掘算法不足以处理非结构化过程,所获得的模型不能很好地解释变量,并且缺乏系统的思想使CP的改进过程非常繁琐。最后,在分析的基础上,确定了四个关键趋势:(1)对变体的进一步分析;(2)集成过程管理;(3)定制化;(4)临床途径的自学改进。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/icsssm.2014.6943412]

[933] Process mining for clinical processes: A comparative analysis of four australian hospitals (2015)

(Partington, Andrew and Wynn, Moe and Suriadi, Suriadi and Ouyang, Chun and Karnon, Jonathan | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Business process analysis and process mining, particularly within the health care domain, remain underutilized. Applied research that employs such techniques to routinely collected health care data enables stakeholders to empirically investigate care as it is delivered by different health providers. However, crossorganizational mining and the comparative analysis of processes present a set of unique challenges in terms of ensuring population and activity comparability, visualizing the mined models, and interpreting the results. Without addressing these issues, health providers will find it difficult to use process mining insights, and the potential benefits of evidence-based process improvement within health will remain unrealized. In this article, we present a brief introduction on the nature of health care processes, a review of process mining in health literature, and a case study conducted to explore and learn how health care data and crossorganizational comparisons with process-mining techniques may be approached. The case study applies process-mining techniques to administrative and clinical data for patients who present with chest pain symptoms at one of four public hospitals in South Australia. We demonstrate an approach that provides detailed insights into clinical (quality of patient health) and fiscal (hospital budget) pressures in the delivery of health care. We conclude by discussing the key lessons learned from our experience in conducting business process analysis and process mining based on the data from four different hospitals.


摘要: 业务流程分析和流程挖掘,尤其是在医疗保健领域,仍未得到充分利用。应用此类技术定期收集医疗保健数据的应用研究使利益相关者能够对由不同医疗提供者提供的医疗保健进行经验调查。但是,跨组织挖掘和流程的比较分析在确保人口和活动可比性,可视化挖掘的模型以及解释结果方面提出了一系列独特的挑战。如果不解决这些问题,健康提供者将很难使用过程挖掘的见解,并且在健康中基于证据的过程改进的潜在好处将仍然无法实现。在本文中,我们对卫生保健过程的性质进行了简要介绍,对卫生文献中的过程挖掘进行了回顾,并进行了案例研究,以探索和学习如何利用过程采矿技术来获取卫生保健数据和跨组织比较。该案例研究将过程挖掘技术应用于在南澳大利亚的四家公立医院之一中出现胸痛症状的患者的管理和临床数据。我们演示了一种方法,该方法可提供有关提供医疗服务的临床(患者健康质量)和财政(医院预算)压力的详细信息。最后,我们将讨论从我们在基于四家不同医院的数据进行业务流程分析和流程挖掘的经验中学到的关键教训。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2629446]

[934] Process mining for clinical workflows (2016)

(Garg, Neha and Agarwal, Sonali | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: In current scenario healthcare organization and their services are concerned for everyone. Healthcare organizations are continuously upgrading their work practices and standards for better quality. It involves controlling and monitoring of several healthcare processes or careflows which is identified as recent research area for effective utilization of healthcare resources and better satisfaction for stakeholders. For this, it is important to have correct view of care flows inside the hospital because in a hospital environment, the processes show a complex and dynamic behavior, which is difficult to control. Process mining is an emerging research area use to monitoring and controlling of set of processes for better understanding and effective utilization of organization resources. In this paper, we applied some of the process mining techniques with the help of petri net on the real time data of a private community hospital to get meaningful information and knowledge about these flow, for example discover paths followed by particular groups of patients. Basically we analyzed the control flow perspective of process mining. By using a process mining technique this paper has analyzed the healthcare data and the ongoing processes.


摘要: 在当前情况下,医疗保健组织及其服务受到每个人的关注。医疗保健组织正在不断提高其工作实践和标准,以提高质量。它涉及控制和监视多个医疗流程或护理流程,这些流程或护理流程被确定为有效利用医疗资源并提高利益相关者满意度的最新研究领域。为此,正确了解医院内部的护理流程很重要,因为在医院环境中,流程显示出复杂且动态的行为,难以控制。流程挖掘是新兴的研究领域,用于监视和控制流程集,以更好地了解和有效利用组织资源。在本文中,我们在Petri网的帮助下将某些过程挖掘技术应用于私人社区医院的实时数据,以获取有关这些流程的有意义的信息和知识,例如发现特定患者群体所遵循的路径。基本上,我们分析了过程挖掘的控制流观点。通过使用过程挖掘技术,本文分析了医疗保健数据和正在进行的过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2979779.2979784]

[935] Process mining for healthcare process analytics (2017)

(Erdogan, Tugba and Tarhan, Ayca | Proceedings - 26th International Workshop on Software Measurement, IWSM 2016 and the 11th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Mensura 2016)

Abstract: Process mining (PM) as applied in different industrial settings is considered as an effective technique for business process analytics. In healthcare domain, applications of this technique are yet limited but emerging. Process conformance verification, which is applied to measure differences between process model specification and process enactments, is one of the basic reasons to use the PM technique. The differences highlight the gaps to improve the process model specification by using the information gained from the process enactments. This paper first provides an overview of the studies that use the PM technique for conformance verification of healthcare processes as elicited from a systematic mapping study. It then describes the features of a tool that will use the PM technique to carry out process analytics in an intensive care unit of a university hospital.


摘要: 在不同的工业环境中应用的流程挖掘(PM)被认为是用于业务流程分析的有效技术。在医疗保健领域,该技术的应用还很有限,但仍在不断涌现。流程一致性验证(用于测量流程模型规范与流程法规之间的差异)是使用PM技术的基本原因之一。差异突出了通过使用从流程制定中获得的信息来改进流程模型规范的差距。本文首先概述了使用PM技术进行的医疗保健过程一致性验证的研究,这些研究是从系统的制图研究中得出的。然后描述了一种工具的功能,该工具将使用PM技术在大学医院的重症监护室中进行过程分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IWSM-Mensura.2016.027]

[936] Process mining for knowledge-intensive business processes (2015)

(Benner-Wickner, Marian and Bruckmann, Tobias and Gruhn, Volker and Book, Matthias | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: In recent years, investigating opportunities to support knowledgeintensive business processes has gained increasing momentum in the research community. Novel contributions that introduce paradigms addressing the need for process execution flexibility form an alternative to traditional workflow management approaches and are mostly subsumed under the concept of adaptive case management (ACM). However, many of these approaches omit mining any kind of knowledge about such processes. This is because there is a gap between process mining, which works well for structured processes, and ACM, which mainly focuses on information system support for task management and collaboration using heterogeneous data sources. In this paper, we strive to bridge this gap by introducing a method for mining knowledge-intensive processes. It is part of agendadriven case management, an ACM approach that follows the idea of mining common execution patterns while a case manager handles a flexible agenda.


摘要: 近年来,研究机会为支持知识密集型业务流程提供了越来越多的研究动力。引入解决范例的新贡献解决了对流程执行灵活性的需求,这是传统工作流管理方法的替代方案,并且大多包含在自适应案例管理(ACM)的概念下。但是,这些方法中有许多都省略了有关此类过程的任何知识的挖掘。这是因为在适用于结构化流程的流程挖掘和ACM(主要关注信息系统对任务管理和使用异构数据源的协作的支持)之间存在着差距。在本文中,我们通过引入一种挖掘知识密集型过程的方法来努力弥合这一差距。它是议程驱动的案例管理的一部分,它是一种ACM方法,遵循了在案例管理者处理灵活议程的同时挖掘常见执行模式的想法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2809563.2809580]

[937] Process mining for project management (2016)

(Joe, Jeni and Emmatty, Tanya and Ballal, Yasha and Kulkarni, Snehal | Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Data Mining and Advanced Computing, SAPIENCE 2016)

Abstract: Business process mining or process mining is the intersection between data mining and business process modelling that extracts business patterns from event logs. Event logs are freely available in any organization. Business logs are a potential source of useful information. By the various patterns that are present in the logs, a lot can be estimated about the type of procedures that should be incorporated into the organization for better performance. Event logs store information about time and event data of business processes. Process mining algorithms are used to mine business process models using event logs. Generating automated business models out of this could provide valuable insight to a firm eventually leading to customer satisfaction. Process Mining works by three phases: Discovery, conformation and alteration. By using process mining, many kinds of information can be collected about the process, such as control-flow, performance, organizational information and decision patterns. A process model could be represented as Petri nets which is a formal graphical representation of the workflow diagram or it can be represented as Business Process Modelling Notation. This project aims to develop a user friendly platform which is capable of generating petri net like models by process mining. By using various process mining algorithms we will develop software which would mine the event logs of a particular firm. It would provide a data or workflow analysis scheme. This would optimize business process intelligence and thus provide alternative and superior work strategies. In this project, we are mainly targeting project management using process mining. There are many projects that are undertaken by an IT company that all follow the same procedure. The concept of business process mining can be used in order to improve the performance of a company by optimizing its Software Development Life Cycle. By feeding the previous logs of a similar project of the company, the software would give a flowgraph. This flowgraph can help to identify the sequence of the activities, roles in the organization as well as various efficiency parameters. The algorithm being used is the Heuristic Miner Algorithm for process mining.


摘要: 业务流程挖掘或流程挖掘是数据挖掘和业务流程建模之间的交叉点,它从事件日志中提取业务模式。事件日志可在任何组织中免费获得。业务日志是有用信息的潜在来源。通过日志中存在的各种模式,可以估计很多应该合并到组织中以提高性能的过程类型。事件日志存储有关业务流程的时间和事件数据的信息。流程挖掘算法用于使用事件日志来挖掘业务流程模型。由此产生自动化的业务模型可以为最终提供客户满意度的公司提供宝贵的见解。过程挖掘分为三个阶段:发现,构想和变更。通过使用流程挖掘,可以收集有关流程的多种信息,例如控制流,性能,组织信息和决策模式。流程模型可以表示为Petri网,这是工作流图的形式化图形表示形式,也可以表示为业务流程建模表示法。该项目旨在开发一个用户友好的平台,该平台能够通过过程挖掘生成Petri网之类的模型。通过使用各种过程挖掘算法,我们将开发可挖掘特定公司的事件日志的软件。它将提供数据或工作流分析方案。这将优化业务流程智能,从而提供替代性的高级工作策略。在这个项目中,我们主要针对使用过程挖掘的项目管理。 IT公司执行的许多项目都遵循相同的过程。可以使用业务流程挖掘的概念,以通过优化公司的软件开发生命周期来提高公司的绩效。通过提供公司类似项目的先前日志,该软件将给出流程图。该流程图有助于确定活动的顺序,组织中的角色以及各种效率参数。正在使用的算法是用于过程挖掘的启发式Miner算法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SAPIENCE.2016.7684142]

[938] Process mining for recommender strategies support in news media (2016)

(Epure, Elena V. and Espen Ingvaldsen | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: The strategic transition of media organizations to personalized information delivery has urged the need for richer methods to analyze the customers. Though useful in supporting the creation of recommender strategies, the current data mining techniques create complex models requiring often an understanding of techniques in order to interpret the results. This situation together with the recommender technologies deluge and the particularities of the news industry pose challenges to the news organization in making decisions about the most suitable strategy. Therefore, we propose process mining as a high-level, end-to-end solution to provide insights into the consumers behavior and content dynamics. Specifically, we explore if it allows news organizations to analyze independently and effectively their data in order to support them in defining recommender strategies. The solution was implemented in a case study with the third largest news provider in Norway and yielded preliminary positive results. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply a process mining methodology and adapt the techniques to support media industry with the recommender strategies.


摘要: 媒体组织向个性化信息交付的战略过渡促使人们需要更丰富的方法来分析客户。尽管在支持推荐策略的创建方面很有用,但当前的数据挖掘技术创建的复杂模型通常需要对技术进行深入了解,以便这种情况以及推荐技术的泛滥以及新闻行业的特殊性给新闻机构在制定最合适策略的决策方面带来了挑战,因此,我们建议将流程挖掘作为一个高层次的,最终的端解决方案,以提供有关消费者行为和内容动态的见解,特别是,我们探讨了它是否允许新闻机构独立有效地分析其数据,以支持他们制定推荐策略,该解决方案在以下案例研究中得以实现挪威第三大新闻提供商,并获得初步肯定ve结果。据我们所知,这是首次尝试使用过程挖掘方法并采用推荐策略对技术进行支持以支持媒体行业的尝试。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549356]

[939] Process mining for semantic business process modeling (2009)

(Lautenbacher, Florian and Bauer, Bernhard and Forg, Sebastian | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: Business processes are captured by models that serve as a basis for communication and training purposes, but this modeling is still a time consuming manual job. Semantic annotation of process models in combination with AI planning approaches can contribute to solve this drawback enabling an automatic creation of process models. But the semantic annotated process fragments necessary for starting the planning are often missing at all or not up-to-date anymore. Therefore, this work describes an approach for the semantic annotation and semantic-based planning of process models and introduces Cystid, an integration of Process Mining algorithms and semantic-based planning. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程由作为交流和培训目的基础的模型捕获,但是这种建模仍然是一项耗时的手动工作。与AI计划方法结合使用的流程模型的语义注释可有助于解决此缺点,从而实现流程模型的自动创建。但是,开始计划所需的语义注释过程片段经常完全丢失或不再是最新的。因此,这项工作描述了一种用于过程模型的语义注释和基于语义的计划的方法,并介绍了Cystid,它是过程挖掘算法和基于语义的计划的集成。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOCW.2009.5332017]

[940] Process mining in CSCW systems (2005)

(Van Der Aalst | Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design)

Abstract: Process mining techniques allow for extracting information from event logs. For example, the audit trails of a workflow management system or the transaction logs of an enterprise resource planning system can be used to discover models describing processes, organizations, and products. Traditionally, process mining has been applied to structured processes. In this paper, we argue that process mining can also be applied to less structured processes supported by Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) systems. In addition, the ProM framework is described. Using ProM a wide variety of process mining activities are supported ranging from process discovery and verification to conformance checking and social network analysis.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术允许从事件日志中提取信息。例如,工作流管理系统的审核记录或企业资源计划系统的事务日志可用于发现描述流程,组织和产品的模型。传统上,流程挖掘已应用于结构化流程。在本文中,我们认为流程挖掘还可以应用于计算机支持的协作工作(CSCW)系统所支持的结构化程度较低的流程。此外,还介绍了ProM框架。使用ProM,可以支持从过程发现和验证到一致性检查和社交网络分析等各种过程挖掘活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/cscwd.2005.194134]

[941] Process mining in healthcare: A literature review (2016)

(Rojas, Eric and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Sepulveda, Marcos and Capurro, Daniel | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Process Mining focuses on extracting knowledge from data generated and stored in corporate information systems in order to analyze executed processes. In the healthcare domain, process mining has been used in different case studies, with promising results. Accordingly, we have conducted a literature review of the usage of process mining in healthcare. The scope of this review covers 74 papers with associated case studies, all of which were analyzed according to eleven main aspects, including: process and data types; frequently posed questions; process mining techniques, perspectives and tools; methodologies; implementation and analysis strategies; geographical analysis; and medical fields. The most commonly used categories and emerging topics have been identified, as well as future trends, such as enhancing Hospital Information Systems to become process-aware. This review can: (i) provide a useful overview of the current work being undertaken in this field; (ii) help researchers to choose process mining algorithms, techniques, tools, methodologies and approaches for their own applications; and (iii) highlight the use of process mining to improve healthcare processes.


摘要: Process Mining专注于从公司信息系统中生成和存储的数据中提取知识,以便分析执行的过程。在医疗保健领域,过程挖掘已用于不同的案例研究中,并取得了可喜的结果。因此,我们对过程挖掘在医疗保健中的用途进行了文献综述。本综述的范围涵盖74篇相关案例研究的论文,所有这些论文均根据11个主要方面进行了分析,包括:过程和数据类型;经常提出的问题;过程挖掘技术,观点和工具;方法;实施和分析策略;地理分析;和医学领域。确定了最常用的类别和新兴主题,以及未来的趋势,例如增强医院信息系统以使其具有流程意识。这项审查可以:(i)提供对该领域目前正在开展的工作的有益概述; (ii)帮助研究人员为自己的应用选择过程挖掘算法,技术,工具,方法论和方法; (iii)强调使用过程挖掘来改善医疗过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2016.04.007]

[942] Process mining in healthcare: A literature review (2016)

(Rojas, Eric and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Sepulveda, Marcos and Capurro, Daniel | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Process Mining focuses on extracting knowledge from data generated and stored in corporate information systems in order to analyze executed processes. In the healthcare domain, process mining has been used in different case studies, with promising results. Accordingly, we have conducted a literature review of the usage of process mining in healthcare. The scope of this review covers 74 papers with associated case studies, all of which were analyzed according to eleven main aspects, including: process and data types; frequently posed questions; process mining techniques, perspectives and tools; methodologies; implementation and analysis strategies; geographical analysis; and medical fields. The most commonly used categories and emerging topics have been identified, as well as future trends, such as enhancing Hospital Information Systems to become process-aware. This review can: (i) provide a useful overview of the current work being undertaken in this field; (ii) help researchers to choose process mining algorithms, techniques, tools, methodologies and approaches for their own applications; and (iii) highlight the use of process mining to improve healthcare processes.


摘要: Process Mining专注于从公司信息系统中生成和存储的数据中提取知识,以便分析执行的过程。在医疗保健领域,过程挖掘已用于不同的案例研究中,并取得了可喜的结果。因此,我们对过程挖掘在医疗保健中的用途进行了文献综述。本综述的范围涵盖74篇相关案例研究的论文,所有这些论文均根据11个主要方面进行了分析,包括:过程和数据类型;经常提出的问题;过程挖掘技术,观点和工具;方法;实施和分析策略;地理分析;和医学领域。确定了最常用的类别和新兴主题,以及未来的趋势,例如增强医院信息系统以使其具有流程意识。这项审查可以:(i)提供对该领域目前正在开展的工作的有益概述; (ii)帮助研究人员为自己的应用选择过程挖掘算法,技术,工具,方法论和方法; (iii)强调使用过程挖掘来改善医疗过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2016.04.007]

[943] Process mining in healthcare: A systematised literature review (2016)

(Ghasemi, Mahdi and Amyot, Daniel | International Journal of Electronic Healthcare)

Abstract: Process mining is a promising approach that turns event logs into valuable insights about processes. One domain amenable to process mining is healthcare, where an enormous amount of data is generated by care processes, but where realistic care models are seldom available. In this paper, we perform a systematised literature review (SdLR) to assess the status of process mining, particularly in healthcare. We first provide an overview of process mining in general, and in healthcare in particular. On the basis of 2371 research publications related to process mining, obtained by querying six relevant search engines in May 2016, we found that the trend of publications in this domain has been growing over the past decade, especially in healthcare. Among the 11 existing literature reviews on process mining selected for further analysis, only two are systematised, and only three relate to healthcare. This paper contributes a systematised review in healthcare that is much needed to fill this void. Important challenges specific to healthcare are identified, and threats to the validity of the results are also discussed.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一种有前途的方法,它可以将事件日志转变为有关过程的宝贵见解。可以进行过程挖掘的一个领域是医疗保健,其中护理过程会生成大量数据,但是很少有现实的护理模型。在本文中,我们进行了系统化文献综述(SdLR)以评估过程挖掘的状态,尤其是在医疗保健领域。首先,我们首先概述过程挖掘,尤其是医疗保健。根据2016年5月通过查询六个相关搜索引擎获得的2371个与过程挖掘相关的研究出版物的基础,我们发现该领域的出版物趋势在过去十年中一直在增长,尤其是在医疗保健领域。在11篇有关过程采矿的文献综述中,有2篇进行了系统分析,其中只有2篇被系统化,只有3篇涉及医疗保健。本文为医疗保健中的系统化评论做出了贡献,这是填补这一空白所急需的。确定了针对医疗保健的重要挑战,并讨论了对结果有效性的威胁。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1504/IJEH.2016.078745]

[944] Process mining in healthcare: Analysis and modeling of processes in the emergency area (2015)

(Orellana Garcia | IEEE Latin America Transactions)

Abstract: Decision making requires a high performance in strategic processes. The process mining is responsible for generating knowledge and discover processes from event logs that are extracted from information systems, for finding errors, inconsistencies and vulnerabilities. To improve its performance, organizations are looking for a better process management approach, which as a first step requires precise modeling of these. In the health sector, an area largely unexplored by researchers in the field, such modeling is even more critical given the nature of this kind of organization. Obtaining these processes is not trivial in many cases, but it is a very complex task. This article aims to generate process models through the ProM tool for obtaining detailed, realistic and easily analyzable views, from records stored in information systems for health processes, particularly in a hospital (which are rich in information and generally tend to be overlooked).


摘要: 决策制定需要战略流程中的高性能。流程挖掘负责根据从信息系统中提取的事件日志生成知识并发现流程,以发现错误,不一致和漏洞。为了提高其性能,组织正在寻找更好的流程管理方法,第一步需要对它们进行精确建模。在卫生领域,该领域的研究人员尚未对该领域进行充分探索,鉴于这种组织的性质,这种建模更为关键。在许多情况下,获得这些过程并非易事,但这是一项非常复杂的任务。本文旨在通过ProM工具生成过程模型,以从存储在卫生过程信息系统中的记录中获取详细,现实且易于分析的视图,特别是在医院(信息丰富且通常被忽略)中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TLA.2015.7112022]

[945] Process mining in oncology: A literature review (2016)

(Kurniati, Angelina Prima and Johnson, Owen and Hogg, David and Hall, Geoff | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management, ICICM 2016)

Abstract: Process mining, an emerging data analytics method, has been used effectively in various healthcare contexts including oncology, the study of cancer. Cancer is a complex disease with many complicated care requirements and there is an urgent need to improve the cost and clinical effectiveness of cancer care pathways. Process mining of the e-health records of cancer patients may play an important future role and this paper presents a literature review of process mining in oncology as a contribution to this research. The search produced 758 articles which were manually reviewed by title, abstract, and full paper text review to develop the original pool of papers. An in-depth ancestor search was used to gather additional articles from the references of the original pool. These steps resulted in 37 papers. Through a thematic review process, the papers were analysed and five themes emerged. These were: 1) process and data types; 2) research questions; 3) techniques, perspectives and tools; 4) methodologies; 5) limitations and future work. This review can: (i) highlight the potential value of process mining for improving cancer care processes (ii) provide a useful overview of the current work undertaken; (iii) help researchers to choose process mining algorithms, techniques, tools, methodologies and approaches; and (iv) identify research opportunities in this new field of study.


摘要: 过程挖掘,一种新兴的数据分析方法,已在包括肿瘤学,癌症研究在内的各种医疗环境中得到有效利用。癌症是具有许多复杂护理要求的复杂疾病,并且迫切需要改善癌症护理途径的成本和临床有效性。癌症患者的电子健康记录的过程挖掘可能在未来起着重要的作用,本文对肿瘤学中的过程挖掘进行了文献综述,为这项研究做出了贡献。搜索产生了758篇文章,并通过标题,摘要和全文论文手工审查,以开发原始论文库。使用深入的祖先搜索从原始库的引用中收集其他文章。这些步骤产生了37篇论文。通过主题审查过程,对论文进行了分析,得出了五个主题。它们是:1)流程和数据类型; 2)研究问题; 3)技术,观点和工具; 4)方法论; 5)局限性和未来的工作。这项审查可以:(i)强调过程挖掘对于改善癌症护理过程的潜在价值(ii)提供对当前正在进行的工作的有益概述; (iii)帮助研究人员选择过程挖掘算法,技术,工具,方法论和方法; (iv)在这个新的研究领域中寻找研究机会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/INFOCOMAN.2016.7784260]


[946] Process mining in software systems: Discovering real-life business transactions and process models from distributed systems (2015)

(Leemans, Maikel and Van Der Aalst | 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2015 - Proceedings)

Abstract: This paper presents a novel reverse engineering technique for obtaining real-life event logs from distributed systems. This allows us to analyze the operational processes of software systems under real-life conditions, and use process mining techniques to obtain precise and formal models. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between reverse engineering and process mining. We present a formal definition, implementation and an instrumentation strategy based the joinpoint-pointcut model. Two case studies are used to evaluate our approach. These concrete examples demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of our approach.


摘要: 本文提出了一种新颖的逆向工程技术,用于从分布式系统中获取现实事件日志。这使我们能够在现实条件下分析软件系统的操作过程,并使用过程挖掘技术来获得精确而正式的模型。因此,可以将工作定位在逆向工程和过程挖掘之间。我们提出基于联接点切入点模型的正式定义,实现和检测策略。两个案例研究用于评估我们的方法。这些具体示例说明了我们方法的可行性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MODELS.2015.7338234]

[947] Process mining manifesto (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in todays information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus, providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. This manifesto is created by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and aims to promote the topic of process mining. Moreover, by defining a set of guiding principles and listing important challenges, this manifesto hopes to serve as a guide for software developers, scientists, consultants, business managers, and end-users. The goal is to increase the maturity of process mining as a new tool to improve the (re)design, control, and support of operational business processes. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 进程挖掘技术能够从当今信息系统中通常可用的事件日志中提取知识。这些技术提供了发现,监视和改进各种应用程序域中进程的新方法。人们对这种兴趣的增长有两个主要驱动力流程挖掘:一方面,越来越多的事件被记录下来,从而提供了有关流程历史的详细信息;另一方面,需要在竞争激烈且瞬息万变的环境中改进和支持业务流程。宣言由IEEE流程挖掘工作组创建,旨在促进流程挖掘的主题,此外,通过定义一套指导原则并列出重要的挑战,该宣言希望可以为软件开发人员,科学家,顾问提供指南,业务经理和最终用户。目标是增加流程挖掘的成熟度,以此作为改进(重新)设计,控制和改进的新工具。支持业务流程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-28108-2_19]

[948] Process mining meets malware evolution: A study of the behavior of malicious code (2017)

(Bernardi, Mario Luca and Cimitile, Marta and Mercaldo, Francesco | Proceedings - 2016 4th International Symposium on Computing and Networking, CANDAR 2016)

Abstract: Mobile phones are more and more used for sensitive resources exchange and access, becoming target for possible malware attacks. These attacks are still increasing with the birth of new and sophisticated malware that make the existing malware detection approaches often inadequate. Since the majority of new malware are generated using existing malicious code, it becomes very important tracking the mobile malware phylogeny. In this work, a Process Mining (PM) approach for building a malware phylogeny model using information contained in system calls traces, is proposed. The adoption of a declarative Process Mining technique allows to mine a constraint-based model that can be effectively used as a malware fingerprint expressing relationships and recurring execution patterns among system calls in the execution flows. The model characterizes the behavior of malware applications allowing the identification of similarities across malware families and among malware variants belonging to the same family. The proposed approach is evaluated using a dataset of more than 700 infected applications across seven malware families obtaining very encouraging results.


摘要: 手机越来越多地用于敏感资源的交换和访问,成为可能的恶意软件攻击的目标。随着新的复杂恶意软件的诞生,这些攻击仍在增加,这使得现有的恶意软件检测方法经常不足。由于大多数新恶意软件是使用现有恶意代码生成的,因此追踪移动恶意软件的系统发育就变得非常重要。在这项工作中,提出了一种使用系统调用跟踪中包含的信息来构建恶意软件系统发育模型的过程挖掘(PM)方法。声明式过程挖掘技术的采用允许挖掘基于约束的模型,该模型可以有效地用作恶意代码,用于在执行流中的系统调用之间表达关系和重复执行模式。该模型表征了恶意软件应用程序的行为,从而可以识别恶意软件家族之间以及属于同一家族的恶意软件变体之间的相似性。通过使用七个恶意软件家族的700多个受感染应用程序的数据集对提议的方法进行评估,获得了令人鼓舞的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CANDAR.2016.111]

[949] Process mining methods for post-delivery validation (2017)

(Markowski, Pawel and Przybylek, Michal R. | Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2017)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show the strengths and the weakness of process mining tools in post-delivery validation. This is illustrated on two use-cases from a real-world system. We also indicate what type of research has to be done to make process mining tools more usable for validation purposes.


摘要: 本文的目的是展示交付后验证中过程挖掘工具的优缺点。实际系统中的两个用例对此进行了说明。我们还指出必须进行哪种类型的研究才能使过程挖掘工具更可用于验证目的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.15439/2017F372]

[950] Process mining multiple repositories for software defect resolution from control and organizational perspective (2014)

(Gupta, Monika and Sureka, Ashish and Padmanabhuni, Srinivas | 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2014 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Issue reporting and resolution is a software engineering process supported by tools such as Issue Tracking System (ITS), Peer Code Review (PCR) system and Version Control System (VCS). Several open source software projects such as Google Chromium and Android follow process in which a defect or feature enhancement request is reported to an issue tracker followed by source-code change or patch review and patch commit using a version control system. We present an application of process mining three software repositories (ITS, PCR and VCS) from control flow and organizational perspective for effective process management. ITS, PCR and VCS are not explicitly linked so we implement regular expression based heuristics to integrate data from three repositories for Google Chromium project. We define activities such as bug reporting, bug fixing, bug verification, patch submission, patch review, and source code commit and create an event log of the bug resolution process. The extracted event log contains audit trail data such as caseID, timestamp, activity name and performer. We discover runtime process model for bug resolution process spanning three repositories using process mining tool, Disco, and conduct process performance and efficiency analysis. We identify bottlenecks, define and detect basic and composite anti-patterns. In addition to control flow analysis, we mine event log to perform organizational analysis and discover metrics such as handover of work, subcontracting, joint cases and joint activities.


摘要: 问题报告和解决是由诸如事件跟踪系统(ITS),对等代码审查(PCR)系统和版本控制系统(VCS)之类的工具支持的软件工程过程。几个开放源代码软件项目(例如Google Chromium和Android)遵循以下过程,在该过程中,将缺陷或功能增强请求报告给问题跟踪器,然后使用版本控制系统对源代码进行更改或修补程序审阅并提交修补程序。我们从控制流和组织的角度介绍了过程挖掘三个软件存储库(ITS,PCR和VCS)的应用程序,以进行有效的过程管理。 ITS,PCR和VCS没有明确链接,因此我们实现了基于正则表达式的启发式方法,以整合来自Google Chromium项目三个存储库的数据。我们定义活动,例如错误报告,错误修复,错误验证,补丁提交,补丁审查和源代码提交,并创建错误解决过程的事件日志。提取的事件日志包含审核跟踪数据,例如caseID,时间戳,活动名称和执行者。我们使用过程挖掘工具Disco发现了跨越三个存储库的错误解决过程的运行时过程模型,并进行了过程性能和效率分析。我们确定瓶颈,定义和检测基本和复合反模式。除了控制流分析之外,我们还挖掘事件日志以执行组织分析并发现度量标准,例如工作移交,分包,联合案例和联合活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2597073.2597081]

[951] Process mining of RFID-based supply chains (2009)

(Gerke, Kerstin and Claus, Alexander and Mendling, Jan | 2009 IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, CEC 2009)

Abstract: Process mining facilitates the analysis of business processes by extracting a process model from event logs. Most mining algorithms perform well on single-system event logs that explicitly refer to a process instance or case. However, in many operational environments such case identifiers are not directly recorded. In supply chain processes there are even further challenges, since different identification numbers and numerous aggregation steps prevent individual work items to become traceable as a case. In this paper, we investigate how the EPCglobal standard for processing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) events can make supply chain data accessible for process mining. Our contribution is an algorithm that is able to deal with challenges of case identification and focus shifts. We present a prototypical implementation and use a process based on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model to evaluate our implementation. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘通过从事件日志中提取流程模型来促进业务流程的分析。大多数挖掘算法在显式引用流程实例或案例的单系统事件日志上都能很好地执行。但是,在许多操作环境中,此类情况标识符不会直接记录。在供应链流程中,甚至存在进一步的挑战,因为不同的标识号和大量的汇总步骤会阻止单个工作项成为可追溯的情况。在本文中,我们研究了用于处理射频识别(RFID)事件的EPCglobal标准如何使供应链数据可用于过程挖掘。我们的贡献是一种能够应对案例识别和重点转移挑战的算法。我们提供了一个原型实现,并使用了基于供应链运营参考(SCOR)模型的流程来评估我们的实现。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CEC.2009.72]

[952] Process mining on medical treatment history using conformance checking (2016)

(Chomyat, Weekit and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This research applies conformance checking algorithm to monitor and evaluate the process sequence that occurred in the medical treatment event log history by building a corresponding model on which the training and testing were conducted. The comparison results depicted whether or not the defined workflow is consistent with the actual one recorded in the log files. Thus, the performance was evaluated based the token (or state) behavior, e.g., missing tokens, remaining tokens, left-over tokens and error tokens, in each of the processing steps. The resulting findings can be further used to improve and optimize the overall performance of the designated system.


摘要: 这项研究通过建立相应的模型来进行培训和测试,将一致性检查算法用于监视和评估医疗事件日志历史记录中发生的过程顺序。比较结果描述了所定义的工作流程是否与日志文件中记录的实际工作流程一致。因此,在每个处理步骤中,基于令牌(或状态)行为(例如,丢失令牌,剩余令牌,剩余令牌和错误令牌)来评估性能。得到的结果可以进一步用于改善和优化指定系统的整体性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2016.7804102]

[953] Process mining on noisy logs - Can log sanitization help to improve performance? (2015)

(Cheng, Hsin Jung and Kumar, Akhil | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process mining techniques are designed to read process logs and extract process models from them. However, real world logs are often noisy and such logs produce bad, spaghetti-like process models. We propose a technique to sanitize noisy logs by first building a classifier on a subset of the log, and applying the classifier rules to remove noisy traces from the log. The improvement in the quality of the resulting process models is evaluated on synthetic logs from benchmark models of increasing complexity on both behavioral and structural recall and precision metrics. The results show that mined models produced from such preprocessed logs are superior on several evaluation metrics. They show better fidelity to the reference models, and are also more compact with fewer elements. A nice feature of the rule based approach is that it generalizes to any noise pattern since the nature of noise varies from one log to another. The rules can also be explained and may be further modified manually. We also give results from experiments with a real dataset.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术旨在读取过程日志并从中提取过程模型。但是,现实世界中的日志通常很嘈杂,并且此类日志会产生糟糕的,类似意大利面条的流程模型。通过首先在日志的子集上构建分类器,然后应用分类器规则从日志中删除噪声跟踪,我们提出了一种清理噪声日志的技术。最终流程模型质量的提高是根据基准模型评估的合成日志进行评估的,这些基准模型的行为和结构召回率和精度指标日益复杂。结果表明,从这些预处理过的日志中生成的挖掘模型在几个评估指标上都比较出色。它们对参考模型显示出更好的保真度,并且还以更少的元素变得更加紧凑。基于规则的方法的一个不错的功能是它可以推广到任何噪声模式,因为噪声的性质从一个对数变化到另一个。这些规则也可以进行解释,并且可以手动进行进一步修改。我们还给出了使用真实数据集的实验结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2015.08.003]

[954] Process mining routinely collected electronic health records to define real-life clinical pathways during chemotherapy (2017)

(Baker, Karl and Dunwoodie, Elaine and Jones, Richard G. and Newsham, Alex and Johnson, Owen and Price, Christopher P. and Wolstenholme, Jane and Leal, Jose and McGinley, Patrick and Twelves, Chris and Hall, Geoff | International Journal of Medical Informatics)

Abstract: Background There is growing interest in the use of routinely collected electronic health records to enhance service delivery and facilitate clinical research. It should be possible to detect and measure patterns of care and use the data to monitor improvements but there are methodological and data quality challenges. Driven by the desire to model the impact of a patient self-test blood count monitoring service in patients on chemotherapy, we aimed to (i) establish reproducible methods of process-mining electronic health records, (ii) use the outputs derived to define and quantify patient pathways during chemotherapy, and (iii) to gather robust data which is structured to be able to inform a cost-effectiveness decision model of home monitoring of neutropenic status during chemotherapy. Methods Electronic Health Records at a UK oncology centre were included if they had (i) a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer and received adjuvant epirubicin and cyclosphosphamide chemotherapy or (ii) colorectal cancer and received palliative oxaliplatin and infusional 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy, and (iii) were first diagnosed with cancer between January 2004 and February 2013. Software and a Markov model were developed, producing a schematic of patient pathways during chemotherapy. Results Significant variance from the assumed care pathway was evident from the data. Of the 535 patients with breast cancer and 420 with colorectal cancer there were 474 and 329 pathway variants respectively. Only 27 (5%) and 26 (6%) completed the planned six cycles of chemotherapy without having unplanned hospital contact. Over the six cycles, 169 (31.6%) patients with breast cancer and 190 (45.2%) patients with colorectal cancer were admitted to hospital. Conclusion The pathways of patients on chemotherapy are complex. An iterative approach to addressing semantic and data quality issues enabled the effective use of routinely collected patient records to produce accurate models of the real-life experiences of chemotherapy patients and generate clinically useful information. Very few patients experience the idealised patient pathway that is used to plan their care. A better understanding of real-life clinical pathways through process mining can contribute to care and data quality assurance, identifying unmet needs, facilitating quantification of innovation impact, communicating with stakeholders, and ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.


摘要: 背景技术人们对使用常规收集的电子健康记录来增强服务交付和促进临床研究的兴趣日益浓厚。应该有可能检测和衡量护理模式,并使用数据监测改善情况,但是在方法和数据质量方面都存在挑战。出于对患者自测血细胞计数监测服务对患者化疗影响的建模需求,我们的目标是(i)建立可重复使用的方法来挖掘电子健康记录,(ii)使用得出的输出来定义和确定量化化疗期间的患者途径,以及(iii)收集可靠的数据,该数据能够告知家庭在化疗期间中性粒细胞减少状态的成本效益决策模型。方法包括英国癌症中心的电子健康记录,如果它们具有(i)诊断为转移性乳腺癌并接受辅助表柔比星和环磷酰胺化疗,或(ii)结直肠癌并接受姑息性奥沙利铂和5-氟尿嘧啶输注化疗,以及(iii )在2004年1月至2013年2月之间首次被诊断出患有癌症。开发了软件和Markov模型,绘制了化疗期间患者的病情示意图。结果从数据中可以明显看出与假定的护理途径的显着差异。在535例乳腺癌患者和420例结直肠癌患者中,分别有474和329个途径变异。在没有计划外的医院接触的情况下,只有27(5%)和26(6%)完成了计划的六个化疗周期。在这六个周期中,有169例(31.6%)乳腺癌患者和190例(45.2%)结肠直肠癌患者入院。结论化疗患者的途径复杂。一种解决语义和数据质量问题的迭代方法,可以有效地使用常规收集的患者记录,以生成化疗患者真实生活经验的准确模型,并产生临床上有用的信息。很少有患者会经历用于计划其护理的理想患者途径。通过过程挖掘更好地了解现实生活中的临床途径可以有助于护理和数据质量保证,识别未满足的需求,促进量化创新影响,与利益相关者沟通并最终改善患者护理和结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.03.011]

[955] Process mining software repositories from student projects in an undergraduate software engineering course (2014)

(Mittal, Megha and Sureka, Ashish | 36th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE Companion 2014 - Proceedings)

Abstract: An undergraduate level Software Engineering courses generally consists of a team-based semester long project and emphasizes on both technical and managerial skills. Software Engineering is a practice-oriented and applied discipline and hence there is an emphasis on hands-on development, process, usage of tools in addition to theory and basic concepts. We present an approach for mining the process data (process mining) from software repositories archiving data generated as a result of constructing software by student teams in an educational setting. We present an application of mining three software repositories: team wiki (used during requirement engineering), version control system (development and maintenance) and issue tracking system (corrective and adaptive maintenance) in the context of an undergraduate Software Engineering course. We propose visualizations, metrics and algorithms to provide an insight into practices and procedures followed during various phases of a software development life-cycle. The proposed visualizations and metrics (learning analytics) provide a multi-faceted view to the instructor serving as a feedback tool on development process and quality by students. We mine the event logs produced by software repositories and derive insights such as degree of individual contributions in a team, quality of commit messages, intensity and consistency of commit activities, bug fixing process trend and quality, component and developer entropy, process compliance and verification. We present our empirical analysis on a software repository dataset consisting of 19 teams of 5 members each and discuss challenges, limitations and recommendations. Copyright textcopyright 2014 ACM.


摘要: 本科水平的软件工程课程通常包括一个基于团队的为期一个学期的项目,并强调技术和管理技能。软件工程是一门面向实践和应用的学科,因此除了理论和基本概念外,它还着重于动手开发,过程,工具的使用。我们提出了一种从软件存储库中挖掘过程数据(过程挖掘)的方法,该数据存储了由学生团队在教育环境中构建软件而生成的数据。我们提出了在三个软件资源库中进行挖掘的应用程序:团队Wiki(在需求工程过程中使用),版本控制系统(开发和维护)以及问题跟踪系统(纠正和适应性维护),均与本科学历的软件工程课程相关。我们提出了可视化,度量和算法,以提供对软件开发生命周期各个阶段所遵循的实践和程序的深入了解。拟议的可视化和指标(学习分析)为教师提供了一个多方面的视图,作为学生对发展过程和质量的反馈工具。我们挖掘由软件存储库产生的事件日志,并获得洞察力,例如团队中个人的贡献程度,提交消息的质量,提交活动的强度和一致性,错误修复过程趋势和质量,组件和开发人员的熵,过程合规性和验证。我们在由19个团队(每个团队5个成员)组成的软件存储库数据集上进行实证分析,并讨论挑战,局限性和建议。版权所有 t​​extcopyright 2014 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2591062.2591152]

[956] Process mining software repositories (2011)

(Poncin, Wouter and Serebrenik, Alexander and Van Den Brand | Proceedings of the European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR)

Abstract: Software developers activities are in general recorded in software repositories such as version control systems, bug trackers and mail archives. While abundant information is usually present in such repositories, successful information extraction is often challenged by the necessity to simultaneously analyze different repositories and to combine the information obtained. We propose to apply process mining techniques, originally developed for business process analysis, to address this challenge. However, in order for process mining to become applicable, different software repositories should be combined, and related software development events should be matched: e.g., mails sent about a file, modifications of the file and bug reports that can be traced back to it. The combination and matching of events has been implemented in FRASR (FRamework for Analyzing Software Repositories), augmenting the process mining framework ProM. FRASR has been successfully applied in a series of case studies addressing such aspects of the development process as roles of different developers and the way bug reports are handled. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 软件开发人员的活动通常记录在软件存储库中,例如版本控制系统,错误跟踪器和邮件归档。尽管此类存储库中通常存在大量信息,但是成功同步提取信息常常受到同时分析不同存储库和合并所获得信息的必要性的挑战。我们建议应用最初为业务流程分析而开发的流程挖掘技术来应对这一挑战。但是,为了使流程挖掘变得适用,应该组合不同的软件存储库,并且应该匹配相关软件开发事件:例如,发送有关文件的邮件,文件的修改以及可以追溯到其的错误报告。它。事件的组合和匹配已在FRASR(用于分析软件存储库的框架)中实现,从而增强了流程挖掘框架ProM。 FRASR已成功应用于一系列案例研究中,这些案例研究涉及开发过程的各个方面,例如不同开发人员的角色以及错误报告的处理方式。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSMR.2011.5]

[957] Process mining techniques for analysing patterns and strategies in students self-regulated learning (2014)

(Bannert, Maria and Reimann, Peter and Sonnenberg, Christoph | Metacognition and Learning)

Abstract: Referring to current research on self-regulated learning, we analyse individual regulation in terms of a set of specific sequences of regulatory activities. Successful students perform regulatory activities such as analysing, planning, monitoring and evaluating cognitive and motivational aspects during learning not only with a higher frequency than less successful learners, but also in a different order-or so we hypothesize. Whereas most research has concentrated on frequency analysis, so far, little is known about how students regulatory activities unfold over time. Thus, the aim of our approach is to also analyse the temporal order of spontaneous individual regulation activities. In this paper, we demonstrate how various methods developed in process mining research can be applied to identify process patterns in self-regulated learning events as captured in verbal protocols. We also show how theoretical SRL process models can be tested with process mining methods. Thinking aloud data from a study with 38 participants learning in a self-regulated manner from a hypermedia are used to illustrate the methodological points. textcopyright 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.

** 用于分析学生自主学习模式和策略的过程挖掘技术**

摘要: 参考当前对自我调节学习的研究,我们根据一系列特定的调节活动序列来分析个体调节。成功的学生在学习期间不仅进行分析,计划,监测和评估认知和动机方面的调节活动,相对于不那么成功的学习者,其频率更高,但也以不同的顺序排列-或我们假设。虽然大多数研究都集中在频率分析上,但到目前为止,对学生的监管活动如何随着时间的流逝知之甚少。我们的方法还用于分析自发个体调节活动的时间顺序,在本文中,我们演示了如何将过程挖掘研究中开发的各种方法应用于识别以口头协议捕获的自我调节学习事件中的过程模式。还展示了如何使用过程挖掘方法来测试理论SRL模式过程模型。一项来自38名参与者的研究,以自我调节的方式从超媒体学习,以此来说明方法论要点。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Springer Science + Business Media New York。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11409-013-9107-6]

[958] Process mining through dynamic analysis for modernising legacy systems (2011)

(Perez-Castillo, R. and Weber, B. and De Guzman | IET Software)

Abstract: Information systems age over time and become legacy information systems which often embed business knowledge that is not present in any other artefact. The embedded knowledge must be preserved to align the modernised versions of the legacy systems with the current business processes of an organisation. Modernisation efforts to preserve business knowledge typically consider different software artefacts as knowledge sources (e.g. code, databases, documentation etc.). Usually, the business knowledge needed to modernise a respective legacy system is statically recovered by reverse engineering techniques. Unfortunately, there is much knowledge that is only known during system execution. This study provides a semi-automatic technique based on dynamic analysis, combined with static analysis to instrument the source code for obtaining event log models. The event log represents a mapping between the pieces of source code executed and the business activities that they support. The obtained event log can then be used to mine the business processes embedded in legacy systems. In addition, the feasibility of the technique is validated by means of a formal case study, using a real-life legacy information system. The case study reports that the technique makes it possible to obtain event logs to effectively and efficiently discover business processes. textcopyright 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


摘要: 信息系统会随着时间的流逝而老化,并成为传统信息系统,这些信息系统通常会嵌入任何其他人工制品中都没有的业务知识。必须保留嵌入式知识,以使遗留系统的现代化版本与组织的当前业务流程保持一致。为了保护业务知识而进行的现代化工作通常将不同的软件产品视为知识源(例如代码,数据库,文档等)。通常,通过逆向工程技术可以静态地恢复现代化相应遗留系统所需的业务知识。不幸的是,有很多知识只有在系统执行期间才知道。这项研究提供了一种基于动态分析的半自动技术,结合了静态分析以对获取事件日志模型的源代码进行检测。事件日志表示执行的源代码片段与其支持的业务活动之间的映射。然后,获得的事件日志可用于挖掘嵌入在旧系统中的业务流程。此外,该技术的可行性通过使用实际遗留信息系统的正式案例研究得到了验证。案例研究报告说,该技术可以获取事件日志,从而有效地发现业务流程。 t​​extcopyright 2011年工程技术学院。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1049/iet-sen.2010.0103]

[959] Process mining towards semantics (2008)

(Alves De Medeiros | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Process mining techniques target the automatic discovery of information about process models in organizations. The discovery is based on the execution data registered in event logs. Current techniques support a variety of practical analysis, but they are somewhat limited because the labels in the log are not linked to any concepts. Thus, in this chapter we show how the analysis provided by current techniques can be improved by including semantic data in event logs. Our explanation is divided into two main parts. The first part illustrates the power of current process mining techniques by showing how to use the open source process mining tool ProM to answer concrete questions that managers typically have about business processes. The second part utilizes usage scenarios to motivate how process mining techniques could benefit from semantic annotated event logs and defines a concrete semantic log format for ProM. The ProM tool is available at www.processmining.org. textcopyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


摘要: 过程挖掘技术的目标是自动发现组织中有关过程模型的信息。该发现基于事件日志中注册的执行数据。当前的技术支持各种实际分析,但是由于日志中的标签未链接到任何概念,因此它们受到一定限制。因此,在本章中,我们将说明如何通过在事件日志中包含语义数据来改进当前技术提供的分析。我们的解释分为两个主要部分。第一部分通过展示如何使用开源流程挖掘工具ProM回答经理通常对业务流程的具体问题,来说明当前流程挖掘技术的强大功能。第二部分利用使用场景来激发过程挖掘技术如何从语义注释事件日志中受益,并为ProM定义具体的语义日志格式。 ProM工具可从www.processmining.org获得。 t​​extcopyright 2009年施普林格柏林海德堡。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-89784-2_3]

[960] Process mining using alphaalpha-algorithm as a tool (A case study of student registration) (2012)

(Weerapong, Sawitree and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The alphaalpha-algorithm is an algorithm used in process mining, aimed at reconstructing causality from a set of sequences of events. In this paper we used alpha algorithm in order to focus on the control flow perspective of students registration process model in one of the universities in Thailand. The event log consisted of 299 cases and 569 events. Initially the data was received in form of MS Access Database but later using PromImport platform, the data was converted into MXML, a format that commonly is used in Prom. Though the paper applies the alphaalpha-algorithm in presented case study, yet the alphaalpha-algorithm could not adequately deal with loops and concurrency of process models. Therefore, the alphaalpha-algorithm should not be seen as a very practical mining technique as it has its own problems with noise, infrequent/incomplete behavior, and complex routing constructs. Nevertheless, we used the algorithm as a baseline for discussing the challenges related to model discovery of registration process in an academic environment. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

使用$ alpha $-算法作为工具进行过程挖掘(学生注册案例研究

摘要: $ alpha 使alpha299569MSAccess使PromImportMXML-算法是一种用于过程挖掘的算法,旨在从一组事件序列中重构因果关系。在本文中,我们使用alpha算法来关注学生注册的控制流视角泰国一所大学的流程模型,事件日志包含299个案例和569个事件,最初以MS Access数据库的形式接收数据,但后来使用PromImport平台将数据转换为MXML,通常是尽管本文在案例研究中应用了 alpha -算法,但是 alpha -算法不能充分处理流程模型的循环和并发性,因此, alpha $ -算法不应被视为一种非常实用的挖掘技术,因为它具有噪声,不频繁/不完整的行为以及复杂的路由构造等问题,尽管如此,我们还是以算法为基础来讨论与模型发现相关的挑战在学术环境中进行注册的过程。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408558]


[961] Process mining using BPMN: relating event logs and process models (2017)

(Kalenkova, Anna A. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Lomazova, Irina A. and Rubin, Vladimir A. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Process-aware information systems (PAIS) are systems relying on processes, which involve human and software resources to achieve concrete goals. There is a need to develop approaches for modeling, analysis, improvement and monitoring processes within PAIS. These approaches include process mining techniques used to discover process models from event logs, find log and model deviations, and analyze performance characteristics of processes. The representational bias (a way to model processes) plays an important role in process mining. The BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) standard is widely used and allows to build conventional and understandable process models. In addition to the flat control flow perspective, subprocesses, data flows, resources can be integrated within one BPMN diagram. This makes BPMN very attractive for both process miners and business users, since the control flow perspective can be integrated with data and resource perspectives discovered from event logs. In this paper, we describe and justify robust control flow conversion algorithms, which provide the basis for more advanced BPMN-based discovery and conformance checking algorithms. Thus, on the basis of these conversion algorithms low-level models (such as Petri nets, causal nets and process trees) discovered from event logs using existing approaches can be represented in terms of BPMN. Moreover, we establish behavioral relations between Petri nets and BPMN models and use them to adopt existing conformance checking and performance analysis techniques in order to visualize conformance and performance information within a BPMN diagram. We believe that the results presented in this paper can be used for a wide variety of BPMN mining and conformance checking algorithms. We also provide metrics for the processes discovered before and after the conversion to BPMN structures. Cases for which conversion algorithms produce more compact or more complicated BPMN models in comparison with the initial models are identified.


摘要: 过程感知信息系统(PAIS)是依赖于过程的系统,这些过程涉及人力和软件资源以实现具体目标。需要开发用于PAIS中的建模,分析,改进和监视过程的方法。这些方法包括用于从事件日志中发现过程模型,查找日志和模型偏差以及分析过程性能特征的过程挖掘技术。代表性偏差(一种建模过程的方法)在过程挖掘中起着重要作用。 BPMN 2.0(业务流程模型和表示法)标准被广泛使用,并允许构建常规且易于理解的流程模型。除了平面控制流透视图之外,子流程,数据流和资源也可以集成在一个BPMN图中。这使得BPMN对于流程挖掘者和业务用户都非常有吸引力,因为控制流透视图可以与从事件日志中发现的数据和资源透视图集成在一起。在本文中,我们描述并证明了鲁棒的控制流转换算法,该算法为更高级的基于BPMN的发现和一致性检查算法提供了基础。因此,基于这些转换算法,可以使用BPMN表示使用现有方法从事件日志中发现的低级模型(例如Petri网络,因果网络和过程树)。此外,我们在Petri网和BPMN模型之间建立行为关系,并使用它们采用现有的一致性检查和性能分析技术,以便在BPMN图表中可视化一致性和性能信息。我们认为,本文介绍的结果可用于多种BPMN挖掘和一致性检查算法。我们还提供了在转换为BPMN结构之前和之后发现的流程的度量。确定了与初始模型相比,转换算法可以产生更紧凑或更复杂的BPMN模型的情况。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-015-0502-0]

[962] Process mining with token carried data (2016)

(Li, Chuanyi and Ge, Jidong and Huang, Liguo and Hu, Haiyang and Wu, Budan and Yang, Hongji and Hu, Hao and Luo, Bin | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Process mining is to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting the knowledge from logs which are available in todays information systems. The existing process mining algorithms are based on the event logs where only the executions of tasks are recorded. In order to reduce the pre-processing efforts and strengthen the mining ability of the existing process mining algorithms, we have proposed a novel perspective to employ the data carried by tokens recorded in token log which tracks the changes of process resources for process mining in this study. The feasibility of the token logs is proved and the results of pairwise t-tests show that there is no big difference between the efforts that are taken by the same workflow system to generate the token log and the event log. Besides, a process mining algorithm (tautau) based on the new log is proposed in this paper. With algorithm tautau, the mining efficiency as well as the mining capability is improved compared to the traditional event-log-based mining algorithms. We have also developed three plug-ins on top of the existing workflow engine, process modeling and mining platforms (YAWL, PIPE and ProM) for proving the feasibility of token log and realizing the token log generation and algorithm tautau.


摘要: 过程挖掘是通过从当今信息系统中可用的日志中提取知识来发现,监视和改善实际过程。现有的过程挖掘算法基于事件日志,其中仅记录任务的执行。减少预处理工作并增强现有流程挖掘算法的挖掘能力,我们提出了一种新颖的观点来利用令牌日志中记录的令牌所携带的数据,从而跟踪研究中用于流程挖掘的流程资源的变化。证明了令牌日志的可行性,并且成对t检验的结果表明,同一工作流系统生成令牌日志和事件日志所付出的努力之间没有太大差异。提出了基于新日志的$ tau t使)算法,与t算法相比,使用 tau YAWLPIPEProM算法提高了挖掘效率和挖掘能力。基于传统事件日志的挖掘算法。我们还在现有工作流引擎,流程建模和挖掘平台(YAWL,PIPE和ProM)的基础上开发了三个插件,以证明令牌日志的可行性并实现令牌日志生成和算法 tau $。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2015.08.050]

[963] Process mining, discovery, and integration using distance measures (2006)

(Bae, Joonsoo and Liu, Ling and Caverlee, James and Rouse, William B. | Proceedings - ICWS 2006: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)

Abstract: Business processes continue to play an important role in todays service-oriented enterprise computing systems. Mining, discovering, and integrating processoriented services has attracted growing attention in the recent year. In this paper we present a quantitative approach to modeling and capturing the similarity and dissimilarity between different process designs. We derive the similarity measures by analyzing the process dependency graphs of the participating workflow processes. We first convert each process dependency graph into a normalized process matrix. Then we calculate the metric space distance between the normalized matrices. This distance measure can be used as a quantitative and qualitative tool in process mining, process merging, and process clustering, and ultimately it can reduce or minimize the costs involved in design, analysis, and evolution of workflow systems. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程在当今面向服务的企业计算系统中继续发挥重要作用。近年来,挖掘,发现和集成面向流程的服务已引起越来越多的关注。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于建模和捕获相似性的定量方法通过分析参与的工作流过程的过程依赖性图,得出相似性度量,首先将每个过程依赖性图转换为归一化过程矩阵,然后计算归一化矩阵之间的度量空间距离。距离度量可以用作过程挖掘,过程合并和过程集群中的定量和定性工具,最终可以减少或最小化工作流系统的设计,分析和演进所涉及的成本 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE 。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2006.105]

[964] Process mining: A research agenda (2004)

(Van der Aalst | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Enterprise information systems support and control operational business processes ranging from simple internal back-office processes to complex interorganizational processes. Technologies such as workflow management (WFM), enterprise application integration (EAI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and web services (WS) typically focus on the realization of IT support rather than monitoring the operational business processes. Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. In this paper, we put the topic of process mining into context, discuss the main issues around process mining, and finally we introduce the papers in this special issue. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 企业信息系统支持和控制从简单的内部后台流程到复杂的组织间流程的业务流程。工作流管理(WFM),企业应用程序集成(EAI),企业资源计划(ERP)和Web服务(WS)等技术通常专注于IT支持的实现,而不是监视运营业务流程。流程挖掘旨在从事件日志中提取信息,以捕获正在执行的业务流程。在本文中,我们将过程挖掘的主题放在上下文中,讨论了过程挖掘的主要问题,最后我们介绍了本期特刊中的论文。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.001]

[965] Process mining: A two-step approach to balance between underfitting and overfitting (2010)

(Van Der Aalst | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Process mining includes the automated discovery of processes from event logs. Based on observed events (e.g., activities being executed or messages being exchanged) a process model is constructed. One of the essential problems in process mining is that one cannot assume to have seen all possible behavior. At best, one has seen a representative subset. Therefore, classical synthesis techniques are not suitable as they aim at finding a model that is able to exactly reproduce the log. Existing process mining techniques try to avoid such overfitting by generalizing the model to allow for more behavior. This generalization is often driven by the representation language and very crude assumptions about completeness. As a result, parts of the model are overfitting (allow only for what has actually been observed) while other parts may be underfitting (allow for much more behavior without strong support for it). None of the existing techniques enables the user to control the balance between overfitting and underfitting. To address this, we propose a two-step approach. First, using a configurable approach, a transition system is constructed. Then, using the theory of regions, the model is synthesized. The approach has been implemented in the context of ProM and overcomes many of the limitations of traditional approaches.


摘要: 进程挖掘包括从事件日志中自动发现进程。基于观察到的事件(例如,正在执行的活动或正在交换的消息),构建过程模型。流程挖掘中的基本问题之一是无法假设已经看到所有可能的行为。充其量,只能看到一个有代表性的子集。因此,经典的合成技术不适合使用,因为它们的目标是寻找能够准确再现测井曲线的模型。现有的过程挖掘技术试图通过对模型进行泛化以允许更多行为来避免这种过拟合。这种概括通常是由表示语言和关于完整性的非常粗略的假设驱动的。结果,模型的某些部分过度拟合(仅允许实际观察到的结果),而其他部分则可能欠拟合(允许更多行为而又没有强大的支持)。现有技术均无法使用户控制过拟合和欠拟合之间的平衡。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了两步法。首先,使用可配置的方法,构建过渡系统。然后,使用区域理论合成模型。该方法已在ProM的背景下实施,并克服了传统方法的许多局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-008-0106-z]

[966] Process mining: Converting data from MS-Access Database to MXML format (2012)

(Nammakhunt, Anake and Romsaiyud, Walisa and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: ProM is a generic open-source framework for implementing process mining tools in a standard environment. The ProM framework receives as input logs in the MXML (Mining eXtensible Markup Language) and XES (eXtensible Event Stream) formats. These formats follow a specified schema definition, which means that logs do not consist of random and disorganized information; they rather contain all the elements needed by the plug-ins at a known location. In this paper, we chose PromImport as a framework to extract MXML log from the data source. The data was received in form of the Database in Microsoft Access. It contained various tables recording information about students registration in one of the universities in Thailand. Once the relevant data was located, the extraction and conversion sound fairly straightforward but yet the challenge was how to support event data matched with MXML format. To do this, initially, four tables with a certain structure were filled with data. Secondly a Visual Basic script was written and finally an ODBC connection with Access Database was established. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: ProM是用于在标准环境中实现过程挖掘工具的通用开源框架。ProM框架以MXML(挖掘可扩展标记语言)和XES(可扩展事件流)格式接收输入日志。这些格式遵循指定的格式。模式定义,这意味着日志不包含随机和混乱的信息;它们包含插件在已知位置所需的所有元素;在本文中,我们选择PromImport作为从数据中提取MXML日志的框架数据是通过Microsoft Access中的数据库形式接收的,其中包含各种表格,记录有关泰国一所大学中学生注册的信息,找到相关数据后,提取和转换听起来相当简单,但面临的挑战是如何支持与MXML格式匹配的事件数据,为此,首先要用数据填充具有特定结构的四个表。 l编写了基本脚本,最后与Access数据库建立了ODBC连接。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408557]

[967] Process mining: Discovering direct successors in process logs (2002)

(Maruster, Laura and Weijters, A. J.M.M.(Ton) and van der Aalst, W. M.P.(Wil) and van den Bosch, Antal | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Workflow management technology requires the existence of explicit process models, i.e. a completely specified workflow design needs to be developed in order to enact a given workflow process. Such a workflow design is time consuming and often subjective and incomplete. We propose a learning method that uses the workflow log, which contains information about the process as it is actually being executed. In our method we will use a logistic regression model to discover the direct connections between events of a realistic not complete workflow log with noise. Experimental results are used to show the usefulness and limitations of the presented method.


摘要: 工作流程管理技术需要存在明确的流程模型,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要开发完全指定的工作流程设计。这样的工作流设计是耗时的并且通常是主观的和不完整的。我们提出一种使用工作流日志的学习方法,其中包含有关实际执行过程的信息。在我们的方法中,我们将使用逻辑回归模型来发现现实的,不完整的,带有噪声的工作流日志的事件之间的直接联系。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性和局限性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/3-540-36182-0_37]

[968] Process mining: Matrix representation for bloc discovery (2013)

(Souhail, Boushaba and Kabbaj, Mohammed Issam and Bakkoury, Zohra | 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013)

Abstract: Modeling is practically time-consuming and error-prone task. To help making process modeling easier, the use of process discovery is considered to be an efficient way to create a fitting process model. In this paper, we propose a new method for process discovery based on a process matrix representation to reduce the complexity of discovered processes. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 建模实际上是耗时且容易出错的任务。为了帮助简化流程建模,使用流程发现被认为是创建合适流程模型的有效方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程矩阵表示的过程发现新方法,以降低发现过程的复杂性。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SITA.2013.6560816]

[969] Process mining: Overview and opportunities (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems)

Abstract: Over the last decade, process mining emerged as a new research field that focuses on the analysis of processes using event data. Classical data mining techniques such as classification, clustering, regression, association rule learning, and sequence/episode mining do not focus on business process models and are often only used to analyze a specific step in the overall process. Process mining focuses on end-to-end processes and is possible because of the growing availability of event data and new process discovery and conformance checking techniques. Process models are used for analysis (e.g., simulation and verification) and enactment by BPM/WFM systems. Previously, process models were typically made by hand without using event data. However, activities executed by people, machines, and software leave trails in so-called event logs. Process mining techniques use such logs to discover, analyze, and improve business processes. Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. This manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active involvement of end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrates the growing significance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The practical relevance of process mining and the interesting scientific challenges make process mining one of the hot topics in Business Process Management (BPM). This article introduces process mining as a new research field and summarizes the guiding principles and challenges described in the manifesto. textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域出现了,该领域专注于使用事件数据进行过程分析。经典的数据挖掘技术(例如分类,聚类,回归,关联规则学习和序列/片段挖掘)并不关注业务流程模型,而通常仅用于分析整个流程中的特定步骤。流程挖掘专注于端到端流程,并且由于事件数据的可用性和新的流程发现以及一致性检查技术的日益普及而成为可能。流程模型用于BPM / WFM系统的分析(例如,仿真和验证)和制定。以前,流程模型通常是在不使用事件数据的情况下手动完成的。但是,由人员,机器和软件执行的活动会在所谓的事件日志中留下痕迹。流程挖掘技术使用此类日志来发现,分析和改进业务流程。最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,并且有77名过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极参与说明了过程挖掘作为数据挖掘和业务过程建模之间的桥梁的重要性日益提高。流程挖掘的实际相关性和有趣的科学挑战使流程挖掘成为业务流程管理(BPM)的热门主题之一。本文介绍了过程挖掘作为一个新的研究领域,并总结了宣言中描述的指导原则和挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2229156.2229157]

[970] Process mining: algorithm for S-Coverable workflow nets (2009)

(She, Jianchun and Yang, Dongqing | Proceedings - 2009 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, WKKD 2009)

Abstract: To discover process models from event logs has recently aroused many researchers interest in the area of process mining. Notwithstanding the interest and related efforts, existing algorithms are far from being satisfactory. For example, some researchers have proved that a-algorithm is capable of discovering the processes of the so-called SWF-nets without short loops; however, alphaalpha-algorithm has been found to contain some severe limitations. This paper is therefore to introduce the notation of S-Coverable workflow nets, to reach theorems about the characteristics of Sound S-Coverable Workflow Nets, and to develop a new process mining algorithm, namely, algorithm S. On such basis, suggested in the paper is a new approach to dealing with the problem of hidden transition discovering, an approach that, by means of the pretreatment of such hidden tasks, allows algorithm S to discover process models that will help preserve better structures. Theorems thus reached are applicable not only to process mining, but also to process modeling and process model checking. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 从事件日志中发现过程模型最近引起了许多研究人员对过程挖掘领域的兴趣。尽管有这种兴趣和相关的努力,但现有的算法仍远远不能令人满意。例如,一些研究人员证明了a算法是能够发现没有短循环的SWF网络的过程;但是,发现$ alpha $-算法存在一些严重的局限性,因此,本文将介绍S-Coverable工作流网络的概念,为了找到关于声音S可覆盖工作流网的特性的定理,并开发一种新的过程挖掘算法,即算法S。在此基础上,本文提出了一种解决隐藏过渡发现问题的新方法,通过这种隐藏任务的预处理,允许算法S发现有助于保留更好结构的过程模型的方法,由此得出的定理不适用不仅要进行过程挖掘,还要进行过程建模和过程模型检查。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WKDD.2009.158]

[971] Process mining: discovering and improving Spaghetti and Lasagna processes (2012)

(van der Aalst, Wil | )

Abstract: Process mining is an emerging discipline providing comprehensive sets of tools to provide fact-based insights and to support process improvements. This new discipline builds on process model-driven approaches and data mining. This invited keynote paper demonstrates that process mining can be used to discover a wide range of processes ranging from structured processes (Lasagna processes) to unstructured processes (Spaghetti processes). For Lasagna processes, the discovered process is just the starting point for a broad repertoire of analysis techniques that support process improvement. For example, process mining can be used to detect and diagnose bottlenecks and deviations in (semi-)structured processes. The analysis of Spaghetti processes is more challenging. However, the potential benefits are substantial; just by inspecting the discovered model, important insights can be obtained. Process discovery can be used to understand variability and non-conformance. This paper presents the L* life-cycle model consisting of five phases. The model describes how to apply process mining techniques.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一门新兴学科,提供全面的工具集,以提供基于事实的见解并支持过程改进。这一新学科以流程模型驱动的方法和数据挖掘为基础。这篇受邀的主题演讲证明了过程挖掘可用于发现从结构化过程(烤宽面条过程)到非结构化过程(意大利面条过程)的各种过程。对于千层面工艺,发现的工艺只是支持工艺改进的广泛分析技术的起点。例如,过程挖掘可用于检测和诊断(半)结构化过程中的瓶颈和偏差。意大利面条过程的分析更具挑战性。但是,潜在的好处是巨大的。仅通过检查发现的模型,就可以获得重要的见解。流程发现可用于了解可变性和不符合项。本文介绍了由五个阶段组成的L *生命周期模型。该模型描述了如何应用流程挖掘技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/cidm.2011.6129461]

[972] Process mining (2012)

(van der Aalst, Wil | ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter)

Abstract: Recently, the Task Force on Process Mining released the Process Mining Manifesto. The manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active contributions from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing relevance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. This paper summarizes the manifesto and explains why process mining is a highly relevant, but also very challenging, research area. This way we hope to stimulate the broader ACM SIGKDD community to look at process-centric knowledge discovery.


摘要: 最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,其中77位过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极贡献表明,流程挖掘作为数据挖掘与业务流程建模之间的桥梁,其相关性日益提高。本文总结了宣言,并解释了为什么过程挖掘是一个高度相关但又非常具有挑战性的研究领域。通过这种方式,我们希望激发更广泛的ACM SIGKDD社区关注以流程为中心的知识发现。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2207243.2207251]

[973] Process mining (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | Communications of the ACM)

Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in process mining research make it possible to discover, analyze, and improve business processes based on event data. Activities executed by people, machines, and software leave trails in so-called event logs. What events (such as entering a customer order into SAP, a passenger checking in for a flight, a doctor changing a patients dosage, or a planning agency rejecting a building permit) have in common is that all are recorded by information systems. Data volume and storage capacity have grown spectacularly over the past decade, while the digital universe and the physical universe are increasingly aligned. Business processes thus ought to be managed, supported, and improved based on event data rather than on subjective opinions or obsolete experience. Application of process mining in hundreds of organizations worldwide shows that managers and users alike tend to overestimate their knowledge of textcopyright 2012 ACM.


摘要: 过程挖掘研究的最新突破使得可以基于事件数据发现,分析和改进业务流程。人员,机器和软件执行的活动在所谓的事件日志中留下痕迹。什么事件(例如输入事件SAP的客户订单,办理登机手续的乘客,改变患者剂量的医生或拒绝建筑许可的计划机构)的共同点是,所有信息均由信息系统记录,在整个过程中,数据量和存储容量都得到了惊人的增长。在过去的十年中,随着数字世界和物理世界越来越紧密地结合在一起,因此应该基于事件数据而不是基于主观意见或过时的经验来管理,支持和改进业务流程。显示管理员和用户都倾向于高估他们对 t​​extcopyright 2012 ACM的了解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2240236.2240257]

[974] Process model representation layers for financial audits (2016)

(Werner, Michael | Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)

Abstract: Business processes play a significant role in financial audits. They are carried out by auditors who require diverse information for this purpose. Process mining techniques offer new opportunities to exploit data from ERP systems to generate reliable process models very effectively and efficiently. Traditional process models are only suited to provide information on a single process. This study illustrates how diverse information aspects that are required for process audits can be provided to the auditor by using different process model types that relate to different representation layers. Process mining techniques commonly operate on the business process and instance level. This study introduces process map and process stream models as higher level abstractions of multiple business processes. The introduction of higher-level process models in combination with traditional model types allows an all-encompassing representation of information aspects that are relevant for process audits in the context of financial audits.


摘要: 业务流程在财务审计中起着重要作用。它们由需要为此目的各种信息的审核员执行。流程挖掘技术提供了新的机会来利用ERP系统中的数据来非常有效地生成可靠的流程模型。传统的流程​​模型仅适合于提供有关单个流程的信息。这项研究说明了如何通过使用与不同表示层相关的不同过程模型类型,向审核员提供过程审核所需的各种信息。流程挖掘技术通常在业务流程和实例级别上运行。本研究介绍了流程图和流程模型,将其作为多个业务流程的高级抽象。结合传统模型类型引入更高级别的流程模型,可以全面涵盖与财务审计范围内的流程审计相关的信息方面。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HICSS.2016.659]

[975] Process modeling and bottleneck mining in online peer-review systems (2015)

(Premchaiswadi, Wichian and Porouhan, Parham | SpringerPlus)

Abstract: This paper is divided into three main parts. In the first part of the study, we captured, collected and formatted an event log describing the handling of reviews for proceedings of an international conference in Thailand. In the second part, we used several process mining techniques in order to discover process models, social, organizational, and hierarchical structures from the proceedings event log. In the third part, we detected the deviations and bottlenecks of the peer review process by comparing the observed events (i.e., authentic dataset) with a pre-defined model (i.e., master map). Finally, we investigated the performance information as well as the total waiting time in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the online submission and peer review system for the prospective conferences and seminars. Consequently, the main goals of the study were as follows: (1) to convert the collected event log into the appropriate format supported by process mining analysis tools, (2) to discover process models and to construct social networks based on the collected event log, and (3) to find deviations, discrepancies and bottlenecks between the collected event log and the master pre-defined model. The results showed that although each paper was initially sent to three different reviewers; it was not always possible to make a decision after the first round of reviewing; therefore, additional reviewers were invited. In total, all the accepted and rejected manuscripts were reviewed by an average of 3.9 and 3.2 expert reviewers, respectively. Moreover, obvious violations of the rules and regulations relating to careless or inappropriate peer review of a manuscript—committed by the editorial board and other staff—were identified. Nine blocks of activity in the authentic dataset were not completely compatible with the activities defined in the master model. Also, five of the activity traces were not correctly enabled, and seven activities were missed within the online submission system. On the other hand, dealing with the feedback (comments) received from the first and the third reviewers; the conference committee members and the organizers did not attend to those feedback/comments in a timely manner.


摘要: 本文分为三个主要部分。在研究的第一部分中,我们捕获,收集并格式化了事件日志,该事件日志描述了在泰国举行的国际会议的议事记录的处理。在第二部分中,我们使用了一些流程挖掘技术,以便从程序的事件日志中发现流程模型,社会,组织和层次结构第三部分,我们通过比较观察到的事件(即,真实数据集)来检测同行评审过程的偏差和瓶颈最后,我们调查了性能信息以及总等待时间,以提高预期会议和研讨会的在线提交和同行评审系统的有效性和效率。因此,该研究的主要目标如下:(1)将收集的事件日志转换为流程挖掘分析支持的适当格式,以ols,(2)发现过程模型并基于收集的事件日志构建社交网络,(3)查找收集的事件日志与主预定义模型之间的偏差,差异和瓶颈。结果表明,尽管每篇论文最初都是发送给三位不同的审稿人的;在第一轮审查后,并非总是能够做出决定;因此,邀请了更多的审稿人。总体而言,所有被接受和被拒绝的手稿均分别由平均3.9和3.2的专家审稿人进行审阅。此外,还发现了明显的违反规则和规章的行为,这些行为是由编辑委员会和其他工作人员犯下的与对草稿进行粗心或不适当的同行评审有关的。真实数据集中的九个活动块与主模型中定义的活动不完全兼容。此外,没有正确启用五个活动跟踪,并且在线提交系统中错过了七个活动。另一方面,处理从第一和第三审稿人那里收到的反馈(意见);会议委员会成员和组织者未及时参加这些反馈/评论。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1186/s40064-015-1183-4]


[976] Process modeling and decision mining in a collaborative distance learning environment (2015)

(Premchaiswadi, Wichian and Porouhan, Parham | Decision Analytics)

Abstract: This paper is divided into four main parts. In the first part of the study, we identified the most significant factors that affect the performance of groups in collaborative learning situations. The results showed that the extent of communication, interactions and involvement/participation between students have crucial impacts on the performance of groups. In the second part of the study, we defined and explained specific alphabets and keywords derived from a collected event log during a distance learning activity using a real-time multi-user concept mapping service. Our aim was to interpret the data in such a way that eventually can increase the instructors awareness about entire the collaborative process. In the third part of the study, we used several statistical and process mining techniques in order to discover and compare distinguished patterns of interaction and involvement between the groups with high and low performance. The results showed that the extent of students interaction was four times greater in the high performance groups. Similarly, the extent of students involvement and participation was three times greater in the high performance groups compared with the low performance groups. In the fourth part of the study, we analyzed the extent of communication with respect to textual and semantic contributions of the students written/typed and shared in the chat rooms during the online distance activity. The results showed that the level of students communication was two times greater in the groups with high performance. And finally, we applied a Decision Tree/Rules technique to extract a model of decisions (as well as their possible consequences) about performance of groups in collaborative learning situations.


摘要: 本文分为四个主要部分。在研究的第一部分中,我们确定了影响小组在协作学习情况下的表现的最重要因素。结果表明,沟通,互动和参与/参与的程度在研究的第二部分中,我们使用实时多用户概念映射服务定义和解释了在远程学习活动期间从收集的事件日志中得出的特定字母和关键字。我们的目的是对数据进行解释,以期最终可以提高讲师对整个协作过程的认识在研究的第三部分中,我们使用了几种统计和过程挖掘技术,以发现和比较杰出的交互模式结果表明,学生之间的交往程度高性能小组的行动要多四倍。同样,高绩效组的学生参与和参与程度是低绩效组的三倍。在研究的第四部分中,我们分析了在线距离活动期间,在聊天室中书写/键入和共享的学生在文本和语义上的贡献程度。结果表明,在表现良好的群体中,学生的交流水平是后者的两倍。最后,我们应用了决策树/规则技术来提取关于协作学习情况下团队绩效的决策模型(及其可能产生的后果)。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1186/s40165-015-0015-5]

[977] Process monitoring using maximum sequence divergence (2016)

(Kang, Yihuang and Zadorozhny, Vladimir | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: Process monitoring involves tracking a systems behaviors, evaluating the current state of the system, and discovering interesting events that require immediate actions. In this paper, we consider monitoring temporal system state sequences to help detect the changes of dynamic systems, check the divergence of the system development, and evaluate the significance of the deviation. We begin with discussions of data reduction, symbolic data representation, and anomaly detection in temporal discrete sequences. Time-series representation methods are also discussed and used in this paper to discretize raw data into sequences of system states. Markov chains and stationary-state distributions are continuously generated from temporal sequences to represent snapshots of the system dynamics in different time frames. We use generalized Jensen–Shannon divergence as the measure to monitor changes of the stationary symbol probability distributions and evaluate the significance of system deviations. We prove that the proposed approach is able to detect deviations of the systems we monitor and assess the deviation significance in probabilistic manner.


摘要: 过程监视涉及跟踪系统的行为,评估系统的当前状态以及发现需要立即采取措施的有趣事件。在本文中,我们考虑监视时间系统状态序列以帮助检测动态系统的变化,检查差异首先,我们将讨论数据缩减,符号数据表示和时间离散序列中的异常检测,并讨论并使用时间序列表示方法来离散化原始数据。进入系统状态序列,从时间序列连续生成马尔可夫链和稳态分布,以表示不同时间范围内系统动力学的快照,我们使用广义的Jensen–Shannon发散作为监测稳态符号概率分布变化的方法并评估系统偏差的重要性。我们证明了所提出的方法能够检测出我们所监测的系统的偏差,并以概率方式评估偏差的重要性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-015-0858-z]

[978] Process querying: Enabling business intelligence through query-based processxa0analytics (2017)

(Polyvyanyy, Artem and Ouyang, Chun and Barros, Alistair and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: The volume of process-related data is growing rapidly: more and more business operations are being supported and monitored by information systems. Industry 4.0 and the corresponding industrial Internet of Things are about to generate new waves of process-related data, next to the abundance of event data already present in enterprise systems. However, organizations often fail to convert such data into strategic and tactical intelligence. This is due to the lack of dedicated technologies that are tailored to effectively manage the information on processes encoded in process models and process execution records. Process-related information is a core organizational asset which requires dedicated analytics to unlock its full potential. This paper proposes a framework for devising process querying methods, i.e., techniques for the (automated) management of repositories of designed and executed processes, as well as models that describe relationships between processes. The framework is composed of generic components that can be configured to create a range of process querying methods. The motivation for the framework stems from use cases in the field of Business Process Management. The design of the framework is informed by and validated via a systematic literature review. The framework structures the state of the art and points to gaps in existing research. Process querying methods need to address these gaps to better support strategic decision-making and provide the next generation of Business Intelligence platforms.

流程查询:通过基于查询的流程 xa0analytics启用商业智能

摘要: 与流程相关的数据量正在迅速增长:信息系统正在支持和监视越来越多的业务运营。除了企业系统中已经存在的大量事件数据之外,工业4.0和相应的工业物联网将产生新的与过程相关的数据。但是,组织通常无法将此类数据转换为战略和战术情报。这是由于缺乏专门用于有效管理流程模型和流程执行记录中编码的流程信息的专用技术。与流程相关的信息是组织的一项核心资产,需要专门的分析来释放其全部潜力。本文提出了一个框架,用于设计过程查询方法,即用于(自动)管理设计和执行过程的存储库的技术以及描述过程之间关系的模型。该框架由可配置为创建一系列过程查询方法的通用组件组成。该框架的动机来自业务流程管理领域的用例。该框架的设计由系统的文献综述提供信息并通过其验证。该框架构成了最新技术,指出了现有研究中的空白。流程查询方法需要解决这些差距,以更好地支持战略决策并提供下一代商业智能平台。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.011]

[979] Process simulation and pattern discovery through alpha and heuristic algorithms (2015)

(Premchaiswadi, Wichian and Porouhan, Parham | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The paper is divided into two main parts. In the first part of the study, we applied two process mining discovery techniques (i.e., alpha and heuristic algorithms) on an event log previously collected from an information system during an Academic Writing (English) training course at a private university in Thailand. The event log was initially consisted of 330 process instances (i.e., number of participants) and 3,326 events (i.e., number of actions/tasks) in total. Using alpha algorithm enabled us to reconstruct causality in form of a Petri-net graph/model. By using heuristic algorithm we could derive XOR and AND connectors in form of a C-net. The results showed 86.36% of the applicants/participants managed to achieve the Academic Writing (English) certificate successfully, while 6.36% of them failed to achieve any certificate after a maximum number of 3 attempts to repeat the training course. Surprisingly, 7.28% of the participants neither achieved an accredited certificate nor failed the course by dropping out before ending the course training process. In the second part of the study, we used performance analysis with Petri net technique (as a process mining conformance checking approach) in order to further analyze the points of noncompliant behavior (i.e., so-called bottlenecks or points of noncompliant behavior) for every case in the collected course training log. Based on the results, we could eventually detect the existing discrepancies of the event log leading to +24 missed tokens and -24 remained tokens altogether.


摘要: 本文分为两个主要部分。在研究的第一部分中,我们在泰国一所私立大学的学术写作(英语)培训课程中从信息系统收集的事件日志上应用了两种过程挖掘发现技术(即alpha和启发式算法)。事件日志最初由330个流程实例(即参与者数量)和3326个事件(即动作/任务数量)组成。使用alpha算法使我们能够以Petri网图/模型的形式重构因果关系。通过使用启发式算法,我们可以得出C-net形式的XOR和AND连接器。结果显示86.36%的申请者/参与者成功获得了学术写作(英语)证书,而6.36%的参加者(最多3次重复培训课程)未获得任何证书。令人惊讶的是,有7.28%的参与者既没有获得认可的证书,也没有通过退出课程培训过程而辍学而未能通过课程。在研究的第二部分中,我们使用Petri网技术(作为过程挖掘一致性检查方法)进行了性能分析,以便进一步分析每个方面的不合规行为的要点(即所谓的瓶颈或不合规行为的要点)。收集的课程培训日志中的案例。根据结果​​,我们最终可以检测到事件日志的现有差异,导致+24个丢失的令牌和-24个剩余的令牌。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368472]

[980] Process variant comparison: Using event logs to detect differences in behavior and business rules (2018)

(Bolt, Alfredo and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Information Systems)

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of comparing different variants of the same process. We aim to detect relevant differences between processes based on what was recorded in event logs. We use transition systems to model behavior and to highlight differences. Transition systems are annotated with measurements, used to compare the behavior in the different variants. Decision points in the transition system are also analyzed, and the business rules of the process variants in such points are compared. The results are visualized as colored transitions systems, where the colored states and transitions indicate the existence and magnitude of differences. The approach has been implemented in ProM, and the implementation is publicly available. The approach has been evaluated using real-life data sets. The results show how our technique is able to detect relevant differences that could not be captured using existing approaches. Moreover, the user is not overloaded with diagnostics on differences that are less significant.


摘要: 本文解决了比较同一过程的不同变体的问题。我们旨在根据事件日志中记录的内容来检测流程之间的相关差异。我们使用过渡系统来建模行为并突出差异。过渡系统带有测量注释,用于比较不同变体中的行为。还分析了过渡系统中的决策点,并比较了这些点中流程变体的业务规则。结果显示为有色过渡系统,其中有色状态和过渡指示差异的存在和大小。该方法已在ProM中实施,并且该实施是公开可用的。该方法已使用实际数据集进行了评估。结果表明,我们的技术如何能够检测使用现有方法无法捕获的相关差异。此外,用户不会因不太重要的差异而被诊断超载。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2017.12.006]

[981] Process-Oriented Iterative Multiple Alignment for Medical Process Mining (2017)

(Chen, Shuhong and Yang, Sen and Zhou, Moliang and Burd, Randall and Marsic, Ivan | IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW)

Abstract: Adapted from biological sequence alignment, trace alignment is a process mining technique used to visualize and analyze workflow data. Any analysis done with this method, however, is affected by the alignment quality. The best existing trace alignment techniques use progressive guide-trees to heuristically approximate the optimal alignment in O(N2L2) time. These algorithms are heavily dependent on the selected guide-tree metric, often return sum-of-pairs-score-reducing errors that interfere with interpretation, and are computationally intensive for large datasets. To alleviate these issues, we propose process-oriented iterative multiple alignment (PIMA), which contains specialized optimizations to better handle workflow data. We demonstrate that PIMA is a flexible framework capable of achieving better sum-of-pairs score than existing trace alignment algorithms in only O(NL2) time. We applied PIMA to analyzing medical workflow data, showing how iterative alignment can better represent the data and facilitate the extraction of insights from data visualization.


摘要: 来自生物序列比对的痕量比对是一种用于可视化和分析工作流数据的过程挖掘技术。但是,使用此方法进行的任何分析都会受到对齐质量的影响。现有的最佳迹线对齐技术使用渐进式导引树以启发式方式近似确定O(N2L2)时间的最佳对齐方式。这些算法在很大程度上依赖于所选的指导树度量标准,通常会返回成对和分数减少的错误,这些错误会干扰解释,并且对大型数据集的计算量很大。为了缓解这些问题,我们提出了面向过程的迭代多重对齐(PIMA),其中包含专门的优化以更好地处理工作流数据。我们证明了PIMA是一个灵活的框架,能够在仅O(NL2)的时间内比现有的跟踪对齐算法获得更好的成对和得分。我们将PIMA应用到医疗工作流程数据分析中,展示了迭代比对如何更好地表示数据并促进从数据可视化中提取见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2017.63]

[982] Process-mining enabled feedback: tell me what i did wrong vs. tell me how to do it right (2016)

(Sedrakyan, Gayane and De Weerdt | Computers in Human Behavior)

Abstract: Fast advancement of technology has led to an increased interest for using information technology to provide feedback based on learning behavior observations. This work outlines a novel approach for analyzing behavioral learner data through the application of process mining techniques specifically targeting a complex problem solving process. We realize this in the context of one particular learning case, namely, domain modeling. This work extends our previous research on process-mining analysis of domain modeling behavior of novices by elaborating with new insights from a replication study enhanced with an extra observation on how novices verify/validate models. The findings include a set of typical modeling and validation patterns that can be used to improve teaching guidance for domain modeling courses. From a scientific viewpoint, the results contribute to improving our knowledge on the cognitive aspects of problem-solving behavior of novices in the area of domain modeling, specifically regarding process-oriented feedback as opposed to traditional outcome feedback (is a solution correct? Why (not)?) usually applied in this type of courses. Ultimately, the outcomes of the work can be inspirational outside of the area of domain modeling as learning event data is becoming readily available through virtual learning environments and other information systems.


摘要: 技术的飞速发展引起了人们对使用信息技术基于学习行为观察提供反馈的兴趣增加。这项工作概述了一种新的方法,该方法通过专门针对复杂问题解决过程的过程挖掘技术的应用来分析行为学习者数据。我们在一个特定的学习案例(即领域建模)的背景下实现了这一目标。这项工作扩展了我们以前对新手域建模行为的过程挖掘分析的研究,方法是通过对复制研究的新见解进行详细阐述,并增强对新手如何验证/验证模型的观察。研究结果包括一组典型的建模和验证模式,可用于改进领域建模课程的教学指导。从科学的角度来看,结果有助于提高我们对领域建模领域新手解决问题行为的认知方面的了解,特别是有关面向过程的反馈而不是传统的结果反馈(解决方案正确吗?为什么(不是)吗?)通常用于此类课程。最终,随着学习事件数据可以通过虚拟学习环境和其他信息系统轻松获得,工作成果可能会超出领域建模领域。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2015.12.040]

[983] Process-mining-based workflow model fragmentation for distributed execution (2011)

(Sun, Sherry X. and Zeng, Qingtian and Wang, Huaiqing | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: A complex workflow is often executed by geographically dispersed partners or different organizations. As a solution for dealing with the decentralized nature of workflow applications, a workflow can be fragmented into small pieces and scheduled to different servers for its execution. An important challenge in distributed workflows is to optimize the fragmentation and distribution to achieve efficiency with respect to time and server resources. To tackle this challenge, we propose the application of process mining to the fragmentation of a workflow for distributed execution. The workflow model discovered through process mining records the actual execution of a workflow and allows in-depth analysis of its temporal behavior. Based on examination of the model resulting from process mining, we demonstrate how to determine the minimum time to finish a workflow and how to partition the workflow in order to achieve efficient server usage.


摘要: 复杂的工作流程通常由地理位置分散的合作伙伴或不同的组织执行。作为处理工作流应用程序分散性的解决方案,可以将工作流分为多个小片段,并安排到不同的服务器中执行。分布式工作流中的一个重要挑战是优化碎片和分布,以实现时间和服务器资源方面的效率。为了应对这一挑战,我们建议将流程挖掘应用于分散执行工作流的碎片。通过流程挖掘发现的工作流程模型记录了工作流程的实际执行,并允许对其时间行为进行深入分析。基于对过程挖掘产生的模型的检查,我们演示了如何确定完成工作流程的最短时间以及如何对工作流程进行分区,以实现有效的服务器使用。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2010.2069092]

[984] ProcessProfiler3D: A visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison (2017)

(Wynn, M. T. and Poppe, E. and Xu, J. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Brown, R. and Pini, A. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: An organisation can significantly improve its performance by observing how their business operations are currently being carried out. A great way to derive evidence-based process improvement insights is to compare the behaviour and performance of processes for different process cohorts by utilising the information recorded in event logs. A process cohort is a coherent group of process instances that has one or more shared characteristics. Such process performance comparisons can highlight positive or negative variations that can be evident in a particular cohort, thus enabling a tailored approach to process improvement. Although existing process mining techniques can be used to calculate various statistics from event logs for performance analysis, most techniques calculate and display the statistics for each cohort separately. Furthermore, the numerical statistics and simple visualisations may not be intuitive enough to allow users to compare the performance of various cohorts efficiently and effectively. We developed a novel visualisation framework for log-based process performance comparison to address these issues. It enables analysts to quickly identify the performance differences between cohorts. The framework supports the selection of cohorts and a three-dimensional visualisation to compare the cohorts using a variety of performance metrics. The approach has been implemented as a set of plug-ins within the open source process mining framework ProM and has been evaluated using two real-life datasets from the insurance domain to assess the usefulness of such a tool. This paper also derives a set of design principles from our approach which provide guidance for the development of new approaches to process cohort performance comparison.


摘要: 组织可以通过观察其业务运营当前如何进行来显着提高其绩效。得出基于证据的流程改进见解的一种好方法是通过利用事件日志中记录的信息来比较不同流程组的流程行为和性能。流程队列是具有一个或多个共享特征的流程实例的相关组。这样的过程性能比较可以突出显示在特定队列中显而易见的正面或负面变化,从而实现量身定制的过程改进方法。尽管可以使用现有的流程挖掘技术来从事件日志中计算各种统计信息以进行性能分析,但是大多数技术都会分别计算和显示每个同类群组的统计信息。此外,数字统计和简单的可视化可能还不够直观,无法让用户有效地比较各种同类群组的效果。我们开发了一种新颖的可视化框架,用于基于日志的流程性能比较,以解决这些问题。它使分析人员能够快速确定同类之间的性能差异。该框架支持队列的选择和三维可视化,以使用各种性能指标来比较队列。该方法已实现为开源过程挖掘框架ProM中的一组插件,并已使用来自保险领域的两个实际数据集进行了评估,以评估这种工具的有效性。本文还从我们的方法中得出了一组设计原则,这些原则为开发新的过程队列性能比较方法提供了指导。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.04.004]

[985] Processes Meet Big Data: Connecting Data Science with Process Science (2015)

(Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: As more and more companies are embracing Big data, it has become apparent that the ultimate challenge is to relate massive amounts of event data to processes that are highly dynamic. To unleash the value of event data, events need to be tightly connected to the control and management of operational processes. However, the primary focus of Big data technologies is currently on storage, processing, and rather simple analytical tasks. Big data initiatives rarely focus on the improvement of end-to-end processes. To address this mismatch, we advocate a better integration of data science, data technology and process science. Data science approaches tend to be process agonistic whereas process science approaches tend to be model-driven without considering the evidence hidden in the data. Process mining aims to bridge this gap. This editorial discusses the interplay between data science and process science and relates process mining to Big data technologies, service orientation, and cloud computing.


摘要: 随着越来越多的公司采用大数据,显然,最终的挑战是将大量事件数据与高度动态的流程相关联。要释放事件数据的价值,必须将事件紧密地关联到操作流程的控制和管理,但是,大数据技术目前的主要重点是存储,处理和相当简单的分析任务,大数据计划很少关注端到端流程的改进。 ,我们主张更好地整合数据科学,数据技术和过程科学,数据科学方法倾向于过程激动,而过程科学方法倾向于模型驱动,而不考虑隐藏在数据中的证据。这篇社论讨论了数据科学与流程科学之间的相互作用,并将流程挖掘与大数据技术,服务导向和云相关联计算。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2015.2493732]

[986] Product-based workflow support (2011)

(Vanderfeesten, Irene and Reijers, Hajo A. and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Despite the industrial need for the improvement of information-intensive business processes, few scientifically grounded approaches exist to support such initiatives. In this paper, we propose a new approach that builds on concepts that are part of a product-oriented view on process optimization. Essentially, this approach allows end users to flexibly decide on the best possible way to create an informational product within the limits that are imposed by regulations and logical dependencies. We argue that this provides various benefits in comparison to earlier work. To support end users in making sensible decisions, we describe two alternative approaches to provide them with recommendations to this end. We formalize these alternatives and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses. The feasibility of the overall approach, which we refer to as Product-Based Workflow Support, is demonstrated by a workflow system that is realized using ProM and DECLARE. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 尽管工业上需要改善信息密集型业务流程,但很少有科学依据的方法来支持此类计划。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,该方法建立在概念上,这些概念是过程优化的面向产品的视图的一部分。本质上,这种方法允许最终用户灵活地决定在法规和逻辑依赖性所施加的限制内创建信息产品的最佳方式。我们认为,与早期工作相比,这提供了各种好处。为了支持最终用户做出明智的决策,我们描述了两种替代方法来为最终用户提供建议。我们将这些替代方案形式化,并讨论它们的相对优缺点。通过使用ProM和DECLARE实现的工作流系统,可以证明总体方法的可行性(我们称为基于产品的工作流支持)。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.008]

[987] Program comprehension for user-assisted test oracle generation (2009)

(Kanstren, Teemu | 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2009, Includes SEDES 2009: Simposio para Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software)

Abstract: Software testing requires a test oracle that makes an assessment of the correctness of the tested program behaviour, based on a priori created model. While test automation is a popular research topic, there is only a limited amount of work in the subject of automating the process of creating test oracles. This lack of test oracle automation greatly limits the usefulness of automated testing techniques. One reason for this is the difficulty to automatically determine the correctness of previously unknown software. Instead the task of coming up with a useful oracle is often left to the user as a manual task. Program comprehension techniques are focused on supporting the building of human understanding for a previously unknown program, and as such are good candidates to assist in the test oracle creation process. This paper addresses the lack of automated support for test oracle creation by providing a framework for using program comprehension techniques to provide automated assistance to the user in creating test oracles. Based on analysis of existing work and theoretical background, the basic concept for this process is defined. A case example demonstrates the practical application of this concept with the generation of a model, including a test oracle, for model-based testing. From the existing approaches and the presented case example, a framework for this type of process is presented in order to provide a basis for providing more powerful techniques for user-assisted test oracle generation. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 软件测试需要一个测试oracle,它基于先验创建的模型来评估被测程序行为的正确性。尽管测试自动化是一个流行的研究主题,但是在自动化创建测试Oracle的过程中只有很少的工作。测试Oracle自动化的这种缺乏极大地限制了自动化测试技术的实用性。原因之一是难以自动确定以前未知的软件的正确性。取而代之的是,提出有用的预言家的任务通常作为手动任务留给用户。程序理解技术的重点是支持建立对以前未知程序的人类理解,因此,它们是帮助测试Oracle创建过程的良好候选者。本文通过提供一个使用程序理解技术为用户提供自动协助来创建测试oracle的框架,解决了缺少对测试oracle的自动化支持的问题。在分析现有工作和理论背景的基础上,定义了该过程的基本概念。一个案例示例通过生成模型(包括用于基于模型的测试的测试oracle)演示了此概念的实际应用。从现有方法和提出的案例中,提出了用于此类过程的框架,以便为为用户辅助的测试Oracle生成提供更强大的技术提供基础。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSEA.2009.26]

[988] Projection approaches to process mining using region-based techniques (2012)

(Carmona, Josep | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)

Abstract: Traces are everywhere from information systems that store their continuous executions, to any type of health care applications that record each patients history. The transformation of a set of traces into a mathematical model that can be used for a formal reasoning is therefore of great value. The discovery of process models out of traces is an interesting problem that has received significant attention in the last years. This is a central problem in Process Mining, a novel area which tries to close the cycle between system design and validation, by resorting on methods for the automated discovery, analysis and extension of process models. In this work, algorithms for the derivation of a Petri net from a set of traces are presented. The methods are grounded on the theory of regions, which maps a model in the state-based domain (e.g., an automata) into a model in the event-based domain (e.g., a Petri net). When dealing with large examples, a direct application of the theory of regions will suffer from two problems: one is the state-explosion problem, i.e., the resources required by algorithms that work at the state-level are sometimes prohibitive. This paper introduces decomposition and projection techniques to alleviate the complexity of the region-based algorithms for Petri net discovery, thus extending its applicability to handle large inputs. A second problem is known as the overfitting problem for region-based approaches, which informally means that, in order to represent with high accuracy the trace set, the models obtained are often spaghetti-like. By focusing on special type of processes called conservative and for which an elegant theory and efficient algorithms can be devised, the techniques presented in this paper alleviate the overfitting problem and moreover incorporate structure into the models generated. textcopyright 2011 The Author(s).


摘要: 踪迹无处不在,从存储其连续执行的信息系统到记录每个患者病史的任何类型的医疗保健应用。因此,将痕迹集转换为可用于正式推理的数学模型非常重要。在过去几年中,过程模型的发现是一个有趣的问题,已经引起了广泛的关注,这是过程挖掘的一个核心问题,过程挖掘是一个新颖的领域,它试图通过诉诸于缩小系统设计和验证之间的周期流程模型的自动发现,分析和扩展方法,本文提出了从一组迹线推导Petri网的算法,这些方法基于区域理论,在区域模型中映射模型基于状态的域(例如自动机)进入基于事件的域(例如Petri网)的模型中当处理大型示例时,区域理论的直接应用会遇到两个问题:一个是状态爆炸问题,即在状态级别工作的算法所需的资源有时是禁止的。本文介绍了分解和投影技术,以减轻Petri网发现的基于区域的算法的复杂性,从而扩展了其在处理大输入量方面的适用性。第二个问题称为基于区域的方法的过度拟合问题,这非正式地意味着,为了高精度地表示轨迹集,所获得的模型通常类似于意大利面条。通过关注被称为保守的特殊类型的过程,可以为其设计出优雅的理论和有效的算法,本文介绍的技术可缓解过拟合问题,并将结构纳入生成的模型中。 t​​extcopyright 2011作者。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10618-011-0226-x]

[989] Prom: Analysis of Social Network in students registration system (2012)

(Reungrungsee, Jirasak and Intarasema, Sarayut and Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: The work presented in this paper applies the results from sociometry, and Social Network Analysis in particular, to an event log. The paper used various metrics in order to build a social network in terms of three types of metrics, namely as: a Handover of Work metric (this metric determines who passes work to whom.), b Working Together metric (this technique counts how frequently individuals work in the same case.), and c Similar Tasks metric (this technique determines who performs the same type of activities.). In addition, our aim was to evaluate the role of each individual through the registration process within a private university in Thailand. Thus, in case study section of the paper, we focused on the mining of organizational relations (roles) showing which relations can be derived from our event log. In other words, organization model derived from the dendogram. Ovals and the pentagons represent actors/originators and organizational entities in charge of students registration process at university. The event log contained information about 299 cases and 569 activities. For each case, the performed tasks - in regard to students registration process - and the moment of completion were recorded. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.

** Prom:学生注册系统中的社交网络分析**

摘要: 本文中介绍的工作将社会计量学(尤其是社交网络分析)的结果应用于事件日志。该论文使用了各种指标,以便根据三种类型的指标来构建社交网络,即: a工作移交度量标准(此度量标准确定谁将工作传递给了谁。),b一起工作度量标准(此技术计算在相同情况下个人的工作频率)和c类似任务度量标准(此技术确定(此外,我们的目标是通过泰国一所私立大学的注册过程评估每个人的角色。因此,在本文的案例研究部分,我们将重点放在组织关系(角色)的挖掘,显示可以从我们的事件日志中推导出哪些关系,换句话说,从树状图派生出组织模型,椭圆和五边形代表负责学生注册的参与者/发起者和组织实体大学的办学过程。事件日志包含有关299个案例和569个活动的信息。对于每种情况,记录了已完成的任务-有关学生的注册过程-完成时间。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2012.6408561]

[990] Promoting socially shared regulation of learning in CSCL: Progress of socially shared regulation among high- and low-performing groups (2015)

(Malmberg, Jonna and Jarvela | Computers in Human Behavior)

Abstract: Abstract Collaborative groups encounter many challenges in their learning. They need to recognize challenges that may hinder collaboration, and to develop appropriate strategies to strengthen collaboration. This study aims to explore how groups progress in their socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL) in the context of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Teacher education students (N = 103) collaborated in groups of three to four students during a two-month multimedia course. The groups used the Virtual Collaborative Research Institute (VCRI) learning environment along with regulation tools that prompted them to recognize challenges that might hinder their collaboration and to develop SSRL strategies to overcome these challenges. In the data analysis, the groups reported challenges, and the SSRL strategies they employed were analyzed to specify the focus and function of the SSRL. Process discovery was used to explore how groups progressed in their SSRL. The results indicated that depending on the phase of the course, the SSRL focus and function shifted from regulating external challenges towards regulating the cognitive and motivational aspects of their collaboration. However, the high-performing groups progressed in their SSRL in terms of evidencing temporal variety in challenges and SSRL strategies across time, which was not the case with low performing groups.

** 在CSCL中促进学习的社会共享监管:高绩效和低绩效群体之间社会共享监管的进展**

摘要: 抽象协作小组在学习中遇到许多挑战。他们需要认识到可能阻碍协作的挑战,并制定适当的策略来加强协作。这项研究旨在探讨在计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)的背景下,群体如何在社交共享学习调节(SSRL)中取得进展。教师教育的学生(N = 103)在为期两个月的多媒体课程中以三到四个学生为一组进行协作。这些小组使用了虚拟协作研究所(VCRI)的学习环境以及监管工具,这些工具促使他们认识到可能阻碍其合作的挑战,并制定了SSRL策略来克服这些挑战。在数据分析中,各小组报告了挑战,并对他们采用的SSRL策略进行了分析,以指定SSRL的重点和功能。流程发现用于探索小组在其SSRL中的进展情况。结果表明,根据课程的阶段,SSRL的重点和功能从调节外部挑战转向调节合作的认知和动机方面。然而,在证明挑战和SSRL策略随时间变化的时间多样性方面,高绩效团队在其SSRL方面取得了进步,而绩效低下的团队则并非如此。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.082]


[991] Propagating changes between aligned process models (2012)

(Weidlich, Matthias and Mendling, Jan and Weske, Mathias | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: There is a wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from organisational redesign to the development of information systems. Consequently, a common business process is often captured in multiple models that overlap in content due to serving different purposes. Business process management aims at flexible adaptation to changing business needs. Hence, changes of business processes occur frequently and have to be incorporated in the respective process models. Once a process model is changed, related process models have to be updated accordingly, despite the fact that those process models may only be loosely coupled. In this article, we introduce an approach that supports change propagation between related process models. Given a change in one process model, we leverage the behavioural abstraction of behavioural profiles for corresponding activities in order to determine a change region in another model. Our approach is able to cope with changes in pairs of models that are not related by hierarchical refinement and show behavioural inconsistencies. We evaluate the applicability of our approach with two real-world process model collections. To this end, we either deduce change operations from different model revisions or rely on synthetic change operations. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 从组织重新设计到信息系统的开发,业务流程建模计划有多种驱动力。因此,由于服务目的不同,通常会在内容重叠的多个模型中捕获通用的业务流程。业务流程管理旨在灵活地适应不断变化的业务需求。因此,业务流程的更改经常发生,必须将其合并到相应的流程模型中。一旦更改了流程模型,尽管这些流程模型可能只是松散耦合的,但相关流程模型也必须相应地更新。在本文中,我们介绍一种支持相关过程模型之间的更改传播的方法。给定一个流程模型中的某个更改,我们将针对相应活动使用行为配置文件的行为抽象,以便确定另一个模型中的更改区域。我们的方法能够应对成对的模型变化,这些模型变化与分层改进无关,并且显示出行为不一致。我们通过两个真实的过程模型集合来评估我们的方法的适用性。为此,我们要么从不同的模型修订中推断出变更操作,要么依靠综合变更操作。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2012.02.044]

[992] Providing context-based security for inter-organizational electronic business processes (2013)

(Talamo, Maurizio and Arcieri, Franco and Schunck, Christian H. and DIddio, Andrea Callia | 2013 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, CNS 2013)

Abstract: We present a framework for context-based analysis of transaction data to validate and secure inter-organizational business processes. The analysis is based on process mining techniques and uses observations taken at all relevant communication layers (e.g. network, transport, application) which are combined with semantic analysis. The context based analysis presented here allows the simple implementation of complex security and compliance policies. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 我们提出了一个基于上下文的交易数据分析框架,以验证和保护组织间业务流程。该分析基于过程挖掘技术,并使用在所有相关通信层(例如,网络,传输,应用程序)进行的观察,这些观察与语义分析相结合。此处介绍的基于上下文的分析允许简单地实现复杂的安全性和合规性策略。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CNS.2013.6682744]

[993] Pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm in process mining (2012)

(Xue, Gang and Ye, Xiaohu and Yang, Jinwu | Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2012)

Abstract: Process mining is helpful for deploying new business processes as well as auditing, analyzing and improving the already enacted ones. An improved pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm is proposed with an asexual reproduction for avoiding crossover operators breach to nice gene patterns. The initial population is produced by greedy algorithm in order to enhance convergence velocity. Information exchange between subgroups employs island model in pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm. These measures are of great significance on reducing complexities and enhancing convergence velocity, as well as increasing global searching ability of the algorithm. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘有助于部署新的业务流程以及审核,分析和改进已制定的流程。提出了一种改进的伪并行遗传算法,该算法具有无性繁殖,以避免交叉算子破坏良好的基因模式。为了提高收敛速度,通过贪婪算法产生种群,子群之间的信息交换采用伪并行遗传算法中的岛模型,这些措施对于降低复杂度,提高收敛速度,提高全局搜索能力具有重要意义。算法。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIST.2012.6221720]

[994] Quantifying patient flow and utilization with patient flow pathway and diagnosis of an emergency department in Singapore (2016)

(Meng, Fanwen and Ooi, Chee Kheong and Keng Soh | Health Systems)

Abstract: Patient treatment and care in emergency departments (ED) is complex because of differences in patients acuity, co-morbidities and diagnoses. This paper aims to study how different diagnosis groups impact the utilization, which we estimate from patients touch points, of various functional areas at ED.xa0We first mapped patient flow pathways across key functional areas in ED, and illustrated them using a network graph. We measured the utilization of these key areas and stratified them by diagnosis groups. The contribution of each diagnosis group to the area utilization was then estimated. A mathematical model was developed to perform impact analysis on the demand based on the utilization pattern. In particular, we estimated the changes in patients touch points in the key areas with the changes to the volumes of different diagnosis groups. The study showed that different diagnosis groups have different impact on the demand at the functional areas. In particular, patients with the diagnosis ‘Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions had the highest impact on the demand in almost all ED areas. The diagnosis ‘Acute respiratory infections appeared to have higher impact on the demand in the areas of Fever and Fever Observation.


摘要: 由于患者的敏锐度,合并症和诊断的差异,急诊科的患者治疗和护理很复杂。本文旨在研究不同的诊断组如何影响利用率,我们根据患者的接触点进行估算, xa0我们首先绘制了急诊室关键功能区域上的患者流动路径,并使用网络图对其进行了说明,我们测量了这些关键区域的利用率,并按诊断组进行了分层。然后估算出该区域的利用率,建立了一个数学模型,根据利用率模式对需求进行影响分析,尤其是随着不同数量的变化,我们估计了关键区域患者接触点的变化。诊断组:研究表明,不同的诊断组对功能区域的需求有不同的影响,特别是患有糖尿病的患者在几乎所有急诊室,症状,体征和病情不明确对需求的影响最大。诊断急性呼吸道感染似乎对发烧和发烧观察领域的需求有较大影响。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1057/hs.2015.15]

[995] Quantifying process equivalence based on observed behavior (2008)

(Alves de Medeiros | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In various application domains there is a desire to compare process models, e.g., to relate an organization-specific process model to a reference model, to find a web service matching some desired service description, or to compare some normative process model with a process model discovered using process mining techniques. Although many researchers have worked on different notions of equivalence (e.g., trace equivalence, bisimulation, branching bisimulation, etc.), most of the existing notions are not very useful in this context. First of all, most equivalence notions result in a binary answer (i.e., two processes are equivalent or not). This is not very helpful because, in real-life applications, one needs to differentiate between slightly different models and completely different models. Second, not all parts of a process model are equally important. There may be parts of the process model that are rarely activated (i.e., process veins) while other parts are executed for most process instances (i.e., the process arteries). Clearly, differences in some veins of a process are less important than differences in the main arteries of a process. To address the problem, this paper proposes a completely new way of comparing process models. Rather than directly comparing two models, the process models are compared with respect to some typical behavior. This way, we are able to avoid the two problems just mentioned. The approach has been implemented and has been used in the context of genetic process mining. Although the results are presented in the context of Petri nets, the approach can be applied to any process modeling language with executable semantics. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 在各种应用领域中,需要比较过程模型,例如,将特定于组织的过程模型与参考模型相关联,以找到与某些所需服务描述匹配的Web服务,或者将某些规范性过程模型与使用过程挖掘技术发现的过程模型。尽管许多研究人员研究了不同的等价概念(例如,跟踪等价,双仿真,分支双仿真等),但是大多数现有概念在这种情况下不是很有用。首先,大多数对等概念会产生二元答案(即两个过程是否相等)。这不是很有用,因为在实际应用中,需要区分稍微不同的模型和完全不同的模型。其次,并非流程模型的所有部分都同样重要。流程模型的某些部分可能很少被激活(即流程静脉),而其他部分则针对大多数流程实例(例如流程动脉)执行。显然,过程中某些静脉的差异不如过程中主要动脉的差异重要。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种全新的比较过程模型的方法。不是直接比较两个模型,而是针对某些典型行为比较了过程模型。这样,我们可以避免刚才提到的两个问题。该方法已经实施,并已在遗传过程挖掘中使用。尽管结果是在Petri网的上下文中呈现的,但是该方法可以应用于具有可执行语义的任何过程建模语言。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2007.06.010]

[996] Quantitative analysis of resource-constrained business processes (2012)

(Oliveira, Cesar Augusto L. and Lima, Ricardo Massa F. and Reijers, Hajo A. and Ribeiro, Joel Tiago S. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans)

Abstract: To address the need for evaluation techniques for complex business processes, also known as workflows, this paper proposes an approach based on generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPNs). We review ten related approaches published in the last fifteen years and compare them to our approach using a wide range of criteria. On the basis of this evaluation, we observe that the newly proposed approach provides results that are at least as good as those from the most accepted alternatives and holds a number of additional advantages, such as modeling simplicity, improved precision, and model reuse for qualitative analyses. The overall approach is formally defined in this paper, along with the definition of several performance metrics. Part of these metrics can be computed analytically, while the remainder can be obtained by simulating the GSPN. Furthermore, a tool has been developed to translate automatically business process execution language processes into GSPNs. Finally, we present a case study in which we applied the proposed approach, colored Petri net tools, and an industrial tool to obtain performance insights into a realistic workflow. The results were highly similar, demonstrating the feasibility and the accuracy of our approach. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 为了满足复杂业务流程的评估技术(也称为工作流)的需求,本文提出了一种基于广义随机Petri网(GSPN)的方法。我们回顾了过去十五年来发布的十种相关方法,并使用各种标准将它们与我们的方法进行了比较。在此评估的基础上,我们观察到新提出的方法所提供的结果至少与大多数公认的替代方法的结果一样好,并且还具有许多其他优点,例如建模简单,精度提高以及模型重用以进行定性分析分析。本文对整体方法进行了正式定义,并定义了几个性能指标。这些度量的一部分可以通过分析来计算,而其余的可以通过模拟GSPN获得。此外,已经开发了一种工具,可以将业务流程执行语言流程自动转换为GSPN。最后,我们提供了一个案例研究,其中我们应用了所提出的方法,彩色Petri网工具和工业工具来获得对现实工作流程的性能见解。结果高度相似,证明了我们方法的可行性和准确性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2170412]

[997] Question-driven methodology for analyzing emergency room processes using process mining (2017)

(Rojas, Eric and Sepulveda, Marcos and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Capurro, Daniel and Traver, Vicente and Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos | Applied Sciences (Switzerland))

Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Emergency Rooms (ER), it is important to provide answers to frequently-posed questions regarding all relevant processes executed therein. Process mining provides different techniques and tools that help to obtain insights into the analyzed processes and help to answer these questions. However, ER experts require certain guidelines in order to carry out process mining effectively. This article proposes a number of solutions, including a classification of the frequently-posed questions about ER processes, a data reference model to guide the extraction of data from the information systems that support these processes and a question-driven methodology specific for ER. The applicability of the latter is illustrated by means of a case study of an ER service in Chile, in which ER experts were able to obtain a better understanding of how they were dealing with episodes related to specific pathologies, triage severity and patient discharge destinations.


摘要: 为了提高急诊室(ER)的效率和有效性,重要的是提供有关在急诊室执行的所有相关过程的常见问题的答案。流程挖掘提供了不同的技术和工具,有助于获得对所分析流程的见解,并有助于回答这些问题。但是,ER专家需要某些指南才能有效地进行过程挖掘。本文提出了许多解决方案,包括对有关ER流程的常见问题进行分类,指导从支持这些流程的信息系统中提取数据的数据参考模型以及针对ER的问题驱动方法。通过在智利的一个急诊服务案例研究,说明了后者的适用性,在急诊服务中,急诊专家能够更好地了解他们如何处理与特定病理,分流严重程度和出院目的地有关的发作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.3390/APP7030302]

[998] Queue mining for delay prediction in multi-class service processes (2015)

(Senderovich, Arik and Weidlich, Matthias and Gal, Avigdor and Mandelbaum, Avishai | Information Systems)

Abstract: Information systems have been widely adopted to support service processes in various domains, e.g., in the telecommunication, finance, and health sectors. Information recorded by systems during the operation of these processes provides an angle for operational process analysis, commonly referred to as process mining. In this work, we establish a queueing perspective in process mining to address the online delay prediction problem, which refers to the time that the execution of an activity for a running instance of a service process is delayed due to queueing effects. We present predictors that treat queues as first-class citizens and either enhance existing regression-based techniques for process mining or are directly grounded in queueing theory. In particular, our predictors target multi-class service processes, in which requests are classified by a type that influences their processing. Further, we introduce queue mining techniques that derive the predictors from event logs recorded by an information system during process execution. Our evaluation based on large real-world datasets, from the telecommunications and financial sectors, shows that our techniques yield accurate online predictions of case delay and drastically improve over predictors neglecting the queueing perspective.


摘要: 信息系统已被广泛采用,以支持电信,金融和卫生部门等各个领域的服务流程。系统在这些过程的操作过程中记录的信息为操作过程分析(通常称为过程挖掘)提供了一个角度。在这项工作中,我们建立了进程挖掘中的排队透视图,以解决在线延迟预测问题,该问题指的是由于排队效应而导致服务进程的运行实例的活动执行延迟的时间。我们提供了将队列视为一等公民的预测变量,并增强了现有的基于回归的过程挖掘技术或直接基于排队论。特别是,我们的预测变量针对的是多类服务流程,其中按影响其处理的类型对请求进行分类。此外,我们引入了队列挖掘技术,该技术从流程执行期间信息系统记录的事件日志中得出预测变量。我们基于来自电信和金融部门的大型现实数据集的评估表明,我们的技术可以提供准确的案例延迟在线预测,并且大大超过了忽略排队观点的预测指标。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2015.03.010]

[999] RDF model checking: A technique to verify behavioral properties in semantically annotated business processes (2009)

(Iba~nez, Maria Jose and Alvarez, Pedro and Ezpeleta, Joaquin | ICSC 2009 - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing)

Abstract: Semantic Business Processes require new analysis techniques able to deal with behavioral properties that also consider semantic aspects. In this paper, a model checking method is introduced including semantic aspects in both the model description and the formula to be verified. Finally a prototype of the model checker based on the use of RDF and SPARQL tools is also described. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 语义业务流程需要新的分析技术,该技术必须能够处理还考虑语义方面的行为属性。本文介绍了一种模型检查方法,该方法在模型描述和要验证的公式中都包含语义方面的内容。最后,还描述了基于RDF和SPARQL工具的模型检查器的原型。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSC.2009.13]

[1000] RECYCLE: Learning looping workflows from annotated traces (2011)

(Haigh, Karen Zita and Yaman, Fusun | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology)

Abstract: A workflow is a model of a process that systematically describes patterns of activity. Workflows capture a sequence of operations, their enablement conditions, and data flow dependencies among them. It is hard to design a complete and correct workflow from scratch, while it is much easier for humans to demonstrate the solution than to state the solution declaratively. This article presents RECYCLE, our approach to learning workflow models from example demonstration traces. RECYCLE captures control flow, data flow, and enablement conditions of an underlying workflow process. Unlike prior work from workflow mining and AI planning literature, (1) RECYCLE can learn from a single demonstration trace with loops, (2) RECYCLE learns both loop and conditional branch structure, and (3) RECYCLE handles data flow among actions. In this article, we describe the phases of RECYCLEs learning algorithm: substructure analysis and node abstraction. To ground the discussion, we present a simplified flight reservation system with some of the important characteristics of the real domains we worked with. We present some results from a patient transport domain. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 工作流是系统地描述活动模式的过程模型。工作流捕获了一系列操作,它们的启用条件以及其中的数据流依赖性。很难从头开始设计一个完整而正确的工作流,对于人类来说,解决方案要比声明性地陈述解决方案容易得多。本文介绍了RECYCLE,这是我们从示例演示跟踪中学习工作流模型的方法,RECYCLE捕获底层工作流流程的控制流,数据流和启用条件。工作流挖掘和AI规划文献的先前工作,(1)RECYCLE可以从带有循环的单个演示跟踪中学习,(2)RECYCLE可以学习循环和条件分支结构,以及(3)RECYCLE处理动作之间的数据流。 ,我们描述了RECYCLE学习算法的各个阶段:子结构分析和节点抽象。 ght预订系统,其中包含我们合作过的真实域名的一些重要特征。我们提出了一些来自患者转运领域的结果。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1989734.1989746]

[1001] RTLS-based Process Mining: Towards an automatic process diagnosis in healthcare (2015)

(Miclo, R. and Fontanili, F. and Marqu`es, G. and Bomert, P. and Lauras, M. | IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering)

Abstract: Log files constitute the main data source required to be able to use a Process Mining tool. As soon as an information system enables to record events corresponding to activity changes, it is rather simple and rapid to completely and automatically model a process. In numerous fields, information systems do not record events enough detailed. Therefore the model obtained with Process Mining will not be accurate and detailed enough for further analysis. In this article, we are interested in modeling with Process Mining patient pathways in an external consulting service of a hospital center. Apart from recording patients at the front desk and when they are leaving, the information system does not collect enough events in order to manage to model in details the different patient pathways. As a result, the model must be realised with successive observations, interviews and manual collects. This work often represents a significant workload without ensuring data quality and representativeness. To resolve this issue we suggest using a Real Time Location System (RTLS) that enables to automatically record events according to patient locations in the service. The log file obtained can contain the pathway tracks followed by the patients with enough details to precisely rebuild the process with Process Mining. This article is intended for users, for diagnosis experts who will be able to realise an accurate diagnosis and then propose improvements. This article deals with our on-going work through a real case study.


摘要: 日志文件构成了使用Process Mining工具所需的主要数据源。只要信息系统能够记录与活动变化相对应的事件,就可以完全自动地对流程进行建模,这相当简单快捷。在许多领域中,信息系统没有记录足够详细的事件。因此,使用Process Mining获得的模型将不够准确和详细,无法进行进一步分析。在本文中,我们对在医院中心的外部咨询服务中使用Process Mining患者路径进行建模感兴趣。除了在前台记录患者的病历和离开时的病历外,信息系统还没有收集足够的事件来对不同的患者路径进行详细建模。结果,必须通过连续的观察,访谈和人工收集来实现该模型。这项工作通常代表着很大的工作量,而无法确保数据质量和代表性。为了解决此问题,我们建议使用实时定位系统(RTLS),该系统可以根据服务中的患者位置自动记录事件。所获得的日志文件可以包含患者追踪的路径,并提供足够详细的信息,以便使用Process Mining精确地重建过程。本文面向用户和诊断专家,他们将能够实现准确的诊断,然后提出改进建议。本文通过实际案例研究了我们正在进行的工作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CoASE.2015.7294294]

[1002] Real-time process data acquisition with bluetooth (2011)

(Zhang, Ye and Martikainen, Olli and Pulli, Petri and Naumov, Valeriy | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Healthcare workflow processes are extremely complicated. Surveys and interviews are a common but a rather expensive way of conducting process research. This paper elaborates a new approach based on wireless technologies for data gathering of healthcare processes. We have developed an automatic process measurement system for collecting real-time process data. The system consists of mobile devices that detect Bluetooth sensors. The identifiers of the detected sensors are stored in log files. We apply the system to three Linux-based platforms. Empirical tests are conducted to evaluate the performance of the system. The Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) is used to improve the accuracy of the data collected by the system. textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 医疗保健工作流程非常复杂。调查和访谈是进行过程研究的一种常见但相当昂贵的方法。本文阐述了一种基于无线技术的医疗过程数据收集新方法。我们已经开发了用于收集实时过程数据的自动过程测量系统。该系统由检测蓝牙传感器的移动设备组成。检测到的传感器的标识符存储在日志文件中。我们将系统应用于三个基于Linux的平台。进行经验测试以评估系统的性能。无线电信号强度指示器(RSSI)用于提高系统收集的数据的准确性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2093698.2093719]

[1003] Real-time risk monitoring in business processes: A sensor-based approach (2013)

(Conforti, Raffaele and La Rosa | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: This article proposes an approach for real-time monitoring of risks in executable business process models. The approach considers risks in all phases of the business process management lifecycle, from process design, where risks are defined on top of process models, through to process diagnosis, where risks are detected during process execution. The approach has been realized via a distributed, sensor-based architecture. At design-time, sensors are defined to specify risk conditions which when fulfilled, are a likely indicator of negative process states (faults) to eventuate. Both historical and current process execution data can be used to compose such conditions. At run-time, each sensor independently notifies a sensor manager when a risk is detected. In turn, the sensor manager interacts with the monitoring component of a business process management system to prompt the results to process administrators who may take remedial actions. The proposed architecture has been implemented on top of the YAWL system, and evaluated through performance measurements and usability tests with students. The results show that risk conditions can be computed efficiently and that the approach is perceived as useful by the participants in the tests. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 本文提出了一种实时监视可执行业务流程模型中的风险的方法。该方法考虑了业务流程管理生命周期各个阶段的风险,从流程设计(在流程模型之上定义风险)到流程诊断(在流程执行过程中检测到风险)。该方法已通过基于传感器的分布式体系结构实现。在设计时,定义了传感器以指定风险条件,这些条件在得到满足时,很可能会指示负面的过程状态(故障)。历史过程执行数据和当前过程执行数据都可以用于构成此类条件。在运行时,每个传感器在检测到风险时都会独立通知传感器管理器。反过来,传感器管理器与业务流程管理系统的监视组件进行交互,以将结果提示给可能采取补救措施的流程管理员。拟议的体系结构已在YAWL系统上实现,并通过性能测量和与学生的可用性测试进行了评估。结果表明,可以有效地计算风险条件,并且测试参与者认为该方法是有用的。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2013.07.024]

[1004] Recognize contextual situation in pervasive environments using process mining techniques (2011)

(Jaroucheh, Zakwan and Liu, Xiaodong and Smith, Sally | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing)

Abstract: Research in pervasive computing and ambience intelligence aims to enable users to interact with the environment in a context-aware way. To achieve this, a complex set of features describing different aspects of the environment has to be captured and processed; in other words situation-awareness is needed. This article notes uniquely three points when modelling situations. Firstly, unlike most existing approaches, context information history should be considered when modelling the situations. We argue here that the current state cannot be understood in isolation from the previous states. Secondly, in order to track users behaviour there is a need to consider the context information available in the different domains the user visits. Thirdly, to identify situations it can be problematic to define situation patterns and looking for an exact match as most of the approaches does. We found that the combination of the flexibility of the user behaviour and automated capture of context events provide a very effective solution for contextual situation recognition. In this article we first provide a formalization of the situation recognition problem and then we focus on the potential use of process mining techniques for measuring situation alignment, i.e., comparing the real situations of users with the expected situations. To this end, we propose two ways to create and/or maintain the fit between them: linear temporal logic (LTL) analysis and conformance testing. We evaluate the effectiveness of the framework using a third party published smart home dataset. Our experiments prove the effectiveness of applying the proposed approach to recognizing situations in the flow of context information. textcopyright Springer-Verlag 2010.


摘要: 对普适计算和环境智能的研究旨在使用户能够以上下文感知的方式与环境交互。为此,必须捕获并处理描述环境不同方面的一组复杂功能;换句话说,情境意识是必要的,本文在对情境进行建模时要特别注意三点:首先,与大多数现有方法不同,在对情境进行建模时应考虑上下文信息历史,我们认为当前状态不能与先前状态孤立地理解。其次,为了跟踪用户的行为,需要考虑用户访问的不同域中可用的上下文信息;其次,为了识别情况,定义情况模式并寻找精确匹配可能是有问题的。我们发现,用户行为的灵活性与上下文事件的自动捕获相结合为上下文情境识别提供了非常有效的解决方案。在本文中,我们首先提供了一种情况识别问题的形式化方法,然后我们专注于过程挖掘技术在测量情况一致性方面的潜在用途,即将用户的实际情况与预期情况进行比较。为此,我们提出了两种创建和/或保持两者之间契合度的方法:线性时序逻辑(LTL)分析和一致性测试。我们使用第三方发布的智能家居数据集评估框架的有效性。我们的实验证明了将提出的方法应用于识别上下文信息流中的情况的有效性。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag2010。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12652-010-0038-7]

[1005] Recommendation of optimized information seeking process based on the similarity of user access behavior patterns (2013)

(Chen, Jian and Zhou, Xiaokang and Jin, Qun | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing)

Abstract: Differing from many studies of recommendation that provided the final results directly, our study focuses on providing an optimized process of information seeking to users. Based on process mining, we propose an integrated adaptive framework to support and facilitate individualized recommendation based on the gradual adaptation model that gradually adapts to a target users transition of needs and behaviors of information access, including various search-related activities, over different time spans. In detail, successful information seeking processes are extracted from the information seeking histories of users. Furthermore, these successful information seeking processes are optimized as a series of action units to support the target users whose information access behavior patterns are similar to the reference users. Based on these, the optimized information seeking processes are navigated to the target users according to their transitions of interest focus. In addition to describing some definitions and measures introduced, we go further to present an optimized process recommendation model and show the system architecture. Finally, we discuss the simulation and scenario for the proposed system. textcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012.


摘要: 与直接提供最终结果的许多推荐研究不同,我们的研究着重于为用户提供优化的信息搜索过程。基于过程挖掘,我们提出了一个综合的自适应框架,以基于渐进的方式支持和促进个性化推荐适应模型,逐步适应目标用户在不同时间段内信息访问的需求和行为的转变,包括各种与搜索有关的活动,详细地,从用户的信息搜索历史中提取成功的信息搜索过程。将成功的信息搜索过程作为一系列动作单元进行优化,以支持信息访问行为模式与参考用户相似的目标用户,并在此基础上根据目标用户的兴趣向目标用户导航。重点除了除des素在介绍了一些定义和措施之后,我们将进一步介绍优化的过程推荐模型并展示系统架构。最后,我们讨论了所提出系统的仿真和场景。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag London Limited2012。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00779-012-0601-7]


[1006] Recompiling learning processes from event logs (2016)

(Vidal, Juan C. and Vazquez-Barreiros, Borja and Lama, Manuel and Mucientes, Manuel | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: In this paper a novel approach to reuse units of learning (UoLs) - such as courses, seminars, workshops, and so on - is presented. Virtual learning environments (VLEs) do not usually provide the tools to export in a standardized format the designed UoLs, making thus more challenging their reuse in a different platform. Taking into account that many of these VLEs are legacy or proprietary systems, the implementation of a specific software is usually out of place. However, these systems have in common that they record the events of students and teachers during the learning process. The approach presented in this paper makes use of these logs (i) to extract the learning flow structure using process mining, and (ii) to obtain the underlying rules that control the adaptive learning of students by means of decision tree learning. Finally, (iii) the process structure and the adaptive rules are recompiled in IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) - the de facto educational modeling language standard. The three steps of our approach have been validated with UoLs from different domains.


摘要: 本文提出了一种重用学习单元(UoL)的新颖方法,例如课程,研讨会,讲习班等。虚拟学习环境(VLE)通常不提供以标准化格式导出设计的UoL的工具,因此使它们在不同平台中的重用更具挑战性。考虑到许多这些VLE是旧系统或专有系统,因此通常不适合使用特定软件。但是,这些系统的共同点是它们记录了学习过程中学生和老师的事件。本文提出的方法利用这些日志(i)使用过程挖掘来提取学习流程结构,以及(ii)通过决策树学习获得控制学生的自适应学习的基本规则。最后,(iii)在事实上的教育建模语言标准IMS学习设计(IMS LD)中重新编译过程结构和自适应规则。我们的方法的三个步骤已通过来自不同领域的UoL进行了验证。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2016.03.003]

[1007] Reconstructing meaningful workflow from transaction logs (2010)

(Sun, Yutian and Zhang, Liang and Zhou, Zhengqi and Cai, Yangjun and Xie, Zhencun and Yan, Zhimin | Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS 2010)

Abstract: Enterprises today rely on workflow more and more to accomplish business goals. A well designed process can contribute to better business operation and working efficiency. In practice, however, most organizations have no efficient workflow, either there is not at all from the very beginning, or lack domain experts who equip with the comprehensive landscape about the business. In order to conduct business more effectively, it is necessary to reconstruct workflows from transaction logs, and further, optimize the business via meaningful representations of these workflows. In this paper, we propose a method and corresponding toolbox to mine the workflows and vital patterns. Domain experts can use them in an interactive way to reconstruct meaningful business processes. We got very promising experimental results on two real applications datasets textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 当今的企业越来越依赖工作流来实现业务目标。精心设计的流程可有助于改善业务运营和工作效率。但是,实际上,大多数组织没有高效的工作流程,要么从一开始就根本没有,要么缺少领域专家,他们不了解有关业务的全面情况。为了更有效地开展业务,有必要从事务日志中重建工作流,并且进一步通过这些工作流的有意义的表示来优化业务。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法和相应的工具箱来挖掘工作流和生命模式。领域专家可以以交互方式使用它们来重建有意义的业务流程。我们在两个真实的应用数据集 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE上获得了非常有希望的实验结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSESS.2010.5552439]

[1008] Recovering human mobility flow models and daily routine patterns in a smart environment (2015)

(Chen, Li and Cheung, William K. | IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW)

Abstract: With the recent advent of ubiquitous computing and sensor technologies, human mobility data can be acquired for monitoring and analysis purposes, e.g., Daily routine identification. Mining mobility data is challenging due to the spatial and temporal variations of the human mobility, even for the same activity. In this paper, we propose a methodology to first summarize indoor human mobility traces as a flow graph using a probabilistic grammar induction algorithm. Then, we recover salient mobility patterns as sub flows in the flow graph. Thus, such patterns/sub flows are expected to be corresponding to the activities that often last for a while, e.g., Cooking and cleaning. The weighted kernel k-means algorithm is adopted for the sub flow extraction. Finally, we detect the occurrences of the sub flows along the mobility traces and obtain their daily routines via the eigen-decomposition. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, we applied it to a publicly available smart home data set containing digital traces of an elder living in a smart house for 219 days. We illustrate how the flow graphs, sub flows and daily routine patterns can be inferred from the mobility data. Our preliminary experimental results show that the proposed approach can detect sub flows which are more specific in terms of their correspondence to activities when compared with a frequent pattern clustering approach.


摘要: 随着近来无处不在的计算和传感器技术的出现,可以获取人类移动性数据以进行监视和分析,例如日常例行识别。由于人类活动的空间和时间变化,即使对于相同的活动,采矿活动数据也具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法,该方法首先使用概率语法归纳算法将室内人员流动轨迹总结为流程图。然后,我们将显着迁移率模式作为流程图中的子流进行恢复。因此,预期这种模式/子流对应于经常持续一段时间的活动,例如烹饪和清洁。子流提取采用加权核k均值算法。最后,我们沿着流动性轨迹检测子流的出现,并通过特征分解获得它们的日常工作。为了评估所提出方法的有效性,我们将其应用于可公开获得的智能家居数据集,该数据集包含居住在智能房屋中长达219天的老年人的数字踪迹。我们说明了如何从流动性数据中推断出流程图,子流程和日常模式。我们的初步实验结果表明,与频繁模式聚类方法相比,所提出的方法可以检测子流,这些子流在与活动的对应关系方面更为具体。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2014.155]

[1009] Redesigning business processes: A methodology based on simulation and process mining techniques (2009)

(Mǎruşter, Laura and Van Beest | Knowledge and Information Systems)

Abstract: Nowadays, organizations have to adjust their business processes along with the changing environment in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Changing a part of the system to support the business process implies changing the entire system, which leads to complex redesign activities. In this paper, a bottom-up process mining and simulation-based methodology is proposed to be employed in redesign activities. The methodology starts with identifying relevant performance issues, which are used as basis for redesign. A process model is mined and simulated as a representation of the existing situation, followed by the simulation of the redesigned process model as prediction of the future scenario. Finally, the performance criteria of the current business process model and the redesigned business process model are compared such that the potential performance gains of the redesign can be predicted. We illustrate the methodology with three case studies from three different domains: gas industry, government institution and agriculture.


摘要: 如今,组织必须随着不断变化的环境调整业务流程,以保持竞争优势。更改系统的一部分以支持业务流程意味着更改整个系统,这将导致复杂的重新设计活动。在本文中,提出了一种自底向上的过程挖掘和基于仿真的方法,该方法可用于重新设计活动。该方法首先要确定相关的性能问题,这些问题将作为重新设计的基础。过程模型被挖掘并模拟为现有情况的表示,然后模拟重新设计的过程模型作为对未来场景的预测。最后,将当前业务流程模型和重新设计的业务流程模型的性能标准进行比较,以便可以预测重新设计的潜在性能收益。我们通过来自三个不同领域的三个案例研究来说明该方法:天然气行业,政府机构和农业。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10115-009-0224-0]

[1010] Rediscovery of government process model in E-government (2009)

(Li, Yan | 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2009)

Abstract: The normal running of electronic government depends on government process models. The traditional government process is static. With the development of government, government processes become changeful. Unfortunately, traditional modeling approaches have some limitations to meet these demands due to their inherent static properties. Therefore this paper researches an automatic government process remodeling approach. The core of the method is process remodeling algorithm. In the algorithm a markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs in BPMS. And according to the matrix the eight remodeling rules of process logical relations are designed. The remodeling method can not only automatically remodel the various government processes, but also greatly enhance the process modeling efficiency. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 电子政府的正常运行取决于政府流程模型。传统的政府程序是静态的。随着政府的发展,政府程序变得多变。不幸的是,传统的建模方法由于其固有的静态特性而无法满足这些需求。因此,本文研究了一种自动的政府流程重组方法。该方法的核心是流程重塑算法。在该算法中,基于BPMS中的过程日志建立了马尔可夫转移矩阵。并根据矩阵设计了过程逻辑关系的八种重构规则。该重塑方法不仅可以自动重塑政府的各个流程,而且可以大大提高流程建模的效率。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FSKD.2009.213]

[1011] Reducing user input requests to improve IT support ticket resolution process (2018)

(Gupta, Monika and Asadullah, Allahbaksh and Padmanabhuni, Srinivas and Serebrenik, Alexander | Empirical Software Engineering)

Abstract: Management and maintenance of IT infrastructure resources such as hardware, software and network is an integral part of software development and maintenance projects. Service management ensures that the tickets submitted by users, i.e. software developers, are serviced within the agreed resolution times. Failure to meet those times induces penalty on the service provider. To prevent a spurious penalty on the service provider, non-working hours such as waiting for user inputs are not included in the measured resolution time, that is, a service level clock pauses its timing. Nevertheless, the user interactions slow down the resolution process, that is, add to user experienced resolution time and degrade user experience. Therefore, this work is motivated by the need to analyze and reduce user input requests in tickets life cycle. To address this problem, we analyze user input requests and investigate their impact on user experienced resolution time. We distinguish between input requests of two types: real, seeking information from the user to process the ticket and tactical, when no information is asked but the user input request is raised merely to pause the service level clock. Next, we propose a system that preempts a user at the time of ticket submission to provide additional information that the analyst, a person responsible for servicing the ticket, is likely to ask, thus reducing real user input requests. Further, we propose a detection system to identify tactical user input requests. To evaluate the approach, we conducted a case study in a large global IT company. We observed that around 57% of the tickets have user input requests in the life cycle, causing user experienced resolution time to be almost twice as long as the measured service resolution time. The proposed preemptive system preempts the information needs with an average accuracy of 94– 99% across five cross validations while traditional approaches such as logistic regression and naive Bayes have accuracy in the range of 50– 60%. The detection system identifies around 15% of the total user input requests as tactical. Therefore, the proposed solution can efficiently bring down the number of user input requests and, hence, improve the user-experienced resolution time.


摘要: IT基础架构资源(例如,硬件,软件和网络的管理和维护是软件开发和维护项目的组成部分。服务管理可确保在约定的解决时间内为用户(即软件开发人员)提交的票证提供服务。为了满足这些时间要求,将对服务提供商造成惩罚。为避免对服务提供商造成虚假的惩罚,在测量的解决时间中不包括非工作时间,例如等待用户输入,即服务级别时钟会暂停其计时。然而,用户交互减慢了解决过程,即增加了用户体验的解决时间并降低了用户体验,因此,这项工作的动机是需要分析和减少票证生命周期中的用户输入请求。针对此问题,我们分析了用户输入请求并调查了它们对用户体验解决时间的影响。 s有两种类型:真实的,从用户那里寻求信息以处理票证和战术的,这是不要求任何信息,但仅出于暂停服务级别时钟而提出的用户输入请求。接下来,我们提出一种系统,该系统在提交票证时会抢占用户,以提供其他信息,即负责服务票证的分析人员可能会提出询问,从而减少了实际的用户输入请求。此外,我们提出了一种检测系统来识别战术用户输入请求。为了评估该方法,我们在一家大型的全球IT公司中进行了案例研究。我们观察到,大约有57%的故障单在生命周期中都有用户输入请求,从而导致用户体验到的解决时间几乎是所测得的服务解决时间的两倍。拟议的抢先式系统在五次交叉验证中以94-99%的平均准确度抢占了信息需求,而传统方法(例如逻辑回归和朴素贝叶斯)的准确度在50-60%的范围内。该检测系统将大约15%的用户输入请求识别为战术上的。因此,所提出的解决方案可以有效地减少用户输入请求的数量,从而改善用户体验的解决时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10664-017-9532-2]

[1012] Refactor Business Process Models with Maximized Parallelism (2016)

(Jin, Tao and Wang, Jianmin and Yang, Yun and Wen, Lijie and Li, Keqin | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: With the broad use of business process management technology, there are more and more business process models. Since the ability of different modelers is different, the quality of these models varies. A question arises here is that, can we refactor these models to improve the quality as practised in software engineering? Business process modeling can be regarded as declarative programming, and business process models can be used to drive the process aware information systems, which are generally developed with model driven architecture, so business process models are crucial for the efficiency of process aware information systems. In this paper, we propose a novel approach on how to systematically refactor business process models with parallel structures for sequence structures for the first time. More specifically, we analyze the real causal relations between business tasks based on data operation dependency analysis, and refactor business process models with process mining technology. After comprehensive model refactoring, parallel execution of business tasks can be maximized, so the efficiency of business processing can be improved, that is, the quality of business process models can be improved. Analysis and experiments show that our approach is effective and efficient.


摘要: 随着业务流程管理技术的广泛使用,存在越来越多的业务流程模型。由于不同建模者的能力不同,因此这些模型的质量也有所不同。这里出现的问题是,我们可以重构这些模型以提高软件工程实践中的质量吗?业务流程建模可被视为声明性编程,并且业务流程模型可用于驱动流程感知信息系统,这些系统通常使用模型驱动的体系结构开发,因此业务流程模型对于流程感知信息系统的效率至关重要。在本文中,我们首次提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法是如何系统地重构具有并行结构的业务流程模型,以实现序列结构。更具体地说,我们基于数据操作依赖性分析来分析业务任务之间的实际因果关系,并使用流程挖掘技术重构业务流程模型。经过全面的模型重构,可以使业务任务的并行执行最大化,从而可以提高业务处理效率,即可以提高业务流程模型的质量。分析和实验表明,我们的方法是有效和高效的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2014.2383391]

[1013] Refactoring large process model repositories (2011)

(Weber, Barbara and Reichert, Manfred and Mendling, Jan and Reijers, Hajo A. | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: With the increasing adoption of process-aware information systems, large process model repositories have emerged. Typically, the models in such repositories are re-aligned to real-world events and demands through adaptation on a day-to-day basis. This bears the risk of introducing model redundancies and of unnecessarily increasing model complexity. If no continuous investment is made in keeping process models simple, changes will become more difficult and error-prone over time. Although refactoring techniques are widely used in software engineering to address similar problems, so far, no comparable state-of-the-art has evolved in the business process management domain. Process designers either have to refactor process models by hand or are simply unable to apply respective techniques at all. This paper proposes a catalogue of process model smells for identifying refactoring opportunities. In addition, it introduces a set of behavior-preserving techniques for refactoring large process repositories. The proposed refactorings enable process designers to effectively deal with model complexity by making process models better understandable and easier to maintain. The refactorings have been evaluated using large process repositories from the healthcare and automotive domain. To demonstrate the feasibility of the refactoring techniques, a proof-of-concept prototype has been implemented. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 随着过程感知信息系统的日益普及,已经出现了大型过程模型存储库。通常,此类存储库中的模型会通过每天进行调整以适应实际事件和需求。这将带来引入模型冗余和不必要地增加模型复杂性的风险。如果不为保持流程模型简单而进行持续投资,随着时间的推移,变更将变得更加困难且容易出错。尽管重构技术已广泛用于软件工程中以解决类似的问题,但是到目前为止,在业务流程管理领域还没有可比的最新技术发展。过程设计人员要么必须手动重构过程模型,要么根本无法应用各自的技术。本文提出了用于识别重构机会的过程模型气味的目录。此外,它引入了一组行为保留技术来重构大型流程存储库。提出的重构使流程设计人员能够通过更好地理解和维护流程模型来有效地处理模型复杂性。使用来自医疗保健和汽车领域的大型过程存储库对重构进行了评估。为了证明重构技术的可行性,已实施了概念验证原型。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2010.12.012]

[1014] Reflections on the use of chord diagrams in social network visualization in process mining (2016)

(Jalali, Amin | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Data Visualization is an important area of research including different techniques to enhance the capability of people to understand and use data-driven information. The chord diagram is a technique that aims to support the visualization of relations among different participants in a social network. Although this technique is widely used and adopted in many disciplines, it is not currently implemented in Business Process Management (BPM). In this paper, we show the potential of the visualizing social network in BPM area using the chord diagram. The result shows the potential benefits and strength of this technique to discover social network patterns in BPM area.


摘要: 数据可视化是一个重要的研究领域,包括各种技术,以增强人们理解和使用数据驱动信息的能力。和弦图是一种旨在支持可视化社交网络中不同参与者之间关系的技术。尽管此技术已在许多学科中广泛使用和采用,但目前尚未在业务流程管理(BPM)中实现。在本文中,我们使用和弦图显示了BPM区域中可视化社交网络的潜力。结果显示了该技术在BPM地区发现社交网络模式的潜在好处和优势。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549281]

[1015] Region-based foldings in process discovery (2013)

(Sole | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: A central problem in the area of Process Mining is to obtain a formal model that represents the processes that are conducted in a system. If realized, this simple motivation allows for powerful techniques that can be used to formally analyze and optimize a system, without the need to resort to its semiformal and sometimes inaccurate specification. The problem addressed in this paper is known as Process Discovery: to obtain a formal model from a set of system executions. The theory of regions is a valuable tool in process discovery: it aims at learning a formal model (Petri nets) from a set of traces. On its genuine form, the theory is applied on an automaton and therefore one should convert the traces into an acyclic automaton in order to apply these techniques. Given that the complexity of the region-based techniques depends on the size of the input automata, revealing the underlying cycles and folding the initial automaton can incur in a significant complexity alleviation of the region-based techniques. In this paper, we follow this idea by incorporating region information in the cycle detection algorithm, enabling the identification of complex cycles that cannot be obtained efficiently with state-of-the-art techniques. The experimental results obtained by the devised tool suggest that the techniques presented in this paper are a big step into widening the application of the theory of regions in Process Mining for industrial scenarios. textcopyright 1989-2012 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘领域的中心问题是获得一个表示系统中进行过程的正式模型。如果可以实现,那么这种简单的动机就可以使用强大的技术,这些技术可以用来正式分析和优化系统,而无需求助于半正式的规范,有时甚至是不准确的规范。本文解决的问题称为流程发现:从一组系统执行中获取正式模型。区域理论是过程发现中的一种宝贵工具:它旨在从一组迹线中学习形式模型(Petri网)。该理论以其真实形式应用于自动机,因此应将迹线转换为无环自动机以应用这些技术。假设基于区域的技术的复杂性取决于输入自动机的大小,那么揭示底层循环和折叠初始自动机可能会导致基于区域的技术的显着复杂性减轻。在本文中,我们通过在循环检测算法中纳入区域信息来遵循这种想法,从而能够识别复杂的循环,而这些循环是使用最新技术无法有效获得的。通过设计工具获得的实验结果表明,本文介绍的技术是在工业场景的过程挖掘中拓宽区域理论应用的重要一步。 t​​extcopyright 1989-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2011.192]

[1016] Reinforcement learning based resource allocation in business process management (2011)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Van Der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Efficient resource allocation is a complex and dynamic task in business process management. Although a wide variety of mechanisms are emerging to support resource allocation in business process execution, these approaches do not consider performance optimization. This paper introduces a mechanism in which the resource allocation optimization problem is modeled as Markov decision processes and solved using reinforcement learning. The proposed mechanism observes its environment to learn appropriate policies which optimize resource allocation in business process execution. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms well known heuristic or hand-coded strategies, and may improve the current state of business process management. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 有效的资源分配是业务流程管理中的复杂而动态的任务。尽管出现了各种各样的机制来支持业务流程执行中的资源分配,但是这些方法并未考虑性能优化。本文介绍了一种机制,其中将资源分配优化问题建模为马尔可夫决策过程,并使用强化学习进行求解。所提出的机制观察其环境以学习适当的策略,这些策略可以优化业务流程执行中的资源分配。实验结果表明,所提出的方法优于已知的启发式或手工编码策略,并且可以改善当前业务流程管理的状态。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2010.09.002]

[1017] Requirements for the visualization of system-spanning business processes (2005)

(Bobrik, Ralph and Reichert, Manfred and Bauer, Thomas | Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA)

Abstract: The monitoring and visualization of enterprise-wide and cross-organizational business processes is an important, but also very complex task. The information needed for visualizing processes may be scattered over heterogeneous, distributed information systems. These systems may only support fragments of the process and may use different process meta models. Besides an integrated view on these process data, any process visualization must be flexibly and dynamically adaptable to the needs of different applications and user groups. This paper discusses requirements of a flexible process visualization in distributed environments. This includes process data integration issues as well as issues related to adaptable process visualization. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 对企业范围和跨组织的业务流程进行监视和可视化是一项重要但也是非常复杂的任务。可视化过程所需的信息可能分散在异构的分布式信息系统上。这些系统可能仅支持流程的片段,并且可以使用不同的流程元模型。除了对这些过程数据的集成视图之外,任何过程可视化都必须灵活,动态地适应不同应用程序和用户组的需求。本文讨论了分布式环境中灵活的过程可视化的要求。这包括过程数据集成问题以及与适应性过程可视化相关的问题。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/DEXA.2005.165]

[1018] Research on a workflow mining algorithm using dynamic weighted association rules based on tuple of activity-role (2013)

(Fu, Guoqiang and Zhou, Lihua | Proceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2013)

Abstract: In order to obtain workflow model made of tuples of activity-role from work logs, this paper presents a workflow mining algorithm. Firstly, identify the frequent sets with nodes based on tuples of activity-role, through the weighted association rules algorithm which avoid missing of some of the important but non frequent role through setting the different values of the roles. The node flow matrix can be lead from merged frequent nodes sets. The workflow model which consists of tuples including the activities and roles are practical and safe full-featured. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 为了从工作日志中获得由活动角色元组组成的工作流模型,本文提出了一种工作流挖掘算法。首先,通过加权关联规则算法,基于活动角色元组,用节点识别频繁集,通过设置不同的角色值,避免丢失一些重要但不频繁的角色。节点流矩阵可以来自合并的频繁节点集。由元组(包括活动和角色)组成的工作流模型既实用又安全,功能齐全。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISDEA.2013.507]

[1019] Research on automatic government process remodeling in E-government (2009)

(Li, Yan and Deng, Shao Ling | Proceedings - International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009)

Abstract: Exact government process models can ensure the normal running of electronic government. Unfortunately, traditional modeling approaches have some limitations to meet these demands due to their inherent static properties. Therefore this paper researches an automatic government process remodeling approach. The core of the method is process remodeling algorithm. In the algorithm a markov transition matrix is set up based on process logs in BPMS. And according to the matrix the eight remodeling rules of process logical relations are designed. The remodeling method can not only automatically remodel the various government processes, but also greatly enhance the process modeling efficiency. textcopyright2009 IEEE.


摘要: 精确的政府流程模型可以确保电子政府的正常运行。不幸的是,传统的建模方法由于其固有的静态特性而无法满足这些需求。因此,本文研究了一种自动的政府流程重组方法。该方法的核心是流程重塑算法。在该算法中,基于BPMS中的过程日志建立了马尔可夫转移矩阵。并根据矩阵设计了过程逻辑关系的八种重构规则。该重塑方法不仅可以自动重塑政府的各个流程,而且可以大大提高流程建模的效率。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5305694]

[1020] Research on method for acquisition of process knowledge based on alphaalpha-algorithm (2008)

(Qiu, Jiang Nan and Tian, Jiang and Dong, Lei Lei | 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 15th Annual Conference Proceedings, ICMSE)

Abstract: The daily activities of an organization are performed through the implemention of kinds of business process, however, some of the knowledge relative to these business processes is dispersed among the staffs, namely tacit knowledge, which is difficult for an organization to discover and manage. In order to resolve this problem, a method of process knowledge acquisition based on the alphaalpha -algorithm is proposed. Process knowledge system is first analyzed by the theory of system engineer, and then, a Workflow log is designed to support the acquisition of process knowledge. Subsequently, workflow log is analyzed by the alphaalpha -algorithm, and the corresponding process knowledge is acquired. In the end, a case study is included to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method. textcopyright2008 IEEE.

基于$ alpha $ -algorithm的过程知识获取方法的研究

摘要: 组织的日常活动是通过实施各种业务流程来执行的,但是,与这些业务流程相关的一些知识分散在员工之间,即隐性知识,这对于组织来说很难发现和管理。 。为了解决该问题,提出了一种基于αα算法的过程知识获取方法。首先根据系统工程师的理论分析过程知识系统,然后设计工作流日志以支持过程知识的获取。随后,通过 alpha $-算法分析工作流日志,并获取相应的过程知识。最后,通过案例研究证明了该方法的适用性和有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICMSE.2008.4669040]


[1021] Research on reengineering of ERP system based on data mining and MAS (2008)

(Yi, Jingrong and Lai, Chaoan | Proceedings - 2008 International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling, KAM 2008)

Abstract: The flexibility has been a primary focus in the development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. To improve the flexibility of ERP system and achieve a high level of success, this paper put forward methods for business process decompose and design of workflow log, and a data mining algorithm based on XML for reengineering of ERP is proposed. Thus we realize standardization of business process, function units and system structure of information system for production management, and achieve the automatic mining of bottlenecks in the process of production. Then an adaptive reengineering method of information system is brought forward for production management based on Multi-Agent, and the reengineering and flexibility of information system is realized. Those methods above implement the rapid acquirement of enterprise business model and optimization and configuration of information system. The validity of this mining algorithm and the feasibility of this technique structure are proved by the simulation with Petri net and its application in enterprises. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 灵活性一直是企业资源计划(ERP)系统开发的主要重点。为了提高ERP系统的灵活性并取得较高的成功率,提出了业务流程分解和工作流日志设计的方法,并提出了一种基于XML的数据挖掘算法对ERP进行再造。这样就实现了业务流程,生产管理信息系统的功能单元和系统结构的标准化,实现了生产过程中瓶颈的自动挖掘。然后提出了一种基于Multi-Agent的信息系统自适应再造方法,用于生产管理,实现了信息系统的再造和灵活性。以上这些方法实现了企业业务模型的快速获取以及信息系统的优化和配置。通过Petri网仿真及其在企业中的应用,证明了该挖掘算法的有效性和技术结构的可行性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/KAM.2008.117]

[1022] Research on the logistics integration based on shopping network (2013)

(Wang, Zhi Jian and Li, Min and Ma, Chao Feng | ICTIS 2013: Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems - Information, Safety, and Integration - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety)

Abstract: The development of our countrys logistics industry is backwards compared with the increasing popularity of online shopping. So, we studied integrated logistics. First, we put forward the influencing factors. Then, we used questionnaires to obtain data and made a preliminary judgment. Next, we built a Logistic regression model to analyze, choosing some variables based on the model through SPSS. Then, we extracted the factors that heavily affect the cooperation between operators and obtained valuable reference data and made relevant conclusions by screening and analyzing the data. Finally, we made some reasonable suggestions. textcopyright 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


摘要: 与在线购物的日益普及相比,我国物流业的发展是落后的。因此,我们研究了综合物流。首先,提出了影响因素。然后,通过问卷调查获得数据并做出初步判断。接下来,我们建立了一个Logistic回归模型进行分析,并通过SPSS在该模型的基础上选择了一些变量,然后提取了影响运营商之间合作的因素,并获得了有价值的参考数据,并通过筛选和分析得出相关结论。最后,我们提出了一些合理的建议。 t​​extcopyright 2013年美国土木工程师学会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1061/9780784413036.140]

[1023] Resolving inconsistencies and redundancies in declarative process models (2017)

(Di Ciccio | Information Systems)

Abstract: Declarative process models define the behaviour of business processes as a set of constraints. Declarative process discovery aims at inferring such constraints from event logs. Existing discovery techniques verify the satisfaction of candidate constraints over the log, but completely neglect their interactions. As a result, the inferred constraints can be mutually contradicting and their interplay may lead to an inconsistent process model that does not accept any trace. In such a case, the output turns out to be unusable for enactment, simulation or verification purposes. In addition, the discovered model contains, in general, redundancies that are due to complex interactions of several constraints and that cannot be cured using existing pruning approaches. We address these problems by proposing a technique that automatically resolves conflicts within the discovered models and is more powerful than existing pruning techniques to eliminate redundancies. First, we formally define the problems of constraint redundancy and conflict resolution. Second, we introduce techniques based on the notion of automata-product monoid, which guarantees the consistency of the discovered models and, at the same time, keeps the most interesting constraints in the pruned set. The level of interestingness is dictated by user-specified prioritisation criteria. We evaluate the devised techniques on a set of real-world event logs.


摘要: 声明式流程模型将业务流程的行为定义为一组约束。声明式过程发现旨在从事件日志中推断出此类约束。现有的发现技术验证了日志中候选约束的满足,但完全忽略了它们的交互。结果,推断出的约束条件可能相互矛盾,并且它们之间的相互作用可能导致不一致的过程模型,该模型不接受任何跟踪。在这种情况下,输出结果无法用于制定,模拟或验证目的。此外,发现的模型通常包含冗余,这些冗余是由于多个约束的复杂相互作用而导致的,并且无法使用现有的修剪方法来解决。我们通过提出一种自动解决发现的模型中的冲突的技术来解决这些问题,并且该技术比现有的修剪技术更强大,可以消除冗余。首先,我们正式定义约束冗余和冲突解决的问题。其次,我们介绍基于自动机乘积monoid概念的技术,该技术可确保发现的模型的一致性,同时将最有趣的约束保留在修剪集中。有趣程度由用户指定的优先级标准决定。我们根据一组现实事件日志评估设计的技术。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2016.09.005]

[1024] Resource behavior measure and application in business process management (2012)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Efficient resource behavior measure in business process management is a real and challenging problem. It reflects the actual situations in business process execution from resource perspective and is highly relevant for the business process performance. This paper presents an approach of measuring resource behavior from four important perspectives, i.e.; preference, availability, competence and cooperation, based on process mining. Furthermore, this paper shows how business process management can benefit from resource behavior measure. In particular, four applications are addressed to demonstrate the applicability of resource behavior measure in business process management. The presented approach is evaluated based on a proof-of-concept implementation and its application to a real case form health-care. The results show that the proposed approach is possible to improve current state of business process management. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 业务流程管理中的有效资源行为度量是一个现实且具有挑战性的问题。它从资源的角度反映了业务流程执行中的实际情况,并且与业务流程性能高度相关。本文提出了一种从四个重要角度衡量资源行为的方法:基于过程挖掘的偏好,可用性,能力和合作。此外,本文显示了业务流程管理如何从资源行为度量中受益。特别是,解决了四个应用程序,以证明资源行为度量在业务流程管理中的适用性。所提出的方法是基于概念验证的实现及其在实际案例中的卫生保健应用进行评估的。结果表明,所提出的方法可以改善当前业务流程管理的状态。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2011.12.061]

[1025] Retrieval and clustering for supporting business process adjustment and analysis (2014)

(Montani, Stefania and Leonardi, Giorgio | Information Systems)

Abstract: In this paper, we describe a framework able to support run-time adjustment and a posteriori analysis of business processes, which exploits the retrieval step of the Case-based Reasoning (CBR) methodology. In particular, our framework allows to retrieve traces of process execution similar to the current one. Moreover, it supports an automatic organization of the trace database content through the application of hierarchical clustering techniques. Results can provide help both to end users, in the process execution phase, and to process engineers, in (formal) process conformance evaluation and long term process schema redesign. Retrieval and clustering rely on a distance definition able to take into account temporal information in traces. This metric has outperformed simpler distance definitions in our experiments, which were conducted in a real-world application domain. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了一个能够支持运行时调整和业务流程后验分析的框架,该框架利用了基于案例的推理(CBR)方法的检索步骤。特别是,我们的框架允许检索与当前流程类似的流程执行轨迹。而且,它支持通过应用层次聚类技术来自动组织跟踪数据库的内容。结果可以为最终用户在过程执行阶段提供帮助,也可以为过程工程师提供(正式)过程一致性评估和长期过程方案重新设计的帮助。检索和聚类依赖于距离定义,该距离定义能够考虑轨迹中的时间信息。在我们的实验中,此指标的性能优于简单的距离定义,后者是在实际应用程序域中进行的。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.11.006]

[1026] Retrieving batch organisation of work insights from event logs (2017)

(Martin, Niels and Swennen, Marijke and Depaire, Beno^it and Jans, Mieke and Caris, An and Vanhoof, Koen | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Resources can organise their work in batches, i.e. perform activities on multiple cases simultaneously, concurrently or intentionally defer activity execution to handle multiple cases (quasi-) sequentially. As batching behaviour influences process performance, efforts to gain insight on this matter are valuable. In this respect, this paper uses event logs, data files containing process execution information, as an information source. More specifically, this work (i) identifies and formalises three batch processing types, (ii) presents a resource-activity centered approach to identify batching behaviour in an event log and (iii) introduces batch processing metrics to acquire knowledge on batch characteristics and its influence on process execution. These contributions are integrated in the Batch Organisation of Work Identification algorithm (BOWI), which is evaluated on both artificial and real-life data.


摘要: 资源可以分批组织其工作,即,同时,并发地或有意地对多个案例执行活动,从而有计划地推迟活动执行以依次处理多个案例(准)。由于批处理行为会影响过程性能,因此获得关于此问题的见解的努力非常有价值。在这方面,本文使用事件日志,包含流程执行信息的数据文件作为信息源。更具体地说,这项工作(i)识别并形式化了三种批处理类型,(ii)提出了一种以资源活动为中心的方法来标识事件日志中的批处理行为,并且(iii)引入了批处理指标来获取有关批处理特性及其知识的知识对流程执行的影响。这些贡献已集成到工作识别的批处理组织算法(BOWI)中,该算法可对人工数据和真实数据进行评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.012]

[1027] Revealing daily human activity pattern using process mining approach (2017)

(Maarif, Muhammad Rifqi | International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI))

Abstract: In the last few years, with the emergence of ambient assisted living, the study of human behavioral pattern took a wide interest from research communities around the world. In many literatures, pattern recognition was widely adopted approach to implements in human behavior study from computing perspective. Pattern recognition brings a promising results in terms of accuracy for modeling human behavior. But the problem with this approach is the complexity of knowledge representation which formulated in mathematical model. In turns, a correction by the experts is hardly conducted. In another hand, gathering a graphical insight is not a trivial task. This paper investigate the use of process mining technology to gives an alternative to such problems. Process mining is data-driven approach to infer a graphical representation of any kind of process. In terms of human behavior, process can be defined as sequences of activities performed by human on daily basis. From the conducted experiments process mining was shown a potential use to infer a human daily activity pattern in a graphical representation.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,随着环境辅助生活的出现,人类行为模式的研究引起了世界范围内研究界的广泛兴趣。在许多文献中,从计算的角度来看,模式识别已广泛应用于人类行为研究中。模式识别在模拟人类行为的准确性方面带来了令人鼓舞的结果。但是这种方法的问题在于数学模型中表达的知识表示的复杂性。反过来,几乎没有专家进行校正。另一方面,收集图形化的见解并不是一件容易的事。本文研究了使用过程挖掘技术来替代此类问题的方法。流程挖掘是一种数据驱动的方法,可以推断任何类型的流程的图形表示。就人类行为而言,过程可以定义为人类每天进行的一系列活动。从进行的实验中,过程挖掘显示了以图形表示方式推断人类日常活动模式的潜在用途。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EECSI.2017.8239160]

[1028] Revising history for cost-informed process improvement (2016)

(Low, W. Z. and vanden Broucke, S. K.L.M. and Wynn, M. T. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and De Weerdt | Computing)

Abstract: Organisations are constantly seeking new ways to improve operational efficiencies. This study investigates a novel way to identify potential efficiency gains in business operations by observing how they were carried out in the past and then exploring better ways of executing them by taking into account trade-offs between time, cost and resource utilisation. This paper demonstrates how these trade-offs can be incorporated in the assessment of alternative process execution scenarios by making use of a cost environment. A number of optimisation techniques are proposed to explore and assess alternative execution scenarios. The objective function is represented by a cost structure that captures different process dimensions. An experimental evaluation is conducted to analyse the performance and scalability of the optimisation techniques: integer linear programming (ILP), hill climbing, tabu search, and our earlier proposed hybrid genetic algorithm approach. The findings demonstrate that the hybrid genetic algorithm is scalable and performs better compared to other techniques. Moreover, we argue that the use of ILP is unrealistic in this setup and cannot handle complex cost functions such as the ones we propose. Finally, we show how cost-related insights can be gained from improved execution scenarios and how these can be utilised to put forward recommendations for reducing process-related cost and overhead within organisations.


摘要: 各组织一直在寻找新的方法来提高运营效率。这项研究通过观察过去的执行方式,然后考虑时间,成本和资源利用之间的权衡取舍,探索了一种新的方法来识别业务运营中的潜在效率提高,然后探索执行这些方法的更好方法。本文演示了如何利用成本环境将这些权衡因素纳入备选流程执行方案的评估中。提出了许多优化技术来探索和评估替代执行方案。目标功能由捕获不同过程尺寸的成本结构表示。进行了实验评估,以分析优化技术的性能和可扩展性:整数线性规划(ILP),爬山,禁忌搜索以及我们较早提出的混合遗传算法方法。研究结果表明,混合遗传算法具有可扩展性,并且与其他技术相比具有更好的性能。而且,我们认为在这种设置中使用ILP是不现实的,并且无法处理我们建议的复杂成本函数。最后,我们展示了如何从改进的执行方案中获得与成本相关的见解,以及如何利用这些见解提出减少组织内部与过程相关的成本和开销的建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s00607-015-0478-1]

[1029] Role-activity diagrams modeling based on workflow mining (2009)

(Weidong, Zhao and Weihui, Dai and Anhua, Wang and Xiaochun, Fang | 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE 2009)

Abstract: Role-activity diagram (RAD) is a basic role-oriented process model, but there lacks of an objective role identification method during RAD modeling. By means of the analysis of workflow logs - workflow mining, the ratio of activities performed by actors is used to describe their work. The role is, therefore, identified by regarding actors with similar activities, who undertaking the same responsibility. On the basis of role identification, social network diagrams among actors are analyzed by considering activity dependence between them and their interactions are discussed. In this way, we can get role-activity diagrams. Experiments show that the proposed method is viable. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 角色活动图(RAD)是一个基本的面向角色的过程模型,但是在RAD建模过程中缺乏客观的角色识别方法。通过对工作流日志的分析-工作流挖掘,参与者所执行的活动比率可用于描述其工作。因此,通过对承担相同责任的从事类似活动的行为者进行识别来确定角色。在角色识别的基础上,通过考虑参与者之间的活动依赖性来分析参与者之间的社交网络图,并讨论他们之间的互动。这样,我们可以获得角色-活动图。实验表明,该方法是可行的。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSIE.2009.992]

[1030] Run-time prediction of business process indicators using evolutionary decision rules (2017)

(Marquez-Chamorro, Alfonso E. and Resinas, Manuel and Ruiz-Cortes, Antonio and Toro, Miguel | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Predictive monitoring of business processes is a challenging topic of process mining which is concerned with the prediction of process indicators of running process instances. The main value of predictive monitoring is to provide information in order to take proactive and corrective actions to improve process performance and mitigate risks in real time. In this paper, we present an approach for predictive monitoring based on the use of evolutionary algorithms. Our method provides a novel event window-based encoding and generates a set of decision rules for the run-time prediction of process indicators according to event log properties. These rules can be interpreted by users to extract further insight of the business processes while keeping a high level of accuracy. Furthermore, a full software stack consisting of a tool to support the training phase and a framework that enables the integration of run-time predictions with business process management systems, has been developed. Obtained results show the validity of our proposal for two large real-life datasets: BPI Challenge 2013 and IT Department of Andalusian Health Service (SAS).


摘要: 对业务流程的预测性监视是流程挖掘的一个具有挑战性的主题,它与正在运行的流程实例的流程指标的预测有关。预测性监视的主要价值是提供信息,以便采取主动和纠正措施来实时改进过程性能和降低风险。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于进化算法的预测监视方法。我们的方法提供了一种新颖的基于事件窗口的编码,并根据事件日志属性为过程指示器的运行时预测生成了一组决策规则。用户可以解释这些规则,以进一步了解业务流程,同时保持较高的准确性。此外,已经开发了一个完整的软件堆栈,该堆栈由支持培训阶段的工具和使运行时预测与业务流程管理系统集成在一起的框架组成。获得的结果表明我们的建议对两个大型现实数据集的有效性:BPI Challenge 2013和安达卢西亚卫生服务(SAS)的IT部门。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2017.05.069]

[1031] Runtime deduction of case ID for unlabeled business process execution events (2016)

(Helal, Iman M.A. and Awad, Ahmed and El Bastawissi | Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA)

Abstract: Events produced from business process execution need identification of process instance. With the lack of a central execution, it is hard to correlate these events to specific cases. Monitoring business processes is useful in conformance checking, compliance enforcement, risk management, and performance analysis. However, all these techniques and approaches need a set of correlated events. We present an approach to fill the gap in real life situations, between execution of unmanaged events and the stack of techniques and approaches that need labeled events at runtime to generate further analysis. This approach works on the unlabeled events, either online (as a stream of events) or offline (as a batch file of events). It deduces the case identifier for each unlabeled event, and displays the results of possible case identifiers with their rankings. Also the generated events can be filed in different event logs with different rankings to be further analyzed by other techniques and approaches.


摘要: 从业务流程执行产生的事件需要标识流程实例。由于缺乏中央执行,因此很难将这些事件与特定情况相关联。监视业务流程对于一致性检查,遵从性实施,风险管理和绩效分析很有用。但是,所有这些技术和方法都需要一组相关事件。我们提出了一种方法来填补现实生活中的空白,该方法介于非托管事件的执行与在运行时需要标记事件以生成进一步分析的技术和方法的堆栈之间。此方法适用于未标记事件,无论是联机(作为事件流)还是脱机(作为事件批处理文件)。它推导出每个未标记事件的案例标识符,并显示可能的案例标识符的结果及其排名。同样,生成的事件可以归档到具有不同等级的不同事件日志中,以通过其他技术和方法进行进一步分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AICCSA.2015.7507132]

[1032] SLA-Driven Business Process Distribution (2009)

(Esfahani, Faramarz Safi and Murad, Masrah Azrifah Azmi and Sulaiman, Nasir and Udzir, Nur Izura | Proceedings - International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, eKNOW 2009)

Abstract: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) includes several building blocks among which orchestration engine demands special attention. Although, there are a number of centralized orchestration engines to execute business processes described by BPEL language in SOA, you may find several decentralized orchestration engines and their purpose is to decompose a BPEL process to several software agents to improve some quality factors. On one hand, choosing a suitable method of process distribution may result in better adaptability of process with run-time environment. On the other hand, in the new generation of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are of paramount important. We need to have an adaptable business process with SLAs requirements and in this paper we are going to study business process distribution methods from an SLA point of view. To reach this goal, firstly, we introduce an intelligent method of using process mining for business process distribution (IPD). Secondly, we compare different methods of processes distribution including Fully, Semi and Intelligent Process Distribution methods. We also show the comparison of these methods considering quality factors such as Total Execution Time, Band Width Usage, Agent Granularity, Resource Adaptability, Memory Usage of Agents, Number of Produced Agents and Total System Adaptability. Thirdly, we consider all of the distribution methods from an SLA view through which users can determine their requirements of executing business processes to be mapped to run-time environment textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)包括几个构建块,其中业务流程引擎需要特别注意。尽管在SOA中有许多集中的业务流程引擎来执行BPEL语言描述的业务流程,但是您可能会发现几个分散的业务流程引擎,它们的目的是将BPEL流程分解为多个软件代理,以改善某些质量因素。一方面,选择合适的过程分配方法可能会导致过程与运行时环境更好的适应性。另一方面,在新一代的面向服务的体系结构(SOA)中,服务级别协议(SLA)至关重要。我们需要一个具有SLA要求的适应性业务流程,在本文中,我们将从SLA的角度研究业务流程分配方法。为了实现此目标,首先,我们引入了一种将流程挖掘用于业务流程分配(IPD)的智能方法。其次,我们比较了不同的过程分配方法,包括完全,半和智能过程分配方法。我们还显示了考虑质量因素的这些方法的比较,例如总执行时间,带宽使用,代理粒度,资源适应性,代理的内存使用率,生成的代理数和总系统适应性。第三,我们从SLA角度考虑所有分发方法,用户可以通过这些方法确定他们执行要映射到运行时环境 copycopyright 2009 IEEE的业务流程的要求。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/eKNOW.2009.14]

[1033] SOA4ALL: An innovative integrated approach to services composition (2010)

(Lecue | ICWS 2010 - 2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services)

Abstract: Automated web service composition has been tackled from different directions and to different purposes. In addition, most of the approaches address the composition problem with underspecified requirements, returning compositions models tha t do not necessarily satisfy and fulfill end-users objectives. Satisfying the latter objectives is a difficult problem, especially from scratch, which requires stronger requirements and a further step of integration with service-based components in order to make service oriented computing and service composition a reality. In this work, we address this issue by presenting an innovative and integrated approach to service composition which consists of i) an automatic template process generator, that is able to generate abstract process templates and their hierarchy from past executions; ii) a novel and scalable approach to AI parametric-design techniques using a multi agent approach to configure and adapt services processes, heavily relying on the latter set of abstract process templates; iii) an optimization process that maximizes the overall quality of final compositions. Finally, we compare the scalability of these components with some experiments. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 自动化的Web服务组合已从不同的方向和不同的目的得到解决。另外,大多数方法都解决了需求不足的构图问题,返回的构图模型不一定满足并满足最终用户的目标。满足后一个目标是一个困难的问题,尤其是从头开始,这需要更严格的要求以及与基于服务的组件集成的进一步步骤,以使面向服务的计算和服务组合成为现实。在这项工作中,我们通过提出一种创新和集成的服务组合方法来解决这个问题,该方法包括:i)自动模板流程生成器,该生成器能够根据过去的执行生成抽象流程模板及其层次结构; ii)一种新颖且可扩展的AI参数设计技术,该方法使用多代理方法来配置和调整服务流程,并严重依赖于后者的抽象流程模板集; iii)优化过程,以使最终作品的整体质量最大化。最后,我们通过一些实验比较了这些组件的可伸缩性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2010.68]

[1034] SWAT: A security workflow analysis toolkit for reliably secure process-aware information systems (2011)

(Accorsi, Rafael and Wonnemann, Claus and Dochow, Sebastian | Proceedings of the 2011 6th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2011)

Abstract: This paper reports on ongoing work on SWAT, a new toolkit for security workflow analysis. SWAT provides a platform for the realization and testing of well-founded methods to detect information leaks in workflows, both for the workflow certification and for audit based upon the execution traces. Besides presenting the SWATs functionality and highlevel architecture, an example illustrates its operation. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 本文报告了正在进行的安全工作流分析新工具SWAT的工作。SWAT提供了一个平台,用于实现和测试可靠的方法,以检测工作流中的信息泄漏,包括工作流认证和基于执行轨迹。除了介绍SWAT的功能和高级体系结构外,还通过示例说明其操作。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ARES.2011.108]

[1035] Scalable Process Discovery Using Map-Reduce (2016)

(Evermann, Joerg | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Process discovery is an approach to extract process models from event logs. Given the distributed nature of modern information systems, event logs are likely to be distributed across different physical machines. Map-Reduce is a scalable approach for efficient computations on distributed data. In this paper we present Map-Reduce implementations of two well-known process mining algorithms to take advantage of the scalability of the Map-Reduce approach. We present the design of a series of mappers and reducers to compute the log-based ordering relations from distributed event logs. These can then be used to discover a process model. We provide experimental results that show the performance and scalability of our implementations.


摘要: 过程发现是一种从事件日志中提取过程模型的方法。考虑到现代信息系统的分布式性质,事件日志很可能会分布在不同的物理机器上。 Map-Reduce是一种可扩展的方法,用于对分布式数据进行有效的计算。在本文中,我们介绍了两种著名的过程挖掘算法的Map-Reduce实现,以利用Map-Reduce方法的可伸缩性。我们提出了一系列映射器和化简器的设计,以从分布式事件日志中计算基于日志的排序关系。然后可以将它们用于发现过程模型。我们提供的实验结果显示了我们实现的性能和可伸缩性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2014.2367525]


[1036] Scalable attack analysis of business process based on decision mining classification (2017)

(Rahmawati, Dewi and Sarno, Riyanarto | International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI))

Abstract: Banking crime is one of the widespread phenomena in 2016 are closely associated with the used of computer-based technology and internet networks that constantly evolving. One of them is the burglary of customer accounts through the internet banking facility. To overcome this, we need a method of how to detect a conspiracy of bank burglary case of customer accounts. The way to scalable is by get a mining decision to get a decision tree and from the decision tree to get a decision attribute value to determine the level of anomalies. Then of all the attributes decision point is calculated rate of fraud. The rate of fraud is classified through level of security of attack by the attacker then entropy gain is used to calculate the relative effort between the level of attacks in the decision tree. The results show that the method could classify three levels of attacks and the corresponding entropy gains. The paper uses decision trees algorithm, alpha++ and dotted chart analysis to analyze an attack that can be scalable. The results of the analysis show that the accuracy achieved by 0.87%.


摘要: 银行犯罪是2016年的普遍现象之一,与基于计算机的技术和不断发展的互联网网络的使用紧密相关。其中之一是通过互联网银行设施造成的客户帐户盗窃。为了克服这个问题,我们需要一种方法来检测出一起银行账户盗窃案的客户帐户。可伸缩性的方法是通过获取挖掘决策来获取决策树,并从决策树中获取决策属性值以确定异常级别。然后,在所有属性决策点中计算欺诈率。通过攻击者的攻击安全级别对欺诈率进行分类,然后使用熵增益来计算决策树中攻击级别之间的相对工作量。结果表明,该方法可以对攻击的三个层次和相应的熵增益进行分类。本文使用决策树算法,alpha ++和虚线图表分析来分析可扩展的攻击。分析结果表明,精度达到了0.87%。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EECSI.2017.8239135]

[1037] Scalable graph-based OLAP analytics over process execution data (2016)

(Beheshti, Seyed Mehdi Reza and Benatallah, Boualem and Motahari-Nezhad, Hamid Reza | Distributed and Parallel Databases)

Abstract: In todays knowledge-, service-, and cloud-based economy, businesses accumulate massive amounts of data from a variety of sources. In order to understand businesses one may need to perform considerable analytics over large hybrid collections of heterogeneous and partially unstructured data that is captured related to the process execution. This data, usually modeled as graphs, increasingly come to show all the typical properties of big data: wide physical distribution, diversity of formats, non-standard data models, independently-managed and heterogeneous semantics. We use the term big process graph to refer to such large hybrid collections of heterogeneous and partially unstructured process related execution data. Online analytical processing (OLAP) of big process graph is challenging as the extension of existing OLAP techniques to analysis of graphs is not straightforward. Moreover, process data analysis methods should be capable of processing and querying large amount of data effectively and efficiently, and therefore have to be able to scale well with the infrastructures scale. While traditional analytics solutions (relational DBs, data warehouses and OLAP), do a great job in collecting data and providing answers on known questions, key business insights remain hidden in the interactions among objects: it will be hard to discover concept hierarchies for entities based on both data objects and their interactions in process graphs. In this paper, we introduce a framework and a set of methods to support scalable graph-based OLAP analytics over process execution data. The goal is to facilitate the analytics over big process graph through summarizing the process graph and providing multiple views at different granularity. To achieve this goal, we present a model for process OLAP (P-OLAP) and define OLAP specific abstractions in process context such as process cubes, dimensions, and cells. We present a MapReduce-based graph processing engine, to support big data analytics over process graphs. We have implemented the P-OLAP framework and integrated it into our existing process data analytics platform, ProcessAtlas, which introduces a scalable architecture for querying, exploration and analysis of large process data. We report on experiments performed on both synthetic and real-world datasets that show the viability and efficiency of the approach.


摘要: 在当今基于知识,服务和云的经济中,企业从各种来源收集大量数据。为了理解企业,可能需要对大型混合收集的异构和部分非结构化数据进行大量分析通常以图形形式建模的数据越来越多地显示大数据的所有典型属性:广泛的物理分布,格式多样性,非标准数据模型,独立管理的语义和异构语义。我们使用大过程图这一术语来指代异构和部分非结构化过程相关的执行数据的此类大型混合集合。此外,过程数据分析方法应能够处理和查询大量数据积极有效地进行,因此必须能够根据基础架构的规模进行良好地扩展。尽管传统的分析解决方案(关系数据库,数据仓库和OLAP)在收集数据和提供已知问题的答案方面做得很好,但是关键的商业见解仍然隐藏在对象之间的交互中:很难发现基于实体的概念层次结构数据对象及其在流程图中的交互作用。在本文中,我们介绍了一个框架和一组方法来支持对流程执行数据的基于可伸缩图的OLAP分析。目的是通过汇总流程图并提供不同粒度的多个视图来促进对大型流程图的分析。为了实现此目标,我们提出了一种过程OLAP(P-OLAP)模型,并在过程上下文中定义了OLAP特定的抽象,例如过程多维数据集,维度和单元。我们提出了一种基于MapReduce的图形处理引擎,以支持对流程图进行大数据分析。我们已经实现了P-OLAP框架,并将其集成到我们现有的过程数据分析平台ProcessAtlas中,该平台引入了可扩展的体系结构,用于查询,探索和分析大型过程数据。我们报告了在合成和真实数据集上进行的实验,这些实验表明了该方法的可行性和效率。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10619-014-7171-9]

[1038] Scalable indexing algorithm for multi-dimensional time-gap analysis with distributed computing (2017)

(Sutrisnowati, Riska Asriana and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Bae, Hyerim and Pulshashi, Iq Reviessay and Adi, Taufik Nur | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Data has been become increasingly and abundantly available as industries have applied numerous information systems to automate business process execution. Process mining focuses on discovering knowledge from historical data repositories to support better decision making, mostly from a single perspective. Multi-perspective, or multi-dimensional process mining becomes an open issue in process mining working groups, since the nature of event logs vary according to its domain, and a single process model might not be justified. Notwithstanding the previous work and the multi-dimensional process mining approaches developed therein, the contents of iterative indexing method and platform-dependent computational issues cause problems on scalability and usability respecting real world implementation. In response to such problems, the present study formulated a scalable indexing algorithm for multi-dimensional process analysis with distributed computing. A new solution is applied wherein we index only attributes inside the selected events and show only a reduced graph of long-duration gaps between events. The implementation is done with an independent online analytical tool. Additionally, case study of an actual port is provided to illustrate and alidate our method.


摘要: 数据已经变得越来越丰富,因为行业已经应用了许多信息系统来自动化业务流程执行。流程挖掘的重点是从历史数据存储库中发现知识,以支持更好的决策,主要是从一个角度出发。在事件挖掘工作组中,多角度或多维过程挖掘已成为一个悬而未决的问题,因为事件日志的性质根据其领域而有所不同,并且单个过程模型可能不合理。尽管进行了先前的工作和其中开发的多维过程挖掘方法,但是迭代索引方法的内容和与平台有关的计算问题导致了在尊重真实世界实现方面的可伸缩性和可用性问题。针对此类问题,本研究制定了一种可扩展的索引算法,用于分布式计算的多维过程分析。应用了一种新的解决方案,其中我们仅索引所选事件内的属性,并且仅显示事件之间的长时间间隔的缩小图。该实现是通过独立的在线分析工具完成的。此外,还提供了一个实际港口的案例研究来说明和证明我们的方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.150]

[1039] Scalable process discovery and conformance checking (2018)

(Leemans, Sander J.J. and Fahland, Dirk and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Considerable amounts of data, including process events, are collected and stored by organisations nowadays. Discovering a process model from such event data and verification of the quality of discovered models are important steps in process mining. Many discovery techniques have been proposed, but none of them combines scalability with strong quality guarantees. We would like such techniques to handle billions of events or thousands of activities, to produce sound models (without deadlocks and other anomalies), and to guarantee that the underlying process can be rediscovered when sufficient information is available. In this paper, we introduce a framework for process discovery that ensures these properties while passing over the log only once and introduce three algorithms using the framework. To measure the quality of discovered models for such large logs, we introduce a model–model and model–log comparison framework that applies a divide-and-conquer strategy to measure recall, fitness, and precision. We experimentally show that these discovery and measuring techniques sacrifice little compared to other algorithms, while gaining the ability to cope with event logs of 100,000,000 traces and processes of 10,000 activities on a standard computer.


摘要: 如今,组织收集并存储了大量的数据,包括过程事件。从此类事件数据中发现过程模型并验证发现的模型的质量是过程挖掘中的重要步骤。已经提出了许多发现技术,但是它们都没有将可伸缩性与强大的质量保证相结合。我们希望这种技术能够处理数十亿个事件或数千个活动,生成声音模型(没有死锁和其他异常),并保证在有足够的信息可用时可以重新发现基础过程。在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于过程发现的框架,该框架可在仅传递一次日志的同时确保这些属性,并介绍使用该框架的三种算法。为了衡量此类大型日志的发现模型的质量,我们引入了模型-模型和模型-日志比较框架,该框架采用分而治之的策略来衡量召回率,适用性和准确性。我们通过实验证明,与其他算法相比,这些发现和测量技术所付出的代价很小,同时具有在标准计算机上应对100,000,000条轨迹的事件日志和10,000条活动的过程的能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-016-0545-x]

[1040] Scenario-based method for business process analysis and improvement in SOA (2014)

(Wang, Jianyi and Jiang, Lihong and Cai, Hongming | Proceedings - 11th IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2014 - Including 10th Workshop on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and Collaboration, SOAIC 2014 and 1st Workshop on E-Commerce Engineering, ECE 2014)

Abstract: Business Process Management is often associated with software to manage, control, and support operational processes. And in order to meet dynamic and new business needs with flexible information technology solutions, more and more enterprises intend to build their own IT infrastructure under Service Oriented Architecture. Currently analyzing and refining the existing business process models for configuring enterprise information system is a hot area of research. In our approach, we apply the process mining technology to the event logs to discover the scenarios, each of which mainly consists of task originators, sub-process (ordering of service invocations) and business objects. Based on composition of these scenarios, the enterprise is able to redesign the process models and combine closely the business process with the services provided by different application systems in SOA. When new business requirements emerge, solution designers can devise a flexibly composite process that makes the best use of existing scenarios and glue the scenarios together with least augmentation or modification.


摘要: 业务流程管理通常与软件相关联,以管理,控制和支持运营流程。为了通过灵活的信息技术解决方案满足动态和新的业务需求,越来越多的企业打算在面向服务的体系结构下构建自己的IT基础架构。当前,分析和完善用于配置企业信息系统的现有业务流程模型是研究的热点。在我们的方法中,我们将流程挖掘技术应用于事件日志以发现场景,每个场景主要由任务发起者,子流程(服务调用的顺序)和业务对象组成。根据这些方案的组成,企业能够重新设计流程模型,并将业务流程与SOA中不同应用程序系统提供的服务紧密结合在一起。当出现新的业务需求时,解决方案设计人员可以设计一种灵活的组合过程,以充分利用现有方案,并以最少的扩充或修改将方案粘合在一起。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2014.16]

[1041] Scientific Workflow Clustering and Recommendation Leveraging Layer Hierarchical Analysis (2018)

(Zhou, Zhangbing and Cheng, Zehui and Zhang, Liang Jie and Gaaloul, Walid and Ning, Ke | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: This article proposes an approach for identifying and recommending scientific workflows for reuse and repurposing. Specifically, a scientific workflow is represented as a layer hierarchy, which specifies hierarchical relations between this workflow, its sub-workflows, and activities. Semantic similarity is calculated between layer hierarchies of workflows. A graph-skeleton based clustering technique is adopted for grouping layer hierarchies into clusters. Barycenters in each cluster are identified, which refer to core workflows in this cluster, for facilitating cluster identification and workflow ranking and recommendation. Experimental evaluation shows that our technique is efficient and accurate on ranking and recommending appropriate clusters and scientific workflows with respect to specific requirements of scientific experiments.


摘要: 本文提出了一种方法,用于识别和推荐用于重复使用和重新利用的科学工作流程。具体来说,科学工作流表示为层层次结构,它指定此工作流,其子工作流和活动之间的层次关系。语义相似度是在工作流的各层层次之间计算的。采用基于图骨架的聚类技术将层层次结构分组为聚类。标识每个群集中的重心,这些重心引用此群集中的核心工作流程,以便于群集标识以及工作流程排名和推荐。实验评估表明,根据科学实验的具体要求,我们的技术可以高效,准确地对适当的集群和科学工作流进行排名和推荐。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2016.2542805]

[1042] Scientific workflows for process mining: building blocks, scenarios, and implementation (2016)

(Bolt, Alfredo and de Leoni, Massimiliano and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)

Abstract: Over the past decade process mining has emerged as a new analytical discipline able to answer a variety of questions based on event data. Event logs have a very particular structure; events have timestamps, refer to activities and resources, and need to be correlated to form process instances. Process mining results tend to be very different from classical data mining results, e.g., process discovery may yield end-to-end process models capturing different perspectives rather than decision trees or frequent patterns. A process-mining tool like ProM provides hundreds of different process mining techniques ranging from discovery and conformance checking to filtering and prediction. Typically, a combination of techniques is needed and, for every step, there are different techniques that may be very sensitive to parameter settings. Moreover, event logs may be huge and may need to be decomposed and distributed for analysis. These aspects make it very cumbersome to analyze event logs manually. Process mining should be repeatable and automated. Therefore, we propose a framework to support the analysis of process mining workflows. Existing scientific workflow systems and data mining tools are not tailored towards process mining and the artifacts used for analysis (process models and event logs). This paper structures the basic building blocks needed for process mining and describes various analysis scenarios. Based on these requirements we implemented RapidProM, a tool supporting scientific workflows for process mining. Examples illustrating the different scenarios are provided to show the feasibility of the approach.


摘要: 在过去的十年中,过程挖掘已经成为一种新的分析学科,能够根据事件数据回答各种问题。事件日志具有非常特殊的结构。事件具有时间戳,指的是活动和资源,并且需要关联以形成流程实例。过程挖掘结果往往与经典数据挖掘结果有很大不同,例如,过程发现可能会产生捕获不同观点而不是决策树或频繁模式的端到端过程模型。像ProM这样的过程挖掘工具提供了数百种不同的过程挖掘技术,范围从发现和一致性检查到过滤和预测。通常,需要多种技术的组合,并且对于每个步骤,都有可能对参数设置非常敏感的不同技术。此外,事件日志可能非常庞大,可能需要分解和分发以进行分析。这些方面使手动分析事件日志变得非常麻烦。流程挖掘应该是可重复且自动化的。因此,我们提出了一个框架来支持对流程挖掘工作流的分析。现有的科学工作流程系统和数据挖掘工具并非针对流程挖掘和用于分析的工件(流程模型和事件日志)而定制。本文构建了过程挖掘所需的基本构建块,并描述了各种分析方案。基于这些要求,我们实施了RapidProM,这是一种支持用于流程挖掘的科学工作流的工具。提供了说明不同情况的示例,以显示该方法的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10009-015-0399-5]

[1043] Semantic Enrichment of GSM-Based Artifact-Centric Models (2015)

(De Masellis | Journal on Data Semantics)

Abstract: We provide a comprehensive framework for semantic GSM artifacts, discuss in detail its properties, and present main software engineering architectures it is able to capture. The distinguishing aspect of our framework is that it allows for expressing both the data and the lifecycle schema of GSM artifacts in terms of an ontology, i.e., a shared and formalized conceptualization of the domain of interest. To guide the modeling of data and lifecycle we provide an upper ontology, which is specialized in each artifact with specific lifecycle elements, relations, and business objects. The framework thus obtained allows to achieve several advantages. On the one hand, it makes the specification of conditions on data and artifact status attribute fully declarative and enables semantic reasoning over them. On the other, it fosters the monitoring of artifacts and the interoperation and cooperation among different artifact systems. To fully achieve such an interoperation, we enrich our framework by enabling the linkage of the ontology to autonomous database systems through the use of mappings. We then discuss two scenarios of practical interest that show how mappings can be used in the presence of multiple systems. For one of these scenarios we also describe a concrete instantiation of the framework and its application to a real-world use case in the energy domain, investigated in the context of the EU project ACSI.


摘要: 我们为语义GSM构件提供了一个全面的框架,详细讨论了它的属性,并介绍了它能够捕获的主要软件工程架构。我们框架的独特之处在于,它可以根据本体(即,对感兴趣域进行共享和形式化的概念化)表示GSM工件的数据和生命周期方案。为了指导数据和生命周期的建模,我们提供了上层本体,该本体专门用于具有特定生命周期元素,关系和业务对象的每个工件。由此获得的框架允许实现若干优点。一方面,它使对数据和工件状态属性的条件的说明完全具有声明性,并对它们进行语义推理。另一方面,它促进了对工件的监视以及不同工件系统之间的互操作和协作。为了完全实现这种互操作,我们通过使用映射使本体与自治数据库系统链接,从而丰富了我们的框架。然后,我们讨论两种实用的场景,这些场景展示了如何在存在多个系统的情况下使用映射。对于这些场景中的一种,我们还描述了该框架的具体实例及其在能源领域的实际用例中的应用,并在欧盟项目ACSI的背景下进行了调查。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13740-014-0036-6]

[1044] Semantic process mining towards discovery and enhancement of learning model analysis (2015)

(Okoye, Kingsley and Tawil, Abdel Rahman H. and Naeem, Usman and Lamine, Elyes | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2015 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security and 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, H)

Abstract: Process mining algorithms use event logs to learn and reason about processes by technically coupling event history data and process models. During the execution of a learning process, several events occur which are of interest and/or necessary for completing and achieving a learning goal. The work in this paper describes a Semantic Process Mining approach directed towards automated learning. The proposed approach involves the extraction of process history data from learning execution environments, which is then followed by submitting the resulting eXtensible Event Streams (XES) and Mining eXtensible Markup Language (MXML) format to the process analytics environment for mining and further analysis. The XES and MXML data logs are enriched by using Semantic Annotations that references concepts in an Ontology specifically designed for representing learning processes. This involves the identification and modelling of data about different users. The approach focuses on augmenting information values of the resulting model based on individual learner profiles. A series of validation experiments were conducted in order to prove how Semantic Process Mining can be utilized to address the problem of analyzing concepts and relationships amongst learning objects, which also aid in discovering new and enhancement of existing learning processes. To this end, we demonstrate how data from learning processes can be extracted, semantically prepared, and transformed into mining executable formats for improved analysis.


摘要: 流程挖掘算法使用事件日志通过技术上将事件历史记录数据和流程模型耦合在一起来学习和推理流程。在学习过程的执行过程中,发生了一些事件,这些事件是完成和实现学习目标所需要的和/或必需的。本文的工作描述了针对自动学习的语义过程挖掘方法。提出的方法涉及从学习执行环境中提取过程历史数据,然后将生成的可扩展事件流(XES)和挖掘可扩展标记语言(MXML)格式提交给过程分析环境以进行挖掘和进一步分析。通过使用语义注释来丰富XES和MXML数据日志,该语义注释引用了专门为表示学习过程而设计的本体中的概念。这涉及识别和建模有关不同用户的数据。该方法着重于基于个体学习者档案来增加所得模型的信息值。为了证明如何利用语义过程挖掘来解决分析学习对象之间的概念和关系的问题,进行了一系列验证实验,这也有助于发现现有学习过程的新方法和增强方法。为此,我们演示了如何从学习过程中提取数据,进行语义准备以及将其转换为挖掘可执行格式以进行改进的分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HPCC-CSS-ICESS.2015.164]

[1045] Semantics based service orchestration in IoT (2017)

(Chindenga, Edmore and Scott, Mfundo S. and Gurajena, Caroline | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) presents a dynamic global revolution in the Internet where physical and virtual things communicate and share information. There arises a need to allow heterogeneous things to seamlessly interoperate, interact and exchange information and subsequently share services. Services are represented as functionalities that are offered by the things. In IoT context, service orchestration refers to identifying which devices or software components are required to formulate the requested service. IoT devices can offer different services based on the context and semantics. Service orchestration provides an approach to integration and interoperability which decouples applications from each other, and enhances capabilities to centrally manage and monitor components. This paper investigates requirements for semantic interoperability and exposes current challenges in IoT interoperability as a means of facilitating services orchestration in IoT. The paper proposes a semantic platform that allows heterogeneous devices to collaborate thereby enabling dynamic service orchestration. The proposed platform provides a common ontology-based framework for representing semantics allowing for a consistent information exchange format. The approach used combines domain-specific ontologies to obtain device and service abstraction for the purposes of process mining and analysis of service orchestration in heterogonous IoT environments. This approach was evaluated using a prototype IoT environment and mining techniques developed in the Process Mining Framework (ProM). The results revealed that semantically enriching service annotation and device descriptions through ontologies can successfully enable interoperability in heterogeneous IoT environments. Semantically enriched descriptions enable multiple perspectives of analysis on service orchestration processes and expose the steps involved in service request and provision in an a typical IoT setup.


摘要: 物联网(IoT)在Internet上掀起了一场动态的全球革命,物理和虚拟事物之间进行了通信和共享信息。因此,需要允许异构事物无缝地互操作,交互和交换信息,然后共享服务。服务表示为事物提供的功能。在物联网环境中,服务编排是指识别需要哪些设备或软件组件来制定所请求的服务。物联网设备可以根据上下文和语义提供不同的服务。服务编排提供了一种集成和互操作性的方法,该方法使应用程序彼此分离,并增强了集中管理和监视组件的能力。本文研究了语义互操作性的需求,并揭示了物联网互操作性方面的当前挑战,以此作为促进物联网中服务编排的一种手段。本文提出了一个语义平台,该平台允许异构设备进行协作,从而实现动态服务编排。所提出的平台提供了用于表示语义的通用的基于本体的框架,从而允许一致的信息交换格式。所使用的方法结合了特定领域的本体,以获取设备和服务抽象,以进行过程挖掘和在异构物联网环境中对服务编排进行分析。使用原型物联网环境和在Process Mining Framework(ProM)中开发的挖掘技术对这种方法进行了评估。结果表明,通过本体在语义上丰富的服务注释和设备描述可以成功实现异构IoT环境中的互操作性。语义丰富的描述支持对服务编排流程进行多角度分析,并揭示了典型物联网设置中服务请求和提供所涉及的步骤。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3129416.3129438]

[1046] Semantics-based event log aggregation for process mining and analytics (2015)

(Deokar, Amit V. and Tao, Jie | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: In highly complex and flexible environments, event logs tend to exhibit high levels of heterogeneity, and clustering-based methods are candidate techniques for simplifying the mined process models from the process observations. To compensate for the information loss occurring during clustering, semantic information from event logs may be extracted and organized in the form of knowledge structures such as process ontologies using methods of ontology learning. In this article, we propose an overall computational framework for event log pre-processing, and then focus on a specific component of the framework, namely event log aggregation. We develop a detailed system architecture for this component, along with an implemented and evaluated research prototype SemAgg. We use phrase-based semantic similarity between normalized event names to aggregate event logs in a hierarchical form. We discuss the practical implications of this work for learning lower level process ontology classes as well as performing further process mining and analytics.


摘要: 在高度复杂和灵活的环境中,事件日志往往表现出高度的异构性,而基于聚类的方法是从过程观察中简化挖掘过程模型的候选技术。为了补偿在聚类期间发生的信息丢失,可以使用本体学习方法以知识结构(例如过程本体)的形式从事件日志中提取和组织语义信息。在本文中,我们提出了一个用于事件日志预处理的总体计算框架,然后重点介绍了该框架的特定组件,即事件日志聚合。我们为该组件开发了详细的系统架构,以及已实施和评估的研究原型SemAgg。我们在标准化事件名称之间使用基于短语的语义相似性,以分层形式聚合事件日志。我们讨论了这项工作对学习较低级流程本体类以及执行进一步的流程挖掘和分析的实际意义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-015-9563-4]

[1047] Semi-automatic acquisition of Semantic descriptions of processes in the Web (2010)

(Hoxha, Julia and Agarwal, Sudhir | Proceedings - 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2010)

Abstract: Most of todays business processes are complex and consist of more than one party or single step procedures. In the Web, this is reflected by the existence of billions of Web sites, which may be regarded as complex processes, and on the other side only a few thousands of publicly available WSDL files that present single services. The availability of semantic descriptions of services and processes in the Web facilitates their discovery, as well as their composition into more complex workflows. It also facilitates the automatic execution of such workflows despite their heterogeneity. However, the deficit of semantic descriptions of Web processes deprives the users from using such sophisticated automatic techniques. The scope of our research is to fill this gap by providing semiautomatic techniques for the acquisition of a large number of semantic process descriptions on the (deep) Web. We model the data found in the online sources using ontologies, mine the process a user follows through the Web forms and generate a semantic description of this process. We present in this paper the implementation of our algorithms for the acquisition of process descriptions. We also provide a Web-based editor for manual annotation of new processes and refinement of the automatically-generated descriptions. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 当今的大多数业务流程都是复杂的,并且由多个方或单个步骤组成。在Web中,这反映为存在数十亿个网站,这些网站可能被视为复杂的流程,而另一方面仅提供数千个可公开提供单一服务的WSDL文件。Web中服务和流程的语义描述的可用性有助于它们的发现以及将其组合到更复杂的工作流程中的方法,也有助于自动执行此类工作流程,尽管但是,Web流程语义描述的不足使用户无法使用这种复杂的自动技术,我们的研究范围是通过提供半自动技术来弥补这一空白,从而在Web上获取大量的语义流程描述。 (深度)Web我们使用本体对在线资源中的数据进行建模,挖掘用户遵循的流程gh Web表单并生成此过程的语义描述。我们在本文中介绍了用于获取过程描述的算法的实现。我们还提供了基于Web的编辑器,用于对新流程进行手动注释和完善自动生成的说明。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WI-IAT.2010.271]

[1048] Sequence partitioning for process mining with unlabeled event logs (2011)

(Walicki, Michal and Ferreira, Diogo R. | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Finding the case id in unlabeled event logs is arguably one of the hardest challenges in process mining research. While this problem has been addressed with greedy approaches, these usually converge to sub-optimal solutions. In this work, we describe an approach to perform complete search over the search space. We formulate the problem as a matter of finding the minimal set of patterns contained in a sequence, where patterns can be interleaved but do not have repeating symbols. This represents a new problem that has not been previously addressed in the literature, with NP-hard variants and conjectured NP-completeness. We solve it in a stepwise manner, by generating and verifying a list of candidate solutions. The techniques, introduced to address various subtasks, can be applied independently for solving more specific problems. The approach has been implemented and applied in a case study with real data from a business process supported in a software application. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.


摘要: 在未标记的事件日志中查找案例ID可能是过程挖掘研究中最困难的挑战之一。尽管此问题已通过贪婪方法解决,但这些方法通常收敛于次优解决方案。在这项工作中,我们描述了一种在搜索空间上执行完整搜索的方法。我们将问题描述为找到序列中包含的最小模式集的问题,其中模式可以交错但没有重复的符号。这代表了NP硬变体和推测的NP完整性在文献中未曾解决的新问题。我们通过生成和验证候选解决方案列表来逐步解决问题。为解决各种子任务而引入的技术可以独立应用于解决更具体的问题。该方法已在案例研究中实现并应用于带有软件应用程序支持的业务流程中的真实数据的案例研究中。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2011.05.003]

[1049] Service mining: Using process mining to discover, check, and improve service behavior (2013)

(Aalst, Wil Van Der | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: Web services are an emerging technology to implement and integrate business processes within and across enterprises. Service orientation can be used to decompose complex systems into loosely coupled software components that may run remotely. However, the distributed nature of services complicates the design and analysis of service-oriented systems that support end-to-end business processes. Fortunately, services leave trails in so-called event logs and recent breakthroughs in process mining research make it possible to discover, analyze, and improve business processes based on such logs. Recently, the task force on process mining released the process mining manifesto. This manifesto is supported by 53 organizations and 77 process mining experts contributed to it. The active participation from end-users, tool vendors, consultants, analysts, and researchers illustrate the growing significance of process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. In this paper, we focus on the opportunities and challenges for service mining, i.e., applying process mining techniques to services. We discuss the guiding principles and challenges listed in the process mining manifesto and also highlight challenges specific for service-orientated systems. textcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE.


摘要: Web服务是一种新兴技术,用于在企业内部和企业之间实施和集成业务流程。面向服务可用于将复杂的系统分解为可以远程运行的松散耦合的软件组件。但是,服务的分布式性质使支持端到端业务流程的面向服务的系统的设计和分析变得复杂。幸运的是,服务会留在所谓的事件日志中,而流程挖掘研究中的最新突破使得有可能基于此类日志发现,分析和改进业务流程。最近,流程挖掘工作组发布了流程挖掘宣言。该宣言得到了53个组织的支持,并且有77名过程采矿专家对此做出了贡献。最终用户,工具供应商,顾问,分析师和研究人员的积极参与说明了过程挖掘作为数据挖掘和业务过程建模之间的桥梁的重要性日益提高。在本文中,我们专注于服务挖掘的机遇和挑战,即将流程挖掘技术应用于服务。我们讨论了流程挖掘宣言中列出的指导原则和挑战,还重点介绍了面向服务的系统特有的挑战。 t​​extcopyright 2008-2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSC.2012.25]

[1050] Services integration monitor for collaborative workflow management (2005)

(Pudhota, Leo and Tierney, Andrew and Chang, Elizabeth | Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE)

Abstract: Collaborative workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer network support. These IT integration requirements have expanded considerably with the advent of e-business; utilizing web services and Partner to Partner e-commerce. This paper deals with change management of collaborative work/low in such consortia and proposes architecture for synchronization and monitoring of these services where existing workflow systems are adapted to the changes requested by management. This paper describes conceptual framework of the services monitor which is used to monitor and edit changes resulting in new collaborative workflows. textcopyright 2005 IEEE.


摘要: 物流公司中的协作工作流管理系统需要强大的信息系统和计算机网络支持。随着电子商务的出现,这些IT集成要求已大大扩展。利用网络服务和合作伙伴之间的电子商务。本文讨论了此类财团中协作工作/低级人员的变更管理,并提出了用于同步和监视这些服务的体系结构,其中现有工作流系统适用于管理层所要求的变更。本文描述了服务监视器的概念框架,该服务监视器用于监视和编辑导致新的协作工作流的更改。 t​​extcopyright 2005 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WETICE.2005.52]


[1051] Similar sample selection approach based on sequence alignment; Application to semiconductor industry (2014)

(Chakaroun, Mohamad and Djeziri, Mohand and Ouladsine, Mustapha and Pinaton, Jacques | 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2014)

Abstract: In semiconductor manufacturing system, diagnosis method consists in measuring and comparing similar samples that are taken at the same process level, processed by the same equipment and the same instructions in order to identify the defect root cause. However, the number of similar samples available for diagnosis analysis in semiconductor industries is often very limited. In this case, select more similar samples for the analysis is a great challenge. First, the different factors (same process level, measurable sample, comparable sample) need to be considered. Second, the various data (process historic data, product models data, measurement data) need to be analyzed. This paper proposes a Similar Samples Selection (3S) approach based on the activity sequences of products in the process. Local sequence alignment algorithm is used to align the activities in order to determine the similar regions and to calculate the similarity index. A prototype has been developed in order to test the proposed approach on real data in semiconductor manufacturing system. Result shows a large number of similar samples that could be selected for the measurement as well as a significant reduction of analysis time.


摘要: 在半导体制造系统中,诊断方法包括测量和比较以相同工艺水平采集,由相同设备和相同指令处理的相似样品,以便识别缺陷的根本原因。然而,在半导体工业中可用于诊断分析的相似样品的数量通常非常有限。在这种情况下,选择更多相似的样品进行分析是一个巨大的挑战。首先,需要考虑不同的因素(相同的过程水平,可测量的样本,可比较的样本)。其次,需要分析各种数据(过程历史数据,产品模型数据,测量数据)。本文基于过程中产品的活动顺序,提出了一种类似样本选择(3S)方法。为了确定相似区域并计算相似性指数,使用了局部序列比对算法来比对活动。为了测试在半导体制造系统中的真实数据所提出的方法,已经开发了原型。结果显示,可以选择大量相似的样品进行测量,并且可以大大减少分析时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MED.2014.6961385]

[1052] Similarity measure between patient traces for clinical pathway analysis: Problem, method, and applications (2014)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Dong, Wei and Duan, Huilong and Li, Haomin | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics)

Abstract: Clinical pathways leave traces, described as event sequences with regard to a mixture of various latent treatment behaviors. Measuring similarities between patient traces can profitably be exploited further as a basis for providing insights into the pathways, and complementing existing techniques of clinical pathway analysis (CPA), which mainly focus on looking at aggregated data seen from an external perspective. Most existing methods measure similarities between patient traces via computing the relative distance between their event sequences. However, clinical pathways, as typical human-centered processes, always take place in an unstructured fashion, i.e., clinical events occur arbitrarily without a particular order. Bringing order in the chaos of clinical pathways may decline the accuracy of similarity measure between patient traces, and may distort the efficiency of further analysis tasks. In this paper, we present a behavioral topic analysis approach to measure similarities between patient traces. More specifically, a probabilistic graphical model, i.e., latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), is employed to discover latent treatment behaviors of patient traces for clinical pathways such that similarities of pairwise patient traces can be measured based on their underlying behavioral topical features. The presented method provides a basis for further applications in CPA. In particular, three possible applications are introduced in this paper, i.e., patient trace retrieval, clustering, and anomaly detection. The proposed approach and the presented applications are evaluated via a real-world dataset of several specific clinical pathways collected from a Chinese hospital. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 临床途径留下痕迹,被描述为关于各种潜在治疗行为的混合物的事件序列。测量患者踪迹之间的相似性可被有利地用作基础,以提供对通路的见解,并补充现有的临床通路分析(CPA)技术,该技术主要侧重于从外部角度查看汇总数据。大多数现有方法通过计算患者事件序列之间的相对距离来测量患者迹线之间的相似性。然而,作为典型的以人为中心的过程,临床途径总是以非结构化的方式发生,即临床事件无特定顺序地任意发生。混乱的临床路径可能会降低患者痕迹之间相似性度量的准确性,并可能扭曲进一步分析任务的效率。在本文中,我们提出了一种行为主题分析方法来测量患者痕迹之间的相似性。更具体地,采用概率图形模型,即潜在狄利克雷分配(LDA),以发现患者痕迹对于临床途径的潜在治疗行为,从而可以基于其潜在的行为局部特征来测量成对患者踪迹的相似性。提出的方法为在CPA中的进一步应用提供了基础。特别是,本文介绍了三种可能的应用程序,即,患者迹线检索,聚类和异常检测。通过从中国医院收集的几种特定临床途径的真实数据集,对提出的方法和提出的应用进行了评估。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/JBHI.2013.2274281]

[1053] Similarity of business process models - A state-of-the-art analysis (2017)

(Schoknecht, Andreas and Thaler, Tom and Fettke, Peter and Oberweis, Andreas and Laue, Ralf | ACM Computing Surveys)

Abstract: Business process models play an important role in todays enterprises, hence, model repositories may contain hundreds of models. These models are, for example, reused during process modeling activities or utilized to check the conformance of processes with legal regulations. With respect to the amount of models, such applications benefit from or even require detailed insights into the correspondences between process models or between process models nodes. Therefore, various process similarity and matching measures have been proposed during the past few years. This article provides an overview of the state-of-the-art regarding business process model similarity measures and aims at analyzing which similarity measures exist, how they are characterized, and what kind of calculations are typically applied to determine similarity values. Finally, the analysis of 123 similarity measures results in the suggestions to conduct further comparative analyses of similarity measures, to investigate the integration of human input into similarity measurement, and to further analyze the requirements of similarity measurement usage scenarios as future research opportunities.


摘要: 业务流程模型在当今的企业中起着重要的作用,因此,模型库可能包含数百个模型。例如,这些模型在流程建模活动中可以重用,或用于检查流程是否符合法律法规。在大量的模型中,这类应用受益于甚至需要详细了解过程模型之间或过程模型的节点之间的对应关系,因此,在过去几年中已提出了各种过程相似性和匹配措施。有关业务流程模型相似性度量的最新技术,旨在分析存在哪些相似性度量,如何表征它们以及通常使用哪种计算来确定相似性值,最后对123个相似性度量进行分析在建议中对相似性度量进行进一步的比较分析,以进行调查e将人类投入整合到相似性度量中,并进一步分析相似性度量使用场景的需求,作为未来的研究机会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3092694]

[1054] Similarity of business process models in a modular design (2016)

(Sebu, Maria Laura and Cioc^arlie, Horia | SACI 2016 - 11th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings)

Abstract: Using sub-processes in business process design enables flexibility, ensures a better understanding of the business scope and simplifies the complexity. A modular process design has several advantages in the area of scalability and re-usage of components. In the current paper we analyze the similarity of business processes when a modular design approach is used for process definition. We consider that the similarity of business processes is an important factor for the identification of the compatibility level between organizations. A better compatibility simplifies the setup in case of collaborations with shared resources and common business results. Process mining algorithms for process discovery and graph comparison techniques adapted are used for this purpose. Process definitions are extracted and reduced to graph format. Graphs are compared considering sub-graph composition and a business process similarity factor is extracted. For graph node match, semantic string similarity algorithms are evaluated and used further. This choice enables flexibility in comparing business processes from different business areas. The theoretical aspects are illustrated on a case study.


摘要: 在业务流程设计中使用子流程可以提高灵活性,确保更好地了解业务范围并简化复杂性。模块化过程设计在可伸缩性和组件重用方面具有多个优势。在当前的论文中,我们分析了将模块化设计方法用于流程定义时业务流程的相似性。我们认为业务流程的相似性是确定组织之间的兼容性级别的重要因素。更好的兼容性简化了与共享资源和共同业务成果进行协作的情况下的设置。用于过程发现的过程挖掘算法和适用的图形比较技术用于此目的。提取过程定义并将其简化为图形格式。比较考虑子图组成的图,并提取业务流程相似性因子。对于图节点匹配,将评估并进一步使用语义字符串相似度算法。通过选择此选项,可以灵活地比较不同业务领域的业务流程。在案例研究中说明了理论方面。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SACI.2016.7507383]

[1055] Similarity of business process models: Metrics and evaluation (2011)

(Dijkman, Remco and Dumas, Marlon and Van Dongen | Information Systems)

Abstract: It is common for large organizations to maintain repositories of business process models in order to document and to continuously improve their operations. Given such a repository, this paper deals with the problem of retrieving those models in the repository that most closely resemble a given process model or fragment thereof. Up to now, there is a notable research gap on comparing different approaches to this problem and on evaluating them in the same setting. Therefore, this paper presents three similarity metrics that can be used to answer queries on process repositories: (i) node matching similarity that compares the labels and attributes attached to process model elements; (ii) structural similarity that compares element labels as well as the topology of process models; and (iii) behavioral similarity that compares element labels as well as causal relations captured in the process model. These metrics are experimentally evaluated in terms of precision and recall. The results show that all three metrics yield comparable results, with structural similarity slightly outperforming the other two metrics. Also, all three metrics outperform text-based search engines when it comes to searching through a repository for similar business process models. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 对于大型组织来说,维护业务流程模型的存储库以记录并持续改善其运营是很常见的。给定这样一个存储库,本文将解决在存储库中检索最类似于给定流程模型或其片段的那些模型的问题。到目前为止,在比较解决此问题的不同方法并在相同环境下进行评估方面,存在明显的研究差距。因此,本文提出了三个相似性度量标准,可用于回答对过程存储库的查询:(i)节点匹配相似性,用于比较附加到过程模型元素的标签和属性; (ii)比较元素标签和过程模型拓扑的结构相似性; (iii)行为相似性,用于比较元素标签以及过程模型中捕获的因果关系。这些指标是根据准确性和召回率进行实验评估的。结果表明,所有三个指标均产生可比较的结果,结构相似性略好于其他两个指标。此外,在通过存储库搜索相似的业务流程模型时,这三个指标均优于基于文本的搜索引擎。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.006]

[1056] Simplified business process model mining based on Structuredness Metric (2011)

(Zhao, Weidong and Liu, Xi and Wang, Anhua | Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011)

Abstract: Process mining is the automated acquisition of process models from event logs. Although many process mining techniques have been developed, most of them focus on mining models from the prospective of control flow while ignoring the structure of mined models. This directly impacts the understandability and quality of mined models. To address the problem, we have proposed a genetic programming (GP) approach to mining simplified process models. Herein, genetic programming is applied to simplify the complex structure of process models using a tree-based individual representation. In addition, the fitness function derived from process complexity metric provides a guideline for discovering low complexity process models. Finally, initial experiments are performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 过程挖掘是从事件日志中自动获取过程模型。尽管已经开发了许多过程挖掘技术,但是从控制流的角度来看,它们中的大多数都集中在挖掘模型上,而忽略了挖掘模型的结构。这直接影响挖掘模型的可理解性和质量。为了解决该问题,我们提出了一种遗传编程(GP)方法来挖掘简化的过程模型。在本文中,遗传编程用于使用基于树的个体表示来简化过程模型的复杂结构。另外,从过程复杂性度量导出的适应度函数为发现低复杂性过程模型提供了指南。最后,进行初步实验以评估该方法的有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIS.2011.303]

[1057] Simplifying discovered process models in a controlled manner (2013)

(Fahland, Dirk and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process models discovered from a process log using process mining tend to be complex and have problems balancing between overfitting and underfitting. An overfitting model allows for too little behavior as it just permits the traces in the log and no other trace. An underfitting model allows for too much behavior as it permits traces that are significantly different from the behavior seen in the log. This paper presents a postprocessing approach to simplify discovered process models while controlling the balance between overfitting and underfitting. The discovered process model, expressed in terms of a Petri net, is unfolded into a branching process using the event log. Subsequently, the resulting branching process is folded into a simpler process model capturing the desired behavior. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


摘要: 使用过程挖掘从过程日志中发现的过程模型往往很复杂,并且在过拟合和欠拟合之间存在平衡问题。过拟合模型允许的行为太少,因为它仅允许日志中的跟踪,而不允许其他跟踪。欠拟合模型允许过多的行为,因为它允许跟踪与日志中看到的行为明显不同的跟踪。本文提出了一种后处理方法,以简化发现的过程模型,同时控制过拟合和欠拟合之间的平衡。用事件记录将以Petri网表示的发现的过程模型展开为分支过程。随后,将得到的分支过程折叠到捕获所需行为的更简单的过程模型中。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2012.07.004]

[1058] Single-Entry Single-Exit decomposed conformance checking (2014)

(Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Carmona, Josep and Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: An exponential growth of event data can be witnessed across all industries. Devices connected to the internet (internet of things), social interaction, mobile computing, and cloud computing provide new sources of event data and this trend will continue. The omnipresence of large amounts of event data is an important enabler for process mining. Process mining techniques can be used to discover, monitor and improve real processes by extracting knowledge from observed behavior. However, unprecedented volumes of event data also provide new challenges and often state-of-the-art process mining techniques cannot cope. This paper focuses on conformance checking in the large and presents a novel decomposition technique that partitions larger process models and event logs into smaller parts that can be analyzed independently. The so-called Single-Entry Single-Exit (SESE) decomposition not only helps to speed up conformance checking, but also provides improved diagnostics. The analyst can zoom in on the problematic parts of the process. Importantly, the conditions under which the conformance of the whole can be assessed by verifying the conformance of the SESE parts are described, which enables the decomposition and distribution of large conformance checking problems. All the techniques have been implemented in ProM, and experimental results are provided. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 事件数据呈指数增长,可见于所有行业。连接到互联网(物联网),社交互动,移动计算和云计算的设备提供了事件数据的新来源,并且这种趋势还将继续。大量事件数据无处不在是流程挖掘的重要推动力。通过从观察到的行为中提取知识,可以使用过程挖掘技术来发现,监视和改善实际过程。但是,前所未有的事件数据量也带来了新的挑战,而最新的过程挖掘技术往往无法应对。本文着重于大型一致性检查,并提出了一种新颖的分解技术,该技术将较大的过程模型和事件日志划分为较小的部分,可以独立进行分析。所谓的单项单出口(SESE)分解不仅有助于加快一致性检查的速度,而且可以提供改进的诊断功能。分析人员可以放大过程中有问题的部分。重要的是,描述了可以通过验证SESE部分的合格性来评估整体合格性的条件,这可以分解和分布较大的合格性检查问题。所有技术均已在ProM中实现,并提供了实验结果。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2014.04.003]

[1059] Slice and Connect: Tri-Dimensional Process Discovery with Case Study of Port Logistics Process (2015)

(Pulshashi, Iq Reviessay and Bae, Hyerim and Sutrisnowati, Riska Asriana and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho and Park, Sanghyuck | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: One problem of process discovery is the duplicated task, a task that appears multiple times in one process model. This paper presents Slice and Connect, an automated tri-dimensional process discovery technique considering duplicated task. It adds the notion of pool as a group of tasks that belongs to a single entity (e.g. department, organization, country). The algorithm entails two steps: first, the event log is sliced according to the pool attribute, and then the pool dependency network (PDN) is discovered. Second, the inter-pool dependency is calculated to connect the PDNs, the result of which is a process model represented as an integrated dependency network (IDN). Duplicated task is only allowed within a different pool to clearly separate the activity context in IDN. The complexity of the process model thereby is increased; therefore, the comprehensibility of the process model is also increased.


摘要: 过程发现的一个问题是重复的任务,该任务在一个过程模型中多次出现。本文介绍了切片和连接,这是一种考虑重复任务的自动化三维过程发现技术。它将池的概念添加为属于单个实体(例如部门,组织,国家/地区)的一组任务。该算法包括两个步骤:首先,根据池属性对事件日志进行切片,然后发现池依赖网络(PDN)。其次,计算池间依存关系以连接PDN,其结果是表示为集成依存关系网(IDN)的过程模型。仅在不同的池中允许重复的任务,以清楚地分隔IDN中的活动上下文。从而增加了过程模型的复杂性;因此,过程模型的可理解性也增加了。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2015.12.127]

[1060] Smart auditing - Innovating compliance checking in customs control (2013)

(Bukhsh, Faiza Allah and Weigand, Hans | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, IEEE CBI 2013)

Abstract: While risk regulations and compliance requirements grow, the capacity of governmental controls only shrinks in many countries. Automation provides a partial solution to this problem, but more is expected from new modes of supervision. The reliability of the provided data becomes essential then. Reliability can be supported by auditing services. At the same time, the advent of Smart Computing creates new requirements on auditing as well as new opportunities. Technology (smart sensors and intelligent data analysis) can support both accounting information system and audit services. To address these developments, this paper discusses the related concepts of Smart Auditing. An initial evaluation has been performed in the domain of customs control as well. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 虽然风险法规和合规性要求不断提高,但政府控制的能力仅在许多国家/地区缩小。自动化为该问题提供了部分解决方案,但新的监管模式有望带来更多解决方案。这样,提供的数据的可靠性就变得至关重要。审计服务可以支持可靠性。同时,智能计算的出现对审核提出了新的要求,也带来了新的机遇。技术(智能传感器和智能数据分析)可以支持会计信息系统和审计服务。为了应对这些发展,本文讨论了智能审核的相关概念。在海关管制领域也已进行了初步评估。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2013.27]

[1061] Social network analysis and mining for business applications (2011)

(Bonchi, Francesco and Castillo, Carlos and Gionis, Aristides and Jaimes, Alejandro | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology)

Abstract: Social network analysis has gained significant attention in recent years, largely due to the success of online social networking and media-sharing sites, and the consequent availability of a wealth of social network data. In spite of the growing interest, however, there is little understanding of the potential business applications of mining social networks. While there is a large body of research on different problems and methods for social network mining, there is a gap between the techniques developed by the research community and their deployment in real-world applications. Therefore the potential business impact of these techniques is still largely unexplored. In this article we use a business process classiication framework to put the research topics in a business context and provide an overview of what we consider key problems and techniques in social network analysis and mining from the perspective of business applications. In particular, we discuss data acquisition and preparation, trust, expertise, community structure, network dynamics, and information propagation. In each case we present a brief overview of the problem, describe state-of-the art approaches, discuss business application examples, and map each of the topics to a business process classification framework. In addition, we provide insights on prospective business applications, challenges, and future research directions. The main contribution of this article is to provide a state-of-the-art overview of current techniques while providing a critical perspective on business applications of social network analysis and mining.textcopyright 2011 ACM.


摘要: 社交网络分析近年来受到了广泛的关注,这主要是由于在线社交网络和媒体共享站点的成功以及随之而来的大量社交网络数据的可用性。然而,尽管人们的兴趣日益浓厚,但对挖掘社交网络的潜在业务应用却知之甚少。尽管针对社交网络挖掘的不同问题和方法进行了大量研究,但研究社区开发的技术与它们在实际应用中的部署之间仍然存在差距。因此,这些技术对业务的潜在影响仍未得到充分挖掘。在本文中,我们使用业务流程分类框架将研究主题置于业务环境中,并从业务应用程序的角度概述了我们在社交网络分析和挖掘中考虑的关键问题和技术。特别是,我们讨论了数据获取和准备,信任,专业知识,社区结构,网络动态和信息传播。在每种情况下,我们都会对问题进行简要概述,描述最新技术方法,讨论业务应用示例,并将每个主题映射到业务流程分类框架。此外,我们提供有关潜在业务应用,挑战和未来研究方向的见解。本文的主要贡献是提供当前技术的最新概述,同时提供对社交网络分析和挖掘的业务应用程序的批判性观点。 t​​extcopyright 2011 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1961189.1961194]

[1062] Social network analysis and role hierarchy mining through MXML-based event logs (2015)

(Porouhan, Parham and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: This paper is divided into three main parts. In the first part of the study, we initially collected a process event log -from an information system -during an Academic Writing (English) training course in Thailand. The original data was consisted of 330 process instances and 3,326 events in total. Being aware of the fact that ProM process mining framework accepts and supports only XES and MXML logs, the data was subsequently configured and converted into the fitting format. In the second part of the study, we applied role hierarchy mining technique in order to evaluate the role of every individual throughout the course/training program. Moreover, the organizational mining technique enabled us to better understand the functional structure of the training organization (based on models) and ultimately improve (or benchmark) the underlying processes. In the thirst part of the study, we used social network mining as a pre-requisite for social network analysis to discover the interaction patterns between the originators during the teaching process. Accordingly, the handover of work metric -of the social network mining technique-made possible to not only investigate direct relationships but also indirect relationships as well.


摘要: 本文分为三个主要部分。在研究的第一部分中,我们最初在泰国的学术写作(英语)培训课程中从信息系统收集了一个过程事件日志。原始数据由330个流程实例和3326个事件组成。意识到ProM流程挖掘框架仅接受并支持XES和MXML日志这一事实,随后对数据进行了配置,并将其转换为合适的格式。在研究的第二部分中,我们应用了角色层次挖掘技术,以便评估整个课程/培训计划中每个人的角色。此外,组织挖掘技术使我们能够更好地了解培训组织的功能结构(基于模型),并最终改善(或基准化)基础流程。在研究的第三部分,我们使用社交网络挖掘作为进行社交网络分析的先决条件,以发现教学过程中发起者之间的交互模式。因此,社交网络挖掘技术的工作指标的移交使得不仅可以研究直接关系,而且还可以研究间接关系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368471]

[1063] Sociomaterial Enactment Drive of Business/IT Alignment: From Small Data to Big Impact (2014)

(Sousa, Jose L.R. and Machado, Ricardo J. | Procedia Technology)

Abstract: Business/IT alignment is an information systems research field with a long existence and a high number of researchers and represents a central direction on the thinking about the relation between business and the information systems. It aims to achieve a paradigm, one in which there is a high degree of visibility and availability of information, about the information systems sociomateriality. Complex-networks constitute an approach to the study of emergent properties of complex systems that strongly focuses and relies on models and measures, through which build the system interdependence. Several contributions of complex-networks are: topology always affects the function; separated from the domain; quantification of elements relationships; visibility and capture of emergent properties. This work expects to contribute for the appropriate use of complex-networks models and measure in the drive of the information systems alignment. This work considers an exploratory case research strategy. It uses an exploratory case developed in the field of information systems that directed its deployment to sustain the business development and evolution. This paper illustrates a profiling framework that introduces a global and elementary use of the sociomaterial enactment. From the analysis of the exploratory case, the paper infers drivers of the information systems Business/IT alignment.

业务/ IT一致性的社会材料制定驱动力:从小数据到大影响力

摘要: 业务/ IT一致性是一个存在很长的信息系统研究领域,研究人员众多,它代表了思考业务与信息系统之间关系的中心方向。它旨在实现一种范式,其中复杂网络是研究复杂系统紧急特性的一种方法,该方法强烈关注并依赖模型和度量,从而建立了系统的相互依存关系。复杂网络的几个贡献是:拓扑结构总是会影响功能;与域分离;元素之间的关系定量化;可见性和新兴属性的捕获;这项工作有望为复杂网络模型的正确使用和驱动器测量做出贡献。信息系统的协调性。这项工作考虑了探索性案例研究策略y它使用在信息系统领域开发的探索性案例,指导其部署以维持业务发展和发展。本文说明了一个概要分析框架,该框架介绍了社会材料法规的全局和基本用法。通过对探索性案例的分析,本文推断出信息系统业务/ IT一致性的驱动因素。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.005]

[1064] SoftLearn: A process mining platform for the discovery of learning paths (2014)

(Barreiros, Borja Vazquez and Lama, Manuel and Mucientes, Manuel and Vidal, Juan C. | Proceedings - IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2014)

Abstract: One of the most challenging issues in learning analytics is the development of techniques and tools that facilitate the evaluation of the learning activities carried out by learners. In this paper, we faced this issue through a process mining-based platform, called Soft Learn, that is able to discover complete, precise and simple learning paths from event logs. This platform has a graphical interface that allows teachers to better understand the real learning paths undertaken by learners.


摘要: 学习分析中最具挑战性的问题之一是技术和工具的开发,这些技术和工具有助于评估学习者进行的学习活动。在本文中,我们通过一个名为Soft Learn的基于流程挖掘的平台来面对这个问题,该平台能够从事件日志中找到完整,准确和简单的学习路径。该平台具有图形界面,使教师可以更好地了解学习者采取的实际学习路径。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICALT.2014.111]

[1065] Software cybernetics in BPM: Modeling software behavior as feedback for evolution by a novel discovery method based on augmented event logs (2017)

(Li, Chuanyi and Ge, Jidong and Huang, Liguo and Hu, Haiyang and Wu, Budan and Hu, Hao and Luo, Bin | Journal of Systems and Software)

Abstract: Business Process Management (BPM) is a quickly developing management theory in recent years. The goal of BPM is to improve corporate performance by managing and optimizing the businesses process in and among enterprises. The goal is easier to achieve with the closed-loop feedback mechanism from business process execution to redesign in BPM life cycle, where the business process itself and the set of activities in BPM are viewed as a controlled object and a controller respectively. In this feedback control system, process mining plays an important role in generating feedback of process execution for redesign. However, the existing discovery methods cannot mine certain special structures from execution logs (e.g., implicit dependency, implicit place and short loops) correctly and their mining efficiencies cannot meet the requirements of online process mining. In this paper, we propose a novel discovery method to overcome these challenges based on a kind of augmented event log that will also bring new research directions for process discovery. A case study is presented for introducing how the mined model can be used in business process evolution. Results of experiments are described to show the improvements of the proposed algorithm compared with others.


摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)是近年来发展迅速的管理理论。 BPM的目标是通过管理和优化企业内部和企业之间的业务流程来提高企业绩效。从业务流程执行到BPM生命周期中的重新设计的闭环反馈机制更容易实现该目标,在该机制中,业务流程本身和BPM中的活动集分别被视为受控对象和控制器。在此反馈控制系统中,过程挖掘在生成过程执行的反馈以进行重新设计方面起着重要作用。但是,现有的发现方法无法正确地从执行日志中挖掘某些特殊结构(例如,隐式依赖关系,隐式位置和短循环),并且其挖掘效率无法满足在线流程挖掘的要求。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的发现方法来克服这些挑战,它基于一种增强的事件日志,这也将为过程发现带来新的研究方向。提出了一个案例研究,以介绍如何将挖掘的模型用于业务流程演化。实验结果描述了与其他算法相比所提出算法的改进。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jss.2016.03.013]


[1066] Software process evaluation: A machine learning approach (2011)

(Chen, Ning and Hoi, Steven C.H. and Xiao, Xiaokui | 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2011, Proceedings)

Abstract: Software process evaluation is essential to improve software development and the quality of software products in an organization. Conventional approaches based on manual qualitative evaluations (e.g., artifacts inspection) are deficient in the sense that (i) they are time-consuming, (ii) they suffer from the authority constraints, and (iii) they are often subjective. To overcome these limitations, this paper presents a novel semi-automated approach to software process evaluation using machine learning techniques. In particular, we formulate the problem as a sequence classification task, which is solved by applying machine learning algorithms. Based on the framework, we define a new quantitative indicator to objectively evaluate the quality and performance of a software process. To validate the efficacy of our approach, we apply it to evaluate the defect management process performed in four real industrial software projects. Our empirical results show that our approach is effective and promising in providing an objective and quantitative measurement for software process evaluation. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 软件过程评估对于改善组织中的软件开发和软件产品的质量至关重要。基于手动定性评估(例如,人工制品检查)的常规方法在以下方面是不足的:(i)它们很耗时,(ii)它们受到权限限制,并且(iii)它们通常是主观的。为了克服这些限制,本文提出了一种使用机器学习技术进行软件过程评估的新型半自动化方法。特别地,我们将问题表达为序列分类任务,可以通过应用机器学习算法来解决。在该框架的基础上,我们定义了一个新的量化指标,以客观地评估软件过程的质量和性能。为了验证我们方法的有效性,我们将其应用于评估在四个实际工业软件项目中执行的缺陷管理过程。我们的经验结果表明,我们的方法在为软件过程评估提供客观和定量的度量方面是有效且有前途的。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ASE.2011.6100070]

[1067] Software process line discovery (2015)

(Blum, Fabian Rojas and Simmonds, Jocelyn and Bastarrica, Maria Cecilia | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Companies define software processes for planning and guiding projects. Since process definition is expensive, and in practice, no one process fits all projects, the current trend is to define a Software Process Line (SPrL): a base process that represents the common process elements, along with its potential variability. Specifying a SPrL is more expensive than just specifying one process, but the SPrL can be adapted to specific project contexts, minimizing the amount of extra work carried out by employees. Mining project logs has proven to be a promising approach for discovering the process that is applied in practice. However, considering all the possible variations that may be logged, the mined process may be overly complex. Some algorithms deal with this by filtering infrequent relations between log events, but they may discard relevant relations. In this paper we propose the v-algorithm that uses two thresholds to set up a SPrL: highly frequent relations are used to build the base process, variable relations define process variability, and rare relations are discarded as noise. We applied the v-algorithm to the project log of Mobius, a small Chilean software company. We obtained a SPrL where we identified unexpected alternative ways of performing certain activities, as well as an optional activity that was originally specified as mandatory.


摘要: 公司定义用于计划和指导项目的软件流程。由于流程定义很昂贵,并且在实践中,没有一个流程可以适合所有项目,因此当前的趋势是定义一个软件流程线(SPrL):代表通用流程元素及其潜在可变性的基本流程。指定SPrL比仅指定一个过程要昂贵,但是SPrL可以适应特定的项目环境,从而最大程度地减少了员工的额外工作量。事实证明,挖掘项目日志是发现实际应用过程的一种有前途的方法。但是,考虑到可能记录的所有可能的变化,开采过程可能过于复杂。一些算法通过过滤日志事件之间的不频繁关系来处理此问题,但是它们可能会丢弃相关关系。在本文中,我们提出了使用两个阈值来建立SPrL的v算法:使用频繁关系来构建基本过程,变量关系定义过程可变性,而稀有关系作为噪声被丢弃。我们将v算法应用于智利一家小型软件公司Mobius的项目日志中。我们获得了SPrL,在其中我们确定了执行某些活动的意外替代方法,以及最初指定为强制性的可选活动。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2785592.2785605]

[1068] Split miner: Discovering accurate and simple business process models from event logs (2017)

(Augusto, Adriano and Conforti, Raffaele and Dumas, Marlon and Rosa, Marcello La | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM)

Abstract: The problem of automated discovery of process models from event logs has been intensively researched in the past two decades. Despite a rich field of proposals, state-of-the-art automated process discovery methods suffer from two recurrent deficiencies when applied to real-life logs: (i) they produce large and spaghetti-like models; and (ii) they produce models that either poorly fit the event log (low fitness) or highly generalize it (low precision). Striking a tradeoff between these quality dimensions in a robust and scalable manner has proved elusive. This paper presents an automated process discovery method that produces simple process models with low branching complexity and consistently high and balanced fitness, precision and generalization, while achieving execution times 2-6 times faster than state-of-the-art methods on a set of 12 real-life logs. Further, our approach guarantees deadlock-freedom for cyclic process models and soundness for acyclic. Our proposal combines a novel approach to filter the directly-follows graph induced by an event log, with an approach to identify combinations of split gateways that accurately capture the concurrency, conflict and causal relations between neighbors in the directly-follows graph.


摘要: 在过去的二十年中,已经广泛研究了从事件日志中自动发现过程模型的问题。尽管提出了很多建议,但将最新的自动过程发现方法应用于现实生活中的日志时,经常会遇到两个缺陷:(i)它们生成大型且类似于意大利面条的模型; (ii)他们产生的模型要么不太适合事件日志(适应性低),要么高度概括了事件日志(低精度)。事实证明,以健壮和可扩展的方式在这些质量维度之间进行折衷是难以实现的。本文提出了一种自动化的过程发现方法,该方法可生成简单的过程模型,具有较低的分支复杂度,并且始终如一地具有较高的平衡性,准确性和泛化性,而执行时间要比一组先进的方法快2-6倍。 12个真实日志。此外,我们的方法可确保循环过程模型具有无死锁的自由性,而非循环性则具有良好的安全性。我们的建议结合了一种新颖的方法来过滤由事件日志引起的直接关注图,以及一种用于识别拆分网关组合的方法,该组合网关可以准确捕获直接关注图中邻居之间的并发,冲突和因果关系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDM.2017.9]

[1069] Start time and duration distribution estimation in semi-structured processes (2013)

(Wombacher, Andreas and Lacob, Maria Eugenia | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: Semi-structured processes are business workflows, where the execution of the workflow is not completely controlled by a workflow engine, i.e., an implementation of a formal workflow model. Examples are workflows where actors potentially have interaction with customers reporting the result of the interaction in a process aware information system. Building a performance model for resource management in these processes is difficult since the required information is only partially recorded. In this paper we propose a systematic approach for the creation of an event log that is suitable for available process mining tools. This event log is created by an incrementally cleansing of data. The proposed approach is evaluated in an experiment. Copyright 2013 ACM.


摘要: 半结构化流程是业务工作流程,其中工作流程的执行未完全由工作流程引擎(即,正式工作流程模型的实现)控制。示例是工作流程,其中参与者可能与客户进行交互,从而在流程感知信息系统中报告交互的结果。在这些过程中,很难为资源管理建立性能模型,因为所需信息仅被部分记录。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于创建事件日志的系统方法,该事件日志适用于可用的流程挖掘工具。通过逐步清除数据来创建此事件日志。在实验中评估了提出的方法。版权所有2013 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2480362.2480626]

[1070] State machine workflow modeling and dataflow analysis (2009)

(Lu, Jia and Yu, Yang and Li, Guanxing | 2008 IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises, AMIGE 2008 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Cross-organizational workflow appears to be more and more important in global business. It is a better solution to the problem of cross-organizational collaboration that state machine workflow is able to model business processes based on discrete points. Data will be transferred among different organizations in their collaborations and more human interactivities are needed. Further more, the event driven approach makes it more flexible to state transitions. Therefore, an approach for state machine workflow modeling based on event driven is presented. Using data-dependent methods, it can analyze and optimize the data exceptions to improve process efficiency and data accuracy before compiling workflow processes. textcopyright 2008 IEEE.


摘要: 跨组织工作流在全球业务中显得越来越重要。状态机工作流能够基于离散点对业务流程进行建模,这是对跨组织协作问题的更好解决方案。数据将在不同组织之间的协作中进行传输,并且需要更多的人与人之间的互动。此外,事件驱动方法使状态转换更加灵活。因此,提出了一种基于事件驱动的状态机工作流建模方法。使用依赖数据的方法,它可以在编译工作流流程之前分析和优化数据异常,以提高流程效率和数据准确性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/AMIGE.2008.ECP.32]

[1071] Statistical mechanics approach for collaborative business social network reconstruction (2016)

(Corallo, Angelo and Bisconti, Cristian and Fortunato, Laura and Gentile, Antonio Andrea and Pell`e | Social Network Analysis and Mining)

Abstract: The role of human resources has become a key factor for the success of an organization. Based on a research collaboration with an aeronautical company, the paper compares two different approaches for the reconstruction of a collaborative social network in the business realm. Traditional social network analysis and novel statistical inference models were both evaluated against data provided by the company, with the final scope of scouting key employees in the network, as well as exploiting the knowledge-transfer processes. As a main outcome of this paper, it was found how the network reconstruction using statistical models has an increased robustness, as well as sensitivity, allowing to discover hidden correlations among the users.


摘要: 人力资源的作用已成为组织成功的关键因素。基于与一家航空公司的研究合作,本文比较了在业务领域中重建协作社交网络的两种不同方法。传统的社交网络分析和新颖的统计推断模型均根据公司提供的数据进行了评估,最终范围包括在网络中搜寻关键员工以及利用知识转移流程。作为本文的主要成果,发现使用统计模型进行的网络重建如何具有增强的鲁棒性和敏感性,从而可以发现用户之间的隐藏关联。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s13278-016-0342-0]

[1072] Statistical process monitoring by using process mining (2013)

(Haung, Ze Crong and Chen, Yun Shiow and Chung, Yun Kung | 2013 IEEE Conference Anthology, ANTHOLOGY 2013)

Abstract: There is well known: Whether the advantage of using a normal process model to monitor the stability of a manufacturing process can be gained lies in the models ability used to realize its conformance to the manufacturing process trend. In other words, whether a manufacturing process can be stabilized depends on how much is about the conformance level between its processing trend and the norm regulated in the process model. Once there are differences between a normalized process model and a manufacturing process, it will have some interesting situations that are worthy to be investigated. In this paper, a process conformance technique discussed in process mining field will be newly applied to accomplish such the investigation. This technique will consider statistical process control (SPC) trending charts as the norms of normalized processes so to experimentally estimate and examine the conformance level between the SPC norms and a statistically generated manufacture running process, hereby to see how the proposed process conformance approach is to the stability of the simulated manufacturing process. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 众所周知:能否获得使用正常过程模型来监视制造过程稳定性的优势,在于该模型实现其与制造过程趋势的一致性的能力。换句话说,流程能否稳定取决于其处理趋势与流程模型中规范之间的一致性水平,一旦规范化流程模型与制造流程之间存在差异,就会出现一些值得关注的有趣情况。本文将在过程挖掘领域中讨论的一种过程一致性技术被新应用来完成这种研究,该技术将统计过程控制趋势图视为规范化过程的规范,以便通过实验估算和检验SPC规范与统计生成的制造运行过程之间的一致性级别,从而了解所提出的过程一致性方法对模拟制造过程的稳定性的影响。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ANTHOLOGY.2013.6785062]

[1073] Statistical verification of process conformance based on log equality test (2017)

(Bae, Hyerim and Sim, Sung Hyun and Choi, Yulim and Liu, Ling | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, IEEE CIC 2016)

Abstract: In Big data and IoT environments, a huge-sized data is created as the result of process execution, some of which are generated by sensors. The main issue of such application has been to analyze the data in order to suggest enhancements to the process. Evaluation of the conformance of process models is of great importance in this regard. For this purpose, previous studies in process mining approach suggested conformance checking by measuring fitness that uses token replay and node-arc relations based on Petri net. However, fitness thus far has not considered statistical significance, but just offers a numeric ratio. We herein propose a statistical verification based on the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test to judge whether two different log data sets are following the same process model. Our method can also judge that a set of event log data is following a process model by playing out the model and generating event log data from the model. We also propose a new concept of Maximum Confidence Dependency to solve the problem of the trade-off between model abstraction and process conformance. We expect that our method can be widely used in many applications which deal with business process enhancement by analyzing process model and execution log.


摘要: 在大数据和物联网环境中,流程执行会产生大量数据,其中一些是由传感器生成的。这种应用程序的主要问题是分析数据,以便提出对数据的增强建议。在这方面,评估过程模型的一致性非常重要,为此,先前在过程挖掘方法中的研究建议通过使用基于Petri网的令牌重播和节点-弧关系测量适合度来建议进行一致性检查。到目前为止,我们还没有考虑统计意义,而只是提供了一个数值比,我们在此基于Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验提出统计检验,以判断两个不同的日志数据集是否遵循相同的过程模型。通过播放模型并从模型生成事件日志数据,事件日志数据集遵循过程模型。我们还提出了最大置信度D的新概念。倾向性来解决模型抽象和过程一致性之间的权衡问题。我们希望通过分析流程模型和执行日志,我们的方法可以广泛用于处理业务流程增强的许多应用程序中。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CIC.2016.38]

[1074] Stochastic simulation of clinical pathways from raw health databases (2017)

(Prodel, Martin and Augusto, Vincent and Xie, Xiaolan and Jouaneton, Baptiste and Lamarsalle, Ludovic | IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering)

Abstract: This paper presents a method to automatically create stochastic simulation models of clinical pathways from raw databases. We introduce an automatic procedure to convert a process model, discovered with process mining, into an actionable simulation model. The concept of state charts is used and enriched to incorporate the distinctive features of healthcare processes into the model. The clinical pathway model is used to simulate new patients sequence of events. The resulting model is validated by comparing key performances indicators with historical data. Finally, we use the model to perform an automatically setup sensitivity analysis. The whole process is automated and can be used with any input data.


摘要: 本文提供了一种从原始数据库自动创建临床路径随机模拟模型的方法。我们介绍了一种自动过程,该过程将通过过程挖掘发现的过程模型转换为可操作的模拟模型。使用状态图的概念并丰富模型以将医疗流程的独特特征整合到模型中;使用临床路径模型来模拟新患者的事件序列;通过将关键绩效指标与历史数据进行比较来验证结果模型;最后,我们使用该模型来执行自动设置灵敏度分析。整个过程是自动化的,可用于任何输入数据。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/COASE.2017.8256167]

[1075] Strategies for the quality assessment of the health care service providers in the treatment of Gastric Cancer in Colombia (2017)

(Villamil, Maria Del Pilar and Barrera, David and Velasco, Nubia and Bernal, Oscar and Fajardo, Esteban and Urango, Carlos and Buitrago, Sebastian | BMC Health Services Research)

Abstract: Background: While, at its inception in 1993, the health care system in Colombia was publicized as a paradigm to be copied across the developing world, numerous problems in its implementation have led to, what is now, an inefficient and crisis-ridden health system. Furthermore, as a result of inappropriate tools to measure the quality of the health service providers, several corruption scandals have arisen in the country. This study attempts to tackle this situation by proposing a strategy for the quality assessment of the health service providers (Entidades Promotoras de Salud, EPS) in the Colombian health system. In particular, as a case study, the quality of the treatment of stomach cancer is analyzed. Methods: The study uses two complementary techniques to address the problem. These techniques are applied based on data of the treatment of gastric cancer collected on a nation-wide scale by the Colombian Ministry of Health and Welfare. First, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Index (MI) are used to establish the most efficient EPSs within the system, according to indicators such as opportunity indicators. Second, sequential clustering algorithm, related to process mining a field of data mining, is used to determine the medical history of all patients and to construct typical care pathways of the patients belonging to efficient and inefficient EPSs. Lastly, efforts are made to identify traits and differences between efficient and inefficient EPSs. Results: Efficient and inefficient EPS were identified for the years 2010 and 2011. Additionally, a Malmquist Index was used to calculate the relative changes in the efficiency of the health providers. Using these efficiency rates, the typical treatment path of patients with gastric cancer was found for two EPSs: one efficient and another inefficient. Finally, the typical traits of the care pathways were established. Conclusions: Combining DEA and process mining proved to be a powerful approach understanding the problem and gaining valuable insight into the inner workings of the Colombian Health System, especially in terms of the treatment process performed by health care providers in critical illnesses such as cancer. However, no sufficiently compelling results were found to establish the contribution of such a combination to evaluate the quality in the delivery of health services.


摘要: 背景:虽然在1993年成立之初,哥伦比亚的卫生保健系统就被公认为在发展中国家被复制的范例,但其实施过程中的许多问题导致目前效率低下且危机四伏的危机此外,由于没有适当的工具来衡量卫生服务提供者的质量,该国出现了几起腐败丑闻,本研究试图通过提出一项对卫生服务提供者的质量评估的策略来解决这种情况。哥伦比亚卫生系统(Entidades Promotoras de Salud,EPS)。特别是,作为案例研究,分析了胃癌的治疗质量方法:该研究使用两种互补的技术来解决该问题,并应用了这些技术基于哥伦比亚卫生和福利部在全国范围内收集的胃癌治疗数据。首先,数据包络分析(DEA)和根据机会指标等指标,使用Malmquist指数(MI)来建立系统内最有效的EPS。其次,与过程挖掘和数据挖掘领域相关的顺序聚类算法用于确定所有患者的病史并构建属于有效和无效EPS的患者的典型护理途径。最后,努力确定高效和低效EPS的特征和差异。结果:确定了2010年和2011年的有效和无效EPS。此外,使用Malmquist指数来计算卫生服务提供者效率的相对变化。使用这些效率比率,发现胃癌患者的典型治疗途径有两种:一种有效,另一种无效。最后,建立了护理途径的典型特征。结论:将DEA与过程挖掘相结合是一种了解问题并获得对哥伦比亚卫生系统内部运作的宝贵见解的有效方法,尤其是在医疗保健提供者对癌症等重大疾病进行治疗的过程中。但是,没有发现足够令人信服的结果来确定这种结合对评估保健服务质量的贡献。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1186/s12913-017-2440-8]

[1076] Structural Similarity Measurement of Business Process Model to Compare Heuristic and Inductive Miner Algorithms Performance in Dealing with Noise (2017)

(Nuritha, Ifrina and Mahendrawathi, E. R. | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: Heuristic and Inductive Miner algorithms have different characteristics, properties, specializations, and performances in modeling business process. This research adopts three modules from Wang framework i.e. log generation, process mining, and similarity calculation to compare process mining algorithms performance in dealing with noise. The similarity calculation module measures structural similarity between reference model generated from standard event log, with mined model generated from noisy event log obtained with Heuristic and Inductive Miner algorithms. Noisy event log is obtained by adding 1% noise to the standard event log. Results from stuctural similarity measurement show that Inductive Miner algorithm obtain better performance in dealing with noise, especially related to material procurement process model of Cement Manufacturing and production in Pharmaceutical Industry.


摘要: 启发式和归纳挖掘器算法在对业务流程进行建模时具有不同的特征,属性,专业化和性能。这项研究采用了Wang框架的三个模块,即日志生成,过程挖掘和相似度计算,以比较过程挖掘算法在处理噪声方面的性能。相似度计算模块测量从标准事件日志生成的参考模型与从启发式和归纳Miner算法获得的嘈杂事件日志生成的挖掘模型之间的结构相似性。通过将1%的噪声添加到标准事件日志中来获得嘈杂的事件日志。结构相似性测量结果表明,归纳Miner算法在处理噪声方面取得了较好的性能,特别是与制药行业水泥生产和生产的物料采购过程模型有关。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.154]

[1077] Structural patterns for soundness of business process models (2006)

(Van Dongen | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOC)

Abstract: The correctness of business process models is of paramount importance for the application on an enterprise level. A severe problem is that several languages for business process modelling do not have formal execution semantics which is a prerequisite to check correctness criteria. In this context, soundness defines a minimum correctness criterion that a process model should fulfil. In this paper we present a novel approach to reason about soundness based on so-called causal footprints. A causal footprint represents a set of conditions on the order of activities that holds for every case of a process model. We identify three kinds of error patterns that affect the soundness of a process model, namely the deadlock pattern, the multiple termination pattern, and the trap pattern. We use Eventdriven Process Chains (EPCs) and Petri nets to demonstrate the applicability of our approach for both conceptual as for formal process modelling languages. Furthermore, it can easily be applied to other languages, such as UML activity diagrams or BPEL. Based on the trap pattern, we prove that the vicious circle, that is heavily discussed in EPC literature, is unsound. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程模型的正确性对于企业级应用程序至关重要。一个严重的问题是,用于业务流程建模的几种语言没有正式的执行语义,这是检查正确性标准的前提。在这种情况下,健全性定义了流程模型应满足的最低正确性标准。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于所谓因果足迹的合理性推理方法。因果足迹表示针对流程模型的每种情况的活动顺序上的一组条件。我们确定了三种会影响流程模型健全性的错误模式,即死锁模式,多重终止模式和陷阱模式。我们使用事件驱动过程链(EPC)和Petri网来证明我们的方法在概念上和形式上的过程建模语言中的适用性。此外,它可以轻松地应用于其他语言,例如UML活动图或BPEL。基于陷阱模式,我们证明在EPC文献中被大量讨论的恶性循环是不正确的。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2006.56]

[1078] Structural similarity of business process variants (2010)

(Mahmod, Noor Mazlina and Chiew, Wong Yan | ICOS 2010 - 2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems)

Abstract: Variance in business process can lead to various changes and modifications of business requirements, strategies and functionalities since it is a valuable source of organizational intellectual capital and represents a preferred and successful work practice. It is important to provide an effective method to analyze the similarity between these variants since it can bring benefits for organization productivity. Through this paper, we propose an efficient approach for undertaking the structural similarity analysis and subsequently providing a formula to compute the degree of similarity between the structural relationships of the variants in a systematic way. We hope that the systematic method introduced in this paper can be applied successfully to solve the ambiguity issue in defining and measuring the structural similarity between the process variant. textcopyright 2010 IEEE. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程中的差异会导致业务需求,策略和功能的各种变化和修改,因为它是组织智力资本的宝贵来源,并且代表了一种成功的首选工作实践。提供一种有效的方法来分析这些变体之间的相似性很重要,因为它可以为组织生产力带来好处。通过本文,我们提出了一种进行结构相似性分析的有效方法,随后提供了一种公式来系统地计算变体的结构关系之间的相似度。我们希望本文介绍的系统方法可以成功应用于解决定义和测量过程变量之间的结构相似性的歧义问题。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICOS.2010.5720057]

[1079] Student registration process evaluation using process mining case study: IT Telkom (2014)

(Atastina, Imelda and Kurniati, Angelina Prima | 2014 9th International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2014)

Abstract: The process of student registration in IT Telkom needs to be evaluated to enable the continual improvements. For this purpose, the process mining was used to obtain a real overview of the actual process happening on students registration process through IT Telkom registration information system. Fuzzy mining approach is proven to be more suitable to be used in this case compared to Alpha algorithm, although it seems that the student registration process is a structured process. This paper contributes in presenting an experience of algorithm selection on creating an informative process model and recommendation on the student registration process improvement, especially for IT Telkom.

使用过程挖掘案例研究的学生注册过程评估:IT Telkom

摘要: 需要评估IT Telkom中学生注册的过程,以实现持续的改进。为此,使用过程挖掘来通过IT Telkom注册信息系统获得对学生注册过程中发生的实际过程的真实概述。尽管看起来学生注册过程是一个结构化过程,但事实证明,与Alpha算法相比,模糊挖掘方法更适合在这种情况下使用。关于改进学生注册流程的建议,尤其是对于IT Telkom。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDIM.2014.6991417]

[1080] Students careers analysis: A process mining approach (2017)

(Cameranesi, Marco and Diamantini, Claudia and Genga, Laura and Potena, Domenico | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: University degrees are typically organized in courses with prerequisites among them. If prerequisite are not mandatory, students are left free to attend courses and take exams in almost any order. While favoring flexible organization of the work by students, this practice can also lead to unstructured learning practices and to performance issues. In this paper we propose to take a process-oriented view of students careers and analyze them by process mining techniques. Results provide us with some evidence of typical patterns followed by students and of the advantages of adopting structured learning practices.

** 学生的职业分析:一种过程挖掘方法**

摘要: 大学学位通常是在课程中进行组织的,其中包括一些先决条件。如果没有强制性的先决条件,则学生可以自由参加课程并以几乎任何顺序参加考试。尽管有利于学生灵活组织工作,但这种做法也可以导致针对非结构化的学习习惯和绩效问题,本文提出以过程为导向的观点来研究学生的职业,并通过过程挖掘技术对其进行分析,结果为我们提供了一些典型的模式,证明了学生遵循的模式以及优势。采用结构化的学习做法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3102254.3102270]


[1081] Study of the process modeling based on petri net (2012)

(Ping, Zong and Jun, Qin and Chen, Han and Xi, Lu | Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2012)

Abstract: Process mining is one key technology in PASI, it can extract the relevant knowledge according to the event log information recorded in the information system, then restructure a process instance model and makes all the information track in the event log can meet the process model. In this paper, based on alphaalpha algorithm of process mining, we propose the process mining gammagamma algorithm which can discover the cycle activities and the activities with duplicate name in event log. Finally, we validates the correctness and effectivity of the gammagamma algorithm in the process mining framework ProM5.2. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 流程挖掘是PASI中的一项关键技术,它可以根据信息系统中记录的事件日志信息提取相关知识,然后重构流程实例模型,并使事件日志中的所有信息跟踪都可以满足流程模型。本文基于过程挖掘的$ alpha 算法,提出了过程挖掘 gamma ProM5.2算法,该算法可以发现循环活动和事件日志中名称重复的活动。最后,我们在过程挖掘框架ProM5.2中验证了 gamma $算法的正确性和有效性。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CSSS.2012.102]

[1082] Sub-process discovery: Opportunities for process diagnostics (2013)

(Yzquierdo-Herrera, Raykenler and Silverio-Castro, Rogelio and Lazo-Cortes, Manuel | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Most business processes in real life are not strictly ruled by the information systems that support them. This behavior is reflected in the traces stored by information systems. It is useful to diagnose in early stages of business process analysis. Process diagnostics is part of the process mining and it encompasses process performance analysis, anomaly detection, and inspection of interesting patterns.The techniques developed in this area have problems to detect sub-processes associated with the analyzed process and framing anomalies and significant patterns in the detected sub-processes. This proposal allows to segment the aligned traces and to form representative groups of sub-processes that compose the process analyzed. The tree of building blocks obtained reflects the hierarchical organization that is established between the sub-processes, considering main execution patterns. The proposal allows greater accuracy in the diagnosis. Based on the findings, implications for theory and practice are discussed. textcopyright 2013 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


摘要: 现实生活中的大多数业务流程不受支持它们的信息系统的严格控制。此行为反映在信息系统存储的跟踪中。在业务流程分析的早期阶段进行诊断非常有用。过程诊断是过程挖掘的一部分,它包括过程性能分析,异常检测和有趣模式的检查。在此领域开发的技术存在检测与分析过程相关的子过程以及在框架中构造异常和重要模式的问题。检测到的子流程。该提议允许分割对齐的迹线并形成组成所分析过程的子过程的代表性组。考虑到主要执行模式,获得的构件块树反映了在子流程之间建立的层次结构。该建议可以提高诊断的准确性。基于这些发现,讨论了对理论和实践的启示。 t​​extcopyright 2013年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-36611-6_4]

[1083] Summarizing clinical pathways from event logs (2013)

(Huang, Zhengxing and Lu, Xudong and Duan, Huilong and Fan, Wu | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Objective: Clinical pathway analysis, as a pivotal issue in ensuring specialized, standardized, normalized and sophisticated therapy procedures, is receiving increasing attention in the field of medical informatics. Research in clinical pathway analysis has so far mostly focused on looking at aggregated data seen from an external perspective, and only provide very limited insight into the pathways. In some recent work, process mining techniques have been studied in discovering clinical pathway models from data. While it is interesting, discovered models may provide too much detail to give a comprehensive summary of the pathway. Moreover, the number of patterns discovered can be large. Alternatively, this article presents a new approach to build a concise and comprehensive summary that describes the entire structure of a clinical pathway, while revealing essential/critical medical behaviors in specific time intervals over the whole time period of the pathway. Methods: The presented approach summarizes a clinical pathway from the collected clinical event log, which regularly records all kinds of patient therapy and treatment activities in clinical workflow by various hospital information systems. The proposed approach formally defines the clinical pathway summarization problem as an optimization problem that can be solved in polynomial time by using a dynamic-programming algorithm. More specifically, given an input event log, the presented approach summarizes the pathway by segmenting the observed time period of the pathway into continuous and overlapping time intervals, and discovering frequent medical behavior patterns in each specific time interval from the log. Results: The proposed approach is evaluated via real-world data-sets, which are extracted from Zhejiang Huzhou Central hospital of China with regard to four specific diseases, i.e., bronchial lung cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, and cerebral infarction, in two years (2007.08-2009.09). Although the medical behaviors contained in these logs are very diverse and heterogeneous, experimental results indicates that the presented approach is feasible to construct condensed clinical pathway summaries in polynomial time from the collected logs, and have a linear scalability against the increasing size of the logs. Conclusion: Experiments on real data-sets illustrate that the presented approach is efficient and discovers high-quality results: the observed time period of a clinical pathway is correctly segmented into a set of continuous and overlapping time intervals, in which essential/critical medical behaviors are well discovered from the event log to form the backbone of a clinical pathway. The experimental results indicate that the generated clinical pathway summary not only reveals the global structure of a pathway, but also provides a thorough understanding of the way in which actual medical behaviors are practiced in specific time intervals, which might be essential from the perspectives of clinical pathway analysis and improvement. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 目标:临床途径分析,作为确保专业化,标准化,规范化和复杂化治疗程序的关键问题,在医学信息学领域正日益受到关注。迄今为止,临床途径分析的研究主要集中在查看从外部角度看到的汇总数据,而对途径的了解非常有限。在最近的一些工作中,已经对从数据中发现临床途径模型的过程挖掘技术进行了研究。有趣的是,已发现的模型可能提供了太多的细节,无法给出该路径的全面摘要。此外,发现的模式数量可能很大。或者,本文提供了一种新方法来构建简洁而全面的摘要,该摘要描述了临床途径的整个结构,同时揭示了该途径整个时间段内特定时间间隔内的基本/关键医学行为。方法:提出的方法从收集的临床事件日志中总结出一条临床路径,该日志通过各种医院信息系统定期记录临床工作流程中的各种患者治疗和治疗活动。所提出的方法将临床途径总结问题正式定义为可以通过使用动态编程算法在多项式时间内解决的优化问题。更具体地,给定输入事件日志,提出的方法通过将观察到的路径的时间段分成连续和重叠的时间间隔,并从日志中发现每个特定时间间隔中的频繁医疗行为模式,来总结该路径。结果:该方法是通过现实世界的数据集进行评估的,该数据集来自中国浙江湖州市中心医院,涉及两种特定疾病,其中两种是支气管肺癌,结肠癌,胃癌和脑梗塞。年(2007.08-2009.09)。尽管这些日志中包含的医学行为非常多样且异类,但实验结果表明,该方法可从收集到的日志中以多项式时间构造简明的临床途径摘要,并且对日志的大小具有线性可伸缩性。结论:在真实数据集上进行的实验表明,该方法有效且发现了高质量的结果:将观察到的临床路径时间段正确地划分为一组连续和重叠的时间间隔,其中基本/关键医疗行为从事件日志中可以很好地发现它们,以形成临床途径的骨干。实验结果表明,生成的临床途径摘要不仅揭示了途径的整体结构,而且还提供了对在特定时间间隔内实践实际医学行为的方式的透彻了解,这从临床角度来看可能是必不可少的途径分析和改进。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2012.10.001]

[1084] Summarizing patient daily activities for clinical pathway mining (2016)

(Xu, Xiao and Jin, Tao and Wang, Jianmin | 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, Healthcom 2016)

Abstract: Clinical Pathway is ubiquitous and plays an essential role in clinical workflow management. The combination of topic modeling and process mining is an efficient approach to get a non-static and topic-based process model. Topic modeling is used to group the activities of each clinical day into the latent topics, and process mining is used to generate a concise workflow model based on these topics. However, because of the specificity of clinical data, it usually suffers from the performance of topic modeling. In this paper, we take an important clinical practice, all the same activities in one clinical day tend to represent the same clinical goal, into account to enhance the effectiveness of topic modeling. The experiments on real data show significant performance gains of our approach.


摘要: 临床途径无处不在,在临床工作流程管理中起着至关重要的作用。主题建模和流程挖掘的结合是获得基于主题的非静态流程模型的有效方法。主题建模用于将每个临床日的活动分组为潜在主题,过程挖掘用于基于这些主题生成简洁的工作流模型。但是,由于临床数据的特殊性,通常会遭受主题建模的影响。在本文中,我们采取了重要的临床实践,在一天之内所有相同的活动都倾向于代表相同的临床目标,以提高主题建模的有效性。对真实数据的实验表明,我们的方法可显着提高性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/HealthCom.2016.7749453]

[1085] Supergraph based periodic pattern mining in dynamic social networks (2017)

(Halder, Sajal and Lee, Young Koo | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: In dynamic networks, periodically occurring interactions express especially significant meaning. However, these patterns also could occur infrequently, which is why it is difficult to detect while working with mass data. To identify such periodic patterns in dynamic networks, we propose single pass supergraph based periodic pattern mining SPPMiner technique that is polynomial unlike most graph mining problems. The proposed technique stores all entities in dynamic networks only once and calculate common sub-patterns once at each timestamps. In this way, it works faster. The performance study shows that SPPMiner method is time and memory efficient compared to others. In fact, the memory efficiency of our approach does not depend on dynamic networks lifetime. By studying the growth of periodic patterns in social networks, the proposed research has potential implications for behavior prediction of intellectual communities.


摘要: 在动态网络中,周期性发生的交互具有特别重要的意义。但是,这些模式也很少发生,这就是为什么在处理海量数据时难以检测到的原因。为了识别动态网络中的此类周期性模式,我们提出单次通过与大多数图挖掘问题不同的是基于多项式的基于超图的周期模式挖掘SPPMiner技术,该技术仅将一次动态网络中的所有实体存储一次,并在每个时间戳一次计算出通用子模式,因此工作速度更快,性能研究表明SPPMiner方法与其他方法相比具有时间和内存效率,实际上,我们的方法的内存效率不依赖于动态网络的寿命,通过研究社交网络中周期性模式的增长,该研究对行为预测具有潜在的意义。知识社区。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2016.10.033]

[1086] Supervised intentional process models discovery using Hidden Markov models (2013)

(Khodabandelou, Ghazaleh and Hug, Charlotte and Deneckere, Rebecca and Salinesi, Camille | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Since several decades, discovering process models is a subject of interest in the Information System (IS) community. Approaches have been proposed to recover process models, based on the recorded sequential tasks (traces) done by ISs actors. However, these approaches only focused on activities and the process models identified are, in consequence, activity-oriented. Intentional process models focus on the intentions underlying activities rather than activities, in order to offer a better guidance through the processes. Unfortunately, the existing process-mining approaches do not take into account the hidden aspect of the intentions behind the recorded user activities. We think that we can discover the intentional process models underlying user activities by using Intention mining techniques. The aim of this paper is to propose the use of probabilistic models to evaluate the most likely intentions behind traces of activities, namely Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We focus on this paper on a supervised approach that allows discovering the intentions behind the user activities traces and to compare them to the prescribed intentional process model. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 几十年来,发现过程模型一直是信息系统(IS)社区关注的主题。已经提出了一些方法来恢复过程模型,这些方法是基于IS参与者执行的记录的顺序任务(跟踪)。但是,这些方法因此,仅关注于活动,并且所识别的过程模型是面向活动的;有意过程模型关注于活动而不是活动的意图,以便为整个过程提供更好的指导。不幸的是,现有的过程挖掘方法并没有考虑到所记录的用户活动背后的意图的隐藏方面,我们认为我们可以通过使用意图挖掘技术来发现用户活动背后的意图过程模型,本文的目的是提出使用概率模型来评估活动痕迹背后最可能的意图,即隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)。在一种有监督的方法上,该方法允许发现用户活动轨迹背后的意图,并将其与指定的故意过程模型进行比较。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577711]

[1087] Supporting Knowledge-Intensive Processes through Integrated Task Lifecycle Support (2015)

(Mundbrod, Nicolas and Beuter, Florian and Reichert, Manfred | Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW)

Abstract: The operational support of knowledge-intensive business processes constitutes a big challenge. In particular, these processes are driven by knowledge workers utilizing their skills, experiences, and expertise. Regarding coordination and synchronization, in turn, knowledge workers still rely on simple task lists (e.g., To-do lists or checklists) and established communication software (e.g., email). While these means are prevalent and intuitive, they are ineffective and error-prone as well. Neither tasks are made explicit, synchronized, personalized, nor are they independent from media breaks. Most important, a task management lifecycle is not provided, i.e., The efforts and knowledge invested by the knowledge workers in task management are not preserved for comparable future endeavors. This work introduces the pro Collab approach proposing a systematic and lifecycle-based task management support for knowledge workers. To establish a sound task management lifecycle, in particular, we apply process mining to analyze knowledge workers changes applied to task lists in order to derive optimizations task list templates. To demonstrate feasibility and benefits, a proof-of-concept prototype was developed and applied. Overall, the integrated, systematic and lifecycle-based task management support is prerequisite for the effective IT support of KiBPs.


摘要: 知识密集型业务流程的运营支持构成了一个巨大的挑战。特别是,这些流程是由知识工作者利用他们的技能,经验和专业知识来驱动的。关于协调和同步,知识工作者仍然依靠简单的任务列表(例如,待办事项列表或清单)和已建立的通信软件(例如,电子邮件),虽然这些手段普遍存在且直观,但它们效率低下且容易出错,也没有明确,同步,个性化或完成任务。它们是否独立于媒体中断?最重要的是,没有提供任务管理生命周期,即,没有保留知识工作者在任务管理中投入的精力和知识以供将来进行类似的工作。为知识工作者提供基于生命周期的任务管理支持,特别是要建立良好的任务管理生命周期,进行过程挖掘以分析应用于任务列表的知识工作者的更改,以得出优化任务列表模板。为了证明可行性和益处,开发并应用了概念验证原型。总体而言,集成的,系统的,基于生命周期的任务管理支持是有效获得KiBP的IT支持的先决条件。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EDOC.2015.13]

[1088] Supporting healthcare management decisions via robust clustering of event logs (2015)

(Delias, Pavlos and Doumpos, Michael and Grigoroudis, Evangelos and Manolitzas, Panagiotis and Matsatsinis, Nikolaos | Knowledge-Based Systems)

Abstract: Business processes constitute an essential asset of organizations while the related process models help to better comprehend the process and therefore to enable effective process analysis or redesign. However, there are several working environments where flows are particularly flexible (e.g., healthcare, customer service) and process models are either very hard to get created, or they fail to reflect reality. The aim of this paper is to support decision-making by providing comprehensible process models in the case of such flexible environments. Following a process mining approach, we propose a methodology to cluster customers flows and produce effective summarizations. We propose a novel method to create a similarity metric that is efficient in downgrading the effect of noise and outliers. We use a spectral technique that emphasizes the robustness of the estimated groups, therefore it provides process analysts with clearer process maps. The proposed method is applied to a real case of a healthcare institution delivering valuable insights and showing compelling performance in terms of process models complexity and density.


摘要: 业务流程是组织的重要资产,而相关的流程模型有助于更好地理解流程,从而实现有效的流程分析或重新设计。但是,在某些工作环境中,流程特别灵活(例如,医疗保健,客户服务)和流程模型要么很难创建,要么无法反映现实。本文的目的是通过在这种灵活的环境中提供可理解的流程模型来支持决策。提出了一种将客户流进行聚类并产生有效汇总的方法;我们提出了一种新颖的方法来创建可有效降低噪声和异常值影响的相似性度量;我们使用了一种频谱技术来强调估计群体的稳健性,因此它为过程分析人员提供了更清晰的过程图,并将该方法应用于实际案例一家医疗机构的专家,他们提供了宝贵的见解,并在过程模型的复杂性和密度方面表现出令人信服的性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.knosys.2015.04.012]

[1089] Synchronization-core-based discovery of processes with decomposable cyclic dependencies (2016)

(Lu, Faming and Zeng, Qingtian and Duan, Hua | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data)

Abstract: Traditional process discovery techniques mine process models based upon event traces giving little consideration to workflow relevant data recorded in event logs. The neglect of such information usually leads to incorrect discovered models, especially when activities have decomposable cyclic dependencies. To address this problem, the recorded workflow relevant data and decision tree learning technique are utilized to classify cases into case clusters. Each case cluster contains causality and concurrency activity dependencies only. Then, a set of activity ordering relations are derived based on case clusters. And a synchronization-core-based process model is discovered from the ordering relations and composite cases. Finally, the discovered model is transformed to a BPMN model. The proposed approach is validated with a medical treatment process and an open event log. Meanwhile, a prototype system is presented.


摘要: 传统过程发现技术基于事件跟踪来挖掘过程模型,而很少考虑事件日志中记录的与工作流相关的数据。忽略此类信息通常会导致发现错误的模型,尤其是当活动具有可分解的循环依赖性时。为了解决该问题,利用记录的工作流相关数据和决策树学习技术将案例分类为案例集群。每个案例集群仅包含因果关系和并发活动依赖性。然后,基于案例集群导出一组活动排序关系。从排序关系和复合情况中发现了基于同步核的过程模型。最后,将发现的模型转换为BPMN模型。所提出的方法通过医疗过程和开放事件日志进行了验证。同时,提出了一个原型系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2845086]

[1090] TCPM: Topic-Based Clinical Pathway Mining (2016)

(Xu, Xiao and Jin, Tao and Wei, Zhijie and Lv, Cheng and Wang, Jianmin | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 1st International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, CHASE 2016)

Abstract: Clinical pathway is important for improving medical quality, reducing cost and regulating resource. However, a static, non-adaptive clinical pathway designed by experts with limited data can be hardly implemented in practice. Thus, mining the execution clinical pathway from various historical data is meaningful. Existing works focus on applying either process mining or clustering methods on medical data. These methods generally produce low-granularity process models or unordered trace groups with similar treatment behaviors. In this paper, we propose a topic-based clinical pathway mining approach, which is concise, interpretable and of sequential information. We start from billing data, and use Latent Dirichlet Allocation to cluster billing items without specifying the topic number. The treatment of each day is represented as a set of topics, which convey the treatment goals. To emphasize critical and essential activities, we prune the low-frequency topics and remove sub-traces. Finally, by applying fuzzy mining method on these topic sequences, we can discover the execution clinical pathway. The experiments on a real-world data set show the effectiveness and practicability of our approach.


摘要: 临床途径对于提高医疗质量,降低成本和调节资源很重要。但是,由专家设计的数据有限的静态,非自适应临床途径很难在实践中实施。因此,从各种历史数据中挖掘执行临床途径是有意义的。现有工作着重于将过程挖掘或聚类方法应用于医学数据。这些方法通常会产生低粒度过程模型或具有相似处理行为的无序痕迹组。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于主题的临床途径挖掘方法,该方法简洁,可解释且具有顺序信息。我们从计费数据开始,并使用潜在Dirichlet分配对计费项目进行聚类,而无需指定主题编号。每天的治疗以一组主题表示,传达治疗目标。为了强调关键和必要的活动,我们修剪低频主题并删除子迹线。最后,通过对这些主题序列应用模糊挖掘方法,我们可以发现执行临床路径。在真实数据集上进行的实验表明了我们方法的有效性和实用性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CHASE.2016.17]

[1091] Temporal abstractions to enrich Activity-Based Process Mining corpus with clinical time series (2014)

(Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos and Sacchi, Lucia and Benedi, Jose Miguel and Dagliati, Arianna and Traver, Vicente and Bellazzi, Riccardo | 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2014)

Abstract: The design of clinical protocols for improving the quality of care in an efficient way is one of the challenges for the deployment of Evidence Based Medicine. The design of those protocols is a difficult task that require the consensus of care process experts. The use of Pattern Recognition approaches, like Process Mining, allows the automatic inference of processes that can help experts for formalizing these clinical protocols based on the actually deployed care process. However, the step rules among the different stages of the care protocols are based on high level descriptions of numerical clinical data gathered from the patient that can not be processed directly by Process Mining approaches. In this paper, a combination of Interactive Pattern Recognition with Temporal Abstraction technologies that allows processing of clinical data to allow the enrichment of Activity Based Process Mining corpus is presented. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 以有效方式改善护理质量的临床方案设计是部署循证医学的挑战之一。这些协议的设计是一项艰巨的任务,需要护理过程专家的共识。模式识别方法(例如过程挖掘)的使用可以自动推断过程,从而可以帮助专家根据实际部署的护理过程来规范这些临床方案。但是,护理方案不同阶段之间的步骤规则是基于对从患者那里收集的数字临床数据的高级描述,这些描述不能通过Process Mining方法直接进行处理。在本文中,提出了交互式模式识别与时间抽象技术的结合,该技术可以处理临床数据,从而丰富基于活动的过程挖掘语料库。 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BHI.2014.6864481]

[1092] Temporal data mining and process mining techniques to identify cardiovascular risk-associated clinical pathways in Type 2 diabetes patients (2014)

(Dagliati, Arianna and Sacchi, Lucia and Cerra, Carlo and Leporati, Paola and De Cata | 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2014)

Abstract: In this work we present the results of a workflow mining approach to analyze complex temporal datasets of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) patients. The research has been performed within the EU project MOSAIC, which gathers T2D patients data coming from three European hospitals and a local health care agency. The main idea underlying our approach is to use a suite of temporal data mining methods in order to derive healthcare pathways. The approach starts by processing raw data, derived from heterogeneous data sources, and create event logs, which contain meaningful healthcare activities. Once event logs have been obtained and tasks and transitions defined, it is possible to explore how state-of-art process mining techniques can be used to gain insights into T2D patients care. In the experimental section of this paper we illustrate the results of this approach applied to an integrated data repository containing clinical and administrative data of 1,020 T2D patients. textcopyright 2014 IEEE.


摘要: 在这项工作中,我们展示了一种工作流挖掘方法的结果,用于分析2型糖尿病(T2D)患者的复杂时间数据集。这项研究是在欧盟MOSAIC项目中进行的,该项目收集了来自三家欧洲医院的T2D患者的数据我们的方法的主要思想是使用一组时态数据挖掘方法以导出医疗保健路径,该方法首先处理从异构数据源派生的原始数据,然后创建事件日志,包含有意义的医疗保健活动。一旦获得事件日志并定义了任务和过渡,便有可能探索如何使用最新的过程挖掘技术来深入了解T2D患者的护理。说明将这种方法应用于集成数据存储库的结果,该存储库包含1,020位T2D患者的临床和行政数据 t​​extcopyright 2014 IEEE 。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BHI.2014.6864348]

[1093] Temporal electronic phenotyping by mining careflows of breast cancer patients (2017)

(Dagliati, A. and Sacchi, L. and Zambelli, A. and Tibollo, V. and Pavesi, L. and Holmes, J. H. and Bellazzi, R. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: In this work we present a careflow mining approach designed to analyze heterogeneous longitudinal data and to identify phenotypes in a patient cohort. The main idea underlying our approach is to combine methods derived from sequential pattern mining and temporal data mining to derive frequent healthcare histories (careflows) in a population of patients. This approach was applied to an integrated data repository containing clinical and administrative data of more than 4000 breast cancer patients. We used the mined histories to identify sub-cohorts of patients grouped according to healthcare activities pathways, then we characterized these sub-cohorts with clinical data. In this way, we were able to perform temporal electronic phenotyping of electronic health records (EHR) data.


摘要: 在这项工作中,我们提出了一种护理流挖掘方法,该方法旨在分析异类纵向数据并识别患者队列中的表型。我们方法的主要思想是结合从顺序模式挖掘和时态数据挖掘中衍生的方法,以得出患者群体中的频繁医疗历史记录(护理流程)。该方法已应用于包含4000多个乳腺癌患者的临床和行政数据的综合数据库。我们使用挖掘的历史记录来确定根据医疗保健活动路径分组的患者亚群,然后使用临床数据对这些亚群进行特征分析。这样,我们就可以对电子健康记录(EHR)数据进行时间电子表型分析。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2016.12.012]

[1094] Temporal mining for interactive workflow data analysis (2009)

(Berlingerio, Michele and Pinelli, Fabio and Nanni, Mirco and Giannotti, Fosca | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Abstract: In the past few years there has been an increasing interest in the analysis of process logs. Several proposed techniques, such as workflow mining, are aimed at automatically deriving the underlying workflow models. However, current approaches only pay little attention on an important piece of information contained in process logs: the timestamps, which are used to define a sequential ordering of the performed tasks. In this work we try to overcome these limitations by explicitly including time in the extracted knowledge, thus making the temporal information a first-class citizen of the analysis process. This makes it possible to discern between apparently identical process executions that are performed with different transition times between consecutive tasks. This paper proposes a framework for the user-interactive exploration of a condensed representation of groups of executions of a given process. The framework is based on the use of an existing mining paradigm: Temporally-Annotated Sequences (TAS). These are aimed at extracting sequential patterns where each transition between two events is annotated with a typical transition time that emerges from input data. With the extracted TAS, which represent sets of possible frequent executions with their typical transition times, a few factorizing operators are built. These operators condense such executions according to possible parallel or possible mutual exclusive executions. Lastly, such condensed representation is rendered to the user via the exploration graph, namely the Temporally-Annotated Graph (TAG). The user, the domain expert, is allowed to explore the different and alternative factorizations corresponding to different interpretations of the actual executions. According to the user choices, the system discards or retains certain hypotheses on actual executions and shows the consequent scenarios resulting from the coresponding re-aggregation of the actual data. Copyright 2009 ACM.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,人们对过程日志的分析越来越感兴趣。几种建议的技术(例如工作流挖掘)旨在自动推导基础工作流模型。但是,当前的方法只关注流程日志中包含的重要信息:时间戳,时间戳用于定义已执行任务的顺序。在这项工作中,我们试图通过在提取的知识中明确包含时间来克服这些限制,从而使时间信息成为分析过程的头等公民。这使得可以区分在连续任务之间以不同过渡时间执行的看似完全相同的过程执行之间。本文提出了一个框架,用于用户交互探索给定过程的执行组的简明表示。该框架基于现有挖掘范式的使用:临时注释序列(TAS)。这些旨在提取顺序模式,其中两个事件之间的每个转换都使用从输入数据中出现的典型转换时间进行注释。使用提取的TAS(代表可能的频繁执行的集合及其典型的过渡时间),构建了一些分解运算符。这些运算符根据可能的并行执行或可能的互斥执行来压缩此类执行。最后,通过浏览图,即临时注释图(TAG),将这种压缩表示形式呈现给用户。用户,领域专家,被允许探索与实际执行的不同解释相对应的不同和替代分解。根据用户的选择,系统会丢弃或保留有关实际执行的某些假设,并显示由实际数据的核心重新聚合而产生的后续情况。版权所有2009 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1557019.1557038]

[1095] Temporal representation of care trajectories of cancer patients using data from a regional information system: An application in breast cancer (2014)

(Defossez, Gautier and Rollet, Alexandre and Dameron, Olivier and Ingrand, Pierre | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making)

Abstract: Background: Ensuring that all cancer patients have access to the appropriate treatment within an appropriate time is a strategic priority in many countries. There is in particular a need to describe and analyse cancer care trajectories and to produce waiting time indicators. We developed an algorithm for extracting temporally represented care trajectories from coded information collected routinely by the general cancer Registry in Poitou-Charentes region, France. The present work aimed to assess the performance of this algorithm on real-life patient data in the setting of non-metastatic breast cancer, using measures of similarity. Methods. Care trajectories were modeled as ordered dated events aggregated into states, the granularity of which was defined from standard care guidelines. The algorithm generates each state from the aggregation over a period of tracer events characterised on the basis of diagnoses and medical procedures. The sequences are presented in simple form showing presence and order of the states, and in an extended form that integrates the duration of the states. The similarity of the sequences, which are represented in the form of chains of characters, was calculated using a generalised Levenshtein distance. Results: The evaluation was performed on a sample of 159 female patients whose itineraries were also calculated manually from medical records using the same aggregation rules and dating system as the algorithm. Ninety-eight per cent of the trajectories were correctly reconstructed with respect to the ordering of states. When the duration of states was taken into account, 94% of the trajectories matched reality within three days. Dissimilarities between sequences were mainly due to the absence of certain pathology reports and to coding anomalies in hospitalisation data. Conclusions: These results show the ability of an integrated regional information system to formalise care trajectories and automatically produce indicators for time-lapse to care instatement, of interest in the planning of care in cancer. The next step will consist in evaluating this approach and extending it to more complex trajectories (metastasis, relapse) and to other cancer localisations. textcopyright 2014 Defossez et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


摘要: 背景:在许多国家,确保所有癌症患者都能在适当的时间内获得适当的治疗是一项战略重点。特别需要描述和分析癌症护理轨迹并产生等待时间指标。我们开发了一种算法,该算法可从法国普瓦图-夏朗德地区的一般癌症登记处常规收集的编码信息中提取时间上有代表性的护理轨迹。本工作旨在通过相似性评估来评估该算法在非转移性乳腺癌中针对真实患者数据的性能。方法。护理轨迹建模为有序的日期事件汇总为状态,其粒度是根据标准护理指南定义的。该算法在跟踪事件的一段时间内从聚合中生成每个状态,这些跟踪事件的特征是基于诊断和医疗程序。序列以简单的形式表示状态的存在和顺序,并以扩展的形式表示状态的持续时间。使用广义的Levenshtein距离计算以字符链形式表示的序列的相似性。结果:对159位女性患者进行了评估,这些患者的行程也是根据与该算法相同的汇总规则和约会系统从病历中手动计算得出的。根据国家的秩序,正确地重建了百分之九十八的轨迹。考虑到状态持续时间,三天内94%的轨迹与现实相符。序列之间的差异主要是由于缺乏某些病理报告和住院数据中的编码异常。结论:这些结果表明,集成的区域信息系统能够正规化护理轨迹并自动生成护理状态变更的时延指标,这在癌症护理计划中很有用。下一步将包括评估这种方法,并将其扩展到更复杂的轨迹(转移,复发)和其他癌症部位。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Defossez等;被许可人BioMed Central Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1186/1472-6947-14-24]


[1096] The Lombardia stroke unit registry: 1-year experience of a web-based hospital stroke registry (2010)

(Micieli, Giuseppe and Cavallini, Anna and Quaglini, Silvana and Fontana, Giancarlo and Du`e | Neurological Sciences)

Abstract: This paper presents methodological aspects of the Lombardia Stroke Registry. At the registry start-up, 36 recruiting centres were identified according to a regional survey. The registry recruits consecutive patients with acute stroke or transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs). A 3-month follow-up was planned to correlate acute care with outcomes. On 31st December 2007, data concerning 6,181 patients discharged alive were available. The registry aims at measuring performance parameters, identifying guidelines non-compliance and analysing care processes. In this first phase, 30% of the Lombardia acute stroke and 10% of TIA patients have been enrolled, thus the sample can be considered informative for the disease care in the region. The proportion of completed data items is very high with very small differences among items. The following critical points were highlighted: (1) lack of data input staff for 30% of centres, and (2) difficulty of obtaining the informed consent for post-discharge follow-up. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 本文介绍了伦巴第卒中注册中心的方法论方面。在注册中心启动时,根据区域调查确定了36个招聘中心。该注册表招募了连续的急性中风或短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者。计划进行3个月的随访,以将急性护理与预后相关联。在2007年12月31日,可获得有关6181名活着出院患者的数据。该注册表旨在衡量绩效参数,识别准则不符合项并分析护理流程。在该第一阶段,已入选了30%的伦巴第大区急性卒中和10%的TIA患者,因此该样本可被视为对该地区的疾病护理具有指导意义。完成的数据项的比例很高,项之间的差异很小。强调了以下关键点:(1)30%的中心缺乏数据输入人员,(2)出院后随访未获得知情同意。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10072-010-0249-x]

[1097] The Mining of Activity Dependence Relation Based on Business Process Models (2017)

(Hu, Guangchang and Wu, Budan and Chen, Junliang | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017)

Abstract: With the development of process recommendation, dynamic adaptation and automatic modeling, the requirement of explicit and formalized expression of activity dependence relation in the business domain is becoming more and more urgent. However, these relations more exist in the minds of domain experts or in the unstructured documents, which leads process modeling and adaptation are a time-consuming and error-prone process. To solve this problem, a relation mining method is proposed for obtaining activity dependence relations. The formal description of these relations is defined in control flow perspective, which is expressed as serial-dependence relations and parallel-dependence relations in the form of three tuples after analyzing all the control flow patterns. And a mining algorithm is proposed for mining these two types of relations based on the process model. The correctness and performance of this algorithm are verified by a large number of experiments, and the experimental results show this method can quickly and accurately extract all the activity dependence relations from the existing process models in a business domain.


摘要: 随着过程推荐,动态适应和自动建模的发展,在业务领域中对活动依赖关系的显式和形式化表达的要求变得越来越迫切。但是,这些关系更多地存在于领域专家的脑海中或非结构化文档中,这导致流程建模和适应是一个耗时且容易出错的流程。为了解决这个问题,提出了一种关系挖掘方法来获取活动依赖关系。这些关系的形式化描述是在控制流视角下定义的,在分析了所有控制流模式后,它们以三个元组的形式表示为串行依赖关系和并行依赖关系。提出了一种基于过程模型的两种关系挖掘算法。大量实验验证了该算法的正确性和性能,实验结果表明,该方法可以快速,准确地从业务领域现有流程模型中提取所有活动依赖关系。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2017.64]

[1098] The ProM framework: A new era in process mining tool support (2005)

(Van Dongen | Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Abstract: Under the umbrella of buzzwords such as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and Business Process Intelligence (BPI) both academic (e.g., EMiT, Little Thumb, InWoLvE, Process Miner, and MinSoN) and commercial tools (e.g., ARIS PPM, HP BPI, and ILOG JViews) have been developed. The goal of these tools is to extract knowledge from event logs (e.g., transaction logs in an ERP system or audit trails in a WFM system), i.e., to do process mining. Unfortunately, tools use different formats for reading/storing log files and present their results in different ways. This makes it difficult to use different tools on the same data set and to compare the mining results. Furthermore, some of these tools implement concepts that can be very useful in the other tools but it is often difficult to combine tools. As a result, researchers working on new process mining techniques are forced to build a mining infrastructure from scratch or test their techniques in an isolated way, disconnected from any practical applications. To overcome these kind of problems, we have developed the ProM framework, i.e., an pluggable environment for process mining. The framework is flexible with respect to the input and output format, and is also open enough to allow for the easy reuse of code during the implementation of new process mining ideas. This paper introduces the ProM framework and gives an overview of the plug-ins that have been developed. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.


摘要: 在学术界(例如EMiT,Little Thumb,InWoLvE,Process Miner和MinSoN)和商业工具(例如,业务活动监控(BAM)和业务流程智能(BPI)等流行语的保护下已开发出ARIS PPM,HP BPI和ILOG JViews。这些工具的目的是从事件日志中提取知识(例如,ERP系统中的事务日志或WFM系统中的审计跟踪),即进行流程挖掘。不幸的是,工具使用不同的格式来读取/存储日志文件,并以不同的方式显示其结果。这使得难以在同一数据集上使用不同的工具并比较挖掘结果。此外,其中一些工具实现的概念在其他工具中可能非常有用,但通常很难组合工具。结果,研究新工艺采矿技术的研究人员被迫从头开始构建采矿基础架构,或者以孤立的方式测试其技术,而这与任何实际应用都没有关系。为了克服这些问题,我们开发了ProM框架,即用于过程挖掘的可插拔环境。该框架在输入和输出格式方面很灵活,并且也足够开放以允许在实现新的流程挖掘思想期间轻松重用代码。本文介绍了ProM框架,并概述了已开发的插件。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2005。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/11494744_25]

[1099] The Research on the Usage of Business Process Mining in the Implementation of BPR (2008)

(Yi-wu, XIE and Xiao-wan, LI and Yan, Chen | )

Abstract: As an important approach of enterprise improvement, business process re-engineering (BPR) has become the basis of enterprise information, organization change, etc. Great changes are difficult to be obtained only by experts subjective decision-making, and efficient decision-making support tools are lack at the moment. Business process mining (BPM) does well in knowledge management and decision-making support. It is significant for successful implementation if BPM could be introduced into BPR projects. This paper describes the current implementation framework of the BPR, the development of the BPM and the research on usage of business process mining in the implementation of BPR projects. At the end of paper propose the implementation framework of BPR based on the BPM.


摘要: 作为企业改进的一种重要方法,业务流程再造(BPR)已成为企业信息,组织变更等的基础。只有通过专家的主观决策和有效的决策,很难获得大的变更。当前缺少制作支持工具,业务流程挖掘(BPM)在知识管理和决策支持方面做得很好,能否将BPM引入BPR项目中对于成功实施具有重要意义。 BPR,BPM的开发以及业务流程挖掘在BPR项目实施中的应用研究。最后,本文提出了基于BPM的BPR实施框架。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/npc.2007.124]

[1100] The Structured Process Modeling Method (SPMM) what is the best way for me to construct a process model? (2017)

(Claes, Jan and Vanderfeesten, Irene and Gailly, Frederik and Grefen, Paul and Poels, Geert | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: More and more organizations turn to the construction of process models to support strategical and operational tasks. At the same time, reports indicate quality issues for a considerable part of these models, caused by modeling errors. Therefore, the research described in this paper investigates the development of a practical method to determine and train an optimal process modeling strategy that aims to decrease the number of cognitive errors made during modeling. Such cognitive errors originate in inadequate cognitive processing caused by the inherent complexity of constructing process models. The method helps modelers to derive their personal cognitive profile and the related optimal cognitive strategy that minimizes these cognitive failures. The contribution of the research consists of the conceptual method and an automated modeling strategy selection and training instrument. These two artefacts are positively evaluated by a laboratory experiment covering multiple modeling sessions and involving a total of 149 master students at Ghent University.


摘要: 越来越多的组织开始使用流程模型来支持战略和运营任务。同时,报告指出这些模型中相当一部分的质量问题是由建模错误引起的。因此,本文描述的研究调查了确定和训练最佳过程建模策略的实用方法的发展,该策略旨在减少建模过程中出现的认知错误数量。这种认知错误是由于构建过程模型的内在复杂性导致的认知处理不足所致。该方法可帮助建模人员推导出他们的个人认知状况以及相关的最佳认知策略,以最大程度地减少这些认知障碍。该研究的贡献包括概念方法和自动建模策略选择和培训工具。这两个人工制品通过实验室实验得到了积极的评估,该实验涵盖了多个建模课程,并且包括根特大学的149名硕士研究生。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.004]

[1101] The analysis of a real life declarative process (2015)

(Debois, Soren and Slaats, Tijs | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2015)

Abstract: This paper reports on a qualitative study of the use of declarative process notations used in a commercial setting. Specifically, we investigate the actual use of a system implemented in terms of DCR graphs for the Danish Dreyer Foundation by our industry partner Exformatics A/S. The study is performed by analysing logs of actual use of the system. By the study we seek to illuminate the currently open-and heavily debated!-research question of whether the claimed advantages in conciseness and flexibility of declarative models over more traditional flow-based notations are significant in practice. Studies investigating this question have typically focused on understandability for users, driven by lab experiments and workshops with practitioners unfamiliar with the paradigm. In the present study, we (1) attempt to assess qualitatively whether users employed the flexibility granted them by the declarative model, and (2) use process discovery techniques to examine if a perfect-fitness flow-based model representing the main business constraints is in fact easy to come by. For (1), we find evidence in various forms, most notably an apparent change in best practices by end-users allowed by the model. For (2), we find no such model. We leave as a challenge to the community the construction of a flow-based model adequately representing the business constraints and supporting all observed behaviour by the users, whether by hand or by mining.


摘要: 本文报道了在商业环境中使用声明式过程符号的定性研究。具体而言,我们调查行业合作伙伴Exformatics A / S根据DCR图为丹麦德雷尔基金会实施的系统的实际使用情况。该研究是通过分析系统的实际使用日志来执行的。通过该研究,我们试图阐明当前公开讨论激烈的研究问题,即声明性模型在简洁性和灵活性方面所主张的优势是否比传统的基于流的表示法更具实践意义。在实验室实验和与不熟悉该范式的从业人员的讨论会的推动下,研究此问题的研究通常集中于用户的可理解性。在本研究中,我们(1)尝试定性评估用户是否采用了声明性模型赋予他们的灵活性,并且(2)使用过程发现技术来检查代表主要业务约束的基于完美适应流的模型是否其实很容易得到。对于(1),我们发现各种形式的证据,最值得注意的是模型允许的最终用户对最佳实践的明显改变。对于(2),我们没有找到这样的模型。作为对社区的挑战,构建基于流量的模型足以代表业务约束并支持用户观察到的所有行为,无论是手工还是采矿。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2015.196]

[1102] The best fit process model for the utilization of the physical resources in hospitals by applying inductive visual miner (2017)

(Ganesha, K. and Soundarya, M. and Supriya, K. V. | Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, ICICCT 2017)

Abstract: The main aim of a hospital is to provide an effective and efficient environment for the patient which supports effective utilization of resources for the diagnostic center which reduces the complexity of diagnosis process. In order to do so it is necessary to have an accurate view of care flows under consideration. In this paper we apply process mining techniques to obtain meaningful knowledge about this flows, e.g., to discover typical paths proceeded by particular group of symptoms that create a disease of a patient. In this paper lab test dataset is considered as a baseline scenario where in productive process models are created and checked for the efficiency using inductive visual miner algorithm. In order to do so we extracted relevant event logs from hospital information system in that we have taken diagnosis of lab test logs using ProM framework. Using inductive visual miner we are able to generate a soundness model for a health sector. The result shows how the process mining can be used to provide new insight that simplifies upgrading of existing health care flows and give insight about how it can be improved.


摘要: 医院的主要目的是为患者提供一个有效的环境,以支持对诊断中心资源的有效利用,从而降低诊断过程的复杂性。为了做到这一点,有必要对所考虑的护理流程有一个准确的了解。在本文中,我们应用过程挖掘技术来获取有关此流程的有意义的知识,例如,发现由特定症状组(可能会导致患者疾病)的典型路径。在本文中,实验室测试数据集被视为基准情景,其中在生产过程模型中创建并使用归纳可视化矿工算法检查效率。为此,我们从医院信息系统中提取了相关的事件日志,因为我们已经使用ProM框架对实验室测试日志进行了诊断。使用归纳视觉矿工,我们能够为卫生部门生成健全性模型。结果显示了如何使用过程挖掘来提供新的见解,从而简化现有医疗流程的升级,并提供有关如何改进它的见解。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICICCT.2017.7975212]

[1103] The butterfly: An intelligent framework for violation prediction within business processes (2016)

(Mousheimish, Raef and Taher, Yehia and Zeitouni, Karine | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Recent research initiatives in the domain of business process management such as process intelligence, monitoring, and mining have shown significant results in automated process environments. However, such techniques fall short to provide efficient solutions and support for non-fully automated business processes i.e., processes embodying dynamic, continuous, and manual activities such as in logistics. More precisely, things turn to be very challenging when it comes to consider the monitoring and violation predictions throughout context-dependent and manual processes. Unlike current initiatives that mainly focus on the model of the process as a whole, we shift in this work towards instance-based and specific processing for each activity. We showcase a contextualized template-driven framework called the butterfly, along side its architecture that could address the needs of continuous monitoring and prediction. Satisfactory results from evaluations on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.


摘要: 业务流程管理领域中的最新研究计划,例如流程智能,监视和挖掘,已在自动化流程环境中取得了显著成果。但是,这样的技术不足以为非完全自动化的业务流程,即体现动态,连续和手动活动的流程(例如在物流中)提供有效的解决方案和支持。更准确地说,在整个上下文相关和手动过程中考虑监视和违规预测时,事情变得非常具有挑战性。与当前主要关注整个流程模型的当前计划不同,我们将这项工作转向针对每个活动的基于实例的特定处理。我们展示了上下文相关的模板驱动框架,称为蝴蝶,以及其体系结构,它可以满足持续监视和预测的需求。对真实数据进行评估得出的令人满意的结果证明了我们框架的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2938503.2938541]

[1104] The case for process mining in auditing: Sources of value added and areas of application (2013)

(Jans, Mieke and Alles, Michael and Vasarhelyi, Miklos | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining aims to extract knowledge from the event logs maintained by a companys ERP system. The objective of this paper is to make the case for why internal and external auditors should leverage the capabilities process mining offers to rethink how auditing is carried out. We do so by identifying the sources of value added of process mining when applied to auditing, which are as follows: 1. process mining analyzes the entire population of data and not just a sample; 2. critically that data consists of meta-data-data entered independently of the actions of auditee-and not just data entered by the auditee; 3. process mining allows the auditor to have a more effective way of implementing the audit risk model by providing effective ways of conducting the required walkthroughs of processes and conducting analytic procedures; 4. process mining allows the auditor to conduct analyses not possible with existing audit tools, such as discovering the ways in which business processes are actually being carried out in practice, and to identify social relationships between individuals. It is our argument that these sources of value have not been fully understood in the process mining literature, which has focused on developing it as a statistical methodology rather than on applying it to audit practice. Only when auditors and audit researchers appreciate what is new and unique about process mining will its acceptance in auditing practice become feasible. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 过程挖掘的目的是从公司的ERP系统维护的事件日志中提取知识。本文的目的是说明为什么内部和外部审计师应利用过程挖掘提供的功能来重新考虑如何进行审计。为此,我们确定了流程挖掘在应用于审计时的增值来源,具体如下:1.流程挖掘不仅分析样本,而且还分析了全部数据; 2.关键是数据由元数据组成,独立于被审核方的行为而输入的数据,而不仅仅是被审核方输入的数据; 3.流程挖掘通过提供有效的方法来执行所需的流程演练和执行,从而使审核员能够更有效地实施审核风险模型分析程序; 4.流程挖掘使审计师可以进行现有审计工具无法进行的分析,例如发现业务流程是实际上是在实践中进行的,并确定个人之间的社会关系。我们认为,这些价值来源尚未在过程挖掘文献中得到充分理解,该文献着重于将其发展为一种统计方法,而不是将其应用于审计实践。只有当审计师和审计研究人员意识到过程挖掘的新颖性和独特性时,它才能在审计实践中得到接受。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.accinf.2012.06.015]

[1105] The effectiveness of workflow management systems: A longitudinal study (2016)

(Reijers, H. A. and Vanderfeesten, I. and Van Der Aalst | International Journal of Information Management)

Abstract: Workflow management systems coordinate and allocate work through the various stages of executing business processes. The benefits of such systems appear pervasive, but no hard data is available that confirms that their implementation improves organizational performance. In part, this is due to the difficulty of measuring the effects of enterprise-wide initiatives in general. In this paper, the results are presented of a longitudinal, multi-case study into the effectiveness of workflow management technology. The study builds on a novel methodology that combines field work and computer simulations. Through its application, the contribution of this technology to conduct business processes faster and with less effort could be quantitatively assessed. Surprisingly, only a fraction of the projects that were followed in this longitudinal study led to a fully operational implementation of a workflow management system at all. Even so, in most of the projects where such a system was introduced this resulted in substantial improvements. We present success and fail factors for the implementation of this technology within organizations, which we inferred from a follow-up analysis. The novel methodology presented in this paper is thought to be of value to track the performance effects of introducing other technologies or organization concepts as well.


摘要: 工作流管理系统通过执行业务流程的各个阶段来协调和分配工作。这样的系统的好处似乎无处不在,但是没有可用的硬数据可以证实它们的实施可以提高组织的绩效。部分原因是总体上难以衡量企业范围内举措的效果。在本文中,对工作流管理技术的有效性进行了纵向的多案例研究,并给出了结果。这项研究建立在一种新颖的方法论基础上,该方法论结合了野外工作和计算机模拟。通过其应用,可以定量评估该技术对更快,更省力地开展业务流程的贡献。令人惊讶的是,在这项纵向研究中遵循的项目中只有一小部分导致了工作流管理系统的完全可操作实施。即使这样,在引入这种系统的大多数项目中,也取得了实质性的改进。我们介绍了在组织内部实施该技术的成败因素,这是我们通过后续分析得出的。人们认为,本文介绍的新颖方法论对于跟踪引入其他技术或组织概念的绩效效果也很有价值。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.08.003]

[1106] The evaluation of massive multiplayer online role-playing games based on expanded dependency graph (2014)

(Li, Shugang and Zhu, Lanjuan | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Evaluating massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) before purchasing and operating them is of paramount importance to earn high profits. Dependency graph (DG) is fit for modeling and analysis of the MMORPG as it is relatively easy to understand and conductive to the synthesis between different networks. However, the conventional DG cannot describe how or to what degree events depend on each other. Therefore, we propose an expanded dependency graph (EDG), where logic operations are introduced to describe how events depend on each other, and colored tokens are adopted to represent to what degree events depend on each other. Based on EDG, MMORPG can be evaluated in a quantitative manner using three measure indexes: complexity, sociality, and game balance. Furthermore, the measure chart is also adopted to standardize the three measure indexes and deal with the multi-criteria decision problem. The proposed method is tested with the real word data and experimental results indicate that our method shows competitive performance over other methods. textcopyright 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


摘要: 购买和操作大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)之前,获得高利润至关重要。依赖图(DG)适合于MMORPG的建模和分析,因为它相对容易理解并且有助于进行不同网络之间的综合。但是,常规DG无法描述事件如何或在何种程度上相互依赖。因此,我们提出了一个扩展的依赖图(EDG),其中引入了逻辑运算来描述事件如何相互依赖,并采用彩色标记来表示事件在何种程度上相互依赖。基于EDG,MMORPG可以使用三个度量指标进行定量评估:复杂性,社交性和游戏平衡。此外,还采用了度量图来规范这三个度量指标,并处理了多准则决策问题。用实词数据对提出的方法进行了测试,实验结果表明我们的方法具有优于其他方法的竞争性能。 t​​extcopyright 2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2014.03.005]

[1107] The minadept clustering approach for discovering reference process models out of process variants (2010)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems)

Abstract: During the last years a new generation of adaptive Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) has emerged, which enables dynamic process changes at runtime, while preserving PAIS robustness and consistency. Such adaptive PAIS allow authorized users to add new process activities, to delete existing activities, or to change pre-defined activity sequences during runtime. Both this runtime flexibility and process configurations at build-time, lead to a large number of process variants being derived from the same process model, but slightly differing in structure due to the applied changes. Generally, process variants are expensive to configure and difficult to maintain. This paper presents selected results from our MinAdept project. In particular, we provide a clustering algorithm that fosters learning from past process changes by mining a collection of process variants. As mining result we obtain a process model for which average distance to the process variant models becomes minimal. By adopting this process model as reference model in the PAIS, need for future process configuration and adaptation decreases. We have validated our clustering algorithm by means of a case study as well as comprehensive simulations. Altogether, our vision is to enable full process lifecycle support in adaptive PAIS. textcopyright 2010 World Scientific Publishing Company.


摘要: 在过去的几年中,出现了新一代的自适应过程感知信息系统(PAIS),它可以在运行时进行动态过程更改,同时保持PAIS的鲁棒性和一致性。这种自适应PAIS允许授权用户在运行时添加新的流程活动,删除现有活动或更改预定义的活动序列。运行时的灵活性和构建时的流程配置都导致大量流程变体从相同的流程模型派生而来,但由于应用的更改,其结构略有不同。通常,工艺变型配置昂贵且难以维护。本文介绍了我们的MinAdept项目的选定结果。特别是,我们提供了一种聚类算法,该算法通过挖掘过程变量的集合来促进从过去的过程更改中学习。作为挖掘结果,我们获得了一个到过程变量模型的平均距离变得最小的过程模型。通过在PAIS中采用此过程模型作为参考模型,对将来的过程配置和适应的需求减少了。我们已经通过案例研究和综合模拟验证了我们的聚类算法。总之,我们的愿景是在自适应PAIS中实现全过程生命周期支持。 t​​extcopyright 2010年世界科学出版公司。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1142/S0218843010002139]

[1108] The newguide project: Guidelines, information sharing and learning from exceptions (2003)

(Ciccarese, Paolo and Caffi, Ezio and Boiocchi, Lorenzo and Halevy, Assaf and Quaglini, Silvana and Kumar, Anand and Stefanelli, Mario | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Among the well agreed-on benefits of a guideline computerisation, with respect to the traditional text format, there are the disambiguation, the possibility of looking at the guideline at different levels of detail and the possibility of generating patient-tailored suggestions. Nevertheless, the connection of guidelines with patient records is still a challenging problem, as well as their effective integration into the clinical workflow. In this paper, we describe the evolution of our environment for representing and running guidelines. The main new features concern the choice of a commercial product as the middle layer with the electronic patient record, the consequent possibility of gathering information from different legacy systems, and the extension of this virtual medical record to the storage of process data. This last feature allows managing exceptions, i.e. decisions that do not comply with guidelines. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.


摘要: 在传统的文本格式方面,在指南计算机化的公认好处中,存在歧义,可以在不同细节级别上查看指南以及生成患者量身定制的建议的可能性。然而,将指南与患者记录联系起来以及将其有效地整合到临床工作流程中仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题。在本文中,我们描述了代表和运行准则的环境的演变。主要的新功能涉及选择商业产品作为带有电子病历的中间层,因此有可能从不同的旧系统中收集信息,以及将该虚拟病历扩展到过程数据的存储。最后一个功能允许管理异常,即不符合准则的决策。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-39907-0_23]

[1109] The research of process mining assessment used in business intelligence (2012)

(Wang, Zhenyu and Yao, Qing and Sun, Yuqing | Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2012)

Abstract: In order to do process mining better in the Business Intelligence environment, the proper process mining model and the right evaluation method to assess the mining results become the key issues. This paper is based on both theoretical and technological achievements in process mining area, putting forward a process mining model under event log mode, providing the analysis process of selecting evaluation indicators by AHP, and gives out a set of formulas for assessing process instance combined with the vector model. For illustration, a case recorded by an insurance company handling claims lodged over the phone is utilized to show the feasibility of the given model and the formulas in solving assessment problems. Empirical results is presented as numerical data by formula assessing effectively to the new process records under specific target, it can be displayed directly for its consequence; process screening and classification, including excavation work for the follow-up by the threshold value setting can evaluate the process improvement and provide basis for decision making in further process mining work. textcopyright 2012 IEEE.


摘要: 为了在商务智能环境中更好地进行流程挖掘,正确的流程挖掘模型和评估挖掘结果的正确评估方法成为关键问题。本文基于过程挖掘领域的理论和技术成果,提出了事件日志模式下的过程挖掘模型,提供了层次分析法选择评价指标的分析过程,并给出了结合过程实例评估的一系列公式。向量模型。为了说明起见,保险公司记录的处理通过电话提出的索赔的案例被用来说明给定模型和公式解决评估问题的可行性。通过对特定目标下的新过程记录进行有效评估的公式,将经验结果表示为数值数据,可以直接显示其结果;过程筛选和分类(包括通过阈值设置进行后续挖掘工作)可以评估过程改进,并为进一步的过程采矿工作中的决策提供依据。 t​​extcopyright 2012 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICIS.2012.109]

[1110] The resource allocation model for multi-process instances based on particle swarm optimization (2017)

(Zhao, Weidong and Zeng, Qingfeng and Zheng, Guangjian and Yang, Liu | Information Systems Frontiers)

Abstract: Resource allocation in process management focuses on how to maximize process performance via proper resource allocation since the quality of resource allocation determines process outcome. In order to improve resource allocation, this paper proposes a resource allocation method, which is based on the improved hybrid particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the multi-process instance environment. Meanwhile., a new resource allocation model is put forward, which can optimize the resource allocation problem reasonably. Furthermore., some improvements are made to streamline the effectiveness of the method, so as to enhance resource scheduling results. In the end, experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


摘要: 过程管理中的资源分配着重于如何通过适当的资源分配来最大化过程性能,因为资源分配的质量决定了过程的结果。为了改善资源分配,本文提出了一种资源分配方法,该方法基于改进的多进程实例环境中的混合粒子群算法(PSO)。同时,提出了一种新的资源分配模型,可以合理地优化资源分配问题。此外,进行了一些改进以简化该方法的有效性,以增强资源调度结果。最后,通过实验证明了该方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10796-017-9743-5]


[1111] The state of the art of business process management research as published in the BPM conference: Recommendations for progressing the field (2016)

(Recker, Jan and Mendling, Jan | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: The research field of Business Process Management (BPM) has gradually developed as a discipline situated within the computer, management and information systems sciences. Its evolution has been shaped by its own conference series, the BPM conference. Still, as with any other academic discipline, debates accrue and persist, which target the identity as well as the quality and maturity of the BPM field. In this paper, we contribute to the debate on the identity and progress of the BPM conference research community through an analysis of the BPM conference proceedings. We develop an understanding of signs of progress of research presented at this conference, where, how, and why papers in this conference have had an impact, and the most appropriate formats for disseminating influential research in this conference. Based on our findings from this analysis, we provide conclusions about the state of the conference series and develop a set of recommendations to further develop the conference community in terms of research maturity, methodological advance, quality, impact, and progression.


摘要: 业务流程管理(BPM)的研究领域已逐渐发展为位于计算机,管理和信息系统科学领域的一门学科。它的发展受到其自己的会议系列BPM会议的影响。但是,与任何其他学术学科一样,辩论仍在进行并持续存在,其针对性以及BPM领域的质量和成熟度。在本文中,我们通过对BPM会议过程的分析,为有关BPM会议研究界的身份和进步的辩论做出贡献。我们对本次会议上提出的研究进展的迹象,本次会议的论文在何处,如何发生以及为什么产生影响的理解以及在本次会议上传播有影响力的研究的最合适的格式都有了一定的了解。根据分析得出的结论,我们提供有关会议系列状况的结论,并根据研究的成熟度,方法论的进步,质量,影响和进展,提出一系列建议,以进一步发展会议社区。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-015-0411-3]

[1112] The use of a process mining technique to characterize the work process of main control room crews: A feasibility study (2016)

(Park, Jinkyun and Jung, Jae Yoon and Jung, Wondea | Reliability Engineering and System Safety)

Abstract: In terms of supporting HRA (Human Reliability Analysis) practitioners, one of the urgent issues is to establish a set of objective criteria for determining the proper level of PSFs (Performance Shaping Factors), which are crucial for estimating the likelihood of HEPs (Human Error Probabilities). From this concern, the feasibility study of process mining techniques to characterize the work process of MCR (Main Control Room) crews is presented in this study. Three kinds of information requirements that are essential for determining the quality of the work process are first identified, and the application of process mining techniques is then introduced to address those requirements. As a case study, we illustrate the process mining techniques with communication logs that were collected from MCR crews exposed to simulated off-normal conditions. As a result, three kinds of insightful information (i.e., a work flow, time and spatial information along with a given work flow, and the flow of keywords describing what kinds of symptoms and/or knowledge were considered by MCR crews) are soundly extracted from communication logs. Consequently, it is expected that process mining techniques are effective for identifying a set of necessary information that would helpful for assessing the quality of the work process in an objective manner.


摘要: 在支持HRA(人类可靠性分析)从业者方面,迫切的问题之一是建立一套客观标准,以确定适当的PSF(性能塑造因素)水平,这对于估计HEP的可能性至关重要(人为错误概率)。因此,本文提出了表征MCR(主控制室)人员工作过程的过程挖掘技术的可行性研究。首先确定了对于确定工作流程的质量必不可少的三种信息要求,然后介绍了流程挖掘技术的应用来满足这些要求。作为案例研究,我们通过从暴露于模拟异常情况下的MCR团队收集的通信日志来说明过程挖掘技术。结果,合理地提取了三种有见地的信息(即工作流程,时间和空间信息以及给定的工作流程,以及描述了MCR工作人员考虑了哪些症状和/或知识的关键字流)。从通信日志中。因此,期望过程挖掘技术能够有效地识别出一组必要的信息,这些信息将有助于客观地评估工作过程的质量。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ress.2016.05.004]

[1113] The use of software product lines for business process management: A systematic literature review (2013)

(Santos Rocha | Information and Software Technology)

Abstract: Context: Business Process Management (BPM) is a potential domain in which Software Product Line (PL) can be successfully applied. Including the support of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), BPM and PL may help companies achieve strategic alignment between business and IT. Objective Presenting the results of a study undertaken to seek and assess PL approaches for BPM through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Moreover, identifying the existence of dynamic PL approaches for BPM. Method A SLR was conducted with four research questions formulated to evaluate PL approaches for BPM. Results 63 papers were selected as primary studies according to the criteria established. From these primary studies, only 15 papers address the specific dynamic aspects in the context evaluated. Moreover, it was found that PLs only partially address the BPM lifecycle since the last business process phase is not a current concern on the found approaches. Conclusions The found PL approaches for BPM only cover partially the BPM lifecycle, not taking into account the last phase which restarts the lifecycle. Moreover, no wide dynamic PL proposal was found for BPM, but only the treatment of specific dynamic aspects. The results indicate that PL approaches for BPM are still at an early stage and gaining maturity. textcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 上下文:业务流程管理(BPM)是可以成功应用软件产品线(PL)的潜在领域。 BPM和PL包括面向服务的体系结构(SOA)的支持,可以帮助公司实现业务与IT之间的战略一致性。目的介绍通过系统文献综述(SLR)寻求和评估BPM的PL方法的研究结果。此外,确定用于BPM的动态PL方法的存在。方法采用四个研究问题进行SLR,以评估BPM的PL方法。结果按照既定标准,选择63篇论文作为基础研究。从这些基础研究中,只有15篇论文针对所评估的环境中的具体动态方面。而且,发现由于最后的业务流程阶段并不是所找到方法的当前关注点,PL仅部分解决了BPM生命周期。结论发现的BPM PL方法仅部分覆盖BPM生命周期,而没有考虑重新启动生命周期的最后阶段。而且,没有发现针对BPM的广泛的动态PL提议,而只是针对特定动态方面的处理。结果表明,针对BPM的PL方法仍处于早期阶段,并且已经成熟。 t​​extcopyright 2013 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.infsof.2013.02.007]

[1114] Time based Discovery of parallel business processes (2016)

(Sarno, Riyanarto and Kartini and Wibowo, Widyasari Ayu and Solichaha, Adhatus | Proceeding - 2015 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Emerging Trends in the Era of Internet of Things, IC3INA 2015)

Abstract: Process mining for discovering concurrent activities is important since there are many of them contained in business processes. The concurrency is formed by AND parallel or OR conditional. However, most of the existing process mining algorithm discover only concurrency formed by AND parallel. Substituting OR conditional with AND parallel does not always discover the real business processes. Also, the existing process mining algorithms use linear dependence principle; therefore, they require complete event logs which are difficult to be provided since there are many possible traces. In this regard, this paper proposes Time based Discovery algorithm which utilizes non-linear dependence principle. The proposed algorithm can effectively distinguish AND parallel and OR conditional. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can discover the concurrent business processes formed by AND parallel or OR conditional.


摘要: 发现并发活动的过程挖掘非常重要,因为业务流程中包含许多活动。并发由AND并行或OR条件形成。但是,大多数现有的过程挖掘算法仅发现由AND并行形成的并发。用AND并行条件替换OR条件并不总是发现真实的业务流程。另外,现有的过程挖掘算法使用线性依赖原理。因此,它们需要完整的事件日志,由于存在许多可能的跟踪,因此很难提供这些事件日志。在这方面,本文提出了一种利用非线性依赖原理的基于时间的发现算法。所提出的算法可以有效地区分AND并行和OR条件。实验结果表明,该算法能够发现由AND并行或OR条件形成的并发业务流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/IC3INA.2015.7377741]

[1115] Time performance analysis of medical treatment processes by using disco (2015)

(Jaisook, Phanchaporn and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: In this research we applied process mining techniques in order to analyze work processes of a healthcare system. The main objective of the study was to investigate the performance of a private hospital treatment processes in Bangkok based on the event logs. Being aware of the fact that currently healthcare systems of majority of hospitals worldwide are equipped with information systems, provided us a great opportunity to access large amounts of the medical data with the intention of the research and knowledge discovery purposes. In this paper, we emphasized on the Time Performance of the process instances of the collected event logs from different wards/sections of a hospital in order to better visualize and study the behavior of patients referring to the following sections/wards (as well as the hospitals administrators/personnel attending to each case) during the entire treatment processes… The results showed that the treatment process with respect to the waiting time was too long between the wards Irradiation cystitis and Osteoradionecrosi sections allocating 7.8 waiting time to themselves. Subsequently, the findings of the research can be used in order to help the hospital administrators and managers to better understand the amount of waiting time spent between different treatment processes in such a way that they can improve the performance of handling patients demands and needs in a more efficient, effective and timely manner, eventually leading to increased customer satisfaction and better performance.


摘要: 在本研究中,我们应用过程挖掘技术来分析医疗保健系统的工作过程。该研究的主要目的是根据事件日志来调查曼谷私家医院治疗过程的性能。当前,世界上大多数医院的医疗系统都配备了信息系统,这为我们提供了一个大量的机会,以进行研究和知识发现为目的,可以访问大量的医疗数据。从医院的不同病房/科室收集的事件日志的流程实例的过程实例,以便更好地可视化并研究以下科目/病房(以及每个案例的医院管理人员/人员)的患者行为结果表明,就等待时间而言,治疗过程过长病房之间的关系辐射性膀胱炎和Osteoradionecrosi节为自己分配了7.8个等待时间。随后,可以利用研究的结果来帮助医院管理者和管理者更好地了解不同治疗过程之间的等待时间,以提高他们处理患者需求和需求的性能。一种更高效,有效和及时的方式,最终导致客户满意度提高和性能提高。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2015.7368480]

[1116] Time prediction based on process mining (2011)

(Van Der Aalst | Information Systems)

Abstract: Process mining allows for the automated discovery of process models from event logs. These models provide insights and enable various types of model-based analysis. This paper demonstrates that the discovered process models can be extended with information to predict the completion time of running instances. There are many scenarios where it is useful to have reliable time predictions. For example, when a customer phones her insurance company for information about her insurance claim, she can be given an estimate for the remaining processing time. In order to do this, we provide a configurable approach to construct a process model, augment this model with time information learned from earlier instances, and use this to predict e.g., the completion time. To provide meaningful time predictions we use a configurable set of abstractions that allow for a good balance between overfitting and underfitting. The approach has been implemented in ProM and through several experiments using real-life event logs we demonstrate its applicability. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘允许从事件日志中自动发现过程模型。这些模型提供了见解,并可以进行各种类型的基于模型的分析。本文演示了可以使用信息扩展发现的流程模型,以预测正在运行的实例的完成时间。在许多情况下,进行可靠的时间预测很有用。例如,当客户打电话给她的保险公司以获取有关其保险索赔的信息时,可以为她提供剩余处理时间的估计。为了做到这一点,我们提供了一种可配置的方法来构建过程模型,并使用从较早实例中获悉的时间信息来扩充该模型,并使用其来预测例如完成时间。为了提供有意义的时间预测,我们使用一组可配置的抽象,以便在过度拟合和欠拟合之间取得良好的平衡。该方法已在ProM中实施,并且通过使用现实事件日志的多次实验,我们证明了其适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.is.2010.09.001]

[1117] Time-interval process model discovery and validation-a genetic process mining approach (2010)

(Tsai, Chieh Yuan and Jen, Henyi and Chen, Yi Ching | Applied Intelligence)

Abstract: A process management technique, called process mining, received much attention recently. Process mining can extract organizational or social structures from event logs recorded in an information system. However, when constructing process models, most process mining searches consider only the topology information among events, but do not include the time information. To overcome the drawbacks, a time-interval genetic process mining framework is proposed. First, time-intervals between events are derived for all event sequences. A discretization procedure is then developed to transform time-interval data from continues type to categorical type. Second, the genetic process mining method which is based on global search strategy is applied to generate time-interval process models. Finally, a precision measure is defined to evaluate the quality of the generated models. With the measure, managers can select the best process model among a set of candidate models without human involvement. textcopyright 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


摘要: 一种称为过程挖掘的过程管理技术最近受到了广泛关注。流程挖掘可以从信息系统中记录的事件日志中提取组织或社会结构。但是,在构造过程模型时,大多数过程挖掘搜索仅考虑事件之间的拓扑信息,而不考虑时间信息。为了克服这些缺点,提出了一种时间间隔遗传过程挖掘框架。首先,为所有事件序列导出事件之间的时间间隔。然后开发离散化程序以将时间间隔数据从连续类型转换为分类类型。其次,将基于全局搜索策略的遗传过程挖掘方法应用于生成时间间隔过程模型。最后,定义了一个精确度量以评估所生成模型的质量。通过该措施,管理人员可以在一组候选模型中选择最佳流程模型,而无需人工参与。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10489-010-0240-5]

[1118] Toward an Anonymous Process Mining (2015)

(Burattin, Andrea and Conti, Mauro and Turato, Daniele | Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, FiCloud 2015 and 2015 International Conference on Open and Big Data, OBD 2015)

Abstract: Process mining is a modern family of techniques applied to datasets generated from business processes run in organizations, in order to improve and obtain useful insights and performance measurements on the processes themselves (with clear societal and economical benefits). While these techniques are very promising in understanding business processes, their complete and efficient implementation inside the organizations is often not possible. Hence, in a way similar to what is done for most non core activities, and in particular for most ICT services, companies evaluate the possibility of outsourcing such task. However, the confidentiality of the dataset related to the business processes are often key assets for most of modern companies. Then, in order to avoid threats that might come from disclosing such information, most companies decide not to benefit from these process mining techniques. In this work, we propose a possible approach toward a complete solution which allows outsourcing of Process Mining without thwarting the confidentiality of the dataset and processes. Furthermore, we provide a prototype implementation of our proposed approach and run several experiments that confirmed the feasibility of our approach. We believe the one highlighted in this paper is an important direction to work on, in order to remove the obstacles that prevent companies to fully benefit from outsourcing process mining.


摘要: 过程挖掘是一种现代技术,适用于组织内部运行的业务流程生成的数据集,目的是改进并获得有关流程本身的有用见解和绩效评估(具有明显的社会和经济效益)。尽管这些技术在理解业务流程方面非常有前途,但在组织内部通常无法实现它们的完整和有效实施。因此,公司以与大多数非核心活动(尤其是大多数ICT服务)类似的方式,评估了外包此类任务的可能性。但是,与业务流程相关的数据集的机密性通常是大多数现代公司的关键资产。然后,为了避免披露此类信息可能带来的威胁,大多数公司决定不从这些流程挖掘技术中受益。在这项工作中,我们为实现完整解决方案提出了一种可行的方法,该解决方案允许在不损害数据集和流程的机密性的情况下外包流程挖掘。此外,我们提供了我们提出的方法的原型实现,并运行了一些实验,证实了我们方法的可行性。我们认为,本文着重指出的这一方向是一个重要的工作方向,以消除阻碍公司从外包流程挖掘中充分受益的障碍。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FiCloud.2015.9]

[1119] Toward objective software process information: Experiences from a case study (2011)

(Samalikova, Jana and Kusters, Rob and Trienekens, Jos and Weijters, Ton and Siemons, Paul | Software Quality Journal)

Abstract: A critical problem in software development is the monitoring, control and improvement in the processes of software developers. Software processes are often not explicitly modeled, and manuals to support the development work contain abstract guidelines and procedures. Consequently, there are huge differences between actual and official processes: the actual process is what you do, with all its omissions, mistakes, and oversights. The official process is what the book, i. e., a quality manual, says you are supposed to do (Humphrey in A discipline for software engineering. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995). Software developers lack support to identify, analyze and better understand their processes. Consequently, process improvements are often not based on an in-depth understanding of the actual processes, but on organization-wide improvement programs or ad hoc initiatives of individual developers. In this paper, we show that, based on particular data from software development projects, the underlying software development processes can be extracted and that automatically more realistic process models can be constructed. This is called software process mining (Rubin et al. in Process mining framework for software processes. Software process dynamics and agility. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007). The goal of process mining is to better understand the development processes, to compare constructed process models with the official guidelines and procedures in quality manuals and, subsequently, to improve development processes. This paper reports on process mining case studies in a large industrial company in The Netherlands. The subject of the process mining is a particular process: the change control board (CCB) process. The results of process mining are fed back to practice in order to subsequently improve the CCB process. textcopyright 2010 The Author(s).


摘要: 软件开发中的一个关键问题是软件开发人员流程的监视,控制和改进。软件过程通常没有明确地建模,并且支持开发工作的手册包含抽象的准则和过程。因此,实际流程与官方流程之间存在巨大差异:实际流程是您所做的事情,包括所有遗漏,错误和疏忽。正式流程是书中所描述的,即质量手册,说您应该做的(汉弗莱,《软件工程学》,纽约Addison-Wesley,1995年)。软件开发人员缺乏识别,分析和更好地了解其流程的支持。因此,过程改进通常不是基于对实际过程的深入了解,而是基于组织范围的改进计划或各个开发人员的临时计划。在本文中,我们表明,基于来自软件开发项目的特定数据,可以提取底层的软件开发过程,并且可以自动构建更实际的过程模型。这被称为软件过程挖掘(Rubin等人在用于软件过程的过程挖掘框架中。软件过程的动态性和敏捷性。 Springer Berlin,海德堡,2007年)。流程挖掘的目的是更好地理解开发流程,将构建的流程模型与质量手册中的正式指南和程序进行比较,然后改善开发流程。本文报道了一家荷兰大型工业公司的过程采矿案例研究。流程挖掘的主题是一个特定的流程:变更控制委员会(CCB)流程。过程挖掘的结果将反馈给实践,以便随后改进CCB过程。 t​​extcopyright 2010作者。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s11219-010-9105-8]

[1120] Towards Automating Inter-organizational Workflow Semantic Resolution (2015)

(Taylor, Bradley D. and Rotenstriech, Shmuel | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2015)

Abstract: Interoperability in sharing work through services between organizations requires understanding the perspective of each partner. Available resources and requirements are widely distributed with heterogeneous descriptions and enactments. No centralized registration and discovery process exists, nor automated means to map the variety of formal organizations within various overlapping domains, some defined and many not. While drawing from a common language, the mission and culture of each organization shapes their particular collection and definition of symbols, vocabulary and signals. Mining execution logs of historical inter-organizational workflows and tapping into explicitly specified domain and organizational knowledge ontologies provides a corpus of information useful to identify emergent patterns. This paper proposes a novel mediator approach using feature alignment demonstrated in previous partnerships, identified through the employment of topic modeling and word sense disambiguation methods, to infer semantic matches between parties without a priori relationships. This model demonstrates an inter-organizational workflow middleware proof of concept coupling workflow management systems interoperating between a set of organizations to automatically resolve meaning, providing the right services for requirements.


摘要: 组织之间通过服务共享工作的互操作性需要了解每个合作伙伴的观点。可用的资源和要求广泛分布,并具有不同的描述和法规。没有集中的注册和发现过程,也没有自动化的方法来映射各种重叠域中的各种正式组织,有些是定义的,而很多则没有。在使用一种通用语言的同时,每个组织的使命和文化塑造了它们特定的符号,词汇和信号的集合和定义。挖掘历史性组织间工作流的执行日志,并利用明确指定的领域和组织知识本体,可提供有用的信息语料库来识别紧急模式。本文提出了一种新颖的调解员方法,该方法使用以前的合作伙伴关系中展示的特征对齐方式(通过使用主题建模和单词义消除歧义方法进行识别)来推断没有先验关系的各方之间的语义匹配。该模型演示了组织间工作流中间件的概念证明,结合工作流管理系统在一组组织之间互操作以自动解决含义,为需求提供正确的服务。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2015.113]

[1121] Towards Comprehensive Support for Privacy Preservation Cross-Organization Business Process Mining (2016)

(Liu, Cong and Duan, Hua and Zeng, Qingtian and Zhou, Mengchu and Lu, Faming and Cheng, Jiujun | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing)

Abstract: More and more business requirements are crossing organizational boundaries. There comes the cross-organization business process management, and its modeling is a complicated task. Mining a cross-organization business process aims to discover its model from a set of distributed event logs. Unfortunately, traditional process mining approaches totally neglect the privacy-preservation issue, which means the privacy of both event log and business process model. In this paper, a privacy-preservation cross-organization business process mining framework is proposed to handle its privacy issues. It includes three steps: (1) each organization discovers its private and public business process models from its event logs; (2) the trusted third-party midware takes the public process models as input and generates cooperative public process model fragments of each organization; and (3) each organization combines its private business process model with its relevant public fragments to obtain the organization-specific cross-organization cooperative business process model. To show the applicability of the proposed approach, a multi-modal cross-organization transportation case is used for its validation and comparison with other methods


摘要: 越来越多的业务需求正在跨越组织边界。跨组织的业务流程管理随之而来,其建模是一项复杂的任务。挖掘跨组织业务流程的目的是从一组分布式事件日志中发现其模型。不幸的是,传统的流程​​挖掘方法完全忽略了隐私保护问题,这意味着事件日志和业务流程模型的隐私。本文提出了一个保护隐私的跨组织业务流程挖掘框架来处理其隐私问题。它包括三个步骤:(1)每个组织从其事件日志中发现其私有和公共业务流程模型; (2)可信第三方中间件以公共流程模型为输入,并生成每个组织的协作公共流程模型片段; (3)每个组织将其私有业务流程模型与相关的公共片段相结合,以获得特定于组织的跨组织合作业务流程模型。为了显示该方法的适用性,使用多模式跨组织运输案例进行了验证并与其他方法进行了比较。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/tsc.2016.2617331]

[1122] Towards Pathway Variation Identification: Aligning Patient Records with a Care Pathway (2014)

(Liu, Haifeng and Liu, Yang and Li, Xiang and Xie, Guotong and Lakshmanan, Geetika T. | CIKM 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)

Abstract: A Care Pathway is a knowledge-centric process to guide clinicians to provide evidence-based care to patients with specific conditions. One existing problem for care pathways is that they often fail to reflect the best clinical practice as a result of not being adequately updated. A better understanding of the gaps between a care pathway and real practice requires aligning patient records with the pathway. Patient records are unlabeled in practice making it difficult to align them with a care pathway which is inherently complex due to its representation as a hierarchical and declarative process model (HDPM). This paper proposes to solve this problem by developing a Hierarchical Markov Random Field (HMRF) method so that a set of patient records can best fit a given care pathway. We validate the effectiveness of the method with experiments on both synthesized data and real clinical data.


摘要: 护理途径是一个以知识为中心的过程,旨在指导临床医生为患有特定疾病的患者提供循证护理。护理途径存在的一个问题是,由于未得到充分更新,它们常常无法反映最佳临床实践。要更好地了解护理途径与实际做法之间的差距,需要使患者记录与途径保持一致。在实践中,患者记录没有标签,因此很难将其与护理路径保持一致,该护理路径由于其表示为分层和声明性过程模型(HDPM)而固有地复杂。本文提出了通过开发分层马尔可夫随机场(HMRF)方法来解决此问题的方法,以便使一组患者记录最适合给定的护理途径。我们通过对合成数据和实际临床数据进行实验验证了该方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2661829.2662013]

[1123] Towards Planning Scientific Experiments through Declarative Model Discovery in Provenance Data (2014)

(Silva, Mateus Ferreira and Baiao, Fernanda Araujo and Revoredo, Kate | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on eScience, eScience 2014)

Abstract: Data provenance is the process of managing a collection of metadata that catalogs the origin and history of data. In scientific workflows, this metadata assists scientists and domain specialists in several tasks, including the reproduction of scientific experiments and planning of new scenarios to be experimented. However, the amount of provenance data generated from scientific workflow executions can grow through time, becoming infeasible for scientists to manually evaluate them. Thus, mechanisms for automatically extracting knowledge from provenance data and presenting them to the user are demanding. Due to the diversity and flexibility inherent to scientific experimentation scenarios, declarative models are potentially adequate. In this work, we propose to apply techniques for learning a declarative model from provenance data generated by scientific workflows, from which the domain specialist will be able to plan future scenarios for his/her scientific experiment. The proposed solution is illustrated in a case study of a scientific experiment on ontology matching, which is a data-intensive strategy that is required to solve the problem of information integration in several areas of knowledge.


摘要: 数据来源是管理元数据集合的过程,该元数据对数据的来源和历史进行分类。在科学工作流程中,此元数据可协助科学家和领域专家完成多项任务,包括再现科学实验和计划要实验的新场景。但是,科学工作流执行产生的出处数据量会随着时间的增长而增长,科学家无法对其进行手动评估。因此,需要用于自动地从来源数据提取知识并将其呈现给用户的机制。由于科学实验场景固有的多样性和灵活性,因此声明模型可能就足够了。在这项工作中,我们建议应用技术从科学工作流程生成的来源数据中学习声明式模型,领域专家可以从中计划未来的科学实验方案。在一个关于本体匹配的科学实验的案例研究中说明了所提出的解决方案,这是一种数据密集型策略,用于解决多个知识领域中的信息集成问题。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/eScience.2014.60]

[1124] Towards Traditional Simulation Models of Context Using Process Mining (2015)

(Pileggi, Paolo and Rivero-Rodriguez, Alejandro and Nykanen, Ossi | Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, CICSyN 2015)

Abstract: Context (sensor) systems are hard to model: they require constant updating and insightful approaches, especially considering the increasing data volume, variety, and generation rate of contemporary networking paradigms, like the Internet of Things. In this paper, we argue that intelligent process models can be mined to look at the actual system activity from alternative context perspectives, i.e., Perspectives observable from the sensor attributes themselves. We explain how the close relationship between the models derived using Process Mining, and Event-Driven Simulation can be exploited to help not only better understand what is happening in such systems but also provide alternative models for the intelligent solutions they support, such as context inference. We demonstrate this using a real-world example and discuss the feasibility of extending these alternative process models to be viewed as simulation. We envision automated steps that would result in traditional simulation models of context using Process Mining.


摘要: (传感器)系统很难建模:它们需要不断更新和有见地的方法,尤其是考虑到诸如物联网之类的现代网络范式的数据量,种类和生成率的增长。在本文中,我们认为可以挖掘智能过程模型,以从其他上下文角度(即从传感器属性本身可观察的角度)观察实际的系统活动。我们将说明如何利用流程挖掘和事件驱动的仿真之间的紧密关系来帮助不仅更好地了解此类系统中发生的情况,而且还为它们所支持的智能解决方案提供替代模型,例如上下文推断。我们使用一个真实的示例来演示这一点,并讨论将这些替代过程模型扩展为模拟的可行性。我们设想了自动步骤,将使用Process Mining生成传统的上下文模拟模型。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CICSyN.2015.23]

[1125] Towards a better assessment of event logs quality (2017)

(Kherbouche, Mohammed Oussama and Laga, Nassim and Masse, Pierre Aymeric | 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016)

Abstract: It is widely observed that the poor event logs quality poses a significant challenge to the process mining project both in terms of choice of process mining algorithms and in terms of the quality of the discovered process model. Therefore, it is important to control the quality of event logs prior to conducting a process mining analysis. In this paper, we propose a qualitative model which aims to assess the quality of event logs before applying process mining algorithms. Our ultimate goal is to give process mining practitioners an overview of the quality of event logs which can help to indicate whether the event log quality is good enough to proceed to process mining and in this case, to suggest both the needed preprocessing steps and the process mining algorithm that is most tailored under such a circumstance. The qualitative model has been evaluated using both artificial and real-life case studies.


摘要: 广泛观察到,不良事件日志的质量在选择过程挖掘算法和发现过程模型的质量方面都对过程挖掘项目构成重大挑战。因此,在进行过程挖掘分析之前,控制事件日志的质量很重要。在本文中,我们提出了一个定性模型,旨在在应用流程挖掘算法之前评估事件日志的质量。我们的最终目标是为流程挖掘从业人员提供事件日志质量的概述,这有助于表明事件日志的质量是否足以进行流程挖掘,在这种情况下,还可以建议所需的预处理步骤和流程在这种情况下最适合的挖掘算法。定性模型已通过人工和现实案例研究进行了评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SSCI.2016.7849946]


[1126] Towards a data science toolbox for industrial analytics applications (2018)

(Flath, Christoph M. and Stein, Nikolai | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: Manufacturing companies today have access to a vast number of data sources providing gigantic amounts of process and status data. Consequently, the need for analytical information systems is ever-growing to guide corporate decision-making. However, decision-makers in production environments are still very much focused on static, explanatory modeling provided by business intelligence suites instead of embracing the opportunities offered by predictive analytics. We develop a data science toolbox for manufacturing prediction tasks to bridge the gap between machine learning research and concrete practical needs. We provide guidelines and best practices for modeling, feature engineering and interpretation. To this end, we leverage tools from business information systems as well as machine learning. We illustrate the usage of this toolbox by means of a real-world manufacturing defect prediction case study. Thereby, we seek to enhance the understanding of predictive modeling. In particular, we want to emphasize that simply dumping data into smart algorithms is not the silver bullet. Instead, constant refinement and consolidation are required to improve the predictive power of a business analytics solution.


摘要: 今天的制造公司可以访问提供大量过程和状态数据的大量数据源。因此,对于指导公司决策的分析信息系统的需求不断增长。但是,生产环境中的决策者仍然非常专注于商业智能套件提供的静态,解释性模型,而不是拥抱预测分析提供的机会。我们开发了用于制造预测任务的数据科学工具箱,以弥合机器学习研究与具体实际需求之间的差距。我们提供有关建模,特征工程和解释的指南和最佳实践。为此,我们利用商业信息系统和机器学习中的工具。我们通过实际的制造缺陷预测案例研究来说明此工具箱的用法。因此,我们寻求增强对预测建模的理解。特别要强调的是,仅将数据转储到智能算法中并不是万灵丹。相反,需要不断完善和整合以提高业务分析解决方案的预测能力。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2017.09.003]

[1127] Towards a distributed computation platform tailored for educational process discovery and analysis (2015)

(Hicheur Cairns | International Conference on Protocol Engineering, ICPE 2015 and International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems, NTDS 2015 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Given the ever changing needs of the job markets, education and training centers are increasingly held accountable for student success. Therefore, education and training centers have to focus on ways to streamline their offers and educational processes in order to achieve the highest level of quality in curriculum contents and managerial decisions. Educational process mining is an emerging field in the educational data mining (EPM) discipline, concerned with developing methods to discover, analyze and provide a visual representation of complete educational processes. In this paper, we present our distributed computation platform, under construction, which allows different education centers and institutions to load their data and access to advanced data mining and process mining services. To achieve this, we present also a comparative study of the different clustering techniques developed in the context of process mining to partition efficiently educational traces. Our goal is to find the best strategy for distributing heavy analysis computations on many processing nodes of our platform.


摘要: 鉴于就业市场的不断变化的需求,越来越多的教育和培训中心对学生的成功负责。因此,教育和培训中心必须专注于简化其提供和教育过程的方法,以实现课程内容和管理决策的最高质量。教育过程挖掘是教育数据挖掘(EPM)学科中的一个新兴领域,它关注于开发方法来发现,分析和提供完整的教育过程的可视表示。在本文中,我们介绍了正在建设的分布式计算平台,该平台允许不同的教育中心和机构加载其数据,并访问高级数据挖掘和过程挖掘服务。为了实现这一目标,我们还对在过程挖掘的背景下开发的不同聚类技术进行了比较研究,以有效地划分教育痕迹。我们的目标是找到在平台的许多处理节点上分配大量分析计算的最佳策略。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NOTERE.2015.7293494]

[1128] Towards automated analysis of fads and trends in information systems research: Concept, implementation and exemplary application in the context of business process management research (2013)

(Houy, Constantin and Sainbuyan, Khulan and Fettke, Peter and Loos, Peter | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: Information Systems (IS) research strives for the design of innovative as well as the investigation of existing methods and techniques for information management in organizations. IS methods and techniques can support the automation of operational tasks as well as management tasks in organizations. Furthermore, they offer considerable potential for the automation of research processes in IS research. This paper examines the potential and boundaries of automated analyses of fads and trends in the field of IS research based on a design-oriented research approach. A concept for automated trend analysis is developed and implemented in an innovative software tool. The proof of concept software is exemplarily applied for the investigation of fads and trends in Business Process Management (BPM) research as an important field in IS research. Moreover, the potential and boundaries of the presented approach are discussed. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 信息系统(IS)研究致力于创新设计以及对组织中信息管理的现有方法和技术的研究。 IS方法和技术可以支持组织中操作任务和管理任务的自动化。此外,它们为IS研究中的研究过程自动化提供了巨大潜力。本文探讨了基于面向设计的研究方法在信息系统研究领域自动分析时尚和趋势的潜力和边界。在创新的软件工具中开发并实现了自动趋势分析的概念。概念证明软件示例性地用于调查业务流程管理(BPM)研究中的时尚和趋势,这是IS研究的重要领域。此外,讨论了所提出方法的潜力和边界。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577717]

[1129] Towards comprehensive support for organizational mining (2008)

(Song, Minseok and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: Process mining has emerged as a way to analyze processes based on the event logs of the systems that support them. Todays information systems (e.g., ERP systems) log all kinds of events. Moreover, also embedded systems (e.g., medical equipment, copiers, and other high-tech systems) start producing detailed event logs. The omnipresence of event logs is an important enabler for process mining. The primary goal of process mining is to extract knowledge from these logs and use it for a detailed analysis of reality. Lions share of the efforts in this domain has been devoted to control-flow discovery. Many algorithms have been proposed to construct a process model based on an analysis of the event sequences observed in the log. As a result, other aspects have been neglected, e.g., the organizational setting and interactions among coworkers. Therefore, we focus on organizational mining. We will present techniques to discover organizational models and social networks and show how these models can assist in improving the underlying processes. To do this, we present new process mining techniques but also use existing techniques in an innovative manner. The approach has been implemented in the context of the ProM framework and has been applied in various case studies. In this paper, we demonstrate the applicability of our techniques by analyzing the logs of a municipality in the Netherlands. textcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 过程挖掘已经成为一种基于支持过程的系统的事件日志来分析过程的方法。当今的信息系统(例如ERP系统)记录了各种事件。此外,嵌入式系统(例如医疗设备,复印机和其他高科技系统)开始生成详细的事件日志,无处不在的事件日志是流程挖掘的重要推动力,流程挖掘的主要目标是从这些日志中提取知识并将其用于对现实情况的详细分析Lion在此领域的努力已专门用于控制流发现,已提出了许多算法,以对日志中观察到的事件序列进行分析为基础来构建过程模型,因此,其他方面都被忽略了。 (例如组织设置和同事之间的互动),因此,我们将重点放在组织挖掘上,我们将介绍发现组织模型和社交网络的技术,并展示如何els可以帮助改善基础流程。为此,我们提出了新的过程挖掘技术,但也以创新的方式使用了现有技术。该方法已在ProM框架中实施,并已应用于各种案例研究中。在本文中,我们通过分析荷兰一个城市的原木来证明我们技术的适用性。 t​​extcopyright 2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2008.07.002]

[1130] Towards enterprise archeology: Extracting business processes from runtime event data (2006)

(Suenbuel, Asuman and Shan, Ming Shien | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM)

Abstract: In this paper, we are presenting an approach and experimental results for the extraction of high-level business-process models from running enterprise systems. Business process improvement has always been at the heart of any corporations goals. Business processes is what companies execute, and better and more efficient processes mean higher service quality and lower costs. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们提出了一种从运行中的企业系统中提取高级业务流程模型的方法和实验结果。业务流程改进一直是任何公司目标的核心。业务流程是公司执行的工作,更好,更高效的流程意味着更高的服务质量和更低的成本。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/icdmw.2006.159]

[1131] Towards evolutionary discovery of typical clinical pathways in electronic health records (2017)

(Funkner, Anastasia A. and Yakovlev, Aleksey N. and Kovalchuk, Sergey V. | Procedia Computer Science)

Abstract: According to value-based health care, hospitals should deliver high quality and cost-effective medical treatments. Clinical pathways represent typical ways of treatment and indicate its impact on hospital resources. In this paper, we propose three approaches to discover and to cluster clinical pathways using the k-means method and genetic algorithms. A data set of 3434 electronic health records of patients with acute coronary syndrome is used to test proposed approaches. The approaches are compared with five clustering metrics. The best approach shows the best values for four of five metrics. In the future, we plan to embed the best approach of discovering clinical pathways in personalized Decision Support System of Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint Petersburg, Russia).


摘要: 基于价值的医疗保健,医院应提供高质量和具有成本效益的医疗服务。临床途径代表典型的治疗方法,并表明其对医院资源的影响。在本文中,我们提出了三种使用k-means方法和遗传算法发现和聚集临床途径的方法。急性冠状动脉综合征患者的3434个电子健康记录数据集用于测试建议的方法。这些方法与五个聚类指标进行了比较。最佳方法显示五个指标中四个指标的最佳值。将来,我们计划在Almazov国家医学研究中心(俄罗斯圣彼得堡)的个性化决策支持系统中嵌入发现临床途径的最佳方法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.181]

[1132] Towards improving the representational bias of process mining (2012)

(Van Der Aalst | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)

Abstract: Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in todays information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. Process discovery-discovering a process model from example behavior recorded in an event log-is one of the most challenging tasks in process mining. A variety of process discovery techniques have been proposed. Most techniques suffer from the problem that often the discovered model is internally inconsistent (i.e., the model has deadlocks, livelocks or other behavioral anomalies). This suggests that the search space should be limited to sound models. In this paper, we propose a tree representation that ensures soundness. We evaluate the impact of the search space reduction by implementing a simple genetic algorithm that discovers such process trees. Although the result can be translated to conventional languages, we ensure the internal consistency of the resulting model while mining, thus reducing the search space and allowing for more efficient algorithms. textcopyright 2012 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


摘要: 进程挖掘技术能够从当今信息系统中普遍可用的事件日志中提取知识。这些技术提供了在各种应用程序域中发现,监视和改进进程的新方法。进程发现-从示例行为中发现进程模型记录在事件日志中是过程挖掘中最具挑战性的任务之一,已经提出了多种过程发现技术,大多数技术都存在以下问题:发现的模型经常内部不一致(即模型具有死锁,活锁)或其他行为异常),这表明搜索空间应仅限于声音模型。本文中,我们提出了一种树状表示形式,以确保声音的合理性。我们通过实现一种简单的遗传算法来评估搜索空间缩减的影响,尽管结果可以转换为常规语言,但我们确保内部一致性f在挖掘时生成的模型中,从而减少了搜索空间并允许使用更有效的算法。 t​​extcopyright 2012年IFIP国际信息处理联合会。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-642-34044-4_3]

[1133] Towards mining the organizational structure of a dynamic event scenario (2018)

(Appice, Annalisa | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems)

Abstract: The increasing volume and value of data is an important enabler for data science. In this study, we consider the event data, i.e. information on things that happen in organizations, machines, systems and peoples lives. Each event refers to a well-defined activity in a certain business process execution, the resource (i.e. person or device) executing or initiating the activity, the timestamp of the event, as well as to various data elements recorded with the event (e.g. the geo-location of an activity). Process mining aims to analyze event data, in order to mine knowledge that can contribute to improving a business process behavior. In particular, the focus of this study is on organizational mining, that is a sub-field of process mining that aims at understanding the life cycle of a dynamic organizational structure (i.e. a configuration of organization units) and the interactions among co-workers (resources) arising from the analysis of real-world event logs. The innovative contribution of this study is that the organizational mining goal is here achieved by combining concepts from process mining, stream mining and social network analysis. This combination is an original contribution of this study, not still explored in organizational mining field. In an assessment, benchmark event data are explored, in order to understand how the presented solution allows us to identify the life cycle a dynamic organizational structure.


摘要: 数据量和价值的增长是数据科学的重要推动力。在这项研究中,我们考虑事件数据,即有关组织,机器,系统和人们生活中发生的事情的信息。每个事件都指特定业务流程执行中定义的活动,执行或启动活动的资源(即个人或设备),事件的时间戳以及与事件一起记录的各种数据元素(例如,活动的地理位置)流程挖掘旨在分析事件数据,以便挖掘有助于改善业务流程行为的知识,特别是,本研究的重点是组织挖掘,这是流程挖掘的一个子领域,旨在理解动态组织结构(即组织单位的配置)的生命周期以及由于对现实事件日志的分析而引起的同事之间(资源)之间的交互。这项研究的目的是通过结合流程挖掘,流挖掘和社交网络分析的概念来实现组织挖掘的目标。这种结合是这项研究的原始贡献,尚未在组织挖掘领域进行探索。在评估中,探索了基准事件数据,以了解提出的解决方案如何使我们能够确定动态组织结构的生命周期。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10844-017-0451-x]

[1134] Towards performance analysis of wireless sensor networks using Process Mining Techniques (2014)

(Despaux, Franccois and Song, Ye Qiong and Lahmadi, Abdelkader | Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications)

Abstract: Performance analysis of wireless sensor networks is a difficult task because of the high dynamic of networks and the use of duty-cycled MAC protocols. Markov-based modelling is an interesting approach to deal with this problem. However, existing Markov-based analytic models, being MAC protocol-centric rather than network-centric, work under strong assumptions and do not allow to encompassing important network parameters like radio channel fading and capture effect, or actual implementation optimizations (not always specified in the protocol description). In this paper we propose a novel approach to obtain a Markov chain model for networks running different MAC protocols by means of Process Mining Techniques. We present the main aspects of our approach together with the results obtained for the standard IEEE 802.15.4. The obtained Markov model can be used to evaluate various performance parameters. The approach can also be extended to a wider range of protocols.


摘要: 由于无线网络的高动态性和使用占空比MAC协议,因此无线传感器网络的性能分析是一项艰巨的任务。基于马尔可夫的建模是解决此问题的有趣方法。但是,现有的基于Markov的分析模型(以MAC协议为中心,而不是以网络为中心)在强大的假设下工作,并且不允许包含重要的网络参数,例如无线电信道衰落和捕获效果,或实际的实现优化(并非始终在协议说明)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,即通过过程挖掘技术为运行不同MAC协议的网络获得马尔可夫链模型。我们介绍了我们方法的主要方面以及从标准IEEE 802.15.4获得的结果。所获得的马尔可夫模型可用于评估各种性能参数。该方法还可以扩展到更大范围的协议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ISCC.2014.6912522]

[1135] Towards policy retrieval for provenance based access control model (2015)

(Pei, Jisheng and Ye, Xiaojun | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2014)

Abstract: Provenance Based Access Control (PBAC) is a new access control mechanism wherein the access control decisions are made based on a set of assertions about provenance traces. Manually designing a variety of provenance based security policies is not trivial work for big data applications with large amount of provenance entity types and complex provenance dependencies. Policy retrieval can reduce such manual labor by automatically learning policies from previous provenance traces. In this paper, we look into the composition of PBAC rules to determine the relevant knowledge that should be mined from provenance traces for policy retrieval. We propose a baseline retrieval approach which composes the mined knowledge into candidate rules and verifies them by feeding them into a decision-tree classifier as candidate classification features. We show the feasibility and limitations of the baseline approach with experimenting and thereby present suggestions about the future work for PBAC policy retrieval research.


摘要: 基于源的访问控制(PBAC)是一种新的访问控制机制,其中访问控制决策是基于关于源跟踪的一组断言来做出的。对于具有大量来源实体类型和复杂来源依赖关系的大数据应用程序,手动设计各种基于来源的安全策略并非易事。策略检索可以通过从先前的来源跟踪中自动学习策略来减少这种体力劳动。在本文中,我们研究了PBAC规则的组成,以确定应从源跟踪中提取的相关知识以进行策略检索。我们提出了一种基线检索方法,该方法将挖掘的知识组合成候选规则,并通过将其作为候选分类特征输入决策树分类器中进行验证。我们通过实验展示了基线方法的可行性和局限性,从而为PBAC政策检索研究的未来工作提出了建议。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TrustCom.2014.101]

[1136] Trace retrieval for business process operational support (2016)

(Bottrighi, Alessio and Canensi, Luca and Leonardi, Giorgio and Montani, Stefania and Terenziani, Paolo | Expert Systems with Applications)

Abstract: Operational support assists users while process instances are being executed, by making predictions about the instance completion, or recommending suitable actions, resources or routing decisions, on the basis of the already completed instances, stored as execution traces in the event log. In this paper, we propose a case-based retrieval approach to business process management operational support, where log traces are exploited as cases. Once past traces have been retrieved, classical statistical techniques can be applied to them, to support prediction and recommendation. The framework enables the user to submit queries able to express complex patterns exhibited by the current process instance. Such queries can be composed by several simple patterns (i.e., single actions, or direct sequences of actions), separated by delays (i.e., actions we do not care about). Delays can also be imprecise (i.e., the number of actions can be given as a range). The tool also relies on a tree structure, adopted as an index for a quick retrieval from the available event log. Our approach is highly innovative with respect to the existing literature panorama, since it is the first work that exploits case-based retrieval techniques in the operational support context; moreover, the possibility of retrieving traces by querying complex patterns and the indexing strategy are major departures also with respect to other existing trace retrieval tools proposed in the case based reasoning area. Thanks to its characteristics and methodological solutions, the tool implements operational support tasks in a flexible and efficient way, as demonstrated by our experimental results.


摘要: 操作支持会在执行流程实例时,通过对实例完成情况进行预测,或者根据已完成的实例建议合适的操作,资源或路由决策,在事件日志中将其存储为执行记录来为用户提供帮助。在本文中,我们为业务流程管理操作支持提出了一种基于案例的检索方法,其中日志跟踪被用作案例。一旦检索到过去的痕迹,便可以将经典的统计技术应用于它们,以支持预测和推荐。该框架使用户能够提交能够表达当前流程实例展示的复杂模式的查询。这样的查询可以由几个简单的模式(即单个动作或动作的直接序列)组成,并由延迟(即我们不关心的动作)分隔。延迟也可能不精确(即,可以将操作数指定为范围)。该工具还依赖于树结构,该树结构被用作索引以从可用事件日志中快速检索。我们的方法相对于现有的文献资料具有很高的创新性,因为这是第一件在操作支持环境下利用基于案例的检索技术的工作。此外,相对于在基于案例的推理领域中提出的其他现有跟踪检索工具,通过查询复杂模式检索跟踪的可能性和索引策略也是主要的偏离。由于其特性和方法论解决方案,该工具以灵活有效的方式执行了运营支持任务,正如我们的实验结果所证明的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.12.002]

[1137] Tracking transaction footprints for non-intrusive end-to-end monitoring (2009)

(Sengupta, Bikram and Banerjee, Nilanjan and Bisdikian, Chatschik and Hurley, Paul | Cluster Computing)

Abstract: Existing transaction monitoring solutions are either platform-specific or rely on instrumentation techniques, which limit their applicability. Consequently, transaction monitoring in enterprise environments often involves the manual collation of information spread across a variety of infrastructure elements and applications, and is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. To address this problem, we have developed an online, non-intrusive and platform-agnostic solution for transaction monitoring. The solution includes a transaction model discovery component that leverages historical system log files, containing transaction footprints and generates a model of the transaction in terms of valid sequence of steps that a transaction instance may execute and the expected footprint patterns at each step. The online monitoring system, in turn, takes in only (a) online system log files and (b) the transaction model, as inputs and generates a dynamic execution profile of ongoing transaction instances that allows their status to be tracked at individual and aggregate levels, even when transaction footprints do not necessarily carry correlating identifiers as those injected through instrumentation. In this paper, we describe the transaction model discovery and monitoring system including the architecture and algorithms, followed by results from an empirical study, ongoing work on run-time model validation and directions for future research. textcopyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.


摘要: 现有的交易监控解决方案要么特定于平台,要么依赖于工具化技术,这限制了它们的适用性。因此,企业环境中的事务监视通常涉及手动整理分布在各种基础架构元素和应用程序中的信息,这是一项耗时且劳动密集的任务。为了解决此问题,我们开发了一种在线,非侵入性且与平台无关的解决方案,用于事务监视。该解决方案包括一个交易模型发现组件,该组件利用历史系统日志文件(包含交易足迹)并根据交易实例可以执行的有效步骤顺序以及每个步骤的预期足迹模式生成交易模型。反过来,在线监视系统仅接收(a)在线系统日志文件和(b)交易模型作为输入,并生成正在进行的交易实例的动态执行配置文件,从而可以在单个和汇总级别跟踪其状态,即使交易足迹不一定像通过工具注入的那样带有相关的标识符。在本文中,我们描述了事务模型发现和监视系统,包括体系结构和算法,然后是实证研究的结果,正在进行的运行时模型验证工作以及未来研究的方向。 t​​extcopyright Springer Science + Business Media,LLC2008。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10586-008-0066-7]

[1138] Translating process mining results into intelligible business information (2016)

(Ceravolo, Paolo and Azzini, Antonia and Damiani, Ernesto and Lazoi, Mariangela and Marra, Manuela and Corallo, Angelo | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Most business processes are today rooted into an informa-tion system recording operational events in log files. Process Mining algorithms exploit this information to discover and qualify differences between observed and modelled process. However, the output of these algorithms are not clearly con-nected with business properties. Our work faces these lim-itations by proposing an approach for calibrating Process Mining results based on the Business Rules adopted by an organisation. The general idea relates on applying Process Mining algorithms on subsequent refinements of the event log, flltering process executions based on Business Rules. This way we are able to associate these results with specific characterisations of the process, as entailed by the corre-sponding Business Rules. This approach is confronted to a real world scenario using data provided by an Italian man-ufacturing company.


摘要: 今天,大多数业务流程都植根于信息系统中,该系统将操作事件记录在日志文件中。流程挖掘算法利用此信息来发现和限定观察到的和建模过程之间的差异。但是,这些算法的输出未明确与业务属性连接。我们的工作面对这些局限,提出了一种根据组织采用的业务规则来校准过程挖掘结果的方法。总体思路涉及在事件日志的后续优化中应用流程挖掘算法,从而根据业务规则过滤流程执行。这样,我们就可以将这些结果与流程的特定特征相关联,如相应的业务规则所要求的。这种方法是使用意大利制造公司提供的数据面对现实情况的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2925995.2925997]

[1139] Turning event logs into process movies: animating what has really happened (2016)

(de Leoni, Massimiliano and Suriadi, Suriadi and ter Hofstede, Arthur H.M. and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Todays information systems log vast amounts of data. These collections of data (implicitly) describe events (e.g. placing an order or taking a blood test) and, hence, provide information on the actual execution of business processes. The analysis of such data provides an excellent starting point for business process improvement. This is the realm of process mining, an area which has provided a repertoire of many analysis techniques. Despite the impressive capabilities of existing process mining algorithms, dealing with the abundance of data recorded by contemporary systems and devices remains a challenge. Of particular importance is the capability to guide the meaningful interpretation of oceans of data by process analysts. To this end, insights from the field of visual analytics can be leveraged. This article proposes an approach where process states are reconstructed from event logs and visualised in succession, leading to an animated history of a process. This approach is customisable in how a process state, partially defined through a collection of activity instances, is visualised: one can select a map and specify a projection of events on this map based on the properties of the events. This paper describes a comprehensive implementation of the proposal. It was realised using the open-source process mining framework ProM. Moreover, this paper also reports on an evaluation of the approach conducted with Suncorp, one of Australias largest insurance companies.


摘要: 今天的信息系统记录了大量数据。这些数据收集(隐式地)描述了事件(例如下订单或进行血液检查),因此提供了有关业务流程实际执行的信息。对此类数据的分析为改进业务流程提供了一个很好的起点,这就是流程挖掘的领域,该领域提供了许多分析技术,尽管现有流程挖掘算法具有令人印象深刻的功能,但可以处理当代系统记录的大量数据和设备仍然是一个挑战,特别重要的是能够指导流程分析人员对数据海洋进行有意义的解释,为此,可以利用可视化分析领域的见解。从事件日志中进行重构并相继进行可视化,从而生成动画过程历史记录。在可视化如何通过活动实例的集合部分定义的过程状态上出现错误:人们可以选择一个图,并根据事件的属性在该图上指定事件的投影。本文介绍了该提案的全面实施。它是使用开源过程挖掘框架ProM实现的。此外,本文还报告了对与澳大利亚最大的保险公司之一的Suncorp进行的评估。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-014-0432-2]

[1140] ULMon - Grid monitoring from user point of view (2009)

(Misev, Anastas and Atanassov, Emanouil | Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, ITI)

Abstract: Leveraging a complex infrastructure such as the computing Grids requires an appropriate level of monitoring. Since it is a technology in development, the current computing Grid middleware offer very little monitoring capabilities from the users point of view. Making the Grid closer to the users requires that the users have deeper insight of what is happening with the computational jobs they submit. In this paper we present a novel tool for monitoring the gLite based Grid infrastructure from the users perspective.


摘要: 利用诸如计算网格之类的复杂基础架构需要适当级别的监视。由于它是一项正在开发的技术,因此从用户的角度来看,当前的计算网格中间件提供的监视功能非常有限。用户要求用户对他们提交的计算作业有更深入的了解。在本文中,我们提供了一种从用户角度监视基于gLite的Grid基础架构的新颖工具。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ITI.2009.5196158]


[1141] Uncertain context data management in dynamic mobile environments (2017)

(Bobek, Szymon and Nalepa, Grzegorz J. | Future Generation Computer Systems)

Abstract: Building systems that acquire, process and reason with context data is a major challenge. Model updates and modifications are required for the mobile context-aware systems. Additionally, the nature of the sensor-based systems implies that the data required for the reasoning is not always available nor it is certain. Finally, the amount of context data can be significant and can grow fast, constantly being processed and interpreted under soft real-time constraints. Such characteristics make it a case for a challenging big data application. In this paper we argue, that mobile context-aware systems require specific methods to process big data related to context, at the same time being able to handle uncertainty and dynamics of this data. We identify and define main requirements and challenges for developing such systems. Then we discuss how these challenges were effectively addressed in the KNOWME project. In our solution, the acquisition of context data is made with the use of the AWARE platform. We extended it with techniques that can minimise the power consumption as well as conserve storage on a mobile device. The data can then be used to build rule models that can express user preferences and habits. We handle the missing or ambiguous data with number of uncertainty management techniques. Reasoning with rule models is provided by a rule engine developed for mobile platforms. Finally, we demonstrate how our tools can be used to visualise the stored data and simulate the operation of the system in a testing environment.


摘要: 使用上下文数据获取,处理和推理的建筑系统是一个重大挑战。移动上下文感知系统需要模型更新和修改。另外,基于传感器的系统的性质意味着推理所需的数据并不总是可用,也不是确定的。最后,上下文数据的数量可能很大,并且可以快速增长,并在软实时约束下不断进行处理和解释。这些特性使其成为具有挑战性的大数据应用程序的一个案例。在本文中,我们认为,移动上下文感知系统需要特定的方法来处理与上下文相关的大数据,同时能够处理这些数据的不确定性和动态性。我们确定并定义开发此类系统的主要要求和挑战。然后,我们讨论如何在KNOWME项目中有效解决这些挑战。在我们的解决方案中,上下文数据的获取是通过使用AWARE平台进行的。我们使用可以最大程度降低功耗并节省移动设备存储空间的技术对其进行了扩展。然后可以使用数据来构建可以表达用户偏好和习惯的规则模型。我们使用许多不确定性管理技术来处理丢失或模棱两可的数据。规则模型的推理由为移动平台开发的规则引擎提供。最后,我们演示了如何在测试环境中使用我们的工具来可视化存储的数据并模拟系统的操作。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.future.2016.06.007]

[1142] Understanding Student Interactions in Capstone Courses to Improve Learning Experiences CSS Concepts • Social and professional topics → Project and people management • Software and its engineering → Software creation and management General Terms (2017)

(Neyem, Andres and Diaz-Mosquera, Juan and Munoz-Gama, Jorge and Navon, Jaime | )

Abstract: Project-based courses can provide valuable learning experiences for computing majors as well as for faculty and community partners. However, proper coordination between students, stakeholders and the academic team is very difficult to achieve. We present an integral study consisting of a twofold approach. First, we propose a proven capstone course framework implementation in conjunction with an educational software tool to support and ensure proper fulfillment of most academic and engineering needs. Second, we propose an approach for mining process data from the information generated by this tool as a way of understanding these courses and improving software engineering education. Moreover, we propose visualizations, metrics and algorithms using Process Mining to provide an insight into practices and procedures followed during various phases of a software development life cycle. We mine the event logs produced by the educational software tool and derive aspects such as cooperative behaviors in a team, component and student entropy, process compliance and verification. The proposed visualizations and metrics (learning analytics) provide a multi-faceted view to the academic team serving as a tool for feedback on development process and quality by students.


摘要: 基于项目的课程可以为计算机专业以及教职员工和社区合作伙伴提供宝贵的学习经验。但是,学生,利益相关者和学术团队之间的适当协调很难实现。我们提出了一个包含双重方法的整体研究。首先,我们提出了一个行之有效的顶峰课程框架实施方案,并结合教育软件工具来支持并确保适当满足大多数学术和工程需求。其次,我们提出一种从该工具生成的信息中挖掘过程数据的方法,作为理解这些课程和改善软件工程教育的一种方式。此外,我们提出了使用Process Mining的可视化,度量和算法,以深入了解在软件开发生命周期的各个阶段中遵循的实践和程序。我们挖掘由教育软件工具产生的事件日志,并得出诸如团队中的协作行为,组件和学生熵,过程合规性和验证之类的方面。拟议的可视化和指标(学习分析)为学术团队提供了一个多方面的观点,可作为一种工具来反馈学生对发展过程和质量的反馈。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3017680.3017716]

[1143] Understanding service quality and customer churn by process discovery for a multi-national banking contact center (2013)

(Peters, Edward M.L. and Dedene, Guido and Poelmans, Jonas | Proceedings - IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW 2013)

Abstract: Churning of the customer base is always a top issue in Banking. It is directly related to recurrent revenue, and the ever increasing acquisition costs for new customers. In a first approach, this issue is related to both the quality of service (which is mainly in the front-office, say the contact center) and the speed of service, which is mainly in the back-office. Many studies published to date on this required manual data collection. This creates in general two concerns: worker behavior may change under observation, and manual data collection is expensive and often error prone. In this paper it is shown by means of a case study for a Multi-National Bank (with 5000 employees in the back office) how automated Business Process Discovery, which is an advanced type of process mining, makes it possible to handle the above concerns. The automated data collection and the analysis, in terms of Hidden Markov Models, are key elements. Several results regarding the quality and speed of service have been obtained. Most interesting was the discovery of deeper root causes for customer attrition. Once the deficiencies in the processes are identified, appropriate process improvements can be designed and simulated based on the models emerging from process discovery. In this case study, significant quality and speed improvements as well as customer churn reductions have been obtained. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 客户群的搅动一直是银行业的头等大事。它直接关系到经常性收入,以及新客户不断增加的购置成本。在第一种方法中,此问题与服务质量(主要在前台,例如呼叫中心)和服务速度(主要在后台)有关。迄今为止,有关此问题的许多研究都需要手动收集数据。这通常会引起两个问题:在观察下工人的行为可能会发生变化,并且手动数据收集非常昂贵并且经常容易出错。本文通过一家跨国银行(后台有5000名员工)的案例研究显示了自动化的业务流程发现(一种先进的流程挖掘类型)如何使其能够解决上述问题。根据隐马尔可夫模型,自动数据收集和分析是关键要素。已获得有关服务质量和速度的若干结果。最有趣的是发现了客户流失的更深层次的根源。一旦确定了过程中的缺陷,就可以基于过程发现中出现的模型来设计和模拟适当的过程改进。在此案例研究中,获得了显着的质量和速度改进,并减少了客户流失。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICDMW.2013.65]

[1144] Understanding variations in pediatric asthma care processes in the emergency department using visual analytics (2015)

(Basole, Rahul C. and Braunstein, Mark L. and Kumar, Vikas and Park, Hyunwoo and Kahng, Minsuk and Chau, Duen Horng and Tamersoy, Acar and Hirsh, Daniel A. and Serban, Nicoleta and Bost, James and Lesnick, Burton and Schissel, Beth L. and Thompson, Michael | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association)

Abstract: Health care delivery processes consist of complex activity sequences spanning organizational, spatial, and temporal boundaries. Care is human-directed so these processes can have wide variations in cost, quality, and outcome making systemic care process analysis, conformance testing, and improvement challenging. We designed and developed an interactive visual analytic process exploration and discovery tool and used it to explore clinical data from 5784 pediatric asthma emergency department patients.


摘要: 医疗保健提供过程由跨越组织,空间和时间边界的复杂活动序列组成。护理是人为导向的,因此这些过程在成本,质量和结果方面可能有很大的差异,从而使系统性的护理过程分析,一致性测试和改进面临挑战。我们设计并开发了一种交互式视觉分析过程探索和发现工具,并用它来探索5784名小儿哮喘急诊科患者的临床数据。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1093/jamia/ocu016]

[1145] Unifying compliance management in adaptive environments through variability descriptors (2013)

(Koetter, Falko and Kochanowski, Monika and Renner, Thomas and Fehling, Christoph and Leymann, Frank | Proceedings - IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA 2013)

Abstract: When managing IT environments and designing business processes, compliance regulations add challenges. Especially considering adaptive environments in the context of a service-oriented architecture in combination with exploiting the advantages of cloud technologies, maintaining compliance is cumbersome. Measures have to be taken on many application levels - including business processes, IT architecture, and business management. Although a lot of work has been done on various approaches covering compliance on one or more of these levels, in large companies more than one approach is likely to be employed. However, a unified approach for supporting the compliance tasks - like introduction, maintenance, and especially adaptation - on different levels of business and IT is missing. This work introduces this unifying approach, which links compliance requirements to implementing technology using variable compliance descriptors in order to comprehensively support compliance tasks. The advantage of this approach is that the impact of compliance on these different levels is tracked, thus enabling change propagation from changes in compliance requirements to infrastructure and business process reconfiguration. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 在管理IT环境和设计业务流程时,合规性法规增加了挑战。特别是在面向服务的体系结构中考虑自适应环境并结合利用云技术的优势,维护合规性很麻烦。必须在许多应用程序级别上采取措施-包括业务流程,IT体系结构和业务管理。尽管在覆盖这些级别中的一个或多个级别的合规性方面已经进行了很多工作,但是在大公司中,可能会采用不止一种方法。但是,缺少用于支持不同业务和IT级别上的合规性任务(如引入,维护,尤其是适应性)的统一方法。这项工作介绍了这种统一方法,该方法将合规性要求与使用可变合规性描述符的实施技术链接在一起,以全面支持合规性任务。这种方法的优点是可以跟踪合规性对这些不同级别的影响,从而可以将更改从合规性要求更改传播到基础结构和业务流程重新配置。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SOCA.2013.23]

[1146] Unraveling Process Evolution by Handling Concept Drifts in Process Mining (2017)

(Li, Tianyang and He, Ting and Wang, Zhongjie and Zhang, Yufeng and Chu, Dianhui | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017)

Abstract: Business processes change over time in response to changing circumstances, it is crucial for process managers to discover and understand such changes from event logs. While existing techniques in process mining cannot efficiently detect and locate concept drifts in uncompleted event logs. Hence, an appropriate method, which could prompt to unravel the process evolution, may greatly assist organizations to manage the flexibility and change of business processes in the context of business process management (BMP). In this paper, we first proposed an extensible feature and employed it with the sliding window technique and heuristic miner for detecting and locating concept drifts in uncompleted event logs. Then, Genetic Process Mining (GPM) was improved by the Weight Heuristic Miner (WHM) and Differential Evolution (DE) for mining the new process model of an evolving process. Finally, experimental results on four event logs which are created based on a real-world business process have validated the proposed method.


摘要: 业务流程会随着时间的变化而变化,以响应不断变化的环境,对于流程管理者来说,从事件日志中发现并了解这种变化至关重要。尽管过程挖掘中的现有技术无法有效地检测和定位未完成事件日志中的概念漂移。因此,一种适当的方法可能会提示您弄清流程的发展,可以极大地帮助组织在业务流程管理(BMP)的背景下管理业务流程的灵活性和变更。在本文中,我们首先提出了一种可扩展的功能,并将其与滑动窗口技术和启发式挖掘器一起用于检测和定位未完成事件日志中的概念漂移。然后,通过权重启发式矿机(WHM)和差异进化(DE)改进了遗传过程挖掘(GPM),以挖掘进化过程的新过程模型。最后,基于真实业务流程创建的四个事件日志的实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SCC.2017.63]

[1147] Unraveling and learning workflow models from interleaved event logs (2014)

(Liu, Xumin | Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2014)

Abstract: Business process mining is to extract process knowledge from a systems log in order to reconstruct workflow models. Existing approaches treat a log record as an instance of one workflow model. They do not deal with interleaved logs, where each log record is a mixture of multiple workflow traces. However, such an interleaved log is typical for many systems especially web-based ones where all the user-system interaction traces are recorded and maintained by a web server. Dealing with interleaved logs is challenging due to the lack of prior knowledge of workflow models and noises contained in the log data. In this paper, we propose a two-phase workflow learning process. During the first phase, we use a probabilistic approach to learn the links between operations and the hidden workflow models. We consider a workflow model as a probabilistic distributions over operations and derive it through likelihood maximization. This allows us to identify the membership of an operation to a workflow model, which can be used to unravel a log record and generate a set of workflow instances from it. During the second phase, the sequential patterns between operations within each workflow model are derived from all its instances. We have conducted a comprehensive experimental study, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed solution.


摘要: 业务流程挖掘是从系统日志中提取流程知识,以重建工作流模型。现有方法将日志记录视为一个工作流模型的实例。它们不处理交错日志,其中每个日志记录都是混合的但是,这种交错日志在许多系统中尤为常见,尤其是基于Web的系统,在该系统中,所有用户系统交互跟踪都由Web服务器记录和维护。对工作流模型和日志数据中包含的噪声的了解,本文提出了一个两阶段的工作流学习过程,在第一阶段,我们使用一种概率方法来学习操作和隐藏的工作流模型之间的联系。工作流模型作为操作上的概率分布,并通过似然最大化来推导它,这使我们能够确定操作对工作流的成员身份w模型,可用于解散日志记录并从中生成一组工作流实例。在第二阶段中,每个工作流模型中操作之间的顺序模式都从其所有实例派生。我们进行了全面的实验研究,表明了所提出解决方案的有效性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2014.38]

[1148] Unsupervised discovery of intentional process models from event logs (2014)

(Khodabandelou, Ghazaleh and Hug, Charlotte and Deneck`ere, Rebecca and Salinesi, Camille | 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2014 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Research on guidance and method engineering has highlighted that many method engineering issues, such as lack of flexibility or adaptation, are solved more effectively when intentions are explicitly specified. However, software engineering process models are most often described in terms of sequences of activities. This paper presents a novel approach, so-called Map Miner Method (MMM), designed to automate the construction of intentional process models from process logs. To do so, MMM uses Hidden Markov Models to model users activities logs in terms of users strategies. MMM also infers users intentions and constructs fine-grained and coarsegrained intentional process models with respect to the Map metamodel syntax (i.e., metamodel that specifies intentions and strategies of process actors). These models are obtained by optimizing a new precision-fitness metric. The result is a software engineering method process specification aligned with state of the art of method engineering approaches. As a case study, the MMM is used to mine the intentional process associated to the Eclipse platform usage. Observations show that the obtained intentional process model offers a new understanding of software processes, and could readily be used for recommender systems.


摘要: 关于指导和方法工程的研究强调,当明确指定意图时,可以更有效地解决许多方法工程问题,例如缺乏灵活性或适应性。但是,软件工程过程模型通常是按照活动顺序来描述的。本文提出了一种新颖的方法,即所谓的Map Miner方法(MMM),该方法旨在从流程日志中自动构建有意流程模型,为此,MMM使用了隐马尔可夫模型对用户的活动日志进行建模。 MMM还可以推断用户的意图,并根据Map元模型语法(即指定过程参与者意图和策略的元模型)构建细粒度和粗粒度的有意过程模型,这些模型是通过优化新精度而获得的,适应性度量,结果是与方法工程应用程序的最新水平保持一致的软件工程方法流程规范蟑螂。作为案例研究,MMM用于挖掘与Eclipse平台使用相关的有意过程。观察表明,所获得的有意过程模型提供了对软件过程的新理解,并且可以很容易地用于推荐系统。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2597073.2597101]

[1149] User segmentation based on finding communities with similar behavior on the web site (2010)

(Slaninova | Proceedings - 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, WI-IAT 2010)

Abstract: Web log analysis can be helpful in gaining information about the usability of the web site, web performance, for marketing purposes, or for development of business intelligence tools in e-commerce systems. User segmentation is one of the problems solved in marketing and e-commerce sphere. Various software was developed to support web analysis. However, most of them provide only information through the tools based on statistics. User behavior and interaction with the web site is usually presented by measurement of click through rates, or by identification and sometimes visualization of popular paths only. User segmentation for further analysis (e.g. campaign analysis in marketing, web recommendation, web usage optimization) is usually allowed with the manual selection (often with variable setting). In this paper is presented the automatic user segmentation (clustering) based on the similar users behavior on the web site. The users behavior and behavioral patterns are extracted using process mining techniques; further user segmentation is provided by finding communities with similar behavior through two-step hierarchical clustering. textcopyright 2010 IEEE.


摘要: Web日志分析可有助于获取有关网站的可用性,Web性能,用于营销目的或用于电子商务系统中商业智能工具开发的信息。用户细分是营销和解决方案中解决的问题之一。电子商务领域:开发了各种软件来支持网站分析,但是,大多数软件仅通过基于统计的工具提供信息,用户行为和与网站的互动通常通过点击率的测量或​​识别来表示通常可以通过手动选择(通常使用变量设置)来进行用户细分以进行进一步的分析(例如,市场营销中的营销活动分析,网站推荐,网站使用优化),本文提出了自动用户细分(聚类)基于网站上相似用户的行为,使用以下方法提取用户的行为和行为模式工艺采矿技术;通过两步分层聚类查找具有相似行为的社区,从而提供进一步的用户细分。 t​​extcopyright 2010 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WI-IAT.2010.288]

[1150] Using Process Mining to Model Multi-UAV Missions through the Experience (2017)

(Jesus Roldan | IEEE Intelligent Systems)

Abstract: The interest in civilian missions with multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has increased significantly in recent years, but these missions pose multiple challenges related to operator workload and situational awareness. Human-machine interfaces must consider these challenges and control the amount of information flowing to operators. The authors propose a procedure for automatically modeling multi-UAV missions that uses process mining to discover Petri nets through event logs. Specifically, it applies several discovery algorithms, generates and evaluates models, and determines the best among the four.


摘要: 近年来,人们对配备多架无人机的民用飞行任务的兴趣大大增加,但是这些飞行任务带来了与操作员工作量和态势感知有关的多重挑战。人机界面必须考虑这些挑战并控制流向操作员的信息量。作者提出了一种自动建模多UAV任务的过程,该过程使用过程挖掘通过事件日志发现Petri网络。具体来说,它应用了几种发现算法,生成并评估了模型,并确定了四种算法中的最佳算法。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/MIS.2017.3121547]

[1151] Using Sysml to describe a new methodology for semiautomatic software generation from inferred behavioral and data models (2009)

(Gonzalez Alonso | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Systems, ICONS 2009)

Abstract: This article describes a new methodology designed for semiautomatic generation of software applications using the new standard of OMG consortium: SYSML. The methodology has behavior and data model inference steps. Both data and behavior are inferred, the first by XSD-Schema inference and the latter by Business Process Mining inferences. The paper describes how by using SYSML a better description of the methodology is given, a description that allows making a better design than using UML standard tools. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 本文描述了一种新方法,该方法专为使用OMG联盟的新标准SYSML半自动生成软件应用程序而设计。该方法具有行为和数据模型推断步骤。数据和行为都可以通过XSD-Schema推断来推断,而后者是通过Business Process Mining推断来推断的。本文描述了如何通过使用SYSML更好地描述该方法,该描述比使用UML标准工具可以进行更好的设计。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICONS.2009.50]

[1152] Using a flow graph to represent data flow and dependency in event logs (2016)

(Aldahami, Abdulelah and Li, Yuefeng and Chan, Taizan | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, WI-IAT 2015)

Abstract: The idea of extracting knowledge in process mining is a descendant of data mining. Both mining disciplines emphasise data flow and relations among elements in the data. Unfortunately, challenges have been encountered when working with the data flow and relations. One of the challenges is that the representation of the data flow between a pair of elements or tasks is insufficiently simplified and formulated, as it considers only a one-to-one data flow relation. In this paper, we discuss how the effectiveness of knowledge representation can be extended in both disciplines. To this end, we introduce a new representation of the data flow and dependency formulation using a flow graph. The flow graph solves the issue of the insufficiency of presenting other relation types, such as many-to-one and one-to-many relations. As an experiment, a new evaluation framework is applied to the Teleclaim process in order to show how this method can provide us with more precise results when compared with other representations.


摘要: 在过程挖掘中提取知识的想法是数据挖掘的后代。两种采矿学科都强调数据流和数据元素之间的关系。不幸的是,在处理数据流和关系时遇到了挑战。挑战之一是,一对元素或任务之间的数据流表示没有得到足够的简化和表述,因为它仅考虑一对一的数据流关系。在本文中,我们讨论了如何在两个学科中扩展知识表示的有效性。为此,我们使用流程图介绍了数据流和依赖关系公式的新表示形式。该流程图解决了呈现其他关系类型(例如多对一和一对多关系)不足的问题。作为实验,将新的评估框架应用于Teleclaim流程,以展示与其他表示形式相比,该方法如何为我们提供更精确的结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/WI-IAT.2015.213]

[1153] Using a learning analytics tool for evaluation in self-regulated learning (2015)

(Groba, Ana Rodriguez and Barreiros, Borja Vazquez and Lama, Manuel and Gewerc, Adriana and Mucientes, Manuel | Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE)

Abstract: In self-regulated learning, evaluation is a complex task of the teaching process, but even more if students have social media that allow them to build their personal learning environment in different ways. In these kind of virtual environments a large amount of data that needs to be assessed by teachers is generated, and therefore they require tools that facilitate the assessment task. In this paper, we present an experiment with a process mining-based learning analytics tool, called SoftLearn, that helps teachers to assess the students activity in self-regulated learning. The subject of this experiment is taught in blended learning mode with weekly classroom sessions, and the students use a social network software, called ELGG, as an e-portfolio in which they reflect their individual knowledge process construction. The results show that the use of this tool reduces significantly the assessment time and helps teachers to understand the learning process of the students.


摘要: 在自律式学习中,评估是教学过程中的一项复杂任务,但如果学生拥有可以以不同方式构建自己的个人学习环境的社交媒体,那就更是如此。在这种虚拟环境中,大量数据生成了需要教师评估的内容,因此它们需要有助于评估任务的工具。在本文中,我们提出了一个实验,该过程基于过程挖掘的学习分析工具,称为SoftLearn,可帮助教师评估学生的活动在自律式学习中,该实验的主题是通过每周一次的课堂学习与混合学习模式进行教授的,学生们使用名为ELGG的社交网络软件作为电子档案,在其中可以反映他们各自的知识过程构造。结果表明,该工具的使用大大减少了评估时间,并有助于教师了解学生的学习过程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/FIE.2014.7044400]

[1154] Using context overlays to analyse the role of a priori information with Process Mining (2015)

(Pileggi, Paolo and Rivero-Rodriquez, Alejandro and Nykanen, Ossi | 9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2015 - Proceedings)

Abstract: Notwithstanding the significant advances in context-aware computing in pervasive computing and self-adaptive systems, there is still much more to be desired in providing better context services. The number of sensors deployed world-wide increases very rapidly. The Internet of Things, amongst others, generates vast amounts of data of many different data types. How data are used is essential to improve user experience and efficiencies of the systems in which they occur. We explain how familiar concepts of Process Mining strengthen generalised sensor context services. We present a laboratory case to explain the approach. By way of a real-world example, we confirm the viability of using Process Mining to strengthen context-aware computing.

使用上下文叠加来通过Process Mining分析先验信息的作用

摘要: 尽管在普适计算和自适应系统中上下文感知计算方面取得了显着进步,但在提供更好的上下文服务方面仍存在更多需求。全球部署的传感器数量迅速增加。物联网等可以生成许多不同数据类型的大量数据。如何使用数据对于改善用户体验和数据所在系统的效率至关重要。我们将解释过程挖掘的熟悉概念如何增强广义传感器上下文服务。我们提供一个实验室案例来说明该方法。通过一个实际示例,我们确认了使用Process Mining增强上下文感知计算的可行性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/SYSCON.2015.7116823]

[1155] Using contextualized activity-level duration to discover irregular process instances in business operations (2017)

(Hsu, Ping Yu and Chuang, Yu Cheng and Lo, Yao Chung and He, Shuang Chuan | Information Sciences)

Abstract: Effective time management is one of the most crucial characteristics of a successful business. For most businesses, time management is an area that has much scope for further improvement. Irregularities in the execution duration of business processes impede corporate agility and can incur severe consequences, such as project failures and financial losses. Efficient managers must constantly identify potential irregularities in process durations to anticipate and avoid process glitches. This paper proposed a k-nearest neighbor method for systematically detecting irregular process instances in a business using a comprehensive set of activity-level durations, namely execution, transmission, queue, and procrastination durations. Moreover, because agents, customers, and other variables influence the progress of processes, contextual information was presented using fuzzy values. The values and corresponding membership functions were used to adjust the durations of each activity. This proposed method was applied to the system logs of a medium-sized logistics company to identify irregularities. Experts confirmed that 81% of the identified irregular instances were abnormal.


摘要: 有效的时间管理是成功业务的最关键特征之一。对于大多数企业而言,时间管理是一个需要进一步改进的领域。业务流程执行时间的不规律会阻碍公司的敏捷性,并可能导致严重的后果,例如项目失败和财务损失。高效的管理人员必须不断找出过程持续时间中可能存在的违规行为,以预期并避免过程故障。本文提出了一种k近邻方法,该方法使用一组全面的活动级别持续时间(即执行,传输,排队和拖延时间)来系统地检测业务中的不规则流程实例。此外,由于代理,客户和其他变量会影响流程的进度,因此使用模糊值来表示上下文信息。值和相应的隶属函数用于调整每个活动的持续时间。将该方法应用于中型物流公司的系统日志中,以发现违规情况。专家确认,发现的不规则个体中有81%是异常的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.ins.2016.10.027]


[1156] Using declarative specification to improve the understanding, extensibility, and comparison of model-inference algorithms (2015)

(Beschastnikh, Ivan and Brun, Yuriy and Abrahamson, Jenny and Ernst, Michael D. and Krishnamurthy, Arvind | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering)

Abstract: It is a staple development practice to log system behavior. Numerous powerful model-inference algorithms have been proposed to aid developers in log analysis and system understanding. Unfortunately, existing algorithms are typically declared procedurally, making them difficult to understand, extend, and compare. This paper presents InvariMint, an approach to specify model-inference algorithms declaratively. We applied the InvariMint declarative approach to two model-inference algorithms. The evaluation results illustrate that InvariMint (1) leads to new fundamental insights and better understanding of existing algorithms, (2) simplifies creation of new algorithms, including hybrids that combine or extend existing algorithms, and (3) makes it easy to compare and contrast previously published algorithms. InvariMints declarative approach can outperform procedural implementations. For example, on a log of 50,000 events, InvariMints declarative implementation of the kTails algorithm completes in 12 seconds, while a procedural implementation completes in 18 minutes. We also found that InvariMints declarative version of the Synoptic algorithm can be over 170 times faster than the procedural implementation.


摘要: 这是记录系统行为的主要开发实践。已经提出了许多功能强大的模型推断算法,以帮助开发人员进行日志分析和系统理解。不幸的是,现有的算法通常是按程序声明的,因此难以理解,扩展和使用。本文介绍了一种InvariMint声明式指定模型推理算法的方法,并将InvariMint声明性方法应用于两种模型推理算法,评估结果表明InvariMint(1)带来了新的基础见解和对现有算法的更好理解。 ,(2)简化了新算法的创建,包括合并或扩展现有算法的混合算法,以及(3)使得比较和对比以前发布的算法变得容易。InvariMint的声明性方法可以胜过程序实现,例如,日志数为50,000事件,InvariMint的kTails算法com的声明式实现程序在12秒内完成,而程序实现在18分钟内完成。我们还发现,InvariMint的Synoptic算法的声明性版本比过程实现快170倍以上。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSE.2014.2369047]

[1157] Using event logs and the PsiPsi-theory to analyse business processes (2015)

(Pinto, Pedro Linares and Mendes, Carlos and Caetano, Artur and Da Silva | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: The development of information technologies (IT) has increased the number of IT dependent business processes within organisations, enforcing the crucial role of IT in todays enterprise implementations. In spite of IT advances, human beings still constitute the most valuable asset of any enterprise and the cooperation between them is indispensable for the operation of business processes. Traditional business process modelling techniques have limitations regarding the acquisition process which is time-consuming and do not take fully advantage of IT to represent updated process models. Besides, these techniques are limited concerning the analysis and improvement of the resulting models. This paper proposes a method to analyse updated business processes in terms of the collaboration between the participant actor roles, taking into account the importance of IT and human beings at those processes. The method receives as input event logs extracted from the application and technological infrastructure that supports the business processes and combines techniques from both Process Mining and the PsiPsi-theory to analyse enterprise ontology models against the mined processes, detecting opportunities for business process reengineering. The method was applied to analyse a VPN access approval process within a national defence governmental institution. The evaluation was performed using the Osterle principles.

使用事件日志和$ Psi $-理论来分析业务流程

摘要: 信息技术(IT)的发展增加了组织中依赖于IT的业务流程的数量,从而加强了IT在当今企业实施中的关键作用。尽管IT取得了进步,但人类仍然是任何企业中最有价值的资产传统的业务流程建模技术在获取流程方面存在局限性,这既耗时又无法充分利用IT来代表更新的流程模型,而且这些技术也很局限。考虑到结果模型的分析和改进,本文提出了一种方法,该方法根据参与者角色之间的协作来分析更新的业务流程,同时考虑了IT和人员在这些流程中的重要性。从应用程序和技术信息中提取的事件日志支持业务流程并结合流程挖掘和$ Psi $理论中的技术的基础结构,可根据挖掘的流程来分析企业本体模型,从而发现业务流程再造的机会。该方法被用于分析国防政府机构内的VPN访问批准过程。评估是根据Osterle原则进行的。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2695664.2699487]

[1158] Using inductive miner to find the most optimized path of workflow process (2018)

(Pulsanong, Woraphan and Porouhan, Parham and Tumswadi, Sompong and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Nowadays dealing with the concept of customers loyalty and customers satisfaction has allocated significant importance to itself. All businesses try to make their customers as satisfied as possible in order to create and increase the extent of their brand awareness and brand image/value. Accordingly, they consistently keep integrating their businesses with technology to help them improve their business through data mining or performance checking techniques and approaches. In this study, the main focus of the target organization is to create a web-based application with the intention of managing job-related tasks and linked data to another web-based application in order to reply customer inquiries about the progress status of the offered service in real-time. Even if a sample Company A has supported applications, the company still faces problems and challenges from those departments in which they are dealing with job-related tasks especially customer service department. The customer service department cannot always follow and track the exact job-related status of the tasks on a web-based application in a real-time manner. Typically, there would be too much waste of time for an employee to find a job status manually (i.e., such as making a call and searching for those employees whose responsibility on that job is accomplished one by one) when receiving a call from customers. To find out what happens within the workflow processes, the researchers in this study have intended to use process mining techniques so as to analyze an event log previously collected from a web-based application which supposed to manage and control job-oriented tasks. After contemplating on various methods and algorithms supported by process mining approaches, the authors of the study decided to choose Inductive Mining technique (i.e., Petri net-based graphs and models) to find out the workflow of the ongoing tasks as well as investigating the performance of each flow in detail.


摘要: 如今,处理客户忠诚度和客户满意度的概念已变得十分重要。所有企业都试图使他们的客户尽可能满意,以建立并提高其品牌知名度和品牌形象/价值。 ,他们始终如一地保持业务与技术的集成,以通过数据挖掘或性能检查技术和方法帮助他们改善业务。在此研究中,目标组织的主要重点是创建一个基于Web的应用程序以管理工作相关的任务和链接的数据到另一个基于Web的应用程序,以便实时答复客户有关所提供服务进度状态的询问,即使样本公司A支持了该应用程序,该公司仍然面临着来自这些应用程序的问题和挑战他们处理与工作有关的任务的部门,特别是客户服务部门。服务部门无法始终实时跟踪和跟踪基于Web的应用程序上与任务相关的确切工作状态。通常,当员工接到客户的电话时,员工手动寻找工作状态会浪费太多时间(例如,拨打电话并搜索那些对工作负有责任的员工)。为了找出工作流过程中发生的情况,本研究的研究人员打算使用过程挖掘技术来分析以前从基于Web的应用程序中收集的事件日志,该应用程序应该管理和控制面向工作的任务。在考虑了过程挖掘方法支持的各种方法和算法之后,研究的作者决定选择归纳挖掘技术(即,基于Petri网的图形和模型)来查找正在进行的任务的工作流程并研究性能每个流程的详细信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2017.8259633]

[1159] Using inductive reasoning to find the cause of process delays (2013)

(Vasilyev, Evgeniy and Ferreira, Diogo R. and Iijima, Junichi | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, IEEE CBI 2013)

Abstract: Delays in business processes can have negative consequences for organizations, such as extra costs, missed deadlines, poor service, etc. Although they are easy to detect, it may be hard to find the actual reason for such delays. In this work we develop an approach to find the cause of delays based on the information recorded in an event log. The approach is based on a logic representation of the event log and on the application of decision tree induction to separate process instances according to their duration. In this decision tree, the delayed instances immediately stand out, and by following the path in the tree it is possible to extract a rule that characterizes those instances and therefore provides a possible explanation for the delay. We illustrate the approach in a set of experiments with event logs that are generated by simulation of a purchase process. In each experiment, there is a different cause of delay, and the approach succeeds in finding that cause. Additional experiments show that the approach is scalable and tolerant to noise. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 业务流程中的延迟可能给组织带来负面影响,例如额外的成本,错过的最后期限,服务质量差等。尽管很容易发现,但可能很难找到造成此类延迟的真正原因。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种基于事件日志中记录的信息来查找延迟原因的方法。该方法基于事件日志的逻辑表示以及基于决策树归纳的应用程序,以根据其持续时间来分离流程实例。在此决策树中,延迟的实例立即脱颖而出,并且通过遵循树中的路径,有可能提取出表征这些实例的规则,从而为延迟提供了可能的解释。我们在一组实验中通过使用购买过程的模拟生成的事件日志来说明该方法。在每个实验中,都有不同的延迟原因,该方法成功地找到了原因。额外的实验表明,该方法是可扩展的,并且可以容忍噪声。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2013.41]

[1160] Using logical decision trees to discover the cause of process delays from event logs (2015)

(Ferreira, Diogo R. and Vasilyev, Evgeniy | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: In real-world business processes it is often difficult to explain why some process instances take longer than usual to complete. With process mining techniques, it is possible to do an a posteriori analysis of a large number of process instances and detect the occurrence of delays, but discovering the actual cause of such delays is a different problem. For example, it may be the case that when a certain activity is performed or a certain user (or combination of users) participates in the process, the process suffers a delay. In this work, we show that it is possible to retrieve possible causes of delay based on the information recorded in an event log. The approach consists in translating the event log into a logical representation, and then applying decision tree induction to classify process instances according to duration. Besides splitting those instances into several subsets, each path in the tree yields a rule that explains why a given subset has an average duration that is higher or lower than other subsets of instances. The approach is applied in two case studies involving real-world event logs, where it succeeds in discovering meaningful causes of delay, some of which having been pointed out by domain experts.


摘要: 在现实世界中的业务流程中,通常很难解释为什么某些流程实例需要比平常更长的时间才能完成。使用过程挖掘技术,可以对大量过程实例进行后验分析并检测延迟的发生,但是发现此类延迟的实际原因是一个不同的问题。例如,可能发生以下情况:当执行某个活动或某个用户​​(或用户的组合)参与该过程时,该过程会延迟。在这项工作中,我们表明可以根据事件日志中记录的信息来检索可能的延迟原因。该方法包括将事件日志转换为逻辑表示,然后应用决策树归纳根据持续时间对流程实例进行分类。除了将这些实例分成几个子集之外,树中的每个路径都产生一条规则,该规则解释了为什么给定子集的平均持续时间高于或低于实例的其他子集。该方法在涉及真实事件日志的两个案例研究中得到了应用,在该案例中,它成功地发现了造成延迟的有意义的原因,其中一些已由领域专家指出。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2015.02.009]

[1161] Using minimum description length for process mining (2009)

(Calders, T. and Gunther, C. W. and Pechenizkiy, M. and Rozinat, A. | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)

Abstract: In the field of process mining, the goal is to automatically extract process models from event logs. Recently, many algorithms have been proposed for this task. For comparing these models, different quality measures have been proposed. Most of these measures, however, have several disadvantages; they are model-dependent, assume that the model that generated the log is known, or need negative examples of event sequences. In this paper we propose a new measure, based on the minimal description length principle, to evaluate the quality of process models that does not have these disadvantages. To illustrate the properties of the new measure we conduct experiments and discuss the trade-off between model complexity and compression. Copyright 2009 ACM.


摘要: 在过程挖掘领域,目标是从事件日志中自动提取过程模型。近来,已经提出了用于该任务的许多算法。为了比较这些模型,已经提出了不同的质量度量。但是,大多数这些措施都有一些缺点。它们是模型相关的,假设生成日志的模型是已知的,或者需要事件序列的否定示例。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于最小描述长度原则的新措施,以评估没有这些缺点的过程模型的质量。为了说明新度量的性质,我们进行了实验并讨论了模型复杂度与压缩之间的权衡。版权所有2009 ACM。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/1529282.1529606]

[1162] Using model checking to control the structural errors in BPMN models (2013)

(Kherbouche, Oussama Mohammed and Ahmad, Adeel and Basson, Henri | Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science)

Abstract: The emergence of BPMN as a standard notation to express the business processes is based on its simplicity of notations and its exhaustive expressiveness. Nevertheless the lack of formal semantics in the BPMN can cause syntactic and structural errors. The former requires less effort to be checked, while the later usually requires attention to prove some properties, like deadlock-freedom and livelock-freedom. In this paper, we address the issue of detecting the structural errors with an approach based on model checking. It verifies the soundness of business process model and helps the business modelers to avoid the deadlocks, livelocks, and multiple terminations errors. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: BPMN作为表达业务流程的标准符号的出现是基于其符号的简单性和详尽的表达能力。但是,BPMN中缺乏形式语义会导致语法和结构错误。前者需要较少的精力进行检查,而后者通常需要注意证明一些属性,例如无死锁和无活锁。在本文中,我们解决了基于模型检查的结构错误检测问题。它可以验证业务流程模型的健全性,并帮助业务建模人员避免出现死锁,活动锁和多个终止错误。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577723]

[1163] Using process mining and model-driven engineering to enhance security of web information systems (2017)

(Bernardi, Simona and Alastuey, Raul Piraces and Trillo-Lado, Raquel | Proceedings - 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, EuroS and PW 2017)

Abstract: Due to the development of Smart Cities and Internet of Things, there has been an increasing interest in the use of Web information systems in different areas and domains. Besides, the number of attacks received by this kind of systems is increasing continuously. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen their protection and security. In this paper, we propose a method based on Process Mining and Model-Driven Engineering to improve the security of Web information systems. Besides, this method has been applied to the SID Digital Library case study and some preliminary results to improve the security of this system are described.


摘要: 由于智能城市和物联网的发展,人们越来越关注在不同领域和领域中使用Web信息系统。此外,这种系统收到的攻击数量也在不断增加。因此,需要加强对它们的保护和安全。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于过程挖掘和模型驱动工程的方法来提高Web信息系统的安全性。此外,该方法已应用于SID数字图书馆案例研究,并描述了一些可提高系统安全性的初步结果。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/EuroSPW.2017.66]

[1164] Using process mining in software development process management: A case study (2011)

(Lemos, Artini M. and Sabino, Caio C. and Lima, Ricardo M.F. and Oliveira, Cesar A.L. | Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)

Abstract: In this paper we describe the application of process mining techniques to analyze a software development process. Software engineering practitioners often conduct quality auditing of the development process to assure conformance with organizational standards. Despite some works have explored process mining techniques for the conformance analysis of general business processes, it is not of our knowledge any study that applies process mining to conformance checking of software development processes. Under a practical perspective, this paper explores a real database with event logs generated in the past five years of execution of a software development process. The database was gently provided by a Brazilian software house with annual revenue of more than US$ 500 million and includes more than 2,000 cases (process instances). The results show that process mining can be effectively employed as a supporting tool for the management of software development processes and for the improvement of the maturity level of software engineering organizations. textcopyright 2011 IEEE.


摘要: 在本文中,我们描述了过程挖掘技术在分析软件开发过程中的应用。软件工程从业人员经常对开发过程进行质量审核,以确保符合组织标准。尽管已经有一些工作探索了用于一般业务流程的一致性分析的流程挖掘技术,但据我们所知,没有将流程挖掘应用于软件开发流程的一致性检查的研究。从实际角度出发,本文探索了一个真实的数据库,其中包含在执行软件开发过程的过去五年中生成的事件日志。该数据库由一家巴西软件公司提供,年收入超过5亿美元,其中包括2,000多个案例(流程实例)。结果表明,过程挖掘可以有效地用作软件开发过程管理的支持工具,并可以提高软件工程组织的成熟度。 t​​extcopyright 2011 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICSMC.2011.6083858]

[1165] Using process mining to analyze students quiz-taking behavior patterns in a learning management system (2019)

(Juhaňak, Libor and Zounek, Jiři and Rohlikova | Computers in Human Behavior)

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explore students behavior and interaction patterns in different types of online quiz-based activities within learning management systems (LMS). Analyzing students behavior in online learning activities and detecting specific patterns of interaction in LMS is a topic of great interest for the educational data mining (EDM) and learning analytics (LA) research communities. Previous studies have focused primarily on frequency analysis without addressing the temporal aspects of students learning behavior. Therefore, we apply a process-oriented approach, investigating perspectives on using process mining methods in the context of online learning and assessment. To explore a broad range of possible student behavior patterns, we analyze students interactions in several online quizzes from different courses and with different settings. Using process mining methods, we identify specific types of interaction sequences that shed new light on students quiz-taking strategies in LMS. We believe that these findings bring important implications for researchers studying student behavior in online environments as well as practitioners using online quizzes for learning and assessment.

** 使用过程挖掘在学习管理系统中分析学生的测验行为模式**

摘要: 本文的目的是在学习管理系统(LMS)中探索学生在不同类型的在线测验活动中的行为和互动方式。分析学生在在线学习活动中的行为并检测LMS中特定的互动方式是教育数据挖掘(EDM)和学习分析(LA)研究社区非常感兴趣的一个主题,以前的研究主要集中在频率分析上,而没有解决学生学习行为的时间方面,因此,我们采用面向过程的方法,研究在在线学习和评估的背景下使用过程挖掘方法的观点;为了探索广泛的可能的学生行为模式,我们在不同课程和不同设置的几个在线测验中分析了学生的互动。我们确定了特定类型的互动序列,为学生的测验提供了新的思路LMS中的策略。我们认为,这些发现对研究在线环境中学生行为的研究人员以及使用在线测验进行学习和评估的从业人员具有重要意义。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.chb.2017.12.015]

[1166] Using process mining to identify coordination patterns in IT service management (2010)

(Edgington, Theresa M. and Raghu, T. S. and Vinze, Ajay S. | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: We empirically analyze the database used in the help desk process between a national US public agency and its global outsourcing provider. We considered the question of whether the database might reveal a deeper level of knowledge than was apparent from direct inspection. Our results reveal that four constructs underlie this process. Three are confirmed through covariance-based structural equation modeling and a fourth is implied through existing data. Our results suggest refinement in service level agreements to create a different type of governance coordination to assist in aligning the outsourcing providers execution more closely with the clients needs. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 我们根据经验分析了美国国家公共机构与其全球外包提供商之间的帮助台过程中使用的数据库。我们考虑了该数据库是否可能比从直接检查中发现的更深入的知识。这四个基础是这个过程的基础,三个是通过基于协方差的结构方程模型确定的,而第四个则是通过现有数据进行隐含的;我们的结果表明,需要对服务水平协议进行细化以创建不同类型的治理协调,以帮助调整外包提供商的执行 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier BV保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2010.02.003]

[1167] Using semantic-based approach to manage perspectives of process mining: Application on improving learning process domain data (2016)

(Kingsley, Okoye and Tawil, Abdel Rahman H. and Naeem, Usman and Islam, Syed and Lamine, Elyes | Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2016)

Abstract: Mining useful knowledge from data readily available in todays information systems has been a common challenge in recent years as more and more events are being recorded, and there is need to improve and support many organisational processes in a competitive and rapidly changing environments. The work in this paper shows using a case study of Learning Process -how data from various process domains can be extracted, semantically prepared, and transformed into mining executable formats to support the discovery, monitoring and enhancement of real-time processes. In so doing, it enables the prediction of individual patterns/behaviour through further semantic analysis of the discovered models. Our aim is to extract streams of event logs from a learning execution environment and describe formats that allows for mining and improved process analysis of the captured data. The approach involves augmenting the informative value of the resulting model derived from mining event data about the process by semantically annotating the process elements with concepts they represent in real time using process descriptions languages, and linking them to an ontology specifically designed for representing learning processes to allow for the analysis of the extracted event logs based on concepts rather than the event tags of the process. The semantic analysis allows the meaning of the learning object properties and model to be enhanced through the use of property characteristics and classification of discoverable entities, to generate inference knowledge which are then used to determine useful learning patterns by means of the proposed Semantic Learning Process Mining (SLPM) formalization -described technically as Semantic-Fuzzy Miner. As a result, the approach provides us with the capability to infer new and discover hidden relationships/attributes the process instances share amongst themselves within the knowledge base, and the ability to identify and address the problem of determining the presence of different learning patterns or behaviour. Inference knowledge discovered due to semantic enrichment of the process model is advantageous especially in solving some didactic issues and answering some questions with regards to different Learners behaviour within the context of process mining and semantic model analysis. To this end, we show that information derived from process mining algorithms can be improved by adding semantic knowledge to the resulting model.


摘要: 近年来,随着记录越来越多的事件,从当今的信息系统中容易获得的数据中挖掘有用的知识一直是一个普遍的挑战,并且需要在竞争激烈且瞬息万变的环境中改善和支持许多组织过程。本文的工作展示了如何使用学习过程的案例研究-如何从各个过程域中提取数据,进行语义准备并将其转换为挖掘的可执行格式,以支持发现,监视和增强实时过程。它可以通过对发现的模型进行进一步的语义分析来预测单个模式/行为,我们的目标是从学习执行环境中提取事件日志流,并描述允许对捕获的数据进行挖掘和改进的过程分析的格式。涉及增加从挖掘有关专业人员的事件数据中得出的结果模型的信息价值通过使用过程描述语言实时地用过程表示的概念对过程元素进行语义注释,并将它们链接到专门用于表示学习过程的本体,从而可以根据概念而不是事件标签来分析提取的事件日志,从而实现过程。语义分析允许通过使用属性特征和可发现实体的分类来增强学习对象属性和模型的含义,以生成推理知识,然后通过提议的语义学习过程挖掘将其用于确定有用的学习模式。 (SLPM)形式化-技术上称为语义模糊矿工。结果,该方法为我们提供了推断新的能力并发现隐藏的关系/属性的实例在知识库中相互共享的能力,以及识别和解决确定不同学习模式或行为是否存在的问题的能力。 。由于过程模型的语义丰富而发现的推理知识尤其有利于解决一些教学问题,并在过程挖掘和语义模型分析的上下文中回答有关不同学习者行为的一些问题。为此,我们表明可以通过在结果模型中添加语义知识来改进从流程挖掘算法中获得的信息。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/BigData.2016.7841016]

[1168] Using software architecture principles and lightweight formalisation to build adaptive middleware (2017)

(Rosa, Nelson and Campos, Glaucia and Cavalcanti, Davi | Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware, ARM 2017)

Abstract: The development of an adaptive middleware is still a challenge due to the complexity of dealing with traditional adaptation issues, such as Why to adapt? When to adapt? Where do we have to implement change? What kind of change is needed? How is the adaptation performed? This paper presents a solution that integrates software architecture concepts, lightweight formalisation and process mining to face the mentioned challenges. The solution reduces the effort to implement the middleware and reinforces safety properties at development time and when the middleware is already in execution. To evaluate the proposed solution, we carried out an initial experimental evaluation to measure the time to decide for an adaptation using process mining.


摘要: 由于适应传统的适应问题(例如,为什么要适应?)的复杂性,自适应中间件的开发仍然是一个挑战。什么时候适应?我们必须在哪里实施变革?需要什么样的改变?适应如何进行?本文提出了一种解决方案,该解决方案集成了软件体系结构概念,轻量级形式化和流程挖掘以应对上述挑战。该解决方案减少了开发中间件的工作量,并在开发时和中间件已经执行时增强了安全性。为了评估提出的解决方案,我们进行了初步的实验评估,以评估使用过程挖掘进行适应性决策的时间。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3152881.3152882]

[1169] Using work system theory to link managerial and technical perspectives on BPM (2013)

(Alter, Steven | Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, IEEE CBI 2013)

Abstract: Work system theory (WST) provides a bridge between managerial and technical perspectives on BPM that often seem distant from each other. In combination, the work system framework, underlying work system metamodel, and the work system life cycle model provide a number of bridges between those perspectives. In relation to managerial BPM, the work system framework treats business process as one of nine elements in a basic understanding of a work system. The others are participants, information, technology, products/services, customers, environment, infrastructure, and strategies. The underlying metamodel outlines a precise structure for analysis and design of work systems and for links to technical aspects of BPM. It provides details that are omitted from the work system framework, which has proven useful for initial high level summaries but is not granular enough to support detailed design and documentation. The work system life cycle model combines planned and unplanned (emergent) change through which work systems evolve. This paper explains where WST fits in the general realm of BPM-related topics and how WST might help in developing BPM further. It also identifies challenges and next steps related to using WST to expand the scope of BPM. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 工作系统理论(WST)在BPM的管理和技术观点之间建立了桥梁,这些观点通常看起来彼此相距甚远。结合起来,工作系统框架,底层工作系统元模型和工作系统生命周期模型共同提供了许多在管理BPM方面,工作系统框架将业务流程视为基本了解工作系统的九个要素之一,其他要素是参与者,信息,技术,产品/服务,客户,环境,基础架构和策略。基础元模型概述了用于工作系统的分析和设计以及BPM技术方面的链接的精确结构,并提供了工作系统框架中省略的详细信息,这对于初步的高级摘要很有用。但不够细致,无法支持详细的设计和文档工作系统生命周期模型将计划内和计划外(紧急)工作系统的发展过程。本文解释了WST在与BPM相关的主题的一般领域中的适用范围,以及WST如何帮助进一步发展BPM。它还确定了与使用WST扩展BPM范围有关的挑战和下一步。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/CBI.2013.39]

[1170] Verification of the SAP reference models using EPC reduction, state-space analysis, and invariants (2007)

(van Dongen, B. F. and Jansen-Vullers, M. H. and Verbeek, H. M.W. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: A reference model is a generic conceptual model that formalizes recommended practices for a certain domain. Today, the SAP reference models are among the most comprehensive reference models, including over 4000 entity types and covering over 1000 business processes and inter-organizational scenarios. The SAP reference models use Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs) to model these processes and scenarios. Like other informal languages, EPCs are intended to support the transition from a business model to an executable model. For this reason, researchers have tried to formalize the semantics of EPCs. However, in their approaches, they fail to acknowledge the fact that in EPCs constructs exist that require human judgment to assess correctness. This paper aims to acknowledge this fact by introducing a two-step approach. First, the EPC is reduced using universally accepted reduction rules. Second, the reduced EPC is analyzed using a mixture of state-space analysis, invariants, and human judgment. This approach has been implemented in a tool, and applying this tool to the SAP reference models showed that these contain errors, which clearly shows the added value of this verification approach. textcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 参考模型是一种通用的概念模型,用于对特定领域的推荐做法进行形式化。如今,SAP参考模型已成为最全面的参考模型之一,包括4000多种实体类型,涵盖了1000多种业务流程和组织间方案。 SAP参考模型使用事件驱动的流程链(EPC)对这些流程和业务情景进行建模。像其他非正式语言一样,EPC旨在支持从业务模型到可执行模型的过渡。由于这个原因,研究人员试图对EPC的语义进行形式化。但是,在他们的方法中,他们没有认识到EPC中存在需要人工判断以评估正确性的构造这一事实。本文旨在通过引入两步法来承认这一事实。首先,使用普遍接受的减少规则减少EPC。其次,使用状态空间分析,不变式和人工判断的混合分析简化的EPC。此方法已在一个工具中实施,并将此工具应用于SAP参考模型表明这些包含错误,从而清楚地表明了此验证方法的附加值。 t​​extcopyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2007.01.001]


[1171] Verification ofworkflownets with transition conditions (2012)

(Wang, Zhao Xia and Wang, Jian Min and Zhu, Xiao Chen and Wen, Li Jie | Journal of Zhejiang University: Science C)

Abstract: Workflow management is concerned with automated support for business processes. Workflow management systems are driven by process models specifying the tasks that need to be executed, the order in which they can be executed, which resources are authorised to perform which tasks, and data that is required for, and produced by, these tasks. As workflow instances may run over a sustained period of time, it is important that workflow specifications be checked before they are deployed. Workflow verification is usually concerned with control-flow dependencies only; however, transition conditions based on data may further restrict possible choices between tasks. In this paper we extend workflow nets where transitions have concrete conditions associated with them, called WTC-nets. We then demonstrate that we can determine which execution paths of a WTC-net that are possible according to the control-flow dependencies, are actually possible when considering the conditions based on data. Thus, we are able to more accurately determine at design time whether a workflow net with transition conditions is sound. textcopyright Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


摘要: 工作流管理与对业务流程的自动支持有关。工作流管理系统由流程模型驱动,流程模型指定了需要执行的任务,可以执行的顺序,授权执行哪些任务的资源以及这些任务所需的数据以及这些任务所产生的数据。由于工作流实例可能会持续运行一段时间,因此在部署工作流规范之前必须进行检查,这一点很重要。工作流验证通常仅与控制流相关性有关。但是,基于数据的转换条件可能会进一步限制任务之间的可能选择。在本文中,我们扩展了工作流网络,其中转换具有与之相关的具体条件,称为WTC网络。然后,我们证明了在考虑基于数据的条件时,可以根据控制流依赖性确定WTC-net的哪些执行路径实际上是可能的。因此,我们能够在设计时更准确地确定具有过渡条件的工作流网络是否健全。 t​​extcopyright浙江大学和Springer-Verlag柏林海德堡,2012年。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1631/jzus.C1100364]

[1172] Verifying workflow processes: A transformation-based approach (2011)

(Zha, Haiping and van der Aalst, Wil M.P. and Wang, Jianmin and Wen, Lijie and Sun, Jiaguang | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: Workflow modeling is a challenging activity and designers are likely to introduce errors, especially in complex industrial processes. Effective process verification is essential at design time because the cost of fixing errors during runtime is substantially higher. However, most user-oriented workflow modeling languages lack formal semantics that hinders such verification. In this paper, we propose a generic approach based on the model transformation to verify workflow processes. The model transformation includes two steps: first, it formalizes the desirable semantics of each modeling element; secondly, it translates a workflow process with clear semantics to an equivalent Petri net. Thus, we can verify the original workflow process using existing Petri net theory and analysis tools. As a comprehensive case study, verifying workflow processes in an industrial modeling language (TiPLM) is presented. Experimental evaluations on verifying real-world business processes validate our approach. textcopyright 2010 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 工作流建模是一项具有挑战性的活动,设计人员可能会引入错误,尤其是在复杂的工业流程中。在设计时,有效的过程验证至关重要,因为在运行时修复错误的成本要高得多。但是,大多数面向用户的工作流建模语言都缺乏妨碍这种验证的形式语义。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于模型转换的通用方法来验证工作流过程。模型转换包括两个步骤:首先,将每个建模元素的期望语义形式化;其次,它将具有清晰语义的工作流程转换为等效的Petri网。因此,我们可以使用现有的Petri网理论和分析工具来验证原始工作流程。作为全面的案例研究,提出了使用工业建模语言(TiPLM)验证工作流过程的方法。对验证实际业务流程的实验评估验证了我们的方法。 t​​extcopyright 2010年Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-010-0149-9]

[1173] Vishleshan (2014)

(Joishi, Jeevan and Sureka, Ashish | )

Abstract: Process-Aware Information System (PAIS) are IT systems that manages, supports busi-ness processes and generate large event logs from execution of business processes. An event log is represented as a tuple of the form CaseID, TimeStamp, Activity and Actor. Process Mining is an emerging area of research that deals with the study and analysis of business processes based on event logs. Process Mining aims at analyzing event logs and discover business process models, enhance them or check for conformance with an a priori model. The large volume of event logs generated are stored in databases. Relational databases perform well for certain class of applications. However, there are certain class of applica-tions for which relational databases are not able to scale. A number of NoSQL databases have emerged to encounter the challenges of scalability. Discovering social network from event logs is one of the most challenging and important Process Mining task. Similar-Task and Sub-Contract algorithms are some of the most widely used Organizational Mining techniques. Our objective is to investigate which of the databases (Relational or Graph) perform better for Organizational Mining under Process Mining. An intersection of Pro-cess Mining and Graph Databases can be accomplished by modelling these Organizational Mining metrics with graph databases. We implement Similar-Task and Sub-Contract al-gorithms on relational and NoSQL (graph-oriented) databases using only query language constructs. We conduct empirical analysis on a large real world data set to compare the performance of row-oriented database and NoSQL graph-oriented database. We bench-mark performance factors like query execution time, CPU usage and disk/memory space usage for NoSQL graph-oriented database against row-oriented database.


摘要: 流程感知信息系统(PAIS)是IT系统,用于管理,支持业务流程并通过执行业务流程生成大型事件日志。事件日志以CaseID,TimeStamp,Activity和Actor形式的元组表示。流程挖掘是一个新兴的研究领域,涉及基于事件日志的业务流程的研究和分析。 Process Mining旨在分析事件日志并发现业务流程模型,对其进行增强或检查与先验模型的一致性。生成的大量事件日志存储在数据库中。关系数据库对于某些类别的应用程序表现良好。但是,在某些类别的应用程序中,关系数据库无法扩展。已经出现了许多NoSQL数据库,以应对可伸缩性的挑战。从事件日志中发现社交网络是最具挑战性也是最重要的过程挖掘任务之一。相似任务和分包合同算法是一些使用最广泛的组织挖掘技术。我们的目标是调查在过程挖掘下,哪个数据库(关系数据库或图形数据库)对组织挖掘的性能更好。通过使用图数据库对这些组织挖掘指标进行建模,可以实现过程挖掘和图数据库的交叉。我们仅使用查询语言结构在关系数据库和NoSQL(面向图)数据库上实现类似任务和分包算法。我们对大型现实数据集进行实证分析,以比较面向行的数据库和NoSQL面向图形的数据库的性能。我们将NoSQL面向图形的数据库与面向行的数据库的性能因素进行了基准比较,例如查询执行时间,CPU使用率和磁盘/内存空间使用率。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/2790755.2790780]

[1174] Visual ppinot: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators (2019)

(Del-Rio-Ortega, Adela and Resinas, Manuel and Duran, Amador and Bernardez, Beatriz and Ruiz-Cortes, Antonio and Toro, Miguel | Business and Information Systems Engineering)

Abstract: Process performance indicators (PPIs) allow the quantitative evaluation of business processes, providing essential information for decision making. It is common practice today that business processes and PPIs are usually modelled separately using graphical notations for the former and natural language for the latter. This approach makes PPI definitions simple to read and write, but it hinders maintenance consistency between business processes and PPIs. It also requires their manual translation into lower-level implementation languages for their operationalisation, which is a time-consuming, error-prone task because of the ambiguities inherent to natural language definitions. In this article, Visual ppinot, a graphical notation for defining PPIs together with business process models, is presented. Its underlying formal metamodel allows the automated processing of PPIs. Furthermore, it improves current state-of-the-art proposals in terms of expressiveness and in terms of providing an explicit visualisation of the link between PPIs and business processes, which avoids inconsistencies and promotes their co-evolution. The reference implementation, developed as a complete tool suite, has allowed its validation in a multiple-case study, in which five dimensions of Visual ppinot were studied: expressiveness, precision, automation, understandability, and traceability.

Visual ppinotnot:过程绩效指标的图形符号

摘要: 流程绩效指标(PPI)允许对业务流程进行定量评估,为决策提供重要信息。当今的惯例是,业务流程和PPI通常使用前者的图形符号和后者的自然语言分别建模。这种方法使PPI定义易于读取和写入,但会阻碍业务流程和PPI之间的维护一致性。它还需要将它们手动翻译为较低级别的实现语言以进行操作,由于自然语言定义固有的歧义,这是一项耗时且容易出错的任务。在本文中,介绍了Visual ppinot,这是一种用于定义PPI和业务流程模型的图形表示法。它的基础形式元模型允许对PPI进行自动处理。此外,它在表达能力方面以及在对PPI和业务流程之间的链接进行显式可视化方面都改进了当前的最新建议,从而避免了不一致并促进了它们的共同进化。作为一个完整的工具套件开发的参考实现,已经允许在多案例研究中进行验证,该案例研究了Visual ppinot的五个方面:表现力,精度,自动化,可理解性和可追溯性。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s12599-017-0483-3]

[1175] Visually specifying compliance rules and explaining their violations for business processes (2011)

(Awad, Ahmed and Weidlich, Matthias and Weske, Mathias | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing)

Abstract: A business process is a set of steps designed to be executed in a certain order to achieve a business value. Such processes are often driven by and documented using process models. Nowadays, process models are also applied to drive process execution. Thus, correctness of business process models is a must. Much of the work has been devoted to check general, domain-independent correctness criteria, such as soundness. However, business processes must also adhere to and show compliance with various regulations and constraints, the so-called compliance requirements. These are domain-dependent requirements. In many situations, verifying compliance on a model level is of great value, since violations can be resolved in an early stage prior to execution. However, this calls for using formal verification techniques, e.g., model checking, that are too complex for business experts to apply. In this paper, we utilize a visual language, BPMN-Q, to express compliance requirements visually in a way similar to that used by business experts to build process models. Still, using a pattern based approach, each BPMN-Q graph has a formal temporal logic expression in computational tree logic (CTL). Moreover, the user is able to express constraints, i.e., compliance rules, regarding control flow and data flow aspects. In order to provide valuable feedback to a user in case of violations, we depend on temporal logic querying approaches as well as BPMN-Q to visually highlight paths in a process model whose execution causes violations. textcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


摘要: 业务流程是一组旨在按特定顺序执行以实现业务价值的步骤。此类过程通常由过程模型驱动并使用过程模型进行记录。如今,流程模型也已应用于驱动流程执行。因此,业务流程模型的正确性是必须的。许多工作致力于检查通用的,与领域无关的正确性标准,例如健全性。但是,业务流程还必须遵守并显示对各种法规和约束的遵守,即所谓的遵从要求。这些是与域相关的要求。在许多情况下,在模型级别验证合规性非常有价值,因为可以在执行之前的早期阶段解决违规问题。但是,这要求使用形式验证方法,例如模型检查,这对于业务专家来说太复杂了。在本文中,我们使用一种视觉语言BPMN-Q,以类似于业务专家用于构建流程模型的方式直观地表达合规性要求。仍然,使用基于模式的方法,每个BPMN-Q图在计算树逻辑(CTL)中都具有形式化的时间逻辑表达式。而且,用户能够表达关于控制流和数据流方面的约束,即合规性规则。为了在发生违规情况时向用户提供有价值的反馈,我们依赖于时间逻辑查询方法以及BPMN-Q来在执行过程中引起违规的流程模型中直观地突出显示路径。 t​​extcopyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jvlc.2010.11.002]

[1176] Wanna Improve Process Mining Results? Its High Time We Consider Data Quality Issues Seriously (2013)

(Jagadeesh, R P and Bose, Chandra and Mans, Ronny S and Van Der Aalst | )

Abstract: The growing interest in process mining is fueled by the in-creasing availability of event data. Process mining techniques use event logs to automatically discover process models, check conformance, iden-tify bottlenecks and deviations, suggest improvements, and predict pro-cessing times. Lions share of process mining research has been devoted to analysis techniques. However, the proper handling of problems and challenges arising in analyzing event logs used as input is critical for the success of any process mining effort. In this paper, we identify four cate-gories of process characteristics issues that may manifest in an event log (e.g. process problems related to event granularity and case heterogene-ity) and 27 classes of event log quality issues (e.g., problems related to timestamps in event logs, imprecise activity names, and missing events). The systematic identification and analysis of these issues calls for a con-solidated effort from the process mining community. Five real-life event logs are analyzed to illustrate the omnipresence of process and event log issues. We hope that these findings will encourage systematic logging approaches (to prevent event log issues), repair techniques (to alleviate event log issues) and analysis techniques (to deal with the manifestation of process characteristics in event logs).

** 想要改善流程挖掘结果吗?现在是时候该认真考虑数据质量问题了**

摘要: 事件数据的可用性不断提高,对过程挖掘的兴趣日益增长。过程挖掘技术使用事件日志来自动发现过程模型,检查一致性,识别瓶颈和偏差,提出改进建议并预测处理过程Lion在过程挖掘研究中的份额一直致力于分析技术,但是,正确分析在用作输入的事件日志分析过程中出现的问题和挑战对于任何过程挖掘工作的成功都是至关重要的。可能在事件日志中表现出来的过程特征问题的类别(例如,与事件粒度和案例异构性有关的过程问题)和27种事件日志质量问题(例如,与事件日志中的时间戳有关的问题,不正确的活动名称) ,以及遗漏事件)对这些问题的系统识别和分析需要过程挖掘社区的共同努力。分析生命事件日志以说明过程和事件日志问题的普遍性。我们希望这些发现将鼓励系统的日志记录方法(以防止事件日志问题),修复技术(以减轻事件日志问题)和分析技术(以处理事件日志中过程特征的表现)。

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[1177] What are the problem makers: Ranking activities according to their relevance for process changes (2009)

(Li, Chen and Reichert, Manfred and Wombacher, Andreas | 2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2009)

Abstract: Recently, a new generation of adaptive process management technology has emerged, which enables dynamic changes of composite services and process models respectively. This, in turn, results in a large number of process variants derived from the same process model, but differing in structure due to the applied changes. Since such process variants are expensive to maintain, the process model should be evolved accordingly. In this context, we need to know which activities have been more often involved in process adaptations than others, such that we can focus on them when reconfiguring the process model. This paper provides two approaches for ranking activities according to their involvement in process adaptations. The first one allows to precisely rank the activities, but is expensive to perform since the algorithm is at NP level. We therefore provide as alternative an approximation ranking algorithm which computes in polynomial time. The performance of the approximation algorithm is evaluated and compared through a simulation of 3600 process models. Statistical significance tests indicate that the performance of the approximation ranking algorithm does not depend on the size of process models, i.e., our algorithm can scale up. textcopyright 2009 IEEE.


摘要: 最近,出现了新一代的自适应过程管理技术,该技术能够分别动态更改组合服务和过程模型。反过来,这导致从同一过程模型衍生出大量过程变量,但由于应用的更改而导致结构不同。由于此类过程变体的维护成本很高,因此应相应地发展过程模型。在这种情况下,我们需要知道哪些活动比其他活动更常参与流程调整,以便在重新配置流程模型时可以专注于这些活动。本文提供了两种方法来根据活动对过程适应的参与程度对活动进行排名。第一个可以精确地对活动进行排名,但是由于算法处于NP级别,因此执行起来很昂贵。因此,我们提供了一种在多项式时间内计算的近似排名算法。通过模拟3600个过程模型来评估和比较近似算法的性能。统计显着性测试表明,近似排名算法的性能不依赖于流程模型的大小,即我们的算法可以扩展。 t​​extcopyright 2009 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICWS.2009.74]

[1178] What makes a good process model?: Lessons learned from process mining (2012)

(van der Aalst, W. M.P. | Software and Systems Modeling)

Abstract: There seems to be a never ending stream of new process modeling notations. Some of these notations are foundational and have been around for decades (e. g., Petri nets). Other notations are vendor specific, incremental, or are only popular for a short while. Discussions on the various competing notations concealed the more important question What makes a good process model?. Fortunately, large scale experiences with process mining allow us to address this question. Process mining techniques can be used to extract knowledge from event data, discover models, align logs and models, measure conformance, diagnose bottlenecks, and predict future events. Todays processes leave many trails in data bases, audit trails, message logs, transaction logs, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to relate these event data to process models independent of their particular notation. Process models discovered based on the actual behavior tend to be very different from the process models made by humans. Moreover, conformance checking techniques often reveal important deviations between models and reality. The lessons that can be learned from process mining shed a new light on process model quality. This paper discusses the role of process models and lists seven problems related to process modeling. Based on our experiences in over 100 process mining projects, we discuss these problems. Moreover, we show that these problems can be addressed by exposing process models and modelers to event data. textcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag.


摘要: 似乎不断涌现出新的流程建模符号。这些符号中的一些是基础的,并且已经存在了数十年(例如,Petri网)。其他符号是特定于供应商的,递增的或仅在短期内流行。对各种相互竞争的表示法的讨论掩盖了一个更重要的问题:什么构成了良好的过程模型?。幸运的是,大量的过程挖掘经验使我们能够解决这个问题。流程挖掘技术可用于从事件数据中提取知识,发现模型,对齐日志和模型,测量一致性,诊断瓶颈以及预测未来事件。当今的过程在数据库,审计跟踪,消息日志,事务日志等中留下了许多痕迹。因此,将这些事件数据与过程模型相关联是有意义的,而与它们的特定符号无关。基于实际行为发现的过程模型往往与人为建立的过程模型有很大不同。此外,一致性检查技术通常会揭示模型与现实之间的重要差异。可以从过程挖掘中汲取的教训为过程模型的质量提供了新的思路。本文讨论了过程模型的作用,并列出了与过程建模有关的七个问题。根据我们在100多个过程采矿项目中的经验,我们讨论了这些问题。此外,我们表明可以通过将过程模型和建模器暴露给事件数据来解决这些问题。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Springer-Verlag。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/s10270-012-0265-9]

[1179] White-box prediction of process performance indicators via flow analysis (2017)

(Verenich, Ilya and Nguyen, Hoang and Rosa, Marcello La and Dumas, Marlon | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)

Abstract: Predictive business process monitoring methods exploit historical process execution logs to provide predictions about running instances of a process, which enable process workers and managers to preempt performance issues or compliance violations. A number of approaches have been proposed to predict quantitative process performance indicators, such as remaining cycle time, cost, or probability of deadline violation. However, these approaches adopt a black-box approach, insofar as they predict a single scalar value without decomposing this prediction into more elementary components. In this paper, we propose a white-box approach to predict performance indicators of running process instances. The key idea is to first predict the performance indicator at the level of activities, and then to aggregate these predictions at the level of a process instance by means of flow analysis techniques. The paper specifically develops this idea in the context of predicting the remaining cycle time of ongoing process instances. The proposed approach has been evaluated on four real-life event logs and compared against several baselines.


摘要: 预测性业务流程监视方法利用历史流程执行日志来提供有关流程正在运行的实例的预测,这使流程工作人员和管理人员能够抢先解决性能问题或合规性违规行为。已经提出了许多方法来预测定量过程性能指标,例如剩余周期时间,成本或违反期限的可能性。但是,这些方法采用黑盒方法,因为它们可以预测单个标量值,而不会将该预测分解为更多基本成分。在本文中,我们提出了一种白盒方法来预测正在运行的流程实例的性能指标。关键思想是首先在活动级别上预测绩效指标,然后通过流程分析技术在流程实例级别上汇总这些预测。本文在预测进行中的流程实例的剩余循环时间的背景下专门提出了这种想法。该提议的方法已在四个真实事件日志中进行了评估,并与多个基准进行了比较。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1145/3084100.3084110]

[1180] WoMan: Logic-based workflow learning and management (2014)

(Ferilli, Stefano | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems)

Abstract: Workflow management is fundamental to efficiently, effectively, and economically carry out complex working and domestic activities. Manual engineering of workflow models is a complex, costly, and error-prone task. The WoMan framework for workflow management is based on first-order logic. Its core is an automatic procedure that learns and refines workflow models from observed cases of process execution. Its innovative peculiarities include incrementality (allowing quick learning even in the presence of noise and changed behavior), strict adherence to the observed practices, ability to learn complex conditions for the workflow components, and improved expressive power compared to the state of the art. This paper presents the entire algorithmic apparatus of WoMan, including translation and learning from a standard log format for case representation, import/export of workflow models from/into standard formalisms (Petri nets), and exploitation of the learned models for process simulation and monitoring. Qualitative and quantitative experimental evaluation shows the power and efficiency of WoMan, both in controlled and in real-world domains. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 工作流管理是高效,有效和经济地开展复杂的工作和家庭活动的基础。手动设计工作流程模型是一项复杂,昂贵且容易出错的任务。用于工作流管理的WoMan框架基于一阶逻辑。它的核心是一个自动过程,可从观察到的流程执行情况中学习和完善工作流程模型。它的创新特性包括增量性(即使在噪音和行为改变的情况下也可以快速学习),严格遵守观察到的操作,学习工作流程组件的复杂条件的能力以及与现有技术相比提高的表达能力。本文介绍了WoMan的整个算法装置,包括从用于案例表示的标准日志格式进行翻译和学习,从标准格式(Petri网)导入/导出工作流模型,以及利用所学模型进行过程仿真和监控。定性和定量实验评估显示了WoMan在受控和实际领域中的强大功能和效率。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TSMC.2013.2273310]

[1181] Workflow Mining: Current Status and Future Directions (2003)

(De Medeiros | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics))

Abstract: Current workflow management systems require the explicit design of the workflows that express the business process of an organization. This process design is very time consuming and error prone. Considerable work has been done to develop heuristics to mine event-data logs to produce a process model that can support the workflow design process. However, all the existing heuristic-based mining algorithms have their limitations. To achieve more insight into these limitations the starting point in this paper is the alphaalpha-algorithm 3 for which it is proved under which conditions and process constructs the algorithm works. After presentation of the alphaalpha-algorithm, a classification is given of the process constructs that are difficult to handle for this type of algorithms. Then, for some constructs (i.e. short loops) it is illustrated in which way the alphaalpha-algorithm can be extended so that it can correctly discover these constructs. textcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.


摘要: 当前的工作流管理系统要求对表达组织业务流程的工作流进行明确的设计。该过程设计非常耗时且容易出错。在开发启发式方法以挖掘事件数据日志以生成可支持工作流程设计过程的过程模型方面,已经进行了大量的工作。但是,所有现有的基于启发式的挖掘算法都有其局限性。为了更深入地了解这些局限性,本文的出发点是$ alpha 3-算法3,证明了在这种条件和过程下构造算法是可行的。在展示了 alpha -算法之后,给出了这类算法难以处理的流程构造的分类。然后,对于某些构造(即短循环),说明了可以扩展 alpha $-算法的方式,以便可以正确发现这些构造。 t​​extcopyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1007/978-3-540-39964-3_25]

[1182] Workflow analysis based on estimate of fuzzy and statistical data (2006)

(Tian, Feng and Xing, Keyi and Li, Renhou | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2006)

Abstract: In general, an execution duration or constraints of the workflow activity may be created manually (empirical temporal information) or can be derived through process mining techniques from execution logs (statistical information). Those will induce inevitably complexity of time representation and analysis in a workflow model. The focus of this work is to deal with the time analysis of workflow where fuzzy and statistical temporal information coexist. Combining formal language with the definition of workflow net, a fuzzy estimate workflow nets is introduced to analyze workflow model, which can solve the situation, where fuzzy and statistical data coexisted, to realize efficient workflow management and meet time critical business services. textcopyright 2006 IEEE.


摘要: 通常,工作流活动的执行持续时间或约束可以手动创建(经验时间信息),也可以通过过程挖掘技术从执行日志(统计信息)中得出。这些将不可避免地导致工作流模型中时间表示和分析的复杂性。这项工作的重点是处理模糊和统计时间信息共存的工作流的时间分析。结合形式语言和工作流网的定义,引入模糊估计工作流网对工作流模型进行分析,可以解决模糊统计数据共存的情况,实现高效的工作流管理,满足时间紧迫的业务服务。 t​​extcopyright 2006 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICEBE.2006.108]

[1183] Workflow extraction for service operation using multiple unstructured trouble tickets (2016)

(Watanabe, Akio and Ishibashi, Keisuke and Toyono, Tsuyoshi and Kimura, Tatsuaki and Watanabe, Keishiro and Matsuo, Yoichi and Shiomoto, Kohei | Proceedings of the NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium)

Abstract: In current large scale networks, troubleshooting has become more complicated task due to the diversification in the causes of network failures. The increase in the operational costs has become a serious problem. Thus, manualization of the troubleshooting process also becomes important task though it is time-consuming. We propose a method that automatically extracts a workflow for troubleshooting using multiple trouble tickets. Our method extracts an operators actions from free-format texts and aligns relative sentences between multiple trouble tickets. Finally, we show a novel approach to visualizing a workflow by mining conditional branches using clustering. We validated our method using real trouble ticket data captured from a network operation and showed that it can extract the workflow to identify the cause of failure.


摘要: 在当前的大型网络中,由于网络故障原因的多样化,故障排除已变得更加复杂。运营成本的增加已成为一个严重的问题。因此,故障排除过程的手动化也变得很重要。我们提出了一种自动提取工作流程以使用多个故障凭单进行故障排除的方法,该方法从自由格式文本中提取操作员的动作并对齐多个故障凭单之间的相对句子,最后,我们展示了一种新颖的可视化方法通过使用聚类挖掘条件分支来创建工作流。我们使用从网络操作中捕获的实际故障单数据验证了我们的方法,并表明该方法可以提取工作流以识别故障原因。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/NOMS.2016.7502872]

[1184] Workflow mining and outlier detection from clinical activity logs (2012)

(Bouarfa, L. and Dankelman, J. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics)

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to derive a workflow consensus from multiple clinical activity logs and (2) to detect workflow outliers automatically and without prior knowledge from experts. Methods: Workflow mining is used in this paper to derive consensus workflow from multiple surgical activity logs using tree-guided multiple sequence alignment. To detect outliers, a global pair-wise sequence alignment (Needleman-Wunsch) algorithm is used. The proposed method is validated for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LAPCHOL). Results: An activity log is directly derived for each LAPCHOL surgery from laparoscopic video using an already developed instrument tracking tool. We showed that a generic consensus can be derived from surgical activity logs using multi-alignment. In total 26 surgery logs are used to derive the consensus for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The derived consensus conforms to the main steps of laparoscopic cholecystectomy as described in best practices. Using global pair-wise alignment, we showed that outliers can be detected from surgeries using the consensus and the surgical activity log. Conclusion: Alignment techniques can be used to derive consensus and to detect outliers from clinical activity logs. Detecting outliers particularly in surgery is a main step to automatically mine and analyse the underlying cause of these outliers and improve surgical practices. textcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.


摘要: 目的:本研究的目的是双重的:(1)从多个临床活动日志中得出工作流程共识,以及(2)在没有专家事先知识的情况下自动检测工作流程异常值。方法:本文采用工作流挖掘,利用树引导的多序列比对从多个手术活动日志中导出共识工作流。为了检测离群值,使用了全局逐对序列比对(Needleman-Wunsch)算法。该方法已通过腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LAPCHOL)的验证。结果:使用已开发的仪器跟踪工具,可以从腹腔镜视频中直接获取每次LAPCHOL手术的活动日志。我们表明,可以使用多重比对从手术活动日志中得出通用共识。总共有26条手术记录被用于得出腹腔镜胆囊切除术的共识。得出的共识符合最佳实践中所述的腹腔镜胆囊切除术的主要步骤。使用全局成对比对,我们表明可以使用共识和手术活动日志从手术中检测到异常值。结论:比对技术可用于得出共识并从临床活动记录中检测异常值。检测异常值,尤其是在外科手术中,是自动挖掘和分析这些异常值的根本原因并改善手术方法的主要步骤。 t​​extcopyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.jbi.2012.08.003]

[1185] Workflow mining with InWoLvE (2004)

(Herbst, Joachim and Karagiannis, Dimitris | Computers in Industry)

Abstract: State of the art information systems are based on explicit process models called workflow models. Experience from industrial practice shows that the definition of workflow models is a very time consuming and error prone task. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in applying techniques from data mining and machine learning to support this task. This approach has also been termed as process or workflow mining. In this paper, we give an overview of the algorithms that were implemented within the InWoLvE workflow mining system, we summarize the most important results of their experimental evaluation and we present the experiences that were made in the first industrial application of InWoLvE. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 最先进的信息系统基于称为工作流模型的显式过程模型。工业实践的经验表明,工作流模型的定义是一项非常耗时且容易出错的任务。最近,人们越来越关注应用数据挖掘和机器学习中的技术来支持此任务。这种方法也被称为流程或工作流挖掘。在本文中,我们概述了InWoLvE工作流挖掘系统中实现的算法,总结了其实验评估的最重要结果,并介绍了InWoLvE在首次工业应用中取得的经验。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.compind.2003.10.002]


[1186] Workflow mining: A survey of issues and approaches (2003)

(Van der Aalst | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Many of todays information systems are driven by explicit process models. Workflow management systems, but also ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B, are configured on the basis of a workflow model specifying the order in which tasks need to be executed. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. To support the design of workflows, we propose the use of workflow mining. Starting point for workflow mining is a so-called workflow log containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. In this paper, we introduce the concept of workflow mining and present a common format for workflow logs. Then we discuss the most challenging problems and present some of the workflow mining approaches available today. textcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 当今的许多信息系统是由显式过程模型驱动的。工作流管理系统以及ERP,CRM,SCM和B2B,都是根据工作流模型配置的,该模型指定了执行任务的顺序。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,通常实际的工作流程与管理人员认为的流程之间存在差异。为了支持工作流的设计,我们建议使用工作流挖掘。工作流挖掘的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际上正在执行的工作流过程的信息。在本文中,我们介绍了工作流挖掘的概念,并提出了工作流日志的通用格式。然后,我们讨论最具挑战性的问题,并提出一些当今可用的工作流挖掘方法。 t​​extcopyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/S0169-023X(03)00066-1]

[1187] Workflow mining: Discovering process models from event logs (2004)

(Van Der Aalst | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering)

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and, typically, there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we have developed techniques for discovering workflow models. The starting point for such techniques is a so-called workflow log containing information about the workflow process as it is actually being executed. We present a new algorithm to extract a process model from such a log and represent it in terms of a Petri net. However, we will also demonstrate that it is not possible to discover arbitrary workflow processes. In this paper, we explore a class of workflow processes that can be discovered. We show that the alphaalpha-algorithm can successfully mine any workflow represented by a so-called SWF-net.


摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统由明确的流程模型驱动,即,为了制定给定的工作流程,需要完全指定的工作流程设计。创建工作流程设计是一个复杂且耗时的过程,通常,实际的工作流程过程与管理层认为的过程之间存在差异。因此,我们开发了用于发现工作流模型的技术。这种技术的起点是所谓的工作流日志,其中包含有关实际上正在执行的工作流过程的信息。我们提出了一种新算法,可以从这种日志中提取过程模型,并用Petri网表示它。但是,我们还将证明不可能发现任意工作流程。在本文中,我们探索了可以发现的一类工作流程。我们证明了$ alpha $-算法可以成功地挖掘由所谓的SWF网络代表的任何工作流程。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/TKDE.2004.47]

[1188] Workflow mining: Discovering process patterns & data analysis from MXML logs (2013)

(Porouhan, Parham and Jongsawat, Nipat and Premchaiswadi, Wichian | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Contemporary workflow management systems are determined by precise process models, i.e., a totally specific workflow design is necessary so as to discover a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complex time-consuming process and characteristically there are conflicts and discrepancies between the real-time workflow processes and the processes as professed by the management. Consequently, we recommend a method for process mining. This method employs workflow logs to determine the workflow process as it is truly being implemented. The process mining method proposed in this paper can cope with noise and can also be exercised to authorize workflow processes by revealing and measuring the discrepancies between prescriptive models and factual process executions. textcopyright 2013 IEEE.


摘要: 当代工作流程管理系统是由精确的流程模型确定的,即,为了发现给定的工作流程,必须进行完全特定的工作流程设计。创建工作流设计是一个复杂的耗时过程,并且典型地,实时工作流过程与管理层声称的过程之间存在冲突和差异。因此,我们推荐一种用于过程挖掘的方法。此方法使用工作流日志来确定工作流过程,因为它确实在被实施。本文提出的过程挖掘方法可以应对噪声,还可以通过揭示和测量规范模型与实际过程执行之间的差异来练习授权工作流过程。 t​​extcopyright 2013 IEEE。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/ICTKE.2013.6756289]

[1189] Workflow process mining based on machine learning (2003)

(Zhang, Shao Hua and Gu, Ning and Lian, Jie Xin and Li, Sai Han | International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics)

Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm of workflow process mining based on machine learning from the logs of business process instances, which can handle concurrence and recurrence of the business process that are the restrictions of other algorithms. Moreover workflow modeling language named Flexible Workflow Modeling Language (FWF-NET) is put forward, which can model uncertain and incomplete business process information, So the business process mined according to the algorithm can easily be transformed the FWF-NET. The prototype and experiments have proved that the algorithm mines business process effective, reduces the complexity in workflow process modeling and evolution, and evaluates performance of existing workflow model.


摘要: 本文提出了一种基于机器学习的工作流流程挖掘算法,该算法是从业务流程实例的日志中进行机器学习的,它可以处理业务流程的并发和重复发生,这是其他算法的限制。此外,提出了一种名为灵活工作流建模语言(FWF-NET)的工作流建模语言,该模型可以对不确定和不完整的业务流程信息进行建模,因此,根据算法挖掘的业务流程可以轻松地转换为FWF-NET。原型和实验证明,该算法有效挖掘了业务流程,降低了工作流流程建模和演化的复杂度,并评估了现有工作流模型的性能。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1109/icmlc.2003.1259895]

[1190] Workflow simulation for operational decision support using event graph through process mining (2012)

(Liu, Ying and Zhang, Hui and Li, Chunping and Jiao, Roger Jianxin | Decision Support Systems)

Abstract: It is increasingly common to see computer-based simulation being used as a vehicle to model and analyze business processes in relation to process management and improvement. While there are a number of business process management (BPM) and business process simulation (BPS) methodologies, approaches and tools available, it is more desirable to have a systemic BPS approach for operational decision support, from constructing process models based on historical data to simulating processes for typical and common problems. In this paper, we have proposed a generic approach of BPS for operational decision support which includes business processes modeling and workflow simulation with the models generated. Processes are modeled with event graphs through process mining from workflow logs that have integrated comprehensive information about the control-flow, data and resource aspects of a business process. A case study of a credit card application is presented to illustrate the steps involved in constructing an event graph. The evaluation detail is also given in terms of precision, generalization and robustness. Based on the event graph model constructed, we simulate the process under different scenarios and analyze the simulation logs for three generic problems in the case study: 1) suitable resource allocation plan for different case arrival rates; 2) teamwork performance under different case arrival rates; and 3) evaluation and prediction for personal performances. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to model business processes using event graphs and simulate the processes for common operational decision support which collectively play an important role in process management and improvement. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 越来越多地看到基于计算机的仿真被用作与流程管理和改进相关的业务流程建模和分析工具。尽管有许多可用的业务流程管理(BPM)和业务流程模拟(BPS)方法,方法和工具,但更希望有一种系统的BPS方法来提供操作决策支持,从基于历史数据构建流程模型到模拟典型和常见问题的过程。在本文中,我们为业务决策支持提出了一种BPS通用方法,其中包括业务流程建模和带有所生成模型的工作流仿真。通过从工作流日志中进行流程挖掘,使用事件图对流程进行建模,这些流程日志集成了有关业务流程的控制流,数据和资源方面的全面信息。提出了一个信用卡应用程序的案例研究,以说明构建事件图所涉及的步骤。评估的细节也根据精度,泛化性和鲁棒性给出。基于构建的事件图模型,我们对不同场景下的过程进行了仿真,并分析了案例研究中三个通用问题的仿真日志:1)针对不同案例到达率的合适资源分配计划; 2)在不同案件到达率下的团队绩效; 3)个人表演的评估和预测。我们的实验结果表明,所提出的方法能够使用事件图对业务流程进行建模,并为通用操作决策支持模拟流程,这些流程共同在流程管理和改进中起着重要作用。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.dss.2011.11.003]

[1191] Workflow simulation for operational decision support (2009)

(Rozinat, A. and Wynn, M. T. and van der Aalst, W. M.P. and ter Hofstede, A. H.M. and Fidge, C. J. | Data and Knowledge Engineering)

Abstract: Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of workflow management. To do this we exploit not only the workflows design, but also use logged data describing the systems observed historic behavior, and incorporate information extracted about the current state of the workflow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for different scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM. textcopyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 模拟被广泛用作分析业务流程的工具,但主要侧重于检查抽象的稳态情况。此类分析有助于业务流程的初始设计,但不适用于运营决策和持续改进。我们在工作流管理的背景下描述了一个用于操作决策支持的仿真系统,为此,我们不仅要利用工作流的设计,还要使用描述系统观察到的历史行为的记录数据,并结合有关工作流当前状态的提取信息。利用捕获当前状态和历史信息的实际数据,我们的仿真可以准确地预测不同情况下潜在的近期行为,该方法得到实用工具集的支持,该工具集结合并扩展了工作流管理系统YAWL和流程挖掘框架ProM。 t​​extcopyright 2009 Elsevier BV保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.datak.2009.02.014]

[1192] Workflows to open provenance graphs, round-trip (2011)

(Missier, Paolo and Goble, Carole | Future Generation Computer Systems)

Abstract: The Open Provenance Model is designed to capture relationships amongst data values, and amongst processors that produce or consume those values. While OPM graphs are able to describe aspects of a workflow execution, capturing the structure of the workflows themselves is understandably beyond the scope of the OPM specification, since the graphs may be generated by a broad variety of processes, which may not be formal workflows at all. In particular, the OPM does not address two questions: firstly, whether for any OPM graph there exists a plausible workflow, in some model, which could have generated the graph, and secondly, which information should be captured as part of an OPM graph that is derived from the execution of some known type of workflow, so that the workflow structure and the execution trace can both be inferred back from the graph. Motivated by the need to address the Third Provenance Challenge using Taverna workflows and provenance, in this paper we explore the notion of losslessness of OPM graphs relative to Taverna workflows. For the first question, we show that Taverna is a suitable model for representing plausible OPM-generating processes. For the second question, we show how augmenting OPM with two types of annotation makes it lossless with respect to Taverna. We support this claim by presenting a two-way mapping between OPM graphs and Taverna workflows. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


摘要: 开放源模型旨在捕获数据值之间以及产生或使用这些值的处理器之间的关系。尽管OPM图能够描述工作流执行的各个方面,但是可以理解,捕获工作流本身的结构超出了OPM规范的范围,因为这些图可能由各种各样的过程生成,而这些过程可能不是正式的工作流。所有。特别是,OPM并没有解决两个问题:首先,对于任何OPM图,是否存在合理的工作流程,在某些模型中,该工作流可能已经生成了该图;其次,应将哪些信息作为OPM图的一部分来捕获,它是从某种已知类型的工作流的执行中得出的,因此可以从图形中推断出工作流的结构和执行轨迹。出于使用Taverna工作流和出处解决第三种出处挑战的需要的推动,本文中,我们探索了相对于Taverna工作流的OPM图无损概念。对于第一个问题,我们证明了Taverna是代表可能的OPM生成过程的合适模型。对于第二个问题,我们展示了如何用两种类型的注释增强OPM使其相对于Taverna而言是无损的。我们通过提出OPM图和Taverna工作流之间的双向映射来支持此主张。 t​​extcopyright 2011 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。

下载地址 | 返回目录 | [10.1016/j.future.2010.10.012]
